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A01956 The happines of the church, or, A description of those spirituall prerogatiues vvherewith Christ hath endowed her considered in some contemplations vpon part of the 12. chapter of the Hebrewes : together with certain other meditations and discourses vpon other portions of Holy Scriptures, the titles wherof immediately precede the booke : being the summe of diuerse sermons preached in S. Gregories London / by Thomas Adams ... Adams, Thomas, fl. 1612-1653. 1619 (1619) STC 121; ESTC S100417 558,918 846

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eye Faith like the Hand layes vnremoued hold on Christ Hope like the Foote walkes toward him in an holy expectation patiently enduring all wrongs in hope of sweet issue Sight which belongs to the Eye shall fully apprehend him when it is gloryfied In this bright knowledge we shall all meete Our present knowledge shall be excelled by our future in 5. differences 1. In qualitie this is an abstracted knowledge of Christ absent that a plenary knowledge of Christ present Ex abstractiua fit intuitiua notitia The light of a lampe vanisheth when the glorious sunne appeareth If our knowledge were mundus eruditionis a world of learning yet is it but eruditio mundi the learning of the world of narrow bounds in regard of the knowledge in heauen 2. In quantitie euen that we know now shall be known then in a greater measure The orbes elements planets plants the herbes of the field parts of our own bodyes we know now but alas weakly in regard of that perfection which this future life shall giue vs. Indeed the Christian for his owne sauing health knowes so much as is able to make him euerlastingly blessed for he knowes Christ his Sauiour and that is eternall life But then he shall know him in a higher measure and perfectly see those things now vnconceaueable Paul heard vnspeakable words in his rapture aboue which below he confesseth not possible for man to vtter 3. In perfection or maturitie Our knowledge heere growes from degree there it shall be one and the same receauing or requiring no augmentation They goe from strength to strength how long till they appeare before God in Sion 4. In continuance Earthly knowledge is momentany all skill in tongs and arts is like the authors mortall and shall come to an end The most famous Artists haue often either mette with a derogate name or beene buried in obliuion The study of Christ is onely eternall and shall not be abrogated but perfected we shall know then as we are knowne 5. In vnitie various dissonant and not seldome repugnant is humane knowledge indeed not worthy the name of knowledge for it is Opinion Man is contrary to man yea man to himselfe this same vnum sentire to be of one minde is difficult if not impossible to be found Though wee ayme our knowledge at one marke yet some shoote on the right hand some on the left some short others shoote ouer hauing a knowledge that puffeth vp Whose learning hath in it some poyson if it be let goe without the true correctiue of it But at this expected day we shall all meete in an vnitie of knowledge Of the Sonne of God That eternall Sonne of God who in the fulnesse of time became for vs the Sonne of man shall then be more clearly knowne to vs. We now beleeue his truth of perfection we shall then see his perfection of truth We shall brightly apprehend the vnconceiueable mysterie of him who is Filius Dei sine matre filius hominis sine patre the Sonne of God without mother the sonne of man without father If any aske whether our knowledge shall extend no further then to Christ our Sauiour There is no doubt but as we know our elder brother set in his throne aboue all the powers of heauen so we shall also knowe the rest of our fraternitie Loue is a grace that neuer fades and therefore shall haue knowledge to make way before it We shall loue the Saints I may inferre wee shall know them Peter knew Moses and Elias on the Mount whom yet before he neuer saw why then should we not know them in heauen and if them why not other of our glorified friends If nothing but that which is earthly and sauours of corruption shall cease and fall off like Eliah's mantle then knowledge must needs remaine being a diuine grace pure and euerlasting as the soule But seeke we to know the Sonne of God here to be our Sauiour and without doubt hereafter we shall know him to be our glorifier Whereunto To a perfect man Before hee speakes in the plurall number of a multitude We shall All meete noweby a sweete kind of Solaecisme he compacts it into the singular all into one We shall All meete to a perfect man Here lie three notes not to be balked 1. This shewes what the vnitie of the Saints shall be one man Here they are sometimes sayd to haue one heart one soule there they shall be one man That not a carnall corruptible sinfull man for he may dissent from himselfe but a perfect man Not materially for there shall bee distinct bodies and soules still as here but metaphorically in regard of the neuer-iarring harmonie Oh sweete musicke where the symphonie shall exceedingly delight vs without diuision without frets 2. The whole Church is compared to a man we haue often read it compared to a body here to a man As in other places to a Body cuius Cap●… est Christus whose Head is Christ so our Apostle here ver 16. speaketh of our growing to the Head which is Christ. So in this place to a Man cuius anima est Christus whose soule is Christ. Now the soule in the body encreaseth not augmentatiuely but secundum vigorem transfusing into the bodie her vertuall powers operations more strongly Christ is euer the same Heb. 13. Iesus Christ yesterday and to day and the same for euer In this soule there is no mutation but the body encreaseth with the encrease of God For as Christ encreaseth the strength of his grace in vs so we grow to perfection 3. Full perfection is onely reserued for heauen and not granted till we meete in glory then shall the Church be one perfect man We may be now mundi saith Aug. cleane yet still mundandi to be cleansed Not so perfect but still glad of mercie Our puritie is not in facto but in fieri inchoate not finished though begunne All our righteousnes consists in the not imputation of our sinnes Blessed is the man to whom the Lord imputeth not iniquitie Summa perfectio imperfectionis confessio Our greatest cleannesse is the free acknowledging our vilenesse The other immunitie shall be when there are no passions in men no lusts capable of sinne nowe it is well if wee liue without scandall without eruption though not without corruption Non sine culpa●…ed sine querela And so the commendation of Zacharie must be vnderstood which calleth him righteous walking in all the commaundements of the Lord blamelesse He liued blamelesse in the worlds eye not in the Lords If thou shouldest marke iniquitie O Lord who shall stand Especially when his eye of iustice onely shall looke vpon it Vae etiam laudabili vitae hominum si remota misericordia discutiatur Woe to the most commendable life of man if mercie bee remooued when it is examined It is enough to proue Zacharie a sinner in that hee
the better mistres and worthy of more seruants alas glad to be shrowded in holes your Greatnes now wisheth it selfe so litle that it might not be seene You insatiate couetous that neuer ceased ioyning house to house land to land and possessing whole countryes yet whined for lacke of elbow-roome loe you shall at this day be glad of a hole a darke hollow caue in a rocke for your parlour or more glad if you might be dissolued into nothing They said We haue described the Persons What they were let vs see what they did They said They open their lips to confesse the invincible and inevitable power of Christ. whence derive we two obseruations 1. The sense of present miserie takes away Atheisme Before their mouthes were either shut by silence or opened by blasphemies possessed either with a dumbe or a roring deuill God was not in all their thoughtes or if in their thoughts not in their lips or if in their lips but to his dishonour not named but in their oathes Now loe they speake and make a desperate acknowledgment of that power they erst derided The day of iudgment when it comes shall find no Atheist What those degenerate creatures would not beleeue they shall see they would not acknowledge their maker they shall find their Iudge and cry to the mountaines Fall one vs c. Consider this ye that forget God lest you be torne in pieces when there is none to deliuer you You may forget him during your short pleasure you shall remember him for euer in torture Proceed to speake of him wickedly and like enemies to take his Name in vaine you shall one day fall low before his footestoole not with a voluntary but enforced reuerence You that haue denied God on earth the first voice that shall come from your lips shall be a hopelesse acknowledgment of his maiestie 2. The saying that comes from them is desperate whence note that in Gods iust punishment Desperation is the reward of Presumption They that erst feared two little shall now feare too much Before they thought not of Gods Iustice now they shall not conceiue his Mercie Consciences that are without remorse are not without horror It is the kindnes which presumptuous sinne doth the heart to make it at last despaire of forgiuenes They say Behold God accuseth not they accuse themselues God loues to haue a sinner accuse himselfe and therefore sets his deputie in the brest of man which though it be a neuter when the act is doing is an aduersary afterwards The conscience is like the poise of a clocke the poise being downe all motion ceaseth the wheeles stirre not wound vp all is set on going Whiles conscience is downe there is no noise or moouing in the heart all is quiet but when it is wound vp by the iustice of God it sets all the wheeles on working tongue to confesse eyes to weepe hands to wring brest to be beaten heart to ake voice to cry and that where mercie steps not in a fatall cry to the hils Fall on vs and hide vs. Sinne and iudgment for sinne make the most cruell men cowardly Tyrants whose frownes haue beene death oppressors that haue made their poore Tenants quake at their lookes now tremble themselues would change firmnes with an aspine leafe They that care not for the act of sinne shall care for the punishment Tumidi faciendo timidi patiendo Nero that could not be tired in cutting throtes is soone weary of his owne torment They that haue made others weepe shall desperately howle themselues Cain that durst kill the fourth part of the world at a blow euen his owne brother dares afterwards not looke a man in the face lest he should be slayne Who durst be more impudently bold with God then Iudas when he betrayed his onely Sonne to murderers yet after the treason who more cowardly then Iudas he becomes his owne hangman The curse that followes sinne makes Presumption it selfe to shudder But what madnes is it not to complaine till too late If our foresight were but halfe as sharpe as our sense we should not dare to sinne The issue of wickednes would appeare a thousand times more horrible then the act is pleasant Let this teach vs now to thinke of the Iustice of God as well as his mercie that herafter we may thinke of his mercie as well as his Iustice. The mercie of God is abused to encourage lewdnes and wretched men by Christs merits are emboldned to committe that for which he dyed but so men may runne with mercie in their mouthes to hell They that in life will giue no obedience to the law shall in death haue no benefite by by the Gospell When they gaue themselues ouer to lying swaring coueting c. they were wont to cry Mercie mercie now loe they feele what those sinnes are and cry nothing but Iustice Iustice they cannot thinke on mercie They that haue abused mercie must be quitted with vengance The good now sing With thee O Lord is mercie therefore thou shalt be feared The reprobates sing at last with thee O Lord is iudgment with thee is storme and tempest indignation wrath confusion and vengence and therefore art thou feared These necessary occurrences thus considered let vs passe to their Inuocation wherein is exemplified their Error Here we must obserue To what For what they call To what They are Mountaines and rockes vnreasonable yea insensible creatures whence we may deduce two inferences a negatiue and an affirmatiue 1. Negatiuely it is cleare that they haue no acquaintance with God therefore know not how to direct their prayers vnto him If their trust had beene in God they needed not to fly to the M●…aines So Dauid sweetly Psal. 11. Ia the Lord put I my trust how then say you to my soule Flie as a bird to your mountaine It is Gods charge Call vpon me in the day of trouble and I will deliuer thee and thou shalt glorifie me But Rom. 10. How shall they call on him in whom they haue not beleeued Or beleeue in him they haue not knowne and how should they know him but by his word Alas those mutuall passages and entercourse of meanes they haue euer barred themselues They would neither suffer God to trouble them by his word nor would they offer to trouble him by their prayers They will not call vpon him nor will they heare him calling vpon them Therefore as those that neuer were in the companie of God they know not how to addresse themselues to him but rather to rockes and mountaines As extremity discerneth friends Verè amat qui miserum amat so it distinguisheth a man in himselfe A suddaine disturbance giues a great try all of a Christians disposition For as in a naturall man at such an affrightment all the bloud runs to the heart to guard the part that is principall so in a good man at such an instance all the powers
whose bowels neuer knew the softnes of such a nature exposed to all the tyrannie of their hands and tongs hands that like cruell Chirurgions searched euery part of his blessed body tongues that ranne nimbly through all the passages of obloquie till they had ouertaken reproch it selfe and cast it on him His body at the full will of the tormenters and his soule not without intolerable terrors as they might iudge by strange speech that came from him My God my God why hast thou forsaken me Doth man triumph ouer him and doth God forsake him This might breed in their hearts a suspition either that hee was a deceiuer or else vtterly cut off To stifle this doubt in the very birth hee shakes the earth and rends the rockes that as they knew him dying Hominem v●…rum so they might perceaue him doing these myracles not Hominem merum but the euerliuing God These wonders blow the sparke of their faith almost dying with Christ and roote in their hearts a deepe and infallible perswasion of their Sauiour Something there is to keepe the faith of the elect from quenching though Satan raigne on it showres of discomforts Though no obiect greets the eye of flesh but discouragement yet there is a secret Sp●…it within that will neuer suffer the faith to faile 5. In regard of the Disciples to shame and conuince them for leauing him Christ had said before Luk. 19. Si hitacerent loquerentur lapides If these speaking of his Disciples should hold their peace the stones would immediatly cry out Loe this saying is here come to passe the Disciples hold their peace the stones speake they forsake Christ the rockes proclaime him Such a shame is it for Apostles and ministers of Christ to hold their peace that if they be silent the very stones shall preach against them The walles windowes pauements of Churches shall cry out against such Pastors that vndertake the office of a sheep-heard and feed Christ his flocke with nothing but ayre And euen you that come to heare if no remorse can be put into your hearts at the relation of our Sauiours death if you haue no feeling of his sorrowes no apprehension of these mysteries no repentance of your sinnes no emendation of your liues know that the very seates whereon you sit the walles of your Temples the very stones you tread on shall beare witnesse against you Now the Lord Iesus that at his death brake the Rockes by the vertue of his death breake our rocky hearts that being mollified in this life they may be glorified in the life to come Grant this O Father for thy mercies sake O Christ for thy merits sake O holy Spirit for thy names sake To whom three persons one onely wise and eternall God be glory and prayse for euer Amen THE FOOLE And His Sport PROV 14. 9. Fooles make a mocke at sinne THE Prouerbes of Salomon are so many select aphorismes or diuinely morall Sayes without any mutuall dependance one vpon another Therefore to studie a coherence were to force a marriage betweene vnwilling parties The words read spend themselues on a description of two things the Foole and his Sport The Foole is the wicked man his Sport pastime or babble is Sinne. Mocking is the medium or connexion that brings together the Foole and Sinne thus he makes himselfe merry they meete in mocking The foole makes a mocke at sinne Fooles The foole is the wicked an ignorant heart is alwayes a sinfull heart and a man without knowledge is a man without grace So Thamar to Ammon vnder his rauishing hands Doe not this folly If thou doest it Thou shalt be as one of the Fooles in Israell Ignorance cannot excusare a toto wilfull not a tanto Christ shall come in flaming fire rendring vengeance to them that knowe not God The state of these Fooles is fearefull Like hooded Hawkes they are easily carryed by the Infernall Falconer to hell Their lights are out how shall their house scape robbing These Fooles haue a knowledge but it is to doe euill They haue also a knowledge of good but not scientiam approbationis they know but they refuse it So God iustly quites them for though hee knowe them ad scientiam he will not know them ad approbationem But giues them a Discedite nescio vos I know you not depart from me ye workers of iniquitie A man may be a Foole two wayes by knowing too Little Much. 1. By knowing too little when hee knoweth not those things whereof he cannot be ignorant and doe well I determined not to know any thing among you saue Iesus Christ and him crucified But euery man sayth hee knowes Christ. If men knew Christ his loue in dying for them they would loue him aboue all thinges how doe they know him that loue their money aboue him Nemo verè nouit Christum qui non verè amat Christum No man knowes Christ truely that loues him not syncerely If men knew Christ that he should be Iudge of quicke and dead durst they liue so lewdly Non nouit Christum qui non odit peccatum Hee neuer knew Christ that doth not hate iniquitie Some attribute too much to themselues as if they would haue a share with Christ in their owne saluation Nesciunt Christum seipsos they are ignorant of both Christ and themselues Others lay too much on Christ all the burden of their sinnes which they can with all possible voracitie swallow downe and blasphemie vomite vp againe vpon him But they know not Christ who thus seeke to diuide Aquam a sanguine his bloud from his water and they shall faile of iustification in heauen that refuse sanctification vpon earth 2. By knowing too much when a man presumes to know more then he ought His knowledge is apt to be pursie and grosse and must be kept low Mind not high things sayth the Apostle Festus slandered Paul that much learning had made him madde Indeed it might haue done if Paul had bin as proud of his learning as Festus was of his honour This is the knowledge that puffeth vp It troubles the braine like vndigested meate in the stomach or like the scumme that seeths into the broth To auoyd this follie Paul fortbids vs to be wise in our owne conceites Whereof I find wo readings Be not wise in your selues and Be not wise to your selues Not in your selues coniure not your witte into the circle of your owne secret profit Wee account the simple Fooles God accounts the crafty Fooles He that thinkes himselfe wise is a Foole ipso facto It was a modest speech that fell from the Philosopher Si quando fatuo delectari volo non est mihi longè quaerendus me video Therfore Christ pronounced his Woes to the Pharises his doctrines to the people The first entrie to wisedome is Scire quod nescias to know thy ignorance Sobrietie is the measure for knowledge as the
this dutie Of Trauellers Captiues sick-men sea-men others subiect to the manifold varieties of life For Trauellers They wander in the Wildernesse in a solitary way hungry and thirstie their soule fainting in them They cry vnto the Lord in their trouble and he deliuers them out of their distresses For Captiues They sit in darknesse and in the shadow of death fast bound in affliction and yron Their prayers find a way out of the prison to God and God deliuers them out of the prison to liberty For Sick Because of their transgression they are afflicted their soule abhorreth all manner of meat and they draw neere vnto the gates of death The strength of their prayers recouers the strength of their bodies For Mariners They reele to and fro staggering like a drunken man and are at their wits end They by their prayers appease the vvrath of God and hee appeaseth the wrath of the vvaues and winds Now the burden of the Song to all these deliuerances is this O that men vvould therfore praise the Lord for his goodnesse and for his wonderfull works to the children of men And because these foure dangers are short of the innumerable calamities incident to mans life therefore in the end of the Psalme much misery is heaped vp and the Lord is the scatterer dissoluer of that heape that all flesh might sing Saluation is of the Lord. And because these mercies are infinite so that vvhat Christian may not say with Dauid Thy goodnesse hath followed mee all the dayes of my life Therefore I infer with Paul In all things giue thanks So our Psalmist My mouth shall be filled with thy praise all the day long What is meant by All the day saith Augustine but a praise without intermission As no houre slips by thee without occasion let none slippe from thee without manifestation of gratitude I will praise thee saith he O Lord In prosperis quia consolaris in aduersis quia corrigis In a prosperous estate because thou dost blesse me in affliction because thou doost correct me Fecisti refecisti perfecisti Thou madest mee when I was not restoredst me when I vvas lost supplyest my wants forgiuest my sinnes and crownest my perseuerance But as Quò acerbior miseria eò acceptior misericordia the more grieuous the miserie the more gracious the mercy So the richer benefite requires the hartier thanks Great deliuerances should not haue small gratitude vvhere much is giuen there is not a little required To tell you what God hath done for vs thereby to excite thankfulnesse would be to lose my selfe in the gates of my Text. I told you this was the ground and module of the Psalme But I know your curious eares care not so much for plaine-song you expect I should runne vpon Diuision Heare but the next generall point and I come to your desire reseruing what I haue more to say of this to my farewell and last application I come from the Debt to be paid to his Resolution to pay it I will goe into thy house I will pay c. Though he be not instantly Soluendo he is Resoluendo He is not like those Debters that haue neither meanes nor meaning to pay But though he wants actuall he hath votall retribution Though hee cannot so soone come to the place where this payment is to be made yet hee hath already paid it in his he●…rt I will goe I will pay Here then is the Debters Resolution There is in the godly a purpose of heart to serue the Lord. This is the child of a sanctified spirit borne not without the throbs and throwes of true penitence Not a transient and perishing flower like Ionah's Gourd Filius noctis oriens moriens but the sound fruit which the sap of grace in the heart sends forth Luke 15. VVhen the Prodigall Sonne came to himselfe saith the Text as if he had been formerly out of his wits his first speech was I will arise and goe to my Father and will say vnto him Father I haue sinned And what he purposed he performed he arose and went I know there are many that intend much but doe nothing and that earth is full of good purposes but heauen onely full of good works and that the tree gloriously leaued with intentions without fruit was cursed And that a lewd heart may be so farre sinitten and conuinced at a Sermon as to will a forsaking of some sinne VVhich thoughts are but swimming notions and vanishing motions embrions or abortiue births But this Resolution hath a stronger force it is the effect of a mature and deliberate iudgement wrought by Gods Spirit grounded on a voluntary deuotion not without true sanctification though it cannot without some interposition of time and meanes come to performe that act which it intends It is the harbinger of a holy life the little clowd like a hand that Eliah's seruant saw pointing to the future showres of deuotion Well this is but the beginning and you know many beginne that doe not accomplish but what shall become of them that neuer begin If he doth little that purposeth and performes not what hope is there of them that vvill not purpose It is hard to make an Vsnrer leaue his extortion the vncleane his lusts the swearer his dishallowed speeches when neither of them saith so much as I vvill leaue them The habite of godlinesse is farre off when to vvill is not present we despaire of their performance in whom cannot be wrought a purpose But to you of whom there is more hope that say vve will praise the Lord forget not to adde Dauids execution to Dauids intention God loues the present tense better then the future a Facto more then a Faciam Let him that is President ouer vs be a precedent for vs. Hebr. 10. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Behold I come not I will come but I do come to doe ●…y will O GOD. You haue heard the matter and manner of the Song the Substance is Gratitude the Forme a Resolution to giue it To set it in some Diuision or Method That euery present soule may beare his part heere be three straines or staires and graduall ascents vp which our contemplations must mount with Dauids actions 1. An entrance into Gods house I will goe into thy house It is well that Dauid will bring thither his praises himselfe But many enter Gods house that haue no businesse there that both come and returne empty-hearted that neither bring to God deuotion nor carry from God consolation 2. Therefore the next straine giues his zeale he vvill not come empty-handed but with burnt offerings Manifold and manifest arguments of his harty affection Manifest because burnt offerings reall visible actuall and accomplished works Manifold because not one singular oblation but plurally offerings vvithout pinching his deuotion 3. But yet diuerse haue offered Sacrifices and burnt sacrifices that stunke like Balaams in Gods nosthrils tendring
