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A09063 A Christian directorie guiding men to their saluation. Deuided into three bookes. The first vvherof apperteining to resolution, is only conteined in this volume, deuided into tvvo partes, and set forth novv againe vvith many corrections, and additions by th'authour him self, vvith reprofe of the corrupt and falsified edition of the same booke lately published by M. Edm. Buny. Ther is added also a methode for the vse of al; with two tables, and a preface to the reader, which is necessarie to be reade.; First booke of the Christian exercise. Parsons, Robert, 1546-1610. 1585 (1585) STC 19354.1; ESTC S114169 529,786 953

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of other affaires Thes are the wordes of the Deuil louing brother Thes are the counsailes persuasions of our enemie But mine are contrarie If thou haue fallen thou maiest rise againe If thou haue bene a lost companion yet thou maiest be saued If thou haue committed fornication and adulterie in time past thou maiest be continent for the time to come If thou haue hanted playes games thou maiest drawe backe thy foot from hence forth If thou haue delighted in leud and euil companie thou maiest herafter acquaint thy self with good Thou hast free wil to chuse ether part This only is necessarie that thou beginne thy conuersion out of hand that thou repent and take in hand to reforme thy self though it be at the first but a litle Let thine eies beginne but to shed forth one teare enter into thy conscience consider thy self but indifferently examine thine actions and what they deserue lay before thy face the daie of Iudgment with the torments of hel on the one side and the ioyes of heauen on the other Repēt confesse amend thy life seeke a medicine for thy wound out of hand while thou art in this life in what state or condition soeuer thou be Yea if thou be vpon thy death-bed ready to breath out thy soule and spirit feare not to repent for that Gods mercie is not restrayned by the shortnes of time Which I speake vnto you my deare brethren not to make you hereby the more negligent but only to stirre you vp to the confidence of Gods mercie and thereby to auoyde the most dangerous gulfe of desperation Hitherto are the wordes of this holie and learned Father In which long and large discourse of his we are to note that together with most excellent encoragement which he geueth to al sinners of what state and cōdition soeuer they be in al times and seasons to confide in Gods mercie and neuer to despaire he geueth also an holsome admonishment that we should not by this confidence become more necligent in reforming our liues but rather do it out of hand without al delay or procrastinatiō Whereunto in like maner the holy father S. Augustine in a like exhortation against despaire doth endeuour most vehemently to stirre vs vp in these wordes Let no man after a hundred sinnes nor after a thousand despaire of Gods mercie but yet so let him not despaire as he seeke presently without al stay to recōcile him self to God by amendment of life least perhaps after that by custome he hath gotten a habit of sinne he be not able to deliuer him self from the snares of the Diuel albeit he would And in the very same sermon he discourseth yet further of the same matter in manner folowing Not euery man that hath sinned but he that perseuereth in sinne is hateful and abominable in the sight of God For that no man must distrust of Gods mercie towards him that wil amend and leaue his sinnes For that God him self as a most sweete comforter hath said by his Prophet that the impietie of a vvicked man shal not hurt him at vvhat day soeuer he shal turne from the same But yet this great mercie of our Lord is thē only profitable vnto vs if we delay not our conuersion nor doe multiplie sinnes vpon sinnes Which I wil declare vnto you by th' example of woundes and ruptures of our bodie by which th' infirmities also of our mind and soule may be conceaued Thus then we see if a mās foote leg or arme be broken with how great paine the same is restored to his accustomed strength But if any member of our body should be broken twise or three times or more often in one and the self same place your charitie cā imagin how hard a thing it were for that part to recouer her perfit health againe So fareth it deare brethrē in the woundes and ruptures of our soule If a man doe commit sinne once or twise and doe vnsainedly without dissimulatiō make his refuge to the medicine of perāce he doth out of hand obtaine health againe and that sometimes without any skar or blemish of the disease past But if he begin to adde sinnes vpō sinnes in such sort that the woundes of his soule doe rather putrifie within him by couering and defending them then heale by repentance and confession it is to be feared least that heauy speach of th' Apostle be fulfilled in him to whom he saith dost thou not knovv that the benignitie of God is vsed to bring thee to repentance but thou by the obdurate and irrepētant hart dost heape to thy self vvrath in the day of vengeance and of the reuelation of Gods iust iudgement Thus far S. Augustine But now deare Christian brother what can be spoken more effectually either to 〈◊〉 vs to hope and confidence in Gods mercie 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 presumption in delaying our amendment thē here hath bene vttered by these noble pillars and fathers of Christes Church and most excellent instrumentes and temples of his holie Spirit The diuine wisdome of almightie God i a certaine place saith that the wordes of wise men ought to be spurres vnto vs and as it were nailes driuen into the depth of our hartes meaning thereby that we should be stirred vp and most vehemently moued when we heare such wise men as the holie Ghost there meaneth which in deede are only they that haue the knowledge and true feare of God make such exhortations vnto vs and ue vs such holsom admonishmentes as thes godlie fathers in this great affaire haue donne And how is it then deare brother that we are nothing stirred vp thereby nothing quickned nothing awaked Wel I wil conclude this whole chapter and treatise with an other exhortation and admonition of S. Augustine for that besides the graue authoritie of the mā which ought to moue vs much I thinke nothing can be spoken more excellently or more agreeing to our peculiar purpose Thus then he saith Almightie God doth neuer despise the repentance of any mā if it be offered vnto him sincerely simply nay he accepteth the same most willingly embraceth the penitent and endeuoreth to reduce him to his former state wherein he was before he fel. And that which is yet more if a man be not able to fulfil the whole order of his satisfaction yet doth not God refuse the least penance that is though it be dōne in neuer so short a space Neither doth he suffer the reward to perish of any litle conuersion And this doth the prophet Esaie seeme to me to signifie when he faith in Gods person to the people of Israel I haue contristed thee a litle for thy sinne I haue striken thee and haue turned my face from thee thou hast bene sad and hast walked in sorow and I haue cōforted thee againe These examples then of penance deare brethren we hauing before our eyes let vs not perseuer in our wickednes nor despaire
of Iewes whom we see dispersed ouer al the world at this daie in bondage both of bodie soule Which worke of Gods Iustice though it be most terrible yet was his mercie greater to thē as appeareth by Christs wordes if they had not reiected the same Thirdlie his mercie exceedeth his iustice euen towardes the damned them selues in that he vsed many meanes to saue them in this life by geuing them freewil and assisting the same with his grace to doe good by mouing thē inwardlie with infinite good inspirations by alluring thē outwardlie with exhortatiōs promisses examples of others as also by sicknes aduersities and other gentle corrections By geuing them space to repent with occasions opportunities and excitations vnto the same By threatning thē eternal death if they repented not Al which thinges being effectes of mercie and goodnes towardes them they must needes confesse amiddest their greatest furie and tormentes that his iudgementes are true iustified in them selues and no waies to be cōpared with the greatnes of his mercies By this then we see that to be true which the prophet saieth Misericordiam veritatem diligit dominus God loueth mercie and trueth And againe Mercie and trueth haue met together Iustice and peace haue kissed on an other We see the reason why the same prophet protesteth of him self I vvil sing vnto thee mercie and iudgement ô Lord not mercie alone nor iudgement alone but mercie and iudgement together that is I wil not so presume of thy mercie as I wil not feare thy iudgement nor yet wil I so feare thy iudgement as I wil euer despaire of thy mercie The feare of Gods iudgement is alwaies to be ioined with our confidence in Gods mercie yea in verie Saintes them selues as Dauid saith But what feare that feare trulie which the scripture describeth whē it saith the feare of our Lord expelleth sinne the feare of God hateth al euil He that feareth God neglecteth nothing he that feareth God wil turne and looke into his owne hart he that feareth God wil doe good woorkes They which feare God wil not be incredulous to that which he saith but wil keepe his waies and seeke out the things that are pleasant vnto him They wil prepare their hartes sanctifie their soules in his sight This is the description of the true feare of God set downe by holie scripture This is the description of that feare which is so much commended and commanded in euerie part and parcel of Gods worde Of that feare I saie which is called Fons vitae radix prudentiae corona plenitudo sapientiae gloria gloriatio beatum donum That is the fountaine of life the roote of prudence the crowne and fulnes of wisdome the glorie and gloriation of a Christian man a happie gift Of him that hath this feare the scripture saith happie is the man vvhich feareth our Lord for he vvil place his minde vpon his comman lementes And againe the man that feareth God shal be happie at the last end and shal be blessed at the day of his death Finally of such as haue this feare the scripture saith that God is their foundation God hath prepared great multitude of sweetnes for them God hath purchased them an inheritance God is as merciful to them as the father is merciful vnto his children And to conclude Voluntatem timentium se faciet God wil doe the wil of those that feare him with this feare This holie feare had good Iob when he said to God I feared al my vvorkes And he yealdeth the reason therof For that I knevve that tbovv sparest not him that offendeth thee This feare lacked the other of whō the prophet saieth The sinner hath exasperated God by saying that God wil not take accompt of his doings in the multitude of wrath Thy iudgementes ò Lord are remoued from his sight And againe vvherfore hath the vvicked man stirred vp God against him self by saying God vvil not take account of my doings It is a great exasperation of God against vs to take the one halfe of Gods nature from him which is so make him merciful without iustice and to liue so as though God wold take no account of our life wheras he hath protested most earnestlie the contrarie saying that he is like a hard and couetous man which wil not be contēt to receiue his owne againe but also wil haue vsurie for the lone that he wil haue a straite reckoning of al his goodes lent vs that he wil haue fruite for al his labours bestowed vpon vs finallie that he wil haue account for euery word that we haue spoken Our Sauiour Christ in the three score and eight psalme which in sundrie places of the gospel he interpreteth to be writen of himself among other dreadful curses which he setteth down against the reprobate he hath these let their eyes be daseled in such sorte as they may not see povvre out thy vvrath my Father vpō thē let the furie of thy vengeance take hād fast on thē Adde iniquity vpō their miquitie let him not enter into thy iustice Let them be blotted out of the booke of life let them not be enrolled together vvith the iust Here loe we see that the greatest curse which God can laye vpon vs next before our blotting out of the booke of life is to suffer vs to be so blinded as to adde iniquitie vpon iniquitie and not to enter into cōsideration of his iustice For which cause also this confident kinde of sinning vpon hope of Gods mercie is accounted by diuines for the first of the six greuous sinnes against the holie Ghost which our Sauiour in the gospel signifieth to be so hardlie pardoned vnto men by his Father And the reason why they cal this a sinne against the holie Ghost is for that it reiecteth wilfullie one of the principal meanes left by the holie Ghost to retire vs from sinne which is the feare and respect of Gods iustice vpon sinners Wherfore to conclude this matter of presumption me thinkes we may vse the same kinde of argumēt touching the feare of Gods iustice as S. Paul vseth to the Romanes of the feare of Gods ministers which are temporal princes Wouldest thou not feare the power of a temporal prince saith he doe wel then and thou shalt not onelie not feare but also receiue laude and praise therfore But if thou doe euil then feare for he beareth not the sword without a cause In like sort may we saye to those good felowes which make God so merciful as no man ought to feare his iustice Would ye not feare my brethrē the iustice of God in punishmēt liue vertuouslie then and you shal be as voide of feare as lions are saieth the wiseman For that perfect charitie expelleth feare But if you liue wickedlie then haue you cause to feare
the matter and thinke of it herafter I haue tolde thee my opinion hereof before Thou shalt neuer haue more abilitie to doe it then now and perhappes neuer halfe so much If thou refuse it now I may greatlie feare that thou wilt be refused hereafter thy self There is no waic then so good deare brother as to doe it presentlie whiles it is offered Breake from that tyrant which detaineth thee in seruitude shake of his chaines cut in sunder his bandes runne violentlie to Christ which standeth redie to embrace thee with his armes open on the Crosse. Make ioyful al the Angels and court of heauen with thy conucrsion strike once the stroke with God againe make a manlie resolution saie with that old couragious souldier of IESVS Christ Sainct Ierome If my father stoode vveeping on his knees before me and my mother hanging on my necke behinde me and al my brethren sisters cvilaren and kinssolkes hovviing on euery syde to retaine me in sinful life vvith them I vvould sting of my mother to the ground dispise al my kinred runne ouer my father and tread him vndermy seete therby tarunne to Christ vvhen he calleth me Oh that we had such hartes dcare Christian brother as this seruāt of God had such courage such manhood such seruent loue to our Maister Who would lie one daie drowned in sinne who would liue one daie in such slauerie as we doe who would eate swaddes with the prodigal sonne among swine seing he may returne home and be so honorablie receiued and entertained by his owne father haue so good cheere and banqueting and heare so great melodie ioye and triumphe for his returne I saye no more herein deare brother then thou art assured of by the word and promise of Godes owne mouth from which can proceede nether falshood nor deceit Returne then I beseeche thee laie handfast on his promise who wil not faile thee runne to him now he calleth whiles thou hast time and esteeme not al this world worth a strawe in respect of this one acte For so shalt thou be a most happie and thrise happie man and shalt blesse hereafter the houre and moment that cuer thou madest this fortunate resolution And I for my part I trust shal not be voide of some portion of thy good happe and felicitie At least wise I doubt not but thy holie conuersion shal treat for me with our common father who is the God of mercies for remission of my manifolde sinnes and that I may serue and honour him together with thee al the daies of my life which ought to be both our petitions and therfore in both our names I beseeche his diuine Maiestie to graunt it vnto vs for his deare sonne our Lordes sake IESVS Christ. Amen The end of this first booke treating of resolution A BREEFE METHODE HOVV TO VSE THE FORMER treatises chapters and considerations to diuers purposes according to the diuers qualitie of the person time state place or neede vvhen they are to be vsed An Annotation IT is to be remembred that al thes pointes and parcels of the booke which are here assigned for euery one to-applie to him self the same may be accommodated and practised by ech man towardes his frind or by the parēt towardes his child or by the master towardes his seruant or scholer and especially by the Confessour towardes his penitent persuading assigning or commanding him to reade such parcels of this booke as he thinketh may doe him most profite for his soule in the state wherin he standeth Of diuers states conditions and qualities of men IF a man either in him self or others doe feele his soule lumpish and heauie and vnwilling to heare or thinke of spiritual affaires let him reade the first chapt part 1. of inconsideration As also the last of al the booke touching Slouth and Negligence page 852. Let him examine also the cause of this vnwillingnes in him self according to the three causes ther set downe page 9. c. especially if he find in him self any horrour against reading of spiritual bookes as many doe He that should any way be tempted in faith hath many things in this booke for his confirmation and first if he be troubled with plaine Atheisme doe doubt whether ther be a God or no let him reade the whole 2. chapter page 25. If he confesse God but yet doe doubt of Gods particuler and infallible prouidence in desposing al matters of this world let him reade the fowerth argument of the Metaphisique page 44. If he doubt about the immortalitie of the soule let him consider the fift argument of the Metaphisique page 46. He that hath any suggestion against the infallible truth of the holy scriptures or any part therof let him reade the whole third section of the 2. chapter page 61. He that should haue any doubt or scruple about any thing in Christian religion let him reade the whole 4. chapter page 132. As for exāple if he should doubt whether Christ were fore promissed to be God man wherof page 132. or whether he should haue authoritie to change Moyses law wherof page 162. or the like He that should be resolued of the truth of Christian religion in general but yet among so many sectes and diuers opiniōs which are holden therin should doubt which to take or how to iudge of the certaintie therof let him read the first part of the 5. chapter treating of right faith page 298. also the whole fift chapter part 2. of the examples of true resolution page 747. If a man find him self or other careles confident nothing fearing the seueritie of Gods iustice let him read the 7. chapter page 349. of the accompting day Also the 11. chapter page 444. of punishmentes prepared after death Also the 6. chapter page 793. of presumption He that feeleth him self inclined to follow worldly designes and courses of ambition and thinketh that he may so doe yet come to heauen also let him reade the 3. chapter page 110. of mās final ende Also the third fourth fifth pointes of the 4. chapter concerning the world page 683. If a man feele him self desirous of the pleasures prefermentes and commodities of this world or els afflicted for that he hath them not let him reade the whole fourth chapt page 683. of the vvorld And in particuler if he loue honour see 700. If estimation of wisdome see 703. if beautie see 706. if braue apparel see 708. if riches see 711. c. He that findeth him self or others easy to fal into sinne and not greatly abhorring or fearful therof let him reade the 8. ch par 1. pag 378. of the nature of sinne sinners Also the first part of the 6. chapter page 326. of resisting sinne Also the 9. chapter page 400. of Gods Maiestie and benefites When a mar should feele him self to make smal accompt of the ioyes of
I may consider and feele the true knowledge hereof for many men doe knowe but with lytle commoditie We know and beleeue in grosse the mysteries of our faith that there is a god who rewardeth good andeuel that he is terrible in his councels vpon the sonnes of men that there is a hell for synners a heaué for good lyuers a most dreadful day of iudgement to come a straite accompt to be demanded and the lyke All this we know and belieue in general as marchandise wrapped vp together in a bundle But for that we vnfolde not thes thinges nor rest vpon them in particuler for that we lett them not downe into our hartes nor do ruminate on them with leasure and attention for that we chue them not well in mynde by deepe consideration nor doe disgest them in hart by the heat of meditation they remaine with vs as a sworde in his scaberde and do helpe vs as lytle vnto good lyfe for which they were reueiled as a preseruatiue in our pocket neuer applyed can helpe our health We beare the general knowledge of thes mysteries locked vp in our breastes as sealed bagges of treasure that we neuer told nor opened and consequentelie we haue nether feeling sense or motion therby euen as a man may carye fyar about hym in a flynt stone without heate and perfumes in a pommander without smell except th' one be beaten aud th' other chafed All standeth then good reader in this one poinct for direction of our selues in this lyfe and for reaping benefit by the mysteries of our faithe and religion that we allot our selues tyme to meditate ponder and consider what thes thinges doe teache vs. For as the sycke man that had most excellent remedies and precious potions set before hym could expect no profit or ease therby if he onlie dyd looke vpon them or smeld them or toke them into his mouthe alone or should cast them foorthe of his stomache agayne before they were setled or had tyme to worke there operatiō euen so is it in this case of ours And therfore with greate reason said S. Paul to Timothie after he had taught hym a lōge lesson Haec meditare Meditate consider and ponder vpon thes thinges which I haue shewed you as if in other wordes he had said all that hytherto I haue told you or written for your instruction and all that euer you haue heard or learned besydes will auayle you nothing for your saluation except you meditate and ponder vpon the same and do sucke out the iuyse therof by often consideration Wherfore to conclude this chapter my deare and wel beloued brother for that consideration is so precious and profitable so needful and necessarie a thinge as hathe bene declared I thought it cōueniēt in this first fronte and entrance of my booke to place the mention and diligent recommendation therof as of a thinge most requisite for all that insueth For without consideration nether this that I haue saide alredy nor any thing els that shall or may be said hereafter cā yeld thee profit as by most lamentable experience we see daylie in the world wher manie millions of men passe ouer their whole age without takinge profit of so manie good bookes so manie preachinges so manie vertuous examples so many terrible chastismentes of God vpon synners which euerie wher they see before their face But yet for that they will not or haue not leasure or dare not or haue no grace to enter into consideration therof they passe ouer all as sickmen doe pills diuertinge as much as they may both their eyes and cogitations from all suche matters as are vngrateful vnto them But as good Ieremie sayth the tyme will come when they shal be inforced to see and know and cōsider thes thinges when perhappes it will be to late to reape great confort or consolation therby Wherfore deare brother that which perforce thou must doe in tyme to come and that perchance to thy greater damnation I meane to enter into consideratiō of thyne owne estate doe that now willinglie to thie conforte and merite for preparinge the waye to thy saluation Preuent the daye and redeeme the tyme accordinge to S. Pauls wise councel runne not head-long with the worlde to perdition staye some tyme as holie Ieremie admonisheth the and say to thy self vvhat doe I whether doe I goe what course hold I what shal be myne ende Take some tyme from thy pleasures and from the companie of thy pleasant friendes to doe this althoughe it be with some losse of pastyme and recreation for I assure the it will recompence it self in th' ende and make the merye when thy laughinge fryndes shall weepe Th' effect of all the considerations that insewe is rightlie to know god for by knowinge hym we shall know our selues and all thinges els whiche are necessarie for vs to know and without knowinge hym all knowledge ī the world is vanitie and meere follve haec est vita eterna sayeth Christ to his father vt te cognoscant solum Deum verum Et quem misisti Iesan Christian. This is lyfe euer lastinge that man know thee which art onlie true god and Iesus Christ whome thou hast sent Gods nature and essence we can not know in this lyfe but the onely meane to know god in this world is to know his Maiestie to know his mercie to know his iustice to know his iudgementes to know his hatred to synne his fauour to the goode his benefites and promisses to all his grace his threates his wayes his cōmandemites his dealinges towards other men before vs all which things the cōsiderations followinge doe sett before our eyes and consequentelie they doe teach vs to know god a-right Reade them therfore deare brother with attention and rememember the wordes that God vseth to vs all vacate videte quoniam ego sum Deus Take leasure and consider that I am a God It must not be donne in haste nor as the fashion is for curiositie onlie to reade three or fower leaues in one place and so in an other but it must be dóne wich such serious attentió as appertaineth to so great a busynes which in trueth is the weightiest that possiblie vnder heauen may be takē in hand It is the busines wherof Christ meant especiallie when he said vnumest necessarium one onlie thing is necessarie For that all other thinges in this world are but trifles to this and this alone of it self of more importance then they all THAT THERE IS A GOD WHICH REWARDETH GOOD AND EVYLL against all Artheistes of olde and of our tyme. VVith the proofes alleaged for the same both by Ievve and Gentile CHAPT II. IT is a thing both common and ordinarie in sciēces artes whō they are learned or deliuered by other to suppose diuers poītes and principles and to passe them oaer without proofe as ether knowen before to the
