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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A01115 An abridgement of the booke of acts and monumentes of the Church: written by that Reuerend Father, Maister Iohn Fox: and now abridged by Timothe Bright, Doctour of Phisicke, for such as either through want of leysure, or abilitie haue not the vse of so necessary an history; Actes and monuments. Abridgments. Foxe, John, 1516-1587.; Bright, Timothie, 1550-1615. 1589 (1589) STC 11229; ESTC S102503 593,281 862

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down vpon his knées hauing his booke by him reading singing psalms continually without ceassing for 3. daies and 3. nightes together refusing meate and other talke to the great wonder of many Then one Iohn Crowch his next neighbour went to the Constables Robert Marsham and Robert Lawes in the night to certifie them thereof For Berrie the Vicar of the Towne did commaund openly to watch for him and the Constables vnderstanding the same tooke him by breake of day The two and twenty of Aprill when Hudson sawe them come in he saide nowe mine houre is come welcome friendes welcome You bee they that shall leade me to life in Christ Note I thanke GOD therefore and the Lorde enable mée thereto for his mercies sake So they ledde him to Berry the Commissary who wrote vnto the Bishop letters against him and sent him to Norwich bound like a théefe whither hee went with ioy and singing chéere In prison he was a moneth where hee did continually reade and inuocate the name of God After they had all thrée béene chained to the stake Thomas Hudson immediatly commeth foorth from them vnder the chaine fell downe vpon his knées and praied vehemently vnto the Lord for comfort for he was at the very stake distressed thē rose he with great ioy as a man new chaunged from life to death and said now I thanke God I am strong passe not what man can doo vnto me Note so with his fellowes gaue testimony to the truth in the flames of fire Somewhat before this time was one mother Seaman mother to Wil. Seaman persecuted for the gospell being of the age of 66. and was glad to liue sometimes in groues in bushes c. After she was dead the Lord taking her away by sicknesse one M. Simonds the commissary dwelling at Thornden gaue commaundement she should not come in Christian buriall so she was buried in a pit vnder a moats side Likewise one mother Bennet of the towne of Wetherset after her departure this life was laide in a graue by the high way side The 26. of May suffered at Colchester William Harris W. Harris Rich. Day Rich. Day Christian Gorge Christ Gorge a wife whose husband had another wife burnt before this Christian whose name was Agnes Gorge that suffered with the 13. at Stratford the Bow After the death of Christian he maried an honest godly woman and in the end being taken with his wife with her he remayned in prison till the death of Q. Marie was deliuered by our most gratious Quéene Elizabeth A sharpe proclamation against godly bookes In the moneth of Iune came forth a Proclamation very sharpe against godly bookes by the king and Quéene On the backside of the town of Islingtō were assembled xl godlie persons men and women vertuouslie applying thēselues in prayer and reading the worde Wherof 22. were by Sir Roger Cholmeley and the Recorder sent prisoners to Newgate where they lay eight dayes before they came to examination Of these xxij thirteene were burned seuen in Smithfield and six at Brainford In prison two died in Whitson wéeke the names of whom were Mathew Withers and T. Taylor Seuen of them which remained escaped with their liues hardly without burning whose names were these Iohn Milles Thomas Hinshaw Robert Bayly wolpacker Robert Willers Hudleys Thomas Ceast haberdasher Roger Sandey The 7. that suffered were brought before Boner the 14. of Iune to make answere to such articles as should be obiected Which when they constātly did according to the truth of the Gospell they were by Boner condemned and the 17. day of Iune were sent againe to Newgate where they remained til the 27. day On which day they chéerfully suffered in Smithfield in the fire Their names were these Henrie Pond Henry Pond Raynold Eastland Rain Eastland Robert Southam Rob. Southam Mathew Richarby Mat. Richarby Iohn Floyd Iohn Floyd Iohn Holiday Iohn Holiday Roger Holland Rog. Holland This Holland was a merchant taylour in London sometimes apprentice with one maister Kempton at the blacke boy in Watlingstréet Hee was before his conuersion a Papist and a very lewd yong man and was brought to the knowledge of the