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A16049 The Nevv Testament of Iesus Christ, translated faithfully into English, out of the authentical Latin, according to the best corrected copies of the same, diligently conferred vvith the Greeke and other editions in diuers languages; vvith arguments of bookes and chapters, annotations, and other necessarie helpes, for the better vnderstanding of the text, and specially for the discouerie of the corruptions of diuers late translations, and for cleering the controversies in religion, of these daies: in the English College of Rhemes; Bible. N.T. English. Douai. Martin, Gregory, d. 1582. 1582 (1582) STC 2884; ESTC S102491 1,123,479 852

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B Ladie the perpetual virgin MARIE Hovvbeit some good authors say that their mother Marie vvas the natural sister of our Ladie and that therfore they are called Fratres Domini the brethren of our Lord. Hovvsoeuer that be three of them are reckened amōg the 12. Apostles Iames and Simon Cananaeus and Iude. Yea and that they vvere somevvhat more then Apostles though lesse then Peter S. Paul signifieth vvhere he saith speaking of him self and Barnabas As also the other Apostles and the brethren of our Lord and Cephas 1. Cor. 9. And as S. Luke calleth this Iude Iude of Iames so he calleth him self in this Epistle of his Iude the seruant of Iesus Christ and the brother of Iames. S. Matthevv and S. 〈…〉 as Lebbaeus also in the Greeke His feast and his 〈…〉 Church keepeth Octob. 28. called Simon and Iudes day His Epistle is an 〈◊〉 against a● heretikes as it vvere a Commentarie of 2 Pet. 2. and namely as * ● Aug. hath told vs against those vvhich misconstred S. Paules Epistles and held Only faith vvhom he calleth therfore Men that transferre or 〈…〉 grace of God into rio●ousnes v. 4. exhorting Catholikes to be constant and 〈◊〉 from their old faith and to contend for the keeping thereof v. 3. 〈…〉 heretikes ● saith he segregate them selues from the Church and from 〈…〉 v. 19. THE CATHOLIKE EPISTLE OF IVDE THE APOSTLE He exhorteth them to stand to their old faith sh●vving them by examples that it is damnable not to continue and be constant 8 inueighing against the lecherie blasphemie apostasie banketing of the heretikes 14 and that their damnation vvas long foretold 17 Catholikes therfore to be vnmoueable to reproue the obstinate to recouer al not desperate to confirme the vveake and to liue them selues vertuously and vvithout mortal sinne vvhich by Gods grace they may doe verse 1 IVDE the seruant of IESVS Christ and brother of Iames to them that are in God the Father beloued and in IESVS Christ preserued and called ✝ verse 2 Marcie to you and peace and charitie be accomplished ✝ verse 3 My deerest taking al care to vvrite vnto you of your common saluation I thought it necessarie to vvrite vnto you beseeching you to contend for the faith once deliuered to the sainctes ✝ verse 4 For there are certaine men secretely entred in vvhich vvere long ago prescribed vnto this iudgement impious transferring the grace of our God into riotousnes and denying the onely Dominator and our Lord IESVS Christ ✝ verse 5 * But I vvil admonish you that once knovv al things that IESVS sauing the people out of the land of Aegipt * secondly destroied them vvhich beleeued not ✝ verse 6 But the Angels vvhich kept not their principalitie but forsooke their owne habitation he hath reserued vnder darkenesse in eternal bondes vnto the iudgment of the great day ✝ verse 7 As * Sodom and Gomorrhe and the citie adioyning in like maner hauing fornicated and going after other flesh vvere made an example sustaining the paine of eternal fire ✝ verse 8 In like maner these also defile the flesh and despise dominion blaspheme maiestie ✝ Vvhen Michael the Archangel disputing vvith the Diuel made altercation ″ for the body of Moyses he durst not inferre iudgment of blasphemie but said Our Lord commaund ' thee ✝ verse 10 But these vvhat things so euer certes they are ignorant of ″ they blaspheme and vvhat things so euer naturally as dumme beastes they knovv in those they are corrupted ✝ verse 11 Vvo vnto them vvhich ' haue gone in the vvay of * ″ Ca●n and vvith the errour of * Balaam haue for revvard povvred out them selues and haue perished in the contradiction of Corè ✝ verse 12 These are in their bankets spottes feasting together vvithout feare feeding them selues cloudes vvithout vvater vvhich are caried about of vvindes trees of autumne vnfruiteful tvvise dead plucked vp by the rootes ✝ verse 13 raging vvaues of the sea foming out their ovvne confusions vvandering starres to vvhom the storme of darkenesse is reserued for euer ✝ verse 14 And of these prophecied Enoch the seuenth from Adam saying Behold our Lord is come in his holy thousandes ✝ verse 15 to doe iudgement against al and to reproue al the impious of al the vvorkes of their impietie vvherby they haue done impiously and of al the hard thinges vvhich impious sinners haue spoken against him ✝ verse 16 These are murmurers ful of complaintes vvalking according to their ovvne desires and their mouth speaketh pride admiring persons for gaine sake ✝ verse 17 But you may deerest be mindeful of the vvordes vvhich haue been spoken before by the Apostles of our Lord IESVS Christ ✝ verse 18 vvho told you * that in the last time shal come mockers according to their ovvne desires vvalking in impieties ✝ verse 19 ″ These are they vvhich segregate them selues sensual hauing not the Spirit ⊢ ✝ verse 20 But you my deerest building your selues vpon our ' most holy faith in the holy Ghost praying ✝ verse 21 keepe your selues in the loue of God expecting the mercie of our Lord IESVS Christ vnto life euerlasting ✝ verse 22 And these certes reproue being iudged ✝ verse 23 but them saue pulling out of the fire And on other haue mercie in feare hating also that vvhich is carnal the spotted cote ✝ verse 24 And to him that is able to preserue you vvithout sinne and to sette you immaculate before the sight of his glorie in exultation in the comming of our Lord IESVS Christ ✝ verse 25 to the onely God our Sauiour by IESVS Christ our Lord be glorie and magnificēce empire and power before al worldes and novv and for al vvorldes euermore Amen ANNOT. 9. For the body of Moyses Vvhen why or hovv this altercation or combat was betwene S. Michael and the Diuel about Moyses body no man can declare only this vve see that many truthes and stories vvere kept in the mouthes and hartes of the faithful that vvere not written in Scriptures canonical as this vvas among the Ievves 10. They blaspheme He speaketh of Heretikes who being ignorant in Gods mysteries and the diuine doctrine of his Church vvhen they can not reproue the things then they fall to execrations irrisions and blasphemies against the Priests Church and Sacraments and vvhatsoeuer is godly 11. Cain Balaa● Corè The Apostle vvould haue Heretikes specially to be knowen by the resemblance they haue first to Cain in that for enuy that his brothers seruice and sacrifice was accepted and his reiected s●ewe his said brother and was a fugitiue from the face and citie of God vvhich is the Church Secondly by their resemblance to Balaam who for money was induced to curse Gods people as couetousnes is commonly the cause that first maketh Heretikes and false Prophets wherevpon S. Augustine saith He is an Heretike that for
Saints shal iudge and yet that doeth nothing derogate to his prerogatiue by whom and vnder whom they hold this and al other dignities in this life and the next CHAP. XX. To shevv hovv through Gods grace the Iewes shal be ouerrunne of the Gentils although they beginne after he bringeth a parable of men working soner and later in the vineyard but the later revvarded in the end euen as the first 17 He reuealeth more to his Disciples touching his passion 20 Bidding the ambitious tvvo suiters to thinke rather of suffering with him 24 And teaching vs in the rest of his Disciples not to be greeued at our Ecclesiastical Superiors considering they are as he was him self is toile for our Saluation 29 Then going out of Iericho he geueth sight vnto tvvo blind verse 1 THE kingdom of heauen is like to a man that is an housholder vvhich vvēt forth early ″ in the morning to hire vvorkemen into his vineyard ✝ verse 2 And hauing made couenāt vvith the workemen for a penie a day he sent them into his vineyard ✝ verse 3 And going forth about the third houre he savv other standing in the market place idle ✝ verse 4 and he said to them Goe you also into the vineyard and that vvhich shal be iust I vvil giue you ✝ verse 5 And they vvent their vvay And againe he vvent forth about the sixt the ninth houre and did likevvise ✝ verse 6 But about the eleuenth houre he vvent forth and found other standing he saith to them what stand you here al the day idle ✝ verse 7 They say to him Because no man hath hired vs. He saith to them Goe you also into the vineyard ✝ verse 8 And vvhen euening vvas come the lord of the vineyard saith to his bailife Call the vvorkemen and pay them their hire beginning from the last euen to the first ✝ verse 9 Therfore vvhen they vvere come that came about the eleuenth houre they receiued euery one ″ a penie ✝ verse 10 But vvhen the first also came they thought that they should receiue more and they also receiued euery one a penie ✝ verse 11 And receiuing it they murmured against the good man of the house ✝ verse 12 saying These last haue continued one houre and thou hast made them equal to vs that haue borne the burden of the day and the heates ✝ verse 13 But he ansvvering said to one of them Frende I doe the no vvrong didst thou not couenant vvith me for a penie ✝ verse 14 Take that is thine and goe I vvil also giue to this last euen as to thee also ✝ verse 15 Or is it not lavvful for me to do that I vvil is thine eye naught because I am good ✝ verse 16 So shal the last be first and the first last For many be called but ″ fevv elect ⊢ ✝ verse 17 * And IESVS going vp to Hierusalem tooke the tvvelue disciples secretly and said to them ✝ verse 18 Behold vve goe vp to Hierusalem and the Sonne of man shal be deliuered to the cheefe priestes and to the Scribes and they shal condemne him to death ✝ verse 19 and shal deliuer him to the Gentiles to be mocked scourged crucified and the third day he shal rise againe ⊢ ✝ verse 20 * Then came to him the mother of the sonnes of Zebedee vvith her sonnes adoring and desiring some thing of him ✝ verse 21 Who said to her what vvilt thou She saith to him Say that these my tvvo sonnes may sitte one at thy right hād and one at thy left hand in thy kingdom ✝ verse 22 And IESVS ansvvering said You knovv not vvhat you desire Can you drinke of the cuppe that I shal drinke of They say to him we can ✝ verse 23 He saith to them My cuppe in deede you shal drinke of but to sitte at my right hand and left is not mine to giue to you but ″ to vvhom it is prepared of my father ⊢ ✝ verse 24 And the ten hearing it vvere displeased at the tvvo brethren ✝ verse 25 And IESVS called them vnto him and said * You knovv that the princes of the gentiles ouerrule them and they that are the greater exercise povver against them ✝ verse 26 It shal not be so among you but vvhosoeuer vvil be the greater among you let him be your minister ✝ verse 27 and he that vvil be first among you shal be your seruant ✝ verse 28 Euen as the ″ Sonne of man is not come to be ministred vnto but to minister and to giue his life a redemption for many ⊢ ✝ verse 29 And * vvhen they vvent out from Iericho a great multitude folovved him ✝ verse 30 And behold tvvo blinde men sitting by the vvay side heard that IESVS passed by and they cried out saying Lord haue mercie vpon vs sonne of Dauid ✝ verse 31 And the multitude rebuked them that they should hold their peace But they cried out the more saying Lord haue mercie vpon vs sonne of Dauid ✝ verse 32 And IESVS stoode and called them and said Vvhat vvil ye that I doe to you ✝ verse 33 They say to him Lord that our eies may be opened ✝ verse 34 And IESVS hauing compassion on them touched their eies And immediatly they savv and folovved him ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XX. 1. In the morning God called some in the morning that is in the beginning of the world as Abel Enoch Noë and other the iust and faithful of the first age at the third houre Abraham Isaac and Iacob and the rest of their age at the 6 houre of the day Moyses Aaron and the rest at the 9 houre the Prophets at the eleuenth that is at the later end of the world the Christian Nations Aug. de verb. Doniniser 59. breifly this calling at diuerse houres signifieth the calling of the Iewes from time to time in the first ages of the world and of the Gentils in the later age thereof It signifieth also that God calleth coūtries to the saith some souer some later and particular men to be his seruants some yonger sme elder of diuerse ages 9. Peny The peny promised to al was life euerlasting which is common to al that shal be saued but in the ●●me life there be degrees of glorie as * betwixt starre and starre in the element Aug. li. de virgi●t c. 26. 16. Fewa●ct Those are elect which despised not their caller but folowed and beleued him for men 〈◊〉 not but of their owne free will Aug. li. 1 ad Simplic q. 1. 23. To whom it is prepared The kingdom of heauen is prepared for them that are worthy of it and deserue it by their wel doing as in holy Scripture it is very often That God wil repay euery man according to his workes and Come ye blessed possesse the kingdom prepared for you Why because I was hungrie and you gaue
Lavv or in the name either of Ievv or Christian but in doing good vvorkes and keeping the Lavv by Gods grace 29. In spirit not letter The outvvard ceremonies Sacraments threates and commaundements of God in the Lavv are called the letter the invvard vvorking of God in mens hart and enduing him vvith faith hope and charitie and vvith loue liking vvil and abilitie to keepe his commaundements by the grace and merites of Christ are called the spirit In vvhich sense the carnal Ievv vvas a Ievv according to the letter and he vvas circumcised after the letter but the true beleeuing Gentil obseruing by Gods grace in hart and in Gods sight that vvhich vvas meant by that carnal signe is a Ievv according to the spirit and iustified by God Of the spirit and letter S. Augustine made a famous vvorke very necessarie for the vnderstanding of this Epistle CHAP. III. He graunteth that the Ievves did passe the Heathen Gentils in Gods benefits 9 but not in their ovvne vvorkes concluding that he hath shevved both Ievv and Gentil to be sinners 18 and therfore inferring that there must be some other vvay to Saluation indifferent to both vvhich is to beleeue in IESVS CHRIST that for his sake their sinnes may be forgiuen them verse 1 WHAT preeminence then hath the Ievv or what is the profit of circumcision ✝ verse 2 Much by al meanes First surely because the vvordes of God vvere cōmitted to them ✝ verse 3 for vvhat if certaine of them haue not beleeued Hath their incredulitie made the faith of God frustrate ✝ verse 4 God forbid but * God is true * euery man a lyer as it is vvritten That thou maiest be iustified in thy vvordes and ouercome vvhen thou art iudged ✝ verse 5 But ″ if our iniquitie commend the iustice of God vvhat shal vve say Is God vniust that executeth vvrath I speake according to man ✝ verse 6 God forbid othervvise hovv shal God iudge this vvorld ✝ verse 7 For if the veritie of God hath abounded in my lie vnto his glorie vvhy am I also yet iudged as a sinner ✝ verse 8 and not as vve are blasphemed and as some report vs to say let vs doe euil that there may come good vvhose damnation is iust ✝ verse 9 Vvhat then do vve excel them No not so For vve haue argued the Ievves and the Greekes al to be vnder sinne ✝ verse 10 as it is vvritten That ″ there is not any man iust ✝ verse 11 there is not that vnderstandeth there is not that seeketh after God ✝ verse 12 Al haue declined they are become vnprofitable together there is not that doeth good there is not so much as one ✝ verse 13 Their throte is an open sepulchre vvith their tonges they dealt deceitefully The venim of aspes vnder their lippes ✝ verse 14 Vvhose mouth is ful of malediction and bitternes ✝ verse 15 Their feete svvift to shede bloud ✝ verse 16 Destruction and infelicitie in their vvaies ✝ verse 17 and the vvay of peace they haue not knovven ✝ verse 18 There is no feare of God before their eies ✝ verse 19 And vve knovv that vvhatsoeuer the Lavv speaketh to them it speaketh that are in the Lavv that euery mouth may be stopped and al the vvorld may be made subiect to God ✝ verse 20 because * ″ by the vvorkes of the Lavv no flesh shal be iustified before him For by the Lavv is the knovvledge of sinne ✝ verse 21 But novv vvithout the Lavv ″ the iustice of God is manifested testified by the lavv and the Prophets ✝ verse 22 And the iustice of God by faith of IESVS CHRIST vnto al and vpō al that beleeue in him For there is no distinction ✝ verse 23 For al haue sinned and doe neede the glorie of God ✝ verse 24 Iustified gratis by his grace by the redemption that is in CHRIST IESVS ✝ verse 25 vvhom God hath proposed a propitiation ' by faith in his bloud to the shevving of his iustice for the remission of former sinnes ✝ verse 26 in the toleration of God to the shevving of his iustice in this time that he may be iust and iustifying him that is of the faith of IESVS CHRIST ✝ verse 27 Vvhere is then thy boasting it is excluded by vvhat lavv of deedes No but by the lavv of faith ✝ verse 28 For vve account a man to be iustified ″ by faith vvithout the vvorkes of the Lavv. ✝ verse 29 Is he God of the Ievves only is he not also of the Gentiles Yes of the Gentiles also ✝ verse 30 For it is one God that iustifieth circumcision by faith and prepuce by faith ✝ verse 31 Do vve then destroy the Lavv by faith God forbid but vve do establish the Lavv. ANNOTATIONS CHAP. III. 5. If your iniquitie No maruel that many novv a da●es deduce false and detestable conclusions out of this Apostles high and hard vvritings seeing that S. Peter noted it in his daies and him self here confesseth that his preaching and speaches vvere then falsely misconstrued as though he ●ad taught that the Ievves and Gentils il life and incredulity had been directly the cause of Gods more mercie and that therfore sinne commeth of God to the aduancement of his glorie and consequently that men might or should doe il that good might ensue thereof Vvhich blasphemous constructions they tooke of these and the like vvordes vvhere sinne abounded there did grace more abound and The Lavv entered in that sinne might abound and our our of the Psalme 50. That thou maiest be iustified in thy vvordes and ouercome vvhen thou art iu●ged As though he meant that men do sinne to the end that God may be iustified And at al these and the like places of the Apostle though forevvarned by S. Peter and by the Apostles ovvne defense and Protestation that he neuer meant such horrible things yet the vvicked also of this time do stumble and fall But the true meaning is in al such places that God can and doth vvhen it pleaseth him conuert those sinnes vvhich man committeth against him and his commaundements to his glorie though the sinnes them selues stand not vvith his vvil intention nor honour but be directly against the same and therfore may not be committed that any good may fall for vvhat good so euer accidentally falleth it procedeth not of the sinne but of Gods mercie that can pardon and of his omnipotencie that can turne il to good And therfore against those earnal interpretations S. Paul very carefully diligently giueth reason also in this place v. 6 that it is impossible because God could not iustly punish any man nor sit in iudgement at the later day for sinne vvithout plaine iniurie if either him self vvould haue sinne committed or man might doe it to his glorie Therfore let al sincere readers of the Scriptures and specially of S.