diuers times he hath vsed and doth vse therby to gaine vs and our sowles vnto his eternal kingdome by stirring vs vp to abandon vitious life and to betake ourselues to his holy and swete seruice Al which most rare and excellent benefites being measured either according to their inestimable value in themselues or according to the loue of that harte from which they do proceede or els if we respect the maiestie of the giuer or meanesse of the receyuer ought in reason to moue vs most vehementlie to gratitude towardes so bountiful a benefactour And this gratitude shoulde be to resolue ourselues at length to serue him vnsaynedlie to preferre his fauour before al wordlie or mortal respectes whatsoeuer Or if we can not obtaine so much of ourselues yet at leastwise not to offende him anie more by our sinnes and wickednes There is not so fearse or cruell a nature in the world as I noted before but is mollisied allured and wōne by benefites And stories do make reporte of straunge examples in this kinde euen among brute beastes as of the gratitude of lyons dogges and other like towardes their maisters and benefactours Onliean obstinate sinner is he among all the sauuage creatures that are whom neither benefites can moue nor curtisies can mollifie nor promises can allure nor gyftes can gayne to the faithfull seruice of God his Lord and maister The greatest synner that is in the world if he geeue his seruante but twentie nobles a yeare or his tennant some litle farme to liue vpon if they for this should not serue him at a becke he crieth out of their ingratitude But if they should further malitiouslie seeke to offende him and to ioyne in amitie with his professed enimie how intollerable a matter would this seeme in his conceit And yet him self dealing much more ingratfullie and iniuriouslie with almightie God esteemath it a matter of smal consideration easely pardonable He dealeth I saie far more ingratfullie with God for that he hath receyued a thousand folde for one in respect of all the benefites that one mortal man can gyue vnto an other Seing that of God he hath receyued al in al the bread which he eateth the grounde he treadeth the light he beholdeth the aire he enioyeth and finally what so euer he possesseth ether within or without his bodie as also the minde with al her spiritual endumētes wherof eche one is more worth then ten thousand bodies Of this extreme ingratitude and iniurie God himself is enforced to complaine in diuers places of holy scripture as where he saith they repaied me euil for good And yet much more vehemētlie in an other place he calleth the heauens to witnes of this iniquitie crving out Obstupescite caeli super hoc O you heauens be you astonished at this As if he should saye by a figuratiue kinde of speech goe out of your wittes you heauens with meruaile at this incredibile iniquitie of man to wardes me For so he expoundeth the whole matter more at large in an other place Audite cals auribus percipe terra c. Harken oye heauens and thow earth bende hither thine eares I haue nourished vp children and haue exalted them and now they doe cōtemne me What a lamentable complaint is this of almightie God against most vile and base wormes of the earth But yet he amplifieth this iniquitie more vehemētly by certaine examples and comparisons The oxe saieth he knovveth his ovvner the asse knovveth the manger of his Lord and maister but yet my people knovveth not me VVoe be to this synful nation to this people loden vvith 〈◊〉 to this noughtie seede to vvicked children What complaint can be more vehement then this what threatning can be more dreadfull then this woe comming from the mouth of him which may punishe vs at his pleasure Wherfore deare brother if thou haue grace cease to be vngrateful to God any longer cease to offend him which hath by so many waies preuented the with benefites cease to render euil for good hatred for loue contempt for his father lie affection towardes the. He hath done for the al that he can he hath geeuen the al that thow art yea and in a certaine maner al that he is worth hym self and meaneth besides to make the partaker of al his glorie in the world to come and requireth no more for al this at thy handes but loue and gratitude O my louing brother why wilt thou not yelde vnto him this his desire why wilt thou not doe as much to him as thou woldest haue an other mā to doe to the for lesse then the ten thousand parte of thes benefites which thow hast receyued for I dare bouldly saye if thow haddest gyuen but an almes to a poore man at thy dore thou wooldest thike him bounde to loue the for it al beit besids this ther were nothing in the that greatly might deserue his loue But thy Lord and maister setting a parte al his giftes bestowed vpon the hath infinite causes to drawe thy loue vnto him that is to saye all the causes which any thing in the world hath in it to purchase loue and infinite more besydes For if all the perfections of thinges created both in heauen and in earth that may procure loue were ioyned together in one as al their beautie al their vertue al their wisdome al their sweetnes al their nobilitie al their goodnes and other like excellencies yet thy Lord Sauy our whom thou contemnest surpasseth all thes and that by infinite and infinite degrees for that he is not onlie all thes thinges together but morouer he is verie beautie it self vertue it self wisedome it self sweetenes it self nobilitie it self goodnes it self and the verie fountaine and welspring from which by litles peeces and parcels al thes thinges are deriued vnto his creatures Be a shamed then good Christian of this thine ingratitude to so great so good and so bountifull a Lord and resolue thy self for the tyme to come to amende thy course of life and former behauiour towardes him Say at lēgth with the Prophet hauing considered thine owne ingratitude O Lord pardon me mine offences for they are great in thy sight I know there is nothing ô Lord which doth so much displease the or drie vp the fountaine of thy mercie or so byndeth thy handes frō doinge good as doth ingratitude in the receyuers of thy benefites Wherin hitherto I haue exceeded al others But I haue done it ò Lord in mine ignorance not considering thy infinite giftes bestowed vpon me or what account thou wouldest demaunde againe of the same But now seing thou hast vouchsafed to make me woorthie of this special grace also wherby to see knowe mine owne errour default I hope hereafter by direction of the same grace to shew my self a better childe towardes the. O my God I am vāquished at lēgth with cōsideratiō of thy
other so beholding daily the wounderful examples of godes infinite mercie towardes them that doe repent we may therby conceyue the seueritie of his Iustice towards such as he reserueth to punishment in the life to come and whom for that cause he calleth in holy writ Vasa furoris that is vessels of furie wheron to exercise the rage of his dreadful and most terrible indignation A third consideration to induce vs to the vnderstāding of the greatnes of Gods punishmentes in general may be his maruailous patience and long suffering of sinners in this life As that for example he permitteth diuers mē from sinne to sinne from day to day from yeare to yeare frō age to age to liue continually in the contempt of his Maiestie and transgression of his commaundementes refusing al persuasions allurementes good inspirations or other meanes of grace and fauor that his merciful goodnes can deuise to offer for their amendment And what man in the world could suffer this or what mortal hart were able by inestimable sufferāce for bearing in this life to shew such patience but now if al this should not be requited with seueritie of punishment in the worlde to come it might seeme to be against the law of iustice and equitie and so one arme in God to be longer then the other S. Paule toucheth this reason in his epistle to the Romans where he saith duest thou not knovv that the benignitie of God is vsed to bring thee to repentance and thou by thy bard and impenitent hart doest heape vp vengeace vnto thy self in the day of vvrath and appearance of Gods iust iudgementes vvhich shal restore to euerie mā according to his vvorkes In which sentence S. Paul vseth the phrase of heaping wrath or vēgeāce to signifie therby that like as the couetous man doth laie vp money daily to make his heape encrease so the irrepentant sinner doth heape sinne vpon sinne and God on the contrary side heapeth vengeance to vengeance vntil his measure be ful to restore in the ende measure against measure as the prophet saith and to paye vs home according to the multitude of our ovvne abhominations This was the meaning of almightie God when he said to Abraham that the iniquities of the Amorrheans vvere not yet complet As also in the reuelations vnto S. Ionn Euangelist when he vsed this conclusion of that booke He that doth euil let him doe yet more euil and he that lieth in filth let him yet become more filthie for beholde I come quicklie and my revvard is vvith me to render to euerie man according to his deedes By which wordes God signifieth that his forbearance and tolleration with sinners in this life is an argument of his greater seueritie in the life to come which the prophet Dauid doth insinuate in like maner when talking of a careles sinner he saieth God shal deride him for that he seeth before hand that his daie vvil come Which daie no doubt is to be vnderstoode the daye of account and punishmēt after this life for so doth God more at large declare him self in another place in these wordes And thou sonne of man this saieth thy Lord God the end is come now I save the end is come vpon the. And I wil shew on the my furie and wil iudge the according to thy waies I wil laye against the al thine abominatiōs myn eye shal not spare the nether wil I take anie mercie vpon the but I wil laie thine owae waies vpon the thou shalt know that I am the Lord. Behold affiction commeth on the end is come the end I saie is come it hath watched against the and beholde it is come destruction is now come vpon the the time is come the daie of slaughter is at hand Shortlie wil I power out my wrath vpon the and I wil fil my furic in the and I wil iadge the according to thy waies and I wil lay al thy wickednes vpō the myn eye shal not pitie the nor wil I take any compassion vpon the but I wil lay thy waies vpon the and thy abhominations in the middest of the and thou shalt know that I am the Lord that striketh Hitherto is the speech of almightie God deliuered by the mouth of his holie Prophete SEING THEN we now vnderstand in general that the punishmentes of God in the life to come are most certaine to be greate and seuere to al such as fal into thē for which cause S. Paul affirmeth that it is a horrible thing to fal into the handes of the liuing God Let vs consider some what in particuler what maner of paines and punishmentes they shal be For better conceyuing wherof it is to be noted that there be two sortes of sinners in this worlde the one which die in the guilt of mortal sinne and in the disfauour and hatred of almightie God of whom it is said the portion of vvicked men shal be in the lake burning vvith fire and brimstone vvhich is called the second death The other which haue the guilt of their sinne pardoned by their repentance in this life but yet haue not made that temporal satisfaction to gods iustice nor are so thoroughlie purged in this world as they may passe to heauen without punishmēt and of these it is writen They shal suffer detrimēt but yet they shal be saued as by fire Vpon which wordes of S. Paul the holie father S. Austen writeth thus Because S. Paul sayeth that these mē shal be saued by fire therfore this fire is cōtemned But surely though they shal be saued by it yet is this fire more grieuous then whatsoeuer a man can suffer in this life albeit you know how greate and intollerable thinges men haue or maie suffer The same S. Augustine in an other place expoundeth yet further the words of the said Apostle i this maner They which haue donne thinges worthie of temporal punishment of whom the Apostle saieth they shal be saued by fire must passe through a firie riuer and most horrible shallowes of burning flames signified by the prophet when he saith and a fludd of fire vvent before him and looke how much matter there is in their sinnes so longe must they sticke in passing through how much the fault requireth so much shal the punishment of this fire reuenge And because the word of God doth compare the soule of a sinner to a pot of brasse saying put the pot emptie vpon the coles vntil al the rust be melted of therfore in this fire al idle speeches al filthie cogitations al light sinnes shal boile out and consume which by a shorte waie might haue bene seperated from the soule in this life by almes teares Hitherto S. Augustine And the same holie father in an other place hath these wordes If a sinner by his conuersion escape death and obtaine life yet for al that I can not promise him
vnde pendet aeternitas This life is the momēt wherof dependeth al eternitie of weal or woe hereafter If it be but a moment deare brother and yet a moment of so great consequence and importance how is it passed ouer by earthelie men with so litle care and cogitation what reason may be alleaged of this so dangerous a negligence what cause may be assigned of so extreme a follie Al the creatures of earth heauen and hel euen from the very first to the last if thou examine them al may be argumentes and motiues vnto thee to leaue this perilous course wherin thou art al are or may be bookes lessons and sermōs vnto thee preaching and protesting some by their punishment some by their glorie some by their beautie and al by their creation that thou oughtest without delay to make resolution of an other kinde of life and that al is vanitie al is folie al is iniquitie al is miserie besides the onelie seruice of thie Lord and maker And so with this wil I make here an ende of this first part reseruing some other things to be spoken in the second for remouing of such impedimēts as our spiritual aduersarie is wont to cast against this good worke of Resolution as against the first step and degree of our saluation Our Lord God Sauiour Iesus Christ who was content to paye his own pretious blood for the purchasing of this noble inheritance of his kingdome vnto vs geue vs his holy grace to esteeme of it as the great weight of the matter requireth and not by negligence to loose our title and portion therin The end of the first part containing motiues to resolution THE SECOND PARTE WHICH TREATETH OF THE LETTES and impedimentes that hinder resolution THE PREFACE IN the former parte of this booke gentle reader ther haue bene layed doune sundry reasons and considerations wherby to stirre vp men to the firme resolution of seruing God which might be sufficient no doubt to that effect the nature of vertue being also cōsidered which of her self draweth reasonable men to loue and admiration of her were not the subtiltie of our spiritual enimie very greate and dangerous in this behalfe and his indeuours most diligent against our purpose For so it fareth that when he seeth by the former reasons and demonstrations alleaged that the iudgement of man is conuinced in the pointes which are treated and that it can no longer resist or deny but that the onlie true wisdome were in deed to breake of from the vanities and sinful life of this world and to be-take our selues to the gainful 〈◊〉 mightie God then this infernal foe 〈◊〉 able further to delude our iudgemente 〈◊〉 blynd our vnderstandings imployeth him self by al meanes possible for retaining of his pray to stay our wil from yelding consent vnto our iudgement all eaging for his dissuation either the difficultie of obtaining pardon or the paines and hardnes of vertuous life or the losse of worldlie honour and earthlie commodities or some other such like fraude or trifle wherby to let and hinder our resolution or at least wise to prolonge it so farre forth as he may be in hope that we shal neuer make it afterwards to our gaine or comfort For preuenting of which malitious and most perilous indeuour of our ghostelie aduersarie this second parte is adioined conteining the cheefe and principal impedimentes that vsuallie doe rise against resolution the remooual and confutation of which lettes and impedimentes shal bring no smal light vnto the studious reader for the true vnderstanding both of his owne estate and of the deceptes and illusions vsed towards him by his enimie Read then this parte also deare Christian brother vvith no lesse diligence then the former for that the profit therof shal be equal and thy contentement perhapes farre greater in respect of the varietie of matters handled therin and of the manifold comfortes which thy soule in perufing shal receaue therby OF THE FIRST IMPEDIMENT THAT IS WONT TO LET SINNERS from resolution VVhich is the mistrust and diffidence in Gods mercie through the multitude and grieuousnes of their offences CHAPT I. AMONG al other gricuous and most perilous cogitatiōs which in this world are accustomed to offer them selues to a mind entangled and lode with great sinnes this vsually is the first thorough the nature of sinne it self and craftie suggestion of our ghostly enemie to fal into distrust and despaire of Gods mercie Such was the cogitation of most vnhappie Cain one of the first inhabitantes of mankind vpon earth who after the murther of his owne only brother and other sinnes by him committed brust furth into that horrible and desperate speech so greatly offensiue to his Lord and Maker mine iniquitie is greater then that I may hope for pardon Such was in like maner the desperate conceit of wicked Iudas one of the first of them that were chosen to the peculiar seruice of our Redeemer who feeling his conscience oppressed with manifold enormous iniquities and most of al with the prodition of his owne Lord maister tooke no other ware of amendment or redresse but to destroie him self both in bodie and soule adioining only thos words ful of miserable distrust and desperation I haue sinned in betraying the innocent and iust blood By which wordes and most wreched ende he more grieuouslie offended and iniuried his most louing merciful Saueour then by al his former iniquities committed against him This then most louing brother is the first and greatest rocke wherat a sinful soule ouerburdened with the charge of her owne iniquities and tossed in the waues of dredful cogitations by the blastes and stormes of Gods threats against sinners doth commonlie make her shipwrake This is that most horrible depth and dungeon wher of the holie Scripture saieth The impious man vvhen he is come into the botome and prosonditie of his sinnes contemneth al. This is that remediles sore and incurable wound wherwith God him self charged Ierusalem when he said Insanabilis fractura tua Thy rupture is irremediable And the Prophet Michaeas considering the same people thorough the multitude of their wickednes to eneline now to despaire of Gods goodnes towards them brake forth into this most pitiful complaint for this vvil I vveepe and lament extremely I vvil strippe of my clothes and vvander naked I vvil rore like vnto Dragons and sound out my sorovve as Strutbious in the desert for that the vvound and maladie of my people is desperate This is that great and maine impediment that stoppeth the conduits of Gods holie grace from flowing into the soule of a sinful man This is the knif that cutteth in sunder al thos heauely blessed cordes wherwith our sweet Lord and Saneour endeuoureth to draw vnto repentance the hartes of sinners saing by his prophete I vvil pul them vnto me vvith the chaines of loue and charitie For by this meanes
euery sinful conscience commeth to answere almightie God as did Ierusalem when being admonished of her sinnes exhorted by his prophet to amendment of life she said Desperaui nequaquam faciam I ame become desperate I wil neuer thincke of any such thing To which lamentable estate when a sinful man is once arriued the next steppe he maketh is for auoiding al remorse and trouble of consciēce to engulfe him self into the depth of al detestable enormities and to abandone his soule to the verie sincke of al filth and abhominations according as S. Paul said of the Gentiles in like case that by despaire they deliuered them selues ouer to dis solute life therby to commit al maner of vncleanes Which wicked resolution of the impious is the thing as I haue noted before that most of al other offences vpon earth doth exasperate the ire of Almighty God depriuing his deuine Maiestie of that most excellent propertie wherin he cheifly deliteth and glorieth which is his infinite and vnspeacable mercie This might be declared by diuers and sondrie examples of holy writt how be it two only shal suffice for this present The first is of the people of Israel not long before their banishment to Babilon who being threatned from God by the Prophet Ieremie that manifold punishments were imminent ouer their heads for their grieuous sinnes committed against his Maiestie begāne in stead of repentance to fal to desperation and consequently resolued to take that impious course of al dissolute life alleaged before out of S. Paul for thus they answered God exhorting them by his threats to reforme their wicked liues VVe are novv grovven desperate therfore vve vvil hereafter folovve our ovvne cogitations and euerie one sulfil the vvickednes of his ovvne conceite Wherat God stormed infinitely and brake forth into this vehement interrogation Interrogate Gentes quit audiuit talia horribilia Aske and enquire of the verie Gentiles whether euer among them were heard any such horrible blasphemies And after this for more declaration of this intollerable iniurie herin offerred to his Maiestie he commaunded the Prophet Ieremie to goe forth of his owne house and to get him to a potters shope which in the village was framing his vessels vpon the wheele Which Ieremie hauing done he sawe befor his face a pot crushed and broken by the potter al in peeces vpō the wheele and thincking therby that the vessel had bene vtterly vnprofitable and to be cast away he saw the same clay ptesently framed agayne by the potter into a new vessel more excellent then before Wherat he maruailing God said vnto him Doest not thou thinck Ieremie that I can doe with the house of Israel as this potter hath done with his vessel Or is not the house of Israel in my handes as the clay is in the handes of this craftesman I wil denounce vpon the sodaine against a Nation and kingdome that I wil roote it vp and destroye it and if that nation or kingdome doe repent from their wickednes I also wil repent me of the punishment which I intended to laie vpon them And then he proceedeth foreward declaring vnto Ieremie the exceeding greif and indignation which he conceaueth that any sinner what soeuer should despaire of mercie pardon at his hands The second example is of the same people of Israel during the time of their banishment in Babilon at what time being afflicted with many miseries for their sinnes and threatned with many more to come for that they changed not the course of their former wicked conuersation they beganne to despaire of Gods mercie and to saie to the Prophet Ezechiel that liued banished among them exhorted them to amendment vpon assured hope of Gods fauour towards them Our iniquities and sinnes doe lye greeuouslie vpon vs and vve languish in them and vvhat hope of life then may vve haue At which cogitation and speech God being greatly moued appeared presently to Ezechiel said vnto him Tel this people I doe liue saieth the Lord God of hostes I vvishe not the death of the impious but rather that he should turne from his vvicked vvaies and liue VVhy vvil the house of Israel die in their sinnes rather then turne vnto me And then he maketh a large and vehement protestation that how greuously soeuer any person shal offend him how great punishments soeuer he shal denounce against him yea if he had giuen expresse sentence of death and damnation vpon him yet Si egerit paenitentiam a peccato suo seceritque iudicium iustitiam that is if he repent him self of his sinne and exercise iudgement and iustice for the time to come al his sinnes that he hath committed shal be forgiuen him saieth almightie God for that he hath done iudgment and Iustice. And this now might be sufficient albeit nothing els were spoken for remouing this first obstacle and impediment of true resolution which is the dispaire of Gods infinite goodnes and mercie Neuertheles for more euident clearing and demonstration of this matter and for the greater comfort of such as feele them selues burdened with the heauy weight of their iniquities committed against his deuine Maiestie I haue thought expedient in this place to declare more at large this aboundant subiect of Gods endles mercie towards al such as wil truly turne vnto him in what time state condition or age soeuer in this life which shal be shewed and set doune by thes foure points and partes that doe ensue FIRST OF AL by the infinite and incomprehēsible loue that almightie God beareth vnto man which loue is alwaies the mother of fauour grace and mercie If you demaund of me in what sort I doe proue that the loue of God is so exceeding great towardes man I answere as the Cosmographer is wont to doe who by the greatnes and multitude of the streames and riuers doth frame a coniecture of the fountaine frō which they flowe The proper riuers which are deriued and doe ronne forth of loue are good turnes and benefites which seing they are infinite endles and inestimable bestowed by God vpon man as in place before hath bene declared and the whole vniuersal frame of this world doth aboundantly beare witnesse it foloweth most euidently that the origine fountaine welspring of al thes fauours graces and good turnes must needs be infinite immeasurable and farre surpassing al compasse of mans vnderstanding If you require of me the cause and reason why almightie God should so wonderfully be affected towards man I can directly yeld you none at al but rather meruaile therat with holy Iob why so soueraine a Maiestie should set his hart vpon so base a subiect Notwithstanding the holy Scripture seemeth to alleage one principal reason of this loue when it saieth Nihil odistieorum quae secisti parcis omnibus quia tua sunt Domine quidiligis animas That is Thou O Lord which louest soules