trueth by the exhortation of a sober maide that was seruant in the same house whom afterward he did marry and liued vertuously together til such time as the cruell Papists made separation by fire The same day they suffered Proclamation was made that none should be so bolde to speake or talke any word vnto them A straight Proclamation or receiue any thing of them or to touch them vpon payne of imprisonment without eyther Baile or mainprise Notwithstanding the people cryed out desiring God to strengthen them and they likewise prayed for the people the restoring of the word of God R. Holland at the stake At length Roger embracing the stake and the Réedes said these wordes Lorde I most humbly thanke thy maiestie that thou hast called me from the state of death vnto the light of thy heauenly word and now vnto the felowship of thy Saintes that I may sing and say Holy holy holy Lord God of Hostes and Lord into thy hands I commit my spirit Lord blesse the people saue them from idolatrie And so with the rest of his felowes ended his life lauding and praysing God The fourtéenth day of Iuly suffered other sixe at Brainforde seuen miles from London Their names were these Robert Milles R. Milles. Steeuen Wight S. Wight a Tanner Steeuen Carton S. Carton Iohn Slade I. Slade Robert Denis R. Denis and William Pikes W. Pikes or Pikers They were condemned by the Bishops Chauncellour D. Darbishire in the presence of Sir Edward Hastinges and Sir Thomas Cornwalles and suffered ioyfully for the testimonie of Iesus Of the sixe of that companie which escaped burning two were scourged by Bishoppe Boner in his Garden Thomas Hinshawe about the age of ninetéene or twentie yeares being Apprentice and dwelling in Paules Churchyarde with one M. Puggeson and Iohn Milles a married man on whom he spent two roddes and on Hinshaw one Hinshaw was deliuered by reason he fell sicke of a burning ague Boner not thinking he would liue when he had béene a yere in prison In which space Quéene Marie died and hee shortly after recouered health Iohn Milles was a Capper a right faithfull seruant of God The cause why he was scourged was because when Boner asked him what time he crept to the crosse he answered not since he came to the yeres of discretion nor woulde not but rather bée torne in péeces with wilde horses Boner ofttimes speaking to Iohn Milles would say they call me bloudie Boner a vengeance on you all I would fain be rid of you but you haue a delight in burning but if I might haue my will I would sowe your mouthes and put you into sackes and drowne you On a day
trueth he feruently embraced the same and suffered with patiēce many conflictes therefore He had especiall enemies in Cambridge a black Frier one Doctor Buckeman Prouost of the house and another Frier an outlandish man called Doctor Venetus besides all the rabble of the Heades and Doctors as Doctor Watson Master of Christes Colledge whose Scholer Latimer had béene before D. Notaries Master of Clare Hall Doctor Phili Master of Michael house D. Medcalfe Master of S. Iohns D. Blithe of the kings hal D. Bullock Master of the Quéenes Colledge Doctor Cliffe of Clement house Doctor Downes of Iesus Colledge D. Palmes master of S Nicholas Hostel c. At the last came D. West Bishop of Ely who preaching against Latimer at Barnewel Abbey forbad him to preach any more within the churches of the Vniuersitie Notwithstanding D. Barnes Prior of the Augustine Friers did licence Master Latimer to preach in his Church of the Augustine Friers and he himselfe preached at the Church by called Saint Edwardes which was the first Sermon of the Gospel that D. Barnes preached being vpon Christmasse euen vpon a Sunday Whereupon Articles were gathered out against him by M. Tirrel Felow of the Kings Hall and presented to the Cardinall Notwithstanding the enemies that Latimer had in Cambridge hee continued preaching there thrée yeres and kept conference with Master Bilney So that the place where they vsed most to walke in the fields was commonly called the Heretikes hill After he had trauelled in preaching thrée yeres in Cambridge at length he was called vp to the Cardinall for heresie being contented to subscribe to such Articles as they propounded vnto him was dismissed After this by the meanes of Doctor Buttes a great fauourer of good men D. Buttes a fauourer of good men he was among the number of those that laboured in the Kinges Supremacie and went to the Court where after a space hee obteined a Benefice in Wiltshire in a towne called Westkington So he left the Court there kept residence There he also found enemies as in the Vniuersitie