this same Ite maledict●… Goe yee cursed is a fearefull and vnanswerable argument Thus flesh and bloud speedes when it will deale with God on termes of disputation If Gods owne reason Thou shalt not do this be not stronger then all ours now it shal be one day Let no man deceiue you with vaine wordes for for these things the wrath of God shall come vpon the children of disobedience Be not deceiued As euery particular Sinne hath the particular colour so there are generall pretexts for generall sinnes whereby many soules are deceiued I find this doctrine though plaine so necessary that I must be bold to pursue it You may easily forgiue all good faults There are seuen generall pleas for sinne 1. Predestination is pleaded If I be written to life I may doe this for many are saued that haue done vvorse If not were my life neuer so strict hell appointed is not to be auoided These men looke to the toppe of the Ladder but not to the foote God ordaines not men to iump to Heauen but to climbe thither by prescribed degrees Non per saltum sed scansum Qui ordinauit finem ordinauit media ad finem He that decreed the end decreed also the meanes that conduce to it If thou take liberty to sin this is none of the way Peter describes the rounds of this ladder faith vertue knowledge tēperance patience godlines charity Thou rūnest a cōtrary course in the wild paths of vnbeleefe profanenes ignorance riot impatience impietie malice this is none of the way These are the rounds of a Ladder that goes downeward to hell Gods predestination est multis causa standi nemini labendi helps many to stand pusheth none downe Looke thou to the vvay let God alone with the end Belieue repent amend and thou hast Gods promise to be saued Be not deceiued God is not mocked 2. It is Gods will I should doe this vvickednesse hee saw it and might haue preuented it It is vniust to damne a man for that he will●… him to doe Answ. This is a blasphemous and most sacrilegious ●…uill Where did God euer will thee to lie to sweare to oppresse to adulterize His will is his word and where findest thou his word commanding sin And shall Gods prescience make him guilty of thy euill Then must thy memory make thee guilty of other mens euill As thou by thy memory dost not cause those things to haue been done that are past So God by his foreknowledge doth not cause those things to be done which are to come 3. Ignorance is pleaded I knew not the deed to bee euill or if euil not so dangerous Indeed Ignorance may make a sinne Minus not Nullum a lesse sinne but not no sinne I obtained mercy because I did it ignorantly in vnbeleefe saith our Apostle And Peccata scientium peccatis ignorantium praepo●…ntur The sinnes of them that know are more haynous then the sins of them that know not But if thou hadst no other sin thy ignorance is enough to condemne thee for thou art bound to know 〈◊〉 ea que sunt Domini nesciunt a Domino nesciu●… They that will not know the Lord the Lord will not know them But I speake to you that may know your ignorance is affected Some of you haue not the knowledge of God I speake this to your shame Mul●… vt liberiùs peccarent libenter ignorant Many that they may sinne the more securely are ignorant wilfully Thus you may goe blindfold to hell Be not deceiued God is not mocked 4. A fourth saith I haue many good deeds to weigh with my euils Indeed I am an Vsurer an Adulterer a Swearer but I keepe a good house I giue almes and I will doe more when I am dead Indeed these are good workes Bona accipientibus non facientibus Good to the receiuers not to the Giuers So a man may be borne for the good of many not for his owne They write that the Pyramides of Egypt was built for that great Pharaohs Tombe but the Red Sea disappointed him Many thinke by good workes to build vp a heauen for themselues but leading vnsanctified liues hell preuents their purpose And such a man as robbes many hundreds to relieue some may at last for his charity goe to the Deuill The Papists indeed stand extremely for building Abbies Colledges for Iesuites and augmenting the reuenues of Monasteries that Masses and Dirige's may bee sung for their soules they giue full absolution to such a man and seale him a generall acquittance of all his sinnes They make the besotted Laity especially some rich Burger belieue that without any more adoe it is impossible for a man to bee damned that liues in such a Profession and which is strange here they equiuocate truely so long as a man liues in it but if he dyes in it there is the danger But wee know the poison must be iustified or else the worke is not sanctified Be not deceiued GOD is not mocked 5. But say some God is mercifull Comfortable truth else woe woe to miserable man But shall God shew mercy to those that abuse his mercy Hee will not be so mercifull to thee as to be vniust to himselfe God will be iust goe thou on and perish God shewed mercy to the relenting not to the railing theefe Wouldst thou haue him mercifull to thee that art vnmercifull to him to thy selfe Misericordia amplectenti non tergiuer santidatur They that will lead a wicked life sub spe misericordiae in hope of mercy shall meet with a fearefull death sub terrore Iustitiae in the horror of Iustice. Kisse the mercy of God abuse it not Where is Praesumptio veniae will follow Consumptio poen●… a presuming of fauour shall bee punished with a consuming wrath Be not deceiued c. 6. Others alledge Christ died for our sinnes and his satisfaction is of infinite price This is the dore of hope from which the profanest wretch is angry to be driuen The most presumptuous sinner flatters his soule with this comfort as if the gates of Heauen were now set open and hee might enter with all his iniquities on his backe Indeed there is no want in Christ but is there none in thee In him is plenteous redemption but how if in thee there bee scarce fayth whatsoeuer Christ is what ar●… thou God so loued the world that hee gaue his onely be●…otten Sonne Hee did not let or lend or sell but giue not an Angell nor a seruant but a Sonne not anothers but his owne not his adoptiue but naturall his begotten Sonne not one of many but his onely begotten Sonne Many degrees of loue but what of all this That whosoeuer beleeueth on him should not perish but haue euerlasting life But thou hast no faith therefore no priuiledge by this gift I am the good shepheard saith Christ. Why I giue my life but for whom for my sheepe Not for lustfull goates or
Others will haue something demonstrated to the vnderstanding nothing to the senses Some will haue a demonstration to the senses nothing to the vnderstanding some partly to both others expound it This body then it is thus This body is my body others say it is indiuiduum vagum But Quod multipliciter exponitur communiter ignoratur That which is so variously expounded is generally vnknowne The most iudicious among them cannot explicate it Corpore de Christi lis est de sanguine lis est Deque modo lis est non habitura modum What damnable cruelty then was it in them to burne silly women for not vnderstanding this their inexplicable mysterie Those gunpowder diuines condemned others to the fire for not knowing that which they neuer knew themselues Wee teach such erring soules bee corrected that they may bee conuerted not bee confounded Excommunicated for the destruction of the flesh that the spirit may be saued in the day of the Lord Iesus 2. Whether a separation may bee iustly made from our Church for some errors or corruptions of life I know that diuers who were once among vs neuer of vs haue put out their owne lights indeed excommunicated themselues What 's their plea that our assemblies are full of enormities I answer that the defects and corruptions of a Church must be distinguished they are eyther in doctrine or in manners For doctrine some errors are Citra fundamentum some Circa fundamentum others Contra fundamentum Errors beside the foundation trouble errors about the foundation shake errors against the foundation ouerturne all So long then as no foundation is harmed it is not lawfull depart vntill the Church separates from Christ we must not separate from it In two cases there is warrant of separation First when the substance of Gods worship is quite corrupted What agreement hath the Temple of God with Idols when this is ver 17. Come out from among them and be ye separate saith the Lord when Ieroboam had set vp Idols in Israel the Priests and the Leuites left their suburbs and possession and came to Iudah and Ierusalem Secondly when the substance of doctrine is quite corrupted If any man consent not to the words of our Lord Iesus Christ and to the doctrine which is according to godlinesse c. From such vers 5. withdraw thy selfe Paul in the Synagogue at Ephesus preached for the space of three moneths together But when diuers were hardned and beleeued not but spake euill of that way he departed from them and separated the Disciples In these two cases lawfull not else For corruption in manners they make not Nullam Ecclesiam sed malam ecclesiam not no Church but a bad Church Wicked Scribes sitting in Moses chaire and teaching the things he wrote must be heard Whatsoeuer they bid you obserue that obserue and doe but doe not after their workes Separate from their priuate society not from the publike assembly But they charge vs that we deny Christ. I answere Deniall of Christ is double eyther in iudgement or in fact Deniall of Christ in iudgement makes a Christian no Christian denyall in fact the iudgement being sound makes him not no Christian but an euill Christian. When the Iewes had crucified the Lord of life they remained still a Church if there were any on the face of the earth and Ierusalem was still called the Holy City To them belonged the promise and to their children To them pertaineth the adoption and the glory and the couenants I would to God this bloudy issue were stanched but what age hath not complained it This mischiefe is intestine Amara persecutio in cruore martyrum amarior in pugna haereticorum amarissima in malis moribus domesticorum The persecution of Tyrants was bitter the poyson of heretikes more bitter but the euill liues of Christians most bitter of all Many walke of whom I haue told you often and now tell you weeping that they are enemies of the crosse of Christ. Whereupon saith Augustine How comes that great Champion to fall a weeping Could he endure stripes aboue measure prisons frequent shipwrackes perils by sea and land among enemies among false brethren hunger thirst cold wearinesse painfulnesse Did he fight with beasts after the manner of men was he rap'd vp among the Angels Did hee beare all these miseries was hee honoured with all these mercies and now does he weepe Yes sinne and sensuality was crept into the Church and this made that vndanted spirit fall a weeping Pax a Paganis Pax ab H●…reticis nulla pax a falsis filijs We haue quiet from the Pagans quiet from heretikes but no quiet from wicked and exorbitant professors Our greatest enemies are they of our owne house Lord Iesus heale this plague Now wee haue proued and approued the truth of our owne Church at home let vs examine whether the Church of Rome be also a true member of this Catholike Assembly Errors that annihilate a Church are of two sorts some weakening others destroying the foundation Weakening error is the building of hay and stubble on the foundation the stubble burnt their soules may be saued A man breakes downe the windowes of his house the house stands though defaced he puls downe the lead or tiles the house stands though vncouered he beats downe the wals the house stands though deformed he plucks vp the foundation the house falls and ceaseth to be an house Those which destroy the foundation are the ouerthrowing errors by them a Church ceaseth to bee a Church Yet if an error be against the foundation we are to consider the persons whether they erre of malice or of weaknesse If of malice like Iannes and Iambres that withstood Moses resisting the truth it is no longer a Church But if of weakenesse wee must not so peremptorily conclude for Paul writes to the Galatians as a Church of God though they were peruerted to another doctrine embracing a fundamentall error of Iustification by works The Church of Rome doth wilfully obstinately destroy the foundation therfore may be concluded for no Church If they wil be iustified by the works of the law they are faln from Grace Let vs heare how they quit themselues First they would doe it by retorting all this backe vpon vs they tell vs flatly that we are no Church and thus they prooue it They say we haue no Bishops so no Ministers so no Sacraments therefore no Church Here they clappe their wings and crow Victory Victory As Manasseh against Ephraim and Ephraim against Manasseh and both against Iudah So they haue set our brothers against vs vs against our brothers Papists against vs all Behold the exigent we are in the Papists say we haue no Ministers because they are not made by Bishops the Puritans say we haue no Ministers because they are made by Bishops Which of these speake true Neither First to answer the Puritan Bishops may make
personam Iudicis quisquis amici induit He hath put off the person of a Iudge that puts on the person of a friend The good Iudge neither hath his right hand filled with loue nor his left with hatred the scole of Iustice is not swayed Indeed tamdiu Iudex quamdiu Iustus he is so long a Iudge as he is iust Nomen quod ab ●…quitate sumitur per praeuaricationem admittitur Zeleucus was commended that when according to his Law for adultery which tooke frō the offender both his eyes his sonne was deprehended in that fact put out one of his owne eyes and one of his sonnes Duo lumina cacantur iuxta legem duo supersunt iuxta misericordiam Two eyes are lost according to iustice and two remaine according to mercy A maruelous temper Inter iustum Iudicem misericordiem Patrem betweene a iust Iudge and a kind Father But GOD is so iust that because sin would let him saue none of vs hee slew his Sonne to saue all of vs. God commendeth his loue to vs in that vvhile wee were yet sinners Christ died for vs. God commends his loue indeed he might iustly commend it and to vs by this token that being rebels he bought vs with the bloud of his own Sonne He will euer continue so iust in punishing traytors in crowning his faithfull subiects Iudex damnatur cùm nocens absoluitur Sen. He that iustifies the guilty transferres the guilt to himselfe But Shall not the Iudge of all the earth doe right Yes we haue all sinned but Thou continuest holy O thou vvorship of Israel 5. Aequitas Sententiae the equity of Sentence it shal be giuen vpon good testimonie Ambrose saies It is not the part of a Iudge to condemne any man without an accuser Christ did not cast away Iudas though hee knew him a theefe because he was not accused When that adulteresse was left alone before Christ he said Woman where are thine accusers Hath no man condemned thee She said No man Lord. Then said Iesus Neither doe I condemne thee goe and sinne no more But here shall be no want of accusers their owne conscience all the creatures all the Elements Angels men diuells shall accuse then Christ shall iudge Heu miser sic deprehensus quò fugias Latere erit impossibile apparere intolerabile Whither wilt thou flie O wretch thus accused To lie hidden it wil be impossible to appeare insufferable Euery man shall receiue the things done in his body according to that hee hath done whether it be good or euill The same neither more nor lesse but iust waight The wicked wrought their pleasure while God did suffer therefore God will worke his pleasure while they suffer Of all both good and euill Elect and Reprobates men and Angels but of these in a different manner To shew how this shall be done I must lead your attentions orderly through fiue passages a Citation Separation Probation Sentence and Retribution 1. The Citation there is a summons sent out to make all appeare before Christs Tribunall This citing is done by the voice of Christ. All that are in the graues shall heare his voyce and shall come forth The power of this voice is vnspeakeable to empty earth sea ayre heauen and hell and presently to fill earth ayre heauen and hell To empty all vpon his summons and to fill all vpon his Sentence Therefore it is compared to a Trumpet the lowdest of all musicall instruments The Trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised Uerè vox tub●… terribilis cui omnia obediunt elementa Petras scindit Inferos aperit portas aereas frangit vinculae mortis dirumpit et de profund●… abyssi animas liberatis corporibus assignat A terrible voice that shall shake the world rend the rocks breake the mountaines dissolue the bonds of death burst down the gates of hell and vnite all spirits to their owne bodies There shall be no concealing no keeping backe from this voice Now Christ calls Come vnto me all that labour yet you wil not come vnto me that you might haue life Then he shall call Come you that must labour in torments and be laden for euer then they must come to receiue the doome of death Now awake thou that sleepest Christ shall giue thee light but they will not rise At that day awake thou wicked that art dead and Christ shall send thee to darknesse and then they must rise This is that generall day that shall congregate all they shall come from the foure winds and corners of the world to make an vniuersall apparance But if this be the voice of Christ how is it then said the Archangel shall sound the Trumpet of collection Hee shall send his Angels with a great sound of a Trumpet and they shall gather all together The Lord shall descend from heauen with a shout with the voice of the Archangel and with the trumpe of God I answere the voice is originally Christs ministerially the Angels As now he speakes to vs by men so at that day by Angels O what a glory of our Sauiour shall then appeare vvhen he is set on his Throne before so full a Court as all the reasonable creatures GOD euer made Uideat nosiam in sanctimonia vt tunc videamus eum in gaudio Let him now behold vs in holinesse that then we may behold him in happinesse 2. The Separation wee haue thus brought all together now we must separate one from another The forme hereof is giuen by Christ himselfe Before h●…m shall be gathered all Nations and he shall separate them one from another as a Shepheard diuideth his sheepe from the goates This full and finall separation is reserued for Christ and not performed till that day For Si●…ite crescere Let them grow both together corne and tares vntill the haruest This world is the floore fan while you will there will be some chaffe fish neuer so discreetly you shall meet with some sturdy dogge-fish that will rend the nette In Heauen are none but Saints in Hell none but reprobates on earth they are both promiscuously blended together Do you wonder that the Lambes cannot liue in quiet consider the number of goates among them Ezek. 34. 18. They eate vp the good pasture and tread downe the residue with their feet they drinke of the fountaines and foule the residue with their feet My flocke are faine to eate that they haue troden and to drinke that they haue fouled with their feet But GOD shall iudge and separate ver 20. Behold I euen I will iudge betweene the fatte cattell and the leane cattell Because they haue thrust with side and shoulder and push'd all the diseased vvith their hornes therefore I will saue my flocke and they shal no more be a prey and I will iudge betweene cattell and cattell The goates will annoy till they be quite separated Too many among vs haue
