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A18640 An harmony of the confessions of the faith of the Christian and Reformed Churches which purelie professe the holy doctrine of the Gospell in all the chiefe kingdomes, nations, and prouinces of Europe: the catologue and order whereof the pages following will declare. There are added in the ende verie shorte notes: in which both the obscure thinges are made plaine, & those thinges which maie in shew seeme to be contrarie each to other, are plainelie and verie modestlie reconciled, and if anie points doe as yet hang in doubt, they are sincerelie pointed at. All which things, in the name of the Churches of Fraunce and Belgia, are submitted to the free and discrete iudgement of all other Churches. Newlie translated out of Latine into English. Also in the end is added the confession of the Church of Scotland. Alowed by publique authoritie.; Harmonia confessionum fidei orthodoxarum & reformatarum ecclesiarum. English Salnar.; Goulart, Simon, 1543-1628. 1586 (1586) STC 5155; ESTC S107818 484,469 636

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terrified by this voice that reprooueth sinnes then let it heare th● peculiar promise of the gospel touching the Sonne of God and let him be assured that his sinnes are freelie remitted f●● the Sonne of God hissake our Lord Iesus Christ who is our attonement and that of mercie not for any 〈◊〉 or loue of ours OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF WIRTEMBERGE Of the lawe CHAP. 6. WE acknowledge that the l●w of God whereof the 10. commaundementes are an abrigedment doth commaund the best the most iust and moste perfect workes and that man is not onelie bounde to obeie the morall precepts of the lawe but also if he should doe the workes of the 10. commaundements in such perfection and integritie as the lawe requireth that he should indeed be counted iust before God for his workes and should obtaine eternall saluation by his merites But whereas some men doe thinke that man can come to that state in this life as to be able by his works not onelie to fullfil the 10. commaundements but also to doe more and greater workes then are commaunded in the lawe which they call works of supererogation it is contrarie to the doctrine of the Prophetes and Apostles and it is repugnant to the iudgement of the true Catholike Church For the lawe was not giuen to this end to signifie that man might perfectlie fullfill the commaundements thereof in this life but to shew to man his imperfection to testifie of the vnrighteousnes of man and of the wrath of God against all men to stirre them vp to seke remission of their sinnes righteousnes and saluation by faith in the only Sonne of God our Lorde Iesus Christ Rom. 3. By the lawe commeth the knowledge of sinne And Rom. 7. The law is spirituall but I am carnall solde vnder sinne And Rom. 8. The wisedome of the flesh is enmitie against God For it is not subiect to the lawe of God neither indeede can be And Galat. 3. Curssed is euerie man that continueth not in all thinges which are written in the booke of the lawe to doe them Augustine saith This first commaundement of iustice wherein we are commaunded to loue the Lorde with all our heart with all our soule and with all our minde whereupon followeth that other commaundement of louing our neighboure we shall fullfill in that life where we shall see him face to face But therfore it is euen now also commaunded vnto vs that we might be admonished what it behoueth vs to require by faith whether to send our hope before hand and by forgetting those thinges which are behinde what fore thinges we should stretch our selues vnto And hereby so far as I can iudge he hath profited much in this life in that righteousnes which is to be perfited who by profiting doth knowe how far he is from the perfection sf righteousnes And againe Charitie is a vertue whereby that is loued which is to be beloued This is in some greater in others lesser and in some none at all But the moste absolute loue which now cannot be increased so long as a man liueth here is not to be founde in anie man For so long as it may be increased that which is lesse then it ought to be commeth of our corruption by reason of which corruption there is not a iust man in the earth that doth good and sinneth not by reason of which corruption no flesh liuing shall be iustified in the sight of God for which corruptions sake If we saie that we haue no sinne we deceiue our selues and the trueth is not in vs for the which also though we profit neuer so much yet it is necessary for vs to saie Forgiue vs our debtes although all our wordes deedes and thoughtes are alreadie forgiuen vs in baptisme And againe All the commaundements of God are counted as done when as whatsoeuer is not done is notwithstanding pardoned And Ierome saith This is onelie perfection vnto men if they know that they are vnperfect This is the true wisedome of man to know that he is imperfect and that I maie so speake the perfection of all iust men in the flesh is imperfect Of the Gospell of Christ CHAP. 8. ALthough manie