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A25241 Looking unto Jesus a view of the everlasting gospel, or, the souls eying of Jesus as carrying on the great work of mans salvation from first to last / by Isaac Ambrose ... Ambrose, Isaac, 1604-1664. 1680 (1680) Wing A2957; ESTC R33051 999,188 563

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Devil and man as well as betwixt the Devil and the woman but because the woman had more tampered with Satan and being deceived by Satan was first in the transgression therefore is she onely named I will put enmity between thee and the woman 2. Betwixt Satans seed and the seed of the woman I will put enmity not onely between thee and the woman but also between thy seed and her seed q.d. This enmity shall not cease with the death of the woman but it shall continue to her seed and to her seeds seed even to the end of the World We see to this day how the Serpent and Serpents seed are striving and warring against the Church and a wonder it is considering the malice of the enemy that there is a Church upon Earth but onely that we have Christs promise The gates of Hell shall not prevaile against it and lo I am with you alwayes even to the end of the World 3. Betwixt Christ and the Serpent O this a bloody conflict on both sides he shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel 1. He shall bruise thy head Christ shall break thy power thy power i.e. the power of the Serpent or of the Devil himself he fights not so much with the seed as with the Serpent if Satan be overthrown his seed cannot stand 2. Thou shalt bruise his heel thou shalt afflict him and his thou shalt cast out of thy mouth a flood of persecutions thou shalt make warre with him Rev. 12.17 and all them which keep the Commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ I have held you a while in the explication of this first promise and the rather because of the darkness of it and the much sweetness that is contained in it it is full of Gospel-truths strike but the flint and there will fly out these glorious sparkles 1. That a Saviour was promised from the beginning of the world 2. That this Saviour should free all his Saints from sin death and hell the head and power of the Devil 3. That to this end this Saviour should be a Mediator for God would not grant an immediate pardon but the promised seed must first intervene 4. That this Mediator should be of the seed of the woman that is a man and yet stronger then the Devil indued with a Divine power and so he is God 5. That this Man-God should according to his Priestly office be a Sacrifice for sin the Serpent should bruise his heel he should suffer and dye for the people and yet accordingly to his Kingly office he should overcome Satan for he should bruise his head overthrow his Kingdom and make us more than Conquerors in him that loved us 6. That this promise of Christ and of our justification is free God of meer mercy and free-grace brings forth this promise there could be now after the fall no merit in man and even now he promiseth remission of sins and life Eternal in for and through the Lord Jesus Christ No question but in belief of this promise the Patriarchs and Fathers of old obtained life glory and immortality By faith the Elders obtained a good report by faith Abel obtained witness that he was righteous by faith Enoch was translated that he should not see Death by faith Noah became heir of the righteousness of Christ how should it but revive us in these last times to hear that the first thing that ever God did after the World was fallen it was this act of mercy to make a promise of Christ and to reconcile lost man to himself through the same Jesus Christ surely he began to do that soon which he meant to be alwayes a doing even to the end of the World Thus far of the promise as it was manifested from Adam to Abraham SECT III. Of the Covenant of promise as manifested to Abraham THe second breaking forth of this gracious Covenant was to Abraham and now it shines in a more glorious light then it did before at first it was propounded in very dark and cloudy termes not easie to be understood and most things sparingly expressed but in this second rise and manifestation we have it laid down in plainer termes I will establish my Covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generation Gen. 17 1● for an everlasting Covenant to be a God to thee and to thy seed after thee For the right understanding of this we shall examine these particulars 1. What a Covenant is 2. What is the establishing of this Covenant 3. Betwixt whom is the Covenant to be established 4. For what time is the established Covenant to endure 5. What are the priviledges of this Covenant 6. What is the condition of this Covenant 7. Who is the head both as undertaker and purchaser and treasurer upon whom this Covenant is established 1. What is a Covenant It is a contract of mutual peace and good will obliging parties on both hands to the performing of mutual benefits and offices Thus was the Covenant betwixt God and Abraham there was a mutual stipulation in it on Gods part to performe his promises of temporal spiritual and Eternal grace and on Abrahams part to receive this grace by faith and to performe due obedience and thankfulness to God Hence a little nearer we say the Covenant is a mutual compact or agreement betwixt God and man whereby God promiseth all good things especially Eternal happiness unto man and man doth promise to walk before God in all acceptable free and willing obedience expecting all good from God and happiness in God according to his promise for the praise and glory of his grace Others describing the Covenant of grace for with the Covenant of works we will not meddle they give it thus The Covenant of grace is a free and gracious compact which God of his meer mercy in Jesus Christ hath made with sinful man promising unto him pardon of sins and eternal happiness If he will but repent of sin and embrace mercy reached forth by faith unfeigned and walk before God in willing faithful and sincere obedience In this description many things are considerable As 1. That the Author of this Covenant is God not as our Creator but as our merciful God and Father in Christ Jesus 2. That the cause of this Covenant is not any worth or dignity or merit in man but the meer mercy love and favour of God 3. That the foundation of this Covenant is Jesus Christ in and through whom we are reconciled unto God for since God and man were separated by sin no Covenant can pass betwixt them no reconciliation can be expected nor pardon obtained but in and through a Mediator 4. That the party Covenanted with is sinful man the fall of our first Parents was the occasion of this Covenant and God was pleased to permit the fall that he might manifest the riches of his mercy in mans recovery 5. That the form of
for God will magnifie his grace and therefore he will do this great thing all that thou hast to do and all that God requires of thee in this case is onely to believe indeed thou hast no part in Christ no part in the covenant of grace if thou wilt not believe faith is the condition of the covenant of grace and therefore either believe or no covenant I know it is not easie to believe nay it is one of the hardest things under heaven to perswade a soul into faith What Will the great God of heaven make a Covenant with such a wretch as I am I cannot believe it Why What 's the matter Ah my sins my sins my sins God is a consuming fire against such he cannot endure to behold iniquity little hopes that ever God should enter into a covenant with me But to help on or to allure a soul in consider O thou soul of these following passages 1. Consider of the sweet and gracious nature of God that which undoes broken hearts and trembling souls it is misconceivings of God we have many times low diminishing ex enuating thoughts of Gods goodness but we have large thoughts of his power and wrath now to rectifie these misapprehensions consider his name and therein his nature the Lord the Lord Merciful and Gracious Long-suffering and abundant in Goodness and Truth keeping mercy for Thousands forgiving Iniquity Transgressions Sins and will by no means clear the guilty visiting the Iniquity of the Fathers upon the Children and upon the Childrens Children unto the Third and Fourth Generation O terrible Text Exod. 34.6 7 sayes the Soul alas I am guilty of thousands of sins and if this be his Name I am undone woe to me and mine unto the Third and Fourth Generation But consider again and in this description of God we shall find an Ocean of Mercy to a Drop of Wrath a Sea of Oyl to an half drop of scalding Lead For 1. God doth not begin the Lord the Lord that will by no means clear the guilty but the Lord the Lord Merciful and Gracious Long-suffering this is the first and greatest part of his Name God is loath to speak in justice and wrath he keeps it to the last m●rcy lies uppermost in Gods heart if the sentence must come it shall be the last day of the Assize 2 Many words are used to speak his goodness Merciful Gracious Long-suffering and abundant in Goodness keeping Mercy for Thousands forgiving Iniquity Transgression and Sin here be six several phrases to shew the Riches of his Goodness but when he speaks his wrath what haste makes he over it there 's only two expressions of that it was a Theam he took no delight in Judgment is his Work his strange Work Isa 28.22 for he doth not afflict willingly nor grieve the Children of Men. 3. There 's a difference in the expression when God speaks of mercy Lam. 3.33 he expresseth it thus abundant in Mercy keeping Mercy for Thousands But in visiting sins it is not to thousands but only to the Third or Fourth Generation Surely Mercy rejoyceth against Judgment God would shew Mercy to Thousands Jam. 2.13 rather than he would destroy three or four 4. What if by no means God will clear the guilty stubbornly guilty yet never will he destroy humble souls that lye at his feet and are willing to have mercy on his easie terms How shall I give thee up Ephraim how shall I deliver thee O Israel Hos 11.8 9. how shall I make thee as Admah How shall I set thee as Zeboim My heart is turned within me my repentings are kindled together I will not execute the fierceness of Mine anger I will not destroy Ephraim for I am God and not Man the Holy One in the middest of ●●ee O my soul why standest thou at a distance with God Why dost thou fancy a Lion in the way O b●lieve in God believe in Jesus and believe thy portion in this Covenant of grace have sweet and delightful thoughts of Gods nature and thou wilt not thou canst not sly from him some are of opinion that a soul may fetch more encouragements to believe from the consideration of Gods gracious and merciful nature than from the promise it self 2. Consider of the sweet and gracious nature of Jesus Christ our thoughts of God are necessarily more strange than of Jesus Christ because of our infinite distance from the Godhead but in Christ God is come down into our nature and so infinite goodness and mercy is incarnate art thou afraid O my soul at his name Jah and Jehovah O remember his name is Emanuel the Lyon is here disrobed of his garment of terrour his rough hair is turned into a soft wooll see thy God disrobed of his terrible Majesty see thy God is a man and thy Judg is a Brother mince Jehovah with Jesus and the Serpent wi●l be a rod O that Balsamy name Jesus that name that founds healing for every wound settlement for every distraction comfort for every sorrow but here 's the misery souls in distress had rather be poring on hell than heaven rather frighting themselves with the terrours of justice than staying themselves with the fl●ggons of Mercy O my soul how canst thou more contradict the nature of Christ and the Gospel-description of Christ than to think him a destroyer of men b●t wherein appears the gracious nature of Christ I answer in his being incarnate O how could Jesus have manifested more willingness to save than that the God-head should condescend to assume our nature surely this is ten thousand times more condescention than for the greatest King to become a sly or a toad to save such creatures as toads and flyes 2. In his tender dealing with all sorts of sinners he professed th t he came into the world not to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved He wept over Jerusalem saying O Jerusalem Je●usalem Mat. 23.37 how oft would I have gathered thee as an Hen gathereth her chickens under her wings but ye would not I would but ye would not And when his Disciples would have had fire come down from Heaven to consume tho●e that refused him he reproves them and tells them they know not of what spirits they were of 3. In his care of his own not caring what he suffered so they might be saved Alas alas that the Lord Jesus should pass through a life of misery to a death more miserable to manifest openly to the world the abundance of his love and yet that any soul should suspect him of cruelty or unwillingness to shew mercy Ah my soul believe never cry out my sins my sins my sins there is a gracious nature and inclination in Jesus Christ to pardon all 3. Consider of that office of saving and shewing mercy which Christ hath set up this is more than meerly a gracious inclination Christ hath undertaken and set up an office
deserved but which is the comfort of us miserable sinners she looks at what he suffers and in how woful and wretched a case he is Her Plea was thus What Lord hast thou made all Men in vain wilt thou now destroy him for whom thou madest the World shall the housholder be cast out and thrown into prison and there remain till he hath paid the utmost Farthing shall all the Men and Women in the World from first to last be damned for ever and ever alas What profit is in their Blood What will it avail to crowd Men and Devils together in Hell-flames Will not those Devils the grand Enemies of God rejoyce at this And what then will become of thy great Name on Earth Is not this thy Name The Lord the Lord Merciful and Gracious Long-suffering and abundant in Goodness and Truth keeping Mercy for Thousands forgiving Iniquity Transgressions and Sins What will the Lord undo his Name Will the Lord cast off for ever And will he be favourable no more Is his Mercy clean gone for ever Will he be no more entreated hath God forgotten to be gracious Hath he in Anger shut up his tender Bowels With these and such like holy whisperings or mutterings did Mercy enter into Gods bowels and make them yern and melt again into compassions But 2. Truth must be heard as well as Mercy and she layes in matter of exception and her Plea was thus What is God but his Word Now this was thy word to Adam In the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt die the death and this was thy word to all the Sons of Adam 〈◊〉 17. 〈◊〉 8.10 the soul that sinneth that soul shall die And God may not falsifie his word his word is truth falsifie truth That may not be all men are liars but God is true even truth it self This Plea of Truth is seconded by Righteousness and thus she bespeaks God shall not the Judge of all the world do right Thou hast declared thy self over and over to be just and righteous 〈◊〉 15. 〈◊〉 19.13 〈◊〉 6.5 7. 〈◊〉 ●5 17 O Lord God of Israel thou art righteous Righteous art thou O Lord and upright are thy Judgments Thou art righteous O Lord which art and wast and shall be Even so Lord God Almighty true and righteous are thy Judgments Yea the Lord is righteous in all his wayes and holy in all his works and wherein consists this righteousness but in rendring to every one according to his due And what is the sinners due 〈◊〉 ● 23 but Death The wages of sin is Death What shall not those sinners die the Death That were as before to make Truth false so here to do Right Wrong These were the Controversies at that time so that Peace could not tell how to speak a prevailing word amongst them nay the controversie grew so high that they made it their own cases what shall become of me said Mercy if God spare not sinners and what shall become of me said Justice if God do spare sinners what shall become of me said Mercy If God will shew no mercy And what shall become of me said Justice if God will do no Justice why alas perish said Mercy if thou wilt not pity if man die I die also and I perish said Justice if thou wilt have mercy surely I die if man die not To this it came and in these terms brake up the Assembly and away they went one from another Truth went to Heaven and was a Stranger upon Earth Righteousness went with her and would not so much as look down from Heaven Mercy she staid below still for where should Mercy be if not with the miserable As for Peace she went between both to see if she could make them meet again in better terms in the mean while our Salvation lies a bleeding the Plea hangs and we stand as Prisoners at the Bar and know not what shall become of us for though two be for us yet two are against us as strong and more stiff than they so that much depends upon this meeting for either they must be at peace between themselves or they cannot be at peace with us nor can we be at peace with God Many means were made before Christs time for a blessed meeting but it would not be Sacrifice and Burnt-Offering thou wouldst not have Heb. 10.5 these means were not prevalent enough to cause a meeting Where stuck it you will say Surely it was not long of Mercy she was easie to be intreated she looked up to Heaven but Righteousness would not look down and indeed here was the business Righteousness must and will have satisfaction or else Righteousness should not be Righteous either some satisfaction for sin must be given to God or she will never meet more better all men in the World were damned than that the Righteousness of God should be Unrighteous And this now puts on the great transaction of our Saviours Birth Well then our Saviour is born and this birth occasions a gracious meeting of the Attributes such an attractive is this Birth this Bud of Christ that all meet there indeed they cannot otherwise but meet in him in whom all blessed Attributes of God do meet It is Christ is Mercy and Christ is Truth and Christ is Righteousness and Christ is Peace 1. Christ is Mercy thus Zacharias prophesied Luke 1.78 That through the tender Mercy of our God the day-spring or Branch from on high hath visited us And God the Father of Christ is called the Father of mercies as if Mercy were his Son who had no other Son but his dearly boloved Son in whom he is well pleased 2 Cor. 1.3 John 14.6 2. Christ is Truth I am the Way and the Truth and the Life That Truth in whom is accomplished whatsoever was prefigured of the Messiah God shall send forth his Mercy and his Truth Psal 57.3 Psal 64.7 Exod. 34.6 Deut. 32.4 Psal 86.15 John 1.14 17. Jer. 23.6 Mal. 4.2 1 Car. 1.30 Heb. 7.2 Isa 9.6 Eph. 2.14 2 Thes 3.16 And O prepare Mercy and Truth And this is his Name the Lord the Lord abundant in Goodness and Truth He is a God of Truth saith Moses plenteous in Mercy and Truth saith David full of Grace and Truth saith John for the Law was given by Moses but Grace and Truth came by Jesus Christ He is Truth by Name and Truth by Nature and Truth by Office 3. Christ is Righteousness This is his Name whereby he shall be called the Lord our Righteousness And unto you that fear my Name shall the Son of Righteousness arise with healing under his Wings And Christ of God is made unto us Wisdom Righteousness and Sanctification and Redemption And according to his Type Melchisedech this was his Style King of Righteousness 4. Christ is Peace This is his Name wherewith he is called wonderful Councellor the Mighty God the everlasting Father the Prince of Peace And Christ
not Christ come down sinners could not have gone up into Heaven and therefore that they might ascend he descends 2. I come down from Heaven not to do mine own will Heb. 3.1 2. but the will of him that sent me his Father had sent him on purpose to receive and to save sinners and to this purpose he is called the Apostle of our profession who was faithful to him that appointed him as also Moses was faithful in all his house His Father could not send him on any errand but he was sure to do it his Fathers mission was a strong demonstration that Christ was willing to receive those sinners that would but come to him Again Jesus stood and cryed saying if any man thirst John 7.37 let him come unto me and drink the very pith heart and marrow of the Gospel is contained in these words the occasion of them was thus on that last day of the Feast of Tabernacles the Jews were wont with great solemnity to draw water out of the fountain of Siloam at the foot of Mount Sion and to bring it to the Altar singing out of Isaiah Isa 12.3 With joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of Salvation now Christ takes them at this Custom and recalls them from earthly to heavenly waters alluding to that of Isaiah Isa 55.1 3. Ho every one that thirsteth come ye to the waters Incline your ears and come unto me and your souls shall live The Father saith come the Son saith come the Spirit saith come yea Rev. 22.17 the Spirit and the Bride say come and let him that heareth say come and let him that is a thirst come and whosoever will let him drink of the water of life freely All the time of Christs Ministry we see him tyring himself in going about from place to place upon no other errand than this to cry at the markets Ho every one that thirsteth come ye to the waters if any sinners love life if any will go to heaven let them come to me and I will shew them the way to my Fathers bosom and endear them to my Fathers heart Again hither tend all those Arguments of God and Christ to draw souls to themselves Thus God draws 1. From his equity Hear now O house of Israel Ezek. 18.25 is not my way equal or are not your wayes unequal q. d. I appeal to your very consciences is this equal that sinners should go on in sin and Trespass against him that is so willing to receive and save poor sinners 2. From our ruine in case we go on in sin Ezek. 18.31 Cast away from you all your Transgressions whereby ye have Transgressed and make you a new heart and a new Spirit for why will ye dye O house of Israel 3. From his own dislike and displeasure at our ruine I have no pleasure in the death of him that dyeth Ver. 32. saith the Lord God wherefore turn your souls and live ye 4. From his mercy and readiness to pardon sinners Isa 55.7 Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts and let him return unto the Lord and he will have mercy upon him and to our God for he will abundantly pardon Hos 14.4 John 3.16 5. From the freeness of his love I will love them freely and God so loved the world so fully so fatherly so freely that he gave his only begotten Son c. and I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely 6. From the sweetness of his Name Rev. 21.6 Exod. 34.6 7. Isa 48.18 19. The Lord the Lord merciful and gracious long-suffering and abundant in goodness and truth keeping mercy for thousands forgiving iniquity Transgression and sin 7. From the benefits that would follow O that thou hadst hearkened to my commandments then had thy peace been as a River and thy righteousness as the waves of the Sea thy seed also had been as the Sand and the off-spring of thy bowels like the gravel thereof 8. From his Oath As I live saith the Lord I desire not the death of a sinner but rather that he should turn from his wickedness and live O happy creatures saith Tertullian for whom God swears O unbelieving wretches if we will not trust God swearing Ezek. 33.61 Ezek. 33.11 Mich. 6.3 Isa 5.4 Isa 5.3 9. From his expostulations Turn ye turn ye from your evil wayes for why will ye dye O house of Israel O my people what have I done to thee and wherein have I wearied thee testifie against me what could I have done more for my vineyard than I have done wherefore when I looked that it should bring forth grapes brought it forth wild grapes Mich. 6.2 10. From his appeals Judge now O ye inhabitants of Judah and Jerusalem and hear O ye mountains the Lords controversie and ye strong foundations of the earth Deut. 5.29 for the Lord hath a controversie with his people and he will plead with Israel 11. From his groans Oh that there were such an heart in them that they would fear me and keep my commandments alwayes Deut. 32.29 that it might be well with them and their children for ever And oh that they were wise that they understood this that they would consider their latter end 12. Hos 11.8 From his loathness to give men up How shall I give thee up Ephraim how shall I deliver thee O Israel how shall I make thee as Admah how shall I set thee as Zeboim my heart is turned within me my repentings are kindled together O the goodness of God! And as God the Father so God the Son draws Arguments to win souls to himself 1. From his coming it was the very purpose and design of his coming down from Heaven to receive sinners 1 Tim. 1.15 This is a faithful saying sayes Paul and worthy of all acceptation that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners 2. From his fair demeanour and behaviour towards sinners this was so open and notorious that it was turned to his disgrace and opprobry Mat. 11.19 Behold a friend of Publicans and sinners And the Scribes and Pharisees murmured at him Luke 5.30 and his Disciples saying Why do ye eat and drink with Publicans and Sinners 3. From his owning of sinners and answering for them in this respect Luke 5.31 32. And Jesus answering said unto them they that are whole need not a Physitian but they that are sick I came not to call the righteous but Sinners to repentance 4. From his rejoycing at sinners conversion indeed we never read of Christs Laughter and we seldom read of Christs joy but when it is at any time recorded it is at the Conversion of a poor soul he had little else to comfort himself in being a man of sorrows but in this he rejoyced exceedingly Luke 10.21 In that hour Jesus rejoyced in Spirit
That he should pass by so many on the right hand and on the left and that I should be one whom the Lord did Elect what such a vile and sinful Wretch as I am was there ever like Love was there ever like Mercy may not Heaven and Earth stand amazed at this O what shall I do to be thankful enough to this dear God Thus thou that knowest thy interest in Christ study praise and thankfulness Say in thy self who made me to differ from those Cast-away Souls Alas we were all framed of the same Mould hewed out of the same Rock It is storied of one of the late French Kings that in a serious meditation considering his own condition of being King and Ruler of that Nation Oh said he when I was born a Thousand other Souls were born in this Kingdome with me and what have I done to God more than they O my Soul what difference betwixt thee and those many Thousands of Reprobates that live with thee in the world at this day nothing surely nothing but the free mercy goodness and love of God in Jesus Christ O then praise this God yea sound forth the Praise of the Glory of his Grace Remember that was Gods design and that is thy Duty SECT IX On conforming to Jesus in that Respect 2. WE must Conform to Jesus we must fix our Eyes on Jesus for our Imitation that also is the meaning of this looking in the Text. And in respect of our Predestination the Apostle speaks expresly Rom. 8 29. he did Predestinate us to be conformed to the Image of his Son This is one end of Predestination and this is one end of looking unto Jesus nay it is included in it A very look on Jesus hath a Power in it to conform us to the Image of Jesus 2 Cor. 3.18 We are changed by beholding saith the Apostle Oh when I see Gods love in Christ to me even from all Eternity how should this but stir up my Soul to be like Jesus Christ where there is a dependance there is a desire to be like even among men how much more considering my dependance on God in Christ should I desire to be like Christ in disposition all the question is what is this Image of Christ to which we must be conformed I Answer Holiness and Happiness but because the latter is our reward and the former is our duty therefore look to that But wherein consists that I Answer in that resemblance likeness and conformity to Christ in all the passages forementioned And in every of those must we conform to Christ As 1. Christ is the Son of God so must we be Gods Sons As many as received him to them he gave Power to become the Sons of God Joh. 1.12 Mal. 1.6 1 Pet. 1.17 O what duty lies upon us in this respect If I be your Father where is mine Honour and if ye call on the Father pass the time of your sojourning here in fear God looks for more honour fear reverence duty and obedience from a Son than from the Rabble of the World if thou art Gods Son thy sins more offend God then the sins of all the reprobates in the world why alas thy sins are not meer transgressions of the Law but committed against the mercy bounty and goodness of God vouchsafed unto thee thy sins have a world of unthankfulness joyned with them and therefore how should God but visit Amos 3.2 you onely have I known of all the Families of the Earth therefore will I visit you for all your Iniquities O think of this you that are Gods Sons and conform to Christ for he was an Obedient Son 2. Christ the Son of God delights in the Father and his delight is also with the Sons of men so must we delight in the Father and delight in his Children Psa 37.4 Psa 16.3 Delight thy self in the Lord and he shall give thee the desire of thy Heart And the Saints that are on the Earth are they in whom is all my Delight saith David It is storied of Dr. Taylor that being in prison he could delight in God and he rejoyced that ever he came into Prison because of his acquaintance with that Angel of God as he called Mr. Bradford O this is Heaven upon Earth not only God but the very Saints of God are sweet Objects of delight Mark them and if they be Saints indeed they are savory in their Discourse in their Duties in their Carriages their Example is powerful their society profitable how should we but delight in them 3. God and Christ laid this Plot from all Eternity that all he would do should be to the praise of the glory of his Grace So must we purpose this as the end of all our actions whether we eat or drink or whatsoever we do we must do all to the glory of God 1 Cor. 10.31 But especially if from God we receive any spiritual good then give all again to the glory of his grace Dan. 2 20 23 Blessed be the Name of God for ever and ever said Daniel for Wisdom and might are his and I thank thee and praise thee O God of my Fathers who hast given me Wisdome and Might an excellent spirit of Wisdome and Might wrought in Daniel and he acknowledges all to the Giver wisdome and might are his Christians if you feel grace in your hearts I beseech you acknowledge it to Christ He does all he subdues Lusts heals VVounds staies inward Issues sets broken Bones and makes them to rejoyce and therefore let him him the glory of all do you acknowledge grace in it's latitude to the God of all grace 4. God and Christ counselled about our Salvation there was a great conflict in the Attributes of God justice and mercy could not be reconciled till the Wisdom of God found out that glorious and wonderful expedient the Lord Jesus Christ so let us Counsel about our Salvation the flesh and the spirit whereof we are compounded draw several wayes the Flesh draws Hell-ward and the Spirit Heaven-ward come then call we in heavenly and spiritual Wisdome to decide this Controversie you may hear its Language in Job 28.28 Job 28.28 Behold the fear of the Lord that is Wisdome and to depart from evil is Vnderstanding If we would draw heaven-ward and save our souls come then let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter fear God and keep his Commandments Eccles 12.13 for this is the whole duty of Man Keep his Commandments in an Evangelical sense i look at the expedient Jesus Christ who hath kept them for us and in whom and through whom our imperfect Obedience is accepted with God 5. God and Christ loved us with an everlasting Love So must we love him who hath first loved us this is the nature of spiritual Love that it runs into its own Ocean O love the Lord all ye his Saints who hath more cause to love him then you