aduise thy sicke soule who after a desperate and inueterate wound lookest for a suddaine cure by repentance it is better to make this thy dyet then thy physicke Repent euery day that thou maist haue remission one day Melior medicus qui excludit morbos quàm qui curat He is a better Physician that keeps diseases off vs then he that cures them beeing on vs. Preuention is so much better then healing because it saues the labour of being sicke Thou allowest not a Surgion vnnecessarily to breake thy head to try his skill and the vertue of his plaister Sprindges were better taken away quae non prosunt because they doe no good then the setting of watchmen by them to warn trauellers ne noceant that they be not hurt by them Take away thy lusts quite this is the way to be sure for repentance may be like Baal so fast asleepe that all thy cryes are not able to waken her To conclude hee that will weare a crowne in heauen must be all his life on earth preparing the gold to make it Not that thy owne vertues crowne thee but that GOD without thy vertues will neuer crowne thee The robe of glory that is worne there must be spun and wouen heere spun out of the side of Christ by faith and embroydered with our good workes That eternall light ariseth from this internall life Lay vp in store for your selues a good foundation against the time to come that you may lay hold on eternall life The ground worke of saluation is made here that high Tower of glory that is built for thee in heauen hath the foundation of it laid vpon earth How should a man be Perfectus that was neuer factus well begun I wonder what perfection a wine-bibber lookes for sure to be a perfect drunkard What perfection expects the luxurious prodigall sure to bee a perfect begger What perfection hopes the couetous Churle that allowes himselfe a race of fourescore yeares and sets God at the latter end of it and he hath that place too with this condition that hee trouble not his minde about it till the last day comes Surely to liue vnblessed and to die vnpittied but that some now blesse God hee 's gone and other say it 's pitty he died no sooner All his proiections haue aimed at this perfection to make himselfe a perfect slaue What perfection dreames the Iesuite to himselfe but to become a perfect traitor What perfection is likely to the incontinent adulterer but to bee a perfect Lazar. What the malicious but a perfect villaine what the proud but a perfect foole what the blasphemer but a perfect Deuill They say earely holinesse proues ripe corruption but I am sure habituated prophanesse proues ranke damnation Alas how should they make an end that neuer begin This man began to build saith Christ but could not make an end how should they finish that neuer began you that spend your dayes in a lazie forgetfulnesse of religion examine your owne consciences do you euer think to be perfect Are you content still to be abortiue and shall you be perfected in the womb of the graue God hath giuen you time and meanes he did not say Sumite consumite take it and spend it at your pleasure O begin that you may continue and end heare to learne learne to doe doe to continue continue to be perfect Begin betimes lest Gods end come before your beginning Enter into the way of Piety and follow it striuing with all your powers to grow vp to a perfect man vnto the measure of the stature of the fulnesse of Christ. And to Iesus the Mediator of the new Couenant and to the bloud of sprinkling that speaketh better things then that of Abel We haue considered the glory of the Citie the felicity of the Citizens we are lastly come to the Mediator who brings both these together and without whom they had beene euerlastingly asunder We are all by nature belonging not to Mount Sion but to the valley of Hinnon not to the celestiall Ierusalem but to the infernall Babylon not to the society of glorious Angels but of afflicting Deuils not to the Church of the first borne but to the assembly of abortiue reprobates wee had no reference to God as a kinde Father but as a seuere Iudge not to iust spirits made perfect from sinne but to lost spirits made perfect in sinne Thus were wee by nature but Iesus hath brought vs to Mount Sion c. How blessed a thing will it be to come vnto this Iesus It was Saint Augustines speciall wish to haue seene Christ in the flesh If there were such cōfort in seeing Christ humbled if such admiration in seeing him transfigured what ioy is it to behold him in heauen glorified How glorious a matter do some thinke it to stand in the Court of an earthly Prince to receiue a gracious looke to heare a royall word or to bee commanded some honourable seruice what is it then to stand in the Court of heauen to haue the King of Kings speake peaceably to vs to behold our Lord Iesus crowned with that immortall Diadem to sing his prayses as free from flattery as from inconstancy and to liue in that Paradise for euer Vbicunque fueris Domine Iesu wheresoeuer thou art O blessed Sauiour giue vs no more happinesse then to be with thee If thou be in the earth wee will trauell day and night to come to thee if on the sea with Peter we will swimme to thee if on the Crosse we will stand weeping by thee if riding in triumph we will sing Hosanna to thee if transfigured on Tabor we will bee rauished with thee but if sitting in thy heauenly Throne how blessed euen to looke vpon thee It is his will that we should be with him where he is and behold his glory Wee are now come to him by a coniunction mysticall wee shall then haue a vicinity locall and eternall The Mediator not a Mediator but The That Mediator that onely one For there is one God and one Mediator betweene God and men the man Christ Iesus God was angry man was guiltie Christ is the Mediator betwixt them who being God could satisfie God and beeing man could suffer for man We are lost and desire something to recouer vs what shall that be Mercy No God is iust he that hath offended must be punished Shall it be Iustice No we haue need of mercy that he who hath offended might be spared Here to be so merciful as not to wrong his iustice to be so iust as not to forget his mercy there must be a Mediator This must not be the world that was Gods owne before he made it not Angels for they are engaged for their owne creation and being finite cannot satisfie an infinite Maiestie by infinite punishment for infinite sinnes Gods Sonne must doe it now if hee come to satisfie for pride he must put on humilitie if for rebellion he must
c. Sometimes Reducentem Psalm 126. 4. Turne againe our captiuitie O Lord as the streames in the South Often Educentem Psalm 105. 43. Hee brought forth his people vvith ioy and his chosen with gladnesse Neuer Seducentem beguiling deceiuing causing to erre for that is opus Diaboli who is the Accuser and Seducer of men For the latter Into a wealthy place The greatnesse of our felicity doth farre transcend the grieuousnesse of our past misery The dimension of our height exceedes that of our depth neyther did affliction euer bring it so low as our eleuation hath aduanced vs high Hereon S. Paul Rom. 8. The sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall bee reuealed in vs. whether we compare or their Strength Length For their vigour or strength the affliction of man in the greatest extremitie that he can lay it on man is but finite as the afflicter The blow comes but from an arme of flesh and therefore can wound but flesh Yeeld the extention of it to reach so farre as any possible malice can driue it yet it can but racke the body distend the ioynts sluce out the bloud and giue liberty to the imprison'd soule Which soule they cannot strike Therefore saith Christ Feare not him that hath power ouer the body onely not ouer the soule And euen in the middest of this dire persecution God can eyther quite deliuer vs that the storme shall blow ouer our heads and hurt vs not or if he suffers vs to suffer that yet he will so qualifie the heat of it that the coole refreshing of his blessed spirit inwardly to the Conscience shall in a manner extinguish the torment But now this vvealthy place the spring of ioy that succeedes this winter of anguish is illimited insuppressible inexpressible infinite So strongly guarded with an almighty power that no robber violently nor theefe subtilly can steale it from vs. Some pleasure is mixed with that paine but no paine is incident to this pleasure There was some laughter among those teares but there shall be no teares in this laughter For Teares shall bee quite wiped from our eyes By hovv much then the power of God transcends mans yea Gods mercie mans malice by so much shall our reioysing exceede our passion By how much the glorious City of heauen walled with Iasper and pure gold shining as brasse is stronger then the vndefensed and naked cottage of this transient world our future comforts arise in measure pleasure and security aboue our passed distresse Thus for Strength If we compare their Length we shall finde an infinite inequalitie Paul calls affliction momentany glory eternall Time shall determine the one and that a short time a very winters day but the other is aboue the wheeles of motion and therefore beyond the reach of time For a moment in mine anger saith the Lord I did hide my face from thee but with euerlasting mercy I haue had compassion on thee Nothing but eternity can make eyther ioy or sorrow absolute Hee can brooke his imprisonment that knowes the short date of it and he finds poore content in his pleasure that is certaine of a sodaine losse We know that our pilgrimage is not long through this valley of teares and miserable Desart but our Canaan home Inheritance is a wealthy place glorious for countenance blessed for continuance vvealthy vvithout want stable vvithout alteration a constant Mansion an immoueable Kingdome Vnto vvhich our Lord Iesus in his appointed time bring vs. To whom with the Father and Spirit of consolation be all praise and glory for euer Amen GODS HOVSE OR THE PLACE OF PRAYSES PSALME 66. 12. I will goe into thy House with burnt offerings I will pay thee my vowes THE formerverse connexed with this demonstrate with words of life Dauids Affliction Affection His Affliction to be ouer-ridden with Persecutors his Affection to blesse God for his deliuerance Great misery taken away by great mercy requires great thankefulnesse I will goe into thy c. Before wee put this Song into parts or deriue it into particulars two generall things must be considered The Matter The Maner the Substance the Forme The matter and substance of the verse is Thankèfulnesse the manner and forme Resolution The whole fabricke declares the former the fashion of the building the latter The Tenor of all is Praysing God the key or tune it is set in Purpose I will goe into thy house I will pay thee my vowes So that first I must intreat you to looke vpon a Solution and a Resolution a debt to be payd and a purpose of heart to pay it The Debt Is Thankefulnesse This is the matter and substance of the wordes God hauing first by affliction taught vs to know our selues doth afterwards by deliuerance teach vs to know him And when his gracious hand hath helped vs out of the low pitte hee lookes that like Israel Exod. 15. wee should stand vpon the shore and blesse his name Dauid that prayed to God de profundis out of the depths haue I called vnto thee doth after praise him in excelsis with the highest Organs and instruments of laud. Generall mercies require our continuall thankes but new fauours new prayses O Sing vnto the Lord a New Song for he hath done maruellous things There is a fourefold life belonging to man and God is the keeper of all His naturall ciuill spirituall and eternall life Eloudie man would take away our naturall life Psal. 37. The wicked watcheth the righteous and seeketh to slay him GOD keepes it The slanderous world would blast our ciuill life God blesseth our memory The corrupted flesh would poyson our spirituall life God hides it in Christ. The raging Deuill would kill our eternall life God preserues it in heauen Vnworthy are wee of rest that night wherein we sleepe or of the light of the Sunne that day wherein we rise without praysing God for these mercies If wee thinke not on him that made vs vvee thinke not to vvhat purpose hee made vs. When I consider the workes of GOD saith Augustine I am wonderfully mooued to praise the Creator Qui prorsus ita magnus est in operibus magnis vt minor non sit in minimis vvho is so great in his great workes that hee is not lesse in his least But when we consider his worke of Redemption about which he was not as about the Creation six dayes but aboue thirtie yeeres Where non sua dedit sed se he gaue not his riches but himselfe and that non tam in Dominum quàm in seruum et sacrificium not to be a Lord but a seruant a sacrifice We haue Adamantine hearts if the bloud of this saluation cannot melt them into praises But speciall fauours require speciall thanks vvhether they consist in Eximendo Exhibendo either in redeeming vs from dangers or heaping vpon vs benefites Our Prophet in fiue instances Psal. 107. exemplifieth
yet the heart must hold The wretchednesse is it cannot burst Poena gehennales torquent non extorquent puniunt non finiunt corpora It is called by Augustine Mors sine morte sinis sine fine defectus sine defectu But some will say Your Text speakes of Proportion how can eternall vengeance bee proportionable to a momentany offence Yes first an infinite God is offended and a finite man is the offender Because he cannot be capable of an infinite wrath at once he must haue it in eternity the short dimensions of his Essence must haue a long extention of his punishment what wants in place must be supplied in time Christ indeed suffered enough in a short time because he was infinite man cannot doe so and therefore must be for euer in suffering Secondly he that delights in sinne desires it may alwayes continue and velle peccatum est peccatum so that an infinite desire must needs haue an infinite punishment Qui moritur sine poenitentia si semper viueret semper peccaret He that dies without repentance if he should euer liue would euer sinne So Gregor It is Gods iust iudgement Vt nunquam mortu●…s care●…t supplicio qui nunquam v●…uus voluit carere peccato That he dead should haue eternall punishment who liuing would haue beene eternally wicked Vt nullus detur in●…quo terminus vltionis qui quamd●… valui●… habere noluit terminum criminis That no end should be allowed to his vengeance that would haue allowed himselfe no end of wickednes As the good man if he should euer liue would euer doe well If thou wilt therefore offend in aeterno tuo God must punish i●… aeterno suo Thy iniustice would put no date to thy sins Gods Iustice shall set no date to thy sufferings Thus ye haue plowed wickednesse and ye haue reaped iniquity You see the wickeds Seeding and Haruest God keepe vs from sowing such seed that we may neuer reape such a crop The godly haue also their Seeding and their H●…uest All their sowing may be distinguished Into Pietie towards God Charity towards men For Pietie They sowe in Faith and God will blesse that Seede it shall grow vp to heauen for it is sowne in the side of Iesus Christ who is in heauen He that beleeueth on God there is the seed shall haue euerlasting life there is the Haruest Qui credit quod non videt videbit quod credit Hee that beleeues what he doth not see there 's the Seed shall one day see what he hath beleeued there is the Haruest They sow in obedience this is also a blessed Seed that will not faile to prosper wheresoeuer it is cast If ye keep my Commandements there 's the Seed ye shall abide in my Loue there 's the Haruest Rom. 6. Ye are the seruants to God and haue your fruite vnto holinesse there 's the sowing and the end euerlasting life there 's the Reaping Obedientia in terris regnabit in coelis He that serues God on earth and sowes the seed of Obedience shall in heauen reape the haruest of a kingdome They sowe in Repentance and this seed must needes grow vp to blessednesse Psalm 126. They that sowe in teares shall reape in ioy Hee that goeth forth and weepeth bearing precious seed there 's the sowing shall doubtles come againe with reioycing bringing his sheaues with him there 's the Haruest Many Saints haue now reaped this croppe in heauen that sowed their seed in teares Dauid Marie Magdalen Peter as if they had made the Prouerbe No comming to heauen with dry eyes Thus nature and God differ in their proceedings To haue a good crop on earth we desire a faire Seed-time but heere a wet time of sowing shall bring the best Haruest in the Barne of heauen Blessed are they that mourne there 's the seeding for they shall be comforted there 's the Haruest Lastly they sowe in renouncing of the world and adherence to Christ and they reape a great Haruest Behold saith Peter to Christ we haue forsaken all and followed thee there 's the Seeding What shall wee haue therefore what You shall sit on twelue thrones iudging the ●…vvelue tribes of Israel all that you haue lost shall bee centupled to you and you shall inherit euerlasting life ther 's the Haruest Sow to your selues in righteousnesse and reape in mercy For Charitie He that sowes this seed shall be sure of a plentifull crop Whosoeuer shall giue to drinke to one of these little ones a cup of cold water onely a little refreshing in the name of a Disciple verily I say vnto you he shall in no wise lose his reward But if he that giueth a little shall be thus recompenced then He that soweth bountifully shall reape bountifully Therefore sparse abroad with a full hand like a Seeds-man in a broad field without feare Doth any thinke he shall lose by his charitie No worldling when he sowes his seed thinkes hee shall lose his seed he hopes for amendment at haruest Darest thou trust the ground and not God Sure God is a better pay-master then the earth Grace doth giue a larger recompence then nature Below thou may est receiue forty graines for one but in heauen by the promise of Christ a hundreth fold a measure heapen and shaken and thrust together and yet running ouer Blessed is he that considereth the poore there 's the Seeding the Lord shall deliuer him in the time of trouble there 's the Haruest Is this all No Math. 25. Ye fedde me when I was hungry and gaue me drinke thirsty comforted me in misery there 's the sowing Veni beati Come ye blessed of my Father inherit the Kingdome prepared for you there 's the Haruest I shut vp this point with the Apostles Blessing Now hee that ministreth seede to the sower both minister bread for your food and multiply your seed sown and increase the fruits of your righteousnesse God send you a good Haruest I conclude Whatsoeuer a man soweth that shall he also reape O that this Text might be true vpon all vs at this time The Lord hath sowne the seede of his Gospell O that he might reape your soules to his glory But shall we hope for that which the Prophets found not I haue laboured in vaine I haue spent my strength for nought saith Esay Nor the Apostles I haue fished all night and caught nothing saith Peter No nor Christ himselfe who spake as neuer man spake Yet himselfe telleth vs Math. 13. that of foure sorts of ground wherein the seed was sowne three were barren and returned no fruit Alas how much seed is sowne among thornes rockes and high-way grounds you come to receiue this seed but it fructifies not You bring forth hedge-fruit like the Heathen scarce so good We heare often and as often forget Yet still Beloued this Text shall be true God hath sowne and he will reape sowne his
heeles of vanity Mans life is compared to a Day This day to some may be distinguished into twelue houres The first giues vs natiuity euen in this houre there is sin an originall prauity indisposition to good pronenesse to euill Secondly Infancy God now protects the cradle Thirdly Childhood and now we learn to speake and to sweare together the sap of iniquity begins to put out Fourthly Tender age wherein toyes and gawdes fill vp our scene Fiftly Youth this is a madding a gadding time Remember not the sins of this time prayes Dauid their remembrance is bitter sayes Iob. Sixtly Our high noone God that could not be heard before for the loud noyse of vanity now looks for audience for obedience Seuenthly This is full of cares crosses the dugs of the world taste bitter it is full time that this houre should weane vs. Eightly Brings vs to a sense of mortality we feele our bloud decaying Ninthly Our bodies goe crooked and stooping to put vs in minde that they are going to their originall earth Tenthly We are euen as dying we do dye by degrees our senses first faile vs our eyes are dimme like old Isaacs our eares deafe our taste dull our grinders are done our stilts vnable to support vs. Eleuenthly We are a burden to our selues to our friends we long for death if any hope of a better life hath possessed our hearts The twelfth houre it comes Which of these houres pass ouer vs without Gods mercies without our voluntary vnthankfulnesse vnlesse those first houres wherein our ignorance is vncapable of such obseruance All thy day long haue I stretched out my hands vnto thee saith God If none of these houres reclaime vs our day is spent and the night comes that night wherein no man can worke actiuely to comfort though passiuely he worke for euer in torment I knovv that God cuts many one short of most of these houres and often shuts vp his day-light before hee comes to his noone But howsoeuer man passe from Infancy to childhood from childhood to youth from youth to age yet senectutem nemo excedit none can be more then olde Though tam senex nemo quin putet se annum posse viuere no man is so old but still he thinks hee may liue another yeare And therefore lightly the older the more couetous and Quò minus viae restat eò plus viatici qu●…ritur the lesse iourney men haue the more prouision they make God allowes this liberall time to some but what enemies are we to our selues that of all these twelue houres allow our selues not one Many post off their conuersion from day to day sending Religion afore them to thirty and then putting it off to forty and not pleased yet to ouertake it promise it entertainment at threescore at last death comes and allowes not one houre In youth men resolue to allow themselues the time of age to serue God in age they shuffle it off to sicknesse when sicknes comes care to dispose their goods lothnesse to dye hope to escape martyrs that good thought and their resolution still keepes before them the length of Gracious street at least If wee haue but the lease of a Farme for twenty yeares we make vse of the time and gather profit But in this precious Farme of Time we are so ill husbands that our Lease comes out before we are one penniworth of grace the richer by it Take heed it is dangerous trifling out thy good day lest thou heare this message in the euening This night shall thy soule be required of thee Then whose shall those things be which thou hast prouided This is the Question It were somewhat if thou mightest perpetually enioy them thy selfe if thou couldst fetch downe eternity to them As those in the 49. Psalme whose inward thought is that their houses shall continue for euer and their dwelling places to all generations they call their lands after their owne names But there is a Quamdiù and a Quousque Hovv long Hab. 2. How long Thou that lodest thy selfe vvith thicke clay How farre Esa. 14. How farre Thou that madest the earth to tremble and didst shake the Kingdomes Here is a Non vltra to both thy power is confined thy time is limited both thy latitude and extention are brief'd vp heere 's thy period a full stop in the midst of the sentence 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Whose shall those things bee which thou hast prouided He that should read thy history being ignorant of thy destiny and finde so plentifull a happinesse in the first page of the booke grounds so fertill cattell so prospering house so furnished possibilities stro●… king thy hopes hopes milking thy desires desires dancing to the tune of thy pleasures promises of larger barnes more opulent fruites and all this with ease yea with hearts-ease Soule be merry and comming now to the end of the page but not of the sentence turning ouer a new leafe thinking there to reade the maturity and perfection of all should finde a blanke an abrupt period an vnlook'd for stoppe would surely imagine that eyther destiny was mistaken or else some leaues were torne out of the booke Such a Cuius erunt haec omnia would be a terrible dash in a story of happinesse so fairely written and promising so good an Epilogue But here is his end you must read him no further He whom you haue seene this day you shall see him againe no more for euer Whose shall these things be O worldling Were thy grounds as Eden and thy house like the Court of Iehoiakim yet dost thou thinke to raigne because thou closest thy selfe in Cedar no aduenit finis t●…us Thy end is come Whose shall these things be It were something yet if thy children might enioy these riches But there is a man that hath no child yet is there no end of his labour neyther is his eye satisfied vvith wealth And he sayth not For whom doe I trauell and bereaue my soule of this good The prodigall would bee his owne heyre and Executor but this couetous man bequeaths neyther legacy to himselfe nor to any knowne Inheritour The other desires to see en end of all his substance this man to see onely the beginning Hee hunts the world full cry yet hath no purpose to ouertake it he liues behind his wealth as the other liues beyond it But suppose hee hath children and then though hee famish himselfe to feed them fatte though he be damned yet if his sonne may be made a Gentleman there is some satisfaction But this Cuius erunt is a scattering word and of great vncertainty Whose shall they be perhaps not thy childrens They say Happy is that sonne whose father goes to the Deuill but thou maist goe to the Deuill and yet not make thy sonne happy For men make heritages but God makes heyres He will wash away the vnholy seed and cut off the generation of the wicked Salomon had
