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A30675 A help to holy walking, or, A guide to glory containing directions how to worship God, and to walk with him in the whole course of our lives / by Edward Bury. Bury, Edward, 1616-1700. 1675 (1675) Wing B6206; ESTC R23864 205,598 379

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received take notice of your unworthiness the more to exalt the Mercies received But Confession of Sin so as to Afflict the Soul with them is not suitable to the day Bring thy Family in due time to the Publick if it be publickly Observed otherwise carry it on in Private and pay your Vows in the great Congregation and behave your selves in the remaining part of the day as be-you were Directed in the Observation of the Sabbath for this time is Consecrated and made Holy to God and should be wholly spent in his Service And thou shouldest be as careful of thy Thoughts thy Words and thy Affections as though it were a Sabbath for there is no danger of keeping them too intent upon God When thou comest into the Congregation thou maist say as Jacob Gen. 28.17 This is no other but the House of God and the Gate of Heaven for here is done the work that shall be done in Heaven As for the oher expressions of Joy as Ringing of Bells shooting off Guns making of Bone-fires c. they are so far Lawful as they help forward the Work and raise the Heart to an higher pitch of Joy and rejoycing in the Lord. 5. Direct Having thus disposed and prepared thy Heart for the Work and set thy self as in the Presence of the ever-living God that sees and knows and takes notice of thee set thy self then upon the work of Glorifying God and render thanks to him from thy Heart for all the Benefits thou hast Received Praise is comely for the Saints And this Religious Thankfulness of which we speak is thy Duty Now 't is either External or Internal the Internal is to carry a thankful Heart to God and this is every days Duty External is when the Thankfulness of the Heart is expressed in Words or Actions the former without the latter is not sufficient the latter without the former is little worth Now the External manifestation of thy thankfulness is either Private or Publick Private by thy self or Family Publick in the great Congregation and this also is either Ordinary or Extraordinary Ordinary and this should be done at every time when we come together to Worship of God The Extraordinary is upon Extraordinary Occasions as some great Deliverances or the obtaining some great Mercies or the bringing down some great Enemies of the Church this the Church ought to bless God for and Offer this Sacrifice of Praise in the Name and Mediation of Christ who prays over all our Prayers for us and Offers our Praises performed with the Incense of his own Righteousness Now 't is requisite as I said before that a Catalogue of those Mercies God hath given in as a return of Prayers be laid up either in a Book or in the Memory for if we neglect or forget them how shall we speak of them to God's praise 't is not enough to remember them but we must also mention them to his praise Thus David I will tell you what God hath done for my Soul He acknowledgeth God the Author of his Mercies and doth not Sacrifice to his own Nets as many do and burn Incense to his Drags Hab. 1.16 But as the Church not unto us Lord not to us but to thy Name be the Praise he acknowledges frequently his own worthlessness that he may exalt God Lord saith he what is Man that thou shouldst be mindful of him Or the Son of Man that thou regardest him Psal 8.4 I am less than the least of thy Mercies saith Jacob I am less than the least of thy Saints saith Paul Yea when it comes let it be a Free-will Offering do it chearfully readily willingly as the Saints and Angels do it in Heaven heartily not heavily God Loves a chearful giver and matters not grumbling Service Be as willing to return Thanks as ever thou wast to have the Mercy Set thy Heart on Work in this Duty stir up thy self like the Psalmist Psal 103.1 Bless the Lord O my Soul and all that is within me Praise his Holy Name Bless the Lord O my Soul and forget not all his Benefits 'T is not enough to Praise him with the Lips or bring our Bodies before him but the Heart and Life should Praise him the Heart should Indite thy Praises and thy Tongue utter them and thy Life and Conversation Seal to them thou shouldst do thanks and Live thanks as well as speak thanks this is every days Duty especially when we receive signal Mercies we should return answerable thanks when National Mercies National thanks should be returned Psal 50.15 Moses did so at the Deliverance at the Red Sea Exod. 15.1 Deborah and Barak did so Judg. 5.12 The Jews also when delivered from Haman's Plots Est 8.11.17 And there is great reason it should be so for Praise is due to none but God and to him the Vow should be performed all our Springs are in him and all our Mercies are from him yea every good and perfect gift and this is the very End for which he gives them and 't is all he requires for them this Pepper-corn of Homage is all his Rent who is the great Land-Lord and though it be due from all yet he expects it from his own People especially he will extort his own from others in another way and none but his People can do it to please him This is to his Saints a fore-tast of Glory where it must be their constant Work 'T is a beneficial Duty also for Thanksgiving for one Mercy is a real yea a prevailing Request for another Those that Offer praise Glorifie God And yet we see how negligent most are in this Duty few take notice of the Mercies they Receive but like Swine eat the Acorns or Crabs and regard not whence they come Ten Lepers were cleansed and but one returns thanks many are sensible of their wants and with the Horse-Leach cry give give yet are not sensible of their enjoyments to return thanks yea suffer some petty Cross to hide a thousand Blessings and keep them out of their sight 6. Direct When thou art thus prepared thus fitted go on in re-counting the Mercies thou hast Received and bless God for them this is the main Work of the Day Now forasmuch as Mercies are various all Men receive not alike yet all receive some for which they should be thankful give me leave to lead you by the Hand a little and shew you some the rest you may Observe your selves Bless God for what he is in himself and what he is to his Creatures in himself admire his Essence for fathom it thou canst not the like we may say of his Attributes his Eternity Immutability his Power Wisdom Holiness Justice and Truth c. Thou maist spend thy days also in Admiring him in the Works of his Hand lift up thy Eyes to Heaven and see the Sun the Moon and Stars those Glorious Lamps those Beauty spots of Heaven observe their Distance Courses Influence and Virtues and well thou maist
