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A17724 Two and twentie sermons of Maister Iohn Caluin In which sermons is most religiously handled, the hundredth and nineteenth Psalme of Dauid, by eight verses aparte according to the Hebrewe alphabet. Translated out of Frenche into Englishe by T.S.; Vingt-deux sermons de M. Iean Calvin ausquels est expose le Pseaume cent dixneufieme. English Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564.; Stocker, Thomas, fl. 1569-1592. 1580 (1580) STC 4460; ESTC S107289 289,195 394

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from the same by euill example Nowe as I haue already touched if Dauid had neede hereof what shall become of vs who are so inconstant and mutable in al our doings Lo then the first point which we haue to note in this place to wit that Dauid protesteth that although the holy Ghost assisted him and that he felt him selfe confirmed as wee haue seene neuerthelesse he yet sought other helpes to cōtinue and hold him in the feare of God as the companies which were most meete for him to cause him to followe his vocation and not to withdrawe him from it seeing there must be nothing that must pull vs aside from the right way Now he meaneth to signifie further that he ioyned him selfe with men that feared God to the ende also that hee might serue him as hee ought For we are bound to stirre vp one another through mutual exhortations and good ensamples It is meete then that we haue these twoo considerations in the first place we are to consider to followe those which can aduaunce further vs in the right waye who can profite vs more and more in the feare of God and after that wee must also labour to to profite those with whome wee shal be likewise conuersant inciting them by all meanes possible to followe the right trade wherein God shall haue set them to the ende he may be honoured with one accord and that euery of vs might say come let vs goe and let vs trauell and take paines to cause to others to goe with vs that wee may altogether honour the Lord our God Now the conclusion of the eight verse is the second request The earth O Lorde is full of thymercie O teach mee thy statutes Here we see howe necessarie a thing it is for vs to bee alwayes praying to God beseeching him more amply to instruct vs that we may acknowledge him better then heretofore we haue done yea and that specially when as wee thinke we knowe al that is to be knowne that we throughly consider that wee haue yet great neede to profite continually more and more For which of vs I pray you dareth be so bolde as to compare with Dauid Loe so excellent a Prophet as that he is like vnto an Angel of God wee see also how God hath reueled vnto him his secrets as if he had bin taken vp into the heauenly kingdom yet he hauing such excellent gifts as we know desireth notwithstanding to be instructed in the statutes of God And which is hee amongs vs that hath not greater neede of thē So then whē as we shal be greatly learned in the word of God not onely for our selues but also to instruct our neighbours let vs for al that be cōtēted to yeld our selues to be taught of him to beseech him to grant vs his grace that we may daily profit more more And therefore we ought the better to note the reason which Dauid setteth first down For the earth O Lord as ful of thy mercie As if he should haue saide thou O Lorde spreadest abrode thy fatherly goodnes ouer all creatures we se how of thy mercy thou feedest the beasts of the field we se the trees florish the earth bring forth her increase thy goodnes spreadeth through heauē earth how is it then possible that thou shuldst not do good vnto thy children I am one of that nūber which call on thee that put their trust in thee Seing thou art so louing mercifull to al creatures thou shalt not forsake me The reason here set down serueth Dauid for a confirmation that he should not dout to obtaine the request which he had made And so as oft as we desire God to instruct vs in his statuts the good nes dout to obtaine the request which he had made And so ost as we desire God to instruct vs in his statuts the goodnes wherwith he ouerspreadeth al his creatures serueth vs as a foundation wheron to build al our petitiōs And since that God hath giuen vs this grace to allow vs in the nūber of his children and to shew him selt to be our father let vs be sure that he wil not refuse to giue vs those things which he hath promised And according to this holy doctrine let vs prostrate our selues before the Maiestie c. The nienth Sermon of the hundredth and nineteenth Psalme TETH O Lorde thou hast dealte gratiously with thy seruant according to thy woorde O teach me good iudgement and knowledge for I haue beleeued thy commaundementes Before I was troubled I went wrong but nowe I keepe thy worde Thou art good and gracious teach me thy statutes The proud haue imagined a lie against me but I wil keepe thy cōmandements with my whole heart Their hart is as far as grece but my delite is in thy law It is good for me that I haue beene in trouble that I may learne they statutes The law of thy mouth is better vnto me then thousandes of gold and siluer IF we be oftentimes foolish vnaduised in a great many causes it may chiefly appeere whē we meane to pray to God for thē if there be but one drop of wit or reason in vs it wil shew it selfe but we discouer our owne folly in that behalf more then in al the rest of our actions And what is the reason For sootli we wil behaue our selues more modestly whensoeuer wee shall craue any thing at the handes of men then when we come before the maiestie of God for we go on hedlong thereto not knowing what we ought too desire of him but euen powre out at all aduenture whatsoeuer shall come into our mouthes And we should then t●e rather call to minde our lesson to the end we might know the order rightly how to pray For we profane the name of god shew ourselues too much to contēne his maiestie if we beg at his hands any other thing thē that which he hath declared vnto vs to haue liking off in such sort as that his will be alwayes preferred and our desires thereby chiefly ruled Now we are heere aduertised that aboue all thinges we ought to pray vnto God that he wil teach vs cause vs to vnderstand his wil accordingly as he hath declared vnto vs in his worde to open our eies that we may doe it so that wee might vnderstand that which is comprehended therin And this is the summe and effect of these eight verses which here we haue nowe to handle For Dauid demaundeth of God none other thing but to knowe the contents of the lawe and the doctrine thereof that he might be ruled thereby and his whole life framed thereafter But in the first place he remembreth God of all the benefites which he had already receiued from him For that it which must giue vs trust and confidence when as wee come to make any prayer vnto God And in deede there is nothing in the world which giueth vs a better
and so fatted Euen so fareth it with these cursed contēners of God which haue no regarde vnto euerlasting life but are wholely giuen vpp too their God the belly They wallowe them selues in their owne greace as a Swine which hath his groine alwayes in the trough Nowe contrariwise Dauid sayth that all his delight hath beene in the woorde of God Whereby hee doth vs to witte that although God had made him fatte yet that he wallowed not for all that in his owne greace but delighted in that spirituall gifte which was giuen him because that God had taught it him in his Schoole Loe then what we haue to gather out of this place that although wee see the greater parte of the worlde contemne God yet must we not be abashed thereat And why so Let vs well consider wherein men doe put their chiefe felicitie and wee shall finde them too be lyke vnto Oxen and Swine desiring naught but to liue heere in this world without looking any farther Nowe wee must haue a farther regarde if we will serue God as too him appertayneth to witte that wee take such pleasure and delight in the worde of God that wee bee no more giuen too the worlde as we are ouermuch And although God giueth vs aboundaunce yet that wee haue our ease and commodities in this worlde let vs not settle our mindes on them but knowe that all these are but pety small meanes and necessaryes but let vs labour to goe too the principall and acknowledge him too be our Father and Sauiour And when we knowe him too be so then let vs clime vpp vnto him and too that euerlasting life wherevnto hee inuyteth and calleth vs. Loe I say what wee haue heere too retaine Moreouer if God tameth vs by affliction Let vs come to that which Dauid addeth to witte That it was good for him that he had beene in trouble Although then that God pulleth back his hand and that in steade of gently intreating vs hee handleth vs roughly in steade of sending vs plentie of wealth he causeth vs to suffer hunger and thirst in steade of giuing vs health hee greeueth vs with diseases that beeing vexed with many anguishes and tormentes so that wee knowe not what too doe yet must wee alwayes looke to the ende to be comforted with Dauid in saying It is a good turne for mee O Lorde that I haue beene in trouble That I may learne thy Statutes Nowe since it hath so fallen out that Dauid was afflicted to the ende he might be the better disposed too learne the ordinaunces of God what shall become