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A18772 A postil or orderly disposing of certeine epistles vsually red in the Church of God, vppon the Sundayes and holydayes throughout the whole yeere. Written in Latin by Dauid Chytræus, and translated intoo English by Arthur Golding. Seen and allowed according too the order appoynted Chytraeus, David, 1531-1600.; Golding, Arthur, 1536-1606. aut 1570 (1570) STC 5263; ESTC S107883 320,443 478

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art my sonne this day haue I begotten thée And in the Gospell he putteth a difference betwene this only begotten sonne the Saints which are his sonnes by adoption and are beloued of the eternall father and taken in place of Gods sonnes and heires of the lyfe and blissednesse that is with God for the intercession of this only begotten sonne Chryst or the anoynted signifieth the hygh Préest or teacher of the Gospell the Spokesman and Redéemer of the Church the King and conquerour of sin death the Diuell and the restorer of rightuousnesse and lyfe euerlasting This Chryst came by water and blud not in water onely but in water and blud for he bringeth the doctrine of the gospell out of the bosom of the eternall Father concerning the forgiuenesse of sinnes rightuousnesse cōfort the holy Ghost and euerlasting saluation too bée bestowed vppon all that are throughly put in feare which wrestle with the terrours with Gods wrath with sinne and with death and thirst or with earnest desire long after comfort and lyfe and are washed with the water of Baptim in token of remissiō of their sinnes as is sayd in Esai lv All yée that thirst come too the waters and Iohn iiij and .vij. If any man drink of the water that I shall giue him it shall become a fountaine of water flowing vntoo euerlasting lyfe Neyther is he come in water only that is too say he is not only a teacher of the gospel wherwith the thirstie harts of the godly are refreshed but also he is a Redéemer which hath with his blud pacified the wrath of the eternal father ageinst our sins redéemed the whole church from sin death euerlasting damnation And this holy blud of his doth he distribute too vs in his holy supper Ebr. ix By his own blud hath he entered intoo the holy place once for all and hath found eternall redemption Rom. iij. Wée are iustified fréely by the grace of God through the redemption made in Iesu Chryste whom GOD hath set foorth a mercy seate by fayth in his bloud Math. xxvj This is my blud of the new Testament whiche is shed for many in remission of their sinnes And it is the spirit that beareth witnesse that is too say the holy ghost beareth witnesse of the persone office of Chryst namely y this Iesus is Chryst the sonne of god the redéemer that was promised too the church as is sayd Iohn j. Vppon whom thou séest the spirit descending abyding vppon him the same is he that baptizeth with the holy ghost and I sawe bare witnesse that this is the sonne of god Rom. j. Who was certeinly shewed too bée the sonne of God by the spirit of sanctification in that he is risen from death Ageine in the publick ministerie the holy ghost preserueth spreadeth abrode and by testimonies of miracles confirmeth the doctrine concerning the persone and benefits of Chryst Ioh. xv When the comforter shal bée come euen the spirit of truthe whom I will send you from my Father he shall beare witnesse of mée and you also shall beare witnesse bycause you haue bin with mée from the beginning Bycause the spirit is truthe or the witnesse of the holy ghost is true like as in Iohn xv and .xvj. he is called the spirit of truthe bycause he is soothfast and maketh folks soothfast kindleth true knowledge of God true rightuousnesse true lyfe in the beléeuers Of the third place THere bee three that beare witnesse in heauen the Father the VVoord and the holy Ghost and these three are one Let this euident witnesse of the one substāce or only one selfsame being godhead power maiestie glorie of the thrée persones of the godhead bée considered in this place and also let the descriptions differēces of the thrée persones namely of the father of the sonne who in this place and in Ioh. j. Apoc. xix is named the woord of the holy ghost bee repeated out of the place concerning God the cheef poyntes whereof I will anon after expound vppon Trinitie Sunday The fourth place THere are three that beare witnesse in earth the spirit and water and blud and these three are one God hath ordeyned the publike preaching of his Gospell too the intent the true doctrine concerning the sonne of God our lord Iesus Christ who suffered death rose agein for vs myght bée knowen and many men bée conuerted too God by the voyce of his Gospell and so becōme heires of ryghtuousnesse and lyfe euerlasting For God gathereth too himself an euerlasting Church by the sound of his woorde wherby he both rebuketh mennes sinnes and allureth them too repentance and also giueth remission of sinnes and euerlasting saluation too such as repent and beléeue the woord And alwayes too the woord God hath annexed outward signes which lyght intoo the eyes as pictures of his promises which signes haue all one méening all one strength all one vse and all one effect or working with the woord For by these twoo meanes namely the woord and the outward signes or Sacraments dooth God beare witnesse of his sonne and offereth too vs forgiuenesse of sinnes and euerlasting saluation for his sonnes sake and also kindleth encreaseth and strenghtheneth fayth in our myndes And therfore Austin termeth a Sacrament a visible woord And like as Chryst sayeth that the holy Ghost reproueth the world of sinne and beareth witnesse of him and like as it is sayd in Genesis My spirit shall not iudge in man bycause he is fleshe that is too say I will take away the ministerie or vse of the holy Ghoste from men So in this place the woord Spirit must most simply bée vnderstood of the holy Ghost reprouing the world of sinne by the ministerie of the Gospell and bearing witnesse of Chrystes persone and benefites and of the eternall lyfe VVater and blud signifie the Sacramentes of Baptim which is the Lauer of water clēzing vs cleane by the woord from all iniquitie and of the Lords Supper in whiche the bodye and blud of Chryst that was shed for vs is distributed in assurance of remission of sinnes And these three are one that is too say they are directed all too one end and haue all one selfsame force vse and effect For the meanes by which God witnesseth of his sonnes benefites and by which he imparteth remission of sinnes and euerlasting lyfe too vs and wherby he rayseth vp encreaseth and confirmeth our fayth are alwayes toogither Vppon the Sunday called Misericordia or the second Sunday after Easter The Introit THe earth is full of the Lords mercy Prayse yee the Lord. The heauens are stablished by the woord of god Prayse yee the Lord. Reioyce yée rightuous in the Lord praising becommeth the ryghtuous c. Psalm xxxij ¶ The Epistle j. Peter ij CHryst also suffred for vs leauing vs an ensample that yee should folowe his steps which did no sinne
good woorkes bée néedfull What they bée What kyndes there bée of them What are the efficiēt causes of them or in what wyse they may bée wrought What is the formall cause or howe they become good and acceptable too God. Of the finall causes or wherefore they are to be done And of their effectes or rewardes both in this lyfe in the lyfe too come Vppon the seuenth Sunday after Trinitie ¶ The Epistle Rom. vj. I Speake grosly bycause of the infirmitie of your fleslie As yee haue gyuen your members seruauntes too vnclennesse and too iniquitie from iniquitie vntoo iniquitie euen so nowe giue your members seruauntes vntoo rightuousnesse that ye may bee sanctified For when yee were the seruauntes of sinne yee were not vnder ryghtuousnesse VVhat frute had yee then in those things whereof yee are now asshamed For the ende of those things is death But now are yee deliuered from sinne and made the seruants of God and haue your frute that yee should be sanctifyed and the ende euerlasting lyfe For the rewarde of sinne is death but eternall lyfe is the gift of God through IESVS Chryst our Lord. The disposement IT entreateth all of one matter with the Epistle which we herd vppon this day seuennyght The ground thereof is this All that bée borne a new or all that bée set frée from sinne by frée giuen mercie thorough Chryst must not sinne any more but must begin a new lyfe or obedience agréeing with the will of God. The principall reasons are grounded First vppon the honestnesse of the matter EVery man must obey him whose seruant he is You that bée borne ageine haue renounced the seruice of sinne and are become the seruants of rightuousnesse Ergo yee must no more yéeld yourselues too sin but must begin new rightuousnesse or obediēce agreable to gods wil. A kin to this reason is the Argument of coincidents THe rightuouse man dooth ryghtuouse things Christen folke are rightuouse Ergo They must liue rightuously and not sin any more The third is vppon the profitablenesse ALl christen folkes must with earnest endeuer seeke eternall lyfe by all meanes stryue too shun eternall death The reward of rightuousnesse or of newe obedience is eternall lyfe and the hyre of sinne is eternall death Ergo rightuousenesse or new obedience towards al gods commaundements is by all earnest endeuer too bée folowed of the godly and disobedience or sinne is by all earnest endeuer too bée eschued By these thrée Argumentes dooth Paule confirme his proposition The cheef places of doctrine are three FIrst of the the necessitie of weldooing or of new obediēce which is a stedie and continuall will through a forelyght of the true knowledge of Chryste and fayth too eschue all sinnes and too obey GOD according too all his commaundements too this end that God may bée honored This definitiō may bée most plentuously enlarged by declaring in order thorough euery of the ten cōmaundements the sinnes ageinst which the godly stryue the good woorkes or vertues in which they vtter their obedience And also by reckening vp the causes of this new obedience and of the effectes of the same Secondly concerning Christen libertie whiche is a setting frée from sinne from death from the curse of the morall Lawe from the obedience that was too bée performed too the ceremoniall and politike lawes of Moyses and frō mennes traditions out of the case of offence giuing And christen libertie is not a loosenesse of lustes and wickednesse or an exemption from the obedience that is due too the lawe of God or good manners But wée are set frée from sin and from the condemnation of the lawe by Chryst too this ende that wée shold from hence foorth serue rightuousnesse or God and our neyghbour like as Paule sayeth héere Now being set frée from sinne yée are made the seruaunts of god And Gal. v. Brethren yée are called too libertie now sée that yée turne not your libertie intoo an occasion of fleshlynesse but serue one another through mutuall louingnesse j. Pet. ij Not as making your libertie a couer of maliciousenesse but as the seruants of God honor yée all men loue the brethren feare God and honor the King. Thirdly of this saying which comprehendeth a summe of the whole Gospell Eternall lyfe is the gift of God in Chryst Iesu our Lord. For like as remission of sinnes and imputation of ryghtuousnesse and the holy Ghost are of frée mercie giuen too the beléeuers for Chrysts sake so also euerlasting lyfe is not due too any desertes of our woorkes as a wages but is the méere gift of GOD whiche wée obteyne by onely fayth for Chrystes sake Iohn iij. and .vj. Hée that beléeueth in the sonne hath lyfe euerlasting Now although eternall lyfe bée giuen fréely for Chrystes sake yet is it also the wages of good woorkes not due by our desertes but promised of Gods frée mercie For godlynesse hath promises of the lyfe present and too come j. Tim. iiij The darker sort of phrases in the Text may bée vnderstood in this wyse I speake grossely for the weaknesse of your flesh that is too say I will vse a similitude whiche you of the ruder sort may vnderstand taken of the most customable vsage of mannes lyfe by which seruants are cōpelled too obey their Maisters Like as you haue yeelded your members that is too wit the powers of your soule and the instruments of them namely your mynd your will your hartes tungs hands féete the rest of your limbes vnto vnryghtuousnesse that is too the committing of it For the Gréeke woord Anomia which is as much too say as lawlessenesse signifieth all affections and déedes that fyght ageinst the lawe of God. Seruaunts of rightuousnesse vnto sanctification that is too say too the dooings of holy woorkes and vertues that please God or that yée may liue holyly and purely and serue god in all vertues or good woorkes kindled in your hartes by the holy Ghost Yee were free from rightuousnesse that is too say yée obeyed not rightuousnesse The end of them that is too say the reward payment or vttermost wages of sinne is death You haue your frute too holynesse that is too say you haue holy and acceptable woorkes vntoo God and he will recompence them with most ample rewardes in the eternall lyfe The wages of sinne is death The Gréeke woord Opson signifieth properly al kynd of meate that is dressed with fire sauing bread and specially fish Wée call it in some places of England Suwle In old tyme there was giuen vntoo souldiours for their pay not only coyne of brasse or of siluer but also vittels as flesh fish horsecorne c. Hereuppon commeth the latin woord Obsonium which signifieth not only al kynd of foode and vittelles but in general the same thing that the woord Stipendium dooth which is as much too say as a Pay. Vppon the eight Sunday after Trinitie ¶ The Epistle Rom. viij BRethren wee
of their hartes they thinke so as did that Cyclops in Euripides who sayeth that he acknowledgeth no other God nor offereth sacrifises too any other than too him selfe and too his belly whiche is the greatest of all Gods. And their glorie is in their shame Although false teachers bée a whyle in glorie and estimation among Noble men and with the common sorte yet dooth this reputation turne too their owne shame VVhiche are worldly mynded that is too say haue an eye onely too ease promotion and riches and too the intent they may liue at ease and not bée persecuted by the Iewes they vrge earthly things or worldly pelf vppon men as ceremonies differences of meates and such like Iewish obseruations Our conuersation is in heauen or is heauenly First he sheweth the difference betwene the ministration of the gospell and the Lawe and the ciuill gouernement The ministration of Moyses Lawe was partly heauenly or spiritual and partly earthly or ceremoniall whiche being bound too a certein policie consisted for the most part in ceremonies sacrifises circumcision differences of dayes and meates ▪ c. But the ministration of the Gospell is altogither heauenly or spirituall neyther dooth it appoynt any certeine state of gouernement or kingdome in this mortall lyfe according too this saying Iohn xix My kingdome is not of this world ▪ ij Cor. iij. The Gospell is the ministration of the Spirite whereby the true knowledge of God faith rightuousnesse and eternall lyfe is begonne in the godly who after this life shall liue in heauen as it were in one Citie with God and enioy his wisdome and goodnesse This heauenly conuersation dooth Paule will vs too séeke after and too looke for and not too dreame of any worldly kingdome such as the Iewes looke for and such as the Anabaptists in West phalye and the seditious Bouers would haue had Secondly the lyfe or conuersation of a Christian is heauenly that is too say it is not employed about earthly things too the atteynement of authoritie riches and pleasures but too the compassing of heauenly benefites as remission of sinnes rightuousnesse and euerlasting welfare The third place COncerning the resurrection and glorification of our bodyes let the whole doctrine bée taken out of j. Corin. xv ● thess. iiij Mat. xxij Daniel ▪ xij The fourth place COncerning the desire of concord let the declaration therof bée taken out of the Exposition of the fifth commaundement Vppon the .xxiiij. Sunday after Trinitie ¶ The Epistle Colos j. FOr this cause wee also since the day wee herd of it haue not ceased praying for you and desiring that ye might bee fulfilled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdome and spirituall vnderstanding that yee might walke woorthy of the Lord in all things that please being frutefull in all good woorkes and encreasing in the knowledge of GOD strengthed with all might through his glorious power vntoo all patience and long suffering with ioyfulnesse gyuing thankes vntoo the Father which hath made vs meete too bee partakers of the inheritance of sainctes in lyght Which hath deliuered vs from the power of darknesse and hath translated vs intoo the kingdome of his deare sonne in whom wee haue redemption thorowe his bloud that is too say the forgiuenesse of sinnes THe proposition of this Epistle is this I beséeche the sōne of GOD too encrease in you faith and all other vertues kindled by his Gospell The cheef places of doctrine are three 1 Of the true knowledge of God and of faith 2 Of good woorks or the frutes of faith 3 Of the benefites of the soune of God or of forgiuenesse of sinnes and iustification Paule speaketh of fayth when he sayeth VVee pray vntoo God that ye may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdome and spirituall vnderstanding Now let vs alwayes haue in sight the lerned definition of faith builded vppon the woords of this Epistle Faith is a knowledge of Gods being and will reueled in the Lawe and the Gospell kindied by the holy Ghoste who boweth the hartes of the godly too assure them selues that it is the vnmouable wil of the euerlasting Father that all which beléeue in the sonne should not perishe but haue forgiuenesse of sinnes and eternall lyfe by the bludshed of the sonne of God. The partes of Faith are twoo Knowledge or perseuerance and confidence certeynly assuring a man that his sinnes are forgiuen him and he deliuered out of the power of darknesse by the blud of Gods sonne And the knowledge is eyther of the being of the eternall GOD which is soothfast iust mercifull and chaste in which there bée thrée seuerall persones the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghoste or else it is of Gods will vttered both in his Lawe whiche sayeth thus Cursed is euery one that continueth not in all the things that are written in the booke of the Lawe and also in the Gospell concerning Chryst who sayeth him selfe Iohn vj. This is the will of the eternall Father ▪ that euery one which séeth the sonne and beléeueth in him should not perish but haue lyfe euerlasting This will of GOD reueled in his Gospell is it with knowledge wherof Paule in this place wisheth vs too bée fulfilled that is too wit that wée might fully knowe the fatherly good will and excéeding great mercie of God promised in his sonne This knowledge of GOD is the true wisdome and vnderstanding that discerneth true or false opinions or doctrines concerning GOD asunder and it springeth not eyther of mennes imaginations or of Philosophicall or Pharisaicall wisdome which vnderstandeth the Lawe of outward Discipline and the promise made vntoo Abraham too bée ment of a ciuill gouernement and worldly kingdome But it is a spiritual wisdome kindled and strengthened by the holy Ghost which vnderstandeth that the Lawe is the spirituall iudgement of GOD ageinst sinne and the Gospell behyghteth not a worldly kingdome but spirituall and euerlasting good things true and effectuall comfort ryghtuousnesse lyfe and ioy In this place may bée recited the whole doctrine concerning the knowledge of God and concerning faith whiche is an assurance of Gods mercie or of forgiuenesse of sinnes promised for Chrystes sake The second place COncerning the frutes of fayth or good woorkes Paule sayeth That yee may walke woorthye of the Lord so as yee may please him being frutefull in all good woorkes and encreasing in the knowledge of GOD strengthened with all myght through his glorious power vntoo all patience and long suffering with ioyfulnesse giuing thankes too God the Father By the way let the phrase bée considered That yee may walke that is too say that yée may liue or that yée may gouerne your intentes deuises and dooings as is woorthye the Lord or as agréeth with the will and woord of the lord For woorthynesse in this place signifieth not a deseruing or recompensing or a perfect fulfilling of the Law but according as he sayeth in
