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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07044 The pomaunder of prayer, newly made by Thomas Becon Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1561 (1561) STC 1746; ESTC S122350 54,749 290

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deliuer me to thy sonne Can a mother forget the child she bare of her wōb and sureli although she sōtimes be forgetful yet thou O father hast promised not to forget vs. Behold I cry and thou dost not heare me ▪ I am vexed with sorow and thou confortest me not What shall I say or what shall I doo most wretched caitife that I am I beīg desolate of so great comforte am cast out from the sight of thine eyes Wo be vnto me from how great goodnes into how great a mischefe am I fallen whether purposed I to go and whether am I comen Where am I and where am I not whom did I study to attein ▪ vnto and what euils haue I obteyned I sought for good thīgs and beholde I haue found trouble care Behold now I am in the state of deathe and Iesus is not with me And surely it were better for me to haue nothing at all yea no beyng at all thē to be without Iesu. It is better not to liue then to liue without life And thou O Lorde Iesu where be thine olde mercies wilt thou be angry towardes me for euer Be pacified I beseche thee and haue mercy vpon me and turne not thy face away frō me which to thintēt thou mightest redeme me didst not turne a way thy face from thē that rebuked thee and spitted vpon thee I confes and acknowledge that I haue sinned and my conscience deserueth damnacion and the penaunce that I am able to doo is not sufficient to make amēds for mine iniquities But sure certain I am that thy mercy exceadeth all offences that a man can doo Oh doo not I beseche thee most pitifull Lorde write my heynous sinnes against me y t thou shuldest entre into iudgement with thy seruaunt But ac cording to the multitude of thy mercies cros blot out mine in iquities Wo be vnto me wretch that I am when the day of iudg ment commeth and the bookes of consciences shalbe layd wide open when it shalbe said of me Lo looke vpon this felow his wurkes What shall I doo then O Lorde my God when the hea uens shall reuele and shew forth mine iniquitie the earth shall arise vp and testifie mine iniquitie against me Beholde I shalbe able to geue neuer one wurd to answer but to stande in thy presence trimbling quaking vtterly confounded and holding downe my head for shame Alas wretch that I am what shall I say I will cry vnto thee o lorde my God Why am I consumed fretted with holdīg my peace But if I should speak my greef would not cease And if I hold my peace I shalbe most bitterly vexed within me Mourne o my soule lament as a widow for her first husbande that she had in her yong age Houle wretche cry out with weping because thy spouse Christ hathe forsaken thee O God almightie let not thine angre fall vpō me because that if thou lay somuche to my charge as is dew for my sinnes it is so muche that I can not receiue it Sureli my power is not able for to suffre or beare it Haue merci vpon me least I dispeire But in despeiring I will take hart to me and be sōwhat cōforted For all though I haue committed so muche that thou mayst condemne me wurthely yet thou hast not lost that wherwith thou wast wont to saue sin ners nether dost thou reioise at the destructiō los of them that dye yea to thintente that dead men might liue thou thy felf didst die and thy deathe did kill the deathe of sinnes And if they were reuiued again and did liue by thy deathe I besech thee let not me die now y tthou liuest Send downe thy hand power from hie and deliuer me out of the hands of mine enemies that they reioyse not ouer me and say let vs deuoure him Who euer O good Ie su needed to mistrust of thimerci which whē we were thine enemies didstredeme vs with thy blud and reconciled vs vnto God Beholde I being hid vnder the shadow of thy mer cy doo come vnto the throne of thy glory requiring I doo rū crying and knocking vntil thou take pitie vppon me For if thou didst call vs to pardon forgeuenes before we laboured for pardon how soone shall we obtein forgeuenes when we aske it Doo not remembre omost boūtefull Iesu thy iustice toward a sinner but think vpon thy liberalitie gentlenes towarde thy creature Doo not remēbre thine angre toward the giltie but remembre thy pity and mercy toward a wretche Forget me in y t I proudly did prouoke moue thee to wrath and look vppon a wretche that calleth vpon thee For what is Iesus but a sauior Therfore good Iesu for thine owne sake arise and helpe me and say vnto my soule I am thy health and thy safegarde I presume muche and am very bolde of thy goodnes O Lord because thou doost teache vs to aske to seek and to knocke wherfore I being admonished by thy wurd doo aske seek and knock And thou O Lorde that commaundest vs to aske make me able to receiue Thou that geuest councell to seeke graunte that I may finde Thou that teachest vs to knock opē to me when I knock and confirme me whiche am vnstable and wauering restore me that am lost raise me y t am dead and vouchsafe to direct gouern in thy fauoure all my sences my thoughts and dooings that frō hensfoorth I may serue thee I may liue toward thee and that I may commit my self vnto thee I knowe O my Lord that thorow this that thou hast made me I owe and am in det vnto thee euen mine owne selfe because thou hast redemed me and wast made man for my sake for this I say I owe vnto thee more thē my selfe Lo I haue no more nether can I geue that whiche I haue vnto thee without thee But doo thou take me and draw me vnto thee y t I may be thine in folowing louing thee like as I am thine in condicion creation whiche liuest and reignest world without ende Amen FINIS O God the Father of heauen haue mercy vpon vs miserable sinners O God the father of heauen c O God the sonne redemer of the world haue mercy vpon vs myserable sinners O God the sonne redemer of c. O God y e holy Ghost proceding frō the Father the sōne haue mercy vpō vs miserable sinners O God the holi Ghost proceding c O holy blessed glorious Trinitie thre persōs one god haue merci vpō vs miserable sinners O holy blessed and glorious c. Remember not Lorde our offēces nor the offēces of oure forefathers nether take thou vengeaunce of oure sinnes Spare vs good lord spare thy people whō thou hast redemed with thy most precious bloud and be not angry with vs for euer Spare vs good Lorde From all euill mischief from sinne from the crafts
