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A07146 The reliques of Rome contayning all such matters of religion, as haue in times past bene brought into the Church by the Pope and his adherentes: faithfully gathered out of the moste faithful writers of chronicles and histories, and nowe newly both diligently corrected & greatly augmented, to the singuler profit of the readers, by Thomas Becon. 1563. Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1563 (1563) STC 1755; ESTC S101368 243,805 590

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haste pacientlye suffered all thys I geue vnto thee for the satisfaction of thys penaunce that I haue enioyned thee and vnto the furtheraunce and helpe of the remission and forgeuenesse of al thy synnes and vnto the deliueraunce from the paines of hell and purgatorye whiche thou haste deserued for thy synnes and vnto y e obtayning of grace in this present world and euerlasting life in the world to come Amen An other fourme of Absolution OUr Lorde Iesus Christ whiche created redemed thee mought absolue thee And I by the authoritie which I haue of hym as muche as lyeth in my power accordyng to my dutye I doe absolue thee from all bondes of the lesser excommunication if thou bee bounde and I restore thee to the holy Sacramentes of the church if thou haue nede Agayn I absolue thee from all thy synnes confessed and forgotten mortall and veniall with al theyr circumstaunces The passion of oure Lorde Iesu Christ and all the good dedes that thou hast done or shalte doe and all the aduersityes and troubles whiche thou haste suffered or shalt suffer myght be vnto thee for penaunce and remission of thy sinnes and for the encrease of Goddes grace In the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost Amen Ex Speculo confessorum Fratris Bartholomaei de Chaimis An other fourme of Absolution BY the authoritye of God and of y e blessed Apostles Peter Paule and by y e authoritye of the Churche of Rome cōmitted vnto me and graunted vnto thee I absolue thee from all sentence either of the greater or lesser curse and from all suspension and interdiction if thou be bounde with any of them And I restore thee to the vnitie of the faythful and to y e holy Sacraments of y e church and by the same authoritye committed vnto me I absolue the from all thy synnes confessed contrite and forgotten Item by the authority of God and of y e blessed Apostles Peter and Paule and of y e Churche of Rome yea and also by the authoritie of oure Lorde the Popethe high Byshop committed vnto me in thys behalfe and so muche as I am bounde and able to doe if thou dye at thys tyme I absolue thee from all the paynes due vnto thee in purgatorye for y e faultes and offences which y u haste committed agaynst God and by all y e authoritye y t I haue I restore thee to the innocencie wherein thou were when thou were baptised But if y u doe not dye at thys tyme I reserue the full pardon graunted to thee of oure Lorde the Pope tyll thou dye In the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost AMEN Ibidem An other fourme of Absolution ALmightye God haue mercye on thee forgeue thee al thy sinnes bring thee vnto euerlasting life AMEN The almighty merciful Lorde geue vnto thee indulgence and absolution of al thy sinnes AMEN The almightye father y e Godly and merciful Lord mought geue vnto thee indulgence absolution and remission of al thys synnes AMEN Most dere brother The greatest and hyghest penaunce is to be sorye for the sinnes committed and to repent and to beware and to take heede that thou sinne no more For the wholesome penaunce at thys present thou shalt say iii. Pater nosters .iii. Aues a Crede or thou shalt say the Psalme of mercy called Miserere meideus knelyng vppon thy knees before y e blessed sacramente of the altare or y u shalte cause y e Masse of the fiue woundes of our Lorde Iesus Christ to be song or sayde for thee or thou shalt go thys or y t pilgrimage gyld thys or y e Image c. This penaunce and the merite of the passion of Iesu Christ and al the good dedes y t thou hast done or here after shalte doe might profyte thee and stande thee instead for the remission of al thy synnes And our Lord Iesus Christ by his holy moste pitiefull mercy might absolue thee And I absolue thee frō y e sentence of the lesser excommunication or curse if thou be fallen into it and also from all thy sinnes In the name of the father and of the sonne and of the holye ghost Amen Ex instructione seu Alphabeto sacerdotum A speciall note of the Papistes concerning Absolution ABout Absolution is to be cōsidered the due or proper perfect forme In that note y t as euery Sacrament hath his proper forme so in like manner hath the Sacrament of penance which is this Ego te absoluo That is to say I geue thee and bestowe vpon thee the Sacrament or ministery of Absolutiō It doth not importe as some falsely reporte Ego te absoluo id est absolutum te ostēdo I absolue thee that is I declare vnto thee that thou art absolued For so should it followe that in the Sacramentes of the newe lawe there should be nothing but a shewyng or signification whiche is false bicause y t the Sacramentes of the new law do not only figure and signifie as the Sacraments of the the law but they also conferre geue truly and effectually the thynge whiche they figure and represente Ex speculo confes Bartholo de Caimis The forme or manner of byddyng the beades on the Sonday in the Popish parishe Churches taken out of the English Festiuall YE shal knele downe on your knees lift vp your hartes makyng your prayers vnto almightie god for the good state and peace of al holy church y t god maintayne saue and kepe it For our holy father the Pope with all his true college of Cardinals that God for his mercy them maintaine and kepe in the right beleue it holde and encrease al misbeleue and heresy he lesse and destroy Also ye shal pray for the holy lād for the holy crosse y t Iesu died on for the redemption of mās soule y t it come into the power of Christen men the more to be honored for our prayers Also ye shall pray for all Archbishops and Bishops in especiall for the Archebishop of Cauntorburye our Metropolitane for the Bishop of N. our Diocesan that God of his mercye giue thē grace so to gouerne and rule holye Church y t it may be to the honour and worship of him saluation of our soules Ye shall also praye for Abbotes Priors Monckes Chanons Friers for al men women of religiō in what order estate or degree y t they stand in from the highest estat vnto the lowest degree Ye shall also pray for all them that haue charge cure of Christē mēs soules as curates persons vicares priests clerkes and in especial for the person the Curate of this Churche for al y e Priests Ministers that seruen therein or haue serued therin And for all them that haue taken anye order that GOD gyue them grace well to keepe and
we kylled al the day lōg and are counted as shepe appointed to be slayne As I may among many touche one Ecclesiastical history What shall I speake of the vnhappye time of that most vnhappy and wicked heritike Arrius Although the Fathers of the councell Nicene did iudge truly rightly according to the doctrine of the holy Scripture of the true euerlasting diuinitie or Godhead of Christ the Sonne of God Yet not long after that wicked heresie of Arrius dyd so preuaile and take roote in the heartes of men that it was not receaued only in one realme or two but also Pope Liberius Bishop of Rome with the Emperoure and all the East parte of the world admitted that most damnable heresie to be most sounde and wholesome doctrine persecuting most cruelly al such as defended the cōtrary whereof was a very little number as Athanasius Paulinus and verye fewe other Byshops whiche by no meanes would geue place to so great furour and madnesse although most miserably entreated In a Councell also holden at Nice a great nūber of Byshops with other gathered there together consented to disanull and put away the mariage of Priestes or spirituall ministers contrary to the practise of gods Churche from the begynning and contrary to the doctrine of the holy ghost which saith Wedlocke is honourable among all men and the bed vndefiled for what purpose I knowe not nor with what reasōs persuaded am I able to say Notwithstanding the holy and blessed Confessour Pahnutius although vnmaried withstood them all and by no meanes would consent vnto theyr entreprise and deuise but franckely and freely confessed that the mariage of Ministers is honourable and that it is chastitie for a man to lye with his owne wyfe By thys meanes he persuaded the councel that they proceded no further in this matter but sette euerye man at hys lyberty to marrye or not to marrye Whoe seeth not nowe howe foolyshe a thynge it is and muche vnworthye a Christen man to leane to the multitude whiche for the moste parte is nothynge elles than a beaste of manye heades Seyng we haue euidentlye shewed that the greater parte in matters that appertayne to Christes