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A15484 Mount Tabor. Or Private exercises of a penitent sinner Serving for a daily practice of the life of faith, reduced to speciall heads comprehending the chiefe comforts and refreshings of true Christians: also certain occasionall observations and meditations profitably applyed. Written in the time of a voluntary retrait from secular affaires. By R.W. Esquire. Published in the yeare of his age 75. Anno Dom. 1639. The contents of the booke are prefixed. Willis, R., b. 1563 or 4. 1639 (1639) STC 25752; ESTC S120175 71,738 238

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Christum transit in Christum By the first CHRIST becometh ours by the second we resigne our selves unto CHRIST and become his And these are the two hands of faith By the one we receive mercy from God by the other wee render son-like obedience unto him and if we believe as we ought to do that God is become our Father and do so apprehend him in Christ then ought we again to shew by our chang of life and new obedience that wee have rendred our selves to be his For of all those that came to CHRIST in the Gospell none went away as they came and they that are truly in him get vertue from him which workes in them the similitude of his owne life so as this meditation O my soule doth properly spread it selfe into two branches First the glorious priviledges and comforts wee receive by our adoption and then our most bounden duties to our most gracious God for the same There is a naturall adoption which is defined to be a lawfull act imitating nature found out for the comfort of them who have no children of their owne but this spirituall adoption of us differs farre from it For it is a lawfull act transcending nature found out by the Lord our God for the comfort of children that want a father Wee being by nature miserable Orphans having no father to provide for us It pleased the Lord our God to become our father in Christ and to make us his sonnes and daughters by adoption not for any benefit he receives of us for nothing can arise by the meanes of any creature to that most high and alsufficient Majestie but that hee might have some upon whom to bestow his benefits for the declaration of the glory of his rich mercy Yet both adoptions agree in this that they flow from the pleasure and goodnesse of the adoptant and that there are given to him that is adopted the priviledges of a son which by nature he hath not but where the naturall adoptant cannot change the nature of the partie adopted It is otherwise with us For if God by the grace of adoption make us his sonnes he will also by the grace of regeneration make us new creatures and therefore whosoever continues in sinne cannot challeng any interest in this divine priviledge only the sanctified are entitled to it Here also let us to our unspeakable comfort observe that the sonnes of God know most certainly that God is become their heavenly Father For in this that they are taught of God by his owne spirit to acknowledge him and call upon him with boldnesse as upon their father they cannot be deceived of their generation but with more freedome of spirit yea and surer knowledge they call God their Father then any son of the world is able to call upon his earthly Father Here also we are taught that we cannot pray unto God but by the spirit of adoption who is the parent that begets prayer as the mother who conceives it is the humble and contrite heart For no proud uncleane or hard heart can pray unto God And certainly unlesse the holy spirit testifie unto us that God is our father and hath made us his children wee dare not goe neere him to crave good things from him and therefore herein appeareth the Fatherly indulgence of our God towards us We are here in the valley of death in heavines through continuall afflictions and temptations The time is not yet come wherin the Lord will communicate unto us his glorious presence to fil us with that fulnes of joy which is in that blessed vision The time is not yet come wherein we must ascend to our father yet to keep us in the meane time that wee faint not the Lord hath sent down his holy spirit into our hearts to comfort us O fatherly care O wonderfull love That spirit the comforter descended once according to CHRISTS promise upon the Apostles in a visible manner and doth daily descend in a secret and invisible manner into the hearts of the godly lest the children of the marriage chamber should be swallowed up with heavines through the want of their Bridegroome And this glorious Ambassador teacheth us to cry unto God as upon our Father which if we doe with this spirit of adoption it is effectuall enough to draw downe upon us all those bless●ngs which the Lord communicates to his children His name shall bee sanctified in us his kingdom shall be advanced in us we shall not want our daily bread he will forgive us all our sins and preserve us that we fall not into temptation and deliver us from evil For all comforts rest under this name of father if we can so call him in faith the riches of his mercies are ours O blessed Lord God what manner of man should I bee in holinesse righteousnesse and heavenly-mindednesse answerable to this high and holy calling and how unworthy a wretch have I shewed my selfe of so great mercy when instead of worshipping fearing loving and obeying this most gracious Lord and heavenly father in all things I have yeelded to the fil●hy allurements of his and mine owne most malitious and accursed enemy in many vile pollutions of my prophane youth and the many rash indiscretions sinfull neglect of good duties unfruitfulnesse and unthankfulnesse of my after time Here here my soule is a fit opportunity for me to breake out into holy mourning and lamenting for the manifold sinnes and offences of my mispent life past which now appeare the more abominable and heynous in mine eyes when I look back and consider in what strict and precise humiliation with what universall holy obedience dutifulnes and carefull watching over my thoughts words actions I should have walked before this blessed God almighty mine heavenly father whom I have so ungraciously offended O most blessed spirit of adoption God the Holy Ghost most glorious sealer up of my precious salvation looke downe in thine infinite mercies upon my poore humbled and afflicted soule and have compassion upon me Descend ô Lord my God by thy heavenly grace into my heart and purifie and sanctifie it into a holy Temple for thine owne blessed residence for ever to mollifie and melt it into the sighs and teares of true contrition and repentance for the sinnes and iniquities of my life past and then withall to raise it up by faith to see my selfe fully acquitted and discharged from them all in the precious blood-shedding of my deare Lord and Saviour IESUS CHRIST the promised Messiah God in the flesh manifested and so to enable me with the hands of humble and true faith to lay fast hold upon him and his merits for me and upon this blessed priviledge of being in and by him the adopted son of my heavenly father unto the assurance of my finall and everlasting comfort and peace Quickning and strengthning me unto all holy duties all the remaining daies of my earthly pilgrimage whereby to glorifie my heavenly father as I
