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A73478 Haggeus the prophet Where-vnto is added a most plentifull commentary, gathered out of the publique lectures of D. Iohn Iames Gryneus, professor of diuinitie in the Vniuersitie of Basill, and now first published, faithfully translated out of Latin into English, by Christopher Fetherstone student in diuinitie.; Bible. O.T. Haggai. English. Fetherston, Christopher.; Grynaeus, Johann Jacob, 1540-1617. 1586 (1586) STC 2790; ESTC S125271 158,555 366

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required at the hands of these that they bée faithfull 1. Cor. 4. 2. It is required of the disposers that euerie man bee founde faithfull Ob. Paul saith For to this man trulie is giuen by the spirit the woorde of wisedome and to another the woorde of knowledge by the same spirit 1. Cot. 12. 8. Therefore spirituall gifts are not giuen by the ministers An. I answere Things which are subordinate are not contrary God alone doth giue spirituall gifts if you respect the principall cause but if you respect the instrumentall causes seruing out-wardly then méeteth you that sayinge of the Apostle Therefore who is Paul or who is Apollos but ministers by whom you haue belieued and as God hath giuen to euerie man 1. Cor. 3. 5. And here must wée admonish the younger sorte that they doe diligently distinguishe these sayings wherein the whole ministery is spoken of in generall from these where-in it is spoken of in part that is where-in mention is made either of the inward or outwarde ministery For if they respect the former sorte they shall oftentimes finde that thinge attributed by Synecdoche to the ministers of the woorde as to the inferiour causes which is proper to the principall efficient cause As these two sayings doe testifie where-with wée will at this time bee contented Who-soeuers sinnes yee remit they are remitted vnto them and who-soeuers sinnes yee retaine they are retained Ioh. 20. 23. Take heede to thy selfe and to thy doctrine cōtinue in these thinges for if thou shalt doe that thou shalt saue thy selfe and them which shall heare thee 1. Tim. 4. 16. Paul speaketh of the partes of the ministery by an opposition where hee saith Therefore neither hee that planteth is any thinge neither hee that watereth but God who giueth the encrease 1. Cor. 3. 7. 4 And as it is not lawfull for the ministers to seperate the sacramentes from the woorde of the couenant so is it not lawfull to take away the relation and affinity that is betwene spirituall thinges and their signes Although wee are not ignorant of this that God who worketh most freely doth worke some-times by meanes some-times with-out meanes and that hee is able if he will to giue spirituall things with-out the externall signes yet must we doe all things decently and in order according to the rule which hee hath set downe Obiect Paul saith Christ hath not sent mee to baptize but to preache the gospell Therefore the Woorde and the Sacramentes may not bee seperated Ans I answere that Paul speaketh thus in some respect by way of comparison to the ende hee might declare that hee was chiefly sent to preach the gospell that hee doth not simplie deny that hee was sent to baptize which thing may appeere by that which went before 5 For like-as man consisteth vpon the body and the minde so doth the holy administration consist vpon visible signes and spirituall and inuisible things 44. Lect. March 10. THe body is no dishonesty to the minde which vseth the ministery there-of as of a most fit instrument to doe many excellent things withall And by the signes instituted commaunded by God are the spiritual things the reasonable seruice no whit dishonored but they serue according to Gods ordinance to the representing of these things Ob. God doth often-times testifie that hée is displeased with the Ceremoniall worship which hee hath not commaunded c. According to these sayings Because thou wouldest no sacrifice and I would haue giuen it thee thou wilt not haue burnt offerings Psal 51. 18. And againe Why doe yee offer vnto mee a multitude of your sacrifices saith the Lord I am full Isai 1. 11. And againe I will haue mercie and not sacrifice and the knowledge of God rather then burnt offrings Of. 6. 6. Therefore the holy administration cōsisteth onlie vpon spirituall thinges neither hath it any néede of the externall signes An. It is no good argument where in that which is spoken in some respect is taken as if it were spoken simply In the first saying by way of comparison giuing of thanks is preferred before sacrifice godlines before bodily exercise In the second all sacrifices are not condemned but only those which superstitious men did offer with-out faith with an opinion of the woorke wrought In the third morall things are preferred before things ceremonial and the reasonable worship before the sacrificiall worship Therefore the woorkes which God hath commaunded are not simply condemned 6 As the Sacraments may bee perceiued by the senses and the externall woorde pearceth the eares so the things by y● Sacraments signified are apprehended by the sensitiue instrumēts of faith and by faith are they perceiued Reasons 1 For the Sacraments are visible signes signes instituted by God of an inuisible grace and the spirituall giftes 2 The things by the Sacraments signified are inuisible but faith is an argument of things Heb. 11. 1. which are not seene And this faith is to y● heart in stéed of eies eares mouth hands whereby we apprehend Christ apply him vnto our selues 7 Christ hath the worde of life Ioh. 6. 68. And whilest the father teacheth vs inwardly writeth his lawes in our hearts we are taught of God but the word which is y● signe there-of is Ioh. 31. 33. Ioh. 6. 45. preached outwardlie by the mini●ers of the word Ob Isa 4. 