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A07874 A commentarie vpon the booke of the Prouerbes of Salomon Published for the edification of the Church of God. Moffett, Peter, d. 1617. 1592 (1592) STC 18245; ESTC S112974 222,472 348

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did that worthie Queene Hester who although it was present death for her to goe in to the king vnlesse she should finde speciall fauour in his eyes yet she so committed her wayes to the Lord hauing first vsed prayer and fasting that saying to her selfe if I perish I perish she boldly entred into his presence 4 The Lord hath made all men for him selfe yea euen the wicked man vnto the day of euill Predestination is here spoken of The Lord the eternall God by whom all things haue their being hath made hath not onely foreknowen but or dained all mē aswell Iewes and Gentils young as old rich as poore See for this doctrine the whole 9. chap. to the Rom. for him selfe for the setting forth of his wisdome power iustice and glorie Yea euen the wicked man he hath ordained the reprobate person him self also who because he is an enemie to Gods glorie may seeme not to haue bene appointed or created to his glorie vnto the day of euill to the day of Iudgement and of execution that so in this vessell of wrath the iustice of God may be declared The originall cause of the dānation of men is in them selues seeing they are wicked of them selues without any compulsion offred on the Lordes part But as here is shewed the will of God which is a rule of iustice is the fountaine not onely of election but of reprobation Thus God is without fault in refusing the wicked sith he is indebted vnto none but the wicked are most iustly condemned because by their sinnes they are indebted vnto God 5 Euery one who is proud in heart is abhomination to the Lord though hand ioyne in hand he shall not be vnpunished See examples in Pharao the builders of Babell Nebuchadnezar and Herod The Lord will plague euery high minded person who neither by any aide nor by any art shal be able auoide his Iudgemēt Some are not very lofty in their lookes nor glorious in their apparell and yet haue in them most stout hearts and proud spirites These are abhominable in Gods sight and shall be plagued as well as the gay and boasting peacockes of the world 6 By mercie and truth iniquitie is purged and by the feare of God euill is departed from It is most sure and certaine that sinnes are couered and pardoned vnto men not by the vertue or excellencie of their good workes or merites but by the tender mercy of God in Christ Luc. 1.72 Psal 25.10 Psal 85.9.10 by his performing of his promises in him Neuerthelesse it is also an vndoubted truth that by vnfained repētāce the iudgement of God is preuented when as iniquitie is broken off by practising of that which is good The Prophet Daniell teacheth this doctrine most paynely whē he sayth to Nebuchadnezar breake of thy sinnes with righteousnesse and thine iniquities with mercy toward the afflicted Dan. 4.27 that thy prosperitie may be prolonged Thus then by mercie and truth iniquitie is purged sinne committed is remitted by the meere grace of God in Christ in whom all his promises are yea and amen but moreouer when pitifulnesse and faithfulnesse is practised temporall chastisements for foule faults threatened or inflicted are stayed or remoued the Lord beyng well pleased with such sacrifices of obedience albeit the sacrifice which Christ hath offred on the Crosse is onely meritorious who is the onely propitiatiō for our sinnes And by the feare of God euill is departed from The awe or reuerence of the Lord is that thing which maketh men to shunne sinne so that abstayning from iniquitie they incurre not the wrath or indignatiō of the Lord. This verse thē teacheth whereby the pollutiō of sinne may so be washt away as that it shall not cry for vengeance and againe whereby it may so be auoyded as that it shall not be able to infect vs. 7 When the Lord fauoureth the wayes of a mā he maketh his enemies at peace with him See examples in the I sraelites the Egyptians in Dauid and Saul in Ahasuerus and Mordecha● and a like sentence Iob. 5.23 When the Lord fauoureth the wayes of a man at what time God is reconciled to an vpright person he maketh his enemtes he causeth those who were his aduersaries for the time to be at peace with him not onely to lay aside their hatted but to beare good will or to enter into a league of friendship with him 8 Better is a litle with righteousnesse then a great reuenue with wrong A small stocke gotten prospereth better and is more to be esteemed then great wealth scraped together by iniurie and oppression 9 The heart of man purposeth his way