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A06932 A new postil conteinyng most godly and learned sermons vpon all the Sonday Gospelles, that be redde in the church thorowout the yeare ... Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1566 (1566) STC 1736; ESTC S101291 689,601 1,060

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you vnwares But watche at all tymes and praye that ye maye bee founde woorthye to escape these thynges which shall chance and stand before the sonne of man This is an excellent and a necessary doctrine whiche ought neuer to fall out of our myndes Christ geueth here no iniunction to forbear meat and drink wholly neither as the Pope dothe commandeth to cast away all thynges to lyue oute of the worldes trouble God doeth not disalowe the vse of meate and drynke neyther is it vngodly to prouide thyngs necessary for our household For God for this cause made vs to worke But take hede of this that your hartes be not opprest with these things so much that ye forget my cōmyng but watche that is loke that at all times ye wayt and be armed with the feare of God and with a good conscience Do this fyrst Then ioyn herewith prayer that your temptations and hard combrances may be escaped and that ye may stande before the sonne of man As it is comprised in the two last petitiōs of the Lordes prayer Leade vs not into temptation but deliuer vs from all yll If ye do so there wil be no peril whether this daye come when we be suppyng or sleaping whether we be in the churche or in the market place it is all one for it shall fynd vs in the feare and protection of God But in this place it is to be noted that God can not well be prayde vnto neyther can the prayer bee true when a man careth not to leaue certayn vices and to amende his lyfe Wherefore to true prayer is required true repentance and that no man sinne wittingly so hynder his conscience After that let vs call vpon God for mercy in the name of our Lorde Iesu Christ that he will kepe vs in true feare of him and by the holye ghost helpe vs agaynst synne and preserue vs in true fayth vnto the ende that we may ioyfully looke after this helthfull daie and that we receaue Iesu Christe as our Sauior with all confidence Such prayer thorough Christ is heard without doubt Wherfore let vs folowe this counsell and precepte and on this wyse prepare oure selues to the expectation of this daye The whiche thyng our lord and redemer Iesu Christe graunt vs. Amen The thirde Sonday in Aduent ¶ The Gospell of Math. xi WHen Iohn beyng in prison heards the woorkes of Christ he sent two of hys disciples and sayd vnto him Art thou he that shalt come or doo we loke for an other Iesus answered and sayd vnto them Go and shew Iohn agayne what ye haue hearde and sene The blynd receyue theyr syght the lame walk the lepres are clensed and the deafe heare the deade are raised vppe and the poore receyue the glad tydynges of the gospell and happy is he that is not offended by me And as they departed Iesus began to say vnto the people concernyng Iohn What went ye out in to the wildernes to see A rede that is shakē with the wynd or what went ye out for to see A man clothed in softe rayment Behold they that weare foft clothyng are in kynges houses But what wente ye oute for to see A Prophete Merely I say vnto you and more than a prophete For this is he of whome it is written Beholde I sende my messanger before thy face whiche shall prepare thy way before the. THE EXPOSITION IN THIS Gospell are sette foorth two doctrines Fyrst that we should highly esteme Christes worde and set greate price therby For it is a thyng of great weighte Then shal be described the shamefull and wicked vnkyndnes of them that here this word and see the signes and yet regarde it not neither beleue it Whiche is a very horrible thyng First therefore that the word of Christ ought diligently to be hearde it is taught hereby in that Iohn whē he was now in bandes as soone as he heard of the workes of Christ sendeth his disciples vnto hym commaundynge them to aske hym whether it were he that should come as concernyng whom so many thynges were written in the old Testament prophets afterward so many thinges shold be spoken in the new Testamēt that is whether he was that promysed Christe of whom it was written that the kyngdome of the people and the lawe of Moses shold endure vnto his cōming and afterward that he should be heard For that was plainly spoken of before in the Prophetes That Christe should haue no corporall kyngdom but that he should be a prophet lyke vnto Moses and yet should come with an other kynde of doctrine then Moyses dyd This deede the Iewes wel know Wherfore when this chanced by by after the bandes of Iohn and Christe preached of eternall lyfe and of the kyngdome of God it seemed good to Iohn to sende hys disciples vnto hym And he sent them not onely to here the testimonies of the Prophetes but to see with their eies that this prophet was come at last whome all looked for according to the prophecie of Moses Wherfore such a message is no other thyng than as if Iohn shold say this As for me I knowe that this is very Christ but men do not beleue it Wherfore nowe go ye vnto hym and learne of hym that ye may depart from me and from the tradition of the Iewes and become his Disciples in whome are all thynges that are necessary for your saluation and for the Saluation of all the worlde This is the chiefe cause of this message vnto Christe that Iohns disciples myght see hym before their eyes and here and begyn to be acquainted with hym and so beleue in hym and be saued But what dooth Christe answere the messangers he neyther denyeth neither affirmeth but answereth symply by his workes and sayth ye se heare and fele that I am he For as Esaie and other prophetes shewed before that by Christe the lame should goe the blynde shoulde see c. that nowe see ye wyth youre eies ye haue nede of no further declaration or answer if ye wil behaue your selues vprightly in this matter Thys aunswere of Christe is wounderfull and it compriseth very proprely what oughte to be taughte of Christe It settethe foorthe hys kyngdome and what a magnificent thyng it is that is called Christes kyngdome That is suche a kyngedome to the which belongeth the lame blynd leaprous the spechelesse the deade and especially the poore and myserable synners and there are they sure to haue succoure This ought to be taught Thys doctrine shoulde be commonly proclaymed that he is a kyng which wold healpe the wretched the vexed in soule and body the whiche coulde not be healped by all the good in the worlde For there was neuer suche a Prophete that coulde delyuer the blynde and the leapres frome theyr dyseases As there was neuer also suche a teacher that coulde teache the Gospell to the poore that is promyse sure healpe
vs to ouerthrowe this kingdom Let vs consider the example of the Mounkes and Bishop of Rome whiche whyle they went about to auoyde such offences and seducinges as chance in this common lyfe brought in more greuouse occasions to offende where as they chaunged true religion into ceremonies rites and obseruatiōs They vtterly abolished the kingdom of mercie and grace And this is now also the very practice of the diuel for that he slaundereth the professers of the Gospell bycause there be many offences and euill examples amongest them For we can not denye but suche offensiue examples be in many hypocrites which boaste of Gods mercie and grace and yet by their licentiouse liuinge and maners by their aduoutrie extortiō vsurie sensual lustes and many other vices declare that they regard not the grace of God truely But what remedie we are forth with tempted to plucke vp the tares and to seke such a separation of the euil from the good that in the meane season we corrupte the heauenly doctrine as touching the grace of God and remission of synnes But if we be wise we wil not suffer oure selues to be withdrawen from doing oure duetie by their importunite and outragiouse behauioure For it is muche better to resiste and striue with the wicked examples of their lyfe and maners by doing the contrarie and so to preserue this doctrine of mercie and grace then to correcte and plucke it vp violently and so by that and examples of the Mounkes and Nouatians to flee from Scylla and to fall into Charybdis that is for auoiding of the lesse daunger to fall into the greater And especially syth the nature of this kingdom is such that it can not vterly auoyde all offences bycause such muste be for the maintenance of this necessarie doctrine of grace Wherfore where as the Papistes now lay to oure charge the frutes of oure Gospell what other thing meane they therby than that this kyngdom should be without all offences and euill examples But we may iustly lay this to their charge again that where as they go about by the Mounkerye and other traditions of theirs to make this kingdom without offences they are fallen into such errour and blyndnes therby that they haue cleane loste all the doctrine of iustification and godly righteousnes and all the workes of true godlines also If therfore it should be put to oure choyce whiche of these discommodities we had rather haue whether of them both should we rather take Uerily all wold graunt this that for as muche as this kingdom can not be without offences yet that it were better to chose that offence where with neuerthelesse the kingdom might be sumwhat vpholden than that wherby the kingdom should quite be destroyed without hope of recoueryng wherby the doctrine and true godlines should vtterlie decay perishe as it chanced amongest the papistes and monkes And the doctrine and meaning of this parable of Christ was put forth to th ende that aboue all thinges we might haue good respect to know the maner of gods kingdome and not be offended with suche inconueniences as chaunce alwayes in the wordle vnto it For wheras it offereth free remission of sinnes to sinners fyrste it cometh herby to passe that many hypocrites come to the felowshippe of this kingdome Then also som men laboringe to remedie this discōmoditie finde out a meanes to make a ciuil separatiō that they may falsly boste of the grace of God and yet not be in the felowship with thē that vse it well But Christ sheweth what greate damage ensueth therby euen that by this separatiō they plucke vp the good corne also For the doctrine of grace is pluckt vp by mens traditions whiche were inuented to make this separation So that nowe the churche is brought to suche a miserable and vnscapable case that where as before the members were in perill now the hed is like to decay Wherfore we muste folowe Christes councel which byddeth vs to suffer the tares and not to be so precise in pluckyng them vp least we by oure vndiscrete diligence ouerthrowe the gouernaunce of this kyngdome as touchyng remission of sinnes Nowe must we vse this kyngdome that many by remission of sinne may be forgeuen If ther be any as ther be many that had rather be sene to be in this kingdome of grace then to be true members therof in dede what can we do therwith if they will nedes misuse the gyfte of God But if we shoulde be so extreme against them that for their sake we would vse violēce and force in this kyngdome what shall we get therby than that as we see in the examples before while we go about to seperat the wycked for their abusynge of Goddes grace we vtterlye subuerte the kyngdome of Grace Wherfore let vs leue this to be done of the angels that they may sunder the euill from the good For after that shal the kyngdom of grace be no lenger amōg sinners Euery man then shall receaue accordynge to his workes Ther shal be no such peril than as is now wher as if the grace of the gospel and of the kyngdom of heauen shoulde be taken away by pluckynge vp of the tares before the appearinge of the sonne of God then the greatest yea and the onely refuge for sinners might seme to be disturbed and taken awaye And at this separation by the Angels it shall not nede to inquire whether there are any more lefte to be called to saluation But it shal be cōsidered who hath vsed well this kyngdom of cōfort hath ben true mēbers therof in dede who hath ben subiectes ther vnto by name only yet in very dede had neuer any true felowship therwith And this haue we spoken as touchinge the true meanyng of this parable After this we will intreat not onlye what must be done with heretikes but vniuersally what they that hath offices to correcte offēces ought to do with al kynd of offenders whether it is ment by this saying Let thē grow that no kynd of offence either in life or in doctrine shold be punished restrained we haue declared before what is Christs especial entent by this parable Euen that by the vndiscrete vsage of men the kyngdome of heauē shold not be hindred Now such things as by Gods commandement are ordeyned for the furtherance of this kingdom ought not to be thought cōtrarie to the same And fyrst to begin at the principall matter the excommunication vsed in the Churche is not against this parable For it is so necessary for the preseruation therof that without it mercie remission of synne and the pure doctrine therof can not be retayned for as by absolution Gods grace must be applied to the penitent so by byndinge must Gods wrathe curse be applied to the vnpenitēt Paule hym self saith that power of binding was geuen to hym not to destroy but to edifie Wherfore they that are excommunicat are not
deuil haue snarled made vnquiet thorow some sinne or offence These men thus troubled tormēted in their cōsciences mindes come vnto me or vnto some other Chistiā they lament their most miserable state they declare their greif paine desire instructiō cōfort In this behalf may I bicause of the cōmādement of Christ yea I am boūde so to do cōfort strēgthen my brother declare vnto him the grace fauoure mercie of god thorowe the merites of Christ to all thē that be greued heauy loden with the burden of sin And by this meanes is the deuil cast out of him not by me which also am a sinner but by the word which is leaste vnto vs of Christ here in earth Likewise when thou art troubled in thy mind disquieted in thy cōscience so that thou cāst not sufficiētly receaue cōsolatiō nor stedfastly beleue that god is merciful vnto thee wil forgeue thee thy sin resorte thou vnto the lordes Supper For Iesus Christ our Lord hath instituted the sacramēt of his body blod vnto this ende that whē thou in those holy misteries receauest his body blod thou sholdest not dout but certēly be ꝑsuaded that his bodi was betraied his blod shed for thy sins wher this faith is ther is the deuil driuē out cōpelled to seke other restīg places thus is this worke of castīg out deuils cōtinually ī the church of Christ thorow the worde the ministration of the Sacraments ▪ which church thorow Christe her heade euermore fighteth striueth against this serpent and with all maine impugneth his force violence no lesse then Christ himselfe did if not more as the Lorde him selfe sayth verely verely I say vnto you he that beleueth in me shal do the workes that I do yea greater then these shall he do because I go vnto the father The reason is this The church hath a larger office then Christe For he taught only amonge the Iewes in a streight place or small circuite and conuerted fewe He taught also not fullye fowre whole yeares But the church thorow the helpe of her heade which is on the right hāde of god is cōtinually in this office when it preacheth the gospell distributeth the Sacramentes euermore reproueth the wyckednes of the deuill and now driueth him out of this place now out of that place so that it suffreth hym to haue no reaste doinge thys thorow out the worlde wheresoeuer the worde is preached the sacraments truly ministred And yet haue we not so driuen him out neither are we in all pointes so free and set at libertie from hym but that we muste dayly fyght against him for asmuche as sainct Peter sayeth he goeth aboute lyke a rorynge Lyon sekynge whome he maye deuoure and continually beware of hym Resiste the deuil sayeth sainct Iames and he shall flee from you This greatlye greueth the deuill therfore as we cast him out thorow the doctrine of the worde Sacraments so likewise leaueth he nothing vnattempted if he cannot vtterly subdue vs yet at the leaste to take our lyues from vs thorowe persecution Thus hath it bene and shal be vnto the verye ende of the world It chaunced so vnto Christ he droue the deuill out of thē that desiered hym The deuill sought to be reuenged on him therfore moued he the Iewes to crucifie hym and at the last by death to dispatche hym out of the waye Yet had neither the deuill nor the Iewes the ouerhand For Christ ouercame them both As concernynge the Iewes they were so cast out of their countrye that there is no hope at all of their returne The deuil whiche is the prince of the worlde is iudged and condempned and shall at the last daye by the Christians accompanied with Christe their head be so caste out of both heauen earth that he shall neuer trouble them more For Christ hath not onely driuen the deuyl out of this man of whom the gospel of this present sondaye maketh mention but he hath appeared as S. Iohn sayth that he shoulde destroye the workes of the deuill so that the deuyll hath no power ouer them that beleue But they that beleue not on Christe they remayne vnder the power of the deuill and must at the last come vnto destruction with the Iewes In the Papecie the deuil thorowly stablished as ye knowe his kyngdome and set it meruelouslye with greate wealth riches and dignitie in somuche that although thorowe the singuler mercie and grace of god there remained in it the holy Sacramentes and the worde yet was there not at all any true knowledge either of the Sacramentes or of the worde as al men herof can beare witnesse And yet in the very Papecie the deuil founde not all thinges mete for his kingdom For euen in the ministration of baptisme was he cast out when the Infantes were baptised in the name of the blessed Trinitie and so brought vnto God For nothing can make voyde the promes of God Neither is the holye Ghoste therefore of the lesse power in the worde and in the Sacramentes althoughe the person be wycked and without the holy ghost whiche ministreth the worde and the Sacramentes we therfore are most indebtedly bounde to render vnto god most hartie thāckes for this his singuler goodnes towards vs whiche hath geuen vs suche power and strengthe againste our moste cruell enemy and extreme foe the deuil though he buffeteth vs again it is no merueill For how can he abyde this that we miserable sinners should so disquiet hym beinge a proude and myghtie spirite only with the worde that he can haue no place to rest in Therfore he maketh against vs all that euer he can by raysinge vp in euerye place persecutions and other tentations against vs. But that thyng ought not to seme greuous vnto vs for the hope that wee knowe that we shall not onely dryue hym oute here but we shall also at the last daye as we toforesayde iudge and condemne hym vnto hell fyre for euermore These thinges well diligently considered we ought to haue in great estimation and honour the worde of GOD and the Sacramentes and not so vilelye to thincke or speake of them as many do commonlye nowe a dayes and speciallye the wise and prudent of this worlde The Sacraments I graunt are outwarde ceremonies as the eyes see The very worde also is an externall thynge whiche is receaued by the eare and redde with the eye As the Christians also are bodely menne But these thinges are not therefore to be despised The reason is this When a Christen man handleth the worde of GOD accordyng to the commandement of Christe then is that power present whiche the deuill can not abyde In that therefore the worde and the Sacramente do outwardlye appeare so homely and base we ought not to dispise them but rather geue thanckes vnto
could we beleue on Christe of whome we hadde not hearde as it is wrytten But howe shall they heare without a preacher Fayth commeth by hearyng hearyng commeth by the worde of God Therefore Christ suffered that victorie ouer death and hell and also that his glorious Gospell to be published to the whole world and all nations thorow the preachyng of the holy apostles and other godly doctours and teachers to be inuited bydden and called vnto it The seuenth fruict of Christs Resurrection is that Christe wyth his rysynge agayne frome death hathe iustified vs thorowe Faithe For as hee by his deathe hath abolyshed and put awaye synne euen so by hys Resurrection hath he brought vnto vs ryghtousnes as Paule saieth Christe was betrayde for oure synnes and rose agayne for oure iustification And blessed Peter sayth Blessed be God and the Father of oure Lorde Iesus Christe whyche accordyng to his abundant mercy begate vs agayn vnto a lyuely hope by that that Iesus Christ rose agayne from deathe to an inheritance immortall and vndefyled and that perysheth not reserued in heauen for you which ar kept by the power of God thorough Faythe vnto saluation Thus hath Christe by his resurrection made vs godly and ryghteous thorowe Fayth that we shold not onely by hym be made free frome synne but also become holy and righteous in hym if as Peter saith we beleue in God thorough hym which raised him vp from the dead and gaue the glorie vnto hym that we myght haue faith and hope toward God The eyght fruicte of Christes Resurrection is the glorious blessednesse and eternall lyfe of the soules whyche foloweth of Iustification and Faythe wherof the holy Apostle S. Paul speaketh in hys Epistle to the Ephesians sayenge GOD whyche is ryche in mercye for hys greate loue wherewyth hee loued vs euen whenne wee were deade in synnes quyckned vs together in CHRIST by grace are ye saued and raysed vs vp together with hym and made vs sytte togyther wyth hym amonge them that are in heauen The Prophete Osee also saythe He shall make vs alyue after twoo dayes and on the thyrde daye he shall rayse vs vppe that wee maye lyue in hys syghte Hereof commeth it that S. Peter calleth Christe the Lorde of lyfe For he that confesseth wyth hys mouthe and beleueth wyth his heart that GOD raysed vp Christe he is saued Thys lyfe and euerlastynge saluation Christe by hys Resurrection hath purchased and geuen vnto vs. Therefore Christ sayde to Mary Magdalene that she shoulde telle hys disciples that he would go vp vnto his father and their father As though he shoulde saye Nowe we haue a common inheritaunce one father one kyngedome and an euerlastynge lyfe common to vs all For hee that sanctifyethe and they that are sanctifyed are all one The laste fruite of Christes resurrection is the glorification and dignitie of our mortall bodies For as Christe in his Resurrection dydde caste awaye frome hym all weakenesse of mannes bodye because from hensefoorthe he shoulde bee no more mortall weake hungrye thyrstie nor haue any other infirmities but immortall and withoute all infirmitie and weakenesse So shall our mortall bodies bee lyke vnto hys glorious bodye at the Resurrection of the deade and shall for euer remayne in that glory and honour worldes without ende Of thys speaketh Sainct Paule sayenge Our conuersation is in heauen from whens wee looke for a Sauioure euen the Lorde Iesus Christe whyche shall transfigure and chaunge thys oure vyle bodye that hee maye make it lyke to his owne glorious bodye accordyng to the power wherwyth he is able to make all thynges subiecte to hymselfe And in an other place Paule reioyceth wyth all the Christians that we haue an euerlastyng dwelling place in heauen although this oure corruptible body destroyed and put awaye For yf we beleue that Iesus dyed and rose agayn then shall God bryng them with hym that are fallen a sleape by Iesus So shall we bee glorifyed with Christe as he before was glorified by hys Resurrection and made hys mortall bodye immortall and brought it vnto glorie As he also before gaue a shewe of this matter to hys Disciples in mount Thabor where his face dydde shyne as the Sunne and hys garmentes were made whiter thenne snowe He that desyreth to heare more of this matter lette hym reade the .xv. Chapter of saint Paules first epist. to the Corinthiās There shall he abundātly find how Christ rose again how manyfold and great fruict he hath purchased and gotten for vs by that his glorious resurrection Nowe forasmuche as we haue hearde and do perfectly knowe what great and singuler benefites we haue receaued by the victorious and triumphant resurrection of our Lorde and sauiour Iesus Christ How he hath ouercome synne death deuyll and hell and hath made vs not only free and safe frome them but also holy godly and rightous thorowe fayth so that we shall haue with hym euerlastyng lyfe and a glorified body it becometh vs as thankfull children with Christ to take vpon vs a new pure syncere vncorrupt and fautlesse lyfe as S. Paule exhorteth vs in his Epistle to the Romains saying We are buryed with Christe by baptisme for to dye that likewyse as Christ was raised vp from death by the glorie of the father euen so we also should walke in a newe lyfe Nowe what other thyng is a new lyfe then to eschew sinne and to doo that whiche is good and godly As Paul saith in his foresaid Epistle We ought no more from hensforth to serue synne And in an other Epistle hee sayth that Christ dyed to this ende for all menne that they whyche lyue shoulde from hensefoorth lyue not to them selues but to hym that died for thē and rose agayne So lykewyse doothe Paule reioyce that he lyueth not but Christ in hym And he exhorteth the Corinthians that forasmuche as they through faith in Christe are holye and righteous and yet for the remnantes of the vncleane fleshe are synners and vnrighteous they would purge out that olde leauyn Know ye not saith he that a litle leauen so wreth the whole lumpe of dough Purge out therfore the olde leauen that ye may be new dough as ye are swete bread For Christ our passeouer is offred vp for vs. Therfore lette vs kepe a ioyfull feast not with olde leauen neyther with the leauen of maliciousnes wickednes but with the swete bread of purenes trueth In the whiche wordes Paule doth euidentlye expresse require that we should leaue the olde vnpure lyfe whiche we haue of Adam and in spirite begin exercise a newe spirituall lyfe vnto the whiche Christe hath brought vs and that we should from tyme to tyme if anye olde leauen of wyckednes we fynde in our selues purge it out and vtterly cast it out awaye from vs so that for euer after as in profession so lykewise
Secondarilye this is to be noted that as the scripture geueth a peculiar name vnto CHRIST and calleth hym the worde of GOD So doth it also geue a proper name to the sprite callynge it Spiritus Sanctus that is the holye Ghoste whiche by his grace doth sanctifye the heartes whiche were before vnholy and defiled with synne This name bringeth greate conforte to all good Christian men For they perceaue that they are weaker then the deuill and vnable at all times to resyste hys temptations And as they are verye sorowfull that they fele the euyll spirite sore sette agaynste them so are they put in good hope that by CHRIST they obtayne the holye Ghoste whiche pardoneth theyr synnes and styrreth them to obeye God truly But howe the holye Ghoste dooth bringe thys to passe it is shewed in Iohns Gospell The holye Ghoste shall reproue the worlde of synne of iustice and of iudgement For so are the properties of the Trinitie discerned in the articles of our faith that GOD the father gaue vs bodye and lyfe and made vs to his Kyngedome And after that oure parentes became the firste synners and vnder deaths danger and we also as by enheritance succeded vnto their synne and forfet The sonne of god was made man and thorough his death restored to vs that that was loste deliuered vs from sinne and death This deliuerance doth the holy ghost set forth by the Gospell and so instructe the heartes of men to beleue therin that is to haue sure confort therin that CHRIST died for them and that they maye not doubt but that they are reconciled to God the father by that death so that he wili no more remember their synnes but will forgeue them for Christes sake This doth signifie the sanctifiynge of the heartes or the purifying by fayth as Peter speaketh in the Actes of the Apostles And wher as is suche remission of synnes by faith so that we do not despaire althoughe diuers sinnes remaine but take sure conforte thorowe the death and resurrection of CHRIST There foloweth at the lenght the second sanctifyinge of the holye Ghoste wherein oure bodyes also are sanctified by the holye Ghoste as when we geue ouer oure selues no more to sin nor be delighted therwith but abstayne and studie to do those thynges that please God as Paule teacheth He that stole set hym steale no more but rather let hym labor with his owne handes that that is good that he maye haue to geue to the nedefull c. This is the propertie of the holy Ghoste to begin in vs a newe and true obedience towarde GOD that we maye resiste synne and mortifye the fleshe and so obtaine remission of oure sinnes by faith But this sanctifying is not parfect by and by with the first For if the fyrst were not the second coulde not muche preuayle For fleshe and bloud are full of infirmitie but the deuill is excedynge mighty against vs and we haue receaued onely the firste fruites of the spirite Wherefore this obedience can not be parfect and there is no sanctifyinge to attayne vnto ryghteousnes before GOD and euerlastynge lyfe than the sanctifyinge of fayth wherof is spoken before For thereof dependeth the whole matter wheras the second sanctifyinge when it hath done all that it can confesseth his owne vnprofitablenes and stycketh onelye to the sanctifyinge whiche commeth of Gods grace and mercie Hereof then is it plaine why the holye Ghoste is so called because it doth make holy and sanctifye that is by the word it stirreth vp in vs fayth towarde CHRIST that thereby we maye obtayne remission of oure synnes Besyde this office of sanctifyinge the holy Ghoste hath other offices as he hath other names in scripture For Zacharie calleth hym the spirite of prayer because he encourageth the heartes to truste surelye in GOD and to call vpon hym in their necessities Also CHRIST calleth hym the conforter whiche helpeth oure heartes by stirringe vs to take paciently all thynges that they shoulde be feared by no misfortune or combrance of the worlde Also he calleth him the spirit of truth because to withstand lies and heresies and to confirme the pure word and true faith he is alwayes bent Wheras contrariwise the deuill by our reason and false doctrine woulde caste vs hedlong into errours and lyes These are the proper offices of the holye Ghoste besyde that he garnisheth the heartes of the faythfull with diuers vertues and gyftes and is suche a conforter that bydeth with vs alwayes where as all the worldlye conforte is but for a tyme and at laste forsaketh vs. Seynge then that the holye Ghoste dooth worke suche greate thynges in vs. This also is to be learned Whiche is the waye to attaine to suche greate gyftes and howe they maye begynne to growe in vs and that we maye receaue the holye Ghoste and thereby be sanctifyed and saued As touchynge this thynge CHRIST hymselfe doth teache vs. Luke xj Wheras he sayth on this wise Seynge that you that are euyll can geue good thynges to youre sonnes howe muche more can youre heauenly father geue his holye spyrite vnto them that aske it of hym Yt is a sentence worthy to be rehearsed teachynge fyrste that GOD woulde that the holye Ghoste shoulde be obtayned by prayer of hym and that he geueth it to them that wyth humble prayers desire it of the father Wherefore when thou haste a desyre in thy mynde to obtayne the holy Ghoste of GOD continewe in prayinge and doubte not but thou shalte obtayne This is the redye waye to obtayne the holye Ghoste For CHRIST hym selfe dooth teache thee so to doo and to call vpon GOD the father often for the holye Ghoste but this prayer as all other prayers muste be made also in the name of IESV and on suche wyse muste we praye GOD that he for CHRIST his Sonne sake wyll geue vs the holye Ghoste And to the attainement thereof haue greate helpe in that that Christ ascended to the father for no other cause but to receaue these gyftes of the father and to geue them vnto vs. Wherfore in our prayers we can not doubt for it is not onely commanded of God that we shoulde praye for the holye ghoste and also promised that we shall obtayne but also his wil is redie to geue it For as muche as Christ therfore sitteth at the right hande of God the father to distribute amongest vs these gyftes For he also receaued them of the father as it is writent in the .lxviij. psal Not for hymselfe but for men to geue them vnto them Besides prayers there are other things also necessary to the obtayninge of the holye Ghoste For we muste haue a feruent studie to read or heare the worde of God and to vse often the Sacraments that all these thinges ioyned to gether may make opē the way for the holy ghost For this is once for all
