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A06160 Christs communion with his church militant First preached, and now published, for the good of Gods church in generall. By Nicholas Lockyer, Mr. of Arts. Lockyer, Nicholas, 1611-1685. 1640 (1640) STC 16651; ESTC S100760 59,038 216

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at last cry Lord Lord and so prevaile quickly for pardon with him who is infinite in mercy Why but thinke on this O ignorant soule No man can call Iesus Lord but by the Holy-Ghost Thou wilt not in thy greatest need bee able to cry Lord Lord unlesse the Lord bee with thy spirit Death will sting thee conscience will gnaw thee Christ will condemne thee Divels will teare thee and yet wilt not thou bee able to cry Lord Lord have mercy on me unlesse the Lord bee with thy spirit but instead of crying Lord Lord for mercy thou wilt burne in malice against the Lord and curse and blaspheme as Divels and damned wretches doe Hast thou never seene condemned wretches not onely dumme but withall desperate too and leape off the ladder themselves without either asking God or man forgivenesse thus in a spirituall sense and much worse wilt thou doe in the great day of judgement for as much as Christ is not with thy spirit Fourthly a mans spirit without Christ is not onely blind and dumme but deafe too And if a man bee blind and dumme yet if hee can heare hee may make some shift to help himselfe wee follow a thing you know sometimes by the sound when wee cannot see it nor speake what it is but when a man is naked blind dumme and deafe too hee is in a helplesse condition indeed and just such is the state of a mans spirit without Christ For Christ as hee is Eyes and Tongue so hee is eares also to the soule of man Hence it is that Iohn speakes so frequently of spirituall hearing after a Hypotheticall manner Hee that hath an eare c. That is if any man have spirituall discerning let him heare what the spirit saith to the Churches Intimating that a spirituall eare is a very rare thing to bee found that which no man hath but hee which hath Christ with his Spirit that hath had his eares boared by the Spirit of Christ as the Scripture speakes all others are as deafe as Adders and cannot heare the voyce of the charmer charme hee never so wisely I would have all that live in their sinnes seriously consider this too as a further degree of unhappinesse You tell us that you will turne from your sinnes hereafter and obey the call of God in the Ministry of his Word but let mee aske you this have you not hither unto turned the deafe eare upon God yes I and so you will doe for the time to come and the reason of both the same because Christ is not with your spirits Let mercies call corrections call let friends call father call mother call husband call wife call let Ministers call conscience call nay let Christ himselfe call in what voyce hee will still voyce or lowd voyce in words never so pleasing or never so piercing yet wilt not thou heare because Christ is not with thy spirit but with Salomons foole wilt on in thy sins and bee eternally punished Fifthly a mans spirit without Christ is without feeling in a dead Palsie all over which how dolorous such a state is in a corporall sense you know much more dolorous in a spirituall sense I am sure As the spirit of man can neither see speake nor heare so neither can it feele without the spirit of Christ The spirit of man without the spirit of God is dead Christ is to our spirits as our spirits are unto our bodies their life and life is the principle of feeling for the dead feele nothing When Christ which is our life shall appeare c. Where there is no Christ there is no life and where there is no life there is no feeling You know the Apostle speakes of some that were past feeling having given themselves over to lasciviousnesse to worke all uncleannesse with greedinesse Ephes 4.9 There the Apostle speakes of such a senselessenesse as lyes upon the soule by a second act of divine justice All humane spirits by the first act of divine justice upon Adam are naturally past feeling and would give up themselves unto all wickednesse with greedinesse did not God restraine To bee past feeling in this latter sense notes principally a want of divine affection when sinne doth not kindly affect the soule with sorrow as in the former sense when sinne doth not at all affect the soule with sorrow when holy wayes and works do not kindly affect the soule with joy as in the other sense when they do not affect the soul with joy at all but rather disturbe and provoke to passion and malice I would have all that live in their sins seriously think on this also as a further degree of unhappinesse You have heard many powerfull Sermons which you have seene work admirably upon others yet they have made no impressions upō your spirits many hundred more may you heare and no divine impression at last be made and the