2. The seruaunts of God are cōmaunded to speake vnto the heart of Hierusalem There-fore the ministers of the woorde doo also speake inwardly vnto the heart An. I denie the consequent because in the antecedent that is attributed to the inferiour cause namely to the externall ministery which is proper to the principall efficient cause namely to Christ who executeth the internall ministery and speaketh vnto the heart The reason of this manner of speeche is drawen from the ende because th ende and purpose where-vnto they which are Teachers in the Church doe serue is this so to pearce the eares with the liuely voice of the woorde of God that the efficacy thereof may be mighty in the heart and may brust out into the woorkes which are meet for repentance Therefore let vs acknowledge the agreement which is betwene the Minister of the woorde speaking vnto vs outwardly and God the father comforting our heartes inwardly Neither let vs other-wise then the thing it selfe declareth to bee true disorderedly attribute these thinges simply to the externall minister which are only proper to God and let vs not confusedlie ascribe those thinges to God which are proper to the ministers Let vs receiue the voice of Christ when he speaketh with a pure heart let vs heare the voice of the minister with open eares 8 It is God that circumciseth the heart but it is man that circumciseth the fleshe of the foreskinne Deut. 30. 6. Here all men may sée that God doth not circumcise Gen. 17. 24. 25. the fleshe of the fore-skinne immediately but it is cut away by
inferre these wordes I am with you vntill the ende of the worlde which as I haue declared may bee rightly vnderstoode of his person but they are falselie by you restrayned vnto the humane nature although I am not ignorant y● that pronoune I is sometime restrayned vnto the other nature But in this place you doe falsely restraine the name of Christ which without all doubt doeth signifie the person vnto his fleshe To Christ say you that is to his flesh is giuen all power Ob. The Godheade can take nothing therefore these wordes To mee is giuen all power ought to bee referred vnto the humanitie Ans You shoulde haue made a distinction betweene the diuine essence which is sufficient of it selfe and the person of the mediator Like as in respect hereof the sonne was sent hee went out from the father hee is inferiour to Mat. 28. 18. Phil. 2. 9. the father hee humbled himselfe c. so also he receyued all power and a name which is aboue euerie name Vnto the godheade of the Worde can nothing bee added which is all one with the father and the holy ghost For it is as hee saith a substance sufficient of it selfe vnto felicitie Thus say I least any man shoulde obiect that wee play the Arrians Quest What answere shall I make to those which restrain this pronoune I in the sayings which concerne Christ vnto his humanitie Ans Shew then these thrée things which are grounded vpon the authoritie of the scripture 1 First that it is sometimes to bee vnderstoode in the concrete of the whole person of Christ as in these sayinges I am and you shal Mar. 14. 62. see the sonne of man sitting at the right hand of power and comming in the cloudes of heauen Mar. 19. For I am that good sheapehearde Ioh. 10. 11. I haue ouercome the worlde Ioh. 16. 33. 2 Secondly it is sometime restrayned vnto the Godheade as in these sayinges Before Abraham was I am Ioh. 8. 85. I and the father are one Ioh. 10. 30. 3 Thirdly it is sometimes restrayned vnto the humanitie as it appeareth by these testimonies of scripture And if I shall bee lifted vp I shall draw all men vnto me Ioh. 12. 32. And againe You shall alwayes haue the poore with you but mee shall you not haue alwayes with you Ioh. 12. 8. Cyrillus expoundeth these wordes thus When hee saide of himselfe but mee shall you not alwayes haue the Lorde spake of the presence of his bodie For according to his maiestie according to his prouidence according to the vnspeakeable and inuisible grace of his godheade that is fulfilled which hee saide Beholde I am with you at all times euen vnto the ende of the worlde It shall bée the part and dutie of the godly omitting contention diligently to marke what y● pronoune I doeth signify in diuers places I An absuditie will adde a breefe example of reducing the same vnto an absurdity Christe sayth Iohn 12. 26. Where I shall be there shall also my minister be But Christ is euery where in his flesh by that supposition which feigneth that this pronoune I is restrayned vnto his humanity onely Therefore shal his ministers be euery where Who is hée that doth not sée this same to bee false Forasmuch as wée shall haue occasion ministred Of the mysterie to speake else-where of the mysterie contained in this Oration we will onely recite the words of Hierome I wil be your helper build my house which amongest you is destroied whilste I am amongst you no man shall bee able to hinder your building To the same purpose serueth that saying of the apostle Do you not know that your body is the Temple of the holy ghost which is in you whome you haue of God neyther are you your owne 26. Lect. Feb. 8. Verse 14. And the Lorde raysed vp the spirit of Zerubabel the sonne of Salthiel the captayne of Iehuda and the spirit of Iehosadac the high priest and the spirit of all the rest of the people and they entred in and did worke in the house of the Lord of hostes their God BY Gods assistance we will héere handle two pointes the history and the allegory The historie The Argument Thorough Gods ayde and helpe the second temple of Hierusalem was restored with greate good successe 1 Certaine it is that the consent of all estates to take in hande the worke of the Lorde and also to finish the same is a singular gift of God The chief gouernors of the people of the Iewes most ioyfully and with one consent took in hand the restoring of the Temple According to the oracle of the restoring of Sion For thy seruants shall fauour her stones and her dust And the heathen shall feare the name of the Lorde Psam 100. and all the kings of the earth thy glorie because the Lorde shall builde vp Sion and hee shall bee seene in his glorie c. Wherefore it is without all doubt that their spirit was raysed vp by the Lord. 2. Position It is onely in the hande of God not onely to take away such hinderances as doe let any good and godly purpose but also to turne them into the contrary so that whereas they were lettes they may be helpes and serue to godly purposes But the purposes and endeuours of these men which were vnwilling the Temple shoulde bee restored were not onely made frustrate but also serued to the purpose of the Iewes as we may sée Esdras 5. 