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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A05312 An herbal for the Bible Containing a plaine and familiar exposition of such similitudes, parables, and metaphors, both in the olde Testament and the newe, as are borrowed and taken from herbs, plants, trees, fruits and simples, by obseruation of their vertues, qualities, natures, properties, operations, and effects: and by the holie prophets, sacred writers, Christ himselfe, and his blessed Apostles vsually alledged, and into their heauenly oracles, for the better beautifieng and plainer opening of the same, profitably inserted. Drawen into English by Thomas Newton.; Herbarum atque arborum quæ in Bibliis passim obviæ sunt. English Lemnius, Levinus, 1505-1568.; Newton, Thomas, 1542?-1607. 1587 (1587) STC 15454; ESTC S108475 134,297 304

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that Wherefore if any aduersitie surprize vs if any trouble assaile vs if sicknes attach vs if calamities plagues or other encumbrances of this life infest and follow vs let vs be perswaded that all these things are sent to vs from God as meanes to worke in vs repentance of our former wickednes whereby we may flee to him for succor comfort and releefe in whom onely consisteth and dependeth our whole hope entire affiance and perfect saluation On the other side if all thinges go well with vs and according to our harts desire if wealth encrease if riches abound if lands liuing and reuenewes honors dignities offices goods and cattels be multiplied and heaped vpon vs if health strength courage lustines and soundnes of bodie be giuen vnto vs let vs meekely and humbly acknowledge from whom all these do flow and let vs be vndoubtedly perswaded that all things aswell in time of prosperitie as of aduersitie come vnto vs by his diuine ordinance decree direction and appointment And this doth he not onely most notablie declare and signifie where he putteth Cyrus the king of Persia in remembrance of his duty by acknowledging how that by the power and might of God and for the Iewes sake his chosen people all things went luckilie and prosperouslie forward with him and nations were subdued brought in subiection vnder him but also thereby he testified vnto all men in generall that God is Almightie and able to bring al things to passe whensoeuer and which way soeuer he pleaseth which might and power as in other places he setteth out right diuinely so specially namely in the Prophet Isaiah he most liuely and pithilie setteth the same downe where he saith thus I am the Lord and there is none other there is no God besides me I forme the light and create darknes I make peace and create euill I the Lord do all these things Whereby he meaneth that prosperous successe is his heauenly gift and that losses hinderances aduersities spoile pestilence hunger war and such like be sent of him as punishments and reuengements of our wicked life and heinous transgressions For hee it is that so strengtheneth such as faithfully depende on him and vnfainedly leane vnto his protection that they liue a good a quiet a peaceable life Contrarily such as wallow in the filthie puddle and swinish mire of lewd behauiour and carelesse dealings shall taste of the whip of his ire and bee plagued with greeuous punishments according to their euill demerits The Lord appointed the office and function of an husbandman vnto Ieremiah also whose mouth he touched with his hand saieng Behold I haue put my words in thy mouth Behold this day haue I set thee ouer the nations and ouer the kingdoms to plucke vp and to roote out and to destroy and throwe downe to builde and to plant Whereby he meaneth that he being fortified and armed with the power of his word should haue strength to pull vp Sinne by the rootes to weede out errors to grub out of the minds and consciences of men their outragious dissolute and enormious affections and in steede thereof to plant in them the seede of godlinesse to instill into their harts the wholsome doctrine of faith and entirely to inflame them with an vnfained loue toward the true and liuing God The like Argument doth our Sauiour Christ handle where he taketh a Similitude from the vine and his Branches saieng I