of vs which are full of worldely vanities Let vs then knowe that wee had neede to be corrected by the hand of God and to be tyed short if we will profite in the doctrine of saluation Loe then how we must practice the admonition of Dauid And when we shall haue so done we may conclude and say with that which is set downe in the laste verse to wit That the lawe of God is more deere vnto vs then Golde or Siluer And this is it that we must doe in this point wee must esteeme and make much of the worde of God as it is woorthy and not to stay our selues on the thinges of this worlde but to looke alwayes farther off to wit vnto heauen When then wee shall haue profited our selues thus by the afflictions which God shall send vs hee will bestowe his grace vpon vs by little little that we shal so esteeme of his word as that we shall wholy stick to it And let vs beseech him that it would please him too dispoyle vs of all our wicked fleshly desires and affections to cause vs to craue none other thing but that he wil reigne and liue in vs. According too this holy doctrine let vs prostrate our selues before the maiestie of our good God in acknowledging our offences Beseeching him that it woulde please bim too take from vs the wicked affections whiche might turne vs away from him and from his seruice and that wee might forget all whatsoeuer might turne vs from the right way of saluation that we desire nothing but that wee may attaine too that euerlasting life which we looke for in heauen That it would please him not too suffer vs to liue heere like brute beastes not knowing to what end we were created in this world but that we might acknowledge him to be our Creator our Father and Sauiour that wee might subiect our selues vnto him as his creatures and obey him as true and faithfull Children vntill such time as hee shall take vs out of this world to make vs partakers of that euerlasting blisse immortall inheritance which he hath prepared in Heauen and which is purchased for vs by our Lorde Iesus Christe That hee will not onely graunt vs this grace but also vnto all people and nations in the worlde c. The tenth Sermon of the hundreth and nineteenth Psalme IOD Thine hands haue made and fashioned mee O giue me therefore vnderstanding that I may learne thy Commaundements So they that feare thee when they see mee shall reioyce because I haue put my trust in thy word I knowe O Lorde that thy Iudgementes are right and that thou hast affficted me iustly I pray thee that thy mercie may comfort me according to thy promise vnto thy Seruant Let thy tender mercies come vnto mee that I may liue for thy lawe is my delight Let the proude be confounded for they haue dealte wickedly and falsely with mee but I meditate in thy Commaundements Let such as feare thee and know thy Testimonyes turne vnto mee Let my heart bee vpright in thy Statutes that I bee not ashamed WEE ought to holde and keepe this rule and order in our praiers to God not too measure his affection and loue after our own imaginations thoughts but to acknowledge him to be such one as in deede he is as he sheweth himselfe vnto vs to be And loe why he saith by his Prophet Esaiah after he had declared that he would haue compassion to saue his church Thinke not sayth he that I am like vnto you for there is as great distance betweene my thoughtes and yours as is betweene Heauen and Earth Let vs then measure the goodnesse of God after our vaine imaginations But as I haue already sayd let vs knowe that it is not in vaine which he declareth and testifieth vnto vs that the good will and loue which he beareth vs are infinite thinges which wee must beholde by faith onely And it is to the ende that we should come vnto him with greater boldenesse too call vpon him not doubting but that we shall obtaine whatsoeuer wee craue at his hands yea euen asmuch as shall be expedient for our saluation And according to this Dauid heere setteth downe that God had made him As if he had said I come not vnto thee O Lord as we commonly come vnto men I set not downe any merite or
can be able to submit our selues to God in such humilitie as for to knowe say that he is onely wise But yet they which knowe this think not his chatisements too be gentle and gratious but are impacient and conceiue some griefe that maketh them too grinde their teeth Nowe Dauid ioyned these twoo togither to wit that he did not onely make much of the word of God but also of the punishment which he sente him as if hee had saide O Lord I do not only suffer my self to be taught by thy word but to bee chastised also with thy hand and I beseech thee to scourge and beate mee with thy rodes so often as thou seest mee too doe amisse and too cause mee too amende shewing thy selfe a moste louing and pittifull Father towardes mee Wee haue heere nowe a very good admonition to wit that first we must learne to be ruled after the will of God to receiue his woorde without contradiction that wee reply not according as it pleaseth our owne wittes and affections neither too make any noyse when wee heare God speake But let him haue such authoritie ouer vs to make vs so silent as that wee may knowe that whatsoeuer hee sayth vnto vs is iuste and true And thus too doe let vs learne not to be so sleepy and sluggish as wee are by nature in our vices and sinnes and specially in this vice of ambition hauing alwayes a gready desire to be aduaunced Let vs rather knowe that God is the Mayster of the humble and lowely and let vs therfore humble our selues not looke so bigge and bee so foolish hautie which doth nothing else but cast vs hedlong into destruction when as wee aduaunce our selues higher then becommeth vs. Let vs rather be aduised to bridle all our Lustes and that which holdeth vs as it were captiues as Saint Paul sayth For what is the cause that so many people at this day doe set them selues against the Gospell It is not because they know not this doctrine too be good and that they iudge not so of it But yet are they not therein thorowly perswaded too say Loe howe we must liue Euery man will doe whatsoeuer himself thinketh to be good We must then needes confesse that the iudgements of God are right that wee learne to holde all our passions in bondage that we suffer our selues to be condemned by him and to be rebuked for all our vices and imperfections as becommeth vs. Now can we doe this to wit are we become subiect obedient to the word of God We must also submit our selues vnder his hand to strike vs when it shall please him and liuely to vnderstande that wee haue doone amisse confessing that he hath iustly chastised vs or as heere it is sayde of very faithfulnesse This is the summe and effect that he is iust in punishing of vs as he is wise in teaching of vs the one hāgeth on the other that is to say the second hangeth vpon the first For whosoeuer shal come to this humilitie that Dauid speaketh off to knowe that in the worde of God there is but one holy doctrine one infallible truth one so perfect equitie as can be no perfecter hee that shall haue knowne this shall by little and little haue wherewith too bee fortified too receiue the corrections with a meke spirite and not to bee grieued and to kicke against the pricke as wee are wonted to doe Let vs nowe then suffer God to rebuke vs yea and to correct vs seeing hee doeth all this for our profit and health And this is the summe and effect of this verse It followeth next after I praye thee that thy mercie may comfort me according vnto thy promise vnto thy seruant Here Dauid maketh and more generall request then that which before we haue seene Hee desireth God to instruct him and now he addeth O let thy mercifull kindnes bee my comfort As if he had said O Lord I haue besought thee for a speciall and particular thing but I adde nowe that thou wilt be mercifull vnto me in all and through all that thy mercie bee extended vpon me that I faile in nothing Thou knowest what is necessarie and profitable for me O Lord let mee feele thee to bee gratious and pitifull all maner of wayes Loe what difference there is betweene the first request which we haue already seene and this second Now this is a point worth the noting For as wee haue before said see the first which we ought to haue in a singular recommendation and that is that wee may bee taught by God and not to be taught onely by wordes but that hee will also lighten vs with his holy spirite to make vs knowe that it is his worde which guideth vs. See here I say the very right way to saluation Nowe haue wee made this request we may craue of God that hee will not let vs fall in anything whatsoeuer that his mercy may comfort vs. But yet here we se how that Dauid was not comforted nor yet reioyced but onely in God knowing that all the ioye that we haue here bilowe shal be accursed when as wee haue no regarde vnto our Creator And yet for all this se how commonly wee are wonted to reioyce and comfort our selues that is euen to forget God to turne our backs vpō him Now accursed be such ioy for the issue thereof can be none other but as our Lord Christ Iesus sayeth That it shall bee turned into weeping and gnasshing of teeth Howbeit the worlde is waxen dronke for whatsoeuer is saide vnto it it maketh no reckoning thereof but vtterly refuseth al good sound doctrine In deede this is true that this same was not written in vaine but that we shal be so much the more inexcusable when as we shall haue the example of Dauid except we folowe it See then for this first point that after Dauid had compassed the whole worlde both aboue and beneath he founde no rest to comfort his spirite and soule but at such time as he made his repaire vnto God And there I say he found wherwith to reioyce and comfort him selfe finding nothing els but vnquietnesse in all liuing creatures Now he soone after setteth downe how we ought to reioyce and to be comforted in God to wit through his mercie for if God shoulde deale with vs according to our desertes we should haue no cause wherefore to reioyce but rather be confounded with very horrour and feare When as God shal declare him self to be our iudge alas which way shall wee be able to turne vs Must wee not needes bee cast headlong into the deepe pit If it be said that wee must appeare before the maiestie of our God what shall become of vs which sucke vp iniquitie euen as the fishe sucketh in water as it is written in the booke of Iob Wherefore let vs know that if we will rightly reioyce and finde sure rest in our consciences wee must betake our selues to