but the Lord ordereth his steps Mā purposeth as we say but God disposeth Many iourneyes are often intended many courses are deuised but God causeth things to come to passe as he seeth good 10 A diuine sentence shall be in the lippes of the king his mouth shal not transgresse in iudgement Kings in old time did vse to sit in iudgemēt Hence it is that here it is sayd a diuine sentence shall be in the lips of the king The meaning hereof is See the roote hereof Exod. 23.2 An example 1. King 3.27 that a Prince or ludge should haue a gift of searching or ferretting out the truth His lips shall not transgresse in iudgement he should neuer giue a rash or false sentence on any matter See the roote herof Deut. 1.17 I tem 25.13 a like charge 2. Chron. 19.6 11 The beame and scole of the ballances of iustice belong to the Lord all the weights of the bagge are his worke All the parts of the ballance and all things thereto belonging are the Lordes ordinance yea he hath also commaunded that they be vsed aright 12 It should be an abhomination to kings to commit wickednesse for the throne is established by iustice It should be an abhominatiō to kings to cōmit wickednes it is the part of rulers so to abhorre the working of iniquitie See an example in Dauid Psal 101. as that they neither thē selues commit grosse vices nor allow them but rather detest thē in other For the throne is established by iustice The cause why Princes should aboue all other abhorre iniquitie is because the royall crown and authoritie is mainteined not so much by strength as by equitie which subiects loue and God doth blesse 13 Righteous lippes should be the delite of kings and he who speaketh right things is to be loued by them Righteous lips should be the delite of kings wise and faithfull speeches should please Princes and he who speaketh right things is to be loued by them the person also who vttereth the truth or giueth sage aduise is to be entertained in their courts and to be esteemed 14 The wrath of a king is as messengers of death but a wise man will pacifie it The wrath of a king is as messengers of death the furie of Princes is of so great force
aside all bitternesse Ephe. 4. 6. wrath and outcries The inferiors which are oppressed are as the sheepe of Christ to beare iniuries patiently They are also to pray to be deliuered frō such lions and to assure them selues Psal 22. that they shall at last in some sort tread them vnder foote Psal 91. 16 A gouernour * Vnderstandings voyde of all vnderstanding and much in oppressions shall shorten his dayes but he which hateth gaine shall prolong his dayes As tyrannie so couetousnesse ought to be farre as from all men so chiefly from rulers Politike Pharaos imagine they deale wisely when they lay grieuous burdens on the Israelites Foolish Rehoboams thinke it the most prudent course to scourge the people with scorpions But such rulers who are much in oppressions incroaching the peoples landes getting their goods by hooke and crooke and exacting extreme tribute estraunge their subiects hearts offend God fall into many foolish hurtfull lustes which plunge men into destruction and therefore haue indeed no vnderstāding But he that is so farre from couetousnesse that he is a mā as Iethro would haue rulers be which euen hateth gaine that gaine I say which is vniust shall waxe old in the fauour of the people as Samuell did be beloued of all mē and blessed of the Lord. 1 Sam. 12. Let then the conuersation of euery one be without couetousnesse as the Apostle exhorteth and let euery one be cōtent with the things Heb. 13. that are present Would any know a couetous man Looke on his conuersation his bargaines his housekeeping c. Would a couetous man know whether this roote of all euill be in him selfe or no Let him looke on his minde his cares his feares his desires But aboue all other Psal 119. let Magistrates say to the Lord with Dauid Incline mine heart to thy statutes and not to couetousnesse 17 Let a man pursued for the bloud of a * Soule or life flie to the graue let none vphold him Magistrates are not to pardon wilfull murderers By Moses law they who flue any at vnawares might haue cities of refuge Exod. 21.22 and be preserued from death by the rulers but he which offred violence and maliciously slue his neighbour was to die without mercie They which maimed their neighbours were to pay eye for eye tooth for tooth But he which tooke away life Gen. 9. by man was to be depriued of his life Magistrates may be moued by rewards to shew such fauour Num. 35. but the Lord would haue no reward taken for a man-slaier Pitie may sometimes incline them to mercy but the Lord wold not haue their eye to spare them Magistrates then being the deputies of the