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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A52022 The lives of the prophets, patriarchs, apostles, &c. With the interpretation of their names: collected into an alphabetical order, for the benefit of the reader. R. M. 1695 (1695) Wing M72B; ESTC R217713 239,005 339

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have taken of your Brethren or else shall the wrath of God be upon you Then certain which were the Heads of the Children of Ephraim being sorry for the great offence they had committed took the Prisoners and with the spoil clothed all that lacked shod them and fed them with Meat and Drink anointed the wounds of such as were hurt and the feeble they carried upon Asses and brought them to Jericho the City of Palm-Trees to their Brethren And leaving them there returned to Samaria again Oded bolding up or erecting Og Num. 21.33 Deu. the King of Bashan was a mighty great Gyant whose Bed was made of Iron and in length nine Cubits that is thirteen foot and an half And four Cubits broad that is six foot This Og was next neighbour to Schon King of the Amorites And having knowledge of all that Moses had done to Schon his neighbour made out a great Army against Moses thinking to have overcome him in revenging his neighbours quarrel But when it came to trial he sped no better than his Neighbour had done before him Og a Cake or bread baked under the ashes Onan was the second Son of Juda Gen. 38.4 who after the death of Er his eldest Brother was married to Thamar his Brother's Wife to raise up Seed unto his Brother But when he perceived that the Seed should be none of his he practised such wickedness that the vengeance of God fell upon him and slew him Onan Sorrow or Iniquity Onesimus being in service with Philemon Col. 4.9 like an unfaithful Servant robbed his Master and ran away from him to Rome Where by hearing of Paul who at that time was in Bonds he received the Doctrine of the Gospel and served Paul in Prison and became so faithful a Souldier of Christ that Paul sent him with Tychicus to the Colossians with his Epistle commanding him unto them on this wise And with Tychicus Phile. cap. I have sent Onesimus a faithful and beloved Brother which is one of you Finally he sent him home to his Master again beseeching Philemon not to receive him now as a Servant but more than a Servant even as a faithful Brother and as his own Son whom he had in his Bands begotten to Christ offering himself surety to make good whatsoever hurt he had done him in time past Onesimus Apparel or a Garment Onesiphorus was a faithful godly Man 2 Tim. 1.16 and a great refresher of such as were in Bonds for the Doctrine of Christ as Saint Paul doth testifie of him saying The Lord give mercy unto the Houshold of Onesiphorus for he oft refreshed me and was not ashamed of my chain But when he was at Rome he sought me out very diligently and sound me The Lord grant unto him that he may find mercy with the Lord at that day and in how many things he ministred unto me at Ephesus thou knowest very well O Timothy Onesiphorus bringing profit Onias 2 Mac. 3. the High Priest among the Jews was a Man of such godliness and holiness of life that he always sought the honour of the Laws and wealth of the People of God By his prayer that wicked man Heliodorus was restored to his health but notwithstanding all his vertue and goodness 4. cap. yet had he enemies For Symon a Man void of all godliness never ceased with all slanderous and evil reports that he could devise to Seleucus the King to bring him out of favour which he could never do so long as the King lived But Seleucus being dead Onias was soon put out of office by the false deceit and means of his own Brother Jason and brought in such fear thorow him and Menelaus with other his enemies that he was sain to take sanctuary Where at the last by the counsel of Menelaus he was without all regard of righteousness most traiterously slain by the hands of Andronicus whose innocent death was so sore lamented both of the Jews and also of Antiochus the King himself that at his coming home he rewarded the Malefactor according to his deeds Onias the strength of the Lord. Oholiab Exod. 35.34 the Son of Achisamah of the Tribe of Dan was a Craftsman whom the Lord had endued with great cunning and appointed him to Moses for one of the chief Workmen for the finishing of the Temple Oreb and Zeeb Judg. 7. ult were two great Captains among the Midianites whom the Men of Mount Ephraim which had stopped the Waters from Bethbarah to Jordan took and smote off their Heads and sent them to Gideon on the other side of Jordan Oreb a Crow or sweet or a surety or evening time Ornan was a certain Jebusite 1 Chron. 