as it is appointed unto men once to die but after this the Judgement Verse 28. So CHRIST was once offered to beare the sins of many and unto them that look for him shall he appeare the second time without sinne unto salvation Who his own self bare our sins in his owne body on the tree 1 Peter 2.24 by whose stripes ye were healed He is the propitiation for our sins 1 Iohn 1● ● The Sonn of man came to give his life a Ransome for many Mat. 20.28 Mark ●● ●3 There is one God 1 ●●m ● ● and one Mediator betweene God and man the man CHRIST IESUS Who gave himselfe a ransome for all to be testified in due time Verse ● My first MEDITATION of Mount TABOR NOw my soule that by Gods mercy and goodnesse we are withdrawen from the world into this solitary Mountaine where our blessed Saviour the Lord IESUS was transfigured in divine glory before his suffering in his humanitie that his Disciples thereby discerning both his natures in one person might be assured that he was that true promised Messiah God manifested in the flesh for the redemption of mankinde Let our meditations be employed in the consideration of those glorious benefits which the faithfull soule receiveth from this blessed Saviour of the world wherein our first remembrance propounded unto us is How excellent a thing it is to have all our debts cancelled that is to say to have all our sinnes discharged and so the Gospell comparing Matthew 6.12.14 with Luke 11.4 expounds the same for every sinne is a grievous debt indeed and a debt upon record in Gods owne debt-booke which he hath committed to the keeping of our own consciences as a trustie register betweene him and us aswell that we should not be able to deny o● wage our law for the least parcell there entred as that our selves may see h w we grow every day more and more into debt and being thereby privie to our owne miserable and wret●hed esta●e o not being able to make satisfacti● may seriously and seasonably l●●o●● to g●t our debts cancelled befo e we be called to reckoning ●n the XVIII Chapter of S. Matthew we read of a King that would take accompt of his servants Vers XXIV and when he had begun to reckon one was brought unto him that owed him a thousand Talents and having not to pay his Lord commanded him to be sold and his wife and children and all that hee had and paiment to be made Such a miserable debtor O Lord my God and Saviour am I my debts being not of pence but of talents and that not single but thousand-fold and all of them of such nature as the world if I had it in my power to dispose of cannot satisfie divine justice for the least of them and yet there can be no discharg of the debt no remission of my sinnes without satisfaction For mercy and justice are in our God both essentiall neither can the one exceed the other where they are both infinite Oh then where shall I wretched creature finde in heaven or earth a paiment of infinite value to answer and satisfie this infinite justice for my manifold and grievous offences What surety will come in to be my baile in this desperate and forlorne condition this satisfaction can no way be made but by thine own blessed selfe O most gracious Lord IESUS one only Saviour who being God and Man in one person hast vouchsafed out of thine infinite mercy and goodnesse together with our fraile nature to take also our debts all our sinnes upon thy selfe and so as my most glorious surety and Redeemer to free me from that insupportable burthen which otherwise had pressed me downe to the nethermost hell It being not possible that the blacke lines of my debts of sinne could bee crossed or blotted out of Gods debt-booke by any other meanes then by the red lines of thy most precious blood For thou only O Lord art the alsufficient and propitiatory sacrifice whereby divine justice is fully satisfied for all the sins of every true penitent that believes in thee Therefore in all true humiliation of soule hungring and thirsting after thy salvation O blessed IESUS my Lord and my God thus crucified for me doe I prostrate my self at thy glorious foot-stoole beseeching thee by thy grace to strike my heard and stonie heart that in all contrition of soule I may spend my selfe into the tears of unfained repentance for the manifold sins and wickednes ignorance prophannesse unthankfulnes and unfruitfulnes of my life past and then withall by the same thy gracious spirit to lift up my penitent and afflicted soule by the hands of an humble and lively faith to lay fast hold upon thee my blessed Saviour and most glorious Redeemer that so this alsufficient satisfaction of thine applyed to my soule and conscience and by faith become mine may make me assured that all my huge and burthensome debts are cancelled and my sins remitted that they may never affright my conscience any more For I know O Lord and assuredly believe that how great or grievous soever my sinnes have beene yet there can be no sins unpardonable to an infinite mercy nor any sins so hainous or multiplyed but the infinite merit of thy precious death and passion can and doth fully expiate and discharge the same for ever to every true penitent and believing soule Oh then most blessed Saviour quicken I beseech thee and strengthen my weak and feeble faith by thy gracious spirit to make such a powerfull and effectuall application of this thy most gracious satisfaction for me to my wounded and fearefull conscience as may quiet the same for ever In assurance that all my debts are paid and crossed out of GODS Debt-booke by thee my most blessed surety never to bee demanded of mee againe Give mee grace O Lord IESUS not to stand onely poring and gazing upon my sinnes the objects of confusion but to lift up the the eyes of my soule unto thee my gracious Saviour the proper object of consolation and to be so wholly and truly enflamed with thy love as that I may for ever with al awful reverence and devout adoration blesse praise and magnifie thy most holy name for this eternall love and incomprehensible mercy of thine towards me in freeing and acquitting me from all my sinnes And now O my soule let us rouze up our dull and heavie spirits and rejoyce together with joy unspeakable and glorious let us sing and be merrie in the Lord for he is the Lord our God even the God of our salvation And we shall tenne times more honour him in obeying his commandement by believing in him whom hee hath sent into the world for our redemption and shall much better please him in trusting to his mercy and sealing to his truth in the blessed performance of his covenant of grace in the promised Messiah then in doubting of his mercie by reason of
for us to God our heavenly father and alone c●n helpe us in all our distresses This being a true principle in the heavenly art of comforting of afflicted consciences that so soone as a man is heartily humbled for all his sinnes and wearie of their waight though his sorrow bee not answerable to his owne desire yet hee shall most certainly bee wellcome to IESUS CHRIST for it is not so much the muchnesse and measure of our sorrow as the truth and heartinesse of it that fits us for the promise and comfort of mercie though withall it is true that hee that thinkes hee hath sorrowed enough for his sinnes never sorrowed savingly O most blessed and most gracious Lord God I beseech thee sanctifie my heart by thy holy spirit unto sound and syncere humiliation of soul that in the sight of my sinnes I may still grow viler in my owne eyes and bee more and more humbled in true repentance for them but yet withal by the hand of lively and saving faith upon the Lord Iesus dying and bleeding upon the crosse for my sake and for mine assured reconciliation with thy Majestie by whom alone thou art appeased towards me and made my most gracious and mercifull father for ever that so by thy grace I may ever keep in my bosome an humble soft and lowly spirit which may ever enable mee to live by faith more cheerfully to enjoy thee my most glorious Lord God more neerly to apply my Iesus to my soules comfort more feelingly and to wait for and long for his blessed comming more earnestly that so being graciously prepared and sanctified by thy holy spirit the soule of my soule governing comforting and supporting me I may with all alacrity and thankfulnes faith repentance and obedience to thy most holy will walke before thee in all holy fear all the dayes of mine appointed time till my change shall come In full assurance that no sooner shall this dark world and the shadow of it bee out of my bodily sight but the glorious light of the heavenly mansions of my Saviours Palace provided for mee and all the rest of his shall shine upon my soule in full brightnesse to mine everlasting joy comfort and finall peace through IESUS CHRIST my blessed Saviour and only peace-maker Amen The Third MEDITATION OF MOUNT TABOR How glorious a thing to be the child of God Places of Scripture shewing how this benefit belongs to us Ioh. 1.11 HE came unto his owne and his owne received him not Vers 12 but as many as received him to them gave he power or the right or priviledge to become the sonnes of God even to them that believe in his name Ioh. 12 3● While you have light believe in the light that ye may be the children of the light For as many as are led by the spirit of God they are the sonnes of God R●m 8. ●● 15 For ye have not received the spirit of bondage againe to feare but ye have received the spirit of adoption whereby we cry Abba Father Vers 16. The spirit it selfe beareth