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A07354 Mayers catechisme abridged. Or the A.B.C. inlarged With many necessary questions fitted vnto it, for the benefit of all that desire to teach or learne it effectually. A duty to which all wee of the Church of England are bound, it being generally appointed by authoritie. Mayer, John, 1583-1664. 1623 (1623) STC 17739; ESTC S107048 24,537 78

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and the benefits which we receiue thereby Q. What is the outward part or signe of the Lords Supper A. Bread and Wine which the Lord hath commanded to be receiued Q. What is the inward part or thing signified A. The Body Blood of Christ which are verely and indeed taken and receiued of the faithfull in the Lords Supper Q. What are the benefits wherof we are partakers thereby A. The strengthening and refreshing of our soules by the Body and Blood of Christ as our bodies are by the Bread and Wine Q. What is required of them which come to the Lords Supper A. To examine themselues whether they repent them truely of their former sinnes stedfastly purposing to leade a new life haue a liuely faith in Gods mercy through Christ with a thankefull remembrance of his death and bee in charitie with all men Q. Wherein standeth true Repentance A. In three things First in knowledge and acknowledgement of our sinnes past Secondly Prou. 28.19 Iere. 3.25 Luke 13. Psal 51.17 Math. 5.4 2 Cor. 7.11 in godly sorrow and griefe of heart for them Thirdly in a godly purpose to forsake all sinne and to leade a new life for all time to come Q. What is faith A. Hebr. 11.1 Rom. 8.30 Iohn 6.47 Rom. 16.14 Acts 16.14 It is a certaine perswasion of the heart wrought by the spirit of God grounded vpon his promises that all my sinnes are forgiuen mee in Christ Iesus Q. Wherein standeth true Christian loue A. In affection when it is the same towards our neighbour Math. 19.19 1 Iohn 3 17. Iam. 2.15 16 that it is towards our selues voyde of malice hatred and enuy and desirous of his good as of our owne And in action when wee are ready to doe good vnto others as vnto our selues and to kéepe away hurt as from our selues Q. What shall he doe that after examination findes not these things in himselfe A. He may not kéepe away from the Lords Supper for this were a pronoking of God to wrath neither can hee come vnto it Mat. 22. without offending in a higher degrée Q. What may a man doe then in this case A. Hee must humbly sue vnto God for the pardon of his sinnes Mat. 5.24 to strike his hard heart that hee may melt into teares for them and constantly cleaue to his Commaundements and if there be any dissention he must goe and be reconciled to his brother Q. What ought a man to doe at the Lords Supper A. 1 Cor. 11.23 He ought thankefully to remember the inward graces of God towards him by séeing the outward signes Q. What are these graces A. They are three Q. Which is the first A. The Lords giuing of his Son Iesus Christ to death for vs set forth by the Ministers taking of the Bread and Wine Ioh 3.16 breaking and powring out and offering them to vs all Q. Which is the second A. Eph. 5.30 Our neere vnion vnto Christ and how we haue all our spirituall food from him set forth by our taking eating and inward digesting the Bread and Wine that become nourishment vnto vs and are vnited to the substance of our bodies Q. Which is the third A. The neare vnion that God hath made by Christ betwixt all the faithfull set forth by the same Bread Rom. 12.5 Gal. 3.28 being made of many graines of corne and by the same Wine made of many grapes Q. What is to bee done after the receiuing A. We must meditate of the couenant of new obedience renewed by this Sacrament that we may more carefully performe it and flie sinne and vice all the dayes of our life Godly Prayers A Morning Prayer for a priuate Family MOst mercifull God and heauenly Father wee giue thee hearty thankes for the sweet sleepe and comfortable rest which thou hast giuen vs this night past and for that thou hast commaunded by thy holy Word that no man should bee idle but alwayes occupied in godly and vertuous exercises euery man according to his calling wee most humbly beseech thee that thine eyes may attend vpon vs daily defend vs cherish comfort and gouerne vs and all our counsels studies and labours in such wise that we may spend and bestow this day and the