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B12473 A sub-poena from the star-chamber of heauen A sermon preached at Pauls Crosse the 4. of August. 1622. With some particular enlargements which the limited time would not then allow. By Dan. Donne, Master of Arts, and minister of the Word. Donne, Daniel, d. 1646. 1623 (1623) STC 7021; ESTC S121163 55,741 137

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cruelty yet Gods wayes are full of mercy Hee would haue all the world to know that he is not delighted in the death of a sinner but had rather hee Ezek 13. 23. should turne from his wickednesse bring forth fruit worthy of repentance and so liue for euer and therefore as Jonathan shot three arrowes to forewarne Dauid of Sauls displeasure that hee 1. Sam. 20. might the better prouide for his saftie so almightie God first in mercy proclaimeth his wrath indignation before in Iustice he proceed to Execution First he is pleased to foretell vs that for our transgressions for our not bringing forth good fruit he intendeth a seuere penaltie against vs before such time as he suffer it to be inflicted vpon vs that Praemoniti Praemuniti so we being forewarned of that feareful euill which from God is like to befall vs for our falling away from God we might in time make our peace with him so preuent the execution of his wrath For the more effectuall performance whereof that wee may the more carefully and speedily addresse our selues proceed we according to our propounded method to take some punctuall notice of the fearefulnesse of his fury displaied in the particulars of the penalty Now is the Axe laid vnto the root of the trees Euery tree therefore not bringing forth good fruit is hewen downe and cast into the fire Each word as you haue heard beareth a part and euery part doth most euidently demonstrate the Greatnesse of Gods wrath and indignation against vs and is of power to imprint Characters of terror in our hearts were they as hard as rockes of Adamant To take vp the words as they lye in their order First behold the Lord of Hosts is already vp in armes and his wrath like Iehu the Sonne of Nimshi after Iehoram marcheth most furiously after vs yea 2 King 9. 10. to our greater terror it hath already wrought it selfe within distance for Now euen Now is the axe laid vnto the root of the trees Secondly consider we the instrument apprehended for the execution of his wrath it is not Culter Sarmentarius a pruning knife but Securis Musculus in locum excisionis a ruining Axe Thirdly this ruining Axe is not vibrata brandished Gorthan in locum or shaken ouer the trees but posita it is put laid close to the trees Fourthly this ruining Axe is not laid ad truncum aut ramos to the bodie or boughes of Bullinger the trees but ad radicem to the fountaine of life the root which once hurt or cut de tota arbore actum est the whole tree doth perish and is past all hope of shooting forth againe Such is the penaltie here intended and is pronounced as inflicted Euery tree not bringing forth good fruit is hewen downe and to make it more fearefull is cast into the fire There was a custome among the ancient Romans that their Consuls had as Ensignes of their authoritie bundles of rods and an Axe carried before them 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 of Iustice to cut them off in case they proued incorrigible and would not bee reformed with any fauourable correction In like manner Almighty God hath his Pruning knife and his Axe Hauing planted his Ground with Trees and not finding them fruitfull according to his expectation like an expert and carefull Gardiner with his pruning knife hee shreddeth and pareth off the luxuriant branches and vseth all such meanes for their fructification as in his heauenly wisdome he apprehendeth most prevalent and effectuall Thus for many a yeare with Quamdiu Ipes est remedii stercoratione aut putatione subuenitur arborum vitiis caeterum vltimae desperatio 〈◊〉 indicium est quoties Secu●is adn●ouetur radi i. Bull. much patiēce expecting their improuement at length the season of fructifying being come wherein hee resolued to put a period to his patient expectation he walketh towards his Plantation with an Axe in his hand resolued if after his so great care and cost he finde any Trees that doe not bring forth good fruit to cut them vp by the roots and cast them by for the Fire In a word or two to adde a little more light vnto the darkenesse of the letter This Axe laid vnto the root of the Trees doth signifie nothing else but the vengeance of God which hangeth ouer our heads ready to fall suddenly Nesp vero n●●ū est securim glad●●m in Scripturis son● pro grau● dei vindicta Idem ibid. vpon vs to our fearefull confusion My beloued doth not the cloudy and heauy countenance of these Times promise and presage as much Certainly take we a true Inuentory of our generall Apostacie from all godlines and pietie we cannot looke for lesse I but the Lord is mercifull and Gracious slow to anger and abundant in Goodnesse and Exod. 34. 