or thy Affections cool over-hastily keep up that Spiritual Life and vigour as long as thou canst Live in the strength of that meat if possible as long as Elijah did forty days yea labour to be the better for it all thy Life 'T is not safe in a great heat to cool too hastily he that climbs high should descend by leisure Hast thou met with God in the Duty Stir not thy Foot before thou hast given him thanks We are apt to be sensible of our pressing wants and our desires are let out for a supply in our needs God hears of us then we cry arise and save us but a gracious Heart should be as sensible of Mercies as of Miseries and be as ready to render praise for the one as to put up Prayers for the removal of the other But most men are like the Lepers of ten that are healed but one gives thanks And 't is thy Duty also to Treasure up that knowledge which thou hast gained by this Duty store up in thy Book or Memory the Conclusions thou hast gathered Hast by Reason and Scripture found that sin is bitter Lay up this as a certain Truth for hereafter Hast thou found that Grace is Lovely and Holiness amiable Remember this also lay up these Resolves that they may stand thee in steed in a day of Temptation that if ever Satan the World or thy own deceitful Heart should hereafter perswade thee to love sin or disown Holiness thou mayst reply nay but at such a time in such a place I found by such Scriptures and such Arguments that sin is filthy and Holiness Lovely in what false glass soever you now represent them to us Nay not only so but devote thy self wholly unto God and Resolve that thou wilt Live according to those Conclusions thou hast raised and those Truths thou hast found out and that thou submit thy self to his Will so far as he shall reveal it unto thee Without this what benefit canst expect from the Duty When thou hast found out the Duty and by undeniable Arguments canst prove it to be thy Duty and yet wilt not do it thou wilt be beaten with the more stripes If by the force of Reason and Evidence of Scripture thou find out that the way of sin is to be forsaken and the Duties of Holiness to be performed and yet thou forsake Holiness and chuse sin what Excuse canst thou plead Thou wilt but sin with a Candle in thy hand but if upon these Considerations thou set thy self to hate sin as the greatest evil and walk in the path which is called Holy in sincerity then shalt thou reap Fruit by thy Meditation If thou find upon Consideration that God is the chiefest good and Love him as the chiefest good happy wilt thou be If thou find the Devil to be the worst Master and break out of his Prison and resolve thou wilt never give him one more Act of willing Obedience 't is well or if thou find in the reach of thy Heart that thy Grace is not true and thereupon thou resolvest never to give thy Heart any rest till thy Relation be changed and God be thy Father and Christ thy Husband 't is well Or if in the search thou findest Evidences of true Grace Record them they will be of use in a day of desertion and help against the Devils fiery Darts The Result of David's Meditation was to return home to God Psal 119.59 So it should of ours if it make us not more in Love with God and Holiness and more to hate sin and wickedness it doth us no good if it strengthen not our Graces or weaken not our Corruption we lose our Labour In a word conclude the whole Duty either with Prayer to God for a Blessing or if it may be convenient with some Verses of a Psalm that is suitable CHAP. VI. Directions in Prayer THE next Duty I shall speak unto is Prayer which is not only Work but Wages not only a Duty but a Priviledge Now Prayer is an Offering up our desires unto God in the Name of Christ by the assistance of the Spirit with Confession of sin and thankful acknowledgment of God's Mercies received Psal 92.8 John 18.23 Rom. 8.26 Psal 36.5,6 Dan. 9.4 Phil. 4.6 For the kinds of it you may take notice there is Confession when we acknowledge our sins to God There is Petition when we beg of God those things necessary for Soul or Body for this Life or that to come There is Deprecation when we beseech God to turn away the evils felt or feared from our selves or others There is Intercession when we pray for others also and there is Thanksgiving when we thankfully acknowledge the Mercies received Now Prayer is either publick in the Congregation or private in the Family or secret in the Closet each of these should have their time each hath a Promise and we may find Precepts for and Example of them That Prayer is a Duty is acknowledged by most and denyed by few till of late Years wherein some have argued themselves above Ordinances but the Scripture owns no such thing we have the Command of God for it which is Authority sufficient and the only Rule to walk by 'T is a Divine Command that makes it Duty read these following Scriptures 1 Thes 5.17 Pray without ceasing Col. 4.2 Continue in Prayer and watch in the same with thanksgiving Rom. 12.12 Continue instant in prayer Psal 59.15 Call upon me in the day of Trouble c. I might instance in many Promises made to it and many threatnings to those that neglect it and shew you the Examples of the best of Saints yea of Christ himself that spent whole nights in Prayer All which sufficiently prove that it is a Duty and therefore let us set upon it with all alacrity many are the encouragements unto this Duty some from God some from Prayer it self and some from our own Necessities From God his Promises to hear and help may encourage us Psal 50.15 and many other places his Attributes this assures us he is able to help and faithful in his Promises and will do it The Relation that is between God and a Believer gives him hopes he is their Father Christ their Elder Brother their Head and Husband yea their Redeemer and Intercessor The Experiences they have Recorded of all Ages The Returns of Prayer is no small encouragement which shews the Efficacy and Force of it and how prevalent it hath been with God and therefore one calls it the almost if not altogether Omnipotent Grace of Prayer I might give you a taste of it thus It hath changed the course of Nature stopped the Sun in the Firmament Josh 10.12 and brought it back ten degrees 2 Kings 20.11 Quenched the Rage of the Fire Dan. 3.27 Stopped the Mouths of Lyons Dan. 6.22 Divided the Red Sea that Israel passed through Exod. 14.21 It hath prevailed over great Armies and Potent Princes as over Pharaoh which it
Foundation for thy Faith And when thou art come before him set thy self as in his Presence and let thy Heart be affected with awful Reverence of him who is the Searcher of the Heart and Tryer of the Reins There 's many that come to him in prayer and little consider with whom they have to do Come also with a full purpose and Resolution or else never come to leave and forsake all those sins thou shalt confess For if thou regard Iniquity in thy Heart God will not hear thy Prayer Psal 66.18 'T is a vain thing to think to get pardon for those sins thou wilt not leave or a dispensation to Sin Meditate before hand of the Number Nature and Quality of thy Sins Of the Purity of God's Law the Justice of God his Threatnings against Sin and Sinners and the punishments he hath brought upon the World for sin the little Good that Sin hath done thee and the great hurt c. These Considerations may work in thee a loathing of sin when thou seest that it is the cause of all thy Miseries then wilt thou put up real desires to have it Mortified and till then thou wilt but dally with God Study well before-hand what are thy wants which thou wouldst have supplyed by God Let it be thy daily work to think what Sin and Corruption is strong in thee and what Grace is weak or wanting and what thou wouldst beg at God's hands and have not thy Errand to seek when thou shouldst do it Study well also what Mercies thou hast received and forget not to render to God the Tribute of Praise Thankfulness for one Mercy is a real Petition for another Many like the Lepers will come in a Petition for Mercies they want but few in Thanksgiving for Mercies received Most men are like the Swine under the Tree they eat the Crabs or Acorns but look not up from whence they come And where as 't is a Commanded Duty to Pray one for another 't is necessary that we sympathize one with another Mourn with those that Mourn and Rejoyce with them that Rejoyce It was Nehemiah's practice and he should herein be our President when all went well with him in his own particular the Afflictions of the Church could wring Tears from his Eyes Nehem. 