sayth he but they shall be iudged of their own mouth For this gyft was geuē to all the world and they by their vnbelefe and mistrust of Gods word will not receyue it Yet if a man consider well he shall perceaue that Baptisme and also the Communion of the body and bloud of Christ were ordeyned to the intent that euery man should take this gift free franke as his owne And thus muche haue we spoken generally for the vnderstandyng of this sentence whiche can neuer be sufficiently declared and perceaued For it is the principall doctrine by the faith whereof we dye and obteyne saluation in the whiche Christe doothe describe plainely to oure greate conforte that he hym selfe is wholly geuen vnto vs from the father of pure loue whiche loue he as a mercyfull God performeth to the wicked and vnkynde worlde And here it is playnly sette foorth to all menne what a greate tresure we Christians haue We learne here also what God and the worlde is and howe that we bee made partakers of this grace onlye thorough fayth as Christe sayth all that beleue in hym haue euerlasting lyfe For the doctrine of workes whiche after this fayth ought to ensue by the power of the holy Ghoste is to be placed in an other matter What a Christian ought to do as the obedient Sonne of God and as one shewing himselfe kinde and mindeful for so great a gyfte of eternall lyfe and loue of God as touchyng that I say Christe teacheth nothynge in this place Wherefore we will nowe entreate no farther of this matter that we are saued only by the mercie of god and that we obtaine this grace only by fayth with out vertu without merits and without our workes For all the whole matter that is requisite and necessarie to the gertinge of euerlastyng lyfe and remission of our sinnes is altogether and fullie comprehended in the loue and mercie of God thorough Christ. God graunt vs his grace that we maye beleue and trust hereunto surely and that we may abyde and suffer all thynges with a glad and a redie heart and that we may so die that we may be saued for euer Our God graunt vs this thoroughe his sonne and our Lorde Iesu Christe Amen The first Sermon on Trinitie Sonday Of the feaste MAny thinges shold be spoken as touching this feast For first of all the Gospel is very fruitfull and preacheth of great matters And it is necessary also to speake of the cheife article of our religion for as muche as we Christian men onlye and none beside vs do beleue in god the father and in god the sonne and in god the holy ghost This is the principall article in our congregation which was not inuented by man neither came euer to mans mynde But is only opened vnto vs of god by the worde Wherfore euen as God by other feastes thorough the eare is gloriously set forth by his workes which he hath don that by thē his good will and pleasure toward vs might be knowen as the feast of the Natiuitie of Christ is celebrate kept holy at that time whan Christ became man and the resurrection of Christ whan this man that was god raysed himself from the dead and Whitsontyde when the holy ghost came downe in a visible forme began his operation and so forth so that all feastes do declare with what god is as a man woulde say appareled So this present feaste was therfore ordained that it might be knowen as nigh as it is possible out of gods worde what God is in his nature and substance of hymselfe without any maner of visers or shewes And here are all creatures Angels and heauens to be ouerpassed with a highe contemplation and all inferiour thinges to the whiche we are commonly accustomed are also to be set asyde And these thinges only are to be heard whiche God pronounceth of hymself and his proper substance and nature And here doth appeare what is the wisedom of the worlde and the folyshnes of God For whan the worlde heareth that one eternall God is three distincte persons this it can in no case alowe but iudgeth all mad that either teache those thinges or beleue so as they teache Wherefore this article in the new testament in the whiche it is very euidently set forth hath ben sharplye withstanded resisted So that this was the occasiō as witnesseth the histories that Iohn the Euangelist wrot his gospell For by by there sprong vp the hereticke Cherinthus which had learned of Moyses that ther was but one God Whereby he gathered that Christ could be no God as God himselfe could not be man Wherfore he did vse this sylogisme and sophisme of reason and thought that euen as he hymselfe could vnderstande and gather by reason the thynge that it was so in dede in heauē and could none otherwise be But away with this iudge false estemer of things I meane reason Blind reason where as it is not sufficiētly able to knowe it selfe yet wil it not stycke to be so bold as to iudge of god For yet is there none foūde that can know for a suretie what this is that men see with eyes speake laughe with mouth And yet we stāde so highe in our owne conceite that we will speake dispute of God and of his substance yea and that of our owne proper reason without helpe This is a great folishenes I can not parfectly determine what is seing or laughyng and yet I will take vpon me to knowe and geue sentence of that wherof I knowe nothing at al wherof god only ought to pronounce Yet the worlde setteth muche by this folishnes the Turkes the Iewes mocke vs christiās as half mad because we beleue that Christ is god But if this were wisdō who might not pronounce thinke with the Turkes Ther is but one god Christ is not god But when scripture and the word of god is put forth this thinking and pronouncing is nothing worth But we muste speake or at least wise stammer of those things as the scripture doth point vs that is that Christ is very god that the holy ghost is very god yet that ther are not three gods neither three natures or substāces as we nūber three sons three men three angels or three windowes For so is not god distinct in his substance but there is one only substance of god Wherfore although there be three persons god the father god the sonne and god the holy Ghost yet in substance they can not be deuided or discerned For ther is only one god consistyng of one indiuisible substance For so sayth Paule of Christ whiche is the Image of the vnuisible god the first begotten of al creatures for by hym were all thynges made that are in heauen or in earth visible and inuisible whether they be thrones or dominations or principats or potestats
there is nothyng doen of compulsion in all his seruice allowed After this sorte he dooeth compell he causeth the woorde to be preached vnto vs he that beleueth and is Baptized shall be saued he that beleueth not shall be condemned Wherby he setteth before vs bothe heauen and helle death and life wrathe and mercie For first of all he declareth vnto vs our synne and our greate corruption of nature that we maie feare when we heare that we are borne the children of wrathe in the kyngdome of the deuill And this is in deede compulsion and constrainyng when there is greate feare for the wrathe of GOD and thereby we are driuen to call for helpe And when that is so brought to passe by the preaching of the Gospel that the heartes dread then muste we proceade in doctrine that yet the synners fall not to desperation for their synne although thei haue neuer so iuste cause to despaire But let them rather folowe this councell of GOD that bicause thei are Baptised let them heare the Gospell that preacheth of Iesu Christ that he died for vs and made satisfaction for our synnes on the crosse by his death If thou beleue this thou nedest not feare the wrathe of GOD and death euerlastyng And so thou as a true geaste hast a roume in this magnificent and glorious supper and art therby fedde made fatte and in good likyng And so to compell is to make a manne afraied for synne and not to compell as the Pope dooeth with curssyng by booke bell and candell He doeth not cause any true feare in the conscience For he teacheth not truly what is synne But he magnifieth his owne trifles and cursseth hym that will not kepe his Ceremonies and mennes traditions But the Gospell openeth synne and the wrathe of GOD from heauen that all we none excepted doe liue in synne and are vngodlie This thyng doeth GOD commaunde to be shewed vnto vs by the Gospell whē he saith to the Apostles Go and preache repentance But repentaunce can not be preached but by the openyng of the wrathe of GOD against all men because thei are full of vnbelief contempt of GOD and other synnes This wrathe ought to terrifie them and to make their cōscience quake for feare that thei maie compell theim selues and saie O Lorde what muste I dooe to auoyde this miserie Then shall it be saied to hym sit doune in the supper and eate For there are many tables full of meate and yet voyde of geastes Thou art christened therfore beleue in Iesu Christ that he hath satisfied for thee Thou hast none other remedie against this destruction then to be Baptized and to beleue For then shall wrathe be ended and greate plentie of grace mercie and remission of sinne sent doune from heauen vnto thee to thy greate ioye and sing●ler comfort Wherefore to compell is nothyng els then to preache repentaunce and remission of synne To shewe the wrathe of GOD vpon synners and mercie vpon theim that beleue The wrathe and repentaunce causeth a great thrist and desire of grace And this is the true waie to this supper And now there is one churche made bothe of the Iewes and Gentiles and all are generally called poore nedie lame and weake For after the feare of the conscience thei gladly embrace the Gospell and desire mercie But thei that refuse to doe this be thei neuer so prudent and wise haue this sentence giuen against theim Thei shall not taste of my Supper ▪ that is the wrathe of GOD shall remaine vpon them and thei shall be damned for their vnbelief For GOD as I saied before hath no respect how riche how wise how holie thei be Wherefore bee thei neuer so carelesse be thei neuer so sure of them selues yet shall thei proue by experience that this sentence is not vainly spoken where Christe here concludeth Thei shall not taste of my supper But we that receiue it and feare for our synnes and doe not despise the grace of GOD whiche is offered vnto vs in the Gospell for Christes sake we shall obtaine for wrathe grace for synne eternall rightuousnes and for eternall death eternall life This sore Iudgement is now a daies as it appereth moste euident emong the Iewes and Turkes whiche haue no saueryng of the Gospell yea rather thei so muche abhorre it that thei can not finde in their heartes so muche as to see it or heare it It chaunceth also likewise with the Papisticall high priestes and bishops whiche are so little filled with this Supper that thei scarslie taste it or smell it But we whiche by the peculiar grace of GOD are set in the middle of the light of this Gospell are filled and well fedde and are become lustie and strong and are glad to be at this supper The Lorde graunte vs to continewe therein vnto the ende Amen Amen Christes intent therefore in this parable is to exhorte vs that we haue the Gospell in high estimacion and that we ioyne not our selues to theim whiche haue high stomackes by reason of their prudence wisedome power and holinesse For this sentence is giuen as touchyng their castyng awaie and damnaciō of theim that thei shall not tast this supper As thei were caste awaie in the people of the Iewes and onely the vnpure dragges wer reserued so shall it chaunce to vs also if we set more by Farmes Oxen and wiues that is by our spirituall and ciuill dignities and temporall possessions then we doe by the Gospell He speaketh a greuous and a verie terrible thyng with plaine and simple wordes Thei shall not taste of my Supper As though he should saie my supper is not to be despised for it is of an higher price then their farmes be despise thei it now neuer so muche although thei set more by their Farmes Oxen and wiues then thei doe by it There shall come a time when thei muste depart from all thynges from Farme from Oxe and frō wiues so that thei would faine then taste of my Supper But then shall it be saied vnto theim I knowe ye not Now I lacke no geastes Let your Farmes Oxen and wiues comforte you These shall giue you a better Supper for as muche as ye despised my supper and cared not for it There was greate prouision and coste made in this supper but althynges semed vile vnto you If there be more good fare and delicates in yours goe to it a Gods name spare not I will not lette you onely this I saie vnto you ye shall haue no part of my Supper These thynges shall bee dreadfull in that daie when GOD shall with plaine wordes call his supper life euerlastyng and their Farmes and Oxen eternall fire and shall not chaunge his sentence any thing but that thei shall neuer taste of this supper that is thei shal be voyde of all hope of saluation Wherefore these woordes are not lightly to be estemed whiche declare the euerlastyng
For whilest thei are so obstinate thei can not be deliuered frō their straiyng so that at the lengthe thei shall be torne and plucte in pieces of the Wolues in wildernesse Wherfore the comfort of the Gospell for sinners ▪ ought not lightly to be estemed bicause Christ their shepherd seketh theim and taketh thē vp as straye shepe Furdermore his doctrine also is necessarie to knowe what is our duetie to this shepherd euen to heare his voyce and to tourne vnto him as the historie of the Publicans and synners maie be an example vnto vs in that thei were conuerted at the woorde of Christe This woorde teacheth nothyng els but that GOD is mercifull vnto synners to saue them for Christes sake so that thei doe not harden their heartes at the voyce of their shepheard and delight with longer wanderyng and straiyng but that after thei haue heard the voyce thei caste thē selues on Christes shoulders whiche hath satisfied for their synnes and reconciled them to God the father And we can not without great synne seyng that GOD hath purchased our deliueraunce so dearely despise and set naught by it but we must with greate and studious labour worship and reuerence his worde and shewe our selues worthie of the companie of sainctes Wherefore this worde ought greatly and studiously to be regarded that we may be defended and strōgly armed against the deuill and our owne hearte least we be in suche an opinion of GOD that he hateth synners For suche a sence and felyng is in all mennes myndes But the helpe of Gods woorde is to bee preferred against this in that that he is the shepheard and doeth proclaime his woorde openly in the worlde to the intent that the stray shepe maie heare it and tourne againe vnto hym Wherefore if thou dooest knowledge this that thou art a straie shepe which by synne art banished farre from the kyngdome of GOD and despaire not but haue respecte to the woorde of Christe as touchyng the shepheard For he is set forthe for thy sake and for all suche as are like thee that thou maiest beginne to repent that thou maiest haue trust before GOD through Christ and walke worthie of God in his kyngdome Neither thinke that thou haste a long respite to take councell of this matter whē the voyce of the shepherd commeth vnto thee but tourne thy self forthwith vnto hym and embrace hym Whiche thing if thou doe thou art saulfe and giuest the Angelles a greate cause of ioye whiche after that will be verie desirous of thy companie and will kepe and defende thee against all perill Where as cōtrariwise the vnpenitent tourne the Angelles to mournyng and therefore are faine to bee without their helpe and defence And in that that Christe is not contente with one parable but putteth there vnto the seconde as concernyng the woman that had loste a grote he doeth it to the intent that other should folowe his example and not vtterly giue vp synners but hunt for them and bryng them to repentaunce For the first parable belongeth onely to Christ our sauiour whiche is onely the true shepherde that embraceth straye shepe with true saluation where as he vestoweth his life for them that thei maie be deliuered from destruction and defended againste the deuill The seconde parable of the woman perteineth to the congregacion which is there in her ministracion and office that synners might be called to repentaunce and deliuered from eternall death and damnacion and obtaineth euerlastyng saluacion She reioyceth also euen as doeth the shepeherd when she findeth her grote she lighteth a cādell euen Gods woorde and swepeth the house that is she teacheth of rightuousnesse and of comforte for Gods mercies sake in Christe before the iudgement of God And by this doctrine commeth the loste grote to light And this is the true and glorious commendacion of Gods woorde whiche onely hath suche vertue that it taketh a waie synne and all the infectiō that came thereof as death damnation the deuill and helle so that wee are no more synners and the enemies of GOD but suche as of whom the Aungelles in heauen and the sainctes in yearth reioyce Wherfore we should worthely magnifie this word and highly esteme the teachers thereof to the ende we might achiue and get this greate benefite therby that is be deliuered from this wanderyng and deuilles daunger so be saued for euer The which thyng the moste bountifull and louyng shepherde of our soules our Lorde Iesu Christ graunte vs through the holy ghost Amen ¶ The .iiij. Sondaie after Trinitie Sondaie The Gospell Luke vi BE ye mercifull as your father also is mercifull Iudge not and ye shall not be iudged Condēne not and ye shall not bee condemned Forgeue ye shall be forgeuen Geue and it shal be geuen vnto you good measure and pressed doune and shaken together and runnyng ouer shall menne geue into your bosomes For with thesame measure that you mete withal shal other men mete to you againe And he put forthe a similitude vnto them Can the blinde leade the blinde Doe thei not bothe fall into the diche The disciple is not aboue his master euery man shal be perfecte euen as his master is Why seest thou a mote in thy brothers eye but considerest not the beame that is in thyne owne eye Either how canst thou saie to thy brother Brother let me pull out the mote that is in thine eye when thou seest not the beame that is in thine owne eye Firste thou hypocrite caste out the beame out of thyne owne eye then shalt thou se perfectly to pull out the mote that is in thy brothers eye THE EXPOSITION IN this Gospell Christ teacheth his disciples and vs what we should do one to an other For after we beleue and are become christian men therby bicause we are sure that we are deliuered from death synne and all euill through Christ now is it necessarie to liue after a newe sorte and that frō henceforthe we shewe our selues obedient vnto hym This newe life doth Christ comprise in one worde saiyng Be ye mercifull as your father is mercifull And all knowe this what is mercie truly suche an affection whiche conceiueth a sorowe at the verie hearte when a man seeth his neighbour troubled either in body or soule and is stirred by his will to helpe hym Christe requireth here suche a minde of all men not that there should be suche mercie as is betwene light and lende persones For suche mercie extendeth no farder then emongest the felowes of that leudenes tarieth no longer then thei haue power to do that leudnes As experiēce declareth A thefe is not mercifull to him that stealeth not for if he were he would robbe no man But he is mercifull onely to hym that stealeth with him and this is the mercie of euil doers But we that are christians muste be mercifull euen as our heauenly father is not onely
to our frendes but to all men yea to theim that hate vs to them that offende vs and semeth vnworthie of our good will and benefite This great displeasure and anger of ours whiche wee declare by bitter and hatefull woordes is to ouer come as when we saie what shall I medle with suche a knaue I am sore hurte of hym His slaunderyng tongue is not vnknowen to me What Should I helpe him No truely And he were full of Magottes I could not finde in my heart to doe him good And this is the lessō that our nature teacheth vs as touching lende mercie whiche onely hath respecte to our companions and riotfelowes but as for other it abhorreth vs vtterly to shewe any mercie But Christ seketh a remedie for this fault when he requireth vs to doe good to our enemies and to theim that hurte vs Suche mercie saieth he is mete for a christian as your father of heauen hath For without this ye can not be his sonnes nor my brethren whiche haue redemed you with my blood from synne and deathe Doubtlesse ye haue offended your heauēly father manifolde waies you haue broken his commaundementes in all poinctes And God hath a iust cause by your sinne to saie should I giue my sōne for suche vnthriftes yea rather let thē die as thei haue deserued For thei for sweare them selues thei slaunder thei are giuen to coueteousnes and to adulterie thei leaue no kinde of wickednes vndoen let them goe for me and for their leudnesse leudely perishe as thei deserue This maie GOD saieth Christe laye against you but he doeth not yea rather for all the iniuries ye doe vnto hym he hath mercie vpon you and doeth you good giuing you not onely bodie and life foode and familie wife and children and for all them liuelode but also his owne sonne and life euerlastyng Suche mercie also must we vse For what if one haue hurt and offēded thee what is that in respect that thou hast offended GOD so often and so greuously Wherefore if Gods mercie be so greate that he giueth his sonne for his enemies to deliuer thē from death and synne by hym and also giueth all thynges beside as life bodie soule substaunce yea and that when he hath rather an occasion to take vengeaunce to punishe and to plague Put this before thee for an exāple that thou maiest saie thus Although this man hath hurte me greuously and maie seme worthie of a misfortune at my hande yet will I not reuenge For els my mercie should not be christian like but like the Gentiles If he hath doen me wrōg perchaunce I haue otherwise deserued it Now when he hath nede of my helpe I will not requit euill for euill For I se that he hath nede of helpe and that it is in my power to helpe hym For thus dealeth my heauenly father with me c. It is euidently seen how full of wickednes and wrong the husbande menne and the people of the countrie be If thei could sell the vilest thyng thei haue for the moste highest price thei would not feare to doe it The tounes men and citezens also hath very corrupt maners thei scrape together substāce by right or by wrong thei care not how Thei liue riotuously thei deceiue and defraude as many as euer thei can This might well moue other to stomacke their doyng and to deny theim helpe when thei are in aduersitie But a christian hath a precept cōtrary to it whiche is that he should not remember any displeasure doen vnto hym What is this to me saith he if thei be wicked leude shall I giue vp therefore my purpose of well doyng Yea I will doe rather after the maner of a good tree from the whiche if a man plucke beate or shake doune fruicte it bringeth out the more the next yere with out paine So will I doe If I haue doen good for thee and thou shewest thy self vnkinde and dooest me a shrewde turne for it yet will I not hereby be compelled to forsake well dooyng If thou art a thornie bushe and canst doe nothing but pricke yet I will not become like vnto thee in life but I will rather shewe my self a fruitfull vine to bring forth swete grapes For so doeth my heauenly father He geueth to wicked people and vnthriftes housholde stuffe liuelode clothyng goodes bodie and soule peace seasonable weather and all thynges necessarie He giueth vs the light of the Sonne whereas we rather haue deserued Brimstome and fire from heauen but yet we haue it not For he will not bee made a churle for our vnkindnes sake but he saith If you are disposed to bee naught yet will not I forsake my naturall goodnesse I will giue bothe Sonne and water from heauen to the good euil And this is the example that Christ appointeth vs to followe that we also likewise maie be mercifull and not prouoked to malice by other mennes malice after the maner of the worlde that reuengeth and pursueth his right This maie not christian menne doe Yea rather thei ought to praie for their foes that GOD will make of them profitable and fruictfull plantes whiche are now wilde thornie and baren bushes And this is be you mercifull as your father of heauen is mercifull whiche is also moste bountefull euen to his very enemies But we must put in a caueat in this place and beware that wee take not this doctrine of mercie so although all kynde of reuengyng were disanulled hereby For there are diuers persones in one christian man A christian and the disciple of Christ doeth not reuenge But after this there be diuers descriptions of offices as of fathers in a familie of Iudges in a shire of Magistrates in a citie of Erles in an Erledome of Kynges in a Kyngdome All these offices can not bee without reuengyng And thei that are in theim should offende if thei should not punishe suche thynges as are dooen against the common wealthe For by the commaūdement of God in this must those thynges be performed whiche are ordained of GOD for the preseruation of the commonaltie that the offenders bee punished and breakers of order restrained For if any manne would exercise ouerth warte mercie it would euidently appere to what poincte it would come when foolishe mercie shewed to a fewe shall be tourned to the vtter vndoing of many First are thei betrayed to whom this vntrue mercie is shewed then ensueth the breakyng of discipline rule without the whiche the worlde can not consiste in safegard Wherefore GOD requireth this of all gouernours and ouerseers of order that accordyng to their office thei vse straight punishement and if thei cease to doe so let theim knowe thei shall giue accompt thereof to the high magistrate whiche is God hymself Wherefore this commaundement of Christ consisteth in a certaine respecte to an other order that is that the sonnes of GOD that is to saie Christiās
