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A09443 A godly and learned exposition or commentarie vpon the three first chapters of the Reuelation. Preached in Cambridge by that reuerend and judicious diuine, maister William Perkins, Ann. Dom. 1595. First published for the benefit of Gods Church, by Robert Hill, Bachelor of Diuinitie; Lectures upon the three first chapters of the Revelation Perkins, William, 1558-1602. 1606 (1606) STC 19732; ESTC S114701 362,972 238

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from Christ. In Winter time men vse to stand in the sunne to comfort and warme themselues with the heat thereof Behold Christ Iesus is the sunne of righteousnesse to his church which giueth heat and life to all the true members thereof Wee therefore must seeke aboue all things to haue his blessed beames of grace to shine vpon our cold and frozen hearts that by his spirituall heat we may be reuiued vnto euerlasting life In this world nothing is so much regarded as riches honours and pleasures Who will shew vs any good is the worldlings song But with godly Dauid wee must say Psal. 4.4 Lord lift thou vp the light of thy countenance vpon vs quicken thou vs with thy spirituall life and comfort vs with the beames of mercy Quest. How may I get the gracious beames of grace and life to come from this Sunne of righteousnesse into my heart Answ. Before a man can liue by Christ hee must bee killed in himselfe Men doe not kill those whom they would restore to temporall life but the Lord taketh that course Thou therefore must suffer his two edged sword to enter into thee yea to bee thrust vp to the hilts into thy heart that so thy vile sinnes and corruptions may be ripped vp and the wrath of God deserued thereby made knowne vnto thee that in thy selfe thou mayest bee out of hope and then and not before art thou fit to receiue comfort and life by Christ as a man that is cold in bodie is most fit to receiue heat by cloathes and other meanes of warmenesse Now being thus humbled in thy selfe thou must vse the meanes which God hath ordained to wit the hearing reading and meditating in his word with earnest prayer for grace and mercie and th●● shalt thou perceiue the ioyfull beames of life shining into thy soule If a man had all the world and wanted this grace of life and comfort by Christ it were but a curse vnto him but though a man want all things els yet by this life of grace in Christ he is blessed for euer and therefore aboue all other things men should labour for it Thirdly the sunne serueth to discouer all things In the night nothing is discerned but al things appear in one form but when the same commeth forth all things are made manifest euen the ●●all motes in the aire Euen so Christ Iesus the sonne of righteousnesse he seeth all things and can discouer the most hidden secrets of men nothing is hid from the light of his countenance so infinit is his diuine wisdome and knowledge In regard whereof we must bee moued to looke vnto all our wayes both thoughts words and actions that they bee such as Christ approueth for though we may deceiue the world by a false glosse yet all that wee do speake or thinke is naked and bare before him he knoweth the same can and will reueale it If this were beleeued and remembred it would be a meanes to suppresse much fraud and iniustice and many grieuous sinnes which is rise in the world Men thinke if they can bleare the eyes of the world all is well they may do what they will but we must thinke vpon the shining face of Christ which discerneth and discouereth all secrets and labour thereupon to make conscience of all our wayes yea of our secret thoughts that God may approoue the same Vers. 17. And when I saw him I fell at his feete as dead then hee laid his right hand on me saying Feare not I am the first and the last Verse 18. And I am aliue but I was dead And behold I am alive for euermore Amen And I haue the keyes of hell and of the earth Here Saint Iohn describeth Christ further by other Arguments namely by sundry actions of his The first whereof is a confirmation of Iohn being sore afraid set downe in this the next verse In which action note two things First the occasion therof Secondly the mean● of his confirmation The occasion was Iohns exceeding feare set downe in these words And when I saw him I fell at his feete as dead The meanes of confirmation as in the words following Then hee layed his hand● vpon me c. For the occasion Iohns feare was exceeding great and that of death as appeareth by Christ his confirmation wherein he telleth Iohn That be liueth and hath power ouer death In this his feare note sundry points The cause the effect and the kind of this feare For the first The cause was Christ his appearancen glo●ry and maiestie vnto Iohn set downe in these words When I saw him Where we learne that sinfull men since Adams fall cannot abide the presence of God Adam before his fall talked face to face with God without feare but so soone as he had sinned bee fled away at the hearing of his voyce and hid himselfe among the trees of the garden This feare commeth by reason of mans guiltinesse before God Hence Manoah sayd vnto his wife Wee shall surely die because wee haue 〈◊〉 seene God First by this That no sinfull man can abide the presence of God we are taught to labour to become new creatures to haue the image of sinne defaced in vs and the image of God restored in righteousnesse and true holinesse True happinesse consisteth in fellowship with God but wee can neuer haue true fellowship with him while wee liue in our sinnes 1. Iohn 1.6 If wee say we haue fellowship with him and walke in darkenesse we lie We therefore must labour to bee purged from our sinnes and so his presence shall bee our ioy Secondly this feare of Iohn at Christs presence in glory teacheth vs. That the sight and presence of Gods maiestie is a most excellent meanes to humble a man and to make him know himselfe to bee nothing in himselfe When Abraham talked with God the more hee beheld the maiestie of God the more hee humbled himselfe confessing at last that he was but dust and ashes Gen. 18.27 And Peter by a great draught of fishes seeing but a glimmering of diuine maiesty in Christ could not abide it but cried out Depart from me for I am a sinfull man Luk. 5.8 And so the holy Angels when they stand before the maiestie of God are sayd to couer their faces and their f●ete with the●● wings to signifie that they are nothing in regard of the exceeding Maiestie of God and in themselues vnable to behould his glorie Thirdly hereby wee are taught to acknowledge Gods great goodnesse towards vs in the ministerie of the word wherein hee vouchsafeth to speake vnto vs not in his owne person as hee did in mount S●rra which would bee so terrible 〈◊〉 none could abide it but fauorably familiarly by the ministerie of men that are like vnto our selues Many abuse this mercy of God and despise the word because of the messenger but wee must learne by this bountie of God to receiue the word with all
it meaneth for meat and drinke is neuer knowne till a man be hungrie Yea to many that liue in the church this Manna is hidden for though men heare the doctrine of Christ yet not one of an hundred feele in themselues any want of Christ let the conscience speake and this will prooue true Ignorant people blesse themselues and say all is well Christ is a sauiour when as indeed to them Christ is hidden Nay which is yet more lamentable to many which teach and preach Christ Christ is hidden Manna for many of them neuer felt in their hearts and conscience that they had need of Christ for the pardon of their sinnes and the saluation of their soules It is not the knowledge in the brain that maketh Christ known to man but knowledge in the cōscience when a man feeles in his heart and soule that hee stands in need of the bloud of Christ and all the benefits of his passion for his redemption saluation And seeing this is the condition of the world wee on the contrarie must labor to feele in our selues our owne pouertie to see in our selues that we stand in need of Christ and of all the benefits of his passiō to free our souls from the gulfe of hell and the wrath of God Away with bare mentall knowledge for till we haue this true sense of our owne wants wee can neuer get into our hearts any sound grace Secondly is Christs hidden bread not reuealed to all Then calling effectuall to saluation so as if hee will euery man may be saued is not vniuersall for then should Christ not be hidden but reuealed to all which is not so Election therefore and effectuall vocation is definite particular And thus much of the first branch of this gift The second gift is a white stone Here Christ borroweth a comparison from the custome and manner of the gentiles to whom these Epistles are directed A white stone was of great vse among thē For first the iudge in giuing sentence vsed white stones and blacke stones the giuing of a white stone was a token of absolution the giuing of a blacke stone a signe of condemnation Here then the giuing of a white stone may signifie Absolution from Christ of all a mans sins and trespasses Againe when the gentiles would know which were luckie dayes as they spake and which were vnluckie they vsed to cast lots with white and blacke stones and that day which light on a white stone was iudged to be a lucky day that which light on a blacke stone was iudged to be vnlucky This practise they vsed as might be shewed by sufficient records And though this practise haue no warrant yet may Christ allude vnto it to signifie vnto them that hee will giue them good successe in all their actions yea happie dayes and a blessed life full of all ioyes and pleasures Others doe expound it of giuing victorie whereof the giuing of a white stone was a signe but this is not so fit neither can it bee shewed by true record that they had such a practise I rather take it Christ alludeth to the first and here promiseth to him that ouercommeth the true remission of all his sinnes and full absolution not in regard of ciuill punishment but in respect of guilt and punishment before God which is eternall damnation Here note one infallible token of the pardon of sinne namely to ouercome that is to renounce our selues and by faith relie wholly on Christ testifying this faith by maintaining good conscience and true religion vnto the end And therefore if anie desire to know whether God haue absolued him of his sinnes let him labour thus to ouercome and then shall this assurance be sealed vp vnto him The third gift is a new name written in the stone What this new name should be S. Iohn expresseth in his first Epistle chapter 3. vers 1. saying Behold what loue the father hath shewed to vs that we should be called the sonnes of God This new name therefore is to bee the sonne and heire of God in Christ. And because it is giuen of God himselfe therefore wee must not thinke it is an idle name or a bare title onely but withall God giueth him a new condition whereof this name is a token and title God changed Abrams name called him Abraham but it was when he had changed his estate and made him the father of the faithfull And there was a change in Iacob when God called him Israell This new name then signifieth the giuing of a new estate to a man or womā which they had not before namely their regeneration whereby they are made to die vnto sinne and to liue vnto God for therewith goeth the blessing of adoption whereby they become the sonnes of God and heires with Christ and so haue heauen and earth for their possession and all miseries and crosses yea sinne it selfe turning to their good they haue also the protection of Gods holy Angels in this life and at the last gaspe death to bee no death but a strait passage to eternall life Further this new name is sayd to bee written in the white stone that is in the pledge of absolution which sheweth the vnion of these two Absolution and Regeneration So that whom the Lord of his mercie absolues from their sinnes them in his bountie hee brings to a new estate and condition He that is in Christ is a new creature 2. Cor. 5.17 A point to be obserued as yeelding speciall aduice to reforme the grosse and common abuse of Christ. Men persuade themselues that Christ is their Sauiour and will pardon their sinnes for he is mercifull and thereupon they take occasion to liue as they list But let no man herewith deceiue himselfe for they that haue absolution haue regeneration also a new condition of life goes with the fruition of Gods mercie in Christ they that go on in sinne haue not the pardon of sinne the corruption of sinne must bee abolished where the guilt of sinne is absolued and their liues are reformed that haue their sinnes remitted Here some man may say Why are not those called by this new name to whom Christ giues it for vsually men are called after their names The answere is made in the end of the verse Because no man knoweth that name saue he that receiueth it that is in that manner and certainetie as hee that receiueth it And therefore the children of God must not be much offended when they are reuiled for their profession because the world knowes not their estate Here we may obserue diuerse points First that hee which is the child of God and hath this new name giuē him knows that hee is Gods child iustified and sanctified Neither is this knowledge by probable coniecture onely and good hope as the Papists would haue it but certaine and infallible for else others should know it as well as hee that receiueth it which is here denied Each one is bound in
sonne of God which is the friend of friends who shall giue them not onely life and motion but eternall life with his owne maiestie This was Iobs comfort that though he died yet he beleeued he should see his redeemer with his eyes And this should be our comfort against the feare of death and last iudgement Secondly this is a terror to the wicked and to all impenitent sinners that they shall will they nill they be brought to the barre of Christs iudgement seate there looke on him who is their iudge whom they have in their life contemned and despised And this consideration may serue to moue them to repentance which haue no● begunne to repent and to labour to become the members of Christ a● also to increase and further repentance in them who haue by Gods grace begun the same It may be some do thinke when they die all is done and there is no further account to follow but though we lie rotten in our graues a thousand or two thousand yeares yet we shall rise and looke vpon our iudge with our owne eyes And if we haue not in our life time repented we shall heare him with our owne eares giuing the dreadfull sentence against vs Go ye cursed into euerlasting fire And therefore it is best for vs in this day of grace to preuent this danger and now repent and beleeue in Christ that then we may rise with ioy and stand with hol●nesse before Christ Iesus No doubt if we were persuaded that we should thus appeare it would moue vs to repent Thirdly Euerie eye shall see him that is all men with their owne eyes shall looke on him Hence it may bee gathered that those who wanted their fight in this life shall haue it then restored It is granted of all Diuines that the elect shall haue all their senses and other defects restored wherein they were wanting in this life And it may also bee added that the wicked shall then haue some of their senses restored if they wanted the same in this life as hearing and seeing at the least for the deafe shall heare the blind shall see this Iudge And this can be no glorie to them seeing it is to increase their miserie for the more senses they haue the more punishment they shall feele because by sense we apprehend miserie Euen th●se which peirced him Here is added a further euidence of Christs manifestation of his comming and that for three causes First to shewe that no power or wisedome in the world can free any one from his appearance For if any could escape in all likelihod it would be those Iewes and Gentiles who preuailed most against Christ and put him to death But none of those can escape his iudgement for euen they which peirced him they shall see this Iudge and bee summoned before his maiestie For though they had power to kill him yet none of them shall haue power to absent themselues from before his bar of iudgement at the last day Secondly to shew the case of all wicked men namely that such woe and miserie shall befall them as they neuer once thought of The Iewes and Gentiles which crucified Christ neuer dreamed of this that he whom they then put to a temporall death should one day be their Iudge and condemne them to eternall death vnlesse they had repented Thirdly to shew the rufull and wofull estate of all impenitent sinners they shall rise to iudgement and haue the greatest enemie their Iudge who will shew rigor vpon them and iustice without all mercie for this peircing of Christ is meant not onely of the Iew which put him to death but of all vngodly person● because all such do by their sinnes as with swords and speares wound him at the heart as the souldiers did Impenitent sinners be as the Iewes which crucified Christ as Iudas which betrayed him and as the soldiers which goar●● his side and vnlesse they now repent they shall one day be iudged as his enemies Euen they which peirced him Out of these words some gather that the body of Christ hath still the wounds and scarres which were giuen him at his death the print of the nailes in his hands and his feete and that these shall be seene in him at the last day adding withall that it is no blemish to Christ to haue these but rather an increase of his glorie But this cannot be gathered hence for though it be sayd They shall see him whom they peirced yet it followeth not that they shall see him as he was peirced what though they see the person whom they wounded shal they therefore see his wounds Manie shall see kings and queenes whom they crowned in this world but it followeth not that therefore they shall weare their crownes So we shall see our fathers and mothers but not as fathers and mothers IV. point The fruite and effect of his comming especially in the wicked in these words And all tribes of the earth shall waile before him Where S. Iohn speakes of the whole world according to the condition of the land of Canaan for only that part of the world was diuided into tribes As in like case our Sauiour Christ setteth out the iudgement of the whole world according to the state and manner of iudging the visible Church Math. 25. So that his meaning is that they which repented not of what nation soeuer of what state or condition soeuer they haue bene shall wayle and mourne at that day And hee addes a reason of this their mourning in these words for him before him or ouer him That is they shall wayle and lament with exceeding lamentation because they beleeued not his word but contemned him and his doctrine and therefore now they want all help to free them from the punishmēt of their vnbeleefe and contempt of the gospell for this life is the only time of grace and mercie afterward there is no worke nor inuention that can alter mans estate Hence then we are admonished first that in this world we labour aboue all things to be reconciled to God in Christ to get our sinnes pardoned to beleeue and imbrace his holy word and vnlesse we attaine hereunto in this life we shall wayle eternallie for when the last day is co●e there is no hope of help no way to escape no time of grace to repe●● Remember the foolish virgins that sought for oyle when it was too late and knocked when the doores were shut Math. 25. But if by Gods mercie we can in this life get his loue and fauour in Christ then shall we enioy the same eternally yea at this dreadfull day to all the wicked we shall lift vp our heads and our harts when wee shall see Christ comming to our full redemption all teares shall bee wiped from our eyes when the wicked shall crie and houle woe and alas for euermore The diuell knowing the worth of this admonition will labour by all meanes to keepe it from our hearts
