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A10405 The Byble in Englyshe that is to saye, the content of all the holye scrypture, bothe of the olde and newe Testament, truly translated after the veryte of the Hebrue and Greke textes, by the diligent studye of dyuers excellent lerned [men e]xperte in the fore[saide] tongues.; Bible. English. Great Bible. 1540 (1540) STC 2069; ESTC S121497 1,995,822 1,050

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before the hyll And Moses hewed two tables of stoone lyke vnto the fyrste and rose vp early in the mornynge and went vp vnto the mounte of Sinay as the Lorde had cōmaunded hym and toke in his hand the two tables of stone And the Lorde descended in the cloude and stoode with hym there and he called vppon the name of the Lorde And when the Lorde walked before hym he cryed Lorde Lorde god mercyful and gracyous long sufferyng and aboundaunt in mercy and truth kepynge mercy in store for thousandes forgyuynge wyckednesse vngodlynesse and synne and ❀ ☞ not leauynge one innocent vysytynge the wyckednesse of the fathers vpon the chyldren and vpon chyldrens chyldren euen vnto the thyrde and fourth generacyon And Moses bowed hym selfe to the earthe quyckely and worshypped and sayde If I haue founde grace in thy syght o lorde then let my lorde go with vs for it is a stubburne people thou shalte haue mercy vpon oure wyckednesse and our synne and shalte take vs for thyne enheritaunce He sayde beholde I make an appoyntment before all thy people and I wyll doo ☞ meruayles suche as haue not bene done in all the worlde neyther in all nacyons And all the people amonge whiche thou arte shal se the worke of the Lorde ☞ for it is a terrible thynge that I wyl do with the kepe those thynges that I commaunde the this daye Beholde I cast out before the the Amorites Canaanites Hethites Pherezites Heuites and Iebusites Take hede to thy selfe that thou make no compacte with the inhabiters of the lande whyther y u goest leest it be cause of tuyne amonge you But ouerthrowe theyr aulters and breake theyr ymages and cut downe theyr groues Thou shalte worshyp no straunge God For the Lorde is called ielouse bycause he is a ielouse God leest yf thou make any agrement with the inhabyters of the land and they go a hooryng after theyr Goddes and do sacrifyce vnto theyr Goddes they call the and thou eate of theyr sacrifice and thou take of theyr doughters vnto thy sonnes and theyr doughters go a hoorynge after theyr goddes and make thy sonnes go a hoorynge after theyr gods also Thou shalte make the no Goddes of metall The feast of swete breade shalte thou kepe Seuen dayes thou shalte eate vnleuen ded breade as I cōmaunded the in the tyme of the moneth when corne begynneth to rype For in the moneth when corne begynneth to type thou camest out of Egypte All that openeth the matryce is myne and al that ope neth the matryce amonge the cattell yf it be male whyther it be oxe or shepe But the fyrst of the asse thou shalte bye out with a lambe And yf thou redeme hym not thou shalte breake his necke All the fyrste borne of thy sonnes shalte thou redeme And se that no man appeare before me emptye Syx dayes thou shalte worke in the seuenth day thou shalt rest bothe from earynge and reapyng Thou shalt obserue the feast of wekes with the fyrst fruytes of wheate haruest and the feast of ingatherynge at the yeres ende Thryse in a yere shall all your men chyldren appeare before the lorde Iehoua God of Israell When I caste out the nacyons before the and enlarge thy coostes so that no man shall desyre thy lande thou shalte goo vp to appeare before the Lorde thy God thryse in the yere Thou shalte not offer the bloode of my Sacrifyce vpon leuen ney ther shall oughte of the Sacrifyce of the feast of Passeouer be lefte vnto the mornynge The fyrste rype fruytes of thy lande thou shalte brynge vnto the house of the Lorde thy God And thou shalt not sethe a kyd in his mothers mylke And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses wryte these wordes for after the tenoure of these wordes I haue made a couenaunt with the and with Israel And he was there with the Lorde fourtye dayes and fourtye nyghtes and dyd neyther eate breade nor drynke water And he wrote vpon the tables the wordes of the couenaunt euen ten verses And it fortuned when Moses came downe from mounte Sinay the two tables of wytnesse were in Moses hande when he came downe from the mounte And Moses wyste not that t●e skynne of his face shone in maner of an horne whyle he talked with hym And Aaron and all the chyldren of Israel loked vpon Moses and beholde the skynne of his face ☞ shone and they were afrayde to come nye hym And when he had called them Aaron and all the cheyfe that were in the companye came vnto hym and Moses talked with them And afterwarde all the chyldren of Israel came nye and he cōmaunded them all that the Lorde had sayde vnto hym in mounte Sinay And when Moses had made an ende of cōmonyng with them he put a couerynge vpon his face And agayne when Moses went in before the lorde to speake with hym he toke the couerynge of vntyll he came out And he came out and spake vnto the chyldren of Israel that which was cōmaunded And the chyldren of Israel sawe the face of Moses that the skynne of Moses face shone And Moses put the couerynge vpon his face agayne vntyll he wente in to comon with hym ¶ The sabboth The fyrst fruytes requyred The redynesse of the people to offre Bezalcel and Ahaliab praysed of Moses and set to worke CAPI XXXV ANd Moses gathered all the companye of the chyldren of Israel togyther and sayd vnto them These are the wordes whiche the Lorde hath commaunded that ye shulde do them Syxe dayes ye shal worke but in the seuenth day shall be vnto you the holy Sabboth of the Lordes rest Who soeuer doth any worke therin shal dye Ye shal kyndle no fyre thorowout oll your habitacyons vpon the Sabboth day And Moses spake vnto all the multitude of the chyldren of Israel sayenge This is the thynge whiche the Lorde commaunded saynge Take from among you an heueofferyng vnto the Lorde Who soeuer is of the wyllyng herte let hym bryng it for the heueofferyng of the Lorde Namely golde syluer and brasse and yelowe sylke purple scarlet whyte sylke gootꝭ heere and rains skynnes red and taxus skynnes with Sethim wood oyle for lyght and spyces for the anoyntynge oyle for the swete sence And Onix stones stones to be set in the Ephod in the brestlap And let all them that are wyse herted among you come and make all that the lorde hath cōmaunded the habitacyon w t the tente therof his coueryng and his rynges his boordes his barres his pyllers his sockets the arke the staues therof with the mercy-seate and the vayle that couereth it the table and his barres all his vessels the shew-bread the cādelstycke of lyght and his apparell his lampes with the oyle for the lyght the sence aulter his barres the anoyntynge oyle the swete sence the hangynge of the dore at the
Sallum Amaria and Ioseph Amonge the chyldren of Nebo Ieh●ell Mathathia Zabad Zabina Iadai Ioell and Banaia All these had taken straūge wyues And among the same there were some that had chyldren by the wyues ¶ The ende of the fyrst boke of Esdras ❧ ❀ ❧ ¶ The second boke of Esdras otherwyse called the Boke of Nehemia ¶ Nehemia butle● to kynge Iethax●●s●● pr●●eth to God for the people CAPI Primo THe wordes of Nehemia the sonne of Hachalia It fortuned in the moneth ☞ Chisleu in the twentye yere that I was in the castell at Susan and Hanan● one of my brethren came with certayne men of Iuda I asked them howe the Iues dyd that were delyuered escaped from the captiuyte and howe it went at Ierusalem ▪ And they sayde vnto me The remenaunt of the captiuyte are there in the land in great misfortune and rebuke The wall of Ierusalem also is broken downe and the gates therof are butnte with fyre It fortuned that when I herde these wordꝭ I sat me downe and ●●●te and mourned ce● tayne dayes and fasted and prayed before the god of heuen and sayde O Lorde god of heuen thou great and terryble God thou that kepest couenaunt and mercye for them that loueth the and obserue thy cōmaundementes let thyne eares herken I besech the and let thyne eyes be open that thou mayest heare the prayer of thy seruaunt whiche I praye nowe before the daye and nyght for the chyldren of Israell thy seruauntes and knowledge the synnes of the chyldren of Israell whiche we haue synned agaynst the. I and my fathers house haue synned We haue bene vtterly dyspersed from thy lawe and haue not kepte thy commaundementes statutes and lawes whiche thou commaundedst thy seruaunt Moses I beseche the cal to remembraunce the worde that thou commaūdedst thy seruaunt Moses and saydest Ye wyll transgresse and I wyl scatter you abrode amonge the nacions But yf ye turne vnto me and kepe my cōmaūdementes and do them though ye were cast out vnto the vt ●ermoost parte of heuen yet wyll I gather you from thence and wyll brynge you vnto the place that I haue chosen to set my name there They are thy seruauntes and thy people whome thou ●ast delyuered thorowe thy greate power and in thy myghtye hande O lorde I beseche the let thyne eare herken to the prayer of thy seruaunt to the prayer of thy seruaūtes whose desyre is to feare thy name and let thy seruaunt prospere this day and graunt hym mercye in the syght of this man for I was the kynges butlar ¶ After N●hemia had obteyned letters of Arthaxerses he cometh to Ierusalem and ●●yldeth the walle● CAPI II. IT fortuned that in the moneth Nisan in the twentyeth yere of kynge Arthaxerses the wyne stode before hym and I toke vp the wyne and gaue it vnto the kyng and I was heuy in his presence And the kynge sayd vnto me why lokest thou so sadly when thou art not sycke● it is nothyng els but that thou art heuy herted And I was sore afrayd and sayd vnto the kyng God saue the kyngꝭ lyfe for euer Howe shulde I not loke sadly when the citye and place of my fathers buryall lyeth wast and the gates therof are consumed with fyre And the kynge sayde vnto me what is then thy request I made my prayer also to the God of heuen and sayd vn to the kynge Yf it please the kyng and yf thy seruaunt haue founde fauour in thy syght send● me into Iuda vnto the citye of my fathers buryall that I maye buylde it And the kynge sayde vnto me the quene his wyfe syttynge by hym howe longe shall thy iourney contynue and when wy●te thou come agayne And it pleased the kynge to sende me and I set hym a tyme and sayd vnto the kynge yf it please the Kynge let hym gyue me letters to the captaynes whiche are beyonde the water that they may conuey me ouer tyll I come in to Iuda and letters vnto Asaph the Lorde of the kynges wood that he maye gyue me tymber to make beames ☞ for the gates of the palace which is herde by the house and for the walles of the citye and for the house that I shall entre into ▪ And the kynge gaue me accordynge to the hande of my god whiche was good vpon me And when I came to the captaynes beynde the water I gaue them the kynges letters And the kynge had sent captaynes and horsemen with me Sanabalat also the Horonite and Tobia a seruaunt the Ammonite herde of it it greued them sore that there was ●●me a man whiche sought the welth of the chyldren of Israell And I came to Ierusalem and was there thre dayes and I gat me vp in the nyghtse● son and a fewe men with me neyther tolde I any man what God had gyuen me in my herte to do at Ierusalem and there was not one beast with me saue it that I rode vpon And I departed in the nyght by the valley porte before the Dragon well to the dong porte and consydered the walles of Ierusalem howe they were broken downe and the portes therof consumed with the fyre And I went ouer vnto the welporte to the kynges conduite there was no rowme for the brast that was vnder me to passe Then ●●nt I on in the nyght by the broke syde and cōsydered the wall and turned backe and came h●me agayne by the valley porte And the rulers knewe not whyther I went or what I dyd neyther dyd I as yet tell it vn to the Iues to the preestes to the noble men to the rulers and to the other that laboured in the worke Then sayde I vnto them ye se the myserye that we are in howe Ierusalem lyeth waste and howe the gates therof are burnt with fyre come therfore that we maye buylde vp the the walle of Ierusalem and that we be no more a r●buke And I tolde them of the hande of my God that it was gracyous ouer me and the kynges wordes that he had spoken vnto me And they sayd let vs get vp and buylde and ☞ they strengthed theyr hande to good But when Sanabalat the Horonyte and Tobia the seruant an Ammonite Gesem the Arabian herde it they laughed vs to scorne and mocked vs and sayde What is this that ye do wyll ye fall awaye from the kynge Then answered I them and sayd the God of heuen he it is that hath graunted vs prosperite we be his seruantes Let vs get vp buylde As for you ye haue no porcyon nor ryght nor remembraunce in Ierusalem ¶ The nombre of them that buylded the walles CAPI III. ANd Eliasib the hygh Preest gat hym vp with his brethren the Preestes and they buylded the shepegate They repayred it and set vp the dores of it euen vnto the towre Mea repayred they it and vnto the towre of Hananeell Nexte vnto hym also buylded the men of
herde him My prayse is of the in the greate congregacion my vowes wyl I perfourme in the syght of them that feare hym The poore shall eate and be satisfied they that seke after the Lorde shall prayse hym your herte shall lyue for euer All the endes of the worlde shall remēbre them selues be turned vnto the Lord al y ● kynredes of the nacions shall worshyppe before him For the kyngdome is the Lordes he is the gouernour among the people Al suche as be fat vpon earth ☞ haue eaten worshypped Al they that go downe into the duste and lyue so hardly shall knele before hi and my soule shall lyue to him and. ⚜ My Sede shal serue him they shal be counted vnto the Lorde for a generacion They shall come and ⚜ the heauens shal declare his rightuousnes vnto a people that shall be borne whō the Lorde hathe made ¶ The. xxiij Psalme ¶ A Psalme of Dauyd THE Lorde is my shepherd therfore cā I lacke nothyng He shall fede me in a grene pasture and leade me forth beside the waters of comforte He shall conuerte my soule bring me forth in the pathes of rightuousnes for his names sake Yee thoughe I walke throwe the valley of the shadowe of death I wyll feare no euyll for thou arte with me thy rod thy staffe they cōfort me Thou shalt prepayre a table before me agaynst them y t trouble me y ● hast anoynted my hede with oyle and my cup shal be full But ⚜ thy l●uynge kyndnes and mercy shall folowe me al the dayes of my lyfe I wyl dwel in the house of the Lorde for euer ¶ The. xxiiij Psalme ¶ A Psalme of Dauid in the fyrste daye of the Sabath The earth is the Lordes and all that therin is the compasse of the worlde thay that dwell therin For he hathe founded it vpon the sees and prepared it vpon the floudes Who shal ascende into y ● hyl of the Lorde Or who shall ryse vp in his holy place Euen he that hathe cleane handes a pure harte and that hathe nat lyfte vp his mynde vnto vanyte nor sworne to bysceaue ⚜ hys neyghbour He shall receaue the blessynge from the Lorde and ryghteousnesse from the God of his saluacyon This is the generacion of them that seke hym euen of them that seke thy face O Iacob Sela. ⚜ Lyfte vp your heades O ye gates and be ye lifte vp ye euerlastynge dores and the kynge of glory shal come in Who is this kynge of glorye It is the Lorde stronge and myghty euen the Lorde myghty in batell Lyfte vp your heades O ye gates and be ye lyfte vp ye euerlastynge dores and the kynge of glory shal come in Who is this king of glory Euē the Lord of Hoostes he is the kynge of glory Sela. ¶ The. xxv Psalme ¶ Of Dauid VNto the O Lorde wyll Ilyfte vp my soule My God I haue put my truste in the Oh let me nat be cōfounded neyther lette myne enemyes tryumphe ouer me For all they that hope in the shall nat be a shamed but such as trāsgresse without a cause shall be put to confusion Shewe me thy wayes O Lorde and teache me thy pathes Leade me forth in thy trueth and learne me for thou arte the God of my saluacyon in the hathe bene my hope all the daye longe Call to remenbraunce O Lorde thy tender mercyes and thy louyng kyndenesses whiche haue bene euer of olde O remembre not the synnes and offences of my youth but accordynge vnto thy mercye thynke vpon me O Lorde for thy goodnesse Good and ryghtuous is the Lorde therefore wyll he teache synners in the waye Them that be meke shall he gyde in iudgement suche as be gentle thē shall he learne his waye All the pathes of the Lorde are mercy and trueth vnto suche as kepe his couenaunt and his testimonies For thy names sake O Lorde be mercyfull vnto my synne for it is greate What man is he that feareth the Lorde him shall he teache in the waye that he shall chose His soule shal dwell at ease and his sede shall inherite the lande The secrete of the Lorde is amonge them that feare him and he wyll shewe them his couenaunt Myne eyes are euer lokynge vnto y ● Lord for he shal pluck my fete out of y t net Turne the vnto me haue mercy vpō me for I am desolate in misery The sorowes of my herte are enlarged O bring y ● me out of my troubles Loke vpon myne aduersyte misery forgyue me al my sine Consydre min enemyes howe many they are beare a malicious hate agaynst me O kepe my soule delyuer me let me nat be confounded for I haue put my trust in the. Let perfectnesse and ryghtuous dealynge wayte vpon me for my hope hath bene in the. Delyuer Israel O GOD out of all his troubles ¶ The. xxvj Psalme ¶ A Psalme of Dauyd Afore he was enbalmed BETHOV my iudge O Lorde for I haue walked innocētly my trust hathe bene also in the LORDE therfore shall I nat fall Examen me O Lorde and proue me trye out my reynes and my hert For thy louynge kyndnesse is before myne eyes I wyl walke in thy trueth I haue nat dwelt w t vayne persons neyther wyll I haue felowshyp with the disceytfull I haue hated the congregacion of the wicked and wyll nat syt amonge y ● vngodly I wyll wasshe my hādes in innocēcy O Lorde and so wyll I go to thyne aulter That I maye shewe the voyce of thankes gyuynge and tell of all thy wonderous workes Lorde I haue loued the habitacion of thy house the place where thy honoure dwelleth O shutte nat vp my soule w t the synners nor my lyfe with the blode thrustye In whose handes is wickednes and their ryght hande is full of gyftes But as for me I wyll walke innocentely O delyuer me and be mercyfull vnto me My fore standeth ryght I wyll prayse the Lorde in the congregacions ¶ The xxvij Psalme Of Dauid THE Lorde is my lyght and my saluacyon whome shall I feare the Lorde is the strengthe of my lyfe of whom shall I be afrayed When the wycked euen myne ennemyes and my foes ●●me vpon me to eate vp my flesshe they stombled and fel. Though an hoste of men were layed agaynst me yet shall nat my herte be afrayed and though there rose vp warre agaynst me yet wyll I put my trust in hym One thynge haue I desyred of y ● Lorde whiche I wyll requyre euen y t I may dwel in the● house of y ● Lorde all the dayes of my lyfe to beholde the fayre beutie of the Lord and to vyset his temple For in the tyme of trouble he shal hyde me in his tabernacle yee in the secrete place of his dwellynge shall he kepe me set me vp vpon
There shal go a fyre before hym and burne vp hys enemyes on euery syde Hys lyghtnynges gaue shine vnto the worlde the earth sawe it and was afrayed The hylles melted lyke waxe at the presence of the LORDE at the presence of the LORDE of the whole earthe The Heauens haue declared hys ryghtuousnes and all the people haue sene hys glory Confounded be all they that worshyppe carued ymages and that delyte in vayne Goddes worshyppe hym ☞ all ye Goddes Syon herde of it and reioysed and the doughters of Iuda were glad because of thy iudgementes O Lorde For thou Lorde arte hygher then al that are in the earth thou art exalted far aboue all Goddes O ye that loue the Lorde se that ye hate the thynge whiche is euyll the Lorde preserueth the soules of his saynctes he shal deliuer them from the hāde of the vngodly There is spronge vp a light for the rightuous and a ioyful glad nesse for suche as be true herted Reioyse in the Lorde ye ryghteous and geue thankes for a remembraunce of hys holynesse ¶ The. xcviij Psalme ¶ A Psalme for Dauyd O SYNGE vnto the Lorde a newe sōge for he hath done maruelous thinges With hys owne ryght hande and wyth his holye arme hathe he gotten hymselfe the vyctorye The Lorde declared hys saluacyon his ryghteousnesse hathe he openly shewed in the syght of the Heathen He hath remembred his mercy and trueth towarde the house of Israel and al the endes of the worlde haue sene the saluacyon of our God Shewe your selues ioyfull vnto the Lorde all ye landes synge reioyse and gyue thankes Prayse the Lorde vpon the harpe synge to the harpe with a psalme of thankesgeuynge With trompettes also and shawmes O shewe youre selues ioyfull before the Lorde the kynge Let the see make a noyse and al that ther in is the rounde world and they that dwel therin Let the floudes clappe theyr handes and let the hylles be ioyfull together Before the Lorde for he is come to iudge the earthe With ryghtuousnes shall he iudge the worlde and the people with equyte ¶ The. xcix Psalme ⚜ of Dauid THE Lorde is kynge be the people neuer so vnpacyent he sytteth bytwene the Cherubins be the earth neuer so vnquiet The Lorde is great in Syon and hye aboue all people They shall geue thankes vnto thy name which is great wōderfull holy The kynges power loueth iudgement thou hast prepared equyte thou hast executed iudgement rightuousnes in Iacob O magnyfye the Lorde our God and fal downe before his fote stole for he is holy Moses and Aaron among his preastes and Samuel among suche as cal vpon his name these called vpon the Lorde and he herde them He spake vnto them out of the cloudy pyller for they kepte his testimonies and the lawe that he gaue them Thou herdest them O Lorde our God thou forgauest them O God and punyshedst theyr owne inuencions O magnifye the Lorde our God and worshyppe him vpon his holy hyll for the Lorde oure God is holy ¶ The. C. Psalme ¶ A Psalme for thankesgeuynge O Be ioyfull in the Lorde all ye landes serue the Lorde with gladnes and come before hys presence with a songe Be ye sure that the Lorde he is God It is he that hath made vs and not we our selues we are his people and the shepe of his pasture O go youre waye into his gates with thankes geuynge into his courtes with praise be thankeful vnto him and speake good of his name For the Lorde is gracious his mercye is euerlastynge and his truth endureth from generacion to generacyon ¶ The. C. j. Psalme ¶ A Psalme of Dauyd MY songe shal be of mercy and iudgement vnto the O Lorde wyll I synge O let me haue vnderstandynge in the waye of godlynesse Whan wylt thou come vnto me I wyll walke in my house wyth a perfecte herte I wyll take no wycked thynge in hande I hate the synnes of vnfaythfulnesse there shal no such cleue vnto me A frowarde herte shall departe frome I wyll nat knowe a wycked person Who so preuely slaūdreth his neighbour hym wyll I destroye Who so hathe also a proude loke and an hye stomake I wyl nat suffre hym Myne eyes loke vnto such as be faythfull in the lande that they maye dwell with me who so leadeth a godly lyfe he shal be my seruaunte There shall no dysceytfull persone dwell in my house he that telleth lyes shall nat tary in my syght I shal sone destroye al the vngodly that are in the lāde that I maye rote out al wicked doers from the cytie of the Lorde ¶ The. C. ij Psalme ¶ A prayer of the af●ly●t when he hathe an heuye harte and powreth out his complaynte before the Lorde H Eare my prayer O Lorde and let my cryenge come in vnto the. Hyde nat thy face fro me in the tyme of my trouble enclyne thyne eares vnto me when I call O heare me and that ryght sone For my dayes are consumed away lyke smoke my bones are brente vp as it were a fyre brande My herte is smytten downe and wythered lyke grasse so that I forget to eate my breade For the voyse of my gronynge my bone wyll scarse cleue to my flesshe I am become lyke a Pellycane of y ● wyldernes lyke an owle y ● is in the deserte I haue watched am euē as it were a sparowe y ● sytteth alone vpon the house toppe Myne enemyes reuyle me all the turned so that they hated his people dealt vntruly with his seruaūtes Then sent he Moses hꝭ seruaūt and Aaron whom he had chosen And these shewed his tokens amonge them and wonders in the lande of Hā He sent darckenesse it was darke ☞ and they were nat obedyent vnto hys worde He turned theyr waters into bloude and slewe theyr fyshe Theyr lāde brought forth frogges ye euen in theyr kynges chambers He spake the worde and theyr came all maner of flyes and lyce in al theyr quarters He gaue thē hayle stones for rayne and flammes of fyre in theyr lāde He smote theyr vines also and fyge trees and destroye the trees that were in theyr coastes He spaeke the worde and the gre shoppers came and catyrpellers innumerable And dyd eate vp all the grasse in theyr lande deuoured the frute of theyr groūde He smote al the fyrst borne in theyr lande euen the chefe of all theyr strength He brought them forth also with syluer and golde there was nat one feble persō amōge theyr trybes Egypte was glad at theyr departing for they were afrayed of them He spred out a cloude to be a couerynge and fyre to geue lyght in the nyght season At theyr desyre he brought quayles and he fylled them with the breade of heauen He opened the rocke of stone and the waters
shal be disapoynted but they that muse vpon good thynges vnto such shal happen mercy and faithfulnesse Diligent labour bryngeth riches but where many vayne wordes are truly there is scarcenesse ☞ Ryches are as a crowne vnto the wyse but the ignoraunce of fooles is very folyshenesse A faythfull wytnesse delyuereth soules but a lyar dysceuethe them The feare of the Lorde is a strong holde and his chyldren vnder a sure defence The feare of the Lorde is a well of lyfe to auoyde the snares of death The increase and prosperyte of the comens is the Kynges honoure but the decay of the people is the confusyon of the Prynce He that is pacyent hathe muche vnderstandynge but he that is soone displeased prouokethe folyshenesse A mery herte is the lyfe of the body but rancoure consumeth awaye the bones He that doth a poore man wrong blasphemeth hys maker but who so hathe pytie of the poore doth honoure vnto God The vngodly is afraied of euery parel but y ● righteous hath a good hope euen ī death Wysdome resteth in the herte of hym that hath vnderstādinge and he shal be knowen among them that are vnlerned Ryghteousnesse setteth vp the people but wyckednesse bryngeth folke to destruccyon A discrete seruaūte is a pleasure vnto y ● Kynge but one that is nat honeste prouoketh hym vnto wrathe ¶ CAPI XV. A Softe answere putteth downe displeasure but frowarde wordes prouoke vnto anger The tonge of suche as be wyse vseth knowlege aryght as for a folyshe mouthe it babbleth out nothynge but folyshenesse The eyes of the Lorde loke on euery place bothe vpon y ● good and bad A wholsome tong is a tree of life but he y ● abuseth it hath a broken mynde A foole despyseth his fathers correccyon but he that taketh hede whan he is reproued shall haue the more vnderstandynge ⚜ VVere ryghteousnesse is plentyfull there is very greate power but ymaginaciōs of the vngodly shal be roted out The house of y ● righteous is full of riches but y ● increse of y ● vngodly is my destrucciō A wise mouth poureth out knowledge but y ● herte of the folyshe doth nat so The Lord abhorreth the sacrifice of y ● vngodly but y ● prayer of y ● ryghteous is acceptable vnto hym The waye of the vngodly is an abhominacyon vnto the Lorde but who so foloweth ryghteousnes hym he loueth He that forsaketh the ryght waye shal be sore punyshed and who so hateth correccion shall dye Hell and perdiscion are konwne vnto the Lorde howe muche more then the hertes of of men A scornefull body loueth nat one that rebuketh hym neyther wyl he come vnto the wyse A mery herte maketh a chearful countenaunce but an vnquyet mynde maketh it heuy The herte of hym that hathe vnderstandynge dothe seke after knowledge but the mouth of fooles is fede with foolyshnesse All the dayes of y ● poore are myserable but a quiete hert is as a contynual feast Better is a lytle with the feare of the Lorde then great treasure with sorowe Better is a measse of potage with loue then a fatte oxe with euell wyll An angrye man stereth vp stryfe but he that is pacyente stylleth discorde The waye of a slouthfull man is as it were hedged with thornes but the waye of the ryghteous is well clensed A wyse sonne maketh a glade father but an vndyscrete body shameth his mother A foole reioyseth in foolysh thynges but a wyse man loketh wel to his owne goynges Unaduysed thoughtes shall come to nought but where as mē are that can geue councell there is stedfastnesse A ioyfull thynge is it when a man geueth a conuient answere And very pleasaunte is a worde spoken in due season The waye of lyfe leadeth vnto heauen that a man shulde beware of hel beneth The Lord wyl breake downe the house of the proude but he shall make fast the borders of the wyndowe The Lorde abhorreth the ymaginacions of the wicked but pure wordes are pleasaūt vnto him The couetous man roteth vp his owne house but who so hateth rewardes shall lyue ⚜ Thorowe mercy and fayth are synnes pourged and thorowe the feare of the lorde dothe euery one eschue euell A ryghteous man museth in his mynde howe to do good but the mouth of the vngodly bryngeth forth euell thynges The Lorde is farre from the vngodly but he heareth the prayer of the ryghteous Lyke as the clearnesse of the eyes reioyseth the herte so doth a good name fede y ● bones The eare that harkeneth of the refourmacion of lyfe shal dwell amonge the wyse He that refuseth to be refourmed despyseth his owne soule but he that submitteth him selfe to correccyon is wyse The feare of the lorde is the ryght sience of wysdome and lowlynes goeth before honoure CAPI XVI A Man maye well ☞ purpose a thynge in his hert but the answere of the tōge commeth of the Lorde A man thynketh al his wayes to be cleane but it is the Lorde that iudgeth the myndes Commytte thy workes vnto the Lorde and loke what thou deuysest it shall prospere The Lorde dothe all thynges for his owne sake yee and when he kepeth the vngodly for the daye of wrath The Lorde abhorreth all suche as be of a proude herte there may neyther strength nor power escape ⚜ The begynnynge of a good lyfe is to do ryghtwysnes for that is more accepted vnto God then to offre vp sacryfyces Wyth louynge mercy and faithfulnes synnes be forgeuen and who so feareth the Lorde eschueth euyll When a mans wayes please the Lorde he maketh hys very enemyes to be his frēdes Better it is to haue a lytle thynge with ryghteousnes then greate rentes wronge fully gotten A man deuyseth a waye in his herte but it is the Lorde that ordreth hys goynges ☞ When the prophecy is in the lyppes of the kynge his mouth shal nat go wronge in iudgement A trewe measure and a trewe balaūce are the Lordes he maketh all weyghtes It is a great abhominacyon when kynges are wycked for a kynges seate shuld be holdē vp with righteousnesse Ryghteous lyppes are pleasaūt vnto kynges he that speaketh the trueth shal be beloued The kynges displeasure is a messaunger of death but awyse man wyll pacifie hym The cherefull countenaunce of the kynge is lyfe and his louyng fauoure is as the euenynge dewe To haue wysdome in possessyon is better then to haue golde and to get vnderstandynge is more worth then to haue syluer The path of the ryghteous is to eschue euel and who so loketh well to his wayes kepeth his owne soule Presumpteousnes goeth before destruccyō and after a proude stomake there foloweth a fall Better it is to be of humble mynde with the lowly then codeuyde the spoiles with the proude He that hādeleth a matter wysely opteyneth good and blessed is he that putteth hys trust in the Lorde Who so hathe a wyse vnderstandynge shal be
he toke holde vpon me and set me vp agayne sayinge Beholde I wyll shewe the what shal happen in the last wrath for in the tyme appoynted it shal be fulfylled The ramme which thou sawest with the two hornes is the kynge of the Medes and Perses but the goate is the kinge of Greke lande the greate horne that stode betwyxte his eyes that is the principall kynge But where as it brake and foure other rose vp in the steade it signifieth that out of this people shall stande vp foure kyngdomes but not so myghtye as it After these kingdomes whyle vngodlynesse is a growing there shal aryse a kynge of an vnshamefast face whiche shal be wyse in darcke speakynges He shal be myghtye and stronge but nat in his owne strēgth He shall destroye aboue measure and all that he goeth aboute shall prospere he shall sleye the stronge and holy people And thorowe his craftynes falshed shall prospere in his hande his herte shal be proude and many one shall he put to death in his welthynesse He shal stāde vp agaynst the Prynce of Prynces but he shal be destroyed without hande And thys vysyon that is shewed vnto the is as sure as the euenynge and the mornynge Therfore wryte thou vpō this sight for it wylbe ●onge or it come to passe Upon this was I Daniel very faynte so that I laye sicke certayne dayes but when I rose vp I wente aboute the kynges busynesse and merueled at the vision neuerthelesse no man knewe of it ¶ Daniel desyreth to haue that performed of God whiche he had promysed consernynge the retourue of the people frō theyr bannysh ment in Babylon A true confession Daniels prayre is hearde Gabriel the Aungel expoundeth vnto hym the vysyon of the lxx weakes The anoyntyuge of Chryste The buyldynge agayne of Ierusalē vnder Nehemiah The death of Chryste CAPI IX IN the fyrst yeare of Darius the sonne of Ahalures which was of the sede of the Medes was made kynge ouer the realme of the Caldees yee euen in the fyrst yeare of his raygne I Daniel desyred to knowe the yearly nombre out of the bokes wherof the Lorde spake vnto Ieremy the Prophete that Ierusalē shulde lye wast lxx yeares I turned me vnto God the Lord for to pray and make myne intercession with fastynge sacke cloth ashes I prayed before y ● Lorde my God and knowledged sayeng O Lorde thou greate and fearful God thou that kepest couenaunt and mercy with them which loue the and do thy commaundementes We haue synned we haue offended we haue bene disobedient and gone backe yee we haue departed from all thy preceptes and iudgementes We wolde neuer folowe thy seruauntes the Prophetes that spake in thy name to our kynges and princes to our forefathers and to al the people of the lande O Lorde righteousnesse belongeth vnto the vnto vs pertayneth nothynge but open shame as it is come to passe thys daye vnto euery man of Iuda and to them that dwell at Ierusalem Yee vnto all Israel whether they be farre or nye thorowe out all landes wherin thou haste strowed them because of the offences that they had done agaynste the. Yee O Lorde vnto vs to our kynges and prynces to oure forefathers euen to vs all that haue offeded the belongeth opē shame But vnto the O Lorde oure God pertayneth mercy and forgeuenesse As for vs we are gone backe from hym and haue nat obeyed the voyse of the Lorde oure God to walke in his lawes whiche he layed before vs by his seruaūtes the Prophetes yee all Israel haue trāsgressed and gone backe from my lawe so that they haue nat herkened vnto thy voyce Wherfore the curse and othe that is wrytten in the lawe of Moyses the seruaūt of God and agaynst whō we haue offēded is poured vpon vs. And he hath perfourmed hys wordes whiche he spake agaynste vs and agaynste oure iudges that iudged vs to brynge vpon vs such a greate plage as neuer was vnder heauen lyke as it is nowe come to passe in Ierusalē Yee all this plage as it is wrytten in y ● lawe of Moses is come vpō vs. Yet made we nat our praier before the Lorde oure God that we myght turne agayne from our wickednesse to be lerned in thy verite Therfore hath the lorde made haste to brynge this plage vpon vs for the Lorde oure God is ryghteous in all his workes whiche he dothe for why we wolde not herken vnto his voyce And nowe O Lorde our God thou that with a myghtie hande hast brought thy people out of Egypt to get thy selfe a name which remaineth this daye we haue synned O Lorde done wyckedly agaynst all thy ryghteousnes yet let thy wrothfull displeasure be turned awaye I beseche the frō thy cyte Ierusalem thy holy hyll And why for oure synnes sake for the wyekednesse of our forefathers is Ierusalem thy people abhorred of all thē y ● are aboute vs. Nowe therfore O our God heare the praier of thy seruaunte his intercession O let thy face shyne ouer thy Sanctuary y t lyeth waste O my God enclyne thyne eare and herken at the leest for thyne owne sake open thyne eyes beholde howe we be desolated yee and the cytye also whiche is called after thy name for we do nat cast our prayers before the in oure owne ryghteousnes no but onely in thy greate mercyes O Lorde heare O Forgeue Lorde O Lorde consydre tarye nat ouer lōge but for thyne owne sake do it O my God for thy cytie and thy people is called after thy name As I was yet speakynge at my prayers knowledgyng myne owne synnes and the synnes of my people Israel makynge so myne intercessiō before the Lorde my God for the holy hils sake of my God yee whyle I was yet speakinge in my prayer beholde the mā Gabriel whō I had sene afort in the vision came flyinge to me touched me aboute the offerynge tyme in the euenynge He informed me spake vnto me O Danyel sayde he I am nowe come to make the vnderstande it For as soone as thou begannest to make thy prayer it was so dyuised therfore am I come to shewe the. And why For thou art a man greatly beloued Wherfore pondre the matter well that thou mayest lerne to vnderstande the visiō Lxx. wekes are determined ouer thy people and ouer thy holy cytie that the wyckednes maye be consumed that the synne may haue an ende that the offence may be reconcyleo and to bryng in euerlasting ryghteousnesse to fulfyl the vysyons and the Prophetes to anoynte the moost holy one Understande this then and marke it well that from the tyme it shal be concluded to go repayre Ierusalem agayne vnto Chryste or the anoynted prynce there shal be seuen wekes Then shall the stretes and walles be buylded agayne lxij wekes but with hard troublous tyme. After
for the which thou hast done almes and buryed the deed But Tobias rebuked them spake Saye not so for we are the chyldren of holy men and loke for the lyfe whiche God shall geue vnto them that neuer turne theyr beleue from him Anna hys wyfe wente dayly to the weeuynge worcke loke what lyuynge she coulde get with the labour of her hādes she brought it And it happened y ● she toke a kyd and brought it home And when her husbande herde it crye he sayd loke y ● it be not stollē restore it agayne to the owners for it is not lawful for vs to eate or to touch any thynge of theft Then was his wyfe angrie and sayde Now is thy hope become vayne openly and thy almes dedes are manyfest With these suche lyke wordes dyd she cast him in the tethe ¶ The prayer of Tobias Sara the daughter of Raguel is sclaundred of her fathers seruaunt The prayer and fastyng of Sara And also the innocēcy and chastyte of her The prayers of Tobias and of Sara are herde CAPI III. THen Tobias toke it heuely and with teares beganne to make his prayer sayenge O Lorde thou arte ryghtuous and all thy iudgementes are true yee all thy wayes are mercy faythfulnes and iudgement And nowe O Lorde be myndeful of me and take no vengeaunce of my sinnes nether remēbre my mysdedes nether the misdedes of my elders For we haue nat bene obediēt vnto thy commaundementes therfore are we spoyled brought into captiuite into death into derision shame vnto al naciōs among whom thou hast scatred vs. And nowe O Lord thy iudgementes are great for we haue not done accordyng to thy commaundemētes nether haue we walcked innocently before the. And nowe O Lorde deale with me accordyng to thy wyll and commaunde my sprete to be receyued in peace for more expedyente were it for me to dye then to lyue At the same tyme it happened that Sara the daughter of Raguel at Rages a cytie of the Medes was sclaundred of one of her fathers handmaydes namely that she shulde haue had seuen husbandes whiche as sone as they were gone in vnto her were slayne of y ● deuyll called Asmodeus Therfore whē she reproued the maydē for her faute she answered her saying God let vs neuer se sōne nor daughter of the more vpon earthe thou kyller of thy husbandes Wylt thou sleye me also as thou hast slayne seuen men At thys voyce wente Sara into an hye chambre of her house and thre dayes and thre nyghtes she neither eate nor drancke but cōtinued in prayer and besought God with teares that he wolde delyuer her from thys rebuke Upon the thyrde day it chaunced y ● when she had made an ende of her prayer she praysed the Lord saying Blessed be thy name O God of our fathers whiche when thou arte wrothe shewest mercy in tyme of trouble thou forgeuest the synnes of them that call vpon the. Unto the O Lorde turne I my face vnto the lyft I vp myne eyes I beseche the O Lorde lose me out of the bondes of thys rebuke or els take me vtterly awaye from of the earthe Thou knowest Lorde y ● I neuer had desyre vnto man and that I haue kepte my soule cleane from al vnclenly lust I haue not kepte company with those that passe theyr tyme in sporte neyther haue I made my self partaker with thē that walke in lyght behauour Neuertheles an husbāde haue I cōsented to take not for my pleasure but in thy feare Now peraduēture eyther I haue bene vnworthy of them or els were they v●mete for me for thou happly hast kept me to another husbande For why thy councel is not in the power of man But whosoeuer loueth the serueth the a ryght is sure of thys that yf his lyfe be tempted and proued it standeth in the ●ryeng and yf he endure in pacyence he shall haue a rewarde and be hyghly crowned and yf he be in trouble that God no doute shall delyuer hym and yf his lyfe be in chastenyng that he shal haue leue to come vnto thy mercy For thou hast no pleasure in our dampnacyon and why after a storme thou makeste the wether fayre and styll after wepyng and heuynes thou geuest greate ioye Thy name O God of Israel be praysed for euer At the same tyme were both their prayers herde in the sight of the maiesty of the hyest god And Raphael the holy Angell of the Lorde was sent to helpe them both whose prayers came at one tyme together before God CAPI IIII. ¶ Tobias thynckynge to dye geueth a goodly exhortacyon and monycion to his sonne SO when Tobias thought hys prayer to be herde that he myght dye he called vnto hym his sonne Tobias and sayde vnto him My sōne heare the wordes of my mouth and lay them in thyne herte as a foundacion When God taketh awaye my soule burye thou my bodye and holde thy mother in honour al the dayes of her lyfe For thou oughtest to remēbre what and howe great parels she suffered for the in her wombe And when she also hathe fulfylled the tyme of her lyfe bury her beside me Haue god in thy thought all the dayes of thy lyfe and beware least at any tyme thou consente vnto synne and lest thou let slyppe the cōmaundementes of the Lorde our God Geue almes of thy goodes and turne neuer thy face from the poore so shal it come to passe that y ● face of the Lorde shall not be turned awaye from the. Be mercyfull after thy power If thou hast much geue plentuously yf thou hast lytle do thy diligēce gladly to geue of that litle For so gatherest y ● thy selfe a good rewarde in the day of necessyte For mercy delyuereth from all synne from death suffreth not the soule to come in darkenes A great cōfort is mercy before the hie God vnto all them that shewe it My sonne kepe the well from all whordome and be syde thy wyfe se that no faute be knowne of y ● Let neuer pryde haue rule in thy mynde nor in thy worde for in pryde beganne all destruccyon Whosoeuer worketh any thinge for the immediatly geue him his hire and loke that thy hired seruaūtes wages remayne not by the ouer night Loke that thou neuer do vnto another man the thynge that thou woldest not another man shulde do vnto y ● Eate thy bred with the hongrye poore couer the naked with thy clothes Set thy bredde and wyne vpon the burial of the righteous ▪ and do not thou eate dryncke therof w t the synnees Aske euer councel at the wyse Be alwaye thanckefull vnto God and beseche him that he wyll ordre thy wayes y ● whatsoeuer y ● deuysest or takest in hand it may remayne in him I certyfie the also my sōne y ● when thou wast yet but a babe I delyuered ten talētes of syluer vnto Gabelus at Rages a citie of the Medes
in y e thynges wherin they synned they coulde not be hyd But as for suche as take hede vnto wysdome she shal delyuer them from sorowe Whē the ryghtuous fled because of his brothers wrath wysdome led him the ryght waye shewed him the Kyngdome of God gaue hym knowledge of holy thinges made him rych in his laboures brought to passe the thynges that he wente aboute In the disceatfulnes of such as defrauded hi she stode by hym made him ryche She saued him from the enemyes defended hym from the disceyuers She made hym stronge in battayle gaue him the vyctory that he myght knowe howe that wysdome is stronger then all thynges When the ryghtuous was solde she forsoke hym not but delyuered hym from synners She wente downe wyth hym into the dongeon and fayled hym not in the bandes ●yll she had broughte hym the scepter of the realme and power agaynst those that oppressed hym ▪ As for theym that had accused hym she declared them to be lyers and brought hym to perpetual worshyppe She deliuered the ryghtuous people fautelesse lede from the nacions that oppressed them She entred into the soule of the seruaunt of God and stode by hym in wonders and tokēs agaynst the horrible kinges She gaue the ryghtuous the rewarde of their labours and led thē forth a maruelous waye on the daye tyme she was a shadowe vnto them and a lyght of startes in the nyght season She brought thē thorowe y ● reed see caryed them thorowe the great water She drowned theyr enemyes in the see brought them out of the depe So the rightuous toke the spoyles of the vngodly and praysed thy holy name O Lorde and magnified thy victoryous hande with one accorde For wysdome openeth the mouth of the dōme and maketh the tonges of babes to speake ¶ The miracles done for Israel The vengeaūce of synners The great power and mercy of God CAPI XI SHe ordred their worckes in the handes of the holy prophete so that they went thorowe the wildernes that was not inhabyted and pitched their tentes in the waste deserte They stode agaynst their enemies and were auenged of theyr aduersaryes When they were thyrstye they called vpon the and water was gyuen thē out of the most hye rocke and they re thyrst was quenched out of the harde stone For by the thynges where thorowe theyr enemyes were punished were the chyldren of Israell helped in theyr nede to theyr comforte For vnto the enemyes thou gauest mans bloude in steade of lyuynge water And where as they had scarcenesse in y ● rebuke when the chyldren were slayne thou gauest vnto thyne owne a plentuous water vnloked for declarynge by the thyrste that was at that tyme howe thou woldest bryng thyne owne vnto honoure and sleye their aduersaries For when they were tryed and nourtured with fatherly mercy they knowledged how the vngodly were iudged and punished thorowe the wrath of God These hast thou exhorted as a father and proued them but vnto y ● other thou hast bene a boysterous king layed hard to their charge condēpned thē Whether they were absent or presente theyr punyshment was alyke For their grefe was double namely mournynge and the remēbraunce of thynges past But whē they perceyued that their punishmētes did thē good they thought vpon the Lorde and wondered at the ende For at y ● last they helde much of him of whome in the out castynge they thought scorne as of an obiecte Neuerthelesse the ryghtuous dyd not so when they were thyrstye but euen lyke as the thoughtes of the folyshe were so was also the wyckednes Where as certayne men nowe thorowe errour dyd worshyppe dōme serpentes and vayne beastes thou sendedst a multitud of domme beastes vpon them for a vengeaunce that they myght knowe y ● loke where withall a man synneth by the same also shal he be punysshed For vnto thy almyghtye hande that made the worlde of naught it was not vnpossyble to sende amonge them an heape of Beeres or wood Lyons or cruel beastes of a straunge kynde suche as are vnknowen or spou●e fyre or cast out a smoking breth or shote horryble sparkes out of theyr eyes whiche myght not onely destroye them with hurtynge but also kyl them with their horyble syght Yee wythout these beastes might they haue bene slayne with one winde beyng persecuted of there owne workes and scatered abroade thorowe the brethe of thy power Neuertheles thou hast ordred all thinges in measure nombre weight For thou haste euer had great strēgth myght who maye w t stande y ● power of thyne arme And why lyke as the smal thyng y ● the balaūce weyeth so is the worlde before y ● yee as a droppe of y ● mornynge dewe that falleth downe vpon the earth Thou hast mercy vpō al for thou hast power of al thynges makest the as though thou sawest not the synnes of men because they shulde amende For thou louest all the thynges that are and hatest none of thē whō thou hast made neither dydest thou ordayne or make any thynge of euyll wyll How myght any thyng endure yf it were not thy wyll Or howe coulde any thynge be preserued excepte it were called of the But thou sparest all for all are thyne O Lorde y u louer of soules ¶ The mercye of God towarde synners the workes of god are vnreprouable God gyueth leysoure to repent vs. CAPI XII O Lorde howe gracyous swete is thy sprete in al thingꝭ Therfore chastenest y u thē measurably y t go wrong warnest thē concernyng y ● thinges wherin they offende y ● speakest vnto thē O Lorde exhortest them to leaue theyr wyckednes and to put theyr trust in y ● As for those olde inhabiters of thy holy lande thou myghtest not awaye w t thē for they cōmitted abhominable worckes agaynst the as witch craft sorcery and Idolatry they slewe theyr owne chyldren wythout mercy they dyd eate vp mens bowels deuoured the bloude yee because of suche abhominaciōs mysoeleuers offeringes thou slewest the fathers of the desolate soules by the handes of our fathers y ● the land whiche thou louest aboue al other myght be a dwellynge for the chyldren of God Neuertheles thou sparedst them also as men sendedst y ● forerūners of thyne hooste euen hornettes to destroye them out by lytle lytle Not that thou wast vnable to subdue the vngodly vnto the rightuous in batayle or w t cruel beastes or with one roughe word to destroye them together But thy mynde was to dryue them out by lytle and lytle geuynge thē tyme place to amende knowyng well that it was an vnryghtuous nacyon wicked of nature and y ● their thought might neuer be altered For it was a cursed sede frō the beginnyng and feared no man Yet hast thou pardoned theyr synnes For who wyll saye vnto the why hast
it And Moses sayd vnto Aaron what dyd this people vnto the that thou hast brought so greate a syn vpon them And Aaron answered let not the wrath of my Lorde waxe fearse thou knowest the people that they are euen set on myschefe For they sayd vnto me make vs Gods to go before vs for we wote not what is become of Moses the felow that brought vs out of the lande of Egypte And I sayde vnto them ☞ Let them that haue golde plucke it of brynge it me and I cast it in to the fyre and thereof came out this calfe Moses therfore saw that the people were naked and that Aaron had made them naked vnto theyr shame ❀ ☞ amonge theyr ennemyes and he went and stode in the gate of the hoste and sayde Yf any man perteyne vnto the Lorde let hym come to me And all the Sonnes of Leui gathered them selues togyther and came vnto hym And he sayde vnto them thus sayth the Lorde God of Israel put euery man his swerde by his syde and go in and out from gate to gate thorowout the hoste and slee euery man his brother and euery man his companyon and euery man his neyghbour And the chyldren of Leui dyd as Moses had sayd And there fell of the people the same day about thre thousand men And Moses sayd fyll your handes vnto the Lorde this daye euery man vppon his Sonne and vpon his brother and that there may be gyuen you a blessynge this daye And on the morowe it fortuned that Moses sayd vnto the people Ye haue synned a great synne And nowe I wyll goo vp vnto the Lorde yf peraduenture I may purchace an attonement for your synne Moses therfore wente agayne vnto the Lorde sayd Oh this people haue synned a great synne and haue made them Goddes of golde And now I pray the eyther forgyue them theyr Synne or yf thou wylte not ☞ wype me out of thy booke whiche thou hast wrytten And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses I wyll put him out of my boke that hath synned agaynst me And now go thou bryng the people vnto the place whiche I sayde vn to the beholde myne angell shall go before the. Neuerthelatter in the day when I visyte I wyll vysyte theyr syn vpon them And the Lorde plaged the people bycause they made the calfe whiche Aaron made ¶ The Lorde sendeth an Angell before his people The Lorde deuyeth to go vp with the people ▪ The people lament theyr syn Moses talketh with the lorde CAPI XXXIII ANd the Lorde sayde vnto Moses departe and go hence thou the people whiche thou hast brought out of the lande of Egypte vnto the lande whiche I swore vnto Abraham Isaac and Iacob sayenge vnto thy seede wyll I gyue it And I wyll sende an angell before the and wyl cast out the Cananytes the Amorytes and the Hethites the Pherezites the Heuites and the Iebusytes a lande that floweth with mylke and hony For I wyll not go amonge you my selfe for ye are a styfnecked people leest I consume the in the waye And when the people herde this euyll tydynges they sorowed and no man dyd put on his best rayment And the Lorde spake vnto Moses say vnto the Chyldren of Israell ye are a styfnecked people I must come once sodenly vpon you and make an ende of you Therfore now put thy goodlye rayment from the that I maye wete what to do vnto the. And the Chyldren of Israell layde theyr goodly rayment from them euen by the mounte Horeb. And Moses toke the Tabernacle and pytched it without the hooste a farre of from the hoost and called it the tabernacle of wytnesse And so it came to passe that euery one whiche wolde pray vnto the Lorde went out vnto the tabernacle of wytnesse whiche was without the hoost And it fortuned that when Moses went out vnto the Tabernacle al the people rose vp and stoode euery man at his tent dore and loked after Moses vntyll he was gone in to the tabernacle And as soone as Moses was entred in to the Tabernacle the cloudye pyller descended and stode at the dore of tabernacle and he talked with Moses And al the people saw the cloudye pyller stande at the Tabernacle dore and they rose vp and worshypped euery man in his tent dore And the LORDE spake vnto Moses ☞ face to face as a man speaketh vnto his frende and he turned agayne in to the hoste ☞ And the chylde Iosua his seruaunt the Sonne of Nun departed not out of the Tabernacle And Moses sayd vnto the Lorde se thou sayest vnto me leade this people forth and thou hast not shewed me whome thou wylte sende with me And thou haste sayde moreouer I knowe the name and thou hast also founde grace in my syght Nowe therfore yf I haue foūde fauour in thy syght then shew me thy way that I maye knowe the and that I maye fynde grace in thy syght And consyder also that this nacyon is thy people And he sayde my presence shall go with the and I wyll gyue the reste He sayde vnto hym Yf thy presence go not with me carye vs not hense for how shall it be knowen here that I and thy people haue founde fauour in thy syght but in that thou goest with vs Yf thou go with vs shall not I and thy people haue a preemynence before al the people that are vpon the face of the earth And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses I wyll do this also that thou hast sayd for thou hast founde grace in my syght and I knowe the by name And he sayde I beseche the shewe me thy glorye And he sayde I wyll make all my good go before the and I wyll be called in this name of the Lorde before the and wyll shewe mercy to whome I wyll shewe mercye and wyll haue compassyon on whome I wyl haue compassyon And he sayd furthermore thou mayst not se my face for ☞ there shall no man se me and lyue And the Lorde sayde beholde there is a place by me thou shalte stande vpon a rocke whyle my glory goeth forth I wyll put the in a clyfte of the rocke and wyll put myne hande vpon the whyle I passe by And I wyll take awaye myne hand thou shalt se my backe partes but my face shall not be sene ¶ The Tables renued The mercy of God Felowshyp with the gentyls forbydden and theyr ydolatrye also Of theyr feastes CAPI XXIIII ANd the Lorde sayd vnto Moses hewe the two tables of stoone lyke vnto the fyrst and I wyl wryte vpon them the wordes that were in the fyrst Tables whiche thou brakest And be redy in the mornynge that thou mayst come vp early vnto the mounte of Sinay and stand there with me in the top of the mounte There shall no man come vp with the neyther let any man be sene thorow out al the mounte neyther let shepe nor oxen fede
that multytude bad stone them with stoones And the glorye of the Lorde appeared in the Tebernacle of wytnesse before all the chyldren of Israell And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses Howe longe do this people prouoke me and howe longe wyll it be or they byleue me for all the sygnes which I haue shewed amonge them I wyll smyte them with the Pestylence and destroye them and wyll make of the a greater nacyon and a myghtyer then they And Moses sayde vnto the Lorde then the Egyptians shall heare it for thou broughtest this people in thy myght from amonge them And it wyl be tolde to the inhabyters of this lande also for they haue herde lykewyse that thou lorde arte amonge this people and that thou lorde arte sene face to face and that thy cloude standeth ouer them and that thou goest before them by daye tyme in a pyller of a cloude and in a pyller of fyre by nyght Yf thou shalte kyll all this people as they were but one man then the nacyons whiche haue herde the fame of the wyll saye The Lorde is not able to brynge in this people into the lande whiche he sware vnto them but hath slayne them in the wyldernesse And nowe I beseche the let the power of my lord be great accordynge as thou haste spoken sayenge The lorde is longe or he be angrye and full of mercye suffereth iniquyte and syn and ❀ ☞ leaueth no man innocent visiteth the vnryghteousnesse of the Fathers vpon the chyldren in the thyrde fourth generacyon be mercyfull I beseche the vnto the synne of this people accordynge vnto thy great mercye as thou hast forgyuen this people from Egypt euen vntyll now And the lorde sayd I haue forgyuen ☞ it accordynge to thy request But ☞ as truly as I lyue al the earth shal be ☞ fylled with the glorye of the lorde But all those men whiche haue sene my glorye and my myracles whiche I dyd in Egypt in the wyldernesse and haue tempted me nowe this x. tymes wyl not herken vnto my voyce shall not se the lande whiche I sware vnto theyr fathers neyther shall any of them that prouoked me se it But my seruaunt Caleb w t whome there was another maner of spiryte bycause he hath folowed me vnto the vttermoost hym I wyll brynge into the lande which he hath walked in his seed shal enherite it also the Amalechites Cananites which dwel in the playne coūtre To morowe turne you and get you in to the wyldernes euen by the way of the red see And the Lorde spake vnto Moses Aaron saynge how longe doth this cuyl multytude murmur agaynst me I haue herde the murmurynges of the chyldren of Israel with the which they murmure agaynst me Tell them therfore As truly as I lyue sayeth the lorde I wyl do vnto you euen as ye haue spoken in my eares Your carkasses shal lye in that wyldernesse And all you that were tolde thorow out your nombres from xx yere and aboue whiche haue murmured agaynst me shall not come into the lande ouer whiche * ☞ I lyfted vp myne hand to make you dwel ther in saue Caleb the Son of Iephune Iosua the son of Nun. But your chyldren which ye sayd shulde be a praye them I wyl bryng in they shall knowe the lande whiche ye haue refused and your carkasses shall lye in this wyldernesse And your chyldren shal wandre in this wyldernesse xl yeres suffre for your ☞ hooredome vntyll your carkasses be wasted in the wyldernesse after the nombre of the dayes in whiche ye serched out the lande euen xl dayes euery daye for a yere shal ye beare your vnryghteousnesse euen xl yeare ❀ and ye shall knowe my dyspleasure I the Lorde haue sayde that I wyll do it vnto all this euyll congregacyon that are gathered togyther agaynst me For in this wyldernes they shal be cōsumed and here they shal dye And the men which Moses sent to serche the lande whiche when they came agayne made all the people to murmure ☞ before hym and brought vp a sclaunder vpon the land euen those men that dyd bryng vp that sclaunder vpon it as though it had ben euyl dyed in a great plage before the lorde But Iosua the son of Nun and Caleb the son of Iephune whiche were of the men that went to searche the lande lyued styll And Moses tolde these sayenges vnto all the chyldren of Israell and the people toke great sorowe And they rose vp early in the mornynge and gat them vp in to the top of the mountayne sayenge lo we be here and wyll go vp vnto the place of whiche the Lorde sayde vnto vs for we haue synned And Moses sayde Wherfore wyll ye go on this maner beyonde the worde of the Lorde it wyll not come well to passe go not vp therfore for the Lorde is not amonge you that ye be not slayne before your enemyes For the Amalechites and the Cananites are there before you and ye wyll fal vpon the swerde ❀ bycause ye are turned awaye from the Lorde and the Lorde wyll not be with you But they ❀ presumed obstinatly to go vp into the hyl top Neuerthelatter the arke of the testament of the Lorde Moses departed not out of the hooste Then the Amalechites and the Cananites whiche dwelt in that hyll came downe smote them and hewed them euen vnto Horma ¶ The drynke offerynges of them that enter in to the lande The punysshement of hym that synneth o● arrogancye or pryde CAPI XV. ANd he Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge speake vnto the Chyldren of Israell and saye vnto them when ye be come in to the lande of youre habytacyons whiche I gyue vnto you and wyll offre an offerynge vnto the Lorde Namely a burntofferynge or a specyall Sacrifice eyther of a vowe or of a wyllyng mynde and ☞ in your princypal feastes to make a swete sauour vn to the Lorde of the oxen or of the flocke Then let hym that offereth his offeryng vnto the Lorde brynge also a meatofferyng of a tenth deale of floure myngled with the fourth parte of an Hin of oyle the fourth parte of an Hin of wyne for a drynkofferyng and offre with the burntofferynge or any other offerynge when it is a Lambe Or yf it be a ram thou shalt offre for a meate offryng two tenth deales of floure myngled with the thyrde parte of an Hin of oyle and for a drynkoffryng thou shalt offre the thyrd parte of an Hin of wyne for a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde And when thou offerest a bullocke for a burntofferyng or for a specyal vowe or peace offeryng vnto the Lorde let hym bryng with a bullocke a meatofferynge of iii. tenth deales of floure myngled w t halfe an Hin of oyle And thou shalte bryng for a drynkeofferyng euen halfe an Hin of wyne for an offryng of a swete sauour vnto the lorde After this
psaltryes and harpes And as the Arke of the appoyntment of the Lorde came in to the cytye of Dauid Micholl the doughter of Saull lokynge out at a wyndowe sawe kynge Dauid daunsyng playenge and she despysed hym in her herte ¶ Dauid ordeyneth Asaph and his brethren to minister before the Lorde He him selfe prayseth the Lorde god of Israel CAPI XVI SO they brought in the Arke of god and set it in the myddes of the tente that Dauid pytched for it And they offered burnt sacrifyces and peaceofferynges before God And when Dauid had made an ende of offerynge the burntofferynges and peace offerynges he blessed the people in the name of the Lorde And he delte to all Israell bothe man and woman a cracknell of breade and a good pece of flesshe and a flacket of wyne And he appoynted certayne of the Leuites to minyster before the lorde to repeate and to thanke and prayse the Lorde God of Israell And Asaph was the cheyfe nexte to hym Zacharia Ieiell Semeramoth Iehiell Mathathia Eliab Benaia Obed Ehom and Iehiell with psalteres harpes But Asaph made a sounde with symbals Banaiahu and Iahaziell preestes blew with trompettes continuallye before the Arke of the couenaunt of god And that same tyme Dauid dyd appoynt cheyfelye to thanke the lorde by Asaph and his brethren O gyue thankꝭ vnto the lorde cal vpon his name make his Actes knowen amonge the people Synge vnto hym and playe vnto hym talke of all his wonderfull dedes Reioyse in his holy name let the hertes of them that seke the lorde be glad Seke the Lorde and his strength Seke his presence alwaye Remembre his maruels whiche he dyd and his wonders the iudgementꝭ of his mouth The seede of Israell are his seruauntes the chyldren of Iacob are his chosen He is the Lorde our God in all landes are his iudgementꝭ Thynke on his apoyntment for euer on the worde which he cōmaunded to a. M generacyons Whiche he made with Abraham of his othe to Isaac whiche he set before Iacob for a decree and to Israell for an euerlastynge couenaunt sayenge to the wyll I gyue the lande of Canaan to be the porcyon of your enherytaunce ▪ When ye were few and small in nombre and soiourners therin And they walked frō nacyon to nacyon and from one kyndome to an other people He suffered no man to do them wronge but rebuked euen kyngꝭ for theyr sakes Touche not myne anoynted and do my Prophettes no harme Synge vnto the lorde all the earth and shew from day to day his Saluacion Tell of his glorye amonge the Heathen his wonderfull dedes amonge all nacyons For greate is the Lorde and worthy to be praysed excedyngly he is to be feared aboue all goddes For all the gods of the people are of no vallue But the lorde made heuen Prayse and honour are in his presence ▪ strength gladnesse are in his place Ascribe vnto the lorde ye kynreds of people Ascrybe to the lorde glorye and dominyō Ascribe vnto the Lorde the glorye due vnto his name brynge sacrifyces come before hym worshyp the lorde with holy honour ☞ Let all the earth feare hym althoughe the compasse of the earth be so stablysshed that it can not be moued let the heuens reioyse and let the earth be glad let men tell amonge the nacyons that the lorde is kynge Let the see thūder and the fulnesse therof let the feldes reioyse and all that is therin Then shall the trees of the wood reioyse at the presēce of the lorde bycause he cōmeth to iudge the earth O gyue thankes vnto the lorde for he is good for his mercye endureth euer and saye ye saue vs o God of our saluacyon gather vs togyther and delyuer vs from amonge the Heathen that we maye gyue thankes to thy holy name and triumphe in the prayse of the. Blessed be the Lorde God of Israell for euer euer and let all the people say Amen and prayse the lorde And so he lefte there befor●●he arke of the Lordes couenaunt Asaph and his brethren to ministre before the arke cōtinually in soch thynges as were to be done daye by daye ❀ and that by theyr courses And Obed Edom and his brethren lxviii and Obed Edom the son of Ieduthun and Hosa were appoynted to be porters And Zadocke the preest and his brethren the preestes were before the tabernacle of the Lorde in the hygh place that was at Gibeon to offer burntofferynges vnto the lorde vpon the burntofferynge aulter perpetually in the mornynge euenynge accordynge to all that whiche is wrytten in the lawe of the Lorde whiche he cōmaunded Israel And with them were Heman Ieduthun and other that were chosen whose names were expressed to gyue thankes to the lorde that his mercye lasteth euer And with them dyd Heman Ieduthun synge with the trompettes and symbals ma kynge a swete melody with instrumentes of Musycke goodly songes And the sonnes of Ieduthun were porters And all the people departed euery man to his house Dauid returned to ☞ blesse his house ¶ Dauid is forbydden to buylde an house vnto the Lorde Chryst so promysed vnder the fygure of Salomon CAPI XVII ANd it fortuned that when Dauid dwelt in his house he sayd to Nathā the prophet loo I dwell in an house of Cedar tree but the Arke of the lordes couenaūt remayneth vnder curtaynes And Nathan sayde to Dauid do all that is in thyne herte for god is with the. And the same nyght it for tuned that the worde of god came to Nathan saynge go and tell Dauid my seruaunt thus sayth the lorde thou shalte not buylde me an house to dwell in For I haue dwelte in no house sence the daye that I brought out the chyldren of Israell vnto this day But haue gone from tent to tent and from one habytacyon to an other And whersoeuer I haue walked with all Israell spake I euer one worde to any of the iudges of Israell whom I cōmaunded to fede my people sayenge why haue ye not buylde me an house of Cedar tree Nowe therfore thus shalte thou saye vnto my seruaunt Dauid thus sayeth the Lorde of hoostes I toke the out of the pastures when thou wentest after shepe that thou shuldest be captayne ouer my people Israell And I haue ben with the whyther soeuer thou hast walked and haue weded out all thyne enemyes out of thy syght and haue made the a name lyke the name ❀ of one of the greatest men that are in the earth And I haue ordeyned a place for my people Israel and made it fast so that nowe they may dwel in theyr place and moue no more Neyther shall the chyldren of wyckednesse vexe them any more as at the begynnyng And sence the tyme that I commaunded iudges to be ouer my people Israell I haue subdued all thyne enemyes I tolde the that the lorde wolde buylde the an house This also
the volume of the boke it is wrytten of me that I shulde fulfyll thy wyll O my God I am contente to do it yee thy lawe is within my ●erie I haue declared thy ryghteousnesse in the greate congregacyon Lo I wyll nat retrayne my lyppes O Lord and that thou knowest I haue nat hyd thy rygtuousnes within my herte my talkyng hathe ben of thy trueth and of thy saluacyon I haue not kepte backe thy louyng mercy trueth from the great congregacion Withdraw nat thou thy mercy fro me O Lorde let thy louynge kyndnesse and thy trueth alwaye preserue me For innumerable troubles are come aboute me my synnes haue taken suche holde vpon me that I am nat able to loke vp yee they are mo in nombre then the heares of my hede and my hert hath fayled me O Lorde let it be thy pleasure to delyuer me make haste O Lorde to helpe me Let them be ashamed and confoūded ▪ togyther that seke after my ☞ soule to destroye it let them fal backewarde and be put to re buke that wishe me euyll Let them be desolate rewarded w t shame that saye vnto me fye vpon the fy vpon the. Let al those that seke the be ioyfull and glad in the and let suche as loue thy saluacyon say alway the Lorde be praysed As for me I am pore and nedy but the Lorde careth for me Thou arte my helper and redemer make no longe taryinge O my God ¶ The. xlj Psalme ¶ To the chaunter ▪ a Psalme of Dauid BLESSED is he y ● cōsidreth y ● ☞ pore ⚜ and nedy y ● Lorde shall delyuer hym in the tyme of trouble The Lorde preserue hym and kepe him alyue that he maye be blessed vpon earth and delyuer nat thou hī into the wyll of his enemyes The Lorde comforte him when he lyeth sycke vpon his bedde make thou al his bed in his sickenes I sayde Lorde be mercyful vnto me he le my soule for I haue synned agaynst the. Myne enemyes speake euyll of me when shall he dye his name perishe And yf he come to se me he speaketh vanite his hert cōceyueth falshode within him selfe whan he commeth forthe he telleth it All myne enemyes whisper togyther agaynst me euē agaynst me do they ymagyn this euyl Let the sentence of gyltynesse procede agaynste him nowe that he lyeth let him rise vp no more Yee euen mine owne famylier frende whome I trusted whiche dyd also eate of my breade hathe ⚜ layde greate wayte for me But be thou mercyfull vnto me O Lord rayse thou me vp agayne I shal rewarde them By this I knowe thou fauoureste me that myne enemye dothe not triumphe agaynste me And whan I am in my health thou vpholdest me and shalte se● me before thy face for euer Blessed be the Lorde God of Israell worlde without ende Amen and Amen ¶ The. xlij Psalme ¶ To the chaunter a mon●cyon of the sonnes of Corah LIke as the herte desyreth the water brokes so longeth my soule after the. O God My soule is a thurste for GOD ye● euen for the lyuynge GOD when shall I come to appeare before the presence of God My teares haue bene my meate day nyght whyle they daylye saye vnto me where is thy God Nowe when I thynke there vpō I powre out my hert by my self for I went with y ● multitude brought thē forth vnto the house of god in the voyce of prayse and thansgeuynge amonge suche as kepe holy daye Why art thou so ful of heuynes O my soule and why arte thou so vnquiete within me Put thy trust in God for I wil yet geue him thankes for the help of his coūtenaunce My God my soule is vexed within me therfore wyl I remembre the cōcerning the land of Iordane and the lytle hyll of Hermonym One depe calleth another because of the noyse of thy water pipes ‡ al thy waues stormes ar gone ouer me The Lorde hathe graunted hys louynge kyndnesse on the daye tyme and in the nyght season dyd I synge of hym and made my prayer vnto the God of my lyfe I wyll saye vnto the God of my strength why haste thou forgotten me and why go I thus heuely while the enemye oppresseth me My bones are smyten asunder whyle myne enemyes ⚜ that trouble me cast me in the tethe Namely whyle they sayde daylye vnto me where is nowe thy God Why art thou so vexed O my soule and why art thou so dysquieted within me O put thy trust in God for I wyl yet thanke hym whiche is the helpe of my countenaunce and my God ¶ The xliij Psalme GEue sentence with me O God and de fende my cause agaynste the vngodly people Oh delyuer me from the disceatful and wycked man For thou art the God of my strength why hast thou put me from the And why go I so heuely whyle the enemye oppreasseth me Oh sēde out thy light and thy trueth that they maye leade me and brynge me vnto thy holy hyll and to thy dwellynge And that I maye go vnto the aulter of God euen vnto the God of my ●●ye and gladnesse and vpon the harpe wyl I geue thankes vnto the O God my God why arte thou so heuy O my soule and why a●te thou so disquyeted within me O ●ut thy truste in god for I wyll yet gyue hym thankes which is the helpe of my coūtenaunce and my God ¶ The. xliiij Psalme ¶ To the chaunter an instruccyon of the sonnes of Lo●ah WE haue herde w t oure eares O God oure fathers haue tolde vs what y ● haste done in theyr tyme of olde Howe thou hast driuen out the Heithen with thy hande and planted them in howe thou haste distroyed the nacyons and cast them out For they gat nat the lande in possessyon thorowe theyr owne swerde nether was it theyr owne arme that helped them But thy ryghte hande and thyne arme and the lyghte of thy countenaunce because thou haddest a fauoure vnto them Thou arte my kyng O God sende helpe vnto Iacob Thorowe thy wyll we ouerthrowe oure enemyes and in thy name wyl we tread thē vnder that ryse vp against vs. For I wyll nat trust i my bowe it is not my swerde that that shall saue me But it is thou that sauest vs from oure enemyes and puttest thē to confusion that hate vs. We make our boste of God all the daye longe wil praise thy name for euer Sela. But nowe thou arte farre of and putteste vs to confusion and goest not for the with our armyes Thou makest vs to turne our backes frō our enemies and they which hate vs spoile our goodes Thou lettest vs be eaten vp lyke shepe and haste scatered vs among the Heithē Thou sellest thy people for nought and takest no money for them Thou makest vs to be rebuked of our neyghbours to be laughed to scorne and
y ● they turne nat agayne to folyshnes For his saluacion is nye them that feare him that glorye may dwel in our lande Mercy and trueth are met togither ryghtuousnesse and peace haue kyssed eche other Truth shal floryshe out of the earth ryghtuousnes hath loked downe fro heauen Yee the Lorde shall shewe louynge kyndnesse and our lande shall gyue her encrease Ryghtuousnesse shall go before him and ☞ he shall directe his goynge in the waye ¶ The. lxxxvj Psalme ¶ A prayer of Dauyd BOwe downe thyne eare O Lorde and neare me for I am pore and in misery Preserue thou my soule for I am holye my God saue thy seruaunt that putteth his trust in the. Be mercyful vnto me O lord for I wyll call daylye vpon the. Comforte the soule of thy seruaunte for vnto the O Lorde do I lyft vp my soule For thou Lorde arte good and gracious and of great mercy vnto all them that call vpon the. Gyue eare Lorde vnto my prayer and pō dre the voyce of my humble desyres In the tyme of my trouble I wyl call vpon the for thou hearest me Amonge the Goddes there is none lyke vnto the O Lorde there is nat one that can do as thou doest Al nacyons whom thou hast made shal come and worshyppe the O Lorde shall glorify thy name For thou arte great and doest wō derous thinges thou arte God alone Teache me thy way O Lorde and I wyll walke in thy trueth O knytte my hert vnto the that it maye feare thy name I wyll thanke the O Lorde my God with all my herte and wyll prayse thy name for euer For greate is thy mercy towarde me and thou hast delyuered my soule from the nethermoste hell O God the proude are rysen agaynste me and the congregacions of noughtie men haue sought after my soule and haue nat set the before theyr eies But thou O Lorde God arte full of compassion and mercy long suffryng plentuous in goodnes and trueth O turne the then vnto me and haue mercy vpon me geue thy strength vnto thy seruaunt and saue the sonne of thyne handmayde Shewe some token vpon me for good that they whiche hate me maye se it and be ashamed because thou Lord hast helped me and comforted me ¶ The. lxxxvii Psalme ¶ A Psalme and songe of the sonnes of Lorah HER foundacions are vpon the holye hylles the Lorde loueth the gates of Syon more then all the dwellynges of Iacob Uery excellente thynges are spoken of the thou cyte of God Selah I wyll thynke vpon Rahab and Babylon with them that knowe me Beholde yee the Phylistynes also and they of Tyre with the Moryans Lo there was he borne And of Syon it shal be reported that he was borne in her and the moste hyest shall stablysh her The Lorde shall rehearse it whan he wryteth vp the people that he was borne there Selah ☞ The syngers also and trompetters shal he rehearse All my fresh sprynges shal be in the. ¶ The lxxxviij Psalme ¶ A songe and Psalme of the sonnes of Lorah to the chaunter ☞ vpon Mahelath to geue thankes an instruccion of Heman the Ezrahyte O Lorde God of my saluacyon I haue cryed daye and nyght before the Oh let my prayer entre into thy presence enclyne thyne eare vnto my callynge For my soule is ful of trouble and my lyfe draweth nye vnto hell I am counted as one of them that go downe vnto the pyrte and I haue bene euen as a man y ● hath no strēgth Fre amonge the deade lyke vnto them that be wounded slepynge in the graue whithe be out of remembraunce and are cut awaye from thy hande Thou haste layde me in the lowest pitte in darke and depe places Thyne in dygnacyon lyeth harde vpō me and thou haste vexed me with all thy stormes Selah Thou haste put awaye myne acquayntaūce farte fro me and made me to be abhorred of them I am so faste in prysō that I can nat get forth My syght fayleth for very trouble Lorde I haue called dayly vpon the I haue stretched out myne handes vnto the. Wylt thou shew wonders amonge the deade Or shal the deed ryse vp agayne prayse the● Sela. Shall thy louynge kyndnes be shewed in the graue or thy faithfulnesse in destruccyon Shall thy wonderous workes be knowen in the darke and thy ryghtuousnes in the lande of forgetfulnesse ☞ Unto the haue I cryed O Lorde and early shall my prayer come before the. Lorde why abhorrest thou my soule and hydest thou thy face fro me I am in mysery and lyke vnto hym that is at the poynte to dye euen fro my youth vp thy terrours haue I suffred with a troubled mynde Thy wrathfull dyspleasure goeth ouer me and the feare of the hathe vndone me They came rounde aboute me daylye lyke water and compased me to geyther on euery syde My louers and frendes haste thou put awaye fro me and hyd myne acquayntaūce out of my syght ¶ The. lxxxix Psalme ¶ An instruccyon of Ethan the Ezrahyte MY songe shal be all waye of the louing kyndenes of the Lord with my mouth wyll I euer be shewynge thy truth from one generacyon to another For I haue sayd mercy shal be set vp for euer thy truth shalt thou stablysh in the heauens I haue made a couenaunt with my chosen I haue sworne vnto Dauid my seruaunt Thy sede wyll I stablysh foreuer and set vp thy trone from one generacyon to another Sela. O Lorde the very heauens shall prayse thy wonderous workes and thy trueth in the congregacyon of the saynctes For who is he amonge the cloudes that shal be compared vnto the Lorde And what is he amonge the chyldren of goddes that shal be lyke vnto the Lorde God is very greatly to be feared in the councell of the sayntes and to be had in reuerence of all them that are aboute hym O Lorde God of Hostes who is lyke vnto the thy trueth moste myghtye Lorde is on euery syde Thou rulest the ragyng of the see thou styllest the waues therof when they aryse Thou hast subdued Egypte and destroyed it thou haste scatred thyne enemyes abroade with thy myghtye arme The heauens are thyne the earth also is thyne thou haste layed the foundacyon of the rounde worlde and al that therin is Thou haste made the north and the south Tabor and Hermon shall reioyse in thy name Thou hast a myghtie arme strong is thyne hande and hye is thy ryght hande Ryghteousnes and equyte is the habytacyon of thy seate mercy and trueth shall go before thy face Blessed is the people O Lorde that can reioyse in the they shall walke in the lyghte of thy countenaunce Theyr delyte shal be daylye in thy name in thy ryghteousnesse shal they make theyr boste For thou art y ● glory of theyr strength in thy louyng kyndnesse y u shalt lyfte vp our hornes For the
flowed out so that ryuers ranne in the drye places For why he remembred his holy promes Abraham his seruaūt And he brought forth his people with ioye and his chosen with gladnesse And gaue thē the landes of the Heathen and they toke the labours of the people in possessyon That they myght kepe his statutes and obserue his lawes Prayse the Lorde ¶ The. cvi Psalme ¶ Prayse the Lorde O Geue thankes vnto the Lorde for he is gracyous and his mercy endureth for euer Who can expresse the noble actes of the Lorde or shewe forth al his prayse Blessed are they that allwaye kepe iudgement and do ryghteousnes Remembre me O Lorde accordinge to the fauour that thou bearest vnto thy people O vyset me with thy saluacyon That I maye se the felycyte of thy chosen reioyse in the gladnesse of thy people and geue thankes with thyne enherytaunce We haue synned with our fathers we haue done amysse and dealte wyckedly Oure fathers regarded nat thy wonders in Egypte nether kepte they thy greate goodnesse in remembraūce but were dyssobedient at the see euen at the reed see Neuertheles he helped them for hys names sake that he myght make hys power to be konwne He rebuked the reed see also and it was dryed vp so he led them thorowe the depe as thorowe a wyldernesse And he saued them from the aduersaryes hande and delyuered them from the hande of the enemye As for those that troubled them the waters ouer whelmed them there was nat one of them lefte Then beleued they his wordes and sange prayse vnto hym But within a whyle they forgat his workes and wolde nat abyde his councell But luste came vpon them in the wyldernesse and they tēpted God in the deserte And he gaue them theyr desyre and sent leanesse withall in to theyr soule They angred Moyses also in the tentes and Aaron the sayncte of the Lorde So the earth opened and swalowed by Dathan and couered the congre gacyon of Aberam And the fyre was kyndled in theyr company the flame brente vp the vngodly They made a calfe in Horeb and worshipped the molten ymage Thus they turned theyr glory in to the simylytude of a calfe that eateth haye And they forgat God theyr Sauioure which had done so great thynges i Egypte Wonderous workes in the lande of Ham and fearful thinges by the reed see So he sayde he wolde haue destroyed thē had nat Moses his chosen stande before hym in that gappe to turne awaye his wraythful indig nacyon leste he shulde destroye them Ye they thought scorne of y e pleasaunt lande and gaue no credence vnto his worde But murmured in theyr tentes and herkened nat vnto the voyce of the Lorde Then lyfte he vp his hande agaynst thē to ouerthrowe them in the wildernes To cast out theyr sede amonge the naciōs to scater them in the landes They ioyned them selues vnto Baal Peor eate thofferinges of the deed Thus they prouoked him vnto anger with theyr owne inuenciōs and the plage was greate amonge them Then stode vp Phinehes prayed and so the plage ceased And that was counted vnto him for righteousnesse amonge all po sterites for euermore They angred hym also at the waters of stryfe so that he punyshed Moses for theyr sakes Because they ꝓuoked hissprete so y ● he spake vnaduisedly with his lyppes Nether destroied they the Heathen as the Lorde commaunded them But were myngled among the Heathen and lerned theyr workes In so muche that they worshypped theyr ydolles whiche turned to theyr owne decay Yee they offred theyr sōnes and their doughters vnto deuils And shed innocent bloude euen the bloude of theyr sonnes and of their doughters whome they offred vnto the ydols of Canaan and the lande was defyled with bloude Thus were they stayned with theyr owne workes and wente a whorynge with theyr owne inuencions Therfore was the wrath of the Lorde kyndled agaynste his people in so moche that he abhorred hys owne enheritaunce And he gaue them ouer into the hande of the Heathen and they that hated them were lordes ouer them Their enemyes oppressed thē and had them in subieccion Many a tyme dyd he delyuer them but they rebelled against him with theyr owne inuencions were brought downe in their wyckednesse Neuerthelesse when he sawe their aduersyte he herde their cōplaynte He thought vpon his couenaunt and pytied them accordyng vnto the multitude of his mercies yee he made al those that had led them a waye captiue to pytie them Delyuer vs O Lorde our God and gather vs from among the Heathen that we may geue thankes to thy holy name glory in thy prayse Blessed be the Lord God of Israel from euerlastyng and worlde without ende let all people say Amē Amen Prayse y ● Lorde ¶ The. cvii. Psalme O Gyue thankes vnto the Lord for he is gracyous and his mercy endureth for euer Let them geue thankes whome the Lorde hathe redemed and delyuered from the hande of the enemye And gathered them out of the lādes from the Easte from the west from the North and from the south They went a straye in the wyldernesse out of the way and founde no cytie to dwell in Hongrie and thrysty their soule faynted in them So they cried vnto the Lorde in theyr trouble and he deliuered thē from theyr distresse He led them forthe by the ryght waye y t they myght go to the cyte where they dwelt O that men wolde therfore prayse y ● Lorde for his goodnes and declare the wonders y e he doth for the chyldrē of men For he satisfyed y t emptye soule and fylled the hongry soule with goodnes Such as syt in darckenes in the shadow of death beyng fast bounde in myserye and yron Because they rebelled agaynst the wordes of y e Lorde lyghtly regarded the councel of the most hygest He also brought downe their hert thorowe heuinesse they fel downe and there was none to helpe them So whan they cryed vnto the Lorde in their trouble he delyuered them out of their distres For he brought them out of darckenesse out of the shadow of death brake their bondes in sonder O that men wolde therfore praise the Lorde for his goodnesse declare the wōders that he doth for the children of men For he hath broken the gates of brasse and smyten the ●ac●es of yron i sōder Folysh men are plaged for theyr offeice because of theyr wyckednesse Their soule abhorred al maner of meane and they were euen harde at deathes dore So whā they cryed vnto the Lorde in their trouble he delyuered them out of theyr dystresse He sent his worde and healed them and they were saued from theyr destruccyon O that men wolde therfore prayse y e Lorde for his goodnesse and declare the wonders that he doth for the chyldren of men That they
wolde offre vnto hym the sacrifice of thankesgeuynge and tel out hys workes w t gladnes They that go downe to the see in shyppes and occupye their businesse in greate waters These men se the workes of the Lorde and his wōders in the deape For at hꝭ worde the stormy wind ariseth whiche lyfteth vp the waues therof They are caried vp to the heauen and downe agayne to the deape their soule mel telth awaye because of the trouble They rele to and fro and stacker lyke a droncken man are at theyr wittes ende So whan they crye vnto y e Lord in their trouble he delyuered thē out of their distresse For he maketh the strome to ceasse so y ● the waues therof are styll Thē are they glad because they be at rest and so he bringeth them vnto the hauen where they wolde be O that men wolde therfore prayse the Lord for his goodnes and declare the wōdres y t he doth for the chylden of men That they wolde exalte hī also in the cōgregacyon of the people and loue him in the seate of the elders Whiche turneth the floudes into a wyldernesse and dryeth vp the water sprynges A f●utfull lande maketh he baren for the wyckednesse of them that dwel therin Agayne he maketh the wyldernesse a standynge water and water sprynges of a drye grounde And there he serueth the hongrye that ye skipped lyke rammes ye lytle hylles lyke yong shepe Tremble thou erth at the presence of the Lorde at the presēce of the God of Iacob Which turned y ● hard rocke into a standynge water and the flynt stone into a spryngynge well ¶ The. cxv Psalme NOt vnto vs O Lorde nat vnto vs but vnto thy name geue the prayse for thy louing mercy and for thy truthes sake Wherfore shal the Heathen saye where is nowe their God As for oure God he is i heauen he hath done what so euer pleased him Theyr ydoles are syluer and golde euen the worke of mennes handes They haue mouth and speake not eyes haue they and se nat They haue eares heare nat noses haue they and swel nat They haue hādes and hādle nat fete haue they and walke nat nether speake they thorow theyr throte They y ● make them are lyke vnto them and so are all suche as put theyr trust in them But ⚜ house of Israel trust thou in the Lorde he is their succour defence Ye house of Aaron put youre trust in the Lorde he is their helper and defender Ye that feare the Lorde put your trust in the lorde he is theyr helper and defender The Lorde hathe bene myndfull of vs and he shall blesse vs euen he shal blesse y ● house of Israel he shal blesse the house of Aaron He shall blesse them that feare the Lorde both small and great The Lorde shal encrease you more and more you youre chyldren Ye are y ● blessed of the Lord which made heauen earth All the whole heauens are the Lordes the earth hath he geuē vnto y ● chyldrē of men The deed prayse nat y ● O Lord nether all they y ● go downe in to the sylence But we wyll prayse the Lorde from thys tyme forthe for euermore ¶ The. cxvj Psalme Prayse the Lorde I Am well pleased that the Lorde hathe herde the voyce of my prayer That he hathe enclyned hys eare vnto me therfore wyll I call vpon hym as longe as I lyue The snares of death cōpased me round about and y ● paynes of hell gat holde vpon me I shal fynde trouble and heuinesse and I shall call vpon the name of the Lorde O Lorde I beseche the delyuer my soule Gracyous is the Lorde and ryghteous yee our God is mercyfull ▪ The Lord preserueth the symple I was in misery and he helped me ▪ Turne agayne then vnto thy rest O my soule for the Lorde hath rewarded the. And why thou hast delyuered my soule from death mine eies from teares and my fete from fallynge I wyll walke before the Lorde in the lande of the liuyng I beleued and therfore wyl I speake but I was fore troubled I sayd in my hast All men are lyers What reward shall I geue vnto the Lorde for all the benefytes y e he hath done vnto me I wyll receaue the cappe of saluacyon and cal vpon the name of the Lorde I wyl paye my vowes nowe in the presence of al hys people ryght deare in the syght of the Lorde is the death of his sayntes Beholde O Lorde howe that I am thy seruaunt I am thy seruaūt and the sonne of thy handmayde thou hast broken my bandes in sonder I wyl offre to the the sacryfyce of thanckesgeuynge and wyl call vpon the name of the Lorde I wyll paye my vowes vnto the Lorde in the sight of al his people in the courtes of the Lordes house euen in the myddes of the O Ierusalem ¶ The. cxvii Psalme ¶ Prayse the Lorde O Prayse y ● Lorde al ye Heythē prayse him all ye nacyons For his mercyfull kyndnes is euer more and more to warde vs and the truth of the Lorde endureth for euer ¶ The cxviij Psalme ¶ Prayse the Lorde O Geue thanckes vnto the Lorde for he hys gracyous because hys mercy endureth for euer Let Israell nowe confesse ⚜ that he is gracyous and that hys mercy endureth for euer Let the house of Aaron nowe confesse that his mercy endureth for euer Yee let them nowe that feare confesse that his mercy endureth for euer I called vpon the Lorde in trouble and the Lorde herd me at large The Lord is on my syde I wyll nat feare what man can do to me The Lorde taketh my parte with them that helpe me therfore shal I se my desyre vpon myne enemyes It is better to trust in the Lord then to put any cōfydence in man It is better to trust in the Lorde then to put any confydence in prynces All nacions compassed me rounde about but in y ● name of y ● Lorde wyl I destroy thē They kepte me ī on euery syde they * kept me in I say on euery syde but in the name of the Lorde I wyll destroye them They came aboute me lyke bees and are extincte euen as the fyre among the thornes for in y ● name of the Lorde I wyll destroye them ☞ Thou haste thrust sore at me that I myght fall but the Lorde was my helpe The Lorde is my strength my song and is become my saluacion The voyce ofioye and healthe is in the dwellynges of the ryghtuous the ryght hande of the Lord bringeth mightie thinges to passe The ryght hande of the Lorde hath the preemynence the ryght hande of y ● Lord bryngeth myghtye thynges to passe I wyll nat dye but lyue declare the workes of the Lorde The Lorde hath chastened and correcte me but he
the other Let Israel truste in the Lorde for with the Lorde there is mercy and with hym is plenteous redempcyon And he shall redeme Israel from all hys synnes ¶ The .cxxxi. Psalme ¶ A songe of the steares LORDE I am nat hye mynded I haue no proude lookes I do nat exercyse my selfe in greate matters whiche are to hye for me But I refrayne my soule and kepe it lowe lyke as a chylde that is weened from hys mother yee my soule is euen as a weened chylde Let Israel trust in the LORDE from this tyme forthe for euermore ¶ The .cxxxij. Psalme ¶ A songe of the steares ▪ LORDE remembre Dauyd and all hys trouble Howe he swore vnto the Lorde and vowed a vowe vnto the almyghtye God of Iacob I wyll nat come within the tabernacle of my house nor clyme vp in my bedde I wyll nat suffre myne eyes to slepe nor myne eye lyddes to slomber ⚜ Nether the temples of my heade to take anye reste Untyll I fynde out a place for the Lorde an habitacy on for the myghtye God of Iacob Lo we hearde ☞ of the same at Ephrata and founde it in the wood We wyll go in to hys tabernacle and fall downe before hys fote stole Aryse O Lorde into thy restynge place thou and the arcke of thy strengthe Let thy Preastes be clothed with ryghteousnesse and let thy saynctes reioyse For thy seruaunte Dauyds sake turne nat awaye the presence of thyne anoynted The Lorde hathe made a faythfull othe vnto Dauid and he shall nat shrynke from it Of the frute of thy body shal I set vpō thy seate If thy chyldren wyll kepe my couenaunt and my testimonies that I shal lerne them their chyldren also shall syt vpō thy seate for euermore For the Lorde hath chosen Syon to be an habytaciō for hīselfe hathe he chosen her ☞ Thys shal be my rest for euer here wyl I dwell for I haue a delyte therin I wyl blesse her vitayles w t increase and wyl satysfy her poore w t bred ☞ I wyll decke her Preastes with healthe and her saynctes shall reioyse and synge There shall I make ☞ the horne of Dauid to floryshe I haue ordened a lanterne for myne anoynted As for hys enemyes I shall clothe them with shame but vpon hymselfe shall his crowne floryshe ¶ The .cxxxiij. Psalme ¶ A songe of the steares of Dauid BEHOLDE howe good and ioyful a thynge it is brethren to dwell to gether in vnytye It is lyke the precyous oyntment vpon the heade that ranne downe vnto the beerd euen vnto Aarons beerd and wente downe to the skyrtes of hys clothynge Lyke the dewe of Harmon whiche fell vpon the hyl of Sion For there the Lorde promised hys blessyng and lyfe for euermore ¶ The .cxxxiiij. Psalme ¶ A songe of the steares BEholde ⚜ nowe prayse the Lorde al yee seruauntes of the Lorde yee that by nyght stande in the house of the Lorde ⚜ euen in the courte of the house of our God Lyfte vp youre hādes in the Sanctuary and prayse the Lorde The LORDE that made heauen and earthe blesse the out of Syon ¶ The .cxxxv. Psalme O Praise the name of the Lord prayse it O ye seruauntes of the Lorde Ye that stande in y ● house of the Lord in the courtes of the house of our God O prayse the Lorde for the Lorde is gracious O synge prayses vnto hys name for it is louely For why the Lorde hathe chosen Iacob vnto hym selfe and Israel for hys owne possessyon For I knowe that the Lorde is greate and that oure Lorde is aboue all goddes Whatsoeuer the Lorde pleased that dyd hem heauen and in earth in the see and in all deape places He dringeth forth the cloudes from the endes of the worlde ▪ and turneth the lyghtenynges vnto rayne brynging the wyndes out of theyr treasuryes He * smote the fyrste borne of Egypte bothe of man and of beast He hathe sente tokens and woūders into the myddest of the O thou lande of Egypte vpon Pharao and all hys seruauntes He smote dyuers nacyons and slewe mygtye Kynges Sehon Kynge of y ● Amorytes and Og the King of Basan and all the Kyngedomes of Canaam And gaue they re lande to be an heritage euen an heritage vnto Israell his people Thy name O Lorde endureth for euer so dothe thy memorial O lord from one generacyon to an other For the Lorde wyll auenge his people and be gracyous vnto his seruauntes As for the ymages of the Heathen they are but syluer and golde the worke of mens handes They haue mouthes and speake not eyes haue ▪ ●ey but they se not They haue eares and yet they heare not neyther is there any breth in theyr mouthes They that make them are lyke vnto them and so are al they that put theyr trust in them Prayse the Lorde ye house of Israell prayse the Lorde ye house of Aaron Prayse the Lorde ye house of Leuie ye y e feare the Lord prayse the Lorde Praysed be the Lorde out of Syon whiche dwelleth at Ierusalem ¶ The .cxxxvj. Psalme O Gyue thankes vnto the Lorde for he is gracyous and hys mercy endureth for euer O gyue thankes vnto the God of all Goddes for hys mercy endureth for euer O thanke the Lorde of al Lordes for his mercy endureth for euer Whiche onely dothe greate wonders for his mercy endureth for euer Whiche by his wysdome made the heauens for his mercy endureth for euer Whiche layed out the earth aboue the waters for his mercye endureth for euer Whiche hathe made greate lyghtes for his mercye endureth for euer The sonne to rule the day for his mercy endureth for euer The Moone and the Starres to gouerne the nyght for his mercye endureth for euer Whiche smote Egypte with theyr fyrste borne for his mercy endureth for euer And brought out Israel frome amonge them for his mercy endureth for euer With a myghtye hande and stretched out arme for his mercy endureth for euer Whiche deuyded the reed see into partes for his mercy endureth for euer And made Israell to go thorowe the myddest of it for hys mercye endureth for euer But as for Pharao and his hoste he ouerthrewe them in the reed see for hys mercy endureth for euer Whiche led his people thorow the wil dernes for his mercy endureth for euer Which smote great kingꝭ for his mercy endureth for euer Yea and slue myghtye Kynges for his mercy endureth for euer Sehon Kynge of the Amorites for his mercy endureth for euer And Og the Kynge of Basan for his mercy endureth for euer And gaue away theyr lande for an herytage for his mercye endureth for uer Euen for an heritage vnto Israell his seruaunte for his mercye endureth for euer Whiche remembred vs when we were in trouble for his mercy endureth for euer And hathe delyuered vs from