Let vs auoid those Nouelties of vvordes according to the Apostles prescript and keepe the old termes Penance Fasting Priest Church Bishop Masse Mattins Euensong the B. Sacrament Altar Oblation Host Sacrifice Alleluia Amen Lent Palme-Sunday Chrisimas the very vvordes vvil bring vs to the faith of our first Apostles and condemne these nevv apostates nevv faith and phrases 20. Falsely called knovvledge It is the propertie of al Heretikes to arrogate to them selues great knovvledge and to condemne the simplicitie of their fathers the holy Doctors and the Church but the Apostle calleth their pretended skill a knovvledge falsely so called being in truth high and deepe blindnes Such saith S. Irenaeus li. 5 c. 17. as forsake the preaching of the Church argue the holy Priests of vnskilfulnes not considering hovv far more vvorth a religious idiote is them a blasphemous and impudent sophister such as al Heretikes be And againe Vincentius Lirinensis speaking in the person of Heretikes saith Come ô ye folish and miserable men that are commonly called Catholikes and learne the true faith vvhich hath been hid many ages heretofore but is reuealed and shevved of late c. See his vvhole booke concerning these matters THE ARGVMENT OF THE SECOND EPISTLE OF S. PAVL TO TIMOTHEE THE cheefe scope of this second to Timothee is to open vnto him that his martyrdom is at hand Vvhich yet he doth not plainely before the end preparing first his minde vvith much circumstance because he knevv it vvould grieue him sore and also might be a tentation vnto him Therfore he talketh of the cause of his trouble of the revvard that the one is honorable and the other most glorious and exhorteth him to be constant in the faith to be ready alvvaies to suffer for it to fulfil his ministerie to the end as him self novv had done his Vvhereby it is certaine that it vvas vvritten at Rome in his last apprehension and emprisonment there as he signifieth by these vvordes Cap. 1 Onesiphorus vvas not ashamed of my chaine but when he was come to Rome carefully sought me c. And of his martyrdom thus For I am novv ready to be offered and the time of my resolution or death is at hand cap. 4. THE SECOND EPISTLE OF PAVL TO TIMOTHEE CHAP. I. Vvith his praises he couertly exhorteth him not to be dismaied for his trouble 6 hauing grace giuen in Orders to helpe him 8 and knovving for vvhat cause he is persecuted and namely vvith the example of Onesiphorus verse 1 PAVL an Apostle of IESVS Christ by the vvil of God according to the promisse of the life which is in Christ IESVS ✝ verse 2 to Timothee my deerest sonne grace mercie peace from God the father and Christ IESVS our Lord. ✝ verse 3 I giue thankes to God vvhom I serue from my progenitours in a pure conscience that vvithout intermission I haue a memorie of thee in my praiers night and day ✝ verse 4 desiring to see thee mindeful of thy teares that I may be filled vvith ioy ✝ verse 5 calling to minde that faith vvhich is in thee not feined vvhich also dvvelt first ″ in thy grandmother Loïs and thy mother Eunîce and I am sure that in thee also ✝ verse 6 For the vvhich cause I admonish thee that thou resuscitate the grace of God vvhich is in thee by the imposition of my handes ✝ verse 7 For God hath not giuen vs the spirit of feare but of povver and loue and sobrietie ✝ verse 8 Be not therfore ashamed of the testimonie of our Lord nor of me his prisoner but trauail vvith the Gospel according to the povver of God ✝ verse 9 vvho hath deliuered and called vs by his holy calling * not according to our vvorkes but according to his purpose and grace vvhich vvas giuen to vs in Christ IESVS * before the secular times ✝ verse 10 But it is manifested novv by the illumination of our Sauiour IESVS Christ vvho hath destroied death illuminated life and incorruption by the Gospel ✝ verse 11 vvherein * I am appointed a preacher and Apostle and Maister of the Gentiles ✝ verse 12 For the vvhich cause also I suffer these things but I am not cōfounded For I know whom I haue beleeued I am sure that he is able to keepe my ″ depositum vnto that day ✝ verse 13 Haue thou ″ a forme of sound vvordes vvhich thou hast heard of me in faith in the loue in Christ IESVS ✝ verse 14 Keepe the good depositum by the holy Ghost vvhich dvvelleth in vs. ✝ verse 15 Thou knovvest this that al vvhich are in Asia be auerted from me of vvhom is Phigelus and Hermogenes ✝ verse 16 Our Lord giue mercie to * the house of Onesiphorus because he hath often refreshed me and hath not been ashamed of my chaine ✝ verse 17 but vvhen he vvas come to Rome he sought me carefully and found me ✝ verse 18 ″ Our Lord graunt him to finde mercie of our Lord in that day And how many things he ministred to me at Ephesus thou knovvest better ANNOTATIONS CHAP. I. 5. In thy grandmother Though God shevv mercie to many that be of incredulous heretical or il parents yet it is a goodly benediction of God to haue good education and to haue good faithful progenitors and Catholike parents And it is a great sinne to forsake the faith of our fathers that be Catholikes or contrarie to our education in the Church to folovv strange doctrines abandoning not onely our next natural parents faith but the aūcient faith and beleefe of al our progenitors for many hundred yeres together And if to folovv the faith of mother and grandmother onely the Christian religion being then but nevvly planted vvas so commendable euen in a Bishop hovv much more is it novv laudable to cleaue fast to the faith of so many our progenitors and ages that continued in the same Christian religion vvhich they first receiued Our Protestants in their great vvisedom laugh at good simple men vvhen they talke of their fathers faith But S. Hierom I am a Christian saith he and borne of Christian parents and carie the signe of the crosse in my forehead And againe ep 65. c. 3. Vntil this day the Christian vvorld hath been vvithout this doctrine that faith vvil I hold fast being an old man vvherein I vvas borne a child And the holy Scriptures set vs often to schole to our fathers Aske thy fathers and they vvil shevv thee thy auncetours and they vvil tel thee And againe Our fathers haue shevved vnto vs. And cōmonly the true God is called the God of the faithful and of their forefathers Dan. 2. 3. And false Gods and nevv doctrines or opinions be named Nevv and fresh such as their fathers vvorshipped not Deut. 32. Finally S. Paul both here and often els alleageth for his defense and commendation that he vvas of faithful progenitors
that are in dispersion greeting ✝ verse 2 Esteeme it my brethren al ioy vvhen you shal fall into diuers tentatiōs ✝ verse 3 knovving that * the probatiō of your faith vvorketh patience ✝ verse 4 And let patience haue a perfect vvorke that you may be perfect entire failing in nothing ✝ verse 5 But if any of you lacke vvisedom let him aske of God who giueth to al men aboundantly and vp braideth not and it shal be giuen him ✝ verse 6 But * let him ● aske in faith nothing doubting for he that doubteth is like to a vvaue of the sea vvhich is moued caried about by the vvinde ✝ verse 7 therfore let not that man thinke that he shal receiue any thing of our Lord. ✝ verse 8 A man double of minde is inconsant in al his vvaies ✝ verse 9 But let the humble brother glorie in his exaltation ✝ verse 10 and the riche in his humilitie because * as the floure of grasse shal he passe ✝ verse 11 for the sunne rose vvith heate parched the grasse and the floure of it fel avvay and the beautie of the shape thereof perished so the riche man also shal vvither in his vvaies ✝ verse 12 Blessed is the man suffereth tentation for vvhen he hath been proued he shal receiue the crovvne of life vvhich God hath promised to them that loue him ⊢ ✝ verse 13 ″ Let no man vvhen he is tempted say that he is tempted no man ✝ verse 14 But euery one is tempted of his ovvne cōcupiscence abstracted and allured ✝ verse 15 Aftervvard ″ concupiscence vvhen it hath cōceiued bringeth forth sinne but ″ sinne vvhen it is consummate ingendreth death ✝ verse 16 Do not erre therfore my deerest brethren ✝ verse 17 Euery best gift and euery perfect gift is from aboue descending from the Father of lightes vvith vvhom is no transmutation nor shadovving of alteration ✝ verse 18 Voluntarily hath he begotten vs by the vvord of truth that vve may be some beginning of his creature ⊢ ✝ verse 19 You knovv my deerest brethren And * let euery man be svvift to heare but slovv to speake and slovv to anger ✝ verse 20 For the anger of man vvorketh not the iustice of God ✝ verse 21 For the vvhich thing casting avvay al vncleannesse and aboundance of malice in meekenesse receiue the engraffed vvord vvhich is able to saue your soules ⊢ ✝ verse 22 But * be doers of the vvord and not hearers only deceauing your selues ✝ verse 23 For if a man be a hearer of the vvord and not a doer he shal be compared to a man beholding the countenance of his natiuitie in a glasse ✝ verse 24 For he considered him self and vvent his vvay and by and by forgat vvhat an one he vvas ✝ verse 25 But he that hath looked in ″ the lavv of perfect libertie and hath remained in it not made a forgetful hearer but a doer of the vvorke this man shal be blessed in his deede ✝ verse 26 And if any man thinke him self to be religious not bridling his tong but seducing his hart this mans religion is vaine ✝ verse 27 ″ Religion cleane and vnspotted vvith God and the Father is this to visite pupilles and vvidovves in their tribulation to keepe him self vnspotted from this vvorld ⊢ ANNOTATIONS CHAP. I. 6. Aske in faith nothing doubting The Protestants vvould proue by this that no man ought to pray vvithout assurance that he shal obtaine that vvhich he asketh Where the Apostle meaneth nothing els but that the asker of lavvful things may not either mistrust Gods povver and hability or be in diffidence and despaire of his mercie but that our doubt be onely in our ovvne vnworthinesse or vndue asking 13. Let no man say that he is tempted of God Vve see by this that vvhen the Scriptures as in the Pater noster and other places seeme to say that God doth sometimes tempt vs or leade vs into tentation they meane not that God is any vvaies the author causer or mouer of any man to sinne but onely by permission and because by his gratious povver he keepeth not the offender from tentations Therfore the blasphemie of Heretike making God the author of sinne is intolerable See S. August ser 9. de diuers c. 9. 13. God is not a tempter of euils The Protestants as much as they may to diminish the force of the Apostles conclusion against such as attribute their euil tentations to God for other tentations God doth send to trie mens patience and proue their faith take and translate the vvord passuely in this sense that God is not tempted by our euils Vvhere more consonantly to the letter and circumstance of the vvordes before after as agreably to the Greeke it should be taken actiuely as it is in the Latin that God is no tempter to euil for being taken passiuely there is no coherence of sense to the other vvordes of the Apostle 15. Concupiscence vvhen it hath conceiued Concupiscence vve see here of it self is not sinne as Heretikes falsely teach but vvhen by any consent of the minde vve do obey or yeld to it then is sinne ingendred and formed in vs. 15. Sinne consummate ingendreth death Here vve see that not al sinne nor al consent vnto concupiscence is mortal or damnable but vvhen it is consummate that is vvhen the consent of mans minde fully and perfectly yeldeth to the committing or liking of the acte or motion vvherevnto concupiscence moueth or inciteth vs. 25. The lavv of perfect libertie The lavv of the Gospel and grace of Christ is called the lavv of libertie in respect of the yoke and burden of the old carnal ceremonies and because Christ hath by his bloud of the nevv Testament deliuered all that obey him from the seruitude of sinne and the Diuel But not as the Libertines and other Heretikes of this time vvould haue it that in the nevv Testament euery man may follovv his ovvne liking and conscience may choose vvhether he vvil be vnder the lavves and obedience of Spiritual or Temporal Rulers or no. 27. Religion cleane True religion standeth not onely in talking of the Scriptures or onely faith or Christes iustice but in puritie of life and good vvorkes specially of charitie and mercie done by the grace of Christ This is the Apostolical doctrine and far from the Heretical vanitie of this time CHAP. II. Against acception of person 10 From al and euery sinne vve must absteine hauing in al our vvordes and deedes the Iudgement before our eies vvherein vvorkes of mercie shal be required of vs 14 and onely faith shal not auaile vs. 18 And that the Catholike by his vvorkes shevveth that he hath faith vvhereas the Heretikes hath no more faith than the Diuel talke he of faith neuer so much and of iustification thereby onely by the
example of Abraham Ro. 4. Abraham in deede vvas iustified by vvorkes also 25 and likevvise Rahab verse 1 MY brethren Haue not the faith of our Lord IESVS Christ of glorie ″ in acception of persons ✝ verse 2 For if there shal enter into your assemblie a man hauing a golden ring in goodly appareil and there shal enter in a poore man in homely attire ✝ verse 3 you haue respect to him that is clothed vvith the goodly apparell and shal say to him Sitte thou here vvel but say to the poore man Stand thou there or sitte vnder my foote-stoole ✝ verse 4 do you not iudge vvith your selues and are become iudges of vniust cogitations ✝ verse 5 Heare my deerest brethren hath not God chosen the poore in this vvorld riche in faith and heires of the kingdom vvhich God hath promised to them that loue him ✝ verse 6 But you haue dishonoured the poore mā Do not the riche oppresse you by might and them selues dravv you to iudgements ✝ verse 7 Doe not they blaspheme the good name that is inuocated vpon you ✝ verse 8 If not-vvithstanding you fulfil the roial lavv according to the scriptures Thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy self you doe vvel ✝ verse 9 but if you accept persons you vvorke sinne reproued of the Lavv as transgressours ✝ verse 10 And * vvhosoeuer shal keepe the vvhole Lavv but offendeth in one ″ is made guilty of al. ✝ verse 11 For he that said Thou shalt not commit aduoutrie said also Thou shalt not kil And if thou doe not commit aduoutrie but shalt kil thou art made a transgressour of the Lavv. ✝ verse 12 So speake ye and so doe as beginning to be iudged by the lavv of libertie ✝ verse 13 For ″ iudgement vvithout mercie to him that hath not done mercie And mercie exalteth it self aboue iudgement ✝ verse 14 ″ Vvhat shal it profit my brethren if a man say he hath faith but hath not vvorkes Shal faith be able to saue him ✝ verse 15 And * if a brother or sister be naked lacke daily foode ✝ verse 16 and one of you say to them Goe in peace be vvarmed filled but you giue them not the things that are necessarie for the bodie vvhat shal it profit ✝ verse 17 So faith also if it haue not vvorkes is dead in it self ✝ verse 18 But some man saith Thou hast faith and I haue vvorkes shevv me thy faith vvithout vvorkes I vvil shevv thee by vvorkes my faith ✝ verse 19 Thou beleeuest that there is one God Thou doest vvel the deuils also beleeue and tremble ✝ verse 20 But vvilt thou knovv ô vaine man that faith vvithout vvorkes is idle ' ✝ verse 21 ″ Abraham our father vvas he not iustified by vvorkes * offering Isaac his sonne vpon the altar ✝ verse 22 Seest thou that ″ faith did vvorke vvith his vvorkes and by the vvorkes the faith vvas consummate ✝ verse 23 And the Scripture vvas fulfilled saying Abraham beleeued God and it vvas reputed him to iustice and he vvas called ″ the freende of God ✝ verse 24 Do you see that by vvorkes a man is iustified ″ not by faith only ✝ verse 25 And in like maner also * ″ Rahab the harlot vvas not she iustified by vvorkes receiuing the messengers and putting them forth an other vvay ✝ verse 26 For euen as the bodie vvithout the spirit is dead so also ″ faith vvithout vvorkes is dead ANNOTATIONS CHAP. II. 1. In acception of persons The Apostle meaneth not as the Anabaptists and other seditious persons sometime gather hereof that there should be no difference in Commonvveales or assemblies betvvixt the Magistrate and the subiect the free man and the bond the riche and the poore betvvixt one degree and an other for God and nature and the necessitie of man haue made such distinctions and men are bound to obserue then But it is meant onely or specially that in spiritual giftes and graces in matters of faith Sacraments and saluation and bestovving the spiritual functions and charge of foule vve must esteeme of a poore man or a bond man no lesse then of the rich man and the free then of the Prince or the Gentleman because as Christ him self calleth all and endueth al sorts vvith his graces so in such and the like things vve must not be partial but count al to be fellovves brethren and members of one head And therfore the Apostle saith vvith a special clause That vve should not hold or haue the Christian faith vvith or in such differences or partialities 10. Is made guilty of al. He meaneth not that vvhosoeuer is a theefe is also a murderer or that euery murderer is an aduouterer also or that al sinnes be equal according to the Stoïkes and the Heresie of Iouinian much lesse that he shal haue as great damnation that transgresseth one commaundement as if he had offended against euery precept but the sense is that it shal not auaile him to saluation that he seemeth to haue kept certaine and not broken al the commaundements seeing that any one transgression of the Lavv proueth that he hath not obserued the vvhole vvhich he vvas bound to do so far as is required and as is possible for a man in this life S. Augustine disputing profoundly in his 29 Epistle to S. Hierom of this place of S. Iames expoundeth it thus that he vvhich offendeth in one that is against the general and great commaundement of loue or charitie because it is in maner al as being the summe of al the plentitude of the lavv and the perfection of the rest breaketh after a sort and transgresseth al no sinne being committed but either against the loue of God or of our neighbour 13. Iudgement vvithout mercie Nothing giueth more hope of mercie in the next life then the vvorkes of almes charitie and mercie done to our neighbours in this life Neither shal any be vsed vvith extreme rigour in the next vvorld but such as vsed not mercie in this vvorld August de pec merit li. 2. c. 3. Vvhich is true not onely in respect of the iudgement to euerlasting damnation but also of the temporal chastisement in Purgatorie as S. Augustine signifieth declaring that our venial sinnes be vvashed avvay in this vvorld vvith daily vvorkes of mercie vvhich othervvise should be chastised in the next See epist 29. aforesaid in sine and li. 21 de Ciu. Dei c. 17 in fine 14. What shal it profite if a man say he hath faith This vvhole passage of the Apostle is so cleere against iustification or saluation by onely faith damnably defended by the Protestants and so euident for the necessitie merite concurrence of good vvorkes that their first author Luther and such as exactly folovv him boldly after the maner of Heretikes vvhen they can make no shift nor false glose for the text deny the