am the true Vine and my father is an Husbandman Euerie Branch that beareth not fruit in me that is that sheweth not foorth his faith by the works of loue he taketh away and cutteth downe as vnprofitable spray fit for nothing but for the fire but euerie Branch that beareth fruit he purgeth lopping and shredding away all vicious corrupt and naughtie affections that it may bring foorth more fruit Not vnlike vnto this is that excellent Similitude which the Apostle vseth concerning the graffing in of the wilde Oliue tree into the true and right Oliue and of the breaking off of the boughes and branches from the naturall Oliue Whereby he meaneth none other thing but that some were fallen from their happie estate of glorious saluation and that others were chosen and receiued into the number of the faithful not for any desert of theirs at al but onely by the meere fauor singular mercie and free grace of God Which benefit vnlesse they thankfully acknowledge dutifully remember and constantly persist in faith he pronounceth that they shall be cut off againe and for their ingratitude reiected from the fellowship of God and that those shall be againe receiued and regraffed in if they abide not in vnbeleefe but by hartie repentance call vnto God for mercie loath and detest their former sinnes and wicked life seeke health imbrace truth and faithfully beleeue in God whom afore they had forsaken By this meanes the Lord partly beateth downe the insolent pride and hawtie arrogancie of vaine-glorious persons least any man should either be puffed vp with a vaine persuasion of his holines or flattering himselfe in his owne peeuish conceit should loftily contemne or disdainfully insult vpon the miseries and calamities of others And partly heereby he cherisheth and nourisheth an hope in them that being now alienated and estranged frō God shall be graffed in againe and eftsoones receiued into the felowship and companie of the faithfull The 14. Chapter Of the Lentiske or Masticke tree called in Greek Schinos and of the Prime tree called Ilex WHAT time as the vertuous and chaste woman Susanna was publikelie charged and iudicially arraigned vpon surmise of incontinencie and adulterous life through the cankered suggestion and false accusation of two craftie old Lechours that burned in lust towardes hir Daniel being then but a yoong childe and raised vp of the Lord to examine and sifte out the bloodie treacherie intended against hir by his wise and heauenly policie searched out the bottome of the matter boulted out the truth discussed the cause and finally deliuered the innocent Ladie both from the present danger of death and also from all maner suspition of crime and filthines For when as she was led foorth to be put to death being faultlesse and guiltlesse committing and referring both hir self and hir cause vnto God Daniell by the motion of the Spirite of the Lorde lifted vp his voice and cried aloud protesting himselfe to be cleere and free from the bloode of that chaste woman who was there and then most wrongfully without desert adiudged to die willing them to enquire further of the matter and more narrowly to search out the circumstances of such an horrible practise Whereupon the Elders and Counsailours being a new assembled and the matter being againe before the whole audience of the people with aduised deliberation brought into question Daniel caused the two Accusers to be put aside and kept a sunder the one from the other Which done hee first called foorth the one and
fruite afore Sommer For as rath ripe fruits and Apples are not long lasting nor of any great continuaunce so likewise shall not their felicitie continue in any long prosperitie Nahum the Prophet likewise by the same Similitude sheweth that there is nothing in the world so braue gallant beautifull and amiable but that God can and will destroy and bring it to nothing when his wrath is kindled against the obstinate and wicked insomuch that all the flowers and buds that is the pompe and glorie of huffing Roysters be with a trice dispatched dispersed defeated and adnihilated which in these words he setteth downe and describeth Basan is wasted and Carmel and the flower of Lebanon is wasted that is all the power and strength is decaied and