1.4 And if any jarr be between thee and another be Reconciled this is Christ's Counsel Mat. 5.23 Mark 11.26 Come thus prepared and there is great hopes of speeding 3. Direct Wouldst thou put up a prevailing Prayer See that thou make it to God alone and not to Saints or Angels or any Creature whatsoever This is that Homage which he hath reserved to himself and that Honour that he will not give to another Many are the Commands which are in Scripture for this Duty Psal 50.15 Call upon me in the day of Trouble and I will deliver thee and thou shalt Glorifie me And Christ bids us go to our Father in Secret and our Father which seeth in Secret will reward us openly Mat. 6.6 This was the Refuge which the Godly run to in all their streights Hither Abraham Isaac and Jacob went Gen. 18.27 28.3 32.11 Hither Moses goes when God threatned Israel Exod. 39.11 Yea Joshua Hannah Samuel David Solomon Elijah Jehoshaphat Hezekiah Peter and Christ himself and thus he taught us to do Mat. 6.9 Our Father which art in Heaven Many are the Promises which are made to those that go to God in the Name of Christ and many are the Experiences which Believers have had of the Return of Prayers made to God But in the whole Book of God there is not one Precept for or approved Example of any one that sought either to Saint or Angel nor any Promise to any that do so or any Experience that any have had any Return to their Prayer no nor encouragement to provoke us to believe that God approves it but the contrary There is nothing in Scripture to ground our Faith upon and what is not of Faith is Sin We may find God himself stiled A God Hearing Prayers A Title given to no Creature in Heaven or in Earth God is Omniscient and knows all things the very thoughts and wishes the sighs and breathings the longings hungrings and pantings of a broken Heart are known to him and he knows when Prayers proceed from unfeigned Lips he is Hoker Lebh Scutator Cordis The Searcher of the Heart Jer. 17.10 And 't is a Priviledge that no man on Earth can claim neither have we any assurance that Saints or Angels in Heaven can do it Again he is every where present at all times and in all places which the Angels themselves are not being finite Creatures and therefore is always in a readiness to help We know he hears our Prayers but have no assurance that the others do He is Omnipotent and able to help us he is El shaddai God All-sufficient Gen. 17.1 Able to remove all rubs out of the way but the Creature cannot help us they are but the Cistern he is the Fountain they have no more than what he puts into them Yea all Religious Worship is due to him alone whereof Prayer is a principal part and cannot be given to another without offence 'T is from him that we receive every good and perfect gift James 1.17 and therefore unto him we should go to beg it who keeps the dispose of them in his own hands and will be sought unto before he part with them God is the Object of our Faith and should be of our Prayers for How can we call upon him upon whom we have not believed Rom. 10.14 The very Heathen by the Light of Nature acknowledge this Priviledge this Duty was due to God alone they put up their Petitions to those they esteemed gods as the Mariners in Jonah's Ship called every man upon his god and advised Jonah to do so also Jonah 1.5 And God himself threatens the Families that call not upon his Name Jer. 10.25 And in their distress threatens to send them to the gods they serve How much then are those to blame that Pray to Saints and Angels as the Papists or offer up Religious Worship to any other but to God alone but till they can prove it a Duty by direct precept or approved Example till they can prove they are Omnipresent always at hand Omniscient and know all things Omnipotent and can help us in all our straits which they will never do lets us never leave the Fountain that is all this and go to the Cistern that cannot help us 4. Direct If thou wouldst speed in Prayer then go to God in the Name of Christ if thou take him not along with thee thou wilt not be welcom if thou come not cloathed in thy Elder Brothers Garments thou wilt return without the Blessing We are by Nature Enemies to God and he is a consuming Fire to his Enemies and Christ must be the Skreen to keep us from burning 't is he alone that can
never breaks his promise if we keep the Condition search out the fault and amend for the future set Faith on work for the return of thy prayers for no doubt if thou prayest according to God's Will thou shalt receive the Mercy prayed for Many deal by their prayers as foolish Children by their Arrows they shoot at Rovers and mark not where they light Most Men lose their prayers and heed not whether God hears them or not Answers them or not they make prayer the end of prayer and rest satisfied if the work be done without on Answer they observe not where they light or what comes of them If thy Petition be Lawful expect an Answer if it come be sure that which is gotten by prayer be worn with Thanksgiving be not like the unthankful Lepers go away and let God hear no more of you And when thou prayest against any sin be sure to set Heart and Hand on work to Mortifie that sin And when thou prayest for any Mercies be sure to Labour what thou canst in the use of means to attain that Mercy 't is a vain wish which is not seconded with endeavours 't is but a mocking of God that will not be mocked and a ridiculous thing to pray for that he will not endeavour for As if a man should pray to come to London and will not set a step that way If thou prayest for Spiritual Blessings use means to obtain them and if for Temporal things be diligent in the use of a Lawful Calling 't is the hand of the diligent that makes Rich. When thou prayest for thy Neighbour be as willing to help him to thy power as to pray for him Many men shew more Divinity in their Words than Humanity in their Actions one penny is more hardly got from them than thrice God help you And when thou hast put up thy Requests then with patience wait for an Answer as Hannah when she had poured out her Soul to God she depended upon him and looked no more sad 1 Sam. 1.18 It may be though God hath promised and will perform yet he will not give it at the first asking he will make thee seek again and wait also When Peter was in Prison and the Church prayed for his deliverance it was the last Night before God granted their Petitions Acts 12.5,6 But be it sooner or later when the Mercy comes give God his Tribute of praise this he requires Psal 50.15 And this was David's practice Psal 116.2 And Christ chargeth this upon the Lepers as their fault If he deny thy Request seek out what is the cause