that thou do nat after thyne owne ymaginacion nether seke thine owne wyll nor speake thyne owne wordes Then shalte thou haue thy pleasure in the Lorde whiche shall carye the hye aboue the earthe and fede the with the herytage of Iacob thy father for y ● Lordes owne mouth hath so promysed ¶ The Lorde is myghtye to saue and readye to heare oure requestes CAPI LIX BEHOLDE the Lordes hande is nat so shortened that it can nat helpe neyther is his eare so stopped that it maye nat heare But youre mysdedes haue separated you from youre God and youre synnes hyde his face from you that he heareth you not For your handes are defyled with bloude and youre fingers with vnrighteousnes Your lyppes speake lesynnes and youre tonge setteth oute wyckednes No man regardeth ryghteousnes and no man iudgeth truly Euery mā hopeth in vayne thynges and ymagyneth disceate conceaueth weerynesse and bryngeth forthe euyl They brede cokatryce egges weaue the spyders webbe Who so eateth of theyr egges dyeth But yf one treade vpon them there commeth vp a serpent Theyr webbe maketh no clothe and they maye not couer thē with theyr labours Theyr dedes are y ● dedes of wyckednes and the worcke of robbery I haue set ☜ watchmen vpon thy walles O Ierusalem which shal neither cease daye nor nyght to preache the Lorde And ye also shall not kepe hym close nor leaue to speake of hym vntyll Ierusalem be set vp and made the prayse of the world The lorde hath sworne by his ryght hande and by his stronge arme that from hence forth he wyll not geue thy corne to be meate for thyne eue m●es●uor thy vyne wherin thou hast laboured to be drynke for the straungers But they that haue gathered in the corne shall eate it and gyue thankes to the Lorde and they that haue borne in the vine shal drinke it in the courte of my Sanctuary Stande backe and departe a sunder ye that stande vnder the gate make rowme ye people repayre the strete and take awaye the stones and set out a token for the people Beholde the Lorde proclaymeth vnto the endes of the worlde tel the daughter Sion se thy sauyour cōmeth beholde he bringeth his treasure with him and his workes go before him For they whom the Lorde de liuereth shal be called the holy people and as for the thou shalte be named the greatly occupied and not the forsaken cytie ¶ Of the redempcy on promysed to the people CAPI LXIII WHAT is he this that commeth frome Edō with redde coloured clothes of Bosra whiche is so costely clothe and cōmeth in so nimbly with all his strength I am he that teacheth rightuousnes and am of power to helpe Wherfore then is thy clothyng reade and thy rayment lyke his y e treadeth in the wyne presse I haue troaden the presse my self alone and of al people there is not one with me Thus wyll I treade downe myne enemyes in my wrath and set my fete vpon them in my indignacyon And theyr bloude shal be sprong vpon my clothes and so wyll I stayne all my rayment For the daye of vengeaunce that I haue take in han̄de the yere of my delyueraunce is come I loked aboute me and there was no mā to shewe me any helpe I marualed that no man helde me vp Thē I helde me by myne owne arme and my feruentnesse susteyned me And thus wyll I treade downe the people in my wrathe and bathe them in my displeasure and vpon the earth wyll I laye their strength I wyl declare the goodnesse of the Lord ye and the prayse of the Lorde for all that he hathe geuen vs for the greate good that he hath done for Israel whiche he hath geuen them of his owne fauoure and accordynge to the multitude of his louynge kyndnesses For he sayde These no doute are my people and no shrynkynge chyldren and so he was theyr sauyour In theyr troubles he forsoke them not but the Angell that wente forth from his presence delyuered them Of very loue and kyndnesse that he had vnto them redemed he them He hathe borne them and caryed theym vp euer sence the worlde beganne But after they prouoked him to wrath and vexed his holy minde he was theyr enemye and fought agaynste them hym selfe Yet remembred he the olde tyme of Moyses and his people Howe he brought them from the water of the see as a shepherde doth with his shepe howe he had giuen his holy spiryte amonge them howe he had led Moses by the ryght hande with his glorious arme howe he had deuided the water before theym wherby he gat hym selfe an euerlastyng name howe he led them in the depe as an hors is ledde in the playne that they sh●lde not stumble The spirite of the Lord led them as a tame beast goeth in the felde Thus O God hast thou led thy people to make thy selfe a glorious name with all Loke downe then from heuen and beholde the dwellynge place of thy sanctuary and thy glory Howe is it that thy gelousy thy strength the multitude of thy mercyes and thy louynge kyndnesse wyll not be entreated of vs yet arte thou our father For Abraham knoweth vs not neyther is Israel acquainted with vs. But thou Lord arte our rather and redemer and thy name is euerlastynge O Lorde wherfore haste y ● led vs out of thy waye Wherfore haste y ● hardened our herces y ● we feare the not Be at one with vs agayne for thy seruauntes sake that are of the generacion of thyne herytage Thy people hathe had but lytle of thy Saynctuary in possessy on for our enemyes haue taken it in And we are become euen as we were from the begynnynge but thou arte not their Lorde for they haue not called vpon thy name ¶ The Prophete vnder the person of the Iewes be wayleth theyr exple and banyshement Mannes ryghtuousness is lyke a cloth fyled with the floures of a woman CAPI LXIIII. O THAT thou woldest cleue the heauen in sonder and come downe that the mountaynes myght melte away at thy presence lyke as at an hote fire and that the malycious myght voyle as the water dothe vpon the fyre Wherby thy name myght be knowen amonge thyne enemyes and that the Gentyles myght trymble before the. That thou myghtest come downe with thy wonderous straunge workes thē shuld the hylles melt at thy presence For sence the begynnynge of the worlde there was none excepte thou O God that hearde or perceaued neyther hathe any eye sene what thou dost for thē that put theyr trust in the. Thou helpest hym that doth ryght with cherefulnesse and them that thyncke vpon thy wayes But lo thou hast bene angrye for we offended and haue bene euer in synne and there is nat one whole We are all as an vnclene thynge and all oure ryghtuousnesses are as the clothes stayned with the floures of a woman we fal
be many y e peryshe because they despyse y ● lawe of God that is set before them For God hath geuen strayte cōmaundement to such as come that they knowe what they do and howe they shulde lyue and yf they kept this they shuld not be punyshed Neuerthelesse they were not obediēt vnto hym but spake agaynste hym ymagyned vayne thynges and purposed to synne and sayd moreouer that there was no God and that God regarded it not Hys wayes haue they not knowen his lawe haue they despysed and denyed hys promyses in his statutes ordynaunces haue they not bene fayth full and stedfaste and haue not perfourmed hys workes And therfore Esdras vnto the full plenty and to the emptye emptynesse Beholde the tyme shal come that these tokens which I haue tolde the shall come to passe and the bryde shall appeare and the earth that now passeth awaye shal be shewed and whosoeuer is delyuered frō the forsayde euyls shal se my wonders For my sonne Iesus shal be opēly declared with those that be with him and they that remayne shal be mery in foure hundreth yeares After these same yeares shall my sonne Christ dye and al men that haue lyfe and y ● world shal be turned into the olde sylence seuen dayes lyke as in the fore iudgementes so that no mā shal remayne And after seuen dayes the world that yet a waked not shal be raysed vp and shal dye corrupte And the earth shall restore those that haue slept ī●er and so shal the dust those that dwel in silēce and the secrete places shal deliuer those that be commytted vnto thē And the most hyest shal be openly declared vpō the seate of iudgement and all mysery shall vanysh away and long suffryng shal be gathered together But the iudgement shal cōtinue the trueth shall remayne and fayth shal waxe stronge the worcke shall folowe the rewarde shall be shewed the ryghtuousnes shall watch the vnryghtuousnesses shall beare no rule Then sayde I Abraham prayed fyrste for the Sodomites Moses for y ● fathers that sinned in the wyldernes he that came after him for Israel in the tyme of Achas Samuel and Dauid for the destruccyon and Salomon for them that came into the Saynctuary and Helias for those that receyued rayne for the deade that he myght lyue Ezechias for the people in the time of Se●●acherib diuerse other in lyke maner whiche haue prayed for many Euē so now seyng the corrupte is growen vp and wyckednes increased and the ●yg●teous haue prayed for y ● vngodly wherfore shall it not be so nowe also He answered me and sayd Thys presente world is not the ende there remaineth much honour in it therefore haue they prayed for the weake But the daye of dome shal be the ende of this tyme the beginnyng of the immortalite for to come wherin all corrupcion vanished al volupteousnes is loused al misbeleue taken away ryghtuousnesse growne the veryte spronge vp Then shall no man be able to saue hym that is destroyed nor to oppresse him that hath gotten the vyctorye I answered then and sayd This is my first and last sayinge that it had bene better not to haue geuē the earth vnto Adā or els whē it was geuen him to kepe hym that he shuld not sinne For what profite is it for mē nowe in this present tyme to lyue in heuinesse and after death to loke for punyshment O thou Adam what hast thou done For thoughe it was thou that sinned thou art not fallen alone but we all that come of the. For what profyte is it vnto vs yf there be promysed vs an immortall tyme where as we medle wyth deadly worckes and that there is promysed vs an euerlasting hope where as our selues are euyll vayne and that there are layed vp for vs dwellynges of health fredome where as we haue lyued euyll that the worshyppe of the hiest is kept to defende them whiche haue led a paciente lyfe where as we haue walked in the most wycked waies of all And that there shal be shewed a paradyse whose frute endureth for euer wherin is fredome and medycyne where as we shall not go in for we haue walcked in vnpleasaūt places And that the faces of them whiche haue absteyned shal shyne aboue the starres where as our faces shall be blacke and darcke For whyle we lyued dyd vnryghtuously we consydered not y ● we shulde suffre therfore after death Then answered he me and sayde Thys is the consyderacyon and thought of the battayle whiche man hathe vpon earth that yf he be ouer come he shall suffre as thou haste sayde But yf he get the vyctorye he shall receyue the thynge that I saye For thys is the lyfe wherof Moyses spake vnto the people whyle he lyued sayng Chose the lyfe that thou mayst liue Neuerthelesse they beleued hym not neither the Prophetes after hym No nor me whiche haue spoken vnto them that heuynes shulde not reach vnto them to theyr destruccyon lyke as ioye is for to come ouer those that haue suffered them selues to be enfourmed in saluacyon I aunswered then and sayde I knowe Lorde that the hyest is mercyfull in that he hath mercy vpon them which are not yet in the worlde and vpon those also that walcke in his lawe and that he is pacient and lōg sufferynge towarde those that haue synned in theyr worckes and that he is lyberall to geue where as it requyreth and that he is of great mercy for he multiplied his louing kyndnesses towarde those y ● are present and that are paste and to them whiche are for to come For yf he multiplye not hys mercyes the worlde shall not be made lyuynge with those y ● dwel therin He geueth also for yf he gaue not of his goodnes that they whiche haue done euyll myght bē eased from theyr wyckednes the ten thousande parte of men shuld not be made lyuyng And yf the iudge forgaue not those that be healed with hys worde if he wolde destroye the multytude that stryueth there shulde be very fewe lefte in an innumerable multitude ¶ Esdras prayeth God rather to loue vpon his owne mercye then on the synnes of the people CAPI VIII ANd he answered me sayeng The most Hyest made this worlde for many but the worlde to come for fewe I wyll tell the a symylitude Esdras As when thou askeste the earth it shall say vnto the that it geueth muche moulde where of earthen vessels are made but lytle of it y e golde cōmeth of Euen so is it w t the worke of thys worlde There be many created but fewe shall be saued Then answered I and sayde Thē swalo we vp the witte thou soule and deuoure the vnderstandynge for thou art agreed to herken and to geue eare and wyllyng to prophecy for thou hast no longer space geuen the but onely to lyue O Lord wylte thou not
with her And in the first nyght rost the liuer of the fysh the deuel shal be dryuen awaye The secōde night shalt thou be receaued into the company of the holy patriarkes The thyrde night shalt thou optayne y ● blyssyng of God so that whole chyldren shal be borne of you After the thyrde nyght take the mayden in the feare of God and more for the desyre of chyldren then for any fleshly lust that in the sede of of Abraham thou mayest optaine the blessynge in chyldren ¶ Yonge Tobias and the Aungell come to the house of Raguell He requyieth Raguels daughter to wyfe and obtayneth her CAPI VII THen wente they into Raguell whiche receaued them ioyfully And when Raguel loked vpon Tobias he sayde vnto Anna hys wyfe Howe lyke is thys yong man vnto my systers sonne And when he had spoken thys he sayde whence be ye good brethren They sayde Of the trybe of Nephthaly out of the captyuyte of Nyniue Then sayde Raguel vnto them know ye my brother Tobias They sayde yee we knowe hym well And when he had spoken muche good of hym the Aungell sayde vnto Raguell Tobias of whome thou askest is thys yonge mans father Then Raguell bowed himselfe downe and wepte toke hym aboute the necke and kyssed hym and sayde Gods blessynge haue thou my sonne for thou arte the sonne of a good verteous man And Anna his wyfe Sara hys daughter wepte also Now whē they had talked together Raguel bad kyll a wether and to make a feste And when he prayed them to syt downe to dynner Tobias sayd I will nether eat nor dryncke here thys daye excepte thou fyrste graūt me my peticion promise me to geue me thy daughter Sara When Raguel herd thꝭ he was astonied for he knew what had happened vnto the other seuen men y e went in vnto her and he beganne to feare that it shulde chaūce vnto him also in lyke maner And whyle he stode so in doute and gaue the yonge man no answere the aungel saide vnto him Feare not to geue him thy daughter for vnto this man that feareth God belōgeth thy daughter to wife therfore might none other haue her Then sayde Raguell I doute not but God hathe accepted my prayers and teares in his sight I trust he caused you to come vnto me for y ● same intent that thys daughter of myne myghte be maryed in her owne kinred accordynge to the lawe of Moses And now dowte thou not but I wyll geue her vnto the So he toke the ryght hande of hys daughter and gaue her into the ryght hand of Tobias and saide The God of Abraham the God of Isaac and the God of Iacob be with you ioyne you together and fulfyll hys blessyng in you And they toke a letter and made a wrytyng of the mariage And thē made they mery and praysed God And Raguell called Anna hys wyfe vnto hym and bad her prepare another chamber and thither he brought Sara his daughter and she wepte Then sayde be vnto her Be of good chere my daughter the Lord of heauen geue the ioye for the heuynes that thou hast suffred ¶ The Angel bindeth the deuyl Tobias exhorteth his wife to prater they pray thre dayes before they lye together CAPI VIII NOwe after that they had supped they brought the yong man into her Then thought Tobias vpon the wordes of the Aungell and toke out of hys bagge a pece of the lyuer of the fyshe and layed it vpon the hote coales So the Aungell Raphaell toke holde of the deuell and sente hym awaye and bounde hym in the wyldernes of the byer Egypt Then spake Tobias vnto the vyrgyn and sayde Up Sara let vs make oure prayer vnto God to day to morowe and ouermorowe for these thre nyghtes wyll we reconcyle ourselues with God and whan the thyrde nyght is past we shal ioyne together in dutye of maryage For we are the chyldren of holy men and we maye not come together as the Heathen that knowe not God Then stode they vp both together and besought God earnestly that he wolde preserue them And Tobias sayde O Lorde God of oure fathers praysed be thou of heauen and earth of the see welles floudes and of all thy creatures y ● be therin Thou madest Adam of the moulde of the earthe and gauest him Eua for an helper And now Lord thou knowest that it is not because of voluptuousnes y ● I take thꝭ syster of myne to wyfe but only for the loue of chyldren in whō thy name be blessed for euer And Sara sayde haue mercy vpon vs O Lorde haue mercy vpō vs and let vs both come whole and sounde together to a good age And aboute y ● cocke crowynge it happened that Raguel called his seruaūtes and they wente with hym to make a graue For he sayde it is chaunced now vnto hym peraduenture as it did vnto the other seuē mē that went in vnto her Now when they had made y ● graue Raguel came agayne to hys wyfe and sayde vnto her sende one of thy maydens to loke yf he be deed that I maye burye hym afore it be lyght daye So she sēt a mayden to se which when she came into y e chāber founde them whole and sounde slepyng together And so she came againe and brought good tydinges Then Raguel and Anna hys wyfe praysed the Lord and sayd Praysed be y ● O Lorde God of Israell for it is not happened vnto vs as we thought For thou haste dealte mercyfully with vs and put awaye frō vs the enemye that persecuted vs and hast shewed mercy vnto yōder two beloued O Lorde cause them to magnify the more perfectly and to offre the sacryfyce of thy prayse and of theyr health that all people may knowe that thou only arte God in all the earthe And immediatly Raguel commaunded hys seruauntes to fyll the graue that they had made with earth a fore it was lyght and bade hys wyfe prepare a feaste and to make redy all thynges that were necessary for meate to such as wente by the waye He caused two fat kyne also and foure wethers to be slayne and meates to be prepared for all his neyhbours and frendes And Raguel charged Tobias to remaine with hī two wekes As for all the good that he had he gaue Tobias the halfe of it made thys wrytynge that the halfe whiche remayned shulde fall vnto Tobias after theyr death ¶ The aungel goeth to Gabellus at the desyre of Tobias which desyuereth the letter and receaueth the ●uonye CAPI IX THEN Tobias called vnto hym the Aungell whome he thought to haue bene a man and sayde vnto hym Brother Azarias I praye the herken vnto my wordes Yf I shulde geue my selfe to be thy seruaunte I shal not deserue thy prouidence Neuerthelesse I beseche the that thou wylt take the beastes and the seruauntes and go vnto Gabelus in rages the cyte of Medes and deliuer hym his hand wrytyng
mountaynes in the naro we place and kepte the waye day and nyght But whyle Holofernes was goynge aboute he founde the water sprynge whiche from the South syde was conueyed into y e cytie by a cōdite this cōmaunded he to be directe another waye to cut their cōdite in sunder There were welles also not farre from the walles whiche they vsed secretely more for pleasure then for necessyte Then wente the Ammonites y ● Moabytes vnto Holofernes sayd The chyldrē of Israell trust neyther in speare nor arowe but kepe and defende the mountaynes and hylles That thou mayest ouercome thē therfore without y ● strykynge of any batayle set men to kepe the welles that they drawe no water out of them so shalt thou destroy them without swearde or at the least they shall be so feble that they must be fayne to geue ouer the cytye Whiche they thynke not able to be wonne for so muche as it lyeth in the mountaynes These wordes pleased Holofernes well all his mē of warre and he set an hundreth at euery well rounde aboute And when this watch had endured twentye dayes the Cisternes all that had water fayled them that dwelt in the cyte of Bethulia so that in the whole cyte they had not dryncke ynough for one daye for the people had water geuen them daylye in a measure Then came the men and wemen yonge personnes and chyldren all vnto Osias sayde all with one voyce God be●udge betwyxte vs and the for thou hast dealt euyl with vs thou woldest not speake peaceably with the Kynge of the Assyrians therfore hathe God solde vs in theyr handes and there is no mā to helpe vs where as we are brought downe before theyr eyes in thirst and great destruccyon Therfore gather nowe together al the people that be in the cytie that we maye all yelde our selues wyllyngely vnto the people of Holofernes for better it is that we be captyue and prayse the Lorde with oure lyues then to be slayne and peryshe and to be laughed to scorne shamed of euery man when we se our wyues and children dye before our eyes We take heauen and earth this daye to recorde and the God of oure fathers whiche punysshed vs accordynge to the deseruyng of our synnes and gaue you warning that ye geue vp the cyte nowe into the power of Holofernes hoste that our ende maye be shorte with the swearde whiche els shall endure long for want of water and for thyrste When they had spoken out these wordes there was a great wepyng howlyng in the whole cōgregacion and y t of euery man and they cried an whole hour long vnto God w t one voyce saying we haue synned w t our fathers we haue done amyse we haue dealte wyckedly Thou y ● art gracious haue mercy vpon vs punysh our vnryghtuousnes with thyne owne scourge geue not those ouer y ● knowledge the vnto a people which knowe the not least they say amonge the Heythen where is their God And when they were so wery with thys cryenge and wepynge that they helde theyr tonges Osias stode vp with watrye eyes and sayde O take good hertes vnto you deare brethren and be of good cheare and let vs wayte yet these fyue dayes for mercye of the Lorde peraduenture he shal cut away his indignacyon and geue glorye vnto hys name But yf he helpe vs not when these fyue dayes are paste we shall do as ye haue sayde ¶ Of the vertuous woman Iudith whiche reproueth the aunci●●t●s because they tempted the Lorde She also moueth them to encorage and hertē the people and sheweth her councel agaynst the enemyes of the Iewes CAPI VIII AND it happened when these wordes came to the eares of Iudith a wyddow whiche was the daughter of Merari the sonne of Idox the sonne of Ioseph the sōne of Osia the sonne of Elai the sonne of Iammor the sonne of Iedeon the sonne of Raphoim the sonne of Achitob the sōne of Melchia the sonne of Euam the sonne of Nathania the sonne of Salathiel the sonne of Simeon the sonne of Ruben And her husband was called Manasses whyche dyed in the dayes of the barlye harueste For whyle he was byndynge the sheues together in the felde the heate came vpon his heade and he dyed at Bethulia his cytye and there was he buryed besyde his fathers Nowe was Iudyth hys desolate wyddowe thre yeares and syxe monethes And in the hygher partes of her house she made her selfe a preuye chambre where she dwelt beyinge closed in with her maydens She ware a smocke of hearre and fasted al the dayes of her lyfe excepte the Sabbathes and newe mones and the solempne daies that the people of Israel kepte She was a very fayre and beautifull persone Her husband also had left her great ryches a plentuous housholde great vnmouable possessiōs and many catell This Iudith was a woman of a very good reporte with euery one for she feared y ● Lorde greatly and there was no body that spake an euel worde of her Whē this Iudith herde how Osias had promysed the people y t after the fyfte day he wolde giue vp the cyte vnto the Assiriās she sent for the elders Chābri Charmy when they came to her she sayde what thynge is this wherin Osias hath cōsented that if god helpe not wtin fyue dayes he wyll geue ouer the cytie to the Assirians What are ye y ● ye tempte the Lord This deuice optayneth no mercy of God but prouoketh hi vnto wrath and displeasure Wyll ye set the mercy of the Lorde a tyme and appoyute hym a day after your wyll Neuerthelesse for so muche as the Lord is pacyente let vs rather repent pouryng out teares and beseching him of grace For God threateneth not as a man neyther wyll he be prouoked vnto wrath as the chyldren of men And therfore let vs hertely fall downe before him and serue him with a meke sprete and with wepynge eyes say vnto the Lorde that he deale with vs accordyng to his owne wyll and mercy that lyke as our hert is now vexed and brought lowe thorowe the pryde of them it maye so be conforted thorowe hys grace in so muche as we folowe not the synnes of our fathers which forsoke theyr God and worshypped other Goddes for the whiche synne they peryshed with the swearde were spoyled brought to shame of all theyr ennemyes As for vs we knowe none other God but onely hym for whose comforte let vs tary with mekenesse He shal requyre and make inquysicion for our bloude frome the vexacions of our enemyes he shall brynge downe all the Heythen that ryse vp against vs and put them to dyshonoure euen the Lorde our God Therfore deare brethren seynge ye are the honorable elders in the people of God vnto whom all the people haue respecte and vpon whom the lyfe of the people standeth lyft vp theyr hertes with your exhortacyon that they maye call
of the lorde so is a vertuous wyfe the bewtye of all her house Lyke as the clere lyght is vpon y ● holy candelsticke so is the bewre of y ● face vpō an honest body Lyke as the golden puers are vpon the sockettes of syluer so are the fayre legges vnto a woman that hath a costant mynde Perpetual are the foundaciōs that be layde vpon a whole stonye rocke so are the commaundementes of God vpon the her●e of an holy woman There be two thinges that grene my hert and in the thyrde is a displeasure come vpō me When an expert man of warre suffreth scarsenes a●d pouerte When men of vnderstandynge and wysdome are not sert by And when one departeth from ryghteousnes vnto synne Who so doth suche the Lorde hathe prepared him vnto the swerde There be two maner of thynges whiche me thynke to be herde perylous A marchaūt can not lyghtly kepe hym from wronge nether a taueruer him selfe from synne ¶ Of the po●e that wolde be ryche The probacyon of the man that feareth God The vnconstantnesse of a foole The ●●tretes of a trende are not to be vttred The wycked ymagineth euell whiche ● turneth vpon hym selfe CAPI XXVII BEcause of pouerte haue many one offended and he that seketh to be ryche turneth his eyes asyde Lyke as a nayie in the wall stycketh fast betwyxte two stones euen so doth synne sticke betwyxte the byes and the seller If he holde hym not dilygently in the feare of the Lorde his house shall soone be ouerthrowen Lyke as when one syfteth the fylthynes remayneth in the syue So remayneth there some vncleane thynge in the thought of man The ouen proueth the potters vessell so dothe temptacyō of trouble trye ryghteous men The tre of the felde is knowen by hys frute so is the thought of mans herte knowne by hys wordes Prayse no man excepte thou haue herde him for a man is knowen by his wordes If thou folowest ryghteousnes thou shalt get her and put her vpō the as a fayre garmente And thou shalt dwel with her she shal defende the for euer and in the daye of knowledge thou shalt finde sted fastnesse The byrdes resorte vnto theyr lyke so doth the truth turne vnto them that be occupyed withall The lyon wayteth the praye so dothe synners lurke vpon the workers of wyckednes The talkynge of hym that feareth God is nothynge but wysdome as for a foole he chaūgeth as the Moone If thou be amonge the vndiscrete kepe thy wor●● to a conuenient tyme but amonge suche as be wyse speake on hardely The talkynge of fooles is abhominacion and theyr sporte is volupteousnesse and mysnurtoure Moch swearynge maketh the hearre to stande vp and to striue with suche stoppeth the eares The stryfe of the proude is bloudesheddynge and theyr blasphemynge is heuy to heare Who so discouereth secretes leseth his credence and fyndeth no frende after his wyl Loue thy frende and bynde thy selfe in faythfulnes with hym but yf y ● bewrayest his secretes thou shalt not get hym agayne For lyke as the man is that destroyeth hys enemye so is he also that dealeth falsly in the frendshyp of his neyghboure Lyke as one that letteth a byrde go out of his hande cannot take her agayne Euen to thou yf thou geue ouer thy frende thou canst not get him againe Yee thou canst not come by him for he is to farre of He is vnto the as a Roo escaped out of the snare for his soule is wounded As for woundes they may be bounde vp agayne an euell worde maye be reconcyled but who so bewrayeth the secres of a frende there is no more hope to be had vnto hym He y ● wyncketh with the eyes ymageneth some cuell and no man shall take hym from it when thou art present he shall hylie commēde and prayse thy wordes but at the last he shall turne his tayle and scaūder thy sayenge Many thynges haue I hated but nothynge so euell for the Lord himselfe also abhorreth soch a one Who so casteth a stone on hye it shall fall vpon hys awne head and he that smyteth with gyle woundeth him selfe Who so dyggeth a pyt shall fall therin he that layeth a stone ī his neghbours waye shall stomble theron he that layeth a snare for another shal be takē in it him self Who so geueth a wycked noysome councell it shall come vpō hym selfe he shal not knowe from whence The proude blaspheme and are scornefull but vengeaunce lurketh for them as a lyon They that reioyse at the fal of y e ryghteous shal be taken in the snare anguysh of herte shall consume them before they dye Anger rygorousnesse are two abhominable thynges the vngodly hath thē both vpō hym We ought not to desyre vengeaūce but to forgeue the office of the wyces of the tonge and of the daughters therof CAPI XXVIII HE that seketh vengeaunce shal fynde vengeaunce of the Lorde which shall surely kepe hym his synnes Forgeue thy neyghboure the hurt that he hath done the and so shall thy synnes be forgeuē the also whc̄ thou prayest Amā that beareth hatred agaynst another howe darre he desyre forgeuenesse of God He that sheweth no mercy to a man whiche is lyke him selfe howe darre he aske forgeuenesse of his synnes If he that is but flesh beareth hatred kepeth it who wyll intreate for his synnes Remēbre the ende and let enemyte passe whiche seketh death and destruccyon and abyde thou in the commaundementes Remēbre the commaundement so shalt thou not be rygorous ouer thy neyghboure Thyncke vpō the couenaunt of the Hyest forgeue thy neyghbours ignoraunce Beware of stryfe thou shalt make thy synnes fewer For an angrie man kindleth variaūce and the vngodly disquyeteth frendes and putteth discorde amonge them that be at peace The more wod there is y e more vehement is the fyre and the myghtier that mē be the greater is the wrath and the lōger the strife endureth the more it burneth An hastye brawlynge kynleth a fyre an hastye stryte sheddeth blouoe A tonge also that beareth false witnesse bryngeth death If thou blowe the sparke it shal burne If y ● spyt vpon it it shall go forth and both these out of y e mouth The sclaūderet a dubble tonged is cursed for many one y ● be frendes setteth he at varyaunce The thyrde tonge hath disquieted many one and dryuen them frome one lande to another Stronge cyties of the ryche hath it broken downe and ouerthrowen the houses of greate men The strēgth of the people hath it brought downe and bene the decaye of myghtye nacyons The thyrde tonge hath cast out many an honest woman and robbed them of theyr labours Who so herkeneth vnto suche shall neuer fynde rest and neuer dwel safely The stroke of the rod maketh yedders but the stroke of the tonge smyteth the bones in sunder Their be many that haue peryshed
Sem were in great honoure amonge the people so was Adam aboue all the beastes whan he was created ¶ Of Symon the sonne of Onias CAPI L. SYmon the sōne of Onias the hye prest which in his lyfe set vp y ● house agayne and in his dayes made fast the temple The heygth of the temple also was founden of him the double buyldinge the hye walles of the tēple In his dayes the welles of water flowed out and were exceadynge full as the see He toke care for his people delyuered them frō destruccyon He kepte hys cytie made it stronge that it shulde not be beseged He dwelt in honoure worshyppe amonge his people enlarged the intraūce of the house the courte He gaue lyght as the mornynge starre in the myndest of the cloudes and as the moone whan it is full He shyned as the sunne in the tēple of God He is as bryght as the rayne bowe in the fayre cloudes and florysheth as the floures and roses in the sprynge of the yeare and as lylyes by the ryuers of water Lyke as the braunches vpon the mount Libanus in the tyme of sommer as a fyre incense that is kindled Lyke as an whole ornamēt of pure golde set with al maner of precious stones and as an Olyue tree that is frutefull and as a Cipres tree which groweth vp an hye When he put on the garment of honoure and was clothed with all bewtye when he went to the holy aulter to garnysh the coue rynge of the Sanctuarye when he toke the porcyons out of the Prestes hande he hym selfe stode by the herth of the aulter and his brethren rounde about in ordre As y ● braunches of Cedre tree vpon the moūt Libanus ●o stode they rounde about him And as the braunches of the Olyue tree so stode al the sones of Aaron in the glorye the oblatiōs of the Lorde in theyr handes before all the congregacion of Israel And that he myght suffycyently perfourme hys setuyce vpon y ● aulter and garnysh the offrynge of y ● hyest God he stretched out his hande and toke of the drynck offerynge and poured in of the wyne so he poured vpon the botome of the aulter a good smel vnto the hyest Prynce Then beganne the sonnes of Aaron to syng to blowe with trōpettes to make a great noyce for remembraunce and prayse vnto the Lorde Then were all the people afrayed fell downe to the earth vpō theyr faces to worshyppe the Lorde theyr God and to geue thankes to the almyghty God They sunge godly also with theyr voyces so that there was a pleasaunce noyse in the great house of the Lorde And the people in theyr prayer besought the Lorde the hyest that he wolde be mercyfull tyll the honour of the Lorde were perfourmed Thus ended they theyr mynistracyon and seruice Then went he downe and stretched out hys hādes ouer the whole multitude of the people of Israel that they shulde geue prayse thankes out of theyr lyppes vnto the Lorde and to reioyse in his name He beganne yet once also to praye that he myght openly shewe the thankesgeuynge before y ● Hyest namely thus O geue prayse and thankes pe al vnto the Lorde our God which hath euer done noble great thinges which hath increased oure dayes from our mothers wombe and dealt with vs accordynge to his mercy that he wyll geue vs the ioyfulnes of herte and peace for our tyme in Israel Which faythfully kepeth his mercy for vs euermore and alwaye delyuereth vs in due season There be two maner of people that I abhorre fro my hert as for the thyrde whom I hate it is no people They that syt vpon the moūtayne of Samaria the Phylystynes the foolysh people that dwell in Sichimis I Iesus the sonne of Sirach Eleazarus of Ierusalem haue tokened vp these informacyons and documentes of wysdome and vnderstandynge in thys boke poured out the wysdome of my herte Blessed is he that exercyseth hym selfe therin and who so taketh such to herte shal be wyse for euer Yf he do these thynges he shal be strōge in al. For the lyght of the Lorde leadeth hym ¶ The prayer of Iesus the ●ou●e of Sirach CAPI LI. I Wyll thanke the O Lorde and kynge and prayse the O God my sauyoure I wyll yelde prayse vnto thy name for thou arte my defender and helper and haste preserued my bodye from destruccyon from the snare of traytorous tonges and from the lyppes that are ocupyed with lyes Thou hast bene my helper from suche as stode vp agaynst me and hast delyuered me after the multytude of thy mercy and for thy holy names sake Thou bast delyuered me from the roarynge of them that prepared thēselues to deuoure me out of the handes of such as sought after my lyfe from the multitude of thē that troubled me and went about to set fyre vpō me on euery syde so that I am not brent in the myddest of the fyre Frō the depe of hell from an vnclene tonge from lyenge wordes from the wycked Kynge and from an vnryghteous tonge My soule shall prayse y ● Lord vnto death for my lyfe drewe nye vnto hell downwarde They cōpassed me round aboute on euery syde and there was no man to helpe me I loked aboute me yf there were any man that wolde socoure me but there was none Then thought I vpon thy mercy O Lorde and vpon thy actes that thou haste done euer of olde namely that thou delyuerest suche as put theyr trust in the and ryddest thē out of the handes of the Heathen Thus lyfte I vp my prayer from the earth and prayed for delyueraunce frō death I called vpon the Lorde the father of my Lorde that he wolde not leaue me without helpe in the daye of my trouble and in the tyme of the proude I wyl prayse thy name cōtynually yeldynge honour and thankes vnto it and so my prayer was herde Thou sauedest me from destruccion and deliueredest me from the vnryghteous tyme. Therfore wyll I a knowledge and prayse the and magnyfye thy name O Lorde When I was yet but yonge or euer I went astraye I desyred wysdome openly in my prayer I came therfore before the tēple and sought her vnto y ● laste Then floryshed she vnto me as a grape that is soone type My hert reioysed in her then went my tote the ryght waye yee from youth vp sought I after her I bowed downe myne eare and receaued her I founde me much my soome and prospered greatly in her Therfore wyl I ascrybe the glory vnto hym that geueth me wysdome for I am aduysed to do there after I wyll be gelous to cleue vnto the thynge that is good so shall I not be confounded My soule hache wrestled with her and I haue bene dilygent to be occupyed in her I lyfte vp myne handes an hye then was my soule lyghtened thorowe wisdome that I knowledged
he hathe cōmaunded vs whiche we also haue not done nor harkened vnto his voyce for to walke in the cōmaundemētes of the Lorde that he had geuen vnto vs. And now O Lorde God of Israel thou that haste brought thy people out of the lande of Egypte with a myghtye hande with tokens and wondres with thy greate power and out stretched arme and hast gotten thy selfe a name as it is come to passe this daye O Lorde our God we haue synned we haue done wyckedly we haue behaued our selues vngodly in al thy ryghteousnesses Turne thy wrath from vs we besech the for we are but a fewe lefte amonge the Heathen where y u hast scatered vs. Heare our prayers O Lorde and our peticyons brynge vs out of captiyte for thyne owne sake get vs fauoure in the syght of them whiche haue led vs awaye that all landes may knowe y ● thou art the Lorde our God and that Israell hys generacyon calleth vpon thy name O Lorde loke downe from thy holy house vpon vs enclyne thyne eare and heare vs open thine eyes Lord se vs. For the deed y ● be gone downe to theyr graues whose soules are out of theyr bodyes * ascribe vnto y ● Lorde nether praise nor ryghteous makyng but the soule that is vexed for the multitude of her synnes which goeth on heuely and weakely whose eyes be begynne to fayle yee suche a soule ascrybeth prayse and ryghtuousnesse vnto the Lorde O Lorde we poure out oure prayers before the and requyre mercy in thy syght O Lord oure God not for any godlynesse of our forefathers but because thou hast sente out thy wrath and indignacyon vpon vs according as thou dydest threaten vs by thy seruaūtes the prophetes sayinge Thus sayeth the Lorde Bowe downe your shulders and neckes and serue y ● kyng of Babylon so shall ye remayne styll in the lande that I gaue vnto your fathers Yf ye wyll not do thys nor heare the voyce of the Lorde youre God to serue the kynge of Babylon I shall destroye you in y ● cities of Iuda within Ierusalem and without I wyll also take from you the voyce of myrth the voyce of ioye the voyce of the bridegrome the voyce of the bryde and there shall no mā dwell more in the lande But they wolde not herken vnto thy voyce to do the kyng of Babylon seruice and therfore hast thou perfourmed the wordes that thou spakest by thy seruauntes the prophetes namely that the bones of our kiges the bones of oure fathers shulde be translated out of theyr place And lo nowe are they layde out in y ● heat of the sonne and in the colde of the nyght deade in greate mysery with hunger wyth sweard with pestilence are clene cast forth As for the temple wherin thy name was called vpon thou hast layde it waste as it is to sethys day and that for the wyckednes of y ● house of Israell and the house of Iuda O Lorde oure God thou hast intreated vs after all thy goodnes accordynge to all that great louynge mercy of thyne lyke as thou spakest by thy seruaunte Moyses in the day whan thou dydest commaūde hym to wryte thy lawe before y ● chyldren of Israel saying Yf ye wyll not herken vnto my voyce then shal thys greate multytude be turned into a very small people for I wyll scatre them abrode Notwithstandynge I am sure that this folke wyl not heare me for it is an hard necked people But in the lande of theyr captiuite they shal remembre them selues and learne to knowe that I am the Lorde theyr God whan I geue them an herte to vnderstande and eares to heare Then shall they prayse me in the lande of theyr captiuite and thyncke vpō my name Then shall they turne them from theyr harde backes and from their vngodlynes Then shall they remēbre the thynges that happened vnto theyr forefathers whiche synned agaynst me So wyl I brynge them agayne into the laude which I promised with an othe vnto their fathers Abraham Isaac and Iacob they shall be Lordes of it yee I wyll increase them not minish thē And I wyl make another couenaunt with them suche one as shall endure for euer namely that I wyl be theyr God they shal be my people I wyl nomore driue my people the chyldren of Israell out of the lande that I haue geuen them ¶ The people contynueth in theyr prayer beg●nne for their delyueraunce He prayseth wysdome vnto the people shewinge that so greate aduersities came vnto them for the dyspysynge therof Onely God was the fynder of wysdome Of the incarnocyon of Chryste CAPI III. AND nowe O Lorde almyghtye thou God of Israell oure soule that is in trouble and oure sprete that is vexed cryeth vnto the heare vs ▪ O Lorde and haue pytie vpon vs for thou arte a mercyfull God be gracyous vnto vs for we haue synned before the. Thou endurest for euer shulde we then vtterly perysshe O Lorde almyghtye thou God of Israel Heare now the prayer of the deed Israelites and of theyr chyldren whiche haue synned before the and not herkened vnto the voice of the Lord their God for the which cause these plages hange now vpon vs. O Lorde remembre not the wyckednes of our forefathers but thynke vpon thy power and name nowe at this tyme for thou arte the Lorde our God the O Lord wyl we prayse For thou hast put thy feare in our hertes to the intent that we shuld call vpon thy name and prayse the in oure captyuyte and that we myght turne frome the wyckednesse of our forefathers that synned before the. Beholde we are yet this daye in our captyuyte where as thou hast scatred vs to be an abhominacion curse and synne lyke as it hathe happened vnto oure fathers also bycause of all theyr wyckednesse and departynge from the. O Israel here the commaundementes of lyfe pōdre them well with thyne eares that thou mayest learne wysdome But how happeneth it Israell that thou art in thyne enemyes land thou art waxen olde in a straūge countre and defyled with the deed Why art thou become lyke them y ● go downe to theyr graues Euē because thou hast forsakē the well of wysdome For yf thou haddest waleked in y ● waye of God truely y ● shuldest haue remayned styll safe in thyne owne lande O learne then where discrecion is where vertue is where vnderstādyng is that thou mayest knowe also frome whence commeth longe lyfe a necessary lyuing the lyghte of the eyes and quyetnes Who euer founde out her place or who came euer into hyr treasures Where are the prynces of the Heathen become and such as ruled the beastes vpō the earth They that had theyr pastyme with y ● foules of the ayre they that hoorded vp syluer and gold wherin men trust so much and made no ende of theyr
and thorow a myghtye wynde set him in Babylon vpon the denne And Abacuc cried saying O Danyel y ● seruaunt of God haue take y ● breakfast that God hath sent the. And Daniel sayde O God hast y ● thought vpon me well thou neuer saylest them that loue the. So Daniel arose dyd eate and the Angel of the Lorde set Abacuc in his owne place agayne immediatly Upon the seuenth daye the kinge wente to bewepe Daniel and when he came to the dēne he loked in and beholde Daniel sat ī the myddest of the Lyons Then cryed the kyng with a loude voyce saying Great art thou O Lord God of Danyel he drewe hym out of the lyōs dēne As for those that were the cause of his destructyō he did cast thē into the denne and they were deuoured in a momēt before hys face After thꝭ wrote the kynge vnto all people kynredes and tonges that dwelt in al countrees sayēge peace be multiplied with you My commaū demente is in all the dominion of my realme that men feare stāde in awe of Daniels god for he is y ● lyuīge god which endureth euer hys ▪ kyngdome abideth vncorrupt hys power is euerlastinge It is he that cā deliuer saue he doth wōders maruelous workes ī heauen ī earth for he hath saued Daniel frō the power of the Lyons ¶ The ende of the Storye of Bel. ❧ The prayer of Manasses king of Iuda when he was holden captyue in Babylon O Lorde almyghtye god of our fathers Abrahā Isaac Iacob of the rightuous sede of them which haste made heauen earth w t al the ornament therof which hast ordened the see by the worde of thy commaundemēt which hast shut vp the depe and haste sealed it for thy fearfull and laudable name which all men feare and trēble before the face of thy vertue and for y ● anger of thy threatenyng the which is importable to sinners But the mercy of thy promes is greate and vnsearcheable for thou arte the Lorde God moste hyghe aboue all the earth lōg suffryng and exceadynge mercyful and repentaūt for the malice of mē Thou Lord after thy goodnes hast promysed repentaunce of the remission of synnes and thou that arte the God of the rightuous hast not put repentaunce to the rightuous Abrahā Isaac and Iacob vnto thē that haue synned against the But because I haue sinned aboue the nombre of the sandes of the see and that myne iniquytyes are multyplyed I am humbled wyth many bādes of yron ther is in me no breathynge I haue prouoked thyne anger and haue done euyll before the in commyttinge abhomynacyons and multyplyinge offences And now I bowe the knees of my hert requyring goodnes of the O Lord I haue synned Lorde I haue synned and knowe myne inyquytye I desyre the by prayer O Lorde forgeue me forgeue me and destroye me not with myne inyquytyes neyther do thou alwayes remēbre myne euylles to punysh them but saue me whiche am vnworthy after thy great mercy and I wyll prayse the euerlastyngly all the dayes of my lyfe for all the vertue of heuē prayseth the and vnto the belongeth glory worlde with oute ende Amen ❧ The fyrst boke of the Machabees ¶ After the deathe of Alexander the Kyng of Macedonia Antio●hu● taketh the kingdome Many of the childrē of Israel moke couenaūt with the Gētyles Antiochus subdueth Egypt ● Ierusalē vnto his dominion Ierusalē being burnt maketh lawes of her owne and forbyddeth to kepe Goddes lawes Ant●●ch●● setteth vp an Ibol ouer the alt●r of god CAPI I. AFter that Alexandre the sonne of Philippe kynge of Macedonia wēt forth of the lāde of Cethim slew Darius king of the persyans and Medes It happened y ● he toke greate warres in hand wanne very many stronge cities and slewe many kynges of the earth going thorow to the endes of the worlde and gettyng many spoyles of the people In so much that the worlde stode in greate awe of hym therefore was he proude in his herte Now whan he had gathered a myghtye stronge hoost subdued the lādes people with theyr princes so y ● they became tributaries vnto him he fel syck And whē he perceaued y ● he mu● nedes dye he called for hys noble estates whiche had bene brought vp with hym of chyldren parted hys kyngdome among them whyle he was yet alyue So Aleāder raygned xii yeare and then dyed After hys death fell the kyngdome vnto hys prynces and they optained it euery one in hys rowne and caused them selues to be crowned as kynges and so dyd theyr chyldrē after them many yeares and much wickednesse increased i the worlde Out of these came y ● vngracious rote noble Anty●chus the sonne of Antiochus y ● king which had bene a pledge at Rome and he raygned in the. C. xxxvij yeare of the empyre of the Grekes In those dayes wēte there out of Israel wycked men which moued much people w t theyr councell sayege Let vs go make a couenaunt with the Heathen y ● are rounde aboute vs for sence we departed frō them we haue had much sorow So thys deuyce pleased them well and certayne of y ● people toke vpon thē for to go vnto y ● kyng which gaue thē licence to do after the ordinaūce of y ● Heathen Then set they vp an open scole at Ierusalem of the lawes of the Heathē were nomore cyrcum●ised but forsoke the holy Testamente ioyned them selues to y ● Heathē were cleane solde to do mischefe So when Antiochus begāne to be mightie in hys kyngdome he wente about to optayne y ● lande of Egypt also that he myght haue the domyniō of two realmes ▪ Upon this entred he into Egipt w t a stōge hoost wyth charettes elephantes horsmen and a greate nombre of shyppes and begaune to warre agaīst Ptolomy the king of Egipte But Ptolomy was afrayed of hym and fled and many of his people were wounded to death Thus Antiochus wanne many stronge cyties and toke awaye great good out of the lande of Egypte And after that Antiochus had smytten Egipt he turned againe in y ● C. xl●● yeare and went towarde Israel came vp to I●●usalē w t a myghty people entred proudly into the Sanctuary and toke awaye the golden altare the cādelstycke and al the ornamentes therof the cable of the shewbred the pouring vessel the chargers ▪ the golden spones the valie y ● crownes and golden apparell of the temple brake downe all He toke also the syiuer golde y ● precious Iew els the secrete treasures that he founde none other answere neyther caste they one stone at them nor made fast theyr preuy places but sayde We wyll dye all in our innocēcy heauen earth shal testyfie w t vs that ye put vs to death wrongeously Thus they fought agaynste thē vpon y
speakynge these wordes the yonge man sayde Whom loke ye for Wherfore do ye tary I wyll not obeye the kynges cōmaundement but the lawe that God gaue vs by Moses As for thou that ymagyneste all myschefe agaynste the Iewes thou shalte not escape the hande of God for we suffre these thynges because of oure synnes And though God be angry with vs a lytle whyle for oure chastenynge and reformacyon yet shall he be at one agayne with his seruaūtes But thou O shameful and moste abhomynable personne Pryde not thy selfe thorowe vayne hope in beynge so malycyous vpon the seruauntes of God for thou hast not yet escaped the iudgement of the God whiche is almyghtye and seyth all thynges My brethren that haue suffred a lytle payne are nowe vnder the couenaū● of euerlastynge lyfe but thorowe the iudgement of God thou shalt be punyshed righte ously for thy pryde As for me lyke as my brethren haue done I offce my soule and my body for the lawes of oure fathers callynge vpon God that he wyll soone be mercyfull vnto oure people yee and with payne and punyshmēt to make the graunte that he only is God In me nowe and in my brethren the wrath of almyghtye God is at an ende whiche ryghteously is fallen vpon all oure people Then the kynge beynge kyndled in anger was more cruell vpon hym then vpon all the other and toke indygnacyon that he was so lyghtly regarded So thys yonge man dyed vndefyled and put his trust styll in the Lorde Last of al after the sōnes was the mother put to death also Let this nowe be ynough spoken concernynge the offrynges and extreme cruelnesse ¶ Iudas gathereth together hys hoost Nicanor is sent agaynst Iudas Iudas exhorteth hys soudyars to cōstantnes Nicanor is ouer come The Iewes geue thākes after they haue put theyr enemyes to flyght dyuidynge the spoyles vnto the fatherles and vnto the wydowes Nicanor flyeth vnto Antiochus CAPI VIII THEN Iudas Machabeus and they that were with hym wente pryuely in to y ● townes called theyr kynsfolkes frendes together toke vnto them all suche as contynued yet in the fayth and lawe of the Iewes and brought forth vt M. men So they called vpon the Lorde that he wolde haue an eye vnto his people whiche was trodden downe of euery man to be gracyous vnto the temple that was defyled of the vngodly to haue cōpassyon vpon the destruccyon of the cytie whiche was shortly lyke to be layed waste to heare the voyce of the bloude that cryed vnto hym to remēbre the moste vnryghteous deathes of yonge innocent chyldren y ● blasphemyes also done vnto his name and to punysh them Nowe when Machabeus had gathered this multitude together he was to mightye for the Heathen for the wrath of the Lorde was turned into mercy he fel vpō y ● townes and cyties vnwares brent them toke the most commodious places and slew many of the enemyes But specyally he made suche chases by nyght in so muche that hys manlynesse was spoken of euery where So when Phylippe sawe that the man increased by lytle lytle and that y ● matter prospered w t him for the most part he wrote vnto Ptolomy which was a captayne in Celosyria and Phenices to helpe him in the kynges busynes Then sent he Nycanor Patrocly a speciall frende of his in al the halt and gaue him of the comen sorte of the Heathen no lesse then xx M. harnessed men to rote out y ● who le generacyon of the Iewes hauynge to helpe hym one Gorgias a man of warre which in matters cōcernynge battayls had great experiēce Nicanor ornened also the tribute which the Romaynes shuld haue had to be geuen vnto the kinge out of the captyuyte of the Iewes namely ij M. talētes And immediatly he sent to y ● cyties of the see coast requyrynge them for to bye Iewes to be theyr seruauntes bonde men promisynge to sell thē lxxx and ten for one talente but he considered not y ● wrath of almyghtye God that was to come vpon hym When Iudas knewe of this he tolde the Iewes y ● were w t him of Nicanors cōming Nowe were there some of them fearfull not trustynge vnto the ryghteousnes of God fled theyr waye But the other y ● remayned came together besought the Lorde to delyuer thē from that wycked Nicanor which had solde thē or euer he came nye them and though he wolde not do it for theyr sakes yet for the couenaūt y t he made with their fathers because they called vpon his holy glorius name And so Machabeus called his men together namely about vj. M. exhortynge them not to agree vnto theyr enemyes nether to be afrayed for y ● multitude of theyr aduersaries cōmynge against them vuryghteously but to fyght manly cōsyderynge the reprofe y ● they had done to y ● holy place without cause howe they had despysed oppressed the cytie yee destroyed the lawes of the fathers For they sayde he trust in they 'r weapens boldnesse but oure confidēce is in y ● almighty Lorde whiche in the twyncklyng of an eye may both destroye them y ● come agaynst vs and al the worlde He exhorted thē also to call to remēbraūce the helpe y ● God shewed vnto theyr fathers as whē there perished an C. lxxxv M. of Sennacheribs people And of the battayll that they had in Babylon agaynst the Gallacyans howe al the Macedonians y t came to helpe thē stode in feare how they being but only vj. M. slew an C. xx M. thorow the helpe y t was geuen thē frō heauen wherby they also had receaued many benefytes Thorowe these wordes the mē toke good hertes vnto them ready to dye for the lawe and the countre So he set vpon euery company a captayne one of his owne brethren Symon Ioseph and Ionathas geuynge eche one xv C. men He caused Esdras also to reade the holy boke vnto thē and to geue them a token of the helpe of God Then he hym selfe beynge captayne in the fore front of the battayll buckled with Nicanor And God was theyr helpe in so much y ● they slewe aboue ix M. men conpelled the more parte of Nicanors hoost to fle they were so woūded feable Thus they toke the money from those that came to bye thē folowed vpon thē on euery syde But when y ● tyme came vpon thē they returned for it was the Sabbath therfore they folowed nomore vpon thē So they toke theyr weapens and spoyles and kepte the Sabbath geuynge thākes vnto y ● Lorde whiche had delyuered them that daye and shewed them his mercy After the Sabboth they distributed the spoyles to the sycke to the fatherlesse and to wyddowes and the resydue had they them selues with theyrs When this was done and they all had made a generall prayer they besought the mercyfull Lorde to be at one
nowe wel stryken in age And it came to passe that when Zacharye executed the preestes office before god as his course came accordyng to the custome of the preestes offyce his lot fell to burne insence And he went into the temple of the Lorde and the hoole multitude of people were with out in prayer whyle the insence was a burnyng And there appeared vnto hym an angell of the Lorde standyng on the ryght syde of the aulter of insence And when Zacharias sawe hym he was abasshed and feare came on hym But the angell sayde vnto hym feare not zachary for thy prayer is herde And thy wife Elizabeth shall beare the a sonne and thou shalte call his name Iohn̄ and thou shalte haue ioye and gladnes many shall reioyce at his byrth For he shal be great in the syght of the Lorde and shall neyther drynke wyne nor strong drynke And he shal be fylled with the holy goost euen frō his mothers wombe and many of the chyldren of Israell shall he turne to theyr Lorde God And he shall go before hym in the spirite and power of Elias ☞ to turne the hertes of the Fathers to the chyldren and the vnbyleuers to the wysdom of the iust men to make redy a perfyte people for the Lorde And Zacharias sayd vnto the angell by what token shall I knowe this For I am olde and my wyfe well stryken in yeres And the angell answered and sayde vnto hym I am Gabriell that stande in the presence of God and am sent to speake vnto the and to shew the these glad tydyngꝭ And beholde it shall come to passe that thou shalt be dombe and not be able to speake vntyll the day that these thynges be perfourmed bycause thou byleu●dst not my wordes whiche shal be ●ufylled in theyr season And the peple wayted for Zacharias and meruayled that he tarted in the temple And whē he came out he coulde not speake vnto them And they perceyued that he had sene a visiō in the temple And he beckened vnto them and remayned spechlesse ✚ And it fortuned that as soone as the dayes of his offyce were out he departed in to his owne house And after those dayes his wyfe Elizabeth conceyued and hyd her selfe fyue monethes sayeng This wyse hath god delte with me in the dayes wherin he hath loked on me to take from me my rebuke amonge men And in the. vi moneth the angel Gabriell was sent from God vnto a citye of Galile named Nazareth to a virgyn spoused to a man whose name was Ioseph of the house of Dauid and the virgins name was Mary And the angell went in vnto her and sayd Hayle full of grace the Lorde is with the blessed arte thou among women When she saw hym she was abasshed at his sayeng and cast in her mynde what maner of salutacion that shulde be And the angel sayd vnto her feare not Mary for thou haste founde grace with God Beholde thou shalte conceyue in thy wombe and beare a sonne and shalt call his name Iesus He shal be great and shall be called the sonne of the hyghest And the Lorde God shall gyue vnto hym the seate of his father Dauid he shal reygne ouer the house of Iacob for euer of his kyngdome there shall be none ende Then sayd Mary vnto the angell Howe shall this be seynge I know not a man And the angell answered and sayd vnto her The holy goost shall come vpon the the power of the hyghest shall oue● shadowe the. Therfore also that holy thyng which shal be borne shal be called the sonne of God And beholde thy cosen Elizabeth she hath also conceyued a sonne in her age And this is her syxte moneth whiche was called bareyne for with god shal nothyng be vnpossyble And Mary sayd beholde the hande mayden of the Lorde be it vnto me accordyng to thy worde ⊢ And the angell departed from her ✚ And Mary arose in those dayes went into the mountaynes with haste ☞ in to the citye of Iurye and entred in to the house of Zachary and saluted Elizabeth And it fortuned that whē Elizabeth herde the salutacion of Mary the babe sprange in her wombe And Elizabeth was fylled with the holy goost and cryed with a loude voyce sayde Blessed arte thou amonge women blessed is the fruyte of thy wombe And whence hapneth this to me that the mother of my Lorde shuld come to me For lo assone as the voyce of thy salutacyon sounded in myne eares the babe sprange in my wombe for ioye And blessed arte thou that haste byleued for those thynges shal be performed which were tolde the from the Lorde And Mary sayde My soule magnifyeth the Lorde And my spiryte hath reioysed in God my sauyoure ⊢ For he hath loked on the lowe degre of his hande mayden for lo nowe from henseforth shall all generacions cal me blessed Bicause he that is myghtye hath done to me greate thynges and holy is his name And his mercye is on them that feare hym from generacion to generacion He hath shewed strength with his arme he hath scattered them that are proude in the ymaginacyō of theyr herte He hath put downe the myghtye frō theyr seates exalted them of lowe degre He hath fylled the hungrye with good thynges and sent awaye the ryche emptye He hath helped his seruaunt Israell in remembraūce of his mercye Euen as he promysed to oure fathers Abraham to his seede for euer And Mary abode with her aboute iii. monethes and returned agayne to her owne house ✚ Elizabethes tyme came that she shulde be deliuered and she brought forth a sonne And her neyghbours and her cosyns herde howe the Lorde had shewed great mercy vpō her and they reioysed with her And it fortuned that in the eyght day they came to circumcise the chylde and called his name Zacharias after the n●me of his father And his mother answered and sayd not so but he shall be called Iohn̄ And they sayde vnto her There is none in thy kynred that is named with this name And they made sygnes to his father howe he wolde haue him called And he asked for wrytyng tables and wrote sayeng his name is Iohn̄ And they maruay led all And his mouth was opened immediatly and his tongue also and he spake and praysed god And feare came on al them that dwelt nygh vnto them And all these sayengꝭ were noysed abrode thorowout all the hyll countrey of Iurye and all they that herde them layde them vp in theyr hertes sayenge What maner of chylde shall this be And the hande of the Lorde was with hym And his father Zacharias was fylled with the holy goost and prophesyed sayeng Pray sed be the Lorde God of Israell for he hath ☞ visyted and redemed his people ⊢ And hath reysed vp an horne of saluacyon vnto vs in the house of his seruaunt Dauid Euen as he promysed
thrusteth them oute of the congregacyon Beloued folowe not that which is euyll but that which is good He that doeth well is of God but he that doeth euyll seyth not God Demetrius hathe good reporte of all men and of the trueth it selfe yee and we our selues also beare recorde and yeknowe that oure recorde is true I had many thynges to wryte but I wyl not with inke and penne wryte vnto the. I trust I shal shortly se the and we shal speake mouthe to mouthe Peace be vnto the. The louers salute the. Grete the louers by name ¶ He rebuketh such as beyng blynded with theyr owne ●ust●● ▪ resyst the trueth and that we may knowe the● the better he sayeth they be suche as synne beastly agaynste nature and despise rulers c. He exhorteth vs to edyfy one another to praye in the holy gooste to contynue in loue to loke for the commynge of the Lorde and one to helpe another out of the fyre ❧ The epystle of Saynte Iude. IUdas the seruaunt of Iesus Christ the brother of Iames To them which are called and sanctified in god the father and preserued in Iesu Chryste Mercy vnto you and peace and loue be multyplyed Beloued when I gaue all dylygence to wryte vnto you of the commen saluacyon it was nedefull for me to wryte vnto you to exhorte you that ye shulde contynually laboure in the faythe whiche was once geuen vnto the sayntes For there are certayne vngodly men craftely crept in of which it was written afore tyme vnto suche iudgement They turne the grace of our god vnto wantannes and denye God whiche is the onely Lorde and our Lorde Iesus Christ. My mynde is therfore to put you in remembraunce for as much as ye once knowe this howe that the Lorde after that he had delyuered the people out of Egypt destroied them whyche afterwarde beleued not The angels also which kept not their first estate but lefte theyr owne habytacyon he hath reserued in euerlastynge chaynes vnder darkenes vnto the iudgement of the great day euen as Sodom and Gomor and the cytyes aboute them whiche in lyke maner defyled them selues with fornicacyon and folowed ☞ straunge flesshe are set forthe for an ensample and suffre the payne of eternall fyre Lykewyse these beynge disceaued by dreames defyle the flesshe despise rulers and speake euyll of them that are in auctoryte Yet Michaell the archangell when he stroue agaynste the deuyll and dysputed about the body of Moses durst not geue ray lynge sentence but sayde the Lorde rebuke the. But these speake euyll of those thynges whiche they knowe not and what thynges they know naturally as beastes which are without reason in tho thinges they corrupte themselues Wo be vnto them for they haue folowed the waye of Cayn and are vtterly geuen to the errouce of Balan * for lukers sake ‡ and perisshe in the treason of Core These are spottes which of your kindnes feast together withoute feare fedinge themselues Cloudes they are without water caryed about of wides trees without frute at gatherynge tyme twyse deed and plucked vp by the rotes They are the ragynge waues of the see fomynge out theyr owne shame They are wandrynge starres to whome is reserued the myste of darckenes for euer Enoch the seuenth from Adam prophesyed before of such sayinge Beholde the Lorde shall come with thousandes of saynctes to geue iudgement against al men and to rebuke al that are vngodly among them of all theyr vngodly dedes which they haue vngodly commytted and of all theyr cruell speakynges whiche vngodly synners haue spoken agaynst hym These are murmurers complayners walkynge after theyr owne lustes whose mouthes speake proude thynges They haue men in greate reuerence because of auauntage But ye beloued remember the wordes whyche were spoken before of the Apostels of oure Lorde Iesus Christ howe that they tolde you that there shulde be begylers in the last tyme whyche shulde walcke after theyr owne vngodly lustes These are makers of sectes fleshlye hauynge no spyryte But ye de●lye beloued edyfye youre selues in youre mos●e holy faythe prayinge in the holy goost and kepe youre selues in the loue of God lokynge for the mercy of oure Lorde Iesus Chryste vnto eternall lyfe And haue compassion of some separatynge them and other saue wyth feare pullynge them out of the fyre ⚜ and haue compassyon on the other and hate the fylthy vesture of the flesshe Unto him that is able to kepe you fre from sinne and to present you fautlesse before the presence of his glorye with ioye ⚜ at the commynge of our Lorde Iesu Christ to god our sauyoure thorowe Iesus chryst our Lorde which onely is wyse be glorye maieste domynion power ⚜ before al worldes nowe and euer Amen ❧ The Reuelacyon of Saynte Ihon the dyuyne ¶ Happy are they that heare the worde of God and kepe it He wryteth to the seuen congregacyons in Asi● ●re●h seuen candelstyckes and in the myddes of them one lyke vnto the 〈◊〉 of man CAPI I. THe Reuelacyon of Iesus Christ which God gaue vnto him for to shewe vnto hys seruauntes thynges whiche muste shortely come to passe ✚ And whan he had sente he shewed by hys angell vnto hys seruaūt Ihon which vare recorde of the worde of God and of the testymonye of Iesus Chryst and of all thynges that he sawe Happye is he that readeth and they that heare the wordes of the prophesye and kepe those thynges which are wrytten therin For the tyme is at hande Iohn to the seuen congregacions in Asia Grace be vnto you and peace frō him which is and which was and whiche is to come from the seuen spirites which are before his trone from Iesu Christ which is a faythfull wytnes and fyrst begotten of the deed and lorde ouer the kinges of the earth Unto him that loued vs wesshed vs from oure synnes in his owne bloude ⊢ and made vs Kynges and Prestes vnto God hys father be glory and dominion for euermore Amen Beholde he cōmeth with cloudes al eyes shall se him they also which pearsed hym And all kynredes of the earth shal wayle ⚜ ouer hym Euen so Amen I am Alpha and Omega the begynnynge and the endynge sayeth the Lorde almyghty whyche is and which was and which is to come I Iohn youre brother and companion in tribulacyon and in the kyngdome paciēce in Iesu Chryst was in the yle that is called Pathmos for the worde of God and for the wytnessing of Iesu Christ I was in the spirite on a sonday herde behynde me a great voyce as it had bene of a trompe sayinge I am Alpha and Omega the fyrste and laste That thou seyst wryte in a boke and sende it vnto the seuen cōgregacions which are in Asia vnto Ephesus vnto Smi●na and vnto Pergamos and vnto Thiatira and vnto Sardis and vnto Philadelphia and vnto Laodieia And I turned backe to se the voyce that spake
do after ryght and conscience that the lorde may bryng vpon Abraham all that he hath spoken vnto hym And the lorde sayd The crye of Sodome and Gomorra is great theyr synne is excedyng greuous I wyll go downe nowe and se whyther they haue done al togyther accordyng to that crye whiche is come vnto me and yf not that I may knowe And the men departed thence went to Sodome warde But Abrahā stode yet before the Lorde Abraham drewe nere and sayd Wylte thou also destroy the ryghteous with the wycked peraduenture there be l. ryghteous within the cytie wylte thou destroy and not spare the place for the sake of l. ryghteous that are therin that be farre from the that thou shuldest do after this sayeng and slee the ryghteous with the wycked that the righteous shulde be as the wycked that be farre from the. Shall not the iudge of all the worlde do accordyng to ryght And the lorde sayd Yf I fynde in Sodome l. righteous within the Cytie I wyll spare all the place for theyr sakes And Abrahā answering sayd Beholde I take vpon me to speake vn to my lorde whiche am but dust asshes Peraduenture there shall lacke fyue of fyftie ryghteous Wylte thou destroy all the cytie for lacke of fyue And he sayd Yf I fynde xl fyue I wyll not destroy them And he proceded to speake vnto hym agayn saynge Peraduenture there shal be fourtye found there ●He answered I wyll not do it for fourtyes sake He sayd agayn O let not my Lorde be angry that I speake Peraduēture there shal thyrtie be founde there And he sayde I wyll do nothyng yf I fynde thyrtie there He sayd agayne O se I take vpon me to speake now also vnto my lorde Peraduenture there shal be twentye founde there He answered I wyl not destroy them for twentyes sake And he sayde O let not my Lorde be angrye and I wyl speake yet but ones Peraduenture there shal ten be founde there He answered I wyl not destroy them for tens sake And the lorde went his way as soone as he lefte cōmonyng with Abraham And Abraham also returned vnto his place ¶ Lot receyueth Angels in to his house The fylthy Iustes of the Sodomites theyr su●uercyon Lot is delyuered the citie zoar Lots wyfe is turned into a pyller of salt Lot is dronkers his incest with his doughters CAPI XIX ANd there came ii angels to Sodome at euen And Lot sat in the gate of Sodome And Lot seyng them rose vp to mete them and he bowed hym selfe to the grounde with his face And he sayd My lordes turne in I pray you in to your seruauntes house tary all nyght and wasshe your feete and ye shall ryse vp early to go on your wayes Whiche sayde Nay but we wyll byde in the streetes all nyght And he in maner dyd euen compell them violently And they turnyng in vnto hym entred in to his house a 〈…〉 made them a feast and dyd bake swete 〈…〉 d and they dyd eate And before they went to rest the men of the cytie euen the men of Sodome compassed the house rounde aboute both olde and yonge all the people from all quarters And they callynge vnto Lot sayde vnto hym Where are the men whiche came in to the this nyght brynge them out vnto vs that we may knowe them And Lot went out at the dores vnto them and shut the dore after hym and sayde Nay for Goddes sake brethren do not so wyckedly Beholde I haue two doughters whiche haue knowen no man them wyll I brynge out nowe vnto you and do with them as it semeth good in your eyes Onely vnto these men do nothynge for therfore came they in vnder the shadow of my rose And they sayd Stande asyde there And they sayd he came in as one to soiourne and wyl he be nowe a iudge we wyl nowe deale worse with the then with them And they preased sore vpon the man euen Lot and came to breake vp the dore but the men put forth theyr hande and pulled Lot in to the house to them and shut to the dore And the men that were at the dore of the house they smote with blyndnesse bothe smal and great so that they faynted coulde not fynde the dore And the men sayde vnto Lot If thou haue yet here any sonne in lawe or sonnes or doughters or what so euer thou hast in the cytie bryng it out of this place for we wyll destroy this place bycause the crye of them is great before the face of god for the Lorde hath sent vs to destroy it And Lot went out and spake vnto his sonnes in lawe whiche maryed his boughters sayeng stande vp get you out of this place for the Lorde wyl ouet throwe this cytie But he semed as though he had mocked vnto his sonnes in law And when the mornyng arose the angell caused Lot to spede hym sayenge Stand vp take thy wyfe thy ii daughters at hand lest peraduēture thou peryshe in the syn of the cyte And as he prolōged the tyme the men caught bothe hym his wyfe and his two daughters by the handes The lorde beyng mercyfull vnto hym and they brought hym forth and set hym without the cytie It fortuned when they had brought them out he sayd Saue thy lyfe and loke not behynde the neyther tary thou in all this playn countrey Saue thy selfe in the mountayne leest thou perysshe And Lot sayd vnto them No I pray the my Lorde Beholde thy set●●●●t hath founde grace in thy syght and thou hast magnified thy mercye which thou hast shewed vnto me in sauynge my lyfe Beholde I can not be saued in the moūtayn leest haply some mysfortune fall vpon me I dye Beholde here is a cytie by to flee vnto euen yonder lytell one Oh let me be saued there is it not a lytell one and my soule shall lyue And he sayd to hym se I haue receyued thy request as concernynge this thynge that I wyl not ouerthrow this cytie for the which thou hast spoken Haste the be saued there for I can do nothyng tyll thou be come thyther And therfore the name of the cytie is called Zoar. And the son was nowe rysen vpon the earth when Lot was entred in to Zoer Then the Lorde rayned vpon Sodome Gomorra ▪ brymstone and fyre from the lorde out of heuen ouerthrew those cyties all the region all that dwelled in the cyties that that grewe vpon the earth But Lottes wyfe loked behynd her was turned in to a pyller of salte But Abrahā rysyng vp early got hym to the place where he stode before the presence of God and lokynge towarde Sodome and Gomorra and towarde all the lande of that countrey he loked And beholde the smoke of the countrey arose as the smoke of a fornace And it happened that when god destroyed the cyties of
so my Lorde heare me The felde gyue I the and the caue that therin is gyue I the also euen in the presence of the sonnes of my people gyue I it the bury thy deed And Abrahā bowed hym selfe before the people of the land and spake vnto Ephron in the audience of the people of the countrey sayenge I praye the heare me yf it please the I wyl gyue syluer for the feld take it of me and I wyl bury my deed there Ephron answered Abraham sayenge vnto hym My Lorde harken vnto me The land is worth .iiii. hundred sycles of syluer what is that betwyxte the me bury therfore thy deed And Abraham harkened vnto Ephron weyed him the syluer which he had sayd in the audience of the sonnes of Heth. Euen iiii hundred syluer sycles of currant money amonge marchaūtes And the felde of Epron w t the duoble caue which was before Māre euen the felde and the caue that was therin and all the trees th●t were in the felde that were in all the b 〈…〉 s rounde aboute was made sure but 〈…〉 ham for a possessyon in the syght 〈…〉 ldren of Heth before al that went in at the gates of the citye After this dyd Abraham burye Sara his wyfe in the double caue of the felde that lyeth before Mamre The same is Hebron in the lande of Chanaan And so bothe the felde the caue that is therin was made vnto Abraham a sure possessyō to bury in of the son̄es of Heth ¶ Abraham sendeth a seruaunt to seke a wyfe for his sonne The faythfull Isaac taketh fayre Rebecca to wyfe CAPI XXIIII ABraham was olde and strykē in dayes and the Lorde had blessed hym in all thyngꝭ And Abraham sayde vnto his eldest seruaunte of his house whiche had the rule ouer all that he had Put thy hande vnder my thye I wyll make the swere by the Lorde god of heuen god of the earth that thou shalte not take a wyfe vnto my son of the doughters of Chanaan among which I dwell But thou shalte go vnto my countrey and to my natyue lande take a wyfe vnto my son Isaac But the seruaunt sayde vnto hym peraduenture the woman wyl not agre to come w t me vnto this lande shall I bryng thy son agayne vnto the lande whiche thou cammest out of To whome Abraham answered be ware that thou brynge not my son thyther agayne The Lorde God of heuen whiche toke me frō my fathers house from the lande where I was borne and whiche spake vnto me and that sware vnto me sayenge vnto thy seed wyll I gyue this land he shall ●ende his angell before the and thou shalte take a wyfe vnto my son from thence Neuerthelesse yf the woman wyll not agree to folowe the then shalte thou be with out daunger of this my doth Onely brynge not my sonne thyther agayne And the seruaunt put his hande vnder the thye of Abraham his mayster sware to hym as concernynge that ma●●er And the seruant toke .x. camels of the camels of his mayster and departed had of all maner goodes of his master with hym and stoode vp and went to Mesopotamia vnto the citye of Nahor And made his camels to lye downe without the citye by a wels syde of water at euen aboute the tyme that women come out to drawe water he sayde Lorde god of my mayster Abraham I besech the sende me good spede this day and shewe mercy vnto my mayster Abraham Lo I stande here by the well of water and the doughters of the men of this citye come out to drawe water Nowe the damsell to whome I saye holde downe thy pytcher I praye the that I maye drynke Yf she say also drynke and I wyl gyue thy camels drynke the same is she that thou haste ordeyned for thy seruant Isaac yea and therby shall I knowe that thou hast shewed mercy on my mayster And it came to passe or he had lefte speakyng beholde Rebecca came out the doughter of Bethuel sonne to Mylca the wyfe of Nahor Abrahams brother and her pytcher vpon her shoulder The damsell was very fayre to loke vpon and yet a mayde and vnknowen of man And she went downe to the well and fylled her pytcher and came vp And the seruant rennynge vnto her sayde Let me sup a lytle water of thy pytcher And she sayde drynke my lorde And she hasted let downe her pytcher vpon her arme and gaue hym drynke And when she had gynē hym drynke she sayd I wyll drawe water for thy camels also vntyll they haue dronke ynough And she powred out her pytcher in to the trough hastely ran agayne vnto the wel to fet water and drewe for all his camels And the man wondred at her But helde his peace to wete whether the Lorde had made his iourney prosperous or not And it fortuned as the camels had lefte drynkynge the man toke a golden earynge of halfe a sicle weyght and two bracelettes for her handes of ten sicles weyght of gold and sayd Whose doughter arte thou tell me I pray the is there rowme in thy fathers house for vs to lodge in She answered hym I am the doughter of Bathu ell the son of Milca whiche she bare vnto Nahor sayd moreouer vnto hym we haue litter and prauonder ynough also rowme to lodge in And the man bowed hymselfe worshypped the Lorde and sayde blessed be the Lorde god of my mayster Abrahā which ceaseth not to deale mercyfully and truely w t my mayster and hath brought me the way to my maisters brothers house And the damsel ran tolde them of her mothers house these thynges And Rebecca had a brother called Laban And he ran out vnto the man euen to the wel for as soone as he had sene thy earynges and the bracelettees in his systers handes and herde the wordes of Rebecca his syster sayenge thus sayde the man vnto me he went out vnto the man And loo he stoode with the camels by the wel syde And he said come in thou blessed of the Lorde Wherfore stādest thou wtout I haue dressed the house and made rowme for the camels And then the man came in to the house and he vnbryd led the camels and Laban brought lytter and prauonder for the camels and water to washe his fete and the mennꝭ fete that were with hym and set meate before hym to eate ▪ But he sayde I wyll not eate vntyll I haue sayde myne erande And he sayd say on And he sayd I am Abrahams seruaunt and God hath blessed my mayster out of measure that he is become great hath gyuen hym shepe and oxen syluer and golde menseruantes mayde seruantes camels and asses And Sara my maysters wyfe bare him a sonne when she was olde and vnto hym hath he gyuen al that he hath And my mayster made me swere sayenge thou shalte not take a wyfe to my sonne amonge the
Wherfore wentest thou away secretly vnknowen to me and dydest not tell me that I myghte haue brought the on the way with myrth syngyng tymtell and harpe and hast not suffered me to kysse my chyldren and my doughters Thou wast a foole nowe to do it for I am able to do you euyl But the God of your father spake vnto me yesterdaye sayenge Take hede that thou speake not to Iacob ought saue good And nowe thoughe thou wentest thy waye bycause thou longest after thy fathers house yet wherfore hast thou stolen my Goddes Iacob answered and sayde to Laban bycause I was afrayde and thought that thou woldest haue taken awaye thy doughters from me But vvhere as thou layest thefte to my charge with whom so euer thou fyndest thy godꝭ let hym dye here before our brethrē Seke that thyne is by me and take it to the. But Iacob wyst not that Rahell had stolen them Then wente Laban in to Iacobs tent and in to Leas tente and in to the two maydens tentes founde them not Then wente he out of Leas tente and entred in to Rahels tente And Rahel had taken the ymages and put them in the Camels strawe sat downe vpon them And Laban serched all the tente and founde them not Then sayde she to her father My Lorde be not angrye that I can not ryse vp before the for the custome of women is come vpon me So serched he but founde not those ydols And Iacob was wrothe and dyd chyde with Laban Iacob also answered and sayde to Labā What haue I trespased or what haue I offended that thou folowedst so after me Thou hast searched all my stuffe and what hast thou founde of all thy housholde stuffe put it here before thy brethren and myne that they may iudge bytwene vs bothe Beholde This. xx yere haue I ben with the thy shepe thy gootes haue not ben bareyne the rammes of thy flocke haue I not eaten What soeuer was torne of beastes I brought it not vnto the but made it good my selfe Of my hande dydest thou requyre it euen as it that was stollen by day or nyght By daye the hete consumed me and the frost by nyght and my slepe departed fro myne eyes Thus haue I ben xx yere in thy house and serued the xiiii yeres for thy ii doughters vi yeres for thy shepe and thou hast chaunged my rewarde x. tymes And excepte the god of my father the God of Abraham the fere of Isaac had bene with me surelye thou haddest sent me away now all emptye But god behelde my tribulacyon and the laboure of my handes and rebuked the yester day Laban answered and sayd vnto Iacob these doughters are my doughters and these chyldren are my chyldren and these shepe are my shepe and all that thou seest is myne And what can I do this day vnto these my doughters or vnto theyr chyldren which they haue borne Nowe therfore come on and let vs make a bonde I and thou which may be a wytnesse bytwene the and me Then toke Iacob a stone and set it vp an ende Iacob sayd vnto his brethren gather stones And they toke stones made an heape and they dyd eate therevpon the heape And Laban called it Iegar Sahadutha but Iacob called it Gilead eyther of them accordynge to the propertye of his ovvne language Then sayd Laban This heape is wytnesse bytwene the and me this day and therfore it is called Gilead that is a heape of vvitnesse And Mizpah For he sayd The Lorde loke bytwene me the when we are departed one from an other If thou shalte vexe my doughters or shalte take other wyues besyde my doughters Here is no man with vs. Beholde God be wytnesse bytwene the and me And Laban sayde more ouer to Iacob Beholde this heape and this marke whiche I haue set here bytwene me the. This heape be wytnesse and also this marke that I wyll not come ouer this heape to the nor thou shalte not come ouer this heape and this marke vnto me to do any harme The God of Abraham the God of Nahor and the God of theyr fathers be iudge bytwene vs. And Iacob sware by the feare of his father Isaac Then Iacob dyd sacrifice vpon the mounte and called his brethren to eate breade And they dyd eate breade and taryed all nyght in the hyll And early in the mornynge Laban rose vp and kyssed his chyldren and his doughters and blessed them And Laban departynge wente vnto his place agayne ¶ The visyon of Angels Iacob sendeth presentes to Esau. He wrastleth with the Angell which chaunged his name and called hym Israell CAPI XXXII BUT Iacob wente forth on his iourney And the angell of God came and met hym And when Iacob same them he sayd this is goddes hoost called the name of that place Mahanaim This is an army And Iacob sente messengers before hym to Esau his brother vnto the lande of Seit and the felde of Edom. And he cōmaunded them sayenge Thus shall ye speake to my lorde Esau thy seruaunt Iacob sayth thus I haue soiourned and ben a straunger with Laban vnto this tyme and haue oxen asses and shepe men seruauntes and women seruauntes and haue sent to shewe it my Lorde that I may fynde grace in thy syght And the messengers came agayne to Iacob sayenge We came vnto thy brother Esau and he cometh agaynste the and hathe foure hundred men with hym But Iacob was greatly afrayde and wyst not whiche way to turne hym selfe and deuyded the people that was with hym and the Shepe and Oxen and Camels into two companyes and sayde If Esau come to the one parte and smyte it the other shall saue it selfe And Iacob sayd agayne O god of my father Abraham God of my father Isaac Lorde whiche saydest vnto me returne vnto thy countrey and to thy kynred I wyll do all well with the. I am not worthy of the least of all the mercyes and truthe whiche thou hast shewed vnto thy seruaunte For with my staffe came I ouer this Iordan and nowe haue I gotten two droues Delyuer me from the handes of my brother Esau for I feare hym leest he wyl come and smyte the mother with the chyldren Thou saydest I wyll surely do the good and make thy seede as the sande of the see which can not be nombred for multitude And he taryed there that same nyght and toke of that whiche came to hande a present for Esau his brother two hundred she gootes xx he gootes ii hundred shepe and. xx rammes thyrtye mylche camels with theyr coltes xl kyne and. x. bulles xx she asses and x. fooles and delyuered them in to the hande of his seruaūtes euery droue by them selues and sayd vnto his seruauntes Go forthe before me and put a space bytwene droue and droue And he commaunded the formost sayenge If Esau my brother mete the and aske the sayenge
hym and toke vi hundred chosen charettes and al the charettes of Egipt and cap taynes vpon euery one of them And the lord hardened the herte of Pharao kynge of Egypt and he folowed after the chyldrē of Israell But the Chyldren of Israell went out with an hye hande and the Egyptians folowed after them al the horses and charettes of Pharao and his horsemen his hoste oueroke them abydynge by the see besyde Pi Hiroth before Baalzephon And when Pharao drew nye the chyldren of Israell lyfte vp theyr eyes beholde the Egyptians folowed after them they were sore afrayed the chyldren of Israell cryed out vnto the Lorde But they sayd vnto Moses bycause there were no graues in Egypt hast thou therfore brought vs awaye for to dye in the wyldernesse Wherfore haste thou serued vs thus for to carye vs out of Egipte Dyd not we tel the this in Egypt saynge let vs be in rest that we maye serue the Egyptians For it had ben better for vs to haue serued the Egiptians then for to dye in the wyl dernesse And Moses sayde vnto the people feare ye not stande styl beholde howe the Lorde shall saue you this daye For ye that haue sene the Egyptians this daye shall se them nomore for euer The Lorde shal fyght for you and ye shall holde your peace And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses wherfore cryest thou vnto me Speake vnto the chyldrē of Israel that they go forwarde But lyfte thou vp thy rod stretch out thy hande ouer the see deuyde it a sondre and let the chyldren of Israel go on drye groūde thorow the myddest of the see And beholde I wyll harden the herte of the Egyptians that they maye folow them And I wyl get me honour vpon Pharao and vpon all his hoost and vpon his charettes and vpon his horsemen And the Egyptians shal knowe that I am the Lorde when I haue gotten me honoure vpon Pharao vpon his charettes and vpon his horsemen And the Angell of god whiche went before the hoost of Israell remoued began to go behynde them And the clowden pyller that was before the face of them begā to stande behynde them and came bytwene the hoost of the Egyptians and the hoost of Israel It was ☞ also a darke clowde and gaue lyght by nyght and al the nyght longe the one came not at the other And Moses stretched forth his hande ouer the see and the Lorde caryed away the see by a very stronge East wynde all that nyght and made the see drye lande the waters were deuyded And the chyldren of Israel went in to the myddest of the see vpon the drye groūde And the waters were a walle vnto them on theyr ryght hande on theyr lefte hande And the Egiptians folowed and went in after them to the myddest of the see euen all Pharaos horses his charettes and his horsemen ✚ And in the mornyng watche the Lorde loked vnto the hoost of the Egyptians out of the fyrie clowdy pyller and troubled the hoost of the Egyptians toke of his charet wheles and caryed them away violently so that the Egyptians sayd Let vs f●e from the face of Israell for the Lorde fyghteth for thē agaynst the Egyptians And the lorde sayde vnto Moses stretche out thyne hande ouer the See that the waters may come agayne vpon the Egiptian vpon his charettes and vpon his horsemen And Moses stretched forth his hand ouer the see it came agayne to his course early in the mornynge the Egyptians fled agaynst it And the Lorde ouerthrew the Egyptians in the myddest of the see the water returned and couered the charettes the horsemen and all the hoost of Pharao that came in to the see after them so that there remayned not one of them But the children of Israel walked vpon drye lande thorowe the myddest of the see the waters were a walle vnto them on the ryght hande of them and on the lefte Thus the Lorde delyuered Israell the selfe same daye out of the hande of the Egyptians and Israell sawe the Egyptyans dead vpon the see syde And Israell sawe that myghtye power which the lorde shewed vpon the Egyptians and the people feared the Lorde byleued the lorde and his seruaunt Moses ¶ Moyses and the people with the women synge At the prayer of Moyses the bytter waters were swete God must be herde They come to Elim CAPI XV. THen Moses and the chyldren of Israel sange this songe vnto the lorde sayd I wyl syng vnto the lorde ⊢ for he hath triumphed gloriously the horse him that rode vpon hym hath he ouerthrowne in the see The Lorde is my strength prayse and he is become my saluacion He is my god and I wyll gloryfy hym my fahthers God and I wyll exalte hym The lorde is a man of war The lorde is his name Pharaos charettes his hoost hath he cast into the see His chosen captaynes also are drowned in the red See that deepe waters haue couered them they soncke to the botom as a stone Thy ryghthand lorde is become glorious in power thy ryghthande lorde hath all to dasshed the enemye And in thy greate glory thou hast ouerthrowne them that rose vp agaynst the thou sentest forth thy wrath which cōsumed them euen as stoble Thorow the wynd of thy nose thrylles the water gathered togyther the floodes stode styl as an heape the depe water cōgeled togyther in the ☞ herte of the see The enemye sayd I wyl folowe on them I wyl ouertake thē I wyl deuyde the spoyle I wyll satisfye my lust vppon them I wyll drawe my swerde myne hande shall destroye them Thou blewest with thy wynde the see couered thē they sanke as lead in the mighty waters Who is lyke vnto the o Lorde amonge Gods who is lyke the so gloryus in holynesse ☞ fearfull in prayses shewynge wondres Thou stretchedst out thy ryght hand the earth swalowed them Thou in thy mercye hast caryed this people whiche thou delyuereds● and haste brought them in thy strength vnto thy holy habytacyon The nacyons herde and were afrayed sorowe came vpon the Philistines Then the dukes of the Edomytes were amased and the myghtyest of the Moabites tremblynge came vppon them al the inhabyters of Canaan waxed faynt herted Let feare drede fal vpon them in the greatnesse of thyne arme let them be as styl as a stone tyl thy peple passe thorow o Lorde whyle this people passe thorowe whiche thou hast gotten Thou shalt brynge them in plante them in the mountayne of thyne enherytaunce the place Lorde which y u hast made for to twel in the saintuary o lord which thy handes haue prepared The lorde shall raygne ☞ euer alway For Pharaos horse went in with his charettes horsemen into the see the Lorde brought the waters of the see vpon them But the chyldrē
