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A71198 For England's information, reformation, great joy, peace, and consolation; and for her great honour, and exaltation, and for the great shame, contempt and terror of the Turk, the Pope, and the Devil, and all the workers of evil Varney, John. 1679 (1679) Wing V114B; ESTC R203878 63,496 118

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service of the World the Flesh and the Devil and that how few do readily and willingly and cheerfully engage in the service of the God of Heaven whose service is perfect freedom and his work and reward is most honourable They do well that do love their Enemies that do often feed them and relieve them for the Lord doth make his Son to shine both on the Evil and on the Good and sendeth Rain on the Just and on the Unjust To do good to all Men it is commendable but to do good to the Houshold of Faith it is most profitable and will prove most comfortable A Friend loveth at all times but a true and a faithful Friend may be so much displeased as not to manifest his Love at all times Joseph loved his Brethren when he stormed at them spake roughly to them put some of them in Prison and caused Simcon to be bound before their Eyes But as after Storms and Tempests the Sun doth shine most clearest so after great and long Trials Troubles and Afflictions Deliverance will be the sweetest both to a Person a Family a City and a Kingdom Let not any therefore despise the day of small things let not any slight and undervalue the small beginnings of Grace in themselves or others for a spark of Grace well proved and improved will break forth into a flame for the Glory of Gods great Name and to bring a King and Kingdom to great Honour Renown and Fame The greatest Tree was a Plant and the Wisest the Strongest the Richest and most Learned'st Man was a Child They that have truth of Grace let them labour to grow in Grace by improving the means of Grace which the God of Heaven has appointed and the Church of England has ordained for they that do labour to grow in Grace will have increase of every Grace and so will grow in the favour of God and good Men and of the Angels in Heaven They that have truth of Grace and do improve it will have increase of Grace and will never lose it but will know when and how for to use it in the worst of times and before the best of Men for the Glory of the most High and the great Honour and Exaltation of Englands Royal Majesty Were there as many Nations as many Worlds as there be Men there is a way to subdue them for the Glory of the great and mighty God for the Credit of his Holy Gospel for the great Honour and Renown of the Protestant Religion for the great Joy and Triumph of the Church of England for the great Exaltation of his Majesty of Great Britain and the great Joy Peace and Prosperity of many Kingdoms and that is by daily getting Wisdom Power and Strength from him who gives to the whole Creation a Being which Divine Wisdom Power and Strength will inable a mortal Man to prepare high and honourable Works to be managed by many Wise Strong Rich and Learned Men that have their Wisdom their Power and Strength their Honours Riches great and high Places from the God of Heaven The Lord is a high and strong Tower and a Shield to all them that trust in him Great Deliverances giveth he unto his King and sheweth Mercy to his Annointed to David and to his Seed for evermore And who dare say that our Royal Soveraign his Majesty of Great Britain is not of the Seed of David Spiritually the Lord who is most great and most good has known his Soul in Adversity and did bring him to his Throne in great Peace and Prosperity The King trusteth in the Lord therefore through the Mercy of the most High he will not be moved but the right Hand of the Lord will find out all his Enemies he will find out all them that hate him he will make them like a fiery Oven in time of his Anger the Lord will destroy them in his Wrath and the Fire will devour them but the King our Royal Soveraign his Majesty of Great Britain will rejoyce in the Strength of the Lord yea how greatly will he rejoyce in his Salvation the Lord has given him his hearts desire and hath not denied him the request of his Lips but hath given him liberal Blessings and hath set a Crown of pure Gold upon his Head He asked Life of thee and thou Lord of Life hath given it him when he was pursued by unreasonable bloody and deceitful Men for which let all People in England Scotland France and Ireland and in many other Nations praise God and be very thankful The Lord who has wonderfully preserved his Majesties Royal Person for the great Joy Peace and Prosperity of many Nations and has set him and sent him as a Blessing among his People make him glad with the light of thy Countenance Remember him O Lord with the favour of thy People and visit him with thy Salvation that he may see