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A15343 A short, yet sound commentarie; written on that woorthie worke called; the Prouerbes of Salomon and now published for the profite of Gods people. T. W. (Thomas Wilcox), 1549?-1608. 1589 (1589) STC 25627; ESTC S119970 239,133 222

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parte by reason of some supplie of words farre better in my iudgement thus but the foolishnes which is in the foolish i. their owne follie and want of wit offereth it selfe to be knowne i. it cannot long bee dissembled for they will presently manifest and bewray the same see Chap. 12.23 Chap. 13.16 and also vers 29. of this Chap. Vers 34. Justice i. the execution of iustice vprightly without any fauor feare or hatred exalteth a nation i. maketh it famous not onely for the time present but also establisheth the same in lastingnes for the time to come see Chap. 16.12 but sinne vz. either against GOD or man is a shame to the people i. is an effectuall instrument to bring the people to shame and confusion Vers 35. The pleasure of a king is i. euery good and wise king taketh great pleasure and delight in a wise seruant i. a héedie circumspect and diligent officer but his wrath i. the Kings great displeasure shall be towards him i. shall iustly fall vppon him that is lewd vz. in his dealing and behauiour by which he worketh shame and discredite to his Prince and indéede so much doth the Hebrew text yéeld Do. Vers 1. Teacheth vs what great difference there is betweene a godlie wise woman and a foolish wicked woman Vers 2. Teacheth vs to haue care and conscience of a holie life before men also that wee cannot offer greater contempt against God than to followe a lewd and prophane life Vers 3. Teacheth vs the discommoditie of rash and foolish speaches also what benefite commeth by wise wordes Vers 4. Containeth a singular commendation of husbandrie and painfull labour in seuerall callings Vers 5. Setteth out the great difference betweene a lying and a false witnes Vers 6. Teacheth vs that Gods holie wisedome cannot dwell in a scorning or scoffing spirit also that Gods word and will through the light that he giueth vs is easie though the Papistes by accusing it of hardnes would feare men from it Vers 7. Teacheth vs to shunne the companie of the wicked and vngodlie after we haue had triall of them Vers 8. Sheweth that holie wisedome teacheth men which imbrace her to direct their whole conuersation Verse 9. Teacheth vs in what little account vngodlie men haue sinne and wickednes Vers 10. Teacheth vs not to giue ourselues too much to mirth or ioye but to keepe a good measure and proportion therein Vers 11. Setteth out the vnlikely reward of the good and the bad Vers 12. Teacheth vs not to followe whatsoeuer seemeth good in our owne eyes but alwaies and in all things to aske counsell of the Lord in his word it is also a strong place to ouerthrowe good intents Vers 13. Teacheth vs to auoide hypocrisie both in our mirth and sadnes and to bee that indeede which wee would seeme to bee Vers 14. Teacheth vs that the sinne and disobedience of the wicked shall neuer escape vnpunished Vers 15. Teacheth vs first not to bee too light to beleeue euery report that is brought vs secondlie deeplie and duelie to consider all our thoughts wordes and deedes Vers 16. Teacheth vs that a reuerent feare of Gods Maiestie in good mens hearts is a notable meane to make them to auoide sinne also it doth liuely paint out the nature of the desperate transgressors Vers 17. Teacheth vs to withstand the vnbridlednes of our owne affections and to beware of being ouer busie in other mens affaires Vers 18. Teacheth vs that knowledge is a meane of great credit and estimation euen before men Vers 19. Teacheth vs that God many times in this life for the manifestation of his mercie and iustice exalteth his owne children and casteth down the wicked Vers 20. Doth liuely paint out the nature of the world which doth easilie despise poore men though neuer so good and readilie imbrace wealthie men though neuer so bad Vers 21. Teacheth vs not to despise any but euen for our owne good to shewe pitie and compassion to all Vers 22. Teacheth vs that euill thoughts are sinne before God also that the Lord will be mercifull towards his owne Vers 23. Teacheth vs faithfully and painfully to labour in our callings and to take heede that wee labour not with the lippes only and giue the other parts of our bodies to idlenes Vers 24. Teacheth vs that euery thing to the godlie is a credite and glorie whereas all things to the wicked tend to their shame Vers 25. Teacheth vs in matters of controuersie to speake the trueth and to abhorre all lyes Vers 26. Sheweth vs what a sure staffe to stay vppon they haue that doo rightly feare the Lord. Vers 27. Teacheth vs what commodities come by the reuerent feare of GOD planted in our hearts Vers 28. Teacheth Kings as to vse all holie meanes whereby to increase their people so to take heede that they trust not in them at any hand Vers 29. Teacheth vs to be slowe to wrath and to beware of hastines of heart or word Vers 30. Teacheth vs louingly to doo whatsoeuer wee doo and to flye from enuie and hatred Vers 31. Teacheth vs that oppression of the poore is a greeuous offence against God Vers 32. Propoundeth the miserable end of the wicked and the ioyfull end of the godlie Vers 33. Sheweth that the heart is indeede the seate of wisedome Vers 34. Sheweth what good commeth by iustice and what hurt by iniustice and that not only to the parties executing the same but also to their people and subiects Vers 35. Teacheth vs that wisedome is a meane to make men delight in vs. CHAP. 15. Co. IN the last verse of the other Chapter he shewed that frowardnes and ill demeanour was a meane to prouoke wrath against vs and now in the first verse of this Chapter he sheweth vs