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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A12972 Psalmes of inuocation vpon God to preserue her Maiestie and the people of this lande, from the power of our enemies. Collected and gathered togither, by Christopher Stile.; Psalmes of invocation upon God. Stile, Christopher. 1588 (1588) STC 23266; ESTC S105782 6,945 18

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Psalmes of Inuocation vpon God To preserue her Maiestie and the people of this lande from the power of our enemies Collected and gathered togither by Christopher Stile LONDON Printed by Iohn Wolfe dwelling in Distaffe Lane neare the signe of the Castle 1588. Psalmes of Inuocation vpon God to preserue her Maiestie and the people of this land from the power of their enemies Psalme 3. verse 7. VP Lord and helpe vs O our God smite all our enemies vpon the cheeke bone breake the teeth of the vngodly Psal 5. 2. Harken thou vnto the voice of our calling our king and our God for vnto thee do we make our praier Verse 8. Lead vs O Lord in thy righteousnes because of our enemies make thy way plaine before our face verse 9. For there is no faithfulnes in their mouthes their inward parts are verie wickednes verse 10. Their throate is an open sepulchre they flatter with their tongue verse 11. Destroie thou them O God let them perish through their owne imaginations cast them out in the multitude of their vngodlines for they haue rebelled against thee Psal 6. v. 4. Turne thee O Lord and deliuer our soules oh saue vs for thy mercies sake vers 6. Stand vp O Lord in thy wrath and lift vp thy selfe because of the indignation of our enemies Arise vp for vs in thy iudgement that thou hast commanded Psal 6. v. 10. Then all our enemies shal be confounded and sore vexed they shal be turned backe and put to shame sodeinly Psal 9. v. 13. Haue mercie vpon vs O Lord consider the trouble which wee suffer of them that hate vs thou that liftest vs vp from the gates of death verse 14. That we may shew all thy praises within the ports of the daughter of Sion we will reioyce in thy saluation verse 15. Let the Antichristian power bee suncke down in the pit that they haue made in the same net which they hid priuily let their feete be taken Psal 9. v. 19. Vp Lord and let not man haue the vpper hand let the Heathen be iudged in thy sight verse 20. Put them in feare O Lord that they may know themselues to be but men Psal 17. v. 8. Keepe vs as the apple of an eye hide vs vnder the shadow of thy winges verse 9. From the vngodly that trouble vs our enemies compasse vs round about to take away our soules verse 10. They are closed in their own fat and their mouthes speake proud things verse 11. They lie waiting in our waie on euerie side turning their eies downe to the ground verse 12. Like as a Lion that is greedie of his praie and as it were a Lions whelpe lurking in secret places verse 13. Vp Lord disappoint them and cast them downe deliuer our soules from the vngodlie which is a sword of thine and keepe vs from the pride of the bloudie Spaniardes Psal 16. 2. Psal 7. 1. Preserue vs O God for in thee haue we put our trust and saue vs from all them that persecute vs and deliuer vs. Psal 132. v. 1. Psal 140. 1. Lord remember our Queene Elisabeth in all her troubles and preserue her from the wicked man verse 4. O keepe her O Lord from the handes of the vngodlie preserue her from the wicked men which ar purposed to ouerthrowe her goings Glorie be to the father and to the sonne c. Psalme 25. verse 1. VNto thee O Lord doe wee lift vp our soules our God wee haue put our trust in thee O let vs not be confounded neither let our enemies triumph ouer vs. verse 5. Call to remembrance O Lord thy tender mercies and thy louing kindnesse which hath bin euer of olde verse 6. Remember not the sinnes and offences of our youth or time past but according to thy mercie thinke vpon vs O Lord for thy goodnes verse 15. Turne thee vnto vs and haue mercy vpon vs for we are desolate and in miserie verse 16. The sorrowes of our hearts are enlarged O bring vs out of our troubles verse 17. Looke vpon our aduersitie and miserie and forgiue vs all our sinnes verse 18. Consider our enemies how many they are and they beare a tirannous hate against vs. verse 19. O keepe our soules and deliuer vs let vs not be confounded for we haue put our trust in thee Psal 27. 