Religion is alwayes the worsest parte and the lesser parte dothe more earnestlye embrace the truthe of Gods worde so that not withoute a cause Christ calleth his people a litle flocke ▪ Feare not ye lyttle flocke sayeth Christe for it hath pleased my father to geue you a kyngdome Thys therefore is a vayne obiection of the aduersaries to saye We haue the greater number on our syde therefore haue we the truth on our syde For the deuill the worlde and the fleshe haue a greater company attendyng vpon them than Christe hath vpon hym seyng that the greatest parte of this worlde rather embraceth thinges present than with ioye looketh for thinges to come Finallye some can by no meanes fynde in their hearte to approue and allowe that present state of Religion whiche is nowe receaued among vs bicause it greatlye differeth saye they from the old● and accustomed order It is demaunded in what points It is answered In these Fyrste The Byshop of Rome is not knowledged and receaued anye more to be Supreme head of the vniuersall Churche of Christe I aunswere We knowe no Supreme head of the Churche by the worde of God but Christ alone and vnder Christe euery Prince in hys owne Realme Secondly The Sacrament is receaued vnder both kyndes I aunswere So hath Christe commaunded saying Drinke of this all ye Also the Apostle so oft as ye shall eate of this bread and drinke of the cup c. Thyrdly The seruice and publique prayer is done in the tēples no more in the latin tong as heretofore but in the common and Englishe speache I answere So hath the custome bene from the beginning in the Church of Christ in al places and is so vsed at this present generally wheresoeuer the Byshop of Rome hath no authoritie And God by his holy Apostle commaundeth vs that in our congregations all thinges should be done to edifie approuing and allowing rather fiue wordes so spokē that they may be vnderstanded than ten thousand otherwise Fourthly All the laudable ceremonies are neglected and set a side as the halowing of salt water bread candles palmes fire ashes c. I aunswere All these are the triflyng traditions of men and haue bene the cause of much Idolatrye and superstition And it is written They worship me in vaine teaching doctrines which are the commaundementes of men Item God is a spirite they that worship hym must worship him in spirite and truth Fiftly Purgatory is denied I answere we know none other purgatorye for the soule but the precious bloud of our Lorde and Sauiour Christe Iesu as it is writtē The bloud of Iesus Christ gods sonne maketh vs cleane frō all sinne Sixtly The Sacrifice of the Masse is vtterly reiected and caste awaye as a pestilence moste hurtfull blasphemous and iniurious to the passion and death of Christ ▪ I answere The word of God teacheth vs in all places that there is no sacrifice for sinne but the death of Christ alone But Christ dreth no more Therfore is there no more sacrifice offered vp for sinne With one only oblation sayth the Apostle hath Christ that euerlasting Byshop made perfecte for euer them that are sanctified Agayn we are sanctified made holye by the offeryng vp of the bodye of Iesu Christ done once for al. Seuenthly The inuocation and intercessiō of Saintes is cleane omitted and left I answere God alone is to be called vpon as he himselfe ▪ commaundeth saying Call on me in the tyme of trouble and I will deliuer thee We knowe by the worde of God no Mediatour no Intercessour but Christ alone as it is written There is one God one Mediatour he sayth not many Mediatoures betwene God and man euen the man Iesus Christ whiche gaue himselfe a raunsome for all men Againe if any man sinne we haue an Aduocate with the father he sayth not Aduocates Iesus Christe the righteous one And he it is that obtayneth mercy for our sinnes not for our sinnes onely but also for all the worlde Item Christ is on the right hād of God and maketh intercession for vs. He saith not Saintes make intercession for vs. And our sauiour Christ him self sayth Whatsoeuer ye aske the father in my name he sayth not in the names of the saītes he will geue it you Eyghtly The article of trāssubstantiation is reiected and cast awaye as an errour or heresie I answere The holy Scripture knoweth no suche article neither haue the holy old fathers euer taught or left writtē such doctrine behinde them It is a new and late inuention brought in by the Pope and his adherentes Saint Paule calleth the Sacramentall bread ▪ not onely bread before the consecration but also after the consecration And our Sauiour Christ calleth
Easter euen Idem 57 Of halowynge newe fruites Idem 58 Of Fasting Idem 59 Of holy dayes and of the feastes of Sainctes 173 60 Of canonising or making of Sainctes 179 61 Of saints Reliques 183 62 Pylgrimages 184 63 Of Pardons Idem 64 A rehearsall of diuerse pardons graunted of diuers Popes for diuerse considerations 189 65 Of Purgatory 197 66 Remedies deuised by the Papistes agaynst the fyrye tormētes of Purgatory 202 67 Of Trentalles for soules departed and howe they firste began 207 68 Of the vertues of the Masse 209 69 Of Councels 212 70 Of Heretiques 214 71 Of Excōmunication 219 72 The manner and forme of excommunication 219 73 The manner of the reconciliation of excommunicate persons 223 74 Of Penaunce 224 75 Of absolution 227 76 Certaine formes of absolution 228 77 A Speciall note of the Papistes concernyng absolucion 231 78 The forme or manner of bydding the beads on Sondayes in Popyshe paryshe Churches 231 79 The generall Sentence or curse 237 80 Certayne fragmentes of Papistrye 255 Finis The names of those Authors whose testimonies and witnesses are recited in this Booke A. ABbas vrspergensis Achiles pyrminius Aeneas siluius Albertus magnus Albertus crantzius Alcuinus Ambrosius Anselmus ryd Antoninus Alnoldus bostius Athanasius Augustinus Author sermonum discipuli B. Bartholomaeus picerius Bartholomaeus de chaimis Bartholomaeus charranza Bartholomaeus westmerus Barnardus abbas Blondus Bonifacius episcopus C. Catalogus sanctorum Chrisostomus Christianus massaeus Chronica anglica Chronica chronicarum Cronica flandrica Chronica gallica Chronica germanica Clemens pont rom Cornelius agrippa Cyprianus D. Damascenus Decreta iuris canonici Decreta extrauagant E. Edictum constantini Impe. Epyphanus Epitome chronicarum Erasmus roterodamus Eruditi cuiuspiā chronicon Euagrius Eusebius coesariensis Eutropius F. Fasciculus temporum Festiuale anglicum Flores historiarum Franciscus petrarcha G. Gabriel biel Gaspar achilles Gaspar hedio Gratianus monachus Gregorius magnus Guilielmus Caxton Guilielmus Durandus H Hartmanus scedel Nurenbergensis Henrichus pantaleon Henrichus primaeus Henrichus de vrimaria Hermanus contractus Hesychius Hieronimus Hiero. paulus Cathalanus Honorius Huldricus episcop august Huldricus Huttenus I. Iacobus de visaco Iacobus de voragine Iacobus manlius Iacobus mayer Iaco. philippus bergomēsis Iacobus vuimpholibus Ioannes billet Ioannes charion Ioannes cuspinianus Ioannes clythoneus Ioannes de burgo Ioannes laziardus Ioannes monachus Ioanns nauclerus Ioannes stella Ioannes Tilio Isidorus Hispalensis Isuardus gallus Iustinianus imperator L. Lactantius firmianus Laurentius valla Lex pontificia Liber conciliorum Liber de miraculis R. mariae Liber germanicus de sectis monasticis M. Marcus anton sabellicus Martinus papae penitentiarius Martinus polonus Mathaeus parisius Mathaeus palmerius florentinus Mathias palmerius pisamus Michael bucchingerus N. Nauclerus Nicephorus panuinius Nicolas de cusa O. Onuprius panuinius Origenes Otho frisius P. Paulinus nolanus Paulus aemilius Paulus phrigio Paulus Vergerius Paulus warnefridus Panormitanus Paralipomena rerum memorabilium ▪ Patronius Petrus Crinitus Paulus diaconus Petrus blesensis Petrus cluniacensis Petrus de natalibus Petrus Lombardus Platina Polichronicon Polidorus vergilius R. Ranulphus cartrensis Raphael volateranus Rationale di officiorum Robertus barus anglus Robertus caguinus S. Sabellicus Sebastianus francke Serenus Episcopus Masciliae Sigebertus Sozomeus Speculum ecclesiasticum Stella clericorum T. Tertullianus Theodorus bibliander Thomas aquinas V. Valentinus vannius Vincentius Vitas pa trum Volateranus Z. Zonoras FINIS ¶ To the right reuerend Father in God and his very good Lorde Iohn Byshop of Norwiche Thomas Becon wisheth long life continuall health and prosperous felicitie COnsidering the happy state of thys our most happie age so diuerslye and manifold wayes blessed of the Lord our God with diuerse and manifold his bounteous benefites yea and those not bodily onely but ghostly also that no parte of vs may seme in any point destitute of his fatherly blessings so richely and plentifully poured vpō vs according to his wonted mercies and accustomed kindnesses I can none otherwise than greatly maruell at the obstinate blindnesse and blinde obstinacie of certaine our countreymen yea and those not the rudest and most ignoraunt but the wisest and of greatest experience as they thinke themselues and so wishe to be