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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A05694 A christall glasse of christian reformation wherein the godly maye beholde the coloured abuses vsed in this our present tyme. Collected by Stephen Bateman Minister. Batman, Stephen, d. 1584. 1569 (1569) STC 1581; ESTC S115367 68,767 152

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where in Howe stedfast are thy woordes of truthe and whiche of you can rebuke or reproue them Be thou my Iudge O Lorde c. For thy louyng kindnes is euer before mine eyes and I will walke in thy truth c O shut not vp my soule with the sinners nor my life with the bloud thirsty in whose handes is wickednes and theyr right hands are full of gifts Good lucke haue thou with thine honoure ride on because of the worde of truth of mekenes and righteousnes and thy righte hand shall teache the terrible thinges But loe thou requiredst truth in the inwarde parts and shalt make me to vnderstand wisdome secretly Mercy and truth are met together righteousnes and peace haue kissed ech other truth shall florish out of the earth and righteousnes hath looked downe from heauen But thou o lord art full of compassion and mercy long suffering plenteous in goodnes truth My song shall be alwayes of the louing kindnes of the lord with my mouth will I euer be showing thy truth from generation to generation thy truth shalt thou stablish in the heauens O Lord y e very heauens shall prayse thy wonderous workes and thy truth in the congregation of saintes O Lord who is like vnto thee thy truth most mighty lord is on euery side righteousnes and equitie is the habitation of thy seat mercy and truth shal go before thy face my truth and my mercy also shal be with him and in my name shal his horne be exalted neuerthelesse my louing kindnes will not I vtterly take from him nor suffer my truth to fayle Lord where are thine olde louing kindnes which thou swarest vnto Dauid in thy truth hys faythfullnes and truth shall be thy shilde and buckler It is a good thinge to geue thankes vnto the Lord and to sing prayses vnto thy name O moste hiest to tell of thy louing kindnes early in the morning and of thy truth in the night season the workes of his handes are veritie and iudgement all his commaundementes are true they stand fast for euer and euer and are done in truth and equitie O prayse the Lord all ye heathen praise him all ye nations for his mercifull kindnes is euer more and more toward vs and the truth of the Lord endureth for euer O take not the worde of truth vtterly out of my mouth for my hope is in thy iudgementes all thy commaundementes are true Thy truth also remayneth from one generation to an other thy righteousnes is an euerlasting righteousnes and thy lawe is the truth Be thou nigh at hand O Lorde for all thy commaundementes are true Thy word is true and is from euerlasting all thy iudgementes of thy righteousnes endureth for euer Doth not wisdome cry doth not vnderstanding put forth her voyce and say my throate shall be talking of thy truth and my lippes abhorre vngodlines A Iust man will tell the truth and show the thing that is right but a false witnesse deseueth A true mouth is euer cōstant but a dissembling tong is euer chaungeable the lord abhorreth lying lippes but they that labour for truth please him A false witnesse shall perish but he that is a true man boldely speaketh that he hath hard Haue I not warned thee very oft with counsaile and learnyng that I myght shew thee the truth and that thou with the veritie mightest aunswer them that send vnto thee Wo be vnto them that make vnrighteous lawes and deuise thinges which be to hard for to keepe where through my people are oppressed and the Innocentes of my people robbed of iudgement that wisdome may be theyr pray that they may rob the fatherlesse What will you do in time of visitation and when destruction shall come from farre To whom will ye runne for helpe and to whom will you geue your honoure that he may kepe it that when I with drawe my hande ye come not among the prisoners or lye among the dead c But faythfulnesse and truth shall they trust vnto yea vnto the lord the holy one of Israel And in mercy shall thy seate be prepared and he shal sit vpon it in the truth in the tabernacle of Dauid iudging and seking iudgement and making hast vnto righteousnes In that day shall this song be soung In the land of Iuda we haue a strong citie saluation shall God appoynt in steade of walles and