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A06743 [The flour of godly praiers] [most worthy to be vsed in these our daies for the sauegard, health, and comforte of all degrees, and estates / newlie made by Thomas Becon]. Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1550 (1550) STC 1719.5; ESTC S1782 124,086 356

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hym from the cursse of the lawe Galath iii and paied his ransome that he thus being fully perswaded may haue a quiet herte a fre conscience a glad wil to forsake this wretched world and to go vnto the his lorde god Moreouer thou hast conquered him that hadde rule of death euē satā Hebru ii suffer him not therfore to exercise hys tirranny vpō this our sycke brother nor to disquiet his cōsciēce with the errours of sin and pains of hell Gse● xiii i. Cori. xv Lette not Satan nor his infernall army tempt him further thē he is able to bear but euermore gyue hym grace euen vnto his last breath valeantly to fight against the deuil witha a stronge fayeth in thy precyouse bloud that he may fyght a good fight and finish his course with ioy vn the to glorye of thi name and the health of his soul. O lord so work in him by thy holy spirite that he wyth al his hert may contempne dispise al worldly thyng●s and set his minde who●ly vpon heauēly thynges hopyng for thē with a strong vndouted fayth Agayn let it not greue him o swet sauior to be lo●oned frō this vile wretched carcase which is now so full of sorowe trouble anguysh sickenes and paine but rather let h●m haue abent and readye wyll thorowe thy goodnesse to putte it of yea and that wyth this faith ▪ that he at the last daye shall receyue it agayn in a much better state then it is now or euer was frō the daie of hys byrthe Phil. iii. euen a bodye vncorruptible immortal and like to thy glorious body Let hys whol hert and mynde be set only vppon the· Let the remēbraunce of the ioies of heauē be so feruent in his brest that he may bothe pacientlye and thanckfully take his deathe ii Cori. xv and euer wish to be with the in glory And when the time cōmeth that he shall gyue ouer to nature and depart from this miserable world vouchesafe we most humblye beseche the O Lorde Iesu to take his soule into thy handes and to place it among the glorious company of thy holy angels and blessed Saynctes and to kepe it vnto that mooste ioyfull daye of the general resurrecciō that both his bodye and soule thorow thyne almyghty power being knit againe togither at that daye he maye for euer and euer enioy thy glorious kindom and sing perpetuall praises to thy blessed name Amen ☞ A thankesgeuynge vnto God for the departure of the faythful out of thys world O How can we most louing father render vnto the sufficient thanks for thine in estimable goodnes toward thi faithful seruauntes whome thou calling out of this wretched worlde vouchestsafe to place in thy heauenly kingdō amonge the gloryous company of thy holy aūgels and blessed saintes Psal. cxv O full precyous is the death of the faithful in thy sighte Blessed are the deade that dye in the O Lord Apoc. xiiii For they are at reast frō their paynful trauails and labours The souls of the righteous are in thy hand Sapi. iii. O God and the payne of death shall not touch them In the syghte of the vnwise thei appere to die but they are in peace They shine as the sparckes that runne thorowe the reed bushe Danie xii They glyster as the shining of heauen Thei are as the stars world wythout ende They ar as the angels of God Math. xx●i Apoc. iiii They are clad with white garmentes haue goldē crownes vpon their heads They do seruice day nyght before the glorious throne of thi diuine Maiesty Apoca vii They nether honger nor thirst anye more neyther doth the sun or any heat fal vpon them for the lambe which is in the mids of the thron gouerneth thē and ledeth them vnto the lyuing foūtains of waters They folow the lābe whithersoeuer he goeth They haue such ioies ▪ E●ay lxiii i. ●or iii. as eie hath not sene nor eare hath herd neyther is th●r any hert able to thīck them Infinite and vnspeakable are the tresures O Lord whych thou haste layed vp for them that depart in thy fayth For these thy fatherly benefyts toward the souls of the fayethful for that it hath pleased the to cal our Christē brethren and sisterne from this vale of misery vnto thy heuenly kingdome we geue vnto the most herty thanks humbly beseching the that thou wylte take lyke care for vs and so gouern vs wyth thy holye spirite both in sycknes and in health that we maye lyue a good and godlye lyfe in thys preas●nte world and whensoeuer it shal be thy good plesure to call vs hence we may with strong faith in the and in thy sōne Christe Iesu our Lord commēd both our bodies soules into thy mercifull handes and thorowe thy goodnes be placed in thy gloryous kyngdome among thy faythfull chosē people and so for euer and euer praise magnify the our heauenli father to whome with thi derely beloued son Iesu Christ our Lord and sauior and the holy gost that moste swete comfortour be al glory and honor worlds without end Amē Finis ❧ The Letanye and Suffra●●s O God the Father of heauen haue mercy vpon vs miserable sinn●rs O God the Sonne redemer of the world haue mercye vpon vs miserable synners O god the holy ●ost proceding from the father the sōne haue mercy vpon vs miserable sīners O holy blessed glorious tryniti thre persons one god haue merci vpon vs miserable sīners Remember not Lord our offences nor the offences of our forefathers neyther take thou vengāce of our synnes spare vs good lord spare thy people whom thou hast redemed with thi most precious bloud and be not angri with vs for e●er Spare vs good Lo●d● From al euil and mischiffe frō sin frō the crafts and assaults of the deuil from thy wrath from euerlastyng damnacion Good lorde deliuer vs. ❧ From blindnes of hert from pride vainglory hypocrisy from enuye hatred and malice and all vncharitablenes Good lord delyuer vs. ❧ Frō fornicacion and all other d●adly sin ▪ from all the deceites of the world the fleshe the deuyl Good lo●de del●u●r vs. ☞ Frōlightning tempest from plage pestilēce famē frō battel murther from sodaine death Good lorde delyuer vs. Frō al sedicion and pryuy conspiraci frō the tiranni of the Bishop of Rome al his detestable enormities from al false doctrin heresy frō hardnes of hert cōtēpt of thy word commandemente Good lorde delyuer vs. ❧ By the misterye of thy holy incarnacion by thy holy natiuity cyrcumcysyon by thy Baptysme fasting and temptacyon Good lorde delyuer vs. By thine agonye and bloudye sweat bi thi crosse and passion bi thy precious death and buriall bi thy glorious resurrecciō ▪ ascēcion by the cōming of the holi gost Good lorde delyuer vs. In al time