preceptes of the law of God be conteined in the writings of the Euangelistes and Apostles and Christ himselfe doth teach that we must not rend●● euill for euill nor looke vpon a woman wantonlie and such like yet we must not think that the Gospel of Christ is a new law whereby as the fathers in times past were saued vnder the olde testament by the olde law so now men vnder the new testament should be saued by a new law For except a man take the name of the law generallie for doctrine as the Prophets now and then do vse the name of the law certainlie the Gospell of Christ is not properlie a law as Paull doth commonlie vse the name of the law but it is a good and ioyfull message touching the sonne of God our Lord Iesus Christ that he onelie is the purger of our sinnes the appeaser of the wrath of God and our redeemer and sauiour Neither are the commaundements of the law which are conteined in the Apostles writings any new law but they are an interpretation of the olde law according to the iudgement of the holie Ghost which also were to be seene before and that not obscurelie in the writinges of the Prophets But they are repeated in the preaching of the gospell of Christ that the seueritie of the law of God and the corruption of our nature beeing declared we might be stirred vp to seeke and embrace Christ reuealed in his Gospell and that we maie know after what rule we are to frame our life through faith in Christ Wherefore if we will speake properlie of the law of God and Gospell of Christ as of Christ we are not to make a new lawgiuer seeing that he neither hath made a new law nor instituted a new politi●e kingdome in this earth so must we not make a new law of the Gospell which by more harde and seuere commaundements doth bring eternall saluation to the doers thereof But we thinke it to be most certaine that the naturall or morall law of the olde and new Testament is one and the same and that neither the men which liued vnder the olde Testament nor those which liue vnder the new Testament doe obteine eternal saluation for the merit of the workes of the law but onelie for the merit of our Lord Iesus Christ through faith Christ out of Isaiah doth recite his office for the which he was sent into the earth The spirit of the Lorde saith he is vpon me because he hath annointed me he hath sent me to preach the Gospell to the poore c. Here Christ teacheth that his proper office is not to make a new lawe which should terrifie and kill miserable sinners but to preach the Gospell which might comfort and quicken sinners Gal. 4. When the
iustifie to them he doth giue the holie Ghost and by him he doth first regenerate them as he promiseth by the Prophet saying I will giue them a new heart and I will put my spirit in the middest of them that as before sinne had reigned in them to death so also then grace might reigne by righteousnes vnto eternall life through Iesus Christ And this is the communion or participation of the grace of God the father of the merit of Iesus Christ our Lorde and of the sanctification of the holie Ghost this is the lawe of faith the lawe of the spirit and life written by the holie Ghost But the liuelie and neuer drying spring of this iustification is our Lorde Iesus Christ alone by those his sauing workes that is which giue saluation from whome all holie men from the beginning of the world as well before the law was published and vnder the lawe and the discipline thereof as also after the lawe haue and doe drawe haue and doe receiue saluation or remission of their sinnes by faith in the moste comfortable promise of the gospell and doe applie and approper it as peculiar to themselues onelie for the sole death of Christ and his bloodshedding to the full and perfect abolishing of their sinnes and the clensing from them all whereof we haue manle testimonies in the Scripture Holie Peter before the wholl councell at Hierusalem doth prooue by sound arguments that Saluation is not to be found in any other then in Christ Iesus alone that vnder this large cope of heauen there is no other name giuen vnto men whereby we maie be saued And in another place he appealeth to the consenting voyces and testimonies of all the Prophets who spake with one minde and by one spirit as it were by one mouth and thus he saide As touching this Iesus all the Prophets beare witnes that through his name all that beleeue in him shall receiue remission of sinnes And to the Hebrwes it is written He hath by himselfe purged our sinnes and againe We haue redemption through his blood euen the remission of sins And S Iohn saith we haue an aduocate with the Father Iesus Christ the righteous he is the propitiation or attonement for our sinnes and not for ours onlie but also for the sinnes of the wholl world And againe to the Hebrewes We are sanctified by the offering of the bodie of Iesus Christ once made and a litle after he addeth with one onlie offering hath he consecrated for euer them that are sanctified namely of God by the spirit of God Therfore al sinners and such as are penitent ought to flie incontinentlie thorough their wholl life to our Lord