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A18772 A postil or orderly disposing of certeine epistles vsually red in the Church of God, vppon the Sundayes and holydayes throughout the whole yeere. Written in Latin by Dauid Chytræus, and translated intoo English by Arthur Golding. Seen and allowed according too the order appoynted Chytraeus, David, 1531-1600.; Golding, Arthur, 1536-1606. aut 1570 (1570) STC 5263; ESTC S107883 320,443 478

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earnestnesse of learning teaching the doctrine in profession patience méekenesse chastitie temperance c. And make not prouision for the flesh too fulfill the lustes thereof Rule and expresse all straggling lustes but yet forpine not your bodyes neither neglect the welfare thereof so farre as shalbée néedfull too the going through with al things aryght according too your vocations but haue a care or regard of the flesh or of the body like as Coloss ij He willeth vs too honor the body that it may bee kept in helth after a rightful order and maner Yet must it not waxe wanton and run headlong intoo vyce nor too the nourishing or fulfilling of the inordinate desires and lustes thereof Vppon the second Sunday in Aduent ¶ The Epistle Rom. xv VVHatsoeuer things are written afore tyme are wrytten for our learning that wee thorowe patience and comfort of the Scryptures myght haue hope The God of patience and consolation giue you that ye bee like minded one towardes one another after the ensample of Chryst Iesu that ye all agreeing togither may with one mouth praise God the father of our Lord Iesus Wherfore receiue yee one another as Christ receiued vs too the praise of god And I say that Iesus Chryst was a minister of the circumcision for the truthe of God too confirme the promises made vntoo the fathers And let the gentiles praise God for his mercy as it is written For this cause I wil praise thee among the Gentiles and sing vnto thy name And agein he saith reioyce ye Gentiles with his people And ageine praise the Lord all ye Gentiles and laud ye him all nations togither And againe Esayas saith there shal bee the roote of Iesse and he that shall rise too raigne ouer the Gentyles in him shall the Gentyles trust The God of hope fil you with all ioy and peace in beleuing that ye may be rich in hope thorow the power of the holy Ghost THis Epistle is partly instructiue and partly perswasiue The cheefe places are three 1 Of the endes or vse of holy scripture 2 An exhortation too mainteine concord in the true Doctrine of Christ which is oft times distroubled either with newnesse of orders or with vnseasonable omit ting of them which thing offendeth the weake 3 A Doctrine concerning the gathering of the Churche of Iewes and Gentyles and specially of the calling of the Gentyles ALl this whole Epistle in the continuance of Paules discourse is directed too this poynt That the weake which are willing to be taught are to be born with and not to be estranged from the gospel by the sodein laying away of the ceremonies of Moyses This thing doth Paul shew in the beginning of the .xv. chap. by the example of Christ by the saying of the Ps. 68. which he citeth And by y occasion he addeth a generall saying of the vse of holy scripture forth with returneth to his pur posed exhortation taken at the exāple of Chryst wherof the summe is this Let there bee agreement betweene the Iewes that vse the Ceremonies of Moyses and the Gentiles that vse them not Let none of them offend or condemne other for the kéeping or nonkéeping of the Ceremonies of Moyses but let eche beare with others weakenesse and vphold one another like as Chryst receiued and redéemed bothe the Iewes and the Gentiles For he became the minister of the Circumcision or of the Circumcised Iewes too the intent he myght confirme the promyses too bée true which were made too the fathers of his comming and that the Gentyles being called too the partnership of Chrystes benefites should glorifie God not with the Ceremonies of Moyses but with true and earnest profession and giuing of thankes Upon this occasion dooth Paul wynd in the things that are spoken of the calling of the Gentyles and of offering the Sacrifises of praise too God in this place And this is the summe of all Paules discourse in his xiiij and .xv. chapters Neuerthelesse as at this tyme I will somewhat at large vnfold but one saying of this Epistle which concerneth the endes and profitablenesse of holy scripture VVhatsoeuer things are written aforetime are written for our learning that wee through patience and comfort of the scriptures myght haue hope God hath made men that they should bée reasonable creatures to whō when they acknowledge him and glorifie him he might communicate his owne wisdome lyfe ioyfulnesse and glory for euermore Wherefore too the intent men myght acknowledge God he of his excéeding great goodnesse hathe disclosed himselfe not onely by perceyuerances graffed in mannes mynd at his first creation but also by auouchement of miracles wrought aboue the accustomed order of Nature and by deliueraunce of the certeine Doctrine of the lawe and the Gospell which it was his will too haue enrolled in the bookes of the Prophets and Apostles too bée acknowledged woorshipped serued according to the same none otherwise And by these wrytings of the Prophetes red herd and thought vppon by vs God is effectuall in vs in déed teaching vs comforting vs and kindling in vs the beginnings of lyfe and glorie euerlasting First then in this saying lette vs consider it too bée Gods excéeding great benefit that he hath come foorth of his secret dwelling place and vttered himselfe too vs and deliuered vs a certeine doctrine concerning him selfe comprysed in wryting And let vs assure our selues that in all thoughtes concerning God Gods being and will and our owne eternall saluation it behoueth our myndes too bée tyed too these wrytings of the Prophetes and Apostles and that wée may not otherwyse déeme or speake of God and our owne eternall saluation than as he hath appoynted in the woord reueled to vs by his sonne Esai viij for a Lawe and a witnesse that if they speake not according too this woord they shall not sée the morning light And Hilarius very discréetly sayeth Of God is it too bée lerned what is too bée thought of GOD bycause he can not otherwyse bée knowen than by his own authoritie And Ireneus sayeth Bycause it was impossible too knowe God without God God by his woord teacheth men too knowe god Now let vs consider how great is the darknesse of mennes myndes and how foule bée the errours and outrages of the Heathen wandring without this woord and doctrine written by the Prophetes and Apostles of whome some dout whither there bée any God at all others knowe not what and of what manner GOD is others surmyse an innumerable number of Gods others estraunge the Gods from all medling with worldly matters others hold opinion that mennes soules perish togither with their bodyes other some that they remayne stil alyue And vniuersally al of them being vncertein and doutfull of Gods will towards them and of their owne saluation doo fall eyther intoo Epicurish contempt of God or else intoo perpetuall despayre The same thing befalleth in the Churche too al such as