how wee may quench it if it bee once kindled and so proceedeth in instructing men to haue an eye to their speaches and words Di. Di. 1 THe Chapter may be diuided into three parts In the first he giueth instructions concerning mens words and speaches concerning the sight and knowledge of God and concerning the wise and the foolish the good and the bad c. and this reacheth from verse 1. to the end of the 11. In the Di. 2 second he intreateth of scorners of ioye and sorowe of the heart of the wise and foolish of quietnes and contentednes with the portion which God giueth vs of anger slothfulnes follie and good counsell and this reacheth Di. 3 from verse 12. to the end of the 22. In the third he speaketh of good words of the way of life of proude persons and of the widowe of wicked mens thoughts of gaine and gifts of babling of Gods fauour vpon the good and his punishment vpon the wicked of receiuing and refusing good counsell and of the feare of the Lord from verse 23. to the end of the Chapter Se. Vers 1. A Soft answer i. gentle quiet and méeke words putteth away wrath vz. of another
for heauenlie things Vers 25. Declareth Gods great iudgement against proude persons and his singular loue towards the poore and afflicted Vers 26. Teacheth vs that wicked thoughts are sinne before the Lord also that our words speaches should bring grace to the hearers Vers 27. Teacheth vs to auoide greedie gaping after gayne and hastie or readie receauing of rewards Vers 28. Teacheth vs to beware of rash and hastie speach and alwaies to speake with as great aduisement as possible we can Vers 29. Declareth Gods iustice vpon the wicked and his singular fauor towards the good Vers 30. Teacheth vs that it is a good blessing to haue the sight of our eyes also that wee shoulde striue to be of good name and reporte Vers 31. Sheweth what good men shall get by obseruing wise and good counsell Verse 32. Declareth what euill shall come vpon them that regarde it not Verse 33. Teacheth vs two thinges first that no man can rightly feare God but hee that hath been some what trained vp in wisdomes schoole secondlie that we cannot come to true honor before God and men till the Lord haue effectuallie humbled vs vnder his almightie hand CHAPT 16. Co. IN the latter end of the other Chapter the holie Ghost had shewed that wee could not tell how vse our eares a right but by grace from God and now hee sheweth vs in the beginning of this Chapter that we knowe not how to guide our tongues except the Lord assiste vs and direct vs in the same Di. Di. 1 I Would diuide this chapter into fowre partes In the first he sheweth that we cannot thinke or speake rightly without God that the Lorde seeth all things that his blessing giueth good successe to all our attempts that hee dooth what pleaseth him he speaketh against the proud commendeth the mercie trueth and feare of the Lord setteth out his loue towards his children and speaketh of contentednes of minde from ver 1. to the end of the 9. Di. 2 In the second he speaketh of good rulers true weights and the excellencie of wisdome shewing also what a dangerous thing it is to purchase the Di. 3 kings wrath and displeasure from vers 10. to the end of the 17. In the third he intreateth of pride and humilitie of trust in the Lorde of wise men and wisdome of gentle words and of an vpright way from vers 18. to the end of the 25. In the last parte hee speaketh of the painefull person also of wicked froward and vngodlie men of good old age of bridling anger and of Di. 4 the prouidence of God from vers 26. to the end of the Chapter Se. Vers 1. THe preparations of the heart are in man i. a man hath power to prepare his heart and wit to direct how and in what order he will speake or doo any thing And this he speaketh not as though it were so but by the way of concession for if he cannot speake surely he cannot thinke or deuise without God but it is q.d. be it that man haue innumerable thoughts in his heart and in his head deuiseth this and that but the answere of the tongue i. yet the wordes which hee shall speake and vtter is of the Lord i. commeth from him because without him he cannot so much as wagge his tongue Verse 2. All the waies of a man i. euerie thing that a man thinketh speaketh or dooth are cleane i. seeme so to be vnto him in his owne eyes i. in his owne iudgement putting eyes for iudgement because we take those things to bee moste sure and sufficient which we see but the Lord pondereth i. diligently weigheth and déepelie considereth the spirits vz. of men meaning thereby all their imaginations words and workes because they haue their beginning in the spirite or vnderstanding of a man and proceede from the same q.d. God euen as it were by number and weight that is most certainely searcheth whether that be pure and right that men thinke so to be and knoweth it by many degrées better than they Verse 3. Commit vz. in a stedfast fayth thy workes i. all thy affayres whatsoeuer vnto the Lord q.d. in all thinges depende vpon him for a good successe and blessing and thy thoughtes shall be directed vz. thorowe his prouidence and power to a good end vnderstanding by thoughts which are the beginning of all actions euen the very deedes themselues also This sentence intreateth of Gods power and prouidence teaching vs to referre all things thereto see the like Psal 37.5 also Psal 55.22 Vers 4. The Lord vz. of Heauen and earth hath made vz. by his almightie power all things i. all creatures whatsoeuer for his owne sake i. to this end that his glorie might appeare in them yea euen the wicked vz. man meaning thereby all the vngodlie for the daye of euill i. not onely against the time of affliction in this life but for eternall torments in the life to come not that God is the author of any wickednes but because he not onely suffereth but also hath aforehand decreed that the