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A44364 The spirit of the martyrs revived in a brief compendious collection of the most remarkable passages and living testimonies of the true church, seed of God, and faithful martyrs in all ages: contained in several ecclesiastical histories & chronological accounts of the succession of the true church from the creation, the times of the fathers, patriarchs, prophets, Christ and the Apostles. Hookes, Ellis, d. 1681. 1664 (1664) Wing H2663A; ESTC R224173 399,190 375

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Estate giving unto them a Commandment of Obedience which was The Commandment given man in his first Creation that they were not to eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil for in the day they did eat thereof they should dye but of all the rest of the Trees of the Garden they might eat and receiving Comfort there-from might give the Praise and Glory thereof to their Maker to whom it did belong And whilest Man and Woman stood in this Condition they were happy and blessed And now God beheld all that he had made and behold all was Good for Sin had not as yet entered upon man But the Devil envying Gods Honour and Mans Felicity tempted the Woman to Sin by the Serpent The Serpent beguiled Man and Woman by his Subtilty the Woman being beguiled by the Serpent the man was also beguiled by her and brake the Ordinance of God by eating the Forbidden Fruit And thus Man and Woman lost the Dignity and Excellency of their first Creation and were enslaved by the Serpent who by his Wiles and Subtilty had entangled and ensnared them and perswaded them to believe him more then God for God said That in the day they did eat thereof they should die but the Serpent said They should not surely die for God doth know said he that you shall be as Gods knowing Good and Evil and thus was man by a lye drawn from the pure Command of his Maker Now after they had sinned in the cool of the day the Lord called unto Adam saying Where art thou and Adam who did hide himself said I heard thy Voice in the Garden and was afraid because I was Naked And God said Who told thee that thou wast Naked hast thou eaten of the Tree whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not Eat And now having brought Guilt and shame upon themselves by Transgression After man had transgressed he first began to make a Covering they began to make them Coverings by sewing fig-leaves to make them Aprons of which it seems they had no need before they had transgressed And now by this all men may see that it was the Serpents work from the beginning and indeed it has been in all Ages his work to beguile Men and Women with his Lyes and Subtilties and to darken their Eyes and polute their Understandings that he may keep them in subjection to himself and from hence doth spring the wicked Thoughts and Actions which all mankind are apt to lean and incline to and have been and are readier to give ear to the Voice of the Serpent and wicked One The Serpent hath ever been the moving cause of all the W● that has come upon Man then to the Voice of God their Maker And this has been the Fountain and Spring-head from whence has come all the Disorders Miseries and Woes that have happened unto all Manking throughout the World in all Ages they have been feeding and delighting themselves in eating the Forbidden Fruit which their Forefathers also delighted in and all Nations upon the Earth are in this State and Condition at this day led away by the Voice of the Serpent from the Purity and Righteousness in which man was first created except a Little Remnant which God hath at this day gathered by his Light and Power to be witnesses to his name And now the Lord having convicted Adam of his evil The Promise of God for the restoring lost man and pronounced several punishments upon him and on Eve his Wife yet with this Promise added That the Seed of the Woman shall break the Serpents Head and now man being put out of the Garden of Eden and a Fiery Flaming Sword being set to keep the Way leading to the Tree of Life man was in an undone condition had not the Lord condescended in his tender Love and Mercy to restore him and make that Promise to him and this was the Lords great Love to open a Door of hope to lost man that he might not be destroyed by Satans Power and now the Power of God by which man was first created appeared again to restore him After the fall of Adam year of the world 130 Cain was the first man that was born of a woman and after Cain his Brother Abel was born and now in process of time these two offered Offerings unto the Lord being without question instructed in Righteousness by their Father Adam after h●s restoration but Cains Sacrifice What Sacrafice God accepted and what he rejected being only outward in shew and nothing inward in the Spirit wherein doth consist the true Worship of God the Lord accepted not his Offering but unto Abel and his Offering which was from the Uprightness and Sincerity of his heart the Lord had respect At this Cain was Wrath and being inflamed with Anger rose up against his Brother Abel and in his envy slew him here was the beginning of Persecution and that upon a righteous person for serving God in a pure mind and here the envy of the Wicked one appeared again to extinguish if he could the righteous Seed But now the Lord shewed regard again to mankind and in his tender love repaired this loss for now Abel being slain Adams Wife bare another Son whose name was Seth for God saith she Seth born in the room of Abel bath appointed me another Seed instead of Abel whom Cain slew and this Seth proved a godly man and had a Son called Enos who kept up the holy Seed and true Religion as it is recorded of him that in his dayes men did begin to call on the Name of the Lord now Enos signifies the lamentable condition of all mankind for even then as some men write was the worship of God wretchedly corrupted by the race of Cain whence it came that men were even so distinguished that they who persisted in the true worship of God were known by the name of the Children of God and they which forsook him were termed the Children of men Enochs blameless life The next of the Righteous Stock was Jared to whom was born Enoch another of the Righteous Seed whose life and conversation was so Innocent that it is recorded of him that he walked with God And thus the Reader may see how the Righteous Plants were such who took the Lord to be their Guide in their Actions and Undertakings who were as Patterns of Righteousness in the midst of a perverse Generation and it is the same with all the faithful and upright at this day And now Enoch having this Testimony that he pleased God the Lord as a requital of his faithfulness translated him so that he saw no death and took him to himself The evil the Sons of God were prone to run into And it came to pass when men began to multiply on the Face of the Earth and Daughters were born unto them these Sons of God saw the Daughters of men that they were fair and they
Amen Ah my most sweet and loving Brethren and dearest hearts in the Lord what shall I say or how shall I write unto you in the lest point or part to utter the great joy that my poor heart hath conceived in God through the most godly Example of your Christian-constancy and sincere Confession of Christs Truth truly my Tongue cannot declare nor my Pen express the aboundance of Spiritual mirth and gladness that my mind and inward man hath felt ever since I heard of your hearty ●oldness and modest behaviour before the Bloody Butcher in the time of all your crafty Examinations especially at your cruel Condemnation in their cursed Consistory place blessed be God the Father of all Mercy and Praised be his Name who hath not only given you continual Aid Strength and Comfort of his holy and mighty Spirit to the faithful Confession of Christ for whose Cause Oh most happy man ye are condemn'd to die but hath also given you such a Mouth and Wisdom as all your Wicked Enemies were not able to resist my dear Brethren this is an evident proof that God is on our side Therefore my dearly Beloved Cease not so long as ye be in this life to praise the Lord for that of his great mercy and infinite goodness he hath counted you Worthy of this great dignity to suffer for his sake not only the loss of Goods Wife and Children long Imprisonment Cruel Oppression c. But also the deprivation of this mortal life with the dissoluation of your Bodies in the fire Ah my most dear Brother Tyms whose time resteth altogether in the hands of the Lord in a full happy time camest thou into this Troublesome World but in a much more blessed hour shalt thou depart out of the same so that the sweet saying of Soloman or rather of the holy Ghost shall be full well verified upon thee yea and on all thy faithfull Fellows better is the day of Death saith he then the day of Birth This saying cannot be verified upon every man but upon thee my dear Brother and such as thou art whose Death is most pretious before God and full dear shall your Blood be in his sight blessed be God for thee my dear Brother that ever I knew thee for in a most happy time came I first into thy Company pray for me dear Brother pray for me that God will once vouch me Worthy of that great dignity whereunto he hath now brought you Ah all my faithfull Brethren what shall I say or what shall I write unto you but the same that Elizabeth said to Mary Happy art thou which hast believed Luke 2. for all things which the Lord hath spoken to thee shall be fulfilled so I say to you my dear hearts in the Lord happy are ye all yea twice happy shall you be for evermore because you have stedfastly believed the most sweet Promises which God the Father hath made unto you with his own Mouth in that he hath Promised you which are the faithfull Seed of the believing Abraham that ye shall be blessed ever World without