6. in the history of Thatthenaus and Setharbosnaus and of other which were enemies vnto the Iewes Therefore most certain it is that God brought this thing to passe Positions 1 God is hee that worketh in vs both to will and to doe of his free good wil * Wherefore Phil. 2. 13. touching good workes whereof we are onely properly the instrumentall causes although not onely the passiue causes let vs sing that song of Dauid Not vnto vs O Lorde not vnto vs but vnto thy name giue the glorie for thy mercie and for thy truethes sake Psal 115. 1. Shal the hatchet the sawe the rodd triumph Isay 10. 15. 2 All the workes of God are amidest contrarie meanes Therefore when hee determineth to bring to passe wholsome and laudable things some hinderances are alwaies laide in the way which God doth afterwarde remooue that hee may make way for his counsels and workes Whenas the Iewes were begunne with great consent industrie and labour to builde the temple straightwaye come their enemies the captayne of Syria and the Samaritanes who when they coulde not hinder the holie worke themselues they referred the matter vnto Darius the sonne of Histaspes who hauing searched the chronicle commaunded them to hasten the building and also to beare the charge thereof 1. Esdras 5. 6. 3 Wée must not regarde what enuious men thinke and doe but what God doeth For God helpeth and furthereth the good not onely by meanes of the good but also by meanes
when all things are quiete and in time of prosperitie that is which thinke that wee can be builded vpon the foundation of the Prophetes and Apostles and that wee can bee brought vnto the kingdome of the euerlasting father by these middle honours ioyes and good successes which we haue in this life For as the heathen man saith In rebus arduis prodit se virtus Vertue sheweth her selfe in harde matters So that the Church whē it groneth vnder the crosse addeth vnto faith vertue vnto vertue 2. Pet. 1. 5. 6. knowledge vnto knowledge temperance vnto temperance patience * c. Now let vs see how strong that demonstration is which our prophet Haggai setteth against y● fallacy and subtile reason which was framed by the Iewes There is greater regard to bee had vnto him who is most good most wise most iust c. and the author of al goodnes throughout the whole world then vnto all creatures This proposition is a principle which is written by God in the harts of all men which teacheth vs to attribute more vnto our most liberal creator then to al the things which are created and also to obey serue him Mat. 19. 17. Iam. 1. 17. readely sincerely and constantly But the Lord our God is most good most wise most iust and from him alone commeth euery good perfecte gift Therfore séeing he will haue a temple built for himselfe and the worship which is due vnto him to be giuen him there we are to let passe al other busines and letts and onely to apply the building thereof day and night The Rhetoricall arte Our Prophet doth amplifie the vnworthines or haynousnes of the matter by vsing certaine figures which are these which followe 1. An Apostrophe or reuersion O ye Iewes As of he should haue said I do not now speake vnto the heathenish Atheists of the worlde but vnto the Jewes the children of the Prophets and of the couenaunt which God made with the Fathers as saith Peter * Such an Apostrophe or reuersion is founde Rom. 2. 17. Behold thou art syrnamed a Iewe and thou reste●t vpon the law thou makest thy bost of God 2 An Eironia or a taunting I warrant you the time is nowe come in which you must neglect the temple of the Lorde and build and garnish your owne houses Such tauntings are vsed Gen. 3. Beholde man is as one of vs. And againe Sleepe and take your rest Mat. 26. 3 An interrogation or question Is it now a fit time for you to neglect the Tēple of the Lord 1. Cor. 10. ●0 and to be occupied about your owne buildinges The answere is vnderstood No. For we ought at no time to bee more carefull for those thinges which serue to the sustentation of this life then for the worship of God Herodotus saith verie wel Diuina sunt antiquiora potiora humanis The things which are Gods are both more ancient and also better then the thinges which are mans And Paul wold haue al other things to serue to the sanctifying of the name of God Whether therfore you eat or drink or whatsoeuer you doe do all to the glory of God * 11. Lect. Nouemb. 20. 1579. The application of this saying of Haggeus vnto ourselues Nowe that we may goe from the argument vnto the position we must fully determine with our selues that nothing which is created must be able to separate vs frō the loue of God which is in Christe Iesus our Lorde * And that we Rom. 8. 36. ought to preferre nothing which is in heauen or earth before God And that the feare of the Lord is our treasure * The fountaine from which this position springeth Isay 33. 6. is the lawe of God Thou shalt loue the Lorde thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soule and with all thy strength Deut. 6. 