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A20304 XXVII. lectures, or readings, vpon part of the Epistle written to the Hebrues. Made by Maister Edward Deering, Bachelour of Diuinitie Dering, Edward, 1540?-1576.; T. N., fl. 1577. 1577 (1577) STC 6727; ESTC S114746 295,005 510

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here plainely teacheth vs that we be the house of God if wee holde the reioycing of our hope stedfast and sure vnto the ende and if there bee an other people which haue cast their hope from them and taken in stead of it a new fancie worldly minded mē which bring our worldly speeche to measure the trueth of God because in worldly things we say we hope of that which we can not surely tell whether we shall haue or no therefore to make also the hope of saluation a desire in vs whereof we are vncerteine if I say there be any such people let them boast they are the church yet we know they are not the church but an absurde people for let them aunswere mee but this one question I aske of them whether they be sure they are the church of God or no if they be not sure they be blinde leaders of the blind shall we follow them who knowe not whether they go If they be sure doe they thinke the Church of God can perish if it cannot the hope of it is sure and no man can come into it but he must haue his portion in this assurance of hope And al this I speake not as though Gods children are euerie one and alwayes in this assurance for sometime their faith is weake and their hope is shadowed that they might humble them selues vnder the hand of God till they doe acknowledge their owne vnworthines and hunger and thirst after the righteousnes of Christ but in all their weakenesse they wil confesse their sinne and say they ought more assuredly to holde their hope onlie this I say and this the Apostle sayth this is the doctrine of the house of God that they ought to holde the reioycing of their hope stedfast and sure vnto the ende and this doctrine that our hope is doubtfull and can not haue anie assuraunce of the thing we hope for this I say is not the doctrine of Christ nor of the house that he hath built but of some other an Idols house house of idolaters y either knowe not whether their God be faithful iust or but a deceiuer or whether thēselues should beleeue his promises or rather mistrust them And thus farr of the church as here the Apostle hath described it Now the third thing which we must here marke for our instruction is perseuerance for so he sayth We m●…st holde our reioycing continuall vnto the ende A most necessarie thing and such as without which all our labour is lost but a thing hard to atteine vnto ful of difficultie know it by the experience of it for scarce one of a great many doth grow vp into seruēcie of zeale so cōtinueth vnto the end And therfore the more daunger is vnto vs in this behalfe the more watchful we must be to auoyd the perill Let vs first know it persuade our selues in it there is no pleasing of God but in this perseuerāce vnto the end for euen as the prophet sayth so we shal find it true If the righteous man of an hundred yere old shal forsake his righteousnes the Lord wil also forget al y righteousnes y he hath done and a most iust cause why our sinnes should be imputed if at any time we should faint fall away for he y can measure his obedience to God by dayes yeeres accompteth times how long he wil walke before the Lord he is not worthie to be reckoned amonge his seruantes nor to be one of Gods children for God is not as men are nor his rewardes are as the rewardes of princes hee measureth not his giftes by such skant accomptes of yeeres and moneths and times past as though at last he could be enuious at our prosperitie but he filleth his hande with blessing and his loue with immortalitie neither is there any ende of his mercie and if we shall come to such cold reckoning to score vp our yeares and number our doings like prentices or hired mē let vs go serue some God that againe scoreth vp his benefites and with an euil eye loketh vppon his louers let vs worshippe with the papists al their abhominations Saint Cornellis who can only keepe vs from the falling sicknes S. Apolline who wil helpe vs of the toothache or some other Gods of the mounteines or Gods of the vallies if thou haue suche a God that can do so litle good make thy bargeine therafter and serue him by times moments But if thou serue y Lord God of hostes whose mercie is ouer all his workes and whose infinite goodnesse doth endure for euer thou seruest a bountifull Lord who giueth thee all things vpbraideth none thou maiest not be a nigardly seruant to giue vnto him either thy hand or thy foot but all is of him withal y must serue him Thou seruest a louing lord who wil not cha●…g his fauour towards thee for euermore thou maist not serue him by account of days but to the last houre thou must euer be faithfull A perfect God a perfect seruant an euerlasting God a perpetuall seruant if thou fall at the last thou art fallen from him and not he from thee thy condēnation is of thy self Therfore our sauiour Christ hath giuen vs a cleare warning that He that setteth his hand●… to the plowe and looketh backward he is not meete for the kingdome of heauē but thus his promise is vnto vs He that persenereth vnto the ende he shal be safe and in this assurance Sainct Paule helde the reioycing of his hope I haue strouen a good strise I haue finished my course I haue kept my faith Now the crowne of righteousnes onely is behinde which he will giue mee who is the righteous iudge Euen ●…o dearely beloued let vs be constant let vs cast away the burthen that presseth vs downe and this sinne which so easily compasseth vs about and let vs runne with patience all out the race which is set before vs so we shal be like vnto our sauiour Christ who for the ioye that was set before him did despise the crosse and is nowe the authour and finisher of our faith The greatest enimie we haue to make vs slumble and fall that we should not holde this constancie and perseuerance vnto the ende is our owne fleshe And if it may haue any rule in this worke or if we consult with it in these heauenlie thinges wee are vndone and all our labour is lost for our fleshe will like of nothing long All delightes must haue their change and the greater the pleasure is the neerer is safetie in any thing what so euer apperteineth vnto the bodie Wouldest thou neuer so faine sell thy selfe to serue any thing thou shalt finde nothing that will giue thee a perpetual pleasure to buy thy seruice hunger thirst are soone satisfied the heauie cyclid is easily filled with sleepe labour hath wearinesse and rest is soone tedious all play and pastim●… whiche
hearts condemned them selues those y were disobedient He destroyed not Caleb and Iosua that were of an other spirit he destroyed not Moses that was faithful in all his house and if our hearts condemne vs not we haue boldenes with God he wil not impute our sinnes vnto vs but hee wil geaunt all our request fulfil all our desires this reioycing let vs haue in our selues and how so euer the world be moued no man shall take our ioy from vs It is not so with them which put their trust in other things whether it be in the Pope or in the Citie of Rome or in the multitude of their fathers or what soeuer in all these is no suretie at all for if God shall destroy Rome and all the buildings of it what will they then say or what if the Papacie bee troaden downe so that none be after found in that seate is not then all their reioycing done and what a miserable faith is it whiche is no stronger then a mortall man whose spirit is in his nostrels or then a walled towne whiche is easily battered is this the rock which Christe commendeth whiche neither storme nor tempest shall euer shake nay this is the blinde confidence whiche the people of Israel had in the temple and in mount Sion whiche vanished as smoke when the people were led into Babylon and left the temple naked behinde them So these men when we shall see such thinges come to passe they shal be ashamed of the Pope their expectation of Rome which was their glorie but we wil dwell in the defence of our God with a true faith committing our selues vnto him and neither Rome nor Babylon nor our forefathers nor our posteritie shall euer turne away his loue from vs this comforte is here taught vs by the apostle in this example of our forefathers whiche kepte their faith in the wildernesse and were not seduced with the multitude Now where he saith With whome was he angrie fourtie yeere we haue here to learne what is the long suffering of the Lord who doeth not streight punishe the sinner but as he endured the māners of the people of Israel fourtie yeeres so he beareth with vs in all our transgressions and so the prophet Dauid setteth out vnto vs this example that God made his ways knowen vnto Moses and his workes vnto the children of Israel that we might see The Lord is ful of compassion and verie stowe to anger and of great kindnes againe in the hundreth and seuenth Psalme reckoning vpp the works which God did for his people in the wildernesse making this an instruction vnto vs of his long patience goodnesse he addeth streight O that men would therfore confesse before the Lord his louing kindnes his wonderful workes before the sonnes of men if thus we consider this example such like we are no idle hearers but profitably exercise ourselues in his iudg ments and as we ought to giue him this praise that he is long suffering patient and of much mercie so let vs knowe what duetie wee ought againe to render vnto God for all his goodnesse for a greate manie of vs we cry with loude voyces The Lord is mercifull but we be dum be deafe and haue no hearts when we should learne what his mercie requireth of vs Be wise then and learne of the blessed Apostle Paule who thus teacheth the Romanes The bountifulnesse of God must prouoke thee to repentance for else thou despisest the bountifulnesse patience and long suffering of the Lorde Marke this well derely beloued be not mocked if we say God is good the Lord is gratious full of patience to the children of men know that our owne hearts do then answer vs render againe praises obedience to him that is so good vnto thee for tell me what wouldst thou think of such a child who because his father is louing kinde would therefore be rebellious riotous what wouldest y think of a seruāt that because his maister is gētle courteous would therefore be carelesse in his worke and not regarde him what subiect thinke we were he that because his prince is good and fauourable woulde therefore be trayterous and conspire against him would we not giue speedie sentēce against such monstrous vnnaturall men and what heartes then haue wee that be here this day if we will confesse this greate goodnes of God our king father and yet walke in our sinnes before him we know it to be true and we cānot deny it if sinne should carrie vs still away all the day long to be defiled in it our consciences would aunswer vs at night euen as Paul saith This hardnesse of ours and harts that cannot repent they heape vp vnto vs wrath against the daye of wrath when this merciful father will shewe himselfe that he is also a righteous and a iust God and if we do not in time beleue it foresee it now while it is yet called to day experience which is the scholemistres of fooles shall make vs cōfesse at y last that god forgetteth it not which he long leaueth vnpunished I remember this was once the fault of Israel why they lied vnto the Lorde and set not their mindes on him because as the Prophet saith God helde his peace and that of long time But why should this faulte be ours who by their example should learne wisedome nay let vs rather leaue them in their wayes and followe the spouse of the bridegrome Christe who in the day of he●… calling though shee sleepe yet her heart waketh and when the head of her beloued is ful of deawe and his lockes with the drops of the night shee despiseth not his long patience but aunswereth in the ioy of her heart I haue put off my coate how shall I put it on I haue washed my feete how shal I file them againc as the Church saith in the Canticles Thus let vs answere the long suffering of our God and how so euer he be angrie with many as with the Israelites in the wildernesse he wil be pleased with vs as with Caleb or Moses and we shall enter into his rest Againe where it is here set out howe God was angrie let vs remember the commaundemente of our sauiour Christ to vs Be perfect as your heauenly father is perfect The prophet Dauid being greatly prouoked against his enimies yet would he not hurte them because saith he thy louing kindenesse was before mine eyes and therefore I walked in thy trueth So wee if Gods image and likenesse shine in our dooinges we are sure wee walke in peace therefore where the scripture biddeth Be angrie but sinne not how can we haue a better rule then to see in the worde howe God is saide to be angrie with his people He is angrie here because they refused wisdome imbraced follie because they forsooke the word of trueth and followed
vaine deuices because they would not enter into the rest promised them but had more desire to returne to the heauie laboure and bondage of Aegypt This madnes of the people the Lorde is angrie with as a louing Father that had care ouer them So if we wil haue holie anger let it be free from all hatred and reuenge and arise onlie for the profite and well doing of our brethren Thus we read our sauiour Christ was angrie when he sawe the frowardnesse of the Iewes who by no admonitions would be made wiser Thus Paul prouoketh Timothie to anger when he saith Reproue and sharplie rebuke men that they do not turne away from the trueth So S. Iude biddeth vs all if we fall into companie with froward men To saue them with feare as if we would soudenly pluck them out of fier Thus if wee can haue our affections moued we are holily angrie for the end of our doing is the profite of our brother Thus you that be maisters may be angrie with your seruants God requireth of them faithful labour no eye seruice as seeking to please men but in singlenes of heart to doe their dutie to him vnder whome God hath placed them and in this account euery seruant must appere before god If thou seeing thy seruant disobedient or slouthfull hast this respect to be grieued with him because hee offended God thine anger is a blessed anger and if thou chyde sharply with thy seruaunt thy loue is more acceptable before God but if all thy anger bee for thine owne cause for thy meate thy drink thine apparell thy hawke thy ●…ound if thou haue none other respect thy seruant hath done very ●…l in being carelesse for his maisters busines and thou hast done much woors●…e who for a trifle canst be angrie with thy brother but if the other be thy greatest care that thy seruant should knowe God and doe the duetie which he requireth at his hand then art thou blessed in thine anger and thy ●…luding woordes are as a sweete oyntment as Dauid saith that shall not breake his head In the wordes following Was it not with those that sinned whose bodies fel in the wildernesse The Apostle here sheweth first why God was angrie with them then what punishment he laid vpon them the cause of his anger was their sinne wherin we see there is no calamitie commeth to the wicked but for their sinne and all the chasticements of God which come vpon them are to admonish them of their euill that they might turne vnto the Lord so when the sinnes of Israel were high desperate and past hope of amendment the Lord sayth He wil melt them trie them for what should he do else for the daughter of my people noting this to be the extreme remedie by which if wee be not healed wee must dye in our euill diseases So long before when their fathers were as ●…uil had all fallen away from God were not amended by punishment the Lord sayth by his prophet Wherfore should you be smitten any more seeing you fall away more and more shewing expresly this cause of their plagues that they should haue turned from their sinnes Let this be a greate comforte vnto euerie one whose sinnes accuse him that he is not smitten of the Lorde but for his amendement let him not faint because the hand of God is heauie vp on him but let him reioyce because the mercie of God is offered largely vnto him for therefore he is punished that he should repent A singular example we haue of this in Man uses y king of Iudah who had set vp al abhominations and multiplied offences without number but when he was bowed downe with many yron bands and the king of Ashur ●…aid him in painefull imprisonment where he could not lift vp his head then he remembred the Lorde God of his fathers who saued not onely Abraham and Isaake and Iacob and their righteous seede but in his greate mercies receiued sinners into fauour againe and therefore in his tribulation he humbled him selfe exceedingly