end and as you do believe so do you bear record that God is true the Testimony whereof you have full worthily born to the World and shortly will full surely seal the same with your Blood yea even to Morrow I do understand Oh Constant-Christians Oh Valliant Souldiers of the high Captain Jesus Christ who for your sake hath conquered the Devil Death Sin and Hell and hath given you full Victory over them for evermore Oh Worthy Witnesses and most glorious Martyrs whose invincible Faith hath overcome that Proud Sturdy-Bragging Prince of the World and all his Wicked Army over whom you shall shortly triumph for evermore Thus committing you all to Gods most merciful Defence whose Quarrel you have defended whose Cause you have promoted whose glory you have set forth and whose Name you have constantly confessed farewel my dear Hearts in the Lord I will make as much haste after you as I may Rev. 11. All our dear Brethren Salute you they pray for you and praise God for you continually Blessed be the Dead that die in the Lord for they rest from their Labours and their Works follow them John Careless About the same time that John Careless died Julius Palmer John Gwin and Thomas Askin were burnt together in Newberry in the County of Berks. Julius Palmer Julius Palmer Martyr was born in Coventry his Father had been Mayor of Coventry who bred Julius a Schollar This Julius was a man of a prompt and ready memory a wit sharp and pregnant he was of behaviour courteous without curiosity of countenance chearfull without high looks of Speech pleasant he was affable and lo● as a Child and yet quick Spirited and vehement in reasoning he practi●ed no deceit towards any man for he was of such simplicity that he was apter to be deceived then to deceive In King Edward's time he was a Papist and an utter Enemy to the Protestant Religion then appearing for which he was expelled the House or Colledge he belonged to but in Queen Maryes reign was again restored to the said House but seeing the Constancy of the Martyrs that Suffered in Queen Maryes reign and hearing a Relation of the cruelty inflicted on some of them he cryed out O raging Cruelty O Tyranny and more then Barbarous and set himself to search into the Religion of the Protestants that suffered and soon after was so far converted from Popery that he could not bow to several Popish Ceremonies so that he was constrained in a short space to yield up his Fellowship in Oxford and betook himself to teach School at Reading where he had not continued long but some envious p●●●●us against the Tr●th sought Occasion aganst him and finding an opper●●●●ty searched his Closet where they found some Books and Writings written by him against the Popish Proceedings and espec●lly against their brutish Tyranny executed against the Martyrs whereupon they threatned him that except he did without delay depart their Coasts they would produce the Books before the Councel whereupon he was forced to depart from the Town of Reading leaving in the hands of his Enemies what he had there and took his Journey to Evisham where his Mother dwelt hoping to get what his Father left him when he died his Mother understanding his Condition as soon as she saw him and had a short discourse with him said to him I require thee to depart from my House and out of my sight as for Money and Goods I have none of thine thy Father bequeathed nought for Hereticks Faggots I have to burn thee more thou gets not at my hand so with a soft answer and a few sweet words to her the tears running down his cheeks he departed from her which so mollified her hard heart that she threw an old Angel after him and said take that to keep thee a true man This poor man being destitute of worldly
leave his great words and fall to ask him forgiveness so as taking off his Crown from his head he laid it down at the Legates feet to be disposed of as the Pope should please and the Legate stuck not to take up his Crown and to keep it three or four dayes in his hands before he restored it and did not then neither but upon Condition that he and his Successors should hold the Kingdom of the See of Rome at the Annual Tribute of a Thousand Marks This King John was shortly after as it is Recorded poysoned by one Simon a Monk who being absolved of his Abbot before hand for doing this fact to accomptish his Design he finds a Toad in the Garden and pricks him with a Pen-Knife until he had made him vomit up all his Poyson which he having conveyed into a Cup of Wine began to the King with a smiling countinance speaking these words If it shall please your Princely Majesty here is such a Cup of Wine as you never drank a better I turst this Wassel shall make all England glad The King having drunk and anon being ill enquired for Simon the Monk to whom some answered that he was departed this life for his Guts gushed out of his Belly the King replyed then God have mercy on my Soul and so he dyed much repenting of his former life About this time several persons were stirred up by the Lord to declare against the Pope as an Heretick and were by him condemned for their pains viz. Arnoldus Johannes Semeca Gulielmus de Santo amorie Gallus and Grosthead great Writers against the Popes Decrees giving many signs of false Teachers of whom see more in my Testimonies of the Martyrs The Pope being at odds with the Emperor Fredrick the second years since Christ 1248 would not at any hand be reconciled though the King of France strongly interceed and the Emperor himself cleared himself of all imputation and offered full saitsfaction for all pretended wrongs and to go out of his Empire if the Pope would not endure him there to the holy Land never to return into Europe again so as his Son Henry Nephew to King Henry of England might succeed him with offer of other most reasonable conditions These Oppositions of the Pope against Christian Emperours and Kings gave the Turks great advantage of prevailing against those called Christians and the grand Cause that God did not prosper the Christians in their wars in the holy-Land was imputed to the Christians adhering to their Masses and other Superstitions And thus having given a brief Relation of the most material Passages in the Affairs of the pretended Christian Church till this time I shall now Proceed to give a Discovery of the beginning and proceedings of the Monks Fryars and Jesuites who now began to swarm in the Apostized Church of the Papists We read that many Religious men heretofore contemning the World and all the Pomp Pride and Vanity thereof withdrew themselves into the Wilderness and Desart places in Syria Aegypt and other Countries it being in the time of great Persecution to the end they might the better being not troubled in the worldly cares and incumbrance bestow their time in reading the Scriptures Fasting Praying Meditating and such divine Exercises whereof Paul sirnamed the first Hermit Anthony Hilarion Basil and Jerome were the first and chiefest among the Christians who for their Sanctity of Life were in those dayes had in great Honour for then this kind of life was simple and free and not bound or Tyed to Unlawful Vows and Ridiculous Ceremonies as afterwards came to be observed by such as were called Monks and Fryars their Habit was then homely and yet decent as every man best pleased to wear neither were they bound to abide or remain in any one particular place nor tyed to one kind of life by Vow but free to stay there where they liked best or to go into any City or Country where they would at their own pleasure they sought out the most Desart place as they could find that is in the Wilderness working with their hands and getting their living with the sweat of their Brows gave a singular good Example to all men to live Virtuously and Godly instructing their Families and others that resorted unto them to lead a godly and Christian Life and were admired and honoured of all good men for their Doctrine Integrity of Life and godly zeal for as yet saith the History the Christians had but one Law and one Religion which afterwards fell out otherwise to the Grief and Sorrow of the Upright among them to see what Rents and Divisions Sects and Factions Superstitions and Ceremonies were brought in amongst them although good stirrings there might be amongst these that lived this private life Their Successors and Imitators were far unlike them for the words of Philo cited by Eusebius are these Now let our Monks saith he who live like Kings who swim in all manner of delights and pleasures who affect nothing more then Promotion and Honour and whose chiefest care and studdy is to gather Wealth and to hoord up Gold Silver c. About this time several Sects of Monks began to spread forth out of the Order of Benedictus years since Christ 562 their Habit was to wear a black loose Coat of Stuff reaching down to their heels with a Cowle or Hood to cover their bald Pates which hangs down to their Shoulders and under that Coat another white Habit as large as the former they shave the hairs off their heads except one little round Circle which they leave round about their heads which they call Corona they are bound to abstain from Flesh unless it be when they are sick These Benedictine Monks would have the World believe that they are godly and religious men and would not be ranked with the Jesuites who were States men for they poor Monks meddle not with matters of State or with Kings Affairs but for all their counterfeit holiness an English Benedictine Monk of Swinsted Abby Poysoned King John as is before related for the which fact he was still is highly honoured by all Papist in general and one saith on him thus Regem perimere Meritorium ratus est he thought it a meritorious deed for to kill the King About this time began to peep out another Sect of Monks years since Christ 1047 called Montelinetences at the time when there were three several Popes living who troubled all Christendom for their Papacy the Institutor of this Family of Monks was one Bernardus Ptolomeus they lived at the first at Sienna in Italy but afterwards having gathered their Crumbs together they built an Abby on the top of a hill not far from thence they wear a white Habit this Family was approved by Pope Gregory the twelfth The Bethlemite Fryars began 1257. their first dwelling was at Cambridge years since Christ 1257 and their Habit was like the Dominican Fryars saving that these did wear a Star
