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A72235 A ioyfull continuance of the commemoration of the most prosperous and peaceable reigne of our gratious and deare soueraigne lady Elizabeth, by the grace of God of England, Fraunce and Irelande, Queene, &c. nowe newly enlarged with an exhortation applyed to this present tyme / set foorth this xvii day of Nouember beyng the fyrst day of the xxi yeere of Her Maiesties said reigne, by Edw. Hake ... ; hereunto is added a thankesgiuing of the godly, for Her Maiesties prosperitie hitherto, with an earnest desire of the longe continuance of the same to Gods glory and our comfort. Hake, Edward, fl. 1560-1604. 1578 (1578) STC 12605.5; ESTC S5243 18,271 54

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and Ioye her Foes and all full many kept from Death No ease to her but griefe of minde is losse of Subiectes breath Her Subiects goodes shée neuer séekes none lyues whom shée hath spoyld Her very Foes are frée from force no Foe with force is foyld Yea foes and all they sow and reape they plant and eate the fruit They build and buye no losse they take vnlesse by lawfull suite Each wight within her royall Realme possesseth as his owne Such substaunce as by lotte he hath and vnto him is growne With quiet course in equall sorte each man in his degree Draw'th forth his daies and spend'th his time full orderly to see Wrong resteth no mannes right by might wher Princes ayde is crau'de The poore with ritche contend a like by Law their Rights bee sau'de No Law lockt vp no Iustice stopt no one through her takes wrong O noble Prince and hast thou liu'de a vertuous Quéene so longe And hath thy name Elyzabeth so many yeares sustainde The cause of Trueth and runne that race that vertue hath ordeinde Now blessed be those daies of thine Thrise blessed be our God By whom our Quéene Elyzabeth those vertuous steppes hath trod Not force of Fleshe hath held her vp not sharpe deuise of man Not crafte not skill not worldly shifte her blessed state beganne Before her raigne bereaft of peace bereaft of outwarde Ioy Pursude to death by Romishe beastes still séeking her annoy Whose foamy frothye murthrous Iawes with stomackes stuft with guile Each day deuisde her graces death and sacred state to foyle Whome high Iehoue preserued hath in spite of Sathans rage To liue a Quéene in blessed peace to lyue an happye age Oh graunt her God an hart to prayse and magnifie thy name And as thou hast preseru'de her life so still preserue the same Let dewe remembraunce neuer slippe from forth her royall brest But let her alwayes beare in minde how thou hast wrought her rest Full seauentéene yeares this day her grace hath raign'de with vs a Quéene No Treasons force hath yet preuaild that euer could be séene No drift deuise no deuils déede no falshod fetchte from hell Hath yet tane place in sauetie yet her noble grace doth dwell Thyne hand Iehoue hath founde them out thine owne right hand hath broughte Each darke deuise to open viewe and treasons guile to nought Thine hand hath held her kingdome faste thine owne right hand hath stayde The running rage of rancour bent and made her foes afrayde Of wisdome hast thou lent her stoare to guide thy folcke aright What giftes of grace haue Princes more obtayned in thy sight Graue counsaile guiding all by Truth thou Lorde with her hast plaste Whose careful works for common wealth can neuer be defaste Whose mindes to rigoure they ne bende no hartes they haue to harme No woe they worke to any wight to none they cry Al arme No lawe they wrest to worke their willes no sleightes they doe impose No burthen on her Subiectes backes obtruded is by those They enuy not her peoples good no trappes they laye to traine Nor subtile baytes by pinching lawes at any time ordeyne Their Princes wrath they whet not on no wayte they lay for blood Oh noble wightes and haue you liu'de to worke your Countreyes good Haue all your Foes fownde endlesse bale that sought your honors spoyle And stande you yet in Countreys sight to séeke fowle Treasons foyle With teares we hold our hands to heauen and from our hartes we crie Lyue liue you noble Counsayllers liue liue and neuer dye Let Princes loue remayne on you and loue you her againe So shall no treasons drifte disioynte our englishe peace in twaine So shall you gaine a guerdon iuste for your so noble déedes And so shall wee poore Subiecte sortes still sticke to you at