residue of our whole life according to thy most blessed wil and pleasure setting thee alwayes before our eyes liuing in thy feare working that that may be found acceptable in thy sight hating wrong and louing iustice Also we beseech thee most merciful God to strengthen and keepe vs in the faith of thy Catholike Church kindle in vs the loue and light of thy holy spirit that we may walke godly and vertuously in this life die in the truth of thy word and liue with thee in euerlasting glory grant this most mercifull Father for thy deare Son Iesus Christ his sake in whose name we further pray as he hath taught vs saying Our Father which art c. An Euening prayer for a priuate Family ALmightie and euerliuing God wee giue thee most humble and heartie thanks that of thy free mercies thou hast preserued vs this day from all hurts and dangers vouchsafe also we most humbly beseech thee to keepe vs this night and euer hereafter to saue vs from all our enemies both bodily and ghostly giue our bodies quietnesse and sleepe but let our minds and soules continually watch vnto thee thinke on thee and thy holy Law that when the cheerefull light of the day shall appeare we being whole in body and soule may ioyfully rise againe bee thankfull vnto thee and diligently walke in our vocations to our comforts the glory of thy blessed name through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen A Prayer before the receiuing of the holy Communion O Most mercifull God and heauenly Father I miserable and wretched sinner acknowledge and confesse that I am not worthy the least of all thy mercies and most vnworthy to receiue thee vnder the roofe of my soule by participating of thy most blessed body bloud for horrible and infinite are the sinnes wherewith I am defiled therfore the very entrals of my heart are troubled and my bones doe shake because I finde my soule a most vnworthy ghest for so heauenly a supper But thou camst not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance and I know and doe constantly beleeue that notwithstanding my sins thou canst make me cleane and worthy and forgiue me my sins and through thy power and mercy I beseech thee grant thy grace vnto mee a sinner that I may worthily approach to this heauenly Sacrament Giue me grace before I presume to come to the receiuing hereof I may examine my selfe call my sinnes to minde and by vnfained and hearty repentance return vnto thee my Lord make mee with heauie sobs to confesse my sinnes and pardon all my offences accept me into thy fauour cleanse me from my wickednes and forgiue me all my sinnes Also graunt that receiuing this
If no man can perfectly kéepe the Law wherefore then serueth it A. First to humble vs Rom. 7.9.24 Ro. 7.12.22 Mat. 19.17 Rom. 13.8 in regard of our miserable estate hereby discouered Secondly to bée a rule of good life vnto vs. Thirdly to set vs a worke dayly to pray and cry to the Lord for mercy and for strength to liue according to his Lawes Q. What is prayer A. It is a lifting vp of the heart to God onely in the name of Iesus Christ according to his will in full assurance to be heard and accepted at his gracious hands Q. What néed is there that the faithfull pray séeing God of his owne goodnesse and not for their prayers will doe whatsoeuer is néedfull for them A. There is great néed that all faithfull people should pray vnto God for thrée speciall reasons Q. Which is the first A. Because it is a duty that wée owe vnto God Q. Which is the second A. To renew our assurance of the pardon of sinne daily renewed through our great weakenesse and to increase our loue patience and humility Q. Which is the third A. That we may be fit to receiue the gifts and blessings of the Lord. Q. What times are specially to be spent in prayer A. The speciall times of prayer are sixe Q. Which is the first A. The present time without deferring till sicknesse or old age Q. Which is the second A. The time of publike meeting to the worship of God Q. Which is the third A. Exod. 29.39 Euery morning and euening Q. Which is the fourth A. 1. Tim. 4.5 1. Sam. 9.13 Sitting downe and rising vp from our meat Q. Which is the fift A. Psal 50.14 Iam. 5.13 The time of trouble and aduersity when we ought more often and instantly to pray Q. Which is the sixt A. All the dayes of our Life through which we must hold out in diligent prayer according to that of the Apostle