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A10349 Biblia the Byble, that is, the holy Scrypture of the Olde and New Testament, faithfully translated in to Englyshe.; Bible. English. Coverdale. 1537. Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568. 1535 (1535) STC 2063.3; ESTC S5059 2,069,535 1,172

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vnto Moses What Him that synneth against me wil I wype out of my boke Go thou y e waye therfore and brynge y e people thither as I haue sayde vnto the Beholde myne angell shall go before the. But in the daye of my visitacion I wyll vyset their synnes vpon them So the LORDE plaged the people because they made y e calfe which Aaron made The XXXIII Chapter THe LORDE sayde vnto Moses Go departe hence thou and the people whom thou hast brought out of the lande of Egipte vnto y e londe that I sware vnto Abraham Isaac and Iacob and sayde vnto y e sede wil I geue it and I wyl sende an angell before the and cast out the Cananites Amorites Hethites Pheresites Heuites and Iebusites in to the londe that floweth with mylke and hony for I wyll not go vp with the for thou art an hardnecked people I might consume the by the waye Whan the people herde this euell tydinges they sorowed and no man put on his best rayment And y e LORDE sayde vnto Moses Speake vnto the children of Israel Ye are a styfnecked people I must once come sodenly vpon the and make an ende of the. And now put of thy goodly araye from the y t I maie knowe what to do vnto the. So the children of Israel laied their goodly araye from thē euen before the mount Horeb. Moses toke the Tabernacle pitched it without afarre of from y e hoost and called it the Tabernacle of wytnesse And who so euer wolde axe eny question at the LORDE wente out vnto the Tabernacle of wytnesse before the hoost And whan Moses wente out vnto the Tabernacle all the people rose vp and stode euery one in his tent dore and loked after Moses tyll he was gone in to the Tabernacle And whan Moses entred in to the Tabernacle the cloudy pyler came downe and stode in the dore of the Tabernacle and he talked with Moses And all the people sawe the cloudy piler stonde in the dore of the Tabernacle and rose vp and worshiped euery one in his tent dore And the LORDE spake vnto Moses face to face as a man speaketh vnto his frende And whan he turned agayne to the hoost y e yonge mā Iosua y e sonne of Nun his minister departed not out of y e Tabernacle And Moses sayde vnto the LORDE Beholde thou saydest vnto me Brynge y e people vp and lettest me not knowe whom thou wilt sende w t me yet hast thou sayde I knowe the by name and thou hast founde grace in my sight Let me knowe thy waye therfore wherby I maye be certified y t I fynde grace in thy sight And consydre yet that this people is thy people He sayde My presence shal go before the there with wyll I lede the. But he sayde vnto him Yf thy presence go not then cary vs not vp from hence for wherby shal it be knowne y t I and thy people haue founde fauoure in thy sight but in y t thou goest with vs that I thy people maye haue some preemynence before all people that are vpon the face of the earth The LORDE sayde vnto Moses I wyll do this also that thou hast sayde for thou hast foūde grace in my sight and I knowe the by name He sayde Oh let me thē se thy glory And he sayde I wyl cause all my good go ouer before thy face and wyl let the name of y e LORDE be called vpon before the. And I shewe mercy to whom I shewe mercy and haue compassion on whom I haue compassion And he sayde morouer Thou mayest not se my face for there shall no mā lyue y t seyth me And y e LORDE sayde farthermore beholde there is a place by me there shalt thou stōde vpon the rocke Now whan my glory goeth forth I wil put y e in a clyfte of y e rocke my hande shal holde styll vpō the tyll I be passed by And whan I take awaye myne hande from the thou shalt se my back partes but my face shal not be sene The XXXIIII Chapter ANd the LORDE sayde vnto Moses Hew the two tables of stone like as y e first were that I maye wryte in them the wordes y t were in the first tables which thou brakest ▪ and be ready in the mornynge that thou mayest come vp early vnto moūt Sinai and stonde me vpon the toppe of the mount And let no man come vp with the that there be no man sene thorow out all y e mount and let nether shepe ner oxen fede before the mount And Moses hewed two tables of stone like as the first were arose early in the mornynge wente vp vnto mount Sinai as y e LORDE cōmaunded him toke y e two tables of stone in his hāde Thē came the LORDE downe in a cloude And there he stepte vnto him called vpō y e name of y e LORDE And whan y e LORDE passed by before his face he cryed LORDE LORDE God mercifull gracious longe sufferinge and of greate mercy and trueth thou that kepest mercy in stoare for thousandes and forgeuest wickednes trespace and synne before whom there is no man innocent thou that visitest the wickednesse of the fathers vpon y e children and childers children vnto the thirde and fourth generacion And Moses bowed him self downe vnto the earth and worshiped him and saide LORDE yf I haue founde grace in thy sight thē let the LORDE go with vs for it is an hard necked people that thou mayest haue mercy vpon oure wickednesses and synnes and let vs be thyne inheritaunce And he sayde Beholde I make a couenaunt before all y i people wil do wonders soch as haue not bene done in all londes and amonge all people And all y e people amōge whom thou art shal se y e worke of y e LORDE for a terryble thinge shal it be y t I wyl do w t the. Kepe that I commaunde y e this daye Beholde I wyl cast out before the y e Amorites Cananites Hethites Pheresites Heuytes and Iebusites Bewarre that thou make no couenaunt with the indwellers of the lande y t thou commest in to lest they be cause of y i ruyne in the myddest of the but their alters shalt thou ouerthrowe breake downe their goddes and rote out their groaues for thou shalt worshipe no other god For y e LORDE is called gelous because he is a gelous God lest yf thou make any agrement with the indwellers of the londe and whan they go a whoringe after their goddes and do sacrifice vnto their goddes they call y e and thou eate of their sacrifice and lest thou take of their doughters vnto thy sonnes to wyues and the same go a whoringe after their goddes make thy sonnes go a whoringe after their goddes also Thou shalt make y e no goddes of metall The feast of swete
thy honde let thy right honde fynde out all thē y t hate the. Thou shalt make thē lite a fyre ouen in tyme of thy wrath the LORDE shal destroye thē in his displeasure the fyre shall consume them Their frute shalt thou rote out of the earth their sede frō amōge the childrē of men For they intēded myschefe agaynst the ymagined soch deuyces as they were not able to perfourme Therfore shalt thou put thē to flight with thy stringes thou shalt make ready thine arowes agaynst the faces off them Be thou exalted LORDE in thine owne strength so wil we synge and prayse thy power The XXI A psalme of Dauid MY God my God why hast thou forsaken me y e wordes of my cōplaynte are farre fro my health O my God I crie in the daye tyme but thou hearest not and in the night season also I take no rest Yet dwellest thou in the Sanctuary o thou worshipe of Israel Oure father 's hoped in the they trusted in the ād thou dyddest delyuer them They called vpon the and were helped they put their trust in the and were not cōfounded But as for me I am a worme and no man a very scorne of mē and the outcast of the people All they y t se me laugh me to scorne they shute out their lippes and shake their heades He trusted in God let him delyuer him let him helpe hī yf he wil haue him But thou art he that toke me out of my mothers wōbe thou wast ●●y hope when I hanged yet vpon my mothers brestes I haue bene left vnto the euer sence I was borne thou art my God euē fro my mothers wombe O go not fro me thē for trouble is harde at honde and here is none to helpe me Greate bulles are come aboute me fatt oxen close me in on euery syde They gape vpon me with their mouthes as it were a rampinge and roaringe lyon I am poured out like water all my bones are out of ioynt my hert in the myddest off my body is euen like meltinge waxe My strength is dried vp like a potsherde my tunge cleueth to my goomes and thou hast brought me in to the dust of death For dogges are come aboute me the coūcell of y e wicked hath layed sege agaynst me They pearsed my hondes and my fete I might haue tolde all my bones as for them they stode staringe and lokinge vpon me They haue parted my garmentes amonge them ād cast lottes vpon my vesture But be not thou farre fro me o LORDE thou are my sucoure haist the to helpe me Delyuer my soule from the swearde my dearlinge from the power of the dogge Saue me from the lyons mouth and heare me frō amonge the hornes off the vnicornes So will I declare thy name vnto my brethren in the myddest off the congregacion will I prayse the. O prayse the LORDE ye that feare him Magnifie him all ye sede of Iacob let all y e sede of Israel feare hī For he hath not despysed ner abhorred the myserable estate of the poore he hath not hyd his face frome but whē I called vnto him he herde me I wil prayse the in the greate congregacion and perfourme my vowes in the sight off all thē that feare the. The poore shal eate ād be satisfied they y e seke after y e LORDE shal prayse him youre herte shal lyue for euer All the endes of the worlde shal remembre them selues be turned vnto the LORDE and all the generacions of the Heithen shal worshipe before him For the kyngdome is the LORDES and he shal be the gouernoure of y e Heithen All soch as be fat vpō earth shal eate also and worshipe All they that lye in the dust and lyue so hardly shall fall downe before him The sede shall serue him and preach of the LORDE for euer They shal come declare his rightuousnes vnto a people that shal be borne whō the LORDE hath made The XXII A psalme of Dauid THe LORDE is my shepherde I can wante nothinge He fedeth me in a grene pasture ād ledeth me to a fresh water He quickeneth my soule bringeth me forth in the waye of rightuousnes for his names sake Though I shulde walke now in the valley of the shadowe of death yet I feare no euell for thou art with me thy staffe thy shepehoke cōforte me Thou preparest a ●●ble before me agaynst mine enemies thou anoyntest my heade with oyle fyllest my cuppe full Oh let thy louynge kyndnes mercy folowe me all the dayes off my life that I maye dwell in the house off the LORDE for euer The XXIII A psalme of Dauid THe earth is the LORDES all that therin is the cōpase of the worlde ād all y t dwell therin For he hath foūded it vpō the sees buylded it vpon the floudes Who shal go vp in to the hill off the LORDE Or who shal remayne in his holy place Euē he y t hath innocēt hōdes a clene herte which lifteth not vp his mynde vnto vanite sweareth not to disceaue He shal receaue the blessinge frō the LORDE ād mercy frō God his sauioure This is y e generaciō of thē y t seke him of thē y t seke y i face o Iacob Sela. Open yo r gates o ye prīces let the euerlastinge dores be opened y t y e kynge of glory maye come in Who is this kynge of glory ▪ It is the LORDE strōge and mightie euen the LORDE mightie in batell Open youre gates o ye prynces let the euerlastinge dores be opened y t the kynge off glory maye come in Who is this kynge off glory It is the LORDE of hoostes he is the kynge of glory Sela. The XXIIII A psalme of Dauid UNto the o LORDE I lift vp my soule My God I trust in y e Oh let me not be confounded lest myne enemies triūphe ouer me For all they y t hope in y e shal not be ashamed but soch as be scornefull despysers w t out a cause ▪ they shall be put to cōfuciō Shewe me thy wayes o LORDE teach me thy pathes Lede me in y e trueth and lerne me for thou art the God off my health and in the is my hope all the daye longe Call to remembraunce O LORDE thy tender mercyes thy louinge kyndnesses which haue bene euer of olde Oh remēbre not y e synnes offences of my youth but acordinge vnto thy mercy thynke vpon me O LORDE for thy goodnesse O how frēdly rightuous is the LORDE therfore wil he teach synners in the waye He ledeth the symple a right and soch as be meke thē lerneth he his wayes All the wayes of the LORDE are very mercy faith fulnesse vnto soch as kepe his testament and couenaunt For thy names sake O LORDE be mercifull vnto my synne for it is greate
he led them forth like shepe and caried them in the wyldernesse like a flocke He brought them out safely that they shulde not feare and ouerwhelmed their enemies with the see He caried them vnto the borders of his Sanctuary euen in to this hill which he purchased with his right hande He dyd cast out the Heithen before them caused their londe to be deuyded amonge them for an heretage and made y e tribes of Israel to dwell in their tētes For all this they tempted and displeased the most hye God and kepte not his couenaunt But turned their backes and fell awaye like their forefathers startinge asyde like a broken bowe And so they greued him with their hie places prouoked him with their ymages When God herde this he was wroth and toke sore displeasure at Israel So that he forsoke the tabernacle in Silo euen his habitacion wherin he dwelt amonge men He delyuered their power in to captiuyte and their glory in to the enemies hōde He gaue his people ●uer in to the swerde for he was wroth with his heretage The fyre consumed their yonge men and their maydēs were not geuen to mariage Their prestes were slayne with the swerde and there were no wyddowes to make lamentacion So the LORDE awaked as one out of slepe and like a giaunte refreshed with wyne He smote his enemies in y e hynder partes and put them to a perpetuall shame He refused the tabernacle of Ioseph and chose not the trybe of Ephraim Neuerthelesse he chose y e trybe of Iuda euē the hill of Sion which he loued And there he buylded his temple on hye and layed y e foundacion of it like y e grounde that it might perpetually endure He chose Dauid also his seruaūt and toke him awaye from the shepe foldes As he was folowinge the yowes greate with yonge he toke him that he might fede Iacob his people and Israel his enheritaunce So he fed them with a faithfull and true hert and ruled them with all y e diligence of his power The LXXVIII A psalme of Asaph O God y e Heithen are fallen in to thine heretage thy holy temple haue they defyled and made Ierusalem an heape of stones The deed bodies of thy seruauntes haue they geuen vnto y e foules of the ayre to be deuoured and the flesh of thy sayntes vnto y e beestes of the londe Their bloude haue they shed like water on euery syde of Ierusalem and there was no mā to burie them We are become an open shame vnto oure enemies a very scorne and derision vnto them that are rounde aboute vs. LORDE how longe wilt thou be angrie shal thy gelousy burne like fyre for euer Poure out thy indignacion vpon the Heithen that knowe the not and vpon the kyngdomes that call not vpon thy name For they haue deuoured Iacob and layed waiste his dwellinge place O remēbre not oure olde synnes but haue mercy vpon vs that soone for we are come to greate mysery Helpe vs O God o r Sauyo r for y e glory of y e name o delyuer vs forgeue vs o r synnes for y e names sake Wherfore shall y e Heithē saye where is now their God O let the vengeaunce of thy seruauntes bloude that is shed be openly shewed vpon the Heithē in oure sight O let the soroufull sighinge of the presoners come before the and acordinge vnto y e power of thine arme preserue those y t are appoynted to dye And for the blasphemy wher w t o r neghbours haue blasphemed y e rewarde thē o LORDE seuē folde in to their bosome So we y t be y e people shepe of thy pasture shal geue the thankes for euer wil allwaye be shewinge forth thy prayse more more The LXXIX A psalme of Asaph HEare o thou shepherde of Israel thou y t ledest Iacob like a flocke of shepe shewe y i self thou y t syttest vpō y e Cherubins Before Ephraim Bē Iamin Manasses stere vp thy power come helpe vs. Turne vs agayne o God shewe the light of thy countenaūce we shal be whole O LORDE God of hoostes how lōge wilt thou be angrie ouer the prayer of thy people Thou hast fed thē with the bred of teares yee thou hast geuen thē plēteousnes of teares to drynke Thou hast made vs a very strife vnto o r neghbours o r enemies laugh vs to scorne Turne vs agayne thou God of hoostes shewe the light of thy coūtenaūce we shal be whole Thou hast brought a vyny●rde out of Egipte thou didest cast out y e Heithē plāte it Thou maydest rowme for it caused it to take rote so y t it fylled the lōde The hilles were couered with the shadowe of it so were the stronge Cedretrees w t the bowes therof She stretched out hir braūches vnto the see hir bowes vnto the water Why hast thou then broken downe hir hedge that all they which go by plucke of hir grapes The wilde bore out of the wod hath wrutt it vp the beestes of the felde haue deuoured it Turne y e agayne thou God of hoostes loke downe from heauen beholde viset this vynyarde Manteyne it that thy right hōde hath plāted the sonne whom thou maydest so moch of for thy self For why it is brēt with fyre lyeth waist o let thē perishe at there buke of thy wrath Let thy honde be vpon the man of thy right honde vpon the man whō thou maydest so moch off for thine owne self And so wil not we go backe from the oh let vs lyue we shal call vpon thy name Turne vs agayne o LORDE God of hoostes shewe the light of thy coūtenaūce we shal be whole The LXXX A psalme of Asaph SYnge merely vnto God which is o r strēgth make a chearful noyse vnto y e God of Iacob Take y e psalme brynge hither the tabret the mery harpe lute Blowe vp the trōpettes in the new Moone vpon o r solēpne feast daye For this is the vse in Israel a lawe of the God of Iacob This he ordened in Ioseph for a testimony when he came out of Egipte had herde a straūge lāguage When he eased his shulder from the burthē when his hondes were delyuered frō the pottes Whē thou calldest vpon me in trouble I helped the herde the what tyme as the storme fell vpō the I proued the also at the water of strife Sela. Heare o my people for I assure the o Israel yf thou wilt herken vnto me There shal no straunge God be in the nether shalt thou worshipe eny other God I am the LORDE thy God which brought the out of the lōde of Egipte opē thy mouth wyde I shal fyll it But my people wolde not heare my voyce Israel wolde not obeye me So I gaue
him vpō his holy hill for the LORDE oure God is holy The XCIX psalme O Be ioyfull in God all ye lōdes serue the LORDE w t gladnes come before his presence w t ioye Be ye sure y t the LORDE he is God It is he y t hath made vs not we oure selues we are but his people the shepe of his pasture O go youre waye in to his gates thē with thankesgeuynge in to his courtes w t prayse be thākfull vnto him speake good of his name For the LORDE is gracious his mercy is euerlastinge and his treuth endureth from generacion to generacion The C. psalme A thākesgeuynge of Dauid MY songe shal be of mercy and iudgment yee vnto the o LORDE wil I synge O let me haue vnderstondinge in the waye of godlynesse vntill the tyme that thou come vnto me so shal I walke in my house w t an innocent herte I wil take no wicked thinge in honde I hate the synne of vnfaithfulnesse it shal not cleue vnto me A frowarde herte shal departe fro me I wil not knowe a wicked personne Who so preuely slaundreth his neghboure him wil I destroye Who so hath a proude loke an hye stomacke I maye not awaye with him Myne eyes shal loke for soch as be faithfull in the londe y t they maye dwell with me and who so ledeth a godly life shal be my seruaunt There shall no disceatfull personne dwell in my house he that telleth lyes shal not tary in my sight I shal soone destroye all the vngodly of the londe that all wicked doers maye be roted out of the cite of the LORDE The CI. psalme HEare my prayer o LORDE and let my criēge come vnto the. Hyde not thy face fro me in the tyme of my trouble enclyne thine eares vnto me when I call O heare me and that right soone For my dayes are consumed awaye like smoke my bones are brent vp as it were a fyre brande My hert is smyttē downe and wythered like grasse so that I forget to eate my bred For the voyce of my gronynge my bone wil scarse cleue to my flesh I am become like a Pellicane in the wildernes and like an Oule in a broken wall I wake and am euen as it were a sparow sittinge alone vpon the house toppe Myne enemies reuyle me all the daye longe they laugh me to scorne and are sworne together against me I eate ashes with my bred and mengle my drynke with wepynge And that because of y e indignacion and wrath for thou hast taken me vp and cast me awaye My dayes are gone like a shadowe and I am wythered like grasse But thou o LORDE endurest for euer and thy remembraunce thorow out all generacions Arise therfore and haue mercy vpon Sion for it is tyme to haue mercy vpon her yee the tyme is come And why thy seruauntes haue a loue to hir stones it pitieth them to se her in the dust The Heithen shal feare thy name o LORDE and all the kynges of the earth thy maiesty For the LORDE shal buylde vp Sion and shal apeare in his glory He turneth him vnto the prayer of the poore destitute and despyseth not their desyre This shal be written for those y t come after that the people which shal be borne maye prayse the LORDE For He loketh downe from his Sanctuary out of the heauen doth the LORDE beholde the earth That he maye heare the mournynges of soch as be in captinyte and delyuer the children of death That they maie preach the name of the LORDE in Sion and his worshipe at Ierusalem When the people are gathered together and the kyngdomes also to serue y e LORDE He hath brought downe my strength in my iourney and shortened my dayes Yet wil I saye O my God take me not awaye in y e myddest of myne age as for thy yeares they endure thorow out all generacions Thou LORDE in the begynnynge hast layed y e foundacion of the earth and the heauens are the workes of thy hondes They shal perishe but thou shalt endure they all shall wexe olde as doth a garment as a vesture shalt thou chaunge thē and they shal be chaunged But thou art the same and thy yeares shal not fayle The children of thy seruauntes shall contynue their sede shal prospere in y e sight The CII A psalme of Dauid PRayse the LORDE o my soule all that is within me prayse his holy name Prayse the LORDE o my soule forget not all his benefites Which forgeueth all thy synnes and healeth all thy infirmities Which saueth thy life from destruccion and crowneth the with mercy louynge kyndnesse Which satisfieth thy desyre with good thinges makynge the yonge and lusty as an Aegle The LORDE executeth rightuousnesse and iudgment for all them y t suffre wronge He shewed his wayes vnto Moses and his workes vnto the children of Israel The LORDE is full of compassion and mercy longe sufferinge and of greate goodnesse He wil not allwaye be chydinge nether wil he kepe his anger for euer He hath not dealt with vs after oure synnes ner rewarded vs acordinge to oure wickednesses For loke how hye the heauē is in comparison of the earth so greate is his mercy also towarde them that feare him Loke how wyde the east is from the west so farre hath he set oure synnes from vs. Yee like as a father pitieth his owne children euen so is the LORDE mercifull vnto thē that feare him For he knoweth wherof we be made he remembreth that we are but dust That a man in his tyme is but as is grasse florisheth as a floure of the felde For as soone as the wynde goeth ouer it it gone and the place therof knoweth it nomore But the mercifull goodnesse of y e LORDE endureth for euer and euer vpon them y t feare him and his rightuousnesse vpon their childers children Soch as kepe his couenaunt and thinke vpon his commaundementes to do them The LORDE hath prepared his seate in heauē and his kyngdome ruleth ouer all O prayse the LORDE ye angels of his ye that be mightie instrēgth fulfillinge his commaundement that mē maye heare the voyce of his wordes O prayse the LORDE all ye his hoostes ye seruauntes of his that do his pleasure O speake good of the LORDE all ye workes of his in euery place of his dominion prayse thou the LORDE o my soule The CIII psalme PRayse the LORDE o my soule O LORDE my God thou art become exceadinge glorious thou art clothed with maiesty and honoure Thou deckest thy self with light as it were w t a garment thou spredest out the heauen like a curtayne Thou voltest it aboue with waters thou makest the cloudes thy charet and goest vpon the wynges of the wynde Thou makest thine angels spretes and thy ministers flammes of fyre Thou hast layed y e
wryte thou vp this sight for it wylbe longe or it come to passe Vpon this was I Daniel very faynte so that I laye sicke certayne dayes but whan I rose vp I wente aboute the kynges busynesse and marueled at the vision neuerthelesse no man knewe of it The IX Chapter IN the first yeare off Darius the sonne off Ahasuerus which was of the sede off the Medes was made kynge ouer the realme of the Caldees Yee euen in the first yeare off his raigne I Daniel desyred to knowe the yearly nombre out of the bokes wherof the LORDE spake vnto Ieremy the prophet that Ierusalem shulde lie waist lxx yeares ād I turned me vnto God the LORDE for to praye and make myne intercessiō with fastinge sack cloth ād ashes I prayed before the LORDE my God and knowleged sayenge O LORDE thou greate fearfull God thou that kepest couenaunt and mercy with them which loue the and do thy commaundementes We haue synned we haue offended we haue bene disobedient and gone backe yee we haue departed from all thy preceptes and iudgmentes We wolde neuer folowe thy seruauntes the prophetes that spake in thy name to oure kynges and prynces to oure forefathers and to all the people off the londe O LORDE rightuousnesse belongeth vnto the vnto vs pertayneth nothynge but open shame as it is come to passe this daye vnto euery man of Iuda and to them that dwell at Ierusalem Yee vnto all Israel whether they be farre or nye thorow out all londes wherin thou hast strowed them because of the offences that they had done agaynst the. Yee o LORDE vnto vs to oure kinges prynces to oure forefathers euen to vs all that haue offended the belongeth open shame But vnto the o LORDE oure God pertayneth mercy and forgeuenesse As for vs we are gone backe from him and haue not obeyed the voyce of the LORDE oure God to walke in his lawes which he layed before vs by his seruauntes the prophetes yee all Israel haue transgressed and gone backe from thy lawe so that they haue not herkened vnto thy voyce Wherfore the curse and ooth that is written in the law of Moses the seruaūt of God against whom we haue offended is poured vpon vs. And he hath perfourmed his wordes which he spake agaynst vs agaynst oure iudges that iudged vs to bringe vpon vs soch a greate plage as neuer was vnder heauen like as it is now come to passe in Ierusalem Yee all this plage as it is written in the lawe of Moses is come vpon vs. Yet made we not oure prayer before the LORDE oure God that we might turne agayne from oure wickednesse and to be lerned in thy verite Therfore hath y e LORDE made haist to bringe this plage vpon vs for the LORDE oure God is rightuous in all his workes which he doth for why we wolde not harken vnto his voyce And now o LORDE oure God thou that with a mightie honde hast brought thy people out of Egipte to get thy self a name which remayneth this daye we haue synned o LORDE done wickedly agaynst all thy rightuousnes yet let thy wrothfull displeasure be turned awaye I beseke the from thy cite Ierusalem thy holy hill And why for oure synnes sake and for the wickednesse of oure forefathers is Ierusalem and thy people abhorred of all them that are aboute vs. Now therfore O oure God heare the prayer of thy seruaunt and his intercession O let thy face shyne ouer thy sanctuary that lieth waist O my God enclyne thine eare and herken at the leest for thine owne sake open thine eyes beholde how we be desolated yee and the cite also which is called after thy name For we do not cast oure prayers before the in oure owne rightuousnesse no but only in thy greate mercies O LORDE heare O forgeue LORDE O LORDE considre tary not ouerlonge but for thine owne sake do it O my God for thy cite and thy people is called after thy name As I was yet speakinge at my prayers knowleginge myne owne synnes and y e synnes of my people makinge so myne intercession before the LORDE my God for the holy hils sake of my God yee whyle I was yet speakinge in my prayer beholde the mā Gabriel whom I had sene afore in the vision came flyenge to me and touched me aboute y e offeringe tyme in the euenynge He infourmed me and spake vnto me O Daniel sayde he I am now come to make the vnderstonde it For as soone as thou begannest to make thy prayer it was so diuysed and therfore am I come to shewe the. And why for thou art a man greatly beloued Wherfore pondre the matter wel that thou mayest lerne to vnderstonde the vision Lxx. wekes are determed ouer thy people ouer thy holy cite that the wickednesse maye be consumed that the synne maye haue an ende that the offence maye be reconciled and to bringe in euerlastinge rightuousnesse to fulfill y e visions and the prophetes and to anoynte the most holy one Vnderstōde this then and marcke it well that from the tyme it shal be concluded to go and repayre Ierusalem agayne vnto Christ or the anoynted prynce there shal be seuen wekes Then shall the stretes walles be buylded agayne lxij wekes but with harde troublous tyme. Afther these lxij wekes shal Christ be slayne they shal haue no pleasure in him Then shal there come a people with the prynce and destroye the cite and the sanctuary and his ende shal come as the water floude But the desolacion shall continue till the ende of the batell He shall make a stronge bonde with many for the space of a weke and when the weke is half gone he shal put downe the slayne and meat offringe And in the temple there shal be an abhominable desolaciō till it haue destroyed all And it is concluded y t this waistinge shal continue vnto the ende The X. Chapter IN the thirde yeare of kinge Cirus of Persia there was shewed vnto Daniel otherwise called Balthasar a matter yee a true matter but it is yet a longe tyme vnto it He vnderstode the matter well and perceaued what the vision was At the same tyme I Daniel mourned for the space of thre wekes so that I had no lust to eate bred as for flesh and wyne there came none within my mouth No I dyd not ones anoynte my self till the whole thre wekes were out Vpon the xxiiij daye of the first moneth I was by the greate floude called Tigris I lift vp myne eyes and loked and beholde a man clothed in lynnynge whose loynes were gyrded vp with fyne golde of Araby his body was like the Chrisolite stone his face to loke vpon was like lightenynge his eyes as the flame of fyre his armes and fete were like fayre glisteringe metall but the voyce of his wordes was like y e voyce of a multitude
loke for the life which God shal geue vnto them that neuer turne their beleue from him Anna his wife wente daylie to the weeuynge worke loke what lyuinge she coude get w t the labo r of hir handes she brought it And it happened y t she toke a kyd and brought it home And whan hir huszband herd it crie he sayde loke y t it be not stollen restore it agayne to the owners for it is not laufull for vs to eate or to touch eny thinge of theft Then was his wife angrie and sayde Now is thy hope become vayne openly thy allmes dedes are manifest With these soch like wordes dyd she cast him in the tethe The III. Chapter THen Tobias toke it heuely w t teares beganne to make his prayer sayēge O LORDE thou art righteous all thy iudgmētes are true yee all y e wayes are mercy faithfulnes iudgmēt And now O LORDE be myndefull of me take no vengeaunce of my synnes nether remembre my myszdedes ner y e myszdedes of my elders For we haue not bene obediēt vnto y e cōmaundemētes therfore are we spoyled brought in to captiuyte in to death in to derision shame vnto all nacions amōge whō thou hast ●catred vs. And now O LORDE y e iudgmentes are greate for we haue not done acordīge to y e cōmaundemētes nether haue we walked innocētly before ye. And now O LORDE de●le with me acordinge to thy wil cōmaunde my sprete to be receaued in peace for mere erpediēt were it for me to dye thē to lyue At the same tyme it happened that Sara the daughter of Raguel at Rages a cite of y e Medes was slaundred of one of hir fathers handmaydes namely that she shulde haue had seuen huszbandes which as soone as they were gone in vnto hir were slayne of the deuell called Asmodeus Therfore whan she reproued the mayden for hir faute she answerde her sayenge God let vs neuer se sonne ner daughter of the more vpon earth thou kyller of thy huszbandes Wilt thou slay me also as thou hast slayne seuen men At this voyce wēte Sara in to an hye chamber of hir house and thre dayes and thre nightes she nether ate ner drāke but cōtynued in prayer and besought God with teares that he wolde delyuer her from this rebuke Vpon the thirde daye it chaunced that whan she had made an ende of hir prayer she praysed the LORDE sayenge Blessed be thy name O God of o r fathers which whan thou art wroth shewest mercy and in the tyme of trouble thou forgeuest the synnes of them that call vpon the. Vnto the O LORDE turne I my face vnto the lift I vp myne eyes I beseke y e O LORDE lowse me out of the bondes of this rebuke or els take me vtterly awaye frō of y e earth Thou knowest LORDE that I neuer had desyre vnto man and that I haue kepte my soule cleane from all vnclenly lust I haue not kepte company with those that passe their tyme in sporte nether haue I made my self partaker with them that walke in lighte behauoure Neuertheles an huszbande haue I consented to take not for my pleasure but in thy feare Now peraduenture either I haue bene vnworthy of them or els were they vnmete for me for thou happly hast kepte me to another huszband For why thy councell is not in y e power of man But who so euer loueth the and serueth the a right is sure that yf his life be tempted and proued it stādeth in the tryenge and yf he endure in pacience he shal haue a rewarde and be hylie crowned and yf he be in trouble that God no doute shal delyuer him and yf his life be in chastenynge that he shall haue leue to come vnto thy mercy For thou hast no pleasure in oure dampnacion why after a storme thou makest y e wether fayre and still after wepinge and heuynes thou geuest greate ioye Thy name O God of Israel be praysed for euer At the same tyme were both their prayers herde in the sight of the magesty of the Hyest God And Raphael the holy angel of the LORDE was sent to helpe thē both whose prayers came together before God The IIII. Chapter SO whā Tobias thought his prayer to be herde that he might dye he called vnto him his sonne Tobias sayde vnto him My sonne heare the wordes of my mouth and laye thē in thine hert as a foundacion Whan God taketh awaye my soule burie thou my body holde thy mother in honoure all the dayes of hir life For thou oughtest to remembre what and how greate parels she suffred for y e in hir wōbe And whā she also hath fulfilled the tyme of hir life bury her besyde me Haue God in thy thought all the dayes of thy life bewarre lest at eny tyme thou cōsent vnto synne and lest thou let slippe the commaundemētes of the LORDE oure God Geue allmes of thy goodes and turne neuer thy face from the poore and so shal it come to passe that the face of the LORDE shal not be turned awaye from the. Be mercifull after y e power Yf thou hast moch geue plēteously yf thou hast litle do thy diligence gladly to geue of that litle For so gatherest thou thy self a good rewarde in the daye of necessite For allmes delyuereth frō death suffreth not the soule to come in darcknes A greate comforte is allmes before the hye God vnto all them that do it My sonne kepe the well from all whordome and besyde thy wife se that no faute be knowne of the. Let neuer pryde haue rule in thy mynde ner in thy worde for in pryde beganne all destruccion Who so euer worketh eny thinge for the immediatly geue him his hyre and loke that thy hyred seruaunte wagies remayne not by the ouer night Loke that thou neuer do vnto another man the thinge that thou woldest not another mā shulde do vnto the. Eate thy bred with the hongrie and poore and couer the naked with thy clothes Set thy bred and wyne vpon the buryall of the righteous and do not thou eate and drynke therof with the synners Axe euer councell at y e wyse Be allwaye thankfull vnto God and be seke him that he will ordre thy wayes that what so euer thou deuysest or takest in hande it maye remayne in him I certifie the also my sonne that whan thou wast yet but a bab I delyuered ten talentes of syluer vnto Gabelus at Rages a cite of the Medes his handwritinge haue I by me And therfore seke some meanes how thou mayest come by him receaue of him y e sayde weight of syluer and geue him his handwritynge agayne My sonne be not afrayed trueth it is we lede here a poore life but greate good shall we haue yf we feare God and departe from all synne and do
the sonne of Vaphsi of the trybe of Nephtali Guel the sonne of Machi of the trybe of Gad. These are the names of the men whom Moses sent forth to spye out the lande As for Hosea the sonne of Nun Moses called him Iosua Now whan Moses sent thē forth to spye out the lande of Canaan he sayde vnto thē Go vp southwarde and get you vp to the mountaynes and loke vpon the londe how it is and the people that dwell therin whether they be stronge or weake fewe or many and what maner of lande it is that they dwell in whether it be good or bad what maner of cities they be that they dwell in whether they be fenced with walles or not and what maner of lande it is whether it be fatt or leane and whether there be trees therin or not Be of a good corage and bringe of the frutes of the londe It was euen aboute the tyme that grapes are first rype They wente vp spyed the lande from y e wildernes of Zin vntyll Rehob as mē go vnto Hemath They wente vp also towarde the south and came vnto Hebron where Ahiman was and Sesai and Thalmai the children of Enack Hebron was buylded seuen yeare before Zoan in Egipte And they came to the ryuer of Escol and there they cut downe a cluster of grapes and caused two to beare it vpon a staffe pomgranates also and fygges The place is called the ryuer of Escol because of the cluster of grapes which the children of Israel cut downe there Howbeit Caleb stylled y e people that was agaynst Moses and sayde vnto them Let vs go vp and conquere the lande for we are able to ouercome it But the men that wente vp with him sayde We are not able to go vp agaynst that people for they are to stronge for vs. And of the lande that they had searched they brought vp an euell reporte amonge the childrē of Israel and saide The lāde that we haue gone thorow to spye out eateth vp the indwellers therof and all the people that we sawe therin are men of greate stature We sawe giauntes there also yee giauntes as the children of Enack and we semed in oure sighte as y e greshoppers and so dyd we in their sighte The XIIII Chapter THen the whole cōgregacion toke on and cryed and the people wepte y t night And all the childrē of Israel murmured agaynst Moses and Aaron and the whole congregacion sayde vnto them Oh that we had dyed in the lande of Egipte or that we might dye yet in this wyldernesse Wherfore bryngeth the LORDE vs in to this lande that oure wyues shulde fall thorow the swerde and ouer children be a praye Is it not better that we go agayne in to Egipte And they sayde one to another Let vs make a captayne and go in to Egipte agayne But Moses Aaron fell vpō their faces before y e whole cōgregacion of the multitude of the childrē of Israel And Iosua y e sonne of Nun Caleb y e sonne of Iephune which also had spyed out the lande rente their clothes spake to the whole cōgregacion of the children of Israel The londe y t we haue walked thorow to spye it out is a very good lande Yf the LORDE haue lust vnto vs he shal brynge vs in to the same londe geue it vs which is a lāde that floweth with mylke hony But in anye wyse rebell not ye agaynst the LORDE feare not y e people of this lande for we wil eate thē vp as bred Their defence is departed frō them but the LORDE is w t vs be not ye afrayed of them And all the people bad stone them w t stones Then appeared the glory of the LORDE in the Tabernacle of witnesse vnto all the children of Israel the LORDE sayde vnMoses How longe shal this people blaspheme me And how longe wil it be or they beleue me for all the tokēs that I haue shewed amonge them I wil smyte them with pestilence destroye thē wil make of the a greater mightier people then this is But Moses sayde vnto y e LORDE Then shal y e Egipcians heare it for w t thy power hast thou brought this people from amōge thē so shal it be tolde the inhabiters of this lande also which haue herde y t thou O LORDE art amonge this people y t thou art sene from face to face that thy cloude stondeth ouer them and that thou goest before them in the cloudy piler on the daye tyme and in the fyrie piler on the night season Yf thou shuldest now slaye this people as one man then the Heythen that haue herde so good reporte of the shulde saye The LORDE was not able to brynge the people in to the londe that he sware vnto them therfore hath he slayne them in the wyldernes So let the power of the LORDE now be greate acordinge as thou hast spoken and sayde The LORDE is of longe sufferaunce and of greate mercy and forgeueth synne and trespace and leaueth no man innocent vysiteth the myszdede of the fathers vpon the children in to the thirde and fourth generacion O be gracious now vnto the synne of this people acordinge to thy greate mercy like as thou hast forborne this people also euer from Egipte vnto this place And the LORDE sayde I haue forgeuē it as thou hast saide But as truly as I lyue all y e worlde shal be full of my glory For of all y e men that haue sene my glory my tokens which I dyd in Egipte and in the wildernesse and tempted me now ten tymes haue not herkened vnto my voyce there shall not one se the londe that I sware vnto their fathers nether shal eny of them that haue blasphemed me se it But my seruaūt Caleb because there is another maner sprete with him because he hath folowed me him wil I brynge in to the lande which he hath gone thorow his sede shal conquere it and y e Amalechites also and the Cananites that dwell in the lowe countrees Tomorow turne you and get you to the wyldernesse in the waye towarde the reed see And y e LORDE spake vnto Moses Aaron sayde How lōge shal this euell multitude murmur agaynst me For I haue herde the murmuringe of the childrē of Israel y t they haue murmured agaynst me Tell them therfore As trulye as I lyue sayeth y e LORDE I wil do vnto you euen as ye haue spoken in myne eares Youre carcases shal lye in this wildernesse And all ye that were nombred from twentye yeare and aboue which haue murmured agaynst me shall not come in to the lande cōcernynge the which I lift vp my hāde y t I wolde let you dwell therin saue Caleb y e sonne of Iephune and Iosua the sonne of Nun. You re children of whom ye sayde They shal be a spoyle
Assaph the sonne of Barachias and of the children of Merari their brethren Ethan the sonne of Cusaia and with them their brethren of the seconde course namely Zacharias Iaesiel Semiramoth Iehiel Vnni Eliab Benaia Maeseia Mathithia Elipheleia Mikneia Obed Edom Ieiel the dore kepers For Heman Assaph and Ethan were syngers with brasen belles makynge a loude noyse but Zacharias Iaesiel Semiramoth Iehiel Vnni Eliab Maeseia Benaia with Phalteries to Alamoth Mathithia Elipheleia Mikneia Obed Edom Ieiel Asasia with harpes to synge aboue them on hye Chenania the ruler of the Leuites was the master of Musick to teach them for to synge for he was a man of vnderstondinge And Barachias and Elcana were the dorekepers of the Arke But Sachamia Iosaphat Nathaneel Amasai Zacharias Benaia Elieser the prestes blewe the trompettes before y e Arke of God And Obed Edom and Iehia were dorekepers of the Arke So Dauid and the Elders of Israel and the captaynes ouer thousandes wente vp to fetch the Arke of the couenaunt of the LORDE out of the house of Obed Edom w t ioye And whan God had helped the Leuites y t bare the Arke of the LORDES couenaunt there were offred seuen bullockes seuen rāmes And Dauid had a lynnē garment vpō him and so had all the Leuites y t bare the Arke and y e syngers and Chenania the master of Musick w t the syngers Dauid had an ouerbody cote of lynnen vpon him also Thus all Israel brought vp the Arke of the couenaunt of the LORDE with myrth with trompettes tabrettes loude Cymbales with psalteries and harpes Now whan the Arke of the couenaunt of the LORDE came in to the cite of Dauid Michol y e doughter of Saul loked out at awyndowe whā she sawe kynge Dauid daunsynge playenge she despysed him in hir hert The XVII Chapter ANd whā they brought in the Arke of God they set it in y e Tabernacle that Dauid had pitched for it and offred burnt offerynges thank offerynges before God And whā Dauid had ended the burnt offerynges and thank offerynges he blessed the people in the name of the LORDE distributed vnto euery man in Israel both vnto man and woman a cake of bred and a pece of flesh and a meece of potage And he appoynted before the Arke of y e LORDE certayne Leuites to mynister that they shulde geue prayse thankes and loauinges vnto the LORDE God of Israel namely Assaph the first Zacharias the seconde Ie●el Semiramoth Iehiel Mathithia Eliab Benaia Obed Edom and Iehiel with psalteries and harpes But Assaph with loude Cymbales Benaia and Iehasiel the prestes with tabrettes allwaye before the Arke of y e couenaunt of God At the same tyme ordeyned Dauid first of all to geue thākes vnto the LORDE by Assaph and his brethren O geue thankes vnto the LORDE call vpon his name tell the people what thinges he hath done O let youre songes be of him prayse him and let youre talkynge be of all his wonderous workes Geue his holy name a good reporte let y e hert of them reioyce that seke the LORDE O seke the LORDE and his strength seke his face euermore Remēbre his maruelous workes that he hath done his wonders and the iudgmētes of his mouth Ye sede of Israel his seruaunt ye children of Iacob his chosen He is the LORDE oure God his iudgmētes are in all londes Be myndefull euer of his couenaūt what he hath commaunded in to a thousande generacions Which he made with Abraham his ooth vnto Isaac And he comfirmed the same vnto Iacob for a perpetuall lawe and to Israel for an euerlastinge couenaunt And sayde Vnto the wyl I geue y e londe of Canaan y e metelyne of yo r inheritaunce Whā they were yet but small fewe in nōbre and straungers in the same londe And they wente from one nacion to another from one realme to another people He suffred no man to hurte them and reproued euen kynges for their sakes Touch not myne anoynted do my prophetes no harme O synge vnto y e LORDE let all y e earth be tellynge of his saluacion from daye to daye Declare his holynes amōge the Heythē his wonderous workes amonge y e people For the LORDE is greate and can not worthely be praysed and more to he had in awe then all goddes As for all the goddes of the Heythē they are but Idols but it is the LORDE that made the heauens Thankesgeuynge and worshipe are before him strength and ioye is in his place Ascrybe vnto the LORDE ye kynreds of nacions ascrybe vnto the LORDE worshipe and strength Ascrybe vnto the LORDE the honoure of his name brynge presentes and come before him and worshipe y e LORDE in y e bewtye of holynes Let the whole earth stōde in awe of him he hath made the compase of the worlde so fast that it can not be moued Let the heauens reioyse and let the earth be glad and let it be tolde amonge the Heythen that the LORDE reigneth Let the See make a noyse and the fulnesse therof let the felde be ioyfull and all that therin is Let all the trees in the wod leape for ioye before the LORDE for he commeth to iudge the earth O geue thankes vnto the LORDE for he is gracious and his mercy endureth for euer And saye Helpe vs O God oure Sauioure and gather vs together and delyuer vs from the Heythen that we maye geue thankes vnto y e holy name and synge prayses vnto the in thy Psalmes Praysed be the LORDE God of Israel from euerlastinge to euerlastinge and let all people saye Amen And Prayse be vnto the LORDE So he lefte Assaph and his brethren there before the Arke of the couenaunt of the LORDE to mynister allwaye before the Arke euery daye his daye worke But Obed Edom and their brethren eight and threscore and Obed Edom the sonne of Iedithun and Hossa to be dore kepers And Sadoc y e prest his brethrē the prestes lefte he before the habitacion of the LORDE vpon the hye place at Gibeō to offre burntsacrifices daylie vnto the LORDE vpon the altare of burnt offerynges in the mornynge in the euenynge as it is wrytten in the lawe of the LORDE which he cōmaunded vnto Israel And with them Heman Iedithun and y e other chosen which were named by name to geue thankes vnto the LORDE because his mercy endureth for euer And with them Heman Iedithun to stryke vpon the tabrettes and Cymbales and the musicall instrumentes of God As for the childrē of Iedithun he made them dorekepers So all the people departed euery one to his house and Dauid returned also to blesse his house The XVIII Chapter IT fortuned whā Dauid dwelt in his house he sayde vnto y e prophet Nathan Beholde I dwell in a house of Ceder and the Arke of the couenaunt of the LORDE is amonge the curtaynes
commaundementes do them though ye were cast out vnto the vttemost parte of heauen yet wyl I gather you from thence and wyll brynge you from thence euē vnto the place that I haue chosen for my name to dwell there They are thy seruauntes and thy people whom thou hast delyuered thorow thy greate power mightie hande O LORDE let thine eares marke the prayer of thy seruaunt the prayer of thy seruauntes whose desyre is to feare thy name let thy seruaunt prospere this daye graunte him mercy in the sight of this man for I was the kynges b●t●ar The II. Chapter IN the moneth Nisan of the twentieth yeare of kynge Artaxerses whā the wyne stode before him I toke vp the wyne and gaue it vnto y e kynge and I was heuy in his presence Then sayde y e kynge vnto me Why lokest thou so sadly Thou art not sicke that is not y e matter but thou art heuy harted Neuertheles I was sore afrayed sayde vnto the kynge God saue the kynges life for euer shulde I not loke sadly the cite of my fathers buryall lyeth wayest the portes therof are consumed w t the fyre Then sayde the kynge vnto me What is thē thy request Then made I my prayer to the God of heauē and sayde vnto the kynge yf it please the kynge and yf thy seruaunt be fauoured in thy sighte I beseke the sende me in to Iuda vnto y e cite of my fathers buryall that I maye buylde it And y e kynge sayde vnto me so dyd the quene y t sat by him How lōge shal thy iourney cōtynue and whā wilt thou come agayne And it pleased y e kynge to sende me and I set him a tyme sayde vnto the kynge Yf it please the kynge let him geue me letters to the Debites beyonde y e water y t they maye conueye me ouer tyll I come in to Iuda letters vnto Assaph the lorde of the kynges wod y t he maye geue me wodd for balkes to the gates of the palace which are harde on the house harde on the walles of the cite for the house that I shal entre in to And y e kynge gaue me acordinge to the good hande of God vpō me And whan I came to y e Debites beyonde the water I gaue them y e kynges letters And the kynge sent captaynes and horsmen with me But whan Saneballath the Horonite Tobias the seruaunt of the Ammonites herde y t it greued them sore y t there was come a man which soughte the welth of the children of Israel And whan I came to Ierusalem had bene there thre daies I gat m● vp in y e night season a fewe men with me for I tolde no man what God had geuē m● in my hert to do at Ierusalem there was not one beest w t me saue it y t I rode vpon And I rode by nighte vnto the valley po●● before the Dragon well to the Dongporte considered y e walles of Ierusalem that were broken downe the portes therof consumed w t the fyre And I wente ouer vnto y e Well porte to the kynges condyte there was no rowme for my beest y t it coulde go vnder me Then wēte I on in the nighte by the broke syde cōsidered y e wall turned back came home agayne to y e valley porte And y e rulers knewe not whither I wēte or what I dyd for hither to had I not tolde the Iewes the prestes the councelers the rulers the other y t laboured in the worke I saide vnto thē Ye se the myserye y t we are in how Ierusalē lyeth wayst how y e gates therof are brent w t fyre come let vs buylde vp y e walles of Ierusalē y t we be nomore a rebuke And I tolde thē of the good hāde of my God which was vpō me And y e kynges wordes y t he had spokē vnto me And they saide Then let vs get vp And we buylded and their handes were strengthed to good But whan Saneballat y e Horonite and Tobias the seruaunt of y e Ammonites Gosem the Arabian herde it they laughed vs to scorne and despised vs sayde What is this that ye do Wyll ye fall awaye agayne from the kynge Then answered I them and sayde The God of heauen shal cause vs to prospere for we his seruauntes are gotten vp are buyldinge As for you ye haue no porciō ner right ner remembraunce in Ierusalē The III. Chapter ANd Eliasib the hye prest gat him vp with his brethren the prestes and buylded the Shepegate They halowed it and set vp the dores of it euen vnto the tower Mea halowed they it namely vnto the tower of Hananeel Nexte vnto him buylded y e men of Iericho And besyde him buylded Sachur the sonne of Imri But the Fyshporte dyd the children of Senaa buylde they couered it and set on the dores lockes and barres of it Nexte vnto him buylded Meremoth the sonne of Vria the sonne of Hacoz Nexte vnto him buylded Mesullam y e sonne of Barachias y e sonne of Mesesabeel Nexte vnto him buylded Sadoc y e sonne of Baena Nexte vnto him buylded they of Thecoa But their greate mē put not their neckes to y e seruyce of their lorde The Oldgate buylded Ioiada y e sonne of Passeah Mesullam the sonne of Besodia they couered it and set on the dores lockes barres of it Nexte vnto them buylded Melacia of Gibeon and Iadon of Morono mē of Gibeon and of Mispa for the seate of the Debyte on this syde the water Nexte vnto him buylded Vsiel the sonne of Harhaia the goldsmyth Nexte vnto him buylded Hanania y e Apotecarys sonne they repayred Ierusalē vnto the brode wall Nexte vnto him buylded Reph●ia the sonne of Hur the ruler of the halfe quarter of Ierusalem Nexte vnto him buylded Iedaia the sonne of Harumaph ouer agaynst his house Nexte vnto him buylded Hattus the sonne of Hasabenia But Malchia the sonne of Harim and Hasub the sonne of Pahath Moab buylded y e other pece and the tower beside the fornace Nexte vnto him buylded Sallum the sonne of Halohes the ruler of the halfe quarter of Ierusalem and his daughters The valley gate buylded Hanum and the citesins of Sanoah They buylded it and set on the dores lockes and barres therof and a thousande cubytes on the wall vnto the Dōgeporte But the Dongeporte buylded Malechia the sonne of Rechab the ruler of the fourth parte of the vynyardes He buylded it set on the dores lockes barres therof But the Wellgate builded Sallum y e sonne of Chal Hose the ruler of the fourth parte of Mispa He builded it couered it set on y e dores lockes barres therof the wall vnto the pole of Sybah by the kynges garden vnto the steppes that go downe from the cite of Dauid After
vttemost partes of 〈…〉 worlde for thy possession Thou shalt 〈…〉 with a rodde of yron and breake thē 〈…〉 like an erthen vessell Be wyse now 〈◊〉 o ye kynges be warned ye that are 〈◊〉 of the earth Serue the LORDE ●ith feare and reioyse before him with reue●●nce Kysse the sonne lest the LORDE be 〈◊〉 and so ye perish from the right waye ●or his wrath shal be kindled shortly blessed 〈…〉 they that put their trust in him The III. A psalme of Dauid ●Hy are they so many o LORDE y t 〈…〉 trouble me a greate multitude are 〈…〉 they that ryse agaynst me Yee 〈◊〉 one there be that saye off my soule 〈◊〉 is no helpe for him in God Sela 〈…〉 o LORDE art my defender my 〈◊〉 ād the lifter vp of my heade I call 〈◊〉 the LORDE with my voyce and he 〈…〉 me out of his holy hill Sela I layed 〈◊〉 downe and slepte but I rose vp agayne 〈◊〉 the LORDE susteyned me I am not 〈◊〉 for thousandes of the people that 〈…〉 rounde aboute Vp LORDE and helpe 〈◊〉 my God for thou smytest all myne 〈◊〉 vpon the chek●bones and breakest the 〈◊〉 of the v●godly Helpe belongeth 〈◊〉 the LORDE therfore let thy blessynge be vpon thy people The IIII. A psalme of Dauid HEare me whē I cal o God of my rightuousnes thou that comfortest me in my trouble haue mercy vpon me and herken vnto my prayer O ye sonnes off men how longe will ye blaspheme myne honoure why haue ye soch pleasure in vanyte seke after lyes Sela Knowe this that the LORDE dealeth maruelously with his saynte and when I call vpon the LORDE he heareth me Be angrie but synne n●t comō w t youre owne hertes vpō yo r beddes remēbre yo r selues Sel● Offre y e sacrifice of rightuousnes put yo r trust in y e LORDE There be many y t saye who wil do vs eny good where as thou o LORDE hast shewed vs the light of y e countenaūce Thou reioysest myne herte though their encreace be greate both in corne wyne Therfore wil I laye me downe in peace take my rest for thou LORDE only settest me in a sure dwellynge The V. A psalme of Dauid HEare my wordes o LORDE considre my callynge O marke the voyce of my peticion my kynge my God for vnto the wil I make my prayer Heare my voyce by tymes o LORDE for early in the morninge wil I gett me vnto the yee y t w t diligēce For thou art not the God y t hath pleasure in wickednesse there maye no vngodly personne dwel with the. Soch as be cruell maye not stonde in thy sight thou art an enemie vnto all wicked doers Thou destroyest the lyers the LORDE abhorreth the bloude thurstie and disceatfull But as for me I wil come into thy house euen vpon the multitude of thy mercy ād in thy feare wyll I worshipe towarde thy holy tēple Lede me o LORDE in thy rightuousnesse because of myne enemyes ād make thy waye playne before me For there is no faithfulnesse in their mouthes they dyssemble in their hertes their throte is an open sepulchre with their tonges they disceaue Punysh them o God that they maye perish in their owne ymaginacions cast them out because of the multitude of their vngodlinesse for they rebell agaynst the. Agayne let all them that put their trust in the reioyse yee let them euer be geuynge of thankes because thou defendest them that they which loue thy name maye be ioyfull in the. For thou LORDE geuest thy blessinge vnto the rightuous and with thy fauorable kyndnes thou defendest him as with a shylde The VI. A psalme of Dauid OH LORDE rebuke me not in thine anger Oh chastē me not in thy heuy displeasure Haue mercy vpon me o LORDE for I am weake o LORDE heale me for all my bones are vexed My soule also is in greate trouble but LORDE how longe Turne the o LORDE delyuer my soule Oh saue me for thy mercies sake For in death no man remēbreth the Oh who wil geue the thankes in the hell I am weery of gronynge Euery night wasshe I my bedde water my couche with my teares My coūtenaūce is chaunged for very inwarde grefe I cōsume awaye I haue so many enemies Awaye fro me all ye wicked doers for the LORDE hath herde the voyce off my wepinge The LORDE hath herde myne humble peticiē the LORDE hath receaued my prayer All myne enemies shal be cōfounded sore vexed yee they shal be turned backe and put to shame and that right soone The VII A psalme of Dauid O LORDE my God in y e do I trust saue me frō all thē y t persecute me delyuer me Lest he hantch vp my soule like a lyon teare it in peces whyle there is none to helpe O LORDE my God yff I haue done eny soch thinge yf there be eny vnrightuousnes in my hādes Yff I haue rewarded euell vnto thē y t dealt frendly w t me or hurte thē y t w t out eny cause are myne enemies Then let myne enemie persecute my soule take me yee let hī treade my life downe in the earth laye myne hono r in the dust Sela. Stōde vp o LORDE in y i wrath lift vp thyself ouer the furious indignaciō of myne enemies aryse vp for me in the vengeaunce that thou hast promysed That the congregacion of the people maye come aboute the for their sakes therfore lift vp thyselff agayne The LORDE is iudge ouer the people Auenge me then o LORDE acordinge to my rightuousnes innocency Oh let the wickednes of the vngodly come to an ende but manteyne the iust thou rightuous God y t triest the very hertes the reynes My helpe cōmeth of God which preserueth them y t are true of herte God is a rightuous iudge God is euer threateninge Yf men wil not turne he hath whet his swearde he hath bent his bowe made it ready He hath prepayred him the weapens of death ordened his arowes to destroye Beholde he trauayleth with myschefe he hath cōceaued vnhappynesse and brought forth a lye He hath grauen and dygged vp a pytte but he shal fall himself into y e pytte y t he hath made For his vnhappynes shall come vpon his owne heade his wickednes shall fall vpon his owne pate As for me I will geue thankes vnto the LORDE for his rightuousnes sake and wil prayse the name of the LORDE the most hyest The VIII A psalme of Dauid O LORDE oure gouernoure how ●onderfull is thy name in all the worlde how excellent is thy glory aboue the heauens Out of the mouth of the very babes sucklinges thou hast ordened prayse because of thine enemies y t thou mightest destroye the enemie and the auenger For I considre thy heauens euen the worke off thy fyngers the Moone and the starres which
What so euer he be that feareth the LORDE he shal shewe him the waye that he hath chosen His soule shall dwell at ease and his sede shall possesse the londe The secrete of the LORDE is amonge them that feare him and he sheweth them his couenaunt Myne eyes are euer lokynge vnto the LORDE for he shal plucke my fete out of y e nett Turnethe vnto me and haue mercy vpon me for I am desolate and in misery The sorowes of my herte are greate O brynge me out of my troubles Loke vpon my aduersite and misery and forgeue me all my synnes Considre how myne enemies are many and beare a malicious hate agaynst me O kepe my soule and delyuer me let me not be confounded for I haue put my trust in the. Let innocency and righteuous dealinge wayte vpon me for my hope is in the. Delyuer Israel O God out of all his trouble The XXV A psalme of Dauid BE thou my iudge O LORDE for I walke innocently my trust is in the LORDE therfore shall I not fall Examen me O LORDE and proue me trie out my reynes and my hert For thy louynge kyndnesse is before myne eyes and I walke in thy trueth I syt not amōge vayne personnes and haue no fellishipe with the disceatfull I hate the congregacion of the wicked and I will not syt amonge the vngodly I waszshe my hondes with innocency O LORDE and so go I to thine aulter That I maye shewe the voyce of thy prayse and tell of all thy wonderous workes LORDE I loue the habitacion of thy house and y e place where thy honoure dwelleth O destroye not my soule with the synners ner my life with the bloud thurstie In whose hondes is wickednesse and their right honde is full of giftes But as for me I will walke innocently O delyuer me and be mercifull vnto me My fote stondeth right I wil prayse the O LORDE in the congregacions The XXVI A psalme of Dauid THe LORDE is my light and my health whom then shulde I feare the LORDE is the strength of my life for whom thē shulde I be afrayed Therfore when the wicked euen myne enemies my foes came vpon me to eate vp my flesh they stombled and fell Though an hoost of men were layed agaynst me yet shal not my hert be afrayed and though there rose vp warre against me yet wil I put my trust in him One thinge haue I desyred of the LORDE which I wil requyre namely that I maye dwell in the house of the LORDE all the dayes of my life to beholde the fayre beutie of the LORDE and to vyset his temple For in the tyme of trouble he hath hyde me in his tabernacle yee in the secrete place of his dwellinge hath he kepte and set me vp vpon a rocke of stone And now hath he lift vp my heade aboue myne enemies that cōpassed me rounde aboute Therfore wil I offre in his dwellinge the oblacion of thākesgeuynge I wil both synge speake prayses vnto the LORDE Herkē vnto my voyce O LORDE when I crie vnto the haue mercy vpon me heare me My hert speaketh vnto the my face seketh the yee LORDE thy face wil I seke O hyde not thou thy face fro me cast not thy seruaunt of in displeasure Thou art my succoure leaue me not nether forsake me O God my Sauioure For my father and my mother haue forsaken me but the LORDE hath taken me vp Shewe me thy waye O LORDE and lede me in the right path because of myne enemies Delyuer me not in to the wylles of myne aduersaries for there are false wytnesses rysen vp against me and they ymagyn myschefe Neuerthelesse I beleue verely to se the goodnesse of the LORDE in the londe of the lyuynge O tary thou y e LORDES leysure be stronge let thine hert be of good comforte and wayte thou still for the LORDE The XXVII A psalme of Dauid UNto the wil I crie o my stronge defence thinke no scorne of me lest yf thou make the as though thou herdest not I become like them that go downe in to y e pytte Heare the voyce of my humble peticion when I crie vnto the and holde vp my hondes towarde thy holy temple O plucke me not awaye amonge the vngodly and wicked doers which speake frendly to their neghboure but ymagin myschefe in their hertes Rewarde them acordinge to their dedes and wickednesse of their owne inuencions Recompense them after y e workes of thei●●●des paye them that they haue deserued For they regarde not the workes of the LORDE ner the operacion of his hādes therfore shal he breake them downe and not buylde them vp Praysed be y e LORDE for he hath herde the voyce of my humble peticiō The LORDE is my strēgth and my shylde my herte hoped in him I am helped therfore my hert daūseth for ioye and I will synge prayses vnto him The LORDE is the strength of his people he is the defender and Sauioure of his anoynted O helpe thy people geue thy blessynge vnto thy enheritaunce fede them and set them vp for euer The XXVIII A psalme of Dauid AScrybe vnto the LORDE o ye mightie ascribe vnto the LORDE worshipe and strength Geue the LORDE the honoure of his name bowe youre selues to the holy magesty of the LORDE It is the LORDE that commaundeth the waters It is the glorious God that maketh y e thonder it is the LORDE y t ruleth the see The voyce of the LORDE is mightie in operacion the voyce of the LORDE is a glorious voyce The voyce of the LORDE breaketh the Cedr● trees yee the LORDE breaketh the Ceders of Libanus He maketh them to skippe like a calfe Libanus and Sirion like a yonge vnycorne The voyce of the LORDE deuideth the flames of fyre the voyce of the LORDE shaketh the wildernesse yee the LORDE shaketh the wildernesse of Cades The voyce of the LORDE moueth y e hyndes discouereth the thicke buszshes in his temple shal euery man speake of his honoure The LORDE stilleth the water floude y e LORDE remayneth a kynge for euer The LORDE shall geue power vnto his people the LORDE shal geue his people the blessynge of peace The XXIX A psalme of Dauid I Wil magnifie y e O LORDE for thou hast set me vp not suffred my foes to triūphe ouer me O LORDE my God I cried vnto the and thou hast healed me Thou LORDE hast brought my soule out of hell thou hast kepte my life where as they go downe to the pytte Synge prayses vnto the LORDE o ye sayntes of his geue thankes vnto him for a remembraunce of his holynesse For his wrath endureth but the twincklinge of an eye and his pleasure is in life heuynesse maye well endure for a night but ioye commeth in the mornynge As forme whē I was in prosperite I sayde Tush I shal neuer fall more And why
all men lyuynge Sela. Yee euery man walketh as it were a shadowe and disquieteth him●self in vayne he heapeth vp riches and can not tell to whom he gathereth them And now LORDE wherin shall I comforte me my hope is in the. Delyuer me from all myne offences and make me not a scorne vnto the foolish I kepe sylēce and open not my mouth for thou hast done it Turne thy plages awaye fro me for I am cōsumed thorow the feare of thy hāde When thou punyshest man for synne thou chastenest him so that his beutie consumeth awaye like as it were a mothe O how vayne are all men Sela. Heare my prayer o LORDE and considre my callinge shewe not thy self as though thou sawest not my teares For I am a straunger and pilgrymme with the as all my forefathers were Oh spare me a litle that I maye refresh myself before I go hence and be no more sene The XXXIX A psalme of Dauid I Wayted paciently for the LORDE which enclyned himself vnto me and herde my callinge He brought me out of the horrible pitte out of the myre and claye he set my fete vpō the rocke and ordred my goinges He hath put a new songe in my mouth euen a thankesgeuynge vnto oure God Many men seynge this shal feare the LORDE put their trust in him Blessed is the man that setteth his hope in the LORDE and turneth not vnto the proude to soch as go aboute with lies O LORDE my God greate are y e wonderous workes which thou hast done in thy thoughtes towarde vs there maye none be lickened vnto the. I wolde declare them and speake of thē● but they are so many that they can not be tolde Sacrifice and offeringe thou woldest not haue but a body hast thou ordeined me ▪ burnt offerynges and sacrifice for synne thou hast not alowed Then sayde I Lo I come In the begynnynge of the boke it is written of me that I shulde fulfill thy wil O my God that am I contēt to do yee thy lawe is within my hert I wil preach of y e rightuousnesse in the greate congregacion Lo I wil not refrayne my lippes o LORDE that thou knowest I do not hyde y e rightuousnes in my hert my talkynge is of thy treuth and sauynge health I kepe not thy louynge mercy and faithfulnesse backe from the greate congregacion Turne not thou thy mercy fro me o LORDE but let thy louynge kyndnesse and treuth al●waye preserue me For innumerable troubles are come aboute me my synnes haue taken soch holde vpon me that I am not able to loke vp yee they are mo in nombre then the hayres of my heade and my hert hath fayled me O LORDE let it be thy pleasure to deliuer me make haist o LORDE to helpe me Let them be ashamed and cōfounded that seke after my soule to destroie it let them fall backwarde and be put to confucion that wysh me euell Let thē soone be brought to shame that crie ouer me there there But let all those that seke the be ioyfull and glad in the and let all soch as delyte in thy sauynge health saye allwaye the LORDE be praysed As for me I am poore in mysery but the LORDE careth for me Thou art my helper redemer make no longe tariēge o my God The XL. A psalme of Dauid BLessed is he y t considreth y e poore y e LORDE shal delyuer him in the tyme of trouble The LORDE shal preserue him and kepe him alyue he shal make him to prospere vpon earth and shal not delyuer him in to y e wil of his enemies The LORDE shal ref●esh him when he lyeth sick vpon his bedd yee thou makest his bed in all his sicknesse I sayde LORDE be mercifull vnto me heale my soule for I haue synned agaynst the. Myne enemies speake euell vpō me whan shal he dye and his name perishe Though he came in to se yet meaned he falsede in his hert heapinge myschefe vpon himself All they that hate me runne together agaynst me and ymagin euell agaynst me They haue geuen a wicked sentence vpon me when he lyeth he shal ryse vp nomore Yee euen myne owne familier frende whom I trusted which dyd eate my bred hath lift vp his hele agaynst me But be thou mercifull vnto me o LORDE rayse thou me vp and I shal rewarde them By this I knowe thou fauourest me that my enemie shal not triumphe ouer me Thou hast vp holden me because of my innocency and set me before thy face for euer O blessed be y e LORDE God of Israel from hēce forth and for euermore Amen Amen The XLI A psalme of y e childrē of Corah LIke as the hert desyreth the water brokes so longeth my soule after the o God My soule is a thurste for God yee euē for the lyuynge God whā shal I come beholde the face of God My teares are my meate ▪ daye and night whyle it is daylie sayde vnto me where is now thy God Now when I thinke there vpō I poure out my hert by my self for I wolde fayne go hence with the multitude passe ouer with them vnto the house of God in y e voyce of prayse thankesgeuynge amonge soch as kepe holy daye Why art thou so full of heuynes o my soule why art thou so vnquiete within me O put thy trust in God for I wil yet geue him thankes for the helpe of his countenaūce My God my soule is vexed within me therfore I remēbre the londe of Iordane the litle hill of Hermon●m One depe calleth another w t the voyce of thy whystles all thy wawes water floudes are gone ouer me The LORDE hath promised his louynge kyndnesse daylie ther●fore wil I prayse him in the night season and make my prayer vnto y e God of my life I wil saye vnto God my stony rock why has● thou forgotten me why go I thus heuely ▪ whyle the enemie oppresseth me Whyle my bones are broken whyle myne enemies cast me in the tethe daylie sayenge vnto me where is now thy God Why art thou 〈◊〉 h●uy o my soule why art thou so disquiete●● within me O put thy trust in God for ● wil yet thanke him for the helpe of his coun●tenaunce and because he is my God The XLII psalme BEne sentence vpon me o God de●fende my cause agaynst the vnhol● people Oh delyuer me from the di●ceatfull wicked man For thou o God art my strēgth why hast thou shot me fro● the Why go I then so heuely whyle the e●●mie oppresseth me Oh sende out y e ligh● thy trueth y t they maye lede me bryng me vnto thy holy hill and to thy dwelling● That I maye go in to the aulter of Go● euen vnto the God which is my ioye plea●●●re vpon the harpe to geue thākes vnto 〈◊〉 o God my God Why art thou so heuy
prayse For thou hast delyuered my soule frō death my fete frō fallinge y t I maye walke before God in y e light of y e lyuynge The LVI A psalme of Dauid BE mercifull vnto me o God be mercifull vnto me for my soule trusteth in y e ▪ vnder the shadowe of thy wynges shal be my refuge vntill wickednesse be euer past I call vnto God y e most hyest euē y e God y t shal helpe me vp agayne ●e shal sende frō heauen saue me frō the reprofe of him that wolde swalowe me vp Sela. This shal God sende for his mercy and faithfulnesse sake I lye with my soule amonge the cruell lyons euen amonge the children of men whose tethe are speares and arowes and their tonge a sharpe swerde Set vp thy self o God aboue the heauēs and thy glory aboue all the earth They haue layed a nett for my fete pressed downe my soule they haue dygged a pyt before me and are fallen in to it them selues Sela. My hert is ready o God my hert is ready to synge and geue prayse Awake o my glory awake lute and harpe I my self wil awake right early I wil geue thākes vnto the o LORDE amonge the people I wil synge prayses vnto the amonge the Heithē For y e greatnes of thy mercy reacheth ●●to the heauens and thy faithfulnesse vnto 〈◊〉 cloudes Set vp thy self o God 〈…〉 heauēs thy glory aboue all y e earth The LVII A psalme of Dauid ●F youre myndes be vpon rightuous●esse in dede then iudge the thinge that is right o ye sonnes of men But ye ymagin myschefe in youre hertes and youre hondes deale with wickednesse The vngodly are frowarde euē from their mothers wombe as soone as they be borne they go astraie speake lyes They are as furious as the serpent euen like the deaf Adder that stoppeth hir eares That she shulde not heare the voyce of the charmer charme he neuer so wysely Breake their teth o God in their mouthes smyte the chaft bones of the lyons whelpes in sonder o LORDE That they maye fall awaye like water y e runneth a pace and that when they shote their arowes they maye be brokē Let thē cōsume awaye like a snale like the vntymely frute of a woman and let them not se the Sonne Or euer youre thornes be sharpe the wrath shal take them awaye quycke like a stormy wynde The rightuous shal reioyse when he seyth the vengeaunce and shal wash his fete in the bloude of the vngodly So that me● shal saye verely there is a rewarde for y e rightuous doutles there is a God that iudgeth the earth The LVIII A psalme of Dauid DElyuer me fro myne enemies o my God defende me frō thē y t ryse vp agaynst me O delyuer me frō the wicked doers saue me frō the bloudthurstie mē For lo they lye waytinge for my soule y e mightie mē are gathered together against me w t out eny offence or faute of me o LORDE They rūne prepare thē selues w t out my faute Arise come thou helpe me beholde Stōde vp o LORDE God of hoostes thou God of Israel to vyset all Heithen be not mercifull vnto thē y t offende of malicious wickednesse Sela. Let thē go to fro runne aboute the cite youlinge like dogges Beholde they speake agaynst me w t their mouth swerdes are vnder their lippes for who reproueth thē But thou o LORDE shalt haue them in derision thou shalt laugh all Heithē to scorne My strēgth do I ascrybe vnto the for thou o God art my defender God sheweth me his goodnesse plenteously God letteth me se my desyre vpō myne enemies Slayethē not lest my people forget it but scatre thē abrode with thy power put thē downe o LORDE oure defence For y e synne of their mouth for the wordes of their lippes because of their pryde let thē be taken why their preachinge is of cursynge lyes Cōsume them in y i wrath cōsume thē y t they maye perish knowe y t it is God which ruleth in Iacob and in all the worlde Sela. Let thē go to fro rūne aboute the cite youlinge like dogges Let thē runne here there for meate and grudge when they haue not ynough As for me I wil synge of thy power ād prayse thy mercy betymes in the mornynge for thou art my defence and refuge in the tyme of my trouble Vnto the o my strength wil I synge for thou o God art my defence and my merciful God The LIX A psalme of Dauid O God thou y t hast cast vs out and scatred vs abrode thou y t hast bene so sore displeased at vs cōforte vs agayne Thou y t hast remoued the lōde deuyded it heale the sores therof for it shaketh Thou hast shewed thy people heuy thinges thou hast geuen vs a drynke off wyne y t we slōbre withall Yet hast thou geuē a tokē for soch as feare the y t they maye cast it vp in y e treuth Sela. That thy beloued might be delyuered helpe them with thy right hande and heare me God hath spokē in his Sāctuary which thinge reioyseth me I wil deuyde Sichē mete out the valley 〈◊〉 Suchoth Galaad is myne Manasses is myne Ephraim is the strength of my heade Iuda is my captayne Moab is my washpotte ouer Edom wil I stretch out my shue Philistea shal be glad of me Who will lede me in to the stronge cite Who will bringe me in to Edom Shalt not thou do it o God thou y t hast cast vs out thou God y t wentest not out w t o r hoostes O be thou oure helpe in trouble for vayne is the helpe of man Thorow God we shal do greate actes for it is he that shal treade downe oure enemies The LX. A psalme of Dauid HEare my crienge o God geue hede vnto my prayer From the endes of y e earth wil I call vnto the whē my herte is in trouble Oh set me vp vpō an hye rocke For thou art my hope a stronge tower for me agaynst the enemie I will dwell in thy tabernacle for euer that I maye be safe vnder the couerynge of thy wynges Sela. For thou o LORDE hast herde my desyres thou hast geuen an heretage vnto those that feare thy name Thou shalt graunte the kynge a lōge life that his yeares maye endure thorow out all generacions That he maye dwell before God for euer Oh let thy louynge mercy faithfulnes preserue him So wil I allwaye synge prayses vnto thy name y t I maye daylie perfourme my vowes The LXI A psalme of Dauid MY soule wayteth only vpon God for of him commeth my helpe He only is my strēgth my saluacion my defence so y t I shal not greatly fall How longe wil ye ymagin myschefe agaynst euery man ye shal be slayne all y e sorte of you
thē vp vnto their owne hertes lust let thē folowe their owne ymaginacions O y t my people wolde obeye me for yf Israel wolde walke in my wayes I shulde soone put downe their enemies turne myne hōde agaynst their aduersaries The haters of y e LORDE shulde mysse Israel but their tyme shulde endure for euer He shulde fede them with the fynest wheate floure satisfie them with hony out of the stony rocke The LXXXI A psalme of Asaph GOd stondeth in the congregacion of the goddes is a iudge amonge the iudges How longe wil ye geue wrōge iudgment accepte the personnes of the vngodly Sela. Defende the poore father lesse se that soch as be in nede necessite haue right Delyuer the outcaste poore saue hym from the hande of the vngodly Neuertheles they wil not be lerned vnderstonde but walke on still in darcknesse therfore must all the foundacions of the londe be moued I haue sayde ye are goddes ye all are the childrē of y e most hyest But ye shal dye like men fall like one of the tyrauntes Aryse o God iudge thou the earth for all Heithen are thine by enheritaunce The LXXXII A psalme of Asaph HOlde not thy tonge o God kepe not still sylēce refrayne not y i self o God For lo thy enemies make a murmuringe they y t hate the lift vp their heade ▪ They ymagin craftely agaynst thy people take councell agaynst thy secrete ones Come saye they let vs rote them out from amonge the people that the name of Israel maye be put out of remēbraunce For they haue cast their heades together with one consent are cōfederate agaynst the. The tabernacles of the Edomites Ismaelites the Moabites Hagarenes Gebal Ammo● and Amalech the Philistynes with them that dwell at Tyre Assur also is ioyned vnto thē helpe the children of Loth. Sela. But do thou to them as vnto the Madianites vnto Sisera and vnto Iabin by y e broke of Cyson Which perished at Endor became as the dōge of y e earth Make their prynces like Oreb and Zeeb Yee make all their prynces like as Zebea and Salmana Which saye we wil haue the houses of God in possession O my God make them like vnto a whele and as the stuble before the wynde Like as a fyre that burneth vp the wodd as the flame that consumeth the mountaynes Persecute them euen so with thy tempest make them afrayed with thy storme Make their faces ashamed o LORDE y t they maye seke thy name Let thē be cōfounded vexed euer more more Let thē be put to shame perish That they maye knowe that thou art alone that thy name is the LORDE and that thou only art the most hyest ouer all the earth The LXXXIII A psalme of the children of Corah O How amiable are y t dwellīges thou LORDE of hoostes My soule hath a desyre lōginge for y e courte of y e LORDE my hert my flesh reioyse in y e lyuynge God For the sparow hath founde hir an house the swalowe a nest where she maye laye hir yōge euē y e aulters O LORDE of hoostes my kynge my God O how blessed are they that dwell in thy house they are allwaye praysinge ye. Blessed are y e men whose strēgth is in y e in whose herte are y t wayes Which goinge thorow the vale of mysery vse it for a well and the poles are fylled with water They go from strength to strength and so the God of Gods apeareth vnto thē in Sion O LORDE God of hoostes heare my prayer herken o God of Iacob Beholde o God oure defence loke vpon the face of thyne anoynted For one daye in thy courte is better then a thousande I had rather be a dore keper in the house of my God then to dwell in the tentes of the vngodly For the LORDE God is a light and defence the LORDE wil geue grace worshipe and no good thinge shal he witholde from them that lyue a godly life O LORDE God of hoostes blessed is the man y t putteth his trust in the. The LXXXIIII A psalme of the children of Corah LORDE thou barest a loue vnto thy londe thou didest bringe agayne the captiuyte of Iacob Thou diddest forgeue the offence of thy people and couerdest all their synnes Sela. Thou tokest awaye all thy displeasure turnedest thy self from thy wrothful indignacion Turne vs then o God o r Sauioure let thine anger ceasse from vs. Wilt thou be displeased at vs for euer wilt thou stretch out thy wrath from one generacion to another Wilt thou not turne agayne quycken vs that thy people maye reioyse in the I wil herken what the LORDE God wil saie for he shal speake peace vnto his people and to his sayntes that they turne not them selues vnto foolishnes For his saluacion is nye them that feare him so that glory shal dwell in oure londe Mercy and trueth are met together rightuousnesse and peace kysse ech other Trueth shal ryse out of y e earth and rightuousnesse shal loke downe from heauen And why the LORDE shal shewe louinge kyndnesse and oure londe shal geue hir encrease Rightuousnesse shal go before him and prepare the waye for his commynge The LXXXV psalme A prayer of Dauid BOwe downe thine eare o LORDE and heare me for I am cōfortles and poore O kepe my soule for I am holy my God helpe thy seruaunt that putteth his trust in the. Be mercifull vnto me o LORDE for I call daylie vpon the. Cōforte the soule of thy seruaunt for vnto the o LORDE do I lift vp my soule For thou LORDE art good and gracious of greate mercy vnto all them that call vpon the. Geue eare LORDE vnto my prayer and pondre my humble desyre In the tyme of my trouble I call vpon the for thou hearest me Amonge the goddes there is none like the o LORDE there is not one that cā do as thou doest All nacions whom thou hast made shall come and worshipe before the o LORDE and shal glorifie thy name For thou art greate thou doest wonderous thinges thou art God alone Lede me in thy waye o LORDE that I maye walke in thy trueth O let my hert delyte in fearynge thy name I thanke the o LORDE my God wil prayse thy name for euer For greate is thy mercy towarde me thou hast delyuered my soule from y e nethermost hell O God the proude are rysen agaynst me and the cōgregacion of y e mightie seketh after my soule set not y e before their eyes But thou o LORDE God art full of compassion and mercy longe suffrynge greate in goodnesse trueth O turne the then vnto me haue mercy vpō me geue thy strength vnto thy seruaunt helpe the sonne of thy handmaydē Shewe some tokē vpon me for good
litle hilles like yonge shepe What ayled the o thou see that thou fleddest and thou Iordan that thou turnedest backe Ye mountaynes that ye stripped like rammes and ye litle hilles like yonge shepe The earth trembled at the presence of the LORDE at the presence of the God of Iacob Which turned the harde rocke in to a stondinge water the flynt stone in to a sprynginge well Here the Hebrues begynne the CXV psalme Not vnto vs o LORDE not vnto vs but vnto thy name geue the prayse for thy louinge mercy and faithfulnes Wherfore shal the Heithen saye where is now their God As for oure God he is in heauen he doth what soeuer it pleaseth him Their ymages are but syluer and golde euen the worke of mens hōdes They haue mouthes and speake not eyes haue they but they se not They haue eares and heare not noses haue they but they smell not They haue handes and handle not fete haue they but they can not go nether can they speake thorow their throte They that made them are like vnto them and so are all soch as put their trust in them But let Israel trust in y e LORDE for he is their sucoure defence Let the house of Aaron put their trust in y e LORDE for he is their sucoure defence They that feare the LORDE let thē put their trust in the LORDE for he is their sucoure and defence The LORDE is myndefull of vs blesseth vs he blesseth y e house of Israel he blesseth y e house of Aaron Yee he blesseth all them that feare the LORDE both small greate The LORDE encrease you more more you and youre childrē For ye are y e blessed of the LORDE which made heauen earth All the whole heauens are the LORDES but the earth hath he geuē vnto y e childrē of men The deed prayse not the o LORDE nether all they that go downe in to sylence But we will prayse the LORDE from this tyme forth for euermore Halleluya The CXIIII psalme I Am wel pleased y t the LORDE 〈…〉 herde y e voyce of my prayer 〈…〉 he hath enclyned his eare 〈…〉 therfore wil I call vpō him as long 〈…〉 The snares of death cōpas● 〈…〉 aboute the paynes of hell gat● 〈…〉 me I founde trouble and heuy 〈…〉 called I vpon y e name of the LORDE o LORDE delyuer my soule Gracious is y e LORDE rightuous yee oure God is mercifull The LORDE preserueth y e symple I was brought downe and he helped me Turne agayne then vnto thy rest o my soule for the LORDE hath geuen the thy desyre And why thou hast delyuered my soule from death myne eyes from teares and my fete from fallinge I wil walke before y e LORDE in the londe of the lyuynge The CXV psalme This psalme do the Hebrues ioyne vnto it that goeth before and it is with them the CXVI ▪ psalme I Beleued and therfore haue I spokē but I was sore troubled I sayde in my haist All men are lyers What rewarde shal I geue vnto y e LORDE for all the benefites y t he hath done vnto me I wil receaue the cuppe of saluaciō and call vpon the name of the LORDE I wil paye my vowes in the presence of all his people right deare in the sight of y e LORDE is the death of his sayntes O LORDE I am thy seruaunt I am thy seruaunt and the sonne of thy handmayden thou hast broken my bondes in sonder I wil offre the the sacrifice of thankes geuynge and wil call vpon the name of the LORDE I wil paye my vowes vnto the LORDE in the sight of all his people in the courtes of the LORDES house euē in the myddest of the o Ierusalem Halleluya The CXVI psalme O Prayse the LORDE all ye Gentiles laude him all ye people For his mercifull kyndnes is euer more and more towarde vs the trueth of the LORDE endureth for euer Halleluya The CXVII psalme O Geue thankes vnto the LORDE for he is gracious and his mercy endureth for euer Let Israel now confesse y t his mercy endureth for euer Let the house of Aaron now confesse that his mercy endureth for euer Yee let thē now that feare the LORDE confesse that his mercy endureth for euer I called vpon the LORDE in trouble and the LORDE herde me 〈◊〉 large The LORDE is my helper I wil 〈…〉 what man doeth vnto me The 〈…〉 is my helper I shal se my desyre 〈…〉 enemies It is better to trust 〈…〉 then to put eny confidence in 〈…〉 is better to trust in the LORDE 〈…〉 confidēce in prynces All Heithen compased me rounde aboute but in the name of the LORDE wil I destroye thē They kepte me in on euery syde but in the name of the LORDE I wil destroye them They came aboute me like bees were as hote as the fyre in the thornes but in the name of the LORDE I wil destroye them They thrust at me that I might fall but the LORDE was my helpe The LORDE is my strēgth my songe is become my saluacion The voyce of ioye myrth is in the dwellynges of y e rightuous for y e right hande of the LORDE hath gottē the victory The right hande of the LORDE hath the preemynence the right hāde of the LORDE hath gottē the victory I wil not dye but lyue and declare the workes of the LORDE The LORDE hath chastened correcte me but he hath not geuen me ouer vnto death Open me the gates of rightuousnes ▪ y t I maye go in there thorow geue thākes vnto the LORDE This is the dore of the LORDE the rightuous shall entre in thorow 〈◊〉 I thanke the y t thou hast herde me are become my saluaciō The same stone which the buylders refused is become the headestone in the corner This was the LORDES doinge it is maruelous in o r eyes This is the daye which the LORDE hath made ▪ let vs reioyse and be glad in it Helpe now o LORDE o LORDE sende vs now prosperite Blessed be he that cōmeth in the name of the LORDE we wish you good lucke ye that be of the house of the LORDE God is the LORDE hath shewed vs light O 〈◊〉 the solempne feast with grene braunches 〈◊〉 vnto the hornes of y e aulter Thou art 〈◊〉 God I wil thanke the thou art my 〈◊〉 and I wil prayse the. O geue thankes 〈◊〉 to the LORDE for he is gracious his m●●●cy endureth for euer The CXVIII psalme Aleph BLessed are those y t be vndefiled in th● waye which walke in the lawe of 〈◊〉 LORDE Blessed are they that kepe his t●●●timonies seke him with their whole hert● ▪ Which walke in his wayes do no wi●kednesse Thou hast geuen strayte cha●●● to kepe thy commaundementes O th●● my wayes were stablished to kepe thy stat●●tes So shulde I not be confounded
praysed be the Lord whych hath not geuen vs ouer for a praye vnto their teeth Oure soule is escaped euē as a byrde out of the snare of the fouler the snare is broken and we are delyuered Oure helpe standeth in the name of the Lorde which hath made heauen and earth ¶ The .cxxv. Psalme ¶ The churche or congregacyon is in safetye when the Lorde defendeth it and shal be prosperous when he fauoreth it and purgeth the wycked theroute The songe of the steares THey that put their trust in the Lorde are euen as the mount Syon which may not be remoued but standeth fast for euer The hylles stande about Ierusalem euē so standeth the Lorde rounde about his people from this tyme forth for euermore That the rodd of the vngodly come not into the lot of the ryghtuous lest y e ryghtuous put their hande vnto wyckednesse Do well O Lorde vnto those y t be good and true of herte As for soche as turne backe vnto their awne wyckednesse the Lorde shall leade thē forth with the euyll doers but peace be vpō Israel ¶ The .cxxvj. Psalme ¶ He descrybeth the gladnes of the people returning agayne from Babylon vnder the fygure herof the reioysynge of the Christen whom the sonne of God hath made fre from the captiuyte of synne and deeth The songe of the steares VVhen the Lorde turneth agayne the captyuyte of Sion then shall we be lyke vnto them that dreame Then shall oure mouth be fylled wyth laughter and oure tonge with ioye Then shall it be sayd amonge the Heathē the Lorde hath done greate thinges for thē Yee the Lorde hath done greate thynges for vs all ready wherof we reioyse Turne oure captyuyte O Lorde as the ryuers in the south They y t sowe in teares shall reape in ioye He that now goeth in his waye wepynge beareth forth good sede shal come agayne with ioye bringe his sheaues with hym ¶ The .cxxvij. Psalme ¶ By the only liberalyte gyft of God is the house and housholde geuen the cytye defended ● meate mynystred chyldren those toward and thryftye obtayned The songe of the steares EXcept the Lorde buylde the house their labour is but lost that buylde it Except the Lorde kepe the cytye the watchman waketh but in vayne It is but lost labour that ye rise vp early and take no rest but eate the bredde of carefulnesse for loke to whom it pleaseth him he geueth it in slepe Lo chyldren and the frute of the wombe are an herytage gift y t cōmeth of y e Lorde Lyke as the arowes in the hande of the gyaunt euen so are the yonge children Happy is the man that hath his quyuer full of them they shal not be ashamed when they speake with their enemyes in the gate ¶ The .cxxviij. Psalme ¶ He that feareth God shall do well and fortunately at all ceasons The songe of the steares BLessed are all they that feare y e Lorde and walke in hys wayes For thou shalt eate the laboures of thyne awne handes O well is the happy art thou Thy wyfe shal be as y e frutefull vyne vpō the walles of thy house Thy chyldren lyke the Olyue braunches rounde aboute thy table Lo thus shall the man be blessed that feareth the Lorde The Lorde shall so blesse the out of Siō that thou shalt se Ierusalem in prosperyte all thy lyfe longe Yee that thou shalt se thy chylders chyldren and peace vpon Israel ¶ The .cxxix Psalme ¶ Althoughe the wycked do longe and greatly persecute the godly yet shall they not preuayle ouer them yee they shall at the length perish when the godly shal be in safetye The songe of the steares MAny a tyme haue they fought agaynst me fro my youth vp maye Israel now saye Yee many a tyme haue they fought agaynst me fro my youth vp but they haue not ouercome me The plowers plowed vpon my backe and made longe forowes But the rightuous Lorde hath hewen 〈◊〉 yocke of the vngodly in peces Let them be confounded turned bac●●ward as many as haue euyl will at a * 〈◊〉 Let them be euen as the haye vpon 〈◊〉 house toppes whych wythereth afore it 〈◊〉 pluckte vp Wherof the mower fylleth not his han●● nether he that byndeth vp the sheaues 〈◊〉 bosome So y t they which go by saye not so 〈◊〉 as y e Lorde prospere you we wish you 〈◊〉 lucke in the name of the Lorde ¶ The .cxxx. Psalme ¶ An earnest prayer of him that is oppressed with ●●●uersitie for his sinnes that surely hopeth to 〈◊〉 of God bothe forgeuenes of his synnes delyura●●● from hys aduersytyes The songe of the steares OVt of the a * depe call I vnto 〈◊〉 O Lorde Lorde heare my voy●● ▪ Oh let thyne eares 〈…〉 well the voyce of my complay●●● If thou Lord wylt be extreme to 〈◊〉 what is done a mysse Oh Lorde who 〈◊〉 abyde it But there is mercy wyth the that 〈◊〉 mayest be feared I loke for the Lord my soule doth wa● for hym and in his worde is my trust My soule doth paciently abyde y e Lor●● from the one mornynge to the other Let Israel trust in the Lorde for with 〈◊〉 Lorde there is mercy plēteous redemp●●●● And he shal redeme Israel frō al his synn● ¶ The .cxxxj. Psalme ¶ He sheweth y t he was not proude but meake 〈◊〉 The songe of the steares LOrde I am not hye mynded I haue 〈◊〉 proude lokes I do not exercyse my selfe in grea●● matters which are to hye for me But I refrayne my soule kepe it 〈◊〉 lyke as a childe that is weened from his 〈◊〉 yee my soule is euē as a ween●ed 〈◊〉 Let Israel trust in the Lorde ▪ from 〈◊〉 tyme forth for euermore ¶ The .cxxxij. Psalme ¶ He sheweth that the prosperyty 〈◊〉 of Christes kyn●●dome dureth euer that God is 〈◊〉 allwaye present 〈◊〉 his churche and congregacyon Thys doth he 〈◊〉 the fygure of Dauid of the ●●a●cke abydyng in 〈◊〉 The songe of the steares LOrde remēbre Dauid al his trou●●● How he swore vnto the Lorde 〈◊〉 vowed a vowe vnto the almyghtye 〈◊〉 of Iacob I wyll not come within y e taber●●●cle of my house nor clyme vp in my bedde ▪ I wyll not suffre myne eyes to slepe 〈◊〉 myne eye lyddes to ●●omber Vntyll I fynde out a place for y e 〈◊〉 an habytacyō for the mightye one of 〈◊〉 shalt eate the laboures of thine owne hondes o well is the happie art thou Thy wife shal be as a frutefull vyne vpon the walles of thy house Thy children like the olyue braunches roūde aboute y e table Lo thus shal y e mā be blessed y t feareth the LORDE The LORDE shal so blesse the out of Sion that thou shalt se Ierusalē in prosperite all thy life longe Yee that thou shalt se thy childers childrē peace vpō Israel The CXXVIII psalme MAny a tyme haue they fought