of perfect pacience sufferīg quietly not y e spiteful words but also y e cruel dedes of thi most cruel enemies forgeuing thē praying for thē whiche moste tyranlike hādled thee Giue me grace O thou moste meek and louing lamb of God to folow this thy pacience quietly to bear the slaunderous wordes of mine aduersaries paciently to suffer the cruel dedes of mine enemies to forgiue thē to pray for them yea to doo good for thē by no meanes to go about once to auenge my selfe but rather giue place vnto wrath seeing y t vengeaunce is thine and y u wilt reward seing also that thou helpest them to theyr ryght that suffer wronge that I thus paciently suffering all euils may after ward raign with thee in glory Amen ❧ For Humilitie WHat haue we O heauēly Father that we haue not receyued ▪ Euery good gyfte and euery perfect gift is frō aboue and cometh downe from thee which art the father of lightes Seyng then all y t we haue is thine whether it pertaine to the body or to the soule how can we be proud and boast our selues of that whiche is none of our own seing also y t as to geue so to take away againe thou art able and wilt whēsoeuer thy gifts be abused and thou not knowledged to be the giuer of them Take therfore away from me all pride hautynesse of mynd and graffe in me true humilitie that I may knowledge thee the giuer of al good things be thāk full vnto thee for them vse them vnto thy glorye and the profyte of my neyghboure Graunt also that all my glorye and reioysynge maye bee in no earthly creatures but in thee alone whiche doost mercy equitie and ryghtuousnes vpon earth To thee alone be all glory Amen ❧ For Mercifulnes THy deerelye beloued sōne in his holy Gospell exhorted vs to be mercyfull euē as thou our heauenly Father art merciful and promisest that if we be merciful to other we shall obtaine merci of thee which art the father of mercies and God of al consolacion Graunt therfore that for asmuch as thou art oure Father and we thy children we may resemble thee in all our life and conuersaciō and that as thou art beneficial liberal not onli to y e good but also to the euil so we likewise mai shew our selues merciful gentil and liberall to so many as haue nede of our healp y tat the dredful day of dome we may be found in the number of those merciful whom thou shalt appoint by thy onely begotten sonne to go into euerlasting lyfe to whō with thee and the holy ghost be all honour and praise Amen For true godlynes IN thy law O thou maker of heauen and earth thou hast appoynted vs a waye to walke in and hast commanded that we shuld tourn neither on the right hand nor on the left but doo according to thy good will and pleasure with out adding of our own good entents and fleshly imaginacions As thou hast cōmaunded so giue me grace good Lorde to doo Let me neither folowe mine owne will nor the fancies of other men neither let me be begiled with the visar of olde customes long vsages fathers decres auncient lawes nor any other thing that ffghteth with thy holy ordinaunces blessed commaundemēt but faithfully beleue stedfastly confes y t to be the true godlines which is learned in thy holy Bible according vnto that to order my life vnto the praise of thy holy name Amē ❧ For the true vnderstanding of Gods word O Lorde as thou alone art the Authour of the holy scriptures so lykewyse can no manne althoughe neuer so wise politike and learned vnderstand them except he be taught by thy holy spiryt which alone is the Scholemaster to lead the faithfull into all truth Uouchesafe therfore I moste humbly beseeche thee to breath into my hart thy blessed Spirit whiche may renew the senses of my minde open my wits reuele vnto me the true vnderstāding of thy holy misteries ▪ and plant in me such a certaine and infailyble knowledge of thy truthe that no subtyll perswasyon of mans wysdom may pluck me from thy truth but that as I haue lerned the true vnderstāding of thy blessed wyll so I may remayne in the same continually come lyfe come death vnto the glory of thy blessed name Amen ❧ For a lyfe agreable to our knowledge AS I haue prayd vnto thee O heauenly Father to be taught the true vnderstāding of thi blessed word by thi holy spirit so I moste entierly beseech thee to giue me grace to lead a lyfe agreable to my knowledge Suffer me not to be of the number of them which profes that they know God with theyr mouth but deny hym with theyr dedes Let me not be lyke vnto that sonne which sayd vnto hys father that he would labour in his vineyeard and yet labored nothing at al but went abrode lottering idely Make me rather lyke vnto that good and fruteful land which yeldeth agayne her sede with great increase that men seing my good workes maye glorify thee my heauenly father Amen ❧ For the health of the body I Fele in my selfe O mercifull Sauiour how greuous a pryson thys my body is vnto my Soule which contynually wysheth to be loosoned oute of thys byle carcasse and to come vnto thee seeing it hath heere no reste but is at euery houre vexed wyth the filthy lustes of the flesh wyth the wicked assaultes of the deuyll and the worlde and is neuer at quiet but alway in daunger to be ouercome of her ennemyes were it not preserued of thy goodnes by the mynistery and seruice doing of thy holy Angels Notwythstāding O most louing lord forasmuch as it is thy good pleasure that my bodye and soule shall styl remain heere together as yet in this vale of mysery I beseche thee to preserue my soule from all vyce and my body from al sycknes that I enioying through thy benefyte the helth bothe of body and soule maye be the more able to serue thee my neighbour in such works as are acceptable in thy sighte Amen ❧ For a good name NOthing becometh y e professour of thy name better O heauenly Father thē so to behaue him selfe accordyng to hys professyon that he maye be well reported of them that be of the houshold of Faith yea such synceritie and purenes of lyfe ought to be in them which profes thy holy name that the very aduersaryes of thy truth should be ashamed once to mutter a gaynst them Giue me grace therfore I moste intierly desyre thee soo to frame my lyfe accordinge to the rule of thy blessed word that I may giue no man occasyō to speak euill of me but rather so lyue in my vocacion that I may be an exsample to other to liue Godly and vertuously vnto the honour and praise of thy glorious name Amen ❧ For a compitent liuing ALthough I doubt not of thy fatherly prouision