witnesses with our spirits that we are the children of God For ye are all the children of God by faith in CHRIST IESUS Ga● ● ● When the fulnesse of time was come Ga● ● ● God sent forth his sonne made of woman made under the Law 5. to redeeme them that were under the Law that we might receive the adoption of sonnes 6. And because ye are sonnes God hath sent forth the spirit of his son into your hearts 7 therefore thou art no more a servant but a son Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us Iohn 3. ● that we should be called the sonnes of God 2 Beloved now are we the sons of God and it doth not yet appeare what we shall be The third Meditation Now my soul are we by Gods mercy come to the third step of these our Meditations which offereth to our consideration how glorious a thing it is to be the child of God In our first step when we lay first bound in the chains of our sins under the insupportable waight of numberlesse talents of debts oppressing us our most gracious Saviour the Lord Iesus blessed for ever became our surety took our nature upon him God manifested in the flesh paid all our debts satisfied divine justice for all our sinnes and so set us at liberty and made us freemen In our second step he brought us into a further degree of favour to make our God whom we had so grievously offended and provoked to become friends with us and appeased towards us And now in the third place wee are brought to bee more than friends children of the almighty and most glorious God himselfe whereby we are entitled to demand and challenge at his fatherly hands not only safe protection from al dangers and evils and carefull provision both for soul and body in this life but also an eternal inheritance of heavenly glory in the life to come And how comes it to passe ô my soul that so wretched and worthies a creature as my unworthy self should be advanced to those glorious priviledges and high dignity of being made and accepted a child of the most high our God hath but one only son by nature even G d the son very God of very God the second person of the most holy glorious and ever blessed Trinity in and by whom alone as in our former meditations I was redeemed from my sinnes and reconciled unto God so it is in and by him only that I and all the rest of his redeemed ones doe receive the adoption of sonnes even so O most blessed Lord God and heavenly father because it so pleaseth thee through IESUS CHRIST our Lord whom our humble and true faith apprehending we receive from him into our hearts the blessed spirit of adoption whereby we cry Abba Father the same spirit bearing witnesse with our spirits that we are the children of God by faith in CHRIST IESUS as in the severall places of holy Scripture before named appeareth O then my soule let us now also by this third step and meditation take this just and fit opportunity for renewing of our daily repentance and of our humble faith in this most gracious Saviour of ours for our laying fast hold upon him who by these blessed degrees hath brought us to this high priviledge of being the children of God And true faith I find to be thus defined Faith is a filiall confidence in God conceived of the knowledge of CHRIST and the love of the father in him whereby man runneth unto God and cryeth unto him Abba Father In which lively faith there is a twofold operation First an apprehending vertue by which the believer receives and applieth to himselfe IESUS CHRIST as he is offered in the word and sacraments Secondly a rendring vertue so to call it whereby the believer goes out of himselfe into the Lord. Qui credit in
remaining daies of our life seeing we are called to be heires of an heavenly inheritance shall we any longer minde and affect earthly things nay rather with the holy Apostle Philip. 3.8 9. Let us accompt all things to bee but dung in respect of the excellent knowledge and fellowship of the Lord IESUS Seeing CHRIST must be our comfort in death when all other comforts will forsake us let us make him out joy and pleasure and our portion in this life and so shall he be both in life and death an advantage unto us O most gracious Lord God and our mercifull heavenly father give us grace we most humbly beseech thee seriously to consider of this high calling of ours being by adoption made thy children members of CHRIST and heires annexed with him of glory of rebels and slaves of Sathan made the happie servants of our blessed Redeemer nay more then so his friends Iohn 14.15 Henceforth call I you no more servants but friends yea more then friends for he hath made us his brethren Heb. 2.11 He that sanctifieth and they which are sanctified are all one wherefore hee is not ashamed to call them brethren O transcendent and wonderfull comfort God the Father cries from heaven This is my beloved sonne in whom I am well pleased heare him The Sonne againe speaking unto us here on earth saith Iohn 20.17 I ascend unto my Father and to your Father and to my God and your God He that is my God and my Father is also your Father and your God Therefore goe ye unto him and with confidence cal upon him as your Father and your God and hee will heare you and helpe you O most glorious and most merciful heavenly Father confirm us more and more in the assurance of thy eternall love free grace and unchangeable mercies towards us in Christ Iesu that in lively sense and inward assurance thereof wee may with comfort and cheerfulnes waite for love and long for his appearing 2 Tim. 4.8 for our deliverance from this bondage of corruption and receiving of us to himselfe in glory To whom with thee O Father of mercies and God the Holy Ghost most holy glorious and ever blessed Trinitie in the unity of one only true and everliving God of incomprehensible glorious essence and most adored and coeternall Majestie be all glory praise dominion and thankesgiving ascribed for ever and ever Amen Amen Amen FOR A Seventh MEDITATION OF MOUNT TABOR NOw my soule having by our most gratious GODS fatherly indulgence and mercie had time and beene enabled though with much humane weaknesse to consider distinctly and severally of those sixe maine points of meditation propounded unto us for Mount Tabor the same indeed comprehending all manner of spirituall comforts and refreshings for the Christian soule wee are by course and order come to a seventh stepp which very name puts mee in minde of the seventh day of our weeke the fittest of all the rest for heavenly contemplations Almightie GOD after his six daies worke of wonder in the creation of the visible World consecrating the seventh day for a holy rest to himselfe and for his owne immediate worship and service which was the Iewes Sabbath and the glorious resurrection of God the Sonne manifested in the flesh for the most gracious worke of our redemption being also celebrated in the Church ever the seventh day of the week which is the Christians Sabbath and both of them types of that everlasting Sabbath which the triumphant Church shall celebrate for ever in the kingdome of Heaven The consideration of which particulars might bee a theme large enough and fit enough for a seventh Meditation of Mount Tabor But being sensible of my owne weaknesse I am resolved here to set up my rest and instead and place of this seventh and concluding Meditation of mine to set downe two exercises of this kind heretofore composed by me the one fitting the Christians Sabbath to the worlds end the other a contemplation of the new Ierusalem and heavenly Sabbath world without end recommending the foure other heads of meditation set downe by Master Down●m and the twelve priviledges of the faithfull set downe by Master Byfeild as fit arguments for divine contemplations to such as are better able to travell therein no day of the weeke no nor of our whole life being to bee exempted from that most necessary duty of daily renewing our faith and repentance whereof see Downam at large in his Guide to Godlinesse lib. 3. cap. 2. A MEDITATION On the Incarnation and Passion of our most glorious Saviour the Lord Iesus and our blessed union with him alluding to the song of Simeon called Nunc Dimittis SImeon was one of those which waited for the Messiahs comming Israels consolation Whom that himselfe should see before he died was shewed to him from God by revelation And when the Virgin mother brought her Son up to the Temple to present him there Simeon by