the synnes of so manye as wyth herty repentaūce flee vnto thy mercye I therefore O most merciful father staying and cōfortyng my weake cōsciēce with the swete promises that I finde in the holi gospel of thy derely beued sonne made vnto al that be faythfully penitent withoute respect of persons in the precyous bloud of thine aforesaid sōne Iesu Christ am bold notwithstanding the multitude of my sinnes at this presente to come vnto the throne of thy mercy moste humbly besechyng the not to weighe my deserts Psal 〈◊〉 nor to deale with me accordinge to my merites for if thou shuldest narowly mark our iniquities oh Lord who shall abyde it whych deserue nothing but wrath and dānacion but for the innocēcy and righteousnes of thy only begotten sonne Iesu Christ Esay i● ●● Rom. vi whome thou haste geuen me to be myne owne with him all his merites good dedes to be thorow fayth so trulye myne as though I my self hadde done and wrought thē to forgyue me my synnes accordynge to thy promise to renue thi fatherli loue towarde me to receiue me into thy fauoure to make me a vessell of mercy to number me in the company of thy chosen people and to endue me with thy blessed spirit which may mortify mi carnal affects s●ea old Adam in me work new and those spiritual and heauenly mocions in my harte with his holy breath make me a new perfect mā according vnto thy blessed ymage Psa ▪ lxxix O moost louynge father weyghe not my synnes but remember thy moste gentell promises Consider not my euel works but haue respecte vnto the vndefyled deedes of thy sonne Iesu Christ Esaye xii ▪ xliii xliiii and xlix Mathew i Luke ii i Cor i i Timo ii i. Iohn ii Hebre ▪ ix ▪ x Psalm ▪ li ▪ Psa cxviii whom thou hast geuē to be my redemer my sauiour my ryghteousnes my atonemēt maker my satisfaction the alone and al wholely sufficient sacrifice for all my synnes For hys sake for his innocency and righteousenes haue mercy on me O God according to thy great mercye and put a way al my vnrightuousenesses for thy tender compassion I haue gone a stray like a shepe that was lost Luke xv yet O lord for thy mercies sake seke me vp lay me vppon thy shoulders and brynge me home agayne to thy shepe foulde I haue bene a loste sonne I haue ryotously spent away my goodes wyth the wicked yet for thy goodnesse sake O father receyue me and take me home againe if not as thy sonne yet as one of thy seruauntes I am greuously wounded can be holp neyther by priest nor Leuite ●uke ● yet cast me not away good lord for thi tēder merces sak● but pour wine oile into my woūds bynde them vp neuer leue me tyl thou haste made me perfectly whole So shal I after this be the more circūspect in trayninge my lyfe accordyng to thy godly wyll and euermore synge continuall prayses to thy most blessed name thorow Iesu Christ our Lord to whome with the the holy goste be al glory and honour worldes wythout end Amen A confessiō of our synnes vnto the Lord Iesu Christe THe tirrānye of satā mine old enemy ● Peter v which ceaseth not daylye to assayle me with his subtile temtacions and to woūd me with his cruel darts compelleth me at this present O blessed redemer mine alone sauiour Iesu Christ the son of the true and liuing god to f●e for succoure vnto the pitiful bowels of thy tēder mercy lest I be for euer swalowed vp as a praye of that dreadful Dragon Iohn xii ●iiiii ●v ii Cor. iiii Ephesi vi O Lord I am feble and weake but Satan is strong and mightye the Prynce of darknes God of this world hauing at his commaundmēt an infinite multitude bothe of wicked spirites and of vngodly mē which both dayly and diligently trauayle to sat●sfy his cruel tirāny and to worke my destrucciō whome to resist I am not hable Luke x● Notwithstandyng lord thou art more valeaunt then he stronger then all hys armye more able to saue thē he to condēne Io● i. ii Yea he is thy bond slaue Thou rulest hym as thy good pleasure is ▪ He can rage agaynst thyne elect no further ▪ thē thy most godly wyl is to suffer him Thou therfore o lord my God arte able to delyuer me from hys rauenynge teethe and to kepe me safe from hys bloude thyrsty ministers Gen. iii. For thou art the blessed sede of the wo●ā that tredeth down the head 〈◊〉 xiii destroieth the power of that old serpent Thou art that Lord i Cor xv Hebre ii which hathe swalowed vp hel Thou art the king of glorye whych by thy death destroiest him that had the power of deathe that is the deuil Thou art that Michael Apoc● xii ▪ which hast fought with the Dragon and ouercome him Apoc v Yea thou art that Lion of the trybe of Iuda which haste vanquished al our enemies Moreouer not onlye Satan and his angels but also the world and the fleshe mooste greuously assaile me yea and lead me away captiue as theyr pray The world with his vaine pleasures deceitful riches transitory possessiōs so blindeth the iyes of my harte that I cā not loue the o most swete sauiour with such purenes of mind as I oughte Iohn x●● Notwythstandynge this comforteth me ▪ wel that thou haste ouercome the worlde that when soeuer it pleaseth the to endue me wyth thy holye spyryte I may thorow thy grace subdue the worlde and make it a bond slaue vnto me Roma vii which now so mightely reigneth ruleth and triumpheth ouer me The fleshe also with her subtile entisementes so wholelye