reason of both one and the same because Christ is not with your spirits and by reason of this your hearts are as Adamants which every stroke hardens but not breaks it Let the master smite and the man smite let God smite and his Ministers smite and conscience smite nay let every member of the body bee smitten with punishment to affect the soule with sin yet will it not stir and complaine unlesse Christ be with it Finally a mans spirit without Christ is without tasting or smelling to these senses also you know the Scripture doth allude and therefore fitly here may I to set forth fully the unhappy condition of every spirit without Christ You know the Apostle speaks of some that savoured not the things of God which is a terme applyed in Scripture to the sense of smelling as well as to the sense of tasting and therefore for brevity sake do I here joyne both senses together in a spiritull way of allusion Why all that have not Christ with their spirits are such as cannot rightly savour spirituall things such put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter I would have all you that live in your sins seriously thinke on this too as a further degree of unhappinesse You come oft times to Wisdomes house and though shee prepare you all spirituall dainties yet you can relish nothing but some by things that lye about the dish rather for ornament thē for food And would you know the reason of this 't is because Christ is not with your spirits If Christ were with you you wold feed on every dish at wisdomes table on promises yea on threatnings too To the hungry soule every bitter thing is sweet saith Solomon All that is good and wholesome goes downe well where Christ is with the Spirit You come frequently to Wisdomes house who keeps a Table here and 't were for a King and yet you have leane shrivel'd soules like men in a Consumption every one tels you that you look as if you were starved speak and live as if you never heard a good Sermon from
condition Christ by his Spirit comes to him and shews him the fountaine of his blood how deep it is how free it is 1 Ioh. 1.7 How deepe it is that it will drowne all sin 1 Iohn 1.7 Sins after conversion as well as before sinnes often repeated as well as sins once only committed And then he shewes the wounded soule how free this fountaine is for any that hunger and thirst for it for any that are weary and heavie laden and desire to be eased by it and so by degrees drawes the wounded soule to wash his wounds in it by faith and so Christ heales and comforts him As the brethren of Ephraim comforted him when he mourned because the men of Gath had slaine his sons I Chro. 7.22 So Christ comes to us and comforts us when the Devill by his temptations hath almost slaine our soules hee like the good Samaritan powres in oyle and wine into our wounds and cures us Though Satan passe by and his limmes passe by and leave us comfortlesse in the day of our wounds and bleeding yet Christ cannot so full of bowels is he nor will not I will not leave you comfortlesse c. If a Christian lye languishing because of often and frequent relapses after promises and purposes to do better If this Christian in the anguish of his spirit speak to every godly friend as the Prophet did to his Therefore said I look away from me I will weepe bitterly labour not to comfort me because of the spoiling of the Daughter of my people Isay 12.4 Looke away from me O ye my Christian friends yea and you my faithfull Minister for I will weepe bitterly labour not to comfort mee because of the spoiling of my soule by so often sinning against vowes and promises favours and blessings Christ comes to this soule and will not leave him comfortlesse in this condition though it be indeed a very desperate condition The Comforter usually takes this course with this comfortlesse soule to powre in some oyle into his deepe wounds he reasoneth with him from the mercy of man to the mercy of God from a drop to the Ocean and it may be fastens upon his own language once delivered to Peter Peter came to our Saviour and said Lord how oft shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him till seven times Iesus saith unto him I say not unto thee untill seven times but untill seventy times seven Matth. 