all the brauerie brought to nothing After flowers are the Fruits and Seedes next to be spoken of whereof for that there be thence Similitudes vsually fetched and borrowed wee must note this by the way That Seede as also the Fruit in the Scriptures is taken for the tribe kindred stocke pedagrew and ofspring from whence a man is issued and descended the which God in his word promiseth to blesse with all welfare and prosperitie in those that folow his lawes and obserue his commandements As the Prophet Dauid in one of his Psalmes witnesseth saieng I haue beene yoong and now am old and yet saw I neuer the righteous forsaken nor his seede begging their bread His seede shall be blessed and the righteous shall inherite the land as for the seede of the vngodlie it shall perish and be rooted out So Eliphaz one of Iob his friends that came to reason with him and to comfort him commendeth the chastisement of the Lord proouing the same to be very beneficial and profitable for man for that thereby hee is taught and schooled to submit himselfe vnder his mightie hand and thankfully to receiue his fatherlie correction being certainly persuaded that the same is sent vnto him for his amendement to trie his constancie and patience and thereby therefore doth man receiue singular blessing and commoditie Thou shalt see saith he that thy seede shall be great thy posteritie as the grasse of the earth Thou shalt go to thy graue in a full age as a ricke of corne commeth in due season into the barne that is thou shalt as a man of noble calling and high parentage be honorably buried with a great assemblie of Nobles solemnizing thy funerals Againe for that both herbs and trees doe beare and bring foorth seede which afterward produceth the like plant according to his kinde and so from one to another infinitely therefore the holy Prophets doe also vse it for the garnishing and illustrating of their Arguments and Sermons Seede therfore signifieth successe increase plentie foison and abundance As in the Prophet Isaiah we may euidently see where the Lord promiseth to al them that trust in him and imbrace his lawes all felicitie successe and abundance The Lord saith he shall giue raine to thy Seede when thou shalt sow the ground and bread of the increase of the earth which shall be fat and very plentious In that day also shall thy cattell be fed in large pastures The Oxen also and the yoong Asses that till the ground shal eate cleane prouender which is winnowed with the shouell and the fanne Signifieng that his worldly wealth and temporal goods should be maruellously increased and all things should prosper according to his harts desire The same reason is for the Fruit for in the Bible the Fruits of herbs and trees doe betoken and signifie plentie abundance fertilitie blessednes prosperitie works good and euill scarcitie dearth penurie iustice integritie wickednes impietie loosenes dishonestie and lewd maners which are also signified vnder the name of Corne or Graine So the Prophet Hosea exhorting men going astray and forgetting themselues to vertue integrity of life and righteous dealing saith thus Sowe to your selues in righteousnes and reape after the measure of mercie Breake vp your fallow ground for it is time to seeke the Lord. In which words he counselleth and aduiseth them to forsake their woonted maner of life and to liue in such sort as may be acceptable and pleasant to God For hitherto saith he you haue plowed wickednes you haue reaped iniquitie you haue eaten the fruite of lies By the which metaphore he sheweth how that they practised nothing else than fraud quarrels wrangling suttletie falsehoode deceite and how to entrap circumuent vndermine deceiue and oppresse the innocent Now heer therefore he admonisheth them to leaue their filthy practizes and to plucke vp by the roots all the wicked weedes and noisome tares out of their harts and in lieu thereof to sow in the furrowes of a pure conscience honest and Christian dealing mildenes lenitie curtesie righteousnesse and true neighbourhood The selfe same thing doth the Lorde likewise by his Prophet Ieremie earnestly command and strictly enioine saieng Breake vp your fallow ground and sow not among the thornes that is see that your harts be manured