Pray continually 1 Thes 5.17 Q. If we obserue these times of prayer shall we be saued from all our sinnes A. Yes vndoubtedly Acts 2.21 for whosoeuer calleth vpon the name of the Lord shall be saued Q. Is there nothing else required then vnto saluation but to pray A. Yes for wee must be indued with these properties which the Lord requireth in those that pray or else we shall pray in vaine Q. How many are those properties A. Three Q. Which is the first A. Obedience for not euery one that saith Lord Lord Math. 7.21 shall enter into heauen but he that doth the wil of my Father which is in heauen Q. Which is the second A. Humilitie Iam. 4.6 for God resisteth the proud and giueth grace to the humble Q. Which is the third A. Iam. 5 16. Feruency for the prayer of the righteous preuay leth much if it be feruent Q. What more particular direction is there to be folowed in praying A. That most excellent prayer which Christ himselfe framed for vs rightly therfore called the Lords Prayer Q. Rehearse the Lords Prayer A. Our Father which art in heauen hallowed bee thy Name Thy kingdome come Thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen Giue vs this day our daily bread And forgiue vs our trespasses as we forgiue them that trespasse against vs And leade vs not into temptation But deliuer vs from euill Amen Q. Is this the onely Prayer which we are to vse in calling vpon God A. No but we must bee guided by it as by a rule both for manner and matter in all our prayers Q. May wee not vse it then as a Prayer A. Yes doubtlesse we may and ought to vse it most often as the chiefe of all prayers but with great deliberation not placing confidence in the words but in the sense vnderstood and affected in the saying thereof Q. It seemeth then that a set prayer is lawfull A. It is not onely lawfull Num. 10.36 Psal 92 but most expedient that there should be a set forme of praying in the Congregation and to helpe the deuotion of the ignorant in priuate Q. What is to be thought of conceiued prayer may any man vse that A. The Spirit of God is not tyed to wordes and phrases but doth at times suddenly minister matter to the seruants of God so that they can and doe pray effectually without a set forme both publikely and priuately Q. In what manner ought wee to pray according to this rule of the Lords prayer A. First Math. 67. to pray in this manner is briefely and pithily Q. What secondly A. Propounding Gods glory as the marke whereat wée ayme in all our praying Mat. 6.5 and not our owne vaine glory Q. What thirdly A. First and chiefly séeking after heauenly things Mat. 6.33 then after earthly Q. What fourthly A. In all things submitting our wils Mat. 26.39 and desires to the will of God Q. What be the parts of this prayer A. Thrée the Preface Our Father which are in heauen the Petitions Hollowed be thy name c. and the Conclusion For thine is the Kingdome c. Q. In the Preface why call you God Father A. Luk. 11.11 Heb. 4.16 Gen. 3● 26 Because he is ready as a louing Father to heare mée calling vpon his name wherefore I learne with boldnesse and confidence to come vnto him in prayer Q. But may euery man come before God as his Father A. No wicked man that goeth on impenitently in sinne can call God Father Ioh. 8.44 Rom. 6.16 because he is the deuils childe and not Gods Q. Cannot a wicked man pray then A. No Prou. 15.8 Esa 1.12 he cannot pray with any comfort for the prayer of the wicked is abomination to the Lord. Q. Why doe you say Our Father and not my Father A. 1 Tim 2.2 Matth. 5.44 Because I ought to pray for all other the children of God aswell as for my selfe Q. Why adde you in the preface Which art in heauen A. Not for that I beléeue God to be in heauen only for he is euery where Q Why then A. 1 Kin. 8.27 Psal 19.1 Luke 18. Luke 1.53 Esay 66.2 Because to bée in heauen is an Argument of great glory therefore I learne with reuerence to pray vnto him béeing my Father most glorious Q. What dost thou aske of God in this prayer A. I desire my Lord God our heauenly Father who is the giuer of all goodnesse to send his grace vnto me and to all people that we may worship him serue him and obey him as wee ought to doe And I pray vnto God that hee will send vs all things that hée néedfull both for our soules and bodies and that hee will be mercifull vnto vs and forgiue vs our sinnes And that it will please him to saue and defend vs from all dangers ghostly and bodily and that hée will kéepe vs from all sinne and wickednesse and from our ghostly enemy and from