make you able Ministers not of the Letter but of the Spirit He is such a Prophet as teacheth inwardly clearly experimentally and sweetly no man in the world can say this or do this but Jesus Christ the great Prophet of the Church whom God hath raised up like unto Moses or far above Moses Oh my Soul consider if thou art thus taught of God 4. I will forgive their Iniquity and I will remember their Sins no more Rom. 4.7 Consider of this Blessed are they whose Iniquities are forgiven and whose Sins are covered Consider O my soul suppose thy case and thy condition thus As thou livest under Laws of men so for the transgression of those Laws thou art called to account the Judge weighs and gives an impartial and just judgment he Dooms thee to the Axe or Rack or Wheel and because of the aggravation of thy Crime he commands thee to be tortured leisurely that Bones Sinews Lights Joints might be pained for twenty thirty forty fifty years that so much of thy flesh should be cut off every day that such and such a Bone should be broken such and such a day and that by art the flesh should be restored and the Bone cured again that for so many years as is said thou mightest be kept every day dying and yet never die that all this while thou must have no Sleep nor Ease nor Food nor Cloathing convenient for thee that Whips of Iron Lashes and Scourges of Scorpions that Racks Wheels Cauldrons full of melted Lead should be prepared instruments of thy continual horrible terrible Torments in this case suppose a mighty Prince by an Act of free and special Grace should deliver thee from this Pain and Torture and not only so but should give thee a Life in perfect health should put thee into a Paradise of Pleasures where all the honour acclamations love and service of a world of Men and Angels should await thee and where thou shouldst be elivated to the top of all imaginable Happiness above Solomon in the highest Royalty or Adam in his first Innocency where not this mercy wouldest thou not thing it the highest Act of Grace and Love that any creature could extend to his fellow-creature and yet O my Soul all this is nothing but a shadow of grace in comparison of the love and rich grace of God in Christ in the justification of a sinner If thou hast a right to this promise I well forgive thy Iniquity and I will remember thy sin no more Thou art delivered from eternal Death and thou art entitled to an eternal Kingdom O know thy blessedness aright Consider how infinitly thou art engaged to God and Christ and mercy and free-grace This promise sounds forth nothing but grace and blessing grace from God and blessing on us it is grace because nothing but grace and mercy can forgive it is grace because God if he will hath power in his hand to Revenge he doth not pass by sin as men do offences when they dissemble forgiveness they may forgive because they have not power to avenge Dut 32.35 Exod. 36. ●4 it is otherwise with God To me belonges Vengeance and Recompence saith God He is able to destroy and yet he chuseth to forgive this is his Name strong and gracious O my Soul thou art apt to complain what will the Lord forgive my Sins What reason hath God to look on me to Pardon me to pluck me as a firebrand out of the Fire of Hell why should God forgive me But now consider if thy heart be humbled the Lord will do it 1. Because he delighteth in Mercy it is a pleasure to God to forgive Sins Micah 7.18 never did we take more pleasure nor so much pleasure in acting and committing of sin as he doth in the pardoning of sin he is the Father of Mercies 2 Co. 1.3 he delights in mercy as a Father in his Children it doth him good to see the Fruits of his own mercy in taking away the sins of his own people 2. Because it is his purpose which he hath purposed within himself from all Eternity this was the great design of God as you have heard to make his grace glorious in those whom he intends to save he will have the praise of the glory of his Grace Eph. 1.6 2 Thes 1.10 he will not lose his glory he will be admired in his Saints he will make the World to wonder when it shall be known what sin hath been committed by them Rom 9. ●● and pardoned by him And hence it is that Gods people are called Vessels of Mercy that he might make known the Riches of his Glory on the Vessels of Mercy for as Vessels are or may be filled up to the brims so the Vessels of Mercy shall be filled with Mercy up to the Brim that the Riches of his Glory in the pardon of Sin may be seen and known to the wonder of all the world 3. Because it is his Nature and Inclination to pardon Sin this appears 1. In the Proclaiming of his Name the Lord the Lord Merciful and Gracious Long-suffering Ex●d 34.6 abundant in Goodness and Truth keeping Mercy for Thousands forgiving Iniquity and Transgression and Sin Mat. 11.28 2. In his gracious Invitations Come unto me saith Christ if sin burden you I will ease you 3. In his patience and waiting for Repentance he waits to this very end that he might be gracious Isa 30.18 and that he may have mercy for the Lord is a God of judgment Isa 43.25 4. Because it is his promise to pardon sin I even I am he that blots out thy transgressions for my own sake and will not remember thy sins This promise of Pardon is one of the great blessings of the Covenant of Grace you hear the words in this very expressure of it Jet 31.34 I will forgive their Iniquity and I will remember their sins no more Now come consider O my soul of every particular in this gracious Covenant and O be serious in thy Consideration surely there is too much expence of thy spirit upon vain and transitory and worldly things alas alas thou hast but a short time to live and the strength of thy mind that I call for it is the most precious thing thou hast O then let the business and activeness of thy mind let thy inmost thoughts and deep affections be acted and exercised on this Subject be careful that none of these waters run besides the Mill. If God and Jesus and all thy good be included here why should not thy whole soul be intent on this Why shouldst thou spend it on the Creature why shouldst thou be so subject to carnal griefs and fears surely all these are fitter to be fixed on God in Christ on Jesus in a Covenant of Grace SECT III. Of Desiring Jesus in that respect 3. WE must desire after Jesus carrying on the great work of our Salvation in a way of
Wine without Money or Money-worth Isa 55.2 Rev. 22.17 come and drink of the Waters of Life freely 2. The extent of the Promise in this Covenant of Grace I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh hence the Gospel is compared to a Feast and God invites universally As many as you find Mat. 22.9 bid to the Marriage As persons are in estate so they invite and so they feast now Christ is a great King over all the Earth he hath one House that will hold all he hath one Table that will hold all yea he hath one Dish that will serve all and answerably he invites all Ho every one that thirsteth 3. The forwardness of Christ that gives to every one that asketh according to his Promise John 4.10 Hadst thou but asked said Christ to the Samaritan VVoman I would have given thee living water Mark here the occasion of Christ's words Christ being weary and thirsty by reason of his Journey he asked of the Woman a Cup of water to drink no great matter he asks but a Cup of water and the Woman stands at the Well-side where was water enough yet she gives not but stands wondering that he being a Jew should ask water of her that was a Samaritan well saith Christ thou deniest me a Cup of cold water being weary and thirsty but hadst thou asked of me I would have given thee water of Life Wonderful Christ is more ready to give water of Life the very Spirit of God to a poor sinnner than we are to give a cup of common water to a thirsty Soul Go then thou that hast denied the least mercy and kindness to Christ in any of his Members yet seek Grace from him O look up unto Jesus ask his Spirit intreat him to make thy heart new within thee plead the promise of his Covenant and wait in hope 2 We must praise 1. If we would have the blessing let us seek it with the same mind that God offers it i.e. with a purpose and desire to have Grace exalted thus Moses sought pardon to this very end that his mercy might appear If thou wilt pardon their sin thy mercy shall appear and we shall be thankful unto thee for it Exod. 32.32 so the words are made out by expositros which in the text are either passionately or modestly suspended These are prevailing requests with God when we plead for the Glorifying of his own Grace Father Glorifie thy Name said Christ and presently there comes a voice out of the Cloud I have Glorified it and I will Glorifie it again John 12.28 2. If we have the blessing already then be sure to ascribe the Glory unto him that hath made good his promise unto us who is a God like unto thee Micah 7 18. who passest by the transgressions of the remnant of thy Heritage We should make the praise of his grace to ring through the world that Heaven and Earth might take notice of it and wonder at the grace that hath been shewed us I will mention the loving kindness of the Lord Isa 63.7 and the Praises of the Lord according to all that the Lord hath bestowed on us and the great goodness towards the House of Israel which he hath bestowed on them according to his Mercies and according to the multitude of his loving Kindnesses See how the Prophet mentions the kindnesses the loving kindnesses the multitude of his loving kindnesses the goodness and the great goodness of God he could hardly get off it he would have God and Grace to have all the Glory O my Soul hath God entered thee into a Covenant of Grace why then bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless his holy Name Psal 103.1 But of this more anon SECT IX Of Conforming to Jesus in that respect 9 WE must conform to Jesus in reference to this Covenant of Grace We are changed by beholding into the same Image 2 Cor. 3.18 If we look unto Jesus in this respect this Look will have such an influence upon us that we shall conform to Jesus But wherein consists this Conformity I answer in these several perticulars 1. God in Christ offers his Covenant to us so we through Christ should embrace his Offer 2. God in Christ keeps Covenant with us so we through Christ should be careful to keep Covenant with him 3. God in Christ hath highly honoured us as we are his People so we through Christ should highly honour him as he is our God 1. God in Christ offers a Covenant of Grace to us so we through Christ should embrace this gracious Offer His Offers have appeared from first to last as 1. To Adam 2. To Abraham 3. To Moses 4. To David 5. To Israel and to Judah Take notice of it in that great promise of the Covenant I will be thy God q. d. Come Soul if thou wilt but have me I am thine here I offer my self my son my spirit Justification Sanctification Adoption Salvation whatsoever I am or whatsoever I have all is thine if thou wilt but accept of me Look over all this wide wide world and if there be any thing in it that can please thy soul and when thou hast gone through all the world then come and take a view of me and see me in my glory beauty and excellency view me in my Attributes and see if thou findest not enough in me worthy of thy acceptance all this and more than this nay more than eye can see or ear can hear or heart can conceive I offer to thee if thou wilt but have me Loe I will he thy God So Christians God is first with us he is the first mover he begins with us before we begin with him I will bring them saith God into the bond of the Covenant Now in this let us conform doth he offer O let us embrace the offer doth he lead the way O let us follow him step by step in that very way as he goes before us Let us not prescribe unto God let not us presume to appoint the Conditions of the Covenant let us not seek to wind about the Promise of Grace to our own Mind and Will let us not say We will have it thus thus and thus it shall be or else we will admit of no conditions of peace But O come take God and Christ upon his own Terms submit to that way of the Covenant and to those conditions of peace which the Lord prescribeth why this is to conform to his gracious offers There is much of this offer of Christ and conforming to Christ and therefore give me leave to enlarge As in the offer God usually scatters some little seeds of Faith in the hearts of those that he will bring to himself so it is worth the while to observe the work of Faith in receiving and accepting of this gracious offer only I shall not herein limit the Lord but I will shew what some
of its Agony when it is striving as for Life and Death if Help come not at first Call it prayes again and that more earnestly Faith is very urgent with God and the more slack the Lord seems in answering the more earnest is Faith in plying God with its Prayers It will wrestle with God as Jacob with the Angel it will take no Denyal but will crave still Bless me even me also O send me not away without a Blessing 2. Sometimes God answers in part He speaks as it were out of a Dark Cloud He gives some little Ease but He speaks not full Peace In this manner He speaks to the Woman Go thy way and sin no more He doth not say Go in Peace thy Sin is forgiven thee John 8.11 No no but Go thy way and sin no more Hereby Faith usually gets a little Strength and looks after the Lord with more Hope It begins to plead with God as Moses did O Lord Thou hast begun to shew Grace unto Thy Servant go on Lord to manifest unto me all Thy Goodness Here Faith takes a little hold on the Covenant of Grace It may be the Hand of Faith is feeble shaking and trembling yet it takes a little Hold it receives some Encouragement it finds that its former Seeking is not in vain 3. Sometimes God answers more fully and satisfactorily He applyes some Promise of Grace to the Conscience by His Spirit He lets the Soul feel taste the Comforts of himself or of such and such a Promise more effectually than ever before Fear not Isa 41.10 saith God for I am thy God Here Faith waxeth bold and with a glad Heart entertains the Promise brought Home unto it The Apostle calls this the Embracing of the Promises Now Heb. 11.13 Embracing implies an Affectionate Receiving with both Arms opened So the Soul embraceth the Promise and the Lord Jesus in the Promise and having Him like Simeon in his Arms it layes Him in the Bosom it brings Him into the Chamber of the Heart there to rest and abide for ever And now is the Covenant struck betwixt God and the Soul Now the Soul possesseth God in Christ as her own it rests in Him and is satisfyed with Him it praiseth God for his Mercy as Simeon did when he had Christ in his Arms it commits it self wholly and for ever to that Goodness and Mercy which hath been revealed to it O my Soul Hast thou come thus by little and little to touch the Top of Christ's Golden Scepter Why then Is thy Hand given to God Then art thou entred into a Covenant of Peace Christ's Offering and thy Receiving the Covenant of Grace bears a sweet Agreement an harmonious Conformity 2. God in Christ keeps Covenant with us so we through Christ should be careful and diligent to keep Covenant with God In the Things of this Life a strict Eye is had to the Covenants we make Now it is not enough for us to enter into Covenant with God but we must keep it The Lord never will never hath broken Covenants on His Part but Alas we on our Parts have broken the first Covenant of Works Take heed we break not the second for then there remains not any more place for any more Covenants As the Lord keeps Covenant with us so let us keep Covenant with Him and therein is the Blessing Psal 103.17 18. The Mercy of the Lord is from Everlasting to Everlasting to such as keep his Covenant There is much also in this keeping of the Covenant and therefore give me leave a little to enlarge Sundry Acts of Faith are required to this keeping of the Covenant As thus 1. Faith in keeping the Covenant hath alwayes an Eye to the Rule and Command of God As in Things to be believed Faith looks on the Promise so in Things to be practised Faith looks upon the Command Faith will present no strange Fire before the Lord it knows that God will accept of nothing but what is according to His own Will 2. As Faith takes Direction from the Rule so in keeping of the Covenant it directs us to the right End that is to the Glory of God We are of Him and live in Him and by Faith we must live to Him Rom. 14.7 8. 2 Cor. 5.15 Psal 50.15 Psal 86.12 for Him For none of us liveth to himself and no Man dieth to himself for whether we live we live unto the Lord whether we die we die unto the Lord whether we live therefore or die we are the Lord 's Again He died for all that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves but unto Him which died for them This God claims as His right and due Thou shalt glorifie Me saith God Yes saith Faith I will glorifie thee for ever 3. Faith in keeping the Covenant shields the Soul against all Hinderances that it meets withal As for instance Sometimes we are tempted on the Right Hand by the Baits and Allurements of the World All these will I give thee saith the World if thou wilt be mine but then Faith overcomes the World by setting afore us better Things than these Sometimes we are tempted on the Left Hand by Crosses Afflictions Persecutions and Sufferings for the Name of Christ but then Faith helps us to overcome and makes us Conquerours through Christ that loved us by setting before us the End of our Faith and Patience Heb. 12.2 It is said of Jesus That for the Joy that was set before Him He endured the Cross and despised the Shame 4. Faith encourageth the Soul that the Lord will have a Gracious Respect unto its keeping Covenant Acts 10.33 In every Nation he that feareth Him and worketh Righteousness is accepted with Him Surely this is no small Encouragement to well-doing What would not a Servant do if he knew his Lord will take it in good part Now Faith assures the Soul there is not one Prayer one Holy Desire or one Good Thought or Word which is spoken or done to the Glory of God but God takes notice of it and accepts it in good part Then they that feared the Lord Mal. 3.16 spake often one to another and the Lord hearkned and heard it and a Book of Remembrance was written before Him for them that feared the Lord and that thought upon His Name 5. Faith furnisheth the Soul with Strength and Ability to keep the Covenant By Faith we get a Power and Strength of Grace As thus 1. By Faith we look at Christ as having all Fulness of Grace in Himself It pleased the Father Col. 1.19 that in Him should all Fulness dwell All others have but their Measures some more some less according to the Measure of the Gift of Christ but Christ hath received the Spirit John 3.34 not by Measure but in the Fulness of it 2. By Faith we know that whatever Fulness of Grace is in Christ He had it not for Himself
everlasting Kingdom Dan. 7.27 Yet his end shall be and he shall have nothing Dan. 9.26 Thus all along from his Cratch to his Cross sweet Savours but sowr Grapes at last indeed the Grapes grew to a ripeness and then he was pressed and his dearest heart-blood run out in abundant streams this was the sweet juice of our Garden-Vine God planted it the Heavens Water it the Jews prune it what remains now but that we abide in it but of that when we come to the Directions how we are to look SECT VII Of some Consequents after Christ's Birth SOme Consequents after the Birth of Christ may be touched whilest yet he was but a Child of twelve years old As 1. When he was but eight dayes old he was Circumcised and named Jesus As there was shame in his Birth so there was pain in his Circumcision a sharp Razor paseth through his skin presently after he is born not that he needed this Ceremony but that for us he was content to be legally impure In this early humiliation he plainly discovers the Riches of his Grace now he sheds his Blood in drops and thereby gives an earnest of those Rivers which he afterwards poured out for the cleansing of our Nature and extinguishing the wrath of God and for a further discovery of his Grace at this time his Name is given him which was Jesus This is the name which we should engrave in our hearts rest our Faith on and place our help in and love with the overflowings of Charity and Joy and Adoration above all things we had need of a Jesus a Saviour for our Souls and from our sins and from the everlasting destruction which sin will otherwise bring upon our Souls hence this Name Jesus and this Sign Circumcision are joined together for by the effusion of his blood he was to be our Jesus our Saviour Without shedding of Blood is no remission of Sins no Salvation of Souls Heb. 9.22 Rom. 4.11 Circumcision was the Seal and now was it that our Jesus was under God's Great Seal to take his Office We have heard how he carried on the great Work of our Salvation from Eternity this very Name and Office of Jesus a Saviour was resolved on in Gods fore-councel and given forth from the beginning and we have heard of late how it was promised and foretold by an Angel John 6.27 but now it is Signed and Sealed with an absolute Commission and fulness of Power Him hath God the Father fealed John 6.27 It is his Office and his very profession to save that all may repair unto him to that end Mat. 11.28 John 6.37 John 4.42 Come unto me all ye that are weary and him that cometh unto me I will in no wise cast out in which respect he is called the Saviour of the world i.e. of Samaritans Jewes Gentiles Kings Shepherds and of all sorts of men 2. When he was forty daies old he was brought to Jerusalem and presented to the Lord as it is written in the Law of the Lord every Male that openeth the womb shall be called Holy to the Lord. O wonder there was no impurity in the Son of God and yet he is first circumcised and then he is brought and offered to the Lord Luke 2.22 23 he that came to be sin for us would in our Persons be legally unclean that by satisfying the Law he might take away our uncleanness he that was above the Law would come under the Law that he might free us from the Law we are all born sinners but O the unspeakable Mercy of our Jesus that provides a remedy as early as our sin first he is conceived and then he is born to sanctifie our Conceptions and our Births and after his Birth he is first Circumcised and then he is presented to the Lord that by two holy acts that which was naturally unholy might be hallowed unto God Christ hath not left our very Infancy without redress but by himself thus offered he cleanseth us presently from our filthiness Now is Christ brought in his Mothers Arms to his own House the Temple and as Man he is presented to himself as God O how Glorious did that Temple seem now the Owner was within the walls of it Now was the Hour and Guest come in regard whereof the second Temple should surpass the first this was the House built for him and dedicated to him there had he dwelt long in his Typical presence nothing was done there whereby he was not resembled and now the body of these shadows is come and presents himself where he had ever been represented You will say what is this to me or to my Soul O yes Jerusalem is now every where there is no Church-Assembly no Christian heart which is not a Temple of the Living God and there is no Temple of God wherein Christ is not presented to his Father Thus we have the benefit of Christ's fulfilling the Law of Righteousness God sent his Son made of a Woman made under the Law that he might redeem them that were under the Law that we might receive the Adoption of Sons Gal. 3.4 5. It is as if the Father should have said to Christ Come my dear Son here are certain Malefactors under the Law to suffer and to be executed what say you to them Why I will become under the Law saith Christ I will take upon me their Execution and suffer for them and to this purpose he is first circumcised and then he is presented to the Lord. 3. When he was yet under one year old as some or about two as others he fled into Egypt As there was no room for him in Bethlehem so now there is no room for him in all Judea no sooner he came to his own but he must fly from them what a wonder is this Could not Christ have quit himself from Herod a thousand wayes what could an Arm of flesh have done against the God of Spirits had Jesus been of the spirit of some of his Disciples he might have commanded fire from Heaven on those that should have come to have apprehended him but hereby he taught us to bear the yoke even in our youth thus would he suffer that he might sanctifie to us our early afflictions he flies into Egypt the slaughter-house of Gods People the sink of the world the surnace of Israel's ancient afflictions what a change is here Israel the first-born of God ●lie out of Egypt into Judea and Christ the first-born of all Creatures flies out of Judea into Egypt Euseb de demonst l. 6. c. 20. Eusebius reports that the Child Jesus arriving in Egypt and being by design carried into a Temple all the Statutes of the Idol-Gods fell down like Dagon at the presence of the Ark and to this purpose he cites Isaiah's Prophesie Behold the Lord shall come into Egypt and the Idols of Egypt shall be moved at his presence Now is Egypt become the Sanctuary and Judea
making Christ 's death of none effect O come and with joy draw water out of this well of Salvation Isa 12.3 5. Another cries thus Oh I know not what will become of me the very thoughts of hell seem to astonish my heart methinks I see a little peep-hole down into hell and the devil roaring there being reserved in chains under darkness untill the judgment of the great day and methinks I see the damned flaming and Judas and all the wicked in the world and they of Sodom and Gomorrah there lying and roaing and gnashing their teeth now I have sinned and why should not I be damned Oh why should not the wrath of God be executed on me yea even upon me I answer the death of Christ acquits thee of all Rom. 20.6 Blessed is he that hath a part in the first resurrection on such the second death hath no power Christ's death hath took away the pains of the second death yea pains and power too for it shall never oppress such as belong to Christ If Hell and Devils could speak a word of truth they would say Comfort your selves ye believing souls we have no power over you for the Lord Jesus hath conquered us and we have quite lost the cause Paul was very confident of this and therefore he throws down the Gauntlet and challengeth a dispute with all commers Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods Elect Rom. 8.33 34. it is God that justifieth who is he that condemneth it is Christ that dyed let sin and the law and justice and death and hell yea and all the Devils in Hell unite their forces this one argument of Christ's death it is Christ that dyed will be enough to confute and confound them all Come then and comfort your selves all believers in this death of Christ what do you believe and are you confident that you do believe why then do you sit drooping What manner of communications are these that you have as ye walk and are sad Luke 24.17 Away away dumpishness despair disquietness of spirit Christ is dead that you might live and be blessed in this respect every thing speaks comfort if you could but see it God and men heaven and earth Angels and devils the very justice of God it self is now your friend and bids you go away comforted for it is satisfied to the full Heaven it self waits on you and keeps the dores open that your souls may enter We have boldness saith the Apostle to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus Heb. 10.20 by a new and living way which he hath consecrated for us through the veil that is to say his flesh Christ's death hath set open all the golden gates and dores of glory and therefore go away chearily and get you to heaven and when you come there be discouraged or discomforted if you can O my soul I see thou art pouring on sin on thy crimson sins and scarlet sins but I would have thee dwell on that crimson scarlet blood of Christ Oh it is the blood of sprinkling it speaks better things than the blood of Abel it cryes for mercy and pardon and refreshing and salvation thy sins cry Lord do me justice against such a soul but the blood of Christ hath another cry I am abased and humbled and I have answered all Methinks this should make thy heart leap for joy Oh the honey the sweet that we may suck out of this blood of Christ come lay to thy mouth and drink an hearty draught it is this spiritual wine that makes merry the heart of man and it is the voice of Christ to all his guests Eat O friends Cant. 5.1 drink yea drink abundantly O beloved SECT VIII Of calling on Jesus in that respect 8. LEt us call on Jesus or on God the Father in and through Jesus 1. We must pray that all these Transactions of Christ in his sufferings and death may be ours if we direct our prayers immediately to Jesus Christ let us tell him what anguish and pains he hath suffered for our sakes and let us complain against our selves Oh what shall we do who by our sins have so tormented our dearest Lord what contrition can be great enough what tears sufficiently expressive what hatred and detestation equal and commensurate to those sad and heavy sufferings of our Jesus And then let us pray that he would pity us and forgive us those sins wherewith we crucified him that he would bestow on us the vertue of his sufferings and death that his wounds might heal us his death might quicken us and his blood might cleanse us from all our spiritual filth of sin and lastly that he would assure us that his death is ours that he would perswade us That neither death nor life nor Angels Rom. 8.38 39. nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature should be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. 2. We must praise the Lord for all these sufferings of Christ Hath he indeed suffered all these punishments for us Oh then what shall we render unto the Lord for all his benefits upon us what shall we do for him who hath done and suffered all these things but especially if we believe our part in the death of Christ in all the vertues benefits victories purchases and priviledges of his precious death oh then what manifold cause of thankfulness and praise is here be enlarged O my soul sound forth the praises of thy Christ tell all the world of that warmest love of Christ which flowed with his blood out of all his wounds into thy spirit tune thy heart-strings aright and keep consort with all the Angels of Heaven and all his Saints on earth sing that Psalm of John the Divine Rev. 1.5 6. Vnto him that loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood and hath made us Kings and Priests unto God and his Father to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever Amen SECT IX Of conforming to Jesus in that respect 9. LEt us conform to Jesus in respect of his sufferings and death looking unto Jesus is effective of this objects have an attractive power that do assimulate or make like unto them I have read of a woman that by fixing the strength of her imagination upon a Blackamore on the wall she brought forth a black and swarthy child And no question but there is a kind of spiritual-imaginative of power in faith to be like to Christ by looking on Christ come then and let us look on Christ and conform to Christ in this respect In this particular I shall examine these Queries 1. Wherein we must conform 2. What is the cause of this conformity 3. What are the means of this conformity as on our parts For the first wherein we must conform I answer we must conform to Christ
desirest no more good name repute or honour than Christ will afford thee or in case of death dost thou like Stephen resign up thy soul to Christ dost thou see death conquered in the resurrection of Christ dost thou look beyond death dost thou over-eye all things betwixt thee and glory O the sweet of this life of faith on the Son of God! if thou knowest what this means then mayst thou assure thy self of thy vivification 3. True vivification is a new life acting upon a new principle of hope of glory Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ 1 Pet. 1.3 4. which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again to a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled that fadeth not away reserved in heaven for you By Christs resurrection we have a lively hope for our resurrection unto glory is not Christ our head and if he be risen to glory John 18.22 shall not his members follow after him certainly there is but one life one Spirit one glory of Christ and his members The glory which thou gavest me I have given unto them said Christ The soul that is vivified hath a lively hope of glory on several grounds As 1. Because of the promises of glory set down in the word now on these promises hope fastens her anchor if Christ hath promised how should I but maintain lively hope 2. Because of the first-fruits of the Spirit there are sometimes fore tasts of the glory drops of heaven poured into a soul whence it comfortably concludes if I have the earnest and first-fruits surely in his time Jesus Christ will give the harvest 3. Because of Christs resurrection unto glory now he rose as a common Person and he went up into heaven as a common Person whence hope is lively saying why should I doubt or despair seeing I am quickened together with Christ Eph. 2.5 6. and raised up together with Christ and am made to sit together with Christ in heavenly places Try O my soul by this sign Art thou lively in the hope of glory doth thy heart leap and rejoyce within at a thought of thy inheritance in heaven in a lively fountain the waters thereof will leap and sparkle so if thy hope be lively thou wilt have living joys living speeches living delights amidst all thy afflictions thou wilt say these will not endure for ever I my self shall away ere long Glory will come at last O the sweet of this life of hope if thou feelest these stirrings it is an argument of thy vivification 4. True vivification acts all its dutyes upon a new principle of love to Christ men not enlivened by Jesus Christ may do much and go far in outward service yea they may come to sufferings and yet without love to Christ all is lost all comes to nothing 1 Cor. 13.1 Though I speak with tongues of men and Angels though I have the gift of Prophesie and understand all mysteries and all knowledg though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor Ver. 2.3 and though I give my body to be burnt and have not love it profiteth me nothing All the rest may be from the flesh and for the flesh and fleshly ends but a true Gospel-love is from Christ and tends to the Glory of Christ For Love is of God and every one that loveth is born of God and knoweth God 1 John 4.7 But how may we know that all our actings are out of love to Jesus Christ I answer 1. If we act by the rule of Christ If ye love me keep my commandements He that hath my Commandements and keepeth them 1 John 14.15 21.23 24. he it is that loveth me If any man love me he will keep my commandements He that loves Christ he will look upon every act every service every performance whether it be according to the rule of Christ and then on he goes with it 2. If we act to the honour of Christ We may pray and hear and preach and act self more then the honour of Jesus Christ whiles Christ shewed miracles and fed his followers to the full they cryed up Jesus and none like Jesus but when Christ was plain with them ye seek me not because ye saw the miracles but because ye did eat of the loaves John 6.26 Ver. 66. and were filled when he pressed sincerity upon them and preparation for sufferings from that time many of his Disciples went back and walked no more with him It s no news for men to fall off when their ends fail only they that love Christ look not at these outward things in respect of the honour of Jesus Christ and hence it is that in all their actings they will carry on the design of the Father in advancing the honour of the Son whatever it cost them O my soul apply this to thy self if thou livest the life of love if in all thy actings duties services thou art carried on with a principle of love to Jesus Christ it is a sure sign of thy vivification For the second question whether we increase and grow in our vivification we may discover it thus 1. We grow when we are led on to the exercise of new Graces this the Apostle calls adding of one Grace unto another 1 Pet. 1.5 6 7. add to your faith vertue and to vertue knowledg and to knowledg temperance and to temperance patience and to patience Godliness and to Godliness brotherly kindness and to brotherly kindness charity At first a Christian doth not exercise all Graces though habitually all Graces may be planted in him yet the exercise of them is not all at once but by degrees Thus the Church tells Christ at our Gates are all manner of pleasant fruits new and old which I have laid up for thee O my beloved Cant. 7.13 she had all manner of fruits which she had reserved for Christ new and old she had young converts and more seetled professors or she had new and old Graces as others she added Grace to Grace she was led on from the exercise of one Grace unto another new Grace As wicked men are led on from one sin to another and so grow worse and worse so godly men are led from one Grace to another Rom. 5.3 4. and so they increase knowing that tribulation worketh patience and patience experience and experience hope 2. We grow when we find new degrees of the same Grace added as when love grows more fervent when knowledg abounds and hath a larger apprehension of spiritual things when faith goes on from mans casting himself on Christ to find sweetness in Christ and so to plerophory or full assurance of faith when Godly sorrow proceeds from mourning for sin as contrary to Gods holiness to mourn for it is as contrary to him who loves us which usually follows after assurance when obedience enlargeth its bounds Rev.