néedes Lorde blessed be thy name alwaies thrise blessed by thy name That guyd'st to good their graue attemptes dyrecting still the same These giftes for thine we doo proclame euen all these giftes for thine A gratious Quéene with Counsayle graue that to thy will encline A noble race of royall wittes a Senate surely knit A prudent sort of polishte heads who neuer haplesse yet Attempted ought that might redownd to wealth of Englishe soyle Who neuer yet emprised ought wherein they tooke the foyle By thée wée still enioy her grace by thée this Counsayle so By thée the same doe plant good lawes all vice to ouerthrow And for those lawes such Iudges set as Iustice well maintayne Such Iudges some as doubtlesse yet no former times could gayne Not moody sorte of wandring heades not hartes corrupt with guyle Not wrangling wittes not bribinge hands our Iudgementes Seates defile But séemely sortes of sacred heads but Sages sownde and graue But goodly viewe of learned wittes our Iudgement places haue Where looke what Lawe and Iustice wil that Iudges doo pronounce Where looke what lawe and Iustice nill that Iudges doo renounce Where hée my Lorde amongs the rest whose handes regard no méede Whose harte Dyes no deceyte at all with honour doth procéede As others eke in soundest sort to Ioyne together aye With Mercy Truth with Iustice Peace in firme and perfecte staye Ah hawtie Hall with honours deckt ah Roofes of royall viewe Ah Seates possest with Iustice self with peace and Iudgements trewe Sith laude sith thankes sith endlesse praise be dewe vnto thy name Swéet lord swéet Christ for these thy gifts we magnifie the same Lord blesse therfore these benefittes Lord giue them large increase Lord let thy mercies still endure Lord let them neuer cease Lord blesse our Quéene Lord prosper her Lord leade her with thine hand Lord teach her aye thy will to know and worde to vnderstand Lord graunt that shée in harte maye loue thy law and thy decrée That shée may knowe how all these giftes procéede good Lord from thée And for thy works of wonder done let her extoll thy praise Let her in truth and holy lyfe continewe all her dayes Let Lorde her graces eyes so pearce into thy Churches state That she with Iudgement sound and pure remooue from thence debate And let her Lorde so loue to heare thy godly Preachers voyce That shée reiecte not what they teache but take the best in choyse Let pompous state be vnto her no stoppe of dew regarde Ne let the faults of faythlesse mates at any time be sparde Let all her royall howsholde so reformed be from sinne That they to all the worlde may showe what vertue is therein That shée may bring a lasting praise and glory to thy name That life and doctrine fownde alike her foes may suffer shame Lorde giue her Iudgement to discerne and that with Counsayle graue Shée may finde out what sownde redresse our common wealth should haue To cut of crafte from wholsome lawes and chiefly to supplant From place of Rule and Iustice such as sownde profession want Whose handes how hurtfull they shall be in times of troublous
neuer be satisfied let them at their pleasures blow abroade what they list and holde on in their myslikings vntyll in the vanytie of their purposes and the rage of their enuie they shal at the length be glutted with the fulnesse of rancoure and vnciuill reproches You finally I doubt not wyl take this gyfte as I meane it and deeme of it as a thing not vnnecessarily sent abroad at this instant God graunt vnto it such effect in the harts of all those vnto whom it specially appertayneth that they or rather euery English soule may say in the feruency of a sownde faith Domine quid ego re●●ibuam tibi pro omnibus quae tribuisti mihi What reward shall I geue vnto thee O Lord for all the benefittes that thou hast done vnto me In which prayer I think it conueniēt here to make an ende At Barnards Inne this ioyful Eue of our 17. day of Nouember 1575. with his hande whose hart loueth this instaunt day and you Edward Hake The Authours minde vpon the matter of this his litle Booke A Publicque peace our highe Iehoue hath wrought A priuate warre with hate tweene man and man Doth Sathan breede Good state but life right nought Alas alas what wretches are we than A Vineyard fenst well fenced from decay A State preseru'd but people frowarde ay Ah most vnkinde that neuer wyll obay Prou. 8. b. Deut. 17. 