✝ verse 3 And behold certaine of Scribes sayd vvithin them selues ″ He blasphemeth ✝ verse 4 And IESVS seeing their thoughtes said Wherfore thinke you euil in your hartes ✝ verse 5 ″ Whether is easier to say thy sinnes are forgiuen thee or to say Arise and vvalke ✝ verse 6 But that you may knovv that the ″ Sonne of man hath povver in earth to forgiue sinnes then sayd he to the sicke of the palsey Arise take vp thy bedde and goe into thy house ✝ verse 7 And he arose and vvent into his house ✝ verse 8 And the multitudes seeing it vvere afrayd and ″ glorified God that gaue such povver ″ to men ⊢ ✝ verse 9 And * vvhen IESVS passed forth from thence he savv a man sitting in the custome-house named Matthevv And he sayth to him Folovv me And he arose vp and folovved him ✝ verse 10 And it came to passe as he vvas sitting at meate in the house behold many Publicans and sinners came and sate dovvne vvith IESVS and his Disciples ✝ verse 11 And the Pharisees seeing it sayd to his Disciples vvhy doth your Master eate vvith Publicans sinners ✝ verse 12 But IESVS hearing it sayd They that are in health neede not a physicion but they that are il at ease ✝ verse 13 But go your vvayes and learne vvhat it is I vvil mercie ″ not sacrifice For I am not come to cal the iust but sinners ⊢ ✝ verse 14 Then * came to him the Disciples of Iohn saying vvhy do vve and the Pharisees ″ fast often but thy Disciples do not fast ✝ verse 15 And IESVS sayd to them Can the children of the bridegrome mourne as long as the bridegrome is vvith them But the dayes vvil come vvhen the bridegrome shal be taken avvay from them and then they shal fast ✝ verse 16 And no body putteth a peece of ravv cloth to an old garment For he taketh avvay the peecing therof from the garment and there is made a greater rent ✝ verse 17 Neither do they put ″ nevv vvine into old bottels Othervvise the bottels breake and the vvine runneth out and the bottels perish But nevv vvine they put into nevv bottels and both are preserued together ✝ verse 18 * As he vvas speaking this vnto them behold a certaine Gouernour approched and adored him saying Lord my daughter is euen novv dead but come lay thy hand vpon her and she shal liue ✝ verse 19 And IESVS rysing vp folovved him and his Disciples ✝ verse 20 And behold a vvoman vvhich vvas troubled vvith an issue of bloud ″ tvvelue yeres came behind him and touched the hemme of his garment ✝ verse 21 For she sayd vvithin her self If I shal ″ touch only his garment I shal be safe ✝ verse 22 But IESVS turning and seeing her sayd Haue a good hart daughter thy faith hath made the safe And the vvoman became vvhole from that houre ✝ verse 23 And vvhen IESVS vvas come into the house of the Gouernour savv minstrels and the multitude keeping a sturre ✝ verse 24 he sayd Depart for the vvenche is not dead but sleepeth And they laughed him to skorne ✝ verse 25 And vvhen the multitude vvas put forth he entred in and held her hand And the mayde arose ✝ verse 26 And this bruite vvent forth into al that countrie ✝ verse 27 And as IESVS passed forth from thence there folovved him tvvo blinde men crying and saying Haue mercie on vs O sonne of Dauid ✝ verse 28 And vvhen he vvas come to the house the blinde came to him And IESVS sayth to them ″ Do you beleeue that I can doe this vnto you They say to him Yea Lord. ✝ verse 29 Then he touched their eyes saying According to your faith be it done to you ✝ verse 30 And their eyes vvere opened and IESVS threatened them saying See that no man knovv it ✝ verse 31 But they vvent forth bruited him in al that countrey ✝ verse 32 And vvhen they vvere gone forth behold they brought him a dumme man possessed vvith a diuel ✝ verse 33 And after the diuel vvas cast out the dumme man spake and the multitudes marueled sying Neuer vvas the like seene in Israel ✝ verse 34 But * the Pharisees sayd In the prince of diuels he casteth out diuels ✝ verse 35 And IESVS vvent about al the cities and tovvnes teaching in their synagogs and preaching the Gospel of the kingdom and curing euery disease and euery infirmitie ✝ verse 36 And seing the multitudes he pitied them because they vvere vexed and lay like sheepe that haue not a shepheard ✝ verse 37 Then he sayth to his Disciples The haruest surely is great but the vvorkemen are fevv ✝ verse 38 ″ Pray therfore the Lord of the haruest that he send forth vvorkemen into his haruest ANNOTATIONS CHAP. IX 3. He blasphemeth When the Iewes heard Christ remitte sinnes they charged him with blasphemie as Heretikes now charge his priests of the new Testament for that they remitte sinnes to whom he sayd Whose sinnes you shal forgeue they are forgeuen c. Io. 20. 5. Whether is easier The faithlesse Iewes thought as Heretikes now a daies that to forgeue sinnes was so proper to God that it could not he communicated vnto man but Christ sheweth that as to worke miracles is otherwise proper to God only and yet this power is communicated to men so also to forgeue sinnes 6. The sonne of man in earth Christ had power to remit sinnes and often executed the same not only as he was God but also as he was a man because he was head of the Churche and our cheefe Bishop and Priest according to his manhod in respect wherof al power was geuen him in heauen and earth Mat. 28 v. 18. 8. Glorified The faythful people did glorifie God that gaue such power to men for to remit sinnes and to doe miracles knowing that that which God committeth to men is not to his derogation but to his glorie him self only being stil the principal worker of that effect men being only his ministers substitutes and working vnder him and by his commission and authoritie ● To men Not only Christ as he was man had this power to forgeue sinnes but by him and from him the Apostles and consequently Priests Mat. 28. Al power is geuen me Mat. 18. Whatsoeuer you shal loose in earth shal be loosed in heauen Ioan. 20. Whose sinnes you shal forgeue they are forgeuen 13. Not sacrifice These are the wordes of the Prophete who spake them euen then when sacrifices where offered by Gods commaundement so that it maketh not agaynst sacrifice but he saith that sacrifice only without mercie and charitie and generally with mortal sinne is not acceptable The Iewes offered their sacrifices dewely but in the meane time they had no pitie nor mercie on their brethren that is it which God misliketh 14. Fast often
him wel fare thee good and faithful seruant because thou hast been faithful ouer a fevv things I vvil place thee ouer many things enter into the ioy of thy lord ⊢ ✝ verse 24 And he also that had receiued the one talent came forth and said Lord I knovv that thou art a hard man thou reapest vvhere thou didst not sovv and gatherest vvhere thou stravvedst not ✝ verse 25 and being afraid I vvent and hid thy talent in the earth behold loe here thou hast that vvhich thine is ✝ verse 26 And his lord ansvvering said to him Naughtie and sloughtful seruant thou didst knovv that I reape vvhere I sovv not gather vvhere I stravved not ✝ verse 27 thou oughtest therfore to haue committed my money to the bankers and comming I might haue receiued mine ovvne ● vvith vsurie ✝ verse 28 Take ye avvay therfore the talent from him and giue it him that hath ten talents ✝ verse 29 For to * euery one that hath shal be giuen and he shal abound but from him that hath not that also vvhich ● he seemeth to haue shal be taken avvay from him ✝ verse 30 And the vnprofitable seruant cast ye out into the vtter darknesse There shal be vveeping and gnashing of teeth ✝ verse 31 And vvhen the sonne of man shal come in his maiestie and al the Angels vvith him then shal he sitte vpon the seate of his maiestie ✝ verse 32 and al nations shal be gathered together before him and he shal ● separate them one from an other as the pastor separateth the sheepe from the goates ✝ verse 33 and shal set the sheepe at his right hand but the goates at his left ✝ verse 34 Then shal the king say to them that shal be at his right hand Come ye blessed of my father possesse you the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the vvorld ✝ verse 35 for I vvas an hungred and ● you gaue me to eate I vvas a thirst and you gaue me to drinke ✝ verse 36 I vvas a stranger and you tooke me in naked and you couered me sicke and you visited me I vvas in prison and you came to me ✝ verse 37 Then shal the iust ansvve● him saying Lord vvhen did vve see thee an hungred and fed thee a thirst and gaue thee drinke ✝ verse 38 and vvhen did vve see thee a stranger and tooke thee in or naked and couered thee ✝ verse 39 or vvhen did vve see thee sicke or in prison and came to thee ✝ verse 40 And the king ansvvering shall say to them Amen I say to you as long as you did it to one of these my least brethren you did it to me ✝ verse 41 Then he shal say to them also that shal be at his left hand ● Get ye avvay from me you cursed into fire euerlasting vvhich vvas prepared for the Deuil and his angels ✝ verse 42 for I vvas an hungred and you ● gaue me not to eate I vvas a thirst and you gaue me not to drinke ✝ verse 43 I was a stranger and you tooke me not in naked and you couered me not sicke and in prison and you did not visite me ✝ verse 44 Then they also shall ansvver him saying Lord vvhen did vve see thee an hungred or a thirst or a stranger or naked or sicke or in prison and did not minister to thee ✝ verse 45 Then he shal ansvver them saying Amen I say to you as long as you did it not to one of these lesser neither did you it to me ✝ verse 46 And these shal goe into punishment euerlasting but the iust into life euerlasting ⊢ ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XXV 1. Virgi●s These virgins fiue wise and fiue foolish signifie that in the Church militant there be good and bad which bad shal be shut out at the later day although they haue lampes that is faith as the other because their lampes are out that is their faith is dead without charity and good workes to lighten them Greg. ho. 12. 1. Lampes These lampes lighted be good workes namely of mercy and the laudable conuersation which shineth before men Aug. ep 120 c. 33. 3. Oyle This oyle is the right inward intention directing our workes to Gods glorie and not to the praise of our selues in the sight of men Aug. ep 120 c. 33. 27. With vsurie Vsurie is here taken for the lawful gaine that a man getteth by wel employing his goods When God geueth vs any talent or talents he looketh for vsurie that is for spiritual increase of the same by our diligence and industrie 29. That which he seemeth to haue He is said to haue Gods gifts that vseth them and to such an one God wil increase his giftes He that vseth them not seemeth to haue rather then ●ath them and from him God wil withdraw that which before he gaue 32. Separate Lo here is the separation for in the Church militant they liued both together As for Heretikes they went out of the Church before and separated them selues and therfore are not to be separated here as being iudged already 34. Come ye 41 get ye away It is no incongruity that God should say Goe into euerlasting fire to them that by their free wil haue repelled his mercie and to the other Come ye blessed of my father take the kingdom prepared for them that by their free wil haue receiued faith and confessed their sinnes and done penance Aug. li. 2 act cum Fel. Manich. c. 8. 35. You gaue me Hereby we see how much almes-deedes and al workes of mercy preuaile towardes life euerlasting and to blot out former sinnes Aug. in Ps 49. 42. Gaue me not He chargeth them not here that they beleeued not but that they did not good workes For such did beleeue but they cared not for good workes as though by dead faith they might haue come to heauen Aug. defid op c. 15. ad Dulcit q. 2. to 4. CHAP. XXVI To the Councel of the Iewes Iudas by occasion of Marie Magdaelens ●intmēt doth sell him for litle 17 After the Paschal lambe 26 he giueth them that bread of life promised Io. 6. in a mystical Sacrifice or Separation of his Body and Bloud 31 And that night he is after his prayer 47 taken of the Iewes men Iudas being their captaine and forsaken of the other eleuen for feare 57 is falsely accused and impiously condemned of the Iewes Councel 67 and shamefully abused of them 69 and thrise de●ied of Peter Al euen as the Scriptures and him self had often foretold verse 1 AND it came to passe vvhen IESVS had ended al these vvordes he said to his Disciples ✝ verse 2 You knovv that after tvvo dayes shal be Pasche and the Sonne of man shal be deliuered to be crucified ✝ verse 3 Then vvere gathered together the cheefe Priestes and auncients of the people into the court of the high priest vvho
receiue you into the eternal tabernacles ⊢ ✝ verse 10 He that is faithful in the lest is faithful in the greater also and he that is vniust in litle is vniust in the greater also ✝ verse 11 If then you haue not been faithful in the vniust mammon vvith that vvhich is the true vvho may credit you ✝ verse 12 And if you haue not been faithful in other mens that vvhich is yours vvho vvil giue you ✝ verse 13 * No seruant can serue tvvo maisters for either he shal hate the one and loue the other or cleaue to one and contemne the other You can not serue God and mammon ✝ verse 14 And the Pharisees vvhich vvere couetous heard al these things and they derided him ✝ verse 15 And he said to them You are they that iustifie your selues before men but god knovveth your hartes because that vvhich is high to men is abomination before God ✝ verse 16 * The lavv and the prophets vnto Iohn from that time the kingdom of God is euangelized and euery one doth force tovvard it ✝ verse 17 * And it is easier for heauen and earth to passe then one tittle of the lavv to fall ✝ verse 18 * Euery one that dimisseth his vvife ″ and marieth an other committeth aduoutrie and he that marieth her that is dimissed from her husband committeth aduourrie ✝ verse 19 There vvas a certaine riche man he vvas clothed vvith purple and silke and he fared euery day magnifically ✝ verse 20 And there vvas a certaine begger called Lazarus that lay at his gate ful of sores ✝ verse 21 desiring to be filled of the crommes that fel from the riche mans table but the dogges also came and licked his sores ✝ verse 22 And it came to passe that the begger died and vvas caried ″ of the Angels into ″ Abrahams bosome And the riche man also died and he vvas buried in hel ✝ verse 23 And lifting vp his eies vvhen he vvas in torments he savv Abraham a farre of and Lazarus in his bosome ✝ verse 24 and he crying said Father Abraham haue mercie on me and send Lazarus that he may dippe the tippe of his finger into vvater for to coole my tongue because I am tormented in this flame ✝ verse 25 And Abraham said to him Sonne remember that thou didst receiue good things in thy life time and Lazarus likevvise euil but novv he is comforted and thou art tormented ✝ verse 26 And beside al these things betvvene vs and you there is fixed ″ a great chaos that they vvhich vvil passe from hence to you may not neither goe from thence hither ✝ verse 27 And he said Then father I beseeche thee that thou vvouldest send him vnto my fathers house for I haue fiue brethren ✝ verse 28 for to testifie vnto them ″ lest they also come into this place of torments ✝ verse 29 And Abraham said to him They haue Moyses and the Prophets let them heare them ✝ verse 30 But he said No father Abraham but if some man shal goe from the dead to them they vvil doe penance ✝ verse 31 And he said to him If they heare not Moyses and the Prophets neither if one shal rise againe from the dead vvil they beleeue ⊢ ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XVI 2. The lord praised This mans deceiuing his maister is not praised nor vve vvarrāted by his fact to gaine vniustly for to haue vvherevvith to giue almes but his prudence in that he prouided so substancially for him selfe vvhilest his maisters goods vvere in his handes is commended not for a vertue but for avvorldly pollicie and proposed as an example of the careful prouision that rich men who are Gods stewards in earth should make for their soules against they be put out of their bailiship and be called to account vvhich is the day of their death and for a condemnation of faithful mens folly and negligence that being assured they shal out of their offices and vvell knovving they might gaine salutation by their money haue so litle regard thereof 9. They 〈◊〉 receiue A great comfort to al great almes-men and a vvonderful force and vertue in almes vvhith beside the merite of the worke of mercie vvhich as in other places of Scripture is said purgeth sinne and gaineth heauen pocureth also not onely the praiers of their beadsmen in earth but their patronage in heauen also whereby also the praiers of Saincts for the liuing and namely for them to whom they vvere beholding in their life are proued Yea and that they be in such fauour with God that they may and doe receiue their frendes vvhich vvere once their benefactors into their mansions in heauen no lesse then the farmers vvhom the il stevvard pleasured might receiue their freend into their earthly houses Which also insinuateth to vs that almes bestovved specially vpon holy men vvho by their merites and praiers are great in Gods grace may much more helpe vs then our charitable deedes done vpon vulgar men in necessitie though that be of exceding great merite also See al this in these Doctors folovving Hiero. qu. 6. ad Algas to 3. Ambros in Luc. August ser 35 de verb. Do. c. 1. Gregor moral li. 〈◊〉 c. 14. Augu. li. 2 q. Euang. qu. 34. Chrys ho. 3● ad po Antioch to 5. 18. And marrieth The good of Mariage through out al nations and men is in issue and fidelitie of chastitie but among the people of God it consisteth also in holines of Sacrament Whereby it commeth to passe that is a heinous crime to marry againe though there be a diuorce made so long as the parties liue Aug. de bono coniug c. 24 to 6. See the Annotations vpon Marke 10 11. 22. Of the Angels Angels carie good mens soules to heauen novv as they did then his to Abrahams bosome See the revvard of pouerty affliction and patience and on the contrarie the end and revvard of vvealth ioyned with vnmercifulnes Note also here that at the day of euery mans death there is a particular iudgement and therfore the soule sleepeth not nor hangeth in suspense til the general iudgement 22. Abrahams Bosome The Bosome of Abraham is the resting place of al them that died in perfect state of grace before Christes time heauē before being shut from men It is called in Zacharie a lake vvithout vvater and sometimes a prison but most commonly of the Diuines Limbus patrum for that it is thought to haue been the higher part or brimme of Hel the places of punishment being far Iovver then the same vvhich therfore be called Infernum inferius the lovver hel where this mansion of the fathers stood or whether it be any part of Hel S. Augustine doubteth but that there was such a place he nor no Catholike man euer doubted as al the fathers make it most certaine that our Sauiour descending to