Christ alone for remission of their sinnes and euerie sauing grace according to that in the Epistle to the Hebrewes Seeing that 〈◊〉 haue a great high Priest euen Iesus the Sonne of God which is entered into heauen let vs holde fast this profession which is concerning Christ our Lord and straight way he addeth Let vs therefore goe boldlie vnto the throne of grace that we maie receiue mercie and finde grace to helpe in time of neede Also Christ him selfe crying out saith He that thirsteth let him come to me and drinke And in an other place He that commeth vnto me shal not hunger he that beleeueth in me shal neuer thirst Now they that attaine to this iustification by Christ our Lord are taught to take vnto themselues true and assured comfort out of this grace bountie of God to enioy a good quiet conscience before God to be certaine of their owne saluation and to haue it confirmed to them by this meanes that seeing they are here the sonnes of God they shall also after death in the resurrection be made heires In the meane time they ought both to desire to be brought to this that they maie receiue the fruit of perfect saluation and also cheerefullie to looke for it with that confidence according to the promise of the Lord that such shall not come into iudgement but that by making awaie they haue alreadie passed from death into life Of al other points of doctrine we account this the chiefest and weightiest as that wherein the summe of the Gospell doth consist Christianitie is founded and the pretious and most noble treasure of eternall saluation the onelie and liuelie comforte proceeding from God is comprehended Therefore herein our preachers doe labour especiallie that they maie well instruct the hartes of men in this point of doctrine so sowe it that it maie take deepe root Of good workes and a Christian life CHAP. 7. IN the seuenth place we teach that they whoe are made righteous and acceptable to God by faith alone in Christ Iesus that by the grace of God without any merits ought in the wholl course of their life that followeth both all together iointlie euerie one particularlie according as the order condition age and place of euery one doth require to performe and exercise those good works and holie actions which are commaunded of God euen as God commaundeth when he saith Teach them to obserue all thinges which I haue commaunded you Now these good workes or holie actions are not certaine affections deuised of flesh and bloode for such the Lorde forbiddeth but they are expresselie shewed and propounded vnto vs by the spirit of God to do the which God doth binde vs the rule and chiefe square whereof God himselfe is in his word for so he saith by the Prophet Walke not in the commaundements of your Fathers and keepe not their iudgements and defile not your selues with their Idoles I am Iehouah your God walke ye in my commaundementes and keepe my iudgements and doe them Likewise Christ saieth Teach them those thinges which I haue commaunded you Therefore the 10. commaundements and loue which by faith worke●h righteousnes on the right hand on the left hand as well toward God as toward our neighbour is a certaine summe a most streight square a most artificiall shaping or description of all good workes Now an example of this square is the moste holie life of Christ whereof he himselfe saith Learne of me because I am meeke and humble in heart And what other thing would he teach by vttering those eight sentences of happines then to shewe what manner of life the true children of God ought to lead and what be the works which God hath commaunded Therefore according to these thinges they reach with all care and diligence touching the difference which is to be knowen and kept betwixt those works which are deuised and taught of men and those which are commaunded of God Those workes which are commaunded of God ought not to be interrmitted for humane traditions For Christ doth grieuoslie reprehend this in them that doe otherwise in the Pharises saying Why doe you transgresse the commaundements of God for your traditions And
Sonne of God In like manner The grace of our Lord Iesus Christe and the loue of God and the fellowship of the holie Ghost be with you Againe There are three that beare wi●nes in heauen the father the wo●de and the holie Ghost whish three are one By all which places we are fullie taught that in one onelie God there are three persons And although this doctrine passe al the reach of mans wit yet we now stedfastlie beleeue it out of the word of God looking when we shall enioy the full knowledge thereof in heauen The offices also effects of these three persons which euerie of them sheweth towards vs are to be marked For the father by reason of his power is called our Creator the sonne our Sauiour and redeemer because he hath redeemed vs by his bloode the holie Ghost is called our Sanctifier because he dwelleth in our heartes And the true Church hath allwaies euen from the Apostles age vntill these times kept this holie doctrine of the blessed Trinitie and manteineth it against Iewes Mahometanes and other false Christians