5. Luk. 10. 27. And the same is most notably expounded in Ieremie Cap. 9. 23. 24. Thus saith the Lord Let not the wise man reioyce in his wisedom nor the stronge man in his strength nor the rich man in his riches but let him that reioyceth reioyce in this that hee vnderstandeth and knoweth that I am the Lord which shewe mercie iudgement and iustice in the earth for these thinges will I sayth the Lorde Séeing these things are so who seeth not that all thinges must serue God to the worshiping of him and that we ought not to make so great accompt of any thing as of God and of his holy and holesome will Nowe forasmuch as Aristotle saith and that truely that doctrine is attayned vnto by Syllogisme and Induction wée will vse these two instruments to prooue this position withall Demonstratiue syllogismes 1 The order which God hath appoynted séeing the it is a most manifest testimony of his diuine wisedome and goodnes is not to be altered For it is not méete that the clay should contend with the Potter that is that man should contend with GOD about the praise of wisedome But this is an eternall and immutable order appointed by God that mans affaires all other thinges should giue place to the things which are his For it is most méete that all other thinges should giue place to that which is the infinite good thinge Therefore we must attribute much more vnto the thinges which are Gods then to all thinges which are in this worlde 2 The effect which is * finite is not to bée Or conteyned within a certaine compasse compared with ne yet to bee preferred before the efficient cause whose goodnes might and wisedome is infinite For there is no proportion or equality betwene that which is finite that which is infinite But man is the creature of God compassed about with beginning and space both of time and place Psalm 100. 3. Knowe yee that the Lord hee is God hee hath made vs and not wee our selues And GOD is a spirit vncreated eternall with-out beginninge almighty c. Therefore we ought to haue greatest respect vnto him in all our affaires and actions 3 It is better to obey that will which is vnchaungeably good and whose effects are good then the will which is chaungeable and whose effects are vnlike one to another But the will of God is vnchaungeably good the will of man is chaungeable Therefore must we rather obey the will of God then of man 4 The affaires which are proper to the spirituall life and serue to the glory of God and our owne edification are neither to be quite omitted nor yet deferred for these affaires which are proper onl●e to the naturall life and serue for the same onely But vnto the former sorte doe appertaine the exercises of godlines vnto the latter the houshold ciuill affaires Therefore although these houshold and ciuill affaires are not quite to bée omitted yet for their sakes are not the exercyses of godlines eyther to bee let slip or to be done onely for fashions sake or
the waies of men the things which are good and the things which are euill the thinges which are to bee done and the thinges which are to bee left vndone and finallie the last ende of men 4. Aphorisme GOD is the beholder of all things God looked downe from heauen vpon the Children of men that hee might see if there were anie that did vnderstand and sought after God Psalm 53. 2. 5. Aphorisme The holie ghost is the guide and leader of the godlie but the flesh carrieth away the naturall men The spirit of truth is hee that shall leade you into all truth Iohn 16. 15. If you shall liue accordinge to the fleshe yee shall die but if by the spirit yee shall mortifie the workes of the bodie yee shall liue Rom. 8. 15. 6. Aphorisme The instructers of the godlie are the faithfull ministers of both testaments which ought to shine as burning lightes before other men in faith and life vnblameable I haue set thee as a defence and fortresse in the middest of my people therefore thou maist know and proue their waie Ierem. 6. 27. And Paul speaketh of the Iewes saying And thou belieuest that thou arte a leader of the blinde a light for those which are in darknes an instructer of the vnwise Rom. 2. 19. 7. Aphorisme The workes of the Lord are of two sortes proper or agreeable to his nature improper or not agréeable to his nature yet both of these doe serue to his glorie Esay 28. 21. The workes which are agréeable vnto his nature are these to haue mercie and to doe good The workes which are contrarie to his nature are these to bee angry to accurse c. Psalm 75. 8. God is the iudge hee bringeth downe one and setteth vp another 8. Aphorisme The waie of men is either good which is called the waie of the Lord the waie of the iust the olde waie the waie of faith or euill and it is called the waie of Cain the waie of the vniust the newe waie the waie of vnbeliefe Because GOD knoweth the waie of the iust and the waie of the wicked shall perish Psalm 1. 6. Wilt thou not cease to peruert the straight waies of the Lord Now therefore behold the hande of the Lord shal be against thee Act. 14. 20. Nowe therefore stand vpon the waies and see and inquire after the old waie which is the good waie walke in the same and you shall finde rest for your soule And they saide wee will not walke Ierem. 6. 16. Of Apollos it is saide that hee was informed in the waie of the Lord* And the doctrine of the Act. 18. 25. gospell is called a waie * because it intreateth of Act. 19. 23. him who did trulie testifie of him-selfe saying I am the waie the truth and the life 9. Aphorisme Forasmuch as God after his manner is the author of the good thinges and also of the euill which befall vs wee must iudge aright of the same Who is hee therefore which hath said and it hath bene and the Lord hath not commaunded Ier. Lam. 3. 