of an harlot Fiftly their bodies are temples and dwelling places not for earthly Princes but for the holy Ghost and therefore must be furnished with Gods graces and adorned with chastitie other gifts of Gods spirit that they may be fit mantion places for so worthie a guest But by fornication they are made the s●ies stables of the prince of darknesse Verse 16. Repent thy selfe or else I come vnto thee shortly and will fight against thee with the sword of my mouth Christ hauing layd downe the sinnes of this church and the errors of the Nicholaitans doth here propound vnto this church First a remedie for her recouerie Secondly a reason to inforce the practise of the remedie The remedie is in these words Repent thy selfe In it consider these points First what it is to repent Secondly why Christ so often vrgeth thereunto Thirdly to whome Christ prescribeth this remedie Of the first we haue spoken in the first verse of this chapter Briefly therefore Repentance is a change of the mind from euill to good and a turning from sinne vnto God Here repentance must bee taken more largely for all the duties that accompany repentance in the practise therof as I. Humiliation of a man by confessing of his sins vnto God and condemning of himselfe for the sinne II. Prayer wherby a man doth earnestly intreat the Lord for the pardon of the same sins III. Reformation wherby a man in hart proposeth and in life indeuoureth to leaue all his former sinnes and for euer after to do all things in obedience vnto God vnto all these doth the holy Ghost exhort them in this place II. Point Why doth Christ so often prescribe this duty of repentance and so much vrge it An. Not for that it is a cause or a meritorious means to procure remission of sins life euerlasting as the Papists do falsly and damnably teach for that nothing can do but the obedience passion of Christ but first because it is a token of Gods fauor procured a most excellent fruit of faith such as maketh a man cease to do euill and moueth him to do good Secondly because it is a way wherin mē must walke vnto the end that wold haue remissiō of sins life eternal III. point To whom is this remedie prescribed Answ. First to the church of Pergamus and then to the Nicholaitans in that church though they were most wicked men Touching the church of Pergamus they were before commended for most worthie graces for they had repentance and yet note Christ sayth still vnto them Repent thy selfe Herein teaching vs a most worthie lesson which euery one ought to learne and practise namely that the life of a Christian is a continuall practise of repentance When a man hath once repented that is not sufficient but euery new day must haue a new repentance for his dayly slips Wee are Gods embassadours sayth Paule for Christ beseeching you in Christs steed that you would be reconciled vnto God Now they were reconciled to God before for they are called the Temple of the liuing God His meaning therefore is That they should striue more and more after reconciliation with God both in regard of their further assurance and also for their particular sinnes wherein they dayly offended Euery Christian must dayly wres●●e with his owne corruptions which hee feeleth in himselfe that the longer hee liueth the more hee may grow in dislike with himselfe And in this distast of himselfe hee must dayly proceed that hee may euery day more and more grow vp in Christ. And least any should thinke that this was spoken to this church alone and not to vs consider that wee are in the same case with them their sinnes are our sins as we haue prooued We want zeale and seueritie against sinne and sinners Now being in the same fault with them wee must therefore practise the same remedy and renew our repentance though wee haue repented heretofore Secondly he prescribes this dutie to the Nicolaitans that held two damnable errours and no doubt liued accordingly in those sinnes and yet Christ barres them not from his kingdome but bids them repent Where note that great and grieuous sinners are not barred frō Gods mercie if they will repent Excellent is that saying of Isay God i● much in sparing and that of Dauid also With God is plentifull redemption This point is seriously to bee considered for wee haue in our congregations many that are well spoken of in the world and yet for knowledge of God and practise of life are flat Atheists We haue also among vs epicures blasphemers murtherers and fornicators with these Nicolaitans Now to all these and such like this doctrine appertaines not to embolden them in sinne but to assure them there is mercy in store for them with God if they will truly repent They must not turne the grace of God ●o wantonnesse and make his mercie a bolster to their iniquitie for this is despising of Gods bountie whereby they helpe vp vnto themselues wrath against the day of wrath but if with Iob they humble themselues in dust and ashes and crie to heauen for mercie from a broken heart that carrieth a resolute purpose to leaue all sinne then though their sinnes were neuer so many they shall all be drowned in the bottomelesse sea of Gods mercie though they were as crimson and scarlet which will take no other dye yet in Christs bloud they shall be made as white as wooll snow yea though they haue fallen often into the same sinnes which is most fearefull and dangerous yet vpon this vnfained repentance they shall bee restored to mercie for the fountaine thereof cannot be dried vp but see they doe repent for whosoeuer looketh for Christs merits must know that hee looketh for true repentance Thus much for the remedie II. point The reason wherby Christ would set an edge vpon the former remedie containeth a twofold threatening or commination the first against the whole Church in these words If not I come vnto thee shortly The second against the Nicolaitans in these words And will fight against them with the sword of my mouth For the first If not I will come vnto thee shortly these words were expounded in the fift verse The meaning is this If thou repent not I will come vnto thee testifie my presence by taking punishment vpon thee for thy want of zeale and of seueritie against sinne and sinners To this effect the Prophet Isay sayth Chap. 30.27 The name of the Lord shall come from farre to take punishment vpon the Assyrians In this threatening the phrase is to be noted Christ sayth If not I come vnto thee expressing a thing to come by a word of the time present To giue them to vnderstand that his comming vnto them by iudgements was as certaine as if it were present vnlesse they did repent Where this generall rule is to be obserued of all namely that when a Church or
people doe not repent the Lord will come vnto them to execute his iudgements vpon them Yea though they haue before repented if for particular sinnes and wants they doe not renew their repentance hee will surely come to punish them This might be proued at large by testimonies of the Prophets Apostles but it is so euident in this text that I omit all further proofe onely I will applie it to this our Church of which this may bee truely sayd Thou doest not repent nor renew thy repentance for thy dayly sinnes For albeit there bee some among vs that by Gods grace repent and set themselues dayly to the exercise thereof yet take the greater part of our congregations and they are so far from renewing their repentance that they doe not repent at all for either they haue no knowledge of Gods will or if they haue knowledge yet they want care and conscience to put the same in practise This being our case and condition what man may not bee a Prophet against our churches and congregations being thus directed by this portion of Scripture to say and that truly That God will come vnto vs in iudgments to plague and punish vs for our sinnes and iniquities Wee may sooth our selues in hope of mercie still but the state of our Church continuing as it is nothing can bee expected but iudgements from the Lord. This then must be a motiue to persuade vs to repent euery person apart and euery family congregation apart we must humble our selues in dust and ashes for our sinnes past entreating the Lord to be reconciled vnto vs and purpose fully in our hearts and striue in our liues to obey God in all his commaundements yea though we can say wee haue repented yet for our dayly wants and sinnes wee must renew our repentance Thus doing we shall stay the Lord when he is comming against vs. But if we goe on in blindnesse ignorance and rebellion following the lusts of our own hearts then nothing but vengeance and iudgements are to bee expected for this conclusion must stand with all churches and people If they repent not God will come in iudgement against them The second threatening or commination is directed vnto the Nicolaitans in these words And will fight against them with the sword of my mouth that is I will bee at emnitie with them and testifie the same by waging battell against those among you that maintaine the lawfulnesse of eating things sacrificed to Idols and of fornication Thus I say will I fight against thē with the sword of my mouth that is with the preaching of my word the law and the gospell In this commination Christ alludeth still to the storie of Balaam for when hee was sent for by Balac to curse the people of God the Lord stood against him in the way with a naked sword to keepe him from going and when his eyes were opened that hee saw the Angell of the Lord withstand him in that sort hee fell downe and adored the Angell for it was the Lord yet because he ceased not from his wicked couetousnesse but gaue bad counsell against the Israelites when he could not curse them to cause them to sinne therefore hee was slaine with the edge of the sword among the Midianites by the children of Israel Num. 31.8 Euen so Christ dealeth with the Nicolaitans because they goe on in their bad counsel persuading the lawfulnesse of eating things sacrificed to Idols also of fornication therfore first he will fight against them with the sword of his mouth the ministery of his word therby to reclaime them from their wicked wayes if it bee possible but if that will not serue hee will still fight against them and with the same sword destroy them for euer First here marke Christ sayth not I will kill them but fight against them for hee intended not at the first to destroy these Nicolaitans but his purpose was to withdraw them from their wicked wayes yet so as afterward if they would not be reclaimed by his word he would therewith destroy them Wherein wee may behold the exceeding patience of Christ Iesus towards leaud and grieuous sinner● that maintained the lawfulnesse of idolatrie and fornication and gaue themselues thereunto So the Lord in spirit stro●e with the old world and spared them 120 yeares to withdraw them from their wickednesse by the preaching of Noe. So likewise hee spared the Ammonites till their sinnes were come to the full and the Egyptians also for many hundred yeares though they were most cruell persecutors of his owne people And though the Iews most maliciously crucified the Lord of life yet he spared them fiftie yeares before hee cut them off from being a people Yea dayly experience teacheth vs this his long suffering we may heare most bloudie and bitter oathes from blasphemers whereby they dayly crucifie Christ with their tongues The like may be said of the adulterers and all cruell persons and yet he forbeares the same yea in our owne selues we dayly tast of this his patience for so soone as we were borne we deserued to be cast into hell and yet in mercie he vouchsafeth vnto vs to some twentie to some thirty and to some moe years for a time of repentance when as euery day hee might in iustice condemne vs. This therefore must admonish vs in the feare of God not to abuse this his long suffering any longer but now while the day of mercie lasteth to humble our selues and turne vnto him by true repentance These are the dayes of grace but how long they will last God onely knoweth For when death once commeth he sheweth no more mercie The old world because they abused the long suffering of God were destroyed and are now in hell in prison for it as Peter teacheth And vndoubtedly the same prison will be our portion if wee take the same course that they did Secondly in this threatening we may obserue that all irrepentant sinners haue God for their enemie to fight against them with a drawn sword For this cause sinne in Scripture is called rebellion and euery sinner is a rebell against God A fearefull thing it is to haue God for an enemie and yet this is the condition not onely of such as did neuer repent but of all those that hold the name of Christ in profession and yet continue in any one sinne without renewing their repētance This also must serue to induce euery man that hath not repented now to begin and if they haue begun to repent more dayly renewing the same for their daily slips and so shal they be the friends of Christ as Abraham was and a● his disciples were Io● 15.15 Thirdly in these two threatening● Christ sheweth himselfe to bee the true Doctor of his Church for he will fight against these Nicolaitans when as hee will onely come vnto his Church Where wee see hee deuideth his word aright wherein consisteth the principall wisedome of a true