reputed of all other whiche for the most parte being nothing moued with this so great kindnesse of our heauenly father go forth to shewe themselues altogether vnthankefull no consideration had of so free and vndeserued benefites whether we respecte the body or the minde so truly is it sayed of the Apostle Not many wise men after the flesh not many mighty not many of hye degree are called but God hath chosen the foolishe thinges of the worlde to confounde the wise and God hath chosen the weake thynges of the worlde to confounde thinges whiche are mightie and vyle thinges of the worlde and thinges whiche are despised hath God chosen yea and thinges of no reputation for to bring to nought thynges of reputation that no fleshe should reioyce in his presence And as the Pharisees said to their ministers when they r●●urned frō Christs Sermō geuing him this report to their masters Neuer mā spake as this mā doth Are ye also deceaued sa●e they Doth anye of the Rulers or of the Pharisees beleue on him But this cōmon people whiche know not the lawe are cursed And as S. Iames writeth in his Epistle Hath not God chosen the poore of this worlde suche as are riche in faith and heyres of the kyngdome which he promised to them that loue him But ye haue despised the poore Do not rich men execute tyranny vpon you and drawe you before the iudgements cates Do not they speake euel of that good name whiche is called vpon ouer you For as concerning the corporall benefites it is so farre of they shewe themselues thākful that in all their communicatiō almost both publique and priuate they do nothing els than find fault with the presente state of this world yelding and crying barckyng and gruntyng that neuer such and the like penury scarcenesse pouertie and beggarye reigned on earth as doth in these our dayes and specially since we gaue ouer the holy father of Rome his Catholike religion but specially the blessed masse praying for the soules departed beyng in thys behalfe not altogether vnlike the Idolatrous and backeslidyng Iewes whiche together with open mouth like bande dogges barcked against Ieremye and his Sermons saying As for the wordes that thou haste spoken to vs in the name of the Lorde we wyll in no wyse heare them but whatsoeuer goeth out of our owne mouth that we will do We will do sacrifice offer oblations vnto the Queene of heauē like as we and our forefathers our kinges and our heades haue done in the cities ●f Iuda and in the stretes and fieldes of Ierusalem For then had we plēteousnesse of vitailes then were we in prosperitie and
and that pardō to this pilgrimage and that pilgrimage to this relique and that relique to this worke and that worke without any respecte had to Christe whiche is the alone Sauioure of the worlde But nowe will the aduersaries obiecte and say Why are those our forefathers dāned I aunswere I leaue them to the iudgement of God as the Apostle sayth What art thou that iudgest an other mans seruaunte Whether he stand or fall that pertaineth vnto his own master Notwithstanding I hope that forasmuch as they knewe no better neither was theyr blindnesse of obstinacie but of ignorancye God hath bene fauourable vnto them and receaued them vnto his mercy For as God condemneth obstinate contumacie so likewise pardoneth he many times simple ignorancie as we reade of Saint Paule whiche sayth I was somtime a blasphemer and a persecutor and a Tyraunte But yet I obtayned mercye bicause I did it ignorauntly thorowe vnbelief And our Sauiour Christ sayd to the obstinate Iewes stifnecked Pharesees If ye were blinde ye should haue no sinne But now ye say we see ▪ therfore your sinne remaineth Notwithstanding suche as are obstinatly blind and wilfully ignorant by no meanes wil come vnto the knowledge of the truth but of set purpose refuse and despise it shall neuer finde the like fauour at the hande of God so long as they remayne in that wicked and dānable purpose Are not these the wordes of him which is not only true but also the selfe truth This is the condemnation that light is come into the worlde and men loued darknesse more thā lyght bicause their dedes were euill For euery one that euill doth hateth the light neither commeth to the lyght least his deedes should be reproued But he that doth truth cōmeth to y e lyght that his dedes may be knowē howe that they are wrought in God But leauyng the late and yesterday fathers if they meane the Patriarches and Prophets the Apostles and the Fathers of the primatiue Churche ▪ and suche Godly persons as liued in the publique weale of Christianitie before that Antichrist the deuill and the Pope bare rule and before that enemye came and sowed tares amonge the wheate we playnly affirme that their doctrine and fayth is all one with oures and that we at thys present doe none otherwyse eyther teache and beleue than they in tymes paste haue taught and beleued These forefathers we embrace These forefathers we followe These forefathers we reuerence For both theyr fayth and our fayth both theyr doctrine and our doctrine is grounded on the sure rocke whiche is Christe Iesus the Sonne of the lyuing GOD agaynste the whiche doctrine and fayth the verye gates of hell shall not preuayle Rore deuyll rage worlde descende Rayne come Floudes blowe Wyne swell Sea c. Yet shall all these violente tempestes and tempestuous violences not so muche as once shake thys our fayth and doctrine muche lesse subdue and vanquishe it Whosoeuer falleth on thys stone sayeth Christ shall be broken in peces but on whome soeuer it falleth it shall grynde hym to pouder But wherefore doe they obiecte vnto vs Fathers We haue one Father whome we ought to heare before all Fathers whiche is oure Father in Heauen And he hath commaunded vs to heare hys Sonne Christe and not forefathers sayinge Thys is my welbeloued Sonne for whose sake I am well pleased wyth man Heare ye hym Thys Christe is oure Scholemaster and if we wyll be hys disciples we muste heare hym This Christe is also our Shepehearde If we wyll be hys Shepe we muste heare hys voyce as he hym selfe sayth My shepe heare my voyce Doth not our heauenly Father in many places of his blessed lawe call vs awaye from followynge our forefathers Are not these hys wordes by the Prophete Be not ye lyke your forefathers vnto whom the Prophetes cryed aforetime saying Thus sayth the Lord God of Holies Turne you from your euil wayes from your wicked imaginations But they woulde not heare nor regarde me saith the Lord. The same Prophet also sayth The Lord hath bene sore displeased at your forefathers Agayne he sayth Walke not in the statutes of your forefathers Kepe not their ordinaunces and defile not your selues with their idols For I am the Lord your god But walke in my statuts kepe my lawes and doe thē c. All forefathers walking in Gods ordinaunces are most studiously and diligētly to be heard and followed All other are to be reiected refused although outwardly glystering neuer so muche with the shyne of holynesse and vertue commended for streightnesse of lyfe and aboundaunce of good workes Christ is the scope wherunto we must directe all our doinges If any of our forefathers dissēt him they shote at a wrong marke and we must byd them farewell in the playne fieldes haue nothyng to do with them be they neuer so olde and auncient as Saint Cyprian sayth That Christ alone ought to be heard The father euen from heauen testifieth saying This is my wel beloued sonne in whom I haue great delight Heare ye hym Wherefore if Christ alone be to be heard we ought not to attend marke take hede what any man that hath bene before vs. thought good to be done but what he did which is before all that is to say Christ. Moreouer some flee vnto Councels persuading themselues those to be of such authoritie that whatsoeuer is decreed stablished in thē may by no meanes be resisted and against said but obediently receaued and faithfully obeyed yea and that so much the more bicause Christ sayd Whersoeuer two or three be gathered together in my name there am I in the middes of thē Again Behold I am with you for euer euē vnto the very end of the world I aūswere Christ in dede hath promised to be present with his holy spirit and grace in assemblies of his holy church which come together for to seke and set forth the glorye of God and to edifie Gods people But such as falsely vniustly take vpō them the name of the Church and in all theyr coūcels seke nothing but theyr own glory and to bryng the people of God into a most miserable slauery a thousand times worse thā the childrē of Israell suffered in Egipt vnder the most cruell Tyraunt king Pharao suche I say are not gathered together in the name of Christe but in the name of Antichrist neither is Christ in the middes of them but the deuill is among thē Such assemblies and conuenticles al faithfull Christians ought to flee ▪ abhorre deteste more than the plage and the pestilence yea as the deuill and hell fire according to this saying of the Psalmographe I hate the Church of the malignaunt and with the vngodly will I kepe no company Agaynst these vngodly councels moste wicked councellers God thundreth and crieth out by the Prophet on this