him to laie doune a price for vs which he so infinitely esteemed what shal we thincke that he wil doe vnto vs now we being made his owne by our redemption if we returne willingly vnto him whē onr receauing shal cost him nothing els but only a merciful looke vpon vs which is not so much from the infinite bowels of his botomeles mercie as is one droppe of water from the most huge gulfe of the maine Ocean sea And this shal suffice for this first point of Gods loue declared vnro vs by the three most sweete and comfortable names respectes of Creator Father and Redeemer NEXT AFTER VVHICH we are to consider in what maner God is accustomed to expresse and declare this loue of his in his dealings proceedīgs towards sinners And first of al the wise man hauing had long experience of this matter beginneth to describe and set it forth in this sort saing vnto God himself Thou O Lord doest dissemble the sinnes of men to geue vnto thē time of repentance And thē when they wil not vse this benefite of his forbearing but wil needs enforce him to punish and correct them he saieth further of this correction Such as vvilfully doe runne astraie O Lord and vvil not turne vnto the thou doest correct thē svveetly by litle litle admonishing and exhorting them to leaue their sinnes and to beleeue in thee Thes two pointes then of exceeding clemencie by the testimonie of the wise man are found in almightie God first to winke at the wicked life of men and to expect their conuersion with inspeakable patience and longanimitie according as also the Prophet Esay beareth witnes adioining the cause therof in thes wordes Your Lord doth attēd your conuersion to the end he may take mercie on you and therby be exalted And secondlie for the same respect when he is enforced by reason of his Iustice to chastice them yet doth he the same with such moderation and mildnes as alwaies in this life he reserueth place of pardon And to thes two we may adioine yet a third propertie of his mercie more admirable perhaps then the former which is as Tertulian excellently noteth that he being the partie offended yet first and principally desireth reconsiliation he hauing receaued the wrong and iniurie yet doth he most busely entreate for amitie attonment And wheras in al right and equitie he might denie vs pardon and for his power take reuenge of vs at his pleasure yet doth he not only offer vs peace of his owne accord but also sueth vnto vs by al means possible to accept therof humbling in a certaine maner his deuine Maiestie to our basenes and vilitie and behauing him self in this respect as a prince that were inamoured of his bondslaue and abiect seruant This might be declared by many of his owne speeches and doinges in holy Scripture but one place out of the Prophete Esaie shal serue for al wher almightie God so earnestly wooeth the conuersion of Ierusalem as no louer in the world could vtter more signes and testimonies of a hart inflamed and set on fire with loue then he doth towards that citie which so highly had offended him For first after many threats poured out against her if she did not returne lest she might perhapps fal into despaire he maketh this protestatiō in the beginning of his speech Indignatio non est mihi c. Angrie I ame not ò Hierusalem but what soeuer I haue spoken I haue spoken of good wil and loue Secondlie he entreth into this dispute and doubt with him self about punishing her for her sinnes what shal I doe Shal I tread her vnder my feete and put her to the fiar or els vvil she staie my puissant hand and make peace vvith me vvil she I saie make attonment vvith me After which doubt and cunctation he resolueth him self to chāge his maner of stile and to fal a litle to chide with her and then saith harken O yee deafe inhabitants of Ierusalem looke aboute you ye blind folke that vvil not see vvho is blind and deafe but my seruant that vvil not regard or listen to the messingers vvhich I send O thou vvhich hast opē eares vvilt thou not heare And then a litle after he beginneth to smooth and speake faire againe saing Euer since thou hast bene gratious glorious in mine eyes I haue loued the and for thy soule vvil I yeue vvhole natiōs Feare not for that I ame vvith the. Wherwith she being litle or nothing mooued he returneth to a sweet maner of complaint saing Thou hast enthralled me by thy sinnes and vvith thine iniquities thou hast greatly afflicted me Which being said and she somewhat wonne therby to loue him as it seemeth he turneth vnto her with this most comfortable and kind speech I ame he I ame he vvhich cancelleth thine iniquities for mine ovvne sake and vvil neuer thincke any more vpon thy sinnes Al which being done and they now reconciled and made fast frends together his diuine Maiestie beginneth a verie louing conference as it were and sweet expostulation with her saing in thes wordes Cai thou to memorie the things that are past and let vs iudge our selues here together Tel me if thou haue any thing vvherby thou maiest be iustefied Thy first parent vvas a sinner c. Wherat she being ashamed and hauing nothing in the world to answere for her self almightie God comforteth her and knitteth vp the whole matter in this most kind and amiable sort Feare not for I wil power out my spirite vpon the and vpon thy seed and my benediction shal be vpō thine ofspring thy children shal budde vp and florish as willoes planted by the water side Thus saieth the Lord and king of Israel the Lord of hostes that is thy redeemer I ame the first and the last and besides me ther is no other God Be mindful of this thou house of Iacob I haue dissolued and dissipated thy sinnes as a cloud is dissolued in the aire be mindful of this and haue an assured confidence Thus farre continueth the treatie betwene God and his citie of Ierusalem And now tel me deare Christian brother whether it be possible for any hart or tongue in the world to conceaue or expresse more waies or significations of most vehement good wil and burning affection then of Gods part in this treatie hath bene declared What louer or enamoured person vpon earth what passionate hart could wooe more earnestly sue more diligently sollicite more artificially complaine more pitifully expostulate more amiablie conferre more intrinsically remit offences more redely offer benefites more aboundantly conclude more sweetly and giue more pregnant testimonies of vnfeined loue or more assured certaintie of eternal league amitie thē doth almightie God vnto this natiō that so grieuouslie had offended him who wil not confesse now with the prophet Dauid that
Effrem that he had so maruailous great consolations after his conuersion as he was often constrained to crie out to God O Lord retire thy hand from me a litle for that my hart is not able to receaue so extreme ioye And the like is writen of S. Bernard who for a certaine time after his conuersiō from the world remained as is it were depriued of his senses by the excessiue consolations he had from God Houbeit if al this can not moue thee but that thou wilt stil remaine in thy distrust heare the testimonie of one whom I am sure thou wilt not for shame discredit especially speaking of his owne experience And this is the holie martyr and doctor S. Cyprian who writing of the verie same matter to a secret frend of his called Donatus confesseth that he was before his conuersion of the same opiniō that thou art now to wit that it was impossible for him to chaunge his maners to sinde such comfort in a vertuous life as after he did being accustomed before to al kinde of loose behauiour Therfore he beginneth his narration to his friend in this sort Accipe quod sentitur antequant discitur c. Take that which is first felte before it be learned and so he foloweth on with a large discourse shewing that he proued now by experience which he could neuer beleeue before his cōuersion albert almightie God had promised the same The like writeth S. Augustine of him selfe in his bookes of confession shewing that his owne passions the deuil wold needes persuade him before his conuersion that he should neuer be able to abyde the austeritie of a vertuous life especiallie touching continencie in the sinnes of the flesh wherin he had liued wantonlie vntil that time it seemed to him vnpossible that he coulde euer abandon the said sinne and liue chaste which notwithstanding he afterwards found both easie pleasant and without al difficultie For which he breaketh into these wordes directed vnto almightie God him self O my Lord let me remēber confesse thy mercies towardes me let my verie bones reioyse and saye vnto thee O lord vvho is like vnto thee thou hast broken my chaines and I vvil sacrifice to thee a sacrifice of thankes geuing Thes chaines which the blessed man mentioneth were the chaines of concupiscence wherby he stoode bounden in captiuitie before his conuersion as he there confesseth but presentlie thervpon he was deliuered of the same by the blessed helpe of Gods most holie grace My counsaile should be therfore vnto thee gentle reader that seing thou hast so many testimonies exāples reasons and promises of this matter thow shouldest at least proue once by thine owne experience whether this thing be true or no especiallie seing it is a matter of so great importance and so worthie thy trial that is to say a matter concerning so neare thy eternal saluation as it doth If a meane felowe should come vnto thee and offer for hazarding of one crowne of golde to make thee a thowsand by Alchimie albeit thou shouldest suspect him for a cousiner yet the hope of gayne being so great and the aduēture of losse so smal thou wouldest goe nigh for once to venture and see the trial And how much more shouldest thow doe it then in this case where by proofe thow canst leese nothing and if thou speede wel thou art sure to gaine as much as Gods kingdome and the euerlasting ioye of heauen is worth And thus much for this first part The. 2. part of this chapter Containing certaine instructions and examples for ouercomming of difficulties ANd now albeit this great affaire be such as I haue declared before and nothing so as the world and Satan doe beare men in hand yet may not I let passe in this place deare Christian brother to admonishe thee of one thing which the ancient Fathers and saintes of God that haue passed ouer this riuer before thee I meane the riuer deuiding betwene Gods seruice and the world doe affirme of their owne experience and that is that as soone as thow takest this worke or resolution in hand thow must expect many great encounters strong impedimentes sharpe contradictions and fearce temptations thow must expect assaultes combates and open warre within thy self This S. Cyprian S. Augustine S. Gregorie and S. Bernard doe affirme vpon their owne prooues This doe Cyril and Origen shew in diuers places at large This dothe Saint Hillarie proue both by reasons and examples This dothe the scripture it self forewarne thee when it saith My sonne vvhen thou art to come to the seruice of God stand fast in iustice and in feare and prepare thy minde vnto temptation And the reason of this is for that the deuil possessing quietlie thy soule before laye stil and sought onelie meanes to cōtent the same by daily suggesting new delites of carnal and worldly pleasures But when he seeth that thow offerest to goe from him he beginneth streight wayes to rage and to moue sedition within thee and to tosse vp and downe bothe heauen and earthe before he wil leese his kingdome in thy soule This is euident by the example of him whom our Sauiour Christ cōming downe from the hil after his transfiguration deliuered from a deafe and dumme spirite For albeit this deuil wolde seeme nether to heare nor speake while he possessed that bodie quietlie yet when Christ commaunded him to goe out he bothe heard and cried out and did so teare and rent that poore bodie before he departed as al the standers by thought in deede that he had bene dead This also in figure was shewed by the storie of Laban who neuer persecuted his sonne in law Iacob vntil he would needes depart from him And yet was this more plainly expressed in the doinges of Pharao who after once he perceaued that the people of Israel meant to departe his kingdome neuer ceassed greeuouslie to afflict them as Moyses testifieth vntil God had vtterlie deliuered them out of his handes with the ruyne and destruction of al their enemies Which euent al holie doctors and saintes in Gods church haue expounded to be a plaine figure of the deliuerie of soules from the tirannie of the deuil And now if thou wouldest haue a liuelie example of al this that I haue sayed before I could alleage thee many but for breuities sake one onelie of S. Augustines conuersion shal suffice testified by him self in his bookes of confession It is a maruailous exāple and containeth many most notable and comfortable pointes And surelie whosoeuer shal but reade the whole at large especialie in his sixth seuenth and eigth bookes of his confessions shal greatlie be moued instructed therby And I beseeche the reader that vnderstandeth the latine tongue to vewe ouer at least but certaine chapiters of the eigth booke where this Saints final conuersion after infinit combates is recounted It were to long to repeate al
you doune againe and breake your necke douneward except ye repent for that in deed there is no one thing which may be more iniurious to Gods diuine maiestie then to make him the foundation of our sinful life who lost his owne life for the extinguishing of sinne But you wil say perhappes And is not God then merciful yes truely deare brother he is most merciful there is neither end nor measure of his mercie he is euen mercie it self it is his nature and essence and he can no more leaue to be merciful then he can leaue to be God But yet as the prophet here saith he is iust also We must not so remember his mercie as we forget his iustice Duleis rectus dominus our Lord is swete but yet vpright iust also saith holy Dauid And in the same place al the vvaies of our Lord are mercie and trueth Which words S. Barnard expounding in a certaine sermon of his saieth thus There be two feete of our Lord wherby he walketh his waies That is Mercie Trueth and God fastneth both thes feete vpon the hartes of them which turne vnto him And euery sinner that wil truely conuert him self must lay hand-fast on both thes feete For if he should lay hande on mercy onely letting passe truth iustice he would perish by presumptiō And on th' other side if he should apprehend iustice onely without mercie he would perish by desperation To the end therfore that he may be saued he must humblie fal doune and kisse both thes feete that in respect of Gods iustice he may retaine feare and in respect of his mercie he may conceaue hope And in an other place Happie is that soule vpon which our Lord IESVS Christ hath placed both his feete I wil not sing vnto thee Iudgement alone nor yet mercie alone my God but I wil sing vnto thee with the prophet Dauid mercie and iudgement ioined together And I wil neuer forget thos two iustifications of thine S. Austen handleth this point most excellently in diuerse places of his workes Let them marke saieth he which loue so much mercie and gentlenes in our Lord let them marke I say and feare also his trueth For as the prophet saieth God is both swete and iust Doest thou loue that he is sweete feare also that he is iust As a sweete Lord he said I haue held my peace at your sinnes But as a iust Lord he addeth And thinke you that I vvil hold my peace still God is merciful and ful of mercies say you it is most certaine yea adde vnto this that he beareth long But yet feare that which commeth in the verses ende verax That is he is also true and iust There be two things wherby sinners doe stand in danger the one in hoping to much which is presumptiō th' other in hoping to litle which is desperation Who is deceiued by hoping to much He which saieth to himself God is a good God a merciful God therfore I wil doe what pleaseth me and why so because God is a merciful God a good God a gentle God Thes men runne into daunger by hoping to much Who are in daunger by despaire they which seing their sinnes greuous and thinkīng it now vnpossible to be pardoned say within them-selues wel wee are once to be damned why doe we not then whatsoeuer pleaseth vs best in this life Thes mē are murdered by desperation th' other by hope What therfore doeth God for gaining of both thes men To him which is in daunger by hope he saieth Doe not say vvith thy self the mercie of God is great he vvil be merciful to the multitude of my sinnes for the face of his vvrath is vpon sinners To him that is in danger by desperation he saieth At vvhat time soeuer a sinner shal turne him self to me I vvil forget his iniquities Thus farre S. Austē besides much more which he addeth in the same place touching the great peril and folie of thos men who vpon vaine hope of Gods mercie doe perseuer in their euil life It is truely deare brother a verie euil consequent and a most vniust kind of reasoning to say that for so much as almightie God is merciful long suffering therfore wil I abuse his mercie and continue in my wickednes The scripture teacheth vs not to reason so but rather quite contrarie God is merciful and expecteth my conuersion and the longer he expecteth the more greeuous wil be his punishment when it commeth if I neglect his patience and therfore I ought presently to accept of his mercie So reasoneth S. Paul who saieth doest thou contemne the riches of his long suffering and gentlenes Doest thou not know that the patience of God towardes thee is vsed to bring the to repentāce But thou through the hardnes of thy hart and irrepentant mind doest hoard and heape vp to thy self wrath in the day of vengeance at the reuelation of Gods iust iudgemēt In which wordes S. Paul signifieth that the longer God suffereth vs with patiēce in our wickednes the greater heape of vengeance doth he gather against vs if we persist obstinate in the same Wherunto S. Augustin addeth an other consideration of great dread and feare and that is if he offer thee grace saith he to day thou knowest not whether he wil doe the same tomorow If he geue thee life and memorie this weeke thou knowest litle whether thou shalt enioy that benefit the next The holie prophet beginning his seuentie and second Psalme of the dangerous prosperitie of worldlie men vseth these wordes of admiration Hovv good a God is the God of Israel vnto thē that be of a right hart And yet in al that Psalme he doth nothig els but shew the heauie iustice of God towardes the wicked euen when he geueth thē most prosperities worldlie wealth and his conclusion is Behold ô Lord they shal perish vvhich departe from thee thou hast destroyed al those that haue broken their faith of 〈◊〉 vvith the. By which is signified that how good soeuer God be vnto the iust yet that pertaineth nothing to the releefe of the wicked who are to receiue iust vengeance at his handes amiddest the greatest mercies bestowed vpon the godlie The eyes of our Lord are vpon the iust saieth the same prophet and his eares are bent to heare their praiers but the face of our Lord is vpon them that doe euil to destroie their memorie from out of the earth It was an old practise of deceiuing prophetes resisted stronglie by the prophetes of God to crie peace peace vnto wicked men when in deed their was nothing towardes them but daunger sword and destruction according as the true prophetes fortolde and as the euent proued Wherfore the prophet Dauid geueth vs a notable sure rule to gouerne our hope and confidence withal when he saith sacrificate sacrificiū
pa. 1. The danger therof 1. the cause therof sensualitie or vvilful obstinacie 2. 3. 4. c. vvhv men doe flye the same 9. 10. the commodities and effectes therof 14. 15. Ingratitude intolerable of men towardes God 4. 5. Iugement day see the vvhole 7. chap. 349. vvhy tvvo Iudgemantes are appointed 353. Iustice of God hovv terrible and seuere 799. L Labour appointed to man by God 336. most necessarie both in the old and nevv testament 337. Libertie and freedome of soule hovv singuler it is in good man 605. Life and conuersation of Christ vvhat it vvas 222. vvhat it ought to be in true Christians 320. at large Good life hath tvvo necessitie partes 324. Loue of God tovvardes mankinde hovv great it is hovv it may be seene 529. 530. c. at large soe also the causes and effectes therof ibid. The force of lone in good men tovvardes God 586. 587. c. M Magnanimitie and true Christian fortitude 673. Magi ther comming prophetied and the storie proued 212. hovv long they vvere in comming ibid. Maiestie of God hovv vvonderful 400. Mans final ende chap. 3. pag. 110. Martyrs of the primatiue Church hovv vvōderful 264. Mathematique only hath no proper means to proud God 35. Mercie of God infinite and aboue al sinnes vvhatsoeuer see the vvhole first chapt part 2. pag. 523. Miracles of Iesvs 223. Monastical life vvhy and vvhen it vvas begonne 339. old Monkes vvhat austeritie they vsed 331. Moral Philosophie hovv it proueth God 48. Moyses particulerly considered vvhat maner of man lre vvas 68. Moyses lavv vuperfect to be changed 163. N Natural Philosophie hovv it proueth God 36. Negligence hovv great an impedimēt to our conuersion 860. hovv it bringeth men to Atheisme 861. O Oracles of Gentile Godes hovv false and vncertaine It. vvhat they fortold of Christ before his natiuitie 181. vvhen and hovv the ceassed 268. P Passion of Christ proued 229. Peace of minde and conscience in the vertuous hovv great a matter 597. Philosophie proueth-God 35. sovver sectes of old Phllosophers confessing one God 51. Pilate hovv he died 277. Pleasures of this vvorld hovv vaine 715. Porphyrie a great enimie of Christians yet vvhat he confesseth of Christ 223. and againe 273. Presumption hovv dangerous and detestable to God see the 6. chapt part 2. pag 793. Principles to be supposed in al sciences vvithout proose 25. The prophesies of scripture hovv they proue the scripture to be of God pag. 81. vvhat manner of men our Prophetes vvere 68. 98. hovv diuels may prophetie 81. Proclamation that Christ made at his comming 250. the Proclamation or publication of the lavv of good life vvith hovv greate dread 350. Punishmentes after this life See the 11. chapt 444. Purgatorie proued vvith the greatnes of the paines therof 452. the feare that old Saintes had of the same 454. R Rabbins among the Jevves of tvvo sortes Cabalistes and Thalmudistes 157. Redemption vvhat a benefite 409. Religion vvhat it meaneth and signifieth 132. no man euer sayed but by Christian Religion from the beginning of the vvorld 134. Resisting of sinne hovv it ought to be 316. Resurrection of Christ proued 235. Revvard expected by the iust hovv great a consolation 613. Riches hovv vaine and perilous 711. The Roman Monarchie fortold 188. S Scepter of Iuda hovv it pphetied of vvhē it failed 191 Sciēces ech one proueth God 35. fovver principal Ib. Scriptures their certaintie proued by many arguments 62. 63. confirmed by Gēntiles 100. Sensualitie hovv dangerous 2. Sibyls vvhat they vvere and of their prophesies touching Christ at large 174. Sinne hovv it is to be resisted 326. sinne hath 3. degrees 327. of the nature of sinne sinners see the 8. cha 378. VVhy euery Sinne is so hateful to God deserueth infinite punishment 384. the losses that come by Sinne 390. Sloth hovv great an impediment to the true seruice of God 853 fovver euel effectes therof 854. The soules immortalitie proueth God 47. hovv many things the soule attendeth vnto at one time Spirits subdued by Christ Christians in the primatiue Church 267. Starre of the Kings forprophetied proued 213. T Temple of Hierusalem tvvise builded 192. 193. c. The prerogatiues of the 1. temple 195. of the 2. 196. Time hovv pretious vvhile it indureth 476. Tradition of learning among Ievves Gentiles from the beginning 171. The true scriptures knovven only by Tradition 273. Tribulatiō vvhat it vvorketh pag 631. good men must suffer 634. the causes hereof 641. VVhy it should be occeaued ioifully 656. VV VVickednes vvicked men hovv fullof miserie 611. VVisdome of Christians vvherin it consisteth 340. vvisdome of the vvorld 703. VVooing vvhich God vseth tovvardes a sinner 542. The vvorldes vvrong course 118. vvorldes vanitie miserie see al the 4. chap. part 2. pag. 688. VVorldlinges lament vvhen it is to late 120. VVorkes necessarie besides faith 314. the diligēce of old Christians in vvorking vvhile they had time 342. V Vaine glorie vvhat a vanitie 696. Vision of God maketh soules happie in heauen 499. Vocatiō vvhat a benefite 411. Y Yoke of Christs hovv svvet and easie 584. FINIS * 1. Of inconsideratiō * 2. That ther is a God * 3. Why mā was created * 4. Proofes of Christian religion * 5. Who is a true Christian * 6. Two partes of good life 7. Of the accompting daye 8. Of the nature of inne and inners 9. Maiestie and benefites 10. Of the day of our departure 11. Punishemētes after death 12. Of rewardes after this life * 1. Dispaire of Gods mercie 2. Against supposed difficulties 3. Feare of persecution 4. The loue of the world * 5. Exāples of true resolutiō 6. Against presumption 7. Against delay 8. Sloth Negligence obduration The reason of printing againe this first booke of Resolution Nevv additions The vvhole vvorke deuided into tvvo volumes 1. Speculatiue 2. Practive Tvvo editions of the booke of Resolution vvithout the authors knowledge M. Ed. Bany Of M. Bunies edition Fovver pointes of this preface In his preface to the reader The first occasion of setting soorth the booke of Resolution Bookes of deuotion more profitable to good life thē bookes of controuersies The description of deuotion 2. Timot. 2. Our fathers happie that builded and contended not about the foundation 1. Co. 3. Act. 10. Tvvo partes of Christian aiuinisie Speculation easier then practise The three bookes of this Christiā directorie vvith their argumentes A title giuen by M. Buny Heb. 13. An old trick of beretiques to abuse simple people vvith obscure places of scripture See Epiph. cont heres and 〈◊〉 Quod vult Deum 2. Pet. 3. My L. of yorkes armes The epistle dedicaterie In his Ep. dedicat My L. of yorkes mortificatiō and calling vpō others * His L. hostise of Doncaster Sir Robert Stapleton others The preface to the reader M Banies ignorance M. Bunies vanitie Ep. Dedicate Only Catholiques vvrite boo kes of deuotion bookes 1. Tim. 4. Tit. 3. Athanas.