Prophet giuing comforts to whom comfort belongeth and threatning iudgements to whom iudgement is due and making difference of iudgements according to the state of the persons against whome they are threatened For the heauie iudgements of God must not be threatened against all persons but against the impenitent And because there be degrees of iudgements temporall and eternall therefore temporall iudgements must be threatened to those to whom they belong eternall iudgements denounced against those to whom they belong obseruing the circumstances of time place and persons according to Christs example in this place and else where So likewise the benefites of the Gospell are not to bee propounded to euery person hand ouer head without difference but with restraint to some onely as Gods Prophets haue done It is often a great offence in the Church when the benefits of the Gospell are propounded to all and the threatening of the law denounced against all without limitation or restraint The conditions therefore of repentance impenitencie of faith and vnbeleefe and also the degrees of them all must carefully bee obserued in the dispensation of the Law and the Gospell Fourthly the end of Christs fighting must be considered for first hee intends to reclaime them from their euill wayes but if they will not be reclaimed then to cause the same word to be an occasion of their deeper condemnation This must be deepely weighed of vs all who haue had by Gods mercie for many yeares the plentifull preaching of the gospell by which God hath continually rebuked checked the sinnes that bee among vs as ignorance blaspemie and filthinesse crueltie and all iniquities whatsoeuer and the same thing the Lord yet continues to doe vnto vs. Wee therefore must thinke that all this while the Lord is fighting against vs when ignorance is reprooued in the ministerie of the word the ignorant person must thinke the Lord is fighting against him and so all Atheists blasphemers adulterers oppressers and cruell persons when their sinnes are reprooued they must know that the Lord stands face to face against them with the sword of his mouth seeking to reclaime them from these iniquities as hee did to Balaam in his way And when any mans sinnes be thus touched hee must not rebell but humble himselfe as Balaam fell before the Angell considering it is the Lord that wageth battell against him When wee heare that forraine nations shake their swords against vs how are wee mooued both high and low Shall wee feare the sword of mortall man and shall we not tremble when we heare that the sword of the euerliuing God is shaken against vs Those therefore whose hearts are guiltie of any one sinne must humble themselues by true and speedie repentance there is no withstanding of the Lord if his sword doe not cure vs it will cut vs in pieces if his word doe not conuert vs from our sinnes it will bee an occasion to cast our soules deeper into hell Thus he dealt with Balaam when he would not be restrained from giuing bad counsell he was slaine among the Midianites Few thinke on these things from whence commeth such great contempt of Gods ordinance in the ministerie of the word as we see at this day but they must know that either death or life come by the stroke of this sword and therfore they must repent Fiftly note the title giuen to Gods word it is called The sword of Christs mouth not onely because it was once deliuered by himselfe from his own mouth but because it doth dayly proceed from his mouth for the Ministers of the gospell which bee truely called are the very mouth of Christ from which Gods people receiue his word If thou shalt returne sayth the Lord to Ieremie and shalt separate the precious from the vile then shalt thou stand before me and be according to my word 2. Cor. 5.19 Wee are the embassadors of Christ beseeching you in his steed which is an high and wonderfull honour The consideration whereof is a ground of sundry duties First all students that are in the way of preparation to higher callings must hereby learne to conceiue a good opinion of the Ministerie of the gospell and to affect the same aboue other callings For though the blind world count it a base calling yet Christ wee see maketh the minister his owne mouth which honour is not giuen either to the Lawyer or to the Physition Secondly hereby euery Minister of the Gospell is taught to deliuer nothing in his publicke Ministerie but the pure word of God so farre foorth as Christ shall enable him and that also in so pure a manner as in the persuasion of his owne conscience hee thinkes Christ would speake if he were there present like vnto faithfull embassadours who speake onely the will of their lord and prince and in that manner which their lord and prince doth best approoue If this were well weighed wee should not haue such preaching as is commonly vsed consisting of a mixture of testimonies partly diuine and partly humane considering that neither Christ nor his Apostles preached so Thirdly the people also are hence taught their dutie when they heare a sinfull man like vnto themselues speake vnto them in the Ministerie of the word they must not despise Gods ordinance because it is deliuered by man but receiue the same as from the mouth of Christ and as the pure word of God so far forth as it consenteth with holy scripture In this behalfe Paule blessed God for the Thessalonians That they receiued the word from him not as the word of man but as it is indeed the word of God 1. Thess. 2. vers 13. Sixtly where Christ sayth I will fight against them with the sword of my mouth We may obserue that the kingdom of Christ is spirituall and not of this world for if it were worldly then a ciuile sword wielded by the hand of man should belong vnto him But he hath no such sword he gouernes his church and people by the sword of his mouth his holy word Wherby appeareth that the primacie of the sea of Rome is from hell not from heauen for the Pope sayth he is Christs vicar and yet he will be armed with both swords when as Christ dealeth not with the ciuill sword but onely vseth the sword of his mouth Verse 17. Let him that hath an eare heare what the spirt saith vnto the Churches To him that ouercommeth will I giue to eate of the Manna which is hid and will giue him a white stone and in the stone a new name written which no man knoweth sauing he that receiueth it These words are the conclusion of this Epistle which containeth two parts a commaundement and a promise The commaundement in these words Let him that hath an eare heare what the spirit saith vnto the Churches The promise in the words following To him that ouercommeth c. The commandement serueth to stir vp Gods church to attention in marking that which
day for some certaine time carrieth a faggot for his own burning in the end Secondly from this end of life all that haue not repented must learne not to deferre their repentance but now begin while it is called to day and in the exercise thereof spend the whole time of their life The end of all our endeauours while wee liue should be this to get a roome in the kingdome of God which wee can neuer haue without repentance Next consider who it is that giues this time of repentance neither man nor Angell hath this time in his hands but the power of appointing it belongs vnto Christ alone Hereby then all persons whatsoeuer are to bee admonished without delay to repent The young man will take his pleasure in his youth and repent when he is old but hereby he robbeth Christ of his honour who onely hath power to point out the time of repentance Vse therefore the time present while thou hast it and deferre not repentance for how knowest thou that thou shalt liue to bee old And though thou doest yet how canst thou tell whether God will giue thee repentance considering thou diddest refuse while he called for it Men thinke that if they die quietly and peaceably all is well they goe to heauen straight but herewith many are deceiued for vnlesse they haue truely repented they goe straight to the deuill let their manner of dying be what it will A quiet death is a comfortable thing but no sure signe of grace because it may come by reason of some easie lingering sickenesse Considering therefore wee haue no title vnto this grace of repentance to clayme it at our pleasure it being the rare gift of God nor any lea●● of our life but bee meere tenants at will let vs seeke to turne to God with full purpose of heart while 〈◊〉 is called to day and if we haue begun let vs dayly renew this grace to the end of our life Thirdly consider to whome God giues space of repentance namely to a wicked woman as wicked as Iezabell Wherein behold the endlesse mercie of God that vnto such a wicked person who blasphemed God in fathering her sinnes vpon the spirit of grace and dishonoured God by seducing his seruants doth yet vouchsafe a time of repentance This hath beene and is the dealing of God with most grieuous sinners Manasses was one that sold himselfe to worke wickednesse giuing himselfe to sorcerie and idolatrie and yet vpon his heartie repentance God receiued him to mercie And Salomon fell most fearefully but yet before his death wee may persuade our selues hee repented and was receiued to mercie for hee was a penman of Scripture all which were holy men of God as Peter sayth 2. Pet. 1.20 The Israelites were a people of Sodome and of Gomorrha as bad as those who are condemned in hell and yet mercie is offered vnto them vpon their true repentance and conuersion Hereby no man must take occasion to liue in his sinnes but those that feele themselues laden with the huge burden of their transgressions haue here a comfort to keepe them from despaire for if they can humble themselues and turne vnto Christ and pray for the pardon of their sinnes there is yet with the Lord mercie in store that they may bee saued Lastly Christ saith He gaue her space to repent of her fornication No doubt she had many other sinnes whereof shee was to repent for no sinne goeth alone but euery capitall sinne draweth many with it Christ his meaning therefore is not that she should let passe other sins without repentance but he nameth this one sin of fornication because it was a principall sinne in her for she both practised it in her owne bodie and so made her selfe the stable of the diuell who should haue bene the temple of Gods holy spirit and also maintained this sinne and so drew others thereto Now speciall and principall repentance must be of principall sinnes Here then is a patterne for all sinners how to practise repentance They must beginne with their capitall sinnes which burden their conscience and whereto they are most addicted and repent of them For the man that truly repenteth of one sinne repenteth of all for true repentance maketh the heart alike affected to all sinnes And that heart which is brought to hate his speciall sinnes will neuer approue of pettie sinnes This lesson ought carefully to be learned put in practise For the repentance of most men is onely in generall to say wee are all sinners Lord haue mercie vpon me or God forgiue me But this confused repentance is not good it stands with a purpose to sinne againe In particular therefore we must search our consciences and see wherein we haue most dishonored God and what sinne hath neerest plunged our soules to the pit of hell and with that we must beginne to bring our soules to heauen by repenting truly for the same and turning from it with all our hearts Hence the Papists gather that man hath free will to doe that which is truly good before God as namely to repent for say they God gaue Iesabell space of time to repent and therefore shee had power to repent or else the giuing of that time vnto her had bene in vaine Answ. Their reason is nought it followeth not because God gaue her time to repent therefore she had power of her selfe to repent as will easily appeare if wee consider the ends for which God giues men space time of repentance and commandement so to do The ends are two I. That in that time of repentance which hee allotteth to men hee may giue his children grace whereby they may be enabled to obey his commandement and to repent for the Lord vseth the commandements and threatnings of the law and the promises of the gospell as outward meanes of giuing grace vnto men by the worke of his spirit II. He giueth commaundement and time to repent that men may see what they should doe not what they can doe and that the wicked may bee without excuse at the day of iudgement and be ashamed of their slauerie bondage vnto sinne in this life And shee repented not Here the sinne of Iezabell is expressed namely her impenitencie and hardnesse of heart Whereby without remorse shee liued in her fornication and idolatrie For the vnderstanding of this her sinne two points are to bee considered I. Where this sinne of impenitencie is forbidden in Gods word II. What is the greatnesse of this sinne for the first there bee two parts of Gods word the Law and the Gospell which must not be confounded but distinguished or else wee shall ouerturne manie points of Christian religion The law giues commandements touching things that were by nature in Adam before his fall forbidding those things which are contrarie to those vertues which were in his perfect nature But the gospell commands forbids things that are aboue nature and in that part of Gods word is this
it is the learning of the deuill wherein you may see his profound craft and pollicie Where note that when Christ will alleadge the speech of Iezabell and her followers hee doth it with disgrace vnto them for they counted their doctrine deepe learning but Christ repeating their opinion calleth it the deepenesse of Sathan Hence I gather that Christians cannot safely act and play the Comedies of heathen men for they are full of many blasphemous speeches and oathes flat against the word of God which they ought not to repeat but with disgrace vnto them For Christs practise must bee a patterne for our imitation hee would not repeat so much as one word of a wicked woman without some note of disgrace If it bee sayd they repeat these speeches with disgrace and dislike I answere it is not so for if they did that would take away the whole Comedie being full of such bad speeches And this I take to bee the equitie of Gods word thus to reason from Christs example As they speake These words Christ addeth First to shew that the words going before were not his owne but the words of Iezabels followers touching her doctrine Secondly to shew the proud and presumptuous minds of heretickes in maintaining their wicked opinions Thus haue false teachers vpheld their errours by proud and swelling words as Iude the 16. and 2. Pet. 2.18 The pure word of God is not so maintained but in the humilitie and lowlinesse of spirit and in the practise of pietie from an humble heart for God teacheth the lowly his wayes and giueth grace to the humble Psal. 25.14 And therefore this is a note of false doctrin by swelling words to maintaine the same Hitherto we haue spoken of the Preface before Christs counsell now followeth the counsell it selfe in this sentence Though I lay no other burden vpon you yet I would haue you to hold fast that which you haue alreadie till I come This sentence is a distinction containing two parts First in these words I will lay no other burden vpon you than that which you haue alreadie that is howsoeuer I threaten my iudgements vnto Iezabell and her followers yet I will lay none other punishment vpon you but my reproofe onely for suffering Iezabell among you with her false doctrine and followers This braunch of this distinction containeth a most comfortable instruction namely that all those that giue themselues to maintaine puritie of doctrine and synceritie of life shall be safely preserued in the time of common iudgements vnder the blessed protection of God so farre forth as is for Gods glorie and their good And considering this mercie is offered to the godly wee must hereby learne to become followers of this Church of Thyatira that is we must endeuour to maintaine the pure truth of Gods holy word and withall haue care to shew foorth synceritie of manners in making conscience of euery sinne and endeuoring our selues to walke in all the wayes of Gods commaundements with cheerefulnesse Hereby we shall get protection from common iudgements when they are layed vpon the wicked but if wee partake with the wicked in their sinnes wee shall receiue part in their plagues The second part of this distinction is in these words But that which you haue alreadie hold fast till I come that is mine Apostles haue deliuered vnto you the pure and sound doctrine of saluation now I charge you that you hold that fast and maintaine it vntill I come to iudgement Here is a plaine and most excellent commaundement containing speciall instruction mee● for this Church of Thyatira and all Churches Before our Sauiour Christ had commended this Church for not approouing the doctrine of Iezabell and her companie but here hee giueth them another commaundement To hold fast the true doctrine of Christ taught them by his Apostles Wherby he would teach them and in them all Churches to content themselues with the pure doctrin of the Apostles and not to affect or approoue any other doctrine besides whatsoeuer According as Paule biddeth the Galatians though wee or an Angell from heauen preach vnto you any other doctrine than that which we haue preached vnto you let him be accursed By the light of this commaundement wee are directed in sundry duties First not to regard vnwritten traditions which the church of Rome doth so highly magnifie for it cannot bee prooued that the Apostles euer taught them Secondly not to regard the doctrines of men which some bring vnto vs vnder colour of Reuelation from God since the Apostles times Thirdly hereby wee learne what to thinke and iudge of the three great religions of the Turkes the Iewes and Papists at this day The Turkish religion is not to bee regarded for it had it beginning sixe hundred yeares after the Apostles time with whose doctrine onely we must content our selues Also the Iewish religion wee must not regard for they reiect the doctrine of the Apostles And the religion of the Papists we must renounce because it is not of the Apostles teaching but had it beginning by little and little long after their times If this commaundement were safely kept which is laid on this Church men would not bee of so many religions but all would bee of one religion cleauing fast to the doctrine of the Apostles and contenting themselues with it which is the true rule for reformation of life and the right way to attaine saluation Lastly here is a rule and direction for those which will bee of no religion because of the diuersitie of opinions touching the same They must haue recourse to the doctrine of the Apostles and content themselues therewith nothing regarding new doctrines bee they neuer so glorious Till I come Here Christ sheweth how long the doctrine of the Apostles must bee held fast namely not for a short time but till his second comming to iudgement Whereby wee learne that it is the dutie of Gods Church to preserue and maintaine the puritie of true religion vnto the end of the world This is no small matter but a most needfull dutie enioyned vnto vs by speciall commaundement and withall a matter of great consequence for the puritie of religion is the foundation and marke of the Church and the right way to direct mens soules to eternall life For this cause Paule chargeth Timothie To keepe the true patterne of wholesome words and to continue in the things which hee had learned And in regard of this dutie the Church is called The pillar and ground of truth And Christ for this cause gaue to his Church both Pastors and Teachers Pastors to instruct in righteousnesse for the maintenance of puritie in manners and Teachers to maintaine the puritie of doctrine in soundnesse of iudgement This therefore must admonish vs that we haue care not onely to learne religion in our owne persons but also to convey the same to ages following that the puritie thereof may bee preserued to the comming of Christ.
