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A26735 Basil Valentine his Triumphant chariot of antimony with annotations of Theodore Kirkringius, M.D. : with the true book of the learned Synesius, a Greek abbot, taken out of the Emperour's library, concerning the philosopher's stone.; Triumph-Wagen Antimonii. English Basilius Valentinus.; Kerckring, Theodor, 1640-1693. 1678 (1678) Wing B1023; ESTC R14540 139,396 187

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and by following their Springs must be searched out any man may judge that the Matrix of waters in the Earth is on one part more aboundantly replenished with the Riches of waters then on another since every Element hath a peculiar Matrix either strong or weak according as it is produced by the Sydus whence Elements derive their Original and have being Now when such a Matrix is strong and potent in the Earth it can drive forth its Seed strongly and efficaciously from it self by a vehement Pressure even up to the Snowy Mountains of the Alps or to the very top of the Babylonish * This Parable is of very great moment but so very clear to those from whose Eyes the Cataract is taken away as to explain it to them would be to hold a Candle to the Light of the Sun to others from whose sight the Cataract is not took off this place gives no occasion of detracting the same Therefore read peruse and meditate Day is an Instructer to the Day the later Reading explains the former and the former the later Tower If any fatuate man hear this my Discourse he will say I am either mad or drunk with Wine but this will be no other than a Reproach like to that which was cast upon the Disciples of our Saviour Of Sublimation the Reason is the same for as Waters which are many times found in the highest Mountains are more salubrious and more cool than those which by digging deep into the Earth are found in Plains so if the Matter by pressure force of sire be driven upwards to the Mountains of the Ancient Wise men who died long before my time the Earth which for the most part is unprofitable remains until its Salt shall be extracted from it for its proper use Thus is made Separation by which the Evil may be distinguished from the Good the Pure from the Impure the thick from the thin the subtle from that which is not subtle and the Venom from the Medicament We miserable Mortals by Death which we have deserved for our Sins are put into the Earth until we putresie by time and be reduced to silths and afterward by the Heavenly Fire and Heat raised clarified and exalted to a Celestial Sublimation where all our Feces all Sins and every Impurity shall be separated and we made the Sons of GOD and of Eternal Life unto which the Lord of his Mercy and Goodness bring me with you But I hope no Man will take amiss this Comparation of the Mundane with the Spiritual viz. the Heavenly Exaltation with the Earthly Sublimation For no man should suppose what I have done to be done without Reason but rather know that I am ignorant what is white or black how much the tenebrous and dismal Air differs from the serene and clear Heaven Therefore let us break off this Discourse and produce another Preparation of Antmony Let the Disciple Apostle and faithful Imitator of Art understand this Instruction and according to the true Philosophick Doctrine faithfully consider that every Extraction from Antimony as also from all other Things hath great difference in Operation which neither consists in the Matter nor is known by the Matter from which it is drawn but consists and remains in the Preparation and in the Addition by which the Virtue is extracted from the Matter as is known by Experience as for Example Whatsoever is Extracted from Antimony or any other thing with Spirit of Wine hath a far other virtue of Operating than those which are extracted with good and sharp Vinegar The Causes of this I have already hinted in my other Writings but the principal Cause is because all Extractions made with Spirit of Wine from Antimony or any purging Herbs Roots or Seeds understand of the first Extraction powerfully expel by Seidge but on the contrary whatsoever is extracted with Vinegar purgeth not downward but rather prevents that and retains in a certain peculiar manner by which the Volatile is changed into fixed This is a singular Secret and an Arcanum of great price but there are none or very few found who mind such things because many things are hidden and lie deeply buried in this Arcanum which no One either Master or Servant nor any Wise man of this World hath unto this Day observed or considered Therefore the Extraction of Antimony is made two ways viz. with Vinegar and with Spirit of Wine Vinegar obstructs and Spirit of Wine of it self powerfully expels and causeth Urine as also Stools as elsewhere in another manner is shewed and especially where I speak of my Twelve Keys as namely that the Extraction of Glass of Antimony moderately purgeth but on the contrary the Extraction of the same Glass which is made with Vinegar purgeth not which is true and not permixt with any falsity But this Experience gives occasion of thinking and reflecting by