remittentis not natura transgressionis the mercy of the forgiuer not the qualitie of the sin that maketh it veniall All transgressions are mortall in themselues and by repentance all veniall in Christ. The least sinne legally considered is mortall the greatest sin Euangelically considered is pardonable This difference we approoue yea wee say that small sinnes are more easily pardoned and great sinnes when they are remitted are more hardly remitted For certainly offenders are more or lesse punished accoding to the qualitie of the offence An eye with an eye but bloud with bloud and life with life Yet still say we not that a sinne is in it owne nature veniall For euen the least is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the transgression of the Law It is for the doctrine of Rome to lessen sinne and to extenuate punishment and that for two reasons First that they might please the people with some liberty and next that hereby they might build vp their Purgatory For they assigne mortall sinnes to hell and veniall to that purging fire They offer herein a double wrong both to their owne modestie and to Gods mercy To their owne modestie for they extenuate their faults in sinning to Gods mercy for they disparage his goodnesse in forgiuing They affirme that sinnes of omission weakenesse forgetfulnesse and ignorance be Praeter legem Dei but not contra legem Dei that they be Besides the Law of God not Against the law of God This doctrine like the lippes of that strange woman drop as an hony-combe and are smooth as oyle But their end is bitter as worme-wood sharpe as a two-edged sword This is a dangerous delusion for hence they come so to neglect those lesse sinnes that Peccata minima be at last thought Nulla As they haue certaine Orders among them Fryers Minorites Fryers Minim's and then Nullani Nullans So sinne bates and dwindles from a Minorite or lesse sinne to a Minim or least sinne and from a Minim to a Nullan to be no sinne at all Thus Incipit esse licitum quod folet esse publicum The commonnesse takes away the haynousnesse from being generally practised it comes to be vniuersally allowed Euery sinne is committed against God Against thee thee onely haue I sinned Looke vpon the infinite Maiestie offended and by that iudge the quality of thy offence There be sinnes of weaknesse sinnes of ignorance and sinnes of malice Those of weakenesse are said to be committed against God the Father whose speciall attribute is Power Those of Ignorance against God the Sonne whose speciall attribute is wisedome Those of malice against God the Holy Ghost whose speciall attribute is loue Whether then they be of weakenesse of ignorance or of malice they offend either the Power of God or the Wisedome of God or the Loue of God therefore acknowledge Secundum magnitudinem Dei magnitudinem peccati confesse the least sinne great and bad that hath offended a Maiestie so Great and Good 2. Minima plurima sinnes lesse haynous are the most numerous Many littles make a mickle Small droppes of raine commonly cause the greatest flouds Quò minus violentum eò magis perpetuum the lesse violence the longer continuance The drisling sleete that falls as it were in a mist fills the chanels they swell the riuers the ouercharged riuers send foorth their superfluous waters ouer the conteyning bankes now the medowes are polluted the Corne-fields spoyled the Cattell drowned yea euen houses and townes and inhabitants endangered and firme continents buried vnder a deluge of waters Many little sands gather'd to an heape faile not to swallow a great Vessell De paruis grandis aceruus erit You haue Eagles Hawkes Kites and such great fowles of rapine flying alwaies alone but the sparrowes and pidgeons that deuour the graine by innumerable troupes There were not more grieuous plagues to the Egyptians then came by the contemptiblest creatures as frogges lice flyes locusts by reason of the monstrous swarmes couering the face of the earth and darkning the Land and deuouring the fruit of the whole Country Yea euen killing the people that there was no remedie found for their life Thus great destruction ariseth from little causes therefore Non contemnenda quia parua sed metuenda quia multa Let vs not despise our sinnes because they are little but feare them because they are many saith Augustine The smal drops of sinne continually falling haue drowned many soules As they haue been our Armes to fight against GOD so God will make them his Armies to confound vs. Timenda ruina multitudinis etsi non magnitudinis Let vs feare them for their number though we slight them for their nature A pace is but a little space of ground yet a thousand paces make a mile and many miles bring to hell Si negligis quia non pessima caueas quia plurima If they be not the worst they are the most and is it not all to one purpose vvhether one Goliah or a thousand Philistims ouercome thee The bird brings so many little strawes as makes vp her nest the reprobate so many little sticks as makes vp his owne burning pile Augustine saith there is in Sinne both weight and number Et si non timeas quando expendis time quando numeras Iudge them by tale and not by waight Put a wanton speech a loose gesture into the balance though Christ found it heauy euery soule shall for whom he did not beare it yet it is censured vix culpa a little faulting a little failing so little that vvere it lesse it were nothing But now leaue thy Geometry come to Arithmetike beginne to number thy vvanton works and vnchristian gestures and carnall thoughts now loe they come in by troupes and heards thicker then the frogges into Egypt miraris numerum thou standest amazed at their number and now cryest Miserere mei Deus Lord haue mercy on me a most wretched sinner Yet when thy recognition hath done the best and thy memory represented those swarmes of sinnes to thy conscience thy view is as farre short as will be thine answer neither can extend ad millesimam vel minimam partem Thou hast not seene one of a thousand Who can vnderstand his errors O Lord cleanse thou mee from my secret faults Thus it is not Trutina but Scrutinū that will teach thee the danger of these little sinnes Thou didst neuer st●…ale thy neighbours goods by breaking into his house therefore pleadest not guiltie to that Law Thou shalt not steale Examine thou shalt find past from thee so many couetous wishes as make vp a robberie Thou art no swearer yet through the dore of thy lips haue scaped out so many idle words as being put together will make vp a blasphemie Thou neuer madest the member of Christ a member of a harlot by vncleannesse yet thou hast giuen indulgence to as many lustfull thoughts and desires as beeing summed will make vp a great adultery I feare that many who
haue forborne the forbidden bed haue yet by their lusts scatteringly and forgetfully admitted framed vp an adultery as great as Dauids Some that haue made a conscience of grand oathes and impudent blasphemies yet haue eiaculated so many lowd lewd and false attestations as haue conflated a blasphemy no lesse impious then Rabshakeh's A tradesman disdaines to lye abhorres to oppresse yet hath vttered so many commodities of dissimulations concealements false warrantings cunning fraudes as make vp an oppression equall to Ieconiah's A Protestant abhominates sacriledge and down-right robbing the Church yet hath so long been bold to make vse of this Impropriation or if in a meaner condition with his Compositions Customes detinies legall alienations leasses and fines as make vp a sacriledge not inferiour to Achan's Put my money to Interest No saith another I defie all vsurious contracts yet by his pawnes morgages forfets couznages and such tricks knowne best to GOD his Iudge the Deuill his Enginer his Scriuener and himselfe he puts downe vnconuerted Zaccheus for vsury Oh the incredible soules lost in the Labyrinth of these vnsuspected and in their imagination iustifiable sinners 3. Minima Insensibilia these little sinnes are not so easily felt therefore most pernicious If a man hath died his hand in bloud irrequieta conscientia a peacelesse conscience haunts him with vnceslant vexation let him hate his brother this little murder he feeles not The deuill like a roring Lyon is soone heard forming himselfe to a foxe his insinuation is not perceiued Hee rores in monstrous iniquities in treason murder sacriledge oppression these be thundring sinnes that will waken the soule if it be not lethargiz'd But creeping like a silent Foxe he deuoures the grapes without disturbance Take vs the Foxes the little foxes for they spoyle the Vines If Satan hew at the timber and knock at the foundation of the house we heare the noise and preserue the building They are those small Teredines little sinnes that in sensibly eate it to dust and it is ruined ere we are aware So long as Sinne comes not in thunder it neuer wakens men if it doe not enter into Theomachie and denounce open warre against GOD they make but a tush of it To abuse the good creature is nothing so long as they are not drunke to giue nothing to the poore is no sinne so long as they take not from the poore to sleepe out the Sermon is but a little drowsinesse all is wel so long as they break not the Sabbath in absence from Church These and such like are the common thoughts and so triuiall an estimate they beare of these sinnes that they thinke God should doe them wrong to call them to any reckoning for them Thus they sowe sinnes as that enemy did tares here a little and there a little but growne vp the whole fielde was ouergrowne with them A sinne that cannot be committed Sine grands corruptione sui graui laesione proximi magno contemptu Dei without his owne notorious deprauation his brothers greeuous oppression Gods manifest contempt and prouocation this quickly amazeth a man and he starts backe from the deuils first offer If the deuill at first had come to Iudas here 's a hundred peeces betray thy Master none he was not yet hardned enough in villany let Satan first worke him to hypocrisie then to couetousnes and lastly hee shall preuaile him with him for treason too Hee might refuse a hundred peeces before now he will take thirty When that good Prophet wept vpon Hazael he asked Why weepeth my Lord He answered Because I know the euil that thou wilt doe to the children of Israel Their strong helds wilt thou set on fire slay their young men with the sword dash their children against the stones and rip vp their women with child He replyed What is thy seruant a dog that I should doe this great thing He thought it impossible that the deuill should euer worke him to so horrid a mischiefe But he did it ambition brought him to a kingdome a kingdome brought him to tyrannie tyrannie to insolence insolence not onely to oppression of his owne but to invasion of other Countreys among which Israel felt the smart in the burning of her Cities and massacring her Inhabitants Thus by degrees he was wrought to this selfe-incredited mischiefe as impossible as at first he iudged it at last he performed it Doubtlesse there be some that would shudder at the temptation to periurie yet pedetentm by insensible steppes they arriue at it by lying they come to swearing by swearing to forswearing If the Vsurer had an oppressed mans widow and orphanes lying and crying at his dores perhaps shame if not remorse would seize on him but let him exact inhaunce oppresse excoriate the Common-wealth and not heare it in a publique clamour he neuer wincheth for the matter A fact that lookes at the first blush horrid and intollerable is presently either auoided or within some modest limits restrained but another Dum paruum creditur securius in vsu retinetur the opinion of paruitie abates the opinion of prauitie that which is weakely censured is strongly retained Our officious lies soothing adulations amorous wishes wanton songs scoffing at Ministers censuring of Sermons being reprooued we laugh them out But these laughing sinnes will be one day found crying sinnes And if we cry not to God for mercy by repentance they shal cry to God against vs for vengeance 4. Minima materialia maximorum little sinnes are the materaills of great sinnes The seedes of all sinnes are naturally in vs not so much as treason homicide periurie but are in vs Quoad potentiam yea Quoad naturam et propensionem there is in our nature a procliuitie to them Now the heart is so apt ground to produce and mature these Innata mala inbred seeds to actualls that without the preuenting Grace of GOD we cannot auoid them Thou art a Christian and fearest not that euer thou shouldst apostate into the deniall of thy Sauiour yet let me say thou hast the materialls of this sinne within thee timorousnesse and selfe-loue Thou saiest Sure I shall neuer be a drunkard that belluine folly shal neuer apprehend me yet thou hast the materialls of this within thee and that naturally and hereditarily from thy first Grandmother Eue a sweet tooth in thy head a liquourish appetite to delicate meates and intoxicating wines Thou canst not be a traitour nor admit of conspiracie against thy Soueraigne yet the materiall of this wickednes is within thee That which wee call Gunpowder is made of the falt fatter earth in the ground are the materials which when Art hath concocted chym'd prepar'd charged and discharged it ouerturnes towres and townes forts and cities We were once too neere iustifying by a wofull experience the violence of it but the goodnesse of our good Lord Iesus auerted it So in thy earth thy heart there is this salt and spumy matter the minerall of treason vnlesse the
giues a cup of cold water to a Disciple shall not lose his reward This hire and reward is not the stipend of our labours but of Gods loue He giues vs the good of grace and then rewards it with the good of glory It is a reward Secundum quid a gift simpliciter Compare eternall life to the worke looking no farther it is a reward Reioyce and be glad for great is your reward in heauen But examine the Originall from whence it proceedes then it is the gift of God Eternall life is the gift of God through Iesus Christ. He is said to Shew mercy to them that keep his Commande●…ents the very keeping the Commandements is not merit it hath neede of mercy Loe thus the Lord giues grace then praiseth it blesseth it rewards it Christ cloatheth his Spouse with his owne garments the smell of Myrrhe Alloes and Cassia A white robe of his perfect righteousnesse imputed with his golden merits and inestimable Iewels of graces and then praiseth her Thou art all faire my Loue there is no spot in thee When God made the world with all creatures in it he beheld it and Euge bonum behold it is exceeding good so when hee makes a Christian Maiorem meliorem mundo and hath furnished him with competent graces hee turnes backe and lookes vpon his owne workemanship Ecce bonum it is exceeding good hee forbeares not to commend it Now what doth hee specially commend in this conuerted Leper his praysing of God The Leper prayseth God God praiseth the Leper He prayseth in his praysing two things the Rightnesse and the Rarenesse 1. The Rightnesse that he gaue praise to God directed it thither where it was onely due He returned to giue glory to God non mihi sed Deo saith Christ not to me but to God Perhaps his knowledge was not yet so farre enlightned as to know him that cured him to be God therefore bestowed his praise where hee was sure it should be accepted where onely it is deserued on God I seeke not my owne praise saith Iesus but mittentis the praise of him that sent me If I honour my selfe my honour is nothing 2. The Rarenesse and that in two respects 1. That hee alone of tenne blessed God God had but his Tenth it is much if the tenth soule goe to heauen The godly are so rare that they are set vp for markes and signes and wonders as if the world stood amazed at them 2. That hee onely was the Stranger a Samaritan Many great vertues were found among the Samaritans Faith Charity Thankfulnesse First Faith Many of the Samaritans of that Citie beleeued on him Secondly Charity It was the Samaritan that tooke compassion on the man wounded between Ierusalem and Iericho The Priest and the Leuite passed by him without pitie but the Samaritan bound vp his wounds Thirdly Gratitude exemplified in this Samaritan Leper none of the Iewes gaue God praise for their healing but only the Samaritan It was strange that in Gentiles should be found such vertue where it was least looked for Verily I say vnto you I haue not found so great faith no not in Israel The least informed did proue the best reformed Samaritan was held a word of reproach amongst the Iewes as appeares by their malicious imputation to Christ. Say we not well that thou art a Samaritan and hast a Diuell They were esteemed as dogges It is not meete to take the childrens bread and to cast it to dogs And at the first promulgation of the Gospell the Apostles receiued a manifest prohibition Goe not into the way of the Gentiles and into any City of the Samaritans enter ye not It was therefore rare to reape such fruites out of the wild Forrest cursed like the mountaines of Gilboa Let there be no dew neither raine vpon you nor fields of offerings To be good in good company is little wonder for Angels to be good in heauen Adam in Paradise Iudas in Christs Colledge had been no admirable matter to apostate in these places so exemplary of goodnesse was intolerable weakenesse But for Abraham to be good in Chalde Noah in the old world Lot in Sodome for a man now to be humble in Spaine continent in France chaste in Venice sober in Germany temperate in England this is the commendation Such a one is a Lilly in a Forrest of thornes a handfull of wheate in a field of cockle Let me not here omit two things worthy my insertion and your obseruation 1. Gods iudgement and mans do not concurre the Samaritans were condemned of the Iewes yet here nine Iewes are condemned by one Samaritan They that seeme best to the world are often the worst to God they that are best to God seeme worst to the world When the Moone is lightest to the earth she is darkest to heauen when she is lightest to heauen she is darkest to the earth So often men most glorious to the world are obscurest to the diuine approbation others obscure to the worlds acknowledgement are principally respected in Gods fauor Man would haue cleared the Pharise and condemned the Publican when they both appeared in the Temple together the one as it were in the Quire the other in the Belfrey But Christs iudgemēt is that the Publicane departed rather iustified The Iewes thought that if but 2. men in the world were saued the one should be a Scribe the other a Pharise But Christ saith neither of them both shall come there You shall see others in the Kingdome of heauen and you your selues thrust out Some like the Moone are greater or lesse by the Sunne of mens estimation Samuel was mistaken in Eliab Abinadab and Shammah for the Lord had chosen Dauid Isaac preferred Esau but God preferred Iacob and made the father giue the blessing to that sonne to whom he least meant it All this iustifies that my thoughts are not your thoughts neither are your wayes my wayes ●…aith the Lord. 2. Learne we here from Christ to giue men their due praise to them that deserue praise God ●…akes of vices with commination of vertues wit●…●…endation Let vs speake of others sinnes with griefe of their good workes with praise and ioy Of others sinnes with griefe so did S. Paul Many walke of whom I haue told you often and now tell you weeping that they are enemies of the crosse of Christ. So Dauid Riuers of waters ru●… downe mine eyes because men keepe not thy Law Our Sauiour wept ouer apostate Ierusalem he wept ouer the people beholding them as scattered sheep without a shepheard Who can forbeare weeping to see soules muffled misse-led by ignorance like the babes of Niniuch not able to distinguish the right hand from the left Alas there are innumerable soules that know not their owne estate O pitie them Because thou wilt not heare this my soule shall weepe in secret for thy pride But let vs mention