is very true that we cā not be without tēptacion when it chaunceth to vs as it did to Peter To labour all the night and to take no profite thereby we take it vnpaciently and goe about to lay all aside and depart But we ought to ouercome this temptacion and sticke to our vocation stedfastly and to caste all our care on the Lorde For I haue knowen this often tymes by experience when the obedient children in a familie hath had misfortune and contrariwise the disobedient and stubburne good fortune But at laste the hard case of the good was more commended and the wicked had an euill ende Wherefore if it chaunce likewise to thee that all thinges goe not well be constaunt and strengthen thy self that thou be not ouercome of temptacion For better is misfortune with obedience then good fortune with wickednesse The reason is that GOD at the laste casteth awaie the disobediente with their prosperitie bee it neuer so greate and exalteth the hūble and meke to great renoume This example of Peter is studiously to bee followed in that he hath respecte onely to the worde and followeth that and is nothing moued with these thoughtes whiche surely would greatly haue troubled vs and doubtles thei were in his minde also For we are commaunded aswell as Peter to labour and to serue in our vocation He that taketh holde to his vocation and suffereth not him self to be withdrawen from his purpose although it doeth but slowly prosper and the blessyng is lōg in comming yet must he not doubt of a prosperous ende For GOD can do no otherwise but at length haue respecte to obedience although he differreth it for a tyme and proueth vs whether we regarde his commaundement or not Wherefor no manne ought to be weary if he hath laboured all the night without profite For if Peter had gone about this draught in the night he would haue imputed it to his cunnyng and labour neither would he haue thought any thyng els requisite to suche a successe But whereas he fisheth all nighte and taketh nothyng and Christ first ministreth his woorde biddyng hym there with to assaie againe there hath Peter a sure triall that this good successe came not by fishyng and labour but of Gods worde and blessyng And lette this suffice you as concernyng the firste doctrine whiche is corporall and pertaineth to the bodily liuelode that Christe will be present with all his that laboure by his blessyng and not suffer them to perishe for hunger The second doctrine is spirituall For thus doth it followe in the historie that Peter is astonied by the draught of fishe and cōmeth to the knowledge of Christe that he is not onely man And whereas he acknowledgeth hymself a synner and falleth doune at Christes feete saiyng departe from me Lorde for I am a synner It is a spirituall matter and fewe vnderstande it For it semeth hereby that Peter did it of a certaine religion and that he desired for a reuerence to departe from Christe But the meanyng of it is not so The consciēce is in this case When GOD commeth with his grace and promiseth remission of synne and life euerlastyng frely for Christes sake the grace is so large that all thinges seme to greate for vs neither dare we approch nigh thereto for the greatnesse thereof It is easie to beleue that GOD is good and mercifull but that he imbraceth vs with his greate mercie our heart can not be made to beleue that All men thinke if I wer so pure and rightuous as Marie the virgin sainct Peter sainct Paule I would couple my self also to his grace but I am a sinner I am not worthie of grace but rather of wrothe Then commeth the Deuill and he inlargeth sinne so muche in thy heart that thou maiest see nothing but thy vnworthinesse and thou canst not but wonder and be amased at the greatnes of that exceding grace This is a spirituall temptacion whereof the prophane and rude as wee bee almoste all haue no perceueraunce nor vnderstanding For this is learned by experience onely and no otherwise Wherefore the greatest sort liueth on such wise that thei thinke not muche either of their sinne or of the grace of GOD. But true Christian men doe alwaies tremble and feare that that is to muche that GOD doth on his owne behalf Who am I saie thei O Lorde GOD that thou bryngest me thus farre I am not worthie of so greate mercie of GOD. And herevnto belōgeth that Christ comforteth Peter to be without feare for bicause he goeth not about now to iudge Peters synnes but to deliuer hym from sinne and to sette hym in suche an office that he maie bryng other also to the same grace So that all this comforte maie bee applied if wee should chaunce to haue suche thoughtes and be put in like feare to encourage vs to resiste theim and not to giue place vnto them For Christe came not to driue synners from hym but he came into the yearth for their sakes Wherfore he comforteth Peter against suche thoughtes and biddeth hym not to feare as he saieth also in an other place Feare not little flocke it is my fathers will to giue you the kyngdome In that place Christe talketh also with suche that thinke How canste thou come to heauen and to eternall life Canst thou obtaine to the fellowshippe of Angelles If thou were holier there were no cause why thou shouldest despaire But as thou art now all thy hope is in vaine But Christe answereth otherwise you feare saieth he but dooe not so For it hath pleased my father to giue you the kyngdome and that of his owne free will For whereas you are vnworthie beyng synners this is his mercifull will to giue it you of his grace and mercie wherefore feare not but receiue it ioyfully and with a gladde hearte For if GOD would not giue vs vntill wee were worthie wee should neither haue meate nor drinke But he will not haue respect to our worthinesse merites but to our nede and to his owne goodnes mercy And this is the cause that he giueth vs not onely thynges requisite to the bodie but also euerlasting life with suche temptacion is Peter also here encombred He perceiueth the greate goodnes of Christe and casteth in his mynde howe vnworthie he is thereof and therefore he beginneth to despaire what place saieth he is there for thee with vs Couple thy self with the rightuous I am a synner But Christ comforteth hym and sheweth hymself to be farre vnlike that that Peter thought of him commaundyng hym to bee of good chere and to take heart of grace and that the matter as concernyng the fishe is but little in comparison of that that he will make hym a fisher of men Now thou art a Fisher but I will giue thee an other office to enter into other waters and to take other Fishe that is men that heauen maie haue store of suche fishes
without the luste thereof And likewise in all other preceptes For the Lawe requireth not onely to dooe woorkes but that the heart also be pure and agreable in all poinctes to Gods worde and lawe But thou wilt saie where maie suche an hearte be founde Uerely neither I neither thou haue it in store For we se how sone we fall into wrothe and how sone also sensualitie riseth in our heartes yea otherwise then wee thought or willed Yea and where we purposed the contrary and hate our selues therefore What must be dooen then We haue not suche perfect rightuousnes and a cleane heart and yet we heare the sentence that the Phariseis rightuousnes hath no place in heauen Truely this must we doe We must not followe the Scribes and Phariseis to thinke our selues rightuous for our woorkes But for all our rightuousnes what soeuer we dooe we muste shewe suche submission and humblenesse before GOD that wee maie saie O Lorde I am a synner be thou mercifull vnto me and enter not into Iudgement with thy seruaunt as touchyng workes but deale with me accordyng to thy mercie and grace whiche thou haste promised and performed to vs in Christ. This doctrine tendeth to this ende specially that spirituall pride maie therby be restrained and wee by that meanes come vnto the knowledge of our filthy hearte and moste corrupt nature and so at the laste be brought to the hope of Gods grace fauour and mercie And this is the very rightuousnesse that obtaineth the inheritaunce of the kyngdome of heauen whiche hath her foundation of our workes although thei ought to be good and Godly but of the remission of synne and of the grace of GOD. For although we preuaile som what by that we labour to offende no bodie by our leudnes and studie as muche as wee can to accomplishe Gods will yet the greatest fault remaineth still wheras the hearte is vnpure and full of sensualitie and wickednes But he that obtaineth remission of his sinnes is rightuous not by his owne power but by grace forasmuche as his synnes are forgiuen hym for his fathers sake in Christ. Wherefore Peter in the Actes of the Apostles saieth that our heartes are purified by faithe But this purifiyng is not on suche wise as though no euill thoughtes or vncleane concupiscence should after that be felt in our heartes for that should neuer come to passe before this bodie of synne bee laied in the grounde and a passage made vnto euerlastyng life then shall the hearte be cleane in deede and pure of his owne nature But so long as this life endureth all the purenesse is in faithe and in the woorde that GOD for Christes sake will not impute our sinnes to vs nor punishe vs for them but rather remit pardon and forgiue them And this neuerthelesse must followe therof that afterward by the help of the holy ghost we begin to leade a pure holy and Godly life and shewe GOD due obedience But as I saied before this is an vnperfect obedience Therefore the whole rightuousnes before GOD consisteth onely in the remission of synnes And this is the true meanyng of these wordes where Christ saieth Excepte your rightuousnesse excede the rightuousnes of the Scribes and of the Phariseis ye can not enter into the kyngdome of heauen These wordes are not to be vnderstand as though all that the Phariseis dooe is naught by nature For where as the Pharisie in the Gospell of Luke boasteth that he is not vnrightuous no robber no adulterer againe that he fasteth twise in a weeke and paieth tithes of all that he possesseth to do these thinges is not euill and we would wish that all men wer suche euen vnto their liues ende then should the Maiestrates Iudges and parentes with suche like haue lesse businesse But herein is the fault that for this outward rightuousnes sake the Pharisie boasteth himself to be rightuous before GOD neither thought he that he had neede of Gods mercie and remission of synne for the obtainment of true and perfect rightuousnes Christ resisteth this leude persuasion that wee should not trust in suche rightuousnes before GOD but make inquisition for better if we determine to haue any hope of the heauenly inheritaunce And he putteth forthe vnto vs the sixt commaundement for an example that by that wee maie learne what is the rightuousnes of the Phariseis and beware of it The sixt commaundement as ye knowe is this Thou shalt not kill Here the Phariseis persuaded them selues that if thei did but onely abstain from grosse murder thei neded not to care for any more and that thei had fulfilled this commaundemente againe that nothyng els was required of them in this behalfe But Christe requireth greater thynges For the woordes of this commaundement are not Thy handes shall not kill but Thou shalt not kille That is to saie Thy hearte thy mouthe thy tongue and all the powers in thy senses and what soeuer is in thy bodie besides whereby murder is committed thou shalt auoyde so that thou doe not onely eschewe grosse murder but all other thinges in hearte in minde in woorde in gesture in countenaunce c. whiche are as a manne would saie the waie and preparatiō vnto murder For this saiyng Thou shalt not kill Christ doeth not so nakedly expounde it that it should signifie slaughter onely whereby mennes bodies are slaine and depriued of their life but what soeuer is doen besides wherby murder ensueth As when thou hatest any man ▪ and wilte in no condition helpe hym but art so affected toward him as the riche glottō was toward poore Lazarus Suche through thy faulte might perishe and so art thou by this precept giltie of murder as Ambrose saieth If thou hast not fedde thou haste slaine and committed murder And S. Ihon saieth he that hateth his brother is a murderer And ye knowe that a murderer hath euerlastyng life dwellyng in hym Therefore he that purposeth to kepe this commaundement must not onely refraine his handes but his harte also muste be voide of wrathe so that he neither shewe churlishe countenaunce nor giue cruell woorde against them that haue deserued an euill tourne at his hande yea and that by all mennes iudgement For Christ saieth plainly that this commaundement is transgressed and broken fiue maner of waies Firste with the hearte when it is moued with anger displeasure against thy neighbour Secondly when the hearte betraieth it self outwardly and sheweth by some externall gesture that it is angrie in deede as when we passe by any man and tourne awaie our faces from theim that salute vs and will not ones giue them an answere no not so muche as a louyng looke For this worde Racha pertaineth specially to a disdainfull and angrie mocion as when the anger is Iudged by the eyes by the countenaūce or by some croked worde Thirdly when wrathe procedeth out of the heart into the mouthe
poyson with vntymely and vnsauery fruictes to kyll thee To be short there is no number of the plagues and punyshementes whiche God hath in store for synners and wicked persons This therefore is the cause that Christe so ●carefully monysheth weepeth and saieth Consyder nowe thy perill O Hierusalem Thynkest thou that the plague and punyshement will not come vpon thee because it is hyd and deferred for a tyme Thou arte greatly deceiued For the payne is not hyd to this end that thou shouldest escape free and vnplagued but that thou mayst be the more certayn and sure that it will come vppon thee for as muche as thou consyderest not the tyme of thy visitation If therfore thou wylt not abuse this delay and long suffring of God make ones an ende of synnyng and embrace the woorde and so shalt thou prouide well for thy selfe If thou wilt not thou shalt surely perishe and come to naught On this maner dothe Peter also preache sayinge Suppose that the longe sufferyng of the Lord is saluation That is to say Thynke it to be your saluation and that it is done for youre sake that ye shoulde not be damned For if God shold always punyshe accordyng to our deserte and synne none of vs all shold lyue long in this world Notwithstandyng God doth not so but he is long suffryng paciently abydeth our conuersion and deferreth the punyshement Understande this so sayth Peter as a thyng done for youre saluation that ye maye thus saye O Lorde I haue synned diuers waies and often and yet the punyshement therof hath not folowed but is deferred Notwithstandyng what dothe this signifie verily none other thyng then that although the payn be hid yet at the last it will surely come yea and that so much the more greuous because it is differred Therefore be mercyfull to me O Lord Forgeue me my synnes and geue me grace so to repente and amende that I offende no more Here Peter teacheth that we shoulde vse the pacience and long suffering of God vnto our confort and saluation For God desireth not the destruction of menne neyther deliteth he in the death of synners It is therfore for our saluation when God hideth the peyne and deferreth the punyshment But when this waie can do no good with synners but in the daye of wrath they heape vp more wrathe by goyng forthe to syn then can not God any longer deferre his plagues but seyng no hope of amendement he rendreth to the wicked accordyng to their wickednes as daily experience teacheth When theues will not cease from their stealing they at the last come to the gallowes and are hanged The whoremongers and adulterers also goyng forward in theyr vnclennes at the last are taken brought to shame punyshed Thus dyd Christ plainly declare to Hierusalem that although God did as yet hyde the peyne and deferre the punyshement yet that he would at the laste come and most miserably plage those stiffenecked and disobedient people Therfore let euery man feare God Let all thynke this lyttel great olde and yong that if they synne and wyll not cease and repente that punyshement wyll at the laste come For to this ende is the exaumple of Hierusalem that most holy and beautyfull Citie sette forth vnto vs of the whiche citie the very Ethnike histories also report that it was the goodliest citie of all the easte partes But it is now destroyed vtterly brought to naught The cause of the subuersion vtter ruine therof was because it made no ende of synnyng neither would it receaue the woorde of God but rather hate and persecute it Suche example dothe Christ set forth to vs in this Gospell that wee maye repente and amende or ells that we should knowe if we wyll not repent we shall surely bee plagued althoughe the peyne for a tyme be hyd and that when the tyme of punyshment cometh al praiers supplications vnto God shal be frustrate vain as God himself saith by the mouth of Salomon I haue called ye refused it I haue stretched out my hand and no mā regarded it but all my counsels haue ye despysed set my correction at naughte Therfore shall I also laugh in your destruction and mock you when that thyng that ye fear cometh vpon you euen when the thing that ye be afrayde of falleth in sodeinly lyke a storme and youre miserie like a tempest yea when trouble heuines cōmeth vpon you Then shall they call vpon me but I wil not heare They shall seke me early but they shall not fynd me and that because they hated knowledge and receaued not the feare of the Lorde but abhorred my counsayle and despised all my correction Therefore shall they eate the fruites of theyr owne way and be fylled with their own inuentions For the turnyng away of the vnwise shal slea them the prosperitie of fooles shal be their owne destruction Euen thus didde God handle the Iewes The tyme of the siege was not longe euen frome Easter vntill September and all that tyme there was sacrificyng praying and syngyng to the vttermost but all in vayne For God had shutte vp his eares The reason is this For he had hyd and deferred the punyshment that they myght heare his word repent amend and knowe the tyme of theyr visitation But all these thyngs dyd no good with that indurate hard herted and styffenecked people Therfore where he publyshed the punyshement he hyd hym selfe that he coulde bee founde in no place as Oseas the Prophete thretnethe also the kyngdome of Israell They shall come with their shepe and bullockes to seeke the Lorde but they shall not fynde hyme for he is gone from theim This example therfore ought not to be neglected or to be set at naught but for asmuche as God hath suche places in store and wyll at this tyme bryng them to lyghte let vs feare hym And forasmuch as he doth not take vengeance of our synnes out of hande but geueth vs daies of respite that we may repent and amende let vs loue hym as a moste mercyfull Father and saye O Lord I knowe that thou wylt not suffer synne to escape vnpunished notwithstandyng O Lord endue me with thy grace and holy Spirite that I maye amende and escape the punyshement and peyne of thy moste fierce anger He that thus repenteth easily obteyneth mercy and forgeuenes And without doubt Hierusalem had continued vnto thys daye if the Iewes woulde haue knowen the tyme of theyr visitation and mekely haue sayd vnto God O Lorde we haue offended we haue done wickedly our synnes are moste heynous for we haue slayn thy seruauntes the Prophetes Notwithstandyng thou hast now geuen vs thy Gospell to be our helpe and confort for the which we most humbly thanke thee O be thou mercyful vnto vs and geue vs grace to repent and to amend that is amysse that we may become newe creatures and serue thee in holynesse and ryghteousnes all the dayes
of our lyfe If the Iewes had done this the Romans although neuer so stronge and myghtie hadde neuer bene able to doo any thynge agaynste them yea they had neuer moued warre agaynste them But seynge they remained and continued in theyr synne obstinatly without any repentance and saide Tushe there is no ieopardie What should God cast away this citie wher his dwellyng place is wherin also alone his honour worshyp is maintened It will neuer come to passe Because of this vain bosting and vnrepentance God so plagued that their citie that ther was not one stone left vpon an other so that it is now vtterly destroyed and brought to naught and made an example for all them that obstinatly synne and wyl not amēd that the lyke peynes and plagues shall also chaunce to them but to other that receaue the word of God and repent it is a comfort and doctrine that they may lern when God hydeth the payne it is for their peace and that God will forgeue them their synnes if they only cease nowe from their wickednesse and returne vnto God For it is no meruayle though we synne But to defende oure synnes and obstinatly to perseuere and continue in them Thys by no meanes can GOD abyde hee wyll rather make hauocke of all togyther namely when he commeth on his gracious visitation and woulde gladdely call vs vnto repentance Thys Citie therefore was vnhappie neyther dyd any thynge destroye that but the glorious and noble title in that it was called the citie of GOD the house and dwellyng place of God Thys made the Iewes carelesse so that they thought on this maner Shold this citie come to naught It will neuer com to passe God can not cast it away Therefore though all the kyngdomes of the worlde came against it they shold neuer preuayle God wyll not suffer his citie dwelling place to be destroyed This title made thē so bold that for the redresse of their synfull lyfe they regarded not the visitation by the worde And by this meanes was God compelled that forasmuche as they refused to be visited vnto peace they shoulde be visited vnto deathe and destruction We Englishe men also are at this present daie of speciall grace and mere mercie visited of God by his worde but we in euery condition shewe our selues vnworthy of this syngular goodnes of God Some impugne the manifest truth of gods worde bothe by wordes and writynges Some abuse Gods worde vnto the maintenance of their couetousnes pride vnclennesse excesse and other moste greuous synnes It is therfore to be feared that excepte we spedily repent some great plague wyl sodeinly fall vpon vs whether it be by pestilence or by hunger by ciuile warre or by the inuasion of foreyne enemies Therfore let vs not forget this example that Ierusalem was so miserably destroyed because it receaued not the word of God but despised it that we mai lern gladly to hear the word of God and though we sinne yet that we should repent and amend And this is the first part of the Gospell After this the Euangeliste maketh mention that Christ wente into the Temple and did cast out all byers and sellers and sayde My house is the house of praier but ye haue made it a den of theues This dyd Christ with a meruailous great power and it is to be reckned with his other miracles which we are not able to folow For except it had ben so without doubte so many myghtie marchantes or occupiers had easily ben able to withstand Christ that they shold not geue place vnto him alone which without any weapon only with a whip as the Euangelist saith toke this weightie matter in hande In that they gaue place and made no resistence it sheweth euidently that Christ spake such wordes vnto the Iewes as he dyd to the Iewes in the gardein when they fell backward vnto the ground But thys act of Christ we Christians shall not folow Therfore let no man vse the storie to this ende as thoughe the Eclesiasticall ministers had any corporall or temporall iurisdiction as Christ exerciseth here such power For if Christ had not farre excelled the power of man hee alone agaynste so many coulde not haue done muche But we may not haue so great respect vnto the work as vnto the cause This expresseth Christ in these wordes when he saieth My house is the house of prayer but ye haue made it a denne of theues what cause had Christe that he should speake suche a fierce and harde sentence to the Iewes For without doubte they dyd not robbe nor steale in the temple But this was the matter The money changers had here their money dyd exercise bying and sellyng of shepe oxen doues c. for the sacrifices For euery Iewe could not bring with hym from home that he woulde sacrifice The priests deuised things for their owne auātage as the papistes did in time of blindnes that there should alwais be at hande plentie of cattall and peraduenture money also for to offer For the tēple also had her money as histories shew This semeth a thing more worthi of praise then of dispraise For seyng that God appointed and commaunded this seruice who durst be bolde to condemne this forasmuche as all these thynges made to auance and sette forth this seruice and worshipping of God that it myght be moste glorious and goodly But there was an other matter The priestes in dede made this pretence that they dyd all thynges to sette foorth the seruice of God but they wold not so greatly haue regarded that if they had not had so great profite by it Therfore what so euer they dyd they dyd it not for Gods cause but for theyr owne lucre and gain This couetousnes moued them that in all theyr doctrine they commended nothyng but sacrifices as our monkes and Priestes commende theyr sacrifice of the Masse that by it synnes are put away and the grace of God obteyned This made the people to swarme in goyng to Masse as though they had ben flockes of shepe But in the mean season while they sought their owne priuate commoditie and in their doctrine extolled their Missall sacrifice they vtterly omitted and left vntaught the true seruice and acceptable worshipping of God whiche is to feare God to beleue in God and to kepe his worde and by this meanes they encouraged men to go foorth in theyr wicked lyfe with great securitie and without any remorse of conscience Euē so played the Iewishe priestes They taughte the people that if they dyd kyll and sacrifice muche al things shoulde goe well with theym as we maye gather of the Prophetes whyche was the cause that they spake so muche agaynst sacrifices And this is a very great synne in deede when suche a robbery is committed that not the bodies but the soules are slayne for euer which is whē men are taught to put their confidence and trust in their owne
doctrine aboue the lawe For syth we can not perfectly fulfill the lawe The law causeth vs to haue an euil conscience to feare gods wroth for our synnes sake Wherfore this doctrine tendeth to this ende that thou sholdest learne what is Christ and what he hath done And nowe this is his voyce that he is not onely the son of Dauid as the Iewes beleue but also Dauids Lord that is an euerlastinge and verye god But what dothe he he putteth asyde from hym the forme of god as Paule sayeth and becommeth a man He taketh vpon hym the deathe of the Crosse. And why so Uerilye because he is the sonne of god that is to saye a sacrifice for the synnes of the worlde After that he dyed and rosse agayne the thyrde day from death vnto euerlastinge lyfe and sytteth at the ryghte hande of god This must we learne and beare awaye as touchinge Christ. For he that holdethe this faste is safe He that holdeth it not shall perishe vnder his synnes The reason is we are all synners and the lawe doth not only not deliuer vs from oure synnes but maketh vs more greuous synners agaynst god accuseth vs before God so that we are in greate daunger and can fynde no wayes to escape by all that we can doe In sinnes are we conceaued and borne and the longer that oure lyfe is the more do oure synnes encrease For this burden is put on vs not as an other burden which we may put downe cast of when we will It cleaueth to our very mary bones most secret parts of vs neuer suffereth vs to be at reast as we cā not denie this if we wold cōsider wel proue our strēgth Against this is this the only remedie to learne what is Christ. For assone as thou knowest who he is and then what he doth this is the very way to come vnto saluation The reason why is this If thou be a sinner and haste sinned muche againste God haue respecte to this God sendeth this Christ to suffer for synners to make satisfaction for synnes But what should this debte trouble the whiche that most riche Christe hath taken vpon hym to pay yea and hath payd it allredie wherfore this only remaineth that thou embrace with true confidence and fayth this death and crosse of Christe This can be vnknowen to no man that death is dewe to vs all and no man can haue any hope of a priuilege for the contrarie When we are dead we are vndone We can not helpe our selues But consider wherof commeth death Is it not for sinnes sake Nowe haste thou heard wher thou muste set remission of thy synnes euen in the death of thy Lorde Iesu Christ. This Christ whan he was deade remained not in death But he arose frō death to lyfe And this is a sure profe that he is Lord ouer death Wherfore euen as thou hast remission of syn through hym so by him thou hast euerlastyng lyfe in that he shall rayse thee vp againe thy flesh bodie in the last day And this the true knowing of Christ to know whose sonne he is euen the son of Dauid For he is a mā yet neuertheles the Lord of Dauid which sitteth at the right hāde of god hath for his footstoole his enemis sin death and hel Wherfore he y● nedeth any helpe against these enemies must not require it of Moses nor of the law nor of his own worke or righteousnes but let him require it of the son Lord of dauid wheras he shal be sure to find it This doth the idle kind of Phariseies not know Wherfore they care not for Christ are cōtent with this that they know out of the law how god the neighbour is to be loued Wheras yet it is not possible that god shold be knowen I will not speake of the loue of him except Christ be knowen firste As he saith in Math. 11. No man knoweth the father but the sonne he to whom the son openeth him And this is the cause why Christ by this occasiō moueth this presēt questiō As though he should saye This ye know that god is to be loued But ye shal neuer loue god with all your heart wyth all your soule with all your mynde excepte ye knowe Christ well and perceaue who he is For how can we otherwise knowe what grace and mercie God hath geuen vnto vs This is no smale thinge that God hath made vs and geuen vs bodie and soule and all thinges But we vse these thinges but for a litle time in this lyfe But herein appeareth moste especially the riches and great goodnes and mere mercy of God wheras he spared not his only begotten sonne but deliuered hym vnto the death of the Crosse for our sinnes that we should be deliuered from sinne and obtayne euerlasting lyfe through hym This is the euerlasting infinite and incomprehensible loue and grace whiche no man can know excepte he know Christ. And therfore he can neuer loue God truely without Christ. Wherfore it appeareth hereby what the Phariseies and Scribes get by their question Euen this verely that they are openly conuicted of Christ before them al that they can talke much of the loue of God But they vnderstande not nor yet perceaue the leaste part therof truely And wheras they knowe not god whiche hath bestowed so great benefittes and liberalitie vpō them how shall they loue their neyghbour that hath nede of their helpe and can recompence nothynge for their pouertie Wherfore let vs highly esteme this doctrine and let vs geue thankes to God with all oure heart that we are deliuered out of vncredible darkenes vnder the Popedome euen like as the darkenes of the Iewes were here And we haue the pure doctrine of Christ wherby we do not only knowe howe we ought to be deliuered and saued from sin but we receaue the holy ghost Whiche by this doctrine moueth oure mindes so farre that we may begin to loue God and our neyghbour The whiche thing our Lord Iesus Christ graunt vs. Amen Amen The .xix Sonday after Trinitie ¶ The Gospell Math. ix IEsus entred into a shipe and passed ouer and came into his owne citie And beholde they brought to him a man sicke of the paulsey lying in abedde And when Iesus sawe the faythe of them he sayd to the sicke of the paulsey Sonne be of good cheare thy sinnes be forgeuen thee And beholde certayne of the Scribes sayde within them selues this man blasphemethe And when Iesus sawe theyr thoughtes he sayde Wherefore thynke ye euyll in your heartes Whether is it easier to saye thy sinnes be forgeuen thee or to saye aryse and walke But that ye maye knowe that the sonne of man hath power to forgeue sinnes in earth Then sayeth he to the sicke of the paulsye Aryse take vp thy bedde and go vnto thine house And he rose and departed to his