and came before God to aske forgiuenesse for all his sinnes whiche were more in number then the sandes of the sea and the Lord was intreated of him and forgaue all his offences So Saint Paule in al his hatred and enuious persecutions when he was strucken downe he despaired not but with a good heart which God gaue vnto him he cryed with trembling and with feare Lord what wilt thou that I should die These examples are set out vnto vs which be so great sinners that we should not despaire in our afflictions but turne vnto the lord who offereth mercie vnto vs for our sinnes be they neuer so great yet the righteousnes of our sauiour Christ is greater let vs onely beleeue and they are abolished Nowe as we knowe the afflictions of the wicked are for their sinnes and that when they be chasticed they be called to repentance so also we must remember that many occasions are why God somtime chasticeth his sainctes though their sinnes are all forgiuen and forgotten for besides this that we should turne vnto the Lorde many other benefites are also in our troubles for in them our faith is tried that it is accepted of God and therefore Peter calleth affliction y triall of our faith for though we ought all to haue a ful purpose in wealth wo to cleaue vnto the Lorde yet experience bringeth boldnesse that our faith in deede is strong and fayleth not We trust that we would not forgett God in the day of prosperitie but the prince and noble man who are full of peace they knowe whether their heartes be knitt vnto God in loue and obedience which all honour and glorie cannot shake We trust we would not murmur in aduersitie but Iob and Lazarus and men so farre oppressed with miserie they know how strong their hope is to endure the crosse We may reioyce in the persuasion of our minde and our faith that feareth not at the remembrance of the euill day is wel pleasing before God but they may glorie more in the triall of their worke who haue had experience of euil and fainted not and they may more boldely sing the song of victorie that they glorie in affliction knowing that affliction hath wrought patience patience experience experience hope and their hope shal neuer be confounded This I adde that we might knowe though afflictions be to the amendement of our sinnes yet alwayes the Lord respecteth not this but by afflictions doth giue vs greater glorie and therefore let vs not faint in them nor be discouraged The second thing I saide we shoulde marke in this verse is what punishment God brought vpon them that is that their bodies fel in the wildernesse this punishment Sainct Paule also expressly noteth in the tenth of the first to the Corinthians therefore is well to be wayed of vs ▪ whiche so oft is set ou●… vnto
not be sure and good vnto all the seede of Abraham for he was a father of manie nations euen of such as were vncircumcised to whom the lawe was not written therefore to the ende that Iewe and Gentile might both inherit this blessing it must needes be by faith not by workes So then thus farre we are taught by the Apostle that if we receiue Iesus Christ to be our high priest our only way to enter with him into the heauens is by faith our faith hath boldnes and full persuasion in which it is accepted according to that which is written God hath not giuen vs the spirite of feare againe vnto bondage but God hath giuen vs the spirite of adoption by which we crie Abba Father Here dearly beloued let vs learne to discerne spirits to trie whether they be of God or no Euerie spirit that confesseth Christ to be our only mediatour is of God for by him wee haue libertie through faith to go with boldnes vnto the throne of grace And euerie spirite that denieth Christ to be our onely mediatour is not of God but it is the spirit of Antichrist of whome we haue heard that he is entred into the world for god dwelleth in light which no creature can approch vn to neither hath any man seene him nor cā see him but only by Christ through one spirite we haue all entrance vnto him These dearly beloued they are y words of the scripture they are not the wordes of man whē you are in place obiect them vnto the papists see what one word they are able to answer who in times past haue told you yet of a great number of mediatours confessours martyrs Saints Angels Archangels euerie one in his degree they haue made them mediatours and besought them to leade vs vnto god I beelie them not tenne thousand of their bookes are yet to see tenne thousand prayers in them in which they haue done this wickednesse Aske them bid them speake plaine what one woord haue they of defence for this dooinge surely dearly beloued I tel you the trueth not one worde they can speake which is a word of trueth a word of righteousnesse a worde of life a worde I meane of God to which you may trust a fonde fansie they haue found of their owne as hee that dreameth doth tell a dreame and they say there are two mediatours one of intercession an other of redemption beside the foolishnesse of this speache a mediatour of intercession which you may as wel call an intercessour of mediation for intercessour and mediatour are both one beside this I say manifest follie let them name any Apostle prophet or Euangelist vpon whome we must build and stand that euer mentioned any such thinge let them tell of whome they learned it sure they wil not they are starke dumbe they knowe they haue no Scripture no not a word of their schoolemaisters in deede they are ashamed but I wil tel you who they be and they shall not denie it except they bee as shamelesse as they of whome they are learned The Gods of the Gentiles which are diuels they had this woorshipp amongst them these diuels amonge them selues they which were reputed of the lower sorte were made as meanes to come vnto the higher whereof also they were called Dij medioximi that is Gods only for intercession and Gentiles bookes are ful of examples how these thinges were practised as if Neptune would speake to Iupiter hee made Mercurie his meanes and intercessour and such like toyes which shall bee abolished and tholouers of them And wee may see howe GOD hath recompenced this their euill vnto them for where this is the comforte of a Christian man to haue peace towarde God and which is giuen vs by hauing Christe our only mediatour they who haue made so manie coulde neuer finde it but still they are in suspense and doubt wauering vnconstant in all their wayes and this doubtfulnesse they begett and nourishe vnto them selues while they seeke so many mediatours and what else doe they but teach all their posteritie in choosing many mediatours to haue confidence in none Euen as the rebellious people of Israel wearied them selues running as the prophet saith like Dromedaries to euery high hill and euery greene tree till they were weake and wearie and their soules fainted in them seeking peace and could finde none and in deede howe should they finde it for though they followed a thousand Gods yet was there but one the God of peace whome they had forsaken so though the Papists seeke a thousand mediatours yet haue they no boldenesse to goe vnto God for there is but one mediatour betwene God and vs euen Iesus Christ whome they for their Sainctes haue forsaken for Christ wil be ioyned with no fellowes And what a miserable brotherhood must they then needes be which haue no peace but feare and trembling is in their wayes Againe wee haue heere to marke that the presence of God to which Christe leadeth vs is called heere the Throne of grace noting heereby that by the merites of Christ we be brought vnto God as before a iudge who from his iudgement seate doth acquite vs for euer from al guiltinesse of our sinnes and therefore called the throne of grace because we be quit onely by grace and Gods free mercie a monument of which loue he setteth before vs in the name of the seate on which hee sitteth and calleth it the throne of grace neither shall euer man be iustified before it who bringeth with him boldenesse of his owne woorkes nature kinred or any thing and looketh not only for his pardon by grace and mercie neither can the Lord any more shewe mercie vnto him that is proude of his owne selfe then he can chaunge the propertie of his iudgement seate to make it no more the throne of grace Now it foloweth That we may obteine mercie and finde grace to help these wordes teache vs what the throne of grace is what it offereth vnto vs euen as we saide before boldenesse and constancie that we should not feare to goe vnto it For if it bee a throne of grace that is of fauour of mercie of loue of forgiuenesse of life then can there not be in it anger guiltinesse affliction of spirit bondage and feare of death but as the Apostle saith here it giueth vnto vs mercie grace and helpe in the time of neede Let vs not then say as the Papistes say that we ought to feare and doubt of Gods fauour and fil our mouthes with blasphemie as they haue done to say It is presumption to come with boldenesse vnto the throne of grace but let vs rather acknowledge all the goodnesse of God and confesse that he hath set vp vnto vs a throne of grace before whiche wee shall finde nothing but mercie but pardon but forgiuenesse but helpe neither wil we euer despise his grace to bring doutfulnesse or
to be praysed And in the Epistle to the Colossians The fulnesse of the Godhead dwelleth bodily in him And many other places plaine as these grounded vpon this and such other places of the Prophets before them And therefore our sauiour Christ him selfe said vnto these Iewes whiche yet beleeue not Searche the Scriptures for they beare witnesse of mee The second thing heere attributed to Christ is That his kingdome is euerlasting So the Prophet Esaie had saide The increase of his gouernement and peace shall haue no ende He shal sit vpon the throne of Dauid and vppon his kingdome to order it and to stablish it with iudgement and with iustice from hencefoorth euen for euer The same testimonie the Angel gaue of his kingdome when hee came to the virgine Marie The Lord God saith he shall giue vnto him the throne of Dauid his father he shall reigne ouer the house of Iacob for euer and his kingdome shal haue no ende And howe can this be possibly applied vnto Solomon so directly against the Scripture that the scepter should be taken once away not onely from the house of Solomon but from all tho tribe of Iudah And howe could they not see with their eyes the ruine of that kingdome and the throne of Solomon quite forgotten The thirde thing attributed heere to Christ is y the scepter of righteousnes is the scepter of his kingdome●… according as the Prophet Dauid saith in an other place that righteousnesse and iudgement are the foundations of his throne And the meaning of these wordes is after expressely added Thou hast loued saith the Apostle righteousnesse and hated iniquitie This is the scepter of righteousnesse whiche he speaketh of that is that his gouernement shal be without all respect of pensons a ministerie of iustice and true iudgement euen according to the will of God his father with whome there is no acceptation of the person of a man. And howe can they attribute this to Solomon They knowe howe Solomon did fall away so farre from righteousnesse and hated iniquitie so little ere he died that he became a notable idolater And howe was his gouernement in suche iustice when the whole people came after to Rehoboam his sonne and saye Thy father did make our yoke grieuous now therefore make thou the grieuous seruitude of thy Father lighter we will feare thee The fourth thing he●…e spoken of our Sauiour Christ is y for this cause God had annoynted him with the oyle of gladnes aboue his felowes For this cause saith the scripture because thou louedst so muche iustice what meane they still to thinke here vppon Solomon and of suche reward of his righteous rule except they would haue the Scriptures false that beare witnesse of him He had turned as the Prophet sayth iudgement into wormewoode And howe standeth it that he was annoynted with the oyle of gladnes that is with giftes of the holie Ghost aboue his fellowes when many kings of Iudah haue greater praise of God then he and scarce any did fall from God so grieuously as he Nowe one refuge behinde which they think they haue is nothing at all they wil say that all this was spoken in respect of his beginning in which he was famous with this oyle of gladnesse aboue his fellowes and aboue all the worlde True it is in respect of his gouernement at the first I graunt this might be spoken of him but are not the wordes plaine that they are not meant of any that should beginne well and then fall backe For saith not the texte that this scepter of iustice shal be in his kingdome for euer Therefore howe so euer Solomon was once honoured aboue all kinges yet this praise was not his but anothers who shoulde for euer abide in his iustice and righteousnesse So these foure thinges here witnessed of the Prophet that he is called God that his kingdome is euerlasting that his gouernment shal be euer righteous that he is annoynted with oyle of gladnes aboue al his felowes All the Iewes in the world cannot see Solomon nor any mortall man in this glasse but muste needes acknowledge our sauiour Christ the sonne of God God and man the sauiour of the worlde the King and Priest of his people for euer Now further to examin this scripture for our own edifying let vs marke first how Solomon is set out a figure of Christ and so singular tokens shewes of Gods loue and mercie vppon him that he should resemble his only begoten sonne notwithstanding a man loaden with sinnes and iniquities so as few haue appeared more vnrighteous or more vnthankful to god Such an other example almost we haue in Samson a man ful of infirmities yet exceedingly beeloued of God and a liuely figure of his sonne Christe We learne in this bothe to knowe our selues and to knowe god In our selues to truste to nothing not riches honour friendes strength authoritie no not learning wisedome gouernement or any knowledge for in these both Samson and Solomon haue fallen downe before vs And if euer man had ben borne that could haue his happines in him selfe that man was Solomon strong in power rich in treasure wise in rule healthful in bodie sober in affection abounding in pleasure what so euer his eyes or eares could desire No gifte wanting in minde in bodie in outwarde life yea more then this a hart that could measure al the delights of the world to vse them as they are and se the vanitie that is in them and confesse that life in immortalitie is aboue all yet from al this he falleth when God leaueth him in his owne power to make trial of his owne strength for how could fleash and bloud preuaile against principalities the power of darknes And how could Solomon stande vpright thoughe his strength had bene double when Adam him selfe could fall from Paradise Then let not vs pore creatures boast our selues in whome there is no wisedome Come not into this fight in thine owne armour for where Solomon hath fallen who soeuer thou art thou wilt be crushed in pecees if in him there was so little help confesse thou with al humblenes of minde y in thy flesh there is no goodnesse but put thy trust in the liuing God by whome thou shalt be able to do all things And on the other side seeing the great fallings of Solomon did not let the good worke of the Lord but that hee made a man so full of infirmities so cleare an image of his sonne Christe and powred all his benefites so plentifully vpon him Let vs here see the goodnes of God who hath found a way to burie for euer the sinnes of all his people and so to forgett them that they haue none accompt the figure of Christ was therfore in Solomon that we should see how grace aboundeth aboue sinne how mercie is exalted aboue iudgement In the nature and bodie of Solomon we see the spirite quenched