wicked shall oppresse the good the Lorde reseruing them for it against the day of iudgement wherein he will shewe his power and iustice by which he is glorified q.d. the chiefe end of the creation of all things is Gods glorie which glorie of his most plainely appeareth and is declared both in the eternall saluation of the vessells of mercie and also in the destruction of the vessells of wrath appoynted beforehand to that destruction see Roman 9.22.23 Iude. vers 4. Vers 5. All that are proude in heart i. all proude persons of what estate or condition so euer they be He maketh mention of the heart because there is the first beginning of pride and from thence it floweth Marke 7.22 are an abhomination to the Lord i. the Lord doth loth them and cannot abide them wee haue had this phrase oftentimes as Chap. 11.1 also Chap. 12.22 chap. 15.26 c. though hand ioyne in hand i. though they ioyne power and forces together to auoyde Gods iudgements he i. the proud man or the proud persons by one vnderstanding al shall not be vnpunished i. escape vnpunished from the Lord howsoeuer hee doth for a while deferre his iudgements see Chap. 11.21 Vers 6. By mercie vz. from God and trueth i. Gods faithfull accomplishment of his promises he making his children by the zeale of his spirite to feele the same see Psalme 85.10 I knowe some vnderstand by mercie and trueth the dueties of charitie and vpright dealing one man with an other and I denie not though they sée it not that mercie is so vsed Matth. 12.7 but I approue rather the other sense iniquitie i. sinne it selfe and the punishment deserued for it shall bee forgiuen vz. before the Lorde meaning that the Lorde freely euen for his owne mercie and trueth sake will forgiue the sinnes of his people and by the feare of the Lord vz. rightly and sincerely planted in the
A SHORT YET sound Commentarie written on that woorthie worke called The Prouerbes of Salomon and now published for the profite of Gods people PSALM 78.1 2. Heare my doctrine ô my people incline your eares vnto the words of my mouth I will open my mouth in a parable I will plentifullie powre out hidden sentences of olde LONDON Printed by Thomas Orwin for Thomas Man 1589. ❧ To the Honorable and his very good Ladie the Ladie Bacon T.VV. wisheth abundance of all felicitie outward and inward in this life and afterwards eternal blessednes through Christ in that life which lasteth for euer AMongst the great vnmeasurable and infinite benefites that GOD most rich in mercie and faithfull in performance hath giuen vnto men of all estates and degrees in this last though worst age of the world as euident and infallible testimonies of his singular loue and bountie towards them and as notable instruments to drawe and allure them soundly to knowe vnfeignedlie to loue and reuerently to feare him alone that is the only giuer thereof this in my poore iudgement good Madame seemeth vnto me and I hope that others inlightned from God are of the same minde with me not the least nor to be reckoned in the last place namely the excellent and most wonderfull light not of manifold tongues onely as Hebrew Greeke Caldee Siriake Latin c. neither yet of sundrie arts alone as Grammar Rhetoricke Logicke Musicke Arithmetick Geometrie c. but of the holy Scriptures and Christian religion speciallie all which doubtles being heretofore through Sathans malice and mans ignorance not cast aside amongst wormes and moathes by little and little to wast and consume them but sumptuouslie laied in graue and deepely buried that almost without hope of quickning God that alwaies had and hath the fulnes of power in his hand hath been pleased now at the last for the ouerthrowe of superstition idolatrie and wicked life and for the aduancement of his glorie and furtherance of mens saluation to recall as it were euen from the graue it selfe and to reuiue from the dead Wherin howsoeuer the Lord haue graciouslie vouchafed to declare his incomprehensible power accomplishing so miraculous a worke and to manifest his vnspeakable loue not onely in the multitude and varietie but in the euidencie thereof so that euen bleare eyed men barbers as is in the common by word may cleerely perceiue the same yet the strength of sinne hath so not onely obscured but as it were defaced though not the sight yet the power and efficacie of Gods fauour with the fruites and effects which should followe therevpon that some through naturall blindnes and dimnes of their eyes cannot behold them other some againe through dumnes of mouth and hauing their tongues tied will not acknowledge them other some againe through want of good iudgement do with polluted hands irreuerently receiue them and almost all through prophanenesse of hart cursed corruption vnsanctifiedlie if not irreligiouslie vse them So fewe are there found in the world now adaies that profite by them to faith vnfeigned and humble thankfulnes before him that plentifully hath prouided the same for their good if they could tell how to accept and vse the same The contemplation and memorie wherof I willingly and vnfeignedly confesse it leaueth behind it no small skarre but a great wound rather in mine heart and that not only so much for mine owne iniquitie in that behalfe though I knowe the same to bee high and hainous as for the common abomination that euery where as a mightie streame that will not be stopped and forcible floud that cannot be withstood ouerfloweth all and for the fearefull desolation that in all probabilitie and likelihood of mans iudgement will ensue therevpon because howsoeuer God be of long suffering and of great goodnes yet he cannot nor will not for we are sure he is zealous ouer his owne glorie continuallie suffer the vile and abominable of the world to trample and tread vnder their beastlie feete his exceeding blessings and singular fauours And yet I cannot hide this within