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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A28621 A journal of meditations for every day in the year gathered out of divers authors / written first in Latine by N.B. ; and newly translated into English by E.M. in ... 1669. N. B., 1598-1676.; Mico, Edward, 1628-1678. 1669 (1669) Wing B352; ESTC R3108 325,833 556

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you are bound to so patient a Lord that hath so long expected you to do pennance Take heed lest patience abused turn into fury Wherefore humbly crave pardon for what is past and purpose amendment for the future Of the Grievousness of Mortal Sin By reason of the Dignity of the Person offended 2. Part. Job 26.11 COnsider 1. The greater the dignity is of the Person offended the greater is the offence Whence greater is his crime that woundeth his King or Father then his that hurteth only some one of the common sort Wherefore ponder who he is whom you have so often provoked by your sins 1. He is God of infinite Majesty at whose beck the pillars of Heaven tremble and dread 2. He is omnipotent able to destroy you in a moment and chastize you a thousand ways 3. He is every where present Jer. 32.19 Whose eyes are open upon all the ways of the children of Adam And yet you have the impudency to do that before his eyes which you would be ashamed to do in the sight of men Deut. 32.6 18. Consider 2. The many titles of his goodness towards you for these also do aggravate the Sin 1. He hath created you of nothing preserved you hitherto as a Father and governed you as a Tutor 2. He hath drawn you out of the jaws of Hell and redeemed you with his precious Bloud 3. He it is that sanctifies you even to this day strengthening you with the holy Sacraments preventing you with his Inspirations and drawing you on a thousand ways towards the Crown of Glory And could you sind in your heart so often and so fouly to abuse such a Benefactor These things dost thou render to our Lord thou foolish and unwise people Is not he thy Father that hath possessed thee and made and created thee God that begat thee thou hast forsaken and hast forgotten our Lord thy Creator Rom. 2.5 Consider 3. How greatly you ought to be ashamed of such an ingratitude and to be grieved for having offended so great a Majesty Abuse not the treasures of so infinite a goodnesse patience and longanimity but speedily do pennance lest otherwise thou heap to thy self wrath as the Apostle saith in the day of wrath Of the Grievousness of Mortal Sin By reason of the baseness of the Offender 3. Part COnsider 1. It would be judged a great offence if one Prince should strike another but much lesse then if a Subject should strike his Soveraign for the offence is proportioned to the Inequality that is between ●he offender and person offended And what greater inequality can there be then between God and you Think therefore what you are that dare reproach the Lord of hosts and in his sight commit enormous crimes as if there were no power in Heaven to punish you As to your body you are a contemptible worm crept out of the slime of the earth Grass flower of the field Ps 102.15 Jac. 4.14 Gen. 3.19 Bern. in for hon vit a vapour appearing for a little while ●ast thou art and into dust thou shalt return And as St. Bernard doth elegantly express You were unclean seed you are a vessel or sack of dung you will be meat for worms Why therefore is earth and ashes proud Consider 2. As to your Soul what are you Created of nothing and to nothing you would return if God did not preserve you without whom you cannot so much as move a finger 2. You are conceived in Sin born and bred in Sin nor is there any Sin so hainous which you would not commit if Gods Grace did not keep you back 3. As to knowledge how little is it that you know and how many things are there that you understand not As to power and ability how little is it that you are able to do and how innumerable are the things above your reach Sap. 11.23 Consider 3. What are you now compared to all men in the world What to the whole multitudes of Angels And what are all these again in respect of Almighty God As the least weight of the balance so is the round world before thee and as a dray of the dew before day that falleth upon the carth And yet vile Miscreant that you are you have had the boldnesse so often most impudently to provoke a Lord of such dread and majesty to indignation against you Do pennance and sin no more Of the Grievousness of Mortal Sin By reason of the Vilenesse of the Object 4. Part. Is 40.17 COnsider 1. It would aggravate the fault if one should leave a friend or do him some notorious injury for a slight and frivolous matter For example should cut his brothers throat for a Tennis-ball The whole world in respect of God is as nothing and a vain thing as Isaie saith He would therefore highly injure God who is his Supreme and Everlasting Good that should but once leave him though it were to gain the whole world but much more he that should contemn him for trifles Whence himself as one amazed complaineth of this contempt by his Prophet Jer. 2.12 Be astonied O heavens upon this and O gates thereof be ye desolate exceedingly c. for two evils hath my people done Me