Turne O turne from your wicked waies and wherfore will ye dye O ye house of Israell For where as our hertes thynke that God is a cruell Iudge with whome synners haue no hope of forgeuenesse of theyr synnes it is a false imagination For thys ought not to take awaye our hope from the mercy of God because the lawe is so fierce and vnmercyfull agaynst synners For the Lawe dothe but her office declaryng what the Iudgement of God shall bee agaynst synners Neyther canne the cause of synners bee otherwyse if it be examined by the Lawe whyche accuseth curseth condempneth woundeth and kylleth so manye as it fyndeth gyltie withoute exception For synners muste needes abyde the sentence and Iudgemente of the Lawe because of the ryghtuousnesse which GOD lawfully requireth of all menne Yet for all that the Lawe is no lette vnto God but that he by hys grace maye restore theym and sette them withoute all daunger that were before condemned of the lawe Who so euer therefore appeale frome God thorowe the decrees of the lawe cruell and suche one as wil not be intreated vnto god mercifull and such one as wyll not the deathe of synners and falle downe before the Lorde with this seruaunt and desyre mercye they without doubte obteyne the inwarde mercy of Gods moste mercyfull bowels as the testimonie of Christe is here that the bowels of God yearne and are moued when synners are driuen by the lawe and synne to destruction and euerlasting bondage Wherfore when thou feelest thy debt haue thy recourse with this seruaunt to the mercye of God and thynke for a suertie that it is Goddes will that thou sholdest not dye but haue euerlastyng lyfe And what is the meane by the whiche God would haue mercy vpon vs the Gospel sheweth in other places euen that the sonne of God Iesus Christ is becom man for vs synners and toke our syns vpon him and satisfied for them by his death Loke where this faith is as touchyng Christ his deathe there is the wrath of God ouercome so that he suffreth himselfe to be reconciled to man and is no more angry with him For he hath declared in Iesu Christe that he hathe a verye prompt redy mynd to mercy whiche hath mercy on vs as the father on his chyldren For he forthwith as soone as the kyngdom of death and of synne was set vp by Adam and Eue set forth a hope of saluation agaynst thys kyngdome by the promyse as touchynge the seede of the woman And thys is oure doctrine which thanks be to god in our Churche is sette foorth syncerely and withoute fault that remission of sinnes cometh vnto vs only by the grace and mercy of God As it is described in thys place by the seruant which oweth such a great summe but yet obtaineth a quittance of it not by merite and desert but onely by mercy and grace and that only for this that he sticketh sure to grace and prayeth for the mercy of God Wherfore the doctrine of the Papistes is erronious false and blasphemous whenne they preache as concernynge remission of synnes For they caste menne with theyr vnpayable dettes vnto theyr owne workes But when we teache that remyssion of synne is onely to be asked of God by Christe they condemne it as heresie and false But iudge thou thys by the true meanyng of the Gospell which of vs both do preache more truly as touching remission of sinnes whether we that cōmend the mercy of God in Christ or they that persuade mē to works and satisfactions To be brief al this sermon tendeth to this end that we shold learn that God hath mercy on vs freely and forgeueth all our debt for naught Christ admonisheth vs here as touching this grace that we also by this exāple shold behaue our selues likewise shew no crueltie towarde our neighbour for that we haue receaued the remittyng of so great debtes from God For other wise can they not do that acknowledge truly the remission of sinnes before GOD. And this is the fyrst cause the whyche Christe hath set foorthe and in the meane tyme hee doothe teache what is the way vnto Saluation whereby we myght obteyne grace and Remission of synnes The seconde cause is when Christ requireth of vs to consyder well the wronge and damage doone vnto vs. For yf that wee trye all thynges by a iust balaunce we shall perceaue that oure debtes to God be alwayes tenne myllions of talentes in comparyson of the debte of the hundred pence that our neighbour dooth owe vnto vs. If thys bee welle consydered it wylle admonyshe vs where as GOD hathe forgeuen vs so greate a summe that we shold not to straightly require our minute but iudge al things according to equitie For what are a hundred pens in respecte of tenne millyons of talentes Wherfore these thynges wyll make vs ashamed and not without a iuste cause yf that wee whyche haue gotten Remission of so greate thynges wyll not pardon our neighbours in lytle thyngs They do not well esteme the mercy of God that are so strait to their neighbors The third cause is that Christe in this Parable calleth vs all seruauntes Thys seruant sayeth he went foorth and chaunced vppon one of his fellowe seruantes that owed vnto hym an hundred pence Thys also might worthily adhort vs vnto mercyfulnes and withdraw vs from reuengyng For we are but felow seruauntes and all we haue one Lorde whose propre office it is to reuenge all trespasses whose maiestie is not to be resisted nor hys power to be mynished neyther will he suffer thee if thou do so as he saith in an other place Leaue to me the reuēging I wil reward saieth the Lorde For without thy reuengyng it is Gods office to punyshe syn And to thys ministration he hath not onely the deuyll that vexeth the body and goodes when GOD permytteth hym so to doo but he hath also certayne powers in the earthe that euerye one for theyr parte shoulde punyshe and reuenge that is the parentes and officers All these are commaunded to be a terrour and feare to euyll woorkes To these reuengers must al flee vnto that suffer wrōg eyther in Cities or in housholdes For they are all felow seruantes and ought not to reuenge their owne wronges If any haue an office to punyshe and yet punysheth not GOD wyll not leaue hym vnpunyshed For hee doothe not onely challenge thys for his owne office But hee hym selfe also whenne these reuengers appoynted of hym ceasse frome dooynge their dutie exerciseth reuenging for the oppressed and vexed Wherfore all men must beware that they reuenge not their owne wronge This is the meaninge of Christes saying wheras he sayth in the parable This seruant fell vpon one of his felow seruants The fowerth cause is He that will not also thinke vpon the greatnes of Gods mercie and the litle and small debt of his felowe seruant in whom he hath no power
fruite therof Or who fedeth a flocke and eateth not of the mylke of the flocke saye I these thinges after the maner of men Saith not the lawe the same also For it is written in the lawe of Moyses Thou shalt not mosell the mouth of the oxe that treadeth out the corne Doth not God take thought for oxen Saith he it not altogether for our sakes For our sakes no doubt is this written that he which eareth should eare in hope that he which thresseth in hope should be partaker of his hope If we sowe vnto you spirituall thinges is it a great thinge if we reape your bodely thynges c. Do ye not know howe that they which minister about holy thinges lyue of the scripture They which wayte of the temple are pertakers of the temple Euen so also did the Lord ordaine that they whiche preache the gospell shoulde lyue of the gospell Againe he saith Let him that is taught in the word minister vnto him that teacheth him in all good thinges Be not deceaued God is not mocked Also in an other place The elders that rule well are worthy of double honour most specially they which laboure in the word and teaching For the scripture sayth Thou shalte not mosell the mouth of the Oxe that treadeth out the corne And the labourer is worthie of his rewarde But if the maiestrate be negligent will not loke to this matter as he ought as he is boūd by his office so that by this meanes the vngodly parishioners are encouraged to go forth in their wickednes to wthold frō the pastours that is their due is it to be thought that those vngracious people shal escape vnpunished Nay verely What shal be the end thē verely if the pastour be not able to folow his right god wtout doubt both is able also wil do it He wil sēde to those caterpillers plagues pestilēces to destroy both mā beast He wil sēde theues to robbe spoile those cormorāts goods he wil sēde also tempestes to destroy those things that are necessary for their liuing as their corne their wine their herbes ●heir fruites c. Yea he will sende those vnrighteous persons short fewe dayes vpon the earth geue their goods which they vniustly gotte to other which shall as wastefully spend thē as they warely niggardlye kept them Nowe what then haue these leude people gottē by this their deceipt to their pastours in defrauding thē of their duties verely the anger of god a wicked cōscience a giltie minde losse of their goods corne cattel short life an vtter dissipation of all that they haue as I may speake nothing more greuously Whē men are thus iustly plagued for their sinnes thoughe they cōplaine yet shal they receaue this answere Why ye haue no nede to cōplaine There hath nothīg chaūced vnto you whiche ye haue not worthely deserued loke vpō your couetousnes pride gluttony drūckēnes whoredō adulterie enuye malice cōtempt of the worde disobedience to the maiestrats dishonour to their Pastours carnall securitie carelesse life c. haue all these your euils deserued no plagues It is the great mercy of god that ye all yours are not cōsumed with fire and brimstone frō heauen as Sodome Gomor was Your sinnes are the occasion that ye are thus afflicted So doth Christ in this place admonish the Iewes also that seing they haue lost their kingdō be now brought into the power of the Romains they shold not so greatly cōplaine of loosing their right but rather consyder their sinnes which are the occasion of all their plagues miseries punishments which they nowe worthely suffer again seing that they haue not performed that vnto god which they ought him that god is no more boūde to performe that he promised thē But this could the Iewes by no meanes be persuaded that they were dispossessed of their kyngdome for their synnes sake that therfore they ought to take it paciētly quietly They obiected alwayes their right title that they had greatly wrong done vnto thē But all this profited nothing at all seing the God was otherwise determined for the punishemēt of their sins yea that worthely not without desert Therfore he sendeth the Emperour of Rome vnto them which cōpelleth them to obey will they nil they For the kyngdom was not otherwise promised to the Iewes then vnder a cōdition that is to say if they serued god according to his word lyued vprightly did no mā wrōg c. If they did not this it was told them plainly that they shold loose their kingdom they become subiectes to a strāger And thus must we also thincke in all our miseries calamities and wofull chaunces Our sinnes are the occasion of them all The Turke is a more fearce and cruell enemie to the Christen religion then any Prince in the worlde although neuer so sauage and barbarous and daylye getteth victories of vs Christen men so that by this meanes his empire is maruelouslye enlarged and he become a most mightie and stronge Prince Nowe in the consideration of this matter where shall we beginne of the Turke or rather of our selues verely of our selues We thorow our sinnes haue geuen hym entraunce into the Christen borders we haue weakened our selues and fortified him We haue geuen him prosperous successe in his warres many noble notable victories against our selues Our sinnes against God and our wickednes one against an other hath brought this thing to passe so that whatsoeuer we suffer at the Turckes hande we suffer it worthely according to our desertes The Papistes also go forth to defende their Idolatries and supersticions and most cruelly persecute and put to death the true professours of gods trueth We wold gladly haue their Idolatrie and tyranny taken awaye that we might haue the gospell of our Sauiour Christ quietly and freely preached and taught among vs. But why then do not we that know the gospell and professe the same with our lyppes repent vs of our former wicked life and so lyue as it becometh them that professe Christ Howe can God otherwise do then suffer suche Idolatrous tyrantes tirannical Idolaters to lyue and raigne among vs to persecute and plague vs to beprickes and thornes in our eyes seing that with our mouth we professe that we know God but with our workes we vtterly deny hym as the Apostle saith Thus muche haue I spoken concerning the first part of our gospell In the seconde parte we learne that there is a difference betwene the kyngdome of the world and the kyngdome of Christe and that Christe in thys oure Gospell dothe not condemne the ciuile regimente but rather confirmeth the same with all the thinges that pertaine vnto it as landes possessions tribute families and whatsoeuer other thynge maketh vnto the confyrmation and ornamente of the politique state For where as Christe sayeth Geue those thynges
Ihon. x. i. Peter ii A newe life is required o● euery true Christian. What mercie is Math. v. Roma xii Math. v. The exceadyng greate mercie of god toward synners This is proued true in our Corne-mongers A goodly similitude God the father is sette forthe to vs for an exāple Math. v. Math. v. Roma xii All reuengemente is not forbidden The Magistrate beareth not the swerd in vaine Roma xiii Folishe pitie marreth the citee A good lesson for rulers Gene. 37. To punishe euill doers is a great work of mercie Youth ought to be brought vppe in the knowledge of Gods misteries Synne scapeth not vnpunished for euer Mercie is to bee shewed not onely to frendes but also to foes Christes exhortacion to the christians The loue of the christiās differeth gretly from the loue of the Gentiles The heauenly father iudgeth vs not neither ought wee to iudge other Math. xviii Deut. 32. Romo xii How God measureth to vs before faithe Math. xviii Psalm iiii Ephe. iiii Confession of the faulte is necessary vnto the forgiuenes of synnes i. Reg. xiii The similitude of the moate The moate we euer beholde the beame we regarde not Why God cōcealeth our synnes What fruite commeth of the woorde of God Whatsoeuer is dooen in faithe pleaseth God Rom. xiiii All our doynges in Gods woorde Psal. cxix A difference betwene the woorkes of the Christians and Infideles Ephe. vi Exod. xx Psal. cxix Christe helpeth vs after pouertie commeth We muste not cease frō hope and labour i. Peter v. God giueth all good thinges yet he giueth not the Bull by the hornes Peter obeyeth the word Reason doth alwaies correcte Gods woorde God requireth obediēce to his worde We muste not despaire if it succede not The example of Peter Marke well Christe hath mercie on synners Math. ix Luke xii God giueth to the vnworthie of his mercie A Nette for spiritual fish True godlinesse The rightuousnes of the Phariseis What is greatest rightuousnesse The rightuousnes that is required Psal. xxxii Roma iiii Actes xv Wherein the christian purenesse consisteth Math. v. Luke xviii The errour of the Phariseis An exposition of the sixt cōmaundement What it is to kille Luke xvi i. Ihon. iii. Fower maner of waies the sixte commaundement is transgressed and brokē 1. Hearte 2. Gesture Racha 3. Mouthe ▪ 4. Hande ▪ Math. v. Deut. 27. Gala. 3. What is to be doen concernyng the fulfillyng of the sixt commaūdemente The Pharisaicall rightuousnesse The christiā righteousnes Confession of our synnes to God is necessarie Praier Faithe The Papistes interprete not this lawe a right Math. v. In dissention there are two parties What the partie ought to doe that hath doen hurte Gene. iiii Leuii xix Math. xxii Marke xii Luke xx Roma xiii Math. vi Eccle. 28. Follow this counsail Math. v. Note well What the partie ought to doe that is hurte ▪ The Iudge is God The Sergeaunte is the Angell The prison is helle Luke vi Superiours maie lawfully punishe of●endours Roma xiii i. Peter ii Psalm iiii Ephe. iiii The kyngdō of Christe and of the worlde Titus ii Why this gospell is redde in the church this tyme of the yere The incredulitie of the worlde The coueteousnes of the wicked worldlynges reproued What this miracle teacheth Christes blessyng pertaineth to them that regarde his worde Math. vi Psalm 34. Psalm 37. Math. vi The greate miserie is the lacke of gods worde which is the foode of the soule Priestes giuen to priuat lucre more then to consider their cure A shepe with out a Shepheard Pro. xxix Where the word of God is not taught the people are sone seduced Psalm 34. Eccle. xv Hebr. iiii Marke vi Christe firste regardeth the soule and afterwarde the bodie Math. ix Luke x. The louyng affection of Christe towarde the people The punishment of them that haue not brought their people vnto the true knowledge of christ Why princes are set in aucthoritie Esai xlix and .lx. The highest seruice that we can doe to GOD is to bryng men to the knowlege of his worde Note well ▪ Christ fedeth the body also Mat. ix xv Luke xix The bodie with to much labour is not to be destroid Petturie is not to be feared of a christian Proue x. Psalm 127. How christian mē ought to behaue thē selues in euery kynde of fortune Christes blessyng enricheth Couetuousnesse Math. vi Psalm 34·145 i. Timo. vi i. Peter v. Against delicate fare Sumptuous fare health of bodie seldome agree Epicures How greate euilles come of excesse in eatyng and drinkyng Eccle. 27. Luke xvi Esai lviii Exod. xvi Nume xi i. Cor. x. Gen. xxviii iii. Reg. xix iii. Re. xvii iii. Re. xvii Daniel i. Dani. xiiii i. Timo. vi Math. vi Luke xi Prou. xxx Luke xxi Roma xiii Math. vi Psalm 34. With the sede of gods word heresi alwaie groweth· Math. xiii Math. x. We ought diligently and aboue al thinges to holde fast the word of God Gala. ii Ioan. epi. ii Sectaries come of the Deuill Newe faugled Gospellers The Cathechisme necessarie to bee knowen of al degrees The woorde of God is a defēse against the Deuill and all his ministers Ephe. vi Math. iiii Sectaries Schismatikes and Heretikes ii Cor. xi Carnal securitie openeth a waie to the Deuill for to enter into the hartes of mē Negligence of Princes bryngeth destruction of the common wealthe Note well Negligēce of housholders bryngeth destruction of housholdes Disobediente seruantes The disobedience of seruauntes vnto their masters com●th of the deuyll Ephe. 6. Coloss. 3. Tit. 2. 1. Pet. 2. The deuyll can not abyde gods ordinances Scismatikes Sectaries Heretykes· All mens doctrine must be tryede by the worde of god Gen. 3. Ephe. 2. Rom. 5. The word of god is a sufficient armour agenste the deuyll and antichriste Gen. 3. Rom. 5. The first rule The nature of wolffes Shepes clothynge is not to be regarded Shepes clothyng what it signifiethe Flattiringe wordes 2. Cor. ●1 Office voc●cion title c. Math. 23. Marcke well Holynes of lyfe Anabaptistes Act. 2.4 The errores and heresies of anabaptistes Great giftes The seconde rule The fruites are to be considered The fruite of a true preacher or prophet What the wyll of god is Iohn 6. The fruite of true prophets and teachers Godly lyfe of the teachers Not the lyfe but the doctrine of the preacher is chefelye to be consydered Howe the pope and hys churche are to be tryed The doctrine and lyfe of the pope and hys churche The reward of false prophetes Mammon what it signifieth Why it is called vnryghteous Mammō Esa. 61. Goods wrōgfully gotten are to be restored Ezech. 6. Note well Christen men ought not to spende their goods vnprofitable Riches ought to be bestowed vpon the poore Coue●osnes rulethe generally Behold ye oppressors of the poore Math. 25. Iac. 2. Act. 20. Good works are wytnesses of our faythe Ephe. 5. Couetousnes Gen. 4. Howe the master praised the vnrighteous st●eward
signe ought to be receaued and that we ought to beleue in him as in the true Messias For the Prophesies agree herevnto that Christ shall come with such signes into the worlde And that Christ had respecte vnto this he testifieth by his owne wordes saying Offer thy gifte as Moses commanded for a testimoniall vnto them As though he should say They muste nedes confesse that thou art cleane that thou art truely clensed of the leaprosy But in that that they will not know me for their Messias they bewray theyr vncurable stubburnes which shall be duely punished at their tyme. Yet in the meane season this testimonie against them shall profite other that they may receaue me and beleue in me The Pope of Rome wolde stablyshe confession by this commandement because synne may be compared with leprosie therfore that the Iudgement of the priest and purifyinge from synne is requisite But there is no sure establishement for this sentence For what haue we to do with that that God commāded the Iewes as touching the busynes of leprosie We haue no suche Priests at this tyme. And if we hadde yet this is euident that the Priests clensed not the leapers but that they bare record of their clensinge when they were cleane But I pray you what maketh this for confession whiche was referred to the remission of synnes For the leapers should not offer their leprosie but a cleane body when they offer theyr gifte to the Priest But these thinges are not worthie to be aunswered to at all of a wyseman He that will nedes confesse let hym fulfill his phantasie But we knowledge only that confession to be necessarie when mannes mynd cōfesseth freely his synnes before God This is the confession of the heart whiche deceaueth not as doth the confession of the eares of the mouth And yet such confessiō before God clenseth vs not frō synne nor iustifieth muche lesse the confession of the eares can do it But this doth only clense and iustifie euen the fayth in CHRIST Iesu. The worde is apprehended by fayth and in his name is remission of synnes receaued as the promisse offereth it vnto vs. And let this be sufficient as touchyng the fyrst example The second miracle as concerning the sick chyld is also a testimoniall of the doctryne of CHRIST That these thinges may be knowen to be vndeniable If God with signes and miracles be redye to helpe this man so gloriously then that this doctryne is syncere true and fautlesse and that this is very Messias or Christ. And besyde all this it is an example of a singuler and true faith in the Centurion As Christ hym selfe testifieth as touching his fayth that he found not the lyke in Israel This fayth is hereby tried that where as this Centurion was no Iew but a gentile yet it sendeth hym to CHRIST and beleueth steadfastly that Christes will is not contrarie to his and that as he is able so he will helpe hym For if he had not thought this with hym self he wold neuer according to the wrytinge of Luke had helpe of the elders of the Iewes to intreat Iesus for hym But in that they send vnto hym it is a sure token that he hoped to obtayne his matter And with this faith he ioyned great and incredible modestie and humilitie in that that he counteth him self vnworthy to come vnto Christ and to aske any thing of hym But fyrst he sendeth the elders of the Synagog and afterward when he heard the Lord to be comminge he sendeth his fryndes to mete hym that he should not take the paynes to come any further and that he is vnworthie to haue suche a great man to come vnto hym And that he nedeth not so muche to wearie him selfe syth the Lord cā bryng to effect with a word that that he desyreth although he be not present therat And he thynketh with hym self that this is so sure that he taketh his owne example for a confirmation thereof and sayth I verily am a man subiect to power hauing vnder me souldiers and I say vnto one go and he goeth and to an other come and he commeth and to my seruaunt do this and he dothe it Wherfore if my word that am but a man can doo so muche how muche more shall it be done if thou do but speake the worde And in so doyng he doth not only beleue but therewith also put foorth a true doctryne of faith and of her nature Wherfore this also were to be wyshede that oure faith of CHRIST might be of lyke sort whiche might helpe vs with so great vertue of his word although we see not his person It is an example of exceding faith that this man can be so diligently attente vnto the word of Christ. Fyrst he doubteth nothing of the fauour of Christ towarde hym Then he desyreth no more but that Christ shoulde speake the worde This doth he looke for with as sure truste and persuasion as though he had obtayned all redy the perfecte recoueringe of his chyld Wherfore thou that now hast the worde studie to folow him in this point For there are now extant very large promises that God will be mercifull for Christes sake And that we for the faithes sake in Christ haue remission of oure synnes and lyfe euerlastinge But we for the moste part lacke this faith wher with this Centurion was endewed as we see which thinketh that if he obtayne a word of hym he nede not care for the reste It will forthwith ensue that the word doth promise We can not obtain so much of oure selues And herof it commeth that we regard not the word but in the meane season haue oure recourse to carnall succour wher as the word is almightie and as the Centurion doth testifie here it can not deceaue That that he promesse is sure to haue good successe But this fayth is so much the more worthye to be meruayled at bycause the Centurion is an Heathen to whome the promise was not lykewyse made as it was to the Iewes Wherfore he can not challenge that right which was only belonginge to the Iewes as to the people of God For this is the nature of faith that it maketh humble myndes that thinke not prowdly of them selues nor are high minded and therfore they sticke only to the mercie and grace of God And this ought to be consydered of vs in this example and that for a speciall cause that when anye thought of oure owne synnes and vnworthynes shall vexe oure myndes yet that we caste not of all hope but constantlie embrace the word of God and beleue in hope contrarie to hope This is acceptable to God and this he requireth of vs. For without this there coulde be no grace if that we wold not applye oure selues to the promise without merite or any worthynes at all As this Centurion can not alledge as the Iewes that God oweth any thing to hym And this maketh