causes why it behooueth our redéemer too bée both God man are twelue which I haue gathered out of the booke of Athanasius concerning the incarnation recited them in another place First it behooued him too be man For like as the impe that is graffed into a trée is borne by the trée and taketh sap and life of it euen so our humane nature shuld haue vtterly perished bin brought to nothing like as the body perisheth that is forsaken of the soule yf the masse of our nature were not vphild and mainteyned by the sonne of God the woorde Secondly forasmuch as man had sinned the order of Iustice required that man should aby the penaltie On the other side it behooued him to bée God that he might be able to pay the full pryce and to vanquish sinne and death and to restore rightuousnesse and lyfe euerlasting The matter wherof the sonne of God our Immanuell tooke mans nature is the virgine Marie according as Esay interpreting the first promis of the séede and the prophesie of Iacob concerning Siloh that is to say the Virgins issue sayeth in this place behold a Virgin shall conceyue and bring forth a Sonne For in asmuch as of the mixture of the séede of man and woman is engendred a nature defiled with sinne according as it is sayde In sinne hath my Mother conceyued mee it was the will of Christ our Immanuell whom it behooued to be vndefiled and faultlesse to bée borne not of the séede of man but onely of the Virgins séede halowed and clenzed by the holy Ghost The manner of this wonderfull cuppling or vnion of the twoo natures is expressed with lightsome and most weyghtie wordes in the Créede of Athanasius The righte fayth therefore is that wée beléeue and confesse that our Lord Iesus Christ is very God and very man God of the substance of the Father begotten before all worldes and man of the substance of his mother borne in the world c. The endes and effectes of Christes conception are described in the two names of Immanuell and Iesus For Christ is called Immanuell that is to say God with vs not only for the taking vppon him of our nature but also bycause he is our patrone and aduocate not accusing and condēning vs any more but stāding on our side couering excusing and defending vs embracing vs with brotherly good will and receyuing vs to the felowship of al heauenly good things according as is sayd in these verses Christ is aright our Immanuell not only because he is bloud of our bloud now and flesh of our flesh alike But for that to the Father in heauen for vs al he becōming our Preest and patrone offreth a sweete sacrifise And for that with an earnest zeale of loue he receyueth all that long for his help or couet health at his hand The other name which the Angell Gabriell interpreting this place of Esay attributeth too Christe is Iesus which is as much to say as a sauiour or deliuerer And in déede the highest benefite of all that redound to vs by Christes incarnacion or conception is deliueraunce from sinne from Gods wrath and from curse of the law and the giuing of rightuousnesse saluacion life euerlasting Too the setting foorth of this benefite may all the sayings of the Gospell bée referred out of the whole scripture Of kin to this wonderfulll vnion of the twoo natures in Christ may these things bée named namely the similitudes and shadowes of that wonderfull alyance which are settled in nature That is to wit the vnion of the reasonable soule and of the body in man The coniunction of the Christall humor and the spirite of sight whiche is as it were a little fire in the apple of ones eye And also a péece of iron or stéele red whot The things that fight ageynst it are the chéef errours wherewith the doctrine concerning the conception or incarnacion of the sonne of God is corrupted by the heretikes Valentine Apelles Marcion Nestorius Eutyches Apollinarius and other The Antheme vppon the day of the Annunciation of our Lady sainct Marie THis is the day whiche the Lorde hath made This day hath the Lord looked vppon the affliction of his people and sent redemption This day hath the séede of a woman chased away the death whiche a woman first brought in This day is God become man continuing still the same thing that he was and taking vppon him that which he was not Therfore let vs deuoutly hallow the beginning of our redemption and let vs leape for ioy saying Glory bée to thée O lord This day is God become man This day is God become man c. Vppon the feastday of Iohn Baptist The song of Zacharie ¶ The Epistle Luc. j. BLessed be the Lord God of Israel for he hath visited and redeemed his people And hath raysed vp an horne of saluation vnto vs in the house of his seruaunt Dauid Euen as he promised by the mouth of his holy Prophetes which were since the world began That wee should be saued from our enemies and from the handes of all that hate vs. To fulfill the mercy promised to our Fathers and to remēber his holy couenaunt And to performe the othe whiche he sware to our Father Abraham for to geue vs. That we deliuered out of the handes of our enemies might serue him without feare all the dayes of our lyfe in holynesse and rightuousnesse before him And thou childe shalt be called the Prophete of the hyest for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord too prepare his wayes And too geue knowledge of saluation vnto his people for the remission of sinnes Through the tender mercy of our God whereby the day spring from an hie hath visited vs. To giue light to them that sate in darknesse and in the shadow of death and to guide our fete into the way of peace The disposement THis song of Zacharie perteyneth too the demonstratiue kind For it is a thanks giuing wherby Zacharie setteth out this excéeding great benefite of God for that according too his promises made too Dauid and Abraham he sendeth Chryst the redéemer too deliuer men from sinne from death and from the Diuels tyrannie and too giue them lyght lyfe and soule health euerlasting The partes of this song are two In the first viij verses be setteth out the benefite of the sending of Chryst And in the last foure verses he entreateth of the office of Iohn Baptist and therwithall of Chrystes benefites also Blissed bee the Lord God of Israell who hath visited and redeemed his people The proposition I thanke the Lord the only true GOD who hath discouered himselfe among the people of Israell by his woorde and by assured witnesse of miracles that he hath exhibited Chryst the redéemer according too the promises made too the fathers The woord blisse signifieth ere whiles too wish good too one and ere whiles too praise or glorifie As in the
glory of Godhead from Christ or the Heathen by yéelding the same honor too their feyned Gods doo cōmit horrible reproch ageinst Christ euen so also doo they sin right horribly which too our owne woorkes bée they neuer so good or too the merites of sainctes impart the honor of iustification and saluation which is too bée attributed al whole vntoo Chryst only and surmise these things too bée also necessary vntoo saluation For although wee doo some woorkes of ryghtuousnesse like as the ryghtuousnesse of Aristides surnamed the ryghtuous of Phocion of Aecus and of others is commended to bée more beautiful than the morning euening starres yet are these déedes of rightuousnesse in no wyse deserts of eternal saluation but are slight shadowes of outward discipline defiled with much foule filth of sinne which is purged only by Chryst The instrumentall causes or the meanes by which God offereth applieth and performeth vntoo vs euerlasting saluation and al the benefits of his sonne are the gospel which is the power of God to saluation to euery one that beleueth and the sacramēt of baptim which is the lauer of regeneration and renuance by the holy ghost For masmuch as al men by their carnal birth are born defiled with sinne and bée the children of wrath and endlesse damnation Ephes ij Psal lj it is not possible for vs too become the children of God and heires of eternal saluation vntil wée bée borne a new or begottē agein that is too say obtein forgiuenesse of sinnes for Chrystes sake and adopted intoo the place of children and heritage of Gods kingdome Now the holy ghost begetteth vs agein by two meanes by the woord or glad tidings concerning Chryst and by the sacrament of baptim as is sayd Eph. v. Clēsing it by the washing of water in the woord And the instrument in vs wherby we receiue the eternal saluation offered vs in the woord and the sacraments is only faith which is in any wise too be required in the vse of the sacraments as it is cléerely sayd whosoeuer beléeueth and is baptised shall bée saued Also yée are saued by grace through faith and not by woorkes And it is a knowne rule that not the sacrament but the faith of the sacrament iustifieth And therfore in this place must faith needes be comprehended also He hath saued vs that is too witte which beléeue by the washing of the new birth The effect of iustification is the renewing of nature by the holy Ghost poured out richly vpon vs whoo by little and little abolisheth and mortifieth the sinne that remaineth in vs and our false opinions and our sinfull inclinations and affections and kindleth in our mind a new light of the true knowledge of God and in our will and hart a new rightuousnesse or loue of God and our neibor or a new obedience towards all the commaundements of god Of this renewment Paule reasoneth more at large Eph. iiij Coloss iij. and ij Cor. iiij and specially Rom. vj. Another effect is life euerlasting or the manifest and perfect acknowledgment of God and our Lord Iesu Christ and a sound and perfect obedience or rightuousnesse without any sinne or blemish and a true and vnspeakeable ioy in God vtterly void of all sorow and gréefe The beginning and first frutes of which life is the renewment of the holy ghost but the perfection and fulnesse of it is yet hoped for shall most assuredly bée performed Therfore saith Paule that wée may beecome heires of eternall life according too our hope it is a sure saying c. Then let vs giue thankes with our whole heart too the sōne of God our Lord Iesus Chryst for that he hath brought vntoo vs these so great good things by his birthe and let vs pray vntoo him with earnest sute too kindle the fulnesse of faith in our hartes that they may bée quite out of dout that it is a faithful saying and may embrace it with most stedfast faith and atteine the inheritance of eternall saluation ¶ The third Epistle Tit. ij FOr the grace of God that bringeth saluatiō vntoo al men hath appeered and teacheth vs that we shuld deny vngodlinesse and worldly lusts and that we should liue sober minded righteously and godly in this present world looking for that blissed hope and glorious appeering of the mighty God and of our sauioure Iesu Chryst which gaue himself for vs too redeeme vs from all vnrightuousnesse and too purge vs a peculier people vntoo himself feruently gyuen vntoo good workes These things speake and exhort and rebuke with all commaunding See that no man despise thee The disposement It perteineth too the kind that instructeth For in most lerned wise and in singuler lyghtsomnesse of woordes it setteth foorth a bréefe doctrine concerning good woorks which must of necessitie folow the faith that receiueth the benefits of Chryst borne too vs and giuen too vs. The opening of this Epistle may be deuided intoo three places j A definition and the specyall kinds of things that are good woorks in déed and acceptable too God that is too say too renounce vngodlynesse and worldly lustes too liue Soberly Vprightly Godlily ij The forcing causes which ought too stirre vp euery man too the study of vertue and the exercise of good woorkes iij The efficient and finall causes or how good woorks may bée doone and how they may please God. The first place THe grace of our sauior Christ hath shined vnto al mē not that they shuld by abiding in darknesse through ignorāce of God of sin of death walow in all lusts and wickednesse but that by the abolishment of sinne and death they should begin a new and a rightuous life agréeable with the will and woord of God. No dout therefore but man being iustified and saued by faith through the frée mercy of God for Chrystes sake ought of necessitie from thencefoorth too shun sinne and too béegin a new lyfe agréeable with the lawe of God. And these are true principles New obediènce is of necessitie and of duetie Good woorkes are néedfull according as Paul expresly sayth Wée must néeds obey And in this place he sayth that the sonne of God is therfore borne for vs and giuen for vs that sinne being abolished wée should folowe good woorkes And he defineth good woorkes or new obedience by the priuation or taking away of the contrary and by a distribution too bée the renouncing or shunning of vngodlinesse and worldly lustes and too liue soberly vprightly and godlily The woord vngodlynesse comprehendeth all sinnes repugnant too the commaundements of the first table that is too wit Epicurish carelessenesse and contempt of the wrath iudgement and woord of God Epicurish and Academicall doutings Idolatrie superstition distrust presumption and such other Worldly lustes conteyne all the corrupt inclinations and sinnes of the second table the welspring wherof is concupiscence according as is said in an old verse Of
warres destructions of Cities and other innumerable miseries of all men and the slaughters of all the Sainctes as of Abel and Iohn Baptist by which notwithstanding Gods wrath could not bée pacifyed but that the sonne of God must bée made a sacrifyse Ageine the greatnesse of Gods wrath is after some manner shewed by the examples of many men who for the conscience of one wickednesse haue bin striken with most heauie fearfulnesse which hathe driuen them too fordoo themselues As the examples of Orestes of Aristobulus king of the Iewes of Iudas the traitor of Theodorich of Verona and of dyuers others Now if the féeling of Gods wrath ageinst one sin alone doo bréede so bitter sorow in the hart that it dispatcheth a mā of his life What an vnmeasurable huge heape of Gods wrath and of horrible sorowes think you wer thronged vppon Chryst who susteined not one sinne alone or the sinnes of some only one mā but mine and thine yea and al mennes offences Idoll gaddings and murders all their sinfull inclinations affections and outward faultes toogither with the fire of Gods wrath ageinst these sinnes Being ouerwhelmed with this houge burthen of Gods wrath he cryeth out Psalm xxij O God my God why haste thou forsaken mée My hart is become like melting wax my strength is withered like a potsherd and thou hast brought mée downe too the dust of death This féeling of the houge and horrible wrathe of God ageinst al the sinnes of all men was the first and chéefest part of Chrystes passion The second part was the heauinesse and excéeding great torment rysing in his hart for the féeling of Gods wrathe ageinst sinnes and for the feare of death and tearing of his bodie which so appalled all the partes of his bodie that he swet droppes of blud The third and lyghtest part of all was the tearing of his bodie and streyning of his sinewes when he was whipped ▪ buffeted and fastened too the crosse with nailes The causes of Chrystes passion IT is not the wisdome of any creature that can serche out the causes of Gods woonderfull purpose concerning the redemption of mankynd too bée brought too passe in this wyse that the sonne of God should make intreatance for vs take our nature vpon him and bee sacrifysed for vs neuerthelesse God will haue the consideration of this woonderfull Decrée begonne in this lyfe The principall efficient cause is the will of Gods sonne making intercession of his owne mere motion for mankind falne intoo sinne and death and offering himself too this obedience and punnishment wherby he myght make satisfaction for mankynd Iohn .x. I am the good shepeherd and I giue my life for my shéepe The inward cause that moued or enforced him too doo so is the vnmeasurable mercy of God tēpered with his iustice For sith that God is vnchaungeably iust he is in déede and horribly angry with sinne and destroyeth sinners like a consuming fire Neyther relenteth he his anger ageinst sinne of a fondnesse lyghtnesse but vnchaungeably most streightly kéepeth this rule of iustice that men shall eyther performe due obedience or else abyde the fire of Gods wrath Therefore God receiueth not men that are faln without equal and sufficient amends which forbicause mākind was not able to yéeld therfore was too bee cast intoo endlesse torments the sonne of God béeing inflamed with vnmeasurable loue and mercy towards mankynd maketh intretance for vs and too the entent Gods iustice should be satisfied he vndertaketh him self the punishmēt amends making for our sinnes taking our nature vppon him becometh a sacrifise susteining Gods dreadful wrath ageinst sin payeth too Gods maiestie a rāsome too the full value of our sin vanquishing sin and death and restoring men too ryghtuousnesse and eternall lyfe The outward cause that moued or enforced him so too doo was the fal of our first parents the sin that frō thens did shed it self intoo all vs who for the same must haue perished in euerlasting paynes had not the sonne of God bin sacrifysed The instrumentall and outward woorking cause are the Diuels and their instruments the Iewes who burning in hatred ageinst Chryste for finding fault with their wickednesse and false opinions coueted too rid him away and too destroy him too the entent they myght without checke maynteine their hypocrisie and wicked lustes These enforcing and finall causes make an infinite difference betwéene the will of the Iewes crucifying Chryste and the will of God Who béeing moued by his owne exceeding mercie toward mankynde and through the entreatance of his sonne would haue Chryst too suffer too dye and too ryse alyue agein too the entent he might restore men too lyfe and euerlasting saluation The matter wherin as in moulds Christes Passion was wrought are the mynd will hart and body of Chryste The forme or manner is the very feeling of Gods horrible wrath and the anguishe as well of Chrystes mynd as of his bodie and his chyldly obedience through which he willingly submitted himselfe with true reuerence and woonderfull lowlynesse too the eternal father and without grudging or repyning endured Gods wrathe poured out vppon him and most bitter formentes for the loue of Gods iustice and mannes saluacion The end of his Passion is first that mankynd béeing redéemed with sufficient ransome from Gods wrath and euerlasting damnacion myght bée rewarded with ryghtuousnesse and euerlasting lyfe Iohn .iij. Like as Moyses lifted vp the Serpent in the wildernesse so must the sonne of man be lifted vp too the entent that all that beléeue in him should not perishe but haue lyfe euerlasting Secondly that wée myght become conformable too the image of Gods sonne that is too say that wée myght bée like the sonne of God our patterne in bearing the Crosse Romaines .viij. Thirdly that wée should folowe the example of Chrystes patience and méeknesse .j. Peter ij Fourthly that wée in all our lyfe should expresse the humilitie that Chryste performed in his passion Philip. ij Through lowlynesse of mynde let euery man estéeme others better than himselfe And let the same mynd bee in you that was in Iesus Chryst Fifthly that being dead to sinne wée might liue vprightly and blamelesse For like as Chryst caryed downe our sinnes intoo his graue and abolished them by his death euen so wée mortifying the dregges of sinne as yet sticking in our flesh must performe new obedience and ryghtuousnesse agréeing with the will of god j. Peter ij Chryste bare our sinnes in his bodye vppon the trée that wée béeing dead to sinne should lyue too ryghtuousnesse The effectes of Chrystes passion are all his benefites which for instruction sake wee will distribute intoo eyght formes FIrst the redemption of mankynde from Gods wrath sin death and the diuels tyranny j. Tim. ij There is but one mediator betwéene God and man the man Iesus Chryste who gaue himselfe for vs too redéeme vs The