they have forsaken the fountain of living water and have digged to themselves cesterns broken cesterns that are not able to hold waters Ponder how fitly God is termed an endlesse Fountain flowing with all manner of good and all things of this world leaking and broken cesterns they seem to have something in them but in truth do not hold water Consider 2. In particular for what trifles you have often forsaken God perhaps that you might please men enjoy some short pleasure satisfie you passion or greedy appetite gain some vain reputation and the like Esau did foolishly in selling his Birth-right for a messe of pottage but Judas did worse in selling Christ for thirty silver pieces Worst of all the Jews in preferring the Miscreant and Murderer Barabbas before Christ Yet these you do imitate as often as you prefer some short pleasure or evil action before God himself and your own right to the Kingdom of Heaven Consider 3. How you ought to be sorry for your sins past and wary for the future St. Cyprian saith well How greatly we have sinned Cypr. Ser. de lap Eccli 2.23 so greatly let us bewail We have a good Lord and according to his greatness as Ecclesiasticus saith so also his mercy is with him Of the Grievousness of Mortal Sin For the Damages and bad Consequences it brigheth 5 Part. Prov. 14.34 COnsider 1. All men naturally fly from things that are hurtful Now there is nothing in the whole world so pernicious as Sin Whence Salomon Sin maketh peoples miserable And He that shall offend in one point shall lose many good things Eccles. 9.18 Ponder therefore the damages which it brings with it and first in this life in which
and to escape Purgatory These are Receiving the Sacraments offering the Divine Sacrifice Indulgences Fasting Alms Prayers Tears chastising the body patient suffering of hunger and thirst sicknesse and the like God is content with a little in this life and is soon appeased by means of our poor services but in the other life he will severely exact the whole debt of punishment even to the last farthing Wherefore while you have time Mat. 5.27 Eccli 14.14 do good Be not defrauded of thy good day as Ecclesiasticus admonisheth and let not a little portion of a good gift overpass thee Mat. 5.7 Consider 3. Among other means one of the most efficacious to escape or at least to mitigate our pains in Purgatory is to pray much for the dead while we live for our merciful Lord permitteth that afterwards we receive the same measure that we used to others here And The merciful as he saith himself shall obtain mercy Morn Ent. Behold our Lord is come in his holy thousands to do judgement Jude 14. Luc. 21.25 Of Holy Communion Consider Christ as Judge COnsider 1. What is read this day in the Gospel that Christ is to be the Universal Judge of all men whose judgement we ought greatly to stand in fear of 1. By reason of his Supream Authority from whom none can appeal 2. For the rigour of his Justice which no entreaties nor bribes will be able to corrupt 3. For his infinite Wisdom from which nothing can be concealed 4. For that he will be not only Judge but also the plaintiff or party offended Consider 2. What a favour it would be if the Judge himself should in a friendly manner come to some Criminal in prison and teach him a way how he may escape and come off with security of life in his Trial. The same will Christ do to you this day Wherefore receive him at his coming with great love and gratitude and now while you may endeavour by earnest prayers to gain him against that dreadful day when there will be no more place for prayers Ps 142.2 Consider 3. Hence you must have a great care that there be nothing in your Soul that may displease the eyes of your Judge when he cometh He will search the inmost corners of your heart Cleanse therefore diligently all things against his coming Say humbly with the Prophet Enter not into judgement with thy servant O Lord But rather in the bowels of thy mercy visit us now O Orient arising from high Eccl. in Off. Boeth apud S. Tho. Opusc de Sacr. c. 2. c. Wherefore Boethius saith well in these words We have a great necessity of living well seeing we do all things before the eyes of the Judge that seeth all Think well on this and Before judgement prepare thee Justice Of imitating the Life of Christ our Lord. 1. Part. COnsider 1. For two reasons Christ our Lord came from the bosome of his eternal Father into the World as the holy Fathers every where do teach 1. To redeem us from sin 2. To give us example of living by his own manner of life His life therefore ought to be the square pattern and mirrour of ours to the end that squaring our actions conformably to his we may come by his steps to arrive at last also to his glory Eccli 23.38 Consider 2. How glorious a thing it is to follow such an example It is great glory saith Ecclesiasticus to follow our Lord. By following of men whosoever they are you may erre because they are men apt both to be deceived themselves and to deceive others By following Christ you cannot misse because he is the way you cannot be deceived because he is truth you cannot perish because he is life The Way in Example Bern. Ser. 2. de Ascen saith St. Bernard Truth in Promise Life in Reward Lastly he commandeth nothing which he