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A37464 The works of the Right Honourable Henry, late L. Delamer and Earl of Warrington containing His Lordships advice to his children, several speeches in Parliament, &c. : with many other occasional discourses on the affairs of the two last reigns / being original manuscripts written with His Lordships own hand.; Works. 1694 Warrington, Henry Booth, Earl of, 1652-1694. 1694 (1694) Wing D873; ESTC R12531 239,091 488

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every one of us make let us never forget how short and uncertain our Lives are that we know not the number of our days that a time is set which we cannot go beyond and that we are not sure of our lives one moment that as the Tree falls so it lies that as Death overtakes us so Judgment will find us Therefore let us be so prepared for our change that whenever Death comes it may neither surprize us nor be unwelcome Wean our Hearts and Affections from the things of this World and fix them upon those that are more solid and permanent let us see how vain uncertain and unsatisfying they are let us remember that they are only lent and not given us and that when they are taken from us no wrong is done and therefore so long as thou art pleas'd to allow us the enjoyment of them let us thankfully receive them and carefully employ and improve them and when we are depriv'd of any of them let us not repine but in all things learn and practice a Submission to thy good pleasure Good Lord we beseech thee to bless our King and Queen in making them ever mindful for what end they were raised to so high a dignity as to sit on the Throne of these Kingdoms namely to promote thy Glory and the good and welfare of their People let them see that this only is their best Interest and that nothing can make them so great and happy as by being zealous therein Let them with their Eyes drive away from their Throne all those that would draw them aside from thy Glory or the Good of their People and teach them the things that belong to their Peace And be gracious we humbly beg of thee to this poor Land and Nation make it happy in a long and prosperous reign of our King and Queen let all their Subjects conscientiously do their Duties in their several stations uphold every man in his Integrity that seeks thy Glory or wishes the Good of his Country let them not be dismaid when they see things go contrary to what they apprehend or wish they should do let them remember that though there be many Devices in a Man's Heart yet that the Counsel of the Lord that shall stand that God will bring about his own work in his own way and accomplish his pleasure in his appointed time and when that time is come he will not want Instruments to effect his purpose and let us learn that the wisdom of Man is foolishness with God for he can take the Crafty in their own Devices Therefore howsoever publick Affairs may move for the present let every one of us be diligent in our stations as we have opportunity let us patiently stand still and see the Salvation of God and submit to his good pleasure whatever it shall be And let thy Blessing rest upon this Family lift up the light of thy Countenance upon us and love us freely as it is a Family of note and eminency so make it remarkable for sobriety and good order and as it is above others so let it be exemplary for the good Conversation of every Member of it and thereby give occasion to others to glorifie thee our Father which is in Heaven Let us all be disposed to do that which is good and acceptable let those that are to instruct others be careful to walk suitable to the Precepts which they teach and those that are to learn let them be enclined and willing to receive Instruction Let us all do our Duties faithfully and honestly not with Eye-service like Brutes but as Rational Creatures that know how to chuse the good and refuse the evil And visit with thy Mercy we beseech thee all the Sons and Daughters of Affliction relieve them according to their several necessities lay no more upon them than they shall be able to bear sanctifie thy Hand to every one of them and in thy good time put an end to their Sufferings Let thy Correction be that of a loving Father for their amendment but not for their destruction and sanctifie all thy Visitations to us in particular Let us not repine at thy good pleasure if thou with-holds any thing we want or deprive us of any thing we already possess let us still say the Lord is righteous but we are less than and unworthy of the least of his Mercies the Lord gives and the Lord takes away and blessed be the Name of the Lord. Make us of a holy and humble Temper let it be our chief care to glorifie thee knowing that those that love and fear God are sure to want no good thing which he finds to be meet and convenient for them Teach us O Lord to order our Conversation aright Let us daily press after the price of the High Calling that is in Christ Jesus so that at the last we may attain to that blessed place of Rest where we shall have no more Want or Sorrow but to all Eternity sing Praises and Hallelujahs with the Father Son and Holy Ghost to whom for ever be ascrib'd as is most due all Honour Glory Might Excellency and Dominion both now