confusions distractions despondences staggering and sinking terrors Mat. 11.28 it will find it something yea it will look on it as a glorious work to discover but the morning Star through so much darkness any thing of life in such a valley and shadow of death 3. The understanding hath yet some brighter believing beams it confidently closeth with this truth that it is the will of the Lord that he should come and live and believe and lay hold on Christ it apprehends the particular designs of mercy to him and doth really principle the soul with this that God doth particularly call invite and bid him come to Christ the Fountain of life for life Now the understanding takes in general Gospel-calls in particular to himself It is my poor languishing soul which the Lord speaks to when he sayes come to me all yea that are weary and I will give you rest Ephes 5.14 Awake thou that sleepest and arise from the dead and Christ shall give thee light Surely this is a great work when set home by the Lord that the soul acts in its addresses to Christ in the strength of a particular call from God 2. And now the answer to this call is wrought up in the renewed will as thus 1. The will summons all its confidences and calls them off from every other bottom to bestow them wholly upon Christ and this consists in our voluntary renouncing of all other helps excepting Jesus Christ alone now the soul sayes to Idols Get ye hence Hos 14.3 Ashur shall not save us we will not ride upon horses neither will we say any more to the works of our hands ye are our Gods Ashur shall not save us Not only cannot but shall not save us now as the soul is dissatisfied in Judgment as to the resting on any thing but Christ alone so the heart and will is disaffected to all other helps but Christ alone now it renounceth its own righteousness and worthyness not only because of their inability to save but mainly because their glory is swallowed up in that unmatchable excellency which appears in the way of life and salvation by Jesus Christ It calls home dependance from every other object 2. Hereupon there is a willing and chearfull receiving of Christ and resignation of our selves to his actual dispose to quicken us and save us in his own way A great part of the answer of Faith to the call of Christ lyes in this for as Faith sees life and salvation in the hands of Christ so it considers it to be given forth in the methods of Christ and so believing lyes not only in assent but consent of heart John 1 1● that Christ shall save us in his own way this is called A receiving of Christ As many as received him to them he gave power to become the Sons of God Many a soul would be saved by Christ that sticks and boggles at his methods they will not pass to happiness by holiness nor set him up as a King and Lord whom they could consent to set up as a Saviour Oh but now Christ that stood at the door and knocked Rev. 3.10 is received in consent hath made up the match and the door is opened that never shall be shut again 3. Upon this follows the souls resting and relying the souls confidence and dependance upon Jesus Christ for life and for salvation this closeth up the whole business of believing unto righteousness those various expressions used in Scripture of committing our way and selves to God of casting our care upon God of rolling our selves on him of trusting in him of hoping in his mercy c. wrapt up faith in this affiance dependance not without some mixture of confidence and resolved resting upon Jesus Christ a clear beholding of God in Christ and of Christ in the promises doth present such variety and fulness of Arguments to bear up hope and affiance that the heart is resolved and so resolved that we commit our selves and give our souls in charge to Christ I know whom I have believed 1 Pet. 4.19 2 Tim. 1.12 and I am perswaded he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day 4. The upshot of all is this that the same close which the soul makes in believing with Jesus Christ as to justification and righteousness is not fruitless to this effect of conveying life and vertue from Jesus Christ as to grace and holiness for that union which then and thereby comes to be enjoyned with Christ is such an union as is fruitful in begetting a quickening power and principle in the heart and this is that which we ordinarily intend by saying saving faith to be operative James 2.16 that faith which brings forth nothing of holiness what is it but a dead faith As the body without the Spirit is dead so faith without works is dead also Justification and sanctification are twins of a birth and hence it is that vivification which is one part of sanctification is wrought in the soul after the self-same manner As first the understanding is illighttened 2. The will is changed 3. All the Affections are renewed 4. The internals being quickened there ensueth the renewing of the body with the outward actions life and conversation And now is fulfilled that saying of Christ in a spiritual sense John 5.25 The hour is coming and now is when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God and they that hear shall live Now is the soul vivified now it begins to live the life of God now it feels the power of Christ's resurrection and is made conformable to it And immediately upon this joy is made in heaven by the Angels Luke 15.24 God himself applauding it For this my Son was dead and is alive he was lost and is found Thus is the state of vivification wrought I know it is not in all men after one manner for every circumstance the methods of God are exceeding various and we cannot limit the holy one of Israel I have sometimes concerning this desired the communication of other thoughts whom I looked upon as such who had more than ordinary communication with Christ's Spirit and from one of such I received this answer I must profess to you I have in all my speculations in divinity found dissatisfaction in the writings of men in nothing more than is the work of clear and distinct conceptions concerning regeneration which yet is of such a Cardinal importance is that the great doors of heaven move upon the hinges of it the Lord enlighten us more for we see but in part and prophesie but in part For the third question what are the means of this conformity or vivification which we must use on our parts I shall answer herein both to the state and growth of our vivification As 1. Wait and Attend upon God in the ministry of the word this is a means whereby Christ ordinarily effecteth
will declare my iniquity saith David I will be sorry for my sin His confessions were dolorous confessions he felt sin and it wrought upon him as an heavy burthen They were two heavy for me Ver. 4. There 's nothing in the World can make an heart more heavy than when it feels the weight and heaviness of sin 2. Our confession must be a full confession we must pour it out Thus David stiles one of his Psalms A prayer of the afflicted when he is overwhelmed Psalm 102. Preface and poureth out his complaint before the Lord. We must pour out our complaints as a man poureth water out of a Vessel Arise cry out in the night in the beginning of the watches pour out thine heart like water before the face of the Lord. Water runs all out of a Vessel Lam. 2.19 when you turn the mouth downward never a spoon-ful will then stay behind so should we pour out our hearts before God and if it were possible leave not a sin unconfessed at least for the kinds if not for the particular sins 3. Our confession must be with full aggravation we should aggravate our sins by all the circumstances that may shew them odious Thus Peter when he had denyed Christ it is said that he thought thereon and he wept He thought thereon Matth. 14 72. or he cast in his thoughts one thing upon another q. d. Jesus Christ was my Master and yet I denyed him he told me of this before-hand that I might take heed of it and yet I denyed him I professed to him that I would never do it I would never forsake him and yet I denyed him yea this very night and no longer since I said it again and again that I would not deny him and yet I denyed him yea I fail'd Although others deny thee yet will not I and yet worse than all others I denyed him with a witness for I affirmed desperately that I knew not the man nay I sware desperately that I knew not the man nay more than so I sware and I cursed too If I knew the man let Gods curse fall upon me and all this I did within a few strides of my Lord at that very time when I should have stood for my Lord in that all the World forsook him why these were the circumstances of Peters sin and meditating on them He went out and wept bitterly And thus we should aggravate our sins in our confessions O my sins were out of measure sinful O they were sins against knowledg and light against many mercies received against many judgments threatned against many checks of conscience against many vows and promises thus oft and in this place and at that time and in that manner I committed these and these sins but of all the aggravations let us be sure to remember how we sinned against the goodness and patience and love and mercy of God surely these circumstances will make our sins out of measure sinful The Angel that reproved the Children of Israel at Bochim after the repetition of his mercies towards them Judges 2.2 and of their sins against him he questions them in these words Oh why have ye done this q. d. The Lord hath done thus and thus mercifully unto you oh why have ye done thus unthankfully towards him why was his mercy abused his goodness slighted his patience despised do ye thus requite the Lord O foolish people and unwise in like manner should we confess and aggravate our sins O my God thou art my Father was I ever in want and thou didst not relieve me was I ever in weakness and thou didst not strengthen me was I ever in straits and thou didst not deliver me was I ever in sickness and thou didst not cure me was I ever in misery and thou didst not succor me hast thou not been a gracious God to me all my bones can say who is like unto thee Lord who is like unto thee and shall I thus and thus reward the Lord for all his mercies towards me hear O Heavens and hearken O Earth Sun stand thou still and thou Moon be thou amazed at this hear Angels and hear Devils hear Heaven and hear Hell and be you avenged on such a sin as this is O the sinfulness of my sin in regard of these many circumstances 3. We must condemn our selves or pass sentence against our own souls Lord the worst place in Hell is too good for me Lord here is my soul thou mayst if thou pleasest send Satan for it and give me a portion among the damned This self-judging or self-condemning is exemplified to this life in Ezra for Ezra 9.5 1. He fell on his knees he did not bow down his knees but like a man astonished he fell on his knees he had before rent his garment and mantle and pluckt off the hair of his head and off his beard and sate down astonished and now at the evening sacrifice he falls on his knees and on the ground in great amazement Ver. 5. 2. He spread out his hands unto the Lord q. d. here is my breast and here is my heart-blood I spread my arms and lay all open that thou mayst set the naked point of thy sword of justice at my very heart Ver. 10. 3. He is dum and speechless as it were before the Lord And now our God what shall we say after all this for we have forsaken thy commandments q. d. shall I excuse the matter alas it is inexcusable what shall we say after all this shall we call for thy patience we have had it but how did we abuse it should we call for mercy indeed we had it but our stubborn hearts would never come down O our God what shall we say I know not what to say for we have sinned against thee 4. He layes down his soul and all the Peoples souls at God's feet q. d. here we are Ver. 15. thou mayest damn us if thou wilt Behold we are all here before thee in our trespasses for we cannot stand before thee because of this Behold here we are rebels we are here are our heads and throats before the naked point of thy vengeance if now thou shouldst take us from our knees and throw us into Hell if we must go from our prayers to damnation we cannot but say that thou art just and righteous Oh its mercy its mercy indeed that we have been spared its just and righteous with God that we should be damned In this more especially lyes self-condemnation it makes a man to trample upon his own self it makes a man freely to accept of damnation Levit. 26.41 42. They shall accept of the punishment of their iniquity and then will I remember my covenant with Jacob they save God as it were a labour judging themselves that they may not be judged 4. We must plead pardon and cry mightily to God in Christ for the remission of all our sins This is the
way of judging our selves we see nothing but Hell and damnation in our selves but then we fling down our selves at God's gate of mercy we despair not in God though in our selves God in Christ is gracious and merciful forgiving iniquity transgression and sin and hence we make bold to intreat the Lord for Christ's sake to be merciful to us surely herein lies the difference betwixt nature and grace the natural man may see his sins and confess his sins and judge himself for his sins thus Saul did and thus Judas did but then they despaired in God and were damned indeed now the gracious man hath a conscience within that represents to him his damned estate but withal it represents to him the free grace of God in Jesus Christ and so he onely despairs in himself and not in his God now thus far good come Christians do we despair in our selves do we fling off all our own hopes and our own dependencies hangings holdings on duties purposes graces performances and do we go to God in Christ and tell him We hang upon nothing but the mere mercy the free grace of God in Christ and therefore Lord pardon Lord forgive for thy Names sake promise sake mercies sake and for the Lord Jesus sake O let free grace have his work Lord glorifie thy Name and glorifie the riches of thy grace in saving us Why this is the best hold in the World though the World cannot abide it surely if we thus judge our selves we should not be judged 4. Christ at his coming will be glorified in his Saints not onely in himself but in his Saints also whose glory as it comes from him so it will redound to him Oh let him now be glorified in us let us now in some high way conform to the image of his glory let us look on Christ till we are like Christ not onely in grace but in glory and this glory as it comes from him so let it redound to him I will not say that the Kingdom of Heaven and glory is in this life I leave this opinion to the dreamers of this time I mean to the Familists Quakers and such like but this I say that even in this life the Saints of God enjoy a begun and imperfect conformity to Christ's glory and this is that I would now press upon us let us so behold the glory of the Lord in the glass of the Gospel 2 Cor. 3.18 as that we may be changed into the same image from glory to glory from a lesser measure to an higher measure of glory The day is a coming that Christ will be glorified in himself and he will be glorified in his Saints O the glories that will then be accumulated and heaped upon Jesus Christ come now let us behold this glory of Christ till we are changed in some high measure into the same glory with Christ Christ's glory rightly viewed is a changing glory And herein the views of Christ surpass all creature-views if we behold the Sun we cannot possibly be changed into another Sun but if with the eye of knowledge and faith we behold Jesus Christ we shall be changed into the glorious image of Jesus Christ if the Sun of righteousness cast forth his golden beams upon us and we enjoy this light why then Cant. 6.10 Who is she that looketh forth as the morning as Aurora the first birth of the day fair as the Moon clear as the Sun I know this glorious change is but a growing change by degrees from glory to glory and yet who can deny but there is some conformity to Christ's glory even in this life do not these very Texts speak the self same thing These things have I spoken to you John 15.11 1 John 1.4 John 16.24 Isa 66.10 11. that my joy might remain in you and that your joy might be full And these things write we unto you that your joy may be full And ask and ye shall receive that your joy may be full And rejoyce with Jerusalem and be glad with her all ye that love her that ye may suck and be satisfied with the brests of her consolations that ye may milk out and be delighted with the abundance of her glory Rom. 5.13 And the God of all hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing Surely all joy and peace are synechdochically put for all other inchoations of glorification But how is a Saint in this life filled with all joy I answer 1. In regard of the obiect God and Christ 2. In regard of the degrees though not absolutely yet so far forth as the measure of ioy is in this life attainable I might instance in the joy of Mr. Peacock Mrs Brettergh and of some Martyrs who sung in the fires 3. In regard of duration rejoyce always Phil. 4.4 not onely in the calm of peace but in the storm of violent opposition A Saint may have his troubles but these troubles can never totally or finally extinguish his joy John 16.22 your joy no man taketh from you He rejoyceth always O that something of the glory of Christ might rest upon us oh that having this glory of Christ in our thoughts we could now feel a change from glory to glory Is it so that the Lord Jesus will be glorified in all his Saints and shall we have in-glorious souls base and unworthy affections and conversations or shall we content our selves with a little measure of grace O be we holy even as he is holy let our conversations be heavenly let us purifie our selves even as he is pure let us resemble him in some high measure of grace And lastly let us glorifie him in bodies and spirits all our glory is from him and therefore let all our glory redound to him let us now begin that Gospel-tune of the eternal song of free grace which one day we shall more perfectly chant in glory Allelujah and again Allelujah and Amen Allelujah salvation and glory and power and praise and thanksgiving and obedience be unto him that sits on the throne the Lamb blessed for ever and ever Amen The Conclusion And now my brethren I have done the errand which Christ sent me on I verily believe I have now delivered this work of the everlasting Gospel or of Christ's carrying on the great work of man's salvation hath been somewhat long in speaking but oh how long in acting may I give you a short view of what I have said and of what hath been acted from eternity and will yet be acted to eternity you may remember that God in his eternity laid a plot or design to glorifie the riches of his grace in saving sinners and to that purpose first he decreed a Christ 2. Presently after the fall he promised the Christ he had decreed 3. In fulness of time he exhibited the Christ that he had promised then it was that the same Christ took upon him out nature and joyned it to his God-head to
Thy Heritage Thou retainest not Thy Anger for ever Jer. because Thou delightest in Mercy And I am the Lord which exercise Loving-Kindness Judgment Righteousness in the Earth for in th●se things I delight saith the Lord. 2. Because of that Delight which God hath to be actively glorified by His Creatures voluntary Service and Subjection John 10.18 Ezek. 33.11 Herein is My Father glorified if ye bear much Fruit and I have no Pleasure in the Death of the Wicked but that he turn from his Way and live He delighteth most in unbloody Conquests when by His Patience and Goodness and Forbearance He subdueth the Hearts Affections and Conscienc●s of Men unto Himself He esteemeth Himself more glorified in the Services than in the Sufferings of Men and therefore in this Eternity he resolves not to destroy all Men lest there should be no Religion upon the Earth When the Angels fell they fell not all many were still left to glorify Him actively in their Service of Him but when Adam fell all Mankind fell in him so that there was no Tree in all this Paradise lest to bring forth any Fruit unto God And this is most certain that God would rather have His Trees for Fruit than for Fewel Hence He resolves that Mankind notwithstanding Sin should not be utterly destroyed Hereupon the Trinity calls a Counsel and the Question is What is to be done with poor Man The Learned here frame a kind of Conflict in God's holy Attributes by a Liberty which the Holy-Ghost from the Language of Holy Scripture doth allow them they speak of God after the manner of Men as if he were reduced unto some Straits and Difficulties by the cross Demands of His several Attributes Justice calls upon Him for the Condemnation of a Sinful and therefore worthily Accursed Creature which Demand is seconded by His Truth to make good that Threatning In the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt die the Death Mercy on the other side pleads for Favour and Compassion towards Man wofully seduced and overthrown by Satan and this Plea is seconded by Love and Goodness and the like Attributes at last when the Business comes to Determination Wisdom finds out a way which the Angels of Heaven gaze on with Admiration Astonishment how to reconcile these different Pleas of his Attributes together A Jesus is resolved on One of the same Blessed Trinity who by His Father's Ordination His own voluntary Susception and the Holy Spirits Sanctification should be fitted for the Business To this purpose this Jesus should be both a Surety and an Head over sinful Men a Surety to pay Mens Debts unto God and an Head to restore God's Image unto Man And thus in Him Mercy and Truth have met together Righteousness and Peace have Kissed each other Psal 83.10 This is the great Mistery of the Gospel this is that which the Angels as I tell you pry into nay this is that which the Angels and Saints too shall admire and bless God for to all Eternity this is that which set the infinit Wisdome of God on work from all Eternity If all the Angels in Heaven and all the Men in the World had been put to it to find out a way to answer this question how shall sin be pardoned the sinner reconciled and God glorify his justice they could never have done it this cost God dear it cost him the heart-blood of his own Son and that 's a sure sign that Gods heart was much in it and indeed we are not Christians until in some measure we see and have our hearts taken with the glory of God in this mistery O the wonder of Heaven and Earth here 's the case man is fallen through sin and ever since the fall man and sin are as inseparably joyned together as fire and heat yet God will have mercy on the man and he will take vengeance on the sin the Eternal Wisdome of God hath found out a way to translate this mans sins on another Person who is able to bear them and to interest this mans person in anothers Righteousness which is able to cover him so that now all 's one in regard of man as if the Law had been utterly abrogated and all 's one too in regard of God as if the creature had been utterly condemned And all this is done in our Jesus on him was executed the curse of the Law by him was fulfilled the righteousness of the Law for him was remitted the sin of man and through him were all things made new again the world was in Christ as in its Surety making satisfaction to the Justice of God and God was in Christ as in his Embassadour Rom. 11.33 reconciling the world unto himself again 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 O the depths of the riches both of the Wisdome and Knowledge of God how unsearchable are his judgements and his ways past finding out You have seen the Project and the counsels of God for mans salvation before all worlds Rom. 11.34 it is but dimly for who hath known the mind of the Lord or who hath been his Counsellour SECT VI. The foreknowledge OF the knowledge of God in this respect we read in Scriptures Acts 2.23 Rom. 8.29 Rom. 11.2 1 Pet. 1.2 Christ is said to be delivered by the determinate Counsel and foreknowledg of God And it is said of Christs members the called according to his purpose whom he did foreknow and elsewhere in the same Epistle God hath not cast away his people which he foreknew And Peter writes to the strangers Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father Understand that foreknowledge is ascribed to God in respect of the creature properly but in respect of God there is nothing past nothing to come all things past and all things to come are present to him and therefore in that sense he cannot be said to foreknow any thing Now the Lord in respect of us is said in Scripture to foreknow things or persons two wayes Psal 139.16 1. Generally by a general knowledge of which Davids speaks thine eyes did see my substance yet being unperfect and in thy book all my members were written which in continuance were fashioned when as yet there was none of them 2. Specially by a more special foreknowledge which is a knowledge with love and approbation the very same which barely comprehendeth that we call Election Rom. 9.13 2 Tim. 2.19 Rom. 11.2 so Gods choosing is expressed by loving Jacob have I loved and Esau have I hated And this is that which the Apostle speaks of the Lord knoweth who are his i.e. the Lord from everlasting knoweth his with love and with approbation hath God cast away his people which he foreknew i. which he before loved and approved hence we gather that after the Project was laid and the Councels of God were agreed upon it then God foreknew or foresaw whom to embrace in his eternal love as his own
under the Power of the promise we begin then to know that we are in that same Covenant But this is rather say they to feel our selves in that Covenant which God hath made with Christ than to enter into Covenant with God our selves 2. Others argue hence that there is no Covenant or promise made with Christ personal but only with Christ mystical such who are members of Christ and so united to Christ for mark the Text say they the promise is made first to Abraham and then to his seed this seed is such a seed as comes to have right to the promise in order from Abraham now this cannot be Christ personal but Christ mystical And whereas the Text sayes the promise is not made to seeds but to one seed which is Christ John 8 37 Gal. 37.29 they distinguish of a double seed of Abraham First there is a carnal natural seed according to the flesh and in this sense Christ speaks to those wicked unbelieving Jewes which went about to kill him I know ye are Abrahams seed but ye seek to kill me Secondly there is a spiritual seed that walk in the faith steps of Abraham know ye therefore that they which are of faith the same are the children of Abraham And if ye be Christs then are ye Abrahams seed and heirs according to the promise now the promise is made to Abraham and his seed not seeds i.e. not to both seeds both carnal and spiritual but only to the one which is the spiritual and this seed is Christ i.e. Christ mystical the body of Christ the faithful that are knit to Christ by a true and lively faith 3. Others argue hence that this Covenant is made both betwixt God and Christ and betwixt God and us First betwixt God and Christ all the work of redemption and salvation was transacted betwixt God and Christ before the foundation of the world but this doth not hinder but that the same promise is afterwards in time made to us also Look as it is in Covenants amongst men while the child is yet unborn the father takes conveyance of an inheritance for his child which he keeps in his own hand till the child be born and come to years and then he puts it into his own possession so it is here we are for a time hid in the womb of Gods Election till we are brought forth by the grace of regeneration now during this time we are not in our selves capable of receiving any promise of life made to us but it is made to Christ in our behalf and he receives the promise from the Father in our stead but yet so that when we come to be born anew the promises are made unto our selves and then we are put into possession of them Here then is the meaning of the Text the Covenant is made with Christ i.e. with Christ and his heirs principally with Christ and with Abrahams nature in Christ and yet personally with believers who are also the seed of Abraham All the difference is in that terme Christ what thereby is meant whether Christ personal or Christ mystical or Christ representative And we say 1. Not Christ personal I mean not Christs person singly considered for that 1. Would fight with the scope of Paul whose bent it is to prove the promise of eternal life to be made to all believers and that 2. ver 17. ve● 8. ver 14. ver 13. Would conclude the promise of eternal life to be given onely to Christ and not at all to those that are believers in Christ 2. Not Christ Mystical for 1. The promise is made to Christ In whom the Covenant was confirmed 2. In whom the nations were blessed 3. In whom we receive the promise of the Spirit through faith 4. Who was made a curse for us Now not any of these can agree to Christ mystical Christ mystical did not confirme the Covenant nor bless the Nations nor give the Spirit nor was made a curse 3. It is Christ representative Christ-Mediatour Christ a publick person to whom the promises were made for Christ and his heirs are but all of them one confederate family and as the Covenant of works was made with Adam and all his and there were not two Covenants so here the Covenant is made with the second Adam and his children But every man in his own order Christ the first-fruits 1 Cor. 15.23 and afterwards they that are Christs I have now propounded the Object we are to look unto it is Jesus in that eternity before all time untill the Creation Our next business is to direct us in the Art or Mystery of Grace how we are to look unto him in this respect CHAP. II. SECT I. Of knowing Jesus carrying on the Great work of our Salvation in that Eternity LOoking comprehends knowing considering desiring hoping believing loving joying calling upon Jesus and conforming to Jesus If then we will have an inward experimental Look upon Jesus we must act and exercise all these particulars 1. We must know Jesus carrying on the great work of our salvation in that eternity before all time Come learn what this Jesus is 1. In his relation to God and so he is Gods Son eternally begotten before all worlds See above and learn it throughly who it is that was begotten for the person when it was for the time how it was for the manner and what was the mutual kindness and love of him that begot and of him that was begotten O the height and depth of this knowledge 2. Come learn what this Jesus is in his relation to us before all worlds and to that purpose study close that great transaction betwixt God and Christ for our salvation 1. Study that project of God that he would glorifie his grace and to this end that he would predestinate Christ and in Christ he would choose some of the souls of men and amongst the rest that he would choose thee whom notwithstanding sin he would make holy and without blame before him in love 2. Study the counsels of God concerning man before all worlds O 't was an hard question how sin should be pardoned the sinner reconciled and yet God glorifie his justice none but the wisdome of God could ever find out a way to have had mercy on the man and yet to take vengeance on the sin but herein appeared the depth of the riches both of the wisdome and knowledge of God he devised the way to translate this mans sin suppose thine own sins on anothers person who was able to bear them to interest this mans person suppose thine own self in anothers righteousness who was able to cover him 3. Study the foreknowledge of God how the Lord knew his from everlasting with a knowledge of love and approbation after the project was laid and the counsels of God were agreed upon it then God fore-knew or fore-saw whom to imbrace in his eternal love And O my soul if thou art one of