bulwarkes open ye the gates that the righteous people which kepeth the truth may enter in there minde is set vppon thee because thou preseruest them in peace yea in peace because they put theyr trust in thee put ye your trust alwayes in the Lord for in the Lord God there is strength for euermore let all christians ioye in this heauenly comfort the which the holy prophet of God speaketh for although it be long agone since he spake it yet is it as fruitfull to al faythful christians now in these our dayes as euer it was before God graunt that the harts of al faythful christians may be thankfull for these his inestimable benefites and mercyes shewed vnto vs in these our dayes and therefore let vs reioyce with the Israelites and say God is oure righteousnes and truth and God hath deliuered vs from the fiery and cruell malice of sathan and al papistical doctrine wherby now hauing no let nor foes to disturbe vs may so diligently shew ourselues in ech vocation that thereby Gods name may be glorified and our soules refreshed with y e heauenly foode of immortall ioyes to the which eternall and liuing God be all honour and glory for euer and euer He that feareth God will do good and who so keepeth the law shall obtayne wisdome men that go about with lies will not remember her but men of truth shalbe found in her and shall prosper euen vnto the beholding of God And aboue all things pray the hyest that he wil lead thy way in faithfulnes truth The arrogant and stifnecked Phariseyes although they beleued not y e preaching of our Sauiour Christ yet they confessed him to be the truth saying maister we know that thou art true and teachest the way of God truely neither carest thou for any mā for thou regardest not the outward appearaunce of men tell vs therefore how thinkest thou is it lawfull that tribute be geuen vnto Cesar or not But Iesus perceaued theyr wickednes sayde why tempte ye me ye hipocrites shewe me the tribute money and they tooke him a penny and he sayde vnto them whose is thys Image and superscription they sayde vnto hym Cesars Then sayde he vnto them geue therefore vnto Cesar the thinges which are Cesars and vnto God those thynges that are Gods By thys Cesar is ment all temporall rulers to whome we ought to geue all thinges that the lawe of the countrey we be in bindeth vs to geue whether it be our goodes our life our childrē or
which doth mercy righteousnesse and equitie on the earth Also thus sayth the Lord God beholde I will bring enemies vpon thee euen the tyrantes of the heathen these shall drawe out thy swordes vppon thy bewty and wisedome and shall defoyle thy glory Wisedome shall not enter into a froward soule nor dwell in thy body that is subdued vnto sinne Who so despiseth wisedome and nourture is vnhappy and as for the hope of such it is but vayne theyr laboures vnfrutefull and theyr workes vnprofitable For as much as all men be conceaued and borne in sin and that with out the free mercy of God there were no hope of saluation let vs therfore arme our selues with constant prayers vnto almighty God to strengthen vs with the wisedome of his holy spirite that in all our affayres we may therby be able to withstand our aduersary the Diuell Who like a roaring Lion seaseth not but goeth continually about seking whome he may deuoure yet forasmuch as our sauiour Christ hath prom●sed that to al that with harty repentance and true fayth turne vnto him that on those he will haue mercy let vs therefore yelde vnto God all honour and count our selues moste ignoraunt and pray the Lorde so to enflame our hartes with spirituall wisedome that we may thereby come to the knowledge of hys grace and heauenly benediction Steuen full of faythe and power did great wonders and miracles amonge the people then there arose certayne of the sinagoge which is called the sinagog of the Libertines and Sirenites and of Alexandria and of Cilicia and of Asia disputing with Steuen and they could not resist the wisdome and the spirite which spake Where constant fayth is there is alwayes the spirite of Godes wisdome and to those that do continue therein is euerlasting life Hath not God made the wisdome of the worlde foolishnes for after that the world through wisdome knew not God in y e wisdome of God it pleased God through foolishnes of preaching to saue them that beleue For the Iewes require a signe and the Greekes seeke after wisdome but we preach Christ crucified vnto the Iewes an occasion of falling and vnto the Greekes foolishnes but vnto them