and all that vse companie only for worldly pleasure without regarde of swearing lying backbiting idle talke wantonnesse or what soeuer what gladnesse receiue other by their admonitions exhortations Or how can they say this sweete oyle is in their heartes Let no man deceiue him selfe God is not mocked Hee that is of Christ hath a care to bring other vnto Christe hee hateth the iniquitie of all men and giueth comforte to manie with the oyle of gladnesse of whiche hee hath receiued And thus farre of these verses Now let vs pray to god our heauenly father that we may be taught of his spirit that like as he in his vnspeakable wisdome and mercie hath giuen vnto vs his owne sonne to be a Sauiour to establish vnto him a perpetuall Kingdome that our libertie might bee defended with his strong hande and to make vs partakers of all his benefites by rulinge vs with his scepter of righteousnesse that is filling vs with a holie knowledge of his Gospell to loue righteousnesse to hate iniquitie and by giuing vs of his fulnesse that we should receiue grace for grace haue a hapie measure of the oyle of gladnes with which he was annoynted so according to these his great mercies towarde vs let vs pray and the Lorde graunt vs that wee may finde fauour in his sight to imbrace his sonne alone to follow his wayes to loue his trueth to set out his honour and to finishe our weary pilgrimage in his seruice to the profit of our brethren strengthening of our faith through Iesus Christe our onely Sauiour to whome with the father c. ¶ The fift Lecture vpon the 10. 11. 12. verses 10 And thou Lord in the beginning haste established the earth and the heauens are the works of thine hands 11 They shall perish but thou doest remaine and they all shall waxe olde as doeth a garment 12 And as a vesture shalt thou folde them vp and they shall be chaunged but thou art the same and thy yeeres shall not faile THE Apostle goeth forward as before and heere addeth the fourth comparison in exalting Christe aboue Angels And hee maketh this comparison according to the title before giuen him that by him the worlde was made and it is this The sonne of God our Messias of whome we speake he made the worlde and ruleth it as he will and wil abolish it in the time appointed him selfe being vnchangeable in all his wayes which is a glorie farre aboue al that the scripture attributeth vnto angels Touching this scripture here alledged how it may be applied to Christ it is certeine that the Psalme according as the title is was a prayer of the afflicted Churche most like when it was in the captiuitie of Babylon bothe because of the great complaint of the singular miserie which they suffered because they in their prayer alledge the appointed time of deliuerance to bee come vpon them which was only of the captiuitie of Babylon to which God had appointed by his prophet Ieremie 70. yeres Now that captiuitie being a figure of our captiuitie vnder sathan the Prophets fortelling that deliuerie sawe also in spirite the deliuerie which we should al haue vnder christ And accordingly the spirite so spake in the Prophets that something was so proper to Christ figured as it must needes be referred to him and not applied to any figure And this is generall in all the expresse figures of our Sauiour Christe who so euer were the men or what soeuer were the blessings that GOD brought vppon his people because in Iesu Christe all his promises had their trueth and accomplishement therefore hee is some way so described that the people must needes be lead to acknowledge still the couenaunt which they had in him So in this captiuitie of Babylon the Prophet Ieremie foretelleth their deliuerie thus that they shal returne to serue God and Dauid their King Dauid beeing before dead And againe He would raise vp to Dauid a righteous braunch whome they should call the Lorde our righteousnesse which must needs be meant of the Messias whome they looked for to be the sonne of Dauid and expressely he noteth their returne into the fauour of GOD with the same wordes with which God maketh with vs his new testament in Iesu Christe that God wil be our God and we shal be his people He will forgiue their sinnes and iniquities they shal be all taught of god Euen so heere in this Psalme the prophet sore telling their returne from Babylon fore-seeth the redemption that is in Christ and breaketh out in complaint of his shorte life because he should not tarrie to see the day and to comfort him selfe againe speaketh out in spirite what ioy and gladnesse he sawe in Christ and how glorious a God he is and so vttereth the wordes here alledged And thou in the beginning O Lorde didst lay the foundations of the earth the workes of thy hands are the heauens c. And heere these words He laide the foundations of the earth and the Heauens are the work of his hands are spoken according to our infirmitie which knowe no buildings but by foundations nor can make any great workes without our hands otherwise it is certeine the earth hath no foundations nor no handes could make y heauens but al was made consisteth by the power of god Thus we haue heard what argument the Apostle heere vseth how this text is applied vnto Christ. Now touching the wordes where the Prophet saith And thou Lord the Apostle is a good expositor that this is spoken to the Sonne of God to whome he attributeth the original and cause of making the worlde A place most worthie to be diligently marked for it giueth clearely vnto Christ the fullnesse of the godhead according to the article of our crede I beleue in God the father almightie maker of heauē earth And all Arrians olde and newe which so long haue blasphemed the Sonne of God and made him but a seruant in the creation of the world because many times the Scripture sayth By him God made the world if they heare this spoken to that sonne And thou Lord in the beginning didst lay the foundations of the earthe they will ceasse to blaspheme and confesse he is God to be blessed for euer And where it is saide that God the Father by him made the world that phrase of speache diminisheth not his glorie but rather testifieth it more clearely For we haue saide before that Christ is the s●…ning brightnesse of the glorie of his father that is the person in the Deitie by whome onely the eternall wisedome of GOD could make his maiestie shine vpō any creature neither was it euer possible that any creature shonlde shewe forth the goodnesse of God but onely by the person of the sonne And therefore when the name of God or creation of the worlde is giuen vnto the Sonne as here we see we doe humbly confesse and adore
reciteth not but for our times it hath a verie good instruction the Prophet thus concludeth The children of thy seruants shall continue and their seed●… shal stand fast in thy sight because Christ had ioyned his Church to himselfe he the head they the bodie by him who endured longer then the Heauens the Prophet knew his people could neuer perishe and in his thought if the Prophet had comfort against the tyrannie of the kingdome of Babylon what comforte may we haue now against the enimies of the church of Christ They thinke they be many strong and rich and wise and they will preuaile their Pope shall vp againe they will haue Masse they will exalte the Church of Rome they will become slaues to a vile person as they were before they will do I cannot tell what Alas poore soules how fast they hold a lye in their right hand The shame that they seeke for they shall neuer finde For what are they Or what is their strength How much are they better then grasse or then the flower in the field What is their life more then a vapour or then a smoke that vanisheth away yet they boast them selues against the Church of Christ which is knit vnto the sonne of God liueth in his life standeth in his strength whose right hand hath made all thinges and whose yeres endure for euermore while we trust in this our hope is sure and all our enimies shal be ashamed And let vs pray that it would please God our heauenly father of his great goodnesse to haue mercie vpon vs that by his spirit the eyes of our mindes may be lightened to see what great Saluation he hath giuen vnto vs in Iesu Christ who is his onely sonne heire of althings creator of the world who ruleth and gouerneth all things and shall shewe vs his glorie in immortalitie when all these creatures shall haue their ●…haunge And the Lord graunt that in these dayes of our vanitie while yet we are walking to the day of rest we may in the meane season see his grace and glorie in all his creatures in whiche we haue our pleasure that we may enioye them to his praise and with wise heartes measuring his times who shall endure for euer when all these thinges are past we may mourne in spirite to see the time approch when we with him shall bothe see and inherite his immortalitie through his sonne Iesu Christ who hath purchased it for vs and with his mightie power will keepe vs in safetie vnto it against that day to whom with the father and the holie Ghost our onely comforter beal honour and glorie nowe and euer Amen The sixte lecture vpon the 13. and 14. verses 13 Vnto whiche also of the Angels saide he at any time Sitt at my right hand till I make thine enimies thy foote stoole 14 Are they not all ministring spirit●…s sent forth to minister for their sakes which shal be heires of saluation NOWE the Apostle maketh the fifte comparison betweene the Angels and our Sauiour Christe in which it is plaine he is exalted aboue all Angels And this comparison is out of the saying of the Prophet Sitt on my right hand vntill I make thine enimies thy foote stoole A singular honour aboue all that euer Angel had for it signifieth that God hath taken him into the fellowship of glorie and giuen him all power in Heauen and in earth Touching this Psalme as it is moste true so it is confessed of all that it is a prophesie of our Sauiour Christ how he should be King of his Church and vtterly subuert all his enimies and be our priest after the order of Melchisedech who should bring an end to the priesthood of Leuie and according to this meaning of the Prophet so the Apostle alledgeth this sentence for proofe of this excellencie of the sonne of God aboue all Angels And with this testimonie our Sauiour Christe him selfe confuteth the Phariseis when they denyed his diuinitie resoning of the force of this word LORD because the comparison then was with Dauid These wordes of the Apostle To which of the Angels said hee at any time c. they shewe plainely what glorie it is to sitt on the right hand of god For when the Apostle sayth The like was neuer said to Angels that is such glorie was neuer giuen them what can it else meane but that Christe is confessed to be one God with his father Or what can we vnderstand to be higher then all Angels but God alone If the right hand of God could signifie his presence the Angels are in his presence and of them thousand thousandes are before him and as our Sauiour Christ saith They see the face of our heauenly father If his right hand could signifie the fruition or sight of his glorie the Angels are all blessed spirites and see his glorie euen as it is If his right hand did signifie any inferiour power though it were greater then all the worlde such power haue also Angels so that one of them haue smitten whole armies of men and whole Countries and therefore bee they also called principalities and powers because no strength in the world can resist them But seeing his right hand noteth vnto vs that honour whiche neuer Angel was receiued vnto and aboue the angels we know none but God alone therefore the Scripture speaketh plainely in setting Christe on the right hand of his father farre aboue Angels that he is one God and equall with his father Besides this sith it is saide Sit thou on my right hand till I make thine enimies thy footestoole it is plaine that this is the right hand of God the power of God giuen vnto Christe in which he shall ouercome all his enimies and sith this is the ende of that glorie that glorie is nothing but the power by which this is brought to passe and when this shal be accomplished that all his enimies shal be confounded then this shall bee finished for him to sitt on the right hand of his father not that Christ shall ceasse to be equal with his father but that this kingdome of Christ our mediatour betweene God and vs in which he keepeth vs that shall cease and he shall giue it vp vnto his father and God shall be vnto vs all in all And thus farre of all these honourable titles giuen vnto Christ in all which the Apostle proueth him greater then all Angels The first is that hee is called the naturall sonne of god The second that the Angels haue commaundement to worship him The third that he is a King of glorie reigning for euer in trueth and righteousnesse The fourth that he is Creatour of the world and indureth when the world shall perish And fiftly that he sitteth on the right hand of high maiestie all whiche are proper titles to the sonne of God and greater then can be giuen to any Angel and therefore Christ to be exalted aboue them all Now in the 14. verse
scripture principalities rules powers dominions thrones Cherubim Seraphim Angels archangels therefore there be nine orders A thirde reason they drawe out of this because there is named Angel and Archangel in whiche names is manifest difference of degree therefore there are nine diuerse orders of Angels Touching the first argument of the nine precious stones of the King of Tyrus it is nothing but follie for what though he were compared to Angels in glorie because his garment was full of precious stones doth it therefore followe that as many kinde of stones as were in his gowne so many orders there should be of Angels If I sawe a man cloathed in riche colours and many iewels about him so that I would say hee shineth like the Sunne must it needes followe that as many colours as are about him so many colours are in the Sunne But the thing is all false the king is not compared there to Angels but because the Cherubims that couered the Mercie seate were of beaten Golde and excellent woorkemanshipp with them that King is compared and called the couering and the annoynted Cherub so that the nine precious stones muste bee nine orders of Cherubims vpon the mercie seate or nine orders of cloathing Nowe where they say there are nine seuerall names of them therefore nine orders First that is false for heere the Apostle out of the Prophet alledgeth two names more spirites and flaming fire They are called in Iob the sonnes of God so by this accompt there must be twelue orders of Angels Or if they will say these names are common to all Angels so is I am sure the name Angel whiche yet they make one particular order therefore if the communitie of the name take away the particular order then are there but eight orders if not then are there twelue But touching these names it is no doubt they are so named according to our vnderstāding as we see the great glorie power of God to appere in them that we might giue him the praise of his work and not imagine so precisely a iust number of the orders of Angels And this is most cleare in Paule him selfe when he had reckoned vp principalities rules powers dominions hee addeth And euery name that is named in this world or in the world to come a cleare sentence of his owne modestie in confessing a holie ignorance of the state of Angels and such as should moue vs to sobrietie to say with S. Augustine The difference of these degrees I confesse I knowe not if any man will say he knoweth it let him speak but let him proue that he speaketh And in dede very reason inforceth thus much that none knoweth the difference for the names are such as we cannot make any good distinction betweene them and the same names are giuen also to the diuels that we should be sure they note no order but rather signifie the power that is in them Now for their third argument that there are Angels and Archangels manifest wordes of degree first this wanteth much in accompt to make ix orders then I say and it can hardly bee confuted that wheresoeuer the name Archangel is mentioned it signifieth our Sauiour Christ and no creature Or if it be attributed to a creature he that in one work is called an Angel in another woorke of greater glorie in our eyes he may be there called an Archangel yet I wil not define any thing neither dare I affirme that all Gods Angels are of equall glorie I haue not climed into the Heauens to knowe such thinges but this I knowe that all this proueth nothing a diuersitie of thus manie orders Therefore now to leaue to speake of things vnprofitable to seeke after let vs see what true comfort God giueth vs in this place The Angels of whome so muche we haue spoken and whose honour is such that seeing our Sauiour Christ exceedeth them the Apostle here proueth he is the GOD of glorie In that I say these Angels serue for our safetie how great is our saftie And what shall we render vnto God for this saluation It were exceeding loue to giue to any man a garde of men about him it were more to giue him a garde of princes But what are men what are princes what are Kinges in respect of Angels whome God hath made to pitche about vs Not one of vs this day that are Christes but haue his Angels to keepe vs in our way What princes glorie can now dazell our eyes except we knowe not our selues Howe can wee enuie earthly blessinges of houses lands seruaunts to abound vnto our brethren except we be ignoraunt what God hath done for vs How can we fil our liues with any straunge concupiscence of thinges whiche God hath holden back from vs if we beleeue what excellent treasure of his angels he hath giuen vs If his Angels be ours how truely may we say with Paule Let vs not hereafter glorie in men for whether if be Paule or whether Apollo or whether Cephas whether it bee the worlde whether life or else death whether they be things present or else to come all is oures And why should we now feare to be shodd with the preparation of the Gospel of peace and go boldly whether trueth fayth holinesse duetie calleth vs What if the world breake with hatred or men swell in malice againste vs are the Angels driuen back with vaine threatenings Or what if we doe fall before the enimie and he preuaile against vs as it happened to our Sauiour Christ him selfe is this a want in Angels that watch ouer vs Or is it not rather the good wil of God that we should dye with Christ the sooner to reigne with him Last of all now let vs knowe how this glorie is giuen vs not of our selues but as wee are members of Christ for to him it doth properly belong who is our head He is the ladder which Iacob sawe in a dreame reaching from Heauen to Earth and the Angels ascending and descending by it as him selfe plainely expoundeth it saying to Nathaniel that he should see the heauens open and the Angels ascending and descending vppon the sonne of man so that this honour is ours as we be Christes to him it apperteineth and to vs it is giuen as we be made mēbers of his bodie by faith And thus far of angels Nowe let vs praye that it would please God our heauenly father of his gratious goodnesse to lighten our vnderstanding into all knowledge wisdome of his worde that we may be carefull because of our enimies lest at any time we fall into temptation and that we may be bolde in Iesu Christ who sitteth at the right hand of his father till he make all our enimies his fotestoole and who hath giuen vs his good guard of Angels that we might see his loue and know our honour that so we may consecrate our selues to set forth his praise and walke before him in holinesse