and perhaps thou maist find some sin un-repented of and then no wonder if God hear thee not resolve with Saul it shall dye though it be thy Jonathan 1 Sam. 4.37 Destroy that Achan that offends God and troubles Israel Or perhaps the Petition required is not sutable or thou failedst either in the manner or end if so be more wary the next time If neither of these wait for an Answer set upon the Duty with stronger resolutions if prayer be not strong enough joyn Fasting Some sins like some Devils come not out but by prayer and fasting If thou canst not do it thy self call in help take these Directions and thou wilt find the banefit of prayer CHAP. VII Directions in and about Singing of Psalms THE Next Duty I shall Instruct you in is Singing of Psalms A Duty much prest and practised both in the time of the Law and in the time of the Gospel and many thousands of Believers have received benefit and have been refreshed by it The Book of Psalms 't is evident is of Divine Institution and compiled by the assistance of the Spirit of God And though sundry other pieces of Scripture have been by several Persons in several Ages called in Question yet this was never Questioned by any 'T is expresly mentioned by the Apostle Peter Acts 1.20 Yea is acknowledged to be Canonical Scripture by Christ himself the great Doctor of the Church Luke 20.42 And David himself saith in the Book of Psalms the Lord said unto my Lord sit thou on my right hand till I make thine Enemies thy Foot-stool Luke 24.44 All things must be fulfilled which were written in the Law of Moses and in the Prophets and in the Psalms concerning me The Hebrew Title of this Book is Sepher Tehillim a Book of Hymns because it chiefly consists in praise and thanksgiving unto God for his benefits And this Title seems to be taken from the Inscription of the 145 Psalm where the word is used and the whole Psalm spends it self in the praises of God In the Scripture indeed we read of Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs Eph. 5.19 Col. 3.16 But what the difference is between these is not easie to shew no doubt one and the same Psalm may admit of either of these Names Some have distinguished them thus Psalms say they are those that contain Exhortation to Holiness and Directions to an Holy Life Hymns contain praises to God for his benefits Spiritual and Temporal and Spiritual Songs are a mixture of both The Original word Mizmar comes from a word that signifies cutting off superfluous things and signifies a eomposure of Harmonious words without Superfluity or Excess and 't is sufficient that the whole Book containing several Subjects is called by this one name of Psalms even by Christ himself Now this Divine Ordinance or Holy Duty though both Commanded and Commended and practised by Christ and his Apostles and the Church of God even down from David's Time to this day yet is denyed by some and Questioned by others to be a Duty but I think they may Question as some indeed do all the Ordinances as well as this for what but the Ignorance or wilful perverting of the Scripture can be the ground of such a denial It may be indeed they have never performed this Duty as they ought to do and so never received that benefit and refreshing from it that others have done and hence they judge it is improfitable and condemn the Ordinance for their own fault But doubtless many thousands of Believers may speak out their Experiences and tell you they have been refreshed by it That it is a Christian Duty shall God willing be further shewed you and that 't is both profitable and pleasant is easie to prove The Psalms are a Rich Store-House of all manner of Provision and those that are conversant herein cannot be Ignorant of it Here are Instructions for the Ignorant to lead them in the way to Heaven and guide them by all the by-ways of Error and Folly here are Incitations to the dull and sluggish to rouse them up out of the sleep of Security Here are prayers to draw down Mercies from God and praises to God for Mercies received What shall I say Whatsoever Estate a Christian can be in here he may find Comfort or Company or both Here as in a Glass are represented and
the Sacrament but without Faith they cannot be laid hold upon 6. Direct Having shewed you what Preparation is necessary and also what Qualifications and how thou shouldst stand affected when thou comest to this Ordinance I shall next shew thee how to demean thy self in the very Act of Receiving For thy External behaviour or outward demeanour it should be such as is suitable to the Ordinance and to the presence of the Great God Reverent Grave Seemly and such as bespeaks Humility and self-abasing not Light and wanton and gazish but such as becomes a Guest at such a Table yet beware of such Voluntary or Superstitious Humility such as the Papists and some others use which hath no Footing in the vvord of God the surest way is to take the Scripture for our Guide But for thy Inward Carriage which is most to be regarded be sure thy Heart be not wanting for God cannot endure Heartless Service if this Instrument be not in Tune the Musitioner is bad here if any where God calls Son give me thy Heart and nothing else will serve turn but the Heart and the Heart broken and bleeding Come with the Heart humbled God cannot endure a proud Person especially in an Ordinance that hold forth that which may humble thee here is Christ Crucified and his Blood shed for thy sin thou wast the Traytor that betrayed him the Judge that Condemned him and the Executioner that put him Death and will not this work upon thee Is it nothing to have Blood lying upon thee the Blood of the Innocent the Blood of a Friend the Blood of a King yea the Blood of the Son of God What ingenious Spirit but would melt at such a Consideration Every Sacramental Action of the Minister may further thy Meditation and help thee up to Heaven in thy Contemplation When thou beholdest the Minister who stands in the place of God setting apart and Consecrating the Bread and Wine by the Word and Prayer will not this bring to thy Mind the Love of God to thy Soul Who from Eternity set apart his only Son Jesus Christ to be thy Mediator and Advocate thy Surety and thy Saviour well may it be said God so Loved the World c. May not the thoughts of this furnish thee with Heart-raising Heart-warming Meditations And when thou seest thee Bread broken and the Wine poured out doth not this Lively represent the bitter Death and bloody Passion of the Son of God Jesus Christ thy sweet Saviour and Redeemer his Body was broken his precious blood was shed for the Remission of thy sins which otherwise could not have been forgiven Ah! what a wicked thing then is sin when nothing would satisfie Divine Justice but the death of the only begotten Son of God When the Bread and Wine thus separated thus set apart from common use are held forth to thee apprehend God himself giving Christ yea Christ offering himself with all his Treasures to be thy Husband thy Surety thy Mediator and thy Saviour Ah! what Soul-refreshing thoughts may this produce Well mayst thou say with David Lord what is Man that thou art mindful of him Or rather Lord what am I that thou regardest me and hast provided such a Feast of Fat things for me with Wine on the Lees When thousands are laid aside as good as I by Nature And when thou receivest the Elements