6. truth reseruing mercy for thousands True my beloued and haue we found him lesse Doe not all those gentle and more fauourable courses he hath taken for reclaiming vs from our sinnefull courses speake as much May not the Lord iustly expostulate and reason the case with vs as he did with his beloued Vineyard Esai 5. He hath Planted vs in a most pleasant fruitfull soyle he hath encircled hedged vs round about with his louing mercies what could he haue added more vnto that which he hath already done How oft how long hath he labored for our conuersion by the preaching of his Word Sermon vpō Sermon with extraordinary earnestnes and importunity knocking at the doores of our harts that hearing him we might open vnto him and he enter in vnto vs He I say who onely is able to Psalm 51. 10. create in vs cleane hearts and make vs fruitfull in all holinesse And to make his Word the more powerfull for our conuersion how often hath he actuated it by many temporall afflictions which hee hath inflicted vpon vs as inundations of waters dearth of corne losse of our fortunes losse of our faithfull friends and such as had deepest interest in our affections sometimes scourging vs with the refractarinesse and disobedience of those which through naturall or ciuill reference are neerest and dearest vnto vs sometimes making these houses of clay our mortall bodies Hospitals for pestilentiall and painful diseases sometimes suff●ring the high-priz'd treasure of our reputation to be rifled by wretched Shimeyes But alas what hath all this pruning preuailed What good work haue these and the like afflictions wrought vpon vs Happily for the present they haue a little humbled vs and wrung out of vs a repentant teare with a protestation of new obedience of bringing forth better fruit for the time to come then formerly we had done but this repentance of ours hath been as the Prophet speaketh but as a Morning cloud Hos 6. 4. and as the morning dew it hath gone away like Dogges we haue quickely returned to 2 Pet 2. 22. our owne
Shrines of Diana bringeth in Acts 19. 24. any emolument or reuenew must haue a Protection must not bee touched The corrupt courses of those which appertaine to Courts of Iustice the sacrilegious practise of Church-robbers fraudulent and vnconscionable dealing in priuate commerce these and the rest of your bosome and best beloued sinnes proue but vnplausible but harsh Themes for a Preachers inuectiue Sure I am wee may speake it feelingly wee are sensible of no lesse for deale we ingeniously faithfully in reprouing the corruptions of the time do we lay open your beloued sins vnto the life our labours are entertained with laughter and our fidelity requited with a world of neglect and iniury Are not these the fruits that call this our land their mother soyle I would to God they did not I dare presume yee will all passe your words that I haue deliuered nothing but truth and I may safely add nothing to that which might haue beene deliuered for truth for like those whom Moses sent to spie out the land of Canaan I haue cut downe but Numb 13. 23. a Branch with a Cluster of the Grapes that grow in this our Eschol and haue brought with mee but a Sample of that cursed fruit this land in great plenty affordeth O that we who haue so liberally participated of the superabundant loue and bounty of God should thus aboue measure abound in iniquity The time was O that we had the grace seriously to consider it the time was when we were without Christ and were aliens Ephe. 2. 