which way of Reasoning Nature gives promotion and production to a true Philosopher But it is a thing much to be admired that every Subject which is first of all extracted with Spirit of Wine should have a Purging Property Yet when Glass of Antimony is from the beginning extracted with distilled Vinegar and that Vinegar again abstracted and theu the Antemony extracted with Spirit of Wine all its venomous purging virtue passeth away and no sign thereof remains nor assumes it to it self any power of provoking Stools but it performs its Operations by Sweat and other ways chiefly by Salivation and Ejection by the Mouth it searcheth out all hurtful Evils in the Body purgeth the Blood heals the Diseases of the Lungs and profits those who are strait-breasted and troubled with a frequent Cough In a word it Cures very many Diseases also asswageth a Malignant Cough and whatsoever is of that Disposition and is a Medicine very admirable Moreover there is another Extraction of Antimony made in this manner Grind crude Antimony to powder and pour upon it strong Vinegar not of Wine but made of its proper Minera and expose the Mixture in a Vessel well closed to the Solar heat then after some time the Vinegar will be tinged with a Blood-like Colour pour off this Extraction clear filter it and distil by Alembick in Sand then again in distilling it shews admirable Colours pleasant to the Sight and wonderful in Aspect This Oyl * Here thy Sincerity Valentine is suspected Who can by this thy Prescription make this Quintessence which Petrus the Spaniard in his Book Of the Quintessenc of all Things destrvedly extols as the greatest Secret of Philosophy What shall I say Malice makes thee not a perverse but timerous man fearing least if Arcanum's should be communicated openly to the wicked they would do more hurt with them then good This Process seems to me to be purposely described obscurely by this Religious Man why else should he not have written otherwise because he knew the Sons of Art would understand it by his Prescript But that you Reader
which Children learning their A. B. C. are wont to set in the Frontispiece of their Primer Therefore I perswade all Men of what state or condition soever who are desirous of Learning from your Masters to search out the true Doctrine which consists in Preparation and afterward in the Vse so they or you shall possess the Title assumed with honour and Men will undoubtedly have confidence in you and you will in very deed do them good then will you to the Eternal Creator give thanks cordially without feigning But let every Man seriously think with himself what it is he ought to do and what he is to omit and whether he doth justly or unjustly use the Title assumed For he who assumes any Title ought especially to understand the condition of that Title and why he assumed it or what the true foundation is It is not sufficient if any one with the vulgar say saving your reverence let the more delicate Men pardon us if we intending to speak to the purpose make mention of putrefaction this is egregious dung it hath a strong and grievous ill savour and know not how it comes to pass that a Man who perhaps eats food of a most grateful taste and odour and well accommodated to his natural Appetite thence makes excrement endued with qualities so contrary and yielding an odour so very ungrateful and repugnant to Nature of which there is no other reason then natural putrefaction and corruption The same happens in all Aromatical well smelling things It is the Philosophers part to enquire what odour is and whence it receives its vertues and in what the virtue of it may be made manifest to true profit For the Earth is nourished and fatned by stinking dung and noble Fruit is produced of it Of this matter there is not one cause only but our Book would swell to an huge Volume if we should but briefly hint at all natural Generations and mutations yet Digestion and Putrefaction are the principal keys of them For the Fire and Air make a certain Maturation by which a Transmutation of the Earth and Water may follow and this is also a certain mutation by which of evil smelling Dung a most fragrant Balsam may be produced and on the contrary of most grateful Balsam ill savoured Dung But perhaps you will say why do I produce examples so very rude and absurd I do confess the example is taken from a Cottage rather then a Royal Court yet a prudent considerer of things more accurately diving into the matter will easily understand what such examples intimate to him viz. that of the highest things the lowest are made and of the lowest the highest so that of a Medicament is produced Venome and of Venome Medicine of the sweet bitter acid and corrosive and on the contrary of the corrosive another thing more profitable O good GOD how much is Nature absconded from Men so that she seems to disdain to be wholly seen by us But since thou hast ordained so very short a time of our Life and thou the Judge of all reservest many things to thy self in the Creatures which thou hast left to be admired not known by us and of which thou alone wilt be the beholder and Judge grant unto me that