37. it Out of the mouth of the most high proceedeth not euill and good Hee speaketh of the euill of punishment Their table is made vnto then a snare The euill are neuer in good case and that thorough their owne faulte on the contrary the good are neuer in bad case thorough the méere mercie of God For to the euill euen good things are turned to euill and to the good euen euill thinges are turned to good 10. Aphorisme Isaiah comprehendeth in these wordes the thinges which are to bee done and the thinges which are to bee left vndone Cease of from doing euill learne to do good Esay 1. 16. It is reported that Iustus Ionas the younger did recite this verse immediatelie before his death Quid iuuat innumeros scire atque euoluere casus Si fugienda facis facienda fugis What profit doo'st thou reape by this to knowe full manie a thing And straunge euents to call to minde what profit doth it bring If things from which thou shouldest flie thou doe with might and maine And frō those things which thou sholdst do thou willinglie abstaine Where-vnto Nicolas Hemingius doth answere Et iuuat innumeros scire atque euoluere casus Si facienda facis fugienda fugis Great profit maist thou reape by this to know full many a thing And straunge euentes to call to minde commoditie doth bring If those thinges which thou shouldest doe thou doe with might and maine And frō those things which thou shouldst flie thou willingly abstayne Hereunto appertayneth that precept of Dauid Come my children and hearken vnto mee and I will teach you the feare of the Lorde What man is hee which will liue and see good dayes Keepe thy tongue from euil and thy lippes from speaking guyle Flye from euill and doe good seeke peace and ensue it Psal 34. 12. 13. c. 12. Lect. Decemb. 2. 11. Aph. Neither must wée looke onely into the fable of the life spent but wée must also marke the conclusion thereof For oftentimes the greater part of the lyfe of the wicked is like a pleasaunt comedie and the life of the godly is like a dolefull tragedy Yet the last end of the wicked is woful the end of the godly ioyfull Vntill I went into the Sanctuarie of the Lorde and vnderstood the last end Psal 73. 17. 18. of these men Truely thou haste set them in slipperie places thou makest them to fall headlong into desolation * This is the portion of the vngodly but concerning the godly the same Psalmist saith Marke the perfecte man and beholde the right man because the last ende of such a man is peace All these Psal 37. 37. thinges are set foorth in the parable of Lazarus and the glutton Luk. 16. 12. Aph. They which neglect this beholding and consideration of their owne life and care more for their owne thinges then for God and the things which are Gods are by the iust iudgement of God giuen vp into a reprobate minde so that to their great shame and reproch they doe these Rom. 1. 28. thinges which are not comely Verse 6. Yee shall sowe much and bring in little ye shall eate and not be satisfied ye shall drinke and not bee drunken yee shall cloath your selues and not bee made warme hee that shall hyre out himselfe for wages shall hyre out him selfe for wages which shall bee as if it fell into a broken backe Héere let vs marke the transposition of the tense For he vseth the verbes of the future tense as if they were of the Preterperfectense or Present tense first that hee may reuoke the minds of the Iewes vnto the consideration of y● things actions and euils which are past and present Secondly that they may thereby gather what they must looke for vnlesse they repent and at length giue vnto God the thinges which are due vnto him These are
beeing added who is the liuely stone beeing reiected of men but chosen and pretious with God 4 Fourthly who is the builder namely God Heb. 3. 4. For euerie house is builded of some man but he that buildeth all things is God 5 Fifthly who those be which together are Gods labourers namely the faithfull ministers 1. Cor. 3. 9. 10. You are Gods buylding By the grace of God which is giuen mee as a skilfull builder I haue laide the foundation but another buildeth thereon Furthermore let euery man take heede how he buildeth thereon 6 Sixtly what is the ende wherevnto it is ordayned namely the coupling together of the saynts as saith the the holy Apostle the work of the ministery the edification of the body of Christ 28. Lect. 10. Febr. 4. Of the Temple of heauen Apoc. 11. 19 Then was the Temple of God opened in heauen and the arke of his couenaunt was seene in his temple Most men do take this temple for the sanctuary of heauen whereof mention is made Heb. 9. 24. For Christ is not entred into a sanctuary made with handes which is a figure like to the true sanctuary but into heauen it self that he may appeare nowe in the sight of God for vs. In this temple is our freedome according to that saying of Paul For we behaue our selues as free-men of heauen from whence also wee looke for a Sauiour euen the Lorde Iesus Philip. 3. 20. For this cause seeing we are risen with Christe let vs seeke the thinges that are aboue where Christe is sitting at the righte hand of God let vs care for heauenly things not for earthlie things Col. 3. 1. 2. Quest What meaneth Iohn by these wordes spoken of the heauenly Hierusalem Neyther sawe I any temple in her for the Lorde God Almighty is her Temple Apoc. 21. 22. An. The same which Paul meaneth by these wordes God shall bee all in all Therfore saith Iohn The Lambe shall be in steede of a Temple the Sunne the Moone to all the blessed And then shall bee reuealed the glorye and felicity of those men which are grafted into Christ and made partakers of his body and shal raigne with him c. God graunt that our sorrows which we now féele whilste we are strangers with the Lorde may bee mitigated by the hope of so great felicity Amen Quest Is it lawfull to build Churches in honour and remembraunce of dead saintes Ans It is not lawfull For wee must not giue that vnto any creature which is onely due vnto God and is proper to the diuine nature It is proper to God alone to appropriate vs to himselfe and to dwell in vs according to these sayings Know yee not that ye are the temple of God If any man destroy the Temple of God him shall God destroy for the temple of God is holy which you are 1. Cor. 3. 