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A01680 Our trust against trouble very expedient for the time, composed for our better consolation and consideration of these crosses of warre, lately attempted, and still intended against vs : with diuers speciall prayers and meditations, very requisite to be remembred of vs, before, in and after the time of our trouble / by Charles Gybbon. Gibbon, Charles, fl. 1589-1604. 1589 (1589) STC 11818; ESTC S2684 9,841 35

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vsed in the time of trouble LOrd it is nothing with thée to helpe with many or with no power 2. Ch 14.11 Help vs O Lord our God for we rest on thée and in thy name are wee come against thys multitude O Lorde thou art our God let not man preuaile against thée O our God wilt thou not iudge them 2. Ch. 20.12 for there is no strength in vs to stande before this great multitude the commeth against vs neither doo we know what to doo but our eyes are toward thée In God doo I trust I will not bee afraid what man can doo vnto mée Psal 56.11 O Lord our God I beseeche thee saue thou vs out of our enemies hand 2. Re. 19.19 that all the kingdomes of the earth may know that thou O Lord art onely God Psal 25 1 2 Vnto thée O Lorde lift I vppe my soule my God I trust in thée let mee not be confounded let not mine enemies reioyce ouer mée Psal 21.13 Be thou exalted O lord in thy strength so shall wee sing and praise thy power Psa 22.4.5 Our father 's trusted in thée they trusted and thou didst deliuer them They called vpon thée were deliuered they trusted in thee were not confounded Psa The sorrowes of my hart are inlarged draw me out of my troubles looke vpon my affliction and my trauel and forgiue all my sins Beholde mine enemies for they are many and they hate me with carnall hatred Psal 30.10 Heare O Lord and haue mercie vpon me Lord be thou mine helper Psal 27.12 Giue me not vnto the lust of my aduersaries Psa 31.15.16 My times are in thy hande deliuer me from the hands of my enemies and from thē that persecute me make thy face to shine vpon thy Seruant and saue me through thy mercie Our soule waiteth for the Lord Psal 33.20 for hee is our help our shielde let thy mercie O lord be vpon vs as we trust in thee Plead thou my cause O lord with thē that striue with me Psal 35.1.2 fight thou against them that fight against me Laie hande upon the shield and buckler and stande up for my help Let not them that are mine enemies uniustlie triumph ouer me Psal 35.19 Let not them say in their harts Psa 35.25 O our soule reioyce neither let them saie we haue deuoured him Be mercifull vnto me O GOD Psa 56.1.2 for man wold swallow me vp he fighteth continuallie and vexeth me Mine enemies would daily swallow me vp for manie fight against mee O thou most high Haue mercy vppon me O God Psal 57.1 haue mercy vpō me for my soule trusteth in thée in the shadow of thy wings will I trust till these afflictions ouerpasse Psa 60.11 Giue vs helpe against trouble for vain is the help of man Through God we shall doo valiantly for he shal tread down our enemies Psa 70.1.2 O Lord hast thee to deliuer me make hast to help me O lord Let thē be confounded put to shame that séeke my soule let them be turned backwarde and put to rebuke that desire my hurt Help vs O God of our saluation for the glory of thy name and deliuer vs and bée merciful vnto our sins for thy names sake Psal 36.1.2 Psa 79.6.9 Powre out thy wrath vpon the heathen that haue not known thée and vppon the kingdoms that haue not called vpon thy name So we thy people and shéepe of thy pasture shall praise thee for euer from generation to generation we will set forth thy praise Psa 86.1 2 Incline thine eare O lord and heare me for I am poore and néedy Preserue thou my soule for I am mercifull my God saue thy seruant that trusteth in thée Be merciful vnto me O God for I cry vpon thee continually Reioyce the soule of thy seruaunt Psa 86 4 5 6 17. for vnto thée O lord doo I lift vp my soule For thou Lord art good and merciful and of great kindnes vnto all thē that call vpon thée Giue eare Lorde vnto my prayer