awaye both from the eares and from the mynde vtterlye In Libro de vanitatc scientiarum Erasmus Roterodamus expresseth hys mynde concernyng the curious manner of synging vsed in Churches on thys wyse and sayeth Whye doth the Churche doubt to followe so worthy an author Paule Yea how dare it be bolde to discent from hym What other thing is heard in Monasteryes in Colleges in Temples almost generally than a confused noyse of voyces But in the tyme of Paule there was no singing but saying onely Singing was with greate difficultye receaued of them of the latter tyme and yet such singing as was none other thing than a distincte and playne pronunciation euen suche as we haue yet among vs when we sounde the Lordes prayer in the holy Canon and the toung wherein these thynges were song the common people dyd then vnderstande and aunswered Amen But nowe what other thing doth the common people heare than voyces signifying nothing And such for the moste part is the pronunciation y t not somuch as the wordes or voyces are heard only the sound beateth the eares Erasmus Rot. in annot 1. Corinth Cap. 14. Of the Masse and of all the partes thereof POpe Celestinus the fyrst ordained y t the priest should say the Psalme y t beginneth Iudica me deus c when he putteth on hys clothes and reuesteth hymselfe to Masse and that when he draweth nye to the altare he shoulde saye thys verse of y e aforesayd psalme Et introib● ad altare dei c. In y e yere c. 428. Plat. Poly. Fasci Temp. Christ. Massae D. Barns Pant. Ioan. Functius Pope Damasus the fyrst decreed y t the priest standyng before the altare shuld say the confiteor and make hys confession to GOD to oure Ladye Saints Marye to all Saintes et vobis and that they that were presente shoulde saye Miseriatur vestri c. Agayne that the priest after that should pronounce the absolution and saye Absolutionem remissionem omnium peccatorum nostrorum c before he presume to go to the altare In the yeare c. 370. Plati Polid. D. Barns c. Some attribute thys inuention to Pope Pontianu Some to Pope Vrbanus Pope Gregorye the fyrste instituted the Office of the Masse In the yeare of oure Lorde 590. Platina Polydor. Pantaleon Pope Damasus the fyrst broughte in Gloria patri to bee sayd not onely at the ende of euerye Psalme but also at the office of the Masse In the yeare c. 370. Plat. Chron. Pope Gregory the fyrst ordayned the Kyrye and appoynted that it should be song nyne tymes openly of the Clergye onely at Masse whiche before at the commaundement of Pope Siluester was song of the Clergy and people together Durand Plat. D. Barns Pantale It seemeth to bee borowed oute of the Greke Church forasmuch as the wordes be Greeke and sounde in our Englyshe tonge Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. Pope Telesphorus added to the Masse Gloria in excelsis In the yere c. 130. Plat de consec Dist. 1. Cap. Nocte sacra Albertus Krantzius Some ascribe it to Pope Symmachus Phil. Bergom Pope Symmachus the fyrst added to Gloria in excelsis c. Laudamuste and so forth vnto the ende In the yeare of our Lorde 499. Fascic Temp. Valentinus vannius Chron. Pope Anacletus put to the Masse this salutation Dominus vobiscum and commaunded y t this answer shuld be made of them y t were present Et cum spiritu tuo In the yere c. 101. Iacobus Manlius Vannius Some ascribe it to Pope Sotherus Gratia de consec Dist. 1. Can. Hoc quoque Ioannes Laziardus writeth y t Dominus vobiscum was taken oute of the booke of Ruth added to the masse I know not by whō And for Et cum spiritu tuo it was brought in sayth he by the coūcel Aurelianense Pope Gelasius the fyrst appoynted y t Collectes wherof he himself made part part of thē were deuised by other In the yere c. 494. I●idor Grat. Pol. Pope Damasus y e fyrst bearing rule the Epistle was added by y e councel of S. Hierome who liued in the yeare of our Lord. 387. Plat. Poly. Antonin D. Barns Some saye that Pope Alexander the fyrst dyd fyrst of al bring in the Epistle and Gospell and commaunded them to bee read at the ministration of the Lordes Supper In the yeare c.. 119. Chron. Germ. But the author of y e booke called Fasciculus Temporum ascribeth both the Epistle and the Gospell to Pope Telesphorus Pope Gelasius the fyrst brought in y e Grayle commaunding that the people shoulde sing it while the priest or Deacon was going vp into y e pulpit to rede and to declare the gospel desiring god that it might both be spokē and heard with frute Phil. Bergom Antonin Vannius Some make Pope Celestinus the author of it Plat. Some Pope Gregory the fyrst Chron. Germ. Pope Gregorye the fyrst of whom wee spake before added the Alleluya to the Masse and commaunded that it shoulde bee song all the whole yeare saue only from Septuagesima vnto Easter Plat. Antonin D. Barns Nauclerus Some ascribe it to pope Gelasius Phil. Bergom Some saye it was borowed of the church of Ierusalem and so brought into the churche of Rome in the tyme of pope Damasus It soundeth in Englyshe Prayse ye the Lorde Pope Sergius otherwyse called pope Swines snoute bearing rule a certain Monke Abbot of S. Gallus called Notgerus or Nocerius made the Sequences which afterward crept into the Masse rather by vse and custome than by any constitution of the popes Valent. Vannius Iacobus Vuimpheling Pantal. Notwithstanding some write that Pope Nicolas commaunded them to be song at masse Chron. Germ. Durand And forasmuch as there are many and diuerse Sequences they are ascribed to many and diuerse authors Iodocus Clitoueus in Elucidario Ecclesiastico appoynteth many of them to a certayne Monke of Paris called Adamus de S. Victore Other are ascribed to S. Bernarde to Thomas Aquinas c. Pope Gelasius made y e Tractes which on the feriall dayes are wonte to bee song or sayd in stead of the Sequences before the Gospell Chronic. Angl. Bergom Some ascribe them to Pope Celestinus Ioan. Laziardus Some to Pope Telesphorus Some to pope Gregorye the fyrste which cōmaunded thē to be song at Masse in place of the Sequences frō Septuagesima vnto Easter Some to S. Ambrose Guil. Durand Pope Damasus the first bearing rule the Gospell was added to the Masse by the councell of S. Hierome Plat. Anto. Polid. D. Barns Pope Anastasius ordayned that the people should stand vp at the Gospell tyme both to take hede to the doctrine thereof and also to shewe themselues ready to defēd the doctrine of the Gospel euē vnto the death In the yeare c 404 Volat. Plat. Sabell polidor
of the Aungels hath God geuen that whiche he hath geuen to the priest I meane Whatsoeuer ye bynde on earth shal be bounde also in heauen Note there are two keyes that is to say of knowledge and of power geuen of the Lord to blessed Peter and to other men not to al mē but to Priestes alone and to their successoures For althoughe God alone forgeue synne yet neuer or verye seldome dothe he forgeue synne withoute his ministers that is to say Priestes Whiche thyng may be proued by the Lepers to whome when the Lorde had healed them he sald Go shewe your selues to the priestes and humbly obey them And whyle they were goyng they were made cleane It maye also bee proued by Lazarus whom when the Lorde had raysed vp he sayd to hys Disciples Loose hym and let hym go But wherfore dyd not the Lorde hymselfe loosen hym from y t knots of the byndings which had losoned hym frō y e bondes of death And wherfore dyd he not commaunde Mary and Martha hys systers to loose him or hys kynnesfolke the Iewes whiche were nerer vnto hym by the course of nature than the Disciples of y e Lord Verelye to declare manifestlye and to proue playnly that the power to loose and to bynde is geuen of the Lorde to priestes alone Beholde how great the goodnesse of God and the worthinesse of priestes is For the Lorde himselfe worketh good somtime euen by them y e are euell and that to thys ende bycause the keyes of the Churche should not be despised or set at nought of the faythfull For although priestes sometime haue not thys power ex merito yet haue they it ex officio dignitatis And if any priest ●e vnworthye which god forbid y t hurteth hymselfe it hyndreth thee nothyng at all Beholde what greate power is geuen to you priestes For your tounges are made the keyes of heauen O how great dignitie saith Bernard hath god geuen to you How great and excellent is y e prerogatiue of y e priestes order He hath preferred you aboue the Kynges of y e earth He hath exalted thys order of priestes aboue all men Yea as I may speake more highly he hath preferred you before Aungells thrones and powers For as he toke not Aungels but Abrahams sede to bryng to passe redemption so lykewyse hath he committed y e consecration of his body and bloude not to Aungells but to men that is to saye to priestes only Seing then y t a priest is of so greate dignitie y t he is the maker of hys maker him to destroy or to condemne it is not conuenient c. This