and solitarie places and offer vp sacrifice to the diuell in our dyning chambers and in the market places We are not ashamed at open feastes to fill our tables worse th●… with sp●…ng that is with opē blasphemie of the name of God with many vnclean wordes but we are ashamed of the sweete incense y makes all the house full of pleasure that is brotherly to reproue y lewd sinner that he may 〈◊〉 to 〈◊〉 before the lord A maruelous affection of mans corrupt minde I cannot tell how to 〈◊〉 it for it is tenne thousand times woo●… then ●…y madnesse Wee are ashamed to exho●… men to doe well wee are no●… ashamed to provoke them 〈◊〉 sinne We are ashamed to minister talke of saith religion we are not ashamed of rotten vncleane works of wantōnes We are ashamed to speake to the praise of God we are not ashamed to blaspheme his name We ar ashamed of Christ we are not ashamed of the diuel But such sinnes the Lord confoūd them It is no reason in many wordes to cōfute thē for where so euer they haue any louers I am sure without any mans words their own hearts wil confute them when they go to bed Our sauiour Christ is our scholemaister and hath taught vs thus In the midds of the congregation I will prayse thee The prophet Dauid was a good scholer in this doctrine when he opened his mouthe vnto God and vowed I will speake of thy name before kings and will not be ashamed Pray dearely beloued that we may bee partakers of the same grace What can they say of vs The woorst report they can giue vs is that we be godly men if they account this a reproche let vs be content to beare it for when their iudgement is done we shall reape the fruite of a better sentence It followeth nowe in the 13. verse And againe I wil put my trust in him This Psalme the prophet made when he was deliuered from the layinges of way to of Saule and from all his enimies wherein as he was a figure of Christ so it is most properly truly verified in Christ that he said of himselfe Besides this many sentences in the Psalme are plaine agreeing onely to Christe S. Paule in the 15. to the Romanes alledgeth this as spoken of the mercie of God in calling the Gentiles by our Sauiour Christ I will confesse thee among the gentiles sing prayses vnto thy name And in the 43. verse of the same Psalme the prophet saith Thou hast made me the head of the heathē a people whō I haue not knowen shal serue me by which it apeareth how this psalme is aptly aplied to Christ for these words were neuer accōplished in the prophet Dauid So it is alledged truly as spoken by our sauiour Christ I wil put my trust in him Now because the Apostle alledgeth this to prooue our Sauiour Christ to be man like vnto vs mark how the argumēt foloweth Christ saith I will put my trust in God but it were a verie improper speach and suche as the scripture neuer vseth to say God wil trust in God therefore there must be a nature in our Sauiour Christ inferiour to his Godhead in which he speaketh thus I will trust in him that was his perfect humanitie like vnto ours in whiche we sawe him subiect to perill and howe according to his trust God his father deliuered him And here the Apostle alledgeth such scripture for proofe of the manhood of Christ as also proueth y he is our king for where he saith I will trust in him it noteth that Christe was not weake in faythe but assuredly trusted in the power of God his father that he should ouercome the diuel And where it is saide Beholde me my children he noteth the sure safetie of his children that he will keepe them all from death and hell and not one of them shall perishe And that the Apostle had this meaning to proue also his kingdome by these places his owne words after plainly shew for of these places he cōcludeth that Christ in his manhood by death ouercame the diuell and set his children free from the bondage of the feare of death Beside this y apostle we are sure made best choice of the Scriptures to prouchis purpose and therefore with great wisdome writing vnto the Iewes who knew the lawe he tooke suche places not as in most cleare wordes proue the humanitie of Christe but suche as proued it necessarilye and proue plainely with all that which they must needes learne that Christ is our Prophet our King and priest And let vs heere learne for our instruction when we haue had experience of Gods benefits as the prophet had let vs vowe as he did We will put our trust in him When Dauid remembred how God had deliuered him from a Lion and a Beare he was not affraide of the vncircumcised Philistine When Saint Paule had reckoned so many calamities out of which God had deliuered him he boasted of a holie hope and said he was sure that euer God would deliuer him Our Sauiour Christ when he would teache his disciples that they ought not to be carefull for meate drinke he bad them remember when of v. loaues two fishes he multiplied so much that he fed 5000. men yet remained xii baskets full Likewise how with vii loaues and a fewe fishes he fed at an other time 4000. seuen baskets full remained By this experience he would make them bolde that God would feede them in all places euen so it ought to be with vs Hast thou experience of any benefite of God whiche thou hast receiued in all thy life In this is the greatest thanks thou canst render vnto him againe to trust assuredly that he will be good vnto thee stil. Hath God giuen thee ioy at any time in his Gospel that thy soule hath had comforte in the hope of eternall life Be glad of that in all tentations and know that God is wel pleased in thy faith and this shall be the fruite of the former benefite if thou persuade thy selfe that God will be merciful vnto thee and giue thee the life that is euerl●…sting Thus we shal be like our Sauiour Christ and Gods benefites shal be thankfully receiued of vs hee hath beene good vnto vs and wee will trust in him for euer An other testimonie yet followeth to proue the humanitie of our Sauiour Christ and it is this Beholde me and the children which thou hast giuen me This is written in the eight of Esaie in which chapter the Prophet fortelleth the captiuitie of the Israelites by the King of Ashur how it is determined of God that the people for all their rebellions should surelie perishe but yet so that God for his Churches sake would bridle their rage and saue some who might prayse his name These threatenings and promises bothe while the people did contemptuousely reiect the Lord hiddeth the Prophet
heere taught vs by the apostle The church of God is not found by places and countries it is but a foolish thing to say Here is Christ or there is Christ he is in the desert or he is in the towne but as where the carcase is there are the Eagles so where are men that beleeue in Christ there is his Church This is the Apostles meaning when he saith Whose house are we Now as we haue learned to seeke the church not in places but in the harts of men so in the words folowing the men are also described that by their marks we may know them from other men of the world which are not of the house of God but an assemblie of the wicked It followeth If we hold stedfast the confidence and reioycing of our hope vntill the end Here the Apostle setteth downe three especiall marks and properties by which the Churche and children of God are knowne the first is the ioy of their hope the seconde the assurance of it the third the constancie and perseuerance vnto the end The ioy of our hope is a present feelinge of immortalitie and the glorie of God which the holie Ghost kindleth in our hearts filleth vs with all heauenly gladnes according to the promises preached in the worde of trueth which is his Gospel And let vs not thinke but that God hathe done thus with vs whom he hath chosen to eternall life He hath prepared our hearts to know and feele his vnspeakable gifte which he hath giuen vs for if we should bestow any gifte vpon men we are not so vnwise to giue a precious thing vnto him that knows not what it is we would not giue him a Diamond that would thinke it to be a piece of glasse nor wee would not giue him a pearle that would thinke it to be a graine of salt for so we should leese both our labour and our thankes And shal we thinke the Lord wil so bestow his heauenly blessings will he giue his gifts to those that know them not who can not giue him againe the praise of his goodnes no he will neuer do it but as Peter sayth he hath taken vs for his owne people to the ende we should shewe forth his vertues that hath called vs out of darknes into his maruelous light therefore if we bee in the couenant of his grace appointed to the inheritance of his glorie it is impossible wee should not feele the comfort of it and know the height breadthe of his great mercie and grace If there be a barren and fruitlesse man that knoweth nothing of all this in whose eares the sound of the name of God hath neither feare nor reuerence and in whose heart his knowledge hath neither ioy nor gladnes he is yet a straunger from the church of God and cannot challenge anie part or fellowship of the Gospell of Christe for while he can feele no greater pleasure then of bodily delite his eye to see his eare to heare his mouth to taste his skin to touch why is not the oxe as good as he for these thinges are vnto the oxe as well as vnto him or if honour riches authoritie credite fauour be the things he loue moste and in which he hath greatest comfort what is he better then the Paganes infidels that were before him in whome this desire was as much and this delight muche more abounding then vnto vs for we in respecte of them are beggerly tenants and they in respecte of vs were monarches of the whole worlde If these things coulde make the house of God the house of God were among the beastes of the field or among sauage people worse then beastes whose desires if they be our desires and their delightes if they be our delights we shal be of them and they of vs but the house of God shal be of neither of both for in the house of God is this hope that we speak of a feeling I say of Gods glorie in whiche we haue pleasure more then in all the worlde Let vs take an example of Paule in steede of manie he protesteth thus I accompt all the world to be losse vnto mee yea I accompt it but as doung to the ende I may winne Christe haue thou this heart and thou hast peace and thou hast sealed it that thou art of the house of God and this is it that the Apostle teacheth vs heere in these wordes if we holde this reioycing of our hope stedfast vnto the end Another thinge heere to be learned if wee will knowe our selues to be this house and Churche of God is that as we holde this hope so we must hold it stedfast and without wauering vnto the end for so the Apostle sayth We must haue stedfast assuraunce of our hope he calleth it in the sixt chapter A full persuasion of hope Sainct Paule calleth it His intentiue hope a hope in which he shall neuer bee frustrate So that this assurance and ful persuasion is in a true and liuing hope and it casteth out mistruste and wauering euen as fayth doth for fayth hope cannot be separate neither in nature nor propertie but if you haue fayth you haue hope and as your faith is so is your hope a sure faith a liuely hope a wauering faith a blinde hope for our faith is a persuasion of the loue of God in Christ our hope is an apprehēsiō of the glory which by that loue is giuē to vs. It can not be that we should knowe the loue and grace of God which is our faith but we must know the fruit of his loue that is his glorie eternal life which is our hope if therfore we be sure God doth loue vs in Iesu Christe wee are also sure that God will glorifie vs through Iesu Christe and as our fayth reioyceth in Gods fauour so our hope reioyceth in Gods glorie and as our faith is sure that nothing shall separate the loue of God from vs so our hope longeth after the incorruptible inheritaunce which we feele and knowe is laide vpp in heauen So this constancie and boldenes of our hope without wauering laid vp in our breastes and crying stil within vs Come Lorde Iesu this hope is our warrant we be the house of god And all this I speake more plainely in mo words because there are so many which either cannot or will not vnderstande it for they conceiue no other thinge when wee speake of hope but a desire to haue a thing wherof we doubt if we aske of thē whether they be sure to be saued through Christ they will answer they can haue no assurance for thē how could they hope thus they make them a hope of their owne a new hope which the Church of God knoweth not a doubtfull desire of a thing they wishe in steade of a present feelinge of the thing they long for But let vs be wise hearted and knowe before the Lord as the Apostle
names it is plaine what storie is ment and we haue in it to learne first how great a crime it is to resist the minister of God for the name of that sinne God hath giuen vnto the place for a perpetuall remēbrance what the punishment of it hath beene and againe what it is to fall from our hope that we haue in Gods prouidence to mistrust him to feare that he wil faile vs for this is to tempt God with which sinne how highly he is displeased the name of the place to this day beareth witnes ▪ which Moses for that cause called tentation And heere againe let vs learne howe and in what case we may giue names vnto places and that is when the remembrance of the name is a putting vs in minde of some speciall worke of God towarde vs as in remembrance of the excellent vision that God gaue Iacob he caled the place Bethel When God gaue to Abraham the life of Isaak his sonne and saued him from sacrificing Abraham called the place Iehouah Iireh Likewise in remembrance of GODS punishments when he diuided the peoples tongues hee called the name of the place Babel When God destroyed from heauen the hoast of Israel with fire for remembraunce of the punishment they named the place Taberah Manie suche examples are in the Scripture good and profitable for vs to followe if we had hearts that feared God and had comfort in the remembraunce of all his workes but we haue leaf●… that good worke of our forefathers and as time corrupteth all things so it hath here corrupted our manners In deede we giue names still vnto places but not now for any conscience toward God the better to remember his goodnesse towardes vs but we erecte thereby monumentes to our fleshe and make shrines of pride We do I am affraid as the prophet Dauid saith the wicked do think their houses their habitations shal continue for euer and cal their landes by their names We swell with vanitie and are puffed vp with pride in this hautinesse of heart wee giue names vnto our houses this boasting is not good and of suche high minded men the prophet saith They shal lie like sheepe in their graues death shal deuour them yea al their pompe with them of this let vs beware for it is a sinne that cleaueth fast vnto vs we are easily ledd with it otherwise if God giue vs humble heartes and mindes in the naming of our houses after our owne names or after other there is no hutt at all Now where it is saide They tempted God and proued him in the wildernesse where they saw his works fourty yeeres we must knowe the wildernesse was a terrible and fearefull place full of temptations where the people alwayes wanted sometime meat somtime drinke in feare