this free mercie of our God that he declareth him selfe pitifull vnto vs in that he seeth vs to be miserable wretched creatures and to put foorth our hand vnto him to receiue his mercie Nowe Dauid in the ende sheweth whereuppon he buildeth him selfe in making such a request According vnto thy worde made vnto thy seruant Loe whereupon we must builde and settle our selues when as we will come vnto God to be heard of him to wit vpon his meere mercie as we haue here aboue said But are wee already come thus farrefurth And if wee be yet is there an other point farther required to wit wee must assure our selues that the graces of God shall adorne and garnishe vs so we seeke them according to his word And to proue it to be so marke I beseeche you for it were marueilous great presumption in vs to come vnto God without we had his promises for it and to desire of him any thing and say O Lord I haue neede of this and that Go to now here is already some occasion which causeth vs to come vnto God And againe O Lord thou art good and gracious loe this is an other thing also which augmenteth our courage and boldnes But bicause we are so farre from God that we are not able to come nere his maiestie without he come down vnto vs we must then before wee can haue any accesse to make our prayers vnto him lay this foundation which is here set before vs that is to say the word of God when as thereby God witnesseth vnto vs that his mercie is alwayes readie that he there laieth it before vs and offereth the same there vnto vs. There remaineth now nothing els but that wee receiue it by faith and that there wee declare our faith through our calling vpon him So then we see the order which Dauid here setteth downe that is that hee bringeth vs to God to the ende we might take our whole contentation repose and reioysing in his meere goodnesse And since that he hath receiued vs through his mercie let vs beseeche him that he would looke vnto vs with his eyes of pitie For the third point he sheweth vs how we ought to make such our petitions that is bicause God hath bounde him selfe vnto vs of his own good will and hath witnessed vnto vs that he wil be neare vs. When then we shal come vnto him in this sort let vs not doubt but that he wil heare vs graunt whatsoeuer we shall desire according to his will And namely he sayeth thy woorde made vnto thy seruant to th ende he would declare to euery of vs that euery man should apply the promises of God particularly vnto him selfe And not to vse the maner of the Papistes to saye It is very true that God hath promised this and that but we know not whether the same belongeth vnto vs or not And these are no fooles which say thus but this is the doctrine which they teache in all their Satanicall and deuelish Schooles and Synagogues Loe here the very doctrine of popish doctors that the promise of God are vncertaine that we must receiue thē as things hanging in the ayre not to take them generally to say I doubt not but that GOD speaketh the same vnto me But contrariwise we must conclude as Dauid here doth and O Lord let it be done vnto thy seruant according to thy word He saith not according to thy word I knowe not to whom nor vnto such mē of which number I am not so that I can not builde vppon it but he saith according to thy promise O Lord made vnto me Let vs then learne by his example that when we desire the Lord God to assiste vs to charge him with his promises yea let vs apply them vnto our selues and beleeue that they are also spoken to euery of vs in particular and generally vnto all I meane vnto all the faithfull When as the Lord our God saieth I receiue all sinners to mercy let euery one saye O Lorde I am one of those miserable and wretched creatures and therefore I come vnto thee charging thee with thy promise made vnto me Loe howe wee must behaue our selues herein for els we shall but wander in the holy scripture all the daies of our life It followeth immediatly after Let thy tender mercies come vnto me that I may liue for thy lawe is my delight In this verse we may very well see that Dauid was as it were estranged from the mercie of God Now this is a very notable point to be considered off for what is the cause of our distrust yea euen to close vp the gate against God for that we would not come vnto him but onely bicause wee thinke that God hath estraunged him selfe from vs and that we should be thereby confounded It is very true that he will sometimes cause vs to feele them as if he had cleane turned him selfe away from vs and all bicause we first forsooke him but yet we must notwithstanding returne vnto him and not be discouraged but followe the example of Dauid that although the mercies of God to the outwarde apparance and in our iudgement bee farre from vs and in such sort as that we may well perceiue it yet must we neuer cease to say O Lord let thy louing mercies come vnto me surely to the outrward shew so farre as I can iudge they are farre of me but yet O Lorde I knowe that thou wilt in the ende make me to attaine vnto them yea and although thou manifestly shewest me them not yet notwithstanding I will wayte and surely looke for them with an assured faith and hope Moreouer when he sayeth that I may liue that is to signifie vnto vs the same which I haue already said to wit that although his wit and spirite stayed it selfe vpon creatures yet that he was but as a dead man whiles he thought God not to be neare him hee supposed him self to be but as a forlorne man And in deede although we had all the world on our side and had GOD against vs and were sure that he neither loued nor fauoured vs all the rest would turne but to our ruyne and destruction And if wee esteeme not thus of him must it not needes be but that we must bee bewitched by Satan and caried violently away when we shall content vs onely with these worldly things and neuer haue regard vnto the spring head and fountaine of all goodnesse to wit the bounty of God But in the meane while let vs note this that although we bee dead for a time after the example of Dauid yet shall wee be quickened so that we come to God beseeching him not to holde backe his mercies farre from vs. Now he saieth in the ende For thy lawe is my delight By this we are admonished what it is that we must craue at the handes of God in good earnest forsooth that his mercies may remaine with vs
to wit when as we are conformable to him and to his woorde Let it not now abash vs although wee feele so little taste of God his mercies And why so For what is he that will acknowledge it Wee are so beguiled with these false deceiptes of the worlde that we thinke we may triumphe by them that wee shall bee exceedingly blessed when as wee shall haue all thinges after our owne heartes desire But in thus doing we can contemne God and his grace We must not then be abashed if we be set besides that which apperteineth to our saluation and that God suffereth vs to languishe in wretchednesse and miserie And so let vs learne after the example of Dauid to bee as it were reiected of the worde of God and to bee as it were estraunged from it to craue in good earnest to cause his mercies to retourne vnto vs to wit that he would graunt vs this grace to let vs in such sort vnderstand what neede we haue of his fauour and aide that notwithstanding that we haue declined from his commandements yet that he would graunt vs for all that to feele his mercie although he hath held the same from vs for a season Now it followeth Let the proude be confounded for they haue delt wickedly and falsely with me but I meditate in thy commaundementes Here Dauid setteth downe another reason to confirme him self continually more and more that hee shall obtaine that which he praieth vnto God for to wit bicause the wicked do persecute him whom he calleth the proud And this is the sentence which wee haue already heretofore treated off neither will the time suffer vs to stay any lenger vpon it It shall therefore suffice vs for this time that faith onely is the thing which bringeth vs within the compasse of humilitie when as we know that there is nothing in vs but wickednesse and that wee are thereto tied by the iust iudgementes of God When I say that the faithfull knowe this it pulleth downe their high