and heretikes such as were Marcion Manes Praxeas Sabellius Samosatenus and the like all which were worthelie condemned by the fathers of most sound Iudgement Therefore we do here willinglie admit those three Creedes namelie that of the Apostles of Nice and of Athanasius and whatsoeuer things they according to the meaning of those Creeds haue set downe concerning this point of doctrine We beleeue that Iesus Christ in respect of his diuine nature is the onelie sonne of God begotten from euerlasting not made or created for then he should be a creature but of the same essence with the father and coeternall with him who also is the true Image of the fathers substance and the brightnes of his glorie in all things equall vnto him But he is the sonne of god not onely since the time he tooke vpon him our nature but from euerlasting as these testimonies being laid together teach vs. Moses saith that God created the worlde but Saint Iohn saith That all thinges w●●e made by the worde which he calleth God so the Apostle to the Hebrewes auoutcheth that God made all thinges by his sonne Iesus Christ It followeth therefore that he who is called both God and the word and the Sonne and Iesus Christ had his being euen then when all thinges were made by him Therefore Micheah the Prophet saith 〈◊〉 goeing out hath beene from the beginning from the daies of eternitie againe He is without beginning of daies and without end of life He is therefore that true God eternall almightie whome we praie vnto worship and serue We beleue also and confesse that the holie Ghost proceedeth from the father the sonne from euerlasting that therfore he was neither made nor created nor begotten but onelie proceeding from them both who is in order the third person of the Trinitie of the same essence glory maiesty with the father and the sonne and therefore he also is true and euerlasting God as the holie scriptures teach vs. We also beleeue that we haue no accesse to God but by that one onelie Mediatour and Aduocate Iesus Christ the righteous who was therefore made man vniting the humanitie to the diuine nature that there might be an entrance made for vs miserable men to the maiestie of God which had otherwise beene shut vp against vs for euer Yet the maiestie and power of this Mediatour whome the father hath set betweene himselfe and vs ought in no case so much to fray vs that we should therefore thinke another is to be sought at our owne pleasure For there is none either among the heauenlie or earthlie creatures who doth more entirelie loue vs then Christ himselfe who when he was in the shape of God humbled himselfe by taking vpon him the shape of a seruant and for our sakes became like vnto his brethren in all points and if we were to seeke an other Mediatour who would vouchsafe vs some good will whome I praie you could we finde that would loue vs more earnestlie then he who willinglie laid his life downe for vs when as yet we were his enemies If moreouer we were to seeke another that excelleth both in soueraigne authority also power who euer obteined so great power as he himselfe who sitteth at the right hand of God the father to whome all power is giuen in heauen in earth To conclude who was more likelie to be heard of God then that onely begotten and dearelie beloued sonne of God therefore nothing but distrust brought in this custome wherby we rather dishonor the Saints whome we thinke to honour in doeing these things which they in their life time were euer so farre from doeing that they rather constantlie and according to their dutie abhorred them as their owne writings beare witnes Neither is our owne vnworthines here to be alledged for excuse of so great vngodlines For we at no hand offer vp our praiers trusting to our owne worthines but resting vpon the only worthines excellency of the Lord Iesus Christ whose righteousnes is ours by faith whereupon the Apostle for good cause to exempt vs from this vaine feare or rather distrust saith that Christ was in all things made like vnto his brethren that he might be a mercifull and faithfull high priest in those things that were to be done with God for the clensing of the peoples sinnes For in as much as he beeing tempted hath suffered he is also able to helpe those that are tempted And that he might encourage vs to come the more boldlie to this high Priest the same Apostle addeth Hauing therefore a great high priest who hath entred the heauens euen Iesus the son of god let us hol● fast this professiō For we haue not an high priest that cānot be touched with the feling of our infirmities but he was in al things tēpted in like sort yet without sin Let vs therefore with boldnes approch vnto the throne of grace that we may obteine mercie finde grace to help in time of need The same Apostle saith that we haue liberty to enter into the holy place thorough the blood of Iesus Let vs therfore draw neare with a constant perswasion of faith c. And againe Christ hath an euerlasting priesthood Wherefore he is able 〈◊〉 to save them that come vnto God by him seeing he euer liueth 〈◊〉 make intercession for them What need manie wordes when as Christ himselfe saith I am the way the trueth and the life N● man commeth to the father but by me VVhy should we seeke vnto our selues any other Aduocate especiallie seeing it hath pleased God himselfe to giue vs his owne sonne for our Aduocate there is no cause why forsaking him we should see●e another lest by continuall seeking we neuer finde any other For God vndoubtedlie knew when he gaue him 〈◊〉 vs that we were miserable sinners VVhereupon it is that a cording to