18.21,22 From this speech the Comforter thus reasoneth with this said and sore wounded soule viz If Christ would have Peter a sinfull man shew so much mercy to one so often offending him surely Christ a holy God and infinite in love is ready to shew much more compassion himselfe to those that are penitent though they have sinned times without number against him Thus the Comforter leades this desperate Christian as a weak wounded man by the hand from the mercy of man to the mercy of God and enables him this way after some space of time to take in comfort for Christ is resolved he will not leave this Christian comfortlesse Christ will never leave comming to this comfort lesse soule with this speech of his to Peter and others of like nature as Christ is well furnisht for a Comforter untill he hath brought him to drink willingly for Christ forceth no Physick upon any Patient of the cup of consolation more or lesse and the longer sick soules turn away their heads from this cup the more many times he perswades them to drink at last If Christ tentandi gratiâ for trials sake hide himselfe from a Christian so set him a mourning I shall shew you by and by how he comes to him This is a condition though of all deserted conditions the best which will make a Christian heart comfortlesse indeed Thou didst hide thy face and I was troubled Psal 30.7 Gods hiding his face though but for trials sake will so trouble a Christian that hee will quickly be a burthen to himself and feare round about as 't is said of Pashur 'T will make him weary of the night and weary of the day weary of his owne house weary of Gods house weary of mirth and account it madnesse weary of riches honours yea life it selfe and wish for death O that I might have my request and that God would grant me the thing that I long for even that it would please God to destroy me that he would let his hand loose and cut mee off then should I ●et have comfort then should I see the face of God which I long like Moses to see then would he lift up the light of his loving countenance and cause his face to shine gloriously upon me whereas now I walke in the vally and shadow of death dark dayes are all that goe over my head the glorious Sunne of righteousnesse shines not upon my soul from morning to night To this sad soule thus bemoaning himselfe for want of his beloved Christ his well beloved thus comfortably comes There hath no temptation taken hold on thee yet O mourning soule but that which is common to man and be assured of this that God is faithfull by whom thou art tempted and will not try thee above that which thou art able but with the temptation also make a way to escape that ye may be able to beare it 1 Cor. 10.19 For a moment O fairest of Women I say just cause to hide my face from thee to try the truth of thy love to me but know that with everlasting kindnesse will I have mercy on thee Thy dulnesse also in my serice and thy low-prising my company did something trouble me but know that the mountaines shall depart and the hils bee removed but my kindnesse shall never depart from thee for this is as the waters of Noah unto me as I have sworne that the waters of Noah should no more go over the Earth so have I sworne that I will not be wroth with thee nor rebuke thee O thou afflicted and tossed with tempest and not comforted behold I will lay thy stones with faire colours and lay thy foundations with Saphirs and I will make thy windowes of Agats and thy gates of Carbuncles and all thy borders of pleasant Saphirs Isay 45.8,9 Out of this sweet language of the Prophet to the naturall branch the Comforter will fetch such precious water of life to revive this deserted soule with these kisses of his lips will he so comfort him that he shall be constrained to say with David Thou which hast shewed me great troubles hast quickned me againe and hast brought me up againe from the depths of the Earth thou hast increased my joy and comforted me on every side Psal 71.6 I could hitherto O my God see thy back-parts some sad attributes of power and justice which did terrifie my soul to look on but loe now I see thy glory thou hast caused it gloriously
are ready to reele to one side or other When the clouds of heaven have well watered the Earth then doe weeds as well as good hearbes spring apace so when Christ by his Spirit sweetly waters the soul w th consolation then levity and vanity as well as Christian mirth and cheerfulnesse spring amaine If a Christian bee not very watchfull over his soule to pluck up such weedes by the rootes as soone as they begin to shew themselves I conclude this thus thou that art comforted by the Spirit let not the manifestations of thy comfort grieve the Spirit This remember that Satan hath an art to bring evill out of the greatest good as God hath an art to bring good out of the greatest evill and therefore beg that thou mayest not be ignorant of any of his devices nor unable to resist them if thou would'st not loose thy Comforter Secondly if thou would'st have thy Comforter to abide still with thee as thou must not grieve him so thou must doe all that thou canst to delight him Let it be thy meat and drink to follow all the motions of the Spirit of Christ whithersoever Christ would have thee go or whatsoever Christ would have thee do cheerefully obey him this will delight thy Comforter exceedingly and make him to rejoyce to continue with thee If Christ say unto thee as to the Fishermen Follow me Mat. 4 19. do thou readily reply as the Scribe Master I will follow thee whithersoever thou goest Mat. 8 19. This is to declare the