and faculties run to the soule to saue that which is principall The bloud and spirits striue to saue the life of the bodie faith hope to saue the life of the soule So that at the suddaine assault of some daunger a man shall best iudge of his owne heart It may bee at other times a dissembler for mans heart is false who can know it yet at such time it will manifest it selfe and cannot deceiue If God hath beene our familiar friend and accustomed helper danger doth not sooner salute vs then we salute him by our prayers The first thought of our hearts is Iesus Christ the first voyce of our lips is Peters on the sea in such an extremitie Lord saue mee our faith is reposed on his wonted mercy and protection Wee know whom we haue beleeued Daniell cals on GOD ere hee fals to the Lions this stoppes their mouthes The wicked in such miserie are either heauie and heartlesse as Nabal whose heart dyed within him and he became as a stone Or desperate as Iulian throwing his bloud vp into the ayre with a blasphemous confession Or sottish as these here running to the mountaines vnprofitable vnpossible helpes When the blow of vengeance strikes the couetous he runs to his counting house if his bagges can giue him no succour he is distracted If any broken reed bee their confidence in these ouerwhelming woes they catch drowning hold of that so they and their hopes perish together There are some whose tongues are so poysoned with blasphemie that in an vnexpected accident the very first breath of their lips is a curse or an oath As if they would sweare away destruction which euery vngodly speech drawes on neerer If these men hadde beene acquainted with God in faire weather they would not forget him in a storme But they that will haue no familiaritie with God in peace shall haue him to seeke in extremitie When therefore some sudden perill hath threatned thee with terrour note seriously how thou art affected Though the danger came vnlook'd for let it not passe vnthought of but as thou blessest God for deliuery so examine the good or ill disposednesse of thine owne heart If thou find thy selfe couragious and heauenly minded on thy confidence in God take at once assurance of thy faith and Gods mercie Hee that nowe stood by thee will neuer leaue thee If otherwise lament thy sinnes which darken thy soules way to the mercie-seate and beseech Iesus Christ to store thy heart with better comforts If thy treasure be in heauen and thy soule hath beene vsed to trauell often thither when danger comes it knowes the way so well that it cannot misse it 2. Affirmatiuely this presents a soule amazed with feare and follie They call to the Mountaines that can neither heare nor answere When the world was destroyed with water men climbed vp to the tops of the Mountaines when it shall be dissolued with fire they will desire the holes of the rockes and to lie vnder the hils The mountaines are but swellings of the earth and the rockes are surd things that haue no eares can they heare or if they heare can they answere or if they answere can they saue when the graues must vomite vp their dead shall the rockes conceale the liuing Those fiue Kings could not be hid in the caue of Makkedah from Ioshua and shall any caue hide from Iesus Whiles guilt and feare consult of refuge how vaine shifts they imagine Adam would hide his disobedience in the bushes Saul his rebellion in the crowd of the people So the hood-wink'd foole seeing no body thinkes no body sees him Helplesse euasions when Adoniah heard the trumpets sounding at Salomons coronation he quaked and fled to the hornes of the Altar When the vngodly shall heare the Archangels Trumpe proclaiming the coronation of Christ they haue no Sanctuarie they neuer loued it in all their liues but flie to the rockes and mountaines The graue is a darke and priuatiue place yet as a prisoner that comes out of a sordid and stinking dungeon into the open ayre for his triall in a desperate cause had rather keepe the prison still So these reprobates newly raysed from the earth cry to it to receiue them againe glad to remaine though not on the face of it with pleasure in the bowels of it with rottenesse and solitude rather then in the open light to come before the iudgement seat of Christ. The graue is a drowne-bed to hell They suddainly start out of their sleepe and meet with gastly amasednesse at the mouth of their sepulchers beholding on the one side sins accusing on another side hellish fiends vexing an anguish'd conscience burning within heauen earth without aboue them the countenance of an angry Iudge below them a lake of vnquenchable fire round about howling and bitter lamentations no maruell then if at the worlds end they be at their wittes end and cry to the mountaines Fall on vs. Let all this declare to men the vanitie of their worldly hopes God is the Preseruer of men not hils rocks The rich man is brought in vpon a Premunire can his gold acquit him in this Starre-chamber The Epicure thinkes to drowne sorrow in lustie wines the oppressor mistrusts not the power of his owne hand the proud refugeth his troubled heart in his trunkes the lustfull in his punkes what is this but running to rockes and mountaines Thus madly doe men commit two errors Ier. 2. They forsake the creator which would neuer forsake them and adhere to the creatures which can neuer helpe them O Lord the hope of Israell all that forsake thee shall be ashamed and all that dep●…t from thee shall be written in the earth Nowe at this day perhaps they would seeke to the Lord but they are answered Go●… to the gods whom ye haue serued Loe then of these gods they shall be wearie as in the 2. of Esay where these very words of my Text are deliuerd ver 19. They shall goe into the holes of the rockes c. it is immediatly added In that day a man shall cast his Idols of siluer and his Idols of gold which he made for himselfe to worship 〈◊〉 the moules and to the battes Euen the spirituall Idolater the Couetous shall throw his Images golden or siluer shrines for the Diana of his auarice his damned coyne to combustion with a vae Woe vnto it it hath lost my soule As the sicke stomacke lothes the meate whereof it surfetted Well let vs leaue inuocation to these Rockes worldly refuges and remember that there is one to be called on who is onely able to defend vs a spirituall holy and happy Rocke Iesus Christ. Dauid often cals God his Rocke and his refuge A rocke that beares vp the pillars of the world Their Rocke is not as our Rocke euen our enemies themselues being iudges He that builds his house of assurance on this rocke shall stand
like the Raile alone but fooles like Partridges by whole coueys There is but one Truth but innumerable errors Which should teach vs 1. Not to follow a multitude in euill In ciuill actions it is good to doe as the most in religious to doe as the best It shall be but poore comfort in hell Socios habuisse doloris Thou pleadest to the Iudge I haue done as others the Iudge answeres And thou shalt speed as others 2. To blesse God that we are none of the many as much for our Grace whereby we differ from the fooles of the world as for our Reason whereby wee differ from the fooles of nature Now as these fooles are many so of many kindes There is the Sad foole and the Glad foole the Haughtie foole and the Naughtie foole 1. The Sad or melancholy foole is the Enuious that repines at his brothers good An enemie to all Gods fauours if they fall besides himselfe A man of the worst diet for he consumes himselfe and delights in pining in repining Hee is readie to quarrell with God because his neighbours flocke scape the rotte He cannot endure to be happie if with companie Therefore enuie is called by Prosper De bono alterius tabescentis animi cruciatus the vexation of a languishing minde arising from anothers well-fare Tantos Inuidus habet iustae poenae tortores quantos inuidiosus habuit laudatores So many as the enuied hath praisers hath the enuious tormentors 2. The Glad foole I might say the Mad foole is the dissolute who rather then he will want sport makes goodnesse it selfe his Minstrell His mirth is to fullie euery vertue with some slander with a ●…est to laugh it out of fashion His vsuall discourse is filled vp with boasting Parentheses of his old sinnes and though he cannot make himselfe merry with their act hee will with their report as if he roued at this marke to make himselfe worse then he is If repentance doe but proffer him her seruice he kickes her out of dores his minde is perpetually drunke and his bodie lightly dies like Anacreon with a grape in his throat He is stung of that serpent whereof he dies laughing 3. The Haughtie foole is the ambitious who is euer climbing high Towers and neuer forecasteth how to come downe Vp he will though he fall downe headlong He is wearie of peace in the Countrey and therefore comes to seeke trouble at Court where hee haunts great men as his great spirit haunts him When he receiues many disappoyntments he flatters himselfe still with successe His owne fancie perswades him as men doe fooles to shoot away another arrow thereby to find the first so he looseth both And lastly because his pride will admit of no other punisher he becomes his owne torment and hauing at first lost his honestie he will now also loose his wittes so truely becomes a foole 4. The Naughtie foole is the Couetous This is the Follie that Salomon saw vnder the Sunne You heard before of a merry foole but the very foole of all is the auarous for he will loose his friends starue his bodie damne his soule and haue no pleasure for it So sayth the Prophet He shall leaue his riches in the midst of his dayes and at his end shall be a Foole. He wasts himselfe to keepe his goods from wast he eats the worst meate and keepes his stomach euer chiding He longs like a foole for euery thing he sees and at last may habere quod voluit non quod vult haue what he desired neuer what he desires He feares not the day of iudgment except for preuēting the date of some great obl●…gatio You would thinke it were pettie treason to call a rich man foole but he doth so that dares iustifie it Luk. 12. Thou foole this night shall they fetch away thy soule from thee then whose shall those things be which thou hast prouided We haue anatomized the Foole let vs behold his Sport He maketh a mocke at sinne The Fathers call this Infimum gradum and Limen inferni the lowest degree of sinne and the very threshold of hell It is Sedes pestilentiae the Scorners chaire Psal. 1. wherein the vngodly sittes blaspheming God and all goodnesse Nemo fit repente pessimus No man becomes worst at first This is no suddaine euill Men are borne sinnefull they make themselues prophane Through many degrees they climbe to that height of impietie This is an extreame progresse and almost the iourneys end of wickednesse Improbo laetari affectu Thus Abner cals fighting a sport Let the young men arise and play before vs. They glory in their shame sayth the Apostle as if a condemned malefactor should boast of his halter Fooles make a mocke at sinne We shall the more clearly see and more strongly detest this senseles iniquitie if we consider the obiect of the Fooles Sport Sinne. 1. Sinne which is so contrary to goodnes and though to mans corrupt nature pleasing yet euen abhorred of those sparkes and cinders which the rust of sin hath not quite eaten out of our nature as the Creation left it The lewdest man that loues wickednesse as heartily as the deuill loues him yet hath some obiurgations of his owne heart and because he will not condemne his sinne his heart shall condemne him The most reprobate wretch doth commit some contraconscient iniquities and hath the contradiction of his owne soule by the remanents of reason left in it If a lewd man had the choice to be one of those two Emperors Nero or Constantine who would not rather bee a Constantine then a Nero The most violent oppressor that is cruell to others yet had rather that others should be kind to him then cruell The bloudiest murderer desisires that others should vse him gently rather then strike kill or butcher him Nature it selfe prefers light to darkenesse and the mouth of a Sorceresse is driuen to confesse Video meliora probóque The most rigid vsurer if he should come before a seuere Iudge would be glad of mercie though himselfe will shew none to his poore bond-men In bene viuendo requiem natura fateri Cogitur It is then first a contra-naturall thing to make a mocke at sinne 2. Sinne which sensibly brings on present iudgments Thou art made whole sinne no more least a worse thing come vnto thee Sinne procured the former and that was greeuous 38. yeares bed-rid Sinne is able to draw on a greater punishment Least a worse thing come vnto thee If I should turne this holy booke from one end to the other if I should search all Fathers yea all writers whether diuine or humaine I should euince this conclusion that Sinne hales on Iudgement Pedisequis sceleris supplicium If there be no feare of impietie there is no hope of impunitie Our Machiauellian Politicians haue a position that Summa scelera nicipiuntur cum periculo peraguntur cum praemio the greatest wickednes is begun with danger gone
through with reward Let the Philosophers stop their mouths Scelus aliquis tutum nemo securum tulit Some guiltie men haue beene safe none euer secure This euerie eye must see Let adulterie plead that nature is encourager and directer of it and that she is vniust to giue him an affection and to barre him the action yet we see it plagued To teach vs that the sin is of a greater latitude then some imagine it vncleane fedifragous periured Broad impudence contemplatiue Bauderie an eye full of whores are things but iested at the committers at last find them no iest when God powres vengance on the body and wrath on the naked conscience Let drunkennes stagger in the robes of good fellowship and shrowdit selfe vnder the wings of merriment yet we see it haue the punishment euen in this life It corrupts the bloud drownes the spirits beggers the purse and enricheth the carcase with surfets a present iudgement waites vpon it He that is a theefe to others is at last a theefe also to himselfe and steales away his owne life God doth not euer forbeare sin to the last day nor shall the bloudy Ruffian still escape but his owne bloud shall answere some in present and his soule the rest eternally Let the Seminary pretend a warrant from the Pope to betray and murder Princes and build his damnation on their tetricall grounds which haue Parum rationis minus honestatis Religionis nihil Little Reason lesse Honestie no Religion Yet we see God reueales their malicious stratagems and buries them in their owne pit Piercies head now stands Centinell where he was once a Pioner If a whole land flow with wickednes it escapes not a deluge of vengeance For England haue not her bowells groaned vnder the heauy pestilence If the plague be so common in our mouthes how should it not be common in our streets With that plague wherwith we curse others the iust God curseth vs. Wee shall find in that Emperiall state of Rome that till Constantines time almost euery Emperour dyed by treason or massacre after the receiuing of the Gospell none except that reuolter Iulian Let not sinne then be made a sport or iest which God will not forbeare to punish euen in this life 3. But if it bring not present Iudgement it is the more fearefull The lesse punishment wickednes receiues here the more is behind God strikes those here whom he meanes to spare hereafter and corrects that sonne which he purposeth to saue But hee scarce meddles with them at all whom hee intends to beate once for all The Almond tree is forborne them who are bequeathed to the boiling Potte There is no rod to scourge such in present so they goe with whole sides to hell The purse and the flesh scapes but the soule payes for it This is Misericordia puniens a greeuous mercie when men are spared for a while that they may be spilled for euer This made that good Saint cry Lord here afflict cut burnt torture me Vt in aeternum parcas that for euer thou wilt saue me No sorrow troubles the wicked no disturbance embitters their pleasures But remember sayth Abraham to the merry-liu'ed rich man Thou wert delighted but thou art tormented Tarditas supplicij grauitate pensatur and hee will strike with iron hands that came to strike with leaden feete Tuli nunquid semper feram no their hell-fire shall be so much the hoter as God hath beene coole and tardy in the execution of his vengeance This is a Iudgement for Sinne that comes inuisible to the world insensible to him on whom it lights To be giuen ouer to a reprobate mind to a hard and impenitent heart If any thing be vengance this is it I haue read of plagues famine death come temperd with loue and mercie this neuer but in anger Many taken with this spirituall lethargie sing in Tauernes that should howle with dragons and sleepe out Sabboths and Sermons whose awaked soules would rend their hearts with anguish Fooles then onely make a mocke at sinne 4. Sinne that shall at last be laid heauy on the conscience the lighter the burthen was at first it shall be at last the more ponderous The wicked conscience may for a while lie a sleepe but Tranquilitas ista tempestas est this calme is the greatest storme The mortallest enemies are not euermore in pitched fields one against the other the guiltie may haue a seeming truce true peace they cannot haue A mans debt is not payd by 〈◊〉 bring euen while thou sleepest thy arrerages run on If thy conscience be quiet without good cause remember that Cedat iniustissima pax iustissimo bello a iust warre is better then vniust peace The conscience is like a fire vnder a pile of greene wood long ere it burne but once kindled it flames beyond quenching It is not pacifiable whiles sinne is within to vexe it the hand will not cease throbbing so long as the thorne is within the flesh In vaine he striueth to feast away cares sleepe out thoughtes drinke downe sorrowes that hath his tormentor within him When one violently offers to stoppe a sourse of bloud at the nostril it finds a way downe the throate not without hazzard of suff●…cation The stroken deare runs into the thicket and there breakes off the arrow but the head stickes still within him and rankles to death Flitting and shifting ground giues way to further anguish The vnappeased conscience will not leaue him till it hath shewed him hell nor then neither Let then this Foole know that his now feared conscience shall be quickned his death-bed shall smart for this And his amazed heart shall rue his old wilfull adiournings of repentance How many haue there raued on the thought of their old sinnes which in the dayes of their hote lust they would not thinke sinnes Let not then the Foole make a mocke at sinne 5. Sinne which hath another direfull effect of greater latitude and comprehensiue of all the rest Diuinam incitat iram It prouokes God to anger The wrath of a king is as messengers of death what is the wrath of the king of kings For our God is a consuming fire If the fire of his anger be once throughly incensed all the riuers in the South are not able to quench it What piller of the earth or foundation of heauen can stand when he will wake them Hee that in his wrath can open the iawes of earth to swallow thee sluce out flouds from the sea to drowne thee raine downe fire from heauen to consume thee Sodome the old world Corah drunke of these wrathfull vialls Or to goe no further he can set at iarre the elements within thee by whose peace thy spirits are held together drowne thee with a dropsie bred in thy owne flesh burne thee with a pestilence begotten in thy owne bloud or bury thee in the earthly graue of thy owne melancholy Oh it is a fearefull thing to
them casting vp white and red earth in abundance Wherewith his amazed eyes growing soone enamoured he desires a participation of their riches They refuse to ioyne him in their gaines vnlesse he wil ioyne himselfe in their paines Hereupon he fals to toyling digging deluing til some of the earth fals so hea uie vpon him that it lames him and he is able to goe no further There he dies in the sight of that Citie to which he could not goe for want of feet looseth a certaine substantial gift for an vncertain shadow of vaine hope You can easily apply it God of his gracious fauour not for our deserts giues man his creature a glorious Citie euen that whose foundations are of Iasper Saphyre and Emerald c. He doth more directes him the way to it Goe on this way Walke in loue He begins to trauell and comes within the sight of heauen but by the way he spies worldlings toyling in the earth and scraping together white and red clay siluer and gold the riches of this world Hereof desirous he is not suffered to partake except hee also partake of their couetousnes and corrupt fashions Now Mammon sets him on worke to digge out his owne damnation where after a while this gay earth comes tumbling fo fast vpon him that his feet be maimed his affections to heauen lost and he dyes short of that glorious Citie which the king of heauen purchased with his owne bloud and gaue him Thinke of this ye worldlings and seeing you know what it is to be charitable put your feet in this way Walke in Loue. There be yet others whose whole course is euery step out of the way to God who is Loue and they must walke in Loue that come vnto him 1. There is a path of Lust they erre damnably that call this the way of Loue. They turne a spirituall grace into a carnall vice and whereas Charitie and Chastity are of nearer allyance then sound these debauched tongues call vncleanesse Loue. Adulterie is a cursed way though a much coursed way for a whore is the high-way to the Deuill 2. There is a path of malice and they that trauell it are bound for the Enemie Their euill eye is vexed at Gods goodnes and their hands of desolation would vndoe his mercies Other mens health is their sicknes others weale their woe The Iesuites and their bloudy Proselyts are pilgrims in this way We know by experience the scope of their walkes Their malice was strong as Sauire in saxa but they would turne Ierusalem in aceruum Lapidum into a heape of stones Yea such was their rage that Nil reliqui fecerunt Vt non ipsis elementis fieret iniuria they spared not to let the elements know the madnesse of their violence They could not draw fire from heauen their betters could not do it in the dayes of Christ on earth therefore they seeke it they digge it from hell Flectere cùm nequeunt Superos Acheronta movebunt Here was a malicious walking 3. There is a counterfeit path the Travellers make as if they walked in loue but their loue is dissimulation It is not dilectio vera true love which S. Ioh. speakes of nor dilectio mera as Luther not a plaine-hearted loue They will cosen you vnseene and then like the whore in the Proverbes wipe their mouthes and it was not they Their art is Alios pellere aut tollere to giue others a wipe or a wound Iudas-like they salute those with a kisse against whome they intend most treason 4. There is a way directly crosse to loue which neither obeyes God for loue keepes the commandements nor comforts man for loue hath compassion on the distressed These haue feete swift enough but swift to shed bloud Destruction and miserie are in their wayes They are in Zedechiahs case both their eyes are put out and their feete lamed with the captiue chaines of Satan so easily carried downe to his infernall Babilon These are they that devoure a man and his heritage Therefore Christ calles their riches not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 things without them as if they had swallowed them down into their bowels The phrase is vsed by Iob He hath swallowed downe riches he shall vomit them vp againe God shall cast them out of his belly When this vomit is given them you shall see strange stuffe come from them Here the raw and vndigested gobbets of vsurie there the mangled morsels of bloudy oppressions here fiue or sixe impropriate Churches there thousand acres of decayed tillage here a whole casket of bribes there whole houses and patrimonies of vndone orphans here an Inclosure of commons there a vastation of proper and sanctified things Rip vp their conscie nces and this is the stuffing of their hearts These walke crosse to the Crosse of Christ as Paul sayth they are Enemies cursed walkers Whereupon we may conclude with Bernard Periculosa tempora iam non instant sed extant the dangerous times are not comming but come vpon vs. The cold frost of indevotion is so generall that many haue benūmed ioynts they cannot walke in loue Others so stiffe and obdurate that they will meete all that walke in this way and with their turbulent malice striue to iustle them out of it Therefore David prayes Preserue me from the violent men that haue purposed to ouerthrowe my goings Let vs then vpon this great cause vse that deprecation in our Let any From pride vain-glory hypocrisie from envy hatred malice all vncharitablenes Good Lord deliver vs. I am loth to giue you a bitter farewell or to conconclude with a menace I see I cannot by the times leaue drinke to you any deeper in this cup of Charity I will touch it once againe and let every present soule that loues heauen pledge me Walke in loue The way to life everlasting is loue and hee that keepes the way is sure to come to the end We knowe that we haue passed from death to life because we loue the brethren For this are the workes of mercie charity piety and pitty so much commended in the Scriptures by the Fathers with so high titles because they are the appoynted way wherein we must walke and whereby we must worke vp our owne salvation Therefore the Apostle claps in the necke of good workes laying vp in store for themselues a good foundation against the time to come that they may lay hold on eternall life Thereby wee lay the ground of saluation in our consciences and take assured hold of eternall life He that goes on in loue shall come home to life This comforts vs not in a presumption of merite but in confident knowledge that this is the way to glory wherein when we find our selues Walking wee are sure we are going to heauen and sing in the wayes of the Lord Great is the glory of the Lord.