mindes they are no more arrogant nor presumptious to lifte themselues vp against God and their neighbours Contrariwyse the wicked and enemies of GOD are called proude for the pride which they vse against GOD engendreth also crueltie against their neighbours As many as will humble them selues before God will also bee very gentle too their neighbours but they which haue a fierse and high mynde to stande against God must needes likewise cast their poyson against their neighbours And for this cause Dauid sayeth let the proud O Lord be confounded for they go wickedly about to confound me Whereby wee are admonished that although the wicked vexe and grieue vs neuer so iniuriously and without cause yet we are thereby taught to haue the rather a great deale more trust that God wil haue mercie vpon vs. And why so bicause it is he which graunteth our request and when as we shall make it vnto him it shall not come of our selues but he shal be authour thereof So then when as we shall be grieued and iniuried by malitious and cruell men let vs go boldly vnto God and beseeche him to haue pitie and compassion vpon vs. Nowe he addeth that he neuer ceased to meditate vpon the testimonies of God although he was so afflicted And this is an excellent admonition for vs that when wee are tormented both from heauen and on the earth that God on the one side to the outwarde shewe estraungeth him selfe from vs and we on the other side are so forsaken that wee are troden vnder mens feete besides a thousand other villaines done vnto vs when as I say wee shall be so vexed and grieued We must learne after the example of Dauid to meditate of the testimonies of God and there to seeke our whole comfort for that is the very meane by which God meaneth to plucke vs out of all our anguishes and griefes which might any way trouble vs. That now which foloweth hath beene already handled to wit that men which feare God doe turne vnto him to say that they will keepe him companie And in the ende he setteth downe this conclusion Let my heart bee vpright in thy statutes that I bee not ashamed Now like as in the first verse hee desireth GOD to giue him vnderstanding that hee might learne his Lawe here he desireth that he would graunt him affection Whereby we may see that this proceedeth from vs from our nature to wit to be very poore blynd soule vntill such time as God openeth our eies And thus much for the first point But yet vnderstanding onely shall not serue God must make our heartes pliant vnto his obedience and place vs so with him selfe as that we haue none other desire but to serue him Let vs thē learne to pray vnto him as Dauid here hath done for after he had desired him to giue him vnderstanding of his law he desireth him also to giue him a pure and a sound heart yea and that we should also doe the same in veritie truth not doubting but that when God hath bestowed vpon vs some graces that he will also encrease them more more and haue compassion vpon vs so that we be obedient vnto him in our behalfe and yelde him the homage and authoritie which vnto him belongeth And according vnto this doctrine let vs in all humilitie prostrate our selues before the maiestie of our good God in acknowledging our offences beseeching him so to touch vs as that wee might learne after the example of his Prophet how to make and present our requestes vnto him to bereaue vs of all our earthly affections which we feele to be most violent against vs to the ende that our minde bee not withdrawne through them from his righteousnes but that wee submit our selues wholy vnto his holy will desiring nothing els but to haue him to gouerne vs to the end that being fortified by his holy spirite we might perseuere vnto the end to resist those temptations which shal grieue vs to obteine the victory abouesaid and come to the triūphe which is prepared for vs in heauen aboue That he wil not onely graunt vs this grace but also vnto all people and nations of the earth c. The eleuenth Sermon of the hundreth and nineteenth Psalme CAPH My soule fainteth for thy saluation yet I wayte for thy worde Mine eyes faile for thy promisse saying when wilt thou comfort me For I am like a bottle in the smoke yet do I not forget thy statutes How many are the dayes of thy seruant when wilt thou be auenged of them that persecute me The proude haue digged pittes for mee which are not after thy lawe All thy commandementes are true they persecute me falsely be thou my helpe They had almost made an end vpō me on the earth but I forsooke not thy commaundements Quicken me according to thy louing kindnesse so shall I keepe the testimonies of thy mouth IF we could rightly call to our remembraunce
shall be lamentable Nowe this may serue vs for twoo purposes The one is that wee being heere belowe vppon the earth might make our account that we cannot be here as it were in Paradise to haue such reste and quietnesse as we would chiefely desire to lack nothing and not to bee subiect to any griefe nor displeasure No not so But contrariwise let vs know that here God subiecteth vs to a great number of wretchednesses and miseryes to the ende wee should be alwayes calling vpon him for his mercie and too be alwayes running vnto him for it Lo here the first point which wee are to consider of in this place that the faithfull to the outwarde shewe shal be very miserable and in a most wretched case so long as they shall liue heere bylowe and the meaning of God is to holde vs vnder this condition to the ende to awaken vs that we might haue a far greater affection to call vpon him and to cleaue wholly vnto him Now if we shall haue this consideration with vs we may then in the second place say with Dauid Haue mercie vpon vs O Lorde that is to say we may be assured in all our miseryes that God wil be pitifull and mercifull vnto vs yea so that we desire him as we are heere taught too doe by the spirite of God Namely Dauid addeth As thou vsest too doe vnto those which loue thy name This is a sentence of Iudgemēt which is here set downe But it sometimes signifieth measure sometimes estate order or fashion the sense is not darke for it is asmuch as if he had saide O Lord haue mercy vppon me euen as thou art wonted to haue mercy vpon those which call vpon thy name Now we are to gather from this saying that Dauid made not this petition only for himself but hath set down vnto vs a general rule which we may and ought too apply vnto euery childe of God too the ende that euery one for his owne part might be sure that God wil haue mercy vpō him and stretch forth his hand to aide him in his neede And why so For the holy Ghost namely pronoūceth that it is the ordinary maner of God to be louing and pitiful to al those which loue his name What remayneth then for vs to do Forsooth we must loue the name of God And heere we are also to consider what this saying meaneth too loue the name of God For wee shal haue some men which wil feare god so so and yet be contented neuer to come neere him if they could otherwise chuse yea they wil not sticke to shut the dore against him and kepe themselues as far from him as is possible Nowe Dauid sheweth heere vnto vs what the true feare of God is to wit that we must loue him of our owne good wil and that with reuerence and not constrainedly to loue and feare him but that we desire too come vnto him and wholy to submit our selues vnto his Maiestie If we shal do thus then may we truly say that wee loue him in louing him feare him also In very deed these are things that may not be separated bicause it is impossible for vs rightly too reuerence God and to feare him as we ought except as it is said in the Psalme that we first acknowledge him to bee our father loking for al goodnes and courtesie from him This then affoordeth vs in the first place that wee are assured that God loueth vs that wee must take him as for our father that wee feele that hee in the louing of vs desireth nothing els but our saluation And thus much for the first point And after from thence also proceedeth humilitie whenas wee see GOD so too abase himselfe as too seeke for vs myserable Creatures wretched wormes of the Earth yea euen very condemned and vtterly loste persons the bondslaues of Satan That God seeketh for vs euen in Hell and draweth vs so louingly vnto himself And must it not needes be that we are very stubborne if we bee not touched and mooued to come vnto him and yeelde our selues vntoo him and bee ruled and gouerned by his hand and protection Loe say I how wee ought to loue the name of God to the ende we might be glad of that felicitie which Dauid heere speaketh of that is that God looketh to keepe vs through his prouidence And although wee are heere compassed with a great number of miseryes afflicted a great number of wayes and iudged to be most wretched yet God is at hand to help our necessities And namely it is sayd to loue the name of God Because wee must receiue a testimony from him to comprehend his good will Wee see not God in his Essence or as he is in deede but he manifesteth himselfe vnto vs by a nother meane to witte that wee might beholde him in the glasse of his woorde where he sheweth himselfe vnto vs openly inough Nowe Dauid addeth soone after Order my steppes in thy woorde and let no wickednesse haue dominion ouer me Heere wee see more cleerely that which I haue already touched to wit what the petitions of the