my selfe but must of necessitie breake foorth into the declaration thereof that I am againe somewhat recomforted in that whether soeuer I cast mine eyes whether at home or abroad I certainlie beholde and that without deceit of sight some amongst all estates and degrees of men high lowe rich poore young olde noble vnnoble magistrates ministers and people and sundrie of them of my Christian acquaintance on whose behalfe I daylie offer vp vnto God through Christ the duetie of thanks giuing perswading my self further that there is vpon the face of the earth a mightie number besides though not known to me whom God hath pleased in the multitude of his mercies doubtles and for much good towards them and others in them not onely to single and cull out as it were from the huge heape and wicked fellowship of the polluted and prophane but richlie to replenish and adorne them as it were with most precious pearles with the singular graces of sound knowledge stedfast faith comfortable feeling vnfeigned obedience and sundrie such like holie and heauenlie gifts Amongst whom your sexe rightly considered and the place you haue been in wisely respected and your present estate well weighed I know few matchable with you good Madame flatterie is farre from my words I humbly thanke God for it I hope pride remoued farre from your selfe in hearing your owne praise as I wish enuie may bee from others as in regard of your due commendation and not many to go beyond you For though to be borne not onlie of worshipful parents but of a sanctified stock be some thing both before God and man and though learned and holie education bee a good helpe towards the reformation of our corruption and as it were the instilling of another nature into vs and though to be richlie ioyned in holy matrimonie be a token doubtles of Gods great fauour and loue and though to haue in the vndefiled mariage bed a blessed seed and lawfull issue be a special blessing mercie from God though to leade and liue a vertuous and vnreproueable life in the sight of men who are wont neglecting themselues with euill and curious eyes to looke vpon others bee a happie thing with all which fauours you haue by the diuine prouidence been euen laden as it were in your birth bringing vp youth old age virginitie mariage widowhood and posteritie yet because many bee degenerate and start aside from their ancestors godlines some through carelesnes cause to perish the cost that hath been bestowed vpon them in good bringing vp and others make themselues both in single and maried life lothsome to the Lord and infamous before men because either they haue not begun well or haue not held on vnto the end and other some by euill example haue done the children of their wombe more hurt in the world than they haue done them good in bringing them
be inherited vnto his Childrens Childerne i. vnto his posteritie for many generations see Psalme 128.6 he meaneth that the Lord will in mercy shewe such fauour to good men that not onely they themselues shall enioye their landes and liuing but euen their issue after them vnto many generations and the riches of the sinner i. the goods and lands that he possesseth is laid vp vz. safe and sure for the iust vz. that they may possesse and enioye them Hee meaneth that neither the wicked themselues nor their vngodly seede and posteritie after them shal inioy them but the good shall haue them How true this is see Iob. 27.16 17. see also Ester 8.7 11. Vers 23. Much foode i. much graine and corne méete for foode so is the word taken Gen. 42.2 is in the feild vz. that is well tilled and manured though perhapes the soyle it self be somwhat barren of the poore i. of that man who though he be poore yet notwithstanding is diligent in his labour but the field is destroyed without descretion he meaneth that the corne in the field can come to little or no profit where there is not good husbandrie and good gouernement One readeth it thus But there is vz. a man who consumeth himselfe i. both himselfe and all that he hath thorowe sluggishnes or els vnskilfulnes for the word importeth both and is set here against the knowledge and diligence of the poore laboring man q.d. by idlenes and want of skill hee commeth to nothing and is vtterly consumed Ver. 24. He that spareth i. withholdeth from the correction and chastising of his child his rodde i. the rodde of correction which God hath committed into his hands hateth his sonne i. his child as ver 1. of this chap. meaning that he is euen as though he did hate him because that not correcting him he is a cause that he falleth into euill by meanes whereof he doth at the length pul vpon him his owne destruction but he that loueth him vz. vnfeinedly and with the loue of a godly father chasteneth him vz. measurablye and according to the offence committed betime i. in good season and while that he is tender and yong least growing in yeres he growe in strength and courage and so either little regarde or vtterly refuse all fatherly correction Vers 25. The righteous eateth vz. of the giftes and blessings which God hath bestowed vpon him to the contentation of his minde i. to the satisfying of himself for he noteth vnder that word not onely contentednes but abundance also but the bellie of the wicked i. the wicked himselfe a part for the whole putting also bellie for the stomack wherein resteth appetite shall want vz. many times great store of Gods blessings he meaneth that good men haue alwaies sufficient and abundance but the wicked neuer see Psal 34.10 also Psalme 37.16 Do. Verse 1. Teacheth children their duty vz. to obey the good instructions of their parents it teacheth vs also to beware of scorning and of contempt of admonition Vers 2. Teacheth vs that the good wordes of good men are profitable both to themselues and others also that the wicked shall not escape iudgement Vers 3. Teacheth