is a very heauenly priuilege this is an exceding great glory this is a grace excelling all grace a priest to holde God in hys hands We beleue are thorowly perswaded y t the celebration of so noble a mysterye is committed to none of the Aungels to none of the Archeaungels nor to any other heauenly spirites but to your order onely c. For on the altare thorowe the mouthe and the handes of y e priestes the bodye of Christ is made euen that very bodye whiche is on the right hand of God c. O ye priestes howe greate a thing is this that at the lifting vp of your handes Kynges bowe down their heades yea Kings and Queenes offer giftes to you All the Churche or congregation confesseth calleth you fathers and desireth you to praye for them c. O the worshipfull holynesse of priestes handes O blessed and happie exercise O the true ioye of the worlde where lowe things ar ioyned to y e most high thinges when Christ handleth Christ y e priest y e sonne of God Thou hast a delight to be with the sonnes of men Therefore sayth Peter speakyng of priests ye are a chosen generation a royall Priesthoode an holy Nation a wonne people c. O ye priests consider the excellencye of your moste noble dignitye For the lord hath enriched beautified you before al other his creatures Verely priestes ar worthy to be honoured seing y e the Lord hath geuē vnto thē passing al other so greate grace and honoure in the worlde Ex lib cui titulus est Stella Clericorum Of the ceremonies of the popyshe Churche Of holy water POpe Alexander the fyrst as y e papistes fayne ordayned water mingled with salte to bee halowed afterward sprinckled vpon the people to put away their sinnes and to make thē holy and pure He also commaunded y t it shoulde bee kept both in churches and in houses to chase and dryue away deuills and wicked spirites not onely oute of houses wher mēdwel but also out of y e hearts of the faythfull as though fayth and y e deuel could dwel together in one heart In the yere c. 110. Grat. Plat. Sabel Lib. Concil D. Barns P●antal The wordes of pope Alexanders canon ar these We blesse y e water mingled with salte for thys purpose that all that bee sprinckled therewith may bee made holy and pure whiche thyng we commaunde all Priestes lykewyse to doe For sayeth he if the ashes of an heyfer sprinckled made holy and clensed the people from veniall synnes Muche more water sprynckled wyth salte and halowed with holye prayers doth sanctifye make holye and clense the people from veniall synnes And if the salte being sprynckled by Helizeus the barennesse of the● water was healed Howe muche more salte being halowed with Godlye prayers taketh awaye the barennesse of such thynges as appertayne to man and sanctifyeth and pourgeth them y t are defiled and multiplyeth suche goodes as we haue nede of and turneth away y e disceates of the deuill and defendeth men from al naughty and wicked fansies c. De conse Dist. 3. Cap. Aquam sale conspersam Lib. Concil Is not this good stuffe is not this worthy to be called gods seruice Oughte not y e people to ryse vp make curtesy to the Popyshe shauelynge when he sprinckleth thē with water of so great vertue Are not the scriptures here wel applied Doth not this ceremony make Christ Iacke out of office with all hys workes and merites God haue mercy on vs and shortly confoūd Antichrist Guilihelmus Durādus sayth y t the holy water hath deserued to haue of God so great vertue that as outwardly it washe●h the body from filthynesse so inwardly clēseth the soules from sinnes O blasphemye intollerable This is y e goodly Godlye Catholyke doctrine wherwith the vngoodly vngodly Papistes infecte the mindes of such Christians as are simple and light of belief yea wherwith they caste the soules of all suche as put their confidence and trust in these pylde begarly and lousy ceremonyes into euerlastyng damnation And yet must they be called laudable ceremonies well worthy and God will to be frequented and vsed in the Churche of Christ. And the teachers of thys doctrine the ministers of these
for the reliefe of the sayde brethren hath licensed and graunted to choose vnto them any apte and meete priest to bee their Confessour or ghostly Father and to absolue them from all their synnes toties quoties and also bee buryed in Christen buriall of what so euer deathe hee deceased if he were not excōmunicate by name Pope Innocent the thyrde dispenseth w t the Brethren and Sisterne of the aforesayde order concernyng all vowes of abstinence and of pylgrimage going excepte onely the vowe of pilgrimage vnto Peter and Paule at Rome and S. Iames at Compostell so y t it shal be lawful for thē to chaunge those vowes of abstinence and pilgrimage vnto other workes of mercy charitie and thys hath he done of hys speciall grace and meere motion to all them y t geue somewhat to the sayd order of S. Trinitie Pope Gregorye the nynth hath graunted to al brethren and sisterne of the aforesayd order and to all their parentes and frendes whether they be aliue or dead al those Indulgences and pardons which are innumerable and may iustly be cōpared with y e Starres of the Skie and the sandes of the Sea that they haue whiche goe on pilgrimage eyther vnto Rome or vnto the holy lande Pope Pius the seconde hath graunted and geuen to the aforesayde brethren and sisterne once in their life plenary remission and full forgiuenes of all their sinnes yea and that in all suche cases as are reserued to the Apostolique Sea Pope Innocent the eight hath confirmed all thaforesayd priuileges indulgences pardons c. and of his speciall grace hath doubled them al for the saluacion of the brethren and sisterne of the order of Saint Trinitie The absolution wherwith the Brethren and Sisterne of Saint Trinities order are absoluted from their sinnes ▪ AVtoritate dei patris omnipotentis beatorum Petri Pauli Apostolorum eius ac auctoritate apostolica mihi in hac parte cōmissa Ego absoluo te ab omnibus peccatis tuis mihi per te vere confessis cōtritis de quibus confiteri velles si tuae occurrerent memoriae Plenariam absolutionem omnium peccatorum tuorum in quantum claues ecclesiae se extendunt in hac parte auctoritate istarum literarum Apostolicarum tibi do concedo ita vt sis absolutus ante tribunal domini nostri Iesu Christi habeasque vitam aeternam viuas in secula seculorum Amen Whiche is thus in English By the auctoritye of God the father almightye and of hys blessed Apostles Peter and Paule and by the Apostolike authoritye committed vnto me in this behalfe I absolue thee from all thy sinnes by thee to me truely confessed and contrite and of whiche thou wouldest haue bene cōfessed if thei had come vnto thy remembraunce Moreouer I geue and graunt vnto thee full absolution and remission of all thy sinnes so farre as the keyes of the Churche doe extende in thys behalfe by the authoritye of these Apostolike letters so that thou ●e absolued before the iudgyng seate of our Lorde Iesus Christe and haue euerlastynge lyfe worldes without ende Amen Pope Iohn the xxiii graunted to so manye as be brothers and sisters and benefactoures of the friers heremites of Saint Austen that they shall be partakers of all the Prayers Sacrifices Preachynges Contemplacions Fastyngs Watchynges Pilgrimages Uowes Obedience Chastity Pouertye Patience Mercye Almosse and of all other spirituall Laboures Trauailes Paines Excercises c that be done eyther of the friers of the aforesayd order or of any other deuoute and religious people thorowe out the worlde with remissiō forgeuenesse of al their sinnes A paena culpa toties quoties The like pardon was graunted of diuers Popes to the fraternitye of Burton Lazare with dispēsatiō of vowes and relaxation of some part of penāce with plenary remissiō of al their sinnes The absolution of this fraternity AVtoritate dei patris omnipotentis Apostolorum Petri Pauli totius matris ecclesiae a● virtute huius bullae Papalis indulgenciae ego absoluo te ab omnibus peccatis tuis c. That is to say By the authoritye of God the Father almyghty ▪ of the Apostles Peter and Paule of all the mother Church by y e vertu● of this bulle and of the Popes pardon I absolue thee from al thy sinnes c. To thē that gaue any thing to the hospitall of Sainte Marye of Runciuall nigh vnto charing crosse without the walles of London Pope Clement the fourth graunted that they shoulde be partakers of all the Masses Prayers Fastinges Watchinges Pilgrimage goings vnto the holy lande consecrate with the bloud of Christ or vnto the city of Rome priuileged with the authoritie of the blessed martirs Apostles Peter and Paul● And if they be priestes or religious persons either men or women and haue failed to say their diuine seruice eyther thorow negligēce or defaut of bokes or sicknes of body the aforesayd holy father doth mercifully absolue them from al such offences and release them from the payne punishement due vnto suche offendours Pope Clement the sixte also of his speciall grace hath geuen and graunted to all them that geue some parte of theyr substaunce