exhorted every one of them in her own Language filled with couragious spirit and stirred up her womanish thoughts with a manly stomach she said unto them I cannot tell how you came into my womb for I neither gave you breath nor life neither was it I that formed the members of every one of you but doubtless the Creator of the world who formed the Generation of man and found out the beginning of all things will also of his own mercy give you breath and life again as you now regard not your own selves for his Laws sake Now Antiochus thinking himself despised and suspecting it to be a reproachful speech whilst the youngest was yet alive did not only exhort him by words but also assured him with Oathes that he would make him both a rich and a happy man if he would turn from the Laws of his Fathers and that also he would take him for his Friend and trust him with affairs but when the young man would in no case hearken unto him the King called his Mother and exhorted her that she would counsel the young man to save his life and when he had exhorted her with many words she promised him that she would counsel her Son but she bowing her self towards him laughing the cruel Tyrant to scorn spake in her Country language on this manner O my Son have pity upon me that bare thee nine Months in my Womb and gave thee suck three Years and nourished thee and brought thee up unto this age and endured the troubles of Education I beseech thee my Son look upon the Heaven and the Earth and all that is therein and consider that God made them of things that were not and so was mankind made likewise fear not this Tormentor but being worthy of thy Brethren take thy death that I may receive thee again in mercy with thy Brethren While she was yet speaking these words the young man said Whom wait ye for I will not obey the Kings commandment but I will obey the Commandment of the Law that was given unto our Fathers by Moses and thou that hast been the author of all mischeif against the Hebrews shalt not escape the hands of God for we suffer because of our Sins and though the living Lord be angry with us a little while for our chastning and correction yet shall he be at one again with his Servants But thou O Godless man and of all other most wicked be not lifted up without a cause nor puffed up with uncertain hopes lifting up thy hands against the Servants of God for thou hast not yet escaped the Judgment of Almighty God who seeth all things for our Brethren who now have suffered a snort pain are dead under Gods Covenant of everlasting Life but thou through the Judgment of God shalt receive just punishment for thy Pride but I as my Brethren offer up my Body and Life for the Laws of our Fathers beseeching God that he would speedily be merciful unto our Nation and that thou by Torments and Plagues mayest confess that he alone is God and that in me and my Brethren the wrath of the Almighty which is justly brought upon all our Nation may cease Then the King being in a rage handled him worse then all the rest and took it grievously that he was mocked so this man dyed undefiled and put his whole trust in the Lord last of all after the Sons the Mother dyed When her Sons were apprehended she exhorted them in the Hebrew Tongue saying O my most dear and loving Children let us hasten to that Agony which may credit our profession and be rewarded by God with Eternal Life let us fearlessly present our Bodies to those Torments which aged Eleazar endured let us call to mind our Father Abraham who having but one only Son willingly sacrificed him at Gods command and feared not to bring him to the Alter whom with many prayers he had obtained in his old age Remember Daniel the three Children c. Antioch being enraged against her caused her to be stript naked hanged up by the Hands and cruelly whipt then were her Dugs and Paps pulled off and her self put into the Red-hot Frying-pan where lifting up her Hands and Eyes to Heaven in the midest of her Prayers she yielded up her chaste Soul unto God But God suffered not the cruel Tyrant to escape unpunished for in his Wars against the Persians the Lord struck him with Madness his Intrals were devoured with Worms and stinking like a Carrion in the Extreamity of his Torments he gave up the Ghost Part II Containing an Account of the great Persecutions and Martyrdoms of the Christians after the coming of Christ and before the Apostacy and Darkness wholy spread over the Church AFter the Jews who were once the People of God and had the Laws Statutes Ordinances and Commands of God made known to them as is before related had apostatized from the holy Spirit or Life they provoked God and soon forgat him shamefully entreated and killed the Servants and Messengers of God yet the Lord had Compassion to mankind and remembred his Promise and in love to the World sent forth his Son who said when he was come he was the true Light that enlighteneth every one that cometh into the world yet the world knew him not but God sent his Messenger to prepare his Way and the Voice of one cryed in the Wilderness prepare ye the Way of the Lord and make strait Paths for our God and when this Messenger whose name was John was come the hand of the Lord was with him and he preached repentance for the remission of sins and for reproving Herod of his Evils he was shut up in Prison and though Christ testified of him that among those that were born of women there was not a greater Prophet then John Yet this Herod who had married Herodias his brothers wife to whom John said it is not lawfull for thee to have thy brothers wife John Baptist beheaded therefore the persecuting spirit arose in Herodias and she would have killed him but could not yet afterwards she was the cause of John Baptists being beheaded in Prison And when Christ Jesus appeared who is the Light of the world whom John called the Lamb of God Christ Jesus Persecuted and put to death who testified against the apostatized Jews their false worship in their dead Forms saying God a is Spirit they that worship him must worship him in spirit and and truth yet him these Jews rejected and would not receive him that they might have Life and when he said I am the bread of life and I am the living bread which came down from Heaven if any man eat of this bread he shall live forever and the bread that I shall give is my flesh which I will give for the life of the world the Jews in their ignorance reasoned saying How can this be can this man give us his flesh to eat and
not long after smote him with sickness indeed a most horrible and strange Disease his Body being greatly tormented with Pain and could get no Help being had to an Hospital his Flesh rotted away and stunk so that none cared to come near him and in this Rage and Torment he was under he often cryed out Who will deliver me The Just Judgment of God against a cruel Persecutor Who will Kill me and deliver me out of these Torments and Pains which I know I suffer for the evils and oppressions that I have done to the poor men and in this anguish he most miserably ended his unhappy dayes After the death of this persecuting Monk the Bishop of Aix by his Official continued the Persecution and put a great Multitude of them in Prison of whom some by force of Torments revolted from the Truth the others which proved constant after he had condemned them of Heresie were put into the hands of the ordinary Judge which at that time was one Meiranus a cruel Persecutor who without any form of Process or order of Law such as the Official had pronounced to be Hereticks he put to death with most Cruel Torments After this Persecutor was dead one Bartholomew Casenes President of the Parliment of Province a Pestilent Persecutor whom God at length struck with a fearful and sudden Death in the time of this Tyrant those of Merindol were cited personally to appear before the Kings Attorney but they hearing that the Court had determined to burn them without any Process or Order of Law durst not appear at the day appointed for which cause the Court awarded a cruel Sentence against Merindol and condemned all the Inhabitants to be burned both Men Women and Children and their Town and Houses to be rased to the Ground and their Country to be made a Desart and Wilderness never more to be inhabited This bloody Arrest or Decree seemed strange and wonderful same openly saying They marvelled the Parliment should be so mad to give out such an Arrest so manifestly injurious and unjust and contrary to all Reason and Humanity others said The Judges are not bound to observe either Right or Reason in exterpating such as are suspected to be Lutherans but what ever was said in opposition to this Decree the Bishops from time to time used all the opportunities to endeavour to put the same in execution as appears in the following Relation Amongst these poor men that suffered in Merindol there was a Book-seller who for ●etting publickly to sale certain Bibles in French and Latine in the sight of the Bishop of Aix and other Prelates they were thereat greatly moved and caused him to be apprehended and committed to Prison and afterwards he was sentenced and burnt the Prelates seeing great dissention among the people of Avinion and that many murmured at the death of this Book-seller for selling the Bible to fear the people the next day they put out a Proclamation against all French Bibles That none should keep them