Zacharies are taken out of the Prophet Malachie iij. Beholde I will send myne Angell or messenger too prepare my way before my face And by and by after shall the mightie one come too his Temple whom you long for and the messenger of the Testament whom you would haue Also Esay the .xl. Chapter The voyce of a cryer in the wildernesse make redy the way for the Lord. And this is the common dutie of all ministers too prepare the way of the Lord that is too say too prepare the hartes of their héerers by their preaching that they may embrace Chryst by faith For when Chryst is comming towards vs and is offering vs his benefites there are lettes cast in his way eyther our owne rechlesselesse or our presumption or trust of our owne woorkes c. These must bée rid away by the ministration that Chryst may bée receyued by fayth and woork effectually in our hartes 10 To giue knowledge of c. An other dutie of Iohn and of all other Prophetes is too teache the Churche concerning the eternall saluation of mankynd Zacharie in the last thrée verses dooth lernedly comprehend both the definition of our saluation or iustification and the chéef causes and effects thereof and also the meane whereby wée may atteyne to it Our saluation or rightuousnesse is the forgiuenesse of sins which is bestowed vppon them that beléeue through the frée mercie of God for and by Iesus Chryst The efficient cause of our saluation is Gods incōprehensible mercie who being led of his owne frée goodnesse forgiueth vs our sinnes The forcing cause or the desert for whiche wée are receyued is Chryst the sonne of rightuousnesse that ryseth from on high The formall cause of our rightuousnesse is the forgiuenesse of sinnes The effectes are the light of the true knowledge of God deliuerance from the darknesse of sinne and death and peace of conscience before God as in Rom. v. is writtē Being iustified by faith wée haue peace too Godwarde thorough our Lord Iesus Chryst Nowe that the summe of the doctrine which Zacharie cōprehendeth in these last verses is considered and expounded after the manner of Logicke Let vs also wey the piththynesse and weyght of the woords 11 Through the bowelles of the mercie of our GOD in which the rysing from on hygh hath visited vs. By the bowels of mercie he méeneth true earnest vnfeyned and hartie mercie For the Gréek woord Splagchna signifieth properly the inward members of fleshe such as the Hart the Liuer and the Lungs bée Therefore in as much as the Harte is the instrument and seate of loue mercie sadnesse and the rest of the affections Hée méenes by the bowels of mercie not a fayned and cold mercie but a burning mercie issewing euen from the very harte After the same manner speaketh Paule Colloss iij. put on the bowelles of compassion Also Philip. ij and elswhere Mercie properly is too bée touched with the feeling of an other bodyes gréefe and too succour euen those that are falne intoo miserie by their owne default of a frankharted kyndnesse which mitigateth rightfull punishments and releaseth somwhat of vttermost or extréeme rigour with which he hath visited vs with whiche frée incomparable mercie Chryst hath visited vs embraced vs helped vs receyued vs intoo fauoure and accepted vs too lyfe and glorie euerlasting Rysing This woord is a nowne and not a participle and it signifieth Christ the day sunne of rightuousnesse rysing or springing from euerlasting out of the substance of the most high Father and shyning intoo ours hartes by his Gospell whereby he kindleth a new light of the knowledge of GOD of ryghtuousenesse and of eternall lyfe This exposition is taken out of Malach. iiij And the sunne of rightuousenesse shall ryse vppon you that feare my name Also Zacha. iij. I will bring foorth my seruaunt the Rysing Zach. vj. Behold the mā whose name is the Rysing Esai lx Vp and bée enlightened O Ierusalem for thy lyght is come and the glorie of the Lord is rysen vppon thée For behold darknesse shall couer the earth and clowdes shall couer the people But the Lordryseth vntoo thée and the glorie of the Lord shall bée séene in thée 12 Too giue lyght to them c. Chryst is the true lyght whiche lighteneth men walking in the darknesse of ignorance of GOD of sinne of death and of endlesse damnation that is too wit by endewing them with the true knowledge of God true rightuousenesse comfort lyfe and glorie euerlasting For customably in the holy Scripture the woord Lyght signifieth the true knowledge of GOD comforte lyfe deliuerance from death and miserie and all things that bée of the best sorte And contrariwyse Darknesse signifyeth ignorance of GOD sinne death and all most sorowfull euilles Zacharie tooke these woordes of the last Verse out of the nynth of Esay The people that walketh in darknesse hath séene a great lyght Lyght is rysen vppon them that dwell in the lande of the shadowe of death Intoo the way of peace Roman v. Being iustifyed by fayth wée haue peace with GOD through our Lorde Iesus Chryst Philip. iiij The peace of God whiche passeth all vnderstanding kéepe your hartes Vppon the day of the Visitation of our Ladye ¶ The song of Marie Luke j. MY soule dooth magnifie the Lorde And my spirit hath reioysed in GOD my Sauiour For he hath regarded the lowlynesse of his handmayden For behold from hencefoorth all generations shall call me blissed For hee that is mightie hath magnifyed mee and holy is his name And his mercie is on them that feare him throughout all generations He hath shewed strength with his arme hee hath scatered the proud in the ymagination of their heartes He hath putte downe the mightie from their seate and hath exalted the humble and meeke He hath fylled the hungrye with good things and the rich he hath sent emptie away He remembryng his mercie hath holpen his seruaunt Israell as he promysed too our forefathers Abraham and hys seede for euer The disposement THis song of Maries perteyneth too the kynd of cases demonstratiue For it is a Thankesgiuing where withall Marie in the persone of the whole Church setteth out the benefites of God with prayse vntoo God. First for that God loueth preserueth and defendeth Marie and the whole Church being brought lowe despysed weake ageinst the wisdome and power of féendes tyrantes and all enimies Secondly for that he hath sent his sonne Chryste according too the promises made too the Fathers There bée of the whole Song ten verses Whereof the first twoo conteyne the proposition The next six set out the first benefite that is too wit the wonderfull preseruation of the lowly and weake Churche ageinst the wisdome and power of the whole world And the twoo last set out the second benefite that is too wit the sending of Chryste the Redéemer My soule dooth magnifie the Lorde The proposition I yéeld thankes
Gospell This is the wil of God that euery one which beléeueth in the sonne of GOD should haue euerlasting life and that he which beléeueth not in the sonne shold bée damned This rule dooth God obserue without chaunge in men that are to bée receyued to eternal saluation or too bée cast away neyther respecteth he any persone that is to say he considereth not other byfals in men perteyning nothing to this Rule as riches pouertie lerning ignorance power circumcision vncircumcision and such lyke Secondly the calling of the Gentyles putteth vs in mynd that forgiuenesse of sinnes and eternall lyfe are bestowed vppon the beléeuers of frée gifte and not for the woorthynesse of their owne vertues or woorkes For sith the Gentyles which were defyled with Idolgaddings lustes and other sinnes for saking their purpose of sinning and fléeing vntoo Chryst the sonne of God are receyued as well as the Iewes who had alwayes framed their conuersation honestly according to the rule of Gods lawe it is an euident proofe that the Gentyles who are signifyed vnder the shew of the vncleane beasts in the vision of Peter are clensed from their sinnes not by their owne power or woorkes which are wicked and damnable but by fayth through the frée mercie of God for Chrystes sake only as is sayd Actes .x. That which God hath clensed call not thou common or vncleane But God hath clensed our harts with the blud of his sonne through fayth as is sayd clēzing their hartes by fayth And. ● Iohn .j. The blud of the sonne of god clenzeth vs from all sinne Thirdly it giueth vs too vnderstand that circumcision and the other ceremonies of Moyses Lawe are not necessarie to saluation The third place They shall all come from Saba bringing gold and frankincense and singing prayse vnto the Lord. THe true and chéef seruice of God are not the ceremonies of Moyses or the offerings sacrifices of beasts but the spiritual hosts or sacrifices of prayse that is to say too preach the true doctrine concerning God too call vppon god aright too giue him thanks too acknowledge him to disproue false opinions to imploy a mannes goods about the maintenance of the ministerie and of the studies of learning and to direct all the purposes practyses déeds of our lyfe to the prayse of god as it is cō●aunded Doo ye al things to the glorie of god These chéef and hyghest seruices of God are shadowed in the very presents of the Arabians For golde is a representation of true doctrine and pure fayth as it is sayd in the Psalme The commaundements of the Lord are more to be desyred than Gold and much precious stone Frankincense is an ymage of true prayer and thanksgiuing whiche mount vp too heauen and refresh God with a most swéete and acceptable sent as is sayd in Apocalip v. They had vyols full of odours which are the prayers of the Saincts The Altar of attonement is Chryste our Mediator by whom only GOD is pacified and acceptable sacrifyces are offered too