vs to be warie and circumspect in our words and to auoyde babling and much speech Vers 4. Teacheth vs to auoyde sluggishnes and to bee painefull and faithfull in our callings Vers 5. Teacheth vs to abhorre lying Vers 6. Setteth out the vnlikelie rewarde of righteousnes and wickednes Vers 7. Teacheth to beware as of vayne boasting on the one side so of counterfeiting pouerty on the other side Vers 8. Teacheth vs that riches and pouertie haue either of them their profite and their disprofits Vers 9. Teacheth vs Gods fauour towards the good and his iudgements vpon the wicked Vers 10. Teacheth vs that pride is the mother of strife but they that are humble will yeeld to good counsell and peace Vers 11. Teacheth vs that euill gotten goods shall come to nothing also that diligence and labor is a meane to get and increase riches Vers 12. Teacheth vs to doo good quicklie and in good season least otherwise the gift either come too late or be not so acceptable Vers 13. Teacheth vs that the contempt of Gods word shall neuer escape vnpunished Vers 14. Teacheth vs that good counsell is a good meane to make men to auoyde the snares of sinne Vers 15. Teacheth vs that Gods gifts in any must be reuerenced and sinne and iniquitie abhorred Vers 16. Teacheth vs to doo all things according to iudgement and discretion and to take heed that either by word or deede wee bewray not the follie of our harts Vers 17. Teacheth vs to deale faithfullie in the charges wherein we are placed both that wee may thereby auoyde euill and also procure good vnto our selues and others Vers 18. Teacheth vs that contempt of good counsell is a meane of beggery and shame as on the other side obedience to good speeches is the high way to honor and estimation before GOD and men Vers 19. Teacheth vs that we may reioyce when lawfull and holy things are done for vs also that it is a very harde matter to drawe the vngodly from sinne Vers 20. Teacheth vs to make choyce of our companie cleauing to such as are good and flying from the euill Vers 21. Setteth out the vnlikelie reward of the good and the bad from God Vers 22. Teacheth vs that good men thorowe Gods blessing leaue their goods and lands to their posteritie euen many ages togeather one after another also that God in his iustice doth many times depriue the wicked of their wealth and giueth it to the good Vers 23. Teacheth vs that labor is a meane to make men rich also that for want of labor and good gouernement many things are consumed Vers 24. Teacheth parents to correct their children but yet so that they doo it in measure and in such sort and at such a time as it may doo the parties corrected most good not onely for the time present but also for the time to come Vers 25. Setteth out Gods fauor towards the good and his iustice towards the wicked and vngodlie CHAPT 14. Co. IN the latter end of the other chapter he had spoken of Parents and children and now he beginneth this chapter with a t●eatie of women passing on from thence to describe generall dueties appertayning to all states ages and sexes whatsoeuer Di. Di. 1 THis chapter may bee diuided into foure partes In the first hee intreateth of a wife and foolish woman of the feare and contempt of God of pride and humilitie of labor and husbandrie of a faithfull and lying witnesse of the scorner and wise person of the foolish and the prudent or righteous Di. 2 man from vers 1. to the end of the 9. In the second he intreateth of the heart or conscience of the wicked and the Godly of an vpright way of heauinesse of heart of a wicked heart of easines to beleeue
euerie tale and of the foolish and the wise man from vers 10. to the end of the 18. In the Di. 3 third he speaketh of the euill persons of the poore and rich of the proud and the mercifull of euill thinkers and good men of painfull labor and wicked words of riches and follie of a faithfull and lying witnes and of the reuerence and feare of the Lord from vers 19. to the end of the 27. In the Di. 4 fourth part hee speaketh of kings and their power of bridling anger of enuie of oppression and pitie of the ends of the wicked and the godlie of wisdome iustice and the fauor or displeasure of a Prince and this reacheth from vers 28. to the end of the chapter Se. Vers 1. A Wise woman i. euery woman that is truely wise fearing God and regarding their houshold affaires in holines and modestie buildeth her house vz. not so much with outward furniture and shewe as while that by hir labor and the right gouernement of her houshold she doth by all meanes keepe defende and increase the same but the foolish vz. woman who is set against the wise woman mentioned before destroyeth it i. her house and familie with hir owne hands i. whilst that vnheedely by hir naughtie deedes negligence and euill gouernement she suffereth all things to goe to wracke Vers 2. He that walketh in his righteousnes i. leadeth an vpright life voyde of hypocrisie and it is called his righteousnes not because he hath it of himselfe but because God in great mercie hath communicated the same vnto him feareth the Lord vz. vnfeinedly but he that is leaude in his waies i. leadeth a leaud and lose life despiseth him i. offereth as much as in him lyeth despite and contempt against the Lorde because he despiseth his lawe q.d. by the order of a mans life euen as it were by certaine fruites may a man be knowne whether he be godly or wicked Vers 3. In the mouth of the foolish i. in wicked mens wordes vttered with their mouth is the rodde of pride i. is there great and wonderfull pride wherewith in the height of his minde hee dooth not onely strike sometimes and hurt other men but giueth other men standing by and hearing staues and clubbs as it were to strike himselfe but the lippes of the wise i. words vttered with their lippes as sundrie times before preserue vz. from hurt and danger them i. both the