beyng confessed and contrite release of the third part enioyned them by theyr ghostly father and three yeares of pardon w e an hundred dayes mo of pardon with free buriall in places although interdict and of whatsoeuer kinde of death they chaunce to dye with a thousand lentes lxv yeares of pardon c. The forme of the absolution appertainyng vnto this Fraternitie AVtoritate dei omnipotētis beatorum Petri Pauli Apostolorum eius ac autoritate apostolica mihi in hac parte commissaEgo absoluo te ab omnibus peccatis tuis paenis tibi in Purgatorio debitis propter culpas offensas quas contra deum animātuam commisisti Et in quantum mihi committitur restituo te illi innocentiae in qua eras quando baptizatus fuisti exceptis punctis hijs reseruatis Domino Papae vt animae tua viuat cum Christo in secula seculorum Amen Whiche is thus in Englishe By the authoritie of God almighty and of hys blessed Apostles Peter and Paule and by the Apostolique author●tie committed vnto me in this behalfe I absolue thee from all thy sinnes and paines due vnto thee in Purgatory for the faultes and offences whiche thou hast committed against God and thine owne soule And asmuche as lyeth in my power I restore thee vnto that innocencye wherein thou were when thou waste baptised those poyntes only excepted whiche are reserued to the Lord Pope y t thy soule may liue with Christ worldes without ende Amen Pope Alexander the thyrde hathe graunted to all them that geue ought to the mayntenaunce of the Collegiat Churche of Saint Iohn of Beuerlaye an hundred dayes of pardon and relaxation from the seuenth parte of their
penaūce And Pope Innocent the fourth hath graunted to all the brethrē of the same Faternitie pardon of all sinnes forgotten of all vowes brokē except the vowe vnto the holy land at their latter ●nd remission forgeuenesse of all their sinnes A paena culpa so that to euery brother sister of that Fraternitie being cōfessed absolued their cōfessour may well say on thys manner as it is specified in the printed pardon ▪ Iohn or Ioan ▪ as free I make thee As heart may thinke or eye may see Of this pardon it is also thus written Omnibus in annis qui turbāt iura Ioannis Ter execrantur damnati iure probantur THe pardō graūted to the Fraternity of s. Cornelis at Westminster for such as geue any thynge vnto it cōmeth in y e yere to MM vii C. ix dayes for euer to endure graūted by the holy father in god Thomas of the title of S Cecily Cardinall priest of Rome and Legate Archebyshop of Yorke and Chauncelour of England c. and of diuerse other Cardinalles and Bishops Certayne Popes of Rome haue committed and geuen authoritie power to Priestes hauyng cure and charge of soules to absolue their ghostly childrē and parishioners the whiche be brethrē or sistern to y e holy Fraternitie of the sepulchre of our Lord Iesu Christ of all sinnes and crimes either confessed or forgotten of penance not well done Also of vsurye rapine pollynge and pyllyng extortion or other good euell gotten excepte they knowe to whom they ought to make restitution they are absolued And of all manner of offences done to father and mother if they were not done w e laying handes on thē with violence Also the sentence of cursyng done vnknowingly also of of vowes broken the vowe of Ierusalem signed with the crosse in the body and the vow of Religion with solemnitye professed onely excepted Also priestes and Clarkes that haue made any offence in saying their seruice Also the aforesayd holy Fathers haue graunted to the brethren and sistern of the sayd place the Stations of Rome and the indulgences of the pilgrimages of the holy lande whiche sūme of indulgence is lxxx M. yeres of pardō Also our holy father Vrban the fourth of that name hath giuen graunted to all brethern and sisterne of the sayd Fraternitie at the trāslation of Saint Swithein and at the Octaues of the same and at the Natiuitye of our Lorde the Octaues of the same and vpon good Fryday vpon Easter day with the Octaues of the same to be released of the seuenth part of their penaunce foure yeares and foure Lentes of pardon Our sayd holy father willeth also that they that be brethern and sisterne of the said Fraternitie haue ecclesiasticall sepulture without deniall of whatsoeuer death they chaūce to die except they be opēly and by name excommunicate To the Fraternitie or brothehoode of S. Erasmus beside y e deliueraunce of many soules out of y e bitter paynes of purgatorye with innumerable indulgences pardons for them y t be alyue are graunted fiue special gifts singulare benefites Fyrst he shal haue reasonable goodes to his liues ende Secondly his enemies shal haue no power on him Thirdly what lawfull peticion he asketh of God shal be graunted him Fourthly he shall be vnbounde of his tribulation and disease Fyftly at his laste end he shal receaue the blessed body of oure Sauioure Christ Iesu in fourme of bread to his saluation by the gracious prayer peticion of this blessed Martyr S. Erasmus Al these pardōs indulgences priuileges giftes benefites shal al they haue y t geue any part or porcion of their goodes to y e vpholding and maintaining of the holy place of S. Erasmus Many other raggemans roules could I here haue placed which contayne also innumerable pardons infinite indulgences great giftes singulare priuileges wonderfull liberties maruelous deliuerances spedy remedies of soules out of purgatorye c but these may seme to suffice at thys presēt For hereof mayest y u euidentlye perceaue what reliques we haue receaued from Rome what good stuffe the popyshe pardoners haue broughte vs in tymes paste frō y e moste holy father or rather frō y e romish Antichrist al for money Do what thou wilte liue as y u wilte if money come y u art out of hande made cleane and absolued frō all thy synnes A paena culpa toties quoties art made as pure faultlesse as y u were in time of thy baptisme so y t now by the vertue of these pardons thou mayest boldelye stand before y ● iudging place of Christ and be free from y e sentence of damnation and in fine be made fellow heyre with Christ of euerlasting saluation But if thou wilte haue the true pardon and remission of thy synnes and be deliuered A paena culpa toties quoties take thys order Fyrst repent thee of thy former lyfe Secondly flee vnto God the Father in the name of hys derely beloued Sonne Christ Iesu our alone Sauioure and Redemer crauyng at his handes with stronge faith mercy and forgeuenesse of thy synnes Thyrdelye take a newe life vnto thee euer desyring strengthe from aboue to walke dayly more and more in the holy wayes of Goddes moste holy lawe If thou do thys doubt thou not but y t thou shalt haue abundauntly vnto the great consolation and comforte of thy soule remission of all thy synnes quietnesse of conscience the gift of the holy Ghost Goddes fauoure grace and mercye and after thys transitorye life euerlastyng lyfe with al heauenly ioye and vnoutspeakeable felicitie yea and that without these Antichristians pardons whiche are nothyng ells than nets for mony deceauings of y e people defacyng of Christes death obscuryngs of Gods free grace very spurres vnto all leudnesse of lyfe and a ryght patheway vnto euerlasting dānation Heare what god sayth by y e prophet Come to the waters al ye y t be thirstye and ye y t haue no money Come bye y t ye maye haue to eate Come bye wine milke without any money or money worth Wherfore do you lay out your money for the thing y e fedeth you not spende your labour about the thyng y e satisfyeth you not But harken harkē rather vnto me and ye shal eate of the beste your soule shall haue her pleasure in plenteousnesse Enclyne your eares come vnto me take hede I say your soules shal liue c. Are not these the wordes of our Sauiour Christ Come vnto me al ye that laboure and are laden and I shall ease you Agayne Let him that is a thyrst come And let who soeuer will take of the water of lyfe freely and without any money Of thē that wil seke remission of their synnes and pardon of their wicked life or any other spirituall and heauenly gift but only at hys hande
