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mercy_n look_v lord_n soul_n 5,124 5 5.4191 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16364 An honest godlye instruction and information for the tradynge, and bringinge vp of children, set furth by the Bishoppe of London co[m]maundyng all scholemaisters and other teachers of youthe within his diocese, that they neither teach, learne reade, or vse anye other maner of A B C, catechisme or rudimentes, then this made for the first instruction of youth. Mense Ianuarij. 1556. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum. Bonner, Edmund, 1500?-1569. 1555 (1555) STC 3281; ESTC S116175 7,465 57

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hartes Answere We so haue vnto oure Lorde Uersicle Let vs geue thankes vnto God our Lorde Answere It is worthy righte so to do Uersicle The peace of our lord be euer with you Answere And with thy spirite Uersicle Go ye the Masse is done Uersicle Blesse we oure lorde Answere We geue thankes to God Grace before dinner Uersicle Blesse ye Answere Our lorde doth blesse Blessynge All that on the table are sette or shalbe the righte hande of God blesse In the name of the father and of the sonne and of the holy ghoste So be it Grace after dinner The versicle For suche a feast let vs blesse our lorde The answere We geue thankes to God The antheme Mother praye to thy sonne that after this exile he wyll geue ioye vnto vs without ende So be it Uersicle After the birth of thy Childe thou diddest remayne a virgin inuiolate Answere O mother of god pray for vs. Let vs pray THe sonne of god the father for the merites and prayers of hys godly mother blesse vs. Answere So be it The soules of all the faythfull being departed by the mercye of GOD reste in peace So be it Grace before supper Uersicle Do you blesse Answere Oure Lorde blesse LEt him sanctifie the supper who geueth al thinges vnto vs. In the name of the father ✚ and of the sonne ✚ and of the holy ghost ✚ So be it ¶ Grace after supper Uersicle Blessed be God in al his giftes Answere And holye in all hys workes Uersicle Oure helpe is in the name of our Lorde Answere Whiche made heauen and earth Uersicle The name of our lord be blessed Answere From this time nowe and for euer Let vs pray VOuchesafe O Lorde God for thy holy names sake to geue to al doing good euerlastuige lyfe Answere So be it Uersicle Let vs blesse oure Lorde Answere Thankes vnto God Antheme MOther pray thy sōne that after thys exyle he wyl geue ioye vnto vs withoute ende So be it Let vs praye THe sonne of god the father for the merites and prayers of his godlye mother blesse vs. Answere So be it The soules of all the faythfull beyng departed by the mercy of god reste in peace So be it The maner of praying for the deade FRom the depes haue I called vnto thee O Lorde Lord heare thou my prayer Let thine eares be attente vnto the voyce of my prayer If thou O LORD wilt narrowlye looke vpon synnes O Lord who maye susteine it But with the there is mercy and for thy law haue I abiden thee O Lord. My soule hath abidden in his word my soule hath trusted in our lord From the mornynge watch vntill nyght let Israell truste in oure Lorde For wyth oure Lorde there is mercy and plentiful redēption is wyth him And he shal redeme Israel from al his iniquiti ies Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. Christ haue mercy vpon vs. Lord haue mercy vpon vs. Oure father c. Let vs not be led c. But deliuer vs. c. Uersicle Graunte to them O lorde eternall rest Answere And let euerlastynge lyght shine vpon them Uersicle From the gate of hel Answere Lord deliuer their soules versicle I beleue to se the good thinges of our Lorde Answere In the lande of the lyuing Uersicle Lorde heare my praier Answere And let my crye come vnto thee Let vs pray INcline O Lord thyne eare vnto our prayers in whiche we beyng humble suters do desire thy mercye that thou wilt set or place the soules of thy men and women seruauntes whō thou haste commaunded to depart frō this world in the region of peace and lyghte and that thou wilt commaunde them to bee compapanions of thy sainctes throghe our Lorde Iesus Christ thy sōne who lyueth and reigneth God wyth thee in vnitie of the holye ghost by al worldes of worldes So be it The soules of al faithfull departed throughe the mercye of GOD rest in peace So be it The ten commaundementes of almightie God Exod. xx THou shalte not haue straunge gods before me ii Thou shalte not make to the anye grauen thynge nor anye likenes of anye thynge that is in heauē aboue or in earthe beneth nor of them that be in waters vnder y e earth Thou shalte not adore them nor honour them with godlye honoure iii. Thou shalte not take the name of thy Lorde god in vaine iiii Remember that thou kepe holy the Saboth daye v. Honour thy father and mother vi Thou shalte not kyll vii Thou shalte not commit adultery viii Thou shalte not steale ix Thou shalte not beare false witnes againstē thy neyghbour x. Thou shalt not couet thy neyghboures house nor desyre thy neyghbours wyfe nor his seruaunte nor hys maidē nor his ore nor his asse nor any thinge that is his ¶ The two commaundementes of the ghospel i. Thou shalte loue thy Lorde God with all thy harte and in all thy soule and in al thy minde ii Thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe The seuen principall or highest vertues i. Faith Which also be called diuine ii Hope Which also be called diuine iii. Charitie Which also be called diuine iiii Iustice. v. Prudence which are called also cardinall vi Tēperaūce which are called also cardinall vii Fortitude or strengthe which are called also cardinall The seuen workes of mercye bod●e i. To geue to eate vnto the hungry ii To geue drinke vnto the thyrstie iii. To receiue into lodgynge or harboure the gestes or straungers that be nedie iiii To cloth the naked v. To visite the sicke vi To visite and redeme the captiues vii To bury the dead The seuen workes of mercy spirituall or ghostlie i. To correct synners ii To teach the ignorant iii. To geue good coūsell to them that be doubtinge iiii To praye for the healthe of thy neyghboure v. To comforte the sorowfull vi To suffer pacientlie iniuries vii To forgiue offenders The seuen giftes of the holy ghoste i. Fortitude or strēgth ii Counsell iii. Science iiii Feare of God v. Understandynge vi Pietie vii Wisedome The beatitudes i. Blessed be the poore in spirite for theirs is the kyngdome of heuē ii Blessed are the meke for they shall possesse the earth iii. Blessed are they that do mourne for they shall receiue comforte iiii Blessed are they who do hunger and thirste for iustice for they shalbe filled v. Blessed are the mercifull for they shall obteyne mercy vi Blessed are the pure in harte for they shall see God vii Blessed are the peace makers for they shall be called the sonnes of god viii Blessed are they who do suffer persecution for iustice sake for theirs is the kyngdom of heauen The vii Sacramētes of the catholike churche i. Baptisme ii Confirmation iii. Pennaunce iiii Euchariste or the Sacrament of the Aultare v. Order vi Matrimonie vii Extreme vnction or last aneylinge The seuen deadly sinnes i. Pride ii Ceuetousnes iii. Lechery iiii Enuie v. Glotonie vi Ire or wrathe vii Slouth ¶ The