and harken to the voice of my supplication Shewe a token of thy goodnes toward me that they which hate mee may sée it and be ashamed because thou O Lord hast holpen and comforted me O Lord heare my prayer and let my cry come vnto thee Psa 102.1 2 Hide not thy face from me in the time of my trouble incline thine eares vnto me when I call make hast to heare me Helpe me O Lord my God Psal 109 26 27. saue mée according to thy mercie And they shal knowe that this is thy hande and that thou O Lord hast doone it Our help is in the name of the Lord which hath made heauen and earth Psa 124 8. Deliuer me O Lord from mine enemies for I hide me with thee Psal 143. Psal 144.11 12. And for thy mercie slay mine enemies destroy all them that oppresse my soule for I am thy seruant Rescue mee and deliuer me from the hands of Strangers whose mouth talketh vanitie and their right hande is a right hand of falshood That our Sons may be as the plants growing vppe in their youth and our Daughters as the corner stones grauen after the similitude of a Pallace Psal 144.13.14 15 That our corners may be ful abounding with diuers sortes and that our sheepe may bring forth thousands and ten thousands in our streets That our Oxen may be strong to labour that there be no inuasion nor going out nor crying in our streetes Blessed are the people that be so yea blessed are the people whose God is the Lorde ❧ Our trust against trouble ¶ That vvee may the more patientlie thankfully and ioyfully carry ouercome the crosse of tribulation trouble Let vs first of all consider who is the Author of it 1. It is God that sendeth warre AND that is approoued vnto vs in these words Beholde nowe for I I am he and there is no Gods with me Deu. 32.39 I kill and I giue life I wounde I make whole neither is there any that can deliuer out of my hand The Isralites confessed all their afflictions to come from God Come say they let vs returne to the Lord Hosea 6 1 for he hath spoyled and hee will heale vs he hath wounded vs he will bind vs vp c. So that we may learne by this two profitable instructions 1. Albeit the wicked doo make war wée must not suppose they doo it of thēselues for God doth after a sort vse and send them as his seruaunts and so verie fitly calleth them because hee maketh them to serue him by constraint and that which they doo of malice hee turneth to his honor and glory as hee did by Nebuchadnezer who when he besieged Ierusalem hee did it not of hys own accorde for the Lorde had said
other of his aduersaries Sanaherib that great blasphemer making war against Hezekiah that godlie Prince 2 Re 19 35. had so good successe in his enterprise that the Angel of the Lord went out and in one night smote in the Campe an hundred fourescore and fiue thousand of his men Zerah of Ethiopia 2 Chr 14 12 13 making warre against King Asa was so farre from giuing the ouerthrow that he and his were enforced to flie receiue the foyle Thus we may sée by these examples that although God will sometime punish his children for their sins by suffering the nenemy to assault them yet hee will not permit the enemy to preuaile ouer his people so they repēt and be sory for their sins repose their trust in their troubles vnder hys defence Let vs not be terrified because of the multitude of men but let vs remēber that notable saying of Asa in his trouble 2 Ch 14 11 Lorde it is nothing with thee to help with many or with no power For no doubt we may say of our enemy as Hezekiah did of Sancherib With him is an arme of flesh but with vs is the lord our God for to helpe vs and to fight our battels Let vs pray without dispaire considering what the Lord hath said Psal 50 15 Call vpon mee in the time of trouble and I will heare thee Exo 17 11 When Moyses lyfted vp his hand Israell preuailed but whē he let downe his hand the Amalekites preuailed teaching vs thereby to prostrate and perseuere in our prayers without fainting for the Lorde is nigh to all those that call vpon him in fayth Psal 145 18 5. How we ought to behaue our selues after troubles for the good successe is sent vs. We must offer to God the Sacrifice