2 ¶ Thorowe me doe Kinges reigne thorowe mee Counsaylours make iust lawes thorowe mee do Princes beare rule and all the Iudges of the earth execute iudgement Prou. 28. a. Leuit. 26. c. ¶ Because of sinne the lande doth oft chaunge her Prince But through men of vnderstandinge and wisedome a Realme endureth longe Prou. 28. c. ¶ Where the Prince is without vnderstanding there is great oppression and wronge But if he be such a one as hateth couetousnes he shal longe raigne A Commemoration of the most prosperous and peaceable Reigne of our gratious and deere Soueraygne Lady Elizabeth by the grace of God of England Fraunce and Ireland Queene c. IEhoua with our ioyned hands and hartes replete with ioye Wée prayse thée for our noble Quéene the shield of our annoye Not wée not wée oh greate Iehoue not wée but thy right hande Hath wrought this calme and quiet state in this our English lande Great Bulles of Basan roare abroad great curse from Balac commes Eache Foreyn eare is fild with fight and sownde of fearfull droommes Woe woe waymenting woes and feare through forein Soyle doth raunge No Coast so clere where face of warre ne makes the cruell chaunge Blood blood is shed in monstrous wise each forein State doth iarre And open Murthers wanting Law in forein Countreies are Fowle fraude faithlesse fawning wordes in forein Coastes do dwell High Seates of sway in forein Soyles of fraude and falshod smell Men Beastes fieldes lawes loue truth there fall from former states Each thing each Sexe vncertaine standes and honest order hates No course kept right no seasons knowne nought there in sauety lyes Each good growth yl each yll growth worse each worse to worste doth rise There Soyles lie sackt there Mountaines quake there loftie Hilles downe sway There pleasant plots yéelde filthy wéede where Fragrant odoures lay The plowed Fields are there layde waste there fertile grounds lye baard Eache Meadow there lieth cleane defaste no plotte of pleasure spaard No lofty Pallace stands vpright no place where vertue dwelt Standth there so sownd which of the dinte of Battaile hath not felt No Seate in sauety nothing helps no dewe Regarde preuailes No right of cause there frees from force no Sexe of sorrow fayles Each noble face ly'th there forlorne each mighty head brought lowe Each valeaunt visage sprente with bloude there through the Streates they throw No law relieues no iustice helpes no truthe from daunger frees None there that liues in godly feare true hope of sauetie sees The aged man there drowpth in woe the younge and lustie Rowte Are there sent foorth to leade their life in pyllage round aboute The armed Knights with treasons trapt the Sages of the land In suspense lodge to liue or die thus each ones case doth stand There wronged wights with silēce smart and there th' opprest want ayde There Lawes wherby the iust shuld liue doe make the iuste afrayde There dwelles no sounde of sacred songes that swéetely sende forth health But there both dowle and double plaints way menting sorowes telth No Fountaine there stands frée from filth no christall Spring runnes cleare In stéede of streaming Flouds of life deepe dampes of Death are there And whilst these woes do wander thus as forein coastes haue tride Thine english People Lord dwell safe with them doth peace abide With them doth liue a louing Quéene who like a Mother raignes And like a chosen sacred Impe immortall glory gaines Her handes shée holdes not foorth to warre her hart doth rest in peace Shée Ioyes to sée her peoples wealth and wayles their harmes increase Thy gospelles sownde shée sendes abroade shée stoppes no wholsome Spring But popishe Puddles dammes shée vp which noysome humours bring A Prince of price most worthy prayse for thée and in thy name Of all that euer Scepter bare of all that euer came From Englishe loynes to royall Seate I say none worthy more Amongst the race of Englishe kings that euer Scepter bore I would conteine my seruent Muse Ah Iemme thy name denyes My prayse nor all the Poetes pennes thy merite can suffise And highest kinge that Welkin wéeldst if hence thy glory come That of a virgin Queene whom thou hast set in sacred Roome Thy peoples peace should be sustainde thy Gospell should be spred Why should my burning Muse lye still why should my penne lye dead Is hand of fleshe her firmest force is frowning face her swaye Doth subtile drifts drawe forth her peace or vaunting glory Nay Of Fleshe the feeblest ▪ Sexe by kinde of face not Iunoes féere