giueth entrance to grace accesse to God in prayer made the Elders well reported of and each Christian to stand to the profession of Christ. It is that hand by which wee must apprehend Christ that shield by which wee resist all the fierie darts of the diuell and that meanes by which we do good to others By faith we receiue the spirit are members of Christ we are risen with him he dwelleth in our hearts we feed on him continually resist Sathan are the children of God and the word which we heare becommeth profitable And what shall I say faith is of such a qualitie that it vniteth vs to Christ maketh vs certaine of our saluation bold in our profession ministreth true ioy giueth temporall blessings sanctifieth our gifts and maketh vs refuse the pleasures of this present world In a word no sinne can condemne him who hath this true faith and no vertue can saue him who wanteth it To come to the second which is Christ the obiect of faith The most comely garment that euer we can weare it is to be couered with the robes of Christs righteousnesse Iacob was blessed by Esaus garments and we are blessed by Christs garments What wee see through a greene glasse seemeth all to be greene and what God seeth through Christ it is all amiable We must put on this apparell not as the Church in the Canticles I haue put off my clothes how shall I put them on againe or as a gowne that wee cast off when we come to our home but we must so put him on that we neuer put him off againe Wee must put him on by imputation imitation infusion and profession by imputation of his righteousnesse imitation of his vertues infusion of his spirit and profession of his name Thus we must labour to get Christ for what though a man could command the earth with Alexander the sea with Moses the fire with Eliah and the Sunne with Iosuah What though he were as rich as Salomon as wise as Achitophel as strong as Sampson as swift as Ahimaaz as beautifull as Absolon as fortunate as Metellus and descended as Paul was of the bloud royall of Princes yet hauing not Christ hee hath nothing Yea say a man had the abstinence of Aristydes the innocencie of Phocion the holinesse of Socrates the almes deedes of Cimon the moderation of Camillus the honestie iustice and faithfulnesse of both Catoes all these out of Christ were but splendida peccata and to be esteemed as dung in regard of Christ. For haue him and haue all things want him and want all things he is in at and after death aduantage I come to the last it is profitable to repent for if we turne to the Lord he will turne to vs and that wee may turne consider his mercies in forgiuing his benefits in giuing his patience in forbearing and his iudgements in punishing The word preached sinnes committed and that few shall be saued the shortnesse of life the vncertaintie of life and the certaintie of death the ioyes of heauen the torments of hell the comfort of the elect and that else wee can haue no comfort in death pray wee cannot vnlesse wee repent and perish wee shall vnlesse we repent but blessed shall we be if we do repent But manum de tabula Magister adest this discourse following will teach vs these things and it am I bold to present to your worships Iohn sent his Reuelation to manie Churches and I present his Epistles to manie worthie personages and to whom may I better present them then to you Iohn was a Disciple full of loue and you are brethren full of loue The Preacher of these Lectures was well knowne to manie but to none better than to many of you especially to those who were in my time worthie members of that most worthie Colledge with him And the rather I do it that times to come may reioyce in the Lord that from one honourable roote haue issued so manie profitable branches to the Church You are six brethren as pillars of your house there were three sisters as fruitfull vines of the same one is not but is with the Lord and her I knew a Ladie of admirable vertues the other two are and long may they be so You are all brethren by nature of one venter nation of one country grace of one spirit affection of one heart fortune in great fauor and of one hope by your holy behauiour And concerning brotherly loue I need not to write vnto you for you are taught of God to loue one another Your Scilurus at his death need not to teach you concord by giuing to each of you a sheafe of arrowes which cannot well bee broken whilst they are conioyned for you by your amitie make your selues inuincible If Chilo the Lacedemonian died for ioy to see one sonne crowned at Olympus and Diagoras Rhodius did the like when his three children got the garland at a wrestling and Iacob so reioyced to heare of his sonne Ioseph to bee aduanced greatly in the kingdome of Aegypt how might that happie father of yours reioyce to see at one time one son sitting as high Sheriffe of the shire another preaching before the Iudges of Assize and the third pleading as Councellor at the barre and all the rest of great expectation in the kingdome Thus wise sons are a ioy to their parents and all may behold how good and comely a thing it is for brethren to dwel together in vnitie Aristotle could say that parents were not blessed vnlesse they were after their death blessed in their children And surely it is no small part of a fathers blessednesse to see his children like to flourish when he is gone Nay of all monuments that parents can leaue behind them there is none as one saith like to a vertuous son But all parents are not to be blessed Adams two sonnes could not agree in one field Abrahams in one house Isaaks in one wombe Dauids in one pallace nor two brethren in the diuision of an inheritance And though concord amongst brethren especially such as deuide the inheritance be very rare yet do you euen in this most comfortably agree You are not as Simeon Leui Romulus and Remus Eteocles and Polynices Atreus Thyestes Aeta and Perseus but as Castor and Pollux Dauid and Ionathan Ioseph and Beniamin and as a true friend is described to be one soule in two bodies It seemeth that as Agrippa the brother of Augustus was beholding to Salust for that one sentence Small things increase by concord but perish through discord so you haue all learned the same lesson as being
polluted with sinne that once washing was not ynough but sayth hee Wash mee againe and againe rince bathe and swill me in the bloud of Christ till I be purged and cleansed from all my sinnes And this same affection should be in euery one of vs wee should labour that our hearts may bee touched with a liuely sence of our vile estate by reason of our sinnes which make both bodie and soule most vgly and filthie in Gods sight and that the staine hereof is so deepely set in our soules that we can neuer be cleansed but by the washing of Christ his own hand and that in his owne hearts bloud yea that one washing will not serue but wee must be rinced and bathed therein For till such time as this consideration doe in some measure take place in our hearts it is not possible that we should loath sinne as we ought or come to this comfortable assurance of Gods loue that he hath washed away our sinnes in his bloud for this humilitie in our soules by reason of our sins is the beginning of all true grace and comfort Now this worke of Christ in washing vs from our sinnes doth comprehend a double benefit First the remission of our sinnes whereby the guilt and punishment due to them is taken away Secondly the mortification of sinne whereby the corruption of sinne is remooued and abolished And we must obserue that S. Iohn propounds this benefit generally without limitation saying Which washed vs from our sinnes That is from all our sinnes to giue vs to vnderstand that if any beleeue truly in Christ hee hath pardon of all his sinnes without any restraint or limitation either of number or qualitie bee they neuer so many or neuer so great By his bloud How can bloud wash away filthinesse nay it rather defiles a man Answ. This washing stands not in the substance of Christs bloud but in the merit thereof for that substance of bloud which was shed is lost and wee know not what is become of it whatsoeuer the Papists say but the merit therof remaineth still And Christs bloud deserues to purge away sinne rather than any other mans bloud as of Peter Iohn c. because his bloud was the bloud of God not of the godhead but of him who was both God and man For the manhood of Christ was receiued into the vnion of the second person And so it may be called the bloud of God as Paule sayth God redeemed his Church by his bloud that is Christ God incarnate And so it being the bloud of him that is God is more meritorious than the bloud of any creature whatsoeuer Besides Christ was appointed by God to be a publicke person in the worke of redemption and in his death and passion he stood in the roome and stead of all his elect so as when his bloud was shed their bloud was sh●● because it was shed for them But the bloud of other priuate men cannot answer for any besides themselues because it is shed onely for themselues Then dam●●ble is the doctrine of the Papists who hold the bloud of Martyrs can merit for others being applied vnto them for seeing they be but priuate men and suffered in their owne persons onely they cannot profit any other thereby By bloud we must vnderstand the passion of Christ a part for the whole and with all his fulfilling of the law vpon the crosse for in his suffering hee fulfilled the law and in fulfilling the law he suffered These two cannot be seuered saue onely in thought And so this word containes the whole obedience of Christ whereby he procured the remission and mortification of our sinnes Here then wee see two notable benefites of Christ vnto his church his loue the washing away of sinnes which S. Iohn sets downe to moue the churches with reuerence diligence to reade and delight in this booke All of vs will say wee are sure God loues vs and hath pardoned our sinnes in Christ why then doe wee not shew our loue againe to him by hearing and reading his word set downe in this or any other booke of Scripture and by yeelding answerable obedience thereto Why then do we not offer vp ourselues soules and bodies to serue him as the Apostle requires Rom. 1● 1 by way of recompence for his mercies and loue shed out vnto vs But alas that is more common which is most shamefull to turne Gods grace into wantonnesse for when men say God loues them and hath washed away their sinnes yet they rebell against him when as these two benefites are here recorded to bee in●ucements of continuall loue and obedience to his holy word Verse 6. And made vs kings and 〈◊〉 to God euen his father to him be glory and dominion for 〈◊〉 Amen In these words is set downe the third worke and benefit of Christ bestowed on his church and on euery true member thereof For the better vnderstanding whereof we must consider in them foure points First the dignitie and excellencie of all true beleeuers and member● of Christ They are kings and priests Secondly when they be made kings and priests in this life noted by the phrase of speech hath ma●● Wherein 〈◊〉 speaketh of the church on earth and vseth a word that signifieth the time past Thirdly the maner how they become kings and priests they are not so borne but Christ hath made them such Fourthly to whom they be made such to God euen the father For the first The dignitie of all true beleeuers hath two heads first They bee kings secondly Priests They are called kings not in regard of an earthly kingdome for vsually the condition of most beleeuers on earth is base and contemptible but in regard of a spirituall kingdome the kingdome of heauen whereto the Lord giues them right title and interest in and by Iesus Christ. So our Sauiour Christ speaketh to his disciples Feare not little flocke it is your fathers will to giue you the kingdome And againe Behold I giue vnto you a kingdome Now the faithfull are kings in these respects first because by Christ they bee lords and conquerours of all these enemies sinne Sathan the world death hell and their owne flesh Secondly because in and by Christ they are partakers of the glorie of Christs kingdome and saluation for they receiue of Christ grace for grace and so answereably glory for glory and felicitie for felicitie Thirdly because they be made lords of all things in heauen and earth except good Angels and the church All things are yours whether it be Paule or Apollos or Cephas or the world or life or death whether things present or to come euen all are yours and yee Christs Quest. But if Christ bee king and all his members kings how do they differ Answ. In two points First Christ is the sonne of God by nature and so a king by nature hauing the right of the kingdome of heauen by inheritance but the members of Christ
bee an inducement vnto all those that are indued with gifts fit for this calling to affect the same Lastly euery minister of the gospell must hereby learne to bee faithfull in his calling and holy in his conversation for by vertue of his calling hee is placed in Christs right hand Now shall we thinke that Christ wil long bear in his right hād any that are vnfaithfull or prophane Nay he will take them out of his right hand and put them vnder his feete of brasse and there grind them to powder For as they are honoured aboue others by their place so shall their confusion be the greater vnlesse they be faithfull This wee may see in Nadab and Abihu Leuit. 10.1 and Hoph●●● and Phineas 1. Sam. 3.13 And in the same respect ought all the people of God to be carefull to their wayes for by their calling of christianitie they be members of Christ. Now if they be not faithfull and answerable to their profession hee will surely deale with them as with vnfaithfull ministers put them vnder his feet of brasse confound them for euer They must therefore make conscience of all sin and become not hearers onely but doers of his will so shall Christ protect them in this life and saue them eternally And out of his mouth went a sharpe two edged sword This sword that came out of his mouth is nothing else but the doctrine of the Law and the Gospell vttered and propounded in the writings and ministerie of the Prophets and Apostles Heb. 4.12 The word of God is liuely mightie in operation and sharper than any two edged sword And it is thereto compared because as a sword with a double edge entreth sharply into the flesh and pierceth deeply into the bones euen to the very marrow So the doctrine of the Law and the Gospell entreth sharply and pierceth deepely into the very marrow of the heart of euery man to the diuiding of the thought and the spirit This two edged sword the word of God hath a twofold operation One vpon the wicked Another in the elect It woundeth the wicked at the very heart with a deadly wound and thereby brings them to eternall death Isay. 11.4 Christ shall slay the wicked with the breath of his lippes that is with his word which is this two edged sword Herewith shall he consume Antichrist 2. Thes. 2.8 visit Leuiathan and slay the dragon that is the greatest enemies of his church Isay. 27. vers 1. Here consider how the word of God should kill an impenitent sinner There be three degrees of spirituall death First in this life where an impenitent sinner receiueth his deadly wound The second at the end of this life when the bodie is laid in the graue but the soule goeth to the torments of the damned The third at the end of the world when bodie and soule together go to hell eternally Now a sinner receiueth in this life his deadly wound after this manner Christ in the giuing thereof hath a threefold worke in his heart by the ministerie of his word which is this two edged sword First hereby he reuealeth vnto him his sinnes as hypocrisie pride and rebellion of heart with all other his horrible and damnable transgressions against the first and second table 1. Cor. 14.24.25 When all Prophesie and there commeth in one vnlearned he is reproued of all the Prophets by the word iudge him and thereby lay open vnto him the secret sinnes of his heart with the sinnes of his life Secondly Christ hereby reue●leth vnto him his indignation and wrath which is the curse of the law due vnto him In which regard the law is called a killing letter shewing no mercy but onely thundreth out the fierce wrath of God vpon transgressors Thirdly hereby Christ awaketh his guiltie conscience sharpneth the sting thereof and terrifieth him at the hearing of his word Thus wicked Felix trembled when hee heard Paul preach of temperance righteousnesse and the ●udgement to come So when king Belshazzer saw the palme of the hand writing things against him vpon the ●all his countenance was changed his thoughts troubled him his ioynts were loosed and his knees stood one against another And al these are wrought in the wicked without apprehension of mercy or reformation of life It may please God to recouer one that ●s 〈◊〉 wounded but while he is 〈◊〉 this estate hee hath receiued a deadly wound and without vnfamed repentance is alreadie in th● first step toward● eternal death for these horror● o● conscience seuered from the apprehension of Gods mercie in Christ are no grace but the flashes of hell fire and the beginning of eternall woe And thus we see how Christ by this sword woundeth his enemies Hence we are to learne sundry duties First how to earne our selues towards them that after they haue heard the word preached vnto them will rage and storme against it and the preachers therof because it touched them We must not despise or maligne them but rather be mooued with compassion towards them For this their behauiour is a token they are wounded with the sword of Christ at the verie heart and these their ragings are nothing but struglings before death eternall vnlesse the Lord in mercy recouer them of this deadly wound II. Hereby wee are let to see and know the lamentable state of the greatest number in those congregations where the word hath long bene preached for we shall find by lamentable experience that in those place● few come to true knowledge repentance and obedience but most remaine ignorant and impenitent now this their condition is most fearefull A terrible iudgement of God is vpon them for when men haue long heard Gods word and are not thereby bettered for knowledge in mind and obedience of life they are thereby wounded vnto death This two edged sword hath alwayes his worke it either cureth vnto life by working repentance and other graces of saluation or woundeth vnto death them that receiue it not We must therefore lament the case of such persons as remain● ignorant and impenitent vnder the ministerie of the word for they are as yet dead men for ought wee know how soeuer they may make a faire shew by their ●●ill honestie If any man should come into a field and there behold many thousands slaughtered and 〈◊〉 ou● blo●d some in the ●ead some in the side c. this sight would make his heart to bleed Wel this 〈…〉 God 's church though it be not seene with bodily eyes the most men are wounded with this sword of Gods word and lye 〈◊〉 wallowing in the blo●d of their soules 〈◊〉 they continue in ignorance in se●uritie and want of repenta●ce III. This m●st admonish vs all to labour earnestly to haue further things wrought in vs than a knowledge of our sinnes an apprehension of wrath o● horrour of conscience namely 〈◊〉 faith and repentance and sound reformation of life for without this wee haue nothing in vs