and for evermore Amen OH Eternal Lord God thou art holy just and upright and of purer Eyes than to behold Iniquity with the least approbation how then shall we dare to presume to lift up our Eyes or Hands unto thee which are so full of all manner of Defilement and Vncleanness Our ways have been perverse and crooked before thee and the Thoughts and Imaginations of our Hearts have been evil only evil and that continually with the ungrateful Lepers we have neglected and forgotten to return thee praise and thanks for thy Mercies and Benefits which thou with so open and plentiful a hand hast bestowed upon us We have not been careful to improve to thy glory the opportunities and talents that thou hast put into our hands we have forgot our vows and promises of better obedience have dealt deceitfully with thee in thy Covenant and started aside like a broken Bow by all which we have forfeited all the right and title that we might otherwise have laid claim to in thy favour and have rendred our selves the objects of thine eternal wrath and displeasure But thou O Lord who hast declared thy self to be a God pardoning Iniquity and to delight in Mercy not willing that any should be damn'd but that all should come and be saved regard us we beseech thee not as we are dead in Trespasses and Sins but look upon us in and through the Merits of our Saviour Christ Jesus who has paid a sufficient price for the Offences and Transgressions of us and of all the World having redeemed us by his most precious Blood give us such a steddy Faith in him that we may with considence approach the Throne of Grace oh pardon our Sins and do away our Offences for his sake we acknowledge we have offended and done that which is exceeding sinful in
th● sight yet be not extream to mark what we have done amiss and enter not into Judgment with thy Servants but in Mercy consider whereof we are made and remember that we are but Dust encompass'd with Frailties and Infirmities and so prone to Evil that of our selves we are not able so much as to think a good Thought therefore cleanse and purifie us both in Body and Mind that we may be able to do that which is acceptable in thy sight take away the reigning power of Sin that our Wills and Affections may be brought into obedience to the Law of Christ and let the time past suffice us to have wrought the will of the Flesh raise up our thoughts and desires Heaven-wards and convince us of the emptiness and vanity of these sublunary Enjoyments that we may not be drawn aside by them let us use this World as if we used it not and consider it but as a Passage into Eternity let us ever be mindful of the Snares and Temptations that lye in our way and that the Devil as a roaring Lyon walks about continually seeking whom he may devour that he is crafty and subtile and knows how to suit his alurements and wiles to the temper and inclination of every one of us give us Grace to resist him and Power to withstand and conquer all his Devices strengthen us with Grace in the inward man that we may be able to present our selves before thee at the great day of account holy and acceptable in thy sight And to that end let us be daily searching and trying our ways and doings that we may find out our weaknesses and infirmities and discover the Sin that does the most easily beset us and then let us meekly and earnestly beg thy gracious assistance against them and be thou found of us we humbly pray thee oh most merciful Lord God Let us be daily making an even reckoning with thee by Repentance and let it be sincere and from the Heart convince thou us of the danger of a late or Death-bed Repentance make us mindful of our short and uncertain stay and abode here let us be ever mindful that the young dyes as well as the old the healthy as well as the diseased let us not presume upon our Constitution or Youth but remember that the time of our departure is set and that after death there remains no more atonement for Sin Therefore O Lord we entreat thee to make us wise unto Salvation that at what hour soever the Master comes we may be found doing his Will and then receive the Reward which thou hast promised to those whom thou shalt find so doing Look down in mercy upon this poor Nation prevent those Judgments which our Sins and Transgressions have called loud for against us and cause thy Face to shine upon us and to that end be merciful to the King that he may see his true Interest and let all his Designs and Consultations be directed to the advancement of thy Glory and setling the Peace of this Land let no weapon formed against this ancient Government prosper and turn the designs of all those who have Evil to our Sion upon their own Heads with shame and confusion to the manifestation of thy Glory and the Comfort of those who wish her well and to all those whom thou shalt call out to have a share in the administration of affairs give them Understanding to see what they ought to do and say and Courage to reveal what thou shalt put into their Hearts and do it with an honest and upright intention that they may have cause to hope for thy Blessing upon their Endeavours and let us all learn to fear thee and in our greatest difficulties to look up unto thee and not to depend on an Arm of Flesh make us