genuine disposition of Christs people which Christ is exceedingly taken withall Christs people are a willing people in their obedience Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power c. Psal 110 3 2 Humbly and compassionately tell disconsolate soules what Christ hath done for thy soule this will delight thy Comforter much and make him rejoyce to continue with thee Christ delights to see his children communicative of the sweet meates which hee gives them And therefore as Iael said to Barak so do thou O comforted soule to such as yet go mourning all the day long Come said she and I will shew thee the man whom thou seekest Iudg. 4.22 Come O sad soule that canst not finde him whom thy soule loveth I will shew thee the man whom thou seekest the manner of his comming to my poore soule and how long hee made me waite upon him ere he would come to me and how well hee hath now made mee amends for all his staying And therfore Although thou sayest thou shalt not see him yet judgement is before him therefore trust thou in him Iob 35.14 For the vision is yet for an appointed time but at the end it shall speak and not lye though it tarry wait for it because it will surely come it will not tarry Hab. 2.3 The more imparting of experiments of love wee are to the glory of Christ the more still will Christ graciously give us to our further comfort And this indeed is Gods end in comforting some of his children that they may bee able to comfort them which are in any trouble by the comfort wherewith they themselves are comforted of God 2 Cor. 1.4 as the Apostle sweetly affirmes 3 Thank Christ humbly and heartily for his comming to thee if thou would●st have him abide still with thee The Israelites when they came into the promised Land which flowed with milk and honey they were to take the first of all the fruits of the Earth and put them in a basket and so present them to the Priest saying viz. And now behold I have brought the first fruits of the Land which thou the Lord hast given me thus were they to set their first fruits before the Lord and to worship before him as you may see at large Deut. 26. Why you that enjoy Christ as a Comforter you have received the first fruits of that good land which Canaan typified which flowes with Milke and Honey Bring therefore these first fruits and set them before God and worship bring the sweet comforts of the Holy Ghost in your hearts before the Lord and say Behold ô Christ these and these are the sweet consolations of thy spirit and loe for them all I humbly render praise to thy name Such mighty enemies of my peace hast thou conquered such doubts which so long troubled me hast thou answered such wants which so long time kept mee exceeding low hast thou supplyed to thee O God be the glory of thine own goodnesse You have great cause thus to magnifie the Lord for his mercy which finde Christ as a Comforter come to you You enjoy that blessing which exceedeth all outward blessings The light of Gods countenance lifted up upon a poore mourning soule 't is of farre greater value then Corne Wine Oyle then Corrall Rubies or any choice thing that this world can afford The naked revelation of Christ in the soule of man is of more worth then all these saith Solomon the most glorious revelation of Christ then to the soule which the soule of man is capable of in this life must needs be of much more transcendant worth You enjoy that blessing which exceedeth many inward blessings It exceedeth knowledge for what is knowledge in the head to the joy of the Holy Ghost in the heart One beame of light in the understanding is of more worth then all the Silver and Gold Gemmes and Jewels in the world and yet one beame of the light of Gods countenance shining upon the heart though but by reflexion from the face of Jesus Christ is of more worth then all knowledge which humane study can attaine unto I cannot say that this blessing exceedeth the least saving grace in the soule but this I can safely say that consolation 't is the glosse and glory of every grace every grace shines in its full lustre where the Comforter dwels This I can further say that you enjoy that blessing which makes Heaven a Heaven and which makes Earth a Heaven to you and therefore you have great reason to magnifie the Lord for his mercy The more of Heaven we enjoy upon Earth the more should we set our selves to doe the worke of them which are in Heaven whilest on Earth 4 Finally let Christs mediate comming to thee by his Spirit make thee long earnestly for his immediate comming to thee in his owne person this delights Christ that his Spouse should say Come as the Spirit doth Rev. 22.17 That shee should long for the wedding day as he doth When good old Simeon had imbraced the consolation of Israel for which hee so long waited hee then desired presently to be dissolved so thou that hast imbraced the consolation of Israel should'st in a holy manner with Simeon Iob and Paul desire to bee dissolved and to bee with Christ which is best of all You whom Christ hath kissed with the kisses of his lips should long earnestly to lye betweene