the holy fountain or well which I beleeue did flow from thens Mark the vnspotted feet which haue not stand in the way of sinners but alway haue walked in thy law how thei are perced thorow w t sharp nailes make perfect my steps in thy paths and make me of thy louing kindnes to hate all wayes of iniquitie Remoue from me the way of iniquitie and make me of thy mercy to chuse y e way of truth I beseeche thee o king of holy men by this holy one of all holy ones by this my redemer to make me run the way of thy commaundements that I may be vnited knit vnto him in spirit whiche did not disdain to be clad in my flesh Dost thou not look vpon and mark o pitifull father the head of thy moste deerly beloued sōne a yungmā how it leaned vpō his shoulder whē he was past the moste precious death Beholde o my most gentle creator the humanitie gentlenes of thy beloued sonne and haue compassiō vpon the feblenes of me thy weak feeble handy wurk Behold O moste glorious parent the torne rent membres of thy most kinde louing child remember gently what substance I am of Behold the paines of God and man and release and louse man which is thy creature out of miserye and bondage of sin Behold the punishmēt of him that did redeem and pardon the offence of them that be redemed This is he O Lorde whome thou didst strike for the sinnes of thy people although he be thy welbeloued in whom was found no gile yet neuertheles was he rekened amongest them that were full of iniquitie ¶ A prayer wherin man confesseth him self to be the cause of Christs passion WHat hast thou committed O Lorde that thou shouldest be so iudged What hast thou offeded that thou shouldest be so cru elli handled and ordered What was thy fault what was thine offence what was the cause of thy death what was thoccasion of thy condemnation I Lorde I am the cause of thy sorow the fault is in me that thou wast kil led for I haue deserued thy death I committed the offences that were auenged vppon thee Oh meruelous kinde of iudgment and vnspekeable disposition or ordering of misteries The vn iust man offēdeth and the rightwise is punished The gilti doth euill and the innocent is beaten The euill dooth trespas and the good is condemned That which the euil man deserueth the same doth the iust suffre That which the seruāt doth amis the master maketh amends That which mā trespasseth God suffereth it O thou whiche art y e sone of god how low did thine humilitie des cend How greatly did thy charitie euen as it wer wax hote burn towarde vs. How farr did thy pitie procede Whither did thy beningnitie and gentelnes grow extend How far did thy loue stretche How far came thy cōpassion for I did wrongfully and thou wast punished I cōmit ted the mischeuous dedes and they were auenged vpon thee I did the faut and thou submitted thy self to the torments I was proud and thou wast humble meeke I was swelled and pufte vp thou wast extenuated and ap paired I was disobediēt neuertheles thou being obedient bare the paines and punishments of disobediēce I obeyed and was as it were a seruaunt to al exces and glotony and thou wast punished with scarsitie and lack of food The tree did draw me violentli vnto vnlawfull concupiscence desires but perfit charitie led thee vnto punishment I presumed being forbidden but thou didst smart therfore I toke my pleasure with delicatenes thou wast vexed with the cros I abound and haue plenty of al pleasures thou art all to torne with naites I doo fast the plesaunt sweetnes of the apple thou the bitternes of gall Beholde O king of glory mine iniquitie and vngodlines and thy pitie goodnes is manifest Beholde mine vnrightwisnes and thy iustice is plainly declared What thing O my king my God shall I rēdre vnto thee for all those things which thou hast bestowed vpon me for nothing can be found in the hart of man that may wurthely recompence suche rewardes Can māns wit excogitate or imagin any thing that is wurthy to bee compared vnto thy deuine mercie ▪ Nether is it the office of a creature to go about to recompence fully and iustly the aid and help of a creator There is truly O sonne of God in this thy merueilous dispensation and appointments somewhat in whiche my frailnes may help a litle if so be that my minde once pricked and stirred by thy visitacion doo punish the flesh with the vices also and euill concupiscences therof and this thing if thou wilt graunt geue me grace to doo then shall it begin as it were to suffre and sustein sorowes and greefs because y tthou also diddest vouchsafe to die for my sin And so by the victori of the inward man it shalbe armed thou beeing a captain for thexternall outward victory forasmuche as the spiritual persecucion once ouercom it shal not be afraid for thy sake to be obedient vnto the material sword and cros of this world And so the slēdernes of my state condition if it please thy good nes shalbe able according to the little power therof to answer vnto the greatnes excellencie of my creator And this is the heauenly medicine O good Iesu this is as it were a preseruatiue of thy loue This I beseeche thee by thine accustomed ancient mercies to poure into my wounds the foul filthy matter of the venemous contagion infectiō once cast away which may refresh restore me to my former puritie and clennes that when I haue fasted of the plesāt sweetnes whiche is to abide in thee it may make me to despise vtterly set nought by the enticements of this world and to fear for thy sake none aduersities therof and that I remembring thine euerlasting nobilitie and excellencie may alwayes abhor and disdain the troubles of this transitory world Let no thing I beseeche thee be delectable vnto me nor plese me w tout thee Let no precious nor beutiful thing be acceptable vnto me but thee Let all thīgs I beseche thee be counted as vile of no estimatiō vnto me without the. That whiche is against thy nature let it be irksō and greuous also vnto me and that whiche pleaseth thee let it be continually desired of me Let it irk me to reioice without thee and let it delite me to be sad for thy sake Let thy name bee an hartning vnto me and the remembrance of thee a consolacion and confort Let my teares be made vnto me as bread both day night serching thy iustificacions Let the law of thy mouth bee better vnto me thē thousands of gold and siluer Geue me an ardent desire and loue to obey thee an extreme hatred to resist thee I require thee O my hope for all thy