in their Hands upon pain of Death After this Proclamation the Bishop of Aix endeavoured his utmost to prosecute the people of Merindol being very earness with the President to that effect and to put the Parliaments Arrest and Decree in execution the President shewing himself unwilling to the Bishop to shed Innocent Blood pleaded The King would be displeased to have such destruction made of his Subjects then said the Bishop Though the King at the first do think it ill done we will so bring it to past that in a short space he shall think it well done for we have the Cardinals on our side especially Cardinal Tournon By these Arguments of the Bishop the President and Councel of Parliament were perswaded to raise a Force and destroy the people of Merindol according to the Decree The Inhabitants of Merindol hearing thereof and seeing nothing but present death to be at hand with great Lamentation commended themselves and their Cause unto God by Prayer and made themselves ready to be murdered as Sheep for the Slaughter whilst they were in this grievous distress there was one raised up called the Lord of Alner to plead with the President on their behalf giving the President several Reasons why he ought not to destroy these poor Christian man of Merindol by which Reasons the President was perswaded and immediatly called back his Commission which he had given out and caused the Army to Retire who were within a mile and a half of Merindol which the people of Merindol understanding that the Army was retired gave thanks unto God comforting one another with Admonition and Exhortation Alwayes to have the fear of God before their Eyes and to seek after the everlasting Riches The noise of these Proceedings and of this Arrest and Decree coming to the King of France his ear he appointed persons to make Inquiry into the whole matter and to make a Report to him thereof and what manner of People these Merindolians were These Deputies brought a Copy of the Arrest Decree and Proceedings unto the Kings Lieutenant declaring unto him the great Injuries Polling Extortions Exactions Tyrannies and Cruelties which the Judges as well Secular as Ecclesiastical had used against them of Merindol and others as touching the behaviour and disposition of those which were persecuted they reported that the most part of the men of Province affirmed them to be men given to great Labour and Travel and that about two hundred years past as it is reported they came out of the Country of Piedmont to dwell in Province and took to tillage and to inhabit many Villages destroyed by the Wars which they had so well husbandred that there was now great store of Wine Oyle Honey and Cattle so that Strangers were greatly relieved and that they were a Peaceable Quiet People beloved of all their Neighbours man of good Behaviour constant in keeping of their Promise and paying of their Debts without suing men at Law that they were also Charitable men giving Alms relieving of the Poor and suffered none amongst them to lack or be in necessity harbouring and Nourishing poor Strangers and Passengers in their necessities moreover that they were known by this throughout all the Country that they would not Swear and that if they heard any Swear blaspheme or dishonour God they strait-way departed out of their Company this was the tenour of the report made to the Kings Lieutenant touching the Life and Behaviour of these Inhabitants of Merindol who were persecuted by the Popish Bishops and Cardinals which the Lieutenant advertised the King who was a good Prince moved with mercy and pity sent Letters to the Parliament Expresly charging and commanding them that they should not hereafter proceed to prosecute the said Arrest and Decree so Rigorously as they had done before against this People and not to molest or trouble them in person or goods and to command them to set at Liberty all Prisoners which either were accused or
accused on several Articles by the Bishops and afterwards Condemned by them as an Heretick to be burnt when he came to the fire he said Father of Heaven I commend my Spirit into thy holy Hands and then turned him to the People and said these Words I beseech you Christian Brethren and Sisters that you be not offended in the Word of God for the affliction and Torments which you see already prepared for me but I Exhort you that you Love the Word of God and suffer patiently and with a comfortable heart for the Words sake which is your undoubted Salvation and Everlasting Comfort Moreover I pray you shew my Brethren and Sisters which have heard me oft before that they cease not nor l●●ve off the Word of God which I taught unto them after the Grace given to me for any Persecutions or Troubles in this World which lasts not and shew unto them that my Doctrine was no Old Wives Fable after the Constitution made by men and if I had taught mens Doctrine I had gotten great thanks of men but for the Word and true Gospels sake I suffer this day by men not sorowfully but with a glad Heart and Mind for this cause I was sent that I should Suffer this Fire for Christs Sake this grim Fire I fear not and so I pray you to do if that any Persecution come unto you for the Word's sake and fear not them that Kill the Body and afterwards have no power to Kill the Soul Then he prayed for them which accused him saying I beseech thee Father of Heaven to forgive them that have through Ignorance or an evil Mind forged Lyes against me I forgive them with all my heart and I beseech Christ to forgive them who have Condemned me to death this day ignorantly So being first Hanged he was then burnt many People bewailing his death VVabter Mille amongst the rest of the Martyrs of Scotland his Constancy is not to be past over with silence out of whose Ashes Sprung thousands of his Religion in Scotland many Articles were drawn up against him for which he had sentance pronounced against him that he should be delivered to the Temporal Judge and punisht as an Heretick which was to be burnt Now when all things were ready for his death and he conveyed with Armed men to the Fire Andrew Olifant Judge that past sentence upon him bad him Go to the Stake he said Nay except thou pull me up with thy hand for I am forbidden by the Law of God to lay hands of my self then Olifant put him up with his hand thereupon he went gladly saying I will go to the Altar of God and desired that he might have time to speak to the People which his Executioner denyed saying That he had spoken over-much and that the Bishops were o●fended that the matter was so long continued but some young men that stood by desired him to speak what he please so after he had prayed he rose up and standing upon the Coles said on this wise Dear Friends the Cause why I suffer this day is not for any Crime laid to my Charge but only for the defence of the Faith of Christ Jesus for which as the faithful Martyrs have heretofore gladly offered themselves being assured after the Death of their Bodies of Eternal Felicity so this day I praise God that he hath called me of his Mercy among the rest of his Servants to seal his Truth with my Life which as I received it of him so willingly I offer it to his Glory Therefore as you will escape the eternal death be no more seduced by the Lyes of Priests Monks and Bishops and the rest of the Sect of Antichrist but depend only upon Jesus Christ and his Mercy that you may be delivered from Condemnation All that while there was great Mourning and Lamentation of the multitude for they perceiving his Patience Stoutness Boldness and Constancy were not only moved and stirred up but their hearts also were so inflamed that he was the last Martyr that died in Scotland for Religion after his prayer he was hoised up on the Stake and being in the Fire he said Lord have Mercy on me pray People while there is time and so be constantly departed The Persecutions in the Reign of Edward the sixth Henry the Eighth being dead Edward the sixth succeeded him at the Age of nine years he was a Youth of a meek nature and disposition much inclined to Clemency and Mercy yea so much that when one Joan Butcher being condemned to be burnt for Heresie all the Council could not move him to set his hand saying to Cranmer what will you send her quick to the Devil in her Error Doctor Cranmer perswaded him with much ado at last to put his hand to whom he said He would lay all the charge thereof upon Cranmer as before the Lord. But though this King was of so mild a Nature and a Person inclining to love Religion from a Child being very Zealous for a further Reformation in the Church abolishing the Mass c. and a Protector being appointed during his Nonage which was his uncle the Duke of Somerset a man also very Zealous for Reformation and an Encourager of such as profest the Gospel but in the midst of these meek and gentle times on the other hand the P●pish party having a great power in the Kingdom used all the Means and Endeavours to stir up Persecution and to hinder that good they found the King and his Uncle inclinable to yet the most of this Kings Reign which was but short the Sword was taken out of their hands so that they had not power to shed much Blood all his Reign yet some there were that suffered for Religion viz. Joan of Kent an English woman and one George a Dutchman and one Thom●s Dobb who was apprehended for speaking against the Idolatry of the Mass and committed to Prison where he died The cause of the Imprisonment of Thomas Dobb was as followeth The said Thomas Dobb being a Man fervent and zealous for Religion and as it is recorded of him a man so Innocent that he was like a Dove without any Gall or Bitterness and more apt to receive Injury then do wrong to any one It happened that as he was passing by Pauls in London seeing the Priest at Mass being at the Elevation as he passed by the young man filled with godly Zeal pitying the Ignorance and Idolatry of the People in honouring that so devoutly which the Priest lifted up was not able to forbear but opened his Mouth and turning to the People exhorted them testifying against their Idolatry for which cause he was presently apprehended by the Mayor and being accused by the Bishop of Canterbury was Committed to the Counter in Bredstreet where falling sick he soon after died In this Kings time there was also one John Hume a servant to one Lewnax accused by his Master of denying the Sacrament of the Altar to be the real