A CHRISTIAN DIRECTORIE GVIDING MEN TO THEIR SALVATION DIVIDED INTO THREE BOOKES THE first vvherof apperteining to Resolution is only conteined in this volume deuided into tvvo partes and set forth novv againe vvith many corrections and additions by th' Authour him self vvith reprofe of the corrupt and falsified edition of the same booke lately published by M. Edm. Buny THER is added also a methode for the vse of al with two tables and a preface to the Reader which is necessarie to be reade Psal. 4. v. 3. Filij hominum vt quid diligitis vanitatem You children of men why loue you vanitie Luc. 1. v. 22. Porrò vnum est necessarium But one thing is necessarie ANNO. 1585. AVGVSTI 30. A TABLE OF THE CHAPTERS CONTEINED IN BOTH THE PARTES OF this booke Wherin such as haue bene newly added or much altered in this edition are noted with a starre in the margent In the first part are thes 12. OF the manifold perils inconueniēcies that doe it sue to the vvorld by inconsideration and hovv necessarie it is for euery man to enter into cogitatiō of his ovvn estate Chap. 1 pa. 1. That there is a God vvhich revvardeth good and euil against al Atheistes of old and of our time vvith the most inuincible proofes alleaged for the same both by Ievv and Gentile VVherin also is set dovvne the confirmation of al scriptures by euident demonstratiōs Chapt. 2. page 25. VVhy God created man and for vvhat end he planted him in this vvorld and of the obligation that man hath therby to attend to the affaire for vvhich he vvas sent hyther to vvit vnto the seruice of almightie God That this seruice required by God must be in Christian religion the particuler proofes and confirmations of vvhich religion are set dovvne both by that vvhich passed before Christes appearance vpon earth vvhile he vvas in this life and after his ascension into heauen Chap. 4. page 132. Hovv a man may iudge or discerne of himself vvhether he be a true Christian or not vvith a declaration of the tvvo partes belonging to that profession vvhich are beleefe and life Chap. 5 page 298. Of the tvvo principal pointes that doe appertaine to a Christian life that is to saie taresist al sinne and to excercise al kinde of vertue vvith the meanes and methode hovv to perfourme them both Chap. 6. page 323 Of the accompt vvhich Christians must yeld to God of the duties and offices before rehearsed As also the Maiestie seueritie terrour and other circumstances of that reconing day vvith tvvo seueral times appointed for that purpose Chap. 7. page 349. Of the nature of sinne and of the vnvvorthines of him that committeth the same for iustifyinge the seueritie of Gods iudgement set doune and declared in the chapter going before Chap. 8. page 378. An other consideration for the further iustifying of Goas 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 station of our grieuous offence Taken from the iuestimable Maiestie of him vvhom vve offende of the innumerable benifices vvhich he hath bestovved Chap 9. page 400. Of vvhat opinion vve shal be concerning the matters aforsaid at the time of our diath as also vvhat our state shal be at that passage and hovv different our iudgement from that it is novv Chap. 10 page 419. Of the greate and seuere paines and punishmentes appointed by God for sinners after this life As also of tvvo kindes and sortes therof the one temporal for them that shal be saued th' other eternal for the damned Chap. 11. page 444. Of the most honorable excellent and munificent revvardes and paimentes ordained for such as trulie serue God and doe imploy their time in perfourmance of his most holie commandementes Chap. 12. page 479. In the second part are thes 8. Of the first impediment that is vvont to let sinners from resolution VVhich is the mistrust diffidence in Gods mercie through the multitude and grieuousnes of their offences Chap. 1. page 523. The second let of resolutiō vvhich is the suposed hardnes asperitie of vertuous life The fallacie vvherof is discouered and the manifold helpes declared that doe make the same most easie svveet pleasant Chap. 2 p. 570. The third impediment that stayeth diuers men from resolutiō in Gods seruice VVhich is the feare they conceaue of persecution afflictiō losse danger or tribulation Chap. 3 page 631. The fourth and greatest impediment that hindereth resolution to vvitte The loue and respect vvhich men beare to the pleasures and vanities of this vvorld Chap. 4. page 688. Examples of true resolution in the tvvo former pointes of suffering for Christ and contemning the vvorld Adioined for the better declaration confirmation of the tvvo chapters next going before Chap. 5. page 747 The fist impediment of resolution in the seruice of almightie God Proceeding of ouer much presumption in the mercie of our Sauiour vvithout remembrance of his iustice Chap. 6. page 793. The sixt thing that vseth to stay and hinder men from mature resolutiō VVhich is the deceitful hope and persuation to doe it better or vvith more ease aftervvard Chap. 7. p. 818 Of three other lettes and impedimentes that hinder men from resolution to vvit Slothfulnes careles negligence and hardnes of hart vtterly contemning al things vvith the cōclusion of this first booke Chap. 8. p. 852. THE PREFACE CONTAINING THE CAVSES AND REASONS OF this nevv edition as also a detection of the foule and false dealing of M. Edm. Buny Minister in his late edition of the former booke With certaine instructions very profitable to the reader WHEN of late I had taken in hand to finish and send vnto thee deare Christian reader th' other two bookes that were promised of this worke I meane thos two which should treate of the right entrance and faithful perseuerance in the seruice of almightie God I was moued by diuers frendes first of al to put againe in print in some better order then before the first booke appetteining to resolution Wherunto I was the more easie to be induced for that I perceaued many monethes before that al the first copies of the said former booke though not so wel done as iustely I might haue wished were vvholy dispersed and none remaining to be had Secondly it being now purposed that thes second and third bookes should passe forth in better print paper and character then the former did wherin by some errour as also by difficultie of the time greate defect was found it seemed meere and requisice that this first booke of which th' other two doe depēd should be made correlpondent vnto them in thes respectes also and for that consideration to be reprinted Wherunto when I had yelded I resolued in like manner to take the same first booke into my handes againe to bestow a short renew vpon that which alredy was done as wel to polish and fil
of the Protestant magistrate towardes Catholiques in Englād wherwith he supposeth many are staied from comming vnto them but al with as great discretion and foundation as he hath done the former demanding of vs in very good earnest why we should stand so much vpon Limbus Patrum vpon Christes descending into hel vpō real presence freedome of wil and merit of workes vpon traditions preestood and sacrifice vpon worshiping of Saintes and Images mariage of preestes inherent iustice and the fiue Sacramētes that we numbre more then they doe why I saie we should so relie and sticke vpon thes thinges as for their sakes not to ioyne with thē and be Protestantes wheras notwithstanding al thes thinges the Protestātes saith as he saith and ours is al one in substance and we al are members of one true Catholique and Apostolique Churche albeit some of vs be somewhat better members in that Church then others And this last point of the Church therby to allure vs the more he vrgeth very often and earnestly to wit that we are al members of one true Church reprehending greatly his fellow Ministers and brethren who vpon indiscrete Zeale as he saith vrged first this separation and did vvrite in not so sensed a maner as they ought to haue done adding further vve are to iustifie that of departing from the Church ther ought to be no question at al among vs. But what is the cause thinke you of this so greate and suddaine curtesie which now at length M. Buny against al custome of his brethren doth offer vnto vs you shal heare it vttered if you please in his owne wordes for by cons●●●ing so far vvith them saieth he as to graunt that vve are not both of one Church vve bring our selues to needles trouble For that it is greate probabilitie vvith them that so vve make our selues aunsvverable for to finde out a seueral and distinct Church from them from vvhich vve descende vvhich hath continued from the Apostles age to this present els that needes vve must acknovvledge that our Church is sprung vp of late or at least since thers This is his confession which we hauing heard we neede not stande any longer in doubt wherfore he is become so kinde as at length to make vs al of one true Catholique and Apostolique Church with them whom hitherto they haue detested as the Sinagogue of Antechrist Why also M. Buny tooke in hande to write this treatise of pacification to wit for that in deede as he confessed before He novv perceaueth that men held vvith them rather for respect of state and ciuil commodities then of conscience and beleefe Which regarde of temporal commoditie in very truth Gentle reader is the only reason or baite that they can lay before vs at this time wherby to moue vs to come vnto their parte Which respect and motiue notwithstanding our Lord knoweth how bare and brickle a matter it is and how longe or litle while it may endure But this only thing set a side in al other respectes reasons allurementes motiues or considerations which heauen or earth can yeld wherby to stirre a Christian minde to embrace any religion they are al for vs and none for them as perhaps hereafter may be declared more largelie in some special treatisse which by occasion of this may be taken in hand In the meane space let this suffice for answere of so much as M. Buny hath writen in his pacification Of this present edition vvith certaine instructions to the Reader THER remaineth now then gentle reader for the ending of this preface to admonish the only in a worde or two what thou hast in this later edition more then in the former and how thou maist reape the commoditie that is intended and wished to the therin First the whole booke hath bene reuewed and both amplified and bettered in diuers pointes throughout al the chapters that doe remaine as before Secondly the title therof is altered as may appeare in the beginning for that the other booke of Christian exercise since the first edition therof hath bene set foorth a parte by it self Thirdly diuers treatises and chapters haue bene wholy altered especially in the first part wher vpon a purpose of greate breuitie which in the beginning was conceaued but afterwardes could not be held many things were shifted ouer and diuers discourses knit vp with more imperfection then in the second part therof Fourthly sundrie new chapters and treatises haue bene added in this edition And thes partly of mine own liking imagining that the matter might perhappes affect other men as much as it did me among which I may accompt the chapter of examples of true resolution and some other Partely also vpon aduertisement of good and reuerend Catholique preestes that liue in England who finding by their experience in dealing with mens soules as my self also did that this long time of schisme and sectes wherein they heare nothing but weangling and contradictions in matters of courtouersies their life in the meane space running at al libertie without discipline and loding their consciences with infinite burden of sinne hath wroght in mens mindes a certaine contempt and carles insensibilitie in thes affaires esteeming al things to stand vpon probabilitie only of dispute to and fro and so by litle and litle doth bring them also to thinke the same of Christian religion it self imagining that the Iewes Turkes Saracens and other enimies therof being worldly wise men may haue as greate reason perhaps to stande against the same as thes later learned men of oar owae time haue to staud in so many rankes and diuisions of sectes against the Catholique faith and as the old Philosophers pretended to haue against the being of one God him self Thes thinges I saie being so which is alwaies the effect of diuision and heresie thos vertuous and discrete men were of opinion that it should not be amisse in this second edition to adioyne two chapters of the certaintie of one God and of our Christian faith and religion Besides this I was admonished by the writinges of our aduersaries since the publishing of my first edition how they misliked two principal pointes in that booke First that I speake so much of good workes and so litle of faith secondly that I talked so largely of Godes iustice and so breefly of his mercie In both which pointes albeit an indifferent man might haue bene satisfied before and easilie perceaue that the aduersarie doth but picke quarels of calumniation yet to giue more ful contentement in this matter euen vnto our enemies I haue besides that which is spoken els wher and namely in the 2. and 4. chapters touching faith adioyned also a special chapter of the two seueral partes of Christian profession which are beleefe and life And for the second I haue framed a whole new chapter in the begiuning of the second part intituled against dispaire of Godes mercie Thos were
Apostle writeth he that yeeldeth to 〈◊〉 becòmeth the bondslaue of sinne And the holy spirite of God in an other place saieth the vvicked man is vvrapt in the bades or chaines of his ovvne vvickednes Which bandes and chaines are so nexed knit and strongly lincked together in a sensual man that being once entangled within the compasse therof he is drawen from lincke to lincke compassed about with so many foldes that he seldome can escape vntil he come to the ende therof which is fastened euen in hel it self This thing doe the holie Fathers of Gods Church expresse by this deduction to wit that in careles and negligent Christians Suggestiō which is the begining of this daūgerous and infernal chaine draweth after it cogitation cogitation draweth affection affection delectation delectation consent consent operation operation custome custome desperation of Gods mercie desperatiō bringeth in the defending of sinnes cōmitted after which foloweth immediatelie both vaūtinge bosting and glorying in wickednes which is the next inseparable lincke to damnation it self To thes miseries loe and inexplicable calamities is the world brought by not resisting the temptations of sinne but yeelding to euery vnlawful motion of our sensual appetites According as it was foretolde so long ago If thou permit thy soule to haue her concupiscences she vvill make thee a ioye and pray to thy enimies Oh ye children of Adam whye consider ye not this thinge ô worldlinges ô careles Christians whie forget ye this pointe so necessarie to be pondered is it possible that men should be so negligent in their owne apparent and irremediable daungers The world is come now to that desperate cōdition described by Iob wherin men drinke vp sinne as beasts doe water that is without all difficultie scruple remorse of conscience feare of hell care doubt examination or cogitation We are now come to that obstinate cōtempt foreprophetied by Daniel vvicked men vvil doe vvickedlie and vvill not vnderstande Nay the most parte of men are entered into that dreadful most horrible plight wherof the wisman said The vvicked and impious man vvhen he is come to the deapthe of vvickednes contemneth all But what are the wordes immediatlie ensuinge His ignominie shall follovv hym Which S. Paul expoundeth more plainlie in this maner VVhose ende shaibe death or destruction vvith confusion Wherfore he that is a good Christian in deede and desireth to enioye the fruite of that vocation lett hym beware of this perilous laberinthe and learne to resiste his fleshlie appetites betime Let hym crushe the head of the serpent at the first enterance of vnlawful suggestions as in the second parte of this directorie he shal more particule lie be instructed to doe In the meane 〈◊〉 this alredie spoken shal be sufficient to declare the greate importāce weight and necessitie of this affaire and the manifolde mischiefes which ensue vnto the world for wante of watchefulnes and diligence in this warre AND THVS HAVING shewed how euil souldiars we are in resisting our enimie it remaineth to cōsider how prudent marchātes and labourers we are for encrease of our gaine and spiritual riches by the exercise negotiation and trafique of good workes About which point is to be obserued that man from his first fal in paradise was assigned to trauaile and take paines in this kinde of exercise and in no sort to be idle For so it is plainlie set doune in the booke of Genesis man vvas placed in paradise to labour And after that in diuers other places of the olde testainent the spirite of God exhorted men to be paineful industrious and diligently to til such land as God hath lent them for their gaine Which the prophet Osce interpreteth thus Seminate vobis Iustitiam enrich you selues by sowing iustice And the wise man more plainly vvhat soeuer thy hād can doe doe it instantly The reason of which exhortation is set doune by the same instrumēt of Gods spirite in an other place Anima operantium impinguabitur The soule of such as labour and take paine shal be fattened And againe Seminanti Institiam merces sidelis To hym that soweth iusticc or good deeds ther remaineth a faithful and sure reward In respect wherof in the description of a blessed and fortunate mā it was put for one principal qualitie by the prophete that he receyued not his soule in vaine but laboured and employed the same to his greatest benefite And this in the old testament But in the new wherin the most excellent merites of Christ doe yeeld inestimable dignitie to al good workes that are done in his name this precept of labouring hath much more place and is more seriouslie recommended for that by Christes spirite and aboundance of grace we are more enhabled to performe the same as may appeare by the wordes of God him self in Ezechiel wher foretelling the times of the Messias to come saieth At that day vvil I place my spirite in you and vvil bring to passe that you shal vvalke in my commaundements and shal labour and take paines Which labour is to be vnderstoode in performance of good workes according as S. Paul describeth the condition of Christian people when hecalleth thē an acceptable people clensed by Christes blood to be a folovver of good vvorkes And in an other place he defineth a good Christian to be the had vvorke of God created ī Christ to vvalke in good vvorkes And yet further Christ him self in the Ghospel declareth plainly what the state and condition of Christiās is in this life by the parable wherin he likeneth hym self to the riche banker who committed diuers summes of money to his seruantes with this charge Negotiamini dum venio Make ye your trafique and commoditie vntil I come and cal for an accompt By al which is most manifest that the life and vocation of a Christian in this world is to labour and make his gaine by the talentes that God hath lent him and to fructesie in al good vvorkes as S. Paul exhorteth vs. Hereby also doth appeare that the time of this our life is nothing els but a certaine season alotted vs wheri to sowe plant nothing els but a fayer or marte wherin to trafique negotiate make our exchaunge for the kingdome of heauen In which affaire and negotiation he that is diligent painful industrious is accompted a vvyse man euen by Gods owne mouth as on the contrary part the careles slouthful and negligent mā is called the childe of confusion voide of wit and subiect to al miserie contempt and beggarie Herehence are thos speeches of holie Scripture Manus sortium dominabitur The hande of him that laboureth with courage shal preuaile and be potent And againe Robusti habebunt diu tias The stout painful shal haue welth at wil. And yet further he that diligently tilleth his soile shal aduance to great hight
good workes which his hand or hart may possibly performe Which kinde of life if it were exactly fulfilled in such sort as it was prescribed by Christ the authour of our profession most euident it is that the common weale of Christianitie should be a most heauenly blessed and Angelical estate vpon earth wherin no fraude no deceipt no malice no contention no wickednes iniustice or violence should raigue and consequētly either few or no tēporal lawes should be necessarie for punishment of the same For that by the only lawe of religion and conscience al would be simplicitie al puritie al truth and honestie concorde loue and charitie one towardes the other euē as we read that it fel out in the first daies and ages of Christian religion when this lawe of conscience was yet obserued But now for that the world hath abandoned commonlie in euery place thes two principal partes of Christian dutie I meane the resistance of synne and performance of good workes the most part of Christians are become more sensual and dissolute in maners and life then euer were the more ciuile part of Gentiles and Infideles which is a most intollerable and supreme dishonour to our Saueour that gaue his life for reducing vs to a better conuersatiō For which cause in al reason right and equitie the punishment of such vnworthie Christians must needs be farre greater at the later daie then of the verse Paganes who had not that light and assistance for their direction according to that speech of Christ to certaine ingrateful Townes places wherin he had preached woe be to thee Corozain woe be to the Bethsaida for that if the like thinges had bene done in Tyrus and Sidon which are heathen Cities that haue bene done in the they would haue repented therfore I tel you that it shal be easier for them in the daie of iudgement then for you Which point would God that men now adayes would attentiuely consider Secondly it may appeare by thes and other thinges before set doune what a maruelous different life the good and euil doe passe in this world and consequently how different a lot they are to receyue in the next from hym that rewardeth eche man as S. Paul saieth according to his actions either good or euil For first the vertuous Christiā doth not only abstaine from committing sinne especially that which diuines cal mortal which eche man by Gods assistance may eschewe but also by cōtinual resisting fightīg against the same he encreaseth daily and hourely his merite for the Crowne of heauē But the careles man by yeelding consent of hart to euery leude concupiscence that offereth it self doth not only not gaine any merite at al but heapeth vp sinne vpō sinne without ende or number Againe the careful man besides auoiding sinne the gaine which he gathereth by fighting in that combat performeth also infinite good workes at lest wise in hart and desire which is accepted by God for deedes wher further habilitie faileth But the lose Christiā neither in hart or deed doth any good at al but in place therof committeth infinite euils so that as the one employeth his whole mīde hart wordes and handes with al the forces and other habilities that God hath lent him to the doing of good and resisting of euil so the other bendeth al his powers both of bodie minde and fortune to the seruice of vanities the world and of his owne flesh and to the encrease of Christes enimies kingdome And hereby as the former encreaseth hourely in merite before God wherunto by his holie promisse belongeth encrease of grace in this life and of glorie in the life to come so the later cōtinually by all his thoughts wordes deeds and endeuours doth multiplie in stane frō time to time wherunto of Gods iustice doe appertaine both vengeance and damnation with the tormente of hel And in this contrarie course they passe ouer their liues for twentie thirtie fortie more or fewer yeares and so come to die eche man with his cōtrarie accompt which being such as I haue said can it be maruailous to any man liuinge if ther be so great diuersitie in their pavementes euerlastinge conditions for the world to come seing their dealinges recōninges were so opposite and vnequal in this life present Learne then my deare brother if thou be wise by thes and like considerations to awaken thy self while thou hast tyme. If thou finde by examination of the two forsaid partes of Christian dutie that hyterto thou hast walked avvrye hast not perfourmed the life required in that vocation thanke God for this so great a benefite as is the reuciling of thy daunger while yet ther is tyme and place to make amendes Many no doubt are this day in tormentes and shal be euerlastinglie who passed ouer their liues without euer thinking of thes affairs and if they had receyued so special fauour as thou doest now in hauing thes matters so particulerlie layed before the perhappes they had escaped thos eternal calamities wherin now they are fallen without possibilitie of redresse Vse then Gods mercie to thy gayne deare Christian and not to thy greater and more intollerable damnation Cast not awaye wilfullie that most precious Inel thy soule which Christ hath bought so dearlie and which he desireth so vehementelie to saue enriche with grace euer lasting glorie if thou wouldest yeeld the same into his handes and be content to direct thy life according to his most hoiie and sweet commaundementes OF THE ACCOMPT WHICH CHRISTIANS MVST YEELD TO GOD of the duties and offices before rehearsed As also the Maiestie seueritie terrour and other circumstances of that reconinge day vvith tvvo seueral times appointed for that purpose CHAPT VII AS IN euerie office and charge committed to a seruant in this life it is a principall point of wisdome to consider and beare in minde what accōpt reckonig shal be demaunded therof by him who placed him in that roome as also what nature and disposition his master is of in taking his audite that is whether exact or remisse facile or rigorous milde or sterne and whether he haue power to punishe at his pleasure if he finde hym faultie euen so it behoueth a careful Christian man in the charge of his life and dutie before mentioned and declared verie diligently to waighe and ponder with him self what maner of reckoning his Lord and Saueour wil require at his handes and in what termes either of rigour or lenitie facilitie or seueritie he will proceed with hym in that accompt or audite Which thing a prudēt man may easelie conceyue by consideration of thes two points which ensue First if he waighe the manner order and circumstances wherby his charge that is the lawe and rule of his conuersation was published and proclaymed by God vnto the world Which thing is set forth at large in the booke of Exodus wher is described with