agaynst me fro my youth vp maye Israel now saie Yee many a tyme haue they fought agaīst me fro my youth vp but they haue not ouercome me The plowers plowed vpō my backe made lōge forowes But the rightous LORDE hath hewen y e yocke of y e vngodly in peces Let them be confounded turned backwarde as many as haue euell will at Sion Let thē be euē as the haye vpon the house toppes which wythereth afore it be pluckte vp Wherof the mower fylleth not his hande nether he that byndeth vp the sheaues his bosome So that they which go by saye not so moch as the LORDE prospere you we wish you good lucke in the name of the LORDE The CXXIX psalme OVt of the depe call I vnto the o LORDE LORDE heare my voyce Oh let thine eares considre well the voyce of my complaynte Yf thou LORDE wilt be extreme to marcke what is done amysse Oh LORDE who maye abyde it But there is mercy with the that thou mayest be feared I loke for the LORDE my soule doth wayte for him and in his worde is my trust My soule doth paciently abyde the LORDE frō the one mornynge to the other Let Israel trust in the LORDE ▪ for with the LORDE there is mercy and plenteous redempcion And he shal redeme Israel from all his synnes The CXXX A psalme of Dauid LORDE I am not hye mynded I haue no proude lokes I do not exercise myself in greate matters which are to hye for me But I refrayne my soule and kepe it lowe like as a childe y t is weened from his mother yee my soule is euen as a weened childe Let Israel trust in the LORDE frō this tyme forth for euermore The CXXXI Psalme LORDE remembre Dauid and all his trouble How he swore vnto y e LORDE vowed a vowe vnto y e mightie one of Iacob I wil not come within the tabernacle of my house ner clymme vp ī to my bedde I wil not suffre myne eyes to slepe ner myne eye lyddes to slōber Vntill I fynde out a place for the LORDE an habitaciō for the mightie one of Iacob Lo we herde of the same at Ephrata foūde it in y e wod We wil go in to his tabernacle ▪ fall downe before his fotestole Arise o LORDE in to thy restinge place thou y e arke of y e strēgth Let thy prestes be clothed with rightuousnesse and let thy sayntes reioyse For thy seruaunte Dauids sake turne not awaye the presence of thine anoynted The LORDE hath made a faithfull ooth vnto Dauid he shal not shrenke from it Of the frute of thy body shal I set vpon thy seate Yf thy children wil kepe my couenaunt my testimony y t I shal lerne thē their childrē also shal syt vpō thy seate for euermore For the LORDE hath chosen Siō to be an habitaciō for him self hath he chosen her This shal be my rest here wil I dwel for I haue a delite therin I will blesse hir vytales w t increase wil satisfie hir poore with bred I wil decke hir prestes with health hir sayntes shal reioyse be glad There shall I make the horne of Dauid to florish I haue ordened a lanterne for myne anoynted As for his enemies I shal clothe thē w t shame but vpon himself shal his crowne florish The CXXXII A psalme of Dauid BEholde how good ioyfull a thinge it is brethrē to dwell together in vnite It is like y t precious oyntment vpon the heade that ranne downe vnto the beerd euē vnto Aarons beerd wēte downe to the skyrtes of his clothinge Like the dewe of Hermon which fell vpon the hill of Sion For there the LORDE promised his blessynge and life for euermore The CXXXIII psalme BEholde O prayse the LORDE all 〈◊〉 seruauntes of the LORDE ye that 〈◊〉 night stōde in the house of the LORDE 〈◊〉 lift vp youre handes in the Sanctua●● 〈◊〉 prayse the LORDE The LOR●● 〈…〉 heauen earth blesse the out 〈…〉 The CXXXIIII psal●● ▪ O Prayse y e name 〈…〉 o ye seruaūte● 〈…〉 in y e 〈…〉 of the house of 〈…〉 LORDE for the 〈…〉 For I knowe y t y e LORDE is greate y t o r LORDE is aboue all goddes What so euer y e LORDE pleaseth y t doth he in heauē in earth in the see in all depe places He bryngeth forth the cloudes from the endes of the worlde he turneth y e lightenīges vnto rayne bringīge the wyndes out of their treasuries Which smote the firstborne of Egipte both of man and beest He hath sent tokens and wonders in to the myddest of the o thou londe of Egipte vpon Pharao and all his seruauntes Which smote dyuerse nacions slewe mightie kynges Sihon kynge of y e Amorites Og the kynge of Basan and all the kyngdomes of Canaā And gaue their lōde for an heretage for an heretage vnto Israel his people Thy name o LORDE endureth foreuer so doth thy memoriall o LORDE from one generacion to another For the LORDE wil auēge his people be gracious vnto his seruaūtes As for the ymages of the Heithē they are but syluer and golde the worke of mens hādes They haue mouthes speake not eyes haue they but they se not They haue eares and yet they heare not nether is there eny breth ī their mouthes They that make them are like vnto them so are all they that put their trust in thē Prayse the LORDE ye house of Israel prayse the LORDE ye house of Aaron Prayse the LORDE ye house of Leui ye that feare y e LORDE prayse the LORDE Praysed be the LORDE out of Sion which dwelleth at Ierusalē Halleluya The CXXXV psalme O Geue thankes vnto the LORDE for he is gracious and his mercy endureth for euer O geue thākes vnto the God of all goddes for his mercy endureth for euer O thanke the LORDE of all lordes for his mercy endureth for euer ●hich only doth greate wonders for his 〈…〉 endureth for euer Which by his 〈…〉 soome made the heauens for his mercy 〈…〉 for euer Which layed out the earth 〈…〉 waters for his mercy endureth for 〈…〉 hath made greate lightes for 〈…〉 for euer The Sonne 〈…〉 his mercy endureth for 〈…〉 the starres to gouerne 〈…〉 endureth for euer 〈…〉 their firstborne 〈…〉 for euer And 〈…〉 them for 〈…〉 reed see in to partes for his mercy endureth for euer And made Israel to go thorow y e myddest of it for his mercy endureth for euer But as for Pharao and his hoost he ouer threwe them in the reed see for his mercy endureth for euer Which led his people thorow the wyldernesse for his mercy endureth for euer Which smote greate kynges for his mercy endureth for euer Yee and slewe mightie kynges for his mercy endureth for euer Sihon kynge of the Amorites
his waies to be clene but it is y e LORDE y t fashioneth y e myndes Commytte thy workes vnto y e LORDE and loke what thou deuysest it shal prospere The LORDE doth all thinges for his owne sake yee when he kepeth y e vngodly for y e daye of wrath The LORDE abhorreth all presumptuous proude hertes there maye nether strength ner power escape With louynge mercy faithfulnesse synnes be forgeuen and who so feareth y e LORDE eschueth euell When a mans wayes please y e LORDE he maketh his very enemies to be his frendes Better is it to haue a litle thinge w t rightuousnes thē greate rentes wrongeously gotten A mā deuyseth a waye in his herte but it is y e LORDE y t ordreth his goinges When y e prophecy is in y e lippes of y e kynge his mouth shal not go wrōge in iudgment A true measure a true balaūce are y e LORDES he maketh all weightes It is a greate abhominaciō when kynges are wycked for a kynges seate shulde be holden vp w t righteousnesse Righteous lippes are pleasaūt vnto kynges and they loue him y t speaketh y e trueth The kynges displeasure is a messaunger of death but a wyse man wyl pacifie him The cherefull countenaūce of y e kynge is life and his louynge fauo r is as the euenynge dewe To haue wyszdome in possession is better then golde and to get vnderstondynge is more worth then syluer The path of y e righteous eschueth euell who so loketh well to his wayes kepeth his owne soule Presumptuousnes goeth before destruccion and after a proude stomake there foloweth a fall Better it is to be of humble mynde w t the lowly then to deuyde y e spoyles w t y e proude He y t handleth a matter wysely opteyneth good blessed is he y t putteth his trust in y e LORDE Who so hath a wyse vnderstondinge is called to councell but he y t can speake fayre getteth more riches Vnderstondinge is a well of life vnto him y t hath it as for y e chastenynge of fooles it is but foolishnesse The herte of the wyse enfourmeth his mouth and amendeth y e doctryne in his lyppes Fayre wordes are an hony combe a refreshinge of y e mynde health of y e bones There is a waye y t men thinke to be right but the ende therof leadeth vnto death A troublous soule disquyeteth hir selfe for hir owne mouth hath brought her therto An vngodly personne stereth vp euell and in his lippes he is as an whote burnynge fyre A frowarde body causeth strife and he y t is a blabbe of his tonge maketh deuysion amonge prynces A wicked mā begyleth his neghbo r ledeth him y e waye y t is not good He that wyncketh w t his eyes ymagineth myschefe and he y t byteth his lippes wyl do some harme Age is a crowne of worshipe yf it be founde in the waye of righteousnes A pacient man is better then one that is strōge and he that can rule him selfe is more worth then he y t wynneth a cite The lottes are cast in to the lappe but their fall stōdeth in the LORDE The XVII Chapter BEtter is a drye morsell w t quyetnesse thē a full house and many fatt catell w t stryfe A discrete seruaūt shal haue more rule then the sonnes y t haue no wysdome and shal haue like heretage w t the brethren Like as syluer is tried in the fyre and golde in the fornace euen so doth the LORDE proue the hertes A wicked body holdeth moch of false lippes a dyssemblynge persone geueth eare to a disceatfull tōge Who so laugheth y e poore to scorne blasphemeth his maker and he y t is glad of another mans hurte shal not be vnpunyshed Childers children are a worshipe vnto the elders and the fathers are the hono r of the children An eloquent speach becōmeth not a foole a dyssemblinge mouth also besemeth not a prynce Liberalite is a precious stone vnto him that hath it for where so euer he becōmeth he prospereth Who so couereth another mans offence seketh loue but he y t discloseth the faute setteth frendes at variaunce One reprofe only doth more good to him y t hath vnderstōdinge then an C. stripes vnto a foole A sedicious personne seketh myschefe ●ut a cruell messaunger shal be sent agaynst him It were better to come agaynst a she Bere robbed of hir whelpes then agaynst a foole in his foolishnes Who so rewardeth euell for good the plage shal not departe frō his house He y t soweth discorde strife is like one y t dyggeth vp a water broke but an open enemie is like the water y t breaketh out rē●eth abrode The LORDE hateth as well him y t iustifieth y e vngodly as him y t condempneth the innocēt What helpeth it to geue a foole money in his hōde where as he hath no mynde to bye wyszdome He is a frende that all waye loueth and in aduersite a man shal knowe who is his brother Who so promiseth by the hande is suertie for another he is a foole He y t loueth strife delyteth in synne who so setteth his dore to hye seketh after a fall Who so hath a frowarde herte opteyneth no good and he y t hath an ouērth●●●● tonge shal fall in to myschefe An 〈◊〉 body bryngeth himselfe in to sorowe and y e father of a foole can haue no ioye A m●●y herte maketh a lusty age but a sorowfull ●●●de dryeth vp y e bones The vngodly taketh giftes out of the bosome to wraist the waye●● of iudgment Wyszdome shyneth in y e face of him y t hath vnderstondinge but y e eyes ●● fooles wandre thorow out all lōdes An 〈◊〉 discrete sonne is a grefe vnto his father 〈◊〉 heuynesse vnto his mother y t bare him 〈◊〉 punysh y e innocent and to smyte y e prynces ● geue true iudgmēt are both euell He is 〈◊〉 and discrete y t tempereth his wordes 〈◊〉 he is a mā of vnderstōdinge y t maketh mo●● of his sprete Yee a very foole when he hol●deth his tonge is counted wyse and to 〈◊〉 vnderstōdinge when he shutteth his lippes The XVIII Chapter WHo so hath pleasure to sowe dis●●de piketh a quarell in euery thing● ▪ A foole hath no delyte in vnder●●●●dinge but only in those thinges wherin 〈◊〉 herte reioyseth Where vngodlynes is the●re is also diszdayne so there foloweth sha●me dishonor. The wordes of a mās 〈◊〉 are like depe waters and the well of wyszdo●me is like a full streame It is not good 〈◊〉 regarde y e personne of the vngodly or to 〈◊〉 backe y e righteous in iudgmēt A fooles lip●pes are euer brawlinge and his mouth pro●uoketh vnto batayll A fooles mouth is 〈◊〉 owne destruccion and his lippes are y e 〈◊〉 for his owne soule The wordes of a slaun●derer are very woūdes and go thorow
for Ierusalēs sake I will not ceasse vntill their rightuousnes breake forth as y e shyninge light their health as a burnynge lampe Then shal the Gētiles se thy rightuousnesse all kinges thy glory Thou shalt be named with a new name which the mouth of y e LORDE shal shewe Thou shalt be a crowne in the honde of the LORDE and a glorious garlāde in the hōde of thy God From this tyme forth thou shalt neuer be called the forsakē thy lōde shal nomore be called the wildernesse But thou shalt be called Hephziba that is my beloued y e londe Beula that is a maried womā for y e LORDE loueth y e thy lōde shal be inhabited And like as yonge mā taketh a doughter to mariage so shal God mary himself vnto y e sonnes And as a brydegrome is glad of his bryde so shal God reioyse ouer the. I wil set watchmē vpō thy walles o Ierusalem which shall nether ceasse daye nor night to preach y e LORDE And ye also shall not kepe him close nor leaue to speake of hī vntill Ierusalē be set vp made the prayse of the worlde The LORDE hath sworne by his right honde by his stronge arme that frō hence forth he wil not geue thy corne to be meate for thine enemies ner y e wyne wherī thou hast laboured to be drynke for y e straungers But they that haue gathered in the corne shal eate it geue thankes to the LORDE they that haue borne in the wyne shall drynke it in the court of my Sanctuary Stōde back departe a sunder ye y t stonde vnder y e gate make rowme ye people repayre the strete take awaye y e stones set out a tokē for the people Beholde y e LORDE proclameth in the endes of the worlde tel y e doughter Siō se thy Saluaciō cometh beholde he bringeth his treasure w t him his workes go before him For they whō y e LORDE delyuereth shal be called the holy people as for the thou shalt be named the greatly occupied and not the forsaken The lxiij Chapter WHat is he this that cometh from Edom with stayned reade clothes of Bosra which is so costly cloth cometh in so neēbly with all his strēgth I am he y t teacheth rightuousnes am of power to helpe Wherfore thē is thy clothinge reade thy raymēt like his y t treadeth in y e wyne presse I haue troddē the presse my self alone of all people there was not one with me Thus haue I trodē downe myne enemies in my wrath and set my fete vpō them in my indignacion And their bloude sprange vpō my cloothes so haue I stayned all my rayment For the daye of vengeaūce that I haue takē in honde the yeare of my delyueraunce is come I loked aboute me and there was no mā to shewe me eny helpe I fel downe and no man helde me vp Thē I helde me by myne owne arme my feruētnesse susteyned me And thus haue I troden downe the people in my wrath and bathed them in my displeasure In so moch that I haue shed their bloude vpon the earth I will declare the goodnesse of the LORDE yee and the prayse of the LORDE for all that he hath gyuen vs for the greate good y t he hath done for Israel which he hath gyuen them of his owne fauoure acordinge to the multitude of his louynge kindnesses For he sayde These no doute wil be my people and no shrēkinge children and so he was their Sauioure In their troubles he forsoke thē not but the angel that went forth from his presence delyuered them Of very loue kindnesse that he had vnto them redemed he them He hath borne them and caried them vp euer sence the worlde begāne But after they prouoked him to wrath and vexed his holy minde he was their enemie and fought agaynst them him self Yet remēbred he the olde tyme of Moses his people How he brought them from the water of the see as a shepherde doth with his shepe how he had geuen his holy sprete amonge them how he had led Moses by the right honde with his glorious arme how he had deuyded the water before them wherby he gat him self an euerlastinge name how he led them in the depe as an horse is led in the playne that they shulde not stomble The sprete of the LORDE led them as a tame beast goeth in the felde Thus o God hast thou led thy people to make thy self a glorious name with all Loke downe then from heauē and beholde the dwellinge place of thy sanctuary thy glory How is it y t thy gelousy thy strength the multitude of thy mercies and thy louynge kyndnesse wyl not be entreated of vs Yet art thou o r father For Abraham knoweth vs not nether is Israel acquanted with vs. But thou LORDE art oure father and redemer and thy name is euer lastinge O LORDE wherfore hast thou led vs out of thy waye wherfore hast thou hardened oure hertes that we feare the not Be at one with vs agayne for thy seruauntes sake y t are of the generaciō of thy heretage Thy people hath had but litle of thy Sanctuary in possessiō for oure enemies haue takē it in And we are become euen as we were from the beginnynge but thou art not their LORDE for they haue not called vpon thy name The lxiiij Chapter O That thou woldest cleue the heauen in sonder come downe that the mountaynes might melt awaye at thy presence like as at an hore fyre and that the malicious might boyle as the water doth vpon the fyre Wherby thy name might be knowne amōge thine enemies y t the Gētiles might trēble before ye. That thou mightest come downe with thy wonderous straunge workes then shulde the hilles melt at thy presence For sence the begynnynge of the worlde there was none excepte thou o God that herde or perceaued nether hath eny eye sene what thou dost for thē that put their trust in the. Thou helpest him that doth right with cherefulnesse and them that thynke vpon thy wayes But lo thou art angrie for we offende and haue bene euer in synne and there is not one whole We are all as an vnclene thinge all oure rightuousnesses are as the clothes stayned with the floures of a woman we fall euerychone as the leaf for oure synnes carie vs awaye like the wynde There is no man that calleth vpon thy name that stondeth vp to take holde by the. Therfore hydest thou thy face from vs and consumest vs because of oure synnes But now o LORDE thou father of ours we are the claye and thou art oure potter and we all are the worke of thy hondes Be not to sore displeased o LORDE and kepe not oure offences to lōge in thy remembraunce but considre that we all are thy people
mercy to those that wil repente Chap· III. The mercifull loue of God towarde the same vnthankful people Chap. IIII. The synnes of the prestes and of the people with reprofe for the same Chap. V. Against the prestes that disceaue the people Chap. VI. The vnthankfulnes of the People Agayne the louynge kyndnesse of God Chap. VII No medycine can helpe so sore are they wounded with ydolatry Chap. VIII Idolatry in Samaria and Israel Chap. IX Punyszhment vpon Israel for Idolatry Chap. X. The vnthankfulnesse of Israel The calfe in Samaria for the which and soch like abhominacions he telleth them of destruccion Cha. XI.XII. God calleth them agayne with rehearsinge his benefites done to them afore Chap. XIII He sheweth them their wickednesse and punyszhment for the same Chap. XIIII He crieth and exorteth the people to conuerte promisynge swetely and louyngly to receaue them This is the worde of the LORDE that came vnto Oseas the sonne of Beeri in the dayes of Osias Ioathan Achas Ezechias kinges of Iuda and in the tyme of Ieroboam the sonne of Ioas kynge of Israel The first Chapter FIrst when the LORDE spake vnto Oseas he saide vnto him Go thy waye take an harlot to thy wife and get childrē by her for the ●ode hath cōmitted greate whordome agaynst the LORDE So he wente and toke Gomer y e doughter of Deblaim which conceaued and brought forth a sonne And the LORDE sayde vnto him call his name Iesrael for I wil shortly auenge the bloude of Iesrael vpon the house of Iehu and will bringe the kingdome of the house of Israel to an ende Then will I breake the bowe of Israel in the valley of Iesrael She conceaued yet agayne and bare a doughter And he sayde vnto him Call hir name Loruhama that is not opteyninge mercy ofr I wil haue no pyte vpon the house of Israel but forget them and put them clene out of remembraunce Neuerthelesse I wil haue mercy vpon the house of Iuda wil saue them euen thorow the LORDE their God But I wil not delyuer them thorow eny bow swearde batel horses or horsmen Now when she had weened Loruhama she conceaued agayne bare a sonne Then sayde he call his name Lo Ami that is to saye not my people For why ye are not my people therfore will not I be yours And though the nombre of the children of Israel be as the sonde of the see which can nether be measured ner tolde Yet in the place where it is sayde vnto them ye be not my people euen there shall it be thus reported of them they be y e childrē of the lyuynge God Then shal the children of Iuda and the childrē of Israel be gathered together agayne chose them selues one heade and then departe out of the londe for greate shal be the daye of Iesrael The II. Chapter TEll youre brethren that they are my people and youre sisteren that they haue optayned mercy As for youre mother ye shal chyde with her and reproue her for she is not my wife nether am I hir huszbōde vnlesse she put awaye hir whordome out of my sight and hir aduoutry from hir brestes Yf no I shal strype her naked set her euen as she came in to y e worlde Yee I shal laye hir waist and make her like a wildernesse and slaye her for thyrste I shal haue no pite also vpon hir children for they be the children of f●rnicacion Their mother hath broken hir wedlocke and she that bare them is come to cōfucion For she sayde I wil go after my louers that geue me my water and my bred my woll my flax my oyle and my drynke But I will hedge hir waye with thornes and stoppe it that she shal not fynde hir fotestoppes and though she runne after hir louers yet shall she not get them she shal seke them but not fynde them Then shal she saye well I will go turne agayne to my first huszbonde for at y t tyme was I better at ease then now But this wolde she not knowe where as I yet gaue her corne wyne oyle syluer and golde which she hath hanged vpon Baal Wherfore now will I go take my corne wyne agayne in their season and fet agayne my woll and my flax which I gaue her to couer hir shame And now will I dyscouer hir foolishnesse euen in the sight of hir louers and no man shal delyuer her out of my hondes Morouer I wil take awaye all hir myrth hir holy dayes hir newmoones hir Sabbathes and all hir solempne feastes I will destroye hir vynyardes and fyge trees though she saieth lo here are my rewardes that my louers haue geuen me I wil make it a wodde and the wylde beestes shall eate it vp I will punysh her also for the dayes of Baal wherin she censed him deckynge him with hir earynges and cheynes when she folowed hir louers and forgat me saieth the LORDE Wherfore beholde I wil call her againe bringe her in to a wildernes and speake frendly vnto her there wil I geue her hir vynyardes agayne yee and the valley of Achor also to shewe hir hope comforte Then shal she synge there as in the tyme of hir youth like as in the daye when she came out of the londe of Egipte Then saieth the LORDE she shal saye vnto me O my houszbande shal call me nomore Baal for I wil take awaye those names of Baal from hir mouth yee she shal neuer remembre their names eny more Then will I make a couenaunt with them with the wylde beastes with the foules of the ayre with euerythinge that crepeth vpon the earth As for bowe swerde and batel I will destroye soch out of the londe wil make them to slepe safely Thus wil I mary the vnto myne owne self for euermore yee euen to my self wil I mary the in rightuousnesse in equyte in louynge kyndnesse and mercy In faith also will I mary the vnto my self thou shalt knowe the LORDE At the same tyme wil I shewe my self frendly and gracious vnto y e heauens saieth the LORDE the heauens shal helpe the earth and the earth shal helpe the corne wyne and oyle and they shal helpe Iesrael I wil sowe them vpō earth for a sede to myne owne self wil haue mercy vpon her y t was without mercy And to thē which were not my people I wil saye thou art my people And he shal saye thou art my God The III. Chapter THen sayde y e LORDE to me Go yet y e waye wowe an aduouterous womā whō thy neghboure loueth as y e LORDE doth the childrē of Israel how be it they haue respecte to straunge goddes and loue the wyne kannes So I gat her for xv syluerlinges and for an Homer and an half of barlye sayde vnto her Thou shalt byde with me
geuē of y e LORDE God of Israel So Eszdras the hie prest brought the lawe vnto the whole multitude to man and woman to all prestes y t they might heare the lawe in the new moone of the seuenth moneth And he red in y e floore y t is before y e holy porte of y e tēple from the mornynge early vntill the euenynge before men wemen And they applied their mynde all vnto the lawe And Eszdras the prest reder of y e lawe stode vp vpon a scaffolde of wodd which was made therfore vpon his right hande there stode by him Mathathias Samus Ananias Azarias Vrias Ozechias Balsamus Vpon his lefte hāde stode Faldeus Misael Malachias Abuschas Sabus Nabadias Zachary Then toke Eszdras y e boke before the whole multitude for he was y e pryncipall and had in most hono r of thē all And whā he had red out y e lawe they stode all straight vp vpon their fete So Eszdras praysed the LORDE the most hye God the Allmightie God of hoostes And all y e people answered Amen helde vp their hādes fell downe flat vpon the earth praysed y e LORDE Iesus Beneas Sarebias Iaddimus Accubus Sabbatheus Calithes Azarias Ioradus Ananias Philias the Leuites which taught the lawe of the LORDE red the lawe of the LORDE in the cōgregacion euery man sett those before y t vnderstode the lawe Then spake Atharathes vnto Eszdras the hye prest reder to the Leuites y t taught the multitude sayenge This daye is holy vnto the LORDE all they y t had herde the lawe wepte ▪ So Eszdras sayde Departe yo r waye then eate the best drynke the swetest sende giftes vnto them y t haue nothinge for this daye is holy vnto the LORDE and be not ye sory Then wente they their waye euerychone ate and dronke and were mery sent rewardes vnto thē y t had nothinge y t they also might eate with gladnesse for they were exceadingly reioysed thorow the wordes that were red vnto them in the lawe And so they were all gathered together at Ierusalem to holde the feast acordinge to the couenaunt of y e LORDE God of Israel The ende of the thirde boke of Eszdras The IIII boke of Eszdras What this boke conteyneth Chap. I. God reproueth the people for their vnthankfulnes and rehearseth vnto them his owne louynge mercy that he maye bringe thē agayne yf they wyl not amende he wil chose another people Chap. II. The Synagoge cōplayneth vpō hir children ▪ The callynge of the Heithen Chap. III. Eszdras sheweth of the excellent workes of God done vnto the people and hath a frendly contencion with God because he suffreth the Babilonians to haue the dominion ouer them where as they yet are sinners also Chap. IIII. The angel rebuketh Eszdras for takinge in hāde to seke out the grounde of Gods iudgment and instructeth him with fayre symilitudes Chap. V. A communicaciō of Eszdras and the angel together Chap. VI. The angel enfourmeth Eszdras and answereth him to his questions Chap. VII The angel sheweth Eszdras many secrete matters and thinges for to come Chap. VIII Eszdras prayeth for the people that God wyll rather loke vpon his owne louynge mercy and the godlynes of few thē vpon the wycked synnes of many Chap. IX Tokens of the tyme and punyshment for to come Visions are shewed vnto Eszdras Chap. X. A communicacion betwixte Eszdras and the woman that appeared vnto him Chap. XI XII.XIII Of certayne visions and the interpretacions therof Chap. XIIII God appeareth vnto Eszdras in the bush talketh with him and cōmaundeth him what he shal doo Chap. XV. God sheweth Eszdras the punyshmēt that he wyl sende vpon the synfull people and commaundeth him to tell them the same Chap. XVI Punyshment vpon the Heithen and how the people of God shal behaue them selues therin The first Chapter THe seconde boke of y e prophet Eszdras y e sonne of Saraias the sonne of Azarias y e sonne of Helchia y e sonne of Sallū the sonne of Sadoc the sonne of Achitob the sonne of Amerias the sonne of Azarias the sonne of Maraioth the sonne of Sarahias the sonne of Vzi the sonne of Boccus the sonne of Abisu the sonne of Phineas the sonne of Eleazar the sonne of Aaron of the trybe of Leui which was presoner in the lande of the Meedes in the raigne of Artaxerses kynge of Persia. And the worde of the LORDE came vnto me sayenge Go thy waye shew my people their synfull dedes their children their wickednesses which they haue done against me that they maye tell their childers childrē the same for the synnes of their fathers are increased in them And why they haue forgotten me haue offred vnto straunge goddes Am not I euen he that brought them out of the lande of Egipte from the house of bondage But they haue prouoked me vnto wrath despysed my councels Pull thou out then the hayre of thy heade and cast all euell ouer them for they haue not bene obedient vnto my lawe It is a people without lernynge nourtoure How longe shal I forbeare them vnto whom I haue done so moch good Many kynges haue I destroyed for their sakes Pharao w t his seruaūtes and all his power haue I smytten downe and slayne All y e nacions haue I destroyed and roted out before them and in y e east haue I brought two landes and people to naught euen Tyre Sydon and haue slayne all their enemies Speake thou therfore vnto them sayenge Thus sayeth the LORDE I led you thorow the see and haue geuen you sure stretes sence the begynnynge I gaue you Moses to be youre captayne and Aaron to be the prest I gaue you light in a piler of fyre greate wōders haue I done amōge you yet haue ye forgotten me sayeth the LORDE Thus sayeth the allmightie LORDE I gaue you quales to eate and tentes for youre sucoure Neuertheles ye murmured and ascrybed not y e victory of youre enemies vnto my name yee this same daie do ye yet murmoure Where are the benefites that I haue done for you Whan ye were hongrie in the wildernes dyd ye not crie vnto me Why hast thou brought vs in to this wildernes to kill vs It had bene better for vs to haue serued y e Egipcians then to dye in this wildernesse Thē had I pitie vpon youre mourninges and gaue you Manna to eate Ye ate angels foode Whā ye were thyrstie dyd not I hew y e hardstone caused water ynough to flowe thereout For the heate I couered you with y e leaues of the trees A good pleasaunt fatt londe gaue I you I cast out the Cananites the Pheresites and Philistynes before you What shal I do more for you saieth the LORDE Thus sayeth the Allmightie LORDE Whan ye were in the wildernes in the water of the Amorites beynge a
in to Raguel which receaued them ioyfully And whan Raguel loked vpon Tobias he sayde vnto Anna his wife How like is this yonge man vnto my sisters sonne And whan he had spoken this he saide whence be ye good brethren They saide Of the trybe of Nephtali out of the captiuyte of Niniue Then sayde Raguel vnto them knowe ye my brother Tobias They saide yee we knowe him well And whan he had spoken moch good of him the angell sayde vnto Raguel Tobias of whom thou axest is this yonge mās father Then Raguel bowed him self downe and wepte toke him aboute the neck and kyssed him and sayde Gods blessynge haue thou my sonne for thou art the sonne of a good vertuous man And Anna his wyfe and Sara his daughter wepte also Now whā they had talked together Raguel bad kyll a wether and to make a feast And whā he prayed thē to sytt downe to dyner Tobias sayde I wil nether eate ner drinke here this daye excepte thou first graunte me my peticion promyse me to geue me thy daughter Sara Whan Raguel herde this he was astonnyed for he knew what had happened vnto the other seuen men that wēte in vnto her and he begannne to feare that it shulde chaunce vnto him also in like maner And whyle he stode so in doute and gaue the yonge man no answere the angell sayde vnto him Feare not to geue him thy daughter for vnto this man that feareth God belōgeth thy daughter to wife therfore might none other haue her Thē sayde Raguel I doute not but God hath accepted my prayers and teares in his sight and I trust he caused you to come vnto me for the same intent that this daughter of myne might be maried in hir owne kynred acordinge to the lawe of Moses And now dowte thou not but I wil geue her vnto the So he toke the righthande of his daughter and gaue her in to the right hāde of Tobias and sayde The God of Abrahā the God of Isaac and the God of Iacob be with you ioyne you together and fulfill his blessynge in you And they toke a letter and made a wrytinge of the mariage And then made they mery and praysed God And Raguel called Anna his wife vnto him and bad her prepare another chamber and thither he brought Sara his daughter and she wepte Then sayde he vnto her Be of good cheare my daughter the LORDE of heauen geue the ioye for the heuynesse that thou hast suffred The VIII Chapter NOw after y t they had supped they brought the yōge man in to her Thē thought Tobias vpon the wordes of the angell and toke out of his bagg a pece of the leuer of the fish and layed it vpon the hote coales So the angell Raphael toke holde of the deuell and sent him awaye and bounde him in the wyldernes of the hyer Egipte Thē spake Tobias vnto the virgin and sayde Vp Sara let vs make oure prayer vnto God to daye tomorow and ouermorow for these thre nightes wil we reconcyle oure selues with God and whan the thirde holy night is past we shall ioyne together in y e deutye of mariage For we are the children of holy men and we maye not come together as the Heithen y t knowe not God Then stode they vp both together and be sought God earnestly y t he wolde preserue them And Tobias sayde O LORDE God of o fathers praysed be thou of heauē earth of the see welles floudes of all the crea tures that be therin Thou maydest Adam of the moulde of the earth gauest him Eua for an helper And now LORDE thou knowest that it is not because of voluptuousnes that I take this sister of myne to wyfe but onely for the loue of childen in whom thy name be blessed for euer And Sara sayde haue mercy vpon vs O LORDE haue mercy vpon vs and let vs both come whole and sounde to a good age And aboute the cocke crowe it happened that Raguel called his seruauntes and they wēte with him to make a graue For he sayde it is chaunced vnto him peraduēture as it dyd vnto the other seuen men that wente in vnto her Now whā they had made the graue Raguel came agayne to his wyfe and sayde vnto her sende one of thy maydēs to loke yf he be deed that I maye burye him afore it be light daye So she sent a mayden to se which whan she came in to the chamber she founde them whole and sounde slepynge together And so she came agayne brought good tydinges Then Raguel and Anna his wife praysed y e LORDE and sayde Praysed be thou o LORDE God of Israel For it is not happened vnto vs as we thought For thou hast dealte mercifully with vs and put awaye from vs the enemye that persecuted vs and hast shewed mercy vnto yonder two beloued O LORDE cause thē to magnifie the more perfectly and to offre the the sacrifice of thy prayse and of their health that all people maye knowe y t thou onely art God in all the earth And immediatly Raguel commaunded his seruauntes to fyll the graue that they had made with earth afore it was light and bade his wife prepare a feast to make ready all thinges that were necessary for meate to soch as wente by y e waye He caused two fatt kyne also and foure wethers to be slayne meates to be prepared for all his neghbours and frendes And Raguel charged Tobias to remayne with him two wekes As for all the good y t he had he gaue Tobias y e one half of it and made this wrytinge that the half which remayned shulde fall vnto Tobias after their death The IX Chapter THen Tobias called vnto him the angell whom he thought to haue bene a man and sayde vnto him Brother Azarias I praye the herkē vnto my wordes Yf I shulde geue myself to be y e seruaunt I shal not deserue y e prouydence Neuertheles I beseke the that thou wylt take the beastes and the seruauntes and go vnto Gabelus in Rages the cite of the Meedes and delyuer him his handwrytinge and receaue the money of him and praye him to come to my mariage For thou knowest thy self that my father telleth y e dayes and yf I tary one daye to longe he wyl be sory in his mynde Now seist thou how earnestly Raguel hath requyred me so that I can not saye him nay Then toke Raphael foure of Raguels seruauntes and two Camels wente vnto Rages the cite of the Medes and whan he had founde Gabelus he gaue him his handwrytynge receaued all y e money He tolde him also of Tobias y e sonne of Toby how all thīges had happened caused him to come w t him to y e mariage Now whan he came in to the house of Raguel he foūde Tobias syttinge at y e table he leape vp they kyssed one another and Gabelus wepte and praysed
vnto the battayll agaynst the Israelites and came on by the hyll syde vnto the topp that loketh ouer agaynst Dothaim from the place which is called Belma vnto Chelmon y t lyeth towarde Eszdrelon Now whan the childrē of Israel sawe so greate a multitude of the Assirians they fell downe flat vpon y e grounde strowed aszshes vpon their heades prayed w t one acorde y t the God of Israel wolde shew his mercy vpon his people And so they toke their weapens sat betwixte the mountaynes in y e narow place kepte the waye daye night But whyle Holofernes was goinge aboute he founde the water springe which from the south syde was conueyed in to the cite by a condyte this cōmaunded he to be directe another waye to cut their condite in sunder There were welles also not farre from the walles which they vsed secretly more for pleasure then for necessite Then wente the Ammonites the Moabites vnto Holofernes and sayde The children of Israel trust nether in speare ner arowe but haue taken in and kepe the mountaynes and hilles That thou mayest ouercome them therfore without y e strykynge of eny battayll sett mē to kepe the welles that they drawe no water out of them so shalt thou destroye thē without swerde or at the least they shall be so feble that they must be fayne to geue ouer the cite which they thinke not able to be wōne for so moch as it lieth in the moūtaynes These wordes pleased Holofernes well and all his men of warre and he set an hundreth men at euery well rounde aboute And whan this watch had endured twentye dayes the Cisternes and all that had water fayled them that dwelt in the cite of Bethulia so that in y e whole cite they had not drynke ynough for one daye for the people had water geuen them daylie in a measure Then came the men and women yonge personnes and children all vnto Osias and sayde all with one voyce God be iudge betwixte vs and the for thou hast dealt euell with vs thou woldest not speake peaceably with the kynge of the Assirians therfore hath God solde vs in their handes and there is no man to helpe vs where as we are brought downe before their eyes in thirst and greate destruccion Therfore gather now together all the people that be in the cite that we maye all yelde oure selues wyllingly vnto y e people of Holofernes for better it is y t we be captyue and prayse the LORDE with oure lyues then to be slayne and perishe and to be laughed to scorne shamed of euery man whan we se oure wyues and children dye before oure eyes We take heauen earth this daye to recorde and the God of oure fathers which punysheth vs acordinge to the deseruynge of oure synnes and geue you warnynge y t ye geue vp the cite now in to y e power of Holofernes hoost that oure ende maye be shorte with the swerde which els shal endure longe for wante of water and for thirst Whan they had spokē out these wordes there was a greate wepynge and howlynge in the whole congregacion and that of euery man and they cryed an whole houre longe vnto God with one voice sayenge we haue synned with oure fathers we haue done amysse we haue dealt wickedly Thou y t art gracious haue mercy vpon vs punysh oure vnrighteousnes with thine owne scourge and geue not those ouer that knowlege the vnto a people which knoweth the not lest they saye amonge the Heithen where is their God And whan they were so weery with this crienge and wepynge that they helde their tunges Osias stode vp with watrye eyes and sayde O take good hertes vnto you deare brethren and be of good cheare and let vs wayte yet these fyue dayes for mercy of the LORDE peraduenture he shal cut awaye his indignacion and geue glory vnto his name But yf he helpe vs not whan these fyue dayes are past we shall do as ye haue sayde The VIII Chapter ANd it happened whan these wordes came to the eares of Iudith a wyddow which was the daughter of Merari the sonne of Idox the sonne of Ioseph the sonne of Osias the sonne of Elai y e sonne of Iammor the sonne of Iedeon the sonne of Raphoim the sonne of Achitob the sonne of Melchia the sonne of Euam y e sonne of Nathania the sonne of Salathiel y e sonne of Symeon the sonne of Ruben And hir huszbande was called Manasses which dyed in the dayes of the barlye haruest For whyle he was byndinge y e sheeues together in the felde the heate came vpon his heade and he dyed at Bethulia his cite and there was he buried beside his fathers Now was Iudith his desolate wyddow thre yeares six monethes And in the hyer partes of hir house she made hirself a preuy chambre where she dwelt beynge closed in with hir maydēs She ware a smock of hayre and fasted all the dayes of hir life excepte the Sabbathes and new moones the solempne dayes that the people of Israel kepte She was a very fayre and beutyfull personne Hyr husbande also had left her greate riches a plenteous housholde greate vnmoueable possessions and many catell This Iudith was a woman of a very good reporte with euery one for she feared the LORDE greatly and there was no body that speake an euell worde of her Whā this Iudith herde how Osias had promised the people that after the fyffte daye he wolde geue vp y e cite vnto the Assirians she sent for the elders Chambri and Charmin and whan they came to her she sayde what thinge is this wherin Osias hath consented y t yf God helpe not within fyue dayes he wil geue ouer the cite to the Assirians What are ye that ye tempte the LORDE This deuyce optayneth no mercy of God but prouoketh him vnto wrath and displeasure Wyl ye set the mercy of y e LORDE a tyme appoynte him a daye after youre wyll Neuertheles for so moch as the LORDE is pacient let vs rather amende oure selues pouringe out teares and besekynge him of grace For God threateneth not as a mā nether wyll he be prouoked vnto wrath as the children of men And therfore let vs hertely fall downe before him and serue him with a meke sprete and with wepynge eyes saye vnto the LORDE that he deale with vs acordinge to his owne wyll and mercy that like as oure hert is now vexed brought lowe thorow the pryde of them it maye so be comforted thorow his grace in so moch as we folowe not the synnes of oure fathers which forsoke their God worshipped other goddes for the which synne they perished with the swerde were spoyled brought to shame of all their enemies As for vs we knowe none other God but onely him for whose cōforte let vs tary with mekenesse He shall requyre and make inquisicion for oure
a snare shal be taken in it himself Who so geueth a wicked noysome councell it shall come vpon himself and he shall not knowe from whēce The proude blaspheme and are scornefull but vengeaunce lurketh for them as a lyon They that reioyse at the fall of y e righteous shal be taken in y e snare anguysh of hert shall consume them before they dye Anger and rigorousnes are two abhominable thinges and y e vngodly hath them both vpon him The XXVIII Chapter HE that seketh vengeaunce shal fynde vengeaunce of the LORDE which shal surely kepe him his synnes Forgeue thy neghboure the hurte that he hath done the and so shal thy synnes be forgeuen the also whan thou prayest A man that beareth hatred agaynst another how darre he desyre forgeuenesse of God He that sheweth no mercy to a mā which is like himself how darre he axe forgeuenesse of his synnes Yf he that is but flesh beareth hatred and kepeth it who wyl intreate for his synnes Remembre the ende let enmyte passe which seketh death and destruccion and abyde thou in y e commaundementes Remembre y e commaundement so shalt thou not be rigorous ouer y e neghboure Thynke vpō the couenaunt of y e Hyest and forgeue thy neghbours ignoraūce Bewarre of strife and thou shalt make y e synnes fewer For an angrie man kyndleth variaunce and the vngodly disquyeteth frēdes and putteth discorde amonge them that be at peace The more wodd there is the more vehement is the fyre and the mightier y t men be the greater is the wrath and the longer the strife endureth the more it burneth An haistie brawlinge kyndleth a fyre and an haistie strife sheddeth bloude Yf thou blowe the sparke it shal burne Yf thou spytt vpō it it shal go forth and both these go out of thy mouth The slaunderer and dubble tōgued is cursed for many one that be frendes setteth he at variaunce The thirde tonge hath disquieted many one and dryuen them from one londe to another Stronge cities hath it broken downe and ouerthrowne the houses of greate men The thirde tōge hath cast out many an honest woman and robbed them of their labours Who so harkeneth vnto soch shal neuer fynde rest and neuer dwell safely The stroke of y e rod maketh yedders but the stroke of the tonge smyteth the bones in sunder There be many that haue perished with the swerde but many mo thorow the tonge Wel is him that is kepte frō an euell tonge commeth not in y e anger therof which draweth not the yock of soch and is not boūde in the bondes of it For the yock therof is of yron and y e bonde of it of stele The death therof is a very euell death hell were better for one then soch a tonge But the fyre of it maye not oppresse them that feare God and y e flamme therof maye not burne thē Soch as forsake the LORDE shal fall therin and it shal burne them and no man shal be able to quench it It shal fall vpon thē as a Lyō and deuoure them as a leparde Thou he●gest y e goodes w t thornes why doest thou not rather make dores and barres for y e mouth Thou weiest thy golde and syluer why doest thou not weye thy wordes also vpon the balaunce Bewarre that thou slyde not in thy tonge and so fall before thine enemies that laye wayte for the. The XXIX Chapter WHo so wil shewe mercy let him lende vnto his neghboure and he that is able let him kepe the commaundement Lende vnto thy neghboure in tyme of his nede and paye thou thy neghboure agayne in due season Kepe thy worde deale faithfully with him thou shalt allwaye fynde the thinge y t is necessary for the. There haue bene many that whan a thinge was lent them rekened it to be founde and made them trauayle and laboure that had helped them Whyle they receaue eny thinge they kysse the handes of soch as geue them and for their neghbours good they hūble their voyce But whan they shulde paye agayne they kepe it back and geue euell wordes and make many excuses by reason of the tyme though he be able yet geueth he scarse the half agayne and rekeneth y e other to be founde And yf he with olde not his moneye yet hath he an enemye of him and that vndeserued He payeth him with cursinge and rebuke and geueth him euel wordes for his good dede There be many one which are not glad for to lende not because of euell but they feare to lese the thinge that they lende Yet haue thou pacience with the symple and w t holde not mercy from him Helpe the poore for the commaundementes sake and let him not go emptye from the because of his necessite Lese thy money for y i brother and neghbours sake and burye it not vnder a stone wher it rusteth and corruppeth Gather thy treasure after the commaundement of y e Hyest and so shal it bringe the more profit thē golde Laye vp the allmes in the hand of the poore and it shal kepe the from all 〈◊〉 A mans allmes is as a purse with him 〈◊〉 shall kepe a mans fauoure as the apple of an eye and afterwarde shall it aryse paye euery man his rewarde vpon his heade It shal fight for the agaynst thine enemies better then the shylde of a giaunte or speare of the mightie A good honest mā is suertye for his neghboure but a wicked personne letteth him come to shame Forget not the frendshipe of thy suertye for he hath geuē his soule for ye. The vngodly despyseth y e good dede of his suertye the vnthankfull and ignoraunt leaueth his suertie in daunger Some man promyseth for his neghboure whan he hath lost his honesty he shal forsake him Suertishipe hath destroyed many a ryche man remoued them as the wawes in y e see Mightie people hath it dryuen awaye and caused thē to wandre in straunge countrees An vngodly man transgressynge the commaundement of the LORDE shal fall in to an euell suertishipe and though he force himself to get out yet shal he fall in to iudgment Helpe thy neghboure out after thy power and bewarre y t thou thy self fall not in soch dett The chefe thinge that kepeth in the life is water and bred clothinge and lodginge to couer the shame Better is it to haue a poore lyuynge in a mans owne house thē delicate fayre amōge the straunge Be it litle or moch y t thou hast holde the contēt withall thou shalt not be blamed as a vagabounde for a myserable life is it to go from house to house and where a mā is fremde he darre not opē his mouth Though one be lodged and haue meate and drynke yet shall he be taken as vnworthy heare many bytter rough wordes namely thus Go thy waye thou straunger and prepare a table for thy self
kyndled Like as an whole ornament of pure golde set with all maner of precious stones and as an olyue tre that is frutefull as a Cypres tre which groweth vp an hye Whan he put on the garment of honoure was clothed withall bewtye whan he wente to the holy altare to garnysh the couerynge of the Sanctuary whan he toke y e porcions out of the prestes hande he himself stode by the herth of the altare and his brethren rounde aboute in ordre As the braunches of Cedre tre vpon the mount Libanus so stode they rounde aboute him And as the braunches of the olyue tre so stode all y e sonnes of Aaron in their glory And y t he might sufficiently perfourme his seruyce vpon the altare garnysh the offrynge of the hyest God he stretched out his hande and toke of the drynk offerynge poured in of the wyne so he poured vpon the botome of the aulter a good smell vnto the hyest prynce Then beganne y e sonnes of Aaron to synge and to blowe with trompettes to make a greate noyse for a remembraūce prayse vnto the LORDE Then were the people afrayed fell downe to the earth vpō their faces to worshipe the LORDE their God to geue thankes to Allmightie God They sunge goodly also with their voyces so that there was a pleasaunt noyse in y e greate house of the LORDE And the people in their prayer besought the LORDE the Hyest that he wolde be mercyfull tyll the honoure of y e LORDE were perfourmed Thus ended they their mynistracion and seruyce Then wente he downe and stretched out his handes ouer the whole multitude of the people of Israel that they shulde geue praise thankes out of their lippes vnto y e LORDE and to reioyse in his name He beganne yet once also to praye that he might openly shew the thankesgeuynge before the Hyest namely thus O geue prayse thankes ye all vnto the LORDE oure God which hath euer done noble and greate thinges which hath increased oure dayes from o r mothers wombe and dealt with vs acordinge to his mercy that he wyl geue vs the ioyfulnes of hert peace for oure tymes in Israel Which faithfully kepeth his mercy for vs euermore allwaye delyuereth vs in due season There be two maner of people that I abhorre fro my hert as for the thirde whom I hate it is no people They that syt vpon the mountayne of Samaria the Philistynes the foolish people that dwell in Sichimis I Iesus the sonne of Sirac Eleazarus of Ierusalem haue tokened vp these informacions and documētes of wyszdome and vnderstādinge in this boke and poured out the wyszdome out of my hert Blessed is he that exerciseth him self therin and who so taketh soch to hert shal be wyse Yf he do these thinges he shal be stronge in all For the light of the LORDE ledeth him The LI. Chapter A prayer of Iesus the sonne of Sirac I Thanke the O LORDE and kynge and praise the O God my Sauioure I wil yelde prayse vnto y e name for thou art my defender and helper hast preserued my body from destruccion from y e snare of traytorous tōges and from the lippes that are occupied with leyes Thou hast bene my helper from soch as stode vp agaynst me and hast delyuered me after the multitude of thy mercy and for thy holy names sake Thou hast delyuered me from the roaringe of them that prepared them selues to deuoure me out of y e handes of soch as sought after my life from the multitude of them y t troubled me wente aboute to set fyre vpon me on euery syde so y t I am not brent in the myddest of the fyre From the depe of hell from an vncleane tōge from lyenge wordes from the wicked kynge and from an vnrighteous tonge My soule shal prayse y e LORDE vnto death for my life drew nye vnto hell They cōpased me rounde aboute on euery syde there was no mā to helpe me I loked aboute me yf there were eny man that wolde socoure me but there was none Then thought I vpon thy mercy O LORDE and vpon thy actes that thou hast done euer of olde namely y t thou delyuerest soch as putt their trust in the and ryddest them out of y e handes of the Heithen Thus lift I vp my prayer from the earth and prayed for delyueraunce from death I called vpon the LORDE my father that he wolde not leaue me w t out helpe in the daye of my trouble in the tyme of the proude I praysed thy name contynually yeldinge honoure and thākes vnto it and so my prayer was herde Thou sauedest me from destruccion and delyueredest me frō y e vnrighteous tyme. Therfore wil I aknowlege and praise the and magnifie y e name of the LORDE Whā I was yet but yonge or euer I wēte astraye I desyred wyszdome openly in my prayer I came therfore before the temple sought her vnto the last Then florished she vnto me as a grape that is soone rype My hert reioysed in her then wente my fote the right waye yee from youth vp sought I after her I bowed downe myne eare and receaued her I founde me moch wyszdome and prospered greatly in her Therfore wyll Iascrybe the glory vnto him that geueth me wyszdome for I am aduysed to do therafter I will be gelous to cleue vnto the thinge y t is good so shal I not be cōfounded My soule hath wrestled with her and I haue bene diligent to be occupied in her I lift vp myne handes an hye then was my soule lightened thorow wiszdome that I knowleged my foolishnes I ordred my soule after her she I were one hert from the begynninge and I founde her in clennesse And therfore shal I not be forsaken My hert longed after her and I gat a good treasure Thorow her y e LORDE hath geuen me a new tonge wherwith I wil praise him O come vnto me ye vnlerned dwell in y e house of wyszdome withdrawe not youre selues from her but talke comon of these thinges for youre soules are very thirstie I opened my mouth and spake O come bye wyszdome without money bowe downe youre neck vnder hir yock and youre soule shall receaue wyszdome She is harde at hande is content to be founde Beholde with youre eyes how that I haue had but litle laboure and yet haue founde moch rest O receaue wyszdome and ye shall haue plenteousnes of syluer and golde in possession Let youre mynde reioyse in his mercy be not ashamed of his prayse Wyrke his worke by tymes he shal geue you youre rewarde in due tyme. The ende of Ecclesiasticus other wyse called Iesus the sonne of Syrac The prayer of Azarias and the songe of y e thre children after Theodotios translacion which wordes are wryten in y e thirde chapter of Daniel after the olde text in Latyn
God be angrie with vs a litle whyle for o r chasteninge reformacion yet shal he be at one agayne w t his seruauntes But thou O shamefull most abhominable personne Pryde not thy self thorow vayne hope in beynge so malicious vpon y e seruauntes of God for thou hast not yet escaped the iudgmēt of the God which is all mighty seyth all thinges My brethren y t haue suffred a litle payne are now vnder the couenaunt of euerlastinge life but thorow the iudgment of God thou shalt be punyshed righteously for thy pryde As for me like as my brethrē haue done I offre my soule my body for y e lawes of o fathers callinge vpon God y t he will soone be mercifull vnto o people yee w t payne punyshment to make the graunte y t he only is God In me now in my brethrē y e wrath of allmighty God is at an ende which righteously is fallē vpon all o people Then y e kynge beynge kyndled in anger was more cruell vpon him then vpon all y e other toke indignaciō y t he was so lighty regarded So this yonge mā dyed vndefiled put his trust stil in y e LORDE Last of all after y e sonnes was y e mother put to death also Let this now be ynough spoken concernynge y e offringes extreme cruelnesse The VIII Chapter THen Iudas Machabeus and they y t were w t him wēte pryuely in to y e townes called their kinsfolkes frendes together toke vnto them all soch as contynued yet in the faith lawe of y e Iewes and brought forth vj. M. men So they called vpon the LORDE y t he wolde haue an eye vnto his people which was troddē downe of euery mā to be gracious vnto y e tēple y t was defyled of the vngodly to haue cōpassion vpon y e destruccion of the cite which was shortly like to be laied waist to heare y e voyce of y e bloude y t cried vnto him to remēbre y e most vnrighteous deathes of yonge innocent children the blasphemies also done vnto his name to punysh thē Now whē Machabeus had gathered this multitude together he was to mightie for the Heithen for y e wrath of y e LORDE was turned in to mercy he fell vpon the townes cities vnawarres brent them toke the most cōmodious places slewe many of the enemies But specially he made soch chases by night in so moch that his manlynesse was spoken of euery were So when Philippe sawe that the man increased by litle and litle and that the matter prospered with him for the most parte he wrote vnto Ptolomy which was a captayne in Celosiria Phenices helpe him in y e kinges busynes Thē sent he Nicanor Patrocli a speciall frende of his in all y e haist gaue him of y e comon sorte of the Heithen no lesse then xx M. harnessed men to rote out y e whole generacion of the Iewes hauinge to helpe him one Gorgias a man of warre which in matters concernynge battayls had greate experience Nicanor ordened also the tribute which the Romaynes shulde haue had to be geuen vnto the kynge out of the captiuyte of the Iewes namely ij M. talentes And immediatly he sent to y e cities of y e see coost requyringe thē for to bye Iewes to be their seruauntes bonde men promisynge to sell them lxxx and ten for one talente but he considered not the wrath of allmighty God y t was to come vpon him When Iudas knewe of this he tolde the Iewes y t were w t him of Nicanors cōmynge Now were there some of them fearfull not trustinge vnto the rightuousnes of God and fled their waye But the other y t remayned came together besought the LORDE to delyuer thē frō y t wicked Nicanor which had solde thē or euer he came nye them and though he wolde not do it for their sakes yet for the couenaunt that he made w t their fathers because they called vpon his holy glorious name And so Machabeus called his men together namely aboute vi M. exortinge them not to agree vnto their enemies nether to be afrayed for y e multitude of their aduersaries cōmynge agaynst them vnrighteously but to fight manly consideringe y e reprofe that they had done to the holy place without cause how they had despysed and oppressed the cite yee and destroyed y e lawes of the fathers For they sayde he trust in their weapens and boldnesse but oure confidence is in the allmighty LORDE which in the twincklinge of an eye maye both destroye them that come agaynst vs and all the worlde He exorted them also to call to remēbraūce the helpe that God shewed vnto their fathers as whē there perished an C. lxxxvM of Sennacheribs people And of y e battaill y t they had in Babilō agaynst y e Galacians how y t all the Macedoniās y t came to helpe thē stode in feare how they beynge but only vj. M. slewe an C. xx M. thorow y e helpe y t was geuen them from heauen wherby they also had receaued many benefites Thorow these wordes y e mē toke good hertes vnto thē ready to dye for the lawe the coūtre So he set vpon euery cōpany a captayne one of his owne brethren Simon Ioseph and Ionathas geuynge ech one xv C. men He caused Eszdras also to reade the holy boke vnto them and to geue them a token of the helpe of God Then he himself beinge captaine in y e fore front of the battayll buckled with Nicanor And God was there helpe in so moch that they slewe aboue ix M. mē compelled y e more parte of Nicanors hoost to fle they were so wounded and feable Thus they toke the money from those that came to bye thē and folowed vpon them on euery syde But whē the tyme came vpon them they returned for it was the Sabbath and therfore they folowed nomore vpon them So they toke their weapens and spoyles kepte the Sabbath geuynge thankes vnto the LORDE which had delyuered them that daye and shewed them his mercy After the Sabbath they distributed the spoyles to the sicke to y e fatherlesse and to wyddowes and the residue had they them selues with theirs Whē this was done and they all had made a generall prayer they besought the mercifull LORDE to be at one with his seruauntes Of those also that were with Timotheus and Bachides which fought agaynst them they slewe xx M. wanne hye and stronge holdes and deuided moo spoyles euer geuynge an equall porcion vnto y e sicke to y e fatherles to wyddowes to aged persons And when they had diligently gathered their weapēs together they layed them all in convenient places the remnaunt of y e spoyles brought they to Ierusalem They slewe Philarches that wicked personne which was with Timotheus and had vexed many
sayde Thus hath y e LORDE done vnto me in y e dayes wherin he hath loked vpō me to take awaye frome my rebuke amōge men And in the sixte moneth was the angell Gabriel sent from God in to a cite of Galile called Nazareth vnto a virgin that was spoused vnto a man whose name was Ioseph of the house of Dauid and the virgins name was Mary And the angell came in vnto her and sayde Hayle thou full of grace the LORDE is with the blessed art thou amonge wemen Whā she sawe him she was abaszhed at his sayenge and thought What maner of salutacion is this And the angell sayde vnto her Feare not Mary for thou hast foūde grace with God Beholde thou shalt cōceaue in thy wōbe beare a sonne shalt call his name Iesus he shal be greate shal be called y e sonne of the Hyest And the LORDE God shal geue him y e seate of Dauid his father he shal be kinge ouer y e house of Iacob for euer there shal be no ende of his kyngdome Then sayde Mary vnto the angell How shal this be seinge I knowe not a mā The angell answered sayde vnto her The holy goost shal come vpon the the power of the Hyest shal ouer shadowe the. Therfore that Holy also which shal be borne of the shal be called the sonne of God And beholde thy cosen Elizabeth she also hath cōceaued a sonne in hir olde age this is the sixte moneth of her which is reported to be barem for w t God is nothinge vnpossyble And Mary sayde Beholde here am I the hand 〈◊〉 of the LORDE be it vnto me as thou hast sayde And the angell departed frō her And Mary arose in those dayes and wente in to the moūtaynes with haist into y e cite of Iewry and came in to y e house of Zachary and saluted Elizabeth And it fortuned as Elizabeth herde the salutacion of Mary the babe sprange in hir wombe And Elizabeth was fylled with the holy goost cried loude and sayde Blessed art thou amōge wemen and blessed is the frute of y e wombe And how happeneth this to me that y e mother of my LORDE commeth vnto me Beholde whan I herde the voyce of thy salutacion the babe sprange in my wombe w t ioye And blessed art thou that hast beleued for y e thinges shal be perfourmed which were tolde y e frō y e LORDE And Mary sayde My soule magnifieth the LORDE And my sprete reioyseth ī God my Sauioure For he hath loked vpō the lowe degre of his hande mayde Beholde frō hence forth shal all generacions call me blessed For he that is Mightie hath done greate thinges vnto me and holy is his name And his mercy endureth thorow out all generacions vpon them that feare him He sheweth strength with his arme and scatreth them that are proude in the ymaginacion of their hert He putteth downe the mightie from the seate and exalteth them of lowe degre He fylleth the hongrie with good thinges and letteth the riche go emptye He remēbreth mercy and helpeth vp his seruaunt Israel Euen as he promysed vnto oure fathers Abraham and to his sede foreuer And Mary abode with her aboute thre monethes and then returned home agayne And Elizabethes tyme was come that she shulde be delyuered she brought forth a sonne And hir neghbours and kynsfolkes herde y t the LORDE had shewed greate mercy vpō her they reioysed with her And it fortuned vpon the eight daye they came to circumcyse y e childe and called him Zachary after his father And his mother answered and sayde No but he shal be called Ihon. And they sayde vnto her There is none in y e kynne y t is so called And they made signes vnto his father how he wolde haue him called And he axed for wrytinge tables wrote sayde His name is Ihon. And they marueyled all And immediatly was his mouth and his tōge opened and he spake praysed God And there came a feare vpon all their neghbours And all this acte was noysed abrode thorow out all the hill countre of Iewry And all they y t herde therof toke it to hert and sayde What maner of man wil this childe be For the hande of the LORDE was with him And Zachary his father was fylled with the holy goost and prophecied and sayde Blessed be y e LORDE God of Israel for he hath vysited and redemed his people And hath set vp an horne of saluacion in the house of his seruaunt Dauid Euen as he promysed afore tyme by the mouth of his holy prophetes That he wolde delyuer vs frō oure enemies from y e hande of all soch as hate vs. And y t he wolde shewe mercy vnto oure fathers thynke vpō his holy couenaūt Euen the ooth y t he sware vnto oure father Abraham for to geue vs. That we delyuered out of y e hāde of o enemies might serue him without feare all the dayes of oure life in soch holynes and righteousnes as is accepte before him And thou childe shalt be called a prophet of the Hyest for thou shalt go before y e LORDE to prepare his wayes And to geue knowlege of saluacion vnto his people for the remyssion of their synnes Thorow the tender mercy of oure God wherby the daye sprynge from an hye hath vysited vs. That he might geue light vnto them y t syt in darcknesse and shadowe of death and to gyde oure fete into the waye of peace And the childe grew and waxed stronge in sprete and was in the wyldernes tyll the tyme that he shulde shewe him self vnto the people of Israel The II. Chapter IT fortuned at the same tyme that there wēte out a cōmaundement frō Augustus the Emperoure that the whole worlde shulde be taxed And this taxynge was the first that was executed whan Syrenius was leftenaunt in Siria And they wente all euery one to his owne cite to be taxed Then Ioseph gat him vp also frō Galile out of the cite of Nazareth into Iewry to y e cite of Dauid which is called Bethleem because he was of y e house and lynage of Dauid that he might be ●axed w t Mary his spoused wife which was w t childe And it fortuned whyle they were there y e tyme was come that she shulde be delyuered And she brought forth hir first begottē sonne wrapped him inswadlinge clothes and layed him in a maunger for they had els no rowme in the ynne And there were in y e same region shepherdes in the felde by the foldes and watchinge their flocke by night And beholde y e angell of the LORDE stode by thē and y e brightnes of the LORDE shone rounde aboute them and they were sore afrayed And the angell sayde vnto them Be not afrayed Beholde I brynge you tydīges of greate ioye which shall happen vnto all people
forbyd that I shulde reioyse saue onely in the crosse of oure LORDE Iesus Christ wherby the worlde is crucified vnto me and I vnto the worlde For in Christ Iesu nether circūcision avayleth eny thinge ner vncircumcision but a new creature And as many as walke acordynge to this rule peace and mercy be vpon thē and vpon Israel of God From hence forth let no man put me to busynesse for I beare in my body the markes of the LORDE Iesu. Brethren the grace of oure LORDE Iesu Christ be with youre sprete Amen Vnto the Galathians sent from Rome The Epistle of the Apostle S. Paul to the Ephesians The summe of this Epistle Chap. I. The euerlastinge ordinaunce and eleccion of God in sauynge all men thorow Christ Iesus his sonne We are ordened vnto good workes The dominion of Christ. Chap. II. Paul sheweth them what maner of people they were before their conuersion and what they are now in Christ. Chap. III. He sheweth the cause of his presonment desyreth them not to faynte because of his trouble and prayeth God to make thē stedfast in his sprete Chap. IIII. He exhorteth them vnto mekenes longe sufferinge vnto loue and peace euery one to serue and edifie another with the gifte that God hath geuē him to bewarre of straunge doctrine to laye asyde the olde conuersacion of gredy lustes and to walke in a new life Chap. V. He exhorteth them vnto loue warneth them to bewarre of vnclennes cuvetounesse foolish talkynge and false doctryne to be circumspecte to avoyde dronkennesse to reioyse and to be thankfull towarde God to submytt thēselues one to another He teacheth how wemen shulde obeye their huszbōdes and how louyngly men ought to intreate their wyues Chap. VI. How children shulde behaue themselues towarde their fathers and mothers Likewyse fathers towarde their children Seruauntes towarde their masters Agayne masters towarde their seruaūtes An exhortacion to the spirituall battayll and what weapens christen men shulde fight withall The Epistle of the Apostle S. Paul to the Ephesians The first Chapter PAul an Apostle of Iesus Christ by the will of God To y e sayntes which are Ephesus to thē that beleue on Iesus Christ. Grace be with you and peace from God oure father frō the LORDE Iesus Christ. Blessed be God the father of oure LORDE Iesus Christ which hath blessed vs w t all maner of spirituall blessynge in heauenly thynges by Christ acordinge as he had chosen vs by him or euer the foundacion of the worlde was layed that we shulde be holy and without blame before him in loue ordeyned vs before to receaue vs as children thorow Iesus Christ acordinge to the pleasure of his will vnto the prayse of the glory of his grace wherby he hath made vs accepted in the Beloued in whom we haue redempcion thorow his bloude namely the forgeuenes of synnes acordynge to y e riches of his grace which he hath shed vpon vs abundauntly in all wyszdome and prudēce and hath opened vnto vs the mystery of his wil acordinge to his pleasure which he had purposed in himselfe y t it shulde be preached whā the tyme was fullcome that all thinges shulde be gathered together by Christ both the thinges which are in heauen and also the thinges that are vpon earth euen by him by whom also we are come to the inheritaunce we that were therto predestinate before acordinge to y e purpose of him which worketh all thinges after y e councell of his owne wyll that we mighte be to the prayse of his glory euen we that before beleued on Christ on whō also ye beleued after that ye herde the worde of trueth namely y e Gospell of youre saluacion wherin whan ye beleued ye were sealed with the holy sprete of promes which is the ernest of oure inheritaunce to oure redempcion that we mighte be his owne to the prayse off his glory Wherfore I also in so moch as I haue herde of the faith which ye haue in y e LORDE Iesu and of youre loue vnto all y e sayntes ceasse not to geue thankes for you and make mencion of you in my prayers that y e God of oure LORDE Iesus Christ the father of glory maye geue vnto you the sprete of wyszdome and open vnto you the knowlege of himselfe and lighten the eyes of youre vnderstondinge that ye maye knowe what is the hope of youre callynge and what the riches of his glorious enheritaunce is vpon the sayntes what is the exceadinge greatnesse of his power towarde vs which beleue acordinge to y e workynge of his mightie power which he wroughte in Christ whan he raysed him vp frō the deed and set him on his righte hāde ī heauēly thinges aboue all rule power and mighte and dominaciō and aboue all that maye be named not onely in this worlde but also in y e worlde to come And hath put all thinges vnder his fete and hath made him aboue all thinges the heade of the cōgregacion which is his body and the fulnesse of him that fylleth all in all The II. Chapter ANd quyckened you also whan ye were deed thorow trespaces and synnes in the which in tyme past ye walked acordinge to the course off this worlde and after the prynce that ruleth in the ayre namely after y e sprete which now worketh in the children of vnbeleue amonge whom we also had oure conuersacion in tyme past in the lustes of oure flesh and dyd the wyll of the flesh and of the mynde and were naturally the children of wrath euen as well as other But God which is riche in mercy thorow his greate loue wherwith he loued vs euē whā we were deed in synnes hath quyckened vs in Christ for by grace are ye saued and hath raysed vs vp with him and set vs with him in heauēly thinges thorow Christ Iesus y t in tymes to come he mighte shewe the exceadinge riches of his grace in kyndnesse to vs warde in Christ Iesu. For by grace are ye saued thorow faith and that not of youre selues For it is y e gifte of God not of workes lest eny mā shulde boast him selfe For we are his workmanshippe created in Christ Iesu vnto good workes to y t which God ordeyned vs before that we shulde walke in them Wherfore remēbre that ye which afore tyme were Gentyles after the flesh and were called vncircumcision of thē that are called circumcision after the flesh which circumcision is made with the hande that ye at the same tyme were without Christ and reputed aleauntes from the comen welth of Israel and were straungers from the Testamentes of promes therfore had ye no hope and were without God in this worlde But now ye that be in Christ Iesu and afore tyme were farre of are now made nye by the bloude of Christ. For he is o peace which of both hath made one and hath broken downe the
¶ Because that whan thou goest to study in holy scripture thou shuldest do it with reuerence therfore for thy instruction louynge admonicion therto the Reuerende father in god Nicolas Bisshoppe of Salisbury hath prescrybed the this prayer folowynge taken out of the same O Lorde God almyghtye whiche longe agoo saydest by the mouthe of Iames thyn Apostle If any of you lacke wysdom let hym aske it of God whiche geueth it plenteously to all men and casteth no man in the tethe and it shal be geuen hym Heare my peticion for this thy promes sake Let my prayer ascende luckely in to thy syght lyke incense Let thy● eare be attent vnto my depe desyre Geue me wysdome which is eue● assistent about thy seate And put me not out from amonge 〈…〉 for I am thy seruaunt and y e sonne of thy handmayde ▪ 〈…〉 her I meane thy godly wysedome out of thyne holy heauens and from the trone of thy maiestye that she maye be with me and laboure with me y t I may knowe what is acceptable in thy syght Oh lerne me goodnes nurtoure and knowlege for I beleue thy commaundementes Thou art good and gracyous instructe me in thyne ordynaunces Let myne hertie besechynge ascende in to thy presence Geue me vnderstondynge accordynge to thy worde Oh geue me vnderstōdynge and I shall kepe thy lawe Yee I shall kepe it with all myne herte Shewe me thy wayes o Lorde teache me thy patthes Leade me in to thy trueth and lerne me for thou art the God of my helth And on the do I depende alway Heare now my voyce O Lorde with which I haue cryed vnto the. Haue mercy vpon me and gracyouslye heare me for Iesus Christes sake oure Lorde which lyueth and reygneth with the his father the holy goost worlde without ende Amen ¶ After the ende of any Chapter yf thou wylt thou mayest saye these verses folowynge LEade me o Lorde in thy waye and let me walke in thy trueth Oh let myne herte delyte in fearynge thy name Ordre my goynges after thy worde that no wyckednes reygne in me Kepe my steppes within thy patthes lest my fete turne in to any contrary waye Vnto the most victorious Prynce and oure most gracyous soueraigne Lorde kynge Henry the kynge of Englonde and of Fraunce lorde of Irlonde c. Defendour of the Fayth and vnder God the chefe and suppreme heade of the Church of Englonde ¶ The ryght iust administracyon of the lawes that God gaue vnto Moses and vnto Iosua the testimonye of faythfulnes that God gaue of Dauid the plenteous abundaunce of wysdome that God gaue vnto Salomon the lucky and prosperous age with the multiplicacyon of sede whiche God gaue vnto Abraham and Sara his wyfe be geuē vnto you most gracyous Prynce with your dearest iust wyfe and most vertuous Pryncesse Quene Anne Amen CAiphas beynge bysshope of that yeare lyke a blynde prophete not vnderstandyng what he sayd prophecied that it was better to put Christ vnto death then that all the people shulde perysshe he meanyng that Christ was an heretike a deceauer of the people a destroyer of the lawe and that it was better therfore to put Christ vnto death thā to suffre hym for to lyue and to deceaue the people c. where in very dede Christ was the true prophete the true Messias and the onely true Sauiour of the worlde sent of his heauenly father to suffre the moste cruell most shamefull and most necessary death for our redempcyon accordyng to y e meanynge of the prophecie truely vnderstonde Euen after the same maner y e blynde bysshoppe of Rome that blynde Baalam I saye not vnderstondynge what he dyd gaue vnto your grace this tytle Defendour of the fayth onely bycause your hyghnes suffred your bysshoppes to burne Gods worde the rote of fayth and to persecute the louers and mynisters of y e same where in very dede the blynde bysshoppe though he knewe not what he dyd prophecied that by the ryghteous admynistracyon and contynuall diligence of youre grace the fayth shulde so be defended that Gods worde the mother of Fayth with the frutes therof shulde haue his fre course thorowe out all Christendome but specyally in your realme Yf your hyghnesse now of your pryncely benignite wyll pardon me to compare these two bysshoppes I meane bysshoppe Caiphas and the bysshoppe of Rome theyr prophecies together I doute not but we shal fynde them agree lyke brethren though the one be a Iewe and the other a counterfayre Christian. Fyrst Caiphas prophecied that it was better to put Christ vnto death then that the people shulde perysshe The bysshoppe of Rome also not knowynge what he prophecied gaue youre grace this tytle Defendour of the fayth The trueth of both these prophecies is of the holy goost as was Baalams prophecie though they that spake thē knewe not what they sayd The trueth of Caiphas prophecie is that it was necessary for mans saluacyon that Christ by his death shulde ouercome death and redeme vs. And the trueth of oure Baalams prophecie is y t your grace in very dede shulde defende the Fayth Yee euen the true fayth of Christ no dreames no fables no heresie no papisticall inuencions but the vncorrupte fayth of Gods most holy worde which to set forth praysed be the goodnes of God and increace youre gracyous purpose your hyghnes with youre most honorable councell applyeth all his studye and endeuoure These two blynde bysshopes now agree in y e vnderstādyng of theyr prophecies for Caiphas taketh Christ for an heretike Oure Balaā taketh the worde of Christ for heresie Caiphas iudgeth it to be a good dede to put Christ vnto death that he shulde not deceaue the people Oure Balaam calleth defendynge of the fayth the suppressyng kepyng secrete and burnyng of the worde of fayth lest the lyght thereof shulde vtter his darknes lest his owne Decretales Decrees his owne lawes and constitucions his owne statutes and inuencions shulde come to none effecte lest his intollerable exactions and vsurpacions shulde lose theyr strengthe lest it shulde be knowen what a thefe and murtherer he is in the cause of Christ and how haynous a traytoure to God and man in defraudynge all Christen kynges prynces of theyr due obedience lest we youre graces subiectes shulde haue eyes in the worde of God at the last to spye out his crafty conueyaūce and iuglynges and lest men shulde se how sore he and his false Apostles haue deceaued all Christendome specyally youre noble realme of Englonde Thus your grace seyth how brotherly the Iewysh bysshoppe and oure Balaam agree together not onely in myter and outwarde appearaunce but as the one persecuted the Lorde Iesus in his owne persone so doth the other persecute his worde and resysteth his holy ordynaunce in the auctorite of his anoynted kynges For so moche nowe as the worde of God is the onely trueth that dryueth awaye all
nomore with Sara after y e maner of wemen therfore laughed she with in hir self and sayde Now that I am olde my lorde olde also shal I yet geue my self to lust Then sayde y e LORDE vnto Abraham Wherfore doth Sara laugh and saye Is this true in dede that I shal beare and yet am olde Shulde eny soch thinge be to harde for the LORDE Aboute this tyme yf I lyue I wil come to the agayne Sara shal haue a sonne Then Sara denyed it and sayde I laughed not for she was afrayed But he sayde It is not so thou dyddest laughe Then the men stode vp from thence and turned them towarde Sodeme and Abraham wente with them to brynge them on their waye Then sayde the LORDE How can I hyde f●om Abraham y e thinge that I wil do seynge he shal be a greate and mightie people and all y e people vpō earth shal be blessed in him For I knowe him that he wil cōmaunde his children and his housholde after him to kepe the waye of y e LORDE and to do after right and conscience that the LORDE maye bringe vpō Abraham what he hath promised him And the LORDE sayde There is a crie at Sodome and Gomorra which is greate their synnes are exceadinge greuous therfore will I go downe se whether they haue done all together acordinge to that crye which is come before me or not that I maye knowe And the men turned their face and wēte towarde Sodome But Abraham stode still before y e LORDE and stepte vnto him and sayde Wilt thou then destroye the righteous with the vngodly Peraduēture there maye be fiftie righteous within y e cite wilt thou destroye those and not spare the place for fiftie righteous sake that are therin That be farre frō the y t thou shuldest do this and to slaye the righteous with the vngodly and that the righteous shulde be as the vngodly That be farre from the. Shulde not the iudge of all the worlde do acordinge to right And the LORDE sayde Yf I fynde fiftie righteous at Sodome in the cite I wil spare all the place for their sakes Abraham answered and sayde O se I haue taken vpon me to speake vnto the LORDE howbeit I am but dust and aszshes Peraduenture there maye be fyue lesse then fiftie righteous therin Wilt thou then des●troye the whole cite because of those fyue He sayde yf I fynde fyue and fourtie therin I will not destroye them And he proceded further to speake vnto him and sayde Peraduenture there might be fourtie founde therin And he sayde I wil do nothinge vnto them for those fourtyes sake Abraham sayde Oh let not my LORDE be angrie that I speake yet more Peraduēture there might be thirtie founde therin And he sayde Yf I fynde thirtie therin I will do nothinge vnto them And he sayde O se I haue taken vpon me to speake vnto my LORDE Peraduēture there might be twētie founde therin He answered I wyll not destroye them for those twentyes sake And sayde O let not my LORDE be angrie that I speake yet once more Peraduenture there might be ten founde therin He saide I wil not destroye them for those ten sake And the LORDE wente his waye whan he had left talkynge with Abraham And Abraham returned vnto his place The XIX Chapter IN the euenynge came the two angels vnto Sodome And Lot sat vnder the gate of the cite And whē he sawe them he rose vp for to mete them and bowed him self downe to the grounde vpon his face sayde Se lordes turne in I praye you in to youre seruauntes house and tarye all night let youre fete be waszshen so maye ye ryse tomorow by tymes and go youre waye Neuertheles they sayde Nay but we wyll byde in the stretes all night Then compelled he them sore and they turned in vnto him and came in to his house And he made them a feast and baked swete cakes and they ate But before they wente to rest the men of the cite of Sodome came and compased the house rounde aboute yonge and olde all the people from all quarters and called Lot and sayde vnto him Where are the mē that came vnto the to night Bringe them out here vnto vs that we maye knowe them And Lot wente out at the dore vnto thē and shut the dore after him and sayde O brethren do not so wickedly Beholde I haue two doughters which yet haue knowne no man them will I brynge out vnto you do with them as it liketh you Onely do nothinge vnto these men of God for therfore are they come vnder the shadowe of my rofe But they sayde Come thou hither Then sayde they Camest not thou onely herin as a straunger and wilt thou now be a iudge Wel we will deale worse with the thē with them And they pressed sore vpon y e man Lot And whan they ranne to and wolde haue broken vp the dore the men put out their hondes and pulled Lot vnto them in to the house and shut to the dore And the m●n at y e dore of the house were smyttē with blyndnesse both small and greate so that they coude not fynde the dore And y e men saide vnto Lot Hast thou yet here eny sonne in lawe or sonnes or doughters Who so euer belongeth vnto the in the cite brynge him out of this place for we must destroye this place because the crye of them is greate before the LORDE which hath sent vs to destroye them Then wente Lot forth and spake to his sonnes in lawe which shulde haue maried his doughters and sayde O stonde vp and get you out of this place for the LORDE wyll destroye this cite Neuertheles they toke it but for a sporte Now whan the mornynge arose the angels caused Lot to spede him and sayde Stonde vp take thy wife thy two doughters which are at hande that thou also per●she not in the synne of this cite But whyle he prolonged the tyme the men caught him and his wife and his two doughters by the hande because the LORDE was mercifull vnto him and brought him forth set him without the cite And whē they had brought him out they sayde Saue thy soule and loke not behynde the nether stonde thou in all this countre Saue thy self vpon the mountayne that thou perish not Then sayde Lot vnto thē Oh no my LORDE beholde in as moch ●s thy seruaūt hath founde grace in thy sight now make y e mercy greate which thou hast shewed vnto me in that thou sauest my soule alyue I can not saue my self vpon the mountayne There might some mysfortune fall vpon me that I shulde dye Beholde here is a cite by that I maye flye vnto and it is a litle one let me saue myself there in Is it not a litle one that my soule maye lyue Then sayde he vnto him Beholde I haue loked vpon the
him geue it me for a possession to burye in amōge you For Ephron dwelt amonge the Hethites Then answered Ephron the Hethire vnto Abraham that the Hethites might heare before all that wente out and in at the gates of his cite and sayde No my lorde but heare me As for the felde and the caue also that is therin I geue it the and in the sight of my people I geue it the to burye thy de●●●n ●●en Abraham thanked the people of the londe and talked with Ephron that the people of the londe might heare and sayde Heare me then Receaue of me the money that I geue the for the felde and so wyll I burye my deed there Ephron answered Abraham and sayde vnto him Heare me my lorde The felde is worth foure hundreth Sycles of syluer but what is that betwixte me and the Burye thy deed Abraham herkened vnto Ephron and weyed him the money which he had sayde that the Hethites might heare namely foure hundreth syluer sycles of currant money amonge marchauntes Thus Ephrons felde where in the dubble caue is which lyeth ouer before Mamre euen the felde and the caue was made sure for Abrahams owne good with all the trees of the felde also rounde aboute in the sight of the Hethites and of all that go out and in at the gates of his cite Then Abraham buried Sara his wife in the dubble caue of the felde that lyeth ouer before Mamre that is Hebron in the londe of Canaan So the felde and the caue therin was made sure of the Hethites vnto Abraham for a possession to bury in The XXIIII Chapter ABraham was olde and well stricken in age and the LORDE had blessed him in all thinges And he sayde vnto his eldest seruaunt of his house which had the rule of all his goodes Laye thine hāde vnder my thye that I maye make the sweare by y e LORDE the God of heauen and earth that thou take no wife vnto my sonne amonge y e doughters of y e Cananites amonge whom I dwell but that thou go in to my countre and to myne owne kynred and brynge my sonne Isaac a wife The seruaunt sayde What and the woman wyl not folowe me in to this countre shal I then cary thy sonne agayne in to yonder londe where thou camest out of Abraham sayde vnto him Beware of that that thou brynge not my sonne thither agayne The LORDE the God of heauen which toke me fro my fathers house and from the londe of my kynred and that talked with me and sware also vnto me and sayde Vnto y e sede wyll I geue this londe Euen he shall sende his angell before the that thou maiest brynge my sonne a wife from thence But yf the woman wyll not folowe the thou art discharged of this ooth onely brynge not my sonne thither agayne Then y e seruaunt layed his hāde vnder his master Abrahams thye and sware the same vnto him So the seruaunt toke ten Camels of the Camels of his master and departed and had w t him of all maner of goodes of his master and gat him vp and departed vnto Mesopotamia to the cite of Nahor Then let he the Camels lye downe without before the cite besyde a well of water in the euenynge aboute the tyme that the wemen vsed to go forth and to drawe water And he sayde O LORDE thou God of my master Abraham mete me to daye and shew mercy vnto my master Abraham Lo I stonde here besyde the well of water the mens doughters of this cite wyll come forth to drawe water Now yf there come a damsell to whom I saye bowe downe thy pytcher let me drynke and yf she saye drynke and I wyll geue y e Camels drynke also That y e same be she whom thou hast prouyded for thy seruaunt Isaac that I maye knowe by y e same that thou hast shewed mercy vpon my master And or euer he had left of speakynge beholde Rebecca the doughter of Bethuel which was the sonne of Milca that was the wyfe of Nahor Abrahams brother came forth and bare a pytcher vpon hir shulder and she was a very fayre damsell of face and yet a virgin and vnknowne of eny man She wente downe to the well and fylled hir pitcher and came vp agayne Then ranne the seruaunt to mete her and sayde Let me drynke a litle water out of y e pitcher And she sayde drynke syr And haistely let she downe the pitcher in hir hande and gaue him drynke And whan she had geuen him drynke she sayde I wyll drawe for thy Camels also tyll they haue dronke ynough And she made haist and poured out hir pitcher in to the trough and ranne agayne to the well to drawe and drew for all his Camels The mā marueyled at her and helde his tonge tyll he knewe whether the LORDE had prospered his iourney or not Now whan the Camels had all dronken he toke a goldē earynge of half a Sycle weight and two bracelettes for hir handes weynge ten Sycles of golde and sayde Doughter whose art thou tell me Is there rowme for vs in thy fathers house to lodge in She sayde vnto him I am the doughter of Bethuel the sonne of Mylca whom she bare vnto Nahor And sayde morouer vnto him We haue plentye of litter and prouender and rowme ynough to lodge in Then the man bowed himself and thanked the LORDE and sayde Praysed be the LORDE the God of my master Abraham which hath not withdrawen his mercy and his trueth fro my master for the LORDE hath brought me the waye to my masters brothers house And the damsell ranne and tolde all this in hir mothers house And Rebecca had a brother called Laban And Laban ranne to the man without by the well syde and that came by the reason that he sawe the earynges and the bracelettes vpon his sisters handes and herde the wordes of Rebecca his syster that she sayde thus spake the man vnto me And whan he came to the man beholde he stode by the Camels at the well syde And he sayde Come in thou blessed of the LORDE wherfore stondest thou without I haue dressed the house and made rowme for y e Camels So he brought the man in to y e house and vnbridled the Camels and gaue them litter and prouender and water to wash his fete and the mens that were with him and set meate before him Neuertheles he sayde I wil not eate tyll I haue fyrst tolde myne earāde They answered Tell on He sayde I am Abrahams seruaunt and the LORDE hath prospered my master richely so y t he is become greate and he hath geuen him shepe and oxē syluer and golde seruauntes and maidens Camels and Asses yee and Sara my masters wife hath borne my master a sonne in hir olde age vnto him hath he geuen all that he hath And my master hath taken an ooth of me and saide Thou shalt not take a
wife for my sonne amonge the doughters of the Cananites in whose lande I dwell but go y e waye to my fathers house and to myne owne kynred and there take a wyfe for my sonne But I sayde vnto my master What and the woman wyl not folowe me Then sayde he vnto me The LORDE before whom I walke shall sende his angell with the and prospere thy iourney that thou mayest take a wife for my sonne of myne owne kynred and of my fathers house And so whan thou commest to my kynred yf they geue her not vnto y e thou shalt be discharged of myne oothe So I came this daye vnto the well of water and sayde O LORDE thou God of my master Abraham Yf thou hast prospered my iourney that I go Beholde I stonde here by the well of water Now yf there come forth a virgin to draw water and I saye vnto her g●ue me a litle water to drinke out of thy pitcher and she saye vnto me Drynke thou and I wyll drawe water for thy Camels also that the same be the womā which the LORDE hath prouyded for my masters sonne Now or euer I had spoken out these wordes in my hert beholde Rebecca commeth forth with a pitcher vpon hir shulder and goeth downe to the well and draweth Then sayde I geue me a drynke And immediatly she toke downe the pitcher frō hir shulder and sayde drynke and I wyll geue thy Camels drynke also So I dranke and she gaue the Camels also to drynke And I axed her and sayde Doughter whose art thou She answered I am y e doughter of Bethuel the sonne of Nahor whom Milca bare vnto him Then layed I the earinge vpon hir face and the bracelettes vpon hir handes and bowed myself and thanked the LORDE and praysed the God of my master Abraham which had brought me y e right waye to take my masters brothers doughters vnto his sonne Yf ye be they then that shew mercy and faithfulnes vnto my master tell me Yf not yet tell me that I maye turne me to y e right hande or to the left Then answered Laban and Bethuel and sayde This is come of the LORDE therfore can we saye nothinge agaynst the nether euell ner good There is Rebecca before the take her and go thy waye that she maye be thy masters sonnes wife as the LORDE hath sayde When Abrahams seruaunt herde these wordes he bowed him self vnto the LORDE flat vpon the earth and toke forth Iewels of syluer and golde and rayment and gaue them vnto Rebecca But vnto hir brethren and the mother he gaue spyces Then he ate and dronke and the men also that were with him and taried there all night But in the mornynge he arose and sayde Let me departe vnto my master Neuerthelesse hir brother and hir mother sayde Let the damsell tary with vs at the leest ten dayes and then shall she go Then sayde he vnto them holde me not for the LORDE hath prospered my iourney let me go that I maye departe vnto my master Then sayde they let vs call the damsell and axe her what she sayeth therto And they called Rebecca and sayde vnto her Wilt thou go with this man And she answered Yee I wyll go with him So they let Rebecca their syster go with hir norse and Abrahams seruaunt and his men And they blessed Rebecca and sayde vnto her Thou art oure syster growe in to many thousande tymes thousandes and thy sede possesse the gates of his enemies So Rebecca gat hir vp w t hir damsels and satt them vpon the Camels and wente their waye after the man And the seruaunt toke Rebecca and departed As for Isaac he was commynge from the well of y e liuynge seynge for he dwelt in the south countre and was gone forth to his meditacions in the felde aboute the euen tyde And he lift vp his eyes and sawe that there were Camels commynge And Rebecca lift vp hir eyes and sawe Isaac Then lighted she of the Camell and sayde vnto y e seruaunt What man is this that commeth agaynst vs in the felde The seruaūt sayde The same is my master Then toke she hir cloke and put it aboute her And the seruaunt tolde Isaac all the earande that he had done Then Isaac brought her in to his mother Saras tent and toke Rebecca and she became his wife and he loued her So Isaac was comforted ouer his mother The XXV Chapter ABraham toke another wife called Ketura which bare him Simram Iaksan Medan Midian Ieszbak and Suah Iaksan begat Seba and Dedan The children of Dedan were Assurim Latusim and Leumim The children of Midian were Epha Epher Hanoch Abida and Eldaa All these are the children of Ketura And Abraham gaue all his goodes vnto Isaac As for the children that he had of the concubynes he gaue them giftes and whyle he yet lyued he sent thē awaye from his sonne Isaac eastwarde in to the east countre This is the age of Abraham which he lyued euen an hundreth and fyue and seuentye yeare and fell sicke and dyed in a good age whan he was olde had lyued ynough and was gathered vnto his people And his sonnes Isaac and Ismael buried him in the dubble caue in the felde of Ephron the sonne of Zoar the Hethite which lyeth ouer before Mamre in the felde that Abraham bought of the Hethites There was Abraham buried with Sara his wife And after the death of Abraham God blessed his sonne Isaac And he dwelt by the well of the lyuynge and seynge This is the generacion of Ismael Abrahams sonne whom Agar Saras mayde the Egipcian bare vnto him And these are the names of Ismaels children of whom their kynredes are named The eldest sonne of Ismael Nebaioth Cedar Abdeel Mibsan Misma Duma Masa Hadar Thema Iethur Naphis and Kedma These are the childrē of Ismael with their names in their courtes and cities twolue londeprynces And this is the age of Ismael euen an hundreth and seuen and thirtie yeare and he fell sicke and dyed and was gathered vnto his people He dwelt from Heuila vnto Sur towarde Egipte as men go to the Assirians And he dyed in the presence of all his brethren This is the generacion of Isaac the sonne of Abrahā Abraham begat Isaac Isaac was fourtye yeare olde whan he toke to wyfe Rebecca the doughter of Bethuel y e Syrian of Mesopotamia Sister of Laban the Syrian Isaac besought the LORDE for his wyfe because she was baren and the LORDE was intreated and Rebecca his wyfe conceaued And the children stroue to-together in her wombe Then sayde she Yf it shulde go so with me why am I then w t childe And she wente for to axe the LORDE And the LORDE sayde vnto her Two maner of folke are in thy wombe and two maner of people shall be deuyded out of thy body and the one nacion shall ouercome the other and the greater shall serue the