in lawe and dyd all that he had sayd and chose actyue men out of all Israel and made them as heades ouer the people namely captaynes ouer thousandes ouer hundreds ouer fyftie and ouer ten And they iudged the people at al ceasons but brought the harde causes vnto Moses and iudged al small matters them selues And Moses let his father in lawe departe and he went in to his owne lande CAPI XIX ¶ The chyldren of Israell come to the mount Smay The people of god ate holy and a royall preesthod He that toucheth the hyll dyeth God appeareth vnto Moses vpon the mounte in thondre and lyghtnynge IN the thyrde moneth when the chyldren of Israell were goone out of the lande of Egypte the same day came they in to the wyldernes of Smay For they were departed from Raphidim and were come to the deserte of Smay and had pytched theyr tentes in the wyldernes And there Israel abode before the mount But Moses went vp vnto God And the Lorde called to hym out of the mountayne saynge Thus shalt thou saye vnto the house of Iacob and tell the chyldrē of Israel ye haue sene what I dyd vnto the Egyptyans and toke you vp vpon Egles wyngs and haue brought you vnto my selfe Nowe therfore yf ye wyll heare my voyce in dede and kepe myne appoyntment ye shal be myne owne aboue all nacyons for all the earth is myne Ye shal be vnto me also a kyngdome of preestes and an holy people And these are the wordes whiche thou shalte saye vnto the chyldren of Israel Moses came and called for the elders of the people and layde before theyr faces all these wordes whiche the Lorde cōmaunded hym And the people answered all togyther sayd All that the Lorde hath sayde we wyll do And Moses brought the wordes of the peple vnto the Lorde And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses To I come vnto the in the thycke clowe that the people may here me talkyng with the byleue the for euer Moses shewed the wordes of the people vnto the Lorde And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses Go vnto the people and ☞ sanctifie them to daye and to morowe let them wasshe theyr clothes and be redy agaynst the thyrde daye For the thyrde daye the Lorde wyll come downe in the syghte of all the people vpon mount Smay And thou shalt set markes rounde aboute the people and saye beware that ye go not vp in to the mounte or touche the bordre of it Who so euer toucheth the mount shall surely dye There shall not an hande touche it Els he shal be stoned or shot thorowe whyther it be beast or man it shall not lyue When the trompe bloweth longe then may they come vp into the mountayne And Moses went downe from the mount vnto the people and sanctified them they wasshed theyr clothes And he sayde vnto the people Be redy agaynst the thyrde day and ☞ come not at your wyues And the thyrde daye in the mornynge there was thonder and lyghtnynge and a thycke clowde vpon the mount and the voyce of the trompe excedyng lowde so that al the people that was in the hoost was afrayde And Moses broughte the people out of the tentes to mete with god they stode vnder the hyll And mounte Synay was all togyther on a smoke bycause the Lorde descended downe vpon it in fyre And the smoke therof ascended vp as the smoke of a chymney and al the mount was excedyng fearfull And when the voyce of the trompe blewe waxed lowder and lowder Moses spake and God answered hym by a voyce And the Lorde came downe vpon mounte Synay euen in the top of the hyll and when the lorde called Moses vp into the top of the hyll Moses went vp And the lorde sayd vnto Moses go downe charge the people that they prease not vp to se the Lorde and so many of them perysshe And let the preestes also whiche come to the lorde sanctifie them selues lest the Lorde destroy them And Moses sayd vnto the lorde the people can not come vp in to the mounte Synay for thou chargedst vs sayeng Set markes aboute the hyll and sanctifie it And the lorde sayd vnto hym awaye and get the downe thou shalte come vp thou Aaron with the. But let not the Preestes and the people presume for to come vp vnto the lord leest he destroye them And so Moses wente downe vnto the people and tolde them ¶ The ten cōmaundementes are gyuen The aulter of earth CAPI XX. AND God spake all these wordes and sayde I am the Lorde thy God whiche haue brought the out of the lande of Egypte out of the house of bondage Thou shalt haue none other goddes in my syght Thou shalte make the no grauen ymage neyther any similitude that is in heuē aboue eyther in the earth bynethe or in the waters vnder the earth Thou shalte not worshyp them neyther serue them For I the Lorde thy god am a ☞ gelouse god ☞ visyte the synne of the fathers vpon the chyldren vnto the thyrde fourth generacyon of them that hate me and shewe mercye vnto thousandes in them that loue me and kepe my cōmaundementes Thou shalte not take the name of the Lorde thy God in vayne for the Lorde wyll not hold hym gyltlesse that taketh his name in vayne Remembre the Sabboth daye that thou sanctify it Syxe dayes shalt thou labour do all that thou haste to do but the seuenth day is the Sabboth of the Lorde thy god in it thou shalte do no maner of worke thou thy son and thy doughter thy man seruaunt thy mayde seruaunt thy cattell the straunger that is within thy gates For in syxe dayes the Lorde made heuen earth the see and al that in them is and ☞ rested the seuenth day Wherfore the Lorde blessed the Sabboth day and halowed it ✚ ☞ Honour thy father thy mother that thy dayes may be longe in the lande whiche the Lorde thy God gyueth the. Thou shalte not kyll Thou shalte not breake wedlocke Thou shalte not steale Thou shalte not beare false wytnesse agaynst thy neyghboure Thou shalte not couet thy neyghbours house neyther shalte thou couet thy neyghbours wyfe or his mā seruaunt or his mayde or his ore or his asse or what so euer thy neyboure hath And all the people sawe the thonder the lyghtnyng the noyse of the trompe and the mountayne smokynge And when the people sawe it they remoued and stode a farre of sayd vnto Moses talke thou with vs we wyl heare but let not god talke with vs leest we dye And Moses sayde vnto the people Feare not for God is come to proue you and that his feare may be ☞ in your face that ye synne not And the people stode a farre of Moses wente in to the thycke clowde where God was
therin and to fyll theyr handes therin And that son that is preest in his stede after him shal put them on seuen dayes whē he cōmeth into the tabernacle of wytnesse to minyster in the holy place And thou shalte take the ram of the cōsecracion and sethe his flesshe in an holy place And Aaron his sonnꝭ shal eate the flesh of the ram the breade that is in the basket euen by the dore of the tabernacle of wytnes and they shal eate them bycause the atonement was made therwith to fyl theyr handes to consecrate them but ☞ a straūger shall not eate therof bycause they are holy And yf ought of the flesh of the cōsecracyon or of the bread remayne vnto the mornyng thou shalt burne it with fyre and it shall not be eaten bycause it is hooly Therfore shalte thou do vnto Aaron his sonnes euen so accordyng to althynges whiche I haue cōmaunded the seuen dayes shalt thou fyl theyr handes and offre euery day a calfe for a syn offerynge for to reconcyle withal that thou mayest clense the aulter whē thou recōcilest vpon it thou shalt anoynt it to sanctifye it Seuen dayes thou shalt recōcyle vpon the aulter sanctyfye it it shall be as an aulter moost holye Euery one that toucheth the aulter let hym be holy This is that whiche thou shalte offre vpon the aulter euen two lambes of one yeare olde daye by daye continually the one thou shalt offre in the mornynge the other at euen And with the one lambe a tenth deale of floure myngled w t the fourth parte of an hyn of beaten oyle the fourth parte of an hyn of wyne for a drynke offerynge And the other lambe thou shalte offre at euen shalt do therto accordynge to the meat offeryng drynke offerynge in the mornynge to be an odour of a swete sauour and a sacrifyce vnto the Lorde And let this be a continual burntofferynge amonge your Chyldren after you before the doore of the tabernacle of wytnesse before the Lorde where I wyl mete you to speke there vnto the. There I wyl mete with the chyldren of Israell wylbe sanctifyed in myne honour And I wyl sanctyfye the taber nacle of wytnesse the aulter and I wyl sanctifye also bothe Aaron and his sonnes to be my preestes And I wyll dwell amonge the chyldren of Israel and wyl be theyr god And they shall knowe that I am the Lorde theyr God that brought them out of the lande of Egypt for to dwell amonge them euen I the Lorde theyr God ¶ The aulter of Insence The brasen lauer The anoyntynge Oyle CAPI XXX ANd thou shalt make an aulter to burne sence of Sethym wod shalt thou make it a cubyte longe and a cubyte brode euen foure square shal it be and two cubytes hye the hornes therof shall procede out of it and thou shalt ouerlay it w t fyne golde both the roffe the walles rounde aboute and his hornes also and shalt make vnto it a crowne of golde rounde aboute two golden ryngꝭ on eyther syde euen vnder the crowne that they may be as places for the barres to beare it withal And thou shalt make the barres of Sethym wood and couer them with golde And thou shalt put it before the vayle that is by the arke of wytnesse before the mercyseate that is vpō the wytnes wher I wyl mete the. And Aarō shal burne theron swete sence euery mornynge when he dresseth the lampꝭ euen then shall he burne it and lykewyse at euen when he setteth vp the lampes he shall burne sence and this insencyng shal be perpetually before the lorde thorowout your generacions ▪ Ye shal put no straunge sence ther on burntsacrifyce or meatofferyng neyther powre any drynkofferyng theron And Aarō shal reconcyle vppon the hornes of it once in a yeare with the bloode of the synofferynge of reconcilynge euen once in the yeare shall he reconcyle it thorow your generacyons It is moost holy vnto the Lorde And the lorde spake vnto Moses saynge Yf thou takest the somme of the Chyldren of Israel after theyr nombre they shall gyue euery man a reconcylynge of his soule vnto the Lorde when thou tellest them that there be no plage amonge them when thou tellest them And thus moche shal euery man gyue and that goeth into the nombre halfe a sycle after the sycle of the sanctuary a sycle is xx halfpense An halfe sycle shal be the heueofferynge of the Lorde All that are nōbred from twentye yeare olde and aboue shall gyue an heueofferyng vnto the lorde The ryche shal not passe and the poore shall not goo vnder halfe a sycle But ye shal gyue an heueofferynge vnto the Lorde that he may haue mercye vpon youre soules And thou shalte take the reconcilyng money of the chyldren of Israel and shalt put it vnto the vse of the Tabernacle of wytnesse that it may be a memorial vnto the Chyldren of Israell before the lorde that he may haue mercy vpō your soulꝭ And the lorde spake vnto Moses saynge thou shalte make a lauer of brasse and his foote also of brasse to wassh withal and shalt put it bytwene the tabernacle of wytnes and the aulter and put water therin For Aaron and his sonnes shal washe theyr handes and theyr feete therin euen when they go into the tabernacle of wytnesse they shal washe them with water least they dye or when they goo vnto the aulter to minyster and to burne the lordes offeryng they shal washe theyr handꝭ and theyr feete and they shall not dye And it shall be an ordynaunce vnto them foreuer both vnto hym his seede thorowout theyr generacions And the Lorde spake vnto Moses saynge Take vnto the pryncipal spices of the moost pure myrte fyue hundred sycles of swete Cynamon halfe so moche euen two hundred and fiftye sycles of swete calamus two hundred and. l. Of Cassia two hundred and. l. after the holye sycle and of oyle olyue an hin And thou shalt make of the oyle an holye oyntment euen an oyntment cōpoūde after the crafte of the apoticarye and it shall be the oyle of holye vnction And thou shalte anoynte the tabernacle of wytnes therwith and the arke of wytnesse and the table and al his apparel and the candelstycke and his apparel and the aulter of insens the aulter of burntsacrifyce with al his vessels and the lauer and his fote And thou shalte sanctifye them that they maye be moost holye so that no man touche them but they that be halowed And thou shalt anoynte Aaron and his sonnes and consecrate them that they maye minyster vnto me And thou shalte speake vnto the chyldren of Israel saynge this shall be an holye oyntynge oyle vnto me thorowout your genera cyons Upon mannes flesshe shall it not be powred neyther shall ye make any other after the makyng of it for it is holye and shall be holye vnto you whosoeuer
thyne eyes vnto heuen and when thou seyst the Sonne the moone and the starres with all the hoost of heuen shuldest be desceyued and shuldest worshyp and serue the thynges whiche the lorde thy god hath made to serue all nacyons vnder the hoole heuen But the Lorde hath taken you and brought you out of the yron fournace euen out of Egypt to be vnto hym a people and enherytaunce as ye are this daye Furthermore the Lorde was angrye with me for youre wordes and sware that I shulde not go ouer Iordan and that I shulde not go in vnto that good lande whiche the lorde thy god gyueth the to enherytaunce But I must dye in this lande shall not go ouer Iordan But ye shall go ouer and conquere that good lande Take hede vnto youreselues that ye forget not the apoyntment of the ●ord your god whiche he made with you and that ye make you no grauen Image or any pycture that the Lorde thy God hath forbydden the. For the Lorde thy God is a consumyng fyre and a ielouse God Yf thou doest beget chyldren and Chyldrens Chyldren and when ye haue dwelt in the lande ye do wyckedly and make any maner of grauen ymage and worke euyll in the syght of the Lorde ☞ thy god to prouoke hym to anger I call heuen earth to recorde agaynst you this daye that ye shal shortly peryshe from of the lande whyther ye go ouer Iordan to possesse it ye shal not prolonge your dayes therin but shall vtterly be destroyed And the Lorde shall scatter you amonge the nacyons and ye shal be lefte fewe in nombre amonge the people whyther the lord shall brynge you and there ye shal serue Goddes whiche are the worke of mannes hande wood and stoone whiche neyther se nor heare nor eate nor smell And there thou shalte seke the lorde thy God and shalte fynde hym yf thou seke him with all thyne herte and with all thy soule When thou art in tribulacyon and when al these thynges that be here spoken of are come vpon the euen in the latter dayes thou shalte returne agayne to the Lorde thy God be obedyent vnto his voyce For the Lorde thy god is a merciful god he wyl not forsake the neyther destroye the nor forget the apoyntement of thy fathers whiche he sware vnto them For aske of the dayes that are past whiche were before the synce the daye that God created man vpon the earth and aske from the one syde of heuen vnto the other yf euer there came to passe such a great thyng or whyther any suche lyke thyng hath ben herde Dyd euer a nacyō heare the voyce of God speakynge out of the myddes of a fyre as thou hast herde and yet lyued eyther whyther God assayed to go and take hym a people from amonge nacions thorow temptacyons Sygnes Wonders war a myghtye hande a stretched out arme and thorow great visions accordynge vnto all that the Lorde your God dyd vnto you in Egypt before your eyes Nnto the it was shewed that thou myghtest knowe howe that the Lorde he is GOD and that there is noone other but he Out of heuen he made the heare his voyce that he myght nurtour the and vpon earth he shewed the his greate fyre and thou herdest his wordes out of the myddes of the fyre And bycause he loued thy Fathers he chose theyr seede after them and brought the out ☞ in his syght and with his myghtye power out of Egypte to thrust out nacyons greate and myghtyer then thou before the and to brynge the in to gyue the theyr lande to enherytaunce as it is come to passe this daye Understande therfore this daye and turne it to thyne herte that the Lorde he is God in heuen aboue and vpon the erth beneth neyther is there any other Thou shalte kepe therfore his ordynaunces his commaundementes whiche I cōmaunde the this daye that it maye go well with the and with thy Chyldren after the and that thou mayst prolonge thy dayes vppon the earth whiche the Lorde thy GOD gyueth the thy lyfe longe Then Moses seuered thre cityes on the other syde Iordan towarde the Sonne rysynge that he shulde flee thyther which had kylled his neyghboure vnwares and hated hym not in tyme past and therfore shuld flee vnto one of the same cites and lyue Namely Bezer in the wyldernes euen in the playn countrey of the tribe of Ruben and Ramoth in Gylead of the Trybe of Gad and Golan in Basan of the Trybe of Manasse And so this is the lawe whiche Moses set before the Chyldren of Israell These are the wytnesses statutes and ordinaunces whiche Moses tolde the Chyldren of Israell after they came out of Egypte on the other syde Iordane in the valey ouer agaynst the house of Peor in the lande of Sehon kynge of the Amorytes whiche dwelte at Hesbon whome Moses and the Chyldren of Israell smote after they were come out of Egypt and conquered his lande and the lande of Og kyng of Basan two kyngꝭ of the Amorites which were on the other syde Iordan towarde the sonne rysynge from Aroer whiche is by the banke of the ryuer Arnon vnto ☞ Mounte Sion whiche is Hermon and all the playne on the other syde Iordane Eastwarde euen vnto the see whiche is in the playne vnder the sprynges of the hyll ¶ The ten cōmaundementes CAPI V. ANd Moses called all Israell and sayd vnto them Heare O Israell the ordynaunces and lawes whiche I speake in youre eares this daye that ye maye lerne them and fulfyll them in dede The Lorde oure God made an apoyntment with vs in Horeb. The lorde made not this bonde with our fathers but with vs euē with vs which are all here alyue this daye The Lorde talked with you ☞ face to face in the mounte out of the myddes of the fyre And I stoode bytwene the Lorde and you the same tyme and shewed you the worde of the Lorde For ye were afrayed at the syght of the fyre and went not vp in to the mounte and he sayde I am the Lorde thy God whiche brought the out of the lande of Egypt from the house of bondage Thou shalte haue noone other Goddes in my presence Thou shalt make the no grauen ymage of any maner of lykenesse that is in heuen aboue and that is in earth beneth that is in the waters beneth the earth Thou shalt neyther bow thy selfe vnto them nor serue them for I the Lorde thy God am a ielouse God visityng the wyckednesse of the fathers vpō the Chyldren euen in the thyrde and fourth generacion amonge them that hate me and shewe mercye vpon thousandꝭ among them that loue me and kepe my cōmaundementꝭ Thou shalte not take the name of the Lorde thy god in vayne for ❀ the Lorde wyl not holde hym giltlesse that taketh his name in vayne Kepe the Sabboth daye that thou sanctifye it as
be our ryghtousnesse before the Lorde our god yf we take hede and kepe all these cōmaundementes as he hath cōmaunded vs. ¶ The Israelites may make no couenaunt with the Gentyles They must destroy theyr Idols Idolatrer● must be sleyne CAPI VII WHen the Lorde thy God hath brought the into the lande whyther thou goest to possesse it and hath cast out many nacions before the namely the Hethites the Gergesites the Amorites the Cananites the Pheresites the Heuytes the Iebusytes vii nacions greater and myghtyer then thou and when the Lorde thy god hath set them before the thou shalt smyte them vtterly destroye them make no couenaunte with them nor haue cōpassion on them Thou shalte make no maryages with them neyther gyue thy doughter vnto his son nor take his doughter vnto thy son For they wyll dysceyue thy son that he shulde not feare me they shall serue straūge goddꝭ then wyll the wrath of the lorde waxe hoote agaynst you destroye you shortly But thus ye shall deale w t them Ye shall ouerthrowe theyr aulters breake downe theyr pillers cut downe theyr groues burne theyr grauen ymages w t fyre For thou arte an holy nacyon vnto the Lorde thy God the Lorde thy God hath chosen the to be a seuerall people vnto hym selfe aboue all nacyons that are vpon the earth It was not bycause of the multitude of you aboue al nacions that the lord had lust vnto you chose you seynge ye were fewest of all nacions But bycause the lorde loued you and bycause he wolde kepe the othe whiche he had sworne vnto youre fathers therfore hath the Lorde brought you out thorowe a myghtye hande and delyuered you out of the house of bondage euen from the hande of Pharao kynge of Egypt Understande therfore that the lorde thy god he is god that a true god whiche kepeth poyntment and mercy vnto them that loue hym kepe his cōmaūdementes euen thorowout a thousande generacyons and rewardeth them that hate ☞ hym before his face so that he bryngeth them to nought doth not defar the tyme but rewardeth hym that hateth hym before his face Kepe thou therfore the cōmaundementes ordinaunces lawes which I cōmaund the this day that thou do them Yf ye herkē vnto these lawes obserue do them the lorde thy god also shal kepe to the the poyntment the mercy which he sware vnto thy fathers He wyll loue the blesse the and multiplye the he wyl also blesse the fruyt of thy wombe the fruyte of thy lande thy corne thy wyne and thyne oyle the encrease of thyne oxen and the flockꝭ of thy shepe in the lande which he sware vnto thy fathers to gyue the. Thou shalt be blessed aboue all nacions there shall be neyther man nor woman vnfruytfull amonge you nor any thynge vnfruytfull amonge your cattel Moreouer the lorde wyll take away frō the all maner infirmityes and wyll put none of the euyll diseases of Egypte whiche thou knowest vpon the but wyll sende them vpon all them that hate the. Thou shalt consume al the nacions whiche the Lorde thy God shall delyuer the thyne eye shall haue no pitye vpon them neyther shalte thou serue theyr Goddes for that shal be thy decaye If thou saye in thyne herte these nacions are ●o then I howe can I cast them out Thou shalt not feare them but remēbre what the lorde thy God dyd vnto Pharao vnto al Egypt the great temptacions which thyne eyes sawe the sygnes and wondres the myghtye hande stretched out arme where thorowe the Lorde thy god brought the out euen so shall the Lorde thy god do to all the nacyons of whom thouarte afrayde Moreouer the lorde thy god wyll sende hornettes amonge them vntyll they that are lefte hyde them selues frō the be destroyed Thou shalte not feare them for the Lorde thy god is amonge you a myghty god and a terrible for the lorde thy god wyll put out these nacyons before the by a lytle a lytle thou mayst not cōsume them at once leest the beastes of the felde encrease vpō the. But the Lorde thy God shall gyue them ouer before the and shall destroye them with a myghtye tempest vntyll he haue brought them to nought And he shall delyuer theyr kynges into thyne hande and thou shalt destroye theyr name from vnder heuen There shall no man he able to stande before the vntyll thou haue destroyed them The grauen ymages of theyr Goddes shalte thou burne with fyre and couet not the Golde syluer that is on them nor take it vnto the lest thou be snared therin For it is an abhominacyon before the lorde thy god Brynge not therfore abhominacyon in to thyne house lest thou be ☞ a dampned thyng as it is but vtterly defye it abhorre it for it is a dampned thyng ¶ Moses putteth the Israelytes in remembraunce what God hath done to them in the wyldernesse CAPI VIII ALl the cōmaundementes whiche I cōmaunde the this daye shall ye kepe for to do them that ye maye lyue and multyplye and go in possesse the lande which● the lorde sware vnto your fathers And thou shalte thynke on all the way which the lorde thy God led the this xl yeare in the wyldernesse for to humble the and to proue the and to wete what was in thyne herte whyther thou woldest kepe his commaundementes or no. He humbled the and suffered the to hungre and fed the with Manna whiche neyther thou nor thy Fathers knewe of to make the knowe that a man doth not lyue by breade onely but by euery ❀ vvorde that procedeth out of the mouth of the lorde doth a man lyue Thy rayment waxed not olde vpon the neyther dyd thy fote swell these xl yeares This also shalte thou consyder in thy herte that as a man nurtoureth his son euen so the Lorde thy god nurtoureth the. Therfore shalte thou kepe the commaundementes of the lorde thy god that thou walke in his wayes and feare hym For the Lorde thy God bryngeth the in to a good lande a lande in the whiche are ryuers of waters and foūtaynes and spryngꝭ that sprynge out of valeyes hylles a lande wherin is wheat and barly vyneyardes fyg trees and Pomgarnates a lande wherin is oyle olyue and honye a lande wherin thou shalte eate breade without scarcenesse neyther shalte thou lacke any thynge a lande whose stoones are yron and out of whose hylles thou shalte dygge brasse When thou hast eaten therfore and fylled thy selfe thou shalte blesse the Lorde thy God in that good lande whiche he hath gyuen the. Beware that thou forgette not the Lorde thy God that thou woldest not kepe his commaundementes his lawes and ordynaunces whiche I commaunde the this day yea and when thou hast eaten and fylled thy selfe and hast buylde goodly houses and
god When the Lorde thy god hath destroyed the nacions before the whyther thou goest to conquere them thou succedest in theyr enheritaūce and dwellest in theyr lande Beware that thou be not taken in a snare after them after that they be destroyed before the that thou aske not after theyr Goddes sayenge howe dyd these nacions serue theyr Goddes I wyll do so lykewyse Nay thou shalt not do so vnto the Lorde thy God for all abhominacions that whiche the Lorde hateth the same haue they done vnto theyr Goddes For they burne bothe theyr sonnes and theyr doughters with fyre before theyr Goddes Therfore whatsoeuer I cōmaunde you that take hede ye do only vnto the lorde put thou nought therto nor take ought therfrō ¶ The false prophete must be put to death God proueth our fayth by false miracles CAPI XIII YF there aryse amonge you a Prophet or a dreamer of dreames and gyue the a sygne or a wonder and that sygne or wonder whiche he hath sayde come to passe and then saye Lette vs go after straunge Goddes whiche thou hast not knowen and let vs serue them herken not thou vnto the wordes of that prophete or dreamer of dreames For the Lorde thy God proueth you to wete whyther ye loue the Lorde your god with all your herte and with all your soule Ye shal walke after the Lorde your god and feare hym kepe his cōmaundementes and herken vnto his voyce serue him and cleaue vnto hym And the prophete or dreamer of dreames shall dye bycause he hath spoken to turne you away from the Lorde your God whiche brought you out of the lande of Egypte and delyuered you out of the house of bondage to thrust the out of the way which the Lorde thy God cōmaunded the to walke in and therfore thou shalte put the euyll away from the. If thy brother the sonne of thy mother or thyne owne sonne or thy doughter or the wyfe that lyeth in thy bosome or thy frende whiche is as thyne owne soule vnto the entyce the secretly sayenge let vs go and serue straunge Goddes whiche thou hast not knowen nor yet thy fathers And they be of the Goddes of the people whiche are rounde aboute you whyther they be nygh vnto the or farre of from the from the one ende of the earthe vnto the other Thou shalte not consent vnto hym nor herken vnto hym thyne eye shall not pitie hym neyther shalte thou haue cōpassion on him nor kepe hym secrete but cause hym to be sleyne Thyne hande shal be fyrst vpon hym to kyll hym and then the handes of all the people And thou shalte stone him with stones that he dye bycause he hath gone aboute to thrust the awaye from the Lorde thy God which brought the out of the lande of Egypte and from the house of bondage And all Israell shall heare feare and shall do no more any suche whyckednes as this is amonge you If thou shalte heare saye in one of thy cities whiche the lorde thy god hath gyuen the to dwel in that certeyne men beynge the chyldren of Beliall are gone out from omonge you haue moued the enhabitours of theyr citie sayenge Let vs go and serue straunge Goddes whiche ye haue not knowen Then thou must seke and make serche and enquire diligently And beholde yf it be true and the thynge of a suretye that suche abhominacyon is wrought among you then thou shalt smyte the dwellers of that Citie in the edge of the swerde and destroye it vtterly and al that is therin and euen the very cattell therof with the edge of the swerde And gather all the spoyle of it in to the myddes of the streete therof burne with fyre both the citie and all the spoyle therof euery whyt for the lord thy god And it shal be an heape for euer shal not be buylte agayne And there shal cleue nought of the dampned thynge in thy hande that the lord may turne frō the fearce nesse of his wrath shewe the mercy haue compassyō on the multiplie the as he hath sworne vnto thy fathers Therfore shalte thou herken vnto the voyce of the Lorde thy god to kepe all his cōmaundementes which I cōmaunde the this day that y u do it which is ryght in the eyes of the lorde thy God ¶ The maners of the Gentyles may not be folowed What beastes are cleane to ●●ten and what not CAPI XIIII YE are the chyldren of the lord your god Ye shal not cut your selues nor make you any baldnes bitwene your eyes for any dead man For thou arte an holy people vnto the lorde thy god and the lorde hath chosen the to be a seuerall people vnto hym selfe aboue al the nacyons that are vpon the earth Thou shalte eate no maner of abhominacion These are the beastes whiche ye shall eate of oxen shepe and gootes herte to and bugle wylde goote vnicorne wylde oxe and Camelion And all beastes that cleue the hoofe and slyt it in to two clawes chew the cud them ye shal eate Neuertheles these ye shal not eate of them that chewe cud and of them that deuyde and cleue the hoofe the camell the hare and the conye whiche chewe cud but deuyde not the hoofe therefore are they vncleane vnto you and also the swyne though he deuyde the hoofe yet he cheweth not cud therfore is he vncleane vnto you ye shal not eate of the fleshe of suche nor touche the deade carkesse of them These ye shall eate of all that are in the waters All that haue fynnes scales shal ye eate And what soeuer haue not fynꝭ scales ye may not eate but it is vncleane vnto you Of all cleane byrdes ye shal eate but these are they of whiche ye shall not eate the Ele the goshauke the cormeraunt the Ixion the vultur the kyte after her kynde and all kynde of rauens the Estritche the nyghtcrowe the cuckowe the sparow hauke after her kynde the lytell owle the great owle the backe the bytture the pye the storke the Heron the Iaye in his kynde the lapwynge the swalowe And let the crepynge foules be vncleane vnto you and not be eaten of but of all cleane foules ye maye eate Ye shall eate of nothyng that dyeth alone But thou shalte gyue it vnto ☞ the straunger that is in thy citie that he eate it or thou mayst sell it vnto an aliaunt For thou arte an holy people vnto the lorde thy god Thou shalt not sethe a kyd in his mothers mylke Thou shalte tythe all the encrease of thy seed that the felde bringeth forth yere by yere And thou shalte eate before the lorde thy god in the place whiche he hathe chosen and where he hath put his name the tythe of thy corne of thy wyne and of thyne oyle and the fyrst gendred of thyne oxen and of thy shepe that thou mayst learne
the lande of Egypte vnto Pharao and all his seruauntes and before all his lande and accordynge to all that myghtye hande and all the great visions whiche Moses shewed in the syght of all Israell ¶ The ende of the fyfth booke of Moses called in the Hebrue Elle Haddebarim and in the latyn Deuteronomium ❧ The Boke of Iosua whom the Hebrues call Iehosua ¶ The Lorde courageth Iosua to inuade the lande of promesse and cōmaundeth hym contynually to rede Deuteronomium CAPI Primo AFter the death of Moses the seruaunt of the lorde it happened also that the Lorde spake vnto Iosua the Sonne of Nun Moses minister saynge Moses my seruaūt is deade Nowe therfore vp and go ouer Iordan thou and all this people vnto the lande the which I gyue vnto the chyldrē of Israel All the places that the sooles of youre feete shall treade vpon haue I gyuen you as I sayde vnto Moses from the wyldernesse and this Libanon vnto the great ryuer Euphrates all the lande of the Hethites euen vnto the great see towarde the goyng downe of the sonne shall be your cooste There shal not a man be able to withstande the all the dayes of thy lyfe For as I was with Moses so wyll I be with the and wyl not fayll the nor forsake the. Be stronge therfore and bolde for vnto this people shalte thou deuyde the lande whiche I sware vnto theyr Fathers to gyue them Onely be thou strong and as bolde as thou canst that thou mayest obserue and do accordynge to all the lawe which Moses my seruaunt cōmaunded the. Turne therfrom neyther to the ryght hande nor to the lefte that thou mayest do wysely in all thou takest in hande let not the booke of this lawe departe out of thy mouthe But recorde therin daye and nyght that thou mayst obserue do accordynge to all that is wrytten therin For then shalte thou make thy waye prosperous then thou shalte do wysely Haue not I cōmaūded the to be stronge and bolde and that thou shuldest not feare nor be faynt herted For I the lorde thy god am with the whyther so euer thou goest Then Iosua cōmaunded the officers of the people sayenge Go thorowe the myddes of the hoost and cōmaunde the people sayenge prepare you vitayles for after thre dayes ye shal passe ouer this Iordane to go in and enioye the lande whiche the Lorde youre God gyueth you to possesse it And vnto the Rubenites Gadites and halfe the trybe of Manasses spake Iosua saynge Remember ☞ the word which Moses the seruaunt of the Lorde cōmaūded you sayenge the Lorde youre God hath gyuen you rest and hath gyuen you this lande Your wyues youre Chyldren and youre cattell shal remayne in the lande which Moses gaue you on this syde Iordane But ye shall go before your brethren armed all that be men of war helpe them vntyll the lorde haue gyuē your brethren rest as he hath you and vntyl they also haue obteyned the land whiche the Lorde your God gyueth them And then shall ye returne vnto the lande of your possessyon and enioye it whiche lande Moses the Lordes seruaūt gaue you on this syde Iordan towarde the sonne rysynge And they answered Iosua saynge All that thou hast cōmaunded vs we wyl do and whyther soeuer thou sendest vs we wyll go Accordynge as we obeyed Moses in all thynges so wyll we obey the onely the Lorde thy god be with the as he was w t Moses And whosoeuer he be that doth dysobeye thy mouth and wyll not herken vnto thy wordes in all that thou cōmaundest hym let hym dye Only be stronge and of good courage ¶ Iosua sendeth spyes to Ierico which were hyd of Rahab CAPI II. ANd Iosua the sonne of Nun sent out of Settim two men to spye secretly sayenge go and vewe the lande and also Ierico And they went and came in to a harlots house named Rahab and lodged there And it was tolde the kynge of Ierico sayd Beholde there came men in hyther to nyght of the chyldren of Israel to spye out the coūtrey And the kynge of Ierico sent vnto Rahab sayenge brynge forth the men that are come to the and which are entred in to thyne house for they be come to searche out all the lande And the woman toke the two men hyd them And sayd thus in dede there came men vnto me but I wyst not whence they were And aboute the tyme of the shuttynge of the gate when it was darke the men went out whyther the men went I wote not folow ye after them quyckly for ye shall ouer take them But she brought them vp to the roofe of the house and hyd them with the stalkes of flare whiche she had lyenge abrode vpon the roofe And the men pursued after them the waye to Iordan euen vnto the ferye and as soone as they whiche pursued after them were gone out they shut the gate and or euer they were a flepe she came vp vnto thē vpon the roofe and sayde vnto the men I knowe that the lorde hath gyuen you the lande for the feare of you is fallen vpon vs and the enhabyters of the land faynt at the presence of you For we haue herde howe the Lorde dryed vp the water of the red see before you when ye came out of Egypt and what ye dyd vnto the two kynges of the Amorites that were on the other syde Iordan Sohon and Og whiche ye vtterly destroyed And as soone as we haue herde these thyngꝭ ❀ VVe vvere sore afrayde and our hertes dyd faynt And there remayned no more courage in any man at the presence of you For the lorde your god he is the God in heuen aboue and on the earth benethe Nowe therfore I praye you sweare vnto me by the Lorde that as I haue shewed you mercye ye shall also shewe mercye vnto my fathers house and gyue me a true token And that ye shal saue alyue both my father and my mother my brethren and my systers and all that they haue And that ye shall delyuer ☞ our soules from death And the men answered her oure lyues for you to dye yf ye vtter not this oure busynesse And when the Lorde hath gyuen vs the lande we wyll deale mercifully truely with the. And then she let them downe by a corde thorowe a wyndowe For her house was by the towne walle And she dwelt by the towne wall And she sayde vnto them get you in to the mountayne leest the pursuers mete you and hyde your selues there thre dayes vntyll the pursuers be returned and then shall ye go youre waye And the men sayde vnto her we wyll be bla melesse of this thyne othe which thou hast made vs swere Beholde when we come in to the lande thou shalt bynde this purple corde in the wyndowe whiche thou lettest vs downe bye And thou shalt brynge thy father and
Israel And the Lorde sayde vnto Iosua be not afrayde at the presence of them for to morow aboute this tyme wyll I delyuer them all sleyne before Israel thou shalte hough theyr horses and burne theyr charettes with fyre And so Iosua came and all the men of war with hym agaynst them by the waters of Merom sodeynly fel vpon them And the lorde delyuered them in to the hande of Israell they smote them and chased them vnto great Sidon and vnto the hoote waters vnto the valey of Mizpa which is eastwarde and smote them vntyl they had none remaynyng of them And Iosua dyd vnto them as the Lorde bad hym he houghed theyr horses burnt theyr charettes with fyre And Iosua at that tyme turned backe toke Hazor and smote the kynge therof with the swerde And Hazor before tyme was the head of al those kyngdomes And they smote all the soules that were therin with the edge of the swerde vtterly destroyenge all and nothynge that breathed was let remayne And he burnt Hazor with fyre And all those cities of those kynges and all the kynges of them dyd Iosua take smote them with the edge of the swerde vtterly destroyed them as Moses the seruaunt of the lorde cōmaūded But Israel burnt none of the cities ☞ that stode styll in theyr strength saue Hazor onely that Iosua burnt And all the spoyle of the sayd cities the cattel the chyldren of Israel caught vnto them selues But the men onely they smote with the edge of the swerde vntyl they had destroyed them neyther lefte they ought that had breath As the lorde cōmaunded Moses his seruaunt so dyd Moses commaunde Iosua and euen so dyd Iosua so that he mynysshed no worde of all that the lorde cōmaunded Moses And so Iosua toke all the lande the hylles all the south countrey and all the lande of Gosan and the low countrey and the playne and the ☞ mountayne of Israel and the lowe countrey of the same euen from the mounte of partyng that goth vp to Seir vnto the playne of Gad in the valey of Libanon vnder mount Hermō And all the kynges of the same he toke and smote them and slewe them Iosua made warre long tyme with those kyngꝭ neyther was there any citie that made peace with the chyldren of Israell saue those Hethites that enhabited Gibeon therfore all other they toke with battayle for it came of the Lorde whiche dyd harden theyr hertes that they shulde come agaynst Israel in battayle and that they shulde destroye them vtterly and shewe them no mercy but to bryng them to nought As the Lorde commaunded Moses And that same reason came Iosua and destroyed the Enakites out of the mountaynes namely out of Hebron Dabir Anab and out of all the mountaynes of Iuda and out of al the mountaynes of Israel And Iosua destroyed them vtterly with theyr cities There was not one Enakite left in the lande of the chyldrē of Israel onely in Asah Geth and Asdod there remayned of them And Iosua toke the hoole lande accordynge to all that the lorde sayd vnto Moses and Iosua gaue it for a possessyon vnto Israel accordynge to theyr partes and tribes and the lande rested from warre ¶ What hynges Iosua and the chyldren of Israell hylled whiche were in nombre thyrtye and one CAPI XII THese are the kynges of the lande which the chyldren of Israeli smote and conquered theyr land on the other syde Iordan eastwarde from the ryuer Arnon vnto mounte Hermon all the playne eastwarde Sehon kyng of the Amorites that dwelte in Hesbon and ruled from Aroer whiche is besyde the ryuer of Arnon and from the myddest of the ryuer and from halfe Gilead vnto the ryuer Iabocke which is the border of the chyldrē of Ammon And from the playne vnto the see of Ceneroth eastwarde and vnto the see in the playne euen the salte see eastwarde the way to Beth Iesimoth and from the southe vnder the sprynges of the hyll And the coost of Og kyng of Basan which was of the remenaunt of the Gyauntes and dwelte at Astharoth and Edrai and reygned in mount Hermon and in Salecah and in all Basan vnto the border of the Gesurites and the Macathites and halfe Gilead vnto the borders of Sehon kyng of Hesbon Moses the seuaunt of the Lorde and the chyldren of Israell smote them and Moses the seruaunt of the lorde gaue theyr land for a possessyon vnto the Rubenites Gaddites and halfe the tribe of Manasses These are the kynges of the coūtrey which Iosua and the chyldren of Israell smote on this syde Iordan westwarde from the playn of Gad whiche is in the valey of Libanon euen vnto the partyng mount that gothe vp to Seir. Which lande Iosua gaue vnto the tribes of Israel to possesse to euery man his parte in the vpper lande and nether lande in playnes and hyll sydes in the wyldernes and south countrey the Hethites the Amorites the Cananites the Pheresites the Heuites and the Iebusites The kynge of Iericho was one The kynge of Hai which is besyde Bethel one The kynge of Ierusalem one The kynge of Hebron one The kynge of Ierimoth one The kyng of Lachis one The kyng of Eglō one The kyng of Gazer one The kynge of Dabir one The kynge of Gader one The kyng of Horma one The kyng of Ered one The kyng of Libna one The kyng of Odolam one The kynge of Makeda one The kynge of Bethel one The kyng of Thaphuah one The kynge of Hepher one The kynge of Aphek one Th kynge of Lasaron one The kynge of Madan one The kynge of Hasor one The kynge of Simron-meron one The kynge of Acsaph one The kyng of Thenach one The kyng of Magedo one The kyng of Cades one The kynge of Iacanam of Carmell one The kynge of the countrey of Dor one The kynge of the nacions of Gilgall one The kynge of Therzah one ▪ All the kynges togyther thyrtye and one ¶ Iosua is cōmaunded to deuyde the lande to the Chyldren of Israell CAPI XIII IOsua was olde and strycken in yeres the Lorde sayd vnto hym thou arte olde and strycken in yeres and there remayneth yet ercedynge moche lande to be possessed This is the lande that remayneth al the regions of the Philistines and all Gesurye from N●●us whiche is in Egypte vnto the borders of Akaron northwarde which lande is counted vnto Cananye euen v. lordshyps of the Philistines the Asathites Asdadites Ascalonites Gethites Akaronites and the Eurtes And from the south all the lande of the Cananites and the caue that is besyde the Sidomans euen vnto Aphek and to the border of the Amorttes And the lande of the Giblites and all Libanon towarde the Sonne rysyng from the playne of Gad vnder mount Hermon vntyl a mā come to Hemath all the enhabitours of the hyl coūtrey from Libanō vnto the hoote waters and all the Sidonians wyll I
the Lorde of Gedeon And they stode styll euery man in his place rounde aboute the hoost And they wtin the hoost ran and cryed fled And the thre hundred blew with trompettes and the lorde set euery mannes swerde vpon his neyghbour thorowout all the hoost And the hoost sted to Bethsitah to Zererath to the edge of the playne of Maholah vnto Tabath And the men of Israel beyng gathered togither out of the tribe of Nephthalim of Aser of all Manasses folowed after the Madianites And Gedeon sent messengers vnto all moūt Ephraim sayng come downe agaynst the Madianites take before them the waters vnto Bethbarath to Iordan Then al the men of Ephraim gathered togyther and toke the waters vnto Bethbarath to Iordan And they toke two captaynes of the Madianites Oreb and Zeb and slewe Oreb vpō the rocke Oreb and Zeb at the presse Zeb folowed after Madiā And brought the heades of Oreb and Zeb to Gedeon on the other syde Iordan ¶ Ephraim maketh insurreciyon agaynst Gedeon but is soon●y acifyed CAPI VIII ANd the mē of Ephraim sayd vnto hym why haste thou serued vs thus that y u calledst vs not when thou wentest to fyght with the Madianites And they chode with hym a good ❀ and had almost done him violence And he sayd vnto them What dede haue I done lyke vnto youres ☞ is not a clustre of Ephraim better then the wyne heruest of Abiezer God hathe delyucred in to your handes the lordes of Madian Oreb Zeb And what was I able to do lyke as you haue done And then theyr spirites abated from of hym when he had sayd that And Gedeon came to Iordā to passe ouer he and the thre hundred men that were with hym very faynt and yet folowed the chace And he sayd vnto the men of Socoth gyue I praye you cakes of breade vnto the people that folowe me for they be fayntie that I may folowe after Zebath and Zalmona kynges of Madiā And the lordes of Socoth sayd are the handes of Zebath and Zalmona nowe in thyne handes that we shulde gyue breade vnto thyne armye Gedeon sayde therfore when the lorde hath delyuered Zebah and Zalmona in to myne hande I wyll teare the fleshe of you with the thornes of the wyldernesse and with breers And he went vp thence to Phanuel spake vnto them lykewyse And the mē of Phanuel answereed hym as dyd the men of Socoth And he sayd also vnto the men of Phanuel when I come agayne in peace I wyl breake downe this towre Zebah and Zalmona were in Carkar theyr hoostes w t them vpon a. xv thousande men whiche were all that were lefte of al the hoostes of them of the East For there were sleyne an hundred and twentye thousande men that drewe swerdes And Gedeon wente thorowe them that dwelte in Tabernacles on the east syde of Nebah and Iebahah and smote the hoost for the hoost dyd cast no percyls And when Zebah and Zalmona fled he folowed after them and toke the two kynges of Madian Zebah and Zalmona and dyscomforted all the hoost And Gedeon the sonne of Ioas returned from battayle before the sonne was dowe caught a lad of the men of Socoth and enquyred of hym And he wrote hym of the lordes and elders of Socoth lxxvii men And he came vnto the men of Socoth and sayde Beholde here I haue Zebah and Zalmona with whiche ye dyd cast me in the teethe sayenge are the handes of Zebah and Zalmona all redy in thyne hande that we shulde gyue breade vnto thy faynty men And he toke the elders of the citie thornes of the wyldernes and breers made the men of Socoth to fele them he brake downe the towre of Phanuel and slewe the men of the citye And then sayd he vnto Zebah Zalmona what maner of men were they whom ye slew at Thabor and they answered the lyenesse of the them is all one euen after the fassion of the chyldren of a kyng And he sayde they were my brethren euen my mothers chyldrē As truely as the lorde lyueth yf ye had saued theyr lyues I wold not sley you And he sayd vnto Iether his eldest son vp and slee them But the lad drewe not his swerde ☞ for he feared bycause he was yet yonge Then Zabah and Zalmona sayd Ryse thou fal vpō vs for as the man is so is his strength And Gedeon arose and slewe Zabah Zalmona toke awaye the ornamentes that were on theyr camels neckes Then the mē of Israell sayd vnto Gedeō Reygne thou ouer vs both thou thy sonne thy sonnes sonne for thou hast delyuered vs out of the hand of Madiā And Gedeon sayd vnto them I wyll not reygne ouer you neyther shall my Chylde reygne ouer you but the Lorde shall reygne ouer you And agayne Gedeon sayde vnto them I wold desyre a certayn request of you euen that ye wolde gyue me euerye man the earynges of his pray For they had golden earyngꝭ bycause they were Ismaelites And they answered we wyll gyue them And they spred a mantel and dyd cast therin euery mā the earyngꝭ of his praye And the weyght of the golden earynges that he requyred was a thousande seuen hundred sycles of golde besyde cheynes ☞ pomaunders and purple rayment that was on the kynges of Madiā besyde the cheynes that were aboute theyr Camels neckes And Gedeon made an ☞ Ephod therof and put it in his citye Ephrah And all Israell wente a hoorynge after it whiche thyng became a ruyne vnto Gedeon to his house Thus was Madian brought lowe before the chyldren of Israell so that they lyfte vp theyr heades no more And the countrey was in quyetnesse fourtye yeres in the dayes of Gedeon And Ierobaall the sonne of Ioas wente and dwelte in his owne house And Gedeon had lxx sonnes of his body begotten for he had many wyues And his concubine that was in Sichem bare hym a son also whose name he called Abimelech And Gedeon the sonne of Ioas dyed in a good age was buryed in the sepulchre of Ioas his father euen in Ephrah that perteyned vnto the father of the Ezrites But it fortuned that as soone as Gedeō was dead the chyldren of Israel turned away went a hoorynge after Baalim and made a couenaūt with Baall to be theyr god and the chyldren of Israell thought not on the lorde theyr god which had delyuered them out of the handes of all theyr enemyes on euery syde Neyther shewed they mercy on the house of Ierobaall otherwyse called Gedeon accordynge to all the goodnesse whiche he had shewed vnto Israell ¶ Abimelech is made kynge CAPI IX ABimelech the sonne of Ierobaall went to Sichem vnto his mothers brethren and cōmoned with them and with all his mothers fathers kynred sayenge saye I pray you in the eares of all the enhabytours of Sichem whyther is better for you
his clothes and prophesyed before Samuel in lyke maner and ☞ fell naked all that day al that nyght And therof it is that they saye is Saul also amonge the prophetes ¶ Dauid complayneth vnto Ionathas CAPI XX. ANd Dauid fledde from Naioth whiche is in Rama and came and sayde before Ionathas what haue I done wherin am I faultie what is the synne that I haue cōmytted before thy father that he seketh my lyfe He sayde vnto hym God forbyd thou shalte not dye Beholde my father wyll do nothynge eyther great or small but that he wyll shewe it me And howe shulde my father hyde this thynge from me He wyll not do it And Dauid sware agayne and sayde thy father knoweth that I haue founde ☞ grace in thyne eyes and therfore he saythe Ionathas shall not knowe it lest he be sorye And in very dede euen as truely as the Lorde lyueth and as truely as thy soule lyueth there is but a step bytwene me death Then sayd Ionathas vnto dauid what soeuer thy soule desyreth that I wyll do vnto the. And Dauid sayd vnto Ionathas Beholde to morowe is the begynnyng ☞ of the moneth I shulde syt with the kynge at meate But let me go that I maye hyde my selfe in the feldes vnto the thyrde day at euen If thy father speake of me then say Dauid asked leaue of me that he myght go to Bethleem to his owne citye for there is holden a yerely feast for all the kynred And yf he say it is well done then thy seruaunt shall haue peace But and yf he be angrye then be sure that wyckednesse is vtterly concluded of hym And then thou shalte shewe mercye vnto thy seruaunt for thou hast made with me thy seruaunt a bonde in the Lorde Notwithstandynge yf there be in me any trespasse then slee me thy selfe brynge me not to thy father And Ionathas answered God kepe that from the ❀ neyther is it possible to come to passe For yf I knowe that wyckednesse were concluded of my father to come vpon the thynkest thou that I shulde not tel it the Then sayde Dauid who shall tell me yf thy father answere cruelly And Ionathas sayd vnto Dauid come and let vs go out i● to the felde And they wente out bothe of them into the felde And Ionathas sayde vnto Dauid The Lorde god of Israel loke on it when I haue groped my fathers mynde one tyme or other within this thre dayes that it stand wel with Dauid If I then sende not vnto the shew it the the Lorde do so and so vnto Ionathas But yf my father haue any pleasure to do the euyll I wyl shewe the also and sende the awaye that thou mayst go in peace And the Lorde be with the as he hath bene with my father And thou shalt performe vnto me the mercy of the Lorde not onely whyle I lyue but euen when I am deade and plucke not thy mercy awaye from ☞ my house for euer No not when the Lorde hath destroyed the enemyes of Dauid euery one from the face of the earth And so Ionathas made a bonde with the house of Dauid desyrynge that the Lorde shulde seke it out by the handꝭ of Dauids enemyes yf it were broken And with other wordꝭ dyd Ionathas sweate vnto Dauid bycause he loued hym For he loued him as his owne soule Then sayde Ionathas to Dauid to morowe is the fyrste daye of the moone And thou shalt be myssed bicause the place where thou wast wonte to syt shall be emptye Therfore this daye thre dayes come downe in any wyse vnto the place where thou dyddest hyde thy selfe ☞ when the busynes was in hande euen by the stoone Esell And I wyl shute thre arowes by the one syde therof as though I shot them at a marke wyll sende a lad and byd hym go seke the arowes And yf I say vnto the lad se the arowes are on this syde the bryng them then come thou for it is peace no hurte as sure as the lorde lyueth But and yf I say vnto the lad behold the arowes are beyonde the then go in peace forthe Lorde hath sente the awaye And as touchynge this whiche thou I haue spoken beholde ☞ the Lorde be bytwene the me for euer And so dauid hyd him selfe in the felde And when the newe moone was come the kynge sat hym downe to eate meate And the kynge sat hym downe after the olde maner in his seate by the wall And Ionathas arose Abner sat by Sauls syde and Dauids place was emptye Neuerthelesse Saull sayde nothynge at all that daye For he thought some thyng hath chaunced hym that he is not cleyne But on the morowe which was the second day of the new moone it appened that Dauids place was emptye agayne And Saull sayde vnto Ionathas his sonne wherfore cōmeth not the Sonne of Isai to meate neyther yesterday nor to day And Ionathas answered vnto Saull Dauid asked lycence of me to go to Bethleem for he sayde Let me go I praye the for oure kynred doth holde an offerynge in the citye my brother hath sent for me And therfore yf I haue founde fauoure in thyne eyes let me go and se my brother This is the cause that he cōmeth not vnto the kynges table Then was Saull angrye with Ionathas sayde vnto hym Thou wycked rebell do not I knowe that thou hast chosen the son of Isai vnto thyne owne rebuke vnto the rebuke and shame of thy mother For as longe as the son of Isai lyueth vpō the earth thou shalt not be stablyshed nor yet thy kyngdom wherfore nowe sende and fet hym vnto me for he is the chylde of death And Ionathas answered vnto Saull his father sayde to hym wherfore shulde he dye What hath he done And Saul lyfte vp a speare to hyt hym wherby Ionathas wyst well that it was vtterlye determyned of his father to sley Dauid And so Ionathas arose from the table in a great anger dyd eate no meat the second daye of the moneth for he was sory for Dauid bycuse his father had done hym shame On the nexte mornynge Ionathas went out in to the felde at the tyme appoynted with Dauid a lytle lad with hym And he sayde vnto his boye run seke out myne arowes whiche I shute And as the boye ran he shot an arowe beyonde hym And when the ladde was come to the place whyther Ionathas had shot the arow Ionathas cryed after the lad and saydens not the arowe beyonde the And Ionathas cryed after the lad agayne make spede stande not styll And Ionathas lad gathered vp the arowes and came to his mayster But the lad wyst nothynge of the matter Only Ionathas and Dauid wyst it And Ionathas gaue his wepons vnto the lad that was with hym sayd vnto hym go and carye them to the towne And as soone as the lad was gone Dauid arose out
doughters of the Philistines reioyse and lest the doughters of the vncircumcised triumph Ye mountaynes of Gilboa vpon you be neyther dewe nor rayne ☞ not vpon these feldes of offerynges For there the shelde of the myghtie is cast downe the shelde of Saull as thoughe he had not bene anoynted with oyle The bow of Ionathas and the swerde of Saul turned neuer backe agayne emptie from the blood of the sleyne and from the fat of the myghtye warryours Saul and Ionathas were louely pleasaūt in theyr lyues and in theyr deathes they were not deuyded They were swyfter then Egles and stronger then Lyons Ye doughters of Israel wepe ouer Saull whiche clothed you in purple with pleasures and hanged ornamentes of golde vpon your apparell Howe were the myghtye sleyne in battayle Ionathas is deade on the hygh hylles Wo is me for the my brother Ionathas verye kynde hast thou bene vnto me Thy loue to me was wonderful passyng the loue of women ❀ As a mother loueth her onely chylde euen so dyd I loue the. Oh howe are the myghtye ouerthrowen and the weapons of warre destroyed ¶ Dauid is anoynted in Hebron The battayle of the seruauntes of Dauid and Isboseth CAPI II. AFter this it fortuned that Dauid asked counsayle at the Lorde saynge shal I go vp into any of the cities of Iuda And the Lorde sayde vnto hym go And Dauid sayde agayne Whyther shall I go He answered Unto Ebron And so Dauid wente thyther with his two wyues Ahinoam the Iesraelit Abigall Nabals wyfe the Carmelite And the mē that were with hym dyd Dauid cary vp also euery man w t his housholde And they dwelte in the townes of Hebron And the men of Iuda came and there they anoynted Dauid kyng ouer the house of Iuda And they tolde Dauid saynge It is the men of Iabes in Gilead that buryed Saul And Dauid sent messengers vnto the men of Iabes in Gilead sayde vnto them blessed are ye vnto the lorde that ye haue shewed suche kyndnesse vnto your Lorde Saul and haue buryed hym And now the Lorde shew mercye and truthe vnto you And I wyll do you also suche kyndnesse as ye haue done in this thynge Therfore nowe let your handes be strong play ye the mē For your mayster Saul is dead And they that are of the house of Iuda haue anoynted me kyng ouer them But Abner the sonne of Ner that was captayne of Sauls hoost toke Isboseth the son of Saul and brought hym to Mahanaim and made hym kynge ouer Gilead and ouer the Assurites and ouer Iesrahel Ephraim Ben Iamin and ☞ ouer all Israel And Isboseth Sauls sonne was fourtye yere olde when he began to reygne ouer Israell and reygned two yere But the house of Iuda folowed Dauid And the tyme whiche Dauid reygned in Hebron ouer the house of Iuda was vii yere and syxe monethes And Abner the sonne of Ner and the seruauntes of Isboseth the sonne of Saul wente out of Mahanaim to Gibeon And Ioab the son of Zaruia and the seruauntes of Dauid went out and met them by the poole of Gibeon And they sat downe the one on the one syde of the poole and the other on the other syde And Abner sayd to Ioab let the yong men aryse and ☞ play before vs. And Ioab sayde Let them aryse Then there arose and went ouer twelue of Ben Iamin by nombre whiche perteyned to Isboseth the sonne of Saul twelue of the seruauntes of Dauid And euery one caught his felowe that came agaynst hym by the heade thrust his swerde in his syde and so they fell downe togyther Wherfore the place was called The felde of the myghtye And it is in Gibeon And there began an excedynge cruel battayle that same day For Abner the men of Israell fell before the seruauntes of Dauid And there were thre sonnes of Zaruia there Ioab Abisai Asahel And Asahel was as lyght of foote as a wylde Roo and Asahel folowed after Abner and turned neyther to the right hande nor to the lefte frō Abner Then Abner loked behynde him and sayd Art thou Asahel he answered Yea that I am Abner sayde turne the eyther to the ryght hande or to the lefte catche one of the yonge men and take the his weapons But Asahel wolde not departe from hym And Abner sayd agayne to Asahel departe fro me Wherfore shulde I smyte the to the grounde and not be able to holde vp my face to Ioab thy brother Howbeit when he wolde in no wyse departe Abner with the hynder ende of the spere smote hym vnder the short rybbes that the spere came out behynde hym that he fell downe in the same place and dyed there And as many as came to the place where Asa hell fel downe and dyed stode styll Ioab also and Abisai folowed Abner And the son went downe when they were come to the hyll Ama that lyeth before Giah by the way that goeth thorowe the wyldernesse of Gibeon And the children of Ben Iamin gathered them selues togyther on an heape to Abner and stode on the top of an hyl Then Abner called to Ioab and sayde shall the swerde deuoure styll for euer knowest thou not that it wyll be ☞ bitternes in the latter ende howe longe shall it be or thou byd the people returne from folowynge theyr brethren And Ioab sayde as truely as God lyueth ☞ yf thou haddest not spokē in the mornyng the people had ben departed euery one from persecutyng his brother And so Ioab blew a trompet and all the people stode styl pursued after Israel no more neyther foughte they any more And Abner and his men walked all that nyght thorowe the playne and went ouer Iordan past thorowe all Beth-horon tyll they came to Mahanaim And Ioab returned from persecutyng Abner And when he had gathered all the people togyther there lacked of Dauids seruauntes nynetene men Asahel But the seruauntes of Dauid had sleyne of Ben Iamin of Abners men thre bundred thre score men And they toke vp Asahel and buryed hym in the Sepulchre of his father in Bethleem And Ioab and his men went all nyght vntyll the dawnynge of the day and came to Hebron ¶ Abner cōmeth to Dauid and bryngeth hym his wyse Michol Ioab kylleth Abner CAPI III. THere was longe war bytwene the house of Saul and the house of Dauid But Dauid waxed stronger and stronger the houe of Saul weyker and weyker And vnto Dauid were ❀ syxc chyldren borne in Hebron his eldest sonne also was Amnon of Ahinoam the Iezrahelite the seconde Cheleab of Abigail the wyfe of Nabal the Carmelite the thyrde Absalom the son of Maachah the doughter of Thalmai the kynge of Gessur the fourth Adonai the son of Hagith the fyfte Sephatia the sonne of Abitall the syxte Iethream by Egla Dauids wyfe These were borne to Dauid in Hebron And it fortuned that whyle there was warre bytwene the house
of Iuda were fyue C. thousande men And Dauids herte smote hym after that he had nombred the people And Dauid sayde vnto the Lorde I haue synned excedyngly in that I haue done And nowe Lorde take away the trespasse of thy seruaunt for I haue done very folysshly And when Dauid was vp in a mornynge the worde of the lorde came vnto the prophet Gad Dauids sear saynge Go and say vnto Dauid thus sayth the Lorde I offer the thre thynges chose the whiche of them I shal do vnto the. So Gad came to Dauid and shewed him sayd vnto hym Wylte thou haue ☞ seuen yeres hunger to come in thy lande or wylte thou flee iii. monethes before thyne enemyes they folowyng the or that there be iii. dayes pestylence in thy lande Now therfore aduise the and se what answere I shal gyue to hym that sent me And Dauid sayd vnto Gad I am in extreme trouble We wyll fall nowe into the hande of the Lorde for moche is his mercye and let me not fall in to the hande of man And the Lorde sent a pestylence in Israell from the mornynge vnto the tyme appoynted And there dyed of the people from Dan to Beerseba seuentye thousande men And when the angell stretched out his hande vpon Ierusalem to destroye it the lorde had cōpassyon to do that euyll and sayde to the angell that destroyed the people it is nowe sufficyent holde thyne hande And the angell of the lorde was by the thresshynge place of Aresna the Iebusyte And Dauid spake vnto the Lorde when he sawe the angell that smote the people and sayde loo it is I that haue synned and I that haue done wyckedly But these shepe what haue they done Let thyne hande I praye the be agaynst me agaynst my fathers house And Gad came the same day to Dauid and sayd vnto hym go vp and reare an aulter vnto the Lorde in the threshynge floore of Aresna the Iebusite And Dauid accordyng to the sayng of Gad went vp as the lorde cōmaunded And Aresna loked and sawe the kyng and his seruauntes cōmynge towarde hym And Aresna went out and bowed him selfe before the kynge flat on his face vpon the ground and Aresna sayde wherfore is my Lorde the kynge come to his seruaūt Dauid answered to bye the thresshynge floore of the and to make an aulter vnto the lorde that the plage maye cease from the people And Aresna sayd vnto Dauid let my lorde the kyng take and offre what semeth hym good in his eyes Beholde here be oxen for burntsacrifyce sleddes and the other instrumentes of the oxen for woode All these thyngꝭ dyd Aresna gyue vnto the kynge and sayd moreouer vnto the kynge the lorde thy God accept the. And the kynge sayde vnto Aresna not so but I wyll bye it of the at a pryce and wyl not offre Sacrifyce vnto the Lorde my god of that which doth cost me nothyng And so Dauid bought the thresshynge floore and the oxen ☞ for fyftye sycles of syluer And Dauid buylde there an aulter vnto the Lorde and offered hurt sacrifyces and peaceofferynges And so the lorde was intreated for the land And the plage ceased from Israell ¶ The ende of the seconde boke of Samuell otherwyse called the seconde of the Kynges ¶ The thyrde boke of the Kynges after the rekenynge of the Latenistes whiche thyrde Booke and the fourth also is but one with the Hebrues ¶ The yonge virgyn Abisag kepeth Dauid in his extreme age Adonia occupieth the realme vnwyttynge to his father Salomon is anoynted hynge and so Adonia getteth hym away CAPI Primo ANd Kynge Dauid was olde and stryken in yeres so that whē they couered hym with clothes he caught no heate Wherfore his seruauntes sayd vnto hym let there be sought for my Lorde the kynge a yonge mayden to stande before the kynge and to cheryshe hym And let her lye in thy bosome that my lorde the kynge maye get heate And so they sought for a fayre damfell thorowout all the coostes of Israell founde one Abisag a Sunamite brought her to the kynge And the damfell was excedynge fayre and therysshed the kynge and ministred to hym ▪ But the kynge knewe her not And Adonia the son of Hagith exalted hym selfe sayenge I wyll be kynge And he gat hym charettes and horsemen and fyftye men to run before him And his father wolde not displease him at any tyme nor sayde so moche to hym as why doest thou so And he was a goodlye man and his mother bare hym nexte after Absalom And he toke coūsayle at Ioab the sonne of Zaruia and at Abiathar the Preest And they helped Adonia But Sadocke the preest Banaiahu the son of Iehoiada Nathan the prophet Semei and Rei and all the men of myght whiche were with Dauid fauoured not Adonia And Adonia sacrifyced shepe and oxen and fat cattell by the stone of Zoheleth whiche is fast by the well of Rogell and called all his brethren the kynges sonnes and the men of Iuda the kynges seruauntes But Nathan the prophet and Banaiahu and the other myghtye men Salomon his brother he called not Wherfore Nathan spake vnto Bethsabe the mother of Salomon sayenge hast thou not herde how that Adonia the son of Hagith doth reygne and Dauid our lorde knoweth it not Nowe therfore come I wyll gyue the counsayle howe to saue thyne owne lyfe and the lyfe of thy son Salomon Go get the in vnto kynge Dauid saye vnto hym dydest not thou my lorde O kynge sweare vnto thy handmayde saynge Salomon thy son shall reygne after me and he shall syt vpon my seate Why is then Adonia kynge Behold whyle thou yet talkest there with the kynge I wyll come in after the and confyrme thy wordes And Bethsabe went in vnto the kynge in to the chambre And the kyng was very olde and Abisag the Sunamite minystred vnto the kynge And Bethsabe stouped and made obeysauuce vnto the kynge And the kynge sayde what is thy matter She answered hym My lorde thou swarest by the lorde thy God vnto thyne handmayde Salomon thy son shall reygne after me he shall syt vpon my seate And behold now is Adonia kynge and my lorde the kyng woteth not of it And he hath offered oxen fat cattell many shepe and hath called all the sonnes of the kynge and Abiathar the preest Ioab the captayn of the hooste But Salomon thy seruaunt hath he not bydden And nowe my lorde O kynge the eyes of all Israell wayte on the that thou shuldest tel them who ought to syt on the seate of my lorde the kyng after hym For els when my Lorde the kynge is layde to rest with his fathers I and my son Salomon shall be ☞ ❀ synners And whyle she yet talked with the kynge Nathan the Prophet came also And they tolde the kyng sayenge beholde here cōmeth Nathan the pro phet And when he was come in to the kyng he made obeysaunce
the name of the Lorde vntyll those dayes And Salomon loued the Lorde and walked in the ordinaunces of Dauid his father saue only that he sacrificed offered incense vpon aulters in hylles And the kynge went to Gibeon to offer there for ☞ that was a specyall offerynge place A thousand burntofferynges dyd Salomon offre vpon that aulter And in Gibeon the Lorde appeared to Salomon in a dreame by nyght And God sayde Aske what thou wylt that I may gyue it the. And Salomon sayde thou hast shewed vnto thy seruaunt Dauid my father great mercy when he walked before the in trueth in ryghtuousnes and in playnesse of herte with the. And thou hast kept for hym this great mercy that thou hast gyuen hym a son to syt on his seate as it is come to passe this daye And nowe O Lorde my God it is thou that hast made thy seruaunt kynge in steade of Dauid my father And I am but yonge and wote not howe to ☞ go out and in And thy seruaunt is in the myddes of thy people whiche thou hast chosen And verely the people are so many that they can not be tolde nor nombred for multitude Gyue therfore vnto thy seruaunt an vnderstandynge herte to iudge thy people that I maye dyscerne bytwene good and bad For who is able to iudge this thy so myghtye a people And this pleased the Lorde well that Salomon had desyred this thynge And God sayde vnto hym Bycause thou hast asked this thynge and hast not asked longe lyfe neyther hast asked ryches nor ☞ the soule of thyne enemyes but hast asked vnderstandynge and discrecyon in iudgement Beholde I haue done accordynge to thy peticyon For I haue gyuen the a wyse and an vnderstandynge herte so that there was none lyke the before the neyther after the shall any aryse lyke vnto the. And I haue also gyuen the that whiche thou hast not asked euen rychesse and honoure so that there shall be no kyng lyke the all thy dayes And yf thou wylte walke in my wayes to kepe myne ordynaunces and my cōmaundementes as Dauid thy father dyd walke I wyll lengthen thy dayes When Salomon awoke beholde it was a dreame And he came to Ierusalem and stode before the arke of the testament of the lorde offered burntofferynges peaceofferynges and made a feast to all his seruaūtes ✚ Then came there two women that were harlottes vnto the kynge and stode before hym And the one woman sayde Oh my lorde I and this woman dwell in one house And I was delyuered of a chylde with her in the house And the thyrde daye after that I was delyuered she was delyuered also and we were togyther and no straunger with vs in the house saue we two And this wyues chylde dyed in the nyght for she smothered it And she arose at mydnyght and toke my son from my syde whyle thyne handmayd slept layde it in her bosom and put her dead chylde in my bosom And when I rose vp to gyue my chylde sucke beholde it was deade But when I had loked vpon it in the mornyng Beholde it was not my son whiche I dyd beare The other woman sayd it is not so But my son lyueth thy sonne is deade And she sayd agayne No but thy son is deade my sonne is a lyue And thus they pleated before the kynge Then sayde the kynge the one sayeth this that is alyue is my son and the deade is thyne And the other sayeth naye But thy son is deade the lyue chylde is myne And the kynge sayde brynge me a swerde And they brought a swerde before the kynge And the kynge sayd Deuyde the lyuynge chylde in two and gyue the one halfe to the one and the other to the other Then spake the woman whose the lyuyng chylde was vnto the kynge for her bowels yerned vpon her son and sayd I beseche the my lorde gyue her the lyuyng chylde and in no wyse sley it But the other sayde let it be neyther myne nor thyne but deuyde it Then the kynge answered and sayd gyue her the lyuynge chylde sley it not for she is the mother therof And all they of Israell herde of the iudgement whiche the kynge had iudged feared the kyng for they sawe that the wysdom of god was in hym to do iustyce ⊢ ¶ The prynces and rulers vnder Salomon The purueyaunce for his vyttayles The nombre of his horses and of his parables CAPI IIII. AND so kynge Salomon was kyng ouer all Israell And these were his Lordes Azariahu the son of Sadock the Preest Elihoreph and Ahia the sonnꝭ of Sisa scrybes Iehosaphath the sonne of Ahilud the recorder Banaiahu the sonne of Iehoiada was ouer the hoost And Sadocke and Abiathar were the preestꝭ And Azariahu the son of Nathan was ouer ☞ the offycers And Zabud the sonne of Nathan was a preest the kynges companyon And Ahisar stewarde of housholde And Adoniram the son of Abda was ouer the trybutes And Salomon had twelue offycers ouer all Israell whiche prouided vyttayle for the kynge his householde eche man his moneth in a yeare made prouisyon for necessary thynges And these are theyr names The sonne of Hur in mount Ephraim the sonne of Dekar in Makaz and in Saalbin and Bethsames Elon and Bethhauā the sonne of Hesed in Aruboth to whome pertayned socho and all the lande of Hepher the sonne of Abinadab in all the regyon of Dor whiche had Tapheth the doughter of Salomon to wyfe Baana the sonne of Ahilud was ouer Thanach and Magiddo and ouer all Bethsan whiche is by Zarthana beneth Iezrael from Bethsan to the playne of Mehola euen vnto the place that is ouer agaynst Iechmean The son of Gaber had Ramoth Gilead and his were the townes of Iair the son of Manasse whiche are in Gilead and vnder hym was the regyon of Argob whiche is in Basan lx great cityes with walles and barres of Brasse Ahinadab the sonnꝭ of Hiddo had Mahenaim Ahimaaz was in Nephthalim and he ●oke Basmath the doughter of Salomon to wyfe Baana the son of Husai was Aser and in Aloth Iehosaphat the sonne of Paruah was in Isachar Semei the son of Ela was in Beniamin Gaber the sonne of Uri was in the countrey of Gilead the lande of Sehon kynge of the Amorites and of Og kynge of Basan and was offycer alone in the lande And Iuda Israell were many euen as the sande of the see in nōbre eatyng drynkynge and makynge mery And Salomon reygned ☞ ouer all the kyngdoms from the ryuer vnto the lande of the Philistines euen vnto the border of Egypt and they brought presentes and serued Salomon all the dayes of his lyfe And Salomons breade for one day was xxx quarters of manchet floure thre score quarters of meale ten stalled oxen twentie out of the pastures and an hundred shepe besyde hartes buckes wylde gootes ❀ and capons For he ruled in all
the glorye of the Lorde had fylled the house of the lorde Then spake Salomon the Lorde sayd that he wolde dwel in the darke cloude I haue buylte the an house to dwell in ☞ an habitacion for the to abyde in for euer And the kynge turned his face and blessed all the congregacion of Israell and all the cōgregacion of Israel stode styll And he sayd Blessed be the lorde God of Israel whiche spake with his mouthe vnto Dauid my father and hath ☞ with his hande fulfylled it sayenge Synce the daye that I brought my people Israell out of Egypte I chose no citye of all the tribes of Israel to builde an house that my name might be therin But I haue chosen Dauid to be ruler ouer my people Israel And it was in the herte of Dauid my father to buylde an house for the name of the Lorde God of Israell And the Lorde sayde vnto Dauid my father Where as it was thyne hert to buylde an house vnto my name thou dydest well that thou wast so mynded Neuertheles thou shalt not buylde the house but thy sonne that shall come out of thy loynes he shal buylde the house vnto my name And the lorde hath made good his word that he spake And I am rysen vp in the roume of Dauid my father syt on the seate of Israel as the Lorde promysed and haue buylte an house for the name of the Lorde God of Israel And I haue prepared therin a place for the arke wherin is the couenaunt of the lorde whiche he made with oure fathers when he brought them oute of the lande of Egypte Salomon stode before the aulter of the lorde in the syght of al the congregacion of Israel and stretched out his handꝭ towarde heuen and sayd Lorde God of Israel there is no God lyke the in heuen aboue or in the earthe beneth thou that kepest couenaunt and mercye for thy seruauntes that walke before the with all theyr herte thou that hast kepte with thy seruaunt Dauid my father that thou promysedst hym Thou spakest also with thy mouth and hast fulfylled it with thyne hand as it is come to passe this daye Therfore nowe Lorde God of Israell kepe with thy seruaunt Dauid my father that thou promysedst hym saynge Thou shalte not be wtout a man in my syght to syt on the seate of Israel so that thy children take hede to theyr way that they walke before me as thou hast walked in my syght And nowe o god of Israell let thy worde be verified whiche thou spakest vnto thy seruaunt Dauid my father Wyll God in dede dwel on the earth Beholde the heuens and heuens of all heuens are not able to conteyne the And how shulde then this house do it that I haue buylded Haue thou therfore respecte vnto the prayer of thy seruaunt and to his supplicacion O Lorde my god to heare the voyce and prayer before the this daye that thyne eyes maye be open towarde this house nyght daye euen towarde this place of whiche thou hast sayd my name shall be there that thou mayste herken vnto the prayer whiche thy seruaunt prayeth in this place And regarde thou the supplicacion of thy seruaunt and of thy people Israel when they pray in this place And heare thou in heuen thy dwellynge place and when thou hearest haue mercye Yf any man trespasse agaynst his neyghboure there go an othe bytwene them and the one compel the other and come swearynge before thyne aulter in this house then herken thou in heuen and worke and iudge thy seruauntes that thou condempne the vngodly to brynge his waye vpon his heade and iustifye the ryghteous to gyue hym accordyng to his ryghteousnesse When thy people Israel be put to the worse before the enemye bycause they haue synned agaynste the and afterwarde turne agayne to the and knowlege vnto thy name and praye and make supplycacyon vnto the in this house then heare thou in heuen to be mercyfull vnto the synne of thy people Israel and bryng them agayne vnto the lande whiche thou gauest vnto theyr fathers If heuen be shut vp and there be no rayne bycause they haue synned agaynst the yet yf they praye in this place and knowlege vnto thy name and turne from theyr synne thorowe thy scourgynge of them then heare thou in heuen and be mercyfull ❀ vnto the synnes of thy seruauntes and of thy people Israel that thou shewe them a good waye to walke in gyue rayne vpon thy lande that thou hast gyuen vnto thy people to enherite If there be in the lande derth or pestylence brought blastyng greshopper or caterpyller or yf theyr enemye beseyge them in the lande of theyr cityes or what soeuer plage or syckenesse chaunce then what prayers and supplicacion soeuer be made of any man of all thy people Israell whiche shall knowledge euery man the plage of his owne herte and stretche forth his handꝭ towarde this house Heare thou then in heuen euen in thy dwellyng place and be mercyfull and worke and gyue euery man accordynge to all his wayes euen as thou that onely knowest his herte for thou onely knowest the hertes of all the chyldren of men that they may feare the as longe as they lyue in the lande whiche thou gauest vnto our fathers And lykewyse yf a straunger that is not of thy people Israell come oute of a farre countrey forthy names sake for they shall heare of thy great name and of thy myghtie hande and of thy stretched oute arme and shall come and praye in this house Therfore heare thou in heuen thy dwellynge place and do all that the straūger calleth to the for that all nacions of the earth may know thy name and feare the as do thy people Israell and that they may knowe that thy name is called vpon in this house whiche I haue buylte If thy people go out to battayle agaynst theyr enemy whyther soeuer thou shalt sende them and shall pray vnto the O Lorde towarde the way of the citye whiche thou hast chosen and towarde the house that I haue buylte forthy name heare y u in heuen theyr prayer and supplicacion iudge theyr cause If they synne agaynst the for there is no man that synneth not and thou be angry with them and delyuer them in to the hande of theyr enemyes so that they carye them away prysoners vnto the lande of theyr enemyes whyther far or neare yet yf they turne agayne vnto theyr hertes in the lande to the whiche they be caryed away captiue and returne and pray vnto the in the lande of theyr enemyes sayenge we haue synned we haue done wyckedlye and haue cōmytted vngodlynesse and so turne agayne vnto the with al theyr herte and all theyr soule in the lande of theyr enemyes whiche led them awaye captiue and pray vnto the towarde the waye of theyr lande which thou gauest vnto theyr fathers and towarde
kynge of Iuda toke all the halowed thynges that Iehosaphat Iehorā and Haziahu his fathers kyngꝭ of Iuda had dedicate that he hym selfe had dedicated ▪ and all the golde that was founde in the treasures of the house of the Lorde in the kynges house and sent it to Hazael kyng of Siria and so he departed from Ierusalem The remenaunt of the wordes that concerne Iehoas all that he dyd are they not wrytten in the booke of the Cronicles of the kynges of Iuda And his owne seruauntes arose and wrought treason and slue Iehoas in the house of Millo when he came downe to Silla Iosabar the son of Semeath Iehozabad the sonne of Somer his seruauntes smote hym he dyed And they buryed hym with his fathers in the citye of Dauid And Amaziahu his sonne reygned in his steade ¶ Iehoahaz the sonne of Iehu is deliuered in to the heades of the Siriane and dyeth Ioa● his sonne reygneth in his steade Elisa dyeth CAPI XIII IN the. xxiii yere of Ioas the sonne of Ahaziahu kynge of Iuda Iohoahaz the son of Iehu began to reygne ouer Israell in Samaria seuentene yere And he wrought that which was euyl in the syght of the lorde and folowed the synnes of Ieroboā the son of Nebat whiche made Israel to syn and de parted not therfrom And the Lorde was angry with Israel and delyuered them in to the bande of Hazael kyng of Siria and in to the hande of Benhadad the sonne of Hazaell all theyr dayes And Iehoahaz besought the lord and the Lorde herde hym For he consydered the trouble of Israel wherwith the kynge of Siria troubled them And the lorde gaue Israel a delyuerer so that they wente out from vnder the subieccion of the Sirians And the chyldren of Israell owelte in theyr tentes as before tyme. Neuerthelesse they departed not from the synnes of the house of Ieroboam which made Israel syn but walked in them And there remayned a groue styll also in Samaria Neyther dyd he leaue of the peple to Iehoahaz but fiftie horsemen ten charettꝭ and ten M. fotemen for the kynge of Siri● destroyed them and made them lyke threshed dust The rest of the wordes that concerne Iehoahaz and all that he dyd his power are they not wrytten in the boke of the Cronicles of the kynges of Israel And Iehoahaz slept with his fathers and they buryed hym in samaria Ioas his son reygned in his steade ▪ In the. xxxvii yere of Ioas kynge of Iuda began Ioas the son of Iehoahaz to reygne ouer Israel in Samaria syxtene yere dyd that whiche is euyll in the syght of the Lorde departed not from all the synnes of Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat that made Israel synne for he walked therin The remenaunt of the wordes that concerne Ioas all that he dyd and his power wherwith he fought agaynst Amaziahu kynge of Iuda are they not wrytten in the boke of the Cronicles of the kynges of Israell And Ioas slepte with his fathers and Ieroboā sat vpon his seate And Ioas was buryed in Samaria among the kynges of Israell When Elia was fallen sycke of his syckenesse wherof he dyed Ioas the kyng of Israell came downe vnto hym wepte before hym sayd O my father my father ❀ the charet of Israel the horsemen of the same Elisa sayd vnto hym take bowe and arowes And he toke vnto hym bowe arowes And he sayd vnto the kynge of Israell put thyne hand vpon the bow he put his hand vpō it ▪ And Elisa put his handes vpon the kynges handes sayde open a wyndowe castwarde and when he had opened it Elisa sayd shute and he shot And he sayde the arowe of helpe of the Lorde and the arowe of helpe agaynst Siria for thou shalte smyte Siria in Aphek tyll thou haue made an ende of them And he sayde take the arowes he toke them And he sayd vnto the kynge of Israell smyte the grounde he smote thryse ceased And the mā of god was angry with hym sayd thou shuldest haue smytten v. or vi tymes ❀ or seuen tymes then thou hadest smytten Siriatyl thou hadest made an ende of them where nowe thou shalte smyte Siria but thryse And so Elisa dyed they buryed hym the souldyoures of the Moabites came in to the lande ❀ the same yere And it chaunced as some of them were buryenge a man spyed the souldyours they cast the man into the sepulcce of Elisa And when the mā was rolled downe touched the bones of Elisa hereuiued and stode vpon his feete But Hazael vexed Israel all the dayes of Iehoahaz And the lorde had mercy on them pttyed them had respecte vnto them bycause of his appoyntment made with Abrahā Isaac Iacob wolde not destroy them neyther cast he them from hym as yet So Hazael the kyng of Sitia dyed Benhadad his son reygned in his steade And Iehoas the son of Ichoahaz went agayne toke out of the hande of Benhadad the son of Hazael the cities which he had taken away out of the hand of Iehoa haz his father in warre for thre tymes dyd Ioas beate hym and restored the cities vnto Israel agayne ¶ Amaziahu the hynge of zuda putteth to death the m●●quellers of his father and after smyteth Edom. Zoas dyeth and Ierot●am his son succedeth in his roume and after hym reygneth zacharia Amazia is kylled in ●achio and Azaria teygneth in his steade CAPI XIIII The seconde yere of Ioas son of Ichoahaz kyng of Israel reygned Amaziahu the sonne of Ioas kynge of Iuda he was xxv yere olde when he began to reygne reygned xxix yere in Ierusalem his mothers name was Ieohadan of Ierusalem And he dyd that whiche is good in the syght of the Lorde yet not lyke Dauid his father but dyd accordyng to all thyngꝭ as Ioas his father dyd Neyther were the hyll aulters taken away For as yet the people dyd sacrifice and burnt insence on the hyl aulters And as sone as the kyngdom was satled in his hand it came to passe that he slue his seruauntes whiche had kylled the kyng his father But the chyldren of those murtherers he slue not accordyng to it that is wryttē in the boke of the lawe of Moses wherin the Lorde cōmaunded sayenge Let not the fathers dye for the chyldren nor let the chyldren be sleyne for the fathers But let euery man be put to deathe for his owne synne He slue of Edom in the salt valley ten M. and toke the castel on the rocke in the same battayle and called the name of it Ioktheel vnto this day Then Amaziahu sente messengers to Iehoas the son of Iehoahaz son of Iehu kyng of Israel sayenge Come ☞ let vs se eche other And Iehoas the kyng of Israel sent to Amaziahu kyng of Iuda saynge did not a thystle that is in Libanon sende to a Cedre tree
Israell and put them in araye agaynst the Sirians And the rest of the people he deliuered vnto the hande of Abisai his brother and they put them selues in araye agaynst the chyldren of Ammon And he sayd Yf the Sirians be to stronge for me thou shalt succoure me and yf the chyldren of Ammon preuayle agaynst the I wyll helpe the. Plucke vp thyne herte and let vs play the men for our peoples sake and for the cytyes of our god and the lorde shall do that which is good in his owne syght So Ioab and the people that were with hym drue nygh before the Sirians vnto the battayle and they fled before hym And when the chyldren of Ammon sawe that the Sirians were fled they ran awaye lykewyse before Abisai his brother and gat them into the cytye And Ioab came to Ierusalem And when the Sirians sawe that they were put to the worse before Israel they sent messengers fet out the Sirians that were beyonde the ryuer and Sophach the captayne of the hoost of Hadadezer went before them And it was tolde Dauid and he gathered all Israell and went togyther ouer Iordane and came and set vpon them And when Dauid had put hym selfe in araye agaynst the Sirians they fought with hym But the Sirians fled before Israell And Dauid destroyed of the Sirians vii M. charettes and. xl M. foote men kylled Sophach the captayne of the hooste And when the seruauntes of Hadadezer sawe that they were put to the worse before them of Israell they made peace with Dauid and became his seruauntes Neyther wolde the Sirians helpe the chyldren of Ammon any more ¶ The thre moost victoryous battayle● of Dauid CAPI XX. ANd it came to passe that after the yeare was expyred aboute the tyme that kynges go out a warre fare Ioab caryed out the armye of the hoost destroyed the countrey of the chyldren of Ammon and came and beseyged Rabha and dystroyed it But Dauid taryed at Ierusalem whyle Ioab smote Rabha and destroyed it And Dauid toke the crowne of theyr kynge from of his heade and founde that it had the weyght of a talent of golde and there were precyous stones in it and it was ordeyned for Dauids heade And he brought also excedynge moche spoyle out of the city And he brought out the people that were in it tormēted them with sawes harowes of yron with other sharp instrumentes and so delte Dauid with al the cytyes of the chyldren of Ammō And ●●uid all the people came agayne to Ierusalem After this it fortuned that there arose war at Gazer with the philystines At which tyme Sobocai the Husathite siue Sippa● that was of the chyldrē of Rephaim they were subdued And there was battayle agayne w t the Philistines Elhanan the son of Iair slue Lahemi the brother of Goliath the Gethite whose spere was lyke a weauers beame And there chaūced yet agayne war at Geth where as was a man of a great stature with xxiiii fyngers and toos syxe on euery hande and syxe on euery foote and was the son of Raphath But when he defyed Israell Iehonathan the son of Simea Dauids brother slue hym These were borne vnto Raphah at Geth and were ouerthrowen in the hande of Dauid and in the hande of his seruauntes Dauid causeth the people to be nombred● and the●● dyeth lxx thousand men of the Pestylence CAPI XXI ANd Satan stode vp agaynst Israell prouoked Dauid to nombre Israell And Dauid sayde to Ioab to the rulers of the people Go ye and nombre Israel from Beer Seba to Dan and bryng it to me that I may know the nombre of them And Ioab answered the lorde make his peple an hundred tymes so many mo as they be But my lorde O kynge are they not all my lordes seruaūtes why then doth my Lorde requyre this thynge why wyll my lorde be a cause of trespasse to Israell Neuerthelesse the kyngꝭ worde preuayled agaynst Ioab And Ioab departed walked thorowout all them of Israel came to Ierusalem agayne gaue the nombre of the counte of the people vnto Dauid And all they of Israell were a thousand thousande an hundred thousand men that drue swerde and Iuda was CCCC lxx M men that drue swerde But the Leuites and Beniamin coūted he not amonge them For the kyngꝭ worde was abhomynable to Ioab And the lorde was dyspleased w t this thyng and smote Israell And Dauid sayde vnto god I haue synned excedynglye in doynge this thynge And nowe I beseche the do a 〈…〉 the wyckednesse of thy seruaunt for I 〈…〉 done very foolyshlye And the Lorde spake vnto Gad Dauids seat sayenge go and tell Dauid sayenge Thus sayeth the lorde I gyue the the thoyse of thre thynges chose the one of them that I maye do vnto the. And Gad came to Dauid and sayde vnto hym Thus sayeth the lorde Chose the eyther thre yeares famyshment or thre monethes to be destroyed before thyne aduersaryes that the swerde of thyne enemyes maye ouertake the or els the swerde of the lorde pestilence in the lande thre dayes and the angell of the Lorde destroyenge thorowout all the coostes of Israell And nowe aduyse thy selfe what worde I shall brynge agayne to him that sent me And Dauid sayd vnto Gad I am in an excedynge strayte let me fall nowe into the hande of the lorde for passynge greate are his mercyes but let me not fall into the hande of men So the Lorde sent pestylence vpon Israell and there were ouerthrowen of Israel lxx M. men And god sent the angel into Ierusalem to destroy it And as he was aboute to destroy the lorde behelde had cōpassyon on the wretchednes and sayde to the Angell that destoyed it is ynough let now thyne hande cease And the angell of the Lorde stode by the thresshynge floure of Ornan the Iebusyte And Dauid lyfte vp his eyes and sawe the Angell of the lorde stande bytwene the earth and heuen hauynge a drawen swerde in his hand stretched out towarde Ierusalem Then Dauid and the Elders of Israell whiche were clothed in sacke fell vpon theyr faces And Dauid sayde vnto God Is it not I that commaunded the people to be nombred It is I that haue synned and done euyll indede and what haue these shepe done let thyne hande O lorde my god be on me on my fathers house but not on thy people that they shulde be punyshed And the angel of the lorde commaunded Gad to saye to Dauid that Dauid shulde go vp and set vp an aulter vnto the Lorde in the thresshyng floure of Ornan the Iebusyte And Dauid went vp accordynge to the sayenge of Gad which he spake in the name of the lord And Ornan turned about and sawe the Angell and his foure sonnes were with hym hyd them selues But Ornan was thresshynge wheat and as Dauid came to Ornan Ornan loked and sawe Dauid and went out of
❧ ❀ ❧ ¶ The second boke of the Cronicles whiche in the Hebrue is one with the fyrst ¶ The offerynge of Salomon in the hyll aulter at Gib●●●● where he receyueth an aunswere of God what wysdome shulde be gyuen hym with the nombre of his Charettes and horsemen CAPI Primo ANd Salomon the sonne of Dauid waxed stronge in his kyngdome and the lorde his god was with hym and magnified hym in the dignitye And Salomon spake vnto all Israel to the captaynes ouer thousandes to the captaynes ouer hundredes to the iudges and to euery officer in all Israell to the auncient fathers And so Salomon and all the congregacion with hym went to the hygh place that was at Gibeon for there was the Tabernacle of the wytnesse of God which Moses the seruaūt of the lorde made in the wyldernes But the arke of God had Dauid broughte from Kiriath Iarim in to the place whiche Dauid had prepayred therfore For he had pytched a tent for it at Ierusalem Moreouer the brasen aulter that Bezaleel the sonne of Uri the sonne of Hur had made was there before the tabernacle of the Lorde And Salomon and the congregacyon went to vysyt it And Salomon gat vp there before the lorde to the brasen aulter that was before the tabernacle of wytnesse and offered a thousande burnt sacrifices vpon it And the same nyghte dyd God appeare vnto Salamon and sayde vnto hym Aske what I shal gyue the. And Salomon sayde vnto God thou haste shewed great mercye vnto Dauid my father and haste made me to reygne in his steade Nowe therfore O Lorde God let thy promyse whiche thou madest vnto Dauid my father be true For thou haste made me kynge ouer a people whiche is lyke the duste of the earthe in multitude Wherfore gyue me nowe wysdome and knowledge that I maye be able to ☞ go out and in before this people for who elles ❀ vvorthelye can iudge this people that is so great And god sayd to Salomon bycause this was in thyne herte and bycause thou haste not asked treasure and rychesse and honour and the lyues of thyne enemyes neyther yet longe lyfe But hast asked wysdom knowledge for thy selfe to iudge my people ouer whiche I haue made the kynge wysdom and knowledge is graunted vnto the and I wyl gyue the treasure and richesse and glorye so that amonge the kynges that haue bene before the or after the none was or shall be lyke the. And so Salomon came from the hyl aul ter that was at Gibeon to Ierusalem from the tabernacle of wytnesse and reygned ouer Israel And Salomon gathered charettes and horsemen and he had a thousande and foure hundred charettes and. xii thousande horse men whome he bestowed in the charet cityes and with the kynge at Ierusalem And the kynge made syluer and golde at Ierusalem as plenteous as stones Cedar trees made he as plentie as the mulbery trees that grow in the valleys And the horses whiche Salomon had were brought hym out of Egypte by the kynges marchauntes that were togyther Whiche beynge of one companye toke them oute at a pryce They came also and brought out of Egypte ☞ a charet for syxe hundred petes of syluer euen an horse for an hundred and fyftie And so brought they horses for all the kynges of the Hethites and for the kynges of Sitia by theyr owne hande Salomon sendeth to Hiram the kynge of Tyre for wood and workemen CAPI II. ANd Salomon determined to buylde an house for the name of the lorde and an house for his kyngdom and Salomon tolde out thre score and ten thousande men to beare burdens foure score thousande men to hew stones in the mountayne thre thousande and syxe hundred to ouerse them And Salomon sent to Hiram the kynge of Tyre sayenge As thou dydest deale with Dauid my father and dydest sende hym Cedar wood to buyld hym an house to dwell in euen so deale with me For I am aboute to buylde an house for the name of the Lorde my god to offre vnto hym holy thynges and to burne swete sence and to set shewbread before hym contynually to offre burntsacrifices of the mornyng and euenyng on the sab both dayes in the fyrst daye of euery newe moone in the solempnefeastes of the lorde our God For it is an ordinaunce to be continually kepte of Israel And the house whiche I buylte shall be great for great is our god aboue al goddes But who is able to buylde hym an house when that heuen and heuen aboue al heuens is not able to receyue hym What am I then that I shulde buylde hym an house ●ay but euen to burne sacrifice before hym shall this buyldyng be sende me nowe therfore a connynge man that can worke in golde and syluer in brasse and yron in purple cremosyn yelowe sylke that can skyll to graue with the connynge men that are with me in Iud● and Ierusalem whom Dauid my father dyd prepayre Sende me also Cedar trees Pyne trees and ☞ Algume trees out of Libanon For I wote that thy seruauntes can skyll to hewe tymbre in Libanon And beholde my men shall be with thyne that they may prepayre me tymbre ynough For the house whiche I am determyned to buylde shal be wonderfull great And behold for the vse of thy seruauntes the cutters and hewers of tymbre I haue gyuē xx thousand quarters of beaten wheate and. xx thousand quarters of barley and. xx thousande bates of wyne and. xx thousande bates of oyle And Hiram kyng of Tyre answered in wrytynge whiche he sent to Salomon Bycause the lorde hath loued his people therfore hath he made the kynge ouer them And Hiram sayd moreouer blessed be the Lorde God of Israel whiche made heuen and earth that hath gyuen Dauid the kyng a wyse sonne one that hath dyscrecyon prudence and vnderstandyng to buyld a● house for the lorde and a palace for hym selfe And nowe I haue sent a wyse man and a man of vnderstandyng whom my father ●u ram dyd vse the sonne of a woman of the doughters of Dan and his father was a mā of Tyre and he can skyll to worke in golde and syluer in brasse yron in stone tymbre in purple and yelowe sylke in fyne white and cremosyn and can graue sondrye maner of grauynges and to fynde out dyuerse maner of subtyll worke that shall be set before hym with thy connynge men with the connyng men of my Lorde Dauid thy father Nowe therfore the wheate barley oyle and wyne which my lorde hath spoken of let hym sende vnto his seruauntes And we wyll cut wood in Libanon as moche as thou shalte nede and wyll brynge it to the in shyppes by see to Iapho from whence thou mayst carye them to Ierusalem And Salomon nombred all the straungers that were in the lande of Israel after the nombre of