we haue bestowed and suffered but rather we would condemne our owne nicenesse except we had suffered it Who then will tutne frome the crosse wher as deliuerance and great glorie are set foorth to all them that are in peryl for the gospels sake But great grefe springeth hereof to the fleshe and to the old man It wyll not be gladly combred with this crosse Wherfore we muste neuer let this example goe out of our eies We must diligently consider the word that we may be defenced in temptation Let vs haue recourse vnto Christ which sleapeth among vs sheweth as though he had no regarde of vs. But let vs with ardent and earnest praier aske help of him we shal surely fynd it most present The which thyng as it is setforth vnto vs with sure knowlege as touchīg gods will so god graūt it now come to passe in dede prosperously vnto the glory of god the saluaciō of our soules Amen The fyfte Sonday after twelfth daye Upon the Gospel Math. xiii THe kingdome of heauen is lyke vnto a man whiche sowed good seede in his field but whyle men slept his enemye came and sowed tares amonge the wheate and went his waye But when the blade was spronge vp had brought forth fruite then appeared the tares also So the seruauntes of the housholder came and sayde vnto him Sir didst not thou sowe good seede in thy fielde from whēce then hath it tares He said vnto them The enuious man hath done this The seruauntes sayde vnto him Wilt thou then that we go and wede them vp But he said Nay left whyle ye gather vp the tares ye plucke vp also the wheate with thē let both growe together vntil the haruest and in the tyme of haruest I will say to the reapers Gather ye first the tares and bynde them together in sheaues to be brent but gather the wheate into my barne THE EXPOSITION IT appeareth that this Gospell in tymes paste was very easye to vnderstād specially bycause Christ him self setteth forth the meaninge of that parable as concerning the field the sower the corrupter the good seed the tares c. But this difficultie hardnes afterward sprange in this Gospel that was so playn by the doctors not agreing together herein so that we must take the more diligēt hede leaste the true sentēce shold be takē from vs. Some say that tares signifie heresies therby gather that it belōgeth not to the ciuill powers to punishe heretikes Of the which opinion Augustin graunteth hym selfe to haue ben But he sayeth that he was constrained by sure reasons and by experience it selfe to yeld vp this opinion Some make no differēce betwene a ciuil officer and seruaunts of this housholder and expounde tares to signifie common offences and so conclude that a Christian officer ought not to be iudge in matters of life and death Ther be some of the whiche sorte is the Pope and his adherentes that while they regarde not that Christ forbiddeth to plucke vp the tares by their owne Iudgement pronounceth the doctrine of the gospel to be tares and therfore they neuer cease to moue persecution againste the gospell the professors therof by murderinge and kylling them Wherfore seing the meaninge is so diuers first muste we inquire and entreat of the true meaning and than of the common question what ought to be done with heretikes And as touching the true meaning this it is Christ putteth forth generallie the parable of the kyngdom of heauen in a maner declareth the fashion of the church shewing and geuing an example on the which al godly men and especiallie the rulers of the congregation ought to haue their eyes attent lest they sholde by their owne imaginations swarne and turne to a contrarie kyngdome and dreame of vndefiled felowshippes of sainctes in earth For this worde Kyngdome of Heauē semeth to receaue no kynde of mans filthines For it maketh with reason that nothing ought to be receaued into an holy place but holy thinges As God suffered not man defiled with syn to be in an holy place yea for this cause he forthwith repelled Lucifer with all his from hym Wherfore this is the nature of the kingdome of heauen As the sea can suffer no dead carcase in it so no vncleane thinge that is defyled with syn can be abidyng in the kyngdome of God This is one consideration of the kyngdome of God But this gospel entreateth not especially herof For the condition of this kyngdome is vnpossible for sinners An other kyngdome of GOD or of heauen in earth is reuealed by the sonne of God That GOD wolde haue to be suche that in it might be set vp the horne of saluation and rightuousnes for synners In this hath synners an interest and right and are receaued into it for their synnes There riseth in this kyngdome holines and iustice whiche is remission of synnes through Christe whiche is the wisedome rightousnes and satisfyinge And these thinges are not belonginge to determinat tymes or prescriptions concerninge this or that person For God will haue at no time that the waye to repent should be taken stopped from synners there are no other thynges which are more necessarie for the executynge of this matter than the synner comminge to the remission of sinnes It is not demaunded when and of what kynde his sinnes were done or be If he can but prouide for one thing euen that he surely beleue that his sinnes are forgeuen for Christes sake that he neuer counted gods mercy to be lesse then that it can be sufficiente to pardon his sinnes This strange kyngdome doth God set vp in the gospell of his sonne and appointeth a certaine tyme to the administration therof whiche is from the first vttering and reuelie of hym vntil Christ come to iudge both the quicke and the dead and now Christ wheras he compareth the kyngdome of gods saluatiō mercy which is only necessary for synners with the capacitie of the worlde in the which the dyuel that cā neuer be fauorable to the kingdō of God seketh diuers occasions to fulfill his will He forseeth in his mynde great offences to come which by wickednes shall ryse in this kingdō of Gods mercie For the word of God taketh roote in very fewe and this few esteminge the grace of God truely embrace it with a true faith are renewed with the holy ghoste which alway moueth thē to haue faith thorough Christ in Gods mercie and to performe such obediēce as is mete for them that are new borne to praye waight alway for certaine ayde for Christes sake Al the other multitude although they wil be lothe to be named forsakers of their Christian professiō to be counted out of Gods kingdom goeth to that professiō in word but for as much as they be void of righteousnes wtout the holy Ghoste therfore they are subiect to the diuels
power to worke with them as he shal see occasiō For that dyuel settethe forth his hipocrisie meruailously by thē wheras part beareth the name of the Church but yet is it voyde of Gods grace without the holy Ghost and therfore it sheweth foorth no work of godlynes by any vpright holy and sober lyfe An other part ther is which is cōtente to haue certaine enormities errours corrected whiche seeme contrarie to reason and vnprofitable for the cōmon welth But yet they so order the matter that they wreste Gods lawes to the maintenance of mannes inuentions where as they should rather examine all mennes lawes by the rule of Gods worde And herof sprang diuers heresies of the Arrians Macedonians Donatistes Nouatians Nestorians and such other For al these endeuored to make the heauenly doctrine to seme agreable to mans reason and iudgement And all this they dyd bycause they knew not God and his kingdom vntill at the laste the great aduersarie of his heauenly kingdome by the Byshoppe of Rome corrupted the pure sowen word of God by all kind of tares which fell to so great wickednes that he vsurped his false power ouer this kingdom labouring to haue it in his daunger by his wicked Canons Decrees and Decretalles And who can now expresse with any words the great corruption and hurt that it hath wrought in the Lordes felde But we go not about now to shew the great hurt and damage that is done by him But this is my studie to make the true face forme of the Churche to be knowen amonge so many seducinge sectes that the true Church may perceaue that as long as it is in this feld that is in the world it must of necessitie lyue amōge so many deadly sectes and heresies For there be very many that will by no meanes suffer them selues to be counted out of this kingdome and yet there be very few that are true hearted subiectes of this kingdome And all the rest professe them selues so to be in words only But they declare partly by their dedes and kynde of lyuinge and partly by their doctrine and opinions that they know not what belongeth to this kingdome neither what are the true vertues and workes therof But the sayntes and godly can not abyde and suffer this so great goodnes of GOD to be abused But they ought here not so muche to care for the satisfyinge of there oune will minde in seing to the glorie of God after this maner but to marke rather to what ende this their ways shall come at the laste For assone as the church beginneth to seclude from Gods kingdom all abusers of gods grace as vnworthy synners and receaueth them for righteous in whome is no suche kynd of vice espied it abolished the kyngdome of gods grace and mercie And by this meanes the Nouatiās and the Anabaptistes at our time also fell into this errour that whilest they before time goe about to pluke vp the tares from the corne of Christianitie they make a monkrie and so take away the kyngdome of gods grace Neither were the first monkes that were most vncorrupt circumspecte and warie ynough in this behalf For when they went into solitarie places and into wildernes for the auoidyng of many offences and euilles that chaunce amongest the ecclesiasticall ministers in the congregations of the citie they began by a litle and a litle to be the maintainers of this lewed opiniō as though that they were the true children of God that all other that in ciuil corporations did gouerne either families or ruled the cities towns lyued in a prophane vnholie and ley kynde of liuing wheras neuer the lesse true godlines requireth no suche thing But the truth is this First it behoueth all men to know the kyngdome of the grace of God that he may knowe that he obtayneth mercie and remission of his synnes for Christes sake And so after this let euery man liue in the euil felowshippes of men let thē gouern housholdes or communalties or let them be seruaunts and laborers in families or subiectes and citisens in cities let euery man for his owne part doe his owne duetie The psalme admonisheth vs of this superstitiō biddynge vs to beware of it Trust in the Lord doe good dwell in the lande and he shall fede thee in the riches therof Here he forbiddeth vs to be careful for pluckyng vp the tares wheras he commaūdeth to inhabite the earth either as rulers of families or gouerners of cities For true godlines can be had by no other meanes than by this least out of the kyngdome of Gods mercie ther shold spring monkry and other new inuented seruice And yet the churche of God can not be but it must nedes know the difference of the corne and tares It knoweth for a suertie that he can not liue in the kingdome of God but throughe faith in Christ in the holie gost wher by man is newe borne and regenerate man is sanctified and renewed to be made obedient to God And yet least it should ouerthrowe this kingdome of grace it suffereth long after the example of God stablishinge his owne minde and conscience in the midle of so great temptations that it be not seduced Neither doth it loke for any helpe or succoure by flitting and by auoydyng of mennes company by going a side into wildernes and into a cloister of a monkrie or nonrie but it vseth circumspection and iugement that it fall not into like euilles In this parable therfore are both these lessons set forth to be learned of the churche First it must thinke it self to be in the kingdome of God the lawes condition wherof verie fewe do know and folowe at all times For albeit it be the kyngdome of grace wherunto all sinners ought most desirously to flee yet the diuel by the helpe of our fleshe whiche is alwaies fauorable to his part can doe so muche that he euen in the middest of Gods holy people cōgregations thrusteth in a great heape of hypocrites Now whē the church perceaueth that within it selfe in all her matters there is suche great offences it must not violentlie resiste it but defend and saue it self warelie against these offences For For although these offences be euident yet the state of this kingdome is suche that it can not by force and violence remedie these offences after a ciuil worldly maner The state and maner of this kingdome must be kept Whiche is this euen that the doctrine of the Gospell be purelie set forth as touching remission of synne and that men be wel instructed as concerning how they must be renued by the holy Ghost And that mercie and forgeuenes be pronounced to suche as diligently in their vocation do the works of Godly loue This doctrine ought at no tyme to be omitted be the carnall and wordly men neuer so much offended therby Yet the feare of offending them must not be an occasion to
and death herein may they haue a sure hope thereof For thus hath God that most mercyfull father prepared and ordeyned it Wherefore hynder not thy selfe by stubborne refusynge of hym For so shalte thou make thy selfe voyde of all comforte and healpe the whiche GOD hathe not onely promysed but also performed it faythfully as Symeon here testifieth And least small credence shold be geuen to those wordes for the shortenesse thereof he addeth thervnto an euident exposition of the wyl of God as touchyng this saluation sayinge To bee a lyght to lyghten the Gentiles and to bee the Glorie of thy people Israell Nowe hee vttereth the matter playnelye that it might be vnderstande which all those people are that God will haue to be receiued Fyrst therfore he saith if thou knowest not whiche be all people they bee the Gentiles and the Iewes Let no man come and mystake my wordes Then that thou maist know whose saluation this is and in what myseries and euyls we must vse him consider that the Gentiles are drowned in all ignorance and darknesse For syth they be without Goddes worde they can haue no certayne knowledge of God They put no difference betwene GOD and the deuyll they feare the deuyll as well as God for their destruction Yea they haue more hope in the deuyl then in God as we are taught by examples And out of this ignorance there procede other synnes idolatrie blasphemye and many other vices And suche are the Gentiles But God prepareth saluation for the Gentiles If they wer not deliuered out of darknes they shold find no saluation for all that euer they can doo Wherefore this sauing helth helpeth them against this ignorance and darknesse geuynge the Gentiles lighte that is the knowlege of God by his word for their saluation These thinges are geuen to the Gentiles which are idolaters and filthy synners through Christ by the appointment and wil of God By this may the louing liberall bounteousnes of God the father be estemed that we flee not from hym for feare of his wrathe or crueltie As Christ saith So God loued the world that he gaue his only begotten sonne that as many as beleue in hym shoulde not perishe but haue lyfe euerlastynge Wherefore there can be doone no greater dishonour to God then to thynke that he hateth vs for our synnes and that we shall peryshe in our synnes yet this thought causeth gret trouble in our hearts so that the lyght of Gods mercy can scarsly be kindled therin For if we were not combred with this euyll we would not be of suche fearful and desperate heartes whiche dare scarcely in aduersitie and trouble to looke vnto God to his word or put any trust therin And hereby is it now euident again that Simeon bestowed great study in readyng the prophets For he conceaueth not these things of himselfe but as he had marked the tyme by the prophecie of Iacob and Daniell and as he knew by the promise made to Abrahā that this saluation was appoynted to all people and kynredes of the earth that hereby they shold be saued from malediction and curse and be defended against syn and death So learned he also of the prophet Esai that this chylde shoulde be the lyghte of the Gentiles For thus sayth the Lorde by his Prophet Esai It is but a small matter saieth he vnto Christe that thou shouldest be my seruant to stirre vp the tribes of Iacob and to turne the remnant of Israel I haue geuē thee to be a lyght to the Gentiles that thou myghtest be my saluation to the vttermost partes of the earth It is lyke that Simeon exercised hymselfe well in the vnderstandyng of this sentence forasmuch as he applieth it so fitly in this short sermon Wherfore the Gentiles haue a great gyft in this chylde to be their lyght to open vnto them the ioyfull tydynges and to set vp for them a kyngdome of saluation And for this cause was he prepared and brought foorth of God But the Iewes in this behalfe are preferred before the Gentiles for that that God cōmitted vnto them the lawe the Prophets and named them his people Wherefore in this the Iewes haue a greate prerogatiue and preeminence before the Gentiles But what then Is Christ therfore not necessary for the Iewes haue they therfore no nede of his saluation It is sayd before that this saluation belongeth to all Howbeit all are not of lyke state and condition that are healed by this saluation For the Iewes are not suche synners as the Gentiles were as Paule putteth a difference in his epistle to the Galathians yet forasmuche as they are not iustified by the workes of theyr lawe they haue not to glorie before God Wherfore Christ is become their glorie For although that God hath greatly glorified this people in cōfirming their seruice with his word and in geuyng them many other excellente thynges as priesthode and a kyngdome c. yet could they neuer obteyne purenesse of hearte thereby whereby they myghte bee delyuered frome synne and deathe And thys dyshonoure is suche in the presence of Almyghty GOD that they coulde neuer obtayne the trewe and gloryous herytage of God thereby Wherefore Symeon sayth furthermore The Iewes glorye is for that they are not so foolyshe and vnwise as the synners of the Gentiles were But yet it is a greatte dishonoure to theym that where as they haue the lawe yet they are not iustified by the lawe And now is this saluatiō prepared also for them that they myght bee iustified by Faythe in Iesus Christe and so obtayne glorye for that that they coulde not obteyne it by the woorkes of the lawe and that soo they myght be heyres in Gods kyngdome for this saluation Christes sake And thys is veryly a playne and euidente Sermon of CHRISTE shewynge after what sorte Saluation shall be geuen so that all shoulde be saued by hym as by an onely Sauiour and that we shoulde wyth a ioyefull hearte and a constaunte mynde ouercomme the assaulte of deathe and suche other myseryes belongynge therevnto thorough hym And after thys meanynge shoulde the Hystorye of thys feast bee handled and especially for that that Simeon as an exaumple layde before vs sheweth the waye to all teachers But beholde the Pope in hys stage wyth hys hallowed candels Is not thys I praye you necessarye geare to haue leaste any christian man should depart without blessyng of an holy candell And thus hathe the dyuell by his Papistes mocked Goddes Churche and congregation And where as they shoulde haue extolled thys lyghte and glorye of the Gentiles euen thys chylde IESVS they haue in steade thereof ordeyned thys triflyng custome of halowynge Candels that the congregation beynge kepte occupyed thereby myghte not regarde thys trewe and necessarye lyghte Looke what saluation was ordeyned in thys chylde by GOD that haue they taughte to bee in an hallowed candell Then haue they ordeyned also a pompe
and to shake for feare seinge that dāmnation hangeth vpon it as Christ sayeth he that heareth not the worde of God is not of god but he is the sonne of the deuill namely when they are so frowarde and wicked that they wil not only not do well but they wyll also defende their euill as the Iewes in this our Gospell do and saye Saye we not well that thou art a Samaritane and hast a deuill This is the very deuil that chalengeth vnto hym the honour of God desiereth to be counted holy and by no meanes suffreth to be reproued And this is one parte that whosoeuer heareth not gods worde the same is not of God but of the deuill But this is not so to be vnderstande as thoughe the deuill had made them and geuen them their mouth eyes reason and so forth Nay all suche thinges are of Godes creation and gyfte Therfore muste a man make a difference betwene the thinge and the vse thereof That man whiche lyeth and deceaueth had a good tonge geuen hym of God but the abuse of the tonge is of the deuill because he geueth his tonge vnto the deuill to be abused euen to blaspheme God his holy worde So lykewise God geueth hole and good eyes But he that abuseth them vnto the contemplation and beholdynge of vayne fylthy and vnhoneste thynges that cōmeth of the deuill In lyke maner when the hearte thincketh vncleane and cruel thinges the very hearte it selfe of the owne nature is not euil and is of god but the euil vse thereof is of the deuill Cōtrariwise that is vnderstād to be of god when the eares are put to this vse that they heare the worde of God can be contented to be reproued when they do amisse Also when the tonge is occupied in prayer in teachinge in edifyinge and confortynge other suche eares and tonge are of God and without faulte For they are put vnto that vse for the which god made them So in like maner whē the heart thincketh honest pure chaste godly things as howe our neighbour maye be edifyed and not offended howe Godes glorie may be set forth and not hyndred suche an hearte is the creature of God as the eares and the tonge lykewise are and doth right wel please god ▪ But they are therefore named to be of god because they wolde not that these their mēbres shold thincke speake and heare anye thing that shoulde be againste God And if it chance at any time that we fall by speakynge euil by beinge angry c. Yet we returne again we confesse that we haue done amisse and aske forgeuenes This cōmeth sometime to passe thorowe the euill behauiour of other or by chaunce and somtime before we be aware of it But we repent vs hereof and make haste to come again into the right waye with a ful purpose neuer to fall into the lyke againe But they are the deuilles children which stubburnely go forth styll on in doinge euil and yf they be reproued they stoutlye and arrogantlye answer what care I for it as disobedient and styfnecked children do when they are corrected of their parentes These are of the deuil and become daily worse and worse For the deuil will not suffer them to rest nor to be quiet Fyrst they despise the worde afterwarde they blaspheme curse and speake euill last of all after the maner of the Iewes they take vp stones and go about murder By these properties the deuils whealpes be knowen For he is a murtherer a calumniatour an accuser a pycker of quarelles and a despiser of god and his worde euen from the beginning Therfore let this doctrine be a defence vnto you againste this moste abhominable synne that ye also do not despise the worde of God but gladly heare it and diligentlye exercise youre selfe in the meditation and study therof both night and daye and learne to frame your lyfe accordyng to the same Then shall you be the sonnes of God other are the children of the deuill For they haue lost the worde lyfe righteousnes and are the very bonde slaues of the deuil Neither can this any thing at all helpe them that they are of great power riche In this synne stycketh the Pope euen vp to the harde eares with all his complices For he is euer against the worde of God and for it persecuteth and formenteth the Christians more cruelly then the Turke doth And by this may ye know that the deuill is in him that he belongeth vnto the deuil with all his But they that gladly heare the worde of God are of god Nowe what is god he is no murtherer but a creatour and maker frō whom all lyfe cōmeth But the deuill neuer made man nor gaue hym lyfe Therfore as God is a lyuing god so lykewise is he the very lyfe of all them that are of hym and heare his worde This doth Christ confirme here with this his notable saying worthy for euer to be remembred berely verely I saye vnto you if any man will kepe my worde he shall neuer see death But what other thinge is it to kepe the worde of God then neuer to departe frō it and to beleue that whatsoeuer Christ hath promised vs in the gospel concernyng forgeuenes of synnes and euerlastynge lyfe is true and to remayne in the same faith and hope vnto the ende he that doth thys saith Christ hath euerlastyng life neither nedeth he to feare sinne hell nor the laste iudgement For to suche one all is grace and mercie death in dede shal assaulte the faithfull and flea the bodies of them yet shal they not fele it as they do whiche are vnder the power of the deuil and dye without the worde of God For they die vnwillingly spurne against death take on as though they were madde rore out lyke lyons refuse death and wold by no meanes dye and yet dye must they Yea if it were possible they wolde leape thorow a thousand fyres to escape death But so shall not they do sayth Christe that be my disciples that heare my worde and kepe it For when they lye vpon their bed and muste dye they shall haue no suche trouble turmoyle and disquietnes They shall haue ioye and peace in their heartes towarde God confortyng them selues with the hope of a better lyfe to come in that hope as persōs fallen on sleape swetely departe without feare or tremblinge For although death shall corporally flea them yet shal that death be so apalled and made of no force that it shall not be felt at all euen as though a man should swetely fall a sleape vpō a softe pillow as we many times see in suche as for then offences are condempned to die when they go to suffer being before wel instructed in the worde and faithfully beleuinge the same they offer them selues gladlye willingly with a mery and chearefull hearte to dye They feare not neyther
priestes hande and so afterward folowed the absolution remission of synnes and by this meanes was the forgeuenes of sinnes afterwarde grounded in that contrition And it is possible that in this behalfe they folowed the example of the Elders which pronounced absolution to no man except he first of all cōfessed his synnes and shewed outwardly manifest signes and tokens that he was sorie for his sinnes This is right and ought so to be But notwithstandinge to gather hereof that suche sorowe contrition deserueth remission of synnes that is false and erronious For cōtritiō is no merite but it is the selfe synne truly fealte in the heart and the power and kyngdome of synne neither is remission of sinnes and grace grounded in this For before there be suche contrition the synne is not cured For although synne be there present yet is it only a lurckyng and dead sinne as Adam sayde of Cain But when it waxeth aliue again and sleapeth no more but is truly fealte and perceaued that it tormenteth fraieth the heart this can no man iustly truly call a meritorious worke but as S. Paule calleth it the right liuing sinne Now who wil saye that synne deserueth grace Therfore men in the papacie were most miserably deceaued and seduced for asmuche as they put all their hope of remission of sinnes in their cōtrition as though it were such a good meritorious worke as of it selfe deserued their sins to be forgeuen therfore the Pope in all his bulles indulgences pardons put in these wordes Contritis confessis that is to saye to them that are contrite and confessed All such for their contrition and confession sake shall haue absolution pardone of their sinnes For where true contrition is there is none other thing then the kyngdome power and regiment of sinne Now what can this deserue There is remission of sinnes where faith is geuen to the commandement of Christ the word whiche is pronounced at his commandement in his name is layde hād on with a sure and constant faith of this faith and not of contrition commeth the forgeuenes of sins Cōtrition is of it self none other thing then the very lyuing and feareful makyng synne vpō that is not grounded remission of synnes but vpon the worde of Christ. For suche contrition and felynge of synne doth none other thing but that it should plucke vs frō faith make vs flee from Christ and be a fearde of him This is to stirre vp sinnes and to make them greater and more horrible and in dede to do none other thing then synne is wont to do that the outragiousnes of the euils may be encreased and that syn maye be heaped vpon synne none otherwyse then when a theife is conuicte of theafte and condemned vnto the punishment of theafte hath not only done the theafte but he nowe addeth mo synnes vnto hys theafte he hateth iudgement lawe and maiestrate yea and God also which is the author both of iudgement lawe and maiestrate and wysheth that there were neither iudgement nor lawe nor maiestrate no nor yet God that he might go forth to sinne frely and without punishment This thing doth sainct Paule lyuely expresse when he saith That synne thorow the lawe and commandement is out of measure synnefull that is to say when the lawe ones commeth and worketh her force then is synne beyond all measure knowen to be synne in dede Nowe wheare synne doth so worke and of one synne infinitie sinnes are made so that the synner can fynde no rest by the reason of his synnes That haue the papistes called contrition But where suche contrition and sorowe is and remayneth alone that is to saye with out faith or hope of gods mercie as the lyke also was in Iudas the traytour there foloweth and floweth nothing out of that but plaine desperation Christe muste also comme with his confortable worde and commaundement concernynge remission of synnes and as it were preache in the hearte of the sinner saying Thou art ful of sins and goest about the lōger the more to fall awaye from me shall I therfore forgeue thee thy synnes Oh naye Thou must in dede haue contrition and sorowe for thy synnes For without this thou canst neuer hate synne frome thy hearte nor neuer heartelye desire remission of sinnes But nowe this way shalt thou walke vnto saluation that thou make haste vnto my worde heare it and beleue it so shalt thou haue remission and forgeuenes of sins So taught not the papistes but they enioyned theyr penitētes and ghostly children as they call them to go this and that pylgrimage to say so many orysons and prayers c. and so to make satisfaction for theyr synnes But as concernyng the worde and commandement of Christe they make no mention of it at all The worde commandemēt of Christ is this whose synnes ye forgeue shall be forgeuen them But whose sinnes ye do retaine shal be retained Her hearest thou that no man ought to seke forgeuenes of synnes but in the wordes of the lorde Christe Whosoeuer seketh it any other where he shal neuer fynde it What hath this then profited or holpen that we haue tormented our selues so greatly with fastīg singing praying watching massinge c. That we might obtayne remissiō of sins was not this great wickednes a lamentable thinge to heare that they haue taught vs to loke for remissiō of our sinnes thorow contrition Which notwithstandyng when it is most earnest and stronge is nothing els then plaine synne If the vertue of my worke of my contrition and of my confession be suche and so greate what nede we then the worde of Christe And to what end serueth his commandement in this place We in this behalfe differ nothynge from the Turkes and Iewes whiche also beleue that they shal be saued although they haue not CHRIST but the Pope is worser thē any Turke or Iewe for to mainteyne his wickednes and abhomination his false and corrupt doctrine he without all shame abuseth the name of Christ. Therfore let vs diligently marke that Christ includeth forgeuenes of synnes in his worde not in pilgrimages in masses in almose dedes or in any other workes by what soeuer name they be called He therfore that desireth forgeuenes of his sins lette hym go vnto hys Pastor that is learned in the worde of God and heare of hym the glad and ioyful tydyngs of the Gospell and faithfully beleue the same and he may be sure to haue hys synnes remytted and forgeuen hym For thys is certayne and sure that we can not ouercome synne with any woorke But whatsoeuer we be able to doo though we should torment our selues neuer so muche is altogether vayne and nothyng to the purpose as they hadde experience in the Popes kyngedome that hadde an euyll conscience and therfore gote them selues into Monasteries and became cloysterers or tooke vppon them other