heale the bones which the Lord hath broken But his mother other friends stands by seeing sighing weeping Alas what doe those teares but euerease his sorrow might hee not iustly say with Paul What meane ye to weepe to breake mine heart Of whom then shall he expect comfort Of his Apostles Alas they betake them to their heeles Feare of their owne danger drownes their copassion of his miserie He might say with Iob Miserable comforters are ye all Of whom then The Iewes are his enemies and vie vnmercifullnes with deuils There is no other refuge but his Father No euen his Father is angry he that once said This is my beloued Son in whom I am well pleased is now incens●…d He hides his face from him but layes his hand heauy vpon him buffets him with anguish Thus Solus patitur he gaue himselfe only himselfe for our redemptiō To whom To God and that is the fourth circumstance To whom should he offer this sacrifice of expiation but to him that was offended and that is God Against thee thee onely haue I sinned and done this euill in thy sight Father I haue sinned against heauen and in thy sight All sinnes are committed against him his iustice is displeased and must be satisfied To God for God is angry with what and whom with sinne and vs and vs for sinne In his iust anger he must smite but whom In Christ was no sinne Now shall God doe like Annas or Ananias If I haue spoken euill sayth Christ beare witnesse of the euill but if well why smitest thou me So Paul to Ananias God will smite thee thou whited wall for Sittest thou to Iudge me after the Law and commandest me to be smitten contrary to the Law So Abraham pleads to God shall not the Iudge of all the earth doe right Especially right to his Sonne and to that Son which glorified him on earth and whom he hath now glorified in heauen We must fetch the answere from Daniels Prophecie The Messiah shall he cut off but not for himselfe Not for himselfe For whom then For solution hereof we must steppe to the first point and there we shall finde For Whom For vs. He tooke vpon himour person he became suretie for vs. And loe now the course of Iustice may proceed against him He that will become a Suertie and take on him the debt must be content to pay it Hence that innocent Lambe must be made a Sacrifice and he that know no 〈◊〉 in himselfe must be made sin for vs that we might be made the righteousnes of God in him Seauen times in three verses doth the Prophet Esay inculcate this We Our vs. Wee were all sicke greeuously sicke euerie sinne was a mortall disease Quot Vitia tot febres He healeth our infirmities sayth the Prophet he was our Phisician a great Physician Magnus Venit medicus quia magnus iacebat agrotus The whole world was sicke to death therfore needed a powerfull Physician So was he and tooke a strange course for our Cure Which was not by giuing vs physicke but by taking our Physicke for vs. Other patients drink the prescribed potion but our Physician drunke the potion himselfe and so recouered vs. For vs. Ambr. Pro me doluit qui pro se nihil habuit quod doleret He suffered for me that had no cause to suffer for himselfe O Domine Iesu doles non tua sed vulnera mea So monstrous were our sinnes that the hand of the euerlasting Iustice was ready to strike vs with a fatall and finall blow Christ in his owne person steppes betweene the stroke and vs and bore that a while that would haue sunke vs for euer Nos immortalitate malè vsi sumus vt moreremur Christus mortalitate benè vsus est vt viueremus We abused the immortality we had to our death Christ vsed the mortality he had not to our life Dilexit nos he loued vs such vs that were his vtter enemies Here then was loue without limitation beyond imitation Vnspeakable mercy sayes Bernard that the king of eternall glory should yeeld himselfe to be crucified Protam despicatissimo vernaculo immò vermiculo for so poore a wretch yea a worme and that not a louing worme not a liuing worme for we both hated him and his and were dead in sinnes and trespasses Yea for All vs indefinitely none excepted that will apprehend it faithfully The mixture of Moses Perfume is thus sweetly allegorized God cōmands him to put in so much frankincense as Galbanum and so much Galbanum as frankincense Christs Sacrifice was so sweetly temperd as much bloud was shed for the peasant in the field as for the Prince in the Court The offer of saluation is generall whosoeuer among you ●…areth God and worketh rightousnes to him is the word of this saluation sent As there is no exemption of the greatest from misery so no exception of the least from mercie Hee that will not beleeue and amend shall be condemned be he neuer so rich he that doth be hee neuer so poore shall be saued This one point of the Crucifixe For vs requires more punctuall meditation Whatsoeuer we leaue vnsaid we must not huddle vp this For indeed this brings the Texthome to vs euen into our consciences speakes effectually to vs all to me that speake and to you that heare with that Prophets application Thou art the man Wee are they for whose cause our blessed Sauiour was crucified For vs he endured those greeuous pangs for vs that we might neuer tast them Therefore say we with that Father Toto nobis figatur in corde qui totus pro nobis fixus in cruce Let him be fixed wholy in our hearts who was wholy for vs fastned on the Crosse. We shall consider the vses we are to make of this by the ends for which Christ performed this It serues to Saue vs. It serues to Moue vs. It serues to Mortifie vs. 1. To saue vs. This was his purpose performance●…l he did all he suffered was to redeeme vs. By his stripes we are healed by his Sweat we refreshed by his sorrows we reioyced by his death wee saued For euen that day which was to him Dies Luctus the heauiest day that euer man bore was to vs Diessalutis the accepted time the day of saluation The day was euill in respect of our sinnes his sufferings but eventually in regard of what he payed and what he purchased a good day the best day a day of ioy and Iubilation But if this Saluation be wrought for vs it must be applied to vs yea to euery one of vs. For that some receiue more profite by his passion then others is not his fault that did vndergoe 〈◊〉 but theirs that doe not vndertake it to apply it to their own coscience●… But we must not only beleeue this Text in grosse but let euery
wealth then worship it Or if they suffer it to passe their locke key yet they bind it in strong chains and charmes of vsurie to a plentifull returne Enough is a language they will neuer learne till they come to hell where their bodies shall haue enough earth their soules enough fire There are foure aduerbs of quantitie Parum Nihil Nimis Satis Litle nothing Two much Enough The last that is the best is seldome found The poore haue Litle the beggar nothing the rich two much but Cui satis who hath Enough Though they haue too much all is too little nothing is enough Quid satis est si Roma parum What is enough if all Rome bee too little sayd the Poet. But the world it selfe could not bee enough to such Aestuat infoelix angusto limite mundi The couetous man may habere quod voluit nunquam quod vult hee may enioy what hee desired neuer what hee desireth for his desires are infinite So their abundance which God gaue them to helpe others out of distresse plungeth themselues into destruction as Pharaohs Chariot drew his master into the sea In the Massilian sea sayth Bernard scarce one ship of foure is cast away but in the sea of this world scarce one soule of foure escapes 4. Their next Policie When they swimme though their bodies bee plunged downe yet they still keepe their head aboue the water And this lesson of their wisdome I would direct to the Riotous as I did the former to the Couetous Which vitious affections though in themselues opposite for the covetous thinke Prodigum Prodigium the Spender a wonder and the prodigall thinke Parcum Porcum the niggard a hogge yet either of them both may light his candle at the lampe of the Serpents wisedome and learne a vertue they haue not Though you swimme in a full sea of delights yet bee sure to keepe your heads vp for feare of drowning It is naturall to most sensit●…e crea●…res to beare vp their heads aboue the flouds yet in the streame of pleasures foolish man commonly sinkes If I had authoritie I would here bid Gluttonie Drunkennesse stand forth heare themselues condemned by a Serpent If the belly haue any 〈◊〉 let it heares not suffer the head of the body ●…ch 〈◊〉 the head of the soule Reason to be drowned in a puddl●… of riot Multafercula multos 〈◊〉 Many dishes many diseases Gluttony was euer a friend to 〈◊〉 But for the throa●…s indulgence Paracelsus for all his Mercurie had dyed a beggar Intemperance lies most commonly sicke on a downe bedde not on a padde of straw Ay me's and grones are soonest heard in rich mens houses Gowtes Pleurisies dropsies feuers surfets are but the consequents of epicurisme Qu●… nisi diuitibus nequeunt conting●…re 〈◊〉 A Diuine Poet morrally We seeme ambitious Gods whole worke t' vndo●… Of nothing he made vs and we striue two To bring our selues to nothing backe and we Doe what we can to do 't as soone as he We complaine of the shortnes of our liues yet take the course to make them shorter Neither is the corporall head onely thus intoxicate and the senses drowned in these deluges of ryot but Reason the head of the Soule and Grace the head of Reason is ouer whelmed Rarum 〈◊〉 ●…ine vitio 〈◊〉 convitio Reuellers and Reuilers are wonted companions When the belly is made a Crassus the tongue is turned into a Cesar and taxeth all the world Great feasts are not without great danger They serue not to suff ce nature but to nourish corruption Luk. 2. Ioseph and Mary went vp to Ierusalem to the feast with Iesus but there they lost Iesus Twelue yeares they could keepe him but at a feast they lost him So easily is Christ lost at a feast And it is remarkable there ver 46. that in the Temple they found him againe Iesus Christ is often lost at a banket but he is euer found in the temple Iude speakes of some that feast without feare They suspect not the losse of Christ at a banket But Iob feared his children at a feast It may be my sonnes haue sinned and cursed God in their hearts Let vs suspect these riotous meetings lest wee doe not only swimme but sinke Let vs be like the Deere who are euer most fearefull at their best feeding d Let vs walke h●…nestly as i●… the d●…y not in ri●…ting and drunkennesse that were to feast the world not in chambering and want●…esse that were t●… feast the flesh not in strife and enuying that were to feast the deuill I know therebe some that care not what be sayd against eating so you meddle not with their drinke Who cry ou●… like that German at a great Tourneament at Court when al the spec●…ors were pleased Valeant L●…di 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 farewell that sport where there is no drinking I will say no more to them but that the Serpents he●…d keepes the vpper hand of the waters but d●…nke g●…ts the vpper hand of their heads How 〈◊〉 is this Sobrij serpentes 〈◊〉 homines Sober serpents and drunken men The Serpent is here brought to t●…ch v●… wisedome and to bee sober is to be wise The Philosoph●…r so deriues wisedome in his Ethick's 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ●…st quasi 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Or as another quia 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 5. The fift instance of their wisedo●… propounded to our imitation is vigilancie They ●…eepe litle and then l●…ast when they suspect the 〈◊〉 of danger A pr●…dent wo●… ou●… following See that ye walke circ●…spectly not 〈◊〉 fo●…les but as wise Carry your eyes in your own●… heads no●… Like those 〈◊〉 in a boxe Nor lik●… a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Prince that is not suffered to see but through 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 spect●…es Be watchf●…l saith our S●…iour yo●… 〈◊〉 not wh●… houre your master will come 1. Pet. 5. 8. B●… 〈◊〉 b●… vigil●…nt because your aduersa●…y the Deuil a●… a roaring Lyon walketh about seeking whom he ●…ay deuoure Th●…se are two m●…ine motiues to watchfullnes First our Landlord is ready to come for his rent Secondly our enemy is ready to assault ou●… for t And let me adde the Ten●… we dwell in is so weake and ruinous that it is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 readie to drop downe about our eares Hee that dwell●… in a rotten 〈◊〉 house dares scarce sleepe in a tempestuous night Our bodies are earthly decayed or at least decaying Tabernacles euerie little disease like a storme totters vs. They were indeed at first strong cities but we then by sinne made them forts of rebells Whereupon our o●…ended Liege sent his Sariant death to arrest vs of high treason And though for his mercies sake in Christ he pardoned our sinnes yet he suffers vs no more to haue such strong houses but le ts vs dwell in thack'd cottages paper walles mortall bodies Haue wee not then cause to watch least our house whose foundation is in the dust
the eyes of Doues by the riuers of water washed with milke ●…d fitly set as a precious stone in the foile of a Ring A white doue is a pleasing sight but not like a white soule 2. Chastitie Nescit adu●…erij fla●…am inte●…erata Columba The Doue knowes not the luxurious pollution of an adulterate bed Who euer saw Doue sicke of that lustfull disease Happie bodie that hath such continencie and blessed soule which shall be presented a pure virgin to Iesus Christ. They are virgines and follow the Lambe whether s●…euer he goeth 3. Fruitfulnesse Most moneths in the yeare they bring forth young The faithfull are in this respect Doues for faith is euer pregnant of good workes trauels with them and on all occasions brings them forth 4. Amitie They loue their owne mates not changing till death giue one of them a bill of diuorce G●…mit ●…urtur the turtle groanes when hee hath lost his mate Nature teacheth them what Reason aboue nature and Grace aboue Reason teacheth vs to reioyce with the wiues of our youth 5. Vnitie They liue feed flie by companies Many of them can agree quietly in one house Euen teaching vs how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in vnitie That as we haue one hop●… so to haue one heart Therefore the holy Ghost came downe in the likenesse of a Doue of all birds and it was the Doue that would not leaue Noahs Arke But these are but circumstances my C●…nter is their Innocence Columba simplex est animal felle caret rostro non l●…dit Other fowles haue their talons and beakes whereby they gripe and deuoure like vsurers and oppressors in a Common-wealth The Doue hath no such weapon to vse no such heart to vse it They write that she hath no gall and so free from the bitternesse of anger Talem Columbam audi●…imus non talem hominem We haue heard of such a Doue not of such a Man Who can say he hath innocent hands and a simple heart Indeed none perfectly in Gods sight yet some haue had and may haue this in part by the witnesse of their owne consciences Samuel could chalenge the Israelites to accuse him Whose ●…xe haue I taken Whom haue I defrauded Of whose h●…d ha●…e I receiued any bribe And Iob sweetly My heart shall not condemne me for my dayes If I haue lift vp my hand against the fatherles let it be broken If I reioyced at the destruction of him that hated me For that is true Innocence sayth Augustine quae nec inimico nocet that hurts not our verie enemie If my land cry against me or the furrowes thereof complaine Let thistles grow in stead of wheat and cockles in stead of barley How few amongst vs dare thus plead So Dauid O Lord thou knowest mine innocenc●… O blessed testimonie This is Munus a●…eneus a wall of brasse about a man In 〈◊〉 sper●…re bonum nisi innocens n●… potest To hope for good in the middest of euils no man can but the Innocent He goes fearlesse of danger though not secure Impauidum ferient ruinae Ne●… suspectus est pa●… quod se non 〈◊〉 fecisse He cannot looke to suffer that wrong which he knowes hee hath not done Innocence sayth Chrysoft is free in seruitude safe in danger ioyfull in bonds Cum humiliatur erigitur ●…um pugnat vincit cum occiditur coronatur When it is cast downe it is raysed vp when it fights it conquers when it is killed it is crowned This is that ●…elesnes which must be ioyned with the Serpents Wisedome So Paul to his Romans I would h●…ue you wise vnto that which is good and simple concerning euill This is an excellent mixture sayth Gregor Vt simplicitatem 〈◊〉 ast●…ia serpentis instrueret vt serpentis astut●… simplicitas colu●…●…emperaret That the wisedome of the Serpent might instruct the simplicity of the Doue that the Doues simplicitie might temper the Serpents policie So ●…eda on the first of Iob. Iob is sayd to be simple and vpright simple in innocencie vpright in discreet equitie Simplex quia alijs non l●…dit rectus quia se ab alijs non corrumpi 〈◊〉 Simple in that he did not hurt others vpright in that he suffered not himselfe to be corrupted by others Non mul●…ùm distat in vitio aut decipere aus decipiposse There is small difference in that vice which either deceiues or may be deceiued The one is weakenesse the other wickednesse This is that grace to which the gates of heauen stand open Innocence But alas where shall the robbers and workers of violence appeare What shall become of the vsurer No creature in heauen or earth shall testifie his innocencie But the sighes cryes and grones of vndone parents of beggard widdowes and Orphanes shall witnesse the contrary All his money like Hempe seede is sowed with curses and euery obligation is written on earth with inke and bloud and in hell with bloud and fire What shall become of the Encloser of Commons Who shall plead his innocence Hedges ditches fields and townes the weeping of the poore the very lowings of beastes shall witnesse against him Where shall fraud cosenage racking of rents iniurie periurie mischiefe appeare You may conceale your craft from the eyes of man defraud the minister beguile your neighbour impouerish the Common-wealth vnperceiued vnpunished but know that the Lord will not hold you innocent I conclude Make you the picture of Innocencie and hang it in your houses but especially draw it in the table of your hearts Let it bee a Virgin faire and louely without any spot of wrong to blemish her beautie Let her garments be white as snow and yet not so white as her conscience Let the teares of compassion drop from her eyes and an Angell holding a bottle to catch them Let her weepe not so much for her owne afflictions as for the wickednes of her afflicters Let the wayes be milke where she sets her foote and let not the earth complaine of her pressure Let the Sun offer her his beames the clouds their raine the ground her fruits euery creature his vertue Let the poore blesse her yea let her very enemies be forced to prayse her Let the world be sommoned to accuse her of wrong and let none be found to witnesse it Let peace lie in her lappe and Integritie betweene her brests Let religion kisse her lippes and all Lawes reuerence her Patience possesse her heart and humilitie sit in her eyes Let all Christians make her the precedent of their liues and studie the doctrine that her mouth teacheth Let the Angels of heauen be her guardians and the mercie of God a shield of defence vnto her Let her tread vpon iniurie and stampe the Deuill and violence vnder her feete Let her greatest aduersaries Oppression and Hypocrisie flie from her presence Let rapine malice extortion depopulation fraud and wrong be as farre