glory of his grace mercy and grace meet both in love only they differ thus mercy is love as it helps the miserable and grace is love as it gives good things freely without desert here then is the great designe which God from everlasting carried on that the glorious essence of his free love free-grace should be especially manifested to his Saints that so thy might admire it esteem it honour it and sound forth the praises of it All the other designes of God were but subservient unto this Some reckon up three great designes of the Almighty communicating himself as 1. The glory of his Saints 2. The glory of Christ 3. The glory of himself and especially the glory of his grace 1. That his Saints should be glorious and to that purpose he made heaven and earth and he makes them Lord of all 1 Cor. 3.21 vers 23. 2 Thes 1.10 all things are yours 2. That Christ should be glorious and to that purpose he makes the Saints and gives them to Christ all things are yours and you are Christs And certainly saith the Apostle at the last day Christ shall come to be glorified in his Saints and to be admired in all them that believe 3. That God himself should be glorified he made all things for himself Bring my sons from farre and my daughters from the ends of the earth even every one that is called by my name for I have created him for my glory Prov. 16.4 Isa 43.6.7 Now this is the high designe of God to which all the rest are subservient mark the steps all things are yours and you are Christs and Christ is Gods i. For God and for his glory the two former designes are to which but not for which God worketh he that buildeth an house that he may lay a sure foundation and that he may raise the frame he gives it the due filling which belongs to it but these are not his proper ends his main designe but that he may have an house for his habitation So God works many things to our glory and that in us Christ may be glorious but the proper end that high designe which he hath in all it is his own glory And yet O my soul consider a little further the plot of our salvation of the Saints glory and of Christs glory as it aimes at the glory of God so especially at the glory of his grace As if we see that one doth this or that in wisdom it is the glory of his wisdome if he do it in strength or power it is the glory of his power if he do it out of grace it is the glory of his grace so God designed the salvation of our soules out of his meer grace favour love he must needs intend to have his grace notified in us and to have it being known accordingly admired and praised and honored by us not but that God must be glorified in his wisdome power justice holiness and his other attributes ay but especially in this it is the grace of God in which he most delighteth even as vertuous Kings affect above all their other vertues to be had in honour for their clemency and bounty So it is with our God the King of Kings Lord of Lords all he doth is to this end that his grace may be manifested to his greater glory And to this end is the glory of Christ and the glory of Christians referred Why Lord that this should be thy plot to save my soul that my soul should praise the glory of thy grace that thy grace should before all worlds think on me for good O how should I but think on thee and thy free-grace How should I but admire it adore it praise it exalted it above Sun and Moon and Starres how should I but cry out with the Apostle Oh the depth of the riches of thy grace for of him Rom. 11.36 and through him and to him are all things to whom be glory for ever and ever Amen 2. Consider the counsels of God about thy salvation Ephes 1.11 he worketh all things after the counsell of his own will and with him is counsel and with him is understanding This counsel as we have discovered was primarily about that reconciliation of the riches of his grace and the glory of justice Consider this O my soul thy sin put all the attributes of God to a kind of conflict hereupon was that great and mighty counsel how God should make way for his love and goodness and yet satisfie his truth and justice at last the wisdome of God found out that glorious and wonderful expedient the Lord Jesus Christ Rom 3.25 is not this the meaning of the Apostle whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his Blood to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins Pouder and weigh these words God sets not forth Christ to be a propitiation to declare only his mercy in the forgiveness of sinnes how is there any thing but mercy in the forgiveness of sins yes there is something else there is righteousness also and therefore he hath set forth Christ to be a propitiation that he might declare his righteousness v rs 26. nay see it repeated to declare I say his righteousness that he might be just and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus not that he might be merciful but that he might be just in justifying him that believeth in Jesus This Text Luther had a great deal ado to understand and he prayed much before he could get the right meaning of it This is the great mystery of the Gospel no wonder if a poor man could not reach it This is that which set the infinite wisdome of God on work from all eternity how to find a way to save sinners and to be infinitely righteous notwithstanding Nay yet O my soul consider a little further not only is the mercy of God in this way glorified but the glory of his justice is as much yea more then if the sinner were eternally damned It is made good thus 1. When God appointed a surety his Son and charged our debts upon him to satisfie his justice in that God would not spare his Son the least farthing token I mean not the least degree of punishment hereby the Lord shewes a stronger love to justice then if he had damned ten thousand thousand creatures Suppose a Malefactor comes before a Judge the Judg will not spare the Malefactor but commands satisfaction to the Law this shewes that the Judge loves justice but if the Judges own Son be a delinquent and it appears before all the Country that the Judge will not spare him the Judge now doth more honour justice in this than in condemning a thousand others So when the Lord shall cast many thousands to Hell there to be tormented for ever and ever and ever this shewes that God loves justice but when his own Son shall take our sins upon him
this Covenant stands on Gods part in gracious and free promises of forgiveness holiness happiness and on mans part in a restipulation of such Duties as will stand with the free grace and mercy of God in Christ 6. That the stipulation on mans part required is repentance for sin belief in the promises and a yielding of fear reverence worship and obedience to God according to his word These I might insist on but my purposed brevity will not permit 2. What is the establishing of this Covenant Some say this speaks the duration of it of which anon I suppose it intends also the confirmation of it We find that the Lord had before made a Covenant with Abraham Gen. 15.4 5. Gen. 15.4 5 And now he doth not abolish the former and make another but rather he renews confirms and establisheth the former It may be there was some hesitation or doubting in Abraham so we see Gen. 15.1 2. Gen 15.1 ● 3 But now God would assure him infallibly of his will and purpose O when a man hears that God will vouchsafe so much favour as to enter into a covenant with him he is ready to say as Gideon did Judg. 6.15 alas my family is poor in Manasses and I am the least in all my Fathers house and who am I that I should be raised up hitherto that God should make such promises as these to me And hence to prevent such Objections the Lord will confirm and establish his Covenant as sometimes by his Promises sometimes by an oath sometimes by the blood of Christ himself sometimes by seals So here in this very place God adds the seal of Circumcision Ye shall circumcise the flesh of your fore-skin saith God and it shall be a token of the Covenant betwixt me and you Gen. 17.11 Gen. 9.13.15 16. As sometimes he said of the Rain-bow I do set my Bow in the cloud and it shall be for a token of a Covenant between me and the Earth That the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh For I will look upon the Bow that I may Remember the everlasting Covenant After this manner are the signs and seals of the Covenant Circumcise your selves saith God and when I see the Circumcision I will remember my Covenant and I will make good to you all the promises thereof But what is Circumcision to the Covenant much every way Circumcision was not without shedding of blood because the Covenant was not yet established in the Blood of the Messiah sure there was much in this howsoever the rite of it self was nothing yet as it led the faithful Patriarchs to the Blood of Christ and as it assured the purging away of sin by the Blood of Christ and as it signed the Circumcision of the heart by the Spirit of Christ so it found acceptance with God no sooner he looks on it but he remembers his Covenant and confirms it and makes it good to Abraham and to his seed after him 3. Betwixt whom is the Covenant to be established between me and thee saith God and thy seed after thee The two heads of this Covenant are God and Abraham on Gods part are the whole Trinity of persons the blessed Angels and all the Host of Heaven on Abraham's part are all his seed and his posterity yet with this limitation Rom. 9.6 7 8. that all are not Israel which are of Israel neither because they are the seed of Abraham are they all children of Abraham but in Isaac shall thy seed be called that is they which are the children of the flesh are not the Children of God but the Children of the promise are counted for the seed No question this Covenant was not to be extended to the Ishmaelites Idumeans or Kethureans Abraham's carnal seed these quickly departed both out of Abraham's family and Abraham's faith No no saith God I will establish my Covenant with Isaac for an everlasting Covenant and with his seed after him wi●h Isaac Gen. 17.19 and with his seed i. with the spiritual seed of Abraham now under the seed 1. all believing Jews and 2. All Gentil s are comprehended all may be called the spiritual seed of Abraham that walk in the steps of the faith of Abraham and indeed thus runs the Promise in thee shall all the families of the earth he blessed Gen 12.3 And in thee shall all the Nations of the earth be blessed Gen 8.18 these families and Nat●ons must needs comprehend the Gentiles the Apostle is very plain As it is written I have made thee a Father of many Nations That he might be the father of all them that believe Rom. 4.17.11 Gal. 3.14 though they be not circumcised That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ that we might receive the promise of the spirit through faith Christians I here is our happiness the Covenant was not written for Abraham's sake alone but for us also Rom. 4.23 24. if we believe in him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead You may think all this while we are only discovering the priviledges of Abraham Isaac Jacob and of the Jews no blessed be God Heaven is no freer to a Jew than to a Gentile there is neither Jew nor Greek there is neither bond nor free male nor female c. But if ye be Christs Gal. 3.28 29. then are ye Abraham's seed and Heirs according to the promise 4 For what time is the established Covenant to endure it is not for a few dayes or months or years but for ever and ever it is an everlasting Covenant and indeed the word established sounds this way I will establish my Covenant Ps 89.3 Ps 89.28 that is say some I will have it stand and continue for ever as it was said of David I have made a Covenant with my crosen I have sworn unto David my servant thy seed will I establish for ever and again my mercy will I keep for him for evermore my Covenant shall stand fast with him Now this Covenant is said to be everlasting a parte ante as we say and a parte post 1. A parte ante as being from everlasting in respect of the promise made to Christ for us which was done as you have heard before the foundation of the world it is not an infant of dayes this Covenant bears the same date with the divine being it self As the mercy of God is from everlasting so the Covenant of grace is from everlasting the Writs Ps 103.17 Evidences and Charters of our Salvation were concluded and passed the sign and seal of the blessed Trinity from eternity the Gospel and this Covenant is not of yesterday no no it is an old counsel of the infinite wisdom of God 2. A parte post as continuing from everlasting to everlasting Hence it is called a Covenant of salt because it corrupteth not it faileth not 1 Chron. 13.5 hence all the blessings of
with Oyl Olive and Honey Thus the Lord shewed the Jews these principal Mysteries not in themselves but in Types and Shadows as they were able to see them from day to day But in the new Covenant Christ is offered to be seen in a fuller view the Truth and Substance and body of the things themselves is now exhibited Christ is clearly Revealed without any Type at all to be our Wisdom 2 Cor. 1.30 Righteousness Sanctification and Redemption 7. In the number of them that partake of the Covenant at first the Covenant was included in the Families of the Patriarchs and then within the Confines of Judea but now is the partition Wall betwixt Jew and Gentile broken down Rom. 3.29 and the Covenant of Grace is made with all Nations He is the God of the Gentiles also and not of the Jews only Christians here comes in our happiness Oh how thankful should we be that our Fathers for many Hundreds and Thousands of years together should sit in darkness and that we should partake of this Grace What that we that were Dogs before should now be set at the Childrens Table Acts 11.18 The very Jews themselves hearing of this are said to glorify God When they heard these things they held their peace and glorified God saying then hath God also to the Gentiles granted Repentance unto Life If they praised God for it how much more should we do it our selves But of that hereafter I have now propounded the Object we are to look unto it is Jesus as held forth in a way of Promise or Covenant in that dark time from the Creation till his first coming in the Flesh Our next Business is to direct you in the Art or Mystery of Grace how you are to look to Him in this respect CHAP. II. SECT Of knowing Jesus as carrying on the great work of our Salvation from the Creation until his first Coming LOoking comprehends knowing considering desiring c. as you have heard and accordingly that we may practise 1. We must know Jesus carrying on the great work of our Salvation in the beginning and from the beginning of the World Come let us learn what he did for us so early in the morning of this World He made it for us and he made us more especially for his own Glory but presently after we were made we sinned and marred the Image wherein God made us this was the saddest Act that ever was it was the undoing of man and without the mercy of God the damning of all Souls both of men and women to all Eternity and O my Soul know this for thy self thou wast in the loins of Adam at that same time so that what he did thou didst thou wast partaker of his Sins and thou wast to partake with him in his punishment but well maist thou say Blessed be God for Jesus Christ at the very instant when all should have been damned Christ intervened a Covenant of Grace is made with man and Christ is the Foundation in and through whom we must be reconciled unto God Come soul and study this Covenant of grace in reference to thy self had not this been where hadst thou been nay where had all the World been at this day Surely it concerns thee to take notice of this great Transaction After man had fallen by Sin Christ is promised that all the Saints might partake of Christ a Covenant is entred this at the beginning of the World was more dim but the nearer to Christs coming in the Flesh the more and more clearly it appeared Howsoever dimly or clearly thus it pleased God in Christ to carry on the great work of our Salvation at that time viz. by a Promise of Christ and by a Covenant in Christ and for thy better knowledge of it study the Promise made to Adam and Abraham and Moses and David and Israel Come Soul study these several breakings out of the Covenant of Grace Col. 1.26 it is worth thy pains it is a Mystery which hath been hid from Ages and from Generations but now is made manifest to the Saints Here lies the first and most firm Foundation of a Christians comfort if thou canst but study this and assure thy self of thy part in this thou art blessed for ever O how incomparably sweet and satisfying is it to a self-studying Christian to know the faithful engagements of the Almighty God through that Son of his Loves in a Covenant of Grace SECT II. Of Considering Jesus in that Respect 2. WE must consider Jesus carrying on the the great work of our Salvation in that dark time it is not enough to study it and know it but we must seriously muse and meditate and ponder and consider of it till we bring it to some profitable Issue This is the Consideration I mean when we hold our thoughts to this or that spiritual subject till we perceive success and the work do thrive and prosper in our hands Now to help us in this Gen. 3.15 1. Consider Jesus in the first Promise made to man It shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel When all men were under guilt of sin and in the power of Satan and when thou my Soul wert in as bad a case as any other then to hear the sound of this glad tidings then to hear of Jesus a Saviour and Redeemer sure this was welcome News Come draw the case nearer to thy self thou wast in Adams Loins suppose thou hadst been in Adams stead Gen. 3.8 9 ● suppose thou hadst heard the Voice of the Lord walking in the Garding suppose thou hadst heard him call Adam where art thou Peter Andrew Thomas where art thou What hast thou eaten of the Tree whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat Why then Appear and come to judgment the Law is irrevocable Gen. 2.17 in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die there is nothing to be looked for but death temporal and death spiritual and death eternal O what a fearful condition is this no sooner to come into the world but presently to be turned over into Hell for one day to be Monarch of the World and of all Creatures in the world and the very next day to be a slave of Satan and to be bound hand and foot in a darksome dungeon for a few hours to live in Eden to enjoy every tree in the Garden Pleasant to the sight and good for food and then to enter into the confines of eternity and ever ever ever to be tormented with the Devil and his Angels Gen. 3.8 It is no wonder if Adam hid himself from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the Garden O my soul in that case thou would'st have cried to the Rocks Rev. 6.16.17 and to the Mountains fall on me and hide me from the face of him that sitteth on the Throne If God be angry who may abide it When the great day
all these passages of Gods Love in Christ are not these strong atractives to gain thy love what wilt thou do canst thou chuse to love the Lord thy God shall not all this love of God in Christ to thee constrain thy love It is the expression of the Apostle The Love of God constrains us 1 Cor. 5.14 God in Christ is the very Element of Love and whither should Love go but to the Element Air goes to Air and Earth to Earth and all the Rivers to the Sea 1 John 4.16 every Element will to its proper place Now God is Love and whither should thy Love be carried but to this Ocean or Sea of Love Come my Beloved said the Spouse to Christ let us get up early to the vineyards Cant 2.12 let us see if the Vines flourish whether the tender grapes appear there will I give thee my Loves The flourishing of the Vine and the appearing of the tender grapes are the fruits of the graces of God in the Assemblies of his Saints now wheresoever things appear whether in Assemblies or in secret Ordinances then and there saith the Bride will I give thee my Loves when thou comest to the Word Prayer Meditation be sure of this to give Christ thy Love What doth Christ manifest his presence there is there any abounding of his graces there O let thy Love abound by how much more thou feelest Gods Love towards thee by so much more do thou love thy God again many sins being forgiven how shouldst thou but Love much SECT VII Of joying in Jesus in that respect WE must joy in Jesus as carrying on the great work of our Salvation in a way of Covenant I know our joy here is but in part such is the excellency of Spiritual joy that it is reserved for Heaven God will not permit it to be pure and perfect here below and yet such as it is though mingled with cares and pains it is a blessed duty it is the light of our souls and were it quite taken away our lives would be nothing but Horrour and Confusion O my Soul if thou didst not hope to encounter joy in all thy Acts thou wouldst remain languishing and immoveable thou wouldst be without action and vigour thou wouldst speak no more of Jesus or of a Covenant of grace or of God or Christ or Life or glory Well then go on O my Soul and joy in Jesus if thou lovest him what should hinder thy rejoycing in him It is a Maxime that as Love Proceeds so if there be nothing that retaines the Appetite it alwayes goes from Love to Joy One motion of the Appetite towards good is to be united to it and the next Appetite towards good is to enjoy it now Love consists in union and joy in fruition for what is fruition but a joy that we find in the possession of that thing we love Much ado there is amongst Philosophers concerning the differences of Love and Joy Some give it thus As is the motion of fluid Bodies which run towards their Center and think to find their rest there but being there they stop not and therefore they return and scatter themselves on themselves they swell and overflow So in the passion of Love the Appetite runs to the beloved Object and unites it self to it and yet its motion ends not there for by this passion of joy it returns the same way again it scatters it self on it self and overflows those Powers which are nearest to it by this effusion the soul doubles on the Image of the good it hath received and so it thinks to possess it more it distills it self into that faculty which first acquainted it with the knowledg of the Object and by that means it makes all the parts of the Soul concur to the possession of it Hence they say That joy is an effusion of the Appetite whereby the Soul spreads it self on what is good to possess it the more perfectly But not to stay in the inquiry of its Nature O my Soul be thou in the exercise of this Joy Is there not cause come see and own thy Blessedness take notice of the great things the Lord hath done for thee As 1. He hath made a Covenant with thee of temporal mercies thou hast all thou hast by free-holding of Covenant-Grace thy Bread is by Covenant thy sleep is by Covenant thy safety from Sword is by the Covenant the very tilling of thy Land is by a Covenant of Grace Ezek. 36.34 O how sweet is this Every Crum is from Christ and by virtue of a Covenant of Grace 2. He hath made a Covenant with thee of spiritual mercies even a Covenant of Peace and Grace and Blessing and Life for evermore God is become thy God he is all things to thee he hath forgiven thy sins he hath given thee his Spirit to lead thee to sanctifie thee to uphold thee in that state wherein thou standest and at last he will bring thee to a full enjoyment of himself in Glory where thou shalt bless him and rejoyce before him with joy unspeakable and full of glory O pluck up thy heart lift up thy head strengthen the weak hands and the feeble knees serve the Lord with gladness and joyfulness of Spirit considering the day of thy Salvation draweth nigh Write it in Letters of Gold that thy God is in Covenant with thee to love thee to bless thee and to save thee Yet a little while and he that shall come will come and receive thee to himself and then thou shalt fully know what it is to have God to be thy God or to be in Covenant with God I know these Objects rejoyce not every heart a man out of Covenant if he look on God he is a consuming fire if on the Law it is a Sentence of Condemnation if on the Earth it brings forth Thorns by reason of sins if on Heaven the Gate is shut if on the Signes in Heaven Fire Meteors Thunder strike in him a terrour But O my Soul this is not thy case a Man in Covenant with God looks on these things with another eye if he look on God he saith This is my Father if on Christ this is my elder Brother if on Angels these are my Keepers if on Heaven this is my House if on the Signes of Heaven Fire Meteors Thunder these are but the effects of my Fathers Power if on the Law the Son of God hath fulfilled it for me if on Prosperity God hath yet better things for me in store if on Adversity Jesus Christ hath suffered much more for me than this if on the Devil Death and Hell he saith with the Apostle O Death where is thy Sting 1 Cor. 15.55 O Grave where is thy Victory Come poor soul is it not thus with thee what art thou in Covenant with God or art thou not If yet thou doubtest review thy grounds of hope and leave not there till thou comest up to some measure
there 's no room for faith in this case these are the hinderances 2. The helps of faith in this sad condition are these 1. A consideration that God is pleased to pass by and to overlook the unworthiness of his poor creatures this we see plain in the very act of his incarnation himself disdains not to be as his poor creatures to wear their own flesh to take upon him humane nature and in all things to become like unto man sin only excepted 2. A consideration that God satisfies Justice by setting up Christ who is Justice it self now was it that mercy and truth met together and righteousness and peace kissed each other now was it that free grace and merit that fulness and nothingness were made one now was it that all things became nothing and nothing all things our nature which lay in rags was enriched with the unsearchable treasures of glory now was it that God was made flesh and so that flesh which was so weak as not able to save its own life was now enabled to save millions of souls and to bring forth the greatest designs of God now was it that truth ran to mercy and embraced her and righteousness to peace and kissed her in Christ they meet yea in him was the infinite exactness of God's Justice satisfied 3. A consideration that God hath set up Christ as a Mediator that he was incarnate in order to reconciliation and salvation of souls but for the accomplishment of this design Christ had never been incarnate the very end of his uniting flesh unto him was in order to the reconciliation of us poor souls alas we had sinned and by sin deserved everlasting damnation but to save us and to satisfie himself God takes our nature and joyns it to his Son and calls that Christ a Saviour This is the Gospel-notion of Christ for what is Christ but God himself in our nature transacting our peace In this Christ is that fulness and righteousness and love and bowels to receive the first acts of our faith and to have immediate union and communion with us indeed we pitch not our faith first or immediately on God himself yet at last we come to him and our faith lives in God as one saith sweetly before it is aware through the sweet intervention of that person which is God himself only called by another name the Lord Jesus Christ and these are the helps of faith in reference to our unworthiness Gods justice and the want of a Mediator betwixt God and us 3. The manner how to act our faith on Christ incarnate is this 1. Faith must directly go to Christ we find indeed in the Bible some particular promises of this and that grace and in proper speaking the way to live by faith it is to live upon the promises in the want of the thing or to apprehend the thing it self contained in the promise but the promises are not given to the elect immediately without Christ no no first Christ and then all other things Encline your ears and come unto me 1. Come unto Christ and then I will make an everlasting Covenant which contains all the promises even the sure Mercies of David As in marriage the woman first consents to have the man and then all the benefits that necessarily follow so the soul by faith first pitcheth upon Christ himself and then on the priviledges that flow from Christ Say Soul dost thou want any temporal Blessing suppose it be the payment of Debts thy dayly Bread Health c. Why look now through the Scripture for promises of these things and let thy faith act thus If God hath given me Christ the greatest blessing then certainly he will give me all these things so far as they may be for my good in the twenty thirst Psalm we find a bundle of promises but he begins thus The Lord is my Shepherd saith David and what then Therefore I shall not want the believing Patriarchs through faith subdued Kingdoms wrought righteousness obtained promises stoped the mouths of Lyons did wonders in the world but what did they chiefly look to in this their Faith Surely to the promise to come and to that better thing Christ himself and therefore the Apostle concludes having such a cloud of witnesses that thus lived and died by faith let us look unto Jesus the Author and finisher of our Faith 2. Faith must directly go to Christ as God in our flesh some think it a carnal apprehension of Jesus Christ to know him as in flesh I confess to know him only so and absolutely so to consider Jesus no other way but as having flesh and going up and down in weakness it is no better than a carnal apprehension but to consider Christ as God in flesh and to consider that flesh as acted by God and filled with God it is not a carnal but a true and spiritual apprehension of Jesus Christ and hither is faith to be directed immediately and in the first place suppose a case of danger by some enemies and I find a promise of protection from my enemies I look on that but in the first place thus I argue if the Lord hath given me Christ God in the flesh to save me from Hell then much more will he save me from these fleshly enemies Thus Juda had a promise that Syria should not prevail against Judah they doubted of this Isa 7.14 but how doth the Lord seek to assure them why thus a Virgin shall conceive and bear a Son and his name shall be Immanuel this seems a strong reason to flesh and blood I knew one turn Infidel and to deny Jesus Christ upon this very argument Ah thought he what a grand imposture is this that Christ's conception and Christ's birth many years after should be a present sign of ruin of Rezin King of Aram and of the preservation of Ahaz King of Judah alas poor soul he was not acquainted with this art of living by faith he might have seen the very same reason elsewhere the yoke of their burthen Isa 9.4 6. and the stuff of their shoulder and the rod of their oppressor shall be broken for unto us a child is born and unto us a Son is given if their faith had not first respected Christ incarnate they could never have expected any temporal deliverance by that promise of deliverance first laid down But in this way they might and so may we You will say what 's this to us they looked for Christ to come in the flesh but now he is come and that time and design is gone and past many a year since I answer no the time is gone but the design is not Christ remains God in the flesh to this very day he came not as once to manifest himself in flesh to satisfie Gods justice in the flesh for sin and so to lay it down again that flesh remains and shall remain nor is it without use for all the spirit and life which the