laughed and so departed About this time about thirty Men and Women were taken at a Religious Assembly in Bow-yard in Cheapside and were Committed to Prison their Preacher one Rose was had before the Bishop of VVinchester S. Gardner and by him Committed to the Tower Cranmer Ridley and Latimer apprehended Shortly after Cranmer Ridley and Latimer three Bishops were sent to the Tower and from thence Conveyed to Oxford there to Dispute with Oxford and Cambridge men in points of Religion but especially of the Eucharist the Oxford men were Cole Chadsey Pye Harpsfield Smith and Weston Prolocutor the Cambridge men were Young Seaton Watson Fecknam Atkinson and Sedgwick the matter was so carried by these twelve men that it went against the Prisoners and after the Disputation was ended the Prisoners were brought again upon the Stage and demanded whether they would persist in their Opinion or recant They affirming they would persist they were all three adjudged Hereticks and Condemned to the Fire but their Execution was not till a year or two after John Rogers Martyr In the mean time we have an account of John Rogers who was the first Martyr in this Queens time who was burnt in London after a long and fore suffering by Imprisonment Soon after him was burnt Lawrence Saunders Lawrence Saunders Martyr who was by order kept straitly in Prison and none suffered to speak with him not so much as his Wife suffered to visit him in his Examination the Chancellor threatning him that he should not live many dayes Saunders said Welcom shall the Will of God be either Life or Death for I have learned to die but I Exhort you to beware of shedding Innocent blood Truly it will Cry As the Officers were leading him away from his Examination he exhorted the People to Repentance warning them to defie Anti-christ Sin Death and the Devil that they might receive blessing and favour from the Lord being Condemned he was carried down to Coventry to be burnt where he was put into the common Goal where he slept little but spent the Night in Prayer and instructing others and the next day was burnt during the time of his Imprisonment he wrote several good Epistles to comfort and strengthen such as were under the like Suffering with him I shall only insert the Substance of one to his Wife by which may be perceived the seriousness and Zeal that was stirred up in him against his Adversaries forbidding his Wife to seek any way for his delivery Lawrence Saunders his Letter to his Wife Grace Mercy and Peace in Christ our Lord entirely beloved Wife even as unto mine own Soul and Body so do I daily in my Prayer wish unto you daily remembring you And I do not doubt dear Wife but that both I and you as we be written in the Book of Life so we shall together enjoy the same Everlastingly through the Grace and Mercy of God our dear Father in his Son Christ and for this present life let● us wholy appoint our selves to the Will of our God to glorifie him either by Life or by Death the Lord make us worthy to Honour him either way as pleaseth him I am cheerful I thank God in Christ in whom and through whom I know I shall be able to fight a good fight and finish a good Course and then receive the Crown which is laid up in Store for me and all the true Souldiers of Christ wherefore Wife let us in the Name of our God fight to overcome the Flesh the Devil and the World what Weapons are used in this fight look in the sixth Chap. of the Ephesians and pray c. I would that you make no suit for me in any wise thank you know whom for her most sweet and comfortable putting me in remembrance of my Journey whither I am passing I have too few such Friends to further me in that Journey which is indeed the greatest friendship the blessing of God be with you all Amen A Prisoner in the Lord Lawrence Saunders John Hooper and Rowland Taylor Martyr Shortly after were burnt for Religion John Hooper and one Rowland Taylor the one at Gloucester and the other at Hadley The time of Rowland Taylor 's Execution drawing nigh his Wife and Son coming to see him and one John H●●● that had been his Servant after he had supt he turned to his Son saying Thomas my dear Son God Almighty bless thee see that thou fear God always and flee from Sin and wicked living be vertuous and apply thy self to thy Book and in any wise see thou be obedient to thy Mother love her serve her be ruled by her in thy Youth and follow her good Counsel in all things Beware of Lewd Company of Young men that fear not God but follow their lewd lusts flee from Whoredom and hate all filthy living and when thy Mother is old forsake her not but provide for her to thy power and see that she lack nothing then will God bless thee and give thee long Life upon Earth and Prosperity To his Wife he said my dear Wife continue stedfast in the fear and Love of God keep your self undefiled from Poposh Idolatries and Superstitions I have been unto you a faithful Yoke-fellow and so have you been to me for which I doubt not dear Wife but God will reward you Now the time is come that I shall be taken from you The Lord gave you unto me and the Lord will take me from you Blessed be the Name of the Lord I believe they are blessed which die in the Lord The Lord is my Light and my Salvation whom then shall I fear God is he that justifieth who is he that can condemn In thee O Lord I have trusted let we never be confounded On the next day by two of the Clock in the Morning he was taken out of the Compter by Officers and had to Chelmsford and there was he delivered to the Sheriff of Suffolk who was commanded to see him burnt The suffering of Hailes About this time One St. James Hailes on of the Justices of the Common-Pleas at an Assizes in Kent giving charge upon the Statutes of Henry the Eighth and Edward the Sixth in derogation of the primacy of Rome when he was before the Chancellor in Westminster Hall being there among other Judges to take his Oath the Chancellor said Chancellor I am informed you have Indicted certain Priests in Kent for saying Mass Hailes I Indicted none but certain Indictments of that Nature were brought before me at the Assizes in Kent and I did according to Law therein and according to Conscience and if it were to do again I could do no less then I did Chancellor Your Conscience is known well enough Hailes You may do well to search your own Conscience for mine is better known to my self then to you This and other talk at that time so displeased the Bishop that not many dayes after this discourse in
Prison with him but for other Prisoners to whom he sent several good Epistles of love and Exhortation and many were converted by him from the Iniquity of the times some of which Epistles are as followeth O Ye that Love the Lord see that ye hate the thing that is Evil. A Letter of Robert Smith's to his Wife in Meetre Verses containing good Exhortations written by R. Smith THe God that giveth Life and Light and leadeth into rest That breaketh bonds and bringeth out the Poor that are opprest And keepeth mercy for the Meek his treasure and his store Encrease thy Life in perfect Love both now and evermore That as thou hast begun to ground in Faith and fervent Love Thou mayst be made a mighty Mount that never may remove That thine ensample may be shewed among all thine encrease That they may live and learn the like and pass their time in peace Thy Salutations that were sent I heartily retain And send thee seventy times as much to thee and thine again And for because I know the Gold that thou dost most desire I send thee here a paper full is fined in the Fire In hope thou wilt accept it well although it be but small Because I have none other good to make amends withall For all thy free and friendly facts which thy good will hath wrought I send thee surely for a shift the thing that cost me nought Abstain from all ungodliness in dread direct your dayes Possess not sin in any wise beware of wicked wayes Hold fast your Faith unfeignedly build as you have begun And arm your self in perfect Faith to do as you have done Lest that the wicked make a mock that you have took in hand In leaving of the perfect Rock to build upon the Sand Beware these filthy Pharisees their building is in Blood Eat not with them in any wise their Leaven is not good Their Salt is all unsavory and under good intents They maintain all their knavery and murther Innocents They seek to set in Christs seat and put him out of place And make all means that may be made his doings to deface They keep him down with Bills and Bats that made the blind to see They make a God for Mice and Rat●●● and say the same is he They shew like Sheep and sweat like wolves their baits be all for Blood They kill and slay the simple Souls and rob them of their good The dark illusions of the Devil hath dimmed so their Eyes That they cannot abide the Truth to stir in any wise And if you keep the perfect path as I have hope you do You shall be sure to have such shame as they can put you to For all that lead a goodly life shall surely suffer loss And eke the World will seek their shame and make them kiss 〈◊〉 Cross Ye shall be kild saith Christ your sorrows shall not cease And yet in your afflictions I am your perfect peace For in the World you shall have w● because you are unknown And for because you hate the World the World will love his own Be fervent therefore to the death against all their Decrees And God shall surely