doth not first do himself So that he may say with Gedeon What you shall see me do Jud. 7.17 do ye 1 Cor. 3.19 Consider 3. How foolishly you have hitherto done in directing your actions by any other rule then the life of Christ All other rules are crooked and naught and The wisdom of this world according to which perchance you govern your self is foolishness with God Ask pardon for this folly and beseech our Lord to accept of you and admit you into the number of his followers Of imitating the Life of Christ 2. Part. Tit. 1.16 COnsider 1. The followers of Christ are of three different sorts Some by name onely and from the teeth outwards they say they are Christians and know Christ But in their works they deny him They defile themselves with continual sins and in their works crucifie Christ anew These are but equivocally termed Christians for indeed they follow not Christ but the Devil Think how often you have been such Repent and take heed for the future Mat. 19.21 Consider 2. Others there are who indeed follow Christ but afar off as St. Peter did when Christ was taken who perhaps for that cause as some observe came to fall and deny his Master for any example or pattern that it may have influence must be duly applied and at a right distance So many follow Christ but coldly They purpose to keep the Commandments but care not to extend themselves with the Apostle to things of greater perfection When it is said to such as these Go sell the things that thou hast c. and come follow me They go away sad like the young man in the Gospel See whether you be one of these 2 Cor. 6.8 Phil. 3.8 Consider 3. Others finally there are who with a generous resolution strive to follow Christ even to the Crosse By honour and dishonour by infamy and good fame and with the Apostle do esteem all things as dung that they may gain Christ Lastly they endeavour to conform themselves in all things to the model of his life See among whom you chuse to rank your self and know that in what proportion you are like unto Christ in this life you will also be hereafter in glory Of the divine Decree concerning Christs Incarnation 1. Part. COnsider 1. The state which the whole world was in Part of the Angels had fallen All mankind also had sinned The wicked Angels leaving the Blessed in Heaven were cast into Hell Mankind lived in banishment out of Paradise shut out of Heaven made slave of the Devil and enemy to God and lay wallowing from one sin into another to be cast at length headlong into Hell fire neither did there appear any means possible of appeasing the Divine Justice being no pure creature could make is any satifaction Ps 39.7 8. Contemplate 2. The three divine Persons in Heaven out of commiseration consulting of a remedy See how the Second Person being there could not otherwise any satisfaction be made to the divine Justice freely offered himself to his Eternal Father
an attentive contemplation of its Excellency and goodness for so it is said of the Appletree above men●ioned Vnder his shadow whom I desired I sate and his fruit was sweet to my throat Prepare your self therefore by holy desires and whet your appetite by prayer and it will be granted you to tast Ps 33.9 and see how sweet our Lord is Of the Marriage Feast of Cana in Galilee Jo. 2.1 Part 1. Ps 67.4 COnsider 1. And there was a Marriage made in Cana of Galilee and the Mother of Jesus was there And Jesus also was called and his Disciples to the Marriage Our most benigne Lord refused not to be present at the Marriage Feast that he might take occasion to do good to many and withall confirm his Disciples in their Faith Think with what gravity and modesty he behaved himself at Table and learn to keep moderation in occasions of your mirth and jollity according to that Let the Just make merry and rejoyce in the sight of God that is as in the sight of God and having him continually before your eyes S. August Consider 2. The Wine failing his Blessed Mother of her own accord without being asked is careful to relieve their necessity in requital of their kind invitation and therefore saith to her Son They have no wine How much more careful will she be in the spiritual necessities of those that are devoted to her For by how much the more holy she is then other Saints so much the more sollicitous she is of our good saith S. Augustine Beseech her to intercede to her B. Son also for you for you are truly in want of the spiritual Wine of Charity and Devotion Judith 8.13 Consider 3. Christs answer which was seemingly harsh What is it to me and thee woman my hour cometh not yet To teach us First that we are not to appoint God any set time of helping us as they did whom Judith reprehendeth in those words You have set a time for the mercy of our Lord and according to your pleasure you have appointed him a day Secondly that in the service of God we must put off all carnal affection for which reason Christ is never read to have called the B. Virgin by the tender name of Mother even upon the Cross whence Moyses speaking of the Levites saith He that said to his Father and to his Mother I know you not Deut. 33.9 and to his Brethren I know you not c. These kept thy word and observed thy Covenant Of the Marriage Feast in Cana of Galilee Jo. 2.5 Part 2. COnsider 