is arising and shining in our Horizon more and more clearly that great design of Gods love to our souls is manifested in every Sermon on every Sabbath is not this Gospel-preaching what is the Gospel but the Treasure of Gods love in Christ opened to us Oh it is a pleasant work in this respect to be a Minister of the Gospel to be alwayes searching into the Treasures of love and to make them known to poor souls for the gaining of them unto God 2. Here is your Happiness Christ hath not erected any standing Sanctuary or City of refuge for men to fly to for their Salvation but he hath appointed Ambassadors to carry this Treasure unto mens houses where he invites them and entreats them and requires them and commands them and compels them to come in Oh the unsearchable riches of Christ 1. In respect of the Messengers 2. In respect of their Message 1. In respect of the Messengers they were first Apostles now Ministers poor Earthen Vessels Had Christ himself come in his glorified body attended with his Angels it might in some measure have represented his Majesty but alas how would this have dazled your weakness or if Christ had made use of his Angels as he did at his birth to preach his Gospel had they continually come in state and proclaimed Salvation to the Sons of men this would have shewed more glory but alas how unsuitable had this been to your weak conditions here then is the riches of his grace that earthen vessels should carry this treasure that salvation should come out of the mouths of sinful creatures that hearts should be broken souls should believe life should be infused by the ministerial breath of a weak worthless man 2 Cor. 4.7 We have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of us Gods power is more Honoured this way than if an Angel had come in person it may be in that Case a sinners Conversion would have been attributed to the power and Efficacy of the Angel but to prevent this and to preserve the glory of his power and grace Christ takes the Treasure and he puts it into Earthen Vessels it is in the Original vessels of shell as precious Pearls are found in Shells so the Pearl is the Gospel and the Shell or Mother of Pearl are the Apostles and Pastors it is true they are Vessels of small price and subject to many knocks and falls yet in them is the most excellent Treasures of the Wisdom of God and of the Gospel of Christ And it is in them on purpose that the excellency may reflect on God and not on them 2. In respect of the Message O the unsearchable riches of Christ What is the message of these men what is the Treasure they bring but the Blood of Christ the Promises of the Gospel the Word of Grace I might sum up all in one word They bring unto men an invitation from heaven to heaven Observe it Christians the Gospel is a message the Lord sends his Son up and down carries him from place to place he is set forth before mens eyes he comes and stands and calls and Knocks at their doors and beseecheth them to be reconciled O the free grace of God! O that mercy pardon preferment eternal life and Salvation should go a begging and suing for acceptance O the love of sin and madness of folly in wicked men to Trample on such Pearls and to neglect so great Salvation when it is tendered unto them O what a heavy charge will it be for men at the last day to have the mercy of God the humility of Christ the entreaties of the Spirit the proclamations of pardon the approaches of Salvation the dayes the years the ages of peace the Ministry of the Word the Book of God the great Mistery of Godliness to rise up in judgment and to testifie against their souls O the condescentions of Christ who are ye that the Lord should send after you what need hath God of you suppose you should go on in the wayes of death and perish everlastingly what shall God lose by it Christ might say If you will go on go on and perish if you love sin so well take your pleasure in it and be damned evermore Ah no saith the mercy of God and the mercy of Christ before that be message after message Isa 28.10 Precept upon precept precept upon precept line upon line line upon line here a little and there a little This was the design of Christs chusing his Apostles Go ye into all the world Mark 16.15 and preach the Gospel unto every Creature that poor sinners may turn from sin and be saved SECT III. Of Christ's Reception of sinners 2. FOr Christ's Reception of sinners I cannot limit this only to one year of Christ's Ministry but I shall only mention it this year Now this will appear 1. In the Doctrine of Christ 2. In the Practise of Christ 1. In his Doctrine Christ layes it down expresly Mat. 11.28 Come unto me all ye that labour and are Heavy laden and I will give you rest It is no more but come and welcome The Gospel shuts none out of Heaven but those that by unbelief lock the door against their own souls Again All that the Father giveth me shall come unto me John 6.37 and him that cometh unto me I will in no wise cast out here is laid down the full intent and purpose of God and Christ to pardon and receive sinners the Father is willing and the Son is willing 1. The Father is willing This is the Fathers will which hath sent me John 6.39 that of all which he hath given me I should lose none the Father is engaged in that first he sent Christ on that errand to receive sinners Secondly in that he gave unto Christ all that he would have to be saved by Christ with a charge to lose none Sinners were given to Christ by his Father as so many Jewels to look to and to save 2. The Son is willing for he that cometh unto me saith Christ I will in no wise cast out Christ is so willing to receive sinners as that he sets all his doors open he keeps open house and he casts out none that will but come in and why so John 6.38 For I came down from heaven not to do mine own will but the will of him that sent me 1. I came down from Heaven it was a great journey from heaven to earth and this great journey I undertook for no other purpose but to save sinners Great actions as one sayes well must needs have great ends now this was the greatest thing that ever was done Luke 19.10 that the Son of God should come down from Heaven and what was the end but the Reception and Salvation of sinners For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost had
call we this that the Father will not go but run If he would needs meet his Son might he not have walked towards him in a soft slow pace O no if a sinner will but come or creep towards Christ mercy will not go a foot-pace but run to meet him bowels full of mercy out-pace bowels pinched with hunger Gods mercy is over all his works and so it is over all our needs and over all our sins 5. He ran and fell on his neck i.e. he hugged and embraced him O wonder who would not have been loth to have touched him was he not in his loathsome stinking rags smelt he not of the hogs and swine he lately kept would not some dainty stomacks have been ready to have cast all up upon such embracements Ezek. 16.6 we see mercy is not nice When I passed by saith God I saw thee polluted in thy own blood and I said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood live yea I said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood live that very time of her blood was the time of love then the Lord spread his Spirit over her and covered her nakedness and swore unto her Ver. 8. and entred into a Covenant with her and she became his 6. He ran and fell on his neck and kissed him who would have brooked a person in so filthy a pickle what kiss those lips that have been so lately lapping in the hogs trough those lips that had so often kissed those base and beggarly and abominable Harlots one would think he should rather have kicked than kissed him there is a passage somewhat like this and Esau ran to meet Jacob Gen. 33.4 and he embraced him and fell on his neck and kissed him before he had thought to have killed him but now he kissed him it s not to tell how dear the Father was to his Prodigal Son when he ran and fell on his neck and embraced and kissed him The scope of the Parable is this that Christ is willing and glad to receive sinners Ezek. 33.11 Turn ye turn ye from your evil wayes for why will ye dye O house of Israel 2. Christ manifests this willingness in his practice really amongst many instances I shall insist only on one a notable instance of this year One of the Pharisees named Simon invited Christ to eat with him Luke 36.37 into whose house when he had entred a certain woman that was a sinner abiding there in the City heard of it a widow she was and prompted by her wealth and youth to an intemperate life she came to Jesus in the Pharisees house and no sooner come but she layes her burthen at Jesus's feet and presents him with a broken heart Ver. 38. and weeping eye and an Alabaster Box of Oyntment She stood at his feet behind him weeping and began to wash his feet with her tears and to wipe them with the hairs of her head and she kissed his feet and Anointed them with Oyntment 1. She stands at his feet a sign of her humility O what a change She that was before married to a Noble personage a Native of the Town Castle of Magdal from whence she had her name of Magdalen and she that now was a widow and therefore took her liberty of pride and lust who so proud and vile as Mary Magdalen at this time she comes in remorse and regret for her sins and throwing away her former pride she stoops and waits and humbly stands at Jesus feet 2. She stood at his feet behind him a blushing sign of faith it comprehends in it a Tacite confession of her Sins she knew her self unworthy of Christs presence she durst not look him in the face but believingly she waits behind him her shame speaks her repentance and her waiting on him and not flying from him bespeaks her faith 3. She stood at his feet behind him weeping her grief burst out in tears she heeds not the feast or feaster though usually they are accompanied with joy and mirth and musick and such feasts attended with such vanities she many a time had probably observed yet now she comes in trembling to this feast and falling down before Christ she weeps and weeps bitterly for her sins 4. She began to wash his feet with tears her tears were not feigned but fruitful she wept a shower of tears one considering her tears cries it out Terra rigat coelum the very earth bedews heaven her eyes that before were abused to lust are now fountains of tears she poures out a flood great enough to wash the feet of her blessed Jesus this was the manner of the Jews to eat their meat lying down John 13.23 and Leaning on their Elbows or if many eat together leaning in the bosoms of one another thus at the Passover it is said that there was leaning on Jesus bosom one of his disciples whom Jesus loved And in this posture Jesus sitting or lying at meat Mary had the convenience to weep on his feet which he had cast behind his fellow and O how she weeps a main the Tears so Trickle that she begins to wash Christs feet she not only waters them Jer. 6.1 but washes them that which Jeremy wished Oh that my head were waters and mine eyes a Fountain of Tears Mary fulfills for her head is waters and her eyes are fountains Rivers of Tears run down her eyes O she had pierced Christ with her sins and now she weeps over him whom she had pierced crying out as we may imagine O my sins and O my Christ O foul sins and O sweet Jesus 5. She wipes his feet with the Hairs of her Head her hair added to her beauty sometimes in curling rings or in seemly sheds she made it a snare for men but now she consecrates it to her Lord and makes it a Towel to wipe Christs feet withall O here 's a worthy fruit of serious repentance the Apostle calls it an holy revenge 6. She kissed his feet 2 Cor. 7.11 in token of her new chioce and new love and new affection her kisses had formerly been to wantons but now she bestows them on the feet of Christ 7. She anointed them with ointment which expression was so great an extasie of love and sorrow and adoration that to anoint the feet of the greatest Monarch was long unknown and in all the pomps of Roman prodigality it was never used till Otho taught it Nero. When Simon observed this sinner so busie in the expresses of her Religion he thought within himself that Christ was no Prophet that he did not know her to be a sinner for although the Jews Religion did permit harlots to live and to enjoy the priviledges of the Nation save that their oblations were refused yet the Pharisees who pretended to a greater degree of sanctity than others would not admit them to civil usages or to the benefits of ordinary society and hence Simon made an objection within
but that to Christ's habitual and actual righteousness is sometimes attributed freedom from Sin and Hell as in Rom. 8.2 Rom. 8.2 The Law of the Spirit of life which is in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the Law of Sin and Death and on the contrary side to Chrst's passive obedience is sometimes attributed a right unto Heaven as in Heb. 9.15 Heb. 9.15 That by means of his death they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance but such places as these are to be understood by a Synechdoche which puts only one part of Christ's obedience for the whole obedience of Christ But I must recal my self my design in this work was not for controversies I leave that to others See Downham Burges Norton c. for my part I am sure I have before me a more edifying work which is to take a view of this Jesus not only for intellection but for devotion and for the stirring up of our affections Thus far I have held forth Jesus in his life or during the time of his Ministry till the last Passover John 13.1 and now was it that Jesus knew his hour was come and that he should depart out of this World unto the Father but of that hereafter our next business is to direct you in the Art or Mystery how we are to look unto Jesus in respect of his Life CHAP. V. SECT I. Of knowing Jesus as carrying on the great work of our Salvation in his Life FRom the Object considered that we may pass to the Act. 1. Let us know Jesus carrying on the great work of our salvation during his life We have many Books of the lives of men of the lives of heathens of the lives of Christians and by this we come to know the Generations of old Oh but above all read over the Life of Jesus for that is worth thy knowing To this purpose we have four Evangelists who in Blessed harmony set forth his life and to this purpose we have the Book of the generation of Jesus Christ Now these should be read over and over Mat. 1.1 Hos 6.3 Then shall we know saith the Prophet if we follow on to know the Lord. Ah my soul that which thou knowest of Christ already it is but the least part of what thou art ignorant of We know but in part saith Paul of himself and others the highest knowledg 1 Cor 13 9. which the most illuminate Saints have of Jesus Christ is but defective and imperfect Come then and follow on to know the Lord still inquire after him imitate the Angels who ever desire to stoop down and to pry into the actings of Christ for us men 1 Pet. 1.12 and for our Salvation it is their study yea it is their delight and recreation Paul seemed to imitate them when he said I determine not to know any thing among you but Jesus Christ 1 Cor. 2.2 if there be any thing in the world worth the knowing this it is And for thy better knowledg that it may not be confused but distinct 1. Study over those passages in the first year of Christs ministry as the preaching of John the Baptisme of Christ his fasting and temptation in the Wilderness his first manifestation by his several Witness●s his whipping of the buyers and sellers out of the Temple 2. Study over those passages in the second year of Christ's Ministry as those several Sermons that he Preached and because his Miracles were as signals of his Sermons study the several Miracles that he wrought thou hast but a few Instances in comparison of all his Miracles and yet how fruit-are they of spiritual instructions 3. Study over those passages in the third year of Christs Ministry as his commissionating his Apostles to call sinners in his readiness to receive them that would but come in and his sweetning the wayes of Christianity to them that are come in For his yoak is easie and his burthen is light 4. Study over those passages in the last year of his Ministry as the holiness of his nature and the holiness of his Life which appeared especially in the exercises of his Graces of Charity and self-denial and mercy and bounty and meekness and pity and humility and obedience O what rare matter is here for a Christians study Some have took such pains in the study of these things that they have writ large volumes men have been writing and preaching a thousand six hundreth years of the Life of Christ and they are writing and preaching still O my soul if thou dost not write yet study what is written come with fixed thoughts and beat thy brains on that blessed subject that will make thee wise unto Salvation Paul accounted all things but dung or dogs meat Phil. 3.8 for the excellency of the knowledg of Christ Jesus our Lord if thou didst truly understand the excellency of this knowledg thou couldst not but account all things loss in comparison of this one necessary thing SECT II. Of Considering Jesus in that Respect 2. LEt us consider Jesus carrying on the great work of our Salvation during his Life It is not enough to study and know but we must muse and meditate and consider of it till we bring it to some profitable issue By meditating on Christ we may feel or find a kind of insensible change we know not how as those that stand in the sun for other purposes they find themselves lightned and heated so in holy meditation our souls may be altered and changed in a secret insencible way there is a vertue goes along with a serious meditation a changing transforming vertue and therefore look further O my soul have strong apprehensions of all those several passages of the Life of Christ 1. Consider the Preaching of John Baptist we talk of strictness but shew me among all the Ministers or Saints of this Age such a pattern of sanctity and singular austerity the sum of his sermons was repentance and dereliction of Sin and bringeth forth fruits worthy of amendment of life In the promoting of which Doctrine he was a severe reprehender of the Pharisees and Saduces and Publicans and Souldiers and indeed of all men but especially of those that remained in their impenitency for against them he denounced judgment and fire unquenchable Oh he had an excellent zeal and a vehement Spirit in Preaching and the Commentary upon all his Sermons was his own life he was cloathed in Camels hair his meat was locusts and wild honey he contemned the world resisted temptations despised to assume false honours to himself and in all passages was a rare example of self-denial and mortification and by this means he made an excellent and apt preparation for the Lord 's coming O my Soul that thou wouldst but sit a while under this Preacher or that thou wouldst but ruminate and chew the cud think over his Sermons of repentance and righteousness and temperance and of the
how sweet Christ is to hungry Consciences And of that said he as I feel some part and I would feel more so I bequeath it unto thee and to the rest of my beloved in Christ O my soul if thou canst but taste Psal 119.10.3 thou wilt find a world of sweetness in Christ's wayes there is sweetness in the Word How sweet are thy Words to my taste yea sweeter than honey to my mouth There is sweetness in prayer Rom. 10.12 hast thou not known the time that thou hast touched the hem of Christs garment and tasted of the joyes of Heaven in prayer hast thou not seen heaven cleft and Christ sitting at Gods right Hand surely the Lord is Rich to all them that call upon him There is sweetness in meditation some call this very duty The Saints pastime which recreates and perfumes the tired Spirits Now O my soul thou art in the exercise of this duty now thou art in the meditation of the easiness of Christ's burthen Psal 119.99 and of the sweetness of his wayes tell me is there nothing of Heaven in this meditation is it sweet or is it bitter to thy Soul thou mayest read in Scripture of many admirable effects of meditation as that it confirms our knowledg I have more understanding than all my teachers Psal 119.99 Ver. 97. Ver. 15. for thy Testimonies are my Meditations that it inflames our love Oh how love I thy Law it is my Meditation all the day that it casts a sweet influence on our lives I will Meditate in thy precepts and have respect unto thy wayes What is it thus with thee Psal 104.34 Psal 94.19 canst thou say with David My Meditation of him shall be sweet And in the multitude of my thoughts within me thy Comforts exceedingly delight my soul Why then thou hast truly tasted of God's goodness thou hast actual discoveries of the sweetness of Gods wayes thou hast experienc'd this truth that his yoak is easie and his burthen is light Matth. 11.3 Psal 119.99 that his wayes are wayes of pleasantness and all his paths are peace Oh if men did but know what ravishing sweetness were in the wayes of God they could not but imbrace them and esteem one dayes society with Jesus Christ as Caracciolus did better than all the gold in the world 11. Consider the holiness of Christ's Nature and the holiness of Christs Life 1. For the holiness of his Nature if thou couldst but clearly see it what work would it make in thy Breast Christ's inward beauty would ravish Love out of the Devils if they had but Grace to see his beauty yea he would lead captive all hearts in Hell if they had but eyes to behold his loveliness O what a Flower what a Rose of love and light is the Lord Jesus Christ Cant. 5.10 My Beloved is white and ruddy said the Spouse the chiefest of ten thousands Summon before Christ fair Angels glorified Spirits the azure Heavens the lightsome Stars all the delicious Flowers Gardens Meadows Forrests Seas Mountains Birds Beasts yea and all the Sons of Men as they should have been in the world of Innocency and let them all stand in their highest excellency before Jesus Christ and what are they Rev. 22.4 the Saints in Glory now see the face of Christ i.e. they see all the dignity beauty that is in Christ and they are so taken with his sight that they do nothing else but stare and gaze and behold his Face for Ages and yet they are never satisfied with beholding suppose they could wear out their eyes at the eye holes in beholding Christ they should still desire to see more O this loveliness of Christ ravishes the souls of the glorified how is it O my soul that thou art not taken with this meditation But 2. Go from the holiness of his Nature to the holiness of his Life it may be that will make deep impressions on thy spirit consider his charity his self-denial his contempt of the world his mercy his bounty his meekness his pity his humility his obedience to his Father A fruitful meditation on these Particulars cannot cannot but cause some resemblance within and make thee like Christ O the wonder that any should disclaim the active obedience of Christ as to his own Justification Away away with these cavils and consider the obedience of Christ in relation to thy self God sent forth his Son made of a woman made under the Law Gal. 4.4 to redeem them that were under the Law that we might receive the adoption of Sons It is a sweet note of Doctor Andrews Christ made under the Law i.e. under the whole Law the one half of the Law which is the directive part he was made under that and satisfied it by the innocency of his Life without breaking one jot or title of the Law and so he answers that part as it might be the principal the other half of the Law which is the penalty he was under that also and satisfied it by suffering a wrongfull death no way deserved or due by him and so he answered that part as it might be the forfeiture But if we come now to ask for whom is all this it is only for us that we might be redeemed und adopted redeemed from all evil and adopted or interested into all good If this be so O who would for a world of Gold lose the influence and the benefit of Christs active obedience consider of this O my soul till thou feelest some vertue to come out of Christs life into thy self SECT III. Of desiring after Jesus in that respect 3. LEt us desire after Jesus carrying on the work of our salvation in his Life It is not enough to know and consider but we must desire our meditation of Christ should draw forth our affections to Christ and amongst all affections I place this first of all a desire after Christ But what is it in Christ's Life that is so desirable I answer every passage or particular named yea every thing of Christ is desirable named or un-named all that concerns Christ in any kind whatsoever if to the former particulars I should add a thousand and a thousand more it is very precious and excellent and necessary and profitable and comfortable and therefore desirable but to put them in order 1. The meanest things of Christ are desirable things the very filings of Gold the dust or sparkles of precious Stones are of real price and value yea of much worth yea the very Leaves of the Tree of Life are healing the very Hem of Christ's garment but even touched sends forth its vertue the meanest and worst things of Christ are incomparably to be desired above all things the dust of Zion the very ground that Christ's feet treadeth on any thing that hath the poorest relation to Jesus Christ it is desireable for him Hence we read that one poor woman sought no more of him but to wash Christ's
with Christ nevertheless I live c. he conjoins the death of Christ and the life of Christ in one and the same soul q. d. no man knows the benefit of Christs death but he that feels the virtue of Christ's life there 's no assurance of Christs dying for us but as we feel Christ living in us if the power of Christs death mortifie my lusts then the virtue of Christ's life will quicken my soul but what means he by this I live yet not I but Christ liveth in me It seems some Paradox I live yet not I but a right interpretation reconciles all as this I live to God and not unto my self I live to Christ and not unto the World I live according to the Will of God and not after my own lust and fancy or as some would have it I live under grace and not under the Law q. d. Sometimes I lived wholly under the Law which made me a persecutor of the Church of God which wrought in me all manner of Concupiscence and slew me and then I found my self to be dead in sin but now I have embraced Christ and am no more the man I was now I feel Christ quickning ruling guiding and strengthning me by his Spirit now I live spiritually and holily not of my self but from another The very whole of Christians is from Christ Christ is both Fountain-filling and Life-quickning I live yet not I but Christ liveth in me Christs life hath an influence infusion transmission into our selves in reference to spiritual life Look as the Heavens by an influence into the Earth do quicken and enliven the Earth and make all the seeds and roots hidden in the Earth to revive and put forth themselves Matth. 4.2 so there is an influence that goes forth from the Sun of Righteousness into the Souls of men reviving and quickning them and making them of dead to become living and of barren to become fruitful To you shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in his wings and ye shall go forth and grow up as the Calves of the Stall O my Soul question thy self in these few particulars dost thou live to God and not to thy self dost thou live to Christ and not to the World dost thou derive thy life from Christ and hath that life of Christ a special influence into thy soul dost thou feel Christ living in thy understanding and will in thy imagination and affections in thy duties and services 1. In thy understanding by prizing the knowledge of Christ by determining to know nothing in comparison of Christ 2. In thy will by making thy will free to chuse and embrace Christ and by making his will to rule is thy will 3. In thy imagination by thinking upon him with more frequency and delight by having more high and honorable and sweeter apprehensions of Christ than of all the Creatures 4. In thy affections by fearing Christ above all earthly powers and by loving Christ above all earthly persons 5. In thy duties and services by doing all thou dost in his Name by his assistance and for his glory why then here 's another ground of thy hope surely thou hast thy part in Christs Life Away away with all dejecting doubts and perplexing fears while Christ was in Augustines eye he said I dare not despond I know who hath said it and I dare build upon it this Anchor of hope thus cast out and fastning upon Christ it would be admirably useful when Billows of Temptation beat upon Souls this Helmet of Hope thus used would keep off many blows whereby the comforts of distrustful spirits are many times sadly battered O my Soul look to the grounds of thy hope if thou findest the power of sin dying in thee if thou walkest as Christ walked if thou admirest adorest believest and obeyest thy Christ if thou livest and livest not but in deed and in truth it is Christ that lives in thee why then thou maist comfortably hope and assure thy self that Christs habitual righteousness and actual holiness is imputed to thy justification thou maist confidently resolve that every passage of Christs Life so far as Legal or Moral belongs unto thee What would ever Christ have come with his power against thy power of sin if he had not meant to rescue thee Would Christ ever have set thee a Copy and have held thy hand and thy heart to have writ legibly after him if he had not meant thee for a Scribe instructed unto the Kingdom of Heaven Mat. 13.55 would Christ in his several actings have set himself before thee as the Object of Admiration Adoration Belief and Obedience if he had not meant to own thee and to be owned by thee would Christ ever have come so near to thee as to have lived in thee to have been the soul of thy soul and the life of thy life the All of thy understanding and will imaginations and affections duties and services if he had not purposed to have saved thee by his life Rom. 5.10 Lam. 3.26 Surely it is good that I both hope and quietly wait for the Salvation of God I cannot hope in vain if these be the grounds of my hope SECT V. Of Believing in Jesus in that respect 5. LEt us believe in Jesus carrying on the great work of our Salvation in his Life Many Souls stand aloof not daring to make a particular application of Christ and his Life to themselves but herein is the property of Faith it brings all home and makes use of whatsoever Christ is or does for himself To ponder Christ's actions during his Life and the influence of his actions to all that are his what is this to me unless I believe my own part in all this Oh I dare not believe cries many a poor soul is it credible that Jesus Christ the Son of God the brightness of his Fathers Glory the express Image of his Fathers Person should be incarnate for me and lead such a life upon Earth for my soul What! to be baptized to be tempted to manifest himself in the form of man to whip the Buyers and Sellers out of his Temple to preach up and down the Gospel of the Kingdom to work miracles among men to send abroad his Apostles with a commission to preach to invite sinners to ease the burden of duties and in a word to publish the righteousness of his Nature and Life and all this and a thousand times more than all this for my soul O what am I or what is my Fathers House If God should let me live one year in Heaven it were infinite mercy but that the God of Heaven should live so many years on Earth and that all that while he should empty himself in watching fasting praying preaching for my sake Oh the depth Oh the depth I cannot believe Sweet Soul be not faithless but believing I know it is an hard and difficult thing but to help on a trembling soul I shall first
suffer but also to do for he both satisfied the Curse and fulfilled the Commandments O remember this as Christ and as Christ in the flesh so Christ in the flesh made under the Law is principally to be in the eye of of our Faith If we put all together our first view of Faith is to look on Christ God in the flesh made under the Law 4. Faith going to Christ as God in the flesh and as made under the Law it is principally to look to the end and meaning of Christ as being God in the flesh and as fulfilling the Law Now if we would know the meaning of Christ in all this the Apostle tells us of a remote and of a more immediate end 1. Of a remote end God sent forth his Son made of a woman made under the Law Gal. 4.4 5. to redeem them that were under the Law that we might receive the adoption of Sons This was Christ's meaning or the remote end of Christ Alas we were strangers from the Adoption and we lay under the Law as men whom sentence had passed on Now from this latter we are redeemed he was under the Law that we might be redeemed from under the Law nor is that all but as we are redeemed so are we adopted the Children of God And this end I rather attribute to the Life of Christ that we might receive the Adoption i.e. from the estate of Prisoners condemned that we might be translated into the estate of children adopted O the mercy of God! who ever heard of a condemned man to be afterwards adopted would not a condemned Prisoner think himself happy to escape with Life But the zeal of the Lord of Hosts hath performed this we are in Christ both pardoned and adopted and by this means the joy and glory of Gods heavenly inheritance is estated upon us O let our Faith look mainly to this design and plot of Christ he was made under the Law yea and under the directive part of the Law by his life he fulfilled every jot and title of the Law by his active obedience that we might be entitled to glory that we might be adopted to the inheritance of the Saints in glory 2. For the more immediate end of Christ the Apostle tells us Christ was made under the Law Rom. 8.4 or fulfilled all Righteousness that the Law might be fulfilled in us In Christ's life were we represented and so this fulfilling of all righteousness is accounted ours that the Law might be fulfilled in us O my soul look to this Herein lies the pith and the marrow of thy Justification of thy self thou canst do nothing that good is but Christ fulfilled the Law in thy stead and if now thou wilt but act and exercise thy Faith thou mayst thereby find and feel the vertue and efficacy of Christ's righteousness and actual obedience flowing into thy own soul But here is the question how should I manage my Faith or how should I act it to feel Christ's righteousness my righteousness I answer 1. Thy way is to discover and discern this righteousness of Christ this holy and perfect life of the Lord Jesus Christ in the whole and in all the parts of it as it is laid down in the written Word Much hath been said of it in those four years of Christ's Ministry but especially in the last year I shall say more anon in our conformity unto Christ whither also thou mayst have recourse 2. Thy way is to believe and to receive this discovery as sacred and unqestionable in reference to thy own soul as intended for thee for thy use and benefit 3. Thy way is to apprehend apply and to improve this discovery according to that judgment and proposal to those uses ends and benefits to which thou believest they were designed Yea but there lies the question how may that be done I answer 1. Setting before thee that discovery that perfect life of Christ in the whole and all the parts of it thou must first endeavour to be deeply humbled for thy great inconformity thereto in whole and in part 1. Still keeping thy Spirit intent on the Pattern thou must quicken provoke and encrease thy sluggish and drowsie soul with renewed redoubled vigilancy and industry to come up higher towards it and if it were possible compleatly to it 3. Yet having the same discovery rule and copy before thee thou must exercise faith thereupon as that which was performed and is accepted on thy behalf And so go to God and there represent offer and tender Christ's holy life and active obedience unto him And that first to fill up the defects of thy utmost endeavour Secondly to put a righteousness price value and worth upon what thou dost and attainest to Thirdly to make Christ's righteousness thy own that thou may'st say with the Psalmist in way of assurance O God my righteousness O my soul if thou would'st thus live by Faith or thus act thy Faith on Christ's Life Christ's Righteousness Christ's active obedience what a blessed life would'st thou live then mightst thou find and feel Christ's righteousness thy righteousness I say thy Righteousness in respect of its efficacy but not in respect of its formality for so sinners would be their own Mediators But of some of these Particulars I shall speak more largely in our conformity to Christ's holy Life 2. For encouragements to bring on souls thus to believe on Christ consider 1. The fulness of this Object Christ's life is full it is very comprehensive it contains holiness and happiness sanctification and justification if Christ's Garments were healing how much more so main and essential a part of Christ even the half of Christ as it were for so is Christ's Life It is vehemently to be suspected that the true reason why so much is said of his Death and so little in comparison of his Life it is either because we understand not the fulness of his life or because we are carnal and selfish affecting freedom from hell more than holiness on earth some benefit by Christ more than conformity to Christ O come see the fulness of Christ's life in reference to our sanctification was it not an exact model of perfection a most curious exemplification of Gods whole Word an express Idea Image Representation of the whole mind of God a full president for all others to walk by to work by to live by and in reference to justification is not Christ's life the object of Faith and justifying nay is not Christ's life the object of justifying faith as well as Christ's death resurrection ascension session intercession The assertors of Christ's active and passive obedience for us can tell us of two things in the Law intended one principal viz. Obedience and another secondary viz. malediction upon supposition of disobedience so that sin being once committed there must be a double act to justification the suffering of the Curse and the fulfilling of Righteousness anew the one is satisfaction for