not thrée eternals but one eternall As also there bée not thrée incomprehēsibles nor thrée vncreated but one vncreated and one incomprehensible So likewise is the father almightie the sonne almightie and the holy ghost almightie And yet they are not thrée almighties but one almighty So the father is God the sonne is God and the holye ghost is God. And yet are they not thrée Gods but one God. So likewise is the father Lord the sonne Lord and the holy ghost Lord. And yet not thrée Lordes but one Lord. For lyke as wée bée compelled by the Christian veritie too acknowledge euery person by himselfe too bée God and Lorde So are wée forbidden by the Catholike religion too say there bée thrée Gods or thrée Lordes The father is made of none neither created nor begotten The sonne is of the father alone not made nor created but begotten The holy ghost is of the father and of the sonne neyther made nor created nor begotten but procéeding So there is one father not thrée fathers one sonne not thrée sonnes one holy Ghost not thrée holy Ghostes And in this Trinitie none is afore or after other none is greater nor lesse than an other But the whole thrée persons bée coeternall together and coequall So that in al things as is aforsayd the vnitie in Trinitie and the Trinitie in vnitie is too bée woorshypped He therefore that wyll bée saued must thus thinke of the Trinitie Furthermore it is necessary too euerlasting saluatiō that he also béeléeue ryghtly in the Incarnacion of our Lord Iesu Chryst For the ryght Faythe is that wée béeléeue and confesse that our Lord Iesus Chryste the sonne of God is God and man. God of the substaunce of the father béegotten béefore the worldes and man of the substaunce of his mother borne in the world Perfect God and perfect man of a reasonable soule and humaine flesh subsisting Equall too the father as touching his Godhead and inferiour too the father touching his manhoode Who although hée bée God and man yet hée is not two but one Chryst One not by conuersion of the Godhead intoo flesh but by taking of the manhoode intoo God. One altoogither not by confusion of substance but by vnitie of persone For as the reasonable soule and flesh is one man so God and man is one Chryst Who suffered for our saluation descended intoo hell rose ageyn the third day from the dead He ascended intoo heauen he sitteth on the ryght hand of the father God almightie from whence he shall come too iudge the quicke and the dead At whose comming all men shall ryse ageyn with their bodyes and shal giue accompt for their owne workes And they that haue doone good shall goe intoo lyfe euerlasting and they that haue done euill intoo euerlasting fire This is the Catholike fayth which except a man beléeue faythfully he can not be saued Vppon the first Sunday after Trinitie ¶ The Epistle j. Iohn iiij DEerely beloued let vs loue one another for loue commeth of god And euery one that loueth is borne of God and knoweth god Hee that loueth not knoweth not God for God is loue In this appeareth the loue of god too vs warde bycause that God sent his onely begotten sonne intoo the world that wee myght liue through him Herein is loue not that we loued God but that he loued vs and sent his sonne too bee the agreement for our sinnes Deerely beloued if God so loued vs we ought also one to loue another No man hath seen God at any tyme If wee loue one another GOD dwelleth in vs and his loue is perfect in vs Hereby knowe we that we dwell in him and hee in vs bycause he hath giuen vs of his spirite And wee haue seen and doo testifye that the Father sent the sonne too bee the Sauiour of the world whosoeuer confesseth that Iesus is the sonne of God in him dwelleth God and hee in god And wee haue knowen and beleeued the loue that God hath too vs God is loue and hee that dwelleth in loue dwelleth in God ▪ and God in him Herein is the loue perfecte in vs that wee should trust in the daye of iudgement For as he is euen so are wee in this world There is no feare in loue but perfect loue casteth out feare for feare hath paynefulnesse Hee that feareth is not perfite in loue Wee loue him for hee loued vs first If a man say I loue God and yet hate his brother he is a lyer For how can he that loueth not his brother whom he hath seen loue GOD whom he hath not seen And this commaundement haue wee of him that he which loueth God should loue his brother also The disposement THe state of this Epistle is a doctrine concerning the loue of God and of our neyghbour The greatest part of Iohns whole Epistle is employed vppon twoo places In exhorting too fayth whiche is settled in the louingnesse or mercie of GOD who forgiueth sinnes for his sonne our Lord Iesus Chrystes sake and escheweth corruptions of the true doctrine concerning the sonne of god And vntoo new obedience or loue towardes GOD and our neyghbour For too this purpose chéefly did Iohn wryte this Epistle too roote out this common errour out of mennes myndes who when they héere that wée are iustifyed by faith alone for Chrystes sake doo gather thereuppon that good woorkes are not néedfull and that it skilles not after what sort wée liue Iohn therefore teacheth that wée attayne remission of sinnes and are clenzed from our sinnes not for our owne good woorkes but by fayth through the frée loue mercie of God and the only blud of the sonne of God howbeit that this fayth must of necessitie woorke effectually by loue towardes God and our neyghbour as is sayd more at large in the doctrine of iustification and good woorkes Now there are in the Epistle of this Sūday thrée places too bée chéefly considered 1 Of Gods loue toowardes vs which is the foundatiō of our rightuousnesse and euerlasting saluation ▪ 2 Of our loue towardes God and our neyghbour 3 Of the childly awe and the slauish feare The first place MOst graue and most woorthy too bée imprinted in the iunermost bowels of our hartes is the first sentēce of this Epistle which setteth foorth a summe of the whole Gospell and a most swéete comfort in all troubles and sorowes God is loue and hee that dwelleth in loue dwelleth in God God in him But first and formost let the Readers consider that this saying of Iohns agréeth fully with Chrystes sermon Ioh. iij. God so loued the world that he gaue his only begottē sonne too the intent that al which beléeue in him should not perish but haue lyfe euerlasting God is loue that is too say God loueth mankynde in very déed and earnestly and hath vttered his infinite and vnspeakable loue toowardes vs by this notable token that he hath not spared his only begotten sonne but hath
For when wicked men obiected vntoo Paule if good woorkes deserue not forgiuenesse of sinnes iustification and saluatiō there is no need why wée should regard too doo wel or it néedeth not too doo good woorks Paule turneth this obiection vppon them and raesoneth thus For this cause dooth grace surmount aboue sinne and for this cause are forgiuenesse of sinnes and the holy Ghost giuē vs through frée mercy that sinne and death should bée taken from vs and new ryghtuousnesse and lyfe bée kindled in vs. All Christians or as many of vs as are baptised intoo Iesus Christ haue obteined remission of sins through frée mercy for Christes sake and sin is dead buried in vs by baptim Ergo it is of necessitie that all Christians or all those that are baptised must no more sin héereafter but must begin a new obedience and life agréeable with the will of God. The second argument is of the efficient cause That which is dead dooth nothing and so sinneth not Wée are dead too sin that is too say sin is dead or released and abolished yea and drowned buried in baptim that is to wit by the frée remission of the sin and by the imputacion of Christes rightuousnesse by the beginning of such mortificatiō or abolishmēt of sin that hēcefoorth although sin be not vtterly suppressed yet not withstanding it may not reigne any more Ergo sin must not héerafter bée effectuall and woorkfull any more in thse that bée baptised or those that bée baptised must not sin any more The third argument is of the efficient cause also That which liueth and reigneth is woorkfull and effectuall that is too say is alwayes dooing of somewhat Newnesse of life or rightuousnesse is kindled by the holy ghost in those that bée borne a new or iustifyed by fayth Ergo the regenerate must néedes from hencefoorth walke in newnesse of lyfe that is too wit in new lyght and knowledge of God and in new ryghtuousnesse and obedyence according too all the commaundements of God. Then folow thrée similitudes or rather arguments groūded vppon the effectualnesse of the baptim and of the death buriall and resurrection of Chryst First of his Baptim Like as in baptim a man is ducked intoo the water and ducked out of the water ageine so likewise sin or the old man is by the effectualnesse of baptim drowned in vs and the new man or new lyfe and obedience ought too ryse out and fiorish ageine Secondly of the death and resurrection of Chryst ▪ Like as Chryst béeing raised from death liueth vntoo God so wée also béeing set frée from sin in true repentance or mortifying of sin by Chryst or in the effectuall woorking of Chrystes death and resurrection must héereafter not sin any more but liue vntoo God that is too say enter intoo a new lyfe and obediēce acceptable too God. Thirdly of Chrystes buriall Like as Chryst béeing buryed rose ageine so wée also béeing buryed with Chryst or hauing killed and buryed sin in our selues through Chryst must ryse agein and yéeld vntoo him the seruiceablenesse of a new life acceptable too God. These arguments grounded vppon the effectualnesse of baptim and of Chrystes death buryall and resurrection are repeted foure times by Paule with exchaunge of woordes in this Epistle As many of vs as are baptised in Iesus Chryst are baptised too dye with him Then are wée buryed with him by baptim for too dye that like as Chryst was raised vp from death so wée also should walke in newnesse of lyfe That is to say all that bée borne ageine by baptim through fayth or all Christen folke are by the merite and operation of Chrystes death dead and buryed vntoo sin or set frée from sin and by the operation of Chrystes resurrection new ryghtuousnesse and lyfe is kindled in them Therefore like as Chryst rose ageine from Death and from his graue So wée also hauing deathe killed and buryed in vs by Baptim and Fayth that leaneth vppon the Death and Resurrection of Chryst must walke in newnesse of lyfe that is too say in new lyght or knowledge of God and in new ryghtuousnesse and obedience acceptable too God. He repeteth the same sentence with exchaunge of woords in the next processe folowing For if wee bee graffed in death or bee made partakers of death like vntoo him wee shall bee partakers of his resurrectiō also knowing this that our old mā is crucified with him also that the body of sin might be vtterly destroyed that wee shuld no more bee feruaunts vnto sin for he that is dead is iustifyed from sinne That is too say like as Chryst hauing bin dead is risen ageine So also our nature béeing dead in Baptim and by true conuersion from sinne vntoo God and set frée from sinne by the merit of Christes death must rise ageine and not sinne any more but lead a new life such a one as pleaseth god Our old man or sinne sticking in vs or our sinnefull nature is crucifyed dead and buryed with Chryst that is too say is clensed and set frée frō sinne by the merite and operation of Chrystes death and resurrection and is mortifyed by true repentance persecution troubles that the body of ūnne or our sinfull nature may bée put away not so as it should vtterly perishe but that it should no more bée subiect too sinne For he that is dead too sinne is iustified or set frée from sinne or sinne which is dead and put away and buryed with Christ must not from hencefoorth woorke and bée effectuall any more The third tyme he repeateth the same sentence in other exchaunge of woordes thus For if wee bee dead with Chryst wee beeleue that wee shal liue with him also And the fourth tyme he repeateth euen the selfe same sentence in somwhat more euidēt woords Knowing that Christ beeing raysed from death dyeth no more Death hath no more power ouer him For in that he dyed too sinne he dyed once and in that he liueth he liueth too god So thinke you also your selues too bee dead as touching sinne but too bee alyue vntoo God in Chryst Iesu our Lord that is too say like as Chryst hauing died once for our sinnes and risen ageine dyeth no more but liueth too God So wée being dead vntoo sinne and béeing set frée from sinne through the operation of Chrystes death by baptim and fayth must not sin any more nor liue in subiection too sinne but vntoo God in Christ Iesu who kindleth new life and rightuousnesse in vs and maketh the same acceptable and pleasant vntoo God. This is the disposement as it wer a short enlargement of the text of this Epistle in which wée sée set foorth the doctrine concerning the new obedience whiche of necessitie is too bee performed by those that are borne a new And therefore a summe of the whole place concerning good woorkes may bée opened too the full vntoo the people Whither
vntoo god This dooth Marie garnish with singular lightsomnesse of woordes as it were with an exposition For too yéeld thankes is not onely with wagging of the lippes and with woordes but also with the mynd and the whole hart too acknowledge confesse and publishe that wée haue receyued a benefite at another mannes hand and in respect thereof too submit our selues with our whole hart vntoo him and on our behalfe too obey him and doo him good agein Thus therefore dooth Marie begin My soule dooth magnifie the Lord and my spirite hath reioyced in God my Sauiour that is too say with my whole harte doo I publish this excéeding great benefite of God which he hath bestowed in sending his sonne the Sauiour of the Churche Neyther doo I thanke God with my lippes onely but with my whole soule and with all the motions of my soule quickened vp by the haly Ghoste couet I too shewe the excéeding great gladnesse and thankfulnesse of my harte which triumpheth for ioy and too set out God my Sauiour that he may bée magnified that is that he may bée bruted abrode too bée great and to haue bestowed a singular benefite vppon vs and bée glorified for so dooing and that many men which shall bée borne of mée his lowly handmayd too the true knowledge of GOD and of his sonne our Sauiour may bee allured too acknowledge him and set foorth his prayses For he hath looked vpon the lowlynesse of his handmayd For behold from hencefoorth all Generations shall call mee blissed It reckeneth vp the benefites which God graunteth both too Marie priuately and too the whole Church I yéeld thanks vntoo GOD that out of all mankynde he hath chosen mee a wretched and despysed Handmayd too this hygh honour too bée the mother of his owne sonne our Lorde Iesus Chryste oure Sauiour and that he loueth and defendeth the whole humble and despysed Churche voutsauing eternall saluation vppon it First and formost let the Hebrew phrase bée considered wherein is an ordinarie matter by exchaunge too put the preterperfecttence of the Indicatiue mode for the present-tence which the Hebrews vtterly want Therfore all these spéeches of the preter perfecttence he hath regarded the lowlynesse he hath shewed power with his arme he hath put downe the mightie from their seate he hath exalted the hūble c. are too bee vnderstood of the presenttence GOD alwayes regardeth his humble Churche he preserueth his Church mightily at all times he putteth downe or casteth downe Tyrants and he exalteth or lifteth vp the humble and méeke Secondly woordes of perceyuerance or woords expressing the senses among the Hebrewes signifie not onely the perceyuerance in the mynd or sense but also the verye motions or affectiōs of the hart which accompanie such perceyuerāce Gene. iiij The Lorde looked vppon Abel and his offerings that is too say he did not only behold Abel and his offerings but also loued them allowed them accepted them mercifully liked well of him c. So likewyse in this place he looked vppon the lowlynesse of his handmayde is as much too say as hée not only beholdeth mée with his eyes but also loueth mée regardeth mée cherisheth mée helpeth mée defendeth mée yea and with excéeding great benefits decketh both mée and also his humble and despysed Church Thirdly the Hebrewes are woont too vtter the Adiectiue and the Substātiue in this wyse that they put the one of thē in the Genitiue case and the other in any other case whatsoeuer the maner of spéeche requireth as in this place he hath looked vppon the lowlynesse of his handmayd is as much too say as he hath looked vppon his lowly handmayd that is too say his handmayd that is brought down too the ground vyle and despysed For lowlynesse in this place importeth not the vertue which otherwyse is called humblenesse but an abasing of state and a vylenesse of condition such as is the case of an abiect or outcast among men For hee that is mightie hath doone great things too mee and holy is his name There is no greater or more wonderfull woorke than for GOD too bée conceyued and borne of a Virgine Too brynge thys great and vnspeakable woorke of GOD too passe Mary declareth hirselfe too bee chosen out of all mankynde not for any merites vertues or holynesse of hir owne but shée acknowledgeth that GOD onely is holy that is too saye cleane pure and voyde of all sinne and blemish perfectly ryghtuouse soothfast and good who was induced of hys owne incomparable goodnesse and mercie too sende his owne wel béeloued sonne Hee that is mightye that is too say Almyghtye GOD. For the Incarnation of the sonne of GOD is one of the chéefest woorkes of Gods almightinesse whiche ioyntly toogither with Gods truthe is the foundation of all the Articles of our fayth And holy is his name that is too say he him selfe is holy And his mercie is from generation too generation too them that feare him That is too wit his mercie promysed for Chryst the Mediatours sake is perpetuall and set open too all men and stable and firme at all tymes GOD being led with singular goodnesse and loue towardes mankynde receyueth all that resort too him too fauour and inheritance of eternall lyfe And in this lyfe decketh them with all benefites both bodily and ghostly Mercie properly signifieth the vertue whiche is touched with the féeling of another bodyes gréef and is sorie that other folkes fare amisse and vppon probable reason succoureth those that bée in distresse eyther of frée goodnesse releasing somewhat of extréeme rigour as when GOD pityeth mankynde else for ryghtes sake as when good and gitlesse men are vexed or troubled with wrongfull displeasures Nowe where so euer mention is made of Gods mercie in the Psalmes and the Prophetes alwayes the promise concerning Chryst is too bée added for whose sake GOD is mercifull too vs vnwoorthye persones defyled with much lothsome filthynesse as in the Psalm lj Haue mercie vppon mée O GOD according too thy great mercie namely whiche is promised fréely for oure Lorde Iesus Chryste the Mediators sake Psal Cij The mercie of the Lorde endureth for euer and euer namely whiche is promised for his sonne the mediatours sake Besides this also mercie is oftentymes vsed in the Prophets for benefiting or for the dueties of charitie For all the benefites or duties of charitie that are doone too our neyghbour must procéede of true mercie and loue as in this ordinarie saying I will haue mercie and not sacrifise that is too saye I require the duties of charitie and well dooing more than sacrifise Too them that feare him that is too say whiche acknowledge their owne sinnes and flée vntoo Chryst the Mediator by faith and in the same faith begin new obedience agréeing with the will and woord of god For the feare of God by the figure Synecdoche comprehendeth the whole seruice of god Yet is not Gods mercie