euerlasting life which Christ there keepeth in store for vs and for this cause principally doth Christ here say Behold I liue for euer 3. This also must mooue vs to put all our affiance in him and to place all our ioy and reioicing in him Men haue most regard to that part of their bodie by which the whole body and euery member liueth Well wee professe our selues to bee members of Christ and in him is hid our spirituall life wee therefore must set our hearts and affections on him especially The third part of the distinction is this Though I was dead ye● I haue the keyes of death and of hell Here we must not imagine that hell is a bodily place kept with locke and key and dores as mens dwelling houses are that cannot bee proued by any place of Gods word Neither yet that the torments thereof are bodily such as bee inflicted in this world but rather they are spirituall being the apprehension and feeling of Gods wrath and vengeance whose iealousie burnes like fire But Christ in this phrase borroweth a comparison from stewards of great houses who at their installing into their stewardships haue the keyes of all things giuen vnto them Which giuing of the keyes is a token of regiment and authoritie bestowed vpon them And the meaning is this That Iesus Christ thogh he once died yet by his death did vanquish hell and death and hath obtained full power dominion ouer them both for euermore Hence arise sundry instructions first that power and authoritie to forgiue sinnes properly belongeth onely vnto Christ. No meere creature hath this power for hee that can forgiue sinnes must bee able to take away the punishments of sinne namely hell and death which none can doe but Christ alone who onely hath the keyes thereof And to say that a man can properly forgiue sinnes is to say that a man hath power in himselfe ouer hell and death And therefore the priesthood of the church of Rome is full of blasphemie who take vpon them properly to pronounce vnto men the pardon of their sinnes of themselues and they deride the custome of reformed churches who from God pronounce the pardon of sinnes vnto them that repent Secondly hereby wee are taught to reuerence Christ and to performe vnto him all due honor and loyall obedience If wee neuer haue done this heretofore wee must now begin and if wee haue done it we must endeuour to do it more For Christ hath the keyes of hell and death hee can open the gates thereof at his pleasure and cast thither whom hee will Many deceiue themselues through their false conceit of Christ they thinke not of him as of a Iudge but as a Sauior onely they make him all of mercie and pitie and thereby they take occasion to goe on in sinne But wee must consider that Christ is likewise a righteous iudge who hath the power of hell and death in his hands and therefore we must not flatter our selues in our euill wayes but striue to please him continually with fear and trembling least by our sinnes we stir vp his wrath against vs and cause him to cast vs into hell whence is no redemption Thirdly this is a matter of great comfort vnto all those in Gods church that in this life vnfainedly cleaue vnto Christ and especially in time of affliction and temptation and at the houre of death for Christ hauing the keyes of hell death is able to keepe them from hell and from the sting of death And this hee will doe because they trust in him for he hath promised it If this were alwayes sounding in our eares it would minister endlesse ioy vnto our soules against the seruile feare of hell and death Vers. 19. Write the things which thou hast seene and the things which are and the things which shall come hereafter Here S. Iohn propoundeth a second action of Christ. For hauing confirmed Iohn against his great feare hee giueth him a commaundement to write the things which he had seene c. This commaundement was giuen to Iohn in the eleuenth verse and is here againe repeated for these causes First that Iohn might see the special care of Christ ouer his church that he still continueth a prouident head thereof for their good estate after his ascention Secondly that Gods church in all ages may vnderstand that it is necessarie men should know the estate of the church to bee subiect vnto troubles that thereby they may better arm themselues against the euils to come Thirdly that Iohn might be fully assured of his calling to write and publish this booke Fourthly that Gods church in all ages might be out of doubt that this booke is no deuice of man but a booke of God and part of holy Scripture reuealed from Christ to Iohn for the good of his church If it be sayd though Christ did faithfully reueale his will yet Iohn might erre in publishing it Answ. As Christ deliuered this to Iohn so hee receiued and published it faithfully without all fault either in matter or manner for we must make a difference betweene the Prophets and Apostles and all other teachers As the Prophets in former times so the Apostles in the New Testament were called immediately by Christ and had such speciall assistance of Gods spirit that they could not erre when they propounded by preaching or writing any doctrine of Christ vnto the church of God this appeareth by the promises of Christ made vnto them Luk. 10.16 He which heareth you heareth me and be which refuseth you refuseth me and ●e which refuseth me refuseth him that sent me Againe Matth. 10.20 It is not you which speake but the spirit of your father speaking in you Ioh. 14.26 hee promiseth to send his spirit to be their comforter which shall teach them all things yea to lead them into all truth Iohn 16 1● Which promise some apply 〈◊〉 al Gods ministers but if we marke the circumstances therof we shall see that properly it agreeth to the Apostles for though in others the certaintie hereof cannot be affirmed yet in them it may for which cause in the counsell at Ierusalem thus they write vnto the churches It seemed good to the holy ghost and to vs as being assured of the certaine direction of the holy ghost which no ministers euer since could say being subiect to errour both in speaking and writing This distinction must bee held for the certainetie of our faith in the points of Religion and for our assurance of the faithfull penning and publishing of this booke And thus much of the causes of this repetition In the words of this commandement is contained the diuision of this whole booke Write the words which thou hast seene that is set downe what I haue shewed thee in this vision And which are that is all things which I reueale vnto thee touching the present estate of the church And which are to come hereafter that is those things which concerne the
had his grace came by creation ours is by redemption and regeneration Adam had the first grace to bee able to obey but he wanted the second to be sure to perseuere because God would permit his fall to make a way both to manifest his iustice and mercie in our redemption by Christ. But the child of God after his conuersion wherein hee hath the first grace to repent and beleeue hath also an infallible promise That he shall receiue the second grace to abide in that faith And therefore Paule sayth I am persuaded that hee which hath begun this good worke in you will performe it vntill the day of the Lord Iesus Christ. And againe The Lord is faithfull who will stablish you and keepe you from euill Secondly Dauid say they by his two grieuous sinnes fell wholly from grace Answ He fell indeed grieuously but not wholly for after his fall hee contemned not Gods word he hated not God nor despaired of mercie which hee must haue done if he had fallen wholly And therefore he had remorse for his sinne so soone as the Prophet Nathan come vnto him But say they hee prayeth God to create a new heart in him therefore hee had then no grace For creation is a making of that which hath no being Answ. Dauid then speeketh not as he was before God but as hee was in his owne sence and feeling for by his sinnes Gods graces were sore decayed But say they hee repented not for the space of one whole yeare Now where there is no repentance there is no faith and consequently no grace nor pardon Answ. In repentance there be two things the gift of repentance and the act and practise thereof The gift of repentance was in the heart of Dauid when he yet lay in his sinnes but the act thereof lay hid and he wanted the renewing thereof all that time Againe Dauid had the pardon of his sinnes past though hee had not the pardon of those two sinnes till hee repented of them Neither was his repentance lost but decayed onely hee wanted not the power of it simply but the practise of it onely in that act Their third kind of arguments are drawne from equitie and reason I. Hee that is a member of an harlot and of the deuill ceaseth wholly to bee a member of Christ but a child of God truly beleeuing may become the member of an harlot and of Sathan as Dauid did Answ. There be three kinds of members dead decaied and liuing members a dead member is that which is onely in shew a member as a legge of wood or of brasse in a mans bodie A decayed member is a true member though weak as is a legge or arme that is taken with a palsie or sore wounded But a liuely member is that which doth moue and do all it functions perfectly So in the church there be some members dead and onely in shew others feeble and weake that by reason of some grieuous sinnes are not able to doe their duties And there bee liuely members which serue God with an vpright and perfect heart Now though a member of an harlot cannot be a liuely member of Christ because by his sinnes hee weakeneth and woundeth the graces of God for euery adulterer and fornicator doth as much as in him lieth cut himselfe off from Christ yet hee may bee a decayed member of Christ. And this may the rather stand because a man is made the member of Christ one way namely spiritually and the member of an harlot another way namely bodily II. Reason If a man cannot fall from grace then preaching prayer the sacraments and all means of perseuerance are needlesse Answ. Nothing lesse for they haue all their good and necessarie vse vnto them which haue grace euen to make them constant in grace For where the Scripture teacheth the certaintie of saluation it implieth the vse of the meanes of perseuerance Paul in his iourney to Rome was certaine they should come all safe to land by the promise of God yet when the marines would haue gone out of the ship Hee telleth the Captaine vnlesse these stay in we cannot be saued because they were the meanes to bring them to land So when Isay had told Ezekias from the Lord that he should liue fifteene yeares longer he was thereby assured of recouerie and yet hee vsed a bunch of figges as a meanes thereof as also food and rayment to preserue his life afterward III. Reason This doctrine of certaine perseuerance maintaineth men in securitie Answ. Securitie is twofold carnall and spirituall carnall when a man regardeth not at all the means of his saluation but giueth himselfe wholly to the profits and pleasures of this world Spirituall when a man relieth on God for his saluation by beleeuing his promises and this securitie it maintaineth but not the carnall securitie For it teacheth the vse of the meanes of perseuerance as prayer hearing and reading of the word and receiuing the Sacraments And thus I conclude this question That the true child of God who truly beleeueth when he sinneth doth neither wholly nor finally fall away neither can doe Lastly if this were true of this famous Church of Ephesus which was founded and preserued by the Apostles that shee suffered her first loue to decay then how can it bee otherwise with vs but that wee should suffer our first loue as well towards God as man to lessen and diminish and that this is so our consciences will tell vs if wee looke to that loue and zeale we had at our first calling and though wee haue not felt this decay yet we must know wee bee in danger of it continually And therefore we must take heed that we suffer not our good affections in religion to diminish Water that hath beene once hot will afterward be most cold and freese the hardest euen so when our hearts haue beene once heated with the fire of the Lords altar as true loue and other graces of the spirit if we suffer them to decay we shall become more frozen in iniquitie than any others The hawke while shee is quicke to take her prey is set vpon the hand of kings and nobles but if shee wax weake and die she is cast off to the dunghill Euen so while we are hote and cheerefull in loue towards God and his church wee are carried as it were on Gods owne hand but if wee faint and decay in loue we shall be cast lower than if wee had neuer beene so exalted This loue of God in vs is like a little flame of fire for the maintaining whereof wee must doe three things First take heed of all manner of sinne which quencheth loue and other graces of the spirit as water quencheth fire In the old Testament the priests kept fire burning vpon the altar day and night to be alwayes readie to sacrifice vnto the Lord and so must we keep the flame of loue other graces continually burning in our hearts
that thence we may offer vp acceptable sacrifices of praise and thanksgiuing vnto the Lord. Secondly we must stir vp the gifts of grace that are in vs as Paule sayth to Timothie 2. Tim. 1.6 vsing a comparison from the fire which burneth more bright and cleare when it is stirred vp Lastly wee must exercise our selues in the duties of pietie as faith repentance loue and such like so shall they not decay And thus much for the sinne of this church Verse 5. Remember therefore whence thou art fallen and repent and doe thy first workes or els I will come against thee shortly and will remooue thy candlesticke out of his place except thou amend Our Sauiour Christ the faithfull physition of our soules hauing sharpely rebuked this church doth here prescribe vnto them a soueraigne remedie against their sinne of decay in loue Frō whence we may learne that the law whereby sin is reproued is to be taught but yet with this qualification that withall the doctrine of the Gospell be ioyned thereunto that the sinnes which are ripped vp by the law may be cured by the Gospel This is Christs manner of preaching in this place whose practise is a most worthie platforme for all his ministers for we haue no warrant at this day to preach the law barely which onely maketh the wound without the Gospell which alone sheweth the remedie This remedie here prescribed is of speciall vse and worthie our consideration generally by it we haue direction to answer to two necessarie questions of practise which often fall out in the life of man First a man is effectually called to professe the gospell and yet after his conuersion either through the corruption of his nature or by the temptation of the diuell and the world falleth into sinne againe what must this man do for his recouerie Ans. He must remember whence he is fallen and repent of those his sinnes and do his first workes The second question is this A man that hath all his life long liued in ignorance and sin is now touched in conscience for his loose life how shall this man escape the wrath of God become reconciled vnto him Ans. He must first remember whence hee is fallen by Adams sinne and by his owne transgressions Secondly hee must repent of his sinnes Thirdly endeuor to do the first workes whereto he is bound by the law of creation so shal he escape the wrath of God and be receiued into his loue and fauour In particular this remedie hath three parts The first Remember whence thou art fallen The second And repent The third And do thy first workes The words following Or else I will come against thee c. Are a reason of this remedie to persuade them to do the duties prescribed For the first Remember whence thou art fallen The words beare this sence Examine thy selfe throughly see in thy selfe the decay of thy former loue and then ponder the same in thy heart seriously and throughly Here Christ inioyneth to this church two duties I. Examination whereby shee must descend into her owne heart and search out her owne wants especially the want of her loue to God to his word and to her brethren II. Consideration whereby she must often thinke of these her wants and lay the same to her heart vnfainedly This course which Christ taketh with this church teacheth vs first that it is a dangerous thing for any person in Gods church not to bee acquainted throughly with his owne estate that so hee may search out his owne wants and deeply consider of the same For this very thing Ieremie blamed the people in his time that no man sayd with himselfe what haue I done And Christ layeth this sinne to the charge of the people of the old world that they were ignorant of their estate They knew nothing till the floud came and ●●oke them all away And this is the common sin of this age no man almost doth examine himselfe consider in his hart his owne estate by reason of his sinnes and wants Nay men are growne to this that they count it a meanes to breed melancholie and therefore do ●lie the practise of this dutie and so nuzzell themselues in their fearefull securitie Secondly here wee learne that it is a speciall dutie for them that liue in Gods church to be throughly acquainted with their owne estate to examine and search out their owne sinnes and often to consider seriously of their particular wants Zephanie preaching the doctrine of repentance vnto the people beginneth thus Search ye search your selues oh nation not worthie to be beloued Where the word translated search signifieth such a search as a man would make for some small thing in a great heape of chaffe This is the Lords counsell Hag. 1.7 Consider your owne wayes in your hearts and it must be our practise if we would be saued This duty is the beginning and ground of true repentance and therefore Christ here giueth it the first place for no man can truly repent before hee bee acquainted with his owne infirmities and with his owne fearefull and damnable estate by reason of his sinnes And therefore Dauid saith I first considered my wayes and then I turned my feete into thy testimonies The cause why so few in the world doe truly repent is want of consideration from whence they are fallen and what bee their sinnes and the dreadful iudgements thereby deserued For till the mind doe truly conceiue her owne miserie the hart can neuer rightly hunger after mercie Sinne must bee our greatest woe before Christ become our chiefest ioy The second part of this remedie is Repentance i● selfe for after a man is well acquainted with his wants and hath throughly considered of his owne misery then he commeth to repent In the handling hereof fiue points are to be obserued I. What repentanceis II. How it is to be practised III. Who commandeth it IV. To whom it is commaunded V. For what they must repent For the first Repentance properly is in the mind as the word in this place doth import for it signifieth thus much After some follie or ouerslip to be better aduised Repentance then in the mind is a change from euil to good or a turning from sinne vnto God Act. 26.20 Repent and turne to God Which latter words expound the former plainly shew what repentance is And this change in the mind standeth in this resolution whereby a man by Gods grace purposeth to leaue all his former sinnes and to cleaue vnto God in holy obedience vnto all his commandements And when this resolution is in the mind therwithall followeth a turning of the whole man in will in affections and in all the actions of his life This appeareth by that description of the practise of repentance which Paul reduceth to seuen heads viz. Care clearing of themselues indignation feare great desire zeale and reuenge 2. Cor. 7.11 wherof some are renewed affections