arke of the couenaunt of the lorde out of the citye of Dauid which is Zion Wherfore all the men of Israell resorted vnto the kyng in the feast euen in the seuenth moneth And all the elders of Israell came and the Leuytes toke vp the arke And the preestes and the Leuites brought awaye the Arke and the tabernacle of wytnesse and al the holy vessels that were in the tabernacle and they bare them And kynge Salomon and all the congregacyon of Israell that were assembled vnto hym before the Arke offered shepe and oxen so many that they coulde not be tolde nor nombred for multytude And the Preestes brought the Arke of the appoyntment of the Lorde vnto his place euen in to the queere of the temple within the place moost holy and set it vnder the wyngꝭ of the Cherubs that the Cherubs stretched out theyr wynges ouer the place of the Arke and the Cherubs couered both the Arke and her barres aboue on hygh And the barres of the Arke were so longe that the heades of the barres were sene without the Arke within the queere but not without And there the Arke remayned vnto this daye But there was nothynge in the Arke saue the two tables which Moses put thee in at Horeb when the lorde made a couenaūt with the chyldren of Israell after they were come out of Egypte And it fortuned that when the Preestes were come out of the holy place for all the Preestes that were present were sanctyfyed and dyd not then wayte by course that bothe the Leuites and the syngers vnder Asaph Heman and Ieduthun were appoynted to sondrye offices with theyr Chyldren and brethren and were arayde in fyne whyte hauynge Symbals Psalteries and harpes and stode at the East ende of the aulter and by them an hundred and twentye Preestes blowynge with trompettes And the trompet blowers and the syngers so agreed that it semed but one voyce in pray synge and thankynge the Lorde And when they lyfte vp theyr voyce with the Trompettes Symbals and other instrumentes of Musycke and when they praysed the Lorde ❀ and sayde howe that he is good and that his mercy lasteth euer the house of god was fylled with a cloude so that the preestꝭ coulde not endure to mynyster by the reason of the cloude For the maiestye of the Lorde had fylled the house of God ¶ The wordes of Salomon to the people and the prayer that he made vnto god CAPI VI. THen Salomon sayde the Lorde hath spoken howe that he wyll dwell in the cloude And I haue buylte an habytacyon for the and a place for thy dwellynge for euer And the kynge turned his face and blessed the hoole congregacyon of Israell and all the congregacyon of Israell stode And he sayde blessed be the Lorde god of Israell whiche hath with his handes fulfylled it that he spake with his mouth to my father Dauid sayenge Sence the daye that I brought my people out of the lande of Egypte I chose no cytye amonge all the trybes of Israell to buylde an house in that my name myght be there neyther chose I any man to be a ruler ouer my people Israell sauynge that haue chosen Ierusalem that my name myght be there and haue chosen Dauid to be ouer my people Israell And when it was in the herte of Dauid my father to buylde an house for the name of the Lorde God of Israell the Lorde sayde to Dauid my father for asmoche as it was in thyne herte to buylde an house for my name thou dydest well that thou so thoughtest in thyne herte Notwithstandynge thou shalte not buylde the house but thy Son whiche is proceded out of thy loynes he shall buylde an house for my name The Lorde therfore hath made good his saynge that he hath spoken and I am rysen vp in the rowme of Dauid my father and am set on the seate of Israell as the Lorde promysed and haue buylt an house for the name of the Lorde God of Israell And in it haue I put the Arke wherin is the couenaunt of the lorde that he made with the chyldren of Israell And the kynge stode before the aulter of the lorde in the presence of all the congregacyon of Israell and stretched out his handes For now Salomō had made a brasen pulpyt of fyue cubytes longe and fyue cubytes brode and thre of heyght and had set it in the myddes of the great courte and vpon it he stode and kneled downe vpon his knees before all the congregacyon of Israell and stretched out his handes towarde heuen and sayde O lorde God of Israell there is no god lyke the in heuen and in earth which kepest couenaunt and shewest mercy vnto thy seruauntꝭ that walke before the with al theyr hertes Thou whiche haste kepte with thy seruauaunte Dauid my father the thynges that thou promysedest hym Thou saydest it with thy mouth hast fulfylled it with thyne handes as it is to se this daye And nowe Lorde God of Israell kepe with thy seruaunte Dauid my Father the thynges that thou promysedst hym saynge thou shalte in my syght not be without a man that shall syt vpon the seate of Israell so that thy chyldrē take hyde to theyr wayes to walke in my lawe as thou hast walked be fore me And nowe Lorde God of Israell let thy sayenge be true whiche thou spakest vnto thy seruaunt Dauid And wyll God in very dede dwell with men on earth Beholde heuen and heuen aboue all heuens do not tōteyne the howe moch lesse the house which I haue buylded Let it be thy pleasure therfore to turne to the prayer of thy seruaunte to his supplycacyon O Lorde my God to herken vnto the voyce and prayer whiche thy seruaunte prayeth before the let thyne eyes be open toward this house day nyght ouer this place wherin thou hast sayde that thou woldest put thy name to herken vnto the prayer whiche thy seruaunte prayeth in this place Herken vnto the Prayers of thy seruaunte and of thy people Israell whiche they praye in this place heare thou I say● out of thy dwellyng place euen out of heuen heare and be mercyfull Yf a man syn agaynst his neyghboure and take an othe agaynst hym make hym to sweare and they bothe come before thyne aulter in this house then heare thou from heuen and worke and iudge thy seruaūtes that thou rewarde the vngodlye and recompence hym his waye vpon his heade ☞ and iustifye the ryghteous and gyue hym accordynge to his ryghtwysenesse And yf thy people Israell be put to the worse before the enemye bycause they haue synned agaynst the Yet yf they turne and gyue thankes vnto thy name make intercessyon and pray before the in this house then heate thou from heuen and be mercifull vnto the synne of thy people Israell brynge them agayne vnto the lande whiche thou gauest to them and to theyr fathers When heuen is shut vp
and there be no rayne bycause they haue synned agaynst the yet yf they praye in this place and cōfesse thy name and repent from theyr syn for the which thou chastenest them then heare thou in heuen and be mercyfull vnto the synne of thy seruauntes and of thy people Israell and gyde thou them in to the good waye to walke in sende rayne vpon thy lande whiche thou hast gyuen vnto thy people for an enherytaunce And yf there be derth in the lande or pestylence corrupcyon or blastynge of corne greshoppers or caterpyllers or that theyr enemyes beseyge them in the cityes of theyr lande ❀ and destroy the countryes or whatsoeuer plage or syckenesse it be Then what supplicacyons and prayers soeuer shall be made of any man and of thy people Israell which shall knowe euery man his owne sore and his owne grefe and shall stretche out theyr handes toward this house thou shalte heare from heuen euen from thy dwellyng place and shalt be merciful gyue euery man accordynge vnto all his wayes euen as thou dost know euery mann ▪ herte for thou onely knowest the hertes of the chyldren of men that they may feare the walke in thy wayes as longe as they lyue in the lande whiche thou gauest vnto our fathers Moreouer the straunger whiche is not of thy people Israell yf he come from a farre lande for thy great names sake thy myghtye hande the stretched out arme Yf they come I saye and praye in this house thou shalte heare from heuen euen from thy dwel lynge place and shalte do accordynge to all that the straunger calleth to the for That al the people of the earth may know thy name and feare the as doth thy people Israel and that they may knowe how that in this house which I haue buylt thy name is called vpō Yf thy people go out to war agaynst theyr enemyes by the waye that thou shalte sende them and they praye to the in the waye toward this citie which thou hast chosen euen towarde the house whiche I haue buylte for thy name then heare thou from heuen theyr supplicacyon and prayer and helpe them in theyr ryght Yf they syn agaynst the as there is no man but he doth synne and thou be angrye with them delyuer them ouer before theyr enemyes and they take them and leade them awaye vnto a lande far or neare yet yf they repent in theyr herte in the lande where they be in captiuyte and turne and pray vnto the in the lande of theyr captiuyte sayenge We haue synned we haue done euyl wyckedlye turne agayne to the with all theyr herte and al theyr soule in the lande of theyr captiuyte where they kepe them in bondage so pray toward theyr lande which thou gauest vnto theyr fathers euen towarde the cytye whiche thou hast chosen and towarde the house whiche I haue buylte for thy name Then heare thou from heuen euen from thy dwellynge place theyr supplycacyon theyr prayer and iugde theyr cause be mercyfull vnto thy people which haue synned agaynst the. Nowe my God let thyne eyes be open and thyne eares attente vnto the prayer that is made in this place Nowe vp O Lorde God in to thy restynge place thou and the Arke of thy strength O Lorde God let thy Preestes be clothed with helth let thy sayntes reioyse in goodnesse O lorde god turne not awaye the face of thyne anoynted Remembre the mercyes whiche thou hast promysed to Dauid thy seruaunte ¶ The fyre consumeth the Sacrifyce The lorde appeareth to Salomon the seconde tyme. CAPI VII ANd when Salomon had made an ende of prayenge there came downe fyre from heuen and consumed the burnt offerynge and the sacrifyces And the house was fylled with the glorye of the Lorde and the Preestes coulde not go in to the house of the Lorde bycause the glorye of the lorde had fylled the Lordes house And when all the chyldren of Israell sawe howe the fyre and the glorye of the lorde came downe vpon the house they fell downe flat vpon theyr faces to the earth vpon the pauement worshypped and confessed vnto the Lorde that he is gracyous and that his mercye lasteth euer And the kynge and all the people offered sacrifyces before the Lorde And kynge Salomon offered a sacrifyce of xxii thousande oxen and an hundred and xx thousand shepe And so the kynge and all the people ☞ dedicated the house of God And the preestꝭ wayted on theyr offyces and the Leuites had the instrumentꝭ of musycke of the Lorde which kynge Dauid had made to confesse vnto the lorde that his mercye lasteth euer playenge a psalme of Dauid with theyr hande And the preestes blew with trompettes before them all they of Israel stode Moreouer Salomon halowed the myddle of the courte that was before the house of the Lorde for theyr he offered burntofferynges and the fat of the peaceofferynges bycause the brasen aulter which Salomon had made was not able to receyue the burntofferynges and the meatosferynges and the fat So at the same tyme Salomon kepte a feast of seuen dayes and all they of Israell with hym an excedyng great congregacyon euen from the enterynge in of Hamath vnto the ryuer of Egypte And in the eyght daye they made a gatherynge For they kepte the dedicacyon of the aulter seuen dayes ☞ and the feast seuen dayes And the. xxiii daye of the seuenth moneth he let the people departe in to theyr tentes glad and mery in herte for the goodnesse that the Lorde had shewed to Dauid and to Salomon and to Israell his people And so Salomon finyshed the house of the Lorde and the kynges house and all that came in his herte to make in the house of the Lorde and in his owne house wente prosperouslye forwarde And the lorde appeared to Salomon by nyght and sayde to hym I haue herde thy petycyon and haue chosen this place for my selfe to be an house of Sacryfyce Yf I shut vp heuen that there be no rayne or yf I cōmaunde the locustes to deuoure the lande or yf I sende pestylence amonge my peple and yf they that are of my people amonge whome my name is called vpon do humble them selues and make intercessyon and seke my presence and turne from theyr wycked wayes then wyll I heare from heuen and be mercyfull to theyr synne and wyll heale theyr lande And from hence forth myne eyes shall be open myne eares attent to the prayer that is made in this place And therfore nowe I haue chosen and sanctifyed this house that my name maye be there for euer and myne eyes and myne herte shall be there perpetuallye And yf thou wylt walke before me as Dauid thy father walked to do all that I haue commaunded the and shalt obserue my statutes my lawes then wyll I stablyshe the seate of thy kyngdome accordynge as I made the
Thamar whiche is Engadi And Iehosaphat feared and set hym selfe to seke the Lorde and proclamed fastynge thorowout all Iuda And they that were in Iuda gathered them selues togyther to aske counsayle of the Lorde And they came out of al the cityes of Iuda to make intercessyon to the Lorde And Iehosaphat stode bytwene the congregacyon of Iuda and Ierusalem in the house of the lord before the newe courte and sayde O Lorde God of our fathers arte not thou god in heuen reygnest not thou on al the kyngdoms of the hethen And in thyne hande is power myght and there is no man that is able to withstand the. Arte not thou our God which dydest cast out the enhabitours of this lande before thy people Israell and gauest it to the seed of Abraham thy louer for euer And they dwelte therin and haue buylte the a temple therin for thy name sayenge If euyl come vpon vs as the swerde of iudgement pestilence or hongre then yf we stande before this house in thy presence for thy name is in this house and crye vnto the in oure tribulation heate thou and helpe And now beholde the chyldren of Ammon and Moab and mount Seir by whom thou woldest not let them of Israel go when they came out of the lande of Egypte but they departed from them and destroyed them not Se how they rewarde vs to come for to cast vs out of thy possessyon which thou hast gyuen vs to enherite O our god wylt thou not iudge them for we haue no myght agaynste this great company that cometh agaynst vs. Neyther wote we what to do but our eyes be vnto the. And all Iuda stode before the lorde with theyr yong ones theyr wyues and theyr chyldren there was Iehasiel the son of Zacharia the son of Benaia the son of Ie●el the son of Mathania a Leuite of the sonnꝭ of Asaph vpō hym came the spirite of the lorde euen in the myddes of the cōgregacyon And he sayd herken al Iuda ye enhabitours of Ierusalem thou kyng Iehosaphat Thus sayth the lorde vnto you be not afrayde nor faynte herted by reason of this great multitude for the battayle is not yours but gods To morowe go ye downe agaynste them for they come vp at Ziz and ye shall fynde them at the ende of the broke before the wyldernesse of Ieruel Ye shall not nede to fyght in this battayle but step forth and stande beholde the helpe of the Lorde which is with you feare not nor let your hertes fayle you Oye of Iuda and of Ierusalem Tomorow go out agaynst them for the lorde wyll be w t you And Iehosaphat bowed his face to the earth and all Iuda and the enhabitoures of Ierusalem fel before the lorde worshyppyng the lorde And the Leuites of the chyldren of the Cahathites and of the chyldren of the Corahites stode vp to prayse the Lorde God of Israell with a loude voyce on hye And when they arose early in the mornynge they gatte them out vnto the wyldernesse of Thekoa And as they went out Iehosaphat stode sayd heare me O Iuda ye enhabitoures of Ierusalem Put your truste in the Lorde your God that ye may be founde faythfull Gyue credence to his prophettes and so shall ye prospere And he gaue the people counsell and set some to synge vnto the Lorde and to prayse hym in the beautie and holynesse and to go out before the armye as they went and to say prayse the Lorde for his mercy lasteth euer And what tyme as they began to laude and prayse then the lorde styrred vp certayne of the chyldren of Ammon and Moab which layde wayte for them that were of Mounte Seir whiche were come agaynst Iuda And they were ouerthrowen with strokes among them selues For the chyldren of Ammon and Moab rose agaynst the enhabiters of mount Seir. And they siue and destroyed them And when they had made an ende of the enhabitours of Sier euery one helped to destroy an other amonge them selues And when Iuda came to the edge of the wyldernesse they loked vnto the multitude And beholde they were dead carcasses fallen to the earth none escaped And when Ieosaphat and his people came to take away the spoyle of them they founde amonge them abundaunce of goodes rayment pleasaunt Iuels which they toke for them selues more then they coulde cary away so that they were thre dayes in gatheryng of the spoyle it was so moche And the fourth day they assembled in the valley of blessing for there they blessed the Lorde And therfore they called the name of the same place the valley of blessyng vnto this day And so all the men of Iuda Ieru salem returned with Iehosaphat theyr heade for to go agayne to Ierusalem with gladnes for the Lorde had made them to reioyse ouer theyr enemyes And they came to Ierusalem with psaltryes and harpes shaulmes euen vnto the house of the Lorde And the feare of god fel in the kyngdomes of al landes when they had herde that the lorde fought agaynst the enemyes of Israell And so the realme of Iehosaphat was in tranquilyte and his god gaue hym test on euery syde And Iehosaphat reygned vpon Iuda was .xxxv. yere olde whē he began to reygne and reygned .xxv. yere in Ierusalem And his mothers name was Asuba the doughter of Silhi And he walked in the way of Asa his father and bowed not therfrom doynge that whiche was ryght in the syght of the Lorde Howbeit the hyll aulters were not taken away for the peple had not yet prepared theyr hertes vnto the God of theyr fathers The rest of the actes of Ieosaphat fyrst and last beholde they are wrytten among the sayengꝭ of Iehu the sonne of Hanani whiche noted them in the boke of the kynges of Israel After this dyd Ieosaphat kyng of Iuda ioyne hym selfe with Ahaziahu kynge of Israell whose mynde was to do wyckedly He coupled hym selfe with hym to make shyppꝭ to go to Tharsis And they made the shyppꝭ in Ezion Gaber And Eliezer the son of Dodanah of Maresa prophesied agaynst Iehosaphat saynge bycause thou hast ioyned thy selfe with Ahaziahu the Lorde hath broken thy workes And the shyppes were broken that they were not able to go to Tharsis ¶ Ieosaphat dyeth and Iehoram succedeth hym which putteth his brethren to death is oppressed of the Philistines and dyeth of the Fly●● CAPI XXI I Ehosaphat also slepte with his fathers was buryed with his fathers in the citie of Dauid and Iehoram his son reygned in his steade and he had brethren which were the sonnes of Iehosaphat Asaria Iehicl Zacharia Asaria Michael and Sephattahu All these were the sonnes of Iehosaphat kynge of Iuda And theyr father gaue them many great gyftes of golde and syluer and other specyal substaunce with stronge cityes in Iuda But the kyngdome gaue he to Iehoram for he was the eldest And Iehoram arose vp agaynst the kyngdom of
euen one thre score thousande pe●●s fy●e thousande pounde of syluer and an hundred preestes garmentes So the preestes and the Leuitꝭ certayne of the peple the syngers and the porters and the Nethinims dwelt in theyr cityes and all Israel in theyr cityes ¶ After the foundacyon of the temple once renued they sacrifyce vnto the Lorde CAPI III. ☜ ANd when ☞ the seuenth moneth came and the chyldren of Israel were now in theyr cityes the people came togyther euen as one mā vnto Ierusalem And there stode vp Iesua the sonne of Iosedee and his brethren the preestes Zorobabel the son of Salathiel his brethren buylded the au●ter of the god of Israel to offre burnt offrynges theron as it is wrytten in the law of Moses the man of god the aulter set they vpon his sockettes for there was a fearefulnesse amonge them bycause of the nacions landes therfore they offered burnt offerynges theron vnto the Lorde in the mornyng at euen And they helde the feast of tabernacles as it is wrytten offered burnt sacrifices dayly accordyng to the nombre and custome daye by daye Afterwarde they offered dayly burnt offerynges also in the newe moones and in al the feast dayes that were consecrate vnto the Lorde and for all them whiche dyd of theyr owne fre wyl offre vnto the Lorde From the fyrst day of the seuenth moneth began they to offre burnt sacrifices vnto the Lorde euen when the foundacion of the temple of the Lorde was not yet layde They gaue money also vnto the masons and carpenters and meate drynke and oyle vnto them of Zidon and of Tire to brynge them Cedre tymbre frome Libanus by See vnto ☞ Iappa accordyng to the graunt that they had of Cyrus the kynge of Persia. In the seconde yere of theyr comyng vnto the place of the house of God at Ierusalem in the seconde moneth began Zorobabell the sonne of Salathiel and Iesua the sonne of Iosedec and the remenaunt of theyr brethrē the preestes and Leuites all they that were come out of the captiuite vnto Ierusalem appoynted the Leuites from twentye yeare olde aboue to se that the worke of the house of the Lorde went forwarde And Iesua stode with his sonnes and brethren And Cadmiel with his sonnes and the chyldren of Iuda to forther the workemen of the house of God euen the children of He●adab with theyr children and theyr brethren the Leuites And when the bulders layde the foundacyon of the temple of the Lorde the preestes stode in theyr aray with trompettes And the Leuites the chyldren of Asaph with cymbals to prayse the Lorde after the maner of Dauid kyng of Israel And they sang togyther whan they gaue prayse and thankes vnto the lorde bycause he is gracious and bicause his mercy endureth for euer vpon Israell And al the people showted loude in praysyng the lorde bycause the foūdacyon of the house of the Lorde was layde Many also of the preestes and Leuites and auncient fathers which had sene the fyrst house when the foūdacyon of this house was layde before theyr eyes wepte with a loude voyce And many showted with ioye so that the noyse gaue a great sounde in so moch that the peple could not discerne the ioyful sounde and gladnes from the noyse of the wepynge amonge the people for the people showted with a loude crye and the noyse was herde farre of ¶ The buyldynge of the temple is hyndered and let CAPI IIII. BUt the aduersaries of Iuda and Ben Iamin herde that the chyldrē of the captiuite buylded the temple vnto the lorde God of Israel And they came to Zorobabel and to the principall fathers and sayde vnto them We wyll buylde with you for we seke the Lorde youre God lyke as ye do And we haue done sacrifice vnto hym synce the tyme of Asor Hadon the kynge of Assur whiche brought vs vp hyther And Zorobabell and Iesua and the other auncient fathers of Israell sayd vnto them It can not be that you and we togyther shuld buyld the house vnto our God for we our selues wyl buylde alone vnto the lorde our god of Israel as Cyrus the kynge of Persia hath cōmaunded vs. And it came to passe that the folke of the lande hyndered the people of Iuda and troubled them as they were buyldyng and hyred counsaylours agaynst them to hyndre theyr deuyce as long as Cyrus the kynge of Persia lyued vntyl the reygne of Darius kynge of Persia. And in the reygne of Ahasuerus euen in the begynnyng of his reygne wrote they vnto hym a complaynte agaynst the enhabitours of Iuda and Ierusalem And in the dayes of Arthaxerses wrote Mithridath Tabeell and the other of his counsayle vnto Arthaxerses the kynge of Persia with fayre wordes And the scripture of the letter was wrytten in the Sirians speche and interpretated in the language of the Sirians Rehum the recorder and Samsai the scribe wrote a letter frome Ierusalem to Arthaxerses the kynge as it foloweth Then Rehum the recorder and Samset the scribe and other of theyr companye of Dina of Arphasath of Tarpla of Persia of Arach Of Babilon of Susan of Deha of Elam and other of the people whom the great and noble Asnapar brought ouer and set in the cityes of Samaria and other that are nowe on this syde the water This is the copy of the letter that they sent vnto kynge Arthaxerses Thy seruauntes and the men that are nowe on this syde the water Be it knowen vnto the kynge that the Iues whiche came vp from the to vs are come vnto Ierusalem a citye sedicious and frowarde and buylde the same and set vp the walles therof laye the foundacyons Be it knowen nowe also vnto the kyng that yf this citye be buylded and the walles therof made vp agayne then shall not they gyue toll tribute and custome and the kynges profyte shal incur dāmage And nowe in the meane season we haue destroyed the temple wolde no longer se the kynges dyshonoure Therfore sent we oute also and certified the kynge that it maye be sought in the boke of Cronicles of thy progenitours and so shalte thou fynde in the boke of the Cronicles and perceyue that this citie is sedicious and noysome vnto kynges and land● and that they cause other also among them to rebell of olde and for the same cause was this citye destroyed Therfore do we certifie the kynge that yf this citye be buylded agayne and the walles therof made vp thou shalte hereafter haue no porcion on this syde the water Then sente the kynge an answere vnto Rehum the recorder and Samsai the scrybe and to the other of theyr companyons that dwelte in Samaria and vnto the other that were beyonde the water in S●lam and Cheheth The letter whiche ye sent vnto vs hath ben openly red before me and I haue cōmaunded to make search and it is found that this
buylded and they prospered thorowe the prophesyenge of Aggeus the Prophet and Zachary the son of Iddo and they buylded and layde v● the foundacyon accordynge to the cōmaundement of the god of Israell and after the commaundement of Cyrus and Darius Arthaxerses kynges of Persia. And the house was finysshed the thyrde daye of the moneth Adar euen in the syxte yere of the reygne of kynge Darius And the Chyldren of Israell the Preestes the Leuites the other Chyldren of the captiuyte helde the dedicacyon of this house of God with ioye and offered at the dedicacion of this house of God an hundred Oxen two hundred rammes foure hūdred gootes and for the reconcylynge of all Israell twelue he gootes accordynge to the nombre of the trybes of Israell and set the Preestes in theyr sondrye courses and the Leuites in theyr dyuerse offices to minyster vnto God at Ierusalem as it is wrytten in the boke of Moses And the Chyldren of the captyuyte helde Passeouer vpon the. x●iii day of the fyrst moneth for the preestes and Leuites were puryfied so that they were al cleane togyther and kylled Passeouer for all the Chyldren of the captiuyte and for theyr brethren the preestes and for them selues And the chyldren of Israell which were come agayne out of the captiuyte and all soche as had seperated them selues vnto them from the fylthynesse of the Heathen of the lande to seke the Lorde God of Israell dyd eate and helde the feast of vnleuened breade seuen dayes with ioye for the Lorde had made them glad and turned the herte of the kynge of Assur vnto them to strengthen theyr handes in the worke of the house of God euen the God of Israell ¶ By the cōmaundement of Arthaxerses ●●dras ta●●eth hi● companyo●● the chyldren of Israel returneth to Ierusalē CAPI VII AFter these actes ther was in the reygne of Arthaxerses Kynge of Persia one Esdras the son of Saraiah the son of Azaria the son of Helkia the son of Sallum the son of Zadoc the son of Ahitob the son of Amaria the sonne of Asaria the sonne of Mera●oth the sonne of Zeraia the sonne of Uzi the sonne of Bucki the sonne of Abisua ▪ the son of Phinehes the sonne of Eleazar the sonne of Aaron the cheyfe preest This Esdras also went vp from Babilon and was a perfyte scrybe in the law of Moses which the lorde god of Israell dyd gyue And the kyng gaue hym all that he requyred bycause the hande of the Lorde his God was vpon hym And there went vp certayne of the chyldren of Israell of the preestes Leuites syngers porters and of the Nethinims vnto Ierusalem in the seuenth yere of kyng Arthaxerses And he came to Ierusalem in the fyfth moneth euen in the seuenth yeare of the kynge For vpon the fyrst daye of the fyrst moneth began he to go vp from Babilon and on the fyrst daye of the fyfth moneth came he to Ierusalem bycause the good hand of god was vpon hym For Esdras prepared his herte to seke the lawe of the lorde and to do it and to teache the precepte and iudgement in Israel And this is the copye of the letter that kynge Arthaxerses gaue vnto Esdras the preest and scrybe whiche was a wryter of the wordes and cōmaundementes of the Lorde and of his statutes ouer Israell Arthaxerses a kynge of kynges Unto Esdras the Preest and Scrybe of the lawe of the God of heuen peace salutacyon I haue cōmaunded that all they of the people of Israell and of the preestꝭ Leuites in my realme whiche are mynded of theyr owne good wyl to go vp to Ierusalem go with the and therfore arte thou sent of the kynge and of his seuen counsaylers to vyset Iuda and Ierusalem accordynge to the lawe of thy god which is in thy hande And that thou shuldest take with the syluer and golde whiche the kynge and his counsaylers offer of theyr owne good wyl vnto the god of Israell whose habitacyon is at Ierusalem and all the syluer and golde that thou canst fynde in all the countrey of Babilon with it that the peple offer of theyr owne good wyl and the preestes gyue for the house of theyr god whiche is at Ierusalem Take thou the same bye dilygently with the same money oxen rammes and lambes with theyr meate offerynges and drynke offerynges and thou shalte offer them vpon the aulter of the house of your God whiche is at Ierusalem And loke what it lyketh the and thy brethren to do with the remenaunt of the money that do after the wyll of youre God And the vessels that are gyuen the for the minystracyon in the house of thy god those delyuer thou before God at Ierusalem And whatsoeuer thynge more shall be nedeful for the house of thy God whiche is necessary for the to spende thou shalt receyue the charges out of the kynges treasure house I kyng Arthaxerses haue cōmaunded all the treasures beyonde the water that loke whatsoeuer Esdras the Preest and scrybe in the lawe of the god of heuen requireth of you that ye fulfyl the same spedyly vntyll an hundred talentes of syluer vntyll an C. quarters of wheate and tyl an hundred Batthes of wyne and tyl an hundred Batthes of oyle and salte without measure Whatsoeuer also belongeth to the law of the God of heuen let the same be done without any delaye for the house of the god of heuen that he be not wroth agaynst the realme and agaynst the kynge and his chyldren And we certifye you that ye haue no auctoryte to requyre taxynge and custome and yearly rentes vpon any of the preestꝭ Leuites syngers porters Nethinims minysters in the house of his god And thou Esdras after the wysdome of thy god that is in thy hande set iudges arbyterers by my auctoryte to iudge all the people that is beyond the water euen all soche as knowe the lawe of thy God and them that know it not those se that ye teach And whosoeuer wyll not fulfyll the lawe of thy god and the kynges lawe let hym haue his iudgement without delaye whyther it be vnto death or to be routed out or to be condempned in goodes or to be put in pryson Blessed be the Lorde god of our fathers whiche so hath inspired the kynges herte to garnysshe the house of the lorde that is at Ierusalem and enclyned his mercy vnto me ●n the presence of the kynge and his counsaylers and before all the kynges hygh estates And I was comforted euen as the hande of the Lorde my god was vpon me and so gathered I the heades of Israell togyther that they myght go vp with me The nombre of them that returne to Ierusalē with Esdra● CAPI VIII THese are the princypal fathers of them and this is theyr regyster that went vp with me from Babilon what tyme as kynge Arthaxerses reygned Of the chyldren of Phinches Gerson of the chyldrē of Ithamar
olde and of a perfyte age ❧ The ende of the boke of Iob. The Psalter of Dauid The thyrd part of the Byble conteynyng these Bokes The Psalter Ecclesiastes The prouerbes Cātica Cāticorum ¶ The Prophetes Esaye IEREMY Ezechiel DANIEL Oseas IOEL Amos. ABDY IONAS Micheas NAVM Abacuc SOPHONY Aggeus ZACHARY Malachy ¶ The fyrste Psalme BLessed is the man that hathe not walked in the councell of the vngodly nor stande in the way of synners and hath nat syt in the seate of the scorneful But hys delyte is in the lawe of the lorde and in hys lawe wyll he exercyse him selfe daye and nyght And he shal be lyke a tree planted by the water syde that wyll brynge for the his frute in due season His leaffe also shal nat wither and what soeuer he shall do it shal prospere As for the vngodly it is nat so with them but they are lyke the chaffe whiche the wynde scatereth awaye ⚜ from the face of the erth Therfore the vngodly shall nat be able to stande in the iudgement neyther the synners in the congregacion of the ryghtuous But the Lorde knoweth the waye of the ryghtuous and the waye of the vngodly shall peryshe ¶ The. ij Psalme W HY DO the Heathen grudge togyther and why do the people ymagyne a vayne thynge The Kynges of the earthe stande vp and the rulers take councell together agaynste the Lorde and agaynst his anoynted Let vs breake theyr bondes asunder and caste awaye theyr cordes frome vs. He that dwelleth in heauen shall laugh them to scorne the Lorde shall haue them in derysyon Then shall he speake vnto them in his wrath and vexe them in his sore displeasure Yet haue I set my kynge vpon my holy hyll of Syon I wyl preache the law wherof the Lorde hathe sayde vnto me Thou art my sonne this daye haue I begotten the. Desyre of me and I shall geue the the Heathen for thyne enharitaūce the vtter most partes of the earth for thy possessiō Thou shalt bruse them with a rodde of yron breake them in peces lyke a potters vessell Be wyse nowe therfore O ye kynges be lerned ye that are iudges of the earth Serue the Lorde in feare and reioyse ⚜ vnto hym with reuerence ⚜ Kysse the sonne leste he be angrye and so ye perysh frō the ⚜ ryght waye yf his wrath be kyndled but a lytle blessed are all they that put theyr trust in hym ¶ The. iij. Psalme ¶ Psalme of Dauid when he fledde from the face of Absalom his sonne 2. Reg. 15. Lorde howe are they increased that trouble me many are they y ● ryse agaynste me Many saye of my soule there is no helpe for hym in his God ☞ Sela. But thou O Lord art my defender thou art my worship y ● lyfter vp of my hede I dyd cal vpon y ● Lord w t my voyce he herd me out of his holy hyll Sela. ☞ I layde me downe slepte and rose vp agayne for the Lorde susteyned me I wyl nat be afrayed for ten thousandes of the people that haue set them selues agaynste me rounde about Up Lord saue me O my God for thou smytest almyne enemyes ☞ vpon the cheke bone thou hast brokē the teth of the vngodly Saluacion belongeth vnto the Lorde and thy blessynge is vpon thy people ¶ The. iiij Psalme ¶ To hym that excelleth in Musike a Psalme of Dauid HEare me when I call O God of my ryghteousnes thou hast set me at lybertye whan I was in trouble haue mercy vpon me here my prayer O ye sonnes of men howe longe wyll ye blaspheme myne honour and haue such pleasure in vanyte and seke after lesyng Sela. Knowe this also that the Lorde hath chosē to hym selfe the man that is godly when I call vpō the Lorde he wyll heare me Stāde in awe synne nat comen with your owne hert in your chambre be styll Sela. Offre the sacrifice of ryghtousnes put youre truste in the Lorde There be many that saye who wyll shewe vs any good Lorde lyfte thou vp the light of thy countenaunce vpō vs. Thou hast put gladnesse in my herte sence the time that theyr corne wyne ⚜ and oyle increaced I wyll laye me downe in peace and take my rest for it is thou Lorde onely that makest me dwell in safetye ¶ The. v. Psalme ¶ To him that excelleth in songes of Musicke a Psalme of Dauid POndre my wordes O Lorde consydre my meditacyon O herken thou vnto the voice of my callyng my king my god for vnto the wyll I pray My voyce shalt thou heare by tymes O Lord earely in the mornynge wyll I directe my prayer vnto the and wyll loke vp For thou arte the God that hath no pleasure in wyckednesse neyther shall any euyl dwell with the. Suche as be foolysh shall nat stande in thy syght for thou ☞ hatest all them that worke vanyte Thou shalt destroye them that speak lesynge the Lorde wyll abhorre bothe the bloudy thyrstye and disceytfull man But as for me I wyll come into thy house euen in the multytude of thy mercy and in thy feare wil I worshyppe towarde thy holy temple Leade me O Lorde in thy ryghteousnesse because of myne enemyes ☞ make thy way playne before my face For there is no faythfulnesse ☞ in his mouth theyr inwarde partes are very wyc kednesse theyr throte is an open sepulchre they flatter with theyr tonge Destroye y ● them O God let thē perysh thorowe theyr owne ymaginacions caste them out in the multitude of theyr vngodlynesse For they haue rebelled agaynste the. And let all thē that put theyr trust in the reioyse they shall euer be geuynge of thankes because thou defendest thē they that loue thy name shall be ioyfull in the. For thou Lorde wylte geue thy blessynge vnto the righteous and with thy fauorable kyndnes wylte thou defende hym as with a shylde ¶ The. v● Psalme ¶ To him that excelleth in Musick vpon the instrument of eyght strynges O Lorde rebu●e me nat in thy indigna cyon neyther chasten me in thy wrath Haue mercy vpon me O Lorde for I am weake O Lorde heale me for my bones are vexed My soule also is sore troubled but Lorde howe longe wylt thou punyshe me Turne the O Lorde and delyuer my soule Oh saue me for thy mercyes sake For in death no man remembreth the and who wyll geue the thankes in the pyte I am wery of my groning euery night washe I my bedde and water my couche with my teares My bewtye is gone for very trouble and worne awaye because of all myne enemyes A waye fro ▪ me all ye that worke vanyte for the Lorde hath harde the voyce of my wepynge The Lorde hath hearde my peticyon the Lorde wyll receaue my prayer All myne enemyes shal be confounded and sore vexed they shal
be turned backe and put to shame sodenly ¶ The. vij Psalme ☞ Sigaion of Dauid whiche he sauge vnto the Lorde in the busynes of ☞ ●●hu● the conne of Iemini O Lorde my God in the haue I put my truste saue me from all them that per secute me and delyuer me Lest he deuour my soule lyke a lyon and teare it in peces whyle there is none to helpe O Lorde my God yf I haue done any suche thynge or yf there be any wyckednesse in my handes If I haue rewarded euyll vnto hym that dealt frendely withme yee I haue delyue red hym that with out any cause is myne enemye Then let myne enemye persecute my soule take me ye let hym treade my lyfe downe vpon the earth laye myne honoure in the dust Sela. Stande vp O Lorde in thy wrath and lyfte vp thy selfe because of the indyngnacions of myne enemye aryse vp for me in the ☞ iudgemente that thou haste promysed And so shall the congregacyon of the people come aboute the for theyr sakes therfore lyfte vp thy selfe agayne The Lorde shall iudge the people geue sentence with me O Lorde accordynge to my ryghteousnes and accordynge to the innocencye that is in me Oh let the wyckednes of the vngodly come to an ende but guyde thou the iuste For the ryghteous God tryeth the very hertes and the raynes My helpe commeth of God which preserueth them that are true of hert God is is a ryghteous iudge ⚜ stronge and pacyent and God is prouoked euery daye If man wyl nat turne he wyl whette his swerde he hathe bente his bowe and made it ready He hathe prepared for hym the instrumentes of death he ordeneth hys arowes ⚜ agaynste the persecutours Bebolde he trauyleth with mischefe he hathe conceaued sorowe brought forth vngodlynesse He hathe grauen and digged vp a pytte is fallen him selfe into the destrue cyon that he made for other For his trauayll shal come vpon his owne heade and his wickednes shal fall vpō his owne pate I wyll geue thankes vnto the Lorde accordynge to his ryghteousnes wyl prayse the name of the Lorde the moste hyest ¶ The. viii Psalme ¶ To him that excelleth ☞ in Githith a Psalme of Dauyd O LODE our gouernour howe excellente is thy name in the worlde thou that haste sette thy glory aboue the heauēs ▪ Out of the mouthe of verye babes and sucklynges hast thou ordeyned ☞ strength because of thyne enemyes that thou myghtest styll the enemye and the auenger For I wyll consydre thy heuens euen the worke of thy fyngers the Mone and the Starres whiche thou haste ordeyned What is man that thou arte myndeful of hym ▪ and the sonne of man that thou vysitest hym Thou madest him lytle lesse then the aungels to crowne him with glorye and worshyppe Thou makest hym to haue domi nyon in the workes of thy hādes and thou haste put all thynges in sub●ectyon vnder his fete Al shepe and oxen yee and y ● beastes of the felde The foules of the ayre and the fishe of the see and what so euer wal keth thorowe the pathes of the sees O Lorde our gouernour howe excellent is thy name in all the worlde ¶ The. ix Psalme ¶ To him that eycelleth vpon ☞ Almuth L●ben a Psalme of Dauyd I wyl gyue thankes vnto the O Lorde with my whole herte I wyll speake of all thy merueylous workes I wyll be glad and reioyce in the yee my songes wyl I make of thy name O thou moste hyghest Whyle myne enemyes are dryuen backe they shall fal and peryshe at thy presence For thou haste mayntened my ryght and my cause thou art set in the throne that ●ud ged ryght Thou hast rebuked y ● Heithen destroied the vngodly thou haste put out their name for euer and euer O thou enemye distruccions are come to an ende euen as the cities which thou hast distroied their memorial is perished with them But the Lorde shall endure for euer he hath also pre pared his seate for iudgemēt For he shall iudge the worlde in ryghtuousnes and ministre true iudgemēt vnto the people The Lorde also wyl be a defence for the oppressed euē a refuge ī due time of trouble And they y ● knowe thy name wyll put their trust in the for thou Lorde hast neuer fayled thē that seke the. O prayse the Lorde which dwelleste in Syon shewe the people of hys doynges For when he maketh in quisycion for bloude he remembreth them forgetteth not the complaynte of the poore Haue mercy vpon me O Lorde consydre my trouble whiche I suffre of them that 〈…〉 thou that lyftest me vp frō the ga 〈…〉 deathe That I maye shewe all thy 〈…〉 with in the portes of the doughter of Syon I wyll reioyce in thy saluacion The Heythen are suncken downe in the pytte that they made in the same net which they hyd pryuely is there owne fore taken The Lorde is knowen to execute iudgement the vngodly is trapped in the worke of his owne hādes A consideracion Sela. The wicked shal be turned vnto hell and all people that forget God For the poore shall nat be all waye forgotten nor the hope of the meke shall nat peryshe for euer Up Lorde and let nat man haue the vpper hande let the Heythen be iudged in thy syght Put them in feare O Lorde that the Heythen maye knowe them selues to be but men Sela. ¶ The. x. Psalme WHy standest thou so farre of O Lord hidest thy face in tyme of trouble ▪ The vngodly for his owne lust doth ꝑsecute the poore let them be taken in the craftye wylenesse that they haue ymagined For the vngodly hathe made boste of his owne hertes desyre speakethe good of the couetous whom God abhorreth The vngodly is so proude y t he careth nat for God neither is God in his thought Hys wayes are alwaye greuous thy iudgementes are farre out of his syght and therfore defyeth he all his enemyes For he hath sayde in his here Tushe I shall neuer be caste downe there shall no harme happen vpon me His mouth is ful of cursing diss●it and frau●e vnder his tong is vngodlynesse and vanite He sytteth lurkynge in the stretes and priuely doth he murther y ● innocent his eyes are sette agaynste the poore For he lyeth wayting secretly euen as a Lion lurketh he in his denne that he maye rauishe the pore He doth rauishe the pore when he getteth hym into his nette ☞ He falleth downe and humbleth him selfe that the congregacion of the poore maye fall into the hande of his captaynes He hath sayde in his herte Tushe God hath forgottē he hydeth away his face and he wyll neuer se it Aryse O Lorde God and lyfte vp thyne hāde forget nat the poore Wherfore shulde the wyeked blapheme God whyle he dothe saye in his herte tushe thou carest
nat for●t Surely thou hast sene it For y u beholdest vngodlynesse and wronge ☞ That thou mayest take the matter into thy hande the poore cōmiteth hym selfe vnto the for ● one 〈◊〉 the helper of the frendlesse Breake ● Lord the power of the vngodly and malycyo ▪ 〈◊〉 ☞ take awaye his vngodlynesse and 〈…〉 shalt fynde none The Lorde is kynge for euer and euer and the Hethen are peryshed out of the lande Lorde thou hast hearde the desyre of the poore thou preparest theyr hert and thyne eare herkeneth therto To helpe the fatherlesse and poore vnto theyr ryght that the man of the erthe be no more exalted agaynste them The. xi Psalme ¶ To the Chaunt●●● Psalme of Dauyd IN the Lorde put I my truste howe saye ye then to my soule that she shulde ☞ fle as a byrde vpon youre hyll For lo the vngodly bēde their bowe and make redy their arowes in the quyuer that they maye pryuely shote at them whiche are true of herte For the ☞ foundacions wylbe cast downe and what hath the ryghteous done The Lorde is in his holy temple the Lordes seat is in heuen Hys eyes consydre ⚜ the poore and hys eye lyddes beholde the chyldren of men The lorde aloweth that ryghteous but the vngodly and him that delyteth in wyckednes dothe his soule abhorre Upon the vngodly he shall rayne snares fyre add brymstone storme and tempest thys shal be theyr porcyon to drynke For y ● ryghteous Lord loueth ryghteousnes his coūtenaūce wyll beholde the thynge that is iust ¶ The. xii Psalme ¶ To hym that excelleth vpon an iuste●mente of eyght strynges a Psalme of Dauid HElpe me Lorde for there is nat one godly man lefte For the faythfull are mynisshed from among the chyldren of mē They talke of vanyte euery one with hys neyghboure they do but flatter with theyr lyppes and dyssemble in theyr herte The Lorde shall rote out all discetyfull lyppes and the tonge that speketh proude thinges Whiche haue sayed with oure tonge wyl we preuayle we are they y t ought to speake who is our lorde Nowe for the troubles sake of the nedye and because of the complaynte of the poore I wyll vp sayeth the Lorde and wyll helpe euery one fro him ● swelleth against hym and wyll set them at rest The wordes of y ● Lord are pure wordes euen as the syluer which frō earth is tryed and purifyed seuen tymes ī the fyre Thou shalt kepe them O Lorde thou shalte preserue ☞ him from thys generacyon for euer The vngodly walke on euery syde whan they are exalted the chyldren of men are put to rebuke ¶ The. xiij Psalme ¶ To the chaunter a Psalme of Dauid HOwe longe wylte thou forget me O Lorde for euer howe long wilt y u hyde thy face from me How long shal I seke coū cell in my soule be so vexed in myne herte howe long shall myne enemye triūphe ouer me Consydre here me O Lorde my God lyghtē myne eies y ● I slepe nat in deth Lest myne enemy say I haue preuayled agaynst him for if I be caste downe they y ● trouble me wyl reioyce at it But my trust is in thy mercy my herte is ioyful in thy saluacion I wyll synge to the Lorde because he hath dealte so louyngly with me ⚜ ve I wyl praise the name of the Lorde the most hyghest ¶ The. xiiij Psalme ¶ To the chaunter a Psalme of Dauid THe fole hath sayde in his herte there is no God They are corrupte and become abhomynable in theyr doynges there is not one y ● dothe good ⚜ no not one The Lorde loked downe frome Heauen vpon the chyldren of men to se if there were any that wolde vnderstande and seke after God But they are all gone out of the way they are all togyther become abhomyable there is none that dothe good no not one ⚜ Their throte is an open sepulcre with their tonges they haue disceyued the poyson of aders is vnder their lyppes Their mouth is ful of cursyng bytternes their fete are swyfte to shed blode Distruccion vnhappynesse is in their waies the way of peace haue they not knowen there is no feare of God before their eies Haue they nat knowen me y t are such workers of mischefe eatyng vp my people as it were breade and cal nat vpon the Lord There were they brought in greate feare ⚜ euen where no fere was for God is in y ● generacion of y ● rightuous As for you ye haue made a mocke at the councel of the pore because he putteth his truste in the Lorde Who shal giue saluacion vnto Israel * out of Sion Whan the Lorde turneth the captiuite of his people then shall Iacob reioy●● and Israel shal be glad ¶ The. xv Psalme LORDE who shall dwell in thy tabernacle who shall reste vpon thy holye hyll Euen he that leadeth an vncorrupte lyfe and dothe the thynge whiche is ryght that speaketh the trueh in his hert He that hath vsid no disceyt in his tonge nor done euyl to his neyghbour hath nat sclandred his neyghbours He that setteth nat by hym selfe but maketh muche of them that feare the Lorde he that sweareth vnto his neyghbour and disapointeth him not He that hathe not geuen his money vpon vsury nor taken rewarde agaynste the innocēt Who so doth these thinges shall neuer fall ¶ The. xvj Psame The badge or armes of Dauid PReserue me O God for in the haue I put my trust Thou hast sayde O my soule vnto the Lorde thou art my God my goodes are nothynge vnto the. All my delyte is vpon the sayntes that are in the earth and vpon suche as excell in vertue But they that runne after another God shall haue greate trouble Theyr drynke offrynges of bloude wyl not I offre nether make mencyon of theyr names within my lyppes The Lorde hym selfe is the porcyon of myne enheritaūce and of my cuppe thou shalt maynteyne my lotte The lot is fallē vnto me in a fayre groūde yee I haue a goodly heritage I wyll thanke the Lorde for geuynge me warnynge my reynes also chasten me in the nyght season I haue set God alwayes before me for he is on my ryght hande therfore I shall nat fall Wherfore my harte reioyced and my tonge was glade my flesh also shall reste in hope For why thou shalt nat leaue my soule in hell neyther shalte thou suffre thy holy one to se corrupcyon Thou shalte shewe me that pathe of lyfe in thy presence is the fulnesse of ioye in thy ryght hande there is pleasure for euermore ¶ The xvij Psalme A prayer of Dauid HEare the ryght O Lorde cōsyder my complaynte herkē vnto my prayer that goeth not our of fayned lyppes Let my sentence come forth from thy presence and let thyne eyes loke vpon the thynge that is equall Thou hast proued and visited
thou shalte ryd me from the wycked man For this cause I wyll gyue thankes vnto the O Lorde among the gentyls synge praises vnto thy name Greate prosperite gyueth he vnto his kyng and sheweth louynge kyndnes vnto Dauyd his anointed and vnto hꝭ sede for euermore ¶ Th● xix Psalme ¶ To the Chaunter a Psalme of Dauyd THE ⚜ heauens declare the glorye of God and the firmament sheweth hys handye worke ☞ One daye telleth another and one nyght certyfyeth another ☞ There is neyther speache nor language but there voyces are herde amonge them ☞ Theyr sounde is gone out in to all landes and theyr wordes in to the endes of the worlde In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sōne which cōmeth forth as a bridegrome out of his chambre reioyseth as a giaunt to rūne his course It goeth forth from the vttermost part of the heauen and runneth about vnto the ende of it agayne there is nothyng hyd from the heare therof The lawe of the Lorde is vndefyled conuertynge the soule The testimonye of the Lorde is sure and giueth wisdome vnto the simple The statutꝭ of the Lorde are right and reioyse the herte the commaundemēt of the Lorde is pure and gyueth light vnto the eyes The feare of the Lorde is cleane and endureth for euer the iudgemētꝭ of the Lorde are true and ryghteous altogether More to be desyred are they then golde yee then much fyne golde sweter also then hony and the hony combe Moreouer by them is thy seruaunt taught and in keping of them there is great rewarde Who can tell howe ofte he offendeth Oh clense thou me fro my secrete fautes Kepe thy seruaunt also from presumptuous synnes lest they get the dominion ouer me for thē shall I be vndefyled and innocent frō the great offence Let the wordes of my mouth and the meditacion of my hert be ⚜ allwaye acceptable in thy sight O Lorde my strength and my redemer ¶ The xx Psalme ¶ To the chaunter a Psalme of Dauid THe Lorde heare the in the daye of trouble the name of the God of Iacob defende the sende the helpe frō y e Santuary and strength the out of Sion Remēbre all thy offerynges accepte thy brente sacrifyce Sela. Graunt the thy hertes desyre fulfyl all thy mynde We wyl reioyse in thy saluacyon triumphe in the name of the Lorde our God the Lorde perfourme all thy peticions Nowe knowe I that the Lorde helpeth his anoynted and wyl heare hym from hys holy heauen euen with the wholsome strength of his ryght hande Some put theyr truste in charettes and some in horses but we wyll remembre the name of the Lorde oure God they are brought downe and fallē but we are rysen and stand vp ryght Saue Lorde and heare vs O kyng in the day when we shall call ⚜ vponthe ¶ The. xxi Psalme ¶ To the chaunter a Psalme of Dauid THe kynge shal reioyce in thy strength O Lorde exceadynge glad shall he be of thy saluacyon Thou hast geuen hym his hertes desyre and hast nat denyed hym the request of his lyppes Sela. For thou shalt preuente hym with the blessynges of goodnes and shalte set a crowne of pure golde vpon his heade He asked lyfe of the and thou gauest hym a longe lyfe euen for euer and euer His honoure is greate in thy saluacyon glory and great worshipe shalt thou laye vpon hym For thou shalt geue hym euerlastynge felycite and make hym glad with the ioye of thy coūtenaunce bycause the kynge putteth his trust in the Lorde and in the mercy of the most hyest he shal nat myscary All thyne enemyes shal fele thy hande thy ryght hande shall fynde out them that hate the. Thou shalt make them lyke a fyrie ouen in tyme of thy wrath the Lorde shal destroye them in his displeasure and the fyre shall consume them Theyr frute shalt thou destroy out of the earth and theyr sede from amonge the chyldren of men For they intended myschefe agaynst the and ymagyned suche a deuyce as they are nat able to perfourme Therfore shalte thou put them to flyght and the strynges of thy bowe shalt thou make redy agaynste the faces of them Be thou exalted Lorde in thyne owne streyngth so wyll we synge and prayse thy power The xxii Psalme ¶ To the Chaunter vpon the hynde of the dawnynge A Psalme of Dauid MY God my God ⚜ loke vpon me why hast thou forsaken me and art so farre fro my health and from the wordes of my complaynte O my God I crye in the daye tyme but thou hearest nat and in the night season also I take no rest And thou contynuest holy O thou worshyppe of Israel Our father 's hoped in the they trusted in the and thou dyddest delyuer thē They called vpon the and were helped they put theyr trust in the and were nat confounded But as for me I am a worme and no man a very scorne of men and the outcast of the people All they that se me laugh me to scorne they shote out theyr lyppes and shake the heade He trusted in God let hym delyuer hym let hym delyuer hym yf he wyll haue hym But thou ar● he that toke me out of my mothers wombe thou wast my hope whē I hanged yet vpō my mothers brestes I haue bene lefte vnto the euer sense I was borne thou arte my God euen fro my mothers wombe O go nat fro me for trouble is harde at hande and here is none to helpe me Many oxen are come about me greate bulles of Basan close me in on euery syde They gape vpon me with theyr mouthes as it were a rampynge and roarynge lyon I am powred out lyke water and al my bones are out of ioynt my herte also in the myddest of my body is euen lyke meltynge waxe My strēgth is dryed vp lyke a po●sherde my tonge cleueth to my go●es and thou shalt bringe me in to the dust of dethe For ⚜ many ☞ dogges are come about me the councell of the wicked laye seage agaynste me They pearsed my handes and my tete I maye tell all my bones they stande starynge and lokynge vpon me They parte my garmentes among thē and caste lottes vpon my vesture But be not thou farre fro me O Lord thou art my succoure hast the to helpe me Delyuer my soule from the swerde my darlyng from the power of the dogge Saue me frome the lyons mouthe thou hast herde me also from among the hornes of the vnicornes I wyl declare thy name vnto my brethreu in the myddest of the congregacion wyll I prayse the. O prayse the Lorde ye that feare hym Magnyfie him al ye of the sede of Iacob feare him al ye sede of Israel For he hath nat dispysed nor abhorred the lowe estate of the pore he hath nat hyd his face from hym but when he called vnto him he
a rocke of stone And nowe shall he lyfte vp my heade aboue myne enemyes rounde aboute me Therfore wyl I offre in his dwellyng the oblacion of thankes geuynge I wyll synge and speake prayses vnto the Lorde Herken vnto my voyce O Lorde when I crye vnto the haue mercy vpon me and heare me My herte hathe talked of the Seke ye my face thy face Lord wyl I seke O hyde nat thou thy face fro me nor caste thy seruaunt awaye in dyspleasure Thou hast ben my succoure leaue me nat neyther forsake me O God of my saluacyon Whā my father and my mother forsake me the Lorde taketh me vp Teache me thy waye O lord leade me the ryght waye because of myne enemyes Delyuer me nat ouer into the wyll of myne aduersaryes for there are false wytnesses rysen vp agaynste me suche as speake wronge I beleue verely to se the goodnes of the Lorde in the lande of the lyuyng O tary thou the Lordes ley sure be stronge and he shal conforte thyne herte and put thou thy truste in the Lorde ¶ The. xxviij Psalme ¶ A Psalme of Dauid VNto the wyll I crye O Lorde my strength thynke no scorne of me lest yf thou make the as thoughe thou hardest nat I become lyke them that go downe into the pytte Heare the voyce of my humble peticions when I crye vnto the whā I holde vp my hādes towarde the mercy seate of thy holy tēple O plucke me nat awaye ⚜ neyther destroye me with the vngodly wycked doers whiche spake fryndely to theyr neyghbours but ymagin mischefe in theyr hertes Rewarde thē accordyng to theyr dedes and accordynge to the wycked nesse of theyr owne inuencions Recompense them after the worke of theye handes paye them that they haue deserued For they regarde nat the workes of the Lorde nor the operacyon of hys handes therfore shall he breake them downe and nat buylde them vp Praysed be the Lorde for he hath harde the voyce of myne humble petyons The Lorde is my strengthe and my shylde my herte hathe trusted in hym and I am helped therfore my herte daunseth for ioye and in my songe wyll I prayse hym The Lorde is theyr strength and he is the wholsome defence of hys anoynted O Saue thy people and geue thy blessynge vnto thyne enheritaūce fede them set them vp for euer ¶ The. xxix Psalme ¶ A Psalme of Dauid at the perfourmynge of the Tabernacle BRynge vnto the Lorde O ye myghtie ⚜ bring yonge rāmes vnto the Lorde ascribe vnto the Lorde worshippe strēgth Geue the Lorde the honoure due vnto hys name worshippe the Lorde with holy worshippe It is the Lorde that commaundethe the waters It is the gloryous God that maketh the thonder it is the Lorde that ruleth the see The voice of the Lorde is myghtye in operacyon the voyce of the Lorde is a gloryous voyce The voyce of the Lorde breaketh the Cedre trees yee the Lorde breaketh the Ceders of Libanus He made them also to skyppe lyke a Calfe Libanus also and Sirion like a yong vnycorne The voyce of the Lorde deuydeth the flames of fyre the voice of the Lorde shaketh the wyldernesse yee the Lorde shaketh the wyldernesse of Cades The voyce of the Lord maketh the hyndes to bryng forth yonge and dyscouereth the thycke busshes and in hys temple doth euery man speke of his honoure The Lorde sitteth aboue the water floude and the Lorde remayneth a kyng for euer The Lorde shal geue strēgth vnto his people the Lorde shall blesse hys his people in peace ¶ The. xxx Psalme ¶ A Psalme and songe of the dedicacyon of the house of Dauyd I Wyll magnyfye the O Lorde for thou haste set me vp and nat made my foes to triumphe ouer me O Lorde my God I tryed vnto the and thou haste healed me Thou Lorde hast brought my soule out of hel thou hast kepte my lyfe from them that go downe to the pyt Synge praises vnto the Lorde O ye Sayntes of hys and geue thankes vnto hym for a remembraunce of hys holynesse For hys wrath endureth but the twynclynge of an eye and his pleasure is in lyfe heuynesse maye endure for a night but ioy cōmeth againe in the mornīg And in my ꝓsperite I sayd I shal neuer be remoued thou Lord of thy goodnesse hadst made my hyll so stronge Thou dyddeste turne thy face fro me and I was troubled Then cryed I vnto the O Lorde and gat me to my Lorde right humbly What profit is there in my bloude whan I go downe to the pyt Shall the duste geue thanckes vnto the Or shall it declare thy trueth Heare O Lorde and haue mercy vpon me Lorde be thou my helper Thou haste turned my heuynesse in to ioye thou hast put of my sacke clothe and gyrded me with gladnesse Therfore shall euery good man synge of thy prayse without seassynge O my God I wyll geue thanckes vnto the for euer ❧ ☞ ❧ ¶ The. xxxi Psalme ¶ To the chaunter a Psalme of Dauyd IN the O Lorde haue I put my trust let me neuer be put to confusion deliuer me in thy ryghteousnesse Bowe downe thine eare to me make haste to delyuer me be thou my stronge cocke a house of defence that thou mayest saue me For thou arte my stronge holde and my castell Be thou also my gyde and leade me for thy names sake Drawe me out of the net that they haue layed pryuely for me for thou arte my strength Into thy hādes I commende my spyryte For thou hast delyuered me O Lorde thou God of treuth I haue hated them that holde of supersticious vanities and my truste hathe bene in the Lorde I wyll be glad and reioyse in thy mercy for thou haste cōsydred my trouble and haste knowen my soule in aduersyte Thou hast nat shut me vp in to the hāde of the enemye but hast set my fete i a large rowme Haue mercy vpon me O Lorde for I am in trouble myne eye is consumed for very heuynesse yee my soule and my bely For my lyfe is waxen olde with heuynesse and my yeares with mournynge My strengthe fayleth me because of myne inyquyte and my bones are consumed I became a reprofe amonge all myne enemyes but specyally amonge my neyghbours and they of mine acquaintaūce were afraied of me and they that dyd se me without fled from me I am forgotten as a deed man which vanisheth out of the ryght waye of thē that lyue I am become lyke a broken vessel For I haue herde that blasphemye of the multytude euery mā abhorreth me while they cōspyre together agaynst me and are purposed to take awaye my lyfe But my hope hath bene in the O Lorde I haue sayde thou arte my God My tymes is in thy hande delyuer me from the hande of myne enemies and from them that persecute me Shewe thy seruaunt the light of thy coūtenaūce
and saue me for thy mercyes sake Let me nat be confounded O Lorde for I haue called vpon the let the vngodly be put to confucion and be put to sylēce in the graue Let the lyenge lyppes be put to sylence whiche cruelly disdaynfully and despytfully speake agaynste the ryghtuous O howe plentyfull is thy goodnes whiche thou hast layed vp for them that feare the● and that thou hast prepayred for them that put theyr truste in the euen before the sonnes of men Thou shalte hyde them pryuely by thyne owne presence frome the prouokynges of al men thou shalte kepe them secretely in thy Tabernacle from the stryfe of tonges Thanked be the Lorde for he hathe shewed merueylous greate kyndenesse in a stronge cytie And when I made haste I saide I am caste out of thy sight of thyne eyes Neuertheles thou herdeste the voyce of my prayers when I cryed vnto the. O loue the Lorde al ye his sayntes for the Lorde preserueth thē that are faythfull plentuously rewardeth he the proude doer Be stronge he shal strength your herte all ye y t put your trust in the Lorde ¶ The. xxxii Psalme ¶ An instruccyon of Dauyd BLESSED is he whose vnrightuousnes is forgyuen and whose synne is couered Blessed is the man vnto whome the Lorde imputeth no synne and in whose sprete there is no gyle For whyle I helde my tonge my bones consumed awaye thorowe my daylye complaynynge For thy hande is heuy vpon me day and nyght and my moysture is lyke the drough in Sommer Sela. I wyll knoweledge my synne vnto the myne vnryghteousnesse haue I nat hyd I sayd I wyl cōfesse my sinnes vnto the Lorde so thou forgauest the wyckednesse of my synne Dela For this shall euery one that is godly make hys prayer vnto the ☞ in due season but in the greate water floudes they shall nat come nye hym Thou arte my defēce thou shalte preserue me frō trouble thou shalt cōpasse me about with sōges of delyueraūce Sela. I wyl enfourme the teach the i the way wherin y u shalt go I wyll gyde y ● with myne eye Ye shal nat be lyke a horse mule whiche haue no vnderstāding And whose mouthes must be holdē w t byt brydle leste they fall vpō y ● Great plages remayne for y ● vngodly but who so putteth his trust in y ● Lorde mercy embraceth hi on euery syde Be glad O ye righteous reioyse in y ● Lorde and be ioyfull all ye that are true of hrete ¶ The. xxxiii Psalme REioyce in the Lorde O ye ryghtuous for it becommeth well the iuste to be thankful Prayse the Lord with harpe synge Psalmes vnto him with the lute and instrument of ten strynges Synge vnto the Lorde a newe sōge synge prayses lustely ⚜ vnto hym with a good corage For the worde of the Lorde is true and all his workes are faythful He loueth ryghtuousnes and iudgement the earth is ful of the goodnesse of the Lorde By the worde of the Lorde were the heauens made and all the Hoostes of them by the breth of his mouth He gathereth the waters of the see togyther as it were vpon a heape and layeth vp the depe in secret Let al the earth feare the Lorde stande in awe of him all ye that dwell in the worlde For he spake and it was done he commaunded and it stode fast The Lorde bryngeth the councell of the Heithen to nought and maketh the deuices of the people to be of none effecte ⚜ and casteth out the councels of Prynces The councell of the Lorde shall endure for euer and the thoughtes of his hert from generacyon to generacyon Blessed is the people whose God is the Lorde Iehouah and blessed is the folke that haue chosen bē to be theyr inheritaunce The Lorde loked downe frome Heauen and behelde all the chyldren of men from the habitacion of his dwellyng he consydreth all them that dwel in the earthe He tashyoneth all the hertes of them and vnderstandeth all theyr workes There is no kynge that can be saued by the multitude of an hoste neyther is any myghty man delyuered by muche strength A horse is counted but a vayne thynge to saue a man neyther shal he delyuer any mā by his greate strength Beholde the eye of the Lorde is vpon them that feare him and vpon them that put theyr truste in his mercye To delyuer theyr soules from deathe and to fede thē in the tyme of dearth Our soule hath paciently taried for the Lorde for he is our helpe and our shylde For oure herte shall reioyce in hym because we haue hoped in his holy name Let thy mercyful kyndnesse O Lorde be vpon vs lyke as we haue put our trust in the. ¶ The. xxxiiij Psalme ¶ Of Dauyd when he chaunged his speache before Abimilech whiche droue him awaye and he departed I Wyll all waye gyue thankes vnto the Lorde hꝭ prayse shal euer be in my mouth My soule shal make her bost i the Lorde the humble shall here therof and be glad O prayse the Lorde with me and let vs magnyfye his name together I soughte the Lorde and he hearde me yee he delyuered me out of all my feare They had an eye vnto him and were lyghtened and theyr faces were nat ashamed Lo the poore cryeth and the Lorde heareth hym yee and saueth hym out of all hys troubles The Aungell of the Lorde tarieth rounde about them and feare hym and delyuereth them O taste and se howe gracious the Lorde is blessed is the man that trusteth in him O feare the Lorde ye that be his sayntes for they that feare him lacke nothyng The lyons do lacke suffre hunger but they whiche seke the Lorde shall wante no maner of thyng that is good Come ye children and herken vnto me I wyl teach you the feare of the Lorde What man is he that listeth to lyue and woloe fayne se good daies Kepe thy tonge from euell and thy lyppes that they speake no gyle Eschue cuyll and do good seke peace and ensue it The eyes of the Lorde are ouer the rightuous his eares are open vnto their prayers The countenaunce of the Lorde is agaynst them that do euyll to rote out the re membraunce of them from the earth The rightuous crye and the Lorde heareth thē and delyuereth them out of all theyr troubles The Lorde is nye vnto them that are of a contrayte herte and wyll saue suche as be of an humble sprete Greate are the troubles of the ryghteous but the Lorde delyuereth hym out of all He kepeth all his bones so that nat one of them can be broken Eut mysfourtune shal slaye the vngodly and they that hate the rightuous shal be desolate The Lorde delyuereth the soules of his seruauntes and all they y ● put theyr trust in him shal nat be destitute The ▪ xxxv
Psalme O● Dauid PLeade thou my cause O Lorde with them that stryue wtth me and fyght thou agaynste them that fyght agaynste me Laye hande vpon the shylde and bucler stande vp to helpe me Brynge forth the speare stope the waye agaynste them that persecute me say vnto my soule I am thy saluacyon Let them be coufounded and put to shame that seke after my soule let them be turned backe brought to confusion that ymagyn myschefe for me Let them be as duste before the wynde and the aungell of the Lorde scateringe them Let theyr way be darke and slippery and let the the aungell of the Lorde persecute them For they haue preuely laied their net to destroy me without a cause yee euen without a cause haue they made a pyt for my soule Let a sodaine destruccion come vpon him vnawares and hys net that he hath layed pryuely catche hym selfe that he maye fall into hys owne myschefe And my soule be ioyfull in the Lorde it shall reioyce in hys saluacyon All my bones shall saye Lorde who is lyke vnto the whiche delyuerest the poore from stronger than hym selfe yee the poore and the wretched from hym that spoileth him False wytnesse dyd ryse vp they lated to my charge thinges that I knowe nat They rewarded me euell for good to the great dyscomforte of my soule Neuerthelesse whē they were sicke I put on a sacke cloth and hūbled my soule with fastynge my prayer shal turne into myne owne bosō I behaued my self as though it had bene my frēde or my brother I went heuely as one that morneth for his mother But in myne aduersyte they reioysed and gathered them together yee the very abiectes came together agaīst me vnawares ma kynge mowes at me ceassed not With y ● flatterers were busy mockers which gnas shed agaynst me with theyr tethe Lorde howe longe wylte thou loke vpon this O deliuer my soule from the wicked rumours of them and my dearlynge from the lyons So wyll I geue the thankes in the great congregacyon I wyll prayse the amonge much people O let not them that are mine enemyes tryumphe ouer me for naught nether let them wyncke with theyr eyes that hate me without a cause And why theyr cōmonynge is nat for peace but they ymagyn dysceytfull wordes agaynst them that are quyet in the lande They gaped vpon me with their mouthes and sayde fye on the fye on the we dyd se it with oure eyes Thys thou haste sene O Lorde holde nat thy tong then go nat farre fro me O Lorde Awake and stande vp auenge thou my cause my God and my Lorde Iudge me O Lorde my God accordynge to thy ryghtuousnesse and let them not triumphe ouer me Let them not saye in theyr hertes there there so wolde we haue it neyther let them saye we haue ouer come him Let them be put to confusyon and shame that together reioise at my trouble let thē be clothed with rebuke and dishonoure that boast them sel ues agaynst me Let them be glad and reioyse that fauoure my rightuous dealynge yee let them saye alway blessed be the Lord that willeth the peace of his seruaunte And as for my tonge it shal be talkynge of thy ryghtuones and of thy prayse all the daye longe ¶ The. xxxvi Psalme ¶ To the chauntee of Dauyd the seruaunt of the Lorde MY herte sheweth me the wyckednesse of the vngodly that there is no feare of God before his eies For he flatereth hī selfe in his owne syght tyll his abhomynable synne be founde out The wordes of his mouthe are vnryghtuous and full of disceyte he hath lefte of to behaue him selfe well and to do good He ymagyneth myschefe vpon his bedde and hath set him selfe in no good way neyther doth he refuse any thynge that is euyll Thy mercy O Lord reacheth vnto the Heauen and thy trueth vnto the cloudes Thy ryghtuousnes standeth lyke the stronge mountaines thy iudgementes are lyke the greate depe Thou Lorde wylte preserue bothe man beaste Howe excellente is thy mercy O God and the children of men shal put their truste vnder the shadowe of thy wynges They shall be satysfyed with the plentuousnes of thy house and thou shalte gyue them dryncke of thy pleasure as out of the ryuer For with the is the well of lyfe and in thy lyght shall we se lyght O sprede forth thy louynge kyndnes vnto them that knowe the and thy ryghtuousnes vnto thē that are true of herte O let not the fote of pryde come agaynste me and let nat y ● hāde of the vngodly caste me downe ☞ There are they fallen all that worke wyckednes they are caste downe and shal nat be able to stande ¶ The. xxxvij Psame ¶ A Psalme of Dauyd FRET nat thy self because of the vngodly neyther be thou enuious agaynst the euyll doers For they shall sone be cut downe lyke the grasse and be wythered euen as the grene herbe Put thou thy truste in the Lorde and do good dwel in the lande and ●erely thou shalt be fedde Delyte thou in the Lorde and he shall gyue the thy hertes desyre Commytte thy waye vnto the LORDE and put thy truste in hym and he shall brynge it to passe He shall make thy ryghtuousnesse as cleare as the lyght thy iust dealyng as the none daye Holde the styll in the Lorde and abyde pacyently vpon hym but greue nat thy selfe at hym whose waye dothe prospere and that dothe after euyll councels Leaue of frō wrath and let go displeasure frete nat thy selfe els shalt thou be moued to do euell Wycked doers shal be roted out and they that pacyently abyde the Lorde shall enherete the lande Yet a lytle whyle and the vngodly shal be cleane gone thou shalte loke after hys place and he shal be awaye But the meke spreted shal possesse the earth and shal be refreshed in muche rest The vngodly seketh coūcel against the iust gnassheth vpon him with his tethe The Lorde shall laughe hym to scorne for he hathe sene that his daies is cōmyng The vngodly haue drawen out the swerde and haue bended their bowe to cast downe the poore and nedye and to slee suche as be of ryght conuersacyon Theyr swerde shall go thorowe their owne herte and theyr bowe shal be broken A small thynge that the ryghtuous hathe is better then greate ryches of the vs godly For the armes of the vngodly shal be broken and the Lorde vpholdeth the ryghtuous The Lorde knoweth y ● dayes of the godly and their inheritaūce shall endure for euer They shall nat be confounded in the peryllous tyme and in the dayes of derth they shal haue ynough As for the vngodly they shal perishe and the enemies of the Lorde shal cōsume ☞ as the fat of lābes yee euen as the smoke shal they cōsume awaye The vngodly boroweth payeth nat agayne but the rightuous is mercyfull lyberal Such as
had in division of them that are rounde about vs. Thou makest vs to be a by worde amonge the heithen and that the people shake their heades at vs. My confusion is daylye before me the shame of my face hath couered me For the voyce of the sclaūderer and blasphemer for the enemye and auenger And thoughe all this be come vpon vs yet do we not forgette the nor behaue our selues frowardly in thy couenaunt Our herte is not turned backe neyther our steppes gone out of thy waye No nat whan thou haste snuttē vs into the place of dragons and couered vs with the shadowe of deathe If we haue forgotten the name of oure God and holden vp our hādes to any straunge God Shal nat God search it out for he knoweth the very secretes of the herte For thy sake also are we kylled all the daye longe are coūted as shepe apointed to be slayne Up Lorde why slepest thou Awake and be nat absent from vs for euer Wherfore hydest thou thy face and forgettest our mysery and oure trouble For out soule is brought lowe euen vnto the dust our belye cieueth vnto the grounde Aryse and helpe vs and delyuer vs for thy mercy sake ¶ The. xlv Psalme ¶ To him that excell amonge the ●●●●es an instruccyon of the chyldren of Lorah a songe of loue MY herte is endytynge of a good mater I speake of the thiges whiche I haue made vnto the kynge My tong is the pēne of a redy wryter ⚜ Thou arte fayrer then the chyldren of men ful of grace are thy lyppes because God hath blessed the for euer Girde the with thy swerde vpon thy thigh O thou moste myghty accordynge to thy worshype and renowne Good lucke haue thou with thyne honour ryde on because of the worde of treuthe of mekenesse ryghteousnesse and thy ryght hande shall teach the rerrible thynges Thy arrowes are very sharpe and the people shal be subdued vnto the euen in the myddest amonge the kynges enemyes Thy seate O God endureth for euer the scepter of thy kyngdome is a ryght scepter Thou hast loued ryghteousnesse and hated iniquite wherfore God euen thy God hathe anoyted the with the oyle of gladnes aboue thy felowes All thy garmentes smell of myrre Aloes and Cassia out of the yuerye palaces wher by they haue made the glade Kynges daughters were amonge thy honorable wemen vpon thy ryght hande dyd stande the quene in a vesture of gold ⚜ wrought about with dyuerse colours Herken O daughter and consydre enclyne thyne eare forget also thine owne people thy fathers house So shal y c kynge haue pleasure in thy bewtye for he is thy Lorde ⚜ God and worshype thou hym And the daughter of Tire shall be there with a gyfte lyke as the ryche also amonge the people shall make theyr supplicacyon before the. The kynges daughter is all gloryous within her clothynge is of wrought golde She shal be brought vnto the kynge in raymente of nydle worke the virgins that be her felowes shall beare her company and shal be brought vnto the. With ioye and gladnesse shal they be brought and shal entre in to the kynges palace In steade of thy fathers thou shalt haue chyldren whom thou mayest make princes in all landes I wyll remembre thy name from one generacyon to another therfore shall the people geue thankes vnto the worlde without ende ¶ The. xlvi Psalme ¶ To the chaunter a songe for the chyldren of Lorath vpon ☞ Alamoth GOd is our hope and strēgth a very pre sente helpe in trouble Therfore wyl we nat feare though the earth be moued though the hylles be caryed in the myddest of the see Though y ● waters therof rage and swell though the mountaynes shake at the tempest of the same Sela. The ryuers of the floude therof shall make glad the cytie of God the holy place of the tabernacles of the moste hyest God is in the myddest of her therfore shall she nat be remoued God shall helpe her and that ryght early The Heithen make muche a do and the kyngdomes are moued but God hathe shewed his voyce and the earth shall melt awaye The Lorde of Hostes is with vs the God of Iacob is our refuge Sela. O come hyther and beholde the workes of the Lorde what destruccyons he hath brought vpon the earth He maketh warres to ceasse in all the worlde he breaketh the bow and knappeth y ● speare in sonder burneth the charettes in the fyre Be styll then and knowe that I am God I wyl be exalted amonge the Heythen I wyll be exalted in the earth The Lord of Hostes is with vs the God of Iacob is our defence Sela. ¶ The xlvij Psalme ¶ To the chaunter a Psalme for the children of Lor●h O Clappe your handes togyther all ye people O synge vnto God with the voyce of melody For y ● Lorde is hye to be feared he is the great kynge vpon al the earth He shall subdue the people vnder vs and the nacyons vnder oure fete He shall chose out an herytage for vs euen the worshippe of Iacob whō he loued Sela. God is gone vp with a mery noyse the Lorde with the sounde of the trompe O synge prayses synge prayses vnto ⚜ oure God O synge prayses synge prayses vnto our kynge For God is kynge of al y ● earth syng ye prayses with vnderstāding God raygneth ouer the heithen god sytteth vpō his holy seate The princes of y ● people are ioyned vnto y ● people of y ● God of Abraham for God whiche is very hye exalted dothe defende the earth as it were with a shylde ¶ The. xlviij Psalme ¶ ● song● of a Psalme of the chyldren of Lo●ah ⚜ in the seconde daye of oure Sabba●h GReate is the Lorde and hyghly to be praysed in the cytie of oure God euen vpon his holy hyll The hyll of Syon is a fayre place the ioye of the whole earthe vpon the north syde lyeth the cytye of the greate kynge God is well knowen in her palaces as a sure refuge For lo the kynges ⚜ of the earth are gathered gone by together They merueled to se such thinges they were astonyed and sodeynly caste downe Feare came there vpon them sorowe as vpon a woman in her trauayle Thou shalt breake the shyppes of the see thorowe the east wynde Lyke as we haue herd so haue we sene in the citye of the Lord of Hostes in the cytye of oure god God vpholdeth her for euer Sela. We wayte for thy louing kyndnesse O God in y ● myd dest of thy rēple O God according vnto thy name so is thy prayse vnto the worldes ende thy right hand is ful of righteous nes Let the mounte Sion reioyse and the daughters of Iuda be glad because of thy iudgemētes Walke about Sion and go round about her and tell the towres therof Marke well her bulwerkes set
vp her houses that ye maye tel them that come after For this God is oure God for e●er and euer he shall be oure gyde vnto death ¶ The. xlix Psalme ¶ To the chaunter a Psalme for the chyldren of Lorah O Heare this al ye people pōdre it with youre eares all ye that dwell in the worlde Hye and lowe ryche and poore one with another My mouth shal speake of wysdome and my hert shall muse of vnderstandynge I wyll enclyne myne eare to the parable and shewe my darcke speach vpon the harpe Wherfore shulde I feare in the dayes of wyckednesse and when the wyckednesse of my heles cōpaseth me roūde about There be some that trust in theyr abundaunce and boast them selues in the multitude of theyr rychesse But no man maye delyuer his brother nor make agrement vnto God for hym For it costeth more to redeme theyr soules so that he must let that alone for euer ●ee though he lyue longe and se nat the graue For he seeth that wyse men also dye and peryshe togeyther as wel as the ignoraunt folysh and leaue theyr ryches for other And yet they thinke that theyr houses shal continue for euer and that theyr dwellynge places shal endure frō one generacion to another callyng the landes after theyr owne names Neuerthelesse man wyll nat abyde in honoure seynge he may be compared vnto the beastes that peryshe this is the waye of them This is theyr folyshnesse and theyr posterite prayse theyr sayeng Sela. They lye in the hell lyke shepe death gnaweth vpō thē and the ryghteous shall haue dominacyon of them in the mornyng theyr bewtye shall consume in the sepulchre out of theyr dwellynge But God shall delyuer my soule from the place of hell for he shall receaue me Sela. Be nat thou afrayed though one be made ryche or yf the glorye of his house be increased For he shal cary nothynge awaye with hym when he dyeth nether shal his pompe folowe him For whyle he lyued he coūted hym selfe an happye man and ☞ so longe as y ● doest well vnto thy selfe mē wyll speake good of the. He shall folowe the generacion of his fathers shal neuer se light Man beyng in honoure hath no vnderstandynge but is compared vnto the beastes that peryshe ¶ The. l. Psalme ¶ A Psalme of Asaph The Lorde euen the most myghtie God hathe spoken and called the worlde from the rysynge vp of the sonne vnto the goynge downe therof Out of Syon hathe God apeared in perfecte bewtye Oure God shall come and shall not kepe sylence there shall go before hym a cōsumynge fyre and a myghtye tempest shal be stered vp rounde aboute hym He shall call the heauen from aboue and the earth that he maye iudge hys people Gather my saynctes togeyther vnto me those that haue made a couenaunt with me with sacrifyce And the heauens shal declare hys ryghtuousnesse for God is iudge hym selfe Sela Heare O my people and I wyll speake I my selfe wyll testifye agaynste the O Israell For I am God euen thy God I wy ●at reproue the because of thy sacrifices or for thy burnt offerynges because they were nat all way before me I wyl take no bullocke out of thy house nor he Goates out of thy foldes For all the beastes of the Forest are myne and so are the cattell vpon a thousande hylles I knowe all the foules vpon the mountaynes and the wylde beastes of the felde are in my syght If I be hongrye I wyll nat tell the for the whole worlde is myne and all y ● therin is Thynkeste thou that I wyll eate bulles flesshe and drincke the bloude of goates Offre vnto God thankes geuynge and paye thy vowes vnto the moste hyghest And cal vppon me in the tyme of trouble so wyll I heare the and thou shalte prayse me But vnto the vngodly sayde God Why doest thou preache my lawes and takest my couenaunt in thy mouth Where as thou hatest to be refourmed haste cast my wordes behynde the Whā thou sawest a thefe thou consentedest vnto hym and haste bene partaker with the aduouterers Thou hast let thy mouth speake wickednesse and with thy tong thou hast set forth disceyt Thou sattest and spakest agaynst thy brother yee hast sclaūdred thine owne mothers sonne These thinges haste thou done I helde my tonge y ● thoughtest ⚜ wickedly that I am euē such a one as thy selfe but I wyl re proue the set before the the thynges that thou hast done O consydre this ye y ● forget God lest I plucke you away and there be none to delyuer you Who so offreth me thākes and praise he honoureth me and to him y ● ordreth his conuersacion right wyll I shewe the saluacyon of God ● The. li. Psalme ¶ To the chaunter ● Psalme of Dauid when the prophet Nathan came vnto him after he was gone in to Bethsave HAue mercy vpon me O God after thy ⚜ great goodnes accordyng vnto the multytude of thy mercyes do awaye myne offences washe me thorowly fro my wyckednesse clense me fro my synne For I knowleg my fautes my synne is euer before me Agaynst the onely haue I synned and done this euil in thy sight y ● thou myghtest be iustifyed in thy sayinge clere when y ● art iudged Beholde I was shapen in wyckednesse in synne hath my mother conceaued me But lo thou requyrest truth in the inward partes and shalt make me to vnderstāde wisdome secretly Thou shalte pourge me with Isope I shall be cleane thou shalt wash me I shal be whiter then snowe Thou shalt make me heare ioye and gladnesse that the bones whiche y ● hast broken maye reioyse Turne thy face from my sinnes put out al my misdedes Make me a cleane hert O God renue a ryght spryte within me Cast me not awaye from thy presence take nat thy holy spryte from me O geue me the comforte of thy helpe agayne stablysh me with thy fre spryte Then shall I teach thy wayes vnto the wicked and synners shal be cōuerted vnto the. Delyuer me from bloude gyltynesse O God O God of my healthe and my tonge shall synge thy ryghteousnesse Thou shalte open my lyppes O Lorde ☞ and my mouth shall shewe forth thy prayse For thou desyrest no sacryfyce els wolde I geue it y ● but thou delitest nat in burntofferynge The sacrifice of God is a troubled spryte a broken and a cōtryte hert O God shalt thou nat despyse O be fauorable gracious vnto Sion buylde thou the walles of Ierusalem Then shalt thou be pleased with y ● sacryfice of ryghteousnesse with the burnt offerynges oblacions thē shal they offre yonge bullockes vpon thine aulter ¶ The. lii Psalme ¶ To the chaunter an exortacion of Dauid when Do●g the Edomyte came to Saul and shewed him sayinge Dauid is
foxes But y ● kynge shal reioyse in God all they also y ● swere by hym shal be cōmended for the mouth of them chat speake lyes shal be stopped ¶ The. lxiiij Psalme ¶ To the Chaunter a Psalme of Dauyd HEARE my voyce O God in my praer preserue my lyfe from fere of the enemy Hyde me from the gatherynge togyther of the frowarde from the insurrection of wicked doers Whiche haue whee theyr tonge lyke a swerde shote out theyr arrowes euen bytter wordes That they may pryu●●● shote at him whiche is perfect sodenly do they hyt him feare nat They courage them selues in mischeife and commune amonge them selues howe they may laye snares say that no man shal se them They ymagin wickednes and practyse it y t they kepe secrete among them selues euery man in y ● depe of his hert But god shall sodenly shote at them with a swifte arow y ● they shal be wounded Yee theyr owne tonges shall make them fall in so much y ● who so seeth them shall laugh them to scorne And all men that se it shall saye this hathe God done for they shall perceaue that it is hys worke The ryghteous shall reioyse in the Lorde put his trust in him and all they that are true of herte shal be glad ¶ The. lxv Psalme To the chaunter a Psalme and songe of Dauyd THou O God arte praysed in Syon vnto the shall the vowe be perfourmed ⚜ in Hierusalem Thou that hearest the prayer vnto the shall all fleshe come My mysdedes preuayle agaynste me Oh be thou mercyfull vnto oure synnes Blessed is y ● man whom thou chosest and receauest vnto the he shal dwel in thy court and shal be satysfyed with the pleasures of thy house euen of thy holy temple Thou shalt shewe vs wonderful thinges in ryghteousnesse O God of our saluacyon thou y ● arte the hope of all the endes of the earth and of thē y ● remayne in the broade see Which in his strength setteth fast the moūtaines and is gyrded aboute w t power Which stylleth the ragyng of the see the noyse of his waues and the madnesse of the people They also y ● dwell in the vttermoost partes of the erth shal be afrayed at thy tokēs thou that makest the ☞ out goynges of the mornyng and euenyng to prayse the. Thou visitest the earth and blessest it thou makest it very plenteous The ryuer of God is full of water thou preparest their corne for so thou prouydest for the earthe Thou waterest her forowes thou sendest rayne ī to the litle valleys therof thou makest it softe with the droppes of raine and blessest the increase of it Thou crownest the yere w t thy goodnesse thy cloudes droppe fatnesse They shal droppe vpon the dwellynges of y ● wyldernes and the lytle hylles shall reioyse on euery syde The foldes shal be full of shepe the valleys also shall stande so thycke with corne that they shal laugh and synge The. lxvi Psalme ¶ To the chaunter The songe of a Psalme O Be ioyfull in God all ye landes synge prayses vnto the honour of his name make hys prayse to be gloryous Saye vnto God O howe wonderfull arte thou in thy worckes thorowe the greatnesse of thy power shall thyne enemyes be founde lyers vnto the. For all the worlde shall worshyppe the syng of the and prayse thy name Sela. O come hyther and beholde the worckes of God how wonderful he is in his doyng towarde the chyldren of men He turned the see into drye lāde so that they wēt thorow the water on fote there dyd we reioyse therof He ruleth with his power for euer his eies behold y ● people and such as wyl nat beleue shal nat be able to exalte them selues Sela. O prayse oure God ye people and make the voice of his prayse to he heard Which holdeth our soule in lyfe suffreth nat our fete to slyp For thou O God haste proued vs thou also haste tryed vs lyke as syluer is tryed Thou broughtest vs into to the snare and layed trouble vpon our loynes Thou suffredest men to ryde ouer oure heades We went thorow fyre water and y ● broughtest vs out into a welthy place I wyll go in to thy house with brent offrynges and wyll paye the my vowes whiche I promysed with my lippes and spake with my mouth when I was in trouble I wyll offre vnto the fat brente sacryfyces with the meense of rammes I wil offre bullockes and goates Sela. O come hither and herken all ye y ● feare God and I wyl tel you what he hath done for my soule I called vnto him with my mouth and gaue hym prayses with my tonge If I enclyne vnto wyckednesse with my herte the Lorde wyl nat heare me But God hath hearde me and considred the voyce of my prayer Praysed be God which hath nat cast out my praier nor tourned his mercy fro me ¶ The. lxvii Psalme ¶ To the chaunter in melodies a Psalme and a songe GOd be mercyfull vnto vs and blesse vs and shewe vs the lyght of his coūtenaunce ⚜ and be mercyful vnto vs. ●ela That thy waye maye be knowen vpon earth thy sauing health among all naciōs Let the people prayse the O God yee let all people prayse the. O let the nacyōs reioyse and be glad For thou shalt iudge the folke righteously and gouerne the nacions vpon earth Sela. Let the people prayse y ● O God let all people prayse the. Then shal the erth bring furth hir increase God euen oure owne god shall geue vs his blessynge God shall blesse vs all the endes of the worlde shall feare him ¶ The ▪ lxviiꝭ Psalme ¶ To the chaunter a Psalme and songe of Dauid LEt God aryse and let his enemyes be scattered let them also that hate him flye fom his face Lyke as the smoke vanysheth so shalte thou dryue them awaye and lyke as waxe melteth at the fyre so let the vngodly perishe frō the precēre of God But let the ryghteous be glad reioyse in the syght of God let them also be mery ioyful Oh syng vnto God syng prayses vnto his name magnifye hym that rydeth vpon the heauens as it were vpon a horse prayse ye him ☞ īhys name ye and reioyse before hym He is a father of the fatherlesse and defendeth the cause of wydowes euen God in his holy habitacion He is the God that maketh men to be of one minde in a house he bryngeth the prisoners out of captiuite but letteth the rennagates conty nue in scarcenesse O God when thou wentest for the before the people when thou wētest thorowe the wyldernesse Sela. The earthe shoke and the heauens dropped at the presence of God euen as Sinai also was moued at y ● presēce of God which is the God of Israel Thou O God sendedst a