unto my Life's end I may keep thee and my Saviour in my Heart that besides health and necessaries of the Body which thou hast liberally bestowed I may also acquire the health of my Soul and Spiritual Riches of which inestimable good I am freed from all doubt by that thy mercy in which for me a miserable sinner thou didst on the Tree of the Cross shed the Sulphur and Balsom of my Soul which is indeed a mortiferous Venome to the Devil but to us Sinners a most present remedy I do certainly heal my Brethren as far as concerns the Soul by Prayer and in relation to the body with apt Remedies therefore I hope they will on their parts use their endeavour that they with me and I with them may at length inhabit the Tabernacle of the Most High and in him our GOD enjoy Eternity But to return to my Philosophy of Antimony I would have the Reader before all other things to understand that all things contain in themselves operative and vivificative Spirits which inhabiting in the Body feed and nourish themselves and are sustained by the Body Elements themselves want not these Spirits which the living GOD permitting that whether they be good or evil have their Habitation in them Men and Animals have in them a living operating Spirit which receding from them nothing but a Carkass remains In Herbs and all things bearing Fruit a Spirit of Sanity exists otherwise they could not by any Preparation be reduced to Medicinal use Metals and all Minerals are endued and possessed with their own incomprehensible Spirit in which the power and virtue of all their possible effects consists For whatsoever is without Spirit wants Life and contains in it self no vivifying Virtue Therefore you are to know that in Antimony also there is a Spirit which effects whatsoever is in it or can proceed from it in an invisible way and manner no otherwise than as in the Magnet is absconded a certain invisible power as we shall more largely treat in its own place where we speak of the Magnet But there are various kinds of Spirits * What follow seem somewhat confused according to the Sentiments of certain Theologicians who have held various opinions of Spirits residing in the Fire Air and other Elements adjudging them to the Eternal Fire of Hell c. All which with Basilius we leave as unknown to the Judgement of the Divine Knowledge But what he himself subjoyns touching the wonderful virtue and power of Antimonial and all other Chymical Spirits which we our selves with so great admiration have often seen we understand only of material Spirits which certainly are endued with as great virtues and effect things no less wonderful then those Spirits which phantastick persons oppressed with Melancholy affirm they see and talk with yea I cannot remember that I ever found written or declared by such as taking a liberty of lying endeavour to please or terrifi● others any greater or more wonderful virtues then these Spirits have visible to the Intellect and endued with Spiritual knowledge which notwithstanding cannot when they will be touched or apprehended as Natural Men are touched especially they who have their fixed Residence in Elements as are the Spirits of Fire Lights and other Objects formally darting out Light from themselves such are Airy Spirits who inhabit the Air Aqueous Spirits living in Waters and Terrene Spirits living in the Earth which we Men call Earthly Men which are chiefly found in wealthy Mines of the Earth where they shew and discover themselves to us These Spirits are endued with Senses and Understanding know Arts and can change themselves into divers Forms until the time of their Judgement but whether a definitory sentence
according to the Diversity of its Preparation Of which I now give you this Similitude There are many kinds of Animals which live only in the Earth as are many Creeping Things Worms and Serpents also others some of which are new kinds which before were not and these also proceed from Putrefaction of the Earth Some inhabit the Waters as all kinds of Fishes others slie through the Air as every kind of Flying Things and Birds some also are nourished in the Fire as the Salamander And besides these in the more hot Regions and Islands are found many other Animals which to these Nations are unknown which prolong their Life by the Solar Heat and which die so soon as brought into another Air. So Antimony when prepared by the Addition of Water assumes another Nature and Complexion for operating then when prepared by Fire only And although every Preparation of it ought to be made by Fire without which the Virtue of it cannot not be manifested yet consider that the Addition of Earth gives it wholly another Nature than the Addition of Water So also when Antimony is sublimed in Fire through the Air and further prepared another Virtue other Powers and another Operation follow than in the Preparations already described Therefore the Oyl of Antimony per se without addition and the true Sulphur thereof are prepared after this Method Take crude Hungarian Antimony put that ground to a subtle Powder into a Glass Cucurbit with a flat bottom and pour thereon the true Vinegar of Philosophers