This shal come out first But whan he pluckte in his hande agayne his brother came forth And she sayde Wherfore is there a rent mayde for thy sake And he was called Phares Afterwarde came his brother forth which had y e reed threde aboute his hande and he was called Zarah The XXXIX Chapter IOseph was brought downe in to Egipte Potiphar an Egipciā Pharaos chefe marshall bought him of y e Ismaelites y t brought him downe And y e LORDE was w t Ioseph in so moch y t he became a luckye mā was in his master y e Egipcians house And his master sawe y t the LORDE was w t him for what so euer he dyd the LORDE made it to prospere in his hāde so y t he founde fauo r in his masters sight was his seruaunt He made him ruler of his house and put all that he had vnder his hande And from the tyme forth that he had made him ruler of his house and all his goodes y e LORDE blessed the Egipcians house for Iosephs sake and there was nothynge but the very blessynge of the LORDE in all y t he had in y e house in the felde therfore left he all y t he had in Iosephs hande And medled with nothinge himself saue onely the bred that he ate And Ioseph was fayre of bewtye and well fauoured offace And it fortuned after these actes that his masters wife cast hir eyes vpon Ioseph and sayde Slepe with me But he denyed and saide vnto her Beholde my master knoweth not what is in y e house and all that he hath that hath he put vnder my hande And there is no man so greate in the house as I and he hath kepte nothinge fro me excepte the for thou art his wife How shulde I then do so greate euell and synne agaynst God But she spake soch wordes vnto Ioseph daylie Neuertheles he herkened not vnto her to slepe by her or to be in her company It fortuned vpon a tyme that Ioseph wente in to the house to do his busynesse and there was none of y e folkes of the house thereby And she caught him by his garment sayde Slepe with me But he left the garment in hir hande and fled and gat him out of the house Now whā she sawe that he had left his garmēt in hir hande and fled out she called the folkes in the house and sayde vnto thē Lo he hath brought vs in the Hebrue to do vs shame He came in here vnto me to slepe by me but I cried with loude voyce And whan he herde that I made a noyse cried he left his garmēt here by me and fled and ranne out And she layed vp his garmēt by her tyll his master came home and tolde him euen the same wordes and sayde The Hebrue seruaunt whom thou broughtest here vnto vs came in here to me for to do me shame But whan I made a noyse and cried he left his garment here by me and fled out Whan his master herde the wordes of his wyfe which she tolde him and sayde Thus hath the Hebrue seruaunt done vnto me he was very wroth Then his master toke him and put him in the preson wherin the kinges presoners laie And there he laye in preson But the LORDE was with him and had mercy vpon him caused him to fynde fauo r in the sight of the officer of y e preson so that he committed all the presoners of the preson vnto his hādes that what so euer were done might be done by him For the officer of the preson sawe y t the LORDE was with him in all y t was vnder his handes and that what so euer he dyd the LORDE made it to come prosperously to passe The XL. Chapter ANd it fortuned after this that y e kynge of Egiptes chefe butlar and y e chefe baker offended their lorde the kynge of Egipte And Pharao was angrie w t them caused them be put in preson in y e chefe marshals house where Ioseph laye presoner And the chefe marshall put Ioseph vnto them y t he might serue them And so they were in preson for a season And they dreamed both the butlar the baker in one night euery mā his owne dreame and euery dreame had his interpretaciō Now in the mornynge whan Ioseph came in vnto them and sawe that they loked sadly he axed them and sayde Why loke ye so sadly to daye They answered We haue dreamed and haue no man to declare it vnto vs. Ioseph sayde Interpretinge belongeth vnto God but tell it me yet Then the chefe butlar tolde Ioseph his dreame and saide vnto him I dreamed that there was a vyne before me which had thre braunches and it budded grewe and bare blossoms and the grapes therof were rype And I had Pharaos cuppe in my hande toke the grapes and wronge thē in to y e cuppe and gaue Pharao the cuppe in his hāde Ioseph sayde This is the interpretaciō The thre braunches are thre dayes and ouer thre dayes shall Pharao take the and putt the in thine office agayne that thou mayest geue him the cuppe in his hande after the olde maner whā thou wast his butlar But whan thou art in thy prosperite thynke vpon me and shewe me kyndnesse that thou mayest certifie Pharao of me y t he maie bringe me out of this house for I was preuely caried out of the lande of the Hebrues and here also haue I done nothinge that they shulde haue put me in this dongeon Whan the chefe baker sawe that the interpretacion was good he sayde vnto Ioseph I dreamed that I bare thre wyker baskettes vpon my heade and in y e vppermost baszket all maner of bakē meates vnto Pharao and the foules ate out of the baszket vpon my heade Ioseph answered and sayde This is the interpretacion The thre baszkettes are thre dayes and after thre dayes shall Pharao take the and hange the vpon the galowe and the foules shal eate thy flesh from of ye. And vpon the thirde daye it came to passe that Pharao helde his byrth daye and made a feast vnto all his seruauntes and toke the chefe butlar and the chefe baker before all his seruauntes and restored the chefe butlar to his butlarshipe agayne so that he reached the cuppe in to Pharaos hande As for the chefe baker he caused him be hanged like as Ioseph had interpretated vnto him Neuerthelesse the chefe butlar thought not on Ioseph but forgat him The XLI Chapter ANd after two yeares Pharao had a dreame how that he stode by a water syde and beholde out of the water there came seuen goodly kyne and fatfleshed and wente fedinge in the medowe After these he sawe other seuen kyne come out of the water which were euell fauoured and leane fleshed and wente by the kyne vpon y e water syde and the euell fauoured leene kyne ate vp the seuen goodly and fatt kyne Then
e people feared y e LORDE and beleued him and his seruaunt Moses The XV. Chapter THen sange Moses and the childrē of Israel this songe vnto the LORDE and sayde I will synge vnto y e LORDE for he hath done gloriously horse charet hath he ouer throwne in the see The LORDE is my strength and my songe and is become my saluacion This is my God I wil magnifie him He is my fathers God I wil exalte him The LORDE is the right man of warre LORDE is his name The charettes of Pharao his power hath he cast in to the see His chosen captaynes are drowned in the reed see y e depe hath couered them they fell to the grounde as a stone Thy right hande O LORDE is glorious in power thy right hāde O LORDE hath smytten the enemies And with thy greate glory thou hast destroyed thine aduersaries thou sentestout y e wrath it cōsumed them euen as stobble In the breth of thy wrath the waters fell together the floudes wente vpon a heape The depes plomped together in y e myddest of the see The enemie thought I will folowe vpon them and ouertake them and deuyde y e spoyle and coole my mynde vpon them I wil drawe out my swerde and my hande shal destroye them Thou blewest with thy wynde the see couered them and they sancke downe as leed in the mightie waters LORDE who is like vnto the amonge y e goddes Who is so glorious in holynes fear full laudable and doinge wonders Whan thou stretchedest out y e right hande the earth swalowed them vp Thou of y e very mercy hast led this people whom thou hast delyuered and with y e strength thou hast brought them vnto the dwellynge of thy Sanctuary Whan y e nacions herde this they raged sorowe came vpon the Philistynes Then were y e prynces of Edom afrayed tremblynge came vpō y e mightie of Moab all the indwellers of Canaan waxed faynte harted Let feare and drede fall vpon them thorow thy greate arme that they maye be as styll as a stone tyll thy people O LORDE be gone thorow tyll y i people whom thou hast gotten be gone thorow Brynge them in and plante them vpon the mountayne of thy enheritaunce vnto y e place that thou hast made for thyne owne dwellynge euen to y e tēple O LORDE which thy handes haue prepared The LORDE shal be kynge for euer euer For Pharao wente in to the see with horses and charettes and horsmen and the LORDE made the see fall agayne vpon them But the children of Israel wēte drye thorow the myddest of the see And Miriam the prophetisse Aarons sister toke a tymbrell in hir hande and all the women folowed out after her with timbrels in a daunse And Miriam sange before thē O let vs synge vnto the LORDE for he hath done gloriously man and horse hath he ouer throwne in the see Moses caused the children of Israel to departe out from the reed see vnto the wyldernes of Sur they wente thre dayes in y e wildernes y t they founde no water Then came they to Marath but they coude not drinke y e water for bytternes for it was very bytter Therfore was it called Marah y t is bytternes Then y e people murmured against Moses sayde What shal we drynke And Moses cried vnto y e LORDE which shewed him a tre this he put in y e water thē was it swete There he made thē a statute and a lawe and tempted them and sayde Yf thou wyl● herken vnto the voyce of y e LORDE y e God do that which is right in his sighte and geue eare vnto his commaundementes kepe all his statutes then wyl I laye vpon y e none of the sicknesses that I layed vpon Egipte for I am the LORDE thy surgione The XVI Chapter ANd they came vnto Elim where there were twolue welles of water and seuentie palme trees and there they pitched by y e water syde From Elim they toke their iourney and the whole congregacion of the children of Israel came in to the wyldernesse of Sin which lyeth betwene Elim and Sinai vpon the fyftene daye of the seconde moneth after that they were departed out of the londe of Egipte And y e whole multitude of the children of Israel murmured agaynst Moses and Aaron in y e wildernes and saide vnto them Wolde God we had dyed in the londe of Egipte by the hande of the LORDE whan we sat by y e flesh pottes and had bred ynough to eate for ye haue brought vs out in to this wyldernes to cause this whole multitude dye of honger Thē sayde y e LORDE vnto Moses beholde I wyl rayne you bred from heauen and let the people go out and gather daylie what they nede that I maye proue whether they walke in my lawe or not But vpon the sixte daye they shal prepare thē selues that they maye brynge in twyse as moch as they gather daylie Moses and Aaron saide vnto all the children of Israel At euen ye shall knowe that the LORDE hath brought you out of the lōde of Egipte and in the mornynge shall ye se the glory of the LORDE for he hath herde youre grudginges agaynst the LORDE For what are we that ye grudge agaynst vs Moses sayde morouer At euen shall the LORDE geue you flesh to eate and in the mornynge bred ynough because y e LORDE hath herde youre grudginges that ye haue grudged agaynst him For what are we You re murmuringe is not agaynst vs but against the LORDE And Moses sayde vnto Aaron Speake vnto the whole multitude of y e children of Israel Come forth before the LORDE for he hath herde youre murmuringes And whyle Aaron spake thus vnto the whole congegacion of the childrē of Israel they turned them towarde the wyldernes and beholde the glory of the LORDE appeared in a cloude and the LORDE sayde vnto Moses I haue herde the murmuringe of y e children of Israel Tell them At euen shall ye haue flesh to eate and in the mornynge shal ye be fylled with bred ye shall knowe that I am the LORDE youre God And at euen the quayles came vp and couered the tentes and in the mornynge the dewe laye rounde aboute the tentes And whan the dew was fallē beholde there laye a thinge in the wildernes thynne and small as the horefrost vpon the grounde And whan the children of Israel sawe it they saide one to another This is Mā For they wyst not what it was But Moses sayde vnto them It is the bred that y e LORDE hath geuē you to eate This is it that y e LORDE hath commaūded Euery one gather for himself as moch as he eateth and take a Gomor for euery heade acordinge to the nombre of the soules in his tente And the children of Israel dyd so and gathered some more some lesse But whan it was measured out with
offered vnto God Then came Aaron and all y e elders of Israel to eate bred with Moses father in lawe before God On the next morow sat Moses to iudge the people and the people stode roūde aboute Moses from the momynge vntyll y e euen But whan his father in lawe sawe all that he dyd with the people he sayde What is this that thou doest with the people Wherfore syttest thou alone and all y e people stonde rounde aboute from the morninge vntyll the euen Moses answered him The people come to me axe councell at God for whan they haue eny thinge to do they come vnto me that I maye iudge betwixte euery one his neghboure and shewe them the statutes of God and his lawes His father in lawe sayde vnto him It is not well that thou doest Thou weeriest thy self and the people that is with the. This busynesse is to sore for the thou canst not perfourme it alone But herken vnto my voyce I will geue the councell and God shall be with the. Be thou vnto the people to God warde and brynge the causes before God and prouide them with statutes and lawes that thou mayest shewe thē the waie wherin they shulde walke and the workes that they shulde do But loke out amonge all the people for honest men that feare God soch as are true hate couetousnes make these rulers ouer them some ouer thousandes ouer hundredes ouer fiftie and ouer ten that they maye allwaye iudge the people But where there is eny greate matter that they brynge the same vnto the and iudge the small causes them selues so shall it be lighter for the yf they beare the burthen with the. Yf thou shalt do this then mayest thou endure the thinge that God chargeth the withall and all this people maie go peaceably vnto their place Moses herkened vnto the voyce of his father in lawe and dyd all that he sayde And he chose honest men out of all Israel and made them heades ouer the people some ouer thousandes ouer hundredes ouer fiftie and ouer ten that they might allwaye iudge the people As for soch causes as were herde they brought them vnto Moses and iudged the small matters them selues So Moses let his father in lawe departe in to his owne londe The XIX Chapter IN the thirde moneth after that the children of Israel were gone out of the londe of Egipte they came the same daye in to the wyldernes of Sinai for they were departed from Raphidim and wolde in to the wyldernes of Sinai and there they pitched in the wyldernes ouer against the mounte And Moses wente vp vnto God And the LORDE called vnto him out of the mount and sayde Thus shalt thou saye vnto the house of Iacob and tell the children of Israel Ye haue sene what I haue done vnto the Egipcians and how I haue borne you vpon Aegles wynges brought you vnto my self Yf ye wyll harken now vnto my voyce and kepe my couenaunt ye shal be myne owne before all people for the whole earth is myne and ye shall be vnto me a presterly kingdome and an holy people These are the wordes that thou shalt saye vnto the children of Israel Moses came and called for the elders of the people and layed before them all these wordes that the LORDE had commaunded And all the people answered together and sayde All that the LORDE hath sayde wyll we do And Moses tolde the wordes of the people vnto the LORDE agayne And the LORDE sayde vnto Moses Beholde I wyll come vnto the in a thicke cloude that the people maye heare my wordes which I speake vnto the and beleue the for euer And Moses shewed the wordes of the people vnto the LORDE The LORDE sayde vnto Moses Go vnto the people and sanctifie thē to daye and tomorow y t they maye wash their clothes and be ready agaynst the thirde daye for vpon the thirde daye shall the LORDE come downe vpon mount Sinai before all the people And set markes rounde aboute the people and saye vnto them Bewarre that ye go not vp in to y e mount ner touch y e border of it For who so euer toucheth y e moūt shal dye y e death There shal no hāde touch it but he shall either be stoned or shot thorow whether it be beest or man it shal not lyue Whan the horne bloweth then shal they come vp vnto the mounte Moses wente downe from the mount vnto the people and sanctified them And they waszshed their clothes And he sayde vnto them Be ready agaynst the thirde daye and no man come at his wife Now whan the thirde daye came and it was early it beganne to thonder and lighten and there was a thicke cloude vpon the mount and a noyse of a trompet exceadinge mightie And the people that were in the tentes were afrayde And Moses brought the people out of the tentes to mete w t God and they stode vnder the mount But all mount Sinai smoked because y e LORDE came downe vpō it with fyre And the smoke therof wente vp as the smoke of a fornace so that the whole mount was exceadinge terrible And the noyse of the trompet wēte out and was mightie Moses spake God answered him loude Now whan the LORDE was come downe vpon mount Sinai euen vpon the toppe of it he called Moses vp vnto y e toppe of the mount And Moses wente vp Then sayde the LORDE vnto him Go downe and charge the people y t they preasse not vnto the LORDE to se him and so many of them perishe The rulers also that come nye vnto y e LORDE shal sanctifie themselues lest the LORDE smyte thē But Moses sayde vnto the LORDE The people can not come vp vpon mount Sinai for thou hast charged vs sayde Set markes aboute the mount and sanctifie it The LORDE sayde vnto him Go thy waye get y e downe Thou and Aaron with the shalt come vp but the rulers and y e people shal not preasse to come vp vnto y e LORDE lest he smyte thē And Moses wente downe to the people and tolde them The XX. Chapter ANd the LORDE spake all these wordes and sayde I am the LORDE thy God which haue brought the out of the londe of Egipte from y e house of bondage Thou shalt haue none other Goddes in my sight Thou shalt make the no grauen ymage ner eny symilitude nether of it that is aboue in heauen ner of it that is beneth vpon earth ner of it that is in the water vnder the earth Worshipe them not and serue them not for I the LORDE thy God am a gelouse God vysitinge y e synne of the fathers vpon the children vnto y e thirde and fourth generacion of them that hate me And do mercye vpō many thousandes that loue me and kepe my commaundementes Thou shalt not take the name of y e LORDE thy God in vayne
bred shalt thou kepe Seuen daies shalt thou eate vnleuēded bred like as I cōmaunded the in the tyme of the moneth Abib for in the moneth Abib thou wentest out of Egipte * All y t first breaketh the Matrix is myne soch as shal be male amōge y e catell y t breaketh the Matrix whether it be oxe or shepe But the first of thyne Asse shalt thou bye out w t a shepe yf thou redeme it not then breake his necke All the first borne of thy children shalt thou redeme And se that no man appeare before me ●mp●ye Sixe dayes shalt thou labo r vpon y e se●ēth daye shalt thou rest both from plowinge and reapynge The feast of wekes shalt thou kepe with the firstlinges of the wheate haruest and the feast of yngaderynge at y e yeares ende Thryse in a yeare shal all yo r men children appeare before the Souernoure euen the LORDE and God of Israel Whan I shal cast out the Heithen before the enlarge y ● borders there shal no man desyre thy lōde for so moch as thou goest vp thre tymes in the yeare to appeare before y e LORDE thy God Thou shalt not offer the bloude of my sacrifice w t leuēded bred And the offerynge of the Easter feast shal not remayne ouer night vntill the mornynge The firstlinges of y e first frutes of thy lōde shalt thou brynge in to the house of the LORDE thy God Thou shalt not seith a kydd whyle it is yet in his mothers mylke And the LORDE saide vnto Moses wryte these wordes for because of these wordes haue I made a couenaunt with the with Israel And he was there with the LORDE fourtye dayes and fourtye nightes and ate no bred and dranke no water And he wrote in the tables the wordes of the couenaūt euen ten verses Now whā Moses came downe fro moūt Sinai he had the two tables of wytnesse in his hande wyst not y t the skynne of his face shyned because he had talked with him And whā Aaron all the childrē of Israel sawe y t the skynne of his face shyned they were afrayed to come nye him Thē Moses called them And they returned vnto him both Aaron all the chefest of the cōgregacion And he talked w t them Afterwarde came all the children of Israel vnto him And he cōmaunded thē all y t the LORDE had sayde vnto him vpon the mount Sinai Now whan he had made an ende of talkynge w t thē he put a couerynge vpō his face And whan he wēte in before y e LORDE to talke w t him he toke y e couerynge of till he wēte out agayne And whan he came forth spake w t the childrē of Israel what was cōmaunded him thē the childrē of Israel sawe his face how y t the skynne of his face shyned so he put the couerynge vpō his face agayne tyll he wente in agayne to talke with him The XXXV Chapter ANd Moses gathered all the cōgregacion of y e childrē of Israel together and sayde vnto them This is it y t the LORDE hath commaunded you to do Sixe dayes shall ye worke but the seuenth daye shall ye kepe holy a Sabbath of the LORLES rest Who so euer doeth eny worke therin shall dye Ye shal kyndle no fyre vpon the Sabbath daye in all youre dwellynges And Moses sayde vnto y e whole congregacion of the children of Israel This is it that the LORDE hath commaunded Geue from amonge you Heue offerynges vnto y e LORDE so that euery one brynge the LORDES Heue offerynge with a fre hert golde syluer brasse yalowe sylke scarlet purple whyte sylke and goates hayre reed skynnes of rammes doo skynnes and Fyrre tre oyle for the lampes and spyces for the anoyntinge oyle and for swete incense Onix stones and stones to be set in y e ouerbody cote and for the brestlappe And who so is wyse of hert amonge you let him come make what the LORDE hath commaunded namely the Habitacion with the tent couerynge therof the rynges bordes barres pilers sokettes The Arke w t the staues therof the Mercy seate the vayle the table with his staues all his apparell the shewbred The cādilsticke of light and his apparell and his lampes the oyle for the lightes The altare of incense with his staues The anoyntynge oyle and spyces for incense The hangynge before y e Tabernacle dore The alter of burnt offerynges with his brasen gredyron staues and all his apparell The lauer with his fote The hanginges of the courte with the pilers and sokettes therof the hangynge of the courte dore The nales of the habitacion and of y e courte with their coardes The mynistringe garmentes for the seruyce in the Holy y e holy vestimentes of Aaron the prest w t the vestimentes of his sonnes for y e prestes office Then wente all the congregacion of the childrē of Israel out fro Moses euery one brought the gift of his hert all that they wolde of fre will the same brought they for an Heue offerynge vnto the LORDE for y e worke of the Tabernacle of witnesse for all the seruyce therof for the holy vestimētes Both men wemen that were of a wyllynge hert brought bracelettes earynges rynges gyrdels and all maner Iewels of golde Euery man also brought golde for Waue offerynges vnto the LORDE And who so euer foūde by him yalow sylke scarlet purple whyte sylke goates hayre reed skynnes of rāmes and Doo skynnes brought it And who so euer houe vp syluer brasse brought it for y e Heue offerynge vnto the LORDE And who so euer founde Fyrre tre by him brought it for all maner of worke of the Gods seruyce And soch wemen as were wyse herted spanne with their hādes and brought their sponne worke of yalow sylke scarlet purple and whyte sylke And soch wemen as had hye vnderstondinge in wyszdome spanne goates hayre As for y e prynces they brought Onix stones and set stones for y e ouerbody coate and for the brestlappe and spyces and oyle for y e lightes and for the anoyntinge oyle and for swete incense Thus the children of Israel brought fre wyllynge offerynges both man and wemē for all maner of worke that the LORDE had commaunded by Moses to be made And Moses saide vnto the childrē of Israel Beholde y e LORDE hath called by name Bezaleel y e sonne of Vri y e sonne of Hur of the trybe of Iuda hath fylled him w t the sprete of God that he maye haue wyszdome vnderstondinge knowlege for all maner of worke to worke connyngly in golde syluer brasse to graue precious stones to set them to carue in wodd to make all maner of connynge workes and hath geuē instruccion in his hert both him and Ahaliab the sonne of Ahisamach of y e trybe of Dan. These hath he fylled w
eny ymage that is like a man or woman or beest vpon earth or fethered foule vnder the heauen or worme vpon the grounde or fyszshe in the water vnder y e earth y t thou lifte not vp thine eyes towarde heauen and se the Sonne and the Moone the starres and the whole hoost of heauē and be disceaued and worshippe and serue them which the LORDE y i God hath made to serue all naciōs vnder y e whole heauē But you hath the LORDE taken and broughte you out of the yron fornace namely out of Egipte that ye shulde be the people of his enheritaunce as it is come to passe this daye And the LORDE was angrie with me for youre sakes so that he sware y t I shulde not go ouer Iordane ner come in to that good londe which the LORDE thy God shall geue the to enheritaunce As for me I must dye in this londe and shal not go ouer Iordane But ye shal go ouer and shall haue that good lōde in possession Take hede therfore vnto youre selues that ye forget not the conuenaunt of the LORDE youre God and that ye make no ymages of eny maner of faszhion as the LORDE thy God hath commaunded For the LORDE thy God is a consumynge fyre and a gelous God Yf whan ye haue begotten children and childers children and haue dwelt in the londe ye marre youre selues make you ymages of eny maner of faszhion and do euell in the sighte of y e LORDE youre God to prouoke him I call heauen and earth to recorde ouer you this daie that ye shall shortly p●rishe frō the londe in to y e which ye go ouer Iordane to possesse it Ye shal not dwell longe therin but shal vtterly be destroyed And y e LORDE shal scater you amonge y e nacions and ye shall be left a small people amōge y e Heythen whyther the LORDE shall brynge you There shal ye serue goddes which are y e workes of mens handes euen wodd stone which nether se ner heare ner eate ner smell But yf thou seke the LORDE y e God there thou shalt finde him yee yf thou seke him w t thy whole hert and with all y e soule Whan thou shalt be strately troubled whā all these thinges shal come vpō the in y e latter dayes then shalt thou turne agayne to y e LORDE thy God and be obedient vnto his voice For y e LORDE y e God is a mercifull God he shal not forsake the ner destroye the nether shall he forget the couenaunt with thy fathers which he sware vnto them For axe after the tymes past which haue bene before the sens the daie y t God created man vpon earth from one ende of the heauē vnto the other whether there was euer eny soch greate thinge done or eny soch like herde that a people hath herde y e voyce of God speake out of the fyre as thou hast herde yet liued Or whether God assaied to go take vnto him a people out of y e myddes of a nacion thorow tentacions thorow tokens thorow wonders thorow warre thorow a mightie hande thorow a stretched out arme and thorow greate visiōs acordinge vnto all as the LORDE youre God hath done with you in Egipte before thine eyes Thou hast sene it y t thou mightest knowe that the LORDE is God and that there is none other but he onely Out of heauen made he the to heare his voyce that he might nurtoure the and vpon earth he shewed the his greate feare out of y e fyre thou herdest his wordes because he loued y e fathers chose their sede after thē And he brought y t out w t his presence thorow his mightie power out of Egipte to dryue out before the nacions greater and mighter then thou and to bringe y e in y t he might geue the their lōde to enheritaunce as it is come to passe this daye Therfore shalt thou knowe this daye turne it into thine herte that the LORDE is God aboue in heauen and beneth vpon earth and that there is no mo Kepe his ornaunces therfore and commaundementes which I commaunde the this daie thē shal it go well w t the and thy children after the so that thy life shal longe endure in y e londe which the LORDE the God geueth the thy life longe Then separated Moses thre cities beyonde Iordane towarde the Sonne rysinge y t he might flye thither which had slayne his neghboure vnawarres hated him not a fore tyme y t he might flye in to one of these cities lyue Bezer in y e wildernes in the playne countre amonge the Rubenites Ramoth in Gilead amōge y e Gaddites Golan in Basan amonge the Manassites This is the lawe which Moses layed before the children of Israel these are the testimonies ordinaunces lawes y t Moses spake vnto the children of Israel after they were departed out of Egipte beyonde Iordane in the valley ouer agaynst the house of Peor in y e londe of Sion kynge of y e Amorites which dwelt at Heszbon whom Moses the childrē of Israel smote after they were departed out of Egipte conquered his lāde the londe of Og kynge of Basan two kynges of the Amorites which were beyonde Iordane towarde the Sonne rysinge frō Aroer which lyeth vpon y e ryuer syde of Arnon vnto mount Sion which is Hermon all y e playne felde beyonde Iordane eastwarde vnto the see in y e plaine felde vnder mount Pisga The V. Chapter ANd Moses called all Israel sayde vnto thē Heare Israel the ordinaunces lawes which I speake in yo r eares this daye lerne them kepe thē so that ye do therafter The LORDE oure God made a couenaunt with vs at Horeb he made not this couenaunt with oure fathers but with vs that are here this daie and lyue euery one He talked with vs face to face out of the fyre vpō the mount I stode at the same tyme betwixte the LORDE and you that I mighte shewe you the worde of the LORDE For ye were afrayed of the fyre wente not vp to the mount and he sayde I am the LORDE thy God which haue brought the out of the londe of Egipte out of the house of bondage Thou shalt haue none other goddes in my sighte Thou shalt make the no grauen ymage of eny maner of licknesse of the thinges y t are aboue in heauen beneth vpon earth in the water vnder the earth Thou shalt not hono r them ner serue thē For I y e LORDE y e God am a gelous God vysitinge the synne of the fathers vpō the children vnto the thirde and fourth generacion of thē y t hate me shewe mercye vpon many thousandes y t loue me and kepe my commaundementes Thou shalt not take y e name of y
and to geue vs y e londe that he sware vnto oure fathers And therfore hath the LORDE commaunded vs to do acordinge vnto all these ordinaunces that we might feare the LORDE oure God that we might prospere all the dayes of oure life as it is come to passe this daye And it shall be righteousnes vnto vs before the LORDE oure God yf we kepe and do all these commaundementes as he hath commaunded vs. The VII Chapter WHan y e LORDE y e God bringeth the in to y e londe where in to thou shalt come to possesse it roteth out manacions before the the Hethites Girgo●ites Amorites Cananites Pheresites He●ites and Iebusites seuē nacions which are greater and mightier then thou and whan the LORDE thy God delyuereth thē before y e that thou mayest smyte them thou shalt vtterly destroye them so that thou make no couenaunt with them nor shewe them fauoure and shalt make no mariages with them Ye shall not geue youre doughters vnto their sonnes ner take their doughters vnto youre sonnes For they will make youre sonnes departe fro me to serue straunge goddes then shall the wrath of the LORDE waxe whote vpon you and destroye you shortly But thus shal ye do with them Ye shal ouerthrowe their altares breake downe their pilers cut downe their groues burne their ymages with fyre For thou art an holy people vnto the LORDE thy God The hath the LORDE thy God chosen that thou shuldest be his awne peculier people from amonge all nacions that are vpon the earth It was not because of the multitude of you aboue all nacions ▪ that y e LORDE had lust vnto you and chose you For ye were the leest amonge all nacions but because he loued you and that he mighte kepe the ooth which he sware vnto youre fathers he broughte you out with a mightie hāde and delyuered you frō the house of bondage out of the hande of Pharao kynge of Egipte Thou shalt vnderstonde now therfore that the LORDE thy God is a mightie and true God which kepeth couenaunt and mercy vnto them that loue him and kepe his cōmaundementes euen thorow out a thousande generacions And rewardeth them that hate him before his face that he maye destroye them and wyll not be longe in tarienge to rewarde them before his face that hate him Kepe now therfore the commaundementes and ordinaunces and lawes which I commaunde the this daye that thou do therafter And yf ye shall heare these lawes and kepe them and do therafter then shal the LORDE thy God also kepe the couenaunt and mercy with the which he sware vnto thy fathers and shal loue the blesse the and multiplye the he shal blesse the frute of y e wombe and the frute of thy londe thy corne wyne and oyle the frute of thy kyne and the frute of thy shepe in the londe that he sware vnto y e fathers to geue the. Blessed shalt thou be aboue all nacions there shal no vnfrutefull personne be in the ner amonge thy catell The LORDE shall put from the all maner of dysease and shal brynge vpon the none of y e euell sicknesses of Egipte which thou hast sene but shall put them vpon all those that hate the. Thou shalt brynge to naught all the nacions which the LORDE thy God shal delyuer the. Thine eye shall not spare them and their goddes shalt thou not serue for that shal be thy decaye Yf thou shalt saye in thyne hert These naciōs are mo then I how cā I dryue them out Feare them not Remembre what the LORDE thy God did vnto Pharao and to all the Egipcians thorow greate tentacions which thou hast sene with thine eyes thorow tokens and wōders thorow a mightie hande and a stretched out arme wherwith the LORDE thy God brought the out Euen so shall the LORDE thy God do vnto all y e nacions of whō thou art afrayed The LORDE y e God also shal sende hornettes amonge them vntyll they that remayne and hyde them selues from the be destroyed Be not thou afrayed of them for the LORDE thy God is in the myddes of the euen the mightie and fearfull God He euen the LORDE thy God shall rote out the nacions before the by litle and litle Thou canst no● consume them at one time y t the beestes of the felde increase not vpon the. The LORDE thy God shall delyuer them before the and shall smite them with a greate slaughter tyll they be destroyed And he shal delyuer their kynges in to thine hāde and thou shalt destroie their names from vnder heauen There shal no man make the resistaunce before the vntyll thou haue destroyed them The ymages of their goddes shalt thou burne with fyre shalt not desyre the syluer or golde that is on them or to take it vnto the that thou snare not thy self therin for it is abhominacion vnto the LORDE y e God Therfore shalt thou not brynge the abhominacion in to thine house y t thou be not damned as it is but shalt vtterly defye it and abhorre it for it is damned The VIII Chapter ALl the commaundementes which I commaunde y e this daye shal ye kepe so y t ye do therafter that ye maye lyue and multiplye and come in and take possession of the lande which y e LORDE sware vnto youre fathers and thynke vpon all y e waie thorow the which the LORDE thy God hath led the this fortye yeares in the wyldernesse that he mighte chasten the and proue the to wete whath were in thyne herte whether thou woldest kepe his comaundemētes or no. He chastened the and let the hunger and fed the with Manna which thou and thy fathers knewe not to make the knowe that man lyueth not by bred onely but by all that proceadeth out of the mouth of the LORDE Thy clothes are not waxed olde vpon the and thy fete are not swollē this fortye yeare Vnderstonde therfore in thine hert that as a man nurtoureth his sonne euen so hath the LORDE thy God nurtured the. Kepe therfore the commaundementes of the LORDE thy God that thou walke in his wayes and feare him For the LORDE thy God bryngeth the in to a good londe A londe where in are ryuers of water fountaynes and sprynges which flowe by the hilles and valleys A londe wherin is wheate barlye vines fygge trees and pomgranates A londe wherin growe Olyue trees and honye A londe where thou shalt not eate bred in scarcenes and where thou shalt lacke nothinge A lōde where y e stones are yron where thou shalt dygge brasse out of hilles That whā thou hast eaten and art fylled thou mayest praise the LORDE thy God for that good londe which he hath geuen the. Bewarre now therfore that thou forget not the LORDE thy God that thou woldest not kepe his commaundementes and his ordinaunces and lawes which I commaunde the
in the snare after thē whan they are destroyed before the that thou axe not after their goddes saye Euē as these nacions haue serued their goddes so wil I do also Thou shalt not do so vnto the LORDE thy God For all that is abhominacion vnto the LORDE that he hateth y e same haue they done vnto their goddes For they haue burnt euen their sonnes and their doughters with fyre vnto their goddes All that I commaunde you shal ye kepe that ye do therafter Ye shal put nothinge therto ner take ought there from The XIII Chapter YF there ryse vp a prophet or dreamer amonge you and geue the a token or a wonder and that token or wonder which he spake of come to passe and then saye Let vs go after other goddes whom thou knowest not and let vs serue thē Thou shalt not herken vnto the wordes of soch a prophet or dreamer For y e LORDE youre God proueth you to wete whether ye loue him with all youre hert with all youre soule For ye shall walke after the LORDE youre God and feare him and kepe his commaundementes herken vnto his voyce and serue him and cleue vnto him As for that prophet or dreamer he shal dye because he hath spoken to turne you awaye from the LORDE youre God which broughte you out of the londe of Egipte and delyuered you from the house of bondage to thrust the out of the waye which the LORDE thy God commaunded the to walke in and so shalt thou put awaie the euell from the. Yf thy brother the sonne of thy mother or thine awne sonne or thy doughter or the wyfe in thy bosome or thy frende which is vnto the as thine owne soule entyse the secretly and saye Let vs go and serue other goddes whom thou knowest not ner yet thy father which are amonge the nacions rounde aboute you whether they be nye vnto the or farre from the from the one ende of the earth vnto the other consente not vnto him and herkē not vnto him Thine eye also shal not pytie him and thou shalt haue no compassion vpon him ner kepe him secrete but shalt cause him to be slayne thine hāde shal be first vpon him to cause him to be slayne and then the handes of all the people He shal be stoned to death because he wente aboute to thrust the awaye from the LORDE thy God which broughte the out of the londe of Egipte from the house of bōdage y t all Israel maye heare and feare him and do nomore soch euell amonge you Yf thou hearest in eny cite which y e LORDE thy God hath geuē the to dwell in that it is sayde There are certayne men the children of Belial gone out from amonge you and haue disceaued the inhabiters of their cite and sayde let vs go and serue other goddes whom ye knowe not Then shalt thou seke make search and enquere diligently And yf it be founde of a trueth that it is so in dede y t soch abhominacion is wroughte amonge you then shalt thou smyte the indwellers of the same cite and their catell with the edge of the swerde and damne the cite with all that is therin and all the spoyle therof shalt thou gather together in the myddes of the stretes of it and burne with fyre both the cite and all the spoyle therof together vnto the LORDE y e God that it maye lye vpon a heape for euer and neuer be buylded eny more And let nothinge of the damned thinge cleue vnto thy hande that the LORDE maye be turned from the indignacion of his wrath and graunte the mercy and haue compassion on the and multiplye the as he hath sworne vnto thy fathers because thou haß herkened vnto y e voyce of the LORDE thy God to kepe all his commaundementes which I commaunde the this daye so that thou doest the thinge which is righte in the sighte of the LORDE thy God The XIIII Chapter YE are the children of the LORDE youre God Cut not youre selues therfore make you no baldnesse betwene youre eyes ouer eny deed For thou art an holy people vnto the LORDE thy God And the LORDE hath chosen the to be his awne peculier people from amōge all the nacions that are vpon the earth Thou shalt eate no abhominacion These are the beestes which ye shal eate Oxen shepe Goates Hert Roo Bugle wylde goate Vnicorne Origen and Camelion And euery beest that deuydeth his clawe cheweth cudd shal ye eate Neuertheles these shal ye not eate of them that chewe cudd and deuyde not the hoffe in to two clawes The Camell the hayre the conye for though they chewe cudd yet deuyde they not the hoffe therfore shal they be vncleane vnto you The swyne though he deuyde the hoffe yet cheweth he not cudd he shall be vncleane vnto you ye shall not eate of the flesh of thē and their deed carcases shal ye not touche This is it that ye shall eate of all that is in the waters All that hath fynnes and scales shall ye eate But what so euer hath no fynnes ner scales that shal ye not eate for it is vncleane vnto you Eate of all cleane foules But these are they wherof ye shal not eate The Aegle y e Goshanke the Cormoraunte the Ixion the Vultur the Ryte with his kynde all Rauens in their kynde the Estriche the Night crowe the Cocow the Sparow hauke with his kynde the litle Oule the greate Oule y e Backe the Bytture the Swanne the Pellicane the Pye the Storke the Heron the Iaye w t his kynde the Lapwynge y e Swalowe And all foules y t crepe shal be vncleane vnto you and ye shal not eate them Ye shall eate of nothinge y t dyeth alone● thou mayest geue it vnto y e straunger with in y e gate that he eate it or sell it to a straunger For thou art an holy people vnto y e LORDE thy God Thou shalt not seeth a kydd whyle it yet sucketh his mother Thou shalt separate out the tythe all the increase of thy sede y t cōmeth out of y e felde euery yeare shalt eate it before y e LORDE y e God in y e place which He choseth y t his name maye dwell there namely of y e tythes of thy corne of thy wyne of thy oyle the first borne of thine oxen and of thy shepe y t thou mayest lerne to feare the LORDE thy God all thy life longe But yf the waye be to moch for y e and the place which y e LORDE thy God hath chosen to set his name there be to farre from the thou canst not cary it that y e LORDE thy God hath blessed the withall Then geue it for money take y e money in thyne hande and go vnto the place which the LORDE thy God hath chosen and geue the money for
earth and fed him with the increase of the felde He caused him sucke hony out of the rocke and oyle out of the harde stone Butter of the kyne and mylke of the shepe with the fat of the lambes and rammes of the sonnes of Basan and he goates with the fat of the kydneys and wheate And gaue him drynke of the very bloude of grapes And whan he was fat and had ynough he waxed wanton He is fat and thicke and smothe hath letten God go that made him and despysed the rocke of his saluacion He hath prouoked him to indignacion thorow straunge goddes and thorow abhominacion hath he angred him They offred vnto felde deuels not vnto their God Vnto goddes whom they knewe not euē vnto new goddes y t came newly vp whom their fathers honoured not Thy rocke that begat y e hast thou despysed and hast forgotten God that made the. And whan the LORDE sawe it he was moued vnto wrath ouer his sonnes and his doughters And he sayde I wyll hyde my face from them I wyll se what their ende shal be for it is a frowarde generacion they are childrē in whom is no fayth They haue prouoked me in it that is not God w t their vanites haue they angred me And I agayne wil prouoke them by those that are no people by a foolish nacion wil I anger them For the fyre is kyndled in my wrath and shal burne vnto y e nethermost hell and shal consume the londe with the increase therof and set the foundacions of y e mountaynes on fyre I wil heape myscheues vpō them I wil spende all myne arowes at them They shal pyne awaye thorow honger be consumed of the feuers and of bytter sicknesses I wil sende amonge them y e tethe of beestes and furious serpentes Without shall the swearde robbe them feare in the chambers both the yonge man and yonge woman the suckynge children w t the gray headed man I wyll saye Where are they I shall make their remembraunce to ceasse from amonge men Yf the wrath of the enemies were not gathered lest their enemies shulde be proude might saie Oure hande is hye and The LORDE hath not done all this For it is a people wherin is no councell and there is no vnderstondinge in them O that they were wyse vnderstode this that they wolde cōsidre what shulde happē vnto them herafter How cōmeth it y t one shall chace a thousande of them and y t two shal put ten thousande to flyghte Is it not so euen because their rocke hath solde them and because the LORDE hath geuen them ouer For oure rocke is not as their rocke of this are oure enemies iudges themselues Their vyne is of the vyne of Sodom and of the feldes of Gomorra their grapes are the grapes of gall they haue bytter clusters Their wyne is the poyson of Dragons the furious gall of Adders Is not this hid with me and sealed vp in my treasures Vengeaunce is myne and I wyll rewarde in due season Their fote shall slyde for the tyme of their destrucciō is at honde and the thinge that is to come vpon them maketh haiste For the LORDE shall iudge his people and shal haue compassion on his seruauntes For he shal considre that their power is awaie and that it is gone with them which were shut vp and remayned ouer And he shal saye Where are their goddes their rocke wherin they trusted Of whose sacrifices they ate y e fatt and dranke the wyne of their drynk offeringes Let them ryse vp and helpe you and be youre proteccion Se now that I I am and that there is none other God but I. I can kyll and make alyue what I haue smytten that can I heale and there is noman able to delyuer out of my hande For I wil lifte vp my hande to heauen wyl saye I lyue euer Yf I whet y e edge of my swerde and my hande take holde of iudgment then wyll I auenge me on myne enemies and rewarde them that hate me I wil make myne arowes dronken with bloude and my swerde shal eate flesh ouer y e bloude of the slayne and ouer the captyuite and in that the enemies heade shall be discouered Reioyse ye Heythen with his people for he wil auenge the bloude of his seruauntes and wyl auenge him on his enemies wil be mercifull vnto the londe of his people And Moses came and spake all the wordes of this songe in the eares of the people he and Iosua the sonne of Nun. Now whā Moses had made an ende of speakinge all these wordes vnto all Israel he sayde vnto thē Take to hert all y e wordes which I testifye vnto you this daye that ye commaunde youre children to obserue and do all the wordes of this lawe For it is no vaine worde vnto you but it is yo r life this worde shal prolonge youre life in y e londe whither ye go ●uer Iordane to conquere it And y e LORDE spake vnto Moses y e same daie sayde Get the vp to this mount Abarim vpon mount Nebo which lyeth in y e londe of the Moabites ouer agaynst Iericho beholde the londe of Canaan which I shall geue vnto the children of Israel in possessiō And dye thou vpon the mount whan thou art come vp and be gathered vnto thy people like as Aaron thy brother dyed vpon mount Hor and was gathered vnto his people ▪ Because ye trespaced agaynst me amonge the children of Israel by the water of stryfe at Cades in the wildernesse of Zin and sanctified me not amonge the children of Israel For thou shalt se the londe ouer against the which I geue vnto y e children of Israel but thou shalt not come in to it The XXXIII Chapter THis is the blessynge wherwith Moses the man of God blessed y e childrē of Israel before his death and saide The LORDE came from Sinai and rose vp vnto thē from Seir. He appeared fro mount Paran and came w t many thousande sayntes At his righte hande is there a lawe of fyre for them O how loued he the people All his sayntes are in his hande they shall set them selues downe at thy fete and receaue of thy wordes Moses commaunded vs the lawe which is the enheritaunce of the congregacion of Iacob And he was in the fulnesse of the kynge helde y e rulers of y e people together with the trybes of Israel Let Ruben lyue and not dye and his people be fewe in nombre This is the blessynge of Iuda And he sayde LORDE heare the voyce of Iuda and brynge him vnto his people Let his hādes multiplye him and let him be helped frō his enemies And vnto Leui he sayde Thy perfectnes and y e lighte be acordinge vnto the man of thy mercy whō thou hast tempted at Massa whan ye stroue by
to sto●de styll hangeth vp fyue kynges and taketh the cities Chap. XI The Heythē kynges gather thē selues together agaynst Israel but they are discomfited and their cities wonne Chap. XII The names of the kynges whom Iosua and the Israelites slewe are here rehearsed euen one and thirtye Chap ▪ XIII The remnaunt of the londe on this syde Iordane Chap. XIIII The dealinge out of the londe Chap. XV. The londe that fell vnto Iuda by lott Chap. XVI The lot of Ephraim Chap. XVII The lot and porcion of Manasse Chap. XVIII Men are sent out of the seuen trybes to consyder the londe and to deale it out The porcion of Ben Iamin Chap. XIX The porcion of Simeon Zabulon Isachar Aser Nephtali and Dan. Chap. XX. The partinge out of the fre cities Chap. XXI Of the cities and suburbes of the Leuites Chap. XXII The two tribes and a halfe are sen● home agayne with a charge to be diligent in kepynge Gods commaundement Of the altare of witnesse Chap. XXIII Iosua calleth the people together before his death exorteth them to cleue fast to the commaundementes of the LORDE Chap. XXIIII He calleth the people together i● Sichem and rehearceth the benefites of God vnto thē The couenaūt with God is renewed Iosua dyeth and so doth Eleasar The first Chapter AFter the death of Moses the seruaunt of the LORDE spake the LORDE vnto Iosua y e sonne of Nun Moses mynister My seruaunt Moses is deed vp now and go ouer this Iordane thou and all this people in to the londe that I haue geuen the children of Israel All the places that the soles of youre fete shal treade vpon haue I geuen vnto you as I sayde vnto Moses From the wyldernesse and this Libanus vnto the greate water Euphrates all the londe of the Hethites vnto the greate see towarde the west shal be youre border There shall noman be able to withstonde y t all thy life longe And like as I was with Moses so wil I be with the also I will not fayle the nether forsake the. Be stronge and bolde for vnto this people shalt thou deuyde y e londe which I sware vnto their fathers to geue it them Be strōge therfore and very bolde that thou mayest kepe and do euery thynge acordinge to the lawe that Moses my seruaunt commaunded the. Turne not asyde from it nether to the righte hande ner to the lefte y t thou mayest deale wysely whither so euer thou goest And let not the boke of this lawe departe out of thy mouth but exercyse thy selfe therin daie and nighte that thou mayest kepe and do euery thinge acordinge to it that is wryttē therin Then shalt thou prospere in thy waies and deale wysely Lo I haue commaunded the to be stronge and bolde Feare not and be not afrayed for the LORDE thy God is with y e whither so euer thou goest Then commaunded Iosua the officers of the people and sayde Go thorow the hoost and charge y e people and saye Prepare you vytayles for ouer thre dayes shal ye go ouer this Iordane that ye maye come in and take possession of the londe which the LORDE youre God shal geue you And to the Rubenites Gaddites and to the halfe trybe of Manasse sayde Iosua Thynke vpon the worde that Moses the seruaunt of y e LORDE spake vnto you and sayde The LORDE yo r God hath brought you to rest and geuen you this londe Let youre wyues and children and catell remayne in y e londe that Moses gaue you on this syde Iordane But ye youre selues as many as be fightinge men shal go forth before youre brethren in harnesse and helpe them tyll the LORDE haue broughte youre brethren to rest also as well as you that they also maye take possession of the londe which the LORDE yo r God shal geue them Then shal ye turne agayne in to the londe of youre possession that ye maye enioye it which Moses the seruaunt of the LORDE hath geuen you on this syde Iordane towarde y e Easte And they answered Iosua and sayde All that thou hast commaunded vs wyll we do and whither so euer thou sendest vs we wyl go thither Like as we haue obeyed Moses so wyl we be obedient also vnto the Onely that the LORDE thy God be with y e like as he was with Moses Who so euer disobeyeth thy mouth and herkeneth not vnto thy wordes in all that thou hast commaunded vs shal dye Onely be thou stronge and bolde The II. Chapter IOsua the sonne of Nun sent out two spyes preuely from Setim and sayde vnto them Go youre waye loke vpon the londe and Iericho They wente forth and came in to y e house of an harlot called Rahab and laye there Then was it tolde the kynge of Iericho Lo there are men come in this nighte from the childrē of Israel to spye the londe Then sent the kynge of Iericho vnto Rahab saynge Delyuer the men forth that are come vnto the in to thy house for they are come to spye out the whole londe Now as for the two men the woman had hyd them and sayde There came men in vnto me in dede but I knewe not whence they were And at the shuttinge in of the gate whan it was darcke they wente out so y t I can not tell whither they be gone folowe soone after them for ye shal ouertake them But she had caused them to clymme vp vnto the house toppe and hyd them vnder the stalkes of flaxe that she had prepared her vpō the toppe of the house Howbeit the men folowed after them in y e waye towarde Iordane euen vnto the ferye and whan they that folowed vpon them were gone forth the gate was shut And or euer the men layed them downe to slepe she wente vp to them vnto the house toppe and sayde vnto thē I knowe that the LORDE shal delyuer you the londe for the feare of you is fallen vpon vs and all the inhabiters of the londe are discoraged at youre commynge For we haue herde how the LORDE dryed vp the water in the reed see before you whā ye departed out of Egipte and what ye dyd vnto the two kynges of the Amorites Sihon and Og beyonde Iordane how ye roted them out and destroyed them And sence we herde therof oure hert hath failed vs nether is there a good stomacke more in eny man by the reason of youre commynge For the LORDE yo r God is both the God aboue in heauē and beneth vpon earth Sweare now then vnto me euen by the LORDE for so moch as I haue dealte mercifully with you that ye wyl also shewe mercy vpon my fathers house and geue me a true token that ye wyl let my father lyue and my mother my brethren and my sisters and all that they haue and delyuer oure soules from death The men sayde vnto her Yf we shewe not mercy and faithfulnesse vpon
ouercōmeth Ammon in Maspha Chap XII The Ephraites rise vp against Iepthe and there are slayne of them two and fortye thousande Chap. XIII The byrth of Samson is shewed vnto his father and mother by an angell Chap. XIIII Samson taketh a wife ī Timnath renteth a yonge Lyon in peces and putteth forth a dark sentence vnto his companyons Chap. XV. How Samson hurteth the Philistynes with the foxes He slayeth a thousande mē with the cheke bone of an asse Chap XVI Samson taketh both the portes of the gate of the cite vpon his backe beareth them vp to the mount Dalila the harlot bryngeth him in dotage so that he telleth her his secretes and is blynded of his enemies Chap. XVII Of Micha and his ymage c. Chap. XVIII Dan sendeth out men to spye the lōde which take Michas ymage carie awaye the prest Chap. XIX How shamefully the Gabeonites deale with the Leuites wife Chap XX. How the same synne is punyshed Chap. XXI The Ben Iamites optayne wyues in Israel whō the Israelites had sworne not to geue them The first Chapter AFter the death of Iosua the children of Israel axed the LORDE and sayde Who shall go vp be o r captayne of warre against y e Cananites The LORDE sayde Iuda shall go vp Beholde I haue delyuered the londe in to his hande Then sayde Iuda vnto his brother Simeon Go vp w t me in to my lot and let vs fighte against the Cananites then wyl I go agayne with the in to y e lot So Simeon wente with him Now whan Iuda wente vp the LORDE delyuered the Cananites and Pheresites in to their hādes they slewe tē thousande mē at Besek they foūde Adoni Besek at Besek foughte agaynst him and slewe the Cananites and Pheresites But Adoni Besek fled and they folowed after him and whan they had ouertaken him they cut of the thōbes of his handes and fete Then sayde Adoni Besek Thre score and ten kynges w t the thombes of their hādes fete cut of gathered vp the meate y t was lefte vnder my table Now as I haue done so hath God rewarded me agayne And he was broughte vnto Ierusalē where he dyed But y e childrē of Iuda foughte agaynst Ierusalem and wāne it and smote it with the edge of the swerde and set fyre vpon the cite Then wente the children of Israel downe to fighte agaynst y e Cananites y t dwelt vpon the mount and towarde the south and in the vall●● 〈…〉 Iuda wente agaynst the Cananites which dwelt at Hebron As for Hebron it was called Kiriatharba afore tyme and they smote Sesai Achiman and Thalmai And from thence he wente agaynst y e inhabiters of Debir but Debir was called Kiriath Sepher aforetyme And Caleb sayde He y t smyteth Kiriath Sepher wynneth it I wyl geue him my doughter Achsa to wife Then Athniel the sonne of Kenas Calebs yongest brother wāne it And he gaue him his doughter Achsa to wife And it fortuned y t whan they wēte in she was counceled of hir houszbande to axe a pece of londe of hir father And she fell from the asse Thē sayde Caleb vnto her What ayleth y e She sayde Geue me a blessynge for thou hast geuen me a south drye londe geue me also a watery londe Then gaue he her a londe that was watery aboue and beneth And the childrē of y e Kenyte Moses brother in lawe wente vp out of the palme cite with the children of Iuda in to the wyldernesse of Iuda that lyeth on y e south syde of the cite Arad and wente their waye dwelt amonge the people And Iuda wente with his brother Simeon they smote the Cananites at Zephath damned them called the name of the cite Horma Iuda also wanne Gasa with the borders therof Ascalon with hir borders Accaron with the coastes therof And the LORDE was w t Iuda so that he conquered the mountaynes but them that dwelt in the valley coulde he not conquere because they had yron charettes And acordinge as Moses had sayde they gaue Hebron vnto Caleb which droue out the thre sonnes of Enak Howbeit y e children of Ben Iamin droue not out y e Iebusites which dwelt at Ierusalem but y e Iebusites dwelt amonge the children of Ben Iamin at Ierusalem vnto this daye Likewyse the children of Ioseph wēte vp also vnto Bethel the LORDE was w t thē And the house of Ioseph spyed out Bethel which afore tyme was called Lus and the watch men sawe a man goinge out of the cite and saide vnto him Shewe vs where we maye come in to the cite we wyll shewe mercy vpon the. And whan he had shewed them where they mighte come in to the cite they smote y e cite w t the edge of the swerde but they let the man go all his frendes Then wēte the same man vp in to y e countre of the Hethites buylded a cite and called it Lus so is the name of it yet vnto this daye And Manasses 〈◊〉 not out Beth Sean w t the vyllages therof ner Thaenah with the vyllages therof n●r the inhabiters of Dor with the vyllages therof ner the inbiters of Iebleam w t the vyllages therof ner the inhabiters of Mageddo w t the vyllages therof and y e Cananites beganne to dwell in the same londe But whan Israel was mightie he made the Cananites tributaries and droue them not out In like maner Ephraim droue not out y e Cananites that dwelt at Gaser but the Cananites dwelt amonge them at Gaser Zabulon also droue not out the inhabiters of Kitron and Nahalol but y e Cananites dwelt amonge them were tributaries Asser droue not out y e inhabiters of Aco y e inhabiters of Sidon of Ahelab of Achsib of Helba of Aphik of Rehob but y e Asserites dwelt amōge the Cananites that dwelt in the lōde for they droue thē not out Nephtali droue not out y e inhabiters of Beth Semes ner of Beth Anath but dwelt amonge the Cananites which dwelt in the londe howbeit they of Beth Semes and of Beth Anath were tributaries And the Amorites subdued the childrē of Dan vpon the mountaine and suffred them not to come downe in to the valley And the Amorites beganne to dwell vpō mount Here 's at Aiolon and at Saalbim Howbeit y e hande of y e house of Ioseph was to sore for them and they became tributaries And the border of the Amorites was as a mā goeth vp towarde Acrabim and from the rocke from the toppe The II. Chapter BVt there came vp a messaūger of y e LORDE from Gilgall vnto Bochim and sayde I haue caried you vp hither out of Egipte and broughte you in to the londe that I sware vnto youre fathers saide I wyl neuer breake my couenaunt w t you that ye shulde make no
vp their heade nomore and the londe was in rest fortye yeares as lōge as Gedeon lyued And Ierubaal the sonne of Ioas wēte dwelt in his house And Gedeon Had thre score ten sonnes which were come out of his thye for he had many wyues And his concubyne which he had at Sichē bare him a sonne also whom he called Abimelech And Gideon the sonne of Ioas dyed in a good age was buried at Aphra in y e sepulcre of his father Ioas the father of the Esrites But whan Gedeon was deed the childrē of Israel turned backe and wente awhoringe after Baalim and made a couenaunt w t Baal Berith y t he shulde be their God And y e childrē of Israel thoughte not on y e LORDE their God which had delyuered them frō the hande of their enemies rounde aboute and they shewed not mercy vnto the house of Ierubaal Gedeon acordinge to all the good that he had done vnto Israel The IX Chapter ABimelech the sonne of Ierubaal wente vnto Sichē to his mothers brethren spake vnto them to all the kynred of his mothers fathers house and sayde I praye you speake in the eares of all the men at Sichem What is better for you that threscore and ten men all children of Ierubaal shulde be lordes ouer you or that one man shulde be lorde ouer you Remembre also that I am youre bone and youre flesh Then spake his mothers brethrē all these wordes for him in y e eares of all y e men at Sichem And their hert enclyned to Abimelech for they thoughte He is oure brother and gaue him thre score and ten syluerlinges out of y e house of Baal Berith And w t them Abimelech hyred men that were vagabundes and of light condicions which folowed him And he came to his fathers house vnto Aphra and slew his brethren the children of Ierubaal euen thre score men and tē vpon one stone But Iotham the yongest sonne of Ierubaal remayned ouer for he was hydd And all the men of Sichem and all the house of Millo gathered them selues together and wente and made Abimelech kynge by the Oke that stondeth at Sichem Whan this was tolde Iotham he wente and stode vpon the toppe of mount Grisim and lifte vp his voyce cried and sayde Heare me ye men of Sichem that God maye heare you also The trees wente to anointe a kinde ouer them and sayde vnto the Olyue tre Be thou oure kynge But the Olyue tre answered them Shall I go and leaue my fatnesse which both God and men commende in me and go to be puft vp aboue the trees Then sayde the trees vnto the fygge tre Come thou and be kynge ouer vs. But the fygge tre sayde vnto thē Shal I leaue my swetnes and my good frute and go to be puft vp aboue the trees Then sayde the trees vnto the vyne Come thou and be oure kinge But the vyne sayde vnto them Shal I leaue my swete wyne which reioyseth God and men and go to be puft vp aboue the trees Thē sayde all the trees vnto the thorne buszshe Come thou and be kynge ouer vs. And the thorne buszshe sayde vnto the trees Yf it be true y t ye anoynte me to be kynge ouer you thē come and put youre trust vnder my shadowe Yf no then go fyre out of the thorne buszshe cōsume y e Ceder trees of Libanō Yf ye haue done right now and iustly y t ye haue made Abimelech to be kynge and yf ye haue done well vnto Ierubaal and to his house and haue done vnto him as he deserued vnto you Which euen my father foughte for youre sakes and ioperde his lyfe to delyuer out of the Madianites hāde euē you which are rysen vp this daye agaynst my fathers house haue slaine his childrē thre score personnes ten vpon one stone and haue made you a kynge euen Abimelech the sonne of his handmaide ouer the men at Sichem for so moch as he is youre brother Yf ye haue done right now and iustly vnto Ierubaal and his house this daye then reioyse ouer Abimelech and let him reioyse ouer you Yf no then go fyre out from Abimelech and cōsume the men of Sichem and the house of Millo And fyre go out also frō the men of Sichem and from the house of Millo and consume Abimelech And Iothā whan he had spoken this out fled and gat him out of the waye and wente vnto Ber and dwelt there because of his brother Abimelech Now whan Abimelech had reigned thre yeare ouer Israel God sent an euell mynde betwene Abimelech and the men of Sichen for the men of Sichem despysed Abimelech and rehearsed the wr●nge done to the sonnes of Ierubaal and their bloude and layed it vpon Abimelech their brother which slewe them and vpon the men of Sichem that strengthed his hande therto that he mighte slaye his brethren And the men of Sichem set an hynd●● watch vpon the toppes of the mountaynes and spoyled all them that walked nye them by the waye and it was tolde Abimelech But there came Gaal the sonne of Ebed and his brethren and entred in to Sichem and the men of Sichem put their trust in him and wēte out in to the felde and gathered their vynyardes and pressed them and made a daunse and wente in to their gods house and ate and dranke and cursed Abimelech And Gaal y e sonne of Ebed sayde Who is Abimelech and what is Sichem that we shulde serue him Is he not the sonne of Ierubaal and hath set Sebul his seruaūt ouer the men of Hemor the father of Sichem ▪ Wherfore shulde we serue him Wolde God the people were vnder my hāde y t I mighte put downe Abimelech And it was tolde Abimelech Increace thine hooste and departe For Sebul the chefe ruler of the cite whan he herde the wordes of Gaal y e sonne of Ebed he was wroth fully displeased and sente message secretly to Abimelech and caused to saye vnto him Beholde Gaal the sonne of Ebed and his brethren are come to Sichem and make the cite to be agaynst the. Arise therfore by nyght thou and thy people that is with the and laye wayte for thē in the felde and tomorow whan the Sonne aryseth get the vp soone and fall vpon the cite and yf he and the people that is with him come out vnto the thē deale with him as thyne hande fyndeth Abimelech stode vp by night and all the people that was with him and layed wayte for Sichem with foure companies of men of warre And Gaal the sonne of Ebed wē out and stode at the dore of the gate of the cite But Abimelech gat him vp out of the hinder watch and the people that was with him Now whan Gaal sawe the people he sayde vnto Sebul Beholde there commeth a people downe from the toppe of y e mount Sebul saide vnto him Thou seist y e shadowe of the mountaines
first Chapter IN y e tyme whan the Iudges ruled there was a derth in the londe And there wente a mā from Bethleē Iuda to take his iourney in to the londe of the Moabites w t his wife and two sonnes which man was called Eli Melech and his wife Naemi his two sonnes the one Mahelon and the other Chilion these were Ephrates of Bethleem Iuda And whan they came in to the londe of y e Moabites they dwelt there And Eli Melech Naemis huszbande dyed she was left behinde w t hir two sonnes which toke Moabitish wyues the one was called Arpa the other Ruth And whan they had dwelt there ten yeare they dyed both Mahelon and Chilion so that the woman remayned desolate of both hir sonnes and hir huszbande Then gat she her vp w t both hir sonnes wyues wente agayne out of the lōde of y e Moabites for she had herde in the londe of the Moabites y t the LORDE had visited his people geuen them bred so she departed from y e place where she was both hir sonnes wyues w t her And as they wēte by the waye to come agayne in to the londe of Iuda she sayde vnto both hir sonnes wyues Go yo r waye turne backe ether of you to hir mothers house the LORDE shewe mercy vpon you as ye haue done on thē y t are deed on me The LORDE graunte you y t ye maie fynde rest ether of you in hir huszbādes house whom ye shal get and she kyssed them Then lift they vp their voyce and wepte sayde vnto her We wil go with the vnto y e people But Naemi sayde Turne agayne my doughters why wolde ye go with me How can I haue children eny more in my body to be youre huszbandes Turne agayne my doughters and go youre waye for I am now to olde to take an huszbande And though I shulde saye I hope this night to take an huszbande to brynge forth children yet coulde ye not tary tlll they were growne vp for ye shulde be to olde so that ye coulde haue no huszbandes No my doughters therfore am I sory for you for y e hāde of the LORDE is gone forth ouer me Then lifte they vp their voyce and wepte yet more and Arpa kyssed hir mother in lawe and turned backe againe but Ruth abode styll by her Neuertheles she sayde Beholde thy syster in lawe is turned backe vnto hir people and to hir god turne thou againe also after thy sister in lawe Ruth answered Speake not to me therof that I shulde forsake the and turne backe from the whither so euer thou goest thither wil I go also and loke where thou abydest there wil I abide also Thy people is my people thy God is my God Loke where thou diest there wil dye and euen there wil I also be buried The LORDE do this and that vnto me death onely shal departe vs. Now whan she sawe that she was stedfastly mynded to go with her she spake nomore to her therof So they wente on both together till they came vnto Bethleem And whan they were come in to Bethleem the whole cite was moued ouer them and sayde Is not this Naemi Neuerthelesse she sayde vnto them call me not Naemi but Mara for the Allmightie hath made me very sory I departed full but the LORDE hath brought me home agayne emptye Why call ye me then Naemi whā the LORDE hath broughte me lowe and the Allmightie hath made me sory It was aboute the tyme of the begynninge of the barlye haruest whan Naemi and his sonnes wife Ruth y e Moabitysse came agayne from the londe of the Moabites vnto Bethleem There was a kinsman also of y e kynred of Eli Melech Naemis huszbande whose name was Boos which was an honest man The II. Chapter ANd Ruth the Moabitisse saide vnto Naemi Let me go in to y e felde gather eares of corne after him in whose sight I shal finde fau● She sayde vnto her Go y t waie my doughter She wēte on came gathered after y e reapers in y e feld And it fortuned that the same felde was the enheritaunce of Boos which was of the kynred of Elimelech and beholde Boos came from Bethleem and sayde vnto the reapers The LORDE be with you They answered The LORDE blesse the. And Boos sayde vnto his yongman which had the ouersight of y e reapers Whose damsell is this The yonge man that was set ouer y e reapers answered and sayde It is the damsell the Moabitisse which came agayne with Naemi from the londe of the Moabites And she sayde Let me plucke vp and gather I praie the betwene the sheues after the reapers and thus is she come and hath stonde here euer sence the mornynge and within a litle whyle she wolde haue bene gone home agayne Then sayde Boos vnto Ruth Hearest thou my doughter Thou shalt not come vpon another mans londe to gather and go not awaye from hence but tary with my dāsels and loke where they reape in y e felde go thou after them for I haue cōmaunded my seruauntes that no man touch the. And yf thou be a thyrst go thy waye to the vessell drynke where my seruauntes drawe Then fell she downe vpon hir face and bowed hir self downe to the earth and sayde vnto him How haue I founde this fauoure in y e sighte that thou woldest knowe me which am yet a straunger Boos answered and sayde vnto her It is tolde me alltogether what thou hast done vnto thy mother in lawe after thy huszbādes death how that thou hast left y e father and thy mother and thy natiue countre and art come to a people whom thou hast not knowne afore The LORDE recompence the thy doinge and thy rewarde be parfecte w t the LORDE God of Israel vnto whom thou art come to put thy trust vnder his wynges She sayde let me fynde fauoure syr before thyne eyes for thou hast comforted me and spoken frendly vnto thy handmaydē where as I am not yet like one of y e handmaydēs Boos sayde vnto her Whan it is eatinge tyme come hither and eate of the bred and dyppe thy morsell in the vyneger And she sat hir downe besyde the reapers And he set parched come before her and she ate was satisfyed and lefte ouer And whā she rose to gather Boos commaunded his seruauntes and sayde Let her gather betwene the sheues also and do her no dishonestye and cast of the sheues vnto her and let it lye that she maye gather it vp and se that noman reproue her for it So she gathered in the felde vntyll euen and she shaked out what she had gathered and it was allmost an Epha of barlye and she toke it vp and came in to the cite and shewed hir mother in lawe what she had gathered She toke forth also and gaue her of that which was left wherof she was satysfyed Thē sayde hir
mother in lawe vnto her Blessinge haue the man that hath knowne the where thou hast gathered and laboured this daye She tolde hir mother in lawe by whom she had laboured and sayde The mans name by whom I haue wroughte to daye is Boos Naemi sayde vnto hir doughter in lawe The blessynge of the LORDE haue he for he hath not lefte of to be mercifull vnto the lyuynge and to the deed And Naemi sayde vnto her The same man belongeth 〈◊〉 to vs and is oure nye kynsman Ruth the Moabitisse saide He saide morouer vnto me Thou shalt resorte vn to my seruauntes tyll they haue made an ende of all my haruest Naemi sayde vnto Ruth hir doughter in lawe It is better my doughter that thou go forth with his damsels lest eny man withstōde the in another felde Thus she kepte herselfe with Boos damsels so that she gathered vntill the barlye haruest and the wheate haruest was out and came againe to hir mother in lawe The III. Chapter ANd Naemi hir mother in lawe sayde vnto her My doughter I wyll prouyde rest for the that thou maiest prospere Boos oure kynsman by whose damsels thou hast bene casteth vp barlye now this night in his barne Bathe thyselfe therfore and moffell the and put on thy clothes and go downe vnto the barne so y t nomā knowe the tyll they haue all eaten and dronken Whan he layeth him downe then to slepe mark y e place where he lyeth downe and come thou and take vp the couerynge at his fete and laye the downe so shall he tell the what thou shalt do She sayde vnto her ▪ whatso euer thou saiest vnto me I wil do it She wente downe to the barne dyd all as hir mother in lawe had cōmaunded her And whā Boos had eatē dronkē his hert was mery he came and layed him downe behynde a heape of sheues And she came secretly and toke vp the coueringe at his fete and layed hir downe Now whā it was midnight the man was afrayed and groped aboute him and beholde a woman laye at his fete And he sayde Who art thou She answered I am Ruth thy handmayden sprede y e wynges ouer thy hādmayden for thou art the nexte kynsman He sayde The LORDES blessinge haue thou my doughter Thou hast done a better mercy here after then before y t thou art not gone after yonge men nether riche ner poore Feare not now my doughter All y t thou hast sayde will I do for the for all the cite of my people knoweth y t thou art a vertuous womā Trueth it is now y t I am a nye kynsmā but there is one nyer then I. Tarye thou allnighte Tomorow yf he take the well yf he like not to take y e then wil I take y t my selfe as truly as y e LORDE lyueth Slepe thou tyll y e mornynge And she slepte at his fete vntyll y e morow And she rose vp or euer one coulde knowe another And he thoughte thus That no mā knowe now y t there hath come a woman in to the barne and he sayde Reach me the cloke y t thou hast on the holde it forth And she helde it forth And he meet her sixe measures of barlye and layed it vpon her she wente in to the cite came to hir mother in lawe which sayde How is it w t the my doughter And she tolde her all y t the mā had done vnto her sayde These sixe measures of barlye gaue he me for he sayde Thou shalt not come emptye vnto y e mother in lawe She sayde Abyde my doughter tyll thou se what y e matter wil growe to for the man wilt not ceasse tyll he brynge it to an ende this daye The IIII. Chapter BOos wente vp to y e gate and sat him downe there beholde whan y e nye kynsman wente by Boos spake vnto him sayde Come syt the downe here and called him by his name And he came sat him downe he toke ten men of the Elders of y e cite sayde Syt you downe here And they sat thē downe Thē sayde he to the nye kynszman Naemi which is come againe frō the lōde of the Moabites offreth to sell y e pece of londe y t was oure brothers Eli Melech therfore thoughte I to shewe it before thine eares to tell the Yf thou wilt redeme it then bye it before the citesyns before the Elders of my people but yf thou wylt not redeme it then tell me y t I maie knowe for there is no nye kynsmā excepte thou and I nexte after the. He sayde I wil redeme it Boos saide In the daye y t thou byest the lōde out of y e hande of Naemi thou must take Ruth also the Moabitisse the wife of the deed that thou mayest rayse vp a name to y e deed in his inheritaunce Thē sayde he I can not redeme it lest I happlye destroye myne awne enheritaunce Redeme thou y t I shulde redeme for I can not redeme it But this was an olde custome in Israel concernynge the redemynge chaūginge y t all matters mighte be stable the one put of his shue gaue it vnto y e other y t was the testimony in Israel And the nye kynsman sayde vnto Boos Bye thou it he put of his shue And Boos sayde vnto the Elders and to all the people Ye are witnesses this daie y t I haue boughte out of the hande of Naemi all that belonged to Eli Melech and all that was Chilions and Mahelons And Ruth the Moabitisse Mahelons wife take I to wife that I maye rayse vp a name vnto y e deed in his inheritaunce and that his name be not roted out from amonge his brethren and out of the gate of his place Of this are ye witnesses And all the people that was in the gate with the Elders saide We are witnesses The LORDE make the woman that commeth in to thy house as Rachel and Lea which both haue buylded vp the house of Israel that she maye be an ensample of vertue in Ephrata and haue an honorable name in Bethleem And thy house be as y e house of Phares whō Thamar bare vnto Iuda thorow the sede that the LORDE shall geue the of this damsell So Boos toke Ruth and she became his wife And whan he laye with her the LORDE graunted her y t she conceaued and bare a sonne Thē sayde the wemen vnto Naemi Praysed be the LORDE which hath not suffred a kynsman to ceasse from the at this tyme that his name maye contynue in Israel he shal restore thy life agayne and prouyde for thine age For y i sonnes wife which hath loued the hath borne him that is better vnto the then seuen sonnes And Naemi toke the childe and layde it vpon hir lappe and became the norse of it and hir neghbours gaue him a name sayde There is a childe
Ramath And he put of his clothes prophecied likewise before Samuel fell downe naked all that daye and all that nighte Here of came the prouerbe Is Saul also amonge the prophetes The XX. Chapter DAuid fled frō Naioth in Ramath and came spake before Ionathas What haue I done What trespace haue I made What haue I synned in y e sighte of thy father y t he seketh to kyll me He sayde vnto him God forbyd thou shalt not dye Beholde my father doth nothinge nether greate ner small but he sheweth it before myne eares Wherfore shulde my father thē hyde this fro me It shal not be so Thē sware Dauid agayne and sayde Thy father knoweth well y t I haue founde fauoure in y e sighte therfore shal he thynke Ionathas shal not knowe of this lest it greue him Verely as truly as the LORDE lyueth and as truly as y e soule lyueth there is but one steppe betwene me death Ionathas sayde vnto Dauid I wil do for the what so euer thy hert desyreth Dauid sayde vnto him Beholde tomorow is the new Mone that I shulde syt at the table with the kynge Let me hyde my selfe therfore in the felde vnto the thirde daye at euen Yf thy father then axe after me saye Dauid prayed me y t he mighte runne to Bethleem vnto his cite for all his kynred haue there a yearly sacrifice Yf he saye then It is good thē stondeth it well with y e seruaunt But yf he be wroth thou shalt perceaue that he intendeth euell Do mercy therfore vpon thy seruaunt for with me y e seruaunt hast thou made a couenaunt in the LORDE But yf there be eny trespace in me then slaye me thy selfe for why woldest thou brynge me vnto thy father Ionathas sayde That be farre from the that I shulde perceaue my father to intende eny euell agaynst the and shulde not tell the. Dauid sayde Who shal brynge me worde yf thy father geue the an harde answere Ionathas sayde vnto Dauid Come let vs go forth in to the felde And they wente out both in to y e felde And Ionathas sayde vnto Dauid LORDE God of Israel yf I perceaue by my father tomorow or on the thirde daye that it goeth well with Dauid sende not vnto the and shewe the before thine eares then let the LORDE do this and that vnto Ionathas But yf my father delyte in euell agaynst the I wil shewe it before thine eares also and let y t go that thou mayest departe in peace And the LORDE be with the as he hath bene with my father Yf I do it not then do thou no mercy of the LORDE on me while I lyue no not whan I dye and plucke thy mercy fro my house for euer And whan the LORDE roteth out y e enemies of Dauid euery one out of the londe then let Dauid rote out Ionathas also with his house and the LORDE requyre it of the hande of Dauids enemies And Ionathas proceaded further and sware vnto Dauid he loued him so well for he loued him euen es his owne soule and Ionathas sayde vnto him Tomorow is y e new Mone and thou shalt be axed after for thou shalt be wanted where thou wast wonte to sit But on the thirde daye come downe soone go in to y e place where thou hydest the on the worckdaye set the downe by the stone of Asel then wyl I shute thre arowes on y t side as though I wolde shute at a marck and beholde I wil sende the boye and saye vnto him Go seke y e arowes Yf I saye now vnto the lad Lo the arowes lye hitherwarde behynde y e fetch them then come thou for it is peace and there is no parell as truly as the LORDE lyueth But yf I saye vnto the lad beholde the arowes lye yonderwarde before the then go thou thy waye for the LORDE hath let the go As for that which thou and I haue spokē together the LORDE is betwene me and the for euer Dauid hid himself in the felde And whā the new Mone came the kynge sat him downe at the table to eate Whan the kynge had set him downe in his place as he was wonte by the wall Ionathas stode vp but Abner sat him downe besyde Saul And Dauid was myssed in his place And Saul spake nothinge that daye for he thoughte There is somwhat happend vnto him that he is not cleane On the seconde daye of the new Mone whan Dauid was myssed in his place Saul saide vnto Ionathas his sonne Wherfore is not the sonne of Isai come to the table nether yesterdaye ner to daye Ionathas answered Saul He prayed me that he mighte go vnto Bethleem and sayde Let me go for oure kynred hath a sacrifyce to do in the cyte and my brother hath sent for me himselfe yf I haue founde fauoure now in thy syghte I wyll go and se my brethren therfore is he not come to the kynges table Then was the kynge wroth at Ionathas and sayde vnto him Thou wicked and vnthrifte I knowe how that thou hast chosen the sonne of Isai to the shame of thy selfe and of y e shamefull mother For as longe as y e sonne of Isai lyueth vpō earth nether thou ner thy kingdome shal prospere Sende now therfore and cause him to be fetched vnto me for he is a childe of death Ionathas answered his father Saul and sayde vnto him Wherfore shal he dye what hath he done Then shot Saul the iauelynge at him that he might smite him Thē perceaued Ionathas that his father was vtterly determed to kyll Dauid and he rose vp from y e table in a wrothfull displeasure and ate no bred y t same seconde daye of the new Mone for he was vexed because of Dauid that his father had done him soch dishonor. On the morow wente Ionathas forth in to the felde at the tyme appoynted of Dauid and a litle boy with him and sayde vnto y e boy Runne and seke me the arowes which I shute Whan the boy ranne he shot an arowe ouer him And whan the boy came to the place whither Ionathas had shot y e arowe Ionathas cryed after him and sayde The arowe lyeth yonder warde before the. And he cryed after him agayne haist the and stonde not styll Then the boy gathered vp Ion●thas arowes and brought them to his lorde And the boy knewe nothinge onely Ionathas and Dauid knewe of y e matter Then Ionathas gaue his boy his wapēs and sayde vnto him Go thy ways and cary them in to the cite And whan the boy was gone Dauid arose from the place towarde the south and fell vpon his face to the groūde and worshipped thre tymes and they kissed one another and wepte together But Dauid most specially And Ionathas saide vnto Dauid Go thy waye in peace What soeuer we both haue sworne spokē together in the name of the LORDE the LORDE be witnesse betwene me
his sonne and ouer the people of the LORDE and ouer the house of Israel because they were fallen thorow the swerde And Dauid sayde to the yonge man that broughte him worde What art thou He sayde I am y e sonne of a straunger an Amalechite Dauid sayde How happeneth it that thou wast not afrayed to laye thine hāde vpon the LORDES anointed to destroye him And Dauid sayde vnto one of his yonge men Come hither and slaye him And he smote him that he dyed Then sayde Dauid vnto him Thy bloude be vpon thyne owne heade For thy mouth hath spoken against thyselfe and sayde I haue slayne the anoynted of the LORDE And Dauid mourned this lamentacion ouer Saul and Ionathas his sonne and commaunded to teach the childrē of Iuda the bowe Beholde it is wrytten in the boke of the righteous The Eldest in Israel are slayne vpon the heigth of the. How are the Worthies fallē Tell it not at Gath speake not of it in y e stretes at Ascalon lest the doughters of y e Philistynes reioyse lest the doughters of y e vncircumcysed tryumphe Ye mountaynes of Gelboa nether dew ner rayne come vpō you nether lōde be wherof commeth Heue offerynges for there is y e shylde of the Worthies smytten downe the shylde of Saul as though he had not bene anoynted with oyle The bowe of Ionathas fayled not and the swerde of Saul came not agayne voyde from the bloude of the slayne and frō the fat of the giauntes Saul and Ionathas louely and pleasaūt in their lyfe and in their deeth were not parted asunder lighter then Aegles and stronger then lyons Ye doughters of Israel wepe ouer Saul which clothed yow with purple in pleasures and decked you with Iewels of golde on youre garmentes How are the Worthies fallen so in the battayll Ionathas is slayne vpon y e heigth of the. I am sory for the my brother Ionathas thou hast bene very louely vnto me Thy loue hath bene more speciall vnto me then the loue of wemen How are the Worthies falle● and y e weapens destroyed The II. Chapter AFter these actes Dauid axed at the LORDE and sayde Shall I go vp in to one of the cities of Iuda And the LORDE sayde vnto him Go vp Dauid sayde Whither He sayde Vnto Hebron So Dauid wente thither with his two wyues Ahinoam the Iesraelitisse and Abigail Nabals wyfe of Carmel And Dauid broughte vp the men that were him also euery one with his housholde and they dwelt in the cities of Hebron And y e men of Iuda came and there they anointed him kynge ouer the house of Iuda And whā it was tolde Dauid that they of Iabes in Gilead had buried Saul he sent messaungers vnto them sayenge Blessed be ye of the LORDE that ye haue done soch mercy vpon youre lorde Saul and haue buried him The LORDE therfore shewe mercy now and faithfulnes vpon you And because ye haue done this I also wyll do you good Let youre hāde now therfore be comforted and be ye stronge for though Saul youre lorde be deed yet hath the house of Iuda chosen me to be kynge ouer them But Abner the sonne of Ner which was Sauls chefe captayne toke Iszboseth the sonne of Saul and broughte him thorow the hoost and made him kynge ouer Gilead Assuri Iesrael Ephraim Ben Iamin and ouer all Israel And Iszboseth the sonne of Saul was fourtye yeare olde whan he was made kynge of Israel he raigned two yeares But the house of Iuda helde with Dauid The tyme y t Dauid was kynge at Hebron ouer the house of Iuda was seuen yeare and sixe monethes longe And Abner the sonne of Ner wēte forth with the seruauntes of Iszboseth the sonne of Saul out of y e hoost vnto Gibeon And Ioab the sonne of Zeru Ia wēte forth with Dauids seruauntes and they met together by the pole at Gibeon and these laye on the one syde of the pole the other on the other syde And Abner sayde vnto Ioab Let the yonge mē get them vp and playe before vs. Ioab sayde Let them aryse Then gat they them vp wente in nombre twolue of Ben Iamin on Iszboseth Sauls sonnes syde and twolue of Dauids seruauntes And euery one gat another by the heade and thrust his swerde in his syde and fell together therfore is the place called Helkath hazurim that is the felde of the Worthies which is at Gibeon And there arose a sore harde battayll the same daye But Abner and the men of Israel were put to flighte of Dauids seruauntes Thre sonnes of Zeru Ia were there Ioab Abisai Asahel As for Asahel he was lighte of fete as a Roo in y e felde folowed after Abner and turned not asyde nether to the righte hande ner to y e lefte from Abner Then Abner turned him aboute and sayde Art thou Asahel He sayde Yee Abner sayde vnto him Go thy waye ether to the righte hande or to the lefte and get the one of y e yonge men and take his harnesse from him Neuertheles he wolde not leaue of frō him Then sayde Abner agayne to Asahel Get the awaye fro me why wilt thou that I smyte the to the grounde and how darre I lifte vp my face before y e brother Ioab Howbeit he wolde not go his waye Then Abner thrust him in with a speare in to his bely so that the speare wēte out behynde him And there he fell and dyed before him and who so came to the place where Asahel laye deed stode styll there But Ioab and Abisai folowed vpon Abner till the sonne wente downe And whan they came to y e hyll of Amma which lieth before Giah by y e waye to the wildernes of Gibeon the children of Ben Iamin gathered them selues together behynde Abner and grewe to a multitude and stode vpon the toppe of an hyll And Abner called vnto Ioab and sayde Shal the swerde thē deuoure without ende Knowest thou not that it wyll be bytter at the last How longe wil it be or thou saie vnto the people that they leaue of from their brethrē Ioab sayde As truly as God lyueth yf thou haddest sayde thus daye in the morninge the people had ceassed euery one from his brother And Ioab blewe the trompet all the people stode still and folowed nomore vpon Israel nether foughte they eny more Abner and his men wente all that same night ouer the playne felde and passed ouer Iordane walked thorow all Bithron and came to the tentes Ioab turned him from Abner and gathered all y e people together And of Dauids seruauntes there myssed nynetene men and Asahel But Dauids seruaūtes had smytten so amonge Ben Iamin and the men of Abner that thre hundreth and threscore men were deed And they toke vp Asahel and buried him in his fathers graue at Bethleem And Ioab with his men wēte all that nighte and at the breake of the daie they came vnto Hebron
at Bethleem vnder y e gate caried it broughte it vnto Dauid neuertheles he wolde not drynke it but offred it vnto the LORDE sayde The LORDE let this be farre fro me that I shulde do it Is it not the bloude of the men that ioperded their lyues and wente thither And he wolde not drynke it This dyd the thre Worthies Abisai y e brother of Ioab the sonne of Zeru Ia was one also chefe amōge thre He lifte vp his speare smote thre hundreth was an awncient man amōge thre the noblest amonge thre was their ruler But he came not vnto the thre And Benaia the sonne of Ioiada the sonne of Ishail a man of greate actes of Cabzeell smote two mightie giaūtes of y e Moabites wēte downe slewe a lyon at a well in the snowe tyme. He smote also a fayre goodly man of Egipte which had a speare in his hande But he wēte downe to him with a staffe and toke the speare out of the Egipcians hande by violence and slewe him with his owne speare This dyd Benaia the sonne of Ioiada and was a famous man amōge thre Worthies and more honorable then the thirtie but he came not vnto the thre And Dauid made him of his secrete coūcell Asahel the brother of Ioab is amonge y e thirtie Elham his vncles sonne at Bethleem Samma the Haradite Elika the Haradite Helez the Paltite Ira the sonne of Tekoite Abiser the Anthothite Mebunai the Husathite Zalmon the Ahohite Maherai the Netophatite Ithai the sonne of Ribai of Gibea of the childrē of Ben Iamin Benaia the Pirgathonite Hidai of the broke of Gaas Abialbon the Arbathite Asmaueth the Bahumite Eliaheba the Baalbonite The children of Iasen and Ionathas Samma the Hararite Eliphelet the sonne of Ahaszbai y e sonne of Maechathi Eliam the sonne of Achitophel y e Gilonite Hesrai of Carmel Paerai the Arbite Iegael the sonne of Nathan of Soba ▪ Bani the Gadite Zeleg the Ammonite Naharai the Beerothite the weapen bearer of Ioab the sonne of Zeru Ia Ira the Iethrite Gareb the Iethrite Vri●s the Hethite These are alltogether seuen and thirtie The XXIIII Chapter ANd the LORDE was wrothfully displeased of y e new agaynst Israel and moued Dauid amonge them because he saide Go nombre Israel and Iuda And the kynge sayde vnto Ioab y e chefe captayne of his hoost Go aboute in all the trybes of Israel from Dan vnto Berseba and nombre the people that I maye knowe how many they be Ioab sayde vnto the kynge The LORDE thy God adde vnto this people an hundreth tymes as moch as it is now that my lorde the kynge maye se his eyes lust theron But why hath my lorde the kynge a desyre to this thinge Neuertheles the kynges worde preuayled agaynst Ioab and the captaynes of the hoost So Ioab and y e captaynes of the hoost wente forth from the kynge to nombre the people of Israel and passed ouer Iordane and pitched at Aroer at the righte hande of the cite which lyeth in y e ryuer of Gad and at Iaseer came to Gilead and in the lowe countre of Hadsi and came vnto Dan Iaan and aboute Sidon and came to the stronge cite of Tyrus and all the cities of the Heuites and Cananites and came forth to the south parte of Iuda vnto Berseba and wēte rounde aboute that countre and after nyne monethes and twenty daies they came to Ierusalem And Ioab delyuered vnto y e kynge the summe of the people that was nombred And in Israel there were eight C. thousande stronge men that drue out the swerde and in Iuda fyue hundreth thousande men And after that the people was nombred Dauids hert smote him selfe And Dauid sayde vnto y e LORDE I haue synned sore that I haue done this And now LORDE take awaie the trespace of thy seruaunt For I haue done very vnwysely And whan Dauid rose vp in the mornynge the worde of the LORDE came vnto the prophet Gad Dauids Seer sayde Go speake vnto Dauid Thus sayeth the LORDE ▪ I brynge the thre thinges chose the one of them that I maye do it vnto the. Gad came vnto Dauid and tolde him and sayde vnto him Wilt thou that seuen yeare derth shall come in to thy londe Or that thou be fayne to flye before thine aduersaries thre monethes and they to persecute the Or that there be pestilence thre dayes in the londe Take aduysement therfore and se what answere I shal bringe agayne vnto him y t sent me Dauid sayde vnto Gad I am in extreme trouble Neuertheles yf it maye be let me rather fall in to y e handes of the LORDE for his mercy is greate I wyll not fall in to the handes of men So the LORDE sent pestilēce in to Israel from the morow vnto the tyme appoynted so that there dyed of the people from Dan vnto Berseba thre score and ten thousande men And whan the angel stretched his hande ouer Ierusalem to destroye it the LORDE repented ouer the euell and sayde vnto the angell It is ynough holde now thy hande The angell of the LORDE was besyde the barne of Arafna the Iebusite But whan Dauid sawe the angell that smote the people he sayde vnto the LORDE beholde It is I that haue synned I haue done the trespace As for these shepe what haue they done Oh let thy hāde be agaynst me and agaynst my fathers house And Gad came to Dauid at the same tyme and saide vnto him Go vp and set vp an altare vnto the LORDE in y e barne of Arafna the Iebusite So Dauid wēte vp as Gad sayde and as the LORDE had commaunded And whā Arafna loked aboute him he sawe the kynge with his seruauntes goinge vnto him and he worshipped vpon his face to the grounde and sayde Wherfore commeth my lorde y e kynge vnto his seruaunt Dauid sayde To bye the barne of the and to buylde an altare vnto the LORDE that the plage maye ceasse from the people But Arafna sayde vnto Dauid Let my lorde the kynge take it and offre what pleaseth him Beholde there is an oxe for a burnt offerynge and sleddes and vessels of oxen to the wodd All this gaue Arafna vnto the kynge And Arafna sayde vnto y e kynge The LORDE thy God make the accepted vnto him Neuertheles y e kynge sayde vnto Arafna Not so but I wyll bye it of the for as moch as it is worth For I wyl not offre burnt offerynges vnto y e LORDE of y t which I haue for naughte So Dauid boughte the barne and the oxe for fiftye Sicles of syluer and buylded an altare there vnto the LORDE and offred burnt offerynges deed offerynges And the LORDE was mercifull vnto y e londe and y e plage ceassed from the people of Israel The ende of the seconde boke of the kynges otherwyse called the seconde boke of Samuel The thyrde boke of the kynges What this boke conteyneth Chap.