Lord are to execute this law on wilfull murtherers as Salomō did on Ioab 1. Kings 2. When men take no vengeance on him which sheddeth innocent blood God pursueth him as he did Cain The Papists impietie is here notably detected who did set open sanctuaries and priuiledged places vnto all sortes of notorious offenders 18 He which walketh vprightly shall be saued but he who is peruerse in * His two waies his waies falleth * In one therein This is the course which magistrates are to obserue in their iudgements imitating the Lordes example namely on the one side to defend and spare the righteous who neither declining from the right hand nor the left walke circumspectly in the straight way of the Lordes preceptes and on the other to punish the transgressor who either doth that which is wicked or dealeth vnlawfully in those actions which are lawfull Those then who either vse deceit in their best actions or commit grosse sinnes and walke therin shall at one time or other bee taken napping as was Shimei 1. Cor. 10. and be plagued in some one of their iniquities as were the Israelites If magistrates alway punish not the wicked and cherish the good as they ought yet surely the Lord will 19 He which tilleth his land shall be satisfied with foode but hee which followeth vaine persons shall be filled with pouertie Disorderly walkers who do nothing Before 12.10 23.21 but go vp and downe as busibodies haue bene oft before reproued and here are taxed againe Amongst other vpright waies this is one that a man diligently follow his vocation When husbandry or any such trade is well put in vre it will through the Lords blessing yeeld vnto a man sufficient to content him and to maintain his family as may appeare in the rich estate whereunto Iacob came by the Lords blessing on his industry The prouident then and the diligent shall haue foode to kill hunger with garmēts wherewith to couer them and money for good vses But the good companions and youthes of this world which follow hunting halking carding dicing stage-players and such vanities or are vagabonds roging vp and downe the countrey shall not onely want necessaries but be filled with pouertie bondage grief and miserie as was the prodigall sonne 20 A * Of faithfulnesses faithful man is full of blessings but he which hasteth to waxe rich shall not be vnpunished As vnthriftinesse shall be punished by the Lord so posting to be rich shal be reuenged by him A man of faithfulnesse to speake as the spirite doth in the originall tongue who dealeth plainly and truly not only in word but deede both with God and men not onely in one matter but all shal be much inblessings shal be made partaker not of one good thing onely but of many His credit shal be great he shall haue peace of heart his store shall increase he shall haue children vnto him at last it shal be said Come thou blessed of my Father Now as touching those who make hast to be rich or who as Paule speaketh wil be rich as it were whether God will or no who get their goods by hooke and crooke or by playing the partes of drudges and snudges to conclude who labour after wealth but vse not to call on the name of God nor regard his word these make commonly more hast then speed seeing they are not vnpunished but fall into temptation and a snare meeting with some losse or crosse in steed of gaine and aduantage as birds hasting to the pray are oft in their flight striken and stayed with a pellet Achab made hast to Naboths vineyard but at last dranke a cup of bloudie grapes for his posting 21 It is not good to accept * The face persons for so a man would transgresse for a morsell of bread Of the number of such as make hast to be rich are they who respect persons in iudgement He that is infected with this vice albeit he be a man of high calling in the common wealth and although there is no comparison betweene truth or iustice and a morsell of bread yet will he easilie be hired brought to hold his peace or to giue a false sentence for
21 Bind thē alvvay vpon thine heart and tye them about thy necke Solomon intending in this chapter againe to disswade his sonne from adulterie prefixeth in these words a preface containing his aduise My son obserue c. my child lay vp thy parents counsel as a most precious treasure and keepe it safely as most costly iewels 22 It shall leade thee vvhen thou walkest it shall vvatch ouer thee vvhen thou sleepest it shall talke vvith thee vvhen thou vvakest 23 For the commandement is a * or Lampe lanterne and doctrine a light and reproofes of instructiō a vvay of life 24 To preserue thee from the naughty woman and from the flatterie of the straunge vvomans toung Herein Salomon sheweth the reasons of that his aduise which he did set downe