gracyous rayne vpon thyne enheritaunce and refresshedyst it whē it was werye Thy congregacyon shal dwell therin For thou O God haste of thy goodnesse prepared for the poore The lorde gaue the worde ☞ greate was the company of the preachers Kynges with theyr armyes dyd flye and were discomfited they of the housholde deuyded the spoyle ☞ Though ye haue lyen among y ● pottes yet shall ye be as y ● wynges of a doue that is couered with syluer wynges and hyr fethers lyke golde When the almyghtye scattred kynges for their sake then were they as whyte as snow in zalmon As the hyll of Basan so is Godys hyll euen a hye hyll as the hyll of Basan ▪ Why hoppe ye so ☞ ye hye hylles This is Godys hyl in the which it pleseth him to dwell yee the Lorde wyl abyde in it for euer The charettes of God are twentye thousande euen thousandes of angels and the Lorde is amonge them as in the holy place of Sinai Thou art gone by an hye thou hast led captiuyte captyue and receaued gyftes for men Yee euen for thyne enemyes that the Lorde God myght dwell amōge them Praysed be the Lorde dayly euen the God whiche helpeth vs poureth his benefytes vpon vs. Sela. He is oure God euē the God of whom commeth salua cyon God is the Lorde by whom we escape death God shall woūde the heade of hys enemies and the heary scalpe of such one as goth on styll ī his wyckednes The Lorde hath sayde I wyll bryng my people agayn as I dyd from Basan myne owne wyll I brynge agayne as I dyd somtyme from the depe of the see That thy fote may be dypped in the bloud of thyne enemyes and that the tonge of thy dogges may be red thorow the same It is well sene O God how y ● goest how thou my God and kyng goest in the Sanctuary The singers go before the mynstrels folowe after in the myddes are the damosels playeng w t the tymbrels Geue thankes O Israel vnto God y ● Lord in the congregacions from the grounde of the hart There is lytle Ben Iamin theyr ruler and the Prynces of Iuda their councell the Prices of zabulon and the Prynces of Nephthali Thy God hathe sent for the strength for the stablysh the thing O God that thou hast wrought in vs. From thy tēple in Ierusalem cometh forth thy strēgth and kynges shall bryng presentes vnto the ☞ whā the company of the speare men and multytude of y ● mighty are scatred abrode among the bestes of y ● people so that they hūbly bring peces of syluer and whan he hath scatred y ● people that delyte in warre Then shall the Prynces come out of Egypte the Moryās land shal soone stretch out her hādes vnto God Synge vnto god O ye kyngdomes of y ● erth O synge prayses vnto the Lorde Sela. Which sytteth in the heauens ouer al from the begynnynge Lo he doth sende out hys voyce yee and that a mightye voyce Ascrybe ye the power vnto god ouer Israel his worshippe stregth is in the cloudes O God wonderful art thou in thy holy places euen the God of Israell he geue the strengthe and power vnto his people Blessed be God ¶ The. lxix Psalme ¶ To the chaunter vpon ☞ Sosanim of Dauid SAue me O God for the waters are come in euen vnto my soule I stycke faste in the depe myre where no grounde is I am come into depe waters so that the floudes ronne ouer me I am werye of crying my throte is drye my syghte fayleth me for waytynge so longe vpon my God They that hate me without a cause are mo thē the heere 's of my head they that are myne enemyes and wolde destroye me giltlesse are mighty ☞ I payed them the thinges that I neuer toke God thou knowest my symplenesse and my fautes are nat hyd from the Let nat them that truste in the O Lorde God of Hoostes be ashamed for my cause let nat those that seke the beconfounded thorowe me O God of Israell And why for thy sake haue I suffred reprofe shame hath couered my face I am become a straunger vnto my brethren euen an aleaunt vnto my mothers chyldren For the zele of thyne house hathe euen eaten me and the rebukes of them that rebuked the are fallen vpon me I wepte and chastened my soule with fastynge and that was turned to my reprofe I put on a sacke cloth also and they iested vpon me They that sytte in the gate speake agaynste me and the dronckardes make songes vpon me But Lorde I make my prayer vnto the in an acceptable tyme. Heare me O God in the multitude of thy mercy euē in the truth of thy saluacion Take me out of the myre that I synke nat Oh let me be delyuered from them that hate me and out of the depe waters Let nat the water floude drowne me nether the depe swalowe me vp and let nat the pytte shute her mouth vpon me Heare me O Lorde for thy louyng kyndnesse is cōfortable turne the vnto me accordynge vnto the multitude of thy mercyes And hyde nat thy face from thy sernaūt for I am in trouble O haste the and here me Drawe nye vnto my soule and delyuer it Oh saue me because of myne enemyes ▪ Thou haste knowen my reprofe my shame and my dyshonour ▪ myne aduersaries are al ī thy fight The rebuke hath broken my hert I am full of heuynes I loked for some to haue pitye vpon me but there was no man nether foūde I any to conforte me They gaue me gall to eate when I was thyrsty they gaue me vineger to drynke Let theyr table be made a snare to take thē selues with all and let the thinges that shuld haue ben for theyr welth be vnto thē an occacyon of fallyng Let theyr eyes be blynded y ● they se nat and euer bowe y ● downe their backes Powre out thyne indignacion vpon thē and let thy wrathful displeasure take holde of them Let theyr habitacion be voyde and no man to dwell in theyr tentes For they persecute hym whom thou hast smytē they talke howe they may vexe thē whom thou hast wounded Let them fall frō one wyckednesse to another and nat come into thy ryghteousnesse Let them be wyped out of the boke of the lyuyng nat be written among the righteous As for me whā I am poore and in heuynesse thy helpe O God shall lyfte me vp I wyl prayse the name of God with a songe and magnyfye him w t thankes geuīge This also shal please god better then a bullocke that hathe hornes and hoofes The humble shall consydre this and be glad seke ye after god and youre foule shall lyue For the Lorde heareth the pore and despyseth nat ☞ his prisoners Let heauen and earth prayse hym the see and al that moueth therin For god wyll saue Sion and
buylde y ● cities of Iuda that men may dwel there and haue it in possession The posteriorite also of his seruauntes shal enherete it and they that loue his name shall dwell therin ¶ The. lxx Psalme ¶ To the chaunter of Dauid to brynge to remembraunce bycause the Lorde saued me HAste the O God to delyuer me make haste to helpe me O Lorde Let them be shamed and confounded that seke after my soule let them be turned backewarde and put to confusion that wyshe me euyll Let them for theyr rewarde be sone brought to shame that crye ouer me there there But let all those that seke the be ioyefull and glad in the and let al suche as delyte in thy saluacyon saye alwaye the Lorde be praysed As for me I am poore and in myserye haste the vnto me O God Thou arte my helpe and my redemer O LORDE make no longe taryenge ¶ The. lxxi Psalme IN the O Lorde haue I put my truste let me neuer be put to confusyon but ryd me and delyuer me in thy ryghteousnesse enclyne thyne eare vnto me and saue me Be thou my stronge holde whereunto I maye all waye resorte thou haste promysed to helpe me for thou art my house of defence and my castel Delyuer me O my God out of y ● hand of the vngodly out of the hande of the vnrighteous and cruel mā For thou O Lorde God art the thynge that I longe for thou art my hope euen fro my youth Thorowe the haue I bene holden vp euer sence I was borne thou art he that toke me out of my mothers wombe my prayse shal be all waye of the. I am become as it were a monster vnto many but my sure trust is in the. Oh let my derous workes declare When I receyue the congregacion I shall iudge accordyng vnto ryght The earthe is weake and all the ●habiters therof I beare vp y ● pillers of it Sela. I sayd vnto y ● foles dele nat so madly and to the vngodly set nat vp your horne Set nat vp your horne on hye and speake nat with a styfenecke For promocyon commeth neither from the east nor frō the west nor yet from y ● south And why God is the Iudge he putteth downe one and setteth vp another For in the hande of the Lorde there is ☞ acuppe and the wyne is red It is ful myxte and he poureth out of the same As for the dregges therof all the vngodly of the earthe shall dryncke them and suck them out But I wyl talke of the God of Iacob and prayse hym foreuer All the hornes of the vngodly also wyll I breake and the hornes of the ryghtuous shal be exalted ¶ The. lxxvj Psalme ¶ ●o the 〈◊〉 in inclo●●es a Psalme and songe of Asaph IN Iewrye is God knowen his name is greate in Israel At ☞ Schalem is his tabernacle and his dwellynge in Syon There brake he the arrowes of the bowe the shilde the swerde and the batayle Sela. Thou arte of more honoure and myght then the hylles of robbers The proud are robbed they haue slept their slepe and all the men ▪ whose handes were myghtye haue founde nothynge At thy rebuke O God of Iacob both the charet and hors is fallen Thou euē thou arte to be feared and who maye stande in thy syght when y ● arte angrye Thou dyddest cause thy iudgement to be herde from heauen the earthe trembled and was styll When God arose to iudgement and to helpe all the make vpon earth Sela. ☞ The fearsenesse of man shall turne to thy prayse and the fearsenesse of other shalt y ● refrayne Promyse vnto the Lorde your God and kepe it all ye that be rounde aboute hym brynge presentes vnto hym that ought to be feared He shall refrayne the sprete of Prynces and is wonderfull amonge the kynges of the earthe ¶ The. lxxvij Psalme ¶ To the ●haunter for I●duthun A Psalme of Dau●d I wyl crye vnto God with my voyce euē vnto God wyll I crye with my voyce he shall herken vnto me In the tyme of my trouble I sought the Lorde my sore ran and ceassed nat in the nyght ceasō my soule refused comforte When I am in heuynesse I wyll thynke vpon God when my herte is vex●d I wyll complayne Sela. Thou holdest myne eyes wakynge I am so feble that I can not speake I haue consydred the dayes of olde and the yeres that are paste I call to remembraunce my songe and in the nyght I cōmune with myne owne herte and searche out my spretes Wyll the Lorde absente hym selfe for euer And wyll he be no more intreated Is his mercy clene gone for euer And is his promyse come vtterly to an ende for euermore Hathe God forgoten to be gracyous And wyll he shutt vp his louynge kyndnesse in displeasure Sela. And I sayde It is myne owne infyrmyte But I wyll remembre the yeares of the right hāde of the moste hyest I wyll remembre the workes of the Lorde and call to mynde thy wonders of olde tyme. I wyll thynke also of all thy workes and my talkynge shal be of thy doynges ☞ Thy waye O God is holy who is so greate a God as ● our God Thou art the god that dothe wonders hast declared thy power amōge people Thou haste myghtely delyuered thy people euen the sonnes of Iacob Ioseph Sela. The waters sawe the O God the waters sawe the were afrayed y ● deapthes also were troubled The cloudes poured out water the ayer thondered thyne arowes wente abrode The voyce of thy thonder was hearde rounde aboute thy lyghteninges st one vpon the grounde the earthe was moued and shoke with all Thy waye is in the see and thy pathes in the greate waters and thy fotesteppes are nat knowen Thou leddest thy people lyke shepe by the hande of Moses and Aaron ¶ The. lxxviii Psalme ¶ An inst●uceyon of Asaph HEare my lawe O my people enclyne youre eares vnto the wordes of my mouth I wyll open my mouth in a parable I wyll declare harde se●●ēses of olde Whiche we haue harde and knowē and suche as oure fathers haue tolde vs. That we shulde nat hyde them from the chyldren of the generacyons to come but to shewe the honour of the Lord his might and wonderfull workes that he hath done He made a couenaunte with Iacob and gaue Israel a lawe whiche he commaunded oure forfathers to teache theyr childrē That theyr posterite myght knowe it and the chyldren whiche were yet vnborne To thintent that when they came vp they myght shewe their chyldren the same That they myght put theyr trust in God and nat to forget the workes of God but to kepe his commaundementes And not to be as their forfathers as a faithlesse and stubburne generacyon a generacyon that set nat their herte a ryght and whose sprete cleued nat stedfastly vnto God Lyke as ☞
Lorde is our defēce The holy one of Israel is our Kyng Thou spakest somtyme in vysions vnto thy saīctes saidest I haue layed help vpō one y ● is mighti I haue exalted one chosen out of the people I haue foūde Dauid my seruaunt with my holy oyle haue I anointed him My hande shal holde hym faste and myne arme shal strengthen hym The enemye shall nat be able to do hym vyolence the sonne of wyckednesse shal nat hurte hym I shall smyte downe his foes before his face and plage thē that hate him My trueth also my mercy shal be with hym and in my name shall his horne be exalted I wyll set his dominion also in the see and his ryght hande in the floudes He shall call me thou art my father my God and my sure saluacyon And I wyll make hym my fyrst borne hyer thē the Kynges of the earth My mercy wyll I kepe for hym for euermore and my couenaunte shall stande fast with hym His sede also wyll I make to endure for euer and hys trone as the dayes of heauen But yf his chyldren forsake my lawe and walke nat in my iudgementes If they breake my statutes and kepe nat my commaundementes I wyll vyset theyr offences with the rodde and theyr synne with scourges Neuerthelesse my louynge kyndnesse wyll I nat vtterly take from hym nor suffre my trueth to fayle My couenaunt wyll I nat breake nor alter the thynge that is gone out of my lyppes I haue sworne once by my holynesse that I wyll nat fayle Dauid Hys sede shall endure for euer and hys seate is lyke as the sonne before me He shall stande faste for euermore as the moone and ☞ as the faythful wytnesse in heauen Selah But thou haste abhorred and for saken thyne anoynted and arte dyspleased at hym Thou haste broken the couenaunt of thy seruaunt and caste his crowne to the grounde Thou haste ouerthrowne all his hedges and broken downe his stronge holdes All they that go by the way spoyle him and he is become a rebuke vnto hys neyghbours Thou hast set vp the ryght hande of his enemies and made al his aduersaryes to re●oyse Thou hast takē awaye the edge of hꝭ swerde and geuest him nat victory in the battayle Thou hast put out his glory cast hys Trone downe to y ● grounde The dayes of his youth hast thou shortened and couered him w t dishonoure Selah Lord how lōge wilt thou hyde thy sel●e For euer and shal thy wrath burne lyke fyre O remembre how shorte my tyme is wherfore hast y u made al m● for naught What man is he that liueth and shal nat se death And shall he delyuer his owne soule frō the hande of hell Selah Lorde where are thy olde louing kindnesses which y u sworest vnto Dauyd in thy truethe Remember Lorde the rebuke y ● thy seruauntes haue how I do beare i my bosome thy rebukes of many people Wherwith thyne enemies haue blasphemed the sclaunder the fotesteppes of thyne anoynted Praysed be the Lorde for euermore Amen Amen ¶ The. xc Psalme ¶ A prayer of Moseo the man of God LORDE thou haste bene oure refuge from one generacyon to another Before the mountaynes were broughte forthe or euer the earthe and the worlde were made thou arte God from euerlastynge and worlde without ende Thou causest man to returne vnto contrycion Agayne thou sayest come agayne ye chyldren of men For a thousande yeares in thy syghte are but as yestardaye seinge that is past as a watch in the nyght As sone as thou scatrest them they are euen as a slepe and fade away sodenly lyke the grasse In the mornynge it is grene and groweth vp but in the euenynge it is cut downe ⚜ dryed vp and wythered For we consume awaye in thy displeasure and are afrayed at thy wrathfull indignacyon Thou haste set oure mysdedes before the and our secrete synnes in the lyght of thy countenaunce For when thou arte angrye all oure dayes are gone we brynge our yeares to an ende as it were a tale that is tolde The dayes of oure age are thre score yeares and ten and though men be so stronge that they come to foure score yeares yet is theyr strength then but laboure and sorowe so soone passeth it awaye and we are gone ▪ But who regardeth the power of thy wrath for euen therafter as a man feareth so is thy dyspleasure O teach vs to nombre oure dayes that we maye applye oure hertes vnto wysdome Turne the agayne O Lorde at the laste and be gracyous vnto thy seruauntes O satysfye vs with thy mercy and that soone so shall we reioyse and be glad al the dayes of oure lyfe Comforte vs agayne nowe after the tyme that thou haste plaged vs and for the yeares wherin we haue suffred aduersyte Shewe thy seruauntes thy worke and theyr chyldren thy glory and the gloryous maiesty of the Lorde oure God be vpon vs prospere thou the worcke of oure handes vpon vs O prospere thou oure handy worcke The. xcj. Psalme WHo so dwelleth vnder the defence of the moste hyghest shall abide vnder the shadowe of the almyghtye I wyll saye vnto the Lorde Thou arte my hope and my stronge holde my God in hym wyll I truste For he shall delyuer the from the snare of the hunter and frome the noysome pestylence He shal defende the vnder his wynge and thou shalte be safe vnder hys fethers his faythfulnesse and trueth shall be thy shylde and buckeler Thou shalte nat be afrayed for any tertour by nyght nor for the arrowe that flyeth by daye For the pestylence that walketh in the darkenesse nor for the syckenesse that destroyeth in the noone day A thousande shall fall besyde the and ten thousāde at thy ryght hande but it shal nat come nye the. Yee with thyne eyes shalte thou beholde and se the rewarde of the vngodly For thou Lorde arte my hope thou hast set thyne house of defence very hye There shal no euyl happen vnto the neither shall any plage come nye thy dwellyng For he shall geue his angels charge ouer the to kepe them all thy wayes They shall beare the in theyr handes that thou hurt nat thy fote agaynst a stone Thou shalt go vpon the Lyon and Adder the yonge Lyon and the Dragon shalt thou treade vnder thy fete Because he hath set his loue vpon me therfore shal I deliuer him I shal set hi vp because he hathe knowen my name He shall call vpon me I wyl heare him yee I am with him in trouble I wyll delyuer hym and bryng hym to honoure With longe lyfe wyl I satysfye hym shewe hym my saluacion ¶ The. xcij. Psalme ¶ I Psalme and ●onge for the Sabboth daye IT is a good thynge to gyue thankes vnto the Lor●e and to synge prayses vnto thy name O moste hyghest To tell of thy louynge kyndnesse
earely in the mornynge and of thy trueth in the nyght season Upon an instrumente of ten strynges and vpon the lute vpon a lowde instrument and vpon the harpe For thou Lorde haste made me glad tho rowe thy workes and I wyll reioyse in genynge prayse for the operacions of thy handes O Lorde howe glorious are thy workes thy thoughtes are very depe An v●wyse man doth nat well cōsydre this and a foole doth nat vnderstande it Whā the vngodly are grene as the grasse whā all the workers of wyckednes do florish thē shal they be destroyed for ●uer But y ● Lord arte the most hyest for euer more For lo thyne enemyes O Lorde lo thyne ennemies shall perishe and all the workers of wickednes shal be destroyed But my horne shal be exalted like the horne of an Unicorne for I am anointed with fresh oyle Myne eye also shall se his luste of myne enemyes and myne care shall heare his desyre of the wycked that ryse vp agaynst me The ryghtuous shall floryshe lyke a Palme tree and shall sprede abrode lyke a Cedre in Libanꝰ Suche as be planted in the house of the Lorde shall floryshe in the courtes ⚜ of the house of our god They shall also bryng for the more frute in their age shal be fat well lykinge That they may shewe how true the Lorde my strēgth is and that there is no vnryghtuousnesse in him ¶ The. xciij Psalme THE Lorde is kynge and hath put on glorious apparell the Lorde hath put on his apparell and gyrded him selfe with strength he hath made the roūde worlde so sure that it can nat be moued Euer syns the worlde beganne hath thy seate ben prepared thou arte from euerlastynge The floudes are rysen O Lorde the floudes haue lyfte vp theyr noyse the floudes lyfte vp the waues The waues of the see are myghtye and rage horrybly but yet the Lorde that dwelleth on hye is myghtyer Thy testymonyes O Lorde are very sure holynesse becommeth thyne house for euer ¶ The. xciiii Psalme O LORDE God to whome vengeaunce belongeth thou God to whom vengeaunce belongeth shewe thy selfe Aryse thou iudge of the worlde and rewarde the proude after theyr deseruynge Lorde howe long shal the vngodly how long shal the vngodly triūphe Howe longe shal all wicked doers speake so disdaifully make suche proude bostyng They smyte downe thy people O Lorde and trouble thyne herytage They murthur the wydowe and the straūger and put the fatherlesse to death And yet they say Tushe the Lorde shal not se nether shal y ● god of Iacob regard it Take hede ye vnwyse amonge y ● people O ye fooles when wyll ye vnderstande He y ● planted the care shall he not heare Or he y ● made the eye shall nat he se For he y ● nurtureth the Hethen it is he y ● techeth mā knowledge shal nat he punysh The Lorde knoweth y ● thoughtes of men y ● they are vayne Blessed is the man whome y ● chastenest O Lorde and teachest him in thy lawe That thou mayste geue him pacyence in tyme of aduersyte vntyll the pyt be dygged vp for the vngodly For the Lorde wyll nat fayle his people neither wyl he forsake hys inherytaunce Untyll ryghtuousnes turne agayne vnto iudgement al suche as be true of herte shall folowe it Who wyll ryse vp with me agaynst the wycked Or who wyl take my parte against the euyl doers If thou Lorde had nat helped me it had nat fayled but my soule had bene put to sylence But whan I sayde my fote hath slypped thy mercy O Lorde helde me vp In the multitude of the sorowes that I had in my herte thy comfortes haue refresshed my soule Wylte thou haue any thynge to do w t the stole of wyckednes whiche ymagineth myschefe as a lawe They gather them together agaynste the soule of the ryghtuous and condemne the innocent bloude But the Lorde is my refuge my god is the strēgth of my cōfidence He shal recompence them their wyckednes and destroye them in their owne malyce yee the Lorde our God shall destroye them ¶ The. xcv Psalme O COME let vs synge vnto y e Lorde let vs hertely reioise in the strength of our saluacion Let vs come before hys presēce with thanckesgeuynge shewe our selfe glad in him with psalmes For the Lorde is a greate God and a great kynge aboue al goddes In his hande are al the corners of the earth and the heightes of the hylles is his also The see is his he made it and his handes fourmed the dyre lande O come let vs worshyppe fall downe and knele before the Lorde our maker For he is ⚜ the Lorde our God and we are the people of his pasture and ☞ the shepe of hꝭ handes To day if ye wyl here his voice harden not your hertes as in the prouocacyon and as in the daye of tēptacyon in the wyldernesse Whē your fathers tempted me prouyd me sawe my worckes Forty yeares longe was I greued with that generacyon sayde it is a people that do erre in theyr hertes for they haue nat knowen my wayes Unto whō I sware in my wrath that they shulde nat entre into my rest ¶ The. xcvj Psalme O Synge vnto the Lorde a newe songe synge vnto the Lorde all the whole earthe Syng vnto the Lord and prayse his name be tellynge of his saluacion from daye to daye Declare his honour vnto the Heathen and his wonders vnto al people For the Lorde is great and can not worthelye be praysed he is more to be feared then all goddes As for all the Goddes of the Heathen they be but Idols but it is the Lorde that made the Heauens Glorye and worshyppe are before hym power and honour are in his Saynctuary Ascrybe vnto the Lorde O ye kynredes of the people ascrybe vnto the Lorde worshyppe and power Gyue vnto the LORDE the honoure due vnto his name brynge presentes and come into hys courtes O worshyppe the Lorde in the beautye of holynesse let the whole earth stande in awe of hym Tell it out amonge the Heathen that the Lorde is kynge and that it is he whiche hath made the roūde worlde so faste that it can nat be moued and howe that he shall iudge the people ryghtuously Let the heauens reioyse and let the earthe be glad let the see make a noyse and al that therin is Let the felde be ioyfull and all that is in it then shall all the trees of the wodde reioyse Before the Lorde for he commeth for he commeth to iudge the earth and with rightuousnesse to iudge the worlde and the people with his trueth ¶ The. xcvij. Psalme THE Lorde is kynge the earth may be glad therof yea the multytude of the Iles may be glad therof Cloudes and darckenesse are rounde aboute hym ryghtuousnesse and iudgement are the habytacyons of his seate
hath nat geuē me ouer vnto deth Open me the gatꝭ of ryghtuousnes that I may go into them and geue thankes vnto the Lorde This is the gate of the Lord the rightuous shall entre into it I wyll thanke the for thou haste herde me and art become my saluacion The same stone whiche the buylders refused is become the heade stone in the corner This was the Lordes doynge and it is maruelous in our eyes This is the daye whiche the Lorde hathe made we wyll reioyse and be glad in it Helpe ⚜ me nowe O Lorde O Lord sende vs nowe prosperite Blessed be he that commeth in the name of the Lorde we haue wisshed you good lucke ye that be of the house of the Lorde God is the Lorde whiche hath shewed vs lyght bynde the sacrifice with cordes ye euen vnto the hornes of the aultre Thou arte my God and I wyll thanke the thou arte my God ▪ I wyll praise the O geue thankes vnto the Lord for he is gracyous and his mercy endureth for euer ¶ The. c. xix Psalme B LESSED are those that be vndefyled in the waye and walke in the lawe of the Lorde Blessed are they that kepe his testymonyes and seke hym wyth they re whole herte For they whiche do no wyckednesse walke in his wayes Thou haste charged that we shulde dylygently kepe thy commaundementes O that my wayes were made so directe that I might kepe thy statutes So shal I not be confounded whyle I haue respect vnto all thy commaundementes I wyll thanke the with an vnfayned hert whan I shall haue learned the iudgementes of thy ryghtuousnesse I wyll kepe thy cerymonyes O forsake me nat vtterly Where with all shall a yonge man clēse hys waye Euen by rulynge hym selfe after thy worde With my whole herte haue I sought the O let me nat erre frome thy commaundementes Thy wordes haue I hyd with in my herte that I shulde nat synne agaynst the. Blessed art thou O Lorde O teache me thy statutes With my lyppes haue I tolde all the iudgementes of thy mouthe I haue had as greate delyte in the waye of thy testymonyes as in all maner of ryches I wyll talke of thy cōmaundementes and haue respecte vnto thy wayes My delyte shal be in thy statutes and I wyll nat forget thy worde O do well vnto thy seruaunte that I maye lyue and kepe thy worde Open thou myne eyes that I may se the wonderous thyngꝭ of thy lawe I am a straūger vpon erth O hyde nat thy commaundementes frome me My soule breaketh out for the very feruent desire that it hath alwaye vnto thy iudgemētes Thou hast rebuked y ● proude and cursed are they that do erre frome thy cōmaundementes O turne fro me shame and rebuke for I haue kepte thy testymonyes Prynces also dyd syt and speake against me but thy seruaūt is ocupied in thy statutes For thy testymonyes are my delyte and my councelers My soule cleaueth to the dust O quycken thou me accordyng to thy worde I haue knowledged my wayes and thou herdeste me O teache me thy statutes Make me to vnderstāde the waye of thy commaundementes and so shal I talke of thy wonderous worekes My soule melteth awaye for very heuynesse cōforte thou me accordynge vnto thy worde Take fro me the waye of lyenge and cause y ● me to make muche of thy lawe I haue chosen the waye of trueth and thy iudgementes haue I layed before me I haue stycken vnto thy testymonyes O Lorde confounde me nat I wyll runne the waye of thy commaundementes when thou hast set my herte at libertie Teache me O Lorde the way of thy statutes and I shal kepe it vnto the ende Geue me vnderstandynge and I shall kepe thy lawe yee I shall kepe it with my whole herte Make me to go in the path of thy cōmaundementes for there in is my desyre Enclyne my herte vnto thy testymonies and nat to couetousnes O turne awaye myne eyes left they beholde vanite and quycken y ● me in thy waye O stably she thy word in thy seruaunt that I maye feare the. Take awaye the rebuke that I am afrayed of for thy iudgementes are good Beholde my delyte is in thy commaundementes O quicken me in thy ryghtuousnesse Let thy louynge mercy come also vnto me O Lorde euen thy saluacyon accordynge vnto thy worde So shall I make answere vnto my blasphemers for my trust is in thy word O take nat the worde of trueth vtterly out of my mouth for my hope is in thy iudgementes So shall I alwaye kepe thy lawe yee for euer euer And I wyll walke ☞ at libertie for I seke thy commaūdementes I wyl speake of thy testymonies also euen before kynges wyll nat be ashamed And my delyte shal be in thy cōmaundementes whiche I haue loued My handes also wyl I lyfte vp vnto thy commaundemantes which I haue loued and my study shal be in thy statutes O thinke vpon thy seruaūt as concernyng thy worde wher in thou hast caused me to put my truste The same is my comforte in my trouble for thy worde hath quyckened me The proude haue had me excedingly i derisyon yet haue I nat shrynked from thy lawe For I remembred thine euerlastyng iudgementes O Lorde and receiued comforte I am horrybly afrayed for the vngodly that forsake thy lawe Thy statutes haue bene my songes in the house of my pylgremage I haue thought vpon thy name O Lorde in the nyght season haue kepte thy lawe This I had because I kepte thy commaundemētes Thou arte my poreyon O Lord I haue promysed to kepe thy lawe I made myne humble petycyon in thy presence with my whole herte O be mercyfull vnto me accordynge vnto thy worde I call myne owne wayes to remēbraunce and turne my fete into thy testimonies I made haste and prolonged nat y ● tyme to kepe thy commaundementes The congregacious of the vngodly haue robbed me but I haue nat forgotten thy lawe At mydnyght wyll I ryse to geue thankes vnto the because of thy rightuous iudgementes I am a companyon of all them that feare the and kepe thy commaūdementes The earthe O Lorde is full of thy mercy O teache me thy statutes O Lorde thou hast dealt graciouslye w t thy seruaunt accordynge vnto thy worde O learne me true vnderstandynge and knowledge for I haue beleued thy cōmaūdemētes Before I was troubled I wēte wronge but now haue I kepte thy worde Thou arte good and gracious O teach me thy statutes The proude haue ymagined a lye agaynst me but I wyll kepe thy commaundementes with my whole herte Theyr herte is as fat as brawne but my delyte hath bene in thy lawe It is good for me that I haue bene in trouble y ● I may learne thy statutes The lawe of thy mouth is dearer vnto me then thousādes of golde and syluer Thy hādes haue made me and fasshyoned me O geue me vnderstandynge that
I may learne thy commaūdementes They that feare the wyll be glad whē they se me because I haue put my truste in thy worde I knowe O Lorde that thy iudgemētꝭ are right and that thou of very faythfulnesse haste caused me to be troubled O let thy mercyfull kyndnesse be my comforte accordyng to thy worde vn to thy seruaunt O let thy louynge mercyes come vnto me that I may lyue for thy lawe is my delyte Let the proude be confounded for they go wickedly about to destroye me but I wyll be occupied in thy cōmaundementes Let suche as feare the haue knowen thy testymonyes be turned vnto me O let myne herte be sounde in thy statutes that I be nat ashamed My soule hath longed for thy saluaeyon and I haue a good hope because of thy worde Myne eyes longe sore for thy worde sayenge O when wylte thou comforte me For I am become lyke a bottell in the smoke yet do not I forget thy statutes Howe many are the dayes of thy seruaunt When wylte thou be auenged of them that persecute me The proud haue dygged pyttes for me whiche are nat after thy lawe Al thy commaundementes are true they persecute me falsly O be thou my helpe They had all moste made an ende of me vppon earthe ▪ but I forsake not thy commaundementes O quycken me after thy louynge kyndnes and so shall I kepe the testimonies of thy mouth O Lorde thy worde endureth for euer in heauen Thy trueth also remayneth from one generacion to another thou haste layed the foundacion of the earthe and it abydeth They continue this day accordynge to thyne ordynaunce for all thynges serue the If my delyte had not bene in thy lawe I shulde haue peryshed in my trouble I wil neuer forget thy commaundementes for w t thē thou hast quickened me I am thyne Oh saue me for I haue sought thy cōmaundemētes The vngodly layed wayte for me to destroye me but I wyll consydre thy testimonies I se that al thinges come to an ende but thy commaundement is exceadyng broade ● Lorde What loue haue I vnto thy lawe all the daye longe is my studye in it Thou thorowe thy commaūdementes haste made me wyser then myne enemyes for they are euer with me I haue more vnderstandynge then my teachers for thy testimonies are my studie I am wyser then the aged because I kepte thy commaundementes I haue refrayned my fete frō euery euyl waye that I maye kepe thy worde I haue nat shrynked from thy iudgemētes for thou teachest me O howe swete are thy wordes vnto my throte Yee sweter then hony vnto my mouth Thorowe thy commaundementes I get vnderstandynge therfore I hate all wycked wayes Thy worde is a lanterne vnto my fete and a lyght vnto my pathes I haue sworne and am stedfastly purposed to kepe thy ryghteous iudgemētes I am troubled aboue measure quicken me O Lorde accordynge vnto thy worde Let the frewyll offerynge of my mouth please the O Lorde and teach me thy iudgementes ☞ My soule is alwaye in my hande yet do nat I forget thy lawe The vngodly haue layed a snare for me but yet swarued nat I from thy commaundementes Thy testymonies haue I claymed as myne herytage for euer and why●they are the very ioye of my herte I haue applyed myne herte to fulfyll thy statutes alwaye euen vnto the ende I hate them that ymagen euell thynges but thy lawe do I loue Thou arte my defence and shylde and my trust is in thy worde Awaye fro me ye wycked I wyll kepe the commaundementes of my God O stablysh me accordynge vnto thy worde that I maye lyue and let me nat be disapoynted of my hope Holde thou me vp and I shall be safe ye my delyte shall euer be in thy statutes Thou hast troden downe all them that swarue frō thy statutes for they ymagin but leasing disceate Thou puttest awaye all the vngodly of the earth lyke drosse therfore I loue thy testimonyes My flesh trēbleth for feare of the and I am afrayed of thy iudgementes ▪ I deale with the thynge that is laufull right O geue me nat ouer vnto myn oppressours Make y ● thy seruaūt to delyte in that which is good y ● the proud do me no wrong Myne eyes are wasted awaye with lokyng for the health and for the word of thy righteousnes O deale with thy seruaunt accordinge vnto thy louynge mercy teach me thy statutes I am thy seruaunte O graunte me vnderstandynge that I maye knowe thy testymonyes It is tyme for the Lorde to laye to thyne hande for they haue destroyed thy lawe For I loue thy commaundementes aboue golde and precious stone Therfore holde I streyght all thy commaundemētes and all false wayes I vtterly abhorre Thy testymonyes are wonderfull therfore dothe my soule kepe them When thy worde goeth forth it geueth lyght and vnderstandynge euen vnto the simple I opened my mouth and drewe in my breth for my delyte was in thy commaundementes O loke thou vpon me and be mercyfull vnto me as thou vsest to do vnto those that loue thy name Order my steppes in thy worde and so shall no wyckednesse haue domynyon ouer me O delyuer me from the wronge dealynges of men and so shall I kepe thy commaundementes Shewe the lyght of thy countenaunce vpon thy seruaunte and teach me thy statutes Ryuers of waters ran out from myne eyes because men kepe nat thy lawe Ryghteous art thou O lorde and true is thy iudgemente The testimonyes that thou hast commaunded are exceadynge ryghteous and true My zele hath euen consumed me because myne enemyes haue forgotten thy wordes Thy worde is tryed to the vttermost and thy seruauns loueth it I am small and of no reputacyon yet do nat I forget thy commaundementes Thy ryghteousnesse is an euerlastynge ryghteousnes and thy lawe is trueth Trouble and heuynesse haue taken holde vpon me yet is my delyte in thy commaundementes The ryghteousnesse of thy testimonies is euerlastyng O graūt me vnderstandynge and I shall lyue I cal with my whole hert heare me O Lorde I wyll kepe thy statutes Yee euen vpon the do I call helpe me and I shal kepe thy testimonies Early in the mornynge do I crye vnto the for in thy worde is my truste Myne eyes preuente the nyght watches that I myght be occupyed in thy wordes Heare my voyce O Lord accordyng vnto thy louig kindenes quickē me according as thou art wont They drawe nye ▪ that of malice persecute me and are farre frō thy lawe Be thou nye at hande O Lorde for all thy commaundementes are true As cōcernyng thy testimonies I haue knowen longe sens that thou hast grounded thē for euer O consyder myne aduersite and de mysse Oh Lorde who maye abyde it For there is mercy with the therfore shalt thou be feared I loke for the Lorde my soule dothe wayte for hym in his worde is my truste My soule doth pacyently abyde the Lorde from the one mornynge to
oure ennemyes for his mercy endureth for euer Whiche geueth fode vnto all flesshe for hys mercy endureth for euer O geue thankes vnto the God of Heauen for his mercy endureth for euer ¶ The .cxxxvij. Psalme ⚜ Of Ieremy BY the waters of Babylon we satte downe and wepte when we remembred ⚜ the O Syon As for our Harpes we hanged them vp vpon the trees that are therin For they that led vs awaye captyue requyred of vs then a songe and melody in our heuynesse synge vs one of the songes of Syon Howe shall we synge the Lordes songe in a straunge lande If I forget the O Ierusalem let my ryght hande be forgotten If I do not remembre the let my tonge cleue to the rofe of my mouth yee yf I preferre not Ierusalem in my myrth Remembre the chyldren of Edom O Lorde in the daye of Ierusalē howe they sayd downe with it downe with it euen to the grounde O ☞ daughter of Babylon thou shalt come to mysery thy selfe yea happy shall he be that rewardeth the as y ● haste serued vs. Blessed shall he be that taketh thy chyldrē and throweth them agaynst the stones ¶ The .cxxxviij. Psalme Of Dauyd I Wyl gyue thankes vnto the O Lorde with my whole herte euen ☞ before the Goddes wyll I synge prayse vnto the. I wyll worshyppe towarde thy holye temple and prayse thy name because of thy louyng kyndnesse and trueth for thou hast magnyfyed thy name and thy worde aboue al thynges When I called vpon the thou hardeste me and endewedst my soule with muche strength ☞ All the Kynges of the earthe shall prayse the O Lorde for they haue hearde the wordes of thy mouth Yea they shall synge in the wayes of the Lord y ● greate is the glorye of the Lorde For though the Lorde by hye yet hath he respect vnto the lowly as for the proude he beholdeth hym a farre of Thoughe I walke in the myddest of trouble yet shalte thou refreshe me thou shalte stretche forthe thyne hande vpon the furyousnes of myne eunemyes and thy ryght hande shall saue me The Lorde shal make good for me yea thy mercye O Lorde endureth for euer d espyse nat then the workes of thyne owne handes ¶ The. cxxxix Psalme ¶ To the chaunter a Psalme of Douyd O Lorde thou hast searched me out and knowen me Thou knoweste my downe syttynge and myne vprysynge thou vnderstandest my thoughte a farre of Thou arte aboute my path and about my bed and spyest out all my wayes For lo ▪ there is nat a worde in my tonge but thou O Lorde knowest it all together Thou haste fashyoned me behynde and before and layed thyne hande vpon me Suche knowledge is to wonderfull and excellent for me I can nat atteyne vnto it Whyther shall I go then frō thy spret● or wyther shall I go then from thy presence If I clymme vp into Heauen thou arte there yf I go downe to hell thou arte there also If I take the wynges of the mornynge and remayne in the vr●ermpste part of the see Euen there also shal thy hāde lede me and thy ryght hande shall holde me If I saye peraduenture the darckenes shall couer me then shall my nyght be turned to daye Yea the darckenesse is no darkenesse with the but the nyght is as clere as the daye the darkenesse and lyght are bothe a lyke For my reynes are thyne thou haste couered me in my mothers wombe I wyll gyue thankes vnto the for I am wonderously made maruelous are thy workes and that my soule knoweth ryght well My bones are not hyd from the though I be made secretely and fasshyoued beneth in the earthe Thyne eyes se myne vnpar fectnesse they stande al wrytten in thy boke my dayes were fashyoned when as yet ther was not one of them Howe deare are ⚜ thy councels vnto me O god O how great is the summe of them If I tell them they are me in nombre then the sande when I wake vp I am present with the. Wyite thou nat slaye the wycked Oh God departe frome me ye bloude thyrstye men For they speake vnryghtuouslye agaynste the and thyne ennemyes take thy name in vayne Do not I hate them O Lorde ▪ that hate the and am nat I greued with those that ryse vp agaynst the Yea I hate them ryght foore euen as thoughe they were myne enemyes Trye me O God and seke the grounde of myne herte proue me and examyne my thoughtes Loke well yf there be any waye of wyckednesse in me and leade me in the way euer lastynge ¶ The. cxl Psalme ¶ To the chaunter a Psalme of Dauyd DElyuer me O Lorde frome the euyll man and preserue me from the wycked man Whiche ymagyne myschefe in theyr hertes and stere vp stryfe all the daye longe They haue sharpened theyr tonges lyke a serpente adders poyson is vnder theyr lippes Sela. Kepe me O Lord frome the handes of the vngodly preserue me from the wycked men whiche are purposed to ouerthrowe my goynges The proude haue layed a snare for me and spred a net abrode with cordes yea and set trappes in my waye Sela. But my sayenge is vnto the Lord thou art my God heare the voyce of my prayers O Lorde O Lorde God thou strength of my health thou haste couered my heade in the daye of battayle Let not the vngodly haue his desyre O Lorde let hym nat haue his purpose least they be to proude Sela. Let the myschefe of theyr owne lyppes fal vpon the heade of them that compase me aboute Let hote burnynge coles fal vpon them let them be caste into the fyre and to the pyt that they neuer ryse vp agayne A man full of wordes shall not prospere vppon the earth a malycious and wycked person shal be hunted awaye and destroyed Sure I am that the Lorde wyll auenge the pore and mayntene the cause of the helpelesse The ryghtuous also shall gyue thanckes vnto thy name and the iuste shall continue in thy syght ¶ The. cxlj. Psalme ¶ A Psalme of Dauyd LORDE I call vpon the haste the vnto me and consydre my voyce when I crye vnto the. Let my prayer be sette forthe in thy syght as the incense and let the lyftyng vp of my handes be an euenyng sacryfyce Set a watch O Lord before my mouth yea a watch at the dore of my lippes O let not myne herte be enclyned to any euyll thynge to be mynded as the vngodly orwycked men ☞ lest I eate of suche thynges as please them Let the ryghteous rather smyte me frendly and reproue me so wyll I take it as though he had powred oyle vpō my heade it shal nat hurte my heade yee I wyl praye yet for theyr wyckednesse Let theyr iudges stomble in stony places that they maye heare my wordes for they are swete Oure bones lye scatered before the pytte lyke as when one graueth
called to councel a●●●e that can speake fayre shall vaue the mo●e lernynge Understandynge is a wel●●f lyfe vnto hym that hathe it as forthe chastenynge of fooles it is but foolyshnesse A wyse harte ordreth his mouth wysly and amendeth the doctryne in hys lyppes Fayre wordes are an hony combe a refreshynge of the mynde and health of the bones There is a waye that mē thynke to be ryght but the ende therof leadeth vnto death A troublous soule disquyeteth her selfe for her oune mouth hath brought her therto An vngodly personne stereth vp euell and in hys lyppes he is as an hote burnynge fyre A frowarde body causeth stryfe and he that is a blabbe of hys tonge maketh deuysyon amonge prynces A wycked man begyleth his neyghbour and leadeth hym in to the waye that is not good He that wynketh with his eyes ymagyneth myschefe and he that byteth his lyppes wyll ▪ do some harme Age is a crowne of worshype yf it be founde in the waye of ryghteousnes A pacient man is better then one stronge he that can rule him selfe is more worth then he that wynneth a cytye The lottes are cast in to the lappe but the ordryng therof standeth all in the Lorde CAPI XVII BETTER is a drye morsell with quyetnesse then a full house and many fat catell with stryfe A dyscrete seruaunte shal haue more rule then the sonnes that haue no wysdome and shall haue lyke herytage with the brethen Lyke as syluer is tryed in the fyre and golde in the fornace euen so dothe the Lorde proue the hertes A wycked body holdeth muche of false lyppes and a frowarde personne geueth care to a dysceatfull tonge Who so laugheth the poore to scorne blasphemeth hꝭ maker and he that is glad of another mans hurte shall nat be vnpunyshed Chylders chyldren are a worshyppe vnto the elders and the fathers are the honoure of the chyldren An eloquēte speach becommeth nat a foole a dyssemblynge mouth also besemeth nat a prynce Lyberalyte is a precyous stone vnto him that hathe it for where soeuer he becōmeth he prospereth Who so couereth another mans offence seketh loue but he ●hat dyscloseth the faute setteth the prynce agaynst hym selfe One reprofe onely do●he more good to hym that hathe vnderstandynge then an C●stor●pes vnto a foole A sedycy●us ▪ personne seketh myschefe and therfore is a cruell messaunger sent agaynste hym It were better to come agaynst a she euyll but put thy truste in the Lorde and he shall defende the. The Lorde abhorreth two maner of weyghtes and a false balaunce is an euyll thynge The Lorde ordreth euery mans goynges howe maye a man then vnderstande his owne waye It is a snare for a man to blaspheme that whiche is holy and then to go aboute with vowes A wyse kynge destroyeth the vn godly and bryngeth the whele ouer them The lanterne of the Lorde is the breth of man and goeth thorowe all the in warde partes of the body Mercy and faythfulnesse preserue the kynge and with louynge kindnes his seate is holden vp The strēgth of yonge men is theyr worshyp and a graye heade is an honour vnto the aged Woun des dryue awaye euyl and so do strypes the inwarde partes of the body CAPI XXI THE Kynges herte is in the hande of the Lorde lyke as are the ryuers of water he maye turne it whether so euerhe wyll Euerye man thynketh hys owne waye to be ryght but the Lorde iudgeth the hertes To do ryghtuousnesse and iudgement is more acceptable to the Lorde thē sacrifyce A presumptuous loke a proude stomake and the lanterne of the vngodly is synne The deuyces of one that is dilygent brynge pletuousnesse but he that is vnaduysed commeth vnto pouerte Who so hordeth vp ryches with the dysceytfulnesse of his tonge he is a foole and lyke vnto them that seke theyr owne death The robberyes of the vngodly shall be theyr owne destruccyon for they wyl not do the thynges that is ryght The wayes of the frowarde are straunge but * the workes of hym that is cleane are ryght It is be●tter to dwell in a corner vnder the house toppe then with a braulynge woman in a wyde house The soule of the vngodly wyssheth euyll and hathe no pitye vpon his neyghboure When the scornefull is punyshed the ignoraunt take the better hede and when a wyse man is warned he wyll receyue the more vnderstandynge The ryghtuous wysely consydereth the house of the vngodly and he seeth that God ouerthroweth the vngodly for theyr owne wyckednesse Who so stoppeth his eare at the cryeng of the poore he shall crye him selfe and not be herde A preuy rewarde pacyfyeth dyspleasure and a gyfte in the bosome stylleth futyousnesse The iuste delyteth in doynge that thynge that is ryght but the workes of wyekednesse abhorre the same The man y ● wan dreth out of the waye of wysdome shall remayne ☞ in the congregacion of the deade He that hath pleasure in bancket●es shall be a pore man who so delyteth in wyne and delycates shall not be ryche The vngodly shall be gyuen for the ryghtuous and the wycked for the iuste It is better to dwel in a wyldernesse then with a chydynge and an angry woman In a wyse mans house there is greate treasure and plentuousnesse but a folyshe body spendeth vp all Who so foloweth ryghtuousnesse and mercy fyn deth both lyfe ryghtuousnesse and honoure A wyse man wynneth the cytie of the mightye and as for the strength that they trust in he bryngeth it downe Who so kepeth his mouth and his tonge the same kepeth hys soule from troubles He that is proude and presumptuous is called a scornefull man whiche in wrathe dare worke malycyously The voluptuousnes of the slouthful is his owne death for his handes wyll not labour He coueteth and desyreth all the daye longe but the ryghtuous is alwaye geuynge and kepeth nothynge backe The sacrifice of the vngodly is abhomynacion howe much more whan they offre the thynge that is got ten with wyckednesse A false witnes shall peryshe but he that wyl be content to heare shall alwaye haue power to speake hym self An vngodly man goeth forthe rashely but the iust refourmeth his owne way There is no wysdome there is no vnderstandyng there is no councell agaynste the Lorde The horse is prepayred agaynste the daye of battayle but the LORDE geueth the vyctorye CAPI XXII A GOOD name is more worthe then greate ryches and ☞ louynge fauoure is better then syluer and golde The ryche and poore mette together the Lorde is the maker of them all A wyse man seeth the plage and hydeth hym selfe but the folyshe go on styll and are punyshed The ende of lowelynes and the feare of GOD ryches honour prosperite and helthe Thornes and snares are in the way of the frowarde but he that dothe kepe hys soule wyl fle from suche Teache a chyld in his
they shal be afrayed taken for lo they haue caste out the worde of the Lorde what wysdome can then be amonge them Wherfore I wyll geue theyr wyues vnto aleauntes their feldes to destroyers For from the loweste vnto the hyeste they folowe all filthy lucre from the Prophete vnto the preste they deale all w t lyes Neuerthelesse they heale the hurte of my people with swete wordes sayenge ▪ peace peace where there is no peace at all Fye for shame howe abhomynable thynges do they and yet they be nat ashamed yee they knowe of no shame Wherfore in the tyme of theyr vysitacyon they shall fal among the deed bodies sayeth the Lorde Moreouer I wyll gather them in sayeth the Lorde so that there shal not be one grape vpon the vine nether one fygge vpon the fygge tre and the leaues shal be plucte of Then wyll I cause them to departe and saye why prolonge we the tyme Let vs gather ourselues together and go into the stronge cytye there shall we be in reste For the Lorde oure God hath put vs to sylence and geuen vs water myxte with gall to dryncke because we haue synned agaynste hym We loked for peace and we fare not the better we wayted for the tyme of healthe lo here is nothynge but trouble The noyse of hys horsses is hearde from Dan the whole lande is afraied at the ueyenge of hys stronge horsses for they are come in haue deuoured the lande with al that is in it the cytyes and those that dwell therin ▪ Moreouer I wyl sende Cockatrices and serpentes amonge you which wyll not be charmed and they shal byte you sayeth the Lorde Sorowe is come vpon me and heuynesse vexeth my hert for lo the voyce of y ● cryeng of my people is herde from a farre countre Is not the Lorde in Sion Is not the King in her Wherfore then haue they greued me ▪ shal the Lorde say with theyr ymages and foolysh straunge fashyons The haruest is gone the Sommer hathe an ende we are not helped I am sore vexed because of the hurt of my people I am heuy and abashed for there is no more Triacle at Gylead and there is no physycyon that can heale the hurte of my people ¶ The complaynt and bewaylyng of the prophete the ●●lyce of the people In the knowledge of God ought we onely to reioyse The vncyrcumcysyon of the herte CAPI IX O Who wyll geue my heade water ynough and a wel of teares for myne eyes that I maye wepe nyghte and daye for the slaughter of my people Wolde God that I had a cotage some where farre from folcke that I myght leaue my people and go from thē for they be all aduoutrers and a shrynckynge sorte They bende theyr tunges lyke bowes to shute out lyes As for the trueth they maye nothynge awaye withall in the worlde For they go from one wyckednes to another and wyl nat knowe me sayeth the Lorde Yee one must kepe hym selfe from another no man may safely trust his owne brother for one brother vndermyneth another one neyghboure begyleth another Yee one dissembleth with another and they deale with no trueth They haue practysed theyr tunges to lye and taken great paines to do myschefe Thou syttest in the myddes of a dysceatfull people whiche for very dissemblynge falshede wyll nat knowe me sayeth the Lorde Therfore thus sayth the Lorde of Hostes beholde I wyll melte them and trye them for what shulde I els do to my people Theyr tunges are lyke sharpe arowes to speake disceate With theyr mouth they speake peacyable to theyr neyghboure but preuely they laye wayte for hym Shuld I nat punysh them for these thynges sayth the Lorde Or shulde I nat be auenged of any suche people as this Upon the mountaynes wyll I take vp a lamytacyon and sorowfull crye and a mournynge vpon the fayre playnes of the wyldernesse Namely howe they are so brent vp y t no man goeth there any more Yee a man shall nat heare one beaste crye there Byrdes and catel are all gone from thence I wyll make Ierusalē also an heape of stones and a denne of venymous wormes And I wyll make the cyties of Iuda so waste that no man shall dwell therin What man is so wyse as to vnderstande thys Or to whom hathe the Lorde spoken by mouth that he maye shewe this and saye O thou lande why peryshest thou so Wherfore art thou so brynt vp and lyke a wyldernes that no mā goeth thorowe Yee the Lorde hym selfe tolde the same vnto them that forsoke his lawe and kepte nat the thynge that he gaue them in commaundemente nether lyued therafter but folowed the wickednes of theyr owne hertes and serued straunge Goddes as theyr fathers taught them Therfore thus sayeth the Lorde of Hostes the God of Israel Beholde ⚜ I wyll fede this people with wormwod and geue them gall to drynke I wyl scater thē also among the Heathen whom nether they nor theyr fathers haue knowne I wyl sende a swearde amonge them to persecute them vntyll I brynge thē to naught Moreouer thus sayeth the Lord of Hostes loke that ye cal for mourning wyues and sende for wyse wemen that they come shortely and synge a mournynge songe of you that y e teares may fall out of our eyes and that our eye liddes maye gusshe on t of water For there is a lamentable noyse hearde of Sion O howe are we so sore destroyed O how are we so pyteously confounded We muste forsake oure owne naturall countre and we are shut out of our owne lodgyngges Yet heare the worde of the Lorde O ye wemen and let youre eares regarde the wordes of hys mouthe that ye maye lerne your daughters to mourne and that euery one maye teache her neyghboresse to make lamentacyon Namely thus Death is clymynge vp in at oure windowes he is come into oure houses to destroye the chylde before the dore the yonge man in the strete But tell thou playnely thus sayeth the Lorde The deed bodyes of men shall lye vpon the grounde as the donge vpon the felde and as the heye after the mower and ther shal be no man to take them vp Thus sayeth the Lorde Let not the wyse man reioyse in hys wysdome nor the stronge man in hys strength nether the ryche man in his rychesse But who so wyll reioyse let him reioyse in thys that he vnderstandeth and knoweth me for I am the Lorde whiche do mercy equyte and ryghteousnesse vpon the earthe Therfore haue I pleasure in such thynges sayeth the Lorde Beholde the tyme commeth sayeth the Lorde that I wyll vyset all them whose foreskynne is vncyrcumsysed The Egypciās the Iewes the Edomytes the Ammonytes the Moabytes and the shauen Madyanytes that dwell in the wyldernes For all the Gentyles are vncyrcumcysed in the flesshe but all the house of
● thou hast made with vs. Are there any amonge the Goddes of the Gentiles that sende rayne or geue the showers of heauen Dost not thou it O Lorde our God in whom we trust Yee Lorde thou doste all these thynges ¶ The Lorde wyll not heare Moses or Aaron yf they pray for the people but wyll wrape them in many myseryes The ●●use of suche great myseryes CAPI XV. THEN spake the Lorde vnto me Thoughe Moses Samuel stode before me yet haue I no herte to this people Dryue them awaye that they maye go out of my syght And yf they say vnto the Why ther shall we go then tell them The Lorde gyueth you this aunswere Some vnto deathe some the swearde some to honger some into captyuite For I wyl bryng foure plages vpon them sayeth the Lorde The swearde shall strāgle them the dogges shal deuoure them the foules of the ayre and beastes of the earthe shall eate them vp and destroye them I wyll scatre them aboute also in all kyngdomes and landes to be plaged because of Manasseh the sōne of Hezekia kynge of Iuda for the thynges that he dyd in Ierusalem Who shall then haue pyte vpon the O Ierusalem Who shall be sorye for the Or who shal make intercessiō to optayne peace for the seynge thou goest fro me and turnest backewarde sayeth the Lord Therfore I dyd stretche out myne hande agaynst the to destroye the and I wyll not be intreated I haue scatred them abrode with the fanne on euery syde of the lande I haue wasted my people destroyed them Yet they haue had no lust to turne from their owne wayes I haue made theyr wydowes mo in nombre then the sādes of the see Upon the mothers of theyr chyldren dyd I brynge a destroyer in the none day Sodēly vnawares dyd I sende a feare vpon theyr cyties She that hath borne seuen chyldren hathe none her herte is full of sorowe The Sonne doth fayle her in the clere daye she is confounded and faynte for very heuynes As for those that cemayne I wyll delyuer them vnto the swerde before they re enemyes sayeth the Lord. O mother alas that euer thou didest beare me an enemye hated of the whole lande Thoughe I neuer lent nor receyued vpon vsurye yet all men speake euyl vpon me And the Lorde answered me Lede not I y ● then vnto good Come not I to the when thou arte in trouble and helpe the when thyne enemy oppresseth the Doth one yron hurte another or one metell that commeth from the North another As for thy rychesse and treasure I wyl geue them out into a pray not for any money but because of al thy synnes that thou hast done in al thy costes And I wyl bryng the with thyne enemyes into a lande that thou know est not for the fyre that is kyndled in my indignacion shall hurne you vp O Lorde thou knowest therfore remembre me and vyset me delyuer me fro my persecuters Receyue not my cause in thy longe wrathe yet thou knowest that for thy sake I suffre rebuke When I had founde thy wordes I dyd eate them vp gredely they haue made my herte ioyful and glad For I call vpon thy name O Lorde God of Hostes I dwell not amonge the scorners neither is my delyte therein but I dwell onely in the feare of thy hande for thou haste fylled me with bytternes Shall my heuynesse endure for euer Are my plages then so great that they may neuer be healed● Wylt thou be as a water that falleth and can nat continue Upon these wordes thus sayde the Lorde vnto me If thou wylte turne agayne I shall set the in my seruyce and yf thou wylte take out the thynges that is precious from the vyle thou shalte be euen as myue owne mouthe They shall conuerte vnto the but turne not thou vnto them so shall I make the a stronge brasen wall against thꝭ people They shal fyght against the but they shall not preuayle For I my selfe wyll be with the to helpe the and delyuer the sayeth the Lorde And I wyl ryd the out of the handes of the wycked and delyuer the out of the hande of Tiraun●es ¶ He prophecyeth the mysery of the Iewes He sheweth that the worshyppynge of Idoles the contempte of Gods lawe is the cause of their myserye He prophecyeth the captyuite of Babylon and theyr delyu●raunce frome thence agayne The callynge of the Gentyles CAPI XVI THVS sayde the Lord vnto me ▪ Thou shalte take the no wyfe norbeget chyldren in this place For of the chyldren that are borne in this place of they re mothers that haue borne them and of theyr fathers that haue begotten them in this lande thus sayeth the Lorde ⚜ They shal dye an horrible death no man shall mourne for them nor burye them but they shall lye as donge vpon the earth They shall perishe thorowe the swearde and honger and theyr bodies shal be meate for the foules of the ayre and beastes of the earth For thus sayth y e Lord Go not thou in vnto thē nor come to mourn and wepe for thē for I haue taken my peace from this people sayeth the Lorde yee my fauoure my mercy And in this lande shal they dye olde and yonge and shal not be buried no man shal be wepe them no man shal clyppe or shaue him selfe for them There shal not one viset another to mourne with them for their deade or to comforte them One shall not offre another the cuppe of consolacyon to forget theyr heuynesse for father and mother Thou shalt not go into their feaste house to sytte downe to eate or dryncke with them For thus sayeth y e Lorde of Hostes the God of Israell Beholde I shal take awaye out of this place the voyce of myrth and gladnesse the voyce of the brydegrome of the bryde yee and that in your dayes that ye may se it Nowe when thou shewest this people al these wordes and they saye vnto the. Wherfore hath the Lorde deuysed all thys greate plage for vs Or what is the offence and synne that we haue done agaynste the Lord our God Then make thou them this answere Because your fathers haue forsaken me sayeth the Lorde and haue walked after straunge Goddes whome they haue honoured and worshypped but me haue they forsaken and haue not kepte my lawe And ye with youre shamefull blasphemyes haue exceaded the wyckednesse of youre fathers For euery one of you hath folowed the frowarde and euyll ymagynacyon of his owne herte and is not obedyent vnto me Therfore wyll I caste you out of this lande into a lande that ye and your fathers knowe not and there shal ye serue straunge goddes day and nyght there wyll I shewe you no fauoure Beholde therfore sayeth the Lorde the dayes are come that it shall no more be sayde The Lorde lyueth whiche
that robbe the wyll I make also to be robbed For I wyll geue the thy health agayne and make thy woundes whole sayeth the Lorde because they reuyled the as one caste away and despysed O Syon For thus sayeth the Lorde Beholde I wyll set vp Iacobs tentes agayne and defende his dwellynge place The cytie shal be buylded in her olde estate the houses shall haue theyr ryght foundacyon And out of them shal go thankesgeuyng and the voyce of ioye I wyll multiple them and they shall not be fewe I shall endue them with honour no man shall subdue them Theyr chyldren shal be as a fore tyme and theyr congregacion shall continue in my syght And all those that vexe them wyll I vyset A captayne also shall come of them and a prynce shall sprynge out from the myddest of them him wyl I chalenge to myselfe and he shal come vnto me For what is he that geueth ouer his hert to come vnto me sayth the Lorde Ye shal be my people also and I wylbe your God Beholde on the other syde shal the wrathe of the Lorde breake out as a stormye water as a myghtye whyrle wynde and shall fal vpon the heades of the vngodly The terryble dyspleasure of the Lorde shal not leaue of vntyl he haue done perfourmed the intent of his herte Which in the latter dayes ye shal vnderstande At the same tyme sayeth the Lorde shall I be the God of al the generacyons of Israel they shal be my people CAPI XXXI ¶ He prophetyeth that the people of Israel shal be resto●ed agayne vnto theyr prosperite To be turned from synne is the gyfte of God The byrthe of Christe is prophecyed All the wycked shall dye in theyr wyckednes The newe testament and couenaunte so prophecyed The Chrysten art taught and instructe of the Lorde Oute synnes shall so be remytted that they shall not ones be thought on God promyseth that he wyll caste of the Iewes The buyldynge agayne of Ierusalem THVS sayeth the Lorde The people of Israel whiche escaped in the wildernesse from the swearde founde grace to come into theyr reste Euen so shall the Lorde nowe also appere vnto me from far and saye I loue the wyth an euerlastynge loue therfore do I sprede my mercye before the. I wyll repayre the agayne O thou daughter of Israel y ● thou mayest be faste sure Thou shalt take thy tabrettes agayne go forth with them that lede the daunce Thou shalte plante vynes agayne vpon the hylles of Samaria and the grape gatherers shall plante and synge And when it is tyme the watchmen vpon the mount of Ephraim shall cry Aryse let vs go vp vnto Syon to our Lord God for thus sayeth the Lorde Reioyce with gladnes because of Iacob crye vnto the head of the Gentyles speake out synge and saye The Lorde shall delyuer his people the renaunt of Israel and make them whole Beholde I wyll bryng them agayne from out of the North land and gather them from y ● endes of the worlde with the blynde and l● me that are amonge them with the wemen that be great with chylde and such as be also delyuered and the company of them that come agayne shal be greate They departed from hence in heuynes but with ioye wyll I brynge them hyther agayne I wyll lede thē to the ryuers of water in a strayght waye where they shall not stomble For I am Israels father and Ephraim is my fyrst borne Heare the worde of the Lorde O ye Gentiles preache in the Iles that lye far of and saye he that hathe scatred Israel shall gather him together agayne shall kepe hym as a shepherde doth his flocke For the Lord hath redemed Iacob and ryd him from the hande of the vyolent And they shall come and reioyse vpon the hyl of Syon and shal haue plentuousnes of goodes whiche the Lorde shall geue thē Namely wheate wyne oyle yonge shepe and calues And theyr conscyence shal be as a wel watred garden for they shall no more be hongrye Then shal the mayde reioyse in the daūce yee both yonge and olde folkes For I wyl turne theyr sorowe into gladnesse and wyll comforte them and make them ioyfull euen from theyr hertes I wyl poure plentuousnes vpon the hertes of the prestes and my people shal be satisfyed with my goodnesse sayeth the Lorde Thus sayeth the Lorde ☜ The voice of heuynes wepyng and lamentacion was herd on hye euen of Rachel mournynge for her chyldren and wolde not be comforted be cause they were away But nowe sayeth the Lorde leaue of from wepynge and cryenge witholde thyne eyes from teares for ☜ thy laboure shal be rewarded sayeth the Lorde And they shall come agayne out of the lande of theyr ennemyes Yee euen thy posterytie shall haue consolacyon in this sayeth the Lorde that thy chyldrēn shall come agayne in to theyr owne lande Moreouer I herde Ephraim that was led away captiue complaine on this maner O Lorde thou hast correcte me thy chastenynge haue I receyued ☜ as an vntamed calfe Conuerte thou me and I shal be conuerted for thou arte my Lorde God Yee as sone as y ● turnest me I shall refourme my selfe and when I vnderstand I shal smyte vpon my thyghe For verely I haue commytted shamefull thynges O let my youth beare this reprofe and confusion Upon this complaynt I thought thus by my selfe is not Ephraim my deare son Is he not the chylde with whome I haue had all myrth and pastyme For sence the tyme that I fyrste commened with hym I haue hym euer in remembraunce therfore my very herte driueth me vnto hym gladly and louingly wyl I haue mercy vpon hym sayth the Lorde Get the watchmen prouide teachers for the set thyne hert vpon y ● ryght waye that thou shuldest walke and turne agayne O thou daughter of Israell turne agayne to these cities of thyne Howe longe wylt thou go astraye O thou shrynkynge daughter For the Lorde wyll worke a newe thynge vpon earthe A woman shal compasse a man For thus sayth the Lorde of hostes the God of Israel It wyl come therto y t when I haue brought Iuda out of captiuite these wordes shal be herde in the lande and in his cities The Lorde which is the faire bryde grome of ryghtuousnesse make the fruteful O thou holy hyll And there shall dwel Iuda and all her cityes the shepherdes and husbande men For I shal fede the hongry soule and refreshe all faynte hertes When I herde this I came agayne to my selfe I mused lyke as I had bene waked out of a swete slepe Beholde sayeth the Lord the dayes come that I wyll sowe the house of Israell and the house of Iuda with mē and with catel Yee it shall come therto that lyke as I haue gone about in tymes past to rote them out to scatre them to breake them ●●wne to destroye
them and chasten them Euen so wyll I also go diligently abonte to buylde them vp agayne and to plante them sayeth the Lorde Then shall it no more be sayde the fathers haue eaten a sowre grape and the childrens teth are set on edge for euery one shal dye for his owne misdede so that who so eateth a sowre grape hꝭ teth shal be set on edge Beholde the dayes come sayeth the Lorde that I wyll make ☞ a newe couenaunt with the house of Israel and with the house of Iuda nat after the couenaunt that I made with their fathers when I toke thē by the hande and led them out of the lande of Egypte whiche couenaunte they brake yee euen whan I as an husbande had rule ouer them sayeth the Lord But this shall be the couenaunt that I wyll make with the house of Israel after those dayes sayeth the Lorde I wyll plante my lawe in the inwarde partes of them and wryte it in theyr hertes and wyll be theyr God and they shal be my people And from thence forth shall no man teache his neyghboure or his brother and say knowe the Lorde But they shall all knowe me from the lowest vnto the hyghest sayeth the Lorde For I wyll forgeue theyr mysdedes and wyll neuer remembre theyr synnes any more Thus sayeth the Lorde whiche gaue the sonne to be a lyght for the daye and the Mone and Starres to shyne in the nyght which moueth the see so that the flou des therof waxe fearce his name is the Lord of hostes Lyke as this ordinaunce shall neuer be takē out of my syght sayth the Lord So shall the sede of Israel neuer ceasse but alway be a people before me Moreouer thus sayeth the Lord lyke as the heauen aboue can nat be measured as the foūdacions of the earth beneth may not be sought out So wyl I also nat cast out the whole sede of Israel for that they haue commytted sayeth the Lorde Beholde the dayes come sayeth the Lorde y t the cytie of y t Lord shal be enlarged from the tower of Hananeel vnto the gate of the corner wal From thence shall the ryght measure be taken before her vnto the hylltoppe of Gareb and shall come aboute Gaath and the whole valley of the deade karcases and of the ashes and all the feldes vnto the broke of Cedron and vnto the corner of the horse-gate towarde the East where as the Saintuarye of the Lorde also shall be set And when it is nowe buylded and set vp of this fasshyon it shall neuer be broken nor caste downe any more ¶ Ieremye is caste in to preson because he prophecyed that the cytie shulde be taken of the Kynge of Babylon By the felde that Ieremy bought at the commaundement of the Lorde is sygnyfyed that the people shulde come agayne to theyr owne possessyon The people of God are his seruauntes and he is theyr Lorde To feare God is Godes gyfte to thyntent that synnes may be eschued CAPI XXXII THESE wordes spake the Lorde vnto Ieremy in the tenth yere of Zedekiah kynge of Iuda whiche was the. xviii yeare of Nabuchodonosor what tyme as the king of Babylons Hoste layed seage vnto Ierusalem But Ieremy the Prophet lay bounde in the courte of the preson whiche was in the kyng of Iudaes house where Zedekiah the kynge of Iuda caused him to be layed because he had prophecyed of this maner Thus sayeth the Lorde Beholde I wyl delyuer this citie in to the hādes of the king of Babylon whiche shall take it As for Zedekiah the kynge of Iuda he shall not be able to escape the Caldees but surely he shal come into the handes of the kynge of Babilon whiche shall speake with him mouth to mouth one of thē shal loke another in the face And Zedekiah shal be caried vnto Babylon and there shall he be vntyll the tyme that I viset him sayeth the Lorde But yf thou takest in hande to fyght agaynst the Caldees thou shalt not prospere And Ieremy sayde thus hath the Lorde spokē vnto me Beholde Hananeel the sōne of Selum thyne Uncles sonne shall come vnto the requyre the to redeme the lande that lyeth in Anathoth vnto thy selfe for by reason of kinred it is thy right to redeme it and to bye it out And so Hananeell myne vncles son came to me in the courte of the pryson accordyng to the worde of the Lorde and sayde vnto me Bye my lande I praye the that lyeth in Anathoth in the countre of Ben Iamin for by herytage thou hast ryght to lowse it out for thy selfe therfore redeme it Then I perceaued that this was the commaundement of the Lorde and so I bought the lāde from Hananeel of Anathoth myne Uncles sōne and weyed him there the money euen seuen sycles and ten syluer pens I caused him also to make me a wrytyng and to seale it and called record therby and weyed hī there the money vpon the wayghtes So I toke the euydence with the copy when it was orderly sealed and red ouer I gaue the euydence vnto Baruch the sōne of Neriah the sonne of Maasiah in the syght of Hananeel my cosyn and in the presence of the wytnesses that be named in the euydēce and before all the Iewes that were therby in the courte of the preson I charged Baruch also before thē saying The Lorde of Hostes the God of Israel cōmaundeth the to take thys sealed euydence with the copye and to lay it in an erthen vessel that it maye longe continue For the Lorde of Hoostes the God of Israel hath determyned that houses feldes vyneyardes shal be possessed agayne in this lande Nowe when I had deliuered the euydēce vnto Baruch y ● sōne of Neriah I besought the Lorde saying O Lord god It is thou that hast made heauen and earthe with thy great power and hye arme and there is nothynge hyd from the Thou shewest mercy vpon thousandes thou recōpencest the wickednes of the fathers into the bosome of y ● chyldren that come after them Thou art the great and myghtye God whose name is the Lorde of Hostes greate in councell and excellent in worke Thyne eyes loke vpon all the wayes of mens chyldrē to rewarde euery one after his wayes and accordyng to the frutes of hys inuencions Thou hast done greate tokens and wōders in the lande of Egypt as we se this daye vpon the people of Israell and vpon those men to make thy name greate as it is come to passe this daye Thou hast brought thy people of Israell out of the lande of Egypte with tokens with wonders with a myghtye hande with a stretched out arme and with great terryblenes and hast geuen them this lande lyke as thou haddest promysed vnto their fathers Namely that y ● woldest geue them a lāde that floweth with mylcke and honye Nowe when they came therin possessed it they
folowed not thy voyce and walked not in thy lawe but all that thou commaundedest them to do that haue they not done and therfore come all these plages vpon them Beholde there are bulwarkes made nowe agaynst the citie to take it and it shal be wonne of the Caldees that besege it with swearde with honger and deathe and loke what thou hast spoken that same shal come vpon them For lo all thynges are presente vnto the Yet sayest thou vnto me O Lorde God and cōmaundest me that I shall lowse a pece of lande vnto my selfe take wytnesses thereto and yet in the meane season the citie is delyuered into the power of the Caldees Then came the worde of the Lorde vnto me saying Beholde I am the Lord God of all flesshe is there any thynge then to harde for me Therfore thus sayeth the Lorde be holde I shal delyuer this cytie into y ● power of the Caldees and into the power of Nabuchodonosor the kynge of Babylon they shall take it For the Caldees shall come and wynne this cytie and set fyre vpon it and burne it with the gorgyous houses in whose parlers they haue made sacryfyce vnto Baal and poured drynke offerynges vnto straunge Goddes to prouoke me vnto wrath For seying the children of Israel and the chyldren of Iuda haue wrought wickednes before me euer frō their youth vp what haue they els done but prouoked me with the workes of theyr owne handes sayeth y ● Lorde Or what hathe this cytie bene els but a prouokynge of my wrath euer ☜ sence the daye that they buylded it vnto this houre wherin I cast it out of my syght because of the great blasphemyes of the chyldren of Israel Iuda whiche they haue done to prouoke me yee they theyr kinges theyr prynces their Prestes their Prophetes the men of Iuda and the cytesyns of Ierusalem When I stode vp early and taught thē and instructed thē they turned theyr backes to me and not theyr faces They wolde not heare to be refourmed and correcte but set theyr Idoles in the house that is halowed vnto my name to defyle it They haue buylded hye places for Baal in the valley of the chyldren of Hennom to bowe theyr sonnes and daughters vnto Moloch whiche I neuer commaunded them neyther came it euer in my thought to make Iuda synne wyth suche abhominacion And nowe therfore thus hathe the Lorde God of Israel spoken concernynge thys citie whiche as ye your selues confesse shal be delyuered in to the hande of the kynge of Babylon whē it is wonne with the swerde with honger and with pestilence Beholde I wyl gather them together from al landes wherin I haue scatred them in my wrath in my fearefull and great displeasure and wyl brynge them agayne vnto this place where they shall dwel safely And they shall be my people and I wyll be theyr God And I wyll geue them one herte one waye that they maye feare me all the dayes of theyr lyfe that they and theyr chyldren after them may prospere And I wyll set vp an euerlastynge couenaunt with them Namely that I wyl neuer ceasse to do thē good and that I wyl put my feare in theyr hertes so that they shall not runne away from me Yee I wyll haue a luste and pleasure to do them good and faythfully to plant them in this lande with my whole herte with all my soule For thus sayeth the Lorde lyke as I haue brought al this great plage vpon thys people so wyll I also brynge vpon them all the good that I haue promised them And men shal haue their possessions in this lāde wherof ye say nowe that it shall neyther be inhabited of people nor of catel but be deliuered into the hādes of y ● Caldees Yee lande shal be bought for money and euydences made therupon and sealed before wytnesses in the coūtre of Ben Iamin and rounde about Ierusalem in the cities of Iuda in the cities y ● are vpon the mountaynes and in them that lye beneth yee and in the cities that are in the Southe For I wyll brynge theyr presoners hyther agayne sayeth the Lorde ¶ The Prophete is monyshed of the Lorde to pray for the delyueraunce of the people whiche the Lorde promyseth God forgeueth synnes and doth graciously to the people for his owne renowne Of the byrth of Christe The kyngdome of Christe in the Churche shall neuer be ended CAPI XXXIII MORE OVER the worde of the Lorde ●ame vnto Ieremye on this maner whē he was yet bounde in the courte of the preson Thus sayeth the Lorde whiche fulfylleth the thyng that he speaketh the Lorde whiche perfourmeth the thynge that he taketh in hande euen he whose name is the Lorde crye vnto me I wyl answere and shewe the greate and hye thynges whyche were vnknowen vnto the. Thus I saye spake the Lorde God of Israel concernyng the houses of this cytie and the houses of the kynges of Iuda that they shal be broken thorowe the ordinaunce and weapens when the Caldees come to besege them and they shal be fylled with the deed karcases of men whom I wyll steye in my wrath and dyspleasure when I turne my face from thys cytie because of all her wyckednes Beholde sayeth the Lorde I wyl heale theyr woundes and make them whole I wyll open thē the treasure of peace and trueth And I wyll returne the captyuyte of Iuda and Israell and wyll set them vp agayne as they were afore Frō all mysdedes wherin they haue offended agaynste me I wyll clense thē And al theyr blasphemies which they haue done against me when they regarded me nat I wyll forgeue them And thys shall get me a name a prayse and honoure amonge all people of the earth whiche shall heare all the good that I wyll shewe vnto them yee they shall be afrayed and a stonnyed at all the good dedes and benefytes that I wyl do for thē Moreouer thus sayeth the Lorde In thys place wherof ye saye that it shall be a wyldernesse wherin neyther people nor catell shall dwell in lyke maner in the cyties of Iuda and without Ierusalem whiche also shal be so voyde that nether people nor catell shall dwell there Shall the voyce of gladnesse be harde agayne the voyce of the Brydegrome and of the bryde the voyce of thē that shal synge Prayse y ● Lorde of Hostes for he is louynge and his mercy endureth for euer and the voyce of them that shall offer vp gyftes in the house of the Lorde For I wyll restore the captyuyte of thys lande as it was afore sayeth the Lorde Thus sayeth the Lorde of Hostes It shall come yet therto that in thys lāde whiche is voyde from men and catell and in all the cyties of the lande there shall be sette vp shepherdes cotages in the cyties vpon the mountaynes and in the cyties that lye vpon the playne and in the
met thē he sayde Go your way to Godoliah the sōne of Ahicā And when they came in the middest of the cytie Ismael the sonne of Nathaniah with thē that were sworne vnto hym slewe them euen at the myddest of the pyt Among these lxxx men there were ten that sayd vnto Ismael Oh sleye vs nat for we haue yet a greate treasure in the felde of wheate bar lye oyle and hony So he spared them and slewe them not with theyr brethren Noew the pyt wherin Ismael dyd caste the deade bodyes of the men whom he slewe because of Godoliah had kynge Asa caused to be made for feare of Bassa the kynge of Israell and the sa●e pytte dyd Ismael fyl with slayne men ●s for the remnaunte of the people the kynges daughters and all the people that were yet lefte at Mizpa vpon whome Nabusaradan the chefe capytayne had made Godoliah the sonne of Ahicam gouernoure Ismael the sonne Nathaniah caryed them awaye presoners towarde the Ammonites But when Iohanan the sonne of Careah and all they whiche had bene captaynes ouer the kynges hoste with him herde of all the wyckednesse that Ismael the sōne of Nathaniah had done they toke theyr companions and went out for to fyght with Ismael the sonne of Nathaniah and founde hym by the greate waters that are in Gibeon Nowe when all the people whom Ismael led captyue sawe Iohanan the sonne of Careah and al the other Capytaynes of the Hoste they were glad So all the people y ● Ismael had caryed away from Mizpa were brought agayne And when they returned they came to Iohanan the sonne of Careah But Ismael the sonne of Nathaniah fled from Iohanan with eyght of his sworne companions and wente to the Ammonytes Then Iohanan the sonne of Careah and all the captaynes of the Hoste y ● were with hi toke all the remnaunt of the people whom Ismael the sonne of Nathaniah had led away whē he had slayne Godoliah the sōne of Ahicam whom they also had rescued from him fyghtynge men wemen and chyldren and gelded men whom they brought agayne from Gibeon and went from thence and sat thē downe at Geruth Camaam whiche lyeth besyde Bethlehem that they myght go into Egypte for feare of the Caldees of whom they were afrayed because that Ismael the sonne of Nathaniah had slayne Godoliah Ahikams sonne whom the kynge of Babylon had made gouernour in the lande CAPI XLII ¶ The Captaynes aske councell of Ieremye what they ought to do Ieremy monysheih the remnaunt of the people not to go into Egypte SOAL the captaynes and Iohanan the sonne of Kareah Iezaniah the sōne of Osayah came with all the people from the leaste vnto the moste and sayde vnto Ieremye the prophet O heare oure petycyon that thou mayeste praye for vs vnto the Lorde thy God namely for al the remnaunt wher of there be very fewe of vs left of many as thou seest vs that the Lorde thy God may shewe vs a waye to go in and tell vs what we shulde do Then Ieremye the Prophet sayde vnto them I haue herde you Beholde I wyll praye vnto God your Lorde as ye haue requyred me and loke what answere the Lorde geueth you I shal certyfye you therof and kepe nothynge backe from you And they sayde vnto Ieremy The Lorde of trueth and faythfulnes be oure recorde that we wyll do all that the Lorde thy god commaundeth vs whether it be good or euyl We wyll herkē vnto y ● voyce of our Lorde God to whō wesende the that we maye prospere when we haue folowed the voyce of the Lorde oure God And after ten dayes came the worde of the Lorde vnto Ieremy Then called he Iohanan the sonne of Kareah and al the captaynes of the people that were with him yee all the people from the leaste to the mooste and sayde vnto them Thus sayeth the Lord God of Israell vnto whom ye sente me to laye forthe your prayers before hym If ye wyll dwell in thys lande I shal buylde you vp and not breake you downe I shal plant you and not rote you out for ☜ I repente as cōcernyng the trouble that I haue done to you Feare not the kynge of Babylon of whom ye stande in awe O be nat afrayed of him sayeth the Lorde for I wyll be with you to helpe you and delyuer you from his hande I wyll pardon you I wyll haue mercy vpon you and brynge you agayne into youre owne lande Neuertheles yf ye purpose not to dwell in thys lande nor to folowe the voyce of the Lorde youre God but wyll saye thus we wyll not dwell here but go into Egypte wher we shall nether se warre heare y ● noise of the trompe nor suffre honger there wyll we dwell Wherfore heare nowe y ● worde of the Lorde O ye remnaunt of Iuda Thus sayeth y ● Lorde of hoostes the god of Israel If ye be wholy purposed to go into Egypt and to be there as straungers the swearde that ye feared shall ouer take you i. Egypt and the honger wherof ye be here afrayed shall hange vpon you and folowe you into Egypte and ther ye shall dye And all they that of set purpose vndertake to go in to Egypte to sogeourne there shall peryshe with the swearde with honger and pestylence not one of them shall remayne there shal none escape the plage that I wil bring vpon them For thus sayeth the Lorde of hoostes the God of Israel lyke as my wrath and indignacyon is moued agaynst the inhabytours of Ierusalē so shal my displeasure be kindled agaynst you also yf ye go into Egypte there ye shal be reuiled abhorted brought to shame and confusyon and as for thys place ye shall neuer se it more The Lorde forbyddeth you O ye remnaunte of Iuda that ye shall not go into Egypte And forget not that I haue warned you earnestly thys daye for ye haue dyssembled with me For ye sente me vnto the Lorde youre God and sayde O praye thou the Lorde oure God for vs and loke what answere the Lorde oure God geueth the that brynge vs agayne and we shall do ther after Nowe haue I shewed declared vnto you the voyce of the Lorde youre God for the whiche cause he hathe sente me to you Nowe therfore If ye wyll not folowe it be sure y ● ye shall peryshe with the swear●● with honger pestylence euen in the same place where youre lust is to go and dwell ¶ Iohanan caryeth the remnaunte of the pro●l● into Egypte contrary to the mynde of Ieremye Ieremye prophecyeth the desiruceyon of Egypte CAPI XLIII NOwe when Ieremy had ended all the wordes of the Lorde his god vnto the people for they re sakes to whom God had sent him Azariah the sonne of Osaiah and Iohanan the sonne of Kareah with all the proude personnes sayde vnto Ieremye Thou lyest the Lorde oure God
The Senatours of the daughter Syon syt vpon the grounde in sylence they haue strawed asthes vpon theyr heades and gyrded them selues with sacke cloth The maydens of Ierusalem hange downe theyr heades to the grounde Myne eyes be begyn to fayle me thorowe wepynge my body is disquyeted my lyuer is poured vpon the earth for the great hurt of my people seyng the chyldren and babes dyd swowne in the streates of the cytye Euen when they spake to theyr mothers where is meate and drynke for whyle they so sayde they fell downe in the stretes of the cytie lyke as they had bene wounded and some dyed in theyr mothers bosome What shall I saye of the O thou daughter Ierusalem to whom shall I lyken the To whom shal I cōpare the. O y u daughter Syon to comforte the withall Thy hurte is lyke a mayne see who may heale the Thy prophetes haue loked out vaine folysh thinges for the they haue not shewed the of thy wyckednes to kepe the from captiuite but haue ouerladen the and thorowe falshed scatred the abrode Al they that go by the clappe theyr handes at the hissing and waggyng their heades vpon the daughter Ierusalem and saye is this the cyte that men cal so fayre wherin the whole lande reioyseth All thyne enemyes gape vpon the whysperyng and bytyng theyr teth sayinge let vs deuoure for the tyme that we loked for is come we haue founde and sene it The Lorde hath fulfylled the thynge that he was purposed to do and ꝑfourmed that he had deuysed longe a go he hath destroyed and not spared He hath caused thin aduersary to triūp he ouer the and set vp the horne of thyne enemy Let thyne herte crye vnto the Lorde O y u cyte of the daughter Syon let thy teares runne downe lyke a ryuer daye and nyght rest not and let not the aple of thyne cye leaue of Stāde vp and make thy prater in the first watch of the nyght poure out thyne herte lyke water before the Lorde lyfte vp thyne handes for the lyues of thy yonge children that dye of honger in the stretes Beholde O Lorde and consydre why haste thou gathered me vp so cleane Shal the wemē then eate their owne frute euen chyldren of a spāne longe Shal the prestes and Prophetes be slayne thus in the Sayntuary of the Lorde Yong and olde lye behinde the stretes vpon the groūde my maydens and yong men are slayne with the swearde whome thou in the daye of thy wrathefull indignacyon hast put to deathe yee euen thou haste put them to death and not spared them My neighbours that are rounde aboute me haste thou called as it were to a feast daye so that in the daye of the Lordes wrathe none escaped neyther was any lefte behynde Those that I had brought vp and norished hath myne enemy destroyed CAPI 〈◊〉 IAM the man that thorowe the rodde of his wrath haue experience of mysery He droue me forth and led me yee into darkenesse but not in to lyght Agaynst me onely he turneth his hande and layeth it euer vpon me My slesshe and my skynne hath he made olde my bones hath he brused He hath buylded rounde about me and closed me in with gall and trauayle He hath set me in darckenes as they that be deade for euer He hathe so hedged me in that I can not get out and hath layed heuy lynckes vpon me Thoughe I crye and call pyteously yet heareth he not my prayer He hathe stopped vp my wayes with foure squared stones and made my pathes croked He layeth wayte for me lyke a Beare and as a lyon in a hole He hathe marred my waies and broken me in peces he hath laied me wast all together He hath bente hys bowe made me as it were a marke to shut at The arowes of his quyuer hath he shot euen into my reynes I am laughed to scorne of all my people they make songes vpon me all the daye longe He hath fylled me with bitternes and geuen me wormwod to drynke He hath smitten my teeth in peces rolled me in the dust He hathe put my soule out of reste I forget all good thynges I thought in my selfe I am vn done there is no hope for me in the Lorde O Remēbre yet my mysery and my trouble the wormwod and the gall Yee thou shalte remembre them for my soule melteth awaye in me Whyle I cōsidre these thinges in my herte I get a hope agayne Namely that the mercyes of the Lorde are not cleane gone and that his louynge kyndnesse ceasseth not Hys faythfulnes is greate and renueth it selfe as the mornynge The Lorde is my porcyon sayeth my soule therfore wyl I hope in hym O howe good is the Lord vnto thē that put theyr trust in him and to the soule that seketh after hym O howe good is it with stylnes to wayte and tary for the health of the Lorde O howe good is it for a man to take the yoke vpon hym from his youth vp He sytteth alone he holdeth hym styll and dwelleth quyetly by hym selfe He layeth his face vpon the earth yf percase there happen to be any hope He offereth his cheke to the smyter he wyll be content with reproues For the Lorde wyll not forsake for euer But thoughe he do cast of yet accordynge to the multytude of his mercyes he receaueth to grace agayne For he doth not plage and caste out the chyldren of men from his herte To treade all the prysoners of the earthe vnder his fete To moue the iudgement of man before the most highest To condempne a man in his cause The Lorde hath not pleasure in suche thynges What is he then that sayth there shulde somthynge be done without the Lordes commaundement Out of the mouth of the mooste hyghest goeth not euell and good Wherfore then murmureth the lyuinge man let hym murmure at his owne synne Let vs loke well vpon our owne wayes and remember our selues and turne agayne to the Lorde Let vs lyfte vp our hertes with our handes vnto the Lorde that is in heuen We haue bene dissemblers and haue offended wylt thou therfore not be intreated Thou haste couered vs in thy wrath and persecuted vs thou hast slayne vs without any fauoure Thou hast hyd thy selfe in a cloud that our prayer shulde not go thorow Thou hast made vs outcastes and to be despysed amonge the people All our enemyes gape vpon vs. Feare and snare is come vpon vs yee despite and destruccyon * who le ryuers of water gusshe out of myne eyes for the great hurte of my people Myne eyes runne and can not ceasse for there is no rest O Lorde when wylt thou loke downe from heauen and cousydre Myne eye breaketh my herte because of all the daughters of my cytie Myne enemyes hunted me out sharpely lyke a byrde yee and that without a cause They haue put downe my lyfe into a pytte and layed a
of the. When thou arte put out I wyll couer the Heauen and make hys Starres dymme I wyll sprede ●loude ouer the Sonne and the Moone shall not geue her lyght All the lyghtes of heanen wyll I put out ouer the and brynge darckenes vpon thy lande sayeth the Lord God I wyl trouble the hertes of many people when I bring thy destruccyon amonge the Heathen and countrees whom thou knowest not Yee I wyl make many people with their kinges so afrayed thorowe the that theyr heare shall stande vp when I shake my swerde at their faces Sodenly shal they be astonyed euery man in him selfe at the day of thy fall For thus sayeth the Lord God the kyng of Babilons swearde shall come vpon the with the sweardes of the worthyes wyll I smytte downe thy people All they that be myghtye amonge the Gentyles shall waste the proude pompe of Egypte bring downe all her people All the catell also of Egypte wyll I destroy that they shal come no more vpon the waters so that neyther mans fote nor beastes clawe shal stere them any more Then wyll I make theyr waters cleare and cause theyr floudes to runne lyke oyle sayth the Lorde God When I make the lande of Egypte desolate and when the countre with all that is therein shall be layde waste and when I smyte all them whiche dwell in it that they maye knowe that I am the Lorde This is the mournyng that the daughters of the Heathen shal make Yee a sorowe and lamentacion shal they take vp vpon Egipt and all her people sayeth the Lorde God In the. xij yeare the. xv day of the Moneth came the worde of the Lorde vnto me sayinge Thou sonne of man Take vp alamentacion vpon the people of Egypte and cast them downe yee and the myghtye people of the Heathen also euen with thē that dwell beneth and with them that go downe into the graue Downe howe fayre so euer thou be and lay the with the vncircumcised Amonge those that be slayne with the swearde shal they lye The swearde is geuen al redy he shall be drawen forth all his people The myghty worthyes and his helpers that be gone downe and lye with the vncyrcumcised and with them that be slayne with the swerde shal speake to him out of the hel Assur is there also with his company theyr graues rounde aboute whiche were slayne and fell all with the swearde whose graues lye besyde him in the lowe pytte His comens are buried rounde aboute his graue al together wounded and slayne with the swerde which men afore tyme brought feare into the lande of the lyuynge There is Elam also with all hys people and their graues rounde aboute which al beyng wounded and slayne with the swerde are gone downe vncircumcysed vnder the earthe whiche neuerthelesse sometyme brought feare in to the lande of the lyuyng for the whiche they beare their shame with the other that be goue downe to the graue Theyr burial is geuen them and al their people amonge them that be slayne Theyr graues are rounde aboute all them whiche be vncircumcysed and with them that be slayne thorowe the swearde for seyinge that in tymes past they made the lande of the lyuyng afrayed they muste nowe beare theyr owne shame with them that go downe to the pytte and lye among thē that be slayne There is Mesech also and Tuball and theyr people theyr graues rounde aboute These all are amonge the vncircumcysed and them that be slayne with the swearde be cause afore tyme they made the lande of the lyuynge afrayed Shulde not they then lye also amonge the worthyes and vucircumcysed Gyauntes whiche with theyr weapens are gone downe to hell whose sweardes are layde vnder theyr heades whose wyckenesse is vpon theyr bones because that as worthyes they haue brought feare into the lande of the lyuynge Yee among the vncircumcysed shalt thou be destroyed and slepe with them that peryshed thorowe the swearde There is the lande of Edom with her kynges and prynces also whiche with theyr strength are layde by them that were slayne with the swearde yee amonge the vncircūcysed and them which are gone downe into the pytte Moreouer there be all the prynces of the North with al the Sidouyans which are gone downe to the slayne With theyr feare and strength they are come to confusion and lye there vncircuncised amonge those that be slayne with the swearde and beare theyr owne shame with them that be gone downe to the pytte Now whan Pharao seyth this he shal be comforted ouer all hys people that is slayne with the swearde bothe Pharao and al his host sayeth the Lorde God For I haue geuen my feare in y ● lande of the lyuyng But Pharao and all his people shall lye amonge the vncircuncysed and amonge them that be slayne with swearde sayeth the Lorde God ¶ He setteth out the offyce of a Curate that preacheth the Gospel He strengtheneth them that dys●n●re and boldeneth them with the promes of mercy The worde of the Lorde agaynst the remnaunt of the people Agaynste the mockers of the wordes of the Prophete CAPI XXXIII AGAYNE the worde of the Lorde came vnto me sayinge Thou sonue of man Speake to the Chyldren of thy people and tell theym Whan I seude a swearde vpon a lande yf the people of the lande take a man of theyr countre and set hym to be they re watcheman the same man whan he seyth the swearde come vpon the lande shall blowe the trompet warne the people If a man nowe heare the noyse of the trompette and wyll not be warned and the Swearde come and take hym awaye hys bloude shall be vpon his owne heade for he herde the sounde of the trompet and wolde not take hede therfore his bloude be vpon hym But yf he wyll receaue warnynge he shall saue his lyfe Agayne yf the watcheman se the swerde come and shew it not with the trōpet so that the people is not warned if the swerde come then and take any man from amonge them the same shall be taken awaye in his owne synne but his bloude wyll I requyre of the watchmans hande And now O thou sonne of man I haue made the a watchman vnto the house of Israell that where as thou hearest any thyng out of my mouthe thou mayest warne them on my behalfe If I saye vnto the wycked thou wicked thou shalt surely dye and thou geuest him not warnyuge that he maye bewarre of his vngodly waye then shall the wycked dye in his owne synne but his bloude wyl I requyre of thy hande Neuertheles yf thou warne the wycked of his waye to turne from it where as he yet wyl not be turned from it then shall he dye because of hys synne but thou hast delyuered thy soule Therfore O thou sonne of man speake vnto the house of Israel Ye saye thus Our offences and synnes lye vpon vs and we be