to release IESVS ✝ verse 21 But they cried againe saying Crucifie crucifie him ✝ verse 22 And he the third time said to them Vvhy vvhat euil hath this man done I finde no cause of death in him I vvil correct him therfore and let him goe ✝ verse 23 But they vvere instant vvith loude voices requiring that he might be crucified And their voices preuailed ✝ verse 24 And Pilate adiudged their petition to be done ✝ verse 25 And he released vnto them him that for murder and sedition had been cast into prison vvhom they demaunded but IESVS he deliuered to their pleasure ✝ verse 26 And vvhen they led him they tooke one Simon of Cyréne comming from the countrie and they laid the crosse vpon him to carie after IESVS ✝ verse 27 And there folovved him a great multitude of people and of vvomen vvhich bevvailed and lamented him ✝ verse 28 But IESVS turning to them said Daughters of Hierusalem vveepe not vpon me but vveepe vpon your selues and vpon your children ✝ verse 29 For behold the daies shal come vvherein they vvil say Blessed are the barren and the vvombes that haue not borne and the pappes that haue not giuen sucke ✝ verse 30 Then shal they begin to say to the mountaines Fal vpon vs and to the hilles Couer vs. ✝ verse 31 For if in the greene wood they doe these things in the drie vvhat shal be done ✝ verse 32 And there vvere led also other tvvo malefactours vvith him to be executed ✝ verse 33 And after they came to the place vvhich is called Caluarie there they crucified him and the theeues one on the right hand and the other on the left ✝ verse 34 And IESVS said Father forgiue them for they knovv not vvhat they doe But they deuiding his garments did cast lottes ✝ verse 35 And the people stood expecting ' and the princes vvith them derided him saying Others he hath saued let him saue him self if this be Christ the elect of God ✝ verse 36 And the souldiars also mocked him comming to him and offering him vinegre ✝ verse 37 saying If thou be the king of the Ievves saue thy self ✝ verse 38 And there vvas also a superscription vvritten ouer him in Greeke and Latine and Hebrevv letters THIS IS THE KING OF THE IEVVES ✝ verse 39 And one of those theeues that vvere hanged blasphemed him saying If thou be Christ saue thy self and vs. ✝ verse 40 But the other ansvvering rebuked him saying Neither doest thou feare God vvhere as thou art in the same damnation ✝ verse 41 And vve in deede iustly for vve receiue vvorthie of our doings but this man hath done no euil ✝ verse 42 And he said to IESVS Lord remember me vvhen thou shalt come into thy kingdom ✝ verse 43 And IESVS said to him Amen I say to thee this day thou shalt be vvith me ″ in paradise ✝ verse 44 And it vvas almost the sixt houre and there vvas made darkenesse vpon the vvhole earth vntil the ninthe houre ✝ verse 45 And the sunne vvas darkened and the veile of the temple vvas rent in the middes ✝ verse 46 And IESVS crying vvith a loude voice said Father into thy handes I commend my spirit And saying this he gaue vp the ghost ✝ verse 47 And the Centurion seeing that vvhich vvas done glorified God saying In deede this man vvas iust ✝ verse 48 And al the multitude of them that vvere present together at that sight and savv the things that vvere done returned knocking their breasts ✝ verse 49 And al his acquaintance stoode a far of and the vvomen that had folovved him from Galilee seeing these things ✝ verse 50 * And behold a man named Ioseph vvhich vvas a senatour a good man and a iust ✝ verse 51 he had not consented to their counseil and doings of Arimathaea a citie of Ievvrie vvho also him self expected the kingdom of God ✝ verse 52 This man came to Pilate and asked the body of IESVS ✝ verse 53 And taking it dovvne vvrapped it in sindon and laid him in a monument hevved of stone ″ vvherein neuer yet any man had been laid ✝ verse 54 And it vvas the day of Parasceue and the Sabboth drew neere ✝ verse 55 And the women that vvere come with him from Galilee folovving after ″ savv the monument and hovv his body vvas laid ✝ verse 59 And returning they prepared spices and ointments and on the Sabboth they rested according to the commaundement ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XXIII 34. Forgiue them A perfecte example of charitie in our Sauiour praying for his crucifiers vvhich the first martyr S. Steuen did folovv Act. 7 and the praiers of ●oth vvere heard Christs praier taking effecte in the Centurion and others Steuens in Paul 43. In Paradise Thou maist not herevpon differre thy conuersion or amendment presuming of grace at the last houre of thy life not looke to haue saluation by saith and confession of Christ vvithout good workes no● to goe straight to heauen vvithout satisfaction penance or punishment for thy former sinnes and life il spent nor chalenge securitie and certaine knovvledge of thy saluation for this good theeues case is not common but a rare example of mercie and prerogatiue but for the first point learne only not to despaire though thou hast been il to the last moment of thy life for the second that faith hope and charitie repentance and good vvil be sufficient and good vvorkes not required vvhere for vvant of time and opportunitie they cannot be had for the third that Christ gaue to this happy man for his ●elous confession of him and reprehending his fellovv not only remission of his sinnes but also by extraordinarie grace a pardon of al penance and satisfaction due either in this life or the next for the same euen as the holy Church by his examle and commission giueth pardons also to some of her zelous children of al punishment due for their offenses and such goe straight to heauen lastly that euery one hath not a reuelation of his saluation as this man had and therfore can not be so sure as he was ●3 Wherein neuer As in the wombe of MARIE none was conceiued before nor after him so in this monument none was laid before nor after him which prerogatiue no doubt was of Gods prouidence this Ioseph no lesse abstaining afterward to be buried in it then the other Ioseph from copulation with the mother of our Lord. S. Augustine ●● Saw the monument These good vvomen of great deuotion obserued the Sepulcher for the honour of the holy body Vvherevpon the deuotion of faithful folke vvatching and visiting on Good-Friday and Easter eue the sepulcher made in euery Church for memorie of our Lords burial is exceding good and godly specially the B. Sacrament for more signification sake being present in the same Sepulcher CHAP. XXIIII Deuout vvomen not finding his body in the Sepulcher 4 Angels tel
that men must stand in feare and dread lest they be not vvorthy to be heard or to obteine mercie Vvhereby al men that bye or sel any spiritual functions dignities offices or liuings may specially be vva●ned that the sinne is exceding great 24. Pray you for me As this Sorc●●er had more knovvledge of the true religion then the Protestants haue vvho see not that the Apostles and Bishops can giue the Holy Ghost in this Sacrament or other vvhich he plainely perceiued and confessed so surely he vvas more religious then they that being so sharply checked by the Apostle yet blasphemed not as they do vvhen they be blamed by the Gouerners of the Church but desired the Apostles to pray for him 27. This is desert Intolerable boldnes of some Protestants here also as in other places against al copies both Greeke and Latin to surmise corruption or falshod of the text saying it can not be so Vvhich is to accuse the holy Euangelist and to blaspheme the Holy Ghost him self See Beza vvho is often very saucie vvith S. Luke 38. He baptized him When the Heretikes of this time finde mention made in Scripture of any Sacrament ministred by the Apostles or other in the Primitiue Church they imagine no more vvas done then there is expresly told nor scarsly beleeue so much As if imposition of hands in the Sacrament of Confirmation be onely expressed they thinke there vvas no chrisme nor other vvorke or vvord vsed So they thinke no more ceremonie vvas vsed in the baptizing of this noble man then here is mentioned Vvherevpon S. Augustine hath these memorable vvordes In that that he saith Philip baptized him he vvould haue it vnderstood that al things vvere done vvhich though in the Scriptures for breuitie sake they are not mentioned yet by order of tradition vve knovv vvere to be done CHAP. IX Saul not content to persecute so cruelly in Hierusalem 3 is in the vvay to Da●●scus told by our Lord IESVS of his vaine attempt and miraculously conuerted to be an Apostle and after great penance restored to his sight by Ananias and baptized 20 And presently he dealeth mightily against the Ievves prouing IESVS to be Christ to their great admiration 23 But such is their obstinacie that they lay al Damascus to kil him 26 From thence he goeth to Hierusalem and there ioyneth vvith the Apostles and againe by the obstinate Ievves his death is sought 31 The Church being novv grovven ouer al Ievvrie Galilee and Samaria Peter visiteth al and in his visitation 33 healing a lameman 36 and raising a dead vvoman conuerteth very many verse 1 AND Saul as yet breathing forth threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of our Lord came to the high priest ✝ verse 2 and asked letters of him vnto Damascus to the synagogs that if he had found any men and vvomen of this vvay he might bring them bound vnto Hierusalem ✝ verse 3 And as he vvent on his iourney it chaunced that he drevv nigh to Damascus and * sodenly a light from heauen shined round about him ✝ verse 4 And falling on the ground he heard a voice saying to him Saul Saul vvhy persecutest thou me ✝ verse 5 Vvho said Vvho art thou Lord And he I am IESVS vvhom thou doest persecute it is hard for thee to kicke against the pricke ✝ verse 6 And trembling and being astonied he said Lord vvhat vvilt thou haue me to doe ✝ verse 7 And our Lord to him Arise and goe into the citie and it shal be told thee vvhat thou must doe But the men that vvent in companie vvith him stood amased hearing the voice but seeing no man ✝ verse 8 And Saul rose vp from the ground and his eies being opened he savv nothing And they dravving him by the hādes brought him into Damascus ✝ verse 9 And he vvas three daies not seeing and he did neither eate nor drinke ✝ verse 10 And there vvas a certaine disciple at Damascus named Ananias and our Lord said to him in a vision Ananias But he said Loe here I am Lord. ✝ verse 11 And our Lord to him Arise goe into the streate that is called Straight and seeke in the house of Iudas one named Saul of Tarsus for behold he prayeth ✝ verse 12 And he savv a man named Ananias comming in and imposing handes vpon him for to receiue his sight ✝ verse 13 But Ananias ansvvered Lord I haue heard by many of this man hovv much euil he hath done to thy sainctes in Hierusalem ✝ verse 14 and here he hath authoritie from the cheefe priests to binde al that inuocate thy name ✝ verse 15 And our Lord said to him Goe for a vessel of election is this man 〈…〉 carie my name before the Gentiles and kinges 〈…〉 children of Israël ✝ verse 16 For I vvil shevv him hovv grea● 〈…〉 must suffer for my name ✝ verse 17 And Ananias vvent and entred into the house and imposing handes vpon him he said Brother Saul our Lord IESVS hath sent me he that appeared to thee in the vvay that thou camest that thou maiest see and be filled vvith the holy Ghost ✝ verse 18 And forthvvith there fel from his eies as it vvere scales and he receiued sight and rising he vvas baptized ✝ verse 19 And vvhen he had taken meate he vvas strengthened And he vvas vvith the disciples that vvere at Damascus for certaine daies ✝ verse 20 And incontinent entring into the synagogs he preached IESVS that this is the sonne of God ✝ verse 21 And al that heard vvere astonied and said Is not this he that expugned in Hierusalem those that inuocated this name and came hither to this purpose that he might bring them bound to the cheefe priests ✝ verse 22 But Saul vvaxed mightie much more and confounded the Ievves that dvvelt at Damascus affirming that this is CHRIST ⊢ ✝ verse 23 And vvhen many daies vvere passed the Ievves consulted that they might kil him ✝ verse 24 But their conspiracie came to Sauls knovvledge And * they kept the gates also day and night that they might kil him ✝ verse 25 But the disciples taking him in the night conueied him avvay by the vvall letting him dovvne in a basket ✝ verse 26 And vvhen he vvas come into Hierusalem he assaied to ioyne him self to the disciples al feared him not beleeuing that he vvas a disciple ✝ verse 27 But Barnabas tooke him brought him to the Apostles and told them hovv in the vvay he had seen our Lord and that he spake vnto him and hovv in Damascus he dealt confidently in the name of IESVS ✝ verse 28 And he vvas vvith them going in and going out in Hierusalem and dealing confidently in the name of our Lord. ✝ verse 29 He spake also to the Gentiles and disputed vvith the Greekes but they sought to kil him ✝ verse 30 Vvhich vvhen the brethren had knovven they brought him dovvné
that abhorrest idols thou doest sacrilege ✝ verse 23 that doest glorie in the Lavv thou by preuatication of the Lavv doest dishonour God ✝ verse 24 For the name of God through you is blasphemed among the Gentiles as it is vvriten ✝ verse 25 Circumcision in deede profiteth if thou obserue the Lavv but if thou be a preuaricátour of the Lavv thy circumcision is become prepuce ✝ verse 26 If then the prepuce ″ keepe the iustices of the Lavv shal not his prepuce be reputed for circumcision ✝ verse 27 and shal not that vvhich of nature is prepuce fulfilling the Lavv iudge thee that by the letter and circumcision art a preuaricátour of the Lavv ✝ verse 28 For not he that is in open shevv is a Ievv not that vvhich is in open shevv in the flesh is circumcision ✝ verse 29 but he that is in secrete is a Ievv and the circumcision of the hart ″ in spirit not in the letter vvhose praise is not of men but of God ANNOTATIONS CHAP. II. 1. Thou that iudgest Such as by publike authoritie either spiritual or temporal haue to punish offenders be not forbidden to iudge or condemne any for their offenses though them selues be sometimes guilty in their conscience of the same or greater yet may it be matter of aggrauating sinnes before God vvhen they vvil not repent of those offenses them selues for the vvhich they punish others but if they be open offenders them selues in the same sort for vvhich they iudge other they giue scandal and thereby aggrauate their sinnes very much Proprely here he forbiddeth to charge an other falsely or truely vvith these crimes vvhereof him self is as farre guilty or more then the other as the Ievves specially did the Gentils to vvhom he speaketh here 4. Doest thou contemne This proueth that God offereth his grace and mercie to many and by long patience and sufferance expecteth their repētance differring their punishment of purpose that they may amend and that he is not delighted in their perdition nor is the cause of their sinne but contrarievvise that they harden their ovvne hartes and of their ovvne free vvil relect his grace and contemne his benignitie 6. According to his vvorkes Though the holy Apostles special purpose be in this Epistle to commend vnto the Gentiles that trusted so much in their moral vvorkes the faith in Christ yet lest any man should thinke or gather vntruely of his vvordes that Christian mens vvorkes vvere not meritorious or the cause of Saluation he expresly vvriteth that God giueth as vvel euerlasting life and glorie to men for and according to their good vvorkes as he giueth damnation for the contrarie vvorkes And hovv so euer Heretikes fondly flee from the euidence of these places yet S. Augustine saith Life euerlasting to be rendered for good vvorkes according to this manifest Scripture God shal render to euery man according to his vvorkes 13. Not the hearers This same sentence agreable also to Christes vvordes Mat. ● 21 is the very ground of S. Iames disputation that not faith alone but good vvorkes also do iustifie Therfore S. Paul hovvsoeuer some peruersly conster his vvordes in other place meaneth the same that S. Iames. And here * he speaketh not properly of the first iustification vvhen an Infidel or il man is made iust vvho had no acceptable vvorkes before to be iustified by of vvhich kind he specially meaneth in other places of this Epistle but he speaketh of the second iustification or increase of former iustice vvhich he that is in Gods grace daily procedeth in by doing al kind of good vvorkes vvhich be iustices and for doing of vvhich he is iust in deede before God and of this kinde doth S. Iames namely treate Vvhich is directly against the Heretikes of this time vvho not only attribute nothing to the vvorkes done in sinne and infidelitie but esteeme nothing at al of al Christian mens vvorkes tovvard iustification and saluation condemning them as vncleane sinful hy pocritical Pharisaical vvhich is directly against these other Scripture and plaine blaspheming of Christ and his grace by vvhose spirit and cooperation vve doe them 13. Shal be iustified Of al other Articles deceitfully handled by Heretikes they vse most guile in this of Iustification and specially by the equiuocation of certaine vvordes vvhich is proper to al contentious vvranglers and namely in this vvord Iustifie Vvhich because they finde sometime to signifie the acquiting of a guilty man of some crime vvhere of he is in deede guilty for vvhich he ought to be condemned as by mans iudgement either of ignorance or of purpose often a very malefactor is deemed or declared and pronounced innocent they falsly make it so signifie in this place and the like vvheresoeuer man is said to be iustified of God for his vvorkes or othervvise as though it vvere said that God iustifieth man that is to say imputeth to him the iustice of Christ though he be not in deede iust or of fauour reputeth him as iust vvhen in deede he is vvicked impious and vniust Vvhich is a most blasphemous doctrine against God making him either ignorant vvho is iust and so to erre in his iudgement or not good that can loue and saue him vvhom he knovveth to be euill And a maruelous pitieful blindnes it is in the Churches Aduersaries that they should thinke it more to Gods glorie and more to the commendation of Christes iustice merites and mercie to call and count an il man so continuing for iust then by his grace and mercie to make him of an il one iust in deede and so truely to iustifie him or as the vvord doth here signifie to esteeme and approue for iust in deede him that by his grace keepeth his lavv and commaundements For that the keepers or doers of the commaundements be iust and so reputed it is plaine by the correspondence to the former vvordes Not the hearers are iust but the doers Vvherevpon S. Augustine de Sp. lit c. 26. to ● hath these vvordes When it is said The doers of the Lavv shal be iustified vvhat other thing is said then The iust shal be iustified for the doers of the Lavv verily are iust 26. Keepe the iustices If a Gentile either novv since Christ by his grace and faith or any other before Christ not of the stocke of Abraham through the Spirit of God keepe the iustices of the Lavv he is iust no lesse then if he had been outvvardl● circumcised and shal condemne the circumcised Ievv not keeping the Lavv vvithout vvhich his outvvard Sacrament can not serue him but shal be much to his condemnation that hauing the Lavv and peculiar Sacraments of God he did not keepe the Lavv nor invvardly exercise that in his hart vvhich the outvvard signe did import And al this is no more but to insinuate that true iustice is not in faith only or knovvledge of the
the one no lesse then the other guilty of damnation for original sinne vvhich vvas alike in them both And therfore vvhere iustly he might haue reprobated both he saued of mercie one Vvhich one therfore being as il and as void of good as the other must hold of Gods eternal purpose mercie and election that he vvas preferred before his brother vvhich vvas elder then him self and no vvorse them him self And his brother Esau on the other side hath no cause to complaine for that God neither did nor suffered any thing to be done towards him that his sinne did not deserue for although God elect eternally giue his first grace vvithout al merites yet he doth not reprobate or hate any man but for sinne or the foresight thereof 14. Is there iniquitie● Vpon the former discourse that of tvvo persons equal God calleth the one to mercie and leaueth the other in his sinne one might inferre that God vvere vniust and an accepter of persons To vvhich the Apostle ansvvereth that God vvere not iust nor indifferent in deede so to vse the matter vvhere grace or saluation vvere due As if tvvo men being Christened both beleeue vvel liue vvel if God should giue heauen to the one should damne the other then were he vniust partial forgetful of his promisse but respecting or taking tvvo who both be vvorthy of damnation as al are before they be first called to mercie then the matter standeth on mere mercie and of the giuers vvil and liberalitie in vvhich case partialitie hath no place As for example 1 Tvvo malefactors ' being condemned both for one crime the Prince pardoneth the one and letteth the lavv procede on the other 2 The theefe that is pardoned can not attribute his escape to his ovvne deseruings but to the Princes mercie 3 The theefe that is executed can not chalenge the Prince that he vvas not pardoned also but must acknowledge that he hath his deseruing 4 The standers by must not say that he vvas executed because the Prince vvould not pardon him for that vvas not the cause but his offense 5 If they ask further vvhy the Prince pardoned not both or executed not both the ansvver it that as mercie is a goodly vertue so iustice is necessarie and commendable 6 But if it be further demaunded vvhy Iohn rather then Thomas vvas executed or Thomas rather then Iohn pardoned ansvver that the parties being othervvise equal it hangeth merely and vvholy vpon the Princes vvil and pleasure 1 So likevvise God seing al mankind and euery one of the same in a general condemnation and masse of sinne in and by Adam deliuereth some and not othersome 2 Al that be deliuered out of that cōmon damnation be deliuered by grace and pardon through the meanes and merits of Christ 3 Such as be left in the common case of damnation can not complaine because they haue their deseruing for sinne 4 Vve may not say that such be damned because God did not pardon them but because they had siaue and therfore deserued it 5 That some should be damned and not al pardoned and other some pardoned rather then al condemned is agreable to Gods iustice mercie both vvhich vertues in Gods prouidence tovvards vs are recommended 6 That Saul should be rather pardoned them Calphas I meane vvhere tvvo be equally euil and vnderseruing that is onely Gods holy wil and appointment by vvhich