in the two verses going before It shall leade thee when thou walkest the counsell of thy godly parents or the word of God by them applied vnto thee shall as a guide direct thee in thy calling actions and iourneys It shall watch ouer thee when thou sleepest it will be also as a watch man to preserue thee from temptations troubles and dangers in the night season It shall talke with thee when thou wakest Finally it will likewise be as a familiar friend vnto thee conferring with thee in the morning or in the day time of the mercies of God of the promises of the word and of spirituall matters See Psal 19.8 See Psal 119.105 For the commaundement is a lanterne for the law of the Lord is as a bright lamp which in the night season shineth in a dark chamber inasmuch as it enioyneth that which is good and forbiddeth that which is euill And doctrine a light the instruction of the word is againe as the light of the Sunne which in the day time manifesteth the way which is to be gone For in like maner the doctrin of the scripture manifesteth truth error And reproofes of instruction a way of life Finally rebukes for sin or the admonitions of Gods word are like the way or path which directly bringeth men to their iourneys end or to the place whither they would go For as wholsome reproofes pull vs from our vices so they do hold vs in our duties To preserue thee from the naughtie woman the word of God I say is such a soueraigne preseruatiue as hath bin spoken of to keepe thee frō the adulteresse and from the flatterie of the strange womans toung and to preserue thee from being seduced by the entising speeches of the harlot 25 Desire not her beautie in thine heart neither let her catch thee with her eye lids Now Salomon commeth to warne his sonne that he be not drawne to go astray by any prouocations vnto vnchastitie Desire not her beautie in thine heart albeit she is faire yet looke not on her to lust after her Neither let her catch thee with her eye lids Neither yet suffer her wanton or pleasant lookes to be a net to intangle thee or a fire to inflame thee 26 For by a whorish woman one is brought to a morsell of bread and the adulteresse hunteth for life which is precious Two great hurts arising vnto men by following after strange women are here specified as sufficient reasons to disswade euery one from the foule sinne of adulterie One is the losse of goods For by a whorish woman one is brought to a morsell of bread Through whordome men come to extreme pouertie For the harlots haue one part of their substāce who haunt their companie baudes and ruffians another part officers before whom they are often conuēted another part the rest consumeth through a secret curse of the Lord and thus at last all commeth to nothing Another mischiefe is the losse of life it selfe For the adulteresse hunteth for life which is precious The vile harlot not onely bringeth a man to beggerie but to death and destruction being in this respect like vnto hunters who seeke after the life of the poore beast For the adulteresse seeketh by all meanes to draw her companion to commit folly with her whereby it commeth to passe that he is layd open to her husbands rage the magistrates sword Gods wrath Now because she vseth craft and deceipt to intangle her louers it is not onely here sayd of her that she hunteth but in the booke of the Preacher Eccles 7.28 that her heart is as nets and her hands as snares 27 Can anie take fire into his bosome and his garments not be burnt 28 Can anie walke vpon burning coales and his feete not be burnt 29 So is he that goeth in to his neighbours wife whosoeuer toucheth her shall not be vnpunished Now the wise king commeth to amplifie the former reasons which here he doth by a most fit similitude There is great likenesse betweene the adulteresse and fire both in the propertie of inflaming and consuming Can any take fire in his bosome c. Euen as it is impossible that fire should not consume those clothes or that body which it toucheth so it can not be but that the adulterous woman will vndoe or hurt at the least very sorely both in outward things and in his person him who cōmitteth folly with her The consideration hereof caused Iob to say from whom it is likely that Salomon tooke this comparison that the sinne of adulterie is such a fire Iob. 31.12 as would if he had committed it haue consumed him vnto destruction and quite rooted out all his increase 30 A threfe is not despised who stealeth to satisfie his soule when he is hungrie 31 But if he be taken he repayeth seuen fold he maketh recompence with any substance of his house 32 As for him who cōmitteth adulterie with a vvoman he is voyd of vnderstanding he vvho shall do this destroyeth his owne soule 