his breasts all night my meaning is to have a full enjoyment of Christ Thus have I done speaking to such who can tell me that Christ as a Comforter is come to them In the next place I addresse my selfe to speak to such of the godly who can tell me that they never yet found Christ as a Comforter come to them Two or three things I have to say to you from this sweet doctrine 1. First I would have you to labour to beleeve this doctrine that Christ will not leave you comfortlesse but will certainly at last come to you Christ hath repeated his promise which is as a bond with many seales and therefore thou hast just ground to beleeve ô comfortlesse soule that Christ will not leave thee comfortlesse but will come to thee Object What just ground have I to beleeve that Christ will come to me seeing he is holy and I am unholy hee is glorious in holinesse and I am abominable in sin and wickednesse saith the weake comfortlesse soule Sol. Art thou more vile then Manasseh Christ came to him and comforted him Art thou more muddie and earthy then Zacheus Christ came to him and comforted him Art thou more divelish then Mary Magdalen out of whom were cast seven Devils Christ came to her and filled her soule with strong consolation Why should'st not thou beleeve that Christ will come to thee too and quiet and comfort thy mourning spirit Sol. But secondly I answer thus viz. Christ doth not so much lock how thou art qualified as at what hee hath promised Christ hath promised hee will come to thee and he is faithfull and will doe it If thy soule were never so poore never so blinde never so wretched never so naked yet Christ having promised to come to thee hee will make good his word though he come backward with a mantle to cover thy nakednesie as Shem and Iaphet did to Noah If thy soule were full of wounds if thy soule were full of running putrifying sores if thou wert as black with sin as an Ethiopian if thou wert as spotted with sin as a Leopard nay if thy soule did stink within thee as Lazarus body after taken out of the Earth againe yet Christ having promised to come to thee and comfort thee he will doe it though he hold his nose while hee bee comforting thy stinking nasty soule Heaven and Earth shall passe away but not a jot or tittle of Christs promise shall faile The voice of my Beloved behold he commeth leaping upon the Mountaines and skipping upon the Hils Cant. 2.8 Though there bee mountaines and hils of sin in thy soule yet Christ will come skipping over all these with comfort to thy soule rather then thou shalt be left comfortlesse Wherefore O weake comfortlesse soule say not of thy Saviour and Comforter as Balaam did I shall see him but not now I shall behold him but not nigh Num. 24.17 I shall see Christ come with a witnesse nay with many thousand witnesses at the great day when every eye shall see him but I shall not see him come to me now in this soule dolour as a Comforter I shall behold him peradventure as Moses beheld the Holy Land afar off he will never come nigh my poore soule to stay it with those comforts which it needs Cease O weak soule this incredulous language and strive to beleeve and this sweet promise I treat of shall be made good unto thee No sinne so mighty to keepe thy Comforter from thee as unbeliefe Say then O mourning Christian to thy comfortlesse soule Yet a little while and he that shall come will come and will not tarry Heb. 10.37 He that hath said he will come as a Comforter to thee will come and will satisfie thy soule with consolation as with marrow and fatnesse Say to thy sad soule with the Psalmist My God will come and will not keepe silence he will speak consolation so plainly that my ignorant soule shall understand so powerfully that my incredulous soule shall beleeve and owne her own mercies Thou art now tossed and almost drowned O my soule with restlesse waves of misery but the Spirit will move upon these waters thou shalt see Christ comming towards thee upon these troublesome waves anon and say be not afraid it is I I that have loved thee and given my selfe for thee and none shall pluck thee out of my hand Secondly as I would have thee to strive firmely to beleeve this truth so I would have thee endeavour patiently to waite the accomplishment of it Beleeve that Christ will come to thee and waite patiently untill hee doe come There is good ground why every soule should patiently waite for Christ comming to him whither we consider our selves which are to bee visited or Christ our visitour If thou O comfortlesse soule consider thy selfe which art to bee visited there is great reason thou should'st waite patiently till Christ come to thee how long soever he stay First thou art a creature and Christ is thy Creator and should not