of enimies in feare of serpentes in muche affliction but what of this yet if they tempt God they are rebellious against god For he that made the wildernesse and all the terrour of it is not his power ouer it to saue his sainct●…s No place no man no terrour must ouerthrowe our hope in Gods prouidence or if it do wee tempt God and prouoke him against vs therefore Dauid saide Though I walked through the vallie of the shadowe of death yet I would not feare because thou art with mee And let vs neuer deceiue our selues for if wee be not as Dauid was to trust still in God yea though he seemed to kill vs Surely let our dayes be neuer so peaceable yet euerie occasion will make vs fall from God. Solomon saith if we faint in the day of aduersitie our strength was neuer great and if with the Israelites we would murmur in the wildernesse with the Israelites we would also rebell euen in the lande of Canaan for they were no more obedient when they had peace when their lande flowed with milke and honie then when they were in the solitarie desert And let vs not looke vpon our fathers example but loke vpō our selues this day doth this peace of the Gospel make vs more thankful or more desirously to giue vs our selues to be seruants of the Lord then we were before whē we felt y prison houses hoat fires of idolatric the Lord knoweth he iudgeth and we are wise if our hearts be settled for no cause at all to leaue our obedience to God then we may be bolde and say with Iob If he wil kill vs let him not spare for we haue not denied the wordes of the holie one let it come that he sendeth Neither the wildernes nor fierie serpents nor yet y fruitful vines and pleasant springs of the land of Canaan shall separate betweene God and vs. And heere that God sayth he did xl yeres shew his woorkes vnto them he meaneth bothe Manna with which he ●…ed them from heauen their continuall leading with the pillour of cloude and pillour of fire and all other miracles whiche he did before them wherein appeareth the long suffering of God and as Paule sayth The riches of his bountifulnes great patience whiche is not ouercome with our sinnes but he once promised it vnto Abraham to giue a land vnto them and all the rebellion of his childrē could neuer falsifie his promise This ought to strengthen our faith to the forgiuenes of our sinnes we haue a couenant of God greater and better they y made with Abraham euen a couenant made in his only begotten Sonne through whom he hath said he is well pleased with vs and will remember out sinnes nor our iniquities any more And let vs not feare neither the greatnesse of our sinne nor the craf●…nes of our enimie but in a repenting and faithful heart trust vnto his promise that can not change his grace nor repent him of his mercie for euer And yet that wee should not be here secure and commit sinne without regarde as men that carrie away the grace of God to wantonnesse thinking any outward calling to be warrant enough of our election To take away the grosse opinion and make vs serch better whether we be the children of the couenaunt or no therfore he addeth that he was angrie with this generation and said It is a people that doe erre in their heartes for they haue not knowen my wayes c. testifying by this threatening that his promises were not to them onely in their birth that they were the children of Israel but much more in this if they walked in the steppes of the fayth of Abraham So all we this day saluation is promised vnto vs in Iesu Christe in a holie couenaunt whiche shall neuer be broken but God will make all our enimies our footestoole and will surely take vs into his glorie But let vs be wise to see whether the couenaunt is made with vs or no for as not all that were borne of Abraham were the children of Abraham so not all that professe the Gospell shall haue
the saluation of the Gospell for there are many drunkards gluttons adulterers couetous men blasphemers lyers contentious persons and suche other whiche shall neuer into the kingdome of of Heauen yet will they boast of the gospell of Christ but he that dyeth with Christ and is buried with him touching the olde man and as Christe is risen from the dead so by the spirite of Christe he that ryseth vp into newenesse of life with him this couenaunt is mad and with none other and he shal be iustified by his fayth when the sinnes of the wicked shall fall vpon them Further in this threatening wee haue to marke first the cause euen the peoples sinne which the prophet setteth out thus It is a people that do erre in their hearts for they haue not knowen my ways This is the beginnig of all euil to leaue the ordinances of God and walke in our owne imaginations and this is onely follie to forsake the word of God the founteine of all wisedome and to followe our owne inuentions whiche are vaine and fruitlesse So Moses vpbraideth the people when they obeyed no longer Gods ordinances to do them but made new lawes vnto themselues to liue by They are sayth he a nation voide of counsel neither is there any vnderstanding in them by this we know what they are what wisedome and counsell is in them that take away the worke of God and teache their owne traditions It is a plaine sentence They erre in their hartes for they haue not knowen my wayes So we may boldly say It is a foolishe people an ignoraunt people a people full of blindnesse and sinne whosoeuer walke in their owne imaginations for they haue forsaken the wayes of God and nowe what wisedome can there be in them And mark that he saith They erre in their hearts noting what studie is in thē and howe full they are of thoughtes and cogitations what to deuise euer m●…sing euer inuenting and neuer the better no quietnesse is within vs So that we are sure our owne traditions the more wee followe them our owne foolishnesse doeth the more vexe and disquiet vs and wee doe nothing else but waste pensiue dayes and heauie nightes studying with our selues how we may perish If thou doubt of this whosoeuer thou art heare the worde of the Lorde They erre in their heart for they haue not knowen my wayes if thou hearest it and knowest it leaue off their wofull wayes who seeke tradition and erre in their heartes and haue no peace and followe the worde of God whiche onely giueth light and securitie vnto vs. An other thing in this threatning is that God sweareth They shal not enter into his rest This oth is to persuade vs that with a constant purpose God is iust euen as he is merciful and let vs not flatter our selues in vaine hope to escape his anger while wee will needes walke still in our sinnes for in iustice iudgement the glorie of God shineth and no more then he can breake his promise of loue and mercie made with his Sainctes no more will he defile his couenant in whiche he hath threatened the rebellious people but hee will surely recompence their sinnes into their bosome and his anger shall consume them Therfore to these also hath he sworne and he wil not repent him They that haue not knowen his wayes they shall neuer enter into his rest of this rest we shall haue occasion to speake hereafter Now let vs pray that God for his sonnes sake woulde prepare our hearts to the hearing of his voice that wee may not be despisers as our forefathers haue beene whom God threatned in his heauie displeasure and hath shewed his iudgements toward them euen as he would but let vs be as his sheepe that doe heare his voice that his worde may he in our heartes a seede of regeneration by whiche we may be borne a newe into holinesse and righteousnesse to glorifie him that is our God for euer c. ¶ The sixteenth Lecture vpon the 12. 13. 14. verses 12 Take heede brethren lest at any time there be in any of you an euil heart and vnfaithfull to depart away from the liuing God. 13 But exhort one another dayly while it is called To day lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulnesse of sinne 14 For we are made partakers of Christ if we keepe sure vnto the end that beginning wherwith we are vpholden IN these words the Apostle beginneth more particularly to handle y former words of the Prophet and so to amplifie his exhortation that in no wise the Hebrues should forget to heare to obey christ their only prophet first of all in this that the Prophet sayth To day ▪ by which the Apostle gathereth that we must not neglecte this time of our calling but whē the voice of the Lord is heard then we must shew our obedience for it is not meet that he should speak and we should be deafe nor he should call to day and we to make answer we will come to morrowe such loose regard of the worde of the liuing God becommeth not those that are his Saincts neither doth our sauiour Christ so teach vs himselfe when he saith so many times He that hath eares to heare let him heare therfore when the Lord openeth his mouth let vs erecte our eares and in the day that he doth teache let vs learne in the same glorifie god in his goodnes this is y plain meaning of the Apostle in these words of the twelfth thirteenth verse Take heed brethren lest at any time there be in any of you an euil heart vnfaithful to depart frō the liuing God but exhort one another daily while it is yet called To day lest any of you be hardened with the deceitfulnesse of sinne Beside this generall doctrine in the wordes of the Apostle we haue manie thinges profitable to note First that heere againe he calleth them by the name of Brethren he sheweth a great affection of brotherlie loue toward them for there is no doubt but he was free from flattering woordes and of the aboundance of his heart his mouth did speake so that this testimonie of his good will had greate weight to allure the Hebrues the more willingly to heare him And we must learne a verie good lesson with what care and loue earnest desire wee must do all things to our neighbour We must not as in other things where wee care not greatly whether they come to passe or no so vse our exhortations and admonitions to our bret●…en but what we aduise them or speake vnto them touching the feare of God we must haue all our heart bent to doe them good no care nor desire ought to be greater in vs then this that by some meanes we might doe them good This affection the Apostle sheweth when hee calleth them Brethren and we that this day preach vnto you when we say dearely beloued or louing brethren or vse
againe another time for thou knowest not whether he will returne or not Seeke him therfore where he may be found and call vnto him while he is neere at hand The seconde pointe the Apostle stoode vp on was that If we heare his voice we should not harden our hearts teaching vs that onely by faith wee shoulde bee fruitefull hearers And if infidelitie beare rule in our heartes all preaching and teaching is in vaine and the voyce of Christe can bee vnto vs but a sauour of death vnto deathe therefore when wee heare him speake let vs faithfully receiue the Gospell of saluation at his mouth or at the mouth of his minister knowing he is our onely prophet giuen of God vnto vs of this the apostle now concludeth in the first of this chapter Let vs feare therefore least at any time this promise of entring into his rest being forsaken any of you may seeme to be depriued by this conclusion yet once againe exhorting them that they would not neglect their onely prophet calling them so at last be frustrate of their vaine hope Let vs heere lay together these sayings of the Apostle in the beginning of the second chapter when he had proued our sauiour Christe to bee God he saith Wherefore my brethren we must carefully hearken to the things we heare least we fall away as water In the beginning of the thirde chapter when hee proued him to be mā also like vnto vs except sinne he addeth Therfore my brethren partakers of the heauēly calling consider the Apostle and highe Priest of our profession Iesus Christ After againe when hee had proued our sauiour Christ to be our only and faithful Prophet he confirmeth his doctrine by the woorde of the prophet alledging this exhortation out of him To day if you wil heare his voice harden not your harts c. Againe applying these woordes of the Prophet he saith See my brethren that there be not in any of you an euill heart of vnbeliefe Now heere againe as a conclusion Let vs feare lest this promise of entring into his rest beeing forsaken we should seeme to be depriued And as though all this were not inough in the eleuenth verse after he sayth Let vs therfore be diligent to enter into that rest that no man fall into the euil example of disobedience And yet againe in the end of this chapter Seeing wee haue a greate highe Priest that hath pearced the heauens euen Iesus Christ the sonne of God let vs hold fast our profession c. What shall wee thinke of all this what meane these often exhortations surely dearelie beloued nothing else but that wee bee dull of hearing and exceeding harde to learne for tell mee notwithstanding this exhortation so often made are there not ●…rowe you many among vs which yet regarde it not yea and yet if againe and againe hee should crie vnto vs would wee all obey his voice wee would if wee were wise but foolishnesse is so wrapped vp in our heartes that I am affraide all the exhortations not onelie here made by the Apostle but all other that haue bene made vnto vs thirtie fourtie fiftie threescore yeeres haue not yet taught vs all that be heere this day with singlenesse of heart and with synceritie to loue the Lord and is it then any maruell though the Apostle hauing compassion on his brethrens ignoraunce doe this often exhorte them in one thing and if wee be weake subiect to the same infirmities y they were let vs think it is necessarie for vs Only I beseeche you take heede that seeing God hath this mercie vppon vs which he had vppon our fathers that his word is thus vnto vs Precept vpon precept precept vpon precept let not vs be againe as they were that notwithstanding all these often and earnest exhortations so plaine to vnderstand yet that the Lord speake vnto vs as with a stammering and a straunge language that we vnderstand nothing for alas dearely beloued how vnprofitable were that for vs and how much better were it wee had neuer heard at all then so often to refuse the Lordes calling let this therfore be our wise vnderstanding in this case and that whiche so often is tolde vs let vs at the last truelie learne it Now touching these wordes of the Apostle that he saith let vs feare that wee lose not this rest promised vs we must not take it as though the Apostle taught that the elect should feare as though they might fall from their hope or that their election were not sure for you haue heard before howe hee saide We must hold the reioycing of our hope with all assurance and constancie vnto the end but heere wee muste consider to whome the Apostle speaketh that is to such as are farre off from a true fayth which haue shewed no great regarde to the voice of the Lorde Iesu whiche are yet in many tentations of sinne doubtful to be carried away with the deceites of it As if at this day the apostle should preach when we see so many worldly minded men so few hungering and thrusting for heauenlie things in this case and to suche people considering their outwarde woorkes the Apostle sayth let vs feare as in deede there is iust cause of feare for when there is scarce in vs anie zeale of God scarce any loue of righteousnes but all our thoughts doe wander in worldlie vanitie if in this case we should boast of our faith were it not good to byd vs feare to take heede that we be not deceiued and what is this against the assuraunce of the faythful that the Apostle biddeth them which are not yet called in holinesse to feare lest they be deceiued in their vaine hope If it be heere sayd the Apostle includeth also him selfe and therefore this feare is also in the most godlie I deny not but in other places of scripture feare is commended vnto the most godlie but the cause of this is because we be all weake full of infirmitie readie to sinne as we see in Dauid in Ezechias in Peter in all the Sainctes of God and therefore this feare is commended in them which is a good care and regarde of their weakenes that they fall not a care that may driue ou●… securitie not a feare to take away the boldenes of faith So when we are bid to feare it is as when wee are byd to watch to be sober to stand with our loynes gyrded to haue before vs the wayes of God with reuerence and obedience it forbiddeth presumptuous and vaine boasting of saluation when the glorious and fearefull name The Lord thy God is not regarded of thee So when Saint Paule commendeth our faith he addeth Be not yet high minded but feare and Iob sayth If I haue done righteously I will not lift vp my head This feare is a feare of falling into sinne least wee should offend so mercifull a Father it is not a feare of falling from his grace least hee should