1. Thou Lord art our light and our saluation whom then shall we feare thou Lord art the strength of our life of whom shal we be afraid verse 3. Though an hoast of men were laide against vs yet shall not our hearts be afraied and though there rise vp warre against vs yet will we put our trust in thee verse 8. Harken vnto our voice O Lord when wee cry vnto thee haue mercy vpon vs here vs. Psal 2. v. 10. O hide not thou thy face from vs nor cast vs thy seruants away in displeasure verse 11. Thou hast been our succour leaue vs not neither forsake vs O God of our saluation verse 12. and 14. Teach vs thy way O Lord and lead vs in the right way because of our enemies and deliuer vs not ouer vnto the will of our aduersaries Psal 28. 2. Heare the voice of our humble petitions when wee crie vnto thee when wee hold vp our hands toward the mercy seat of thy holie temple Rewarde our enemies according to their deedes and according to the wickednes of their owne inuentions Recompence them after the workes of their owne hands paie them that they haue deserued Psal 31. 5. Draw vs out of the net that they haue laide priuily for vs for thou art our strength Psal 28. 9. The Lorde is our strength and hee is the wholesome defence of his Queene Psal 33. 18. Deliuer our soules from death and feede vs in the time of dearth verse 19. Our soules haue paciently tarried for the Lord for he is our helpe and our shield verse 20. Our heart shall reioyce in him because wee haue hoped in his holie name verse 21. Let thy mercifull kindnes O Lord be vpon vs like as we do put our trust in thee Psal 119. v. 17 O doe well vnto thy seruant Queene Elizabeth that shee may liue and keepe thy word Psal 109. 26. Helpe her O Lord our God oh saue her according to thy mercy Gloriebe to the father c. Psalme 35. verse 1. PLead thou our cause O Lord with them that striue with vs fight thou against them that fight against vs. verse 2 Laie hand vpon the shield and buckler and stand vp to helpe verse 3 Bring forth the speare and stop the way against them that persecute vs saie vnto our soules I am thy saluation verse 4. Let them bee confounded and put to shame that seeke after our soules let them
be turned back and brought to confusion that imagine mischiefe for vs. verse 5. Let them be as dust before the winde and the Angell of the Lord scattring them verse 6. Let their way be darke and flippery and let the Angell of the Lord persecute them verse 7. For they haue priuily laide their net to destroy vs without a cause yea euen without a cause haue they made a pit for our soules verse 8. Let a sodeine destruction come vpon them vnawares and the net that they haue laide priuily catch themselues that they may fall into their owne mischiefe verse 23. Awake and stand vp to iudge our quarrell auenge thou our cause our God and our Lord. verse 24. Iudge vs O Lord our God according to thy righteousnes and let them not triumph ouer vs thy Englishnation verse 25. Let not the Antichristians saie in their hearts there there so would we haue it neither let the Spaniard say wee haue deuoured them verse 26. Let them be put to confusion and shame togither that reioyce at our trouble let them bee clothed with rebuke and dishonour that boast themselues against vs. Psal 39. 9. Deliuer vs from all our offences make vs not a rebuke vnto the foolish verse 13. Heare our praiers O Lord and with thine eares consider our calling holde not thy peace at our teares Psal 38. 21. Forsake vs not O Lord our God bee not thou far from vs thy Englishnation hast thee to helpe vs O Lord God our saluation Psal 38. 19. For our enemies liue and are mightie and they that hate vs wrongfully are many in number Psal 40. 21. But thou art our helper and redeemer make no long tarrying O our God Psal 39. 16. Let it bee thy pleasure to deliuer vs make hast O Lord to helpe vs. Psal 44. 4. Thou art our king O God send helpe vnto thy English Iacob verse 26. Arise and helpe vs and deliuer vs for thy mercies sake Psal 53. 3. For strangers are risen vp against vs and tirants which haue not thee O God before their eies seeke after our soules verse 1. Saue vs O God for thy names sake and auenge vs in thy strength Psal 59. 17. Psal 60. 4. Vnto thee our strength will wee sing for thou O God art our refuge and our merciful God and wee will dwell in thy tabernacle for euer and our trust shal be vnder the couering of thy wings Psal 61. 6. Graunt our Queene O Lord a long life that her yeares may endure with vs the full course of nature and with thee for euer Psal 121. 