21.15 18 c. unto whom the Lord commanded David after he had plagued him with Pestilence to go and rear up an Altar in his threshing floor At whose coming In the second Book of Sam. chap. 24. he is called Araunah Ornan fell down before him and said Wherefore is my Lord the King come to his servant I am come quoth he to buy thy threshing floor and to make an Altar unto the Lord that the Plague may cease from the People Ornan answered Let my Lord the King take and offer what seemeth him good in his eyes And moreover here be Oxen for burnt sacrifice and sleds with other instruments for wood take them all to thee as thine own David said Nay not so but I will buy it for sufficient money for I will not take that which is thine for the Lord nor offer burnt-offerings without cost And so David gave Ornan for that place six hundred sicles of gold by weight Ornan Rejoycing Orpah and Ruth Ruth 1 cap. were two Damosels of the Countrey of Moab which were married to the two Sons of Elimelech and Naomi strangers come out of the Land of Juda there to dwell Read the story of Naomi for the rest Orpah a Neck Osias the Son of Micha of the Tribe of Simeon Judith 6. was one of the principal Fathers and Rulers among the Israelites what time as Holofernes besieged the City of Bethulia This Man comforted Achior which had so boldly magnified and praised the great power and strength of God before Holofernes and took him into his house where he made him a great Supper to the which he called the Elders who all together praised God in him Also when the People came weeping and crying out unto him to give over the City into the hands of the Assyrians he said unto them Oh take good hearts unto you dear Brethren and be of good chear and let us wait yet these five days for mercy of the Lord 7. cap. peradventure he shall put away his indignation and give glory unto his Name But if he help us not after these five days be past we shall do as ye have said Which counsel of Osias pleased not Judith because he had set the mercy of God a
and slew thirty and six of the Israelites and chased the rest back again whereat Josua was so discomfited that he rent his clothes and called on God to know the cause of their overthrowing who made him answer that Israel could not stand before the men of Hai forasmuch as some of them had transgressed his commandment and told him the way and means how he should search it out which thing being done he found that Achan had taken of the spoil of Jericho a Babylonish garment two hundred sicles of silver and a wedge of gold which being tried and brought forth before the whole congregation Josua took Achan his sons and daughters cattel goods and all that he had and carried them out to the valley of Achor where they were stoned to death and consumed with fire Achan Troubling Achab the son of Amry 1 King 16. began his raign over Israel in the 39th year of the raign of Asa King of Juda. He took Jezabel the daughter of Ethbaal King of the Sydonites to wife by whose means he fell into all wicked and strange Idolatry and cruel persecution for the which God plagued him so 18. cap. that in three years space neither dew nor rain fell down from above to moisten the earth whereof ensued so great a Murren of men and beasts that innumerable dyed thereof and all the fault and cause of this plague he laid on Elia the Prophet and sought by all means how to destroy him 21. cap. This King was so wicked that Scripture saith he had even sold himself to work wickedness and yet notwithstanding God gave him a marvellous victory of Benhadad King of Syria who had in his company 20. cap. thirty two Kings with whom he fought twice and beat him and at the third time brought * Here God as he many times doth did punish one wicked by another him into so miserable a case that he was fain to humble himself to Achab with a rope about his neck who nevertheless had pity on that wicked King and made a bond with him and let him go Now for this mercy which Achab had shewed to Benhadad whom the Lord had cursed and put into Achabs hands to be slain God was angry with Achab and promised his utter destruction for the same 1 King 21. This greedy Cormorant was not content with his Kingdom and spoil of his victories which God had given him but caused Naboth that innocent man to be murdered only to have his vineyard which lay so nigh his nose whose bloud did cry for such vengeance of God that word was brought him by the Prophet Elia that in the same place where dogs had licked the bloud of Naboth should dogs lick his also and that he would do unto Achab and his posterity even as he had done to the house of Jeroboam and Baasha which terrible threatnings of God so frighted Achab that he * His repentance was not true but plain hypocrisie repented and humbled himself in sackcloth for the which the Lord deferred his plague and would not perform it in Achabs days but in the time of his sons reign Finally it came in the mind of Achab to go into Syria 22. cap. to recover the City of Ramoth which he claimed by inheritance And trusting more to the counsel of four hundred false Prophets than he