a People zealous of good works and let Holiness to the Lord be engraven upon us And bless us also of this Family all those that are related unto it and those for whom any of us may be in a particular way concerned for give us Grace to walk humbly and with obedience before thee let us in our several employments and stations study to do our duty conscientiously setting thee before us in all our Actions add unto us the good things of this Life bless our Basket and Store and so thankfully receive and carefully bestow them that they may be Blessings and not Snares to us let us whilst we are here live to thy praise and glory and be such eminent Patterns of upright living that others seeing our righteous conversation may also glorifie thee our Father which is in Heaven And remember we beseech thee all the Sons and Daughters of Affliction visit them with thy Kindness as their several wants and necessities do require support them under thy Hand lay no more upon them than they shall be able to bear and let the chastisement of their Bodies turn to the health of their Souls and enlarge thou our bowels and charity to every Object that needs it let us give without grudging and bless thy Name that we are not in their stead And now O Lord from the bottom of our Hearts we return our praise and thanks for all the Mercies and Favours we have received at thy hands we acknowledge that we are unworthy of the least of them and have not been sensible of our obligations to thee but oh Lord as thou hast hitherto conferr'd them upon us without any Merit on our part so we beseech thee to continue them to us for thy Son's sake Jesus Christ and we desire at this time in particular to offer up our tribute of Praise and Adoration for thy unspeakable goodness to several of this Family in that thou hast deliver'd us from those Fears and Apprehensions we had concerning them Death seem'd to threaten them and the Grave ready to devour them but blessed be thy great Name that didst rebuke their Distemper and hast given us such hopes of their perfect recovery thou wert the needful Help in time of trouble and let us learn by this to look up unto thee in all our distresses Take us this night into thy protection let no Evil approach us but let our Beds be places of ease and of refreshment to every one of us and raise us up in the morning fitted for our several Callings and Duties Hear us O Lord and answer us not according to our demerits and unworthiness or coolness in asking but according to thy love in Jesus Christ to whom with thy self and Holy Ghost be all Praise and Adoration both now and for evermore Amen These following were some Occasional Additions GRacious God who out of thine infinite Goodness dost allow us the favour of coming into thy presence and to make our Supplications unto thee possess us we beseech thee with such a sense and dread of thy Divine Majesty that our Thoughts may be so entirely intent upon the service that we are now to perform that
it may be well-pleasing to thee and let all our Oblations be now and ever acceptable in thy sight O Lord our Strength and Mighty Redeemer GRacious God who hast made it our Duty as well as our Interest to draw nigh thee assist us we beseech thee in these our Supplications and Prayers which we are now about to put up unto thee and let all our Devotions be now and ever acceptable in thy sight O Lord our Strength and Mighty Redeemer WE bless thy Name for the Mercy of this day in that thou hast permitted us to hear thy Word read and preach'd Grant O Lord that what we have heard may sink down into our Hearts and assist us we beseech thee to endeavour to practise it in the remaining part of our Lives and let it be the savour of Life to every one of us and not the savour of Death to any continue thy Gospel amongst us and let not the cloud of Superstition or Idolatry overspread and darken these Realms RAise us up in the Morning prepared for the Duties of the day ensuing let us fix our Thoughts upon the great and holy business of that day and not hastily rush into thy presence till we have deliberately thought upon what we are to do let us come in meekness and humility that we may hope to meet thee in thine Ordinance and be sent away with a Blessing Hear us O Lord and answer us not according to our demerits and unworthiness or coolness in asking but according to thy love in Jesus Christ to whom with thy self and the Blessed Spirit be all Praise and Adoration both now and for evermore Amen RAise us up in the Morning fitted for our several Duties and Stations and such of us as are design'd to undertake a Journey go along with us and preserve us from those dangers and accidents to which we are then more especially exposed guide us in our way and return us in Grace and Safety and let us all at last meet in thy Kingdom These and all other thy Mercies we beg for the sake of thy Son Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour to whom with thee and the Holy Ghost be all Praise and Adoration both now and for evermore Amen AND we bless thy great and holy Name that thou hast brought us back again in Peace and Safety to this place through thy great goodness we were preserv'd from thousands of Accidents to which we were then more especially exposed Let us