33 He shall receiue a blow and blame and his reproch shall not be blotted out 34 For the fierce rage of a man is in iealousie and he sheweth no mercie in the day of reuenge 35 He hath no respect to any ransome and he resteth not albeit thou profferest many gifts The reasons before set downe tending to disswade from adulterie are in this conclusion of the chapter enlarged by a comparison betweene the lesser sinne and the greater A thiefe is not despised who stealeth to satisfie his soule Albeit it is a shame to steale yet theft is not so foule a fault as to defile another mans wife True it is he who did steale to preserue his life was by the law of God to be punished for he was to make full restitution or to be sold Exod. 22.1 but he was not to be put to death or to be noted with publike infamie at the least when he had made restitution all his discredit was to cease As for him who commiteth adulterie with a woman c. The case standeth otherwise with the adulterer who considereth not the greatnesse of his sinne or of Gods iudgement against it
prouidēce it often commeth to passe in this world that the faithfull are the head the vngodly the tayle as it were For euill men bow them selues before the good the vngodly often serue the godly and reuerence them in most humble manner because they are rich or lifted vp vnto honour And the wicked at the gates of the iust man Transgressors also oftē come to the rich mās doores either for almes or fauour or counsell 20 The poore mā is hated euen of his neighbour but the rich mans friends are many He who is in aduersitie is forsaken not onely by straungers but by those who are neare vnto him in dwelling or in kinne On the contrary side euery one fawneth on the wealthy and claimeth kindred of thē neuerthelesse these friends of the rich man are not true friends indeede but they are so called because they pretend great friendship how soeuer in verie truth they are friendes not to him but to his goods which onely they loue 21 He who despiseth his neighbour is a sinner but he who sheweth mercy to the poore is blessed As he who forsaketh or reprocheth his poore brother committeth a greeuous offence so shall he be araigned and punished as a notorious euill doer On the contrary side he who is mercifull to the needie or afflicted shall finde mercy That to deale hardly with the afflicted is a greeuous sinne it may appeare by that speech which Iob vseth to his friēds who were so bitter vnto him when he saith vnto them you rush vpon the orphāt Iob. 6.26 when you digge a pit for your friend Moreouer that the word sinner is taken in the Scripture for one who being guiltie is arayned or condemned is manifest by that speech of Bathsheba to Dauid in the booke of the Kings 1. King 1.21 otherwise I my sonne Salomon shal be sinners that is in danger of death or condemned to dye 22 Do not they who deuise mischief goe astray but mercy and truth shall be vnto those who practise that which is good The meaning of the former part of this sentence is that it is a most certaine truth confirmed by dayly experience that the inuentors and workers of euil things haue ill successe or perish For by the borowed speech of going astray which to do is a daungerous and vncomfortable thing missing of a mans purpose and meeting with some trouble is ment Thus much Eliphaz also teacheth in the booke of Iob when speaking of the Lordes ouerthwarting of the wicked in their ill enterprises he saith Iob. 5.12 He maketh frustrate the deuises of the craftie so that their hands are able to doe nothing c. The sense of the latter part of this parable is that the Lord sheweth fauour and performeth his promises vnto those who studie to glorifie him to do good to their neighbours 23 In euery labour there is increase but the talke of the lippes onely bringeth want Some gaine is to be gotten by euery kinde of worke as euen by making of a button of the tagge of a point But by vaine and idle pratling or talking that which a man hath consumeth For whilst much talke is spent much time is lost whilest much time is lost litle or nothing being got much of the stocke is consumed 24 The riches of the wise are their crowne the follie of fooles remaineth follie It should not be so indeede yet so it commeth to passe that wisedome in a poore man is contemned For be a man neuer so learned if he be not wealthy he is not esteemed but may sit well inough without doores See an example in Iob. Iob. c. But when as both wisedome maketh him to vse his wealth aright so wealth maketh him the more admirable and the more to be accounted of in as much as it is as it were a crowne of authoritie and glorie to him On the contrary side let a foole be neuer so rich yea let him be clothed