noli altum sapere sed time Be not high minded but feare Againe he reasoneth thus vpon the olde and the new lawe He that brake the lawe of Moyses being conuicted by two or three witnesses died for the same without commiseration or mercye how much more greeuous punishment then doth he deserue who breaking the law of Christ by wilfull sinne treadeth the Sonne of God vnder his feete polluteth the bloode of the new testament and reprocheth the holie Ghost In like maner reasoneth S. Peter and S. Iude towching the sinne of Angels and ours If God spared not the Angels when they sinned but did thrust them downe to hell there to be tormented and to be reserued vnto iudgement with eternall chaines vnder darckenes how much lesse will he spare vs And agayne if the Angels which passe vs in power and strength be not able to beare gods horrible iudgement against them what shall we doe And yet further in an other place the same Apostle reasoneth thus if the iust man shal hardlie be saued where shal the wickedman and sinner appeare By al which examples we are instructed how to reason maturely sincerely in our owne cause As for example eche man may truly saie thus vnto hym self if God haue punished so seuerelie one sinne in the Angels in Adam and in others before recited what shall I looke for which haue committed so manie sinnes against hym If God haue damned so manie soules for lesser sinnes then mine are what will he do to me for mine that are farre greater If God haue borne longer with me then he hath done with many other whom he hath cut of without geuing them of repentance what reason is there that he should beare longer with me If Dauill and others after their synnes forgyuen tooke such paines in afflicting them selues for satisfaction of the temporal punishement in this life what punishemēt remaineth for me either here or in the wold to come for satisfaction of so manie sinnes cōmitted If it be true that our Sauvour saith that the waye is harde and the gate narrow wherby men goe into heauen and that they shal aunswere for euerie ydle worde before they enter therein what shal become of me that doe liue so easie a life and doe keepe no accounte at al of my deedes and much lesse of my wordes If good men in olde time did take such paines for their saluation and yet as S. Peter saieth the verie iust were scarcely saued what a state am I in which take no paine at al but doe liue in all kinde of pleasure and worldly contentations Thes argumētes consequentes and conclusions are more true good Christian and would proue more profitable vnto vs if we would excercise our selues therin and therby enter into some cogitation of our owne daungers and into iust feare of Gods seuere iudgementes without flatteringe or deceyuinge our selues For wāt wherof either onlie or principallie the most parte of enormous sinnes from time to time are committed according as holy Dauid most euidentlie declareth when hauing shewed and detested the multitude of sinnes which the world committeth he reduceth al as it were vnto two prin cipal causes Wherof the first is that men deceyue them selues and others by vaine flatterie in deminishing their sinnes of whom he saith they are taken in their ovvne deuises for that they praise the vvicked man in the lustes desires of his ovvne minde The second is for that this deceipt and flatterie is referred commōlie by the vitious man to the driuing of Gods iudgementes out of his memorie to the end he may sinne with lesse feare and scruple For so saith the prophet expresselie The sinner hath exasperated God against him in that he hath said god in the multitude of his vvrath vvil not require an accounte of my doinges But what effect ensueth of this heare the wordes immediatelie folowing he hath not God before his eyes his vvayes are filthie from time to time And what is the cause of al this for that thy iudgementes o Lord are remoued from his sight that is for that he wil not see he wil not behold he wil not heare he wil not consider or beare in mind thy iudgementes ô Lord but wil needes flatter delude and deceyue hym self Herof it commeth that he neuer maketh an end of his filthie life wicked wayes but exasperateth thie iustice o Lord against him vntil it be ouer late to repent or amende Thus said this holie Sainte of wicked sinners but what of him self heare his wordes deare brother and imprint them in thie memorie I haue kept the vvayes of my Lord saith he haue not donne vvickedlie in the sight of my God for that al his iudgements are before my eyes and I haue not tast his iustices from me Beholde the vertuous life of king Dauid beholde the cause therof For that Gods iudgemētes were continuallie before his eyes therfore was his life pure and voide of wickednes or as in other wordes at an other time he expresseth I vvil cōfesse vnto the o Lord in the direction or puritie of my hart for that I haue learned the iudgementes of thie iustice And againe in the same place I haue chosen to vvalke the vvay of truth for that I doe not forget o Lord thy iudgementes that is as a litle after he expoundeth the same for that I doe feare and trēble at thy iudgementes O most excellent effecte of the feare of Gods iudgementes No maruaile though it be called the beginning of al wisdom and the verie dore and entrance to eternal saluation no maruaile if the same holie prophet in the verie same psalme doe pray so hartilie strike through my flesh vvith thy feare ò Lord. S. Paule after he had shewed to the Corinthians that we must al be presented before the tribunal of Christ euerie man to receyue according to his merites he maketh this conclusiō VVe knovving therfore thes thinges deare bretheren doe persuade the feare of our Lord vnto al men And S. Peter hauing made a longe declaration of the Maiestie of God and of Christ now raining in heauen concludeth thus yf then you cal him father vvhich doth iudge euerie man according to his vvorkes vvithout exceptiō of persons doe you liue in feare during the time of this your habitation vpon earth A necessarie lesson no doubt for al men but especiallie for such who by reason of their sinful life doe remaine in displeasure and hatred of almightie God and hourelie doe stand obnoxious as I haue shewed to the seueritie of his most dreadful iudgementes wherinto if once they fal especiallie by departure from this life the matter remaineth remediles for all eternitie insuinge as God him self hath forwarned vs. Which thing being so what man of wisdome would not feare what Christiā that is careful of his owne estate would eate or drinke or take his repose with quiet vntil by
hartie repentāce and other such means of holie Sacramentes as God hath left for this purpose in his Church he had discharged his conscience of the burden of sinne and made an attonement betwene his soule Saueour O merciful Lord how dangerous is his estate vntil he haue donne it how manie wayes may he fal into thos heauie handes of his eternal iudge wherof S. Paul conceyued horrour in onlie thinking One litle stone falling from the house toppe as he passeth by one slippe of his horse as he rideth one assault of an enimie whē he thinketh not vpon him one poore ague by a surfect or other distēperature one suddaine mischance of a milliō that may fal vnto him is able to bereaue him of this life to cast him into thos termes of euerlasting calamitie wherehence the whole world shal not be able to deliuer him And is not this then a matter to be feared is not this a case to be preuented O how trulie saith the holie scripture blessed is the man vvhich alvvaies is fearful and he that hath a hard hart shal fal into perdition Our Lord God of his mercie gyue vs his holie grace to feare him as we should and to make such accounte of his iudgementes and iustice as by threatning the same he would haue vs to doe for th' auoiding of sinne And thē shal not we delaye the time but shal resolue our selues to serue him whiles he is content to accept of our seruice and to pardon vs al our offences if we would once firmelie make this resolution from our hart AN OTHER CONSIDERATION FOR THE FVRTHER IVSTIFYING OF Gods iudgementes and manifestation of our grieuous offence Taken from the inestimable Maiestie of him vvhom vve offende and of the innumerable benifites vvhich he hath bestovved vpon vs. CHAPT IX ALBEIT the most parte of Christians through their wicked life arriue not to that state when holy Dauid was when he sayed to God thy iudgementes ô Lord are pleasant vnto me as in deed they are to all those that lyue vertuouslie and haue the testimonie of a good conscience yet at leastwise that we maye be inforced to confesse with the same Prophet that the iudgementes of our Lord are true and iustified in them selues I haue thought expedient to adde a reason or two in this chapter wherby it maye appeare how great our offence is in sinnīg against God as we doe and how righteous his iudgemētes iustice are agaist vs for the same AND FIRST OF AL IS to be considered the maiestie of hym against whom we sinne For most certaine it is as I haue noted before that euerie offence is so much the greater and more grieuous by how much greater and more noble the person is against whom it is done and the partie offending more base and vile And in this respect almightie God to terrifie vs from offending hym nameth hym self oftentimes with certaine great and dreadful titles of maiestie as to Abraham I am an omnipotēt Lord. And agayne to Esay heauen is my seate the earth is my footestole And at an other time he cōmaunded Moyses to beare to the people in his name this ambassage harden not your neckes any longer for that your Lord and God is the God of godes and the Lord of lordes a greate God both potent and terrible vvhich accepteth nether person nor bribes First then I saye consider gentle Christian of what an infinite maiestie he is whom thow a poore worme of the earth hast so often and so contemptuously offended ī this lyfe We see in this world that no man dareth to offende openly or say one worde against the maiestie of a temporal Prince within his owne dominions But what is the maiestie of all earthly princes put together if it be compared to the thowsand parte of Gods incomparable inestimable maiestie who with one worde made both heauen and earth and all the creatures therin and with halfe a worde could annihilate and destroie the same againe Whom all the creatures which he made both Angels heauens Starres and elementes doe serue at a becke and dare not once offend vnder vvhom as holy Iob saieth doe croucb and trēble euē they that beare vp susteine the vvorld Onlie a sinner is he which emboldeneth hym self against this maiestie and feareth not to offēd the same whom as the holye Catholique Church doth professe day lie in her preface to the blessed sacrifice the Angels do praise the dominations doe adore the powers do tremble and the highest heauens together with Cherubins and Seraphins thrones and al other multitudes of celestial spirites doe continually praise with hymnes of glorie Remember then deare Christian brother that euerie tyme thou doest commit a capital sinne thou gyuest as it were a blowe in the face to this great God of eternal maiestie whos mansiō as S. Paul describeth is in a light inaccessible such as no man in this vvorld can endure to behold Wherof S. Iohn th' euangelist gyueth good testimonie by his owne experiēce who notwithstādig he were an Apostle and most dearly beloued of his God and maister yet when Christ appeared vnto him after his Resurrection with certaine sparcles only of his dreadful gloric vttering words of most sweet consolation vnto hym he was for al that so astonied oppressed with feare that he fel doune starke dead as him self confesseth vntil the same his Lord and Maister vouchsafed to raise him vp againe The like trial of this inexplicable maiestie had Moyses the familiar friend and trustie seruant of God who after many conferences desiring once in his life to see him whos wordes he had so often heard made humble petition for the same But God answered that no man might see hym and lyue Yet notwithstanding to satisfie his request and to shew him in parte what a terrible and maiesticall God he was he promised Moyses that he should see some part of his glorie how beit he added that it was needfull he shoulde hyde him self in the hole of a rocke be couered with Gods owne handes for his defence whiles he or rather his Angel as diuines doe interprete did passe by in glorie Who being once past God remoued his hande and suffered Moyses to behold the hynder partes only of the Angel which was notwithstanding most terrible and dreadful The same maiestie was reuealed also in some part to Daniel who sawe God as he writeth placed vpon a most glorious throne his apparell vvas as vvhit as snovv bis beare lyke vnto fyne vvoolle bis throne vvas of a flame of fyre and his chariottes vvere a burning furnace a svvift flud of fyre ranne from his face thousand thousandes did serue him and ten thousand hundred thousands did assist him Al this and much more is recorded in holy scripture to admonishe vs therby what a wonderful prince of maiestie he is whom a synner doth offend Which thing that iust and
liberal pay for so litle paines king Dauid discoursing with him self on a certaine time how his owne palace being richly builded of Cedar timber the arke of his Lord and maken was lodged only vnder a poore tēt resolued with him self to erect a house and temple for the same Which onelie cogitation God tooke in so good parte as he sent Nathan the prophet vnto him presentlie to refuse the thing but yet to tel him that for so much as he had determined such a matter God wold build a house or rather a kingdome to him and his posteritie which should last for euer and from which he wold neuer take away his mercie what sinnes or offences so cue they committed Which liberal promisse we see now fulfilled in the Church of Christ descended originally from that noble family What should I labour to heape together moe examples to this effect Christ him self gyueth a general note hereof when he calleth the workemen and payeth to ech man his wages so duelie as also when he sayeth of him self behold I come quicklie and my revvard is vvith me By which places it is euident that God suffereth no labour in his seruice to be lost or vnpayed And albeit as hereafter in place conuenient more amply shal be shewed he payeth also and that abundantlie in this life present yet as by these two texts appeareth he deferreth his chiefe paye vnto his comming in the end of the day that is after this life in the resurrection of the iust as him self saieth in an other place OF THIS PAIMENT then reserued for gods seruants in the life to come we are now to consider what maner a thing it is and whether it be worth so much labour and trauail as the seruice of God requireth And first of al if we beleeue the holie scripture calling it a kingdome a heauenlie kingdome an eternal kingdome a most blessed kingdome we must nedes confesse it to be a maruailous great reward seing that in this world hardlie can there be found so bountiful a Monarch as wil bestowe a kingdome vpon his seruant in recompēse of his seruice and if he would and were able to performe the same yet would it be nether heauenly nor eternal nor blessed kingdome such as this is which God hath promised vnto his seruants Secondlie if we credit that which S. Paul saieth of this reward that nether eye hath seene nor eare beard nor hart of man conceyued how great a matter it is thē must we yet admit a greater opiniō thereof For that we haue sene many wounderful things in our dayes we haue heard more wounderful we may conceyue most wounderful and almost infinit How then shal we come to vnderstand the greatnesse and value of this reward surelie no tongue created either of man or Angel can expresse the same no imagination conceyue no vnderstanding comprehend it Christ him self hath said nemo scit nisi qui accipit No man knoweth it but he that enioyeth it And therfore he calleth it hidden manna in the same place Notwithstanding as it is reported of a learned Geometrician who finding the length of Hercules foote vpon the hil Olimpus drew out his whole bodie by the proportion of that one part so we by some things set doune in holy scripture and by some other circumstances agreing therunto may frame a coniecture of the matter though it be farre vnequal and inferiour to the thing it self I haue before declared how this reward in holy writ is called a heauenly euerlasting most blessed kingdome By which wordes is signified that al shal be kinges and most happie kinges that shal be found worthie of this reward To like effect is it called in other places a crovvn of glorie a throne of Maiest c a paradise or place of pleasure a life euerlasting S. Iohn the Euangelist being in his banishment by special priuilege made priuie to some knowlege and feeling thereof aswel for his owne comfort as for ours taketh in hād to describe it by comparison of a citie affirming that the whole bodie therof was of pure gold inuironed with a great and high wal of the pretiouse stone called Iaspis This wal had also twelue foundations made of twelue distinct pretious stones which he there nameth also twelue gates made of twelue riche stones called Margarits and euerie gate was an entire Margarit The stretes of the citie were paued with gold interlayed also with pearls and pretious stones The light of the citie was the clearenesse splēdour of Christ him self sitting in the middest thereof from whose seat proceded a riuer of water as cleare as cristal to refresh the citie and on both sides of the bankes there grew the tree of life geuing out continual and perpetual fruit There was no night in that citie nor any defiled thing entered thereinto but they which are within shal raigne sayeth he for euer and euer By this description of the mostriche and pretious things that this world hath S. Iohn wold geue vs to vnderstand the infinite finite value glorie Maiestie of this felicitie prepared for vs in heauen though as I haue noted before it being the princelie inheritance of our Saue our Christ the kingdome of his father the eternal habitation of the holie Trinitie prepared before al worldes to set out the glorie and to expresse the power of him that hath no end or measure ether in power or glorie we may verie wel thinke with S. Paul that nether tongue can declare it nor hart imagine it When God shal take vpon him to doe a thing for the vttermost declaration in a certain sorte of his power wisdome and eternal Maiestie imagine you what a thing it wil be It pleased him some time to make certaine creatures to serue him in his presence and to be witnesses of his glorie and thereupon with a word he created the Angels both for number and perfection of nature so strange and wonderful as the cogitation therof astonieth our vnderstanding For as for their number they were almost infinite passing the number of al the creatures of this inferiour world as diuers learned men and some ancient fathers are of opinion albeit Daniel according to the custome of holy writ doe put a certain number for an vncertaine when he sayeth of Angels a thousand thousands did minister vnto him that is vnto God and ten thousand times a hundreed thousand did stand about him to assist And for their perfection of nature it is such being as the scripture saieth celostial spirits and like burning fire as they farre surpasse al inferiour creatures in natural knowledge power beautie and al other excellēcies which i one Angel are more for perfectiō of nature not respectig grace then in al other creatures of the world put together What an infinit Maiestie thē doeth this argue in the Creator After this when many of these Angels were now fallen it pleased
this assurance vnto vs Christ sent that most sweet and comfortable embassage vnto his disciples presentlie vpon his resurrection Goe and tel my brethren that I doe ascend vnto my father and vnto your father vnto my God and vnto your God By which two wordes of Father and God the one of loue and th' other of power the one of wil the other of abilitie he tooke away al doubt of not speeding from each man that should make recourse to this merciful Lord and Father God him self also after many threates vsed by the prophet Ieremie against the people of Israel for their sinnes in the end lest they should dispaire turneth about his talke and changeth his stile assuring them of many graces and fauours if they would returne vnto him telling the house of Israel that he had loued her from the beginning and had sought to draw her vnto him by threates to the end he might take mercy vpon her and that now he intended to build her vp againe to adorne her with ioy and exultation to gather her children from al corners of the earth to refresh them with the waters and riuers of life al this saith he quia factus sum Israeli pater for that I am become now a Father to Israel And in the same place to wicked Ephraim the head citie of the rebellious kingdome of Samaria he saith Ephraim is become my honorable sonne my delicate and dearely beloued child therefore my bovvels are moued vvith compassion vpon him and in abundance of mercy vvil I take pitie of him So much attributed God to this respect of being a father vnto Israel and Ephraim and of their being his children that for this cause only notwithstanding their infinit enormous sinnes his bowelles of endles mercie were moued with loue and compassion towardes them And thes are thos tender merciful bowelles which holie Zacharie father to S. Iohn Baptist protesteth to be in almightie God towardes mankind that had offended him Thes are thos which were in that good old father mentioned in the Gospel who being not only offended but also abandoned by his yonger sonne yet after he saw him returne home againe notwithstanding he had wasted al his thrist and substance and had weried out his bodie with wicked life he was so far of from disdaining to receaue him as he came forth to meete with him sel vpō his neck and kissed him for ioy adorned him with new apparel and riche iewelles prouided a solemne banket for him inuited his friēdes to be merie with him and showed more exultation and triumph for his returne then if he had neuer departed from him By which parable our Saueour IESVS endeuored to set forth vnto vs the incomprehensible mercie of his heauenly Father towardes sinners in which respect he is truely called by his Apostle pater misericordiarum the father of mercies For that as S. Bernard wel noteth this sea Oceā of mercies doth flow peculiarly frō the hart of a father which can not be said so properly of the gulfe and depth of his iudgementes For which cause he is called in Scripture the God of iustice and reuēge and not the Father And finally this blessed name of father in God doth import vnto vs by Godes owne testimonie al sweetenes al loue al frendship al comfort al satherly prouidēce care and protection al certaintie of fauour al assurance of grace al securitie of mercie pardon and remission of our sinnes whensoeuer vnfainedly we turne vnto him And in this point his diuine Maiestie is so foreward and vehement to geue vs assurance that being not content to set forth his loue vnto vs by the loue of a fathers hart he goeth further and protesteth vnto vs that his hart is more tēder towardes vs in this behalf then the hart of any mother can be to the only child and infant of her own wombe For thus he saith to Sion which for her sinnes begā to doubt least he had forsaken her Can the mother forget her ovvainfant or can she not be merciful to the child of her ovvne vvombe if she could yet can I not forget or reiect thee behold I haue vvritten thee in the flesh of my ovvne handes And this for so much as God is called our Father Ther remaineth yet a third consideration which more setteth forth Gods inestimable loue then any of the other demonstrations before handled And this is that he gaue the life and blood of his only begotten and eternal sonne for purchasing and redeeming vs when wee were lost a price so infinite and inexplicable as no doubt his diuine wisdome would neuer haue giuen but for a thing which he had loued aboue al measure Which our Sauiour him self that was to make the paiment doth plainly signifie and therfore also seemeth as it were to wonder at such a bargaine when he saieth in the Ghosple So dearly hath God my father loued the vvorld that he hath giuen for it his only begotten sonne In which wordes he ascribeth this most wōderful dealing of his father vnto the vehemencie and exceeding aboundāce of loue as doth also his dearest disciple and Apostle S. Sohn saing In this appeareth the great loue and charitie of God towards vs that he hath sent his only begotten sonne into the world to purchase life for vs. In this I saie is made euident his exceeding charitie that we not louing him he loued vs first and gaue his owne sonne to be a ransome for our sinnes Wherunto also the holie Apostle S. Paul agreeth admiring in like maner the excessiue loue of God in thes wordes God doth maruailouslie commend and set forth his great loue vnto vs in that we being yet sinners he gaue his sonne to the death for our redemption And in an other place framing out as at were a measure of Gods mercie by this aboundance of his loue faieth thus God who is rich in mercie thorough the exceeding loue which he bore vnto vs we being dead in sinne he reuiued vs in Christ and raised vs vp euen vnto heauen making vs to sitte doune ther with him to the ende he might declare to al ages and worldes ensuing the most abundant riches of his grace and goodnes towards vs. This was the opinion of that noble Apostle S. Paul and of al his coequals Apostles Euangelistes Disciples Saints that this worke of our redemption proceeded only from the inflamed fornace of Gods immeasurable loue And therfore to make no other conclusion her of then that which S. Paul him self doth make If God haue not spared his owne proper only begotten soone but hath geuen him vp to death for gaining vs vnto him how can it be that with him he hath not geuen vnto vs al other thinges If when we were his enemies and thought not vpon him he sent to seeke vs so diligently by such a messinger as he loued so dearly allowing
