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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A01681 A premonition for euery disposition published for the profit of all if it be well applied / by Charles Gybbon. Gibbon, Charles, fl. 1589-1604. 1588 (1588) STC 11819.5; ESTC S3028 3,275 1

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❧ A premonition for euery disposition Published for the profit of all if it be well applied By Charles Gybbon ❧ TO THE READER Art thou Jnsolent or ignorant of thy estate Jnticed or enclined to euill Jntangled or ouercome of euill beholde Thy apparant miserie Gods pronounced iudgment Gods promised mercie And it may Humble thee in presuming Terrifie thee in attempting Comfort thee in dispayring A Mappe of mans miserie I know mine owne wickednes and my sinne is euer before me Psal 51. 3. WHat is man whereto serueth he Ecclus 18 6 He is like a thing of naught Psalme 144 4 He is made of the dust of the ground Gene 2 7 He is shapen in wickednes and conceiued in sinne Psalm 51 5 He is by nature the Childe of wrathe Ephe 2 3 He is by his owne knowledge but a beast Iere 51 7 He cannot of himselfe thinke a good thought 2 Cor 3 The earth was cursed for his sinne Gene 3 17 Dum creatures are destroyed for his cause Zeph. 1. 3 It repented the Lord that he had made man Gene 6 6 He is borne vnto trauaill as the sparks flie vpwarde Iob. 5 verse 7 His dayes are sorrowes and his trauaile greefe Eccles 2 23 His glory is but dunge and wormes 1 Mala 2 62 His helpe is but vaine Psalm 60 11 His time is like the shaddowe vpon the earth 1 Chro 29 15 His life is but a spanne long Psal 39 6 When he hath doone his best he is but an vnprofitable Seruaunt Luke 17 10 A Mirror of Gods iustice If thou ô Lorde straightly markest iniquities who shalbe saued Psal 130. 3. IT is a feareful thing to fall into y e hands of God Heb. 10 As his mercy is great so is his punishmēt Ecclus 16 12 He is a great God mighty and terrible Deu 10 17 He is a God of reuenge Deut 32 35 He is able to cast both body and soule into hell Math 10 If a man sinne against the Lord who shall pleade for him 1 Sam 2 25 Vengeance belongeth vnto me I will recompence sayth the Lorde Deut. 32 35 Euery mā shal haue reward according to his work Ap. 22 The reward of sinne is death Rom 6 23 He that committeth sinne is of the deuill 1 Ioh 3 8 The face of the Lord is against such as doo euill 1 Pet 3 12 There shalbe no end of plagues to the euil man Pro 24 20 He spared not the Angels that had sinned but cast them in to vtter darknes 2 Pet 2 4 He destroyed Kings for all they be as Gods vpon the earth Acts 12 23 He punished rich men for all they had the welth of thys worlde Luke 16 23 For with him is no respect of persons Act 10 34 A mention of his mercie According to the multitude of thy mercies put away mine iniquities Psal 51. 1. IT is better to fall into the handes of God then of men for his mercies are great 2 Sam 24 14 As his greatnes is so is his mercie Ecclus 2 21 He is a gratious God and a mercifull Micha 4 2 He is a God of patience and consolation Rom 15 5 He is rich in mercie Ephe 2 4 His mercy is aboue all his works Psalm 145 9 He is ready to forgiue Esay 55 7 Before they cry I will heare and whilst they are yet thinking what to speake I wil answer saith y e lord Esa 65 25 He taketh no plesure in the death of sinners Ezech 18 32 He maketh as though hee sawe not the sinnes of men because they should amende Wysd 11 20 He sent his own son to cal sinners to repentance Mat 9 13 Though sin aboundeth grace superaboundeth Rom 5 15 He pardoned Dauid for all he had commiteed both whoredome and murther 2 Sam 12 13 He receiued the prodigall son into fauor againe Luk 15 22 He receiued the theefe into Paradise for all hee was a most haynous malefactor Luke 23. 43 For at what time a sinner doth hartily repent him y e Lorde hath promised to forgiue him Ezech. 18. 21. 22. Our life we leade Gods lawes to learne with will to do the same We read to know and know to liue and liue to prayse Gods name ❧ A caueat for Rich-men Be rich in Faith ¶ To the ende you may vse and bestowe your goods to your owne good and his glory that gaue them consider of these sentences pronounced against such as abuse them And Amongst others reade Esay chap. 5. verse 8. Amos chap. 8. verse 4. Iames. chap. 5. verse 1. Like Sheepe they lye in graue Death deuoureth them Psalm 49. 