fight for thee against thine Enemies Commit thy cause unto the Lord revenge not any evil And thou shalt see the wicked want when thou shalt have thy will For all afflictions that may fall that they can say or do They are not sure of the Wealth we shall attain unto For I have seen the sinners spread their branches like a bay And yet ere one could turn his head were withered clean away Beware that money make you not in riches to arise Against the goodness of the Lord among the worldly wise For many mischiefs it hath made that may not be exprest And many evils it hath begun which may not be redrest For money maketh many one in riches to rebel And he that maketh Gold a God he hath a Soul to sell It maketh Kings to kill and slay and waste their wits in War In leaving of the Wolf at home to hunt the Fox afar And where they should see Justice done and set their Realm in rest By money they be made a mean to see the poor opprest It maketh Lords obey the Laws that they d● ill and nought It maketh Bishops suck the Bl●ol that God hath dearly bought And where they should be faithful Friends and Fathers to the Flock By money they do turn about even like a Weather-Cock The Priest doth make a money mean to have again his whores To p●t away h●● wedd●d Wife and Children out of doores It h●ldeth back the Husband man which may not be forborn And will not suffer him to sow and cast abroad his Corn In like case it doth let again when that the Seed they sow It choake●h up the Corn again so that it cannot grow The H●sband he would have a Wife with Nobles new and old The wife would have the Husband hangd that she might have his Gold It ●a●eth M●rthers many a one and beareth much with Blood Th● Child would see the Parents slain to seize upon their good And though it be a blessed thing created in the kind It is a ●●●●ss●ry evil annexed to the mind For who 〈◊〉 playeth with the pitch his fingers are defild And he that waketh Gold a God shall surely be beguild Be friendly to the Fatherless and all that are opprest Assist ●hem alwayes out of hand and see them set at rest In all your doings and your deeds let mercy still remain For with the measure that you meet shall ye be met again Be alwayes lowly in your life let love enjoy her own The highest Trees are seldom sure and soonest overthrown The Lyons lack and suffer sore in Hunger and in Thurst And they that do oppress the poor continue still accurst The Bee is but a little Beast in body and in sight And yet she bringeth more encrease then either Crow or Kite Therefore beware in any wise keep well your watch alway Be sure of Oyl within your Lamp let not your light decay For death dispiseth them that lack and hateth them that have And treadeth down the rich and poor together in the grave Exhort your Children to be chaste rebuke them for their ill And let not them in any wise be wedded to their will Laught not with them but keep them low shew them no merry cheer Least thou do weep with them also but bring them up in fear And let your light and living shine that ye be not suspect To have the same within your self for which they are correct Be meek and modest in a mean let all your deeds be done That they which are without the Law may see how right you run Keep well the member in your Mouth your Tongue see that you tame For out of little sparks of Fire proceedeth out a flame And as the poyson doth express the nature of the Toad Even so the Tongue doth manifest the
Benden one of the seven being brought before one Roberts of Crambrook who askt her Why she would not go to Church because Seven more burnt at Canterbury said she I cannot with a clear Conscience there is so much Idolatry committed there against the glory of God for the which she was committed to Prison but her Husband being troubled at it got a Certificate from some of the chief men of Staplehurst to the Bishop of Dover desiring her liberty When she came before the Bishop he askt her If she would go home and go to Church she said If I would have so done I need not to come hither Well said the Bishop Go thy wayes home and go to Church when thou wilt thereupon she was set at Liberty but shortly after she was again committed for the same cause and her Husband went again to desire her liberty but the Bishop told him She was an obstinate Heretick and therefore he could not deliver her then her Husband desired the Bishop that he would keep her Brother from coming to her for said he he relieves her and comforts her and perswades her not to recant this request was no sooner made but it was granted by the Bishop who commanded that she should be put into a place called Mundayes-Hole being a Vault under ground and gave a strict charge that if her Brother came at her he should be apprehended however he used what means he could to find where she was and to get at her and one morning hearing her voice as she was pouring out her sorrowfull complaints unto the Lord he invented a way how he might relieve her which was by putting Money in a loaf of bread and sticking the same upon a pole and so reaching it to her and this was five weeks after her coming thither all which time no Creature was known to come at her except her Keeper her Lodging in this Vault was only upon a little Straw between a pair of Stocks and a Stone-wall being allowed three farthings a day that is half Peny Bread and a Farthing Drink neither could she get any more for her Money wherefore she desired to have her whole allowance in Bread and used Water for her drink and thus she lay nine weeks without shifting her apparel all the time at her first committing to this place she much lamented her condition dolefully mourning that the Lord should so sequester her from her Friends but in the midst of her Supplications she considered the Right hand of the most high could change all and received comfort therein shortly after she was called before the Bishop again who askt her Whether she would go home and go to Church she replyed your extremity towards me hath thorowly satisfied me that you are not of God who seeks my utter Destruction shewing him how lame she was with lying in the cold and for lack of Food then the Bishop sent her from that filthy hole to Westgate Prison and shortly after she was called before the Bishop and others who condemned her and committed her to the Castle Prison where she continued till the 19th day of the Moneth called June and then with six others aforementioned was burnt in Canterbury The Substance of the Examinations and Answers of Matthew Plaise Weaver of the Parish of Stone Examination of Matthew Plaise in the County of Kent before Thomas Thornton Bishop of Dover and others When he came before the Bishop he askt him where he dwelt he answered at Stone in Kent Then said the Bishop You are indicted by twelve men at Ashford at the Sessions for Heresie Matthew That 's sooner said then proved and said let me hear it and I will answer to it Then the Bishop said He would not do so but you shall answer to the Article against you yea or nay Matthew answered he could not for I was not at Ashford said he but I perceive you go about to lay a Net for my Blood Arch-Deacon said Peace Peace we do not desire thy Blood and said you are suspected of Heresie and therefore we would have you confess what you believe concerning these Articles and the Bishop charged him again in the King and Queens Name to answer yea or nay to the Articles Mathew Then I commanded him in his Name that should come in Flaming Fire with his mighty Angels to render Vengance to the Disobedient and to all those that believed not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ which should be punisht with Everlasting Damnation that he should speak nothing but the Truth Grounded upon Christ and his Apostles and then I would answer him or else not Then the Bishop was angry and said If you will not answer I will condemn you Matthew Well said I if you do you shall be guilty of my blood and prove your self a Murderer The Bishop further Examined him concerning the Catholick Church and said Tell me whether is the King and Queen of that Church or not Matthew Well said I now I perceive you go about to be both mine Accuser and Judge contrary to all right I confess Christ hath a Church upon Earth which is built upon the Apostles and Prophets Christ being the Head thereof and as touching the King and Queen I answer I have nothing to do with any mans Faith but mine own Then said the Bishop Is there no part of that Church here in England Matthew Well I perceive you would fain have something to lay to my charge I will tell you what Christ saith where two or three is gathered together in his Name there is he in the midst of them Then the Arch-Deacon stood up and in a mocking manner said You have no wit to think that we have been deceived so long time Q. Mary An. 1557. and that the Truth is only made known to half a dozen of you in a Corner and read the Article of the Sacrament and said you deny the real Presence to be in the Sacrament after Consecration much talk they had about this point but at last the Bishop was so angry that he said If you will not answer yea or nay I will condemn you Mathew said I have answered and if you condemn me my life is not dear unto me and I am sure you shall not escape unpunished for God will be revenged upon such Murderers Then the Deacon entreated him to be ruled by him and take Mercy while it was Offered for if you are condemned you must be burnt And whether he died in Prison or was burnt no mention is made in the Register Ten persons burnt in Sussex On the 22th day of the Moneth called June in the year 1557. Ten persons were burnt for Religion in Lewis in Sussex viz. Richard Woodman George Stevens William Mainard Alex. Hoseman's Servant Tomazin Wood Margery Morris James Morris her Son Dennis Burgis Ashdon's Wife and Grove's Wife The Sufferings and Principal Heads and Matter of the Examination of Richard Woodman being written by his