motion of the Holy Ghost came in and praising God with joyfull cheere The blessed babe with arms he gently claspt about This Swan-like song divinely warbling out O Lord since thou hast let me live to see the Christ thy promised salvation Whom thou hast now prepar'd reveald to be before the face of every nation A saving light unto the Gentiles who in darknesse and in shade of death did dwell The glory and the way of peace unto thine owne beloved people Israel Now lettest thou thy servant blessed Lord Depart in peace according to thy word If Simeon at the sight of Christ a child new come into the world for our salvation That glorious work not then accomplished was yet so wrapt with joy and exultation As disesteeming all the world beside he had no mind of living longer here How then O Lord should I affected be who live in this thy Gospels light so cleare My Saviours acts and sufferings all to see And know the benefit therof belongs to me O thou divine peace-maker how shall I admi●e and praise thy mercy infinite That being God our nature wouldst assume and to thy sacred person it unite That so thou being God and man in one 〈◊〉 perfect Mediator might become To God for man who els had perished and without thee beene utterly undone Good Lord how should my soule affected be At this thy wonderfull humility That thou th' almighty maker of the world for by thy word all things at first began Should'st yeeld thy self a creature to become and to be made twise made for sinfull man Made of the blessed Virgin so to take with our fraile nature our infirmities And made under the law to undergo the burthen of our sinnes and miseries How then good Lord should I affected be To this great work of mercy towards me That thou to whom all powers in heaven did bow and thought it their honour to be serviceable Should for us wretched men descend so low as to be born heire in a homely stable Laid in a cratch pursued
by tyrants rage tempted by Sathan made of men a scorne Sold by thy servant arraigned and condemned grievously scourged then crowned with thorne Naild to the crosse twixt two thieves crucified Pierc'd through the heart opprest in soul beside Most blessed Iesu why shouldst thou endure thy precious body peerlesly innocent Yea sacred and holy by the cruell hands of sinfull wretches to be torne and rent Was there no way to expiate my sins but all these torments must be laid on thee O wretched caytive I that did offend most gracious Saviour thou thus pitying me O let my heart weep teares of blood within For these thy sufferings and my grievous sin And thou deare Lord whose love unutterable hath made thee undergo all this for me Inflame my heart with holy fire that I with awfull love againe may worship thee With true repent●nt teares and contrite heart prostrate thy precious bleeding wounds before My Lord my God thus crucified for me with humble faith and reverence to adore Hating my selfe for all my grievous sins Which caused those thy grievous sufferings O let mine eyes powre forth whole streames of tears my heart dissolv'd to sighs of true contrition So to bewaile my sins and wickednes and that most miserable and forlorn condition Which guilt of sin sight of the wrath of God desert of hell and utter condemnation Might threaten me but that my hope is fixt on thee my Iesus God of my salvation Thou only blessed Lord canst succour me O save my soule which only trusts in thee For when the people were in Moses time by fiery serpents wounded mortally The brasen serpent was lift up by him that such as looke up to it might not die If such great vertue in that figure were the type of this thy crosse and reall elevation How much more vertue shall thy precious blood afford my sin-sick soule for my curation Then let my humble faith cleave fast to thee Sweet Saviour let us never parted be For when I look up to this crosse of thine five glorious victories my meditation Observes thereon to be atchiev d by thee for making sure the worke of my salvation The law of grace against the law of workes prevailing so to work my liberty Against my sin thy selfe deere Lord made sin that it might righteousnesse become to me Thy death O Saviour mine abolishing My soule unto eternall life to bring And thou the Prince of darknesse conquering that I might still the child of God remaine And lastly overcomming hell it selfe that I might heavens blessednesse obtaine Thus by thy precious death and passion my soules maine enemies are vanquisht quite And I set free now under th' law no more but under grace by thy rich grace and might O let thy spirit of grace still governe me That I may die to sin and live to thee That whiles I live I may divide my time betweene true godly sorrow for my sinnes And faithfull praising of thy holy name from whence alone my hope of comfort springs And so by lively faith being knit to thee thou by thy spirit dwelling in my heart Soule of my soule mayst day by day to me thy spirituall life and quickning grace impart And I by mysticall injunction be Truly though spiritually made one with thee Of which sweet union thou hast made me sure by those maine seales of thine eternall love Thy word of truth thy Sacraments of grace thy spirit of peace inspired from above And so by matchlesse mercy on thy part most blessed Lord and humble faith on mine Thou hast betroth'd thy glorious selfe unto my poore believing soule and made it thine One of thine owne to be disjoyned ne●e● But live in thee to thee with thee for ever Why then should any mortall thing detaine me longer in this vaile of teares and sin Whose whole desire with blessed Simeon is to contemne the world and all therein To lay aside this robe of earth I weare that my redeemed soule may come to thee Whose blessed will is so declar'd that where Thou art thine owne shall also be Call then sweet Iesu as it shall thee please Into thy hands receive my soule in peace When my appointed time of change shall be For which my soule shall daily wait on thee A Contemplative Meditation of the new Ierusalem and the triumphant Church celebrating an everlasting Sabbath in the kingdome of Heaven entitled by mee Halelujah to Heavens King LE●ve O my soule this restlesse vaile below Which sin and sorrow by turnes still overflow Raise up thy thoughts to that supernall rest Which maketh all the Saints and Angels blest Who altogether do for ever sing Halelujah's to Heavens King There is erect the Godheads glorious throne More bright than many thousand suns in one Where thy deare Saviours body glorified That body which for thee was crucified Now raigneth with the Dietie In soveraigne blisse and Majestie That sacred head which here was crownd with thorns A crown of heavenly glory now adornes That hand which here did hold the scornful reed Now weilds the Scepter of al power and dread Those feet once naild unto the tree Trample on death and hel in victorie ●he holy citie new Ierusalem Is there prepar'd for just and perfect men With great high wals of Iasper built foure square Whereof the length breadth depth all equall are Of twelve foundations precious stone The twelve Apostles names thereon In twelve gates of pearles a peece on each side three At which twelve Angels the attendants be The st eets pure gold all shining like the Sun Through which the crystal stream of life doth run From out the throne of glory flowing The Tree of life on both sides growing Within those gates of glorious habitation None enter may but heires of salvation The Lambs redeemed his espoused wife Whose names are written in his booke of life The Church triumphant there set free Forever from mortality There live those blessed troopes of purest spirits In such excesse of joyes and true delights As neither eare can heare nor eye perceive Nor can the heart of mortall man conceive Prepared by the Lord of blisse Before all worlds for all of his Who living here the blessed life of grace Are hence translated to that glorious place Where thy deare Saviour keepes a roome for thee Then looke and long for immortalitie Waite his good houre and in waiting sin Halelujahs to heavens King A Meditation of Mans mortality MAn unto whom each houre in changes preacheth That all this Globe earths glory shall decay Believs that doome to mightier creatures reacheth Yet dreames it cannot hold in brittle clay So dull and heavie is his heart in ease To think of ought that may the flesh displease Then neerer come to his dull senses cry All flesh is grasse worm-eaten flowers mans pride It 's true saith he but tell him that himselfe shall die He rather thinks it true in all beside So reason traind to be self-pleasures thrall He thinks that