obserue it to the honour of God and helth of their soules Ye shal also praye for the vnitie and peace of all Christen realmes and in especiall for the good state peace and tranquilitie of this Realme of Englande For our liege Lorde the Kynge that God for his grace mercy send him grace so to gouerne and rule this realme that God be pleased and worshipped and to the profit and saluaciō of thys land Also ye shall praye for our liege Ladye the Queene my Lord the Prince and all the noble progeny of them for all Dukes Earles Barons Knights and Squiers and of other Lordes of the Kynges Councel which haue any rule and gouernaunce in this lande y t God giue them grace so to councell rule gouerne that God be pleased the land defended and to the profite and saluation of all the realme Also ye shal pray for the peace both on the lande and on the water that God graunt loue charitie among al Christen people Ye shal also pray for all our Parisheners whether they be on land or on water that God saue them from all manner of perils and for all the good mē of this parish for their wiues children and meiney that God them maintaine saue kepe Ye shall also pray for all true Tithers that God multiply their goodes and encrease For all true Tillers that labour for our sustenaūce that tille the earth and also for all the graines and fruits that bene sowen set or done on the earth or shall be done y t God sende wedering y t they may growe encrease and multiply to the helpe and profit of all mankind Ye shal praye for al true Shipmen and Marchauntes where y t euer they be on land or on water that God keepe them from all perilles and bring them home in safetie with their goodes shippes marchandise to the helpe comfort profit of this realme Ye shall also praye for them that finde anye lyght in thys Churche or giue any bequeste Bell Chalice or Uestimēt Surplesse Altar cloth or Towel Landes Rentes Lampe or Light or any other adornimente wherby Gods seruice is the better serued susteined maintayned in reading singing And for all them that therto haue councelled that God rewarde and yelde thē at their most nede Also ye shall praye for al true pilgrimes and Palmers y t haue takē their waye to Rome to Ierusalē to S. Caterine or to S. Iames or to any other holy place y e God of his grace giue them time and space wel for to go and to come to the profite of their lyues and soules Ye shall also praye for all them that bene sicke or diseased of this parish that God send to thē helth the rather for our prayers For the women that bene in our Ladyes bandes with childe in this parishe or in any other that God send to thē faire deliueraunce to their children ryght shape name christendome and to the mothers purification and for al them that would be here and maye not for sickenesse for trauaile or any other leful occupation that they may haue parte of all the good deedes that shall be done in this place or in anye other Also ye shal pray for thē that bene in good life that God them holde long therin and for thē that bene in debt or deadly syn that Iesu Christ bring thē out thereof the rather for our prayers Also ye shal pray for him or her that this day gaue the holy bread for thē that first began longest holde on that God reward it thē at the day of dumme for all them that do wel or say you good that God yelde it thē at their nede for thē that other would that Iesu Christ amende them For al these for all Christē mē women ye shal say a Pater noster and an Aue. Deus misereatur nostri c. Gloria patri Sicut erat Kirie eleyson Christe eleyson Kirie cleyson Pater noster Pater noster Et ne nos Sed libera nos Ostende nobis domine Sacerdotes tui induantur Domine saluū fac regem Saluos fac seruos Saluum fac populum Domine fiat pax Domine exaudi Dominus vobiscum Oremus Ecclesiae tuae quaesumus domine Deus in cuius manu ▪ Deus a quo sancta c. VVhile the Priest is saying the aforesaid Orysons he shall stand with his face Eastward and looke vnto the high altare When he hath once done he shal turne hym againe to the people and speake vnto them on this manner FUrthermore ye shal pray for al Christen soules for Archbishops and bishops soules and especially for all that haue bene Byshoppes in thys diocesse And for all Curates Persons and Uicares soules and in especial for them y t haue bene Curates of this Church and for the soules that haue serued in thys church Also ye shall pray for the soules of all Christen Kinges and Queenes and in especiall for the soules of them that haue bene Kynges of this Realme of England And for all soules that to this Churche haue geuen booke bell chalice or vestimēt or any other thing by the whiche the seruice of God is the better done and holy Church worshipped Ye shall also pray for your fathers soules for your mothers soules for your Godfathers soules for your Godmothers soules for your brethrē and sisters soules for your childrē soules for your kindred soules and for your frēds soules and for al the soules whose bones rest in this Church or churchyarde or in any other holy place for all the soules that we bene bound to pray for But specially ye shall pray for y e soules that bene in the paynes of Purgatory there abyding the mercy of almightye God and in special for them that haue most nede and least helpe that God for his endlesse mercy lesse minishe their paynes by the meane of our prayers bring them into his euerlasting blesse in heauen And also for the soule of N. or of them y t on such a day in this weke we shall haue the anniuersarye For these for all Christen soules ye shall deuoutlye of your charitie and with a good heart say a Pater noster an Aue. Now shal the priest againe turne eastward and say De profundis clamaui c with this collecte ORemus Absolue quesumus domine animas famulorū tuorum Pontificum Regum Sacerdotum Parentum Parochianorum Amicorum Benefactorum nostrorum omnium fidelium defunctorum ad omni vinculo delictorum vt in resurrectionis gloria inter sanctos electos tuos resuscitati respirent Per Christum dominum nostrum AMEN Which is thus Englished LEt vs pray Absolue we beseech thee O Lorde y e soules of thy seruauntes our Bishops Kinges Priestes Fathers and Mothers Parishoners Frendes Benefactours and of all the faithfull y t are departed from euery
bonde of sinne that thei being resuscitate or raised vp in y e glorie of the resurrection maye liue among y e saintes and chosen people Thorowe Christ our Lord. So be it A shorter forme or manner of bidding the beades MAsters and frendes as for holy dayes and fasting dayes ye shal haue none thys weke but y t ye maye doe all manner of good workes y t shall bee to the honoure of God and y e profyt of your own soules And therefore after a laudable consuetude and a lawfull custome of our mother holy Churche ye shal knele down mouyng your heartes vnto almightye God and makyng your speciall prayers for the .iii. estates concernyng all Christen people that is to saye for the Spiritualtye the Temporaltie and y e soules being in the paynes of purgatorye Fyrst for our holy father the Pope with all hys Cardinalls for all Archebyshops and Byshops and in especiall for my Lorde Archbishop of Cantorburye your Metropolitane and also my Lorde Bishop of this diocesse N. and in generall for all persons vicares parishe priests hauing cure of mannes soule with the ministers of Christes church as wel religious as not religious Secondly ye shal pray for y e vnitie and peace of al Christen Realmes and specially for the noble Realme of England for our soueraigne Lord y e King for the Prince for my Ladye y e Kinges Mother with all their progenye and for al y e Lords of y e councel and al other of the nobilitie whiche dwell in the countreyes hauing protection and gouernaunce of y e same y t almightie God may sende them grace so to gouerne rule the lande y t it maye bee pleasing vnto almightye God wealth and profyte to the lande and saluation to their soules Also ye shall praye for all those that haue honoured the church wyth light Lampe Uestmente or Bell or with any ornamentes by the whiche the seruice of almightye God is the better maintayned and kepte Furthermore ye shall praye for all true trauailers tillers of the earth y t trulye and duelye done their dutye to God holye church as they be bounde to do Also ye shal pray for al manner of frutes y t be done vppon the grounde or shal be y t almightye God of hys greate pitye and mercye maye sende suche wederynges y t they maye come to the sustenaunce of man Ye shall praye also for al those y t be in debt or deadly sinne y t almightye GOD maye geue them grace to come oute thereof and the soner by our prayer Also ye shall praye for all those y t bee sicke or diseased eyther in bodye or in soule y ● almyghtye God maye sende them y e thing whiche is moste profitable aswel bodilye as ghostly Also ye shall praye for all pilgrimes and Palmers y t haue taken the waye to Rome to S. Iames or Ierusalem or to any other place y t almightye God maye geue them grace to go safe and come safe and geue vs grace to haue parte of their prayers and they parte of oures Also ye shal praye for y e holy Crosse y t is in the possession and hands of vnryghtful people y e almightye God may sende it into y e possession of Christen people when it pleaseth hym Furthermore I commit vnto your deuoute prayers all women y t be in our ladyes bondes y t almighty God may sende thē grace y e childe to receaue y e sacrament of baptisme and y e mother purification Also ye shall praye for the good man or woman y t thys daye geueth bread to make the holy lofe and for all those y t fyrste began it and them y e longest continue For these and for al true Christen people euery man and womā say a Pater noster an Aue. Deu● misereatur nostri c cum Gloria patri c. Thirdly ye shal pray for your frends soules as your fathers soule your mothers soule your brethrens soule your sisters soule your Godfathers soule your Godmothers soule for all those soules whose bones