pity and goodnesses sake to haue mercy vpon mine impitie wickednes Make open mine eares to thy cōmaūdemēts let not mine hart be enclined I beseeche thee by thy holy name to any euill thing to be minded as the vngodly or wicked men I re quire the also by thy merueilous humilitie that I bee not moued with pride nor yet with sinners ☞ Here dooth man declare vnto God the father that the Passiō of his sōne was for his reconciliation and attonement with God BEhold O almighty God father of my Lorde I beseeche thee of thy beningnitie and gentlenes to haue mercy vpon me because of y e moste precious thīg that I could finde the same I haue offred deuoutly vnto thee the thing of moste estemacion y tI could imagin I haue presented it humbly vnto thee I haue left nothyng but I haue declared it to thy maiestie There is nothing remaining that I may ad more because I haue cōmitted and be taken my whole hope vnto thee I haue sent vnto thee my aduocate and spokes man euen thy well beloued sonne I haue sent thy glorious childe to be a mediator betwix me thee I haue set I say an intercessour by whome I trust to get pardon and forgeuenes of my sinns I haue sent wurd vnto wurd that is God vnto God according to that whiche saint Ihon hathe in y e beginning of his gospel wher he calleth God the wurd saying in the beginning was the wurd and the wurd was with God God was the wurd c. whiche wurd as I haue said was sent for my misdedes And I haue rehersed vnto thee the passion of thy moste holy sonne which passiō I beleue was suffred for me I beleeue that the godhed which was sent of thee did take vpon him mine humanitie nature in the whiche he thought not scorn to suffre buffets bendes spittings mocks yea he took vpon him to suffer y e cros nailes and dart I beleeue also that his māhod being in this my nature during his infancie was trobled with creeping and scraulings was wrapt in clothes after the maner of other childrē was vexed in his youth with labours made lene with waking fastings weried with iourneying afterward whipped all to torn and rent with diuers kindes of punishments rekened amongst the dead and whan it was endued with the glory of resurrectiō he caried it into the ioyes of heauen placed it vpon the righthād of thy maiestie This I say he is my manhod wai meanes of pacifying and appeasing thee and thy way and meanes of hauing mercy vpon me Mercifully look vpon hear the sōne whiche thou didst beget the bond seruāt whiche he redemed Beholde here a creator and doo not despise a creature Receiue the shepherd welcomed with a gentle louing countenance and mercifully looke vpō the sheep whiche he hathe brought home vppon his owne shoulders This is that moste faithfull shepherd whiche by mani and diuers labours and trauailes ouer steep hilles and thorow hedlong and deepe valies did serche for his owne sheep that was straide away whiche also when he had founde it faint and allmoste dead thorow long wanderyng gat him self vnder it with greate reioising and making it faste vnto him with a merueilous bonde of charitie lifted it vp out of the depth of confusion and brought it home to the nintie and nine Behold O Lorde my king and God almighty beholde a good shepherd whiche rēdreth to thee that whiche thou committed to his charge He tooke vpon him thorow thine ordinaūce to saue man whō he hath deliuered vnto the cleane and pure from all spots thorow the washing in his bloud Loe thy most deerly beloued sonne hathe reconciled vnto thee thy hādy wurk whiche was gon astray far out of the way Lo a gentle shepherd bringeth again to thy flock him that the violent pirate robber had driuen away He hath brought vnto thy sight y e seruaunt whō his owne conscience had made to rū away that he which by him self had deserued punishmēt by thy sonne being his sollicitour hath deserued forgeuenes vnto whō also for his offences euerlasting fier was due neuertheles being a souldiour vnder suche a captain he doth hope to be brought home to his owne countrey I was able O holy Father by my self to offēd thee but I was not able of my self to pacify and appese thee Thy welbeloued sōne O my God was made my helper by taking vpon him mine humanitie to y e intent he might cure mine infirmitie that wherof the first occasion of thy wrath did spring of the same he might offer vp to thee a Sacrifice of praise And that he might rēdre make me also well pleasing to to thy goodnes by that thing in the which he sitting now on thy right hand did alwayes shew declare him self to be equal with my substance as it wer felow with the same Lo my hope behold in whom is all my trust If thou despise me as it wer right for mine iniquitie yet look vpō me at the least wise mercifully for the charitie of thy beloued sonne Geue heed to thy sonne wherby thou maist haue mercy vpō thy bond seruant Look vppon the sacrament of flesh pardon the offences of flesh How oft so euer thou doost remember the woundes of thy blessed sōne so oft I beseche thee let mine in iquities be hid And because flesh hath stirred thee to angre let fleshe I beseech thee moue thee to mercy that like as fleshe hath seduced led me to sin so fleshe may get obtein for me remissiō For certainly it is muche y tmine iniquitie hath deserued but much more is it that the goodnes of my redemer may euen of right require Mine vnrightousnes is great but his righteousnes is bigger For loke how much god is superior vnto man euen so muche is my malice and euil inferior vnto his goodnes bothe in qualitie and quātitie For what haue I sinned being a man that the sonne of God beeing made man hath not redeemed what pride could be in me so exceding hie but suche humilitie as was in him shuld bring it downe what power of deathe was there in me so great but the punishment whiche the Sonne of God suffred vpon the cros migght de face it vtterly destroy it Truly my God if the sinnes of sinfull man should be wayed in a iust equall balance with the loue fauor that was in oure redemer toward vs the East is not so far distant from the West nor the innermost parte of the earth so muche separated from the vpper most parte of the heauē as they should be vnlike so muche les should mine iniquitie be then is his goodnes Now O moste noble creator of light now pardē mine offences for the vnmeasurable trauailes and paines that thy beloued sonne did sustein Now I beseeche thee let his goodnes bee set against my wickednes his modesty and temperaūce against