answered kynge Salomon and saide vnto his mother Why desyrest thou Abisag of Sunem for Adonias Axe the kyngdome or him also for he is my greater brother and hath Abiathar the prest and Ioab the sonne of Zeru Ia. And the kynge sware by the LORDE and sayde God do this and that vnto me Adonias shall haue spoken this agaynst his lyfe And now as truly as the LORDE lyueth which hath ordeyned me and made me to syt vpon the seate of my father Dauid and hath made me a house acordynge as he sayde this daye shal Adonias dye And kynge Salomon sent thither by Benaia the sonne of Ioiada which smote him that he dyed And to the prest Abiathar sayde y e kynge Go thy waye vnto Anathoe to thy londe for thou art a man of deeth Neuerthelesse I wyl not slaye the this daye for thou hast borne the Arke of the LORDE God before my father Dauid and hast suffred also where my father suffred Thus Salomō put forth Abiathar that he must nomore be the prest of the LORDE that the worde of the LORDE mighte be fulfilled which he spake ouer the house of Eli at Silo. And this rumoure came before Ioab for Ioab cleued vnto Adonias and not vnto Salomon Then fled Ioab in to the Tabernacle of the LORDE and toke holde of the hornes of the altare And it was tolde kynge Salomon that Ioab was fled in to the Tabernacle of the LORDE and beholde he stondeth at the altare Then sent Salomon Benaia the sonne of Ioiada and sayde Go slaye him And whan Benaia came to the Tabernacle of the LORDE he sayde vnto him Thus sayeth the kynge Come forth He sayde No I wyl dye here And Benaia tolde this vnto the kynge agayne and sayde Thus hath Ioab spoken and thus hath he answered me The kinge saide vnto him Do as he hath spoken and slaye him and bury him that thou mayest put fro me and my fathers house the bloude which Ioab hath shed with out a cause and that the LORDE maye recompence him his bloude vpon his heade because he smote two men which were more righteous and better then he and slewe them with y e swerde that my father Dauid knewe not of namely Abner y e sonne of Ner the chefe captaine ouer Israel Amasa the sonne of Iether y e chefe captaine ouer Iuda y t their bloude maye be recompensed vpō y e heade of Ioab and of his sede for euer but Dauid and his sede his house and his seate haue peace for euermore of the LORDE And Benaia the sonne of Ioiada wente vp and smote him and slewe him he was buried in his house in the wyldernes And y e kynge set Benaia y e sonne of Ioiada in his steade ouer the hoost And Sadoc y e prest dyd the kynge set in the steade of Abiathar And the kynge sent and caused for to call Semei and sayde vnto him Buylde the an house at Ierusalem and dwell there and departe not from thence nether hither ner thither In what daye so euer thou departest forth and goest ouer y e broke Cedron be thou sure that thou shalt dye the deeth thy bloude be vpon thy heade Semei sayde vnto the kynge This is a good meanynge as my lorde the kynge hath sayde so shal thy seruaunt do So Semei dwelt at Ierusalem a longe season But after thre yeare it fortuned that two seruauntes ranne awaye from Semei vnto Achis the sonne of Maecha kynge of Gath. And it was tolde Semei beholde thy seruauntes are at Gath. Then Semei gat him vp and sadled his asse and wēte vnto Gath to Achis for to seke his seruaūtes And whā he came thither he broughte his seruauntes from Gath. And it was tolde Salomon that Semei wente from Ierusalem vnto Gath and was come agayne Then sent the kynge and caused for to call Semei and sayde vnto him Sware not I to the by the LORDE and assured the and sayde Loke what daye so euer thou departest out and goest hither or thither be sure that thou shalt dye the death And thou saydest vnto me I haue herde a good meanynge Why hast thou not kepte the then acordinge to the ooth of the LORDE and commaundement that I commaunded the And the kynge sayde vnto Semei Thou remembrest all y e wickednes which thy hert knoweth that thou dyddest vnto my father Dauid The LORDE hath recompenced y e thy wickednes vpon thy heade And kynge Salomon is blessed and the seate of Dauid shal be stablished before y e LORDE for euer And the kynge commaunded Benaia y e sonne of Ioiada which wente forth and smote him that he dyed And the kyngdome was stablished by Salomons hande The III. Chapter ANd Salomon made mariage w t Pharao the kynge of Egipte toke Pharaos doughter and broughte her in to the cite of Dauid tyll he had buylded his house and the LORDES house and the walles rounde aboute Ierusalem But the people offred yet vpon the hye places for as yet there was no house buylded vnto the name of the LORDE vnto that tyme. But Salomon loued the LORDE and walked after the ordinaunces of Dauid his father excepte onely that he offred and brent incense vpon the hye places And the kynge wente vnto Gibeon to do sacrifice there for that was a goodly hye place And Salomon offred a thousande burnt offerynges vpon the same altare And the LORDE appeared vnto Salomon at Gibeon in a dreame of the nighte and God sayde Axe what I shal geue ye. Salomō saide Thou hast done greate mercy vnto my father Dauid thy seruaunt Like as he walked before the in faithfulnes and righteousnes and in a true hert with the this greate mercy hast thou layed vp for him and geuen him a sonne to syt vpon his seate as it is now come to passe Now LORDE my God thou hast made thy seruaunt kynge in my father Dauids steade As for me I am but a small yonge man knowynge nether my outgoynge ner ingoynge And thy seruaunt is amonge the people whom thou hast chosen which is so greate that no man can nombre them ner descrybe them for multitude Geue thy seruaunt therfore an obedient hert that he maye iudge thy people vnderstonde what is good bad for who is able to iudge this thy mightie people This pleased the LORDE well that Salomon axed soch a peticion And God sayde vnto him For so moch as thou axest this and desyrest not longe lyfe nether riches nether y e soules of thine enemies but vnderstōdinge to heare iudgment beholde therfore haue I done acordynge to thy wordes Beholde I haue geuen the an hert of wyszdome and vnderstondynge so that soch one as thou hath not bene before the nether shall ryse vp after the. Yee and that thou hast not prayed for haue I geuen the also namely ryches and honoure so that amonge the kynges in y e tyme there is not soch one as
all the apparell be vnweyed because the metall was so moch Morouer Salomon made all the apperell that belonged vnto the house of the LORDE namely a golden altare a golden table that the shewbred laye on fyue candelstickes on the righte hande and fyue candelstickes on the lefte before the quere of pure golde w t floures lampes and snoffers of golde therto flat peces charges basens spones and censours of pure golde And the hokes of y e dores on the insyde of the house in the most holy and in the dores of the house of the tēple of the LORDE were of golde Thus all the worke that kynge Salomon made in y e house of the LORDE was fynisshed And Salomon brought in that his father Dauid had sanctified of syluer and golde and ornamentes and layed it amonge the treasures of the house of the LORDE The VIII Chapter THen gathered kynge Salomon all y e Elders in Israel together all the rulers of the trybes and prynces of the fathers amonge the children of Israel vnto Ierusalem to brynge vp the Arke of the couenaunt of the LORDE out of the cite of Dauid that is Sion And there resorted vnto kynge Salomon all the men in Israel at the feast in the moneth Ethanim that is y e seuenth moneth And whan all y e Elders of Israel came the prestes toke the Arke of the LORDE and broughte it vp and the Tabernacle of witnesse and all the ornamentes of the Sanctuary that were in the Tabernacle This dyd the prestes and the Leuites And kynge Salomon and all the congregacion of Israel y t were gathered vnto him wente with him before the Arke and offred shepe and bullockes so many that they coulde not be nombred ner tolde So the prestes broughte the Arke of the LORDES couenaunt vnto hir place euen in to y e Quere of the house in the most holy vnder y e wynges of the Cherubins For y e Cherubins spred out their wynges in the place where the Arke stode and couered the Arke and the staues therof from aboue And the staues were so lōge that y e knoppes of them were sene from the Sanctuary before y e quere but on the outsyde were they not sene and they were there vnto this daye And in the Arke there was nothinge but onely the two tables of stone which Moses had layed therin at Horeb whan y e LORDE made a couenaunt with the children of Israel what tyme as they were departed out of the londe of Egipte But whan the prestes wente out of the Sanctuary a cloude fylled the house of the LORDE so y t the prestes coulde not stonde execute the office for the cloude for the glory of the LORDE fylled the LORDES house Then sayde Salomon The LORDE sayde that he wolde dwell in a darke cloude I haue buylded an ●ouse to be an habitacion vnto the a seate y t thou mayest dwell there for euer And y e kynge turned his face blessed all the congregacion of Israel And all the cōgregacion of Israel stode he sayde Praysed be the LORDE God of Israel which promised by his mouth vnto my father Dauid and by his hāde hath fulfylled it and sayde Sence the daye y t I broughte my people of Israel out of Egipte haue I chosen no cite amōge all the trybes of Israel to buylde me an house that my name might be there But Dauid haue I chosen to be ouer my people of Israel And in dede my father Dauid was mynded to buylde an house vn to the name of the LORDE God of Israel neuertheles the LORDE sayde vnto my father Dauid Where as thou wast mynded to buylde an house vnto my name thou hast done well that thou art so aduysed Howbeit thou shalt not buylde the house but thy sonne which shal come out of thy loynes he shal buylde an house vn to my name And the LORDE hath perfourmed his worde that he spake For I am come vp in my father Dauids steade and syt vpon the seate of Israel as the LORDE sayde and haue buylded an house vnto the name of the LORDE God of Israel and there haue I ordeyned a place for the Arke wherin is the LORDES couenaunt which he made with oure fathers whan he broughte them out of y e londe of Egipte And Salomon stode before the altare of the LORDE in the presence of the whole congregacion of Israel and helde out his handes towarde heauen and sayde O LORDE God of Israel there is no god like the nether aboue in heauen ner beneth vpō earth thou that kepest couenaūt and mercy for all thy seruauntes that walke before y e with all their hert thou that hast kepte promes with my father Dauid thy seruaunt With thy mouth thou saydest it and with thy hande hast thou fulfylled it as it is come to passe this daye Now LORDE God of Israel make good vnto my father Dauid y e seruaunt that which thou hast promysed him and sayde Thou shalt not wante a man before me to syt vpon the seate of Israel yf thy childrē kepe their waye so y t they walke before me like as thou hast walked before me Now thou God of Israel let y e worde be verified which thou hast promysed vnto my father Dauid thy seruaunt For thynkest thou y t God dwelleth vpon earth Beholde the heauens and the heauens of all heauens maye not contayne the how shulde then this house do it that I haue buylded But turne the vnto the prayer of thy seruaunt and to his supplicacion O LORDE my God that thou mayest heare the thankesgeuynge and prayer which thy seruaunt maketh before the this daye so that thine eyes be open ouer this house night and daye euen ouer this place wherof thou saydest My name shall dwell there That thou mayest heare the prayer which thy seruaūt maketh in this place heare the intercession of y e seruaunt of thy people of Israel which they shall make here in this place of thy habitacion in heauen and whan thou hearest it be gracious Whan eny mā synneth agaynst his neghboure and taketh vpon him an ooth wherwith he byndeth himselfe and y e ooth commeth before thine altare in this house then heare thou in heauē and se that thy seruauntes haue right to condemne the vngodly and to brynge his waye vpon his owne heade and to iustifie the righteous to geue him acordinge to his righteousnes Whan thy people of Israel is smytten before their enemies whyle they haue synned agaynst the and yf they turne vnto the and knowlege thy name make their prayer and intercession vnto the in this house thē heare thou them in heauen and be mercifull vnto the synne of thy people of Israel and brynge them agayne into the londe y t thou hast geuen vnto their fathers Whan the heauen is shut vp so y t it rayneth not for so moch as they haue synned agaynst the and
the house of Ieroboam which caused Israel to synne but walked in them The groue at Samaria stode styll also For of the people of Ioahas there were no mo lefte but fyftye horsmen ten charettes and ten thousande fote men for the kynge of Syria had destroyed them and made them as the dust in the barne What more there is to saye of Ioahas and all that he dyd and his power beholde it is wrytten in the Cronicles of the kynges of Israel And Ioahas fell on slepe with his fathers and was buried in Samaria Ioas his sonne was kinge in his steade In the seuen and thirtieth yeare of Ioas kynge of Iuda was Ioas the sonne of Ioahas kynge ouer Israel at Samaria sixtene yeare And he dyd that which was euell in the sighte of the LORDE and departed not from all the synnes of Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat which made Israel for to synne but walked in them What more there is to saye of Ioas and what he dyd his power how he foughte with Amasias kynge of Iuda beholde it is wrytten in the Cronicles of the kynges of Israel And Ioas fell on slepe with his fathers and Ieroboam sat vpō his seate And Ioas was buried in Samaria w t the kynges of Israel As for Eliseus he fell in to a sicknes wherof he dyed And Ioas the kynge of Israel came downe vnto him and wepte for him and saide My father my father the charet man of Israel and his horsmen Eliseus sayde vnto him Take the bowe and the arowes And whan he had taken the bowe and the arowes he sayde vnto the kynge of Israel Bende the bowe with thine hande And he bent it with his hāde And Eliseus layed his hande vpon the kynges hande and sayde Open that wyndowe towarde the Eas● And he opened it And Eliseus saide Sh●●● And he shot He sayde one arowe of the saluacion of the LORDE one arowe of saluaciō agaynst the Syrians and thou shalt smy●● the Syrians at Aphek tyll they be brought to naughte And he sayde Take y e arowes And wh●● he had taken them he sayde vnto the kynge of Israel Smyte the earth And he smote thre tymes and stode still Then was them ▪ of God wroth at him and sayde Yf thou haddest smytten fyue or sixe times thou shuldest haue smytten y e Syrians tyll thou had dest vtterly brought them to naughte But now shalt thou smyte them thre tymes Whan Eliseus was deed and buried the men of warre of the Moabites fell in to the londe the same yeare And it fortuned y t they buryed a certaine man But whā they sawe the men of warre they cast the man in to Eliseus graue And whan he was therin and touched Eliseus bones he reuyued and stode vpon his fete So Hasael the kynge of Syria oppressed Israel as longe as Ioahas lyued But the LORDE was gracious vnto them and had mercy vpon them and turned him to them for his couenauntes sake with Abraham Isaac and Iacob and wolde not destroye thē nether dyd he cast them out from his presence vnto this houre And Hasael the kinge of Syria dyed and Benadad his sonne was kynge in his steade But Ioas turned backe and toke out of the hande of Benadad the sonne of Hasael the cyties which he had takē in battaill out of the hande of his father Ioahas Thre tymes dyd Ioas smyte him and broughte the cities of Israel agayne The XIIII Chapter IN the seconde yeare of Ioas y e sonne of Ioahas kynge of Israel was Amasias the sonne of Ioas kynge of Iuda made kynge fyue and twenty yeare olde was he whan he was made kynge reigned nyne and twentye yeare at Ierusalē His mothers name was Ioadan of Ierusalem And he dyd that which was righte in the sighte of the LORDE yet not as his father Dauid but euen as his father Ioas did so dyd he also for y e hye places were not put downe but the people offred and brent incēse yet vpon the hye places Now whan he had gotten the power of the kyngdome he smote his seruauntes which had smyttē the kynge his father but the children of y e deed slayers slewe he not acordinge to y t which is wryttē in the boke of the lawe of Moses where the LORDE hath cōmaunded sayde The fathers shal not dye for the children the children shal not dye for the fathers but euery one shal dye for his awne synne Ten thousande of the Edomites smote he also in the Salt valley and wanne Sela in battayll and called it Iatheel vnto this daye Then sent Amasias messaungers vnto Ioas the sonne of Ioahas the sonne of Iehu kynge of Israel sayenge Come hither let vs se one another But Ioas y e kynge of Israel sent vnto Amasias the kynge of Iuda sayenge The hawthorne that is in Libanus sent to the Ceder tre in Libanus sayenge Geue thy doughter vnto my sonne to wife But a wylde beest of the felde ranne ouer y e hawthorne and trode it downe Thou hast smyttē the Edomites therfore is thine hert waxen proude Take the prayse and byde at home why stryuest thou for mysfortune y t thou mayest fall and Iuda with the Howbeit Amasias consented not Then wēte Ioas the kynge of Israel vp and they sawe one another he and Amasias the kynge of Iuda at Beth Semes which lyeth in Iuda But Iuda was smytten before Israel so that euery one fled in to his tente And Ioas the kynge of Israel toke Amasias the kynge of Iuda the sonne of Ioas the sonne of Ochosias at Beth Semes and came to Ierusalem and brake downe y e wall of Ierusalem from y e porte of Ephraim vnto the corner porte euen foure hundreth cubites lōge and toke all the golde and syluer and ornamentes that were founde in the house of the LORDE and in y e treasures of the kynges house the children also to pledge departed agayne to Samaria What more there is to saie of Ioas what he dyd and of his power how he foughte with Amasias the kynge of Iuda beholde it is wrytten in the Cronicles of the kynges of Israel And Ioas fell on slepe with his fathers and was buried at Samaria amonge y e kynges of Israel And Ieroboam his sonne was kynge in his steade But Amasias the sonne of Ioas kynge of Iuda lyued after the death of Ioas the sonne of Ioahas kynge of Israel fiftene yeare What more there is to saye of Amasias it is wrytten in the Cronicles of the kynges of Iuda And they conspyred agaynst him at Ierusalem but he fled vnto Lachis And they sent after him vnto Lachis and slewe him there And they broughte him vpon horses he was buried at Ierusalem with his fathers in y e cite of Dauid And all the people of Iuda toke Asarias in his sixtenth yeare and made him kynge in steade of Amasias his father He buylded
ouerthrowe and to spye out the londe Then toke Hanun the seruauntes of Dauid and shoue them cut the halfe of their garmentes of euē by the loynes so let thē go And they wente their waye sent men to tell Dauid Neuertheles he sent to mete them for y e men were put to greate shame and the kynge sayde Abyde at Iericho tyll youre beerdes be growne and then come agayne Whan the childrē of Ammon sawe that they stynked in y e sighte of Dauid both Hanun and the children of Ammon sent a thousande talētes of syluer to hyre charettes and horsmen out of Mesopotamia out of Maecha and out of Zoba and hyred two and thirtie thousande charettes y e kynge of Maecha with his people which came pitched their tentes before Medba And the children of Ammon gathered them selues together out of their cities and came to the battayll Whan Dauid herde that he sent Ioab thither with all the hoost of the men of armes And the childrē of Ammon were gone forth and prepared them selues to the battayll before the gate of the cite But the kynges y t were come kepte them asyde in the felde Now whā Ioab sawe that the battayll was agaynst him both before and behynde he chose of all the best yonge men in Israel and prepared him selfe agaynst y e Syrians As for y e residue of the people he put them vnder the hande of Abisai his brother that they shulde prepare them selues agaynst the children of Ammon and he sayde Yf y e Syriās be to mightie for me helpe thou me but yf the childrē of Ammon be to strōge for y e I shall helpe the take a good corage vnto the and let vs quyte oure selues manly for oure people and for the cities of oure God neuertheles the LORDE do what pleaseth him And Ioab made him forth with y e people that was with him to fighte agaynst y e Syrians they fled before him And whan the children of Ammon sawe y t the Syrians fled they fled also before Abisai his brother and wente in to the cite And Ioab came to Ierusalem But whan the Syrians sawe that they were smyttē before Israel they sent messaungers and broughte forth y e Syrians which were beyonde the water And Sophach the chefe captayne of Hadad Eser wente before them Whā this was tolde Dauid he gathered all Israel together and wente ouer Iordane And whan he came at them he set y e battayll in araye agaynst them And Dauid prepared him selfe to y e battayll agaynst y e Syrians they foughte with him but y e Syriās fled before Israel And Dauid slewe of the Syrians seuen thousande charettes fortye thousande fote men And Sophach the chefe captayne slewe he also And whan Hadad Esers seruauntes sawe that they were smyttē before Israel they made peace w t Dauid his seruauntes And the Syrians wolde helpe the childrē of Ammon nomore The XXI Chapter ANd whan y e yeare came aboute what tyme as y e kynges vse to go forth Ioab broughte the power of the hoost destroyed the londe of the children of Ammon and came and layed sege vnto Rabba But Dauid abode at Ierusalem And Ioab smote Rabba and brake it downe And Dauid toke their kynges crowne from his heade and founde the weighte of a talent of golde theron precious stones And it was set vpō Dauids heade And very moch spoyle caried he out of the cite As for the people that were therin he broughte thē forth parted them in sunder w t sawes hokes betels of yron Thus dyd Dauid vnto all y e cities of the childrē of Ammon And Dauid departed againe with the people vnto Ierusalem Afterwarde arose there warre at Gasar with the Philistynes Then Sibechai y e Husathire smote Sibai which was one of the children of Rephaim and he subdued him And there arose warre agayne w t the Philistynes Thē Elhamah y e sonne of Iair smote Lahemi y e brother of Goliath y e Gathite whose speares staff was life a weeuers l●me Afterwarde was there a battayll at Gath where there was a man of a greate stature y t had sixe fyngers and sixe toes which make foure and twentye And he was borne also of Rapha and spake despytefully vnto Israel But Ionathas the sonne of Simea Dauids brother smote him These were the childrē of Rapha at Gath fell thorow y e hande of Dauid and of his seruauntes The XXII Chapter ANd Sathan stode agaynst Israel entysed Dauid to nombre Israel And Dauid sayde vnto Ioab to y e rulers of the people Go yo r waye nombre Israel from Berseba vnto Dan and brynge me the nombre of thē that I maye knowe it Ioab sayde The LORDE make his people an hundreth tymes mo then they are now But my lorde O kynge are they not all my lordes seruauntes Why doth my lorde then axe therafter Wherfore shal there a trespace come vpon Israel Neuertheles the kynges worde preuayled agaynst Ioab And Ioab wente forth and walked thorow all Israel and came to Ierusalem and delyuered vnto Dauid y e nombre of the people that was tolde And of all Israel there were a thousande tymes a thousande and an hundreth thousande men that drue out the swerde and of Iuda foure hundreth thousande and seuētye thousande men which drue out the swerde As for Leui and Ben Iamin he nombred them not amonge these for the kynges worde was abhominable vnto Ioab But this displeased God righte sore for he smote Israel And Dauid sayde vnto God I haue synned greuously that I haue done this But now take awaye the trespace of thy seruaunt for I haue done very vnwysely And the LORDE spake vnto Gad Dauids Seer sayde Go speake to Dauid saye Thus saieth the LORDE Thre thinges laye I before the chose y e one of them y t I maye do it vnto the. And whā Gad came to Dauid he spake vnto him Thus sayeth the LORDE Chose y e ether thre yeare derth or thre monethes to flye before thine aduersaries before the swerde of thine enemies y t it maye ouertake the or thre dayes y e swerde of the LORDE pestilēce in the londe y t the angell of the LORDE maye destroye in all y e coastes of Israel Loke now what answere I shal geue vnto him y t sent me Dauid sayde vnto Gad I am in greate trouble yet wyl I rather fall in to y e hande of the LORDE for his mercy is exceadynge greate I wil not fall in to the handes of men Then dyd the LORDE cause pestilence to come in to Israel so that there fell of Israel thre score ten thousande mē And God sent the angell to Ierusalē for to destroye it And euen in the destruccion the LORDE considered and he repēted of the euell and sayde vn to the angell y e destroyer It is ynough holde now thy hande The angell of the
What this boke conteyneth Chap. I. Of the kyngdome of Salomon to whom the LORDE appeareth and Salomon maketh his prayer vnto him Chap. II. How Salomon deuyseth to buylde the temple of the LORDE Chap. III. How he begynneth to buylde and after what faszshion Chap. IIII. Of the ornamentes of the temple Chap. V. The Arke is broughte in to the temple c. Chap. VI. Salomon speaketh vnto the people prayseth God and beseketh him to heare soch as make their prayer in the temple Chap. VII The fyre commeth from heauen consumeth the sacrifice The kynge the people offre The LORDE appeareth vnto Salomon and promyseth to heare him Chap. VIII Salomon buyldeth cities and subdueth the Heythen Of his captaynes and of his wife Chap. IX The Quene of Saba bringeth presentes vnto Salomon receaueth giftes of him Salomon dyeth Chap. X. Roboam oppressynge the people maketh them to fall awaye from him Chap. XI The LORDE wil not suffre Roboam kynge of Iuda Bē Iamin to fighte agaynst Israel He buyldeth cities Chap. XII Roboam forsaketh the lawe of the LORDE The kynge of Egipte commeth vpon him The LORDE delyuereth him Chap. XIII Of Abia Ieroboam their warres Chap. XIIII XV. Of kynge Asa. Chap. XVI Baesa cōmeth vp against Asa which agreeth with him therfore is he rebuked Chap. XVII Of the reigne of Iosaphat Chap. XVIII Iosaphat maketh frendshippe with Achab and helpeth him to fight Chap. XIX Iehu rebuketh Iosaphat for helpynge the vngodly Iosaphat amendeth and lyueth well Chap. XX. The Moabites Ammonites with the Syrians and Edomites go forth agaynst Iosaphat which prayeth vnto God and he helpeth him Chap. XXI Iosaphat dyeth Ioram his sonne is made kynge slayeth his brethren and forsaketh the LORDE Edom falleth awaye from Iuda God punysheth Ioram Chap. XXII Ochosias is made kinge and taketh parte with Achabs sonne Chap. XXIII Ioiada maketh Ioas kynge commaundeth to slaye Athalia Chap. XXIIII Whyle Ioiada lyueth kynge Ioas doth well but after his death he forsaketh the LORDE And because Zacharias reproueth him he cōmaundeth to stone him to death His awne seruauntes kyll him vpon his bed Chap. XXV Of kynge Amasias which smyteth the Edomites He worshippeth their Idols therfore the prophet reproueth him He wyll nedes fight with the kynge of Israel which ouercommeth him and taketh him Chap. XXVI Of kynge Osias other wyse called Vsia or Azarias of his buyldinges how he became leper for his presumpcion Chap. XXVII Of Iothams reigne of his buyldinges and of his warres Chap. XXVIII Of the wicked kynge Achas Chap. XXIX XXX.XXXI Of the verteous kynge Ezechias and of his noble actes Chap. XXXII Sennacherib layeth sege to Ierusalem Ezechias comforteth the people Sennacherib threateneth but the LORDE delyuereth Iuda Ezechias is sicke and recouereth Chap. XXXIII Of the reigne of Manasses and of his amendment from his wickednes Of kynge Ammon his sonne Chap. XXXIIII XXXV Of the reigne and most vertuous actes of kynge Iosias and of his death Chap. XXXVI Thre monethes reigneth Ioachas after whom reigneth Eliachim other wyse called Ioachim whom Nabuchodonosor carieth vnto Babilon and in his steade reigneth Ioachim his sonne which also is led awaye captayne vnto Babilon Sedechias is made kynge and at the last caried awaye presoner with all the people and Ierusalem destroyed The first Chapter ANd Salomon the sonne of Dauid was stablyshed in his kyngdome and the LORDE his God was with him made him exceadinge greate And Salomon spake vnto all Israel to the captaynes ouer thousandes and ouer hundreds to the Iudges and to all y e prynces in Israel and to the chefest fathers so that they wente Salomon and the whole congregacion with him vnto the hye place which was at Gibea for there was y e Tabernacle of y e witnesse of God which Moses the seruaunt of the LORDE had made in y e wyldernesse For Dauid had brought vp the Arke of God from Kiriath Iarim whan he had prepared for it for he had pitched a tent for it at Ierusalem As for y e brasen altare which Bezaleel the sonne of V●● the sonne of Hur had made it was there before the habitacion of the LORDE and Salomon and the congregacion soughte God And Salomon offred a thousande burntofferynges vpō the brasen altare that stode before the Tabernacle of witnesse In the same nighte appeared God vnto Salomon and sayde vnto him Axe what shal I geue the And Salomon sayde vnto God Thou hast done greate mercy vnto my father Dauid ●nd hast made me kynge in his steade Now LORDE God let y e worde that thou hast p●omysed vnto my father Dauid be verified for thou hast made me kynge ouer a people which is as many in nōbre as the dust vpon the earth Graunte me wyszdome therfore and knowlege y t I maye go out and in before this people for who is able to iudge this greate people of thine Then sayde God vnto Salomon For so moch as thou art so mynded and hast not desyred riches ner good ner hono r ner the soules of thine enemies ner longe life but hast requyred wyszdome and knowlege to iudge my people ouer whom I haue made the kynge wyszdome therfore and knowlege be geuen the. Morouer riches good and honoure wyll I geue the so that soch one as thou hath not bene before the amōge the kynges nether shal be after the. So came Salomon from the hye place which was at Gibeon vnto Ierusalē from y e Tabernacle of witnesse and reigned ouer Israel And Salomon gathered him charettes and horsmen so that he had a thousande and foure hundreth charettes twolue thousande horsmen and those appoynted he to be in the charet cities and with the kynge at Ierusalem And the kynge broughte it so to passe that there was as moch syluer golde at Ierusalē as stones and as many Ceders as the Molberyes trees that are in the valleys And there were horses broughte vnto Salomon out of Egipte the kynges marchauntes fetched them from Kena for moneye And they came vp and broughte out of Egipte a charet for sixe hūdreth syluer pēs and an horse for an hundreth and fiftye Thus broughte they also vnto all the kynges of the Hethites and to the kynges of y e Syrians The II. Chapter ANd Salomon thoughte to buylde an house vnto the name of the LORDE an house for his kyngdome and tolde out thre score and ten thousande men to beare burthens and foure score thousande that hewed tymber vpō the mount and thre thousande and sixe hundreth officers ouer them And Salomon sent vnto Hiram the kynge of Tyre sayenge As thou dyddest with my father sendedst him Ceder trees to builde an house for to dwell in euen so do thou w t me also Beholde I wyl buylde an house vnto the name of the LORDE my God to sanctifie it for to burne good incense before him and allwaye to prepare y e
courte and dores in the courte and ouerlayed y e dores with brasse And the lauer set he on the righte syde towarde the south east And Hiram made cauldrous shouels and basens So Hiram fynished the worke which he made for kynge Salomon in the house of God namely the two pilers with the roundels and knoppes aboue vpon both the pilers and both the wrythen ropes to couer both the roundels of y e knoppes aboue vpō the pilers and the foure hundreth pomgranates on both the wrythē ropes two rowes of pomgranates on euery rope to couer the roundels of the knoppes that were aboue vpon the pilers He made the stoles also and y e kettels vpon the stoles and a lauer and twolue bullockes there vnder And pottes shouels fleshokes and all their vessels made Hiram Abif of pure metall for kynge Salomon vnto the house of the LORDE In the coaste of Iordane dyd the kynge cause them to be molten in thicke earth betwene Suchoth and Zaredatha And Salomon made all these vessels which were so many that the weight of y e metall was not to be soughte out And Salomen made all the ornamentes for the house of God namely the golden altare the tables and the shewbreds theron the candelstickes with their lampes of pure golde to burne before the Quere acordinge to the maner and the floures and the lampes and the snoffers were of golde all these were of pure golde And the knyues basens spones and pottes were of pure golde And the intraunce and his dores within vnto the Most holy and the dores of the house of the temple were of golde Thus was all y e worke fynished which Salomon made in the house of the LORDE The V. Chapter ANd Salomon broughte in all y t his father Dauid had sanctified namely syluer and golde and all maner of ornamentes and layed them in the treasures of the house of God Thē gathered Salomon all the Elders in Israel together all y e heades of the trybes prynces of the fathers amōge the childrē of Israel vnto Ierusalē to brynge vp the Arke of the couenaunt of the LORDE out of the cite of Dauid that is Sion And there resorted vnto the kynge all the men in Israel at the feast that is in the seuenth moneth and all y e Elders in Israel came And y e Leuites toke the Arke broughte it vp with the Tabernacle of witnesse and all the holy vessels that were in the Tabernacle and y e prestes and Leuites broughte them vp As for kynge Salomon and all the cōgregacion of Israel that was gathered vnto him before the Arke they offred shepe and oxen so many that no man coulde nombre ner reken them Thus the prestes broughte the Arke of y e couenaunt of the LORDE vnto hir place in to the quere of the house euen in to y e Most holy vnder the wynges of the Cherubins so that the Cherubins spred out their wynges ouer the place of the Arke and the Cherubins couered the Arke and the staues therof from aboue And the staues were so longe y t the knoppes of them were sene from the Arke before the quere but on the outsyde were they not sene And it was there vnto this daye And there was nothinge in the Arke saue the two tables which Moses put therin at Horeb whan the LORDE made a couenaunt with the childrē of Israel what tyme as they were departed out of Egipte And whan the prestes wente out of the Sanctuary for all y e prestes that were founde sanctified them selues because the courses were not kepte the Leuites with all those that were vnder Asaph Heman Iedithun and their children and brethren beynge clothed in lynnen songe with Cymbales psalteries and harpes and stode towarde the east parte of the altare and an hundreth twentye prestes with them which blewe w t trompettes And it was as yf one dyd trompet and synge as though a voyce had bene herde of praysinge and geuynge thankes vnto the LORDE And whan the voyce arose from y e trompettes cymbales and other instrumentes of musick and from praysinge the LORDE because he is gracious and because his mercy endureth for euer the house of the LORDE was fylled on the ynsyde with a cloude so y t the prestes coulde not stonde to mynister for the cloude for the glory of the LORDE fylled the house of God The VI. Chapter THen sayde Salomon The LORDE sayde that he wolde dwell in a darck cloude I haue buylded an house to be an habitacion vnto the a seate y t thou mayest dwell there for euer And the kynge turned his face and blessed all the congregacion of Israel for the whole cōgregacion of Israel stode he sayde Praysed be the LORDE God of Israel which promysed by his mouth vnto my father Dauid and with his hande hath fulfylled it whā he sayde Sēce the tyme that I broughte my people out of the londe of Egipte I haue chosen no cite in all y e trybes of Israel to buylde an house for my name to be there nether haue I chosen eny man to be prynce ouer my people of Israel But Ierusalem haue I chosen for my name to be there Dauid haue I electe to be prynce ouer my people of Israel And whan my father Dauid was mynded to buylde an house vnto the name of the LORDE God of Israel the LORDE sayde vnto Dauid my father Where as thou wast mynded to buylde an house vnto my name thou hast done well howbeit thou shalt not buylde the house but thy sonne which shall come out of thy loynes shal buylde the house vnto my name Thus hath y e LORDE now perfourmed his worde that he spake for I am come vp in my father Dauids steade and syt vpon the seate of Israel euen as the LORDE sayde haue buylded an house vnto the name of y e LORDE God of Israel in it haue I put y e Arke wherin is the couenaunt of y e LORDE which he made with the childrē of Israel And he stode before the altare of the LORDE in the presence of the whole congregacion of Israel and spred out his handes for Salomon had made a brasen pulpit and set it in the myddes of the courte fyue cubites longe and fyue cubites brode and thre cubites hye vpon the same stode he and fell downe vpon his knees in the presence of the whole cōgregacion of Israel and helde out his handes towarde heauē and sayde O LORDE God of Israel there is no god like the nether in heauen ner vpon earth thou that kepest couenaunt and mercy for thy seruauntes that walke before the with all their hert Thou hast kepte promes w t my father Dauid thy seruaunt With thy mouth thou saydest it and with thy hande hast thou fulfylled it as it is come to passe this daye Now LORDE God of Israel make good vnto my father Dauid y i seruaunt that which thou hast promysed
him sayde Thou shalt not want a man before me to syt vpon the seate of Israel yf thy children kepe their waye so y t they walke in my lawe like as thou hast walked before me Now LORDE God of Israel let y i worde be verified which thou hast promysed vnto Dauid thy seruaunt For thinkest thou that God in very dede dwelleth amonge men vpon earth Beholholde the heauen and y e heauens of all heauens maye not cōteyne the how shulde then this house do it which I haue buylded But turne the vnto the prayer of thy seruaunt and to his supplicaciō O LORDE my God that thou mayest heare the thankesgeuynge and prayer which thy seruaunt maketh before the so that thine eyes be open ouer this house daye and night euen ouer this place wherin thou saydest thou woldest set thy name that thou mayest heare the prayer which thy seruaunt shall make in this place Heare now therfore the intercession of thy seruaunt and of thy people of Israel what so euer they shall desyre in this place heare thou it from the place of thy habitacion euē from heauen and whan thou hearest it be mercifull Whan eny mā synneth agaynst his neghboure and an ooth be put vpon him which he ought to sweare and the ooth commeth before thine altare in this house then heare thou from heauen and se y t thy seruaunt haue righte so that thou rewarde the vngod●y and recōpence him his waye vpon his awne heade and to iustifye the righteous and to geue him acordinge to his righteousnes Whan thy people of Israel is smyttē before their enemies whyle they haue synned agaynst the and yf they turne vnto the and knowlege thy name and make their prayer and intercession before the in this house the● heare thou them from heauen and be mercifull vnto the synne of thy people of Israel brynge them agayne in to the londe y t thou hast geuen them and their fathers Whan the heauen is shut vp so that it rayne not for so moch as they haue synned agaynst the and yf they make their prayer in this place and knowlege thy name and turne from their synnes whan thou hast brought them lowe heare thou them then in heauen and be mercifull vnto the synne of thy seruauntes and of thy people of Israel that thou mayest teach them the good waye wherin they shulde walke and let it rayne vpon thy londe which thou hast geuen thy people to possesse Whan a derth or pestilence or drouth ●●●blastinge or greshopper or catirpiller is in the londe Or whan their enemye layeth sege to their portes in the lōde or whan eny other plage or disease happeneth who so euer thē maketh his prayer or peticion amonge eny maner of men or amonge all thy people of Israel yf eny man fele his plage and disease and spredeth out his handes vnto this house heare thou then from heauen euen from y e seate of thy habitacion and be mercifull and geue euery man acordinge to all his wayes in so moch as thou knowest his hert for thou onely knowest the hert of the children of men that they maye feare the and all waye walke in thy wayes as longe as they lyue in the londe which thou hast geuen vnto oure fathers And whan eny straunger which is not of thy people of Israel commeth out of a farre countre because of thy greate name and mightie hande and out stretched arme and commeth to make his prayer in this house heare thou him then from heauē euen from the seate of thy habitacion and do all for y e which that straunger calleth vpō the that all the nacions vpon earth maye knowe thy name and feare the as thy people of Israel do and that they maye knowe how y t this house which I haue buylded is named after thy name Whan thy people go forth to y e battayll agaynst their enemies the waye that thou shalt sende them and shall praye vnto the towarde the waye of this cite which thou hast chosen and towarde the house that I haue buylded vnto thy name heare thou thē their prayer and peticion from heauen and helpe them to their righte Whan they synne agaynst the for there is no man that synneth not and thou be wroth at them and geue them ouer before their enemyes so that they cary them awaye captyue in to a countre farre or nye and yf they turne within their hertes in the londe where they are presoners and so conuerte and make their intercession vnto the in the londe of their captiuyte and saye We haue synned and done amysse and haue bene vngodly and so turne them selues vnto y e with all their hert and with all their soule in the londe of their captiuyte wherin they are presoners and make their prayer towarde the waye of their owne londe which thou gauest vnto their fathers and towarde the ci●e which thou hast chosen and towarde the house that I haue buylded vnto thy name then heare thou their prayer and supplicacion from heauen euen from the seate of thy dwellynge and helpe them to their righte and be mercifull vnto thy people that haue synned agaynst the. My God let thine eyes now be opē and let thine eares geue hede vnto prayer in this place Aryse now O LORDE God vnto thy restinge place thou and the Arke of thy strength Let thy prestes O LORDE God be clothed with health and let thy sayentes reioyse ouer this good LORDE God turne not awaye the face of thine anoynted thinke vpon the mercies of thy seruaunt Dauid The VII Chapter ANd whā Salomō had ended his praier there fell a fyre from heauen and cōsumed the burnt offerynge and the other offeringes And the glory of the LORDE fylled the house so that y e prestes coulde not go in to the house of the LORDE while y e glory of the LORDE filled y e LORDES house And all the children of Israel sawe the fyre fall downe and the glory of the LORDE ouer the house and they fell on their knees w t their faces to the grounde vpon the pauement and worshipped and gaue thankes vnto the LORDE because he is gracious and because his mercy endureth for euer As for the kynge and all the people they offred before the LORDE For kynge Salomon offred two and twētye thousande bullockes and an hundreth thousande and twentye thousande shepe so both the kynge and all the people dedicated the house of God But the prestes stode in their watches the Leuites with the musicall instrumentes of the LORDE which kynge Dauid had caused to make for to geue thankes vnto the LORDE because his mercy endureth for euer w t psalmes of Dauid thorow their hande And the prestes blewe trompettes ouer agaynst them and all Israel stode And Salomon halowed the myddelmost courte which was before the house of the LORDE for there prepared he the burnt offerynges and the fat of the slayne offeringes for the
from beyonde the See of Syria beholde they are at Hazezon Thamar that is Engaddi And Iosaphat was afrayed set his face to seke y e LORDE caused a fast to be proclamed in all Iuda And Iuda came together to seke the LORDE And out of all y e cities of Iuda came they to seke the LORDE And Iosaphat stode amōge y e cōgregacion of Iuda Ierusalem in the house of y e LORDE before the new courte and sayde O LORDE God of oure fathers art not thou God in heauen and hast domynion in all the kyngdomes of the Heythen And in thy hande is strength and power and there is no man that can withstōde the. Hast not thou o r God expelled the inhabiters of this londe before thy people of Israel and hast geuē it vnto the sede of Abraham thy louer for euer so that they haue dwelt in it haue buylded the a Sanctuary vnto y e name therin and sayde Yf there come eny plage swerde iudgmēt pestilence or derth vpon vs we wyll stonde before this house euen before the for thy name is in this house and wyll crye vnto the in oure trouble and thou shalt he●re and shalt saue vs. Beholde now the children of Ammon of Moab they of mount Seir vpon whom thou woldest not suffre the children of Israel to go whan they wente out of the londe of Egipte but they were fayne to departe from thē and not to destroye them and beholde they deale contrarely with vs and come to thrust vs out of the inheritaunce that thou hast geuen vs in possession O oure God wylt thou not iudge them For in vs is no strength to withstonde this greate multitude that commeth agaynst vs. We knowe not what we shulde do but oure eyes loke vnto the. And all Iuda stode before the LORDE with their children wyues and sonnes But vpon Iehasiel the sonne of Zacharias the sonne of Benaia the sonne of Iehiel the sonne of Mathania the Leuite of y e children of Assaph came the sprete of the LORDE in the myddes of the congregacion and sayde Geue hede all thou Iuda and ye inhabiters of Ierusalem and thou kynge Iosaphat Thus sayeth the LORDE vnto you Be not ye afrayed nether feare ye this greate multitude for it is not ye that fighte but God Tomorow shal ye go downe vnto thē And beholde they go vp by Sis and ye shal fynde them at the reed see by the broke before the wyldernes of Ieruel for ye shall not fighte in this cause Do ye but steppe forth and stonde and se the health of the LORDE that is with you Feare not O Iuda and Ierusalem and be not afrayed tomorow go ye forth agaynst them and the LORDE shal be with you Thē Iosaphat bowed him selfe w t his face to the earth all Iuda the inhabiters of Ierusalem fell before the LORDE worshipped the LORDE And the Leuites of y e childrē of the Kahathites of the children of the Corahites arose to prayse the LORDE God of Israel w t loude voyce on hye And they gat them vp early in y e mornynge and wēte forth by the wyldernesse of Thekoa And whan they were goynge out Iosaphat stode sayde Herkē vnto me O Iuda ye indwellers of Ierusalē Put youre trust in the LORDE yo r God ye shal be safe and geue credence vnto his prophetes ye shall prospere And he gaue councell vnto y e people and appoynted the syngers vnto y e LORDE and them that gaue prayse in the bewtye of holynes to go before the harnessed mē to saye O geue thankes vnto the LORDE for his mercy endureth for euer And whan they beganne to geue thankes and prayse the LORDE caused the hynder watch that was come agaynst Iuda to come vpon the childrē of Ammon Moab them of mount Seir and they smote them Then stode the children of Ammon Moab agaynst them of mount Seir to damne them and to destroye them And whan they had destroyed them of mount Seir one helped another to destroye them selues also And whan Iuda came to Mispa vnto the wyldernes they turned them towarde the multitude and beholde the deed bodies laye vpō the earth so that none was escaped And Iosaphat came with his people to deuyde the spoyles of them And they founde amonge them so moch goodes and rayment and precious Iewels which they toke from them that they coulde not beare them And thre dayes were they deuydinge the spoyle for it was so moch On the fourth daye came they together in to the valley of blessynge for there blessed they the LORDE Therfore is the place called the valley of blessinge vnto this daye So euery man of Iuda Ierusalem turned back agayne Iosaphat before them to go to Ierusalē with ioye for y e LORDE had geuen them gladnesse on their enemies And they entred in to Ierusalem with psalteries harpes trompettes vnto the house of the LORDE And there came a feare of God ouer all the kyngdomes in the londes whan they herde that the LORDE had foughte agaynst y e enemies of Israel Thus was y e kyngdome of Iosaphat in quyetnes God gaue him rest on euery syde And Iosaphat reigned ouer Iuda was fyue thirtie yeare olde whan he was made kynge reigned fyue twentye yeare at Ierusalem His mothers name was Asuba the doughter of Silhi And he walked in the waye of his father Asa departed not asyde from doynge y t which was righte in the sighte of the LORDE sauynge that y e hye places were not put downe for the people had not yet prepared their hert to the God of their fathers What more there is to saye of Iosaphat both the first the last beholde it is wrytten in the actes of Iehu y e sonne of Hanani which he noted vp in the boke of the kynges of Israel Afterwarde dyd Iosaphat the kynge of Iuda agree w t Ahasia the kynge of Israel which was vngodly in his doynges And he agreed with him to make shippes for to go vpon the see And they made the shippes at Ezeon Gaber But Elieser the sonne of Dodana of Maresa prophecied agaynst Iosaphat and sayde Because thou hast agreed with Ahasia therfore hath the LORDE broken thy workes And so y e shippes were broken mighte not go vpon the See The XXI Chapter ANd Iosaphat fell on slepe w t his fathers was buried w t his fathers in the cite of Dauid Ioram his sonne was kynge in his steade And he had brethrē the sonnes of Iosaphat Asaria Iehiel Zacharias Asaria Michael Sephatia All these were the children of Iosaphat kynge of Iuda And their father gaue them many giftes of syluer golde Iewels w t stronge cities in Iuda But the kyngdome gaue he vnto Ioram for he was the first borne But whan Ioram came vp ouer his fathers kyngdome had gotten the power of it he
e prest had commaunded and euery one toke his men that entred on the Sabbath w t those y t wente of on the Sabbath for Ioiada y e prest suffred not those two companies to parte asunder And Ioiada y e prest gaue the captaynes ouer hundreds speares shyldes and kynge Dauids weapens which were in the house of God and set all the people euery one w t his weapen in his hande from the righte corner of the house vnto the lefte corner of the altare and to the house warde aboute the kynge And they broughte forth the kynges sonne set the crowne vpon his heade and gaue them the wytnesse made him kynge And Ioiada w t his sonnes anoynted him sayde God saue the kynge But whan Athalia herde the noyse of y e people y t ranne together and praysed y e kynge she wente forth to the people in to y e house of the LORDE and loked and beholde y e kynge stode in his place at y e intraunce and the rulers and trompettes aboute y e kynge and all the people of the londe were glad blewe the trompes and there were syngers y t coulde playe w t all maner of musicall instrumentes But she rēte hir clothes sayde Sedicion sedicion Neuertheles Ioiada y e prest gat him forth with the captaynes ouer hundreds and rulers of the hoost and sayde vnto them Brynge her forth betwene y e walles who so euer foloweth her shal be slayne with y e swerde for the prest had cōmaunded that she shulde not be slayne in y e house of the LORDE And they layed handes on her And whan she came at the intraunce of the horsgate of the kynges house they put her to death there And Ioiada made a couenaunt betwene him and all the people and the kynge y t they shulde be the people of the LORDE The wēte all the people in to the house of Baal and destroyed it brake downe his altares ymages slewe Mathan the prest of Baal before the altare And Ioiada appoynted y e officers in the house of the LORDE amōge the prestes Leuites whom Dauid had ordeyned for y e house of the LORDE to offre burnt sacrifices vnto y e LORDE as it is wrytten in the lawe of Moses w t ioye songes made by Dauid And y e porters set he at y e gates of y e house of y e LORDE y t none shulde entre which were defiled w t eny maner of thinge And he toke the captaynes ouer hūdreds and the mightie men and lordes of y e people and all the people of the londe and brought the kinge downe from the house of the LORDE and broughte him thorow the hye porte of the kynges house and caused the kinge sit vpon the seate royall And all the people of the lōde were glad and the cite was at rest But Athalia was slayne with the swerde The XXIIII Chapter IOas was seuen yeare olde whan he was made kynge and reigned fortie yeare at Ierusalē His mothers name was Zibea of Berseba And Ioas dyd that which was right in the sight of the LORDE as longe as Ioiada the prest lyued And Ioiada gaue him two wiues he begat sonnes doughters Afterwarde deuysed Ioas to renue the house of the LORDE gathered together the prestes and Leuites sayde vnto thē Go forth vn to all the cities of Iuda gather the money of all Israel to repayre y e house of God yearly and do it righte soone but the Leuites made no haist Then the kynge called Ioiada the pryncipall and sayde vnto him Why lokest thou not vnto the Leuites y t they bringe in from Iuda and Ierusalem the colleccion which Moses the seruaunt of the LORDE appoynted to be gathered amōge Israel for the Tabernacle of witnes For y t vngodly Athalia hir sonnes haue waisted the house of God and all that was halowed for the house of the LORDE haue they bestowed on Baalim Then commaunded the kynge to make a chest and to set it without at the intraunce of the house of the LORDE caused it to be proclamed in Iuda and Ierusalē that they shulde bringe in to the LORDE the collecciō which Moses the seruaūt of God appointed vnto Israel in y e wildernes Thē were all y e rulers glad so were all y e people brought it and cast it in to the chest tyll it was full And whan the tyme was y t the Leuites shulde brynge the Arke at y e kinges cōmaundement whan they sawe y t there was moch money therin then came the kinges scrybe he y t was appoynted of the chefe prest and emptyed the chest and caried it againe in to his place Thus dyd they euery daye so that they gathered moch money together And y e kinge Ioiada gaue it vnto y e workmasters of y e house of the LORDE and they hired masons carpenters to repayre the house of y e LORDE and men that coulde worke in yron and brasse to repayre the house of y e LORDE And the labourers wrought so that y e repairinge in y e worke wente forwarde thorow their hande and they set the house of God in his bewtye and made it stronge And whan they had perfourmed this they brought the resydue of the money before the kynge and Ioiada wherof there were made vessels for the house of the LORDE vessels for the ministracion and burnt offeringe spones and ornamentes of golde and siluer And they offred burnt offerynges allwaye in the house of the LORDE as longe as Ioiada lyued And Ioiada waxed olde and had lyued longe ynough and dyed was an hundreth and thirtie yeare olde whan he dyed and they buried him in the cite of Dauid amonge the kynges because he had done good vnto Israel and towarde God his house And after the death of Ioiada came the rulers in Iuda and worshipped the kynge Then consented the kynge vnto thē And they forsoke the house of the LORDE God of their fathers and serued y e groues and ymages Then came y e wrath of the LORDE vpō Iuda and Ierusalem because of this trespace of theirs Yet sent he prophetes vnto thē y t they shulde turne vnto the LORDE they testified vnto thē but they wolde not heare And the sprete of God came vpon Zachary the sonne of Ioiada the prest which stode ouer y e people sayde vnto thē Thus sayeth God Wherfore do ye transgresse the cōmaundementes of the LORDE which shall not be to yo r prosperite for ye haue forsaken y e LORDE therfore shal he forsake you Neuertheles they conspyred agaynst him stoned him at y e kynges cōmaundement in y e courte of the house o● the LORDE And Ioas y e kinge thought not on the mercy y t Ioiada his father had done for him but slewe his sonne Notwithstondinge whā he dyed he sayde The LORDE shal loke vpon it and requyre
the altare and slewe the lābes and sprenkled the bloude vpon the altare And y e goates to y e syn offerynge brought they before the kynge and the congregaciō and layed their handes vpon them and the prestes slewe them and sprenkled their bloude vpon the altare to make attonemēt for all Israel for the kynge commaunded to offre burntsacrifyces and sin offeringes for all Israel And he set the Leuites in the house of the LORDE with Cymbales Psalteries and harpes as Dauid had commaunded and Gad the kynges Seer and the prophet Nathan for it was the commaundement of the LORDE by his prophetes And the Leuites stode with the musicall instrumentes of Dauid the prestes with the trompettes And Ezechias commaunded them to offre burntsacrifyces vpon the altare And aboute the tyme that the burntsacrifyce begāne to be offred the songe of the LORDE beganne also and y e trompettes and dyuerse instrumentes of Dauid the kynge of Israel and all the congregacion gaue praise thankes and the songe of the Musicians and y e blowynge of the trompetters endured all tyll the burnt offerynge was fynished Now whan the burnt offerynge was perfourmed the kynge and all they that were with him bowed them selues and gaue praise and thankes And Ezechias the kynge w t the rulers commaunded the Leuites to prayse the LORDE with the songes of Dauid and Assaph the Seer And they gaue prayse tyll they were ioyfull and they bowed them selues and worshipped And Ezechias answered and saide Now haue ye fylled youre hādes vnto the LORDE steppe forth and brynge hither y e sacrifyces and thank offerynges vnto the house of the LORDE And the congregacion broughte sacrifyces and thank offerynges and euery mā of a fre wyllinge hert brought burnt offerynges And the nombre of the burnt offerynges that the congregacion broughte was thre score bullockes and ten an hundreth rāmes and two hundreth lambes and all these for the burnt offerynge vnto the LORDE and they sanctifyed sixe hundreth bullockes and thre thousande shepe But the prestes were to fewe and coulde not pluck of the skynnes of all the burnt offerynges therfore toke they their brethren the Leuites tyll the worke was fyniszhed and tyll the prestes were halowed for the Leuites are easier to be halowed then the prestes and many of the burnt offerynges were with the fat of the thank offerynges and drynk offerynges to the burntsacrifices Thus was the ministracion of the house of the LORDE prepared And Ezechias reioysed with all the people that they were prepared with God for it was done righte haistely The XXX Chapter ANd Ezechias sent in to all Israel and Iuda and wrote letters vnto Ephraim and Manasses that they shulde come to the house of the LORDE at Ierusalem to kepe easter vnto the LORDE God of Israel And the kynge helde a councell with his rulers and all the cōgregacion at Ierusalem to kepe Passeouer in the seconde moneth for at that tyme they coulde not kepe it because the prestes were not sanctified ynough and the people were not yet come together vnto Ierusalem And it pleased the kynge well and all the cōgregacion And they appointed it to be proclamed thorow out all Israel from Berseba vnto Dan that they shulde come to kepe Passeouer vnto the LORDE God of Israel for they were not many to kepe it as it is wrytten And the postes wente with the letters from the hande of the kynge and of his rulers thorow out all Israell and Iuda at y e kynges commaundement and sayde Ye children of Israel turne you vnto the LORDE God of Abraham Isaac and Iacob and he shal turne to y e escaped which are lefte ouer amonge you from the hande of the kynge of Assur and be not ye as youre fathers and brethren which rebelled agaynst the LORDE God of their fathers and he gaue thē ouer in to desolacion as ye se youre selues Be not ye hardnecked now as were youre fathers but offre youre hāde vnto the LORDE and come to his sanctuary which he hath sanctified for euer and serue the LORDE youre God so shal the indignacion of his wrath turne awaye from you For yf ye turne vnto the LORDE then shal youre brethren and children haue mercy in the sighte of them which holde them in captiuyte that they maye come agayne in to this londe for the LORDE youre God is gracious and mercifull and shal not turne awaye his face from you yf ye conuerte vnto him And the postes wente from one cite to another in the londe of Ephraim and Manasses and vnto Zabulon But they mocked them and laughed them to scorne Yet were there some of Asser and Manasses and of Zabulon that submytted them selues and came to Ierusalem And the hande of God came in to Iuda so that he gaue thē one hert to do after the commaundement of the kynge and the rulers at the worde of the LORDE And there came together vnto Ierusalē a greate people to kepe the feast of vnleuended bred in the seconde moneth a very greate congregacion And they gat them vp and put downe y e altares that were at Ierusalem and all the incense put they awaye and cast it in to the broke Cedron and slewe the Passeouer on the fourtenth daye of the secōde moneth And y e prestes and Leuites were ashamed and halowed them selues and broughte the burnt offerynges to the house of the LORDE and stode in their ordinaunce as it was acordinge after the lawe off Moses the man of God And the prestes sprenkled the bloude from the hande of the Leuites for there were many in the cōgregacion which were not sanctified therfore dyd the Leuites kyll Passeouer for them which were not clensed that they mighte be sanctified vnto the LORDE There were many people also of Ephraim Manasses Isachar and Zabulon which were not cleane but ate the Easter lambe not as it is wrytten for Ezechias prayed for them and sayde The LORDE which is gracious shal be mercifull vnto all them that prepare their hertes vnto God to seke the LORDE God of their fathers though they be not clensed after the holy purificacion And the LORDE herde Ezechias and healed the people Thus the children of Israel that were founde at Ierusalē helde y e feast of vnleuended bred seuen dayes with greate ioye And the Leuites and prestes praysed the LORDE euery daye with the loude instrumentes of the LORDE And Ezechias spake hertely vnto all y e Leuites which had good vnderstondinge in the LORDE and they ate the feast seuen dayes and offred thāk offerynges and gaue thankes vnto y e LORDE God of their fathers And all the congregacion deuysed to kepe the feast yet other seuē dayes and so they helde it those seuen dayes also with ioye for Ezechias the kinge of Iuda gaue an Heue-offerynge for the cōgregacion euen a thousande bullockes and seuen thousande shepe But the rulers gaue an Heue offeringe for y e congregacion euen a thousande
of God at Ierusalem in the seconde moneth beganne Zorobabel the sonne of Salathiel and Iesua the sonne of Iosedec and the remnaunt of their brethren the prestes and Leuites and all they that were come out of the captiuyte vnto Ierusalem and appoynted the Leuites frō twentye yeare olde and aboue to se that the worke of the house of the LORDE wēte forwarde And Iesua stode with his sonnes and brethren and Cadmiel with his sonnes and the children of Iuda to furthur the workmen of the house of God namely the childrē of Henadad with their children and their brethren the Leuites And whan the buylders layed the foundacion of the temple of the LORDE the prestes stode in their araye with trompettes And the Leuites the children of Asaph with Cimbales to prayse y e LORDE with the Dytie of Dauid kynge of Israel And they sunge together geuynge prayse thankes vnto y e LORDE because he is gracious and because his mercy endureth for euer vpon Israell And all the people shouted londe in praysinge the LORDE because the foundacion of y e house of the LORDE was layed Neuertheles many of the olde prestes and Leuites and awncient fathers which had sene the house afore in his foundacion and this was now before their eyes wepte loude But many shouted with ioye so that the noyse gaue a greate sounde in so moch that the people coulde not knowe y e ioyfull sounde for the noyse of the wepinge in the people for the people shouted loude so that the noyse was herde farre of The IIII. Chapter BVt whan the aduersaries of Iuda and Ben Iamin herde that the children of the captiuyte buylded the tēple vnto the LORDE God of Israel they came to Zorobabel to the pryncipall fathers and sayde vnto them We wyl buylde with you for we seke the LORDE youre God like as ye do And we haue done sacrifice vnto him sence the tyme that Assar Hadon the kynge of Assur broughte vs vp hither But Zorobabel and Iesua and the other awnciēt fathers of Israel answered them It is not mete for vs and you to buylde the house of oure God but we wyl buylde alone vnto the LORDE God of Israel as Cyrus the kynge of Persia hath commaunded vs. Then the folke of the londe hyndered the people of Iuda and made them afrayed to buylde and hyred councelers aganst them and hyndered their deuyce as longe as Cyrus the kynge of Persia lyued vntyll the reigne off Darius kynge off Persia. But whan Ahasuerus was kynge in the begynnynge off his reigne wrote they vnto him a complaynte agaynst them of Iuda and Ierusalem And in the tyme of Artaxerses wrote Bisellam Mithridath Tabeel and the other of their councell vnto Artaxerses the kynge of Persia. But the scripture of y e letter was wrytten in the Syrians speach and was interpretated in the langage of the Syrians Rehum y e chaunceler and Simsai the scrybe wrote this letter agaynst Ierusalem to Artaxerses the kynge We Rehum the chaunceler and Simsai the scribe and other of the councell of Dina off Arphasath off Tarplat off Persia off Arach of Babilon of Susan of Deha and of Elam and other of the people whom the greate and noble Asnaphar broughte ouer and set in the cities of Samaria and other on this syde the water and in Canaan And this is y e summe of the letter that they sent vnto kynge Artaxerses Thy seruauntes the men on this syde the water and in Canaan Be it knowne vnto y e kynge that the Iewes which are come vp from the to vs vnto Ierusalē in to that sedicious wicked cite buylde the same and make vp y e walles of it brynge it out of y e foundacion Be it knowne now therfore vnto y e kynge y t yf this cite be buylded the walies made vp agayne thē shal not they geue tribute toll and yearly custome and their deuyce shal do y e kynge harme But now that we all are therby which destroyed the temple we wolde no longer se the kynges dishonoure Therfore sent we out and caused the kynge to be certified therof That it maye be soughte in y e Cronicles of thy progenitours and so shalt thou fynde in the same Cronicles and perceaue that this cite is sedicious and noysome vnto kynges and londes and that they cause other also to rebell of olde and for the same cause was this cite destroyed Therfore do we certifie the kynge that yf this cite be buylded and the walles therof made vp thou shalt kepe nothinge on this syde the water by the reason of it Then sent y e kynge an answere vnto Rehum the chaunceler and Simsai the Scrybe and to the other of their councell that dwelt in Samaria and vnto the other beyonde y e water Peace and salutacion The letter which ye sent vnto vs hath bene opēly red before me and I haue commaunded to make search and it is founde that this cite of olde hath made insurreccion agaynst kynges how y t vpro r and rebellion hath bene commytted therin There haue bene mightie kynges also at Ierusalē which haue reigned ouer all that is beyonde the water and toll tribute and yearly custome was geuen vnto them Do ye now after this commaundemēt forbyd the same men that the cite be not builded tyll I haue geuē cōmaundemēt Take hede now that ye be not necligent here in lest the kynge haue harme there thorow Now whā kynge Artaxerses letter was red before Rehum the chaunceler and Simsai the Scrybe and their councell they wente vp in all the haist to Ierusalem vnto the Iewes and forbad them with the arme and auctorite Then ceassed the worke of the house of God at Ierusalem and continued so vnto the seconde yeare of Darius kynge of Persia. The V. Chapter THe prophetes Aggeus and Zachary y e sonne of Iddo prophecied vnto y e Iewes that were in Iuda and Ierusalē in the name of the God of Israel Then gat vp Zorobabel the sonne of Salathiel and Iesua the sonne of Iosedec and beganne to buylde the house of God at Ierusalem and with them the prophetes of God which strengthed thē At the same tyme came to thē Thathnai the debite on this syde the water and Sethar of Bosen and their councelers and sayde thus vnto them Who hath commaunded you to buylde this house and to make vp the walles therof Then tolde we them the names of the men that made this buyldinge But the eye of their God came vpon the Elders of the Iewes that they were not inhibyte tyll the matter was brought before Darius and tyll there came a wrytinge therof agayne This is the summe of the letter y t Thathnaithe Debyte on this syde the water and Sethar of Bosen and their councellers of Apharsach which were on this syde the water sent vnto kynge Darius And these are the wordes that they sent vnto him Vnto Darius the kynge all peace
requyred acordinge to the hande of the LORDE his God vpon him And there wente vp certayne of the children of Israel and of the prestes and of the Leuites of the syngers of the porters and of the Nethinims vnto Ierusalem in the seuenth yeare of kynge Artaxerses And they came to Ierusalem in the fifth moneth that is the seuenth yeare of the kynge For vpon the first daye of the first moneth deuysed he to go vp from Babilon and on y e first daye of the fifth moneth came he to Ierusalem acordinge to the good hande of God vpon him For Eszdras prepared his hert to seke the lawe of the LORDE and to do it and to teach the precepte iudgment in Israel And this is the summe of the letter that kynge Artaxerses gaue vnto Eszdras the prest the scrybe which was a teacher in the wordes of the LORDE and of his statutes ouer Israel Vnto Eszdras the prest and scrybe in the lawe of the God of heauen peace and salutacion I haue commaunded that all they of the people of Israel and of the prestes and Leuites in my realme which are mynded of their awne good wyll to go vp to Ierusalem that they go with the beynge sent of the kynge and of the seuen lordes of the councell to vyset Iuda and Ierusalem acordinge to the lawe of God which is in thy hāde And that thou shuldest take with the syluer and golde which the kynge and the lordes of his councell geue of their awne good wyll vnto the God of Israel whose habitacion is at Ierusalem and all the syluer and golde that thou canst fynde in all y e countre of Babilon with it that the people and prestes geue of their awne good wil vnto the house of God at Ierusalem Take thou the same and bye diligently with the same money calues lambes goates and meat offerynges and drynk offerynges to be offred vpon the altare of the house of youre God at Ierusalem And loke what it lyketh the and thy brethren to do with the remnaunt of the money that do after the wyll of youre God And the vessels that are geuen the for the mynistracion in the house of thy God those delyuer thou before God at Ierusalem And what so euer thinge more shal be nedefull for the house of thy God which is necessary for the to spende let the same be geuē out of the kynges chamber I kynge Artaxerses haue commaunded all the treasurers beyonde the water y t loke what so euer Eszdras the prest and scrybe in the lawe of the God of heauē requyreth of you that ye fulfyll the same diligently vntyll an hundreth talētes of syluer and tyll an hundreth quarters of wheate and tyll an hūdreth Batthes of wyne and tyll an hundreth Batthes of oyle and salt without measure Whatsoeuer belongeth to the lawe of the God of hea●uen let the same be done with diligence for the house of the God of heauē that there come no wrath vpon the kynges realme his children And knowne be it vnto you that ye shall haue no auctorite to requyre taxinge custome and yearly rentes vpon eny of the prestes Leuites syngers porters Nethinims and mynisters in y e house of this God But thou Eszdras after the wyszdome of y e God that is in thy hande set thou iudges and arbiters to iudge all the people that is beyonde Iordane euen all soch as knowe the lawe of thy God and them that knowe it not those se that ye teache And who so euer wyl not diligently fulfyll the lawe of thy God and the kynges lawe shall haue his iudgmēt for the dede whether it be vnto death or to be banyshed or to be condemned in good or to be put in preson Praysed be the LORDE God of oure fathers which so hath inspyred y e kynges her● to garnysh the house of God at Ierusalem and hath enclyned his mercy vnto me in the presence of the kynge and his councelers and before all the kynges hye estates And I was comforted acordinge to the hāde of the LORDE my God ouer me and so gathered I the heades of Israel together y t they mighte go vp with me The VIII Chapter THese are the heades of their fathers that were named which wente vp w t me from Babilon what tyme as kynge Artaxerses reigned Of the childrē of Phineas Gersom of the children of Ithamar Daniel of the children of Dauid Hattus of the childrē of Pareos Zachary and the men childrē nombred with him an hundreth and fiftye Of the children of Pahath Moab Eleoenai the sonne of Serahia and w t him two hundreth males Of the children of Sechania the sonne of Iehasiel and with him thre hundreth males Of the children of Adin Ebed the sonne of Ionathan and with him fiftie males Of the children of Elam Iesaia the sonne of Athalia and with him seuentie males Of the children of Sephatia Sebadia the sonne of Michael and w t him foure score males Op the children of Ioab Obadia the sonne of Iehiel and with him two hundreth eightene men children Of the children of Selomith the sonne of Iosiphia and with him an hundreth and thre score males Of the children of Bebai Zachary the sonne of Bebai and with him eight and twentye males Of the children of Asgad Iohanan the yongest sonne and with him an hundreth and ten males Of the last children of Adonicam and these were their names Eliphelet Ieiel and Semaia and with them thre score males Of the children of Bigenai Vthai and Sabud and with them seuē males And I gathered them together by the water that renneth towarde Ahena there abode we thre dayes And whan I loked amonge the people the prestes I founde no Leuites there Thē sent I Elieser Ariel Semaia Elnathan Iarib Elnathan Natha Zachary and Mesullam the rulers and Ioiarib and Elnathan the teachers and those sent I vnto Iddo y e chefest at Casiphia that they shulde fetch us mynysters for the house of oure God and I tolde them what they shulde saye vnto Iddo and to his brethren the Nethinims at Casiphia And acordinge to the good hande of oure God vpon us they broughte us a wyse man from amonge the children of Maheli the sonne of Leuithe sonne of Israel euen Serebia with his sonnes and brethren eightene And Hasabia and with him Iesaia of the children of Merari with his brethren their sonnes twentye And of the Ne●hinims whom Dauid and the princes gaue to mynister vnto the Leuites two hundreth twentye all named by name And euen there at the water besyde Ahena caused I a fastinge to be proclamed y t we mighte humble oure selues before oure God to seke of him a righte waye for us oure children and all oure substaunce For I was ashamed to require of the kynge soudyers horsmen to helpe us agaynst the enemye in the waye For we had sayde vnto the kynge The hande of oure God is for the best vpon
they shulde do acordynge to this worde and they swore And Eszdras stode vp before the house of God and wente in to the chamber of Iohanan the sonne of Eliasab And whan he came thither he ate no bred and dranke no water for he mourned because of the transgression of them that had bene in captiuyte And they caused a proclamacion be made thorow out Iuda and Ierusalem vnto all the children which had bene in captiuite y t they shulde gather them selues together vnto Ierusalē And that who soeuer came not within thre dayes acordinge to the deuyce of the rulers and Elders all his substaunce shulde be forfett and he put out from the cōgregacion of the captiue Then all the men of Iuda and Ben Iamin gathered them selues together vnto Ierusalem in thre dayes y t is on the twentieth daye of the nyenth moneth and all the people sat in the strete before the house of God and trembled because of the matter and for the rayne And Eszdras y e prest stode vp and sayde vnto them Ye haue transgressed y t ye haue taken straunge wyues to make the trespace of Israel yet more confesse now therfore vnto y e LORDE God of youre fathers do his pleasure and separate youre selues from the people of the londe from y e straunge wyues Thē answered all the cōgregacion sayde with loude voyce Let it be done as thou hast sayde But the people are many it is a raynye wether they cānot stōde here without nether is this a worke of one daye or two for we are many y t haue offended in this transgression Let vs appoynte oure rulers therfore in all the congregacion y t all they which haue taken straunge wyues in oure cities maye come at the tyme appoynted and the Elders of euery cite and their Iudges with them tyll the wrath of oure God because of this matter be turned awaye from vs. Then were appoynted Ionathan the sonne of Asahel Iehasia the sonne of Thecua ouer this matter And Mesullam and Sabthai the Leuites helped them And the children of the captiuyte dyd euen so And Eszdras the prest and y e awncient fathers thorow the house of their fathers and all that were now rehearsed by name separated thē selues and sat them downe on the first daye of the tenth moneth to examē this matter And on y e first daye of y e first moneth broughte they the matter to a conclusion concernynge all the men y t had takē straunge wyues And amōge the childrē of the prestes there were men founde y t had takē straunge wyues namely amōge the children of Iesua the sonne of Iosedec of his brethrē Maeseia Elieser Iarib and Godolia And they gaue their hādes there vpon that they wolde put awaye their wyues for their trespace offerynge to geue a rāme for their trespace Amōge the children of Immer Hanani Sabadia Amonge the childrē of Harim Maeseia Elia Semaia Iehiel and Vsia Amonge y e children of Pashur Elioenai Maeseia Ismael Nethaneel Iosabad Eleasa Amonge the Leuites Iosabad Simei and Celaia He is that Celita Pethahia Iuda Eleasar Amonge the syngers Elyasib Amonge the porters Sallum Telem and Vri. Of Israel Amonge the children of Pareos Ramia Iesia Malchia Meiamin Eleasar Malchia Benaia Amonge y e children of Elam Mathania Zachary Iehiel Abdy Ieremoth Elia. Amonge the children of Sathu Elioenai Eliasib Mathania Ieremoth Sabad Asisa Amonge the children of Bebai Iohanan Hanania Sabai Athlai Amonge the children of Bani Mesullam Malluch Adaia Iasub Seal and Ieremoth Amonge the children of Pahath Moab Adna Chelal Benaia Maesea Mathania Bezaleel Benui and Manasse Amonge the children of Harim Elieser Iesia Malchia Semaia Simeon Bē Iamin Malluch Samaria Amonge the childrē of Hasum Mathnai Mathatha Sabad Eliphelet Ieremai Manasse Simei Amōge the childrē of Bani Maedai Amram Huel Benaia Bedia Chelui Naia Meremoth Eliasib Mathania Mathnai Iaesau Bani Benui Simei Selemia Nathan Adaia Machnadbai Sasai Sarai Afareel Selemia Samaria Sallum Amaria Ioseph Amonge the childrē of Nebo Ieiel Mathithia Sabad Sebina Iaddai Ioel and Benaia All these had taken straunge wyues And amonge the same wyues there were some that had borne children The ende of the first boke of Eszdras The seconde boke of Esdras otherwyse called the boke of Nehemias What this boke conteyneth Chap. I. Nehemias mourneth for the captiuyte of the people Chap. II. Nehemias optayneth licence of the kynge Artaxerses otherwyse called Arthasastha to go vnto Ierusalem Chap. III. Of buyldinge the cite Chap. IIII. The officers go aboute to hynder the buyldinge The Iewes watch prepayre thē selues to buylde and to fighte Chap. V. Nehemias reproueth vsury Chap. VI. The officers go aboute to kyll Nehemias Chap. VII The nombre of them that departe from Babilon Chap. VIII In the feast of the Tabernacles readeth Eszdras the boke of the lawe Chap. IX The lawe is red before the people which are exhorted vnto godlynesse Chap. X. They renue the couenaunt with the LORDE and seale it Chap. XI How the people are sundered out some to dwell at Ierusalem and some in the cities without Chap. XII The names of the prestes and Leuites that wente vp with Zorobabel Of the dedicacion of the wall at Ierusalem Chap. XIII They separate the straungers from amonge the people of God The porcion of the Leuites is appoynted and the Sabbath renued The first Chapter THese are the actes of Nehemias the sonne of Hachalia It fortuned in y e moneth Chisleu in y e twētieth yeare that I was in the castell at Susan and Hanani one of my brethren came with certayne mē of Iuda and I axed them how the Iewes dyd that were delyuered and escaped from the captiuyte how it wente at Ierusalē And they sayde vnto me The remnaunt of the captiuyte are there in the londe in greate mysfortune rebuke The walles of Ierusalem are broken downe and the portes therof are brent with fyre Whā I herde these wordes I sat me downe wepte mourned two dayes fasted prayed before the God of heauen sayde O LORDE God of heauen thou greate terrible God thou y t kepest couenaunt mercy for them y t loue the obserue thy cōmaundementes let y e eares marke let thine eies be open y t thou mayest heare the prayer of y e seruaunt ▪ which I praye now before y e daye and nighte for the children of Israel thy seruauntes knowlege the synnes of the children of Israel which we haue commytted agaynst the. And I my fathers house haue synned also We haue bene corrupte vnto the in y t we haue not kepte the cōmaundementes statutes lawes which thou cōmaundedst y e seruaunt Moses Yet call to remembraunce y e worde that thou cōmaundedst thy seruaunt Moses and saydest Yf ye trāsgresse then wil I scater you abrode amonge the naciōs But yf ye turne vnto me and kepe my
thou hast made Oh what is man y t thou art so myndfull of him ether the sonne of mā that thou visitest him After thou haddest for a season made him lower thē the angels thou crownedest him with hono r glory Thou hast set him aboue the workes off thy hondes thou hast put all thinges in subieccion vnder his fete All shepe and oxen yee and the beastes of the felde The foules of the ayre the fysh of the see and what ●o walketh thorow the wayes of the see O LORDE oure gouernoure how wonderfull is thy name in all the worlde The IX A psalme of Dauid I Wil geue thākes vnto the o LORDE with my whole herte I wil speake of all thy maruelous workes I wil be glad reioyse in the yee my songes wil I make of thy name o thou most hyest Because thou hast dryuē myne enemies abacke they were discōfited perished at thy presence For thou hast manteyned my right and my cause thou syttest in the Trone that art the true iudge Thou rebukest the Heithen and destroyest the vngodly thou puttest out their name for euer and euer The enemies swerdes are come to an ende thou hast ouerthrowen their cities their memoriall is perished with thē But y e LORDE endureth for euer he hath prepared his seate vnto iudgmēt He gouerneth y e worlde with rightuousnes ministreth true iudgmēt vnto the people The LORDE is a defence for the poore a defence in the tyme of trouble Therfore they y t knowe thy name put their trust in y e for thou LORDE neuer faylest thē that seke the. O prayse the LORDE which dwelleth in Sion shewe y e people of his doinges And why he maketh inquysicion for their bloude and remembreth them he forgetteth not the complaynte of the poore Haue mercy vpō me o LORDE considre the trouble that I am in amōge myne enemies thou that liftest me vp from y e gates of death That I maye she we all thy prayses within the portes off the doughter Sion and reioyse in thy sauynge heal●h As for the Heithen the are sunckē do●ne in the pytte that they made in the same nette which they spred out priuely is their owne fote takē Thus y e LORDE is knowne to execute true iudgment whē the vngodly is trapped in the workes of his owne handes Sela. The wicked must be turned vnto hell and all the Heithen y t forget God But the poore shal not allwaye be out of remembraunce the paciēt abydinge of soch as be in trouble shall not perish for euer Vp LORDE let not man haue the vpper hāde let the Heithē be cōdemned before the. O LORDE set a scolemaster ouer thē that the Heithē maye knowe them selues to be but mē Sela Here the Hebrues begynne the x. psalme WHy art thou gone so farre of o LORDE wilt thou hyde thyselff in tyme of trouble Whyle y e vngodly hath the ouer hande the poore must suffre persecucion O that they were taken in the ymaginacions which they go aboute For the vn godly maketh boost of his owne hertes desyre the cuvetous blesseth him self and blasphemeth the LORDE The vngodly is so proude and full of indignaciō that he careth not nether is God before his eyes His wayes are allwaye filthie thy iudgmentes are farre out of his sight he defyeth all his enemies For he sayeth in his herte Tush I shal neuer be cast downe there shal no harme happē vnto me His mouth is full of cursynge fraude and disceate vnder his tōge is trauayle sorow He sytteth lurkynge in the gardens that he maye pryuely murthur the innocent his eyes are set vpō the poore He lyeth way ●inge secretly as it were a lyon in his denne He lurketh that he maye rauysh the poore yee to rauish the poore when he hath gotten him in to his nett Then smyteth he then oppresseth he casteth downe the poore with his auctorite For he sayeth in his herte Tush God hath forgotten he hath turned a waye his face so y t he will neuer se it Aryse o LORDE God lift vp thine honde and forget not the poore Wherfore shulde the wicked blaspheme God and saye in his herte Tush he careth not for it This thou seist for thou considrest the mysery and sorowe The poore geueth himselff ouer in to thy hande and committeth him vnto the for thou art the helper of the frendlesse Breake thou y e arme off the vngodly and malycious search out the wickednesse which he hath done that he maye perish The LORDE is kynge for euer ye Heithen shal perish out off his londe LORDE thou hearest the desyrous longinge off the poore their herte is sure that thine eare herkeneth therto Helpe the fatherlesse and poore vnto their right that the vngodly be nomore exalted vpon earth The X. A psalme of Dauid IN the LORDE put I my trust how will ye then saye to my soule that she shulde fle as a byrde vpon youre hill For ●o the vngodly haue bēt their bowe and made redy their arowes in the quyuer that they maye priuely shute at them which are true of herte The very foundacion haue they cast downe what cā the rightuous thē do withall But the LORDE is in his holy temple the LORDES seate is in heauen He cōsidereth it with his eyes his eye lyddes beholde the children of men The LORDE seith both the rightuous and vngodly but who so deliteth in wickednes him his soule abhorreth Vpon the vngodly he shal rayne snares fyre brymstone storme and tempest this rewarde shal they haue to drynke For the LORDE is rightuous ād he loueth rightuousnes his countenaunce beholdeth the thīge y t is iust The XI A psalme of Dauid HElpe LORDE for there is not one saynte more very fewe faithfull are there amonge the children off men Euery man telleth lyes to his neghbo r they do but flater with their lippes and dissemble in their herte O that the LORDE wolde rote out all disceatfull lippes ād the tonge that speaketh proude thinges Which saye Oure tōge shulde preuayle we are they that ought to speake who is lorde ouer vs Now for the troubles sake off the oppressed because of the complaynte of the poore I wil vp sayeth the LORDE I wil helpe thē and set thē at rest The wordes of the LORDE are pure wordes euē as y e syluer which from earth is tried and purified vij tymes in the fyre Kepe thē therfore o LORDE and preserue vs frō this generacion for euer And why when vanite and ydylnes getteth the ouer hande amonge the children of men all are full of y e vngodly The XII A psalme of Dauid HOw longe wilt thou forget me o LORDE for euer how longe wilt thou hyde thy face fro me Oh how lōge shall I seke councell in my soule how longe shall I be so vexed in my herte how longe shal myne enemie triumphe ouer me Considre ād heare me o LORDE
at y i chiding o LORDE at the blastinge breth of thy displeasure He sent downe frō the heyth to fetch me toke me out of greate waters He delyuered me fro my stronge enemies and fro my foes which were to mightie forme They preuented me in the tyme of my trouble but y e LORDE was my defence He brought me forth also into lyberte delyuered me because he had a fauo r vnto me The LORDE shall rewarde me after my rightuous dealynge acordinge to the clēnesse of my hōdes shal he recōpense me For I haue kepte the wayes of the LORDE haue not behaued myself wickedly agaynst my God I haue an eye vnto all his lawes cast not out his commaundemētes fro me Vncorrupte will I be before hī wil eschue myne owne wickednes Therfore shal y e LORDE rewarde me after my rightuous dealinge acordinge vnto y e clēnesse of my hōdes in his eye sight With the holy thou shalt be holy w t y e innocēt thou shalt be innocēt With the clene thou shalt be clene with the frowarde thou shalt be frowarde For thou shalt saue the poore oppressed brīge downe the hye lokes of the proude Thou lightest my cādle o LORDE my God thou makest my darcknesse to be light For in the I can discōfit an hoost of mē yee in my God I cā leape ouer the wall The waye of God is a perfecte waye the wordes of the LORDE are tried in the fyre he is a shylde of defence for all them that trust in him For who is God but the LORDE Or who hath eny strength but oure God It is God that hath gyrded me with strēgth and made my waye vncorrupte He hath made my fete like hartes fete and set me vp an hye He teacheth myne hondes to fight and maketh myne armes to breake euen a bowe off stele Thou hast geuē me the defence of thy health thy right hande vpholdeth me and thy louynge correccion maketh me greate Thou hast made rowme ynough vnder me for to go that my fote steppes shulde not slyde I will folowe vpon myne enemies and take them I will not turne till they be discomfited I will smyte them they shall not be able to stonde but fall vnder my fete Thou hast gyrded me with strength vnto y e batell thou hast throwē them all downe vnder me that rose vp agaynst me Thou hast made myne enemies to turne their backes vpon me thou hast destroyed thē y t hated me They cried but there was none to helpe thē yee euen vnto the LORDE but he herde thē not I will beate them as small as the dust before the wynde I will cast them out as y e claye in the stretes Thou shalt delyuer me from the stryuinges of the people thou shalt make me the heade of the Heithē A people whom I haue not knowne shall serue me As soone as they heare of me they shall obeye me but the straunge childrē dyssemble with me The straunge children are waxē olde and go haltinge out of their pathes The LORDE lyueth ād blessed be my helper praysed be the God of my health Euē y e God which seyth that I be auenged and subdueth the people vnto me It is he that delyuereth me fro my cruell enemies thou shalt lift me vp from them that ryse agaynst me thou shalt ryd me from the wicked man For this cause I wil geue thankes vnto y e o LORDE amonge the Gentiles and synge prayses vnto thy name Greate prosperite geueth he vnto his kynge and sheweth louinge kyndnesse vnto Dauid his anoynted yee vnto his sede for euermore The XVIII A psalme of Dauid THe very heauēs declare the glory off God ād the very firmamēt sheweth his hādye worke One daye telleth another and one night certifieth another There is nether speach ner lāguage but their voyces are herde amōge thē Their soūde is gone out in to all londes and their wordes in to the endes of the worlde In thē hath he sett a tabernacle for y e Sōne which cōmeth forth as a brydegrome out of his chambre reioyseth as a giaunte to rūne his course It goeth forth frō the one ende of the heauen and runneth aboute vnto the same ende agayne there maye no mā hyde himself frō the heate therof The lawe of the LORDE is a perfecte lawe it quickeneth the soule The testimony of y e LORDE is true geueth wisdome euen vnto babes The statutes of the LORDE are right reioyse the herte y e cōmaundemēt of y e LORDE is pure and geueth light vnto the eyes The feare of the LORDE is cleane endureth for euer the iudgmentes of the LORDE are true and rigtuous alltogether More pleasunt are they then golde yee then moch fyne golde sweter then hony the hony combe These thy seruaunt kepeth for kepinge of them there is greate rewarde Who can tell how oft he offendeth Oh clēse thou me fro my secrete fautes Kepe thy seruaūte also from presumptuous synnes lest they get the dominion ouer me so shal I be vndefyled innocēt frō the greate offence Yee the wordes of my mouth the meditaciō of my herte shal be acceptable vnto the o LORDE my helper and my redemer The XIX A psalme of Dauid THe LORDE heare the in the tyme off trouble the name of the God of Iacob defende the. Sende the helpe frō the Sanctuary strength y e out of Sion Remembre all thy offerynges and accepte thy brent sacrifice ▪ Sela. Graunte the thy hertes desyre fulfill all thy mynde We will reioyse in thy health triūphe in y e name of the LORDE oure God the LORDE perfourme all thy peticiōs Now knowe I that the LORDE helpeth his anoynted and will heare him frō his holy heauen mightie is the helpe of his right hōde Some put their trust in charettes some in horses but we wil remēbre y e name of the LORDE oure God They are brought downe and fallen but we are rysen and stonde vp right Saue LORDE helpe vs o kynge when we call vpon the. The XX. A psalme of Dauid LORDE how ioyfull is the kynge in y e strength O how exceadinge glad is he of thy sauynge health Thou hast geuen him his hertes desyre hast not put him frō the request of his lippes ▪ Sela. For thou hast preuēted him w t liberall blessinges set a crowne of golde vpon his heade He asked life of the thou gauest him a longe life euē foreuer euer His honoure is greate in thy sauynge health glory and greate worshipe shalt thou laye vpon him For thou shalt geue him euerlastīge felicite make him glad w t the ioye of y e coūtenaūce And why ▪ because the kinge putteth his trust in the LORDE in the mercy of the most hiest he shal not myscary Let all thine enemies fele
thou LORDE of thy goodnesse haddest made my hill so stronge But as soone as thou turnedest thy face fro me I was brought in feare Thē cried I vnto y e O LORDE yee vnto y e LORDE made I my prayer What profit is there in my bloude yf I go downe to corrupcion Maye the dust geue thankes vnto ye Or shal it declare thy faithfulnesse Heare O LORDE and haue mercy vpon me LORDE be thou my helper And so thou hast turned my heuynesse in to ioye thou hast put of my sack cloth gyrded me w t gladnesse That my hono r might synge prayses vnto the w t out ceassynge O LORDE my God I wil geue thankes vnto the for euer The XXX A psalme of Dauid IN the O LORDE is my trust let me neuer be put to cōfucion but delyuer me in thy rightuousnesse Bowe downe thine eare to me make haist to delyuer me be thou my stronge rocke and a house of defence that thou mayest saue me For thou art my stronge holde my castell O be thou my gyde lede me for thy names sake Drawe me out of the nett y t they haue layed priuely for me for thou art my strēgth Into thy hondes I commende my sprete thou hast ●●lyuered me O LORDE thou God of treuth I hate them that holde of vanities and my trust is in the LORDE I will be glad and reioyse in thy mercy for thou hast considred my trouble thou hast knowne my soule in aduersite Thou hast not delyuered me ouer in to the hōdes of the enemie but hast set my fete in a large rowme Haue mercy vpon me O LORDE for I am in trouble myne eye is consumed for very heuynesse yee my soule and my body My life is waxen olde with heuynesse and my yeares w t mournynge My strēgth fayleth me because of my aduersite and my bones are corrupte I am become a very reprofe amonge all myne enemies my neghbours they of myne owne acquauntaunce are afrayed of me they y t seme in the strete cōveye them selues fro me I am clene forgotten and out of mynde as a deed man I am become like a broken vessell For I haue herde the blasphemy of the multitude euery man abhorreth me they haue gathered a councel together agaynst me and are purposed to take awaye my life But my hope is in y e O LORDE I saye thou art my God My tyme is in thy honde delyuer me from the honde of myne enemies from them y t persecute me Shewe thy seruaunt the light of thy countenaunce helpe me for thy mercies sake Let me not be confounded o LORDE for I call vpon the let the vngodly rather be put to confucion and brought vnto the hell Let the lyenge lippes be put to sylence which cruelly diszdanedly despitefully speake agaynst the rightuous O how greate and manifolde is thy good which thou haist hyd for them that feare y e O what thinges bringest thou to passe for them that put their trust in the euen before the sonnes of men Thou hydest them priuely by thine owne presence from the proude men thou kepest them secretly in thy tabernacle from the strife of tonges Thankes be to the LORDE for he hath shewed me maruelous greate kyndnesse in a stronge cite For when the sodane feare came vpon me I sayde I am cast out of thy sight Neuertheles thou herdest myne humble prayer when I cried vnto the. O loue the LORDE all ye his sayntes for the LORDE preserueth the faith full and plenteously rewardeth he the proude doer Be strōge therfore take a good herte vnto you all ye that put youre trust in the LORDE The XXXI A psalme of Dauid BLessed are they whose vnrightuousnesse is forgeuen and whose synnes are couered Blessed is the man vnto whom the LORDE imputeth no synne in whose sprete there is no gyle For whyle I helde my tonge my bones consumed awaye thorow my daylie complaynynges And because thy hande was so heuy vpon me both daye and night my moysture was like the drouth in Sommer Sela. Therfore I confessed my synne vnto the and hyd not myne vnrightuousnesse I saide I will knowlege myne offence and accuse my self vnto the LORDE and so thou forgauest me the wickednesse of my synne Sela. For this shal euery saynte make his prayer vnto the in due season therfore shall not the greate water floudes come nye him Thou art my defence in the trouble that is come aboute me O cōpasse thou me aboute also with the ioye of delyueraunce Sela. I wil enforme the and shewe the the waye wherin thou shalt go I wil fasten myne eyes vpon the. Be not ye now like horses mooles which haue no vnderstondinge Whose mouthes thou must holde with bytt brydle yf they wil not obeie the. Greate plages shall y e vngodly haue but who so putteth his trust in the LORDE mercy shall compasse him on euery syde Be glad o ye rightuous and reioyse in the LORDE be ioyfull all ye that are true of herte The XXXII A psalme of Dauid EEioyse in y e LORDE o ye rightuous for it becommeth well the iust to be thankfull Prayse the LORDE with harpe synge psalmes vnto him with the lute and instrument of ten strynges Singe him a new songe yee synge lustely vnto him with a good corage For the worde of y e LORDE is true and all his workes are faithfull He loueth mercy iudgment y e earth is full of the goodnesse of the LORDE By the worde of the LORDE were the heauens made all the hoostes of them by y e breth of his mouth He gathereth y e waters together as it were in a bottell laieth vp the depe in secrete Let all the earth feare the LORDE and let all them that dwell in the worlde stōde in awe of him For loke what he sayeth it is done and loke what he cōmaūdeth it stondeth fast The LORDE bryngeth the councell of the Heithen to naught and turneth the deuyces of the people But the coūcell of the LORDE endureth and the thoughtes of his hert from generacion to generacion Blessed are the people that holde the LORDE for their God blessed are the folke whom he hath chosen to be his heretage The LORDE loketh downe from heauen beholdeth all the children of men from his stronge seate he considreth all them y t dwell in the worlde He only hath fashioned all the hertes of them knoweth all their workes A kynge is not helped by his owne greate hoost nether is a giaunte saued thorow the might of his owne strēgth A horse is but a vayne thynge to saue a man it is not the power of his strēgth that can delyuer him Beholde the eye of the LORDE loketh vnto them that feare him 〈◊〉 put their trust in his mercy That he maye delyuer their soules from death and to fede them
in the deare tyme. Let oure soule paciently abyde the LORDE for he is oure helpe and shilde So shal oure herte reioyse in him because we haue hoped in his holy name Let thy mercifull kyndnesse o LORDE be vpon vs like as we put oure trust in the. The XXXIII A psalme of Dauid I Wil allwaye geue thankes vnto the LORDE his prayse shal euer be in my mouth My soule shall make hir boast in the LORDE the poore oppressed shal heare therof and be glad O prayse y e LORDE with me and let vs magnifie his name together I sought the LORDE and he herde me yee he delyuered me out of all my feare They that haue an eye vnto him shal be lightened their faces shall not be ashamed This poore man cried vnto the LORDE and he herde him yee and delyuered him out of all his troubles The angell of the LORDE pitcheth his tente rounde aboute them that feare him and delyuereth them O taist and se how frendly the LORDE is blessed is the man y t trusteth in him O feare the LORDE ye y t be his sayntes for they that feare him lacke nothinge The rich shal want and suffre hunger but they which seke the LORDE shal wāt no maner of thinge that is good Come hither o ye children herken vnto me I wil teach you the feare of the LORDE Who so listeth to lyue wolde fayne se good dayes Let him refrayne his tonge from euell and his lippes that they speake no gyle Let him eschue euell and do good Let him seke peace ensue it For the eyes of the LORDE are ouer the rightuous and his eares are open vnto their prayers But the face of the LORDE beholdeth them that do euel to destroye the remembraunce of them out of the earth When the rightuous crie the LORDE heareth them and delyuereth thē out of all their troubles The LORDE is nye vnto them y t are contrite in hert wil helpe soch as be of an hūble sprete Greate are y e troubles of the rightuous but the LORDE delyuereth them out of all He kepeth all their bones so y t not one of them is broken But miszfortune shal slaye the vngodly and they that hate y e rightuous shal be giltie The LORDE delyuereth the soules of his seruaūtes and all they that put their trust in him shal not offende The XXXIIII A psalme of Dauid STryue thou with them o LORDE that stryue w t me fight thou agaynst them that fight agaynst me Laye honde vpon the shylde and speare and stonde vp to helpe me Drawe out thy swearde and stoppe the waye agaynst them that persecute me saye vnto my soule I am y i helpe Let them be cōfounded and put to shame that seke after my soule let thē be turned back and brought to confucion that ymagin myschefe for me Let thē be as y e dust before the wynde and the angell of the LORDE scaterynge thē Let their waye be darcke and slippery and the angell of the LORDE to persecute them For they haue pryuely laied their nett to destroye me without a cause yee and made a pitte for my soule which I neuer deserued Let a sodane destrucciō come vpon him vnawarres and y e nett that he hath layed priuely catch him self that he maye fall in to his owne myschefe But let my soule be ioyfull in the LORDE and reioyse in his helpe All my bones shal saie LORDE who is like vnto the which delyuerest y e poore from those that are to stronge for him yee the poore and the nedy from his robbers False witnesses are rysen vp laye to my charge thinges that I knowe not They rewarde me euell for good to the greate discomforth of my soule Neuertheles when they were sick I put on a sack cloth I humbled my soule with fastinge and my prayer turned in to myne owne bosome I behaued myself as though it had bene my frende or my brother I wēte heuely as one y e mourneth for his mother But in my aduersite they reioyse and gather them together yee y e very lame come together agaynst me vnawarres makynge mowes at me ceasse not With y e gredy scornefull ypocrites they gnaszshed vpon me with theirteth LORDE whan wilt thou loke vpō this O restore my soule from y e wicked rumoure of thē my dearlinge from the lyons So wil I geue y e thankes in the greate congregacion prayse the amonge moch people O let thē not triūphe ouer me that are myne enemies for naught O let them not wyncke w t their eyes that hate me without a cause And why their comonynge is not for peace but they ymagin false wordes agaynst y e outcastes of the londe They gape vpon me w t their mouthes sayenge there there we se it with oure eyes This thou seist o LORDE holde not thy tonge thē go not farre fro me o LORDE Awake LORDE and stonde vp auenge thou my cause my God and my LORDE Iudge me o LORDE my God acordinge to thy rightuousnesse y t they triūphe not ouer me O let thē not saye in their hertes there there so wolde we haue it O let them not saye we haue ouercome him Let them be put to confucion and shame that reioyse at my trouble let thē be clothed with rebuke and dishonoure that boost thē selues agaynst me Let them also be glad and reioyse that fauoure my rightuous dealinge yee let them saye allwaye blessed be y e LORDE which hath pleasure in the prosperite of his seruaunt And as for my tonge it shall be talkynge of thy rightuousnes and of thy prayse all the daye longe The XXXV A psalme of Dauid MY hert sheweth me the wickednesse of the vngodly that there is no feare of God before his eyes For he dyssembleth before his face so longe till his abhominable synne be founde out The wordes of his mouth are vnrightuousnesse and disceate he wil not be lerned to do good He ymagineth myschefe vpon his bedde he will come in no good waye ner refuse the thinge that is euell Thy mercy O LORDE reacheth vnto the heauen and thy faith fulnesse vnto the cloudes Thy rightuousnesse stondeth like the stronge mountaynes thy iudgment like the greate depe Thou LORDE preseruest both mē the beestes How precious is thy mercy O God that the children of men maye put their trust vnder y e shadowe of thy wynges They shal be satisfied with the plēteousnesse of thy house and thou shalt geue them drynke of the ryuer of thy pleasures For by the is y e well of life in thy light shall we se light O sprede forth thy louynge kyndnesse vnto them that knowe the thy rightuousnes vnto thē that are true of hert O let not the fote of pryde ouertake me O let not the hande of y e vngodly cast me downe As for wicked doers they fall they
my soule why art thou so disquieted with●● me O put thy trust in God for I wil yet g●●ue him thākes for y e helpe of his countena●●ce and because he is my God The XLIII A psalme of y e childrē of Corah WE haue herde with o r eare 〈◊〉 God o r fathers haue tolde vs what thou hast done in their tyme of olde How thou hast dryuē out the Heithen w t thy honde plāted thē in how thou hast destroyed the nacions cast thē out For they gat not the londe in possession thorow their owne swerde nether was it their owne arme that helped them But thy right hāde thyne arme the light of thy countenaunce because thou haddest a fauoure vnto them Thou art y e kinge my God thou sendest helpe vnto Iacob Thorow y e wil we ouer throwe oure enemies in thy name will we treade them vnder that ryse vp agaynst vs. For I will not trust in my bowe it is not my swerde y t shal helpe me But it is thou that sauest vs frō oure enemies and puttest them to confucion that hate vs. We will allwaye make oure boast of God and prayse thy name for euer Sela. But now thou forsakest vs puttest vs to confucion and goest not forth with oure hoostes Thou makest vs to turne oure backes vpon oure enemies so that they which hate vs spoile oure goodes Thou lettest vs be eaten vp like shepe scatrest vs amonge the Heithen Thou sellest thy people for naught takest no moneye for them Thou makest vs to be rebuked of o r neghbours to be laughed to scorne aud had in derision of them that are rounde aboute vs. Thou hast made vs a very by worde amonge the Heithen that the people shake their heades at vs. My cōfucion is daylie before me the shame of my face couereth me For the voyce of the slaunderer blasphemer for the enemie and auenger All this is come vpon vs yet haue we not forgotten the ner behaued oure selues vnfaithfully in thy couenaunt Oure hert is not turned backe nether oure steppes gone out of thy waye That thou smytes● vs so in the place of the serpēt couerest vs with y e shadowe of death Yf we had forgotten the name of oure God holdē vp oure hondes to eny straunge God Shulde ●ot God fynde it out for he knoweth the very secretes of the hert But for thy sake we are kylled all the daie longe and are counted as shepe apoynted to be slayne Vp LORDE why slepest thou ▪ Awake and cast vs not of for euer Wherfore hydest thou thy face wilt thou clene forget oure misery and oppressiō For oure soule is brought lowe euen vnto the dust and oure bely cleueth vnto the grounde Arise o LORDE helpe vs and delyuer vs for thy mercie sake The XLIIII A psalme of the children of Corah MY hert is dytinge of a good matter I speake of that which I haue made of the kynge My tonge is y e penne of a ready wryter Thou art the fayrest amonge the children of mē full of grace are thy lippes therfore God blesseth the for euer Gyrde the with thy swerde vpon thy thee o thou mightie with worshipe and renowne Good lucke haue thou with thine honoure ryde on with the treuth mekenesse rightuousnes thy right hōde shal teach y e wōderfull thinges Thy arowes are sharpe the people shal be subdued vnto the euen in the myddest amonge the kynges enemies Thy seate o God endureth for euer the cepter of thy kyngdome is a right cepter Thou hast loued rightuousnesse hated iniquite wherfore God which is thy God hath anoynted the with the oyle of gladnes aboue thy f●lowes All thy garmentes are like myrre Aloes Cassia when thou cōmest out of thine yuerie palaces in thy beutifull glory Kynges doughters go in thy goodly araye vpon thy right honde stondeth the quene in a vesture of the most fyne golde Herken o doughter considre enclyne thine eare forget thine owne people thy fathers house So shal the kynge haue pleasure in thy beutie for he is thy LORDE thou shalt worshipe him The doughters of Tyre shal be there with giftes the riche amonge the people shal make their supplicacion before the. The kynges doughter is all glorious within hir clothinge is of wrought golde ▪ She shal be brought vnto the kynge in rayment of nedle worke and maydens after her soch as be next her shal be brought vnto the. With ioye and gladnesse shal they be brought and go into the kynges palace In steade of thy fathere thou hast gotten children whom thou shalt make prynces in all londes I wil remembre thy name from one generaciō to another therfore shal the people geue thankes vnto the worlde without ende The XLV A psalme of the children of Corah IN oure troubles and aduersite we haue founde that God is oure refuge oure strength and helpe Therfore wil we not feare though the earth fell and though the hilles were caried in to the myddest of the see Though the waters of the see raged were neuer so troublous though the mountaynes shoke at the tēpest of the same Sela. For there is a floude which w t his ryuers reioyseth y e cite of God the holy dwellynge of the most hyest God is in y e myddest of her therfore shall she not be remoued for God helpeth her y e right early The Heithen are madd the kyngdomes make moch a doo but whē he sheweth his voyce y e earth melteth awaye The LORDE of hoostes is w t vs the God of Iacob is oure defence Sela. O come hither beholde y e workes of the LORDE what destrucciōs he hath brought vpō y e earth He hath made warres to ceasse in all the worlde he hath broken the bowe he hath knapped the speare in sonder brēt the charettes in the fyre Be still thē confesse y t I am God I wil be exalted amonge the Heithē I wil be exalted vpon earth The LORDE of hoostes is w t vs the God of Iacob is oure defence Sela. The XLVI A psalme of the children of Corah O Clappe youre hōdes together all ye people O synge vnto God with the voyce of thākesgeuynge For the LORDE the most hyest is to be feared he is the greate kynge vpō all y e earth He shal subdue the people vnder vs the Heithē vnder oure fete He choseth vs for an heretage the beutie of Iacob whom he loued Sela God is gone vp w t a mery noyse the LORDE w t the sownde of the trōpet O synge prayses synge prayses vnto God O synge prayses synge prayses vnto oure kynge For God is kynge of all the earth O synge prayses vnto him with vnderstondinge God is kinge ouer the Heithē God sitteth in his holy seate The prynces of the people are gathered together vnto the