men because like Abel being dead they may still speak and teach those who never saw them but it would have been derogatory to the Person and office of Christ for it is his Prerogative to be in the midst of the seven golden Candlesticks to be present to all his Members to teach by power and not by ministry to write his Law in the hearts of his people and to make them his Epistle Contrition Compunction Mortification Repentance Acts 11.18 for sin are acts and duties necessary to our state and condition for we are sinners and sinners of the Gentiles To whom God also hath granted repentance unto life but these were in no sort agreeable to Christ for he was without sin and needed not to repentance nor to any part of it The several states of men as of Governours Kings Judges Lawyers Merchants c. are convenient for us otherwise what ataxye John 18.36 and confusion would there be in the world and yet Jesus never put himself into any of these states My Kingdom sayes he is not of this world Now as in these things we must only respect the Allowance of Christ so in other things we must reflect upon the example of Christ as 1. In sinful acts eschewed by Christ 2. In moral duties that were done by Christ 1. In sinful acts eschewed by Christ as when I am tempted to sin then am I to reason thus with my self would my blessed Saviour if he were upon earth doth thus and thus when I am tempted to looseness and immoderate living then am I to ask conscience such a question as this would Christ have done thus would he have spent such a life upon earth as I do when I am moved by my own corruption or by Sathan to drunkenness gluttony sinful and desperate society to swearing cursing revenge or the like then am I to ask is this the life that Christ led or if he were to live again would he live after this manner when I fall into passion peevishness rash words or if it be but idle words then am I to consider O but would Christ speak thus would this be his language would such a rotten or unprofitable speech as this drop from his honey lips 2. In case of moral obedience concerning which we have both his pattern and precept I look upon Christ as my rule and I question thus did Christ frequently pray both with his Disciples and alone by himself and shall I never in my family or in my closet think upon God did Christ open his wounds for me and shall not I open my mouth to him did Christ serve God without all self-ends meerly in obedience and to glorifie him and shall I make God's worship subordinate to my aims and turns did Christ shew mercy to his very enemies and shall I be cruel to Christ's very Members O my soul look in all thy sins and in all thy duties to thy original and measure them by the holiness of Christ whether in avoiding sin or in doing duty think What would my blessed Saviour do in this case Or what did he in the li●e case when he was upon earth If we had these thoughts every day if Christ were continually before our eyes if in all we do or speak we should still muse on this What would Jesus Christ say if he were here I believe it would be a blessed means of living in comfort and spiritual conformity to the Commands of God yea of acting Christ's life as it were to the life 5. Let us look fixedly on Jesus Christ let us keep our spiritual eyes still on the pattern untill we feel our selves conforming to it it is a true saying that Objects and moving reasons kept much upon the mind by serious thoughts are the great engine both appointed by nature and grace to turn about the soul of man If I may deliver it in fewer terms Objects considered much or frequently do turn the soul into their own nature Such as the things are we must think of and consider of such will be our selves or if we be not so it is not through any imperfection in the object especially in such an object as Jesus Christ is but because it is not well applied and by consideration held upon the heart till it may work there indeed the manner of this working may be secret and insensible yet if we follow on we shall feel it in the issue the beholding of Christ is a powerful beholding there is a changing transforming vertue goes out of Christ by looking on Christ can we think of his humility and not be humble can we think of his meekness and gentleness of Spirit and yet we continue in our fierceness roughness frowardness of Spirit can a proud fierce heart apprehend a meek and sweet and lowly Jesus no no the heart must be suitable to the thing apprehended it is impossible otherwise certainly if the look be right there must be a suitableness betwixt the heart and Christ Sight works upon the imagination in brute creatures as Laban's Sheep when they saw the party-coloured Rods they had Lambs suitable now will sight work upon imagination and imagination work a real change in nature and is not the eye of the mind especially the eye of faith more strong and powerful if I but write after a copy I shall in a while learn to write like it if I seriously meditate on any excellent subject it will leave a print behind it on my spirit if I read but the life and death of some eminently gracious and holy man it molds and fashions and transforms and conforms my mind to his similitude even so and much more is it in this case since the eye of faith works in the matter which in it self is operative and effectual and therefore it cannot but work more than where is only simple imitation or naked meditation O then let us set the coppy of Christ's life as before described in our view and let us look upon it with both eyes with the eye of reason and with the eye of faith But how should we keep the eye of our faith on this blessed object until we feel this conformity in us I answer 1. Let us set apart some times on purpose to act our faith in this respect There is a time for all things under the Sun Eccles 3.1 saith Solomon It may be sometimes we are in our civil employments but then is not the time yet when they are done and the day begins to close if together with our closet prayer we would fall on this duty of looking unto Jesus by lively faith how blessed a season might this be I know not but that some Christians may do it occasionally but for any that sets some time apart for it every day and that in conscience as we do for prayer where is he to be found 2. Let us remove hinderances Sathan labours to hinder the soul from beholding Christ with the dust of the world The
life neither in thought word or deed that being endowed with the Power of Miracles he lovingly employed it in curing the lame and blind and deaf and dumb in casting out devils in healing the sick in restoring the dead to life that as he lived so he dyed for being unjustly condemned mocked stripped whipped crucified he took all patiently praying for his persecutors and leaving to them when he had no temporal thing to give them a legacy of love of life of mercy of pardon of Salvation When the Sermon is done and the Burial is finished let every Mourner go home and begin a new life in imitation of Jesus Christ O my soul that thou wouldst thus meditate and thus imitate that so thy meditation might be fruitful and thy imitation real I mean that thy life and death might be conformable to the life and death of Jesus Christ But of that hereafter SECT III. Of desiring Jesus in that Respect 3. LEt us desire after Jesus carrying on the work of our salvation in his death Jesus Christ to a fallen sinner is the chief object of desire but Jesus Christ as crucified is the chief piece of that object Humbled souls look after the remedy and they find chiefly in Christ crucified and hence are so many cryes after bathings in Christ's blood and hiding in Christ's righteousness active and passive Indeed nothing doth so cool and refresh a parched dry and thirsty soul as the blood of Jesus which made the poor woman cry out so earnestly I have an husband and Children and many other comforts but I would give them all and all the good that ever I shall see in this world or in the world to come to have my poor thirsty soul refreshed with that precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ But what is there in Christ's blood or death that is so desirable I answer 1. There is in it the person of Christ he that is God-man man-God Heb. 1.3 The brightness of his father's Glory and the express Image of his Person it is he that dyed every drop of his blood was not only the blood of an innocent man but of one that was God as well as man God with his own blood purchased the Church Acts 20.28 now surely every thing of God is most desirable 2. There is in it a worth or price Christ considered under the notion of a sacrifice is of infinite worth now this sacrifice saith the Apostle he offered up Heb. 9.28 Heb. 9.28 He offered up not in Heaven as the Socinians would have it in presenting himself before God his Father but upon earth viz. in his Passion upon the Cross No wealth in heaven or earth besides this could redeem one soul and therefore the Apostle sets this against all corruptible things as silver and gold the things so much set by amongst the men of this world Ye were not redeemed with corruptible things as silver 1 Pet. 1.18 and gold but with the precious blood of Christ as of a Lamb without blemish and without spot 3. There is in it a merit and satisfaction the Scripture indeed doth not expresly use these words but it hath the sense and meaning of them As in that text Ephes 6.7 He hath made us accepted in the beloved to whom we have redemption through his blood I know there is a different notion in these words for merit doth properly respect the good that is to be procured but satisfaction the evil that is repelled but in Christ we stand not on these distinctions because in his merit was satisfaction and in his satisfaction was merit A great controversie is of late risen up Whether Christ's death be a satisfaction to Divine justice But the very words redeeming and buying do plainly demonstrate that a satisfaction was given to God by the death of Jesus Tit. 2 14. 1 Cor. 6.20 Rev. 5.9 He gave himself for us that he might redeem us ye are bought with a price and what price was that why his own blood Thou wast slain and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood i.e. by thy death and Passion Mat. 20.28 1 Tit. 2.6 This was the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that ransome which Christ gave for his Elect The Son of man came to give his life a ransome for many or as the Apostle He gave himself a ransome for all the word is here 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which signifies an adequate price or a counterprice as when one doth or undergoeth something in the room of another as when one yields himself a Captive for the redeeming of another out of Captivity or gives up his own life for the saving of another man's life so Christ gave himself 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a ransome or counterprice submitting himself to the like punishment that his redeemed ones should have undergone The Socinians tell us that Christ's sufferings and death were not for satisfaction to God but in reference to us that we might believe the truth of his Doctrine confirmed and sealed as they say by his death and that we might yield obedience to God according to the pattern that he hath set before us and that so believing and obeying we might obtain the remission of Sins and eternal Life But the Scripture goes higher in that mutual compact and agreement betwixt God and Christ we find God the Father imposing and Christ submitting to this satisfaction Isa 53.6 1. The Father imposeth it by charging the sins of his Elect upon Jesus Christ The Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all not the sins themselves not the evill in them or fault of them but the guilt and penalty belonging to them this God laid upon his Son and charged it upon him he charged it as a Creditor chargeth the debt upon the Surety requiring satisfaction 2. Christ undertook it He was oppressed Ver. 7. and he was afflicted or as some translate It was exacted and he answered i.e. God the Father required satisfaction for sin and Jesus Christ was our Surety answered in our behalf Ver. 12. He bear the Sins of many he bear them as a porter that bears the burthen for another which himself is not able to stand under he bear them by undergoing the punishment which was due for them he bear them as our Surety submitting himself unto the penalty which we had deserved and by that means he made satisfaction to the justice of God Surely Christs death was not only for confirmation of his Doctrine but for satisfaction to God 4. There is in it not only a true but a copious and full satisfaction Christ's death and blood is superabundant to our sins The grace of our Lord was exceeding abundant 1. Tim. 1.14 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 it was over-full redundant more than enough Many an humble soul is apt enough to complain Oh if I had not been so great a sinner if I had not committed such and such transgressions there might have been
Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ by whom the world is crucified unto me and I unto the world Paul was a mortified man dead to the world and dead to sin But how came he so to be why this he attributes to the Cross of Christ to the death of Christ the death of Jesus was the cause of this death in Paul How much more shall the blood of Christ purge our Consciences from dead works to serve the living God Heb. 9.14 There is in the death of Christ first a value and secondly a vertue the former is available to our justification the latter to our sanctification now sanctification hath two parts mortification and vivification Christ's death or passive obedience is more properly conducible to the one his life or active obedience to the other Rom. 6.5 Hence Believers are said to be engraffed with Christ in the likeness of his death there is a kind of likeness betwixt Christ and Christians Christ died and the Christian dies Christ died a natural death and a Christian dies a spiritual death Christ died for sin and the Christian dies for sin this was another end of the death of Christ there issues from his death a mortifying vertue causing the death of sin in a Believer's soul one main part of our sanctification O my soul look to this herein lies the pith and marrow of the death of Christ and if now thou wilt but act and exercise thy faith in this respect how mightest thou draw the vertue and efficacy of his death into thy soul But here is the question how should I manage my Faith or how should I act my faith to draw down the vertue of Christ's death and so to feel the vertue of Christ's death in my soul mortifying crucifying and killing sin I answer 1. In prayer meditation self-examination receiving of the Lord's Supper c. I must propound to my self and soul the Lord Jesus Christ as having undertaken and performed that bitter and painful work of suffering even unto death yea that of the Cross as it is held out in the History and Narrative of the Gospel 2. I must really and steadfastly believe and firmly assent that those sufferings of Christ so revealed and discovered were real and true undoubted and every way unquestionable as in themselves 3. I must look upon those grievous bitter cruel painful and with all opprobrious execrable shameful sufferings of Christ as very strange and wonderful but especially considering the spiritual part of his sufferings viz. the sense and apprehension of God's forsaking and afflicting him in the day of his fierce anger I should even be astonished and amazed thereat what that the Son of God should lay his head on the block under the blow of divine Justice that he should put himself under the wrath of his heavenly Father that he should enter into the combat of Gods heavy displeasure and be deprived of the sense and feeling of his love and mercy and wonted comfort how should I but stand agast at these so wonderful sufferings of Jesus Christ 4. I must weigh and consider what it was that occasioned and caused all this viz. Sin yea my Sin yea this and that Sin particularly This comes nearer home and from this I must now gather in these several Conclusions As 1. It was the Design of Christ by his sufferings to give satisfaction to the infinite Justice of God for sin 2. It was intended and meant at least in a second place to give out to the world a most notable and eminent instance and demonstration of the horridness odiousness and execrableness of sin sith no less than all this yea nothing else but this would serve the turn to expiate it and atone for it 3. It holds forth again as sin is horrid in its self so it cannot but be exceeding grievous and offensive to Christ Oh it cost him dear it put him to all this pain and Torture it made him cry out My God my God why hast thou forsaken me how then should it but offend him above all above any thing in the world 4. If therefore there be in me any spark of love towards Christ or any likeness to Christ or if I would have Christ to bear any affection love regard or respect unto me it will absolutely behoove me by all means to loath sin and cast it away from me to root it up to quit my hands and to rid my heart of it The truth is I cannot possibly give forth a more pregnant proof of my sincere love entire affection respect conformity resemblance sympathy to and with Christ than by offering all violence usually all holy severity against sin for his very sake Now when the heart is thus exercised God by his Spirit will not fail to meet us our desire and endeavour of our soul to weaken and kill sin in the soul is not without its reward but especially when sin hath in this way and by this means lost the affection of the soul and is brought in hatred and disesteem it decayes and dyes of it self for it only liveth and flourisheth by the warm affections good thoughts and opinion that the soul hath of it So that matters going thus in the heart the influence that should nourish and maintain sin is cut off and it withers by degrees till it be finally and fully destroyed Thus for directions now for the encouragements of our faith to believe in Christ's death consider 1. The fulness of this object Christ crucified there is a transcendent all-sufficiency in the death of Christ in a safe sense it contains in it universal redemption it is sufficient for the redemption of every man in the world yea and effectual for all that have been are or shall be called into the state of grace whether Jews or Gentiles bound or free I know some hold that Christ dyed for all and every man with a purpose to save only thus they explicate 1. That Christ dyed for all men considered in the common lapse or fall but not as obstinate impenitent or unbelievers he dyed not for such as such 2. That Christ dyed for all men in respect of the request or impetration of salvation but the application thereof is proper to believers 3. That Christ dyed not to bring all or any man actually to salvation but to purchase salvability and reconciliation so far as that God might and would salva justitia deal with them on terms of a better covenant 4. That Christ hath purchased salvability for all men but faith and regeneration he hath merited for none because God is bound to give that which Christ hath merited of him although it be not desired or craved I cannot assent to these positions but thus far I grant that Christ's death in it self is a sufficient price and satisfaction to God for all the world and that also it is effectual in many particulars to all men respectively in all the world every man in one way or other hath
Mat. 26.65 as making himself equal with God yea see how the high Priest rends his clothes saying he hath spoken blasphemy Surely all this he endured that very blasphemers may find mercy if they will but come in and believe in Jesus I might instance in other sins art thou a Traytor a glutton a drunkard a wine-bibber a thief a seducer a companion of sinners why see now how Jesus Christ was for thy sake thus called reputed accounted whatever the sin is there 's something in Christ that answers that very sinfulness thou art a sinner and he is made sin to satisfie the wrath of God even for thy sin thou art such and such a sinner and he is accounted such and such a sinner for thy sake that thou mightest find in him something suitable to thy condition and so the rather be encouraged to believe that in him and through him all thy sins shall be done away Away away unbelief distrust despair you see now the brazen serpent lifted up you see what a blessed object is before you O believe O look up unto Jesus O believe in him thus carrying on the work of thy salvation in his death SECT VI. Of loving Jesus in that respect 6. LEt us love Jesus as carrying on the great work of our Salvation for us during his sufferings and death What! did he suffer and dye Rom. 5.8 Greater love than this hath no man that a man should give his life for his friends but God commendeth his love towards us in that while we were yet sinners Christ dyed for us Why here 's an argument of love indeed how should we but love him who hath thus loved us in prosecution of this I have no more to do but first to shew Christ's love to us and then to exercise our love to him again 1. For his love to us had not God said it and the Scriptures recorded it who would have believed our reports yet Christ hath done it and it is worth our while to weigh it and consider it in an holy meditation Indeed with what less than ravishment of Spirit can I behold the Lord Jesus who from everlasting was cloathed with Glory and Majesty now wrapped in rags cradled in a manger exposed to hunger thirst weariness danger contempt poverty revilings scourgings persecution but to let them pass into what extasies may I be cast to see the Judg of all the world accused judged condemned to see the Lord of life dying upon the tree of shame and curse to see the eternal Son of God strugling with his Fathers wrath to see him who had said I and my Father are one sweating drops of blood in his agony and crying out on his cross my God my God why hast thou forsaken me Oh whither hath his love to mankind carried him had he only sent his creatures to serve us had he only sent his Prophets to advise us in the way to Heaven had he only sent his Angels from his chamber of presence to attend upon us and to minister to us it had been a great deal of mercy or if it must be so had Christ come down from Heaven hnmself but only to visit us or had he come only and wept over us saying Oh that you had known even you in this your day the things belonging to your peace Oh that you had more considered of my goodness Oh that you had never sinned this would have been such a mercy as that all the world would have wondered at it but that Christ himself should come and lay down his blood and life and all for his people and yet I am not at the lowest that he should not only part with life but part with the sense and sweetness of God's love which is a thousand times better than life Psal 63.3 Thy loving kindness is better than life that he should be content to be accursed that we might be blessed that he should be content to be forsaken that we might not be forsaken that he should be content to be condemned that we might be acquitted O what raptures of Spirit can be sufficient for the admiration of this so infinite mercy be thou swallowed up O my soul in this depth of Divine love and hate to spend thy thoughts any more upon the base objects of this wretched world when thou hast such a Saviour to take them up Come look on thy Jesus who dyed temporally that thou mightest live eternally who out of his singular tenderness would not suffer thee to burn in hell for ten twenty thirty forty an hundred years and then recover thee by which notwithstanding he might better and deeper have imprinted in thee the blessed memory of a dear Redeemer no no this was the Article betwixt him and his Father That thou shouldst never come there see but observe but Christ's love in that mutual agreement betwixt God and Christ Oh I am pressed saith God with the sins of the world as a cart is pressed that is full of sheaves come my Son either thou must suffer or I must damn the world Accordingly I may imagine the Attributes of God to speak to God Mercy cryes I am abused and Patience cryes I am despised and goodness cryes I am wronged and Holyness cryes I am contradicted and all these come to the Father for Justice crying to him that all the world were opposers of his Grace and Spirit and if any be saved Christ must be punished In this case we must imagine Christ stepped in nay rather than so saith Christ I will bear all and undertake the satisfying of all And now look upon him he hangs on the cross all naked all torn all bloody betwixt Heaven and Earth as if he were cast out of Heaven and also rejected by Earth he hath a Crown indeed but such a one as few men will touch none will take from him and if any rash man will have it he must tear hair skin and all or it will not come his hair is all clodded with blood his face all clouded with black and blew he is all over so pittifully rent outwards inwards body and soul I will think the rest alas when I have spoken all I can I shall speak under it had I the tongues of men and Angels I could not express it Oh love more deep than hell Oh love more high than heaven the brightest Seraphims that burn in love are but as sparkles to that mighty flame of love in the heart of Jesus 2. If this be Christ's love to us what is that love we owe to Christ Oh now for an heart that might be some wayes answerable to these mercies Oh for a soul sick of love yea sick unto death how should I be otherwise or any less affected this only sickness is our health this death our life and not to be thus sick is to be dead in sins and trespasses why surely I have heard enough for which to love Christ for ever The depths of God's grace are
even the forgiveness of sins Zach. 13.1 Eph. 1.7 Heb. 1.3 Heb. 9.26 Ver. 28. Levit. 16.21 22. He by himself purged our sins And now once in the end of the world hath he appeared put away sin by the sacrifice of himself And Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to bear away the sins of many As the Scape-coat under the Law had upon his head all the iniquities of the Children of Israel and so was sent away by the hand of a fit man into the wilderness so the Lord Jesus of whom that Goat was a type had all the iniquities of his Elect laid upon him by God his Father and bearing them he took them away Behold the Lamb of God John 1.29 that taketh away the sins of the world he bore them and bore them away he went away with them into the wilderness or into the land of forgetfulness See what comfort is here 2. Another cries thus Oh I know not what will become of me the Law is mine enemy I have transgressed the Law and it speaks terribly Gal. 3.10 cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the Law to do them Oh I have offended the Law and I am under the curse Say not so for by the death of Christ though the Law be broken yet the curse is removed the Apostle is clear Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the Law Gal. 3.13 being made a curse for us he was made a curse for us i.e. the fruits and effects of God's curse the punishment due to sinners the penal curse which justice required was laid upon Christ and by this means we are freed from the curse of the Law It is true that without Christ thou art under this Law Do or Die end if thou offendest in the least kind thou shalt perish for ever the curse of the Law is upon thee to the uttermost but on the other side if thy claim be right to the blood of Christ thou art freed from penalty not but that we may be corrected and chastised but what is that to the eternal curse which the Law pronounceth against every sin we are freed from the curse or damnatory sentence of the Law Rom. 8.1 There is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus the Law is satisfied and the bond is cancelled by our Surety Christ O what comfort is this 3. Another cries thus Oh I know not what will become of me I have offended justice and what shall appeal from the seat of justice to the throne of grace my sins are gone before and they are knocking at heaven gates and crying justice Lord on this sinner I know not what will be the issue but either free Grace must save me or I am gone Say not so for by this death of Christ free grace and justice are both thy friends How e're some do yet certainly thou needs not to appeal from the court of justice to the Mercy-seat in this mystery of Godliness there may be as much comfort in standing before the Bar of justice as at the Mercy-seat i.e. by standing therein and through the Lord Jesus Christ yea this is the Gospel-way to go to God the Father and to tender up to him the active and passive righteousness of Christ his Son for an atonement and satisfaction for our sins in this way is the comfort of justification brought if we go to God in any other way than this it is but in a natural way and not in a true Evangelical way A man by nature may know thus much that when he hath sinned he must seek unto God for mercy but to seek unto God for pardon with a price in our hands to tender up the merits of Jesus Christ for a satisfaction to Divine justice here is the mystery of Faith and yet I speak not against relying on God's mercy for pardon but what need we to appeal from justice to mercy when by faith we may tender the death of Christ and so find acceptance with the justice of God it self come soul and let me tell thee for thy comfort if thou hast any share in the death of Christ thou hast two tenures to hold thy pardon and salvation by Mercy and justice free-grace and righteousness mercy in respect of thee and justice in respect of Christ not only is free-grace ready to acquit thee but a full price is laid down to discharge thee of all thy sins so that now when the Prince of this World comes against thee thou mayest say in some sense as Christ did He can find nothing in me for how can he accuse me seeing Christ is my Surety seeing the bond hath been sued and Christ Jesus would not leave one farthing unpaid as Paul said to Philemon concerning Onesimus if he have wronged thee or owe thee any thing put it on my account so doth Christ say to God if these have wronged thy Majesty or owe thee any thing put it on me Paul indeed added I Paul have written it with mine own hand but Christ speaks thus Gen. 2.17 I Jesus have ratified and confirmed it with my own blood 4. Another cries thus Oh I know not what will become of me the first threat that ever was in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die now sits on my spirit methinks I see the grizly form of death standing before me Oh this is he that is the King of fears the chief of terrors the inlet to all those Plagues in another world and die I must there is no remedy Rom. 8.94 Oh I startle and am afraid of it And why so it is Christ that dyed and by his death he hath took away the sting of death that now the drone may hiss but cannot hurt come meditate much upon the death of Christ and thou shalt find matter enough in his death for the subduing of thy slavish fears of death both in the merit of it in the effect of it and in the end of it 1. In the merit of it Christ's death is meritorious and in that respect the writ of mortallity is but to the Saints a writ of ease a passage into Glory 2. In the effect of it Christs death is the conquest of death Christ went down into the grave to make a back-door that the grave which was before a prison might now be a thorough-fare so that all his Saints may with ease pass through and sing O death where is thy sting Heb. 2.14 15. Oh hell where is thy victory 3. In the end of it Chri'sts death amongst other ends aims at the ruine of him that had the Power of death that is the Devil and to deliver them who through fear of death were all their life time in bondage Christ pursued this end in dying to deliver thee from the fear of death and if now thou fearest thy fearing is a kind of