mine vngracious frowardnes and his meeknes against my ferse crueltie Let his humilitie recompence my pride his pacience mine impacience his gentlenes mine vnkinde churlishnes his obedience my disobedience his quyetnes mine vnquietnes his plesaūt towardnes my bitter frowardnes his sweet facilitie and gentlenes mine anger and freating fumes to cōclude let his charitie make amendes for my hemous and dedetestable crueltie Amen ¶ A deuout Prayer to the holy Ghost NOw O almighty and holy Ghost whiche art the loue of the deuine power the holy participator partner with the almighty father and his moste blessed sōne the moste mercifull comforter of the sorowful I beseeche thee to slide by thy mighty power into thinward partes of mine hart that thou dwelling there maist make glad and as it were lighten euery dark corner of the neglect and forletten cōtage w t the bright shining of thy lyght that in visiting y e same y u wouldest ornate deck with y e plenteousnes of thy dew y e lothsome places therof whiche be corrupted with filthines Kin del the preuy wounded partes of the inner man with thy holsom flames and with pearcing the in ward partes of my soul entrails with the dart of thy loue Feed all the inner partes bo the of my minde body by the illuminating and lightening with y e fire of thy holy feruent loue Geue me to drink of thy most pleasaūt riuer to thintent I may haue no lust to taste any worldly things whiche be mixed with poyson Geue sentēce with me o lorde and defend my cause against the vngodly nation Teache me to doo thy wil because thou art my God For I beleue that in whō so euer thou doost dwell thou buildest an hous in him for the Father also the Sonne Blessed is that man that getteth such a gest because that by thee y e father and the sōne also will dwel and abide with him Come now O moste louing cōforter of my sorowful soule whiche art a pro tector in all necessities and an help in troubles and aduersities Como purger of sinnes healer and curer of woūdes Come the strength of the fraill and feeble the releeuer and raiser vp of thē that slide Come the instructer reacher of the humble and meek the destroyer and plucker down of the proud and stubbern Com the good and kinde father of the fatherles the gētle iudge of widowes Come thou whiche art a gide vnto them that ar tossed in the waues of this tempestuous world like as a bright and notable star is to them that sail on the sea an hauen vnto thē that are afraid of shipwrak Com the wurship honor of all them that liue the only health of the dead Come most holi ghost come and haue mercy on me make me meete for thee and mercifully graunt vnto me according to y e multitud of thy great mercies y tmy basenes may please thy maiestie and my weaknes thy allmighty power for Iesu Christe my sauioures sake which with the fathers and thine vnitie liueth and reigneth worlde without end Amen ☞ A prayer to the holi Trinitie WIth all my hart and mouthe doo I confesse praise blesse thee O God the father vnbegot ten and thee O God the sonne only begotten also thee O holy ghost and comfortour to thee be glory in the world of worldes Amen An acknowledging of almighty God and his Maiesty O Most high Trinitie one only power and vndeuided Ma iesty our God God almighty I the abiect and hin moste of al thy seruaunts confes and acknowledge thee and beeing the least mēbre of thy church I wurship thee w t a due sacrifice of praise for as much as I am able can according to that whiche thou hast vouchsafed to endue me w tal And for as muche as I am destitute of outward gifts to offer vnto the. Those vowes of praise whiche I haue of the gift of thy mercy behold willingly gladly I offer them to thee which be an vnfained faith and a pure cōsciece I beleue therfore with all my hart O king of heauen and Lorde of the earth and with my mouthe doo I confes thee the father the sonne and holy ghost to bee three in persons and one in substaunce the true and very God almighty of one simple in corporal and inuinsible nature incomprehensible and of suche a nature as is not in a place as other natures bee and that thou hast nothing superiour or aboue thy selfe or lower or any thing bigger then thy self But in all maner of meanes perfect with out all spot of deformitie that thou art great without quantitie good without qualitie euer lasting without time life without death strong without infirmity or wekenes true without lying presēt in euery place with out any situatiō or being placed in any place to be al eueri where w tout place fulfilling all things without stretchīg forth thy hād going euery where without any contradiction or gaine saying passing ouer al thinges without mouing abiding win all things without ani kinde of proportiō making al thinges hauing need of nothing gouerning al things without labor geuing all thinges their beginning hauing no beginning thy selfe Making all thinges mutable and variable thy self being without all kinde of mutabilitie in greatnes with oute measure in power almighty in goodnes the cheef best in wisdome inestimable in counsels intentes purposes terrible and fearfull In iudgmentes most vpright iust in cogitations thoughtes most secret in wurdes true in wurkes holy in mercies abundant plentiful toward offenders most patiēt to ward the penitēt and those that be sory for their sinnes most gen tle louing Alwayes the same euerlasting and continually cōtinuing immortall and in commutable impossible to be chaūged or altered whom nether the amplitude or largenes of places doth make bigger nor the short nes or littlenes of places lesser nor any places or corners can cō teine or pres together neyther dooth thy will or intent vary or alter nor familiaritie or acquaītance corrupte thee nor sorowful things trouble or amase the nor glad thinges make thee plesaunt or frolike as a man wold say from thee can forgetfulnes take nothing nor mindfulnes or remembraunce geue any thing nether are things passed vnto vs passed also vnto thee nor things whiche to vs are to come come toward thee for nether beeginning dooth geue any beginning to thee nor time any increase nor yet chaunce geueth thee any end But before all worldes and in worldes and by worldes into euerlasting thou doost liue and thou hast continual praise perpetuall glory moste hie power singuler honor euerlasting king dom and rule and imperie without end thorow the infinit and vnwery and immortall world of worlds ¶ After what sorte God the father vouchedsafe to helpe mankind and of the incarnation of the wurd whiche is Christe and of the geuing of thanks HItherto O almighty God the beholder and sercher