14. ¶ Speciall causes to dehort you from such greedines in gathering and griplenes in keeping your goods 1. The desire of money is the roote of all euill 1. Tim. 6. 10. 2. A mans life standeth not in his goods though he haue aboundance Luk. 12. 15 3. When he dieth he shall carrie nothing awaie with him Psalm 49. 14. 17 4. His goods will not auaile him in the day of wrath Prou. 11. 4. ¶ Hauing goods you ought to giue and doo good with them partlie to this ende 1. For the glorie of GOD. Honour GOD with thy riches Prouerbs 3. 9. 2. For good example to others Let your light so shine before men that they may sée your good works Math. 5. 16. 3. For a signe of the sinceritie of your prosession A good Trée bringeth forth good fruite Math. 7. 18. Iames. 2. 18. If you would knowe to whom you shoulde giue reade Iob chap. 31. verse 16. Esay chap. 58. verse 7 Luke chap. 14. verse 13. Zacheus gaue the one halfe of his goods to y e poore Luke 19. verse 8. Why you ought to giue to the poore Because God hath commaunded ye should giue Deu. 15. 10. Giue to the poore for commaundement sake Ecclus. 29. 9. Because hee hath made them as his instruments to trye your harts charitie as appeareth Deu. 15. 11. Mat. 26. 11 Howe you ought to bestowe your beneuolence It must be doone Simply Chéerfully Liberally For GOD loueth no vaine ostentation Math. 6. 2. For he loueth a chéerful giuer Ecclꝰ 35. 10 For it is a plague to a rich man to want a liberall hart Eccles. 6. 1. 2. c. ¶ What good insueth in giuing to the poore 1. He that giueth to thē lendeth to y e lord Pro. 19. 17. and shal not lack Pro. 20. 27 2. He layeth vp a good store for himselfe against the day of necessity Tob 4 9. 3. He shall haue great reward in heauen Math. 25. 40. ¶ What hurt followeth by with-holding from such 1. He that hideth his eyes from them shall haue manie curses Pro. 28. 27. 2. If they curse thée in y e bitternes of their soule their praier shalbe heard Ecclꝰ 4 3. He that stoppeth his eare at their cry shall cry and not be heard Pro. 21. 13. 4. He that sheweth no mercy shall haue mercilesse condemnation Iam. 2. 13. ¶ Therfore do good whilst ye may remembring this saying What shall it aduantage a man to winne the whole world and afterward loose his owne soule Luke 9. 25. ❧ A comfort for Poore-men Be poore in Spyrite ¶ To the ende thou maist beare thy poouerty more patientlie enter into this consideration 1. Hast thou not a house to hold thy head in Our Sauiour Christ himselfe had not wheron to rest his head Math. 8. 20. 2. Hast thou little foode or rayment Paule suffered hunger cold yet saith he I haue learned in whatsoeuer state I am in therwith to be cōtent Phil. 4. 3. Hast thou any thing at all Solomon saith better is a little with the feare of GOD then great treasure and trouble therewith Prou. 15. 16. 4. Hast thou nothing at all Dauid saith he that seeketh the Lord shall lack no manner of thing that is good Psalm 34. 10. 5. Hast thou a fewe crosses and cares in this worlde We must by many enter the kingdome of heauen Acts. 14. 22. 6. Hast thou many miseries afflictions All that wee suffer héere are not counted woorthy the glory of the life to come Rom. 8. 18. Thy pouerty may be laide vpon thée For trial of thy faith patience For thyne amendement As it was vppon Iob. Iob. 1. The prodigall son ¶ Seeing pouertie and riches come of God vse these three things in thy extremitie 1. Prayer Not to dispayre of Gods prouidence For he is faithful wil lay no more vpon thée thē he will make thee able to beare 1. Cor. 10. 13. 2. Patience to take thy crosse thankfully For it is an easie thing in his sight suddainlye to make a poore man rich Ecclus. 11. 21. 3. Labor to get thy liuing if it be possible For better it were to die thē beg Ecclꝰ 40. 28 and it is a blessed thing to giue rather then receiue Act. 20. 35. ¶ If thou doost consider what inconueniences and euils be incident and come oftentimes with prosperitie and riches thou wouldest be better contented with thy poore estate Dauid sayde in his prosperitie hée should not be mooued Psalm 30. 6. Riches often times Withdraw vs frō wel dooing Mooue vs to securitie Be the meanes of our miserie as appeare by the parble of The yong man Mar. 10. The rich man Luk. 12. Diues and Lazarus Héerof it is said A rich man shall hardly enter the kingdom of heauen Mat. 19. 23. ¶ Therefore comfort thy selfe with these consolations remembring this saying Godlines is great riches if a man be content with that he hath 1. Tim. 6. 6. AT LONDON Printed by I. C. for Thomas Gubbin Anno. Dom. 1588.