12 13 from the Commonwealth of Israel and were Strangers from the Couenants of Promise and had no hope and were without God in the world but now through the Mercy of the Almightie wee who were once a farre off are made neere by the Blood of Christ that so we might be no more strangers and Forraigners but Citizens with the Saints and of the Householde of God Againe whereas other Nations doe ride Iam tua resagitur paries cum proximus ardet euen vp vnto their horsebridles in blood haue their Corne-fieldes depopulated their Townes vnpeopled their neerest kindred and dearest acquaintance most cruelly butchered and their whole countrey exposed to the iniury of Armes Wee through the great Goodnesse of God sit euery man vnder his owne Vine in peace The Lord of his mercie continue it long amongst vs whereas other Nations suffer the famine of the Word or at least haue it serued out vnto them mingled with the Cockle and Darnell of Popish errors and traditions Wee God be thanked haue the Word most plentifully and purely preached among vs yea such plenty of the word we enioy that like the Israelites we are crop sicke and loth that heauenly Manna which our forefathers in the time of Popery persecution so much longed after I pray God this bring not a scarcitie of spirituall Bread amongst vs. Whereas others haue been st●aitned for the ordinary sustenance of nature and wasted with misery hanging vp their harps vpon the trees and translating the sorrowes of their soules into mournefull ditties and so ending their miserable liues Our Garners on the Psal 144. 13 14. contrary haue beene full and plenteous with all manner of store Our sheepe haue brought forth thousands and ten thousands in our streetes our oxen haue beene strong to labour we haue no leading into captiuitie no complaining in our streets In a word no Nation vnder the Sunne can prescribe and plead a greater portion of the immense Treasury of Gods mercy and fauours then ours the least of all which should for euer bind euery one by way of thankfulnesse to consecrate himselfe both soule and body vnto the seruice of his so benigne and bountifull a God in all holy obedience and newnesse of life to bring forth good fruits the fruits of holinesse and sanctification But alas we are so farre from bringing forth this good fruit that on the contrary we are barren in all goodnesse and onely fruitfull in the damnable workes of darknesse sucking in sinne as fishes doe water like swift Dromedaries running with full speed into all vngodlinesse Prou. 10. ●3 making it a pastime to do wickedly neue● so much as once dreaming of that dreadful day of account that great and terrible Assises of the Lord wherein hee will execute his wrath and vengeance vpon the children of disobedience O my beloued let vs take heed we bee not deceiued This is the will of God saith the Apostle euen your sanctification 1 Thes 4. 3. now the wil and pleasure of God is not barely propounded vnto man as a thing arbitrary or of no great consequence whether performed or not for as with bountifull promises so with feareful penalties it is in sacred Scripture frequently pressed the Lord as he hath a Gerizim Deut. 11. 29. for blessing so he hath an Eball for cursing As he will most graciously and liberally recompense all such as worke righteousnes with an immarcessible crown of glory so he will most seuerely and terribly reward all workers of iniquity with an vnmercifull weight of misery They which like good trees bring foorth good fruit in due season their leafe shall not wither saith the Psalmist they shall Psalm 2. flourish for euer But they which doe not bring foorth good fruit shall be like the chaffe which the wind scattereth away from the face of the earth they shall perish for euer so saith the Baptist here in my text Euery tree not bringing foorth good fruit is hewen downe and cast into the fire which is the third generall Part obserueable in this sacred Writ The third generall part the penaltie attending delinquents such as performe not what God in this Writ requireth The Penaltie is heere expressed 1. as God premonisheth before he punisheth intended Now is the Axe layd vnto the roote of the trees 2. As inflicted Euery tree not bringing foorth good fruite is hewen downe and cast into the fire A Mercifull Method and well beseeming the God of Method who is full of mercie though our sinnes be so numerous and haynous that like vnto that of Cains they doe euen call and crie vnto Genes 4. 10. God for present vengeance though our iniquities be so enormous and growne to so great a height that they reach vp vnto Heauen and euen pull God out of his Mercy-Seate to enter into Iudgement with vs to emptie out the full Vialls of his wrath vpon vs to our present fearefull confusion yet Oh the goodnesse of God hee dealeth not with vs sinnefull miscreants according to our deserts and as many a mercilesse Creditor with his Debitor who couertly without the least noise procureth an Execution against him and serueth it vpon him happily to his irrecouerable vndoing not so much as once fore-acquainting him with his Resolution that so he might in time thinke vpon some honest course for preuention No my beloued though mans wayes are full of