god For there is no Altar accepted of God but only his sonne Christ Vppon this Altar let the Gentyles offer not rammes or other dead beastes but spirituall sacrifices quicke holy and acceptable to God whiche is their reasonable seruice Rom. xij and let them glorifye prayse God for his mercy performed vntoo them Vppon the first Sunday after Epiphanie ¶ The Epistle Rom. xij IBeseche you therefore brethren by the mercyfulnesse of God that yee make your bodyes a quicke sacrifice holy and acceptable vnto god which is your reasonable seruing of God and fashion not your selues lyke vnto this world but be ye chaūged in your shape by the renuing of your mynd that ye may proue what thing that good acceptable and perfect will of God is For I say through the grace that vnto me geuen is to euery mā among you that no man stande hyghe in his own conceyte more than it becommeth him too esteeme of himselfe but so iudge of himself that he bee gentle and sobre according as God hath dealt too euery man the measure of fayth for as wee haue many members in one bodye and all members haue not one office so wee being many are one bodye in Chryste and euery man among our selues one anothers members The disposement THe more part of the Epistles whose disposemeutes wée haue set out hithertoo haue setfoorth the peculiar doctrine of the Gospell concerning the persone and benefites of Chryst and concerning Iustification Now those that followe perteyne more too the doctrine of the Lawe and comprehend preceptes of good maners which must ensue the benefites of Chryst receyued by fayth And these thrée Sundayes folowing thè whole twelfth Chapter of the Epistle too the Romanes is woont too bée expounded orderly in the churche All the whiche is an exhortation conteyning precepts of all good morall woorkes or of all vertues whiche God exacteth in his Lawe But forasmuch as the orderly expositions of the vertues distributed intoo the preceptes of the tenne commaundements are ioyntly recited in a peculiar booke of Rules of lyfe I will make no declaration at all of the vertues in this place but only expound the woords and the phrases The first part of the Chapter which they reade on this day in the church conteyneth chéefly twoo places 1 A generall exhortation too new obedience or too a lyfe conformable too the will and woord of God. 2 Of méeldnesse and lowlynesse and of the shunning of curiositie and statelynesse Of the first I Beseeche you brethren that you make your bodyes c It is a generall precept of new obedience conteyning the whole tenne commaundementes taken of an Antithesis of the Leuiticall seruices or sacrifices Make your bodyes that is too say dedicate yée too God not the bodyes of beastes as the Leuiticall Priestes did but your owne selues Offer yée too GOD your myndes your wils your deuyses your studyes your affections and your dooings all your lyfe long and so rule them that they may please God. A sacrifice that is too wit set a part too holy vses appoynted too the honour of God as if he should say the Leuiticall Priestes offered beastes vntoo God but offer you too God your own mynds thoughts studyes al your doings doo all things too his glorie kill yée the remnants of ūnne lewd inclinations and the affections yet sticking in you bée yée patient in tribulation and tormentes as Paule Laurence and Attalus were who gaue their bodyes too bée offerings or sacrifices Quicke not deade beasts but all your whole lyfe and your selues who shall liue for euermore Holy Halowed by the holy Ghost pure and cleane that is too wit by imputation of Chrystes holynesse and by beginning too bée holy Your reasonable seruice Let not your seruice be brutish or vnreasonable such as is the seruice of the Heathen that know not God or of the superstitions or of the
Hipocrites which haue no true reason lyghtened by the holy Ghost nor true knowledge of God nor true feare and fayth But let your seruice bée reasonable wherein your mynd may rightly acknowledge the being and will of God and vnderstand what seruices please God and what woorkes please not Let it haue the true feare of GOD and true fayth Let it not persuade it selfe that it pleaseth God by the woorke wrought And fashion not your selues like vntoo this world Bée not like vntoo this world acquaynt not your selues with vngodlynesse fleshly carelesnesse wanhope nor with any of the leawd lustes affections and wickednesses of the vngodly in this world But bee yee chaunged in your shape by the renewing of your mynd Get yée new knowledge and new affections as the feare of God fayth louingnèsse hope patience and such others in your hartes agréeable too the good and perfect will of GOD which is vttered in the Lawe and the Gospell The second part Of myldnesse which brydleth statelynesse curiositie ouerweening of a mannes self trust in a mannes own cunning or policie whiche maketh a man too take many thyngs vppon him without calling HEre would bée recited the whole doctrine of myldenesse and lowlynesse and of the contrarie vyces out of the exposition of the vertues of the fourth and firste commaundements For I say that is I warne you yea and I hartely beséeche all and euery of you in discharge of myne office and dutie which God hath committed vnto mée That no man be wyser in his owne concceit than needeth That no man haue a stately opinion of himself nor rashly proudly misdéem other mē nor deuyse new interpretations opinions of his own brayne as Arius the Anabaptistes all other Heretikes are wyser in their own conceits than they ought to be kéepe not thēselues within the measure of faith that is too say within the bounds of God woord But béeing puffed vp with an ouerwéening of their own wisdome they coyne new opinions and suttletyes Ageyn they are proud and attribute more to themselues in opinion concerning themselues and their owne sayings than is due too their infirmitie And afterward in their dooings they vaunt them selues aboue their power they thrust themselues into other mennes vocations they reforme and rule other mēnes matters and they neglect their owne Let him bee wyse according too meeldnesse The true and Christian wisdome is too hold a mans self mildly with the bounds of the woord that is left vs by Christ and to acknowledge GOD and to obey him according to the woord by him deliuered All mans wisdome without Gods woord is as Socrates sayeth in Plato a doutfull dreame And the same Socrates sayeth that therefore Apollo had iudged him wyse bycause he knew he was not wyse at all But the beginning or the summe of true wisdome is the feare of the lord That is too say the true acknowledgemēt inuocation and praysing of the euerlasting God and of his sonne our Lord Iesus Chryste according too Gods woord or the gospell taught by Chryst According as God hath delt to euery man the measure of fayth Let euery man abyde within the bounds of fayth or of Gods woord or of the whole doctrine of the Gospell And out of these let them not raunge vppon trust of their owne wisdome Ageyn let euery man estéeme of himself according to the measure of his own gifts which he hath receyued let him imploy the same too the comon welfare of the whole body of the church as in mannes body the giftes and offices of the dyuers members are directed too the cōmon preseruation of the whole body This similitude is handled more largely by Paule .j. Cor xij and Ephe. iiij Vppon the second Sunday after the Epiphanie ¶ The Epistle Rom. xij SEeing that wee haue diuers gifts according too the grace that is geuen vntoo vs if a man haue the gift of prophesie let him haue it that it bee agreeing too the fayth Let him that hath an office wait on his office Let him that teacheth take heede too his doctrine Let him that exhorteth geue attendance too his exhortation If any man geue let him doo it with singlenesse Let him that ruleth doo it with diligence If any man shew mercy let him doo it with cherefulnesse Let loue bee without dissimulation Hate that which is euill and cleaue too that which is good Bee kinde one too another with brotherly loue In giuing honor go one before another Be not slouthfull in the businesse which you haue in hand Bee feruent in spirite Applie your selues too the time Reioyce in hope Bee patient in tribulation Continue in prayer Distribute vntoo the necessitie of the Sainctes Bee ready to harbor Blesse them which persecute you blesse I say and cursse not Bee mery with them that are mery weepe with them that weepe bee of like affection one towardes