the Felicity of thy Chosen and rejoyce in the Joy of thy People and glory with thine Inheritance in thine everlasting and most glorious Kingdom when this mortal Life will be at end The Lord preserve him both at home and abroad both by Land and Water that so he and his throughout the whole World may bear the greatest sway while time and all things under the Sun doth pass away Make known in time this noble Design for the great Joy Peace and Prosperity of Mankind by John Varney a Member of the Church of England and a Subject to his Majesty of Great Britain but such a Subject that the God of Heaven has honoured among the Sons of Men for to engage with him for to bring about such high and honourable Work pleasant profitable and delightsome Work victorious glorious and crowning Work for the great honour and renown of his Majesty of Great Britain and the Church of England which has not yet been done by all the Parliaments that have been since England has injoyed a King Shall the Church of England which is the Spouse of Christ bring forth Princes each one resembling the Children of a King and she sit in the Dust slighted and reproached by her Enemies both at home and abroad This ought not to be this must not be but the Sons of the most High must appear for her readily willingly and cheerfully As our Royal Soveraign his Majesty of Great Britain has been the greatest Prince in the World for suffering so I shall endeavour in these days of the Gospel by the power of Faith which is the power of God that he may be the greatest King and Emperor in the World and over the World for Wisdom Power and Strength for Honour Riches and great Glory so that those Nations which have paid Tribute to the Church of Rome to their great loss and shame will be glad to pay Tribute to the Church of England for the great Honour and Renown of the Protestant Religion and the great Exaltation of his Majesty of Great Britain because it will be
men under the Heavens are bound to know their Creator so as to fear him but there be many of the Sons and the Daughters of Men that will labour to know him so as to love serve and to honour him which will prove most comfortable to themselves and most profitable to others Let the man be what he will or whom he will in these days of the Gospel and in the Reign of our Royal Soveraign His Majesty of Great Britain in whom the Lord of Hosts doth arise his Enemies shall be scattered and they that hate him shall flee before him as Wax melteth before the sire so will all the workers of iniquity at the presence of the Lord but the Righteous shall be glad and rejoyce for a long time The Church of Rome the King of Spain and the proud French King has endeavoured to undermine and overthrow the Protestant Religion His Majesty of Great Britain and the Church of England but the time is come that they are to know that they are to be brought very low if that they will not Conform and Reform to the Protestant Religion to the Nine and thirty Doctrines of the Church of England There is no man worthy to be a Minister of the Gospel in England Scotland France and Ireland that doth or should oppose gain-say or preach against any of the Nine and thirty Doctrines of the Church of England The Enemies against the Church of England are many both at home and abroad but I shall endeavour by the power of Faith which is the power of God for to do what I can to over-throw them as one man and to set a-work they that have power in their hand that they may be subdu'd both by Sea and Land that so the people may know the true and the everliving God and Jesus Christ whom he hath sent then will the Earth bring forth great increase and among all people in all Nations there will be a free Trade great Joy and a lasting Peace The Lord who is most Great and most Good knows when how and by whom he pleases for to speak peace to a Person a Family a City and a Kingdom and when he speaks peace to his People to any of his Saints let them not turn again to Folly but let them renew their Obedience and double their Diligence The Lord will satiate the Soul of the Priests of his Ministers with Fatness and the people with his Goodness surely his Salvation is nigh them that fear him that Glory may dwell in our Land Mercy and Truth are met together Righteousness and Peace have kissed each other Truth shall spring out of the Earth Righteousness shall look down from Heaven yea the Lord will give that which is good so that our Land will yield her Increase Righteousness will go before him and set us in the way of his Steps The Lord who is most Great and most Good will be known by his Judgments and his Mercies for he is a God that judgeth the earth for the Lord is a God of knowledge and by him all mens Thoughts and Actions are weighed That our Royal Soveraign his Majesty of Great Britain may be willing to countenance encourage and set forward this Noble Design that Divine