svveet and merciful is our Lord and his miserations aboue al the rest of his mast vvonderful vvorkes Who wil maruail if the same prophet made a vowe that his euerlastīg song should be of the mercies of this his Lord and maker But yet this thing is made much more apparant by that which his deuine Maiestie did afterwardes to the same people in the daies of Ieremie the prophet aboue an hundreth yeares after this treatie in the time of Esaie at what time God being resolued to destroie them and their citie for their obduration in their sinnes when the hower of execution drewe neare his bowels of mercie were so touched with commiseratiō towardes them as he called to Ieremie and commaunded him once againe to goe vp to the temple gate wher al the people did passe in and out and ther with a loude voice to crie as foloweth Heare yee the word of God ò al you of Iuda that doe passe in and out by thes gates thus sayeth the Lord of hostes the God of Israel yet doe you amend your waies and I wil dwel in this place with you c. And when this exhortation and blessed indeuour of almightie God could not moue or profit them any thing at al then his vnspeakable goodnes began with sharpe threates in this maner My furie and indignation is gathered together vpon this citie and vpon the inhabitantes and vpon the very beastes and cattel therof as also vpon the fruite and trees of this region The carcases of this people shal be foode to the birdes of the aire and to the beastes of the filde their enimies shal come cast forth of their sepulchers the bones of the kīges and princes of Iuda the bones of their priestes prophetes and inhabitantes and shal drie them at the sunne and cast them out vnto the dunghil After al which lōg and dreadful cōmination he altereth his speech presentelie againe and saith with a very lamentable and pitiful voice And vvil not he that is fallen notvvithstanding al this rise vp againe VVil not be that is departed from me returne vnto me againe O vvhy doth my people runne from me so obstinatelie By which louing complaint and infinite other meanes of mercie that God vsed to that people when no amendment at al could be procured his diuine Maiestie was inforced to cal Nabuchodonosor king of Babilon before the walles of Hierusalem to destroy it But euen now also consider the bowels of his vnspeakable mercie For hoping that by this terrour they might perchance be stirred vp to conuersion he sent Ieremie the prophet to them againe with this embassage tel the inhabitantes of Hierusalem vvil ye not yet receaue discipline and obey my vvordes Wherat thos graceles people were so litle moued as they tooke Ieremie and cast him into prison for his message and therby exasperated most grieuoulie Gods further indignation against them Notwithstanding al which his incomprehensible clemencie would not thus abandon them but commanded holie Ieremie to write out al his threates and promisses in a booke together and to send the same vnto them forth of the prison wher he lay by his seruant Baruch to be read in their hearing and so he did Wherof whē Ioacim the king had vnderstanding he commanded Baruch to be brought into his presence and ther to read the booke by the fier side as the Scripture noteth And whē he had heard but three or foure pages therof he cut them out with a penne knif and threwe the whole booke into the fier and so consumed it At which obstinat and impious dealing albeit almightie God were extremely offended yet cōmanded he this same booke to be indited and writen againe in much more ample maner then before therby if it had bene possible to haue stirred vp gained that people vnto him But when this by no means in the world could be brought to passe then permitted his diuine Maiestie the whole citie to be destroied according to his former threate and that rebellious people to be lead away captiue in bōdage to Babilon In which place and miserie notwithstanding their demerites his infinit mercie could not for sake them but sent his prophet Ezechiel as also Baruch vnto them with extreme complaint of their obduration and yet offring vnto thē mercie and pardon euen thē if they would repent And what more wonderful clemencie then this can possibly be imagined deare Christian brother May in reason any man euer now enter into doubt or despaire of Gods mercie how great and greeuous soeuer the burden of his sinnes be when he considereth this proceeding of his eternal Maiestie with the people of Israel for so many yeares and ages together whom him self calleth notwithstanding Gentem Apostatricem dura facie indomabili corde an apostatical nation of a shameles countenance and incorrigible disposition Can God deuise any more effectual and forcible means to erect animate a sinner confidently to returne vnto him then are thes And yet gentle reader for thy further confort and encouragement in this behalf I wil adioine one thing more which doth exceed and passe al reason and reache of humane imagination and this is that God promiseth to a sinner that faithfullie wil returne vnto him not only to forget and vtterly extinguishe al memorie of his former iniquities but also to make more ioy and triumphe at his conuersion and to loue and cherishe him more tenderlie at his returne then if he had neuer fallen or departed from his seruice This God him self signifieth by the Prophet Esay when he saith cal vnto Hierusalem speake vnto her hart that is comfortably for that her iniquitie is for giuen she hath receaued dubble at Gods handes for al her sinnes committed And more plainelie in an other place by the same Prophet the light of the moone shal be as the light of the sunne and the light of the sonne shal be as the light of seuen dayes seuen tymes put together vvhen God shal binde vp the vvoundes of his people heale their fores And to this purpose doe appertaine directelie thos most wonderful parables of our Saueour in the Ghospel concerning th' extraordinarie ioye and feasting that the careful woman made when she had founde againe her grote that was lost the good Shepherd when he brought backe the sheepe that was astray and the merciful father when he receaued home his sonne that before had abādoned him And to the same purpose doth it also appertaine that in the Prophet Dauid God glorieth especiallie in the seruice of thos people that before had not knowen him And this shal suffice for this seconde pointe to shew what wonderful meanes almightie God doth vse in setting forth his mercie for allurement of sinners vnto repentance AND SO HAVING declared what exceeding great loue and mercie God beareth towardes man and how effectuallie he expresseth the same by his
sueing vnto sinners for their conuersion it followeth that we should in this third place examine some what more in particuler what certaine assurance his diuine Maiestie geueth of vndoubted pardon and ful remission of their sinnes to al such as vnfainedlie shal resolue them selues to make their refuge vnto him Which thing albeit euerie mā by that which before hath bene treated may sufficientlie conceaue yet for th' importāce of the matter it shal not be amisse in this place also to adde a word or two for more plaine and euidēt demonstration therof And this shal be donne by setting doune both the wordes and deedes that is both the promisses and perfourmāce which almightie God hath vsed and excercised in this behalf to al such as haue offended him whatsoeuer And for the first which are his promises most apparent it is as wel by the thinges which before haue bene discussed as also by the whole course bodie drift of holie scripture that the promises of mercie and pardon which his diuine Maiestie hath made to synners and wherunto by his sacred word he hath in a certaine maner obliged him self are both manifold vehement absolute resolute vniuersal VVho so euer shal depart from his vvicked vvayes and turne vnto me saith almightie God I vvil receaue him Behold the vniuersalitie of al people and persons without excluding any And then further At vvhat day soeuer an impious man shal returne vnto me from his impietie his vvickednes shal not hurt him saith the same L. God of hostes see the vniuersalitie of al times seasons without exceptiō But yet harken what God addeth besides Leaue of to doe peruerselie saith he to the Iewes c. and then doe you come and finde fault vvith me if you can For if your sinnes vvher as red as skarlet they shal be made as vvhite as snovve c. Consider the vniuersalitie of al kind of synnes be they neuer so greeuous so horrible or haynous And finallie God talking to a soule that hath oftentimes fallen most infinitelie offended him he saith thus it is a common receaued speech that if a womā depart from her husbād and doe ioine her self to an other man she may not returne to her first husband againe for that she is defiled and made contaminate And yet wheras thou hast departed from me and hast committed fornication with many other louers doe thou returne vnto me againe and I wil receaue the saith almightie God By which wordes is expressed the fowerth vniuersalitie containing al states qualities and conditions of men how many waies or how oftentimes or how contemptuouslie soeuer they haue committed sinnes against his diuine Maiestie And what may be added now more vnto this was ther euer prince that made so large an offer vnto his subiectes or was ther euer father that gaue so ample and vniuersal promise of pardō vnto his children Who can now mistrust him self to be excluded from this assurance of mercie wherin al sortes of people al kindes of sinnes al times and seasons al states and qualities of sinners are comprehended O most miserable and infortunate man that excludeth him self whom God excludeth not What is ther in this general and vniuersal promises wherof anie man in the world should haue pretence to make any least doubt or question Of the meaning perhapes and intent of him that promiseth O deare brother it is onlie loue and tharitie and consequentlie can not deceaue vs. Of the truth and suertie of his promisses It is infallible and more certaine then heauen and earth put together Of the power that he hath to perfourme his promisse It is infinite and not restrained by any boundes or limitation wherof thē may we doubt or in which of thes three pointes may we not conceaue most singuler consolation heare the comfortable meditation that blessed S. Bernard made vpon thes three particulers which wee haue now mentioned Tria considero saith he in quibus tota spes mea consistit charitatem vocationis veritatem promissionis potestatem redditionis c. That is I doe consider three thinges saith this holie mā wherin al my hope cōsisteth wherby it is made inuincible First the exceeding loue and charitie of him that calleth me to him by repentance secondlie the infallible truth and certaintie of his promise which he maketh to me of pardon and mercie thirdlie the endles power and abilitie he hath to perfourme whatsoeuer he promiseth This is that triple or threefold rope and chaine which holie scripture saith is hardlie broken for that by this rope let donne vnto vs from heauen which is our contrie into this world that is our prison we may ascende and mount vp if we wil euen vnto the sight and possession of Gods eternal kingdom and heauēlie glorie Thus farre that blessed father But now to the second pointe if we consider how faithfullie almightie God hath put in execution thos promises of his from time to time how no one man vpon earth so many ages as the world hath continued was euer yet frustrate of his hope in making his conuersion vnto his Maiestie if he made it from his hart we shal finde further cause for vs to confide For so much as it is not probable or ī reason to be imagined that he which neuer failed in times past wil breake his promise for the time to come especially seing now in Christianitie when we haue this aduantage aboue other former times as S. Iohn doth also note that he who was and is our iudge is become also our aduouocat to pleade our cause Cast backe thine eyes then my louing deare brother and take a vew of al ages times and seasons past and gone Beginne from the first creation of the world and come donneward euen vnto this daye examine indifferentlie whether in al this wide compasse of times persons places most greeuous offences committed against his diuine Maiestie ther were euer yet any one sinner vpon earth that returned vnsay nedlie and was not receaued The sinne of our first parentes was presentelie forgeuen vnto them vpon their first signification of greefe and sorowe for the same And not onlie this but our Saueour also Iesus Christ was promissed to be sent for restoring them and their posteritie to the glorie and felicitie which by their fal they had lost After this vntil the time of Abraham and of the people of Israel as some workes of Gods iustice are recorded in holie writ that were excercised vpon irrepentant offendours so are ther many more celebrated of his mercie and onlie two persons in particuler are mentioned who notwithstanding some sorow which they seemed to haue of their offences were yet reiected the first wherof was the murderer Cain who at the beginning denied his wickednes vnto God and then being conuicted despaired of remission The second was Esau whom S. Paul calleth a profane fornicator who
founde no place of repētāce albeit with teares he sought the same Wherof S. Chrisostome geueth the reason in thes wordes For this cause Esau obtained not pardon for that he did not repente as he should haue done his teares proceeding rather of anger and temptation then of true sorovv When the people of Israel came to be a distinct nation and to be gouerned at Gods appointement how greeuouslie trow you did they offend day lie and almost howerlie his diuine Maiestie And how gratiouslie did his vnspeakable clemencie remitt and pardon their manifold and innumerable sinnes trespasses done agaist him The whole scripture in truth seemeth nothing els but a perpetual narration of Gods incredible patience and infinite mercies towardes them And if I would speake of particuler persons amōg them which he receaued to his fauour after greate and manifold offences committed ther would be no end of that recital Let Manasses that most impious and wicked king be an exāple for al of whos enormous life and most detestable actes whole pages are replenished both in the bookes of kinges and Chronicles and yet afterwardes notwithstanding the same man falling into miserie and calamitie among the Babylonians a fortunate schoole oftentimes for Princes who in their prosperitie are wont to contemne God he begā to be sorowful for his former life and actions and to doe great penance as the scripture saith in the sight of God for the same Wherat his diuine and incomprehēsible mercie was so much moued presentlie as he receaued him to fauour and brought him backe from his prison and fetters to his kingdome and imperial throne of Maiestie The exāple also of the Niniuites is very notable singuler in this behalf against whom almightie God hauing decreed a sentence of death to be executed within a certaine time he commanded Ionas the prophet to goe and denounce that sentēce vnto them But Ionas wel knowing the nature and disposition of God towardes mercie forsaw as afterwardes he signifieth that if he should goe and beare that embassage vnto them and they therupon make change of ther liues his Maiestie would presentlie pardon them and so he should be taken for a false and lying prophet For auoiding which inconuenience he chose rather to flee away by sea to the citie of Tharsis and ther to hide himself But almightie God raised a tempest in that iourney and disposed in such sort as Ionas was cast into the sea and ther receaued and deuoured by a whale from whos belly he was commanded afterwardes to repaire to Niniue and to doe his former message which he perfourmed And the tenour of his message was that within fortie dayes that huge citie of Niniuie should be destroyed Which he hauing denounced vnto them the sequel fel out as Ionas before had suspected For the Niniuites beleeuing the message and betaking them selues to repentance God forgaue them presentlie wherat Ionas was exceedinglie greeued offended complained sweetlie to God of his strāge dealing herin demanding whie he had inforced him to come and preach destruction vnto them knowing wel before hād that he would pardon them But his merciful Lord answered him fullie to this pointe by a certaine accident that fel out wherto Ionas was not able to replie one word For so it chanced that Ionas sitting without the walles of Niniuie vnder an Iuie bush that in one night by Gods appointment was sprōg vp to couer him frō the sunne the same Iuie by Gods ordināce perished vpon the suddaine and was consumed by a worme leauing the poore prophet destitute of that consolation of shadoe which he receaued by it Wherwith he being not a litle disquieted and afflicted God said vnto him thou Ionas art sorowful and much grieued for losse of thine Iuie tree which not withstanding thou diddest not plant nor make to grow nor tookest any labour at al about it But the same grew vp in one night and in one night it perished againe And shal not I then be careful to pardon my greate citie of Niniuie wherin ther be aboue an hundred and twentie thousand innocent people which can not distinguish betwene their right hand and their left This was the answer of almightie God to Ionas for defence of his singuler inclinatiō to mercie in respect that the Niniuites were his owne creatures his owne workmanship and the labours of his own handes as al other people also are Of which kinde of reason and consideration ther haue bene diuers thinges said and declared before for manifestation of Gods infinit mercie And al this that hitherto hath bene spoken is of thinges onlie donne in time of the old testament before the appearance of Christ our Saueour in flesh But now if we looke into the time of grace when God incarnate came him self in person to shew the riches of his endles mercie vnto mortal men vpon earth we shal see more examples without comparison of this exceeding clemencie For that now our Creator and shepheard ouercome as it were with extreme compassion came down into the vale of our miserie with resolution not onlie to offer pardon and forgeuenes to al his sheepe that were a stray and would returne but also to follow seeke them out being found to lay them on his own shoulders and so to beare them backe vnto the fold againe and ther to geue his life and blood for their defence against the wolfe O sweet Lord what greater loue cā be imagined then this what more pregnant signification of inflamed charitie can mans cogitation conceaue or apprehend is it maruaile now if he which descēded vnto vs with this hart and with thes bowels of burning affectiō did set open the gates of al his treasures fauours graces vnto vs Is it maruaile if the holie apostle S. Paul doe saye of this time Superabundauit gratia that grace did ouer abounde and yet further in an other place that Christ being verie God did in a certaine sort impouerish and emptie him self with the most wonderful effusion of mercies and hauoke of heauen which at this time and euer since he hath made Herehence it proceeded that al his delite and pleasure vpon earth was to conuerse with sinners and to geeue them cōfort corage and cōfidence in him Which he did so manifestlie in the sight of al the world as he was very scandalous and offensiue therby to the Scribes and Pharisees and other principal rulers among the Iuish nation Herehence also did proceed thos his most maruailous speeches and strange inuitations of wicked men vnto him as for example at one time among other when he cried out in publique Come vnto me al ye that doe labour and be heauie loden and I vvel refresh you And at an other time going into the temple of Ierusalem vpon a high festiual day when al the people were gathered together he stood vp in the middest of
them al and brake forth into this vehement inuitation with a lowd voice as S. Iohn Euangelist recordeth if any man among you be thirstie let him come vnto me he shal drinke Hereby it came to passe that his diuine Maiestie was termed commonlie Publicanorum peccatorum am cus The frend and familiar of wicked Publicans and sinners And herof finallie it did proceed that he receaued al imbraced al and forgaue al that repaired vnto him were they Scribes Pharisees Souldiars Publicans Vserers Harlotes Theeues Persecutours or whatsoeuer most grieuous offendours besides wherof particuler examples in eche kinde might be alleaged assuring vs furthermore that after his resurrection and blessed ascensiō to the right hand of his father he would be more bountiful yet in this maner of proceeding and dravv al vnto him self being at one time both our Iudge and Aduocat our king and Mediatour our God and Redeemer our Father and brother our Priest and Sacrifice and he that both pleadeth and determineth our cause together What then should not we hope at this time deare Christian brother at the handes of this our Lord and Maister which hath left vnto vs such wordes such deedes such assured euidencies of his infallible loue and abundant mercies towards vs why should not his dealinges with other men before vs geeue vs hart and corage to confide assuredlio in him for the time present and to come why should not his former most infinit mercies be vnto vs oderiferous alluring sauours and oyntmentes to make vs as the spouse did in the Canticles follow and runne after him Heare what deuout S. Bernard doth meditate vpō this passage of Christs fragrant ointmentes O sweet Iesus saith he the freshe and oderiferous smel of thie wonderful clemencie doth allure vs to runne after the when we heare saye that thou despisest not beggars nor abhorrest sinners Wee know right wel ô Lord that thou didest not reiect the theefe that confessed thee nor the sinful woman that wept vpon thee nor the Chananaean that humbled her self before thee not the wicked adulteresse brought vnto thee nor the toullar or tribut gatherer that followed thee nor the publican that repaired vnto thee nor the disciple that denied thee nor Saul that did persecute thee nor thie tormentours that did naile thie sacred bodie vpō the crosse O Lord al thes are fragrant smels and sauours of thie most sweet mercie and at the sent of thes thie ointmentes we doe follow and runne after thee Thus farre S. Bernard AND SO VVITH THIS to come to the fourth and last part of this chapter and to applie al that hath bene said of Godes mercie to our present purpose What man is ther liuing in the world that reading and beleeuing thes thinges can doubt or mistrust to receaue pardon for his sinnes If God be he that iustifieth vvho is able to condemne vs saieth the holie Apostle S. Paul If God be minded to deliuer vs who can take vs out of his hands If God protest that he wil pardon vs why should we make any doubt or questiō therof at al Why should not we ioine rather with that confident and faithful seruāt of his S. Paul who saieth vnto vs and to al other sinners liuing in his maisters name let vs repaire vnto him vvith a true hart in fulnes of faith hauing purged our hartes from an euil conscience let vs hold fast an immouable confession of our hope seing he is faithful vvhich hath giuen vnto vs his promis and let vs consider hovv one of vs may prouoke an other to charitie and good vvorkes By which wordes the holy Apostle signifieth that what sinner soeuer shal resolue with him self to purge his conscience frō wickednes for the time to come and to employ the rest of life in charetie good workes he may confidently and boldly repaire vnto almightie God with most certaine assurance to receaue pardon and remission And alas deare brother why then should anie man despaire wherfore should any man cast away his owne soule that God so much desireth to saue what a pitiful and lamentable case is it to behold so many Christians in the world to goe languishing in ther sinnes and to giue thē selues ouer to al kind of careles and dissolute sensualitie which by God him self is called desperation vpon this conceit wicked cogitation that now they are gone so farre and so deeply rooted and habituated in this kind of life as either it is impossible or in vaine for them now to thincke of change or amendements O deare Brother let thes men harken to this excellent discourse of holy Chrisostome which ensueth If thou be a wicked man saieth he thincke vpon the Publicane If thou be vncleane of life consider the harlot If thou be a murtherer remember the theef If thou be a swearer cal to mind the Blasphemer Cast thine eyes vpon Saul and Paul first a persecutour and then a preacher first a violent robber afterward a good steward and Dispenser First chaffe afterward corne first a wolfe afterward a sheppard first lead after gould first a pirate afterwards a good pilot first a dispersour afterward a gatherer first a breaker doune of Gods vineyard afterward a plāter first a destroier afterward a builder Thou hast sene manifold wickednes but now behold vnspeakable mercie Thou hast heard the pride of the seruant consider now the loue and clemencie of the Maister I wil not thou saie to me I ame a blasphemer I haue bene a persecutour I haue lead an vncleane and abhominable life and therfore I doubt lest I shal not haue pardon Saie not so vnto me for here thou hast examples to the contrarie in euerie of thes manie other sinnes Thou maiest safely fly to what port thou list and that either in the old or new Testament For in the old thou hast Dauid in the new thou hast Paul I wil not haue the therfore alleage excuses vnto me for couering thine owne cowardnes Hast thou sinned doe penance hast thou sinned a thousand times repent a thousand times vnfainedly This is the only ointment that may be poured in to an afflicted consciēce the torment wherof I doe wel knowe For the Diuel standeth by whetting his sword of desperation and saing vnto the Thou hast liued wickedly al thy youth thy former yeares thou hast mispent thou hast hanted plaies and spectacles with thy companions and hast folowed after louse and lasciuious women thou hast taken other mēs goods from them wrongfully thou hast bene couetous dissolute and effeminate thou hast foresworne thy self thou hast blasphemed committed many other hainous and enormous crimes and therfore what hope canst thou haue of saluation Truly none at al. Thou art a mere castawie and canst not now goe backe and therfore my counsaile is that now thou vse the pleasures and commodities of this world and passe ouer thy time in mirth of hart without cogitation
geuē vnto vs against the same they crie with S. Paul that they finde a lavv in their members repugning to the lavv of their minde which is the rebellion of concupiscence left in our flesh by original sinne but they confesse not or cōsider not with the same apostle that the grace of God by Iesus Christ shall deliuer them from the same They remember not the comfortable saying of our Saueour vnto S. Paul in the middest of his greatest temptations Sufficie tibi gratia mea My grace is sufficient to strengthen thee against them al. Thes men I say doe as Helizeus his disciple did who casting his eyes onelie vpō the number of his enemies that is vpon the huge armie of Syrians redie to assault him thought hīself lost vtterly vnable to stand in their sight vntil by the prayers of his master the holie Prophet he was permitted by God to see the Angels that stoode there present to fight on his side and then he wel perceaued that his parte was the stronger So fareth it with the weake and distrustful people who feeling and considering onlie the miseries and infirmities of their own nature wherby day lie strong tentations do rise against them doe account the batail painful and the victorie vnpossible hauing not tasted in deed nor euer proued through their own default and negligence the manifold helpes of heauenlie and spiritual succours which almightie God neuer faileth to send vnto such as are content for his sake to take this cōflict in hand S. Paul had wel tasted that ayde who hauing reckned vp al the hardest incounters and impedimentes that might be he adioineth notwithstanding Sed in his omnibus superamus propter cum qui dilexit nos But we ouercome in al these combates by his assistance that loueth vs. And then falleth he to that most wonderful protestation wherof both heauen earth and hel may stand in admiration that nether death nor life nor Angels nor other thing should be able to seperat him from Christ or to make him abandon his seruice and al this vpon the confidence of spiritual ayd frō his said Saueour wherby he sticked not to auouch that he could doe al things The Prophet Dauid also had proued the force of this assistance when he saide I did runne the vvay of thy commaundementes ô Lord vvhen thoudiddest enlarge my hart This enlargement of hart was by spiritual consolation of internal vnction wherby a mans hart drawen together by anguishe and sorow is opened and enlarged at what time Gods holie grace is powred ito it no otherwise then a drie purse is softened and enlarged by annointing it with oyle Of which diuine oyle and heauenlie comfort when this blessed seruant of God had receaued his part he confessed presentlie that he did not onlie walke the wayes of Gods commandementes with ease but also did runne them ouer with exceeding pleasure Euē as a carte wheele which creketh and complaineth vnder a smal burden when it is drie doth runne on merilie and without al noise when a litle oyle is put vnto it Which thing aptlie expresseth our state and condition who without Gods assistance are able to doe nothing but with the ayde thereof are able to conquere and ouercome al things And surelie I would gladlie aske these men that imagine the way of Gods holy law to be so hard and ful of difficultie how the prophet could say who was a man as we are I haue taken pleasure ô Lord in the vvay of thy commaundementes euen as in al the riches of the vvorld And in an other place That the same commandementes vvere more pleasant and more to be desired then any gold or pretious stone and more svveter thē hony or the hony combe By which wordes he yeeldeth to vertuous life not onely due estimation of honour and value aboue al treasures in the world but also of pleasure delite and sweetnes therby to confound al those that abandone forsake the same vpon idle pretensed and feined difficulties And if king Dauid could say thus much in the old testament and of the old law which notwithstanding was infinitlie more hard thē is the new with how much more reason may we speake it now in the time of grace when not onlie the seruice of God in it self is without al comparison more sweet and easie but also the peculier helpes and assistances of almightie God much more effectual and abundant For further declaratiō wherof I would demand of thee thou poore infortunat Christian that deceauest thie self with thes bugges and fancies of imagined difficulties whie Christ our Saueour came into this world whie tooke he our flesh vpon him whie laboured he and tooke so much paines among vs whie shed he his blood whie praied he to his father so often for vs whie appointed he the Sacramentes as conduites to deriue his most holie grace vnto vs whie sent he the Holie Ghost into the world what signifieth Ghospel or good tidings what meaneth the words Grace Mercie brought with him what importeth the comfortable name of IESVS Is not al this to deliuer vs from sinne from sinne past I say by his only death from sinne present and to come by the same death and by the assistance of his holy grace bestowed on vs more abundantlie then before Was not this one of the prīcipal effectes of Christ his comming as the prophet noted that craggie pathes should be made streight and hard vvayes plaine was not this the cause whie he indued his church with the seuen blessed giftes of the Holie Ghost and with the vertues infused to make the yoke of his seruice sweet the exercise of good life easie the walking in his commandemētes pleasant in such sort as men might now sing in tribulations haue confidence in perils securitie in afflictions and assurance of victorie in al temptations is not this the beginning midle and ende of the Ghospel were not thes the promises of the Prophetes the tydinges of the Euangelistes the preachinges of the Apostles the doctrine beleef and practise of al saincts and finallie is not this verbum abbreuiatum The word of God abbreuiated and made short wherin doe consist al the riches and treasures of our Christian profession But for that this matter is of exceeding great weight to the strēgthening of Christians in their vocation against the temptations of pusilanimitie and deiectiō which are verie ordinarie dāgerous to most mē in the world it shal not be amisse perhappes to treate discusse the same more at large in this place laying doune the particuler meanes and helpes which euerie man hath or may haue in this busines if he want not wil to vse and applie the same to his assistance and commoditie And for that the feeld is large the matters are many which doe appertaine vnto this point I haue thought conuenient for more plainesse and perspicuitie