He must begin to repent when he is receiued to mercie he must renew that repentance for his daily offences If God therefore haue giuen ●s grace to repent we must not content our selues with that good beginning but adde more repentance daily vnto it For no man liueth that hath receiued grace to repent but hee seeth in himselfe continuall cause of renewing the same by reason of his daily s●il● and wants for euery sinne decayeth grace which must be repaired by a new practise of repentance This dutie must needs be practised It is the most dangerous case that can bee for any man to lie in sinne for sinne makes a man liable to all Gods iudgements And it is not so much the act of sinne as the lying in sinne that bringeth damnation For this cause Paule 2. Corin. 5.20 speaking to those that were reconciled to God doth still most ●arnestly beseech them to be reconciled vnto him saying We beseech you in Christs steed as though God did beseech you through vs that ye be reconciled to God Intending thereby to prouoke them to the daily renewing of their repentance that thereby they might get a more full assurance of their reconciliation V. point For what must they repent namely for the decay of their loue not for the want thereof but for that they suffered it to waxe lesser both towards God and his word and towards their brethren The same thing is spoken to vs dayly in the ministerie of the word that whereas our first loue is gone many hauing fallen from it and moe hauing none at all wee would vnfainedly repent of this our decay and want that if wee haue had loue and now waxe cold wee may renew it and if we neuer had it we may labour for it that so we may be answerable to his blessed desire And here obserue that Christ enioyneth vs a strait repentance It is not ynough for men to repent them of grosse sinnes as whoredome theft drunkennesse and such like but they must repent them of their want● of grace as of the knowledge and feare and loue of God and of brotherly loue and of decay in any grace bee it neuer so little Wee haue many iusticiaries in conceit that bee Pharisaically minded thinking too well of themselues that they need no repentance because they liue ciuilely and are not tainted with grosse sinnes But these consider little what God doth here require euen repentance for our secret wants and decayes And great reason it should bee so for els to what end should we examine our selues of our secret wants vnlesse wee should repent vs of them hauing found them in vs Againe if this church must repent for her wants then what great cause haue we to repent in this last age of Atheisme a grosse and common sinne of outward pride in apparrell a sinne flat against Gods word and for contempt of the gospell a sinne that enlargeth it selfe more and more among vs. And for crueltie and want of mercy and compassion all which are rife in our church and may more easily remooue the candlesticke from vs then want of loue could remooue the candlesticke from this church And thus much for the second part of this remedie The third part of this remedie is to do their first workes that is shewe the like zeale and feruencie of loue to God to his word and to their brethren that they did at the first time of their conuersion This duty Christ addeth to the former because true repentance neuer perisheth in the heart but alwaies breaketh out into action in the life Here then is an excellent lesson for vs to learne and put in practise wee must search our own harts and see what good things haue bene in vs what good motions and desires or good affections We must also call to mind our former wayes and see what good things wee haue done and if in heart or life we find decay we must recouer our losse and seeke to do our first workes and striue to continue so doing to our liues end that so wee may escape this heauie charge of decay in grace Thus much of the parts of this remedie If not I will come against thee shortly and remooue thy candlesticke out of his place except thou amend In these words Christ layes downe a reason to persuade the church of Ephesus to the practise of the former remedy especially for repentance This reason containeth three parts I. A generall commination in these words If not I wil come against thee shortly II. A particular threatning of a particular iudgement And remoue thy candlesticke out of his place III. The condition of them both except thou amend I. point If not I will come against thee shortly that is if thou do not practise this remedie and the duties therein prescribed especially the dutie of repentance then will I come against thee shortly The words may as well bee read thus If not then will I come to thee shortly For so they are in the originall and doe containe in them sufficient and profitable instruction God is said to come to any people two wayes in mercie and in iudgement In mercie when he testifieth his presence by workes of mercie As when Christ in spirit went vnto the old world and preached vnto them in the person of Noe an hundred and twentie yeares before the floud 1. Pet. 3.19 20. Secondly God commeth in iudgement when hee testifieth his presence by iudgements In the second commandement God saith He wil visite the sinnes of the fathers vpon the children that is he will make inquirie among the children for the fathers sinnes and if hee find them to liue in the same sinnes that their fathers did then will hee punish them this is properly to visit So in this place If thou repent not I will come vnto thee and testifie my presence not in mercie but in iudgement In this generall threatening we may obserue that when a church or people decay in loue to God to his word or to their brethren or els lye in any sinne then God prepareth himselfe to come vnto them in iudgement Amo● 4.12 Because I will doe thus and thus vnto thee for thy sinnes therefore prepare to meete thy God Oh Israell meaning that because they lay still in their sinnes therefore he would make knowne his presence by more fearefull iudgements This doctrine according to Christs direction is to bee applied to vs and to our church for the sinnes that were in the church of Ephesus are the sinnes of our church and people They decayed in loue to God to his word and to the brethren so doe we Nay generally there is no loue at all in vs as hath been shewed and besides these wants there be many other grosse sinnes wherein our church and people doe lye as in Atheisme both in iudgement and practise in contempt and neglect of Gods worship and true religion in crueltie oppression and want of mercie and that which is
by the name of counsell First ●ere note that Christ commendeth this church and giueth her counsell but doth not at all rebuke her for her faults as he did the church of Ephesus Hence the Papists gather that Gods church and so the members thereof may liue without sinne and ful●ill the law But they are deceiued Christ therfore abstaineth from reproofe of this church not for that he had not any thing against them but for these two causes especially First because this church of Smyrna did truely repent and beleeue and did not decay in grace as the church of Ephesus did and therefore had the pardon of her sinnes and was in Gods loue and fauour Secondly this church did indeuour to obey Christ and to testifie her faith and loue thereby Now God accepteth the desire and will of obedience in his children as obedience it selfe and therefore did not repro●ue them for any fault that was among them Seeing this church being in affliction is so farre forth accepted that Christ reproueth nothing in her wee are taught it is profitable for Gods church and people sometime to bee in affliction for thereby are the gifts and graces of God preserued as Faith and Repentance and many greeuous sinnes preuented which otherwise Gods children might fall into The counsell it selfe containeth three parts A precept A prophesie And a precept againe The first precept is in these words Feare none of those things which thou shalt suffer This precept may seeme to be against other places of Scripture as Phil. 2.12 Worke out your saluation in feare and trembling And Rom. 11.20 ●e not high minded but feare Answ. There bee three kinds of feare I. naturall feare II. feare proceeding from grace III. a distrustfull fearefull proceeding from vnbeleefe I. The naturall feare is a declining and eschewing of death and those things that tend thereto this feare is in all men in as much as euerie thing desireth to preserue it selfe this was in Christ who in his agonie feared death as it was a separation of soule and bodie asunder yet this was no sinne in him but onely an infirmitie without sinne The second kind of feare is that which commeth from grace Mal. 1.6 If I be a maister where is mine ●onor If I be a father where is my feare This feare is a reuerent awe towards God in regard of his mercie and iudgements and this is a vertue and no sinne The third is distrustfull feare when men for affliction forsake religion and obedience to God standing more in feare of men than of God and this is that feare which Christ in this place forbiddeth being a sin that draweth men from God vnto perdition In this commaundement Christ doth two things First he giueth them and vs to vnderstand what is the sinne in which euerie man is conceiued and the seed whereof remaineth stil in the children of God namely distrustfull vnbeleefe whereby men feare the authoritie of the creature more than the glorious maiesty of the eternall God which proceedeth from this that men consider not of God as he extendeth his prouidence ouer all things and as he is a mightie iudge taking reuenge vpon all sin and wickednesse Secondly here Christ describeth the meanes wherby Gods people may arme themselues against all perils and troubles whatsoeuer to wit Christian fortitude which is a gift of God proceeding frō true faith inabling a man to lay aside all feare and with courage to vndergo al dangers whatsoeuer that he may in life and death maintaine faith and a good conscience This vertue God prescribed to the Prophets when they were to enter into their calling and our Sauiour Christ to his Apostles and to this church of Smyrna And it were to be wished that all the ministers of the gospell might speake vnto their people as Christ speaketh vnto this church Feare not But the truth is if they deale faithfully they must change their note and say with Ioell Waile and houle ye priests and people lying in sackcloth and ashes because the day of the Lords vengeance is at hand For it is lamentable to see the state of the whole body of our people of whom wee may generally say with the Prophet There is no knowledge of God in the land And where knowledge is there is litle conscience to liue therafter Consider also how the most are carnall minded dead in sin they sauour not th● things that pertaine to Gods kingdome but their hearts are wholly possessed with earthly desires delights and spirituall things affect them not Yea in all places wee shall see that as naturall sleepe wrappeth vp the senses of the body so a spiritual slumber benummeth their minds and hearts For though God preach daily vnto vs by his iudgements yet like the old world wee know nothing of the euill day we neuer cal to mind the iudgement to come And if herunto we ioyne the common crying sinnes of this land as swearing cursing oppression Saboath breaking drunkennesse whordome and all vncleannesse yea Atheisme it selfe the ground of all How can we say with Christ Feare not yea rather wee must call men to repentance in sackcloth and ashes For God is iealous of his glorie neither will hee alway be chiding nor winke at our iniquities he hath whet his sword and bent his bow and vnlesse wee repent the day of hauocke will come shortly wherein hee will take vengeance vpon all our iniquities And although this be the common state of our land yet Christ hath his remnant among vs who mourne for the sinnes and abhominations of the times and doe endeuour to keepe faith and a good conscience in all things and to these it may be sayd Feare not but take to your selues christian courage arme your selues therewith lay aside all distrustfull feare and glorifie God in your hearts striue to keepe the faith in a pure conscience vnto the end and so shall Christ appeare to your ioy when the wicked shall be ashamed And to moue Gods children to this christian fortitude First let them consider what a iudgement of God is due vnto them that are distrustfully fearfull when they should suffer any thing for the name of Christ Reuel 21.8 They must haue their reward in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone among the damned Secondly let them obserue the Lords presence and his gracious promise of protection in distresse He will cause his Angels to pitch their tents about them that no perill shall hurt them 2. King 6. When a mightie armie came against Elisha his seruant was fore afraid but marke how he comforteth him Feare not saith he for they that be with vs are more than they that be with them And so it is with Gods children Thirdly let them consider that it is a most honourable estate to suffer any thing for the name of Christ. And therefore the Apostles reioyced exceedingly when they had bene beaten That they were counted worthie to suffer any
in the word of God and receiuing the Sacraments for the increase of faith and renewing of their repentance All which will rather make a man fearefull and carefull than secure For with the meanes is certainty of saluation both atteined and preserued so that our doctrine is not a doctrine of offences but a true doctrine that beateth out the plaine way that ●eadeth vnto life Secondly Christ his detestation of this doctrine of Balaam must admonish vs to be so carefull of our behauiour euerie way that we giue no offence vnto anie for if wee do wee are Balaams schollers This is a point of speciall obseruation wee must looke to our communication that it be void of railing bad speeches and to our conuersation that it bee holy and vnblameable In euerie thing we must haue care not to hinder others in the way of life Woe bee to them saith Christ that giue offences it were better that a huge milstone such as an asse can but turne about as the word imports were tied about his necke and that he were cast into the sea The reason is because when a man by any means giueth his brother an offence he doth as much as in him lieth to plunge his brothers soule into the pit of destruction and therefore we must flie offences as hell it selfe yea rather on the contrary we must helpe our brethren forward in the way of saluation and remooue from them all stumbling blockes that cause them to fall If this duty were practised our church would abound with grace and godlines but this duty is wanting and hence it comes that we haue so small increase after long labour in preaching for example and euill counsell do quench the graces of the spirit in mens hearts Thirdly hereby wee must learne to haue speciall care against offences giuen by euill counsell or bad example For if it be the propertie of a false prophet to cast stumbling blocks before others then is it a dangerous thing to fall vpon them when they are laid before vs. While we liue in this world wee shall see many offences giuen but we must take heed we take them not And therfore Christ biddeth vs If thy foote offend thee or thine ha●d cut it off or thine eye plucke it out Teaching vs to forgo the dearest thing that can be vnto vs if it would cause vs to sin against God And to mooue vs hereto marke the Israelits example in the wildernesse while they kept a good conscience and obserued the true worship of God all Balaams curses were turned into blessings but when they fell to idolatrie fornication with the Moabitish women then was Gods wrath kindled against them and his plague seized vpon them Euen so if our church be carefull to keep it selfe to the true religion which by Gods mercie we enioy and withall haue care to keepe good conscience in becomming a penitent and obedient people vnto God then may Balaam curse and al our enemies spit their venome yet we shall be safe But if we let go true religion and good conscience and fall to sinne then we must looke for ●ods heauie iudgements to fall vpon vs in his wrath as they did vpon his owne people Fourthly when Balaams cursing would not preuaile then did faire women and banqueting draw them to idolatrie and fornication Hence we learne that temptations on the right hand that is taken from profits pleasures and preferments are most dangerous and soonest preuaile to draw men from God The state of a christian is like a besieged citie when a huge armie cannot sacke it than siluer and gold will open the gates hereof euen so when aduersitie cannot make a man to forsake religion good conscience then by prosperitie ease and pleasure hath the diuell stollen away his heart Those therefore that haue ease pleasures and outward blessings at will are in a farre more dangerous case in respect of sinne than others vnlesse God vouchsafe vnto them speciall grace to watch against these pleasing temptations This made godly Iob To sanctifie his children euerie day when they feasted each other at their houses lest any one then should haue blasphemed God in his hart Because he knew the diuell by pleasures would soonest wind himselfe into their hearts Lastly note the order of these sinnes First they are drawn to sit at idols feasts and then to commit adulterie where we see that these two sinnes goe together Spirituall adulterie that is idolatry and bodily adultery one is the plague punishment of the other that people which giue themselues to idolatrie will God giue vp to bodily adultery As this was true in these Israeli●s so is it to be seene among the Turkes and with the Papists at this day who maintaine fornication in tollerating stewes and further it much by their vow of single life wherewith they bind the conscience though the partie want the gift of continence Verse 15. Euen so hast thou them that maintaine the doctrine of the Nicholaitans which thing I ha●e Here followeth the second part of the comparison where Christ setteth downe two things First what the Nicolaitans were Secondly how hee was affected towards them What they were is expressed in the first words Euen so which is a note of resemblance or comparison hauing reference to the words going before They may be thus described The Nicolaitans were a se●t in the church of Pergamus that maintained two damnable opiniōs according to the doctrine of Balaam I. That it was lawfull to eate things offered to idols in the honor of idols sitting in the idols tēple I● that fornication was no sin but that a man might lawfully commit it It may seeme strange that in the dayes of the Apostles there should bee men professing the name of Christ and yet hold such damnable opinions but the truth is hereby euident that there were such in this church And that we do not conceiue a liking of their wicked opinions let vs examine their reasons whereupon they might seeme to be grounded For the eating of things sacrificed to idols they would pleade thus I. From the doctrine of christian libertie Things indifferent may ●e lawfully vsed Things offered to idols are things indifferent as meates and drinkes and therfore may lawfully be vsed Ans. Meats and drinkes if they bee considered in themselues are things indifferent and may lawfully be vsed yea after they haue bene offered to idols if they be sold in the market they may bee lawfully bought and eaten in priuat houses if it be done without offence of the weake as Paul teacheth at large 1. Cor. 10.25.29 But if these meats be considered as they are offered to idols and eaten in the idols temple in the honor of idols they be vnlawfull And yet the Nicolaitans held this to be lawfull II. Reason An idoll is nothing 1. Cor. 8.4 and therefore we sinne not in eating meates offered vnto them Ans. An idoll is nothing that is in nature subsisting nothing