many an vnworthy man getteth pardon but no good or iust or innocent person is euer damned In al this mercie of God tovvards some and iustice tovvards other some both the pardoned vvorkes by their ovvne free vvil and thereby deserue their saluation and the other no lesse by their ovvne free vvil vvithout al necessitie vvorke vvickednes them selues and only of them selues procure their ovvne damnation Therfore no man may vvithout blasphemie say or can truely say that he hath nothing to doe tovvards his owne saluation but vvil liue and thinketh he may liue vvithout care or cogitation of his end the one vvay or the other saying If I be appointed to be saued be it so if I be one designed to damnation I can not helpe the matter come vvhat come may Al these speaches and cogitations are sinful come of the enemie and be rather signes of reprobation then of election Therfore the good man must vvithout searche of Gods secretes vvorke his ovvne saluation and as S. Peter saith make his election sure by good vvorkes vvith continual hope of Gods mercie being assured that if he beleeue vvel and doe vvel he shal haue vvel for example if a husband man should say If God vvil I shal haue corne ynough if not I can not make it and so neglect to till his ground he may be sure that he shal haue none because he wrought not for it An other man vseth his diligence in tilling and ploughing and committeth the rest to God he findeth the fruite of his labours 16. Not of the vviller If our election calling or first comming to God lay vvholy or principally vpon our ovvne vvil or vvorkes or if our vvilling or endeuouring to be good vvould serue vvithout the helpe and grace of God as the Pelagians taught then our election vvere vvholy in our selues vvhich the Apostle denieth and then might Pharao and other indurate persons vvhom God hath permitted to be obstinate to shevv his povver and iust iudgement vpon them be conuerted vvhen them selues lift vvithout Gods helpe and assistance vvhereas vve see the contrarie in al such obstinate offenders vvhom God for punishment of former sinnes visiteth not vvith his grace that by no threates miracles nor persuation they can be conuerted Vvherevpon vve may not vvith Heretikes inferre that man hath not free vvil or that our vvill vvorketh nothing in our conuersion or comming to God but this onely that our vvilling or vvorking of any good to our saluation commeth of Gods special motion grace and assistance and that it is the secondary cause not the principall 17. To this purpose haue I raised He doth not say that he hath of purpose raised or set him vp to sinne or that he vvas the cause of the same in Pharao or that he intended his damnation directly or absolutely or any othervvise but in respect of his demerits but rather as the Apostle saith straight after in this chapter of such hardened obstinate offenders that he vvith long patience toleration expected his conuersion and as S. Chrysostome interpreteth this vvord Excitaui preserued him aliue to repent vvhom he might lustly haue condemned before In the 9 of Exodus vvhence this allegation is vve reade Posui●e I haue put or set thee vp as here I haue raised thee that is to say I haue purposely aduanced thee to be so great a king and chosen thee out to be a notorious example both of the obdurate obstinacie that is in such vvho I haue for so great sinne forsaken and
also to shevv to the vvorld that no obstinacie of neuer so mightie offenders can resist me to doe any thing vvhich shal not fall to my glorie Vvhich is no more to say but that God often for the punishment of Nations and to shevv his iustice and glorie giueth vvicked Princes vnto them and indueth them vvith povver and al prosperitie and taking his grace from them vpon their deserts hardeneth their hartes so as they vvithsand and contemne God and afflict his people in vvhose end and fall either temporal or eternal at the length God vvil euer be glorified Neither vvould he either raise or suffer any such or giue them povver and prosperitie in this life vvherevpon he knovveth they vvil be vvorse but that he can vvorke al that to his honour and glorie mary that he vseth not such rigorous iustice on al that deserue it that is his great grace and mercie And that he exerciseth his iustice vpon some certaine persons rather then vpon other some of equal deserts that lieth vvholy vpon his vvil in vvhose iudgements there be many things secrete but nothing vniust 20. Who art thou Here the Apostle staieth the rashnes and presumption of such poore vvormes as take vpon them to question vvith God of their election or reprobation as certaine impious Heretikes of our time haue done setting out bookes farsed vvith most blasphemous and erroneous doctrine cōcerning this high and hidden mysterie and haue giuen occasion to the ignorant vvhich alvvaies be curious to iangle and perniciously to erre in these things that are impossible to be vnderstood of any or vvel thought of but of the obedient and humble 31. The potter This example of the pot and potter reacheth no further but to declare that the creature may not reason vvith God his maker vvhy he giueth not one so great grace as an other or vvhy he pardoneth not one as vvel as an other no more then the chamber pot may chalenge the Potter vvhy he vvas not made a drinking pot as vvel as an other And therfore the Heretikes that extend this similitude to proue that man hath no free vvil no more then a peece of clay doe vntruely and deceitfully apply the example specially vvhen vve may see expresly in the booke of Exodus that Pharao notvvithstāding his indurate hart had free vvil vvhere both it is said He vvould not dismisse the people and He indurated his owne hart him self Exo. c. ● 15. and in the Hebrue v. 32. c. 9. 35. 1 Reg. 6 6. And this Apostle also vvritheth that * a man may cleanse him self from the filthy and so become a vessel of honour in the house of God CHAP. X. The Lavv vvar not as the Ievves ignorant zeale supposed for them to iustifie them selues by it considering that they could not fulfil it ● but to bring them to Christ to beleeue in him and so for his sake to be iustified by the grace of God 5 according to Moyses saying and the Apostles preaching 11 that so the Gentils also according to the Prophets hearing and beleeuing might come to iustice the Ievves in the meane time though inexcusably remaining incredulous verse 1 BRETHREN the vvil of my hart surely and praier to God is for them vnto saluation ✝ verse 2 For I giue them testimonie that they haue zeale of God but not according to knovvledge ✝ verse 3 For not knovving ″ the iustice of God seeking to establish their ovvne they haue not been subiect to the iustice of God ✝ verse 4 For the end of the Law is Christ vnto iustice to euery one that beleeueth ✝ verse 5 for Moyses vvrote that the iustice vvhich is of the Lavv the man that hath done it shal liue in it ✝ verse 6 But ″ the iustice vvhich is of faith saith thus Say not in thy hart Vvho shal ascend into heauen that is to bring Christ dovvne ✝ verse 7 Or vvho descendeth into the depth that is to call Christ againe from the dead ✝ verse 8 But vvhat saith the Scripture The vvord is nigh in thy mouth and in thy hart this is the vvord of faith vvhich vve preach ✝ verse 9 For if thou confesse vvith thy mouth our Lord IESVS and in thy hart beleeue that God hath raised him vp from the dead thou shalt be saued ✝ verse 10 For vvith the hart vve beleeue vnto iustice but vvith the mouth confession is made to saluation ✝ verse 11 For the Scripture saith Vvhosoeuer beleeueth in him shal not be confounded ✝ verse 12 For there is no distinction of the Iew and the Greeke for one is Lord of al riche tovvard al that inuocate him ✝ verse 13 For euery one vvhosoeuer shal innocate the name of our Lord shal be saued ✝ verse 14 ″ Hovv then shal they inuocate in vvhom they haue not beleeued Or hovv shal they beleeue him vvhom they haue not heard And hovv shal they heare without a preacher ✝ verse 15 But hovv shal they preach ″ vnles they be senti as it is vvritten Hovv beautiful are the feete of them that euangelize peace of them that euangelize good things ✝ verse 16 But al do not obey the Gospel For Esay saith Lord vvho hath beleeued the hearing of vs ✝ verse 17 Faith then is by hearing and hearing is by the vvord of Christ ✝ verse 18 But I say haue they not heard And certes into al the earth hath the sound of them gone forth and vnto the endes of the vvhole vvorld the vvordes of them ⊢ ✝ verse 19 But I say hath not Israel knovven Moyses first saith I vvil bring you to emulation in that vvhich is not a nation in a folish nation I vvil driue you into anger ✝ verse 20 But Esay is bold and saith I vvas found of them that did not seeke me openly I appeared to them ″ that asked not of me ✝ verse 21 But to Israel he saith Al the day haue I spred my handes to a people that beleeueth not and contradicteth me ANNOTATIONS CHAP. X. ● The iustice of God The iustice of God is that vvhich God giueth vs through Christ the Ievves ovvne or proper iustice is that vvhich they had or chalenged to haue of them selues and by their ovvne strength holpen onely by the knovvledge of the Lavv vvithout the helpe or grace of Christ 6. The iustice of faith The iustice vvhich is of faith reacheth to the life to come making man assured of the truth of such Articles as concerne the same as of Christs Ascension to heauen of his Descending to Hel of his comming dovvne to be Incarnate and his Resurrection and returne againe to be glorified by vvhich his actions vve be pardoned iustified and saued as by the Lavv vve could neuer be 8. The vvord of faith The vvord of faith is the vvhole Lavv of Christ concerning both life and doctrine grounded vpon this
graffed into their ovvne oliue ✝ verse 25 For I vvil not haue you ignorant brethren of this mysterie that you be not vvise in your selues that blindnes in part hath chaunced in Israël vntil the fulnes of the Gentiles might enter ✝ verse 26 and also al Israël might be saued as it is vvritten There shal come out of Sion he that shal deliuer and shal auert impietie from Iacob ✝ verse 27 And this to them the testament from me vvhen I shal haue taken avvay their sinnes ✝ verse 28 ″ According to the Gospel in deede enemies for you but according to the election most deere for the fathers ✝ verse 29 for vvithout repentance are the giftes and the vocation of God ✝ verse 30 for ″ as you also sometime did not beleeue God but novv haue obteined mercie because of their incredulitie ✝ verse 31 so these also novv haue not beleeued for your mercie that they also may obteine mercie ✝ verse 32 For God hath ″ cōcluded al into incredulitie that he may haue mercie on al. ✝ verse 33 ″ O depth of the riches of the vvisedom and of the knowledge of God hovv incomprehensible are his iudgements and his vvaies vnsearcheable ✝ verse 34 for * vvho hath knovven the minde of our Lord or vvho hath been his coūseler ✝ verse 35 Or vvho hath first giuen to him and retribution shal be made him ✝ verse 36 For of him and by him and in him are al things to him be glorie for euer Amen ⊢ ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XI 4. Seuen thousand The Heretikes alleage this place and example very impertinently to proue that the Church may be vvholy secrete hid or vnknovven for though the faithful vvere forced to keepe close in that persecution of Achab and Iezabel vvhich vvas onely in the kingdom of the ten tribes that is of Isaael yet at the very same time in Hierusalem and al the kingdom of Iuda the external vvorship and profession of faith vvas open to al the vvorld and vvel knovven to Elias the faithful so many that * the very souldiars only vvere numbered aboue ten hundred thousand besides that there is a great difference betvvene the Christian Church and the Ievves ours resting vpon better promisses then theirs And vve vvil not put the Protestants to proue that there vvere 7000 of their Sect vvhen their nevv Elias Luther began but let them proue that there were seuē or any one either then or in al ages before him that vvas in al pointes of his beleefe Heretikes there vvere before him as Iouinian Vigilantius Heluidius Vvicleffe c. and vvith him Zuinglius Caluin c. Vvho beleeued as he did in some things but not in al. 6. Not novv of vvorkes If saluation be attributed to good vvorkes done of nature vvithout faith Gods helpe the same can not be of grace for such vvorkes exclude grace fauour and mercie and chalenge onely of dette and not of gift Therfore take heede here of the Heretikes exposition that vntruely exclude Christian mens vvorkes from necessity or merite of saluation vvhich are done vvith and by Gods grace and therfore euidētly consist vvith the same and be ioyned vvith Gods grace as causes of our saluation Our Aduersaries are like if Potecaries euer taking quid pro quo either of ignorance or of intent to deceiue the simple ● God hath giuen It doth not signifie his vvorking or action but his permission Chris ho. 19 in ep Ro. And S. Augustine saith not by putting malice into them but by not imparting his grace vnto them and that through their ovvne deserts alvvaies and their ovvne willes euer properly working the same See Annot. Mat. c. 13 14. Ro. c. 1 24. 20. Because of incredulity He represseth the pride of the Gentils vaunting them selues of their receiuing and of the Ievves reiection namely in that they thought the Ievves to be forsaken for no other cause but that they might come into their roomes declaring that the direct and proper cause of their forsaking vvas their incredulity exhorting the Gentiles to bevvare of the same because they may fall as vvel as the other and that God is as like to execute iustice against them as against the Ievves as he hath done in many nations falling to heresie 28. According to the Gospel In respect or as concerning beleefe in Christ and receiuing the Gospel they are Gods enemies by occasion of vvhich their incredulity the Gentiles found mercie othervvise in respect of his special election of that nation and the promisses made to the Patriarches the Ievves are deere to him still for God neuer promiseth but he performeth nor repenteth him self of the priuileges giuen to that nation 30. For as you As the Gentiles vvhich before beleeued not found mercie and came to faith vvhen the Ievves did fall so the Ievves not novv beleeuing vvhen al the Gentils haue obtained mercie shal in the end of the vvorld by Gods disposition obtaine grace and pardon as the Gentiles haue done 32. Concluded al. That so God taking al Nations and al men in sinne vvhich they fell into not by his drift or causing but of their ovvne free vvil may of his mercie call and conuert vvhom and in vvhat order he vvill and the parties haue no cause to bragge of their deseruings but both countries and particular men may referre their eternal election and their first calling and conuersion to Christ and to his mercie only no vvorkes vvhich they had before in their incredulity deseruing any such thing though their vvorkes aftervvard proceding of faith and grace doe merite heauen 33. O depth The Apostle concludeth that no man ought to search further into Gods secrete and vnsearcheable counsels of the vocation of the Gentils and reiecting the Ievves othervvise then this that al vvhich be reiected for their sinnes be iustly reiected and al that be saued by Gods great mercie and Christs grace be saued And vvhosoeuer seeketh among the people to spred contagion of curiosity by seeking further after things 〈◊〉 mans Angels reache they ouerreache ouerthrovv them selues If thou vvilt be saued beleeue obey the Church feare God and keepe his commaundements that is thy part and euery mans els Thou maist not examine vvhether thou be predestinate or reprobate nor seeke to knovv the vvaies of Gods secrete iudgement tovvard thy self or other men It is the common enemy of our soules that in this vnhappy time hath opened blasphemous tongues and directed the proude pennes of Caluin Beza Verone and such reprobates to the discussing of such particulars to the perdition of many a simple man and specially of young Scholers in Vniuersities which with lesse studie may learne to be provvd and curious then to be humble wise and obedient CHAP. XII He exhorteth them to mortification of the body 2 to renouation of the minde 3 to keeping of vnitie by humilitie ● to the right vsing of their gifts and functions
″ much more the ministerie of iustice aboundeth in glorie ⊢ ✝ verse 10 For neither vvas it glorified vvhich in this part vvas glorious by reasō of the excelling glorie ✝ verse 11 For if that which is made void is by glorie much more that vvhich abideth is in glorie ✝ verse 12 Hauing therfore such hope vve vse much confidence ✝ verse 13 and not * as Moyses put a vele vpon his face that the children of Israël might not behold his face vvhich is made voide ✝ verse 14 but their senses vvere dulled For vntil this present day ″ the self same vele in the lecture of the old testament remaineth vnreuealed because in Christ it is made voide ✝ verse 15 but vntil this present day vvhen Moyses is read a vele is put vpō their hart ✝ verse 16 But vvhen he shal be conuerted to our Lord the vele shal be taken avvay ✝ verse 17 And * our Lord is a Spirit And vvhere the Spirit of our Lord is there is ″ libertie ✝ verse 18 But vve al beholding the glorie of our Lord vvith face reuealed are transformed into the same image from glorie vnto glorie as of our Lordes Spirit ANNOTATIONS CHAP. III. 1. The Epistle of Christ S. Paul and other holy vvriters of Scriptures did set dovvne many thinges in vvriting by penne inke and paper al vvhich be of the Holy Ghost but the special and proper booke of Christes truth and Gospel is not the external vvriting in those dead creatures but in the hartes of the faithful being the proper subiecte of these truthes and graces preached in the nevv Testament and the habitacle of the Holy Ghost In the vvhich booke of faithful mens hartes S. Paul vvrote diuers thinges not vttered in any Epistle as sundrie of the Apostles vvrote the Christian religion in the hartes of their hearers onely and in other material bookes not at all Vvhereof S. Irenaeus li. 3. ● 4. saith What and if the Apostles also had left no Scriptures ought vve not to folovv the order of the tradition vvhich they deliuered vnto them to vvhom they committed the Churches● to the vvhich ordinance many nations of those barbarous people that haue beleeued in Christ do consent vvithout letter or inke hauing saluation vvritten in their hartes and keeping diligently the tradition of the elders And S. Hierom 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Hiero● c. 9. ad Pa● In the Greede of our faith and hope vvhich being deliuered by tradition from the Apostles is not vvritten in paper and inke but in the tables camal of the hart And this is the Churches booke also vvhereby and vvherein she keepeth faithfully al truth vvritten in the hartes of those to vvhom the Apostles did preach vvith the like diligence as she keepeth and preserueth the other booke vvhich is of holy Scriptures from al corruption of Heretikes and other iniuries 5. Of our selues This maketh first against the Heretikes called Pelagians that hold our meritorious actions or cogitations to be of free vvil onely and not of Gods special grace Secondly against the Protestantes vvho on the contrarie side referre al to God and take avvay mans freedom and proper motion in his thoughtes and doings the Apostle confessing our good cogitations to be our ovvne but not as comming of our selues but of God 6. The letter killeth As the letter of the old Lavv not truely vnderstood nor referred the Christ commaunding and not giuing grace and spirit to fulfil that vvhich vvas commaunded did by occasiō kill the carnal Iew so the letter of the nevv Testamēt not truely taken nor expounded by the Spirit of Christ vvhich is onely in his Church killeth the Heretike vvho also being carnal and void of spirit gaineth nothing by the external precepts or good lessons of the Scriptures but rather taketh hurt by the same See S. Augustine to 〈◊〉 Ser. 70 1000 de tempore li. de Sp. lit c. 5. 6. seq 9. Much more The preeminence of the new Testament and of the priesthod or Ministerie thereof before the old is that the nevv by al her Sacraments and Priests as ministers immediate of grace and remission of sinnes doth so ex opere operato giue the spirit of life and charitie into the hartes of the faithful as the old did giue the letter or external act of the Lavv. 14. The self same vele As the Ievves reading the old Testament by reason of their blindnes vvhich God for the punishment of their incredulitie suffereth to remaine as a couer vpon their eies and hartes can not see Christ in the Scriptures vvhich they daily heare read in their Synagogs but shal vvhen they beleeue in him and haue the couer remoued perceiue al to be most plainely done and spoken of him in their law Scriptures euen so Heretikes hauing as S. Augustine noteth a farre greater couer of blindnes and incredulitie ouer their hartes in respect of the Catholike Church vvhich they impugne then the Iewes haue concerning Christ can not see though they read or heare the Scriptures read neuer so much the maruelous euidence of the Catholike Church and truth in al pointes but vvhen they shal returne againe to the obedience of the same Church they shal finde the Scriptures most cleere for her and her doctrine and shal vvonder at their former blindnes 17. Libertie The Spirit and grace of God in the nevv Testament dischargeth vs of the bondage of the Lavv and sinne but is not a vvarrant to vs of fleshly licence as S. Peter vvriteth nor dischargeth Christians of their obedience to order lavv and power of Magistrates spiritual or temporal as some Heretikes of these daies do seditiously teach CHAP. IIII. That according as so glorious a ministerie requireth he liueth and preacheth sincerely 〈◊〉 the vvhich glorie his Aduersaries can not count vaine considering his persecutions because persecution is to Gods glorie and to our humilitie and hope and meritorious of increase of grace in this life and of most glorious bodies and soules aftervvard verse 1 THERFORE hauing this ministration according as vve haue obteined mercie vve faile not ✝ verse 2 but vve renounce the secrete things of dishonestie not walking in crastines nor ″ adulterating the vvord of God but in manifestation of the truth commending our selues to euery conscience of men before God ✝ verse 3 And if our Gospel be also hidde in them that perish it is hidde ✝ verse 4 in vvhom the God of this vvorld hath blinded the mindes of the infidels that the illumination of the Gospel of the glorie of Christ vvho is the image of God might not shine to them ✝ verse 5 For vve preache nor our selues but IESVS Christ our Lord and vs your seruants by IESVS ✝ verse 6 because God that commaunded light to shine of darkenes he hath shined in our hartes to the illumination of the knovvledge of the glorie of God in the face of Christ IESVS ✝ verse 7