another Bee not hie minded but make your selues equall too them of the lower sorte THis Epistle cleaueth too the last that went before And first it reckeneth vp the sundry gifts and diuers kinds of charges which God hath ordeyned in his churche that they should bée employed too Gods glory and the common profite of the whole church and not too the augmenting of pride and busie medling with many things Whither it bee prophesie according too the agreablenesse of faith Prophesie as it appereth by ▪ j. Cor. xiiij is in the new Testament the gift of the interpreting the Prophesies of the scripture Therfore he counselleth them that their expounding of the scripture should be y agréeablenesse of faith that is too say that it should agrée wyth the whole doctrine of the gospell or with all the Articles of the faith Let this precept bée made manifest by examples The interpretations which the Anabaptistes teache vppon the sayings in the v. of Mathew concerning othes and not reuenging doo fight with the rest of the Articles of Gods woorde which expresly aloweth lawful othes and the reuengement that is doone by Magistrates The popish interpretation of this principle we are iustified by fayth that is by faith countenaunced with loue or by faith and the rest of the vertues ioyntly to●gither agréeth not with the whole doctrin of the gospel which manifestly auoucheth y wée are fréely iustified by faith only for Iesus Chryst sake and not for any woorkes of our owne Or ministership in ministring These spéeches are clipt The méening of this is he that is a minister of the church or a deacon gathering distributing the almesses of the church let him minister in suche wise as he ought too doo This sentence therefore enioyneth faithfulnesse and diligence in all partes of the ministerie Or hee that teacheth in doctrine Let the teacher of the gospel in church or in schoole teache aright and let him faithfully spred abrode true doctrine concerning God .j. Tim. iiij Take héede too thy
doctrine This precept may bée amplified by distribution and may bée bréefly spoken of all the articles of Christen doctrine Or he that exhroteth in exhortation Exhortatiō to repentance and al good woorks is one of the kinds of Ecclesiastical sermons .j. Tim. iiij Giue diligence too reading exhortatiō Tit. j. Let him bée able too exhort by sound doctrine He that giueth let him doo it with singlenesse That is too say he that bestoweth vppon his héerers either doctrine coūsel or mony let him doo it with singlenesse and with ryght hart in déed Let him marre nothing let him loke for nothing in reward or recompence Let him that ruleth doo it with diligence Whither he bée a temporall or spirituall gouernor let him in his office bée héedfull diligent and faithfull like Iosaphat .ij. Paralip xix who was diligent in all partes of gouernment He ordered Churches ciuill iudgementes and consistories and made warres c. Paule is a diligent teacher Our princes neglect the chéefest parts of their office namely the care of Churches of iudgemēts of discipline of studies and of doctrine the defence of innocentes and the punishmēt of offenders And either they are slouthfull or busie about mooneshine in the water or else they doo hurtful things they build they hauke and hunt they make great shewes feasts and they moue vnnecessary warres He that sheweth mercy let him doo it with cheerefulnesse This precept is of mercy benefiting which must procéede frō a chéerful welwilled mind ▪ God loueth a chéerful giuer Let loue bee vnfeined Héere followeth a register of preceptes concerning the dueties of loue or concerning all vertues the declaration of which may bée fetched out of my litle boke of the rules of life The loue of a mannes neibor comprehendeth all the vertues of the .v. vj. and vij commaundemēts But in especially vntoo frendship is the first sentence too bée applied let loue be vnfeined That is too say let your good will towarde your frends and generally toward your neibor be true vncorrupted vncounterfetted let it not rise of an euill cause but let your wils bée coupled or knit togither in the loue of goodnesse Bee kind one too another with brotherly loue Let there be among Christians as among brethren true goodwill kindnesse ▪ that is too say naturall and earnest loue such as parēts are woont too beare toward their children For God hath put a natural louing kindnesse or charinesse intoo the harts of fathers mothers to the intēt to put vs in mind of his loue toward his own sōne Iesus Chryst towards vs his sōnes by adoption and too the intent they should bée as bondes of alyance and mutuall good will betwéene man and man. In giuing honor goe one before an other Reuerence is a vertue of the fourth commaundemēt acknowledging Gods giftes in other men and yéelding too them their place and honor and by the example of it selfe alluring others too méeldnesse and reuerence The two vices that beset it are flattery or soothing and pride or disdeinfulnesse Bee not slouthfull in that yee take in hand Diligence is a vertue of the fourth commaundement executing the labors agreable too a mannes vocation faithfully diligently constātly The vices that beset it are slouthfulnesse or restinesse and ouerearnestnesse or too much medling Be feruent in spirit A zele burning in the loue of God and of ryghtuousnesse and béeing angry with all those that deface Gods glory perteineth too the first commaūdement and the fifth The vices that beset it are fumishnesse or rigorousnesse and coldnesse or pliablenesse Apply your selues too the time It is a kind of wisdome which neglecteth not occasions offered to dispatch a mannes matters wel considereth what thing with what persons what time and in what place it may bée earnestly pursued and obteined howbéeit sauing alwayes our duety too God the stedfastnesse of our profession and honest discipline Reioyce in hope Hope of eternall life certeinly promised for Chrystes sake and the looking for asswagement of the miseries in this lyfe according too Gods will dooth singularly susteine chéere and strengthen mennes harts Rom. v. and viij And Nazianzene nothing is wōt too chéer vs so much as a good conscience and a good hope The vices that beset it are despaire presumption and the folish and vain hopes of men Bee patient in tribulation Patience ageine perteineth too the first precept The vices that beset it are impatiencie and wilfull stubbornnesse As for example the stubbornnesse of Seruetus and of the Anabaptists Continue in prayer The true calling vppon God belongeth too the first and second commaundemēt The vices that encounter it are omitting too cal vppon God or nonpraying and heathenish babling without faith and al false Inuocations or misprayings Distribute too the necessitie of the Saincts Dooing of good turnes perteineth too the seuenth commaundement The vices that encounter it are harmefulnesse gripplenesse and wastfulnesse Bee redy too harbour Hospitalitie perteineth too the .vij. commaundement The vices that encounter it are harborlesnesse nigardship and lauishnesse Blisse them that persecute you Méeknesse is a vertue of the fifth commaundement repressing wrathfulnesse and desire of reuenge and laying aside hatred and grudge for God and the common quietnesse sake The vices that encounter it are hatred desire of reuenge spitefulnesse reioycement at other folkes harmes and shéepishnesse Bee mery with them that bee mery Fréendlinesse is a vertue that wisheth well too the good and reioyceth in their good successe The vices that encounter it are enuiousnesse spitefulnesse and lightnesse of beléefe Weepe with them that weepe Pitifulnesse is a vertue of the fifth commaundement which is touched with the féeling of good mennes misfortunes and helpeth those that are in distresse The vices that encounter it are crueltie reioycement in other folkes harmes and fond pitie Bee of like affection one too an other Desire of concord or peaceablenesse is a vertue of the fifth commaundemēt The vices that beset it are quarelousnesse debatefulnesse and lazynesse Bee not high minded But make your selues equall too the lower sort Lowlinesse and mildnesse are vertues of the first and fourth commaundement The vices that encounter thē are pride and feyned holinesse Concerning these vertues and the vyces that encounter them there are measurable expositiōs set out wyth good sentences and examples in my litle booke of rules of life which I would wishe too bée added to the disposements of the Epistles in the end of this booke Vppon the third Sunday after the Epiphanie ¶ The Epistle Rom. xij BE not wise in your owne opinions Recōpence too no man euill for euill Prouide aforehand things honest not only before God but also in the sight of all men If it bee possible as much as is in you liue peaceably with al men Dearly beloued auenge not your selues but rather giue