hande and foote back and side shall haue experience of his anger all the thoughts of their harts shal be wounded with death and so much the more vnspeakable because their bodyes shall feele and their minde knowe the immortalitie of death and euerlasting destruction that is vppon them whiche extreeme wretchednesse no horrour of darcknesse no weeping and gnashinge of teeth no gnawinge of conscience no eternall fire doth fully and inough set out vnto vs. But this we leaue to the reprobate men who euen to this day haue sould their heartes to conceiue mischiefe and it repenteth them not Let vs feare now in the day of health and better thinges are appointed for vs We shall heare an other voice Come ye blessed into eternall life possesse the kingdome prepared for you from the beginning which voice shal enter depe and into all our members bring a sensible feeling of the loue of God and his greate glorie when with heart and minde wee shall see and knowe our inheritaunce with God in eternall glorie wherevnto if nowe we be raysed vp and the promises of God beginne with vs this vnspeakable and glorious hope so that our heartes be fast holden in the loue of it neuer to chaunge for worldly vanitie or rather shame woorse then vanitie for with what name shall we name it that is exalted against the Lorde if I say thus the woorde of God bee vnto vs wee haue sealed it that his word is liuing and entreth into the diuision of the soule and the spirite and we haue beene fruitfull hearers of all this longe exhortation which the Apostle hath made and ended to stirre vp his brethren faithfully to heare this prophet of God his sonne Iesus Christe and our sauiour who hath reuealed all his wil vnto vs And thus farre of this former parte of the Epistle in which we are taught that Christe is our only prophet but the time is paste Now let vs pray c. The xxj Lecture vpon the residue of the chapter the 14. 15. 16. verses 14 Seeing then that we haue a geat high priest which is entred into Heauen euen Iesus the sonne of God let vs holdefast our profession 15 For we haue not an hye Priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities but was in all thinges temped in like sorte yet without sinne 16 Let vs therfore go boldely vnto the throne of grace that we may receiue mercie and finde grace to help in time of neede WE haue heard dearely beloued howe the Apostle hath taught that Christe is nowe our onely Prophet what care we should haue diligently and faithfully to harken vnto him if we will not be guiltie before God of great condemnation and iudgement The reasons are of the Apostle to proue him our onely Prophet first because God sending his onely begotten sonne into the worlde made man like vnto vs and reuealing the will of his father vnto vs the excellencie of his person inforceth vs to confesse that God ordeyneth him alone to be our Prophet Againe he was faithful in the house of God and then what nedeth any other prophet vnto vs thirdly he was more honourable then Moses in this office many wayes to be preferred afore him therfore no other Prophet is to bee ioyned with him Fourthly the Prophet Dauid said To day if you hear his voice c. which we must needes vnderstand to be a perpetuall prophesie and therefore accomplished in Christ whome we must heare if we wil beleeue and be saued Last of all the force strength of the word of God is such as it must needes warrant the maiestie of God in Christ the author of it and as n one other hath that glory so none to be our prophet but he alone vnto all those reasons he hath added as you haue heard ernest exhortatiōs to giue more weight vnto them for the better persuasion of his brethren to whome he writeth Nowe he beginneth the other principall point of this first part of the Epistle that is to proue that Christ is our only priest which disputation he continueth to the eleuenth chapter as we shal god willing heare He beginneth it firste with an exhortation as he vsed the like often before and as I saide to make vs more carefully regarde his woordes Sith thē we haue a great high priest who hath entred into heauen Iesus the sonne of God let vs hold this professiō the force of this exhortation is in the excellencie of the priesthood of Christe secretely compared with the priesthood of Aaron who was in nature their brother in person weake as other men in office earthly entring into a tabernacle made with hangs in vertue a figure of a better sacrificer himselfe not profiting at all but Christ is another highe priest in nature the sonne of GOD in qualitie great and full of glorie in office heauenly entering before God to be our mediatour in vertue holie and perfect himselfe to purge our sinnes This the Apostle noteth calling him high priest greate entring into heauen and the sonne of God and so much the more we are guiltie before him if we shal not holde fast and professe all his instruction and doctrine Now least we should thinke the Apostles exhortation is weake and that he taketh it for graūted which is in controuersie for he calleth our sauiour Christ high priest which yet it seemeth he hath not proued we must consider what hath beene spoken before and so we shall see good argumentes in this exhortation for the proof of his cause He hath taught him to be the sonne of God made man reuealinge vnto vs the counsell of his father purchasing a most glorious inheritance for vs and setting vs free from the bondage of the diuel in which wee were holden vnder the feare of death which things before witnessed of our Sauiour Christ and necessarily prouing him for the same cause to be our priest according to that trueth in the beginning of this disputation he calleth him our great highe priest So he beganne before the thirde chapter Consider holie brethren the Apostle and high priest of our profession not yet hauing particularly spoken of those offices but calling him by those names because according to the description of his person before made it must needes followe that he was both our priest and Prophet Another argument of his priesthood is that hee was here in earth afflicted as we be submitting him selfe to death from which he is risen and nowe ascended into heauen therefore he is our priest crucified for our sinnes risen for our iustification and making now Intercession for vs before God his father Thus we see vpon howe good warrant the Apostle in the beginning exhorteth them to acknowledge Christ their priest and thus muche touching this entraunce of the Apostle into this disputation and why he vseth such wordes Now touching the matter To teach that our sauiour Christ is our onely priest he first sheweth by the workes of
Christ what is the office of the true priest and that is that hee be greate and stronge to beare all our infirmities then that hee make an entrance for vs vnto God induing vs now with saith boldenesse of his spirit and finally giuing vs his grace and saluation which things as they were neuer in Aaron nor in all the sonnes of Leuie so they haue clearely appeared in Christe and therfore with boldnesse let vs cleaue vnto him to this effecte is this exhortation Now where he saith Sith therfore we haue a great high priest who hath entred into the heauens Iesus the sonne of God let vs holde this profession I would we could heere learne of the Apostle to bee wise The excellencie of our sauiour Christ both of his person and of his doings was a strong persuasion vnto him to giue glorie vnto Christ alone Seing Christe was the sonne of God full of power to doe all he would who had entred into the presence of his liuing father what man is he shall ioyne him selfe vnto him to claime a parte and fellowshipp in that worke which Christe hath taken vppon him selfe or who that may haue his hope and reioycing in Christ wil cast it off to glorie in a mortall man●… this madnesse was so greate in the Apostles eyes that as a thing which it grieued him to remember so he besecheth his brethren neuer to let it sink into them but rather seeing Christ was vnto them such a one let them abide in him hold fast his profession Thus we at this day let vs strengthē our faith and aunswer all our aduersaries if the question be whether iustification bee in our owne woorkes let vs say seing Christ the sonne of the liuing God hath beene conceiued of the holie Ghost and borne of a virgine and sanctified himselfe for vs fulfilling all righteousnesse in his flesh and offering vs freely of his fulnesse to be made holie before God we will holde this profession and wee that are but dust and full of euill wee will not ioyne our selues with so excellent a sauiour we renounce our righteousnesse and the righteousnesse of our fathers the righteousnesse of Abraham of Paule of Peter of the virgin Marie and the righteousnesse of Christe shal be our righteousnesse alone If wee be asked whether the Masse be a sacrifice for our sinne let vs aunswer seeing Christ the immaculate lambe of God by his eternall spirit hath offered vp once his owne bodie vppon the crosse and giuen eternall redemption to those that doe beleeue if an impure priest of polluted members will presume to bee one in this businesse let his sinnes be imputed vnto him who with vnchaste handes will needes crucifie againe the sonne of God we will none of his cursed workes but will holde our profession Christ is our sacrifice and sacrificer alone he is the pro pitiation for our sinnes So in all other poinctes if Christ who came downe from heauen and is in the bosome of his father hathe taken vpon him to be our prophet let vs holde this profession and not care what fleshe and bloud can say vnto vs If Christ to whom all power is giuen in Heauen and in Earth who is King of glorie and sitteth on the right hand of maiestie in the highest places if he haue taken vpon him to lose the workes of the diuel and set vs free from his bondage why holde we not this profession or why runne we to holie water belles candels crosses and such vanities as though they holped Christ in his worke Or if all our enimies thinke they can connute this that here we say let them aunswer vs howe is the reason of the Apostle good against the priesthod of Aaron that it is abolished no other sacrifices are but Christ because he is so excellent a priest the sonne of God the greate high priest and hath entred the heauens If this dignitie of his person proue the priesthod onely to bee his why doth not the same proue all these thinges we speake of to be done wrought by him alone or how is it possible that his priesthood for the excellencie of it cannot stand with the priesthood of Aaron which yet was glorious and that it shoulde stande with the filthy stinking priesthood of a greasie handed pope which is loathsome to see heare ▪ or how can his glorie beare no fellowe in his priesthod yet beare the fellowship or any partenership with other in the office of a Kinge and prophet Seeing then it is thus withvs that wee be glorified to haue such a priest so high so greate let vs holde as the Apostle saith his profession and acknowledge no helpers vnto him Thus the Apostle hauing shewed the dignitie and glorie of Christ our priest in the 15. verse following he sheweth also his mercie and compassion that we may knowe him a perfect priest and for this cause he addeth this least the weake Iewes should otherwise be offended and fall at the knowledge of his glorie for hearing our Sauiour Christe exalted as God they would easily thinke and shall the Lord againe speake vnto vs do we not remember the dayes of mount Sinai when he spake vnto them and they were all afraide yea Moses himselfe did he not tremble and the people pray that they might heare him no more shal it be so agiane with vs or hath the Lord spoken and we haue not seene his maiestie to stop this or like offence the Apostle addeth this of his compassion loue for we haue not a high priest which cānot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities but was in all things tempted in like sorte ▪ yet without sinne the summe of which words are that as we acknowledge Christe to bee the sonne of God so we also beleeue that he was made man like vnto vs and in this participation of nature hath taken also vpon him al our infirmities accounting them as his owne so that we may be bolde to come vnto him who is no more fearfull in the glorie of his maiestie but louing in y similitude of our nature And that it is said here he suffereth with vs is tempted as we made like vs in all things we must vnderstand it by reason of that spirituall and vnspeakable coniunction which we haue with him in that he is our head and we are his members a vnitie not knowen of fleshe and bloud for it is not made of ioynts and sinewes but seene onely with the eyes of faith according as it standeth by participation of the same spirite and when we shal know what the spirite is we shall see the band in whiche we are knitt together and be able to speake it howe Christ now suffereth with vs and howe the afflictions of his sainctes are suche vnto him as if they were in his own bodie euen as he saith Saule Saule why persecutest thou me by which experience the apostle Paule also calleth his afflictions the afflictions of
Christ in which we are to learne if God haue so loued vs we ought also to loue our brethrē to remember them that are oppressed as if we also were oppressed in bodie and to reioyce with those that do reioyce as if our owne hearts were filled with gladnesse a iust iudgement is vnto them all who hauing Christ such an example of loue cā yet notwithstanding hate their brethren And here we also learne whatsoeuer afflictions are yet are they lesse then the strength giuen vnto vs neither shall they euer turne the loue of God from vs for all afflictions without exception Christ suffereth with vs We see by Paule howe many howe greate howe aboue measure were his troubles by sea by lande of friendes of enimies in bodie in spirite yet calleth he them al the afflictions of Christe and his suffering Lazarus in all his pouertie sicknesse sores suffered nothing wherin Christ was not partaker of his griefe if the paines and miseries of patient Iob were nowe vppon any man euen Iob fealt nothing which Christ fealt not with him for while this mysterie is which is for euer that Christ is the head we the body how shuld the bodie be hurt and the head not touched with the paine of it Let vs not then care what crosses we beare for as there is none more shamefull then the crosse of Christe so all ours are accounted as his If we be poore sicke contemned imprisoned or whatsoeuer is the fruite of sinne God is not as man to turne his face from such children but we are the dearer in his sight cucric crosle sealeth the loue of Christ that he suffereth this with vs to the ende hee might neuer caste vs away euen as he was made sinne for vs who knewe no sinne that we might be made the righteousnesse of God in him Who nowe can be discouraged with the afflictions of his life or be enuious against the wicked man if wee see his dayes full of peace and prosperitie No no these be but broken weapons and can not enter to the hurt of our soule only let vs take heede of sinne that it reigne not nor haue any kingdome in vs for therein Christ hath taken no part and by it onely we are separate from him as by that with which he will haue no felowshippe And where it is heere saide that our Sauiour Christ was like vnto vs in all things except sinne it is a cleare place to teache vs what to beleeue of the true humanitie of our sauiour Christ leaue off foolish and vaine questions in which there is no edification dispute not of particular things this or that wherin thy foolishe minde may fall into heresie and thy foolish heart may take offence but beleeue it stedfastly that thou haste learned truely that in all things Christ was like vnto thee sinne only excepted if any thing bee spoken of his humanitie not agreeing with this it is false and to bee refused It foloweth now in the last verse Let vs therfore go with boldnesse vnto the throne of grace that we may obteine mercie finde grace to help in time of nede In these wordes the Apostle concludeth wherefore hee hath thus magnified the priesthood of Christe and what benefite we haue by it that is to go with boldnesse vnto the throne of God and knowe our selues assuredlie reconciled vnto him in consideration of which excellent vnspeakable benefite he maketh his conclusion by way of exhortation that wee might neuer bee slacke and slouthfull to receiue so great a blessing nor by any vnthankfulnesse shewe our vnworthnesse of it Now in these wordes are manie especiall good lessons for vs to learne firste were hee saith Let vs goe which exhortation hee groundeth vpon the former wordes that Christ as hee said is entred into the Heauens we must here learne to applie it to our selues all that Christe hath done as in deede he did it not for his owne cause but for ours and we learne how it belongeth vnto vs euen as it is wrought by Christe in our nature whose members we are And thus what so