is the scepter of thy kingdom But the Angels are but only the seruauntes of this king and impart not their rightuousnesse vnto any others 5 Christ is verely and naturally the sonne of god Ps. 45. O God Christ thy God the eternall father hath anoynted thée with the oyle of gladnesse for thy felowes sakes Now the Angels are not God but creatures 6 Christ is anoynted with fulnesse of the holy Ghost too the entent he may annoynt his felowes that is too say the rest of the members of the church The Angels are not anoynted with fulnesse of the holy Ghost neither can they of their owne power anoynt others and garnish them with the giftes of the holy Ghost 7 Christ sitteth at the right hand of the eternall Father that is too say reigneth in equal maiestie and glory with the euerlasting father The Angels sit not at the right hand of the Father nereigne in equall power with the eternall father but are the ministers of Christ and of the whole churche pitching their tents round about all those that feare him according as is sayd more at large concerning the office and benefites of the holy Angels vppon S. Michaels day ¶ The second Epistle Titus iij. BVT after that the kyndnesse and loue of our sauiour God to manward appeared not of the deedes of righteousnesse which we wrought but of his mercie he saued vs by the fountayn of the newe byrth and with the renewing of the holy Ghost whiche he shed on vs abundantly thorowe Iesus Chryst our sauiour that we once iustifyed by his grace should be heyres of eternal lyfe thorowe hope This is a true saying The disposement IT perteyneth too the kynd of caces that instruct For it is a doctrine cōcerning the benefits of our Lord Iesus Christ the sonne of God borne too vs and giuen too vs comprehending a summe of the Gospel concerning our iustification saluation Now forasmuch as there is no wisdom more néedful and profitable for mākynd neither any other good thing greater to bée sought of mē with more earnest desyre and endeuer than the doctrine that concerneth the maner meane how too atteyne euerlasting lyfe and saluation Let the doctrine of this epistle bée with singular héede and diligence fastened in the innermost closets of mens harts For the righter consideration and weying wherof I wil reduce the same too the accustomed places of instruction or orderly questions This woord Saluation comprehendeth all the good things that God bestoweth vppon his Church for hys sonnes sake which was giuen to vs and borne too vs of the virgin Marie that is too wit forgiuenesse of sinnes attonement with God deliuerance from Gods wrath from sinne from death and from the Deuils tyrannye the gift of the holy ghost regeneration renewing of our nature abolishment of sin and death and restorement of rightuousnesse lyfe and endlesse ioy All these benefits dooth Paule méene in this place when he sayeth he saued vs And the Angell in the first of Mathew Thou shalt call his name Iesus for he shall saue his people from their sinne Paule distinguisheth the parts of Chrystes benefits intoo twoo members which cleaue toogither as it wer the cause the effect namely rightuousnesse and lyfe and these things repeteth he in sundry woords Wée are iustified that is too saye wée obteyne forgiuenesse of sinnes and are accepted for rightuous through his grace or frée good will and are made heires of euerlasting lyfe The same Paule had sayd a little before that wée are saued by the wasshing of regeneration that is too say by Baptim wherwith wee are dipped in token of remissiō by renewing of the holy ghost by whom a new lyfe rightuousnesse is kindled in our harts The chéef efficient cause of our saluation is God regenerating vs iustifying vs and receyuing vs too the inheritāce of euerlasting life of his excéeding great goodnesse and loue towards mankynd and of his frée mercie and grace And the woords are piththye effectual wherwith Paul describeth the efficient cause of our saluation in this place The gréeke woord Chrestótes signifieth properly goodnesse coueting too doo good too profit all men of a frée good will. It cōmeth of the woord Chraomai which signifieth too vse and therupō cōmeth Chrestós which signifieth such a one as willingly easly yéeldeth himself vnto other mē to vse him such a one is Chryst in déed a good man yea a cōmon good thing ▪ Philanthropia louingkindnesse betokeneth not only a courtesie gentlenesse to speak vnto or a méeldnesse in ordinarie méetings in coūtenance in spéech in outward behauiour but in especially a burning loue towards mākind which y sonne of God hath vttered by this notable warrantyze in that he hath by euerlasting and indissoluble bond cuppled too himself the masse of our nature and is becomme our Emanuell and brother flesh of our flesh and bone of our bones and vndertooke the most bitter tormentes of death for vs. Of this louing kindnesse is spoken 1. Iohn 4. Herein is the louing kindnesse of God towardes vs made manifest that he hath sent his only begotten sonne intoo the world that wée might liue through him Also Christ Iohn 3. So God loued the world that he gaue his only begotten sonne c. Eleos Mercy is too bée touched with the féeling of another mannes miserie too succor the distressed and too asswage and take away their miseries of a fréeharted goodnesse and pitifulnesse which executeth not the sharp extremity of the law Therfore albeit that al calamities death and euerlasting torments too which wée are subiecte by reason of sinne bée most rightfull punishments yet notwithstanding God of his excéeding goodnesse pitying vs is in déede sory for our losse lyke the louingharted father that is strikē with great gréefe for the miserie of his sonne and of his woonderfull gentlenesse and mercy helpeth vs and by sending his sonne who for vs was borne crucified and raised from death againe hath restored vntoo vs rightuousnesse and euerlasting saluation Grace signifieth the frée good will or fauor or the mercie of God receiuing vs for his sonnes sake The forcing cause or the mediator and spokesman that moueth God too bestow euerlasting saluation vpō vs wretches and vnwoorthy is the only sonne of God our Lord Iesus Christ who by his birth hath deliuered vs from the Deuils power and voutsaued too become the sonne of man that he might make vs the sonnes of God hath taken vpō him the shape of a seruaunt that he might set vs at libertie And by dying vanquished death that he might giue too vs mortal wightes immortalitie life and glory euerlasting This man alonely dooth truly possesse the name of Iesus or of the sauyoure of mankind neither imparteth he this his honor too any creature too any vertues or too any deserts of oures And like as the Arians by taking away the
all misdoing and offence the welspring is concupiscence And it is most manifest y the more part of miseries and mischéeues do grow of a desire of excellencie honor riches reuengement pleasures lustes that are in all mankynd The kindes of good workes he deuideth intoo stayednesse rightuousnesse and godlinesse Stayednesse which of the Gréekes is called Sophrosyne of the Latines modestie frugalitie or temperaunce signifieth not only a sobernesse or sparenesse of diet in meate and drinke but also a maistering or brideling of all the affectiōs and motions of the mind and body in behauior in gesture in talke in apparell and in all other things Rightuousnesse includeth within his compasse an vniuersarl obedience too the magistrates and lawes the other vertues of the second table Godlynesse conteyneth the vertues of the first table as the true knowledge of God louingnesse hope inuocation thankesgiuing patience and such other And so Paule hath comprehended the dueties of all vertues or all good works in thrée woords Of the second THe forcing causes that must stirre vp euery man too the studie of vertue and the exercise of good woorkes are in this Epistle reckened too bée foure The first is Gods commaundement teaching vs most streightly charging vs too renoūce or shun vngodlynesse and sinfull lustes and too liue soberly vprightly and godlily The second is blissed hope of the appeering of the great God and of our sauior Iesus Chryst who at his glorious cōming too iudge the quicke and the dead shall giue most ample rewardes too the godly Saincts that haue liued soberly vprightly and godlily in this present world and shall with euerlasting punishment ouer whelm the vngodly which haue abandoned themselues too worldly lustes in this lyfe The third is the finall cause for which Christ was sent the sonne of God our Lord Iesus Chryst was therefore born rose ageine not that wée myght welter in our sinnes and from hēcefoorth still defile our selues with the foul filthinesse of our misdeedes but that he might redéeme vs and set vs frée from al vnrightuousnesse and that sinne euerlasting death myght bée taken from among vs and that wée being clēsed from sinne not only by imputation of ryghtuousnesse but also by beginning too putte away sinne it selfe shoulde from henceforth earnestly with a singular loue and ardent zele doo good woorks and serue God in all rightuousnesse and holinesse before him all the dayes of our life This matter is intreated of at length by Paule Rom. vj. The fourth cause is of the nature of correlatiues that is of things that haue relation one too another The churche is the people of purchace or the peculiar and proper people of God chosen out of the rest of mankind and halowed too the one Lord God Ergo the Church must with singular zele obey and doo the things that are acceptable too this hir redéemer and Lord. It is thought that the Gréek woord Periousion answereth too the Hebrew woord Segula which in Exod. xix is trāslated a holy people and in Ps. cxxxiiij possesion in Pet. j. Ep. ij chap. the people of purchase that is too say a people purchased and redéemed with the blud of Christ that they should be his propre and peculiar people iij. How good woorks may be doone how they may please god Although that the outward limbes as the eyes the tung the hands c. may after a maner bée bridled by mannes diligence and by the proper strength of mannes will so as they may doo honest iust woorks not fall intoo manifest offences for bidden by the law of God according too that which is sayd in the former Epistle Tit. iij. not by the woorks of rightuousnesse which wée our selues did yet notwithstanding the inward obedience the obedience that pleaseth God the true feare of God the true trust in gods mercy the true and earnest calling vpō God true pacience stedfastnesse in bearing out aduersitie death cannot bée performed except the wil which is a prisoner bondslaue too sin bée set at libertie ayded by Christ according as Christ himself saith without mee yée cā doo nothing And in this place Paul sayth expresly that Chryst hath redéemed and clensed vs too the intent wée should folowe good woorkes Therfore in the accōplishment of good works there méet thrée causes The first and principal is Christ redeming and clensing vs from all iniquitie by his holy spirit kindling in our mind the light of true acknowledgement of God and mindfulnesse of Gods cōmaundement concerning true obediēce to be performed vntoo him mouing enforsing helping the will that it may bée able too obey Gods cōmaundement The second cause is Gods word by which Christ is effectual in instructing vs too renounce all vngodlinesse worldly lustes and too liue soberly vprightly and godly The third is the mind and wil of mā not striuing ageinst Christ when he teacheth vs ruleth our members that they may yeeld themselues in rightuousnesse to God vnto sanctification Also for this Chrystes sake our owne good woorkes please God although they doo not as yet fully satisfie Gods law but bée ioyned with great weaknesse and vnclēnesse of nature remaining in vs For as the person of man becōmeth good rightuous and acceptable too God only through fayth for Chrystes sake who gaue himselffor vs c so the woorkes that are wrought by a person that is iustified and reconciled too God doo please God not for their owne woorthinesse but through the grace of God which woorketh saluation too all men or for Christes only sake through faith as is said Heb. xiij By him doo wée offer the sacrifise of praise alwayes vnto god And j. Pet. ij Offer yée spiritual sacrifises acceptable too God through Iesus Christ Vppon the day of S. Steuen the first Martyr ¶ The Epistle Actes vj. and .vij. chapters ANd Steuen ful of faith power did great wōders and miracles amōg the people Thē there arose certein of the sinagoge which are called Libertines Cyrenites of Alexādria Cilicia Asia disputed with Steuē And they could not resist the wisdom the spirit with which he spake Then sent they in men which sayd we haue herd him speake blasphemous woordes ageinst Moses and ageinst god And they moued the people and the elders the Scribes and came vppon him and caught him and brought him too the counsell and brought foorth false witnesses which sayd This man ceaseth not too speake blasphemous woords ageinst this holy place and the law for wee herd him say this Iesus of Nazareth shall destroy this place and shall change the ordinances which Moses gaue vs And all that sate in the counsell looked stedfastly on him and sawe his face as it had bin the face of an Angell The .vij. Chapter THen sayd the cheefe Prest is it euen so And he sayd yee men
perteine these dueties of louing too woorke none euill too our neybor or too impaire no mannes body good name or goodes but too defend and mayntein them too our power Which vertue is named ryghtfulnesse and manlinesse Also too this commaundement perteineth frindship which is a cherisher of mutual good wil a faithfulnesse a séeking of cōcord a méeknesse which yéeldeth not to anger and desire of reuengement a gentlenesse which beareth with the blemishes or defaults of other men c. Vntoo the sixth commaundement thou shalt not commit aduoutry perteineth the mutual loue of maried couples earnest pure not lusting after other men or other womē Also chastitie which appaireth not the clēnesse of it self or of others And stayednesse which yéeldeth honor to the parties own body Vntoo the s●uenth thou shalt not steale belongeth ryghtfulnesse absteining from other mennes goods and weldoing or liberalitie towards whosoeuer is in néede Vntoo the eight thou shalt not bear false witnesse is referred not to hurt a mannes neibor by false witnesse slaūders back bitings raylings or other vntruths but in al a mannes dooings sayings to be soothfast frēdly curteous faithfull c. In the nynth commaundement thou shalt not couet is required a perfect soundnesse of all the powers and desires of mannes nature agréeable with the rule of Gods law burning with the pure and chast fire of the loue of God and our neybor and voyde of all lust or concupiscence or of all sinfull inclinations affections or desires of corrupted nature wherwith men being now stirred vp do set more by mony or glory than by God himself like as that foolish loouer in Plautus crieth out I had leuer this woman loued mee than all the Gods that ●n the world bee So Paule in this place referreth almost al the vertues of good woorks to this one poynt of louing and maketh the precepts of the. x commaundements too bee the ground and rule of loue or of all good woorks For God wil haue al the whole life of christen folke al their thoughts deuises endeuers and dooings too bée ruled by the squire of the woord which he hath left among vs as he sayth in Deut. xij What I commaund thée that doo thou vnto the Lord neither put thou too neither take thou away Ezech. xx Walk not in the cōmaundemēts of your Fathers for I am the Lord your God walke in my commaundements and keepe my iudgements and doo them Then are not the .x. cōmaundemēts to bée hissed out of the church out of the life of christiās as the Antinomians cauil which banish the law into the court of the ciuil magistrate or else bear folk in hād that the law serueth to none other purpose but too accuse condemn For wée see that Paul in this place vrgeth the .x. commaundements vpon christiās as the squire and rule of good woorks and of all their lyfe Of the third LOue is the fulfilling of the lawe that is to say sound perfect and continuall obedience towards al the commaundements of Gods law without any sinne or blemish such as is required in the law of god Deut. vj. Math. xxij Loue the Lord thy God with all thy hart with all thy soule thy neybor as thy self .j. Iohn ▪ v. This is the louing of God that wée kéepe al his cōmaundements Such a louing of God and our neybor burning perfect with the whole hart without any lusts or sinful inclinatiōs without any sin befalleth to no man Christ only excepted For in al men yēa euen in those the be regenerated the law of the members or y sinfull inclinations affectiōs keepe war like enimies ageinst the law of god Gal. v. Ro● vij and they striue against the spirit of god And in al mē yea euē in the holiest there remaines lothsom filthinesse of sin which hindereth our loue obedience that it cannot fully perfectly satisfie y law of God nor of it own woorthynesse please God .j. Ioh. ij If wee say wee haue no sin wée deceiue our selues and the truthe is not in vs. Then séeing no mannes loue bée he neuer so holy is the perfect fulfilling of Gods lawe it is plaine too bee séene that no man is iustified before God by his owne loue or his own good woorks but that wée are freely for Christes only sake deliuered by faith from the cursse of the law from sin death and restored too rightuousnesse and lyfe Gal. iij. Rom. iij. Now when wee through the frée mercy of God for Chrystes sake are receiued and iustified by faith and endued with the holy ghost then also is the law stablished by faith not only bicause that through faith the full perfect rightuousnesse which Gods lawe claimeth is imputed too vs as though wée our selues had throughly satisfied Gods law but also bicause that through faith the true knowledgment of Chryst foreshining in our harts through the help of the holy ghost mouing our harts ther is kindled in our mind a new brighter light a stedier assent a confidence gladnesse settling it selfe in God a childly awe a pure and more burning loue of God a stedier purpose of obeying God according too all the commaundements of his holy law Which newbegonne obedience liketh God not for the owne worthinesse thereof but through faith in Christ that is too wit bicause the person of him that obeyeth is accepted by faith for Chrystes sake as in .j. Pet. ij is sayd Offer spirituall sacrifices acceptable too God by Iesus Chryst Vpon the Sunday called Septuagesima ¶ The Epistle .j. Cor. ix and .x. PErceiue ye not how that they which run in a race run all yet but one receiueth the reward So run that yee may obteine Euery man that proueth masteryes absteyneth from all thinges And they doo it too obteine a corruptible crowne but wee too obteine an vncorruptible crowne I therefore so run not as at an vncertaine thing So fight I not as one that beateth the ayre but I tame my body and bring it vntoo subiection lest by any meanes after that I haue preached to other I my selfe should bee a castaway The .x. Chapter BRethren I would not that yee should be ignoraunt of this how that our fathers were all vnder a cloude and all passed thorowe the sea and were al baptised vnder Moses in the cloud and in the sea and did all eate of one spirituall meat and did all drinke of one maner of spirituall drinke For they dranke of the spiritual rock that folowed them and that rocke was Chryst The cheefe places are three 1 Of diligence and busying our selues in the woorks of our owne vocation and in the folowing of the actions of all our whole lyfe in suche wyse as they may serue too Gods glory and atteine reward in euerlasting life 2 A generall exhortation too new obedience or a lyfe agréeing with Gods will and too shunne the offences
by the sonne of God our Lord Iesus Christ that they should obey God and set foorth his glorie by liuing vertuously Ephe. ij Wée are his woorke created to doo good woorkes And an eyghtdayes ago wee haue herd this is y wil of God euen that you should bée holy Iohn .v. This is my cōmaundement that you loue one another And in this Epistle Bée yée the folowers of God walke in louingnesse as the sonnes of lyght walke yée Therfore are yee deliuered from the darknesse of not knowing God and from the darknesse of sinne and by the Gospell lyghtened with the lyght of knowyng God aryght and endued with the holy Ghoste that yee should liue in new knowledge of God in rightuousnesse in purenesse in dooing of good turnes in truthe and in all other vertues agréeing with the wil of god Nither may al precepts concerning good woorks bee referred Secondly necessitie of eschewing peynes present eternall which vnchaungeably accompanye such as are defiled with sinnes ageinst conscience as in this Epistle there bée moste gréeuous threates Knowe ye this that no whoremonger and vncleane persone or couetous persone whiche is an Idolater haue inheritaūce in the kingdome of Christ and of god Let no man deceyue yée with vayne talke that is too wit that simple fornication couetousnesse and vsurie are no sinnes for these things commeth Gods wrath that is too say horrible plages vppon the disobedient The horriblenesse of this threatning may bée amplified by expounding the weightynesse of the woords and putting too of like sayings and examples gathered out of the Historie of the whole world Thirdly the necessitie of holding fast fayth Gods grace the holy Ghoste and euerlasting lyfe For all these good things are shaken of by euill woorkes or simes ageinst conscience Fourthly the rewardes of good woorkes promised by God .j. Tim. iiij Godlynesse hath promises of the present lyfe and of the lyfe too come For although remission of sinnes eternall lyfe bée giuen fréely for Chrysts sake onely yet are good woorkes recompénsed with other most bountefull rewardes as well ghostly as bodyly both in this lyfe and in the euerlasting lyfe And Paule giueth commaundement by name concerning loue of our neyghboure which repressing bitternesse yrefulnesse backbyting and all malice honoreth wel dooing mercye and frankhartednesse towardes others For the beginning of the fifth Chapter too the Ephesians hangeth too this part of the fourth chapter Therfore all the whole summe of the doctrine concerning the loue towards a mannes neyghbour c may bée conueyed hither out of the exposition of the first fifth and seuenth commaundements Concerning Chastitie whiche escheweth whordome vnclennesse and filthynesse matter too entreate off may bée taken out of the methodicall exposition of Chastitie whiche I haue registred in the sixth commaundement Concerning Couetousnesse which fyghteth with the first and .vij. commaundements let doctrine bée sought out of the declaration of the vertues of the .vij. commaundement Concerning the sacrifice of Chryst who offered him selfe for vs too the father an oblation and sacrifyce of swéete sent wée will speake about a fortnight hence vppon the Sunday called Iudica Now will I bréefly expound the text Bee yee folowers of God therefore that is too say in loue benefiting .j. Iohn iiij Héerin is Loue not that wée haue loued God but that he hath loued vs and hath sent his sonne too bée a reconcylement for our sinnes Déerbeloued if God haue loued vs so wée also must loue one another GOD is loue and he that dwelleth in loue dwelleth in God and God in him Walke in loue toward God and your neyghbour Too walke is too liue or to rule the will and outward dooings in suche wyse that wée may loue our neybor and doo him good And gaue himselfe for vs. That is also a witnesse of Christes feruent loue towards vs which is set out Rom. v. An offering and sacrifyce The sacrifyse intoo which was conueyed Gods wrath ageinst our sinnes whom it béehoued too bée slayne and put too death too the entent wée myght bée spared For a sent of sweete smell For a swéete sauor and acceptable It is a phrase taken out of Moyses Leuit. j. The Préest shall burne it vppon the Altare for a burnt Offering and a swéete smell vntoo the lord Genes viij The Lord smelled a swéete smell God is woonderfully delyghted in the obedyence of his sonne the sacrifyse And he sheweth that for his sake our prayers also and our thanks giuing and our almefdéedes are acceptable and swéete vntoo him in like wyse as wée are delyghted with the fresh sent of a Vyolet or a Rose And all the sacrifyses and good woorkes of the godly must bée smelles that is too say a farre spred and wel sented fame concerning God. As it becommeth Sainctes The saincts are clean Whore-hunting filthynesse ribaudry c. are vncleane Ergo they become not Sainctes A couetous man whoo is an Idolater He is an Idolater eyther which surmyseth that too bée a GOD which is not God or which yéeldeth to some other thing that is not God the honor peculyarly due vntoo God as fayth feare and loue aboue all things So is a couetous persone an Idolater bycause he bestoweth his loue aboue all things and his trust which are due only too God vppon his mony and setteth more by it than by God. Ye wer sometime darknesse that is too say without knowledge of God nouzeling your selues in all sinnes yée were without true acknowledgement of God without true ryghtuousnesse and without lyfe But now you are lyght in the Lord. Now yée are lightened with true knowledge of God yée know what woorks please God and what woorkes displease him yée are borne ageine by the holy Ghoste Vppon the Sunday called Laetare or the fourth Sunday in Lent. ¶ The Epistle Galath iiij FOr it is wryten that Abraham had two sonnes the one by a bondmaide the other by a free-woman Yea and he which was borne of the bondwoman was borne after the flesh but he which was borne of the freewoman was borne by promys which things are spoken by an allegorie For these are twoo Testamentes the one from the mount Sinai vvhich gendreth vntoo bondage vvhich is Agar For mount Sinai is Agar in Arabia and bordreth vppon the Citie vvhich is novv called Ierusalem and is in bondage vvith hir children But Ierusalem vvhich is aboue is free vvhich is the moother of vs all For it is vvrytten Reioyce thou barren that bearest no chyldren breake foorthe and crye thou that traueylest not For the desolate hath many mo children than shee vvhich hath an husbande Brethren vvee are after Isaac the children of promys But as then he that vvas borne after the flesh persecuted him that vvas born after the spirite Euen so is it nowe Neue●thelesse vvhat sayth the scripture put avvay the bondvvoman and hir sonne For the sonne of the bondvvoman shall