occupieth me y● I am all together fleshe and al that nought is and by thys meanes wholely without thy holye spyryte Esaye vii Mathew i. Luke iiii Iohn i. Yet haste thou by the purenes of thy blessed flesh which thou haste vnfainedlye taken of the vndefiled mayde Mary thy mother by the wounderfull operacion of the holye ghooste so slaine the raging lustes of our sinfull fleshe that whēsoeuer we lamēt our cause vnto the confessīg our miserye and weakenes Rom. i. i● Gala. iii● i. Timo. ii Hebre i● i. Ioh. iiii Apoc. v. thou bothe arte able and also wylt thorow thy holy spirit quenche those ragynge lusts mortifye those carnal affectes that so inordynatelye boil in oure inwarde mēbers and make vs truly spiritual Thus seest thou O mooste mercyful redemer with how greate a multitude of enemeies I am beseiged sete rownd about which without ceassing seke my destruccyon haue all readye mooste tirantelye spoyled me of al my garments most greuouslye wounded me leauing me half dead Luke x. so that without thy helpe I must nedes perishe Helpe therfore O most swete sauiour delyuer
me from these mine ennemies Heale thou me O Lord I shal be heled Saue thou me and I shal be saued Iere. xvii Ah good Iesu my sins are great and infinite I confes but thy mercys ar much greater and more infinit Mi wounds are many and greuous Psal. ii but thou art that most louing Samaritan full of pytye and compassyon whiche by pourynge wine and oile into my wounds are suffycyentelye able to heale them Luke x. although they were tenne M. mo I am asinner but thou art a sauiour Math. i. I am sycke but thou arte a Phisycyon I am blynde Math. i● but thou arte the lyghte of the worlde I am Satans prisonner but thou art a redemer Ioh i. viii I am dead in sinne but thou art the resurreccion and lyfe Gala. iii. I am hongry but thou arte the lyuynge breade Ihon. xi I am thyrstye but thou arte the well of lyfe I am poore Iohn vi Io●n vii Esa● ●v Rom. x. Psa. xxiiii Iohn xv Iohn x. but thou art the lord of al wealthe I am a barren tree but thou art that true and frutfull vine I am the looste shepe but thou art that good sheperd I am that ryotous sōne but thou art that ●entle father Luke xv Eyhe ●i Math. xvi i. Pet. ii i. Timo ii i. Iohn ii Roma vi Roma vii Ose xiii and .xiii. i. Pet. ●i I am by nature the childe of wrathe but thou arte by nature the sonne of the lyuyng God I am by nature sinful man but thou arte by nature man rightuous innocēt I am a daili offēder but thou art a cōtinual mediator I am a breker of the lawe but thou arte a fulfiller of the same I haue lost the heauēly enheritaūce thorow sin but thou haste recouered it bi ●hi death I haue wrought mine own dis●ruccion but thou bi thy precyous bloud haste wrought vnto me saluacion Thus all be it O most merciful sauiour I find in my self nothinge but sin ▪ death and damnacion yet in the finde I grace merci fauour reconciliaciō forgiuenes of synnes and euerlasting life Take awai therfore that is mine which is al noughte gyue me that is thine which is all good Thou art called Christ annoynte me therefore wyth thy holye spyryte Thou art called a Phisicion Luke ii accordynge therefore to thy name heale me Mat. ix Thou art called the son of the liuing God Math. xvi accordyng therfore to thy power deliuer me from the deuil the world and the fleshe Thou art called the resurreccion Iohn xi lift me vp therfore from the damnable state wherin I most miserablye lye Thou art called the lyfe quicken me vp therefore oute of thys deathe Iohn xv wherewyth thorowe synne I am most greuouslye detayned Thou arte called the day lede me therfore from the vanites of this world ▪ and from the filthye pleasures of the flesh vnto heauēlye and spirituall thynges Thou art called the truth suffer me not therefore to walcke in the waye of erroure Iohn i. but to treade the pathe of truth in al my doynges Thou art called the lyght ▪ put awaye therefore from me the workes of darknes ●phe v. that I may walk as the child of light in al goodnes ryghteousnes and truth Thou art called a Sauiour saue me therfore from my sinnes according to thy name Thou art Called Alpha Math. i. and Omega that is both the beginninge ende of al goodnes ●poc xxii beginne thou therfore a good life in me finish the same vnto the glory of thi blessed name So shall I receyuyng these benfits at thy merciful hand prayse the and magnify thy blessed name For euermore Amen A Confession of oure sinnes vnto the holye ghooste O Moost blessed And holye spirite Equall God wyth God the Father Iohn xiiii xv ● xvi i. Iohn v and God the Sonne I myserable sinner cōfoūded in my consciēce almost fallen thorow the multytude of my synnes into the hellike pit of desperacyon am come at thys preasente before thy deuyne maiestye moste humbly to confesse and from the boto●e of my hearte to lamente all those my sinnes and wickednesses whiche from my youthe hytherto I haue vniustly cōmitted in word deade or thoughte against thy goodnes most entirely besechynge the mercyefullye to forgeue me all those myne offences Psal. ii and abhominacions and to make in me a cleane hearte endued wyth a newe and ryghte spirite whiche maye from hencefourth thorowe thy godlye gouernaunce so derecte me in all my doynges that I may onlye attēpt such enterprises as be agreable to thy blessed wyll profytable to my neyghboure ii Cor. iii. and pleasaunt to my soule O lord my God wher thou art there is lybertye But I thorow the craftes of Satan the lustes of the flesh and the plesures of the world am in most miserable captiuity slauery bondage and thraldome wherby I euidently perceiue that thou dwellest not in me neyther the I am thy temple nor yet haue that ghostlye fredome wherwyth all be endued that haue the dwellyng in them O Lorde haue mercye on me and take awaye from me that heauye bondage of the flesh wherwith I am most gre uously enclo●ed geue me that swete free liberty of the spirite which bithe is wrought in the hartes of the faithfull that I being deliuered from the power of mine enemies