Wisdom and Power has enabled me to make known in time for the Glory of his Great Name and to have his Enemies brought to shame His Royal Majesty will find that many Princes and Nations will assist him and that which is more than all them the God of Heaven who has all Power in his own hand and the whole Creation at Command will in these days of the Gospel and in the Reign of our Royal Soveraign make bare his Arm and manifest his Wisdom Power and Strength to bring down the Turk the Pope the French King and the King of Spain that so many Nations may be freed from slavery and throughout the whole World there may be great joy peace and prosperity Sing unto the Lord thy God O Church of England for he hath done excellent things this is known in all the Earth for among the Gods there is none like unto him there is not one that can do as he has done Say to them therefore that are of a fearful Heart be strong fear not for the True and the Everlasting God will come with vengeance and rebukes upon his Enemies but with great recompence and rewards will he come and save and deliver his People that wait upon him and put their trust and confidence in him therefore cry out and Shout thou Inhabitant of Sion thou Church of England for great is the Holy one of Israel in the midst of thee for to bring thee to great honour renown and fame and thy Enemies to great shame Behold the Whirl-wind of the Lord goeth forth with fury a continuing Whirl-wind it will fall with pain upon the Head of the Wicked the fierce anger of the Lord will not return until he hath performed the intents of his Heart in these latter daies many will see it and consider of it thy God O Church of England is my God thy cause is my cause thy troubles have been my greatest trouble and thy Enemies are my worst Enemies I have laid to Heart more the troubles of the Church of England and of his Majesty of Great Britain than the Death of a Wife and seven Children I have laid them more to Heart than all the tryals troubles losses crosses and reproaches that I have met withal from my Youth to this present time I have laid them so to Heart that many will be made to smart that have endeavoured to undermine and to overthrow the Protestant Religion his Majesty of Great Britain and the Church of England I have laid them so to Heart that many will be made to smart that will not conform and reform to the Protestant Religion as it is establisht in the Church of England When the Lyon Roars all the Beasts of the Field tremble the Lord has not been much minded nor regarded by his Judgements of Plague Fire and Sword but he will be minded and regarded by a still Voice by inabling of me for to make known his mind for the terror of Evil doers the Voice of the Lord is powerful the Voice of the Lord is full of Majesty the Voice of the Lord breaketh the Cedars yea the Lord breaketh the Cedars of Lebanon The Lord thy God O Church of England who is most great and most good will be known to be the True and Everlasting God among the Sons of men for by terrible things in Righteousness will he answer them For a long time the Lord has holden his peace he has been still and refrained himself but now will he cry like a Travelling Woman he will destroy and devour at once and that without making of many words or having the Voice much heard The time is come that in these Gospel days and in the Reign of our Royal Soveraign his Majesty of
and as the flower of the field the grass withereth the flower fadeth but the Word of thy God O Church of England shall stand for ever Heaven and Earth will sooner fail than one Tittle of Gods Word Where the Word of a King is there is Power but how much more where the Word of the everliving God is when it is set on by his Spirit which is a Spirit of Power of Might and of Majesty It is a meek and a quiet Spririt an humble and a holy Spirit and it is the highest loftiest and most noblest Spirit it is such a Spirit that it will enable them that will be ruled by it for to attain retain maintain and proclaim that which is most noble excellent and advantageous for the great Honour Peace and Prosperity of a King and Kingdom Let all People in all Nations rejoyce in him that made them let the Children of Zion be joyful in their King The Lord shall Reign for ever even thy God O Church of England unto all Generations therefore praise him all ye Nations let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord Praise him for his mighty Acts who can express the Noble Acts of the Lord they are so many and great Not men or Angels His wondrous Works in the Land of Ham and fearful things by the Red Sea The Lord is good to all and his tender mercies are over all his works the Lord is great and greatly to be Admired and Adored he is clothed with Honour and Majesty who covereth himself with Light as with a Garment who stretcheth out the Heavens like a Curtain who layeth the Beams of