at the Ministers hand let thy Faith lay fast hold and clasp fast about the Lord Jesus Christ and take him as given by God to be thy Husband and Resolve that the Devil and all his Instruments shall never draw off thy Affections from him but thou wilt all others being forsaken prove his faithful Spouse And when thou Eatest and Drinkest the Bread and Wine let thy Faith feed upon those Spiritual dainties hereby represented upon this Nectar and Ambrosia this Bread and this Water of Life Receive him and all the Benefits of the New Covenant by Faith and in the whole Action let thy Heart Close with God Father Son and Holy Ghost and let the whole bent of thy Soul be set upon him and by such Meditations stir up thy Heart to bless God and praise him for his Mercy and to Love him above all and to vow Obedience to him and as thou lookest upon thy sin with one Eye to hate and abominate it so look upon Christ with the other to keep thee from despair as he is offered up in the Sacrament a Sacrifice to satisfie Divine Justice and beg of God humbly yet believingly that he will accept of this Sacrifice as satisfactory for thy sin and pardon what is past and give thee power against Sin for the time to come Consider also the giving and receiving of this Sacrament is a further ratification of the Covenant as I said before wherein God offers Christ and all his Benefits and promises to be thy God and the God of thy Seed And thou promisest that thou and thine will Serve the Lord. Let this strengthen thy Faith in his Promises for he will never break his word and let it strengthen thy Resolution that thou wilt never break with him then this will be to thee an Happy Ordinance 7. Direct If thou wouldst receive Benefit by the Sacrament behave thy self well after thou hast received it All thy work is not done nay most is to be done when thou hast turned thy back upon the Congregation 't is not the making a Vow but the making it good the fulfilling of it that is the most of the work 't is not the preparing for the Duty or carrying thy self well in the Act of Receiving though this be necessary that is sufficient God expects some after-work A Servant that is refresht with wholsom meat and drink ought not to be Idle nor to spend his time vainly there is a greater tye lyes upon him to diligence and pains taking So he that comes from such a Feast and is refreshed with such Dainties should be more Active Lively Quick and Disposed to Spiritual Exercises plung not thy self too suddenly into worldly business distract not thy thoughts about things here below for as in sweats 't is dangerous to cool over-suddenly So 't is here when the Affections are raised to Heaven let them not suddenly grovel upon the ground when they are heated let not the cold wind of the World suddenly benumb them And when thou dost set about Worldly business remember there is a business of greater concernment lyes upon thy Hands and therefore do all in Subordination to God Redeem some time for Divine Meditation to consider what thou hast been about and with whom thou hast had to deal Thou hast been renewing that Covenant between God and thy Soul which was made in Baptism and therefore look to it that thou make it good It is better not to Vow than to Vow and not perform Consider whether God makes good his Promise Sealed by this Sacrament if not doubtless the fault is thine own God
gives thee Christ and thou givest him thy self if thou hold God will not flinch He promises Heaven and Happiness and thou promisest Love and Obedience And those Vows which thou madest in Baptism and renewest in this Sacrament must be fulfilled 't is an horrible thing to prove Treacherous to this God and to break Covenant with him God will avenge the Quarrel of his Covenant 'T is a dangerous thing to have God for an Enemy and our Consciences for our Accusers resolve therefore to make good thy Engagements and fulfill thy Vows Consider in the Sacrament what Entertainment thou hast met with from God and what welcome he hath given thee hast thou sped or no Did he meet thee in the Ordinance or hast thou had an Answer of thy Prayers or hast been frustrated of thy hopes and expectations If so examine thy Preparations and demeanour before and after the Duty haply thou maist find some miscarriage if so humble thy self and be more careful for the future take notice of the repulse and be humbled yet despair not Sometimes the Ordinance may be more beneficial after than at present as the Sacrament of Baptism usually is If thou hast met with some Fruit but not so much as thou expectest or desirest consider thou art not to be thy own Carver he deals his Mercies as he sees best thou must wait upon him in a longing Posture it will come in the most suitable Season if thou hast found any 't is more than thy desert bless God for it from whose bounty it proceeds If it be not so much as thou expectest 't is more than thou deservest 't is to be owned he that is not thankful for a little God will not trust him with much Thou givest him thanks for Bodily Food and wilt be thankful for Crumbs and not for Christ For Temporal Favours and not for Spiritual Mercies And this should be expressed in deeds as well as words thou shouldest live thanks as well as speak thanks And as Christ gives himself to thee so give up not only thy Name but thy Heart to him keep alive in thy Soul the Spiritual Fervor and maintain thy ground against thy Corruptions See how thy Graces grow and how thy Corruptions dye this is the way to grow in Grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Walk in the strength of one Ordinance to another and thus doing thou wilt be a growing Christian and thou wilt find through the Blessing of God upon thine Endeavours that the Sacrament which many get little benefit by is indeed a Soul-fatting Ordinance CHAP. XI Directions about Oaths THE next part of Divine Worship that I shall Direct you in is the right Use of an Oath for though rash swearing be an horrible sin as I intend God willing elsewhere to demonstrate Yet an Oath in it self is Lawful and necessary yea a Commanded part of God's Worship Thou shalt fear the Lord and serve him and shalt swear by his Name Deut. 6.13 The like we find Deut. 10.20 My work therefore in the first place will be to shew you what an Oath is and then to prove it Lawful and afterwards to give you Directions in this as I have done in other parts of God's Worship An Oath is a part of that Religious Worship which we owe to God in which being Lawfully called thereunto we call God to witness the Truth of what we Assert and our real intention to perform what we promise and to reward or punish us according to the Truth or Falshood of what we say That it is a part of Religious Worship the Texts before quoted serve to prove 2 Cor. 1.23 Moreover I call God for a Record upon my Soul that to spare you I came not as yet unto Corinth 2 Chron. 