mai serue the in holines and righteousnes al the dais of my life Luke i. again that thou makīg me a new creature by mortifying old Adam in me and by geuīg me a good spirite mayeste delyght in me as a father in hys sonne and continually dwell in me as in thy holy temple O blessed spirite forgiue me my synnes puryfye my mynde wyth thy holy inspiracion comfort my weake hert with thy ioiful presence make mery my troubled cōcience with true spiritual myrth lede me Iohn xvi which haue so lōg erred into all godlye truthe geue me the knowledge of al heauenly and spiritual things euē so much as is necessary for my saluacyon put on me the shield of faithe Ephe. vi that I maye be able to quenche the fyrye dartes of the deuyl kyndle my hart with the fire of Christē loue make me a frutful oliue tre in the congregaciō of the my Lord God geue me pacience in trybulation Psal. iii. take away from me vayne glorye in prosperytie engraf in my heart continual humilitie make be bold to confesse the truthe of thy Gospell before the tyrauntes of thys worlde and gyue me grace to perseuer in the same vnto the end Replenysh my brest with thy heauenlye gyfts and spirituall treasures that the deuyll the worlde the flesh wyth al their worckes pompes and vanities from me vtterli secluded and put a part thou maiest continuallye dwelle in me by thy godlye inspiracio ns and I in the thorowe true and
with broyded hea●e other gold or pearles or costly araye but wyth such as becommeth weme● that professe the worshippinge of God thorow good workes ▪ that the hid mā of the hert be vncorrupt with a meke quiet spirit which spir●t is before God a thynge much set by Againe graunt O Lord that both the husbandes and the wyues may so walk in thy feare and in thy holy lawe that thou maiste haue a plesure in them blesse thē prospere theyr enterpryses make them frutfull ioyful parentes Finally the children that thou sēdest thē giue thē grace so to bring vpin thy nourter doctryne Ephe. vi that they liuing together many years doth ioyfully quietly maye with one voice with one mind gloryfy thi blessed name for euer amē A prayer for women with childe THou O Lord art wonderful in al thy workes and whatso euer thy good plesure is that doest thou easly bryng to pas Psa. cxv nether is ani thing impossible with the that thou wylte haue done Mathe. xix Mark x. And albeit thys thine almyghty-power sheweth it self abundantlye in al thi workes Luke xviii yet in the cōce●nyng forming and bryngyng forthe of m●n it shineth no●te e●ydentlye At the begynnynge o heauenly father when thou m●deste manne and woman thou co●maundest them to encrease multiply and replenish the earth If thorow the subt●le entisemēte● of Satā Ge● i.ix. they had not trāsgressed thy cōmaūdement by eatyng the forbyddē fruite the woman whom thou haste appoyncted the organ 〈◊〉 iii. i. Tim. ii instrument vessel to cōceiue norishe bringe forth man thorow thy wond●rful workmāshippe had without any la●oure paine or trauayle brought forthe her fruite But that whych● thy goodnesse made easye syn disobedience hath made hard painful daūgerous if thy helpe wer not impossible to be broughte to passe Gen. iii. so that now al womē bring forth their children in great sorowes paines troubles Psa. xlviii Notwithstanding y● shewest thi selfe vnto thi creatures a father of mercy Ecl. xlvii● ▪ God of all consolacion For that which thorow their own inperfeccion fiblenesse thei are not able of them selfes to bringe to passe ●saye xiii Ier. vi xxx E●ech ●xx thou thorow thyne vnspeakable power makest easye in thē Ose. xiii bringeste vnto a fortunate ende We therfore beinge fully perswaded of thy bente and redy goodnesse Miche i ii Iohn xvi of thy present helpe of thy swete co●fort in al miseryes and necessities knowyng also by the testimonies of thy holy woorde howe greatand intollerable the paines of women are the trauail of childe if thorow thy tēder mercies they be not mitigated and eased most humbly pray y● for Iesu Christes sake thy sonne and our lord that thy louyng kyndne●se may make that easye tollerable which sin hath made hard and paynefull Ease ▪ o lord thou paines which thou moste ryghteouslye haste put vpon al women for the syn and dysobedience of our graund mother Eue Genesi iii. in whom al we haue sinned and geue vnto al such as haue cōceiued be wyth chylde strength to brynge forth that whiche thou wōderfully hast wrought in thē Be present with thē in their trouble helpe them and deliuer thē Let thy power be shewed no lesse in the safe bringing forth thē in the wonderful fashioning of the child the that whiche the haste begun in them mai come vnto good successe Make them glad ioyfull mothers that they thorow thy goodnesse being safely delyuered and restored to theyr old strenghthes maye lyue and prayse thy blessed name for euer Amen ¶ A thankesgeuynge vnto God for theyr delyueraunce AMong other thy benefytes yea and those innumerable which thou dayly bestowest vpō vs thi nedy pore creatures this is not the least o most merciful father that thou of thi tender goodnes doest vouchsafe for the conseruacion of mākynde to preserue the women that are wyth child and to geue thē safe deliueraunce of theyr burden by thys meanes makyng them glad and wyfull mothers For this thy benefyt and good wyl towarde vs we so hartely thanke the as hert canne thynke besechinge the to worke suche thākefulnesse in the harte● of al mothers by thy holy spyryte that they beynge not vnmindeful of this high benefyt of theyr safe deliueraunce wrought only by the the sauiour of al man kynde maye shewe them selfes thankefull vnto the for this thy goodnesse ▪ and neuer forget that thy presēt helpe and moste swete comforte which thou mercyfully shewedst vpon thē in theyr great trauayles Psalme l. Pro. xviii labours and paynes whē thei fled vnto thy holy name for succour as vnto a strōge bulwarke and holy defēce Go forth o Lorde Psa. cxiiii to make them the ioyful mothers of many childrē Endue them with lōge life Ps. cxxviii that thei may