our God trusting in his Mercy and he will surely help us as shall be most unto his Glory and our everlasting comfort being sure of this that he will suffer nothing to come unto us but that which shall be most profitable for us for it is either a Correction for our Sins or a Tryal of our Faith or to set forth his glory or for all together and therefore must needs be well done for there is nothing that cometh unto us but by our heavenly Fathers providence and therefore pray unto our heavenly Father that he will ever give us his Grace to consider it let us give most hearty thanks for these his fatherly corrections for as many as he loveth he correcteth And I beseech you now be of good chear and count the Cross of Christ greater Riches then all the vain-pleasures of England I doubt not but you have Supped with Christ at his Table I mean believed in him for that is the effect and then must you drink of his Cup I mean his Cross for that doth the Cup signifie unto us take the Cup and then shall you be sure to have the good Wine Christ's Blood to thy poor thirsty Soul pray continually in all things give thanks In the Name of Jesus shall every knee bow Cuthbert Simson One thing more I thought meet to mention which I find upon record concerning this Cuthbert Simson which some may hardly believe who are apt to think all things incredible which vary from the common course and order of Nature and may look upon this to be more a Phantasie then a real Vision but I shall relate the matter in short as I find it and so leave it to the tender Reader to judge of it The day before this Cuthbert Simson was condemned he being in the Stocks in the Bishops Cole-house Cluny the Keeper about nine at night according to his usual manner came to see whether his Prisoner was safe and lockt the Doors about two hours after Cuthbert heard one coming in to him first opened the Outward-door then the Inner-door and though there was no Candle yet he saw a great brightness and light most comfortable and joyful to his heart and this he declared to one Austen and others and expressed much joy and solace in declaring of it and the Vision that he saw was comfortable unto him Soon after suffered William Nichol who was burnt for the same cause at Haverfordwest in Wales and William Seaman Thomas Carman and Thomas Hudson suffered in Norfolk William Seaman was an Husbandman of the age of twenty six years dwelling in Mendlesham in the County of Suffolk William Seaman Martyr he was persecuted by one Sr. John Terril who searched his house for him by night but missing of him he set his servants to search for him and when they had apprehended him brought him before their Master who asked him why he would not go to Mass and receive the Sacrament Seaman replyed because it was an Idol he would not receive it wherefore Terril sent him to Hopton Bishop of Norwich to deal with him who after he had examined him soon passed his bloody sentence of death against him This Seaman when he died left behind him a Wife and three young Children which her Husband being taken away one would have thought should have moved those pretended Christians to some pity towards her but instead of shewing pity they persecuted her out of the Town of Mendlesham because she refused to hear Mass and one Coles Lord of the said Town caused all her Goods and Corn to be seized and taken away Another of these Sufferers was Thomas Hudson of Ailesham in Norfolk he was thirty years of age by trade a Glover and a very honest poor man having a Wife and three Children and labouring alwayes dilligently in his imployment being zealous for that Truth which bore testimony against the Papists blasphemous preaching who put the Draugh and Darnel for the Wheat and that he might avoid their Idolatries and Superstition he absented from his house and went into Suffolk a long time and there remained traveling from one place to another at last he returned home again to comfort his Wife and Children being troubled at his absence when he was come home he conceiving his continuing there would be dangerous he and his Wife devised to make him a place among his Fagots to hide himself in where he remained all day exercising himself in reading and prayer and thus he continued for about the space of half a year but at last his Zeal and Courage arose and he walked abroad several dayes openly in the Town crying out continually against the Mass and such like trumpery and for three dayes and three nights together refused meat or to talk with any one Berry Vicar of the Town and one of the Bishops Commissaries caused the Officers to watch for him who upon the twenty second day of the Month called April apprehended him by the break of the day and led him to Berry the Commissary who examined him after this manner Doest thou not believe said Berry in the Sacrament of the Altar what is it Hudson replyed it is worms meat my belief is in Christ Berry Dost thou not believe the Mass to put away Sins Hudson No God forbid it is a patcht Monster and a disguised Puppet more longer a piecing then ever was Solomons Temple At which words Berry stamped and fumed and said Well thou Villain I will write to my Good Lord the Bishop Hudson said There is no Lord but God Then he asked Hudson whether he would Recant to which he replyed the Lord forbid I had rather die many deaths then do so This Thomas Hudson and the other two being brought to the Lollards-pit and there standing with Chains about them on a suddain Thomas Hudson came forth from under the Chain which made some to doubt that he would have recanted but his two Companions at the Stake exhorted him and comforted him in the Bowels of Christ but Hudson felt more in his Heart and Conscience then they did conceive was in him for he was compassed with great grief of mind not for his death but for lack of the feeling of Christ for which he kneeled down and prayed earnestly unto the Lord who at last according to his mercies gave him comfort and then he said now I thank God I am strong and so went to the Stake to his Fellows again and they all suffered constantly and joyfully to the Magnifying of the Lords Name Before I proceed to give a further Account of such as suffered Martyrdom its necessary to give a short Account of the said end of this Persecuting Commissary Berry who Persecuted Thomas Hudson and others to death as I find it recorded This Berry in his rage was very fierce against many godly People in the Town of Ailesham he burnt all good Books he could get and persecuted men for their Consciences and compelled many to Idolatry and being
about the Moneth called July in the Year aforesaid came to Rome and having found the English Colledge Knockt at the Door to whom divers of the Students there came forth to welcome him hearing he was an English man amongst other talk had with him they wisht him to go to the Hospital and there to receive his Meat and Lodging according as the order was appointed whereunto he answered I came not my Country-men to any such intent as you judge but I came lovingly to rebuke the great disorder of your lives which I grieve to hear and pity to behold I come likewise to let your proud Anti-christ understand that he doth Offend the heavenly Majesty Rob God of his Honour and Poison the whole World with his Abominable Blasphemies making them do Homage to Stocks and Stones and that filthy Sacrament which is nothing else but a foolish Idol when they heard these words one Hugh Griffen a Welch-man and Student of the Colledge caused him to be put in the Inquisition what he answered there to their Examinations is not recorded but after some dayes he was set at Liberty again And one day going in the Street he met a Priest carrying the Sacrament which so offended his Conscience to see the People crouch and bow d●wn to it that he catched at it to have thrown it down but missing of his purpose and it being judged by the People that he did catch at the holiness that they say cometh from the Sacrament upon meer devotion he was let pass and nothing said to him a few dayes after he came to the place called Saint Peters Church where divers being hearing Mass and the Priest at the Elevation without shewing any reverence he stept amongst the People to the Altar and threw down the Chalice with the Wine striving likewise to pull the Cake out of the Priests hands for which divers rose up and beat him with their fists and one drew his Rapyer and would have slain him and away he was carried to Prison where he was Examined wherefore he had committed so hainous an offence he answered that he came purposely for that intent to rebuke the Popes Wickedness and their Idolary upon this he was condemned to be burnt which Sentence he said he was right willing to suffer and the rather because the sum of his offence pertained to the Glory of God during the time he remained in Prison sundry English-men came to him wishing him to be sorry for what he had done and to recant of his Damnable Opinion but all the means they used were in vain he confuted their dealings by divers places of Scripture and willed them to be sorry for their Wickedness while God did permit them time else they were in danger of Everlasting Damnation these words made the Englishmen depart for they could not abide to hear them Within a while after he was set upon an Ass without any Sadle being from the midle upward naked having some English-Priests with him to talk with him but he regarded them not but spake to the people in as good Language as he could and told them they were in a wrong way and therefore wished them to have regard to the saving of their Souls All the way as he went there were four that did nothing else but thrust at his body with burning torches whereat he never moved nor shrunk one jot but with a cheerful Countenance laboured to perswade the People to good at which the People not a little wondered thus