16. 17 And of all the faithfull it is sayde Know ye not that your bodye is the Temple of the holie ghoste which is in you and which you haue of God and ye are not your owne 1. Corin. 6. 19. These thinges are spoken of the Church and of the liuely members thereof wherein Inst without doubt the holie spirite doth dwell but the question was also mentioned concerning the temples made with handes Let vs therefore heare what Augustine saith who denyeth that the Temples are erected vnto the Martyrs To God saith he doe we builde Temples although they be named after the names of the Martyrs to put men in minde of the Martyrs Cyrillus in his Booke De fide praysing Quéenes amongest other thinges giueth them this commendation that they did erect moste sumptuous temples vnto Christe without making any mention of the dead saintes And whereas Hierome in a certaine place sayth that the temples of the martyrs are to bée had in great reuerence it ought not be preiudiciall to this matter For certaine it is that the honour which is due vnto God alone must not be giuen to Martyrs neither is their bloude to be mingled with Christ his bloud which is the price of our redemption The memoriall of the martyrs and the great admiration which their giftes wherein they excelled did and doeth procure ought to serue to the glory of God alone and to our amendment because hee powred out vpon them the gifts of his grace in such aboundaunce The first verse of the seconde Chapter In the fower and twentith daye of the moneth in the sixth moneth of the seconde yeere of Darius the king This verse agréeth with the former history set downe in the end of the first chapter as wee may gather euen out of Hierome his translation exposition I omit the allegories and to speake of the numbers heere mentioned The meaning of these wordes is this that the Iewes began to build the temple the fower and twentith day of September in the second yere of Darius the Sonne of Histaspes which was about the yeere from the creation of the worlde 3444. If we will followe Funcius a most diligent chronicle writer Moreouer it is an vsuall thing in the commentaries of the common wealth and in the inscriptions and titles of greate workes and buildings to make mention of the surueiers of the worke of the dayes and yeeres If you respect the doctrine which may hence be gathered we are admonished by the examples of the Prophetes Apostles and other the faithfull diligently to marke the time wherein great thinges were begunne continued and finished in Gods name through his assistance For euery thing hath an appoynted season and euery will vnder Heauen hath his time Eccle. 3. 1 Yet haue we néede to make some discourse whereto the destinction of things circumstances serueth according to that saying of Dauid Who is wise and will marke these thinges will turne his minde vnto the mercies of the Lorde Psal 107. 43. Also Esay doeth greatly reprehend those men that are drunken with pleasure because they regarde not the worke of the Lorde neither sée the workes of his hands It shall be therefore our partes dueties carefully to consider what the Lorde worketh in the Church in the common wealth and in our owne life that the testimonies of his presence his helpe his iudgements may nourish and kindle in vs faith loue and sonnely feare That wee ought to haue respect of time in preaching the celestiall doctrine and in the exercises of repentaunce it is euident by these sayinges Who is therefore a faithfull seruaunt and a wise whome the Lorde doeth appoint ouer his familie that he may giue thē meat in time Math. 24. 25. And againe And that considering the season howe that it is nowe time that we awake out of sleepe For our saluation draweth neerer nowe then when wee beleeued The night is past the day is come Let vs therefore cast awaye the workes of darknesse and put vppon vs the armour of light Ro. 13. 11. c. And againe And this say I
are the fellowe labourers of the holie ghost created vnto good workes that they may walke in them And let vs remember that in euerie kinde of holy calling we haue neede of strength of heart which you may well call a holy boldnesse For seeing that wee haue to contende and wrastle not onely with the infirmitie and in like sorte with the intemperancie of our fleshe but also with a thousand shiftes and slightes of Satan it cannot bee but that in so manie and so great prouocations wee shall fainte and bee in daunger of béeing ouercome vnlesse the Lord in mercie doe giue vs strength and courage The second argument drawen from the presence and helpe of God They with whome the Lord is present in the holy worke ministering vnto them strength opportunitie and other helpes seruing to the accomplishing of their businesse wel must not loyter but rather go forward valiantly The Lord is present with you Iewes Ergo. c. The same argument doeth Paul vse speaking of himselfe At my first answering sayth hée no man assisted mee but all forsooke mee I pray God it may not bee laide to their charge but the Lorde asisted mee and strengthned me that by mee the preaching might be knowen and that all the gentiles might heare and I was deliuered out of the mouth of the lyon 2. Tim. 4. 16. 17. And in euerie holie worke the Lorde vseth fellowe labourers whome he will haue to haue respecte onely vnto him to ascribe vnto him the prayse of thinges which are well done and to craue his ayde and assistaunce Psal 90. 16. 