se then childres children And the chyldren that thou geueste vnto thē Luke i ii make thou as in age so likewise in wisedome in the abundaunce of thy holye spirite to encrease that they may haue fauor bothe with the and with all good men vnto the glorye of thy moste blessed name Amen A prayer for Fathers and Mothers FOR asmuche O heauenlye father Ps● xviii as thou haste dealte wyth the chyldren of menne more nobly then with brute beastes and with other thi creatures by geuing them not only an amiable body ▪ but also a mynde whiche is immortall and neuer shall dy Gene. i. Sapi. ii and for the garnyshyng of the same that it mai be made like vnto the similitude like nes and Image of the hast in thy holy law commaūded all fathers and mothers Deu. iiii xi Eccle vii ● xxx xl.ii Ephe. vi Tit ▪ ii whome thou haste blessed with the gifte of chyldren to take diligēt care for the vertuous bringyng vp of theyr sōnes doughters that they maye learne euen from theyr very cradels to know the theyr Lorde God to beleue in the to feare and loue thee to call vpon thi blessed name to be thākfull vnto the and to walke in thy holye commaundementes al the daies of their life We knowing how frowarde euil disposed ▪ and vntoward the harte Gene. viii wyt and disposicion of manne is euen frome his very youth if it be not restrained with the byt of thy most blessed lawe hertely pray the to geue al fathers and mothers grace after the example of Abraham Gene. xviii ii Reg. ii Tob. i. ●iii i. Math. ii Dani. ●iii Actes xxi ii Tim iii. Dauid Tobi Mathathias the parētes of Susan Philip the Euāgelist and suche other to brynge vp theyr chyldren euen frō theyr very infāci in thi feare in thi nourture and in the knowledge of thy most healthful word that they sekyng no lesse the garnishinge of their childrēs myndes with learning vertue thē the preseruīg of their
good men Giue vs also that the most plesaunt dew euē the dew of thy heuēlye grace which may cause vs thorow thi holi spirit to florish with the abundaunce of al good works prouoke euery one of vs quietlye and peaceably to do our own besines to liue according to oure calling ii Tim. ii the magistrate godly to gouern the subiect humbly to obey Romay xi the preachers of thy word diligētly to attend vpon hys offyce ps● cxxxiii So shall it come to passe that wee as brethren quietly dwellyng together in this vnitie and concorde shal haue that thou haste promysed euen thy blessinge that is in this world abūdaunce of all good things pertaining ether to the body or to the soul and after our departure from thys vale of misery euerlasting life Lord let it so cōe to passe Amen ¶ A praier to be preserued from the plage and orher dyseases AH Lorde as thou haste sette forthe in thy holy scriptures plenty of blessinges to them that feare the Leuit. xxvi De. xxviii ▪ Esaye c. v. xxiii xxx xi Ier. ix.xvi. and .xxix. Ezechi vii xiiii.xvii●.xxxiii.xxxviii and wyth al diligēt obedience obediente dylygence walke in thy holy statutes ordynaunces so lykewise in the same haste thou set●orth innumerable curses plages to such as liue with oute all feare of the transgres thy blessed commandements Among other thy greuous punishmēts thou hast thretned the vngodlye to sende the plage and such other mortal diseases vpō them and so to roote them oute from the face of the earth because of theyr disobedyence and rebellyon agaynst the theyr Lorde God ii Re. xxiii i Par. xxi Examples herof we haue manye in thy holy worde Ah good Lorde who can be fre from these and such other thy plagues Psa. cxxix if thou shouldeste dele with vs according to oure iniquites We are al synnefull Roma iii. The best of vs all are vnprofitable seruantes Luke xvii so that we cā fynd nothynge in ourselfs wherwith we maye worthelye eyther pacify thy wrathe styrred vp agaynst vs for our manifold wickednesse or turne awaye from vs those thy plages whyche we most iustelye haue deserued Notwythstāding there are whyche supersticiously for the appeasyng of thy anger for the dipsatch of corporal puni●hmentes cal vpon dead creatures and flee vnto domme Idolls as thoughe most present helpe wer to bee looked for of theym when in dede they canne do nothyng at all vnto our health neither concerning the bodi nor the soul. With suche Idolatours O good Lord haue we nothing to do although neuer so greuous synners For we are taughte by thy holy word nether to truste in Roche nor in Apoline neither in Agasse nor in Annes nether in Erkēwald nor in Grimbald nor yet in ani other creature eyther in heauen or in earth but in thy greate mercyes set forth in the precyous bloud of thy most dear sonne Iesu Christ for whose sake alone for whose merytes and good deedes alone thou art wel pleased with mā fauorest him delighteste in hym as a louing father in his dereli beloued sonne O mooste merciful God we fyndynge in our selfes a iust deserte of al those thy plages which thou art wonte to caste vpon the chyldren of men for theyr wyckednes so great and manifold is the nūber of our synnes and nothynge at all wherew●th we may in any parte be able to tourne aw●y thy heauye dyspleasure fro● vs are co●e at thys presente vnto the throne of thy mercie moost humblie beseching the in the name of Iesu Christe thy sonne and oure alone Mediatour and aduocate not to weyghe our sinnes wyckednesses ▪ but to cōsider thy gret mercyes and louynge promyses and for Christes sake to putte away frome vs al such plages 〈◊〉 iii. and ▪ ●vii Mark ●ii Luke iii. i● ii Peter ● as we moost iustelye haue deserued and to preserue vs in suche state of bodelye healthe that we maye liue and glorify thi blessed name Ah Lorde Psal. xxx Es xxxviii may dust giue thanks vnto the or shall that declare thy faithfulnes The graue praiseth not the death doth not magnifye the. They that go down into the graue prayse not thy truthe but the lyuynge yea the the lyuynge knowledge prayse and magnify the. Defende vs therefore O Lorde from the terrible plagues of thy fearful dyspleasure but aboue al thinges remoue from vs