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A96898 The Lords table. Whether it is to be spread like a table in an inne for all comers? That it ought not so be done is here maintained. Woodward, Ezekias, 1590-1675. 1656 (1656) Wing W3498; Thomason E880_7; ESTC R206596 63,848 77

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with him both together and at one instant which may make us more observant of the words that follow which we borrow of our Learned Reinolds Was a beast slaine for touching the Mount and shall not a man of vile and beastly affections be punished for touching the Table where our Lord is present No we would say The vile and beastly Minister deserveth rather of the two to be punished who admitts alloweth yea invites men of Beastly and vile affections to come to That Table where the Lord is present The allowance of a thing done which was said before and cannot be too often said is as good as the Commission for the doing of it said our excellent Jewell We would adde to this the prayer of a good man Lord deliver me from mine other mens sinnes which I may have made mine if not by Command Councell or Consent yet by Connivance give me Repentance for them good Lord and forgive them It is a knowne saying and bids you beware for qui in conspectu populi male vivit quantum in se est omnes se videntes interficit He that sinneth in the open view of the people doth as much as in him lyes to murther all that looke upon him and behold him sinning The application is easie and summed up in this the Presumers and the Consenters shall be punished together and which shall receive the sorest punishment is not hard to determine The actions of the Rulers being the Rules for the Ruled We beseech you all by the mercies of Christ we would peswade you by the terrour of the Lord whose Stewards you are and by the blessing yee expect from in and upon the Ministery of the Gospell that yee would Consider these things and greater things than these as the Spirit called upon in the reading His word may suggest unto you and fully resolve you at this point That your great Lord and Master to Whome yee are shortly to give an account of your Stewardship will not endure to have holy things prophaned as if Common and uncleane Therefore this is our perswasion grounded upon the word of God and practise of His people Ye must appoint time and place where and when your people may give you the meeting there to know the state of your flocke which yee can never Phil. 2. 19. Col. 4. 8. know at such a distance in the publique place You cannot there in that publique place doe as Paul did and as you ought to doe You know how we exhorted and comforted and charged every one of you as a father doth his Children every one of you he had them alone and apart sure there is a necessitie of it a Must for this yea though it were according to that offer or desire rather of your Learned Brother and Neighbour which is That all persons in a Christian Common-wealth should give an account of their Faith before they marry and become parents and why not before they are admitted to the Lords Table Wee professe heartily this were a notable expedient and would helpe much for the removeing of that Barr which hath letted and will lett till it be removed the admission of their Infants to Baptisme by Godly Ministers But wee may desire rather than hope that this Course will be taken That all before they marry and become Parents shall give an account of their Faith Though we conceive this Course ought to be taken with those who for nine Moneths have lived in uncleannesse That these should not be married the tenth moneth before they had made their Repentance as publique as their offence was For Certainly this ought not to be That a Couple be married to day and be made Parents tomorrow Surely They did not give an account of their faith This was done in the world the Nationall Church there in a Parochiall Church very few miles off from you for the part hath the same name with the whole and a part in this huge we had almost said monstrous Church is too great for such small things as these to be looked after Indeed Sirs ye must Contract and Epitomize your Church for if this Course were taken your Godly Brother prescribes here Notwithstanding you must have your private meetings with your people Surely after a serious debate betwixt your selves about these matters you will finde it we humbly conceive your onely way to Abridge and Contract your huge large volume of Beleivers who can shew no more for their faith but their Infant Baptisme into a little little volume they must and they will goe close together they will never be looked over else though every one of you had an hundred eyes taking one of an hundred and ten of a thousand and this may Comfort you in this troublesome and vexatious worke so flesh and blood will finde it yours and theirs That one believer indeed who can give a reason of the hope that is in him is more excellent than are an hundred of those who can alledge no more for the Cleansing of their hands and purifying their hearts but that when time was their faces were sprinkled with water Now when ye shall set upon this worke ye must we conceive appoint a set time and place to meete at Now because there is a spewing Cast upon these meetings in use onely as we conceive amongst the Brethren of the Congregationall way we meane all those that seperate from the world at the Lords Table for the word Independant is very unbecomeing Churches or Creatures it was Cast-in by the enemy and adversary of all righteousnesse we were saying because this way and these meetings lie open to much Obloquie from that wicked one the Father of lyes and all His Children as that these meetings are the Nurse or vis plastica the very fomenting Cause of errors and heresies besides it Chargeth the Holy Brethren with separation or making a schisme or Rent from their Brethren and so in a manner excommunicates them from their Company Wee intend with Gods helpe to speake something to this but because this part of our worke hath exceeded its proportion the gravity and weight of the matters here under debate and maintenance so requiring wee thinke it fitt to deferre it to the Last and to close with it and our Spirits if the Lord be pleased alltogether and all in one for wee intend to turne-in unto you after our manner at the end of our worke Now in the Close of this Chapter we would speake to the Christian Reader whose eternall good is full in our eye which makes us to bend after it night and day in our Reinolds words Though we may have our Minister's leave and free admission to the Lords Table yet let us not venter to receive such sacred things with unwashed hands as matters of meere Custome fashion or formalitie But let us looke unto that High Authority That ordeined them on that holy Mouth That Blessed them on That Arme of Mercy That exhibits them being ever assured That as Christ hath one hand of Bounty and Redemption which reacheth forth life to the worthy Receivers So hath He another of Justice and power ready to avenge the injuries and Contempt that shall be done to His owne holy Institution A little after he speakes to Ministers and people to Ministers Let not your hands againe play the Judas by delivering Him againe unto Jewish and sinnefull soules which will Crucifie againe unto themselves the Lord of glory To us the people Let not us take His pretious blood into our hands rather to shed it than to drinke it and by Receiving the body of Christ unworthily make it as the sop was to Judas even an Harbenger to provide roome for Satan Who is wise and he shall understand these things prudent and he shall know them for the wayes of the Lord are right and the Just shall walke in them but the transgressors shall fall therein That ye may be such we Commend you all to God and the word of His Grace which is able to build-you up and to give you an inheritance among all that are sanctified The Lord Jesus Christ be with your Spirits Grace be with you AMEN ⸪ FINIS