cause for men to depart from his baptisme preachynge ministration of the Lordes supper c. But if he alter not nor change the institution and commaundement of Christe what soeuer he bee although neuer so synfull and wycked persone yet hyndreth that nothyng at all the ministerie Therefore he that wyll ryghtly and truely discerne these two churches he maye not onely haue an eye to the ministerie For the false churche also may haue the mynisterie and yet is it not the true Churche As the false Churche in lyke maner vsurpethe the name of GOD and glorieth of it but we maye not therfore beleue it For the thyrde commaundement chargethe vs that we take not the name of GOD in vayne And where as we aske in the fyrst petition of the Lordes Prayer that the name of God maye be sanctifyed This doothe also argue that this name of God is prophanated and dishonoured of many Therefore when the false churche vnder the name of God and of the Churche curseth and condemneth thee it is nothynge to the purpose neyther nedest thou feare any thyng at all theyr curse and cōdemnation but streight wayes make thou a difference betwene the trewe and false churche and saye I heare well the name of god and of the Churche but the vngodly also can and do vsurpe that For excepte it were so we shoulde haue no nede of thys commaundement that wee shoulde not take the name of God in vayne Wherefore we muste fyrst of all consyder thys whyther they vse the name of God and of hys Church aryght or not And vnto this matter dothe the rule greatly helpe whyche Christe prescribeth in thys place when he in the ryght colours poynteth and setteth foorth the fals churche For the true churche doothe not vsurpe the power of the swearde and of temporall punyshement But the false churche chalengeth this power and moste cruelly persecuteth the trewe Churche as Christe prophecied before that it should come to passe By thys mayst thou well knowe whyche is the fals church But yet this is a more certayn argumēt that Christ saith These things shal they do to you because they neyther knowe me nor my Father Here is also the false churche paynted and sette foorthe in her right colours with her ordinarie power They may cloke theyr matters with the name of God and of the churche and so bleare the eyes of the vnwyse and symple as theyr manner is to doo but yet for all theyr fayre shewe and glorious pretence Christe sayth that they neither knowe hym nor hys Father But what is it to know Christ and his Father It is not to say Masse to be shauē in the crown to wear a typpet a long gowne to be cladde with a monkes coule to vowe pouertie chastitie and obedience at the appoyntement of Antichriste to absteyne frome fleshe and to enforce the bealy with all kynde of daintie fyshe to lyue idelly in the cloyster of other mens labours c. But to knowe Christe is to beleue that Christ is the lambe of God that taketh away the sinnes of the worlde whyche for our sake became man dyed for vs on the crosse rose agayn from the dead ascended into heauen c. Wyth this full persuasion and assured hope that God wyll be mercyfull vnto vs for his sonne Christ Iesus sake And this is to know the Father to be throughly persuaded that he for his son Christes sake will haue mercy on vs and not impute our synnes vnto vs but frankly frely forgeue them for Christes sake Where this knowledge is there is the true churche But where this knowledge is not there is not the true churche although the ministerie and the name of God be there Therfore we muste haue respect to this knowledge aboue all thynges that the true churche may certainly be knowen The scisme or dissention that nowe a dayes is in the Churche offendeth manye that they can not telle to what parte they shoulde ioyne themselues But in thys they fayle and do not theyr duetie in that they wyll not consyder this rule Thys is our doctrine that before God nothing can preuail against synne and death but the alone death and Resurrection of Christ that who soeuer doth truly beleue this is saued But whosoeuer beleueth not this what soeuer workes he dothe besydes he can not be saued Nowe what foundation confirmation and probation we haue for this our doctrine the scriptures both of the olde and newe testamente doo abundantly declare and it hath ben sette foorth afore vnto you many tymes But what hath folowed For this doctrin the Pope and his church most cruelly persecute vs excommunicateth pronounceth and killeth vs as heretikes For this is his doctrin who soeuer loketh to be saued he hymself must make satisfaction for his own sinnes Christe saieth he satisfied onely for Originall synne what soeuer wee offende after Baptisme that muste euery mā make amendes for and with his good workes recompence the same and so pacifye the wrath of GOD. But howe agreeth thys doctrine with the knowledge of Christ For thys is a good consequence If Christ hath satisfied for oure synnes then are not we able to make satisfaction for them Good workes ar not to be left vndone but we must do them for an other purpose then to make satisfaction for our sinnes and to deserue euerlastyng lyfe by them euen to shew our obedience to God and to his holy comaundementes to sette foorth the glory of our heauenly Father to stoppe the mouthes of the aduersaries to declare our Faithe in Christe not to be vayne idle or dead to mortifie olde Adam to profite our neighbour to wyn other vnto the trueth of the Gospell c. Thus see you by this rule of Christ whyche is the right and true churche But notwithstandyng we are caste out of the synagoges and excommunicate of the Pope and his sect because we repose and set our righteousnes and acceptation before God in CHRIST in his deathe and Resurrection Nowe where as the the Pope and hys churche chalengeth vnto them saluation by theyr owne workes merites and satisfactions it is an euidente argumente that they neyther knowe Christ nor the Father Forasmuche as we be well assured and certain that we know Christ aright and the Papistes knowe not Christ it ought not to trouble or moue vs any thynge at all although suche a church as neither knoweth Christ nor the father dothe excommunicate vs and pronounce vs Heretikes and the church of the deuil Let this rather confort vs that we know the sonne and the father and nothing at all care that the Pope doth so greatly auance set forthe himselfe against vs with the name of the church whē in dede his church is nothing els then the very synagoge of Satan Let vs in the meane season looke for an other iudgement where not men with their lewde iudgement but God hym selfe
the world is full of periurie and blasphemye To this so odious a beast and monster and extreme enemie of God geueth god his sonne and that of pure loue The gift of God is specially commended hereby that God dothe not let or spare to doo good for our so great wickednes and frowardnesse But what soeuer is done and cōmitted against him he regardeth it not No not in that that his name and worde is so blasphemously handled and such stubburnesse is vsed agaynst his commaundement For where as the gift is so excedyng and the geuer so great the geuer might of good reson be offended for the frowardnes of him that receaueth it But God ouercommeth hym selfe and putteth out of syght all the synnes that we work eyther against the fyrst or the seconde table of Moses But because of these synnes and this myserie wherwith we synners are encombred and so encombred that we could neuer escape without the help of God doth God put foorth this loue and bestoweth this gift freely vpon vs. Is not the mercyfull Lorde therfore worthy to bee loued again And ought we not to put our whole confidence in hym which forgeueth vs our synnes yea the synnes of all the world and doth not recken them although they are innumerable For seyng that the sinnes of one man are infinite who can numbre the syns of the whole worlde And yet is this sentence trewe and certayn that God forgeueth the worlde all their synnes For wheresoeuer is the loue of God there is also remission of synnes We shoulde haue here ready hertes to haue diligent meditation on this loue wher as God geueth to the world that is his enemye euen his owne selfe so that we shold loke for no other thing of hym but mere grace and mercy Whatsoeuer chāce in this lyfe yet shold our hope be in this loue and our faith remain constant in the mercy of God for Christ. Suche thoughtes must nedes be full of great ioy as I and many other godly mē do protest that we haue liued in all kind of abhomination and idolatrie haue ben defyled with dyuers syns This vngodlynes hath not God punished in vs after our deseruyng but hath declared his loue and hath by the gospel opened again his sonne which he had geuē to the world before that now we may heare again the holsom doctrin vnderstande that God is not angry with the worlde but loueth it in that he gaue his sonne to it But alas howe execrable is our ingratitude what excedyng dulnes of vnderstādyng is this that we can not consider this great goodnes of god For if we wold truly consider it ther shold rise in vs the affection of such ioy that we wold not onely shewe highe obedience vnto God but we would also gladly suffer all thynges for his sake But we may thank our vnbelefe for this which regardeth not this great ioye but in the meane while setteth his pleasure in worldly trifles and seketh for vain daliāce Thus farre haue we shortely rehersed these fower thynges who is the geuer what is the gifte howe it is geuen and to whome Whyche thynges are all so great that no man can expresse them sufficientely by wordes now foloweth the entent wherfore god gaue this gift Truly not that we should eate cloth our selues get a liuyng therby and muche lesse that he shold be vnto vs a poyson or pestilence as we teache also of Baptisme and of the Lordes supper that al these thinges might be counted wholsome vnto vs But it appereth plainly that he was geuen to this entent that all that beleue in hym shold not perishe but haue euerlasting lyfe Here is it declared with playne woordes that in this matter there is no respect had vnto riches or worldly desires but that we myght therby be delyuered from death and synne and that we mighte not perishe This is the onely busynes that the Father of mere loue hath enioyned his sonne to do euen to ouer come the deuyl and hell and to deliuer vs from eternal death into the whiche we fel headlong by sinne This is the cause and entent why this gift was geuen Wherin we haue iust cause to beleue and trust stedfastly For we heare by the mouth of Christ that he hymself is geuen vnto vs and that the power of the diuell is weakened and ouerthrowen and power to pacifie the troubled conscience is restored to vs for the attainment of euerlasting life and saluation Death shal be abolished al ioy shal rise for this sure faith wherwith we beleue that God is merciful vnto vs that he loueth vs of very loue gaue his son vnto vs that we shold not perish but haue euerlastīg life The words be such that they can not be sufficiently cōprehended with thought Wherfore a christiā must daily pray that god by his spirit wyl make these words swete pleasant to our hertes and kendle and inflame them in our myndes Suche kind of teaching and discipline might easily make true doctors of diuinitie to teach vs truly of Christ and to iudge al other doctrines and to abyde all things with out murmuring that it shal please God to lay on vs. But where as it is so that we heare this doctrine and yet care not for it whether it take roote in vs or no and whether it bring forth fruite or no alas so are we neuer the better And there is no doubte but that the damned in the latter Iudgement shall chiefely be confounded in theym selfe for thys faultt that they despised thys preachynge and dydde not regarde it But nowe lette vs go foorth and see what is the waye to come by this gifte For all thyngs are not of lyke force to obteyne this gyfte Christ himself dothe shewe that playnly by his worde when he saith that all that beleue in him shold not perishe but haue euerlasting life This is an euident profe that onely Fayth that is the trust in the grace and mercy of God is the very hand wherwith we must take vnto vs thys gyft For euen as God geueth by loue and mercy so we do take and receaue by Faith and can receue no otherwise As for thy merite for doyng this or that it hath no place For our workes are nothyng requisite to the obteinyng of this gyfte onely is it necessary to shew our selues ready through Faith and euen as it is geuen of God by loue so we ought to receaue it by Faith in Christ. As for an example We heare here that God is merciful and redy to forgeue and that he doth declare his loue and charitie by this towarde vs when he sendeth his only begotten sonne into the fleshe and layeth our sinnes on hym accordyng to this sayinge of Iohn Beholde the Lambe of GOD whych taketh away the synnes of the worlde that by this gyft and loue oure heartes may be confirmed against synne and the
bytyng worme of conscience forasmuche as God is not now angrie with vs but standeth sure by his promise of grace and mercy which he hath made with vs for his sonne Iesus Christes sake He that beleueth thys is sure to be saued For this gift is geuen to make vs safe from death and synne For euen as a great flame is in comparison of a droppe of water so is Christe in comparison of the synnes of the worlde As soone as they touche Christe and as soone as the gift is receyued by Faith our synnes are quite consumed and abolyshed euen as a drye stalke is by an hot fier For here thou hearest by the worde of Christ that God so loued the worlde that he gaue his onely begotten sonne for the worlde that all that beleue in hm shoulde not peryshe but haue euerlastyng lyfe He saith precisely here They that beleue in hym He saith not he that taketh vpon hym this or that worke and thereby endeuour hymselfe to purchase Gods fauour Only Faith it is that purchaseth this gyfte Wherfore lette our aduersaries withstand this sentence neuer so muche lette them rayle neuer so muche agaynst it yet is this sentence sure and inuincible that they that beleue in him shall haue euerlasting lyfe and shall not perishe And se thou put nothyng hereto nor take nothyng from it lest thou shouldest seme to take vpon thee to correcte Christes iudgement These are excellente woordes and the wordes of lyfe God graunte vs hys grace to print them in our heartes For he that hath these wordes surely fixte in his hearte can be feared neyther of the deuyll nor of synne nor of helle but wyll be of a quiete heart and say I am withoute all feare For I haue with me the sonne of God whom God hath geuen vnto me by loue and by the word of God that is by the gospel which certifieth me therof And thy word O lord thy son Iesus wil not deceiue me in whom alone I put my truste If I be any thynge weake in Faith grant me that grace that I may beleue more stedfastly For I besydes this haue no other healpe in thys euident gyfte and loue of GOD but that we shold all by a lyttell and a lyttell beleue more and more in this gyft For Faith is requisite as thou hearest here of CHRIST And the stronger that Fayth is the greater is the ioy pleasure and securitie that is felt risyng in the mynd so that after that the mynd is most prone and readye to doo and to suffer all thynges whyche we knowe that God doothe requyre of vs and wylleth vs to doo knowyng that he is louyng and vseth nothynge but loue towarde vs. But thou wylt say If I were as Peter Paule and saint Mary were this gift would be confortable vnto me For they are saintes and therfore doubtlesse this saying pertaineth but vnto them Howe should I that am a synner by any meanes vnderstande that it pertaine vnto me whiche haue so often offended God by my synnes and haue made hym my enemie Such thoughtes can not be auoyded when the hearte after this kynd of preaching reasonyng beholdeth it self considereth his syns And here must we be circūspect and ware least we laying aside Gods word geue our selues any long tyme to such thoughtes but forthwith must we returne to the word and order oure Iudgement accordynge to the same For those thoughtes ar nothyng els but very incredulitie and vnbelefe which goeth about to withdraw vs from this swete gospel And trewely vnbelefe can be ouercome by no other meanes but by the worde of God Of this preacheth CHRIST that wee shoulde not doubte of thys woorde sayenge that his Father the trewe and eternall God in heauen dyd so loue the worlde that he delyuered his only begotten sonne And this is sure that the world here dothe not signifie Mary Peter Paule onely But the worlde signifieth all mankynd Therefore if thou takest thy selfe to be of mankynde or if thou doest not beleue that compare thy self with other mortall men that thou mayst vnderstande that thou art a man For why shouldest thou not suffer thy selfe to be of thys name seyng that Christ with plain wordes saieth that GOD gaue not his sonne onely for Mary Peter or Paule but for the worlde that all shoulde receaue hym that are the sonnes of men Then yf thou or I wold not receaue hym as though he dyd not appertayne vnto vs truely it would consequently folowe that Christes wordes are not true where as he saith he was geuen and deliuered for the worlde Wherfore hereof appeareth that the contarye therto is moste assuredly trewe that is that this gift belongeth as well vnto thee as to Peter and Paule forasmuche as thou also art a man as they are and a portion of the worlde that God maye not be iudged in his worde and this thought rise in our heart thynkyng on this wise Who knoweth whether I am also of their number to whom the sonne of God is geuen and eternall lyfe promised For that is as muche as to make God vntrewe of his promise Wherefore whenne thys thoughte commeth vpon thee suspecte it as thou wouldest suspecte the deuyl least thou be therwith deceaued And say thou what is that to me that I am neyther Peter nor Paule If GOD woulde haue geuen thys gyft to them only that should haue ben founde worthy he wold haue geuen it to the Angells to the Sonne and vnto the Mone For they are pure and vndefyled creatures whyche alwayes obeye God and neuer doo declyne and swarue frome hys Preceptes But thys is the truthe of the matter hee gaue hym to the worlde And the worlde is no woorthyer thereof then as I sayde before Wherefore although I am neyther Peter nor Paule yet wyll I not suffer my selfe to bee putt besyde thys gyfte but wyll challenge as muche thereof for my part as dydde Dauyd and all the holy Apostles For what was Dauyd Dydde he not trespasse heynously and greuousely Also what were the Apostles were they not synners and vnworthye Wherfore lette no man folowe thys reason saying I am a synner I am not iust and holy as Peter was Wherfore I dare not bee so bolde as to chalenge this gyfte for myne But rather reason on thys wyse What soeuer I am yet God is not to bee taken as vnfaithfull of his promyse I am a portion of the worlde wherfore if I wold not take this gift as myn owne I shoulde make God vntrue But thou wilt say Why dothe he not shewe this to me alone then I wold beleue and thynk surely that it apertained vnto me But it is for a great cōsideration that God speaketh here so generally to the intent verily that no manne should thynke that he is excluded from this promyse and gyft He that doth exclude him selfe must geue a count why he dothe so I wyll not iudge them
although many benefites be cast awaie vpon the vnkinde yet ceaseth not their will of well doyng Now doeth Christe procede and deuideth mercie into diuers partes Iudge ye not and ye shall not bee iudged Condemne not and ye shall not be condemned Forgiue and it shall be forgiuen you Christe would haue vs godlie in deede that we should not crake of faithe and the Gospell in wordes as the moste parte doeth that boaste them selues to bee Gospellers and prate muche of Christe But if the matter be well tried thei are but dissemblars And a greate part deceiueth them selues and perishe hereby with their hypocrisie This hypocrisie would Christe gladly restraine Wherefore he putteth forthe to vs no straunge or vnknowen example of his father doen to our profite that as we fele his goodnes and humanitie so we should shew our selues beneficiall and not high mynded toward other For we are in daunger of Gods iudgement and damnation for our synnes What hath the heauenly father doen He would not iudge and condemne thee as he might but he forgaue thee thy synnes tooke from thee hell and damnation and receiued thee to his mercie This example is put for thee Applie thy self thereto Bee thou likewise vnto other then art thou a true christian whiche beleuest in Christ neither condemnest thou thy neighbour but forgiuest hym gladlie thy hurte But if thou wilte not dooe so but rather dooe like the leude seruaunt Math. xviii thou declarest that thou canst receiue no mercie before GOD nor shewe to other in this life that thou art a Christian man but rather that GOD will exclude thee from his mercie and appoinct thee to iudgemente and damnation and depriue thee of all his benefites wherewith he hath indued thee and require again all the debtes that he remitted forgaue Thou nedest not doubt of this For the commaundement is this Iudge ye not and ye shall not bee Iudged but if ye will not cease iudgyng GOD shall iudge you also The common practise sheweth how harde this inibitiō is Assone as we iudge our selues hurt forth with we vse this iudgement Why should I do good to the vnkinde I haue holpen hym often and he dooeth not onely like for like but dooeth a shrode turne for a good I should offende if I should helpe the vnkinde so often But this is an vnmercifull mercie and painfull helpyng When thei Iudge bicause thei obtain not the like And then appereth Gregorius saiyng true True Iustice hath doen compassion but vntrue is double iniquitie For when a man giueth me a croune he is thought to go about to make me his bondman thereby Wherfore assone as any thyng is doen or saied that pleaseth not or if I be not obsequius forth with he embraideth me haue not I doen this for thee and requitest me with suche kindnes This is truely nothyng els but to serue and Iudge as the Gentiles doe that there maie be a recompensation For this is no good waie If thou doe good to an other and he acknowledge it not or doeth euill for good thou maiest admonishe him not so to doe least he offende God greatly But yet hast thou no iust cause to hate hym to iudge and condemne hym Giue hym vp to his Iudge For thou knowest not what GOD will doe with hym whither he will amende hym If he be not amended GOD hath officers sufficiēt to be reuenged of hym And so suche thinges chance daily that there rise sodain tempestes against the stubburne Onely beware that thou iudge him not but thinke thus GOD hath not so cruelly dealte with me For if he had I should haue been killed long a gone in my synne when I liued in filthy Idolatrie and Hypocrisie Likewise also beware that thou dooest not condemne for it is not thy duetie To chide to tell one of his faut to dehort to declare to them that iudge and condemne it is lawfull But thou haste no more to doe then to be mercifull thou maiest not Iudge thou maiest not condemne And if thy neighbour be so obstinatly set to do thee hurt that he will not cease yet thou oughtest to bee willyng to forgiue and not to hinder his profite or goe about to reuenge but rather to furder to helpe him These thynges are harde to doe but remember that thou art a Christian and that more perfection is required of thee if thou earnestly embrace this name euen as the example of our heauenly father plainly declareth before vs. For if thou dooe good to thy neighbour and he be vnkinde and doeth requit thee with euill doubte not but that GOD will laye it to his charge Resigne and giue ouer thou the vengeaunce vnto him and do thou thy duetie GOD doth reuenge all these thynges at his tyme. Wherefore commit thou all other thynges to hym and execute this commaundement that thou reuenge not but be mercifull It followeth in our Gospell Giue and it shall bee giuen vnto you good measure filled vp and shaken together yea runnyng ouer shall men giue into your bosome For with what measure ye meate vnto other with the same shall it be measured vnto you againe Christ hath comprised these preceptes very properly and laboureth specially to cause vs to fulfill the true workes of Charitie Wherefore as he hath commaunded that synners should be mercifullie and gentlely handeled as we are gently handled of hym that we Iudge and condemne theim not but committe that vnto GOD and praie for theim to GOD So he commaundeth to doe thē good by giuyng helpyng and counsaillyng c. and then not to doubt but GOD will requite our liberalitie bee it neuer so greate That so the minde maie abounde with Charitie alwaie and neuer bee ouergrowne with the thornes of vnkindenesse to cease thereby from well doyng as the Gentiles doe whiche can not abstaine from iudgyng and condemnyng For assone as thei thinke them selues hurt thei forgiue not before thei are humblie asked forgiuenesse So thei will not giue any thyng but where as thei loke for gaines and for benefite Wherefore thei can neuer escape the Iudgemente of GOD neither are thei Iudged worthy of Gods benefites and of his mercie and grace This faute must we eschewe and so doe for our neighbours as our heauenly father doeth for vs. He slacketh his straight Iudgement he pardoneth vs he will not be cruell and cōdemne vs although we be vnkinde He enioyneth vs to do likewise also or if wee will not he putteth before vs a dreadfull ende that we shall loke so to be serued of hym as we serue other For with the same measure saith he shall other measure to you as you haue measured with And we can not deny but GOD hath giuen vs good measure For if he would haue giuen vs after our desertes he might haue plagued vs with wrathe plague pestilēce and all euill and put vs to death assone as we were borne I will not rehearse how manifolde waies we haue offended hym