himself with those fruits of righteousness and new obedience which they are able to bring forth to him O there let us seek him and we shall find him 3. Eor the Person to whom he appeared it was Mary Magdalen she that sometimes lived a sinful life that was no better than a common Curtizan now is first up to seek her Saviour Let never any despair of mercy that but hears of the conversion of Mary Magdalen Dionisius tells us that she that was loose and dissolute in her youth betook her self in old age to a most solitary life that she sequestred her self from all worldly pleasures in the mountains of B●lma full thirty years in all which time she gave her self to meditation fasting and prayer The texts tells us That much was forgiven her and she loved much Luke 7.47 John 20.11 Her love to Christ appears at this time But Mary stood without at the Sepulchre weeping and as she wept she stooped down and looked into the Sepulchre this Scripture we may call a song of loves or if you will a song of degrees every word is a step or degree of love more than other As 1. Mary stood at the Sepulchre she stood by the grave of Christ it signifies her great love to Jesus Christ many would stand by him while he was alive but to stand by him dead none would do it those we love most we will wait on them living or if they dye we will bring them to the grave and lay them in the grave but there we leave them only Mary chuseth Christ's Tomb for her best home and his dead corps for her chief comfort she praiseth the dead more than the living and having lost that light of the Sun of righteousness she desired to dwell in darkness in the shadow of death 2. But Mary stood q. d. others did not but she did Peter and John were there even now and when they could not find Jesus away they went but Mary went not she stood still their going away commends her staying behind how many circumstances may we observe in Mary setting out her love to Christ above them all to the grave she came before them from the grave she went to tell them to the grave she returns with them and at the grave she stayes behind them Certainly there was in Mary a stronger affection than either in Peter or John and this affection fixed her there that she could not stir go who would she would not go but stay still But Mary stood without 3. But Mary stood without at the Sepulchre weeping This was love indeed see how every word is a degree of love But Mary stood there weeping when Christ stood at Lazarus's grave-side weeping the Jews said then Behold how he loved him and may not we say the very same of Mary Behold how she loved him her very love runs down her cheeks she cannot think of Jesus as lost but she weeps she weeps for having lost him whom she loved at first she mourned for the departing of his soul out of his body and now she laments the taking his body out of the grave at first she mourned because she could not keep him alive yet that sorrow had some solace in that she hoped to have enjoyed him dead but when she considers that his life was lost and not so much as his body could be found Oh she weeps and weeps The last office she could do was to anoint his body and to bewail his death and to that purpose she comes now unto his grave as sometimes she had washed his feet with her tears now she would shed them afresh upon his feet and head and hands and heart and all but when she saw the grave open and the body gone and nothing of Christ now left her to mourn over she weeps the more she weeps most bitterly But Mary stood there weeping 4. And as she wept she stooped down and looked into the Sepulchre She did so weep as she did seek withall her weeping hindred not her seeking she sought and sought to what purpose that Christ is not in the tomb her own eyes have seen the Disciples hands have felt the empty winding sheet doth plainly avouch Peter and John had looked in before nay They went into the Sepulchre and saw the linnen cloaths lying John 20.6 7. and the napkin that was about his head wrapt by it self and yet for all this she will be stooping down and looking in she would rather condemn her own eyes of error and both their eyes and hands of deceit she would rather suspect all testimonies for untrue than not to look after him whom she had lost even there where by no diligence he could be found It is not enough for love to look in once You know this is the manner of our seeking when we seek something seriously where we have sought already there we will seek again we are apt to think we sought not well but if we seek again we might find it were we sought And thus Mary sought and when she could think of no other place so likely to find Christ in as this she sought again in this she will not believe her own senses she would rather think that she looked not well before than she will leave off looking When things that are dearly affected are gone and lost loves nature is never to be weary of searching even the oftenest searched corners they must still be an haunt for hope O love thinks it hath never looked enough in the first verse she looked And saw the stone taken away from the Sepulchre and now again she stooped down and looked into the Sepulchre 4. For the manner how he appeared it was first by his Angels and secondly by himself 1. There was an apparition of Angels she seeth two Angels in white sitting Iohn 20.12 13. the one at the head and the other at the feet where the body of Jesus had layen I will not stay here only for the opening of the words I shall answer these questions As 1. What means the apparition of Angels I answer it is not only a preparation to Christ's apparition Maries loss must be restored by degrees though she saw not Christ at first yet she saw his Angels it often pleaseth Christ in the desertions of his people to come to them by degrees and not at once he comes first by his Angels so it was at his birth and so it is at his resurrection But 2. What do Angels in a Sepulchre it is a place fitter for worms than Angels we never read of Angels being in a grave before this time they are blessed creatures and is the grave a fit place for them O yes since Christ lay in the grave that very place is a blessed place Blessed are the dead Rev. 14.13 Psal 116.15 which dye in the Lord from henceforth Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his Saints But 3. Why are the Angels in white
say was a saving work of God some one that sate with me in the same seat found much stirings of God Oh what meltings chearings warmings of the spirit had such a one and such a one the Word was to them as hony and as the hony comb but to me i● was as dry bread I found no sweet I got no good at all Or you have been often tossing the Bible and you have observed this or that promise but O what in-come hath appeared Surely nothing at all I wonder at Saints that tell of so much sweetness and comfort and ravishing of heart that with joy they should draw water out of these Wells of salvation Whereas I find therein no joy no refreshing at all Ah poor soul thou art in a sad case thou art not yet vivified thou hast not the life of God in thee After vivification thou wilt in the use of Ordinances at least sometimes if not frequently feel the saving in-comes of God In prayer thou wilt feel the spirit breathing in and carrying up thy soul above it self plainly declaring there is another power than thy own which makes thee not only to exceed others but thy self also in hearing of the Word thou wilt see the Windows of heaven set wide open and all manner of spiritual comforts showred down upon thee thou wilt hear the rich treasury of everlasting glory and imortality unlocked and opened so that thou mayst tumble thy self amidst the mountains of heavenly pearls and golden pleasures joyes that no heart can comprehend but that which is weaned from all worldly pleasures As it is written Rom. 10.15 how beautiful are the feet of them that preach the Gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things In meditation of the promises or of Divine love thou wilt find meltings quickenings encouragings filling thy heart with gladness and glorying and thy mouth with praises and songs of rejoycings O What fountains of life are the promises to a living man to a soul that is vivified what food what strength what life is a thought of Christ of Heaven and of God's love to a spiritual man whereas all these glorious things of the Gospel are to the natural man but as a withered flower a sealed book a dry and empty cistern he hath no use of them 6. It is a life of another kind or manner Before vivification our life was but death because we our selves were but dead in sin even whilest alive 1 Tim. 5.6 Col 2.13 She that liveth in pleasure is dead while she liveth and you were dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh But after vivification we live how live a spiritual life Gal. 2.20 Phil. 3.20 I live by the faith of the Son of God an heavenly life for our conversation is in heaven from whence also we look for the Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ an immortal life Rom. 6.9 11. Christ being raised from the dead dyeth no more death hath no more dominion over him likewise reckon your selves to be dead indeed unto sin but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord. John 11.26 You know the meaning of Christ Whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never dye he shall never dye a spiritual death never come under the dominion of sin never totally fall away from grace Rom. 8.10 that incorruptible seed by which he is regenerate shall abide in him for ever If Christ be in you the body is dead because of sin but the spirit is life because of righteousness the body indeed is subject to corporal death through the remainders of sin but the Spirit it life even that little spark of grace through the most perfect righteousness of Christ imputed is life here and shall be life hereafter even for ever And herein is our vivification answerable to Christ's resurrection like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father Rom. 6.4 raised up to a new life even so we also should walk in the newness of life For the second question how is this conformity or vivification wrought I shall answer only to the state and so our vivification is usually wrought in us in this manner As first in the understanding Secondly in the will First the understanding lets in the verity and truth of what the Gospel hath recorded John 1.4 John 6.35 John 11.25 In him was life and the life was the light of men I am the bread of life he that cometh to me shall never hunger and he that believeth on me shall never thirst I am the resurrection and the life he that believeth in me though he were dead yet shall he live I am the way John 14.6 1 John 5.11 12. the truth and the life And this is the record that God hath given to us eternal life and this life is in his Son he that hath the Son hath life and he that hath not the Son hath not life 2. This light let in the understanding thence inferreth as to a man 's own self that by the assistance of the Spirit of holiness who raised up Jesus from the dead it 's possible for him to attain this life Eph. 2.1 2 3 4 5 6 7. others have attained it and why not he You hath he quickened who were dead in traspasses and sins here 's a president for a sin-sick soul In time past ye walked according to the course of this world according to the Prince of the power of the air the Spirit that now worketh in the Children of disobedience this was the state of the Ephesians But were they all no no ye and we also among whom also we had all our conversation in times past But God who is rich in mercy for his great love wherewith he loved us even when we were dead in sins hath quickened us together with Christ that in ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness towards us through Christ Jesus Mat. 8.2 9 21. Ezek. 37.4 5. Christ's dealings with some are as flags and patterns of m●rcy hung forth to tell and to bring others in whence the understanding infers it 's possible for a dead soul yea for my dead soul to live others have lived and why may not I I discover in those Scriptures even in these presidents a door of hope to my self why Lord if thou wilt thou canst make me clean yea if I may but touch thy garment I shall be whole if thou wouldst but say O ye dry bones hear the word of the Lord then breath would enter into me and I should live surely if Christ be risen again from the dead there 's no impossibility but I may rise if others have been raised by the vertue of Christ's resurrection why may not I However this may seem to be little or nothing yet considering the soul in a mourning dark disconsolate frame under deep apprehensions of sin guilt and wrath full of
hear of such a Christ and are we not all in a burning love in a seraphical love or at least in a conjugal love O my heart how is it thou art not love sick how is it thou dost not charge the daughters of Jerusalem as the spouse did Cant. 5.8 I charge you O daughters of Jerusalem if ye find my beloved that ye tell him I am sick of love 2. For his bounty no sooner was he ascended and set down at God's right hand but he gives gifts unto men and he sends down the holy Ghost This was the Gift of gifts I shall only weigh two Circumstances in this Gift either whereof both dignifies and casts a sparkle of bounty from the Giver into the heart of the Receiver to move him to love As One Circumstance is the greatness of the Giver certainly the preheminence or dignity of any principle ennobleth and enhanceth the effect a gift coming from a great Person carries ever a scent with it of a certain greatness and relisheth either of excellency or superiority or nobility or all It is storied of Charles the fifth that in his wars being ever prest with want of money and so unable to remunerate the services of divers Dutch Captains and Nobles whom he had entertained he used after any great exploit performed by them to call together his Nobles and Camp into such a field and there in the presence of them all to take a Gold chain from about his own neck and to put it about the neck of such a Captain or such a Collonel and so to embrace him and to give him thanks for his gallant service why this they esteemed a greater favour being Circumstanced by such a Person in such a way than if in very deed he had given them a sufficient pay or remuneration O they valued that Chain more than many bushels of the like Gold the very Person of the Emperour hanged at the Chain such a precious Jewel as in warlike conceits a million of Gold could not countervail O my soul if an Emperour thus gained the affections of men how shouldst thou but love Christ the great Emperour of Heaven and Earth Numb 11 17. it was he that gave thee his Spirit it was he that took off the Spirit which is upon him so is the expression of God to Moses and put it upon thee and doth not the Person of Christ the Dignity of Christ inhance the value of the gift as all gifts are signs of love so the love of a great Personage and the gifts issuing from such a love ought more to be accounted than any gifts of any meaner person whatsoever 2. Another Circumstance is the greatness of the Gift this argueth greatness of good will and consequently deserveth a correspondence of a semblable affection Now what greater gift had Christ in store than to give his own spirit the spirit proceedeth from him and is the same essence with himself the spirit is the third Person of the true and only God-head proceeding from the Father and the Son and coeternal coequal and consubstantial with the Father and the Son this appears by those divine Attributes and Properties which are attributed and communicated to the holy spirit As 1. Eternity God never was without his spirit Gen. 1.1 2. In the beginning God created heaven and earth and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters 2. Omnipotency because he together with the Father and the Son createth and preserveth all things By his Spirit he hath garnished the heavens Job 26.13 33.4 1 Cor. 12.11 1 Cor. 2.10 the Spirit of God hath made me and all these things worketh that one and the self-same Spirit dividing to every man severally as he will 3. Omnisciency or the knowledge of all things For the Spirit searcheth all things yea the deep things of God 4. Immutability or unchangeableness Men and brethren Acts 1.16 Rom. 5.5 this Scripture must needs have been fulfilled which the holy Ghost spake 5. Infinite mercy or love God is love and the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the holy Ghost which is given unto us 6. Holy indignation even against hi●●en sins They rebelled and vexed his holy Spirit Isa 63.10 Acts 5.3 4 9. Eph. 4.30 why hath Satan filled thy heart to lye to the holy Ghost thou hast not lyed unto men but unto God a plain Text for the Divinity of the holy Ghost How is it that ye have agreed together to tempt the Spirit of the Lord Grieve not the holy Spirit of God whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption I might add Miracles Mat. 12.28 28.19 1 Tim. 4.1 2 Cor. 3.38 and the institution of Sacraments and Prophesies and Gifts and Graces as the effects of his Divinity I cast out devils saith Christ by the Spirit of God and baptize in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy Ghost And the Spirit speaketh expresly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith And we are changed into the same image from glory to glory even as by the Spirit of the Lord. See now how the holy spirit is God coeternal coequal and consubstantial with God the Father and God the Son is not this a great gift yea as great a gift as possibly can be given what can he more than to give himself and to give his spirit O the bonds of love that are upon man towards Christ in this respect Come my soul and take a view of the Glory and Bounty of Jesus Christ if thy heart be not all brass and iron and stone if there be any fleshiness softness or pliableness in it why then how shouldst thou chuse but love if either beauty or bounty if either Majesty or magnificence can draw thy affection Christ will have it for in him is all O let him be thy all surely if thou hast any thing besides himself he is the Donor of all he is the beauty of all the sum of all the perfection of all yea he is the Author Preserver and Finisher of all SECT VII Of Joying in Jesus in that respect 7. LEt us joy in Jesus as carrying on the great work of our salvation for us in these particulars there is not a particular under consideration but 't is the object of a Christians joy As 1. How should it heighten my joys and enlarge my comforts when I do but consider that Christ is ascended into glory by this it is clear and evident that Christ is accepted of the Father for me or otherwise he should never have been received into Heaven if any frown had been in the face of God surely Christ coming so near God he should have had it if any exception had been against his satisfaction any flaw in our pardons surely Christ should have heard of it yea without question he must have been turned out of Heaven until he had made a full payment of our debts
wide Ocean of delights there is room enough but herein I must leave thee in the duty for I can but point at the several particulars whereon thou mayst enlarge O think on it that Christ and Christ's blood and Christ's prayers should be all at work that Christ should play the Advocate and plead thy cause and perfume thy duties with his Incense and take thy person in an unperceivable way to God his Father and cry there O my Father be merciful to this sinner pardon his sin and save his soul for the sake of Jesus O blessed mediation O blessed is the man that on this blessed object knows how to meditate both day and night 8. Consider of the power and prevalency of Christ's intercessions with his Father Is he not to this puropose a Priest to God and called thereto by God is he not the Son of God yea God himself is he not God's Darling God's Commander as well as Petitioner nay is not the hand of God himself in this design is not the Fathers heart as much towards us and our salvation as Christ's own heart as sure then as Christ is gone into Heaven with thy name engraven on his heart so sure shalt thou follow him and be with him where he is Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's Elect who is he that condemneth where Christ becomes Patron to defend against the sentence of damnation it is in vain for Sin or Law or Sathan to attempt any thing for as an innocent person is safe so long as he hath his learned Advocate to answer all Objections so it is with Believers who have Christ himself both Judge and Advocate a sure Advocate he ever prevails in whatsoever he undertakes he was never yet cast in any suit he hath for these Sixteen Hundred years carried away all the causes of hundreds thousands and millions of souls why he is so dear and near to his Father that he can work him to any thing he will And O my soul if thou hast any relation to Jesus Christ is not here comfort I dare in the Name of Christ be thy warrant and give it under my hand that if Christ pray for thee Christ will be sure to save thee he never yet failed he never will fail in any of his suits to God Oh consider of this 9. Consider of the reasons of Christ's intercession many are given but this may be sufficient It is Gods own Ordinance the very wisdom of God found out this way to save our souls viz. that an High-Priest should be appointed who should die for sinners and afterward present his death to his Father by way of intercession in their behalf Some may look upon this as needless what could not God have pardoned our sins and saved our souls without a Priest I shall not dispute God's power but if any will let such a one tell me what way could his own wisdome have found out to heaven between the wrath of God and the sin of man I believe it would have posed all the wisdom of the world of Men and Angels to have reconciled God's mercy in the salvation of man and his justice in the condemnation of sin to have poured out hell upon the sin and yet to have bestowed heaven upon the sinner now then if God himself did study to find out this way and that he hath said This is my pleasure that Christ my Son shall be a Priest and that he shall offer himself and Present himself and his offering and his prayer to me for his People O my soul rest on this as the very ordination of God admire at the contrivance of God say O the depth question no further only Meditate and ponder and consider of it till thou feelest Christ's intercession darting its influence and efficacy on thy sin-sick soul SECT III. Of desiring after Jesus in that respect 3. LEt us desire after Jesus carrying on this work of our salvation in his intercession I cannot but wonder what a dulness seizeth on my heart and on all the hearts of the Sons of men that we have no more longings after Christ whose heart is ever panting and longing after us Surely we do not set our selves to find out experimentally the sweetness that is in Christ if there were not another object to think upon but only this one of Christ's intercession is not here enough to put us all into a teeming longing frame O my soul rouze up and set this blessed object before thy face take a full view of it untill thy affections begin to warm and thou beginst to cry Oh for my part in Christ's intercession Oh I would not be left out of Christ's heavenly prayers for ten thousand worlds come and be serious the object is admirably sweet and precious long for it pant after it God understands the Rhetorick of thy breathing as well as of thy cry But what is there in Christ's intercession that is so desirable I answer 1. In Christ's intercession lyes the present transaction of our souls salvation Such passages as hitherto we have spoken of are done and past the transactions of eternity were at an end when time began the transactions of Christ promised had their period when Christ was incarnate the transactions of Christ's Birth and life and death and resurrection and ascension are now above a thousand and six hundred years old I know the vertue and influence of all these transactions continue and will continue for ever and ever but the several actings had their periods and only Christ's session and mission of his spirit and his blessed intercession both were and now are the very present imployment of Jesus Christ If it were possible that we could see into Heaven if with Stephen we could look up steadfastly and see the Heavens opened if our eyes by an extraordinary power were carryed through that azure sky and through all till we come to the Holy of Holies and to Jesus Christ in his glory what should we see but Christ interceding Christ busie with his Father in his poor Saints behalf now he prayes now he presents his person merits intercession interpellation q. d. Father here are a company of Rebels justly fallen under thy displeasure they deserve to be set at an eternal distance from thee but I must needs have them pardoned and received into thy bosom come make thine own terms let justice require never so great satisfaction I have paid a price sufficient for all and effectual for them give them what laws thou pleasest I will undertake they shall observe them and to this purpose away away holy spirit go to such and such souls enable them to their duties yea enable them in duty and sanctifie them throughout in souls bodies and spirits Why this is the present transaction of Jesus Christ and therefore most desirable methinks I long to know what Christ is now a doing in Heaven for my soul and is it not thus is not all his time spent either
the forehead of such favours I have a merciful and compassionate Mediator in heaven O I am much tempted sayes another that I cannot pray had I now the key of prayer I could then unlock the cabinet where all God's treasures lye and take out what I pleased but alas my prayers are dull and weak and dry and without spirit and life I cannot pray If so be humbled for it and yet know this that when thou canst not pray Christ then prayes for thee and he prayes that thou mayst pray And tell me hast thou no experience of this truth hath not sometimes thy spirit been enlarged in prayer hast thou not sometimes felt thy heart warmed or savingly affected hast thou not sometimes in prayer been lifted up above thy self and above the world conclude then My Intercessor above hath sent me this gift and Spirit it is not I but Christ's Intercession that by an admirable and secret operation hath given me the Spirit to help my infirmity these are the intercessions of the Spirit of Christ and they are the very Eccho of the intercessions of Christ in his own person O but I labour under such and such corruptions sayes another and the Devil is busie exceeding busie and he exceedingly prevails how am I overcome with these corruptions and with these and these sins It may be so and yet do not altogether despond for Jesus Christ is at God's right hand and there he sits till all his enemies be made his foot-stool and what are not thy sins his enemies O be of good comfort for Christ will prevail it is one piece of his prayer that he puts up for thee John 17.15 To keep thee from evil and surely he will either keep thee from it or keep thee in it that in the issue thou shalt have the victory Ver. 12. Isa 55 3. Those that thou gavest me I have kept saith Christ and none of them is lost if he undertake for thee thou art safe and sure His Covenant is everlasting even the sure mercies of David and therefore if yet thou dost not certainly thou shalt feel the vertue of Christ's intercession sin must be subdued hell-gates shall not prevail against thee he will not quench thy sparks until he bring forth judgment unto victory Oh but I am in a suffering condition sayes another and there is none that regards or takes pity on me all my friends have dealt treacherously with me among all my Lovers there is none to comfort me they have heard that I sigh and there is none to refresh me I stand for Christ but there is none stands by me I own him but there is none owns me Bleeding Christian bear up is not Christ's intercession a sufficient answer to this case alas thou wouldst be pitied for all thy weaknesses why know that compassion is natural to Jesus Christ he is a merciful high Priest and can be no other to thee God ordained him to officiate in such a Tabernacle as wherein thou dwellest he was in all things like unto thee sin only excepted it may be thou art in want and so was Christ he had no house thou art persecuted and so was Christ sin loads thee and so it did Christ A Christians condition needs compassion and Christ knows how much and it is his work continually to lay it open above O my Father thus and thus it is with the Militant Church not a Member in it but he is under sin and affliction see here the tears hearken to the sighs and groans and chatterings and mournings of my Doves below I present here their persons and performances and oh that they may find acceptance through my merit Some speak of Heavens Musick some tell us of Saints and Angels singing and warbling in lively notes the praises of Christ in Heaven and if any such thing be certainly it is ear-tickling heart-ravishing musick O the melody O the joy of Saints to hear such heavenly ayres with heavenly ears but be it as it will be of this I am confident that Heaven it self yields no such musick as is the intercession of Jesus Christ this if any thing in Heaven do it makes melody in the ears of God and of all celestial Spirits Saints or Angels And O my soul suppose thy self within the compass if now thou couldst but hear what thy Jesus is saying in thy behalf Is not this a brand newly pluck'd out of the fire was not this poor soul but the other day in a state of nature defiled with sin within a step of hell and did not I send my Spirit to recall him was not this precious blood shed for the redemption of him and what though sin stick and cleave to him to this day yet have I not given thee charge to take away his filthy garments from him and to cloath him with changes of rayment even with the shining robes of mine own righteousness O my Father let this soul live in thy sight O cast him not away for whom I have suffered and done all this I cannot rest satisfied without his society I am not right till he is with me in glory he is my darling my purchase my portion my delight and therefore let him be saved Is not this enough to cause thy very heart to leap in thy bosom Bonaventure fondly reports that Francis hearing an Angel a little while playing on an Harp he was so moved with extraordinary delight that he thought himself in another world O but suppose thou shouldst hear the voice of Jesus thy Intercessor thus pleading for thee wouldst thou not be cast into an extasie would not this fill thee with joyes unspeakable and full of glory Come realize this meditation certainly if thou art Christ's he is thus or in some other manner interceding for thee as sure as Christ is in Heaven he is pleading with his Father in Heaven on thy behalf O the joyes the joyes the joyes that I should now feel Tell me is it not a comfort for a poor beggar to be relieved at a rich man's door we are all beggars in regard of Heaven and Jesus Christ doth not only come forth and serve us but he takes us poor beggars by the hand and leads us in to his heavenly Father Oh what comfort is here SECT VIII Of praying to and praising of Jesus in that respect 8. LEt us pray and praise our Jesus in this respect 1. Let us pray or sue our interest in this intercession it is a question amongst the Schools whether we may conveniently pray to Jesus to pray to his Father in our behalf And thus far is granted that we may pray to Christ to make us partakers of his intercessions and to mingle our prayers with his prayers that they may find acceptance with God his Father 1 Cor. 11.6 But that we may use such a form as ora pro nobis O Christ pray for us it is looked upon as inconvenient in this respect 1. Because cause we have no