faithfull ought to be to the ende they should not be giuen to vaine things For we neede not to haue any thing to make vs by and by to goe astray seeing our owne nature draweth vs readyly inough thereto There is no question but that wee wil go more then a foote pace when as wee are bent too doe mischiefe yea we will trot on moste swiftly and violently euen as wretched men that were bewitched Wherefore heere is a remedy set downe vnto vs considering that our nature is inclyned to all euill and caryeth vs thereto headlong that we only ought to indeuour our selues too bridle our vaine and wicked affections and besides wee ought too desire God to keepe vs through his woord and not too suffer any iniquitie too reigne in vs. Loe I say in what sorte all the faithfull muste order them selues fighting against all their fleshly lustes For it is meete that wee vtterly renounce the euill that is in vs if wee will seeke after God and come vnto him Nowe heere are two things which Dauid desiereth To haue his so otesteppes ordered according to the worde of God And afterwarde that no iniquitie haue dominion ouer him Which is asmuch as if hee had sayde That God had conformed him to his word and giuen him power and strength to withstand all temptations Nowe when he sayth Order my steppes according too thy word he meaneth that we can doe nothing at all excepte God gouerneth vs by his holy spirit So then it is not enough that we haue the woorde of God preached vnto vs to heare it and to be exercised in the reading thereof But it is God that must put to his helping hand ouer besids he it is that must make the preaching of it effectuall and pearce our eares to the ende wee might vnderstande that which is set downe
our selues wholy to it and altogither rest thereon Beholde say I after what sort our prayers are allowed to wit whē as we pray not to God for that which seemeth best in our owne eyes but when as we be fenced with that which he hath promised vs. And this is it wherein we differ from the Painimes and Infidels For wee see that the Turkes and Idolaters doe greatly pray vnto God But after what manner pray they Forsooth euen at all aduenture so that they knowe not what they doe But contrariwise wee must pray vnto him with full assuraunce that he will heare vs. But from whence shall this certaintie proceede if wee haue not the trueth to goe before vs and say beholde the Lorde who calleth vs vnto him And then when wee come vnto him this is no foolish presumption But we come in such sorte vnto him as he hath commaunded vs. Let vs then see what wee haue yet to note in this place when Dauid setteth downe heere the promises of God by which he is bounde vnto him O Lorde sayth he let it bee doone vnto me according to thy worde Nowe heere is a very profitable poynt to be considered off to witte after that we are once assured that God hath promised too doe that for vs which we shall aske of him we must no more doubt that it shall be so but that the thing is fully concluded vpon so that we are euer sure and certaine thereof For when God speaketh vnto vs we are very sure that he will not deceiue vs hee will not giue vs faire woordes and then deceiue vs as men many times doe dealing very liberally with their tongues but yet notwithstanding very close fisted But God dealeth not in such sorte Let vs then come before him without distrust Haue wee his woorde Let vs then holde the thing as already performed And so when Dauid sayth according to thy word hee signifieth vnto vs that hee was not onely assured that God is faithfull and liberal that he meaneth not to abuse vs when as wee truste to him but sheweth vs that this certaintie which wee haue of the trueth of God should not make vs weary to say that wee bee as it were euen ouerwhelmed But wee must rather be carefull and diligent to pray vnto him There are some men which will in deede say that they beleeue the promises of GOD but since say they hee knoweth what wee haue neede of what neede wee to bee importune vppon him Nowe these men indeede very well declare that they neuer vnderstood what faith and hope are For if we receiued the promises of God without hypocrisie we ought to be thus earnest and zealous to pray and haue recourse vnto him saying O Lorde God when as thou hast assured mee of thy bountie and mercie it is to this end that I should call vpon thee in my neede And that I see the necessitie which vrgeth and presseth mee I muste needes come vnto thee as thou haste called mee by thy worde Beholde then that all the promises of God should serue vs in stede of so many spurres to prick vs forwarde in making our prayers vnto him Let vs nowe come to the woords of Dauid Let thy louing mercyes or thy graces come vnto me O Lord and thy saluation After that he hath layde his foundation wherevpon too builde he desireth one selfe same thing in two words which to the outwarde apparance are diuers and sundry to wit the graces of God and his saluation And yet notwithstanding Dauid meneth nothing else but that god would shew him selfe to be his Sauiour Neither is there any thing heere spoken superfluously For it is asmuch as if he had sayd O my God I besech thee that according to thy promise thou wilt make me feele thee to be my sauiour and father But yet in the meane while he expresseth vnto vs whence this saluation which we must wayte for and whiche God hath promised vs cometh and that is of his meere good will For men cannot otherwise choose but that they wil euer wrongfully take vpon them some thing or other which appertaineth nothing vnto them and alwayes to be foolishly and arrogantly bounde vnto them selues Nowe Dauid cleane contrary sheweth heere that all the saluation which he hopeth after desireth commeth from another spring-heade then from the vertue and dignitie of men to wit euen from the meere goodnes of God So then wee see that as before he hath spoken of the promise euen so also hee heere addeth and expresseth the cause which moued God to bind himself so vnto vs to wit his meere mercy By this we are admonished that when we are to call vpon God we should alwayes haue regarde vnto these twoo things to wit the grace of God and his free mercie and after that his promise God is good and liberall and see why it is that he with pitie looketh vppon vs and beholding vs with his eyes of cōpassion vouchsafeth to receiue vs yea and calleth and allureth vs vnto him and also imboldeneth vs to craue of him to the end he would help and succour vs in all our needes and necessities Now this goodnesse should lye hidden in God were it not that hee made vs to feele it by his promise For God sheweth himselfe vnto vs to be such a one as in deede he is he layeth his heart wide open when he rendreth vs a testimonie of the loue hee beareth vs. Loe heere why I haue said that in all our prayers wee ought to haue these two considerations The one is that God is so good and louing that although wee bee poore and miserable creatures and nothing else but doung and stench yet for all that hee ceaseth not too loue vs and to haue greate care of our saluation And since wee are come too the promise which is a sure testimonie that God is such one we should no more doubt what affection he beareth vs whether he be our friend or enemie seeing it is so that he is very well willing to bee bounde vnto vs in declaring vnto vs that he is our father and taketh vs to bee his Children Nowe Dauid maketh such a request as we haue already touched to the end he might answere those which wrought him shame Although he sayth word for word To the ende I may answeare these which woorke me shame Heere Dauid declareth that when God shall haue ayded him that then he shall be able to withstand all his enemyes put by all the iniuries scornes of the vnbelieuers and faythlesse which they did lay before him to the end too shake and crush the faythful and to destroy them yea and vtterly to make their fayth nothing woorth if it were possible for them to do it By this we are let to vnderstande that if we make our prayers to God whensoeuer it shal happen al the world too assaile vs and that it might seeme wee shoulde be plunged in hel an hundred thousand tymes yet