care it hath been almost euer since Constantines time to magnifie their owne Church and themselues and to suppresse their aduersaries Q. But is it possible that the Roman Church being once a true Church should fall seeing God hath promised his Spirit to his Church to be alwaies present leading it into all truth A. The Lord tyeth not his Spirit to any place for then the famous Churches in Asia should still haue beene true Churches but the Spirit is alwaies present to the faithfull in all places of the world Q. Hauing found out the true Church are wee to beleeue in it as in God A. No for then we should sometime beleeue errours seeing the best men which are the Church may erre Q. What is it then to beleeue the Church A. To beleeue the doctrine of the Church wherin it followeth Christ the Prophets and Apostles the only sure pillars and ground of truth Q. What is that which followeth in these Articles viz. The communion of Saints the forgiuenesse of sinnes c. A. They be certaine speciall benesits belonging to the Church and to euery member thereof Q. What is the Communion of Saints A. Ephes 4. Iohn 15. Gal. 3.28 Reuel 6.11 Heb. 10.24 That holy and swéet followship which all the mēbers of Christs Church haue one with another in forrowing reioycing praying and praising God for and with one another Q. What is the forgiuenesse of sinnes A. That wonderful grace of God in Iesus Christ whereby hee passeth ouer our transgressions as if they had neuer béen committed and releaseth the punishment due to them Q What is the Resurrection of the body A. The raising of the body againe at the last day by Gods power Math. 22.31 Dan. 12.2 Iob 19.25 1 Cor. 15. that being ioyned to the soule it may stand before Gods iudgement Seat to giue account of all that it hath done whether good or euill and bee rewarded accordingly Q. What manner of bodies shall we haue in the Resurrection A. The very same which now we haue only whereas they be now naturall 1 Cor. 15. 35 43. Iob 19.25 they shall rise againe spirituall not subiect to death any more nor sustained by naturall meanes of meates and drinkes and sleepe and the like Q. Among those that die some are crooked through age some tender infants some blind and some lame shall their bodies at the resurrection then bee the same A. No for all these are weakenesses which shall be done away to the faithfull and strength perfection and comelinesse shall be to euery one of them Q. What is the Life euerlasting A. Psal 16.11 Esay 6.1 Reuel 21. Esay 66.23 1 Cor. 2.9 All that euer enduring happines all those ioyes which the Lord imparteth to al his elect in the world to come which are so great as that the eye hath not séene nor the eare heard neither can the heart conceiue throughly Q. Thou saydst that thou wert bound by vow in thy Baptisme to kéepe Gods holy will and Commandements tell me therefore how many Commandements are there A. Ten. God spake these words and said I am the Lord thy God which haue brought thée out of the ●and of Egypt out of the house of bondage Thou shalt haue none other Gods but me Thou shalt not make to thy selfe any grauen Image nor the likenesse of any thing that is in heauen aboue or in the earth beneath or in the water vnder the earth Thou shalt not vow downe to them nor worship them for I the Lord thy God am a iealous God and visite the sinnes of the Fathers vpon the Children vnto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me and shew mercy vnto thousands in them that loue me and kéepe my Commandements Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vaine for the Lord will not hold him guiltles that taketh his name in vaine Remember that thou kéepe holy the Sabbath day Sixe dayes thou shalt labour and doe all that thou hast to doe but the seauenth day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God In it thou shalt doe no manner of worke thou and thy sonne and thy daughter thy manseruant and thy maidsernant thy cattell the stranger that is within thy gates For in six dayes the Lord made heauen and earth the sea and all that in them is and rested the seauenth day wherefore the Lord blessed the seauenth day and hallowed it Honour thy Father and Mother that thy dayes may bee long in the land which the Lord thy God