y● dyseases of our mynde that we beynge whole in soule maye beholde the wyth a pure faythe and serue the with a clean hert Giue vs also the health of our body vnto our laste dayes that we enioyinge the healthe bothe of bodye and soule thorowe thy syngular benefite maye leade a quyet and healtheful life vnto thy honoure and glorye Amen A prayer to preserue the frutes of the earthe ▪ AT the beginning thou commaundest the earth O Lord to bringe forthe grene gras herbs Gene. i. and trees with their sedes and frutes ▪ that they myghte be meate to thy creatures lyuynge on the earthe both to manne and beaste After that depe and great floud wherin all liuing creaturs perished excepte Nohe and suche as were with him in the arck ▪ Gene. vii ii Peter ii not onelye herbes sedes and fruites gauest thou vnto man for to eat Gen. ix but also all other thy creatures that moue or lyue on the earthe whether it be fysh or foul Acte● ● Titus i. Rom xiiii i. Corin. x. i. Tim. iiii so that al thynges are pure to them that are pure nether can ani thing be comon or vnclene that thou hast made pure and cleane For al thy creatures O Lord god are good and none of them are to be refused if they be taken wyth thanckes geuynge For they are sāctified by thi word and by prayer and were ordeined of the to be receiued with thanks geuynge of the faythfull of thē that knowe the truth Seing thē that thou alone art the creatoure and maker of al thyngs and hast prepared hearbes seedes fruits fyshe and fleshe to be meate for manne seynge also that without thy blessīg al these thy creatures prospere not nor yet come vnto a fortunate ende but growe out of kynde wyther awaye perysh dye and come to nought wee mooste humbly besech the to blesse vs al the frutes of the earth wyth al other thy creatures whych thou hast made for mans vse and profit i. Cori. iii. And forasmuch as neither he that plāteth nor he that watreth is anye thynge but thou O God which geuest the encrease graūt we pray the psal lxvii that the earthe maye geue forth her fruit prosperously and plenteously that we may enioy the same in due and conueniente tyme vnto oure greate ioye and comfort Let not the labors of our handes which we haue taken in thy name and accordinge to thy worde be found vaine and frustrate but accordynge to thy
doubtyng loke for remissiō of all our synnes at thy heauenly fathers hande accordynge to thy mooste gentle promyses yea and that not for our good dedes and merites Titu iii which in this behalf are none but for the worthynes of thy blessed passion for the dignity of thy precious bloude and for that only and alone sacrifice of thy holye body For that O Lord is the salue the healeth our souls That is the medecine that comforteth our weake and troubled consciēces Iohn vi That is the liuinge breade whosoeuer eateth of the bread shal neuer honger but lyue for euer That is the Iewel of ioy that maketh our sorowfull hertes mery That is the mighty bulwark the stronge defēce the sure fortres the preserueth and kepeth vs harmlesse against Satā synne death hel desperacion and al the infernal power To come to the table to be presēt at the supper ☜ to here and se what is there don yea to receiue the holy mistiries of thy body bloud ther setforth vnto vs profiteth vs nothyng at all ▪ if we faithfully beleue not that thy bodi was brokē thy bloud shed for our sinnes and that by the alone oblacion therof done once for al our syns are forgeuen vs Hebru vii ▪ ix.x. thy heuenly father is recōciled vnto vs his wrath stored vp thorow sin against vs is pacified quietnes of consciēce and euerlasting lyfe is geuen vs but rather turneth vnto our dāpnacion because we eat of thys breade and drinck of this cuppe vnworthely and shal with that Hipocrite whyche presumed to come vnto the mariage not hauing the wedding garmēt be boūd hād and fote ●ath xxii and caste into vtter darcknes wher weping and gnashīg of teeth shal be Therfor we most hūbly besech the to geue vs grace according to thy holy Apostles councel diligently to proue try examin our selfes whether such repentance such faith such loue i. Cori. ●i suche disposition toward al godlines be foūd in vs or not as thou dost require in them whych come worthely with frute vnto thy table And forasmuch as it is thy gift to repēt hertely to beleue truly to loue vnfaynedly to be disposed earnestly to ēbrace true godlynes and to go forward in the same from vertueto vertue vnto the end graunt we most entirely pray the Math. iii. we may so repent that the frutes of repentāce may be foūd in vs so beleue that we may knoledge y● our alone sauiour so loue that al oure affeccion may be set on the alone and so embrace true godlynes that our h●le lyfe may be a cleare Myrrour of vertue goodnesse So shall we thorowe thi merci be foūd worthi gests of this thy table Phil lp ii receiue these holy misteries vnto the saluacyon of our soules yea so shal we be wel assured of the remission and forgeuenes of all our synnes by the breaking of thy blessed body and the sheding of thi precious bloud our consciences shal be quiet our hertes shal be filled wyth all true and spirituall ioye wee shall tryumph ouer Satan sinne death hell and desperacyon we shal be partakers of all the fruites and merytes of thy blessed passyon and bee made one bo●ye wyth the and fellowe heyres of euerlastynge glorye O Lord God lette it so come to passe for the honour of thy name Amen A thankesgeuinge after the receiuynge of the Communion IE thanck the O heauēly father for the blessed passion and gloryous death of thy derelye beloued sonne our Lorde and sauiour Iesu Christ Ephe. ii ●olloss ii by whō by whose holy woūdes we faythfully beleue and are assuredly perswaded that thy wrathe is not onlye pacified toward vs but that thou also art now becōe oure moost mercyful father and haste frelye forgeuen vs all oure synnes restored vs to thy heuēly grace and made vs sonnes heiers of thyne eternall glorye And because we shuld not dout of thi fatherly goodnes toward vs set forthe in the