promises it is saide that God will circumcise the heartes of his children He sayth that he wil so liuely touch them as that he will bring them into his obedience So then as we haue already said the faithfull binde not them selues to God to do any thing of their owne power strength but they desire him to fulfil what soeuer is wanting in them to supply their weakenesse and to send such remedy as hee knoweth best to be most needefull and expedient for them See then with what confidence Dauid hath sworne too obserue the Testimonyes of God hee did it not I say of any vaine presumption that he had conceiued of his owne power and strength ne yet that he was able to doe it no he attributed nothing to his owne strength But sweareth and doth it by reasō of the promise of god by which promise he declareth that he wil by his holy spirit gouerne al those which are his Loe whervpon Dauid stayed himselfe Now by by followeth the second point to wit that Dauid hath sworne too obserue the testimonies yea euen staying himself vpon that which God hath promised that he wil vpholde vs through his mercye that although wee halte and that all the obedience which we go about to yeeld vnto him be weake and faultie because it is done but by halues yet he not hauing respect to al our faults meaneth to make a taste of the desire which we shall haue to please him in effect wil accept our seruice as it is dispensing with all the faultes which shall be mingled amongst them Which thing Dauid considering was able to say that he would obserue the cōmandements of God So then let vs note that when the faithfull binde themselues to obserue the word of God they must not trust to them selues ne yet be puffed vp with a foolish opinion that they haue the power to do it but they must say Accōplish thou this O Lorde and then I will followe it write thy lawe O Lorde in mine hearte and then shall I haue a desire to serue thee and besides Let the faithful alwayes remember that God wil not handle them sharply yea although they faile in a great number of pointes so that they are not able to obserue one only point nor iot perfectly yet wil he spare them through his free goodnes mercie Whē the faithful childrē of god shal haue knowen thus much and shall sweare that they will obserue the cōmandements of God yet let them not cease for all that too flie vnto the forgiuenes of their sinnes that they may feele the same too be a necessary remedy agreeable to the will of God for the fulfilling of one parte of his commandements We see now then why Dauid hath sworne to keepe the Commaundements of God and that he wil neuer chaunge this purpose in his hart Now he maketh two requests immediatly after whereof the one is to be quickened and restored Wherein he sheweth that which I haue alredy touched which is that hee was not ledde with a foolish presumption of his owne power stregth For he which desireth god to be restored confesseth that he liueth not as of himself but that he must needs liue by the grace goodnes of God And yet Dauid maketh this confession more expresly when he addeth the reason why he vseth to make such request For I am very sore afflicted O Lord saith he See then Dauid who confessing him self to be troubled and as it were vtterly made nothing besecheth god for to restore him Shal we say that he trusted to owne strength or that hee attributed any thing whatsoeuer vnto him selfe we se the cleane contrary So then according to that which we haue already declared let vs vnderstand that he sware not vpon any vaine presumptiō but because he knewe that God would neuer fayle him And this is the reason why he toke vpon him this boldenes And that is it which he addeth According to thy word that is according to thy promises Now we ought throughly to consider all what soeuer that is heere said Quicken me O Lorde saith he And thus much for the first point Wherin he sheweth that he liueth not as of him self but defiereth it of God And afterward he addeth the reason saying after this manner I am very sore aflicted Whereby hee declareth vnto vs that we are not able too releeue and maintaine our selues when as our strength fayleth vs but that it is God which must put to his helping hand And besides we may be assured that he will helpe vs and be ready to restore vs so that we will desire him and call vpon him haue recourse vnto his goodnesse Loe heere a mightie comforte for all the faithful when as they finde them selues to bee so without strength as that they feele them selues too fainte too be cleane cast down and to see nothing else in them selues but death yet may they be fully assured resolued that God will alwayes be their watchman too restore and quicken them And why so To wit according to that which Dauid addeth when he sayth According to thy promises Then it followeth that God hath promised too restore and quicken his when as they shall be in death And therefore wee shall neuer be able too make our request in faith as Dauid heere hath doone if that wee haue not the promises of God For as we haue before said it is a foolehardines in men to put foorth them selues too pray vnto God as they liste without beeing sure and certaine of his will before See then the cause which mooued Dauid so expressely too sette downe here the promise of GOD. Nowe this promise was not made too him alone this is no personall Priuiledge as wee say appertaining to one man only But it is a generall rule which we must holde that God wil raise vp againe from death those which are throwne down and as it were made nothing yea euen when as they doe call vpon him and acknowledge that it commeth of his owne pure grace that they ought to be so restored and not otherwise Nowe here is yet another request which hee maketh O Lord I beseeche thee let the freewill offringes of my mouth please thee and teach me thy iudgements Here Dauid desireth God to accept the praises which he shall render vnto him For the oblations whereof Dauid speaketh are nothing els but prayse and thankesgiuing by which Dauid acknowledgeth the benefites of God And yet for all that he in very deede looketh vnto the common order of the lawe For when a man hath beene cured of a disease or hath beene deliuered from some daunger or els that God hath indued him with prosperitie hee commeth to the Church to make his oblation or offring for an especiall testimonie and too acknowledge howe greatly hee is bounden vnto God Dauid had small regarde to any such ceremonies but yet he noteth and expresseth the ende and the vse
bestowing al our desire and affection vpon them See then howe the iudgements and corrections which God layeth vpon the vngodly ought to profite vs. And this is it why Saint Paule in exhorting the faythfull to walke holyly and to abstaine from all pollution sayths Ephe. 5.6 Take heede that you be not beguiled through vaine woords For for such thinges the wrath of God commeth vpon the children of disobedience Now it is true that before God hath executed his iudgementes we ought already to be instructed too walke in his feare But when God sheweth vs openly howe he putteth to his helping hand it is good reason that wee should be so much the more attentiue to his Iudgements Esa 59.17 18 And loe why the Prophet Isaiah sayth That when God executeth his Iudgementes that the inhabitantes of the earth might learne that he dooth it righteously Moreouer let vs consider how slack we are to come vnto God that hee is faine to drawe vs perforce vnto him Ought not we euen to run vnto him so often as he lifteth vp his finger vnto vs So often as he shall open his holy mouth to instruct and shew vs the way of saluation should we slacke and deferre it from day to day But what Marke the peruersnesse and that not only of the most wicked but euen of the holyest and perfectest which are infected with this vice See what Dauid sayth that he had neede to be pricked forward like an Affe yea euen Dauid himselfe who was the most forwarde of all other according to the graces which he had receiued If it hath so fallen out with him by reason of the reste of the imperfection which he had that hee was spurred and his fleshe pricked like an Asse what shall become of vs which haue scarcely receiued one drop of the spirit of God in respect and comparison of this holy mane And so ●et vs consider to be the more watchfull ouer our selues so often as God sheweth vs any token that hee is Iudge and calleth the vngodly to an accounte that at the leaste we be stirred vp to run vnto him for refuge and to loue his word Nowe in the meane time to conclude Dauid addeth My flesh trembleth for feare of thee and I am afraide because of thy iudgementes Heere Dauid setteth downe two things which seeme at the first sight not to agree togither For it may bee sayde that this feare whereof he speaketh can no way agree with the feare of the commaundements of God but yet there is a sweete hermony betweene the one and the other And why so For as the faithles in fearing God wax desperate are so thrown down that they can neuer haue that boldnes to come neere vnto him Euen so on the cōtrary side there is a frank free feare in those which are gouerned by the spirit of God which beareth a reuerence vnto his woorde to make them tremble before it For by the iudgementes which Dauid heere speaketh of he meaneth not the punishments onely which God executeth but nowe hee treateth as he doth throughout the whole Psalme either of Statuts or else of ordinaunces which are to direct our life as also the Prophet Isaiah saieth that the faithfull tremble at the voice of God that they conceiue his incomprehensible maiestie in his word and thervpon are humbled But yet they cease not for all that too come boldely vnto GOD knowing that he wil be their mercifull father and desireth nothing else but to receiue them This humble feare then may well be conioyned with the loue of God agree with faith and with a taste which we might take in the worde of God in giuing our selues wholy thereto But the feare which serueth to none other ende but to astonish the wicked which onely feele an hell in their consciences and yet haue no taste of the grace of God this feare I say serueth to none other purpose but to shut vpp the gate against these miserable accursed people without all hope of saluation Now Dauid speaking of the feare of the word of God leadeth vs to a deeper and a more weightie consideration For his meaning is to shewe vnto vs how that God is our father and Sauiour and that he freely draweth vs vnto himselfe as already he hath declared According to this holy doctrin let vs prostate