6.22,23 If a Man sin against his Neighbour and an Oath be laid upon him to make him Swear and the Oath come before thine Altar in this House then hear thou from Heaven and do and Judge thy Servants by requiting the Wicked by Recompencing his way upon his own Head and by Justifying the Righteous by giving him according to his Righteousness Lev. 19.12 Ye shall not swear by my Name falsly neither shalt thou prophane the Name of thy God Exod. 2.7 You see 't is a part of Religious Worship for herein God is called to be a Witness to Justifie or to Condemn who only knows the Integrity of the Heart and the sincerity of the Intentions yea sometimes 't is put for the whole Worship of God Isa 19.18 Where swearing to the Lord is meant worshipping the Lord Nay we have the consent of all Nations that always have esteemed an Oath Sacred and Venerable Poets Philosophers Heathens and Infidels make Conscience of this Religious Band and Reason shews it also for hereby we acknowledge the Wisdom Power and Justice of God His Wisdom in Searching the Heart and knowing the hidden thoughts and intentions of it His Power in being able to punish it and his Justice in giving every Man accoding to his desert and this Worship he will not give to another Jer. 12.16 They taught my People to Swear by the Name of Baal Amos 8.14 Zeph. 1.5 The Lawfulness of an Oath is confessed by most and denyed by few and those Contemptible we have Scripture warrant for it yea the Command of God as you have heard Exod. 22.10 Where an Oath was to be taken in the Case of lost Goods Isa 45.63 Vnto me every Tongue shall swear Isa 65.16 He that sweareth in the Earth shall swear by the God of Truth Now God would not have Commanded any thing that was sinful in it self as a part of his Worship Nay he doth not only Command it but lays down the qualifications of an Oath Jer. 4.2 Thou shalt swear the Lord Liveth in Truth in Judgment and in Righteousness and in what Cases it ought to be required Exod. 22.11 Neither can there any Reason be given why 't is not Lawful as well in Gospel times as under the Law it was not Ceremonious nor Typical neither in the Matter Form nor End Nay we have Examples of God himself and therefore 't is not intrins●…cally Evil Gen. 22.16 By my self have I sworn saith the Lord Heb. 6.13 Because he could swear by no greater he sware by himself Jer. 44.26 I have sworn by my great Name saith the Lord Amos 4.2 The Lord hath sworn by his Holiness We have the Example of Christ Mat. 5.18 For Verily I say unto you till Heaven and Earth pass one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass till all be fulfilled compare this with Heb. 8.14 Surely Blessing I will Bless thee c. This is called God's Oath and frequent are the Asservations of Christ Verily verily we have the Example of the Holy Angels also Dan. 12.7 The Angel lift up his Hand and sware by him that Liveth for ever The like we have Rev. 10.6 we read of the Saints Swearing Gen. 14.22
At these three Feasts all the Males were Commanded to appear before the Lord Exod. 23.7 The Annual Feasts of lesser Account were two the Feast of Trumpets and the Feast of Expiation both mentioned Lev. 23.24.27 In which also it was not allowed to do any Work nay it was forbidden upon pain of Death Other Feasts were to be Observed after certain Years for as every seventh day was Holy to the Lord so was every seventh Year For as Man and Beast was Commanded to Rest upon the seventh day so the Land was to Rest every seventh Year that it might gather Heart and that the Poor of the Land might be fed of those things which the Earth did Naturally bring forth without Labour and after seven times seven Years which is forty nine the next which is the fiftyeth Year was the Jubilee or Year of Gladness wherein Debts were forgiven Land sold returned to the Owners and Hebrew Servants were Released and made Free Lev. 25.9 To which Christ seems to allude John 4.18,19 who was sent to Preach the Acceptable Year of the Lord c. Some Festivals also were appointed by Man upon great Occasions and were Yearly Observed by the Church as the Feast of Purim Commanded by Esther the Queen and Mordecai the Jew upon the Account and in Memorial of the Famous Deliverance of the Church in their time from the wicked Conspiracy of Haman Est 9.17 And also the Feast of the Dedication of the Temple either after the Babylonish Captivity Ezra 6.16 Or after it was polluted by Antiochus Epiphanes and again Dedicated by Machabeus 1 Mac. 4.5,6 Which Feast Christ himself seems to approve by his Presence John 10.22 And in Gospel times we have our Feasts also as every Seventh day for a Sabbath of which I have already Treated Several other Festivals in later Ages have been Observed which Antienter Antiquity make no mention of as several in Memory of Christ's Birth Resurrection Assention c. Several to our Lady and many in Memory of Saints of which I shall say no more but what the Apostle doth Rom. 14.5,6 One Man esteemeth one day above another another esteemeth every day alike let every Man be perswaded fully in his own mind c. Let us not Judge one another in those things but were those observed as days of Thanksgiving ought to be they would not be so eagerly contended for by some nor so eagerly contended against by others The Papists superstitiously forcing them upon us as parts of Gods worship and their Idol worship thereupon hath made some perhaps run too far on the other side but many spending them as Feasts to Bacchus hath made many abhor the other occasional Feasts we have had as the fifth of November c. commanded by Authority to be greatly observed and others as occasion falls out which if you would keep well or any of the forementioned Holy-days observe these Directions following 1. Direct If thou wouldest offer up to God a pleasing Sacrifice upon such a day as this is get thy heart rightly qualified and rightly prepared there is bad Musick like to be where the Instrument is out of tune this Duty is more difficult than Prayer pinching wants and eminent dangers puts a Man on to prayer as we see by the Mariners in Jonah's Ship but self-denyal is required in praising him ten Lepers could join in a petition for help and but one returned to give thanks Thy heart must be qualified with Grace or thou canst not praise God upon such occasions as thou oughtest for what hast thou to do to take the Word or Name of God in thy Mouth if thou hatest to be reformed Psal 50.16 'T is every ones duty for every one receives mercy and 't is a Rent due to the chief Land Lord but every one cannot do it Praise is comely for the upright Psal 38.1 It should be a Congregation of Saints where God is praised Psal 149.11 I do not perswade others from the Duty no more than I do from Prayer but perswade them to cleanse their hearts before they come to the Duty for none but the Righteous can do the work of the day as they ought neither indeed have they cause to rejoice when God is their Enemy and for ought they know they may Lodge next night in Hell that rejoicing is the work of the day is evident Lev. 23,40 Deut. 12.12 and many other places These only are exhorted to rejoice Psal 33.1 Rejoice in the Lord ye Righteous and shout for joy all ye that are upright in heart Phil. 3.1 4.4 Psal 107.22 Declare his works with rejoycing But how can we rejoyce or praise God for Redemption Vocation Adoption and the hope of glory when we have no interest in them Thy evidence must be cleared up or thou art unfit for this Duty Those and those only that have an interest in Christ and a Title to Glory assured to them can eat their Bread with Joy and drink their Wine with a merry heart for ●od accepteth their works Others may speak as much and seem as confident like the Pharisee but there is a difference the true Christian speaks humbly the Pharisee proudly and boastingly the