which are called both of the Iewes and Greekes we preach Christ the power of God and y e wisdome of God If any of you lacke wisdome let him aske of hym that geueth it euen God whiche geueth to all men indifferently and casteth no man in the teeth and it shall be geuen hym But let hym aske in faith and wauer not The description of Peace PEace being vsed according to y e commaundementes of our sauiour Christ among all faythfull christians is not onely profitable to the body but also to the soule for peace signifieth the ioy of conscience and surenes against the deuill our aduersarye And generally the aboundaunce of all spirituall goodnes because our sinnes are forgeuen vs by Christ. Abraham for that he so peaceably and quietly obayed the commaundemētes of the eternall and most mighty God receaued the reward of euerlasting ioyes and also in that he beleued the promises of God without any maner doubt or feare offering vp his onely sonne Isaak and beleuing stedfastly that y e God which had created hym of earth and dust was able to restore hym hys sonne agayne peaceably went to fulfill the Lordes commaundemēt Therfore y e lord blessed his whole posteritie saying thou shalt goe with thy fathers in peace and shalt be buried in a good age Also whē the great dearth and lacke of corne fell in the land of Canaan Iacob sent his sonnes into Egipt to buye corne and there they were knowen of their brother Ioseph and as they returned homeward they found their money in the sackes mouthes at their returne backe agayne into Egipt they came vnto the man that was the ruler ouer Iosephes housholdes and sayde vnto hym Oh sir we came downe hether at the first tyme to buye foode and as we came to an Inne it happened that we opened our sacke and beholde euery mans money was in his sacke with full waight and we haue brought it againe in our handes and other money haue we brought also in our hādes to buy foode but we cannot tel who put our money in our sackes And he sa●d peace be vnto you and feare not your God and th● God of our fathers hath geuen you that treasure in your sackes I had your money Herein is shewed that there was in them a quiet and peaceable conscience not desiring more then that which was dew ●ate them and fearing also that the money being found in their sackes might be an occasion vnto them of a continuall seruitude and bondage with sorowfull myndes brought it agayne vnto the man the which they had thought had formally receaued it Herein they also shewed themselues not onely peaceable and quiet men but also constant and true dealers desiring no more then that which of right appertayned vnto thē this example may seeme very necessary and profitable among all the professours of Christianitie whereby they may the better know how to vse their crafte and occupiyng wyth truth and equitie Which beyng kept bringeth all such to the peaceable hauen of quiet immortalitie And if thou thus abide in my lawes and obserue my commaundementes I wyll sende peace in the lande and ye shall fleene wythout any man to make you afrayde and I wyll rydde euyll beastes out of your lande and there shall no sworde goe through out your lande and ye shall chace your enemyes and they shall fall before you vppon the sworde and fiue of you shall chace a hundred and a hundred of you shall put a thousande to flight and your enemyes shall fall before you vppon the sworde for I will haue respect vnto you and make encrease and multiply you and set vp my couenaunt with you and ye shal eate olde store and carry out olde for the new And the Lord spake vnto Moyses saying Phinehes the sonne of Eleazer the sonne of Aaron the priest turned myne anger away from the children of Israell in my gelosie wherefore say beholde I geue vnto hym my couenaunt of peace and he shall haue it and hys seede after hym euen the couenaunt of the Priestes office for euer because he was gelious for hys Gods sake and made atonement for the children of Israell When thou commest nygh vnto a Citie to fight agaynste it offer them peace and if they aunswere thee agayne peaceably and open vnto thee then let all the people that is found therein be tributaryes vnto thee and serue thee By these pleasaunt examples is manifestly shewed the mighty power of God to al those that put theyr trust in hym as for example Phinies then which shewed hym selfe a true follower of the commaundementes of God and woulde in no wyse suffer any thing to be done contrary to Gods precept and therefore God made a couenaunt with