1. His Mother saith to the Ministers Whatsoever he shall say to you do ye Admire the admirable confidence of the B. Virgin who nothing dismayed with the seeming rough answer encourageth the Servers as if her request had been granted Observe that the confidence of obtaining what was asked was grounded in the exact performance of what our Lord should enjoyn according to that If my words abide in you you shall ask what thing soever you will Jo. 15.7 and it shall be done to you Be sure therefore to fulfill whatsoever Almighty God saith unto you either by Himself or his Vicars your Superiours and Directors if you desire to be furnished with Spiritual Wine S. Aug. Consider 2. Christs Injunction saying Fill the Water pots with water It was Wine that they wanted and yet he biddeth them powre in water who could without more ado have created Wine in the Vessels as they were without any water But God commandeth sometimes things that seem to stand with little reason to try our obedience Besides he will have us to concur in things appertaining to our own Salvation for as S. Augustine saith He that made you without you will not save you without you Apoc. 3.2 Consider 3. The perfection of Obedience in these Servers they reply not they question not any thing nor ask a reason why but presently fill the Vessels and that to the top so we ought to perform readily entirely and to the full the Commands of God and our Superiours Almighty God would have nothing that was maimed or imperfect offered to him in Sacrifice See whether your works be such and have a care it be not said of you I find not thy works full before my God Of the Marriage Feast in Cana of Galilee Jo. 2.10 Part 3. COnsider 1. The greatness of the Miracle The creature obeyed the will of Christ and the water was presently turned into wine which being powred out and tasted by the chief Steward the Miracle appeared to the singular joy of the B. Virgin confirmation of the Apostles in their Faith and astonishment of all Observe the force of the B. Virgins Intercession by whose means our Lord wrought his Precursors first Sanctification and this first Miracle that you might learn that all temporal and spiritual blessings are to be derived unto us by her Sap. 2.8 Consider 2. Those words of the chief Steward Every man first setteth the good Wine c. and then that which is worse Even so the world dealeth with its customers at first it presents them with the Cup of Joys allurements and pleasures Let there be no medow which our riot shall not pass through but afterwards it plungeth the soul into vexation and trouble of mind and torment Its Wine is such as Salomon speaketh of It goeth in pleasantly Prov. 23.31 32. Deut. 32.32 but in the end it will bite like a Snake and as a Basilisk it will powre abroad poysons Their grape is truly the grape of gall and the clusters most bitter Ps 59.5 Consider 3. God dealeth contrariwise he keepeth his good Wine to the last at the beginning he afflicteth and chastiseth but afterwards comforteth and crowneth Thou hast shewed unto thy people hard things thou hast made us drink the wine of compunction But afterwards They shall be inebriated with the plenty of thy house and with the torrent of thy pleasure thou shalt make them drink Besides Christ did not bring forth his Wine till his Entertainers Wine failed for that spiritual comfort is not afforded but in the absence and contempt of all sensual pleasure So the Manna rained not down till the provision of Meal that was brought out of Egypt was spent and afterwards again Manna failed after they did eat of the Corn of the Land Josue 5.12 Of casting the Buyers and Sellers out of the Temple Jo. 2.14 Part 1. Ps 92.5 COnsider 1. Jesus being entered into the Temple he found in it them that sold Oxen and Sheep and Doves c. which though they were sold there for the use of the Sacrifices yet Christ was displeased with worldly Traffick in the House of God that you might learn with what modesty and silence you ought to behave your self in the Church in time of Divine Service for holiness becometh thy House O Lord saith David for length of daies
as is said in Genesis And the same shall be the expectation of qhe Gentiles and by Prophet The desired of all Nations shall come And with good reason for that he was to bring light to them that sate in darknesse and shadow of death sight to the blind going to the lame hearing to the deaf as we have in this days Gospel Mat. 1.21 and finally Salvation to all For He shall save his people from their sins Is 12.2 Consider 2. This same Messias and expectation of the Gentiles will come unto you this day in the Eucharist to save you to free you from your iniquities to cure your infirmities and to heap upon you the gifts of his Grace and Vertues O what a benefit is this Behold God is my Saviour saith Isaie I will do confidently and will not fear Do you also confidently disclosing and giving your self up wholly unto him Consider 3. Against his coming you must exercise your self beforehand in fervent desires and many longing sighs after him for therefore he is called the expectation of the Gentiles Gen. sup v. 10. 