he is Not future euents but present condition may be thus learned Neither day nor night scapes a good man without some profite the night teacheth him what he is as the day what he should be Therefore said a Philosopher that all waking men are in one common world but in sleepe euery man goes into a world by himselfe For his dreames doe signifie to him those secret inclinations to which hee thought himselfe a stranger though they were home-dwellers in his heart Euen those fancies are speaking images of a mans disposition And as I haue heard of some that talke in their dreames and then reueale those secrets which awake they would not haue disclosed So may thy dreames tell thee when thou wakest what kind of man thou art The hypocrite dreames of dissimulation the proud woman of paint and colours the theefe of robberie and booties the Iesuite of treasons Let them aske their very sleepe quale●… sint what manner of men they ar●… For so lightly they answere temptations actually waking as their thoughts doe sleeping Thus onely a man may make good vse of his dreames Here let vs obserue that God doth sometimes draw men to him suis ipsorum 〈◊〉 by their owne delights and studies No doubt these Magi were well acquainted with dreames it being amongst Ethnickes and Peripatetickes a speciall obiect of diuination Therefore there is a booke bearing the name of Aristotle De diui●…ne p●…r somnium Many ●…ors these men had swallowed by dreames now behold in a dreame they shall receiue the truth So God called them by a Starre whose profession was to relie too much on the Starres Quare per Stellam vt per Christum ipsa materia erroris fieret salutis occasio Why by a Starre that through Iesus Christ the very matter of their error might be made a meanes of their saluation Per 〈◊〉 ill●…s vocat qu●… famil●…ria illis cons●…tudo fecit God cals them by those things which custome had made familiar to them They that are stung with Scorpions must be cured by the oyle of Scorpions Thus God allures men to him as Fishermen 〈◊〉 with such baites as may bee somewhat ag●…ble to them Paul is occasioned by the Al●… 〈◊〉 the vnknow●… God to make knowne the true God the 〈◊〉 Iesus Doth Dauid loue the Sheepe-folds he shall be a Shepheard still From following the e●…s great with yong he brought him to feed Iacob his people and Isr●…ll his ●…ritance Doth Peter loue fishing he shall goe a fishing still though for more noble creatures to catch soule●… Doe these Magicians loue Starres and Dreames behold a Starre and a Dreame shall instruct them in the truth of God Old Is●… takes occasion by the smell of his Sons garments sauouring of the field to pronounce a spirituall blessing The smell of my Sonne is as the smell of a field which the Lord hath blessed Ierome notes of Amos that he begins his Prophecie with roaring The Lord shall roare from Sion Because he being a field-man kept the woods where hee was wonted to the roaring of Lyons Iudaei signa quaerunt Doe the Iewes seeke a signe Why Christ will there euen among them worke his Myracles Doth Augustine loue eloquence Ambrose shall catch him at a Sermon All things shall worke to their good that are good Omnia etiam peccata All things euen their very sinnes sayth Augustin●… 〈◊〉 in his Essayes writes that a libidinous gentleman sporting with a Courtezan in a house of sinne chanced to aske her name which she sayd was Mary Whereat he was stricken with such a remorse and reuerence that he instantly not onely cast off the Harlot but amended his whole future life Well-beloued since this is Gods mercie to allure vs to him by our owne delights let vs yeeld our selues to be caught What scope doth thy addiction leuell at that is not sinfull which Gods word doth not promise and afford What delight can you aske which the Sanctuarie giues not Loue you hunting learne here to hunt the Foxes the little Cubbes those craftie sins sculking in your bosomes Would you dance let your hearts keepe the measures of Christian ioy and leape like Iohn the Baptist in Elizabeths wombe at the saluation of Iesus Delight you in running Paul sets you a race So runne that ye may obtaine You shall haue good company D●…id promiseth that he will run the way of Gods commandements Peter and Iohn will runne with you to Iesus Loue you Musicke Here are the Bels of Aaron still ringing the treble of Mercie and the tenor of Iudgement Leui's Lute and Dauids Harpe There are no such songs as the songs of Sion Would you be merry Reioyce in the Lord alwayes and againe I say reioyce If euer you found ioy like this ioy the peace of conscience and ioy of the holy Ghost backe againe to the world Louest thou daintie cheare here be the best cates the body and bloud of thy Sauiour the bread of life no hunger after it Wilt thou drinke much Drinke my wine and my milke drinke yea drinke abundantly O Beloued Bib●…e 〈◊〉 as the originall imports drinke and bee drunken with loues pledge the health that Christ begun euen asauing health to all nations Are you ambitious there is no preferment like that to be had here in the Court of the King of Kings Dauid iudged it no little thing to bee Sonne in law to a King but what is it then to bee a King Desire you stately buildings Alas the whole world is but a Cottage a poore transient Tabernacle to the Mansions promised by Christ. Lastly are you couetous Yet I need not aske that question but take it as granted Why then here is gold more precious then that of Arabia or of Hauilah rust or theefe may distresse that this is a treasure can neuer be lost What should I say more What can winne you Which way soeuer your desires stands God doth allure you The best thinges in earth or in heauen are your baite With these doth the Lord seeke you not for any need that he hath of you but for your owne saluation When the fairest of all Beloueds doth thus wooe vs let him winne vs and espouse vs to himselfe in grace that wee haue the plenary marriage in glory You see the Manner of their Warning The Matter That they should not returne to Herod Why not to Herod Because the Lord now lets them see his hypocrisie For howsoeuer he pretended Ver. 8. to come and worship him yet he intended not seruire but s●…uire not to honour him but to murder him He cals the Wisemen priuily as if hee quaked at the propagation of this newes for it came vpon him like the pangs of death He commands them to inquire de infante not de rege of the babe not of the King for that title galled him to the heart That I may worship him Dirum facinus tingit colore pietatis
suffer commit c. What. The Soule and the keeping thereof The Soule is a very precious thing it had need of a good keeper For what is a man profited if he shall gaine the whole world and loose his owne soule We trust the Lawyer to keepe our Inheritance the Physitian to keepe our body the coffer to keepe our money shepheards to keepe our flockes but the Soule had need of a better keeper Howsoeuer it goes with thy libertie with thy loue with thy land with thy life be sure to looke well to thy soule that lost all is lost The bodie is not safe where the Soule is in hazard Non-anima pro corpore sed corpus pro anima factum est The soule is not made for the bodie but the bodie for the Soule He that neglects the better let him looke neuer so well to the worse shall loose both He that looks well to the keeping of the better though he somwhat neglect the worst shal saue both The Body is the instrument of the soule it acts what the other directs so it is the externall actuall and instrumentall offender Satan will come with a Habeus corpus for it But I am perswaded if hee take the Body hee will not leaue the Soule behind him To whom To God he is the best Keeper Adam had his Saluation in his owne hands hee could not keepe it Esau had his Birth-right in his owne hands hee could not keepe it The Prodigall had his Patrimonie in his owne hands he could not keepe it If our Soule were left in our own hands we could not keepe it The world is a false keeper let the soule runne to ryot hee will goe with it The Deuill is a Churlish keeper he labours to keepe the soule from saluatiō The Body is a brittle inconstant keeper euery sicknes opens the doore and lets it out God onely is the sure keeper Your life is hid with Christ in God This was Dauids confidence Thou art my hiding place thou shalt keepe mee The Iewells giuen to thy little children thou wilt not trust them with but keepe them thy selfe O Lord keepe thou our onely one doe thou Rescue our soule from destructions our Darling from the Lyons Trust vs not with our owne soules wee shall passe them away for an Apple as Adam did for a morsell of meate as Esau did for the loue of a harlot as that Prodigall did Lord doe thou keepe our Soules Now the Christian patient must commit the keeping of his Soule to God both in Life Death 1. Liuing the Soule hath three places of being In the body from the Lord in the Lord from the body in the body with the Lord. The two last are referred to our saluation in heauen either in part when the Soule is glorified alone or totally when both are crowned together Now the soule must be euen here in the Lords keeping or else it is lost If God let goe his hold it sinkes It came from God it returnes to God it cannot be well one moment without God It is not in the right vbi except the Lord be with it It is sine sua domo if sine suo Domino Here be foure sorts of men reprouable 1. They that trust not God with their soules nor themselues but relie it only vpon other men 2. They that will not trust God with their soules nor others but onely keepe it themselues 3. They that will trust neither God with their soules nor others nor keepe it it themselues 4. They that will neither trust others with their soules nor themselues but only God yet without his warrant that he will keepe it 1. They that trust their soules simplie on the care of others they are either Papists or prophane Protestants The Papist trusts Antichrist with his soule he 's like to haue it well kept If Masses Asses can keepe it for so the Iesuites terme their secular Priests it shall not bee lost The deuill fights against the soule the Pope interposeth an armoury of Agnus Dei's sprinklings crossings amulets prayers to Saints But surely if this Armour were of proofe S. Paul forgot himselfe in both these places where he describes that Panoply or whole armour of God He speakes of a plate of righteousnesse for the breast shooes of patience for the feete the shield of Faith the helmet of saluation the sword of the Spirit To the Thessalonians indeed hee somewhat varies the pieces of armour but in neither place doth he mention Crosses Crucifixes aspersions vnctions c. Or they will trust the Saints in heauen with their soules Sancta virgo Dorothea tua nos virtute bea cor in nobis nouum crea What that Prophet desired of God they as if they were Ioth to trouble the Lord about it and could haue it neerer hand beg of their Saint Dorothy to create a new heart within them Such a rithme haue they to the Virgin Mary Virgo mater maris stella Fons hortorum verbi cella ne nos pestis aut procella peccatores obruant But the Saints are deafe non audiunt They would pray them to forbeare such prayers they abhorre such superstitious worship They that were so iealous of Gods honour on earth would be loth to robbe him of it in heauen So our carnall professors onely trust the Minister with their soule as if God had imposed on him that charge which the Prophet gaue to Ahab keepe this man if by any meanes he be missing then shall thy life be for his life But indeed if he doe his duty in admonishing If thou warne the wicked of his way to turne from it if he do not turne from his way he shall die in his iniquitie but thou hast deliuered thy soule 2. They that will not trust others with their soule but keepe it themselues They wrapit warme in the nest of their own presumptuous merits as if good workes should hatch it vp to heauen But the soule that is thus kept will be lost He that wil goe to heauen by his own righteousnes and climbers by no other ladder then his owne Iust workes shall neuer come there The best Saints that haue had the most good workes durst not trust their soules with them I know nothing by my selfe yet am I not hereby iustified In many things we sin all All in many things many in all things And the most learned Papists whatsoeuer they haue said in their disputations reserue this truth in their hearts otherwise speaking in their deaths then they did in their liues Now non merita mea sed misericordia tua not my merits but thy mercies O Lord. All our life is either vnprofitable or damnable therfore O man what remaines Nisi vt in tota vita tua deplores totam vitam tuā but that during al thy life thou shouldest lament al thy life workes cannot keepe vs but grace let them boast of perfection we cry for
but the goates are not written in his booke The foundation of God standeth sure hauing the seale the Lord knoweth them that are his It is a goodly thing to be famous and remarkable in the world Est pulchrum digito monstrari dicier hic est It is a goodly thing to bee sayd this is the man whom the world honours but perhaps this is not he whom God honours He that suffers and does according to the will of God the Lord will take that man into his boso●… Such honour haue all his Saints It is no great matter for men to be knowne to kings and nobles if the Lord know them not nothing to ride in the second Coach as Ioseph to be next to the Prince if they bee strangers to the Court of heauen Therefore let vs all lay hold on well-doing that we may haue comfort in well-dying Wee desire to shut vp our last scene of life with In manus tuas Domine commendo spiritum meum Lord Into thy handes I commend my spirit Behold while we liue GOD sayes to vs In manus tuas homo commendo spiritum meum Man into thy hands I commend my spirit As we vse Gods Spirit in life God will vse our Spirit at death If we open the doores of our hearts to his Spirit he will open the doores of heauen to our Spirit If we feast him with a supper of Grace he will feast vs with a supper of Glory If wee grieue his Spirit he will grieue all the veines of our hearts When such shall say Lord into thy handes wee commend our soules no sayth God I will none of your Spirit for you would none of my Spirit You shut him out when hee would haue entred your hearts hee shall shut you out when you would enter heauen Let vs therefore here vse Gods Spirit kindly that hereafter hee may so vse our spirits Let vs in life entertaine him with Faith that in death he may embrace vs with mercy So Lord into thy handes wee commend our soules keepe and receiue them O thou faithful Creator and God of truth through Iesus CHRIST Amen FINIS a 2 Cor. 3. 9. b Mal. 4. 2. c Iohn 1. 8. d Ioh. 1. 17. Heb. 3. 6. e Paraeus f Ioh. 6. 44. g Can. 1. 4. h Psal. 143. 10. i 2. Kin. 25. 7. k Acts 3. 2. Ber. l Heb. 11. 6. m Rom. 8. 24. n Iohn 5. 24. o Phil. 3. 20. 1 p Psal. 87. 2. q Math. 4. 8. r Deu. 34. 4. 2 s Ioh. 14. 2. t Gen. 30. 8. u Psal. 36. 6. x Ion. 3. 3. y Psal. 106. 28. a Heb. 9. 14. b Mat. 22. 32. c Psal. 49. 11. d Mat. 24. 2. 3 4 e Reu. 21. 27. 5. 6. f Rom. 4. 25. 7. Aug. g Iohn 3. 16. h Psal. 87. 2. i Psa. 78. 60. k Psal. 107. 34. l 2. Pet. 3. 10. m Mat. 7. 27. n 1. Pet. 2. 6. o Psal. 30. 8. p Amos 6. 1. q Esa. 21. 11. r 1. King 20. 23. s Ierem. 3. 6. t Luk. 12. 19. u Esay 40. 4. x Luk. 23. 30. a Psal. 125. 1. b Sen. c Iohn 14. 2. d Esay 2. 2. e Psal. 149. 9. f Mat. 5. 14. g Psal. 48. 2. h Rom. 2. 24. i 1. Pet. 2. 12. k Exod. 10. 23. l Iud. 6. 37. m Psal. 4. 6. n Reu. 2. 17. Sen. Greg. o Iob. 31. 24. p Dan. 4. 30. Ambr. Aug. q Gal. 4. 29. r Rom. 5. 1. s 1. Iohn 3. 2. t Ioh 16. 22. Aug. u Psal. 84. 10. x Mat. 17. 2. y Psal. 84. 1. a Mat. 25. 23. b Psal. 2. 6. c Reu. 14. 1. d Acts 8. 32. e Psal. 121. 4. f Psal. 97. 5 8. g Psal. 114. 4. h Psal 78. 68. i Psal. 132. 13. k Psal. 48. 4. c l Gene. 19. 20. m Gen. 4. 17. n Gene. 11. 4. o Psal. 127. 1. p Iere. 22. 15. q Acts 12. 23 r Psal. 122. 3. s Psal. 101. 8. t Mat. 10. 23. u Luk. 13. 23. x Rom. 8. 29. y Rom. 7. 9. a Mat 10. 16. b Luke 12. 32 c Esay 1. 9. d Esay 6. 13. e Esay 17. 6. f Esay 24. 13. g Mich. 7. 1. h Iere. 3. 14. i Amos 3. 12 k Gene. 6. 12. l Esay 8. 18. m Ioh. 7. 51. n 2 Tim. 4. 16 o Act. 19. 34. p Reu. 13. 16. q 1. Kin. 20. 27. r Rom. 9. 27. s Reue. 3. 1. t 2. Esdr. 5. 23. u Luk. 13. 14. x 2. Esd. 7. 6. Aug. a Reu. 18. 2. b Gal. 4. 26. c Psal. 2 6. d Ephes. 2. 2. e 2. Tim. 2. 19. f 1. Ich. 2. 16. Greg. g Hebr. 11. 10. h Iud. ver 14. i Psal. 49. 13. Aug. k 2. Cor. 5. 19. l 1. Iohn 5. 29. m Mat. 24. 51. a Hebr. 1. 6. b Rom. 8. 29. c Rom. 13. 4. d 2. Cor. 5. 20. e 1. Thes. 4. 3. f Mat. 6. 32. g Mat. 5. 34. h Rom. 6. 23. n Luk. 10. 16. o Mark 11. 17. p Mala. 3. 8. q Act. 8. 19. r Gala. 5. 22. s Ioh. 6. 63. Theodoret. t Prou. 20. 25. u 2. Chr. 26. 19. x Psal. 80. 13. y Iudg. 7. 22. a Iudg. 4. 9. b 1. King 21. 19 c Ier. 5. 29. 1 Sam. 5. 11. Exod. 12. 31. Aug. e Mark 12. 17. Aug. f Psal. 116. 12. g Psal. 51. 15. h Luk. 10. 39. i Gal. 1. 2. k Eph. 3. 14. l Act. 7. 60. m Luk. 6. 38. n 1. Cor. 8. 5. o Psal. 82 6. p Rom. 13. 1. q Ioh. 19. 11. r Rom. 13. 2. s Acts 17. 18. t Acts 14. 11. u Psal. 106. 28. x 1. Cor. 8. 4. y Psal. 135. 17. a 1. Thes. 1. 9. b 2. Cor. 4. 4. c Iohn 16. 11. d Rom. 16. 20. e Eph. 4. 27. f 〈◊〉 Cor. 6. 13. g Esa. 2. 20. * 1. Tim 6. 16. h Psal 104. 3. i Gal. 2. 20. k Col. 3. 3. l Ver. 4. m Prou. 23. 5. n Luk. 6. 25. o Mat. 27. 53. p Gene. 22. 14. q Heb. 7. 2. r Gala. 5. 12. s 2. Cor. 13. 11. t Gala. 4. 25. u Reu. 21. 2. x Gala. 4. 26 Hugo Card. y Psal. 132. 13. a 1. Pet. 2. 9. b Esay 5. 2. c Eph. 4. 3. d 1. Tim. 3. 15. e Psal. 122. 5. f Reue. 3. 7. g Iam. 1. 18. Phil. 3. 20. Ambr. h Ephe. 1. 3. i Iob 4. 19. k Iohn 17. 24. Plato l Gen. 12. 1. m Iere. 22. 29. n Hebr. 13. 14 Damasc. o Gene. 18. 8. Caluin p Gen. 18. 2. q Luk. 24. 4. r Iude. ver 6. s Col. 1. 20. t Esa. 6. 2. Greg. u Eph. 3. 10. x 1. Tim. 3. 16. a Mat. 24. 36. b Acts 1. 24. c Psal. 103. 20. d 2. Thes. 1. 7. 2. Kings 19. 35. e Reu. 12. 8. f Hos. 12. 9. g Gen. 19. 22. h Exod. 32. 10. i 2. Pet. 2. 4. k Mat. 18. 10. l Heb. 2. 16. m Greg. n Gene. 48. 16. o Exo. 14. 19. p Mal. 3.