ourselues before the maiestie of our good God in acknowledging our offences beseeching him that it would please him too make vs to feele the sweetenesse of his worde as his seruant Dauid hath beene thereon throughly setled too the ende we might haue such a feruent affection to it as that it might cause vs to forget all the desires of this worlde wherein wee are too too much plagued and that wee might cut of all the superfluties of our flesh to the ende we might be dedicated in all holinesse vnto our God and to be confirmed more more in his seruice And that being once brought by him into the way of saluation although we must walke in this world because we are compassed about with so many daungers yet that he will alwayes stretch forth his hand vnto vs to keepe and hold vs in his protection vnto the end That hee will not onely graunt vs this grace but also vnto all people and nations of the worlde c. The xvi Sermon vpon the hundreth and nineteenth Psalme AIN I haue executed Iudgement and iustice giue me not ouer vnto mine oppressors Answere for thy seruaunt in that which is good and let not the proude doe me wrong Mine eyes haue fayled in looking for thy saluation and for thy iust promise Deale with thy seruant according vntoo thy louing mercies and teach me thy statutes I am thy seruaunt graunt mee therefore vnderstanding that I may knowe thy testimonies It is time for the Lorde too lay to his hand for they haue destroyed thy lawe Therefore loue I thy Commaundements aboue golde yea aboue moste fine golde Therefore I esteeme all thy commaundements most iust and all false wayes I vtterly abhorre THE holy Scripture oftentimes admonisheth vs that if wee will haue God to stand with vs against our enemyes wee must walke perfectly and soundly For if wee will bee like the wicked rendering euill for euill it is in vaine for vs too hope that God will be on our side either yet fauour vs But it is meete that he be iudge on both partes when as they incline thus to doe euill Would we haue God to be our warrant and defender Doe we beleeue that hee will haue compassion on vs when wee are troubled and violently oppressed Let our consciences be pure cleane before him because we knowe that hee taketh vppon him selfe this title too be the maintainer of all those which are vniustly oppressed and also of the miserable and afflicted Now if we haue such wicked hearts to inforce vs to wicked dealing how shall God put foorth his hand too ayde vs For then muste hee
they shall not be assayled neither yet that the wicked will not craftely goe about to worke them mischiefe but yet so as that God will be their buckler and defend them with his mightie power And namely hee sayth The proude Because that they which are our enemyes and make warre against vs haue such an vnbrideled libertie as that they thinke neither God nor yet any other liuing creature is able to stay them but that they will bring to passe whatsoeuer they haue determined Since then it is so that we haue too deale with such kinde of people as are both stout and cruel who lifte them selues vpp against all trueth that neither the feare of GOD nor yet naturall honesty can stoppe them but that they will destroye whether it be right or wrong as we say for this cause Dauid sayth O Lord let not the proude doe me wrong And so as often as we shall see this boldenesse in men to lift themselues vp and to vomit out their pestilent malice against vs let vs flye vnto GOD and beseech him too holde his holy hande ouer vs to represse so great and insolent arrogancie This beeing done although men for their partes make such attempts yet shall they neuer bring them to passe For God will holde them back as it were with a sharpe brake Nowe if this petition came euer in season it commeth nowe at this day in very good season For wee see how many the enemyes of God are which bend themselues against the Gospell wee see the malice and obstinacy throughout the whole worlde And so it is not possible but that a man which feareth God must needes be assayled troubled on all sides Seeing then that men are so furious to wrong vs so much the rather ought we to be carefull to make this request vnto God with Dauid yea and that with such a confidence as that we should not doubt but that when wee are vnder his protection he shall bee sufficient too maintaine and defende vs. Nowe it followeth Mine eyes haue fayled in looking for thy saluation and for thy iust promise We shall not neede to stande long vppon this sentence because it hath beene already handled heere before Dauid onely protesteth that he hath looked for such helpe from God as he desired And that is to shewe that he prayed not hypocritically but faythfully And this is a thing which we ought throughly to marke For wee thinke our selues too haue doone very substancially and sufficiently when as wee haue pronounced and rightly placed our words in the time of prayer but if wee shall haue spoken neuer so loude and with neuer so full and open mouth and yet haue emptie or fast closed vp heartes emptie I say and voyde of all trust and fast closed vpp it is a moste manifest token that wee neuer surely looked for any succour at the hands of God and therefore beholde why of very right all our prayers are vnprofitable and to no purpose And so when as wee wil beseech the Lord our god to take our cause into his hād to help vs let vs take this with vs which dauid here sheweth in this place by his example to wit let vs attend and looke for our saluation and deliuerance from God Yea and let vs cōsider of that which is said according to the word of thy righteousnes For by this he signifieth to vs vpō whom we must looke and cast our eyes when as we would throughly stirre vp our selues vnto such an hope to wit vnto the promises which God hath giuen vs for if this be not in vs it can neuer be said to be any more hope but a vaine imagination which we haue forged too our selues for to hope or trust in God is to be established in his promises For if a man imagine a thing which seemeth good in his own sight after leaneth thereto this mā trusteth not in God but in him self So then if we looke to haue any help at the hāds of God we must haue a sure testimonie of his will we must be sure that he loueth vs and that when he loueth vs hee will not fayle vs in our neede And how shal we be assured of this It shal be by the onely meane of his worde Nowe bicause men are so hard to be brought to rest them selues vpon God and not to cōtent them with his promises Dauid saith these promises to be iust according to the word of thy righteousnesse saith he It is not in vayne that hee thus intituleth the word of God And why so For he thinketh that if he haue but his bare worde that it is enough for him And why so For God maketh not vnto vs liberall and large promises as men doe and then deceiueth vs. His wordes are iust And as he saieth in an other place Psal 12.6 his wordes are like to pure siluer which is tried in the fier and hath beene seuen times purified in the furnace Euen so is it with all the promises of God we ought to be very assured of them Bicause hee is faithfull and iust and that there is nothing but righteousnesse and truthe in all that he sayth Now Dauid goeth further on for he speaketh not of a simple affection But saith that his eyes haue fayled as if he should haue said that he was hardly so resolued and not without great paine By this hee sheweth vs that his faith was so troubled as that hee knewe not what would become of him that hee had great and strong conflictes that he was in marueilous anguishes troubles so that he was as a man halfe dead and yet that he was armed and fenced amiddest al these hard cases with the hope trust which he had in God See what the words import which he vsed that his eyes fayled for the health and succoure which hee looked for at the handes of God Will we then haue a right hope and such an one as God alloweth of Let vs then not trust onely when wee are quiet and at rest ne yet be throwne downe by any temptations but when as we shal be in our extreamest troubles that wee know not at all what shal become of vs that we shal see nothing els but death before vs and round about vs here vpon I say let vs alwayes be firme and constant trusting that God will be our sauiour since he hath so promised vs. Loe howe we may make this protestation as Dauid here doeth Nowe it followeth Deale with thy seruant according to thy louing mercies and teache me thy statutes Here it may very wel seeme that Dauid maketh two petitions but yet they tende both to one ende For in the first part of this verse he sheweth how he desireth and trusteth to be heard to wit through the meere mercy of God As if he should haue said O Lorde teach me thy statutes and teach mee them not for that I thinke my selfe worthy of them but bicause thou art pitifull and