giueth thee Thou shalt doe no murther Thou shalt not commit adultery Thou shalt not steale Thou shalt not beare false witesse against thy neighbour Thou shalt not couet thy neigh●ours house thou shalt not couet thy ●eighbors wife nor his seruant nor ●●s mayd nor his oxe nor his asse or any thing that is his Q. What doest thou learne out 〈◊〉 these commandements A. Two things my dutie to●ards God and my dutie towards ●y neighbour Q. What is thy dutie towards ●od A. My dutie towards God is to ●●léeue in him to feare him and to ●●ue him with all my heart with all ●y mind with all my soule and with 〈◊〉 my strength to worship him to ●●ue him thanks to put my whole ●●ust in him to call vpon him to ●●nour his holy name and his word ●●d to serue him truely all the dayes 〈◊〉 my life Q. What is thy dutie towards thy neighbour A. My dutie towards my neighbour is to loue him as my selfe an● to doe to all men as I would the should do to me to loue honour an● succour my father and mother 〈◊〉 honour and obey the King and hi● Ministers to submit my selfe to a●● my Gouernours Teachers spirit●all Pastors and Masters to orde● my selfe lowly and reuerently to a●● my betters To hurt no body b● word nor déed to be true and iust i● all my dealings to beare no malic● nor hatred in my heart to kéepe m● hands from picking and stealing an● my tongue from euill speaking l●●ing and flaundering to kéepe m● body in temperance sobernesse an● chastitie not to couet nor desire ●ther mens goods but learne and l●bour truly to get mine owne liuin● and to doe my dutie in that state 〈◊〉 life vnto the which is shall plea●● God to call me Q. How were these Commau●dements giuen A. Written with Gods own hand in two Tables of stone Q. In which Table do you learne ●our dutie towards God A. In the first containing the foure ●●rmer Commandements Q. How many bee the parts of ●●ery of these Commandements A. Two the Commandement it ●ife and the reason of it Q. Rehearse the first Commandement A. I am the Lord thy God c. Q. In which words is the Comandement contained A. The Commaundement is ●hou shalt haue none other Gods ●ut me Q. What are wee heere comanded A. To haue the Lord for our God that is to loue him aboue all Deut. 6.45 Mal.
1.6 Math. 10.26 Psal 20.8 Psal 125. 〈◊〉 feare him aboue all to put our ●hole trust in him and to make our ●ayees to him alone Q. What is here forbidden A. Foure contrary most grosse ●●nnes Q. What is the first A. Psal 14.1 Iob 22.12 Atheisme which is the acknowledgement of no God Q. What is the second A. Zeph. 1.12 Luk. 12.48 Ignorance which is a neglec● of the knowledge of God and of his word Q. What is the third A. Rom. 1.20 Iohn 3.19 Prophanenesse which is a regardlesnesse of God and of his worship Q. What is the fourth A. Esay 3.9 Col 3.5 Phil. 3 18. Inward Idolatry which is the giuing of Gods worship vnto creatures by praying vnto them trusting in them or by setting th● heart vpon them Q. What is the reason of this Commandement A. I am the Lord thy God which brought thee out of the Lan● of Egypt out of the house of bondage Q. How doth this reason concerne vs who were neuer in Egypt A. Our Egypt is the state o● corruption and our bondage i● thraldom to Satan from which th● Lord our God onely hath deliuered vs. Q. Rehearse the second Commandement A. Thou shalt not make to thy selfe any grauen Image or the likenesse of any thing that is in heauen aboue or in the earth beneath or in the water vnder the earth Thou shalt not how downe to them nor worship them For I the Lord thy God am a iealous God and visite the sinnes of the Fathers vpon the Children vnto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me and shew merey vnto theusands in them that loue me and kéepe my Commandements Q. In which words is the Commandement A. The Commandement is Thoushalt not make to thy selfe any grauen Image nor the likenesse of any thing that is in heauen aboue or in the earth beneath or in the water vnder the earth Thou shalt not how downe to them nor worship them Q. What is heere forbidden A. All outward Idolatry Q. What is outward Idolatry A. Outward Idolatry is committed thrée wayes Q. Which is the first A. First Acts 17.29 Deut. 4.15 Es 40.25 by making the Image of God or of any creature to bée worshipped Q. Which is the second A Secondly Exod. 32. Iudg. 8.27 by falling downe before any Image Q. Which is the third A Thirdly 