both for taking vppon him mannes nature subiect to death and other miseries and also for his seruisablenesse in teaching and suffering as he himselfe sayeth Math. xx The sonne of man is not come too haue seruice doone vntoo him but too doo seruice himselfe and too giue his lyfe as a raunsome for the whole multitude of mankynd Also let the yonger sort beare in mynd that this most cōmon and ordinarie maner of spéeche of the Churche wherby wée say that the sonne tooke vppon him the nature of man is taken out of this place of Paule and out of the second too the Hebrewes for hée tooke not vppon him the Angels but the séede of Abraham that is too say he cuppled not too himselfe the nature of Angels but the nature of man of the posteritie of Abraham Framed after the likenesse of men that is too say he became altogither like other men He was no Ghost or counterfet of a man as Marcion and the Manichees surmysed but a very man and in all things like his brethren yea and mortall also sinne only excepted Heb. ij iiij And in fashion he was found as a man that is too say not only in proportion and gesture of bodye but also in inclinations and motions of mynd in fearfulnesse sorowfulnesse ioyfulnesse and other affections whiche notwithstanding were well ordered in Chryste and conformable too his heauenly mynd He humbled or cast himself downe becoōming obedient too death euen too the death of the crosse This notable sentence hathe Ciprian expressed with great lyghtsomnesse of woords in his sermon of Almesdéeds Chryste the sonne of God would become the sonne of man that he myght make vs the sonnes of god He brought himself lowe y he myght lift vs vp which lay vnder foote he tooke vpon him the shape of a seruaūt that he myght make vs frée He was wounded that he might heale our wounds He was contented too dye that he myght gyue vs mortall wyghtes immortalitie Wherfore God hath also exalted him on hygh God hathe exalted Chryst the man and seruant that was crucified and dead for vs as in respect of his manhod He hath giuen him a name which is aboue all names that is too wit Iehoua or the Lorde which is the peculiar name of the onely true and most hygh God the maker of heauen and earth as is sayd in Esai xlij I am the Lord this is my name and I wil not giue my glorie too another This name Iehoua or Lorde is not onely attributed too his Godhead which had it from euerlasting but also too his manhod the which is ioyntly woorshipped and serued in one selfesame woorship and seruice toogither with the sonne of God the woord to which it is vnited That in the name of Iesu euery knee should bowe Some deryue the name Iesu of the Hebrewe woord Iehouah which being vnutterable of it selfe is as they wryght made vtterable by putting in the letler Ieschua and so by contraction Iesu that is too say the Lorde incarnate or God become man Paule taketh these woordes out of Esay xlv Turne vntoo mée and yée shall bée saued all the endes of the earth for I am the Lord and there is none other vntoo mée shall euery knée bow and vntoo mée shall euery tung swere That IESVS Chryste is the Lord that is too say that he is the Lorde or in very déed and nature god By this Grammaticall declaration of the woordes the ruder sorte may the ryghtlyer vnderstand the Text of the Epistle Which in as much as it is red vppon this day chéefly in this respect bycause it maketh mention of the wonderfull abacement and death of the sonne of GOD the memoriall whereof is celebrated by all the Christen Churches of the whole world as the next wéeke Let a summe of the doctrine concerning the passion and death of our Lord Iesus Chryste included in the vsuall questions of Methodicall order bée repeted in this place The consideration of the wonderfull purpose of GOD concerning the redemption of mankynd wrought by the sonne of God our Lord Iesus Chryste who suffered and was crucifyed for vs farre surmounteth the wisdome of all Angels and men Too this end hath God by the wonderfull temperature of his Iustice and mercie stablished this secret decrée and made his sonne who is the Mediator a sinne offering and sacrifyse too the intent that wée men being set frée from Gods wrath from sinne and death might bée made the rightuousnesse of God as is sayd .ij. Cor. v. And in consideration of this maruelous benefite let vs acknowledge the horrible wrath of God ageinst our sinnes and the vnmeasurable largenesse of Gods mercye towardes vs and also let vs stirre vp the feare of God fayth and thankesgiuing in our harts It is an eternall and vnchaungeable Maxime of Gods iustice that the reasonable creatures shold eyther thorowly agrée with the wisdome and rightuousnesse of god or else suffer due punishement and bée horribly destroyed for not obeying Forasmuch therfore as the first man and woman had of their own frank fréewill cast from them the rightuousnesse and purenesse whiche God had giuen them in their creation they ageine on the other syde were too bée cast intoo eternall peynes But the sonne of God of his vnmeasurable goodnesse pitying mankynd made intreatance for vs and too the intent Gods wrath myght bée satisfyed he offered himselfe too punishement and too make amendes vntoo Gods most iust displeasure and so in that secret counsell of the Godhead this decrée was made that the sonne of GOD taking mannes nature vpon him should becōme a sacrifise and by his passion and death pacifye Gods dreadfull wrath and satisfye his iustice and restore forgiuenesse of sinnes ryghtuousnesse and euerlasting lyfe too all those that flée vntoo him by faith Now the passion of Chryst is first a féeling of Gods dredfull wrath ageinst all the sinnes of mankynd which were poured out vppon Chryst as vppon a sacrifyse which great burden of Gods wrath enforceth Chryst too say thus My soul is heauy euen vntoo death And agein my God my God why haste thou forsaken mée Mennes myndes are not able ▪ too sée throughly the greatnes of this extreme vnutterable sorow of Chrystes bicause they vnderstande not she greatnesse of sinne and of Gods wrath which is a consuming fire Notwithstāding mennes myndes are too bée stirred vp too consider truely and earnestly the horrible wrath of God ageinst sinne bothe by the miseries of all mankynd and the examples of the consciences of wicked men and also by the testimonies of Gods woorde too the entent that they on their behalfe may the cléerlyer perceyue the greatnesse of the mercy and benefits of Christ who hathe vndertaken that dreadefull burthen of Gods wrath for vs. Notable testimonies of the true horrible wrath of God are first the innumerable calamities of all mankynd as the death of all men swarmes of diseases fluds burnings
second benefit is remission of sinnes Ephes 1. and Col. 1. In whome wée haue redemption remissiō of sinnes by his blud The third is reconciliation or attonement with god Rom. viij When as wée were enemies too God wée were reconcyled too him by the death of his sōne Eph. v. Making peace that he myght reconcyle the Iewes and Gentyles in one body vntoo God ▪ by his crosse The fourth is Iustification Rom. iij. Wée are iustifyed fréely by his grace through the redemption made by Iesus Chryst whom GOD hath appoynted a seat of mercy through fayth in his blud too declare his ryghtuousnesse in y he forgiueth y sinnes which are past The fifth is the giuing of the holy ghost of holynesse Gal. iij. Chryst hath redéemed vs and is become accursed for vs that wée might receiue his spirit by fayth Iohn vj. If I go not away the comforter shall not come too you The sixth is the destruction of the Diuels kingdome Hebr. ij By death he hath abolished him that had the power of death that is too wit the Diuel and reconciled those that for feare of deathe were in bondage all their lyfe long The seuenth is the abolishing of sin death j. Cor. xv Death is swalowed vp intoo victorie O death where is thy sting O Hell where is thy victorie For the sting of death is sinne and the power of sinne is the lawe But thankes bée vntoo God who hathe giuen vs victorie by our Lord Iesus Chryste The eyght is euerlasting lyfe and saluation Iohn iij. The sonne of man must bée lifted vpon the Crosse too the entent that euery one which beléeueth in him should not perish but haue lyfe euerlasting The application of these benefits is made by true repentance and faith That is too wit when acknowledging gods wrath and the horiblenesse of our sinnes wée are earnestly afraide and hartely sory that wée haue offended God and by faith acknowledge that Chryst the sonne of God suffred and was crucifyed made a sacrifise for vs persuade our selues assuredly that for this sacrifyse of Chrystes our sinnes are forgiuen vs ryghtuousnesse and euerlasting lyfe giuen vs. Of this Application there are testimonies too bée séen euery where And notable is this saying of Chryst Iohn xvij I sacrifyse my selfe for them that is too say I offer my selfe for them that they also may bée holy in déede And I pray not for them only but for all that shall beléeue in mée through their prayer In this prayer Chryst our byshop or préest executeth the chéefest duetie or office of a high préest and applyeth his sacrifyse too the whole Churche Therefore in this place the whole Doctrine concerning the préesthoode and sacrifyse of Chryst is too bée thought vppon and repeated Vppon Easter day ¶ The Epistle j. Cor. xv PVrge therefore the olde leuen that yee may bee new dowe as yee are sweete bread For Chryste our Easter Lambe is offered vp for vs Therefore let vs keepe holyday not with olde leuen neyther with the leuen of maliciousnesse and wickednesse but with the sweete bread of purenesse and truthe The disposement THe foūdacion of our fayth and saluacion and the end and marke of the whole storie of the gospel the chéefe hauen of comfort in which only our hartes may rest in all troubles in death is the most ioyful resurrection of the sonne of God our Lord Iesus Chryst where through he being conqueror of sin death hel and the féends hy him vanquished leadeth a glorious triumphe and imparteth vntoo vs that flée vntoo him ryghtuousnesse eternall saluation calling agein euen our bodyes from death vntoo lyfe This excéeding great and wonderful woork of God and benefite towards vs worthy too bée had alwayes in memorie let vs embrace and set out cōtinually with thankfull hart and voyce This Epistle is of that kynd that is perswasiue For it is an exhortacion too the true celebration of the feast of Easter that is too say too the true acknowledgement of the persone and benefites of the sacrifyse or Lamb Chtyst slaine and offered vp for vs vppon the Altar of the Crosse and too true repentance or acknowledgement of our owne sinne of Gods wrath conueyed intoo this Lamb too true faith in the gréefes which rise vppon the féeling of Gods wrath and the beholding of our own sinne death and other calamities assuredly beléeuing that our passeouer is slaine and offered vp already for vs that our sinnes are taken quite away by this Lamb of God and that euen when wée bée dead lyfe and ioy euerlasting shall doutlesse bée restored too vs with Christ who is risen agein Uppon which Faith there must ensew new obedience or clensing from the sinne that yet remayneth in our nature and a beginning of new lyght ryghtuousnesse and conuersation wholly agréeing with the will and woorde of God and continewally setting foorth these incomparable benefites of Chryst with godly minde and voice This is the true Celebration of the Passeouer in this lyfe yea and for euermore Untoo which Paule exhorteth vs by a representacion of leuened bread taken of the custome of the Iewish Passeouer Now too the entent the summe of the most large Doctrine set foorth in this Epistle may the easlyer bée comprehended in mynd Let vs distribute it intoo thrée places 1 Of the woord Pascha or Passeouer 2 A conferring of our Passeouer with the Passeouer of the old Testament which caryeth with it the doctrine of the benefites of Chryste the Lamb that suffered for vs and rose agein for vs. 3 How wée may celebrate this feast of Passeouer aryght in this lyfe The first place THe woord Pascha which is an Hebrew woord deriued of the verbe Pasah signifyeth in Englishe a Passingby or a Passingouer namely in that the Lord passing through Egipt slew the firstborne of the Egiptians and spared the Israelites whose doore poostes were sprinkled with the blud of a Lamb. Exod. xij Secondly it signifyeth the holyday wherin the rememberance of that Passeouer is continued by killing of a Lamb. Luke xxij The feast of swéete bread drew nye which is called Easter Thirdly in this Epistle it signifyeth the Paschall Lamb which was a signe or rememberance of the Lordes passing through Egipt and of the passing of the Israelites through the red Sea And it was a figure of Chryst the true Lambe that was offered vp for vs and passed by death too the eternall Father that by his passage he myght obteine vs deliuerance out of the bondage of Egipt that is too say of the Diuell sinne and death and restore vs ryghtuousnesse and euerlasting lyfe Now assoone as Chryste the true Passeouer was once offered the figuring passeouer ceased and there was instituted a new Passeouer the name where of dooth properly agrée too that day in which the sonne of God our Lord Iesus was offered vp for our sinnes vppon
our enemies the Diuell sinne and the accusatiō of the Lawe or the handwryting of our conscience and of the subduing of these dooth he make his shewe Of this most high benefite of Chrystes resurrection speaketh Paule the greatnesse whereof no tung of man is able too vtter All goods all Lordshippes all kingdomes are nothing in comparison of this benefite For whereas all men must néedes dye yet shall those that flée vntoo Christs death and Resurrection with fayth bée deliuered from death and shall bée crowned with ryghtuousnesse lyfe and glorie euerlasting The second benefite is true comfort and ioy of hart in all miseries too those that vphold themselues with assured hope of the resurrection and the euerlasting lyfe with Chryst Art thou poore despysed sick bannished c Chryste who is rysen from death will defend thée comfort thée gouerne thée and at length render thée eternall lyfe All men saeke and wonderously couet gladnesse and ioy in this lyfe and comfort in aduersitie The couetous pesone delyghteth more in his monye than in god The Marchantman ioyeth in his gayne Kings and Princes make warres too enlarge their Dominions that they may afterward take their pleasure with ease But there is but only one ioy and comfort that is stedye namely Chryst rysing from death and raysing vs vp toogither with himself and quickening vs. The third benefite is Resurrection of our bodyes wherof wée will by Gods helpe entreate too morowe Of the third place THe true kéeping of the Easter feast is all the whole time of our lyfe too acknowledge Chryst our passeouer offered for vs taking vppon him the sinnes of the world and earnestly too repent vs of our sinnes which are put ouer too this Lamb and in our anguishes whiche ryse by the féeling of Gods wrath or by beholding our own sinnes death or other calamities stedely too beléeue that Chryst our passeouer is offered vp for vs and that our sinnes are taken away by this Lamb of God And that euen after wée bée dead wée shall doutlesse bée restored too lyfe and ioy euerlasting with Chryst And too the intent wée may bée thankfull too Chryste for these his so excéeding great benefites wée must ageine on the other syde with reuerent mynd and voyce set them foorth and so frame and gouerne our whole lyfe all our intentes endeuers and dooings that they may please Christ and agrée with his will and woord In this méening Paule sayeth that too kéepe the passeouer is all one as too purge the old leuen that is too say sinne or the old man or forworne false opinions concerning God lustes vicious inclinations affections and out ward actions fyghting ageinst the Lawe of God. He boroweth his maner of spéeche of the Iewish Passenuer in which they were compelled for seuen dayes toogither too eate vnleuened or swéete bread wherevppon it was also called the feast of swéete bread And thereuppon commeth the custome the is vsed at this day too distribute vnleuened bread in the Lordes Supper Also oftentymes elsewhere in the scripture Leuen betokeneth false doctrine or faultie behauiour and sinnes which make other folks the woorse marre or make sower all the meale or lump of dowe Paule therefore willeth the old leuen too bée purged away that is too wit that false doctrine and other sinnes shuld bée cast out and taken away by repentance That yee may ▪ bee new dowe that is too say a newe lump or new men sprinkled and clenzed with the precious blud of the Lamb Chryst and hauing new lyght new ryghtuousnesse and new obedience acceptable too God. As yee are sweet bread that is too say vnleuened or without the leuen of sinne or rightuouse and holy namely by imputation of Chrystes ryghtuousnesse holynesse and by beginning new obedience but not as yet by accomplishing it And therefore there is as yet néede of continuall purging the remnaunts of sinne There remayne in al the Sainctes in this lyfe great weakenesse and much filthynesse of sinne The mynde is still steyned with the dregges of the leuen of many doutings and false imaginations concerning God ageinst whiche those that bée borne ageine by the holy Ghoste doo kéepe continuall warre by helpe of the holy Ghoste Fayth feare loue of GOD and the reste of vertues are verye faint and féeble in the will. And on the contrarie part there bée many sinfull inclinations and vehement enforcementes too carelessenesse distrust and pride many burning flames and heates of leawde lustes and many furious fyers of affections in the hart ageinst which they stryue that are regenerated by the holy Ghost These dregges and filthynesse of the old leuen dooth sainct Paule will vs too clenze out continually during our whole lyfe and in the meane whyle too assure our selues by fayth that though wée bée bothe vnworthy and vncleane yet for the sonne of GOD our Passeouer offered vp for vs who is the roof that couereth our filthynesse wée are thorough excéeding great mercye receyued and by imputation of his clennesse and holynesse vntoo vs are accepted for pure swéet bread that is too say for ryghtuouse and holy as fully as if there remayned no dregges at all of the old Leuen in vs But wée haue spoken of this principall méening of this Epistle a little before Nowe let vs go thorough with the Exhortation too the true kéeping of this Feaste of Passeouer Therfore let vs make good cheere In the Gréeke it is Heortazomen which is as much too say as let vs kéepe holy-day eyther of the woord Rhezo too doo holy things or of the woord Agora which is a congregation or assembly or else of the woord Ageiro which signifyeth too come toogither or too assemble Heortazein therefore signifyeth not too eate or too drinke and too spend the tyme in fond and slouthful ydlenesse but too celebrate a feastfull day or too allowe a Saboth or too assemble too the ministration of the Gospell too héere the doctrine concerning the persone and benefites of the Lamb Iesus Chryste who suffered for vs and is rysen ageyne too haue a féeling of Repentance too beléeue that wée are accepted of GOD for this onely Lambes sake And vppon trust of this Lamb too demaund and looke for all good things at gods hand too acknowledge him too giue him thanks too mortifie the remnantes of the leuen or of sinne sticking still in vs and with new lyght righteousnesse and obedience too glorifye God both all the tyme of this lyfe and euermore Not with old leuē that is too say not with folowing sinne ageinst conscience Nor in the leuen of maliciousnesse wickednesse that Gréek woord Kakia is a general name of al vyce signifyeth the sins of ouersyght or doone willingly which are cōmitted by negligence lyghtnesse or wantonnesse As Honorius offendeth through negligence or slouthfulnesse Yea and sometyme euen a good man may doo amisse and yet bée a good man still But the woord Poneria is