26. Ps 39.1 and the desire of the eternal hills that is of the holy Patriarchs and Prophets Hence David Expecting I expected our Lord and he hath attended to me Expect him therefore with an ardent desire Prepare and cleanse the Jodging of your Soul lest otherwise being defiled and polluted with sin you offend his pure eyes and bring upon your self a curse for a blessing Gen. 27.12 Of the Annunciation of the B. Virgin And first of sending the Angel Luc. 1.26 THe Angel was sent of God into a City of Galilee called Nazareth to a Virgin c. Consider 1. What an Embassage this is Never was there in the world any thing so Solemn He that sendeth is the God of Majesty the most holy and divine Trinity The Messenger is Gabriel the Arch-angel which is as much as to say Fortitude or strength to signifie that what Message he brought though it might seem never so difficult or impossible must be fulfilled See how promptly he taketh and executeth the charge imposed upon him and imitate in like occasions Jo. 1.46 Consider 2. To whom he is sent What man if he had seen such an Embassadour dispatched immediately from God himself coming down from Heaven into this lower world would not have thought him sent to some great Monarch and yet he is sent to a City of no account From Nazareth can there be any good to a little Cottage and to a poor Virgin espoused to a Carpenter Be ashamed that you should so miserably love and seek after such things as appear great and specious in the sight of the world Correct this affection in your self and know that you are in a grosse errour Consider 3. The substance of the Embassie was to require the Virgins consent to be Mother of God God hath right to exact any thing of his Creature yet he will have our duties towards him to be voluntary He that created you without you saith St. Augustine will not save you without you Oh how often doth God send unto you invisible Angels his holy Inspirations to gain your good will that he may be conceived spiritually in your heart and you refuse him Ask pardon and To day if you shall hear his voice Ps 94.8 harden not your heart Luc. 1.28 c. Of the Angels Salutation ANd the Angel being entred in c. Consider 1. The grave comportment of the Angel the modesty of his countenance and his reverence towards the Virgin and learn to carry your self like an Angel in your conversation with men but much more with God in prayer Hail full of Grace by excellency and above all other pure creatures Think what you are full of whether of Grace and Vertue or not rather of Pride Vanity Self-love c. Our Lord is with thee by a special presence and effects of his Grace and she again with him in her thoughts desires and affections O what a happy communication Examine your actions and affections and see how much or little they are with God Consider 2. The Person of the Virgin what she did and what she thought at that time she was alone praying in her chamber as the holy Fathers teach that you might learn to entertain your self with God and in solitude if you desire to be visited by him She was troubled at his saying to wit at her own praises which the Angel uttered and which whosoever is truly humble refuseth as not belonging to him but to God alone She thought what manner of Salutation this should be most prudently examining every thing with her self lest she might be deluded O that Eve had so carefully weighed the Serpents words Consider 3. How different are your proceedings who perhaps in every occasion seek your own praises and applaud your self when you hear them spoken of by others and not content to be commended by other mens mouths you do it by your own When you hear such things as are pleasing to sense you think not with your self what manner of proposition this should be but you presently set your heart upon it and seek to obtain it Wherefore first prudently sound the bottom of the water or whatsoever affair before you enter upon it and as the Wiseman adviseth Let thine ●ydids go before thy steps Prov. 4.25 Luc. 1.30 c. Of the Delivery of the Message Esth 2.17 FEar not Mary c. Behold thou shult conceive in thy womb c. Consider 1. How the Angel taketh away all fear from the Virgin it being the property of a good Spirit to bring peace and security to the Soul Fear not Mary for thou hast found grace with God for true joy and security is only to be found in the Grace of God not in the pleasures of the world wherein perhaps you seek it most This grace the Virgin found above all other creatures so that it may be said of her what was said of Esther The King loved her more then all the women and she had grace and mercy before him above all the women Coloss 2.9 Consider 2. The message he cometh to bring Thou shalt bear a Son and thou shalt call his name Jesus that is Saviour He shall be great by Nature as being God by Office for that he is to be Mediatour between God and man in Gifts for that in him is to dwell the fulness of the Godhead corporally He shall be the Son not adoptive as all the Just are but natural of the most High He shall have the Seat of David his father but in a more eminent degree And he shall reign in the house of Jacob that is in the Church of the faithful for ever Rejoyce for the happy news of your Saviour and congratulate with the Mother for the greatnesse of her Son Consider 3. With St. Bernard these words Bern. hom 4 He shall reign in the house