God of Abraham for God is farre farre hyer exalted then the mightie lordes of the earth The XLVII A psalme of the children of Corah GReate is y e LORDE hyelie to be praysed in y e cite of o r God euē vpō his holy hill The hill of Sion is like a fayre plāte wherof all the londe reioyseth vpon the north syde lyeth the cite of the greate kinge God is well knowne in hir palaces y t he is the defence of the same For lo kynges are gathered and gone by together They marveled to se soch thinges they were aston●ied sodēly cast downe Feare came there vpon thē sorowe as vpō a woman in hir trauayle Thou shalt breake y e shippes of the see thorow the east wynde Like as we haue herde so se we in the cite of the LORDE of hoostes in the cite of o r God God vpholdeth the same for euer Sela. We wayte for thy louynge kyndnesse o God in the myddest of thy temple O God acordinge vnto thy name so is y e prayse vnto the worldes ende thy right hōde is full of rightuousnes Oh let the moūt Sion reioyse y e doughters of Iuda be glad because of thy iudgmētes Walke aboute Sion go rounde aboute her and tell hir towres Marke well hir walles set v● hir houses that it maye be tolde them y t come after For this God is o r God for euer euer and he shal allwaie be o r gyde The XLVIII A psalme of the children of Corah O Heare this all ye people pondre it well all ye that dwell vpō the earth Hye lowe riche poore one w t another My mouth shal speake of wyszdome and my hert shal muse of vnderstondinge I wil encline myne eare to the parable shewe my darcke speach vpon the harpe Wherfore shulde I feare the euell dayes whē the wickednesse of my heles cōpaseth me rounde aboute They that put their trust in their good boost them selues in the multitude of their riches No man maye deliuer his brother ner make agrement for him vnto God For it costeth more to redeme their soules so that he must let that alone for euer Yee though he lyue lōge se not y e graue For it shal be sene y t soch wyse mē shal dye perishe together as well as the ignoraunt and foolish leaue their goodes for other Loke what is in their houses it cōtinueth still their dwellinge places endure from one generacion to another are called after their owne names vpon the earth Neuerthelesse mā abydeth not in soch hono r but is cōpared vnto y e brute beastes becōmeth like vnto thē This waie of theirs is very foolishnesse yet their posterite prayse it w t their mouth Sela. They lye in the hell like shepe death shal gnawe vpon them the rightuous shal haue dominacion of them in the mo●●nynge by tymes their strēgth shal consum● hell shal be their dwellinge But God shal deliuer my soule from the power of hell when he receaueth me Sela. O be not thou afrayed whan one is made riche th● glory of his hense increased For he 〈◊〉 cary nothing● awaye w t him when he dye● nether shal his pompe folowe him 〈◊〉 he lyueth he is counted an happie 〈◊〉 so lōge as he is in prosperite mē speake good of him But whē he foloweth his fathers generacion he shal neuer se light eny more When a man is in honoure and hath no vnderstōdinge he is compared vnto the brute beastes and becommeth like vnto them The XLIX A psalme of Asaph THe LORDE euen the mightie God hath spokē called the worlde from the rysinge vp of the sonne vnto the goinge downe of the same Out of Sion ●peareth the glorious beutie of God Oure God shal come and not kepe sylence there goeth befo●● him a consumynge fyre and a mightie tempest rounde aboute him He shal call the heauens from aboue and the earth that he maye iudge his people Gather my sayntes together vnto me those y t set more by the couenaunt then by eny offeringe And the heauens shal declare his rightuousnesse for God is iudge himself Sela. Heare o my people let me speake let me testifie amonge you o Israel I am God euen thy God I reproue the not because of thy sacrifice y e burnt offeringes are allwaye before me I wil take no bullockes out of thy house ner gotes out of thy foldes For all the beestes of the felde are my●e and thousandes of catell vpon the hilles I knowe all the foules vpon the mountaynes and the wilde beastes of the felde are in ●y sight Yf I be hongrie I wil not tell ●he for y e whole worlde is myne and all that ●herin is Thynkest thou that I wil eate ●he flesh of oxen or drynke the bloude of goa●es Offre vnto God prayse and thankesgeuynge and paye thy vowes vnto the most ●yest And call vpō me in the tyme of trou●le so wil I heare the that thou shalt than●e me But vnto the vngodly sayeth God Why doest thou preach my lawes and ta●est my couenaunt in thy mouth Where ●s thou hatest to be refourmed and castest ●y wordes behynde the Yf thou seist a ●hefe thou runnest with him and art parta●er with the aduouterers Thou lettest ye●outh speake wickednesse thy tonge payneth disceate Thou syttest and speakest a●aynst thy brother yee and slaundrest thine ●wne mothers sonne This thou doest why●e I holde my tonge and thinkest me to be e●ē soch one as thy self but I wil reproue the set my self agaynst the. O considre this 〈◊〉 that forget God lest I plucke you awaie 〈◊〉 there be none to delyuer you Who so ●●reth me thākes and prayse he honoureth me this is the waye wherby I wil shewe him the sauynge health of God The L. A psalme of Dauid HAue mercy vpon me o God after thy goodnes acordinge vnto thy greate mercies do awaye myne offences Wash me well fro my wickednesse clense me fro my synne For I knowlege my fautes and my synne is euer before me Agaynst the only agaynst the haue I synned and done euell in thy sight that thou mightest be iustified in thy saynges and shuldest ouer come when thou art iudged Beholde I was borne in wickednesse and in synne hath my mother conceaued me But lo thou hast a pleasure in the treuth ▪ and hast shewed me secrete wyszdome O reconcile me with Isope and I shal be clene wash thou me and I shal be whyter then snowe Oh let me heare of ioye and gladnesse that the bones which thou hast broken maye reioyse Turne thy face fro my synnes and put out all my myszdedes Make me a clene hert o God and renue a right sprete within me Cast me not awaie from thy presence and take not thy holy sprete fro me O geue me the comforte of thy helpe agayne and stablish me with thy fre sprete Then
yee as a tottringe wall shal ye be like a broken hedge Their deuyce is only how to put him out their delyte is ī lyes they geue good wordes w t their mouth but curse w t their herte Sela. Neuertheles my soule abydeth only vpon God for he is my God He only is my strēgth my saluacion my defence so y t I shal not fall In God is my health my glory my might in God is my trust O put yo r trust in him allwaye ye people poure out yo r hertes before him for God is oure hope Sela. As for men they are but vayne mē are disceatfull vpō the weightes they are al together lighter then vainte itself O trust not in wronge robbery geue not yo r selues vnto vanite yf riches increase set not yo r herte vpon them God spake once a worde twyse haue I herde the same that power belongeth vnto God That thou LORDE art mercifull that thou rewardest euery man acordinge to his workes The LXII A psalme of Dauid O God thou art my God early wil I seke the. My soule thursteth for the my flesh longeth after the in a barē drie lōde where no water is Thus do I loke for the in thy Sāctuary that I might beholde y e power glory For thy louynge kyndnesse is better then life my lyppes shal prayse the. As lōge as I liue wil I magnifie the lift vp my hondes in thy name My soule is satisfied euē as it were with marry fatnesse when my mouth prayseth the with ioyfull lippes In my bedde wil I remembre y e whē I wake my talkynge shal be of the. For thou hast bene my helper vnder the shadowe of y e wynges wil I reioyse My soule hangeth vpon the thy right honde vp holdeth me They seke after my soule but in vayne for they shal go vnder the earth They shal fall into the swerde be a porciō for foxes But y e kynge shal reioyse in God all they that sweare by hym shal be commēded for the mouth of lyers shal be stopped The LXIII A psalme of Dauid HEare my voyce o God in my cōplaynte preserue my life frō feare of y e enemie Hyde me from the gatheringe together of y e frowarde frō y e heape of wicked doere Which whette their tūges like a swerde shute w t their venimous wordes like as w t arowes That they maye preuely hurte y e innocēt sodēly to hit him w t out eny feare They haue deuysed myschefe and commoned amonge them selues how they maye laye snares tush saye they who shall se them They ymagin wickednesse and kepe it secrete amonge them selues euery man in y e depe of his herte But God shall sodenly shute with an arowe y t they shall be wounded Yee their ●wne tunges shall make them fall In so moch that who so seyth thē shal laugh thē to scorne And all men that se it shal saye this hath God done for they shal perceaue y t it is his worke The rightuous shal reioyse in the LORDE and put his trust in him and all they y t are true off herte shal be glad therof The LXIIII. A psalme of Dauid THou o God art praysed in Sion and vnto the is the vowe perfourmed Thou hearest the prayer therfore cōmeth all flesh vnto the. Oure myszdedes preuayle agaynst vs oh be thou mercyfull vnto ●ure synnes Blessed is the man whō thou chosest and receauest vnto the that he maye dwell in thy courte he shall be satisfied with the pleasures of thy house euen off thy holy temple Heare vs acordinge vnto thy wōderfull rightuousnesse o God oure saluaciō thou that art the hope of all the endes of y e earth and off the brode see Which in his strength setteth fast the moūtaynes is gyrded aboute with power Which stilleth y e ragīge of the see the roaringe off his wawes and the woodnes of the people They that dwell in y e vttemost partes are afrayed at thy tokens thou makest both the mornynge and euenynge starres to prayse ye. Thou visetest the earth thou watrest it and makest it very plenteous The ryuer of God is full of waters thou preparest man his corne ād thus thou prouydest for the earth Thou watrest hir forowes thou breakest the harde clottes therof thou makest it soft with y e droppes of rayne and blessest the increase of it Thou crownest the yeare with thy good and thy fotesteppes droppe fatnesse The dwellinges of the wildernes are fatt also y t they droppe withall the litle hilles are pleasaunt on euery syde The foldes are full of shepe the valleys stonde so thicke with corne y t they laugh and synge The LXV A psalme off Dauid O Be ioyfull in God all ye lōdes synge prayses vnto the hono r of his name make his prayse to be glorious Saye vnto God O how wonderfull are thy workes thorow the greatnesse of thy power shal thine enemies be confoūded O y t all the worlde wolde worshipe the synge of the and prayse thy name Sela. O come hither and beholde the workes of God which is so wonderfull in his doinges amonge the children of men He turned the see in to drye lōde so that they wente thorow the water on fote therfore wil we reioyse in him He ruleth with his power for euer his eyes beholde the people the rennagates shal not be able to exalte them selues Sela. O magnifie o r God ye people make y e voyce off his prayse to be herde Which holdeth o r soule in life and suffreth not oure fete to slippe For thou o God hast proued vs thou hast tried vs li●● as syluer is tried Thou hast brought vs in to captiuyte and layed trouble vpon o r lo●nes Thou hast suffred men to ryde ouer o r heades we wēte thorow fyre and water 〈◊〉 thou hast brought vs out and refreshed 〈◊〉 Therfore will I go in to thy house w t 〈◊〉 offeringes to paye the my vowes which I promised w t my lippes and spake with my mouth when I was in trouble I wil offre vnto the fatte brentsacrifices with the smo●e of rāmes I will offre bullockes and goate● Sela. O come hither and herkē all ye that feare God I wil tell you what he hath done for my soule I called vnto hī w t my mouth and gaue him prayses with my tūge Yff I enclyne vnto wickednes with my herte y e LORDE wil not heare me Therfore God hath herde me ād considred the voyce off my prayer Praysed be God which hath not cast out my prayer ner turned his mercy fro me The LXVI psalme GOd be mercifull vnto vs blesse vs shewe the light off his countenaūce apon vs. Sela. That we maye knowe y e waye vpō earth y e sauynge health amonge all Heithen Let the people prayse the o God yee let all people prayse the. O let the people reioyse and be
glad that thou iudgest the folke rightuously and gouernest the nacions vpō earth Let the people prayse the o God let all people prayse the. God euen oure owne God geue vs his blessinge that the earth maye bringe forth hir increase God blesse vs and let all the endes of y e worlde feare him The LXVII A psalme of Dauid LEt God aryse so shal his enemies be scatered and they that hate him shal fle before him Like as the smoke vanisheth so shalt thou dryue them awaye and like as waxe melteth at the fyre so shall the vngodly perish at the presence off God But the rightuous shal be glad reioyse before God they shal be mery ioyful Oh synge vnto God synge prayses vnto his name magnifie him y e rydeth aboue the heauēs whose name is y e LORDE reioyse before hī He is a father of y e fatherlesse he is a defender of widdowes euē God in his holy habitaciō He is the God y t maketh mē to be of one mynde in a house bryngeth y e presoners out of captiuite in due season but letteth y e rennagates cōtinue in scarcenesse O God when thou wētest forth before y e people whē thou wētest thorow y e wildernes Sela. The earth shoke y e heauens dropped at the presence of God in Sinai at y e presence of God which is y e God of Israel Thou o God sendest a gracious rayne vpon thyne enheritaūce refreshest it when it is drye That thy beastes maye dwell therin which thou of thy goodnes hast prepared for the poore The LORDE shal geue the worde w t greate hoostes of Euāgelistes Ringes w t their armies shal fle they of y e housholde shal deuyde y e spoyle Yf so be y t ye lye amōge the pales the doues fethers shal be couered with syluer hir winges of the colo r of golde When the All mightie setteth kynges vpō the earth it shal be cleare euen in the darcknesse The hill of Basan is Gods hill the hill of Basan is a plēteous hill Why hoppe ye so ye greate hilles It pleaseth God to dwell vpō this hill ye● the LORDE wil abyde in it for euer The charettes of God are many M. tymes a thousande the LORDE is amōge them in the holy Sinai Thou art gone vp an hye thou hast led captyuite captyue receaued giftes for mē Yee euen for thy enemies that they might dwell with the LORDE God Praysed be the LORDE daylie euē y e God which helpeth vs poureth his benefites vpō vs. Sela. The God y t is o r Sauio r euē God the LORDE by whō we escape death The God that smyteth his enemies vpō the heades vpon the hayrie scalpes soch as go on still in their wikednes The LORDE hath sayde some wil I bringe agayne from Basan some wil I bringe agayne frō the depe of the see That thy fote maye be dipped in the bloude of thine enemies that thy dogges maye licke it vp It is well se●e o God how thou goest how thou my God and kynge goest in the Sanctuary The syngers go before and then the mynstrells amonge the maydens with the tymbrels O geue thankes vnto God the LORDE in the congregacion for the welles of Israel There litle Beniamin the prynces of Iuda the prynces of Zabulō and the prynces of Nephthali beare rule amōge them Thy God hath cōmitted strēgth vn to the stablish the thinge o God that thou hast wrought in vs. For thy tēples sake at Ierusalem shal kynges brynge presentes vnto the. Reproue the beestes amonge the redes the heape of bulles with the calues those that dryue for money Oh sca●re the people that delyte in batayle The prynces shal come out of Egipte the Morians lōde shal stretch out hir hondes vnto God Synge vnto God o ye kyngdomes of the earth o synge prayses vnto the LORDE Sela. Which sytteth in the heauens ouer all frō the begynnge Lo he shal sende out his voyce yee and that a mightie voyce Ascrybe ye the power vnto God his glory is in Israel and his might in the cloudes God is wonderfull in his Sanctuary he is the God of Israel he will geue strength and power vnto his people Blessed be God The LXVIII A psalme of Dauid HElpe me o God for the waters are come in euē vnto my soule I sticke fast in the depe myre where no grounde is I am come in to depe waters and the floudes wil drowne me I am weery of crienge my throte is drye my sight fayleth me for waytinge so longe vpon my God They y t hate me without a cause are mo then the hayres of my heade ▪ they that are myne enemies wolde destroye me giltlesse are mightie I am fayne to paye the thinges y t I neuer toke God thou knowest my symplenesse and my fautes are not hyd from the. Let not them that trust in the o LORDE God of hoostes be ashamed for my cause let not those y t seke the be confounded thorow me o God o● Israel And why for thy sake do I suffre reprofe shame couereth my face I am become a straunger vnto my brethren and an aleaunt vnto my mothers children For the zele of thine house hath euen eaten me and the rebukes of them that rebuked the is fallen vpon me I wepte and chastened my self w t fastinge and that was turned to my reprofe I put on a sacke cloth and therfore they iested vpon me They that satt in the gate spake agaynst me and the dronckardes made songes vpon me But LORDE I made my prayer vnto the in an acceptable tyme Heare me o God with thy greate mercy sure helpe Take me out of the myre y t I syncke not Oh let me be delyuered frō thē y t hate me out of y e depe waters 〈…〉 floude drowne me that the 〈…〉 not vp y t the pitte shut not hir mouth vpon me Heare me o LORDE for thy louynge kyndnesse is confortable turne the vnto me acordinge vnto y e greate mercy Hyde not thy face from thy seruaūt for I am in trouble O haist y e to helpe me Drawe nye vnto my so●le and saue it Oh delyuer me because of 〈◊〉 enemies Thou knowest my reprofe my shame my dishono r my aduersaries are all in thy sight The rebuke breaketh my hert maketh me heuy I loke for some to haue pitie vpon me but there is no man for some to cōforte me but I fynde none They gaue me gall to eate whē I was thurstie they gaue me vyneger to drynke Let their table be made a snare to take them selues withall an occasion to fall a rewarde vnto them Let their eyes be blynded that they se not euer bowe downe their backes Poure out thy indignacion vpon them let thy wrothfull displeasure take holde of them Let their habitacion be voyde no man to dwell in their tentes
I was in heuynesse I thought vpō God whē my hert was vexed then dyd I speake Sela. Thou heldest myne eyes wa●●●ge I was so feble that I coude not speake Then remembred I the tymes of olde the yeares that were past I called to remembraunce my songe in the night I commoned with myne owne herte and sought out my sp●ete Wil the LORDE cast out for euer Wil he be nomore intreated Is his mercy cleane gone Is his promyse come vtterly to an ende for euermore Hath the LORDE forgotten to be gracious Or hath he shut vp his louynge kyndnesse in displeasure Sela. At the last I came to this poynte that I thought O why art thou so foolish the right honde of the most hyest can chaunge all Therfore wil I remembre the workes of the LORDE and call to mynde thy wonders of olde tyme. I wil speake of all thy workes and my talkynge shal be of thy doinges Thy waye o God is holy who is so greate mightie as God Thou art the God that doth wonders thou hast declared thy power amonge the people Thou with thine arme hast delyuered thy people euen the sonnes of Iacob and Ioseph Sela. The waters sawe y e o God y e waters sawe y e were afrayed y e depthes were moued The thicke cloudes poured out water y e cloudes thōdered and thy arowes wente abrode Thy thonder was herde rounde aboute the lighteninges shone vpon the grounde the earth was moued and shoke withall Thy waye was in the see and thy pathes in the greate waters yet coude no man knowe thy fotesteppes Thou leddest thy people like a flocke of shepe by the honde of Moses and Aaron The LXXVII A psalme of Asaph HEare my lawe o my people encline yo r eares vnto y e wordes of my mouth I wil open my mouth in parables and speake of thinges of olde Which we haue herde and knowne and soch as oure fathers haue tolde vs. That we shulde not hyde them from the children of the generacions to come but to shewe the honoure of the LORDE his might and wonderfull workes that he hath done He made a couenaunt with Iacob and gaue Israel a lawe which he cōmaunded oure forefathers to teach their children That their posterite might knowe it and the children which were yet vnborne To the intent y t when they came vp they might shewe their children the same That they also might put their trust in God not to forget what he had done but to kepe his cōmaundementes And not to be as their forefathers a frowarde and ouerthwarte generacion a generacion that set not their herte a right and whose sprete was not true towarde God Like as the children of Ephraim which beynge harnessed and carienge bowes turned them selues backe in the tyme of battayll They kepte not the couenaūt of God wolde not walke in his lawe They forgat what he had done and the wonderfull workes that he had shewed for them Maruelous thinges dyd he in the sight of their fathers in the londe of Egipte euen in the felde of Zoan He deuyded the see and let them go thorow it and made the waters to stonde like a wall In the daye tyme he led them with a cloude and all the n●ght thorow with a light of fyre He cloaue the hard rockes in the wildernesse and gaue them drynke therof as it had bene out of the greate d●●pth He brought waters out of the 〈◊〉 rocke so that they gushed out like 〈…〉 Yet for all this they synned agaynst him and prouoked the most hyest in the wildernesse They tempted God in their hertes and requyred meate for their lust For they spake agaynst God and sayde Yee yee God shal prepare a table in the wyldernesse shall he Lo he smote the stony rocke that the watery streames gushed out and the streames flowed withall but how can he geue bred and prouyde flesh for his people When the LORDE herde this he was wroth so the fyre was kyndled in Iacob and heuy displeasure agaynst Israel Because the● beleued not in God and put not their trust in his helpe So he commaūded the cloudes aboue and opened the dores of heauen He rayned downe Manna vpō them for to eate and gaue them bred from heauen Then ate they angels fode for he sent them meate ynough He caused the east wynde to blowe vnder the heauen and thorow his power he brought in the south wynde He made flesh to rayne vpon them as thicke as dust and fethered foules like the sonde of y e see He let it fall amōge their tētes roūde aboute their habitaciōs So they ate were fylled for he gaue them their owne desyre They were not dispoynted of their lust But whyle y e meate was yet in theyr mouthes The heuy wrath of God came vpō thē slewe y e welthiest of thē smote downe y e chosen men of Israel But for all this they synned yet more and beleued not his wōderous workes Therfore their dayes were consumed in vanite and sodenly their yeares were gone When he slewe them they sought him and turned them ●arly vnto God They thought then that God was their socoure and that the hye God was their redemer Neuerthelesse they dyd but flater him in their mouthes and dissembled with him in their tonges For their herte was not whole with him nether continued they in his couenaunt But he was so mercifull that he forgaue their mysdedes and destroyed them not Yee many a tyme turned he his wrath awaye and wolde not suffre his whole displeasure to aryse For he considered y t they were but flesh euen a wynde that passeth awaye and commeth not agayne O how oft haue they greued him in the wildernesse How many a tyme haue they prouoked him in the deserte They turned backe tempted God and moued the holy one in Israel They thought not of his hāde in y e daye when he delyuered them from the hande of y e enemie How he had wrought his miracles in Egipte and his wōders in the londe of Zoan How he turned their waters in to bloude so that they might not drynke of the ryuers How he sent lyse amonge them to eate them vp and frogges to destroye them How he gaue their frutes vnto the catirpiller and their laboure vnto the greshopper How he bett downe their vynyardes with hayle stones and their Molbery trees with the frost How he smote their catell with haylestones and their flockes with hote thōder boltes How he sent vpon them y e furiousnesse of his wrath anger displeasure with trouble and fallinge in of euel angels When he made a waye to his fearfull indignaciō and spared not their soules from death yee and gaue their catell ouer to the pestilence When he smote all the firstborne in Egipte the most principall and mightiest in y e dwellinges of Ham. But as for his owne people
that they which hate me maye se it and be ashamed because thou LORDE hast helped me comforted me The LXXXVI A psalme of the children of Corah HIr foundacions are vpō the holy hilles the LORDE loueth the gates of Sion more thē all y e dwellīges of Iacob Very excellēt thīges are spokē of y e thou cite of God ▪ Sela. I wil thinke vpō Rahab ●abilō so that they shal knowe me Yee the Philistynes also they of Tyre with the Morians Lo there was he borne And of Sion it shal be reported that he was borne in her euen the most hyest which hath buylded her The LORDE shal cause it be preached written amonge the people that he was borne there Sela. Therfore the dwellinge of all syngers daunsers is in the. The LXXXVII A psalme of the children of Corah O LORDE God my Sauyo r I crie daye night before the Oh let my prayer entre in to thy presence encline thine eare vnto my callynge For my soule is full of trouble my life draweth nye vnto hell I am coūted as one of thē that go downe vnto the pytte I am euē as a mā that hath no strēgth Fre amōge the deed like vnto thē y t lye in the graue which be out of remembraūce and are cutt awaye from thy honde Thou hast layed me in the lowest pytte in y e darcknesse and in the depe Thy indignacion lieth hard vpon me and thou vexest me with all thy floudes Sela. Thou hast put awaye myne acquātaunce farre fro me made me to be abhorred of them I am so fast in preson that I can not get forth My sight fayleth for very trouble LORDE I call daylie vpō the and stretch out my hondes vnto the. Doest thou shewe wonders amonge the deed Can the physiciās rayse them vp agayne that they maye prayse the Maye thy louynge kyndnes be shewed in the graue or thy faithfulnesse in destruccion Maye thy wonderous workes be knowne in the darcke or thy righteousnes in the londe where all thinges are forgottē Vnto the I crie o LORDE and early cōmeth my prayer before the. LORDE why puttest thou awaye my soule Wherfore hydest thou thy face fro me My strength is gone for very sorow and misery with fearfulnesse do I beare thy burthens Thy wrothfull displeasure goeth ouer me the feare of the oppresseth me They come rounde aboute me daylie like water and compase me together on euery syde My louers and frēdes hast thou put awaye fro me and turned awaye myne acquantaunce The LXXXVIII A psalme of Ethan the Esrahite MY songe shal be allwaye of the louynge kyndnesse of the LORDE w t my mouth wil I euer be shewinge thy faithfulnesse frō one generacion to another For I haue sayde mercy shal be set vp for euer thy faithfulnesse shalt thou stablish in the heauens I haue made a couenaun● with my chosen I haue sworne vnto Daui● my seruaunt Thy sede wil I stablish for e●uer and set vp thy Trone from one generacion to another Sela. O LORDE the very heauēs shal prayse th● wonderous workes yee thy faithfulnes in y e congregacion of the sayntes For who is he amonge the cloudes that maye be cōpared vnto the LORDE Yee what is he amonge the goddes that is like vnto the LORDE God is greatly to be feared in the councell of the sayntes to be had in reuerence of all thē that are aboute him O LORDE God of hoostes who is like vnto the in power thy trueth is rounde aboute the. Thou rulest the pryde of the see thou stillest the wawes therof whē they arise Thou breakest the proude like one that is wounded ▪ thou scatrest thine enemies abrode with thy mightie arme The heauēs are thine the earth is thine thou hast layed the foundaciō of the roūde worlde and all that therin is Thou hast made the north and the south Tabor and Hermon shal reioyse in thy name Thou hast a mightie arme stronge is thy hande and hye is thy right hande Rightuousnes and equite is the habitacion of thy seate mercy and trueth go before thy face Blessed is the people o LORDE that can reioyse in the and walketh in the light of thy countenaunce Their delite is in thy name all the daye longe and thorow thy rightuousnesse they shal be exalted For thou art the glory of their strength thorow thy fauoure shalt thou lift vp oure hornes The LORDE is oure defence and the holy one of Israel is oure kynge Thou spakest somtyme in visiōs vnto thy sayntes and saydest I haue layed helpe vpon one that is mightie I haue exalted one chosen out of the people I haue founde Dauid my seruaūt with my holy oyle haue I anoynted him My honde shal holde him fast and my arme shal strength him The enemie shal not ouercome him and the sonne of wickednesse shal not hurte him I shal smyte downe his foes before his face and plage them that hate him My trueth also my mercy shal be with him and in my name shal his horne be exalted I wil set his honde in the see and his right honde in the floudes He shal call me thou art my father my God and the strength of my saluacion And I wil make him my firstborne ●yer then the kinges of the earth My mercy wil I kepe for him for euermore and my couenaunt shall stonde fast with him His sede wil I make to endure for euer yee and his Trone as the dayes of heauen But yf his childrē forsake my lawe and walke not in my iudgmentes Yf they breake myne ordinaunces and kepe not my commaundementes I wil vyset their offences with the rodde and their synnes with scourges Neuerthelesse my louynge kyndnesse wil I not vtterly take from him ner suffre my trueth to fayle My couenaunt wil I not breake ner disanulle the thinge y t is gone out of my lippes I haue sworne once by my holynesse that I wil not fayle Dauid His sede shal endure for euer and his seate also like as the Sonne before me He shal stonde fast for euermore as the Moone and as the faithfull witnesse in heauen Sela. But now thou forsakest and abhorrest thyne anoynted and art displeased at him Thou hast turned backe the couenaunt of thy seruaunt and cast his crowne to the grounde Thou hast ouer throwne all his hedges and brokē downe his stronge holdes Al they that go by spoyle him he is become a rebuke vnto his neghbours Thou settest vp the right hāde of his enemies and makest all his aduersaryes to reioyse Thou hast taken awaye the strength of his swerde and geuest him not victory in the battayll Thou hast put out his glory and cast his Trone downe to the grounde The dayes of his youth hast thou shortened and couered him with dishonoure Sela. LORDE how longe wilt thou hyde thy self For euer shal thy wrath burne like fyre O remembre how shorte my tyme
is hast thou made all men for naught What man is he that lyueth and shal not se death Maye a mā delyuer his owne soule from the honde of hell Sela. LORDE where are thy olde louynge kyndnesses which thou sworest vnto Dauid in thy trueth Remēbre LORDE the rebuke that y e multitude of the people do vnto thy seruauntes how I haue borne it in my bosome Wher w t thine enemies blaspheme the slaūder y e fotesteppes of y e anoynted Thankes be to the LORDE for euermore Amen Amen The LXXXIX psalme A prayer of Moses the man of God LORDE thou art oure refuge from one generacion to another Before the mountaynes were brought forth or euer the earth the worlde were made thou art God from euerlastinge and worlde with out ende Thou turnest man to destruccion Agayne thou sayest come agayne ye children of men For a thousande yeares in thy sight are but as yesterdaye that is past and like as it were a night watch As soone as thou scatrest them they are euen as a slepe and fade awaye sodenly like the grasse In the mornynge it is grene and groweth vp but in the euenynge it is cutt downe and wythered For we consume awaye in thy displeasure and are afrayed at thy wrothfull indignacion Thou ●ettest oure miszdedes before the and oure secrete synnes in the light of thy countenaunce For when thou art angrie all o r dayes are gone we brynge o r yeares to an ende ▪ as it were a tayle that is tolde The daye of oure age are iij. score yeares ten though men be so stronge that they come to iiij score yeares yet is their strength then but laboure and sorowe so soone passeth it awaye we are gone But who regardeth the power of thy wrath thy fearfull terrible displeasure O teach vs to nombre oure dayes that we maye applie oure hertes vnto wyszdome Turne the agayne o LORDE at the last and be gracious vnto thy seruauntes O satisfie vs with thy mercy and that soone so shal we reioyse and be glad all the dayes of oure life Comforte vs agayne now after the tyme that thou hast plaged vs and for the yeares wherin we haue suffred aduersite Shewe thy seruauntes thy worke their children thy glory And the glorious maiesty of the LORDE oure God be vpon vs O prospere thou the worke of oure hondes vpon vs o prospere thou oure hondy worke The XC psalme WHo so dwelleth vnder y e defence of the most hyest abydeth vnder y e shadowe of y e allmightie He shal saye vnto y e LORDE o my hope my stronge holde my God in whō I wil trust For he shal deliuer the frō the snare of the hunter frō the noysome pestilence He shal couer the vnder his wynges that thou mayest be safe vnder his fethers his faithfulnesse and trueth shal be thy shylde and buckler So y t thou shalt not nede to be afrayed for eny bugges by night ner for arowe that flyeth by daye For the pestilēce that crepeth in y e darcknesse ner for the sicknesse y t destroyeth in the noone daye A thousande shal fall besyde the and ten thousande at thy right honde but it shal not come nye the. Yee with thyne eyes shalt thou beholde and se the rewarde of the vngodly For thou LORDE art my hope thou hast set thy house of defence very hye There shal no euell happen vnto the nether shal eny plage come nye thy dwellinge For he shall geue his angels charge ouer the to kepe the in all thy wayes They shal beare the in their hondes that thou hurte not thy fote agaynst a stone Thou shalt go vpō the Lyon and Adder the yonge Lyon and the Dragon shalt thou treade vnder thy fete Because he hath set his loue vpon me I shal delyuer him I shal defende him for he hath knowne my name When he calleth vpon me I shall heare him yee I am with him in his trouble wher out I wil delyuer him and brynge him to honoure With lōge life wil I satisfie him shewe him my saluacion The XCI psalme IT is a good thinge to geue thankes vnto the LORDE and to synge prayses vnto y e name o most hyest To tell of thy louynge kyndnesse early in the mornynge and of thy trueth in the night season Vpon an instrumēt of ten strynges vpon the lu●e and with a songe vpon the harpe For thou LORDE hast made me glad thorow thy workes ▪ and I wil reioyse ouer the operacion of thy hondes O LORDE how glorious are thy workes thy thoughtes are very depe An vnwyse man wil not knowe this a foole wil not vnderstōde it That the vngodly are grene as the grasse and that all the workes of wickednes do florish to be destroyed for euer But thou LORDE o most hyest abydest worlde without ende For lo thy enemies o LORDE lo thy enemies shal perishe and all the workers of wickednes shal be scatred abrode But my horne shal be exalted like the horne of an Vnicorne shal be anoynted with fresh oyle Myne eye also shal se his lust of myne enemies myne eare shall heare his desyre of the wicked y t ryse vp agaynst me The rightuous shal florish like a palme tre and growe like a Cedre of Libanus Soch as be planted in the house of the LORDE be frutefull plenteous grene That they maye shewe how true the LORDE my strēgth is and that there is no vnrightuousnesse in him The XCII psalme THe LORDE is kynge and hath put on glorious apparell the LORDE hath put on his apparell gyrded himself with strēgth he hath made the rounde worlde so sure that it can not be moued From that tyme forth hath y e seate bene prepared thou art from euerlastinge The floudes aryse o LORDE the floudes lift vp their noyse y e floudes lift vp their wawes The wawes of the see are mightie rage horribly but yet the LORDE that dwelleth on hye is mightier Thy testimonies o LORDE are very sure holynesse becommeth thyne house for euer The XCIII psalme O LORDE God to whom vengeaunce belōgeth thou God to whom vengeaunce belongeth shewe thy self Arise thou iudge of the worlde rewarde the proude after their deseruynge LORDE how longe shal the vngodly how longe shal the vngodly tryumphe How longe shal all wicked doers speake so diszdaynedly and make soch proude boastynge They smyte downe thy people o LORDE and trouble thine heretage They murthur the widdowe and the straunger and put the fatherlesse to death And yet they saie Tush the LORDE seyth not the God of Iacob regardeth it not Take hede ye vnwise amonge the people o ye fooles when wil ye vnderstonde He that planted the eare shal he not heare he that made the eye shal not he se He that nurtureth the Heithen and teacheth a man knowlege shal not he punysh The LORDE
knoweth the thoughtes of men that they are but vayne Blessed is the mā whom thou lernest o LORDE and teachest him in thy lawe That thou mayest geue him pacience in tyme of aduersite vntill the pytte be dygged vp for the vngodly For the LORDE wil not fayle his people nether wil he forsake his inheritaunce And why iudgment shal be turned agayne vnto rightuousnesse and all soch as be true of hert shal folowe it Who ryseth vp with me agaynst the wicked who taketh my parte agaynst the euell doers Yf the LORDE had not helped me my soule had allmost bene put to sylence When I sayde my fote hath slipped thy mercy o LORDE helde me vp In y e multitude of the sorowes that I had in my herte thy comfortes haue refreshed my soule Wilt thou haue eny thinge to do with the stole of wickednesse which ymagineth myschefe in the lawe They gather them together agaynst the soule of the rightuous condemne the innocent bloude But the LORDE is my refuge my God is the strēgth of my confidēce He shal recompence thē their wickednesse and destroye them in their owne malice yee the LORDE oure God shal destroye them The XCIIII psalme O Come let vs prayse the LORDE let vs hertely reioyse in the strength of oure saluacion Let vs come before his presence with thākesgeuynge shewe oure self glad in him w t psalmes For the LORDE is a greate God and a greate kynge aboue all goddes In his honde are all y e corners of the earth and the strength of the hilles is his also The see is his for he made it and his hondes prepared the drie lōde O come let vs worshipe and bowe downe oure selues Let vs knele before the LORDE oure maker For he is oure God as for vs we are the people of his pasture and the shepe of his hōdes To daye yf ye wil heare his voyce hardē not youre hertes as whē ye prouoked in tyme of temptacion in the wildernes Where yo r fathers tēpted me proued me and sawe my workes XL. yeares longe was I greued with that generacion sayde they euer erre in their hertes they verely haue not knowne my wayes Therfore I sware vnto thē in my wrath that they shulde not enter in to my rest The XCV psalme O Synge vnto the LORDE a new songe synge vnto the LORDE all the whole earth Synge vnto y e LORDE prayse his name be tellynge of his saluacion from daye to daye Declare his honoure amonge the Heithē and his wonders amonge all people For y e LORDE is greate and can not worthely be praysed he is more to be feared then all goddes As for all y e goddes of the Heithē they be but Idols but it is the LORDE that made the heauēs Thankesgeuynge and worshipe are before him power and honoure are in his Sanctuary Ascrybe vnto the LORDE o ye kinredes of the Heithen ascrybe vnto the LORDE worshipe and strength Ascrybe vnto the LORDE the honoure of his name brynge presentes and come in to his courte O worshipe the LORDE in the beutye of holynesse let the whole earth stonde in awe of him Tell it out amonge the Heithē that the LORDE is kynge and that it is he which hath made the rounde worlde so fast that it can not be moued and how that he shal iudge the people rightuously Let the heauēs reioyse and let the earth be glad let the see make a noyse yee all that therin is Let the felde be ioyfull and all that is in it let all the trees of the wodd leape for ioye Before the LORDE for he commeth for he cōmeth to iudge the earth yee with rightuousnesse shal he iudge the worlde and y e people with his trueth The XCVI psalme THe LORDE is kynge the earth maye be glad therof yee the multitude of the Iles maie be glad therof Cloudes and darcknesse are rounde aboute him rightuousnesse and iudgment are the habitacion of his seate There goeth a fyre before him to burne vp his enemies on euery syde His lightenynges geue shyne vnto the worlde the earth seyth it is afraied The hilles melt like wax at the presence of y e LORDE at the presence of the LORDE of the whole earth The very heauens declare his rightuousnes all people se his glory Cōfounded be all they that worshipe ymages and delite in their Idols worshipe him all ye goddes Sion heareh of it and reioyseth yee all y e doughters of Iuda are glad because of thy iudgmentes o LORDE For thou LORDE art the most hyest ouer all the earth thou art exalted farre aboue all goddes O ye that loue the LORDE se that ye hate the thinge which is euell the LORDE preserueth the soules of his sayntes he shal delyuer thē from the honde of the vngodly There is spronge vp a light for the rightuous and a ioyfull gladnesse for soch as be true herted Reioyse therfore in the LORDE ye rightuous and geue thankes for a remembraunce of his holynesse The XCVII psalme O Synge vnto the LORDE a new songe for he hath ●one maruelous thinges With his owne right honde and with his holy arme hath he gotten the victory The LORDE hath declared his sauynge health and his rightuousnes hath he openly shewed in the sight of the Heithē He hath remembred his mercy and trueth towarde the house of Israel so that all the endes of the worlde se the sauynge health of oure God Shewe youre self ioyfull vnto the LORDE all ye londes synge reioyse and geue thankes Prayse the LORDE vpon the harpe synge to the harpe with a psalme of thankesgeuynge With trompettes also shawmes O shewe youre selues ioyfull before the LORDE the kynge Let the see make a noyse and all y t therin is yee the whole worlde all that dwell therin Let the floudes clappe their hondes and let all the hilles be ioyfull together Before the LORDE for he is come to iudge the earth Yee with rightuousnes shall he iudge the worlde and the people with equite The XCVIII psalme THe LORDE is kynge be the people neuer so vnpacient he sytteth vpon the Cherubins be the earth neuer so vnquiete The LORDE is greate in Sion hye aboue all people O let men geue thākes vnto thy greate wonderful name for it is holy The kynges power loueth iudgment thou preparest equite thou executest iudgmēt rightuousnes in I●cob O magnifie the LORDE o r God f●ll downe before his fote stole for he his holy Moses Aaron amonge his prestes Samuel amonge soch as call vpō his name these called vpon the LORDE he herde thē He spake vnto thē out of the cloudy piler for they kepte his testimonies the lawe that he gaue them Thou herdest thē o LORDE o r God thou forgauest thē o God punyshedst their owne invencions O magnifie the LORDE oure God and worshipe
The CV psalme Halleluya O Geue thankes vnto the LORDE for he is gracious and his mercy endureth for euer Who can expresse y e noble actes of the LORDE or shewe forth all his prayse Blessed are they that allwaye kepe iudgment and do rightuousnes Remembre vs o LORDE acordinge to the fauoure that thou bearest vnto thy people o vyset vs w t thy sauinge health That we might se the pleasure of thy chosen that we might reioyse in the gladnesse of thy people and geue thankes with thine enheritaunce We haue synned with oure fathers we haue done amysse we haue dealt wickedly Oure fathers regarded not thy wonders in Egipte they kepte not thy greate goodnesse in remēbraunce but were dishobediēt at the see euē at the reed see Neuertheles he helped thē for his names sake that he might make his power to be knowne He rebuked the reed see and it was dried vp so he led thē thorow the depe as in a wildernesse Thus he saued them from the honde of the hater delyuered them from the honde of the enemie As for those y t troubled them the waters ouerwhelmed thē there was not one of thē left Then beleued they in his worde and songe prayse vnto him But within a whyle they forgat his workes wolde not abyde his councell A lust came vpō them in the wildernesse so that they tempted God in the deserte Yet he gaue them their desyre and sent thē ynough at their willes They angred Moses in the tētes and Aaron the saynte of the LORDE So the earth opened swalowed vp Dathan and couered the congregaciō of Abiram The fyre was kyndled in their company the flame brent vp the vngodly They made a calfe in Horeb and worshipped the moltē ymage Thus they turned his glory into the similitude of a calfe y t eateth haye They forgat God their Sauio r which had done so greate thinges in Egipte Wonderous workes in the londe of Ham and fearfull thinges in the reed see So he sayde he wolde haue destroyed them had not Moses his chosen stonde before him in y e gappe to turne awaie his wrothfull indignacion lest he shulde destroye thē Yee they thought scorne of y t pleasaunt londe and gaue no credence vnto his worde But murmured in their tentes and herkened not vnto the voyce of the LORDE Then lift he vp his honde agaynst them to ouerthrowe them in the wildernes To cast out their sede amonge the nacions and to scater them in the londes They ioyned themselues vnto Baal Peor and ate the offeringes of the deed Thus they prouoked him vnto anger with their owne invēcions and the plage was greate amonge them Then stode vp Phineas and excuted iustice so the plage ceased And that was counted vnto him for rightuousnesse amonge all posterites for euermore They angerd him also at the waters of strife so that Moses was punyshed for their sakes Because they prouoked his sprete and he tolde thē planely with his lippes Nether destroyed they the Heithen as the LORDE commaunded them But were mengled amon●ge the Heithen and lerned their workes In so moch that they worshipped their ymages which turned to their owne decaye Yee they offred their sonnes their doughters vnto deuels And shed the innocent bloude of their sonnes and of their doughters whom they offred vnto the ymages of Canaan so that the londe was defyled wi●● bloude Thus were they stayned w t the●● owne workes and wente a whoringe with their owne invencions Therfore was the wrath of the LORDE kyndled agaynst his people in so moch that he abhorred his owne enheritaunce And gaue them ouer in to the honde of the Heithē and they that hated them were lordes ouer them Their enemies oppressed thē and had them in subieccion Many a tyme dyd he delyuer them but they prouoked him with their owne invēcions and were brought downe for their wickednesse Neuerthelesse whē he sawe their aduersite he herde their complaynte He thought vpō his couenaunt and pitied thē ▪ acordinge vnto the multitude of his mercies Yee he made all those y t had led them awaye captiue to pitie them Delyuer vs o LORDE oure God gather vs from amōge the Heithen that we maye geue thankes to thy holy name make oure boast of thy prayse Blessed be the LORDE God of Is● He sheweth his people the power of his workes that he maye geue them the heretage of the Heithen The workes of his hōdes are verite iudgment all his cōmaundemētes are true They stonde fast for euer euer are done in trueth equite He sent redempcion vnto his people he hath commaunded his couenaunt for euer holy reuerent is his name The feare of the LORDE is the begynnynge of wyszdome a good vnderstondinge haue all they that do therafter the prayse of it endureth for euer The CXI psalme Halleluya BLessed is the man y t feareth the LORDE hath greate delite in his commaundementes His sede shall be mightie vpon earth the generacion of the faithfull shal be blessed Riches plēteousnesse shal be in his house his rightuousnes endureth for euer Vnto the godly there ariseth vp light in the darcknesse he is merciful louynge rightuous Wel is him that is mercifull lendeth gladly pōdreth his wordes w t discrecion For he shal neuer be moued the rightuous shal be had in an euer lastinge remembraunce He wil not be afrayed for eny euell tydinges his herte stondeth fast beleueth in y e LORDE His herte is stablished he wil not shrencke vntill he se his desyre vpon his enemies He hath sparsed abrode geuē to the poore his rightuousnes remayneth for euer his horne shal be exalted w t honor. The vngodly shal se it it shal greue him he shall gnash w t his ●●th consume awaye the desyre of the vn godly shal perish The CXII psal Halleluya PRayse the LORDE O ye seruauntes O prayse the name of the LORDE Blessed be the name of the LORDE frō this tyme forth for euermore The LORDES name is worthy to be praysed frō the rysinge vp of the Sonne vnto the goinge downe of the same The LORDE is hye aboue all Heithen and his glory aboue the heauēs Who is like vnto the LORDE oure God y t hath his dwellinge so hye which humbleth himself to beholde that is in heauen and earth Which taketh vp the symple out of the dust and lifteth the poore out of the myre That he maye set him amonge the prynces euen amonge the prynces of his people Which maketh the baren woman to kepe house and to be a ioyfull mother of children Halleluya The CXIII psalme WHen Israel came out of Egipte the house of Iacob from amonge that straunge people Iuda was his Sāctuary Israel his dominion The see sawe that and fled Iordan turned backe The mountaynes stripped like rammes the
〈◊〉 I haue respecte vnto all thy commaund●mentes I wil thanke the with an vnfay●ned herte because I am lerned in the iudg●mentes of thy rightuousnesse I wil 〈◊〉 thy statutes o forsake me not vtterly They came aboute me lyke bees were ●s hote as the fyre in the thornes but in the ●●me of the Lorde I wyll destroye them They thrust at me that I might fall but ●●e Lorde was my helpe * The Lorde is my strēgth and my songe ●nd is become my saluacyon The voyce of ioye and myrth is in y e dwel●●ges of the ryghtuous for the ryght hāde 〈◊〉 the Lorde hath gotten the victory The ryght hande of the Lorde hath y e pre●●ynence the ryght hande of the Lord hath ●●tten the victory I wyll not dye but lyue and declare the ●orckes of the Lorde The Lorde hath chastened correcte me ●●t he hath not geuen me ouer vnto death a * Open me the gates of ryghtuousnes 〈◊〉 I maye goo in there thorow and geue ●●●nckes vnto the Lorde This is the dore of the Lorde the rygh●●ous shall entre in thorow it I thancke the that thou hast herde me become my saluacyon The same ▪b* stone whych the buylders re●●●●●● is become the heade stone in y e corner Thys was the Lordes doynge and it is ●●●uelous in oure eyes This is thec* daye which the Lorde hath ●●de let vs reioyse and be glad in it Helpe now O Lorde O Lorde sende vs 〈◊〉 prosperite Blessed be he that commeth in the name of 〈◊〉 Lorde we wysh you good lucke ye that of the house of the Lorde God is the Lorde hath shewed vs light garnysh the solempne feast wyth grene ●●●ches euē vnto the hornes of y e aulter ●●ou art my God and I wyll thācke the ▪ 〈◊〉 art my God and I wyll prayse the. 〈◊〉 geue thanckes vnto the Lorde for he is ●●●●ous and hys mercy endureth for euer ¶ The .cxix. Psalme This Psalme declareth how moche the saynctes 〈…〉 set by the lawes of God and how greatly 〈◊〉 endeuour thē selues vnto them in so moche that 〈◊〉 sorowe them to be transgressed withstanded of 〈◊〉 wycked And how they praye to be taught thē frō 〈◊〉 to be accustomed with thē wyshe as many ●ransgresse withstande them to be destroyed and 〈◊〉 awaye א Aleph ●BLessed are those that a* be vndefyled in the waye which walcke in the lawe of the Lorde ● Blessed are they that kepe hys testymo●●●s and seke him with their whole herte 〈◊〉 which walcke in his wayes do no wyc●●●nesse ● Thou hast geuen strayte charge to kepe 〈◊〉 commaundementes א O that my wayes were stablyshed to kepe thy statutes א So shulde I not be confounded whyle I haue respecte vnto all thy cōmaundemētes א I wyll thancke the w t an vnfayned herte because I am learned in the iudgmentes of thy ryghtuousnesse א I wyll kepe thy statutes O forsake me not vtterly ב Beth. ב Where withall shall a yonge man clense his waye Euen by rulynge hym selfe after thy worde ב With my whole herte do I seke the O let me not go wrōge out of thy cōmaundemētꝭ ב Thy wordes haue I hyd within my herte that I shulde not synne agaynst the. ב Praysed be thou O Lorde O teach me thy statutes ב With my lyppes wyll I be tellyng out all the iudgmentes of thy mouth ב I haue as greate delyte in the waye of thy testymonies as in all maner of ryches ב I wyll exercyse my selfe in thy cōmaundmētes haue respecte vnto thy fotepathes ב My delite shal be in thy statutꝭ I will not forget thy wordes ג Gimel ג O do well vnto thy seruaūt that I maye lyue and kepe thy wordes ג Open thou myne eyes and so shall I spie out wonderous thynges in thy lawe ג I am a straunger vpon earth O hyde not thy commaundementes fro me ג My soule breaketh oute for the very feruent desyre y t I haue alwaye vnto thy iudgmentes ג Thou rebukest the proude cursed are they that departe from thy commaundementes ג O turne fro me shame and rebuke for I kepe thy testimonyes גb*Prynces also syt speake agaynst me but thy seruaūt is occupyed in thy statutes ג In thy testymonies is my delyte they are my councelers ד Daleth ד My soule cleaueth to the dust O quyckē thou me accordynge to thy worde ד I knowledged my wayes thou herdest me O teach me then thy statutes ד Make me to vnderstande the waye of t 〈…〉 commaundementes and so shall I ta 〈…〉 thy wonderous worckes ד My soule melteth awaye for ver● 〈…〉 O set me vp according vnto th● 〈…〉 ד Take fro me y e waye of lyenge 〈…〉 me thy lawe ד I haue chosen the c* waye of treuth 〈…〉 iudgmentes haue I layed before me ד I stycke vnto thy testymonies O Lo 〈…〉 confounde me not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 I wyll runne the waye of thy cōmaundementes whē thou hast comforted my herte ה He. ה Teach me O Lorde the waye of thy statutes and I shall kepe it vnto the ende ה O d* geue me vnderstādynge and I shal kepe thy lawe yee I shall kepe it wyth my whole herte ה Leade me in the path of thy commaundmentes for that is my desyre ה Enclyne myne herte vnto thy testymonies and not to couetousnes ה O turne awaye myne eyes lest they beholde vanite quycken me in thy waye ה O stablish thy worde in thy seruaunt y t I maye feare the. ה Take awaye y e rebuke that I am afrayed of for thy iudgmentes are amyable ה Beholde my delyte is in thy cōmaundemētes O quyckē me in thy ryghtuousnesse ו Vau. ו Let thy louynge mercy come vnto me O Lorde and thy sauynge health accordynge vnto thy worde ו That I maye geue answere vnto my blasphemers for my trust is in thy worde ו O take not y e worde of treuth vtterly out of my mouth for my hope is in thy iudgmētꝭ ו So shall I alwaye kepe thy lawe yee for euer and euer ו And I wyll walcke at lyberty for I seke thy commaundementes ו I wyll speake of thy testimonies euen before kynges and wyll not be ashamed ו My delyte shal be in thy cōmaundmētes which I loue ו My handes also wyll I lyft vp vnto thy commaundementes which I loue my talkynge shal be of thy statutes ז Zain ז O thyncke vpon thy seruaunt as concernynge thy worde wherin thou hast caused me to put my trust ז For it is my cōforte in my trouble yee thy worde quyckeneth me ז The proude haue me greatly in derisyon yet shryncke not I from thy lawe ז I remembre thyne euerlastyng iudgmētꝭ O Lorde and am comforted ● I am horribly afrayed for the vngodly y t 〈…〉 thy lawe 〈…〉 statutes are my songes in the house 〈…〉 ●ylgremage 〈…〉 vpon thy name O Lord in the 〈…〉 ●eason and kepe thy lawe 〈…〉 myne awne for I kepe thy cōmaūd●●●●es ח Heth. ● Thou art my
porcyon O Lorde I am purposed to kepe thy lawe ח I make myne humble petycyon in presence with my whole herte O be 〈◊〉 vnto me accordynge vnto thy wor●● ח I call myne awne wayes to rememb●●●ce and turne my fete in to thy testimon●●● ח I make haste and prolonge not the 〈◊〉 to kepe thy commaundementes ח The congregacyons of the vngodly 〈◊〉 robbed me but I forget not thy lawe ח At mydnight stande I vp to geue thā●●● vnto the for the iudgmentes of thy ●●●●●●tuousnesse ח I am a companyon of all them that 〈◊〉 the and kepe thy commaundementes ח * The earth O Lorde is full of thy 〈◊〉 O teach me thy statutes ט Teh ט O Lord thou hast dealt frendly with 〈◊〉 seruaunt accordynge vnto thy worde ט O learne me thy kyndnesse 〈◊〉 knowledge for I beleue thy cōmaūde●●●● ט Before I was troubled I went 〈◊〉 but now I kepe thy worde ט Thou art good frendly O teach 〈◊〉 statutes ט The proude ymagin lyes vpon me 〈◊〉 kepe thy commaundemētes with my 〈◊〉 herte ט Their herte is as fat as brawne 〈◊〉 delyte is in thy lawe ט It is good for me y t I haue bene in●●ble that I maye learne thy statutes ט The lawe of thy mouth is dearer 〈◊〉 me then thousandes of golde and sylue● ▪ י Iod. י * Thy hādes haue made me and 〈◊〉 me O geue me vnderstādynge that I 〈◊〉 learne thy commaundementes י They y t feare the wyll be glad 〈…〉 me because I put my trust in thy 〈◊〉 י I knowe O Lorde that thy iudgm●●● are right and that thou of very faithfu●● hast caused me to be troubled י O let thy mercyfull kyndnesse be my ●●●●forte accordynge to the promes that 〈◊〉 hast made vnto thy seruaunt י O let thy louyng mercies come vnto 〈◊〉 that I maye lyue for thy lawe is my 〈◊〉 י Let the proude be cōfounded which 〈◊〉 me so falslye י But let soch as feare the and know 〈◊〉 testymonies be turned vnto me י O lett myne herte be vndefyled in the ●●●●tutes that I be not ashamed כ Caph. כ My soule longeth for thy sauynge 〈◊〉 for my trust is in thy worde כ Myne eyes lōge sore for thy worde 〈◊〉 O when wylt thou comforte me ● For I am become like a botell in y e smoke do not I forget thy statutes ● How many are the dayes of thy seruaūt ●hen wylt thou be auēged of myne aduer●●●yes ● The proude haue dygged pyttes for me ●●ich are not after thy lawe ●●ll thy commaundementes are true they ●●●secute me falsly O be thou my helpe ● They haue allmost made an ende of me 〈◊〉 earth but I forsake not thy cōmaunde●●ntes ● O quyckē me after thy louyng kyndnꝭ ●hall I kepe y e testimonyes of thy mo●●h ל Lamed ● O Lord thy worde endureth for euer in ●●●uen ● Thy treuth also remayneth frō one 〈…〉 to another thou hast layed y e 〈…〉 of the earth and it abydeth ● They contynue this daye accordynge to 〈◊〉 ordynaunce for all thynges serue the. If my delyte were not in thy lawe I 〈◊〉 peryshe in my trouble ● I wyll neuer forget thy commaunde●●ntes for with them thou quickenest me I am thyne Oh helpe me for I seke thy ●●●maundementes ● The vngodly laye wayte for me to 〈◊〉 me but I consydre thy testimonyes ● I ●e that all thyngꝭ come to an ende but 〈◊〉 commaundement is exceadynge broade מ Mem. ● O what loue haue I vnto thy lawe all daye longe is my talkynge of it ● Thou thorow thy commaundement hast 〈◊〉 me wyser then myne enemies ▪ for it is 〈◊〉 by me ● I haue more vnderstandyng then all my ●thers for thy testymonies are my studie Yee I am wyser then y e aged for I kepe 〈◊〉 commaundementes ● I refrayne my fete frō euery euell waye 〈◊〉 I maye kepe thy wordes ● I shrynck not from thy iudgmentes for 〈◊〉 teachest me ● O how swete are thy wordes vnto my 〈◊〉 ● Yee more then hony vnto my mouth ● Thorow thy cōmaundementes I get vn●●●standing therfore I hate all false wayes נ Nun. ● Thy worde is a e * lanterne vnto my fete 〈◊〉 a lyght vnto my ●●●thes 〈…〉 haue sworne 〈◊〉 ●tedfastly purposed ●epe y e iudgmētes 〈◊〉 ●hy ryghtuousnesse I am troubled 〈◊〉 measure quycken 〈◊〉 O Lorde accordynge vnto thy worde Let the frewyll offe●ynges of my mouth 〈◊〉 the O Lord t●ach me thy iudgmētꝭ נ My soule is alwaye in my hande yet do not I forget thy lawe נ The vngodly haue layed a snare for me but yet swarue not I frō thy cōmaundmētꝭ נ Thy testymonyes haue I claymed as myne herytage for euer and why they are y e very ioye of my herte נ I applye myne herte to fulfyll thy statutes alwaye euen vnto the ende ס Samech ס I hate y e vngodly but thy lawe do I loue ס Thou art my defence shylde my trust is in thy worde ס Awaye fro me ye wycked I wyll kepe the commaundementes of my God ס O stablish me according vnto thy worde that I maye lyue let me not be disapoynted of my hope ס Holde thou me vp and I shall be safe yee I shall euer be talkynge of thy statutes ס Thou treadest downe all them y t departe frō thy statutꝭ for they ymagin but disceate ס Thou puttest awaye all the vngodly of the earth lyke drosse therfore I loue thy testymonies ס My flesh trembleth for feare of the and I am afrayed of thy iudgmentes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Aiin ע I deale w t the thinge y t is laufull right O geue me not ouer vnto mine oppressours ע Be thou suertye for thy seruaunte to do him good y t the proude do me no wronge ע Myne eyes are waysted ●waye with lokyng for thy health and for the worde of thy rightuousnesse ע O deale w t thy seruaunt accordyng vnto thy louynge mercy teach me thy statutes ע I am thy seruaūt O graunte me vnderstāding that I maye know thy testimonies ע It is tyme for the O Lorde to laye to thine hāde for they haue destroyed thy lawe ע For I loue thy commaundemētes aboue golde and precious stone ע Therfore holde I streyght all thy commaundementes and all false wayes I vtterly abhorre פ Phe. פ Thy testymonyes are wonderfull therfore doth my soule kepe them פ When thy worde goeth forth it geueth lyght vnderstandynge euen vnto babes פ I opē my mouth and drawe in my breth for I desyre thy commaundementes פ O loke thou vpon me be mercifull as thou vsest to do vnto those y t loue thy name פ Ordre my goinges after thy worde that no wyckednesse raygne in me פ O delyuer me frō y e wrōgeous dealinges of men so shall I kepe thy cōmaundemētꝭ פ Shewe y e lyght of thy countenaūce vnto thy seruaunt and learne me thy statutes פ Myne eyes gusshe out w t water because men kepe not thy lawe צ Zade
צ Ryghtuous art thou O Lorde and true is thy iudgment צ The testymonyes that thou hast cōmanded are exceadynge ryghtuous and true צ My zele hath euē consumed me because myne enemyes haue forgotten thy wordes צ Thy worde is tryed to the vttermost and thy seruaunte loueth it צ I am small and of no reputacyon yet do not I forget thy commaundementes צ Thy ryghtuousnesse is an euerlastynge ryghtuousnes and thy lawe is true צ Trouble and heuynesse haue taken holde vpō me yet is my delyte in thy commaundementes צ The ryghtuousnes of thy testymonyes is euerlastyng O graunte me vnderstādyng and I shall lyue ק Koph ק I call with my whole herte heare me O Lorde I wyll kepe thy statutes ק Yee euen vpon the do I cal helpe me and I shall kepe thy testymonies ק Early in the mornynge do Is crye vnto the for in thy worde is my trust ק Myne eyes preuente the night watches that I myght be occupied in thy wordes ק Heare my voyce O Lorde accordynge vnto thy louynge kyndnesse quycken me accordynge as thou art wont ק They drawe nye that of malyce persecute me and are farre from th● lawe ק Be thou nye at hande also O Lorde for thy promyses are faythfull ק As concernynge thy testimonies I haue knowne euer sens the begynnynge y t thou hast grounded them for euer ר Res. ר O cōsydre myne aduersyte delyuer me for I do not forget thy lawe ר Manteyn thou my cause and defende me quycken me accordynge vnto thy worde ר Health is farre from the vngodly for they regarde not thy statutes ר Greate is thy mercy O Lorde quycken me as thou art wont ר Many there are that trouble me persecute me yet do not I swarue from thy testimonyes ר It greueth me when I se that the transgressours kepe not thy lawe ר Consydre O Lorde how I loue thy commaundementes O quycken me with thy louynge kyndnesse ר Thy worde is true from euerlastynge all the iudgmentes of thy ryghtuousnesse endure for euer more ש Sin שh*The princes persecute me wtout 〈◊〉 but my herte stādeth in awe of thy 〈◊〉 ש I am as glad of thy worde as one 〈◊〉 greate spoyles ש As for lyes I hate and abhorre 〈…〉 thy lawe do I loue שi* Seuē tymes a daye do I prayse ●●●cause of thy ryghtuous iudgmentes ש Greate is the peace that they haue 〈◊〉 lo●e thy lawe they are not offend●● ▪ ש Lorde I loke for thy sauynge 〈◊〉 do after thy commaundementes ש My soule kepeth thy testymonyes 〈◊〉 loueth them exceadingly ש I kepe thy commaundementes and 〈◊〉 for all my wayes are before 〈◊〉 ▪ ת Chau. ת Let my complaynte come before 〈◊〉 Lorde geue me vnderstandynge 〈…〉 vnto thy worde ת Oh let my supplicacyon come befo●● delyuer me accordynge to thy promes ▪ ת My lyppes shall speake of thy 〈◊〉 seynge thou hast taught me thy statu●●● ▪ ת Yee my tonge shall synge of thy 〈◊〉 for all thy commaundementes are 〈◊〉 ת Let thyne hande helpe me for I haue 〈…〉 thy commaundementes ת I longe for thy sauynge health O 〈◊〉 and in thy lawe is my delyte ת Oh let my soule lyue and prayse the 〈◊〉 thy iudgmentes maye helpe me ת I go astraye lyke a shepe that is 〈◊〉 seke thy seruaunt for I do not forget th●●●●●maundementes ¶ The .cxx. Psalme ¶ An affectuous complayn●e of the prophe●● 〈◊〉 dryue oute of the l●nde ● a●ydyng amonge 〈…〉 that dyd all thynges by fraude and violence The songe of the steares WHen I am in trouble I call 〈◊〉 the Lorde 〈◊〉 answereth 〈◊〉 ▪ Delyuer my soule O 〈◊〉 from lyenge ●lyppes from a ●●●ceatfull tonge What rewarde sha●● be geuen or 〈…〉 to the thou false tong●● Euen myghtye an● sharpe arowes 〈◊〉 hote burnyngea* 〈◊〉 Wo is me that 〈◊〉 banishmēt endur●●● lōge I dwell in y e tabernacles of y e soro●●● My soule hath lo●ge dwelt amōge 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the enemyes vnto peace I laboured for peace but when I spake 〈◊〉 they made them to battayle ¶ The .cxxj Psalme 〈◊〉 sheweth that the godly must loke for their helpe 〈◊〉 God only that he geueth it very readely The songe of the steares I Lyft vp myne eyes vnto thea*hylles 〈◊〉 from whence cōmeth my helpe My helpe commeth euen from the ●●rde which hath made heauen and earth He wyll not suffre thy fote to be moued 〈◊〉 he that kepeth the slepeth not * Beholde he that kepeth Israel doth 〈◊〉 ●lombre nor slepe The Lorde him selfe is thy keper 〈◊〉 Lord ●hy defence vpon thy ryght hande So that the sunne shall not burne the by 〈◊〉 nether the moone by nyght The Lorde preserueth the from all euell 〈◊〉 it is the Lorde that kepeth thy soule The Lorde preserueth thy goynge out 〈◊〉 commynge in from this tyme forth for ●●er more ¶ The .cxxij. Psalme ●nder the shadow and fygure of Ierusalem he de●●●●eth the felycytie of the congregacyon of Christ 〈◊〉 the desyres of the saynctes wyshyng euer the fur●●●●aunce of it The songe of the steares I Was glad when they sayde vnto me we wyll go in to the house of the Lorde Oure fete shall stande in thy gates 〈◊〉 Ierusalem Ierusalem is buylded as a cytye that is 〈…〉 in it selfe For there the tribes go vp euen the tribes 〈◊〉 the Lorde to testyfye vnto Israel to geue ●●an●kes vnto the name of the Lorde For there is the seate of iudgement euen 〈◊〉 seate of the house of Dauid O praye for the peace of Ierusalē they 〈◊〉 all prospere that loue the. Peace be within thy walles plenteous●●●s with 〈◊〉 thy palaces For my brethren and companions sakes 〈◊〉 wyll wysh 〈◊〉 the prosperite Yee because of the house of the Lord oure 〈◊〉 I wyll se●●e to do the good ¶ The .cxxiij. Psalme The godly subdued 〈◊〉 the wycked do affectuously 〈◊〉 God to delyuer th●● for vnto hym they wholy 〈◊〉 them selues The songe of the steares VNto the lyft I 〈◊〉 myne a * eyes thou that dwellest in th●●e heauens Beholde euē as the eyes of seruaū●●● loke vnto the handes of their masters 〈◊〉 the eyes of a mayden vnto the handes of ●astresse euen so oure eyes wayte vpon 〈…〉 oure God vn●yll he haue mercy vpon vs. Haue mercy vpon vs O Lord haue mercy vpon vs for we are vtterly despysed Oure soule is fylled with the scornefull reprofe of the welthy and wyth the despitefulnesse of the proude ¶ The .cxxiiij. Psalme ¶ The godly reioyse that they are rydde by the helpe of God frō a Ieopardy wherevnto they were very nye The songe of the steares IF the Lorde had not bene of oure syde now maye Israel saye If the Lorde had not bene of oure syde whē men rose vp agaynst vs. They had swalowed vs vp quycke when they were so wrathfully dyspleased at vs. Yee the waters had drowned vs y e streame had gone ouer oure soule The depe waters of the proude had gone euen vnto oure soule But
for his mercy endureth for euer And Og the kynge of Basan for his mercy endureth for euer And gaue awaye their londe for an heretage for his mercy endureth for euer Euen for an heretage vnto Israel his seruaunt for his mercy endureth for euer Which remēbreth vs whē we are in trouble for his mercy endureth for euer Which geueth foode vnto all flesh for his mercy endureth foreuer O geue thankes vnto the God of heauen for his mercy endureth for euer The CXXXVI psalme BY the waters of Babilon we sat downe and wepte when we remēbred Sion As for oure harpes we hanged them vp vpon the trees that are therin Thē they that led vs awaye captyue requyred of vs a songe and melody in o r heuynes ▪ synge vs one of the songes of Sion How shal we synge the LORDES songe in a straūge lōde Yf I forget the o Ierusalem let my right hande be forgotten Yf I do not remembre the let my tonge cleue to the rofe of my mouth yee yf I preferre not Ierusalem in my myrth Remembre the childrē of Edom o LORDE in the daye of Ierusalem how they sayde downe with it downe with it euē to the grounde O doughter Babilō thou shalt come to misery thy self yee happie shal he be that rewardeth y e as thou hast serued vs. Blessed shal he be that taketh thy children and throweth them agaynst the stones The CXXXVII A psalme of Dauid I Wil geue thākes vnto the o LORDE with my whole hert euen before the goddes wil I synge prayses vnto the. I wil worshippe towarde thy holy tēple and prayse thy name because of thy louynge kyndnesse and treuth for thou hast magnified thy worde acordynge vnto thy greate name When I call vpō the thou hearest me and endewest my soule with moch strēgth All the kynges of the earth shal prayse the o LORDE when they heare the wordes of thy mouth Yee they shal synge in the wayes of the LORDE that greate is the glory of the LORDE For though the LORDE be hye yet hath he respecte vnto y e lowly as for y e proude he beholdeth him afarre off Though I walke ī y e myddest of trouble yet shalt thou refresh me thou shalt stretch forth thine hāde vpō the furiousnes of myne enemies y e righthande shal saue me The LORDE shal make good for me yee thy mercy o LORDE endureth for euer despyse not then the worke of thine owne handes The CXXXVIII A psalme of Dauid O LORDE thou searchest me out and knowest me Thou knowest my downe syttinge my vprisynge thou vnderstōdest my thoughtes afarre of Thou art aboute my path aboute my bedd spyest out all my wayes For lo there is not a worde ī my tōge but thou o LORDE knowest it alltogether Thou hast fashioned me behinde before layed thine hōde vpon me Soch knowlege is to wonderfull excellēt for me I can not atteyne vnto it Whither shal I go then from thy sprete Or whither shal I fle from thy presence Yf I clymme vp in to heauen thou art there yf I go downe to hell thou art there also Yf I take the wynges of the mornynge remayne in the vttemost parte of the see Euen there also shal thy honde lede me and thy right hande shal holde me Yf I saye peraduēture the darcknesse shal couer me then shal my night be turned to daye Yee the darcknesse is no darcknesse with the but the night is as cleare as the daye the darcknesse light are both alike For my reynes are thyne thou hast couered me in my mothers wombe I wil geue thākes vnto the for I am wōderously made maruelous are thy workes and that my soule knoweth right well My bones ●re not hyd from the though I be made secretly and fashioned beneth in the earth Thine eyes se myne vnparfitnesse they ston●e all writtē ī thy boke my dayes were fashi●ned when as yet there was not one of them How deare are y e coūcels vnto me o God O how greate is the summe of them Yf I tell them they are mo in nombre then the ende when I wake vp I am present with ●he Wilt thou not slaye y e wicked oh God ●hat the bloudethyrstie mighte departe fro●●e For they speake vnright of the thine ●●emies exalte them selues presumptuously I hate them o LORDE that hate the I maye not awaye with those that ryse vp ●gaynst the Yee I hate them right sore ●●erfore are they myne enemies Trye me ●o God and seke the grounde of myne hert proue me examen my 〈…〉 well yf there be eny waye 〈…〉 me lede me in the waye 〈…〉 The CXXXIX A psalme of Dauid ▪ DElyuer me o LORDE from the 〈◊〉 men oh preserue me from the wicked men Which ymagin myschefe in their hertes stere vp strife all the daye longe They sharpen their tonges like a serpent Adders poyson is vnder their lippes Sela. Kepe me o LORDE from the hande of the vngodly preserue me from the wicked men which are purposed to ouerthrowe my goinges The proude haue layed a snare for me spred a nett abrode with coardes yee sett trappes in my waye Sela. But my sayenge is vnto the LORDE thou art my God heare the voyce of my prayer o LORDE O LORDE God thou strength of my health thou hast couered my heade in y e daye of battayll Let not y e vngodly haue his desyre o LORDE let him not haue his purpose lest they be to proude Sela. Let the myschefe of their owne lippes fall vpon y e head of thē y t cōpase me aboute Let hote burnynge coales fall vpō thē let thē be cast in to the fyre and in to the pytt that they neuer ryse vp agayne A man full of wordes shal not prospere vpon earth a malicious wicked person shal be hunted awaye and destroyed Sure I am that the LORDE wil auenge the poore and manteyne the cause of the helplesse The rightuous also shal geue thākes vnto thy name the iust shal continue in thy sight The CXL A psalme of Dauid LORDE I call vpon the haist the vnto me and consider my voyce whē I crie vnto the. Let my prayer be set forth in thy sight as the incēse and let the liftinge vp of my hādes be an euenynge sacrifice Set a watch o LORDE before my mouth yee a watch at the dore of my lippes O let not myne hert be enclyned to eny euell thīge to be mynded as the vngodly or wicked men lest I eate of soch thinges as please thē Let the rightuous rather smyte me frendly and reproue me so wil I take it as though he had poured oyle vpō my heade it shal not hurte my heade yee I wil praye yet for the● wickednesse Their iudges stōble at the stone yet heare they my wordes y t they be ioyfull Oure bones lye scatered before y e pytt like as when one graueth and dyggeth
vp the grounde But myne eyes loke vnto y e o LORDE God in the is my trust oh cast not out my soule Kepe me frō y e snare which 〈…〉 me and frō the trappes 〈…〉 Let the vngodly fall 〈…〉 nettes together vntill I be 〈…〉 them The CXLI A psalme of Dauid I Crie vnto the LORDE with my voyce yee euē vnto the LORDE do I make my supplicacion I poure out my complaynte before him and shewe him of my trouble When my sprete is in heuynesse for thou knowest my path in the waye where in I walke haue they preuely layed a snare for me I loke vpon my right honde se there is no man that wil knowe me I haue no place to fle vnto no man careth for my soule Therfore do I crie vnto the o LORDE and saye thou art my hope and my porcion in the londe of the lyuynge Cōsidre my complaynte for I am brought very lowe Oh delyuer me fro my persecuters for they are to stronge for me Brynge my soule out of preson that I maye geue thākes vnto thy name which thinge yf thou wilt graūte me then shal the rightuous resorte vnto my cōpany The CXLII A psalme of Dauid HEare my prayer o LORDE considre my desyre answere me for thy treuth rightuousnesse sake And entre not in to iudgment with thy seruaunt for in thy sight shal no man lyuynge be iustified For the enemie persecuteth my soule he smyteth my life downe to the grounde he layeth me in the darcknesse as the deed men of the worlde Therfore is my sprete vexed within me and my herte within me is desolate Yet do I remēbre the tymes past I muse vpō all y e workes yee I exercise my self in the workes of thy hondes I stretch forth my hondes vnto the my soule crieth vnto the out of the thyrstie londe Sela. Heare me o LORDE and that soone for my sprete waxeth faynte hyde not y e face fro me lest I be like vnto thē that go downe in to the graue Oh let me heare thy louynge kyndnesse by tymes in the mornynge for in the is my trust shewe thou me the waye that I shulde walke in for I lift vp my soule vnto the. Delyuer me o LORDE fro myne enemies for I resorte vnto the. Teach me to do the thinge that pleaseth the for thou art my God let thy louynge spre●e lede me forth vnto the londe of rightuousnesse Quyckē me o LORDE for thy names sake and for thy rightuousnesse sake brynge my soule out of trouble And of thy goodnesse scater myne enemies abrode and destroye all them that vexe my soule for I am thy seruaunt The CXLIII A psalme of Dauid BLessed be the LORDE my refuge which teacheth my hādes to warre my fyngers to fight My hope and my castell my defence and my delyuerer my shylde in whom I trust which gouerneth the people that is vnder me LORDE what is mā that thou hast soch respecte vnto him Or the sonne of man that thou so regardest him Man is like a thinge of naught his tyme passeth awaye like a shadowe Bowe thy heauēs o LORDE come downe touch the mountaynes y t they maye smoke withall ▪ Sende forth the lightenynge scater thē shute out thine arowes and consume them Sende downe thine hande from aboue delyuer me and take me out of y e greate waters from the hande of straunge childrē Whose mouth talketh of vanite their right hāde is a righthande of falsede That I maye synge a new songe vnto the o God synge prayses vnto the vpon a tenstrynged luck Thou that geuest victory vnto kynges and hast delyuered Dauid thy seruaunt from the parell of the swerde Saue me and delyuer me from the honde of straunge childrē whose mouth talketh of vanite and their right hande is a right hande of falsede That 〈◊〉 sonnes maye growe vp as the yōge plantes and that oure doughters maye be as the polished corners of the temple That o r garners maye be full and plenteous with all maner of stoare that o r shepe maye brynge forth thousandes and hundreth thousands in oure villages That oure oxen maye be stronge to laboure that there be no myschaunce 〈◊〉 decaye and no complayninge in oure stretes ▪ Happie are the people that be in soch a ●●se yee blessed are the people which haue the LORDE for their God The CXLIIII A psalme of Dauid I Wil magnifie the o my God kynge● I wil prayse y e name for euer euer Euery daye wil I geue thankes vnto the and prayse y e name for euer and euer Greate is the LORDE maruelous worthy to be praysed there is no ende of his greatnesse One generacion shal prayse thy w●kes vnto another and declare thy power As for me I wil be talkīge of thy worshipe thy glory thy prayse and wōderous workes ▪ So that men shal speake of the might of thy maruelous actes and tell of y e greatnes ▪ The memoriall of y e abundaunt kyndne● shal be shewed and mē shal synge of thy righteousnesse The LORDE is gracious and mercifull longe sufferynge of greate goodnesse The LORDE is louynge vnto euery man and his mercy is ouer all his workes All thy workes prayse the o LORDE and thy sayntes geue thankes vnto the. They shewe the glory of thy kyngdome and talke of y e power That y e power thy glo●● mightynesse of thy kyngdome mig●● 〈◊〉 knowne vnto men Thy kyngdome is an euerlastinge kyngdome thy dominion endureth thorow out all ages The LORDE vpholdeth all soch as shulde fall and lifteth vp all those that be downe The eyes of all wayte vpon the and thou geuest them their meate in due season Thou openest thine hāde and fyllest all thinges lyuynge with plente●usnesse The LORDE is righteous in all his wayes holy in all his workes The LORDE is nye vnto all them that call vpon him yee all soch as call vpon him faithfully He fulfilleth the desyre of them that feare him he heareth their crie and helpeth them The LORDE preserueth all them that loue him but scatereth abrode all the vngodly My mouth shal speake the prayse of the LORDE And let all flesh geue thankes vnto his holy name for euer and euer Halleluya The CXL● psalme PRayse the LORDE o my soule whyle I lyue wil I prayse the LORDE yee as lōge as I haue eny beynge I wil synge prayses vnto my God O put not yo r trust in prynces ner in the childe of man for there is no helpe in thē For when y e breth of man goeth forth he shal turne agayne to his earth and so all his thoughtes perishe Blessed is he that hath y e God of Iacob for his helpe and whose hope is in the LORDE his God Which made heauen and earth y t see and all that therin is which kepeth his promise for euer Which helpeth them to right y t suffre wronge which fedeth y e
hongrie The LORDE lowseth men out of preson the LORDE geueth sight to the blynde The LORDE helpeth thē vp that are fallen the LORDE loueth the righteous The LORDE careth for the straungers he defendeth y e fatherlesse and wyddowe as for the waye of y e vngodly he turneth it vpsyde downe The LORDE thy God o Sion is kynge for euermore and thorow out all generacions Halleluya The CXLVI psalme O Prayse the LORDE for it is a good thinge to synge prayses vnto o r God yee a ioyfull and pleasaunt thinge is it to be thankfull The LORDE shal buylde vp Ierusalē gather together y e outcastes of Israel He healeth the contrite in herte and byndeth vp their woundes He telleth the nombre of the starres and calleth them all by their names Greate is o r LORDE and greate is his power yee his wyszdome is infinite The LORDE setteth vp y e meke bryngeth y e vngodly downe to y e groūde O synge vnto y e LORDE w t thankesgeuynge synge prayses vpō y e harpe vnto o r God Which couereth y e heauen w t cloudes prepareth rayne for y e earth maketh y e grasse to growe vpon the mountaynes Which geueth foder vnto y e catell fedeth y e yonge rauens y t call vpō him He hath no pleasure in the strength of an horse nether delyteth he in eny mās legges But the LORDES delyte is in them that feare him and put their trust in his mercy The CXLVII psalme This psalme do the hebrues ioyne vnto it that goeth before PRayse y e LORDE o Ierusalē prayse 〈◊〉 God o Sion For he maketh fast 〈◊〉 baries of y e gates blesseth y e 〈…〉 within ye. He maketh peace in y e bord●●● 〈◊〉 fylleth y e with y e flo r of wheate He 〈◊〉 synde y e forth his cōmaundemēt vpō earth 〈…〉 LORDE rūneth swiftly He geueth snowe scatereth y e horefrost like ashes 〈◊〉 He forth his yse like morsels who is ghtuous and de his frost He sendeth out ●●cently he ●emelteth them he bloweth w t hi● 〈◊〉 preserueth y e waters flowe He sheweth 〈◊〉 shalt thou unIacob his statutes 〈…〉 and equi rael He hath not dealt 〈◊〉 Yf wyszdome then nether haue they 〈◊〉 and y e soule delyte in es Halleluya 〈◊〉 councell preserue the The 〈…〉 shal kepe the. That ●P●est be delyuered frō y e euell waye ●om the man y t speaketh f●owarde thines from soch as leave the hye strete and ualkei y e wayes of darcknesse which reioyse 〈◊〉 doynge euell and delyte i wicked thinges whose wayes are croked and their pathes slaunderous that thou mayest be delyuered also from the straunge woman and from her that is not thine owne which geueth swete wordes forfaketh the huszbande of hir youth and for getteth the couenaunt of hir God For hir house is enclyned unto death and hir pathes unto hell All they that go in unto her come not agayne nether take they holde of the wave of life That thou mayest walke in y e good waye and kepe tha pathes of the righuous For the iust shal dwell in the lende and the inno Let them prayse the name of the LORDE for his name only is excellent and his prayse aboue heauen and earth He exalteth the horne of his people all his sayntes shal prayse him the children of Israel euen the people that serueth him Halleluya The CXLIX psalme Halleluya O Synge vnto y e LORDE a new songe let the cōgregacion of sayntes prayse him Let Israel reioyse in him that made him and let the children of Sion be ioyfull in their kynge Let them prayse his name in the daūce let them synge prayses vnto him with tabrettes and harpes For the LORDE hath pleasure in his people and helpeth the mekcharted Let the sayntes be ioyfull with glory let them reioyse in their beddes Let the prayses of God be in their mouth and sharpe swerdes in their handes To be auenged of the Hei●hē to rebuke the people To bynde their ●●nges in cheynes their nobles with lync●●●● of yron That they maye be auenged 〈…〉 as it is written Soch honoure haue 〈…〉 sayntes Halleluya The CL. psalme Halleluya 〈◊〉 Prayse the LORDE in his Sanctu●●● 〈…〉 prayse him in the firmament of 〈…〉 power Prayse him in his noble 〈…〉 him in his excellēt greatnesse 〈…〉 in the sounde of the trompet 〈…〉 ●pō the lute and harpe Pray 〈…〉 ●ymbals and daunse prayse him 〈…〉 and pype Prayse him 〈…〉 cymbals prayse him 〈…〉 cymbals Let 〈…〉 y t hath breth 〈◊〉 LORDE 〈◊〉 The Prouerbes of Salomon What this boke conteyneth Chap. I. The wysdome of God calleth vs by the mouth of Salomō exorteth vs and geueth vs warnynge to eschue the wicked whose vn godly cōuersacion in worde and worke and punyshment also of the same is here descrybed Chap. II. How wisdome maye be gotten and what profit commeth of it Chap. III. He exorteth us to the feare of God and to pacience he commendeth wyszdome ● requyreth us to cleue vnto the same Chap. IIII. A fatherly exortacion vnto wisdome with the profit therof and how we ought to refrayne the mēbres of oure body frō euell Chap. V. He exorteth vnto wyszdōe and to be warre of harlottes he telleth what harme m●ye folowe therout whē men medle with soch h● teacheth men louyngly to cleue vnto their m●ried wyues and descrybeth the ende of the vn●godly Chap. VI. He warneth men to bewarre of s●●●tishipe exorteth the slouthfull to laboure sheweth the wikednesse of false tonges and requyreth men to bewarre of aduoutry because it is more perlo●s then theft or felony Chap. VII He exorteth vnto wiszdome sheweth the condicions of harlottes and what hurt happeneth vnto soch as enclyne to the prouocaciōs and desyres of the flesh Chap. VIII Wyszdome calleth men swetely vnto her and telleth them what treasure and power she hath A cōmendacion and prayse of wiszdome wherout euery mā is exorted to cleue vnto her Chap. IX Wyszdome crieth vpō the ignoraūt and promiseth them greate thinges The foolish maner of a light woman Chap. X. From this chapter forth vnto the XXXI there are described many swete louely and wyse sentences which teach men wyszdome and what profit commeth of it Agayne how men maye auoyde foolishnesse and the hurte therof Chap. XXXI Wyszdome warneth us to bewarre of euell women and descrybeth the cōuersacion maner behauoure of an honest maried wyfe These are the prouerbes of Salomon the sonne of Dauid kynge of Israel to lerne wyszdome nurtoure vnderstondinge prudence rightuousnesse iudgment and equite That the very babes might haue wyt and that yonge men might haue knowlege and vnderstondinge By hearinge the wyse mā shal cōme by more wysdome and by experience he shal be more apte to vnderstonde a parable and the interpretacion therof the wordes of the wyse and the darcke speaches of the same The feare of the LORDE is the begynnynge of wysdome But
two maner of weightes and a false balaūce is an euell thinge The LORDE ordreth euery mās goinges for what is he that vnderstondeth his owne wayes It is a snare for a man to blaspheme that which is holy then to go aboute w t vowes A wyse kynge destroyeth y e vngodly bryngeth the whele ●uer them The lanterne of y e LORDE is y e breth of man goeth thorow all the inwarde partes of the body Mercy faithfulnes preserue the kynge with louynge kyndnes his feate is holden vp The strength of yonge men is their worshipe a gray heade is an hono r vnto y e aged Woundes dryue awaye euell and so do stripes the inwarde partes of the body The XXI Chapter THe kynges hert is in the hande of the LORDE like as are the ryuers of water he maye turne it whyther so euer he wyll Euery man thinketh his owne waye to be right but the LORDE iudgeth y e hertes To do rightuousnesse and iudgmēt is more acceptable to the LORDE thē sacrifice A presumptuous loke a proude stomacke the lanterne of the vngodly is synne The deuyses of one that is diligent brynge plenteousnes but he y t is vnaduysed commeth vn to pouerte Who so hoordeth vp riches w t y e disceatfulnes of his tonge he is a foole like vnto them that seke their owne death The robberies of the vngodly shal be their owne destruccion for they wolde not do the thynge that was right The wayes of the frowarde are straunge but y e workes of him y t is cleane are right It is better to dwell in a corner vnder y e house toppe then with a braulinge woman in a wyde house The soule of the vngodly wysheth euell and hath no pitie vpon his neghboure When the scornefull is punyshed the ignoraunt take y e better hede when a wyse man is warned he wil receaue the more vnderstondinge The rightuous enfourmeth the house of the vngodly but y e vngodly go on still after their owne wickednesse Who so stoppeth his eare at the criēge of the poore he shal crie himself and not be herde A preuy rewarde pacifieth displeasure and a gifte in the bosome stilleth furiousnesse The iust delyteth in doynge the thynge that is right but the workers of wickednesse abhorre the same The man that wandreth cut of the waye of wyszdome shal remayne in the cōgregacion of y e deed He y t hath pleasure in banckettes shal be a poore man Who so delyteth in wyne and delicates shal not be riche The vngodly shal be geuen for the rightuous the wicked for the iust It is better to dwell in a wyldernesse thē with a chydinge and an angrie woman In a wyse mans house there is greate treasure and plenteousnesse but a foolish body spendeth vp all Who so foloweth rightuousnesse and mercy fyndeth both life rightuousnesse and honor. A wyse man wynneth the cite of the mightie and as for the strength y t they trust in he bryngeth it downe Who so kepeth his mouth and his tonge the same kepeth his soule from troubles He y t is proude presumptuous is called a scornefull mā which in wrath darre worke maliciously The voluptuousnesse of the slouthfull is his owne death for his hādes wyll not labor. He coueteth and desyreth all the daye longe but the rightuous is allwaye geuynge kepeth nothinge backe The sacrifice of the vngodly is abhominacion for they offre the thinge y t is gotten w t wickednes A false wytnesse shal perishe but he y t wil be content to heare shal allwaye haue power to speake himself An vngodly man goeth forth rashly but the iust refourmeth his owne waye There is no wyszdome there is no vnderstondinge there is no councell agaynst the LORDE The horse is prepared agaynst y e daye of battayll but the LORDE geueth the victory The XXII Chapter A Good name is more worth then greate riches and louynge fauo r is better then syluer and golde Whether riches or pouerte do mete vs it commeth all of God A wyse man seyth the plage and hydeth himself but the foolish go on still and are punyshed The ende of lowlynes the feare of God is riches hono r prosperite and health Speares and snares are in y e waye of the frowarde but he y t wil kepe his soule let him fle frō soch Yf thou reachest a childe in his youth what waye he shulde go he shall not leaue it when he is olde The rich ruleth the poore and y e borower is seruaunt to y e lender He y t soweth wickednesse shal reape sorowe the rodde of his plage shal destroye him A louynge eye shal be blessed for he geueth of his bred vnto y e poore Cast out y e scornefull man and so shal strife go out w t him yee variaunce and slaunder shal cease Who so delyteth to be of a clene herte and of gracious lyppes y e kynge shal be his frende The eyes of y e LORDE preserue knowlege but as for y e wordes of y e despyteful he bryngeth them to naught The slouthfull body sayeth there is a lyō w t out I might be slayue in y e strete The mouth of an harlot is a depe pytt wherin he falleth that y e LORDE is angrie withall Foolishnes sticketh in the herte of y e lad but y e rod of correccion driueth it awaye Who so doth a poore man wronge to increase his owne riches geueth comōly vnto the rich and at the last commeth to pouerte himself My sonne bowe downe thine eare and herken vnto the wordes of wyszdome applye y e mynde vnto my doctryne for it is a pleasaunt thinge yf thou kepe it in thine herte and practise it in thy mouth that thou mayest allwaye put y e trust in the LORDE Haue not I warned y e very oft with councell and lerninge y t I might shewe y e the treuth and that thou w t the verite mightest answere them y t laye eny thinge against y e Se y t thou robbe not y e poore because he is weake and oppresse not y e simple in iudgment for y e LORDE himself wyl defende their cause and do violence vnto them y t haue vsed violence Make no frēdshipe with an angrie wylfull man and kepe no company w t y e furious lest thou lerne his wayes and receaue hurte vnto thy soule Be not thou one of them y t bynde the●r hande vpō promyse and are suertie for dett for yf thou hast nothinge to paye they shal take awaye thy bed from vnder the. Thou shalt not remoue the lande marcke which thy fore elders haue sett Seist thou not y t they which be diligent in their busines stonde before kynges and not amonge the symple people The XXIII Chapter When thou syttest at the table to eate w t a lorde ordre thy self manerly w t y
him that ruleth it That were euen like as yf the rod dyd exalte it self agaynst him that beareth it or as though y e staff shulde magnifie it self as who saye it were no wodd Therfore shal the LORDE of hoostes sende him pouerte in his riches and burne vp his power as it were with a fyre But the light of Israel shal be y t fyre and his Sanctuary shal be the flame and it shal kyndle and burne vp his thornes and breyers in one daye yee all the glory of his woddes and feldes shal be consumed with body and soule As for himself he shal be as one chased awaye The trees also of his felde shal be of soch a nombre that a childe maye tell them After y t daye shal the remnaunt of Israel and soch as are escaped out of the house of Iacob seke no more cōforte at him that smote them but shal conforte themselues with faithfulnesse and treuth in the LORDE the holy one of Israel The remnaunt yee and the Posteryte of Iacob shal cōuerte vnto God the mighty one For though thy people o Israel be as the sonde of the see yet shal but the remnaunt of them only conuerte vnto him Perfecte is the iudgmēt of him that floweth in rightuousnesse and therfore y e LORDE of hoostes shal perfectly fulfil the thinge that he hath determyned in the myddest of the whole worlde Therfore thus saieth the LORDE God of hoostes Thou my people that dwellest in Sion be not afrayde for the kinge of the Assirians He shal wagg his staff at the yee and beate the with the rodd as the Egiptiās dyd sometyme But soone after shal my wrath and my indignacion be fulfylled agaynst their blasphemies Morouer the LORDE of hoostes shal prepare a scourge for him like as was the punyshmēt of Madiā vpō y e mount of Oreb And he shal lift vp his rod ouer the see as he dyd somtyme ouer the Egiptians Their shal his burthen be taken from thy shulders and his yock from thy neck yee the same yock shal corrupte for very fatnesse He shal come to Aiath and go thorow toward Migron But at Machmas shal he muster his hooste and go ouer y e foorde Gaba shal be their restinge place Rhama shal be afrayde Gabea Saul shal fle awaye The voyce of y e noyse of thy horses o doughter Gallim shal be herde vnto lais and to Anathoth which also shal be in trouble Madmena shal tremble for feare but the citesyns of Gahim are māly yet shal he remayne at Nob that daye After that shal he lift vp his honde agaynst the mount Sion and agaynst the hill of Ierusalem But se the LORde God of hoostes shal take awaye the proude from thence w t feare He shal hew downe the proude and fel the hie mynded The thornes of the wod shal be rooted out w t yron and Libanus shal haue a mightie fal The xj Chapter AFter this there shal come a rod forth of y e Kynrede of Iesse and a blossome out of his rote The sprete of the LORDE shal light vpon it the sprete of wysdome and vnderstondinge the sprete of councel and strength y e sprete of knowlege and of the feare of God and shal make him feruent in the feare of God For he shal not geue sentēce after the thinge y t shal be brought before his eies nether reproue a matter at the first hearinge but with rightousnesse shal he iudge the poore and with holynes shal he refourme the symple of the worlde He shal smyte y e worlde with y e staff of his mouth with y e breath of his mouth shal he slaye the wicked Rightuousnesse shal be the gyrdle of his loynes treuth and faithfulnesse the gyrdinge vp of his raynes Thē shal y e wolfe dwel with the lābe and the leop●rde shal lye downe by the gote Bullokes lyons and catel shal kepe company together so that a litle childe shal dryue them forth The cowe and the Bere shal fede together and their yongones shal lye together The lyō shal eate strawe like the oxe or the cowe The childe whyle he sucketh shal haue a desyre to the serpentes nest and whē he is weened he shal put his hande in to the Cockatryce denne No man shal do euel to another no man shal destro● another in all the hill of my Sanctuary For the earth shal be ful of y e knowlege of y e LORDE euen as though the water of the see flowed ouer the earth Then shal the Gentiles enquere after the rote of Iesse which shal be set vp for a token vnto the Gentiles for his dwellinge shal be glorious At the same tyme shal the LORDE take in honde agayne to conquere y e remnaunt of his people which are lefft alyue From the Assiriās Egiptians Arabians Morians Elamites Caldeyes Antiochiās and Ilōdes of the see And he shal set vp a tokē amonge the Gentiles and gather together y e dispersed of Israel yee and the outcastes of Iuda from the foure corners of y e worlde The hatred of Ephraim and y e enmyte of Iuda shal be clene rooted out Ephraim shal beare no euel wil to Iuda and Iuda shal not hate Ephraim but they both together shal flye vpō the shulders of the Philistynes toward the West and spoyle them together that dwell toward the East The Idumytes and the Moabites shal let their hōdes fall and the Ammonites shal be obedient vnto them The LORDE also shal cleue the tunges of the Egipciās see and with a mightie wynde shal he lift vp his honde ouer Nilus and shal smyte his seuē streames and make men go ouer drye shod And thus shal he make a waye for his people y t remayneth from the Assirians like as it happened to y e Israelites what tyme they departed out of the londe of Egipte The xij Chapter SO that then thou shalt saye O LORDE I thanke the for thou wast displeased at me but thou hast refrayned thy wrath and hast mercy vpon me Beholde God is my health in whom I trust and am not afrayde For the LORDE God is my strength and my prayse he also shal be my refuge Therfore with ioye shal ye drawe water out of the welles of the Sauioure and then shal ye saye Let vs geue thankes vnto the lorde and call vpon his name and declare his councels amonge the people and kepe them in remembraunce for his name is excellēt O synge praises vnto the LORDE for he doth greate thinges as it is knowne in all the worlde Crie out and be glad thou that dwellest in Sion for greate is thy prince the holy one of Israel The XIII Chapter THis is y e heuy burthē of Babilō which Esaye the sonne of Amos dyd se. Make some tokēs to the hie hilles call vnto them holde vp youre hōde that the prynces maye go in at the
an heape of sorowes miseries Wo be to the multitude of moch people that russh in like the see and to the heape of folke that renne ouer all like greate waters For though so many people increase as the flowinge waters and though they be armed yet they fle farre of and vanish awaye like the dust with the wynde vpon an hill and as the whyrle wynde thorow a storme Though they be fearful at night yet in the morninge it is gone with thē This is their porcion that do vs harme and heretage of them that robbe vs. The xviij Chapter WO be to the londe of flienge shippes which is of this syde y e floude of Ethiopia which sendeth hir message ouer the see in shippes of redes vpō y e water and sayeth go soone and do yo r message vnto a straunge and harde folke to a fearful people to a people y t is further then this to a desperate and pylled folke whose londe is deuyded from vs with ryuers of water Yee all ye y t fyt in the compasse of the worlde and dwell vpon the earth when the token shal be geuen vpō the mountaynes then loke vp and when the home bloweth then herken to for thus hath y e LORDE sayde vnto me I layde me downe and pondred the matter in my house at the noone daye when it was hote and there fel a myslinge shower like a dew as it happeneth in haruest But the frutes were not yet ripe cut of and the grapes were but yonge and grene Then one smote of the grapes with an hoke yee he hewed downe also the buwes and the braunches dyd cast thē awaye And thus they were layde waist for the foules of the mountaynes and for y e beastes of the earth together So y t the foules sat ther vpon and the beastes of the earth wyntered there Then shal there be a present brought vnto the LORDE of hoostes euen that harde folke that fearful folke and that further is thē this y t desperate and pylled folke whose londe is deuyded from vs with floudes of water vnto the place of the name of the LORDE of hoostes euen vnto the hill of Sion The xix Chapter THis is the heuy burthen vpon Egipte Beholde the LORDE wil ryde vpon a swifte cloude and come in to Egipte And the goddes of Egipte shal trymble at his cōmynge and the hert of Egipte shal quake within her For thus saieth the LORDE I wil stere vp the Egiptians one agaynst a nother amonge them selues so that one shal be euer agaynst his brother and neghboure yee one cite agaynst another and one kyngdome agaynst another And Egipte shal be choked in hir self Whē they axe councel at their goddes at their Prophetes at their soythsayers and witches then will I bringe their councel to naught I wil delyuer Egipte also in to the hondes of greuous rulers and a cruel kinge shal haue the rule of them The water of the see shal be drawē out Nilus shal synke awaye be dronke vp The ryuers also shal be drawen out the welles shal decreace and drie awaye Rede and rush shal fayle the grasse by the waters syde or vpon y e ryuers bancke yee and what so euer is sowen by the waters shal be wythered destroyed brought to naught The fyshers shall mourne all soch as cast angles in the water shal complayne they that sprede their nettes in the water shal be faynt harted Soch as laboure vpon flax sylcke shal come to pouerte they also that weeue fyne workes All the poundes of Egipte all the policie of their Moates diches shal come to naught Yee the vndiscrete prynces of Zoan the councel of the wyse Senatours of Pharao shal turne to foolishnesse Those that darre boast saye of Pharaos behalfe I am come of wyse people I am come of y e olde regall Progeny But where are now thy wyse mē Let them tel the shewe the what the LORDE of hoostes hath taken in honde agaynst Egypte Fooles are those prynces of Zoan proude are the prynces of Noph yee they dysceaue Egypte mith the nobilite of their stocke For the LORDE hath made Egypte dronckē with the sprete of erroure and they shal vse it in all matters euē like as a dronkē mā goeth spewinge aboute For Egipte shal lacke good councel so y t they shal not knowe what to do nether beginnynge nor ende nether vpon the lōde nor water Thē shal y e Egiptiās be like vnto womē afrayde astō●ed at the liftinge vp of the hōde which y e LORDE of hoostes shal lifte vp ouer them The londe of Iuda also shal make the Egiptians afrayde who so doth but speake vpon it shal put them in feare And that be cause of the councel which y e LORDE of hoostes hath devysed agaynst them Then shal the fyue cities of Egipte speake with the Canaanites t●nge ande sweare by the LORDE of hoostes Heliopolis shal be one of them At the same tyme shal the LORDE of hoostes haue an aulter in the myddest of the londe of Egipte with this title ther by Vnto the LORDE This shal be a token or testimony vnto the LORDE of hoostes in the londe of Egipte when they shal crie vnto him because of those that oppresse them that he shal sende them a captayne and a Sauioure to delyuer them Morouer Egipte shal be bought vnto the LORDE and the Egiptians also shal knowe the LORDE at the same tyme they shal do him reuerence with peace offringes and with meat offringes they shal promyse him offringes yee paye him also Thus the LORDE shal smyte Egipte heale it agayne so shal they turne to y e LORDE and he also shal haue mercy vpō them and saue them Then shal there be a comon waye out of Egipte in to Assiria The Assirians shal come in to Egipte and the Egypcians in to Assiria The Egipcians also and the Assirians shal both haue one Gods seruyce Then shal Israel with honoure be the thirde to Egipte and Assur And the LORDE of hoostes shal blesse them sayenge Blissed is my people of the Egipcians Assur is the worke of my hōdes but Israel is myne enheritaunce The xx Chapter THe same yeare that Harthan came to Aschod where Sargē the kinge of the Assirians sent him what tyme as he also be seged Aschdod wāne it y e same season Thē spake the LORDE vnto Esaye y e sonne of Amos sayenge go and lowse of y t sack cloth frō thy loynes and put of y e shues from thy fete And so he dyd goinge naked barefote Then sayde the LORDE where as my seruaunt Esaye goeth naked and barefote it is a token and signifienge of the thinge that after thre yeare shal come vpō Egipte and Ethiopia For euen thus shal the kinge of the Ass●rians driue both yonge and olde as prisoners naked and barefote out of Egipte and
which they owe vnto me that turne they to mens lawes and doctrynes therfore wil I also shewe vnto this people a maruelous terrible and greate thinge Namely this I wil destroye the wisdome of their wise and the vnderstōdinge of their lerned men shal perish Wo be vnto them that seke so depe to hyde their ymaginacion be fore the LORDE which rehearce their coūcels in y e darknes and saye who seith vs or who knoweth vs Which ymaginacion of yours is euen as when the potters claye taketh advisemēt as though the worke might saye to y e worke master make me not or as when an erthen vessel saieth of the potter he vnderstondeth not Se ye not that it is hard by that Libanus shal be turned in to Charmel and that Charmel shal be taken as a wodde Then shal deaf men vnderstonde the wordes of the boke and the eyes of the blynde shal se without eny cloude or darknes The oppressed shal holde a mery feast in the LORDE and the poore people shal reioyse in the holy one of Israel Then shal the furious people ceasse and y e mockers shal be put awaye and all they y t do wronge shal be rooted out soch as laboure to drawe mē vnto synne and y t disceaue him which reproueth them in the gate soch as turne good personnes to vanite And therfore the LORDE euen the defender of Abraham saieth thus vnto the house of Iacob Now shal not Iacob be ashamed nor his face cōfounded when he seith amonge his children whom my hondes haue made soch as halowe my name amonge them that they maye sancifie the holy one of Iacob and feare the God of Israel and that they which afore tyme were of an erroneous sprete haue now vnderstondinge and y t soch as before coude not speake are now lerned in my lawe The xxx Chapter WO be to those shrenkinge children saieth the LORDE which seke councel but not at me which take a webbe in honde but not after my will that they maye heape one synne vpon another They go downe in to Egipte and axe me no councel to seke helpe at the power of Pharao and cōforte in the shadowe of the Egipciās But Pharaos helpe shal be youre cōfucion and the comforte in the Egipcians shadowe shal be youre owne shame You re rulers haue bene at Zoan and yo r messaungers came vnto Hanes But ye shal all be ashamed of the people y t maye not helpe you which shal not bringe you strength or comforte but shame and confucion Youre beastes haue borne burthens vpō their backes towarde the South thorow the waye that is ful of parell and trouble because of the lyō and lyones of the Cockatrice and shutynge dragon Yee the Mules bare youre substaunce and the Camels brought yo r treasure vpon their croked backes vnto a people that can not helpe you For the Egipcians helpe shal be but vane and lost Therfore I tolde you also y t youre pryde shulde haue an ende Wherfore go hēce and write them this in their tables and note it in a booke that it maye remayne by their posterite and be stil kepte For it is an obstinate people vnfaithful children children that will not heare the lawe of the LORDE They darre saye to the prophetes Intro mitte youre selues with nothinge and vnto y e Soythsayers tell us of nothinge for to come but speake frendly wordes vnto vs and preach vs false thinges Treade out of the waye go out of the path turne the holy one of Israel from vs. Therfore thus saieth the holy one of Israel In as moch as ye haue cast of youre bewtie and conforted youre selues with power and nymblenesse and put youre confidence therin therfore shal ye haue this myschefe agayne for youre destruction and fall like as an hie wall that falleth because of some rift or blast whose breakinge cometh sodenly And youre destruction shal be like as an erthē pot which breaketh no man touchinge it yee and breaketh so sore that a man shal not fynde a sheuer of it to fetch fyre in or to take water with all out of the pyt For the LORDE God euen the holy one of Israel hath promised thus With stilsittinge and rest shal ye be healed In quyetnesse and hope shal youre strength lie Notwithstondinge ye regarde it not but ye will saie No for thus are we cōstrayned to fle vpō horses And therfore shall ye fle we must ryde vpon swift beastes and therfore youre persecutours shal yet be swifter A thousand of you shal fle for one or at the most for fyue which do but only geue you euell wordes vntil ye be desolate as a ship mast vpon an hie mountayne and as a beaken vpon an hill Yet stondeth the LORDE waitinge that he maye haue mercy vpon you and lifteth him self vp that he maye receaue you to grace For the LORDE God is rightuous Happie are all thei that wate for him For thus o thou people of Sion and ye citisens of Ierusalem shal ye neuer be in heuynes for doutlesse he will haue mercy vpon the. As soone as he heareth the voyce of thy crie he will helpe the. The LORDE geueth you the bred of aduersite and the water of trouble But thine instructer fleyth not farre from the yf thine eyes loke vnto thine instructer and thine eares harken to his worde that crieth after the and saieth This is the waye go this and turne nether to the right honde nor the leffte Morouer yf ye destroye the syluer workes of youre Idols and cast awaye the golden coapes that ye deckt them withall as fylthynes and saie get you hence Thē wil he geue rayne to the sede that ye shal sowe in the earth and geue you breade of the encrease of the earth so that all shal be plenteous and abundaunt Thy catel also shal he fede in the brode medowes yee thyne oxē and Mu●es that till the grounde shal eate good fodder which is pourged w t y e fanne Goodly ryuers shal flowe out of all his mountaynes and hilles In the daye of the greate slaughter when the towers shal fall the Moone shal shyne as the Sonne and y e Sōne shyne shal be seuē folde and haue as moch shyne as in seuen dayes beside In that daye shal the LORDE bynde vp y e brussed sores of his people and heale their woundes Beholde the glory of the LORDE shal come from farre his face shal burne that no man shal be able to abyde it his lippes shal wagge for very indignacion and his tunge shal be as a consumynge fyre His breath like a vehement floude of water which goeth vp to the throte That he maye take awaye y e people which haue turned them selues vnto vanite and the brydle of erroure that lieth in other folkes chawes But ye shal synge as the vse is in y e night of the holy solempnite Ye shal