rendred more acid with its own Salt Then set the Cucurbit firmly closed in Horse-dung or B. M. to putrefie the matter for forty Days in which time the Body resolves it self and the Vinegar contracts a Colour red as Blood Pour off the Vinegar and pour on fresh and do this so often as until the Vinegar can no more be tinged This being done filtre all the Vinegar through Paper and again set it put into a clean Glass firmly closed again in Horse-dung or B. M. as before that it may putrefie for forty Days in which time the Body again resolves it self and the Matter in the Glass becomes as black as Calcanthum or Shoomakers Ink. When you have this Sign then true Solution is made by which the further Separation of Elements is procured Put this black matter into another Cucurbit to which apply an Alembick and distil off the Vinegar with moderate Fire then the Vinegar passeth out clear and in the bottom a sordid matter remains grind that to a subtle Powder and edulcorate it with distilled Rain Water then dry it with gentle heat and put it a Circulatory with a long Neck the Circulatory must have three Cavities or Bellies as if three Globes were set one above another yet distinct or apart each from other as Sublimatories with their Aludel or Head are wont to be made and it must have a long Neck like a Phial or Bolthead and pour on it Spirit of Wine highly rectified till it riseth three Fingers above the Matter and having well closed the Vessel set it in a moderate heat for two Months Then follows another new Extraction and the Spirit of Wine becomes transparently red as a Ruby or as was the first Extraction of the Vinegar yea more fair Pour off the Spirit of Wine thus tinged filtre it through Paper and put it into a Cucurbit the black Matter which remains set aside and separate from this Work for it is not profitable therein to which apply an Head and Receiver and having firmly closed all Junctures begin to distil in Ashes with moderate Fire then the Spirit of wine carries over the Tincture of Antimony with it self the Elements separate themselves each from other and the Alembeck and Recipient seem to resemble the form of pure Gold transparent in Aspect In the end some few Feces remain and the Golden Colour in the Glass altogether fayls The red Matter which in distilling passed over into the Receiver put into a Circulatory for ten Days and as many Nights By that Circulation Separation is made for the Oyl thereby acquires Gravity and separates it self to the bottom from the Spirit of Wine and the Spirit of Wine is again Clear as it was at first and swims upon the Oyl Which admirable Separation is like a Miracle in Nature Separate this Oyl * Here you have not only whatsoever can be made of Antimony but also almost all that can be promised by a Chymist This is that with which all the Books of all Chymists are filled which is involved in so many Fables complicated in so many Riddles and explicated with so many obscure Commentaries that is which in all the World is desired by Fools sought by the Sons of Art and sound by the Wise This Basilius reveals this he repeats this he inculcates this is his Triumphant Chariot which he as it were carries about and often shews in the various Parts of his Writings Before in this Treatise he presents it under the Name of an Extraction of Crude Antimony here it is Oyl of Antimony soon after it is converted into a Stone which is called the Stone of Fire Thus this Proteus often offers it self always various yet always the same in Substance Compare all these Processes which are so often diversly propounded with these my Commentaries made upon the Extraction of Crude Antimony and you will have the Work compleat in all its Numbers you will have a Treasure in which if you know not what you have I remit you to Aesop's Dunghil-Cock who found a Gem in the Dunghil but knew not what he had Consider diligently O Lover of Chymistry and you will find that no man hath dealt more clearly and sincerely with Thee than Basilius and me after him who shew thee where the Hare●lies which so many Others have hunted in vain If now you be not here wise you will not be healed with three Anticyra's Therefore I will add nothing lest I make Fools ma● who now indeed are wise from the Spirit of Wine by a Separatory This Oyl is of a singular and incredible Sweetness with which no other thing may be compared it is grateful in the Use and all Corrosiveness is separated from it No man can by Cogitation judge by Understanding comprehend what incredible Effects potent Powers and profitable Virtues are in this Royal Oyl Therefore to this Sulphur of Antimony I have given no other Name than my Balsom of Life because it effects very much by the Grace of GOD in those in whom was no help to be hoped for but by the Mercy of GOD and nothing remained but a most certain expectation of changing Life with Death as my Brethren can witness hath been often done It refresheth a man so as if he were new born it purifies the Blood mixt and exhibited with the Tincture of Corals it cleanseth the Leprosie and expels every Scab which through impurity of the Blood takes Root in man It drives away