order of nature Answer this to God see if He will accept of your replie which we may heare anon Wee proceed Secondly They that have no faith are not to be admitted to the Lords Table not onely because they receive nothing there but because they fearefully prophane the Holy things there They have no knowledge of those things none at all and none they looke after their soule is not good it is starke naught as darke Prov. 19. 2. as a Dungeon for what should enlighten it as noysome and loathsome as an open Sepulchre or a vessell wherein is no pleasure Prov. 13. 5. for what should discover this their filthinesse to them that they may appeare such in their owne eyes that doe not beleive Rom 15. 31. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 are disobedient rebellious imperswadable ones unreasonable and wicked men that is the Apostles Character of them and he makes cleare proofe of it in these words they have no faith Are 2 Thes 3. 2. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 they at the Lords Table they are out of place sure as a swine is when he is in the Parlour absurd men so Erasmus Englisheth it though Beza liketh it not Quod mihi quidem absurdum videtur But our Learned Reinolds liketh it well The Apostle saith he calleth men without Faith Absurd men because it is an unreasonable and sottish thing for a workman to be without his cheifest Instrument and that is universally requisite to every one of his workes a husband-man without a plow or a builder without a rule preacher without a Bible or a Christian without faith are things equally absurd and unreasonable What reason have we to plead for those unreasonable men to be admitted to the Lords Table more than we have for the admitting of swine into our Parlour uncleane ones will make all things like themselves as uncleane too to themselves we meane Thirdly Persons that have no faith are not to be admitted to the Lords Table because they cannot shew the Lords death there 1 Cor. 11. 26. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 This Scripture Mr. H● hath corrupted af●er his māner with his glosse It is a grave and a weighty word that we English shew and we would rather leave it to you to unfold to your people wh●ch may require one hou●es worke But in a word a worthy receiver that brings faith with him he doth with all thankesgiving and praise shew forth the excellencies of Christ and the Glorious benefits of His bloodshed upon the Crosse the Bounties of His Goodnesse and Beauties of His Holinesse making an ostentation of them unto the world preaching to every one as he can This this is it wherein every true Christian is to glory and he orders his life accordingly The import of that word as we suppose Now they that Come to the Lords Table and have no faith are no more able to shew the Lords death there than a man of Clouts stuffed with Straw is able to gaine the victory in the day of warre Fourthly And to run over these Grave matters he that comes thither and brings no faith with him must needs receive unworthily that is other ●ise than is meete such mysteries should Neh. 27. be received And therefore shall be held as guilty before God as Judas was who betrayed the body of our Saviour or as the Jewes were who so villanously abused Him Binding His hands spitting in His sacred face and crowning Him with thornes and as the Souldiers were who peirced His sides and spilt His blood He shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. Fifthly Free admission is not to be given those who cannot examine themselves about their faith that is search digg goe downe into the fouldings of their soules to enquire what their estate is what it is to be out of Christ or what it is to be in Him Infantes furiosos in verbo Dei minime inst●uctos Bez. they cannot examine themselves about these matters no more than Children can for they are Children in understanding no more than mad men can for these are mad upon their Idol roprobates disallowed of God in a state of reprobation We will commend you to Beza's Annotations or rather those to you which we thought to have been large upon being so full to our purpose Sixthly Why should faithlesse men worse than Infidells because borne and bred in England a land of visions be suffered to come to the Lords Table They cannot discerne the Lords Body they can put no difference between that bread which represents the body of Christ Crucified and Common bread at their owne Tables nor between the wine there Sealeing to a worthy receiver a full discharge from all his sins in the blood of Jesus Christ No difference can he make betwixt this wine and common wine And now being suffered to come to the Lords Table he there drinks downe a Cup of damnation in stead of salvation a cup of cursing in stead of a cup of blessing and seales the Stone upon his graves mouth where he lies rotting in sinne as dead bodyes in their graves He eateth and drinketh damnation to himselfe not Verse 29. discerning the Lords body 1. As you have received mercy and now would shew mercy unto everlasting soules admit not these faithlesse these unreasoble and wicked ones that cannot shew forth the Lords death cannot examine themselves have no discernining of the Lords body admit them not to the Lords Table They have no faith then they must be full of themselves as a vessell being full and running over they cannot Eate and drinke there any other thing but damnation to themselves This Scripture also Mr H s the patron of fornicators and prophane persons as was Esau fearefully abuseth plucking out as he can the sting of it so as the most bruitelike person may come to the Lords Table and not be stung by it oh prophane man and past shame he and his booke stinketh in the nostrills of the Lord and of his people as the worst excrements of the Dragon doth 2. And now Sir we will spare you the labour if please you in making a reply to this and ours in making Answer thereunto This we heare is ordinarily said They were borne and Baptized in a Church and therefore beleivers we like not to make an Answer to such a foppery why but they say they beleive the same with the former they say it with their tongues what say they with their hands such are their words what are their workes They may say so and Blaspheme in so saying as was hinted more than once Rev. 2. 9. I pray you observe it and let this mocke-faith goe unlesse you will whip it like a vagrant and send it backe to the Devill whence it came We have been speaking of that faith which gives reall union and communion with Jesus Christ and of necessity brings forth good workes as a good tree good fruit he beares upon a