couetous hogs or oppressing Tygers If thou be such heere is no more mercy for thee then if there were no Sauiour If there be no carefull obseruation of the Law there is no conseruation by the Gospell No good life no good faith no good faith no Christ. Be not deceiued God is not mocked 7. Well yet Repentance makes all euen wheresoeuer it comes or God is not so good as his word Yes God will be so good as his promise but here 's the doubt whether thou wilt bee so good as thy purpose Thou canst charge God no further then to forgiue thee repenting not to giue thee repentance sinning Promisit Deus poenitenti veniam non peccanti poenitentiam He hath made a promise to Repentance not of Repentance This is Gods tresure what is the reason the malefactor went frō the crosse to heauen Dedit poenitentiam qui dedit Paradisum God gaue him repentance that also gaue him Paradise Art thou sure God will put this almes into thy polluted hand It is dangerous ventring the soule on such an vncertainty He that sins that he may repent is like one that surfet●… that he may take Physicke And whether this Physicke vvill worke on a dead heart is a perillous feare Alas vvhat teares are in flint what remorse in a benu●…ed conscience Tutum est poenitenda non committere certum non est commissa deflere It is safe not to doe what thou mayst repent it is not certaine to repent what thou hast done It is the fashion of many to send repentance afore to threescore but if they liue to those yeares they doe not then ouertake it but driue it before them still Be not deceiued God is not mocked You see now what trust is in colours how easily you may deceiue your selues how vnpossibly mocke GOD. Leaue then excuses to the wicked that will be guilty and God shall not know of it Bernard reckons vp their mitigations Non feci c. I haue not done it or if I haue done yet not done euill or if euill yet not very euill or if very euill yet not with an euill mind or if with an euill mind yet by others euill perswasion Be not deceiued God is not mocked If we cry with that seruant Haue patience and I will pay thee all the Lord may forbeare in mercy But if wee wrangle I owe nothing and God is too hasty to call me from my pleasures hee vvill require the vttermost farthing I haue held you long in this Disswasiue part of the Caution The Perswasiue was also much included in it and therefore I will but touch it God is not mocked God is often in the Scripture called the Searcher of the heart Iere. 17. The heart is deceitfull aboue all things and desperately vvicked who can knowe it Who Ego Dominus I the Lord know the heart So Salomon in his prayer Thou onely knowest the hearts of all the children of men So the Apostles about the election of one in Iudas roome Thou Lord which knowest the hearts of all men Now hee that knowes the heart cannot be mocked It is hard to beguile the eye of man looking on vs how much more to deceiue the eye of God looking in vs Therefore Quod non audes facere aspiciente conseruo hoc ne cogites inspiciente Deo How vaine a thing then is it to be an Hypocrite As if God had not a window into the heart to discerne it Hypocrites saith Augustine haue Christianum nomen ad iudicium non ad remedium The name of Christians to their condemnation not comfort Their words are like an Eccho they answere Gods call but neuer come at him Good company they will admit to better their credite not their conscience Like crafty Apothecaries they haue one thing written in their papers and markes another thing in their boxes But because euery man is as hastie to condemne an Hypocrite as Dauid was to condemne the Oppressor in the Parable vvhen the Tu es homo lyes in his owne bosome I vvill touch two or three particulars If we looke into Popery we shall find it vniuersally a professed study to mocke GOD. They make shew by their abundant prayers of an abundant zeale when as if God saw not the heart they thinke the worke done is sufficient Those Qui filo insertis numerant sua murmura baccis keepe number and tale no matter with what mind no nor yet to whom whether to this Angel or that Saint to our Lord or to our Lady Yea it is recorded that the Papists in Scotland about Henry the 8. his time of England vsed to say the Lords Prayer to Saints Insomuch that when a little knowledge came into some mens hearts of this absurdity there arose great Schisme And one Fryer Toit●… was gotten to make a Sermon that the Pater noster might be said to Saints So were the people diuided that it was a common question To whom say you your Pater-noster Call you these zealous prayers Be not deceiued God is not mocked As much might be said for their vncleane Celibate Their single life makes shew of great purenes as if their adulteries Sodomitry experimentall brothelry vnmatchable vncleannesses were not knowne They ostent their Chastitie when Vrbs est iam tota Lupanar What would they but mocke God No lesse for their fastings How deadly a sinne is it to eate flesh on a Friday yet is it no sinne with them to be drunke on a Friday A poore labourer plowes all day at night refresheth himselfe with a morsell of Bacon hee is an Heretike A gallant Gentleman hawkes all day at night sits downe to his varietie of fishes curious wines possets iunkets O he 's a good Catholike An Hypocrite he is rather Famam quaerunt abstinentiae in delicijs They seeke the credite of temperance among full tables ful pots Famam quaerunt but Famem fugiunt They desire praise but they refuse hunger But God is not mocked For our selues If there be any here because my Text depends on that occasion that robbes his Minister of temporal food and yet makes shew to hunger after his spirituall food though he may coozen man vnseene eyther by his greatnesse or craftines Let him know that Gdo is not mocked If there be any fraudulent Debter that deceiues his brother of his goods and then flatters his conscience that the merits of Christ shall acquit him so packes all vpon Christ let him pay it let him know that God is not mocked The bloud of Christ was not shed to pay mens debts but Gods debts It hath vertue enough but no such direction Thou iniurest Christ to lay such reckonings on him No Vende solue viue de reliquo Sell that thou hast pay that thou owest liue of that thou reseruest If there be any Vsurer that deales altogether in letting out that lets out his money to men his time to Mammon his body to pining his mind to repyning
was a Priest For it was imposed on the Priest first to offer for his owne sinnes and then the sinnes of the people which had beene needlesse if the Priest had not beene guiltie of sinne and liable to condemnation The iustification of Dauid seemes to rise higher Psal. 17. Thou hast tryed me and shalt find nothing What! hath God tryed him the searcher of the hearts that sees into all the inward cabbins and hidden concaues of the soule and shall he find nothing not great impieties not lesse infirmities nothing This phrase seemes generall yet is not totally exclusiue nothing against Saul no trecherie or iniustice against the Lords annointed So it is by Euthymius and must bee restrictiuely considered Otherwise Dauid had many sinnes originall I was conceiued in sinne actuall and publicke in slaying not a Philistine but an Israelite an Israelite his subiect his honest and worthy subiect and that by the sword of the vncircumcised and yet more by a wile sending for him home and making him drunke And to ripen this blister he adulterizeth with his wife he hath had many wiues robbes his poore neighbour of his singular comfort onely wife These were apparant vniustifiable impieties which makes him fall to a Psalme of mercy Haue mercy vpon me O Lord haue mercy vpon me heale my soule for I haue sinned against thee These were knowne to the world no doubt diuers others were knowne to his owne heart and yet more which neither the world nor his owne heart knew who can tell how oft he offendeth O cleanse thou me from my secret faults Yet in the matter of Saule thou canst find nothing As Bishop Latimer once said in his Sermon before King Edw. 6. For sedition me thinkes for ought I know if I may so speake I should not need Christ. Dauid was no traitour but Dauid was an adulterer He was in many personall faults an offender but as a subiect he was a good subiect as a King an excellent Prince No lesse is the praise of Iob a perfect and vpright man none like him in the earth Which yet is not to be taken for a positiue but comparatiue commendation There was none like him in that part of the earth and he was perfect in regard of those vitious times Heare himselfe speake How shall a man be iust with God and ver 28. I know that thou wilt not hold me innocent Let then the Pelagian drinke neuer so deepe in this iustifying cup of their owne righteousnes and let the Papist as deeply pledge him yet perfection is reserued for another world when we shall meete to a perfect man Here we may haue it partially there gradually here so much as belongs Ad viam to our way Phil. 3. Let vs as many as are perfect be thus minded there onely that is proper Ad patriam to our countrey ver 12. not as though we were already perfect but following after c. Let vs 1. be humble in acknowledging our owne wants and sinnes who cannot to God contending with vs answere one of a thousand Nec millessimae nec minimae parti sayth Bern. 2. Labour to perfection in forgetting those things which are behind and reading forth vnto those things which are before 3. Comfort our endeuouring hearts with this sweete encouragement we shall one day meete to a perfect man To the measure of the stature The word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 before translated Age is now better by our New and according to Beza Stature If any will here ground that in heauen we shall liue in that measure of Christs age and stature wherein he dyed I subscribe not but am silent It is not safe wading without a bottome Onely thus much there shall be nothing wanting to make our glory perfect and whether you conceaue the 33 yeare of a mans age to be the beauty and compleat perfection I dispute not This implies a spirituall stature whereunto euery Saint must grow Whence inferre 1. That we must grow vp so fast as we can in this life ioyning to faith vertue to vertue knowledge c. We must encrease our talents enlarge our graces shoote vp in talenesse grow vp to this stature For Gods familie admits no dwarfes stunted profession was neuer found If the sappe of grace be in a plant it will shoote out in boughes of good wordes and fruit of good workes alwayes expected the winter of an afflicted conscience If a table and consumption take our graces they had neuer good lungs the true breath of Gods Spirit in them 2. God will so ripen our Christian endeuours that though we come short on earth we shall haue a full measure in heauen We haue a great measure of comfort here but withall a large proportion of distresse there we shall haue a full measure heapen and shaken and thrust together and yet running ouer without the least bitternesse to distast it This is a high and a happie measure Regard not what measure of outward things thou hast so thou get this measure Trouble not thy selfe with many things this one is sufficient the better part the greater measure neuer to be lost or lessned Open both thine eyes of Reason and Faith and see first the litle helpe that lyes in great worldly riches As the partrich sitteth on eggs and hatcheth them not so he that getteth riches and not by right shall leaue them in the 〈◊〉 of his dayes and at his end shall be a f●…e A bird that steales young ones from other birds and tenderly nourisheth them is mocked for her motherly kindnes when they are fligge Euen now shee had many running after her by and by they giue her the slip are all gone pleasures delights riches are hatched and brooded by the wicked as their owne But when God at whose command they are calls them away they take them to their heeles like fugitiues they are gone and no officer can bring them backe The rich man may shut vp his wealth for a season but as a bird in a cage if it spye a hole open it is gone and flyes farre enough beyond recouerie towring like an Eagle euen vp toward heauen were thy measure neuer so ample as full as his Barnes Luke 12. yet but a night a peece of a night all is gone The first borne of death shall deuoure his strength sayth Bildad and it shall bring him to the King of terrors what helpe is in weaknes neuer talke of helping thee with fine floure and the best grapes the richest excrements of wormes silken garments thou wilt one day say this is no succour No that is succour which will help thee in anguish of thy soule and distresse of thy consience calme the troubles of thy spirit and heale the wounds of thy broken heart when the horrour of death and terrours of sinne sharpened with a keene edge of Gods Iustice shall beseege thee now let the thing be praysed
pardon they for merits we for mercies they for iustifying workes of their own we only for our sweet Sauiour Iesus Christ. 3. They that will neither trust others with their soule not keepe it thēselues but either do sell it for ready money as Esau sold his Birthright Iudas 〈◊〉 Iesus Or pawne it for a good bribe some large tēptation of profit pleasure or honor they will not sell it out-right but morgage it for a while with a purpose that se●…dome speeds to redeeme it Or loose it walking negligently through the streets of this great Citie the world their soule is gone they are not aware of it Or giue away their soule as do the enuious and desperate haue nothing in lieu of it but terrors without horrors within they serue the deuills turne for nothing 4. They that will trust God with their soule but haue no warrāt that God will keep it They lay al the burthē vpon the shoulders of Christ meddle no more with the matter As if God would bring them to heauē euen whilst they pursue the way to hel or keep that soule for the body when the body had quite giuen away the soule He neuer promised to saue a man against his will As he doth saue vs by his Son so he comands vs. to worke vp our saluation with feare trembling He that lies still in the myrie pitt of his sin trusts to heauen for helpe out without his owne concurring endeuour may hap to lie there still 2. Dying there is no comfort but to trust the soule with God So Dauid Lord into thy hands I commit my spirit So Steuen Lord Iesus receiue my spirit with these words our Lord Iesus himselfe gaue vp the Ghost It is iustice to restore whence we receiue It is not presumption but faith to trust God with thy spirit The soule of the king the soule of the beggar all one to him Dauid a king Lazarus a beggar God receiues both their soules From giuing vp the Ghost the highest is not exempted from giuing it into the hands of God the poorest is not excepted There is no comfort like this when riches bring aut nequam aut nequicquam either no comfort or discomfort when the wardrobe furniture iunkets wine offend thee when thy money cannot defend thee when thy doctors feed themselues at thy cost cannot feed thee when wife childrē friends stand weeping about thee where is thy helpe thy hope all the world hath not a dramme of comfort for thee this sweetens all Lord into thy hands I commend my soule Thou hast redeemed me O thou God of truth Our Spirit is our dearest iewell howle and lament if thou thinke thy soule is lost But let thy faith know that is neuer lost which is committed to Gods keeping Spiritum emittis non amittis Duriùs seponitur sed melius reponitur That soule must needs passe quietly through the gates of death which is in the keeping of God Woe were vs if the Lord did not keepe it for vs whiles we haue it much more when we restore it While our soule dwels in our breast it is subiect to manifold miseries to manifest sinnes temptations passions misdeedes distemper vs in heauen it is free from all these Let the soule be once in the hands of God nec dolore pro peccato nec peccato prae dolore torquetur it is neither disquieted with sorrow for sinne nor with sinne which is beyond all sorrow There may be trouble in the wildernesse in the land of promise there is all peace Then may we sing Our soule is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the foulers the snare is broken and wee are escaped Inuadit Satanas euadit Christianus It is there aboue the reach of the deuill There is no euill admitted into the citie of heauen to wrastle with the citizens thereof Death is ready at hand about vs we carry deaths enow within vs we know we shall die we know not how soone it can neuer preuent vs or come too early if our soules bee in the keeping of God Man was not so happy when God gaue his soule to him as he is when he returnes it to God Giue it cheerefully and then like a faythfull Creator that thou giuest to him in short paine hee will giue thee backe with endlese ioy And so we come fittly from the Comfort of our Integritie The Boldnesse of this Comfort As vnto a faithfull Creator Wherein our confidence is heartned by a double argument the one drawne ex maiestate the other ex Misericordia from Maiestie from mercie His greatnes a Creator his goodnes a Faithfull Creator 1. Creator not a stranger to thee but he that made the. It is naturall to man to loue the worke of his owne hands Pigmalion dotes vpon the stone which himselfe had carued But much more naturall to loue his owne Images his children the walking Pictures of himselfe the diuided pieces of his owne body God loues vs as our Creator because his owne hands haue fashioned vs. But creauit vermiculos hee also made the wormes yeeld it and therefore non odit vermiculos hee hates not the very wormes Creauit Diabolum hee made the deuill no God made him an Angell hee made himselfe a deuill God loues him vt naturam as he is a nature hates him vt Diabolum as he is a corrupted nature an euill a deuil But we are not onely his creatures the workmanship of his hands but his children so Adam is called The sonne of God His owne Image fecit hominem in similitudinem suam he made man after his likenes in his Image We are more then opus Dei the meere worke of God for Imago Dei the very Image and similitude of God We may therefore be bold to commend our soules to God as a faithfull Creator Diuerse men haue that for their God which neuer was their Creator The proud man makes his Honour his god the couetous makes his gold his God the voluptuous makes his belly his God now whereas God not onely charged in the first Precept Thou shalt haue no other Gods before me but added further in the next Thou shalt not make to thee any Image or Similitude of any thing whether in heauen aboue or earth beneath or water vnder the earth c. These three sinnes seeme to crosse God in these three interdicted places For the proud man hath his Idol as it were in the aire the couetous man hath his Idol in the earth the drunken Epicure hath his Idol in the water Let them take their Gods to themselues let no Rachel that hath married Iacob steale away Labans Idols Our Creator is in heauen boldly giue thy soule to him who should better haue it then he that made it 2. The other argument of our comfort is that he is Fidelis a Faithfull Creator He is faithfull to thee how vnfaithfull soeuer thou hast beene