But mylde Susanna in her lookes and Hester in her chéere The worke is thine t is thine Iehoue no iote begonne by man Thou fram'dst her onely for thy praise by thee her dayes began All onely thou Iehoua thou hast wrought her for thy praise All onely thou hast made her déedes a wonder to our daies From thée therfore what so shee hath from thee her vertues came And her wee praise as gifte of thine and glory to thy name So planted is her souereigne Seate so fixed is her Throne That thicke and thréefold wronged wights there lay abroade their mone Truth mercy peace and loue possesse her Chayre of royall State No Subiect Soule complaining griefe goes helplesse from her gate And what shée Rules by loue shée Rules No Force where loue may winne First friendly warnings fendes shee forth Eare smarting Lawes beginne Her Subiectes bloud shée séekes to saue as Apple of her eye They lyue and shall saue such as law and Iustice bids to dye They liue
and Samaria eateth her owne children on the wals our Eliza directeth the children of the prophets in their offices Whiles Iezabel setteth vp Baal and embreweth Achab with the blood of the Prophetes and of Naboth our Elias gathereth the people of God to mounte Carmell to beholde the wonder of the fire of God lighting from Heauen vpon the sacrifices and replenishing the harts with ioy and toungs with giftes of languages This is then so worthy an instrument of thy goodnesse and expresse Image of thy Maiestie and the ample matter of this daies celebritie And now what doth thy people desire at thine handes but that first O Lorde thou geue vs thankfull hartes make vs al the dayes of our liues mindfull of this thy fatherly and gracious bountifulnes Then as presētly the Quéens highnes hath gloriously atchieued the trauayll of full seuentéene yéeres and now the annuell celebritie of our voluntary sacrifice of praise and thanksgeuing therefore returneth so it may by thy benefit full often returne not once or twise but yéere by yeere and yeere heaped vpon yéere we and our ofspring may behold this felycity vntill wée and she satisfied in aboundance the time draw alonge which thou hast appoynted for the veling of her Crowne at the féete of thy sun Iesus and the course of this earthly pilgrimage ouerrunne we and she at our determined seasons he takē to raigne in the euerlasting kyngdome of thy glory Agayne where much is the mischief of man great and enormous the rage of Sathā suttle the practises of Antichrist euyll our desertes lamentable the state of thinges whiles open colouring hideth priuie conspiring poysoned lippes geue sugered words the breath of Cocatrices the embrasings of Scorpions the roringe of Buls the raging of Rabsake the sworde of Herod the destructiō of Abbadon hath ben séene in our stréets hath bene hard on our walles hath multiplyed before the gates of our cities that thou destroy vs not in the midest of thy workes of thy mercy to leaue vs headlesse and make vs a scorne and prouerbe to the enemye but rather to beholde the number of the faithful subiectes in the dread of their souls and iust ielosye of thyr common interest bowinge the knées of their harts for the long safetie of Quéene Elizabeths sacred Princely person rather then in thy iust fury for auenging of our sins to suffer the deuill with the wicked to preuaile in the vniust zelousnesse of their preposterous vowes gracelesly swearing the death of thy Saints and thine annoynted Lastly that what remaineth of the happye building of thy Church by the hands of thy deare daughter thou plentyfully powre of thy principall spirit vpon her and rauishe her hart with the flame of the loue of thée and thy house with Moyses to lead with Iosue to bring in to the land of promise with Debora to fight thy battaile with Iahel to knock Sisera of Rome in the temples of his vsurped headship to his vtter destruction with Dauid to bring home the Ark with Salomon to finish consecrate to eternity thy Temple amongest thy people on the earth for the time to géeue largelye her fostermilke to Hierusalem in Heauen at the time in the purenesse of her virginitie to be presented to the Lambe and sing the song of her weddinge day with thy Angels and thy Saintes to the praise of thy glorious Maiesty the father the sonne and the holy Ghost in one eternall Deitie for euer and euer Amen ¶ FINIS A.j. Psal. 118. Psal. 116. Psal. 37. 37 Psal. 107. Psal. 116. 17. Nouemb an ▪ 18. Elizabeth R.