through all our life with sinnes This might worthely be giuen to vs as measure euē death and hell But what doth GOD He putteth awaie that that we haue deserued that is to saie wrathe indignation iudgement death hell c. and bryngeth to vs heauen grace libertie and a quiete mynde from the condemnation of the lawe and of an euill conscience He riddeth vs from al penurie blame and giueth vs all that is good This is truely a large and plentifull measure but whereas thou deniest other the same measure after that thinke not but like measure shal be giuē to thee from GOD as thou giuest other Thou wer fortunate before bicause he helped thee with the measure of grace Now shalt thou haue suche measure as thy vnkinde and craftie behauior deserueth This teachyng is marueilous whereby it appereth that GOD requireth more earnestly thy duetie towardes thy neighbour then towardes hymself For as touchyng hymself he pardoneth synne and will not reken what soeuer we offende against hym Contrarie when we be vnmercifull to our neighbour GOD will neither bee pleased with vs neither forgiue vs any thyng Wherefore all this rate of measuring is to be appointed doen after faithe and not before For before thou haste faithe GOD dealeth not with thee after thy desert but was mercifull vnto thee he opened thee the waie to his worde He promised thee remission of sinnes This is the first measure giuen to vs whē we began to beleue after that this measure was receiued he giueth commaundemente to measure to other likewise And he that doeth so lette hym looke to be doen vnto as he doeth vnto other If he be cruell let hym looke for no mercie of GOD if he iudge he shal be iudged and damned Wherfore this measuryng hath her beginning after faithe when GOD requireth so greatly thy duetie towardes thy neighbour threatnyng that he will reuoke all his grace if we will not be mercifull to our neighbour Wherefore he that thinketh earnestly how to serue GOD let hym doe good to his neighbour let him doe as GOD doeth that is let him not iudge let hym not condemne but forgiue and giue gladly let hym shewe hymself beneficiall and liberall when he maie Els shall it chaunce no otherwise then it chaunced to the seruaunte Math. xviii He had mere mercie shewed vnto hym when the lorde let hym goe scotfree and forgaue all his debt But when he would not forgiue his neighbour an hundred pence neither tary the tyme vntill he were able to paie the whole his free quitaūce that he had in the tenne thousande talentes that wer forgiuen stoode hym in none effect and he is deliuered to the Iailers vntill he paieth the whole And surely it is not possible that we should alwaies folowe this rule We forget mercie oftentymes and whereas mercie was requisite we are wrothfull where we should speake gently we cursse Although it chaunceth thus vnto vs by infirmitie that in this place we dooe contrary to Christes commaundemente Yet let vs beware at least of the sinne of the Phariseis that we continue not therein without remorse of conscience as thei doe but that we might quickly amende let vs put before vs this example to doe to other as the father of heauen hath doen to vs to shewe our selues forgetfull of wronges and not to slacke or cease in well dooyng by the iniquitie of the worlde or vnkindnes of men And to the forgiuenes of synnes it is necessarie that he confesseth his fault that must be forgiuen For it is vnpossible that I should forgiue the Pope and other enemies of Gods woorde their synnes The reason is Thei knowe not theim selues for synners in that thei persecute our doctrine If thei would confesse their folie and professe repentaunce I would not deny theim remission of synnes For there must nedes be synnes if thei should be forgiuen But he that denieth his synne and defendeth it with his rightuousnes as Saul did before Samuell this mannes synnes can not be forgiuen This doctrine is of a Christian mannes life whiche Christ putteth forthe by the example of the father of heauen This doctrine doeth Christ earnestly setforthe by the similitude of a moate and a beame As though he should saie I se that this is hard for you to doe For your owne dammage greueth you the grief thereof is not sone taken awaie Assone as ye se your aduersarie and remēber your wronge anger waxeth rawe againe and all thynges come to stomacke as freshe as though thei wer now dooen wherewith he hath hurted vs with a greate desire also to reuenge Yelde not ouer your selues saieth Christe to wrothe and indignation For although he hath diuersly hindered thy profite and defaced thy good name yet all this is but a Sonne moate in thy eye in comparison of that thou haste dooen to GOD. For that is as a beame in respect of those thynges whiche thy neighbour hath doen against vs. Wherefore many thynges are requisite to hym that will Iudge and condemne In other matter thus it is the teacher muste be better learned then the learner or els shall he be able to teache hym nothyng What kinde of maister canst thou be which professest that thou wilt teach other and art as ignoraunte and as faultie as thy scholars be whom thou takest on thee to teache This ought not to be doen and suffered emong men and how muche lesse can it be suffered in my kyngdome before GOD where as all are to be blamed Wherfore get thee the practise of this parable whē thou hearest seest or sufferest any thyng that is greuous vnto thee that thou maiest alwaies saie Patience This synne is little in comparison of myne GOD hath many more to obiect against me then I haue against other Wherefore I will gladly winke at thēm so that GOD will winke at mine not rubbe me on the old sores But the worlde can neuer bee perswaded but that it will rebuke the moate in his brothers eye and not consider the beame in his owne For where as thou hast one quarell with thy neighbour there hath GOD infinite causes against thee seyng thou neuer keptest his preceptes but haste transgressed them manifolde waies This thou forgettest and therfore in the meane season thou fallest in hatred against thy neighbour for a little woorde If thou canst haue suche a quicke sight in thy brothers little faulte why dooest thou not ponder thy owne beame also Wherfore a christiā man must vse an other waie when he seeth a moate in his brothers eye let him first retourne vnto himself before he begin to iudge and there shall he finde suche a hugeous Beame that he will haue but little luste to iudge his neighboure so that he maie haue GOD mercifull to his synnes Wherefore first he goeth about to take awaie this his owne beame and when he is in doyng that he findeth so muche busines that he sone forgetteth his brothers
to be saued as thy shippe is now full of fishe I will finde thee an other Nette for that draught that is the Gospell By this shalt thou take the elect that thei maie bee Baptized beleue and haue euerlastyng life And that not in one place but that in all the worlde thou maiest tourne to the faithe in one place a citie in an other the whole people This is a spirituall comforte whiche GOD putteth forthe to his disciples that he will not onely satisfie their hunger but gouerne their spirituall administration and sende them into all the worlde to Kynges and Princes with the Gospell And although the deuill withstandeth those Fishers with all his might yet the vertue of this Fishyng can not be restrained but that the worde breaketh thorowe and getteth many Christians enuieth the deuill neuer so muche And the Gospell Baptisme and the Lordes Supper are our instrumentes for this matter whereby the waie to euerlastyng life is opened vnto vs. It is a greate thyng that we are appoincted to euerlasting life and a thing hard to be beleued But consider on the contrary part what a great thing it is to burne in hell fire and that we might escape this punishement GOD giueth vnto vs his worde and sacramentes whiche are Nettes prepared for the draught of suche fishe Wherefore Christ comforteth and saieth feare not consider not whether ye hee worthie It is my fathers will that ye should not perishe as your synnes haue deserued Wherfore cleaue to me onely come to Baptisme vse the Lordes supper shewe your selues obedient to my Gospell and there shall be no perill We haue now intreated of these twoo doctrines with the example that Gods woorde might be greatly studied The first is that although there be pouertie and lost labour for a tyme yet that GOD will helpe vs at the length by his blessyng The seconde is that he helpeth vs against sinne that we maie not be damned And for this cause he giueth vs his worde that we maie be certified in our selues to bee the soonnes of GOD. The whiche thyng our heauenly father graunt vs through Iesus Christe his sonne and our Lorde Amen ¶ The .vj. Sondaie after Trinitie Sondaie The Gospell Matth. v. IEsus saied vnto his disciples expcepte your righteousnes exceade the righteousnes of the Scribes and Phariseis ye can not enter into the kyngdome of heauen Ye haue heard that it was saied vnto them of old tyme thou shalte not kill whosoeuer killeth shall bée in daunger of Iudgemente But I saie vnto you that whosoeuer is angrie with his brother vnaduisedly shall bee in daunger of iudgemente And whosoeuer saie vnto his brother Racha shal be in daunger of a counsaile But whosoeuer saieth thou foole shal be in daunger of hell fire Therefore if thou offerest thy gift at the aulter and there remembrest that thy brother hath ought againste thee leaue there thyne offeryng before the aulter and go thy waie first and be reconciled to thy brother and then come and offer thy gifte Agree with thyne aduersarie quickely while thou art in the waie with hym least at any tyme the aduersarie deliuer thee to the Iudge and the Iudge deliuer thee to the minister and then thou be caste into prison Uerely I saie vnto thee thou shalte not come out thence till thou haue paied the vttermoste farthyng THE EXPOSITION IN this Gospell we vnderstande that it is Christes counsaill and purpose here to teache his Christians after thei beleue and are Baptised and hath obtained this glorious name of Christians and besides that diuerse good thynges and spirituall giftes to order their life soberly righteously and Godly whiche procede of a true and not of an hypocriticall trade For neither did he shewe vnto vs any fained grace whiche semeth grace to sight but euen as our synnes were not fained but very deadly and felenous so was not his grace counterfeited nor forged but true and sincere in deede Wherefore must we also endeuour our selues not to doe fained woorkes towarde our neighbours but true and hartie euen as GOD wrought the woorke of our saluation in verie deede And for this cause Christe taketh on hym this Gospell to expounde the first precept and putteth forthe to vs an example to beware saiyng Except your rightuousnesse exceade the rightuousnesse of the Phariseis and Scribes ye can not enter into the kyngdome of heauen The sentence is shorte he must haue more rightuousnesse then the Pharisie that aspireth to the kyngdome of GOD. What is then the rightuousnes of the Phariseis This is not to be blamed that thei liued an honest and sober life refrainyng them selues from sinne c. For GOD requireth that of vs as is his commaundemente Thou shalte not kill Thou shalt not commit adulterie Thou shalte not beare false witnesse And he that obeieth thereto dooeth well But this was to be blamed in the Phariseis that thei thought theim selues rightuous for these woorkes and that thei were fautlesse in all that the Lawe requireth as though thei had whollie accomplished it And least we should haue suche an opinion Christ warneth vs in this place that although we doe the woorkes of the lawe and liue blamelesse in the sight of mē yet that we should not be so arrogant as to thinke ourselues iuste before GOD therefore and in perfecte obedience For as Christ saieth here Although a manne hath not killed with the hande yet maie he be a murtherer and a breaker of the lawe before GOD. The reason is For GOD hath forbidden all anger in the heart euery wrathfull worde and all angrie signes in the face by this commaundement So that the Phariseis rightuousnes signifieth outward rightuousnes as not to kill not to commit adultrie and to thinke that all rightuousnes and holinesse consisteth therein and that the Lawe hath nothyng against vs but that we haue fulfilled it and haue no neede of Gods mercie although the heart inwardly be full of suche sinne and concupiscence For this rightuousnes saith Christ there is no place in heauen but rather in helle For woorkes fulfill not the lawe but an heart is requisite thereto whiche is pure and voide of ire hatered enuie lecherie other concupiscences He that can doe so muche is sure of rightuousnes As long as sinne and concupiscēce are not mortified in slaughter but hath stil their motions although thei procede not to effect and worke yet beware thou think not thy self rightuous or to be in heauen Ye haue neede of more rightuousnes saieth Christe For ye can not enter into the kyngdome of heauen by the rightuousnes of the Phariseis and Scribes What is this greater or more perfecte Iustice Truely this when the woorke and heart are both rightuous and fulfill the woorde of GOD so that not onely the hande doeth not kill but the heart also is without ire and desire of reuengyng and that thou be not onely no adulterer in worke but that thy hearte also be pure
neither hande nor mouthe is to be restrained We maie lawfully vse these instrumentes to reuenge accordyng to euery mannes vocation office and aucthoritie For here there is no place for lenitie and mercie but for vengeaunce So that in this behalfe would neglecte vengeance he should giue an occasion to GOD the high iudge that he should punishe the sinnes and offences of men and then were the matter in worse case For when GOD punisheth he punisheth more greuously then men doe· And this is the doctrine of the Gospell for this presente Sondaie The Lorde our GOD helpe vs by his holy spirite and giue vs grace for his sonne Iesus Christes sake that in this worlde we maye liue here a Godly rightuous and sober life euery manne accordyng to his vocation and office and in the worlde to come enioye the fruicion presence and sight of the moste blessed and glorious Trinitie GOD the father GOD the sonne and GOD the holy Ghoste three distincte persones and one true immortall and euerlastyng GOD To whom be all power glory and honor bothe now and euer Amen ¶ The .vij. Sondaie after Trinitie Sondaie The Gospell Matth. viii IN those daies when there was a verie great companie and had nothyng to eate Iesus called his disciples vnto hym and saied vnto theim I haue compassion on the people because thei haue been now with me three dayes and haue nothyng to eate and if I sende theim awaie fastyng to their owne houses thei shall fainte by the waie for diuers of theim came from farre And his disciples answered hym where should a manne haue breade here in the wildernesse to satisfie these And he asked them how many loaues haue ye Thei saied seuen And he commaunded the people to sitte doune on the grounde And he tooke the seuen loaues and when he had giuen thankes he brake and gaue to his disciples to sette before theim And thei did sette them before the people and thei had a fewe small fishes and when he had blessed he commaūnded them also to be sette before them and thei did eate and were suffised And thei tooke vp of the broken meate that was lefte seuen baskettes full And thei that did eate were aboue fower thousande And he sent them awaie THE EXPOSITION THis miracle did Christe twise For on midde Lent Sondaie is the like historie sette forthe when with fiue barlie loaues and twoo fishes he fed fiue thousande menne besides women and children and yet there remained so many fragmentes as filled twelue Baskettes full But in this Gospell ye heare how with seuen loaues and a fewe little fishes he fedde fower thousande and there were lefte so many fragmentes as filled seuen Baskettes It appereth that suche as appoincted this Gospell now to bee redde had a consideracion of the tyme seyng that this miracle is set foorthe in the fruitfull tyme of the yere that all men maie learne and vnderstande that all these thynges whiche wee receiue and take of the grounde come vnto vs by the blessyng of God and that God euen at this presente daie worketh with vs this miracle whiche at the tyme he wroughte in the wildernes saiyng that with a fewe nourishmentes or slender prouision he is able now also through his blessyng to minister foode to many yea to thousandes thousandes of people as he daily doeth so that although many times through tempestes the fruictes of the yearth haue no good successe yet that wee should knowe that our chief help and comfort consisteth in the blessyng of God For it is not the abundance of foode but the blessing of God that feedeth For suche is the naturall frowardnes of the vnfaithfull worlde that when it seeth not present store of victuall yea also enough the same straight waies it beginneth to despaire as though it should out of hand perishe for honger Thei that haue great plentie of victuall as of corne wine c. thei will vtter none of it before thei bee able to make the moste of it and to sell it so dearely as is possible These are very leude persones and suche as knowe nothing of Gods blessyng neither doe thei beleue it Or els thei would so behaue thē selues that thei might haue Christ with them and so should thei neuer doubt but that he through his blessyng bothe were able and also would make of their little store great abundance and sende plentie of all thynges For this miracle teacheth vs that there is no cause why we should doubte of the good will of Christe but that he will prouide abūdauntly bothe for our soule and bodie for our soule his spirite worde and faithe for our bodie meate drinke clothe lodgyng c. so that although sometyme he suffereth suche as beleue in him to be vexed and greued with penurie scarsenesse pouertie and contēpt for thei are greatly hated of the world neither doeth the worlde thinke them worthy to be fedde or to liue on the yearth yet thei should not doubte of this but that Christ euen in the greatest tyme of penurie and then all thynges bee moste scarse and deare will plentifully prouide for theim all thinges necessary for this present life Notwithstandyng Christe ministereth his blessyng accordyng to the rule whiche he prescribeth in the Gospell of Matthew Seke ye first saieth he the kingdome of GOD and the rightuousnes thereof and al these thynges shall be caste vnto you For the Euāgeliste declareth that the people taried with Christ three daies What was the cause of their so long abode with Christ it is easie to conceiue Uerely to heare the worde of GOD at his mouthe And this is the cause that he afterward is so carefully moued to make prouision for them and coumpteth it his office to see that thei lacke nothyng leaste thei should perishe for honger that it should bee a speciall doctrine to vs first of all to haue a singuler regarde to the woorde of GOD and to practise the same in our life and conuersacion and afterward as touching thinges apperteining vnto our liuing to caste all our care vpon Christ. For he hath taken vpon hym to make prouisiō for vs so that he will by no meanes suffer vs to perishe for honger Stones shall soner be made bread then thei which seke the kyngdome of GOD the rightuousnesse thereof shall lacke any good thyng as the Psalmographe saieth O feare the Lorde ye that be his sainctes for thei that feare hym lacke nothyng The Lions doe lacke and suffer honger but thei which seke the Lorde shall want no maner of thyng that is good Again I haue been yong and now am old and yet sawe I neuer the rightuous forsaken nor his seede beggyng their breade The rightuous is euer mercifull and lendeth and yet haue his children Gods blessyng and inough So saieth blessed Marke in the sixt Chapiter of his Gospell that muche people came flockyngly together out of diuers cities tounes and
exercyse for the yong lynges and for the vnperfect folke of the christen Congregation and not for suche as are perfecte and ancient in Christe when they burden Christen men with thyngs not necessarie when they disturbe whole housholdes and make the husbande to forsake the wyfe the wife her husband to ioyn them selues to their wicked and damnable religion when they take away the proprietie and owneshyp of worldly goodes and possessions and would haue all thynges common when they contemne and condempne the politike and ciuile power as prophane and vngodly and professe theym selues in dede ennemies to the congregation of God to the ciuile power and to the gouernement of families or householdes This faire face also was set vpon the rules of monkes and nonnes so that by them also the whole worlde was in a maner deceiued But this iugglyng is now vttered by the word of God so that nowe the wolfe whyche lurked vnder the sheepes clothyng is come to lyght and knowen of all men Moreouer great gifts lykewise ar shepes clothing wherof Christ speaketh in the Gospell that some shall come in his name and prophecie or tel things to come some shall cast out deuils and worke greate miracles In these thynges also there oughte to be no preiudice to the Christians as though they ought not therefore to make inquisition of the truthe of the doctrine The woorde muste bee consydered without any respecte had to the prerogatiue of any persone and the wolfe is alwayes to be feared and suspected vnder the sheepes clothynge And this is the first rule whiche Christ prescribeth to his christians that they diligently take heede beware of shepes clothyng For although their speeche be fayre and curteous their office true their outward life fautlesse besides a great number of excellente vertues yet we ought to mystrust lest vnder them crafte falshode and deceyte should lye lurkyng forasmuche as vnder faire and sugred speche there may lye hyd most deadly poyson vnder a true office a corrupt vsyng therof vnder a religious lyfe fraude guile and deceipt vnder great giftes great wickednes Therfore so soone as thou seest the shepes clothyng thynke that thou must take good hede and beware For Christe hymselfe geueth warnynge that wolfes haue suche clothynge to hyde them selues in Wherfore thou muste diligently searche them that theyr craftes and subtilties may be knowen But howe shall that be doone Ueryly that will the second rule teache whyche is Thou shalt let passe the outwarde face and fayre shewe wherof we haue hitherto spoken and thou shalt consider the fruites By their fruicts saieth he shall ye know theym And he putteth forth a similitude None of you sayth he is so madde that he wold gather grapes of thorns or fygs of thistles For such fruits grow in other trees In orchardes also men iudge by the fruictes of apple trees of the good tree but wher nothing is they iudg the contrary This trade doth Christ also put forth to vs for to iudge of false teachers that we be not deceaued at the first blushe although the wolfe cometh clad with neuer so goodly and godly shepes clothyng But first of all what is the fruit of a true prophet teacher wherby he muste be knowen to be no wolfe but a true shepe Truely not the outward life nor the office nor the titles nor yet the noble gifts For Christ dothe testifie this and experience techeth the same that men by these are oftentimes deceaued The true fruict is as Christ sheweth in the ende to do the will of the Father whiche is in heauen And here it is to be noted that Christ speaketh not generally of all Cristians but onely of Prophetes or teachers This is trewe that all men ought to do the will of the heauenly Father therby do they also get saluation The Fathers will is not only that we should do the ten cōmandementes and by that meanes declare our obedience to God For seyng we can not do this perfectly in this lyfe it is impossible for vs to affirme that we haue don the will of God or that we haue any power of our selues to obtein saluation the kingdome of God by our workes but also and moste specially this is proprely the will of God as Christ saith in the gospell of S. Iohn that euery one that seeth the sonne beleueth in hym should haue euerlastyng life And I will raise hym vp saieth Cnriste at the last daye This is the only waie whiche all teachers and scholers muste walke if they wyll come vnto euerlastyng saluation Christ speaketh here specially of techers or prophets whose propre and true fruict is to set forth to teache this wyll diligently that God is gentill and merciful and willeth not the death of a synner but that hee repent and lyue and that God hym selfe declared that mercye when hee sente his onely begotten sonne into this worlde to become man He therefore that receaueth hym and beleueth in hym that is he that hathe this hope and truste in hym that God is mercyful vnto him for his sonne Christes sake and forgeueth hym his synnes and will geue him euerlasting lyfe c. He that setteth forthe this doctrine syncerely and purely bringeth mē vnto Christ as the only alone mediator betwene God vs this man as a true techer doth the will of God And this is the true fruicte whereby no mā can be deceiued For if it wer possible that the diuell himself shold so teach this doctrine could not be false but that he whiche doth beleue it should surely obtein that whyche it promyseth After this fruict whiche is trewe proper and most certain and can by no meanes deceaue other also followe that is to say that the lyfe be agreable and not contrarie to that doctrine But this seconde fruicte is then to be counted true when the first that is to say the doctrine of Christe is presente For it is possible that the doctrine may be faultlesse when notwithstandyng the lyfe is euyll sclandrous Therfore we must not looke specially to the lyfe but to the doctrine For by that means shall we most certainly know whether it be a wolfe or a shepe that commeth to vs in shepes clothyng He therfore that will trie the Pope with his churche let hym take his beginning of the first fruict that is to say of doctrine For there shall he fynd that the Popes doctrine of Remission of synnes and of saluation is not onely directed vnto Christe but vnto all maner of workes vnto the vowes of Monkes vnto the syngyng of Masses vnto pardons and merits of sainctes These are prickyng and hurtefull thornes whiche come not foorthe in a figge tree or in a vyne Secondarily lette theyr lyfe also be consydered Here shall it be founde that the Pope and all his cast asyde all due obedience to God and theyr princes Again the Pope and
is the stay we leaue vnto that we are the children of lyght If we do but only kepe this name diligently and not go from the knowledge of this light althoughe all thinges be not the perfectest nor done with the greatest prouidence and forecaste as the matters of the childrē of this lyfe are yet are we not excluded from the possession and glorie of this light if we haue but only beginne to take in hand the workes of godlines that we may be nombred among them that are called the children of light For this is certein and sure that in the prouision of thynges we shall neuer be of lyke diligence with the children of this worlde so long as we liue Therfore this ought not to discourage vs though oure olde man go slenderly forward vnto godlines wheras the children of this world runne spedily without any stay vnto hell neither let vs suffer our selues by any obstacles or lettes to be drawen out of the waie but rather let vs go forwarde dayly somwhat in modestie lenitie softnes gentlenes mercie compassion in suche other workes of godlines For if thou haste but ones begūne there is a good hope halfe the matter is done when it is ones well begunne And although thou procedest but slowly yet geue not ouer neither go thou out of the waye but styll folowe on after the example of S. Paule if by any meanes thou mayste comprehend that wherin thou arte comprehended of Christe Iesu. For that bringeth forth the children of light in that we are comprehended of Christ Iesu reconciled to God the Father thorowe hym as he calleth also in the chapter that goeth before Christians great lightes in the worlde But as concernyng these lyghtes thus he putteth forth his example This one thing sayth he I do I forget those thinges which are behinde and endeuour my selfe vnto those thinges whiche are before and accordyng to the marcke appointed I preace to the rewarde of the high callinge of God thorow Christ Iesu. This is therfore our cōforte that he wil not condēne vs that are made the children of light by the grace of god in Christ with the children of this worlde whiche ronne hedlong vnto hell although we be yet weake for asmuche as we alwaies striue and to thuttermost of our power labour to obtaine the rewarde of the high callyng of God For although he might well and worthely reproue vs because we beinge the children of light ronne so slowly in our course Yet he by his grace in forgeuynge vs our synnes doth supply that which lacketh in vs whiche his grace as the wyde heauen is extended ouer all our lyfe so that it lyeth hydde with all her imperfection and poore state vnder his heauen of Gods mercie and grace continually If we stycke fast to this purpose we shall at the lest fynde some frendes there but specially the highest frende of all which is able to geue heauen and euerlastyng saluation euen our Lorde Iesus Christ. And this is the doctrine which is to be learned out of this our gospell euen that we vse iustly and truly the Mammon of iniquitie or the wicked Mammon that is to say our goods and worldly possessions and make vs frendes of them namely that we transpose them vnto the benefites of other vnto the helpinge of such as be in necessitie as this steward maketh him frendes of an other mans goodes But here som doubt and demaunde how this doctrine agreeth with the doctrine of iustification by fayth alone The papistes busye them selues in this place beyonde all reason and expounde it on suche sorte as thoughe euerlastynge lyfe were gotten by workes and that only fayth can not do it seynge Christ saith make ye frendes of wycked Mammon that when ye shal departe they may receaue you into euerlastynge tabernacles Although the Papistes are not worthy to be answered as touchyng this question or any other for they do not nor wyll not accept it whatsoeuer be answered but they go styll forwarde to exercise their tyranny against the truth of gods worde and the faithfull professours of the same yet for theyr sakes in whom there is some good hope of amendment I will answere somwhat to this doubte or question Firste of all the Papistes them selues must nedes graunte that these frendes of whome CHRIST speaketh here are men whiche are conuersant among vs. For otherwise could we geue them nothyng But how shall they geue vs heauen that as yet are not in it them selues And yet this is true that they geue heauen For they are the wordes of Christ which can not be chaunged nor called into question make ye frendes of wycked Mammon saith he that when ye fayle they may receaue you into the euerlasting tabernacles But how this cometh to passe Christ teacheth in the gospel of s. Mathew where he saith that he himself at the last day wil come forth testifie that whatsoeuer we haue done in our life time to his poore members we did it vnto him and that he wil abundantlye recompence it with the reward of euerlasting life not that ye haue deserued the same by our workes but for his promis sake as he saith Come ye blessed of my father possesse the kyngdome whiche was prepared for you from the beginning of the worlde But here is a difference to be made in this question For the right and true frend which is both able also wil geue vs heauen is Christ This is without all paraduenture As for the poore beggers whome we haue holpen with our goods in this worlde they shall not do it But here ryseth an other question whether we by our almose and other good workes are able to deserue heauen and euerlasting lyfe This question is sone answered Paul saith whatsoeuer is not of faith is synne It foloweth therfore that God doth not allowe thee almose of the vnfaithfull again that he will not geue heauen and euerlastynge lyfe for that But they that beleue in Christe and afterwarde declare their fayth by theyr workes their workes please God for their faiths sake and he will also rewarde suche workes in the lyfe to come But yet for all that this doth not herof folowe that euerlasting life is geuen vs for our workes sake For that is annexed only vnto faith as in the gospell he doth oftentimes testifie He that beleueth in me sayth he shall neuer see death I am the waye the truth and the lyfe God deliuered his sonne that all that beleue in him should not perishe but haue euerlasting lyfe This is a true certein and sure solution For Paules sentence is as we heard before Whatsoeuer is not of faith is synne Therfore if any almose shall please god there must nedes be first of all fayth in Christ. That fayth hath euerlasting life folowynge it It obtayneth remission of sinnes and causeth that God aloweth our workes althoughe they be imperfect and not