though by the childes reading as if the Lord by her had spoken them to my selfe a paralytick and a sinner as that sicke-man was who for ought appeares in the Text expected only the cure of his bodily infirmity when behold the gracious redeemer of the World who is wont to give more unto us then we desire or deserve begins first with the cure of the soule by remitting his sins and then cures the body afterwards O most blessed Saviour those words of grace which thou didst vouchsafe to that sicke man not des●ring it speake thou of thy rich mercy by thy holy Spirit to my sinne-sicke soule which most humbly beggs it at thy most mercifull hands My soule is grievously sicke in the sight of my sins sence of the wrath of my displeased God and desert of hell and utter condemnation But Lord speake these words only unto me and my soule shall live for Lord if thou wilt thou canst make me whole O Lord heale my soule for I have sinned against thee As for my bodily infirmitie which thou as the chastisement of a loving and merciful father hast laid upon me to weane me from the world and for my better preparation against the time of my dissolution by it I do with all humble thankfulnesse and dutifull obedience submit my selfe thereunto therein But my humble and earnest suite is for mercy mercie good Lord for the cure of my Soule by the pardoning of my sinnes O Blessed Saviour speake those gracious words to mee one Paralyticke more Sonne bee of good comfort thy sinnes are forgiven thee that being absolved from them all by thee in this life who hast already fully satisfied divine justice for them all J may when that houre of my departure commeth with comfort and cherefulnes deliver up my redeemed soule into thy blessed armes of mercy in peace Amen Amen 29. Vpon the w●rds of a childe intimating the necessitie of my timely preparation for death and heaven IF notice were taken of the speeches which sometimes f●ll from children I am perswaded great use might bee made thereof by those of ripe yeares for their instruction and good which I lately observed in a short discourse had with my little grand-daughter not yet seven yeares old my selfe being entred into the seventieth yeare of my age and my left side taken with a disease called the dead palsie shee seeing mee to have my left hand rubbed after meals and my left legg rubbed at my going to bed and at my uprising said to me Grandfather this you doe to make that side well nay child said I but to preserve it so long 〈◊〉 shall please God but I looke not to be well till I be in heaven whereunto she replyed in these very words yea grandfather you long to bee there and your leg would faine go to sleepe in the grave In which words how directly doth the childe teach me many things 1. What I should doe long to bee in heaven 2. That there is no passage thither for the soule but by the death of the body 3. That when the body is ready for the grave it is high time for the soule to be longing for heaven 4. That the grave is bu● the bodies bed to sleepe in for a time 5. Intimating therewith th●● there shall be a time of waking By which five particulars how evident is it Psal 8.2 out of the mouths of very babes and children hath God ordained strength to witnesse his grace and praises to the confounding of the enemy who would suppresse them O most blessed Lord God let my soule first praise thy holy name for giving me those seasonable admonitions from one that comes in a second descent of mine owne loines beseeching thee to blesse those seeds of grace sowen in her heart in these her tender yeares to make and preserve her thy childe of grace all her life long that finally she may be heire of thy glory And then for my selfe O good Lord look graciously upon me thy most unworthy servant who have longed for thy salvation for thou Lord art the thing J long for Psal 71.4 5 8 thou art my hope even from my youth through thee have I been holden up ever since I was borne thou art he that tookest me out of my mothers womb my praises shall be ever of thee O cast me not away in the time of age forsake me not when my st●●●●th faileth 10. Go not far from me O God my God ha●● thee to h●lp me that as this earthly tabernacle d caie daily through old age and infirmities so thy grace may shew it selfe powerfull in my weaknesse to enable me to hunger and thirst after thy righteousnesse in a true desire after sanctification and new obedience for the remainder of my few daies with heartie sorrow and unfained repentance for my sins past and faithfull relying upon thy mercies in Christ for the pardon of them that when I shall leave this house of earth thy blessed Angel● may ●onvey my soul into the glorious mansion of peace which I long for and my Saviou● hath prepared for me in thy heavenly kingdome Amen 30. Vpon a fight between two Cocks AT Stanwick my son had going with his Hens a young Cock of a stout and large breed with very large Iollops hanging downe on either side of his beake and a friend of his giving him afterwards a Cock and a Hen of the game as they call them the Cocks-combe and jollops being finely cut off close to the head for advantage in fighting It fell out that the two Cocks meeting in the yard together fell close to their fight where the younger Cock fought stoutly a good while till the old Cocke taking advantage of his large Iollops hanging so low tooke hold thereof for raising himselfe to wound the young Cocke at every blow which being observed by the spectators they parted the fray for the present and caused the young Cocks pendant Iollops to be cut off and his head trim'd for the fight as the old Cocks was who had at first so beaten the young Cocke that he durst not stay within his view but after the sores of his Iollops cut were healed the young Cocke comming abroad againe the old Cock ran presently upon him to have made him runne away as he was wont to doe before But the young Cocke turning againe and they falling to a new fight very sharpe and eager on both sides at last the old Cocke finding his old hold of the young Cocks Iollops taken from him was faine to cry creake and to runne away as fast from the young Cocke as the young Cock did from him before and ever after the young Cock was master of the field In this fight of the two Cockes me thinkes I see represented by the old Cocke the old wilie se●pent who by subtiltie and advantage taking overcomming our first parents in Paradise as if he were then the Prince of the World sets upon every one of their posteritie to subdue
of life and death of salvation and damnation at that Acts 2.20 great and terrible day of the Lord wherein 2 Pet. 3.10 the heavens shall passe away with a great noise and the elements shall melt with fervent heat the earth also and the workes that are therein shall be burnt up the dead raised the living changed and all mankinde brought together to give a most strict accompt not for their ill works alone but for their neglect of good duties not for actions alone but for their words and that not for filthy and mischievous words only but for every idle word and the thoughts of the heart And this my soule is that infinite almighty and most glorious and dreadful Majestie against whom we have rebelled in the highest treasons his wisdome power justice being incomprehensible and his wrath insupportable O come let us worship and fall downe prostrate with all aweful reverence trembling and feare and then in the second place consider how infinitely gracious and good this our most blessed God the King of eternall glory hath beene to such a worme and vile wretch as my unworthy selfe For besides those most blessed and extraordinary priviledges which I have with my countrey-men in being borne an Englishman in the time of the most glorious Sun-shine of the Gospell of grace seconded with such Halcyon daies of blessed peace the publike miracles of mercy which God hath wrought even in my life time in the preservation of this Church and Kingdome our gracious Princes our selves and our posterities specially in these two famous deliverances never to be forgotten by any true English heart from the Spanish invincible Armado and the Popish hellish