a creature wait on his Creator Thou art a servant and Christ is thy Lord and should not a servant waite on his Lord Consider thee in thy highest relations and they all call for waiting Thou art a Sonne and Christ is thy Father and should not a Sonne wait on his Father Thou art a Wife and Christ is thy Husband and should not a Wife wait on her Husband Secondly consider that thou hast deserved that Christ should never come to thee and yet for ●ll this seeing hee will come to ●hee hast not thou just cause ●o wait patiently till hee doe come how long so ever it bee first Before thy calling thou didst reject Christ and since ●hy calling thou hast often grieved Christ and hast not thou ●hen deserved that Christ should never come to thee Thou hast quenched many a sweet motion of the Spirit of Christ thou hast ●urned the deafe eare to the sweet still voice that hath spoken behinde thee times without out number and so slighted the Spirit of Christ and hast not thou then justly deserved that Christ as a Comforter should never come to thee yet seeing he will come for all this unkindnesse hast not thou just cause to wait patiently for him how long soever he stay Thou hast many weekes many moneths nay many yeeres gone along in a course of grieving Christ and doest thou think much of waiting a few weeks a few moneths a few yeeres for Christ to come to comfort thee Take this in another forme thou didst make Christ wait a long time upon thee ere thou wouldst let him abide with thee as a spirit of reformation and is there not just cause then that thou shouldst wait patiently a long time upon him if he will have it so ere hee abide with thee as a Spirit of consolation how many knocks did Christ give at thy stubborne heart ere thou wouldst open to him how much dew
throughly thou must to finde out what evill deprived thee of so great a good and in serious soule searching God will speak to thy conscience and conscience will speak plainly to thee and tell thee wherein thou didst give distaste to thy Comforter and what was the cause he forsook thy soule And when thou hast found out that evill which conscience tels thee deprived thee of so great a good thou must fall very foule with it how sweet soever it hath been unto thee Thy great worke must be to bring thy heart to a holy revenge upon this sin to abhorre it and thy selfe because of it and to become very vile as Iob saith and very low in thine owne eyes Bring thy heart to admire the infinite patience and mercy of God that things are no worse with thy soule That God had not cut thee off in the acting of that sinne for which he deserted thee that he hath left any place for repentance and given the least desire to set about this work And when thou art come thus farre possibly the light of Gods countenance may begin now and then to glance into thy soul as at some little cranny or at least some more then ordinary lightsomnesse may appear in thy dark dull soul as there doth in the dark morning some space of time before the Sun appears that had left this Horizon Now this beame of light or this little lightsomenesse of soule thou must much admire and acknowledge an unfathomed depth of love in it that God should so much as once stoope to cast an eye after thee more to give thy soule the least refreshing that did abuse flagons of love By this glimpse of light or glimmering light you are to strengthen your faith in the beliefe of this that light will more and more appeare as the light of the morning unto the perfect day and so consequently to follow God with so much the more fervency of prayer for the returne of his wonted kindnesse Toseph you know carried himselfe very roughly to his brethren which had abused him for some space of time and put them in great feare of the losse of their lives told them they were Spies and many harsh words he gave them and harsh looks but at last when his Brethren had brought to him Benjamin and discoursed a while Iosephs bowels began to work and he could no longer with-hold his brotherly love Come neare to me I pray you I am Ioseph your brother c. Gen. 45.4 Thus Christ our elder Brother deales with us who do unkindly unbrotherly use him he will handle us very roughly and put us in fear of the losse of our best lives he will make our consciences speake bitter things against us and let loose the Devill to tell us that we are Spies hypocrites and false friends to Christ in this distracted affrighted perplexed state hee may hold us many dayes many weeks many moneths but hee cannot hold in his brotherly love alwayes if wee patiently beare his frownes and kindly intreat him and bring Benjamin to him his own blood and merits this will make his bowels worke and make him unmask himselfe and say come neare to me O mourning soules tossed and not comforted I am Christ your elder brother whom yee unkindly used in a little wrath I hid my face from you but now with everlasting kindnesse