as Rev. 20.12 1. The Book must be opened And I saw the dead small and great stand before God and the Books were opened and another Book was opened which is the Book of life It is spoken after the manner of men in whose publick Judgments are produced all the writings of the process informations depositions of witnesses to shew that all actions Aug. l. 20. de civitate Dei cap. 14. even the most secret ones shall then be rehearsed and made manifest Augustine thinks these Books to be the Books of the Old and New Testament wherein all things either to be done or omitted are prescribed by God and then shall these Books be opened Rom. 2.16 Orig. Com. ad Rom. 14. because according to them shall sentence be given In that day God shall Judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my Gospel Origen and all most all with him think these Books to be the Books of our consciences which now are shut up and concealed from men but then shall be made manifest to all the world whatever these Books are we find here one Book opened which is proper to the Saints called the Book of Life This Book contains in it the names of all that are elected from first to last Thou John and thou Joseph and thou Judeth and thou Mary and thou Elizabeth c. you are all Book'd down there is the particularity and there is the certainty Your names are written in Heaven rejoyce in it Oh what is the joy of Saints when once they see this book opened and their names inrolled engraven there in letters of glory This very Book clears it to me that God from all eternity made choice of a particular and determinate number of Persons to save them and that none other can be saved but those who were so elected and whosoever are so elected Rev. 13.8 17.8 they shall not fall away All that worship the Beast their names are not written in the Book of life of the Lamb from the foundation of the world On the other side Rev. 3.5 He that overcometh the same shall be written in the Book of life and I will not blot out his name but I will confess his name before my Father and before his Angels This is the day when that book of life shall be opened and Christ shall read the names of every elect person before God and Angels not that Christ needs a book or indeed reads a name but that his Election stands so firm that he knows every predestinated Saint as well as we know their names whom for our memories we commit unto our books and then he will so honour his Saints that he will publish their names to all the world 2. All the actions demeanours graces duties and it may be sins of Saints shall be produced and laid open the holy Ghost tells us that the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the Books It appears hence that not onely names but things were written and these things were produced and accordingly they were judged 1. As to evil things unfruitful works of darkness It is a question and I dare not be too positive in it viz. Whether the sins of God's People shall be manifest at the day of Judgment Some are for the negative because God in his promises speaks so expresly Isa 43.25 John 5.24 Of forgiving iniquities of remembring them no more of blotting them out of throwing them into the bottom of the Sea of casting them behind his back in which respect say they the Godly are said not to come into Judgement I suppose this last Text is ill urged for by Judgment is not meant discussion but condemnation and in our best Translations so it is rendred others are for the affirmative upon these grounds 1. Because many of the Godly and wicked men's sins are mingled together and there cannot be a Judgment of discussion preceding that of condemnation unless Godly men's sins are also produced 2. Because it is spoken generally in respect of all sorts that the Books were opened By which Books most understand the consciences of men and by the opening of those Books they understand the manifesting clearing and discovering of consciences at that general day 3. Because the Scriptures are express for the affirmative not but that those Texts are truths that sins are forgiven blotted out thrown away to be remembred no more i.e. as to condemnation but as for exploration or discussion the Lord speaks universally that of every idle word that men speak Mat. 12.36 they shall give an account thereof at the day of Judgment If the ballance weigh down on this side for my part I am not peremptory but shall easily submit to the spirits of the Prophets yet this manifestation shall not be for the shame grief trouble ignominy or confusion of the godly but only for the setting up of God's justice and that the goodness and free grace of God in Christ may be made more illustrious how will Christ then be exalted when all the world shall see his righteousness and goodness his truth and mercy now again meeting together and kissing each other it was so at his first coming and it will be so at his second coming then shall his justice and mercy his righteousness and goodness be manifested to all in that by his own merits notwithstanding their sins he will bring all his Saints to his heavenly glory 2. As for good things whether good works duties or graces there is no question but all these will be that day produced and laid open 1. We see Christ enumerating the good works of them on his right hand for I was an hungred and ye gave me meat I was thirsty and ye gave me drink I was a stranger and ye took me in naked Mat. 25.35 26. and ye cloathed me sick and ye visited me in prison and ye came unto me It is true in this catalogue we find nothing of faith but all of works but certainly faith is included as the life of the Tree is included in the fruit not only nor principally are works here mentioned for the goodness of the work considered in it self but as these works did express our faith and love to Jesus Christ in that by saith we could see Christ in a poor beggar or prisoner and could love Jesus Christ in these poor better than all our worldly goods or liberties I do not wonder that Paul adviseth his Corinthians See that ye abound in this grace of contribution to the Saints 2 Cor. 8.7 Phil. 1.9 1 Thes 1.12 and that he prayeth his Philipians And this I pray that your love may abound yet more And that he prayeth for his Thessalonians now the Lord make you to increase and to abound in love one towards another and towards all men and that he praiseth God in their behalf We are bound to thank God always for you brethren as it is
of their consciences opened wherein appears all their sins original and actual of Omission and Commission For omissions of duties all those shall be discovered Christ hungry and I gave him no meat Christ thirsty and I gave him no drink Christ a stranger and I lodged him not Christ naked and I cloathed him not Christ sick and in prison and I visited him not And for commissions of evils all those shall be discovered These and these sins I committed in my child-hood youth ripe age old age these were my gross sins Blasphemy perjury Idolatry robbery drunkenness uncleaness prophaneness c. and these were my less sins anger hatred envy distrust impatience pride presumption contention derision inconstancy hypocrisie c. Oh the numberless number of evil thoughts words and deeds that now are laid open In the black book is not only written all sins done but all such sins as were intended and purposed to be done All the projects of the heart though never acted must now be discovered Men little think of this if I should tell you of such designs that died in your hearts and never came out to light you would be now ready to say Tush I never did such a thing I onely intended it or had some thoughts about it and what then why then those very thoughts secrets purposes projects shall come to light or if there be any thing more hidden or secret as the very bent and frame of your hearts the very inclinations of your souls to this or that evil shall then be manifest to all the World Nay yet more such sins as by the sinners themselves were never took notice of either before or at or after the commission of them shall this day come out Conscience is such a kind of private Notary or Secretary that it keeps notes or records of all acts and deeds whether you observe them or no conscience hath the Pen of a ready Writer and takes in short-hand and in an illegible character from your mouths as fast as you speak and from your hearts as fast as you contrive Consciences writing saith one is not now legible as that which is written with the juice of a Lemmon is not to be read by day-light but against the sire by night you may read it so consciences writing cannot now be read but in that day when Heaven and Earth are set on fire this book shall be opened and the cypher be discovered Oh what a day will this be when not a sin committed by any reprobate from the beginning of the world but now it shall be rehearsed 2. As an account of all sins so an account of all temporal gifts which God hath imparted to reprobates must now be given Some have the gifts of the world as riches honours places of authority others have the gifts of the body as health strength beauty life others have the gifts of the mind as understanding wisdom policy learning now of all these gifts they must give an account Come you that are rich saith Christ render you an account of your stewardship how have you spent your riches The like will he say to the honourable and to those in places of authority Oh remember you were in authority and office and place but what service did you to me or my members you had wisdom and learning and knowledg and understanding conferred upon you but what good had the Church or Common-Wealth by it the like will he say to others according to the talents bestowed on them You excelled in strength beauty health of body length of days and now tell me and publish it to all the world how were these improved I believe many a sad answer will be given to Christ of these things riches mis-spent and health mis-spent and wisdom policy learning gifts and parts mis-spent O consider it if the Factor after many years spent in forreign Countries at last returns home without his reckonings who will not blame him for his negligence but when his Master calls him to account and he finds nothing but a bill of expences this in courting that in seasting who laughs not at so fond a reckoning Thus many pass the time of their life as a time of mirth then when they return to their Lord again behold all their accounts are sins their profits vanities 3. I shall add one thing more not onely of gifts Temporal but of all blessings spiritual though but tendred and offered must all give an account Oh the sad accounts that many a soul will make of these things methinks I hear some wicked wretch confessing thus to Christ True Lord I lived at such a time when the Sun of the Gospel shone bright in my face and in such a place where all was Goshen I lived under such a ministery who set before me life and death many and many a powerful and searching Sermon have I heard any one passage whereof if I had not wickedly and wilfully forsaken my own mercy might have been unto me the beginning of the new Birth and everlasting bliss Sometimes in the use of the means I felt stirrings or strong workings in my heart and then I was fully purposed to have been another man to have cleaved to Christ and to have forsook the World I was almost resolved to have been wholly for God I was almost perswaded to be a real Christian Oh what thoughts were in my heart when such a faithful Minister pressed the truth home methinks every Sermon I heard then is now a preaching again methinks I hear still the voice of the Minister methinks I see still his tears dropping down his cheeks Oh how fresh is the reproof admonition exhortation of such and such a Preacher now in my mind oh how earnestly did he intreat me with what love and tender compassion did he beseech me how did his bowels yearn over me how strongly did he convince me that all was not well with my sin-sick soul how plainly did he rip up all my sores and open to me all my secrets and my whole heart but alas within a while I made a jest of all I hardened my heart against all I stifled all his convictions I shut my eyes against his discoveries I cared neither for the Minister nor any thing he said or did And yet here is not all not onely the Ministers of Christ but the Spirit of Christ sometimes speak to my heart I remember at such a time Christ himself as it were condescended and bowed the Heavens and came down to intreat me for my souls health oh the strivings of the Spirit of Christ as if he had been loath to have took a denial Rev. 3.20 O Christ I remember thy words when thou cryedst to me open sinner open thy heart to thy Saviour and I will come in and sup with thee and thou with me Why sinner are thy lust 's better than I thy carnal pleasures better than I thy worldly commodities better than I why sinner what dost thou mean how
glory which Christ hath as God this he never laid aside but as the Sun in a dark gloomy day may not send forth its beams so Christ the Son of righteousness in the time of his abode upon earth except a little glimps only in his transfiguration did not send forth his glorious beams but hereafter the body or humanity of Christ shall not hinder the breaking forth of all his divine glory No sooner the Son subject and his Mediatory office discharged but Christ as God will manifestly put forth his more immediate glory to all his Saints Behold now we are the Sons of God and it doth not yet appear what we shall be but we know when he shall appear we shall be like him 1 John 3.2 for we shall see him as he is Mark it when he shall appear at and after the Resurrection day we shall see him as he is i.e. we shall see the very essential glory of Jesus Christ Quest But what is the essential glory of Christ I cannot answer it is a question not to be resolved by all the men in the World we know little of the glory of Saints how should we know any thing of the essential glory of Christ as God Answ The Scriptures say that God spake to Moses face to face yet God tells him thou canst not see my face and he favours him so far as to tell him the reason for there shall no man see my face and live Exod. 33.11 20. q. d. No man in this life he must first dye and be changed and then he shall have a peculiar revelation of the divine Majesty then he shall see him as he is but how that is I cannot tell come let us question this no further surely it is a mercy that this infinite glory is not discovered to us for as a weak eye is not able to behold the Sun or to see in it rota as the School-men speak in that wheel or circle wherein the Sun doth run but only in the beams of it no more can we see Christ as God in his glorious essence or in his essential glory but only in the beams thereof in his Word and Effects if now we know so little of spirits and spirituals oh then how little do we know of him who is the Father of Spirits I shall say no more therefore let us be content to be ignorant of these things till we enter into the confines of Eternity But whether shall this glorious Essence or Essential glory of Christ be more seen or manifested at or after the day of judgment then ever it was before Quest I answer I believe it will Answ Dr. Annesly Communion with God Some tell us of several periods wherein the glory of Christ is still more and more seen as 1. In this life we may see it in part thus David speaks of himself my soul thirsteth for thee my flesh longeth for thee to see thy power and thy glory as I have seen thee in the Sanctuary but this sight is very dim we see onely now as through a glass darkly The second period is betwixt our dissolution and resurrection 1 Cor. 13.12 and then shall we see the essential glory of Christ more immediately and fully our creeping apprehension of God shall then be elevated and our distance from God shall then be shortned and all the riddles of grace and of Jesus Christ shall then be opened This sight is so great that if a soul should come from heaven to declare it neither could that soul express it nor we understand it we read of Lazarus whose soul Christ returned into his body whom much people of the Jews came purposely to see that they might hear stories of the other World but not a word from him of any such matter Paul's rapture may satisfie with the reason of it he heard there 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 wordless words 2 Cor. 12.4 such words as could not possibly be repeated on earth and yet all this is but a second step to the full vision of Christ's essential glory The third period is at the Resurrection and during the time of the last Judgment and then we shall see more of his glory Camero affirms that 't is no curiosity to say that the Saints and Angels in heaven had a new glory by the exhibition of Christ the great mystery of the Incarnation being thereby better known and we may as safely affirm that the Saints shall have a new glory by new visions of the glory of Christ at the day of Resurrection they shall then see the solemnity of heavens glory carried on by Christ in his glorious actings and all that ever the soul saw before in being with Christ in Heaven till the Resurrection shall be swallowed up with the sight of this glory of Christ at the Resurrection-day The last period is after the Resurrection and that shall continue even to all Eternity now all the manifestations of Christ's glory before this are but as a few green ears rubb'd in our hands so that the full crop or the full harvest is yet behind But this is that which as we told you before we cannot tell though we had the tongues of men and Angels Thus far of the first point what is the glory of Christ 2. How sh●ll the Saints behold this glory I answer As Christ hath a twofold glory so there is a twofold manner of beholding it i.e. ocular and mental 1. There is an ocular vision a sight of Christ with our very eyes Job 19.27 whom I shall see for my self and mine eyes shall behold him with these eyes in our heads we shall one day behold the human glory of Christ I doubt not we shall behold the beauty of Heaven the shining bodies of the Saints but above all our very eyes shall delightfully contemplate Christ's glorious body and indeed this shall drown all the other sights if any think that Christ's glorious body shall be too intensive and too extraordinary a brightness for our weak eyes let such consider that 1. The eye in heaven shall be glorified now glorification adds a singular excellency to the faculties it advanceth the faculties and raiseth them to an higher pitch of excellency glorification adds a greater capacity to the eye then ever it had before In this world there is a difference in our eyes and sight a man of a clear sight sees more things and more of every thing then a dark sight doth so a glorified eye sees more of things then our eyes now can see it shall be enlarged exceedingly to take in objects which now it cannot receive glorification adds strength to the faculties both internal and external so that the eye shall be able to look on the glory of Christ not with difficulty but with contentment in this World every sense we have is apt to be destroyed by excellent Objects and the more excellent and transcendent the object is the more it hurts
be one person and in that person he was born and lived and died and rose again and ascended into Heaven there now he hath been sitting sending down the Holy Ghost and interceding for his Saints for above one thousand six hundred years And in this last work he will continue till the end of the World and then he will come again to judge the World and to receive his Saints to himself that where he is they may be with him to see and enjoy him to all eternity This is the epitome of all I have said onely in every particular I have set down Christ's actings towards us and our actings towards Christ in various formes and out-goings of his love he hath acted towards us and in various formes and out-goings of our souls we have been taught fitly and suitably to act towards him Now in all these actings How doth the free grace of God in Christ appear Ye are saved by grace Ephes 2.5 saith the Apostle Eph. 2.5 the decree the means the end of our salvation is grace and onely grace The decree is grace and therefore it is called the election of grace Rom. 1.5 2 Tim. 1.9 Rom. 3.24 Rom. 6.23 Eph. 1.7 Eph. 2.7 the means are of grace and therefore we are called according to his grace and we are justified freely by his grace And the end is of grace for eternal life is the gift of God both beginning and progress and execution is all of grace This is the riches of his grace the exceeding the hyperbolical riches of his grace the conclusion of all is this God's free grace which was first designed will at last be manifested and eternally praised by Saints and Angels the same free grace which from the beginning of the age of God from everlasting drove on the saving plot and sweet design of our salvation will at last be glorified to purpose when Heavens inhabitants will be ever digging into this golden-mine ever rolling this soul-delighting and precious stone ever beholding viewing enquiring and searching into the excellency of this same Christ and this free grace Now all is done shall I speak a word for Christ or rather for our selves in relation to Christ and so an end if I had but one word more to speak in the World it should be this Oh let all our spirits be taken up with Christ let us not busie our selves too much with toyes or trifles with ordinary and low things but look unto Jesus Surely Christ is enough to fill all our thoughts desires hopes loves joys or whatever is within us or without us Christ alone comprehends all the circumference of all our happiness Christ is the pearl hid in the large field of God's Word Christ is the scope of all the Scriptures all things and persons in the old World were Tipes of him all the Prophets foretold him all God's love runs through him all the gifts and graces of the Spirit flow from him the whole eye of God is upon him and all his designs both in Heaven and Earth meet in him Eph. 1.10 the great design of God is this That he might gather together in one all things in Christ both which are in heaven and which are on earth even in him All things are summed up in one Jesus Christ if we look on the creation the whole world was made by Christ if we look on providences all things subsist in Christ they have their being and their well-being in him Where may we find God but in Christ where may we see God but in this essential and eternal glass 2 Cor. 4.6 Heb. 1.3 Christ is the face of God the brightness of his glory the express image of his Fathers person the Father is as it were all Sun and all Pearl and Jesus Christ is the substantial rayes the eternal and essential irradiation of this Sun of glory Christ outs God as the seal doth the stamp Christ reveals God as the face of a man doth reveal the man so Christ to Philip He that hath seen me hath seen the Father q. d. I am as like the Father John 14.9 as God is like himself there is a perfect indivisible unity between the Father and me I and the Father are one one very God he the begetter and I the begotten Christ is the substantial Rose that grew out of the Father from eternity Christ is the essential wisdom of God Christ is the substantial Word of God the intellectual birth of the Lord 's infinite understanding Oh the worth of Christ compare we other things with Christ and they will bear no weight at all cast into the ballance with him Angels they are wise but he is wisdom cast into the ballance with him men they are lyars lighter than vanity but Christ is the Amen the faithful witness cast into the scales Kings and all Kings and all their glory why he is King of Kings cast into the scale millions of tallents-weight of glory cast in two Worlds and add to the weight millions of Heavens of Heavens and the ballance cannot down the scales are unequal Christ out-weighs all Shall I yet come nearer home what is Heaven but to be with Christ what is life eternal but to believe in God and in his Son Jesus Christ where may we find peace with God and reconciliation with God but onely in Christ God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself 2 Cor. 5.19 where may we find compassion mercy and gentleness to sinners but onely in Christ it is Christ that takes off infinite wrath and satisfies justice and so God is a most lovely compassionate desirable God in Jesus all the goodness of God comes out of God through this golden pipe the Lord Jesus Christ It is true those essential attributes of love grace mercy goodness are onely in God and they abide in God yet the Mediatory manifestation of love grace mercy and goodness is onely in Christ Christ alone is the Treasury Store-house Magazene of the free goodness and mercy of the God-head In him we are Elected Adopted Redeemed Justified Sanctified Saved he is the ladder and every step of it betwixt Heaven and Earth he is the way the truth and the life he is honour riches beauty health peace and salvation he is a suitable and rich portion to every man's soul that which some of the Jews observe of the Mannah that it was in taste according to every man's pallate it is really true of Christ that he is to the Soul whatsoever the soul would have him to be All the spiritual blessings wherewith we are enriched are in and by Christ God hears our prayers by Christ God forgives our iniquities through Christ all we have and all we expect to have hangs onely on Christ he is the golden hinge upon which all our salvation turns Oh how should all hearts be taken with this Christ Christians turn your eyes upon the Lord Look and look again unto Jesus Why stand ye gazing on the toyes of this World when such a Christ is offered to you in the Gospel can the World dye for you can the World reconcile you to the Father can the World advance you to the Kingdom of Heaven As Christ is all in all so let him be the full and compleat subject of our desire and hope and faith and love and joy let him be in your thoughts the first in the morning and the last at night Shall I speak one word more to thee that believest Oh apply in particular all the transactions of Jesus Christ to thy very self remember how he came out of his Fathers bosom for thee wept for thee bled for thee poured out his life for thee is now risen for thee gone to Heaven for thee sits at God's right hand and rules all the World for thee makes intercession for thee and at the end of the World will come again for thee and receive thee to himself to live with him for ever and ever Surely if thus thou believest and livest thy life is comfortable and thy death will be sweet if there be any Heaven upon Earth thou wilt find it in the practise and exercise of this Gospel-duty in Looking unto Jesus A Poem of Mr. George Herbert in his Temple JESV JESV is in my heart his sacred Name Is deeply carved there but th' other week A great affliction broke the little frame Ev'n all to pieces which I went to seek And first I found the corner where was J After where ES and next where V was graved When I had got these parcels instantly I sate me down to spell them and perceived That to my broken heart he was I ease you and to my whole is JESV FINIS
everlastingly for it O my soul canst thou ponder on this and not love him dearly who has thus loved thee Come stir up the gift that is in thee if thou art a Christian thou hast some sparks though now it may be under the ashes come rub chase and warm thy affections at this fire love like a watch must be wound up or else it will fall downwards what dost thou why stand'st thou idle in the heat of the Day Christ hath fire in his hand 't is but looking up and reaching out thy hand to take it from him O take it with both thy hands and be thankful for it Prayer ejaculation contemplation judicious observation of the Spirits season are thy best instruments to kindle this fire of love in thee And methinks thy heart should begin now to melt methinks it should receive more easie impressions from the object before it methinks these eternal works and acts of God and Christ towards thy poor soul should begin to overcome thee Cant. 6.5 Cant 8.6 and to burne thy heart as with coales of Juniper Why Lord is it thus was I Elected from all Eternity in Christ was I ordained to a glorious inheritance before there was a World was this business to make me happy one of the cheef deep counsels of God was this one of the works of his wisdome that he was exercised about before the World began was this the great designe of God in making the World and in making Heaven the place of glory to glorifie himselfe and to glorifie such a poor wretch as I am O then how should this but mightily inflame my heart with the love God and love of Christ how should I choose but say as the Martyr did Oh that I had as many lives as I have haires on my head to lay them down for Christ Ah what flames of Divine affection what raptures of zeal what ravishments of delight what extasies of obedience can be enough for my blessed God and dearest Redeemer SECT VII Of joying in Jesus in that respect 7. WE must joy in Jesus as carrying on that great work of our salvation in that Eternity This joy is a passion arising from the sweetness of the Object that we enjoy O my soul dost thou believe and art thou now cast into a pang of love how then should thy joy but come on As Christ said to the 70. In this rejoyce not Luk. 10.20 that the spirits are subject unto you but rather rejoyce because your names are written in Heaven so rejoyce not thou in this that the world is thine that riches are thine that thou hast subdued men and devils but herein rejoyce that thy name is written in the Book of life O what a comfortable point is this that the Father and Christ should transact a bargaine from Eternity concerning thee by name that the Father and the Son should commune together concerning thy heaven as if their language had been thus Father what shall be given to thy justice to ransome such a one Abraham Isaac Jacob Matthew Mark Luke John Mary Martha Hannah c. why no more but this thou shalt dye my Son and whosoever believeth in thee shall live for ever Why then saith Christ I will engage for such and such a one I will enter into Bond for such and such a person Abraham shall believe in time See I have writ down his name in the Book of life And who art thou that readest art thou a believer dost thou believe in the Lord Jesus Christ Christ said the same of thee and entered into a bond for thee and entered they name in the Book of life See the certainty of this in Phil. 4.3 Phil. 4 3. Thou Thomas Andrew Peter Christ knows thee by name and thy name is written in the Book of life O go thy way and rejoyce and take strong consolation is there not cause why I tell thee thy name is in the Book of Heaven and if this may adde to thy joy know there is none in Heaven or Earth shall ever be able to blot it out again No no poor soul Rom. 8.1 there is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus God hath decreed thy salvation and Gods decree shall stand let Men and Devils say what they will to the contrary Psal 33.11 The counsel of the Lord standeth for ever the thoughts of his heart to all generations it is as possible for God to deny himself as it is possible for thee a believer to perish 1 Pet. 1.5 We are kept saith the Apostle by the power of God through faith to salvation and therefore rejoyce and againe rejoyce yea raise up thy joy to that pitch of triumph which is joy elevated and elevated so high that it comes to victoriousness and magnanimous conquest of heart over all things say with the Apostle what my name written in the Book of life Rom. 8 3● 35 38 39. who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods Elect who then shall separate me from the love of Christ shall tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or peril or sword nay I am perswaded that neither death nor life nor Angels nor Principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate me from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus my Lord. SECT VIII Of calling on Jesus in that respect 8. VVE must call on Jesus or on God the Father in and through Jesus This also is included in looking as David while Praying unto thee do I lift up mine Eyes Psa 123.1 O thou that dwellest in the Heavens Now this calling on God or looking to God contains Prayer and Praise 1. We must pray that all these transactions betwixt God and Christ may be assuredly ours and that God would clear up our Titles more and more yea and seeing all good things tending to Salvation were from all Eternity prepared for us we are therefore to pray that by prayer we may draw them down from Heaven for what though our Evidences be clear Yet this must not cast out means God doth not use to bestow his saving Graces on lazy sluggards those therefore who from the certainty of Predestination do pretend that the duty of Prayer is superfluous do plainly shew that they have no certainty at all Aquinas Aquinas part c q. art 8. was Orthodox in this the Predestinate must Pray because by these effects of Predestination the Salvation of Souls is best ascertained The same Spirit which Witnesseth to our Spirit that we are his Chosen is also the Spirit of Prayer and Supplication and therefore he that believes that he is one of Gods Elect he cannot but pray for those things which he believeth that God hath prepared for him before the foundation of the World 2. We must praise God what that God should look on us and Predestinate us to Life