Powder plot O blessed Lord God how infinitely good and gracious hast thou been unto me most unworthy in all the particular passages of my earthly pilgrimage First in spirituall blessings by thy preventing mercy keeping me from some grievous sinnes into which my owne wicked corruptions by Sathans damnable enticements had els drawne me In thy sparing mercies in my acting of other sins wherinto I was faln In thy pardoning mercies that miracle of miracles in translating me out of that damnable estate of mine unregenerate time into rhe glorious liberty of thine owne children of grace and adoption in IESUS CHRIST and for thy renewing mercies by the work of thy holy spirit making me to loath all sinne and to apply my selfe to all duties of holinesse and righteousnesse in universall new obedience to thy most holy will and a constant will and resolution to serve and please thee love feare adore and obey thee in all true repentance and sanctification all the remaining houres of my life and lastly for the assurance thou hast given me of the upshot of all thy finall and crowning mercies in the life to come Then again in temporall blessings by preserving mee from harme in most desperate dangers giving mee the helpe of good education blessing me with a most gracious and comfortable fellowship in marriage and us both with hopefull children and grandchildren especially for our eldest son the true staffe of our age and for thy bountifull providing for us and them in outward necessaries and shewing us mercy in all our occasions yea good Lord for thy fatherly chastisements sent amongst us and therein for that gentle paralyticall infirmity of mine owne aged body whereby I have beene gratiously taken off from worldly cares and employments and have held and still by thy goodnesse have this blessed time and opportunity for heavenly meditations and Christ in preparation of my self for my change and dissolution and my finall translation into those glorious mansions which our most blessed Saviour hath provided for us in his heavenly kingdome O most blessed Lord God how shall I poore weakling do to admire thy providence adore thy Majestie love feare serve and obey thee and glorifie thy most holy name as I am most bounden and heartily desire to do in all sincerity duty and thankfulnes for all thy numberles and incomprehensible mercies blessings comforts and deliverances vouchsafed unto me even in this fraile life and valley of teares and for the glorious upshot of all thy crowning mercies reserved for me in the life to come Oh fill my heart with thy gracious spirit for enabling me to pay my humble vowes unto thy Majestie in all true sanctified obedience and faithfull and serious endeavours of soule and body to walke acceptably before thee from henceforth and for ever Amen And now my soule should wee in the third place consider how wickedly and ungraciously I have misbehaved my self all the days of my flesh towards this most high glorious almighty and most dreadful Majestie and towards this most gracious and mercifull God and Saviour of ours But here alas I am confounded w●h shame astonishment of heart and horror of conscience but to think of the manifold frailties prophannes pollutions of my youth and the sinful negligencies rashnesses improvidence unfruitfulnes and unthankfulnes and other sins and transgressions of thought word or deed of my whole mispent life by past Yea O Lord my God in my ungrateful and froward neglect of thy gracious time of visitation graunted mee of thine unspeakable mercie these foure last yeares aswell for my sound humiliation and serious daily repentance for my manifold sins and corruptions as for improving that precious time in those gracious duties and spirituall exercises publike and private which my conscience tels me I should have performed with more fervour of spirit feare and trembling and syncerity and intention of heart then I have done But O Lord I finde that were mine eyes fountaines of teares powred out every moment of my life should my heart fall asunder into drops of blood in my brest for anger and indignation against my selfe for my grievous sins and transgressions yet should I come infinitely short of that sorrow and hearts griefe which mine offences would justly require and exact at my hands And therefore O Lord my God though it bee my most earnest suit and the earnest desire and constant prayer of my humble soule that my hard and dull heart may by thy grace be so softned and quickned as to be truly broken and dissolved into sighs of true contrition and that I may weepe day and night for my sinnes and offences all my life long unto my dying houre yet all could not serve to draw thy mercy upon me for the least of my transgressions for in the point of redemption of mankind and purgation of sinne nothing could serve the turn but the precious blood of IESUS CHRIST God and Man in one person blessed for ever Either the sonne of God must die or else all mankind be eternally damned and their sinnes only are properly said to have pierced him who at length are saved by his blood Come then my soule let us set our humble faith on worke to lay fast hold upon this blessed Saviour of ours who only is become our reconciliation and peace-maker
by it when the meanest scullion o● his kitchin and the poorest cripple at his gates were therby made their Lords Kinsmen being all Adams children as well as himselfe And what pitch of honour had he gotten from that common ancestor of al mankind but what we all his posterity by wofull experience finde to bee pitch indeed the guilt and infection of sin and the fruit of it death Objects proper for shame sorrow and humiliation no way for honour or vain-glory Adam himselfe being made but of red earth and he and his posterity to returne to earth againe O most blessed Lord God blessed and magnified be thy most holy and glorious name who after many generations hast raised up a mighty salvation for us in the Lord Iesus the second Adam sonne of thy servant David according to the flesh as thou didest speake by the mouth of all thy holy Prophets which have beene since the world began by whom we have redemption and deliverance from the guilt and punishment ●f the first Adams rebellion and from all the power and malice of that old wily serpent who overthrew him in the terrestriall paradise and are by the blessed promised seed of the woman the Lord our righteousnesse God manifested in the flesh for our redemption restored to a better inheritance even the Paradise of God his owne heavenly Kingdome Let all the Monarchs and States of the world fall downe before thy glorious foot-stoole O most blessed Lord and Saviour and worship and rejoyce in thee the only God of our salvation and let no man glory in the antiquitie of his noble ancestors for no man can goe higher then the Lord Lumleys Pedegree But let every true Christian how meane soever or wretched here and though by nature in the first Adam a child of wrath and perdition lift up his head with joy unspeakable and glorious being in and by this second Adam our blessed Saviour and his holy Spirit by adoption and grace made the child of the most High the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and thereby become truly noble indeed And let all the Potentates of the earth aspire to this spirituall honour by regeneration in CHRIST then to all the pompe and glories of a thousand worlds with the good Emperour Theodosius who thanked GOD more for his being made a member of CHRIST then the Emberour of the world for the best and noblest nature amongst the children of men brings forth nothing but corruption onely grace makes truly noble and everlastingly happy 13. Of a Felon making of a comfortable end at his Execution AMongst all other charitable deeds of that worthy man of God Master Perkins in the Vniversitie of Cambridg● his manner was as I have heard to visit the prisoners condemned at the Goale deliveries there not onely in the prison for their spirituall instruction and preparation before their execution but to accompanie them also at the place where they were to suffer whither divers schollers and others of good ●ancke also usually resorted one of which spectators a fellow of Trinitie Colledge made relation to mee of a comfortable worke upon one of the felons at one of the executions more remarkable then the rest to this e●●ect The prisoner being a strong lustie