places of the countre I wyll fede them in right good pastures and vpō the hye moūtaynes of Israel shal there foldes be There shal they lye in a good folde and in a fat pasture shall they fede euen vpon the mountaynes of Israell I wyll fede my shepe my selfe and brynge them to theyr rest sayeth the Lorde God Such as be lost wyl I seke such as go astray wyl I bryng agayne such as be woūded wyl I bynde vp such as be weake wyl I make strong such as be fat wel likinge those wyll I preserue and fede thē with the thyng that is lauful And as for you O my shepe sayeth the Lorde God I wyl put a difference among the shepe among the wethers and y ● goates Was it not ynough for you to eate vp the good pasture but ye must treade downe the resydue of youre pasture with your fete also Was it not ynough for you to drincke cleare water but ye muste trouble the resydue also with your fete Thus my shepe must be fayne to eate the thynge that ye haue troden downe w t your fete and to drincke it that ye with your fete haue defiled Therfore thus sateth the lord God vnto them Beholde I wyl seuer the fat shepe from the leane for so muche as ye haue shot the weake shepe vpon the sydes shoulders and runne vpon them with your hornes so longe tyll ye haue vtterly scatred them abrode I wyll helpe my shepe so that they shal nomore be spoyled yee I wyl discerne one shepe from another I wyll rayse vp vnto them one onely shepherde euen ☞ my seruaunt Dauid he shall ‡ fede thē and he shall be theyr shepherde I the Lorde wyl be their God and my seruaunt Dauyd shall be theyr prynce Euen I the Lorde haue spoken it Moreouer I wyll make a couenaunte of peace with them and dryue al euyll beestes out of the lande so that they maye dwell safely in the wyldernes and slepe in the woddes Good fortune and prosperyte wyll I geue them and vnto al that be round about my hyll A prosperous shower and rayne wyl I sende thē in due season that the trees in the wodde maye bring forth theyr frutes and the grounde her increase They shal be sa●e in theyr lande and shall knowe that I am the Lorde which haue brokē their yoke and delyuered them oute of the handes of those that helde them in subieccyon They shall no more be spoyled of the Heathen nor deuoured with the beastes of the lande but safely shal they dwel and no man shall fraye them I wyl set vp an excellente plante for them so that they shall suffre no more hunger in the lande neyther beare the reprofe of the Heathē any more Thus shall they vnderstande that I the Lorde they re God am with them and that they euen the house of Israell are my people sayeth the Lorde God Ye men are my flocke ye are the shepe of my pasture and I am your God sayeth the Lorde God ¶ The destruccyon that shall come on the hyll Seyr that is on the Idumeans because they troubled the people o● the Lorde CAPI XXXV MOREOVER the worde of the Lorde came vnto me sayinge Thou sonne of man turne thy face towarde the mounte Seir prophecye vpon it and say vnto it Thus sayeth the Lorde God Beholde O thou mounte Seyr I wyll vpon the I wyl reache out myne hande ouer the yee waste and desolate wyll I make the. Thy cytyes wyll I breake downe and thou shalte lye voyde that thou mayste knowe howe that I am the Lorde For so muche as thou beareste a olde enemyce agaynste the chyldren of Israell and with a cruell hande hast made them afrayed what tyme as they were troubled punyshed for theyr synne Therfore as truly as I lyue sateth y ● Lorde god I wyl prepare the vnto bloude yee ☞ bloude shall folowe vpon the seinge thou layeste wayte for bloude therfore shall bloude persecute the. Thus wyll I make the mount Seyr desolate and waste and brynge to passe that there shall no man go thyther nor come from thence Hys mountaynes wyll I fyll wyth hys slayne men thy hylles dales and valleys shall lye full of thëm that are slayne with the swearde I wyll make the a perpetuall wyldernesse so that no man shall dwell in thy cytyes that ye maye knowe howe that I am the Lorde And because thou haste sayde what ☞ bothe these nacions and bothe these landes muste be myne and I wyll haue them in possessyon where as the Lorde was there Therfore thus sayeth the Lorde God As truly as I lyue I wyll handle the accordynge to thy wrathe and gelouse lyke as thou hast dealte cruelly with them that I maye be knowen amonge thē howe I haue punyshed the. Yee that thou also mayest be sure that I the Lorde haue herde all thydespytefull wordes which thou hast spoken agaynste the moūtaynes of Israel sayinge Lo they are made waste geuen vs to deuoure Thus with youre mouthes ye haue made youre boast against me yee and multyplyed youre proude wordes agaynste me whiche I haue herde altogether Where vnto thus sayeth the Lorde God when the whole worlde is in wealthe then wyll I make the waste And lyke as thou O mount Seyr wast glad because the herytage of the house of Israel was destroied euen so wyll I do vnto the also that thou and whole Edom shall be destroyed and knowe that I am the Lorde ¶ He promyseth despueraunce from the Gentyles vnto Israell The vencrytes done vnto the Iewes are to be astrybed to the mercy of God not vnto theyr deseruynges God renueth oure hertes that we maye walke in his commaundementes CAPI XXXVI THOV sonne of man prophecy vpon the mountaynes of Israel and speke Heare the worde of the Lord Oye mountaynes of Israell Thus sayeth the Lorde God Because your enemy hath sayde vpon you ☞ A ha the hye euerlastynge places are nowe become ours prophecye therfore and speake thus sayeth the Lorde God Seynge ye be wasted and troden downe on euery syde and become a possessyon vnto the resydue of the Gentyles whiche haue brought you into mens mouthes and vnto an euyll name amonge the people Therfore heare the worde of the Lorde God O ye mountaynes of Israell Thus sayeth the Lord God vnto the mountaynes and hylles valleys and dales to the voyde wyldernes and desolate cyties which are spoyled and had in derysyon on euery syde among the resydue of the Heathen Yee euen thus sayeth the Lorde God In the fyre of my gelousy haue I taken a deuyce against the resydue of the Gentyles and against all Edom whiche haue taken in my lande vnto thēselues for a possessyon whiche also reioysed from their whole hert with a dispitefull stomacke to waste it and to spoyle it Prophecye therfore vpon the lande of Israel speake vnto the moūtaynes and hilles to valleys
a great trouble in the lāde of Israel at that tyme. The very fyshes in the set the foules of the ayre the beastes of the felde and all the men that are vpon the earth shall tremble for feare of me The hylles also shall be turned vp syde downe the stayres of stone shal fal al walles shal syncke to the grounde I wyl cal for a swearde vpon them in al my mountaynes sayeth the Lorde God so that euery mans swearde shall be vpon another With pestylence and bloude wyl I punishe him stormy rayne and hayle stones fyre and brymstone wyll I cause to rayne vpon him and all his heape yee and vpon all that greate people that is with hym Thus wyll I be magnyfyed honoured and knowen amonge the Heathen that they may be sure howe that I am the Lorde ¶ He sheweth the destruccyon of Gog and Magog The graue of Gog and of his hooste He prophecyeth that Gog and his company shal be deuouted of byrdes and beastes Wherfore the house of Israell is wasted Their bryngynge agayne from capt●uite is promysed CAPI XXXIX THerfore O thou sonne of man prophecye agaynst Gog and speake Thus sayeth the Lorde God Beholde O Gog thou chefe prynce at Mesech and Tuball I wyl vpon the and ☞ punyshe the with sixe plages and leade the from the North partes and brynge the vp to the mountaynes of Israel As for thy bowe I wyll smyte it out of thy left hande and cast thyne arowes out of thy ryght hande Thou with al thyne heape all the people that is with y ● must fall vpon the mountaynes of Israell Then wyll I geue the vnto foules and wylde beastes of the felde to be deuoured there must thou lye vpon the felde for euen I the Lord haue spoken it sayeth the Lorde God Into Magog and amonge those that syt so carelesse in the Iles wyll I sende a fyre they shal knowe that I am the Lord I wyl make also the name of my holynesse to be knowē among my people of Israel I wyl not let my holy name be euyll spoken of any more but the very Hethen also shal knowe that I am the Lorde the holy one of Israel Beholde it commeth and shall be fulfylled in dede sayeth the Lorde God This is the daye wherof I haue spokē They that dwell in the cyties of Israel shall go forth and set fyre vpon the weapēs and burne them shyldes and speres bowes and arowes bylles clubbes seuen yeares shall they be burnyng therof so that they shal els bryng no stickes frome the felde neyther haue nede to hewe downe any out of y ● wod For they shal haue weapens ynow to burne They shall robbe those that robbed thē and spoyle those that spoyled them sayeth the Lorde God At the same tyme wyll I geue vnto Gog a place to beburied in in Israel euē the val ley where thorowe men go from the Eas● to shall abhorre it There shall Gog and al his people be buried and it shal be called the valley of the people of Gog. Seuen monethes longe shall the house of Israell be buryenge of them that they maye clense the lande Yee all the people of the lande shall burye them O it shal be a glorious daye when I get me that honoure sayeth the Lorde God They shal ordayne mē also to be deed buriers euer goynge thorow the lande and appoynt them certayne places to bury those in whiche remayne vpon the felde that the lande maye be clensed From ende to ende shal they seke and that seuen monethes long Nowe those that go thorowe the lande where they se a mans bone they shall set vp a token by it tyll the deed buriers haue buryed it also in the valley of the people of Gog. And the name of the cite shal be called Hamonah Thꝰ shal they make the lande clene And thou sonne of man thus sayeth the Lorde God Speake vnto al the foules and euery byrde yee and to all the wylde beastes of the felde heape you together and come gather you rounde aboute vpon my slaughter that I haue slayne for you euen a great slaughter vpon the mountaynes of Israell eate fleshe and dryncke bloude Ye shal eate the fleshe of the worthies drynck the blode of the prynces of the lande of the wethers of the lambes of the goates and of the Oxen that be al slayne at Basan Eate the fat your bely full and dryncke bloude tyll ye be drōken of the slaughter whiche I haue slayne vnto you Fyll you at my table with horses and stronge horsemen with captaynes and all men of warre sayeth the Lorde God I wyll brynge my glory also amonge the Gentyles that all the Heathen maye se my iudgement that I haue kept and my hande whiche I haue layde vpon them that the house of Israel my knowe how that I am the Lorde theyr God from that daye forthe And the Heathen shal know that where as the house of Israel were led into captiuite it was for their wickednes sake because they offended me For the whiche cause I hyd my face from them and deliuered them into the handes of their enemyes that they myght al be slayne with the swearde ▪ Accordyng to theyr vnclēnesse and vnfaythfull dealynges so haue I entreated them and hyd my face from them Therfore thus sayeth the Lorde God Now wyll I bryng agayne the captiues of Iacob haue mercy vpon the whole house of Israel and be ●●●ous for my holy names sake All theyr confusion offence that they haue done agaynst me shall be taken awaye and so safely shall they dwell in theyr lande that no man shal make them afrayed And when I haue brought them agayne from among the people when I haue gathered them together out of their enemies landes and am praysed in them before many Heathen then shall they knowe that I am the Lorde their God whiche suffred them to be led into captiuite amonge the Heathen but nowe haue brought them agayne into theyr owne lāde and not lefte one of them yonder After that wyll I hyde my face nomore from thē but wyl poure out my sprete vpō the house of Israel sayeth the Lorde God ¶ The restorynge of the cytyes and of the temple that was to come is shewed vnto the Prophete CAPI XL. IN the. xxv yeare of our captyuite in the begynnyng of the yeare the. x. day of the moneth that is the. xiiij yeare after that the cyte was smyten downe the same daye came the hande of the Lorde vpon me and caryed me forth euen into y e lande of Israel brought he me in the vysyons of God set me downe vpon a maruelous hye mountayne wherevpon there was a buyldynge as it had bene of a cyte towarde the North. Thyther he caried me and behold there was a mā whose similitude was lyke brasse whiche had a threde of flax in his hande and meterodde also He stode in
with euery thynge that crepeth vpon the earth As for bowe swerde and batel I wyll destroy suche out of y ● lande wyl make thē to slepe safely Thus wyll I marye the vnto myne owne selfe for euermore yee euē to my selfe wyl I mary the in ryghtuousnesse in equyte in louynge kyndnesse and mercy In fayth also wyl I mary the vnto my selfe and thou shalt knowe the Lord. At the same tyme wyll I shewe my selfe frendly and gracious vnto the heauens sayeth the Lorde the heauens shal helpe the earth the earth shall helpe the corne wyne and oyle they shal helpe Iesrael I wyl sowe them vpon earth for a sede to myne owne selfe wyll haue mercy vpon her that was without mercy And to them which were not my people I wyl saye thou arte my people and he shal saye thou arte my God ¶ Of the loue of God towarde the people CAPI III. THen sayde the Lord to me Go yet thy waye and loue an aduouterous woman whom thy nyeghboure loueth as the Lorde doth the chyldren of Israel howe be it they haue respecte to straunge goddes loue the wyne kannes ☞ So I gather for xv syluerlinges and for an Homer an halfe of barlye sayd vnto her Thou shalt byde with me a long season but se that thou playest not y ● harlot loke y ● medle w t none other mā then wyll I kepe my selfe for the Thus the children of Israell shal syt a great while without kyng and prince without offeryng and aulter without preste reuelacyon But afterwarde shal the chyldren of Israel conuerte and seke the Lorde their God Dauid their kynge in the latter dayes they shall worshype the Lorde hys louynge kyndnesse ¶ A cōplaynt agaynst the people the prestes of Israel CAPI IIII. HEare the worde of y ● Lorde O ye chyldren of Israell For the Lorde muste punish thē that dwel in the lande And why There is no faythfulnesse there is no mercy there is no knowledge of God in the lande but swerynge lyeng manslaughter theft aduoutry haue gotten the ouerhande one bloudgilttines foloweth another Therfore shal the land be in a miserable case al they that dwel therin shal mourne The beastes in the felde the foules in the ayre the fishes in the see shal dye Yet is there none y ● wyl chasten nor reproue another The preastes which shuld refourme other mē are become lyke the people Therfore stomblest thou in the daye tyme the prophet w t the 〈◊〉 y ● night I wyl bringe thy mother to silence and why my people perysh because they haue no knoledge Seinge then y ● thou hast refused vnderstāding therfore wyll I refuse the also so that thou shalt nomore be my preste And for so muche as thou hast forgottē y ● lawe of thy God I wyl also forget thy chyldren The more they increased in the multytude y ● more they sinned against me therfore wyl I chaūge their honoure into shame They eate vp y ● synnes of my people and corage them in they re wickednes Thus y ● prest is become lyke the people Wherfore I wyl punish them for theyr wycked wayes and rewarde thē accordinge to their owne ymaginacions They shal eate and not haue ynough They haue vsed whordome therfore shal they not prospere and why they haue forsaken the lorde and not regarded him Whordome wyne and dronckenesse taketh the herte awaye My people aske councell at their stockes their staffe must tel thē For an whorish mynde hath disceaued them so that they cōmytte fornycacion against their God They make sacrifices vpon the hye mountaynes and burne their incense vpon the hylles yee among the okes groues and bushes for there are good shadowes Therfore your daughters are become hariottes your spouses haue broken their weclocke I wyll not punyshe your daughters for beinge defyled and youre brydes that became whores seinge the fathers thē selues haue medled with harlottꝭ offred with vnthriftes but the people that wyll not vnderstand must be punyshed Though thou Israel art disposed to play the harlot yet shuldest not thou haue offended O Iuda thou shuldest not haue runne ☜ to Gilgal nor haue gone vp to Bethauen nor haue sworne the Lord lyueth For Israel is gone backe lyke a wanton cowe ▪ The Lorde therfore shall make her fede as the lambe that goeth astraye And where as Ephraim is become partaker of Idols wel let him go Their dronckennes hath put thē backe and brought thē to whordome Their rulers loue rewardes brynge saye they to their owne shame A wynde shall take holde of theyr fethers and they shal be confounded in theyr offringes ¶ Agaynst the Prestes and rulers of Israel The helpe of man can do nothynge agaynst God CAPI V. OYe Preastes heare this take hede O thou housholde of Israell geue eare O thou kyngly house for this punyshment wyl come vpon you that are become a snare vnto Myzphah and a spred net vnto the mount of Thabor They kyll sacrifyces by heapes to begyle the people therwith therfore wyll I punyshe them all I knowe Ephraim wel ynough Israell is not hyd frome for Ephraim is nowe become an harlot Israel is defiled They are not mynded to turne vnto their God for they haue an whoryshe hert so that they can not know y ● Lord But the pryde of Israel wyl be rewarded him in his face yee both Israel Ephraim shal fal for their wickednesse Iuda w t thē also They shal come with theyr shepe and bullockes to seke the Lorde but they shall not fynde him for he is gone from thē As for the Lorde they haue refused him and brought vp bastarde childrē a moneth therfore shal deuoure them with their porcions Blowe with the shawmes at Gabea with the trompet in Ramah crye out at Bethauē vpon the yonside of Beniamin In the tyme of the plage shall Ephraim be layde waste therfore dyd I faythfully warne the trybes of Israel Yet are the prīces of Iuda become lyke them that remoue the landemarckes therfore wyll I poure out my wrath vpon them lyke water Ephraim is oppressed and can haue no ryght of the lawe for why they folowe the doctrynes of men Therfore wyll I be vnto Ephraim as a moth to y ● house of Iuda as a caterpyller When Ephraim sawe his sickenesse and Iuda his dysease Ephraim wente vnto Assur and sent vnto kyng ●are● yet coulde not he helpe you nor ease you of youre payne I am vnto Ephraim as a lyon and as a lyons whelpe to the house of Iuda Euē I wyll spoyle them and go my waye I wyll take them with me and no man shall rescue them I wyll go returne to my place tyll they waxe faynt and seke me ¶ Afflyctyon causeth a man to returne
to theyr owne inuencyons shall he recompense them He toke his brother by the he le when he was yet in hys mothers wombe and in hys strengthe he wrestled with God He stroue with the aungell and gat the vyctorye so that he prayed a●d desyred hym He founde him at Bathell and there he talketh with vs. Yee the Lorde God of Hoostes euen the Lorde hym selfe remembred hym Then turne to thy God kepe mercy and equyte and hope styll in thy God But the marchaunte hathe a false weyght in hys ●ande he hath a pleasure to occupye extorc●o● Ephraim thinketh thus Tush I am ●yche I haue good ynough In all my worckes shall not one faute be founde that I haue offended Yet am I the Lorde thy God euen as when I brought the out of the lande of Egypte and set the in thy tentes and as in the hye feaste dayes I haue spoken thorow the prophetes and shewed diuerse visions and declared my self by the ministraciō of the prophetes But at Galaad is the abhominacion they are ●●llē to vanite At Gylgal they haue s●ayne o●●● as many hep●s of stones as they had ●●h●●r lande forowes so many a●iters haue they made Iacob ●●ed into the lande of S●●●a and Israel serued for a wyfe and for a wife he kepte shepe By a proph●e the Lorde brought them out of Egipt and by a prophe● he preserued them But Ephraim hath prouoked hym ●o displeasure thorowe hys abhomynacyons therfore shall hys bloude be poured vpon him selfe and the Lorde hys God shall rewarde hym hys blasphemyes ¶ Of the abhomynacyon of Israel CAPI XIII TTE abhomynacyon of Ephraim is come also into Israell He is gone backe to Baal therfore must● he dye And nowe they synne more and more of theyr syluer they make them molten ymages lyke the Idols of the Heathes and yet all is nothynge but the worcke of the craftesman Notwithstandynge they preach of the same who so wyl kysse the calues offreth to men Therfore they shal be as the morninge cloude and as the dewe that early passeth awaye and lyke as dust that the wynde taketh awaye from the flore and as smoke that goeth out of the chymney I am the Lorde God which brought the out of the land of Egypt that thou shuldest knowe no God but me onely and that thou shuldest hane no Sauioure but only me I toke vyligent hede of the in the wyldernesse that drye lande But when they were well ●●dde and had ynough they waxed proude and forgat me therfore wyll I ●e vnto thē as a lyon and as a leoparde in the waye to the Assirians I wyll come vpon them as a she beare that is robbed of her whelpes I wyl breake that stubburne hert of theirs There wyll I deuoure them as a lyon yee the wylde beastes shall teare them O Israell thou doest but destroye thy self In me only is thy helpe Where are thy kynges now that shulde helpe the in al thy cyties Yee and thy iudges of whom thou saydest geue me a king and prynces wel I gaue the a kynge in my wrath and in my dyspleasure wyll I take hym from the agayne The wyckednesse of Ephraim is bounde together and hys synne lyeth hyd Therfore shal sorowes come vpon hym as vpon a woman that trauayleth An vndyscrete sonne is he for he consydreth not that he shulde not haue bene able to haue endured in the tyme of hys byrth had not I defēded hym from the graue and delyuered hym from death O death I wyll be thy death O hell I wyll be thy styng Yet can I se no comforte for when he is nowe the goodlyest amonge the brethren the east wynde euen the wynde of the Lorde shall come downe from the wyldernesse and drye vp his condyte and dryricke vp hys welles he shall spoyle the treasure of all pleasaunt vessels As for Samaria it shall be made waste and why they are dysobedyente vnto theyr God They shall perysh with the swearde theyr chyldren shal be slayne and theyr wemen great with chylde shal be rypte vp ¶ The des●●u●●yon of Samaria CAPI XIIII O Israell turne the nowe vnto the Lorde thy God for thou hast taken a greate fall thorowe thy wyckednesse ☜ Take these wordes with you when ye turne to the Lorde and saye vnto hym O forgeue vs all oure synnes receaue vs graciously and then wyll we offre the bullockes of oure lyppes vnto the. Assur shal be nomore oure helper neyther wyll we ryde vpon horses any more As for the workes of oure handes we wyll no more call vpon them For it is thou that arte oure God thou sheweste euer merrye vnto the fatherlesse O yf they wolde do thys I shulde heale theyr sores yee withal my hert wolde I loue them so that my wrathe shulde cleane be turned awaye frō them Yee I wolde be vnto Israel as the dewe and he shulde growe as the lyly and hys rote shulde breake oute as Lybanus Hys braunches shulde sprede out abroade and be as fayre as the olyue tre and smell as Libanus They that dwel vnder hys shadowe shulde come agayne and growe vp as the corne florysh as the vine he shulde haue as good a name as the wyne of Libanus O Ephraim what haue I to do with Idols any more I wyll gracyously heare hym and lede hym forth I wyl be vnto the as a grene fyrre tre vpō me shalt thou fynde thy frute Who so is wise shal vnderstande thys and he that is ryght enstructe wyl regarde it For the wayes of the Lorde are ryghteous suche as be Godly wyll walcke in them As for the wycked they wyll stomble therin ¶ The ende of the Prophecye of Oseas ❧ The Booke of the Prophete Ioel. ¶ A prophery agaynst the Iewes He exhorteth the prestes to prayer and ●astynge for the myserye that was commyng at hande CAPI ● THis is the word of the Lorde that came vnto Ioell the sōne of Phatuel Heare O ye elders pondre this wel all ye that dwel in y ● land yf euer ther happened such a thyng ī your dayes or ī the dayes of your fathers Tell your childrē of it let thēshewe it vnto their chyldren so they to certifye their posterite therof Loke what 〈◊〉 caterpiller hath left y ● hath the gresshoper eaten vp what y ● greshoper left that hath the locust eaten vp what the locuste hath left that hath the blastinge consumed Wake vp ye drōckardes wepe mourne al ye wine suppers because of your swete wine for it shall be taken awaye frō your mouth Yee a mighty an innumerable people shal come vp into my lande these haue teeth like the teeth of lyons cha●tbones lyke the lyonesses They shall make my vyneyarde wast they shall pyl of the barckes of my ●ygtrees strype thē bare cast thē away make the braunches whyte Make thy mone as a vyrgin
from the presēce of the Lord because he had tolde thē sayde moreouer vnto him What shal we do vnto y ● that the see may ceasse frō troublynge vs for the see wrought was troublous he answered them Take me and cast me into the see so shal it let you be in rest for I wote it is for my sake that this great tempest is come vpon you Neuerthelesse the mē assayed with rowynge to brynge the shyppe to lande but it wolde not be because the see wrought so was so troublous agaynst them Wherfore they cryed vnto the Lord sayde O Lord let vs not perysh for thys mans death neyther lay y u innocēc blode vnto our charge for y u O lord hast done euē as thy plesure was So they toke Ionas and caste him into the see and the see lefte ragyng And the mē feared the Lorde excedyngly doynge sacryfices and makyng vowes vnto the Lorde ¶ Ionas is swalowed of a whale The prayer of Ionas CAPI II. BUt the Lorde prepared a greate fyshe to swalow vp Ionas So was Ionas in the bely of y ● fysh thre daies iii. nightes And Ionas prayed vnto the Lord his God out of the fishes bely sayde In my trouble I called vnto the Lord and he herde me out of y ● bely of hell I cryed thou herdest my voice Thou haddest cast me downe depe in the myddest of the see and the sloude cōpa sed me aboute yee all thy waues roules of water wēt ouer me I thought that I had bene cast awaye out of thy syght but I wyll yet agayne loke towarde thy holy temple The waters compassed me euē to the very soule the depe laye aboute me the wedes were wrapte about myne heade I went downe to the botome of the hylles and was barred in wyth earth for euer But thou O Lorde my God haste brought vp my lyfe agayne out of corrupcion Whē my soule fainted within me I thought vpon the Lorde my prayer came in vnto the euen vnto thy holy temple ⚜ They that holde of vayne vanyties wyll forsake his mercy But I wyll do the sacrifice with the voice of thankesgeuyng wyll paye that I haue vowed for why saluacyon commeth of the Lorde And the Lorde spake vnto the fyshe and it caste out Ionas agayne vpon the drye lande ¶ Ionas is sente agayne to Ninyue The repentaunce of the Kynge of Ninyue CAPI III. THen came the worde of the Lorde vnto Ionas agayne sayenge vp and get the to Ninyue ☞ that great Cytie and preache vnto theym the preachynge whiche I bade the. So Ionas arose went to Niniue at the Lordes commaundement Niniue was a greate cytie vnto God namely of thre dayes iourney And Ionas wente to entred into the cytie euen a dayes iorney and cryed sayenge There are yet xl dayes and then shal Niniue be ouerthrowen ☞ And the people of Niniue beleued God p●laymed fastyng and arayed thē selues in sacke cloth as well the great as the smal of them And the ●y●in ges came vnto the kynge of Niniue whiche arose out of his seate and dyd his apparell of put on sacke cloth and sat him downe in asshes And it was cryed and cōmaunded in Niniue by the auctoryte of the kynge and hys Lordes sayng se that neyther mā or beest oxe or shepe taste ought at all and that they nether fede nor drinck water but put on sack cloth bothe man beast and crye myghtely vnto God yee se that euery man turne frō his euyll waye and from the wyckednesse that he hath in hande Who can tell ▪ God maye turne repent and ceasse from his fearce wrath that we perysh not And when God sawe their workes howe they turned from their wycked wayes he repented on the euyll whiche he sayde he wolde do vnto them and dyd it not Ionas is reproued of God CAPI IIII. THerfore Ionas was sore discontente angrie And he prayed vnto the Lorde sayde O Lorde was not this my sayinge I praye the when I was yet in my coūtre therfore I hasted rather to fle vnto Tharsis for I knowe wel ynough y t thou art a mercyfull God full of cōpassyon longe suffryng of great kindnes repētest whē thou shuldest take punyshment And nowe O Lorde take my lyfe fro me I beseche the for I had rather dye then lyue Then sayde the Lorde art thou so angrye And Ionas gat him out of the cytie sat downe on the easte syde ther of there made him a boothe sat vnder it in the shadowe tyll he myght se what shuld chaunce vnto the cyte And the Lorde God prepared a wylde vine whiche sprange vp ouer Ionas that he myght haue shadowe aboue his head to deliuer him out of his payne And Ionas was exceadynge glad of the wylde vyne But vpon the nexte morowe agaynst the spryng of y ● day The lord ordeined a worme which smote the wylde vyne so y ● it wethered away And when y ● sunne was vp God prepared a feruent east winde the Sunne bet ouer the head of Ionas y t he faynted againe wysshed vnto his soule that he myght dye sayd It is better for me to die then to liue And God sayde vnto Ionas Art y ● so angry for the wylde vyne And he said yee very angry am I euē vnto the death And the Lord sayd y ● haste cōpassyon vpon a wylde vyne wheron y ● bestowdest no laboure nor madest it growe whiche sprāge vp in one nyght and peryshed in another And shulde not I then haue cōpassion vpon Niniue that great cyte wherin there are aboue an C. xx thousāde persōnes that knowe not theyr ryght hande from the lefte besydes muche catell ¶ The ende of the Prophecye of Ionas ❧ The Booke of the Prophet Micheas ¶ Of the destruction of Samaria because of their ydolatry CAPI I. THys is the worde of the Lorde that came vnto Micheas the Morastite in y ● daies of Iothan ‡ Ahas ‡ Iehezekiah kīges of Iuda which was shewed hī vpon Samaria Ierusalē Here al ye people marcke this well O earth all that therin is Yee the Lorde God him selfe be wytnesse among you euē the Lorde from his holy tēple For why beholde y ● Lorde shal go out of hꝭ place come downe trede vpon the hye thiges of the earth The moūtaines shal cōsume vnder him the valleies shall cleue a sunder lyke as waxe cōsumeth at the fyre as the waters rūne downwarde And al this shal be for the wickednesse of Iacob the synnes of the house of Israel But what is the wyckednesse of Iacob Is not Samaria Which are the hye places of Iuda Is not Ierusalem Therfore I shal make Samaria an heape of stones in the felde to laye aboute the vyneyarde her stones shall I cast into the valley
theyr net and do sacryfyee vnto theyr yarne because that thorowe it their poreyon is become so fat their meat so plenteous Wherfore they caste oute their net agayne and neuer cease to steye the people ¶ Of the vision of the prophete Against pollyng couetousnes and I●ol●●tye CAPI II. I STODE vpon my watche and set me vpon my bul worcke to loke and se what he wolde saye vnto me and what answere I shulde geue hym that reproued me But the Lorde answered me and sayde Wryte the vysyon playuely vpon thy tables that who so commeth by maye rede it for the vysyon is yet farre of for a tyme but at the laste it shal come to passe and not fayle And though he tary yet wayte thou for him for in very dede he wyll come not be slacke Beholde who so wyll not beleue his soule shall not prospere but y ● iust shal lyue by hys fayth Lyke as the wyne disceaueth the dronckarde euen so the proude shal fayle not endure He openeth hys desyre wyde vp as the hell and is as vnse●yable as death All Heathen gathereth he to him and heapeth vnto hym all people But shal not all these take vp a prouerbe agaynst him mocke him with a byworde saye Wo vnto him that heapeth vp other mens goodes How longe wyll he lade him selfe w t thicke claye O howe soddenly wyll they stāde vp that shall byte awake that shal teare y ● in peces yee thou shalt be their praye Seinge y ● hast spoyled many Heathen therfore shal the remnaunt of the people spoyle the because of mens bloude for the wrong done in the lande in the cyty and vnto all them that dwell therin Wo vnto hym that couetously gathereth euyl gotten goodes into his house that he maye set his neste an hye to escape from the power of mysfortune Thou hast deuysed the shame of thine owne house for y ● hast slayne to much people and hast wilfully offended so that the very stones of the wall shall crye out of it and the tymbre that lieth betwyxte the ioyntes of the buyldyng shall answere Wo vnto hym that buyldeth the towne with bloude maynteneth the cytye with vnryghtuousnes Shall not the Lord of hos●es bring this to passe that the laboures of the people shall be brent with a great fyre that the thyng wher vpon the people haue werted thē selues shal be lost For y ● earth shal be full of knowledge of y ● Lordes honoure lyke as the waters y ● couer the see Wo vnto hym that geueth his neyghboure dryncke to get him wrothful displeasure for his dronckennes that he may se his preuityes Therfore with shame shalt thou be filled in steade of honour Drinke thou also ty● thou slōber with all for the cuppe of the Lordes right hande shal cōpas the about shameful spewyng i steade of thy worshipe For the wronge y ● thou hast done in Lybanus shall ouerwhelme the the wylde beastes shall make the afrayed because of mens bloude for the wronge done in the lāde in the cyty and vnto al such as dwell therin What helpe then wyll the ymage do whō the worckmā hath fashioned Or the vayne cast ymage wherin because the craftesman putteth his trust therfore maketh he dōme Idols Wo vnto him that sayeth to a pece of wod aryse to a dōme stone stāde vp For what istruccion may such one giue Beholde it is layde ouer w t gold siluer there is no breth in it But the Lorde in his holy temple is he whom al the worlde shulde feare ¶ A prayer of the Prophete Aba●ue for the ignoraunt CAPI III. O Lord whē I herde speke of the I was afrayed The worke y ● thou hast taken in hāde shalte y u perfourme in his tyme O Lord when thy tyme cōmeth y u shalt declare it In thy very wrath y u thynckest vpon mercy God commeth from Theman the holy one frō the mount of Phatan Selah His glory couereth the heuens the earth is ful of his prayse His shine is as the sōne beames of lyght go out of his hādes there is power hyd Destruccion goeth before hī and burnyng cressettes go frō his fete He standeth and measureth the earth He loketh and the people cōsume away the moūtaines of the worlde fal downe to poulder and the hylles are fayne to bowe them selues for his goinges are euerlastynge and sure I sawe y e the pauilyons of the Morians and the tētes of the lāde of Madiā were vexed for werynesse Wast y u not angry O Lord in the waters was not thy wrath in the stoudes and thy displeasure in the see yes whē thou fattest vpon thyne horse and when thy chare●tꝭ had the victory Thou shewest thy how openly lyke as y ● haddest promysed with an othe vnto the trybes Selah Thou dydst deuyde y ● waters of y ● earth When the mountaynes sawe the they were afrayed the water streame went away the depe made a noyse at the lyftyng vp of thyn hande The Sūne and Moue remayned styl in their habitacion Thine arowes went out glisteryng and thy speares as the shyne of the lyghtnyng Thou trodest downe the lande in thyne angre and dydest thressh the Heathen in thy displeasure Thou camest forth to helpe thy people to helpe anoīted Thou smotest downe the heade of the house of the vngodly discoueredst hys foūdaciōs euen vnto the necke of hym Selah Thou cursest his septers the Captayne of his mē of warre whych come as a stormy wynde to scatre me abrode are glad when they may eat vp the pore secretly Thou makest away for thyne horses in the see euen in the mudde of great waters When I heare this my body is vexed my lyppes trible at the voyce therof my bones corrupte I am afrayed where I stāde O that I myght rest in the daye of trouble that I myght go vp vnto our people which are alredy prepared For the fyg trees shal not be grene the vynes shall beare no frute The labour of y ● olyue shal be 〈◊〉 lost the lande shall bring no corne th●●hepe shal be taken out of y ● fold and there shal be no catel in the stalles But as for me I wyll be glad in the Lorde and wyl reioyce in God my sauiour The Lord God is my strength he shall make my fete as the fete of hertes he whiche geueth the vyctory shal bryng me to my hye places syn gyng vpon my psalmes ¶ The ende of the Prophe eye of Abacue ❧ The Booke of the Prophet Sophony ¶ Thretnynges agaynst Iuda and 〈…〉 theyr Idolatrye CAPI I. THys is the worde of the Lorde whiche came vnto Sophony the sonne of Christ the sonne of Godoliah the sōne of Amar●ah the sonne of Hezekiah in y ● tyme of Iosiah the sōne of Amō kyng of
Lorde God of hoostes Aske the prestes cōcerninge the lawe and saye yf one beare holy flesh in hys cote lappe with his lappe do touch the brede po●age wyne oyle or any other meate shall he be holy also The prestes answered sayde No. Then sayd Aggeus Nowe yf one beynge defyled with a deed carcase touch any of these shall it also be vnclene The prestes gaue answere sayd yee it shal be vncleane Then Aggeus answered sayde euen so is this people this nacyon before me sayeth the Lorde and so are all the workes of theyr handes yee and all that they offre is vnclene And nowe I praye you considre frō this daye forth howe it hathe gone with you afore or euer there was layed one stone vpō another in the tēple of the Lorde y ● when ye came to a corne heape of xx bushels there were scarce ten that when ye came to the wyne presse for to powre out l. pottes of wyne there were scarce xx For I smote you with heate blastynge and hayle stones in all y ● labours of your handes yet was there none of you y ● wolde turne vnto me sayeth the Lorde Consyder then from this daye forth and afore namely from the. xxiiij day of the nynth moneth vnto the daye that the foundacyon of y ● Lordes temple was layed marke it well is not the sede yet in the barne haue nat the vynes the fyggetrees the pomgranates and olyue trees bene yet vnfrutefull but frō thys daye forth I shall make them to prospere Moreouer the. xxiiij daye of the moneth came the worde of the Lorde vnto Aggeus agayne sayenge Speake to zorobabell the pryuce of Iuda and saye I wyll shake bothe heauen and earth and ouer thorowe the seate of the kyngdomes yee destroye the myghty kyngdome of the Heathen I wyll ouerthorowe the charettes and those that syt vpon them so that bothe horse and man shall fall downe euery man thorowe hys neyghbours swearde And as for the O zorobabell sayeth the Lorde of hoostes thou sōne of Salachiel my seruaunt I wyll take the sayeth the Lorde at the same tyme and make the as a seale for I haue chosen the sayeth the Lorde of hoostes ¶ The ende of the prophecye of Aggeus ¶ The boke of the Prophete zachary ¶ He moueth the people to returne to the Lorde and to eschue the wickednesse of theyr fathers He prefigureth Christ and the Apostles CAPI I. IN the eyght moneth of the secōde yeare of kynge Darius came the worde of y e Lorde vnto zacharye y e sōne of Barachias the sōne of Addo y ● prophete sayenge The Lord hath bene sore displeased at your forfathers And saye thou vnto them thus sayeth the Lorde of hoostes Turne you vnto me sayeth the Lorde of hoostes and I wyll turne me vnto you sayeth the Lorde of hoostes Be ye nat lyke your forfathers vnto whom the prophetes cryed afore tyme sayenge Thus sayeth the Lorde God of hoostes Turne you nowe from youre euel wayes and from youre wycked ymagynacyons But they wolde nat heare nor regarde me sayeth the Lorde What is nowe become of youre forefathers and the prophetes are they yet styll alyue But dyd nat my wordes and statutes whiche I cōmaunded by my seruauntes the prophetes touch your forefathers Upon this they gaue answere and sayde lyke as the Lorde of hoostes deuysed to do vnto vs accordynge to oure owne wayes and ymagynacyons euen so hathe he dealte with vs. Upon the. xxiiii daye of the. xi moneth which is the moneth Sebat in the seconde yeare of Darius came the worde of the Lorde vnto zachary the sonne of Barachias the sōne of Addo the prophet sayenge I sawe by nyght and lo there sat one vpon a redde horse and stode styll amonge the myrretrees that were beneth vpon the grounde and behynde hym were there redde speckeled whyte horses Then sayde I. O my Lrode what are these And the angell that talked with me sayde vnto me I wyl shewe the what these be And the man y ● stode amonge the Myrretrees answered sayde These are they whō the Lorde hathe sente to go thorowe the worlde And they answered the angell of the Lorde that stode amonge the myrretrees sayde We haue gone thorowe the worlde and beholde al the worlde dwell at ease and are carelesse Then the Lordes angell gaue answere and sayde O Lorde of hoostes howe longe wylt thou be vnmercyful to Ierusalem and to the cyties of Iuda with whō thou hast bene displeased nowe these threscore ●enne yeares So the Lorde gaue a louinge and a cōfortable answere vnto the angel that talked with me And the angel that commoned with me sayde vnto me Crye thou speake Thus sayeth the Lorde of hoostes I am exceadinge gelous ouer Ierusalē and Syon and sore displeased at the carelesse Heathen for where as I was but a lytle angrye they dyd theyr best that I myght destroye them Therfore thus sayeth the Lorde I wyll turne me agayne in mercye towarde Ierusalem so that my house shal be buylded in it sayeth the Lorde of hoostes yee the plommet shal be layde abrode in Ierusalem Crye also speake thus sayeth the Lorde of hoostes My cyties shal be in good prosperite agayne the Lorde shal yet cōforte Siō and chose Ierusalē Then lyfte I vp myne eyees and sawe and beholde foure hornes And I sayde vnto the angell y ● talked with me what be these he answered me These are the hornes whiche haue scatered Iuda Israel and Ierusalē abrode And the Lorde shewed me foure carpenters Thē sayde I what wyl these do He answered and sayde Those are the hornes whiche haue so strowed Iuda abrode that no man durst lyfte vp his head But these are come to fraye thē awaye and cast out the hornes of the Gentyls which lyfte vp theyr horne ouer y ● lande of Iuda to scatre it abroade ¶ The renewynge of Ierusalem and Iuda CAPI II. I Lyfte vp myne eyes agayne and loked and beholde a mā with a measure lyne in his hande Then sayde I whether goest thou And he sayde vnto me To measure Ierusalem that I maye se howe longe and howe broade it is And beholde the angell that talked with me wente his waye forth Then went there out another angel to mete hym and sayde vnto hym Runne speake to thys yonge man saye Ierusalem shal be inhabited without any wall for the very multytude of people and catell that shal be therin Yee I my selfe sayeth the Lorde wyl be vnto her a wall of fyre roūde about and wyll behonoured in her O get you forth O fle frō the lande of the north sayeth the Lorde ye whom I haue scatred into y ● foure wyndes vnder heauen sayeth the Lorde Saue thy selfe O Syon thou that dwellest with y e daughter of Babylon for thus sayeth the Lorde of hoostes With a
coloures and strōg Then spake I and sayde vnto the angel that talked with me O Lord what are these The angel answered sayde vnto me These are the. iiij windes of the heauē which be come forth to stāde before y ● ruler of all the earth That w t the blacke horse went into the lāde of the north the white folowed them and the spekled horses wente forth towarde the south These horses were very stronge and wente out and sought to go and take theyr iourney ouer the whole earth And he sayde get you hence go thorowe the worlde So they went thorow out the worlde Then cryed he vpon me and spake vnto me sayeng beholde these that go towarde the North shall styll my wrath in the North countre And the worde of the Lord came vnto me sayeng Take of the presoners that are come frō Babylon namely Heldai Tobiah Idaia come y u the same day and go into the house of Iosiah the sōne of Sophony Thē take golde syluer make crownes therof and set thē vpon the heade of Iesua the sōne of Iosedeh the hye preste speake vnto him Thus sayeth the Lorde of hostes Beholde the mā whose name is the braunche and he that shal sprynge vp after him shal buylde vp the temple of the Lord yee euen he shall buylde vp the temple of the Lord. He shall beare the prayse he shal syt vpon the Lordes trone haue the domynacion A preste shall he be also vpon his trone and a peacable coūcel shal be betwyxte them both And the crownes shal be in the temple of the Lorde for a remembraunce vnto Helem Tobiah Idaiah and Hen the sonne of Sophony And such as be farre of shal come and buylde the temple of the Lorde that ye may knowe howe that the Lorde of hoostes hath sent me vnto you And thys shall come to passe if ye wyl herken diligently vnto the voyce of the Lorde your God ¶ The estymacyon of fastynge without mercy The despysyng of charyte and the obstyna●ye of the people CAPI VII IT happened also in the fourthe yeare of kyng Darius that the worde of the Lord came vnto Zachary in the fourth day of the ninth moneth which is called Caste● what tyme as Sarasar and Rogomelech and the men that were with thē sent vnto Bethel for to pray before the Lord and that they shulde say vnto the prestes which were in the hous of the Lorde of hoostes and to the Prophetes Shulde I wepe in the fyfth moneth absteyne as I haue done nowe certayne yeares Then came the worde of the Lorde of hoostes vnto me sayenge Speake vnto all the people of the lande and to the preastes and saye when ye fasted and mourned in the fyfth seuenth moneth nowe this ixx. yeares dyd ye fast vnto me When ye dyd eate also dryncke dyd ye not eate and dryncke for your owne selues Are not these the wordes whiche the Lorde spake by his Prophetes afore tyme when Ierusalē was yet inhabited welthy she the cities ro●de aboute her when there dwelt men both towarde the south in the playne countrees And the worde of the Lorde came vnto Zachary sayinge Thus sayeth the Lord of hoostes Execute true iudgemente shewe mercy and louynge kyndnesse euery man to his brother Do the wyddowe the fatherles the straunger and poore no wrong and let no man ymagen euyl against his brother in his herte Neuerthelesse they wolde not take hede but turned their backes stopped theyr eares that they shulde not heare yee they made their hertes as an Adamāt stone lest they shulde heare the lawe and wordes which the Lorde of hostes sent in his holy sprete by the prophetes afore tyme. Wherfore the Lord of hoostes was very wroth at them And thus is it come to passe that lyke as he spake and they wolde not heare euē so they cried I wolde not heare sayeth the Lorde of hoostes but sca●red thē amonge all Gentyles whome they 〈…〉 not Thus the lande was made so deso 〈…〉 that there trauayled no man in it neyth 〈…〉 nor fro for that pleasaūt lande was vtt 〈…〉 layed waste ¶ Of the returne of the people vnto Ierusalem and of the mercy of God towarde them Of good workes The callyng of the Gentyles CAPI VIII SO the worde of the Lord of hostes came vnto me sayeng Thus sayeth the Lord of hostes I was in a great gelousy ouer Sion yee I haue bene very gelous ouer her in a great dyspleasure thus sayeth the Lorde of hostes I wyl turne me agayne vnto Sion and wyll dwell in the myddest of Ierusalem so that Ierusalē shal be called a faythful and true cyte the hyll of the Lorde of hostes yee an holy hyll Thus sayeth the Lorde of hostes There shal yet olde men wemen dwell agayne in the stretes of Ierusalem yee such as go w t staues in theyr handes for very age The stretes of the cyte also shal be full of yong boyes and damsels playinge vpon the stretes Thus sayeth the Lord of hostes yf the resydue of this people thyncke it to be vnpossible in these dayes shulde it therfore be vnpossyble in my syght sayeth the Lord of hostes Thus sayeth the Lorde of hoostes Beholde I wyl delyuer my people frō the lāde of the east and west and wyll brynge them agayne that they maye dwel at Ierusalem They shal be my people and I wyl be their God in trueth and ryghtuousnesse Thus sayeth the Lorde of hostes let your handes be stronge ye that nowe heare these wordes by the mouth of y ● prophetes which be in these dayes that the foūdacion is layed vpon the Lord of hostes house y ● the temple maye be buylded For why before these dayes neyther mē nor catel coulde wīue any thyng nether myght any man come in out in rest for trouble but I let euery man go a gaynst his neyghbour Neuerthelesse I wyl now intreate the resydue of this people nomore as afore tyme sayeth the Lorde of hoostes but they shal be a sede of peace The vineyarde shal geue her frute the groūde shal geue her increase y ● heauēs shal geue their dewe I shall cause the rēnaunt of this people to haue all these in possession And it shal come to passe y ● lyke as ye were a curse among y ● the Heathen O ye house of Iuda ye house of Israell Euē so wyl I delyuer you y ● ye shal be a blessyng feare not but let your handes be stronge For thus sayeth the Lorde of hostes lyke as I ●●●ysed to punyshe you what tyme as 〈…〉 prouoked 〈◊〉 vnto wrath say●th the Lorde of hostes spared not Euen ●o 〈◊〉 I 〈◊〉 now in these dayes for to do w●● vnto the house of Iuda Ierusalem theefore feare ye not Now the thynges that ye shal do are these
shepherde and the shepe shal be scatred abrode and so wyll I turne myne hande to the lytle ones And it shall come to passe sayeth the Lord that in al the lande two partes shal be roted out but the thyrde parte shall remayne therin And the same thyrde parte wyll I bringe thorow y ● fyre wyl clense thē as the syluer is clensed yee trye thē lyke as gold is tryed Then shal they call vpō my name and I wyll heare them I wyl saye it is my people And they shal saye Lorde my God ¶ The wastynge of the churche vnder the fygure of Ierusalem Of the kyng dome of the Lorde CAPI XIIII BEholde the daye of the Lorde cōmeth that thou shalt be spoiled robbed for I wyl gather together all the Heathen to fyght against Ierusalem so y ● the cyte shal be wonne the houses spoiled and the wemē defyled The halfe of the cyte shal go away into captiuite and the resydue of the people shal not be caryed out of the cyte After that shal the Lorde go forth to fight against those Heathē as men vse to fyght in the day of battel Thē shall his fete stande vpō y ● moūt oliuere that lyeth vpon y ● east syde of Ierusalē And y ● moūt olyuete shall cleue in two Eastwarde westwarde so y ● there shal be a greate valley and the halfe moūt shall remoue toward the north the other towarde the southe And ye shall fle vnto the valley of my hilles for the valley of the hilles shal reach vnto Asal Yee fle shall ye lyke as ye fled for the earthquake ī the daies of Osiah kyng of Iuda And the Lorde my God shal come all sayntes w t him In that day shal it not be lyght but colde frost This shal be that specyal daye which is knowen vnto the Lorde nether daye nor nyght but about the euenyng tyme it shal be lyght In that tyme shal there waters of lyfe runne out frō Ierusalem the halfe parte of them towarde the east see the other half towarde the vttermost see and shall continue both somer wynter And the Lorde hym selfe shal be kynge ouer all the earth At y t tyme shall there be one Lord onely his name shal be but one Mē shal go about the whole earth as vpō a felde frō Gibea to Rēmō frō the south to Ierusalē She shal be set vp ihabyted i her place frō Ben Iamyns porte vnto the place of the tyrst port vnto the corner porte from the tower of Hananeel vnto the kynges wyne presses There shal men dwel there shal be nomore cursinge but Ierusalē shal be safely inhabyted This shal be the plage wherwith the Lorde wyl smyte all people y ● haue fought agaynst Ierusalē Namely theyr flesh shall cōsume awaye though they stāde vpō their fete their eies shal be corrupt in their holes and their tung shal cōsume in theyr mouth In that daye shall y ● Lord make a greate sedicyon among them so that one man shal take another by the hande lay his handes vpō the handes of his neyghboure Iuda shal fyght also agaynst Ierusalem and the goodꝭ of al the Hethē shal be gathered together roūde aboute gold syluer and a very great multitu●e of clothes And so shal this plage go ouer horses mules camels asses all the beastes that shall be in the host lyke as yonder plage was Euery one y ● remayneth then of al y ● peple which came against Ierusalem shal go vp yerely to worshippe y ● king euen the Lorde of hostes to kepe thē feast of tabernacles And loke what generacyon vpon earth goeth not vp to Ierusalem for to worshype the kynge euen the Lorde of hostes vpon the same shal come no rayne If the kynred of Egypt go not vp come not it shal not rayne vpon thē nether This shal be y ● plage wher w t the Lorde wyt smyte all the Heathē y ● come not vp to kepe y ● feast of tabernacles yee thꝭ shal be y ● sinne plage of Egipt the sine plage of al people y ● go not vp to kepe the feast of tabernacles At that tyme shal the rydyng gere of the horses be holy vnto the Lorde the kettels in the Lordes house shall be lyke the basēs before the aulter yee all the kettels in Ierusalem and Iuda shal be holy vnto the Lord of hostes and all they that sleye offeringes shall come take of them dyght thē there in And at that tyme there shal be no mo Cananytes in the house of the Lorde of Hostes. The ende of the Prophecye of zachary ❧ The Booke of the Prophet Malachy ¶ A complaynt agaynst Israel and her prestes CAPI I. THe heuy burthen whiche the Lorde sheweth agaynst Israel by Malachy I haue loued you sayeth the Lorde and yet ye say wheri hast thou loued vs was not Esau Iacobs brother saieth the Lorde yet haue I loued Iacob hated Esau yee I haue made his hilles wast his heritage a wildernes for dragōs And though Edom sayde well we are destroyed we wyll go builde vp againe the places that be wasted yet sayeth the Lorde of hostes what they builded that brake I downe so that it was called a cursed lande a people whom the Lord hath euer bene angry withal You re eyes haue sene it ye your selues must confesse y t the Lord hath brought y e lāde of Israel to great honour Shulde not a sonne honour his father a seruaūt his master If I be now a father wher is mine honour If I be the Lord wher am I feared sayeth the Lorde of hostes Now to you prestes y t despise my name And if ye say wherin haue we despised thy name In this y t ye offre vnclene bred vpō myne aulter And yf ye wyll saye wherin haue we offered any vnclene thing vnto y ● In this that ye say the aulter of y e Lord is not to be regarded If ye offre y e blynde is not that euyl And if ye offre the lame sycke is not that euyl Yee offre it vnto thy prīce shal he be cōtent with the or accept thy persōne sayeth y e Lorde of hostes And nowe make your prayer before God that he may haue mercy vpon vs for suche thiges haue ye done Shal he regarde your persōnes thīke ye saieth y e Lorde of hostes Yee what is he among you y ● wyll do so muche as to shut the dores or to kindle the fyre vpon myne aulter for naught I haue no pleasure in you saieth y e Lord of hostes as for y e meatoffringe I wyl not accept it at your hāde ‡ For from y e rising vp of y e sunne vnto the going downe of the same my name is great amōg y e Gētiles yee in
delyuered they vnto the stewardes and debytes of the kynge to the vndershreues in Celosyria and Phenices they honoured the people the temple of the Lorde Nowe when these thynges were done the rulers came vnto me and sayd The generacion of Israel the Princes the Prestes and Leuites the straunge people indwellers of the lande haue not put awaye theyr vnclennesse from the Cananites Hethytes Pheresytes from the Moabites Egyptiās and Edomytes For bothe they theyr sonnes haue mingled them selues w e the daughters of them and the holy sede is mixte with the out landysh Heathen sens the begynnyng of theyr raygne haue the rulers heades bene partakers of theyr wyckednesse As sone as I had herde these thynges immediatly I rent my holy garmentes and pulled out the heare of my head my beerd and sat me downe sorowfull and heuye So al they that were moued thorowe the worde of the Lord God of Israel came vnto me be yng sorowful for this wyckednes and I sat styl full of heuynesse vntyl the euenynge sacrifice Then stode I vp from fastynge hauyng rente clothes the holy garment kneled downe vpon my knees helde out my hādes vnto the Lorde and sayde O Lorde I am cōfounded and ashamed before thy fa●e for our synnes are become many vpon our heades and our wyckednesses are exalted vnto the heauen for sens the tyme of our fathers we are in great synne vnto this daye And for the synnes of vs and our fathers we with our brethren and with our Prestes haue bene delyuered vnto the kynges of the earth into the swearde and into captiuite became a spoyle with confusion and shame vnto thys daye And nowe O Lorde God howe great is the mercy that we haue gottē of the●in that y u hast left vs a rote a name i y ● place of thy sāctuary to discouer our light i the house of the Lord our God hast geuē vs meate at all tymes of our minystracyon And when we were in captiuyte we were not forsakē of the Lord our God but he made the kynges of Persia gracyous fauourable vnto vs so that they gaue vs vytayles and meate yee and leue to buyld vp the temple of our Lord God agayne to repayre the wasted places of Syon and to dwell in Iewry and Ierusalem And now O Lord what shall we saye hauynge al these thynges in possessyon For we haue broken thy commaundementes which thou gauest vn to vs by the hādes of thy seruauntes y e prophetes sayeng The lande that ye go vnto and that is geuē you for an herytage to haue in possession is defiled with the vnclēnes and fylthynes of the Heathen and w t theyr abhominacion haue they poluted it al together Therfore shal ye not ioyne your daughters vnto theyr sonnes nor mary your sonnes vnto theyr daughters Moreouer ye shall neuer seke to make peace with thē that ye maye increase and eate the best in the lād and that ye maye deuide the inheritaunce of the lande vnto youre children for euermore As for the thynge that now happeneth vnto vs it commeth all for our wycked worckes and great sinnes yet hast thou geuē vs soch a rote y t we are come agayne into our owne lande and we are so wycked y t we haue broken thy statutes cōmaundementes agayne and mengled our selues with the vnclennes of the outlandysh Heathen O Lorde arte y ● angrye with vs wylte thou rote vs cleane out that our rote and name remayne no more O Lord God of Israel thou art true for oure rote endureth yet vnto thys present day And beholde now are we before the in our synnes now can we not stāde before the in them And when Esdras w t thys prayer had knoledged the synne wepynge and lyenge stat vpon the grounde before the tēple there gathered vnto hym from Ierusalē a greate multitude of men and wemen of yonge mē and maydens for there was a very greate wepyng mournynge in the cōgregacyon So when Iechonias the sōne of Iehely one of the chyldren of Israel cryed he sayd vnto Esoras we haue synned against the Lorde because we haue maried out landysh wemē of the Heathen Nowe axt y u ouer all Israel We wyll sweare an othe therfore vnto the Lorde that we shall put awaye all our wyues whiche we haue taken of the Heathen with theyr chyldren lyke as it is appoynted the by oure fore elders Stande vp then open thou it declare it playnely vnto vs accordynge to the lawe of the Lorde for the matter belongeth vnto the we wyll helpe the quite thy self manly So Esdras arose and toke an othe of the rulers of the prestes and of the Leuytes and of all Israel to do after these thynges and they sware ¶ After Esdras had reade the lawe the people put a waye theyr straunge wyues and then returneth euery man merely vnto hys owne dweyllynge CAPI IX THEN Esdras stode vp frō the courte of the temple without went in to the chamber of Ionath as the sōne of Nasabus and remayned there dyd eate no meat nor dronke drynke for the multytude of the people And there was made a proclamacion in all Iewry at Ierusalem for all such as were gathered at Ierusalē out of captiuite y t who soeuer came not to Ierusalem within two or thre dayes accordynge to the iudgement of y ● olde lordes of councel his goodes shulde be taken from hym and be excluded frō the congregacion of the captyuyte And in thre dayes were all they of the trybe of Iuda and Beniamin gathered together at Ierusalem the twētyeth daye of the nynth moneth And the whole multytude sat trem blynge in the courte of the temple for it was wynter So Esdras arose vp sayde vnto them ye haue done vnryghteously in that ye haue takē outlandysh wiues to mariage and so to in crease the synnes of Israel And nowe knoledge the same and geue prayse vnto the Lorde God of our fathers perfourme his wyll departynge from the Heathen of the lande and from the outlandy she wyues Then cryed the whole multytude with loude voyce sayd lyke as y ● hast spoken so wyll we do but for so much as y ● people are many and the wynter here we may nat stāde without the house agayne thys worke is nat a thynge y t can be fynyshed in a daye or two for we be many y ● haue synned in these thynges Ordeyne therfore that the rulers of the multytude they y t dwell with vs as many as haue outlandysh wiues y ● prestes also and iudges of euery place may stāde in the tyme appoynted tyi they swage the wrath of the Lorde in this busynes Then Ionathas the sonne of Ezely and Ozias and Thecan receaued the charge of this matter Bozoramus and Leius and Sabatheus helped them therto After thys all they stode vp that were come out of
of fyre and greate wonders haue I done amonge you yet haue ye forgotten me sayeth the Lorde Thus sayeth the almyghte Lorde I gaue you quayles to eate tentes for youre succoure Neuertheles ye murmured and ascribed not the vyctory of youre enemyes vnto my name yee thys same daye do ye yet mur moure Where are the benefytes y ● I haue done for you When ye were hongrye in the wyldernes dyd ye nat cry vnto me saying why hast thou brought vs into this wyldernes to kyll vs It had bene better for vs to haue serued the Egypcyans then to dye in thys wyldernesse Then had I pytye vpon youre mournynges and gaue you Manna to eate Ye dyd eate angels foode When ye were thyrstye dyd I nat hewe the hardestone caused water to flowe therout For the heate I couered you with the leaues of the trees A good pleasaunte fat lande gaue I you I cast out the Cananites the Pheresytes and Philystines before you What shall I do more for you sayeth the Lorde Thus sayeth y ● Almyghtye Lorde Whē ye ware in the wildernes in the water of the Amorytes beynge a thyrst blasphemynge my name I gaue you nat fyre for your blas phemyes but cast a tree into the water and made the ryuer swete What shal I do vnto the O Iacob Thou Iuda woldest nat obeye me I wyll turne me to another people vnto those Wyt I geue my name that they may kepe my statutes Sayng ye haue forsaken me I wyl forsake you also When ye desire me to be gracious vnto you I shal haue no mercy vpon you When ye call vpo me I wyll nat heare you For ye haue defyled youre handes with bloude youre fete are swyft to commyt manstaughter Ye haue nat forsaken me in a maner but youre owne selues sayeth the Lorde Thus sayeth the almyghtye Lorde haue I nat prayed you as a father his sōnes as a mother her daughters and as a norsse her yonge babes that ye wolde be my people I shulde be youre God that ye wolde be my chyldren I shulde be your owne fathers I gathered you together as an henne gathereth her chekens vnder her wynges But nowe what shall I do vnto you I shal cast you out fro my face When ye offre vnto me I shal turne my face from you for your solempne feast dayes youre newe moones and your circumcysyons haue I forsake I sent vnto you my seruaūtes the Prophetes whom ye haue taken and stayne and torne theyr bodyes in peces whose bloude I wyll requere of youre handes sayeth the Lorde Thus sayeth the Almyghty Lorde your house must be desolate I wyll caste you out as the wynde doth the strawe youre chyldrē shall nat be fruteful for they haue despysed my commaundement and done the thynge that is euell before me You re houses wyl I geue vnto a people that shall come they that neuer harde me shall beleue in me and they vnto whom I neuer shewed tokē shall do the thyng y ● I cōmaunde thē They haue sene no Prophetes yet shall they call theyr synnes to remembraunce and knowledge them I reporte me vnto the grace y ● I wyl do for the people which is come whose children reioyse in gladnes though they haue not sene me with bodely eyes yet in sprete they beleue the thing that I saye And nowe brother beholde what greate worshyppe se the people that cōmeth frō the East vnto whom I wyl geue the dukedom of Abraham Isaac and Iacob of Oseas Amos Micheas of Ioel Abdy Ionas Naum Abacu● of Sophony● Aggeus Zachary Malachy which is called also an angell or messenger of the Lorde CAPI II. The Synagoge syndeth faute with her owne chyldrē The Gentles are called THVS sayeth the Lorde I brought thys people out of bondage I gaue them my commaundementes by my seruairtes the Prophetes whiche they wholde nat heare but despysed my counsels The mother that bare them sayeth vnto them Go youre waye ye chyldren for I am a wyddowe and forsaken I brought you vp with gladnesse but with sorowe and heuynes haue I loste you for ye haue synned before the Lorde youre God and done the thynge that is euell before hym But what shall I nowe do vnto you I am a wyddowe and forsaken go youre waye O my chyldrē and aske mercy of the Lorde As for me O father I call vpon the for a wytnesse ouer the mother of these chyldren whiche wolde not kepe my couenaunt that thou brynge them to confusyon and theyr mothers to spoyle that she beare no more Let theyr names be scatred abroade amonge the Heathen let them be put out of the earth for they haue thought scorne of my couenaunte Wo be vnto the Assur thou that hydest y ● vnryghtuous by the. Thou wycked people remēbre what I dyd vnto Sodome Gomorre whose lāde is turned to pytch and asshes Euen so also wyll I do vnto all them that heare me not sayeth y ● almyghty Lorde Thus sayeth the Lorde vnto Esdras Tell my people y t I wyl geue thē the Kyngdome of Iesusalem whiche I wolde haue geuen vnto Israel Theyr glory also wyll I take vnto me geue them the euerlastynge tabernacles whiche I had prepared for those The tree of lyfe shal be vnto them a swete smellynge oyntement they shall neyther laboure nor be weery Go ye youre waye and ye shall receaue it Praye for youre selues a fewe dayes y t they maye dwel therin Nowe is the Kyngdome prepared for you therfore watche Take heauen earth to witnesse for I haue broken the euell in peaces created the good for I lyue sayeth the Lorde Mother embrace thy chyldren brynge thē vp with gladnesse make theyr fote as fast as a py●er for I haue chosen the sayeth y ● Lorde And those that be dead wyll I rayse vp agayne from theyr places and brynge them out of the graues for I haue knowen my name in Israell Feare nat thou mother of the chyldren for I haue chosen the sayeth the Lorde And for thy helpe I shall sende the my seruauntes Esay and Ieremy after whose councel I haue sanctifyed and prepared for the twelue trees loded with dyuerse frutes and as many welles flowynge with mylke hony and seuen moūtaynes whervpon there growe roses and lylyes wherin I wyll fyll my chyldren with ioye Execute iustyce for the wyddowe be iudge for the fatherles geue to the poore defende the comforteles clothe y ● naked heale the wounded and sycke laugh ●at a lame man to scorne defende the crepel and let the blynde come into the syght of my clearnes kepe the old the yonge within thy walles Whersoeuer thou fyndest the dead take them and burye them I shal geue the the ty●st place in my resurreccyon Holde styll O my people and take thy rest for thy quietnes is come Feade thy chyldren O thou good norsse
stablysh theyr fete As for the seruauntes whom I haue geuen the there shall nat one of them perysh for I wyl seke them from thy nōbre vexe nat thy selfe For when the daye of trouble and heuynes cōmeth other shall wepe and be sorowfull but thou shalt be mery and plenteous The Heathē shal be gelous but they shal be able to do nothynge agaynst the sayeth the Lorde My handes shall couer the so that thy children shal nat se the fyre enerlastyng Be ioyfull O thou mother with thy chyldren for I wyll delyuer the sayeth y ● Lorde Remembre thy deed chyldren for I shall brynge them out of the earth and shewe mercy vnto them for I am mercyfull sayeth the Lorde almyghty Embrace thy chyldren vntyll I come and shewe mercy vnto them for my welles runne ouer and my grace shall nat fayle I Esdras receaued a charge of the Lorde vpon the mount Oreb that I shulde go vnto Israell But when I came vnto Israell they set me at naught and despised the commaundemente of the Lorde And therfore I saye vnto you O ye Heathē that heare and vnderstande Loke for youre shepherde he shall geue you euerlastynge rest for he is nye at hande that shall come in the ende of the worlde Be readye to the rewarde of the kyngdome for the euerlastynge lyght shall shyne vpon you for euermore Fle the shadowe of this worlde receaue the ioyfulnes of your glory I testifie my sauyour openly O receaue the gyfte that is geuen you be glad geuynge thankes vnto hym y ● hathe called you to the heauenly kyngdome Aryse vp and stande faste beholde the nombre of those that be sealed in the feast of the Lorde whiche are departed from the shadowe of the worlde and haue receaued gloryous garmentes of the Lorde Take thy nombre O Syon and shut vp thy puryfyed whiche haue fulfylled the lawe of the Lorde The nombre of thy chyldren whom thou longedest for is fulfylled beseche the power of the Lorde that thy people whiche haue bene called frō the begynnynge maye be halowed I Esdras sawe vpon the mount Syon a great people whom I coulde nat nombre and they all prysed the Lorde with songes of thankesgeuynge And in the myddest of them there was a yonge man of an hye stature more excellente then al they vpon euery one of theyr heades he set a crowne was euer higher and higher whiche I marueled at greatly So I asked the angel and sayd Syr what are these He answered and sayde vnto me These be they that haue put of the mortall clothynge and put on the immortal and haue testifyed and knowledged the name of God Nowe are they crowned receyue the rewarde Then sayde I vnto the Aungell what yonge personne is it that crowneth them geueth thē the palmes in theyr handes So he answered sayde vnto me It is y ● sonne of God whom they haue knowledged in the worlde Then begāne I greately to cōmende thē y ● stode so styfly for the name of the Lord And so the angel sayd vnto me Go thy way tell my people what maner of thinges and howe greate wonders of the Lorde thy God thou hast sene ¶ The wonderous workes whiche God dyd for the people are recited Esdras marueleth that God suffreth the Babiloniās ▪ to haue rule ouer his people which yet are siners also CAPI III. IN the thyrtyeth yeare of the fall of the cytie I was at Babylon and laye troubled vpon my bed and my thoughtes came vp ouer my herte for I sawe the desolacion of Syon and the plentuous wealthe of them that dwelte at Babylon and my sprete was sore moued so that I beganne to speake ferefull wordes to the most hyest and sayd O Lorde Lord thou spakest at the begynnyng when thou plantedst the earth and that thy selfe alone and gauest commaundement vnto the people and a body vnto Adā whiche was a creature of thy handes hast brethed in him the brethe of lyfe so he lyued before the and thou leddeste him into Paradyse whiche garden of pleasure thy ryght hande had plāted or euer y ● earth was made And vnto him thou gauest commaundemente to loue thy way whiche he trāsgressed and immedyately thou appoyntedst death in hym and in his g●neracions Of hym came nacyons trybes people and kynreddes out of nombre And euery people walcked after their owne wyll and dyd nyce thynges before the as for thy cōmaundementes they despysed them But in processe of tyme thou broughtest the water floude vpon those that dwelte in the worlde and destroyedst them And lyke as the death was in Adam so was y ● water floude also in these Neuerthelesse one of thē thou leftest namely Noe with his house holde of whome came all ryghtuous men And it happened that when they that dwelt vpon the earth beganne to multyplye and had gotten many chyldren and were a great people they begāne to be more vngodly thē the fyrste Nowe when they all lyued so wyckedly before the thou dydest chose the a man frō amonge them whose name was Abraham Him thou louedst and vnto hym onely thou shewedst thy wyl and madest an euerlasting couenaunt with hym promysynge him that thou woldest neuer forsake his sede And vnto him thou gauest Isaac * vnto Isaac also thou gauest Iacob and Esau. As 〈◊〉 Iacob thou dydest chose him and put ba●●● Esau. * And so Iacob became a greate multytude And it happened that when thou leddest his sede out of Egypt thou broughtest thē vp to the mounte Syon bowyng downe the heauens settynge fast the earthe mouynge the grounde makyng the depthes to shake and troublynge the worlde And thy glorye went thorowe foure partes of fyre and earthquakes and wyndes and colde that tho● myghtest geue the lawe vnto the sede of Iacob diligēce vnto y ● generacion of Israel And yet tokest thou not away from them that wycked herte y ● thy lawe myght brynge forth frute in them For the fyrst Adam ●a●● a wycked hert transgressed and was ouercome so be all they that are borne of 〈◊〉 Thus remayneth wickednes with th 〈…〉 in the herte of the people w t the wycke●●●● of the rote so that the good departed away and the euyll abode styll So the tymes passed awaye and the yeares were brought to an ende Then dydest thou rayse the vp a seruaūt called Dauid whom thou cōmaūdedst to buylde a cyte vnto thy name and to offre vp incense and sacryfyce vnto the therin This was done nowe many yeares Thē the inhabiters of the cyte forsoke the in all thīges dyd euē as Adā al his generacions had done for they also had a wicked hert And so thou gauest thy cyte ouer into the handes of thyne enemyes Are they of Babylon thē better and more ryghtuous then thy people that they shall therfore haue the domynyon of Syon For when I came there and sawe theyr vngodlynes
gyue thy seruaunt leaue that we may pray before the that thou mayest gyue sede vnto oure herte tyllynge to our vndestandyng that there maye cōme frute of it that euery one which is corrupte and beareth the state and place of a man may lyue For thou art alone we al are one work manshyppe of thy handes lyke as thou hast sayd and lyke as the body is fashioned now in the mothers wōbe thou geuest the mēbres and thy creature is preserued in fyre water .ix. monethes doth thy worke suffre thy creature whiche is fashyoned in her but the thing that preserueth and it that is preserued shall both be kept together and whē tyme is the wombe delyuereth the thynge that is kepte and growen in her For thou hast commaūded the brestes to geue mylcke vnto the fruyte that the thyng which is created and fashyoned may be noryshed for a tyme and then thou dysposest ordrest it with thy mercy bringeste it vp w t thy righteousnes nurturest it in thy lawe refourmest it with thy vnderstandyng mortifiest it as thy creature makest it lyuyng as thy worcke Seyunge then that thou destroyest him which with so great labours is created and fashyoned thorowe thy commaundemēt thou couldest lyghtly ordeine also that the thynge which is made myght be preserued And thys I speake now of all men in generall as y u knowest but of thy people for whose sake I am sory of thy inheritaūce for whose cause I mourne and of Israell for whom I am wofull and for Iacob for whose sake I am greued therfore begynne I to pray before the for my selfe for them for I se the fall of vs euen of vs that dwel vpon earth But I haue herde the swiftnes of y ● iudge which is to come therfore heare my voice and vnderstande my wordes and I shall speake before the. Thys is the begynnynge of the wordes of Esdras before he was receaued And I sayde O Lorde thou that dwellest in euerlastignesse whose eyes are lyfte vp in the ayre whose stoole is exceadynge hye whose glory maiesty may not be comprehended before whom the Hostes of aungels stande with trēbling whose kepyng is turned in wynde and fyre whose worde is true whose talckynge is stedfaste whose commaundement is stronge whose ordinaunce is fearful whose loke drieth vp the depthes whose wrath maketh the moūtaynes to melte awaye and whose trueth beareth wytnes O heare the prayer of thy seruaunt and marke with thyne eares the petycyon of thy creature For whyle I lyue I wyll speake and so longe as I haue vnderstanding I wyl answere O loke not vpon the synnes of thy people which serue the in trueth Haue no respecte vnto the wicked studies of the Heathen but to the desyre of those that kept thy testimonyes with sorowes Thyncke not vpō those that haue walked fame●ly before the but vpon them whiche with wyll haue knowen thy feare Let it not be thy wyll to destroye them which haue had beastly maners but to loke vpon thē that haue clearly taught thy law Take thou no indignacyō at thē which are worse then beastes but loue them that all waye put theyr trust in thy ryghteousnes glory for we our fathers haue al the same sycknes and dysease but because of our sinnes thou shalt be called mercyfull For yf thou hast mercy vpon vs y ● shalt be called mercyfull where as we haue no worckes of righteousnes for the righteous whiche haue sayed vp many good worckes together shal out of theyr dedes receaue rewarde For what is man that thou shuldest take displeasure at him Or what is the corruptible mortal generacyon that thou shul dest be so rough towarde hym For of a trueth there is no man amonge them that be borne but he hath dealte wyckedly and among the faithful there is none whiche hath not done amysse For in thys O Lord thy ryghteousnes and thy goodnes shal be praysed and declared yf thou be mercyfull vnto them which are not rych in good worckes Then answered he me and sayde Some thinges hast thou spoken a right and according vnto thy wordes it shall be For I wyl not verely consydre the worckes of them which haue synned before death before the iudgment before destruccyon but I wyll reioyce ouer the worcke and thought of the ryghteous I wyll remēbre also the pylgremage the holy makynge and the rewarde Lyke as I haue spoken now so shal it come to passe For as the husbande man so weth much sede vpon the grounde and planteth many trees and yet alwaye the thynge that is sowne or planted is not al kepte safe nether doth it all take rote Euen so is it of thē that are sowne in the worlde they shall not all be salued I answered then and sayde If I haue foūde grace then let me speake Like as the husbande mans sede perisheth yf it receaue not rayne in dewe season or it there come to much rayne vpō it Euen so perysheth man also which is created with thy handes and is lyke vnto thyne owne ymage and to thy selfe for whose sake thou hast made al thynges and lykened hym vnto the husbande mans sede Be not wroth at vs O Lorde but spare thy people and haue mercy vpon thyne owne inherytaunce O be mercyfull vnto thy creature Then answered he me sayde Thinges present are for the presēte thinges to come for suche as be to come For thou lackeste yet much seynge thou mayest loue my creature aboue me I haue oft times drawne me vnto the but neuer to the vnryghteous In this also thou art maruelous before y ● Hieit in that thou hast humbled thy selfe as it becommeth the and haste not regarded thyne owne selfe that thou art had ī such honour amōge the ryghteous Therfore shall great wrechednes and mysery come vpō thē that in the latter tyme shall dwell in the worlde because they haue walcked in greate pryde But vnderstande thou for thy selfe and seke out glory for such as be lyke the for vn to you is paradyse opened the tre of lyfe is planted the tyme to come is prepared plenteousnes made ready a cytie is buylded for you a rest is prepared yee perfecte goodnes and wysdome The rote of euel is marcked from you the weaknes mothe is hyd frō you into hell flyeth corrupcyon in forgetfulnes Sorowes are vanyshed awaye and in the ende is shewed the treasure of immortalyte And therfore aske thou no more questions concernyng the multytude of thē that peryshe For they haue taken libertye despysed the Hyeste thought scorne of hys lawe and forsaken his wayes Morouer they haue troden downe hys ryghteous and sayde in theyr herte that there is no God yee and that wyttingly for they dye For lyke as the thige that I haue spoken of is made ready for you Euen so is thyrst payne prepared for them For it was not hys wyll that man shulde come
the aungell dyd hym He offred vnto the aungell holfe the goodes that he brought with hym CAPI XII THen Tobyas called his sonne vnto hym and sayde What may we geue thys holy man that wente with the Tobias answered hys father and sayde Father what rewarde shall we geue him Or what thynge can deserue his benefytes He hath bene my gyde and brought me safe agayne he receaued the money frō Gabelus he caused me to get my wyfe he droue the euyll spryte from her be hath bene an occasyon of gladnesse to her father and mother he delyuered me that I was not deuoured of the fyshe he hath made the to se the lyght of heauen yee we all haue receaued greate good of him Howe shulde we worthely deserue these thynges vnto him But I praye the my father that thou wylt desyre him yf happly he wyll voutch safe to take w t hym the halfe of all that we haue brought So the father and the sonne called hym toke him asyde and beganne to praye hym y ● he wolde be cōtent to take in good worth the halfe parte of al that they had brought Then sayde he secretly vnto them Prayse ye the god of heauen and geue thankes vn to hym before all men lyuynge for he hathe shewed his mercy vnto vs. It is good to hyde the kinges secrete but to shew to praise y ● worckes of god it is an honorable thyng Prayer is good with fastinge and mercy is better then to hoorde vp treasures of gold For mercy delyuereth from death clenseth synne and causeth to fynde euerlasting lyfe But they that do synne vnrighteousnes are the enemyes of theyr owne soule Wherfore I tell you the truth and wyll hyde nothinge from you When thou prayedst with teares and buryedst the deed and leftest thy dyner and hiddest the deed in thy house vpon the day tyme that thou myghtest buryē them in the nyghte I offred thy prayer before the Lorde And because thou wast accept and beloued of God it was necessary that temtacyon shulde trye the. And now hath the Lord sent me to heale the and to delyuet Sara thy sonnes wyfe from the euyll spryte For I am Raphael an aungel one of the seuen that stande before God When they hearde thys they were sore afrayed and trembled and fell downe vpon theyr faces vnto the grounde Then sayde the Aungel Peace be with you feare not Where as I haue bene with you it is the wyll of God geue prayse and thanckes vnto hym You thought that I dyd eat and dryncke with you but I vse meate that is inuysyble and drincke that cannot be sene of men Nowe therfore is the tyme that I muste rurne agayne vnto him that sent me but be ye thanckfull vnto God and tel out all hys wonderous worckes And when he had spoken these wordes he was taken awaye out of theyr syghte so that they sawe hym nomore Then tell they downe flat vpon their faces by the spaces of thre houres praysed God when they rose vp they tolde all hys wonderous worckes ¶ Tobias the elder geueth thankes vnto God CAPI XIII THen olde Tobias opened 〈◊〉 mouthe and praysed the Lorde and sayde Great art thou O Lorde for euermore and thy kigdome worlde without ende for thou scourgest and healest thou ledest vnto hell and bryngest out agayne and there is none that may escape thyne hande O geue thankes vnto the Lorde ye chyldren of Israell and prayse hym in the syght of the heathen For amonge the Heathen whiche knowe hym not hathe he scatered you to the intent that ye shulde shewe forth hys maruelous worckes and cause them for to knowe that there is none other God almyghtye but he He hathe chastened vs for our mysdedes for hys owne mercye sake shall he saue vs. Consydre then howe he hath dealt with you and prayse hym with feare drede and magnyfye the euerlastynge kynge in youre worckes I wyll praye him euen in the lande of my captiuyte for he hath shewed his matestye vnto synful people Turne you therfore O ye synners and do ryghteousnes before God and be ye sure that he wyll shewe his mercy vpon you As for me my soule we wyll reioyse in God O prayse the Lorde all ye his chosen holde y ● dayes of gladnesse and be thankfull vnto hym O Ierusalem thou cytie of God the Lorde hath punyshed the for the workes of thyne owne handes O prayse the Lorde in thy good thynges and geue thankes to the euerlastynge God that he may buylde vp his tabernacle agayne in the that he maye call agayne vnto the all suche as be in captiuyte that thou mayest haue ioye for euermore With a fayre lyght shalte thou shyne and all the endes of the worlde shall honoure the. The people shall come vnto the from farre they shall brynge gyftes worship the Lorde in the and thy laude shall they haue for a Sanctuary for they shall call vpon the greate name in the. Cursed shall they be that despyse the all that blaspheme the shal be condempned but blessed shall they be that buylde the vp As for the thou shalt reioyse in the chyldre for they all shal be blessed and gathered together vnto the Lorde Blessed are they all that loue the and that be glad of thy peace Prayse thou the Lorde O my soule for the Lorde our God hathe delyuered hys cytie Ierusalem from all her troubles I wyll counte my selfe happye yf my sede remayne to se the clearnes of Ierusalem The gates of Ierusalem shal be buylded with Saphyre and Smarage and all the compasse of her walles with precyous stones All her stretes shal be paued with white marble stone and in al stretes shal Alleluya be songe Praysed be the Lorde whiche hath exalted her that his kyngdome maye be vpon her for euermore Amen And so Tobias made an ende of hys talkynge ¶ Tobias prophecyeth the destruction of Niniue His sōme returned to Raguel alter the decesse of h● father mother CAPI XIIII AND after that Tobias had gottē his sight agayne he lyued xlii ▪ yeares sawe his chylders chyldren Now when he was C and. ii yeare olde he dyed and was buryed honorably in Niniue For when he was sixe and fyftye yeares of age he lost the syght of his eyes and whē he was thre score yeare olde he gat his syght agayne The residue of his lyfe led he in ioye and increased well in y ● feare of God departed 〈◊〉 peace But in the houre of hys death he called vnto hym hys sonne Tobias and seuen yonge springaldes hys sōnes chyldren and sayde vnto thē The destruccyon of Niniue is at hande for the worde of the Lorde can not fayle and oure brethren that are scatred out of the lande of Israel shal come thyther agayne And the whole lande of it that hathe bene waste shal be fylled the huose of God that was brent in it shal be buylded agayne and all suche
to remembraunce howe oure fathers also in tymes past were tempted that they myght be proued yf they worshypped theyr God a ryght They ought to remembre howe our father Abraham beynge tempted and tryed thorowe many trybulacyons was founde a louer and frende of God So was Isaac so was Iacob so was Moises and al they that pleased God beyng tryed thorowe many troubles were founde stedfast in fayth Agayne they that receyued not theyr tēptacyons with the feare of God but put them selues forth with vnpaciency and murmurynge agaynste God peryshed of the destroyer and were slayne of serpentes And therfore shuld not we vndertake to be auenged for the thyng that is done vnto vs but to consydre that all these punyshementes are farre lesse then our synnes and mysdedes Beleuinge also that this correccyon commeth vnto vs as to the seruauntes of God for amendemente and not for our destruccion Then sayde Osias the elders vnto Iudith All that thou speakest is true and no man can reproue thy wordes Pray thou for vs now therfore vnto God for thou arte an holy woman and fearest God And Iudith sayde vnto them Seyng ye knowe that my wordes are of God then proue my councell and deuyse yf it be of God beseche God y ● he wyll brynge my councel to good ende Thus haue I deuised Ye shal stande this nyght before the porte and I wyll go forthe w t Abra my mayden Praye ye therfore vnto God that he wyl graciously remēbre his people of Israel wtin fiue dayes as ye haue said As for the thynge that I go in hande wtal aske ye no questions of it tyl I open it vnto you my selfe do ye nothīg els but pray vnto the Lorde our God for me Then Osias the prince of the people of Iuda sayd vnto her Go thy way i peace the Lorde be w t the that we may be auēged of oure ennemyes And so they wente from her agayne ¶ The prayer of Iudith for the vyctory CAPI IX NOwe when they were gone theyr way Iudyth wente into her closet put on an hearrye smocke strawed asshes vpon her heade fell downe before the Lord and cryed vnto hym sayinge O Lorde God of my father Symeon which gauest hym a swerde for a defence agaynst the enemyes that vsed vyolence and wylfulnes and that rauisshed the vyrgin and put her to dyshonesty Thou that gauest theyr wyues into a pray theyr daughters into captiuite and al theyr praye for a spoyle vnto thy seruauntes whyche bare a zele vnto the helpe me wyddowe O Lorde my God I beseche the. For thou hast done all thynges from the begynnynge and loke what thou hast taken in hande and deuised it came euer to passe For all thy wayes are prepared and thy iudgementes are done in thy euerlastyng for knoweledge O loke nowe vpon the armies of the Assyrians lyke as it was thy pleasure somtime to loke vpon the host of y ● Egipciās when they being weapened ꝑsecute thy seruaūtꝭ put theyr trust in their charettes horsmē in the multitude of their men of warre But y u lokedst vpon their host castyng a thycke darkenes before them when they came into the depe the waters ouerwhelmed them Euen so Lorde let it go with these that truste in the power multitude of their men of warre in theyr charettes arowes speares and knowe not that thou onely art our God whiche destroyest warres from the begynnyng and that thou art the Lord. O lift vp thyne arme nowe lyke as euer trō the begynning in thy power brynge their power to naught cause theyr myght to fall in thy wrathe They make theyr boste that they wyll vnhalowe and defyle thy Sanctuary and to wayst the tabernacle of thy name to cast downe the horne of thyne aulter with theyr swerde Bryng to passe O Lorde that the pryde of the enemye maye be cut downe with his owne swearde that he maye be takē w t the snare of his eyes in me and that thou mayest smyte hi with the lyppes of my loue O geue me a stedfast minde that I maye despyse him and his strength that I may destroye hym Thys shall brynge thy name an euerlastynge remembraunce yf the hande of a woman ouer throwe hym For thy power O Lord stādeth not in y ● power of men neyther hast y u any pleasure in the strength of horses There was neuer proude persone y t pleased the but in the prayer of y ● humble and meke hath thy pleasure bene euermore O thou God of the heauens thou maker of the waters and Lorde of all creatures heare me poore woman callynge vpon the puttynge my truste in thy mercy Remembre thy couenaunt O Lorde and mynister wordes in my mouth and stablysh this deuice in my hert that thy house maye contynue styll in holynes and that all the Heythen maye knowe that thou art God and that there is none other but thou ¶ Iudish decketh her selfe ●o go to Holofernes The blessynge that the Elders gaue Iudith Holofernes is in loue with Iudith CAPI X. ANd whē she had left of cryeng vnto the Lord she rose vp from the place where she had lyen flat before the Lord called her mayden wente downe into her house layed the hearrye clothe frē her put of the garmne●es of her wyddowhode wasshed her body anoynted her selfe with precyous thynges ▪ of swete sauoure broyded and platted her hearre set an hooue vpon her head and put on suche apparell as belongeth vnto gladnesse slyppers vpon her fete armellettꝭ spāges earynges fynger rynges and deckt her selfe w t all her best aray The Lorde gaue her also a specyall beautye and fayrenes for all this deckyng of her selfe was not done for any voluptuousnesse and pleasure of the fleshe but of a ryght discrecyon and vertue therfore dyd the Lorde increase her bewtye so that she was exceadyng amiable and welfauoured in all mens eyes She gaue hyr mayde also a botell of wyne a pot with oyle pottage cake bread chese and went her way Nowe whan she came to the porte of the cytie she founde Osias and the elders of the cytie waytyng there Whiche whā they sawe her they were astonnyed marueled greatly at her vewty Neuerthelesse they asked no questiō at her but let her go saying The god of our fathers geue the his grace with hys power perfourme al the deuyse of thy herte y ● Ierusalē maye reioyce ouer the that thy name may be in the nōbre of the holy ryghtuous And al they y ● were there sayde w t one voyce so be it so be it Iudith made her prayer vnto the Lord went out at the porte she and her mayde And as she was going downe the mountayne it happened that aboute y ● sprynge of the day the spyes of the Assyriās met w t her toke her saying whence cōmest y u Or whither goest y u She answered I am a
she may eate and drincke wine and be mery with him Unto whome Iudith answered Who am I that I shulde saye my Lorde naye whatsoeuer is good before his eyes I shall do it and loke what is hys pleasure that shall I thyncke well done as longe as I lyue So she stode vp and deckte her self with her apparell and wente in and stode before him And Holofernes herte was whole moued so that he brent in desyre towarde her And Holofernes sayd vnto her dryncke now and syt downe and be mery for thou haste founde fauoure before me Then sayde Iudith Syr I wyll dryncke for my mynde is meryer to daye then euer it was in all my lyfe And she toke and dyd eate and drancke before him y ● thinges y ● her mayden had prepared for her And Holofernes was mery w t her and drancke more wine then euer he did afore in his lyfe ¶ Holofernes slepet●● for very dronckēne● and Iudith cut ●eth of his heade ●nd goeth ther with to her owne people of who●● she is r●●●yued with ●oy They geue thākes vnto God 〈◊〉 theyr deliueraunce Iudith speaketh vnto Achior Which maru●leth at her fe●●e done to Holofernes CAPI XIII NOwe when it was late in the nyght his seruauntes made haste euery man to his lodgynge And Uagao shut the Chambre dores and wente his waye for they were all ouerladen with wyne So was Iudith alone in the chambre As for Holofernes he laye vpon the bed all droncken and of verye dronckēnes fel a slepe Then commaunced Iudith her mayden to stande without before the dore to waite And Iudith stode before the bed makynge her prayer with tearess moued her lyppes secretely sayde Strengthen me O Lorde God of Israel haue respecte vnto the workes of my hādes in this houre y ● thou mayest set vp thy cyte of Ierusalem lyke as y ● haste promysed O graūte that by the I may perfourme y ● thyng which I haue deuysed thorowe the beleue that I haue in the. And when she had spokē thys she went to the bedsteade lowsed the swerde that hanged vpon it drew it out Thē toke she holde of the hearrye lockes of hys heade and sayd Strengthen me O Lorde God in this hour with that she gaue him two strokes vpon the necke and smote of his head Then toke she the canapy away rolled the deed body asyde Immediatly she gather forth delyuered y e head of Holofernes vnto her maidē bad her put it in her wallet And so these two wente forth together after theyr custome as though they wolde pray so passed by the host came thorow the valey vnto the porte of the cytye And Iudyth cryed a farre of vnto the watchemē vpon the walles Opē the gates sayde she for God is w t vs which hath shewed his power ● Israel And when they hearde her voyce they called the elders of the cite together And they came a● to mete her lytle great yonge olde for they thoughte not y ● she shulde haue come so sone So they lyghted candels gathered a boute her euery ●hone but she wente vp into an hye place and caused sylence to be proclamed When euery man now helde hys tonge Iudith sayde O prayse the Lord our God for he hath not despysed nor forsaken them that put their trust in him in me his handmaidē he hath perfourmed his mercy which he promysed vnto the house of Israel yee in my hand thys same nyght hath he slayne the enemye of hys people And with that she toke forth the head of Holofernes out of the wallet and shewed it them sayinge Beholde the heade of Holofernes the captayne of the Assyryans and thys is the canapy wherin he laye in his dronckēnes where the Lord our God hath slayne h● by the hande of a woman But as truly as the Lorde liueth his Angell hath kepte me goynge thyther remaynyng there cōmynge hyther agayne frome thence And the Lord hath not suffred me his hand mayden to be defyled but without any fylthines of sine hath he brought me agayne vnto you that with great vyctorye so y ● I am escaped and ye delyuered O geue thankes vnto him euerychone for he is gracious and his mercy endureth for euer So they praysed the Lorde al together gaue thākes vnto him And to her they said The Lorde hath blessed the in his power for thorow the he hath brought our enemyes to naught And Ozias the chefe ruler of y ● people of Israel said vnto her Blessed art thou daughter of the Lord the hye God aboue all wemen vpon earth Blessed be y ● Lord the maker of heauen earth which hath gyded y ● a ryght to woūde and to smyte of the head of the Captayne of oure enemyes For this daye he hath made thy name so honourable y e thy prayse shal neuer come out of the mouth of mē which shal alwaye remembre the power of the Lorde seying thou hast not spared thyne owne self but put the in ●eopardy consideryng the anguysh and trouble of thy people and so hast helped theyr fall before God our Lorde And all the people sayd Amen Amen Achior also was called he came Then sayde Iudith vnto hym The God of Israel vnto whō y u gauest witnes y ● he wolde be auēged of his enemyes euen he hath this nyght thorow my hand smytten of y ● head of all the vnfaythfull And that y u mayest se y e it so is beholde this is y ● head of Holofernes which in his presumptuous pryde despysed y ● God of the people of Israell threatened the w t destruceyō saying whē y ● people of Israel is taken I shall cause y ● also to be styck●e with the swerde When Achior sawe Holofernes head he fell downe vpō his face to y ● groūde for very anguyshe feare so y ● he sowned w t all But after y ● he was come agayne to hym self he fel downe before her and praysed her saying Blessed art thou of thy God in al the tabernacles of Iacob for all the people that here of thy name shall prayse the God of Israel because of the. ¶ The councel of Iudith Achior beynge an Heathen man turneth to God The Assirians are afrayed of the Iewes CAPI XIIII IUdith sayde vnto all the people ▪ Brethrē heare me Styck vp this heade vpon our walles when the Sūne ariseth take euery man his weapē fall out vyolently not as though ye wolde go besyde thē but to rēne vpon thē with vyo●ēce When the spyes ● the ●entes se thys they shall of necessyte be compelled to ●le backward and to rayse vp their captayne to the batayle So when their captaynes come into Holofernes pa●ylyon and fynde y ● dead body wrapped in y ● bloude fearfulnes shall fall vpon them and whē ye perceyue that they flye folow thē without al care for God shal