very good pitifull shepherd brought him home vpō his shulders vnto the foldes of the flock Oh charitie oh pitie who hathe heard any suche things who is not astonied to cōsider the bowels of so great mercy who wold not meruail who would not ho nor wurship thee for thy great charitie wherwith thou louedst vs Thou didst send thy sōne into the similitude of fleshe subiect to sin that he might condemn sin for sin that we might be made thy righteousnes in him For he was the very lamb with out spot whiche took away the sinnes of the world whiche destroyed our death by diyng him self But what may we render vnto thee our God for so great benefites of thy mercy What praises or what thancks Uerily if we should haue that same knowledg and power that blessed Angels haue yet should we not be able to requite thy so great pitie and goodnes with any thing of valure No if all our mēbres were turned into tungs to repay vnto thee due praises yet were not our slendernes sufficient There is one thing that excedeth all knowledge euen thine inestimable charitie whiche thou didst shew vnto vs vnwurthi persons for thy goodnes pities sake Thy sonne O our God did take vpō him to be the seed of Abraham not of Angels yea and he was made like vnto vs in all things sin onli excepted He therfore taking mand nature not angels and glorifying it with the stole of holi resur rection and immortalitie caried it aboue the he auens and aboue all the melodious companies of Angels aboue Cherubin Seraphin placing it vpō thy right hand This humain nature doo Angels praise all the powers of heauen doo tremble to see a mā to be God ouer thē This truly is all my hope all my trust And this same humain nature is in Iesu Christe our Lorde who is the porcion of euery one of vs y e flesh bloud Therfore whereas my portion reigneth there doo I beleue to reign Wheras my fleshe is glorified there doo I beleue to be glorified Where my bloude ruleth there do I per ceiueme to beare rule Although I be a sinner yet I doo not mistrust nor dispair of the communion and partaking of fauour Although my sinnes doo hinder me in a maner forbid me neuertheles my substaunce requireth it And al be it that mine offences doo exclude me yet the cō manion of our nature dothe not expell me For God is not so vngentle as to forget man and not to remembre that thing whiche him self beareth that whiche for my sake he took vpon him that which for my sake he requireth But truely the Lorde our God is lowly and meek wunderfull gentle and loueth his fleshe his membres and his bow els In the very same God our lord Iesus Christe who is moste gentle louing and mercifull in whom we are risen from death that is to say from the state of perdition and eternall damnation euen now by him we ascend into the heauens now sit in the heauēs in him I say our flesh loueth vs. For we haue in him by him a prerogatiue and as it were a preferment of our bloud For we are his mēbres his flesh And he is oure head of the whiche dependeth the whole body as it is written a bone of my bones flesh of my flesh thei shalbe two in one flesh no mā at ani time hateth his owne flesh but rather cherisheth and loueth it This is a great mistery I speak in Christe in the churche saith the apostle Of the double nature of Christ whiche hath mercy vpon vs and maketh intercession for vs. WHerfore with my lips hart and with all the might that I may I rendre thankes vnto thine infinit mercy o Lorde our god for all thy mercy wherwith merueilously thou vouchsafed to help succour vs that were lost by the same thy sonne our sauior and recouerer whiche died for our sinnes rose again for our iustification and liuing without end sitteth on thy right hand and entreateth for vs and together with thee taketh pitie and mercy vpō vs because he is God thorow thee O father euerlasting and of one substance with thee in all things Wherby alway he may saue vs but for as muche as he is man in whichething he is les and inferiour vnto thee all power bothe in heauen and in earth was geuen vnto him that in the name of Iesu euery knee should bow bothe of celestiall earthly creatures and also of infernall that all tūgs may confes that our lorde Iesus Christe is in thy glory O father almightie He verily was constituted of thee and ordeined to be aiudge of the quick and dead for thou truly iudgest no man but all thy iudgement hast geuen to thy sonne in whose brest all trea sures of wisedom knowledge are hid He truly is bothe a witnes and a iudge a iudge a wit nes whom no sinfull conscience can flee or auoid for al things be thei neuer so secret are open and euen naked and vncouered vnto him He verely whiche was vnrighteously iudged himself shall iudge the whole world in equitie and the people in rightousnes and according to iustice Therfore doo I bles thy name e uerlasting and glorify the same with all my hart O almighty mercifull Lorde for y tvnspeakable and merueilous coniuntiō of godhed and manhod together in the vnitie of a person not after this sort y t thone should be God and thother man but one and the same was bothe God man man and God Neuertheles although by thy merueilous will the wurd was made fleshe yet nether of bothe the natures was chaunged into others substaunce In the mistery of y e Trinitie there is not afourth persō added For the substaunce of the wurd of god and of man was vnited and knit together but not cōfused mixed that that thing whiche was taken of vs should be turned into god that which neuer had ben before that time that is his flesh manhod shuld be the same that had ben euer without any beginning that is his godhed Oh meruellous mistery Oh vnspeakeable felowship Oh merueilous meeknes of the heauenli mercifulnes which is euer wurthy merueiling and euer to be loued We were but vile seruants beholde we are made the sōnes of god Yea and heires of god together w t christe From whence came this goodnes and who broughte vs vnto this state But I require the O moste mercifull father by thine inestimable pitie goodnes charitie to make vs wurthy of these many and great promisses of the same thy Sonne our Lord Iesu Christe Send forth thy strength O God and establish the thing that thou hast wrought in vs. Make perfect that whiche thou hast begun that we may be able to come vnto the fulnes and per fectnes of thy pity Make vs tho row the holy ghost to vnderstād and