And he aduoucheth that the law is not only nothing ageynst the testament or promis concerning Christ but also that it confirmeth it yea most manifestly proueth that men must of necessitie be iustified by the frée mercy of God onely for Christes sake For in asmuch as gods law and the whole scripture conuinceth all men to be vnrightuous defiled with sin subiect to Gods wrath endlesse damnacion It is euident that the law it self beareth witnesse that no man can be iustified before God for his own worthinesse clennesse Therfore let no man vpon trust of his own strēgth his own vertues or his own deseruings hope to obteyne rightuousnesse euerlasting lyfe in any other thing than in the onely free promis or in Christ onely Vpon the .xiiij. Sunday after Trinitie ¶ The Epistle Galat. v. I Say walke in the spirite and fulfill not the lust of the flesh For the flesh lusteth contrary to the spirite and the spirite contrary to the flesh these are contrary one to the other so that ye can not doo whatsoeuer yee woulde But and yf yee bee ledde of the spirite then are yee not vnder the lawe The deedes of the flesh are manifeste whiche are these adultrye fornicacion vnclennesse wantonnesse worshipping of Images witchcraft hatred variaunce zele wrath strife sedicions sectes enuying murder dronkennesse gluttonye and suche like Of the which I tell you before as I haue tolde you in times past that they which committe such things shall not be inheritors of the kingdome of god Contrarily the fruyte of the spirite is loue ioy peace long suffering gentilnesse goodnesse faythfulnesse meekenesse temperaunce Ageynst such there is no law They truely that are Christes haue crucified the flesh with the affections and lustes The disposement THis Epistle is of those sortes of cases that persuade For it is an exhortacion to good workes or new obedience agréeing with Gods will amplyfied with two figures Antithesis and Distribution And the state or proposition of the Epistle enlightned with the Antithesis is this sentence VValke in the spirite and fulfil not the lustes of the flesh that is to say obey the holy Ghost which ruleth youre intentes endeuers and dooings that they may agrée with the will or lawe of God and welter not in sinne or the lewde inclinacions and affections of nature corrupted and vnrenewed by the holy Ghoste or too speake shortly do good woorkes and eschue sinne Eyther member of this proposition Paule declareth enlargeth with a distribution of the generalitie into his particulars Now let the termes be vnderstood aright The spirite signifieth God the holy Ghoste and all new motions of true feare fayth and loue of God and of all other vertues stirred vp by the holy Ghoste For to this end is the holy Ghoste poured out into the hartes of the beléeuers that he should do away sinne and kindle new rightuousnesse conuersation agréeing with Gods will. To walke is the same thing that to liue or to rule the purposes and déedes of the whole lyfe Flesh signifieth the whole nature of man vnrenewed by fayth and the holy Ghoste Lust of the flesh signifieth not onely the inordinate desires of the senses or of the affections in the hart as vnlawefull loues hatredes yrefulnesse and the flames of sensualitie but also it signifieth in the will the turning from God distrust carelesnesse in neglecting the displeasure and iudgement of god and standing in a mās owne conceyt and in the mynd ignorance doutfulnesse concerning the béeing and will of God c. All this whole confused heape of original and inward actual mischéeues the Scripture comprehendeth vnder the terme of lust or concupiscence of which the verse of Crates may most truly bée verified Of euils all that may bee founde Concupiscence or lust is grounde But to good purpose and méening sayeth Paule fulfil not the lustes of the flesh For euen in all the Saincts there remayneth concupiscence of the flesh that is too wit many sinful inclinations and desires darknesse in the mynde and doutfulnesse distrust carnall carelesnesse and standing in a mans owne conceyte in the wil and a great ●able of sinful pangs and affectiōs in the hart These mischéefs like deadly foes kéepe warre in our mindes ageinst the spirite and ageinst the good motions that are stirred vp by the holy Ghost as in Rom. vij Paule describeth this fyght of the flesh ageinst the spirit with many words and also they prouoke and enforce vs to outward sinnes Howbeit these workings of the fleshe must not bée fulfilled but must be kept down and mortified by the holy Ghost who ruleth the mynd will and hart that they may willingly and with a true intent exercise the dedes or vertues agréeing with the will or law of god For they that are led by the spirite are no longer vnder the lawe or vnder sinne which is accused condemned by the law neyther perfourme they their obedience too God by compulsion and constraynt of the law but of a frank and freeharted willingnesse of their owne Paul distributeth the woorks of the flesh and of the spirite or sinnes and good woorkes into certeine particulars which may bée referred too agréeable precepts of the Ten commaundementes The manifest deeds of the flesh he nameth sinnes or wickednesses which men cōmit wittingly and willingly or which the dooer knoweth to bée sinne and sinneth wilfully For he putteth a difference between their synnes that are doone ageynst conscience whiche dwell not in the saintes and the sins of ignorance naturall infirmitie darknesse and the sinfull heates which oftentymes happen ageinst mens wills The first four kindes Aduoutry fornication vnclenenesse and wantonnesse doo fight ageinst the sixt commandement and the vertue contrary to them is chastitie The fifth kynd of the works of the flesh Idolatrie comprehendeth all sinnes ageinst the first table as false opinions concerning God heresies superstitions and al worshippings and seruings of God chosen without the warrant of Gods word as Masses Moonkishe toyes c. The contrary vertue is true godlinesse or fayth and true woorshipping of god The ten termes or sinnes folowing 1. Witchcraft 2. hatred 3. variance 4. spitefulnesse 5. wrath 6. strife 7. seditions 8. sects 9. enuying 10. and murther fyght all ageynst the fyfth commaundment And the contrary vertues are Ryghtfulnesse whiche hurteth not an other mans lyfe body or good name fréendship desire of cōcord méeknesse The exposition of euery of these woords their differences may be taken out of the exposition of the ten cōmandements or out of my rules of lyfe The last two kindes Drunkennesse and gluttonie may in likewise bée referred to the sixt commaundement and the contrary vertue is Stayednesse or sobrietie In the ende he addeth an argumente of discommoditie or of euerlasting paynes They that giue themselues too these sinnes shall not receiue the heritage of Gods kingdome but shall bée cast into endlesse
bée afrayde bycause thou Lord art with mée Esay and Ezechias although the Citie was beséeged by Sennacherib yet faint they not for pensiuenesse but flée vnto God by earnest prayer and wayt for deliueraunce Hereafter ensue the disposements of of certeyne Epistles which are vsually read to the people vppon the feast dayes of Sainctes Vpon the feast of the Annunciation of our blyssed Lady Sainct Marie or vppon the feast of the conception of Christ The Epistle Esay vij GOd spake once ageyn vnto Ahaz saying require a token of the Lorde thy God whether it bee towarde the depth beneath or towarde the hevghte aboue Then sayde Ahaz I will requyre none neyther will I tempte the Lorde And he sayde hearken to ye of the house of Dauid is it not ynough for you that ye be greuous vntoo men but yee must greeue my God also And therefore the Lorde shall giue you a token Beholde a virgine shall conceyue and beare a sonne and thou his mother shall call his name Emanuell Butter and hony shall he eate that hee may knowe to refuse euill and chose the good Therfore before the childe may know good or euill malice shall dissuade from choosing the good THe first feast of the new Testament and the beginning welspring of our redemption and euerlasting welfare is the wonderful cōception or cuppling of the two natures of the Godhead and manhood of our Lorde Iesus Christe the Sonne of God the memoriall whereof the Churche celebrateth as this day And of singular purpose was it Gods wil that the times of his wonderfull works and of his reuelementes should agrée For vppon this day beyng the .xxv. day of Marche was the Sonne of God conceyued in the wombe of the Uirgin Marie or as this day he cuppled too himselfe mans nature by eternall alyaunce a thousand fyue hundred thréescore and ten yéeres ago The yeere after the first promis making of the womans séede in Paradise 3962. After the renewing of the same promis vntoo Abraham that all nacions should bée blissed in the same séede 1938. After the prophesiyng of Iacob concerning Syloh or the Uirgins issue a thousand seuen hundred and six yéeres and the same day beyng the xxv of March now ful a thousand fiue hūdred xxxvij was our Lord Iesus Christ the sonne of God made a sacrifise for vs vppon the Altar of the Cr●sse The same day also is Adam the first man reported to haue bin created 5532. yéeres ago And afterward about the same time it is thought that Abell was slayne and Isaac layd vppon the Altar to haue bin sacrifised Therefore inasmuch as the day it selfe putteth vs in mind of most weyghty matters as of the sonne of God the founder and redéemer of the Church of the creation of our selues of the wonderfull alyaunce of the Godhead and manhoode made in the Uirgins wombe and of the causes and benefites of this wonderfull vnion let vs with all godlinesse and reuerēce cast our selues downe before God and yéeld him thankes for his so excellent woorkes and benefites and by deuout and earnest musing vpon so great things kindle and confirme in vs fayth prayer and most assured hope of euerlasting saluation And to the intent our hartes may bée the more fitte and earnest to the reuerent minding of them and to thankesgiuing for the same Let vs also celebrate this feast with greater modestie and sobernesse of behauiour The doctrine of this holy day concerning the causes and benefites of the wonderfull Incarnacion of Gods sonne is all one with the doctrine that is set forth vppon the byrthday of the same sonne of god And therfore the disposement of that matter may bee borowed out of that place into this day Now will I bréefly entreate of the prophesie of this dayes Epistle Behold a virgin shall cōceyue and bring forth a child and thou shalt call him Emmanuell which was vttered by the Prophet Esay seuen hundred and lvij yéeres before that the Angell Gabriell brought woord of the fulfilling of it too the virgine Marie and conteyneth the doctrine of the conception of the sonne of God whiche is the foundacion of our redemption and saluation I will therefore in few woordes set out the chéef pointes of this doctrine comprised in accustomed questions or orderly instruction The conception or incarnation of the Sonne of God is the wonderfull cuppling or personall vnion of the two natures that is to say of the Godhead begotten of the substance of the euerlasting Father and of the manhood taken in the wombe and of the substaunce of the virgin Marie wrought in Christ our Mediator that he may bée Emmanuell y is to say God with vs of one substaunce both with God the eternall Father and with vs reconciling God vnto vs and by paying the full raunsome for vs appease Gods most iust wrath ageynst sinne and restore to vs men rightuousnesse and eternall lyfe The partes of the Emmanuell conceyued in the virgin Marie may bée sayde to bee two the Godhead or the sonne of God the woorde the manhood taken of Maries substaunce and of the ofspring of Dauid Hither may all the whole doctrine concerning the person of Gods sonne the differences of the persones of the Godhead and of the two natures in Christe c. bée referred The causes THe efficient cause of the conception or incarnacion of the sonne of God is the whole Godhead For although that the persone of the sonne cuppled to it selfe mannes flesh by personall vnion yet is it the worke of all the thrée persones togither which also go ioyntly togither in this saying the holy Ghost shall come vppon thee and the power of the hyghest shall ouershadowe thee The hyghest is God the Father The power of the hyghest is the sonne of God who ouershadoweth the virgine Marie and the whole Churche making intercession for vs too the euerlasting Father cuppling our nature to him selfe and couering vs as a shadow ageynst the heate of Gods wrath The holy Ghost halloweth the flesh taken of the virgine Maries substāce therof shapeth in the virgins wombe the body of the Messias redye too bée borne which body togither with a reasonable soule the woord the sonne of God by taking vnited by vniting tooke vnto him And therefore it is sayd in our Créede whiche was conceyued by the holy Ghost The inward forcing cause of the conception byrth passion and death of Christ is al one that is to wit the infinite goodnesse and mercy of God toward manhood tempered with his heauenly Iustice for the full satisfiyng whereof with sufficient amendes the very sonne of God taking our nature vppon him became both man and a sacrifise for vs. The outward forcing cause was the fall of our firste parentes and the sinne that soked from thence into all men with death and moste sorowfull damnacion of all mankind which the sonne of God was Loth should perish vtterly Now the
Zacharies are taken out of the Prophet Malachie iij. Beholde I will send myne Angell or messenger too prepare my way before my face And by and by after shall the mightie one come too his Temple whom you long for and the messenger of the Testament whom you would haue Also Esay the .xl. Chapter The voyce of a cryer in the wildernesse make redy the way for the Lord. And this is the common dutie of all ministers too prepare the way of the Lord that is too say too prepare the hartes of their héerers by their preaching that they may embrace Chryst by faith For when Chryst is comming towards vs and is offering vs his benefites there are lettes cast in his way eyther our owne rechlesselesse or our presumption or trust of our owne woorkes c. These must bée rid away by the ministration that Chryst may bée receyued by fayth and woork effectually in our hartes 10 To giue knowledge of c. An other dutie of Iohn and of all other Prophetes is too teache the Churche concerning the eternall saluation of mankynd Zacharie in the last thrée verses dooth lernedly comprehend both the definition of our saluation or iustification and the chéef causes and effects thereof and also the meane whereby wée may atteyne to it Our saluation or rightuousnesse is the forgiuenesse of sins which is bestowed vppon them that beléeue through the frée mercie of God for and by Iesus Chryst The efficient cause of our saluation is Gods incōprehensible mercie who being led of his owne frée goodnesse forgiueth vs our sinnes The forcing cause or the desert for whiche wée are receyued is Chryst the sonne of rightuousnesse that ryseth from on high The formall cause of our rightuousnesse is the forgiuenesse of sinnes The effectes are the light of the true knowledge of God deliuerance from the darknesse of sinne and death and peace of conscience before God as in Rom. v. is writtē Being iustified by faith wée haue peace too Godwarde thorough our Lord Iesus Chryst Nowe that the summe of the doctrine which Zacharie cōprehendeth in these last verses is considered and expounded after the manner of Logicke Let vs also wey the piththynesse and weyght of the woords 11 Through the bowelles of the mercie of our GOD in which the rysing from on hygh hath visited vs. By the bowels of mercie he méeneth true earnest vnfeyned and hartie mercie For the Gréek woord Splagchna signifieth properly the inward members of fleshe such as the Hart the Liuer and the Lungs bée Therefore in as much as the Harte is the instrument and seate of loue mercie sadnesse and the rest of the affections Hée méenes by the bowels of mercie not a fayned and cold mercie but a burning mercie issewing euen from the very harte After the same manner speaketh Paule Colloss iij. put on the bowelles of compassion Also Philip. ij and elswhere Mercie properly is too bée touched with the feeling of an other bodyes gréefe and too succour euen those that are falne intoo miserie by their owne default of a frankharted kyndnesse which mitigateth rightfull punishments and releaseth somwhat of vttermost or extréeme rigour with which he hath visited vs with whiche frée incomparable mercie Chryst hath visited vs embraced vs helped vs receyued vs intoo fauoure and accepted vs too lyfe and glorie euerlasting Rysing This woord is a nowne and not a participle and it signifieth Christ the day sunne of rightuousnesse rysing or springing from euerlasting out of the substance of the most high Father and shyning intoo ours hartes by his Gospell whereby he kindleth a new light of the knowledge of GOD of ryghtuousenesse and of eternall lyfe This exposition is taken out of Malach. iiij And the sunne of rightuousenesse shall ryse vppon you that feare my name Also Zacha. iij. I will bring foorth my seruaunt the Rysing Zach. vj. Behold the mā whose name is the Rysing Esai lx Vp and bée enlightened O Ierusalem for thy lyght is come and the glorie of the Lord is rysen vppon thée For behold darknesse shall couer the earth and clowdes shall couer the people But the Lordryseth vntoo thée and the glorie of the Lord shall bée séene in thée 12 Too giue lyght to them c. Chryst is the true lyght whiche lighteneth men walking in the darknesse of ignorance of GOD of sinne of death and of endlesse damnation that is too wit by endewing them with the true knowledge of God true rightuousenesse comfort lyfe and glorie euerlasting For customably in the holy Scripture the woord Lyght signifieth the true knowledge of GOD comforte lyfe deliuerance from death and miserie and all things that bée of the best sorte And contrariwyse Darknesse signifyeth ignorance of GOD sinne death and all most sorowfull euilles Zacharie tooke these woordes of the last Verse out of the nynth of Esay The people that walketh in darknesse hath séene a great lyght Lyght is rysen vppon them that dwell in the lande of the shadowe of death Intoo the way of peace Roman v. Being iustifyed by fayth wée haue peace with GOD through our Lorde Iesus Chryst Philip. iiij The peace of God whiche passeth all vnderstanding kéepe your hartes Vppon the day of the Visitation of our Ladye ¶ The song of Marie Luke j. MY soule dooth magnifie the Lorde And my spirit hath reioysed in GOD my Sauiour For he hath regarded the lowlynesse of his handmayden For behold from hencefoorth all generations shall call me blissed For hee that is mightie hath magnifyed mee and holy is his name And his mercie is on them that feare him throughout all generations He hath shewed strength with his arme hee hath scatered the proud in the ymagination of their heartes He hath putte downe the mightie from their seate and hath exalted the humble and meeke He hath fylled the hungrye with good things and the rich he hath sent emptie away He remembryng his mercie hath holpen his seruaunt Israell as he promysed too our forefathers Abraham and hys seede for euer The disposement THis song of Maries perteyneth too the kynd of cases demonstratiue For it is a Thankesgiuing where withall Marie in the persone of the whole Church setteth out the benefites of God with prayse vntoo God. First for that God loueth preserueth and defendeth Marie and the whole Church being brought lowe despysed weake ageinst the wisdome and power of féendes tyrantes and all enimies Secondly for that he hath sent his sonne Chryste according too the promises made too the Fathers There bée of the whole Song ten verses Whereof the first twoo conteyne the proposition The next six set out the first benefite that is too wit the wonderfull preseruation of the lowly and weake Churche ageinst the wisdome and power of the whole world And the twoo last set out the second benefite that is too wit the sending of Chryste the Redéemer My soule dooth magnifie the Lorde The proposition I yéeld thankes