wise themselues and others that depende vpon them the reason is because they obserue a measure and wisedome in their speeches that they neither hurt themselues nor others see chap. 12.6 Vers 4. Where none Oxen are vz. such as can worke and goe to plowe being accustomed to the yoke and tillage Vnderstanding hereby all workemen and whatsoeuer appertayneth to husbandrie there the crib is emptie i. there is nothing no not for the beastes to eate much lesse is there any thing in the barnes or storehouses for vnder one hee vnderstandeth all the rest but much increase commeth vz. to the good husbandman by the strength of the Oxe vz. that laboreth in tillage meaning thereby all husbandrie and tillage with al things thereto appertaining whatsoeuer Vers 5. A faithfull witnesse i. a faithfull man being called foorth to witnesse any thing will not lye vz. for any cause whether it be for fauor feare flatterie or otherwise but a false record vz. against men will speake lies vz. for euerie cause and in euerie place meaning that hee that hath falsified his faith in publike iustice will not spare to strayne it in priuate speeches see chap. 6.19 Vers 6. A scorner i. he that scoffeth and scorneth at all good things see chap. 1.22 seeketh i. maketh as though he would seeke for or els indeede seeketh for it but not to a right end wisedome i. Gods heauenlie wisdome and findeth it not q.d. for all that hee findeth it not the reason is because he seeketh it not as he should that is diligently and earnestly and to a right end that is Gods glorie and the comfort of his children but knowledge vz. of God and his mysteries is easie to him that will vnderstand i. that hath a minde and laboureth to atteyne it and he saith it is easie meaning to be founde because she offereth hir selfe vnto all as chap. 1.20 And Chapter 8.1 Vers 7. Depart vz. quickely and with hast from the foolish man i. from the wicked man that hath his heart seased and possessed with all manner of follie and euill When thou perceauest not in him i. so soone as thou findest that he hath not the lippes of knowledge i. words that sauor of sounde knowledge iudgement and wisedome Vers 8. The wisdome of the prudent i. the wisdome that he hath is i. consisteth specially in this to vnderstand i. to haue a diligent and watchfull eye to his way i. his whole life and the course thereof whether he imploye it in words déeds or both q.d. this is his duety and herein his wisdome appeareth diligently and with iudgement to weigh whatsoeuer hee attempteth auoyding alwaies rashnes but the foolishnes of the fooles is deceit i. tendeth wholy and altogether to deceit q.d. the fooles in their folly regard this thing specially to deceaue others Vers 9. The foole i. all foolish and wicked persons as appeareth because the word is of the plurall number in the Hebrewe text maketh a mocke of sinne i. maketh no more account of it than of a matter of sport or play see Chapter 10.23 but among the righteous there is fauour i. vnfeyned good will one of them towards another Some readeth it farre otherwise and maketh another sense of it which also I rather allow of thus Sinne vz. which the wicked and vngodlie men commit and they knowe one by another maketh fooles to agree vz. one of them with another q.d. their partaking in wickednes ioyneth the wickeds minds one of them towards another but among the righteous i. the good and holy people that which is acceptable vz. before God good men maketh agreement vz. among themselues q.d. good things only tie good mens minds together Vers 10. The heart vz. onely knoweth vz. perfectly and thorowly the bitternes of his soule i. the heauines and grief that the soule indureth and the stranger i. whatsoeuer is without shall not meddle with his ioye i. with the ioye of the heart or soule For the inward ioye which wee haue in the heart none knoweth so well as wee our selues neither are wee able by any outward signes to expresse the greatnes of the inward ioye In the meane while we learne not to giue our selues too much ouer to sadnes or ioy but to kéepe the golden rule of measure or mediocritie in both Ver. 11. The house of the wicked i. he and all that he hath shall be destroyed vz. through Gods iust iudgement but the tabernacle of the righteous i. he himselfe and all that appertaineth to him shall florish vz. through the
of almightie God Vers 6. Many vz. men reuerence the face of the Prince i. doth greatly estéeme the person of a great man for this word face see Deut. 1.17 and euery man is friend to him that giueth giftes vz. vnto other men meaning that the liberal person hath many friends Vers 7. All the brethren i. all the kinsfolkes how nigh or farre off so euer they be if they be aliue and be richer than he of the poore vz. man that is fallen into decay do hate him i. doo despise him or little regard and set by him how much more vz. soone or easilie will his friends i. his counterfeit and feigned friends for of his faithfull ones he had sayd the contrarie before Chap. 17.17 depart farre from him vz. in the time of his affliction and distresse though he vz. so afflicted and brought into pouertie be instant with words i. doo earnestly and heartily intreate them for some comfort reliefe or fauour yet they will not vz. stand fast by him or minister vnto his need Vers 8. He that possesseth i. kéepeth sure and fast vnderstanding i. heauenly wisedome loueth his owne soule i. himselfe a part for the whole or els prouideth well for himselfe The word in Hebrue is heart which he vseth because vnderstanding wisedome hath his proper seate in the hart and keepeth wisedome which he hath obtained and gotten to finde goodnes i. that thereby he may come to that goodnes which neuer shall decay Vers 9. is the same both in words and sense with verse 5. of this Chapter sauing that there it was said he shall not escape and here it is