and garnished with the godly seedes of integritie righteousnes innocencie and goodnes hauing the thornes and briers of wickednes quite plucked vp by the rootes And this is further manifestly witnessed by the Prophet Isaiah where as the Lorde by a most notable kind of consolation assureth the minde and conscience of the godly that he shall not misse to obtaine saluation For thus proclaimeth he safegard and health vnto them in their great afflictions and almost desperate troubles Say to the righteous that it shall go well with them for they shall eate the fruite of their workes and studies Assuring him thereby of assistance and willing him to bee of good comfort and cheere bicause in the extremitie of famine or war when others shall be surprized in calamities and afflictions he shall quietly and safely enioy the thinges which he hath receiued from the Lord God by the worke and trauell of his owne hands But wo be vnto the wicked saith he for it shall be euill with him and the reward of his owne handes shall be giuen vnto him But Fruite is also sometimes taken in the Scriptures for children issue and posteritie which the princely Prophet Dauid testisieth to be an especiall blessing of God as by his words it plainly appeereth Behold saith he children and the fruite of the wombe are an heritage and gift that commeth of the Lord. Againe where God vnder the name of Dauid pronounceth that the kingdome of Christ shall be euerlasting The Lord saith he hath sworne in truth vnto Dauid and he will not shrinke from it saieng of the fruite of thy bodie will I set vpon thy throne There will I make the horne of Dauid to florish For I haue ordained a light for mine annointed As for his enimies I wil cloth them with shame but on him shall his crowne florish In which words he meruellously aduaunceth the honor
strength and maiestie of his empire which should far and wide be extended And vnder the type and person of Dauid he signifieth how the kingdome of Christ our Sauiour which is spiritual his church which is the congregation of the faithfull shall neuer be quite ouerthrowne and oppressed nor with any length of yeeres or iniquitie of time abolished although the enimies thereof neuer so fiercely rage against it and bloody persecutors maligning deadly hating the light of the Gospell and the doctrine of saluation seeke all meanes in the world to deface and quench it And to this effect is that sweete and comfortable saieng of our Sauiour Christ himselfe touching a firme and vnmooueable faith and vnexpugnable profession of his name promising that The gates of hell shall not preuaile against it For whosoeuer is surely ankored vppon this sounde and vnmooueable foundation standeth fast and needeth not to feare any harme to betide him but is sure to be protected and guarded from all maner of mischiefe whatsoeuer And this thing Christ also in another place witnesseth by bringing in a Similitude of a Wiseman that Builded his house not vpon the sand but on a sure rocke so that although the raine fall the floods come and the winds blow and beate vpon that house yet falleth it not bicause it is surely grounded vpon a Rocke By which Similitude he signifieth that such as haue a ●ounde and liuely faith and testifie the same in their liues and conuersation haue their consciences inuincibly armed against all stormes and tempests that daily and howerly assaile ech true Christian This assurance and safetie which all they doe enioy that constantly repose themselues vpon the mercies of God by faith and wholy referre themselues vnto his diuine wil and protection is notably also described and set out by the Prophet Dauid in his 91. Psalme Wherein he pronounceth safety and protection from all perils and mishaps that may any waies betide him namely from the noisome pestilence and plague and from any other danger whatsoeuer as well priuie as apert by night as by day All which commeth to passe for that hee resteth vnder the defence of the most High and dwelleth vnder the shadowe of the Almightie and being couered vnder his wings and protected vnder his feathers it is vnpossible that he should in anie wise miscarrie Thomas Newtonus Cestreshyrius FINIS The Table A AArons rod 244 Abrecocks 215 Agalochum vide Lignum Aloes Almond tree 233 Aloe 122. 