and forgiuenesse of sinnes promised for the woorthynesse of our feare faith or new obedience but is giuen fréely for Chrystes sake onely too him that repēteth and beléeueth as is sayd more at large in the doctrine of Iustification Hee hath shewed strength c. This is the summe of the next thrée verses GOD preserueth and defendeth his Church ageinst the wisdome power abilitie of the whole world Hath shewed strength that is too saye dooth mightily preserue and defend his lowly and weake Churche like as he defended the Israelites mightily at the red Sea and repressed the tyrannie of Pharao With his arme that is too say by his sonne For so is the sōne named Exo. xv Esai liij Who hath beléeued our saying and too whom is the arme of the Lord reueled Esai xl His arme shall beare rule ouer all He hath scattered the proude in the imagination of their hartes as the Pharaos who by their owne wisdome went about too oppresse the people of Israell Exod. j. ij xiiij c. as the purposes of Diocletiā a most suttle and cruel Prince who entēded too haué destroyed the church as he disappoynted the coūsell of Achitophel ij Reg. xv So also now of late yéeres he hath disapointed very many suttle practises of y Pope and his Prelates that endeuered to haue wiped out the church He putteth downe the mightie from their seates that is to say Tyraunts which trust in their own power and wealth and specially whiche are persecuters of the Church them dooth God cast downe headlong from the hyghest top of their souereintie into dreadful calamities As for example Apries king of Egipt who boasted that no body eyther of the Gods or of men was able to beréeue him of his kingdome was afterward strangled Nabuchodonosor who hild the kingdome of Babilon the largest and mightiest empyre of the world when he waxed proud stahis was depriued not onely of his kingdome but also of his reason Iulian the regenerate beyng wounded casting vp his bloud with his owne hand cried out thou hast ouer come O Galilean Hath exalted the lowly that is to say such as were caste downe to the ground miserable and despised persones like as he lifted vp Moyses out of pryson to the Lordship of the kingdome of Egipt He remoued Dauid out of his shepeheards cotage into the throne of the kingdome of Israell He made Daniell his fellowes rulers of prouinces in the kingdome of Persia Chaldey He maried Hester the prisonner to the most puissant King Assuerus So also God lifted vppe the base and wretched handmayde Marie to this most high honour that shée became the Mother of the Sonne of god He hath filled the hungry with good things according to the saying of the xxxiij Psalme the rich haue wanted and bin a hungred but they that feare the Lorde shall want nothing Or els let it bée applyed too the consciences that are made afrayd at the beholding of their sinnes and which thirst and hunger after the rightuousnesse of Christ These shall bée refreshed with healthfull comfort filled with euerlasting good things But the rich or such as trust in theyr owne rightuousnesse and holynesse shall bée shaken of The .ix. and .x. verses HE remēbring his mercy hath hild vp Israel his child as he spake to our forefathers Abraham and his seede for euer The second and cheef part of this song in which shee giueth thankes for the sending of Christ according to the promises made to the fathers Now to the enlightening of these two verses may bee referred all the promises and Sermons concerning Christ which are written by Moyses in Gen. iij. xij xxij xxvj xxviij xlix in Deut. xviij and by the rest of the Prophetes and also all the whole doctrine of the Gospell concerning the person and benefites of Christ At this time I will but open the woordes after the order of Grammer He remembring his mercy namely whiche he promised for Christ the Mediators sake For this is the whole sum of the gospel that God of his free mercy for Christes sake holdeth vp men that are falling into endlesse destruction that is to say deliuereth them from sinne and death and giueth them euerlasting saluation Hath hild vp Israell his seruaunt It is a figure of grammer called Apposition God hath hilde vp Israell his seruaunt that is to say God of his excéeding goodnesse and frée loue pitying his people Israell that is to say the whole Church which was like to fall into euerlasting destruction sent his sonne the redéemer to succour vs falne into sinne and death and to deliuer vs from the kingdome of Sathan and death and to restore vs rightuousnesse euerlasting lyfe Hath hild vp In the Gréeke the word antilabeto is the Aorist of the meane voyce of the verb antilambanethos whiche properly signifieth to catch hold of one that is falling by thrusting out his hand to stay him to succour him and help him that he may scape safe and harmelesse out of the daunger Israell is the propre name of the Patriarke Iacob giuen him by the sonne of God in wrestling with him Gen. xxxij It is an ordinarie thing among the Hebrewes too terme the ofspring by the names of the stocke or aunceters from whiche they come So he calleth the people of Israell by the name of their founder that is to wit of Israell or Iacob frō whom al the Israelites or Iewes issued And bycause the promis concerning Christ was betaken chéefly to the people of Israell among whom was alwayes the seate of the church for the same cause the name of Israel is oftentimes among the Prophetes taken for the whole Churche gathered of the Iewes and the Gentiles togither And this phrase of the Prophetes doth Marie kéepe in this place His child whom he embraceth with fatherly loue as his sonne which people is the child or sonne seruaunt of God chosen out of whole mankind to serue God and to say and do things acceptable to God. As he spake to our Fathers Abraham his seede for euer This last part for euer would bee ioyned to the first part of the next verse before which is he remembring his mercy for euer that is to say his euerlasting mercy or his mercy which he hath promised to performe euermore towards all those that flée vnto Christ as it sayd Psal Ciij The mercy of the Lorde is for euer and euer vppon them that feare him The promises concerning Christ the defender and deliuerer of the people of Israell or of the Church were deliuered first to Adā Eue in Paradise Gen. iij. Secondly to Abrahā Gen. xij xxij xv xvij c. Next to his séede or ofspring Isaac Gen. xxvj Then to Iacob Gen. xxviij and xlix Afterward to Moyses Deut. xviij And specially to king Dauid ij Reg. vy and .xxiij. and .j. Paral. xvij I hope that this bréef disposement of
Gods sonne Gods mercie tempered with iustyce The fall of Adam The feendes the Iewes The matter of Chrystes Passion The forme or maner The endes too which Chryst ▪ suffered Redemption Remission of sinnes Reconciliatiō Iustification The holy Ghost The destruction of the Deuils kingdom Abolishment of sinne and death Euerlasting lyfe and saluacion How Chrystes benefites may bee applyed too vs. Our hauen and comfort ▪ Pascha or Passeouer The true passeouer * March● The tyme. Chrysts person Chrysts sacrifyse The benefites of Chrystes sacrifyse The applyment New obediēce The benefites of Chrystes resurrection A descriptiō of a Triumph The Triumph of Chryst The true ioy and comfort The true keeping of Easter Leuen New dowe Sweete bred What it is too keepe holyday Old leuen The efficient cause of our resurrection which argument holdeth of consequence That Chryst is risen By testymonies of the prophets By record of such as sawe him Of the authoritie of the Apostles An argument by impossibilitie An argument of ryght and reason A repetition confirmation of the first argumēt which holdeth of cōsequence or of necessitie An Argument taken of our profession and order in baptim A repetition of the fourth argument which holdeth of ryght reasō An Argument taken of the like thing Tokens of the resurrection impressed in nature The Moone The Starres The seasons of the yeere Svvalovves Flyes The Phenix This is the surest ground Argumēt for a Christian Sufficiēt vvarrant for a true Christian Philosophie knovveth nothing of the resurrection Antiquitie Consent of all Nations The best natures Selfmouing Simplenesse vncōpounded Ryght and reason Gods almyghtynesse Diuersities of glorie in the resurrection Liuing soule The state of our bodyes in the resurrectiō Liuing soule The first man. The second man. Flesh blud The efficient cause of our resurrection Death and sin Gods lawe The cheef finewes of the Diuels kingdome Our victorie in Chryst Esays prophesie of the taking away of death by Christ Esays prophesie expounded by Paule Osees prophesie expounded Interpretation of the grammaticall sense of the vvordes The proper meening of Osce An exhortation to stedfastnesse The custome of baptizing in old tyme. The cōmendation of fayth A description of fayth Mannes lyfe a vvarfare Who are borne of God. Hovv folke are borne a nevve The cheef obiect or thing vvhereon fayth resteth The name of Sonne The name Chryst Water blud To come in vvater The spirit is a vvitnesse of Chryst and his doctrine The three persones of the Godhead The end vvhy the ministerie vvas ordeined What the vvoord spirit signifyeth in the foresayd text What vvater and blud signifye Mākind vvyth out Chryst Errour touching Gods beeing Touching Gods vvill Errours of the papistes in seruing God. Chryst is the only vvay too ▪ God and godlynesse Chryst is lyfe Repentance Pointes of a good shepherd Good Princes be shepherds Bishops and ministers are shepherds Hovv Chryst is a shepherd Fleshly lustes what they be Magistrates ordeyned by God. The definition of a Magistrate Magistrates must be obeyed as God. An excellent saying Obedience too Princes Lords and Maisters for conscience sake Christen libē●tie Not God but wee our selues are cause of euil too our selues Good things are all of God and none euill commeth of him Regeneration or newbirth A similitude Against rash speaking and hasty iudgement Against a●ge● and trea●nesle Rogation weeke Of Inuocatio● and prayer The partes of true prayer What diuinitie is Gods worde a looking glasse True blissednesse The Anker●old of christian welfare Chrystes conuersation with his disciples after his resurrection Chrystes tryumphant As●●nsion Deliuerance from sin death the Diuell Mediatorship Giuing of gifts vnto men Opening our way intoo heauen Putting away of worldlinesse ▪ Too rayse our myndes tovvards heauen The kingdom of God or of Chryst The right hād of God. Too sitte A commendation of prayer Ageinst d●on●●●●esse Sobrietie which is a spice of stay ▪ ednesse Watchfulnesse Of Lou● Hospitalitie * Pleasantnesse * Gladsomues * Merinesse Doing of good ●urnes Pentecost Why Easter Whitsontyde other feastes were ordeined of God. Why Whitson tide was ordeyned too be continually kept The holy Ghost Two sortes of giuing the holy Ghost A descriptiō of the holy ghost Proofes of the godhead of the holy Ghost Basill Eusebius Palestinus Proofes that the holy Ghost is a distinct persone from the father and the sonne The office and benefits of the holy Ghost The spirit of Truthe Paracletus The seuen gift● of the holy ●host The gift of ●isdome The spirit of Counsell The spirite of Strength or Manlynesse The spirit of Kno●ledge The spirit of Godlynesse The spirit of the Feare of God. Beneuolēce ▪ Proofes of Christes Godhead Proofes of the Godhead of the holy ghost Fleshe No accepting of persones vvith Chryst Prophesying in the old Testament Diuersities of appeerings Dreames Prophesying in the nevv testament The onely vvay too saluacion The cause of our eternall saluation Iustification Diuersitie of opinions concerning Iustification Ryghtuousnesse what it is The efficiēt forcing cause of iustificacation The meane or Instrument of our saluation what it is to beleeue What ought too bee the cheefe care of men How God wil haue his being knowne What God is The Gods of the Heathen The vnitie and trinitie of the Godhead The first person The second person The third person The marke of the Father The marke of the Sonne The marke of the holy ghost ▪ The offyce of the father The offyce of the sonne The offyce of the holy ghost God is loue Our only hauē and fortresse The phisike of our soules Examples who loueth God. Sparkes of knowledge in nature why they were giuē ▪ Loue towardes God. Causes of louing God and ▪ our neighbour ▪ Gods loue towardes vs. Commaundement Woorthinesse and profit What is comprehended in the loue of our neighbour The hatred of the world ageinst the godly This folowing is worth the beating away Necessitie Example of loue Hypocrysie to be eschued Sel●e loue and selfvveening Vyces accompaning pryde Carelesse Stately Lovvlynesse Vertues conteined in lovvlynesse Causes that should mo●e to Lowlynesse The profit of Lowlynesse God resisteth the proude The Diuell Sna●es wherwith the dyuel intangleth folkes Fortification ageynst the Diuelles traynes Watchfulnesse Remedyageynst the enterance of despayre Sobrietie and stayedensle Fayth Example Gods grace Gods order to be followed This argument holdeth of right and equitie A cōparison of vnequalitie Common harmes ought too greeue the lesse Example of the Apostles The maner of saluation How we be saued by hope Argument of possibilitie One myndednesse Like affectionednesse Brotherly loue Mercifulnesse Gentlenesse Meeknesse Gelons answer too a rayler Patience Faint hartednesse Wilfulnesse or stifnesse of opinion Stedfast profession of the true doctrine The finall cause of iustification The efficient cause of iustification A similitude of baptim Of Chrystes death and resurrection Of Chrystes buryall Ageinst Libertines carnall Gospellers Necessitie of weldooing Christen libertie Eternal lyfe
not bee heire vvith the sonne of the freewoman So then brethren vvee are not children of the bond vvoman but of the free woman The disposement THis Epistle is of that kynd that instructeth For it is a Doctrine concerning the difference of the old Testament and the new set foorthe with a similitnde of Abrahams twoo wiues and their children taken out of the .xvj. and .xxj. of Genesis And therewithall are mingled places concerning the church or the difference betwéene the true church and the hipocritall church and concerning christen libertie The first place concerning the difference of the old Testament and the new A Testament in generall is a promis whereby one that is towardes death leaueth his will vntoo others vnder witnesse and bequetheth his goodes too his heires and declareth what he will haue performed on the behalfe of the heires Paule in the nynth too the Hebrewes sayeth Chryste is the mediator of the new Testament that through his death which befell for the redemption of those transgressions that were vnder the first Testament they which were called myght receyue the promis of euerlasting lyfe For wheresoeuer is a Testament there also must néedes bée the death of him that makes the Testament for the Testament is not of authoritie and force till the Testator bée dead Christ therfore when he was redy too die for vs made his Testament in which he witnesseth this too bée the will of him and of his eternall father that all which repent and flée too him by Fayth should obteyne forgeuenesse of sinnes and endlesse saluation for his bodyes sake which was deliuered for vs and for his bluds sake which was shed for vs and these his goods dooth he distribute too vs by his woord and Sacramentes The new Testament Then too define it most proprely is nothing els but the gospel y is too say A promis of remission of sinnes of the holy ghost and of life and soulehealth euerlasting too bee giuen freely too those that beleeue for Chrystes sake who dyed and rose agein for vs. This definition is builded vppon the woords of our Lords supper and vpon the .viij. and .ix. chapters too the Hebrues and vppon the .iij. and .iiij. chapters too the Galathiās The mediator of this new testament is Chryste bycause he hath vttered too men the promis of forgiuenesse of sinnes and by his owne bludshed death fully discharged the raunsome or pryce sufficient for the sinnes of men which could not bée purged by our owne woorks and sacrifises and hath performed such an obedience as is the very desert for which remission of sinnes the holy Ghost new ryghtuousnesse eternall lyfe are bestowed vpon vs These benefits applieth he vntoo vs by his intercession and the outward meanes of his woord and sacraments The olde Testament is properly a publishing of the lawe or a couenant whereby God bounde the people of Israell too keep the law deliuered by Moses on the otherside promised them the lād of Canaan a certein cōmon weale defence and all good things and added ceremonies and sacrifyses too bee figures of the persone and benefites of Chryste for whose sake only the beleeuers are at all tymes receiued into the leage of eternall saluation For there is but one selfsame principal and euerlasting Testament or couenant of God by which al the Patriarks Prophets Apostles and the rest of the chosen at all tymes are receyued that is too wit The promis of Gods fauor or of forgiuenesse of sinnes too bée giuen fréely for Christes sake Act. xv Rom. iiij By these definitions it appéereth that the difference betwéene the old Testament the new is in maner the same that is betwéene the law and the gospell In another place wée haue recited .vj. differences of the law and the gospel among which the chéef are these two The first is in the maner of the promisses The lawe or the old Testament promiseth good things but vntoo such only as kéepe the lawe vncorruptly But the Gospel or the new Testament promiseth remission of sinnes and euerlasting lyfe fréely for Chryst The second is of the effects The law or old Testament deliuereth no man from sinne and death ne giueth inheritance of eternall lyfe but denounceth vs the bondslaues of sinne and death accusing and encreasing our sinne casting vs intoo endlesse damnation But the Gospell or promisse of the new Testament deliuereth the children of the promisse from sinne and death and maketh them heires of euerlasting lyfe and of all heauenly good things This difference of the old Testament the new or of the lawe and the Gospell or of the people of the lawe and the people of grace is chéefly set out by Paule in this Epistle and garnished with the Allegorie of Abrahams two wiues and their children which Allegorie is brought in this place not too confirme but too beautifie and garnish the matter For like as Abraham had twoo wyues Agar a bondwoman and Sara a fréewoman by whom he had twoo sonnes Ismael bond and Isaac his heire Euen so God deliuering too men twoo kindes of doctrine the lawe and the gospell or the olde and the new Testament hath twoo peoples among mankynd of which the one embracing only the lawe séeketh ryghtuousnesse and eternall saluation by obseruing the law deliuered by God in mount Sinai and proudly despiseth the glad tydings of Gods frée fau●r and of faith like as the most part of mankind and specially the ●ewes other hipocrites which know none other ryghtuousnesse than the ryghtuousnesse of the law the image of which people is Ismael born as touching the flesh without Gods promis of the handmaid Agar by which name the Arabians are wont too cal moūt Sinai Gen. xvj who imagineth that the true children of Abraham or heirs of God are made or begotten by the fleshly regeneration and by the lawe or by desertes and woorkes of men This people béeing begotten too bondage vppon Agar or by Gods law published vppon Mount Sinai extendeth euen too the same Citie which is now called Hierusalem or too the sinagog of the Iewish people which although it vaunt it self stoutly too bée the true Churche and people of God descended from Abraham hauing the lawe and Ceremonies deliuered them by God yet is it in bondage with the children therof that is too say is not by the lawe deliuered from sinne and death nor made heire of ryghtuousnesse and eternall saluation but continueth oppressed with the thraldome of sinne and death and is cast out of the heauenly house or Church intoo endlesse damnation Now if the very lawe of God deliuered by God himselfe vppon mount Sinai begetteth none but bondmen ne deliuereth any man from death and sinne muche lesse can the woorkes of mennes traditions procure ryghtuousnesse and inheritance of eternall lyfe The other people or sonne of God by Sara the frée womā borne ageine of the frée promis of the gospell trusteth too no