God that men especiallie might knowe themselues that they are conceiued and borne in sinne and that forthwith euen from their birth and by nature they are sinners full of lustes and euill inclinations For hereof it commeth that straight euen from the beginning of our age so forth in the wholl course of our life being stained ouercome with manie sins men doe in heart thoughtes and euil deedes breake and transgresse the commandements of God as it is written The Lorde looked downe from heauen to behold the children of men to see if there were a●● that would vnderstand and seeke God all are gone out of the way they haue bene made altogether vnprofitable there is none that doth good no not one And againe When the Lorde saw that the wickednes of man was great in the earth and all the cogitations of his heart were onelie euill continuallie And againe The 〈◊〉 saide the imagination of mans heart is euill euen from his youth And Saint Paull saith VVe were by nature the children of wrath as well as others Herewithall this is also taught that by reason of that corruption and deprauation common to all mankinde and for the sinne transgressions and iniustice which ensued thereof all men ought to acknowledge according to the holie scripture their owne iust condemnation and the horrible seuere vengeance of God and consequentlie the most deserued punishment of death and eternall torments in he● whereof Paull teacheth vs when he saith The wages of sinne is death And our Lord Christ They which haue done euill shal g●● into the resurrection of condemnation that is into paines eternall Where shal be wailing and gnashing of teeth They teach also that we must acknowledge our weakenes and that great myserie which is ingendered in vs as also those difficulties from which no man can euer deliuer or ridde himselfe by any meanes or iustifie himselfe that is procure or get righteousnes to himselfe by any kinde of works deeds or exercises seeme they neuer so glorious For that wil of man which before was free is now so corrupted troubled and weakened that now from hence forth of it felfe and without the grace of God it cannot chuse iudge or wish fullie nay it hath no desire nor inclination much lesse any ability to chuse that good wherewith God is pleased For albeit it fell willinglie and of it owne accord yet by it selfe and by it owne strength it could not rise againe or recouer that fall neither to this daie without the mercifull helpe of God is it able to doe any thing at all And a lit●● after Neither can he which is man onelie and hath nothing aboue the reach of this our nature helpe an other in this point For since that originall sinne proceeding by inheritance possesseth the wholl nature and doth furiouslie rage therein and seeing that all men are sinners and doe want the grace and iustice of God therefore saith God by the mouth of the Prophet Esaias Put me in remembrance Let vs be iudged together count thou if thou haue any thing that thou may est be iustified thy first father hath sinned and thy interpreters that is they which teach thee iustice haue transgressed against me a litle before speaking of works in the seruice of god after the inuention of man he saith Thou hast not offered vnto me the Ramme of the burnt offrings neither hast thou honoured me with thy sacrifices I haue not caused thee to serue with an offering nor wearied thee with incense And vnto the Hebrewes it is written Sacrifice offering and burnt offerings and sinne offerings thou wouldest not haue Neither didest thou approoue those things which were offered according to the law This also must we know that the Lord God for sinne doth permit and bring all kindes of afflictions miseries and vexations of minde in this life vpon all men such as are heat colde hunger thirst care and anguish sore laboures calamitie aduersitie dolefull times sword fire diseases griefes and at the last also that intollerable and bitter death whereby nature is ouerthrowen as it is written Thou shalt die the death Againe Cursed is the earth for thy sake in sorow shalt thou eate of it all the daies of thy life thornes also and thistles shall it bringforth to thee And yet it is taught that men must ought to beare all these punishments patientlie seeing that they owe vnto God haue deserued a farre more cruell punishment Yet they must not be so perswaded as though they deserued any thing by suffering this punishment or should receiue from God any grace or reward in recompense for the merit of these punishments seeing that Paull speaking of a much more worthie crosse and sufferings which the true beleuers take vppon them for