according to the purpose of him that vvorketh al things according to the counsel of his vvil ✝ verse 12 that vve may be vnto the praise of his glorie vvhich before haue hoped in Christ ✝ verse 13 in vvhom you also vvhen you had heard the vvord of truth the Gospel of your saluation in vvhich also beleeuing you vvere signed vvith the holy Spirit of promis ✝ verse 14 vvhich is the pledge of our inheritance to the redemption of acquisition vnto the praise of his glorie ✝ verse 15 Therfore I also hearing your faith that is in our Lord IESVS and loue tovvard al the sainctes ✝ verse 16 cease not to giue thankes for your making a memorie of you in my praiers ✝ verse 17 that God of our Lord IESVS Christ the father of glorie giue you the spirit of vvisedom and of reuelation in the knovvledge of him ✝ verse 18 the eies of your hart illuminated that you may knovv vvhat the hope is of his vocation and vvhat are the riches of the glorie of his inheritance in the sainctes ✝ verse 19 and vvhat is the passing greatnes of his povver tovvard vs that beleeue according to the operation of the might of his povver ✝ verse 20 vvhich he vvrought in Christ raising him vp from the dead and setting him on his right hand in celestials ✝ verse 21 aboue ″ al Principalitie Potestate Power and Domination and euery name that is named not only in this vvorld but also in that to come ✝ verse 22 And he hath * subdued al things vnder his feete and hath made him ″ head ouer al the CHVRCH ✝ verse 23 vvhich is his body the fulnes of him vvhich is filled al in al. ANNOTATIONS CHAP. I. 21. Al Principalitie The Fathers vpon this and other places of the old and new Testament vvhere they finde the orders of holy Angels or spirites named agree that there be nine orders of them Of vvhich some be here counted and called as vve see in the Epistle to the Colossians the order of Thrones is specified vvhich maketh fiue to vvhich if vve adde these foure Cherubim Seraphim Angels and Archangels vvhich are commonly named in holy vvrite in al there be nine S. Denys coel Hier. c. 7. 8. 9. Ec. Hier. c. 1. S. Athanas li de Communi essent in fine Gregor Moral li. 32. c. 18. Therfore good Reader make no accoumpt of * Caluins and others infidelitie vvhich blasphemously blame and condemne the holy doctors diligence in this point of curiousitie and impietie The vvhole endeuour of these heretikes is to bring al into doubt and to corrupt euery Article of our Religion 22. Head It maketh a high proofe among the Protestants that no man can be head of the Church because it is a calling and dignitie proper to Christ But in truth by as good reason there should be no king nor lord because He is king and lord neither should there be Bishop or Pastor because he is the Bishop and Pastor of our soules nor Pontifex nor Apostle for by those titles S. Paul termeth him Hebr. 3 none should be piller foundation rocke light or maister of the Church or truth because Christ is properly al these And yet our nevv doctors though they be exceding seditious and vvould for the aduantage of their sect be gladly ridde of kings and al other Superiors temporal if they feared not the sword more then God and vvould finde as good Scriptures to be deliuered of them as they now finde to discharge them selues of obedience to Popes yet I say they vvil not deny al the former titles and dignities notvvithstanding Christes soueraine right in the same to be giuen and communicated to the Princes and Magistrates of the earth both spiritual and temporal though Christ in a more diuine ample absolute excellent and transcendent sort haue al these things attributed or appropriated to him self So then though he be the head of the Church and the onely head in such soueraine and principal maner as no earthly man or mere creature euer is or can be and it ioyned to the Church in a more excellent sort of coniunction then any king is to his subiects or Countrie or any Pope or Prelate to the Church vvhereof he is gouernour euen so farre that it is called his body Mystical life motion spirit grace issuing dovvne from him to it and the members of the same as from the head of the natural body though in this sort we say no man can be head but Christ nor the Church be body to any but to Christ yet the Pope may be the ministerial head that is to say the cheefe Gouernour Pastor and Prelate of the same and may be his Vicar or Vicegerent in the regiment of that part vvhich is in earth as S. Hierom calleth Damasus the Pope Summum Sacerdotem the cheefe and highest Priest and the Apostle saith of this ministerial head The head can not say to the feete you are not necessarie for me For therein also is a great difference betvvene Christ and euery mortal I relate that as the Apostle here saith he is head of the vvhole Church meaning of the triumphāt of al Angels also though in an other sort no lesse thē of the Church militāt So Peter vvas not nor any Pope nor any man can be Where you must obserue that for this soueraine preeminence of Christ in this case the Church is not called the body mystical of any Gouernour Peter Paul or vvhat Prelate or Pope so euer CHAP. II. He putteth them in minde of their vnvvorthines before they vvere Christians that al the praise may be giuen to the grace of God 11 and of the enmitie that vvas th●● betvvene the Ievv and the Gentil 〈◊〉 vntil nevv that Christ by his Crosse hath made both one taking avvay the cerem●nies of the Lavv and making one body and building one holy Temple of al in his Catholike Church verse 1 AND you vvhen you vvere dead by your offenses sinnes ✝ verse 2 vvherein sometime you vvalked according to the course of this vvorld according to the * prince of the povver of this aire of the spirit that novv vvorketh on the childrē of diffidence ✝ verse 3 in vvhom also vve al conuersed sometime in the desires of our flesh doing the vvil of the flesh and of thoughtes and vvere by nature the children of vvrath as also the rest ✝ verse 4 but God vvhich is riche in mercie for his exceding charitie vvhervvith he loued vs ✝ verse 5 euen vvhen vve vvere dead by sinnes quickened vs together in Christ by vvhose grace you are saued ✝ verse 6 and raised vs vp vvith him and hath made vs sit vvith him in the celestials in Christ IESVS ✝ verse 7 that he might shevv in the vvorldes succeding the aboundant riches of his grace in bountie vpon vs in Christ IESVS ✝ verse 8 For by ″ grace you are saued
mans perdition but hath prouided a general medicine redemption to saue al from perishing that vvil accept it or that haue it applied vnto them by his Sacraments and other meanes by him ordained and so vvould haue al saued by his conditional vvil and ordinance that is if men vvil them selues by accepting doing or hauing done vnto them al things requisite by Gods lavv for God vseth not his absolute vvil or povver tovvardes al●●● this case But he that list see the manifold senses al good and true that these vvordes may beare let him see S. Augustine Ad articul sibi false impos resp ● to 7. E●ch c. 103. Ep. 107. De cor grat c. 15. and S. 〈◊〉 li. 2. de orthod fide ● 29. 5 One mediator The Protestants are to peuish and pitifully blind that charge the Catholike Church Catholikes vvith making moe Mediators then one vvhich is Christ our Sauiour in that they desire the Saincts to pray for them or to be their patrones and intercessors before God Vve tel them therfore that they vnderstand not vvhat it is to be a Mediator in this sense that S. Paul taketh the vvord and in vvhich it is properly and onely attributed to Christ For to be thus a Mediator is by nature to be truely both God and man to be that one eternal Priest and Redeemer vvhich by his sacrifice and death vpon the Crosse hath reconciled vs to God and paied his bloud as a full and sufficient raunsom for al our sinnes him self vvithout neede of any redemption neuer subiect to possibilitie of sinning againe to be the singular Aduocar and Patrone of mankind that by him self alone and by his ovvne merites procureth al grace mercie to mankind in the sight of his ●ather none making any intercession for him nor geuing any grace or force to his praiers but he to al none asking or obtaining either grace in this life or glorie in the next but by him In this sort then as S. Augustine truely saith Cont. ep Parm. li. 2. c. 8. neither Peter nor Paul no nor our B. Lady nor any creature vvhatsoeuer can be our Mediator The aduersaries thinke to basely of Christes mediation if they imagine this to be his onely prerogatiue to pray for vs or that vve make the saincts our Mediators in that sort as Christis vvhen vve desire them to pray for vs. vvhich is so far inferior to the singular mediation of him that no Catholike euer can or dare thinke or speake so basely vnto him as to desire him to pray for vs but vve say Lord haue mercie vpō vs Christ haue mercie vpon vs not Christ pray for vs as vve say to our Ladie and the rest Therfore to inuocate Saincts in that sort as the Catholike Church doth can not make them our Mediators as Christ is vvhom vve must not inuocate in that sort And as vvel make vve the faithful yet liuing our Mediators by the Aduersaries arguments vvhen vve desire their praiers as the departed Saincts But novv touching the vvord Mediator though in that singular sense proper to our Sauiour it agreeth to no mere creature in heauen or earth yet taken in more large and common sort by the vse of Scriptures doctors and vulgar speach not onely the Saincts but good men liuing that pray for vs and help vs in the vvay of saluation may and are rightly called Mediators As S. Cyril li. 22 Thesaur c. 10 proueth that Moyses according to the Scriptures and Ieremie and the Apostles and others be Mediators Read his ovvne wordes for they plainely refute al the Aduersaries cauillations in this case And if the name of * fauiour and redeemer be in the Scriptures giuen to men vvithout derogation to him that is in a more excellent and incomparable maner the onely Sauiour of the vvorld vvhat can they say vvhy there may not be many Mediators in an inferior degree to the only and singular Mediator S. Bernard saith Opus est mediatore ad Mediatorem Christum nec alter nobis vtilior quam Maria. that is We haue neede of a mediator to Christ the Mediator and there is none more for our profite then our Ladie Bernard Ser. qui incipit Signum magnum apparuit c. post Ser. 5 de Assumpt S. Basil also in the same sense vvriting to Iulian the Apostata desireth the mediation of our Ladie of the Apostles Prophets and Martyrs for procuring of Gods mercie and remission of his sinnes His vvordes are cited in Conc. Nic. 2. act 4. pag. 110 111. Thus did and thus beleeued al the holy fathers most agreably to the Scriptures and thus must al the children of the Church do be the Aduersaries neuer so importunate and vvilfully blinde in these matters 12. I permit not In times of licentiousnes libertie and heresie vvomen are much giuen to reading disputing chatting and langling of the holy Scriptures yea and to teach also if they might be permitted but S. Paul vtterly forbideeth it and the Greeke Doctors vpon this place note that the vvoman taught but once that vvas vvhen after her reasoning vvith Satan she persuaded her husband to transgression and so she vndid al mankind And in the Ecclesiastical vvriters vve find that vvomen haue been great promoters of euery sort of heresie vvhereof see a notable discourse in S. Hierom ep ad Ct●siph cont Pelag. c. 2. vvhich they vvould not haue done if they had according to the Apostles rule folovved pietie and good vvorkes and liued in silence and subiection to their husbands CHAP. III. Of vvhat qualitie they must be vvhom he ordaineth Bishops ● and Deacons 14 and the cause of his vvriting to be the excellencie of the Catholike Church and of Christ vvho is the obiect of our religion verse 1 A Faithful saying If a man desire a Bishops office he desireth ″ a good worke ✝ verse 2 * It behoueth therfore ″ a Bishop to be irreprehensible the husband ″ of one vvife sobre vvise comely chast a man of hospitalitie a teacher ✝ verse 3 not giuen to vvine no fighter but modest no quareler not couetous ✝ verse 4 vvel ruling his ovvne house hauing his children subiect vvith al chastitie ✝ verse 5 But if a man knovv not to rule his ovvne house hovv shal he haue care of the Church of God ✝ verse 6 ″ Not a neophyte lest puffed into pride he fall into the iudgment of the Deuil ✝ verse 7 And he must haue also good testimonie of them that are vvithout that he fall not into reproch and the snare of the Deuil ✝ verse 8 Deacons in like maner chast not double tonged not giuen to much vvine not folovvers of filthie lucre ✝ verse 9 hauing the mysterie of faith in a pure cōscience ✝ verse 10 And let these also be proued first so let them minister hauing no crime ✝ verse 11 The vvomen in like maner
other but not al that suffer persecution be holy as al malefactors The Church and Catholike Princes persecute heretikes and be persecuted of them againe as S. Augustine often declareth See ep 48. 13. Prosper Though heresies and the authors of them be after a while discouered by litle and litle forsaken generally of the honest discrete and men careful of their owne saluation yet their authors and other great sinners proceede from one errour and heresie to an other and finally to plaine Atheisme and al Diuelish disorder 16. Al Scripture Besides the Apostles teaching and tradition the reading of holy Scriptures is a great defense and helpe of the faithful aud specially of a Bishop not onely to auoid and condemne al heresies but to the guiding of a man in al iustice good life and vvorkes Vvhich commendation is not here giuen to the bookes of the new Testament onely vvhereof he here speaketh not as being yet for a great part not vvritten but to the Scripture of the old Testament also yea and to euery booke of it For there is not one of them nor any part of them but it is profitable to the end aforesaid if it be read and vnderstood according to the same Spirit vvherewith it vvas vvritten The Heretikes vpon this commendation of holy Scriptures pretend very simply in good sooth that therfore nothing is necessarie to iustice and saluation but Scriptures As though euery thing that is profitable or necessarie to any effect excluded al other helpe and vvere onely ynough to attaine the same By vvhich reason a man might as vvel proue that the old Testament vvere ynough and so exclude the new or any one peece of al the old and thereby exclude the rest For he affirmeth euery Scripture to haue the foresaid vtilities and they might see in the very next line before that he requireth his constant perseuêrance in the doctrine vvhich he had taught him ouer and aboue that he had learned out of the Scriptures of the old Testament vvhich he had read from his infancie but could not thereby learne al the mysteries of Christian religion therein Neither doth the Apostle affirme here that he had his knowledge of Scriptures by reading onely vvithout helpe of maisters and teachers as the Aduersaries herevpon to committe the holy Scriptures to euery mans presumption do gather but affirmeth onely that Timothee knevv the Scriptures and therfore had studied them by hearing good readers and teachers as S. Paul him self did of Gamaliel and the like and as al christian students doe that be trained vp from their youth in Catholike vniuersities in the studie of Diuinitie CHAP. IIII. He requireth him to be earnest vvhile he may because the time vvil come vvhen they vvil not abide Catholike preaching 5 and to fulfil his course as him self novv hath done 9 and to come vnto him vvith speede because the rest of his traine are dispersed and he dravveth novv to heauen verse 1 I Testifie before God and IESVS Christ vvho shal iudge the liuing and the dead and by his aduent and his kingdom ✝ verse 2 Preach the vvord vrge in season out of season reproue beseeche rebuke in al patience and doctrine ✝ verse 3 For ″ there shal be a time vvhen they vvil not beare ●ound doctrine but according to their ovvne desires they vvil heape to them selues maisters hauing itching eares ✝ verse 4 and from the truth certes they vvil auert their hearing and to fables they vvil be conuerted ✝ verse 5 But be thou vigilant labour in al things doe the vvorke of an Euangelist fulfil thy ministerie Be sober ✝ verse 6 For I am euen novv to be sacrificed the time of my resolutiō is at hand ✝ verse 7 I haue fought a good fight I haue consummate my course I haue kept the faith ✝ verse 8 Concerning the rest there is laid vp for me ″ a crovvne of iustice vvhich our Lord vvil render to me in that day a iust iudge and not only to me but to them also that loue his comming ⊢ ✝ verse 9 Make hast to come to me quickly ✝ verse 10 For Demas hath left me louing this vvorld and is gone to Thessalonica Crescens into Galatia Titus into Dalmatia ✝ verse 11 * Luke only is vvith me Take Marke and bring him vvith thee for he is profitable to me for the ministerie ✝ verse 12 But Tychicus I haue sent to Ephesus ✝ verse 13 The cloke that I left at Troas vvith Carpus cōming bring vvith thee and the bookes especially the parchement ✝ verse 14 Alexander the Coppersmith hath shevved me much euil our Lord vvil revvard him according to his vvorkes ✝ verse 15 vvhom doe thou also auoid for he hath greatly resisted our vvordes ✝ verse 16 In my first ansvver no man vvas with me but al did forsake me be it not imputed to them ✝ verse 17 But our Lord stoode to me and strengthened me that by me the preaching may be accomplished and al Gentiles may heare and I was deliuered from the mouth of the lion ✝ verse 18 Our Lord ● hath deliuered ' me from al euil vvorke and vvil saue me vnto his heauenly kingdom to vvhom be glorie for euer euer Amen ✝ verse 19 Salute Prisca and Aquila and * the house of Onesiphorus ✝ verse 20 Erastus remained at Corinth And Trophimus I left sicke at Milêtum ✝ verse 21 Make hast to come before vvinter Eubûlus and Pudens and Linus and Claudia and al the brethren salute thee ✝ verse 22 Our Lord IESVS Christ be vvith thy spirit Grace be vvith you Amen ANNOTATIONS CHAP. IIII. 3. There shal be a time If euer this time come as needes it must that the Apostle foresavv and foretold novv it is vndoubtedly for the properties fall so iust in euery point vpon our nevv Maisters and their Disciples that they may seeme to be pourtered out rather then prophecied of Neuer vvere there such delicate Doctors that could so pleasantly clavv and so svveetly rubbe the itching eares of their hearers as these vvhich haue a doctrine framed for euery mans phamsie lust liking and desire the people not so fast crying Speake placentia things that please but the Maisters as fast vvarranting them to doe placentia 8. Acrovvne of iustice This place conuinceth for the Catholikes that al good vvorkes done by Gods grace after the first iustification be truely and properly meritorious and fully vvorthy of euerlasting life and that therevpon heauen is the due and iust stipend crovvne or recompense vvhich God by his iustice ovveth to the persons so vvorking by his grace for he rendreth or repaieth heauen as a iust iudge and not onely as a merciful giues and the crovvne vvhich he paieth is not onely of mercie or fauour or grace but also of iustice It is his merciful fauour and grace that vve vvorke vvel merite heauen it is his iustice for those merites to giue vs