ever be mindful we beseech thee of thy Goodness and endeavour to walk worthy of thy Mercy and Protection ACcept we pray thee our Thanks for thy little Servant we acknowledge thy Goodness that he is in so good a way of recovery and bless the Means that are used of recovery perfect we beseech thee the good work that thou hast begun and save his Life and let him live to be a good old Man and let us all learn to see how frail we are and that in thee we live move and have our being WE desire at this time in particular to offer up our Praises to thee for the safe return of thy Servant after a long Absence and tedious Journey great are our obligations to thee that we are again met together and see the Faces of one another with so much comfort thy Goodness has notably appeared in restoring several of them to their health who were so near the Grave it was not for any Righteousness or Desert in us that thou hast dealt thus graciously with us but thou art merciful because thou wilt be merciful O teach us good God hereby to love thee better and fear thee more and let us endeavour to walk worthy of all thy Kindness 〈◊〉 may not repent thee of the Good done unto thy Servants AND we desire at this time in particular to bless thy Name for the safe return of thy Servant to this place let thy Goodness be sanctified to us and enable us to express our Thankfulness by an upright and obedient walking before thee And as for him as he is like to be a great so make him a good man give him Grace that he may remember his Creator in the days of his Youth let him fear God and eschew Evil give him a true Zeal for thy Glory and the Good of his Country and make him an eminent promoter of both Let him walk closely with thee all the days of his life that after he has accomplish'd a good old age here he may then be received into Abraham's Bosom SOME MEMOIRS OF THE METHODS Used in the Two Last Reigns IT having been usual upon these Occasions for the Bench to say something to the Grand Jury I am apt to believe it may be expected at this time since it is very probable that many now present came hither as well out of curiosity to hear what is given in charge to the Grand Jury as to see what sort of men would sit upon the Bench. When I obtain'd the King's Leave to come home I did not expect to have met you here so that I have had very little time to prepare for this Undertaking and therefore fear I shall not acquit my self so much to your satisfaction as might be hoped and I could desire What I have to say is not to fall soul upon any under a Cloud for I don't desire to fit heavier upon any man than is necessary so I would if possible prevent unreasonable men from setting their Feet again upon our Necks I need not tell you that we were lately upon the Brink of Destruction nor say any thing to aggravate the matter to make you sensible of the Condition we were in but perhaps many of you may have forgot or are not throughly informed how long and by what methods the Design was carried on and to that I will apply my Discourse The Design of extirpating our Religion and Liberties is of a much ancienter date than the Reign of the late King James for he took up the matter as others had left it and gave the finishing stroke to that of which there was violent Symptomes very early in the Reign of K. James I. but being under a necessity of doing every thing obliquely and by a side-wind till the time of King Charles II it would take up more time than can now be spared to explain the transaction of those Times and therefore I only observe how the matter has been carried on since the Restauration of King Charles the Second That King had no sooner set his Foot again on English Ground but the design of depriving us both of our Religion and Liberties appeared tho' in disguise and in a short time had made a great progress through the favour of that King who assisted it all manner of ways as well by Rewards 〈◊〉 Favours so that at last it became a Test upon all Persons that would be preferred or employed their Inclinations to serve that Interest being more regarded than their other Abilities or
a share in building a House that lays here and there a Stone as he that lays the Foundation and raises much of the Superstructure upon it which is the very Case betwixt the high Church-men and the Dissenters and though our high Church snarle at the King and treat him with over-familiar Language yet what they have said and done does not so much denote their repentance as that they are disobliged and disappointed because it is not accompanied with amendment of life which is the truest sign of penitence for I doubt there are very few of them that can boast that they are less debaucht and profane If the matter then be so and they on their part have not done any thing to invite or incourage the Dissenters to come to Church they should be the least of all Men that should complain of their absenting Upon the whole Matter then The Dissenters by falling in with the Indulgence have done that which in the consequence will set up Arbitrary Power But the high Church-men have in express terms preached up and assisted Arbitrary Power and have treated the Papists as their Friends So that they having been chiefly instrumental and layed a Foundation