Christs sake saith that they be not comparable to the glorie which shall be shewed vnto vs And these punishments are laied vpon vs are patientlie to be borne that we may acknowledge the greatnes of our sinne how greeuous a thing it is there withal our own weakenes needes and miserie and that by experience we may kn●● how wicked foull and bitter athing it is euen aboue all th● we are able to conceiue for a man to forsake the Lord 〈◊〉 God as saith the Prophet And moreouer that they whi● beeing plunged in these miseries and oppressed with these burthens may againe be stirred vp to repentance and ● seeke for fauour and helpe from God which is a father 〈◊〉 of mercie and compassion Howbeit this is also expresselie added that the laboures and torments which holie men doe suffer for the name of Christ that is in the cause of eternall saluation for the holie trueth of Christ are an acceptable and pleasant sacrifice to God and haue great and large promises especiallie in the life to come the which thing also did euen so fall out with Christ our heade of whome the epistle to the Hebrewes speaketh thus that for the ioy that was set before him he endured the crosse who also by himselfe consecrated and hallowed the crosse to them euen to this ende tha● those sufferings which we indure for Christ his names sal●● might be pleasant and acceptable vnto God OVT OF THE FRENCH CONFESSION VVE beleeue that man being created pure and vpright and conformable to the image of God through his owne fault fell from that grace which he had receiued and therby did so estraunge him selfe from God the fountaine of all righteousnes and of all good things that his nature is become altogether defiled and being blinde i● spirit and corrupt in heart hath vtterlie lost all that integritic For although he can somewhat discerne betweene good and euill yet we affirme that whatsoeuer light he hath 〈◊〉 straightwaies becommeth darkenes when the question is of seeking God so that by his vnderstanding and reason he can neuer come to God Also although he be endued with
from God we do not murmure against God but we approch ●nto him with true faith and hope we do aske and looke for helpe at his handes we loue him and submit our selues to him and thus is the beginning of obedience wrought After that manner saith the Lord. Ioh. 14. I will praie the father and he will giue you another comforter euen the spirit of truth The holy Ghost doth kindle the light of truth in our minds and new motions in our heartes agreeable to the law of god Let●s acknowledge this so great a gift and let vs endeuour to keepe it thankfullie and desire dailie to be helped in so great daungers of this life The will is not idle when it hath receiued the holie ghost How our now obedience doth please God THe Pharisie in Luke cap. 18 doth admire please him selfe being bewitched with this persuasion that ●e doth satisfie the law and for this discipline such as it is ●oth please God Manie such there be among men who thinke themselues secure if they performe neuer so litle though it be but a shadow of discipline But the heauenlie ●o●ce doth often times accuse the arrogancie of these men and therefore the Lord saith Luc. 13. Except ye recent ye shall 〈◊〉 in like sorte perish and 1. Ioh. 1. If we saie we haue no sinne ●●●●liers Therefore their imagination is vaine which think that obedience doth please god for it owne worthies and that it is a merit of Condignitie as they speake and such a righteousnes before God as is a merit of eternal life And yet afterward they do adde that we must alwaies doubt whether our obedience do please God because it is euident that in euerie one there is much pollution manie sinnes of ignorance and omission and manie not small blemishes Here it is necessarie that mens consciences should be instructed aright in either of these points both cōcerning our infirmitie and also concerning the comfort It is necessarie that the regenerate should haue the righteousnes of a good conscience and obedience begunne in this life as hathbeene said yet neuertheles in this life there is still remaining in our nature in our soule and in our heart verie much pollution which they do the more see and bewaile which haue receiued more light then others as the Prophets and Apostles according to that complaint of Paull Rom. 7. I see an other law in my members which striueth against the law of my minde and maketh me captiue to the law of sinne There is as yet in euery one a great mist manifold ignorāce and manie sorowfull doubtes errors in counsells raised by distrust by false opinions and a vaine hope manie vitious flames of lustes much neglect of duetie murmuringes and indignations against God in his punishments to conclude it is vnsensiclenes and madnes not to be willing to confes that the feare loue of God is much more colde in vs then it ought to be These confessions are repeated in the sermons of the Prophets and Apostles Psa 143. Enter not into iudgement with thy seruant for in thy sight shall no man liuing be iustified And 1. Ioh. 1. If we saie that we haue no sinne we deceiue our selues and the trueth is not in vs. This confession is necessarie and mans arrogancie to be reprooued Also the errour of our aduersaries who feigne that men in this mortall life maie satisfie the law of God and of those who s●ie that the euill of concupiscence which is bred with vs is not sinne nor an euill repugnant to the law or will of God is to be reprehended These errours doth Paul manifestlie confute Rom. 7. 