said he shall perish q.d. he shal certainlie come to naught Vers 10. Pleasure vz. in the vse of all Gods blessings is not comelie for a foole vz. because he knoweth not how to vse it much lesse vz. comely is it for a seruant vz. that is bound to another man to haue rule ouer Princes i. to rule such as should rule others he meaneth that fooles should rather haue stripes as Chapter 10.13 and seruants seruice or bondage and not abundance of pleasures and delightes or rule ouer others because they knowe not how to vse them well Vers 11. The discretion of a man i. the wisedome and vnderstanding that a man hath through Gods especiall gift deferreth i. is a very good meane to make him to put off yea to remoue and put away his anger vz. conceiued or readie to be expressed towards others and his glorie is i. it maketh much for his glorie and credit to passe by vz. without any great regard meaning by this maner of speach easilie to forget and to forgiue an offence vz. committed against him Vers 12. The Kings wrath vz. against any of his subiects is like the roring of a lyon i. fearefull and terrible and threatning as it were present death The Hebrue word signifieth a yong lyon which hath more courage roreth much more strongly which serueth also to aggrauate the danger see Hosea 3.4 8. q.d. as the lyon feareth men and beastes by roring so doth the Princes wrath terrifie men but specially his subiects see Chap. 16.14 but his fauour vz. towards any is like the deaw vpon the grasse i. both comfortable to coole it after some great heate profitable to make it grow meaning that the fauour of great men is profitable for their people and gladdeth their harts sée chap. 16.15 Vers 13. A foolish sonne i. a wicked child whether it be sonne or daughter but yet it more grieueth a man when he in whom the hope of his name is left shall be dissolute is the calamitie of his father i. bringeth grieuous and intollerable miserie vpon his parents see Prou. 10.1 Also Chap. 15.20 Chap. 17.25 and the contentions of a wife i. such as procéede from a wife or els a contentious woman or wife her selfe are like a continuall dropping vz. or raine or water vpon stone or timber which eateth into it or rotteth it meaning that they doo euen consume a man his household see Chap. 21.9 Also Chap. 27.15 Vers 14. House i. lands and riches i. goods and wealth whatsoeuer are the inheritance of the fathers i. are such inheritances as fathers leaue to their children but a prudent wife i. a godlie vertuous and wise wife commeth of the Lord. vz. onely as a speciall gift and blessing from him sée Chap. 18.22 He meaneth not that inheritances come not from the Lord but because they come by the meane of the parents they seeme in our iudgement further off from God than a good wife and yet neither of them fall out but according to his will though it appeare more immediatly in match of mariage than in inheritances or possessions Vers 15. Slothfulnes causeth vz. men in whom it raigneth to fall a sleepe i. to be careles and negligent of their affaires and a deceitfull person i. he that giueth himselfe ouer to deceiue others shall be affamished vz. for lacke of foode meaning he should fall into great pouertie and extremitie he ioyneth deceit and slothfulnes together because they are companions that can hardly bee sundred shewing that both the sluggards which cease from doing of their duetie and the deceitfull that liue against all charitie shall bée punished from God Vers 16. He that keepeth vz. vnfeignedly with al his heart the commandement vz. of the Lord meaning thereby his holie law which consisteth in commandements one being put for all because the law giuer is but one obedience to the whole tendeth but chiefly to one end that is Gods glorie though indéed eternal saluation be annexed thereto keepeth his owne soule i. he himself a part for the whole meaning that thorow obedience he doth deliuer himself from danger of eternal death destruction but he that despiseth his waies i. maketh no account how or after what sort he doth liue nor hath care to frame his life according to the prescript rule of Gods worde shall dye i. shall certeinely perish speciallie in the World to come Vers 17. He that hath mercie i. sheweth pittie and compassion either by word or deed or both vpon the poore i. vpon such as bee distressed and are not able to helpe themselues lendeth vnto the Lord vz. all that whatsoeuer he doth which he bestoweth vpon the poore the reason is because the Lord maketh account of the godly poore and things done to them as of himselfe and performed to him see Matth. 25.40 and the Lord will recompense him vz. to the full yea in the largenes of his mercie giue him a thousand times more that which he hath giuen vz. willingly and cherefullie to the poore 2. Corinth 9.7 and that in his name Mark 9.41 He shooteth at this marke in this one verse that is to teach them tender hartednes towards the afflicted which that he may the better perswade them too hee setteth before them both a plentifull and also an assured reward from God Vers 18. Chasten