serued straunge goddes as their fathers taught them Therfore thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes the God of Israel Beholde I will fede this people with wormwod and geue thē gall to drynke I will scatre them also amonge the Heithen whom nether they ner their fathers haue knowne and I will sende a swearde amonge them to persecute them vntill I bringe them to naught Morouer thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes loke that ye call for mournynge wyues and sende for wise women that they come shortly and singe a mournynge songe of you that the teares maye fall out of oure eyes and that oure eye lyddes maye guszhe out of water For there is a lamentable noyse herde of Sion O how are we so sore destroyed O how are we so piteously confounded We must forsake oure owne naturall countre and we are shot out of oure owne lodgīges Yet heare the worde of the LORDE o ye women and set youre eares regarde the wordes of his mouth that ye maye lerne youre doughters to mourne and that euery one maye teach hir neghbouresse to make lamentacion Namely thus Deeth is clymmē vp in at oure wyndowes he is come in to oure houses to destroye the childe before the dore y e yonge man in the strete But tell thou planely thus saieth y e LORDE The deed bodies of men shal lye apon y e grounde as the donge vpon the felde and as the hay after the mower and there shal be no man to take them vp Morouer thus saieth the LORDE Let not the wise man reioyse in his wisdome ner the stronge man in his strength nether the rich man in his riches But who so wil reioyse let him reioyse in this that he vnderstōdeth and knoweth me for I am the LORDE which do mercie equite and rightuousnes vpon earth Therfore haue I pleasure in soch thinges saieth y e LORDE Beholde the tyme cōmeth saieth the LORDE that I wil vyset all them whose foreskynne is vncircumciscd The Egipcians the Iewes the Edomites the Ammonites the Moabites and the shauen Madianites that dwel in the wildernes For all y e Gentiles are vncircumcised in the flesh but all the house of Israel are vncircumcised in the herte The x. Chapter HEare the worde of the LORDE y t he speaketh vnto the o thou house of Israel Thus saieth the LORDE Ye shal not lerne after the maner of the Heithē and ye shal not be afrayed for the tokens of heauen for the Heithen are afrayed of soch Yee all the customes and lawes of the Gētiles are nothinge but vanite They hewe downe a tre in the wod with the hondes of the worke man and fashion it with the axe they couer it ouer with golde or syluer they fasten it w t nales and hammers that it moue not It stōdeth as stiff as the palme tre it can nether speake ner go but must be borne Be not ye afrayed of soch for they cā do nether good ner euel But there is none like vnto y e o LORDE thou art greate and greate is the name of y i power Who wolde not feare the ▪ or what kīge of the Gentiles wolde not obeye the For amonge all the wysemen of the Gentiles and in all their kingdomes there is none that maye be lickened vnto the. They are alltogether vnlerned and vnwise All their connynge is but vanite namely wod syluer which is brought out of Tharsis and beatē to plates and golde from Ophir a worke y t is made with the honde of the craftesman the caster clothed with yalow sylck and scarlet euen so is the worke of their wyse men all together But the LORDE is a true God a lyuinge God and an euerlastinge kinge Yf he be wroth the earth shaketh all the Gētiles maye not abyde his indignacion As for their goddes it maye well be sayde of thē they are goddes that made nether heauē ner earth therfore shal they perish frō the earth and from all thinges vnder heauen But as for oure God he made the earth with his power and with his wisdome hath he fynished the whole compasse of the worlde with his discrecion hath he spred out the heauens At his voyce the waters gather together in the ayre he draweth vp y e cloudes from the vttemost partes of y e earth he turneth lighteninge to rayne and brīgeth forth the wyndes out of their treasuries His wisdome maketh all men fooles And confunded be all casters of ymages for that they cast is but a vayne thinge and hath no life The vayne craftes men with their workes that they in their vanite haue made shall perish one with another in the tyme of visitacion ▪ Neuertheles Iacobs porciō is not soch but it is he that hath made all thinges and Israel is the rodd of his inheritaūce The LORDE of hoostes is his name Put awaye thy vnclennesse out of the londe thou that art in the stronge cities For thus saieth the LORDE Beholde I wil now thrust out the inhatours of this londe a greate waye off and trouble them of soch a fashiō that they shal no more be founde Alas how am I hurte Alas how panefull are my scourges vnto me For I cōsidre this sorow by my self I must suffre it My tabernacle is destroyed and all my coardes are broken My children are gone fro me ād can no where be founde Now haue I none to sprede out my tente or to set vp my hanginges For the hyrdmen haue done folishly that they haue not sought the LORDE Therfore haue they dealt vnwisely with their catell all are scatred abrode Beholde the noyse is harde at honde and greate sediciō out of the north to make the cities of Iuda a wyldernesse and a dwellinge place for Dragons Now I knowe o LORDE that is not in mās power to ordre his owne waies or to rule his owne steppes goinges Therfore chastē thou vs o LORDE but with fauoure and not in thy wrath bringe vs not vtterly to naught Poure out thy indignacion rather vpon the Gētiles that knowe y e not and vpon the people that call not on thy name And that because they haue consumed deuoured and destroyed Iacob and haue roted out his glory The XI Chapter THis is another Sermon which the LORDE commaunded Ieremy for to preach sayenge Heare the wordes of the couenant and speake vnto all Iuda and to all them that dwel at Ierusalem And saye thou vnto thē Thus saieth the LORDE God of Israel Cursed be euery one that is not obedient vnto y e wordes of this couenaūt which I commaunded vnto youre fathers what tyme as I brought them out of Egipte from the yron fornace sayenge Be obedient vnto my voyce and do accordinge to all that I commaunde you so shal ye be my people and I wil be youre God and will kepe my promyse y t I haue sworne vnto youre fathers
saye Tush there shal nether batel ner honger be in this londe With swearde ād with honger shal those prophetes perish and the people to whom they haue preached shal be cast out of Ierusalem dye of honger ād be slayne with the swearde and there shal be no man to burie them both they ād their wyues their sonnes and their doughters For thus wil I 〈◊〉 their wickednes vpon thē This shalt tho● saye also vnto them Myne eyes shal wepe without ceass●nge daye night For my people shal be dtstroyed with greate harme and shall perish with a greate plage For yff I go in to the felde lo it lieth all full off slayne men Yff I come in to the cite lo they be all fameshed of honger Yee their prophetes also and prestes shal be led in to an vnknowne londe Hast thou then vtterly forsaken Iuda sayde I Dost thou so abhorre Siō Or hast thou so plaged vs that we can be healed no more We loked for peace and there cōmeth no good for the tyme of health lo here is nothinge but trouble We knowlege o LORDE all oure myszdedes and the synnes of oure fathers that we haue offended ye. Be not displeased o LORDE for thy names sake forget not thy louynge kyndnes Remembre y e trone of thyne honoure breake not the couenaūt that thou hast made with vs. Are there eny amonge the goddes of the Gentiles that sende rayne or geue the showers of heauen Dost not thou it o LORDE oure God in whō we trust Yee LORDE thou dost all these thinges The XV. Chapter THen spake the LORDE vnto me ād sayde Though Moses and Samuel stode before me yet haue I no herte to this people Dryue them awaye that they maye go out of my sight And yf they saye vnto the Whyther shal we go Thē tell thē The LORDE geueth you this answere Some vnto death some to the swearde some to honger some in to captiuyte For I will bringe foure plages vpon them saieth the LORDE The swearde shal strāgle them the dogges shal deuoure them the foules of the ayre ād beestes of the earth shal eate them vp and destroye them I will scatre them aboute also in all kingdomes and londes to be plaged because of Manasses the sonne of Ezechias kinge of Iuda for the thinges that he dyd in Ierusalem Who shal then haue pite vpon the o Ierusalem Who shal be sory for the Or who shal make intercession to opteyne peace for the seinge thou goest fro me ād turnest bacwarde saieth the LORDE Therfore I will stretch out myne honde agaynst the to destroye the and I will not be intreated I will scatre the abrode with the fanne on euery side of the londe I will waist my people and destroye them for they haue had no lust to turne from their owne wayes I will make their wyddowes mo in nombre then the sondes of the see Vpon y e mothers of their children I shal bringe a destroyer in the noone daye Sodenly and vnawarres shal I sende a feare vpon their cities She that hath borne vij children shal haue none hir herte shal be ful of sorowe The Sonne shall fayle her in the cleare daye when she shal be confounded and faynte for very heuynesse As for those y t remayne I wil delyuer them vnto the swearde off their enemies saieth the LORDE O mother alas that euer thou dydest beare me an enemie and hated of the whole londe Though I neuer lente ner receaued vpon vsury yet euery man speake euell vpon me And y e LORDE answered me Lede not I the then vnto good Come not I to the when thou art in trouble and helpe y e when thine enemie oppresseth the Doth one yron hurte another or one metall that cōmeth from the north another As for youre riches and treasure I wil geue them out in to a pray not for eny money but because of all youre synnes that ye haue done ī all youre coastes And I wil brīge you with youre enemies in to a londe y t ye knowe not for the fyre that is kyndled in my indignacion shal burne you vp O LORDE sayde I then thou knowest all thinges therfore remembre me ād viset me delyuer me fro my persecuters Receaue not my cause in y i lōge wrath yet thou knowest that for thy sake I suffre rebuke When I had founde thy wordes I at them vp gredely they haue made my hert ioyfull glad For I call vpon thy name o LORDE God off hoostes I dwell not amonge the scorners nether is my delyte therin but I dwell only in the feare of thy honde for thou hast fylled me with bytternes Shall my heuynes endure for euer Are my plages then so greate y t they maye neuer be healed Wilt thou be as a water that falleth and can not contynue Vpon these wordes thus sayde the LORDE vnto me Yf thou wilt turne agayne I shal set the in my seruyce and yf thou wilt take out the thinge that is precious from the vyle thou shalt be euen as myne owne mouth They shal conuerte vnto the but turne not thou vnto thē and so shal I make the a strōge wall of stele agaynst this people They shal fight agaynst the but they shal not preuayle For I my self will be with the to helpe the and delyuer the saieth the LORDE And I will ryd the out of the hondes of the wicked and delyuer the out of the honde of Tirauntes The XVI Chapter MOrouer thus sayde the LORDE vnto me Thou shalt take y e no wife ner beget children in this place For of the children that are borne in this place of their mothers that haue borne them and of their fathers that haue begotten them in this londe thus saieth the LORDE They shal dye an horrible deeth no mā shal mourne for them ner burie them but they shal lye as dōge vpon the earth They shal perish thorow the swearde and honger and their bodies shal be meate for the foules of the ayre and beestes of the earth Agayne thus saieth the LORDE Go not vnto them that come together for to mourne and wepe for I haue taken my peace frō this people saieth the LORDE yee my fauoure and my mercy And in this londe shal they dye olde and yonge and shall not be buried no man shall be wepe them no man shall clippe or shaue himselff for them There shal not one viset another to mourne with them for their deed or to comforte them One shall not offre another the cuppe off consolacion to forget their heuynes for father and mother Thou shalt not go in to their feast house to syt downe moch lesse to eate or drynke with them For thus saieth the LORDE off hoostes the God off Israel Beholde I shall take awaye out of this place the voyce off myrth ād gladnesse the voyce off the
the generacions of Israel they shal be my people The XXXI Chapter THus saieth the LORDE The people of Israel which escaped in y e wildernes from the swearde founde grace to come in to their rest Euen so shal the LORDE now also apeare vnto me from farre and saye I loue the with an euerlastinge loue therfore do I sprede my mercy before the. I will repayre the agayne o thou doughter of Israel that thou mayest be fast and sure Thou shalt take thy tabrettes agayne go forth with them that lede the daunce Thou shalt plante vynes agayne vpon y e hilles of Samaria and the grape gatherers shall plante and synge And when it is tyme the watchmen vpon the mount of Ephraim shall crie Arise let vs go vp vnto Sion to ou●e LORDE God ▪ for thus saieth the LORDE Reioyce with gladnes because of Iacob crie vnto the heade of the Gentiles speake out synge and saye The LORDE shall delyuer his people the remnaunt of Israel make them whole Beholde I will bringe them agayne from out of the north lōde and gather them from the endes of the worlde with the blynde and lame that are amonge them with the women that be greate with childe and soch as be also delyuered and the company of them that come agayne shal be greate They departed from hence in heuynes but with ioye will I bringe them hither agayne I will lede them by the ryuers of water in a straight waye where they shall not stomble For I will be Israels father and Epraim shal be my firstborne Heare the worde of the LORDE o ye Gentiles preach in the Iles that lie farre of and saye he that hath scatred Israel shall gather him together agayne and shall kepe him as a shepherde doth his flocke For the LORDE shall redeme Iacob and ryd him from the honde of the violent And they shal come reioyce vpon the hill of Sion shall haue plenteousnes of goodes which the LORDE shall geue them Namely wheate wyne oyle yonge shepe and calues And their conscience shal be as a well watred garden for they shall nomore be hongrie Then shal the mayde reioyce in the daunce yee both yonge and olde folkes For I will turne their sorow in to gladnesse and will comforte them and make them ioyfull euen from their hertes I will poure plenteousnes vpon the hertes of the prestes and my people shal be satisfied with good thinges saieth the LORDE Thus saieth the LORDE The voyce of heuynes wepynge and lamentacion came vp in to heauen euen of Rachel mournynge for hir children and wolde not be comforted because they were awaye But now saieth the LORDE leaue of from wepynge and crienge witholde thyne eyes from teares for thy laboure shal be rewarded saieth the LORDE And they shall come agayne out of the londe of their enemies Yee euen thy posterite shall haue consolacion in this saieth the LORDE that thy children shall come agayne in to their owne londe Morouer I herde Ephraim that was led awaye captyue complayne on this maner O LORDE thou hast correcte me and thy chastenynge haue I receaued as an vntamed calfe Conuerte thou me and I shal be conuerted for thou art my LORDE God Yee as soone as thou turnest me I shall refourme my self and when I vnderstonde I shall smyte vpon my thee For verely I haue cōmitted shamefull thinges O let my youth beare this reprofe and confucion Vpon this complaynte I thought thus by my self is not Ephraim my deare sonne Is he not the childe with whom I haue had all myrth and pastyme For sence the tyme that I first cōmoned with him I haue him euer in remembraunce therfore my very herte dryueth me vnto him gladly and louyngly will I haue mercy vpon him saieth the LORDE Get the watchmen prouyde teachers for the set thine herte vpon the right waie that thou shuldest walke and turne agayne o thou doughter of Israel turne agayne to these cities of thyne How longe wilt thou go astraie o thou shrēkinge doughter For the LORDE will worke a new thynge vpon earth A woman shall compasse a man For thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes the God of Israel It will come therto that when I haue brought Iuda out of captiuyte these wordes shal be herde in y e londe and in his cities The LORDE which is the fayre brydegrome of rightuousnesse make the frutefull o thou holy hill And there shall dwell Iuda and all hir cities the shepherdes and huszbonde men For I shall fede the hongrie soule and refresh all faynte hertes When I herde this I came agayne to my self and mused like as I had bene waked out of a swete slepe Beholde saieth the LORDE the dayes come that I will sowe the house of Israel and the house of Iuda with men and with catell Yee it shall come therto that like as I haue gone aboute in tymes past to r●te them out to scatre them to breake them downe to destroye them and chastē them Euen so will I also go diligently aboute to buylde them vp agayne and to plante them saieth the LORDE Then shall it no more be sayde y e fathers haue eaten a sower grape and the childrens teth are set on edge for euery one shal dye for his owne myszdede so that who so eateth a sower grape his teth shal be set on edge Beholde the dayes come saieth the LORDE y t I will make a new couenaunt with y e house of Israel with y e house of Iuda not after the couenaunt that I made with their fathers when I toke them by the honde led them out of the londe of Egipte which couenaunt they brake wherfore I punyshed them sore saieth the LORDE But this shal be the couenaunt that I will make with the house of Israel after those dayes saieth the LORDE I will plante my lawe in the inwarde partes of them and write it in their hertes and wil be their God and they shal be my people And from thēce forth shall no man teach his neghboure or his brother and saye knowe the LORDE But they shall all knowe me from the lowest vnto the hyest saieth the LORDE For I will forgeue their myszdedes and wil neuer remembre their synnes eny more Thus saieth the LORDE which gaue the sonne to be a light for the daye and the Moone and starres to shyne in the night which moueth the see so that the floudes therof waxe fearce his name is the LORDE of hoostes Like as this ordinaunce shal neuer be taken out of my sight saieth the LORDE So shal the sede of Israel neuer ceasse but all waye be a people before me Morouer thus saieth the LORDE like as the heauen aboue can not be measured and as the foundacions of the earth beneth maye not be sought out So will I also not cast out the whole sede of Israel for that they haue commytted saieth the
LORDE Beholde the daies come saieth the LORDE y t the cite of y e LORDE shal be enlarged from the towre of Hananeel vnto y e gate of the corner wall From thence shal the right measure be taken before her vnto the hill toppe of Gareb and shal come aboute Gaatha and the whole valley of the deed carcases and of the ashes all Seremoth vnto the broke of Cedron and from thence vnto the corner of the horsgate towarde y e east where as the Sanctuary of the LORDE also shal be set And when it is now buylded set vp of this fashion it shall neuer be broken ner cast downe eny more The XXXII Chapter THese wordes spake the LORDE vnto Ieremy in the tenth yeare of Sedechias kinge of Iuda which was y e xviij yeare of Nabuchodonosor what tyme as the kinge of Babilons hooste layed sege vnto Ierusalem But Ieremy the prophet laye bounde in y e courte of the preson which was in the kinge of Iudaes house where Sedechias the kinge of Iuda caused him to be layed because he had prophecied of this maner Thus saieth the LORDE Beholde I will delyuer this cite in to the hondes of the kinge of Babilon which shal take it As for Sedechias the kinge of Iuda he shal not be able to escape the Caldees but surely he shall come in to the hondes of the kinge of Babilon which shall speake with him mouth to mouth and one of them shall loke another in the face And Sedechias shal be caried vnto Babilon and there shall he be vntill the tyme that I vyset him saieth the LORDE But yf thou takest in hōde to fight agaynst the Caldees thou shalt not prospere And Ieremy sayde Thus hath the LORDE spoken vnto me Beholde Hananeel the sonne of Sellum thine Vncles sonne shall come vnto the and requyre the to redeme y e londe that lieth in Anathot vnto thy self for by reason of kynred it is thy parte to rede me it and to bye it out And so Hananeel myne Vncles sonne came to me in the courte of the preson acordinge to the worde of the LORDE and sayde vnto me Bye my londe I praye the that lieth in Anothot in the countre of Ben Iamyn for by heretage thou hast right to lowse it out for thy self therfore redeme it Then I preceaued that this was the commaundement of the LORDE and so I lowsed the londe from Hananeel of Anathot myne Vncles sonne and weyed him there the moneye euen seuen sycles and ten syluer pens I caused him also to make me a writinge and to seale it and called recorde there by and weyed him there the money vpon the waightes So I toke the euydence with the copie when it was orderly sealed and red ouer and I gaue the euydence vnto Baruch the sonne of Nerias the sonne of Maasia in the sight of Hananeel my cosen and in the presence of the witnesses that be named in the euydence and before all the Iewes that were therby in the courte of the preson I charged Baruch also before them saienge The LORDE of hoostes the God of Israel commaundeth the to take this sealed euydence with the copie and to laye it in an erthen vessell that it maye longe continue For the LORDE of hoostes the God of Israel hath determed that houses feldes and vynyardes shal be possessed agayne in this londe Now when I had delyuered the euydence vnto Baruch y e sonne of Nerias I besought the LORDE sayenge O LORDE God It is thou that hast made heauen and earth with thy greate power and hie arme and there is nothinge to harde for ye. Thou shewest mercy vpon thousandes thou recompēcest the wickednes of the fathers in to the besome of the children that come after them Thou art the greate and mightie God whose name is the LORDE of hoostes greate in councell and infinite in thought Thine eyes loke vpon all the wayes of mens children to rewarde euery one after his waye and acordinge to the frutes of his inuencions Thou hast done greate tokens and wonders in the londe of Egipte as we se this daye vpon the people of Israel and vpon those men to make thy name greate as it is come to passe this daye Thou hast brought thy people of Israel out of the londe of Egipte with tokens with wondres with a mightie honde with a stretched out arme and with greate terriblenes and hast geuen them this londe like as thou haddest promysed vnto their fathers Namely that thou woldest geue them a lōde that floweth with mylke and honye Now when they came therin and possessed it they folowed not thy voyce and walked not in thy lawe but all that thou commaundedest them to do that haue they not done and therfore come all these plages vpon them Beholde there are bulworckes made now agaynst the cite to take it and it shal be wonne of the Caldees that besege it with swearde with honger and death and loke what thou hast spoken that same shal come vpon them For lo all thinges are present vnto the Yet sayest thou vnto me o LORDE God and commaundest me that I shall loose a pece of londe vnto my self and take witnesses therto and yet in the meane season the cite is delyuered in to the power of the Caldees Then came the worde of the LORDE vnto me sayenge Beholde I am the LORDE God of all flesh Is there eny thinge then to harde for me Therfore thus sayde the LORDE beholde I shal delyuer this cite in to the power of the Caldees and in to the power of Nabuchodonosor the kinge of Babilon they shall take it in For the Caldees shall come and wynne this cite and set fyre vpon it and burne it with the gorgeous houses in whose parlers they haue made sacrifice vnto Baal and poured drynke offeringes vnto straunge goddes to prouoke me vnto wrath For seinge the children of Israel and the children of Iuda haue wrought wickednes before me euer from their youth vp what haue they els done but prouoked me with the workes of their owne hondes saieth the LORDE Or what hath this cite bene els but a prouokinge of my wrath euer sence the daye that I buylded it vnto this houre Wherin I cast it out of my sight be cause of the greate blasphemies of the childrē of Israel and Iuda which they haue done to prouoke me yee they their kinges their prynces their prestes their prophetes whole Iuda and all the citesyns of Ierusalem When I stode vp early and taught them and instructe them they turned their backes to me and not their faces They wolde not heare to be refourmed and correcte They haue set their goddes in y e house that is halowed vnto my name to defyle it They haue buylded hie places for Baal in the valley of the children of Ennon to vowe their sonnes and doughters vnto Moloch which I neuer commaūded them nether came it
euer in my thought to make Iuda synne with soch abhominacion Morouer thus hath the LORDE God of Israel spoken concernynge this cite which as ye youre selues confesse shal be delyuered in to the honde of the kinge of Babilon when it is wonne with the swerde with honger and with pestilence Beholde I will gather them together from all londes wherin I haue scatred them in my wrath in my fearfull and greate displeasure and will bringe them agayne vnto this place where they shal dwell safely And they shal be my people and I wil be their God And I will geue them one herte and one waye that they maye feare me all the daies of their life that they and their children after them maye prospere And I will set vp an euerlastinge couenaunt with them Namely that I will neuer ceasse to do them good and that I will put my feare in their hertes so that they shall not runne awaye fro me Yee I will haue a lust and pleasure to do them good and faithfully to plante them in this londe with my whole herte and with all my soule For thus saieth the LORDE like as I haue brought all this greate plage vpon this people so will I also bringe vpon them all the good that I haue promysed them And men shall haue their possessions in this londe wherof ye saye now that it shal nether be inhabited of people ner of catell but be deliuered in to the hōdes of the Caldees Yee londe shal be bought for money euydēces made ther vpon sealed before witnesses in the countre of Ben Iamin rounde aboute Ierusalem in the cities of Iuda in the cities that are vpō the mountaynes in them that lie beneth yee in the cities that are in the deserte For I wil bringe their presoners hither agayne saieth the LORDE The XXXIII Chapter MOrouer the worde of the LORDE came vnto Ieremy on this maner whē he was yet bounde in the courte of the preson Thus saieth the LORDE which fulfilleth the thinge that he speaketh the LORDE which perfourmeth the thinge that he taketh in honde euen he whose name is the LORDE Thou hast cried vnto me and I haue herdethe I haue shewed greate and hie thinges which were vnknowne vnto you Thus I saye spake the LORDE God of Israel concernynge the houses of this cite and the houses of the kinges of Iuda that they shal be broken thorow the ordinaunce and weapens when the Caldees come to be sege them and they shal be fylled with the deed carcases of men whom I will slaye in my wrath and displeasure whē I turne my face from this cite because of all hir wickednes Beholde saieth the LORDE I will heale their woundes and make them whole I will open them the treasure of peace and treuth And I will returne the captiuyte of Iuda and Israel and will set them vp agayne as they were afore From all myszdedes wherin they haue offended agaynst me I will clēse them And all their blasphemies which they haue done agaynst me when they regarded me not I will forgeue them And this shal get me a name a prayse and honoure amonge all people of the earth which shall heare all the good that I will shewe vnto them Yee they shall be afrayed and astonnied at all the good dedes and benefites that I will do for them Morouer thus saieth the LORDE In this place wherof ye saye that it shal be a wildernesse wherin nether people ner catell shal dwell In like maner in the cities of Iuda and without Ierusalem which also shal be so voyde that nether people ner catell shall dwell there Shal the voyce of gladnesse be herde agayne the voyce of the brydegrome and of the bryde the voyce of them that shall synge Prayse the LORDE of hoostes for he is louynge and his mercy endureth for euer and the voyce of them that shall offre vp giftes in the house of the LORDE For I will restore the captiuyte of this londe as it was afore saieth the LORDE Thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes It shall come yet therto that in this londe which is voyde from men and catell and in all the cities of the londe there shal be set vp shepherdes cotages in the cities vpon the mountaynes and in the cities that lie vpon the playne and in the deserte In the londe of Ben Iamin in the feldes of Ierusalem and in the cities of Iuda shal the shepe be nombred agayne vnder the honde of him that telleth them saieth the LORDE Beholde the tyme commeth saieth the LORDE that I wil perfourme that good thinge which I haue promised vnto the house of Israel and to the house of Iuda In those daies and at the same tyme I will bringe forth vnto Dauid the braunch of rightuousnes and he shall do equite and rightuousnesse in the londe In these daies shall Iuda be helped and Ierusalem shall dwell safe and he that shall call her is euen God oure rightuous maker For thus the LORDE promyseth Dauid shal neuer want one to syt vpon the stole of the house of Israel nether shall the prestes and Leuites want one to offre allwaye before me burnt offeringes to kyndle the meat offeringes to prepare the sacrifices And the worde of the LORDE came vnto Ieremy after this maner Thus saieth the LORDE Maye the couenaunt which I haue made with daye and night be broken that there shulde not be daye and night in due season Then maye my couenaunt also be broken which I made with Dauid my seruaunt and so he not to haue a sonne to reigne in his Trone So shall also the prestes and Leuites neuer fayle but serue me For like as the starres of heauen maye not be nombred nether the sonde of the see measured so will I multiplie the sede of Dauid my seruaunt and of the Leuites my ministers Morouer the worde of the LORDE came to Ieremy saienge Cōsidrest thou not what this people speaketh Two kynreddes saye they had the LORDE chosen those same two hath he cast awaye For so farre is my people come y t they haue no hope to come together eny more and to be one people agayne Therfore thus saieth the LORDE Yf I haue made no couenaunt with daye night and geuē no statute vnto heauen and earth then will I also cast awaye the sede of Dauid my seruaunt so that I wil take no prynce out of his sede to rule the posterite of Abrahā Isaac and Iacob But yet I will turne agayne their captiuyte and be mercifull vnto them The XXXIIII Chapter THese are the wordes which the LORDE spake vnto Ieremy what tyme as Nabuchodonosor the kinge of Babilon all his hoostes out of all the kingdomes y t were vnder his power and all his people fought agaynst Ierusalem and all the cities therof Thus saieth the LORDE God of Israel Go speake to Sedechias
not breake you downe I shall plante you not rote you out for I am pacified as cōcernynge the trouble that I haue done to you Feare not the kynge off Babilon off whom ye stonde in awe O be not afrayed off him saieth the LORDE for I will be with you to helpe you and delyuer you from his honde I will pardon you I wil haue mercy vpon you and brynge you agayne in to youre owne londe Neuertheles yf ye purpose not to dwell in this londe ner to folowe the voyce off the LORDE youre God but will saye thus we will not dwell here but go in to Egipte where we shall nether se warre heare the noyse off batell ner suffre honger there will we dwell Wherfore heare now the worde of the LORDE o ye remnaunt of Iuda Thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes the God of Israel Yf ye be whole purposed to go in to Egipte ād to be there as straūgers the swearde that ye feare shall ouertake you in Egipte and the honger wheroff ye be here afrayed shall hange vpon you in to Egipte and there ye shall dye For all they that off set purpose vndertake to go in to Egipte there to ease them selues off their mysery shall perish with the swearde with honger and pestilence not one off them shall remayne there shal none escape the plage that I wil bringe vpon them For thus saieth the LORDE off hoostes the God off Israel like as my wrath and indignacion is come vpon the inhabitours of Ierusalē so shall my displeasure go forth vpon you also yf ye go in to Egipte For there ye shal be reuyled abhorred brought to shame and confucion and as for this place ye shall neuer se it more The LORDE forbyddeth you o ye remnaūt of Iuda that ye shall not go in to Egipte And forget not that I haue warned you earnestly this daye els shal ye begyle youre selues For ye sent me vnto the LORDE youre God and sayde O praye thou the LORDE oure God for vs and loke what answere the LORDE oure God geueth the that bringe vs agayne ād we shall do thereafter Now haue I shewed and declared vnto you the voyce off the LORDE youre God for the which cause he hath sent me to you Yf ye will not folowe it be sure y t ye shall perishe with the swearde with honger pestilence euen in the same place where youre lust was to go and dwell The XLIII Chapter NOw when Ieremy had ended all y e wordes of y e LORDE God vnto y e people for their sakes to whom God had sent him Asarias the sonne of Osias Iohāna y e sonne of Carea with all the proude personnes sayde vnto Ieremy Thou lyest the LORDE oure God hath not sent y e to speake vnto vs that we shulde not go in to Egipte and dwell there But Baruch the sonne of Nerias prouoketh the agaynst vs that he might bringe vs in to the captyuyte off the Caldees that they might slaye vs and carie vs awaye presoners vnto Babilon So Iohanna the sonne of Carea and all the captaynes of the hooste and all the people folowed not the commaundement of the LORDE Namely to dwell in the londe off Iuda But Iohanna the sonne of Carea all the captaynes of the hooste caried awaye all the remnaunt in Iuda that were come together agayne from the Heithen amōge whom they had bene scatred to dwell in the londe of Iuda Men women childrē the kynges doughters all those that Nabusaradan the chefe captayne had left with Godolias the sonne of Ahicam They caried awaye also the prophet Ieremy Baruch the sonne of Nerias and so came in to Egipte for they were not obedient vnto the commaundement of God Thus came they to Taphnis And in Taphnis the worde off the LORDE happened vnto Ieremy sayenge Take greate stones in thine hōde and hyde them in the brick wall vnder the dore off Pharaos house in Taphnis that all the men of Iuda maye se and saye vnto them Thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes the God of Israel Beholde I will sende and call for Nabuchodonosor the kynge of Babilon my seruaunt and will set his seate vpon these stones that I haue hyd and he shall sprede his tente ouer them And when he commeth he shal smyte the lōde of Egipte with slaughter with presonment and with the swearde He shall set fyre vpon the temples of the Egipciās goddes and burne them vp take them selues presoners Morouer he shall araye himselff w t the lōde of Egipte like as a shepherde putteth on his cote and shall departe his awaye from thence in peace The pilers also of the temple of the Sonne that is in Egipte shal he breake in peces and burne the tempels of the Egipcians goddes The LXIIII. Chapter THis is the worde y t was shewed to Ieremy cōcerninge all y e Iewes which dwelt in Egipte at Magdal at Taphnis at Memphis in the londe of Patures Thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes the God of Israel Ye haue sene all y e mysery y t I haue brought vpon Ierusalem and vpon all the cities of Iuda so that this daye they are desolate and no man dwellinge therin y t because of the greate blasphemies which they committed to prouoke me vnto anger In that they wente backe to do sacrifice ād worshipe vnto straunge goddes whom nether they ner ye ner yo r fathers haue knowne Howbeit I sent vnto them my seruaūtes all the prophetes I rose vp early I sent vnto them and gaue them warninge O do no soch abhominable thinges thinges that I hate But they wolde not folowe ner herkē to turne from their wickednes and to do no more sacrifice vnto straunge goddes Wherfore my indignacion wrath was kyndled and it brente vp the cities of Iuda the feldes with the stretes off Ierusalem so that they were made waist and desolate as it is come to passe this daye ▪ Now therfore thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes the God of Israel How happeneth it that ye do so greate euell vnto youre owne soules thus to destroye the men and women childrē and babes of Iuda so that none of you is left because ye prouoke me vnto wrath with the workes of youre owne hondes whē ye offre vnto straunge goddes in the londe off Egipte where as ye be gone to dwell That ye might vtterly perishe and that ye might be reuyled and shamfully intreated of all nacions Or haue ye now forgotten the wickednes off yo r forefathers the wickednes off y e kynges of Iuda and their wyues y e wickednes that ye youre selues ād youre wyues haue done in the londe of Iuda in the cite and in the londe off Ierusalem Yet are ye not sory this daye ye feare not nether walke ye in my lawe and in my commaundementes that I haue geuē vnto you and youre forefathers Therfore thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes
agayne Namely that the mercies of the LORDE are not clene gone that his louynge kyndnesse ceasseth not His faithfulnes is greate and renueth it self as the mornynge The LORDE is my porcion saieth my soule therfore wil I hope in him O how good is the LORDE vnto thē that put their trust in him and to the soule that seketh after him O how good is it with stilnesse to wate and tarie for the health of the LORDE O how good is it for a man to take the yock vpon him from his youth vp He sitteth alone he holdeth him still ▪ and dwelleth quietly by him self He layeth his face vpon the earth yf per case there happen to be eny hope He offreth his cheke to the smyter he will be content with reproues For the LORDE wil not forsake for euer But though he do cast of yet acordinge to y e multitude of his mercies he receaueth to grace agayne For he doth not plage cast out the children of men from his herte To treade all the presoners of the earth vnder his fete To moue the iudgment of man before the most highest To condemne a man in his cause The LORDE hath no pleasure in soch thinges What is he then that saieth there shulde somthinge be done without the LORDES cōmaundement Out of the mouth of the most highest goeth not euell and good Wherfore them murmureth the lyuinge man let him murmoure at his owne synne Let vs loke well vpon oure owne waies remembre oureselues and turne agayne to y e LORDE Let vs lift vp oure hertes with oure hondes vnto the LORDE that is in heauen We haue bene dyssemblers haue offended wilt thou therfore not be intreated Thou hast couered vs in thy wrath persecuted vs thou hast slayne vs without eny fauoure Thou hast hyd thy self in a cloude that oure prayer shulde not go thorow Thou hast made vs outcastes and to be despysed amonge the Heithen All oure enemies gape vpon vs. Feare and snare is come vpon vs yee despite and destruccion Whole ryuers of water guszshe out of myne eyes for the greate hurte of my people Myne eyes runne and can not ceasse for there is no rest O LORDE when wilt thou loke downe frō heauen and considre Myne eye breaketh my herte because of all the doughters of my cite Myne enemies hunted me out sharpely like a byrde yee and that with out a cause They haue put downe my life in to a pitte and layed a stone vpon me They poured water vpon my heade then thought I now am I vndone I called vpon thy name O LORDE out of the depe pitte Thou hast herde my voyce hast not turned awaye thine eares fro my sighinge and crienge Thou hast enclyned y i self vnto me whē I called vpon the haist sayde feare not Thou O LORDE hast mayntened the cause of my soule and hast redemed my life O LORDE thou hast sene my blasphemers take thou my cause vpon the. Thou hast well considred how they go aboute to do me harme that all their councels are agaynst me Thou hast herde their despytefull wordes O LORDE yee and all their ymaginacions agaynst me The lippes of myne enemies their deuyces that they take agaynst me all the daye longe Thou seist also their sittinge downe and their rysinge vp they make their songes of nothinge but of me Rewarde them O LORDE acordinge to the workes of their hondes Geue them y e thinge that their owne herte is afrayed of euen thy curse Persecute them O LORDE with thy indignacion rote them out from vnder the heauen The IIII. Chapter O How is the golde become so dymme How is the goodly coloure of it so sore chaunged and the stones of y e Sanctuary thus scatred in the corner of euery strete The children of Sion that were allwaye in honoure clothed with y e most precious golde how are they now becomme like the erthen vessels which be made with the potters honde The Lamyes geue their yonge ones suc● w t bare brestes but the doughter of my people is cruel and dwelleth in the wyldernesse like the Estriches The tonges of the suckinge children cleue to y e rofe of their mouthes for very thurst The yonge children axe bred but there is noman that geueth it them They that were wonte to fayre delicatly perishe in the stretes they that afore were brought vp in purple make now moch of donge The synne of the doughter of my people is become greater then y e wickednesse of Sodome that sodēly was destroyed and not taken with hondes Hir abs●●yners or Nazarees were whyter then y e snowe or mylke their coloure was fresh read as the Corall their beutie like the Saphyre But now their faces are very black In so moch that thou shuldest not knowe them in the stretes Their skynne cleueth to their bones It is wythered and become like a drye stock They that be slayne with the swearde are happier then soch as dye of honger and perishe awaye famishinge for the frutes of the felde The womē which of nature are pitefull haue sodden their owne children with their hondes that they might be their meate in y e miserable destruccion of the doughter of my people The LORDE hath perfourmed his heuy wrath he hath poured out the furiousnes of his displeasure He hath kindled a fyre in Sion which hath consumed the foundacions therof Nether the kinges of the earth ner all y e inhabitours of the worlde wolde haue beleued that the enemie aduersary shulde haue come in at the gates of the cite of Ierusalē Which neuertheles is come to passe for y e synnes of hir prophetes and for the wickednes of hir prestes that haue shed innocentes bloude within her So that these blynde men wēte stomblinge in the stretes and stayned themselues w t bloude which els wolde touche no bloudy cloth But they cried vnto euery mā fle the staynynge awaye get you hēce touch it not Yee sayde they ye must be brent ye must dwell amonge the Gentiles byde no longer here The countenaunce of the LORDE hath banyshed them shal neuer loke more vpon them For they them selues nether regarded the prestes nor pitied their elders Wherfore yet oure eyes fayle vs whyle we loke for vayne helpe seynge we be euer waitynge vpon a people that can do vs no good They laye so sharpe waite for vs that we can not go safe vpon the stretes for oure ende is come oure dayes are fulfilled oure ende is here Oure persecuters are swifter then the Aegles of the ayre they folowed vpon vs ouer the mountaynes and layed wait for vs in y
Chapter FOr the which cause the LORDE oure God hath perfourmed his deuyce wherof he certified vs and oure heades that ruled in Ierusalē yee and oure kynges oure princes with all Israel and Iuda And soch plages hath y e lorde brought vpō vs as neuer came to passe vnder the heauē like as it is fulfilled in Hierusalem acordinge as it is written in the lawe of Moses that a man shulde eate y e flesh of his owne sonne the flesh of his owne doughter Morouer he hath delyuered them in to the hondes of all the kinges y t are rounde aboute vs to be confounded and desolate scatred thē abrode in all londes naciōs Thus are we brought beneth not aboue for we haue synned against the LORDE o r God not bene obedient vnto his voyce Therfore y e LORDE o r God is rightuous we with o r fathers as reason is are brought to opē shame as it is to se this daye And as for these plages y t are come vpon vs allready y e LORDE had deuyced thē for vs yet wolde we not praye vnto y e LORDE oure God y t we might euery mā turne frō his vngodly wayes So y e LORDE hath caused soch plages to come vpon vs for he is rightuous in all his workes which he hath cōmaunded vs which we also haue not done ner harkened vnto his voyce for to walke in y e cōmaundemētes of y e LORDE y t he had geuē vnto vs. And now o LORDE God of Israel thou that hast brought thy people out of the londe of Egipte with a mightie honde with tokens and wōdres with thy greate power ād outstretched arme and hast gotten thy selff a name as it is come to passe this daye O LORDE oure God we haue synned we haue done wickedly we haue behaued oure selues vngodly in all thy rightuousnesses Turne thy wrath frō vs we beseke the for we are but a few left amonge the Heithen where thou hast scatred vs. Heare o r prayers o LORDE oure peticiōs bringe vs out of captiuyte for thine owne sake get vs fauoure in the sight of thē which haue led vs awaye y t all lōdes maye knowe that thou art the LORDE oure God and that Israel and his generacion calleth vpon thy name O LORDE loke downe frō thy holy house vpon vs enclyne thine eare heare vs. For the deed y t be gone downe to their graues whose soules are out of their bodies ascribe vnto the LORDE nether prayse ner rigtuous-makynge but the soule that is vexed for the multitude of hir synnes which goeth on heuely and weakely whose eyes begynne to fayle yee soch a soule ascrybeth prayse and rightuousnesse vnto the LORDE O LORDE we poure out oure prayers before the and requyre mercy in thy sight O LORDE oure God not for eny godlynesse off oure forefathers but because thou hast sent out thy wrath indignacion vpon vs acordinge as thou dydest threaten vs by thy seruaūtes the prophetes sayenge Thus sayeth the LORDE Bowe downe youre shulders and neckes and serue the kynge of Babilon so shal ye remayne still in the londe that I gaue vnto youre fathers Yff ye will not do this ner heare the voyce of y e LORDE youre God to serue the kynge of Babilon I shall destroye you in the cities of Iuda within Ierusalem and without I will also take from you the voyce off myrth and the voyce of ioye the voyce of the brydegrome and the voyce of the bryde ād there shal no man dwell more in the londe But they wolde not herken vnto thy voyce to do the kynge of Babilon seruyce and therfore hast thou perfourmed the wordes that thou spakest by thy seruauntes the prophetes namely that the bones of oure kynges and the bones of oure fathers shulde be trāslated out of their place And lo now are they layde out in the heate of y e Sonne in the colde of y e night ād deed in greate mysery w t hunger w t swearde w t pestilence are clene cast forth As for the tēple wherin thy name was called vpon thou hast layde it waist as it is to se this daye y t for the wickednes of the house of Israel the house of Iuda ▪ O LORDE o r God thou hast intreated vs after all thy goodnes acordinge to all y e greate louinge mercy of thyne like as thou spakest by thy seruaunte Moses in the daye when thou didest cōmaūde him to wryte thy lawe before the children of Israel sayenge Yf ye will not herkē vnto my voyce thē shal this greate multitude be turned in to a very smal people for I wil scatre thē abrode Not withstōdinge I am sure that this folke will not heare me for it is an hardnecked people But in y e lōde of their captiuyte they shall remembre them selues lerne to knowe y t I am the LORDE their God when I geue thē an herte to vnderstōde eares to heare Then shal they prayse me in the lōde of their captiuyte thynke vpon my name Then shall they turne them frō their harde backes from their vngodlynes Then shal they remembre the thynges y t happened vnto their forefathers which synned agaynst me So will I bringe them agayne in to the londe which I promised w t an ooth vnto their fathers Abrahā Isaac Iacob they shal be lordes of it yee I wil increace thē and not minysh thē And I wil make another couenaūt with them soch one as shal endure for euer namely y t I will be their God and they shal be my people and I wil nomore dryue my people the children off Israel out of the londe y t I haue geuē thē The III. Chapter ANd now o LORDE allmightie thou God of Israel o r soule y t is in trouble o r sprete y t is vexed crieth vnto the heare vs o LORDE haue pite vpon vs for thou art a mercifull God be gracious vnto vs for we haue synned before ye. Thou endurest for euer shulde we thē vtterly perishe ▪ O LORDE almightie thou God of Israel Heare now y e prayer of y e deed Israelites of their childrē which haue synned before y e not herkened vnto the voyce of the LORDE their God for the which cause these plages hange now vpō vs. O LORDE remēbre not y e wickednes of o r forefathers but thinke vpō thy power name now at this tyme for thou art y e LORDE o r God y e o LORDE wil we prayse For thou hast put y e feare ī o r hartes to y e intēt y t we shulde call vpon y e name prayse y e in oure captiuyte and y t we might turne from the wickednesse of oure forefathers y t synned before the. Beholde we are yet this daye in oure captiuyte where as thou hast scatred vs
to be an abhominacion curse and synne like as it hath happened vnto oure fathers also because of all their wickednesse and departynge from the. O Israel heare the commaundementes of life pondre them well with thine eares that thou mayest lerne wysdome But how happeneth it Israel that thou art in thyne enemies lōde thou art waxen olde in a straūge countre and defyled with the deed Why art thou become like them that go downe to their graues Euē because thou hast forsaken the well of wysdome For yf thou haddest walked in the waye of God truly thou shuldest haue remayned still safe ī thine owne londe O lerne then where discrecion is where vertu is where vnderstōdinge is that thou mayest knowe also frō whence cōmeth longe life a necessary lyuynge the light of the eyes quyetnes Who euer foūde out hir place or who came euer in to hir treasures Where are y e prynces of the Heithen become and soch as ruled the beestes vpon the earth They that had their pastyme with the foules of the ayre they that hoorded vp syluer and golde wherin men trust so moch and made no ende of their gatheringe What is worth of them that coyned siluer and were so carefull and coude not bringe their workes to passe They be roted out and gone downe to hell and other men are come vp in their steade Yonge men haue sene light and dwelt vpon earth but the waye of reformacion haue they not knowne ner vnderstonde the pathes therof nether haue their children receaued it yee right farre is it frō thē It hath not bene herde of in the lōde of Canaan nether hath it bene sene at Theman The Agarenes sought after wisdome but that which is earthly like as the marchauntes of the lōde do They of Theman are connynge also they laboure for wisdome vnderstondinge but y e waye of true wisdome they knowe not nether do they thynke vpon the pathes therof O Israel how greate is the house of God and how large is the place of his possession Greate is he and hath none ende hye and vnmeasurable What is become of those famouse giauntes that were so greate of bodyes and so worthy men of warre Those had not the LORDE chosen nether haue they founde the waye of reformacion therfore were they destroyed and for so moch as they had no wisdome they perished because of their foolishnesse Who hath gone vp in to heauen to take wisdome there brought her downe frō the cloudes Who hath gone ouer the see to fynde her hath chosen her aboue golde and so brought her hither No man knoweth the wayes of wisdome nether is there eny y t can seke out hir pathes But he that woteth all thynges knoweth her he hath founde her out with his foreknowlege This same is he which prepared the earth at the begynnynge fylled it with all maner of foules beestes When he sendeth out the light it goeth whē he calleth it agayne it obeyeth hī w t feare The starres kepe their watch geue their light yee and y t gladly When he calleth them they saye here we be And so with chearfulnes they shewe light vnto him y t made thē This is oure God ād there shall none other be cōpared vnto him It is he y t hath founde out all wisdome and hath geuen her vnto Iacob his seruaunt to Israel his beloued Afterwarde dyd he shewe himself vpon earth and dwelt amonge men The IIII. Chapter THis is the boke off the commaundemētes of God and the lawe y e endureth for euer All they y t kepe it shall come to life but soch as forsake it shall come to death Turne the o Iacob and take holde of it walke by this waye thorow his brightnesse and shyne Geue not thyne honoure to another and thy worshipe to a straunge people O Israel how happie are we seīge that God hath shewed vs soch thynges as are pleasaūt vnto him Be of good cheare thou people of God o thou awnciēt Israel Now are ye solde amonge the Heithen howbeit not for youre vtter destruccion but because ye prouoked God the LORDE to wrath and displeasure therfore were ye delyuered vnto vnto youre enemies For ye displeased the euerlastinge God that made you offerynge vnto deuels and not God Ye haue forgottē him that brought you vp ād youre nurse haue ye greued o. Ierusalem When she sawe that the wrath off God was commynge vpon you she sayde Herkē o ye that dwell aboute Sion for God hath brought me into greate heuynesse ād why I se the captyuyte of my people of my sonnes and doughters which the euerlastynge God will brynge vpon them With ioye dyd I norish them but now must I leaue them with wepynge and sorow Let no man reioyce ouer me wyddowe ād forsaken which for the synnes off my children am desolate of euery man For why they departed from the lawe of God they wolde not knowe his rightuousnes ner walke in the waye off his cōmaundementes and as for the pathes off the treuth and godlynesse they had no lust to go in them O ye dwellers aboute Sion come and let vs call to remembraunce the captiuyte that the euerlastinge God hath brought vpon my sonnes and my doughters He hath brought a people vpon them from farre an vncurteous people and of a straunge lāguage which nether regarde the olde ner pyte the yonge These haue caried awaye the deare beloued of my wyddowes leauynge me alone both desolate and childlesse But alas what can I helpe you Now he y t hath brought these plages vpon you delyuer you also frō the hondes of youre enemies Go youre waye O my children go youre waye for I am desolate and forsaken I haue put of the clothinge of peace and put vpon me the sack cloth off prayer and for my tyme I will call vpon the most hyest Be off good cheare o my children crie vnto the LORDE and he shal delyuer you from the power of the prynces youre enemies For verely I haue euer a good hope off youre prosperous health yee a very gladnesse is come vpon me from the holy one because of the mercy that ye shall haue off oure euerlastinge Sauioure With mournynge and wepinge dyd I let you go fro me but with ioye and perpetuall gladnesse shall the LORDE brynge you agayne vnto me Like as the neghbours of Sion sawe youre captyuite from God Euē so shal they also se shortly youre health in God which shal come on you with greate honoure and euerlastinge worshipe O my children suffre paciētly the wrath that shal come vpon you For the enemie hath persecuted the but shortly thou shalt se his destruccion and shalt treade vpon his necke My derlinges haue gone rough harde wayes for they are led awaye as a flocke that is scatred abrode with the enemies But be of good cōforte o my children crie vnto the LORDE For he that
led you awaye hath you yet in remembraūce and like as ye haue bene mynded to swarne from yo r God so shal ye now endeuoure youre selues x. tymes more to turne agayne and to seke him For he that hath brought these plages vpō you shal brynge you euerlastinge ioye agayne with youre health Take a good herte vnto the o Ierusalē for he which gaue y e that name exorteth the so to do The wicked doers that now put the to trouble shall perish and soch as haue reioysed at thy fall shal be punyshed The cities whom thy children serue and that haue caried awaye thy sonnes shal be correcte For like as they be now glad of y i decaye so shal they mourne in their owne destruccion The ioye off their multitude shal be taken awaye ād their cheare shal be turned to sorowe For a fyre shal fall vpon them from the euerlastinge God longe to endure and it shal be inhabited of deuels for a greate season The V. Chapter O Ierusalem loke aboute the towarde the east and beholde the ioye that commeth vnto the from God For lo thy sonnes whom thou hast forsakē and that were scatred abrode come gathered together from the east and west reioysinge in the worde of the holy one vnto the honoure off God Put of thy mournynge clothes o Ierusalem and thy sorow and decke the with the worshipe and honoure that commeth vnto the from God with euerlastinge glory God shal put the cloake off rightuousnesse vpon the and set a crowne off euerlastinge worshipe vpon thine heade for vpon the will God declare his brightnes that is vnder the heauen Yee an euerlastinge name shal be geuen the of God with peace of rightuousnesse y e honoure of Gods feare Arise o Ierusalem stōde vp on hye loke aboute the towarde the east and beholde thy children gathered from the east vnto the west which reioyce in the holy worde hauynge God in remembraunce They departed from the on fote and were led awaye of their enemies but now shal the LORDE bringe them caried with honoure as children off y e kyngdome For God is purposed to brynge downe all stoute moūtaynes yee and all hye rockes to fyll the valleys so to make them eauen with the grounde y t Israel maye be diligēt to lyue vnto y e honoure of God The woddes all pleasaūt trees shal ouershadowe Israel at the cōmaundement of God For hyther shal God brynge Israel with ioyfull myrth and in the light of his magesty with the mercy and rightuousnesse that cōmeth of himselff A copie off the epistle that Ieremy the prophet did sende vnto the Iewes which were led awaye presoners by the kynge of Babilō Wherin he certifieth them of the thinge that was cōmaunded him of God The VI. Chapter BEcause of the synnes that ye haue done agaynst God ye shal be led awaye captyue vnto Babilon euen off Nabuchodonosor the kynge of Babilon So when ye be come in to Babilon ye shall remayne there many yeares and for a longe season namely vij generacions after that wil I bringe you awaye peaceably from thēce Now shal ye se in Babilō goddes of golde of syluer of wodd and of stone borne vpon mens shulders to cast out a fearfulnes before the Heithen But loke that ye do not as the other be not ye afrayed and let not the feare of them ouercome you Therfore when ye se the multitude of people worshippinge them behinde before saye ye in youre hertes O LORDE it is thou that oughtest only to be worshipped Myne angel also shal be with you and I myself wil care for youre soules As for the tymbre of those goddes y e carpēter hath polisshed them yee gylted be they layed ouer with syluer yet are they but vayne thinges can not speake Like as a wench y t loueth peramours is trymly deckte euen so are these made hanged w t golde Crownes of golde verely haue their goddes vpon their heades so the prestes themselues take the golde and syluer from them put it to their owne vses yee they geue of the same vnto harlottes ād trymme their whores withall Agayne they take it from the whores and decke their goddes therwith Yet can not these goddes delyuer them selues from rust and mothes Whē they haue couered them with clothynge off purple they wype their faces for the dust of the temple wherof their is moch amōge thē One hath a sceptre in his honde as though he were iudge of the countre yet can he not slaye soch as offende him Another hath a swearde or an axe in his honde for all that is he nether able to defende him selfe from batayll ner f●o murtherers By this ye maye vnderstonde that they be no goddes therfore se y t ye nether worshipe them ner feare them For like as a vessel y t a man vseth is nothinge worth when it is broken euen so is it with their goddes When they be set vp in the temple their eyes be full of dust thorow the fete of those that come in And like as y e dores are shut in roūde aboute vpō him y t hath offended the kinge Or as it were a deed body kepte besyde the graue Euen so the prestes kepte the dores with barres and lockes lest their goddes be spoyled with robbers They set vp cādels before thē yee verely and y t many wherof they can not se one but euen as blockes so stonde they in the temple It is sayde y t the serpentes and wormes which come off the earth gnawe out their hertes eatinge them their clothes also and yet they fele it not Their faces are blacke thorow the smoke y t is in the temple The oules swalowes byrdes fle vpon them yee and the cattes runne ouer their heades By this ye maye be sure that they are not goddes therfore feare them not The golde that they haue is to make them beutifull for all that excepte some body dight off their rust they wil geue no shyne and when they were cast into a fourme they felt it not They are bought for money and haue no breth off life within them They must be borne vpon mens shulders as those that haue no fete wherby they declare vnto men that they be nothynge worth Confounded be they then that worshipe them For yf they fall to the grounde they can not ryse vp agayne of thēselues Yee though one helpe them vp and set them right yet are they not able to stonde alone but must haue proppes set vnder them like deed men As for the thinge that is offred vnto them their prestes sell it ād abuse it yee the prestes wyues take therof but vnto the sicke and poore they geue nothinge of it the women with childe the mēstruous laye hondes of their offerynges By this ye maye be sure that they are not goddes therfore be not ye afrayde of them From whence cōmeth it thē
all be slayne with 〈…〉 Acordinge to their vn clennesse 〈◊〉 vnfaithfull dealinges so haue I entreated them and hyd my face from them Therfore thus saieth y e LORDE God Now will I bringe agayne the captyues of Iacob and haue mercy vpon the whole house of Israel and be gelous for my holy names sake All their confucion and offence that they haue done agaynst me shal be taken awaye and so safely shal they dwell in their londe that no man shal make them a frayed And when I haue brought thē agayne from amonge the people when I haue gathered them together out of their enemies londes and am praysed in them before many Heithen then shall they knowe that I am the LORDE their God which suffred them to be led in to captiuyte amonge the Heithen but now haue brought them agayne in to their owne londe and not left one of them yonder After that will I hyde my face nomore from them but will poure out my sprete vpon the house of Israel saieth the LORDE God The xl Chapter IN the xxv yeare of oure captiuyte in the begynnynge of the yeare the x daye of the moneth that is the xiiij yeare after that y e cite was smytten downe the same daye came the honde of the LORDE vpon me and caried me forth euen in to the londe of Israel brought heme in the visions of God and set me downe vpō a maruelous hie mountayne whervpon there was a buyldinge as it had bene of a cite towarde the north Thither he caried me and beholde there was a man whose similitude was like brasse which had a threde of flax in his honde and a meterodde also He stode in the dore sayde vnto me marcke well with thine eyes herken to with thine eares and fasten it in thine hert whatso euer I shal shewe the for to the intent that they might be shewed the therfore art thou brought hither And what soeuer thou seyst thou shalt certifie the house of Israel therof Beholde there was a wall on the outsyde rounde aboute the house the meterodde that he had in his honde was six cubites longe a spanne So he measured the bredth of the buyldinge which was a meterodde and the heyth also a meterodde Then came he vnto the eastdore and wente vp the stares ● measured the postes of the dore 〈…〉 was a meterodde thicke 〈…〉 was a meterodde longe 〈…〉 the chambers were 〈…〉 of the dore within the 〈…〉 meterodde He measured als● 〈…〉 of the ●nnermer dore which 〈…〉 meterodde Thē measured he the entrie of 〈…〉 that conteyned eght cubites and his pilers two cubites and this entrie stode inwarde The chambers of the dore eastwarde were thre on euery syde alike brode and longe The pilers also that stode of both the sydes were of one measure After this he measured the wydenesse of the dore which was x cubites the heyth of the dore xiij cubites The edge before the chābres was one cubite b●ode vpō both the sydes the chambres six cubites wyde of either syde He measured y e dore from the rygge of one chābre to another whose wydenesse was xxv cubites one dore stode agaynst another He made pilers also lx cubites hie rounde aboute the courte dore Before the inwarde parte vnto the fore entre of the ynnermer dore were fiftie cubites The chambers and their pilers within rounde aboute vnto y e dore had syde wyndowes So had the fore entries also whose wyndowes wente rounde aboute within And vpon the pilers there stode date trees Then brought he me in to the fore courte where as were chābres paued workes made in y e fore courte roūde aboute xxx chābres vpon one paued worcke Now the paued worke was a lōge besyde the dores and that was the lower paued worke After this he measured y e bredth from the lower dore vnto the ynnermer courte of the out syde which had an hundreth cubites vpon the east the north parte And the dore in the vttemost courte towarde the north measured he after the lēgth and bredth his thre chambres also on either syde with his pilers fore entries which had euen the measure of the first do●e His heyth was fiftie cubites the bredth xxv cubites his wyndowes porches with his date trees had euen like measure as the dore towarde the east there where vij steppes to go vp vpō their porche before them Now y e dore of the ynnermer courte stode straight ouer agaynst the dore that was towarde y e north east From one dore to another he measured an C cubites After that he brought me to the south syde where there stode a dore towarde y e south whose pilers and porches he measured these had the fyrst measure with their porches they had wyndowes rounde aboute like the first ●yndowes The heyth was I cubites y e 〈◊〉 xxv with steppes to go vp vpon his 〈◊〉 stode before him with his pilers and da●● trees on either syde And the dore of the ynnermer courte stode towarde the south he measured from one dore to another an C cubites So he brought me in to y e ynnermer courte thorow the dore of the south syd ▪ which he measured it had the measure afore sayde In like maner his chambres pilers and fore entries had euen the fore sayde measure also And he had with his porches rounde aboute wyndowes of l cubites hye xxv cubites brode The porches rounde aboute were xxv cubites longe and v cubites brode and his porch reached vnto y e vttemost courte vpon his pilers there were date trees and viij steppes to go vp vpon He brought me also in to the ynmost courte vpon the east syde and measured the dore acordinge to y e measure afore sayde His chābers pilers and porches had euen the same measure as the first had with his porches he had wyndowes roūde aboute The heith was l cubites y e bredth xxv cubites His porches reached vnto the vttemost courte his pilers also had date trees on either syde and viij steppes to go vp vpon And he brought me to the north dore and measured it which also had the foresayde measure His chābres pilers and porches had wyndowes rounde aboute whose heyth was l cubites and the bredth xxv His pilers stode towarde the vttemost courte and vpon them both were date trees and viij steppes to go vp vpon There stode a chambre also whose intraūce was at the dore pilers and there the burnt offringes were waszshed In the dore porche there stode on ether syde two tables for the slaughtinge to slaye the brent offringes synne offringes and trespace offringes thervpon And on the out syde as men go forth to the north dore there stode two tables Foure tables stode on ether syde of the dore that is viij tables whervpon they slaughted Foure tables were of hewen stone for the burnt offringes of a cubite and a half longe and brode
alonge season but se that thou playest not the harlot and loke thou medle with none other man then wil I kepe my self for the. Thus the childrē of Israel shal syt a greate whyle without kinge and prynce without offerynge and aulter without prest and reuelacion But afterwarde shal the children of Israel conuerte and seke the LORDE their God and Dauid their kinge and in y e latter dayes they shal worshipe the LORDE and his louynge kyndnesse The IIII. Chapter HEare y e worde of the LORDE o ye children of Israel For the LORDE must punysh thē y t dwel in the londe And why There is no faith fulnesse there is no mercy there is no knowlege of God in the lōde but swearinge lyēge māslaughter the ft and aduoutry haue gotten the ouerhande one bloud giltynesse foloweth another Therfore shal the londe be in a miserable case and all they that dwell therin shal mourne The beastes in the felde the foules in y e ayre and the fishes in the see shall dye Yet is there none that wil chastē nor reproue another The prestes which shulde refourme other mē are become like the people Therfore stomblest thou in y e daye tyme ▪ the prophet with the in the night I wil bringe thy mother to sylence why my people perish because they haue no knowlege Seinge then that thou hast refused vnderstondinge therfore wil I refuse y e also so that then shalt nomore be my prest And for so moch as thou hast forgotten the lawe of thy God I wil also forget thy childrē The more they increased in multitude the more they synned agaynst me therfore wil I chaurge their honoure in to shame They eate vp the synnes of my people corage them in their wickednesse Thus the prest is become like the people Wherfore I will punysh them for their wicked wayes rewarde them acordinge to their owne ymaginacions ▪ They shal eate not haue ynough They haue vsed whordome therfore shall they not prospere why they haue forsaken the LORDE not regarded him Whordome wyne and dronckennesse take the herte awaye My people axe councel at their stockes their staffe must tell them For an whorish mynde hath disceaued them so y t they cōmitte fornicacion agaynst their God They make sacrifice vpon the hie mountaynes burne their incense vpon the hilles yee amonge the okes groues buszshes for there are good shadowes Therfore yo r doughters are become harlottes and youre spouses haue brokē their wedlocke I wil not punish yo r doughters for beinge defyled yo r brydes that became whores seinge the fathers themselues haue medled with harlottes and offered with vnthriftes but the people that wil not vnderstonde must be punyshed Though thou Israel art disposed to playe y e harlot yet shuldest not thou haue offended o Iuda thou shuldest not haue runne to Galgala ner haue gone vp to Bethauē nor haue sworne the LORDE lyueth For Israel is gone backe like a wāton cowe The LORDE therfore shal make hir fede as y e lābe y t go●eth astraye And where as Ephraim is become partaker of Idols wel let him go Their dronckēnesse hath put thē backe brought them to whordome Their rulers loue rewardes brynge saye they to their owne shame A wynde shall take holde of their fethers they shal be cōfounded in their offeringes The V. Chapter HEare this o ye prestes take hede o thou housholde of Israel geue eare o thou kingly house for this punyshment wil come vpon you that are become a snare vnto Myspa and a spred net vnto the mount of Thabor They kyll sacrifices by heapes to begyle the people therwith therfore wil I punysh them all I knowe Ephraim well ynough Israel is not hyd fro me for Ephraim is become an harlot and Israel is defyled They are not mynded to turne vnto their God for they haue an whorish herte so y t they can not knowe the LORDE But the pryde of Israel wil be rewarded him in his face yee both Israel and Ephraim shal fall for their wickednesse and Iuda with them also They shall come with their shepe bullockes to seke y e LORDE but they shal not fynde him for he is gone from them As for the LORDE they haue refused him and brought vp bastarde children a moneth therfore shall deuoure them with their porcions Blowe with the shawmes at Gabea and with the trumpet in Rama crie out at Bethauen vpon the yonside of Ben Iamin In the tyme of y e plage shal Ephraim be layed waist therfore dyd I faithfully warne the trybes of Israel Yet are the prynces of Iuda become like them that remoue the londemarckes therfore wil I poure out my wrath vpon them like water Ephraim is oppressed and can haue no right of the lawe for why they folowe y e doctrynes of men Therfore will I be vnto Ephraim as a moth to the house of Iuda as a caterpiller When Ephraim sawe his sicknesse and Iuda his disease Ephraim wente vnto Assur and sent vnto kinge Iareb yet coude not he helpe you ner ease you of youre payne I am vnto Ephraim as a lyon and as a lyons whelpe to the house of Iuda Euen I I wil spoyle them go my waye I wil take them with me and no man shal rescue them I wil go and returne to my place till they waxe faynt and seke me The VI. Chapter IN their aduersite they shall seke me and saye come let vs turne agayne to the LORDE for he hath smytten vs and he shal heale vs He hath wounded vs he shal bynde vs vp agayne after two dayes shal be quycken vs in the thirde daye he shal rase vs vp so that we shal lyue in his sight Then shal we haue vnderstondinge endeuoure oure selues to knowe the LORDE He shal go forth as the sprynge of the daye and come vnto vs as the euenynge and mornynge rayne vpon the earth O Ephraim what shal I do vnto the O Iuda how shal I intreate the seynge youre loue is like a mornynge cloude like a dew y t goeth early awaye Therfore haue I cut downe the prophetes letten them be slayne for my wordes sake so that thy punyshment shal come to light For I haue pleasure in louynge kyndnesse and not in offerynge Yee in the knowlege of God more then in burnt sacrifice But euen like as Adam dyd so haue they broken my couenaunt and set me at naught Galaad is a cite of wicked doers of malicious people and bloudshedders The multitude of the prestes is like an heape of theues murtherers bloud thurstie for they haue wrought abhominacion Horrible thinges haue I sene in the house of Israel there playeth Ephraim the harlot and Israel is defyled but Iuda shall haue an haruest for himself when I returne the captiuyte of my people The VII
inuencions I wil dryue them out of my house I will loue them nomore for all their prynces are vnfaithfull Ephraim is hewen downe their rote is dryed vp so y t they shal bringe nomore frute yee and though they bringe forth eny yet wil I slaye euen the best beloued frute of their body My God shall cast them awaye for they haue not bene obediēt vnto him therfore shal they go astraye amonge the Heithen The X. Chapter ISrael was a goodly vyne but he hath brought forth vnprofitable frute yee the more frute he had the mo aulters he made y e more good I dyd to their londe the more frendshipe shewed they to their ymages Their herte is deuyded therfore wil they be destroyed The LORDE shall breake downe their ymages he shal destroye their aulters Then shal they saye we haue no kinge for why we haue not feared the LORDE And what shal then the kinge do to vs They comon together and sweare vayne oothes they be cōfederate together therfore groweth their punyshment as the wedes in the forowes of the londe They that dwell in Samaria haue worshipped the calfe of Bethauē therfore shall the people mourne ouer them yee and the prestes also that in their welthynesse reioysed with them and why it shal passe awaye from them It shal be brought to the Assirian for a present vnto kinge Iareb Ephraim shal receaue full punishment Israel shal be confounded for his owne ymaginacions Samaria w t his kinge shall vanish awaye as the scomme vpon the water The hye places of Auen where Israel do synne shal be cast downe thistles and thornes shal growe vpon their aulters Then shal they saye to y e mountaynes couer vs and to the hilles fall vpon vs. O Israel thou hast synned as Gabaa dyd afore tyme where they remayned shulde not the batel then come vpon the wicked children as wel as vpon the Gabaonites I wil chasten them euen after myne owne desyre the people shal be gathered together ouer them whē I punysh them for their greate wickednesse Ephraim was vnto me as a cow that is vsed to go to plowe therfore I loued him and fell vpon his fayre neck I droue Ephraim Iuda plowed Iacob played the huszbōde man that they might sowe vnto rightuousnes and reape the frutes of weldoynge y t they might plowe vp their fresh londe and seke the LORDE till he came and lerned them rightuousnes But now they haue plowed them wickednesse therfore shal they reepe synne and eate the frute of lyes Seinge thou puttest thy cōfidence in thine owne wayes and leanest to y e multitude of thy worthies there shal growe a sedicion amonge thy people All y e strōge cities shal be layed waist euen as Salmana was destroyed with his familiers thorow him that was auenged of Baal in the daye of batel where y e mother perished with hir childrē Euen so shal it go with you o Bethel because of youre malicious wickednes Like as the mornynge goeth awaye so shal the kinge of Israel passe The XI Chapter WHen Israel was yōge I loued him and called my sonne out of the londe of Egipte But y e more they were called the more they wente backe offerynge vnto Idols and censynge ymages I lerned Ephraim to go and bare them in myne armes but they regarded not me that wolde haue helped them I led them with coardes of frendshipe with bondes of loue I was euen he that layed the yocke vpon their neckes I gaue them their fodder myself y t they shulde not go agayne in to Egipte And now is Assur their kinge For they wolde not turne vnto me Therfore shal y e swearde begynne in their cities the stoare that they haue lickened vnto shall be destroyed and eaten vp and that because of their owne ymaginacions My people hath no lust to turne vnto me their prophetes laye the yocke vpon thē but they ease them not of their burthen What greate thinges haue I geuen the o Ephraim how faithfully haue I defended the o Israel haue I dealt with the as with Adama or haue I intreated the like Seboim No my hert is otherwise mynded Yee my mercy is to feruent therfore haue I not turned me to destroye Ephraim in my wrothful displeasure For I am God and no man I am euen that holy one in the myddest of the though I came not within the cite The LORDE roareth like a lyon that they maye folowe him Yee as a lyon roareth he that they maye be afrayed like the children of the see that they maye be scarred awaye from Egipte as men scarre byrdes frayed awaye as doues vse to be from the Assiriās londe and that because I wolde haue them tary at home saieth the LORDE But Ephraim goeth aboute me with lies and the house of Israel dyssembleth Only Iuda holdeth him with God and with the true holy thinges The XII Chapter EPhraim kepeth the ayre and foloweth after the east wynde he is euer increasinge lyes destruction They be confederate with the Assirians their oyle is caried in to Egipte The LORDE hath a courte to holde with Iuda and wil punysh Iacob After their owne waies and acordinge to their owne inuencions shal he recompence them He toke his brother by the hele when he was yet in his mothers wombe and in his strength he wrestled with God He stroue with the Angel and gat the victory so that he prayde and desyred him He fande him at Bethel there he talked w t vs. Yee the LORDE God of hoostes euen y e LORDE him self remembred him Then turne to thy God kepe mercy and equyte and hope still in thy God But the marchaunt hath a false weight in his honde he hath a pleasure to occupie extorcion Ephraim thinketh thus Tush I am rich I haue good ynough In all my workes shal not one fawte be founde that I haue offended Yet am I the LORDE thy God euē as when I brought the out of the londe of Egipte and set the in thy tentes and as in the hye feast dayes I haue spokē thorow the prophetes and shewed dyuerse visions and declared my self by the ministracion of y e prophetes But at Galaad is the abhominacion they are fallen to vanyte At Galgal they haue slayne oxen and as many heapes of stones as they had in their lōde forowes so many aulters haue they made Iacob fled into the londe of Siria and Israel serued for a wife and for a wife he kepte shepe By a prophet the LORDE brought them out of Egipte and by a prophet he preserued thē But Ephraim hath prouoked him to displeasure thorow his abhominacions therfore shal his bloude be poured vpon him self and the LORDE his God shal rewarde him his blasphemies The XIII Chapter THe abhominacion of Ephraim is come also in to Israel He is gone backe to Baal therfore must he dye And now they synne more
compased me aboute yee all thy wawes and rowles of water went ouer me I thought that I had bene cast awaye out of thy sight but I wil yee agayne loke towarde thy holy temple The waters compased me euen to the very soule the depe laye aboute me and the wedes were wrapte aboute myne heade I wente downe to the botome of the hilles was barred in with earth for euer But thou o LORDE my God hast brought vp my lyfe agayne out of corrupcion When my soule faynted within me I thought vpon the LORDE and my prayer came in vnto the euen in to thy holy temple They that holde of vayne vanyties wil forsake his mercy But I wil do the sacrifice with the voyce of thankesgeuynge and wil paye that I haue vowed for why saluacion commeth of the LORDE And y e LORDE spake vnto y e fysh and it cast out Ionas agayne vpon the drye londe The III. Chapter THen came the worde of the LORDE vnto Ionas agayne sayenge vp and get the to Niniue that greate cite preach vnto them the preachinge which I bade the. So Ionas arose and wente to Niniue at the LORDES commaundement Niniue was a greate cite vnto God namely off thre dayes iourney And Ionas wente to and entred in to y e cite euen a dayes iourney and cried sayenge There are yet xl dayes and then shal Niniue be ouerthrowen And the people of Niniue beleued God and proclamed fastinge ▪ and arayed them selues in sack cloth as well the greate as the small of them And the tydinges came vnto y e kinge of Niniue which arose out off his seate and dyd his apparell off and put on sack cloth and sate him downe in asshes And it was cried and commaunded in Niniue by the auctorite of the kīge and his lordes sayenge se that nether man or beest oxe or shepe taist ought at all and that they nether fede ner drincke water but put on sack cloth both man and beest and crye mightely vnto God yee se that euery man turne frō his euell waye and from the wickednesse y t he hath in honde Who can tell God maye turne and repēte and cease from his fearce wrath that we perish not And when God sawe their workes how they turned from their wicked wayes he repented on the euell which he sayde he wolde do vnto them and dyd it not The IIII. Chapter WHerfore Ionas was sore discontēt and angrie And he prayed vnto the LORDE and sayde O LORDE was not this my sayenge I praye the when I was yet in my countre therfore I haisted rather to fle vnto Tharsis for I knowe well ynough that thou art a mercifull God full of compassion lōge sufferinge and of greate kyndnesse and repentest when thou shuldest take punyshment And now o LORDE take my life fro me I beseke the for I had rather dye then lyue Then sayde the LORDE art thou so angrie And Ionas gat him out of the cite and sat downe on y e east syde therof and there made him a bothe and sat vnder it in the shadow till he might se what shulde chaunce vnto the cite And the LORDE God prepared a wylde vyne which sprange vp ouer Ionas that he might haue shadowe aboue his heade to delyuer him out of his payne And Ionas was exceadinge glad of the wylde vyne But vpō the nexte morow agaynst the springe of the daye the LORDE ordened a worme which smote the wylde vyne so that it wethered awaye And when the Sōne was vp God prepared a feruent east wynde and the Sonne bete ouer the heade of Ionas that he faynted agayne and wyszshed vnto his soule that he might dye and sayde It is better for me to dye thē to lyue And God sayd vnto Ionas Art thou so angrie for the wylde vyne And he sayde yee very angrie am I euen vnto the deeth And the LORDE sayde thou hast compassion vpon a wylde vyne wherō thou bestowdest no laboure ner may dest it growe which sprange vp in one night and perished in another And shulde not I then haue compassion vpon Niniue that greate cite wherin there are aboue an C. and xx thousande personnes y t knowe not their right hōde frō the lefte besydes moch catell The ende of the prophet Ionas The Prophet Micheas What Micheas conteyneth Chap. I. He reproueth the people off Israel and Iuda for their wickednesse and Idolatry he telleth them their punyshment with mournynge Chap. II. He rehearseth their abhominacions Chap. III. He reproueth the rulers and the prophetes as cause of the peoples misery Chap. IIII. V He prophecyeth of the saluacion off Gods people in Christ of his kyngdome and power of his gospel Chap. VI. Another reprofe Outwarde offeringes are excluded and here is declared what God requyreth off man Chap. VII The summe off the thinges before sayde The litle flocke of the faithfull The first Chapter THis is the worde of the LORDE that came vnto Micheas the Morastite in the dayes of Ioathan Achas and Ezechias kīges of Iuda which was shewed him vpon Samaria and Ierusalem Heare all ye people marcke this well o earth and all that therin is Yee the LORDE God himself be witnesse amonge you euen y e LORDE from his holy temple For why beholde the LORDE shal go out of his place come downe and treade vpon the hie thinges of the earth The moūtaynes shall consume vnder him the valleys shal cleue asunder like as wax cōsumeth at the fyre as y e waters runne downwarde And all this shal be for the wickednesse of Iacob and the synnes of the house of Israel But what is the wickednesse of Iacob Is not Samaria Which are the hye places of Iuda Is not Ierusalē Therfore I shall make Samaria an heape of stones in the felde to laye aboute the vynyarde hir stones shal I cast in to the valley discouer hir foūdaciōs All hir ymages shal be brokē downe all hir wynnynges shal be brent in the fyre yee all hir Idols will I destroye for why they are gathered out of the hyre of an whore in to an whores hyre shal they be turned agayne Wherfore I wil mourne make lamentacion bare naked will I go I must mourne like y e dragōs take sorow as y e Estriches for their woūde is past remedy And why it is come in to Iuda hath touched y e porte of my people at Ierusalē allredy Wepe not lest they at Geth perceaue it Thou at Betaphra welter thy self in the dust and asshes Thou that dwellest at Sephir get the hence with shame The proude shall boost nomore for very sorowe why hir neghboure shall take from her what she hath The rebellious cite hopeth that it shal not be so euell but for all that the plage shal come from the LORDE euen in to the porte of Ierusalem The greate noyse off the charettes shall feare them
longe wil he lade himself with thicke claye O how sodenly wil they stonde vp y t shal byte the awake that shal teare y e in peces yee thou shalt be their pray Seinge thou hast spoyled many Heithen therfore shall the remnaunt of the people spoyle the because of mens bloude for the wronge done in the londe in the cite vnto all them that dwel therin Wo vnto him that couetously gathereth euell gotten goodes in to his house that he maye set his nest an hye to escape from the power of mysfortune Thou hast deuysed y e shame of thine owne house for thou hast slayne to moch people and hast wilfully offended so that the very stones of the wall shal crie out of it and the tymbre that lieth betwixte the ioyntes of the buyldinge shall answere Wo vnto him y t buyldeth the towne with bloude and maynteneth y e cite with vnrightuousnes Shal not the LORDE of hoostes bringe this to passe that the laboures of the people shal be brent with a greate fyre and that the thinge wher vpon the people haue weeried them selues shall be lost For the earth shal be full of knowlege of the LORDES honoure like as the waters that couer the see Wo vnto him that geueth his neghboure dryncke to get him wrothfull displeasure for his dronckennesse that he maye se his preuyte●s Therfore with shame shalt then be fylled in steade of honoure Dryncke thou also till thou slombre withall for the cuppe of the LORDES right hōde shall compasse the aboute and shamefull spewinge in steade of thy worshipe For the wrōge that thou hast done in Libanus shal ouerwhelme the and the wilde beastes shal make the afrayed because of mens bleude and for the wronge done in the londe in the cite and vnto all soch as dwel therin What helpe than wil y e ymage do whom the workman hath fashioned Or the vayne cast ymage wherin because the craftesman putteth his trust therfore maketh he domme Idols Wo vnto him that saieth to a pece of wod arise and to a domine stone stonde vp For what instrucciō maye soch one geue Beholde it is layed ouer with golde and syluer there is no breth in it But the LORDE in his holy tēple is he whom all the worlde shulde feare The III. Chapter A prayer of the prophet Abacuc for the ignoraunt O LORDE when I herde speake of y e I was afrayed The worke y t thou hast taken in honde shalt thou perfourme in his tyme O LORDE and when thy tyme commeth thou shalt declare it In thy very wrath thou thinkest vpon mercy God commeth from Theman and the holy one from the mount of Pharan Sela. His glory couereth the heauens and the earth is full of his prayse His shyne is as y e sonne beames of light go out of his hondes there is his power hid Destrucciō goeth before him and burnynge cressettes go from his fete He stondeth measureth the earth He loketh the people consume awaye the moūtaynes of y e worlde fall downe to powlder and the hilles are fayne to bowe them selues for his goinges are euerlastinge and sure I sawe that the pauilions of the Morians and the tentes of the londe of Madian were vexed for weerynesse Wast thou not angrie o LORDE in the waters was not thy wrath in the floudes and thy displeasure in the see yes whē thou sattest vpon thine horse and when thy charettes had the victory Thou shewdest thy bowe opēly like as thou haddest promised with an ooth vnto the trybes Sela. Thou didest deuyde the waters of the earth When the mountaynes saw the they were afrayed y e water streame wēte awaye the depe made a noyse at the liftinge vp of thine honde The Sonne and Mone remayned still in their habitacion Thine arowes wente out glisteringe and thy speares as the shyne of the lightenynge Thou trodest downe the londe in thine anger and didest thro●● she the Heithen in thy displeasure Thou c●●mest forth to helpe thy people to helpe thi●● anoynted Thou smotest downe the heade in the house of the vngodly discoueredest his foundacions euē vnto y e necke of him Sela. Thou cursest his septers the captayne of his men of warre which come as a stormy wynde to s●atre me abrode are glad when they maye eat vp y e poore secretly Thou makest a waye for thine horses in the see euen in the mudde of greate waters Whē I heare this my body is vexed my lippes tremble at y e voyce therof my bones corruppe I am afrayed where I stonde O that I might rest in the daye of trouble that I might go vp vnto oure people which are alredy prepared For the fyge trees shal not be grene the vynes shal beare no frute The laboure of y e olyue shal be but lest and the londe shall br●nge no corne the shepe shal be taken out of y e folde and there shal be no catell in y e stalles But as for me I wil be glad in the LORDE and will reioyce in God my Sauioure The LORDE God is my strength he shall make my fete as the fete of hertes he which geueth y e victory shal bringe me to my hye places synginge vpon my psalmes The ende of the prophet Abacuc The Prophet Sophony What Sophony conteyneth Chap. I. He prophecieth of plages for to come vpon Iuda Chap. II. He exorteth them to amēde that they maye escape the wrath of God and sheweth the Gentiles their punyshment Chap. III. Punyshment because of the wickednesse of the Iewes whom God therfore refused and chose the Heithen The first Chapter THis is the worde of the LORDE which came vnto Sophony the sonne of Chusi the sonne of Gedolias the sonne of Amarias y e sonne of Hezechias in the tyme of Iosias the sonne of Amonkinge of Iuda I will gather vp all thinges in the londe saieth the LORDE I wil gather vp man and beest I wil gather vp the foules in the ayre and the fysh in the see to the greate decaye of the wicked wil vtterly destroye the men out of the londe saieth the LORDE I wil stretch out myne honde vpon Iuda and vpon all soch as dwel at Ierusalem Thus wil I rote out the remnaunt of Baal from this place and the names of the Kemuryns and prestes yee soch as vpon their house toppes worshipe bowe them selues vnto the hoost of heauen which sweare by the LORDE and by their Malchom also which starte a backe from y e LORDE and nether seke after the LORDE ner regarde him Be still at y e presence of the LORDE God for the daye of the LORDE is at honde yee the LORDE hath prepared a slayne offeringe and called his gestes therto And thus shall it happen in the daye of the LORDES a slaynofferynge I will vyset the prynces the kinges children all soch as weere straūge
the pomgranates and olyue trees bene yet vnfrutefull but frō this daye forth I shal make them to prospere Morouer the xxiiij daye of the moneth came the worde of the LORDE vnto Aggeus agayne sayenge Speake to Zorobabel the prynce of Iuda and saye I will shake both heauen and earth and ouerthrowe the seate of the kingdomes yee destroye the mightie kingdome of the Heithē I wil ouerthrowe the charettes and those that syt vpon them so that both horse and man shal fall downe euery man thorow his neghbours swerde And as for the o Zorobabel saieth the LORDE of hoostes thou sonne of Salathiel my seruaunt I wil take the saieth the LORDE at the same tyme and make the as a seale● for I haue chosen the saieth the LORDE of hoostes The ende of the prophet Aggeus The Prophet Zachary What Zachary conteyneth Chap. I. He exorteth the people not to be disobedient to the voyce of God as their forefathers were but to conuerte and he sheweth them ioyfull thinges in visions Chap. II. Visions signifienge the delyueraunce out of the captiuyte of Babilon and the redempcion in Christ. Chap. III. A vision in Iesua signifienge the LORDE Iesus oure hye prest Chap. IIII. Another vision wherin Zorobabel is conforted with his litle nombre of people The right mystery herof belongeth vnto Chap. V. The wrath of God for the Christ ▪ synnes of the people Chap. VI. A vision wherin is declared the almighty power of God which geueth peace or warre at his pleasure Chap. VII What the true fast is namely to kepe iudgment and iustice a man to do good to his neghboure to defende the widdowe and the fatherlesse to do no man wronge c. Chap. VIII Cause of all the wrath of God yet yf men wil turne he is mercifull Chap. IX The ioyfull callinge of the Heithē Chap. X. Thorow corporal promises the prophet ledeth men vnto the promises that are fulfilled in Christ and threateneth punyshment vnto the false prophetes and shepherdes Chap. XI Of secrete mysteries and of the destrucciō of the secōde temple God is a good shepherde Chap. XII The punyshment which the LORDE deuysed for Israel Chap XIII Of welles and clensynge which belonge to the tyme of Christ. Chap. XIIII The plage of the Iewes The takynge vp of Ierusalem the church of God The first Chapter IN the eight moneth of the secōde yeare of kinge Darius came the worde of the LORDE vnto Zachary the sonne of Barachias the sonne of Addo the prophet sayenge The LORDE hath bene sore displeased at youre forefathers And saye thou vnto them thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes Turne you vnto me saieth the LORDE of hoostes and I wil turne me vnto you saieth the LORDE of hoostes Be not ye like youre forefathers vnto whom the prophetes cried afore tyme sayēge Thus saieth the LORDE God of hoostes Turne you from youre euell wayes from youre wicked ymaginacions But they wolde not heare ner regarde me saieth the LORDE What is now become of youre forefathers and the prophetes are they yet still alyue But dyd not my wordes statutes which I cōmaunded by my seruauntes y t prophetes touch yo r forefathers Vpō this they gaue answere sayde like as y e LORDE of hoostes deuysed to do vnto vs acordinge to o r owne wayes ymaginacions euen so hath he dealte with vs. Vpon the xxiiij daye of the xj moneth which is the moneth Sebat in the seconde yeare of Darius came the worde of the LORDE vnto Zachary the sonne of Barachias the sonne of Addo the prophete sayenge I sawe by night and lo there sat one vpon a reade horse and stode still amonge the Myrte trees that were beneth vpon the grounde and behynde him were there reade spreckled and whyte horses Then sayde I O my LORDE what are these And the angel that talked with me sayed vnto me I will shewe the what these be And the man that stode amōge the Myrte trees answered sayde These are they whom the LORDE hath sent to go thorow the worlde And they answered the angel of the LORDE that stode amonge the Myrte trees and sayde We haue gone thorow the worlde and beholde all the worlde dwell at case and are carelesse Then the LORDES angel gaue answere and sayde O LORDE of hoostes how longe wilt thou be vnmercifull to Ierusalē and to the cities of Iuda with whom thou hast bene displeased now these lxx yeares So the LORDE gaue a louynge and a confortable answere vnto the angel that talked with me And the angel that commoned with me sayde vnto me Crie thou and speake thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes I am exceadynge gelous ouer Ierusalem and Sion and sore displeased at the carelesse Heithen for where as I was but a litle angrie they dyd their best that I might destroye them Therfore thus saieth the LORDE I wil turne me agayne in mercy towarde Ierusalem so that my house shal be buylded in it saieth the LORDE of hoostes yee and the plommet shal be layed abrode in Ierusalem saieth the LORDE of hoostes Crie also and speake thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes My cities shall be in good prosperite agayne the LORDE shall yet conforte Sion and chose Ierusalem Then lift I vp myne eyes and sawe and beholde foure hornes And I sayde vnto the angel that talked with me what be these he answered me These are y e hornes which haue scatred Iuda Israel and Ierusalem abrode And y e LORDE shewed me iiij carpenters Then sayde I what wil these do He answered sayde Those are the hornes which haue so strowed Iuda abrode that no man durst lift vp his heade But these are come to fraye them awaye and to cast out y e hornes of the Gentiles which lift vp their horne ouer the londe of Iuda to scatre it abrode The II. Chapter I Lift vp myne eyes agayne loked and beholde a man with a measure lyne in his honde Then saide I whether goest thou And he sayde vnto me To measure Ierusalem that I maye se how longe and how brode it is And beholde the angel that talked w t me wente his waye forth Then wēte there out another angel to mete him sayde vnto him Runne speake to this yongeman saye Ierusalem shal be inhabited without eny wal for y e very multitude of people catell y t shal be therin Yee I myself saieth the LORDE wil be vnto her a wall of fyre rounde aboute wil be honoured in her O get you forth O fle from the londe of y e north saieth the LORDE ye whom I haue scatred in to the foure wyndes vnder heauē saieth the LORDE Saue thy self o Sion thou that dwellest with y e doughter of Babilon for thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes With a glorious power hath he sent me out to the Heithē which spoyled you for who so toucheth you shal touche the aple of his
worlde Then cried he vpon me and spake vnto me sayenge Beholde these that go towarde y e north shal still my wrath in the north countre And the worde of the LORDE came vnto me sayenge Take of the presoners that are come from Babilon namely Heldai Tobias and Idaia come thou the same daye and go in to the house of Iosias the sonne of Sophony Then take golde and syluer and make crownes therof and set them vpon the heade of Iesua the sonne of Iosedec the hie prest and speake vnto him Thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes Beholde the man whose name is the braunch he that shall springe vp after him shal buylde vp the temple of the LORDE yee euen he shall buylde vp the temple of the LORDE He shal beare the prayse he shall syt vpon the LORDES trone and haue the dominacion A prest shall he be also vpon his trone a peaceable councell shal be betwixte them both And the crownes shal be in the temple of the LORDE for a remembraunce vnto Helem Tobias Idaia and Hen the sonne of Sophony And soch as be farre of shal come and buylde the temple of the LORDE that ye maye knowe how that the LORDE of hoostes hath sent me vnto you And this shal come to passe yf ye wil herken diligently vnto the voyce of the LORDE youre God The VII Chapter IT happened also in the fourth yeare of kynge Darius that the worde of the LORDE came vnto Zachary in the fourth daye of the ix moneth which is calleth Casle● what tyme as Sarasar and Rogomelech and the men that were with them sent vnto Bethel for to praye before y e LORDE and that they shulde saye vnto the prestes which were in the house of the LORDE of hoostes and to the prophetes Shulde I wepe in the fyfte moneth and absteyne as I haue done now certayne yeares Then came the worde of the LORDE of hoostes vnto me sayenge Speake vnto all the people of the londe and to the prestes and saye when ye fasted and mourned in the v vij moneth now this lxx yeares dyd ye fast vnto me When ye ate also and dronke dyd ye not eate and drinke for youre owne selues Are not these the wordes which the LORDE spake by his prophetes afore tyme when Ierusalem was yet inhabited and welthy she and the cities rounde aboute her when there dwelt mē both towarde the south and in the playne countrees And the worde of the LORDE came vnto Zachary sayenge Thus saieth y e LORDE of hoostes Execute true iudgment shewe mercy and louynge kyndnesse euery man to his brother Do the wyddowe the fatherlesse the straunger and poore no wronge and let no man ymagen euell agaynst his brother in his hert Neuertheles they wolde not take hede but turned their backes and stopped their eares that they shulde not heare yee they made their hertes as an Adamant stone lest they shulde heare the lawe wordes which the LORDE of hoostes sent in his holy sprete by the prophetes afore tyme. Wherfore the LORDE of hoostes was very wroth at them And thus is it come to passe that like as he spake and they wolde not heare euen so they cried and I wolde not heare saieth the LORDE of hoostes but scatered them amonge all Gentiles whom they knewe not Thus the londe was made so desolate y t there traualed no man in it nether to ner fro for that pleasaunt londe was vtterly layed waist The VIII Chapter SO the worde of the LORDE came vnto me sayenge Thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes I was in a greate gelousy ouer Sion yee I haue bene very gelous ouer her in a greate displeasure thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes I wil turne me agayne vnto Sion and wil dwel in the myddest of Ierusalem so that Ierusalem shal be called a faithfull and true cite the hill of the LORDE of hoostes yee an holy hill Thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes There shall yet olde men and women dwel agayne in the stretes of Ierusalem yee and soch as go with staues in their hondes for very age The stretes of the cite also shal be full of yonge boyes and damselles playnge vpon the stretes Thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes yf the residue of this people thynke it to be vnpossible in these dayes shulde it therfore be vnpossible in my sight sayeth the LORDE of hoostes Thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes Beholde I wil delyuer my people from the londe of the east and west and wil brynge them agayne that they maye dwel at Ierusalem They shal be my people and I will be their God in trenth and rightuousnesse Thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes let youre hondes be stronge ye that now heare these wordes by the mouth of the prophetes which be in these dayes that the foundacion is layed vpon the LORDE of hoostes house that the temple maye be buylded For why before these dayes nether men ner catel coude wynne eny thinge nether might eny man come in and out in rest for trouble but I let euery man go agaynst his neghboure Neuerthelesse I wil now intreate the residue of this people nomore as afore tyme saieth the LORDE of hoostes but they shal be a sede of peace The vynyarde shal geue hir frute the grounde shal geue hir increase and the heauens shal geue their dew and I shal cause the remnaunt of this people to haue all these in possession And it shall come to passe that like as ye were a curse amonge the Heithen O ye house of Iuda and ye house of Israel Euen so wil I delyuer you that ye shal be a blessynge feare not but let youre hōdes be stronge For thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes like as I deuysed to punysh you what tyme as youre fathers prouoked me vnto wrath sayeth the LORDE of hoostes and spared not Euen so am I determed now in these dayes for to do wel vnto the house of Iuda and Ierusalem therfore feare ye not Now the thinges that ye shal do are these Speake euery man the treuth vnto his neghboure execute iudgment truly and peaceably within youre portes none of you ymagyn euell in his hert agaynst his neghboure and loue no false oothes for all these are the thinges that I hate sayeth the LORDE And the worde of the LORDE of hoostes came vnto me sayenge thus sayeth the LORDE of hoostes The fast of the fourth moneth the fast of the fifth the fast of the seuenth and the fast of the tenth shal be ioye and gladnesse prosperous hye feastes vnto the house of Iuda Only loue the treuth and peace Thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes There shall yet come people and the inhabiters of many cities and they that dwell in one cite shal go to another sayenge ▪ Vp let vs go and praye before the LORDE ●●t vs seke the LORDE of hoostes I wil go with you
half towarde the south And ye shall fle vnto the valley of my hilles for the valley off the hylles shal reach vnto Asal Yee fle shall ye like as yefled for the earthquake in the dayes off Osias kynge of Iuda And the LORDE my God shal come and all sanctes with him In that daye shal it not be light but colde and frost This shal be that specyall daye which is knowne vnto the LORDE nether daye ner night but aboute the euenynge tyme it shal be light In that tyme shall there waters of life runne out from Ierusalem the half parte of them towarde the east see ād the other half towarde the vttemost see and shall continue both somer and wynter And the LORDE himself shal be kynge ouer all the earth At that tyme shal there be one LORDE only and his name shal be but one Men shal go aboute the whole earth as vpon a felde from Gibea to Remmon and from y e south to Ierusalem ▪ She shal be set vp and inhabited in hir place From Ben Iamins porte vnto the place of the first porte and vnto y e corner porte and from the tower of Hanael vnto the kynges wyne presses There shall men dwell and there shal be nomore cursinge but Ierusalem shal be safely inhabited This shal be the plage wherwith y e LORDE wil smyte all people that haue fought agaynst Ierusalem Namely their flesh shall consume awaye though they stonde vpon their fete their eyes shall corruppe in their holes and their tunge shal consume in their mouth In that daye shall the LORDE make a greate sedicion amōge them so that one mā shal take another by the honde and laye his hondes vpon the hondes of his neghboure Iuda shal fight also agaynst Ierusalem ād the goodes of all the Heithen shal be gathered together rounde aboute golde and syluer and a very greate multitude off clothes And so shal this plage go ouerhorses mules camels asses and all the beastes that shall be in the hooste like as yonder plage was Euery one that remayneth then of all y e people which came agaynst Ierusalem shal go vp yearly to worshipe the kynge euen y e LORDE of hoostes and to kepe the feast off tabernacles And loke what generacion vpon earth goeth not vp to Ierusalem for to worshipe the kynge euen the LORDE of hoostes vpon the same shal come no rayne Yff the kynred of Egipte go not vp come not it shall not rayne vpon them nether This shal be the plage wherwith y e LORDE wil smyte all Heithen that come not vp to kepe the feast of tabernacles Yee this shal be the synneplage of Egipte and the synneplage of all people that go not vp to kepe the feast of tabernacles At that tyme shal the rydinge geer of y e horses be holy vnto the LORDE and the kettels in the LORDES house shal be like the basens before the aulter yee all the kettels in Ierusalem and Iuda shal be holy vnto the LORDE of hoostes and all they that slay● offeringes shall come and take of them and dight them therin And at that tyme there shal be no mo Cananites in the house of the LORDE The ende off the prophet Zachary The Prophet Malachy What Malachy conteyneth Chap. I. The benefites of God shewed specially vnto Israel before all other Agayne the punyshment of the vnthanfulnesse vnfaithfulnesse and covetousnesse of the prestes and the people Chap. II. He threatneth punyshment and confucion vnto the prestes and commaundeth men to loue their wyues Chap. III. Of Christes commynge and of him that maketh redy his waye before him Off the abrogacion of the olde ▪ leuiticall prest-heade Of the power of the iudge for to come and of that fearfull daye The first Chapter The heuy burthen which the LORDE sheweth agaynst Israel by Malachy I Haue loued you sayeth y e LORDE ād yet ye saye wherin hast thou loued vs Was not Esau Iacobs brother sayeth the LORDE yet haue I loued Iacob and hated Esau Yee I haue made his hilles waist and his heretage a wyldernesse for dragōs And though Edom sayde well we are destroyed we wil go buylde vp agayne the places that be waisted yet sayeth y e LORDE of hoostes what they buylded that brake I downe so that it was called a cursed londe and a people whom the LORDE hath euer bene angrie withall Youre eyes haue sene it ād ye youre selues must confesse that y e LORDE hath brought the londe of Israel to greate honoure Shulde not a sonne honoure his father and a seruaūt his master Yf I be now a father where is myne honoure yf I be the LORDE where am I feared sayeth the LORDE of hoostes Now to you prestes that despise my name And yf ye saye wherin haue we despised thy name In this that ye offre vnclene bred vpō myne aulter And yf ye wil saye wherin haue we offred eny vnclene thynge vnto the In this that ye saye the aulter of the LORDE is not to be regarded Yf ye offre y e blynde is not y t euell And yf ye offre the lame and sick is not that euell Yee offre it vnto thy prynce shal he be cōtent with the or accepte thy personne sayeth the LORDE of hoostes And now make youre prayer before God that he maye haue mercy vpon vs for soch thinges haue ye done Shal he regarde youre personnes thynke ye sayeth the LORDE of hoostes Yee what is he amonge you that wil do so moch as to shut y e dores or to kyndle y e fyre vpō myne aulter for naught I haue no pleasure in you sayeth the LORDE off hoostes and as for the meatofferinge I wil not accepte it at youre honde For from the rysinge vp of y e sonne vnto y e goinge downe of the same my name is greate amonge the Gentiles Yee in euery place shal there sacrifice be done and a clene meatofferinge offred vp vnto my name for my name is greate amonge the Heithē sayeth the LORDE of hoostes But ye haue vnhalowed it in that ye saye the aulter of y e LORDE is not to be regarded and the thinge that is set thervpon not worthy to be eaten Now saye ye It is but laboure and trauayle and thus haue ye thought scorne at it sayeth the LORDE off hoostes offerynge robbery yee the lame and the sicke Ye haue brought me in a meatofferynge shulde I accepte it of youre honde sayeth the LORDE Cursed be the dyssembler which hath in his flocke one that is male and when he maketh a vowe offereth a spotted one vnto the LORDE For I am a greate kynge sayeth the LORDE of hoostes and my name is fearfull amonge the Heithen The II. Chapter ANd now o ye prestes this commaundement toucheth you yf ye will not heare it ner regarde it to geue the glory vnto my name sayeth the LORDE off hoostes I wil sende a curse vpon you