euer we can see in Christ that he hath done and what soeuer glorious promises are made vnto him let vs knowe our vnitie that we haue with him all blessings that they are ours If he haue ouercome sinne we haue also ouercome it If he haue vanquished death we haue vanquished it also If he haue risen from the dead wee shall rise also If hee haue ascended into Heauen we shall ascende If he sitt on the right hand of maiestie wee shall also be glorified and see God as he is for wee be ioyned all vnseparably vnto him as the head is ioyned vnto the bodie by the wonderfull mysterie of Gods wisdome who hath made him of our nature and giuen vnto vs of his spirite and in this felowship with him which he hath giuen vs there is nothing so greate but hee hath giuen vs with him the righteousnesse of all his woorkes and glorie of all his inheritaunce with him is ours and wee are also Lordes ouer all whether it be Paule or whether Appollo or whether it bee Cephas whether the world whether it be life or whether it be death whether things present or whether things to come all things are ours and we are Christes and Christe is Gods. Thus we must apple it and make it ours whiche Christ hath giuen vs euen as the Apostle saith of this that Christ is our high preist mediatour let vs therefore go vnto the throne of grace An other thinge wee must heere note that the Apostle exhorteth vs to goe with boldenesse teaching vs that a constant persuasion and good assuraunce of Gods fauour doe highly commende our prayers vnto God and without it we are like vnto the flouds and waues of the sea which are rouled vp and downe with the winde and our hope with God is frustrate Now this boldnesse which is thus necessarie for vs we must learne likewise both how we haue it and what it bringeth vnto vs how we haue it we canne no way better learne then by the Apostle him selfe who making againe this selfe same exhortation in the tenth chapter following saith thus Seeing we haue this great high priest the ruler ouer the house of God let vs go vnto him with a true hart ful persuasion of faith hauing our harts sprinkled frō an euil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water this is then the boldnesse with which we approche vnto God stedfastly to beleeue that with the bloud of Christ our mindes are washed frō impure thoughtes and our bodies from sinne This S. Paule also teacheth in plaine and manifest wordes in Christ saith he we haue this freedome and entrance with boldnesse through faith in him and in another place he saith this must needes be thus that by faith onely we should haue this accesse vnto God else saith hee the promise of God coulde
the present time not knowing that the time passeth the cōcupiscēce is ended in it that that lord after wil call thē to iudgmēt Thus the Prophet Daniel nameth the sinnes of Nabuchadnezar his errours and Abacuch making his prayer for all the sinnes of Israel hee nameth them their ignorances let vs therefore as this Apostle before warned vs beware lest we be hardned with the deceites of sinne but knowe for a suretie when wee be delighted with euil it is our errour if we were wise we would neuer be deceiued with so hurtfull enticements It followeth now in the third verse And for the same cause he must as for the people so for him selfe offer sacrifice for sinne In these words the Apostle beareth witnesse of want imperfection of the priesthood of Aaron that though he appeared as a mediatour betweene God and his people yet he was not perfecte for suche a woorke but acknowledging his owne sinnes hee sett him selfe in their number which looked for a better mediatour who was only figured could not be exhibited in his person to this end he offered sacrifice both for the people and for him selfe according as hee was expresly commaunded in the lawe of Moses as wee reade in the ninth Chapter of Leuiticus and againe after is here mentioned in the seuenth Chapter following And here we see the propertie required in a mediatour that is that he be absolute holie without spot to whome it can not bee said Physician cure thy selfe for then could he be profitable to none but who soeuer shall take vpon him this worke to pacific God and to conquer Satan he must haue a body prepared of God to all obedience he must be armed with the power of God to beate and vanquish sinne hell and condemnation so to abolish the Diuel they neuer knewe this neither the righteousnesse nor yet the power of a mediatour who so easily haue giuen this glorie vnto weake men for this streight condition the iustice of GOD requireth of him that shal reconcile man vnto God that he bring in him selfe all the righteousnesse whiche his holie lawe requireth by it first to sanctifie him selfe to be accepted and in that innocencie to beare the punishment of the sinnes of his people that hee might sett them free then in the power of his spirite to ouercome that punishment rise from it that it might be abolished and all with him might haue entrance into glorie and eternall life Now this comparison of the Apostle somwhat more plainly appeareth in which we see the dignitie of Christe Aaron was in nature a perfect man and so was Christe and more excellent in propertie beeing without sinne Aaron ministred for the peoples sake and for his own also beeing a sinner Christ for his people only himselfe needing nothing Aaron offered sacrifice but of other things none of his owne Christe offered his sacrifice his owne and him selfe Aaron had compassion on his brethren but in a certeine measure and the greatest parte of it for him selfe and sorrowe of his owne infirmities but Christe wholie was grieued for vs and for our sakes onely he bare infirmities of all which the doctrine is plaine vnto the people of Israel that not Aaron but Christ was the great high priest to reconcile them vnto God And here we see touching that that is said the high priest offered for his own sinnes and for the sinnes of the people that is not ment that his sacrifices were in deed a cleansing of their sinnes for neither can the bloud of Calues Goates wash away that infection neither can a sinnful man offer a sacrifice of such price onely the Lord Iesu offering his body could do so excellent a woorke but that the sacrifices of the lawe and that high Prieste were said to purge sinnes it was onely in figure as being signes and tokens of Christ and of his bodie to be sacrificed vppon the crosse which redemption they confessed and beleeued in their oblations and God sealed it vnto them by fire from heauen consuming their burnt offerings that their faith was precious in his sight and he would perfourme his promises vnto them according to their hope and giue them a sacrifice for their sinn euen his only begotten sonne that euery one which beleeued in him should not perishe but haue life euerlasting and in wittnesse of this constant trueth because their sacrifices were as figures of it he giueth them the name of that which they figured and calleth them sinne offeringes and propitiatorie sacrifices and reconciliations betwene God and them And this is cōmon to all sacraments of the olde and newe Testament that they might be vnto vs sure vndoubted pledges of Gods promises that he perfourmeth them all therefore the name and title of the thing is giuen to the figure so these sacrifices were called sinne offeringes and peace offerings circumcisiō was called Gods conenant the Lambe his passeouer the Arke his glorie the temple his rest Baptisme the washing of our new birth and what madnes is in men I can not tel why they stum ble and fall and are broken an this phrase this is my bodie Could the name of reconciliation be giuen to the bloud of an Oxe the name of Gods benefites be giuen to the cutting off of a litle skin and to a white lambe his glorie his blessednesse his rightcousnesse to golde to stones to water and can not the name of the body of Christ be giuen vnto bread or could not the name of forgiuenesse of mercie of couenant of glory of presēce of righteousnesse change the nature of golde stones fleshe water and such like and must needes the name of bodie streight change bread into fleshe or is not the sacrament of Christes bodie and bloud as glorious a mysterie as full of trueth as other sacraments were why should it not haue a greater honour named by the thing whiche it representeth but this as occasion is offered and in a worde for the thing is plaine to those that will vnderstand they that with affection haue robbed themselues of iudgmente let vs pray for them and they that do belong vnto the couenant shal one day with vs confesse the true doctrine of the sacrament in which it is sealed Now Let vs pray c. The 23. Lecture vppon the 4. 5. 6. verses 4 And no man taketh this honour vnto himselfe but he that is called of God as was Aaron 5 So likewise Christ tooke not to him selfe this honour to be made the high priest but he that said vnto him Thou are my Sonne this day begat I thee gaue it him 6 As he also in another place speaketh Thou art a priest for euer after the order of Melchisedech Tolde you the Apostle here maketh comparison betweene the priesthood of Aaron of Christ that so by conference the dignitie of Christ might more appeare The comparison hitherto hathe beene in this that the
he kneeled downe fell vppon his face and so prayed vnto God. And as the cause of his prayers is here mentioned To be deliuered from death so the wordes of his prayer in the Gospel are like Father if it be possible let this cup passe from me meaning the death of his crosse to which he was condemned And as heere is mencioned his great and lowde crying so there the Euangelist saith he cried out with a lowde voyce My God my God why hast thou forsaken mee and like as heere is said He prayed with weeping teares so there is witnessed that he was sorrowfull and greeuouslie troubled that his soule was heauie euen vnto deathe and that in a great agonie his sweate was like vnto drops of bloud a wofull kinde of weeping but suche was his compassion that we might haue sure hope and as heere is said he was deliuered from his feare so at that time when all his spirites were troubled the Angell came from heauen to bring him comfort These similitudes they are all so agreeable that it is euident the Apostle respected especially aboue other this part of his passion in which his perfecte loue and vnchaungeable affection toward vs shined in most fulnesse of beautie in that it was so seruent and so deepely rooted that neither feare nor trembling nor any anguishe of spirite could make him shake nor the force of death nor any bloudie sweates coulde pull it out of his bowels In this one sentence dearely beloued there is more for vs to learne then either eye hath seene or eare hath heard or all flesh in this life shal atteine vnto it is the depth of the glorious Gospell whiche the Angels doe desire to beholde But to note vnto you some thinges in which our faith may be strēthened we haue to learne by y example of our sauiour Christ in this place that in all temptations wee should approch vnto our God and make our complaints vnto him who is onely able and readier for to helpe vs He hath not forgot his promise that he hath made of old Cal vpon me in the day of thy trouble and I wil deliuer thee he is a place of refuge and of sure defence a strong tower against all assaults the righteous man that shall hasten vnto him hee shall be surely saued the author finisher of our fayth he is gone before vs we shal be surely partakers of y same mercie It skilleth not how great our temptations are into which we are fallen nor how manie in number the Lord will deliuer vs out of all It skilleth not how many our sinnes are nor howe great in our eyes that haue procured our troubles the Lord will scatter them as the cloudes from the heauens and they shall not turne away his louing countenance from vs Let vs looke on this patterne Iesus Christ that is set before vs it woulde crushe our fleshe in peeces to beare with him the weight of his afflictions from which he was deliuered and it would make our teares to be as drops of bloud to be partakers of so great anguishe of spirite as he susteyned and yet it was not so great but the comfort of the Angell sent from his father was much greater so that by prayer hee obteined a most excellent victorie and hath brused the serpents head and broken all his force and why should we then be discouraged If our sinnes be as crimson or if they bee red like skarlet yet they are the sinnes of our owne bodies but not ours only but also the sinnes of the world they rested all vpon Christ our Sauiour and yet he prayed for deliuerance and hath obteined and therfore we may say with boldnesse forgiue vs our trespasses If the loue of Christ were so greate to beare the sinnes of vs all of them euerie one hath gotten forgiuenesse how should not we that are laden but with our owne sinnes lift vp our heades into great assurance of hope and heare with ioyfulnesse the worde of promise I will be merciful to their vnrighteousnesse I will remember their sinnes and their iniquities no more And what though our afflictions are exceeding many that the whole head be sicke and the whole heart be heauie that from the sole of the foote vnto our heads there be nothing whole in our bodies but all wounds and swellings and sores full of corruption yet all this is nothing vnto his passions by whose stripes we are healed And these troubles are nothing vnto his mightie cryinges who was compassed about for our sakes with feares and horrors till his sweate was as drops of bloud and his bones bruised in his fleshe Then let the whips and scourges of our chasticement be grieuous let vs yet be beaten if the will of God so be with scorpions Christ in great compassion suffering with our infirmities hath borne yet a more heauie weight of iniquities and hath been deliuered So that if we obey we are partakers of his mercies we haue full persuasiō that neither death nor life nor Angels nor prin cipalities nor powers nor things prefét nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shal be able to separate vs frō the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. Yea and greater boldnes then this if it be possible to dwell within vs the Apostle here hath offered it in Christ Iesu. If all the sinnes were vppon him and all sorrowes in his fleshe and yet from them all God hathe hearde his prayers why should we not be sure that our sinnes and sorrowes shal be done awaye why should we not be sure that God him selfe hath appointed vnto all that mourne in Sion as the Prophet saith to giue vnto them beautie for ashes the oyle of ioy for mourning the garment of gladnesse for the spirite of heauinesse Let vs therefore behold dearly beloued for he was woūded for our transgressiōs brokē for our iniquities the chasticement of our peace was vpon him these praiers are ours these supplicatiōs for vs auailable for moe sinnes then we are able to commit this is our victorie that shal ouercome the world euē our faith in al miseries and multitudes of woe we are not sunken so deepe in sorrow as he that for our sakes made prayers and supplications with strong cryings and with teares and was deliuered from his feare The second point that we haue here to learne in this example of our Sauiour Christe is to knowe vnto whome we should make our prayers in the day of trouble which the Apostle testifieth in these wordes that Christ made his prayers vnto him that was able to deliuer him from death a rule to bee kept of vs in al manner of our petitions and supplications whatsoeuer to make thē knowen vnto him that can graunt our request that is vnto God this rule was kept of the Church of God from the beginning When men were once turned from their Idols