the hell to the intent that after thys maner oure empyre maye haue peace and tranquilite But Mardocheus thought vpon all the worckes and noble actes of the Lorde and made his prayer vnto him saying O Lord Lorde thou valeaunt and almyghty kinge for al thinges are in thy power and if thou wilt helpe delyuer Israel there is no man that can withstāde nor let the for thou hast made heauen and earth and what wonderous thing so euer is vnder the heauē thou art Lorde of all thinges and there is no mā that can resist thy maiestye O Lord Thou knowest all thynges thou woteste Lorde y ● it was nether of malice nor presūpcion nor for any desyre of glory y ● I wolde not vowe downe my selfe nor worshyp yonder proude presumpteous Amā for I wolde haue bene contente that with good wyl yf it myght haue done Israel any good to haue kist euē his fotsteppes but that I dyd it because I wolde not set the honour of a man in the steade of the glorye of God and because I wolde worship none but onely y ● my Lorde And thys haue I done in no pryde nor presūpcyon And therfore O Lord thou God kyng haue mercy vpō thy people for they ymagin how they may bring vs to naught yee their minde desyre is to destroy and to ouerthrowe the people that hath euer bene thyne enheritaūce of olde O despise not thy porciō which thou hast delyuered brought oute of Egypte for thyne owne selfe Heare my prayer and be mercyfull vnto the people whom y u hast chosen for an herytage vn to thy selfe Turne oure complainte and sorowe into ioye that we may lyue O Lorde prayse thy name O Lorde suffre not the mouthes of thē y ● prayse the to be destroied All the people of Israell in lyke maner cryed as earnestly as they coulde vnto the Lord for theyr death and destruccyon stode before theyr eyes ¶ The prayer of Es●her for the delyueraunce of her au● her people CAPI XIIII QUene Esther also being ī the battayl of death resorted vnto the lorde laied awaye her gloryous apparell and put on the garmentes that serued for sighthynge and mournynge In the steade of precyous oyntment she scatred asshes and dong vpō her head and as for her body she humbled it with fastynge and broughte it very lowe All the places where she was wont to haue ioy afore those filled she with the heare that she plucte out her selfe She prayed also vnto the Lorde God of Israell with these wordes ▪ O my Lorde thou onely art oure kynge helpe me desolate woman whiche haue no helper but the for my mysery destruccyon is harde at my hande Fro my youth vp I haue hetde out of the kinred of my father y ● thou tokest Israel from amonge all people so haue oure fathers of theyr fore elders y ● they shulde be thy perpetual inherytaūce and loke what thou didest promise thē thou hast made it good vnto them Now wel Lord we haue synned before the therfore hast thou geuen vs into the handes of oure enemyes because we worshypped theyr goddes Lorde thou art ryghteous Neuertheles it satisfieth them not that we are in bitter and heuy captiuite and oppressed amonge them but thou hast layed theyr handes vpō the handes of theyr goddes so that they begynne to take awaye y e thynge that thou with thy mouth hast ordened and appoynted to destroye thyne inheritaunce to shut and to stoppe the mouthe of thē that prayse the to quench the glory worshippe of thy house and thine aulter and to open y ● mouthes of the Heathen y ● they may prayse the power and vertue of the goddes and to magnifye the fleshly kynge for euer O Lorde geue not thy scepter vnto them that be nothing lest they laugh vs to scorne in oure mysery fall but turne theyr deuice vpō them selues and punish him that hath begonne the same ouer vs and set him to an example Thyncke vpon vs O Lorde and shewe thy selfe vnto vs in the tyme of oure distres and of our trouble Strength me O thou Kynge of Goddes thou Lorde of all power geue me an cloquēt pleasaūt spech in my mouth before the Lyon Turne hys hert in to y ● hate of oure enemye to destroye him and all such as consent vnto hym But deliuer vs with thy hade and helpe me thy hand mayde which haue no defence nor hel per put onely the Lorde thou knowest all thynges thou wotest y t I loue not the glory and worshyp of the vnryghteous and that I hate and abhorre the bed of the vncircum cysed and of all Heathen Thou knowest my necessite that I hate the token of my preemynence and worshyp which I beare vpō my head what tyme as I must shewe my selfe and be sene that I abhorre it as an vncleane cloth and that I weare it not when I am quyete and alone by my selfe Thou knowest also that I thy hande mayden haue not eaten at Amans table and that I haue had no pleasure nor de lyte in the Kynges feaste that I haue not drōcke the wyne of the drinckoffringes and that I thy hande maiden haue no ioy sence the daye that I was brought hyther vnto this day but onely in the O Lorde O thou God of Abrahā O thou mighty God aboue all heare the voyce of them that haue none other hope delyuer vs out of the hand of the wicked and deliuer me out of my feare ¶ Mardocheus moueth Hester to go into the Kynge and make intercession for her people and she performeth hys request CAPI XV. MArdocheus also bad Hester go in vnto the kyng and praye for her people and for her countre Remembre sayeth he the dayes of thy lowe estate howe thou waste norished vnder my hand For Aman which is next vnto the kynge hath geuen sentence of death agaynst vs. Cal thou therfore vpō the Lorde speake for vs vnto the kynge deliuer vs from death And vpō the thyrde daye it happened that Hester layed awaye the mournynge garmentes and put on her gloryous apparel deckte her selfe goodly after that she had called vpon God which is y ● beholder and Sauioure of al thinges toke two maydes with her vpō the one she leaned her selfe as one that was tender the other folowed her and bare y ● trayne of her vesture The shyne of her bewtye made her face rose colored The similitude of her face was chearfull amiable but her hert was sorowful for greate feare She wēte in thorow al the dores and stode before the kyng The kynge sat vpon the trone of hys kingdome and was clothed in his goodly aray all of golde and set with precyous stones he was very terryble He lyfte vp hys face that shone in the clearnes and loked grily vpon her Then fel the Quene downe was pale faynt leaned her selfe vpon the head of the
ordre al thinges I haue loued her laboure for her euen fro my youth vp I dyd my diligēce to mary my selfe with her such loue had I vnto her beuty Who so hath the company of God commendeth her nobilite yee the Lorde of all thynges himselfe loueth her For she is the scolemay stresse of the nurtoure of God and the choser out of hys workes Yf a mā wolde desyre ryches in this lyfe what is rycher then wysdome that worketh all thynges Thou wylte saye vnderstandynge worketh What is it amonge all thynges that worketh more then wysdome If a man loue vertue and ryghtuousnes let hym laboure for wysdome for she hath great vertues And why she teacheth sobernesse prudence rightuousnes and strength which are such thynges as men can haue nothynge more profytable in their lyfe If a man desyre muche knowledge she can tel y ● thinges that are paste and discerne thynges for to come she knoweth the soteltyes of wordes and cā expounde darke sentences She can tell of tokens and wonderous thīges or euer they come to passe and the endes of al tymes and ages So I purposed after thys maner I wyll take her vnto my company and comen louyngly with her no doute she shall gyue me good councell and speake comfortablye vnto me in my carefulnes and grefe For her sake shall I be well and honestely taken amonge the comens and Lordes of the councell Thoughe I be yonge yet shall I haue sharpe vnderstandyng so that I shal be maruelous in the syght of greate men and the faces of Prynces shal wonder at me When I holde my tonge they shall byde my leasure when I speake they shall loke vpon me and yf I talke muche they shal lay their handes vpon theyr mouth Moreouer by the meanes of her I shall optayne immortalite and leaue behinde me an euerlastynge memoryal amonge them that come after me I shall set the people in ordre and the nacyons shall be subdued vnto me Horrible tyrauntes shal be afrayed when they do but heare of me amōg the multytude I shal be counted good and myghtie in battayle When I come home I shal fynde reste with her for her cōpany hath no bitternes her felowshyp hath no tedyousnesse but myrth and ioye Nowe when I consydered these thynges by my selfe and pondered them in my herte how that to be ioyned vnto wysdome is immortalyte and greate pleasure to haue her frendshyp howe that in the worckes of her handes are infynyte ryches howe that who so kepeth company with her shall be wyse and that he which talketh w t her shall come to honoure I went aboute sekyng together vnto me For I was a lad of a rype wytte and had a good vnderstandynge But when I grewe to more vnderstandyng I came to an vndefyled body Neuerthelesse when I perceyued that I coulde not kepe my selfe chaste excepte God gaue it me and that was apoynte of wysdome also to know whose gyft it was I stepped vnto the Lorde and besought him with my whole herte I sayde after this maner ¶ A prayer of Salomon to optayne wysdome CAPI IX O God of my fathers and Lorde of mercyes thou that haste made all thynges with thy worde and ordayned man thorowe thy wysdome that he shulde haue domynyon ouer the creature whyche thou haste made that he shulde ordre the worlde accordynge to equyte and ryghtuousnes and execute iudgemēt with a true hert geue me wisdome which is euer about thy seate and put me not out from amonge thy chyldren for I thy seruaunt and sonne of thy handmayden and a feble personne of a short tyme and to yonge to the vnderstandyng of iudgemente and the lawes And though a man be neuer so perfecte among the chyldren of men yet if thy wysdome be not with hym he shal be nothyng regarded But thou hast chosen me to be a kynge vnto thy people and the iudge of thy sonnes and daughters Thou hast commaunded me to buylde a tēple vpō thy holy mounte an aulter in the cytie wherin thou dwellest a lickenesse of thy holy tabernacle whyche thou hast prepared from the begynnynge thy wysdome wyth the which knoweth thy worckes which also was with the when thou madest the worlde knewe what was acceptable in thy syght and ryght in thy cōmaundementes O sende her out of thy holy heauens and frō the trone of thy maiesty that she may be with me and labour with me that I maye knowe what is acceptable in thy syght For she knoweth and vnderstandeth all thynges and she shal lede me soberly in my worckes and preserue me in her power So shall my workes be acceptable and then shall I gouerne thy people ryghtuously and be worthy to syt in my fathers seate For what man is he that may know y e councel of God Or who can thinke what the wyll of God is For the thoughtes of mortall men are miserable and oure forecastes are but vncertayne And why a mortal and vncorruptible body is heuy vnto the soule and the early mansyon kepeth downe that vnderstandyng that museth vpon many thinges Uery hardly can we discerne the thynges that are vpon earth and greate laboure haue we or we can fynde the thynges which are before our eyes Who wyll then seke out the grounde of the thynges that are done in heauen Oh Lorde who can haue knowledge of thy vnderstandyng and meanyng excepte thou geue wysdome and sende thy holy ghost from aboue ● that the wayes of them whiche are vpon earthe maye be refourmed that men maye learne the thynges that are pleasaūte vnto the and be preserued thorowe wysdome ¶ The delyueraunce of the righteous commeth through wysdome CAPI X. WYsdome preserued the fyrste man whom God made a Father of the worlde whē he was created alone brought him out of his offence toke hym out of the moulde of the earth gaue hī power to rule all thynges When the vnryghtuous went away in hys wrath from this wysdome the brotherhed perysshed thorowe the wrath of murthur Agayne whē the water destroyed the whole worlde wysdome preserued the ryghtuous thorow a poore tre wherof she was gouerner herself Moreouer whē wyckednesse had gotten the vpper hande so that the nacions were puft vp with pryde she knew the ryghtuous preserued him fautlesse vnto God and layed vp sure mercye for his chyldren She preserued the rightuous whē he fled frō the vngodly that e●pyshed what tyme as y ● fyre fell downe vpon the. v. cyties Lyke as yet thys daye the vnfruteful waste and smokynge land geueth testimony of their wyckednesse yee the vnrype vntymely frutes that growe vpon the trees And for a token of a remembraūce of the vnfaythfull soule there standeth a pyler of salt For al suche as regarded not wysdome gat not onely thys hurte y t they knewe not the thynges whiche were good but also lefte behinde them vnto mē a memoriall of their foolishnes so that
small pece of wodd passyng ouer the see in a shyp and are saued For in y ● olde tyme also when the proude grauntes peryshed he in whō the hope was lefte to encrease the worlde wente into the shyppe whiche was gouerned thorowe thy hande and so left sede behynde him vnto the worlde For happye is y ● tree where thorowe ryghtuousnes cōmeth but cursed is the ydol that is made with hādes ye both it and he that made it He because he made it and it because it was called God where as it is but a frayle thynge For the vngodly hys vngodlynes are both lyke abhominable vnto God Euen so the worke and he that made it also shall be punyshed together Therefore shall there a plage come vpon the ydols of the Heythen for out of the creature of God they are become an abhomynacyon a temptacyon vnto the soules of men and a snare for the fete of the vnwyse And why y ● sekynge out of ydoles is the begynnynge of whordome and the bryngynge vp of thē is the destruccyon of lyfe For they were not from the begynnynge nether shall they contynue for euer The welthy ydelnes of men hath founde them out vpon earthe therfore shal they come shortly to an ende Whē a father mourned for hys sōne y ● was takē awaye frō him he made him an ymage in all y ● haste of his deed sonne so begāne to worshyppe him as God which was but a deed mā ordened his saruaūtes to offre vnto him Thꝰ by processe of tyme thorow an vngracioꝰ custome this erroure was kepte as lawe and tyrauntes cōpelled men by violence to honour ymages As for those that were so farre of that men myght not worshyppe them presently theyr pycture was brought frō farre lyke the ymage of a Kyng whō they wolde honoure to the intent that with greate diligence they myght worshypp him which was farre of as thoughe he had bene present Agayne the synguler connyng of the cratesman gaue the ignoraunte also a great occasyon to worshyp ymages For the workeman wylling to do him a pleasure that set him a worcke laboured with all his connynge to make the ymage of the best fashyon And so thorowe the beuty of the worcke the comē people was disceyued in so much that they toke him nowe for a God which a lytle afore was but honored as a man And thys was the erroure of mans lyfe when men eyther for to serue theyr owne affeccion or to do some plesure vnto kinges ascribed vnto stones and stockes y ● name of god which ought to be gyuen vnto no man Moreouer this was not ynough for thē that they erred in the knowledge of God but where as they lyued in the greate warres of ignorauncy those many greate plages called they peace For eyther they slue theyr owne chyldren and offred them or dyd sacrifice in the nyght season or els helde vn reasonable watches so that they kepte neyther lyfe nor maryage cleane but eyther one slue another to death malyciously or els greued his neyghboure wyth aduoutrye And thus were al thynges myxte together bloud manslaughter theft dissimulacyon corrupcyon vnfaytfulnesse sedycyon periurye dis quyetynge of good men vnthanfulnes defylynge of soules chaungynge of byrth vnsted fastnesse of maryage mysorder of aduou trye and vnclenesse And why the honourynge of abhomynable ymages is the cause the begynnynge and ende of all euyll For they that worshyppe Idols eyther they are mad when they be mery or prophecie lyes or lyue vngodly or els lyghtly forsweare them selues Frr in so much as their truste is in y ● Idols which haue nether soule ner vnderstandynge thoughe they sweare falsely yet they thynke it shall not hurte them Therfore commeth a greate plage vpon them that worthely for they haue an euyll opinion of God gyuyng hede vnto Idols swearyng vniustly to disceyue despysynge rightuousnes For theyr swearing is no vertue but a plage of thē y ● sine goeth euer w t the offence of the vngodly ¶ The voyce of the faythfull praysynge the mercy of God for whose graces sake they serue not Idols CAPI XV. BUt y u O our God art swete long sufferyng true in mercy ordrest y u al thinges Though we synne yet are we thyne for we knowe thy strēgth If we synne not then are we sure that thou regardest vs. For to knowe the is perfecte ryghtuousnes Yee to knowe thy ryghtuousnes and power is the rote of immortalyte As for the thynge that men haue founde out thorowe theyr euyll science it hath not disceyued vs as the payntyng of the picture an vnprofytable labour and carued image w t diuerse colours whose syght entysed the ignoraunt so that he honoreth and loueth the pycture of a deed image that hath no soule Neuertheles they that loue such euyl thiges are worthy of death they y ● trust in thē they y ● make them they that loue them they that honoure thē The potter also taketh tempereth soft earth laboureth it giueth it the fashion of a vessel whatsoeuer serueth for our vse so of one pece of claye he maketh some cleane vessel for seruice some cōtrary But wherto euery vessel serueth y ● knoweth the potter hym selfe So with his vayne laboure he maketh a God of the same claye this dothe euen he whiche a lytle afore was made of earthe hym selfe and within a lytle whyle after when he dyeth turneth to earth agayne Notwithstandyng he careth not the more because he shall labour nor because hys lyfe is short but stryueth to excell gold smythes the siluer smythes and coper smythes and taketh it for an honour to make vayne thynges For his herte is asshes hys hope is but vaine earth his life is more vile then clay for so much as he knoweth not his owne maker y ● gaue hi his soule to worke brethed in hī the breth of lyfe They coūte our lyfe but a pastyme our cōuersacion to be but a market that men shulde euer be gettyng that by euyl meanes Nowe he y ● of earth maketh frayle vessels ymages knoweth hī selfe to offēde aboue al other All y ● enemyes of thy people that holde thē in subieccyon are vnwise vnhappy and exceadynge proude vnto theyr owne soules for they iudge all the Idols of the Heathen to be goddes which nether haue eye syght to se nor noses to smell nor eares to heare nor fyngers of handes for to grope as for their fete they are to slowe to go For man made them he that hath but a borowed sprete fashioned them But no mā can make a God lyke vnto hym for seynge he is but mortall hym selfe it is but mortall that he maketh with vnryghtuous handes He hym selfe is better then they whom he worshyppeth for helyued though he was mortall so dyd neuer they Yee they worshyppe beastes also which are most miserable for
her vnto the for the feare of the Lorde is wysdome and nurture he hath pleasure in fayth and louynge mekenesse and he shal fyl the treasures therof Be not obstinate and vnfaythfull to the feare of the Lorde and come not vnto hym with a double hert Be not an ypocryce in y ● light of men and take good hede what thou speakest Marcke well these thynges lest y ● happen to fal and bringe thy soule to dishonoure and so god discouer thy secretes and cast the downe in the middest of the congregacyo because thou woldest not ceceaue the teare of God and because thy herte is ful of faynednes and disceace ¶ He exhorteth the seruaūtes of god to righteousnes lo●e vnderstandynge and ● cyence ●●d exhorteth him that 〈◊〉 teth God to beleue to hope and to loue because God ●●ither confoundeth nor forsaketh them that truste in hym A curse vpon the sotell fearce and impacyent of herte CAPI II. My sonne yf thou wylte come into the seruyce of God stande faste in ryghteousnesse and feare and arme thy soule to temptacyon setle thyne herte and be pacyent bowe downe thine eare receaue the wordes of vnderstandinge and shryncke not awaye when thou art entysed Holde the fast vpon God ioyne thy selfe vnto him and suffre that thy life may increace at the last Whatsoeuer happeneth vnto y ● receaue it suffre ī heuynesse and be pacient in thy trouble For lyke as golde syluer are tryed in the fyre euen so are acceptable mē in y ● fornace of aduersite Beleue ī God he shall helpe the ordre thy waye a ryght and put thy trust in him Hold fast his feare and grow therin O ye that feare the Lord take sure holde of his mercy shrincke not a waye from him that ye fal not O ye that feare the Lord beleue hī and your rewarde shal not be emptye O ye that feare y e Lord put your trust in him and mercy shall come vnto you for pleasure O ye y t feare y e Lord set your loue vpon him and you hertes shal be lyghtened Consydre the olde generacions of mē O ye chyldren marck them well was there euer eny one confounded that put hys trust in the Lord Who euer cōtinued in his feare and was forsaken Or whome dyd he euer despyse that called faithfully vpō him For God is gracyous mercyfull he forgeueth sinnes in the tyme of trouble and is a defender for all them that seke hym in the truthe Wo be vnto him y t hath a double hert wycked lippes and euyll occupied hādes and to the synner that goeth two maner of wayes Wo be vnto them y ● are loose of herte which put not theyr trust in god and therfore shall they not be defended of hym Wo be vnto thē that haue lost pacience forsakē y ● ryght wayes and are turned back into frowarde wayes What wyll they do whan the Lord shall begynne to vyset them They that feare the Lord wyll not mistrust his worde and they y ● loue him wyll kepe his commaundement They that feare the Lord wyl seke out the thinges that are pleasaunt vnto him they that loue him shall fulfyll hys lawe They that feare the Lorde wyll prepare theyr hertes and humble theyr soules ī his sight They that feare the Lorde kepe his commaūdementes and wyll be pacient tyl they se hym selfe saying better it is for vs to fal into y t handes of y e Lorde then into the handes of men for hys mercy is as greate as hym selfe ¶ To our father and mother ought we to geue double honour Of the blessynge and ruesse of the father and mother No man ought ouce curyously to searthe oure the secretes of God CAPI III. THe chyldren of wysdome are a congregacyon of the ryghteous and theyr extrcise is obedience and loue Heare me your father O my deare chyldren and do there after that ye may be safe For y ● Lorde wyll haue the father honoured of the children and loke what a mother commaūdeth her chyldren to do he wyll haue it kept Who so honoureth his father his synnes shall be forgeuen him he that honoureth his mother is lyke one y ● gathereth treasure together Who so honoureth hꝭ father shall haue ioye of his owne chyldren when he maketh his prayer he shal be herde He y ● honoureth his father shal haue a long lyfe and he that is obedyent for the Lordes sake hys mother shall haue ioye of hym He that feareth the Lorde honoureth hys father and mother and doth thē seruyce as it were vnto the Lorde hym selfe Honoure thy father in dede in worde and ī al paciēce that thou mayest haue Gods blessinge and hys blessynge shall abyde with y ● at the last The blessing of the father buyldeth vp the houses of the children but the mothers curse roteth out the foundacyons Reioyse not whē thy father is reproued for it is not honoure vnto the but a shame For the worshype of a mās father is his owne worship where the father is without honoure it is the dishonesty of the sonne My sonne make much of thy father in hys age greue hym not as long as he lyueth And if his vnderstandynge fayle haue pacience with hym and despise him not in thy strength For the good dede y ● thou shewest vnto thy father shal not be forgottē and when thou thy self wanteste it shall be rewarded the for thy mothers offence thou shalt be recompensed with good yee it shall be founded for the in ryghteousnes and in the daye of trouble y ● shalt be remembred the synnes also shall melte awaye lyke as the yse in the fayre warme water He that forsaketh his father shall come to shame and he that defieth his mother is cursed of God My sonne perfourme thy worckes wyth louynge mekenesse so shalte thou be loued aboue other men The greater thou arte the more humble thy selfe in all thynges and thou shalt fynde fauoure in the syght of God For greate power belongeth onely vnto God and he is honoured of the lowly Seke not out the thynges y ● are aboue thy capacyte and search not the grounde of such thinges as are to myghtye for the but loke what God hath cōmaunded the thinke vpon that all waye and be not curyous in many of hys worckes For it is not nedeful for the to se with thyne eyes the thynges that are secret Make not thou to muche search ī superssuous thinges and be not curious in many of his workes for many thinges are shewed vnto the al ready which be aboue the capacite of men The medlyng w t such hath begyled many a mā and tangled theyr wittes in vanyte An harde hert shall fare euyll at the last and he that louethe peryll shall peryshe therm an hert that goeth two wayes shall not prospere and he that is froward of hert wyll euer be worse and worsse A wycked
hert shal be laden with sorowes and the vn godly sinner wyl heape one sinne vpon another The coūcel of y ● proude hath no health for the plante of synne shall be roted oute in them not knowen The herte of hym that hath vnderstanding shal perceaue hye thinges and a good eare wyl gladly herken vnto wisdome An herte that is wyse and hath vnderstandynge wyll abstayne from synnes increase ī the workes of righteousnes Water quencheth burnynge fyre mercy reconcileth synnes God hath respecte vnto hym that is thanckeful he thyncketh vpon hym agaynst the tyme to come so that when he falleth he shall fynde a stronge holde ¶ Alme● muste be done with all menkenes The studye of wysdome and her frute A iudge ought to be mercyfull An exhortacyon to eschue euell and to do good CAPI IIII. MY sōne defraude nat the poore of his almes and turne not away thyne eyes from him that hathe nede Despise not an hongrye soule defye nat the poore in hys necessite greue not the herte of hym that is helplesse and withdrawe nat the gyfte from the nedefull Refuse nat the prayer of one y ● is in trouble turne nat awaye thy face from the nedy Cast nat thyne eyes asyde from the poore for any euell wyll that thou geue hym not occasion to speake euell of y ● For if he complayne of the in y ● bytternes of hys soule his prayer shall be herde euen he y ● made him shal heare hym Be curteous vnto the company of y ● poore hūble thy soule vnto the elder bowe downe thy head to a man of worshyppe Let it not greue the to bowe downe thyne eare vnto y ● poore but paye thy dett and geue hym a frendly answere and that with mekenesse Delyuer hym that suffreth wronge from the hande of the oppressour and be nat faint harted when thou syttest in iudgement Be mercyfull vnto the fatherlesse as a father be in steade of an housbande vnto theyr mother so shalt thou be as an obediēt sonne of the Hyest and he shal loue the more then thy mother dothe Wysdome bretheth lyfe into her chyldren receaueth them that seke her wyl go before thē in the waye of ryghteousnes He that loueth her loueth life and they that seke her dilygently shall haue greate ioye They that kepe her shal haue the herytage of lyfe for where she entreth in there is the blessing of God They y ● honour her shal be y ● seruaūtes of the holy one they y ● loue her are beloued of god Who so geueth eare vnto her shall iudge the Heathen he that hathe respecte vnto her shall dwele safely He that beleueth her shal haue her in possessyon his generacyō shal endure for whē he falleth she dothe go with hym choseth him amonge the best Feare drede temptacyon shall she brynge vpon hym trye hym in her doctryne tyll she haue so proued him in his thoughtes that he cōmytte his soule vnto her Then shal she stablishe him bring the ryght waye vnto hym make him a glad man shewe hym her secretes heape vpon hym the tresures of knowledge and vnderstandynge of ryghteousnes But yf he go wronge she shall forsake him and geue him ouer into the handes of hys enemye My sonne make much of the tyme eschue the thinge that is euell for thy lyfe shame not to saye the trueth For there is a shame that bryngeth synne there is a shame that bryngeth worshippe fauoure Accepte no person after thyne owne wyll that thou be nat confounded to thyne owne decaye Be not a shamed of thy neyghboure in hys aduersyte kepe not backe thy counsel whō it maye do good nether hyde thy wysdome in her bewty For in the tonge is wysdome knowne so is vnderstandinge knowledge and lernyng in the talkinge of the wyse and stedfastnesse in the workes of righteousnes In no wyse speake agaynste the worde of trueth but be ashamed of the lyes of thyne owne ignoraūce Shame not to cōtesse thine erroure submytte not thy selfe vnto euery man because of synne Withstande not the face of the myghtye stryue y ● not agaynste the streame But for righteousnes take paynes with all thy soule for the trueth stryue thou vnto death and God shall fyght for the agaynst thyne enemyes Be not hasty in thy tonge nether slacke and negligēt in thy workes Be not as a lyon in thyne owne house destroying thy housholde folkes and oppressing thē that are vnder the. Let not thyne hande be stretched out to receaue and shut when thou shuldest geue CAPI V. ¶ In ●ythc● maye we nat put any confydence The vengeaunce of God ought to be feared and to repētaunce maye we us● be slowe TRust not vnto thy ryches saye not tush I haue ynough for my lyfe For it shal not helpe in the tyme of vengaunce temptacyon Folowe not the lust of thyne owne herte in thy strength and saye nat tush howe haue I had strength or who wyl brynge me vnder because of my workes for douties God shall auenge ●t And saye nat I haue synned and what euell hathe happened me For the almyghty is a paciēt rewarder Because thy synne is forgeuen the be not therfore without feare nether heape one synne vpon another And saye not rush the mercy of the Lorde is greate he shal forgeue me my synnes be they neuer so many For lyke as he is mercyful so goeth wrath from him also his indygnacion cōmeth downe vpon synners Make no taryenge to turne vnto the Lorde put nat of frō day to day for sodenly shal his wrath come and in the tyme of vengaunce he shall destroye the. Trust not in wicked ryches for they shall not helpe the in the day of punyshment and wrath Be not caried about to euery wynde and go nat into euery waye for so dothe the synner that hathe a double tonge Stande fast in the waye of the Lorde be stedfast in thy vnderstādyng abyde by the worde and folowe y ● worde of peace righteousnes Be gentle to heare the worde of God that thou maiest vnderstāde it make a true answere with wysdome Be swyft to heare but slowe pacyent in geuynge answere If y ● hast vnderstādynge shape thy neyghboure an answere If no laye thyne hande vpon thy mouth lest thou he trapped in an vndiscrete worde so confounded Honour worshyppe 〈◊〉 a mans wyse talkynge but the tonge of the vndiscrese is his owne destruccion Be nat a preuy accuser as longe as thou lyuest vse no sclaunder with thy tonge For shame sorowe goeth ouer the these an euel name ouer hym y ● is double longed but he y ● is a preuy accuser of other men shal be hated enuyed cōfounded Se that thou iustyfie the small greate alyke ¶ It is the propertye of a synner to be euell longed
helpeth it me what shall I haue y t whyle Agayne say not I haue ynough how can I wante When thou art in welfare forgette not aduersite and when it goeth not well w t the haue a good hope that it shall be better For it is but a smal thynge vnto God in the daye of death to rewarde euery man accordyng to his waies The aduersite of an hour maketh one to forget all pleasure and when a mā dyeth his workꝭ are discouered Praise no body before his death for a man shall be knowen in his chyldren Brynge not euery man into thyne house for the dysceatfull layeth wayte dyuersly Lyke as a partrych in a maūde so is the hert of the proude and lyke as a spye that loketh vpon the fall of his neyghbour For he turneth good vnto euyll and sclaundreth y ● chosen Of one sparke is made a great fyre and of one disceytfull man is bloude increased an vngodly man layeth wayte for bloude Beware of y ● disceytfull for be ymagynech wycked thynges to brynge the into a perpetuall shame If thou takest an aleaunt vnto the he shall destroye the in vnquyenesse and bryue the from thyne owne wayes ¶ Unto whom we ought to do good Ehan●●es ought to be eschued CAPI XII WHen thou wylte do good knowe to whom thou doest it so shalte thou be greately thanked for thy benefytes Do good vnto the ryghtuous and thou shalte finde great rewarde though not of hym yet no doute the Lorde hym selfe shall rewarde the. He standeth not in a good case that is alwaye occupyed in euyl and geueth no almes for the Hyest hateth the synners and hath mercy vpon them that shewe the workes of repentaunce Geue thou vnto suche as feare God and receyue not a synner As for the vngodly and synners he shal recōpence vēgeaūce vnto them kepe thē to the daye of wrath Geue thou vnto the good and receyue not the sinner do well vnto hym that is lowly but geue not to the vngodly Let not the bred be geuē hym that he be not myghtyer then thy self therin For so shalt y ● receyue twyse as much euyll in al the good that thou doest vnto him And why y ● Hyghest hateth synners and shall rewarde vengeaunce to the vngodly In prosperite a frende shal not be knowen and in aduersyte an enemy shal not be hyd For when a man is in wealth it greueth his enemies but in heuinesse and trouble a man shall knowe hys frende Truste neuer thyne enemy for lyke as an yron rusteth so doth his wickednes And though he make much crout thyng knelynge yet kepe wel thy mynde beware of hi. Set him not by y ● neither let hī syt at thy right hand lest he turne hī get into thy place take thy rowme seke thy seate so thou at y ● last remēbre my wordes be pricked at my sayinges Who wyl haue pytie of the charmer that is stynged of the serpēt or of al such as come nye the beastes Euen so is it with hym that kepeth cōpany with a wycked man and lappeth him self in his synnes For a season wyl he byde wyth the but yf thou stomble he taryeth not An enemye is swete in his lippes and ymagineth disceyt in his hart to throwe the into the pit Ye he can wepe with his eies yf he may fynde oportunite he wyll not be satisfied with bloud If aduersyte come vpō y ● thou shalt fynde hym there fyrst though he pretende to do the help yet shall he vnder myne the. He shal shake his head and clappe his bādes ouer y ● for very gladnesse whyle he maketh many wordes he shall dysguyse his countenaunce ¶ The cō●anyes of the proude and of the ryche 〈◊〉 to be eschued The loue of God Lyke do cōpany with theyr lyfe CAPI XIII WHo so toucheth pytche shal be fyled with all and he that is famylier with the proude shall cloth him selfe with pryde He taketh a burthen vpon him that accompanyeth a more honorable man then hym self Therfore kepe no famyliarite with one that is rycher then thy selfe Howe agre the ketell and the pot together for yf the one be smytten agaynste the other it shal be broken The ryche dealeth vnryghtuously and threateneth with all but y ● poore beyng oppressed and wrongefully dealt with all suffreth scarnesse and geueth fayre wordes If thou be for his protyte he vseth the but yf thou haue nothynge he shall forsake the. As long as thou hast any thyng of thyne owne he shall be a good felowe with the yee he shall make the a bare man and not be sory for the. If he haue nede of the he shall defraude the and with a preuy mocke shall he put the in an hope and geue the al good wordes and saye what wātest thou Thus shall he shame the in his meate vntil he haue supt the cleane vp twyse or thryse and at the laste shall he laugh the scorne Afterwarde when he seyth that thou hast nothyng he shal forsake the and shake his heade at the. Submytte thy selfe vnto God and wayte vpon hys hande Beware that thou be not bysceyued and brought downe in thy symplenesse Be not to humble in thy wysdome least when thou art brought lowe y u be disceyued thorowe foolyshnes If thou be called of a myghtye man absent thy selfe so shall he call the to him the more oft Preasse not thou vnto hym y e thou be not shut out but go not thou farre of least he forget the. Withdrawe not thy self from his speach but beleue not his many wordes For with muche communicacion shall he tēpte the with a preuye mocke shall he questyon the of thy secretes The vnmercyfull mynde of his shal marck thy wordes he shal not spare to do the hurte and to put y ● in preson Beware and take good hede to thy self for y u walkest in parel of thy ouerthrowynge Nowe when thou hearest hys wordes make the as though thou werest ī a dreame and wake vp Loue God all thy lyfe longe and call vpon hym in thy nede Euery beaste loueth his lyke euē so let euery man loue his neyghbour Al flesh wyl resorte to theyr lyke and euery man wyl kepe company with such as he is hym selfe But as the wolfe agreeth w t the lābe so doth y ● vngodly with the ryghtuous What felowshyp shuld an holy mā haue w t a dogge Howe can the ryche the pore agre together The wylde Asse is the lyons pray in the wyldernes euen so are poore men the meate of the ryche Lyke as y ● proude may not away w t lowlynes euen so doth the rych abhorre the poore If a riche mā fal his frēdes set hī vp agayne but when y ● poore fal leth his acquayntaūce forsake him If a rich mā fal into an errour he hath many helpers he speaketh proude wordes yet men iustify hym But yf a
them Many suche thynges hathe myne eye sene greater thynges then these haue I herde with myne eares In the congregation of the vngodly shall a fyre burne and among vnfaythful people shal y ● wrath be kyndled The olde giaūtes optayned no grace for theyr synnes which were destroied trusting to theyr owne strength Nether spared he thē amonge whom Loth whiche was a straūger but smote them and abhorred them because of the pryde of theyr wordes He had no pytie vppon them but destroyed all the people that were so stoute in synne And for so muche as he ouersawe not the syxe hūbreth thousande that gathered themselues together in y ● hardenesse of theyr hert it were maruell yf one beyng hardnecked shulde be fre For mercy and wrath is w t hym he is bothe myghtye to forgyue and to poure out displeasure Lyke as hys mercy is great euen so is his punyshment also he iudgeth a man accordyng to hys workes The vngodly shal not escape in his spoyle and the long pacience of him that sheweth mercy shal not byde behynde All mercy shal make place vnto euery man accordyng to the worthynes of his workes and after the vnderstandyng of his pylgremage Saye not thou I wyll hyde my selfe frō God for who wyll thyncke vpon me from aboue I shall not be knowen in so greate a heape of people for what is my soule amōge so many creatures Behold the heauen yee the heauen of heauens the depe the earthe and all that therin is shal be moued at hys presence the Mountaynes the hylles and the foundaryons of the earth shall shake for feare when God visiteth them These thynges dothe no herte vnderstande but he vnderstandeth euery herte and who vnderstandeth his wayes No man seyth hys stormes and the moste parte of hys worckes are secrete Who wyll declare the worckes of hys ryghtuousnes Or who shal be able to abyde them For the couenaunte is farre frome some and tryenge out of men is in the ende He that is humble of herte thyncketh vpon suche thynges but an vnwyso and erronyous man casteth hys mynde vnto foolysshe thynges My sonne herken thou vnto me and learne vnderstandynge and marcke my wordes with thyne herts I wyll geue the a sure doctryne playnely shall I instructe the marke my wordes then in thyne here for in ryghtuousnes of the sprete do I speake of the wōders that God hath shewed amōg his worckes from the begynnnyng And in the trueth do I shew the knowledge of him God hath set hys worckes in good ordre frome the begynnynge and parte of them hath he sundered from the other He hath garnyshed hys worckes from euerlastynge and they beginnynges accordyng to theyr generacyons None of them hindered another nether was any of them dysobediente vnto hys wordes After thys God loked vpon the earthe and fylled it with hys goodes With all maner of lyuyng beastes hath he couered the groūde they al shall be turned vnto earth agayne CAPI XVII ¶ The creacyon of man and the goodnesse that God haths done vnto hym Of aulmes and repentaunce GOd shope man of the earth and made hym after hys owne ymage and turned hym vnto earthe agayne and clothed hym wyth hys owne strength He gaue hym the nombre of dayes and certayne tyme yee and gaue hym power of the thynges that are vpon earthe He made all flesh to stande in awe of hym so that he had the domynyon of all beastes and foules He made out of hym an helper lyke vnto hym selfe and gaue them dyscrecyon and tonge eyes and eares and a herte to vnderstande and fylled them with instruceyon and vnderstādynge He created for thē also the knoweledge of the sprete fylled theyr hertes wyth vnderstāding and shewed thē good euyll He set his eye vpon theyr hertes declarynge vnto them hys greate and noble worckes that they shulde prayse hys holy name together reioyse of his wonders and be tellynge of hys noble Actes Besyde thys he gaue them instruccyon and the lawe of lyfe for an heretage He made an euerlastyng couenaunt with them and shewed them hys ryghtuousnesse and iudgemētes They sawe his glory wyth theyr eyes and theyr eares herde the matesty of his voice And he sayd vnto them beware of all vnryghtuous thynges He gaue euery man also a commaundemente concernynge his neyghbour Theyr w●●yes are euer before him and are not hyd from his eyes He hathe set a ruler vpon euery people but Israel is y ● Lordes porcyon All their workes are as y ● Sunne in syght of God and hys eyes are alwaye lo kynge vpon theyr wayes All theyr vnryghtuousnesses are manyfest vnto hym and all theyr wyckednesses are open in his syght The mercy y ● a man sheweth is as it were a purse with hym and the grace that is geuē to man preserueth hym as the aple of an eye At the last shall he awake rewarde euery man vpō his heade and shall turne them together into the nethermost partes of y ● earth But vnto thē that wyll repent he hath geeuen the waye of ryghtuousnes As for suche as be weake he cōforted them suffred them and sendeth them the porcyon of the veryte O turne then vnto the Lorde forsake thy sines make thy prayer before the Lord do the lesse offence turne agayne vnto y ● Lorde forsake thyne vnryghtuousnes be an vtter enemye to abhomynacion learne to knowe the ryghtuousnes and iudgemētes of God stād in the porcyon that is set forth for the and in the prayer of the most hie god Go in the porcyon of the holy worlde with suche as be lyuyng geue thankes vnto God Who wyll prayse the Lorde in the hell Abyde not thou in the erroure of the vngodly but geue hym thanckes before death As for the deade thanckefulnesse peryshed from hym as nothyng Geue thou thanckes in thy lyfe yee whyle thou art liuyng whole shalt thou geue thanckes and prayse God and reioyse in his mercy O how great is the louīg kyndnesse of the Lorde his mercyful good nesse vnto suche as turne vnto hym For all thynges may not be in mā and why the sōne of mā is not immortall and he hath pleasure in the vanite of wyckednes What is more cleare then the Sunne yet shall it fayle Or what is more wycked then the thynge that fleshe bloude hath ymagyned that same shal be reproued The Lord seyth the power of the hye heauē al are but earth asshes ¶ The maruelous worckes of God ▪ the ●nysetye and wretchednes of man Agaynst God ought we not to complaynt Praye muste we contynuallye CAPI XVIII HE that lyueth for euermore made all thynges together God onely is ryghtuous and remayneth a vyctoryous kynge for euer Who shall be able to expresse the workes of him Who wyll seke out the gron̄de of his noble Actes Who shall declare the power of his greatenesse Or who wyll take
vpon hym to tell out his mercy As for the wonderous workes of the Lorde there may nothynge be taken from theym nothynge maye be put vnto them neyther maye the grounde of them be founde out But when a man hath done hys best he muste begyune agayne and when he thyncketh to become to an ende he muste go agayne to hys laboure What is man Wherto is he worth What good or euyll can he do If the nombre of a mās dayes be almost an hundreth ye re it is muche Lyke as the droppes of rayne are vnto the see and as a grauell stone is in comparyson of the sāde so are these few yeares to y ● dayes of euerlastynge Therfore is the Lord pacient with them and poureth out his mercye vpon them He sawe and perceyued the thoughtes and ymaginacyons of theyr hert that they were euyll therfore heaped he vp hys mercyfull goodnes vpon them and shewed them the waye of ryghtuousnes The mercy that a mā hath reacheth to his neygh boure but the mercy of God is vpon all flesh He chasteneth he teacheth and nurtoureth yee euen as a shepherde turneth agayne hys flocke so dothe he all them that receyue chastenyng nurtoure and doctryne Mercyful is he vnto them that stande in awe of hys iudgementes My sonne when thou doest good make no grudgyng at it and whatsoeuer thou geuest speake no disconfortable wordes Shal not the dew coule the heate euē so is a worde better then a gyft Is not a frēdly worde a good honest gyft but a gracious mā geueth thē both A foole shall cast a man in y e teeth and that roughly and a gyft of the nygarde putteth out the eyes Get the ryghtuousnesse before thou come to iudgement Lerne before thou speake and go to physicke or euer thou be sycke examen iudge thy selfe before the iudgement come so shalt thou fynde grace in the syght of God Humble thy selfe afore thou be sycke in tyme of thy dyscease she we thy conuersacyon Let not to praye alway and stande not in feare to be refourmed vnto death for the rewarde of God endureth for euer Before thou prayest prepare thy soule and be not as one that tempted God Thynke vpon the wrathful indingnacyon y e shal be at the ende the houre of vengeaūce whē he shal turne away his face Whe y ● hast ynough remēbre the tyme of hongre when thou art rich thinke vpon the tyme of pouer te and scarcenesse From the mornynge vntyll the euenyng the tyme is chaunged and al suche thynges are sone done in y ● syght of God A wyse man feareth God in all thynges in the dayes of trāsgressyon he kepeth hym selfe from s●●ne A discrete man hath pleasure in wysdome and he that findeth her maketh much of her They y e haue had vnderstanding haue dealt wysely in wordes haue vnderstāde the truth ryghtuousnes haue sought out wyse sētences iudgemētes Folowe not thy lustꝭ but turne the frō thyne owne wyll For yf y ● geuest thy soule her desires it shal make thin enemies to laugh the to scorne Take not thy pleasure in greate voluptuousnes medle not to much wtal Make not to great chere of the thyng that thou hast wōne by auaūtage lest thou fal into pouerte haue nothyng in thy purse ¶ Wyne and whoredome brynge men to pouertye ▪ In thy wordes muste thou vse dyscrecyon The difference of the wysdome of God and man Wherby thou maye●i knowe what is in a man Correc●yon muste be vsed without ang●e CAPI XIX A Labouryng man that is geuē vnto drō kennes shall not be rych he that maketh not much of smal thiges shall fat by lytle litle Wyne wemen make wyse men rēnagates put men of vnderstandynge to reprofe and he that accompanieth aduo●iterers shal become a wycked man Moches wormes shall haue hym to herytage yee he shal be set vp to a greater example and hys soule shal be roted out of the nōbre He that is hastye to geue credence is lyght mynded and doth agaynst hym selfe Who so reioyseth in wyckednes shal be punyshed he that hateth to be refourmed hys lyfe shal be shortned he that abhorreth babling of wordes quencheth wyckednesse He that offendeth agaynst his owne soule shall repente it and he that reioyseth in wyckednesse shall be punyshed Rehearse not a wycked churlysh worde twise and thou shalt not be hidered Shewe thy secretes nether to frende nor foo and if y ● hast offended tell it not out For he shall herken vnto the and marke the and whē he fyndeth oportunite he shall hate y ● so shal he be alwaye aboute y ● If y ● hast herde a worde agaynst thy neyghbour let it be dead w t in the be sure thou shalte haue no harme therby A foole trauayleth w t a worde lyke as a womā that is payned w t bearynge of a chylde Lyke as an arowe shot in a dogges thyghe so is a worde in a fooles hert Tell thy frende his faute least he be ignoraunt say I haue not done it or yf he haue spoken that he do it nomore Reproue thy neyghbour that he kepe his tong if he haue spokē that he say it nomore Tell thy neyghbour his faute for oft tymes an offēce is made and geue not credēce to euery worde A man falleth somtyme with hys tong but not with hys wyl For what is he y ● hath not offended in his tong Geue thy neyghboure warnyng before thou threaten hym and geue place vnto the lawe of the Lorde The feare of God is all wysdome he that is a ryght wyse man kepeth y ● lawe As for the doctryne of wyckednesse it is no wysdome and the prudence of synners is no good vnderstandyng it is but wyckednes abhominaciō a blaspheming of wysdome A symple man of small vnderstandyng that feareth God is better then one y ● hath much wysdome and trangresseth the lawe of the Hyest A crafty sotell man can be wyse but he is vnryghtuous and with gyftes he wresteth the open and manifest lawe A wycked man can behaue hym selfe humblye and can douke with his heade and yet is he but a disceauer within He hydeth hys ●ice disguiseth it because he shulde not be knowen he preuenteth the. And though he be so weake y ● he can do y ● no harme yet whē he may fynde oportunite he shall do some euyll A mā may be knowen by his face one that hath vnderstandyng maye be percyeued by the loke of his countenaunce A mans garment laughter goynge declare what he is ¶ Of correccion and repentaunte Of the gyfte of the wyse man and of the foole Of ly●age CAPI XX. SOME man reproueth hys neyghboure ofte tymes but not in due season Agayne some man holdeth hys tonge and he is wyse and dyscrete It
loue him Who so feareth the Lorde stādeth in awe of no man and is not afrayed for the Lorde is his hope and comforte Blessed is the soule of him that feareth the Lorde In whō putteth he his trust Who is his strength For the eyes of the Lord haue respecte vnto them that loue him He is their mighty proteccion and stronge groūd A defēce for the heate and refuge for the hote none daye a succore for stumblynge and an helpe for fallynge He setteth vp the soule lyghteneth the eyes He geueth lyfe and blessynge He that geueth an offringe of vnrygh tuous good his offeringe is refused and the scornefull dealynges of the vnryghtuous please not God The Lorde is theyrs onely y ● pacientely abyde hym in the waye of the trueth of ryghtuousnes The hyghest doth not alowe the gyftes of the wycked And God hath no delyte in y ● offeringes of the vngodly nether may synne be reconcyled in the multitude of oblacyons Who so bryngeth an offerynge out of the goodes of the poore doth euen as one that kylleth the sōne before the fathers eyes The bred of the nedefull is the lyfe of the poore he y ● defraudeth hym therof is a man of bloude Who so robbeth hys neyghboure of his liuyng doth as a great sine as though he s●e we him to death He y ● defraudeth the laborer of his hyre is a bloud shedder When one buildeth and another breaketh downe what profyte haue they then but laboure Whē one prayeth another curseth whose voyce wyl y ● Lorde heare He y ● washeth hi selfe because of a deed body then toucheth y ● deed agayne what doth his washyng So is it with a mā y t fasteth for his sinnes doth thē agayne who wyll heare his prayer Or what doth his fastyng helpe him ¶ It is well done to praye and to do sacryfice The prayer of the fal heeles and of the widdowe and him that humbleth hym selfe CAPI XXXV WHo so kepeth the lawe bryngeth offringes ynough He that holdeth fast the commaundemente offreth the ryght health offeringe He that is thankefull and recompenseth offreth fyne floure Who so is mercyfull and geueth almes that is the ryght thankeoffrynge God hath pleasure when one departeth from synne and to forsake vnryghtuousnes reconcyleth vs w t him Thou shalt not appeare emptie before the Lorde for all suche is done because of the commaundement The offringe of the rightuous maketh the aulter fat a swete smell is it before the Hyest The offerynge of the ryghtuous is acceptable vnto God and shal neuer be forgotten Gyue God his honoure with a chereful herte and kepe not backe the fyrstlynges of thy handes In all thy gyftes shewe a mercyful countenaunce and halowe thy tythes vnto God with gladnesse Gyue vnto God accordynge as he hath enryched and prospered the and loke what thin hāde is able geue with a chereful eye for the Lord recompenseth and geueth the seuen tymes as muche agayne Geue no vnryghtuous gyftes for suche wyll he nat receyue Beware of wrongeous offringes for the Lord is a rightuous iudge and regarderh no mannes personne He accepteth not the personne of the poore but he heareth the prayer of the oppressed He despyseth not the desyre of the fatherlesse nor the wyddowe when she poureth out her prayer before hym Doth not God se the teares that renne downe the chekes of the wyddowe Or heareth he not the cōplaynte ouer suche as make her to wepe For from hyr chekes do the teares go vp vnto heauē and the Lorde which heareth thē doth accepte them Who so serueth God after his pleasure shal be accepted and hys prayer reacheth vnto the cloudes The prayer of him y ● humbleth him sylfe goeth thorow the cloudes tyll she come nye She will not be comforted nor go her waye tyll the hyest God haue respecte vnto her geue true sentence and perfourme the iudgement And the Lorde wyll not be slack in cōmynge nor tary long tyll he haue smytten in sonder the ba ckes of the vnmercyfull and auenged him selfe of the Heathē tyl he haue taken awaye the multytude of the cruell and broken the cepter of the vnryghtuous tyll he geue euery man after his workes and rewarde thē after their doyngꝭ tyl he haue deliuered his people mayntained their cause reioysed thē ī his mercy O how fayre a thyng is mercy in the time of anguish trouble It is lyke a cloude of rayne that cōmeth in the tyme of a drouth ¶ A prayer to God in the person of all faythfull men with the prayse of a good woman CAPI XXXVI HAue mercy vpon vs O Lorde thou God of all thynges Haue respecte vnto vs shewe vs the light of thy mercyes and sende thy feare amonge the Heathen straūgers which seke not after the that they may knowe how that there is no God but thou and that they maye shewe thy wonderous workes Lyfte vp thyne hande ouer the outlandy she Heathen that they maye learne to knowe thy myght and power Lyke as thou arte halowed in vs before them so brynge to passe that thou mayest be magnyfyed also in them before vs that they may know the like as we knowe the. For there is none other God but onely thou O Lorde Renue the tokens and chaunge the wonderous worckes Shew thyne hande and thy ryght arme gloryously Rayse vp thy indignacyon poure out thy wrath Take awaye the aduersary and smyte the enemy Make the tyme short remembre thy couenaunt that thy wonderous worckes may be praysed Let the wrath of the fyre consume thē that lyue so carelesse and let them peryshe that do thy people hurt Smyte in sunder the heade of the Prynces that be oure enemyes and say there is none other but we Gather all the trybes of Iacob together agayne y ● they may knowe howe that there is none other God but onely thou that they maye shewe thy wonderous workes and be thou thy peoples herytage lyke as from the begyynnynge O Lord haue merey vpon the people that hath thy name and vpō Israel whō y u hast lyckened to a fyrst borne sonne O be mercyfull vnto Ierusalem the cytie of thy Sanctuary the cytie of thy rest Fyll Syon with thy vnspeakable vertues thy people with thy glorye Geue wytnes vnto thy creature whom thou madest from the beginnynge rayse vp the prophecyes that haue bene shewed in thy name Rewarde thē that wayte for the that thy Prophetes may be founde faythfull O Lorde heare the prayer of thy seruaūtes accordyng to the blessing of Aaron ouer thy people gyde thou vs in the way of ryghteousnes that all they whiche dwel vpon the earthe maye knowe that thou art the Lorde the eternall God whiche is from euerlastyng The bely deuoureth all meates yet is one meate better then another Lyke as the tong tasteth venyson so doth an herte of vnderstandyng
wyse prudent sentences Hys name wente abrode in the Iles because of his peace he was beloued All landes marueled at his sōges prouerbes similitudes and at his peace and at the name of the Lorde God which is called the God of Israel He gathered golde as tynne he had as much syluer as leade He was moued in inordynate loue towarde wemen was ouercome in affeccyon He stayned his honoure and worshyppe yee hys posteryte defyled he also in bryngynge the wrathe of the Lorde vpon hys chyldren and sorowe after his ioye so y ● his kyngdome was deuyded Ephraim became an vnfaythfull and an vncōstāt kyngdome Neuertheles God forsoke not his mercy neyther was he vtterly destroyed because of his worckes y ● he shulde leaue him no posterite As for y ● sede that came vpō him which he loued he brought it not vtterly to naught but gaue yet a remnaūte vnto Iacob and a rote vnto Dauid out of hym Thus rested Salomon with his fathers and out of hys sede he left behynde hym a very foolyshnes of the people and such one as had no vnder standynge euen Roboam whiche turned awaye the people thorowe his councel and Ieroboam the sonne of Nabat which caused Israell to sinne and shewed Ephraim y ● way of vngodlynes In so much that theyr synnes and misdedes had the vpper hand so sore that at the last they were dryuen out of the land for the same Yee he sought out and brought vp all wyckednes tyll the vengeaunce came vppon them ¶ The prayse of Eliah Elizeas Hezekiah and Esaye CAPI XLVIII THEN stode vp Eliah the Prophet as a fyre and hys worde brente lyke a creshet He brought an honger vpon them and in hys zele he made them fewe in nombre For they might not away with the commaundementes of the Lorde Thorowe the worde of the Lord he shut the heauen and thre times brought he the fyre downe Thus became Eliah honorable in his wonderous dedes Who may make his boast to be lyke him One that was deed raysed he vp from deathe and i the worde of the hyest he brought hym oute of the graue agayne * He caste downe kinges destroyed them and the honorable from theyr seate Upon the mount Syna he herde the punyshment and vpon Horeb the iudgement of the vengeaunce He prophecyed recōpensynge vnto kynges ordeyned prophetes after hym He was taken vp in the storme of fyre in a charet of horses of the Lorde He was ordaned in the reprouynges in tyme to pacyfye the wrath of the Lorde to turne the hertes of the fathers vnto the chyldren and to set vp the trybes of Iacob agayne Blessed were they that saw the and were garnyshed in loue for we lyue in lyfe but after death we shall haue no such name Elias was couered in y ● storme but Helyseus was fylled with his sprete Whyle he lyued he was afrayed of no prynce and no man myght ouercome him There coulde no worde disceaue him after his death his body prophecied He dyd wonders in his lyfe in death were his workes maruelous For all this the people amended not nether departed they frō theyr synnes tyll they were caried away presoners out of the lāde and were scatred abrode in all countrees so that of them there ramayned but a very lytle people and a prynce vnto the house of Dauid Howe be it some of them dyd ryght and some heaped vp vngodlynes Hezekias made his cytie stronge conueyed water in to it dygged thorowe the stony rocke with yron made vp a well by the water syde In his tyme came Sennaheryb vp and sent Rabsakes lyft vp his hande agaynste Syon and defied thē with greate pryde Then trymbled theyr nettes and hādes so that they sorowed lyke a woman trauaylinge with chylde So they called vpon the Lorde which is mercyful and lyfte vp theyr handes before hym Immediatly the Lorde harde them out of heauen he thought nomore vpon theyr sinnes nor gaue them ouer to theyr enemyes but delyuered them by the hande of Esay the holy prophet He smote the hoost of y ● Assyrians and his angell destroyed thē For Hezekias had done the thynge y ● pleased the Lorde remayned stedfastly in the waye of Dauid his father as Esay the greate and faythful prophet in the syght of God had cōmaunded hym In his tyme the Sunne wente backwarde he lengthened the kinges lyfe With a ryghte sprete prophecyed ●e what shulde come to passe at the last and to suche as were sorowfull in Syon he gaue cōsolacion wher w t they myght cōfort them selues for euermore He shewed thynges y ● were ●or to come secrete or euer they came to passe ¶ Of Iosiah Hezethiah Dauid Ieremy Ezechiel zo●o babel Iesua Nehemiah Enoch and Ioseph CAPI XLIX THE remēbraunce of Iosias is lyke as whā the apothecary maketh many precious swete smellyng thynges together His remembraunce shal be swete as hony in all mouthes as the playenge of Musyck at a bancket of wyne He was appoynted to turne the people agayne to take awaye all abhomynacions of the vngodly He dyrected his herte vnto the Lorde and in the tyme of the vngodly he set vp the worshyp of God agayne All kynges except Dauid Hezechiah and Iosiah cōmytted wyckednes for euen the kynges of Iuda also forsoke the lawe of God For they gaue theyr horne vnto other theyr honoure and worshyppe also to a straunge people Therfore was the electe cyt●e of y ● Sanctuary brent with fyre the streates therof laye desolate wast in the hande of Ieremy for they intreated hym euell whiche neuertheles was a prohpet ordeyned frō hys mothers wombe y t he myght rote out breake of and destroye and that he myght builde vp and plant agayne Ezechiel sawe the glorye of the Lorde in a vysion which was shewed him vpon y ● charet of y ● Cherubins For he thought vpō the enemies in y ● rayne to do good vnto suche as had ordred theyr wayes a ryght And the bones of the twelue prophetes floryshed from out of theyr place for they gaue comforte consolatyon vnto Iacob delyuered thē faythfully Howe shall we prayse Zorobabel whiche was as a rynge in the rght hande So was Iesus also the sōne of Iosedec these men in theyr tymes buylded the house and set vp y ● ▪ Sanctuary of y ● Lorde agayne which was prepared for an euerlasting worshyp And Nehemias is all waye to be cōmended whiche set vp for vs the walles that were broken downe made the portes and barres agayne buylded our houses of the newe But vpon the earth is there no man created like Enoch for he was takē vp from the earth And Ioseph which was Lorde of hys brethren the vp holder of hys people his bones were couered and kepte Seth
gatheryng What is become of them that coyned syluer and were so carefull and coulde not bryng theyr workes to passe They be coted out gone downe to hell other men are come vp in theyr steades Yonge men haue sene lyght dwelte vpon earth but the way of reformacyon haue they not knowen nor vnderstande the pathes therof nether haue theyr chyldren receaued it yet ryght farre is it frō them It hath not bene herde of in the lande of Canaan nether hath 〈◊〉 bene sene at Theman The Agarenes sought after wysdome but that whiche is earthly lyke as the marchaūtes of the lande do They of Theman are connynge also and they laboure for wysdome vnderstandynge but the waye of true wysdome they knowe not neyther do they thincke vpon the pathes therof O Israell howe great is the house of God how large is the place of his possession Great is he hathe none ende yee vnmeasurable What is become of those famouse gyauntes that were so great of bodies so worthy men of warre Those had not the Lord chosen nether haue they founde the waye of reformacyon therefore were they destroted for so much as they had no wysdome they perysshed because of theyr foolyshnesse Who hathe gone vp into heauen to take wysdome there and brought her downe frō the cloudes Who hath gone ouer the see to fynde her and hath chosen her aboue golde so brought her hyther No man knoweth the wayes of wysdome neyther is there any that can seke out her pathes But he y ● woteth all thynges knoweth her and he hathe foūde her out w t hys fore knowledge This same is he which prepared the earth at y ● begynnynge fylled it with all maner of foules beastes When he sendeth out y ● lyght it goeth and when he calleth it agayne it obeyeth hym with feare The Starres kepe theyr watche and geue theyr lyght yee and that gladly When he calleth them they say here we be And so wyth chearefulnesse they shewe lyghte vnto hym that made them This is oure God and there shall none other be compared vnto hym It is he that hath founde out all wysdome and hath geuen her vnto Iacob his seruaunt and to Israel his beloued After warde dyd he shewe hym selfe vpon earthe and dwelt amonge men ¶ The rewarde of them that kepe the lowe and the punyshement of them that despyse it A comfortynge of the people beynge in captyn●● A complaynte of Ierusalem and vnder the fygure thereof of the Churche A consolacyon and comtortynge of the same CAPI IIII. THis is the Booke of the commaundementes of God and the lawe that endureth for euer All they that kepe it shall come to lyfe but such as forsake it shal come to death Turne the O Iacob and take hold of it walcke by this waye thorow his bryghtnesse and shyne Gene not thyne honoure to another and thy worshyppe to a straunge people O Israell howe happye are we seyng that God hath shewed vs suche thinges as are pleasaunt vnto hym Be of good chere thou people of God O thou auncient Israel Nowe are ye solde amonge y ● Heath● howbeit not for your vtter destruccyon but because ye prouoked God the Lord to wrath and displeasure therfore were ye delyuered vnto your enemyes for ye displeased y ● euerlastynge God that made you offeringe vnto deuels not to God Ye haue forgotten hym that brought you vp and your nursse haue ye greued O Ierusalem Whan she sawe y ● the wrath of God was commynge vpon you she sayde Herken O ye that dwell aboute Syon for God hathe brought me in to great heuynes why I se the captiuite of my people of my sonnes and daughters which the euerlastyng God wyll bryng vpon them With ioy did I norish thē but nowe must I leaue them with wepynge and sorowe Let no man reioyce ouer me wyddowe forsaken which for the synnes of my chyldrē am desolate of euery man For why they departed from the lawe of God they wold not knowe hys ryghtuousnes nor walcke in the way of his cōmaundementes and as for the pathes of the trueth and godlynes they had no lust to go in them O ye dwellers aboute Syon come and let vs call to remembraunce the captyuyte y ● the euerlasting God hath brought vpō my sonnes my daughters He hath brought a people vpon them frō farre an vncurteous people and of a straunge language whiche nether regarde the olde nor pytie the yonge These haue caryed awaye the deare beloued of my wyddowes leauynge me alone both desolate and chyldlesse But alas what can I helpe you Now he that hath brought these plages vpō you delyuer you also from the handes of your enemyes Go your waye O my chyldren go youre waye for I am desolate forsaken I haue put of the clothynge of peace and put vpon me the sack cloth of prayer and for my tyme I wyll call vpon the most Hyest Be of good cheare O my chyldren crye vnto the Lorde and he shall delyuer you from the power of y ● prynces youre enemyes For verely I haue euer a good hope of your prosperous health yee a very gladnes is come vpon me from the holy one because of the mercy that ye shall haue of our euerlastynge sauyour With mournynge and wepynge dyd I let you go fro me but with loye and perpetuall gladnesse shall the Lorde brynge you agayne vnto me Lyke as the neyghboures of Syon sawe your captiuite from God Euen so shal they also se shortly your health in god which shall come on you with great honour and euerlastyng worshyppe O my chyldrē suffre paciētly the wrathe that shall come vpon you For the enemye hath persecuted the but shortely thou shalte se his destruccyon and shalte treade vppon hys necke My derlynges haue gone rough harde wayes for they are led awaye as a flocke that is scatred abroade with the enemies But be of good comforte O my chyldren and crye vnto the Lorde For he that led you awaye hath you yet in remēbraūce and lyke as ye haue bene mynded to swarue from your God so shall ye nowe endeuour your selues x. tymes more to turne agayne to seke him For he y ● hath brought these plages vpō you shal bryng you euerlasting ●oy agayne w t your helth Take a good herte vnto the O Ierusalē for he whyche gaue the y e name exhorteth the so do The wycked doers that nowe put the to trouble shal perysh and suche as haue reioy sed at thy fall shal be punyshed The cytyes whom thy chyldren serue and that haue caryed awaye thy sonnes shal be correcte For lyke as they be nowe glad of thy decaye and reioyse at thy fall so shall they mourne in their owne destrucciō The ioye of their multytude shal be taken away and their cheare shal be turned to sorowe For a fyre shall fall
vpon them from the euerlastynge God long to endure and it shal be inhabyted of deuels for a great season ¶ Ierusalem is moued vnto gladnes for the returne of he● people and vnder the fygure therof the Churche CAPI V. O Ierusalem loke aboute the towarde the Easte and beholde the loye that cōmeth vnto the from God For lo thy sonnes whom thou hast forsaken and that were sea tred abrode come gathered together frome the East and west reioysynge in the worde of the holy one vnto the honour of God Put of thy mournyng clothes O Ierusalem and thy sorow decke the with the worshyppe honour that cammeth vnto the frō God w t euerlastyng glory God shal put the garmente of ryghtuousnes vpon the and set a crowne of euerlasting worshyp vpon thine head for vpon y ● wyl God declare his brightnesse y ● is vnder the heauen Yee an euerlastyng name shal be geuen the of god w t peace of ryghtuousnesse the honour of Goddes feare Aryse O Ierusalem stande vp on hye loke about the towarde the cast and beholde thy chyldren gathered from the Easte vnto the West which reioyce in the holy worde hauynge God in remembraunce They departed from the on fote were led away of their enemyes but nowe shall the Lorde brynge them to the caryed with honoure as chyldren of the kyngdome For God is purposed to brynge downe all stoute mountaynes yee and all hye rockes to fyll the valleys and so to make them euen wyth the grounde that Israel may be dilygent to lyue vnto the honoure of God The woddes and all pleasaunt trees shall ouershadowe Israel at the commaundement of God For hyther shall God brynge Israel with ioyfull myrth and in the lyght of his magestye with the mercy and ryghtuousnesse that commeth of him selfe ¶ I copye of the epystle that Ieremy sent vnto the Iewes whiche were led awaye presoners by the kynge of Babylon wherin he certifieth them of the thynge that was commaunded him of God CAPI VI. BEcause of the synnes that ye haue done agaynst God ye shall be led away captyue vnto Babylon euen of Nabuchodonosor the Kynge of Babylon So whan ye become into Babylon ye shall remayne there many yeares and for alonge season namely seuen generacions after that wyl I bringe you awaye peaceably from thence Nowe shall ye se in Babylon goddes of golde of siluer of wod of stone borne vpon mens shulders to cast out a fearfulnesse before the Heathen But loke that ye do not as the other be not ye afrayed let not the feare of them ouer come you Therfore whan ye se the multitude of people worshyppyng them behynde before say ye in your hertes O Lorde it is thou that oughtest onely to be worshypped Myne An gell also shal be with you and I my selfe wyl care for yoursoules As for the tibre of those goddes y ● carpenter hath polyshed them yee gylted be they layed ouer with syluer yet are they but vaine thinges can not speake Lyke as a wenche that loueth peramours is trymly deckte euen so are these made hanged with golde Crownes of golde verely haue their goddes vpon theyr heades so the prestes thēselues take y ● golde syluer from thē and put it to theyr owne vses yee they geue of the same vnto harlottes ● trymme theyr whores withal agayne they take it from the whores decke theyr goddes therwith Yet can not these goddes deliuer themselues frō ruste and mothes When they haue couered them with clothynge of purple they wype theyr faces for the dust of the temple wherof their is much among them One hath a sceptre in hys hande as thoughe he were iudge of the countre yet can he not fley suche as offende hym Another hath a swearde or an axe in his hande for al that is he neither able to defende hym selfe from battayle nor frome murtherers By thys ye maye vnderstande that they be no goddes therfore se that ye neither worshyppe them nor feare them For lyke as a vessell that a man vseth is nothynge worth when it is broken euen so is it with theyr goddes When they be set vp in the temple theyr eyes be full of duste thorowe the fete of those that come in And lyke as the dores are shut in rounde aboute vpon hym that hathe offended the kynge Or as it were a deed body kepte besyde the graue Euen so the prestes kepe the dores with barres and lockes leest theyr Goddes be spoyled with robbers They set vp candels before them yee verely and that many wherof they cānot se one but euen as blockes so stande they in the temple It is sayde that the serpentes and wormes whiche come of the earthe gnawe out theyr hertes eatyng them and theyr clothes also yet they fele it not Theyr faces are blacke thorow the smoke that is in the temple The oules swalowes and byrdes he vpon them yee and the cattes runne ouer theyr heades By this ye maye be sure that they are not goddes therfore feare them not The golde that they haue is to make them bewtyfull for all that excepte some body dyght of theyr rust they wyll geue no shyne and when they were cast īto a fourme they felt it not They are bought for money and haue no breth of lyfe within thē They must be borne vpon mens shoulders as those that haue no fere wherby they declare vnto men that they be ntohynge worth Confounded be they then that worshyppe them For yf they fall to the groūde they can not rise vp agayne of themselues Yee though one helpe them vp and set them ryght yet are they not able to stande a lone but must haue proppes set vnder them lyke deed men As for the thynge that is offred vnto them their prestes sel it and abuse it yee the prestes wyues take therof but vnto the sycke poore they geue nothyng of it the wemen with childe the menstruous lay handes of theyr offringes By this ye may be sure y t they are no goddes therfore be not ye afrayde of thē From whence cōmeth it then that they be called goddes The wemen syt before the goddes of syluer golde wodde and the prestes syt in theyr temples hauyng open clothes whose heades beerdes are shauen haue nothyng vpon theyr heades toryng and crieng vpon their goddes as men do at the feast when one is deed The prestes also take awaye the garmentes of the ymages and decke their wyues chyldren with all Whether it be good or euil that any man do vnto thē they are not able to recompence it they can neyther set vp a kynge nor put hym downe In lyke maner they may neither geue ryches nor rewarde euyl Though a man make a vowe vnto thē and kepe it not they wyll not requyre it They can saue no man from death neyther delyuer the weake from the myghtye They can not
sake To whō y u hast spoken promised y ● thou woldest multyplye theyr sede as the starres of heauē as the sande that lyeth vpon the see shore For we O Lorde are become lesse then any people and be kepte vnder this day in all the worlde because of our sinnes So y ● now we haue nether prynce duke prophete burnt offeryng sacrilyce oblacyon incence nor Sanctuary before the. Neuerthelesse in a contryte herte and an humble sprete let vs be receyued y ● we maye optayne thy mercy Lyke as ī the burnt offeryng of rammes and bullockes lyke as in thousandes of fat lambes so let oure offerynge be in thy syght thys daye that it maye please y ● for there is no cōfusyon vnto thē y ● put there trust in the. And nowe we folowe the wyth al our herte we feare the seke thy face Put vs not to shame but deale with vs after thy louyng kyndnesse accordynge to the multitude of thy mercies Delyuer vs by thy myracles O Lorde and get thy name honoure that all they which do thy seruauntes euell maye be confounded Let them be a shamed thorowe thy almyghtye power let theyr strēgth be broken that they may know howe y ● thou onely art the Lorde God honoure worthy thorowe out all y ● worlde And the kynges seruauntes that put them in ceassed not to make the ouen hote wyth wylde fyre drye strawe pytche and fagot●es so that the slame went out of the ouen vpon a. xlix cubites yee it toke away and brent vp those Caldees that it gat holde vpon besyde the ouen But the Angell of the Lorde came downe into the ouen to Asarias and hys felowes and smote the flamme of the fyre out of the ouen and made the middest of the ouē as it had bene a colde wynde blowynge so y ● the fyre nether touched them greued them nor dyd them hurte Then these thre as out of one mouth praysed honoured and blessed god in the fornace sayinge Blessed be thou O Lord god of oure fathers for thou art prayse and honoure worthy yee and to be magnyfied for euermore Blessed be y ● holy name of thy glory for it is worthy to be praysed and magnyfyed in all worldes Blessed be thou in the holy temple of thy glorye for aboue all thynges thou art to be praysed ye more then worthy to he magnified for euer Blessed be y u in the trone of thy kyngdome for aboue all y ● art worthy to be well spoken of and to be more then magnified for euer Blessed be thou that lokest thorowe the 〈◊〉 syttest vpon the Cherubyns for thou art worthy to be praysed and aboue all to be magnyfyed for euer Blessed be thou in the firmament of heauen for thou art prayse honour worthy for euer O al ye workes of y ● Lord speake good of the Lord prayse hym set him vp for euer O ye angels of the Lord speake good of the Lorde prayse him set hym vp for euer O ye heauens speake good of the Lorde prayse him and set him vp for euer O all ye waters that be aboue the firmament speake good of the Lorde prayse hym and set him vp for euer O all ye powers of the Lorde speake good of y ● Lord prayse hym set hym vp for euer O ye Sunne Moone speake good of y ● Lorde prayse hym set him vp for euer O ye startes of heauen ▪ speake good of the Lorde prayse hym and set him vp for euer O ye showers dewe speake good of y ● Lorde prayse hym and set hym vp for euer O all ye wyndes of God speake good of y ● Lord prayse hym and set him vp for euer O ye fyre heate speake good of the Lord prayse him and set him vp for euer O ye wynter sammer speake good of y ● Lord prayse hym and set him vp for euer O ye dewes frostes speake good of the Lorde prayse hym and set him vp for euer O ye frost colde speake good of y ● Lord prayse him and set him for euer O ye yse and snowe speake good of the Lorde prayse hym and set him vp for euer O ye nyghtes and dayes speake good of the Lorde prayse hym set him vp for euer O ye lyght and darcknes speake good of the Lorde prayse him set him vp for euer O ye lyghtnynges and cloudes speake good of the Lorde prayse him and set hym vp for euer O let the earth speake good of the Lorde yee let i● prayse him and set him vp for euer O ye moūtaynes and hilles speake good of y ● Lorde prayse him set him vp for euer O all ye grene thynges vpon the earthe speake good of the Lorde prayse hym set him vp for euer O ye welles speake good of y ● Lord praise him and set vp for euer O ye sees and floudes speake good of the Lorde prayse hym and set him vp for euer O ye whalles and al that moue in the waters speake good of the Lorde prayse hym and set him vp for euer O all ye foules of the ayre speake good of the Lorde prayse him set him vp for euer O all ye beastes catel speake good of y ● Lorde prayse hym set hym vp for euer O ye chyldren of men speake good of the Lorde prayse him and set him vp for euer O let Israell speake good of the Lorde prayse him and set him vp for euer O ye prestes of the Lorde speake good of the Lorde prayse him set him vp for euer O ye seruaūtes of y ● Lord speake good of the Lorde prayse hym and set him vp for euer O ye spretes and soules of the rightuous speake good of the Lorde prayse hym set him vp for euer O ye holy and humble men of hert speake ye good of the Lorde prayse ye hym and set him vp for euer O Ananias Asarias and Misael speake ye good of the Lord prayse ye him set hym vp for euer Which hath delyuered vs frō y ● hel kept vs from the hande of death ryd vs from the myddest of the burnynge flamme saued vs euen in the myddest of the fyre O geue thākes therfore vnto the Lord for he is kynde harted his mercy endureth for euer O all deuoute men speake ye good of the Lorde euen the God of all goddes O prayse hym and geue hym thanckes for his mercy endureth worlde without ende The story of Susā na which is the. xiij chapter of Daniel after the Latin THere dwelte a man in Babylon called Ioachim y ● toke a wyfe whose name was Susanna the daughter of Helchia a very fair woman suche a one as feared God Her father her mother also were godly people taught theyr daughter accordīg to the lawe of Moyses Nowe Ioachim her husbāde was
with his seruauntes Of those also that were with Timotheus and Bachides which fought against them they slewe xx M. wanne hye and strōge holdes and deuyded mo spoyles euer geuynge an equal porcyon vnto y ● sycke to the father les to wyddowes and to aged persons And when they had dylygently gathered theyr weapens together they layed them all in cōueniente places the remnaunt of the spoy les brought they to Ierusalem They slewe also Phylarches y ● wycked personne which was with Timotheus and had vexed many Iewes And when they helde the thankesgeuyng at Ierusalem for the vyctorye they brente had ordred thē selues manly with their weapens and handes they slewe in the two Castels mo then twentye thousande Now Timotheus whō the Iewes had ouercome afore gathered a multytude of straūge people brought an hoste also of hors men of the Asiās to wine Iewry by strength But whē he drewe nye Machabeꝰ they that were w t him fel to their prater sprinckled as she s vpō their heades beyng gyrded w t hearrye cloth about their loynes fel downe before the aulter besought the Lord that he wolde be merciful to them but an enemy vnto their enemies to take ꝑte agaynst their aduersaries accordyng as it is promised in the law So after the prayer they wēt on further frō the cytie and when they came nye the enemtes they prepared them selues against thē And by tymes in the mornynge at the breake of the day both the hostes buckled to gether The one part had the Lord for their refuge whiche is the gyuer of prosperyte strength vyctory The other had a manly stomake whiche is a captayne of warre The battayl now beyng greate there appered vnto the enemyes frō Heauen v. men vpō horsbacks with brydels of golde ledyng the Iewes two of them hauyng Machabe us betwyxt thē that kept hī safe on euery syde with their weapens but shot dartes lyght nynges vpō the enemies where thorow they were confounded with blyndnesse so sore afraied y t they fell downe There were staine of fore men xx M. and. v. C. and. vi C. horsmen As for Timotheus hi selfe he fled vnto Gazar a very stronge holde wherin Cereas was captayne But Machabeus his company layed sege to it cherefully iiij dayes Nowe they y ● were within trustynge to the strength of y ● place cursed bāued excedinge ly made great crakyng with wycked wordes Neuerthelesse vpon the fyft daye in the mornyng xx yong men of Machabeus cōpa ny beyng set on fyre in their mindes because of y ● blasphemy came māfully vnto the wal with bolde stomackes they and their other cōpanions clymmed vp vpon the towres vndertakyng to set fyre vpon the portes and to burne those blasphemous personnes quycke Two dayes were they destroyng the castell whiche when they founde Timotheus that was crept into a corner they kylled hi slew Cereas his brother in like maner w t Appollo phanes When this was done they song Psal mes with prayses thanckesgiuynges vnto the Lorde which had done so great thynges for Israel and geuen them the vyctory ¶ Lysias goeth aboute to ouercome the Iewes Succoure ●o sent from heauen vnto the Iewes The letter of Lysias to the Iewes The letter of kynge Intiochus vnto Lysias A letter of the same vnto the Iewes A letter of the Romoynes to the Iewes CAPI XI NOt longe after this Lysias the kynges stewarde and a kinsman of his whiche had the gouernaūce of his matters toke sore displeasure for y ● thīges that had happened when he had gathered lxxx M. men of fote with all the host of y ● horsmen he came agaist the Iewes thynckyng to wynne the cytie to make it an habitacion for the Heythen and the temple wolde he haue to be an house of lucre lyke as the other Goddes houses of the Heythen are to sell the prestes offyce euery yeare Not consyderynge the power of God but was wylde in his mynde trustyng in y ● multitude of fote men in thousandes of hors men in his lxxx Elephantes So he came into Iewry then to Bethsura a castell of defence lyinge in a narowe place v. furlonges from Ierusalem wāne it Nowe when Machabe us and his cōpany knewe that the stronge holdes were taken they fell to their prayers with wepyng and teares before the Lord. And all the people in lyke maner besought hī that he wolde send a good angell to delyuer Israel Machabeus hym selfe was the fyrst that made him ready to the battayl exhortyng the other that were with him to ieoparde them selues to helpe their brethren And when they were goynge forth of Ierusalem together with a redy and wyllyng mynde there appeared before the vpon horsbacke a man in whyte clothynge wyth harnesse of golde shakyng his speare Then they praysed the Lorde all together which had shewed them mercy were comforted in their myndes in so muche that they were ready not onely to fyght with men but with the most cruel beastes yee and to runne thorowe walles of yron Thus they went on wyllyngly hauynge an helper frō heauen and the Lord mercyful vnto thē They fell myghtely vpon their enemyes lyke lyons brought downe xi M. fote men xvj C. horsmen put al y ● other to nyght many of them beyng wounded and some gat away naked Yee Lisias him selfe was fayne to fle shamefully and so to escape Neuerthelesse y ● man was not without vnderstanding but cōsydered by hī selfe that his power was mynished and pondred howe the Iewes ●●yng defended by the helpe of Almighty god were not able to be ouercome wherfore he sent them worde promysed y ● he wolde consent to al thynges which were reasonable to make the kyng their frende To the which prayer of Lisias Machabeus agreed seking in all thynges the comen wealth and whatsoeuer Machabeus wrote vnto Lysias concernynge the Iewes the kynge graunted it For there were letters wrytten vnto the Iewes frō Lysias contaynyng these wordes Lysias sendeth gretynge to the people of the Iewes Thou and Absalon which were sent from you delyuered me wrytynges and requyred me to fulfyl the thynges cōcerning theyr earande Therfore loke what might be graunted I certifyed the kynge therof and what soeuer was cōuement I agreed therto If ye nowe wyll be faythful in the matters I shall endeuour my selfe hereafter also to do you good As concernynge other thynges by euery article therof I haue cōmitted them to your messaungers and to those whom I sēt vnto you to comen with you of the same fare ye well In the hundreth xlviij yeare the .xxiiij. day of the moneth Discorinthius Now the kinges lettre cōtayned these wordes Kyng Antiochus sendeth gretyng vnto his brother Lysias For so muche as our father is nowe deade oure wyll is that they which are in oure realine lyue wythout any insurreccion
if they put hī to death myght be dysapoynted So when he had promysed faythfully to delyuer them agayne according to the cōdiciō made they let him go without harme for the health of the brethren And when Iudas had slayne xxv M. he went from Carmon Now after y ● he had chased away slayne his enemies he remoued the hoste towarde Ephrom a strong cytie wherin dwelt many diuerse people of the Heythen the stronge yong men kepte the walles defendyng them myghtely In this cytie was much ordynaūce and prouision of dartes But when Iudas and his cōpany had called vpon Almyghtye God whiche wyth his power breaketh the strength of the enemyes they wāne the cytie and slewe xxv M. of thē y ● were within Frō thence wente they to the cytie of the Scithyans whiche lyeth vi C. furlonges from Ierusalē But when the Iewes whiche were in the citie testyfied that the cytesyns dealte louyngely with them yee and intreated them kyndely in the tyme of their aduersyte Iudas and his company gaue them thanckes desyrynge them to be frēdly styll vnto them and so they came to Ierusalem the hye feaste of the wekes beynge at hande And after the feast of Pentecost they went forth agaynste Gorgias the gouernoure of Idumea wyth iij. M. men of fote iiij C. horsmen Which when they met together it chaunsed a fewe of y ● Iewes to be slayne And Dositheus one of y ● Bachenors a mighty horsmā toke holde of Gorgias and wolde haue takē hī quycke But an horsman of Thracia fell vpon hym and smote of his arme so y ● Gorgias escaped fled into Moresa When they nowe y ● were of Gorgias syde had foughten longe were weary Iudas called vpō the Lorde that he wolde be their helper captayne of the felde and wyth that he beganue wyth a manly voice to take vp a song of prayse a cry In so muche y ● he made the enemyes afrayed Gorgias mē of warre toke their flyght So Iudas gathered his host came into y ● cite of Odolla And when the seuenth day came vpō them they clēsed them selues as the custome was kept the Sabboth in the same place And vpon the day folowyng Iudas his cōpany came to take vp the bodyes of thē that were slaine to bury them in the fathers graues Nowe vnder the cotes of certayne Iewes which were slayne they foūde Iewels that they had taken out of the tēple frō the Idols of the Iamniters whiche thyng is forbydden the Iewes by the law Then euery man saw y t this was the cause wherfore they were slaine And so euery mā gaue thanckes vnto y ● Lorde for hys ryghtuous iudgment which had opened y ● thing that was hyd They fell downe also vnto their prayers besought God y t the fawte which was made might be put out of remēbraūce Besydes that Iudas exhorted y ● people earnestly to kepe them selues from such synne for so much as they sawe before theyr eyes y ● these men were slaine for the same offēce So he gathered of euery one a certaine in so much y ● he brought together two thousande drachmas of syluer which he sent vnto Ierusalē that there myght a sacryfice be offred for the misdede In the which place he dyd wel ryght for he had some consyderacion pondering of y ● lyfe that is after this tyme. For yf he had not thought that they which were slayne dyd yet lyue it had bene superfluous vaine to make any vow or sacryfice for them y ● were deed But for so muche as he saw y ● they which dye ī the fauour beleue of God are in good rest and ioy he thought it to be good honorable for a recōcylyng to do the same for those which were slayne that the offence myght be forgeuen ¶ The cōming of Enpater into Iewrye The deth of Menel mo ▪ Machabeus goynge to fyght against Eupater moneth his soudrats vnto prayer He kylleth .xiiii. Women in the tētes of Antiochus Robocus the betraier of the Iewes is taken Antiochus retayneth frendshipe with the Iewes CAPI XIII IN y ● Cxlix yeare gat Iudas knowlege y ● Antiochus Eupater was cōming with a great power into Iewry Lisias the stewarde ruler of his matters with hym hauing an C. x. M. men of fote v. M. horsmen xxij Elephātes iii. C. charettes Menelaus also ioyned himselfe with them but with great disceat spake faire to the kīge not for any good of y ● coūcre but because he thought to haue bene made some great mā of auctoryte But y ● kyng of kinges moued Antiochus mynde agaynst thys vngodly personne and Lysias infourmed the kyng that thys Menelaus was the cause of all myschefe so that the king commaunded to take him and as the maner of them is to put him vnto death in the same place There was also in the same place a tower of L. cubites hye heapped with asshes but aboue it was so made that men might loke downe on euery syde Where into the kinge cōmaunded that shameful person to be cast among the asshes as one that was cause of all vngraciousnes And reason it was that the vnthrift shuld dye such a death and not to be buried for he had done much mischefe vnto the aulter of God whose fyre asshes were holy therfore was it ryght y ● he hym selfe also shulde be destroyed wyth asshes But y ● kynge was wood in hys mynde and came to shewe him self more cruell vnto the Iewes then hys father was Whiche when Iudas perceaued he cōmaūded the people to cal vpon y ● Lorde night and day that he wold now helpe thē also lyke as he had done alwaye For they were afrayed to be put from theyr lawe from theyr naturall countre and from the holy temple and not to suffre the people which a lytle while afore beganne to recouer to be subdued agayne of the blasphemous nacions So when they had done thys together and besought the Lord for mercy with wepynge and fastynge thre dayes longe flat vpon the groūde Iudas exhorted them to make them selues ready But he and the elders together deuised to go forth first with they re people afore the kynge brought hys hoost into Iewry and afore he beseged the cytie so to cōmytte the matter vnto God Wherfore he ascrybed the power of all thynges vnto God the maker of y ● worlde exhorting his people to fyght māfully yee euen vnto death for the lawes the temple the cyte theyr owne natyue countre and to defende the eytesins and set his host before Modyn He gaue them also that were with him a token of the victory of God chosyng out the mālyest yonge men wente by night into the kynges pauylyō slewe of the hoost xiiii M. men the greatest Elephantes wyth those that sat vpon them Thus when they had brought a greate