one is humbled for his remaining corruption the other brags though no sin is kill'd Paul cryes out O wretched Man that I am who shall deliver me from the Body of Death The Pharisee thanks God he is not as other Men are or as the Pulican The one thanks God for what he hath the other for what he never had How oft may we hear Men give thanks for their Election Vocation Sanctification c. when there is little appearance of it when their lives evidence that they are neither called nor sanctified the one praiseth God in pity to others the other in contempt Phil. 3.8 To me who am less than the least of Saints is this Grace given I thank thee saith the Pharisee I am not as other Men are One returns thanks out of Custome the other out of Conscience For preparation to the work dispose of and lay aside all thy Worldly occasions as much as possible that they interupt thee not in the work and take daily notice of and store up in thy Memory what God hath done for thy Body and for thy Soul for thy Family and Relations for the Land of thy Nativity and the Church in general How shall we praise God if we neglect and forget his benefits Psal 103.2 his Works and wonders Psal 78.7 this is commanded Psal 105.5 Exod. 13.8 The neglect of this is charged upon Israel Psal 78.11 they forgat his Works and the Wonders that he shewed them and how many are deeply guilty of this fault They heedlesly receive mercies and take no notice whence they come or let them slip out of memory even those they were somtimes affected with and thou shouldest not only remember them but meditate upon them to aflect thy heart with them take notice of the mercy justice and
his Ends are their Reformation not their desolation Zach. 1.15 I am sorely displeased with the Heathen that are at ease for I was but a very little displeased and they helpt forward the Affliction There is a Prophetick Prayer put up against Edom which in Jerusalem's Troubles Cryed Rase it Rase it even to the Foundations thereof Psal 137.7 God made the King of Assyria a Rod in his Hand to Correct his People but he intended to destroy them but God threatens when he hath done his work upon Mount Sion to punish the stout Heart of the King of Assyria Isa 10.5 c. When Afflictions lye upon the Church of God do not with the Wicked cry Aha so would we have it Psal 35.25 These are mourning Times and God expects that thou shouldest sympathize with them in their Suffering When one Child is beaten the other should not Rejoyce they know not but their turn may be next If Judgment begin at the House of God where shall the Wicked and ungodly appear Isa 22.12,13 In that day did the Lord of Hosts call to weeping to mourning to baldness and to girding with Sack cloath and behold Joy and Gladness slaying Oxen and killing Sheep c. But this Iniquity shall never be purged off till they dye saith the Lord. God also threatens those that Rejoyce in mourning times Amos 6.4,5,6,7 Let the manner of the performance of this thankfulness be what it will never so specious in the Eyes of Man if the ground of thy rejoycing be the Ruine of the Church the Affliction of the People of God the extirpation of the power of Godliness or the Liberty of Prophaness or Increase of it 't is abominable in the sight of God and thy Feast will please God no better than Jezebels Fast where God's Laws were broken under pretence of his Honour The like pretence we may read Isa 66.5 Hear the Word of the Lord ye that tremble at his Word your Brethren that hate you and cast you out for my sake said let the Lord be Glorified but he shall appear to your Joy and their shame Some think God is Glorified when indeed he is dishonoured Men shall kill you saith Christ and think they do God good Service Oh the mischie of Ignorance and Superstition But the Godly in all Ages have made the Flourishing of the Church and the down-fall of implacable Enemies the Cause of such Rejoycing and not when one part of the Church ruins another and imbrues their Hands in one anothers Blood this is Cause of Lamentation When Israel had destroyed their Brother Benjamin though in a just Quarrel and by God's appointment yet they lift up their Voyce and wept because one Tribe was Cut off Judg. 21.2.6 And 't is said they Repented for their Brother Benjamin's sake 'T is Cause of mourning when Protestants shed each others Blood and the Enemies laugh at it in their Sleeves And for Personal Mercy see it be such as God hath really given thee and not like the Pharisee for those thou hast not As for Election Redemption Vocation Justification Sanctification and the hopes of Glory these well deserve thy greatest praise but boast not of them before thou hast some good ground to believe thou hast them God will not thank that Man that thanks him for Gifts and Graces which he never did and perhaps never will bestow upon him 4. Direct As for thy Carriage upon such a day it should not be such as Men Ordinarily use upon their Festivals or Holy-days loose Propane Idle or Careless but such as is suitable to the Work in Hand and helpful in the Praising and magnifying God which is the main Work of the day Remember therefore into whose Presence thou comest and with whom thou hast to do apprehend him by the Eye of Faith taking notice of thee and deport thy self accordingly he knows thy Heart and tries thy Reins and knows thy Ends and Motives better than thy self Do nothing therefore un-beseeming his Presence or which thou wouldst not have him take notice of And having as before is directed Treasured up the Experiences of God's Mercies in thy Memory and warmed thy Heart by Meditation upon them and by this means Tuned thy Heart to his praises When the day is come which is set apart when thou wakest in the Morning and it should be betimes for thou hast a great work to do Consecrate thy first thoughts to him and let not the Devil the World nor Sin Rob him of that Honour but begin the day by some warming Meditation suitable to the Occasion or by some Laudatory Ejaculation Discourse with him before thou Discourse with the World and raise thy Heart hereby to the highest pitch thou art able for having disposed thy Worldly business as much as possible and set it out of thy way that it interrupt thee not in thy Duties behave thy self as if thou hadst nothing to look after but thy God and thy Soul Entertain not a thought if possible of them till thy Work be done 'T is impossible to serve God as we ought in such a Duty in a Croud of Business the whole Man is little enough and too little for the Work for thou wilt find it a harder Duty than Prayer Thy own Necessities self-love and self-Interest may animate a Man to Prayer but Praising God is a self-denying Duty and though in some things thou maist take more Liberty than in a Fast as in the Liberal use of the Creature and in some things more than on a Sabbath as in outward expressions of Joy yet thy Heart should keep as close to God in this as in any other Day or Duty and be as much inlarged to God And though thou maist adorn thy self and 't is fit thou shouldest yet beware of Priding in thy Cloaths this is unsuitable to a self-denying Duty And though thou maist eat the fat and drink the sweet and eat thy Bread with Joy and drink thy Wine with a Merry Heart yet immoderation is unlawful Thou maist drink to chearfulness not to excess to help thee in the Work not to hinder thee in thy Duty Prepare thy Heart in the Morning as by Meditation so by Prayer for Direction and assistance in the Work to gather in thy scatter'd thoughts and affections and sequester them from the World for the Service of the Day and forget not to praise him for private and particular Mercies which thou hast Received for returns of Prayer c. Jacob did thus for Temporal as well as Spiritual Favours Gen. 32.10 God would have us sensible of these as well as Church or State Mercies Call also thy Family together in due time Read some Scripture suitable to the occasion let them understand that they also are concerned in the Duties of the Day Sing some Psalm of praise to this purpose Let him that is merry sing Psalms James 5.13 Praise God with them and for them and re-count to his Praise the many Family Mercies thou hast