men that is God shal permit wicked mē to fal into snares which are as plentiful in the world as are the droppes of raine which fal doune from heauē Euery thing almost is a deadly snare vnto a carnal and loose harted mā Euery fight that he seeth euery word that he heareth euery thought that he conceaueth his youth his age his freendes his enemies his honour his disgrace his riches his pouertie his compagnie keeping his prosperitie his aduersitie his meate that he eateth his apparel that he weareth al are snares to draw him to destruction that is not watchful Of this then and of the blindnes declared before doth folow the last and greatest miserie of al other which can be in this life And that is the facilitie wherby worldly men doe runne into sinne For truely saieth the scripture miseros facit populos peccatum Sinne is the thing that maketh people miserable And yet how easily men of the world doe commit sinne and how litle scruple they make of the matter Iob signifieth when talking of such a man he saieth bibit quasi aquam iniquitatem He suppeth vp sinne as it were water that is with as great facilitie custome ease aduētureth he vpō any kind of sinne that is offered him as a man drinketh water when he is a thirst He that wil not beleeue the saying of Iob let him proue a litle by his owne experience whether the matter be so or no. Let him walke out into the streetes behold the doinges of men vew their behauiour cōsider what is done in shoppes in halles in consistories in iudgement seates in palaces and in cōmon meeting places abroad what lying what slandering what deceiuing there is He shal find that of al things wherof men doe make any accōpt in the world nothing is so litle accounted of as to commit a sinne He shal see iustice solde veritie wrested shame lost and equitie despised He shal see the innocent condemned the guiltie deliuered the wicked aduaunced the vertuous oppressed He shal see many theeues florish many vsurers beare great sway many murderers and extorsioners reuerenced and honoured many fooles put in authoritie and diuers which haue nothing in them but the forme of men by reason of money to be placed in great dignities for the gouernmēt of others He shal heare at euerie mans mouth almost vanitie pride detraction enuie deceit dissimulation wantōnesse dissolution lying swearing periurie and blaspheming Finally he shal see the most part of men to gouerne them selues absolutely euen as beastes doe by the motion of there passions not by law of iustice reason celigion or vertue The. 5. pointe of the parable OF THIS DOTH ensue the fifte point that Christ toucheth in his parable and which I promised here to handle to wit that the loue of this world choketh vp and strangleth euerie man whom it possesseth fromal celestial and spiritual life for that it filleth him with a plaine contrarie spirite to the spirite of God The Apostle saieth Si quis spiritum Chrsti non habet hic non est cius If any man haue not the spirit of Christ this felow belongeth not vnto him Now how contrarie the spirite of Christ and the spirite of the world is maie appeare by the twelue fruites of Christs spirite reckned vp by S. Paul vnto the Galathians to wit Charitie which is the roote and mother of al good workes Ioye in seruing God peace or trāquilitie of minde in the stormes of this world Patience in aduersitie Longanimitie in expecting our reward Bogitic in hurtig no man Benignitie in sweete behauiour Gentlenes in occasion geuē of anger Faithfulnes in performig our promises Modestie without arrogancie Continencie from alkind of wickednes Chastitie in conseruing a pure minde in a cleane and vnspotted bodie Against thes men saith S. Paul there is no lavv And in the verie same chapter he expresseth the spirite of the world by the contrarie effectes saying the worcks of flesh are manifest which are fornication vncleannes wantonnes lecherie idolatrie poysonninges enemities contentious emulations wrath strife dissention sectes enuie murder drōkennes glutonie and the like of which I fortel you as I haue tolde you before that those men which doe such things shal neuer obteine the kingdome of heauen Here now may euery man iudge of the spirit of the world and of the spirit of Christ and applying it to him self may coniecture whether he holdeth of the one or of th' other S. Paul geeueth two pretie short rules in the very same place to trye the same The first is They vvhich are of Christ haue crucifie ltheir flesh vvith the vices concupisconces therof That is they haue so mortified their owne bodies as they commit none of the vices and sinnes repeated before nor yeld not willinglie vnto the concupiscences or temptations therof The second rule is if vve liue in spirite then let vs vvalke in spirit That is our walking behauiour is a signe whether we be aliue or dead For if our walking be spiritual such as I haue declared before by the twelue fruites therof then doe we liue and haue life in spirite but if our workes be carnal such as S. Paul now hath described then are we carnal and dead in spirite nor haue we any thing to doe with Christ or portion in the kingdome of heauē And for that al the world is ful of those carnal workes and bringeth forth no fruites in deede of Christs spirit nor permitteth them to grow or prosper within her thence is it that the scripture alwaies putteth Christ and the world for opposite and open enemies Christ him self saith that the vvorld can not receaue the spirit of trueth And againe in the same Euangelist he saieth that nether he nor anie of his are of the world though they liue in the world And yet further in his most vehement prayer vnto his father Pater iuste mundus te non cognouit iust father the world hath not knowen thee For which cause S. Iohn writeth If any man loue the vvorld the loue of the Father is not in him And yet further S. Iames that vvbs soeuer desireth only to be a sreend of this vvorld is therby made an enemie to God What wil worldly mē saie to this S. Paul affirmeth plainlie that this world is to be dāned And Christ insinuateth the same in S. Iohns gospel but most of al in that wonderful fact of his whē praying to his Father for other matters he excepteth the world by name Non promun lo saith he I doe not aske mercie and perdone for the world but for those which thou hast geuen me out of the world Oh what a dreadful exception is this made by the Sauiour of the world by the lambe that taketh awaie al sinnes by him that asked perdone euen for his tourmentours and crucifiers to except I saie now the world
Possidius But S. Victor comming to declare the said persecution more in particuler sheweth that albeit they were cruel against al Catholiques in general yet saith he praecipuè in ecclesijs basilicisque caemiterijs monasterijs sceleratijss saeuiebant They principally did excercise their wicked crueltie vpon Churches oratories church-yards and Monasteries And then he goeth forward shewing their further cruelties and outrages in abusing preestes and monkes and in spoiling alters of which he saith in particuler de pallis altaris proh nesas camisias sibi femoralia faciebant Of the corporesses and other clothes of the aulter sie on the villanie they made them selues shirtes and briches Further he addeth that they gathering diuers sacred Virgins together against al shame would behold and handle the priuie partes of their bodies whom afterward for that they would not be leud with them they tormented with fire and threw into riuers with stones tied to their feet saying vnto them tel vs how doe your bishops and clergie men vse to lie with you besides al this he saith that they prohibited Catholiques Missas agere vel tractare to haue Masse or to talke therof they forbide them also to burie Christians solemly with lightes tapers and torches and finally they forbid them al excercise of their Catholique Christian religion And for that in thes things they were not obeied as they desired but were resisted openly and manfully by them that had spirit corage from God to doe it therfore did they rage and fome aboue al measure and did excercise more extremitie in al despiteful and villanous kind of cruelties then did the Pagan persecutours either before or after NOVV THEN to make here our staie and to passe no further in this discourse thou seest deare brother in this descent of Gods Church for fiue hūdred years together after Christs departure how ordinarie a thing it was to our Saue our to send persecution vnto his dearest seruants for their trial and merit In which matter notwithstanding is diligently to be considered first the greatenes and sharpnesse of this trial to the end we be not desmaied when the like more or lesse doe fal vnto our lot Secondly how pittiful and miserable the fal of diuers were in this trial to the losse of their soules and eternal desolation Thirdly how the causes of this their fal were either pride and temeritie wherby they tempted God or els the loue of this present world wherby they were allured to forsake their Lord and master Fourthly how glorious the victorie was of thos that were resolute and how euerlasting their reward both in this world in the world to come Besides this it shal not be amisse for thee to consider and that for thy particuler comfort if thou be a Catholique how careful thes holy Martyrs were that suffered in the primatiue Church to keepe them selues within the vnitie of Catholique faith doctrine deliuered vniuersally by tradition in al Churches frō age to age to the end their sufferinges and labour might reccaue their merit How diligēt also they were in aduertising others of this important pointe assuring them that without this their trauailes could be of no profit or auaile And as it is most euident and certaine that al thes blessed martyrs Sainctes which before I haue named together with their brethren did cōtinue by successiō for fiue hundred years together in the common knowen faith of Christēdome called at that time Catholique and did defend the same both by wordes writing and suffering against al apostaces heretiques schismatiques or other newfangled enemies whatsoeuer So is it as euidēt apparēt to the world that the same vniuersal general church faith and doctrine which thes men left haue continued euer since vntil this daie and shal doe to the worlds ende fighting and striuing against al new vpstart enemies of the same traditiō of Christian religion which thes mē so carefully commended vnto vs. By al which as also by the maner of persecution that was then and by the thinges them selues that were suffered at heretiques hādes in thes old times euerie Catl olique man that by Gods special grace is made worthie to suffer the like in thes our daies maie take singuler comfort and great instruction therin considering nubem illam testium propositam as S. Paul calleth it that is the great multitude and cloude of examples and witnesses that haue gone before vs to instruct and animate vs in this battaile And the holy Apostle vseth the word cloude to allude by a metaphore vnto that cloude which out Sauiour sent to the people of Israel to direct their iourney in the deserte insinuating hereby that thes excellent examples of holy Martyrs and Confessours which I haue named before to haue suffered so valiantely in the primatiue church ought to be vnto vs a most certaine direction both for corage cōstancie wisdome alacretie and resolution in this spiritual fight assuring our selues that we following their steppes in fighting for the like cause against the like enemies with like fortitude and humilitie and in like patience and longanimantie as they did we shal not want the like grace like comfort like assistance like merit and reward at our merciful Sauiours hand as they receaued THE FIFT IMPEDIMENT OF RESOLVTION IN THE SERVICE OF ALmightie God Proceeding of ouer much presumption in the mercie of our Sauiour vvithout remembrance of his iustice CHAPT VI. AS many men for their excuse against the resolutiō which we persuade doe serue them selues with the reasons that before we haue confuted So is ther an other forte of people that taketh a more shorte way to dispatch their handes of al that can be said to moue thē by seare quite contrary to them whom in the first chapter of this second part I answered this way is to lay the whole matter of their stay vpon the backe and shoulders of our Sauiour Christ himself and to answere what soeuer you can say against them with this onely sentence God is merciful Of thes men our Saue our seemeth to complaine greeuously by the prophet when he saieth Supra dor sum meū fabricauerunt peceatores prolongauerunt iniquitatem Sinners haue built vpon my backe they haue prolonged their iniquitie By which wordes he signifieth that prolonging of our iniquities in hope of Gods mercie is to build our sinnes on his back and shoulders But what foloweth wil God beare this iniurie no verelie for the next wordes ensuing are Dominus iustus cōcidet ceruices peccatorum God is iust and he wil cut in sunder the neckes of sinners Here loe are two cooling cardes for the two warme imaginations before recited For meane you Syr to prolong your iniquitie for that God is merciful remember then also that he is iust saieth the prophet Are ye gotten vp vpon the backe of almightie God to make your nest of sinne there take heed for he wil fetch
iustitiae sperate in domino doe you sacrifice vnto God the sacrifice of righteousnes and then trust in him Wherwith S. Iohn agreeth when he saith If our hart or conscience doe not reprehend vs for wicked life then haue vve confidence vvith God As who wold saie if our conscience be guiltie of lewde and wicked life we resolued to dwel and continue therin then in vaine haue we confidence in the mercies of God vnto whose iust iudgemēt we stand subiect for our wickednes It is most wonderful and dreadful to consider how almightie God hath vsed him self towardes his best beloued in this world vpon offence geuen by occasion of finne how easelie he hath chaunged countenance how soone he hath broken of frendshippe how straitlie he hath takē accompt and how seuerelie he hath punished The Angels that he created with so great care and loue and to whom he imparted to singular priuileges of al kinde of perfections as he made them almost verie Goddes in a certaine maner committed but onelie one sinne of pride agaīst his maiestie and that onelie in thought as diuines doe hold and yet presentlie al that good wil and fauour was chaunged into iustice and that also so seuere as they were throwen downe to eternal tormentes without redemptiō designed for euer to abide the rigour of hel fire and intollerable darkenes After this almightie God made to him self an other new frend of flesh blood which was our first father Adam in paradises where God conuersed with him so frendlie and familiarlie as is most wounderful to consider He called him he talked with him he made al creatures in the world subiect vnto him he brought them al before him to the end that he and not God should geue to them their names He made a mate and companion for him he blessed them both and finallie shewed al possible tokens of loue that might be But what ensewed Adam committed but one sinne and that at the entisement of an other and that also a sinne of smal importance as it may seeme to mans reason being but the eating of an aple forbidden and yet the matter was no sooner done but al frendship was brokē betwene God and him he was thrust out of paradise condemned to perpetual miserie and al his prosperitie to eternal damnation together with him self if he had not repented And how seuerelie this greuous sentence was executed afterward maie appeare by the infinite milliōs that went to hel for this sinne for the space of fower thousand yeres that passed before it was ransōmed which finallie could not be done but by the comming downe of Gods owne sonne the second person in Trinitie into this flesh by his intolerable sufferinges and death in the same The two miracles of the world Moyses and Aaron were of singular authoritie and fauour with God in so much as they could obtaine any thing at his hādes for other men And yet when they offended God once them selues at the waters of contradiction in the desert of sin for that they dowted somewhat of the miracle promised to them by God and therby did dishonour his maiestie before the people as he saieth they were presentlie rebuked most sharpelie for the same And albeit they repented hartelie that offence and so obtained remission of the fault or guilt yet was there laid vpon them a greuous punishment for the same that was that they should not enter them selues into the land of promise but should die when they came within the sight therof And albeit they entreated God most earnestlie for the release of this penance yet could they neuer obtaine the same at his hādes but alwaies he answered thē seing you haue dishonoured me before the people you shal die for it and shal not enter into the land of promise In what special great fauour was 〈◊〉 with God when he chose him to be the first king of his people caused Samuel the prophet so much to honour him and to annoint him prince vpō Gods own inheritance as he calleth it when he commēded him so much and tooke such tender care ouer him And yet afterward for that he brake Gods commandement in reseruing certaine spoyles of warre which he should haue destroied yea though he reserued them to honour God withal as he pretended yet was he presentlie cast of by God degraded of his dignitie geuen ouer to the handes of an euil spirite brought to infinite miseries though he shifted out for a time and finallie so forsaken and abandoned by God as he slew him self his sonnes were crucified on a crosse by his enemies and al his familie and linage extinguished for euer K. Dauid was the chosen and deare frend of God honoured with the title of one that vvas according to Gods ovvne hart But yet as so one as he had sinned the prophet Nathan was sent to denounce Gods heauie displeasure and punishment vpon him And so it ensued not with standing his greate and voluntarie penance that him self added for the pacifying of Gods wrath by fasting praier weeping wearing of sacke-cloth eating of ashes the like By which is euident that how great Gods mercie is to them that feare him so great is his iustice to thē that offend him The holie scripture hath infinite examples of this matter as the reiectiō of Cain and his posteritie streight vpon his murder The pitiful drowning of the whole world in the time of Noe. The dreadful consuming of Sodom and Gomorra with the cities about it by fire brimston The sending downe quicke vnto hel of Chore Dathan and Abiron with the slaughter of two hundred and fiftie their adherēts for rebellion against Moyses and Aaron The suddain killing of Nadab and Abiu sonnes of Aaron and chosen preestes for once offering on the Aultar other fire then was appointed them The most terrible striking dead of Ananias and Saphira for retaining some parte of their owne goodes by deceit frō the Apostles with many more such examples which holie writ doth recount And as for the grecuousnes of Gods iustice and heauines of his hand when it lighteth vpon vs though it may appeare sufficientlie by al thes examples before alleaged wherin the particular punishmentes as you see are most rigorous yet wil I repeat one act of almightie God more owt of the scripture which expresseth the same in wounderful sort and maner It is wel knowne that Beniamin among al the twelue sonnes of Iacob was the dearest vnto his father as appeareth in the booke of Genesis therfore also greatlie respected by God and his tribe placed in the best part of al the land of promise vpon the diuision therof hauing Ierusalem Iericho other the best cities within it Yet notwithstanding for one onelie sinne committed by certaine priuate men in the citie of Gabaa vpon the wife
of a Leuit God punished the whole tribe in this order as holy scripture recounteth He caused al the other eleuen tribes to rise against them first to come to the house of God in Silo to aske his aduise and to folow his direction in this warre against their brethren And thence hauing by Godes appointement ioined battaile twise with the tribe of Beniamin the third daie God gaue them so great a victorie as they slew al the liuing creatures within the compasse of that tribe except onelie six hundred men that escaped awaie into the desert the rest were slaine both man woman children and infantes together with al the beastes and cattel al the cities villages and howses burnt with fire And al this for one sinne committed onelie at one time with one woman And who then deare Christian brother wil not confesse with Moyses that God is a iust God a great God and a terrible God Who wil not confesse with S. Paul that it is horrible to fal into the handes of the liuing God Who wil not say with holy Dauid A Iudicijs tuis timui I haue feared at the remembrance of thy iudgementes If God would not spare the destroying of a whole tribe for one sinne onely if he would not perdon Chore Dathan and Abiron for once the sonnes of Aaron for once Ananias Saphira for once if he would not forgiue Esau though he demaunded it with teares as S. Paul saieth if he would not remit the punishment of one fault to Moyses Aaron albeit they asked it with great instance if he would not forgiue one proude cogitation vnto the Angels nor the eating of one apple vnto Adā without infinite punishment nor would passe ouer the cuppe of affliction from his own deare sonne though he required the same thrise vpō his verie knees with the sweate of blood and water in his presence what reason hast thou my brother to thike that he wil let passe so many sinnes of thine vnpunished what cause hast thou to induce thy imagination that he wil deale extraordinarilie with thee breake the course of his iustice for thy sake Art thou better then thos whom I haue named or hast thou any priuilege from his Maiestie aboue them If thou wouldest consider the great and strange effectes of his iustice which we see dailie executed in the world thou shouldest haue litle cause to persuade thy self so fauorablie or rather to flatter thy self so daungerously as thou doest We see that notwithstanding Godes mercie yea after the death and passion of Christ our Sauiour for sauing of the whole world yet so many infinite millions be damned daily by the iustice of almightie God so many insideles heathens Iewes and Turkes that remaine in the darknes of their owne ignorance and among Christīans so many heretiques and misbeleuers and among Catholiques so many euel liuers as Christ truely said that few were they which should be saued albeit his death was paid for al if by their own wickednes they made them selues not vnworthie therof And before the comming of our Sauiour much more we see that al the world went awrie to damnatió for many thousand yeres together excepting a few Iewes which were the people of God And yet among them also the greater part perhappes were not saued as may be cōiectured by the speeches of the prophetes from time to time and specially by the sayings of Christ to the harisees and other rulers therof Now then if God for the satisfying of his justice could let so many millions perish through their own sinnes as he doth also now daily permit without any preiudice or impechement to his infinit mercie why may not he also damne thee forthy sinnes notwithstanding his mercie seing thou doest not onely commit them without feare but also doest confidently persist in the same The 2. part of the chapter BVT HERE now perhappes some man may say if this be so that God is so seuere in punishment of euery sinne and that he damneth so many thousandes for one that he saueth how is it true that the mercies of God are aboue al his other vvorkes as holy scripture affirmeth and that it passeth and exalteth it self aboue his iudgement For if the number of the damned doe exceede so much the number of thos which are saued it seemeth that the worke of iustice doth passe the worke of mercie To which I answere that touching the smal number of them that are saued as also of th' infinit quantitie of such as are damned we may in no wise doute for that besides al other prophetes Christ our Sauiour hath made the matter certaine and out of question We haue to see therfore how notwithstāding al this the mercie of God doth exceede his other workes And first his mercie may be said to exceede for that al our saluation is of his mercie and our damnation from our selues only as from the first and principal causes therof according to the saying of God by the prophet Perditio tua Israel tantummodò in me auxilium tuum Thy perdition is onely from thy self ô Israel and thy assistance to doe good is onely from me So that as we must acknowledge Gods grace and mercie for th' author of euerie good thought and acte that we doe and consequently ascribe al our saluatiō vnto him so none of our euil actes for which we are damned doe proceede from him but onely from our selues and so he is no cause at al of our damnation and in this doth his mercie exceede his iustice Secondlie his mercie doth exceede in that he desireth al men to be saued as S. Paul teacheth and him self protesteth when he saieth I vvil not the death of a sinner but rather that he turne from his vvikednes and liue And againe by the prophet Ieremie he complaineth greeuouslie that men wil not accept of his mercie offered Turne from your vvicked vvaies saith he vvhy vvil ye die a you house of Israel By which appeareth that he offereth his mercie most willinglie and freelie to al but vseth his iustice onelie vpon necessitie as it were cōstrained therunto by our obstinate behauiour This our Sauiour Christ signifieth more plainlie when he saith to Ierusalem O Ierusalem which killest the prophetes and stonest them to death that are sent vnto thee how oftē wold I haue gathered thy children together as the henne clocketh her chickins vnderneth her winges but thou woldest not behold thy house for this cause shal be made desert and left without children Here you see thee mercie of God often offered vnto the Iewes but for that they refused it he was enforced in a certaine maner to pronounce this heauie sentence of destruction and desolatiō vpon them which he fulfilled within fortie or fiftie yeares after by the handes of Titus and Vespasian Emperours of Rome who vtterlie ouerthrewe the citie of Ierusalem and the whole nation