of prayse and thanksgiuing As the Lorde hath promised in our troubles to heare helpe vs so he hath said Thou shalt praise me For of him Psal 50 15 Rom 11 36 through him for him are all things to him be glory Least if we forgette or neglect to bee thankfull to him for his benefits he doth further afflict vs. For it is said of Hezekiah after God had wonderfully deliuered him from hys enemies that he did not render according to the reward bestowed vpon him for his hart was lift vp 2 Ch 32 25 and therefore the wrathe of God came against him vpon Iudah and Ierusalem Therfore that we may the more effectually offer our prayses to God let vs obserue two things 1. Comemoration Of the opposite daunger of our enemie with our safe deliuerie 2. Consideration Of our vnwoorthy merites with Gods wonderfull mercie In so dooing we shall find Gods goodnes so superaboundant and our deserts so repugnaunt that euery one of vs in the end of our troubles shall be enforsed to say as Dauid did Psalm 116.12 13 17 What shall I render vnto the Lorde for all his benefites towards mee I will take the Cup of saluation and call vppon the name of the Lord. I will offer to him a sacrifice of prayse Gen 14 19 Melchizedeck gaue thanks for Abrahams victory Exo 15 1 2 Moyses and the Isralites song prayses for their deliueraunce Iudg 5 1 2 So did Deborah Barak and dyuers others For if the Lorde smelled a sauour of rest at the burnt offering of Noah how acceptable wil our praises be that procéede from a contrite hart sith the Lorde himselfe saith Psal 50 23 Hee that offereth mee prayse shall glorifie me A tryumphe after trouble Contayning a prayse or thankesgiuing fit for euery Christian to offer and confesse to God for the benefite of their deliuerance Collected out of the Scriptures I Will magnifie thée O Lorde Psal 30 1 for thou hast exalted mee and hast not made my foes to reioyce ouer me By this O Lord I knowe that thou fauourest me Psal 41 11 because my enemy doth not tryumphe against me Thou hast turned my mourning into ioy Psal 30 11 thou hast loosed my sacke gyrded me with gladnes Therefore shall my tongue prayse thée and not cease O Lorde my God I will giue thankes vnto thée for euer I will alwaies giue thanks vnto the Lord Psalm 34 1 2 3 4 his praise shall bee in my mouth continually my soule shall glory in the Lord the humble shall heare it and be glad Praise ye the Lord with me and let vs magnifie his name together I sought the Lord and he heard me yea he deliuered mee out of all my feare Psalm 44 5 6 7 8 Through thée haue we thrust backe our aduersaries by thy name haue wée troden downe them that rose vppe against vs for I do not trust in my bow neither can my sword saue mee But thou hast saued vs from our aduersaries and hast put them to confusiō that hate vs. Psal 56 12 Therfore will we praise God continually and wil confesse his name for euer Thy vowes are vpon me O GOD I will render praise vnto thée Psal 59 16 I will sing of thy power and praise thy mercy in the morning for thou hast beene my defence and refuge in the day of my trouble Psal 63 5 6 My soule shall be satis-fied as wyth marowe fatnes and my mouth shall praise thée with ioyful lips when I remember thée on my bed and when I think vpon thee in the night watches because thou hast béene my helper therefore vnder the shadowe of thy winges will I reioyce I loue the Lorde because hee hath heard my voice and my prayers Psalm 116 1 17 18 I wil ●ffer to thée a sacrifice of praise wyll call vpon the name of the Lord. I wyll ●ay my vowes vnto the lord euen now ●n the presence of all his people The Lord is my strength and song Psal 118 14 for he hath béene my deliueraunce Blessed bee the Lorde my strength Psa 144 1 2 which teacheth my hands to fight and my fingers to battell he is my goodnes and my fortresse my Towre my deliuerer my shield and in him I trust If the Lord had not béene on our side when men rose vp against vs Psal 123 1 2 they had then swallowed vs vp quicke when their wrath was kindled against vs. Praysed bee the Lorde which hath not giuen vs Psal 124 6 as a praye vnto theyr ●eeth Amen FINIS