his Chambers in the Waters who maketh the Clouds his Chariot who walketh upon the Wings of the Wind who maketh his Angels Spirits his Ministers a flaming Fire who laid the Foundations of the Earth that it should not be removed for ever the Lord of Hosts is his Name To be much in meditation of him will be sweet to the Soul and health to the Body I will be glad and rejoyce in the Lord as long as I live I will sing praise to him while I have my being for he hath redeemed my Life from Destruction and hath Crowned me with Loving-kindness and tender Mercies who satisfieth my Mouth with good things so that my Youth has been renewed as the Eagles Well may my Soul therefore bless the Lord and all that is within me bless his holy Name Bless the Lord O my Soul and forget not any of his Benefits who forgiveth all thine Iniquities and healeth all thy Diseases The Glory of the Lord shall endure for ever the Lord will rejoyce in his Works the Lords Throne is in the Heavens and his Kingdom ruleth over all Therefore bless the Lord ye his Angels that excel in Strength bless ye the Lord all ye his Hosts ye Ministers of his that do his pleasure bless the Lord all ye his Works in all places of his Dominion Is it not in vain for the Church of England for to pray O God make speed to save us O Lord make hast to help us and do not mind and regard when and by whom he will do it by whom can do it when he will so he will do it by whom he will and not when and by whom Wise Strong Rich and Learned-men please the meaner and weaker the Instrument is whom Almighty God doth use the greater is the Sin of them that do him slight under-value and refuse Long may the Church of England look for Peace and meet with Trouble look for Health and meet with Disappointment when she is not careful to mind the Day of her Visitation Shall the Stork in the Heaven know her appointed time and the Turtle and the Crane and the Swallow observe the time of their coming And shall not the Servants of the Lord understand his Mind so as to endeavour to prevent his Judgments Are they not counted wise-men that have the Law of the Lord with them But are not such wise-men many times dismayed ashamed and taken when they do reject the Word of the Lord and rely upon the Traditions and Inventions of Mens making and framing which are neither agreeable nor suitable to the Word of God which is the Word of Life and of Power What wisdom is in such men then that wisdom which will deceive them Who is so blind as they that should see most and deaf as they that should hear best Is there no Balm in Gilead is there no Physician there Doubtless there is Is not the Lord the Lord Jehovah in whom is Everlasting Strength in Zion Is not her King in her and for her and with her Why then is not the health of the Daughter of Gods people recovered Is there not any that stirs up himself to take hold of the true and everliving God as they ought and should do therefore hath the Lord who is full of Wisdom Power and Strength hid his Face from us And by reason of our many great and grievous Sins we have all been very much afflicted and consumed But where is the man that lays it so to heart as to stand up in the Gap to make up the Hedge so as to turn away Gods Wrath that for a long time has burned like Fire against England Scotland France and Ireland Who can stand before the Lord who is most great and most good when once he is angry doth not the Mountains quake at him and the Hills melt And is not the Earth burnt at his Presence yea the World and all that dwell therein when he pleaseth Therefore the Wicked and all the Workers of Iniquity the Seed of Evil-doers the Children of Disobedience the Enemies of the Gospel and the Protestant Religion will be ashamed confounded and at last destroyed if that they do not in time humble themselves under the hands of the Great and Mighty God who is Possessor and Commander of Heaven the Earth and the Sea and all things that in them be The Righteous shall rejoyce and be glad but the Sinners in Zion in the Church of England will be afraid Fearfulness hath surprized the Hypocrites already Who among the Sons of Men in the Church of England that can dwell with Devouring Fire Who among them can dwell with Everlasting Burnings He that walketh Righteously and worketh Righteousness that speaketh uprightly he that despiseth the Gain of Oppression that slacketh his hands from holding of Bribes that stoppeth his Ears from hearing of Blood and shutteth his Eyes from seeing of Evil he shall dwell on high his place of Defence shall be the Munitions of Rocks in time of Famine he will be fed Bread shall be given him his Waters shall be sure he shall see the King in his Beauty he will behold the Land that is very far off But what will become of them that serve graven Images and boast themselves of Idols they will be ashamed and confounded in these Days of the Gospel if that they do not