deathe of thi sonne the same thy sonne Christ Iesu our Lorde hathe leafte vnto vs not onlye his holy word Ma● x●vi Mat. xiiii Luke xxii ● Cor. xi but also a blessed memoryal of hys death and passyon set forth in the holy breade and holy wine whych we at this presēt haue receiued both for a remembraūce of the brekyng of hys blessed body and the shedding of his most precious bloud and also for the quietnes of oure conscience and for the assurance of the remission of our syns thorow fayth We besech the O heauēli father that we be neuer vnmyndeful of this thy exceadinge greate kindenes nor vnthanckful for thy manyfold vnspekeable mercys declared vnto vs in the gloryous death of thy welbeloued sōne but so worcke y● in vs thorowe thy holy spirite that we maybe made worthye members of that bodye whereof thy sōne and oure sauyoure Christe Iesu is the heade Eph. i. iiii Colloss i. and that we may so faythfullye beleue in the and so feruentlye loue one another alwaye liuinge in thy feare and in the obediēce of thy holy law and blessed wyl that we being fruteful in al godly and chryst●n workes may traine our life accordig to thy good pleasure in this transitory world and after this fraile and shorte lyfe obtaine that true and immortall lyfe wher thou with thy derely beloued sōne our lord and sauiour Iesu Christ and the holy gost that most sweete cōfortour liuest and reignest one true God in all honor glory worldes without ende Amen ¶ A shorte prayer to bee sayed at the receiuynge of the mysterye of Chrystes body in the holy Communion O Heauenly and blessed father I render vnto thee mooste heartie thanckes for al thy benefytes whiche thou hast shewed vnto me most wret●hed synner but speciallye for that moost swete smelling sacrifyce whyche thy onely begotten sōne offred vnto the on that aulter of the crosse Ephe. v. by giuīg his most pure vndefyled body vnto the death for the redempcion of mākind Philip. ii ▪ in remembraūce wherof according to thy welbeloued sōns ordināce I nowe receyue this holy breade moost entirely beseching that I may both be partaker of the merites of thi dere sōnes bodi brekīg and also lead a lyfe worthy of so greate a benefite vnto the glory of thy name Amen A prayer to be sayed at the receiuynge of the misteryes of Christes bloude in the holy Communion O Blessed mercifull father thy loue towarde me sinneful creature is so exceadyng greate and vnspeakable Roma v. that I can not but geue vnto the moost humble thanckes Ephe ▪ ii namely for the shedding of the moost precious bloud of thy deare sonne Iesu Christe by the vertue where of thy wrath styrred vp againste me wretched synner is pacyfyed my raunsōe is payed the law is fulfylled my enemyes are ouercome and put to flyghte In remembraunce of this so noble a victorye and
of our tribulaciō in al time of our wealth in the hour of death in the day of iudgment Good lorde delyuer vs. ❧ We sinners do besech the to here vs O Lorde God and that it maye please the to rule and gouern thy holy church vniuersal in the ryghtewaye We be●ech the to heare vs good lord That it may please the to kepe Edward the sixt thy seruāt our king and gouernoure We b●se●h the to heare vs good lorde ❧ That it mai please the to rule hys heart in thy fayth feare and loue that he may always haue affiance in the and euer seke thi honour and glory We beseec●e th● to ●eare vs good Lorde ☞ That it may please y● to be his defēdour and keper geuyng him the victory ouer al his ennemies We b●s●●ch● th● to heare vs good Lorde ☞ That it may please the to illuminat al bishops pastors ministers of the church with true knowlege vnderstāding of thy word and that both by theyr preaching and liuing they may set it forthe and shew it accordyngly We beseeche the to ●●are vs good Lorde ☞ That it may please the to endue the Lords of the counsayle al the nobilitie with grace wysedome and vnderstandyng We beseeche the to heare vs good Lorde ☞ That it may please the to bles and kepe the magistrats geuing them grace to execute iustice and to mayntayne truthe W●●es●che the to heare vs good Lorde ☞ That it may please the to bles and kepe thy people We besech the to hear vs ▪ c. ❧ That it maie plese the to geue to all Nacions vnytye peace and concorde We besech the to heare vs ▪ c. ❧ That it may plese the to geue vs an hert to loue and dread the and diligently to liue after thy cōmaundementes We beseche the to heare vs. c. ❧ That it my please the to geue al thy people increase of grace to heare mekely thy word and to receiue it with pure affecciō and to bring forth the fruts of the spirit We besech the to heare vs ▪ c. ☞ That it mai plese the to bring into the waye of truth al such as haue erred and are deceiued We beseche t●e to hea●e vs. c. ❧ Tha● it may please the to strēgthē such as do stand to cōforte help the weke herted to rayse vp thē that fal and finalli to beat doun Sathā vnder our fete fete We beseche the to heare vs good Lord. That it mai plese the to succour helpe and cōfort al that be in danger necessity and tribulacion We beseche the to here vs good Lorde That it maye please the to preserue al that trauail by land or by water all women labourynge of childe all sicke persōs and yonge children and to shew thy pity vpon al prysoners and captyues We beseche the to heare vs good Lorde That it may plese the to defend and prouide for the fatherles childrē and widows and al that be desolate and oppressed We beseche the to heare vs good Lorde That it maye pease the to haue mercy vpon al men We besech the to heare vs good Lorde That it may plese the to forgeue our enemies persecutours slāderers and to turne their herts We besech the to heare vs good lord That it may please the to geue preseru● to oure vse ▪ the kindly fruites of the ear●he ▪ so as in due time we may enioye them We besech● the to heare vs good Lorde That it may please the to geue vs true repētāce to forgeue vs al our sins neglygences ▪ and ignorāces to endue vs with the grace of thy holye spirit to amend our liues according to