and with him ij C. and l. men Of the sonnes of Zachnes Iechonias Zecholi and with him ij C. and l. men Of the sonnes of Salamaasias Gotholie and lxx with him Of the sonnes of Zaphacia Zarias Miheli and with him lxxx Of the sonnes of Iob Abdias Ieheli and with him ij C. and xij men Of the sonnes of Bania Salimoth the sonne of Iosaphia and with him an C. and lx men Of the sonnes of Beer Zachary Bebei and with him ij C. and viij men Of the sonnes of Esead Iohannes Ezechan and with him Cx. men Of the sonnes of Adonicā those that were the last and these are their names Eliphalam y e sonne of Gebel and Semeias with him lxx men All these called I together by the water Thia where we pitched oure tentes thre dayes and there I mustered them As for the sonnes of the prestes and Leuites I founde none there Then sent I vnto Eleazar Eccelom and Masman Malobam and Enaathan and Samea and Ioribimathan Eunagan Zachary Mosollamū these were the leders and men of experiēce I sent them worde that they shulde come vnto Loddeus which was by the place of the treasury commaunded them that they shulde speake vnto Loddeus and to his brethren to those that were in the treasury to sende vs soch mē as might execute the prestes office in the house of the LORDE oure God And w t the mightie hāde of oure LORDE God they brought vnto vs mē of good experience from amōge the sonnes of Moolius the sonne of Leui y e sonne of Israel Sebebeiam the sonnes his brethrē Aszbin Anim of whom there were xviij From amōge the children of the sonnes of Cananeus their sonnes were xx men And of them y t serued in the temple whom Dauid had ordeyned and the pryncipall men that ministred for the worke vnto the Leuites in the temple ij C. and xx men whose names are all tokened vp in wrytinge Then commaunded I a fastynge vnto y e yonge men before the LORDE y t I might desyre of him a prosperous iourney a good waye for vs yee for vs for oure children and for the catell because of the layenges awayte I durst not require of the kynge men of horse of fote to conveye vs safely agaynst oure enemies for we had sayde vnto the kynge that y e power of the LORDE oure God shulde be with them that seke him w t their whole hert And therfore we besought God oure LORDE earnestly because of these thinges and he was mercifull vnto vs and herde oure prayer And I separated from amonge y e rulers of the people from y e prestes of y e temple xij men Sebeia Asania ten men of their brethren with them And I weied thē the golde the syluer all y e prestly ornamētes of the house of o r God which the kynge his coūcell his prynces whole Israel had geuē And whan I had weyed it I gaue thē an Cl. talētes in syluer an C. talentes of syluer vessell an C. talentes of golde of goldē vessell seuē tymes twentie and vessels of other metall yee of good metall xij glisteringe as the golde saide vnto thē ye also are holy vnto the LORDE the vessels are holy the golde the syluer is promised vnto the LORDE the God of o r fathers Be diligent now kepe it vntill the tyme y t ye delyuer it to the rulers of the people to y t prestes to the Leuites to y e pryncipall mē of the cities of Israel in Ierusalem in the chambre of the house of oure God So y e prestes the Leuites which receaued of me the golde the syluer the vessell brought it to Ierusalē in to the tēple of the LORDE And from Thia we brake vp the xij daye of the first moneth tyll we came to Ierusalē And whan the thirde daye was past the weyed golde syluer was delyuered in y e house of the LORDE the fourth daye vnto Marimoth the sonne of Ior the prest w t him was Eleazar y e sonne of Phineas and with thē were Iosabdus y e sonne of Iesnet Medias the sonne of Banus certayne of the Leuites to the nombre to the waighte the waight of them was writtē vp the same tyme. As for those that were come out of captiuyte they offred sacrifice vnto the LORDE the God of Israel euē xij oxen for all Israel lxxxvj rammes lxxij shepe xij goates for synne xij kyne for a thankofferinge all to the sacrifice of the LORDE And y e kinges cōmission delyuered they vnto y e stewardes and debytes of the kynge and to the vndershreues in Celosyria and Phenices Now whan these thinges were done the rulers came vnto me and sayde The generacion of Israel the prynces y e prestes and Leuites the straunge people and indwellers of the londe haue not put awaye their vnclennesse from the Cananites Hethites Pheresites from the Moabites Egipcians Edomites For both they and their sonnes haue mengled them selues with the daughters of them the holy sede is mixte with the outlandish Heithen sens the begynnynge of their raigne haue the rulers and heades bene partakers of their wickednesse As soone as I had herde these thinges immediatly I rent my holy garmentes and pulled out y e hayre of my heade my beerd sat me downe soroufull heuy So all they that were moued thorow the worde of the God of Israel came vnto me and I sat still full of heuines vntill the euenynge sacrifice Then stode I vp frō fastinge hauynge rente clothes the holy garmēt kneled downe vpon my knees helde out my hādes vnto y e LORDE sayde O LORDE I am confounded ashamed before thy face for oure synnes are become many vpon oure heades o r wickednesses are exalted vnto the heauē for sens y e tyme of o r fathers we are in greate sinne vnto this daye And for the synnes of vs o r fathers we w t oure brethren w t oure prestes haue bene deliuered vnto the kinges of the earth in to the swerde in to captiuite became a spoyle with confucion shame vnto this daie And now O LORDE God how greate is the mercy y t we haue gottē of the in y t thou hast left vs a rote a name in the place of thy Sanctuary to discouer oure light in the house of y e LORDE o r God geuē vs meate at all tymes of o r ministracion And whan we were in captiuyte we were not forsaken of the LORDE oure God but he made the kynges of Persia gracious fauourable vnto vs so y t they gaue vs vytayles meate yee leue to buylde vp the tēple of oure LORDE God agayne to repayre the waisted places of Sion and to dwell in Iewry Ierusalem And now O LORDE what
thyrst blasphemynge my name I gaue you not fyre for youre blasphemies but cast a tre in to y e water and made the ryuer swete What shall I do vnto the O Iacob Thou Iuda woldest not obeye me I wil turne me to another people vnto those will I geue my name that they maye kepe my statutes Seinge ye haue forsakē me I wil forsake you also Whan ye desyre me to be gracious vnto you I shal haue no mercy vpon you Whan ye call vpō me I wil not heare you For ye haue defyled youre hādes with bloude and youre fete are swift to commytt manslaughter Ye haue not forsaken me in a maner but youre owne selues sayeth the LORDE Thus sayeth the Allmightie LORDE haue I not prayed you as a father his sonnes as a mother hir daughters and as a norsse hir yonge babes that ye wolde be my people and I shulde be youre God that ye wolde be my children and I shulde be youre owne father I gathered you together as an henne gathereth hir chekens vnder hir wynges But now what shal I do vnto you I shal cast you out fro my face Whan ye offre vnto me I shal turne my face from you for youre solempne feast dayes youre new moones and youre circumcisions haue I forsaken I sent vnto you my seruauntes the prophetes whom ye haue taken and slayne and torne their bodies in peces whose bloude I wyll requyre of youre handes sayeth the LORDE Thus sayeth the Allmightie LORDE youre house must be desolate I wil cast you out as the wynde doth y e strawe youre children shal not be frutefull for they haue despysed my commaundement and done y e thinge y t is euell before me You re houses wil I geue vnto a people y t shal come and they y t neuer herde me shal beleue in me they vnto whō I neuer shewed token shal do the thinge y t I cōmaunde thē They haue sene no prophetes yet shal they call their synnes to remembraunce and knowlege thē I reporte me vnto the grace that I wil do for the people which is to come whose children reioyse in gladnes though they haue not sene me w t bodely eyes yet in sprete they beleue the thinge that I saye And now brother beholde what greate worshipe and se y e people that commeth from the east vnto whom I wyll geue the dukedome of Abraham Isaac and Iacob of Oseas Amos and Micheas of Ioel Abdy Ionas Naum and Abacuc of Sophony Aggeus Zachary and Malachy which is called also an angel or messaūger of the LORDE The II. Chapter THus sayeth the LORDE I brought this people out of bondage I gaue thē my cōmaundementes by my seruaūtes y e prophetes whom they wolde not heare but despysed my coūcels The mother that bare them sayeth vnto them Go youre waye ye children for I am a wyddow forsaken I brought you vp with gladnesse but with sorow and heuynes haue I lost you for ye haue synned before the LORDE yo r God and done y e thinge that is euell before him But what shall I now do vnto you I am a wyddow and forsakē go youre waye o my children and axe mercy of the LORDE As for me O father I call vpon the for a wytnesse ouer the mother of these childrē which wolde not kepe my couenaunt y t thou brynge them to cōfucion and their mother to a spoyle that she beare no more Let their names be scatred abrode amonge the Heithen let them be put out of the earth for they haue thought scorne of my couenaunt Wo be vnto the Assur thou that hydest the vnrighteous by the. Thou wicked people remembre what I dyd vnto Sodom and Gomorre whose land is turned to pitch and aszshes Euen so also wyll I do vnto all them that heare me not sayeth the Allmightie LORDE Thus sayeth the LORDE vnto Eszdras Tell my people y t I will geue them the kyngdome of Ierusalem which I wolde haue geuen vnto Israel Their glory also wyl I take vnto me and geue them the euer lastynge tabernacles which I had prepared for those The tre of life shal be vnto them a swete smellynge oyntment they shal nether laboure ner be weery Go ye youre waye ye shall receaue it Praye for yo r selues a few dayes that they maye dwell therin Now is the kingdome prepared for you therfore watch Take heauē and earth to wytnesse for I haue broken the euell in peces and created the good for I lyue sayeth y e LORDE Mother enbrace thy children and brynge them vp with gladnes make their fete as fast as a piler for I haue chosen the sayeth the LORDE And those that be deed wyll I rayse vp agayne from their places and brynge them out of y e graues for I haue knowne my name in Israel Feare not thou mother of the children for I haue chosen the sayeth the LORDE And for thy helpe I shal sende the my seruauntes Esay and Ieremy after whose councell I haue sanctified prepared for the xij trees with dyuerse frutes and as many welles flowinge with mylck and hony seuen mountaynes whervpō there growe roses and lilies wherin I wyl fyll my children with ioye Execute iustice for the wyddowe be iudge for the fatherlesse geue to y e poore defende the cōfortlesse clothe the naked heale the wounded and sick laugh not a lame man to scorne defende the crepell and lat the blinde come in to y e sight of my clearnes Kepe the olde yonge within thy walles where so euer thou fyndest the deed tokē them and burye them and I shal geue the the first place in my resurreccion Holde styll O my people and take y e rest for thy quyetnes is come Fede thy children O thou good norsse stablish their fete As for the seruauntes whom I haue geuen the there shal not one of them perishe for I wyl seke thē from thy nombre vexe not thy self For whan the daye of trouble and heuynes commeth other shal wepe and be soroufull but thou shalt be mery and plenteous The Heithen shal be gelous but they shal be able to do nothinge agaynst the sayeth the LORDE My handes shal couer the so that thy children shal not se the fyre euerlastinge Be ioyfull O thou mother with thy childrē for I wyll delyuer the sayeth the LORDE Remembre thy deed childrē for I shal brynge them out of the earth and shew mercy vnto them for I am mercifull sayeth the LORDE Allmightie Enbrace thy childrē vntyll I come and shew mercy vnto them for my welles runne ouer and my grace shal not fayle I Eszdras receaued a charge of the LORDE vpon the mount Oreb that I shulde go vnto Israel But whan I came vnto thē they set me at naught and despysed the commaundement of y e LORDE And therfore I saye vnto you O ye Heithen that heare and vnderstonde Loke for youre shepherde he shal geue
remayne And after seuē dayes the worlde that yet awaketh not shal be raysed vp shal dye corrupte And the earth shal restore those that haue slepte in her and so shall the dust those that dwell in sylēce and the secrete places shal delyuer those that be committed vnto them And ye●ost hyest shal be openly declared vpon the seate of iudgment all misery shal vanysh awaye and lōge suffringe shal be gathered together But the iudgment shall contynue y e trueth shal remayne and faith shal waxe strōge the worke shal folowe and the rewarde shall be shewed the righteousnesses shall watch and the vnrighteousnesses shall beare no rule Then sayde I Abraham prayed first for the Sodomites Moses for the fathers y t synned in the wyldernes he y t came after him for Israel in y e tyme of Achas and Samuel and Dauid for y e destruccion and Salomon for them that came in to the Sanctuary Helias for those that receaued rayne and for the deed that he might lyue and Ezechias for y e people in the tyme of Senna cherib dyuerse other in like maner which haue prayed for many Euē so now seynge y e corrupte is growne vp and wickednes increased and the righteous haue prayed for the vngodly wherfore shal it not be so now also He answered me and sayde This present worlde is not y e ende there remayneth moch honoure in it therfore haue they prayed for the weake But the daye of dome shal be the ende of this tyme and y e begynnynge of the immortalite for to come wherin all corrupcion vanysheth all volupteousnes is lowsed all myszbeleue taken awaye righteousnes growne and the verite spronge vp Then shall no man be able to saue him that is destroyed ner to oppresse him y t hath gottē y e victory I answered thē sayde This is my first last sayenge y t it had bene better not to haue geuen the earth vnto Adam or els whan it was geuē him to kepe him that he shulde not synne For what profit is it for men now in this present tyme to lyue in heuynes after death to loke for punyszment O thou Adā what hast thou done For though it was thou y t synned thou art not fallē alone but we all y t come of the. For what profit is it vnto vs yf there be promysed vs an immortall tyme where as we medle w t deadly workes that there is promysed vs an euerlastinge hope where as we o r selues are euell vayne y t there are layed vp for vs dwellynges of health fredome where as we haue lyued euell and that the worshipe of y e Hyest is kepte to defende them which haue led a pacient life where as we haue walked in y e most wicked wayes of all and that there shal be shewed a paradyse whose frute endureth for euer wherin is fredome and medycyne where as we shal not go in for we haue walked in vnpleasaunt places And that the faces of them which haue absteyned shal shyne aboue the starres where as oure faces shal be black and darcke For whyle we lyued and dyd vnrighteously we considered not that we shulde suffre therfore after death Thē answered he me and sayde This is the consideracion thought of the battayl which man hath vpon earth that yf he be ouercome he shall suffre as thou hast sayde But yf he gett the victory he shall receaue the thinge that I saye For this is the life wherof Moses spake vnto the people whyle he lyued sayenge Chose the life that thou mayest lyue Neuertheles they beleued him not nether the prophetes after him No ner me which haue spoken vnto them that heuynes shulde not reach vnto them to their destruccion like as ioye is for to come ouer those that haue suffred thē selues to be enfourmed in saluacion I answered then sayde I knowe LORDE that the Hyest is mercyfull in y t he hath mercy vpon them which are not yet in the worlde and vpon those also that walke in his lawe and that he is pacient and longe sufferinge towarde those that haue synned in their workes and that he is liberall to geue where as it requyreth and that he is of greate mercy for he multiplieth his louynge kyndnesses towarde those that are present and that are past and to them which are for to come For yf he multiplie not his mercies the worlde shal not be made lyuynge with those that dwell therin He geueth also for yf he gaue not of his goodnesse that they which haue done euell might be eased the ten thousande parte of men shulde not be made lyuynge And yf the iudge forgaue not those y t be healed with his worde and yf he wolde destroye y e multitude that stryueth there shulde be very few left in an innumerable multitude The VIII Chapter ANd he answered me sayēge The most hyest made this worlde for many but the worlde to come for few I wyl tell the a symilitude Eszdras As whan thou axest the earth it shal saye vnto the that it geueth moch moulde wherof erthen vessels are made but litle of it y t golde cōmeth of Euen so is it with the worke of this worlde There be many created but few shall be preserued Then answered I sayde Then swalowe vp the witt thou soule and deuoure the vnderstondinge for thou art agreed to herken and to geue eare and wyllinge to prophecie for thou hast no longer space geuen the but only to lyue O LORDE wilt thou not geue thy seruaunt leue y t we maye praye before the and that thou mayest geue sede vnto oure hert and buylde oure vnderstondinge that there maye come frute of it and that euery one which is corrupte and beareth the state and place of a man maye lyue For thou art alone and we all are one workmanshipe of thy handes like as thou hast sayde and like as the body is fashioned now in the childeszbed and thou geuest the membres and thy creature is preserued in fyre and water ix monethes doth thy worke suffre thy creature which is fashioned in her but the thinge that preserueth and it y t is preserued shal both be kepte together whan tyme is the childeszbedd delyuereth y e thinge that is kepte and growne in her For thou hast commaunded the brestes to geue mylck vnto the frute that the thinge which is created and fashioned maye be norished for a tyme and then thou disposest and ordrest it with thy mercy bryngest it vp with thy righteousnes nurturest it in thy lawe and refourmest it with thy vnderstondinge mortifiest it as thy creature and makest it lyuynge as thy worke Seinge then that thou destroyest him which w t so greate labours is created and fashioned thorow thy commaundement thou coudest lyghtly ordene also that the thinge which is made might be preserued And this I speake now of all men in generall as thou knowest
but of thy people for whose sake I am sory and of thy inheritaunce for whose cause I mourne and of Israel for whom I am wofull and for Iacob for whose sake I am greued therfore begynne I to praye before the for my self and for them for I se the fall of vs euen of vs that dwell vpon earth But I haue herde the swiftnes of the iudge which is to come therfore heare my voyce and vnderstōde my wordes and I shal speake before the. This is the begynnynge of the wordes of Eszdras before he was receaued O LORDE thou that dwellest in euerlastyngnesse whose eyes are lift vp in the ayre whose stole is exceadinge hye whose glory and maiesty maye not be comprehēded before whom the hoostes of heauen stonde with tremblinge whose kepinge is turned in winde and fyre whose worde is true whose talkynge is stedfast whose commaundement is stronge whose ordynaunce is fearfull whose loke dryeth vp the depthes whose wrath maketh the mountaynes to melt awaye whose trueth beareth wytnes O heare y e prayer of thy seruaunt and marck with thine eares the peticion of thy creature For whyle I lyue I wil speake and so lōge as I haue vnderstondinge I will answere O loke not vpō the synnes of thy people which serue y t in the trueth Haue no respecte vnto the wicked studies of the Heithen but to the desyre of those that kepe thy testimonies with sorowes Thinke not vpon those that haue walked faynedly before the but vpon them which with wyll haue knowne thy feare Let it not be thy wyll to destroye them which haue had beastly maners but to loke vpon them that haue clearly taught thy lawe Take thou no indignacion at them which are worse then beastes but loue them that allwaye put their trust in y e righteousnes and glory for we and oure fathers haue all the same sicknes and disease but because of oure synnes thou shalt be called mercifull For yf thou hast mercy vpon vs thou shalt be called mercifull where as we haue no workes of righteousnes for y e righteous which haue layed vp many good workes together shall out of their dedes receaue rewarde For what is man that thou shuldest take displeasure at him Or what is the corruptible mortall generacion that thou shuldest be so rough towarde him For of a trueth there is no man amonge them that be borne but he hath dealt wickedly and amonge the faithfull there is none which hath not done amysse For in this O LORDE thy righteousnes thy goodnes shal be praysed and declared yf thou be mercifull vnto them which are not rych in good workes Then answered he me and sayde Some thinges hast thou spoken a right and acordinge vnto thy wordes it shal be For I wil not verely cōsidre the worke of them which haue synned before death before the iudgment before destrucciō but I wyll reioyse ouer the worke and thought of y e righteous I wil remembre also the pilgramege the holymakynge and the rewarde Like as I haue spoken now so shall it come to passe For as the huszbād man soweth moch sede vpon the grounde and planteth many trees and yet allwaye the thinge that is sowne or plāted is not all kepte safe nether doth it all take rote Euen so is it of them that are sowne in the worlde they shal not all be preserued I answered then sayde Yf I haue founde grace then let me speake Like as the husbāde mans sede perisheth yf it receaue not rayne in due season or yf there come to moch rayne vpon it Euen so perisheth man also which is created with thy handes and is like vnto thine owne ymage and to thy self for whose sake thou hast made all thinges and lickened him vnto the huszbande mans sede Be not wroth at vs O LORDE but spare thy people and haue mercy vpon thine owne inheritaunce O be mercifull vnto thy creature Then answered he me and sayde Thinges present are for the present and thinges to come for soch as be to come For thou wātest yet moch seynge thou mayest loue my creature aboue me I haue oft times drawne nye vnto the but neuer to the vnrighteous In this also thou art maruelous before the Hyest in that thou hast humbled thy self as it becommeth the and hast not regarded thine owne self y t thou art had in soch honoure amonge the righteous Therfore shal greate wrechidnes and mysery come vpon them that in the latter tyme shal dwell in y e worlde for they haue walked in greate pryde But vnderstonde thou for thy self and seke out glory for soch as be like the for vnto you is paradyse opened the tre of life is plāted the tyme to come is prepared plenteousnes made ready a cite is builded for you and a rest is prepared yee perfecte goodnes and wyszdome The rote of euell is marked from you the weaknes and moth is hyd from you in to hell flyeth corrupcion in forgetfulnes Sorowes are vanyshed awaye and in the ende is shewed the treasure of immortalite And therfore axe thou no more questions cōcernynge the multitude of them that perishe For they haue taken libertie despysed the Hyest thought scorne of his lawe and forsaken his wayes Morouer they haue troden downe his righteous and sayde in their hert that there is no God yee and that wittingly for they dye For like as the thinge that I haue spoken of is made ready for you Euē so is thyrst and payne prepared for them For it was not his wil that man shulde come to naught but they which be created haue defyled the name of him that made them and are vn than full vnto him which prepared life for them And therfore is my iudgment now at hande These thinges haue I not shewed vnto all men but vnto few namely vnto the and to soch as be like the. Then answered I and sayde Beholde O LORDE now hast thou shewed me the multitude of the tokens which thou wilt begynne to do at the last but at what tyme and whan thou hast not shewed me The IX Chapter HE answered me then and saide Measure thou the tyme diligenly in it self whan thou seist that one parte of the tokens come to passe which I haue tolde y e before so shalt thou vnderstonde that it is the very same tyme wherin the Hyest wil begynne to vysit the worlde which he made And whā there shal be sene earthquake and vproure of the people in the worlde then shalt thou well vnderstonde that the most hyest spake of those thinges from the dayes that were before the euen from the begynnynge For like as all that is made in the worlde hath a begynnynge and ende and the ende is manyfest Euen so the tymes also of the Hyest haue playne begynnynges in wonders and signes and the ende in workynge and in tokens And euery one that shal be saued and shall be able to escape by his workes by faith wherin
bloude from the vexacions of oure enemies he shal brynge downe all the Heithen that ryse vp agaynst vs and put them to dishonoure euē the LORDE oure God Therfore deare brethren seinge ye are the honorable and elders in the people of God vnto whom all y e people haue respecte and vpon whom the life of the people stondeth lift vp their hertes with youre exortacion y t they maye call to remembraunce how oure fathers also in tymes past were tempted y t they might be proued yf they worshipped their God a right They ought to remēbre how oure father Abraham beinge tempted and tryed thorow many tribulacions was founde a louer and frende of God So was Isaac so was Iacob so was Moses and all they that pleased God beinge tryed thorow many troubles were foūde stedfast in faith Agayne they that receaued not their tentacions with the feare of God but put thē selues forth with vnpaciency and murmurynge agaynst God perished of the destroyer and were slayne of serpentes And therfore shulde not we vndertake to be auenged for the thinge that is done vnto vs but to considre that all these punyshmentes are farre lesse then oure synnes myszdedes Beleuynge also that this correccion commeth vnto vs as to the seruauntes of God for amendment and not for oure destruccion Then sayde Osias the elders vnto Iudith All that thou speakest is true and no mā can reproue y e wordes Praie thou for vs now therfore vnto God for thou art an holy womā and fearest God And Iudith sayde vnto them Seynge ye knowe that my wordes are of God then proue my councell and deuice yf it be of God and beseke God that he wyll brynge my councell to a good ende Thus haue I deuysed Ye shal stōde this night before the porte and I wyll go forth with Abra my maydē Praye ye therfore vnto God that he wyl graciously remēbre his people of Israel within fyue daies as ye haue sayde As for the thinge that I go in hande withall axe ye no questions of it tyll Iopen it vnto you myself do ye nothinge els but praye vnto the LORDE youre God for me Then Osias the prynce of the people of Iuda sayde vnto her Go thy waye in peace the LORDE be with the that we maye be auenged of oure enemies And so they wente from her agayne The IX Chapter NOw whā they were gone their way Iudith wente in to hir oratory put on an hayrie smock strowed aszhes vpon hir heade fell downe before the LORDE and cryed vnto him sayenge O LORDE God of my father Symeon which gauest him a swerde for a defence agaynst the enemies that vsed violence and wilfulnes and that rauyshed y e vyrgin and put her to dishonesty Thou that gauest their wiues in to a praye and their daughters in to captiuyte and all their praye for a spoyle vnto thy seruauntes which bare a zele vnto the helpe me wyddow O LORDE my God I beseke ye. For thou hast done all thinges from the begynnynge and loke what thou hast taken in hande and deuysed it came euer to passe For all thy wayes are prepared thy iudgmentes are done in thy euerlastinge fore knowlege O loke now vpon the armyes of the Assirians like as it was thy pleasure somtyme to loke vpon the hoost of the Egipcians whan they beynge weapened persecuted thy seruauntes put their trust in their charettes horsmen and in the multitude of their men of warre But thou lokedest vpon their hoost castinge a thick darcknes before them and whan they came in to the depe the waters ouerwhelmed them Euē so LORDE let it go with these that trust in y e power and multitude of their men of warre in their charettes arowes speares and knowe not that thou onely art oure God which destroyest warres from the begynnynge and that thou art the LORDE O lift vp thine arme now like as euer from y e begynnynge and in thy power brynge their power to naught cause their might to fall in thy wrath They make their boast y t they wyl vnhalowe and defyle thy Sanctuary and to waist the tabernacle of y e name and to cast downe the horne of thine aulter with their swerde Brynge to passe O LORDE y t the pryde of the enemye maye be cut downe with his owne swerde that he maie be taken with the snare of his eyes in me and y t thou mayest smyte him with the lippes of my loue O geue me a stedfast mynde that I maye despyse him and his strength and that I maye destroye him This shal brynge thy name an euerlastinge remēbraunce yf the hande of a woman ouerthrowe him For thy power O LORDE stondeth not in y e power of men nether hast thou eny pleasure in the strēgth of horses There was neuer proude personne that pleased the but in the prayer of the humble and meke hath thy pleasure bene euermore O thou God of the heauens thou maker of the waters and LORDE of all creatures heare me poore woman callynge vpon the and puttynge my trust in thy mercy Remembre thy couenaunt O LORDE and mynister wordes in my mouth stablysh this deuyce in my hert that thy house maye contynue still in holynes and that all the Heithen maye knowe and vnderstōde that thou art God and that there is none other but thou The X. Chapter ANd whan she had left of cryenge vnto the LORDE she rose vp from the place where she had lyen flat before the LORDE and called hir mayde wente downe in to hir house layed y e hayrie cloth from her put of the garmentes of hir wyddowhode waszshed hir body anoynted hir self with precious thinges of swete sauoure broyded and plated hir hayre sett an hooue vpon hir heade and put on soch apparell as belongeth vnto gladnesse slippers vpon hir fete armelettes spanges earynges fynger rynges and deckte herself with all hir best araye The LORDE gaue her also a speciall beutye and fayrnesse for all this deckinge of hir self was not done for eny volupteousnesse and pleasure of the flesh but of a right discrecion and vertue therfore dyd the LORDE increase hir bewtye so y t she was exceadinge amyable and welfauoured in all mens eyes She gaue hir mayde also a bottell of wyne a pot with oyle pottage cakes bred chese and wente hir waye Now whan she came to the porte of the cite she founde Osias and the elders of the cite waitinge there Which whan they sawe her they were astonnyed marueled greatly at her bewty neuertheles they axed no question at her but let her go sayenge The God of oure fathers geue y e his grace and with his power perfourme all the deuyce of thy hert that Ierusalem maye reioyse ouer the and that thy name maye be in the nombre of the holy righteous And all they y t were there sayde w t one voyce so be it so be
to come in to my lorde that she maye be honoured before him that she maye eate and drynke wyne and be mery with him Vnto whom Iudith answered Who am I that I shulde saye my lorde naye what so euer is good before his eyes I shal do it and loke what is his pleasure that shal I thinke well done as longe as I lyue So she stode vp and deckte hirself with hir apparell and wente in and stode before him And Holofernes hert was whole moued so that he brent in desyre towarde her And Holofernes sayde vnto her drynke now and sytt downe and be mery for thou hast founde fauoure before me Then sayde Iudith Syr I wil drynke for my mynde is meryer to daye then euer it was in all my life And she toke and ate and dranke before him the thinges that hir mayden had prepared for her And Holofernes was mery w t her and dranke more wyne then euer he dyd afore in his life The XIII Chapter NOw whan it was late in the night his seruauntes made haist euery mā to his lodginge And Vagao shutt the chamber dores and wente his waye for they were all ouerladen with wyne So was Iudith alone in the chamber As for Holofernes he laye vpon the bed all droncken and of very dronkennes fell a slepe Then commaunded Iudith hir mayden to stōde without before the dore and to wayte And Iudith stode before the bed makynge hir prayer with teares and moued hir lippes secretly and sayde Strength me O LORDE God of Israel and haue respecte vnto the workes of my handes in this houre that thou mayest set vp thy cite of Ierusalem like as thou hast promysed O graunte that by the I maye perfourme the thinge which I haue deuysed thorow the beleue that I haue in the. And whan she had spoken this she wente to the bedsteade and lowsed the swerde that hanged vpon it and drew it out Then toke she holde of the hairie lockes of his heade and sayde Strength me o LORDE God in this houre and with that she gaue him two strokes vpon the neck and smote of his heade Then toke she the canapy awaye and rolled the deed body asyde Immediatly she gat her forth and delyuered the head of Holofernes vnto hir mayden and bad hir put it in hir walett And so these two wente forth together after their custome as though they wolde praye and so passed by the hoost and came thorow the valley vnto the porte of the cite And Iudith cried a farre of vnto y e watch men vpon the walles Open the gates sayde she for God is with vs which hath shewed his power in Israel And whan they herde hir voyce they called the elders of the cite together And they came all to mete her litle greate yonge olde for they thought not that she shulde haue come so soone So they lighted candels and gathered aboute hir euaerichone but she wente vp into an hye place and caused sylence to be proclamed Whan euery man now helde his tonge Iudith sayde O prayse the LORDE oure God for he hath not despysed ner forsaken them that put their trust in him and in me his honde mayden he hath perfourmed his mercy which he promysed vnto the house of Israel yee in my hāde this same night hath he slayne the enemy of his people And with that she toke forth the heade of Holofernes out of the walett and shewed it them sayenge Beholde the heade of Holofernes the captayne of the Assiriās and this is the canapy wherin he laye in his dronkennes where the LORDE oure God hath slayne him by the hande of a woman But as truly as the LORDE lyueth his angell hath kepte me goinge thither remayninge there and commynge hither agayne from thence And the LORDE hath not suffred me his handmayden to be defyled but without eny fylthynes of synne hath he brought me agayne vnto you y t with greate victory so that I am escaped and ye delyuered O geue thankes vnto him euerychone for he is gracious and his mercy endureth for euer So they praysed the LORDE alltogether and gaue thākes vnto him And to her they sayde The LORDE hath blessed the in his power for thorow the he hath brought oure enemies to naught And Ozias y e chefe ruler of the people of Israel sayde vnto her Blessed art thou of the LORDE the hye God aboue all wemen vpon earth Blessed be the LORDE the maker of heauen and earth which hath gyded y e a right to wounde and to smyte of the heade of the captayne of oure enemies For this daye he hath made thy name so honorable that thy prayse shall neuer come out of the mouth of mē which shal all waye remembre y e power of the LORDE seinge thou hast not spared thine owne self but put the in ieoperdy consideringe the anguysh and trouble of thy people and so hast helped their fall before God o r LORDE And all the people sayde Amē Amen Achior also was called he came Then sayde Iudith vnto him The God of Israel vnto whō thou gauest wytnes that he wolde be auenged of his enemies euen he hath this night thorow my hande smyttē of the head of all the vnfaithfull And that thou mayest se that it so is beholde this is y e heade of Holofernes which in his presumptuous pryde despysed the God of the people of Israel and threatened y e with destruccion sayenge whan the people of Israel is takē I shall cause the also to be stickte with the swerde Whan Achior sawe Holofernes heade ▪ he fell downe vpon his face to the grounde for very anguish feare so y t he swowned with all But after that he was come agayne to himself he fell downe before her praysed her sayēge Blessed art thou of thy God in all the tabernacles of Iacob for all the people that heare of thy name shall prayse the God of Israel because of the. The XIIII Chapter IVdith saide vnto all the people Brethren heare me Styck vp this heade vpon oure walles and whan the Sonne aryseth take euery man his weapen and fall out violently not as though ye wolde go besyde them but to renne vpon them with violence Whan the spyes in the tētes se this they shall of necessite be cōpelled to fle bacwarde and to rayse vp their captayne to the battayll So whā their captaynes come in to Holofernes pauylion and fynde the deed body wrapped in the bloude fearfulnes shall fall vpon them and whan ye perceaue that they fle folowe them without all care for God shal delyuer them vnto you to be destroyed Then Achior seynge the power of God which he had shewed vnto the people of Israel fell of from his Heithenish beleue and put his trust in God and let him self be circumcided and so was he nombred amonge the people of Israel he and all his posterite vnto this daye Now as soone as it was
wonderous thinge so euer is vnder the heauen thou art LORDE of all thinges and there is no man y t can resist the O LORDE Thou knowest all thinges thou wotest LORDE that it was nether of malyce ner presumpcion ner for eny desyre of glory that I wolde not bowe downe myself ner worshipe yonder proude presumptuous Aman for I wolde haue bene cōtent and y t with good wyll yf it might haue done Israel eny good to haue kyst euē his fotesteppes but that I dyd it because I wolde not sett the honoure of a mā in the steade of the glorye of God and because I wolde worshipe none but onely y e my LORDE And this haue I done in no pryde ner presumpcion And therfore O LORDE thou God and kinge haue mercy vpon thy people for they ymagyn how they maye bringe vs to naught yee their mynde and desyre is to destroye and to ouerthrowe the people that hath euer bene thine enheritaunce of olde O despyse not thy porciō which thou hast delyuered brought out of Egipte for thine owne self Heare my prayer and be mercifull vnto y e people whō thou hast chosen for an heretage vnto thyself Turne oure complaynte and sorow in to ioye that we maye lyue O LORDE and prayse thy name O LORDE suffre not y e mouthes of them that praise the to be destroyed All y e people of Israel in like maner cried as earnestly as they coude vnto the LORDE for their death and destruccion stode before their eyes The XIIII Chapter Of the sorowe complaynte and prayer of quene Hester QVene Hester also beynge in the battayll of death resorted vnto the LORDE layed awaye hir glorious apparell and put on the garmētes that serued for sighinge and mournynge In the steade of precious oyntment she scatred ashes and dōge vpon hir heade and as for hir body she humbled it and brought it very lowe All the places where she was wōte to haue ioye afore those fylled she with y e hayre y t she pluc●● out hirself She prayed also vnto the LORDE God of Israel with these wordes O my LORDE thou onely art oure kynge helpe me desolate womā which haue no helper but y e for my misery and destruccion is harde at my hande Fro my youth vp I haue herde out of the kynred of my father that thou tokest Israel from amōge all people and so haue oure fathers of their fore elders that they shulde be thy perpetuall inheritaunce and loke what thou didest promise thē thou hast made it good vnto thē Now well LORDE we haue synned before the therfore hast thou geuen vs in to the hādes of oure enemies because we worshipped their goddes LORDE thou art righteous Neuertheles it satisfieth thē not that we are in bytter and heuy captiuyte and oppressed amonge them but thou hast layed their hondes vpon the hondes of their goddes so that they begynne to take awaye the thinge that thou with thy mouth hast ordened and appoynted to destroye thyne inheritaunce to shut and to stoppe y e mouthes of them that prayse the to quēch the glory and worshipe of thy house and thine aulter and to open the mouthes of the Heithen y t they maye prayse the power vertue of the goddes and to magnifie the fleshly kynge for euer O LORDE geue not thy cepter vnto thē that be nothinge lest they laugh vs to scorne in oure misery and fall but turne their deuyce vpō them selues and punysh him that hath begonne the same ouer vs and set him to an exampls Thinke vpon vs O LORDE and shew thy self in y e tyme of oure distres and of oure trouble Strength me O thou kynge of goddes thou LORDE of all power geue me an eloquēt and pleasaunt speach in my mouth before the Lyon Turne his hert in to y e hate of oure enemie to destroye him and all soch as consent vnto him But delyuer vs with thy hande and helpe me desolate woman which haue no defence ner helper but onely ye. LORDE thou knowest all thinges thou wotest that I loue not the glory and worshipe of the vnrighteous and that I hate and abhorre the bed of the vncircūcyded and of all Heithen Thou knowest and wotest my necessite y t I hate the token of my preemynence worshipe which I beare vpon my heade what tyme as I must shew my self and be sene that I abhorre it as an vncleane cloth and that I weere it not whā I am quyete and alone by my self Thou knowest also that I thy honde mayden haue not eaten at Amās table and that I haue had no pleasure ner delyte in the kynges feast that I haue not dronke the drynk offeringes and that I thy honde mayden haue had not ioye sens y e daie that I was brought hither vnto this daye but onely in the O LORDE O thou God of Abraham O thou mightie God aboue all heare the voyce of them that haue none other hope and delyuer vs out of the hande of y e wicked delyuer me out of my feare The XV. Chapter Quene Hester appeareth before the kynge with an heuy hert for the trouble of hir people and God turneth the kynges hert ANd vpon y e thirde daye it happened that Hester layed awaye y e mournynge garmētes and put on hir glorious apparell and decte hirself goodly after that she had called vpon God which is the beholder Sauioure of all thinges toke two maydes w t her vpon the one she leaned hir self as one y t was tender the other folowed her and bare the trayne of hir vesture The shyne of hir bewtye made hir face rose coloured The similitude of hir face was chearfull and amyable but hir hert was soroufull for greate feare She wente in thorow all the dores and stode before the kynge The kynge sat vpon the trone of his kingdome and was clothed in his goodly araye all of golde and sett w t precious stones and he was very terryble He lift vp his face that shone in the clearnes and loked grymly vpon her Then fell the Quene downe was pale and faynt leaned hir self vpon the heade of the mayde that wente with her Neuertheles God turned y e kynges mynde that he was gentle that he leape out of his seate for feare and gat her in his armes helde hir vp tyll she came to herself agayne He gaue her louynge wordes also sayde vnto her Hester what is the matter I am y e brother be of good cheare thou shalt not dye for oure commaundement toucheth the comons not the. Come nye And with that he helde vp his golden wande and layed it vpon hir neck and enbraced her frendly and sayde talke with me Thē sayde she I sawe the O lorde as an angell of God my hert was troubled for feare of thy maiesty and clearnesse For excellent and wonderfull art thou O lorde and thy face is full of amyte But as she was thus
starres the natures kindes of beastes the furiousnesse of beastes the power of y e wyndes the ymaginacions of mē the deuersities of yonge plantes the vertues of rootes all soch thinges as are secrete not loked for haue I lerned For the worckmaster of all thinges hath taught me wyszdome In hir is y e sprete of vnderstādinge which is holy manifolde one onely sotyll curteous discrete quyck vndefyled playne swete louynge the thinge y t is good sharpe which forbyddeth not to do well gētle kynde stedfast sure fre hauynge all vertues circūspecte in all thinges receauinge all spretes of vnderstādinge beīge cleane sharpe For wiszdome is neembler thē all neēble thīges she goeth thorow attayneth to all thīges because of hir clennes For she is y e breth of y e power of God a pure cleane expressinge of y e clearnes of Allmightie God Therfore can no vndefyled thinge come in to her for she is y e bryghtnes of y e euerlastīge light y e vndefiled myrro r of y e maiesty of God y e ymage of his goodnesse And for so moch as she is one she maie do all thinges beinge stedfast herself she renueth all amōge y e people cōveyeth she herself in to y e holy soules She maketh Gods frendes p●ophetes for God loueth no mā but him in whō wyszdome dwelleth For she is more beutyfull then the Sonne and geueth more light then the starres and the daye is not to be cōpared vnto her for vpō y e daye cōmeth night But wickednesse can not ouer come wyszdome and foolishnes maye not be w t her The VIII Chapter WYszdome reacheth frō one ende to another mightely louīgly doth she ordre all thinges I haue loued her and laboured for her euē fro my youth vp I dyd my diligēce to mary my self w t her soch loue had I vnto hir beutye Who so hath y e cōpany of God cōmēdeth hir nobilyte yee the LORDE of all thinges himself loueth her For she is y e scolemastresse of y e nurto r of God y e choser out of his workes Yf a man wolde desyre riches in this life what is richer then wiszdome y e worketh all thīges Thou wilt saye vnderstādinge worketh What is it amōge all thinges y t worketh more thē wyszdome Yf a man loue vertue righteousnes let him labo r for wyszdome for she hath greate vertues And why she teacheth sobernes prudence righteousnes strēgh which are soch thinges as mē can haue nothinge more profitable in their life Yf a mā desyre moch knowlege she cā tell y e thinges y t are past discerne thinges for to come she knoweth y e sotilties of wordes cā expoūde darcke sentēces She can tell of tokēs wōderous thinges or euer they come to passe the endes of all tymes ages So I purposed after this maner I will take her vnto my cōpany comō louīgly w t her no doute she shal geue me good coūcell speake cōfortably vnto me in my carefulnes grefe For hir sake shal I be well and honestly taken amōge the comōs lordes of y e councell Though I be yonge yet shal I haue sharpe vnderstandinge so y t I shal be maruelous in y e sight of greate mē y e faces of prynces shal wōder at me Whā I holde my tōge they shal byde my leysure whā I speake they shal loke vpō me yf I talke moch they shal laye their handes vpō their mouth Morouer by the meanes of her I shal optayne immortalite and leaue behinde me an euerlastinge memoriall amōge thē y t come after me I shal set y e people in ordre the nacions shal be subdued vnto me Horrible tyrauntes shal be afrayed whan they do but heare of me amonge the multitude I shal be counted good mightie in battayll Whā I come home I shal fynde rest w t her for hir cōpany hath no bytternes hir felashipe hath no tediousnesse but myrth ioye Now whan I cōsidered these thinges by myself pondered them in my hert how y t to be ioyned vnto wyszdome is immortalite greate pleasure to haue hir frendshipe how y t in the workes of hir handes are infinite riches how that who so kepeth company w t her shal be wyse and that he which talketh with her shal come to honoure I wente aboute sekynge to gett her vnto me For I was a ladd of a rype wytt and had a good vnderstandinge But whan I grewe to more vnderstādinge I came to an vndefyled body Neuertheles whan I perceaued that I coude not kepe myself chaist excepte God gaue it me y t was a poynte of wyszdome also to knowe whose gift it was I stepte vnto the LORDE and besought him and with my whole hert I sayde after this maner The IX Chapter O God of my fathers LORDE of mercies thou y t hast made all thīges w t y i worde ordeyned mā thorow thy wyszdome y t he shulde haue dominiō ouer y e creature which thou hast made y t he shulde ordre y e worlde acordinge to equite righteousnes execute iudgmēt w t a true hert geue me wyszdome which is euer aboute y e seate put me not out frō amōge y e children for I thy seruaunt sonne of y e handmayden am a feble personne of a shorte tyme and to yōge to the vnderstandinge of iudgment and y e lawes And though a man be neuer so parfecte amonge the children of men yet yf thy wyszdome be not with him he shal be nothinge regarded But thou hast chosen me to be a kynge vnto y e people and the iudge of thy sonnes and daughters Thou hast cōmaunded me to buylde a temple vpon y e holy mount an aulter in the cite wherin thou dwellest a licknesse of thy holy tabernacle which thou hast prepared frō the beginnynge and thy wyszdome with y e which knoweth y e workes which also was w t y e whan thou maydest y e worlde knew what was acceptable in thy sight right in thy commaundementes O sende her out of thy holy heauens and from the trone of thy maiesty that she maye be with me laboure with me that I maye knowe what is acceptable in y e sight For she knoweth and vnderstandeth all thinges and she shal lede me soberly in my workes and preserue me in hir power So shal my workes be acceptable then shal I gouerne thy people righteously be worthy to syt in my fathers seate For what man is he that maye knowe the councell of God Or who can thinke what the will of God is For the thoughtes of mortall men are miserable oure forecastes are but vncertayne And why a mortall and corruptible body is heuy vnto the soule and the earthy mansion kepeth downe the vnderstandinge y t museth vpon many thinges Very hardly
can we discerne the thinges that are vpon earth and greate labo r haue we or we can fynde the thinges which are before oure eyes Who will then seke out the groūde of the thinges that are done in heauē Oh LORDE who cā haue knowlege of y e vnderstandinge and meaninge excepte thou geue wyszdome and sende thy holy goost frō aboue that the wayes of them which are vpon earth maye be refourmed y t men maye lerne y e thinges that are pleasaunt vnto the and be preserued thorow wyszdome The X. Chapter WYszdome preserued y e first mā whō God made a father of the worlde whā he was created alone brought him out of his offence toke him out of the moulde of y e earth gaue him power to rule all thinges Whan the vnrighteous wente awaye in his wrath from this wyszdome y e brotherheade perished thorow y e wrath of murthur Agayne whā y e water destroyed y e whole worlde wyszdome preserued the righteous thorow a poore tre wherof she was gouerner herself Morouer whā wickednes had gotten y e vpperhande so y t the nacions were puft vp with pryde she knewe y e righteous preserued him fautlesse vnto God and layed vp sure mercy for his children She preserued the righteous whan he fled from the vngodly y t perished what tyme as y e fyre fell downe vpon y e v. cities Like as yet this daye the vnfrutefull waist and smokinge lōde geueth testimony of their wickednesse yee the vnripe and vntymely frutes that growe vpon the trees And for a tokē of a remembraunce of the vnfaithfull soule there standeth a piler of salt For all soch as regarded not wyszdome gat not only this hurte that they knewe not the thinges which were good but also left behinde them vnto mē a memoriall of their foolishnes so y t in the thinges wherin they synned they coude not be hydd But as for soch as take hede vnto wyszdome she shal delyuer them from sorowe Whan the righteous fled because of his brothers wrath wyszdome led him the right waye shewed him y e kyngdome of God gaue him knowlege of holy thinges made him riche in his laboures and brought to passe the thinges that he wente aboute In y e disceatfulnes of soch as defrauded him she stode by him made him ryche She saued him from the enemies and defended him from y e disceauers She made him stronge in battayll and gaue him the victory y t he might knowe how that wyszdome is stronger then all thinges Whan the righteous was solde she forsoke him not but delyuered him frō synners She wente downe with him in to the dongeon and fayled him not in the bandes tyll she had brought him the cepter of y e realme and power agaynst those that oppressed him As for them that had accused him she declared them to be lyers brought him to perpetuall worshipe She delyuered the righteous people and fautlesse sede from the nacions that oppressed them She entred in to the soule of the seruaunt of God and stode by him in wonders and tokens agaynst the horrible kynge She gaue y e righteous the rewarde of their labours led them forth a maruelous waye on the daye tyme she was a shadowe vnto them and a light of starres in the night season She brought them thorow the reed see and caried them thorow the greate water She drowned their enemies in the see and brought them out of the depe So the righteous toke the spoyles of the vngodly and praysed thy holy name o LORDE and magnified thy victorious hād with one acorde For wyszdome openeth the mouth of y e domme maketh y e tonges of babes to speake The XI Chapter SHe ordred their workes in the hādes of the holy prophet so y t they wente thorow y e wyldernes y t was not inhabited pitched their tētes in y e waist deserte They stode agaynst their enemies were auenged of their aduersaries Whā they were thirstie they called vpō y e water was geuē them out of y e rok their thirst slockened out of y e harde stone For by y e thinges where thorow their enemies were punished were they helped in their nede For vnto the enemies thou gauest mās bloude in steade of lyuynge water And where as they had scarcenesse in y e rebuke whan the children were slayne thou gauest vnto thine awne a plenteous water vnloked for declaringe by the thyrst y t was at that tyme how thou woldest bringe thine awne vnto hono r slaye their aduersaries For whan they were tryed nourtured w t fatherly mercy they knowleged how the vngodly were iudged and punyshed thorow y e wrath of God These hast thou exorted as a father proued thē but vnto y e other thou hast bene a boysteous kynge layed hard to their charge condēned thē Whether they were absent or present their punyshmēt was alyke For their grefe was dubble namely mournynge and y e remēbraunce of thinges past But whā they perceaued y t their punishmētes dyd thē good they thought vpon the LORDE wondered at y e ende For at the last they helde moch of him of whō in y e out castinge they thought scorne as of an abiecte Neuerthelesse y e righteous dyd not so when they were thirstie but euenlike as y e thoughtes of y e foolish were so was also their wickednes Where as certayne mē now thorow erro r dyd worshipe dommeserpentes vayne beestes thou sendedst a multitude of domme beastes vpon them for a vengeaunce y t they might knowe that loke where withall a mā synneth by the same also shal he be punyshed For vnto thy allmighty hande that made the worlde of naught it was not vnpossible to sende amonge them an heape of Beeres or woode lyōs or cruell beastes of a straūge kynde soch as are vnknowne or spoute fyre or cast out a smokinge breth or shote horrible sparkes out of their eyes which might not only destroye them with hurtinge but also kyll them with their horrible sight Yee without these beestes might they haue bene slayne with one winde beynge persecuted of their awne workes and scatered abrode thorow the breth of thy power Neuertheles thou hast ordred all thinges in measure nōbre weight For thou hast euer had greate strēgth might who maye withstōde y e power of thine arme And why like as y e small thynge y t y e balaunce weyeth so is y e worlde before y e yee as a droppe of y e morninge dew that falleth downe vpon the earth Thou hast mercy vpon all for thou hast power of all thynges and makest the as though thou sawest not the sinnes of mē because they shulde amende For thou louest all the thinges that are and hatest none of thē whō thou hast made nether didest thou ordeyne or make eny thinge of
euell will How might eny thinge endure yf it wer not y e will Or how coude eny thinge be preserued excepte it were called of y e But thou sparest all for all are thine o LORDE thou louer of soules The XII Chapter O LORDE how gracious swete is thy sprete in all thinges Therfore chastenest thou thē measurably that go wrōge and warnest them concernynge the thinges wherin they offende thou speakest vnto them o LORDE and exortest thē to leaue their wickednes and to put their trust in the. As for those olde inhabiters of thy holy londe thou mightest not awaye with them for they commytted abhominable workes agaynst the as wytch craft sorcery and Idolatry they slew their owne children without mercy they ate vp mens bowels and deuoured the bloude Yee because of soch abhominaciōs myszbeleues offeringes thou slewest the fathers of the desolate soules by the handes of oure fathers that y e londe which thou louest aboue all other might be a dwellinge for the childrē of God Neuertheles thou sparedest thē also as mē sendedst y e forerūners of thyne hoost euē hornettes to destroye thē out by lytle litle Not y t thou wast vnable to subdue y e vngodly vnto y e righteous in battayll or with cruell beestes or w t one rough worde to destroye thē together But y e mynde was to dryue thē out by lytle litle geuinge thē time place to amende knowinge well y t it was an vnrighteous nacion wicked of nature y t their thought might neuer be altered For it was a cursed sede from y e begynnynge feared no mā Yet hast thou pardoned their synnes For who wyl saye vnto the why hast thou done y t Or who wyl stōde agaynst thy iudgmēt Or who wil come before y e face an auēger of vnrighteous mē Or who wil blame y e yf y e people perish whō thou hast made For there is none other God but thou y t carest for all thinges y t thou mayest declare how y t y e iudgmēt is not vnright There darre nether kīge ner tyraūt in y e sight requyre accōptes of them whō thou hast destroyed For so moch thē as thou art righteous y e self thou ordrest all thīges righteously punishest euē hī y t hath not deserued to be punyshed takest him for a straūger an aleaunt in y e lōde of y e power For y e power is y e beginnynge of righteousnes and because thou art LORDE of all thinges therfore art thou gracious vnto all Whan men thinke y e not to be of a full strength thou declarest y e power boldly delyuerest thou them ouer y t knowe y e not But thou LORDE of power iudgest quyetly and ordrest us with greate worshipe for thou mayest do as thou wilt By soch workes now hast thou taught thy people that a mā also shulde be iust and louynge and hast made thy childrē to be of a good hope for euen when thou iudgest thou geuest rowme to amende from synnes For in so moch as thou hast punyshed and w t soch diligence delyuered y e enemies of thy seruaūtes which were worthy to dye where thorow thou gauest thē tyme place of amēdement y t they might turne frō their wickednes w t how greate diligence then punyshest thou thine awne childrē vnto whose fathers thou hast sworne made couenaūtes of good promises So where as thou doest but chasten vs thou punyshest o r enemies dyuerse wayes to y e intēt y t whā we punysh we shulde remēbre y e goodnesse whan we o r selues are punyshed to put oure trust in thy mercy Wherfore where as men haue lyued ignoraūtly vnrighteously thou hast punyshed thē sore euē thorow y e same thinges that they worshipped For they wente astraye very lōge in y e waye of erro r helde y e beestes which euē their enemies despysed for goddes lyuynge as children of no vnderstandinge Therfore hast thou sent a scornefull punyshment amonge them as amonge the chidrē of ignoraunce As for soch as wolde not be refourmed by those scornes rebukes they felt the worthy punishmēt of God For y e thinges y t they suffred they bare thē vnpaciētly beinge not contēt in them but vnwyllinge And whan they peryshed by y e same thinges that they toke for goddes they knowleged then that there was but one true God whom afore they wolde not knowe therfore came y e ende of their dampnacion vpon them The XIII Chapter VAyne are all men which haue not y e knowlege of God as were they that out of the good thinges which are sene knewe not him that of himself is euerlastinge Nether toke they so moch regarde of the workes that are made as to knowe who was the craftesman of them but some toke the fyre some the wynde or ayre some y e course of y e starres some y e water some toke Sonne and Moone or the lightes of heauen which rule y e earth for goddes But though they had soch pleasure in their beuty that they thought them to haue bene goddes yet shulde they haue knowne how moch more fayrer he is that made them For the maker of beuty hath ordened all these thinges Or yf they marueled at the power and workes of thē they shulde haue perceaued therby y t he which made these thinges is mightier then they For by the greatnesse beutye of the creature y e maker therof maye playnely be knowne Notwithstondinge they are the lesse to be blamed that sought God wolde haue founde him and yet myssed And why for so moch as they wēte aboute in his workes and sought after them it is a tokē that they regarded and helde moch of his workes y t are sene howbeit they are not wholy to be excused For yf their vnderstondinge and knowlege was so greate y t they coude discerne the worlde and y e creatures why dyd they not rather fynde out y e LORDE therof But vnhappie are they and amonge the deed is their hope that call thē God which are but the workes of mens handes golde syluer and the thinge that is founde out by connynge the similitude of beastes or eny vayne stone that hath bene made by hande of olde Or as whan a carpenter cutteth downe a tre out of the wodd and pareth of the barck of it connyngly and so with the one parte maketh a vessell to be vsed and dighteth meate with the residue As for the other parte that is left which is profitable for nothinge for it is a croked pece of wodd and full of knobbes he carueth it diligently thorow his vanite and acordinge to the knowlege of his connynge he geueth it some proporcion fashioneth it after the similitude of a man or maketh it like some beest straketh it ouer with reed and paynteth it and loke what foule spot is in it he casteth some coloure vpon it Then
maketh he a conueniēt tabernacle for it setteth it in the wall and maketh it fast with yron prouydinge so for it lest it happē to fall for it is well knowne that it can not helpe it self And why it is but an ymage and must of necessite be helped Then goeth he and offreth of his goodes vnto it for his children and for his wife he seketh helpe at it he axeth councell at it he is not ashamed to speake vnto it y t hath no soule for health he maketh his peticion vnto him that is sicke for life he prayeth vnto him that is deed he calleth vpon him for helpe that is not able to helpe him self to sende him a good iourneye he prayeth him that maye not go And in all the thinges y t he taketh in hande whether it be to optayne eny thinge or to worke he prayeth vnto him that can do maner of good The XIIII Chapter AGayne another mā purposinge to sayle begīnynge to take his iourney thorow y e raginge see calleth for helpe vnto a stock y t is farre weaker thē y e tre y t beareth him For as for it coueteousnesse of moneye hath founde it out y e craftesmā made it w t his connynge But y e prouydence O father gouerneth all thinges frō y e begynnynge for thou hast made a waye in y e see a sure path in the myddest of y e wawes declaringe therby y t thou hast power to helpe in all thinges yee though a man wente to the see without shippe Neuerthelesse y t y e workes of y e wyszdome shulde not be vaine thou hast caused an arke to be made therfore do men commytte their lyues to a small pece of wod passinge ouer the see in a shyppe are saued For in the olde tyme also whā the proude giauntes perished he in whō the hope was left to increase y e worlde wēte in to the shippe which was gouerned thorow thy hande so left sede behinde him vnto y e worlde For happie is y e tre where thorow righteousnes cōmeth but cursed is the ymage of wod y t is made w t hādes yee both it he y t made it He because he made it it because it was called God where as it is but a frayle thinge For the vngodly his vngodlynes are both like abhominable vnto God Euen so y e worke he y t made it also shal be punyshed together Therfore shal there a plage come vpon the ymages of the Heithen for out of the creature of God they are become an abhominacion a temptacion vnto the soules of men and a snare for the fete of the vnwyse And why the sekinge out of ymages is the beginnynge of whordome and the bringinge vp of them is the destruccion of life For they were not from the begynnynge nether shall they cōtinue for euer The welthy ydilnes of men hath founde them out vpon earth therfore shal they come shortly to an ende Whē a father mourned for his sonne y t was taken awaye frō him he made him an ymage in all y e haist of his deed sonne so begāne to worshipe him as God which was but a deed mā ordened his seruauntes to offre vnto him Thus by processe of tyme thorow lōge custome this erro r was kepte as a lawe tyraūtes cōpelled mē by violēce to hono r ymages As for those y t were so farre of y t mē migt not worshipe them presently their picture was brought frō farre like the ymage of a kynge whō they wolde honoure to the intent that with greate diligence they might worshipe him which was farre of as though he had bene present Agayne the syngular connyn be of the craftesman gaue the ignoraunt also a greate occasiō to worshipe ymages For the workman wyllinge to do him a pleasure that sett him a worke laboured with all his connynge to make the ymage of the best fashion And so thorow the beuty of the worke the comon people was disceaued in so moch that they toke him now for a God which a litle afore was but honored as a man And this was the erroure of mans life whan men ether for to serue their owne affeccion or to do some pleasure vnto kinges ascrybed vnto stones and stockes the name of God which ought to be geuen vnto no man Morouer this was not ynough for them that they erred in the knowlege of God but where as they lyued in the greate warres of ignoraunce those many and greate plages called they peace For ether they slewe their awne children and offred them or dyd sacrifice in the night season or els helde vnreasonable watches so that they kepte nether life ner mariage cleane but ether one slewe another to death maliciously or els greued his neghboure w t aduoutrie And thus were all thinges myxte together bloude manslaughter theft dissimulacion corrupcion vnfaithfulnesse sedicion periury disquyetinge of good men vnthākfulnes defylinge of soules chaūginge of byrth vnstedfastnesse of mariage mysordre of aduoutrie and vnclennesse And why the honouringe of abhominable ymages is the cause the begynuynge and ende of all euell For they y t worshipe Idols either they are madd whā they be mery or prophecie lyes or lyue vngodly or els lightly man-sweare them selues For in so moch as their trust is in y e Idols which haue nether soule ner vnderstondinge though they sweare falsely yet they thinke it shal not hurte them Therfore commeth a greate plage vpon them and that worthely for they haue an euell opiniō of God geuinge hede vnto Idols swearinge vniustly to disceaue and dispysinge righteousnes For their swearinge is no vertue but a plage of them that synne and goeth euer with the offence of the vngodly The XV. Chapter BVt thou O o r God art swete longe sufferinge and true and in mercy ordrest thou all thinges Though we synne yet are we thine for we knowe thy strength Yf we synne not then are we sure that thou regardest vs. For to knowe the is parfecte righteousnes Yee to knowe y e righteousnes and power is the rote of immortalite As for the thinge that men haue founde out thorow theyr euell science it hath not disceaued vs as the payntinge of the picture an vnprofitable laboure and carued ymage with diuerse colours whose sight entiseth the ignoraunt so that he honoureth and loueth the picture of a deed ymage that hath no soule Neuertheles they that loue soche euell thinges are worthy of death they that trust in them they that make them they that loue them and they that honoure them The potter also taketh tempereth soft earth laboureth it and geueth it the fashion of a vessell what so euer serueth for oure vse and so of one pece of claye he maketh some cleane vessel for seruice and some contrary But where to euery vessell serueth that knoweth y e potter himself So with his vayne laboure he
of the LORDE is the rote of wyszdome and hir braunches are longe life In the treasures of wyszdome is vnderstondinge and deuocion of knowlege but wyszdome is abhorred of synners The feare of the LORDE dryueth out synne for he that is without feare can not be made righteous his wilfull boldnes is his owne destruccion A paciēt man wyl suffre vnto the tyme and thē shal he haue y e rewarde of ioye A good vnderstōdinge wil hyde his wordes for a tyme and many mēs lippes shal speake of his wyszdome In the treasures of wyszdome is the declaracion of doctrine but the synner abhorreth the worshipe of God My sonne yf thou desyre wiszdome kepe the commaundement and God shal geue her vnto the for the feare of the LORDE is wyszdome nurtoure he hath pleasure in faith and louynge mekenesse and he shal fyll the treasures therof Be not obstinate and vnfaithfull to the feare of the LORDE and come not vnto him with a duble hert Be not an ypocrite in the sight of men and take good hede what thou speakest Marck well these thinges lest thou happen to fall and brynge thy soule to dishonoure and so God discouer thy secretes and cast the downe in the myddest of the congregacion because thou woldest not receaue the feare of God and because thy hert is full of faynednes and disceate The II. Chapter MY sonne yf thou wilt come in to y e seruyce of God stonde fast in rightousnes and feare arme thy soule to tentacion sattle thine hert and be paciēt bowe downe thine eare receaue the wordes of vnderstondinge and shrencke not awaye whan thou art entysed Holde the fast vpon God ioyne thy self vnto him suffre that thy life maye encreace at the last What so euer happeneth vnto the receaue it suffre in heuynesse and be pacient in thy trouble For like as golde and syluer are tryed in the fyre euen so are acceptable men in the fornace of aduersite Beleue in God and he shal helpe the ordre thy waie a right and put thy trust in him Holde fast his feare and growe therin ▪ O ye y t feare the LORDE take sure holde of his mercy shrencke not awaye frō him that ye fall not O ye that feare y e LORDE beleue him and youre rewarde shall not be emptye O ye that feare y e LORDE put youre trust in him mercy shal come vnto you for pleasure O ye y t feare y e LORDE set yo r loue vpō him yo r hertes shal be lightened Considre the olde generacions of men o ye children and marck them well was there euer eny one confounded that put his trust in the LORDE Who euer contynued in his feare and was forsaken Or whom dyd he euer despyse that called faithfully vpō him For God is gracious and mercifull he forgeueth synnes in y e tyme of trouble and is a defender for all them y t seke him in y e trueth Wo be vnto him that hath a dubble hert wicked lippes and euell occupied handes to the synner y t goeth two maner of waies Wo be vnto them that are lowse of hert which put not their trust in God and therfore shal they not be defended of him Wo be vnto them that haue lost pacience forsaken the right wayes and are turned back in to frowarde wayes What wyl they do whan the LORDE shal begynne to vyset thē They that feare y e LORDE wil not mystrust his worde and they that loue him wyl kepe his commaundement They that feare the LORDE wyl seke out y e thinges that are pleasaunt vnto him and they that loue him shal fulfill his lawe They that feare y e LORDE wil prepare their hertes and hūble their soules in his sight They that feare the LORDE kepe his commaundementes and wil be pacient tyll they se himself sayenge better it is for vs to fall in to the handes of y e LORDE then in to the hādes of men for his mercy is as greate as him self The III. Chapter THe children of wyszdome are a cōgregacion of the righteous and their exercise is obedience and loue Heare me youre father o my deare children and do there after that ye maie be safe For the LORDE wil haue the father honoured of the children and loke what a mother commaūdeth hir children to do he wil haue it kepte Who so honoureth his father his synnes shall be forgeuē him and he that honoureth his mother is like one that gathereth treasure together Who so honoureth his father shal haue ioye of his owne children whan he maketh his prayer he shal be herde He that honoureth his father shall haue a longe life he that is obedient for y e LORDES sake his mother shal haue ioye of him He that feareth the LORDE honoureth his father and mother and doth them seruyce as it were vnto the LORDE himself Honoure thy father in dede in worde and in all pacience that thou mayest haue his blessinge for the blessinge of y e father buyldeth vp the houses of the children but the mothers curse roteth out the foundacions Reioyse not whan thy father is reproued for it is no honoure vnto the but a shame For the worshipe of a mans father is his awne worshipe and where the father is without honoure it is the dishonesty of the sonne My sonne make moch of thy father in his age and greue him not as longe as he lyueth And yf his vnderstandinge fayle haue pacience w t him despyse him not in thy strength For the good dede that thou shewest vnto thy father shall not be forgotten and whan thou thy self wantest it shall be rewarded the and for thy mothers offence thou shalt be recompensed with good yee it shal be founded for the in righteousnes and in the daye of trouble thou shalt be remembred thy synnes also shall melt awaye like as the yse in y e fayre warme wether He y t forsaketh his father shall come to shame he that defyeth his mother is cursed of God My sonne perfourme y e workes w t louynge mekenesse so shalt thou be loued aboue other men The greater thou art the more hūble thy self in all thinges and thou shalt fynde fauo r in the sight of God For greate power belongeth onely vnto God he is honoured of the lowly Seke not out the thinges that are aboue thy capacite and search not the grounde of soch thinges as are to mightie for the but loke what God hath commaunded the thinke vpō that allwaye and be not curious in many of his workes For it is not nedefull for the to se w t thine eyes y e thinges y t are secrete Make not thou to moch search in superfluous thinges and be not curious in many of his workes for many thinges are shewed vnto the allready which be aboue y e capacite of men The medlinge with soch hath begyled
many a man and tangled their wyttes in vanite Now he that loueth parell shal per●sh therin An harde herte shall fayre euell at y e last an hert that goeth two wayes shal not prospere he that is frowarde of hert wyll euer be the worse and worse A wicked hert shall be ladē w t sorowes and y e vngodly sinner wyll heape one synne vpon another The councell of the proude hath no health for y e plante of synne shal be roted out in thē The hert of h●m y t hath vnderstandinge shal perceaue hye thinges and a good eare wil gladly herken vnto wyszdome An hert that is wyse hath vnderstādinge wyl abstayne from synnes and increase in the workes of righteousnes Water quencheth burnynge fyre mercy reconcyleth synnes God hath respecte vnto him y t is thankfull he thinketh vpon him agaynst the tyme to come so that whan he falleth he shal fynde a stronge holde The IIII. Chapter MY sonne defraude not the poore of his almes and turne not awaye thine eyes from him that hath nede Despise not an hongrie soule and defye not the poore in his necessite greue not the hert of him that is helplesse and withdrawe not the gift from y e nedefull Refuse not the prayer of one that is in trouble and turne not awaye thy face from the nedy Cast not thine eyes asyde frō y e poore y t thou geue him not occasion to speake euell of the. For yf he complayne of y t in the bytternes of his soule his prayer shal be herde euē he y t made him shal heare him Be curteous vnto y e company of the poore humble thy soule vnto the elder bowe downe y e heade to a man of worshipe Let it not greue the to bowe downe thine eare vnto the poore but paye thy dett and geue him a frendly answere and y t w t mekenesse Delyuer him y t suffreth wrōge frō y e hāde of y e oppresso r be not faint harted whā thou sittest in iudgmēt Be merciful vnto y e fatherles as a father be in steade of an huszbāde vnto their mother so shalt thou be as an obediēt sonne of y e Hyest and he shal loue the more thē y i mother doth Wiszdome bretheth life in to hir children receaueth thē y t seke her wyll go before thē in y e waye of righteousnes He y t loueth her loueth life they y t seke her diligētly shal haue greate ioye They y t kepe her shal haue the heretage of life for where she entreth in there is the blessinge of God They that honoure her shal be y e seruauntes of the holy one and they that loue her are beloued of God Who so geueth eare vnto her shal iudge the Heithē and he that hath respecte vnto her shall dwell safely He that beleueth her shal haue her in possess●on and his generacion shal endure for whan he falleth she shal go with him before all ●eare drede and tentacion shal she bringe vpon him and trye him in hir doctrine tyll she haue so proued him in his thoughtes that he committe his soule vnto her Thē shal she stablish him bringe the right waye vnto him make hī a glad mā shewe him hir secretes and heape vpon him the treasures of knowlege vnderstondinge and righteousnes But yf he go wronge she shall forsake him and geue him ouer in to the handes of his enemie My sonne make moch of the tyme eschue the thinge y t is euell and for y e life shame not to saye y e trueth For there is a shame y t bringeth synne and there is a shame that bringeth worshipe and fauor. Accepte no person after thine owne will that thou be not confounded to thine owne decaye Be not ashamed of y e neghbo r in his aduersite kepe not back y e councell whā it maye do good nether hyde y e wyszdome in hir beuty For in the tōge is wyszdome knowne so is vnderstandinge knowlege and lernynge in the talkinge of the wyse stedfastnesse in y e workes of righteousnes In no wise speake agaynst the worde of treuth but be ashamed of the lyes of thine owne ignoraunce Shame not to confesse thine erroure and submitte not thyself vnto euery man because of synne Withstande not y e face of the mightie and stryue not agaynst the streame But for the trueth stryue thou vnto death and God shal fight for the agaynst thine enemies Be not haystie in thy tonge nether slack and negligent in thy workes Be not as a lyon in thine owne house destroyinge thy housholde folkes and oppress●nge them y t are vnder the. Let not thine hande be stretched out to receaue and shutt whan thou shuldest geue The V. Chapter TRust not vnto thy riches and saye not tush I haue ynough for my life For it shall not helpe in the tyme of vengeaunce and temptacion Folowe not the lust of thine owne hert in thy strength and saye not tush how shulde I or who wyl cast me downe because of my workes for doutles God shal auenge it And saye not I haue committed mo synnes butt what euell hath happened me For the Allmightie is a pacient rewarder Because y t synne is for geuē y e be not therfore without feare nether heape one synne vpō another And saye not tush the mercy of the LORDE is greate he shal forgeue my synnes be they neuer so many For like as he is mercifull so goeth wrath from him also and his indignacion cōmeth downe vpon synners Make no tariēge to turne vnto y e LORDE put not of frō daye to daie for sodenly shal his wrath come in the tyme of vengeaunce he shal destroie ye. Trust not in wicked riches for they shal not helpe in the daye of punishment and wrath Be not caried aboute to euery wynde and go not in to euery waye for so doth the synner that hath a dubble tonge Stonde fast in y e waye of y e LORDE be stedfast in thy vnderstandinge abyde by y e worde and folowe the worde of peace and righteousnes Be gētle to heare y e worde of God that thou mayest vnderstande it and make a true answere w t wyszdome Be swift to heare but slowe and pacient in geuinge answere Yf thou hast vnderstondinge shappe thy neghbo r an answere Yf no laye thine hāde vpō y e mouth lest thou be trapped in an vndiscrete worde so cōfoūded Hono r worshipe is in a mās wyse talkinge but y t tōge of y e vndiscrete is his awne distrucciō Be not a preuy accuser as longe as thou lyuest and vse no slaunder w t thy tonge For shame and sorow goeth ouer the thefe and an euell name ouer him that is dubble tonged but he that is a preuy accuser of other men shal be hated envyed and confounded Se that thou iustifie the small and greate alyke The VI. Chapter
from thine owne wayes The XII Chapter WHan thou wylt do good knowe to whom thou doest it so shalt thou be greatly thanked for thy benefites Do good vnto the righteous and thou shalt fynde greate rewarde though not of him yet no doute the LORDE him self shal rewarde the. He stōdeth not in a good case that is allwaye occupied in euell geueth no allmes for the Hyest hateth the synners and hath mercy vpon them that shew the workes of repētaunce Geue thou vnto soch as feare God and receaue not a synner As for the vngodly and synners he shall recompense vengeaūce vnto them and kepe them to the daye of wrath Geue thou vnto the good and receaue not the synner do well vnto him that is lowly but geue not to the vngodly Let not the bred be geuen him that he be not mightier then thy self therin For so shalt thou receaue twyse as moch euell in all the good that thou doest vnto him And why the Hyest hateth synners and shal rewarde vengeaunce to the vngodly In prosperite a frende shal not be knowne in aduersite an enemye shal not be hyd For whan a mā is in wealth it greueth his enemies but in heuynes and trouble a man shal knowe his frende Trust neuer thine enemy for like as an yron rusteth so doth his wikednes And though he make moch croutchinge and knelinge yet kepe well thy mynde and bewarre of him Sett him not by y t nether let him sytt at thy right hāde lest he turne him gett in to thy place take thy rowme and seke thy seate and so thou at the last remembre my wordes and be pricked at my sayenges Bynde not two synnes together for there shal not one be vnpunyshed Who wil haue pite of the charmer that is stynged of y e serpēt or of all soch as come nye y e beastes Euē so is it w t him y t kepeth cōpany with a wicked mā lappeth him self in his synnes For a season wil he byde w t the but yf thou stomble he tarieth not An enemy is swete in his lippes he can make many wordes speake many good thinges Yee he can wepe w t his eies but in his herte he ymagineth how to throwe the in to the pytte yf he maye fynde oportunyte he wil not be satisfied w t bloude Yf aduersite come vpon the thou shalt fynde him there first though he pretēde to do y e helpe yet shal he vndermyne ye. He shal shake his heade clape his handes ouer y t for very gladnes whyle he maketh many wordes he shall dysguyse his countenaunce The XIII Chapter WHo so toucheth pitch shal be fyled withall and he that is famyliar w t y e proude shal clothe himself with pryde He taketh a burthen vpon him that accompanyeth a more honorable man then him self Therfore kepe no familiarite with one that is richer then thy self How agree the ketell the pott together for yf y e one be smytten agaynst the other it shal be brokē The rich dealeth vnrighteously threateneth withall but y e poore beinge oppressed and wrōgeously dealt withall suffreth scarcenesse geueth fayre wordes Yf thou be for his profit he vseth the but yf thou haue nothinge he shal forsake the. As longe as thou hast eny thinge of thine owne he shal be a good felowe with the Yee he shal make the a bare man and not be sory for the. Yf he haue nede of the he shall defraude the with a preuy mock shal he put the in an hope and geue the all good wordes and saye what wantest thou Thus shal he shame y t in his meate vntill he haue supte the cleane vp twyse or thryse and at the last shal he laugh the to scorne Afterwarde whan he seyth that thou hast nothinge he shal forsake the and shake his heade at the. Bewarre that thou be not disceaued and brought downe in thy symplenesse Be not to humble in thy wyszdome lest whan thou art brought lowe thou be disceaued thorow foolishnes Yf thou be called of a mightie man absent thy self so shal he call the to him the more oft Preasse not thou vnto him that thou be not shott out but go not thou farre of lest he forgett the. Withdrawe not y i self frō his speach but beleue not his many wordes For w t moch cōmunicacion shall he tempte the and w t a preuy mock shall he question y e of thy secretes The vnmercifull mynde of his shal marck y e wordes he shal not spare to do y e hurte to put y t in preson Bewarre take good hede to y i self for thou walkest in parell of y t ouerthrowinge Now whā thou hearest his wordes make the as though thou werest in a dreame wake vp Loue God all thy life longe call vpon him in thy nede Euery beast loueth his like euen so let euery man loue his neghboure All flesh wil resorte to their like and euery man will kepe company with soch as he is himself But as y e wolfe agreeth with the lambe so doth the vngodly with y e righteous What felishippe shulde an holy man haue with a dogg How can the ryche and the poore agree together The wilde asse is the lyons pray in the wildernesse euen so are poore men the meate of the ryche Like as the proude maye not awaye with lowlynes euen so doth the riche abhorre the poore Yf a rich man fall his frendes sett him vp agayne but whan the poore falleth his frendes forsake him Yf a rich mā fall in to an erroure he hath many helpers he speaketh proude wordes and yet men iustifie him But yf a poore man go wronge he is punyshed yee though he speake wisely yet can it haue no place Whan the riche man speaketh euery body holdeth his tōge and loke what he sayeth they prayse it vnto the cloudes But yf the poore man speake they saye What felowe is this and yf he do amysse they shal destroye him Riches are good vnto him that hath no synne in his conscience and pouerte is a wicked thinge in the mouth of the vngodly The h●rt of man chaungeth his countenaunce whether it be in good or euell A chearfull countenaunce is a tokē of a good hert for els is it an harde thinge to knowe the thought The XIIII Chapter BLissed is the man that hath not fallen with y e worde of his mouth and is not pricked with the conscience of synne Happie is he that hath had no heuynes in his mynde and is not fallen from his hope It becommeth not a cuvetous man and a nygarde to be ryche and what shulde a nygarde do with golde He that with all his carefulnes heapeth together vnrighteously gathereth for other folkes and another mā shal make good chere with his goodes He y t is wicked vnto him self how shulde he be good vnto other mē How can soch one haue eny
thinges doth no hert vnderstonde but he vnderstandeth euery hert and who vnderstandeth his wayes No man seyth his storme and the most parte of his workes are secrete Who wil declare the workes of his righteousnes Or who shal be able to abyde them for the couenaunt is farre from some and the tryenge out of men is in the fulfillynge He that is humble of hert thinketh vpon soch thinges but an vnwyse and erroneous man casteth his mynde vnto foolish thinges My sonne herken thou vnto me lerne vnderstādinge and marck my wordes with thine hert I wyll geue the a sure doctrine planely shal I enstrucke the. God hath sett his workes in good ordre from the begynninge and parte of them hath he sundered from the other He hath garnyshed his workes from euerlastinge and their begynnynges acordinge to their generacions None of thē hyndered another nether was eny of them dishobedient vnto his worde After this God loked vpō the earth and fylled it with his goodes With all maner of lyuinge beastes hath he couered the grounde and they all shal be turned vnto earth agayne The XVII Chapter BOd shope man of the earth and turned him vnto earth agayne He gaue him the nombre of dayes and certayne tyme yee and gaue him power of the thinges that are vpō earth He clothed him with strength and made him after his owne licknes He made all flesh to stonde in awe of him so that he had the dominion of all beastes foules He made out of him an helper like vnto him self and gaue them discrecion and tonge eyes and eares and a hert to vnderstande and fylled them with instruccion vnderstandinge He created for them also the knowlege of the sprete fylled their hert with vnderstandinge and shewed them good and euell He sett his eye vpō their hertes declaringe vnto them his greate and noble workes that they shulde prayse his holy name together reioyse of his wonders be tellinge of his noble actes Besydes this he gaue them instruccion and the lawe of life for an heretage He made an euerlastinge couenaunt with them and shewed them his righteousnes iudgmentes They sawe his glory with their eyes and their eares herde the maiesty of his voyce And he saide vnto them bewarre of all vnrighteous thinges He gaue euery man also a commaundement concernynge his neghboure Their waies are euer before him and are not hyd from his eyes He hath sett a ruler vpon euery people but Israel is y e LORDES porcion All their workes are as the Sonne in y e sight of God his eyes are allwaye lokynge vpon their wayes All their vnrighteousnesses are manifest vnto him all their wickednesses are open in his sight The mercy y t a man sheweth is as it were a purse w t him and a mans good dede preserueth him as the apple of an eye At the last shall he awake rewarde euery man vpon his heade as he hath deserued and shal turne them together in to the nethermost partes of the earth But vnto them that wyll repent he hath geuē the waye of righteousnes As for soch as be weake he comforteth thē suffreth them and sendeth them the porcion of y e verite O turne then vnto the LORDE forsake thy synnes make thy prayer before the LORDE do the lesse offence turne agayne vnto the LORDE forsake thine vnrighteousnes be an vtter enemy to abhominacion lerne to knowe the righteousnes and iudgmentes of God stonde in the porcion that is sett forth for the in the prayer of the most hye God Go in to the porcion of the holy worlde with soch as be lyuinge and geue thankes vnto God Who wil prayse the LORDE in the hell Abyde not thou in the erroure of the vngodly but geue him thākes before death As for y e deed thankfulnesse perisheth from him as nothinge Geue thou thankes in thy life yee whyle thou art lyuynge whole shalt thou geue thankes and prayse God and reioyse in his mercy O how greate is the louynge kyndnesse of the LORDE and his mercifull goodnes vnto soch as turne vnto him For all thinges maye not be in man why the sonne of man is not immortall and he hath pleasure in the vanyte of wickednes What is more cleare thē the Sonne yet shal it fayle Or what is more wicked then the thinge that flesh and bloude hath ymagined and that same shall be reproued The LORDE seyth the power of the hye heauen and all are but earth and aszshes The XVIII Chapter HE that lyueth for euermore made all thinges together God onely is righteous remayneth a victorious kynge for euer Who shal be able to expresse the workes of him Who hath sought out the grounde of his noble actes Who shal declare the power of his greatnesse Or who will take vpon him to tell out his mercy As for the wonderous workes of y e LORDE there maye nothinge be taken from them nothinge maye be put vnto them nether maye the grounde of them be founde out But whan a man hath done his best he must begynne agayne and whan he thinketh to be come to an ende he must go agayne to his laboure What is man Wherto is he worth What good or euell can he do Yf the nombre of a mans dayes be allmost an hundreth yeare it is moch Like as the droppes of rayne are vnto y e see and as a grauell stone is in comparison of the sonde so are these few yeares to the dayes euerlastinge Therfore is y e LORDE pacient with them and poureth out his mercy vpon them He sawe and perceaued the thoughtes and ymaginacions of their harte that they were euell therfore heaped he vp his mercifull goodnes vpon them and shewed them the waie of righteousnes The mercy that a mā hath reacheth to his neghboure but y e mercy of God is vpon all flesh He chasteneth he teacheth and nourtureth yee euen as a shepherde turneth agayne his flock so doth he all them that receaue chastenynge nurtoure and doctryne Mercifull is he vnto them that stonde in awe of his iudgmentes My sonne whan thou doest good make no grudginge at it and what so euer thou geuest speake no discomfortable wordes Shal not the dew coole the heate Euen so is a worde better then a gift Is not a frendly worde a good honest gift but a gracious man geueth them both A foole shal cast a man in the tethe and that roughly a gift of the nygarde putteth out y e eyes Get the righteousnes before thou come to iudgmēt Lerne before thou speake and go to phisick or euer thou be sick examen and iudge thy self before the iudgment come and so shalt thou fynde grace in the sight of God Humble thy self afore thou be sick and in tyme of thy disease shewe thy conuersacion Let not to praye allwaye and stonde not in feare to be refourmed
thine herte vpon them For dreames haue disceaued many a mā and they fayled that put their truste therin The lawe shal be fulfilled without lyes wyszdome is sufficient to a faithfull mouth A wyse man y t is well instructe vnderstonstondeth moch he y t hath good experiēce can talke of wyszdome He y t hath no experiēce knoweth litle he y t erreth causeth moch wickednes Whan I was yet in erroure I lerned moch also yee I was so lerned that I coude not expresse it all and came oft in parell of death therouer tyll I was delyuered from it Now I se that they which feare God haue the right sprete for their hope stōdeth in him that can helpe thē Who so feareth the LORDE stōdeth in awe of no man and is not afrayed for the LORDE is his hope and comforte Blessed is the soule of him y t feareth the LORDE In whō putteth he his trust who is his strēgth For the eyes of the LORDE haue respecte vnto them that loue him He is their mightie proteccion strōge grounde A defence for the heate a refuge for the hote noone daye a sucore for stomblynge an helpe for fallynge He setteth vp the soule and lighteneth y e eyes He geueth health life and blessynge He that geueth an offeringe of vnrighteous good his offerynge is refused and the scornefull dealinges of the vnrighteous please not God God hath no delyte in the offerynges of y e vngodly nether maye synne be reconcyled in the multitude of oblacions Who so bryngeth an offerynge out of y e goodes of y e poore doth euē as one y t kylleth y e sonne before y e fathers eyes The bred of the nedefull is the life of the poore he y t defraudeth him therof is a man of bloude Who so robbeth his neghbo r of his lyuinge doth as greate synne as though he slew him to death He that defraudeth y e laborer of his hyre is a bloude shedder Whā one buyldeth and another breaketh downe what profit haue they then but laboure Whan one prayeth another curseth whose voyce wyl the LORDE heare He that washeth himself because of a deed body then toucheth the deed agayne what doth his waszshinge So is it with a man that fasteth for his synnes and doth them agayne who wil heare his prayer Or what doth his fastynge helpe him The XXXV Chapter WHo so kepeth the lawe bryngeth offerynges ynough He that holdeth fast the commaundement offreth the right health offrynge He y t is thankfull recompenseth offreth fyne floure Who so is mercifull geueth allmes y t is the right thank offrynge God hath pleasure whā one departeth frō synne to forsake vnrighteousnes recōcileth vs w t him Thou shalt not appeare emptye before y e LORDE for all soch is done because of y e cōmaundemēt The offeringe of y e righteous maketh y e aulter fatt a swete smell is it before y e Hyest The offerynge of the righteous is acceptable vnto God shal neuer be forgottē Geue God his hono with a chearfull eye kepe not backe the firstlinges of y e handes In all thy giftes shew a mery countenaunce halowe thy tithes vnto God w t gladnes Geue vnto God acordinge as he hath enriched prospered their loke what thine hande is able y t geue w t a chearfull eye for the LORDE recompenseth geueth y e seuē tymes as moch againe Geue no vnrighteous giftes for soch wil not he receaue Bewarre of wrongeous offeringes for y e LORDE is a righteous iudge regardeth no mans personne He accepteth not the personne of the poore but he heareth y e prayer of y e oppressed He despyseth not y e desyre of y e fatherles ner y e wyddow whan she poureth out hir prayer before him Doth not God se y e teares y t renne downe y e chekes of the wyddow Or heareth he not the complaynte ouer soch as make her to wep● ▪ Who so serueth God after his pleasure shal be accepted his prayer reacheth vnto the cloudes The prayer of him y t humbleth himself goeth thorow y e cloudes tyll she come nye She wyl not be comforted ner go hir waye tyll y e hyest God haue respecte vnto her geue true sentēce perfourme y e iudgmēt And y e LORDE wil not be slack in cōmynge ner tary longe tyll he haue smyttē in sonder y e backes of y e vnmercyfull auenged himself of y e Heithen tyll he haue takē awaye y e multitude of y e cruell brokē the cepter of the vnrighteous tyll he geue euery man after his workes rewarde them as they haue deserued tyll he haue delyuered his people mayntened their cause reioysed them in his mercy O how fayre a thinge is mercy in the tyme of anguysh trouble It is like a cloude of rayne y t cōmeth in y e tyme of a drouth The XXXVI Chapter HAue mercy vpon vs O LORDE thou God of all thinges Haue respecte vnto vs shew vs the light of thy mercies sende y e feare amōge y e Heithē straūgers which seke not after the y t they maye knowe how y t there is no God but thou and y t they maye shew thy wonderous workes Lift vp thine hande ouer the outlādish Heithen y t they maye lerne to knowe thy might power Like as thou art halowed in vs before them so brynge to passe y t thou mayest be magnified also in them before vs y t they maye knowe the like as we knowe the. For there is none other God but onely thou O LORDE Renue the tokens chaunge the wonderous workes Shewe thine hāde and thy right arme gloriously Rayse thy indignacion poure out thy wrath Take awaye the aduersary smyte the enemye Make y e tyme shorte remembre thy couenaunt that y e wonderous workes maye be praysed Let the wrath of the fyre consume them that lyue so careles and let them perish that do y e people hurte Smyte in sonder the heade of the prynces that be oure enemies and saye there is none other but we Gather all y e trybes of Iacob together againe y t they maie knowe how y t there is none other God but onely thou y t they maie shew thy wonderous workes and be thy people heretage like as from the begynninge O LORDE haue mercy vpon the people y t hath y e name vpō Israel whom thou hast lickened to a first borne sonne O be merciful vnto Ierusalē the cite of thy Sanctuary y e cite of thy rest Fyll Sion with thy vnspeakeable vertues y i people w t thy glory Geue wytnes vnto y e creature whom thou maydest from the begynnynge and rayse vp the prophecies y t haue bene shewed in thy name Rewarde them y t wayte for the y t thy prophetes maye be founde faithfull O LORDE heare the prayer
his porcion and enheritaunce The thirde noble and excellent mā is Phineas the sonne of Eleazer which pleased the God of Israel because he had y e zele feare of the LORDE For whan the people were turned back he put him self forth right soone that with a good wyll to pacifie the wrath of the LORDE towarde Israel Therfore was there a couenaūt of peace made with him y t he shulde be the principall amonge the righteous and the people that he and his posterite shulde haue the office of the presthode for euer Like as there was made a couenaūt with Dauid of the trybe of Iuda that frō amonge his sonnes onely there shulde be a kynge And that Aaron also his sede shulde be the heretage to geue vs wyszdome in o hert to iudge his people in righteousnes that his goodes shulde not come in to forgetfulnes and that their honoure might endure for euer The XLVI Chapter MAnly stronge in battaill was Iesus y e sonne of Naue which in steade of Moses y e prophet was geuen to be captayne of the people which acordinge vnto his name was a greate sauioure vnto the electe of God to punysh the enemies that rose vp agaynst Israel y t Israel might optayne their inheritaunce O how greate noble and excellent was he whan he lift vp his hande and drew out his swerde agaynst the cities Who stode so manly before him For the LORDE himself brought in the enemies Stode not the Sonne styll at his commaundemēt and one daye was as longe as two He called vpon the Hyest most mightie whā y e enemies preassed vpon him on euery syde and the LORDE herde him with the hayle stones They smote y e Heithenish people mightely in fallinge downe they slew all y e aduersaries so that the Heithē knewe his hoost and all his defence that the LOR himself fought against them for he folowed vpon the mightie men of them In the tyme of Moses also he and Caleb the sonne of Iephune dyd a good worke which stode agaynst the enemies withelde the people from synne and stylled y e wicked murmurynge And of sixe hundreth thousande people of fote they two were preserued whan they were brought in to the heretage namely a londe that floweth with mylke hony The LORDE gaue strength also vnto Caleb which remayned with him vnto his age so that he wente vp in to the hye places of the londe and his sede conquered the same for an heretage that all the childrē of Israel might se how good a thinge it is to be obedient vnto the LORDE And the iudges or rulers euery one after his name whose hert wente not a whoringe ner departed from y e LORDE and that forsake not the LORDE vnfaithfully whose remembraūce hath a good reporte Yee their bones florish out of their place and their name shal neuer be chaūged Samuel the prophet beloued of the LORDE ordeyned a kinge and anoynted the prynces ouer the people In the lawe of the LORDE ruled he and iudged the congregacion the LORDE had respecte vnto Iacob The prophet was founde diligent in his faithfulnes yee in his faithfulnes was the faithfulnes of the vision knowne He called vpon y e LORDE the mightie whā the enemies preassed vpon him on euery syde what tyme as he offred the suckynge lambes And the LORDE thondred from heauen and mayde his voyce to be herde w t a greate noyse He discomfited the prynces of Tyre all the rulers of the Philistynes Before his last ende he made protestacion in the sight of the LORDE his anoynted that he toke nether substaunce ner good of eny man no not so moch as a shue no man might accuse him After this he tolde that his ende was at honde and shewed the kynge also his ende and death from y e earth lift he vp his voyce in the prophecie y t the vngodly people shulde perishe The XLVII Chapter AFterwarde in the tyme of kynge Dauid there rose vp a prophet called Nathan For like as the fat is taken awaye from the offrynge so was Dauid chosen out of the childrē of Israel He toke his pastyme w t the lyons as w t kyddes and with beares like as with lambes Slew he not a giaunte whan he was yet but yonge toke awaye the rebuke from his people what tyme as he toke the stone in his hande smote downe proude Goliath w t the slynge For he called vpon the hyest LORDE which gaue him strength in his right hande so that he ouerthrew the mightie giaunte in the battayll that he might set vp the horne of his people agayne Thus brought he him to worshipe aboue all prynces and made him to haue a good reporte in the prayse of the LORDE y t he shulde weere a crowne of glory For he destroied the enemies on euery syde roted out the Philistynes his aduersaries brake their horne in sunder like as it is brokē yet this daye In all his workes he praysed y e Hyest Holiest ascrybed the honoure vnto him With his whole hert dyd he prayse and loue him that made him He set syngers also before the aulter and in their tune he made swete songes He ordeyned to kepe the holy daies worship fully and that the solempne feastes thorow the whole yeare shulde be honorably holdē with praysinge the name of the LORDE with synginge by tymes in the mornynge in the Sanctuary The LORDE toke awaye his synnes and exalted his horne for euer He gaue him y e couenaunt of the kyngdome and the trone of worshipe in Israel After him there rose vp the wyse sonne called Salomon and for his sake he droue y e enemies awaie farre of This Salomon reigned with peace in his tyme for God gaue him rest from his enemies on euery syde that he might buylde him an house in his name prepare the Sanctuary for euer like as he was well īstructe in his youth fylled with wyszdome and vnderstōdinge as it were with a water floude He couered and fylled the whole londe with similitudes and wyse prudent sentences His name wente abrode in the Iles because of his peace he was beloued All londes marueled at his songes prouerbes symilitudes and at his peace and at the name of y e LORDE God which is called the God of Israel He gathered golde as tynne he had as moch syluer as leade He was moued in vnordinate loue towarde wemen and was ouercome in affeccion He stayned his hono and worshipe yee his posterite defyled he also in bringinge the wrath of the LORDE vpon his children and sorowe after his ioye so y t his kyngdome was deuyded Ephraim became an vnfaithfull an vnconstant kingdome Neuertheles God forsoke not his mercy nether was he vtterly destroyed because of his workes y t he shulde leaue him no
y e LORDE prayse him set him vp for euer O ye children of men speake good of the LORDE prayse him set him vp for euer O let Israel speake good of the LORDE prayse him and set him vp for euer O ye prestes of y e LORDE speake good of the LORDE prayse him and set him vp for euer O ye seruauntes of the LORDE speake good of the LORDE prayse him set him vp for euer O ye spretes and soules of the righteous speake good of y e LORDE prayse him and set him vp for euer O ye holy and humble men of herte speake ye good of the LORDE prayse ye him set him vp for euer O Ananias Asarias and Misael speake ye good of the LORDE prayse ye him and set hī vp for euer Which hath delyuered vs from y e hell kepte vs from y e honde of death rydde vs from the myddest of the burnynge flamme and saued vs euē in the myddest of y e fyre O geue thākes therfore vnto y e LORDE for he is kynde harted and his mercy endureth for euer O all ye deuoute men speake good of the LORDE euen the God of all goddes O prayse him and geue him thankes for his mercy endureth worlde without ende The story of Susanna which is the XIII chapter of Daniel after the Latyn THere dwelt a man in Babilō called Ioachim y t toke a wife whose name was Susanna y e doughter of Helchias a very fayre woman soch one as feared God Hir father hir mother also were godly people taught their doughter acordinge to y e lawe of Moses Now Ioachim hir huszbonde was a greate rich man had a fa●re orcharde ioyninge vnto his house And to him resorted the Iewes comonly because he was a man of reputacion amonge them The same yeare were there made two iudges soch as the LORDE speaketh of All the wickednesse of Babilon cōmeth from y e elders y t is from y e iudges which seme to rule the people These came offt to Ioachims house all soch as had eny thinge to do in the lawe came thither vnto them Now when the people came agayne at after noone Susanna wente in to hir huszbōdes orcharde to walke The elders seynge this that she went in daylie walked they burned for lust to her yee they were allmost out of their wittes cast downe their eyes that they shulde not se heauē ner remembre y t God is a righteous iudge For they were both woūded w t the loue of her nether durst one shewe another his grefe And for shame they durst not tell her their inordynate lust y t they wolde fayne haue had to do w t her Yet they layed wayte for her earnestly from daye to daye that they might at the leest haue a sight of her And the one sayde to y e other Vp let vs go home for it is dyner tyme So they wente their waye from her When they returned agayne they came together enqueringe out y e matter betwixte them selues yee the one tolde y e other of his wicked lust Thē apoynted they a tyme whē they might take Susanna alone It happened also y t they spyed out a conueniēt tyme when she wente forth to walke as hir maner was no body with her but two maydēs thought to wash her self in the garden for it was an hote season And there was not one person there excepte the two elders y t had hyd them selues to beholde her So she sayde to hir maydens go set me oyle sope shut the orcharde dore y t I maye wash me And they dyd as she bad them shut the orcharde dore wente out them selues at a backe dore to fet the thinge y t she had cōmaunded but Susanna knewe not y t y e elders laie there hyd within Now when the maydens were gone forth y e two elders gat them vp ranne vpon her sayenge now the orcharde dores are shut that no man can se vs we haue a lust vnto the therfore consent vnto vs and lye with vs. Yf thou wilt not we shall bringe a testimoniall agaynst the that there was a yonge felowe with the and that thou hast sent awaye thy maydens from the for the same cause Susanna sighed and sayde Alas I am in trouble on euery syde Though I folowe youre mynde it wyll be my death and yf I consent not vnto you I can not escape youre hondes Wel it is better for me to fall in to youre hondes without the dede doinge then to synne in the sight of the LORDE and with that she cried out with a loude voyce the elders also cried out agaynst her Then ranne there one to the orcharde dore smote it open Now when the seruauntes of the house herde y e crie in y e orcharde they ruszshed in at the backe dore to se what the matter was So when the elders tolde them the seruauntes were greatly ashamed for why there was neuer soch a reporte made of Susanna On the morow after came the people to Ioachim hir houszbonde and y e two elders came also full of myscheuous ymaginacions agaynst Susanna to bringe her vnto death spake thus before the people Sende for Susanna y e daughter of Helchias Ioachims wife And immediatly they sent for her So she came w t her father mother hir children all her kynrede Now Susanna was a tender person maruelous fayre of face Therfore the wicked men cōmaunded to take of the clothes from her face for she was couered y t at the leest they might so be satisfied in hir beutie Then hir frēdes yee all they y t knewe her begāne to wepe These two elders stode vp in the myddest of the people layed their hondes vpon y e heade of Susanna which wepte and loked vp towarde heauen for hir herte had a sure trust in the LORDE And the elders sayde As we were walkinge in the orcharde alone this woman came in w t hir two maydēs whom she sent awaye from her sparred y e orcharde dores With that a yonge felowe which there was hyd came vnto her laye w t her As for vs we stode in a corner of the orcharde And whē we sawe this wickednes we rāne to her perceaued y t they had medled together But we coude not holde him for he was stronger then we thus he opened y e dore gat him awaye Now whē we had takē this womā we axed her what yōge felow this was but she wolde not tell vs. This is y e matter we be witnesses of y e same The comon sorte beleued them as those y t were the elders iudges of the people so they condemned her to death Susanna cried out w t a loude voyce sayde O euerlastinge God thou sercher of secretes thou y t knowest all thinges a fore they come to passe thou wotest
it as the kynge commaunded So they wente forth with all their power and came to Emmaus in to the playne felde When the marchaūtes herde the rumoure of them they and their seruauntes toke very moch siluer and golde for to bye the children of Israel to be their bonde men There came vnto them also yet moo men of warre on euery syde out of Syria the from the Palestynes Now when Iudas and his brethrē sawe that trouble increased and that the hoost drew nye vnto their borders consideringe y e kynges wordes which he commaunded vnto the people namely that they shulde vtterly waist and destroye them They sayde one to another Let vs redresse the decaye of oure people let vs fight for oure folke and for oure Sanctuary Then the congregacion were soone ready gathered to fight to praie and to make supplicacion vnto God for mercy and grace As for Ierusalem it laye voyde and was as it had bene a wyldernesse There wente no man in nor out at it and the Sanctuary was troden downe The aleauntes kepte the castell there was the habitacion of the Heithen The myrth of Iacob was taken awaye the pype the harpe was gone from amonge them The Israelites gathered them together and came to Maspha before Ierusalem for in Maspha was the place where they prayed aforetyme So they fasted that daye and put sack clothes vpō them cast aszshes vpon their heades rente their clothes and layde forth the bokes of the lawe wherout y e Heithen sought the licknesse of their ymages and brought the prestes ornamentes the firstlinges and the Tythes They set there also the absteyners which had fulfilled their dayes before God and cried with a loude voyce towarde heauen sayenge what shal we do with these and whither shall we cary them awaye For thy Sanctuary is troden downe and defyled thy prestes are come to heuynesse and dishonoure and beholde the Heithen are come together for to destroye vs. Thou knowest what thīges they ymagyn against vs. How maye we stonde before them excepte thou o God be oure helpe They blewe out the trompettes also with aloude voyce Then Iudas ordened captaynes ouer the people ouer thousandes ouer hundredes ouer fiftie and ouer ren But as for soch as buylded them houses maried wyues planted them vynyardes and those that were fearfull he commaunded them euery man to go home acordinge to y e lawe So the hoost remoued and pitched vpon the South syde of Emmaus And Iudas sayde Arme youre selues be stronge o my children make you ready agaynst tomorow in the mornynge that ye maye fight with these people which are agreed together to destroye vs oure Sanctuary Better is it for vs to dye in battayll then to se oure people and oure Sanctuary in soch a miserable case Neuerthelesse as y e will is in heauen so be it The IIII. Chapter THen toke Gorgias fyue thousande men of fote and a thousande of the best horsmen and remoued by night to come nye where y e Iewes hoost laye and so to slaye them sodenly Now the men that kepte the castell were the cōueyers of them Then arose Iudas to smyte the chefe and pryncipall of the kinges hoost at Emmaus for the army was not yet come together In the meane season came Gorgias by night in to Iudas tentes when he founde no man there he sought them in the moūtaynes and thought they had bene fled awaye because of him But whē it was daie Iudas shewed himself in y e felde with thre thousande men only which had nether harnesse ner sweardes to their myndes But on the other syde they sawe that the Heithen were mightie and wel harnessed and their horsmen aboute them and all these wel experte in fettes of warre Then sayde Iudas to y e men that were with him Feare not ye the multitude of them be not afrayed of their violente runnynge remembre how oure fathers were delyuered in the reed see when Pharao threatned them with a greate hoost Euen so let vs also crie now towarde heauen and the LORDE shall haue mercy vpon vs and remembre the couenaunt of oure fathers yee and destroye this hoost before oure face this daye And all Heithen shal knowe that it is God himself which delyuereth and saueth Israel Then the Heithen lift vp their eyes and when they sawe that they were commynge agaynst them they wente out of their tentes in to the battayll and they that were w t Iudas blewe vp the trompettes So they buckled together and the Heithen were discomfited and fled ouer the playne felde but the hynmost of them were slayne For they folowed vpon them vnto Assaremoth and in to the feldes of Idumea towarde Azot and Iamnia so that there were slayne of them vpon a thre thousande men So Iudas turned agayne with his hoost and sayde vnto the people Be not gredy of y e spoyles we haue yet a battayll to fight for Gorgias his hoost are here by vs in the mountaynes but stonde ye fast agaynst oure enemies and ouercome them then maye ye safely take the spoyles As Iudas was speakynge these wordes there apeared one parte of them vpon the mount But when Gorgias sawe that they of his partie were fled and the tentes brent vp for by the smoke they might vnderstonde what was done they perceauynge this were very sore afrayed and when they sawe also that Iudas and his hoost were in y e felde ready to stryke battayll they fled euerychone in to the londe of the Heithen So Iudas turned agayne to spoyle the tentes where they gat moch golde and syluer precious stones purple greate riches Thus they wente home and sunge a Psalme of thankesgeuynge and praysed God in heauen for he is gracious and his mercy endureth for euer And so Israel had a greate victory in that daye Now all the Heithen that escaped came and tolde Lysias euery thinge as it happened Wherfore Lysias was sore afrayed and greued in his mynde because Israel had not gottē soch mysfortune as he wolde they shulde nether as the kynge commaunded The nexte yeare folowinge gathered Lysias thre score thousande chosen men of fote and fyue thousande horsmen to fight agaynst them So they came in to Iewry and pitched their tentes at Bethoron where Iudas came agaynst them with ten thousande men And when he sawe so greate mightie an hoost he made his prayer and sayde Blessed be thou o sauioure of Israel which diddest destroye the violent power of the giaunte in the honde of thy seruaunt Dauid and gauest the hoost of the Heithē in to the honde of Ionathas the sonne of Saul and of his weapen bearer Put this hoost now in to the honde of y e people of Israel and let them be confounded in their multitude and horsmen Make them afrayed discomforth the boldnes of their strength y t they maye be moued thorow their destruccion Cast them