if it should happen you to fall downe into hell Christe hath descended also you should then be moste like him in his agonies and bloudie sweates The third cause at this time which I will touch is this God sendeth vs sundry chasticementes and especiallie that which is moste grieuous of al other the anguish of spirite and affliction of the soule for this purpose that we should be warned in time how to turne vnto him be free from the plague when it commeth for the iudgements of God that are dayly preached vnto vs they pearce deepe into the heartes of the true beleeuers and the worde that they heare it woorketh mightilie in them more sharp in their eares then a two edged swoord it entreth thorough them euen to the diuiding a sunder of the soule and of the spirite and of the ioyntes and of the marrowe and examine all the thoughts and the intentes of the heart so that it is vnpossible that any part of them should be hidde but they are all open vnto iudgement and heare the voice of the Lorde Then their sinne is reuiued in the midst of their bowels their cōscience hath no rest they feele death working in their hearts and hel is before thē they see sinne on their right hande and Satan on their left shame vnder their feete and an angrie Iudge aboue them y world ful of destructiō without and a worme gnawing the heart within the poore sinner knoweth not what to do to hide him selfe it is impossible and to appeare it is intollerable then hee breaketh out into lowde cryinges O wretched man that I am who shall deliuer me from the bodie of this death he giueth no rest vnto his eyes nor sleepe vnto his eyelids vntill hee finde him that is able to saue him from this wrath in his bedde by night he seeketh him whome his soule loueth in the streetes and open places he inquireth after him and after many dayes in whiche he cannot finde him Christ sheweth him selfe at the last a perpetual deliuerer a victorious Lion of the tribe of Iuda in whome he hath strong saluation when hee hath mourned because of y plague that was before him Christ will approch neere and wipe away the teares from his eyes This y Prophet Abacuch setteth forth in his own person Whē I heard saith he the word of God my bellie trembled my lips shooke at the voice ro●…nnesse entred into my bones I trembled in my selfe that I might haue rest in the day of trouble Euen so dearely beloued it is with vs all The plagues of God because they are pronounced against iniquitie it maketh the childe of God to feare and tremble that so foreseeing the harme he might prepare him helpe and because of the destroyer seeke without wearines vnto the sauiour though he hide him selfe at the first the wounded spirite and troubled hart must nedes finde him-out A great cause of vnspeakeable gladnesse though wee seeme swalowed vp of pensiue sorrowe We are full of griefe but we are chastised of the Lord because we should not be cōdemned with the world we die with Christ but because we should liue with him wee lament and weepe but because that Christe might wipe away all teares from our eyes we are deliuered vnto death for Iesus sake but because the life of Iesus should be made manifest in our flesh we beare about in our bodies the mortification of the Lord Iesus but because the life of Iesus might be manifest also in our bodies we haue anguishe of spirite and vexation of minde such as hath not bene from the beginning but for this cause that when souden destruction shall come vpon the carelesse world we might lift vp our heades and beholde our redemption at hande Let vs then be bolde and in patience possesse our soules for these causes we are nowe afflicted that wee might receiue mercie and finde grace to helpe in the time of neede for this cause we tremble and are affraide that after many praiers and supplications we might be deliuered from the things which we haue feared It followeth in the Apostle And beeing consecrate he was made the authour of saluation to all them that obey him In these wordes wee ate taught what 〈◊〉 and cōmoditie we haue through these bitter sufferinges of our Sauiour Christ and also by what meanes we are made partakers of it the fruite is eternall saluation the meanes to go vnto it is obedience in the first we learne that all promise and hope of life is in Christe alone hee hath alone the wordes of li●…e he is alone the breade of life the water of life the authour of life the word of life the tree of life the onlie life hee that beleeueth in him hee hath euerlasting life and he that dwelleth not in him shall see no life but the wrath of God abideth on him Take holde of Christ and take holde of life reach foorth thine hand to any other thinge and thou reachest vnto vanitie which cannot helpe Looke not for life but where it dwelleth in the flesh of Christe alone there it resteth Death hath reigned in all the world beside and led euery creature into bondage If thou looke vnto the heauens there is but vexation and anguishe if thou looke vnto the earth there is but darknesse and sorrow if thou call vnto Abraham he knoweth thee not if thou cry vpon Angels they can not helpe thee if thou looke vnto thy workes they are all vncleane if thou truste in thy prayers the Lorde hath no pleasure in them call for the helpe of al creatures they are subiect to vanitie there is no life but in Christ alone The elders the Angels the baestes and all creatures they giue this honour vnto Christe Saluation is of him that sitteth vppon the throne and of the Lambe and altogether they cry Amen And if all the creatures which yet are excellent good are not of power to giue anie peece of this life then what shall we think of those people enimies to God and murderers of his Saincts which so long haue made vs beleeue that they haue life in them selues that they can forgiue vs our sinnes for yeares euen as they will manie or fewe that they can make sacrifices propitiatorie for vs y they can purge vs by purgatorie fiers that their Pilgrimages their pardons their vowes their holie orders and such other spiritual drunkennesse of their sicke braines that these be auailable to purchase life If they will not be reclaimed let vs rest in the counsels of our God and say with Iohn He that hurteth let him hurt still and hee that is filthy let him be filthy still It is inough for vs that Christ is our life that our life is hid with Christe in God when Christ which is our life shall appeare then shall we also appeare with him in glorie Now while we are in the dayes of our pilgrimage the way that wee must walke vnto this
they loue God but hated their owne punishment neither did they striue against sinne but gaue vnto it a kingdome with power and wil to serue it But wee that feele the lawe of the spirite striuing against the lawe of the flesh and in all our sinnes can say with Sainct Paul that which we would not do that we do surely we knowe no sinne against the holy ghoste we are sinners but as Paule was though our sinnes bee moe in number and greater in weight yet God our father through his sonne Iesu Christ doth pardon vs and forgiue vs all our transgressions Nowe beside all this that wee haue hetherto spoken to conclude let vs see the word it selfe by which this sinne is named it is named the sin against the holy ghost not against the Godhead of the holy Ghost for the same God is also father and sonne nor against the person of y holy ghost for it is no greater then the person of the father of the sonne but it is to sinne against the graces of the spirit within vs and so to sinne against them that we contemne despise thē treade them vnder fete accompt them prophane malitiously carry them awaye to all wantonnesle This then is sinne against the holy ghost in a continuall apostacie generall falling from God to sinn against thine owne conscience so y thou despise the graces of God which he had giuen thee to y setting out of his praise and tur●…e them to the contempt of his maiestie and glory Nowe a woord or two to shew this sinne by examples so we will make an end Our first example let it be Satan him selfe and the Angels which did fall with him howe could they be but lightened which dwelt in the presence of the father of light what outward temptation could they possibly haue which neuer had enimie beside them selues nothing could possibly be in these but an apostacie or falling from God after which tho malice of their owne minde did seeke to rob God of his glory despising his goodnesse and withholding y honour which they knew to be due vnto him for their creation thus sinning against the spirite of God they were cast downe into horrible death neither did euer God giue vnto them a redemer by whome they arise againe through repentance Other examples are not easily sound which are cleare manifest before vs yet in many some appearances are by whiche wee may iudge and not lightly be deceiued Caine slue his brother Abel wherefore did hee slaye him because his brothers woorkes were good and his were euill A horible sinne to hate not the man but the vertue of the mā and hate it so deadly that the bonde of brotherhod could not pacifie it neither did he this of ignorance for god instructed him bad him leaue off his anger and lift vp his countenance why should he be malitious to his good brother neither was he prouoked by any outward thing vnto it for Abel was obedient to him as his elder brother neither did Abels vertue hurte him but that in well doing he might be also accepted but the author of sinne who wrought in his malitious heart made him haue no regarde of al this one purpose he had and that he held except his brother would be wicked he would haue no peace with him Another example we haue in the Scribes Phariseis they knewe Christ came from God and that his miracles were wrought by the spirite of God and as Pilate iustly accuseth them of enuie and malice they sought to put him to death their conscience accused them in all their dooinges they corrupted Iudas with monie to betray him they hyred against him false witnesses they bribed the souldiours after his glorious resurrection that yet they should saye his disciples stole him away by night This great wilful malitious working against the sonne of God of men vtterly fallen away from the liuing God our sauiour Christe calleth it sinne against the holie Ghost To these I thinke we may adde Iulianus the Emperour who for his moste wilfull renouncing of the Lord Iesu is called to this day the Apostata who was accoūted at the first as Hilarius calleth him a gratious and religious Emperour but after being spoiled by philosophie and vaine deceite he beganne to account y worde of God to be but foolishnesse persecuted the professours of it with many mockes and taunts that they must do good for euill and blesse where they were cursed and all his life made a mocke of Christ calling him in reproche the Carpenters sonne and the man of Galilie for no occasion but only for this because he woulde maliciously striue against Christe as plainely appeareth in his last wordes nowe euen dying when he lifted his face vp to the heauens and saide O man of Galilie nowe thou hast got the victorie Thus by examples I haue shewed that which before we heard in the worde that the sinne against the Holie Ghoste is a generall apostacie from God with wilfull malice and an vnrepentaunt heart to persecute his trueth vnto y end from which sinne dearely beloued as we are bounde daily to pray that God of his mercie would keepe vs farre from it so in the name of God I dare promise vnto you that as many of you as feare at the remembrance of it you are as farre frō it as the East is from the West for this sinne is a mocking and scoffing at the sonne of God it is not a weeping mourning least you should fall into it Nowe let vs pray c. Why this Epistle was written Gal. 4. 10. Col. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Act. ●…1 14. Cap. 5. 12. 6. 1. Cap. 12. Galat. 4. vers 9. The Author In Dialog de S. Trin. fo 11. lib. 6. cap. 19. What time this Epistle was written The Argument of this Epistle Christes prophecie Christes priesthood Sonne Matth. 3. 17 Only God must speak in the mouth of all Ministers 1. Pet. 4. 10. Esai Hebr. 4. 11. 〈◊〉 The firste difference Cap. 9. 26. Cap. 12. 26. The secōd difference The third difference The. ii●… difference The fift difference Mat. 2●… 〈◊〉 Iohn 16. 15. Maker of the world Col. 1 ●…5 Brightnesse of glorie in respect of his father Iohn 1. 14. Iohn 5. 36. 2. Cor. 3. 18 Iohn 1. ●…8 Ingrauen fourme Col. 1. 15. Susteiner of al thinges Actes 17. 28. Purger of our sinnes Iude. 6. Iere. 23. 5. Psal. ●…10 4 Heire of all Al things made by him 1. Tim. 4. 3. the bright nesse of glorie Act. 2. 22. Matth. 3. 17. Vpholdeth all things Luke 10. Ter. de ieiunio de Cor. Mil. Cypr. de ●…psis Theo. li. 8. de Mattir Cyril li. 10. c●… 18. in Ios. In E●…he ridio●… c●… 10. The right hande of maiestie Phil. 2. 9. Rom. 1. 23. An argument negatiuely from the authoritie of the scripture is sound good Deu. 12. 32. Esay 1. 11. 2. Pet. 1. 〈◊〉 Ioh. 4. 2●… Cal. 4. 10. 〈◊〉
Ioh. 4. 23. Matt. 26. 27. 1. Cor. 14. 19. 1. Cor. 10. 27 Hebr. 13. 3. t. Cor. 1 21. Hebr. 10. 16 Rom. 1. ●…6 Luke 11. 27. Matth. ●…2 50 Iohn 6. What is a Sabboth days work Esal 40. 12. Matth. 6. 30 Psal. 104. 35 Psa. 104. 35. Prouerb Matt. 25. Gal. 2. 20 Psal. 132. 14 Esai 11. 10. Luke 1. 74. Col. 2. 〈◊〉 Deu. 5. 1. Ioh. 2. Amos. 8. 6. Apoca. 4. 1 Iob. 32. 22. 1. Cor. 3. 〈◊〉 Agg. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Esai 55. 10. Luk. 3. 5. 1. Pet. 1. 23. 1. Cor. 4. 15. Iacob 1. 1●… 1. Peter 2. 1 Prou. 20. 27 2. Cor. 10. 4. Iere. 3. 29. Iere. 5. 14. 2. Cor. 2. 16. Iere 23. 22. Mal. 2. 6. Esa. 49. 〈◊〉 Ephe. 6. 17. Apoca. 1. 16 19. 15. 1. Thes. 1. 23 Aba 3. 16. Esai 24. 16. Dan. 5. 6. Eze. 11. 13. Acte 5. 1. Our a●…ctions lesse then the stren●…h th●… 〈◊〉 2. Coi 5. 21. What wee must bee leeue of the true humanity of Christ. Iac. 1. 6. Ephe. 3. 12. Rom. 1. 16. Rom. 〈◊〉 15. 2. Tim. 1. 7. 1. Tim. 6. 19. Ephe. 2. 18. Psa. 14. 3. 1. Tim. 2. 5. Chap. 7. 24. Phil. 2. 18. Gal. 6. 1. Luk. 12. 37. Hebr. 2. 13. 〈◊〉 Cor. 1. 4. 2. Tim. 2. 16. Dan. 4. 24. Hab. 3. 1. Leuit. 9. 7. The Papisticall offices offiicers Matt. 26. 4●… Luk. 22. 41. Psal. 50. 15. Heb. 〈◊〉 12. Ro. 8. 38. 39. Esai 61. 3. Esa. 53. 5. Iaohn 5. 4. Gen. 4. 26. Mar. 1. 41. Mat. 6. 10. Rom. 7. 18. Iere. 10. 14. Rom. 8. 5. verse 16. 27 Luke 1. 38. 2. Pet. 2. 7. Exod. 32. 35. Iere 9. 2. Esai 22. 4. Rom. 9. 〈◊〉 Luke 21. 41 Mar. 3. 5. Luk. 23. 34. Nahum 1. 6 Psal. 29. 8. Psal. 119. 3 〈◊〉 Pet. 4. 3. Gen. 〈◊〉 8. Iob. 1. 2●… Rom. 〈◊〉 39. 2. Cor. 4. 8. Abac. 3. 16. Col. 3. 3. 4. 1. Ioh. 4. 1. Acte 17. 11. Iohn 〈◊〉 3●… Iohn 1. 54. Ca. 4. 2. ● Pe●… 3. 13. 1. Cor. 1. 14. Mar. 13. 10. Mar. 4. 11. 2. Cor. 4. 4. Prouer. 14. 6 Deut. ●…0 10. Ose. 6. 5. Esai 45. 19. Esa. 19. 10. Mat. 15. 8. Illirieus in normaroncilii Sleyd ▪ li 23. Kemp in exam concil Trident. ●…ess 4. c●…n 〈◊〉 Psal. 19. 7. Pro. 1. 4. 1. Tim. 1. 16. Cusan ad Boaemos Epist. 2. Disti 40. Non nos in glosa Math. 7. 24. Vide pet Cr●…●…o 1. conc ●…o ●…o Ant on in sum Par ▪ 3. tit 21. Cap. 5. 33. q. 3. Ephe. 4. 14. 2. Cor. 14. 20 Luke 22. 25 Antichristian pride M●…tt 7. ●…4 M●…tt 16. 18. Ephe. 2. 20. Rom. 2. 18. Luke 2. 32. Iohn 4. Mat. 13. Act 13. 45. Act●… 13. 10. 1. Sa. 27. 21. Esai 40. 1. To the Reader Gentle reader I thought good in this vacāt place to set down an excellent speech vttered by the Authour of this book a litle before his death whereby thou maist clearely see and learne that there is a sweete peace in death to all suche as painefully serue the Lord in life For he being raised vp in bed and his friend requesting him to speake the Sunne shone on his face thereby tooke occasion thus to say THere is but one Sunne that giueth light to the world there is but one righteousnesse there is but one Communion of Saints If I were the excellentest creature in the world If I were as righteous as Abraham Isaac and Iacob for they were excellent men in the world yet we must all confesse that we are great sinners and that there is no saluation but in the righteousnesse of Iesus christ And we haue all neede of the grace of god And for my part as concerning death I feele such ioy of spirite that if I should haue the sentence of life on the one side and the sentence of death on the other side I had rather chuse a thousand times seeing God hath appointed the separation the sentence of death than the sentence of life The prayer which M. Deering vsed before his Lectures O Lorde God whiche hast lest vnto vs thy holie worde to be a lanterne vnto our feete and a light vnto our steppes giue vnto vs all thy holie spirite that out of the same worde we may learne what is thy eternall will and frame our liues in all holie obedience to the same to thy honour and glorie and increase of our faith through Iesus Christe our Lorde Amen Deering DEring in earthly life thy heauenly voice did teache The ruth of sinnes the trueth of endlesse grace And with thy voyce thy life conspired to preache The praise of God with longing to embrace The sweete delights wherin his Sainctes abound O blessed Organ of so noble sound When thou didst cry repentant griefe for sinne When with inspired breath from ghost diuine Thy mouth powrde forth what hart did feele within Thy deepe desire to drawe men to incline Their listening soules vnto the healthful word O happie they that turnd vnto the Lord. And when thou didst his mercie sweete proclame And dist with thankfull and deliteful voyce Set foorth the honour of his sauing name To quench dispaire and make the heart reioyce O happie hearers of so ioyful newes Vnhappie wretches that such ioyes refuse O happie thou and all that shall with thee Wel followe Him that ledde and is the way They followe well whome He hath blest to see The path and trust the guide that cannot stray Oh well he liued whom God did so apply Oh well he dyed that liues eternally Wee thank our God for thee and for thy life And for the good that he by thee hath wrought Thy speech thy traua●…le in his seruice rise Thy writings left wherby we stil be taught And in thy death Gods holy name be blest O blessed dead that in the Lord doe rest FINIS T. N.