did to Micajah the true Prophet of God he took his journey towards Ramoth and being in battel against his enemies the Syrians he was shot with an arrow standing in his Chariot of the which stroke he died And then when his Chariot was had to the pool of Samaria to be washed the dogs licked up the bloud that ran thorow the Chariot and so was the word of the Lord fulfilled which he had spoken before concerning the same He reigned twenty two years Achab The Fathers brother Achaicus 1 Cor. 16. was a faithful Christian brother whom St. Paul sent with Stephanus and Fortunatus from Philippi to the Corinthians with his Epistle Achaicus Mourning or sad Achaz look Ahaz Achior Judith 5. was Captain and governour of all the Ammonites under Holofernes and had the spirit of Prophecie so plentiful in him that when Holofernes demanded what manner of people the Jews were he stepped forth before him and said If it please thee O Prince I will tell thee of a truth what they be They are a people which came of the generation of the Chaldees and because they would not serve their gods nor yet follow their customs they went and dwelt first in Mesopotamia worshipping one God that made Heaven and Earth at whose commandment they went from thence and dwelt in the Land of Canaan where in process fell so great a Dearth that then from Canaan they went down to Egypt and dwelt among the Egyptians four hundred Years In the which space they grew to a mighty number and were sore oppressed of the King of that Land but assoon as they cryed to their God for help he sent down such Plagues upon the King and all his Land that he was fain to suffer them to depart yet when they were gone and the Plague ceased he then pursued to have brought them back again into bondage But GOD perceiving his People to be in a streight opened the Sea before them and brought them thorow on dry ground and closed the Sea upon their Enemies and so drowned Pharaoh with all his Host And now being passed the red Sea they came to the Wilderness of Mount Sinai where the Waters being bitter he made them sweet and fed them Forty Years with Meat from Heaven They had such power from their God that they cast out before them the Canaanites the Perisites the Jebusites and the Hittites with many great Nations more For so long as they stood in awe of their God and did not offend him so long was no Nation ever able to molest or hurt them But if at any time they declined from his will and Ordinance then were they quickly destroyed in Battel and brought to captivity and bondage Wherefore O Prince let inquisition now be made whether they have offended their God or no and if they have then let us go against them for God shall deliver them into thy hand But if they have not displeased their God he will so defend them that we shall not surely be able to stand before them but become a reproach unto all the World Judith 6. Now was Holofernes so mad with Achior that he commanded his Men to carry him to the Jews that he might perish with them in their destruction And as they went toward Bethulia with Achior and saw they might not come nigh the City without great peril of their lives they went to a Tree and bound him fast to the same and so leaving him went their ways Then came the Jews to Achior and loosed his Bands had him into the City and set him before the Senators who demanded
time and appointed him a day at his pleasure So that after this Osias remained in prayer and followed the advice of Judith in all things Osias the Lord Saviour or the health of the Lord. Othoniel Judg. 1.13 was the Son of Kenaz unto whom Caleb his elder Brother gave Acsah his Daughter to Wife for winning of a certain City called Kiriath-sepher This Man delivered the Children of Israel from the Captivity of Chushan-Rishathaim King of Mesopotamia 3.9 which had oppressed them eight years and judged Israel forty years Othoniel the time or hour of God P. PAUL Act. 3. the Apostle of Christ was born in India in a Town called Giscalis and was of the Tribe of Benjamin And the Town being taken of the Romans he went with his Parents to Tharsus a City of Cilicia and dwelled But afterward he was sent by them to Jerusalem to learn the Laws and was there taught of one Gamaliel a great Learned man He being with others at the Martyrdom of S. Steven received Letters of the Bishop 9. cap. willing him to go to Damascus there to persecute them that believed in Christ And in the way he was by revelation changed from a cruel Persecutor to an earnest Preacher of Christ whose name he professed first at Damascus confounding the doctrine of the Jews for the which they lay in wait to kill him but being let out at a Window in a Basket by night he escaped and went to Jerusalem where he disputed with the Greeks who sought to kill him also but the Brethren conveighed him to Caesarea and sent him to Tharsus 11. cap. 25. And during his abode at Tharsus Barnabas fetcht him from thence