will I embrace you Trinuni Deo gloria FINIS CHRISTS COMMUNION with his Church Militant 2. Tim. 4. verse 22. The Lord Iesus Christ bee with thy spirit THis Text is Pauls sweet affectionate farwell to Timothy Many grave and gracious instructions Paul had given Timothy but 't is not so much what man saith to the eare as as what Christ saith to the heart that workes effectually to set man about his duty and therefore doth Paul in the conclusion of all his Christian counsell to Timothy pathetically pray That the Lord Iesus Christ would be with his Spirit The best teaching of man is but as water spilt on the ground unlesse Christ inwardly teach the spirit If I am taught my duty by a Paul one in gifts not inferiour to the chiefest Apostles yet unlesse Christ bee with my spirit to make things take roote there all will die and wither like good seed cast into bad ground And therefore Paul saw it but needfull as to teach the eare so to intreate the Lord to teach and strengthen the spirit The Lord Iesus Christ bee with thy Spirit There is a great distance you know betweene the eare and the heart it is an easie thing for man to bring home things unto the one but no lesse then the Al-mighty power of Christ will bring home things unto the other There is an incomparable hardnesse upon the heart of man naturally it is harder then an Adamant now though a child with his little finger may make a dint upon dow yet a Gyant with all his strength cannot make dints upon an Adamant much lesse can all created strength make divine impressions upon the spirit of man and therefore it is that Paul doth implore an Almighty strength to doe this The Lord Iesus Christ bee with thy Spirit Why doth not Paul here wish riches and honours pleasures unto Timothy Is the bare presence of Christ with a mans spirit such a blessing To this I answer riches and honours c. they are bona but not optima good things but not the best things Earthly things though good in themselves yet are no further forth good to mee then as the Lord Jesus Christ is with my spirit to guide it to use them and therefore Paul as one truly wise prayed for the prime good for Timothy for that good which makes all other things worke together for good to wit That the Lord Iesus Christ would bee with his Spirit The point I intend to stand on is this That to have the Lord Iesus Christ with our spirits is a prime and principall blessing Paul here wisheth it to Timothy as a cardinall blessing The Lord Iesus Christ bee with thy spirit Enucleatio propositionis To have Christ with our spirits c. How can Christ bee present with man upon Earth who is now ascended and sitteth at the right Hand of his Father in Heaven The Apostle doth hint an answer to this question in the forme of his Prayer if you observe it The Lord Iesus Christ saith hee be with thy spirit Hee speakes of such a presence as will fitly yeeld Communion and fellowship to the spirit of man There is a double presence of Christ with man corporall and spirituall joyntly or meerly spirituall With just men made perfect in glory Christ is corporally present they behold his wounded Body made a glorious Body as a continuall assurance of the Resurrection of their owne vile bodies unto the same similitude And with them Christ is present spiritually filling them with those joyes the tast of which upon Earth is called unspeakable and full of
a mans spirit bee never so cold yet if Christ be with it hee is in the ready way to burne with love to Christ as strong as death which many waters cannot quench They that have Christ with their spirits are in the ready way to the very heigth of joy consolation they are in the ready way to joy unspeakable and full of glory These things have I spoken unto you that your joy may be full said Christ to his Disciples Christ speaks such things to the spirits of those with whom hee is present as fils their spirits with joy to the very brim and this oft times in the very depth of all outward extremity The Church doth darkly hint this The Comforter which should relieve my soule is far from me Lam. 1.16 As if the Church had said though my outward misery bee exceeding great yet if the Comforter did but keepe close to my spirit I should have as much consolation as my heart could hold in the midst of all my misery but this is my misery of miseries that the Comforter which should relieve my soule is far from me out of the hearing of sighes and groanes nay out of the hearing of strong cryes he is angry against my prayers In a word a Christian which hath Christ with his spirit is in the ready way to excell in vertue as David sayes to excell in all vertue to be wiser then his teachers more excellent in all grace then his neighbours And therefore to have Christ present with our spirits must needs be counted and called A prime and principall blessing Lastly to have Christ with our spirits is the ready way unto eternall good and therefore a