8. Then must comfort also be ioyned thereunto First let the regenerate person assure himselfe that he is reconciled to God by faith alone that is by confidence in the Mediatour and that the person is certenlie accounted righteous for the Sonne of God the Mediatour and that freelie for his merit Secondlie let vs confesse with true griefe that there remaine as yet in the re●●●erate man many sinnes and much pollution worthie of the wrath of God Thirdlie let him neuerthelesse know that obedience and the righteousnes of a good conscience must be begunne in this life and that this obedience although it be verie farre from that perfection which the law req●ireth is neuerthelesse in the regenerate acceptable to God for the Mediatours sake who maketh request for vs and by his meritte doth couer our great and vnspeakeable miseries Thus for the Mediatours sake both the person is receiued and also our workes doe please God that in either of them our faith may shine Therefore Peter saith 1. Pet. 2. Offer vp spirituall sacrifices acceptable to God through Iesus Christ This comfort is set forth Rom. 8. Now there is no condemnation to them which doe walke in Christ Iesus And Rom. 3. Ye are not vnder the law but vnder grace In that place this question is asked whether our ●●edience doe please God seeing it doth not satisfie the law● Paull answereth that it doth please God Because we are not vnder the law that is condemned by the law but ●e are vnder grace reconciled or receiued into s●uour Rom. 8. Who shall 〈◊〉 Christ hath died for vs and is risen againe and sitteth at the right hand of God and maketh request for vs that is holie men doe please God for the Sonne his sake who also offered his obedience for vs and maketh request for vs. Wee must oppose these sayings to doubting lest faith and inuocation be extinquished for doubting doth weaken our inuocation Seeing therefore that we know both that new obedience is necessarie and that helpe is certenlie giuen vs and that this obedience doth please God although it be vnperfect and needie let vs knowledge the infinite mercie of God and giue thanks for it and haue a great care how to gouerne our actions because we know that we are both helped and that this obedience is acceptable to God for the Sonnes sake And let this necessitie be alwaies in our eies that if the benefits of God to wit Iustification and regeneration be shaken of we loose eternall life according to that saying We shal be clothed if so be that we be not found naked And Rom. 8. If any haue not the Sp●rit of Christ he is not his And alwaies in Iustification let there be also a beginning of newnes of life The theefe hanging on the cr●s●e hath good workes and those both internall and externall it g●e●ueth him that he had sinned and he confesse●h that he is iustlie punished then by faith he doth acknowledge the Sauiour and desireth saluation of him and therefore he b●areth expresse absolution and the preaching of eternall life and the promise and resteth in this voice of the Messias and ●ubmmitteth himselfe to god and doth not beare the punishment impatientlie but is eased by acknowledging the Messias and by the hope of eternall life and giueth thankes to god
moste profitable that children and young men be examined in the Catechisme by the Pastors of their Church and that they be commended if they be godlie and well instructed and that they be amended if they be ill instructed The rest is to be seene in the 14. sect where the confirmation vsed in Papisticall Baptisme is handled Hitherto also perteineth the 16. Art ss 2. Of Praier BY praier god is inuocated and true inuocation is a work of faith and can not be done without faith Now faith doth behold Christ and relie vpon his merites onelie Wherefore except thou shalt applie vnto thy selfe the merit of Christ by faith praier wil stand thee in no stead before God Now praier is necessarilie required for this purpose that by a due consideration of the promises of God faith may be stirred vp kindled in vs. Therfore it is not absurdly saide that sinnes are cleane taken away by praier yet must it not so be vnderstoode as though the verie worke of praier of it owne merit were a satisfaction for sinnes befor God but that by praier faith is stirred vp and kindled in vs by which faith we are made partakers of th● merit of Christ and haue our sinnes forgiuen vs onelie for Christ his sake For before that we doe by praier inuocate God it shall be necessarie to haue the merit of Christ applied to vs and receiued by faith Therefore it can not be that praier should be such a worke as that for the merit thereof we might obteine remission of our sinnes before God Psalme 108. Lette his praier be turned