that drew articles against him As that he should preach against our Ladie Saintes Auemaries c. His chéefe enemies besides the Priestes of the Countrey were Doctor Powel of Salesburie Doctor Wilson sometime of Cambridge Master Hubberden and Doctor Sherewood By whose meanes he was cited vp to W. Warham Archb. of Canterburie and Iohn Stokeseley B of London an 1531. the xxix of Ianuarie euery wéeke for a space thrise Being called before them in the end he was dismissed on what condition it is vncertain At length through the procurement of D. Buttes Cromwell he was aduaunced by the king to be B. of Worcester Who whē holy bread and holy water should be ministred caused these verses to be pronounced to the people in his dioces Verses of Latimer at the giuing of holy bread and holie water Remember your promise in baptising Christ his mercie and bloudsheading By whose most holy sprinkling Of all your sinnes you haue full pardoning At the geuing of holy bread these verses following Of Christes body this is a token which on the crosse for our sinnes was broken Wherefore of your sinnes you must be forsakers If of Christes death you wil be partakers In his Bishoprick also he suffered much trouble for wel doing but the king greatly fauoured him He continued in his bishoprick til the time of the vi articles At which time of his own accord he resigned it At which time also Shaxtō B. of Salisburie resigned his bishoprick So they kept silēce til the time of K. Edward And comming vp to London for cure of a bruise which he receiued by a fall from a Trée hée was molested and cast into the Tower til the time of king Ed. In whose dayes he was set frée and preached againe with great fruite and edification of the people He being 67. yeres of age preached euery sunday twise for the most part and both winter and summer about ij of the clock in the morning he would be at his booke most diligently He euer affirmed that the preaching of the Gospel would coste him his life and perswaded himselfe that Winchester was kept in the Tower for the same purpose as the Euent did truly prooue For after the death of K. Edward he was sent for by a purseuant of whose comming he had intelligence by Iohn Careles prepared himself before to go with him The purseuant when he had deliuered his letters to him departed affirming that he had commandement not to tarrie for him whereby it should appeare they would haue had him fledde the realme but he cōmeth vp to London passing through Smithfield where merely hée said that Smithfield had long groaned for him Smithfield had long groaned for M. Latimer was brought before the Counsel Of whom he was againe cast into the Tower where he was hardly vsed yet bare it cherefully for when the Lieftenāts man vpon a time came to him the aged father kept without fire in frosty weather welnigh sterued for cold he merily had the man tel his master that if he did not looke the better to him perchance he would deceiue him Which when the Lieftenant heard fearing he should make escape M. Latimer almost sterued for cold in the tower chargeth him with his words Yea M. Lieftenant saith he so I saide for you look I think that I should burne but I am like here to sterue for cold Thus passing a long time in the tower from thence hée was transported to Oxford with Ridley and Cranmer to dispute as hath béene aforesaid He wrote diuers and sundrie letters Among other enemies to Latimer Latimers sundry letters at Oxford there was one Hubberden who riding by a Church side where the youth of the Parishe were daunsing came into the Church and caused the bell to be tolled and there made to the people a Sermon of daunsing A Sermon of piping and daunsing In which Sermon hée made the Doctors of the Church to answere to his call and to sing after his time for the probation of the Sacrament of the Altar against Latimer Frith c and all Heretikes At the last as he had made them sing so after he maketh them daunce also And first he calleth out Christ and his twelue Apostles then the auncient Doctors of the church as in a round ring all to daunce together with pipe vp Hubberdē Now daunce Christ now daunce Peter now Paule c. And in conclusiō such a dauncing kept Hubberdin that the pulpet fell and downe falleth Hubberdine and brake his leg and died not long after The people refused to repaire the pulpet saying it was not for dauncers M. Latimer to the king for restoring of the Scriptures M. Latimer also wrote to king Henry the viij for the restoring of the frée reading of holy Scriptures which was inhibited Anno 1531. and Anno 1546. For the which Letter hée receiued