2. Kin. 18.4 Iohn 4.20 by seruing God according to our owne phantasies Q. What are we here commanded A. 1. Co. 11.20 Esay 1.12 Psal 50.16 Mat. 6.9 To performe all outward duries of Gods seruice according to his will reuealed in his Word Q. What is the reason of this Commandement A. For I the Lord thy God am a iealous God and visite the sinnes of the fathers vpon the children vnto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me and shew mercie vnto thonsands in them that loue me and kéepe my Commandements Q. Shall children be punished for their Parents sinnes A. Yes if they follow them in sinning they shall beare both the punishment of their owne and of their Parents sinnes also Q. Rehearse the third Commandement A. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vaine for the Lord will not hold him guiltlesse that taketh his name in vaine Q. In which words is the Commandement A. The Commandement is Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vaine Q. What is here forbidden A. All abusing of the name of God Exod. 3. 2. King 19. Q. How many wayes is the name of God abused A. Six manner of wayes Q. Which is the first A. By blaspheming Rom. 3.24 Mat. 5.33.34 or giuing occasion to others to blaspheme Q. Which is the second A. By swearing falsly deceitfully rashly commonly or by creatures Q. Which is the third A. By cursing and banning Q. Which is fourth A. By vowing things vnpossible or vnlawfull or by neglecting o● our lawfull vowes Q. Which is fifth A. By lightly vsing the holy name of God or his word Q. Which is the sixth A. By vaine protestations and asseuerations Q. What are we here cōmanded A. 1. Cor. 10.39 Ephel 4.29 Phil. 2.10 2. Cor. 8.19 Mat. 5.16 To glorifie the name of God in all that wée doe thinke speake and desire and to labour that others may be wonne by our meanes to do the same Q. What is the reason of this Commandement A. The Lord will not hold him guitlesse that taketh his name in vaine Q. If there bee such daunger in swearing may a man lawfully sweare in any case whatsoeuer A. Without doubt a man may sometimes and in some cases lawfully sweare Q When and in what case may a man sweare lawfully A. In three cases Q. Which is the first A. First for the confirming of a ruth which cannot otherwise bee knowne and yet necessary Q. Which is the second A. For the strengthening of onest leagues made betwixt men Q. Which is the last A. Lastly being called to weare before a lawfull Magistrate Q. What else is required that our wearing may be lawfull A. These foure things Q. Which is the first A. First we must sweare onely ●o such a truth as we know to be so Q. Which is the second A. Secondly according to the ●owne intent of him vnto whom or before whom we sweare Q. Which is the third A. Thirdly we must sweare only things possible and lawfull Q. Which is the fourth A. Fourthly this being a part of Gods worship Ier. 4.2 3. wee must doe it with great reuerence Q. What if a man shall sweare to an vnlawfull thing is hee not bound notwithstanding to performe his eath A. In no wise for so he should adde vnto his sinne of swearing vnlawfully Acts 23. a further sinne of doing vnlawfully Q. Rehearse the fourth Commandement A. Remember that thou kéep● holy the Sabbath day Sixe daye shalt thou labour and doe all tha● thou hast to doe But the seuent● day is the Sabbath of the Lord th● God In it thou shalt doe no ma●ner of worke thou and thy Sonn● and thy daughter thy Manseruan● and thy Maidseruant thy Cattel● and the Stranger that is within th● gates For in sixe daies the Lor● made heauen and earth the sea and all that in them is and rested the seauenth day Wherefore the Lord blessed the seauenth day and hallowed it Q Which words is the Commandement A. The Commandement is Remember that thou keepe holy the Sabbath day sixe dayes shalt thou labour and doe all that thou hast to doe but the seauenth is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God in it thou shalt doe no manner of worke Q What is the duty here commanded A. To kéepe holy the Sabbath day and to be mindfull of it Q. How may this be done A. By assembling together to pray vnto God and to praise him to heare his holy Word and receiue the blessed Sacraments Q. Is this all that is