at hande to helpe the wretched synners and suche as were in daunger of desperation by confortyng teachyng and monishing them Why shoulde I also deny that of my goods I haue geuen large and liberal almes to the poore and to such as were in necessitie These thinges O deuill thou canst not reprehend or disalow Thus may a Christen man iustly and without any offence against God reioyce and triumphe against the deuill for they are not his gyftes whiche we vse But against god of whome we haue all thinges and from whome euery good gyfte and euery perfecte gyfte cometh down may we by no meanes reioyce but towarde hym vse all humilitie and lowlines both of hearte and bodye mekely and with all reuerence confessinge that they be the gyftes of god and that therfore we ought not to boste of them nor to seke oure owne prayse and glory in the exercise of them But alwayes to magnifye the liberalitie of so lyberall a geuer Moreouer our neighbour also is not to be despised but we ought rather to thincke on this maner for asmuche as all these gyftes that I haue are properly gods and all thynges procede and come from him although I haue moe giftes then my neyghbour hath yet god with one worde is able sodenly to make such a change and so to inuerte all things that my neighbour for one vertue shal be more commended of God then I for all that euer I haue as we reade in the gospell of the poore wydowe which did caste into the treasury onelye two mytes where as the riche men did put in greate sommes of money and therfore was she praised of Christe this on this maner Of a trueth I saye vnto you that this poore wydowe hath put in more then they all Why shoulde I then glorye and reioyce Uerily I ought rather to feare for these so many giftes where with GOD endowed me lest I shoulde abuse them vnto the dishonour of god the hinderaunce of my neyghbour and the damnation of my soule We ought alwayes thus to thincke that God geueth gyftes to his creatures according to his good pleasure to one he geueth much to an other lytle And it is possible that he whiche hath but lytle may haue God more mercifull vnto hym then he that hath muche The reason is this He that hath muche shall render an accompte of muche He that hath but lytle his accompte shal be the slenderer But this madde and dotyng proud Phariseye doth the contrary He is not ashamed to saye I am not as other menne no nor yet lyke this Publicane I geue tythes he only polleth pylleth I deceaue noman he spoileth as many as he can To be short The opinion of the Phariseye is of himselfe that he passeth al men and that he is faultie in nothing Contrariwise that the Publicane of al naughts is the worste And that there is not one good qualitie in him But this hipocrite should rather haue said on this maner I pay my tithes faithfully truly I fast do what I can But for al that I dare not trust to any of these my workes For whatsoeuer I haue it is thy gifte O Lord it is possible that this Publicane doth please thee more then I. So would he haue set the Publican before him or at the least iuste by him would haue saide The matter standeth not in this point whether a man hath receaued much or litle but to whome god is most merciful Why then shold I be proud or despise other seing that al things consiste in the mercy of god not in this what gyftes euery mā hath receaued But this doth not the arrogāt proud phariseye but he glorieth and reioiceth of his owne righteousnes when he standeth and praieth before God The wil of Christe therfore is that we should not be proude of our righteousnes as no man also ought to despaire though he be circumuented and deceaued of the deuill and so fall into synne For we all haue one God which stretcheth forth as a garment his mercie vpon vs euen vpon the righteous and synners vpon the learned and vnlearned vpon the riche the poore For he is the god of all Therfore all our glorie ought to be taken awaye from all thinges that we do and onely to be reposed in the mercie of God that by this meanes we al maye humble our selues before the maiestie of God and not haue respect to this whether we haue receaued muche or lytle For god maye be more mercifull to hym that hath but lytle then to hym that hath much In the worlde it is necessarie that there be differences of persones of offices and of gyftes But there is no suche difference of vs before god For seing that he accepteth vs only of fauour there can no man glorie boste and auaunce hymselfe before God We all without exception muste nedes humble our selues that we maye know that although ther be difference among vs in this worlde yet before God we are all one neither is one better then an other He will none otherwise loke vpon him that hath muche then vpon hym that hath lytle that by this meanes we all maye learne to embrace his grace and mercye For all are gods righteous synners riche poore stronge weake c. And whatsoeuer they haue all come of God They haue nothing of themselues but synne Sinne can be to no man cause of pride but rather of humilitie and feare Whatsoeuer goodnes remaineth that is altogether of gods gyfte so that he hath a cause to glory of his giftes and not thou Thy parte and dutie is only to vse the gyftes of god reuerently with thanckes geuing For god by no meanes can abide pride and boasting Again this also is his will when thou felest the fearcenes of thy sinne that thou doste not therfore despayre but rather truste to his mercie and saye If I haue not muche yet haue I god yea and hym a mercifull god Therfore I wil take this in good parte I will looke to my vocation and calling euen with as muche diligence labour and power as god hath geuē me I wil despyse no man I wil not be proude of any thynge that I haue And suche as haue more then I. I will neuer enuie them nor disdaine them For this is ynoughe for me that we all haue one comon God and that god therfore wil not be vnequall because we in this worlde are vnequall Unto this hath Christ respecte when he cōcludeth this parable and sayth He that exalteth hymselfe shal be made lowe But he that humbleth himselfe shal be exalted As though he should saye whē I haue gotten suche sainctes or holy persons that referre all thinges to me howe muche more they humble and abase them selfes so muche the more will I geue them But they that haue and therfore are proude and puffed vp I wil take it from them by lytle and lytle tyll at the last
house But the people that sawe it marueyled and glorified God whiche hath geuen such power vnto men THE EXPOSITION WE ought especiallie to marke out of this gospel the word of grace which god hath communicat and geuen among vs that we might pronounce it amongest our selues Thy synnes are forgeuen thee that we might merueil at it with those that are present here and geue GOD heartie thankes for that he hath geuen man suche power For it is doubtles a great power wher as Christian men may say one to an other brother mine feare not god is merciful vnto thee only beleue the promise whiche I pronounce in the name of Iesu. And so the matter shall be as sure as though that God had pronounced it himselfe Thy sins are forgeuen thee This power began by Christe as we haue heard and afterward remained with vs men and specially with thē that are ministers Howe be it neuerthelesse euery Christian man hath this power when thou felest desperation through sinne to say vnto thee why art thou sorowful I as a Christian man say vnto thee that thou doest wrong to thy selfe For god is not angrie with thee These wordes ought to haue no lesse estimation with him that his greued than if Christe hymselfe had pronounced them out of heauen neyther ought they to be any thyng lesse estemed for the person that pronounceth them For all the effecte consisteth herein that thy hearte shoulde apprehende and beleue the promisse and thinke it to be moste certaine that GOD will be mercifull vnto thee for Christes sake as is the example of this man that was sycke of the palsie Christ doth first adhort this man to fayth be of good confort saith he and doubt not Thy synnes are forgeuen thee As soone as the sycke of the palsie beleued this worde his synnes were without doubt forgeuen hym So doubtelesse do we obtayne remission of our synnes in the congregation when the minister or any other Christian saith vnto thee GOD is not angrie with thee Beware that thou do no wronge to thy selfe For he hath forgeuen thee all thy synnes for Iesus CHRIST his sonnes sake Now is it thy duetie to beleue this promise with all thy heart and rather to suffer all euill and harme than to doubt of it For if thou boubte absolution doth thee no good no althoughe GOD hymselfe with his angell should pronounce it ouer thee For wher as fayth is not there is god reproued as a light vaine person as though it were not true that he promiseth God saue vs from suche vnbeleife and mistrust whiche is the most greuouse sinne How be it the deuil is a very subtill craftesman to brynge vs to this that we might counte God a lyer that is that we shoulde be loth to beleue gods promise But when the heart doth embrace the promise God is glorified with the greatest glorie whiche pleaseth him most For he is affirmed to be true that he can not deceaue although he promise all thinges that are vnpossible Wherfore this pleaseth Christ speciallie in this man and therfore he speaketh so gentilly vnto him my sonne Thou art vexed wyth syckenes the deuill hath endamaged thee with the palsei and God for thy sin hath suffered it so to be done ther ensueth vpon this also a dread and an euill conscience so that thou thynkest that Christ is angrie with thee that thou hast no way to escape For it is naturallie geuen when the punishment of God is on a man to feare dread in conscience but thou must not geue place to this feare Thou must not thynke this that God hath no regard of thee and that thou canste not tell whether he wyll haue mercie on thee or no and that no sinner ought to be brought to GOD al these thoughtes are wycked Thou muste not haue respect to sinne or to the punishement of synne but to that that CHRIST speaketh euen that thy synnes are forgeuen Wherfore the sycke of the palsie must thinke this that althoughe he suffereth the palsei for his sins yet that his sinnes are forgeuen Such a fayth can be hindred neither by the palsei neither by any disease On this wise ought faith and the worde to be ioyned to gether For none of them both can be without the other He that beleueth and hath not the word beleueth as the Turke as the Iew doth They thinke that god is merciful and fauorable But they lacke a promesse For out of Christ god will not be mercifull If any man hath the worde is without faith there also is the worde of no efficacie so that faith and the word are knit to gether with suche a sure knot that they can not be sundered by no meanes A phātasticall person beleueth that the ende of the world shal be within this moneth but this is but a counterfayted faith For it is without the worde The Turke beleueth that he may hope to be saued through Mahomet but it is a lye For ther is no worde for the profe therof The Pope beleueth that Christiās may get righteousnes and saluation by their owne workes but this is a fayned faith For there is no such worde or promesse So is it possible that there should be a fayth but because there is no worde therfore can it not be a true fayth But we Christians lacke not the worde For we haue the pure and syncere worde But we fele a want in our fayth In that we can not so beleue the word as we ought This doth the deuill and original sinne worke in vs and withdraweth vs from the word vnto lies For all we are naturallie borne with this sin that we are glad to geue credence to lies Wherfore it is a hard pece of worke to shake of this vnbeleife although we haue this worde present For the fleshe and the deuil withdraweth vs alwaye from the word For cōsider thou this with thy selfe if I could trulye and perfectly beleue this which Christe speaketh here to the sycke of the palsie and also that that is spoken to euery one of vs in baptisme In absolution also in common sermons how that ther is no wrath of God to be feared no indignation lefte to be dreadded thinkest thou not that it would be an excedyng ioye vnto me and that all thinges shoulde seme full of ioy and pleasure But for as much as we do not so it is a sure token that the olde man and the deuil do all that they can continually to hinder our faith Wherfore thinke this for a suretie that both of them be necessarie First the worde must be heard thē must it also be beleued that without al doubting as much as is possible and after al this must all those thinges be hoped for which the gospell promiseth that are necessarie either for the spiritual or for the temporall lyfe And they that haue no worde may easelie beleue The reason is Because
as he canne and saythe CHRIST dyed for me therfore am I free frome synne and I canne not dye neyther hathe death nor synne any power vppon me For Christe hathe made satisfaction for all thynges that I shod pay This is true faith neither is it possible that he should be deceaued of this hope that sticketh to the word on this wise This is true it is not yet sene or felte but yet it is trewe and the tyme shall surely comme whenne it shal be opened The ruler dyd euen so and sticked surely to the woorde He perceyued not the thynge but because he beleued the woorde hys seruauntes come on the nexte daye with ioyefull tydynges that hys sonne was alyue At lengthe also he seeth it wyth hys eyes Then is Faithe no longer requisite it is come to passe as he beleued Thus is it wyth vs also We haue remission of oure synnes and euerlastynge lyfe We heare the Gospel we beleue the absolution we vse the supper of the Lorde yet do we styll fele always deathe and synne neyther can wee remoue thys sence and feelynge frome vs whyle we lyue in thys lyfe But yet beleue thou the word neuertheles For so must we also wholly beleue gods word without signes and vse the condition of Paule that is to lyue content with Gods grace We must beleue the worde although it is not our chaunce to see with Thomas But we shall see when the tyme shal come wyth thys Ruler that as we beleued the Remyssion of synnes and euerlastyng lyfe by the woorde euen soo shall wee haue it in deede in euerlastynge ryghteousnesse and lyfe As long as we lyue here we muste be content wyth the word and beleue it After thys lyfe we shall feele it and haue it in dede The whyche thyng God our mercifull Father graunt for his sonne Iesus Christes sake thorough his holye spirite Amen The .xxii Sonday after Trinitie Sonday ¶ The Gospell Math. xviii PEter sayd vnto Iesus Lorde howe oft shall I forgeue my brother if he sinne agaynst me tyll seuen times Iesus sayethe vnto hym I saye not vnto the vntyll seuen tymes but seuentie times seuen tymes Therefore is the kyngedome of heauen lykenede vnto a certayne man that was akynge whiche woulde take accoumptes of his seruauntes And when he had begon to recken one was brought vnto hym whiche ought hym ten thousande talentes But forasmuche as he was not hable to paye his Lorde commaunded hym to be solde and his wyfe and chyldren and all that he had and payment to be made The seruaunt fell downe and besought him saying Sir haue pacience with me and I wyll paye the all Then had the Lorde pitie on that seruaunte and losed hym and forgaue hym the debt So the same seruaunte wente out and founde one of his felowes which ought hym an hundred pence and he layd handes on him toke hym by the throate saying paye that thou owest And his felowe fell downe and besought hym saying haue pacience with me and I wyll paye the all And he woulde not but wente and caste hym into pryson tyll he shoulde pay the debt So when his felowes sawe what was done they were very sory and came and tolde vnto theyr Lorde all that hadd happened Then his Lorde called hym and sayde vnto hym O thou vngracious seruaunte I forgaue the all that debt when thou desiredst me shouldest not thou also haue had compassion on thy felowe euen as I had pitie on thee And his Lorde was wroth and delyuered hym to the Iaylers tyll he shoulde pay all that was due vnto him So like wise shall my heauenlye father do also vnto you yf ye from your heartes forgeue not euery one his brother theyr trespasses THE EXPOSITION YE heare in the very begynnynge what is the summe of this Gospell When Peter asketh of Christe what was nedefull to be done when his brother synned againste hym and howe often hee shoulde forgeue hym whether seuen tymes were inough Christ aunswereth Not seuen tymes but seuentie tymes seuen tymes That is the forgeuyng of synnes amongest Christians ought to bee withoute measure and ende and they must pardon one an others synnes and beware of reuengyng For that belongeth only to God whose maiestie ought not to bee violated neyther hys iurisdiction to be broken As the parable also sheweth it in order And we afterwarde wyll gather togyther the causes and declare theim But here muste we especially marke howe Christe saieth That the kyngdome of God is lyke a kynge whiche purposeth to make a reckenynge and accompt with his seruantes For this commaundement as touching remission of sinne is not to be applied to the gouernance of a comminaltie where as are seuerall offices and diuersities of persons therfore all thynges there consist in the varieties of rulynge and obeyeng that licence may not be geuen to the lustes and vices of men but that a discipline and honest order maye be hadde for the restraynynge of the lewde and wicked Wherefore it is not ment that parentes should geue theyr chylderne all lycencious libertie They ought to vse a certayne kynde of reuengyng and by no meanes to couete and desyre the name of facilitie and gentylnesse Lykewise is it also with the maysters ouer their houshold seruauntes and with maiestrates and officers Let all them knowe that they are appointed certainly to reuenge For thys is the worldes faulte that it is the worse for libertie as it appereth by wyld children that wyll not obey theyr parentes vntyll at length they come to hangyng Wherfore this commandement is not to be vsed in a common welth but in the kyngdom of God where all we are equall and are subiecte but onely to God whiche is the head of the lyfe of vs all He calleth the kyngdom of God not only the lyfe that is after this but the holy churche in this lyfe wher as God by hys word and by his holy spirite hath the gouernance In thys churche thou must obserue this trade if it be not thy peculiar office to reuenge synne that there may alway be pardonyng one an other and no reuengynge that al things may be done toward thy neighbor with mercy gentlenes whersoeuer he hath nede althoughe by reason we might seme to haue a iust cause to do the cōtrarie Why Christ requireth this he sheweth sure causes in the parable of the two seruants and of the king The first is that Christ requireth that the christians should thynk with themselues howe great mercie God hathe shewed vnto them which also if he would deale extremely with vs had many and great causes to be reuenged of vs and to vexe vs with moste greuous euyls But seyng that we obteined mercy without our desert we must shew mercy and gentlenes to our neighbor And this must be obserued with great diligence For by this Christ declareth what is the true way to obteyn remission of synne and sheweth vs to our selues
A similitude The sluggishnes of christeans An example of acouetous man Note well Pro. 19. Preachers must do their duties in preachinge wh●ther the people amende or not Marke well Wee oughte daylye to encrease in the waye of godlynes more and more Phil. 3. Phil. 2. Rom. 8. We ought liberally to geue vnto the poore Papistes abuse the scriptures of god Note this reason Math. 25. Whyther by oure good workes wee deserue heauen Rom. 4. Iohn 11. Iohn 14. Iohn 3. Rom. 14. Faythe Rom. 8.12 Cor. 12. 2. Timoth. 2. Heb. 12. Rom. 4. Scriptures oughte to be conferred An aunswere to the quistiō of the iustification of good workes Galat. 16. An example of gods wrath agenst the despisers of his worde The dispysyng of gods worde is a most horrible synne Ierusalem Let vs repent betymes Rom. 11. At what tym Ierusalem was destroyed and with howe greate a multi●ud● Why god differrethe hys plages Rom. 2. 2. Pet. 3. Note well It is a moste greu●us synn to dispise the worde of god Repente O England and amende Iere. 9. Ioan. 8. Psal. 109. Parētes and householders The plage is certen and yet hydde from the wycked The delaye of punyshement hur●eth greatly in common wealthes A sentence ●or●hy to be remembred 2. Pet. 3. Gods plages differrede are the more greuous Plinius lib. 5. cap. 14. Pro. 10. Osee. 5. Synne Securitie destroyeth the citie Remember this O Englande and beware betyms The seconde parte of the gospellr The priestes sought not the glorye of god but theyr owne gaynes Masse Note Osee. 6. The false doctrine of the Iewishe priestes Humilitie Phariseys Publicanes Christes iudgement of the phariseye and of the publicane two greuous synnes in the phariseye To despysed ther is a great synne Pride abhorred of god Iob. 4. Esa. 14. 2. Pet. 2. Gene. 3. vayne glorye or pride corruptethe all good workes 1. Pet. 5. Iac. 4. Luke 18. What the christen humilitie is Rom. 12. The publican an example of true humilitie 1. Cor. 4. Luke 12. All our glory ought to be in god alone Howe gods gyftes are to be vsed Christe alone is the sauiour The deuyl is the author of all euyll An whole and healthefull bodye is the gyfte of god Why god fulfrethe the deuyll to hurte vs. Ephe. 6. 2. Cor. 4. 1. timoth. 2. Note well God helpethe vs agaynste the deuyll by hys sonne 1. Iohn 3. Gen. 3. Christen men must haue theyr eares opened and theyr tonges losened Rom. 1.10 Iacob 1. Gladly to heare the worde of god is the gyfte of god The papistes are both deaff and dumme God openeth our eares by hys worde Rom. 10. We muste bothe beleue and confesse the worde Why Christ vsed so many circumstāces in restoryng thys man to hys healthe Iohn 11. Math. 9. Note thys well Math. 17. Mat. 28. Marc. 16. Luc. 10· Act. 4.5 Disobediente children and seruauntes Disobediente subiectes The vnreuerent handling of the spirituall ministers in these our dayes The wycked worlde heareth gladlyer Robyn Hood then the word of god Psal. 109. Iohn 3. O Englande take hede be tymes and saye not but thou art warned Why christe lokethe vp to heauen and mournethe God is to be praysed for hys gyftes The word of god is christes fynger and spettle The fyrste parte of the gospell The worlde despyseth the gospell of christe Note well They are most miserable whiche haue not the knowlege of the gospell 1. Iohn 5. What maner of men the gospell makethe The opinion of holines puffethe men vp with pride and makethe the vnmercifull The laweyer What it is to loue god Exod. 20. To loue god is to kepe his commaundementes Iohn 14. Malach. 3. Matth. 10. Luc. ●0 To loue god is to loue thy neyghbour The vnkindenes of the worlde The samaritans loue towardes god God is euery where and in all places a lyke present Rom. Gal. Iobn Fayth obtayneth all thingges He that beleueth not obtayneth nothing Iac. 1. Heb. 1. An apte similitude The seconde doctrine of vnkindnes Unkindnes is the greatest synne The maner of the Monasteries Psal. 116. The world is most vnkynde to god The actes of certayne Gretians Pro. 25. Rom. 1● Math. 5. We muste learne to be kynd of god The nature of Christen charitie The vnthankfull shall not escape vnpunished The whole worlde is set on couetousnes This sermon appertayneth to householders and to preachers ▪ What it is to serue What it is to serue god All gods seruice is cōtrary in the worde ▪ What the true seruice of god is Gen. ● Psal. 45. Pro. 1. Nowe couetousnes maye be auoyded Psal. 59. The fable of Midas Psal. 47. Gods blessing and not care maketh men ryche Not laboure but carefulnes is forbydden Laboure and fayth must go together He that despiseth the word of god despyseth god hym selfe Not idlenes but labour becomethe a christian Ryotus persons Prodigalitie and idlenes forbydden Note we●● the●e ●yue poyntes A comfort agaynst deathe by Christe Christ is the lorde of death We must not feare death Iohn ●1 The deathe of Christen men is a swete and quiet sleape Iohn 5. Pytie or compassion Charitie issuethe out of faythe Rom. 12. Too sortes of compassion pitie Spirituall pitie reprouethe synne Apte and very proper similitudes Folyshe petie marrethe the citie A good lesson for maiestrates To punishe the wycked is greate 〈◊〉 and mercie What is the sanctifyeng of the Saboth Heare and do 1. Iohn 3. What it is to sanctifye the Sabbothe Osee. 6. To a Christian euery daye is the sabboth The seconde part intreateth of humilitie 1. Pet. 5. 1 Pet. 5. Psal. 113. Saull Dauid God can not abyde pride What it is to be perfect The blyndnes of seruing god in the papecie What it is to serue God Math. 2● Monkery is against charitie and the true seruice of god Math. 25. Math. 25. The benefite done to oure neyghboure on earthe is done to god in heauen Why god geuethe vs hys gyftes and to what ende Too knowe christe is most necessari vnto saluacion The knoweledge of the lawe sufficeth not vnto sal●●cion Psal. 110. 1. Cor. 15 ▪ The lawe Phil ▪ ● Iohn 1. Rom. 3. ● 7 Psal. 51. Deathe ▪ Christ Lorde ouer deathe Math. 11. No man can loue god except he knowethe Christe Iohn 3. Rom. 8. Man hath power to forgeue sinnnes The worde and faythe muste be ioyned together Gods mercie is to be found in Christe alone Note well With out the worde it is an easye thing to beleue lyes What things are to be learned of this gospell God alone forgeueth synne The Minister certifyethe the conscience ther of by the worde Math. 28. Marc. 16. Luke 4. Math. 5. Math· 18. Iohn 20. Of the water of Baptisme Note Fayth an the worde are both the gifts of god In the true churche of Christe is remission of synnes and no where ells Math. 18. Numer 22. Contricion The propertie of the palseye Note well What the kyngdome of heauen signifyethe The longe
sufferinge of god The cōtempt of gods worde is the greatest synne that is Note and take hede Iohn 3. The Easte churches Causes that oughte to moue vs to heare Gods worde Pro. 1. Note No hipocrite can hyde him selfe from the face of god Act. 18. The power of gods word Rom 1· Iac. 1. Why christe was sent into thys worlde Of the christē Faythe Rom. 3. Abacuc 2. Luc. 7. What the true fayth is Math. 12. 4. Reg. 16 Esa. 7. The nature of Faythe Math. 6. Luc. 17. Where the worde is not ther can be no Faythe Iohn 8. Iohn 1. Note Rom. 6. Marc. 16. The wordes of absolucion Rom. 4. What faythe is Iohn 2● ▪ Christians must forgeue and not reuenge Deut. 32. Rom. 12. Heb. ●0 The worlde is the worse for libertie What the kyngdome of god is What a talente was in tymes paste Oure synnes are innumerable Psal. 51. Iohn 3. Ephe. 2. Rom. 6. Gen. 2. Rom. ● Synne with all humilitie muste be confessed and mercye craued God by no meanes can abyde anye Iusticiaries In daunger we seke all meanes to escape trouble Rom. 3.5.7 We oughte to be such to our neyghboures as god is to vs. Of gods mercie only muste we loke for remission of our synnes What we ought to think of god in the myddeste of our synnes Ezech. 33. Ezech. ●8 The lawe Psal. 103. Gen. 3. Esa. 43 Deut. 32. Rom. 2. Heb. 10. Pro. 11. Math. 6. Prayer A conditional promese made to the Iewes The cause of rebellion amonge the Iewes We wold also haue heauen but we do nothing worthie of heauen Seruauntes Why the phariseis and herodians came to christ Note the subtiltie of the aduersaries There is no wisdome no forcast no coūcell that can preuaile against the lord saythe Salomon Pro. 21. Twoo thinges are to be learned of this historie In all miseries our sinns agaynste God are to be considered The miserable face of the comon weale of the Iewes The right is claymede the condicion is forgotten Note and practise Maiestrates Preachers The wickednes of the common people against their Pastours Math. 10. Luc. 10. ● Cor. 9. Deut. 2● Math. 10. Luc. 10. Galat. 9. 1. timoth. 5. Deut. 25. Luc. 10. God wyll reuenge the cause of the spiritual pastours Be holde the Parishioners and beware Gene. 9. Oure synnes are the occasion of all our 〈◊〉 The papistes Tit. 1. Ciuile regiment is approued of god Rom. 13. 1. Pet. 2. The temporall Magistrate maye not trouble the kyngdome of Christe Rulers commandyng agenst god are no● to be obeyed Note well Act. 5. Subiectes maye not rebell agenste theyr Rulers be they neuer so wycked God is more to be obeyed then man Math. 10. Cesar what it signifieth in thys our gospell Apoc. 20. Note well What is Cesars O tiranny The doctrine of the papistes The receauynge of the Sacramente vnder bothe kyndes Math. 16. 1. Cor. ●● Sedicion agaynste the Magistrate neuer escapeth vnpunyshed A christen magistrate ought to kepe a measure in his exactions For the defene of theyr contreye all men oughte to bestowe bothe lyues and goodes Psalme 12. Marc. 11. Marc. 5. How the woman touched Christe From christ alone muste we looke for all healpe in oure aduersitie The force of faythe Rom. ●4 Luc. 8. Reason can not comprehend the mastereis of god with Christen eies must wee consider all thinges Note ●ath 21. Exod. 3. Marc. 16. Mat● 26. 1. Cor. 113 Iohn 8 ▪ Belly care is a g●eat enemy to religion All care of lyuinge is to be cast on christ Math. 6. Iohn 6. Exod. 20. Math. 6. Sentences concerninge gods prouidence Psal. 3.3 Psal. 34. Psal. 55. Psal. 105. Psal. 4.5 Psal. 146. Pro. 10. Eccle. 1● Tobi. 4. Phil. 4. ● timoth. 6. 1. Pet. ● ●ohn 14. Examples ●xod 6. 3. Reg. 17. Dani. 14. Iohn 2· Iohn 6. Math. 15. Marc. 8. Iere. 5. Psal. 37. Psal. 107. Iosue 1. Heb. 13. 4. Reg. 4. Eccle. 11. Labour is not forbidden but gredy carefulnes 1. timoth. 6. Couet●snes 1. timoth. 6. Faythe ●ere 6. 〈◊〉 8. Pro. 10. The true wa● to waxe riche Pro. 28. Marc. 8. 1. Cor. 10. 4. Reg ... Apo 20.