fellow in the vigour of his youth in his going up the ladder discovered an extraordinary lumpishnesse and dejection of spirit and when he turned himselfe to sit upon an upper round to speake to the people looked with such a ruefull and heavie countenance as if hee had beene halfe dead already where good Master Perkins standing at the foot of the ladder laboured to cheere up his spirits and finding him still in agony and distresse of mind called upon him in words to this purpose what man what is the matter with thee art thou afraid of death Ah no said the prisoner shaking his head but of a worser thing Saist thou so said Master Perkins come downe againe man and thou shalt see what Gods grace will doe to strengthen thee whereupon the prisoner comming downe Master Perkins tooke him by the hand and made him to kneele down with himselfe at the Ladder foot hand in hand when that blessed man of God made such an eff●●tuall prayer in confession of sins and aggravating the same in all circumstances with the horrible and eternall punishment due for the same by Gods justice as made the poore prisoner burst out into aboundance of ●●●●es as the fervencie of the prayer gave occasion and when the blessed Preacher found that he had brought him low enough even to hell gates hee proceeding to the second worke of his prayer to shew him being truly humble and unfainedly penitent the Lord Iesus the Saviour of all penitent and believing sinners stretching forth his blessed hand of mercy and power to save him in that distressed estate and to deliver him from all the powers of darknesse did so sweetly presse the same with such heavenly art and powerfull words of grace upon the soule of the poore prisoner as cheered him up againe to looke beyond death with the eyes of faith to see how the blacke lines of all his sinnes and debts owing to Divine Justice were crossed and cancelled with the red lines of his crucified Saviours precious blood so graciously applying it to the prisoners wounded conscience as made him breake out into new showers of teares for joy of the inward consolation which he found and gave such expression thereof to the beholders as made them lift up their hands and praise God to see such a blessed change in him who upon the prayer ended rose up from his knees cheerefully and went up the Ladder againe so cheered and tooke his death with such patience and alacritie of spirit as if he actually saw himselfe delivered from the hell hee feared before and heaven opened for the receiving of his soule to the great rejoycing of the beholders Blessed bee thy most holy and glorious name O Lord our good God for all those gracious endowments and abilities wherewithall thou hast and dost furnish thy Ministers of the Gospell of peace for the converting of sinners unto thee and for bringing home the wandring ones and rescuing their soules out of the Lions mouth not only amongst those many of the meaner sort that suffer in our ordinary Circuits and Goale deliveries but also amongst our great men and Nobles capitall offenders at the Tower some of whom the spectators seeing their Christian and gracious preparative for death and their behaviour in it have adjudged more happie in their ends then in all the glorious pompe of their greatnesse before Good Lord increase the number of thine able servants furnished both with gifts and willing mindes to visit comfort and help those poore children of death in that their greatest and last need that they may then by thy grace feele that which all thy children doe in their greatest distresses● that mans extremity is Gods blessed opportunitie for their finall comfort
and penitent sinner for the strengthening of his faith and hope to rely constantly and confidently upon his infinite mercies O blessed Lord God of our Fathers who even in the time of the law under the covenant of workes wert thus good and gracious towards sinners before the manifestation of our blessed Saviour thine eternall sonne in the flesh and salvation in him proclaimed to all nations by the golden trumpet of the Gospell mercifully sanctifie and strengthen us poore sinfull wretches by thy holy spirit to lay fast hold upon those thine eternall mercies exhibited unto us by thy new covenant in Christ Jesus and sealed up unto us in his most precious blood for the full and sure remission of all our sinnes in him our perfect reconciliation with thy Majestie and the assurance of thine unchangeable love and our owne finall peace and salvation in him whom thou of thine incomprehensible mercies towards poore penitent sinners hast sealed and sent into the world to bee relyed upon for salvation that so by humble and lively faith with true and hearty repentance relying and resting upon those mercies of thine which have beene ever of old unto the end and in the end we may receive the end of our faith in the salvation of our soules through the precious merits and blessed mediation of that prince of peace our most gracious Saviour and eternall peacemaker Amen 20. Vpon the Greeke word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which signifieth to breath THis little word consisting but of two letters the first and last of the Greeke Alphabet yet makes two syllables and gives a weighty signification the english of it being I live or breath which in my conceit may note unto us the shortnes of the life of man and the neernesse of death to every man breathing when we cannot say I breath but the last letter must conclude it as the first began it the one following the other as close as the shadow doth the body or the night the day without any other letter interposed betweene them or so much as an aspiration to prolong the word but no sooner Alpha begins but Omega concludes and if all the other twenty letters of the Alphabet should bee interposed and reckoned after the greatest computation of mans life not by dayes but by yeares where how many be there that come not to so many moneths or weekes some not to so many houres or minutes yet must we all that read that Alphabet come to Omega at last And if any be so strong as to read it over in the largest extent of yeares there times and a halfe over yet were his life but labour and sorrow so soone passeth it away and we are gone O Lord my God thou hast prolonged my life to the 69. yeare of mine age which brings mee to the confines of Moses his computation of the life of man and therfore howsoever others may reckon the Omega to be far off from them which no man can bee sure of for an houre yet must I continually expect it a● at hand O most mercifull Lord Jesus who hast called thy selfe Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end the f●●sh and the last who art the author and finisher of our faith the beginner of every good worke of grace in us and 〈◊〉 perfecter of it have mercy upon me and by thy holy spirit perfect that good worke begun in me for preparing my soule in true faith repentance and obedience all the dayes of mine appointed time so to wait till my change commeth that when that happie houre shall come J may be found ready for heaven and hee finally received of thee in peace into thine everlasting kingdome Amen 21. Vpon the words of S. Paul 1 COR. 9.24 So run that ye may obtain IT is the saying of Theophylact that o● the children of God Quidam sun● in patria quidam in via ad patriam some are at home in their countrie some in their way towards it some have obtained the goale already the rest are running their race towards it some have finished their course have fought the good fight of faith in grace here and are now at rest in glory some in the beginning of their course and others in our apprehension more forward but all tending to the end And as it is with Gods children that they are not yet at home in their country whiles they are in this world but are travelling thitherward so also the wicked whiles they live here are not where they must be hereafter for they are runners too how well soever they think they have setled themselves in this world and must of necessity leave it when their turnes comes For there is one thing to be done by every man and woman living high or low good or bad rich or poore one with another which it concernes every man to be sure to doe well or else hee can never come to heaven it being not possible to do it more t●en once and that is to die If thou runne well in the race of thy life