8 Preserue O Lord her going out and comming in from this time forth for euermore Glorie be to the Father c. Psalme 119. verse 153. Psal 143. 9. Psal 108. 12. O Consider our aduersitie and deliuer vs O Lord from all our enemies for wee flee vnto thee to hide vs for vain is the helpe of man Psal 119. vers 15. 4. Psal 144. 2. Auenge thou our cause and deliuer vs quicken vs according vnto thy word for thou art our helpe and our fortresse our castle deliuerer and our defendor in whom we trust Psal 108. 13. Vnto thee lift we vp our eies O thou that Psal 123. 1. dwellest in the heauens through thee can we doe great actes it is thou that shalt treade downe our enemies Psal 142. 7. Heare vs O Lord and that soone for our spirit waxeth faint hide not thy face from vs thy Englishnation lest wee be like vnto them that goe downe into the pit Psal 123. 3. Haue mercy vpon vs O Lord for our soules are filled with the scornfull reproofe of the Antichristian rout and with the despightfulnes of the proud Spaniards Psal 140. 2. They imagine mischiefe in their hearts and stir vp strife all the daie long Psal 120. 6. We haue laboured vnto them for peace but when wee speake vnto them thereof they make them readie to battaile Psal 140. 6. Then wee saide vnto the Lord thou art our God heare the voice of our praiers O Lord. Psal 140. 7. O Lord God thou strength of our health thou hast couered our heads in the day of battaile verse 8. Let not the vngodlie haue their desire O Lord let not their mischieuous imagination prosper lest they be too proud verse 9. Let the mischiefe of their owne lippes fall vpon the heads of them that compasse vs about Let the hotte burning coales of thy wrath fall vpon them which trouble vs thine heritage let them be cast into the fire of thy iudgement and into the pit that they neuer rise vp againe Psal 142. 8. Send downe thine hand from aboue and take vs out of the waters of troubles and deliuer vs from the hands of straunge children for they are too strong for vs. Mich. 7. 10. So they that be our enemies shall looke vpon it and be confounded which now saie where is the Lord their God verse 16. This the Heathen shall see bee ashamed for all their combined powers so that they shal laie their hand vpon their mouth and stop their eares verse 17. They shall licke the dust like a serpent and as the woormes of the earth that tremble in their holes they shall bee afraide of thee O Lorde our God and they shall feare thee much verse 18. Who is such a God as thou that pardonest wickednes and forgiuest the offences of the remnant of thine English heritage and keepest not thy wrath foreuer for thy delight is in compassion verse 19. Turne thee againe be mercifull vnto thine English Sion put away all our wickednesses and cast all our sinnes into the bottom of the sea Psal 144. 10. O Lord giue stil victorie vnto our Queene and preserue thy seruant Elizabeth from the sword Psal 145. 12. That thy power thy glory and thy mightines by her may be knowen vnto men in defending her kingdoms Glory be to the Father and to the Sonne and to the holy Ghost As it was in the beginning is now and euer shal be world without end Amen FINIS A GODLY PRAYER WHEREIN is desired aide of God against his enimies forgiuenesse of sinnes and to turne his plagues as well of the sword as penurie which be due for sinne farre from this land O Lord of hosts thou God of Israel which sittest betweene the Cherubins that rulest all the kingdoms of the world to whom all powers must stoupe and obey Arise O Lord shew forth thy selfe come forth stil to helpe vs plucke out thy hand out of thy bosome and draw out thy sword and smite downe the heathen that rise vp against vs that seeke to punish vs not for our sinnes but for the malice they beare against thy Gospel for thou art God alone that rulest in all the kingdoms of the world thou