Iewes And when they helde the thankesgeuyng ▪ at Ierusalem for the victory they brent those that had set fyre on the portes of the temple namely Calisthenes which was fled in to an house and so they gat a worthy rewarde for their wickednesse As for that most vngracious Nicanor which had brought a thousande marchaūtes to bye the Iewes he was thorow y e helpe of the LORDE brought downe euen of them whom he regarded not in so moch that he put of his glorious raymēt fled by see and came alone to Antioche w t greate shame dishono r which he gat thorow the destruccion of his hoost Thus he y t promysed the Romaynes to paye thē their tribute when he toke Ierusalem beganne now to saye planely that God was y e defender of the Iewes therfore not possible to wounde them because they folowed y e lawes which God had made The IX Chapter AT the same tyme came Antiochus agayne with dishonoure out of Persis For when he came to Persepolis and vndertoke to robbe the temple and to subdue the cite the people ranne together and defended them selues in so moch y t he and his were fayne to fle with shame And so after that flight it happened that Antiochus came agayne with dishonoure But when he came to Egbathana he gat knowlege what was happened vnto Nicanor Timotheus Now as he was auauncinge himself in his wrath he thought he was able to avenge the iniury that was done to them vpon the Iewes and therfore commaunded to make ready his charet haistinge on his iourney without ceassinge the iudgmēt of God prouokynge him because he had spokē so proudly that he wolde come to Ierusalem and make it a graue of the Iewes But the LORDE God of Israel that seith all thinges smote him with an invisible plage which no man coude heale For as soone as he had spoken these wordes there came vpon him an horrible payne of his bowels a sore grefe of the tharmes And y t was but right for he had martired other mens bowels with dyuerse and straūge tormentes how be it he wolde in no wyse ceasse from his malice Yee he was yet the prouder and more malicious agaynst the Iewes But whyle he was commaundinge to make haist in the matter it happened y t he fell downe violently from the charet so y t it brussed his body dyd him greate payne And so he that thought he might commaunde y e floudes of the see so proude was he beyonde the condiciō of man and to weye the hye mountaynes in a payre of scoales was now brought downe to the grounde caried vpon an horszlytter knowlegynge y e manyfest power of God vpon him so that y t wicked body of his was full of wormes which in his payne fell quyck out of his flesh In so moch y t his hoost was greued with the smell and styncke of him Thus he that a litle afore thought he might reach to the starres of heauen him might no man now abyde ner beare for the vehemence of styncke Therfore he beynge brought from his greate pryde begāne for to come to y e knowlege of him self for the punyshment of God warned him his payne increased euer more more And when he him self might not abyde his owne styncke he sayde these wordes It is reason to be obedient vnto God that a man desyre not to be like vnto him This wicked personne prayed also vnto the LORDE of whom he shulde haue optained no mercy And as for the cite that he came vnto so haistely to brynge it downe to the grounde to make it a graue for deed men now he desyreth to delyuer it fre And as touchinge y e Iewes whom he had iudged not worthy to be buried but wolde haue cast thē out for to be deuoured of the foules and wylde beastes sayenge that he wolde haue destroyed both olde and yonge Now he promiseth to make thē like y e citesyns of Athens And where as he had spoyled the holy temple afore now he maketh promyse to garnish it with greate giftes to increase the holy ornamētes and of his owne rentes to beare the costes and charges belonginge to the offerynges yee and that he wolde also become a Iewe him self to go thorow euery place of the worlde and to preach the power of God But when his paynes wolde not ceasse for the righteous iudgmet of God was come vpon him out of a very despayre he wrote vnto the Iewes a lettre of intercession cōteyninge these wordes The kynge and prynce Antiochus wysheth vnto the vertuous citesyns of the Iewes moch health and good prosperite Yf ye and youre children fare well and yf all thinges go after youre mynde we geue greate thankes In my sicknesse also do I remembre you louyngly for as I came out of Persia and was taken with sore disease I thought it necessary to care for the comon wealth Nether despare I in my self but haue a good hope to escape this sicknes But considerynge that my father led an hoost some tyme in y e hyer places shewed who shulde raigne after him that yf there happened eny cōtrouersy or eny harde thinge were declared they in the londe might knowe their chefe lorde y t there shulde be no insurreccion Agayne when I pondre by my self how that all y e mightie men and neghbours rounde aboute are layēge waite and loke but for oportunyte to do harme I haue ordened that my sonne Antiochus shall raigne after me whom I oft commended to many of you when I was in the hyer kyngdomes and haue wrytten vnto him as it foloweth herafter Therfore I praye you and requyre you to remembre the benefites that I haue done vnto you generally and in especiall For I hope that he shall be of sober louynge behauoure and yf he folowe my deuyce he shal be indifferent vnto you Thus that murthurer and blasphemer of God was sore smyttē and like as he had intreated other men so he dyed a myserable death in a straunge countre vpon a mountayne And his body dyd Philippe that wēte with him cary awaye which fearynge the sonne of Antiochus wente in to Egipte to Ptolomy Philometor The X. Chapter MAchabeus now his company thorow the helpe of the LORDE wanne the temple and the cite agayne destroyed the aulters and chapels that the Heithē had buylded thorow the stretes clensed the temple made another aulter of bricke stone and after ij yeares they offered sacrifices set forth the incense the lightes and shewe bred When that was done they fell downe flat vpon the grounde and besought the LORDE that they might come nomore in to soch trouble but yf they synned eny more agaynst him he him self to chasten them with mercy and not to come in the hondes of those aleauntes and blasphemous men Now vpon the same daye that y e straungers poluted the temple it happened that
on the very same daye it was clensed agayne namely the xxij daye of the moneth called Casleu They kepte viij dayes in gladnesse like as in the feast of the tabernacles remembrynge that not longe afore they helde the feast of y e tabernacles vpon the mountaynes and in dennes like beastes And to y e same token they bare grene bowes braunches and palmes before him that had geuen them good fortune to clense his place They agreed also together and made a statute y t euery yeare those dayes shulde be solemply kepte of all the people of the Iewes How Antiochus then that was called the noble dyed it is sufficiently tolde Now wil we speake of Nicanor the sonne of that wicked Antiochus how it happened with him and so with few wordes to comprehende the aduersite that chaunsed in y e warres When he had taken in the kyngdome he made one Lysias which had bene captayne of the hoost in Phenices and Syria ruler ouer the matters of the realme For Ptolomy that was called Macron beynge a ruler for the Iewes and specially to syt in iudgment for soch wronge as was done vnto them vndertoke to deale peaceably with them For the which cause he was accused of the frendes before Eupator and when he was suspecte to be a traytoure because he had left Cypers that Philometor had committed vnto him and because he departed from noble Antiochus that he was come vnto he poysoned himself and dyed Now when Gorgias was gouernoure of the same places he toke straungers and vndertoke oft tymes to warre with y e Iewes Morouer the Idumeans that helde the strōge holdes receaued those that were dryuen from Ierusalem and toke in honde to warre also But they that were with Machabeus besought and prayed vnto the LORDE that he wolde be their helper and so they fell in to the stronge holdes of the Idumeans wanne many places by strength Soch as came agaynst them they slew and kylled no lesse of all together then twentye thousande Neuerthelesse some no lesse then nyn● thousande were fled in to two stronge towres hauynge all maner of ordinaunce to withstonde them Now Timotheus whom the Iewes had ouercome afore gathered a multitude of straunge people brought an hoost also of horsmen of the Asians to wynne Iewry by strength But when he drewe nye Machabeus and they that were w t him fell to their prayer sprencled aszshes vpon their heades beynge gyrded w t hayrie cloth aboute their loines fel downe before y e aulter besought the LORDE that he wolde be mercifull to them but an enemie vnto their enemies and to take parte agaynst their aduersaries acordinge as it is promised in the lawe So after the prayer they wente on further from the cite and when they came nye the enemies they prepared them selues agaynst them And by tymes in the mornynge at y e breake of the daye both the hoostes buckled together The one parte had the LORDE for their refuge which is the geuer of prosperite strēgth and victory The other had a māly stomack which is a captayne of warre The battayll now beynge greate there apeared vnto the enemies from heauen v. men vpon horszback with brydels of golde ledinge the Iewes and two of them hauynge Machabeus betwixte them y t kepte him safe on euery syde w t their weapēs but shot dartes and lighteninges vpon the enemies where thorow they were confounded with blyndnesse and so sore afrayed that they fell downe There were slayne of fote men twenty thousande and fyue hundreth and sixe hūdreth horsmen As for Timotheus him self he fled vnto Gazar a very strōge holde wherin Cereas was captayne But Machabeus and his company layed sege to it cherfully iiij dayes Now they that were within trustinge to the strength of the place cursed banned exceadingly and made greate crakynge with wicked wordes Neuerthelesse vpon the fifth daye in the mornynge xx yongemen of Machabeus cōpany beynge set on fyre in their myndes because of the blasphemy came manfully vnto the wall and with bolde stomackes they and their other companyons clymmed vp vpon the towres vndertakynge to set fyre vpon the portes to burne those blasphemous personnes quycke Two dayes were they destroyenge the castell which when they founde Timotheus that was crepte in to a corner they kylled him and slewe Cereas his brother in like maner with Appollophanes When this was done they sunge Psalmes with prayses and thankesgeuynges vnto the LORDE which had done so greate thinges for Israel geuen them the victory The XI Chapter NOt longe after this Lysias the kynges stewarde and a kynsman of his which had the gouernaunce of his matters toke sore displeasure for the thinges that had happened and when he had gathered lxxx M. men of fote with all the hoost of the horsmen he came agaynst the Iewes thinkynge to wynne the cite to make it an habitacion for the Heithen and the temple wolde he haue to be an house of lucre like as the other goddes houses of the Heithē are to sell y e prestes office euery yeare Not consideringe the power of God but was wylde in his mynde trustinge in y e multitude of fote mē in thousandes of horsmē and in his lxxx Elephantes So he came in to Iewry then to Bethsura a castell of defence lyenge in a narow place v. furlonges from Ierusalē and wanne it Now when Machabeus and his company knew that the stronge holdes were taken they fell to their prayers with wepynge and teares before the LORDE and all the people in like maner besought him that he wolde sende a good angell to delyuer Israel Machabeus him self was the first that made him ready to the battayll exortynge the other that were with him to ioperde them selues and to helpe their brethrē And when they were goyenge forth of Ierusalem together with a ready and wyllynge mynde there apeared before thē vpon horszbacke a mā in whyte clothinge with harnesse of golde shakinge his speare Then they praysed y e LORDE all together which had shewed them mercy and were conforted in their myndes in so moch that they were ready not only to fight with men but with y e most cruell beestes yee and to runne thorow walles of yron Thus they wente on wyllingly hauynge an helper from heauē and the LORDE mercifull vnto them They fell mightely vpon their enemies like lyons brought downe xj M. fote men xvj C. horsmen put all y e other to flight many of them beynge wounded and some gat awaye naked Yee Lysias him self was fayne to fle shamefully and so to escape Neuerthelesse the man was not with out vnderstondinge but considered by him self that his power was mynished and pondred how y e Iewes beynge defended by the helpe of Allmighty God were not able to be ouercome wherfore he sent them worde and promised that he wolde consente to all thinges which were reasonable and to make the
daye the doughter of Herodias daunsed before-thē and that pleased Herode well wherfore he promysed her with an ooth y t he wolde geue her whatsoeuer she wolde axe And she beynge instructe of hir mother afore sayde geue me Ihon baptistes heade in a platter And the kynge was sory Neuertheles for y e ooth sake thē y t sat with him at y e table he cōmaunded it to be geuen her and sent beheeded Ihon in the preson And his heed was brought in a platter and geuen to the damsell she brought it vnto her mother Then came his disciples and toke his body and buried it and wente and tolde Iesus Whan Iesus hetde y t he departed thence by shippe in to a desert place alone And whā the people herde therof they folowed him on fote out of y e cities And Iesus wēte forth and sawe moch people and had pytie vpon them and healed their sicke But at euen his disciples came vnto him saide This is a deserte place and y e night falleth omlet y e people departe from the that they maye go in to the townes and bye them vytayles But Iesus sayde vnto them They nede not go awaye geue ye thē to eate Thē saide they vnto him We haue here but fyue loaues and two fyshes And he sayde bringe thē hither And he cōmaunded y e people to syt downe vpon the grasse and toke y e fyue loaues and two fiszhes and loked vp towarde heauen and gaue thankes and brake and gaue the loaues vnto the disciples and the disciples gaue them to the people And they all ate and were suffised And they gathered vp of the broken meate that remayned ouer twolue baszkettes full And they y t ate were aboute a fyue thousande men besyde wemen and children And straight waye Iesus made his disciples to entre in to a shippe to go ouer before hī tyll he had sent y e people awaye And whan he had sent the people awaye he wēte vp in to a mountayne alone to make his prayer And at euen he was there him self alone And y e shippe was allready in y e myddest of the see was tost w t wawes for the winde was cōtrary But in y e fourth watch of y e night Iesus came vnto thē walkinge vpon the see And whan his disciples sawe him goinge vpon the see they were afrayed sayenge It is some sprete and cried out for feare But straight waye Iesus spake vnto them and sayde Be of good cheare it is I be not afrayed Peter answered him saide LORDE yf it be thou byd me come vnto the vpon y e water And he sayde come on y e waye And Peter stepte out of the shippe wēte vpon the water to come vnto Iesus But whan he sawe a mightie wynde he was afrayed begāne to synke cried sayenge LORDE helpe me And īmediatly Iesus stretched forth his hande caught him sayde vnto him O thou of litle faith wherfore doutest thou And they wente in to the shippe the wynde ceased Then they that were in y e shippe came fell downe before him sayde Of a trueth thou art y e sonne of God And they shipped ouer came in to the lōde of Genazereth And whā y e mē of y t place had knowlege of hī they sent out in to all that coūtre rounde aboute brought vnto him all that were sicke besought him that they might but touch the hemme of his vesture onely as many as touched it were made whole The XV. Chapter THen came vnto him the scribes and pharises from Ierusalem sayenge Why do thy disciples transgresse y e tradicions of the elders for they wash not their hōdes whan they eate bred He answered sayde vnto thē Why do ye transgresse the cōmaundemēt of God because of youre owne tradiciōs For God cōmaunded sayēge Honoure father mother he y t curseth father mother shal dye the death But ye saye Euery man shal saye to father or mother The thīge y t I shulde helpe y e withal is geuē vnto God By this is it come to passe that no man honoureth his father or his mother eny more And thus haue ye made the cōmaundement of God of none effecte for youre owne tradiciōs Ye ypocrites full well hath Esaye prophecied of you sayde This people draweth nye vnto me w t their mouth honoureth me w t their lippes howbeit their hert is farre fro me But in vayne do they serue me whyle they teach soch doctrynes as are nothinge but the commaundementes of men And he called y e people to hī saide vnto thē Heare vnderstōde That which goeth in to the mouth defyleth not the mā but y t which cōmeth out of the mouth defyleth y e mā Then came his disciples sayde vnto him knowest thou y t the Pharises were offended whan they herde this sayenge He answered and sayde All plantes which my heauenly father hath not planted shal be pluckte vp by y e rotes Let thē go they are y e blynde leaders of y e blynde Whā one blinde leadeth another they fall both ī y e diche Then answered Peter sayde vnto him Declare vnto vs this parable And Iesus sayde vnto thē Are ye yet thē without vnderstondinge Perceaue ye not y t what soeuer goeth in at y e mouth descēdeth downe in to y e bely is cast out in to the draught But the thinge that proceadeth out of the mouth cōmeth frō y e hert that defyleth y e mā For out of y e hert come euell thoughtes murthur breakynge of wedlocke whordome theft false witnesse blasphemy The feare y e thinges that defyle a man But to eate w t vnwaszhen hondes defyleth not a man And Iesus wente out from thence departed in to the coastes of Tyre of Sidon And beholde a womā of Canaan wēte out of y e same coastes cried after him sayēge O LORDE thou sonne of Dauid haue mercy vpon me My doughter is sore vexed w t a deuell And he answered her neuer a worde Thē came his disciples vnto him besought him sayēge Sēde her awaye for she crieth after us But he answered saide I am not sent but vnto the lost shepe of the house of Israel Notwithstondinge she came fell downe before him sayde LORDE helpe me He answered sayde It is not good to take the childrens bred to cast it vnto dogges It is trueth LORDE sayde she Neuertheles the whelpes eate of the crommes that fall frō their lordes table Then answered Iesus sayde vnto her O womā greate is y e faith be it vnto the euē as thou desyrest And hir doughter was made hole at y e same houre And Iesus departed thēce and came nye vnto the see of Galile and wente vp in to a mountayne and sat downe there And there
spake vnto them of Ihon the baptist And whan they were come to the people there came vnto him a certayne man and kneled vnto him and sayde LORDE haue mercy vpon my sonne for he is lunatike sore vexed He falleth oft tymes in to y e fyre and oft in to y e water and I brought him vnto thy disciples and they coude not heale him Iesus answered and sayde O thou faithles and frowarde generacion how longe shal I be with you How longe shal I suffre you Bringe him hitherto me And Iesus rebuked him and y e deuyll wēte out of him and y e childe was healed euen that same houre Then came the disciples vnto Iesus secretly sayde Why coude not we cast him out Iesus sayde vnto them Because of youre vnbeleue For I saye verely vnto you Yf ye haue faith as a grane of mustarde sede ye maye saye vnto this mountayne Remoue hence to yonder place and he shal remoue nether shal eny thinge be vnpossible vnto you How beit this kinde goeth not out but by prayer and fastynge Whyle they occupied in Galile Iesus sayde vnto them it wil come to passe that the sonne of man shal be delyuered in to the hondes of men and they shal kyll him and the thirde daye shal he aryse agayne And they were very sory Now whā they were come to Capernaum they that receaued y e tribute money came to Peter and sayde Doth youre master paye tribute He sayed yee ▪ And when he was come home Iesus preuented him and sayde What thinkest thou Symon Of whom do the kynges of the earth take toll or tribute Of their children or of straungers Then sayde Peter to him Of straungers Iesus sayde vnto him Then are y e children fre Neuertheles lest we offende them go thy waye to the see and cast thine angle and take the fysh that first cōmeth vp and whan thou hast opened his mouth thou shalt fynde a pece of twenty pens take that and geue it them forme and the. The XVIII Chapter AT the same tyme came the disciples vnto Iesus and sayde Who is the greatest in the kyngdome of heauen And Iesus called a childe vnto him and set him in the myddest amonge them and sayde Verely I saye vnto you Excepte ye turne and become as children ye shal not entre in to the kyngdome of heauen Whosoeuer therfore humbleth him self as this childe y e same is the greatest in y e kyngdome of heauen And who so receaueth soch a childe in my name receaueth me But who so offendeth one of these litle ones which beleue in me it were better for him that a mylstone were hanged aboute his neck and he drowned in the depth of the see Wo vnto the worlde because of slaūders Yee there must slaunders come but wo vnto that man by whom slaunder commeth But yf thy hande or thy fote offende the cut him of and cast him from the. It is better for y t to entre in vnto life lame or crepell thē y t thou shuldest haue two hōdes or two fete and be cast in to euerlastinge fyre And yf thyne eye offende the plucke it out cast it from the. Better it is for the to entre in vnto life with one eye thē to haue two eyes and to be cast in to hell fyre Take hede y t ye despyse not one of these litle ones For I saye vnto you their angels do alwaye beholde the face of my father which is in heauen for the sonne of man is come to saue that which is lost How thinke ye Yf a man haue an hundreth shepe and one of thē be gone astraye doth not he leaue the nyentie and nyene in the mountaynes and goeth and seketh that one which is gone astraye And yf it happen that he fynde it verely I saye vnto you he reioyseth more ouer it then ouer the nyentie nyene which wēte not astraye Euen so is it not the will before youre father in heauen that one of these litle ones shulde perishe Yf thy brother trespace agaynst the go and tell him his faute betwene the and him alone Yf he heare the thou hast wōne thy brother But yf he heare the not then take yet with the one or two that in the mouth of two or thre wytnesses euery matter maye be stablyshed Yf he heare not them tell it vnto the congregacion Yf he hea●e not the cōgregacion holde him as an Heithen and Publican Verely I saye vnto you what soeuer ye shal bynde vpon earth shal be boūde also in heauen what soeuer ye lowse vpon earth shal be lowsed also in heauē Agayne I saye vnto you Yf two of you shal agree vpon earth for what thinge soeuer it be y t they wolde desyre they shal haue it of my father which is in heauē For where two or thre are gathered together ī my name there am I in the myddest amonge them Then came Peter vnto him sayde LORDE how oft shal I forgeue my brother y t trespaceth agaynst me Seuē tymes Iesus saide vnto hī I saye not vnto y e seuē tymes but seuētie tymes seuen tymes Therfore is y e kingdome of heauē lickened vnto a kynge which wolde reken w t his seruauntes And whan he beganne to rekē one was brought vnto him which ought him ten thousande poūde Now whā he had nothinge to paye his lorde cōmaunded him to be solde his wife his childrē all y t he had payment to be made Then the seruaunt fell downe besought him sayenge Syr haue paciēce w t me and I wil paye the all Then had the lorde pytie on that seruaunt discharged him and forgaue him the det● And the same seruaunt wēte out foūde one of his felowes which ought him an hūdreth pens and layed hande vpon him and toke him by the throte and sayde paye me that thou owest Thē his felowe fell downe and besought him sayenge haue paciēce w t me and I wil paye the all Neuertheles he wolde not but wente and cast him into preson tyll he shulde paye the dett Whan his felowes sawe what was done they were very sory and came and tolde their lorde all that had happened Then his lorde called for him and sayde vnto him O thou wicked seruaūt I forgaue the all this dett because thou praydest me shuldest not thou then haue had compassion also vpon thy felowe euen as I had pytie vpon the And his lorde was wroth and delyuered him vnto the iaylers tyll he payed all that he ought So shal my heauenly father do also vnto you yf ye euery one of you frō youre hertes forgeue not his brother his trespaces The XIX Chapter ANd it came to passe whā Iesus had ended these sayenges he gat him frō Galile came ī to y e coastes of Iewry beyonde Iordane moch people folowed him and he healed them there
ye be baptysed Neuertheles to syt vpon my right honde on my left is not myne to geue but vnto thē for whō it is prepared of my father Whan the ten herde that they disdayned at the two brethren But Iesus called them vnto him and sayde Ye knowe that y e prynces of the worlde haue domynacion of the people and the greatest exercise power amonge thē It shal not be so amonge you But who so euer wyl be greate amonge you let him be youre mynister who soeuer wyl be chefe let him be youre seruaunt Euen as the sonne of man came not to be serued but to do seruyce and to geue his life to a redēpcion for many And when they departed from Iericho moch people folowed him and beholde two blyndemen sat by the waye syde And when they herde that Iesus passed by they cried sayde O LORDE thou sonne Dauid haue mercy vpon vs. But y e people rebuked thē that they shulde holde their peace Neuertheles they cried the more sayde O LORDE thou sonne of Dauid haue mercy vpon vs. And Iesus stode styll and called them and sayde What wil ye y t I shal do vnto you They sayde vnto him LORDE that oure eyes maye be opened And Iesus had compassion vpon them and touched their eyes immediatly their eies receaued sight And they folowed him The XXI Chapter NOw whan they drew nye vnto Ierusalem and were come to Bethphage vnto mount Oliuete Iesus sent two of his disciples and sayde vnto them Go in to the towne that lyeth before you anone ye shal fynde an Asse bounde and hi● foale with her lowse them and brynge thē vnto me And yf eny man saye ought vnto you saye ye the LORDE hath nede of thē And straight waye he wil let them go But all this was done that the thinge might be fulfylled which was spoken by the prophet sayenge Tell the doughter of Sion beholde thy kynge commeth vnto y e meke syttinge vpon an Asse and a foale of y e Asse vsed to the yocke The disciples wente and dyd as Iesus commaunded them and brought the Asse and the foale layed their clothes vpon them and set him theron But many of the people spred their garmentes in the waye other cut downe braunches from the trees and strawed them in the waye As for the people that wente before and that came after they cryed and sayde Hosianna vnto the sonne of Dauid Blessed be he that commeth in the name of the LORDE Hosianna in the height And whan he was come into Ierusalem all the cite was moued and sayde Who is this And the people sayde This is Iesus y e prophet of Nazareth out of Galile And Iesus wente in to the tēple of God and cast out all them that bought and solde in the tēple and ouerthrew the tables of the money chaungers and the seates of them that solde doues and sayde vnto them It is wryttē My house shal be called y e house of prayer but ye haue made it a denne of murthurers The blynde also and y e lame came vnto him in the temple and he healed them But whan the hye prestes and the scrybes sawe the wonders that he dyd and the children crienge in the temple and sayenge● Hosianna vnto the sonne of Dauid they disdayned and sayde vnto him Hearest thou what these saye Iesus sayde vnto them Yee Haue ye neuer red Out of the mouth of very babes and sucklinges thou hast ordeyned prayse And he left them there and wente out of the cite vnto Bethania and there abode ouer night But in the mornynge as he returned in to the cite he hūgred And in the waye he sawe a fygge tre and came vnto it and founde nothinge theron but leaues onely and sayde vnto it Neuer frute growe on the from hence forth And immediatly the fygge tre wythred awaye And whan his disciples sawe that they marueyled and sayde How is y e fygge tre wythred awaye so soone Iesus answered and sayde vnto them Verely I saye vnto you Yf ye haue faith doute not ye shal not onely do this with the fygge tre but yf ye shal saye vnto this mountayne Avoyde and cast thy self in to the see it shal be done And what soeuer ye axe in prayer yf ye beleue ye shal receaue it And when he was come in to the tēple the chefe prestes and the elders of the people came vnto him as he was teachinge sayde By what auctorite doest thou these thinges and who gaue the this auctorite Iesus answered and sayde vnto them I wil axe a worde of you also which yf ye tell me I in like wyse wyl tell you by what auctorite I do these thinges The baptime of Ihō whēce was it from heauē or of men Then thought they amōge them selues and saide Yf we saye it was from heauē then shal he saye vnto us Why dyd ye not then beleue him But yf we saye it was of men thē feare we the people For euery mā helde Ihon for a prophet And they answered Iesus sayde We can not tell Then sayde he vnto them Nether tell I you by what auctorite I do these thinges But what thinke ye A certayne man had two sonnes and came to the first and sayde Go thy waye my sonne worke to daye in my vynyarde He answered and sayde I wil not but afterwarde he repented and wente He came also vnto the secōde and sayde likewyse And he answered and saide I wil syr And wēte not Whether of them twayne dyd the wil of the father They sayde vnto him the first Iesus sayde vnto thē Verely I saye vnto you The publicans and harlottes shal come in to the kyngdome of God before you For Ihon came vnto you and taught you y e right waye and ye beleued him not but the publicans harlottes beleued hī As for you though ye sawe it yet were ye not moued with repētaunce that ye might afterwarde haue ●●leued him Heare another parable There was a certayne houszholder which planted a vynyarde and hedged it roūde aboute and dygged a wyne presse in it and built a tower and let it out vnto huszbandmen and wente in to a straunge countre Now whā the tyme of the frute drew neare he sent his seruaūtes to the huszbandmen to receaue the frutes of it Then the huszbandmen caught his seruauntes one they bett another they kylled the thirde they stoned Agayne he sent other seruauntes moo then the first and they dyd vnto them in like maner At the last he sent his owne sonne vnto them and sayde they wyl stōde in awe of my sonne But whē the huszbandmē sawe the sonne they sayde amonge thēselues This is the Heyre come let us kyl hym and take his inheritaūce vnto oure selues And they caught him and thrust him out of the vynyarde slew him Now whē
them but vnto his disciples he expounded all thinges pryuately And the same daye at euen he sayde vnto them let us passe ouer And they let the people go and toke him as he was in the shippe and there were mo shippes with him And there arose a greate storme of wynde and daszhed the wawes in to the shippe so that the shippe was full And he was behynde in the shippe and slepte vpon a pelowe And they awoke him sayde vnto him Master Carest thou not that we perishe And he arose and rebuked y e wynde and sayde vnto the see Peace and be styll And the wynde was layed there folowed a greate calme And he sayde vnto them Why are ye so fearfull How is it that ye haue no faith And they feared exceadingly sayde one to another What is he this For wynde and see are obedient vnto him The V. Chapter ANd they came ouer vnto the other syde of the see in to the countre of the Gaderenites And whan he wēte out of the shippe there met him a mā possessed of an vncleane sprete which had his dwellinge in the graues And no man coude bynde hym no not with cheynes for he was oft bounde with fetters cheynes and pluckte the cheynes in sunder and brake the fetters in peces and no man coude tame him And he was allwaye both daye and night vpon the mountaynes and in the graues crienge and beatinge him self with stones But whan he sawe Iesus afarre of he ranne and fell downe before him and cried loude and sayde What haue I to do with the O Iesus thou sonne of y e Hyest God I charge the by God that thou torment me not Neuertheles he sayde vnto him Go out of the man thou foule sprete And he axed him What is thy name And he answered and sayde My name is Legion for there be many of vs. And he prayed him instantly that he wolde not sende them awaye out of that countre And euen there in the mountaynes there was a greate heerd of swyne fedynge and all the deuyls praied him and sayde Let vs departe in to the swyne And anone Iesus gaue them leue Then the foule spretes wente out and intred in to the swyne And the heerd of swyne ranne heedlinges in to y e see with a storme They were aboute a two thousande swyne and were drowned in the see And the swyne herdes fled and tolde it in the cite and in the countre And they wente out for to se what had happened and came to Iesus and sawe hym which was possessed and had had y e legion that he sat and was clothed and in his right mynde and they were afrayed And they that had sene it tolde them what had happened to the possessed and of the swyne And they beganne to praye him that he wolde departe out of their coastes And whan he came in to the shyppe the possessed prayed him that he might be with him Neuertheles Iesus wolde not suffre hī but saide vnto hī Go ī to y e house to thine awne and tell thē how greate benefites the LORDE hath done for y e and how he hath had mercy vpon the. And he wente his waye and beganne to publish in the ten cities how greate benefites Iesus had done for him And euery man marueyled And whan Iesus passed ouer agayne by shippe there gathered moch people vnto him and was by the see syde And beholde there came one of the rulers of the synagoge whose name was Iairus And whan he sawe him he fell downe at his fete and besought him greatly sayde My doughter is at the poynte of death let it be thy pleasure to come and laye thine honde vpon her that she maye be whole and lyue And he wente with him and moch people folowed him and thronged him And there was a woman which had had the bloude yssue twolue yeares and had suffred moch of many phisicians and spent all that she had and was not helped but rather in worse case Whan she herde of Iesus she came behynde amonge the people and touched his garment For she sayde Yf I maye but touch his clothes I shal be whole And immediatly y e fountayne of hir bloude was dryed vp and she felt in hir body y t she was healed of the plage And forth with Iesus felt in himself the power that was gone out of him and turned him aboute amōge the people and sayde Who hath touched my clothes And his disciples sayde vnto him Thou seist that the people thrusteth the and sayest Who hath touched me And he loked aboute to se her that had done it As for the woman she feared and trembled for she knew what was done in her and came and fell downe before him and tolde him the whole trueth And he sayde vnto her Doughter thy faith hath made the whole go thy waye in peace be whole of thy plage Whyle he yet spake there came certayne from the ruler of the synagoges house and sayde Thy doughter is deed why troublest thou the master eny more But Iesus herde right soone the worde that was spoken and sayde vnto the ruler of the synagoge Be not thou afrayed beleue onely And he suffred no mā to folowe him but Peter and Iames and Ihon his brother And he came in to the ruler of the synagoges house and sawe the busynes and them that wepte and wayled greatly and he wente in and sayde vnto them Why make ye this a doo and wepe The mayde is not deed but slepeth And they laughed him to scorne And he droue them all out and toke the father and mother of the mayde and them that were with him and wente in where the mayden laye And he toke the maydē by the honde and sayde vnto her Thabith a Cumi which is by interpretaeion Maydē I saye vnto the Aryse And immediatly the mayden arose and walked She was twolue yeare olde and they were astonnyed out of measure And he charged them strately that no man shulde knowe of it and sayde vnto them that they shulde geue her to eate The VI. Chapter ANd he departed thence and came in to his awne countre and his disciples folowed him And whā y e Sabbath came he begāne to teach in their synagoge And many that herde it marueled at his lernynge and sayde From whēce hath he these thinges And what wyszdome is this y t is geuē him soch actes as are done by his handes Is not this the Carpenter the sonne of Mary and the brother of Iames and Ioses and of Iude and Symon Are not his sisters here with vs also And they were offended at him But Iesus saide vnto thē A prophet is nowhere lesse set by thē in his awne countre at home amonge his awne And he coude not shew one miracle there but layed his handes vpon a few sicke and healed them And he marueyled
iudge them that are without Do ye not iudge thē that are within As for them that are without God shal iudge them Put awaye frō you him that is euell The VI. Chapter HOw dare one off you hauynge busynes with another go to lawe before the vnrighteous and not before the sayntes Do ye not knowe that the sayntes shal iudge the worlde Yf the worlde then shal be iudged off you are ye not good ynough to iudge small matters Knowe ye not that we shal iudge the angels how moch more thinges that pertayne to the tēporall life Therfore yf ye haue iudgmentes of temporall matters take them that are despysed in the congregacion and set them to be iudges This I saye to youre shame Is there vtterly no wyse man amōge you What not one at all that can iudge betwene brother brother but one brother goeth to lawe with another and that before the vnbeleuers Now therfore is there vtterly a faute amōge you that ye go to lawe one with another Why rather suffre ye not wronge Why suffre ye not youre selues rather to be defrauded but ye youre selues do wrōge and defraude and that euen the brethrē Knowe ye not that y e vnrighteous shal not inheret the kyngdome of God Be not disceaued Nether whoremongers ner worshippers off ymages ner breakers off wedlocke ner weaklinges nether abusers of them selues with mankynde ner theues nether the couetous ner drōkardes ner cursed speakers ner extorcioners shal inheret the kyngdome of God And soch haue some of you bene but ye are waszhed ye are sanctified ye are made righteous by the name of the LORDE Iesus and by the sprete of oure God I maye do all thinges but all thinges are not profitable I maye do all thinges but I wil be broughte vnder no mās power Meates are ordeyned for y e bely the bely for meates But God shal destroye both it and them The body belongeth not vnto whordome but vnto the LORDE and the LORDE vnto the body God hath raysed vp the LORDE and shal rayse vs vp also by his power Knowe ye not that youre bodies are the mēbres of Christ Shal I now take the membres of Christ and make them the membres of an harlot God forbyd Or do ye not knowe that he which cleueth vnto an harlot is one body For they shal be two sayeth he in one fleszhe But he that cleueth vnto the LORDE is one sprete Fle whordome All synnes y t a man doth are without the body But he that commytteth whordome synneth agaynst his awne body Or knowe ye not that youre body is the temple of the holy goost Whom ye haue of God and are not youre awne For ye are dearly boughte Prayse ye God therfore in yo body in yo sprete which are Gods The VII Chapter AS concernynge the thinges wherof ye wrote vnto me I answere It is good for a man not to touche a woman Neuertheles to avoyde whordome let euery man haue his awne wife and let euery woman haue hir awne huszbande Let the mā geue vnto the wife due beneuolence likewyse also the wife vnto y e man The wife hath not power ouer hir awne body but the huszbande likewyse the man hath not power ouer his awne body but the wife Withdrawe not yo selues one frō another excepte it be with the consent of both for a tyme that ye maye geue youre selues vnto fastinge and prayer and thē come together agayne lest Sathan tempte you for yo incontynēcye But this I saye of fauoure and not of commaundemēt Howbeit I wolde rather y t all mē were as I am Neuertheles euery one hath his proper gifte of God one thus another so To them verely y t are vnmaried and to wedowes I saye It is good for thē that they abyde also as I do But yf they cannot absteyne let them mary For it is better to mary then to burne But vnto them that are maried commaunde not I but the LORDE that the wife separate not her selfe from the huszbande but yf she separate her selfe y t she remayne vnmaried or be reconcyled to hir huszbande and let not the huszbande put awaye his wife from him As for the other vnto thē saye I not y e LORDE Yf eny brother haue an vnbeleuynge wife and she is content to dwell with him let him not put hir awaye And yf a woman haue an vnbeleuynge huszbande and he is content to dwell with her let her not put him awaye For the vnbeleuynge huszbande is sanctified by the wife and the vnbeleuynge wife is sanctified by the huszbande or els were youre children vncleane but now are they holy But yf the vnbeleuynge departe let him departe A brother or a sister is not boūde in soch cases but God hath called vs in peace For what knowest thou O womā whether thou shalt saue y e mā Or what knowest thou O man whether thou shalt saue the woman But euen as God hath distributed vnto euery one and as the LORDE hath called euery man so let him walke and so orden I in all congregacions Yf eny man be called beynge circumcysed let him take no Heythenshippe vpon him Yf eny man be called in the Heythenshippe let him not be circumcysed Circumcision is nothinge and vncircumcision is nothinge but the kepynge of the commaundementes of God Let euery one abyde in the callynge wherin he is called Art thou called a seruaūt care not for it neuertheles yf thou mayest be fre vse it rather For he that is called in the LORDE beynge a seruaūte is a freman of the LORDE Likewyse he that is called beynge fre is a seruaūt of Christ. Ye are dearly boughte be not ye the seruauntes of men Brethren let euery one wherin he is called therin abyde with God As concernynge virgins I haue no commaundement of the LORDE neuertheles I saye my goodmeanynge as I haue optayned mercy of the LORDE to be faithfull I suppose it is good for y e present necessite for it is good for a man so to be Art thou bounde vnto a wife seke not to be lowsed Art thou lowsed frō a wife seke not a wife But yf thou take a wife thou synnest not And yf a virgin mary she synneth not Neuertheles soch shal haue trouble in the fleszhe But I fauoure you Howbeit this I saye brethren the tyme is shorte Farthermore this is the meanynge y t they which haue wyues be as though they had none and they that wepe be as though they wepte not and they that reioyse be as though they reioysed not they that bye be as though they possessed not they that vse this worlde be as though they vsed it not For the faszhion off this worlde passeth awaye But I wolde that ye shulde be without care He that is syngle careth for the thinges of the LORDE how he maye please the LORDE But he that is
true preacher is diligent he corruppeth not the worde of God he preacheth not himselfe but se●eth the honoure of Christ yee though it be with the parell of his life Chap. V. The rewarde for suffringe trouble Chap. VI. An exortacion to receaue the worde of God with thank fulnesse and amendmēt of life The diligence of Paul in the gospell and how he warneth them to eschue the company of the Heythen Chap. VII He exorteth thē to receaue the promises of God than fully The Corinthiās are commended for their obediēce and loue towarde Paul Chap. VIII IX He putteth them in remembraunce to helpe the poore sayntes at Ierusalem acordinge as the Macedonians dyd Chap. X. He toucheth the false apostles and defendeth his auctorite and callynge Chap. XI Paul vnder sufferaūce cōmendeth himselfe and defendeth his auctorite agaynst the false prophetes Chap. XII Paul is takē vp in to the thirde heauen and heareth wordes not to be spoken off Chap. XIII He promiseth to come vnto them and exhorteth them so to ordre them selues that he maye fynde them parfecte and of one mynde The seconde Epistle of the Apostle S. Paul to the Corinthians The first Chapter PAul an Apostle of Iesu Christ by the will of God and brother Timotheus Vnto the congregacion of God which is at Corinthū with all the sayntes which are ī all Achaia Grace be with you and peace frō God oure father and from the LORDE Iesus Christ. Blessed be God the father of oure LORDE Iesus Christ the father of mercy and y e God of all comforte which comforteth vs in all oure trouble in so moch y t we are able to comforte them that are in eny maner of trouble with the same comforte wherwith we oure selues are comforted of God For as the afflicciōs of Christ are plenteous in vs euen so is o cōsolacion plenteous by Christ. But whether we haue trouble or comforte it is done for youre welth Yf it be trouble it is done for youre cōforte and health which health sheweth h●r power in that ye suffre the same affliccions which we suffre Yf it be comforte it is done also for youre comforte and health Therfore is oure hope fast for you in as moch as we knowe that like as ye are partakers of the afflicciōs so shal ye be partakers also of the consolacion Brethren we wolde not haue you ignoraunt of oure trouble which happened vnto vs in Asia for we were greued out off measure passynge strength so that we euen dispared of life and had concluded in oure selues y t we must nedes dye But this was done because we shulde not put oure trust in oure selues but in God which rayseth vp the deed to life agayne which delyuered vs from so greate a death and yet delyuereth daylie On whom we trust that he wil delyuer vs here after also by the helpe of youre prayer for vs that on oure behalfe many thankes maye be geuen by many personnes for the gifte that is geuen vs. For oure reioysinge is this euen the testimony of oure conscience that in synglenes godly purenesse not in fleshlye wyszdome but in the grace of God we haue had oure conuersacion in the worlde but most of all with you For we wryte nothinge els vnto you then that ye rede and also knowe Yee I trust that ye shal fynde vs vnto the ende euen as ye haue founde vs partly For we are youre reioysinge euē as ye also are oure reioysinge in y e daye of the LORDE Iesus And in this confidence was I mynded the other tyme to come vnto you that ye mighte haue yet another pleasure more to passe by you into Macedonia to come againe out of Macedonia vnto you to be led forth to Iewrye warde of you Whan I thus wyse was mynded dyd I vse lightnesse Or are my thoughtes fleshly Not so but with me yee is yee and nay is naye O faitfull God that oure worde vnto you hath not bene yee and naye For Gods sonne Iesus Christ which was preached amonge you by vs namely by me and Siluanus and Timotheus was not yee and naye but in him it was yee For all the promyses of God are yee in him are Amē in him to the prayse of God by vs. But it is God which stablysheth vs w t you in Christ and hath anoynted us and sealed us and geuen the ernest of the sprete in oure hertes The II. Chapter BVt I call God to recorde vnto my soule that to fauoure you withall I came not agayne vnto Corinthum Not that we are lordes ouer youre faith but we are helpers of youre ioye for ye stonde in faith But I determyned this w t my selfe that I wolde not come agayne to you in heuynes For yf I make you sory who is it that shal make me glad but the same which is made sory by me And the same haue I wrytten vnto you lest whā I come I shulde take heuynes of them of whom I oughte to reioyse for somoch as I haue this confidence in you all that my ioye is the ioye of you all For in greate trouble and anguysh of hert wrote I vnto you with many teares not y t ye shulde be sory but that ye mighte perceaue the loue which I haue most specially vnto you But yf eny man haue caused sorowe the same hath not made me sory but partely lest I shulde greue you all It is sufficient that the same man is so rebuked of many so that from hence forth ye oughte the more to forgeue him and to comforte him lest he be swalowed vp in ouer moch heuynesse Wherfore I exhorte you that ye shewe loue vpō him For therfore dyd I wryte vnto you also that I mighte knowe the profe of you whether ye were obediēt in all thinges But loke vnto whō ye forgeue eny thinge I forgeue hī also For I also yf I forgeue ought vnto eny mā that forgeue I for youre sakes in the rowme of Christ lest we shulde be preuented of Sathan For his thoughtes are not vnknowne vnto vs. But whā I came to Troada to preach y e Gospell of Christ and a dore was opened vnto me in y e LORDE I had no rest in my sprete because I founde not Titus my brother but I toke my leue of them and wente awaye into Macedonia Yet thankes be vnto God which allwaye geueth vs the victory in Christ and openeth y e sauoure of his knowlege by vs in euery place For we are vnto God the good sauoure of Christ both amonge thē y t are saued amonge thēm y t perishe To these y e sauoure of death vnto death but vnto y e other the sauoure of life vnto life And who is mete therto For we are not as many are which choppe chaunge w t the worde of God but euē out of purenesse and out of God in y e sighte of God so speake we
in Christ. The III. Chapter· BEgynne we then agayne to prayse o selues Or nede we as some other of pistles of commēdacion vnto you or letters of commēdacion from you Ye are oure epistle wrytten in oure hertes which is vnderstonde and red of all mē in that ye are knowne how that ye are y e epistle of Christ mynistred by vs and wryttē not with ynke but with the sprete of the lyuynge God not in tables of stone but in fleshy tables of the hert Soch trust haue we thorow Christ to God warde not that we are sufficient of oure selues to thynke eny thinge as of oure selues but oure ablenesse commeth of God which hath made vs able to be mynisters of the new Testament not of the letter but of the sprete For the letter kylleth but the sprete geueth life But yf the mynistracion y t kylleth thorow the letter and was figured in stones was glorious so that the childrē of Israel mighte not beholde the face of Moses for y e clearnesse of his countenaūce which glory neuertheles is done awaye how shal not y e mynistracion of y e sprete be moch more glorious For yf the office that preacheth damnacion be glorious moch more doth the office that preacheth righteousnes exceade in glory For y e other parte that was glorified is nothinge glorified in respecte of this exceadinge glory For yf that which is done awaye be glorious moch more shal y t which remayneth be glorious Seynge then that we haue soch trust we vse greate boldnesse and do not as Moses which put a vayle before his face so that y e children of Israel mighte not se the ende of it that is done awaye But their myndes are blynded For vnto this daye remayneth the same coueringe vntakē awaye in the olde Testament whan they rede it which in Christ is put awaye But euen vnto this daye whan moses is red the vayle hangeth before their hertes Neuertheles whā they turne to the LORDE the vayle shal be taken awaye For the LORDE is a sprete where the sprete of the LORDE is there is libertye But now the glory of y e LORDE apeareth in vs all with open face and we are chaunged into the same ymage from one clearnes to another euē as of the sprete of the LORDE The IIII. Chapter THerfore seynge we haue soch an office euen as mercy is come vpon vs we faynte not but cast from vs the clokes of vnhonestye and walke not in craftines nether corruppe we the worde of God but open the trueth and reporte oure selues to euery mans conscyence in the sighte of God Yf oure Gospell be yet hyd it is hyd in them that are lost amonge whom the God of this worlde hath blynded y e myndes of them which beleue not that y e lighte of the Gospell of the glory of Christ which is the ymage of God shulde not shyne vnto them For we preach not o r selues but Iesus Christ to be the LORDE and oure selues youre seruauntes for Iesus sake For God that cōmaunded the light to shyne out of darcknesse hath geuen a cleare shyne in oure hertes y t by vs y e light of y e knowlege of the glory of God mighte come forth in the face of Iesus Christ. But this treasure haue we in earthen vessels that y e power which excelleth might be of God and not of vs. We are troubled on euery syde yet are we not without shift We are in pouertie but not vtterly without somwhat We are persecuted but we are not forsaken We are oppressed neuertheles we perish not We allwayes be are aboute in oure body the dyenge of the LORDE Iesus y t the life also of the LORDE Iesus might appeare in oure body For we which lyue are alwayes delyuered vnto death for Iesus sake that the life also of Iesus might appeare in oure mortall flesh Therfore is death now mightie in vs but life in you But seynge that we haue the same sprete of faith acordinge as it is wrytten I beleued and therfore haue I spokē we also beleue therfore we speake for we knowe that he which raysed vp y e LORDE Iesus shal rayse vs vp also by y e meanes of Iesus and shal set vs with you For all thinges do I for youre sakes that the plēteous grace by the thākesgeuynge of many maye redounde to the prayse of God Therfore are we not weery but though o r outwarde man be corrupte yet the inwarde is renewed daye by daye For oure trouble which is but temporall and lighte worketh an exceadinge and an eternall weighte of glorye vnto vs which loke not on the thinges that are sene but on them which are not sene For y e thinges which are sene are temporall but the thinges that are not sene are eternall The V. Chapter WE knowe surely y t yf oure earthy house of this dwellynge were destroyed we haue a buyldynge ordeyned of God an house not made with handes but euerlastynge in heauen And in the same sighe we also after oure māsion which is from heauen and longe to be clothed therwith so yet yf that we be founde clothed and not naked For as longe as we are in this tabernacle we sighe and are greued for we had rather not be vnclothed but to be clothed vpon that mortalite might be swalowed vp of life But he that hath ordeyned vs for this is God which hath geuen vs the earnest of the sprete Therfore are we allwaye of good cheare and knowe that as longe as we dwell here in the body we are not at home with the LORDE for we walke in faith and se him not Neuertheles we are of good comforte and had leuer to be absent from the body to be at home with the LORDE Wherfore whether we be at home or frō home we endeuoure oure selues to please him For we must all appeare before the iudgment seate of Christ y t euery one maye receaue in his body acordinge to y t he hath done whether it be good or bad Seynge then that we knowe how that the LORDE is to be feared we fare fayre with men but we are knowne well ynough vnto God I trust also that we are knowne in youre consciences We prayse not oure selues agayne vnto you but geue you an occasion to reioyse of vs y t ye maye haue to reioyse agaynst them which reioyse after the outwarde appearaunce and not after the hert For yf we do to moch we do it vnto God yf we kepe measure we do it for youre sakes For the loue of Christ constrayneth vs in as moch as we thus iudge that yf one be deed for all then are all deed And therfore dyed he for all that they which lyue shulde not hence forth lyue vnto them selues but vnto him which dyed for them and rose agayne Therfore hence forth knowe we noman after y
might be dāned which beleued not the trueth but had pleasure in vnrighteousnes But we are bounde to geue thankes allwaye vnto God for you brethren be loued of the LORDE because that God hath from the begynnynge chosen you to saluacion in the sanctifienge of the sprete and in beleuynge of the trueth whervnto he hath called you by oure Gospell to optayne the glory of oure LORDE Iesus Christ. Therfore brethren stonde fast and kepe the ordinaunces which ye haue lerned whether it were by oure preachinge or by epistle But oure LORDE Iesus Christ himselfe and God oure father which hath loued vs and geuen vs euerlastinge consolacion and a good hope thorow grace comforte youre hertes and stablysh you in all doctryne good doynge The III. Chapter FVrthermore brethren praye for vs that the worde of God maye haue fre passage and be glorified as it is with you and that we maye be delyuered from vnreasonable and euell mē For faith is not euery mās But the LORDE is faithfull which shal stablyshe you and kepe you from euell We haue confidence in the LORDE to you warde that ye both do and wyll do that which we cōmaunde you The LORDE gyde youre hertes vnto the loue of God and pacience of Christ. But we requyre you brethren in the name of oure LORDE Iesus Christ that ye withdrawe youre selues from euery brother that walketh inordinatly and not after the institucion which he receaued of vs. For ye yo r selues knowe how ye oughte to folowe vs for we behaued not oure selues inordinatly amonge you nether toke we bred of eny man for naughte but wrought w t laboure and trauayle night and daye lest we shulde be chargeable to eny of you Not but that we had auctorite but to geue oure selues for an ensample vnto you to folowe vs. And whan we were w t you this we warned you of that yf there were eny which wolde not worke y e same shulde not eate For we heare saye that there are some which walke amonge you inordinatly and worke not at all but are busy bodies But them that are soche we commaunde and exhorte by oure LORDE Iesus Christ that they worke with quyetnes and eate their awne bred Neuertheles brethren be not ye weery of well doynge But yf eny man obey not oure sayenges sende vs worde of him by a letter and haue nothinge to do with him y t he maye be ashamed Yet counte him not as an enemye but warne him as a brother The very LORDE of peace geue you peace allwayes by all meanes The LORDE be with you all The salutacion of me Paul with myne awne hande This is the token in all epistles So I wryte The grace of oure LORDE Iesus Christ be with you all Amen Sent from Athens The first Epistle of the Apostle S. Paul to Timothy The summe of this epistle Chap. I. He exhorteth Timothy to wayte vpō his office namely to se that nothīge be taughte but Gods worde c. He sheweth also wherfore the lawe is good and telleth these swete and glad tidinges that Christ Iesus came in to the worlde to saue synners example of himselfe Chap. II. He exhorteth to praye for all men He will not haue wemen to be ouer costly arayed ner to teach in the congregacion but to be in sylence and obeye their huszbandes Chap. III. What maner of man a byszhpppe or prest ought to be and what condicions his wife and children shulde haue The properties also requyred in a deacon or mynister and in his wife Chap. IIII. He prophecieth of the latter dayes and exhorteth Timothy to the diligēt readynge of the holy scripture Chap. V. He teacheth him how he shal behaue himselfe in rebukynge all degrees An ordre concernynge wyddowes Chap. VI. The dutye of seruauntes towarde their masters Agaynst soch as are not satisfied with the worde of God Agaynst cuvetousnes A good lesson for riche men The first Chapter PAul an Apostle of Iesus Christ acordinge to the commaundement of God oure Sauioure and of the LORDE Iesus Christ which is oure hope Vnto Timothy my naturall sonne in the faith Grace mercy and peace from God oure father and oure LORDE Iesus Christ. As I besoughte y e to abyde still at Ephesus whan I departed in to Macedonia euē so do that thou commaunde some that they teach none other wyse nether geue hede to fables and genealogies which are endlesse and brede doutes more then godly edifyenge which is by faith For y e chefe summe of the commaundement is loue of a pure hert and of a good cōscience and of faith vnfayned From the which some haue erred haue turned vnto vayne iangelynge wyllinge to be doctours of the scripture and vnderstonde not what they speake nether wherof they affirme But we knowe that the lawe is good yf a man vse it laufully vnderstōdinge this that the lawe is not geuen vnto the righteous but to the vnrighteous dishobedient to the vngodly to synners to the vnholy vncleane to murthurers of fathers and murthurers of mothers to manslayers to whoremongers to thē that defyle them selues with mankynde to menstealers to lyars to periured so forth yf there be eny other thinge y t is cōtrary to y e wholsome doctryne acordinge to y e Gospell of y e glory of the blessed God which Gospell is cōmytted vnto me And I thanke Christ Iesus o r LORDE which hath made me strōge for he counted me faithfull put me in office whā before I was a blasphemer a persecuter a tyraunt but I optayned mercy because I dyd it ignorauntly in vnbeleue Neuertheles the grace of o r LORDE was more abūdaunt thorow y e faith loue which is in Christ Iesu. For this is a true sayenge and by all meanes worthy to be receaued that Christ Iesus came in to y e worlde to saue synners of whom I am chefe Notwithstondynge for this cause optayned I mercy that Iesus Christ mighte pryncipally shewe in me all longe pacience to the ensample of them which shulde beleue in him vnto eternall life So then vnto God kynge euerlastinge immortall and invisible and wyse onely be honoure and prayse for euer and euer Amen This commaundement commytte I vnto the my sonne Timotheus acordinge to y e prophecies which in tyme past were prophecied of the that thou in them shuldest fighte a good fighte hauynge faith good conscience which some haue put awaye frō them and as concernynge faith haue made shypwrake of whose nombre is Hymeneos and Alexander whom I haue delyuered vnto Sathan that they might be taught nomore to blaspheme The II. Chapter I Exhorte therfore y t aboue all thinges prayers supplicacions intercessions and geuynge of thākes be had for all men for kynges and for all that are in auctorite that we maye lyue a quyete peaceable life in all godlynes and
fro me of which sorte are Phigelus and Hermogenes The LORDE geue mercy vnto the house of Onesiphorus for he oft refreszhed me and was not aszhamed of my cheyne but whan he was at Rome he soughte me out very diligently and founde me The LORDE graunte vnto him that he maye fynde mercy with the LORDE in that daye And how moch he mynistred vnto me at Ephesus thou knowest very well The II. Chapter THou therfore my sonne be stronge thorow the grace which is in Christ Iesu. And what thinges thou hast herde of me by many witnesses the same commytte thou vnto faithfull men which are apte to teach other Thou therfore suffre affliccion as a good soudyer off Iesu Christ. No mā that warreth tangleth himselfe with wordly busynesses that because he wolde please him which hath chosen him to be a soudyer And though a man stryue for a mastrye yet is he not crowned excepte he stryue laufully The huszbandman that laboureth must first enioye the frutes Consydre what I saye The LORDE shal geue the vnderstondynge in all thinges Remembre that Iesus Christ beynge of the sede of Dauid rose agayne frō the deed acordynge to my Gospell wherein I suffre as an euell doer euen vnto bandes but the worde of God is not bounde Therfore suffre I all for the electes sakes that they also mighte optayne the saluacion in Christ Iesu with eternall glory This is a true sayenge Yf we be deed w t him we shal lyue with him also Yf we be pacient we shal also raigne with him Yf we denye him he also shal denye vs Yf we beleue not yet abydeth he faithfull he can not denye himselfe Of these thinges put thou them in remēbraunce and testifye before the LORDE that they stryue not aboute wordes which is to no profit but to peruerte the hearers Study to shewe thy selfe vnto God a laudable workman that nedeth not to be ashamed deuydynge the worde of trueth iustly As for vngoostly and vayne talkynges eschue them for they helpe moch to vngodlynes and their worde fretteth as doth a canker Of whose nombre is Hymeneos Philetus which as concernynge the trueth haue erred sayenge that the resurreccion is past allready and haue destroyed the faith of dyuerse personnes But y e sure grounde of God stondeth fast and hath this seale The LORDE knoweth them that are his and let euery mā that calleth vpon the name of Christ departe from iniquyte Notwithstondynge in a greate house are not onely vessels of golde and of syluer but also of wod and of earth some for honoure and some to dishonoure But yf a man pourge himselfe from soch felowes he shal be a vessell sanctified vnto honoure mete for the LORDE and prepared vnto all good workes Fle thou the lustes of youth ▪ but folowe righteousnes faith loue peace ▪ with all them that call vpon the LORD● with pure hert As for folish questions an● soch as teach not put them frō the for tho● knowest that they do but gēder stryfe Th● seruaunt of the LORDE ought not to stryue but to be gentle vnto euery man apte to teach one that can forbeare the euell one y t can with mekenesse enfourme ●hem y t 〈◊〉 yf God at eny tyme wyl geue 〈…〉 for to knowe the trueth 〈…〉 agayne from the snare of 〈…〉 are holden in preson of him 〈…〉 The III. Chapter BVT this shalt thou knowe that in the last dayes shal come parelous tymes For there shal be mē which shal holde of thē selues couetous boasters proude cursed speakers dishobedient to their elders vnthankfull vngoostly vnkynde truce breakers false accusers ryatours fearce despysers of them which are good traytours heady hye mynded gredy vpon voluptuousnes more then the louers of God hauynge a shyne off godly lyuynge but denyenge the power therof And soch avoyde Of this sorte are they which rūne frō house to house brynge in to bondage wemē ladē w t synne which wemen are led with dyuerse lustes euer lernynge and are neuer able to come vnto the knowlege of the trueth But like as Iamnes and Iābres withstode Moses euen so do these also resist the trueth mē they are of corrupte myndes and lewde as cōcernynge y e faith but they shal preuayle no longer For their folishnes shal be manifest vnto all men as theirs was But thou hast sene the experience of my doctryne my faszhion of lyuynge my purpose my faith my longsufferynge my loue my pacience my persecucions my affliccions which happened vnto me at Antioche at Iconium at Lystra which persecucions I suffred paciently and from thē all the LORDE delyuered me Yee and all they that wil lyue godly in Christ Iesu must suffre persecucion But the euell men and disceauers shal waxe worse and worse disceauynge and beynge disceaued But contynue thou in the thinges that thou hast lerned which also were cōmytted vnto the seynge thou knowest of whō thou hast learned them And for so moch as thou hast knowne holy scripture of a childe the same is able to make y e wyse vnto saluacion thorow the faith in Christ Iesu. For all scripture geuē by inspiracion of God is profitable to teach to improue to amende and to instructe in righteousnes that a man off God maye be perfecte and prepared vnto all good workes The IIII. Chapter I Testifye therfore before God before the LORDE Iesu Christ which shal come to iudge the lyuynge and ●he deed at ●is appearynge in his kyngdo●● 〈…〉 each ●hou the worde be feruent be it 〈…〉 out of season Improue rebuke 〈…〉 all longe sufferynge and 〈…〉 wil come whan they shal not suffre wholsome doctryne but after their awne lustes shal they whose eares ytche get them an heape of teachers and shal turne their eares from the trueth and shal be geuen vnto fables But watch thou in all thinges suffre aduersite do the worke of a preacher of the Gospell fulfyll thine office vnto the vttemost For I am now ready to be offered and the tyme of my departinge is at honde I haue foughte a good fighte I haue fulfylled the course I haue kepte the faith From hence forth there is layed vp for me a crowne of righteousnes which the LORDE the righteous iudge shal geue me in y t daye Howbeit not vnto me onely but vnto all them that loue his cōmynge Make spede to come vnto me at once For Demas hath lefte me and loueth this present worlde and is departed vnto Tessalonica Crescens in to Galacia Titus vnto Dalmacia Onely Lucas is with me Take Marke brynge him with the for he is profitable vnto me to the mynistracion Tichicus haue I sent to Ephesus The cloke that I lefte at Troada with Carpus brynge with the whan thou commest and the bokes but specially the parchemēt Alexāder the coppersmyth dyd me moch euell the LORDE rewarde him
that nothin●● be lackynge vnto them And let oures 〈…〉 ●●cell in good workes as farre 〈…〉 that they be not 〈…〉 〈…〉 with me salute the. Grete them that loue vs in the faith Grace be with you all Amen Wrytten from Nicopolis in Macedonia The Epistle of the Apostle S. Paul vnto Philemon The summe of this Epistle He reioyseth to heare of the faith and loue of Philemon whom he desyreth to forgeue his seruaūt Onesimus and louyngly to receaue him agayne PAul the presoner of Iesu Christ and brother Timotheus Vnto Philemon the beloued and oure helper and to the beloued Appia and to Archippus o r felowe soudyer and to the congregacion in thy house Grace be with you and peace from God oure father and from the LORDE Iesus Christ. I thanke my God makynge mencion all wayes of the in my prayers for so moch as I heare of thy loue and faith which thou hast on the LORDE Iesu and towarde all sayntes that oure comen faith maye be frutefull in the thorow knowlege of all y e good that ye haue in Christ Iesu. Greate ioye and consolacion haue I in thy loue For by the brother the sayntes are hertely refreshed Wherfore though I haue great boldnes in Christ to commaunde the that which becommeth the yet for loues sake I rather beseke y e though I be as I am euē Paul aged and now a presoner also of Iesu Christ. I beseke the for my sonne Onesimus whom I haue begotten in my bondes which in tyme past was to the vnprofitable but now profitable both to the and me Whom I haue sent agayne but receaue thou him that is euen myne awne hert For I wolde haue kepte him styll with me that in thy steade he might haue mynistred vnto me in y e bondes of y e Gospell Neuertheles without thy mynde wolde I do nothinge that y e good which thou doest shulde not be of compulsion but wyllingly Happly he therfore departed for a season that thou shuldest receaue him for euer not now as a seruaunt but aboue a seruaunt euen a brother beloued specially to me but how moch more vnto y e both in y e flesh and in the LORDE Yf thou holde me for thy companyon receaue him then euen as my selfe But yf he haue hurte the or oweth the oughte that laye to my charge I Paul haue wrytten it with myne awne hande I wil recompence it so that I do not saye vnto y e how t●at thou owest vnto me euen thine owne selfe Euen so brother let me enioye the in the LORDE refresh thou my hert in the LORDE Trustinge in thine obediēce I haue wrytten vnto the for I knowe that thou wilt do more then I saye Morouer prepare me lodginge for I hope that thorow youre prayers I shal be geuen vnto you There saluteth the Epaphras my felowe presoner in Christ Iesu Marcus Aristarchus Demas Lucas my helpers The grace of oure LORDE Iesu Christ be with youre sprete Amen Sent from Rome by Onesimus a seruaunt The first Epistle of the Apostle S. Peter The summe of this Epistle Chap. I. He sheweth that thorow the abundaunt mercy of God we are begotten agayne to a lyuely hope and how faith must be tr●ed how the saluacion in Christ is no newes but a thinge prophecied of olde He exhorteth them to a godly conuersacion for so moch as they are now borne a new by the worde of God Chap. II. He exhorteth men to laye asyde all vyce sheweth that Christ is the foundacion wher vpon they be buylt prayeth them to absteyne frō fleshly lustes and to obeye worldly rulers How seruauntes shulde behaue them selues towarde their masters He exhorteth to suffre after the ensample of Christ. Chap. III. How wyues ought to ordre them selues towarde their huszbandes and in their apparell The dutye of mē towarde their wyues He exorteth all men to vnite and loue and paciently to suffre trouble Of true baptyme Chap. IIII. He exhorteth men to ceasse from synne to spende no more tyme in vyce to be sober and apte to prayer to loue ech other to be pacient in trouble and to bewarre that no man suffre as an euell doer but as a Cristen man and not to be ashamed Chap. V. A speciall exhortacion for all bisshoppes or prestes to fede the flocke of Christ and what their dutie is and what rewarde they shal haue yf they be diligēt He exhorteth yonge personnes to submytt thē selues to the elder euery one to loue another to be sober to watch that they maye resist the enemye The first Epistle of the Apostle S. Peter The first Chapter PETER an Apostle of Iesu Christ to thē that dwell here and there as straungers thorow out Pontus Galacia Capadocia Asia and Bithinia electe acordinge to the foreknowlege of God the father thorow sanctifienge of the sprete vnto obedience and sprenklynge of the bloude of Iesus Christ. Grace and peace be multiplied with you Blessed be God and the father of oure LORDE Iesus Christ which acordinge to his greate mercy hath begotten vs agayne vnto a lyuely hope by the resurreccion of Iesus Christ from the deed to an vncorruptible and vndefyled inheritaunce which neuer shal fade awaye but is reserued in heauen for you that are kepte by the power of God thorow faith to saluacion which is prepared all ready to be shewed in the last tyme in the which ye shal reioyse though now for a litle season yff nede requyre ye are in heuynes thorow manyfolde temptacions that youre faith once tryed beynge moch more precious then the corruptible golde that is tryed thorow the fyre might be founde vnto laude glory and honoure at the appearynge of Iesus Christ whom ye haue not sene and yet loue him in whom now ye beleue ▪ though ye se him not Euen so shal ye reioyce also with vnoutspeakable and glorious ioye receauynge the end● of youre faith euen the saluacion of your● soules Of which saluacion the prophetes haue enquyred and searched which prophecied off the grace that shulde come vpo● you searchinge whan or at what tyme th● sprete off Christ that was in them shuld● signifye which sprete testified before th● passions that shulde come vnto Christ an● the glory that shulde folowe after Vnt● the which prophetes it was declared th●● not vnto them selues but vnto vs th●● shulde mynister the thinges which are no● shewed vnto you by them which thorow holy goost sent downe from heauen ha●● preached vnto you the thinges which 〈◊〉 angels delyte to beholde Wherfore gyrde op the 〈…〉 youre mynde be sober and trust 〈…〉 on the grace that is brought vnto you by the declarynge of Iesus Christ as obedient childrē not faszhionynge youre selues to yo r olde lustes of ignoraunce but as he which hath called you is holy euē so be ye holy also in all youre conuersacion for it it wryttē Be ye holy for I am holy And yf so be that ye call on
his brethren that he mighte be mercyfull and a faithfull hye prest in thinges concernynge God to make agrement for the synnes of y e people For in that he himselfe suffred and was tempted he is able to sucker them that are tempted The III. Chapter WHerfore holy brethren ye that are partakers of the heauēly callynge consyder the Embasseatour and hye prest of o r profession Christ Iesus which is faithfull to him that ordeyned him euen as was Moses in all his house But this man is worthy of greater honoure then moses in as moch as he which prepareth the house hath greater honoure in it then the house it selfe For euery house is prepared of some mā but he that ordeyned all thinges is God And Moses verely was faithfull in all his house as a mynister to beare witnes of those thinges which were to be spoken afterwarde But Christ as a sonne hath rule ouer his house whose house are we yf we holde fast the confidence and reioysinge of that hope vnto the ende Wherfore as y e holy goost sayeth Todaye yf ye shal heare his voyce harden not youre hertes as in the prouokynke in the daye of temptacion in the wyldernes where youre fathers tempted me proued me and sawe my workes fortye yeares longe Wherfore I was greued w t that generacion and sayde They erre euer in their hertes But they knewe not my wayes so that I sware in my wrath that they shulde not enter into my rest Take hede brethren that there be not in eny of you an euell hert of vnbeleue to departe from the lyuynge God but exhorte youre selues daylie whyle it is called to daye lest eny of you waxe harde harted thorow y e disceatfulnes of synne For we are become partakers of Christ yf we kepe sure vnto y e ende the begynnynge of the substāce so longe as it is sayde Todaye yf ye shal heare his voyce hardē not youre hertes as in the prouocaciō For some whan they herde prouoked Howbeit not all they y t came out of Egipte by Moses But with whom was he displeased fortye yeares longe Was he not displeased with them y t synned whose carcases were ouerthrowne in y e wyldernesse To whom sware he y t they shulde not enter in to his rest but vnto thē y t beleued not And we se y t they coulde not enter in because of vnbeleue The IIII. Chapter LEt vs feare therfore lest eny of vs forsakynge the promes of entrynge in to his rest shulde seme to come behinde for it is declared vnto vs as well as vnto thē But the worde of preachinge helped not thē whā they that herde it beleued it not For we which haue beleued enter in to his rest acordynge as he sayde Euen as I haue sworne in my wrath They shal not enter in to my rest And that spake he verely lōge after that the workes frō the begynnynge of the worlde were made For he spake in a certayne place of the seuēth daye on this wyse And God rested on the seuenth daye from all his workes And in this place agayne They shal not come in to my rest Seynge it foloweth thē that some must enter there in to and they to whom it was first preached entred not therin for vnbeleues sake therfore appoynteth he a daye agayne after so longe tyme and sayeth Todaye as it is rehearsed by Dauid Todaye yf ye shal heare his voyce then harden not youre hertes For yf Iosua had geuen them rest thē wolde he not afterwarde haue spoken of another daye Therfore remayneth there yet a rest vnto the people of God For he that is entred in to his rest ceasseth from his workes as God doth from his Let vs make haist therfore to enter in to that rest lest eny man fall after the same ensample of vnbeleue For y e worde of God is quycke and mightie in operacion and sharper thē eny two edged swerde and entreth thorow euen to the deuydinge of the soule the sprete and of y e ioyntes the mary and is a iudger of the thoughtes intētes of the hert nether is there eny creature invisible in y e sighte of him But all thinges are naked bare vnto y e eyes of hī of whō we speake The V. Chapter SEynge then that we haue a greate hye prest euē Iesus y e sonne of God which is entred in to heauen let vs holde oure profession For we haue not an hye prest which cā not haue cōpassion on o r infirmities but was in all poyntes tēpted like as we are but without synne Let vs therfore go boldely vnto the seate of grace that we maye receaue mercy and fynde grace to helpe in the tyme of nede For euery hye prest that is taken frō amōge men is ordeyned for men in thinges pertayninge to God to offer giftes and sacrifices for synne which can haue cōpassion on the ignoraunt and on them that are out of the waye for so moch as he himselfe also is compased aboute with infirmyte Therfore is he bounde to offer for synnes as well for him selfe as for y e people And nomā taketh y e honoure vnto himselfe but he that is called of God as was Aaron Euen so Christ glorified not himselfe to be made hye prest but he y t sayde vnto him Thou art my sonne this daye haue I begotten the. As he sayeth also in another place Thou art a prest for euer after y e order of Melchisedech And in y e dayes of his fleshe he offred vp prayers supplicacions w t strōge cryenge teares vnto him y t was able to saue him frō death was herde also because he had God in honoure And though he was Gods sonne yet lerned he obedience by those thinges which he suffred And he beynge made perfecte became the cause of euerlastinge saluaciō vnto all thē y t obeye him and is called of God an hye prest after the order of Melchisedech Wherof we haue many thinges to saye which are harde to be vttered because ye are dull of hearynge For where as concernynge the tyme ye ought to be teachers yet haue ye nede agayne y t we teach you the first preceptes of the worde of God and are become soch as haue nede of mylke and not stronge meate For euery one that is fed yet with mylte is vnexperte in the worde of righteousnes for he is but a babe But stronge meate belongeth vnto them y t are perfecte which thorow custome haue their wyttes exercysed to iudge both good and euell The VI. Chapter WHerfore let vs leaue the doctryne pertaynynge to the begynnynge of a Christen life and let vs go vnto perfeccion and now nomore laye y e foundacion of repētaunce from deed workes and of faith towarde God of baptyme of doctryne of layenge on of hādes of resurreccion of the deed of eternall iudgment
yo siluer are cancred the rust of them shal be a witnes vnto you shal eate youre fleszhe as it were fyre Ye haue heaped treasure togedder in yo last dayes Beholde the hyre of the labourers which haue reped downe youre feldes which hyer is of you kept backe by fraude cryeth and the cryes of thē which haue reped are entred in to the eares of the LORDE Sabaoth Ye haue liued in pleasure on the earth and in wantannes Ye haue noryszhed youre hertes as in adaye of slaughter Ye haue cōdempned and haue killed the iust and he hath not resisted you Be pacient therfore brethren vnto the cōmynge of the LORDE Beholde the huszbāde man wayteth for the precious frute of y e earth and hath longe pacience there vpon vntill he receaue the erly and the latter rayne Be ye also pacient therfore and settle youre hertes for the commynge of the LORDE draweth nye Grodge not one agaynst another brethren lest ye be damned Beholde the iudge stondeth before the dore Take my brethren the prophetes for an ensample of sufferynge aduersitie and of longe pacience which spake in the name of the LORDE Beholde we counte them happy which endure Ye haue hearde of y e paciēce of Iob and haue knowen what ende the LORDE made For the LORDE is very pitifull and mercifull But aboue all thinges my brethrē sweare not nether by heauē nether by earth nether by eny other othe Let youre ye be ye and yo naye naye lest ye faule in to ypocricy Yf eny of you be euell vexed let hī praye Yf eny of you be mery let him singe Psalmes Yf eny be deseased amonge you let him call for the elders of the congregacion let thē praye ouer him and anoynte him with oyle in the name of the LORDE and y e prayer of faith shal saue the sicke and the LORDE shal rayse him vp and yf he haue cōmitted synnes they shal be forgeuen him Knowlege youre fautes one to another and praye one for another that ye maye be healed The prayer of a righteous man auayleth moche yf it be feruēt Helias was a mā mortall euen as we are and he prayed in his prayer that it might not rayne it rayned not on the earth by the space of thre yeares and sixe monethes And he prayed agayne and y e heauē gaue rayne y e earth brought forth her frute Brethren yf eny of you erre frō the trueth and another conuert him let y e same knowe that he which conuerted the synner from goynge astraye out off his waye shal saue a soule frō death and shal hyde the multitude of synnes The ende of the epistle of S. Iames. The Epistle of S. Iude. The summe of this epistle He rebuketh soch as beynge blynded with their owne lustes resist the trueth that we maye knowe them the better he sayeth they be soch as synne beastly agaynst nature and despise rulers c. He exhorteth vs to edifie one another to praye in the holy goost to continue in loue to loke for the cōmynge of the LORDE and one to helpe another out of the fyre IVdas the seruaunt of Iesus Christ the brother off Iames. To thē which are called and sanctified in God the father and preserued in Iesu Christ. Mercy vnto you and peace and loue be multiplied Beloued when I gaue all diligence to wryte vnto you of the commen saluacion it was nedefull for me to wryte vnto you to exhorte you that ye shulde continually laboure in the faith which was once geuē vnto the sayntes For there are certayne craftely crept in of which it was wrytten afore tyme vnto soche iudgement They are vngodly and turne the grace of oure God vnto wantānes and denye God the onely LORDE and oure LORDE Iesus Christ. My minde is therfore to put you in remēbraūce for as moche as ye once knowe this how that y e LORDE after that he had deliuered the people out of Egipt destroyed them which afterwarde beleued not The angels also which kept not their first estate but lefte their awne habitacion he hath reserued in euerlastinge chaynes vnder darcknes vnto the iudgement of the greate daye euen as Sodom and Gomor and the cities aboute them which in lyke maner defiled them selues with fornicacion and folowed straunge fleszhe are set forth for an ensample and suffre the vengeaunce of eternall fyre Lykewyse these dremers defyle the fleszhe despyse rulers and speake euell of them that are in auctoritie Yet Michael the archangell when he stroue agaynst the deuell disputed aboute the body of Moses durst not geue raylinge sentence but sayde the LORDE rebuke the. But these speake euell off those thinges which they knowe not and what thinges they knowe naturally as beastes which are without reason in tho thinges they corrupte them selues Wo be vnto thē for they haue folowed the waye of Cain and are vtterly geuē to the erroure of Balaam for lukers sake and peryszhe in the treason of Core These are spottes which of youre kindnes feast togedder without feare fedynge thē selues Cloudes they are withouten water caried about of wyndes and trees without frute at gadringe tyme twyse deed and plucked vp by the rotes They are the ragynge waues of the see fominge out their awne shame They are wandrynge starres to whō is reserued the myst of darcknes for euer Enoch the seuenth from Adam prophecied before of suche saienge Beholde the LORDE shal come with thousandes of sayntes to geue iudgemēt agaynst all men and to rebuke all that are vngodly amonge thē of all their vngodly dedes which they haue vngodly committed and of all their cruell speakynges which vngodly synners haue spoken agaynst him These are murmurers complaners walkynge after their awne lustes whose mouthes speake proude thynges They haue mē in greate reuerence because of avauntage But ye beloued remēber the wordes which were spoken before of the Apostles of oure LORDE Iesus Christ how that they tolde you y t their shulde be begylers in the last tyme which shulde walke after their awne vngodly lustes These are makers off sectes fleshlie hauynge no sprete But ye derlye beloued edifye youre selues in youre most holy faith prayenge in the holy goost and kepe youre selues in the loue of God lokinge for the mercy of oure LORDE Iesus Christ vnto eternall life And haue cōpassion on some separatinge thē and other saue with feare pullinge them out of the fyre and hate the fylthy vesture of the fleshe Vnto him that is able to kepe you that ye faule not and to present you fautlesse before y e presence of his glory with ioye y t is to saye to God oure saueoure which only is wyse be glory maiestie dominion power now and for euer Amen The Apocalips or reuelacion of S. Ihon. The summe of the Reuelacion Chap. I. Happie are they that heare the worde of God and kepe it He
hath solde vs spent vp o r wages Therfore hath God withdrawē o r fathers riches from him vnto vs oure children What so euer now God hath sayde vnto the that do So Iacob gat vp and set his children and wyues vpon Camels and caried awaye all his catell and all his substaunce that he had gotten at Mesopotamia y t he might come vnto Isaac his father in the lande of Canaan Labā was gone to clyppe his flocke and Rachel stale hir fathers ymages Thus dyd Iacob steale awaie y e hert of Laban y e Syrian in y t he tolde him not that he fled So he fled all that was his gat vp and passed ouer the water wente straight towarde the mount Gilead Vpon the thirde daye it was tolde Laban that Iacob fled And he toke his brethrē vnto him and folowed after him seuen dayes iourney and ouertoke him vpon the mount Gilead But God came vnto Laban the Syrian in a dreame by night sayde vnto him Bewarre that thou speake nothinge to Iacob but good And Labā drew nye vnto Iacob As for Iacob he had pytched his tente vpon the mount And Laban with his brethrē pytched his tent also vpon the same mount Gilead Then sayde Laban vnto Iacob What hast thou done that thou hast stollen awaie my hert and caried awaye my doughters as though they had bene taken captyue w t y e swerde Wherfore keptest thou that secrete that thou woldest flye and hast stollen awaye fro me and toldest me not that I might haue brought the on the waye with myrth with synginge with tabrettes and harpes and hast not suffred me to kysse my children and doughters Thou hast done foolishly and so moch might I haue made that I coude haue done you euell but youre fathers God saide yesterdaye vnto me Bewarre that thou speake nothinge vnto Iacob but good And for so moch then as thou woldest nedes departe and longedest sore after y e fathers house why hast thou stollen away my goddes Iacob answered and sayde vnto Laban I was afrayed that thou shuldest haue taken away thy doughters fro me but loke by whom thou fyndest thy goddes let the same dye here before oure brethren Seke that thine is by me and take it awaye But he knew not that Rachel had stollen them Then wente Laban in to Iacobs tent and in to Leas tent and in to both the maydens tētes and founde nothinge and out of Leas tente he wente in to Rachels tent Then toke Rachel the ymages and layed them vnder the Camels strawe and sat downe vpon them But Laban searched the whole tent and founde nothinge Then sayde she vnto hir father Be not angrie my lorde that I can not ryse vp vnto the for it goeth w t me after the maner of wemen So he sought and founde not the ymages And Iacob was wroth and chode with Laban answered sayde vnto him What haue I trespased or offended y t thou art so whote vpon me Thou hast searched all my housholde stuff what hast thou founde of thy housholde stuff Laye it here before my brethren thyne y t they maye iudge betwene vs both Twentye yeare haue I bene w t the thy shepe goates haue not bene vnfrutefull the rammes of thy flocke haue I not eaten Loke what was torne of beastes I brought it not vnto y t I was fayne to paie it my self thou requyredest it of my hand● whether it were stollen fro me by daye or by night On the daye tyme the heate cōsumed me and the frost on the night and my slepe departed fro myne eyes Thus haue I serued twentye yeare in thy house fourtene yeares for thy doughters sixe for thy flocke and ten tymes hast thou chaunged my rewarde yf the God of my father the God of Abraham and the feare of Isaac had not bene on my syde thou haddest latten me go awaye emptye But God hath loked vpon myne aduersite and laboure and rebuked the yesterdaye Laban answered and sayde The doughters are my doughters the children are my childrē and the flockes are my flockes all that thou seist is myne What can I do this daye vnto these my doughters or to their children whom they haue borne Now therfore come on let vs make a couenaunt I thou which maye be a wytnesse betwene me and the. Then toke Iacob a stone set it vp for a piler or markstone and sayde vnto his brethren Gather stones And they toke the stones and made an heape ate vpon the same heape And Labā called it Iegar Sahadutha but Iacob called it Gilead either of them after the properte of his language Then sayde Laban This heape be wytnesse betwene me and the this daye therfore is it called Gilead and a testimony for he sayde The LORDE loke betwene me and y e whan we are departed y e one from y e other yf thou vexe my doughters or take other wyues vnto them There is no mā with vs but lo God is the wytnesse betwene me and the. And Laban sayde morouer vnto Iacob Beholde this is the heape and this is the marckstone that I haue set vp betwixte me and the the same heape be wytnesse and the same marckstone also be wytnesse yf I passe ouer vnto the or yf thou passe ouer this heape marckstone vnto me to do eny harme The God of Abraham and the God of Nahor and the God of their fathers be iudge betwene vs. And Iacob sware vnto him by the feare of his father Isaac And Iacob offred an offerynge vpon the mount and called his brethrē to eate bred And whan they had eaten they taried vpon the mount all night But vpon the morow Laban rose vp early kyssed his childrē doughters blessed thē departed and came agayne vnto his place As for Iacob he wente on his iourney the angels of God met him And whan he sawe them he sayde It is Gods hoost called the same place Mahanaim The XXXII Chapter IAcob sent messaungers before him to his brother Esau in to the lande of Seir of the felde of Edom commaunded thē sayde Saye thus vnto my lorde Esau Thy seruaunt Iacob sendeth y e this worde I haue bene out w t Laban haue bene hither to amonge straungers haue oxen Asses shepe seruauntes maydēs haue sent forth to shewe it the my lorde y t I might fynde fauoure in thy sight The messaungers came agayne vnto Iacob and sayde We came vnto thy brother Esau he commeth forth also agaynst the with foure hundreth men Then was Iacob sore afrayed and wyst not what waye to turne himself deuyded the people that was with him and the shepe and the oxen the Camels in to two droues sayde Yf Esau come vpon the one droue and smyte it the other shal escape Iacob sayde morouer O God of my father Abrahā God of my father Isaac LORDE thou that saydest
vnto me Departe agayne to thine owne londe and to thy kynred and I wyl do the good I am to litle for all the mercies and all the trueth that thou hast shewed vnto thy seruaunt for I had no more but this staff whan I wente ouer this Iordan and now am I become two droues delyuer me from y e hande of my brother frō the hāde of Esau for I am afrayed of him lest he come and smyte me the mother with the children Thou saydest I wyll do the good and wyll make thy sede as the sonde of y e see which can not be nombred for multitude And there he taried that night and toke of soch as came to hande a present vnto his brother Esau two hūdreth she goates twentye he goates two hundreth shepe twentye rammes and thirtie mylck camels w t their foales fourtye kyne ten bullockes twentye she Asses with ten foales and put them in the handes of his seruauntes euery flock by them selues sayde vnto them Go ye forth before me put a space betwixte one flocke after the other and commaunded the first and sayde When my brother Esau meteth the and axeth the Whose art thou whyther goest thou and whose are these that thou dryuest before the Thou shalt saye They be thy seruaunt Iacobs which sendeth a present vnto his lorde Esau and commeth behynde vs him self Thus commaunded he the seconde also and the thirde and all them that folowed the flockes and sayde Like as I haue tolde you so speake ye vnto Esau whan ye mete him and saye vnto him also Beholde y t seruaūt Iacob is behynde vs. For he thought I wyll reconcyle him with the present that goeth before me after warde wyll I se him my self peraduenture he shall receaue me to grace So the present wente before him but he taried in the tente the same night and rose vp in y e night and toke his two wyues and the two maydens and his eleuen sonnes and wente vnto the foorde of Iacob toke them and caried them ouer the water so that all that he had came ouer and taried him self alone on this syde Then wrestled there a man with him vntyll the breake of y e daye And whan he sawe y t he might not ouercome him he touched the senowe of his thye and y e senowe of his thye shrancke in wrestlinge with him And he sayde Let me go for y e daye breaketh on But he answered I will not let y t go excepte thou blesse me He sayde What is thy name He answered Iacob He sayde Thou shalt nomore be called Iacob but Israel for thou hast stryuen with God and with men and hast preuayled And Iacob axed him sayde Tell me what is y e name But he sayde Why axest thou what my name is And he blessed him there And Iacob called the place Peniel for I haue sene God face to face my soule is recouered And as he came ouer frō Peniel y e Sonne rose vpō him he halted vpon his thye Therfore eate the children of Israel no vane vpon the senow of y e thye vnto this daye because y e vane vpon the senow of Iacobs thye was touched The XXXIII Chapter IAcob lift vp his eyes sawe his brother Esau cōmynge with foure hundreth men and he deuyded his children vnto Lea vnto Rachel and to both the maydēs and set the maydens with their children before and Lea with hir childrē after and Rachel with Ioseph hynder most And he wente before them and bowed him self to the grounde seuen tymes tyll he came to his brother But Esau ranne to mete him and enbraced him and fell aboute his neck kyssed him and wepte and lift vp his eyes and sawe the wyues with the children and sayde What are these with the He answered They are the children which God hath geuen vnto thy seruaunt And the maydens came forth with their children and dyd their obeysaunce vnto him Lea came forth also with hir childrē and kneled vnto him Afterwarde came Ioseph and Rachel forth and kneled vnto him like wyse And he sayde What meanest thou w t all the droue that I met He answered that I might fynde grace in the sight of my lorde Esau sayde I haue ynough my brother kepe that thou hast Iacob answered Oh nay but yf I haue founde grace in y e sight receaue my present of my hande for I sawe thy face as though I had sene the face of God and be at one with me Take this present in good worth that I haue brought y e for God hath geuen it me I haue ynough of all thinges So he compelled him to take it And he sayde Let vs go on and take oure iourney I wyll go in thy company But he sayde vnto him My lorde thou knowest that I haue tender children by me and small and greate catell also which are yet but yonge yf they shulde be dryuē ouer in one daye the whole flocke wolde dye Let my lorde go on before his seruaūt I wyll dryue after fayre and softly there after as the catell the children can go tyll I come to my lorde in Seir. Esau sayde Yet wil I leaue some of my people with the. He answered What nede is it Let me but onely fynde grace in the sight of my lorde So Esau departed againe the same daye towarde Seir and Iacob toke his iourney towarde Sucoth and buylded him an house and made tētes for his catell Therfore is the place called Sucoth Afterwarde came Iacob peaceably vnto the cite of Sichem which lyeth in y e lande of Canaan after that he was come agayne out of Mesopotamia and pitched before the cite and bought a pece of londe of the children of Hemor y e father of Sichem for an hundreth pens There pitched he his tent and there he set vp an altare and called vpon the name of the mightie God of Israel The XXXIIII Chapter DIna y e doughter of Lea which she bare vnto Iacob wente out to beholde the doughters of the londe Whan Sichem the sonne of Hemor the Henite which was lorde of the lōde sawe her he toke her and laye with her and forced her and his hert hanged vpon her and he loued y e damsell and talked louyngly with her and spake to his father Hemor Get me this mayden to wife And Iacob vnderstode that Dina his doughter was defyled and his sonnes were with the catell in the felde and Iacob helde his tonge tyll they came Then Hemor the father of Sichem wente forth vnto Iacob to comen with him In the meane season came Iacobs sonnes from y e felde And whan they herde it it greued the men and they were very wroth that he had wrought foly in Israel and lyen with Iacobs doughter for so was not the vse to do Then comened Hemor with thē and sayde My sonne Sichems hert longeth for youre doughter O ge●e hir him to
my God lighten myne eyes that I slepe not in death Lest myne enemie saye I haue preuayled agaynst hī for yf I be cast downe they that trouble me will reioyse at it But my trust is in thy mercy and my hert is ioyfull in thy sauynge health I wil synge of the LORDE that dealeth so louyngly with me Yee I wil prayse the name of the LORDE the most hyest The XIII A psalme of Dauid THe foolish bodyes saye in their hertes Tush there is no God They are corrupte ād become abhominable in their doynges there is not one ● doth good The LORDE loked downe frō heauē vpō the children of men to se yf there were eny that wolde vnderstonde seke after God But they are all gone out of the waye they are alltogether become vnprofitable there is none that doth good no not one Their throte is an open sepulcre with their tonges they haue disceaued the poyson of Aspes is vnder their lippes Their mouth is full of cursinge and bytternes their fete are swift to shed bloude Destruccion wretchednes are in their wayes ād the waye of peace haue they not knowne there is no feare off God before their eyes How can they haue vnderstondinge y t worke myschefe eatinge vp my people as it were bred call not vpō y e LORDE Therfore shal they be brought in greate feare for God stondeth by the generacion of the rightuous As for you ye haue made a mocke at the coūcell of the poore because he putteth his trust in the LORDE Oh y t the sauynge health were geuen vnto Israel out off Sion Oh that the LORDE wolde delyuer his people out of captiuyte Thē shulde Iacob reioyse and Israel shulde be right glad The XIIII A psalme of Dauid LORDE who shall dwell in thy tabernacle who shal rest vpō y i holy hill Euen he y t ledeth an vncorrupte life that doth the thinge which is right ād that speaketh the treuth from his herte He y t vseth no disceat in his tonge he that doth no euell to his neghboure slaundreth not his neghbours He y t setteth not by the vngodly but maketh moch of thē that feare the LORDE he y t sweareth vnto his neghboure dispoynteth him not He that geueth not his money vpon vsury and taketh no rewarde agaynst the innocēt Who so doth these thīges shal neuer be remoued The XV. A psalme of Dauid PReserue me o God for in the do I trust I haue sayde vnto y e LORDE thou art my God my goodes are nothinge vnto the. All my delyte is vpon the sanctes that are in the earth and vpon soch like But they y t runne after another shall haue greate trouble Their drynk offerynges of bloude wil not I offre nether make mencion of their name in my mouth The LORDE himself is my good and my 〈◊〉 thou manteynest my enheritaūce 〈…〉 is fallen vnto me in a fayre ground● 〈…〉 a goodly heretage I wil thanke 〈…〉 for geuynge me warnynge my 〈…〉 so haue chastened me in the night 〈…〉 Afore honde sawe I God allwayes 〈…〉 me for he is on my right honde that I shulde not be moued Therfore dyd my hert reioyce my tunge was glad my flesh also shall rest in hope For why thou shalt not leaue my sou●e in hell nether shalt thou suffre thy saynte to se corrupcion Thou hast shewed me the wayes off life thou shalt make me full of ioye w t thy countenaunce At thy right hande there is pleasure and ioye for euermore The XVI A psalme of Dauid HEare y e right O LORDE cōsidre my cō●playnte herken vnto my prayer tha● goeth not out of a fayned mouth Le● my sentence come forth frō thy presence and loke vpon the thinge that is equall Tho● hast proued visited myne herte in the nigh● season thou hast tried me in the fyre has● founde no wickednes in me for I vtterly pu●●posed that my mouth shulde not offende Because of the wordes of thy lippes I haue kepte me frō the workes of men in y e way● off the murthurer Oh ordre thou my goyn●ges in thy pathes that my fote steppes slippe not For vnto the I crie heare me o God● enclyne thine eares to me and herkē vnto my wordes Shewe y i maruelous louinge kindnesse thou that sauest them which put their trust in the from soch as resist thy right honde Kepe me as the apple of an eye defende me vnder the shadowe of thy wynges From the vngodly that trouble me fro myne enemies which compasse my soule rounde aboute Which manteyne their owne welthynesse with oppression their mouth speaketh proude thinges They lye waytinge in o r waye on euery syde turnynge their eyes downe to the grounde Like as a lyon that is gredy of his pray as it were a lyons whelpe lurckynge in his denne Vp LORDE dispoynte him cast him downe delyuer my soule with thy swerde from the vngodly Frō the men of thy honde o LORDE from the men off the worlde which haue their porcion in this life whose belies thou fyllest with thy treasure They haue children at their desyre and leaue the reste of their substaūce for their babes But as forme I will beholde thy presence in rightuousnes and when thy glory appea●● shal be satisfied 〈◊〉 XVII A psalme of Dauid when he is delyuered from the honde off Saul 〈…〉 loue the o LORDE my strēgth 〈…〉 The LORDE is my suco r my refuge 〈◊〉 my Sauio r my god my helper ī whō 〈…〉 my buckler y e horne of my health my protecciō I wil prayse y e LORDE call vpon him so shal I be safe fro myne enemies The sorowes of death cōpassed me the brokes of vngodlynes made me afrayed The paynes of hell came aboute me the snares of death toke holde vpō me Yet in my trouble I called vpō the LORDE cōplayned vnto my God So he herde my voyce out off his holy tēple my cōplaynte came before hī yee euē in to his eares Thē the earth trembled quaked the very foūdaciōs of the hilles shoke were remoued because he was wrothe There wēte a smoke out of his nostrels ād a cōsumynge fyre out of his mouth so y e coales were kyndled at it He bowed the heauēs came downe it was darcke vnder his fete He rode vpō the Cherubins dyd fle he came flyenge with the wynges of the wynde He made darcknesse his pauylion rounde aboute hī with darcke water thicke cloudes to couer him At the brightnes off his presence the cloudes remoued with hale stones coales of fyre The LORDE also thondred out of y e heauē the heyth gaue his thondre w t hale stones coales of fyre He sent out his arowes scatred thē he cast sore lighteninges destroyed thē The springes of waters were sene the foundaciōs of the roūde worlde were discouered
them awaye euē as thou hast plucked me because of all my wickednesse For my sorow is very greate and my herte is heuy The II. Chapter ALas how hath y e LORDE darckened the doughter of Sion so sore in his wrath As for the honoure of Israel he hath casten it downe from heauen How happeneth it that he remembred not his owne fote stole when he was angrie The LORDE hath cast downe all the glory of Iacob without eny fauoure All the stronge places of the doughter Iuda hath he broken in his wrath throwne them downe to the grounde hir kyngdome hir prynces hath he suspended In the wrath of his indignacion he hath broken all the horne of Israel he hath with drawē his right honde from the enemie yee a flame of fyre is kyndled in Iacob hath consumed vp all rounde aboute He hath bent his bowe like an enemie he hath fastened his right honde as an aduersary and euery thinge that was pleasaūt to se he hath smyten it downe He hath poured out his wrath like a fyre in to the tabernacle of the doughter ●ion The LORD● is become like as it were an enemie he hath cast downe Israel all his places yee all his stronge holdes hath he destroyed and fylled the doughter of Iuda w t moch sorow and heuynesse Hir tabernacle which was like a garden of pleasure hath he destroyed hir hie solēpne feastes hath he put downe The LORDE hath brought it so to passe that the hie solempne feastes and Sabbathes in Sion are clene forgottē In his heuy displeasure hath he made the kynge prestes to be despised The LORDE hath forsaken his owne aulter is wroth with his owne Sanctuary hath geuen the walles of their towres in to the hondes of the enemie Their enemies made a noyse in the house of the LORDE as it had bene in a solempne feast daye The LORDE thought to breake downe the walles of the doughter Sion he spred out his lyne drewe not in his honde till he had destroyed them Therfore mourne the turrettes and the broken walles together Hir portes are casten downe to the grounde hir barres are broken smytten in sonder hir kynge prynces are caried awaye to the Gētiles They haue nether lawe ner prophetes ner yet eny vision from the LORDE The Senatours of the doughter Sion sit vpon the grounde in sylence they haue strowed aszshes vpon their heades and gyrded them selues with sackcloth The maydens of Ierusalem hange downe their heades to the grounde Myne eyes begynne to fayle me thorow wepinge my body is disquieted my leueris poured vpon the earth for the greate hurte of my people seynge the children and babes dyd swowne in the stretes of the cite Euen when they spake to their mothers where is meate and drynke for whyle they so sayde they fell downe in the stretes of the cite like as they had bene wounded and some dyed in their mothers bosome What shal I saye of the O thou doughter Ierusalem to whom shall I lickē the To whom shal I cōpare the o thou doughter Sion to comforte the withall Thy hurte is like a mayne see who maye heale the Thy prophetes haue loked out vayne folish thinges for the they haue not shewed the of thy wickednesse to kepe the from captiuyte but haue ouerladen the and thorow falsede scatred the abrode All they that go by the clappe their hondes at the hissinge and wagginge their heades vpon the doughter Ierusalem and saye is this the cite that men call so fayre wherin the whole londe reioyseth All thine enemies gape vpon the whisperinge and bytinge their teth sayenge let vs deuoure for the tyme that we loked for is come we haue founde and sene it The LORDE hath fulfilled the thinge that he was purposed to do and perfourmed that he had deuysed longe agoo he hath destroyed and not spared He hath caused thine aduersary to tryumphe ouer the and set vp the horne of thine enemie Let thine hert crie vnto the LORDE O thou cite of the doughter Sion let thy teares rūne downe like a ryuer daye night rest not let not the aple of thine eye leaue of Stonde vp and make thy prayer in the first watch of the night poure out thine he●● like water before the LORDE lift vp thine hondes for the lyues of thy yonge children that dye of honger in the stretes Beholde O LORDE considre why hast thou gathered me vp so clene Shal the women then eate their owne frute euen children of a spanne longe Shal the prestes and prophetes be slayne thus in the Sanctuary of the LORDE Yonge olde lye behinde the stretes vpon the grounde my maydens yonge men are slayne with the swearde whom thou in the daye of thy wrothfull indignacion hast put to death Yee euen thou hast put them to death not spared them My neghbours that are rounde aboute me hast thou called as it were to a feast daye so that in the daye of the LORDES wrath none escaped nether was eny left behinde Those that I had brought vp norisshed hath myne enemy destroyed The III. Chapter I Am the mā that thorow the rodd of his wrath haue experiēce of misery He droue me forth and led me yee into darcknesse but not in to light Agaynst me only he turneth his honde layeth it euer vpon me My flesh my skynne hath he made olde and my bones hath he brussed He hath buylded rounde aboute me closed me in with gall and trauayle He hath set me in darcknesse as they that be deed for euer He hath so hedged me in that I can not get out hath layed heuy lynckes vpon me Though I crie call piteously yet heareth he not my prayer He hath stopped vp my wayes with foure squared stones made my pathes croked He layeth waite for me like a Bere and as a lyon in a hole He hath marred my wayes and brokē me in peces he hath layed me waist altogether He hath bent his bowe and made me as it were a marck to shute at The arowes of his quyuer hath he shot euen in to my reynes I am laughed to scorne of all my people they make songes vpon me all y e daye lōge He hath fylled me with bytternesse geuen me wormwod to drynke He hat● smytten my teth in peces rolled me in the dust He hath put my soule out of rest I forget all good thinges I thought in myself I am vndone there is no hope for me in the LORDE O remembre yet my mysery and my trouble the wormwod and the gall Yee thou shalt remēbre them for my soule melteth awaye in me Whyle I cōsidre these thinges in my hert I get a hope