rest in this church or Churchyarde or in any other holye place for al y e soules being in paines of purgatorye but specially and aboue al for those soules whose names be accustomed to be rehearsed in y e beadrolle as I shall rehearse them vnto you by y e grace of God c. For these in speciall and for all other in generall that it is needefull to praye for for euery man and woman saie a Pater Noster and an Aue. De profūdis c cum Oremus Absolue quesumus c. The general sentence taken out of the Englyshe Festiuall GOod men and women I doe you to vnderstande y t we that haue cure of your soules bee commaunded of oure ordinaryes and by the constitutions lawes of holy church to shewe to you foure tymes in the yeare in eche quarter of y e yeare once when the people is moste plenarye in the church the articles of the sentence So y t not for our default no man nor woman fal therein And if any be therin fallen he may through the helpe of God almightye and al holy church with shrifte and penaunce makyng good for his sinne vprise and hym amende ▪ Wherefore I doe you to vnderstande y t cursing is such a vengeaunce takyng that it departeth a man from the blysse of heauen from housel shrifte and all the Sacramentes of holye Churche and betaketh hym to the deuill and to the paynes of hell wythoute ende but if he haue grace of hym to amende But therefore see y t no man nor woman saye that I curse them For it longeth not to me but to shewe the pointes and y e articles of the sentence of cursyng For I doe you wel to wite who so doth agaynste any of y e pointes y t I shall shewe you he is accursed in the deede doing of the Pope Archebyshop Byshop and of al holy Church And y t god almighty geue you grace to kepe you out of cursing listen and heare and I shal thorowe y e helpe of God the father almighty to you thē tell and shewe By the authoritye of God y e Sonne and the holy Ghost and hys glorious Mother and mayden oure Lady Saint Marye and the blessed Apostles Peter and Paule and all Apostles Martyrs Confessours and virgines and the halowes of God I denounce and shewe for accursed all thoe that fraūches of holye Churche breake or distrouble or beene agaynst the state of holy church or thereto assente wyth deede or councell And also all thoe that depriue holy Churche of any ryghte or make of holy churche any Laye fee y t is halowed or sanctified And all thoe y t withholde the rites of holy church y t is for to say offringes tithes rents or fredome of holye Churche let or distrouble or breake that is to saye if any man flee to the Churche or Churchyarde Who so
that faulte fortye dayes c. In the yeare of our Lorde 147. De consec dist 2. cap. Si per negligentiam In the Cautels of the Masse we rede thus If thorow negligence there droppe downe any thing of the bloude vpon a bord that sticketh to the earth let it be lyckt vp by the Prieste with hys tounge and the place of the borde scraped and the scrapyng brent in the fire and let the ashes be layd vp beside the altare with the reliques and let hym to whome that happened do .xl. dayes penance If the chalice drop vppon the altare let the droppe be supte vp and let hym haue iii. dayes penance But if the drop came thorow vpon a linnen cloth vnto an other thinge let him haue .iiii. daies penance If it come thorowe to the thirde thinge let hym haue .ix. dayes penaunce In a drop of the bloud come thorowe to the fourth thynge let him do penaunce twentye dayes And as for the linnen geare that the droppe hath touched let the priest or deacon wash them the chalice being set vnder and let the washing be kept with y e reliques Itē if a mā by any chaūce of glotony do spue out y e sament the same spuyng must be brent and the ashes ought to be layde vp byside the altare And if he be a clarke a Religious man Priest or a deacon let hym do forty dayes penance A Bishop lxx dayes a lay man .xxx. dayes But if he did spue by reason of infirmitie let him do penance .v. dayes Who so doth not kepe the Sacramēt so y t a mouse or an other beast eateth it let hym haue xl dayes penance But who so looseth it or if a part of it fall and be not foūd let hym do penaunce .xxx. dayes The same penance semeth the Prieste to be worthy of ▪ by whose negligence the consecrated hostes do putrifie Upon the sayde dayes must the penitent faste and abstaine from the communion and from celebration Pope Innocent the third decreed that they whiche are of the clergye beyng founde gilty of thefte or of any other great faultes shoulde on this manner be punished Firste they shalbe degraded Secondly they shalbe depriued of all their ecclesiasticall promocions Thirdly they shall be strayghtly kept in some monastery there to do penance al their lyfe time Lib. Cōcil Decret Gregorii de paenis tit 36 cap. Tuae discretionis In the Councell Triburiense it was ordayned that if any were enioyned penāce to eate nothing but bread certain dayes and could get no bread to eate it should be lawfull for them to eate fish leekes or any such kynd of meat seyng the necessitie doth so require Prouided alway y t they eate not those meates for pleasure sake but for the sustentation of theyr hungrye bodyes Decret Gregorij 9. Libro 5. de penet et remiss Tit. 18. Cap. Licet In a certayn general councel it was decreed y t at the least once in the yeare euery person both of mankynde and womā kynde being of reasonable age and sufficient discretion shuld priuately confesse hys synnes to hys own Curate and to the vttermost of hys power fulfyll all suche penaunce as hys Ghostly father hath enioyned hym Ibidem Capit. Omnis vtriusque sexus Libro Concil In the eyght Synode it was agreed y t suche penaunce shoulde be enioyned of y e ghostly father to his ghostly childe as is agreable to the qualitie and quātitye of sinne Caus. 26. Quaest. 7. Capit. Proqualitate In the same Synode it was also determined y t the priestes shuld haue authoritie and power to enioyne what penaunce they wuld and for how long a tyme and after what sort Ibidem Ca. Hoc sit positum Of Absolution POpe Gelasius the fyrst ordayned y t if a man were vniustlye excōmunicate accursed he shoulde not regard it nor yet go aboute to seke absolution from y e sentence or censure which was vniustlye layde vpon hym In the yeare c. 494. Caus. 11. Quaest. 3. Cap. Cui est Pope Gregorye the fyrst affyrmeth y t the priest can absolue no man excepte God hath absolued him fyrst alleging the historye of Lazarus whom the Lord raised vp vnto life before he cōmaunded his Disciples to losen hym and to set hym at libertye In the yere of oure Lorde 590. Ibidem Cap. Tunc vera est absolutio Pope Nicolas the fyrste ordayned y t the Byshop of Rome mighte absolue men from their lawfull othe promyse fidelitie made to princes seing y t it lyeth also in hys power to depriue kings and Emperours of their kingdomes dignities In the yeare c. 871. Caus. 15. Q. 7. Cap. Autoritatem The same readest thou also in y e Canō following which beginneth Alius item Pope Gregorye the fyrst made a decree y t no Prelate shuld lightly forgeue absolue men frō those sinnes y t they haue committed against God The offences committed agaynst vs saith he we may easely forgeue but the synnes which are done agaynst God we maye not release without great discretion penaunce doing In the yeare c. 590. Caus. 23. Quaest. 4. Cap. Si is qui. In the councell Carthaginense it was decreed y t the person which shoulde bee absolued should mekely and reuerently knele downe to take the absolution and y t the Priest should laye hys hande vpon hys ghostly childes head when he absolueth hym Caus. 26. Quaest. 7. Capit. Sacerdos Libro Concil Martinus frater Certayne fourmes of Absolution OURE Lord Iesus Christ whiche hath full power to absolue he moughte absolue thee And I by the authoritye of him of y e holy Apostles Peter and Paule and of oure Mother holye Churche and by the authoritie y t is committed vnto me in this behalfe as much as I can and am bounde to absolue thee do fyrst of al absolue thee from the bond of y e lesser excommunication if thou be failen into it I absolue thee also from y e fault of companye kepyng with excommunicate persons if thou haue nede and by the same authoritye I absolue thee from all thy synnes mortal criminall and veniall being confessed vnto me I absolue thee also frō all other sinnes forgotten confessed committed and neglected as much as I can so farre as my dutye is in y e vertue of our Lord Iesu Christes passion and in y e blessing of the father and of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost AMEN And the very passion of our Lorde Iesus Christ the merites of all he Saintes and shee Saintes and all the passions of y e holy Martyrs and the suffrages of y e church Militante and the remissions of the same and also the pardons prayers pilgrimages whatsoeuer good dedes besydes all other faythfull Christians haue wrought Agayne the fastynges almosse deedes and the workes of mercye whiche thou haste done or shalt do or entendest to doe moreouer whatsoeuer tribulation thou