thy holy word We beseche the to heare vs good Lorde Sonne of God we besech the to heare vs. Sonne of God we beseche the to here vs. O lābe of god that takest away the synnes of the worlde Graunte vs th● peace O Lābe of god that takest awai the synn●s of the worl●e Haue mer●y● v●●n vs. O Christ heare vs. O Christ heare vs. Lorde haue mercye vppon vs. Christ haue mercye vpon vs. Lorde haue mercye vpon vs. Our father which art in heuē c. And lead vs not into tēptacion B●t ●●lyuer vs from euil O Lord deale not with vs after our synnes Nether reward vs after our iniquities ☞ Let us ●ra● O God mercyefull father that despisest not the sighinge of a contrit hert nor the desire of such as be sorowful mercyfullye assist oure prayers that we make before the in al our troubles aduersitis whensoeuer thei opresse vs And grac●ouslie here vs that those euils which the craft subtelty of the deuil or man worketh against vs be brought to nought and by the prouidēce of thy goodnesse they may be dispersed that we thy seruaunts being hurte by no persecucions maye euermore geue thankes vnto the in thy holie churche throughe Iesu Christe oure Lorde O lorde aryse healpe vs and delyuer vs for thy name sake O God we haue herd with our ears our fathers haue declared vnto vs the noble woorckes that thou didst in their days and in the old tyme before them O lorde aryse help vs and delyuer vs for thy honoure Glory be to the father the sōne and to the holye gost As it was in the begynnynge is nowe and euer shal be worlde wythout ende Amen From oure ennemies defēd vs O Christe Gracyouslye loke vpon our a●fli●cyons Pytifully behold the sorowes of our hearte Mercifullye forgeue the syns of thy people Fauorably wyth mercy here oure prayers O sonne of Dauid ha●e mercye vpon vs. Both now and euer vouchsafe to heare vs Christe Gaaciously heare vs O Christ. Gracious●y heare vs O lorde Chr●ste O Lord let thy mercy be shewed vpon vs. As we do put our trust in thee Let vs praye ▪ VE humblye beseche thee O father mercyefullie to looke vpon oure infirmytyes and for the glory of thy name sake turn frō vs al chose euils that we most righteouslye haue deserued and grant that in all our troubles we may put our whole truste confidēce in thy mercy and euermore serue the in holines purenes of liuing to thy honour glory through our only mediatour aduocate Iesus Christ our Lord. Amē A prayer of Chrisostome ALmyghtye GOD whyche haste geuen vs grace at this tyme with one accord to make oure common supplicacyons vnto thee and doeste promyse that when .ii. or .iii. be gathered togetherin thy name thou wilt grant their reques●s fulfil now O lord the desyres and petycyons of thy seruantes ▪ as mai bemost expedi●nt for thē gra●tynge vs in thys worlde knowledge of thy truthe in the worlde to come life euerlastinge Amen 〈◊〉 ●yue if the time require O God heauenly Father which by thy sonne Iesus Christe hast promised to al them that seke thi kingdome and the righteousnes therof al things ne●●ssary to their bodelye sustenaunce Send vs we beseche the in thys oure necessytye suche moderate rayn showers that we maie receiue the fruites of the erth to our comfort to thy honour through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen For fayre wether O Lord god which for the syn of man dyddest ones drown al the world except .viii. persons and afterward of thy great mercie diddeste promise neuer to destroye it so agayne we humbly besech the that althoughe we for our iniquityes haue worthely d●serued thys plague of rayne and waters yet vpon our true repentance thou wilt send vs such wether wherby we maie receiue the frutes of the earth in due season and learne both by thy punyshement to amend our liues and for th●●●emencye to geue the prayse and glory throughe Iesu Christe our Lorde Amen In the tyme of dearth and famyne O God heauenly father whose gift it is that rayne doth fal the earth is frutfull beastes encrease and fishes do multiply behold we besech y● the afflicciōs of thi people ▪ grant that the scarcetie dearth whych we do now most iustlye suffer for our iniquitye maye throughe thy goodnes be mercifullye turned into cheapnes and plenti for the loue of Iesu Christ our Lord to whō wyth the and the holy ghost c. Amen Orthus O God mercifull father which in the tyme of Heliseus the Prophet diddeste subdeinlie turne in Samaria great scarcity and death into plenty and cheapnes extreme ●amine into abūdance of victual haue pitie vpon vs that now be punished for oure synnes wyth like aduersytye encrease the fruites of the earth by thy heauenly benedyccyon And graunt that we receiuing thi boūtiful liberalitie may vse the same to thy glory our comforte relief of our nedy neighbours through Iesu Christ our Lord. Amen In the time of warre O Almighty God Kynge of all Kynges and gouernoure of all thinges whose power no Creature is hable to resyste to whom it belongeth iustlye to punyshe synners and to be mercyfull to theim that trulye repente saue and deliuer vs we humblie besech the from the handes of our enemis abat their pride aswage their malice and confound theyr deuyses that we beynge armed with thy defence may be preserued euermore from al periles to glorify the which art the only geuer of al victory through the merytes of thy onelye sonne Iesu Christ our lorde Amen In the time of any common ▪ plague or sickenesse O Almighty God which in thy wrathe in the tyme of kynge Dauid diddest ●lea with the plague of Pestilence thre skore and ten thousand and yet remēbring thy merci didst saue the rest haue pitie vpon vs miserable sinners that now are visited with greate sickenes and mortalitie that like as thou diddest then commaund thyne Aungell to ceasse from punishing so it may now plese the t● withdraw from vs thys plage and greuous sic●●nesse through Iesus Christ our ●ord Amen ¶ Imprinted at London by Ihon Day dwell●ng ouer aldersgate a lytle beneth S. Martins These bokes are to be solde at hys shop by the 〈◊〉 Cunduite 〈◊〉 Ch●pesyde 〈◊〉 pr●●ileg●o ad imprimendum solum