two edged sworde Thou O chosen dart most sharp sword whiche arte able by thy power to perce thorow the hard sheeld or buckler of mans hart fasten stick the shaft of thy loue in my hart that my soule may say vnto thee I am wounded with thy charitie so that forth of that same woūd of thy loue teares may flowe most plenteously bothe day and night Strike O Lord strike I beseech thee this most indurated and hardened mind of mine with the sharp dart of thy loue perce it deper deper into the inermost partes therof by thy mightie power so bring oute of my head abundaunce of water and out of mine eyes a very well of teares continually running thorow the great affect maruelous desire to see thy glory y tI may mourn day night without taking any comfort in this life vntill in thy heauenly wedding chambre I may se thee my welbeloued and beautifull spouse my god my Lord. And that there when I see thy glorious marueilous and beautifull face ful of all swetnes togither with them whiche thou haste chosen then I say I may wurship humbly thy maiesty there at the laste beeing replenished with heauenly and vnspeekable reioising of euerlasting gladnes I may euen cry out with them that loue thee saying Beholde that whiche I haue long desired now I haue obteined For I am ioyned in heauen vnto him whō when I was in earth I loued with all my strength with all my charitie I embrased him vnto whom with all my loue I did stick cleaue Him doo I praise blesse and wurship that liueth reigneth God worlde without ende Amen A prayer in time of tribulation HAue mercie on me o Lorde haue mercie on me a moste wretched sinner whiche doo cōmit wickedli and doo suffre ther fore worthely whiche doo sin cō tinualli suffre thy scourge ther fore daily If thou take my daily tribulacion as a recompence for the euils whiche I haue cōmitted then it is not somuch that I suffre For it is a great deale more greuous which I haue tres passed then y t whiche I doo suffer Thou art iust O Lord thy iudgemēt is according to right Yea all thy iudgmentes ar iust true and thou O lorde our god art iust and righteous for there is none iniquitie in thee Thou dost not vniustli nor yet cruelly scourge and punish sinners O all mighty and mercifull God whiche when we had no beyng at all didst mightily create and make vs. And when we were lost by oure owne faulte thou by thy pitie and goodnes marueilously didst recouer vs. I know and am very certayn sure that our life is not led by so den motions but it is disposed and gouerned of thee O Lorde our god Wherby I know thou takest care for all men and most chiefly for thy seruaunts whiche haue put theyr whole hope in thine oneli merci Therfore doo I beseche humbli require the that thou woldst not deale with me accordīg to my sinnes wherwith I haue deserued thine angre but according to thy great mercifulnes whiche exceadeth yeathe sinnes of the hole world Thou O Lorde which outward ly doost punish scourge graunt me in wardli a pacience that wil neuer faile so that thy praise ne uer depart away frō my mouth Haue merci on me o lorde haue mercy on me help me as thou thinkest best to be most necessary for my body and soule Thou knowest all thinges thou canst doo all thinges whiche liuest for euer and euer ¶ A very deuout prayer to the sonne O Lorde Iesu Christe sonne of the liuing God which being vpon the cros with thy handes spred abroade for the redemptiō of all mankinde didst drinke the most bitter cup of thy passion I beseche thee that thou woldest vouchsafe to geue me help this day euer Lo I a poore wretch cum vnto thee whiche art riche a sinner vnto thee that art mercifull Let me not retourn home contemned and dispised with no thing I begin a hungred let me not leaue of fasting I cum vnto thee as though I wer famished let me not go away vnfed Althoughe before I eate I sigh sorow yet after my sorow geue me somwhat to eate First of all good Iesu I acknowledg before thy maiestie mine vnrighteousnes towards thee Beholde O Lorde I was conceyued in sin borne in the same thou didst wash them of from me sanctified me but I afterward defiled my selfe with bigger and more greuous sinnes For I was born in sin of necessitie because I could be borne none otherwise But afterward I rolled my self willingly in sinnes Neuertheles thou O Lorde being mindful of thy pitie didst take me out of the house of my carnall father out of the tents of the vngodli and hast enspired me put me in mind to folow thee with the ge neration of them that seeke thy face of thē that walke in y e right pathe of them that abide continew emongst the lillies of chastitie of them that sit downe together w t the at supper of most scarcitie least exces But I an vnkinde person forgetting soo many great benefites after that I was entred into religion holines did cōmit many vnlawful things I did offend wunderfull vngraciously where I shuld of right haue amended min euill life and lest my sinnes I heaped sīns vpō sinnes these be the euils o Lorde wherwith I haue dishonored the haue spotted defiled my self whom thou didst creat after the similitude and lik nes of thine own self with pride vaine glory and other many euills wherwith mine vnlucky soule is vexed punished torne destroyed Beholde o lord mine vnrighteousnes is gon ouer my head and ar like a sore burden ouer heauy for me to beare And except thou whose propertie is euer to haue mercy to forgeue doo lay vnder me y e right hand of thy maiesty I shalbe cōstrained miserably to sink in to the deep and be drouned Geue heed o Lord god behold because thou art hooly Looke how mine enemie assaulteth me saying God hath forsaken him I will persecute him and catche him because there is no mā that will deliuer him But thou lord how long Turne again delyuer my soule saue me for thy mercies sake Haue mercy vpon thy sōne whō thou hast brought forth with no small sorow and paine be not so ententife vnto mine euilnes that thou forget thine owne goodnes what father is there but he will deliuer his sonne yea what fathers is there that will not correcte his sonne and chasten him but with the rod of pity Therefore O father and Lorde although I be a sinner yet can I not chuse but be thy son because thou hast made me and made me again when I was mard with sinne Repaire amend me now o Lord but first of all I being mended chastised with thy scourge