17. Let thy worke appeare towarde thy seruantes and thy glorie to their Children And let the beautie of the Lorde our God be vpon vs and establish the worke of our handes vpon vs and establish our handie worke Of the Lorde of Sabaoth Forasmuch as this worde Lorde is repeated thrise in this fift verse we will speak thereof by way of distinction 1 This worde Iehoua or Lorde is the essentiall name of God Wée must marke this distinction of the names of God Certayne be essentiall as Iehoua certayne doe signifie the properties which are attributed vnto him in respect of the creatures as when hee is called Euerlasting Iealous Merciful Kinde 2 The worde Iehoua or Lorde is deriued of the word which doth signifie the essence Exo. 3. 14. I am that I am Furthermore thou shalt say thus to the children of Israel I am hath sent mee vnto you 3 For the worde doeth signifie him that is or the essence it selfe First because hee is so without beginning and so without ending that hee is aboue all other of himselfe and hath alwayes beene and shall bee for euer Secondly because séeing that he is the creator and Lorde of all thinges of him and through him and for him are all thinges Lastly Rom. 11. 36. because the restoring of all thinges dependeth onely vpon him 4 Therefore this name Iehoua is proper to no creature For that wee may omitte that which is saide before it belongeth properly vnto him who is by nature God and it is set exclusiuely Gal. 4. 8. against all those Gods and Lordes which are so called by equiuocation séeing there 1. Cor. 8. ●● is but one God euen the father of whome are all thinges and wee in him and one Lorde Iesus Christ by whome are all thinges and wee through him 5 There be no moe but one Lord. Deu. 6. 4. The Lorde our God is Lord onely 6 Christ is called Lorde in respecte of his godhead or of the Word Psal 110. 1. The Lord saide vnto my Lorde sit thou on my right hande c. And therevpon doeth Christ gather that hée is Dauids Lorde in respect of his godheade but Ioh. 20. 28. his sonne in respect of his manhoode When Thomas did call Christ his God and his Lorde hee vsed the Hebrewe wordes Iehouah Elohenu 7 In the writinges of the Apostles the gréeke worde Curios doth aunswere the Hebrue word Iehouah The wordes of Moses are these Non tentabis Iehouam Deum tuum Thou shalt not tempt the Lorde thy God Matthewe vseth these wordes Non tentabis 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Thou shalt not tempt the Lorde thy God Notwithstanding all the learned know that the worde 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 doeth signifie Lorde and the worde Iehouah doeth properly signifie the essence 8 They erre daungerously which doe restrayne the worde Iehouah vnto the person of the Father onely For seeing that it doeth signifie the eternall essence of God himselfe which That is to the sonne and the holy Ghost is common to the three persons it is rightly attributed to them also 33. Lect. March 4. Verse 6. The worde which I couenaunted with you when you came out of Egipt will I doe my Spirit also shall stande in the middest of you feare not The argument THere is no cause why those men should bée smitten with the spirite of feare and cease from doing the Lords worke which are ioyned to God w e an eternall couenant haue him to be their patrone and helper But God hath ioyned you and your fathers vnto him by a couenaunt and in times past when as he brought your forefathers out of Egypt hée established the same by a solemne rite This minor proposition doth the Prophete set downe in these wordes The worde so calleth hee the couenaunt by Metonymia which I haue couenaunted with you when you came out of Egypt Hée affirmeth that both the fathers and also the faithfull children are ioyned to God by one and the selfe same couenaunt For he speaketh of the children of the kingdome so called vniuoce least any man shoulde thinke that these thinges are repugnant vnto the holy doctrine of particular election The conclusion is euident Positions touching the couenant of grace 1 The couenant of grace is sometimes called the Testament because it is established by the bloude of Christ Iesus the promise maker sometimes it is called the couenaunt because it is the reconciliation of those which were enemies It is called the couenaunt to th ende wée may thinke that there was enmitie before the couenaunt was made It is called the couenant of grace of the eternall cause or the cause going Rom. 5. 1● before in God who in himselfe founde cause why he shoulde ioyne vs vnto him It is called Heb. 19. 15. the Testament because Christ is the mediator of the newe Testament that through death which was for the redemption of the transgressors which were in the former testament they which were called might receiue the promise of eternall inheritaunce 2 And as Iesus Christ is the same yesterday and to day and throughout all ages so is there Heb. 13. 8. but one euerlasting couenaunt and one Testament if you respect the substance thereof Ephe. 4. 4. 5. 6. There is one bodie and one spirit as you are called into one hope of your calling one Lorde one faith one baptisme