both for taking vppon him mannes nature subiect to death and other miseries and also for his seruisablenesse in teaching and suffering as he himselfe sayeth Math. xx The sonne of man is not come too haue seruice doone vntoo him but too doo seruice himselfe and too giue his lyfe as a raunsome for the whole multitude of mankynd Also let the yonger sort beare in mynd that this most cōmon and ordinarie maner of spéeche of the Churche wherby wée say that the sonne tooke vppon him the nature of man is taken out of this place of Paule and out of the second too the Hebrewes for hée tooke not vppon him the Angels but the séede of Abraham that is too say he cuppled not too himselfe the nature of Angels but the nature of man of the posteritie of Abraham Framed after the likenesse of men that is too say he became altogither like other men He was no Ghost or counterfet of a man as Marcion and the Manichees surmysed but a very man and in all things like his brethren yea and mortall also sinne only excepted Heb. ij iiij And in fashion he was found as a man that is too say not only in proportion and gesture of bodye but also in inclinations and motions of mynd in fearfulnesse sorowfulnesse ioyfulnesse and other affections whiche notwithstanding were well ordered in Chryste and conformable too his heauenly mynd He humbled or cast himself downe becoōming obedient too death euen too the death of the crosse This notable sentence hathe Ciprian expressed with great lyghtsomnesse of woords in his sermon of Almesdéeds Chryste the sonne of God would become the sonne of man that he myght make vs the sonnes of god He brought himself lowe y he myght lift vs vp which lay vnder foote he tooke vpon him the shape of a seruaūt that he myght make vs frée He was wounded that he might heale our wounds He was contented too dye that he myght gyue vs mortall wyghtes immortalitie Wherfore God hath also exalted him on hygh God hathe exalted Chryst the man and seruant that was crucified and dead for vs as in respect of his manhod He hath giuen him a name which is aboue all names that is too wit Iehoua or the Lorde which is the peculiar name of the onely true and most hygh God the maker of heauen and earth as is sayd in Esai xlij I am the Lord this is my name and I wil not giue my glorie too another This name Iehoua or Lorde is not onely attributed too his Godhead which had it from euerlasting but also too his manhod the which is ioyntly woorshipped and serued in one selfesame woorship and seruice toogither with the sonne of God the woord to which it is vnited That in the name of Iesu euery knee should bowe Some deryue the name Iesu of the Hebrewe woord Iehouah which being vnutterable of it selfe is as they wryght made vtterable by putting in the letler Ieschua and so by contraction Iesu that is too say the Lorde incarnate or God become man Paule taketh these woordes out of Esay xlv Turne vntoo mée and yée shall bée saued all the endes of the earth for I am the Lord and there is none other vntoo mée shall euery knée bow and vntoo mée shall euery tung swere That IESVS Chryste is the Lord that is too say that he is the Lorde or in very déed and nature god By this Grammaticall declaration of the woordes the ruder sorte may the ryghtlyer vnderstand the Text of the Epistle Which in as much as it is red vppon this day chéefly in this respect bycause it maketh mention of the wonderfull abacement and death of the sonne of GOD the memoriall whereof is celebrated by all the Christen Churches of the whole world as the next wéeke Let a summe of the doctrine concerning the passion and death of our Lord Iesus Chryste included in the vsuall questions of Methodicall order bée repeted in this place The consideration of the wonderfull purpose of GOD concerning the redemption of mankynd wrought by the sonne of God our Lord Iesus Chryste who suffered and was crucifyed for vs farre surmounteth the wisdome of all Angels and men Too this end hath God by the wonderfull temperature of his Iustice and mercie stablished this secret decrée and made his sonne who is the Mediator a sinne offering and sacrifyse too the intent that wée men being set frée from Gods wrath from sinne and death might bée made the rightuousnesse of God as is sayd .ij. Cor. v. And in consideration of this maruelous benefite let vs acknowledge the horrible wrath of God ageinst our sinnes and the vnmeasurable largenesse of Gods mercye towardes vs and also let vs stirre vp the feare of God fayth and thankesgiuing in our harts It is an eternall and vnchaungeable Maxime of Gods iustice that the reasonable creatures shold eyther thorowly agrée with the wisdome and rightuousnesse of god or else suffer due punishement and bée horribly destroyed for not obeying Forasmuch therfore as the first man and woman had of their own frank fréewill cast from them the rightuousnesse and purenesse whiche God had giuen them in their creation they ageine on the other syde were too bée cast intoo eternall peynes But the sonne of God of his vnmeasurable goodnesse pitying mankynd made intreatance for vs and too the intent Gods wrath myght bée satisfyed he offered himselfe too punishement and too make amendes vntoo Gods most iust displeasure and so in that secret counsell of the Godhead this decrée was made that the sonne of GOD taking mannes nature vpon him should becōme a sacrifise and by his passion and death pacifye Gods dreadfull wrath and satisfye his iustice and restore forgiuenesse of sinnes ryghtuousnesse and euerlasting lyfe too all those that flée vntoo him by faith Now the passion of Chryst is first a féeling of Gods dredfull wrath ageinst all the sinnes of mankynd which were poured out vppon Chryst as vppon a sacrifyse which great burden of Gods wrath enforceth Chryst too say thus My soul is heauy euen vntoo death And agein my God my God why haste thou forsaken mée Mennes myndes are not able ▪ too sée throughly the greatnes of this extreme vnutterable sorow of Chrystes bicause they vnderstande not she greatnesse of sinne and of Gods wrath which is a consuming fire Notwithstāding mennes myndes are too bée stirred vp too consider truely and earnestly the horrible wrath of God ageinst sinne bothe by the miseries of all mankynd and the examples of the consciences of wicked men and also by the testimonies of Gods woorde too the entent that they on their behalfe may the cléerlyer perceyue the greatnesse of the mercy and benefits of Christ who hathe vndertaken that dreadefull burthen of Gods wrath for vs. Notable testimonies of the true horrible wrath of God are first the innumerable calamities of all mankynd as the death of all men swarmes of diseases fluds burnings
sort of the fathers prophets that were raised with him as Mathew saith that many bodies of Sainctes which had slept rose with Chryst and came intoo the holy Citie and were séene of many And Epiphanius declareth that our first father Adam arose with Christ It is a good likelyhode therfore that these Saincts which rose age in with Chryst were the first fathers prophets too whō the promis was first made of the séed that shuld crush the serpents hed and vanquishe sin death restore ryghteousnesse and life euer lasting as Adam Abel Seth Noe Abraham Isaac Iacob Ioseph Eue Sara Rebecca c. With these did Christ and his Apostles and Mary the moother of Christ and other godly folke of that time talke toogither by the space of ful xl dayes concerning the kingdom of God diuine reuelations the fal of the first man the promis of the séed the wonderful gathering and defending of the Church the ministerie of the Gospel the redemption of mankynd the restoremēt of rightuousnesse euerlasting lyfe as is expresly said in this place Hee was visibly conuersant with them by the space of xl dayes talking of the kingdome of God. Also the contentes summe of these sermons of Chrystes which he made those xl dayes are noted in Luk. xxiiij where it is written that he expounded al the testimonies cōcerning Christ which are writtē in Moyses the Psalms the prophets cōmanded repentāce forgiuenesse of sinnes too bée preached in his name Iohn