assaults of the deuill from thy wrath from euerlastyng damnation Good Lorde deliuer vs. From all blindnes of hart from pride vaine glory and hipocrisy from enuy hatred and malice all vncharitablenes Good Lorde deliuer vs. From fornication and all deadly sinne from all the deceits of the world y e fleshe the Deuill Good Lorde deliuer vs. From lightenīges and tempests from plague pestilence famine from batell and murder and frō sodain death Good Lorde delyuer vs. From all sedition and priui conspiracie from all false doctrine heresy from all hardnes of hart and contempt of thy wurde and Commaundemente Good Lorde deliuer vs. By the mistery of thy holy incarnation by thy holy natiuitie and and circumcisiō by thy baptisme fasting and temptation Good Lorde deliuer vs. By thine agony bloudy sweat by thy cros and passion by thy precious deathe buriall by thy glorious Resurrection and ascēcion and by the comming of the holy Ghost Good Lorde deliuer vs. In all time of our tribulation in al time of our welth in the hour of death in the day of iudgmēt Good Lorde deliuer vs. We sinners doo beseeche thee to hear vs O Lorde God and that it may please thee to rule and go uern thy holy Churche vniuersally in the right way We beseeche thee to hear vs good lorde That it may please thee to keep and strengthen in the true wurshipping of thee in righteousenes and holines of life thy seruaunt Elizabeth oure moste gratious Queen gouernoure We beseeche thee to hear vs good lorde That it mai please the to rule her hart in thy faith feare and loue and that she may euermore haue affiaunce in thee and euer seek thy honour and glory We beseeche thee to hear vs. c. That it may please the to be her defender and keper geuing her the victori ouer all her enemies We beseeche thee to hear vs. c. That it may please thee to illuminate all Bishops Pastoures and Ministers of the Churche with true knowledg and vnderstanding of thy wurde and that bothe by their preaching and living they may set it furthe and shew it accordingly We beeseche thee to hear vs. c. That it may please thee to endu the Lordes of the counsell all the Nobilitie with grace wisdom and vnderstanding We beseeche thee to hear vs. c. That it may please thee to bles and keep the magistrats geuing them grace to execute iustice and to maintain truthe We beseeche thee to hear vs c. That it may please thee to blesse and keep all thy people We beseeche thee to hear vs. c. That it may please thee to geue to all nations vnitie peace and concorde We beseeche thee to heare vs. c. That it may please thee to geue vs an hart to loue and dread the and diligently to liue after thy Commaundements We beseeche thee to hear vs. That it may please thee to geue all thy people increace of grace to hear meekly thy wurd and to receiue it with pure affecciō to bring foorth the fruits of y e spirit We beseeche thee to heare vs. c. That it may please thee to bring into the way of truthe all suche as haue erred and are deceyued We beseeche thee to heare vs. c. That it may please thee to strēgthen suche as doo stand and confort and help the weak herted to raise vp them that fall and finally to beat down Sathan vnder our feet We beseeche thee to heare vs. c. That it may please thee to succour help and confort all that be in daunger necessitie and tribulation We beseeche thee to heare vs. c. That it may please thee to preserue all that trauell by land or by water all women labouring of childe all sick persons yung children and to shew thy pitie vp on all prisoners and captiues We beseeche thee to heare vs c. That it may please thee to defēd and prouide for the fatherles children and widowes and all that be desolat and oppressed We beseeche thee to heare vs c. That it may please thee to haue mercy vpon all men We beseeche thee to heare vs. c. That it may please thee to forgeue our enemies persecuters slaūderers to turn their harts We beseeche thee to heare vs. c That it may please thee to geue and preserue to our vse the kind ly fruits of y e earth so as in due time we may enioy them We beseeche thee to heare vs. c. That it may please thee to geue vs true repētance to forgeue vs all our sinnes negligences and ignoraunces and to endue vs with the grace of thy holi spirit to amende oure liues according to thy holy wurde We beseeche thee to heare vs. c. ¶ Sōne of God we beseech thee to heare vs. Sōne of God we beseeche thee to c. O Lambe of God that takest a way the sinnes of the worlde Graunt vs thy peace O Lambe of God that takest a way the sinnes of the world Haue mercy vpon vs. O Christe heare vs. O Christe heare vs. Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. Lord haue mercy vpon vs. Christe haue mercy vpon vs. Christe haue mercy vpon vs. Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. ¶ Oure father whiche art in heauen c. And lead vs not into temptaciō But deliuer vs from euill Amen ¶ The versicle O Lorde deal not with vs after our sinnes ¶ Answere Neither rewarde vs after oure iniquities O God merciful father that dispisest not the sighing of a contrite hart nor the desire of suche as be sorowfull mercifully assist our prayers that we make before thee in al oure troubles and aduersities whensoeuer they op pres vs. And gratiously hear vs that those euils whiche the craft and sutteltie of the deuill or man wurketh against vs be brought to nought and by the prouidence of thy goodnes they may be dispersed that we thy seruaūts being hurt by no persecutions may euermore geue thanks vnto thee in thy holy Churche through Ie sus Christ our Lorde ¶ O Lorde arise help and deliuer vs for thy names sake O God we haue heard with our eares and our fathers haue declared vnto vs y e noble wurcks that thou diddest in their daies and in the olde time before them ¶ O Lorde arise help vs and deliuer vs for thy honour Glory to the father the sonne to the holi ghost Asit was in the beginning is now c. Amen From oure enemies defēd vs O Christe Graciously looke vpō oure afflictiōs Pitifully behold the sorowes of oure hart Mercifully forgeue the sinnes of thy people Fauourably with mercy heare oure prayers O sonne of Dauid haue mercy vpō vs. Bothe now and euer vouchsafe to heare vs O Christe Graciously heare vs O Christe graciously heare vs O Lorde Christe O Lorde let thy merci be shewed vpon vs. As we doo put