thy Sacrament I may put off the old man which is corruption according to the lusts of errour and be renewed in the spirit of my mind and put on the new man which after God is created in righteousnes holinesse of truth and though by nature I cannot liue without spots of sinne yet so blesse me that I may neuer willingly offend thee but altogether depend vpon thy goodnes and as a true penitent sinner repenting of my sinnes I may approach to thy heauenly Supper Grant mercifull Father that I may alwayes worthily receiue this blessed Sacrament memoriall of thy death according to thy holy ordinance that it may increase in me all goodnes Be thou the buckler and perpetual defence of my soule and body that I may come vnto thy kingdome where I shall behold thee face to face whither Lord for thy mercies sake bring me Amen A Thankesgiuing after the receiuing of the holy Communion ALmighty God which hast vouchsafed spiritually to giue me these holy mysteries of thy body and bloud mortifie whatsoeuer is euil in me and garnish me with thy graces and vertues renew my spirit my soule and my body with thy excellent grace frame me after thy owne hearts desire and grant that I may think speak doe and desire all things that may please thee purge my conscience from dead works to serue thee the liuing God I thank thee with all reuerence of mind for bidding mee a miserable sinner vnto the participation of thy holy Supper and the receiuing of all celestial riches wherby thou bestowest on me particularly all the merits and good things which by thy death thou hast purchased for mee that I may be a partaker and fellow heyre of eternall blessednes Raise vp in me by this blessed Sacrament a continuall remembrance of thy bitter passion make mee retaine it in my mind as a sufficien ransome of my Redemption let mee neuer doubt of the forgiuenesse of my sins and as often as Sathan assayleth mee with his deadly temptations giue me grace to run to this Sanctuary as to a strong armor of defence so that no tribulation anguish persecution life nor death separate mee from Christ my Head whereupon being made fast by thy holy Sacrament receiued I as a liuing member depend and let mee know that I am fed and refreshed by thy body and precious blood that washed therewith I giue not my selfe hereafter to carnall pleasures but liue in all sinceritie and truth as it becometh those that eat af the immaculat Paschall Lamb. Giue me grace that laying aside all maliciousnesse and enuy I may forgiue euery one as thou hast forgiuen me giue mee grace that participating of the bread of eternall life I may bee replenished with the fruition of thy blessed sight in thy celestiall Paradise for euer and at my resurrection from death appoynt mee a place O mercifull Lord at thy heauenly Table where I may taste the new wine in the kingdome of thy Father abiding with thine elect Angels blessed Saints for euermore Amen Grace before Meat O Lord blesse vnto our vse thy Creatures at this time prouided for our sustenance that being preserued hereby and comforted wee may doe thee more laudible seruice vnto thy glory who art the Authour of all good vnto vs through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Grace after Meate COntinuall praise be vnto thee O Lord who doest continually prouide so graciously for the feeding of our feeble bodies Leade vs heereby to a taste of our spirituall food so that by the helpe of both wee may growe vp in thy seruice both in body and soule till at the last we attaine thy heauenly kingdome and be for euer glorified both in soule and body through Christ our Lord Amen Grace before Meat O GOD who hast iustly cursed the earth and all things therein for the sinne of man pardon our sinnes turne away thy curse vouchsafe thy blessing vpon these thy gifts which we are now to receiue that we vsing them with temperance and thankfulnesse may obtaine by them refreshing and nourishment through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Grace after Meat MErcifull Father who neuer ceasest to doe good vnto vs though we neuer cease offending thee and now more especially hast renewed thy bountie in feeding vs with thy blessings Let not the common fruition of thy benefites make vs commonly or lightly to esteeme of them neither when we are fed let vs wax wanton against thee abusing our strength to the seruice of sinne But let thy perseuerance in goodnesse worke in vs perseuerance in all dutifull obedience to our liues end through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen FINIS