into sinne But it is not possible that praier should be turned into sinne if of it selfe it were so worthie a worke as that sinne thereby should be purged Isa 1. When you shall stretch out your hands I will turne my eies from you and when you shall multiplie your praiers I will not heare you But God would not turne awaie is eies from praier it of it owne worthines it were a satisfaction for our sinnes Augustine vpon the 108. Psal saith That praier which is not made through Christ doth not onelie not take awaie sinne but also it selfe is made sin Bernard de Quadrages Ser. 5. saith But some peraduenture doe seeke eternall life not in humilitie but as it were in confidence of their owne merites Neither doe I saie this let grace receiued giue a man confidence to praie but no man ought to put his confidence in his praier as though for his praier he should obteine that which he desireth The giftes which are promised doe onelie giue this vnto vs that we maie hope to obteine euen greater things of that mercie which giueth these Therefore let that praier which is made for temporall things be restreined to these wants onelie also let that praier which is made for the vertues of the soule be free from al filthy vncleane behauiour let that praier which is made for life eternal be occupied about the onelie good pleasure of God and that in all humilitie presuming as is requisite of the onelie mercie of God Of Almes CHAP. 18. WE doe diligentlie commend almes and exhort the Church that euerie man helpe his neighbour by euerie duetie that he may and testifie his loue But whereas it is saide in a certaine place That almes doe take away sinne as water doth quench fire we must vnderstand it according to the analogy of faith Eor what neede was there to the taking away of our sinnes of Christ his passion and death if sinnes might be taken awaie by the merit of almes And what vse were there of the ministerie of the Gospell if almes were appointed of God for an instrument whereby the death of Christ might be applied to vs Therefore that Christ his honour may not be violated and the ministerie of the Gospell may reteine it lawfull vse we teach that almes doth thus take away sinne not that of it selfe it is a worthie worke whereby sinne may either be purged or the merit of Christ applied but that it is a worke and fruite of charitie toward our neighbour by which worke we doe testifie our faith and obedience which we owe vnto God Now where faith is there Christ alone is acknowledged to be the purger of sins Therfore seing that almes doth testifie after their manner that Christ doth dwell in the Godlie it doth also testifie that they haue remission of sinnes For except almes be a worke of charitie which may beare witnes to faith in Christ it is so farre from signifying that man hath remission of sins through Christ that it doth euen stinke in the sight of God If I shall distribute saith Paull all my substance that it may be meate for the poore and shall not haue loue it profiteth me nothing Therfore we teach that good workes must be done necessarilie that God is to be inuocated and that almes is to be giuen that we may testifie our faith and loue and obeie the calling of God But in true repentance we teach that we obteine remission of sinnes onelie for the Sonne of God our Lord Iesus Christ his sake through faith according to that which Peter saith To him doe all the Prophets beare witnes that through his name euerie one that beleeueth in him doth receiue remission of sinnes Of Canonicall howres CHAP. 27. AVgustine writeth in a certaine place that Ambrose the Bishop of Millane did ordaine that the assemblies of the Church should sing Psalmes whereby they might mutuallie comfort themselues whilest they looked for aduersitie and stirre vp them selues to beare the crosse lest the people saith he should pine awaie with the yrckesomnes of mourning This singing because it was vsed in a tongue commonly known it had both a godlie vse deserued great praise And by the Canonical decree it appeereth that those houres which they call Canonicall were an appointment of certeine times wherin the wholl holie Scripture should be publikelie ouerrunne euerie yere as in the schooles there be certain houres appointed for interpreting of authors Such a distribution of houres was peraduenture not vnprofitable for that time in it self it is not a thing to be condemned But to appoint a special kinde of priests to chaunt out those Canonicall hours to sing them in a strange tongue which commonlie is not known to the Church or is not our countrie tongue that in some place in the night in the day time without any intermission new singers very often taking one an others course to make hereof a worship not to this ende that by patience and the comforte of the scripture we might haue hope as Paul saith but that by the merit of this worke a man might mitigate the wrath of God and purge the sins of men before God this is it that is contrary to the meaning of that Church which is in deede Catholike 1. Cor. 14. When ye come together according as euery one of you hath a psalm or hath