the holy Spirit the remnaunt of the godly vntill such time as the Messias was giuen and the Iewes were reiected for their inuincible hardnes of heart and the holy City together with the Temple was ouer-throwen and quite destroyed the gospell was preached farre and wide amongst the Gentiles and Iesus Christe was belieued on in the worlde Of the presence of Gods grace As light doth accompany the rising of the sunne which lightneth thinges which are vpon the earth so the participation and powringe out of Gods giftes doth followe the presence of his grace 2 For where-soeuer God is hee both is worketh there freely and effectually 3 God is some-times present for a season in places countries and with persons This time is called the time of visitation Luk. 19. 44. 4 And in his iust iudgment hée forsaketh certaine persons Beholde your house is left vnto you desolate Mat. 23. 38. 5 But the Lord doth neuer quite forsake the Church of the elect Isa 54. 7. I haue left thee for a space but in my great mercies will I gather thee together 8. In the time of my wrath I hid my face for a while but in mine euer-lasting mercie haue I had mercie on thee saith the Lorde thy redeemer 10. The mountaines shall remooue and the hilles shall fall downe but my mercie shall not depart from thee neither shall the couenaunt of my peace fall away saith the Lorde that hath compassion on thee 6 The same opinion must wée haue concerning all the faithfull For God is also present with them by the powre and grace of his spirit Hee furnisheth them with most excellent and wholesome giftes with faith hope charity patience and other things which are vndoubtedly testimonies of the presence of the grace of God And how-soeuer such men so suffer persecution by false brethren be smitten with blockish thunder-boltes and rash curses yet must we make great accompt of them seeing they fare no worse then did the Prophets Apostles in times past Wée knowe what Dauid saith But vnto the saintes which are vppon the earth and the Psalm 16. 3. stronge towarde whom is all my delight 43. Lect. Verse 11. The fowre and twentirh day of the ninth moneth in the second yeere of Darius was the woorde of the Lord in the hand of Haggeus saying THis verse contayneth the circumstances of the second oracle which is in this chapter set downe where-of I will speake orderly and briefly 1 The time In the seconde yéere of the reigne of Darius the sonne of Histaspes which was before the birth of Christ about 519. yéeres and in the yéere after the creation of the worlde 3 444. according to Funcius his chronicle in the 24. day of December which moneth the Hebrewes call Cisleu was this oracle published Wée sée that the prophets doe exhort vs by the examples of their diligence attentiuely to obserue at what time the celestiall doctrine was purged and preached what signes of times happened whose ministerie God vsed that we may bee confirmed in the faith and sanctifie the name of God The author This oracle proceeded from the Lorde God of hostes For prophesyinge came not in tymes past by the will of men but the holy men of God beinge mooued vp the holie spirit spake* Hence therefore doe wée fitly gather 2. Pet. 1. 20. 2● that no prophesie of the Scripture is of any priuate motion And for this cause they which are Teachers in the Church must examine all things by the proportion of faith and they must haue respect vnto the dignity of prophesie whether a man looke vnto the sincerity of things or the purity of speech according to these sayings Rom. 1. 12. 6. Whether wee haue prophesie according to the proportion of faith And againe If any man speake let him speake as the woorde of God 1. Pet. 4. 11. 3 The Crier was Haggeus the prophet the ambassadour of the Lord. For God in times past spake many times and sundry waies to the Fathers by the prophets Now speaketh hee Heb. 1. 1. vnto vs by the faithfull Ministers of the Church whom who-soeuer doth heare hee heareth the Luk. 10. 16. Lord Iesus And those men must remember that they doe not speake in their owne name but in the name of God and for this cause must they speake reuerētly least in time to come they bee punished for doing their message wronge Of the dispensation of the misteries of God For-asmuch as it is so often repeated that the Lord spake by Haggeus the prophet to the ende that these oracles might bée of credit and authoritie and it is also very profitable for vs to know● throughly how the misteries of God are orderly distributed I will intreat there-vpon positiuely The Lord Iesus graunt that wee may also handle this point with great fruit and that in the same wee may adore the wisedome and goodnes of God 1 We call these points of y● doctrine of faith hope charity which are set forth in the woorde of God and are sealed with the Sacramentes the misteries of God 2 We call them misteries because they doe farre excéede the capacity of the naturall man For they are vnto him foolishnes neither can he ● Cor. 2. 14. know them because they are iudged discerned spirituallie They are called the misteries of God because as they procéede from him alone so are they also reuealed by him alone Mat. 11. 27. Neither knoweth any man the father but the sonne hee to whom the sonne will reueale him And againe Fleshe and bloude hath not reuealed these thinges to thee but my father which is in heauen Mat. 16. 17. 3 In these all thinges must be referred vnto Christ who is made our wisedome righteousnes sanctification and redemption As Christ is to be compared with all other things so is he made vnto vs al things for our saluations sake so that wée ought thus to determine with our selues to knowe nothing amongst other men but Iesus Christ him crucified Wée knowe 1. Cor. 2. ● the verses Si Christū discis nihil est quòd caetera nescis Si Christū nescis nihil est quòd caetera discis If Christ thou learne it skilleth not If thou doest know none other thing If Christ thou knowe not all things els To learne no gaine at all doth bring To learne Iesus is more profitable then any thing that can be knowne as saith Bernard in a certaine Epistle who in another place saith very godlily that the name of Iesus is meat light and medicine And as Christ Iesus is made vnto vs all thinges so ought all out life studdies and actions to smell of nothing but of faith loue humility righteousnes and finally that I may be briefe of Christ Iesus our Lord who dwelleth and reigneth in vs. They which broche and bring abroade the oracles of GOD are the faithfull ministers of God his Testament who as Paul saith doo sowe spirituall thinges It is