thou shalt bee sure to dye well and he that so doth is safely gotten in patriam but if death once surprize thee in an ill case thou canst never come to dye againe in a better Therefore since the life of man is a race to all men and howsoever we runne or walke or play by the way we must all come to the goale at last what an excellent caveat hath the Holy Ghost given us here by the Apostle so to run that wee may obtaine It is not in our choise whether we will runne or no for wee are all runners our life runnes away like the sand in the houreglasse without staying the twinckling of an eye whether wee observe it or no and it is no small matter that lies at stake even no lesse then salvation or damnation a crowne of glory if wee follow this gratious counsell or Commandement of God by the Apostle of so running that wee may obtaine everlasting horrour and confusion if wee obtaine not Men that use to runne a race for a wager walke over that peece of ground often where they are to performe their race at last to observe on whether side the advantage lyeth at this downe with or that rise of the way and what bee the impediments which may hinder them in their speede that they may avoid them and all to win the wager which is but for a Nag or a suit of cloaths or some other like triviall or transitory thing how much more need have wee then that have our soules at stake to take a daily view of our way and of the short race whereupon eternitie depends not to bee taken with the goodly buildings faire flowers sweet valleys or pleasant fields and other delights offered to our senses but to marke seriously what dangerous letches what thornie passages what nets or g●●ns what bogs or false ground lye in our way that wee may avoid them in our race and runne on
life separated from the joyfull presence of our glorified Saviour in whose face is perfect joy for evermore and if there were no further paine of sense in hell but this poena damni only this deprivation of God's presence that were a hell sufficient of it self wherunto there is added paines of sense fire eternall utter darknesse But withall this consideration of the Judgement which shewes such terrible things to the wicked brings the faithfull to another issue the blisse and heaven and everlasting salvation the comforts and joyes wherof it lyeth not in my power to declare nor in the heart of any man to conceive but there will bee the full fruition of what wee hope for here and an absolute deliverance from all those things which trouble or feare us here And yet I have not done one thing more this consderation of our end brings us to namely that wee must not end when we come to our end but there is an eternitie that attends us after-wards whether of life to salvation or of eternal confusion And this is a consideration of weight indeed I read of a good Christian in time of persecution who being condemned to die for his conscience his wife perswaded him to yeeld to the kings will and save his life why saith hee how long thinkest thou I may live if I should doe so shee answered twentie or thirtie yeares perhaps Alas saith hee and if it were so many thousand yeares what were that to eternitie O let us make use of this and consider sadly and seriously of this maine point that this thor● lif● of ours is but a moment whereupon eternitie depends and therefore it much concernes us all to listen to this wish of th Holy Ghost and to labour to bee wise and understand and consider our later end 26. Vpon the Turkies comming duly to their roost at night SEe how these silly fowles which at their owne libertie wander and feed abroad in Gardens Fields and Orchards all the day long and many times farre off from their usuall roosting places yet notwithstanding the company of other fowles of their owne kinde met abroad discovery of new places of better feeding and other enticements or impediments do ever towards Sunne-set draw themselves homewards before it be darke so to have time and daylight enough to flie up to their perches of roost where only they looke for safety and quiet in the night approaching This providence taught these sillie creatures by instinct of nature as it directly shames and condemnes some of us who when we are got abroad are easily drawne by ill company good-fellowship or other idle vanitie to deferre our comming home till we are not able to come home but must be led home like beasts or lie in a ditch by the way to the hazard of soule and body so it may bee a necessary remembrance usefull to us all that in all our worldly occasions of this life wee bethinke our selves of the Sun-setting with us I meane the houre of death which must as certainly come upon every one of us at one time or other as the Sun-setting closeth up every day that goes over our heads that like the sons and daughters of wisdome we may everyday remember that our last night is at hand and so provide to make our peace with God by Iesus Christ our only peace-maker whiles it is called to day that that night doe not surprise us or take us unprovided for it O mercifull Lord God strengthen my feeble soule by thy holy Spirit of grace that with the humble wings of true repentance and a lively faith J may before hand flie up into the Arke of my Saviours perfect righteousnes that whensoever that night shall come upon me I may bee found there in safetie and so received into thine everlasting peace Amen 27. Vpon the remove of houshold from one dwelling to another THe day appointed for this remoove was set downe many daies agoe and most of the stuffe packed up and made readie for carriage yet see how full of trouble and perplexitie the day it selfe is by taking leave of old friends and neighbours some things forgotten to bee done before some new interruptions falling out in the instant so that many times the carriages are benighted and fall short of getting to the new home in due time Wee are all in this world but sojourners and our home is not here but in Heaven for which wee should bee everyday so wise by preparing our selves that wee might not bee combred upon the day of our remoovall but to have them nothing to doe but to lift up our soules unto our Saviour the Lord Iesus and so depart in peace yet how contrary to this is the practice of many who leave all their busines to the very remoove-day the day of death not having so much as setled their outward estate or made their wils before wherby they grow so perplexed and distracted with thoughts of this world care of wife and children visitations of neighbours pangs and distresses of sicknes fear of death inward horrours and temptations a● makes their departure many times very discomfortable O most glorious Lord God I know not how sufficiently as I desire and ought to praise thy most holy name for thy great mercy towards me in this gentle visitation of sicknes which thy most gracious and tender hand hath laid upon me whereby I am taken off from all worldly cares and thoughts and have also of thine infinite goodnesse such gracious times and opportunities to prepare my selfe for my remove and change O let my soule for ever praise and magnifie thy holy name therefore And withall J most humbly beseech thee to stretch thy hand of mercy yet further upon me that as my body shall decay wherein I most humbly submit my selfe to thy blessed good will and pleasure my soule may be strengthened by thy powerfull spirit of grace and the good worke begun in me made more and more perfect that when this earthly tabernacle shall be dissolved my soule united by faith to my blessed Redeemer the Lord Iesus may bee then received of thee in peace through his precious merits and mediation who is our alone Saviour and peace-maker Amen 28. Vpon the casuall hearing of a verse in the new Testament read by a child AS I was to passe through the roome where my little grand-childe was set by her Grandmother to reade her mornings Chapter which fell out to bee the ninth of S. Matthews Gospell just as I came in shee was uttering those words in the second verse Jesus said to the sicke of the palsie sonne bee of good comfort thy sinnes are forgiven thee Which words sorting so fitly with my case whose whol left side is taken with that kinde of disease and whose soule desires nothing so much as such a gracious word from my Saviour I stood at a stand at the uttering of them and could not but conceive some joy and comfort in those blessed words