xx As my father sent mée so send I you Receiue yée the holy Ghost c. And in Math. xxviij and Mark. xvj the commission of preaching the gospel and of Baptim are repeted After this scholing by the space of xl dayes in which by many most cléere certein credit woorthy and vnfallible testimonies he shewed himself too bée risen in his own very body and in very déede and that the doctrine of the Gospell concerning the kingdome of God is true and from heauen He led his Disciples intoo Bethanie and from thence to Mount Oliuet where lifting vp his handes he had his Disciples farewel Luke xxiiij and in most gloryous tryumph accompanyed with an innumerable multitude of Angels and with that great train of holy fathers which were risen with him was caryed vp intoo heauen in the sight of his Disciples wher he hath set himselfe downe at the ryght hand of God reigning in equal power and maiestie with God the father almightie j. Pet. iij. Mark. xvj Act j. Luk ▪ xxiiij And too the setting foorth of this storie of Chrystes Ascension let the description of his tryumphe ascending intoo heauen hée added which is written by Dauid in the Psal lxviij The chariot of God with thousands of thousands reioysing God is among them vppon the holy hill of Sinai He is ascended intoo heauen he hath led captiuitie captiue he hathe giuen gifts too men Our God is the God of saluacion our Lord is the Lord that deliuereth out of death For like as they that tryumphed at Rome were caryed in tryumphant Charyot through the Citie too the Capitoll vppon which attended many thousandes of men and Kings and Princes were ledde before the Charyot as prisoners and rewardes were woont too bee giuen among the Souldyoures So the Psalme peynteth out Chryste the conquerour of Death and the Diuels kingdome sitting in a triumphant Charyot too bée caryed vp intoo heauen before a greate hoste of the Churche of that tyme wyth clappyng of hāds of thousand thousands of Angels and the féends and all the kingdome of hell too bée led prisoners before his charyot as it is sayd in the second too the Collossians that hée spoyled rule and power and made a shewe of them openly and tryumphed ouer them in his owne persone and most large and bountifull giftes of the holy Ghost and of euerlasting saluation bée poured out by the king Chryste who gyueth some too bée Apostles some Prophetes some Shepherdes and some Teachers too the intent wée may all come intoo the vnitie of fayth and of the acknowledgement of the sonne of God as is sayd more at large Ephes iiij The second place VVEe will recite six of the chéef benefites of our Lorde Iesu Chryst builded vppon this saying of the psalme cited by Paule Ephe. iiij He ascended vp aloft led captiuitie captiue and gaue gifts too men The first and peculiar benefite of Chryste the Redéemer ascending vp aloft is too deliuer the Church from the captiuitie of sinne death the Diuell and the whole kingdome of Hell wherein all men are hild prisoners That Chryst hath brought this deliuerance too passe he sheweth euidently when by the power of his Godhead hauing vāquished death and the kingdome of the Diuell he ascendeth intoo heauen and leadeth captiuitie captiue Psal 68. Ephe. iiij Hereuntoo may bée referred the like texts out of Zachar. ix Thou hast brought the prisoners out of the pit Ose ix I will rid them from the hand of death I will redeeme them from death O death I will bée thy death O Hell I will bée thy sting Psal xiij ▪ Who shall giue saluation too Israell out of Sion when the Lord shall haue turned away the captiuitie of his people Psal lxxxiiij Thou hast turned away the captiuitie of Iacob Secondly he ascended intoo heauen too the intent that executing his peculiar office of Mediatorship and hygh Préest in his owne very temple he may make intercession for his Church too the eternall father and performe the duetie of an aduocate and Patrone as it is sayd Hebr. ix Chryste is entred intoo heauen it selfe that he may appéere in the syght of God for vs Roma viij Chryste being raysed from death sitteth at the right hand of the father too make intercession for vs j. Iohn ij If any man sin wée haue an Aduocate with God the father euen Iesus Chryst the ryghtuouse Hebr. iiij Therfore séeing wée haue a hygh Préest who hath perced the heauens euen Iesus the sonne of God c. Let vs approche with boldnesse too the throne of grace that wée may receiue mercie Thirdly he is ascēded aloft that he may giue gifts vntoo men namely that vppon such as beléeue the gospell he may poure out the holy ghost who kyndleth true knowledge and calling vppon God in all the godly and garnisheth the church with sundrie gifts néedful to the spredding abrode of the gospell and sendeth foorth Apostles Euangelistes Shepherdes and Teachers intoo the woorke of the Ministerie for the restorement of the Saints c. Ephe. iiij Fourthly by Christes ascension intoo heauen the way thither is set open for vs also And like as Chryste in his own bodye or in his humane flesh is ascended intoo heauen where his godhead was before So our bodyes being raysed out of the dust of the earth vnto immortall life shalbée caried vp into heauē and there bée garnished with euerlasting life and glorie j. Thes iiij Those
giuen him for vs all Like as a little before the woordes of this dayes Epistle it is sayd Herein is the loue not that wée loued God but that he loued vs and sent his only begotten sonne too make agréement for our sinnes This excéeding great goodnesse and mercie or loue of God toowardes vs is the only fortresse of our ryghtuousnesse hauen of our welfare Too whiche who soeuer flée with stedie fayth are reconcyled too God or haue Gods fauour and dwell in God God dwelleth in thē bestowing vpon them al benefits cōfort rightuousnesse life ioy heauenly lyght These are verely and earnestly or perfectly beloued of GOD and at the day of iudgement haue a stedie trust settled in his fatherly good will feare not that they shall bée condemned but knowe themselues too bée clothed with the rightuousnesse of the sonne of God and that they are reputed and become as rightuouse and holy as if they thēselues had performed the perfect loue and obedience due too the Lawe This trust settled in the loue or good will of God embracing vs for his sonnes sake is the phisike of the mynde taking away fond thoughtfulnesse ridding vs of lusts driuing away feare and making the hart quiet and peaceable It is not full of thought and anguishe or it dooth not tremble or despayre in daungers whiche are bent ageinst it but is subiect too God and persuading it selfe too bee verely beloued of God it craueth and wayteth for helpe at his hand and obeyeth him and is not discouraged with the hugenesse of miseries that it should fall from God according as S. Paule sayeth ▪ Roma viij Who shall separate vs from the loue of God shall affliction or anguish or persecution or hunger c I am well assured that neyther death nor lyfe nor any creature can plucke vs from the loue of God wherewith he loueth vs for his sonne our Lord Iesus Chrystes sake So Moyses standing at the red Sea so Ezechias and Esay being beséeged by Sennacherib so Steuen whē he was going too execution through fayth assuring them that God loued them for his sonnes sake did put away the fearefulnesse anguish and torment of cōscience vnder which Saule Iudas and innumerable others did sinke of whiche sorte is sayd in the Epistle But he that feareth is not perfect in loue that is too say hée that yéeldeth too distrust too fearefulnesse and anguish and despayreth in sorow and tribulation he beléeueth not that God loueth him in déed neyther dwelleth he in God nor God in him The second place Of louing God and our neyghbour LEt vs loue him bycause he hath loued vs first By wonderfull prouidence hath God so framed mannes nature that in his mynd there should shyne certein sparks of knowledge too bée as gouerners of all his deuises and dooings and in his will and hart there should bée both the rest of affections and also charitie or loue whereby the hart dooth with a certeine gladnesse long for and drawe vntoo it and endeuour to knit vntoo itselfe the good thing which it liketh that it may enioy it and that as it were one thing may bée made of twoo Like as the sonne of God being led with excéeding great loue vnited mannes nature too himselfe Too this ende then is nature created in this wyse that men should before all things long after God as the souerein good thing and settle themselues vppon him