that no man can haue fellowship with God but by Christ wee must not looke to haue immediate fellowship with God of our selues or by any other but by Christ God heares not God helpes not God saues not but by Christ nay God is no God vnto vs out of Christ. For first he is a God vnto Christ and then in him and by him vnto vs. Therefore if wee would call vpon God wee must call on him through Christ if wee would giue him thankes it must bee in and by Christ for in him onely are wee heard If we would know God it must bee by Christ for hee is the very engrauen Image of his Father in whom is manife●●ed the wisedome iustice and mercie of God in him dwelleth the fulnesse of the God-head and to conceiue of God out of Christ is to make God an idoll in the braine Lastly if we would receiue any temporall blessing from God it must bee in and by Christ as meate drinke and clothing For if wee receiue them from God out of Christ wee are but vsurpers of them and the vse thereof shall turne to our further condemnation Fourthly he saith I will write on him the name of the cittie of my God that is he shal haue the priuiledges of the kingdom of heauen We do all desire and looke for the inheritance of Gods kingdome after this life therefore heere wee must liue as citizens of Gods kingdome conforming our selues to Gods commandements abandoning all sin and so liuing in faith and a good conscience vnto the end that after this life we may assuredly perswade our selues we shall be made partakers of the priuiledges of this kingdō Fiftly it is said this Citie of God is the new Ierusalem which commeth downe out of heauen from God that is by the preaching of the Gospel Hereby we are taught more carefully to seeke to attaine to the kingdome of God for behold Gods endlesse mercie herein our sinnes shut heauen gates against vs but by the blood of Christ he hath opened them and by the Ministery of the Gospell hee makes heauen come downe vnto men God therefore would not see vs damned hee hath made open away euen a new and liuing way whereby wee may come to heauen and escape hell God hath brought downe heauen among men wee must therfore with the people in Iohn Baptists time violently enter into this kingdom and striue to take it by force Matt. 11.12 Lastly hee saith I will write my new name on him that is I wil make him pertaker of that glorie and digni●ie wherewith I my selfe am glorified since my death and resurrection Marke this all that after this life must haue Christs new name must in this life become new creatures So Paul saith If any man bee in Christ he is a new creature And againe Neither circumcision nor vncircumcision auayleth any thing but a new creation Would we then partake with Christ in his glorie we must heere bee partaker of his grace herein standeth true Religion to become new creatures and not in bare knowledge and profession We must therefore put of the old man which is corrupt with sinne and be renued in the spirit of our m●●ds putting on the new man which after God is created in righteousnesse and true holinesse But if we content our selues with the Image of the olde man wherein wee were borne wee shall neuer partake of Christs glorie for this new name must be giuen to the new creature the old man and it cannot agree together Vers. 13. Let him that hath an eare heare what the spirite sayth vnto the Churches This conclusion hath been handled in in the former Epistles Vers. 14. And vnto the Angell of the Church of the Laodiceans write These things saith Amen that fathfull and true witnesse that beginning of the creatures of God Heere followeth the seuenth and last Epistle to the Church of the Laodiceans whereto is prefixed a commaundement vnto Iohn whereby hee is authorised to pen the same in these words And vnto the Angell of the Church of the Laodiceans write which hath beene handled before The Epistle it selfe hath three parts A Preface the substance or matter of the Epistle and the conclusion The Preface is this 14. verse wherein is set downe in whose name this Epistle is written to wit Christs who is heere described by two arguments I. hee is called Amen which is that faithfull and true witnesse II. He is the begining of the creatures of God For the first Amen is an Hebrew Aduerbe of asseueration signifying as much as verily truely or certainely This title is giuen to Christ the reason thereof is expressed in the wordes following which are a full exposition of the same Amen is that faithfull and true witnesse So that Christ is called Amen to testifie that hee is a witnesse a faithfull witnesse and a true witnesse which title was giuen to Christ in the 5. verse of the first Chapter where it was expounded and reasons rendred why hee is so called Vnto which title is heere added that hee is a true witnesse because hee speakes the truth according as euerie thing is in it selfe without errour deceit or falshood for that which hee receiueth from his Father is the will of his Father which is the Rule of all truth That we may come to the right vse of this Argument we must first search out the ends for which Christ is here called Amen that a faithfull and true witnesse which by the contents of the Epistle we may easily gesse to be these First to set forth himselfe vnto the Angell of this Church an example and patern of fidelitie in his Ministrie in the duties wherof hee had been slacke and negligent Christ therefore by his owne example would teach him without respect of persons to instruct the Church of God truely and faithfully How this dutie is to bee performed hath beene shewed before Chap. 1.5 And not onely to the Angell of this Church of Laodicea but also to all the Church and to all them that professe themselues to be his members doth Christ propound himselfe an example of two most worthy vertues Faith and Truth For the first Faith is a vertue whereby a man makes good all his lawful words promises oths leagues compacts and bargaines whatsoeuer so as his word is as sure as an obligation as we vse to speake Truth is another vertue whereby a man without fraude lye or deceit speaketh the truth from his heart that is necessarie to be knowne for his owne good the glorie of God and the good of others Wee therefore must set before our eyes this president of our Sauiour Christ As he is a witnesse yea a faithfull and true witnesse without any faming or falshood so let vs labour to shew our selues faithfull in all lawfull promises and true in all our speeches that so by these vertues we may be knowne to be like vnto Christ through our whole liues and conuersations Secondly
counsell vnto his Church The principale counseller is Christ so he saith in the person of Wisedom Pro. 8.14 Counsell is mine And Isay saith To vs a Childe is borne and he shall call his name wonderfull COVNSELLER the mightie God the euerlasting Father the Prince of peace yea he is both King Counseller to his Church This office Christ challengeth to himselfe for these causes first because he aduiseth his Church touching the way whereby they must escape euerlasting death and come to eternall life Secondly because he teacheth them how they may practise euery busines so as it may please God Thirdly because hee teacheth them how they may in grieuous dangers and distresses find a good issue or else bee able with patience to beare them These things he worketh dayly in his Church not by extraordinary means but ordinarily by his word and spirit and therefore may iustly challenge this honour to bee called the Counseller of his Church From this office of Christ wee learne two things First to doe all the honour and reuerence we can vnto his Maiestie for he is our professed Counseller who imployes himselfe for the good of his Church Counsellers of the State and of the Law are highly honoured and respected of all sorts euen for their counsell in worldly matters though often it fayle how much more ought wee to honour Christ our heauenly Counseller whose counsell leadeth vnto glorie and is stable and sure for euer Looke how much his counsell excelleth theirs so much ought he to be honoured aboue them all Secondly in all distresses and grieuous temptations and dangers either of soule or body wee must take counsell and aduise from Christ Iesus for to this end doth hee reueale himselfe to bee a counseller that men in distresse comming to him by his aduise might bee comforted and eased When Moab Ammon and Mount Seir banded themselues against Iuda the people were in great distresse and danger but marke what good king Iehosophat did he betooke himselfe to the Lord his counseller saying Lord we know not what to doe but our eyes are towards thee 2. Chron. 20.12 that is direct thou vs in this danger for of our selues we know not how to escape This pratise ought to bee followed of all men especially in time of any danger such as these dayes are by reason of sinne The counsell of Wizards Sorcerers and Astrologians ought not to bee sought after but by prayer wee ought to humble our selues and call only and continually on this our onely true counseller II. Point The remedie it selfe which hath relation to the former Verse for there hee set downe the Miserie of this Church in three parts which were all great Miseries And heere hee so propoundeth his remedie that it is answerable to their Miserie in the seuerall parts thereof For first heere is gold to make them rich answerable to their pouertie Secondly raiment to hide their nakednesse Thirdly oyntment to take away their blindnesse For the first by gold according to the Analogie of the Scripture we are to vnderstand the graces of Gods spirit as true faith repentance the feare of God loue of God and the true loue of man 1. Pet. 1.7 Faith is compared to gold in the tryall thereof and so may all other gifts of the spirit be hereby vnderstood Secondly by gold wee are to vnderstand Christs merits yea Christ himselfe as the fountaine of all grace This gold is further said to be tryed by the fire that is most pure and precious gold purged from all drosse as fine as can be made by the art of man This is added to expresse the propertie of Gods graces and gifts namely that they are more precious vnto God then gold Yea than gold tryed by the fire as Peter saith By this euery person is taught how to beautifie themselues both in soule body It is the common blind opinion of the world that forraigne attyre and rich Iewels do adorne the body and indeede in some cases the body may bee adorned with pearles and Iewels but the right way to adorne any person indeed is to furnish the soule with these graces of the spirit which vnto God be more precious than fine gold Our bodyes and soules ought to be the dwelling places of the Holy Ghost therefore we must adorne them and make them fit for so worthy a Guest which must be done by the good graces of the spirit and not by strange and forraigne attyre which no good man could euer abide Secondly these graces haue a further effect than to beautifie and that is to make rich Heere then see the common folly yea the spirituall madnesse of men in the world who spend all their time wit and strength to furnish their houses with treasure to enrich their bodies and in the meane time leaue their soules vngarnished What a madnesse is this that men should neglect the true riches and follow after that which is nothing els but counterfeit copper Seeing therefore Gods graces bee the true treasure which fadeth not let vs seeke after them as Wisedome counselleth Pro. 8.10 11 receiue mine instruction and not siluer and knowledge rather than fine gold For wisedome is better then precious stones The second part of this remedie is a white garment that is Christ himselfe and his righteousnesse imputed So Paul saith All that are baptized into Christ haue put on Christ There Christ is made a garment whom euery one that beleeueth in him doth put on Againe the fruites of the spirit are a garment therefore we are commanded to put on tender mercie kindnesse humblenesse of minde meekenesse and long suffering Further Christ sheweth the end of this garment namely to couer the nakednesse of our soules lest the filthynesse thereof which we by our sins haue brought vpon vs doe appeare The third part of this remedie is anoynting with eye-salue where by eye-salue wee must vnderstand the spirit of Illumination and knowledge wrought in the mind by the Holy Ghost whereby men know themselues and their estate for as eye-salue sharpens the eyes and cleeres the sight where it was by some occasion dimned so doth Christ by the illumination of the spirit make a man know God in Christ and to discerne betweene good and euill and betweene things temporall and blessings eternall Thus wee haue the meaning of the words whereby wee may see that by all these three wee can vnderstand nothing else but Christ himselfe and his merits Now one and the same thing in Christ is signified by diuers tearmes to shew that there is in Christ the fulnesse of all grace and plentifull redemption yea store of supplyes for all our wants The Laodiceans were poore but Christ was their riches they were naked Christ was their garment and lastly they were blinde but Christ was their eye-salue So that what wants soeuer be in vs there is store of supply thereof in Christ. This must the more diligently be marked
is the cheapest and the chiefest marchandize that euer was sett to sale which we may buy without monie and yet it will make vs rich for euer Many labour in tafficke and take great paines and yet often loose thereby but make this bargaine once and then thou shalt neuer loose it nor any thing thereby but continue for euer rich in God Verse 19. As many as I loue I rebuke and chasten be zealous therefore and amend Because our Sauiour Christ had so sharply rebuked this Church they might thereby take occasion to distrust and despaire of his fauour and mercie heere therefore it pleaseth him to take away all occasion of doubting after this sort If I vse to rebuke chasten all those whom I loue then you are not to despaire of my mercie by reason of my sharpe reproofe whereby I haue threatned to spew you out of my mouth for your sinne of luke-warmnesse But thus I vse to deale with all those whom I loue and therefore in this regard you need not to doubt of my loue and fauour The meaning As many as I loue Christ loues the creatures two wayes as hee is Creator and as he is Redeemer As he is the Creator hee loueth all his creatures with a common generall loue whether they be liuing or dead reasonable or vnreasonable As he is Redeemer he loues his creatures with a speciall and a peculiar loue which is not common to all but proper to that part of man-kinde which is chosen to saluation before the world was And of this peculiar loue hee speaketh here I rebuke The word in the originall which is translated Rebuke is more significant than can fitly bee expressed in any one English worde thus much is meant thereby as if Christ had said First I will conuince them of their sins and after reprooue admonish and check them for the same And chasten This must bee vnderstood of a kinde of correction which a father vseth on his child called nurturing which is correction to breake the childe of his fault and bad manners and to teach him his dutie This then is the meaning All those whom I beare speciall fauour vnto doe I conuince of their particular faults and then checke and reprooue them and nurture them as a father doth his Child to make them leaue their particular vices and to walke in obediēce And to assure vs that this is the true meaning read Pro. 3.12 whence the words are taken Heb. 12.5 where they are more fully explained Heere then Christ sets downe his ordinary dealing with them whom he taketh and chooseth to bee his disciples and members namely hee conuinceth them of their faults he reproueth and chasteneth them for this very end to breake them of their sins and to bring them to reformation And this dealing of Christ belongeth to euery seruant and member of Christ without exception yea Christ layeth rebukes and chastisments on all his children that in diuers measure according to the nature of their sinnes and the disposition of the parties Such as are hardly broken of their sins hee layeth on them more heauie iudgementes and chastisments that they may bee brought 〈…〉 humiliation and so 〈◊〉 true 〈◊〉 And therefore euery one that would bee a Discipl● and member of Christ must looke to goe vnder his correction and his sharpe and seuere rebuke according as they are in heart disposed vnto sinnes either more or lesse Hee must passe vnder the rodde that would come into the bond of the Couenant Ezech. 20.37 The vse of this doctrine is two-fold set downe Prov. 3.12 The first thus My 〈◊〉 despise no● the correction of the Lord for the Lord correcteth whom hee loueth his chastycements are tokens of his loue That is whensoeuer the Lord either in the ministerie of his word reproueth thy sins or by any affliction chasteneth thee despise it not neither set light by it but make good vse thereof vnto thine owne soule The second vse is Faint not when thou art corrected that is let not the greatnesse of it daunt thee but arme thy selfe with patience because he vseth to correct all those whom hee loueth making his chastisments tokens of his loue Secondly Christ heere setteth before all gouernours an example to followe especially to fathers and masters his example is this On euery child that hee loueth hee layeth corrections for this ●nd to breake them of their sinnes 〈◊〉 answerably Gouernours must shew tokens of loue towards those that are vnder them by due reproofe and correction that ●o they may be broken of their misdemeanor and brought vnto obedience to God It were to bee wished that both Parents and Masters would followe Christ in this example and so seeke the reformation of those that are vnder them but more lamentable is the 〈◊〉 Parents and Masters doe thinke it sufficient for them if they prouide for their children and seruante● food and rayment and necessaries for the bodie and so altogether neglect the good of their soules which is the cause of many sinnes and so of many iudgements both which ought to mooue them to put in practise this dutie Thirdly the very order of Christs worde doth minister vnto vs a necessary instruction ●●●ching his manner of correcting his seruants For first hee propounds a direct end of all his corrections vpon them to wit their nurturing and reformation then that hee may attaine thereto hee proceedeth thus First hee doth conuince their conscience of their sinnes then by reproofes he rebukes and checks them and lastly correcteth them by laying chastisments on them A most excellent and blessed order in vsing correction for the good of the partie chastised which ought to bee followed of all Gouernours parents and masters especially First they must propound a good end of their correction euen the amendement and saluation of the partie and that they may then proceed 〈◊〉 they must first conuince their conscience of the 〈◊〉 then reprooue checke and admonish them and if that take not place they must proceed vnto meete and conuenient bodily correction all which must bee done not for reuenge but to bring thē to amendement and to make them obedient to the will of God Whereby wee see how farre many Parents and Gouernours ouer shoote themselues when as they make their corrections matters of reuenge and choller wherein they s●eldome intend the reformation of the offender which is a fault flat against the word of God and therefore to be considered of euery good christian Be zealous therefore and repent In the former Verse hee propounded a remedie against their Spirituall pride In 〈◊〉 wordes hee doth directly propound a remedie against their Luke-warmnesse But first obserue the coherence of these words with the former Christ hath said Whom I loue I rebuke and correct according as their fault is therefore sayth hee to this Church because I haue rebuked and corrected thee by seuere threatnings for thy Luke-warmnesse therefore now become zealous and amend