to Antioch where he continued a whole year and converted many to the faith of Christ. From thence he went to Cyprus 13. cap. and turned the Ruler of the Country called Sergius Paulus to Christ by whom he was called Paul whereas before he was named Saul Then he wandred about the Countreys and came to * The other Antioch before is in Syria Antioch Pisidia where he came into the Synagogue and after the Lecture of the Law and Prophets made a long Sermon which was so well accepted of the Gentiles that they were desirous to hear him again on the next Sabbath at which time the unbelieving Jews raised up Persecution against him 14. cap. So that Paul departed to Iconium and from thence to Lystra where he was stoned and left for dead but being recovered he ceased not to exhort the People to continue in the faith of Christ And so passing thorow many dangerous places he came at the last to Attalia and there he took shipping and sailed back again to Antioch declaring to the Congregation there gathered together all things which God had done by him and Barnabas in their Journey After this Paul again departed from Antioch And passing thorow many Countries 16. cap. he came to Philippi the Chief City in the parts of Macedonia where he was beaten and cast into Prison where he converted the Jayler and was delivered as a Roman And from Philippi he passed the Countries till he came to Thessalonica where he preached Christ so earnestly that the unbelieving Jews moved all the City against him notwithstanding he escaped and went to Athens preaching to the Athenians the true and unknown God From Athens he departed to Corinth where he remained a Year and a half From thence he turned again to Syria and came to Ephesus where the Silversmiths moved sedition against him for Diana their Goddess And so forth passing many Countries and dangers he came at last to Jerusalem where he was taken of the Jews and had to Prison to be scourged but he professing himself to be a Roman made the Captain afraid who after he had heard his cause and had knowledge of the Jews conspiracy against Paul he sent him privily by Night to Felix Lieutenant of Caesarea where he continued in Prison two Years till Festus came into Felix room And being examined afore Festus he appealed to the Emperour wherefore Festus after a-while committed him to a Centurion named Julius who with much danger Paul suffered Martyrdom by beheading under Nero in the xiv year of his reign and after the Passion of Christ 37. years Eliote brought Paul to Rome and delivered him to the High Captain with whom Paul found so much favour that he was suffered to dwell in an house by himself with a Souldier to keep him and to receive whosoever came unto him And so Paul continued in Rome two years preaching and teaching those things which concern the Lord Jesus with all boldness no Man forbidding him Paul the mouth of the Trumpet or marvellous or the least Pekahia 3 King 15.23 c. the Son of Menahem began his reign over Israel in the fiftieth year of the reign of Azariah King of Juda and departed not from the sins of Jeroboam but walked therein as his Father did before him He had not reigned two years ere that Pekah his own Captain rose against him and slew him in Samaria and reigned in his stead Pekahia the Lords opening Pekah 2 King 15.25 c. the Son of Remaliah began his Reign over Israel in the 52. year of Azariah King of Juda. This Man slew Pekahia his own Lord and so usurped the Crown He kept the ways of Jeroboam as his Predecessors did He made War against Juda 2 Chron. 28.6 7 c. and slew of them in one day six hundred thousand and took two hundred thousand of Women Sons and Daughters Prisoners and carried them away to Samaria purposing to have kept them in bondage and slavery all their life long But being admonished by Oded the Prophet he new arrayed them and sent them home again After this God stirred up Tiglath King of Assyria against him which came and dispossessed him of all the Land of Nephtalim and carried away his People Finally Hosea the Son of Ela conspired against Pekah and slew him after he had reigned twenty years and was King after him Peleg Gen. 18. was the Son of Eber of the Generation of Sem. His Brother's name was Joktan At the age of thirty years he begot Reu and lived after that two hundred and nine years In this Man's days was the Land divided by reason of the diversity of Language which happened at the building of Babel Peleg a division Persis was a Man singularly beloved of S. Paul Rom. 16.12 for his diligence in setting forth the Gospel as doth appear by his words saying Salute the well-beloved Persis which laboured much in the Lord. Peter otherwise called Simon the Son of Jonas Matth. 4.18 dwelt in the City of Bethsaida and from a Fisher-man was called to be an Apostle into whose house Christ vouchsafed to come and heal his Wifes Mother of her Feaver Luk 4.38 c. Peter was of that audacity and boldness