stillest the rage of the seas and makest wars to hush in all quarters thou quietest the madnesse of the people thou bringest the deuises of the heathen to nought and makest the counsels of the vngodly to be of none effect thou chastisest thy people O Lord because of their sinne and then thou saiest turne againe you children of men and whensoeuer any people doe repent them of their sins and harken vnto thy hests thou wilt put all their wickednesse out of thy remembance and wilt receiue them vnto thy mercie thou sparest all those that vnfainedly call vpon thee by true repentance through a liuely faith in thy deare sonne Iesus Christ Wherfore O good Lord we here thy beloued people according to our dueties assembled together before thy diuine maiestie in the name of our Sauiour Iesus Christ doe still humble our selues vnto thee pouring out our prayers vnto thee for our most gracious Queene our nobles magistrates gouernors for our selues and for all the people of this thy land of England acknowledging and confessing from the bottom of our harts that we haue sinned we haue committed iniquitie we haue liued vniustly we haue done vngodly in that we haue not regarded thy wholesom counsel godly admonitions and fatherly warnings which thou hast giuen vs from time to time by thy seruants the ministers of thy holy worde and sacraments though that they haue risen vp earely and late to exhort intreate and beseech vs in thy name to forsake our sinnes and be reconsiled vnto thee still wee haue followed the imaginations of our owne harts hardening our faces as an Adamant against thee and thy worde to prouoke thy great wrath and heauie displeasure against this our natiue countrie of England and against our selues If thou O Lord shouldest marke what is done amisse and consider our sins and iniquities according to our deserts it would be to our vtter ouerthrow confusion and not onely cause thee to plague vs in persecuting troubling and molesting vs by the sword of forren power stirred vp against vs by the Romish antechrist the Pope many and sundrie waies to our great trouble and cost to the disquieting of our bodies and expence of our goods by sea and land but also to strike vs with many plagues of sicknes diseases and penurie if thou shouldest consider our sinnes Wherefore O Lord our God we doe most humblie beseech thee to be good and gratious vnto vs that thou wilt vouchsafe to turne all thy displeasure from vs and to forgiue vs all our sinnes past and graunt that wee may liue better in thy obedience hereafter then hetherto we haue done And although we haue sinned O Lord yea grieuously sinned and our sinnes do witnesse against vs yet we know that thou art a righteous iudge and sparest when we deserue punishment and in the middest of thy wrath thinkest vpon mercie Spare vs therefore good Lord we beseech thee and let not thy people of England thine heritage be brought to confusion But as thou hast stood vp for vs and fought our battailes hitherto so we pray thee deare Father still be our defence and succour against all our enimies Thou art our mercifull Father through Iesus Christ for whose sake wee beseech thee to be mercifull vnto vs and forgiue vs all our sinnes and turne thy direfull anger from vs. We the people of England are thy people O Lord and thou art our God we are thy flocke and thou art our shepeheard we are thy children and thou art our Father Be merciful vnto vs thy children tender vs thy flocke and defend vs thy Englishnation Turne thy wrath vpon the nations that haue not knowne thee and that doe not call vpon thy name and turne it we pray thee vpon the Antechristians host send forth thine angel stil to scatter them as sometime thou didst in the host of Senacherib for Iudah and Hezechiah in his time Let the blast of the trumpers blowne by our Gedeon still strike a terror in the harts of the Antechristian Madianites with their combined powers and let be hard the sounding of thy host in the aire to the amasing of the Spanish Assyrians that they and theirs may be a pray for our Elizabeth and our English host or sinke them in the sea as thou didst Pharao his host in pursuing thy Israel to bring them into their seruitude that so our Elizabeth all her faithfull subiects may sing the songes of triumph to thy diuine maiestie that giuest victorie to Kinges And further we beseech thee deare Father for Iesus Christes sake that as thou hast hitherto sent vs plentie and encrease vpon the earth so giue vs a happie ingathering of the same to thy glorie and our comfort and giue vs grace by thy fauourable punishments to amend our liues and make vs thankeful good Lord for all thy goodnesse shewed vpon vs from time to time and for the discomforting of our enimies in some measure whereto we beseech thee rise vp on hie still to ride on and to fight our battels by sea and by land to the vtter ouerthrow of the Antechristian powers to the shame of al those that hate thy gospel and to thy glorie and our comfort through Iesus Christ our Sauiour to whom with thee and the holy ghost be all glorie power and dominion for euer and euer Amen FINIS C. S.