gaining of our crowne now is the daie of spoile to seise on our bootie now is the market to buie the kingdome of heauen now is the time of running to get the game price now is the daie of sowing to prouide vs corne for the haruest that commeth on If we omit this time there is no more crowne no more bootie no more kingdome no more price no more haruest to be looked for For as the scripture assureth vs He that for slouth vvil not fovv in the vvinter shal begge in the sommer no man shal geue vnto him But if this consideration of gaine can not moue thee gentle reader as indeed it ought to doe being of such importance as it is and irreuocable when it is once past yet weigh with thy self what obligation and charge thou drawest on thee by euery day that thou deferrest thy conuersion and liuest in sinne Thou makest ech day knottes which thou must once vndoe againe thou heapest that together which thou must once disperse againe thou eatest and drinkest that hourely which thou must once vomite vp againe I meane if the best fal out vnto thee that is if thou doe repent in time and God doe accept therof for otherwise woe be vnto thee for that thou hoardest as S. Paul saieth wrath and vengeance on thine owne head But supposing that thou receaue grace hereafter to repent which refusest it now yet I say thou must weepe for that thou laughest now thou must be hartilie sorie for that wherin thou delitest now thou hast to curse the day wherein thou euer gauest consent to sinne or els thy repentance wil doe thee no good This thou knowest now and this thou beleeuest now or els thou art no Christian How then art thou so madde as to offend God now both willingly and deliberatelie of whom thou knowest that thou must once aske pardon with teares If thou think he wil pardone the what ingratitude is it to offend so good a Lord If thou thinke he wil not pardone thee what folie can be more then to offend a prince without hope of pardon Make thine account now as thou wilt if thou neuer doe repent and change thy life then euery sinne thou committest and euery day that thou liuest therein is encrease of wrath and vengeance vpon thee in hel as S. Paul proueth If thou doe by Gods mercie hereafter repent and turne for this is not in thy handes then must thou one day lamēt and be waile and doe penance for this delay which now thou makest Then must thou make satisfaction to Gods iustice ether in this life or in the life to come for that which now thou passest ouer so pleasantly And this satisfaction must be so sharpe and rigorous if we beleeue the aunciēt Fathers and Councels of Christ his Church as it must be answerable to the weight continuance of thy sinnes as I shal haue occasion to shew in the second booke talking of satisfaction So that by how much the more thou prolongest and encreasest thy sinne so much greater must be thy paine and sorow in satisfaction Alto vulneri diligens longa adhibenda est medicina paenitentia crimine minor non sit saith S. Cyprian A diligent and long medicine is to be vsed to a deepe sore and the penance may not be lesse thē the fault And thē he sheweth in what order it must be with prayer with teares with watching with lying on the ground with wearing of heare cloth and the like It is not enough saieth S. Austen to change our maners and to leaue to sinne except we make satisfaction also to God for our sinnes past by sorowful penance humble sighes contrition of hart and geuing of Almes Our bodie that hath liued in many delites must be afflicted saieth S. Ierom our long laughing must be recompensed with long weeping our soft linnen and fine silke apparel must be chāged into sharpe hear cloth Finally S. Ambrose agreeing with the rest saieth Grandi plagae alta prolixa opus est medicina Grande scelus grandem necessariam habet satisfactionem Vnto a great wounde a deepe and long medicine is needful A great offence requireth of necessitie a great satisfaction Marke here deare brother that this satisfaction must be both great and long and also of necessitie What madnes is it then for the now to enlarge the wound knowing that the medicine must afterwardes be so painful What crueltie can be more against thy self then to driue in thornes into thine owne flesh which thou must afterward pul out againe with so many teares wouldest thou drinke that cuppe of poisoned liquour for a litle pleasure in the taste which would cast thee soone after into a burning feuer torment thy bowels within thee and other dispatche thy life or put the in great ieoperdie The 2. part of the chapter BVT HERE I know thy refuge wil be as it is to al thē of whom the prophet saith mentita est iniquitas sibi iniquitie hath flattered and lied vnto her self thy refuge I saie wil be to alleage the example of the good theefe saued euē at the last houre vpon the Crosse and caried to paradise that same day with Christ without any further penance or satisfaction This exāple is greatlie noted and vrged by al thos who deferre their conuersiō as no doubt it is and ought to be of verie great comfort to euerie man which findeth him self now at the last cast and therfore commōlie tempted by the enemie to despaire of Gods mercie which in no case he ought to doe For the same God which saued that great sinner at that last houre can also and wil saue al them that hartelie turne vnto him euē in that last houre But alas many men doe flatter and deceiue them selues with mis-vnderstandings or rather mis-vsing of this example For we must vnderstand as S. Austen wel noteth that this was but one particular acte of Christ which maketh no general rule euen as we see that a temporal Prince pardoneth sometime a malefactor when he is come to the verie place of execution yet wore it not for euery malefactor to trust therupō For that this is but an extraordinary acte of the prince his fauour and nether shewed nor promised to al men Besides this this acte was a special miracle reserued for the manifestation of Christ his power and glorie at that houre vpon the Crosse. Againe this acte was vpon a most rare confessiō made by the theefe in that instant when al the world forsooke Christ and euen the Apostles them selues either douted or lost their faith of his godhead Besides al this the confession of this theefe was at such a time as he could nether be baptized nor haue further time of penance And we holde also that at a mans first cōuersion there is required no other penance or satisfaction at al but onely to beleeue and to be
baptised for the gaining of heauen But it shal not be amisse perhappes to alleage S. Austens very wordes vpon this matter For thus he writeth It is a remediles peril when a man giueth him self ouer so much to vices as he forgeteth that he must geue accōpt therof to God And the reason why I am of this opinion is for that it is a great punishment of sinne to haue lost the feare and memorie of the iudgement to come c. But dearlie beloued least perhappes the newe felicitie of the beleeuing theefe on the Crosse doe make any of you too secure and remisse least peraduenture some of you saye in his hart my guiltie cōscience shal not trouble nor torment me my naughtie life shal not make me verie sadde for that I see euen in a momēt al sinnes forgeuen vnto the theefe we must consider first in that theefe not onelie the shortnes of his beleefe and confession but his deuotion and the occasion of that time euen when the perfection of the sust did staggar Secondlie shew me the faith of that theefe in thy self and then promise to thy self his felicitie The deuil doth put into thy head this securitie to the end he may bring thee to perdition And it is vnpossible to number al them which haue perished by the shadowe of this deceitful hope He deceiueth him self and maketh but a ieste of his owne damnatiō which thinketh that Gods mercie at the last daie shal help or releeue him It is hateful before God when a man vpon confidence of penance in his old age doth sinne the more freelie The happie theefe wherof we haue spoken happie I saie not for that he laied snares in the waie but for that he tooke hold of the waie it self in Christ laying handes on the praie of life and after a strange maner making a bootie of his owne death he I saie nether did deferre the time of his saluatiō wittinglie nether did he deceitfullte put the remedie of his estate in the last momēt of his life nether did he desperatlie reserue the hope of his redemotion vnto the houre of his death nether had he any knowlege ether of religion or of Christ before that time For if he had had perhappes he would not haue bene the last in number among the Apostles which was first in the king some of heauen By thes wordes of S. Augustin we are admonished as you see that this particular facte of Christ maketh no general rule of remission to al men not for that Christ is not alwaies redie to receaue the penitent as he promiseth and was to receaue this theef but for that euerie man hath not the time or grace to repent as he should at the last houre according as hath bene declared before The general waie that God proposeth to al is that which S. Paul saith Finis secundum opera ipsorum The end of euil men is according to their workes Looke how they liue and so they die To that effect saieth the prophet Once God speke and I heard thes tvvo things from his mouth Povver belongeth to God and mercie vnta thee ô. Lord for that thou vvilt render to euery man according to his vvorkes The wise man maketh this plaine saying the vvay of simers is paued vvith stones and their ende is hel darkenes and punishmentes Finally S. Paul maketh this general and peremptorie cōclusion Be not deceiued God is not mocked looke vvhat a man sovveth and that shal be reape He that sovveth in flesh shal reape corruption he that sovveth in spirit shal reape life euerlasting In which wordes he doeth not onely lay downe vnto vs the general rule wherto we must trust but also saieth further that to persuade our selues the cōtrary therof were to mocke abuse God which hath laied doune this general law vnto vs. Notwith standing as I haue said this general law barreth not the mercie of almightie God from vsing a priuilege to some particular man euen at the verie last cast But yet miserable is that soule which placeth the ancker of his eternal wealth or woe vpon so tyclesome a point as this is I cal it ticlesome for that al diuines who haue writen of this matter doe speake verie dowtfullie of the penance or conuersiō of a man at the last end And albeit they doe not absolutely condemne it in al but doe leaue it as vncertaine vnto Gods secret iudgement yet doe they incline to the negatiue part and doe alleage fower reasons for which that conuersion is to be doubted as insufficient for a mans saluation The first reason is for that the extreme feare paines of death being as the philosopher saith the most terrible of al terrible thinges doe not permit a man cōmonlie so to gather his spirites senses at that time as is required for the treating of so weightie a matter with almightie God as is our conuersion and saluation And if we see often times that a vetie good mā can not fixe his minde earnestlie vpon heauenlie cogitations at such time as he is troubled with the passions of cholicue or other sharpe diseases how much lesse in the anguishes of death can a worldlie man doe the same being vnacquainted with that exercise and lodened with the guilt of many and great sinnes and cloyed with the loue both of his bodie and things belonging therunto The second reason is for that the conuersion which a man maketh at the last day is not for the most part voluntarie but vpon necessitie and for feare such as was the repentance of Semei who hauing greeuously offended king Dauid in time of his affliction afterward when he saw him in prosperitie againe and him self in daunger of punishment he came and fel doune before him and asked him forgiuenes with teares But yet Dauid wel perceiued the matter how it stood and therfore albeit he spared him for that day wherein he would not trouble the myrth with execution of iustice yet afterwards he gaue order that he should be vsed according to his deserts The third reason is for that the custome of sinne which hath continued al the life long can not easely be remoued vpon the instant being growen now as it were into nature it self For which cause God saieth to euil men by the prophet Ieremie If an Ethiopian can change his black shinne or a leoparde his spottes that are on his backe then can you also doe vvel hauing learned al dayes of your Life to doe euil The fowerth cause is for that the actes of vertue them selues can not be of so great value with God in that instant as if they had bene done in time of health before For what great matter is it for exāple sake to pardō thy enemies at that time when thou canst hurt thē no more to geue thy goodes awaie when thou canst vse them no more to abandon thy concubine when thou canst keepe her
man be hard harted among you through the deceit of sinne The prophet Dauid also crieth hodie si vocem eius audicritis nolite obdurare corda vesira Euē this day if you heare the voice of God calling you to repentance see you harden not your hartes against him Al which earnest speeches vsed by Gods holie spirit doe geue vs to vnderstand how carefully we haue to flie this most pestilēt infection of a hard hart which almightie God of his mercie geue vs grace to doe and indue vs with a tender hart towardes the ful obedience of his diuine Maiestie such a soft hart I say as the wise man desired when he said to God Da serun tuo cor docile Geue vnto me thy seruant ô Lord a hart that is docible and tractable to be instructed such a hart as God him self describeth to be in al them whom he leueth saying ad quem respiciam nisi ad pauperculum contritum sorde timentem sermones meos To whom wil I haue regarde or shew my fauour but vnto the poore and humble of hart vnto the contrite spirit and to such as tremble at my speeches Beholde deare brother what a hart God requireth at thy hādes A litle poore and humble hart for so much importeth the diminitiue Pauperculus Also a contrite hart for thy offences past and a hart that trembleth at euerie word that commeth to thee from God by his ministers How then wilt thou not feare at so many wordes and whole discourses as haue bene vsed before for awaking the for denouncing thy peril for stirring the to amendement How wilt thou not feare the threates and iudgementes of this great Lord for thy sinnes How wilt thou dare to proceede any further in his displeasure how wilt thou deferre this resolution any longer Surelie the least part of that which hath bene said might suffice to moue a tender hart an humble and contrite spirite to make a present resolution for the amendement of life But if al together can not moue thee to doe the same I can saie no more but that thou hast a verie hard hart in deed which I beseech our heauenlie father to soften for thy saluation with the pretious hoate blood of his onelie sonne our Sauiour who was content to shedde it for that effect vpon the Crosse. The Conclusion of the vvhole booke AND THVS NOVV hauing said so much as time permitted me concerning the first general point required at our hādes for our saluation that is concerning resolution appointed by my diuision in the beginning to be the subiect or matter of this first booke I wil here make an end deferring for a time the performance of my purpose for the other two bookes vpon the causes and reasons set downe in the beginning nothing dowting but if almightie God shal vouchsafe to worke in any mans hart by meanes of this booke or otherwise this first point of resolution the most hard of al other then that he wil also geue meanes to perfite the saue worke begonne of him self and wil supplie by other waies the two pointes folowing that is to saie both a right beginning and a constant perseuerance wherunto my other two bookes promised are appointed Neither would it be hard for any man that were once in deed resolued to finde helpers and instructours inough besides the Holie Ghost which in this case wil alwaies be at hande to assist him in this holy enterprise albeit thes two other bookes of mine should neuer come foorth Ther want not at this daie our merciful Lord be glorified for it neither store of godly bookes nor yet of skilful men in our owne countrie that are wel able to guide a zealous spirite in the right way to vertue And yet as I haue promised before so meane I by Gods most holie helpe assistance to send thee gentle reader as my time and habilitie wil permit the other two bookes also especiallie if it shal please his diuine Maiestie to cōforte me therunto with the gaine or good of any one soule by this which is alreadie done that is to say if I shal vnderstand conceiue or hope that any one soule so dearlie purchased by the pretious blood of the sonne of God shal be moued to resolution by any thing that is here said or shal be reclamed from the bondage of sinne and restored to the seruice of our maker redemer which is the onely ende of my writing as his deuine Maiestie best knoweth And truly deare Christian brother albeit I must confesse that much more might be said for this point of resolutiō then is here touched by me or then any man can wel vtter in any competent kind of booke or volume yet am I of opinion that ether thes reasons here alleaged are sufficient or els nothing wil suffice for the conquering of our obstinacie beating doune of our rebellious disobedience in this point Here thou maiest see and read the principal argumentes inducing thee to the seruice of God and detestation of vice Here thou maiest behold especially in this second edition which is much larger then the former first that of necessitie thou must confesse there is a God that made thee and al the rest the ende and cause whie he created thee which was to serue him the only true way of which seruice to be by fulfulling Christs holy commandemētes then what things are required at thy handes in particular the account that wil be demanded of thee the iustice and seueritie of God therin his goodnes towardes thee his watchfulnes ouer thee his desire to winne thee his reward if thou doe wel his infinit punishment if thou doe euil his calles his baites his allurementes to saue thee And on the contrarie part here are discouered vnto thee the vanities and deceites of thos impedimentes hinderāces or excuses which any way might let stay or discourage thy resolution the faigned difficulties of vertuous life are remoued the conceiued feares of Gods seruice are taken away the alluring flatteries of worldlie vanities are opened the foolish presumption vpon Gods mercie the danger of delay the dissimulation of Sloth the desperate peril of careles and stony hartes are declared What then wilt thou desire more to moue thee What other arguments wilt thou expect to draw the from vice and wickednes more then thes If al this stirre the not what wil moue thee gentle reader If when thou hast read this thou lay doune the booke againe and walke on in thy careles life as quietlie as before what hope I beseech thee may there be conceiued of thy saluation Wilt thou goe to heauen liuing as thou doest it is impossible As soone thou maiest driue God out of heauen as get thither thy self by this kind of life What then wilt thou forgoe heauen and yet escape hel also this is lesse possible whatsoeuer the Atheistes of this world doe persuade thee Wilt thou perhappes deferre
540. The 2. 3. partes of the same chap. how and by how many waies God expresseth his forsaid loue vnto vs and what assurance he geueth of pardon to such as repent from Pag. 540. vnto 560. Tuesday The 4. part of the same chap. containing exāples and instructions how to auoide temptations of desperation 560. The 1. part of the 2. chap. of the fallacie of suppused difficulties with the particuler helpes to ouercome the same Pag. 570. vnto 618. VVednesday The 2. part of the same chap. containing means and instructions for ouercomming of difficulties Pag. 618. vnto the end The first 2. pointes of the 3. chap. about Tribulatiō beginning Pag. 631. vnto 656. Thursday The second 2. pointes of the same chap. begīning Pag. 656 vnto the end of the cha The 1. point of the 4. chap. treating of the vanities of the world Pag. 688. vntil 720. Friday The other partes of the same chap. 720. vntil the ende The 5. chap. of examples of Resolution Saturday The sixt chap. against Presumption The 7. chap. of Delay Sonday The first part of the 8. chap. of Slothe vntil Pag. 861. The 2. and 3. partes of the same chap. treating of Negligence and hardnes of hart from Pag. 860. vntil the ende FINIS A TABLE OF THE PRINCIPAL MATTERS HANDLED in this booke A ACcompting day 349. Tvvo accompting daies or iudgements and the reasons therof 352. Angels appearing at the houre of death 434. Antichrist vvhat vvonderful slaughter he shal make at his comming 358. Apostles called by Iesvs 225. their miraculous doings 251. Archilaus Herodes sonne hovv he ended 275. Arist rus a Gentile vvhat testimony he giueth to our scriptures 79. Ascension of Christ proued 243. Atheists of old time 34. vvhat Zeno said of their deathes 〈◊〉 9. Tvvo causes of Atheisme in thes our daies 862. S. Augustins most notable conuersion 620. B S. Iohn Baptists behauiour to Christ and the vvhole story proued 118. Beautie hovv vaine a thing 706. Beginners in Gods seruice cheefly by God cherished 596. hovv they must behaue them selues 619. The better men they are to be aftervvards the greater cōflicts they haue at their conuersion 617. Benefits of God bestovved vpon vs 407. Bethleem appointed before for Christs Natiuitie 209. Bondage and slauery of vvicked men to their sensuality 607. Bookes of deuotion mere profitable then of controuersies praef 6. a. only vvriten by Catholiques 9 a. vvhy they can not be vvritē by Heretiques Ibid. 22. a. Buny hovv he hath set forth this booke of mine praef 10. b. vvhy he dedicateth the same to my L. of Yorke Ibid. 8. a His ignorāce 8. b. He maketh his aduersaries to speake like him self Ibid. 11. a. He inserteth parētheses Ibi. 11. b. He maketh marginal notes Ibid. 12. a. He thrusteth out Ib. 14. a. He mangleth Ib. 15. a. His foolish pacification Ibid. b. C Catholique vvhat it meaneth vvhy inuented 305. vvho is a good Catholique 308. Charitable deeds of our forfathers 343. Christ promised diuersly 141. promised as a spiritual and not a temporal K. 144. promised to be God and man 152. that he should change Moyses lavv 162. hovv he vvas fortold to Gentiles 169. false Christs diuers 203. Christs birth and infancy 207. Christs doctrine vvhat it vvas 220 his Passion and Resurrection 229. Christian Religiō proued pa. 131. It hath bene in substance from the beginning of the vvorld and none euer saued but by it 134. The definition of a good Christian. 338. Christian faith can not be obscure 300. Christian vvisdome vvherin it standeth 340. Christian vocation hovv perfect if it vvere fulfilled 344. Church of Christ hovv it encreased streight after he departed 246. Clemency and mercy hovv vvonderful in Christ. 558. Concupiscence and vvhat misery it bringeth men vnto by yeelding therunto 334. Consideration See the vvhole Chapter pag. 1. See inconsideration Consolation internal of Gods seruants 595. the force therof 593. Conuersion hovv it ought to be made 619. Item 628. VVhy it auaileth not ordinarily vvhen it is made at the last instant 835. The vvatche of Christians the dore vvherof is Consideration 13. D Death hovv terrible it vvil be See the vvhole 10. chap. 419. the causes of miserie to vvordly men in the same 413. the frequent premeditation of death most profitable 440. Delay of our conuersion from day to day hovv dangerous and hurtful See the vvhol 〈◊〉 chapt par 1. the cause vvhy the diuel persuadeth vs to delay 819. Dispaire of Gods mercie hovv greeuous a sinne and hovv to be auoided chap. 1. part 2. pag. 523. 524. 525. c. Hovv to resist al temptations of the diuel therunto pag. 561. 562. c. Difficulties vvhich are imagined in vertuous life remoued See al the 2. chapt 570. Doctrine of Christ vvhat it vvas 220. E The Ende for vvhich man vvas created cha 3. pa. 110. Enimies of Christ and Christians vvhat end they haue 274. Eternitie vvhat a thing it is and hovv to be esteemed 470. Euangelistes of Christes did vvrite most truly 258. F Fatherhood vvhat à thing it is by comparison of God tovvarde mankind 533. 534. c. Faith is easily discerned in Christian religion vvhich is the true 301 at large The vvaye to auoide al errour in beleefe 303. Faith vvithout vvorkes is not sufficiēt Feare of Godes iudgementes necessarie 398. lacke of feare proceedeth of infidelitie 406. the force of Feare 445. the praise of true Feare 810. tvvo kindes of Feare 813. Felicitie of man and beastes 54. G Gentiles hovv they had Christ fortold vnto them 169. vnto 184. Holy Ghost vvhat he did at his comming 247. Glorified bodies haue 7. priuileges 495. God is proued against Atheistes 25. God proued one by al sectos of Philosophers 51. Grace of God hovv strong and forcible 579. 580. c. H Hardnes of hart hovv dangerous an impediment 867. tvvo degrees thei of ibid. Heauen and the revvardes ther resorued see the vvhol 12. chapt Hovv the greatnes therof is found out 483. Heauen hovv it is bought 515. Heresies hovv they first rose and vvhy and hovv they are auoided 306. tvvo causes of Heresies vvith their effectes 311. Heretical practice in corrupting bookes prefat 9. b. Heretical pride Ib. 16. Herod Ascolonita or the elder vvhat he vvas hovv he rose and hovv he liued 189. hovv miserably he died 124. 8 274. Herod Antipas or the second his ende 124 175. Herod Agrippa hovv he died 125. 276. see the death of Herodias Ibid. Hel the names nature therof 456. The intollerable paines therof 459. Honour of the vvorld hovv vaine 701. Hope in the good bade hovv different 599. I Ievvishe nation hovv obstinate against Christian religion according as vvas foreprophetied 184. hovv they vvere chastened and destoyed 278. 279 c. Ignorance voluntarie hovv greeuous a thing pa 8. 9. Immortalitie of the soule proued therby also God being 47. Inconsideration soe chap 1.