woorks or merits of his owne nor too any prerogatiue of the flesh But resteth by fayth vppon the only and frée mercy of God promised for Chrystes sake accounting his owne ryghtuousnesse which is of the lawe too bée but dung so he may win Chryst and obteyne Gods ryghtuousnesse by Fayth This Church embracing the frée promis of the Gospel by Faith is that heauenly or spirituall Hierusalem dispersed through the whole world and the moother of vs all bearing new children and new heirs too God from tyme too tyme by the ministerie of the gospell without the law without woorks Now albeit y this true church which without the law without woorks is madè heire of ryghtuousnesse and euerlasting lyfe bée despysed before the world and oppressed with persecutiō and hath not the lawe too hir husband and therefore séemeth vtterly barrein and hath not so many disciples nor so many sonnes as Agar hath or as the law hath that was made vpon mount Sinai yet is shée before God most glorious and most fruteful and dayly not by hir husband the law but by the gospel and spirit of Chryst conceueth beareth and bringeth vp children without number exempted from the bondage of sin and death and set frée from the tyranny of the law and made heires of all Gods benefites Of this frée woman Sara and this heauenly Hierusalem wée know our selues too bée Citizens and the heirs of God when wée embrace the promis of the Gospell by true and effectuall faith By this applying of the figures too the difference of the old Testament and the new and of the people of grace or of the true Church and the counterfet Church it is no hard matter too espye after what fort eche member in the text agréeth too this Doctrine and how the phrases are too bee vnderstoode Vppon the Sunday called Iudica or the fifth Sunday in Lent. ¶ The Epistle Heb. ix CHrist beeing an hye preest of good things too come came by a greater and a more perfect tabernacle not made with handes that is too say not of this building neyther by the bloud of Goates and Calues but by his owne bloud he entred once intoo the holy place and found eternal redempcion For if the bloud of Oxen and of Goates and the ashes of a yong Cowe when it was sprinkled purified the vncleane as touchyng the purifying of the flesh how much more shall the bloud of Chryst which through the eternal spirit offered him selfe without spot too God purge your conscience from dead woorkes too serue the lyuing God And for this cause he is the mediator of the new Testamēt that through death which chaunced for the redemption of those transgressions that were vnder the first Testament they which are called myght receyue the promis of eternall inheritance The disposement THis Epistle is of that kind that instructeth And the state of it or the matter wherof it entreateth is a doctrine concerning the préesthod and sacrifise of Chryst The cheefe places are three 1 Of Chrystes préesthood and of the benefites of his préesthode 2 The foure differences betwéene Chrystes sacrifice and the sacrifyse of the Leuites 3 Of the difference betwéene the old Testament and the new The first place concerning Chrystes preesthod FIrst and formest let vs consider the definition A préest in generall is a person ordeyned of God too teache the gospel and too offer Sacrifyses too pray too God both for himselfe for others hauing Gods promis wherby he may warrant himself that he is herd By this description there appéere too bée thrée chéefe dueties of a préest First too teach not only the lawe but also the Gospel concerning Chryst Secondly too offer Sacrifyses commaunded by god For a Sacrifyse is a ceremonie or woorke commaunded of God which wée yéelde vntoo God too honor him withall that is too say too witnesse that he is the true God whom wée woorship after that sort That preest dooth offer God a sacrifyse That shewes the Gospell foorth in ryghtfull wyse These offices are cōmon too all préestes But in this Epistle is entreated of the hyghest préest of whom let this definition be fastned in mind The high préest Christ is a person immediatly ordeined by the eternal father anoynted with the fulnesse of the holy Ghost too the entent he should bring foorth the Gospel out of the secret bosom of the euerlasting father and make intercession for the whole Churche hauing promise that he shall assuredly bée herd and too offer sacrifice that is too wit himselfe once for all By which sacrifice he deserueth remission of sinnes rightuousnesse and euerlasting saluation too the whole Churche This whole definition may bée builded and warranted out of the textes of the Epistle to the Hebrewes But this dayes lesson of the ninth chapter entreateth chéefly of the third part of Christs préesthod that is too wit of his Sacrifice And too the intent this doctrine concerning the sacrifyce of our hygh préest Chryst may bée drayned from the verye springs first let vs consider that God is verely and vnchaūgeably iust and that it is an euerlasting and vnchaungeable rule of Gods iustice that the reasonable creatures should eyther perfectly and throughly agrée with Gods wisdome rightuousnesse or if they agréed not that they should suffer punishment accordingly and bée horribly destroyed Therefore in as much as the first man and woman had offended forgone the ryghtuousnesse and soundnesse that was giuen them in their creatiō they were too bée cast away intoo eternall damnation But of his vnmeasurable mercie the sonne of GOD made intreatance for mankynd and too the intent Gods Iustice might bée satisfyed he offered himselfe too punishement and too make amendes too Gods most rightfull wrath And so vppon the wonderfull tempering of Gods Iustice and his mercie toogither there was a decrée enacted of receyuing men intoo fauour for the sacrifyce of the sonne of God whereby Gods wrath was too bée pacifyed and rightuousnesse and euerlasting saluation too bée recouered too mankynd For this sacrifyce of the sonne of God all the elect haue at all tymes obteyned remission of sinnes and inheritaunce of eternall lyfe as is sayd Actes iiij There is none other name vnder heauen in whiche wée must bée saued than the name of Iesus Chryst And too the intent men should bée put in remembrance taught of this sacrifyce of Chrystes God ordeyned the sacrifysing of beasts euen frō the beginning of the world whiche in no wyse purchased remission of sinnes as is sayd in this Epistle It is impossible for sinnes too bée taken away by the blud of Buls and Gotes But were figures or images of Chrystes true sacrifice by which is obteyned continual and euerlasting redemption from sinne and the heritage of eternall lyfe This doctrine concerning Chrysts sacrifyce which is the foundation of rightuousnesse saluation fayth and christen Inuocation let vs myndfully think vppon not only these fewe
the holynesse and ryghtuousnesse propre vntoo God and too bée imparted too vs for thy Sonnes sake and concerning the Gospell by which alonely God will bée glorifyed and by which the glory may bée giuen too God not only for ryghtuousnesse and almightinesse but also for mercy and soothfastnesse How bée it concerning the benefites of Angels let the héerers beare in mynde specially these twoo textes of the Psalme Psalme thirtie and thre The Angel of the Lord pitcheth his tentes about or entrencheth those that feare the Lord and shall deliuer them which saying is taken out of the .xxxij. of Genesis Where Iacob beholding the host of Angels named the place Mahanaim that is too say the camp or host of god Psalm xcj. He hath giuen his Angels charge of thée too keepe thée in all thy wayes These hath GOD made kéepers of our soules bodyes lyfe name houses children and substaunce These chase away the Diuels when they practyse the destruction of the Churche or of any seuerall persone And doubtlesse they fight ageinst the féendes according as the lesson of this dayes Epistle and the tenth Chapter of Daniel testifie And although wée vnderstand not what maner of encounters they bée yet considering the greatnesse of our daungers let vs the more earnestly giue thankes too God for these kéepers and gather toogither the sayings and stories of the holy Scripture and of other wrytings too our instruction and comfort The Angels deliuer Loth out of Sodom Genes xix And an Angell succoureth Agar and Ismael Genes xxj xvj Angels come vntoo Abraham and beare Rebecca companie Genes rviij xxij xxiiij and in other places An Angell deliuereth Iacob out of all perils Genes xlviij The Angels go before the Israelites and defend them at their going out of Egipt and in the wildernesse An Angell appéereth too Iosua An hoste of Angels defend Elizeus ageinst the Syrians iiij Reg. vj. Angels make a slaughter in the hoste of Sennacherib and deliuer Ezechias iiij Reg. xix Esay xxxvij An Angell leadeth Peter out of prison Act. xij A childe called Cygnaeus being in the middes of winter left in a wood ouercouered with snow was kept and fed the space of full thrée dayes toogither by the ministerie of an Angell Simon Grynaeus escaped the handes of certeine Serieantes by the warning of an Angell which storie woorthy of remembrance Philip Melancthon recyteth in his exposition of the .x. chapter of Daniel But the benefites of the good Aungels will the better bée perceiued if wée consider the manifold dangers that hang ouer our heads by meanes of the Diuell The third place THe Diuell is of the Hebrues named Sathan that is too say an enimie or foe The Gréekes call him Diabolos that is too say a slanderer He is a cruel suttle mercylesse spitefull enimie of God and of all mankind and specially of Gods church At the first truly all Angels were created good by God but some Angelles through Pride and Ambition wherethrough they sought for a hygher degrée of the image of God fell and were cast by God intoo endlesse damnation Now although in this lyfe wée bée not able too serche out the cause why God suffereth the euill Angels which are the authors of all sinne and wickednesse séeing he could vtterly destroy them if he listed yet must wée bothe thinke vppon and also beléeue the things that are reported in the woord of god Iohn viij He was a murtherer from the beginning abode not in the truthe Therfore there is no truthe in him when he speaketh lyes he speaketh of his owne For he is a lyer and the father of lying He is a lyer and the father of lying that is too say he dréepeth into mennes mindes false and wicked opinions concerning God and Epicurish and Academicall doutings he rayseth vp corruptions of Gods woord he confirmeth Epicurish blasphemies and al vntruthes in the first and second Table And this Sathan like an enimie or a Serpent in déede led Eue and all the whole world astray as it is sayd in the Epistle He is a murtherer for by his outrageous crueltie and most trayterous craftes he practyseth mischéefe too our soules too the lyfe of our bodyes too our wyues children landes and houses and finally manaceth destruction too whole realmes and kingdomes Ageinst this cruell enemie fighteth our Michael the sonne of God who came too destroy the woorkes of the Diuell He being captaine of the holy Angels casteth the Diuel out of heauen and out of the heauenly Church Therfore let vs giue God thanks y he hath appoynted the Angels too bée our kéepers in so great daunger of our soules and bodyes and of all that euer wée haue And let vs endeuer by godlynesse and chast behauyor too reteine them still Vppon the feast day of all Sainctes ¶ The Epistle Apoc. vij AFter this I beheld lo a great multitude which no man could number of all nations and people and tongues stode before the seat and before the Lambe clothed with long whyte garments and palmes in theyr handes and cryed with a loude voyce saying saluation bee ascribed too him that sitteth vppon the seat of our God and vntoo the Lambe And all the Angels stode in the cōpasse of the seat of the elders and of the foure beastes and fell before the seat on their faces and woorshipped God saying Amen Blissing and glory wisdome and thankes and honour and power and might bee vntoo our God for euermore Amen And one of the elders answered saying vntoo mee what are these which are arayed in long white garments and whence came they And I said vntoo him Lord thou wottest And he sayde too me these are they which came out of great tribulation and made their garments large and made them white in the bloud of the Lambe therfore are they in the presence of the seat of God and serue him day and night in his temple and he that sitteth in the seat will dwell among them They shall hunger no more neither thirst neyther shall the funne light on them neither any heat For the Lambe which is in the middest of the seat shall feede them and shall leade them vntoo fountaines of liuing water and GOD shal wype away all teares from their eyes The disposement ALl the whole booke of the Apocalyps is a Prophesie concerning the persecutiōs and troubles that were too come vppon the christen Churche and wherewithall it should bée disquieted partly by Tyrantes and partly by Heretickes through the instinct of the Diuell And euer now and then there * This is to be vnderstode of the memoriall of the promysed seede kept alwayes in the hartes of the faithfull and renued by preching and talk and not of the keeping of any appointed holyday Twoo natures in Chryst Why Christ is called the woord The sonne of God was alwayes with the fathers Why Christ is called the womans seede The creede of Athanasius Gods mercie and louing kindnesse
Gods iustice The duetie of a redeemer hygh preest Sinne damnation Mannes saluation The benefites of Chrystes birth How Christes benefites are applied too vs. How and why glory is giuen too God. Peace Gladnesse Chrysts apperings too the Fathers in old tyme. A description of the second persone in the Trinitie Proues of Christs Godhead Iohn 1. Iohn 5. Chryst onely purgeth sinne What Angels bee The definition of saluation rightuousnesse and life are the sum of Christs benefites The efficient cause of saluation Goodnesse Louing kyndnesse Mercifulnesse Grace Our mediator or spokesman Who they bee that dishonor Christ Our owne rightuousnesse is of no desert The gospell and baptim are instrumēts of saluation Faith the instrumēt vvhervvith vvee take holde of saluation Renevvment of nature The effects of iustification Good vvorkes must folovv iustification Good workes or new obedience Vngodlynesse Concupiscence or lustfulnesse Stayednesse Rightuousnes Godlynesse The causes that moue too good workes Gods commaundement Hope of glory Abolishment of sinne Thankfulnesse How woorks become good Chrystes working in vs by his spirir By his woord By mannes willingnes The points vvherof Steuē is accused Atteynment of gods promises Worshipping of God. The institutiō of a new law What martyrdoome is The parts of martyrdoome Confessors Martyrs The holy Ghost Gods woord Mannes mynd Chryst is alwayes with his Churche The matter that maketh a Martyr Gods glorie Maintenāce of true religion Strengthening of the weake Certeintie of doctrine Witnessing of the immortalitie Reteynement of saluation vertues that go with martyrdoome Vices that fight ageynst martyrdome Chryst is very God. Chryst is very man. Redemption Adoption The gift of the holy ghost Inheritance of endlesse lyfe A warning for Pauls mening The workyng of the lavve The dueties of the lawe too teach vs too knowe God and our selues To frame our maners aright Too correct offenders The law dryueth vs too Chryst In whom Chryst is effectuall The law a shadow of things doo come Things to bee noted concerning the Epiphanie or twelfth day Of the wyse men that came vntoo Chryst The tyme of their cōming The names of the wise men Earnestnesse in receyuing and keeping the truthe The sondry names and glory of Chryst Iehouah or Lord. The glory of the Lord. What it is too giue glory to God. Why Chryst is called our light Who are the true Churche Why God dyd put a difference betweene the lewes and the Gentils The prerogatiues of the lewes The wretched state of the Heathen Gods vnchaūgeable rule in calling men to saluation Saluation is of free gift and not of desert The true seruice or woorshipping of God. What is represented by gold What is represented by Frākincense The Altar of attonement is Chryst Sacrifyce Quicke or liuing Holy. Reasonable seruice Worldlynesse Renevvment of mynd Myldnesse Ouervveening misvveening forvveening Christen wisdome Worldly wisdome Mannes boūds The right vse of gods giftes Prophesie Heretical prophesying Papistical prophesying Ministers Teachers Exhortation How to giue How too rule God graunt there bee none such in England How to shew mercie Loue towards ones neibor or true frendship Brotherly loue ▪ Reuerence Diligence Zele Taking of time Hope Patience Prayer Liberalitie Hospitalitie or house keping Meeknesse Frindlinesse or gladsomnesse ▪ Pitie Concorde Lowlinesse mildnesse Mildenesse Meekenesse Shunning of stumbling blockes Reuengment Rightuousnes comprehendeth all vertues The lawe of God and of nature What it is too loue our neybor The seuerall sorts or degrees of loue towardes ones neybor Gods commaundement is the rule of vertues Antimonians The loue of God. Wee can do no vvoorks to iustify our selues Hovv loue engendreth in vs What is to bee done in all intents drifts and purposes of this lyfe The common ende and drift of al a mannes dooings The endes of authoritie or ciuil gouernement The ends of the ministerie The endes of learning Settlednesse The descriptiō of a good and skilfull minister Vnnecessary dealings The fiue naked Games or exercyses of Actiuitie Running Buffeting Leaping Coyting it vvas like our throvving of the hammer Wrestling The dyet demean or of those that contended in the sayd Games their revvards An excellent similitude A furlong The revvarde of victorie Interpretation of the Greeke vvoords Of the behoue fulnesse of doing vvell Of the discom moditie of doing yll Examples One church of God in al ages gathered by one meane fed vvith one foode Figures of Baptim Figure of the Lords supper The causes of the Lentō fast True glorie or boasting False Apostles Reprofe of vaynglorie Example of christen bosting Who are the children of Abraham Labours Strypes Death Strypes Whippings Stoning Shipwrecke Trauell Ieoperdy Loke for these names in the table in th end of this booke Austin Aretas How manye sortes of visions of reuelations there be Visions of three sortes Difference of heauens Heauen or Paradyse Languages Prophesying and fayth Mark wel this discourse and beare it away True faith and true loue are vnseparable Patience Gentlenesse Freendlynesse Modestie or myldnesse Good meening Lowlynesse Grauitie Iustdealing Equitie Meeknesse Freendlynesse Ryghtfulnesse and mercy Rightuousnesse truthe Patience Freendlynesse Hope Patience Prophesy Tungs Knowledge Differences of knowing God Duties or poynts of a true preacher Vertues that ought too bee in ministers Patience Painfulnesse The touchstone of Religion What patiēce is Look for these in the table at the end of this Booke Why lent was ordeined The first author of the Lenton fast Diuersitie in keeping the Lent. Austin a mainteyner of the Lenton fast Saturdays and Emberdayes Diuersitie of allegoricall fastes Papisticall fast reproued The iudgemēt of gods woord concerning fast How too obserue the outward fast aryght Scripture the rule of christianitie Christians must proceede continually not stay Chastitie a mark of Gods church Tertullians saying Buying and selling Honest Profitable Good counsell Bargaining merchandyse appoynted by God for singular good purposes Confutation of Meritmōgers Necessitie of cōmaundemēt Necessitie of eschewing paynes Necessitie of Gods graces and gifts Rewardes Chastitie Couetousnesse Followers of God. Too walke Sacrifyse Sweete smell Sainctes Whoo is an Idolater Darknesse A Testament or last will. A definition of the new Testament A definition of the old Testament The difference betweene the old ▪ Testamēt and the new Agar Sara Ismael and Isaa● A very good argument The heauenly Ierusalem What preesthod is in general A definition of the hyghest preest or of Chryst Gods iustice medled with mercy was the cause of christs sacrifyce Why the sacrifysing of beasts was ordeyned The sacrifises of the Hēathē Differences of Chrystes sacrifise and the Leuiticall sacrifises Eternall saluation Leuitical sacrifises are figures Chrystes sacrifice once for al Christ purgeth by his own blud Chryst is entered into heauē Marcion the Manichees Chrystes humilitie IESV Why Chryst was made a sacrifyce The first part of Chrystes Passion Testimonies of gods wrath ageinst sinne The seconde part of Chrystes passion The third part of his passion The loue of