in scarlet or purple he neither will nor can be any other thē a Naball still remaining foolish for all his wealth and cōtemptible for his follie 25 A true witnesse deliuereth liues but a deceiptfull one forgeth lyes He who testifieth the truth oftentimes saueth the liues of the innocēt but a false witnesse is a hammer as it were or a sword to slay men 26 In the feare of the Lord there is strong hope who is wont to be a refuge to his children 27 The feare of the Lord is a well spring of life to depart from the snares of death The sonlike awe of the Lord or reuerencing of his Maiestie See before 1.7 is herein commēded in two respectes The one is for that it maketh men couragious and strōg of faith in troubles The other is for that it ministreth vnto them store of all good things For thus much is meant by a well spring 28 In the multitude of people is the honor of a king but by the want of people commeth the destruction of a Prince Nothing is more sure than that in the multitude of people is the honour of a king For that ruler which hath store of subiectes vnder him may in time of warre be garded by them receiueth from them much tribute by them is witnessed to be iust mercifull seeing otherwise so many would not liue vnder him Neuerthelesse it is againe as true on the other side that by the want of people commeth the destruction of the Prince For that Prince which wanteth people wanteth reuerence reuenues and defence 29 He who is slow to wrath aboundeth with vnderstanding but he who is of an hastie mynde raiseth vp follie The patient man is exceding wise in as much as he cutteth of quarelling and knoweth how to vanquish him selfe but the furious man by foolish words gestures or deedes kindleth strife 30 A sound heart is the life of the flesh but enuie is the * Or rather the magot of the bones For the Hebrew word Rachab signifieth so much rottennesse of the bones A quiet minde causeth health to the body but fretting at a mans owne trouble or els anothers prosperitie tormenteth the poore carcase without and within 31 He which oppresseth the poore reprocheth him who made him but he who sheweth mercy to him that is in neede honoureth him That person which dealeth hardly with the poore hurting them in body goods or name Mat. 25.40 sinneth highly against God whom in his creatures he disgraceth as it were So againe he which doth good vnto those that want doth good vnto the Lord whose workemāship and people they are and thus honoureth as it were the maister in his seruants 32 The wicked man * Or driuen on forward casteth him self away in his trouble the righteous man hath hope in his death The difference betweene the godly and the wicked in the day of aduersitie here is shewed The vngodly person when he is in trouble either thrusteth him selfe
wil not lay aside his iniquities or impieties not onely his sinnes shall prouoke God but euen his prayers and they shal not onely be reiected but be abhominable and matter of offending and incensing the Lord to wrath As therfore such a one did refuse to heare God speaking in his law so the Lord will in iustice refuse him speaking to him by prayer Therefore aboue all things be more ready to heare then to offer the sacrifice of fooles 10 Whosoeuer leadeth aside the vpright into an euill way shall him selfe fall into his owne pit but the iust shall possesse that which is good Seducers are herein threatned with the Lords iudgement They are fitlie resembled vnto theeues or robbers who lead true men out of the way oftentimes to spoile them of their goods For euen so the wicked are seduced and seduce others 2. Tim. 3. drawing them into daunger vnto the committing of sinne or vnto heresies But they shall fall into their owne snare as did the accusers of Daniell Act. 13. Elimas the sorcerer Saul Haman Achitophell In the meane time they who are vpright or sincerely and constantly serue the Lord shall not only escape the euils which seducers labour to bring them into but attaine and enioy riches honour glorie and saluation 11 A rich man seemeth wise in his owne eyes but the poore man who is prudent findeth him out Conceited arrogancie vsually accompanying aboundance of wealth is now reproued It is the custome not of godly rich men but of wealthie worldlings both to ascribe the getting of their goods to their owne wisedome and to like wonderfully well of their owne speeches actions and courses Wherfore not without cause doth Paul will Timothie to put thē in minde not to be high minded Now againe it is the manner of foolish poore people who measure all things by wealth to flatter them as the multitude did Herod crying out it is the voyce of God and not of man But the godly poore man who knoweth the word is indued with