in to his vyneyearde And he went out about the thyrd houre and saw other standyng ydel in the market place and sayd vnto them go ye also into the vyneyearde whatsoeuer is ryght I wyll gyue you And they went theyr waye Agayne he went out about the syxte nynthe houre and dyd lykewyse And about the eleuenth houre he went out founde other standynge ydell and sayde vnto them Why stande ye here al the daye ydel They saye vnto him bycause no man hath hyred vs. He sayeth vnto them go ye also into the vineyearde whatsoeuer is ryght that shal ye receyue So when euen was come the Lorde of the vineyarde sayeth vnto his stewarde call the labourers gyue them theyr hyre begynnynge at the laste vntyll the fyrst And when they dyd come that came aboute the eleuenth houre they receyued euery man a peny But when the fyrst came also they supposed that they shuld haue receyued more and they lykewyse receyued euerye man a peny And when they had receyued it they murmured agaynst the good man of the house sayenge These last haue wrought but one houre and thou hast made them equall vnto vs whiche haue borne the burden and heate of the day But he answered vnto one of them sayde frende I do the no wronge dydest thou not agre with me for a peny Take that thyne is and go thy waye I wyll gyue vnto this last euen as vnto the. Is it not lawfull for me to do as me lysteth with myne owne goodes Is thyne eye euyll bycause I am good So the last shall be fyrst the fyrst shall be last For many be called but few be chosen ⊢ ✚ And Iesus goynge vp to Ierusalem toke the. xii discyples asyde in the waye and sayde vnto them Beholde we go vp to Ierusalem and the son of man shal be betrayed vnto the cheyfe Preestes and vnto the scrybes and they shall condemne hym to death and shall delyuer hym to the Gentyls to be mocked and to be scourged and to be crucifyed and the thyrd day he shall ryse agayne ✚ Then came to hym the mother of Zebedes chyldren with her sonnes worshyppyng hym and desyryng a certayne thyng of hym And he sayeth vnto her what wylte thou She sayde vnto hym Graunt that these my two Sonnes maye syt the one on the ryght hande and the other on the lefte in thy kyngdome But Iesus answered and sayd ☞ Ye wote not what ye aske Are ye able to drynke of the cup that I shall drynke of and to be Baptised with the baptyme that I am baptised with They say vnto hym we are He sayde vnto them ye shall drynke in dede of my cup be baptised with the baptym that I am baptised with But to syt on my ryght hand and on my lefte is not myne to gyue but it shal chaunce vnto them that it is prepared for of my father ⊢ And whē the ten herde this they disdayned at the ii brethren But Iesus called them vnto hym sayd ye know that the prynces of the nacions haue dominion ouer them And they that are greate men exercyse auctoryte vpon them It shall not be so amonge you But whosoeuer wyll be greate amonge you let hym be your minister and who so wyll be cheyf amonge you let him be your seruaunt euen as the son of man came not to be ministred vnto but to minister and to gyue his lyfe a redemciō for many ⊢ And as they departed from Ierico moch peple folowed him And beholde two blynde men syttyng by the way syde when they herde that Iesus passed by they cryed sayenge O Lorde thou son of Dauid haue mercy on vs. And the peple rebuked them bycause they shulde holde theyr peace But they cryed the more sayeng haue mercy on vs O lorde thou sonne of Dauid And Iesus stode styll called them sayde what wyll ye that I shal do vnto you They saye vnto him Lorde that our eyes maye be opened So Iesus had cōpassion on them touched theyr eyes immediatly theyr eyes receyued syght And they folowed hym ¶ He rydeth in to Ierusalem dryueth the marchauntes out of the temple curseth the fygge tree and rebuketh the Pharises with the similitude of the two sonnes and of the husband men that slewe soche as were sent vnto them CAPI XXI ✚ ANd when they drewe nygh vnto Ierusalem and were come to Bethphage vnto mounte Oliuete then sent Iesus two disciples sayeng vnto them Go into the towne that lyeth ouer agaynst you anone ye shall fynde an asse bounde a colte with her loose them brynge them vnto me And yf any man saye ought vnto you saye ye the lorde hath nede of them streyght waye he wyll let them go All this was done that it myght be fulfylled which was spoken by the prophet sayenge Tell ye the doughter of Sion beholde thy kynge cometh vnto the meke sittynge vpon an asse a colte the fole of the Asse vsed to the yocke The disciples went dyd as Iesus cōmaunded them and brought the asse the colte and put on them theyr clothes set him theron And many of the people spred theyr garmentes in the way Other cut downe braunches from the trees and strawed them in the waye Moreouer the people that went before they that came after cryed sayenge Hosanna to the son of Dauid Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the lorde ☞ Hosanna in the hyest ⊢ ✚ And when he was come to Ierusalem all the citye was moued sayenge who is this And the people sayde this is Iesus the Prophet of Nazareth a citye of Galile And Iesus went into the temple of god cast out al them that solde bought in the temple ouerthrewe the tables of the money chaungers the seates of them that solde doues sayde vnto them It is wrytten my house shall be called the house of prayer But ye haue made it a den of theues And the blynde the halte came to hym in the temple he healed them When the cheyf Preestes Scrybes sawe the wonders that he dyd the chyldren cryeng in the temple sayenge Hosanna to the son of Dauid they disdayned sayde vnto hym heatest thou what these say But Iesus sayeth vnto them Why not haue ye neuer red Out of the mouth of babes suckelynges thou hast ordeyned prayse And he left them went out of the citye to Bethanie had his abydyng there ⊢ In the mornyng as he returned in to the citye agayne he hungred whē he had spyed a fyg●re in the waye he came to it found nothyng theron but leaues only and sayde vnto it Neuer fruyte growe on the hence forwardes And anone the fygge tree wethered away And when his disciples saw it they marueyled sayenge Howe soone is the fygge tree wethered away
by the mouth of his holy prophettes which were synce the world began That we shulde be saued from oure enemyes and from the hande of all that hate vs. That he wolde deale mercifully with our fathers and remember his holy couenaunt And that he wold performe the othe which he sware to our father Abraham for to gyue vs. That we delyuered out of the handes of our enemyes myght serue hym with out feare all the dayes of our lyfe in soche holynesse ryghtwysenesse as are accepte before hym And thou chylde shalt be called the prophet of the highest for thou shalt go ☞ before the face of the Lorde to prepare his wayes to gyue knowledge of saluacion vnto his people for the remissyon of syn̄es Through the tender mercy of our God wherby ☞ the day sprynge from an hygh hath visyted vs. To gyue lyght to them that sat in darkenesse and in the shadowe of death to gyde our fete in to the way of peace And the chyld grewe and wared stronge in spiryte was in wyldernesse tyll the daye came when he shulde shewe hym selfe vnto the Israelites ¶ The byrth and circumcisyon of Chryst. Howe he was receyued in to the temple Howe Simeon and Anna prophesye of hym and howe he was fo●●●● in the temple amonge the doctours CAPI II. ✚ ANd it chaūced in those dayes that there went out a cōmaūdement from Augustus the Emperour that all the worlde shulde be taxed And this taxynge was the fyrst and executed when Sirenius was leyfetenaunt in Siria And euery man went vnto his owne citye to be taxed And Ioseph also ascended from Galile out of a citye called Nazareth into Iurye vnto the citye of Dauid whiche is called Bethleem bycause he was of the house and lynage of Dauid to be taxed with Mary his spoused wyfe which was with chylde And it fortuned that whyle they were there her tyme was come that she shulde be delyuered And she brought forth her ☞ fyrst begotten sonne and wrapped hym in swadlynge clothes and layde hym in a maūger bycause there was no rowme for them in the ynne And there were in the same region shepeheerdes watchyng kepyng theyr flocke by nyght And loo the Angell of the Lorde stode harde by them the bryghtnesse of the lorde shone rounde aboute them they were sore afrayde And the angell sayde vnto them Be not afrayde For beholde I brynge you tydynges of greate ioye that shall come to all people for vnto you is borne this day in the citye of Dauid a sauyoure whiche is Chryst the Lorde And take this for a sygne ye shall fynde the chylde wrapped in swadlynge clothes and layde in a maunger And streyght waye there was with the Angell a multitude of heuenly souldyers praysynge God and sayenge Glorye to God on hygh and peace on the earth and vnto men ☞ a good wyll ⊢ And it fortuned as soone as the Angels were gone awaye from them in to heuen ✚ The shepheerdes sayd one to another Let vs go nowe euen vnto Bethleem and se this thynge that we heare say is happened which the Lorde hath shewed vnto vs. And they came with haste and founde Mary and Ioseph and the babe layde in a maunger And whē they had sene it they publysshed abrode the sayenge whiche was tolde them of that chylde And all they that herde it wondered at those thynges whiche were tolde them of the shepheerdes But Mary kepte all those sayenges and pondered them in her herte And the shepheerdes returned praysyng and laudynge God for all the thynges that they had herde and sene euen as it was tolde vnto them ⊢ ✚ And when the eyght daye was come that the chylde shuld be circumcysed his name was called Iesus whiche was named of the Angell before he was conceyued in the wombe ⊢ ✚ And when the tyme of theyr purifycacyon after the lawe of Moses was come they brought hym to Ierusalem to present hym to the Lorde as it is wrytten in the law of the Lorde euery man chylde that fyrste openeth the matrix shal be called holy to the Lorde and to offer as it is sayde in the law of the Lorde a payre of turtle doues or two yonge pigyons And beholde there was a man in Ierusulem whose name was Simeon And the same man was iuste and godlye and loked for the consolacion of Israell and the holye gooste was in hym And an answere had he receyued of the holy goost that he shulde not se death excepte he fyrste sawe the Lordes Chryst. And he came by inspiracyon in to the temple And when the father and mother brought in the chylde Iesus to do for hym after the custome of the lawe then toke he hym vp in his armes and praysed god and sayd Lorde ☞ now lettest thou thy seruaunt departe in peace accordyng to thy promesse For myne eyes haue seue ☞ thy saluacyon whiche thou hast prepared before the face of al people A lyght to lyghten the gentyls the glorye of thy people Israell ⊢ ✚ And his father and mother meruayled at those thynges which were spoken of hym And Simeon blessed them and sayde vnto Mary his mother beholde this chylde is set to be the fall and vprysyng agayne of many in Israell and for a sygne whiche is spoken agaynst And moreouer ☞ the swerde shall pearce thy soule ☞ that the thoughtes of many hertes maye be opened And there was a Prophettysse one Anna the doughter of Phanuell of the trybe of Aser whiche was of a greate age and had lyued with an husbande seuen yeares from her virginite And she had ben a wydowe aboute foure score and foure yere whiche departed not from the temple but serued God with fastynges and prayers nyght and day And she came forth that same houre and praysed the Lorde and spake of hym to all them that loked for redempcyon in Ierusalem And whē they had perfourmed althyngꝭ accordynge to the lawe of the Lorde they returned in to Galile to theyr owne citye Nazareth And the chylde grewe and wared stronge in spiryte and was fylled with wysdome and the grace of god was vpon him ⊢ And his father and mother went to Ierusalem euery yere at the feast of Easter ✚ And when he was xii yere olde they went vp to Ierusalē after the custome of the feast day And when they had fulfylled the dayes as they returned home the chylde Iesus abode styll in Ierusalem his father mother knewe not of it but they supposyng him to haue ben in the cōpany came a dayes iourney and sought hym among theyr kynsfolke and acquayntaunce And when they founde hym not they went backe agayne to Ierusalem sought hym And it fortuned that after thre dayes they founde hym in the temple syttynge in the myddes of the doctours hearynge them and posyng them And all that herde hym were astonyed at his vnderstandynge answers And when
lawe vnto them selues whiche shewe the dede of the lawe wrytten in theyr hertes whyll theyr conscyence beareth wy●ues vnto them also theyr though tes accusynge one another or excusynge at the daye when the Lorde shall iudge the secretes of men by Iesus Christ accordyng to my Gospell Beholde thou art called a Iewe and trustest in the lawe and makest thy boast of God and knowest his wyll and alowest the thynges that be excellent art infourmed by the lawe and beleuest that thou thy selfe art a gyde of the blynde a lyght of them whyche are in darcknes an infourmer of them whyche lacke dyscrecyon a teacher of the vnlearned whyche hast the ensample of knowlege of the truth by the lawe Thou therfore whyche teachest another teachest not thy selfe Thou preachest a man shulde not steale yet thou stealest Thou that saist a man shulde not cōmyt aduoutry breakest wedlocke Thou abhorrest ymages yet robbest God of hys honoure Thou that makest thy boast of the lawe thorow breakynge the lawe dyshonourest God For the name of God ys euyl spoken of amonge the Gētils thorow yow as yt is wryttē ☞ For cyrcumcisyon verely auayleth yf thou kepe the lawe But yf thou be a breaker of the lawe thy cyrcumcysyon is turned to vncyrcumcysyon Therfore yf the vncyrcūcysed kepe the ryght thynges contayned in the lawe shall not hys vncyrcumcisyon be coūted for cyrcumcysyon And shall no vncyrcumcysyon whyche is by nature ▪ yf yt kepe the lawe iudge the whyche beynge vnder the letter and circumcisyon dos● transgresse the lawe He is not a Iew which ys a Iewe outwarde Nether is it circumcisyon which is outwardes in the flesshe But he is a Iewe whiche is hyd wythin and the cyrcumsyon of the herte is the true cyrcumcysyon whyche consysteth ☞ in the spyrit and not in the letter whose prayse is not of men but of God ¶ He sheweth what prefermēt the Iewes haue and that both the Iewes and Gentilo are vnder synne and are iustyfyed only by the grace of God in Chryst. CAPI III. WHat preferment then hathe the Iew or what aduauntageth circumcysyon Surely very moche Fyrst * because that vnto them were commytted the wordes of God What then though some of them dyd not beleue shall their vnbeleue make the promes of God wythout effecte God forbyde Let God be true and euery man a lyar as it is wryttē that y ● mightest be iustified in thy sayīges and ouercome when thou ar iudged ☞ Yf oure vnryghtwesnes make the ryghtewesnes of God more excellent what shal we saye Is God vnryghteaus which taketh vengeaunce I speake after the maner of men God forbyd For how then shall God iudge the worlde For yf the trueth of God appeare more excellent thorow my lye vnto his prayse why am I hence forth iudged as a synner not rather as mē speake euyl of vs as some affyrme that we saye let vs do euyll that good may come therof Whose damnacyon is iuste What then Are we better then they No in no wyse For we haue all ready proued howe that bothe Iewes and Gentyls are all vnder synne as it is wrytten there is none ryghteous no not one there is none that vnderstādeth there is none that seketh after God they are al gone out of the waye they are all vnprofitable there is none that doeth good no not one Theyr throte is an open sepulcre with theyr tounges they haue deceaued the poison of aspes is vnder theyr lyppes whose mouth is full of curssynge and bytternes Theyr fete are swyft to shede bloude * Destruccyon and wretchednes are in theyr wayes and the waye of peace haue they not knowen There is no feare of God before theyr eyes ✚ We knowe that what thynges soeuer the lawe sayeth it sayeth it to them whiche are vnder the lawe That all mouthes may be stopped and that all the worlde maye be subdued to God because that by the dedes of the lawe there shall no flesshe be iustyfied in his ●yght For by the lawe commeth the knowledge of synne But nowe is ☞ the ryghtewysnes of God declared without the lawe for asmuche as it is alowed by the testimonye of the lawe and of the Prophetes The ryghtewesnes of God commeth by the fayth of Iesus Chryste vnto all and vpon all them that beleue ⚜ on hym There is no dyfference for all haue synned and are destitude of the glorye of God but are iustified frely by his grace through the redempcyon that is in Chryste Iesu whom God hathe set forth to be the obtayner of mercy thorowe fayth by the meanes of his bloude to declare hys ryghteousnes in that he forgeueth the synnes that are passed whiche God dyd suffre to shewe at this tyme his ryghtewesnes that he myght be counted iuste and the iustyfyar of hym whiche beleueth on Iesus ⊢ Where is then thy reioysynge It is excluded By what lawe of workes Naye but by the lawe of fayth Therfore we holde that a man is iustyfyed by fayth without the dedes of the lawe Is he the God of the Iewes onely Is he not also the God of the Gentyles Yes euen of the Gentyls also For it is God only whiche iustyfyeth the circumcysyon that is of fayth vncircumcysyon thorowe fayth Do we then destroye y ● lawe thorow fayth God forbyd But we rather mayntayne the lawe ¶ He declareth by the example of Abraham that fayeth iustyfyeth and not the lawe nor the workes therof CAPI IIII. WHat shall we saye then that Abrahan our father as pertaning to the feshe dyd fynde If Abraham were iustyfyed by dedes then hathe he wherin to reioyce but not with God For what sayeth the scripture Abraham beleued God and it was counted vnto hym for ryghtewesnes To hym that worketh is the rewarde not reckned of fauoure but of dutye ☞ To hym y ● worketh not but beleueth on hym that iustyfieth the vngodly is his fayth counted for rightewesnes ⚜ accordynge to the purpose of the grace of God Euē as Dauid descrybeth the blessedfulnes of that mā vnto whō God imputeth rightewesnes without dedes Blessed are they whose vnryghtewesnesse are forgeuen and whose synnes are couered Blessed is y ● mā to whom the Lorde wyll not impute synne Came this blessednes then vpon the vncyrcumcysyon or vpon the cyrcumcysyon also For we saye that fayth was rekened to Abraham for ryghtewesnes Howe was it then rekened whan he was in the circumcisyon or whan he was in the vncircūcision Not in the tyme of circumcision but when he was yet vncircumcised And he receaued the sygne of circumcisyon as a seale of the ryghtewesnes of fayth whiche he had yet beynge vncircumcised that he shulde be the father of all them that beleue thought they be not circūcysed that ryghtewesnes myght be imputed to them also and that he myght be father of circumcisyon not vnto them onely whiche came of
stronge oughte to beare the fraylnes of them which are weake and not to stande in oure owne consaytes Let euery man please his neyghbour vnto his welth edyfyinge For Christ pleased not him selfe but as it is wrytten The rebukes of them whyche rebuked the fel on me ✚ Whatsoeuer thinges are wrytten afore tyme they are wrytten for our learnyng that we thorow pacience comfort of the scryptures myght haue hope The God of pacyence and consolacion graunte you to be lyke mynded one towardes another after the ensample of Chryste Iesu that ye all agreynge togyther maye with one mouth prayse god the father of our Lorde Iesus Wherfore receyue ye one another as Chryste receyued vs to the prayse of God And I say that Iesus Chryste was a mynister of the circumcision for the trueth of God to confyrme the promyses made vnto the fathers that the Gentyles might praise God for his mercy as it is wryttē For this cause I wyll prayse the among the gentyls and synge vnto thy name And agayne he sayeth reioyse ye gentyles with his people And agayne prayse the Lord al ye gentils and laude him all ye nacyons together And agayne Esay sayth there shal be the cote of Iesse and he that shal rise to raigne ouer the gentyles in him shal the gentyles trust The God of hope fyll you with al ioye peace in beleuyng that ye maye be ryche in hope thorowe the power of the holy ghost ⊢ I my selfe am full certyfied of you my brethren that ye also are full of goo●nes fylled with all knoweledge and are able to exhorte one another Neuerthelesse brethren I haue some what more boldly written onto you partly to put you in remembraunce thorow the grace that is gyuen me of God that I shuld be the minister of Iesu Christ amōg the Gentylles and shulde mynistre the Gospell of God that the offerynge of the gentiles myght be acceptable and saynctyfyed by the holy gost I haue therfore wherof I may reioyse thorow Christ Iesu in those thinges whiche pertayne to God For I dare not speke of any of these thynges which Christ hath not wrought by me to make the Gentyls obedyent with worde and dede in myghtye sygnes and wonders by the power of the spyryte of God so that from Ierusalem the coaites rounde aboute vnto Illyrycū I haue fylled al coūtrees with the Gospell of Christ. So haue I enforced my selfe to preach the Gospell not where Christe was named least I shulde haue bylt on another mannes ●oun 〈…〉 To whome he 〈…〉 shal se and they that herde not shal vnderstande For this cause I haue bene ofre let ⚜ and am let as yet that I coulde not come vnto you but nowe seing I haue no more to do in these countrees and also haue bene desirous many yeres to come vnto you when soeuer I take my iorney into Spayne I wyll come to you For I trust to se you in my iorney and to be brought on my waye thy therward by you after that I haue somwhat enioyed your acquayntaunce Now go I vnto Ierusalem and mynister vnto the Saynctes For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certayne distrybucion vpon the poore Santes which are at Ierusalem It hath pleased them verely and theyr detters are they For yf the Gentyles be made partakers of theyr spyritual thynges theyr duety is to mynister vnto them in bodely thynges When I haue perfourmed this haue brought them thys truyte sealed I wyll come backe agayne by you into Spayne I am sure that when I come vnto you I shall come with aboūdaūce of the blessynge of the Gospel of Christ ✚ I beseche you brethren for our Lord Iesu Christes sake and for the loue of the spyryte that ye helpe me in my busynesse with your prayers to God for me that I may be delyuered from them which beleue not in Iewry and y t this my seruyce whiche I haue to do at Ierusalem may be accepted of the Sanctes y ● I may come vnto you with ioye by the wyll of God and may with you be refreshed The God of peace be with you AMEN ¶ A Chapter of salutacyons He warneth them to beware or mens doctryne and cōmaundeth vnto them certayne godly men that were louers and brethren in the trueth CAPI XVI I Commende vnto you Phebe oure syster whiche is a mynister of the congregacyon of Cēchrea that ye receiue her in the Lord as it becōmeth Saynctes and that ye assyste her in what soeuer busines she nedeth of your ayde For she hath suckered many and myne owne selfe Grete Prisea and Aquila my helpers in Christe Iesu whyche haue for my lyfe layde downe their owne neckes Unto whom not I onely gyue thankes but also al the congregacyons of the Gentyles Lykewyse grete the congregacyon that is in their house Salute my well beloued Epenites which is ☞ the first frute of Achaia in Christ Grete Mary whiche bestowed much labour on vs. Salute Andronicus and Iunea my cosyns prisoners with me also whiche are well taken amonge the Apostles 〈…〉 in Chryste before me 〈…〉 my beloued in the Lorde Salute Urban our helper in Christ Stachis my beloued Salute Appelles approued in Christ. Salute them ▪ whiche are of Aristobolus housholde Salute Hirodion my kynsman Grete them that be of the housholde of Narcissus whiche are in the Lord. Salute Triphena and Triphosa whiche women laboure in the Lorde Salute the beloued Persis which laboured moche in the Lord. Salute Rufus chosen in the Lorde and his mother and myne Grete Asincritus Philogō Herman Patropas Marcurius and the brethren whiche are with thē Salute Philologus and Iulia Nereus and his syster and Olimpha and all the sanctes whiche are with them Salute one another wyth an holy kysse The congregacions of Christe salute you ✚ I beseche you brethren marke them whiche cause deuision and geue occasions of euyll contrary to the doctrine which ye haue learned and auoyde them For they that are suche serue not the Lord Iesus Christ but their owne bellyes and with swete and flatterynge wordes deceyue the hertes of the innocentes For your obediēce is gone abrode vnto all men I am glad therfore no dout of you But yet I wolde haue you wyse vnto that which is good and to be innocent as cōcernyng euyl The God of peace shal treade Satan vnder your fete shortly The grace of our Lorde Iesu Christ be with you Tymotheus my worke felowe Lucius and Iason and Sos●pater my kinsmē salute you I Tercius salute you which wrote this Epystle in the Lorde Gayus myne hoste and the host of al the congregacion saluteth you Erastus the chamberlayne of the cytye saluteth you And Quartus a brother saluteth you The grace of our Lord Iesu Christ be with you all Amen ⊢ To him that is of power to stably she you accordyng to my
the body But he that is a fornicator sineth against his owne body Ether knowe ye not howe that youre bodyes are the temple of the holy gooste whiche dwelleth in you whom ye haue of god and how that ye are not your owne For ye are dearly bought Therfore gloryfye god in youre bodyes and in youre spyrytes whyche are Goddes ⊢ ¶ Of maryage vyrgynyte and wyddowheade CAPI VII AS concerning the thynges wherof ye wrote vnto me ✚ it is good for a mā not to touche a woman Neuertheles to avoyde whordome let euery man haue hys wyte and let euery woman haue her husbande Let the husbāde geue vnto the wyfe due beneuolence Lykewyse also the wyfe vnto the husbande The wyfe hathe not power of her owne body but the husbande And lykewyse the husbāde hath not power of his owne body but the wyfe Wythdrawe not youre selues one from another except it be with consente for a tyme for to gene youre selues to fastynge and prayer And afterwarde come together agayne leste Satan tempte you for youre incontinencye Thys I saye of fauoure and not of commaundement For I wolde that all men were as I my selfe am but euery man hath his proper gytte of God one after this māner another after that I saye vnto them that be vnmaryed and wyddowes it is good for them yf they abyde euen as I do But and yf they cannot abstayne let them mary For it is better to mary then to burne Unto the maryed cōmaūde not I but the Lord Let not the wyfe be separated from the husband If she seperate her self let her remaine vnmaried or be recōciled vnto her husbande agayne And let not the husband put awaye his wyfe from him To the remnaunt speake I not the Lord If any brother haue a wyfe that beleueth not yf she be content to dwell with hym let hym not put her awaye And the woman whyche hathe to her husbande an infydell and consent to dwell wyth her let her not put hym awaye For the vnbeleuynge husbande is sanctifyed by the wyfe and the vnbeleuynge wyfe is sanctyfyed by the husbande Or els were your chyldren vnclene but ☞ nowe are they holye But and yf the vnbeleuyng departe let him departe A brother or a syster is not in subieccyon to such But god hath called vs in peace For howe knoweste thou O woman whether thou shalt saue thy husbande or no Other howe knowest thou O man whether thou shalte saue thy wyfe or no but euen as God hath distributed to euery man As the Lorde hathe called euery man so let hym walke and so orden I in all congregacions If any man be called being circūcised let hym not adde vncircumcisyon If any be called vncircumcised let hym not be circumcised Circumcision is nothyng and vncircumcisyon is nothynge but the kepynge of the commaundementes of God ✚ Let euery man abide in the same calling wherin he was called Arte thou called a seruaū● care not for it Neuerthelesse ☞ yf thou mayst be fre vse it rather For he that is called in the Lorde beynge a seruaunte ▪ is the Lordes freman Lykewyse he that is called beynge fre is Christes seruaunte Ye are dearly bought ☞ be not ye the seruaūtes of men Brethren let euery man wherin he is called therin abyde with God ⊢ As concerninge virgins I haue no commaundement of the Lorde yet geue I counsell as one that hath obtayned mercy of the Lorde to be faythfull I suppose therfore that it is good for the present necessyte For it is good for a man so to be Art thou boūde vnto a wyfe seke not to be losed Arte thou losed from a wyfe seke not a wyfe But and yf thou marye a wyfe thou hast not synned Lykewyse yf a virgen mary she hathe not synned Neuerthelesse suche shal haue trouble in theyr fleshe but I fauoure you This saye I brethren the tyme is short It remayneth that they whiche haue wyues be as though they had none and they that wepe be as though they wept not and they that reioyce be as though they reioised not and they that bye be as though they possessed not and they that vse this worlde be as though they vse it not For the fassyon of this worlde goeth awaye I wolde haue you without care He y ● is vnmaryed careth for the thynges that belonge to the Lorde howe he maye please the Lorde But he that hathe maryed a wyfe careth for the thinges that are of the worlde howe he may please his wyfe There is differēce betwene a virgin a wyfe The single womā careth for the thinges y ● are of the Lorde y ● she may be holy both i body also in spyrit Agayne she y ● is maryed careth for y ● thynges y ● pertayne to y ● worlde howe she maye please her husbāde ☞ This speake I for your profyt not to tāg●e you in a snare but y ● ye may folowe it which is honest comly and that ye may cleue vnto the lorde without separaciō If any man thynke that it is vncumly for hys virgin yf she passe the tyme of maryage and yf so nede requyre let hym do what he lysteth he synneth not let them be coupled in mariage Neuerthelesse he that purposeth surely in hys herte hauynge no nede but hathe power ouer his owne wyll and hathe so decreed in hys herte that he wyll kepe hys virgin doeth well So then he that ioyneth hys virgin in mariage doth well But he that ioyneth not hys virgin in mariage doth better The wyfe is boūde to the mariage as longe as her husbande lyueth If her husbande dye she is at liberte to mary with whom she wyll onely in the Lorde But she is happyer yf she so abyde after my iudgement And I thynke verely that I haue the spyrit of God ¶ He rebuketh thē that vse lyberte to the sclander of other and sheweth howe men ought to behaue them towarde suche as be weake CAPI VIII AS touchynge thynges offred vnto ymages we are sure that we all haue knowledge Knowledge maketh a māswel but loue edefyeth If any man thynke that he knoweth any thing he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to knowe But yf any man loue God the same is knowen of hym As cōcernynge the earynge of those thinges that are offred vnto ydols we are sure that ☞ the ymage is nothing in y ● worlde and that there is none other God but one And though there be y ● are called Goddes whether in heauen other in earth as there be Goddes many Lordes many yet vnto vs is there but one God whiche is the father of whom are all thynges and we for him and one Lorde Iesus Christ by whom are all thynges and we by hym But euery man hath not knowledge Some hauyng cōscience because of the ymage vntyll thys houre eate as a thing offred vnto ymages and so theyr cōciēce beyng weake is defiled
of the starres For one starre differeth from another in glory So is the resurreccyon of the deade It is sowen in corrupcyon it ryseth agayne without corrupcion It is sowen in dishonoure it ryseth agayne in honoure It is sowen in weakenes it ryseth agayne in power It is sowē a naturall body it ryseth agayne a spiritual body There is a natural body and there is a spiritual bodye as it is also writtē the fyrst man Adam was made a lyuyng soule and the last Adā was made a quyckenyng spirite Howbeit that is not fyrst whiche is spirituall but that whiche is naturall then y ● which is spiritual ⊢ The fyrst man is of the earth erthy the seconde man is the Lord from heauen ⚜ heuenly As is the earthy suche are they that are earthy And as is the heauenly suche are theyt hat are heauenly And as we haue borne the ymage of the erthy so shal we bere the ymage of the heauenly This saye I brethren ☞ that flesshe and bloude can not inheret the kingdome of god Nether doth corrupcyon enheret vncorrupcion Beholde I shewe you a mystery We shal not all slepe but we shall all be chaunged that in a moment in the twyncklyng of an eye by the last trompe For the trompe shall blowe the deade shal ryse incorruptible and we shal be chaunged For this corruptible must put on incorrupcion and this mortall must put on immortalite When this corruptyble hath put on incorrupcion and this mortal hath put on immortalite then shal be brought to passe the sayīg that is wrytten Death is swalowed vp in victory Death where is thy stynge Hell where is thy victory The stinge of death is synne the strength of synne is the lawe But thankes be vnto God which hath giuē vs vyctory thorow our Lord Iesus Christ Therfore my deare brethren be ye stedfast vnmouable alwayes ryche in the worcke of the Lord forasmuch as ye knowe how that your labour is not in vayne in the Lorde CAPI XVI ¶ He putteth them in remembraunce of the gatherynge for the pore Christen at Ierusalem and concludeth his Epistle with the salutacyons of certayne louyng ▪ brethren COncernynge the gatherynge for the Saynctes as I haue ordayned in the congregacyons of Galacia euen so do ye Upon some Saboth day let euery one of you put asyde at home laye vp what soeuer is mete that there be no gatherynges when I come When I am come whom soeuer ye shal alow by your letters them wyl I side to bring your liberalite vnto Ierusalē And yf it be mete that I go also they shall go 〈◊〉 me I wyll come vnto you whan I go o●●● to Macedonia For I wyl go thorowe ou●● Macedonia With you ꝑauenture I wy●●byde a whyle or els tary al winter y ● ye may bryng me on my way whyther soeuer I go I wyl not se you now in my passage but I truste to abyde a whyle with you yf God shall suffre me I wyll tary at Ephesus vntyll the fyftieth day For a great dore and ● frute full is opened vnto me and there are many aduersaryes If Timotheus come se that he be wtont fere with you For he worketh the worcke of the Lorde as I do●let no man therfore despyse him but conuaye hym forth in peace that he maye come vnto me For I loke for him with the brethren To speake of brother Appollo ⚜ I certyfye you that I greatly desyred him to come vnto you w t the brethrē but his mynde was not at all to come at this tyme. Howbeit ▪ he wyll come when he shall haue conueniente tyme. Watche ye stande faste in the faythe quyte you lyke men be stronge Let al your busynes be done with loue Brethren ye kn̄owe the house of Stephana ⚜ and of Fortunatus and Archa●cus how that they are the fyrst frutes of Acha●a that they haue appoynted them selues to minister vnto the Saynctes I beseche you that ye be obedyent vnto suche to all that helpe labour I am glad of the commynge of Stephana fortunatus Achaicus for that whyche was lackyng vnto me on your parte they haue supplied For they haue cōforted my spirite yours Loke therfore that ye knowe them that are suche The congregacyons of Asia salute you Aquila and Priscilla salute you much in the Lorde and so doth the congregacion that is in their house ⚜ with whom also I am lodged Al the brethren grete you Grete ye one another w t an holy kysse The salutacion of me Paule with myne owne hande If any man loue not this Lorde Iesus Christe the same be ☞ Anathema maranatha The grace of the Lorde Iesus Christ be w t you My loue be with you al in Christ Iesu Amen ¶ The fyrst Epystle to the Corinthāns was sent from Philippos by Stephana and fortunatus Achaicus Timotheus ❧ The Seconde Epystle of S. Paule the Apostle to the Corinthians ¶ The consolacion of God in trouble The loue of Paule towarde the Corynthyans and his excuse that he came not vnto them CAPI I. PAul an Apostle of Iesu Christe by the wyl of God and brother Tymotheus Unto the cōgregacyon of God whiche is at Corynthium w t all the Saynctes which are in al Achaia Grace be wyth you and peace from God our father from the Lorde Iesus Christ. Blessed be God the father of our Lord Iesus Christ which is the father of mercy ▪ and the God of al comforte whiche comforteth vs in al our tribulaciō in so much that we are able to comforte them whyche are in any maner of trouble with the same cōfort wherwith we oureselues are comforted of God For as the affliccions of Christe are plentuous in vs euen so is our consolacion plentuous by Christ. Whether we be troubled for your consolacyon and health ⚜ Or whether we be comforted it is for your comforte and saluacyon whiche saluacion sheweth her power in that ye suffre the same afflyccions whiche we also suffre or whether we be cōforted for your consolacion and saluacion our hope also is stedfast for you in as muche as we knowe howe that as ye are parttakers of the affliccyons so shall ye be parttakers also of the consolacyon Brethren I wolde not haue you ignoraūt of our trouble whych happened vnto vs in Asia For we were greued out of measure passyng strength so greatly that we despayred euen of life Also we receiued an answere of death in ourselues that we shulde not put our trust in ourselues but in God whiche rayseth the dead to lyfe agayne and whiche delyuered vs from so great a deth and doth delyuer On whom we trust that yet hereafter he wyl deliuer by the helpe of your praier for vs that by the meanes of many occasiōs thankes may be gyuen of many on our behalfe for the grace gyuen vnto vs. For our
reioysynge is this euen the testymony of oure conscyence that in synglenes ⚜ of hert and godly purenes not in fleshly wysdome but by the grace of God we haue had our cōuersacyon in the world and most of all to you wardes We wryte none other thynges vnto you then that ye reade also knowe Yee and I trust ye shall fynde vs vnto the ende euen as ye haue founde vs partly for we are your reioysing euen as ye are ours in the day of the Lorde Iesus And in this confydence was I mynded fyrste to haue come vnto you that I myght haue had one plesure more with you and to passe by you into Macedonia and to haue come agayne out of Macedonia vnto you to be led forth of you towarde Iewry Whā I thus wyse was mynded dyd I vse lyghtnes Or thynke I carnally those thynges whiche I thynke that with me shulde be yee yee and naye naye God is faythful For our preachyng to you was not yee and nay For Goddes sonne Iesus Christ which was preached among you by vs euen by me and Syluanus and Timotheus was not yee naye but by hym it was yee For all the promises of God by him are yee and are in him Amen vnto the lawde of God thorowe vs. For it is God whiche stablyssheth vs wyth you in Chryst and standeth by vs and hath annoynted vs whyche hath also sealed vs and hath gyuen the ernest of the spirite in our hertes ✚ I call God for a recorde vnto my soule that for to fauer you wyth all I came not any more vnto Corynthium Not that we be Lordes oueryoure FAYTH but are helpers of youre ioye For by Fayth ye stande ¶ He sheweth the cause of hys absence and exhorteth them to forgyue the man that was fallen and to receyue hym agayne with loue CAPI II. BUt I determyned this in myselfe that I wolde not come agayne to you in henynesse For yf I make you sorye who is it that shulde make me glad but the same whiche is made sory by me And I wrot thꝭ same vnto you least yf I came vnto you I shuld take heuynes ⚜ vpon heuines of them of whom I ought to reioyce This confidence haue I toward you al that my ioy is the ioy of you all For out of great afflyccyon and anguyshe of hert I wrote vnto you with many teares not that ye shulde be made sory but that ye might ꝑceyue the loue which I haue most specially vnto you If any man hath caused sorow the same hath not made me sory but partely least I shulde greue you all It is suffycyent vnto the same man that he was rebuked of many So that now cōtrary wyse ye ought rather to forgyue hym and comforte hym least that same person shulde be swalowed vp wyth ouer muche heuynes Wherfore I exhorte you that loue maye haue strength ouer hym For thys cause verely dyd I writ that I myght knowe the profe of you whether ye shulde be obedyent in all thynges To whom ye forgyue any thyng I forgyue also For yf I forgaue any thynge to whom I forgaue it for your sakes forgaue I it in the syght of Christe lest Satan shulde preuent vs. For his thoughtes are not vnknowen vnto vs. ⊢ ✚ When I was come to Troada for Chrstꝭ Gospels sake and a great dore was opened vnto me of the Lorde I had no rest in my spirite because I founde not Titus my brother but toke my leue of them went away into Macedonia Thanckes be vnto God whiche alwayes gyueth vs the vyctorye in Christ openeth the sauer of hꝭ knowledge by vs in euery place For we are vnto God the swete sauoure of Chryste amonge them that are sauyd and among them whiche peryshe To the one parte are we the sauoure of death vnto deth And vnto the other part are we the sauour of life vnto lyfe And who is mete vnto these thynges For we are not as the most part are whiche choppe chaūge with the worde of god but euen out of purenes by the power of God in the syght of God so speake we in Christ. ¶ He prayseth the preachyng of the Gospel at ou● the preuchynge of the lawe CAPI III. WE begyn to prayse oureselues agayne Nede we as sorge other of Epystles of recommendacion vnto you or letters of recommendacyon from you Ye are oure Epystle wrytten in our hertes whyche is vnderstande red of al men for asmuch as ye declare that ye are the epystle of Christ ministred by vs written not with ynke but with the spirite of the liuyng God not in tables of stone but in flesshly tables of the herte ✚ Suche trust haue we thorowe Christe to god warde not that we are suffycyent of oureselues to thynke anythynge as of ourselues but yf we be able vnto anythynge the same cōmeth of god whiche hath made vs able to ministre the newe testament not of the letter but of the spirite For ☞ the letter kylleth but the spirite gyueth lyfe If the ministracyon of death thorow the letters fygured in stones was gloryous to that the chyldren of Israell coulde not beholde the face of Moses for the glory of his countenaunce whiche glory is done away why shal not the ministracyon of the spirite be much more glorious For if the minist●īg of condēnacion be glorious much more 〈◊〉 the ministracyon of ryghtuousnes ●●cea●e in glory ⊢ For no dout that which was that glorified is not once gloryfied in respecte of this excedynge glory For yf that whiche is destroyed was glorious muche more that whiche remayneth is glorious Seyng then that we haue suche trust we vse great boldnes do not as Moses which put a vayle ouer his face that the chyldren of Israel shuld not se for what purpose that serued whiche is put away But their myndes were blynded For vntyl this day remaineth the same couering vndertaken away in the lecture of the old testament which vaile shal be put awaye in Christe But euen vnto this daye when Moses is redde the vayle hangeth before their herts Neuerthelesse when they tourne to the Lord the vayle shal be taken awaye The Lorde no doute is a spirite And where the spirite of the Lord is there is libertie But we al beholde in a myrroure the glory of the Lord with his face open and are chaunged vnto the same similitude from glory to glory euen as of the spirite of the Lorde A true preacher 〈◊〉 o●●●●●t he corrupteth ●o● the worde ●● God but seketh the honoure of Chryst. yet thought it b● with the parell of his lyst CAPI IIII. THerfore seynge that we haue suche an office euen as God hath had mercy on vs we go not out of kynde but haue caste from vs the clokes of vnhonestye walcke not in craftines nether handle we the worde of God disceitfully but open the trueth and
confermed afore of God vnto Chryste warde to make the promes of none effecte For yf the inheritaunce come of the lawe it commeth not nowe of promes But God gaue it vnto Abraham by promes Wherfore thē serueth y ● law The lawe was added because of trāsgressiō tyl y ● seed came to whom the promes was made it was ordeyned by Angels in the hande of a mediator A mediator is not a mediator of one But God is one Is the lawe then agaynst the promes of God God forbyd For yf there had bene a lawe geuen whiche coulde haue geuen lyfe then no doute ryghtewesnes shulde come by the lawe But the scrypture ❧ The epystle of Saynt Paul the apostle vnto the Ephesyans ¶ The euerlastynge ordynaunce and eleccyon of God in sauynge all men thorowe Chryste Iesus his sonne we are ordened vnto good workes The dominion of Chryste CAPI I. PAul an apostle of Iesus Chryst by the wyl of God To the Saynctes whiche are at Ephesus and to them whiche beleue on Iesus Chryste Grace be with you peace from God oure father and from the Lorde Iesu Chryste Blessed be God the father of oure Lorde Iesus Chryst whiche hath blessed vs with all maner of spirituall blessynge in heuenly thynges by Chryste accordynge as he had chosen vs in him before the foundacions of the worlde were layde that we shuld be holy and without blame before him thorowe loue which ordeyned vs before thorow Iesus Christ to be heyres vnto him selfe ' accordynge to the good pleasure of hys wyll to the prayse of the glorye of his grace where with he hath made vs accepted thorow the beloued By whom we haue redempcyon thorowe his bloude euen the forgeuenes of synnes accordynge to the ryches of hys grace wher of he hathe ministred vnto vs aboundantly in all wysdome and prudence And hathe opened vnto vs the mystery of hys wyll accordynge to hys good pleasure whiche he had purposed in hym selfe to haue it declared when the tyme was ful come that he myght set vp all thynges perfectly by Chryste bothe the thynges whiche are in heuen and the thynges which are in earth euen by hym by whom we are made heyres and were therto predestinate accordynge to the purpose of hym by whose power al thinges are wrought accordynge to the purpose of hys owne wyll that we whiche before beleued in Christ shulde be vnto the prayse of his glorye In whom also ye beleue for asmuche as we haue harde the worde of trueth euen the Gospel of your saluacyon wherin when ye had beleued ye were sealed with the holy spirit of promes which is the earnest of our in herytaūce for the recoueringe of the purchased possessiō vnto y ● prayse of his glory Wherfore I also after that I hearde of the fayth which ye haue in the Lorde Iesu and loue vnto all the Saynctes cease not to geue thanckes for you makynge mencyon of you in my prayers that the God of oure Lorde Iesus Christ the father of glory may geue vnto you the spyryte of wysdome and of reuelacion by the knowledge of him selfe and lyghten the eyes of youre myndes that ye maye knowe what the hope is where vnto he hathe called you and howe ryche the glory is of his inherytaunce vpon the sainctes what is y ● exceding greatnes of his power to vs warde which beleue according to the workyng of that his myghty power whiche he wrought in Christe when he raysed him from the deed and set hym on hys ryght hande in heauenly thynges aboue all rule and power and myght and domynyon and aboue euery name that is named not in this worlde onely but also in the worlde to come and hathe put al thynges vnder his fete and hathe made hym aboue all thynges the heed of the congregacyon whiche is hys body and the fulnes of hym that fylleth all in all ¶ Paul sheweth them what maner of people they were before theyr conuersyon and what they are nowe in Chryste CAPI II. AND you hathe he quyckened where as ye were deed in ●reaspasses synnes in the whiche in tyme passed ye walked according to the course of this worlde euen after the gouerner that ruleth in the ayer the spirit that nowe worketh in the chyldren of vnbelefe amonge whom we al had oure conuersacyon also in tyme past in the lustes of oure flesshe and fulfylled the lustes of oure flesshe and fulfylled the wyll of the flesshe and of the mynde and ☞ were by nature the chyldren of wrath euen as well as other But God which is rych in mercy for his great loue wherwith he loued vs euen whē we were deed by synnes quickened vs together in Chryst by garce are ye saued and raysed vs vp together with hym and made vs sytte together with him amonge them of heauen in Christe Iesu. That in tyme to come he myght shewe y ● exceadynge ryches of hys grace in kyndnes to vs warde thorow Chryst Iesu. For by grace are ye made safe thorowe fayth that not of youre selues It is the gyfte of God and cōmeth not of workes lest any mā shuld boast him selfe For we are his worckmanshyppe created in Christ Iesu vnto good workes whych god ordayned that we shulde walke in them Wherfore remēbre that ye beyng in tyme passed Gentyls in the flesshe were called vncircumcysyon from that whiche is called circumcision in the flesshe whiche circumcisyon is made by handes Remembre I say that at that tyme ye were without Christe beyng al●ātes frō the cōmē welth of Israel straungers frō the testamentes of the promes and had no hope were without God in this worlde But nowe by the meanes of Christ Iesu ye whiche somtyme were farre of are made nye by the bloude of Christ. For he is our peace whiche hath made of both one and hathe broken downe the wall that was a stoppe bitwene vs and hath also put awaye thorowe hys flesshe ☞ the cause of hatred euen the lawe of commaundemētes cōtayned in the law wrytten for to make of ●wane one newe man in hym selfe so makyng peace and to reconcile both vnto God in one body thorow the crosse slew hatred thereby and came preached peace to you whiche were a farre of to them that were ny● For thorow hī we both haue an entraūce in one spirite vnto the father ✚ Nowe therfore ye are not straungers foreners but cytesyns with the sayntes and of the housholde of God and are bylt vpon the foundacion of the Apostles and Prophetes Iesus Christ him selfe beynge the head corner stone in whom what buyldyng soeuer is coupled togyther it groweth vnto an holy temple in the Lorde in whom ye also are buylt togyther to be an habitacion of God thorow the ⚜ holy ghost ⊢ ¶ He sheweth the cause of hys presonmente desyreth them not to saynte because of his
warnynge to reproue the ydole and yf they wyll not laboure with theyr handes that they shall not eate CAPI III. FVR thermore brethren praye ye for vs that the worde of God maye haue passage and be glorifyed as it is also with you and that we maye be delyuered from vnreasonable and frowarde men For all men haue not fayth but the Lorde is faythfull whiche shal stably she you and preserue you from euell We haue confydence thorowe the Lorde to you warde that ye both do and wyll do the thynges whiche we commaunde you And the Lorde gyde your hertes to the lofte of God and pacyence of Chryst. ⊢ ✚ We requyre you brethren by the name of our Lorde Iesu Christ that ye wtdrawe your selues from euery brother y ● behaueth hym selfe inordinatly and not after the instytucyon whiche he receaued of vs. For ye your selues knowe howe ye ought to folow vs. For we behaued not oure selues mordinatly amonge you Nether toke we breed of any man for naught but wrought with laboure and sweate nyght and daye because we wolde not be chargeable to any of you not but that we had auctoryte but to make our selues an ensample vnto you to folowe vs. For when we were with you this we warned you of that yf any wolde not worke the same shulde not eate For we haue hearde saye that there are some which walke amonge you inordinatly workynge not at all but beynge busy bodyes Them that are suche we commaunde and exhorte by our Lorde Iesu Christ that they worke with quietnes and eate theyr owne breade Brethren be notye weery in well doynge ⊢ If any man obey not oure sayinge sende vs worde of him by a letter and haue no companye with hym that he may be a shamed And count him not as an enemy but warne hym as a brother The very Lorde of peace geue you peace alwayes by all meanes The Lorde be with you al. The salutacyō of me Paul w t myne owne hāde This is the tokē in all Epystles So I wryte The grace of oure Lorde Iesus Christ be with you all Amen Sent from Athens ❧ The fyrst Epistle of Saynt Paul vn to Timothe ¶ He exhorteth Timothe to wayte vpon his office namely to se that nothynge be taught but Gods worde He sheweth also wherfore the lawe is good and relleth that Christ Iesus came in to the worlde to saue synners CAPI I. PAul an Apostle of Iesus Chryste by the cōmyssyon of God oure sauyoure Lorde Iesus Christe whiche is oure hope Unto Tymothehys naturall sonne in the fayth Grace mercy and peace from God our father and from the Lorde Iesus Chryste our Lorde As I besought the to abyde styll at Ephesus when I departed into Macedonia euen so do that thou commaunde some that they folowe no straūge doctrine nether geue hede to fables and endles genealogies whiche brede doutes more then Godlye edifyinge which is by fayth for the ende of y ● cōmaundemēt is lou● out of a pure herte of a good conscience of fayth vnfayned from the which thynges because some haue erred they are turned vnto vaine iangelynge because they wold be doctours of the lawe and yet vnderstande not what they speake nether wherof they affyrme ✚ We knowe that the lawe is good yf a mā vse it lawfully knowyng thys howe that the lawe is not geuē vnto aryghteous man but vnto the vnryghteous and disobe dyent to the vngodly and to synners to vnholy and vncleane to murtherers of fathers and murtherers of mothers to manslears to whormongers to them that defyle thē selues with mankynde to menste●lers to lyares to pertured and yf there be any other thynge that is cōtrary to the holsome doctrine accorynge to the Gospell of the glory of the blessed God whiche Gospel is commytted vnto me And I thanke Christ Iesus oure Lorde which hath made me stronge for he counted me true put me in offyce where as before I was a blasphemar a persecuter and a Tyraunt But I obtayned mercy because I dyd it ignorauntly thorowe vnbelefe Neuerthelesse the grace of our Lorde was exceadinge aboundaunt with fayth and loue whiche is by Chryste Iesu. ⊢ ✚ This is a true saying and by all meanes worthy to be receaued of vs y ● Christ Iesus came into the worlde to saue synners of whom I am chefe Not withstandynge for this cause optained I mercy that Iesus Christ shuld fyrst shewe on me all longe pacience to declare an ensample vnto them whiche shulde beleue on hym vnto eternall lyfe So then vnto God kyng euerlastyng immortall inuisyble wyse only be honour and prayse for euer and euer Amen Thys cōmaundement commyt I vnto the sonne Timotheus ☞ accordynge to the prophesyes whiche in tyme paste were prophesyed of the that y ● in them shuldest fyght a good fyght hauynge fayth and good conscyence whiche some haue put awaye from them and as consernynge fayth haue made shypwracke Of whose nombre is Hymeneus and Alexander whom I haue delyuered vnto Sathan that they maye lerne not to blaspheme CAPI II. ¶ He exhorteth to praye for all men He wyll not haue we men to be ouer costly apparelled nor to teache in the cōgregacyon but to be in sylence and is obeye theyr husbandes I ✚ Exhorte therfore that aboue all thynges prayers supplicacions intercessyōs and geuenge of thankes be had for all men for kynges for all that are in auctoryte that we maye lyue a quiet a peasable lyfe with all Godlynes and honestye For that is good accepted in the syght of God oure sauyour whiche ☞ wyll haue all men to be saued and to come vnto the knowledge of the trueth For ther is one God and one mediator betwene God and man euen the man Christ Iesus whiche gaue him selfe a raunsome for all men that it shulde be testifyed at his tyme where vnto I am ordayned a preacher an Apostle I tel the trueth in Christ and lye not beyenge the teacher of the gentyles with fayth and verytie ⊢ I wyl therfore that the men praye euery where ●yttynge vp pure handes without wrath or dow●ynge Lykewyse also the wemen that they a●aye them selues in comly apparell with shamfastnes and discrete behaueour not w t broyded heare ether golde or pearles or costly araye but as becōmeth wemen that protesse godiynesse thorowe good workes Let the woman learne in in sylence with all subieceyon I suffre not a woman to teach neyther to vsurpe auctoryte ouer the man but to be in sylence For Adam was fyrst fourmed and then Eue. Adam also was not deceaued but the woman was deceaued and was subdued to the transgressyon Notwithstandynge thorowe bearynge of chyldren she shal be saued yf they contynue in fayth and loue and holynes with discrecyon ¶ What maner of man a bysshoppe or prest ought to be The
are otherwyse cannot be hyd ¶ The dutie of seruaūtes towarde theyr maysters ▪ Against suche an are not satisfyed with the worde of God ▪ Agaynst couetousnes A good lesson for ryche men CAPI VI. LEt as many seruauntes as are vnder the yoke counte theyr maysters worthye of all honoure that the name of God and his doctryne be not euell spoken of ●e that they whiche haue beleuynge maysters despise thē not because they are brethrē but rather do seruyce for as much as they are be leuyng beloued ꝑtakers of the benefite These thynges teache and exhorte If any man folow other doctrine encline not vnto the wholsome wordes of oure Lorde Iesu Christ and to the doctrine which is accordynge to Godlynesse he is pufte vp and knoweth nothyng but wasteth his braynes about questions stryfe of wordes wherof sprynge enuye stryfe raylynges euell surmisynges vayne disputacyons of men that haue corrupt myndes and that are robbed of the truth which thynke y ● lucre is godlynes From them y ● are soch seperate thy self Godlynes is greate ryches If a man be cōtent with that he hathe For we brought nothynge into the worlde nether maye we cary any thynge out But when we haue fode rayment we must therwith be content They that wylbe ryche fall into temptacyon and snares ⚜ of the deuell into many folyshe and noysome lustes which drowne mē into perdicion and destruccyon For coueteousnes of money is the rote of all euel which whyle some lusted after they erred frō the sayth tauglyd thē selues with many sorowes But thou man of God flye suche thynges Folowe ryghtewesnes godlynes fayth loue pacyence ●eakenes Fyght the good fyght of fayth Laye hande on eternal lyfe wher vnto thou art also called hast professed a good professyon before many wytnesses I geue y ● charge i y ● syght of God which quickneth all thynges before Iesu Christ which vnder Poncius Pylate wytnessed a good witnessyng that y ● kepe the cōmaūdement be without spotte vurebukeable vntyll the apperynge of oure Lorde Iesus Christ whiche appearyng in his tyme he shall shewe that is blessed myghty onely kynge of kynges lorde of lordes whiche onely hathe immortalite dwelleth in the lyght that no man can attayne whom no man hath sene nether can se vnto whom be honoure and rule euerlastynge Amen Charge thē which are rych in this world that they be not hye mynded nor trust in vncertayne ryches but in the lyuynge God which geueth vs aboūdaūtly all thynges to enioye thē that they do good that they be ryche in good workes that they be redy to geue and gladly to dystribute layinge vp in store for them selues a good foundacyon against the tyme to come y ● they may obtayne eternall lyfe O Timothe saue y ● which is ge●en the to kepe and a voyde vngostly vanytyes of voyces oposicions of science falsly so called whyche scyence whyle some profyssed they erred as cōcernynge y ● fayth Grace be with the. Amen ¶ Sent from Laodicea which is the chefest cytie of Phri gia Pacaciana ¶ The secōde Epistle of Saynt Paul the Apostle vnto Timothe ¶ Pan● exhorteth Timothe to stedfastnesse and pacyence 〈◊〉 persecucyon and to contynue in the doctryne that he had taught him A commendacyon of Onesyphorus CAPI I. PAul an Apostle of Iesu Christe by the wyll of God accordinge to the promes of lyfe whiche is in Christ Iesu. To Tymothe hys beloued sōne Grace mercy and peace from God the father and from Iesu Christe oure Lorde I thynke God whom I serue from myne elders with pure cōscyence that without any ceasynge I make mencion of the in my prayers nyght and daye desyringe to se the myndfull of thy teares so that I am fylled with ioye when I call to remēbraūce the vnfayned fayth that is in the whiche dwelt fyrst in thy graund mother Lois and in thy mother Eunica I am assure that it dwelleth in the also Wherfore I warne the that thou stere vp the gyfte of God which is in y ● by the puttynge on of my handes For God hath not geuē to vs the spirit of feare but of power and of loue and of sobrenes Be not thou therfore ashamed of the testymony of oure Lord neyther be ashamed of me which am his prisoner but suffre thou aduersite wyth the Gospel accordyng to the power of God whiche saued vs and called vs with an holy callynge not accordynge to oure dedes but according to his owne purpose grace whiche was gyuen vs thorowe Christ Iesu before the worlde beganne but is nowe declared openly by the appearynge of our sauiour Iesu Christe whiche hath put away death and hath brought lyfe and immortalite vnto lyght thorowe the Gospell whervnto I am apoynted a preacher Apostle and a teacher of the Gentyls for the whiche cause ▪ I also suffre these thynges Neuerthe lesse I am not ashamed For I knowe and am sure that he in whom I haue put my trust is able to kepe that whych I haue comitted to his kepynge agaynst that day Se that thou haue the ensample of the holsome wordes whiche thou hast heard of me with fayth and loue that is in Christ Iesu That good thynge whiche was committed to thy kepyng hold fast thorow the holy ghost whiche dwelleth in vs. This y ● knowest howe that al they which are in Asia be turned from me Of which sorte are Phigelus and Hermogenes The Lorde gyue mercye vnto the housholde of Onesiphorus for he oft refresshed me and was not ashamed of my cheyne but when he was at Rome he sought me out very diligētly foūde me The Lord graūt vnto him that he may fynde mercy with the Lord at that day And in how many thinges he ministred vnto me at Ephesus thou knowest very wel ¶ Lyke as in the fyrste Chapter so here he exhorteth hym to be constant in trouble to suffre manly and to abyde faste in the wholsome doctryne of our Lorde Iesus Christ. CAPI II. THou therfore my sōne be strong in the grace that is thorow Christ Iesu in the thynges that thou haste herde of me by many wytnesses The same commytte thou to faythful men which shal be apt to teach other also Thou therfore suffre afflyccyons as a good soudier of Iesu Christ. No man that warreth entāglith him self with worldly busynes and that because he maye please him which hath chosen him to be a soudier And though a man stryne for a mastery yet is he not crowned except he stryue lawfully The husband man that laboureth muste fyrst receyue of the frutes Consider what I say The Lorde gyue the vnderstandyng in all thynges ⊢ Remembre that Iesus Christ of the sede of Dauid rose agayne frō death accordyng to my gospel wherin I suffre trouble as an euyll doer euē vnto bondes
euery good ⚜ worke which is in you towarde Iesus Christ. For we haue great ioy consolacion in thy loue because that by the brother the saintes hertes are comforted Wherfore though I might be bold ī Christ to cōmaūde the y ● which was thy dewtye to do yet for loues sake I rather beseche the though I be as I am euē olde Paul now a presoner of Iesu Christ. I beseche the for my sonne Onesimus whō I haue begottē in my bōdes which in tyme passed was to y ● vnprofitable but now ꝓfitable both to the to me whō I haue sent home againe Thou therfore receyue hī that is to say mine owne vowels whō I wolde fayne haue retayned w t me y ● ī thy stead he myght haue ministred vnto me in y ● bondes of the Gospell Neuerthelesse without thy mynde wolde I do nothing that the good which thou doest shuld not be as it were of necessyte but willyngly For happly he therfore departed for a season that thou shuldest receyue him for euer not now as a seruaūt but aboue a seruaūt euen a brother beloued specially to me but how much more vnto the both in the fleshe and also in the Lord If thou coūt me therfore a felowe receyue him as my selfe If he haue done the any hurt or oweth the ought y ● lay to my charge I Paul haue written it with myne owne hande I wyl recompence it So that I do not say to the how that thou owest vnto me euē thyne owne self also Euē so brother let me enioy the in the Lorde Cōforte my vowels in the Lord. Trustynge in thyne obediēce I wrote vnto the knowyng that thou wylt also do more then I say Moreouer prepare me lodgīg for I trust y ● thorow the helpe of your prayers I shal be gyuen vnto you There salute the Epaphras my felowe prisoner in Christ Iesu Marcus Aristarcus Demas Lucas my helpers The grace of our Lord Iesu Christ be with your spirite Amen ¶ Sente frome Rome by Onesymus a Seruaunte ❧ The epystle of Saynt Paule the Apostle vnto the Hebrues ¶ How God deals louyngely with them of the olde tyme in sendyng them his Prophetes but much more mercy hath he shewed vs in that he sent vs his owne sonne Of the most excellent glory of Iesus Christ which in al thynges is lyke to hys father CAPI I. GOd in tyme paste diuersly many wayes spake vnto y ● fathers by prophetꝭ but in these last dayes he hath spokē vnto vs by his owne sonne whom he hath made heyre of all thynges by whome also he made the worlde Whiche sonne beynge the bryghtnes of his glory and the very ymage of his substaunce rulynge all thynges with the worde of hys power hath by hys owne persone pourged oure synnes and sytteth on the ryghte hande of the maiestye on hye beyng so moche more excellent then the Angels as he hath by inherytaunce obteyned a more excellent name then they For vnto whiche of the Angels sayde he at any tyme Thou arte my sonne this daye haue I begotten the And agayne I wyll be his father and he shal be my sonne And agayne when he bryngeth in the fyrste begotten sonne into the worlde he sayth And let al the angels of God worship him And vnto the Angels he sayth He maketh hys Angels spirytes and hys minysters a flamme of fyre But vnto the sonne he sayth thy seate O God shal be for euer and euer The scepter of thy kingdome is a right scepter Thou hast loued rightuousnes and hated iniquytie Wherfore God euen thy God hath anoynted the with the oyle of gladnes aboue thy felowes And thou Lorde in the beginnyng hast layde the foundacyon of the earth And the heauens are the workes of thy hādes They shall peryshe but thou endurest But they all shal wexe olde also as doth a garment as a vesture shalt thou chaūge them they shal be chaunged But thou art euē the same and thy yeres shal not fayle ⊢ Unto whych of the angels sayde he at any tyme Syt on my ryght hāde tyll I make thyne enemyes thy fote stole Are they not al ministring spirites that are sent to minister for their sakꝭ which shal be heyres of saluacyon ¶ He exhorteth vs to be obedient vnto the 〈◊〉 lawe whiche Christe hath gyuen vs and not to be offended at the infyrmytie and lowe degre of Christ because it was necessary that for our sakes he shulde take suche au vmble state vpon hym that he myght be lyke vnto his brethren CAPI II. WHerfore we oughte to gyue the more hede to the thinges that are spoken vnto vs lest at any tyme we perysh For yf the worde whiche was spoken by angels was stedfast and euery transgressyon and disobedience receyued a iust recompence of reward howe shall we escape yf we despyse so great saluacion whyche at the first began to be preached of the Lorde hym selfe was confyrmed vnto vs warde by thē that hearde it God bearyng wytnes therto both with sygnes won●ets also with diuers miracles gyftes of the holy ghost accordyng to his owne wyll For vnto the angels hath he not subdued the worlde to come wherof we speake but one in a certayne place wytnessed saying What is mā that thou art myndfull of him Or the sōne of man that thou visitest hym Thou madest him a lytle lower then the angels thou hast crowned him with honour glory and hast set him aboue the worckes of thy handes Thou hast put al thynges in subieccyon vnder his fete In that he put al thynges vnder him he left nothyng that is not put vnder hym Neuerthelesse we se not yet all thynges subdued vnto him but him that was made lesse then the Angels we se that it was Iesus whych is crowned wyth glory honour for the suffryng of deth that he by the grace of God shulde cast of death for all men For it became him for whom are all thinges and by whom are al thynges after that he had brought many sonnes vnto glory y ● he shulde make the Lorde of their saluacion perfecte thorowe affliccions For both he that sanctifieth and they whyche are sanctifyed are all of one For whych causes sake he is not asshamed to call them brethren sayinge I wyll declare thy name vnto my brethren in the myddes of the Congregacyon wyll I prayse the. And agayne I wyll put my trust in him And agayne beholde here am I the chyldren whom God hath gyuen me For as much then as the chyldrē are partetakers of flesshe bloude he also him selfe lyke wyse toke parte wyth them that thorowe death he myght expell hym that had lord shyppe ouer death that is to say the deuyl and that he myght delyuer them which thorow feare of death were all there lyfe tyme subdued vnto bondage For he in no place taketh on him the Angels but the
but geueth grace vnto the lowlye Submit your selues therfore to God but resyst y ● deuyll and he wyll flye from you Drawe nye to God he wyll drawenye to you Clēfe your hādes ye synners pourge your hettes ye wauerynge mynded Suffre affliccions and mourne wepe Let youre laughter be turned to mournyng and your ioye to heuynes Humble youre selues in y ● sight of y ● lorde he shal lyft you vp Backbyte not one another drethren He y ● backbyteth his brother he that iudgeth his brother backbyteth the lawe and iudgeth the lawe But and yf thou iudge the lawe thou are not an obseruer of the lawe but a iudge There is one lawe geuer and iudge whiche is able to saue and to destroye What art thou that iudgest another Go to nowe ye that saye todaye and tomorowe let vs go into such a cytie and contynue there a yeare bye sell and wynne yet cannot ye tell what shall happen on y e morowe For what thinge is your lyfe It is euen a vapour that apereth for a lytel time and then vanyssheth a waye For that ye ought to saye yf the Lord wyll and yf we lyue let vs do this or yt. But now ye reioyce in your boastynges All soch reioysynge ys euyll Therfore to hym y t knoweth how to do good and doth yt not to hym it is synne ¶ He threteneth the wycked ryche men exhorteth vnto pacyence to beware of swerynge One to knoweledge his ●autes to another one to praye for another and one to laboure to brynge another to the trueth CAPI V. GO to nowe ye ryche men Wepe and howle on youre wretchednes that shal come vpon you You re ryches is corrupte your garmentes are motheaten Your gold and syluer is cankered and the rust of them shal be a wytnes vnto you shall eat youre flesshe as it were fyre ye haue heaped treasuere to gether ⚜ euē wrath to your selues in youre last dayes Beholde the hyre of the labourers whiche haue reaped downe your feldes whiche hyre is of you kept backe by fraude cryeth and the cryes of them whyche haue reaped are entred into y e eares of the Lorde Sabbaoth Ye haue lyued in pleasure on the earthe and bene wantan Ye haue norysshed youre hertes as ☞ in a daye of slaughter ye haue cōdempned and kylled the iust and he hathe not resysted you ✚ Be paciēt therfore brethren vnto the cōmynge of the Lorde Beholde the husbāde man wayteth for the precyous frute of the earth and hathe longe pacyence ther vpon vntyll he receaue that early and the latter rayne Be ye also pacient therfore settle your hertes for the commynge of the Lorde draweth nye Grudge not one agaynst another brethren lest ye be damned Beholde the iudge stādeth before the dore Take my brethren the Prophetes for an ensample of sufferynge aduersytie of pacience whiche spake in the name of the Lorde ⊢ Beholde we counte them happy which endure Ye haue harde of the pacyence of Iob haue knowen what ende the Lorde made For the Lorde is very petyfull and mercyfull But aboue all thynges my brethren sweare not ▪ nether by heauē nether by erth nether any other othe Let your yee be yee and youre naye naye lest ye fall into ypocrisy If any of you be vexed let hym praye If any of you be mery let hym synge Psalmes If any be diseased amonge you let him call for the elders of the congregacyon and let them praye ouer him and anoynte him with oyle in the name of the Lorde and the prayer of fayth shall saue the sycke and the Lorde shal rayse him vp and yf he haue cōmytted synnes they shal be forgeuen him ✚ Knowledge youre fautes one to another and praye one for another that ye may be healed For the feruent prayer of a ryghteous man auayleth muche Helyas was a man mortall euen as we are and he prayed in his prayer that it myght not rayne and is rayned not on the earth by the space of thre yeares syx monethes And he prayed agayne and the heauen gaue rayne and the earth brought forth her frute Brethren yf any of you do erre from the trueth and another conuerte him let the same knowe that he whiche conuerteth the synner frō goynge a straye out of his waye shall saue a soule from deeth and shal hyde the multytude of synnes ¶ The ende of the epystle of Saynte Iames. ❧ The fyrst Epistle of Saynt Peter the Apostle ¶ He sheweth that thorowe the aboundaunt mercy of God we are begotten agayne to a lyuely hope and howe fayth muste be tryed howe the saluacyon in Chryst is no Newes ▪ but a thyng prophecyed of olde He exhorteth the to a godly conuersacyon for so muche as they are nowe borne a newe by the worde of God CAPI I. PEter an Apostle of Iesu Chryste to them that dwell here and there as straūgers thorowout Pontus Galacia Capadocya Asia and Bethynia electe according to the for knowledge of God the father thorowe the sanctifynge of the spirit vnto obedience and spryncklynge of the bloude of Iesus Chryste Grace be with you and peace be multiplyed Blessed be God the father of oure Lord Iesus Christ which accordyng to his aboundant mercy begat vs agayn vnto a lyuely hope by that that Iesus Christ rose agayne from death to an inherytaunce immortall and vndefyled and that peryssheth not reserued in heauen for you whyche are kepte by the power of God thorowe fayth vnto saluacion whyche is prepared alredy to be shewed in the last tyme in the whyche ye reioyse though now for a season yf nede requyre ye are in heuines thorow manifold temptacions that the trial of your fayth beyng much more precious then golde that perisheth risheth though it be tried with fyre might be founde vnto laude glory honour at the appearyng of Iesus Chryst whom ye haue not sene yet loue hym in whom euē nowe though ye se him not yet do you beleue and reioyce with ioy vnspeakable and gloryous receyuynge the ende of your fayth euen the saluacyon of your soules Of which saluacion haue the Prophetes enquyred and searched whyche Prophesyed of the grace that shuld come vnto you searchynge when or at what tyme the spirit of Christ whiche was in them shuld sygnyfye whiche spirit testyfyed before the passyons that shuld happen vnto Christ and the glory that shulde folowe after vnto whiche Prophetes it was also declared that not vn to them selues but vnto vs they shuld minister the thinges which are now shewed vn to you of thē which by the holy ghost sente downe frō heauen haue in the Gospell preached vnto you the thingꝭ which the angels defyre to beholde Wherfore gyrde vp the loynes of youre mide be sober trust perfectly on the grace that is brought vnto you by the declaryng of Iesus Christ as
the chyldren of Ephraim whiche beynge harnessed and caryenge bowes turned thē selues backe in the daye of batayll They kepte nat the couenaunte of God and wolde nat walke in his lawe But forgate what he had done and the wonderfull worckes that he had shewed for them Maruelous thynges dyd he in the syghte of oure fathers in the lande of Egipte euen in the felde of zoan He deuyded the see and broughte them thorowe he made the waters to stande on a heape In the daye tyme also he led them with a cloude and all the nyghte thorowe with a lyghte of tyre He cloaue the harde rockes in the wyldernesse and gaue them drynke therof as it had bene out of the greate deapth He broughte waters out of the stony rocke so that it gusshed out lyke the riuers Yet for all this they synned more against hym and prouoked the mooste hyest in the wyldernes They tempted God in theyr hertes and requyred meate for theyr luste They spake agaynst God also sayenge Shall God prepare a table in the wylder nesse● He sinote the stony rocke in dede y ● the water gusshed out and the streames flowed with all but can he geue bred also or prouyde flesh for his people Whē y ● Lorde hearde thys he was wroth so the fyre was kyndled in Iacob ther came vp heuy dyspleasure agaynste Israel Because they beleued nat in God and put nat theyr trust in his helpe So he commaūded the cloudes aboue and opened the dores of heauen He rayned downe Māna also vpon thē for to eate and gaue them foode frō heauen So man dyd eate ☞ angels fode for he sente them meate ynough He caused the East winde to blowe vnder the heauen and thorow his power he brought in y ● south west wynde He rayned flesh vpō them as thicke as dust and fethered foules lyke as the sande of the see He let it fall amonge their tentes euēroūde aboute their habitacyon So they dyd eate and were well fylled for he gaue thē their owne desyre They were nat disapoynted of their luste But whyle the meate was yet in their mouthes y ● heuy wrath of God came vpon thē and flewe the welthiest of thē yee and smote downe the chosen men that were in Israell But for all this they synned yet more and beleued nat his wonderous worckes Therfore theyr dayes dyd he consume in vanyte and their yeares ● trouble When he slewe them they sought hym and turned them early and enquered after God And they remēbred that God was theyr strength and that the hye God wrs theyr redemer Neuerthelesse they dyd but flatter hym with theyr mouthe and dyssembled with hym in theyr tonge For their herte was nat whole with hym nether contynued they stedfast in his couenaunte But he was so mercyfull that he forgaue theyr mysdedes and destroyed them nat Yee many a tyme turned he hys wrathe awaye and wolde nat suffre his whole dyspleasure to aryse For he consydered y ● they were but flesh and that they were euē a mynde that passeth awaye and commeth nat agayne Many a tyme dyd they prouoke him in y ● wyldernesse and greued him i the deserte They turned backe tempted God and moued the holy one in Israel They thought nat of his hande and of y ● daye when he delyuered thē from the hande of the enemye Howe he had wrought his myracles in Egipte his wondres in the felde of zoan He turned theyr waters into bloude so that they myght nat drynke of the ryuers He sent lyce amonge thē and deuoured them vp ‡ and frogges to destroye thē He gaue theyr frutes vnto the eatyr pyller and theyr laboure vnto the greshopper He destroied theyr vynes w t hayle stones and theyr mulbery trees with the frost He smote theyr eatel also with haile stones their flockes with hote thonder boltes He cast vpon thē the furyousnesse of hys wrath anger displeasure and trouble and sent euyl angels among them He made away to his indignacion and spared nat theyr soule from death but gaue theyr lyfe ouer to the pestylence And smote all the fyrst borne in Egipt the moste pryncipall and myghtyest ☞ in y ● dwellynges of Ham. But as for his owne people he leade them forth lyke shepe caried thē in y ● wyldernesse lyke a flocke He brought them out safely that they shulde nat feare ouer whelined theyr enemyes with the see And brought them within the borders of his Sanctuary ☞ euē to this mountayne more let them be put to shame and perishe And they shall knowe that thou whose name is Iehoua arte onely the most hyest ouer all the earthe ¶ The. lxxxiiij Psalme ¶ To the chauntet vpon Githith a Psalme of the sonnes of Lorah O Howe amyable are thy dwellynges thou Lorde of Hostes My soule hath a desyre and longinge to entre into the courtes of the Lorde my herte and my flesshe reioyse in the lyuynge God Yee the sparow hath sounde her an house and the swalowe a neste where she maye laye her yonge euen thy aulters O Lorde of Hostes my kynge my God Blessed are they that dwell in thy house they wyl be all waye praysynge the. Sela. Blessed is that man whose strength is in the and in whose herte are thy wayes Whiche goynge thorowe the vale of my sery vse it for a wel and the poles are fylled with water They wyll go from strength and vnto the God of Goddes appeareth euery one of them in Sion O Lorde God of Hostes heare my prayer herken O God of Iacob Sela. Beholde O God oure defender and loke vpon the face of thyne anoynted For one day in thy courtes is better then a thosande I had rather be a dore kepet in the house of my God then to dwell in the tentes of vngodlines For the Lord God is a lyght defence the Lord wyl giue grace worshyp and no good thyng shal he witholde from them that lyue a godly lyfe O Lorde God of Hostes blessed is the man that putteth his truste in the. ¶ The. lxxxv Psalme ¶ To the Chaunter a Psalme of the sonnes of Lorah LORDE thou arte become gracyous vnto thy lande thou haste turned away the captyuyte of Iacob Thou haste forgyuen the offence of thy people and couered all theyr synnes Sela. Thou haste taken awaye all thy dyspleasure and turned thy selfe from thy wrathfull indingnacion Turne vs then O God our sauyour and let thyne angre ceasse from vs. Wylt thou be displeased at vs for euer and wylte thou stretche out thy wrath from one generacion to another Wylte thou not turne agayne quycken vs that thy people maye reioyse in the Shewe vs thy mercy O Lorde and graunte vs thy saluacyon I wyll herken what the Lorde God wyl say ⚜ concerning me for he shal speake peace vnto his people and to his sayntes
my wyne whiche I haue poured out for you Forsake ignoraunce and ye shall lyue and se that ye go in the waye of vnderstandynge Who so reproueth a scornefull personne gettethe him selfe dyshonoure and he that rebuketh the vngodly stayneth hym selfe Reproue nat ☞ a scorner leste he owe the euyll wyll but rebuke a wyse man he wyll loue the. Geue a dyscrete man but an occasyon and he wylbe the wyser teache a righteous man and he wyll increase in knowlege The feare of the Lorde is the beginnyng of wysdome and the knowledge of holy thynges is vnderstādyng For thorow me thy dayes shall be prolōged y ● yeares of thy lyfe shal be many If thou be wyse thy wysdome shal do thy selfe good but if y e thikest scorne therof it shall be thyne owne harme A folysh rechelesse woman ful of wordes such a one as hathe no knowledge sytteth at the dore of her house in y e hygh places of y e cite to call suche as go by that walke streyght in theyr wayes Who so is ignoraunt sayeth she let hym come hyther and to the vnwyse she sayeth stollen waters are swete the breade that is preuely eaten hathe a good taste And he dothe nat consydre that they are but deade whiche be there and that her gestes are in y e depe of hel ⚜ For he that wyll be ioyned vnto her shall go downe to hel but he that auoydeth frome her shal be saued ¶ The Prouerbes of Salomon ¶ In this chapter and in all that folowe vnto the thyrtye the wyse man exhorteth by dyuers sentences whiche he calleth Parables to folowe vertues and flye vyces And sheweth also what profet cōmeth of wysdome what hyndraūce proceadeth of folyshnesse Capitulo X. A Wyse sōne maketh a glad father but an vndiscrete sōne is an heuines vnto hꝭ mother Tresures y t are wickedly gottē ꝓfyte nothīg but ryghtuousnes delyuereth frō deth The Lord wil nat let y e soule of y e ryghtuous suffce hongre but he putteth the vngodly from his desyre An ydle hande maketh poore but the quycke labourynge hand maketh ryche ⚜ who so regardeth lesynges fedeth the wynde and doth but folowe byrdes that haue taken theyr flyght ‡ Who so gathereth in Sommer is wyse but he that is slougy she in harueste bryngeth hym selfe to confusion Blessynges are vpon the heade of the ryghtuous and the mouthe of the vngodly kepeth myschefe in secrete The memoriall of the iuste shall haue a good reporte but the name of the vngodly shal styncke A wyse man wyl receyue war nynge but a fole wyll soner be smytē in the face He that leadeth an innocent lyfe wal keth surely but who so goeth a wrong way shal be knowē He y ● wincketh w t hꝭ eye wyll do some harme but he y ● hath a folish mouth shal be betē The mouth of a rightuoꝰ mā is a veyne of life but y ● mouth of y ● vngodly kepeth mischefe ī secrete Euill wyl stereth vp strife but loue couereth y ● multitude of sines In y ● lippes of hī y ● hath vnderstādig a mā shal fynde wysdome but y ● rod belōgeth to y ● backe of y ● folish Wyse m●●ay vp knowlege but y ● mouth of y ● folish is ny destrucciō The riche mās goodꝭ are hꝭ strōge holde but pouerty oppresseth y ● pore The rightuoꝰ laboureth to do good but y ● vngodly vseth hꝭ encrease vnto sine To take hede vnto y ● chaste nīg of nurture is y ● way of life but he y ● refu seth to be refourmed disceaueth hī self Dissēblyng lippꝭ kepe hatred secretly he y ● speketh any sclaūder is a fole Where much bablīg is there must nedes be offēce he y ● refrineth hꝭ lippes is wise An innocēt tōg is a noble treasure but y ● hert of y ● vngodly is nothīg worth The lippꝭ of y ● rightuous fede ●whole multitude but foles shal die ī their owne foly The blessīg of y ● Lord maketh riche men as for careful trauayle it doth nothīg therto A fole doth wyckedly maketh but a sport of it neuertheles it is wysdome for a mā to beware of suche The thinge y ● y ● vngodly are afraied of shal come vpō thē but y ● rightuous shal haue their desire The vngodly is lyke a tēpest y ● passeth ouer is no more sene but y ● righteoꝰ remaineth sure for euer As vineger is to y ● teth as smoke is vnto the eies euē so is a slougysh ꝑson to thē y ● sende hī forth The feare of y ● Lord maketh a long life but y e yerꝭ of y t vngodly shal be shortened The paciēt abidīg of y e rightuous shal be turned to gladnes but y ● hope of y ● vngodly shal perish The way of y e Lorde geueth a corage vnto y ● godly but it is a fere for wicked doers The righteoꝰ shal neuer be ouerthrowē but the vngodly shal nat remaine in y e lāde The mouth of y ● iust wyl be talkīg of wisdome but y e tōg of y ● froward shal perish The lippꝭ of y ● rightuous are occupied in acceptable thīgꝭ but y ● mouth of y ● vngodly taketh thē to y ● worst CAP. XI A False balaūce is an abhominaciō vn to y ● Lord but a true weight pleseth hī Where pride is there is shame also cōfusiō but where as is lowlynes there is wisdome The īnocēt delīg of y e iust shal lede thē but y e wickednes of suche as dissēble shal be theyr owne destrucciō Riches helpe nat ī y ● daye of vēgeaūce but righteousnes deliuereth frō deth The rightuousnes of y ● inocēt ordreth hꝭ way but y e vngodly shal fal in his owne wickednes The rightuousnes of y ● iust shal deliuer thē but y ● wicked shal be takē in their owne vngodlynes Whē an vngodly mā dyeth hꝭ hope is gone y ● cōfidēce of riches shal perish The rightuoꝰ shal be deliuered out of trouble y ● vngodly shal come to hꝭ steade Thorow y e mouth of y ● dissēbler is hꝭ neighbour destroied but thorow knowledge shall y ● iust be deliuered Whē it goeth wel w t the righteoꝰ y ● cite is mery whē y ● vngodly perish there is gladnes Whē y e iust are ī welth y ● cite ꝓspereth but whē y e vngodly haue y e rule it decaieth A fole brīgeth vp a sclaūder of hꝭ neyghboure but a wyse man wyl kepe it secrete A dissēblyng ꝑson wyl discouer preuy thinges but he that is of a faythfull herte wyl kepe councell Where no good councell is there y e people decay but where dothe a mysse but blessed is he that hathe pytye of the poore ⚜ He that putteth hys truste in the Lorde louethe to be mercyfull They that ymagin wickednes
wyues and our chyldren and to robbe vs. But we wyll fyght for our lyues for our lawes and the Lorde hym selfe shal destroye thē before our face therfore be not ye afrayed of them As soone as he had spoken these wordes he leapte sodenly vpon them Thus was Seron smytten and his hoost put to flight and Iudas folowed vpō them beyonde Bethoron vnto the playne felde where there were slayne eyght hundreth men of them and the resydue fled into the lande of the Phylystynes Then al the Heathē on euery syde were afrayed of Iudas and hys brethren so that the rumoure of hym came vnto the kynges eares for all the Gentyles coulde not tell of the warres of Iudas So when kynge Antiochus hearde these tidynges he was angry in his minde wherfore he sente forth and gathered an hoost of his whole realme very strōge armyes and opened hys treasury and gaue hys hoost a yeares wages in hande commaundynge them to be ready at all tymes Neuerthelesse when he sawe that there was not moneye ynoughe in his treasuries and that thorowe the dyscorde and persecucyon whiche he made in the lande to put downe the lawes that had bene of olde tymes hys customes and trybutes of the lāde were mynyshed he feared that he was not able for to beare the costes and charges any longer nor to haue suche gyftes to geue so lyberally as he dyd afore more then y ● kynges that were before hym Wherfore he was heuy in his mynde and thought ▪ to go in to Persides for to take trybutes of the lande and so to gather moche money So he lefte Lysyas a noble man of the kynges bloude to ouerse the kynges busynesses from the water Euphrates vnto the borders of Egypte to kepe well his sonne Antiochus tyll he came agayne Moreouer he gaue him half of his hoost and Elephantes and commytted vnto him euery thynge of hys mynde concernynge those which dwelt in Iuda and Ierusalem that he shulde sende out an army agaynste them to destroye to rote out the power of Israell and the remnaunte of Ierusalem to put out theyr memoriall from that place to set straungers for to inhabyte all theyr quarters and to parte theyr lande amonge them Thus the kynge toke the other parte of the hoost departed frō Antioch a cytie of his reame ouer the water of Euphrates in the hundreth and. xlvij yeare and wente thorowe the hye countries And Lysyas chose vnto hym Ptolomy the sonne of Doriminus Nicanor and Gorgias myghty men and the kynges frendes These he sent with .xl. thousande fote men and. vii thousand horsmē for to go in to the lāde of Iuda to destroye it as the kynge commaunded So they wēre forth wyth all their power and came to Emuians into the playne felde Whan the marchauntes heard the rumoure of them they and theyr seruauntes toke very muche syluer and gol●● for to bye the chyldren of Israel to be theyr bonde men There came vnto them also yet ●●o men of warre on euery syde out of Syria and from the Palestynes Nowe when Iudas his brethren sawe that trouble increased that the host drewe ney vnto theyr borders cōsidering y ● kinges wordes which he cōmaunded vnto the people namely that they shulde vtterly waste and destroye thē They sayde one to another Let vs redresse the decaye of oure people let vs fyght for oure folke and for our Sanctuarye Then the congregacyon were soone ready gathered to fyght to praye to make supplicacyon vnto God for mercy grace As for Ierusalem it laye voyde was as it had bene a wildernesse There went no man in nor out at it the Sanctuary was troden downe The al●aūtes kepte y ● castel there was the habytacyon of the Heathen The myrth of Iacob was tak● away y ● pipe and the harpe was gone frō amonge them The Israelytes gathered thē to gether and came to Maspha before Ierusalem for in Maspha was the place where they prayed afore tyme in Israel So they fasted that daye and put sackclothes vpon them ●ast asshes vpon theyr heades tente theyr clothes layde forth the bokes of the lawe wherout the Heathen sought the lykenesse of theyr ymages and brought the Prestes ornamentes the fyrstlinges and the tythes They set there also the absteyners whiche had fulfylled theyr dayes before God and cryed with a loude voyce towarde heauen sayinge What shall we do with these and whyther shall we cary them awaye For thy Sanctuary is troden downe and defyled thy prestes are come to heuynesse and dyshonour and beholde the Heathen are come together for to destroye vs. Thou knowest what thynges they ymagine agaynste vs. Howe maye we stande before them except thou O God be oure helpe They blewe out the trōpette also with a loude voyce The Iudas ordened captaynes ouer the people ouer thousandes ouer hundredes ouer ●yfrye and ouer ten But as for suche as buylded thē houses maryed wyues planted them vyneyardes those that were fearfull he cōma●●ed thē euery mā to go home agayne accordynge to the lawe So the hoost remoued and pytched vpon the southsyde of Emmaus And Iudas sayde Arme your selues be stronge O my chyldren make you ready agaynst to morowe in the mournynge that ye maye fyght with these people which are agreed together to destroye vs and oure Sanctuary Better is it for vs to dye in battayl than to ●e our people and our sanctuary in suche a myserable case Neuerthelesse as thy wyll is in heauen so be it ¶ Iuda● goeth agaynst Gorgias which ●●eth ●n wayte He pu●●●th Gorgias and his hoost to ●●yght ●ysya●●●●●deth ●●wrye ▪ but Iudas dryueth hym out Iudas pu●●●y●th the temple and de●y●at●th the ●u●●●re CAPI IIII. THEN toke Gorgias fyue thousande men of fote and a thousande of the best horsmen remoued by nyght to come nye where the Iewes hoost laye and so to slaye them sodenly Nowe the men that kepte the cast●ll were the co●●eyers of thē Then arose Iudas to smyte the chefe and principal of the kynges Hoost at Emmaus for the army was not yet come together In the meane season came Gorgias by nyght in to Iudas tentes and when he founde no man there he sought them in the mountaynes and thought they had bene fled awaye because of hym But when it was daye Iudas shewed hym selfe in the felde with thre thousande men onely which had nether harnesse nor swardes to theyr myndes But on the other syde they sawe that the Heathen were myghtye and well harnessed and theyr hors●●ē aboute them and all these well experte in feates of warre Then sayde Iudas to the mē that were with hym Feare not ye the multitude of them be not afrayed of theyr vyolente runnynge remēbre howe oure fathers were delyue●ed in the reed see when Pharao folowed vpon them with a greate Hoost Euen so let vs also crye nowe towarde heauen the Lorde shall
haue mercy vpon vs and remembre the couenaunt of our fathers yee destroye this Hoost before oure face this daye And all the Heathen shall knowe that it is God hym selfe whiche delyuereth and saueth Israell Then the Heathen left vp theyr eyes and when they sawe that they were commynge agaynst them they went out of theyr tentes into the battayll and they that were with Iudas blewe vp the trōpettes So they buckled together and the Heathen were discomfyted and fled ouer the playne felde but the hynmost of them were slayne For they folowed vpō them vnto Assaremoth and in to the feldes of Idumea towarde Azot and Iam●●a so that there were slayne of them vpon a thre thousande men So Iudas turned agayne wyth hys Hoste and sayde vnto the people Be not gredy of the spoyles we haue yet a batayle to fyght for Gorgias and his hoste are here by vs in the mountaynes but stande ye fast agaynst our enemyes and ouer come them then may ye safely take the spoyles As Iudas was speakynge these wordes beholde there appeared one parte of thē vpō the mounte But whan Gorgyas sawe that they of hys partye were fled and the tentes brent vp for by the smoke they myght vnder stande what was done they perceyuing this were very sore afrayed and when they sawe also that Iudas and his host were in the feld redy to strike batta●le they fled euer●chone in to the lande of the Heathen So Iudas turned agayne to spoyle the tentes where they gat muche golde and syluer precious stones purple greate ryches Thus they went home and songe a Psalme of thankesgeuynge and praysed God in heauen for he is gracyous hys mercy endureth for euer And so Israel had a great victory in that daye Nowe al the Heathen that escaped came and tolde Lysias euery thynge as it happened Wherfore Lisias was sore afrayed and greued in hys minde because Israel had not gottē such misfortune as he wold they shuld neyther as the Kynge cōmaūded The nexte yeare folowynge gathered Lysias thre score thousande chosen mē of fote fyue thousāde horsmen to fyght agaynst them So they came into Iewry and pytched their tētes at Bethoron where Iudas came agaynst them with ten thousande men And whē he sawe so great myghtye an hoste he made hys prayer and sayde Blessed be thou O sauiour of Israell whyche dyddest destroy the violent power of the gyaunt in the hande of thy seruaunte Dauyd and gauest the hoste of the Heythen into the hande of Ionathas the sonne of Saul and of hys weapen bearer Put thys hoste nowe into the hande of thy people of Israell and let them be confounded in theyr multytude and horsmen Make them afrayed discomforte the boldnes of their strēgth that they maye be moued thorow their destruccion Cast them downe thorow the swearde of thy louers then shall all they that knowe thy name prayse the wyth thankesgeuyng So they stroke the battayl and their wer slayne of Lysyas hoste fyue thousande men Then Lysias seynge the discomfitynge of hys men and the manlynesse of the Iewes howe they were ready either to ●yue or to dye lyke men He went vnto Antyoche and chose out men of warre that whan they were gathered together they myght come agayne in to Iewry Then sayde Iudas and his brethren beholde our enemyes are discomfited Let vs nowe go vp to clense ▪ and to repayre the Sanctuary Upon thys all the hoste gathered them together and wente vp into mounte Syon Nowe whan they sawe the Sāctuary layed waste y ● aulter defyled the dores brēt vp the shrubbes growynge in the courtes lyke as in a wod or vpon mountaynes yee y ● the prestes Celles were broken downe They rente their clothes made great lamentacion caste asshes vpon their heades fell downe flat to the grounde made a greate noyse wyth the trompettes cryed towarde heauen Then Iudas appoynted certayne men to fyght agaynst those which were in the castel tyll they had clensed the Sanctuary So he chose prestes y ● were vndefyled suche as had pleasure in the lawe of God and they clensed the Sanctuary and bare oute the defyled stones into an vncleane place And for so muche as the aulter of burnt offeringes was vnhalowed he toke aduysemente what he myght do w t all so he thought it was beste to destroy it least it shuld happen to do thē any shame for the Heythen had defyled it therfore they brake it downe As for the stones they layed them vp vpon the mountayne by the house in a cōuenient place tyl there came a Prophete to shewe what shulde be done wyth them So they toke whole stones accordige to y ● lawe buylded a newe aulter suche one as was before made vp y ● Sanctuary within and without and halowed the house and the courtes They made newe ornamentes and brought the candelstycke the aulter of incense and the table in to the temple The incense layed they vpon the aulter and lyghted the lampes whiche were vpon the candelstycke y ● they myght burne in the temple They set the shewbred vpon the table and hanged vp the vayle and set vp the temple as it was afore And vpon the. xxv daye of the. ix moneth whiche is called the moneth of Ca●●eu in the. Cxl viij yere they rose vp by tymes in the mornynge for to do sacryfyce accordyng to the lawe vpon the newe burnte offerynge aulter that they had made after the tyme season that the Heythen had defyled it The same day was it set vp agayne with songes pypes harpes cymbales And all the people fell vpon their faces worshyppyng thanckyng the God of heauen whiche had geuen them the vyctorye So they kepte the dedicacion of the aulter vii● dayes offrynge burnt sacrifyces thāk-offerynges with gladnesse They deckte the temple also with crownes shyldes of gold and halowed the portes celles hāged dores vpō thē Thꝰ there was very great gladnes amonge the people because the blasphemy of the Heythen was put away So Iudas his brethren with the whole congregacion of Israel ordeyned y ● the tyme of the dedicacions of the aulter shulde be kept in his season from yeare to yeare by the space of vii● dayes from the. xxv day of the moneth Casieu wyth myrth and gladnes And at y ● same tyme buylded they vp the mount Syon with hye walles and stronge towres roūde aboute lest the Gentiles shuld come and treade it downe as they dyd afore Therfore Iudas set men of warre in it to kepe it made it stronge for to defende Be thsura that the people myght haue refuge agaynst the Edomytes CAPI V. ¶ Iud●s vaynquyshed the Heathen that go aboute to destroye Israel and is holpen of his brethren Simon and Iona th●s He ouerthroweth the cytie of Ephron because they denyed hym passage thorowe it IT happened also that whan