vvhile he that is to come vvil come and vvil not slacke ✝ verse 38 and my iust ″ liueth of faith ⊢ but if he vvithdravv him self he shal not please my soule ✝ verse 39 But vve are not the children of vvithdravving vnto perdition but of faith to the vvinning of the soule ANNOTATIONS CHAP. X. 1. A shadovv The sacrifices and ceremonies of the old law vvere so far from the truth of Christs Sacraments and from giuing spirit grace remission redemption and iustification and therevpon the entrance into heauen and ioyes celestiall that they vvere but mere shadowes vnperfectly and obscurely representing the graces of the new Testament and of Christes death vvhereas all the holy Churches rites and actions instituted by Christ in the Priesthod of the new law conteine and giue grace iustification and life euerlasting to the faithful and vvorthy receiuers and therfore they be not shades or darke resemblances of Christes passion vvhich is the fountaine of all grace and mercie but perfect images and most liuely representations of the same specially the sacrifice of the altar vvhich because it is the same oblation the same host and offered by the same Priest Christ IESVS though by the ministerie of man and in mysterie is the most pure and neere image character and correspondence to the sacrifice of Christes passion both in substance force and effect that can be 2. They should haue ceased If the hostes and offerings of the old law had been of them selues perfect to all effectes of redemption and remission as the Hebrues against vvhom the Apostle disputeth did thinke and had had no relation to Christes sacrifice on the Crosse or any other absolute and vniuersal oblation or remedie for sinne but by and of their owne efficacie could haue generally purged and cleansed man of all sinne and damnation then they should neuer haue needed to be so often repeated and reiterated For being both generally auailable for all by their opinion and particularly applied in as ample sort as they could be to the seueral infirmities of euery offender there had been no sinnes left But sinnes did remaine euen those sinnes for vvhich they had offered sacrifices before notvvithstanding their sacrifices vvere particularly applied vnto them For offering yerely they did not onely offer sacrifices for the new committed crimes but euen for the old for vvhich they had often sacrificed before the sacrifices being rather recordes and attestations of their sinnes then a redemption or full remission as Christes death is Vvhich being once applied to man by Baptisme vvipeth away all sinnes past God neuer remembring them any more nor euer any sacrifice or sacrament or ceremonie being made or done for them any more though for new sinnes other remedies be daily requisite Their sacrifices then could not of them selues remitte sinnes much lesse make the general redemption vvithout relation to Christes Passion And so you see it is plaine euery vvhere that the Apostle proueth not by the often repetition of the Iewish sacrifices that they vvere no sacrifices at all but that they vvere not of that absolute force or efficacie to make redemption or any remission vvithout dependance of the one vniuersal redemption by Christ his vvhole purpose being to incul●ate vnto them the necessitie of Christes death and the oblation of the new Testament As for the Churches holy sacrifice it is cleane of an other kinde then those of the Iewes and therfore he maketh no opposition betwixt it and Christes death or sacrifice on the Crosse in all this Epistle but rather as a sequele of that one general oblation couertly alvvaies inferreth the same as being in a different maner the very self same host and offering that vvas done vpon the Crosse and continually is vvrought by the self same Priest 4. Impossible The hostes and sacrifices of the old law vvhich the carnal Iewes made all the count of vvithout relation to Christes death vvere not onely not perfect and absolute sufficient in them selues but they did not nor could not remit any sinnes at all being but onely signes therof reserring the offenders for remission in deede to Christes Passion I or the bloud of bruit beastes could haue no other effect nor any other element or creature before Christes death the fruite vvhereof before it vvas extant could be no othervvise properly applied vnto them but by beleefe in him 5. Host and oblation He meaneth not that God vvould no host nor sacrifice any more as the Protestants falsely imagin for that vvere to take away not onely the sacrifice of Christes body vpon the altar but the sacrifice of the same body vpon the Crosse also Therfore the Prophet speaketh onely of the legal and carnal sacrifices of the Iewes signifying that they did neuer of them selues please God but in respect of Christ by vvhose oblation of his owne body they should please 5. But a body If Christ had not had a body he could not haue had any vvorthy matter or any matter at all to sacrifice in visible maner other then the hostes of the old law Neither could he either haue made the general redemption by his one oblation vpon the Crosse nor the daily sacrifice of the Church for both vvhich his body vvas fitted by the diuine vvisedom Which is an high conclusion not vnderstood of Ievves Pagans nor the Heretikes of our time that Christes humane nature vvas taken to make the Sonne of God vvho in his diuine nature could not be either Priest or host fitte to be the sacrifice and Priest of his father in a more vvorthy sort then all the Priests or oblations of the old law And that this body vvas giuen him not onely to be the sacrifice vpon the Crosse but also vpon the altar S. Augustine affirmeth in these vvordes The table vvhich the Priest of the nevv Testament doth exhibit is of his body and bloud for that it the sacrifice vvhich succeded al these sacrifices that vvere offered in shadovv of that to come For the vvhich also vve acknovvledge that voice of the same Mediatour in the psalme BVT A BODY THOV HAST FITTED TO ME because in steede of all those sacrifices and oblations his body is offered and is ministred to the partakers or receiuers Li. 17 Ciuit. Dei c. 20. And againe li. 4 de Trin. c. 14. Who so iust and holy a Priest as the onely sonne of God What might so conueniently be offered for men of men as mans flesh and vvhat so fitte for this immolation or offering as mortal flesh vvhat so cleane for cleansing the vices of mortal men as she flesh borne of the virgins vvombe and vvhat can be offered and receiued so gratefully as the flesh of our sacrifice made the body of our Priest 8. Neither did they please thee By that he saith the things offered in the Lavv did not please God and likevvise by that he saith the former to be taken avvay that the second may haue
in state of saluation and being chastised for their fault in the next life vvere deliuered by Christs descending thither and not they onely but al others in the like conditiō For the Apostle giueth these of Noes time but for an example 21. Of the like forme The vvater bearing vp the Arke from sinking and the persons in it from drowning vvas a figure of Baptisme that likewise saueth the vvorthie receiuers from euerlasting perishing As Nee saith S. Augustine vvith his vvas deliuered by the vvater and the vvood so the familie of Christ by Baptisme signed vvith Christs Passion on the Crosse Li. 12. Cont. Faustum c. 14. Againe he saith that as the vvater saued none out of the Arke but vvas rather their destruction so the Sacrament of Baptisme receiued out of the Catholike Church at Heretikes or Schismatikes hands though it be the same vvater and Sacrament that the Catholike Church hath yet profiteth none to saluation but rather vvorketh their perdition Vvhich yet is not meant in case of extreme necessitie vvhen the partie should die vvithout the said Sacrament except he tooke it at an Heretikes or Schismatikes hand Neither is it meant in the case of infants to vvhom the Sacrament is cause of saluation they being in no fault for receiuing it at the hands of the vnfaithful though their parents and frendes that offer them vnto such to be baptized be in no small fault S. Hierom to Damasus Pope of Rome compareth that See to the Arke them that communicate vvith it to them that vvere saued in the Arke al other Schismatikes and Heretikes to the rest that vvere drowned 21. The examination of a good conscience The Apostle seemeth to allude here to the very forme of Catholike Baptisme conceining certaine interrogatories and solemne promises made of the articles of the Christian faith and of good life and of renouncing Satan and al his pompes and vvorkes vvhich no doubt hovvsoeuer the Caluinists esteeme of them are the very Apostolike ceremonies vsed in the ministration of this Sacrament See S. Denys in fine Ec. hierarchia S. Cyril li. 12 in 〈◊〉 c. 64. S. Augustine ep 23. S. Basil de Sp. sancto c. 12 and 15. S. Ambrose de ijs qui mysterijs initiantur 6. 2. 3. 4. CHAP. IIII. That they arme them selues to sinne no more after Baptisme against the tentations of the Heathen considering that the general and novv approcheth 8 specially tovvard their euen-Christians to shevv their charitie hospitalitie and grace doing al to the glorie of God 1● And as for being persecuted because they are Christians to reioyce considering the revvard that they shal haue vvith Christ and damnation that they avoid thereby verse 1 CHRIST therfore hauing suffered in the flesh be you also armed vvith the same cogitation because he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sinnes ✝ verse 2 that novv not after the desires of men but according to the vvil of God he liue the rest of his time in the flesh ✝ verse 3 For the time past sufficeth to accomplish the vvil of the Gentiles them that haue vvalked in riotousnes desires excesse of wine banketings porations and vnlavvful seruices of Idols ✝ verse 4 Vvherein they maruel blaspheming you not concurring into the same confusion of riotousnes ✝ verse 5 vvho shal render account to him vvhich is ready to iudge the liuing and the dead ✝ verse 6 For for this cause also vvas it euangelized to the dead that they may be iudged in deede according to men in the flesh but may liue according to God in the Spirit ✝ verse 7 And the end of al ●shal approche ' ✝ Be vvise therfore and vvatch in praiers ✝ verse 8 But before al things hauing mutual charitie cōtinual among your selues because * ● charitie couereth the multitude of sinnes ✝ verse 9 * Vsing hospitalitie one tovvard an other vvithout murmuring ✝ verse 10 * Euery one as he hath receiued grace ministring the same one tovvard an other as good dispensers of the manifold grace of God ✝ verse 11 If any man speake as the vvordes of God if any man minister as of the povver vvhich God administreth that in al things God may be honoured by IESVS Christ ⊢ to vvhom is glorie and empire for euer and euer Amen ✝ verse 12 My deerest thinke it not strange in the feruour vvhich is to you for a tētation as though some nevv thing happened to you ✝ verse 13 but communicating vvith the passions of Christ be glad that in the reuelation also of his glorie you may be glad reioycing ✝ verse 14 * If you be reuiled in the name of Christ you shal be blessed because that vvhich is of the honour glorie and vertue of God and the Spirit vvhich is his shal rest vpon you ✝ verse 15 But let none of you suffer as a murderer or a theefe or a railer or a coueter of other mens things ✝ verse 16 But if as a Christian let him not be ashamed but let him glorifie God in this name ✝ verse 17 for * the time is ● that iudgement begin of the house of God And if first of vs vvhat shal be the end of them that beleeue not the Gospel of God ✝ verse 18 And * ● if the iust man shal scarse be saued where shal the impious and sinner appeare ✝ verse 19 Therfore they also that suffer according to the vvil of God let them commend their soules to the faithful creator in good deedes ⊢ ANNOTATIONS CHAP. IIII. 9. Charitie couereth Faith onely cannot iustifie seeing that charitie also doth cause remission of sinnes And saying charitie he meaneth loue and charitable vvorkes tovvard our neighbours vnto vvhich vvorkes of mercie the Scriptures do specially attribute the force to extinguish al sinnes See S. Augustine c. 69 E●chiridij and tract 1. in ep 1. Io. ● 1. and venerable Bede vpon this place And in the like sense the holy Scriptures commonly commend vnto vs almes and deedes of mercie for redemption of our sinnes Prouerb c. 10. Ecclesiastici 12. v. 2. Danielis ● 4. v. 24. 17. That iudgement begin In this time of the new Testament the faithful and al those that meane to liue godly specially of the Clergie must first and principally be subiect to Gods chastisement and temporal afflictions vvhich are here called iudgement Vvhich the Apostle recordeth for the comfort and confirmation of the Catholike Christians vvho vvere at the time of the vvriting hereof excedingly persecuted by the heathen Princes people 18. If the iust Not that a man dying iust and in the fauour of God can afterward be in doubt of his saluation or may be reiected of God but that the iust being both in this life subiect to assaults tentations troubles and dangers of falling from God and losing their state of iustice also oftentimes to make a straite count to
my beloued sonne in vvhom I haue pleased my self heare him ✝ verse 18 And this voice vve heard brought from heauen vvhen vve vvere vvith him in the holy mounte ✝ verse 19 And we haue the prophetical vvord more sure vvhich you doe vvel attending vnto as to a candel shining in a darke place vntil the day davvne and the day starre arise in your hartes ⊢ ✝ verse 20 vnderstanding this first that no prophecie of scripture is made by ● priuate interpretation ✝ verse 21 For * not by mans vvil vvas prophecie brought at any time but the holy men of God spake inspired vvith the holy Ghost ANNOTATIONS CHAP. I. 10. By good vvorkes Here vve see that Gods eternal predestination and election consisteth vvith good vvorkes yea that the certainty and effect thereof is procured by mans free vvill and good vvorkes and that our vvel doing is a meane for vs to attaine to the effect of Gods predestination that is to life euerlasting and therfore it is a desperate folly and a great signe of reprobate persons to say If I be predestinate doe vvhat I vvil I shal be saued Nay the Apostle saith If thou hope to be one of the predestinate for knovv it thou canst not do vvel that thou maist be the more assured to attaine to that thou hopest or make it sure by good vvorkes The Protestāts in such cases not much liking these vvordes by good vvorkes though the latin haue it vniuersally and some Greeke copies also as Beza confesseth leaue them out in their translations by their vvonted pollicie 15. After my decease also These vvordes though they may be easily altered by cōstruction into diuers senses not vntrue yet the correspondēce of the partes of the sentēce going before and folovving giue most plaine this meaning that as during his life he vvould not omit to put them in memorie of the things he taught them so after his death vvhich he knew should be shortly he vvould not faile to endeuour that they might be mindeful of the same Signifying that his care ouer them should not cease by death that by his intercession before God after his departure he vvould doe the same thing for them that he did before in his life by teaching and preaching This is the sense that the * Greeke Scholies speake of and this is most proper to the text and consonant to the old vse of this Apostle and other Apostolike Saincts and fathers of the primitiue Church S. Clement in his Epistle to S. Iames our Lordes brother vvitnesseth that S. Peter encouraging him to take after his decease the charge of the Apostolike Romane See promised that after his departure he vvould not cease to pray for him his flocke thereby to ease him of his Pastoral burden To. 1 Concil ep 1. S. Clem. in initio And S. Leo the Great one of his successors in the said See often attributeth the good administration and gouernement thereof to S. Peters praiers and assistance namely in these goodly vvorkes Ser 3 in anniuers 〈◊〉 assumpt ad Pontif. We are much bound saith he to giue thankes to our Lord and Redeemer Iesus Christ that hath giuen so great povver to him vvhom he made the Prince of the vvhole Church that if in our time also any thing be done vvel be rightly ordered by vs it is to be imputed to his vvorkes and his geuernement to vvhom it vvas said And thou being conuerted confirme thy brethren and to vvhom our Lord after his resurrection said thrise leede my sheepe Which novv also vvithout doubt the godly Pastor doth execute confirming vs vvith his exhortations and not ceasing to pray for vs that vve be euercome vvith no tentation c. Yea it vvas a common thing in the primitiue Church among the auncient Christians and alvvaies since among the faithful to make couenant in their life time that vvhether of them vvent to heauen before the other he should pray for his frende and fellovv yet aliue See the Ecclesiastical historie of the holy virgin and Martyr Potamiaena promising at the houre of her Martyrdom that after her death she vvould procure mercie of God to Basilides one of the souldiars that ledde her to execution and so she did Euseb li. 6. c. 4. Also S. Cyprian ep 57 in fine Let vs saith he pray mutually one for an other and vvhether of vs tvvo shal by Gods elemencie be first called for let his loue continue and his praier not cease for his brethren and sisters in the vvorld So said this holy Martyr at that time vvhen Christiās vvere so far from Caluinisme vvhich abhorreth the praiers of Saincts praying to them that to be sure they bargained before hād to haue the martyrs other Saincts to pray for them The same S. Cyprian also in his booke De disciplina habitu virginum in fine after a godly exhortation made to the holy Virgins or Nonnes in his time speaketh thus vnto them Tantum tunc mementote nostri cùm incipiet in vobis virginitas honorari that is Onely then haue vs in remembrance vvhen your virginitie shal begin to be honoured that is after their departure Vvhere he insinuateth the vse of the Catholike Church in keeping the festiual daies and other dueties tovvard the holy Virgins in heauen S. Hierom also in the same manner speaketh to Heliodorus saying that vvhen he is once in heauen then he vvil pray for him that exhorted and incited him to the blessed state of the Monastical life Ep. 1. c. 2. And so doth he speake to the vertuous matrone Paula after her death desiring her to pray for him in his old age affirming that she shal the more easily obtaine the neeres she is novv ioyned to Christ in heauen in Epitaph Paule in fine It vvere to long to report hovv S. Augustine desireth to be holpen by S. Cyprians praiers then and long before a Sainct in heauen to the vnderstanding of the truth concerning the peace and regiment of the Church li. 5 de Bapt. cont Donatistas c. 17. And in an other place the same holy Doctor alleageth the said S. Cyprian saying that great numbers of our parents brethren children frendes and other expect vs in great solicitude and carefulnes of our saluation being sure of their ovvne li. 1 de praedest Sanctorum c. 14. S. Gregorie Nazianzene in his orations of the praise of S. Cyprian in fine and of S. Basil also in fine declareth hovv they pray for the people vvhich tvvo Saincts he there inuocateth as al the auncient fathers did both generally al Saincts and as occasion serued particularly their special Patrones Among the rest see hovv holy Ephrem in orat de laud. S. Deipara praied to our B. Ladie vvith the same termes of Aduocatt Hope Reconciliatrix that the faithful yet vse and the Protestants can not abide S. Basil ho. de 40 Martyribus in fine S. Athanasius Ser. in Euang. de