193 All hope in the Lord alone 40 Ambregrice 122 Ammoniack 122 Angerona 226 Anyse 169. 204 Antiochus 176. 180 Apples 214 B BAal Paeor the same that Priâpus 113. 163 Babylon 137 Bacchus feast 176 Balme 123. 127 Baptisme 28 Barlie 74 Bastards 275 Beech 218. 248 Benzewin 122 Berberies 71 Bough 274 Boxe tree 197. 204 Borith 56. 59. 60. 62 Branch 269. 275 Broome 130 Bubble of water 161 Bud 259. 267 Burre 228 C CAmphyre 193 Capers 237. 240 Cassia 122 Cedar tree 127. 222. 250 Cherries 179. 216 Chaffe 156. 26● Cockle 226 Coloquintida 47 Condisi vide Borith Corne 283 Crimsin 62. 64 Crocomagma 194 Crowtoes vide Hyacynth Cucumber 161 Cummine 74. 169 Cinamome 193 Cypresse tree 127. 190. 222 Cyrus king of Persia 80 Cytron 179. 189. 215 D DIamoron 179 Damsons 179. 216 Daniell the Prophet 83 Darnell vide Cockle Date tree vide Palme tree E EGlantine 221 Elephantes 180 Elme tree 197. ●18 F FEnell 204 Fig tree 111. 112. 259 Fir tree 205. 250 Fi●ches 75 Flaxe 154 Flower 278 Frankincense 122. 193 Fruite 283 Fruits of the spirite 55 Fullers weede 56. 60. 62 Furze 67 G GAll 103. 105 Garlicke 162 Gilead a Sanctuary 136 Gith 72. 73. 227 Githago 227 Gourd 164 175 177 Graffe ●61 Graine to die silke with all c. 62. 67 Grasse 178 G●iacum vide Hebenus H HArpocrates 226 Hasting fruite 216 Haie 278 Heath 130 Hebenus 120 Hortensius his delite in the Plane tree 249 Hyacinth an herbe 88. 90. A precious stone 90. 93 Hysope 146. 230 I IDolatrie resembled to whooredome 66. 93 Iuniper 164 Iuie 174 Iuorie 121 K KIngs studious of Physicke 1 Kingdome of Christ 262 L LArch tree 205 Leekes 162 Lentiske tree 83. 85 Letuce 27. 177 Lignum Aloes 123 Lignum Indicum 206 Lillie 173. 2●3 264 Lymons 179 Lynden tree 248 Lycurgus law for secrecie 225 M MAndrake 10. much paltry vsed therewith ibid. his nature 13. the time when it is gathered 16 Manna 23. 25. 26 Maple 218 Masticke 83. 85 Maidenhaire 148 Mault 48. 74 Meale 48 Medlars 215 Melanthion vide Gith Millet 75 Mint 169 Misselto 87 Mulberie tree 178 Muske 122 Mushromes 15 Mustardseede 171. 182 Myrtle wyne 194 Myrtle tree 194. 199. 22● Myrrhe 121. 19● Mythridate 2 N NEbuchadnezzar 25● Nettles 166. 197 Nigella vide Gith Nitre 58 Nut 211 O OKe 217 Oliue 34. 82. 260. 274 Oliue beries 37 Oliue the ensigne of peace 34 Oile 34. 35. 36. 134 Onions 162 Oppressors wherevnto compared 67. 69. 70 Orenges 179. 189. 215 P PAliurus 67 Palma Christi 247 Palme 232 Palme tree the ensigne of victorie 34. 115. 116 Paper rush 96 Paschall lambe eaten with sower herbes 30 Passeouer 30 Peaches 179. 215. 233 Peares 215 Pepons 177 Pine Apple 202 Pine tree 201 Plane tree 247. 250 Plant 267 Plums 216 Pomegranates 179. 186. 215 Potion consolidatiue 37 Prime tree 83. 85. 87 Prophets most skilfull Herbarists 6 Pseudomyrtus 201 Purple 62. 63. 89 Purselane 177 Q Quinces 215 R REbellion punished 244 Reede 149 Rhamnus or Christs thorne 43 Rhodopharmacum 220 Rocke 286 Roote 263. 274 Rose 220 Rosen 132 Rosemarie 230 Rue 169 Rushes 94. 98 S SAcraments why ordeined 28 Saffron 192 Saliunca 53 Sedge 94. 98 Seede 282 Shittim wood 190 Shrubbe 259 Slips 259 Solomon a most skilfull Herbarist 3 Sommer fruit 216 Sope woort 56. 60. 62 Sope 60. 61 Spikenard 193 Spondyles of the backe 241 Stacte 122 Strawe 156 Struthion vide Borith Stubble 155. 199. ●78 Sucket 190 Superstition odious 59 Supper of the Lord 28 Sycomore 181 T Tale carriers 224 Tamariske 130 Terebinth tree 124 Thistles 106 Thorne 43. 67. 69. 106. 108. 197 Timber 278 Tow 157 Trichomanes 148 Turpentine 124 Twigge 259 V Vine 108. 138. 213. 271 W WAlnut 212. 246 Wardens 215 Wedlocke 225 Wheate 75 Wilde fig tree 181 Wilde myrt 200 Wilde vine 166 Willow 49. why the Iewes hanged their Harpes thereon 50. 51. 52 Wicked ouertaken in the midst of their pride 38. 45. 97. Wine 35. 134 Winter fruite 215 Workes of the flesh 55 Woormewood 100. 101. 102. 103. 105 X Xerxes delighted in the Plane tree 249 Z ZAchaeus 182 Ziuet 122 FINIS Kings and princes great Herbarists Students of Physicke Mythridate found out and deuised by a mightie king Seuerall herbs knowen by the names of these princes for that they first found out the vertues thereof Solomon a most excellent Herbarist 1. Kin. 4 33. Wisd 7 17. Herbs haue sundrie effect and operations Psal 23. 1. Psal 16