the spirit of discretion will so search and finde the rich man out that he will discerne if neede require declare him to be either an ignorant or wicked person Iohn 9. as may appeare in blind Bartimaeus his conference with the Pharisies Neuerthelesse as this ought to humble the rich that the poore go somtimes beyond them in spirituall gifts so ought it not to breed any malapertnesse in the poore who should alwayes be farre off from dealing saucilie with their betters 12 When the righteous triumph there is great glory but when the * In the wicked mens rising vp wicked are listed vp a man is sought for Tyrannie is spoken of in this sentence a vice most contrarie vnto the mild and righteous gouernement of the iust For their raigne bringeth forth glory as a most pretious fruite so that it causeth Religion to florish peace to abound plētie to be in euery place to conclude temporall and spirituall blessings to spread farre and neare What miracles were done in the wildernesse whilest Moses ruled What conquests had Ioshua What peace was vnder Salomon What zeale vnder Dauid On the contrary side wicked rulers make hauocke of Church and common wealth They seeke for the godly to slay them the rich to spoile them all to molest thē But of this point more hereafter in the exposition of the 28. verse of this Chapter as also in the interpretation of the second verse of the next Chapter 13 He which hideth his sinnes shal not prosper but he which confesseth and forsaketh them shall receiue mercie Hypocrites are threatned with a miserable iudgement He which hideth his sinnes either by denying that euill which he hath done or lessening it or else continuing in it shall not prosper but shal be left and remaine in grief of minde pouertie sicknesse or some other trouble as Dauid was vntill such time Psal 32. as he confessed his sinne against him selfe But he which confesseth his sinnes to the Lord as Iob did Iob. 31.33 and not onely acknowledgeth them in wordes but indeede and affection forsaketh them shall not onely be forgiuen but obtaine many graces and blessings as did the prodigall sonne It is not alwayes necessarie to publish secret sinnes to men which may but breed offence and infamie and dishonour to the Lord. Neuerthelesse somtimes this also is to be done both publickly and priuatly But both manifest and secret offences are alwayes to be acknowledged vnto the Lord and sinne is alwayes to be forsaken It is no maruaile if diuers many yeares together are not taken from the racke of the Lordes visitation seeing they will not confesse their iniquities to him as they ought See a like promise Iob. 8. chap. vers 14 Blessed is the man who greatly feareth alwayes but he which hardneth his heart shall runne headlong into euill Securitie is a forerunner of Gods iudgements but the mā is happy which feareth alwayes Indeed whosoeuer is possessed or tormented with a seruile feare is most miserable But he which is indued with a son-like feare so that he dreadeth to sweare vainly to prophane the Saboth or to sinne against God he which worketh on his saluation with feare and trembling so that he stādeth in awe of the Lord not only in the Church but out of the same finally he which reuerenceth the Lord continually so that he feareth him not for an houre or day or month or by fits as some which haue an aguelike feare now and then vpon them but all the dayes of his life is most happy For such a one doth no euill the Lord heareth his prayers and maketh him at the last an inheritour of his kingdome The secure people of the world on the contrary side harden their hearts both by resisting the word and by not profiting by the Lordes workes and by not yeelding vnto the motions of his spirit They do therfore but treasure vp wrath against the day of wrath so fall at last into sinne into trouble into the iawes of death to conclude euen into hell For whē they say peace peace then sudde in destruction commeth on them 15 A vvicked ruler ouer the poore people is as a roaring Lyon and a rouing beare The rage of tyrants is here fitlie compared to the crueltie and rauening of beares Lyons 1. Sam. 17. which pray on the lambes and on the sheepe For as the Lyon frayeth the poore beasts with his roaring prayeth on thē with his teeth and as the beare searcheth thē out and teareth them with her pawes so vngodly superiours of all sortes threaten oppresse and slay such as can make no resistance They which are of the lowest degree are sometimes as fierce as beares or lions but rulers should be pastors not wolues and parentes not tyrants Not onely diuers Magistrates are tyrants but many housholders are beares and lions in their families But Christian maisters must remit their threatnings and lay