sometime immoderately or iest to much or couet somevvhat intēperatly or plucke fruite ouer greedily or in eating take somevvhat more then aftervvard vvas vvel digested or haue their intention in time of praier somevvhat distracted and such like thus in sense S. Augustine Vvhereby vve may learne vvhich be venial sinnes that consist vvith true iustice can not alvvaies be auoided euen of holy men in this life In the booke de fide ad Petrum c. 41. are excepted from this common rule of sinners the children vvhich be nevvely baptized and haue not yet vse of reason to sinne either mortally or venially CHAP. II. If any sinne mortally he must not dispaire 3 To knovv God rightly is not to beleeue onley but to keepe his commaundements 7 and that this is no nevv doctrine but the very primitiue though a nevv life it is 9 Therfore he that beleeueth must also loue his brethren 12 and that men must not loue the vvorld but doe that vvhich God vvilleth 18 Many are gone out of the Church and become Seducers al the ministers of Antichrist but true Christians must continue in their old faith considering the revvard and that they neede not goe to schole to any Heretike the Holy Ghost himself being the scholemaster of the Church 29 he doth earnestly inculcate iusti●e and good vvorkes verse 1 My litle children these things I vvrite to you ● that you sinne not But if any man shal sinne vve haue ● an aduocate vvith the Father IESVS Christ the iust ✝ verse 2 and he is the propitiation for our sinnes and not for ours only but also ● for the vvhole vvorldes ✝ verse 3 And in this vve know that vve haue knovven him if vve obserue his commaundements ✝ verse 4 ● He that saith he knovveth him and keepeth not his cōmaundements is a lier and the truth is not in him ✝ verse 5 But he that keepeth his vvord in him in very deede the charitie of God is perfited in this vve knovv that vve be in him ✝ verse 6 He that saith he abideth in him ought euen as he walked him self also to vvalke ✝ verse 7 My deerest I vvrite not a nevv cōmaundement to you but an old cōmmaundemēt vvhich you had from the beginning The old cōmaundement is the vvord vvhich you haue heard ✝ verse 8 Againe * a nevv commaundement vvrite I to you vvhich thing is true both in him and in you because the darkenesse is passed and the true light novv shineth ✝ verse 9 He that saith he is in the light and hateth his brother is in the darkenesse euen vntil novv ✝ verse 10 * He that loueth his brother abideth in the light and scandal is not in him ✝ verse 11 But he that hateth his brother is in the darkenesse and vvalketh in the darkenesse and knovveth not vvhither he goeth because the darkenes hath blinded his eies ✝ verse 12 I vvrite vnto you litle children because your sinnes are forgiuen you for his name ✝ verse 13 I vvrite vnto you fathers because you haue knovven him vvhich is from the beginning I vvrite vnto you yong men because you haue ouercome the vvicked one ✝ verse 14 I vvrite to you infantes because you haue knovven the Father I vvrite vnto you yong men because you are strong and the vvord of God abideth in you you haue ouercome the vvicked one ✝ verse 15 Loue not the vvorld nor those things vvhich are in the vvorld If any man loue the vvorld the charitie of the Father is not in him ✝ verse 16 because al that is in the vvorld is the concupiscence of the flesh the concupiscence of the eies and the pride of life vvhich is not of the Father but is of the vvorld ✝ verse 17 And the vvorld passeth and the concupiscence thereof But he that doeth the vvil of God abideth for euer ✝ verse 18 Litle children it is the last houre as you haue heard that Antichrist commeth now there are become ● many antichristes vvhereby vve knovv that it is the last houre ✝ verse 19 ● They vvent out from vs but ″ they vvere not of vs. for if they had been of vs they vvould surely haue remained with vs but ● that they may be manifest that they are not al of vs. ✝ verse 20 But you haue the vnction from the Holy one and ● knovv al things ✝ verse 21 I haue not vvritten to you as to them that knovv not the truth but as to them that knovv it and that no lie is of the truth ✝ verse 22 Vvho is a lier but he vvhich denieth that IESVS is not Christ This is Antichrist vvhich denieth the Father and the Sonne ✝ verse 23 Euery one that denieth the Sonne neither hath he the Father He that confesseth the Sonne hath the Father also ✝ verse 24 You that vvhich you haue heard from the beginning let it abide in you If that abide in you vvhich you haue heard from the beginning you also shal abide in the Sonne the Father ✝ verse 25 And this is the promis vvhich he promised vs life euerlasting ✝ verse 26 These things haue I vvritten to you concerning them that seduce you ✝ verse 27 And you the vnction vvhich you haue receiued from him let it abide in you And you haue no neede that any man teache you but as his vnction teacheth you of al things and it is true and it is no lie And as it hath taught you abide in him ✝ verse 28 And now litle children abide in him that vvhen he shal appeare vve may haue confidence and not be cōfounded of him in his cōming ✝ verse 29 If you know that he is iust knovv ye that euery one also vvhich doeth iustice is borne of him ANNOTATIONS CHAP. II. 1. That you sinne not S. Iohn sai●h V. ●ede vpon his place is not contrarie to him self in that he seeketh here to make them vvi●hout sinne vvhom he said in the last chapter could not be vvithout al sinnes but in the former place he vvarned vs only of our frailety that vve should not arrogate to our selues per●●ct innocencie here he prouoketh vs to vvatchfulnes and diligence in resisting and auoiding si●nes specially the greater vvhich by Gods grace may more easily he repelled 1. An aduocate The calling and office of an Aduocate is in many things proper to Christ and in euery condition more singularly and excellently agreing to him then to any Angel Sainct or creature liuing though these also be rightly and cruely so called that not onely vvithout al derogation but much to the honour of Christs aduocation To him soly and onely it agreeth to procure vs mercie before Gods face by the general ransom price paiment of his bloud for our deliuerie as is said in the sentence folovving And he is the propitiation for our sinnes and n●t for ours onely but for the vvhole vvorlds In vvhich sort
in Christmas vnto Septuagesme The Epistle vpō Christmas eue Act. 13. 2. ● Faith must not be subiect to sense reason arguing or vnderstāding but must cōmaund be obeied in humilitie and simplicitie c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ⸬ S. Augustine vseth this place and the like agaīst Heretikes vvhich vvould dravv the common Catholike faith of al natiōs to some certaine countries or corners of the world Aug. ep 161. c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ⸬ He praieth without intermission that omitteth no day certaine times of praier Aug. here 's 57. ⸬ The Romanes vvere conuerted and taught by S. Peter before therefore he vseth that speach to confirme them in their saith Author Com. apud Hierony Theodoret in 16. Rom. Chrys ⸬ He meaneth not Gods owne iustice in him self but that iustice vvhervvith God endueth man vvhen he iustifieth him Aug. de Sp. lit c. 9. Whereby you may gather the vanitie of the Heretical imputatilue iustice Abac. 2 4. c Lo these and the like are the Images or Idol● so often condēned in the scriptures and not the holy Images of Christ and his Saincts ⸬ Eph. 4 19. he saith They haue deliuered or giuen vp them selues to al vncleannesse By vvhich cōferēce of scriptur● vve learne that them selues are the cause of their ovvne sinne and damnation God of his iustice permitting leauing them to their ovvne vvil and so giuing them vp into passions c. c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Apostolical salutation or blessing Epiph. h●res 6● The same vsed of Heretikes The Romane faith highly cōmended Luc. 22. It can not false not be corrupted Pro●● li. 2. Com. in ep ad Gal. The Romane statiōs a token of greater faith and deuotion The Catholike and Romane faith al one Hovv God is serued in spirit Praies for conuersion of soules The Gospel is not only the written word Mat. 28. The Apostles vvriting and preaching vvhether more necessarie and hovv The Catholike or Christian ●aith with good vvorkes iustifieth vvithout this faith no vvorkes whatsoeuer Not only faith God is not the author of sinne God punisheth sinne by permitting men to fall further and further Sinnes mortal and venial Good men also according to the merits of their good vvil shal haue their reward Aug. ●p 4● Ps 61 13 c That is the Gentile Deu. 10 17. Act. 10. 34. Mt. 7 21 Ia. 1 22 ⸬ It is a shameful and damnable thing for preachers teachers or other guides of mens life to commit the same things them selues which they reproue in other Es 52 5. Ez. 36 20. c It is a great sinne that by the i● life of the faithful our Lordes name should be il spoken of amōg the misbeleuers many vvithdravven from the true religiō thereby ⸬ Prepuce is the foreskinne not circumcised therfore signifieth the Gentiles or the state and conditiō of the Gentiles as circumcisiō the Ievves and their state Iudging other men Gods long suffering is for our repentance Good vvorkes meritoriou● Li. de grat lib. arb c. 8. Aug. de Sp. lit c. 16. to 3. The first iustification vvithout vvorkes the second by vvorkes S. Paul speaketh of the first specially S. Iames of the second Against imputatiue iustice True inherent iustice more for Gods glorie for the commendation of Christs merites True iustice both in Ievv and Gentile is by keeping the Lavv. The letter and the spirit The carnal and spiritual Ievve de sp lit to 3. Io. 3 33. ⸬ ●od only by nature is true al mere men by nature may lie deceiue and be deceiued yet God by his grace spirit may and doth preserue the Apostles and principal Gouerners of his people the Church and Councels in al truth though they vvere and are mere men Ps 115 11. Ps 50 6. Ps 13 1. 52 3. Ps 5 11. Ps 139 4 c Aspidum A kinde of litle serpents Ps 9 7. Es 19 7. Pro. 1 16 Ps 35 2. Gal. 2 16. c To beleeue in him here compriseth not only the act of faith but of hope charitie as the Apostle explicateth him self Galat. 5 6. ⸬ No man atteineth his first iustification by the merites either of his faith or workes but merely by Christes grace and mercie though his faith workes proced●g of grace be dispositiōs preparations therevnto ` propitiatour 2. ●et 3. S. Paules speaches mistaken of the vvicked Ro. 5 2● Ro. 3 4. The sense of the places that sound as if God caused sinne Iob. 1. Hovv it is said none iust * Luc. 1● No vvorkes auaile vvithout faith and grace The Heretikes phantastical or imputatiue iustice De p●●mer li. 1 ● 9. 10. True inhaerent iustice Vvhat vvorkes are excluded from iustification de grat lib. arb c. 7. Gal. 1. Gen. 5 6. Gal. 3 6. Ia. 2 23. c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ps 31 1. ⸬ The vvord Reputed doth not diminish the truth of the iustice as though it vvere reputed for iustice being not iustice in deede but signifieth that as it vvas in it self so God esteemed reputed it as the same greeke vvord must needes be taken v. 4. next going before 1 Cor. 4 ● and els where c Our Sacraments of the nevv Lavv giue ex opere operato that grace and iustice of faith vvhich here is commended vvhereas circūcisiō vvas but a signe or marke of the same Gen. 17 10. Gen. 17 4. ` he beleeued Gen. 15 5. Abrahams Workes before faith Iustice before men and iustice before God Not vvorkes but mere grace is cause of our first iustificatiō c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Heretical translation Vvhat is Sinnes couered or not imputed Io. 1 29 2 Cor. 6 11. Apoc. 1 5. The Sacramēts are not mere markes but causes of iustification By vvhat faith vve are iustified Luc. 1 45. The Epistle on Imber Saturday in vvhitsonweeke And for many Martyrs ⸬ Christian mē do not vaunt thē selues of the certaītie of their saluatiō but glorie in the hope thereof onely vvhich hope is here insinuated to be giuen in our iustificatiō is aftervvard to be cōfirmed by probation in tribulation 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c The Heretikes falsely translate of no strength to take avvay al free vvil No. Test. 15●0 ` sinner ⸬ Here vve may see against the Heretikes that they vvhich be borne of Christ and iustified by him be made constituted iust in deede not by imputation only as al that be borne of Adam be vniust and sinners in truth not by imputation Against the Heretikes special faith and securitie 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Iustificatiō attributed much to faith as to the f●ndation Our hope is strengthened by vvel doing Charitie is a qualitie in vs. Conc. Tri. sess s● decr de pe● orig Al by Adam borne in original sinne Christ only not conceiued in sinne and as it is thought our B. Lady The Lavv did not cause more sinne though that vvere the sequele
Vvhich Iames vvrote this epistle I● 1. The Church readeth these Catholike or Canonical Epistles in order at Mattins frō the 4 Sūday after Easter vntil Vvhitsunday The Protestants abhorre the vvord Catholike Euseb li. 2. hist c. 22. The Epistle for a Martyr Ro. 5 3. Mat. 21 22. Mar. 11 24. Ps 102 15. Eccl. 14 18. Es 4 6 1 Pet. 1 24. The Epistle for a Martyr that is a Bishop Iob 5 17. ⸬ The groūd of tētation to sinne is our cōcupiscence not God The Epistle on the 4 Sunday after Easter Prou. 17 27. The Epistle on the 5 Sunday after Easter Mat. 7 21. Ro. 2 13. ⸬ Beatitude or saluation consisteth in vvel vvorking Vvhat faith is required in praier God is not author of euil Partial and vvilful translation * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Concupiscēce of it self no sinne Not euery sinne mortal Vvhat is the lavv of libertie in the Nevv Testament Good vvorkes a part of mans iustice Leu. 19 15. Deu. 1 16. Pro. 24 23. Eccl. 42 1. Leu. 19 18. Mat. 22 39. Rom. 13. Leu. 19 37. Deu. 1 18. c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Io. 3 17 ⸬ He speaketh to al heretikes that say faith onely without vvorkes doth iustifie calling them vaine men and comparing them to Diuels ` dead Gen. 22 10. Gen. 15 6. Ro. 4 3. Gal. 3 Ios 2 1. 18. and 6 22. Scripture abused by the Anabaptistes to make no distinction of persons Vvhat the Apostle meaneth by acception of persons How he that offendeth in one commaundement is guilty of al. Vvorkes of mercie exceding grateful to God The proud impudent dealing of the heretikes against this Epistle because it is so plaine against only saith Only faith an old heresie S. Iames the rest inculcate good vvorkes against the errour of only faith falsely gathered of S. Paules vvordes Ioco citate S. Augustines vvhole disputation in this poīt very notable directly against only faith * Li. 83 q. q. 76. Heresies against good vvorkes Workes cōcurre vvith faith as cause of iustification Workes make vs iust in deede before God The Protestants say by faith only S. Iames cleane contrarie Not by faith only * Gal. ● * See the annot vpon the epistle to the Romans c. 2. v. 13. The manifold meaning of certaine fathers vvhen they say Only faith S. Paul nameth faith S. Iames vvorkes causes of iustification but neither the one faith only nor the other vvorkes only Faith vvithout vvorkes is a true saith but not auailable as the body vvithout the spirit is a true body though it be dead Vvhat faith the Apostle speaketh of that he knevv no special faith Mat. 23 8. Eccl. 14 1. 19 16. c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ` litle ` can it yeld salt and svveete vvater ⸬ The difference betwixt the humane vvisedom specially of heretikes and the vvisedom of the Catholike Church her children Many maisters are many proud Sect-maisters 1. Io. 2 15. ⸬ The boldnes of Haeretikes adding here the vvord Scripture to the text thus And the Scripture giueth greater grace Prou. 3 35. 1 Pet. 5 5. c Free vvil mans owne endeuour necessarie in comming to God 1 Pet. 5 6. c He forbiddeth detractiō euil speaking slaundering c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ro. 14 4. ⸬ Al promises and purposes of our worldly affaires are to be made vnder condition of Gods good liking pleasure and it becommeth a Christian man to haue vsually this forme of speache in that case if God vvil if God otherwise dispose not Mans vvorking vvith Gods grace is no derogation therevnto ⸬ A feareful description of the miseries that shal befall in the next life to the vnmerciful couetous men ` condemned c He meaneth either fruite or raine ` is as hand Mt. 5 34 The Epistle in a votiue Masse for the sicke Mr. 6 13 b The Epistle in Maioribus Litanijs on S. Markes day and in the Rogation daies the heretikes translate Acknovvledge your sinnes c. So litle they can abide the very vvord of confession 3 reg 17. Eccl. 48. Lu. 4 25 3. reg 18 41. ⸬ He that hath the zeale of conuerting sinners procureth thereby mercie and remission to him self vvhich is a singular grace The sinnes crying to heauen Vvhat othes are lawful vvhat are not Heretical trāslation against Priesthod Neither their Elders so called nor their Ministers can be those vvhō the Apostle here calleth Presbyteros They haue no reason to call their Ministers by that name Their Deacōs should rather be called Ministers They should keepe the name Priest as vvel as deacon The Sacramēt of EXTREME VNCTION The heretikes ob●ections against the said Sacrament ansvvered and vvithal it is proued to be a Sacrament Remission of sinnes annexed to creatures Holy vvater Holy oile blessed by the Bishop The peoples deuotion tovvard such hallowed creatures The sacramētal vvordes The three effects of this Sacrament Priests and not Elders are the ministers of this sacrament * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 In hunc locum Confession Truthes vnvvritten and knovven by tradition Conuerting of soules Our saluation attributed to men vvithout derogation to Christ ● 10. v. 2. 1 Pet. 1. 1 Pet. 5. * See the Annotation 1 Pet. 5. v. 13. 2 Pet. 3. 1 Pet. 5. * See the Annotatiō vpon S. Iames epistle c. 2. v. 21. The Epistle In Cathedra S. Petri. Roma Ian. 10. 2 Cor. 1 3. Eph. 1 3. The Epistle for many martyrs ⸬ Chastitie not onely of body but also of minde is required S. Bede vpon this place Leu. 11 19. 20 7 Deu. 10. c God vvil iudge men according to euery ones vvorkes and not by faith onely Ro. 2. Gal. 2. 1 Cor. 6 20. 7 23 ⸬ He meaneth the errours of Gentility or if he vvrite to the Iewes dispersed he meaneth the yoke of the Law vvith the fond and heauy additiōs of their later Maisters called Deuterôses The Heretikes to make it sound to the simple against the traditions of the Churche corrupt the text thus Which you haue receiued by 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 fathers Ro. 16 25. Col. 1 26. Tit. 1 2. Esa 40 6. The Epistle vpon Saturday in Easter weeke ` a spiritual house Es 28 16. Ps 117. Mt. 21. Act. 4. Es 8. ` vvhereto also they are ordeined Ro. 9 33. Exo. 19. c The Protestants can no more gather of this that al Christians be Priests then that al be kings as is most plaine Apocalyp 1 6. and 5 10. Thou hast made vs a kingdom or kings priests Apoc. 1. Ose 2. Ro. 9. Gal. 5 16. The Epistle vpō the 3 Sunday after Easter Mt. 5 16 ⸬ So is the Greeke but the Protest in fauour of temporal lawes made against the Cath. religion translate it very falsely thus to al maner ordināce of man thē selues boldly reiecting Ecclesiastical decrees as mēs ordinances c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ro. 13 1. c In this speache is often commēded the vnitie of al Christians among them selues The