and ioy in him and that men being cuppled in God should also bée linked one vntoo another and being ioyned toogither shold bée all one teaching all one thing and professing all one thing For there is no bond of mānes felowshippe more strong than the flames of loue ▪ sowen in mennes harts by the operation of God and afterward kindled and strengthened by the lykenesse of natures and conditions and by consent as touching God and other matters Loue towardes God is a burning fyre of longing wherewith mennes hartes vppon knowledge of Gods hartie loue towardes vs which he hath shewed by sending his sonne do on their behalfe ageine embrace God and with a certeyne gladnesse settled vppon him submit themselues too him and obey him according too all his commaundements as is sayd in the chapter folowing This is the louing of God that wée kéepe his commaundements And there bée three causes recited in this Epistle where by all the godly ought too bée stirred and inflamed too the true and earnest loue of God and our neyghbour The first is the true earnest and infinite loue of God towardes vs which he hath shewed by sending his onely begotten sonne who dyed and rose ageine for our saluation Wherefore the order of ryght and the eternall and vnchaūgeable necessitie of det requireth at our hands that we shold not bée thanklesse too God that loueth vs so hartely but that wee should render loue for loue and bée obedient too him according as it is sayd in the Text let vs loue him bycause he hath loued vs first The second is the most streigth commaundement of God as it is sayd in the Text This commaundement haue wée of God that he which loueth god shold also loue his neighbour The third is the most ample dignitie and profitablenesse For this is the hyghest and chéefest worshipping of GOD wherein God is most specially delighted who dwelleth in the hartes of those that loue one another and agrée toogither as in a house or temple that he liketh well of as is sayde in this chapter If we loue one another God dwelleth in vs On the contrarie part he shaketh of God from gouerning him whatsoeuer he is that soweth discord or nourisheth and confirmeth hatred yrefulnesse desire of reuenge discord and warres The loue of a mannes brother or neyghbour comprehendeth in a maner all the vertues of the second table as in the fourth commaundement brotherly loue kindhartednesse duetifulnesse towardes a mannes parentes and teachers loue of mannes childrē and kinsfolk of the magistrats c. In the fifth commaundement endeuer too kéepe concord frendship méeknesse mercie vprightnesse which hurteth not another mannes bodye or good name but dooth good vntoo others In the sixth commaundement the loue of maryed folkes eschewing whoredome and aduoutrie c. In the seuenth commaundement ryghtfulnesse whiche impeacheth not anothers mannes goods nor defraudeth another man in bargayning liberalitie towardes the poore In the eyght commaundement fréendlynesse faythfulnesse soothfastnesse which hurteth not another man by slaunders bakbytings raylings c. Of all these vertues which are apparant too bée partes of neyghbourly loue a man myght speake in order if this place were appoynted for the full opening of them But as nowe it suffyseth too haue poynted out the chéef poyntes of this most large doctrine as they are applyed too the Text of this present Epistle Vppon the second Sunday after Trinitie ¶ The Epistle j. Iohn iij. MEruayle not my brethren thoughe the world hate
torments The frutes of the spirit or the vertues that please God which are kindled in the godly by the holyghost are 1. The loue of God and our neighbor which comprehendeth most of the vertues of the first and secōd table For Loue is the fulfilling of the law Rom. xiij and j. Cor. xiij 2. and. 3. Ioy and peace or quietnesse and gladnesse of the hart setled in God and persuading a man assuredly that God is at one with him and at hand with hym helping him and giuing hym lyfe and gladnesse euerlasting for Chrystes sake 4. Long sufferance or pacience beareth with other folks infirmities and with wrongs doone and is not discouraged with mysdealings or other ouerthwarte things that it should doo ageynst any of Gods commaundements and it perteyneth too the first and the fifth commaundement 5. Gentlenesse or curtesie yéelding it selfe willingly to other folks to vse and willingly dooing good to others perteyneth to the seuenth and fifth commaundements 6. Goodnesse or vprightnesse hurting no man endeuering too doo good and to profit all men is of as greate force as vniuersall ryghtuousnesse whereof men are called good And it comprehendeth chéefly liberalitie and courtesie 7. Faith or true knowledge of god trust settled in Christ the mediator or faythfulnesse performing cōstācie in woord deed and in true mutuall good will and all dutifull poyntes of Fréendshyp and déemyng fréendly of other mennes willes and meenyngs perteyneth to the fifth commaundement 8. Meeknesse bryd●yng wrath desire of reuenge perteyneth lykewyse too the fyfth commaundement 9. discretenesse sobernesse stayednesse temperaunce or chastitie perteyneth to the sixth commaundement From thence therefore may a more plentyfull exposition of the vertues bée fetched Ageinste suche there is no lawe that is too say the Lawe prohibiteth not these woorkes or there is no Lawe appaynted for the ryghtuous whiche are guyded by the holy Ghoste That is too say the Lawe dooth not accuse or condemne the ryghtuous neyther dooth it holde shorte or constreyne those that are obediente But as for those that fulfill the lustes of the fleshe or forbeare outward offences ageynst their willes those dooth the Lawe restreyne accuse and condemne They truly that are Chrystes haue crucified the flesh with the affections and lustes therof that is too say those that bée godly in déede or that beléeue in Chryst fulfil not the lusts of the flesh or their sinfull inclinations and affections but doo keepe them vnder and restreine them and mortify thē with the spirite as is sayd Rom. viij If ye mortifie the déedes of the flesh by the spirite yée shall liue Vppon the .xv. Sunday after Trinitie ¶ The Epistle Gal. v. IF yee liue in the spirit let vs walk in the spirit Let vs not bee vaineglorious prouoking one another and enuying one another Brethren if any man be fallen by chance into any fault ye which are spirituall help to amend him in the spirit of meeknesse considering thy selfe lest thou also be tempted Beare ye one anothers burthen and so fulfil the law of Christ For if any man seme to himself that he is somwhat when he in dede is nothing the same deceiueth himselfe in his imagination Let euery man proue his owne worke and then shall he haue reioycing in his owne selfe and not in another For euery man shall beare his owne burthen Let him that is taught in the woord mynister vnto him that teacheth him in all good things Be not deceiued God is not mocked For whatsoeuer a mā soweth that shall he reape For he that soweth in the flesh shal of the flesh reape corruption But he that soweth in the spirite shall of the spirite reape life euerlasting The disposement THis Epistle perteineth to the kind of cases that is persuasiue For it conteyneth precepts exhortations too good works and namely too modestie and new obedience The parts or cheef places are two 1 Of modestie and lowlynesse which restreineth pride and beareth with the infirmities and blemishes of the brethren and performeth faythfulnesse and diligence in executing aryght the duties of a mans calling which true glorie that is too say the witnesse or allowment of a mannes own conscience iudging aryght dooth always accompany of it owne accord 2 Of thankfulnesse and courtesy too bée vsed towardes all the godly and specially towards schoolemasters and ministers of the Gospell IN the beginning of the Epistle is set a general exhortation vntoo new obediēce If we liue in the spirit let vs walk in the spirite that is too say séeing wée be deliuered from euerlasting death by the sonne of God and the holy ghost and that new lyfe is kindled in our hartes let vs also reuerently obey the holy ghost dwelling in our hartes and directing oure intentes and the dooings of our lyfe according to the rule of Gods lawe Let vs not be desirous of vaynglorie prouoking one an other and enuying one an other Of lowlynesse or modestie MOdestie or lowlynesse and the desire of true prayse fyght not one ageynst an other but are neybour vertues lyke as are liberalitie and