righteous shall continuallie enioy felicitie glorie life gladnes c. see Psalme 97.11 but the candle of the wicked shall be put out i. that little estate of felicitie and prosperitie which they seeme to haue in this life shall sodainlie vanish away q.d. there is as great difference betweene the ioyes of the good and the bad both in respect of the greatnes and continuance thereof as is betwéene the Sunne and a candle and their seuerall lights and continuance see Chapt. 4.18 19. Vers 10. Only by pride i. through pride of heart meaning vnder the word only that pride is not the only cause of contention but one of the chiefest for many times men braule euen of peruersnes and of fond emulation and enuie against other doth man i. doo men for he speaketh of them all as though they were but one make contention i. stirre vp strife one of them with another but with the well aduised i. with such as both can giue good counsell and will humblie hearken to other mens good speaches is wisedome vz. to take heede that they kindle not strife or foster contention Vers 11. The riches of vanitie i. after some vaine riches which are so called because they vanish away but I suppose that he meaneth such riches as are gotten by any vaine false or vngodlie way whatsoeuer shall diminish vz. certainlie meaning that indeede they should bee brought to nothing and consumed but he that gathereth vz. riches and goods with the hand i. with the labour of his owne hands shall increase them vz. through Gods especiall blessing for otherwise it cannot bee see Chapt. 10.2 4. Also Chapt. 12.24 His purpose is to commend diligence and to teach men to auoide idlenes craft and whatsoeuer els Vers 12. The hope that is deferred i. the thing hoped for if it be put off from time to time and not quicklie performed is the fainting of the heart i. it maketh a mans minde to faint and quaile but when the desire i. the thing desired wished and looked for commeth vz. vnto men i. is granted them it is as a tree of life i. it is a most sweete and pleasant thing and as a man would say a very proper and healthfull medicine for a minde that languisheth in lusting and desiring see Chapt. 3.18 Vers 13. He that despiseth the word vz. of almightie God or the good word of exhortation drawne from the same he shall be destroyed vz. certainly and assuredly through the iust iudgement and vengeance of GOD vppon him but he that feareth the commandement vz. of GOD vnderstanding by feare an humble reuerence and loue and by one commandement all commandements of God whatsoeuer yea euen the whole lawe he shall be rewarded vz. from the Lord neither can the Papistes gather neither neede any man feare out of this merites because there is a great difference betwixt desert and reward Vers 14. The instruction of a wise man i. such holie and wise instructions as hée giueth is as the welspring of life i. is not onely plentifull of good thinges but also bringeth with it both to himselfe and those whome he instructeth life in this life and afterwards eternall life see chap. 10. vers 11. to turne away vz. men q.d. it serueth also to this ende for this is added for the more plaine and full declaration of the matter from the snares of death i. from such snares as if men be caught therewith kill them he meaneth specially sinnes which bring with them eternall death Vers 15. Good vnderstanding vz. of such things as God hath manifested vnto vs in his worde vnderstanding also hereby good wit holy wisedome and the gift wisely and learnedly to vtter good things maketh vz. men that haue it acceptable vz. both before God and men see chap. 3.4 but the way of the disobedient i. their order of life and course of conuersation is hated vz. both of God and also of good men Vers 16. Euerie wise man i. euery one that is truely wise will work vz. the things that he doth by knowledge i. sound and right knowledge q.d. whatsoeuer he doth he will doo it with wisedome and iudgement and not rashly but a foole will spread abroad i. bewray and publish folly i. his owne folly see chap. 12.23 Vers 17. A wicked messenger i. an vnfaithfull one and such a one as dooth not truely execute his message or charge falleth vz. many times thorowe Gods iust iudgements and that or euer he thinketh of it into euill i. into affliction sorrowe grief and punishment and so hurting himself also smarteth iustly for his vnfaithfulnes but a faithfull Ambassador i. hee that faithfully performeth his charge is preseruation vz. to himselfe to him or them that send him and to those also for whose cause he is sent Vers 18. Pouertie and shame vz. from God but yet in the presence of men is to him vz. whosoeuer he bee that refuseth instruction vz. of goodnes q.d. he that will not regarde good and holy counsell shall fall into beggery and be made a shame amongst men but he that regardeth correction vz. to followe it and to become the better by it shall be honored i. he shall florish with riches and honor and be accepted both of God and men Vers 19. A desire i. the thinge desired as vers 12. of this chap. accomplished vz. by good and holy meanes for here he speaketh of the desiring of good things and the lawfull accomplishment thereof delighteth vz. very greatly the soule i. the party wishing or desiring the same one parte put for the whole and yet hee dooth not without cause make mention of the soule because in it is the quality or faculty of desiring but it is an abhomination vnto fooles i. a lothsome and tedious thing yea such a matter as their affection dooth vtterly abhorre to departe from euill i. from that euill whereunto they are naturally giuen and which they foster and feede in themselues thorowe a vaine pleasure and delight in the same Vers 20. He that walketh with the wise i. is conuersant and familiarly acquainted with wise persons shall be wise i. thorowe Gods blessing shall become wise by meanes of wise speeches and talkes that shal passe from them but a companion of fooles i. he that ioyneth himselfe in society and fellowship with the wicked shall bee afflicted vz. euen as they themselues either because he committeth sinne with them or consenteth to euill as Rom. 1.13 Vers 21. Affliction i. punishment and vengeance sent from the Lord followeth vz. euen as the shadowe doth the body meaning also that it dooth euen pursue them so egerly that it leaueth them not till they be vtterly destroyed sinners i. peruerse and obstinate sinners see chap. 11.31 but vnto the righteous God will recompence vz. of his large liberality and goodnes good i. all good things for this life and the life to come Vers 22. The good man shall giue i. leaue behind him inheritance i. goodes and lands to