for Popery and Slavery I may without pretending to the gift of Prophecy adventure to say that whenever it comes to extremity the greatest brunt will light upon them and their Heads will sheild the blows from others who used all lawful means to have prevented the Mischeif that is coming on apace Thus I have laid open the Fault on all sides let then the high Church be more charitable and the Dissenters less stiff and sweamish and let every one indeavour to live like People professing the Gospel and I hope that God may yet have mercy upon this poor Nation A SPEECH IN PARLIAMENT FOR THE Bill of Exclusion I Wish I could have been silent and I wish there had not been an occasion for this dayes debate but since we are brought into this condition it behoves every Man to put to his Shoulder to support this tottering Nation And in this Matter that is now before us we ought to consider very well for a great deal depends upon it and therefore I hope that every Gentleman will speak and Vote as God shall put it into his heart without any prejudice or pre-possession A Bill to Exclude all Papists from the Crown will produce a great many Inconveniences on both hands because his R. H. being a Papist it will set him aside therefore we are to consider which is the lesser evil and to choose that If the D. be excluded you are told how unjust it is to take away his Right from him that the Crown is his Inheritance if he survive the K. and besides you provoke him and all the Papists in England to Rise and cut our Throats On the other hand it 's plain that when we shall have a Popish K. our Religion and Laws are not secure one Moment but are in continual danger So that the case in short is this Whether we shall sit still and put it to the venture of having a Popish Successor then we must either submit our Heads to the Block or fight and be Rebels Or else to have a Law that will justifie us in the defending our Religion and Laws In plain English whether we would fight for or against the Law I think I have put it right and now let every Man make his choice that loves either his God or his Countrey As to the D's Right to the Crown I wish it were clearly known what sort of Right it is he claims and whence he derives it He is not Heir Apparent neither do I think that our Law knows any such thing as an Heir to the Crown but only as a Successor And therefore the D. nor any other whatever can pretend the same Title to the Crown as the Son of a Subject can to his Fathers Estate after his decease for with Subjects they do not succeed but inherit It is not so as to the Crown for there they succeed And it is from a not rightly considering the word Heir as it is a Synonymous term with that of Successor that has made so many to be deceived in the D's Title to the Crown for this word Heir to the Crown was not heard of till Arbitrary Power began to put forth Before William the Conquerour's Time it would have been a senseless word when the people set up and pulled down as they saw cause And till Queen Elizabeth it was not much in fashion when the Crown was so frequently setled by Act of Parliament and the Next of blood so often set aside when the Son seldom followed his Father into the Throne but either by Election in the Life-time of his Father or else by Act of Parliament So that to make the D. either Heir Apparent or Presumptive to the Crown it must be proved either by the Constitution of the Government or by some Law or Act of Parliament If therefore he has a Title to the Crown it 's necessary to know what it is and whence he has it but if he has none it 's not unjust to pass the Bill or any otherwhere he shall be particularly named But I will say no more of this least I may seem to be against Kingly Government which I am not If the D. be Excluded because he is a Papist yet it is no injustice Why will he be of that Religion that the Law endeavours to suppress The Subjects who are of that Religion forfeit Two parts in Three of their Estates and shall any Subject by reason of his Quality be exempted from the Law I hope not Besides if a Subject forfeit two parts it 's reasonable that the next of blood or any that is of that Religion should be excluded from the Crown because the Law has prohibited all Papists from having any Office Civil or Military because their Principles are inconsistent with the Government and then how preposterous would it be to make him the Head of the Church and the Preserver of our Laws and Liberties whose Religion obliges him to ruine and destroy both So that if the D. had not by his practices given us just cause to except against him yet barely as he is a Papist he ought to be Excluded But when it is considered that he has held a correspondency with the Pope and the French King to subvert our Religion and Laws what protection can we expect from him if he be King It is a sensleless thing to imagine that he will not disturb us in our Religion and Laws seeing whilest he is a Subject he is practising to destroy us and them Therefore for my part I think we betray both our Religion and Laws if we do not pass this Bill There is one Opinion which prevails much in the World which as it is false so it does a great deal of hurt and that is this That every Government in the World was