their sinnes till hee carry their soules to hell A good meaning will not serue the turne God requires true zeale in well-doing Vers. 20. Behold I stand at the doore and knocke If any man heare my voyce and open the doore I will come in vnto him and will suppe with him and hee with me Heere Christ to keepe his Church from despaire ministers vnto them the signes and tokens of his loue and fauour and before the same sets downe this note of attention Beholde hereby intending to make them more attentiuely to marke the tokens of his loue that plainly seeing the same they might not doubt thereof Heereby in generall wee are taught that if wee would arme our selues against desperation and distrust in any distresse wee must both often and seriously consider and marke the tokens of Gods loue vnto vs and that will fortifie our faith Read Psal. 23 In euery Verse saue the last hee sets downe tokens of Gods loue and fauour towards him and then in the last concludeth thus Without doubt kindesse mercie shall follow mee all the dayes of my life and I shall remaine a long season in the house of the Lord. Our hearts are naturally filled with doubting which will bewray it selfe in any distresse But to preuent and cut off all hurt that may come therby let vs marke the good dealing of our God towards vs and obserue the tokens of his loue and mercie in his ordinarie prouidence and these will notably strengthen vs against distrust And surely no person is so full of despaire but if hee could looke backe into the mercies of God from the beginning of his dayes and lay them to his heart they would minister comfort vnto him in regard of his loue and fauour at that instant More particularly Christ ministring comfort vnto this Church doth expresse his meaning by a borrowed speach comparing euery man vnto an house his heart vnto a doore whereby entrance is made and himselfe vnto a guest or stranger desiring to come and enter in not so much to find courtesie as to shew fauour and kindnesse In the words of this verse there bee two signes of his loue set downe First a heartie desire of their conuersion which hee earnestly seeketh Secondly a promise of mutuall fellowship after their conuersion The first in these wordes Behold I stand at the doore and knock In this desire Christ expresseth two things First that this Church if wee regard the greatest part thereof had no true fellowship with Christ nor Christ with them for hee stands at the doore of their hearts which were closed vp against him This may seeme strange but the case is euident for though they had in them many good things as knowledge of Gods will and did professe the Gospel and were partakers of the signes and seales of the Couenant of grace yet they were tainted with this notorious sinne of Luke-warmnesse which closed vp the doore of their heart against Christ and barred him out Here then we are carefully to obserue that a man may haue in him many good things and yet by liuing in one sin we be quite cut off from all true fellowship with Christ. Iudas had many excellent gifts he forsooke all and folowed Christ he preached the Gospel and administred the Sacraments and yet by couetousnes the doore of his heart was quite barred against Christ. So Herode reuerenced Iohn and heard him gladly and did many things at his instruction Mark 6.20 yet by the sinne of Incest his heart was so closed that he had no fellowship with Christ. And so it is with vs It is good that wee know the will of God and approue the same and professe the Gospel and also receiue the Seales of the Couenant But yet for all these our case may be such as wee shall haue no true fellowshippe with Christ. For if wee nourish though but one sinne and liue therein that will make a separation betweene Christ and vs bee the sinne what it will as couetousnesse adulterie prophanenesse or such like Heereby then all that desire to haue true fellowshippe with Christ are to be warned to purge their liues from all sinne so as their hearts bee not taynted with nourishing any one sinne for euen one sinne w●●●●soeuer it bee is a strong barre 〈◊〉 will keepe Christ from comming into vs. Secondly whereas hee saith I haue stood at the doore for so the wordes are Heere hee speaketh to this Church as hee vsed to speake by his old Prophets As by Ieremie I haue sent vnto you all my Prophets rysing early euery day and sending them And by Esay I haue spread out my handes all the day vnto a rebellious people which walked in a way that was not good euen after their owne imaginations So heere I haue stood at the doore That is long euen till night as the word supping importeth Hereby Christ would signifie his great pacience in waiting for the conuersion of this people of Loadicea In iustice hee might long agone haue cast them to the pit of destruction for their sinnes and yet in mercie he waiteth for their conuersion and complaines that he hath waited long Here then we haue iust occasion to take a view of Gods patience in wayting for the conuersion of a sinner And that which hee saith to this Church hee may as iustly say vnto vs for hee hath stood very long at our doores euen 36. yeares and vpward and yet still continueth knocking so as he may iustly complaine of his long waiting Let vs then here learne to know the day of our visitation which is then to any people when Christ stands at their doores and knockes and vnto vs this day is present Wee haue the ministerie of the Gospell and therefore we must be perswaded that this is the time of our visitation and hereupon learne the dutie which Christ teacheth the Iewes namely Acknowledg the day of our visitation which if we doe not wee must looke for like vengeance which fell vpon the Iewes because they regarded not when God sent his owne Sonne from his bosome to knocke at the dore of their hearts And knocke Heere is a further signification of his desire of their conuersion Wherein we may behold his great vnspeakable mercie towards this Church and in them towards all other his Children This Church had bard out Christ by their sinnes and yet he pursues them he knockes hee vseth meanes to enter for 〈◊〉 good and vouchsafes them mercy 〈◊〉 then when they refuse it Thus when Adam had sinned and fled and hid himselfe did the Lord seek him in the garden make with him the couenant of grace And therefore it is truely sayd in Isay The Lord is found of them that neuer sought him Luk. 15.4.5 Christ fetcheth the lost sheepe that was gone astray All which shew and set out vnto vs the vnspeakable greatnesse of Gods mercie in Christ vnto miserable man who then shewes mercie vnto him when he
neuer seeketh it This his mercie is verified in all Churches and vnto vs VVhich must be an occasion to enlarge and stirre vp our hearts to blesse the name of Christ for this vnspeakable mercie in vouchsafing vs fauor when we neuer sought it but refused it Quest. How doth Christ knocke Answ. The words going before wherto these haue reference giue light vnto this Question Before Christ had threatned this Church euen to spew her out of his mouth for her luke-warmenesse and after hee counsels her to buy of him gold and other remedies Now vpon this greeuous threatnings the Church might despaire of his mercie But Christ to comfort her tels her here that these reproofes and rebukes were but knocking 's at the dores of their hearts to make them open For then Christ knocketh at the hearts of any people when he vouchsafed them means to see their sinnes and threatens them for the same and withall giues them coun wherby they may escape the fearefull punishments thereby deserued Here then note the state of any people that haue the ministrie of the Gospell vouchsafed vnto them they haue Christ among them standing at the dore of their harts and knocking to come in by exhortations admonitions threatnings and by promises which is a great and endlesse mercie First seeing wee haue Christ knocking at our dores there ought not to bee in vs such dulnesse and deadnesse of heart in hearing him knocke If a man of any account come and knocke at the dore of our house oh what a stirre will we make to let him in quickely VVhat a shame then is it that we should be dead-harted when Christ Iesus the King of Heauen knockes at the dore of our hearts Secondly this must admonish vs with all speed to turne vnto God by true repentance for wee knowe not how long hee will continue knocking and if wee doe not heare and turne before he withdraw himselfe from vs wee perish eternally For if we refuse when he knocketh at the dore of our harts he will refuse when we knocke at the dore of his mercie Prou. 1. 25.26 Mat. 25.11.12 Note further this knocking is not ordinarie but it is ioyned with crying For he saith If he heare my voice so that hee both knocks cries It is then the knocking of one that would enter we therfore ought answerably with serious regard to receiue the threatnings of the law and the promises of grace and so bee as earnest in receiuing and embracing him as hee is in knocking to come into vs. The second token of Christs loue is a gracious promise of fellowship with them in these words If any man heare my voice and open the dore I will come in vnto him and will suppe with him and hee with mee These wordes haue beene much abused and therefore I will stand to set downe the true vse and meaning of the same Marke the forme of speech is such as giues vnto a mans will soule an action in his conuersion whereby hee comes to Christ and receiues Christ. This may seeme strange but it is for iust cause vsed by the holy Ghost for in the conuersion of a sinner there be three workers the holy Ghost the word and mans will The holy Ghost is the principall Agent inlightning the minde with true knowledge softning the heart and changing the will from euill to good The worde is the instrument of the holy Ghost for now he worketh not by reuelation or speciall instinct but ordinarily in and by the word when a man is reading hearing or meditating either publickely or priuately for the word preached is the power of God to mans saluation from faith to faith Thirdly mans will though by nature it be euill and dead vnto grace yet being renewed by the holy Ghost in the first act of conuersion moueth and striueth to bee turned It is not like a peece of waxe onely passiue which without any action receiueth impression But as fire so soone as it fire doth borne and so soone as it burneth it is fire so the will though by nature it mooue not yet being renewed by grace it mooueth and so some as it mooueth it is renewed And hereupon it is that the holy Ghost ascribeth action vnto a sinner that is to bee conuerted which argueth not that by themselues men can haue a will to bee conuerted but that being renewed they may will their conuersion And for this cause is the Gospell preached in these tearmes Repent and beleeue not to shew that man by nature can repent or beleue but that God in mans conuersion doth giue him grace to will and desire the same Hence then it followes thar this text hath been diuers waies abused First by the Papists who hence would gather Free will of conuersion in a sinner by nature True it is a man hath free will in his conuersion yet not by nature but by grace neither can any more be gathered hence for here it is onely said If any man heare and open when I knocke Nay hence wee may rather gather that a man by nature cannot heare nor open because the counsell is giuen to such as are poore and blinde and naked by nature Secondly they also abuse this text that hereby would prooue a flexible free will by grace to be in man which is this Sundry men thinke that after the fall of Adam all being wrapt vp in sinne God gaue a generall grace whereby any man might will and receiue that which is good and this grace though it dispose the will in some part to that which is good yet it takes not the corruption away but that remaines still whereupon if hee will he may receiue Christ by that general grace or if hee will not hee may refuse Christ by his naturall corruption which yet remaineth in him It is saide this may bee gathered from this text But the truth is here is no foundation for flexible free-will all that can here be gathered is that man hath free-will in his conuersion yet not by a generall but by Gods speciall grace Nay Christs ministry serue● for this end that those which before could not turne of themselues might by grace be conuerted This flexible grace is against Gods word Christ sayth Euery one that hath heard and hath learned of the Father commeth vnto me He saith not may come if hee will but peremptorily commeth For mans will cannot dispose and ouer 〈◊〉 the worke of God but the worke 〈◊〉 God ouer-rules the will of man though man be vnwilling yet when God calleth effectually hee cannot but come For the creature cannot reiect or resist the will and calling of his creator If any man open vnto me I will come c. The proper intent of Christ in this conditional promise is to prouoke them that be dull and heauy to listen diligently to Christ words and to receiue the doctrine of saluation from him gladly In the example of this Church we are taught our dutie Seeing
and some reformed actions Hereby appeareth that their description of repentance is not so fit proper which say it standeth in these three contrition faith and new obedience For contrition is not a part of repentance but a cause thereof and so is faith as Christ teacheth in his well-knowne Sermon Repent and beleeue the Gospel where they are plainly distinct And indeed a man must first beleeue in Christ and then followeth repentance and for new obedience it is not a part of repentance but a fruit thereof Others make regeneration and repentance all one but that cannot so well stand for regeneration goeth before and repentance followeth after as a fruit thereof for godly sorrow which is a part of regeneration causeth repentance The minde therefore must first be renewed then it turneth it selfe vnto God and withall turneth the whole man And thus wee see what true repentance is II. Point How must repentance be practised The practise of it standeth in two things in true humiliation and true reformation In humiliation a man humbleth himselfe vnder the hand of God making true confession of al his sinnes from a sorrowfull heart condemning himselfe for the same and earnestly crauing pardon for them at the hands of God in Christ. Reformation is a change of all bad actions into good and if case require a making of satisfaction vnto others for iniuries done vnto them example hereof wee haue in Dauid who hauing committed those two great sinnes of whoredome and murder when he was reproued by Nathan repented confessing his sins and made the one and fiftie Psalme and as it is thought the 32 Psalme therein notably shewing both his humiliation in heart and reformation of life So Manasses when he was conuerted he repented humbling himselfe before God and praying for the pardon of his sinnes God heard him And thus came the prodigall child vnto his father saying Father I haue sinned against heauen and before thee I am not worthie to be called thy sonne make me one of thine hired seruants And so in all the Psalmes of repentance wee shall see these duties of humiliation and reformation ioyntlie practised as Psal. 6. and 38. and 77. and 130.143 Here then consider the fearefull practise of the church of Rome in their doctrine of repentance receiued generally for many hundred yeares Repentance with them standeth in three things In contrition in confession of all his sinnes to the Priests and in satisfaction to God by good works But all these things may a wicked man doe For Iudas was greeued for betraying his maister he confessed his sinnes and also gaue againe the money wherwith he was hired A second abuse is that they make contrition a part of the practise of repentance by contrition we must vnderstand remorse of conscience for sinne which is no grace of it selfe though it may bee an occasion thereto in Gods elect A third abuse is that they prescribe a confession of all a mans sinnes vnto men which i● a gibbet for any mans conscience wherein they require more than God doth A fourth abuse is that they require satisfaction to Gods iustice by mans good workes whereby they ouerthrow satisfaction by Christ and exact that of men which none is able to performe We therefore must reiect their wicked doctrine brought by the diuell into Gods church and embrace that sauing repentance which standeth in true humiliation and reformation III. point Who is it that commandeth repentance vnto this church namely Iesus Christ. Many not onely Papists but Protestants gather vpon this such like commandements That God giueth to euerie man sufficient grace to repent if he will For else say they hee should but mocke them in bidding them repent considering that without his grace it is as impossible for any man to repent as for a man to rise and walke that is fast bound hand and foote Ans. This collection is vnsound For the manifestation whereof I wil first lay down the grounds of the true answere and then apply the same First this commaundement to Repent is not giuen to euerie man but only to the church of God or to that people which is to be a church and God giueth it to them for this end that hee may gather among them his elect In Gods church there be two sorts of men Elect and Reprobat both which are mingled in this life Now when the commaundement to beleeue and repent is giuen out in Gods church it is directed properly to the elect and to the other whom God hath refused only by consequent because they are mingled with the elect Againe these commandements bee giuen to the elect for two causes I. To teach them not what they are able to doe of themselues but what they ought to doe II. To ●e an outward meanes to bring them to repent and beleeue For with the commandement Christ is present by his spirit to worke in the elect grace to repent and beleeue Phil. 2.12 Worke out your saluation in feare and trembling rendring this reason in the next words For God worketh in you both the wil and the deed In the church there be some reprobates who haue the same commandement giuen vnto them but for other vses as I. to keepe them in outward order II. to teach them their owne impotencie III. and principally that God in his iustice may make them void of all excuse at the last day From hence I answer thus This proposition is not true to wit If God command men to repent then he giueth them grace to repent vnlesse it be thus qualified That God command them to repent for this end that they may practise repentance For God giueth out his commandements for diuerse ends Some that they may be practised others to take from men al excuse in their disobediēce Thus he commaunded Pharaoh to let the people go that by his disobedience his heart might be more hardned and God more iustly manifest his glorie in his destruction So hee commaunded Isay to go preach vnto the people not for their conuersion but to blind their eyes and to harden their harts And so he commands the reprobate to repent but neither directly as hee doth his children in whom he intends the practise of repentance but by consequent because they liue among his children nor yet with intent they should obey but rather to harden them and to make them inexcusable because of their sinnes And therefore in them his commandement cannot import anie abilitie to obey IV. point Who bee commanded to repent namely The Church of Ephesus that is the minister with the whole body of the church This may seeme strange that he should command them to repent seeing they had alreadie repented at their conuersion Here therefore wee must learne that there bee two degree● in the practise of repentance First the beginning of repentance Secondly the renewing of the same And in those two consisteth the whole state of a christian mans life