thou fittest in thy House and when thou walkest by the way when thou lyest down and when thou risest up c. First get them in thy Heart and all the rest will be easie and there is great Reason for it Thy Children have Received a Poysonful Nature from thee and thou hast Dedicated them to God's Service in their Baptism and all the Reason in the World thou shouldst do thine Endeavour to bring them out of this miserable Condition and do what thou canst to make them the Faithful Servants of God Their Souls are precious pieces too good to be the Devils Drudges and thou that canst not endure to see a silly Lamb in the Mouth of a devouring Lyon rending and tearing it in pieces at his pleasure how canst thou endure to see thy own Children in the Devils Hand likely to Torment them for ever and not be troubled Set thy Hands therefore to the Work and by Catechising Instructions Exhortation and Admonition to work knowledge in them and bring them to Consider their ways for Consideration is the first step to Reformation Assure thy self God requires this Private Duty at thy Hands 4. Direct Another Private Duty in reference to thy Family is to Pray with them and for them and to joyn together in the mutual Praises of God I have already Treated of the Duty of Prayer in general and have given Directions in the managing well the Duty look back upon them and take the Directions I shall now press upon thee as thou art an Housholder and 't is no doubt but Secret Prayer is thy Duty because thou hast Secret Sins to Confess that none knows of but God and thine own Soul and Secret wants to beg supplyes for and Personal Mercies to be thankful for But though this be necessary 't is not sufficient but if thou have a Family these also must share in thy Prayers There is a Divine Imprecation against all those Families that call not upon the Name of God Now this Duty should be daily done yea Evening and Morning I think may Evidently be proved that 't is a daily Duty cannot be denyed The Scripture requires us to pray without ceasing to pray continually and in every thing to give thanks and such like expressions intimating to us that our Souls should be in a continual Praying Temper and upon all Occasions Offered ready to perform this Duty and we ought to Serve God all the days of our Lives in Righteousness and Holiness Luke 1.75 Now Prayer and Praise is part of that daily Service we owe to him which is also Typified out by the daily Sacrifices and Oblations which were Offered to him in the Time of the Law Christians Prayer and Praise being in allusion to this called the Offering up the Calves of our Lips Hos 4.2 And when Christ Teacheth his Disciples to Pray he bids them say Give us this day our daily Bread which shews us thus much that it was to be their daily Petition Acts 3.1 We Read that the Apostles went into the Temple at the hour of Prayer which shews they had their Stata precibus tempora their appointed hours And the Godly in all Ages have made Prayer their daily Practice David he Prays seven times a day Psal 119.164 Morning and Evening Psal 92.2 Morning Evening and at Noon Psal 55.17 Yea elsewhere at Midnight Daniel Prayed three times a day constantly yea when Death was threatned for so doing Dan. 6.10 And there is great reason for it for we Receive daily Mercies for which we have cause to be thankful and Commit daily sins for which we have cause to be humbled and we have need of daily Supplyes for which we have cause to be earnest And God hath given us leave to come as oft as we will and promiseth to hear us and supply us What a needless scruple then is it to ask whether it be our Duty when 't is our Priviledge as well as our Duty we do not ask how prove you it to be our Duty to eat Meat every day this would Argue but a bad Stomack The oftner we come to God the better welcom we shall be and have more Communion and Converse with him and the more we Converse with him the better Entertainment we are like to have Others Scruple whether a Man ought to pray in his Family these Men would fain find a knot in a Rush and would Quarrel the Duty they like not but doth not God tell us Where two or three are gathered together he will be in the midst of them Mat. 18.20 And are not some Families called Churches of God where Religious Exercises are performed Rom. 16.5 Col. 4.15 Philem. 2. Here the Houses of Priscilla and Aquila and Nymphas and Philemon are called Churches And Joshua resolves that he and his House would serve the Lord Josh 24.15 And we read of Christ praying with his Disciples and others What ground of doubt can then remain but this is a Duty Those that shake off this would willingly shake off all the Ordinances and the rest of the Commands In a Family are many particular Family-sins Committed which ought to be Confessed many Family Mercies bestowed which call for a thankful acknowledgment many wants and Infirmities to be supplyed which should be begged and all these cannot be known nor perhaps are fit to be expressed by him that is the Mouth of the People in publick and for Morning and Evening these times seem fittest for this Duty though some Quarrel this also God himself in the time of the Law appointed these for Sacrifices and Oblations and Reason speaks it fit that in the Morning we should praise God for the Mercies of the Night and pray for a blessing upon the business of the day and at Even confess the sins of the day and be thankful for the Mercies and Commend our selves into the Protection of God the Night following For as all we have is from him so we should bless God for all but Spiritual Mercy should not be forgotten especially for Christ and the work of our Redemption the means of Grace and the motions of the Spirit We should praise the Lord also with Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs this is a private Family Duty Also the want of these Duties expose us to the threatning Jer. 10.25 5. Direct Another private Duty which lyes upon thee in reference to thy Family and those under thy Charge is reproving them when they sin and Correcting them when they will not amend and restraining them what in thee lyes from breaking God's Laws and Divine Commands Thou art God's Vice-gerent in thy Family and bearest his Image and the stamp of Authority is put upon thee and must Imitate God in thy Government so far as thy Commission reaches though thou hast not the power of Life and Death as the Supreme Magistrate yet hast thou a restraining power yea and if need be the power to Correct so that it reach not to Life nor Limb and