he continued almost the space of half a mile until he came to the Place of Execution which was before the Mass-house called Saint Peters where they had made a device not to make a Fire about him but to burn his legs first which they did at which he was no whit dismayed but suffered all cheerfully at which the People much admired Then they offered him a Cross to embrace in token that he died a Christian but he put it away with his hand calling them evil men to trouble him with such poltery stuff when he was preparing himself to God whom he beheld in majesty and mercy ready to receive him into the Eternal rest they seeing him in this mind departed saying Come let us go and leave him to the Devil whom he serves Thus ended this faithful Souldier and Martyr of Christ his life a Witness against the Pope and his Followers wickedness Persecuted by the Papists in Forreign Parts c. A brief Relation concerning the Horrible Massacree in France Ann. 1571. When the Admiral was wounded in both his Arms he Immediately thereupon said to Maure O my Brother I do now perceive that I am beloved of my God seeing that for his Name sake I do Suffer these Wounds at this time were many great persons cruelly murthered two thousand were murthered in one day At Meldis Two hundred were cast into Prison and being brought out as sheep to the slaughter were cruelly murthered At Orleans a Thousand Men Women and Children were Murthered The Citizens of Augustobona when they heard of the Massacree at Paris shut the Gates of their Town that no Protestant might escape and cast all that they suspected into Prison which afterward were brought forth and Murthered At Avericome in like manner the suspected for religion were cast into Prison At Roan five hundred were put to death Thuanus who writeth the History of these things writeth thus this Example saith he passed into other Cities and from Cities to Towns and Villages so that it is by many Published that in all the Kingdom above thirty thousand were in these tumults divers wayes destroyed by the Papists There was wonderful joy in Rome for this Massacree and the Pope with his Cardinals went a Procession to give thanks unto God for this great benefit bestowed upon the See of Rome and the Christian World a Jubily also was published and in the Evening the great Ordinance was shot off at the Castle Thus did this unholy Father delight to hear of the destruction of so many Innocent People well might Christ say You are of your Father the Devil and the Lusts of your Father you will do he hath been a Murtherer from the beginning and abode not in the Truth because there is no Truth in him An Account of four Martyrs burnt at Lile in Flanders Q. Mary An. 1559. in the year 1556. whose names were Robert Ogvier and Jane his wife Baudicon and Martin his two Sons Few places can be named where the Truth was more freely and with greater zeal received then in this City of Lile where Antichrists Tyranny was great For three years together it was secretly preached amongst them sometimes in Houses in Woods in Feilds and in Caves of the Earth not without hazarding of their Lives if they had been discovered yet could not these apparent dangers under such Tyranny cool or abate the burning Zeal which almost consumed the hearts of his People hungering and thursting after the spiritual food of
their Souls What was amongst them preached was accordingly practiced works of Mercy and Charity were there exercised not only towards those of the Houshold of Faith but even towards them which were without so as many by means hereof were drawn and brought on to the knowledge of Christ They ordained certain Persons who were men fearing God and approved of who went weekly from house to house to collect the Alms of such as they knew to be faithful admonishing every one how to carry themselves in their Vocations and of their duty in contributing towards the relief of the poor Saints And thus each one according to his place endeavouring to express and manifest his Faith by the Fruits thereof namely good works in a short time the Lord raised up a flourishing Meeting in this place so that they consisted of a competent number of Men Women and Children not only of the City but of the Villages nigh In the mean while Satan and his Adherance ceased not to storm and rage hereat not being able long to endure these their holy Meetings Upon the sixth of the Moneth called March about ten at night the Provest of the City with his Sergeants armed themselves to make search if they could find any met together in houses but as then there was no Assembly therefore they went to the house of Robert Ogvier and there violently entered seeking here and there for their prey they found certain Books which they carried away but he whom they principally aimed at was not then in the House viz. Baudicon the Son of the said Robert who according to his usual manner was gone abroad to visit some Brethren but returning home knocking at the Door his brother Martin watching his coming bid him be gone wishing him not to come in he thinking his Brother took him for some other said it is I open the Door with that the Sergeants drew nigh and opened it and he came in Then said the Provest I arrest you all in the Emperors name and commanded each of them to be bound to wit the Husband and his Wife with their two Sons leaving their two Daughters to look to the House now as they conveyed them along through the Streets Baudicon with a voice somewhat extended which might easily be heard at that time of the night said Assist us O Lord by thy Grace not only to be Prisoners for thy Name sake but to confess thy holy Truth in all purity before men so far as to seal the same with our Bloods for the edification of thy poor Church Thus were they brought into several Prisons where they were severally handled yet ceased they not to bless and praise the Lord with one consent within a few dayes after they were brought before the Magistrates of the City and Examined who first spoke to the Father in these words It is told us that you never come to Mass and also diswade others from coming thereto and that you maintain Conventicles in your House whereby you have Transgressed the Laws of the Emperial Majesty Robert answered to this effect We read not in all the Scriptures that either Christ or any of his Apostles ever said Mass for they knew not what it meant As for the second Accusation I cannot nor will deny but there have met together in my House Honest People fearing God I assure you not with intention to wrong or harm any but rather for the advancement of Gods Glory and the good of many I knew indeed that the Emperour had forbiden it but what then I know also that Christ had commanded it who said Where two or three are gathered together in my Name there am I in the midst of them Thus you see I could not well obey the Emperour but I must disobey Christ in this case then I chose rather to obey my God then man When they were brought to the Fire the last words they were heard to pronounce were Jesus Christ thou Son of God into thy hands we commend our Spirits and so they ended their Testimony Within eight dayes after Jane the Mother and Martin her Son were both Executed in the same City The manner of the Merciless Inquisitors Tormenting such as are brought into the Popish Inquisition in Spain When they purpose to torture any one the Gaoler is commanded to bring forth his Prisoner into the accustomed place where it is to be given which place is under the Earth and very obscure then going thorow many turnings and thorow sundry Doors so as the horrible cries of those who are there tortured can in no wise be heard there is a Seat prepared for the Inquisitors on high with a Rigister also to behold their Tragical Act the Torches being lighted those who are to Act their parts in this woful Tragedy are brought in the Tormentor who attends their coming is covered all over with a black Garment close to his Body and on his Head a black Hood which hides his Face from being seen having only two or three holes made therein for himself to see and to breath at and all this is to terrifie the more the poor patient who beholdeth as it were a grim Devil ready to Torment him these Fathers being set upon their Seat begin again to charge the Prisoner voluntary to confess the Truth which if he refuse to do and if it then happen that Arm or any other Member of his Body be broken or that they die on the Torture for that is all the favour he hath shewed him they made it his own fault and none of theirs after they have used all the terrible threats that can be they cause him or her to be stripped stark naked whether Man Woman or Maid though they be never so modest and bashful many having fallen into their bloody fingers thus to to have their nakedness discovered in the sight of others was more greivous then all their Torments besides which they endured laying aside then all Humanity in unclothing them they put upon them linnen Bretches as if their secret parts were better and more honestly covered with Bretches then with Shirt or Smock or as if the Torments they meant to put them to would not pierce deep enough as well in the one as in the other with such shameless Spectacles the chast Inquisitors fed their Ages and with such cruel Lust satisfied their infamous and detestable virginity The Man or Woman standing naked then only covered with little Bretches they beckon to the Tormenter who is well aquainted with their secret sign and watch word and can readily discern what Torments the holy Fathers would have them put to to teach them the Faith of the Roman Church Then standing thus naked they exhort them once again to tell the truth If the Patient be to endure the Cord they tye his hands behind his back pulling him up eight or ten times according to the number of twitches limited by the Inquisitors to the Tormentor that so nothing may be done there