sparyngnesse Grauitie and courtesie or gentlenesse iustice and mercy or pitifulnesse For the desire of true glory and of a good name is a vertue commaunded by God which liking wel of a mans owne worke that is too say faythfully executing the duties of a mannes vocation and endeuering to doo well too the church and the common weale in their place obteyneth the allowment of God and his owne conscience déemyng aright which is continually accompanyed with the commendation of other good men iudging aright also as Ionathas j. Reg. xviij Ioseph Gen. xxxix and Paule who though they bée mylde and lowly do not withstāding like well of their owne worke and buzyly and faythfully execute the labors of their vocation And therfore they obteined the allowment of God and their own conscience and the commendation of all godly menne and of the whole church This vertue doth God cōmand Philip. iiij What soeuerthings are of honest report if there bée any vertuous thing if there bée any cōmendable thing those same haue yée in mynd which yée haue both lerned séen in mée those things doo yée Also Math. ● Let your lyght so shine before men that they may sée your good works and glorifie your father which is in heauen Good name therefore must of necessitie bée soughte euen for this cause that others may by good exāples bée allured to the true acknowledgement of God and the felowship of the Churche But good name cannot bée soughte onlesse wée also earnestly séeke after vertue or true godlynesse to Godwarde and all good woorkes and labours wherby wée may in our vocation deserue wel of the church and the common weale For the foundation of true glorye is excellent vertue which is always accompanied with the glorie or cōmendation of good men and with the enuie of euill
ministerie of the Gospell or other offices for whiche they fynde themselues farre vnsufficient For it is most true which Paule sayeth Wee are not able to thinke a good thought of our selues as of our selues And so is also this of Ieremies I know Lord y it is not in mannes power to direct his owne waye Ageinst this temptation whiche often times vexeth the harts of vs al let vs set Gods commandment who biddeth vs obey his calling vppon trust of his helpe and the promises of God assuring vs of his helpe and of successe to the welfare of all those that bring faithfulnesse with them to the executing of all the dueties of their vocation And this woord Faithfulnesse comprehendeth in the ministerie of teachyng the congregation or a schoole these foure vertues 1. First a conuenient good skill in the Christen doctrine and a continual endeuer to lerne and encrease his knowledge For lyke as a practitioner that is ignorant of lechcrafte is not a faythfull Physitian but a deceyuer euen so he that hath not learned the chéefe poyntes of the doctrine that concerneth God is not a faythfull stewarde or minister of Christ 2 Secondly Heedfulnesse and diligence too bée performed in al the poyntes of ministration before mencioned and chéefly in teaching after this manner First that hauing a Catechisme or summe of the christen doctrine lernedly distributed intoo certeyn places hée beate it continually and busily intoo his héerers heades requireth an account of them what they haue caryed away Secondly that in expounding the Gospels or Epistles he apply all his expositions to suche places of the Catechisme as make vp the body of the doctrine And afterward let him imploye the doctrine too the kindelyng of some effectes in the myndes of the godly as too Fayth Inuocation repentance pacience c. 3 Constantnesse in professing the true doctrine and in the mysterie 4 Fourthely continuall and earnest requesting and crauing of Gods helpe Vppon the .iiij. Sunday in Aduent ¶ The Epistle Philip. iiij REioyce in the Lord alway and agein I say reioyce Let youre softnesse be knowne too all men the Lord is euen at hand Be carefull for nothing but in all prayer and supplication let your petitions bee manifest vntoo God with giuing of thāks And the peace of God which passeth all vnderstanding keepe youre hartes and mindes through Chryst Iesu The disposement AS short as this Epistle is it conteyneth many notable places and of very large compasse 1 Of peace and ioy of conscience settled in God. 2 Of méeknesse 3 Of fayth assuring vs that God is with vs eschuing thought which ryseth vppon distrust 4 Of true Prayer and Thanksgiuing vntoo God. The first place GOd hath created mannes nature after such a sort that when the good which the hart coueteth is graunted it settleth and is glad For it was his will that mens harts should before al things settle vpon the souerayn good that is to wit God and to ioy in the same Now the Christen ioy of which Paule speaketh héere is not a rysing of the mynde vppon trust of his owne goodes as Seneca defineth it but it is a calmenesse and gladnesse of the hart rysing vpon Gods most certeyne promyses and comforts wherwith the hart béeing assured beleeueth certeinly that he is in Gods fauor for Chrystes sake and that God is with vs helpeth vs and will imparte ioy and lyfe euerlastyng vnto vs This definition wil bée the cléerlyer vnderstoode by laying toogither examples of mens ioyes whiche Virgile decketh with a speciall tytle in the sixth booke of his Aeneas For thou knowest howe wée spent the laste nyght in false ioyes Euery one of vs doo leade this lyfe as long as it is in excéedyng greate darkenesse and daunger And the vngodly are ignoraunt of the true good things and of the true comfortes bycause they doo despyse the lyghte of the Gospell One ioyeth in pleasures as the Epicures of whom there is moste nowe adays The Niga●● séeketh money as the true ioy The Ambitious man gapeth after honor The wittie sort hunt for learning and glory Other some with great trauel séeke the defence of fréends and riches And when any of these things are forgone all the ioye is gone As long as Pompey ruled the rost and was lord of all men he was mery at the harte But as soone as he was vanquithed by Cesar he found that al worldly things were but deceiueable ioyes As long as Cicero hath luckie successe and gouerneth the common weale with singular commendation he is glad and ioyfull But when Augustus is made freend with Antonie whome he would haue dispatched out of the way and that he sées he muste néedes dye he hath no more ioy but cryeth out O vnwise man that I am and nothing lesse than that which I was somtyme falsly thought to hée O the madnesse of my doting olde age But Christen folke in the very extremitie of trouble and in the middes of death are able to reioyce in the Lord with a true hart bycause they know they stand in Gods fauour they know that God is to be obeyed in tribulation they know for a certentie that a ioyfull issue shall ensue And therefore Steuen went to his death with a glad hart and eased his harmes with hope Laurence lying vppon the gréedyron laugheth at the tirant Decius and skorneth him to his head And Simeon sayth Lord now lettest thou thy seruaunt departe in peace according to thy word This is the true and substantiall ioy settled in the Lord and rysing vppon Gods promise which refresheth and strengthneth mens harts in all perills The second place WHeras the latine interpreter hath translated it Modestia vestra not a sit omnibus Let youre modestie or softnesse be knowne to all men the gréeke worde is Epiceia a vertue of the fifth commaundement and comprehendeth pacience méekenesse pitie myldenesse mercy treatablenesse and suche other neyghbour vertues And therfore the definitions causes effects and examples of these vertues and the vices that encounter them may bée conueyed from the exposition of the fifth Commaundement vntoo this place The third place FAyth is a perceyueraunce of all the Articles of the doctrine deliuered by God an assent to the same wherby wée embrace the whole doctrine And it is a truste certeinly assuring vs that the Lorde is at hande and that although sorowes daungers persecutions and other calamities hang ouer vs yet it persuadeth a man for a certeintie that God is with him and helpeth him and will bring them to a quiet ende Therefore it quayleth not through thought and distruste that it should eyther gad after worldly helpes or yet despayre like as Moyses stāding at the red sea although he saw no meane of deliueueraunce yet beleeueth he that God is at hand and so he is not discouraged with pensiuenesse So sayth the Psalme though thousands of men compasse mée about yet wil I not