prime and principall blessing As a stone carries with it whatsoever light thing be fastned to it unto its own center so Christ whose proper place of residence is Heaven carries with him thither all such spirits as to whom he is united on earth If we have a speciall friend at Court wee count that wee are in a ready way to see all the pompe of the Prince Christ hath the Keyes of Heaven and Hell hee opens and no man shuts shuts and no man can open all with whose spirits he hath dwelt and beene kindly used upon earth hee knowes and when they shall knock at those everlasting gates hee will open and let them in to every roome in his royall dwelling and shew them all the glory which he had with his Father before the world was 'T is betweene Christ and that spirit with whom he lives as between Naomi and Ruth where the one lives the other will Whilest such spirits live in the body Christ will live with them there when they remove out of the body Christ will not leave them death cannot separate but commands his Angels to bring them to eternall mansions with himself Christ which is lifted up to glory himselfe will draw all such unto him as in whose spirits he dwels and no strength shall bee able to withstand him none shall pluck such out of his hand Vnio cum Christo est unio inunibilis If to have Christ with our spirits bee a grand favour not to have him with our spirits must needs be a grand evill A spirit without Christ is naked as a body without cloathes Many things may make cloathing and defence for the body but only Christ that best garment as the Father of the Prodigall cals him can make cloathing and munition for the soule A mans spirit without Christ is as a naked body amongst thorns every thorne pierceth and every bryer scratcheth and fetcheth blood from such a body so worldly cares and worldly fears when strong will pierce such a naked spirit thorow and thorow and make him runne mad if God unsought do not seasonably step in and bridle the Bedlam A mans spirit without Christ is as a naked body amongst Serpents every Serpent stings and venomes such a naked body to death so every seed of the Serpent stings and poysons to death such naked soules by their threatnings flatteries examples and the like A mans spirit without Christ is as a naked body in great blasts of lightning such bodies are suddenly scorcht and consumed so such naked soules are suddenly blasted by the fiery darts of the Devill and so suddenly oft times goe from burning to burning from burning in sin to burning in hell A mans spirit without Christ is not only naked but blind too A naked man having his sight may make some shift but a man naked and blind too is in a miserable helpelesse state indeed and just such is the state and condition of every mans spirit that hath not Christ with it for as the Sunne in the Heavens is the eye and light of the greater World so the Sunne of righteousnesse Christ is the eye light of the lesser world man Now doe but imagine what a darke dolorous condition wee should all bee in if the Sunne were darkned or had utterly forsaken our Horizon or doe but thinke of that darknesse which was upon the Aegyptians for a little time when no man could stirre out of his place and such and much worse is the darke dolorous condition of a spirit without Christ not able to see the least beame of saving light not able to stir a steppe out of his place in the way that leads to life A mans spirit without Christ is not onely blind but dumme too A man that is blind yet if he can speake can begge for that which hee cannot see to worke But when a man is blind and dumme too that hee can neither helpe himselfe nor beg others hee is in a dolefull condition indeed and just such is the condition of every mans spirit that hath not Christ with it For as Christ is Eyes to the soule so hee is a Mouth and Tongue enabling it to cry Abba Father Unlesse the spirit of Christ be with our spirits helping our infirmities who are godly we are dumme and not able to speake to our owne Father as adopted children for daily Bread much more unable to begge for life to the dreadfull Judge of all the World must all ungodly persons needes bee whose spirits are altogether without Christ as an helper I would have all men that live in their sinnes thinke seriously of this when Christ as the dreadfull Judge of all the World at the great day shall aske you what you have to say for your selves that you should not eternally die for your sinnes in which you have lived you will bee like that man which was without his wedding garment dumme and not able to say a word for your selves because Christ is not with your spirits 'T is impossible that a mans own guilty spirit should bee able to looke the terrible judge of men and divells in the face much lesse speake a word for mercy unlesse the Al-mighty spirit of Christ be with it to aid it Many ignorant wretches sooth themselves with this that they will