For wee shall not neede to be greatly learned for our right and perfect walking if wee truely and earnestly desire to be his schollers to preferre his word before all other things Dauid might very wel say O Lord I haue desired to vnderstand that which thou hast shewed me by thy law and yet contented not hee him selfe with this onely saying But saith namely that he opened his mouth as a forepined ghost who was no longer able to abide it And afterward he saieth that he drew in his breath that he was so zelous as that it tooke away as it were his very speach from him There is no doubt that Dauid meant here the very single affection wherewith hee was touched not for any desire he had to commēd him self but to shewe vnto vs by his example what our office dutie is towardes God that is that we should seeke too profite our selues by his word Now then we haue here to note that euen thē we shall be enflamed with the word of God when as wee shall haue yea euen such a vehement desire as hereof is mention made and as hath byn before spoken off That the word of God ought to be more deare and precious vnto vs then all the riches of the world more sweete then al other sweetnesse in the earth When then we shall haue such a desire as this we shal finde God to bee alwayes ready to accomplish that which is saide in the song of the holy virgin that hee hath filled and satisfied the hungry and empty God wil satisfie and fil those that hunger after the thinges which concerne but this present life And do you thinke that when we shal be desirous of his doctrine knowing it to bee the most principal benefite that we can possibly wish whereunto we ought to apply our whole hart that he wil let vs famish Do you suppose that he will not graunt vs so holy a desire and such a one as he approueth aboue all the rest But by the way let vs consider that we perceiue not at this day the profit and edifying which Dauid bringeth vnto vs in this place bicause in deede we are ouer colde to seeke after the will of God And to say truly I beseech you can we find one amongst an hundreth which desireth it I say yea such a one as onely hath that affection to be taught of God We see to the contrarie that wee shall not neede the very least trifling toy to keepe vs at the gaze bicause we are so full of all vanitie as is lamentable neither can the deuill no sooner set any thing before vs which wee will not runne after and take occasion to bee withdrawne from all whatsoeuer is good godly Now then when as we shall see our selues to be thus cold is this to come with such a feruencie as is here declared vnto vs by Dauid Alas where shall wee finde it ought we not then euen to be abashed when as we shal see so few to be truly taught of God considering that so small a number of people are touched to the quicke with a true desire of his doctrine But we ought rather to thinke it more straunge when as we seeing God to be so full of louing kindnes as too beare with our negligence that in steede of opening our mouthes and to desire his heauenly doctrine as Dauid hath done wee open our mouthes too craue such things as do nothing els but offende and grieue the maiestie of God for in that is our whole delight and vpon it bestowe we all our power and strength When then wee shall after this sort forsake God and seeke after the transitorie things of this worlde yea the which cannot but hurt and leade into euerlasting destruction are we not worthy that God should leaue and forsake vs as most miserable and wretched caitifes And therefore this doctrine is not heere set downe in vayne Let vs then vnderstande that God meaneth here to exhort vs by the exāple of Dauid that if we wil be wel instructed by his worde we ought with such an humilitie as here mention is made of too come vnto him with an earnest desire zeale knowing this to be such a benefite as deserueth to be preferred aboue all the rest euen too knowe the will and loue of God towardes vs considering that in it consisteth and resteth our whole saluation Nowe it followeth in the fourth verse Looke thou vpon me and be mercifull vnto mee as thou vsest to doe vnto those that loue thy name Heere Dauid right well sheweth what the desires and petitions of all the Children of God ought to be to witte that they must hang vpon the meere mercyes of God and to knowe that all their felicitie consisteth therein and so to stay them selues vpon this ground and foundation That God looketh with his eye vppon them too guide and gouerne them Nowe this thing is greatly to be obserued because that men commonly make them selues beleeue that they shall bee blessed if they may obtaine that whiche their fleshe desireth As when the Glutton shall haue wherwithal to fill his filthy paunch so that it may stand astrout the Whoremonger to inioy all his foule villanyes beastly lecheryes the Couetous man to be so scraping as that hee careth not what he getteth nor howe he commeth by his goods to lay Land to lande and too bee filled with an other mans blood Loe these are the men as they thinke which are blessed Yea and although they were not so giuen to wickednes as openly to greeue the maiestie of God yet for al that ye shal haue very few which wil acknowledge them selues to be accursed but that God hath care ouer them and their saluation that there is none other blessednesse nor felicitie but euen this that they are in the hand of God and vnder his protection And so much the rather ought wee too recorde and haue often in minde this lesson when as Dauid sayth O looke vpon me O Lord and be mercifull vnto me For by this hee signifieth vnto vs that if we will haue our life to be blessed if we will haue good successe in all our affaires Lo from this fountaine muste wee drawe all our felicitie which is the prouidence of God because we should in no wise dout but that he careth for vs and bestoweth imployeth himself for our preseruation When it is thus with vs all the reste cannot but goe well with vs but if this point be wanting we are very miserable although it seemeth to vs to haue euen asmuch as can bee wished Nowe by the way let vs note that Dauid in beseeching God to be merciful vnto him declareth that so long as we are in this worlde that we are subiecte too a number of calamities and afflictions And so we haue greate neede of the mercie of God or else wee shall carry away all the blowes as we say amongst so many greeuous encounters as
like as a Dauid maketh here such a request so also we are to consider that he made it not of his owne head nor at aduenture but he knewe it to bee the office of God That is That he will auenge all outrages Exo. 15. as it is said in the song of Moyses That if men oppresse any vniustly our Lord sayeth that it is be which auengeth the cause of the innocent and of him that is troubled without a cause Dauid then knowing that God hauing taken this title vnto him selfe and declared that he will not suffer the throates of the righteous too bee thus cut to be tormented and troaden vnderfoote but that hee will stretche foorth his hand too helpe them hee hauing knowne this calleth vpon God with a sure constancie that will receiue him Wherefore it is meete that we looke vnto this promise when as wee praye to the ende wee praye not doubtfully but in full assurance that God will be incontinent ready to helpe our necessities And this is it why Dauid by and by after sayeth Quicken mee according vnto thy worde It is not without cause that this saying was added For as I haue already said when as we will beseeche the the lorde our God to take vpon him our quarrell and too assiste vs in our afflictions and then we in the meane time shall stand in doubte of his so doing wee shall profite our selues little in so praying But we must bee fully assured that he will deliuer vs. And whensoeuer it shall come too passe that we shal be destitute of all mens ayde yea that it shall seeme that all the whole worlde had conspired our destruction and decay then should we chiefliest assure our selues that God will auenge our cause and not onely serue vs in steade of a proctour but will be altogether also our iudge aduerse partie against our enemies and against all those which haue vniustly afflicted vs. For he it is that must take in hand all iust causes Wee had neede then too assure our selues of this But from whēce shal we learne this euen out of the worde of God bicause hee hath lefte vnto vs a testimonie thereof in it as wee see that Dauid speaketh not here at a wilde aduēture but hath already groūded him self vpon a good foundation whereon he hath settled him self Now it followeth Saluation is farre from the vngodly bicause they seeke not thy statutes And afterwarde hee sayeth Great are thy tender mercies O Lorde quicken me according to thy iudgementes Nowe here are two thinges to bee considered off The one is that Dauid telleth the reason why all the contemners of God and all that rebell against his maiestie runne headlong into destruction and that hee forsaketh them that they feele no taste nor ease in their afflictions but that God clerely forsaketh them Dauid setteth downe here the cause of all this it is saith he bicause they haue not sought after thy lawes and therefore are farre from thy saluation Nowe he cleane contrary protesteth of him selfe that hee followed the lawe of God and kept it in his heart So then we must needes conclude that he could not be estraunged from it In very deede this sentence at the first sight is somwhat darke but I will make it plaine in three woordes and then by little and little shewe what doctrine wee are too gather out of this When any telleth vs of our saluation wee must in the first place know whence it proceedeth to wit from God and that there is no saluation but in him in so much that so long as God is good and gracious vnto vs it must needes be that all must goe very well on our side and be assured that our life is blessed and that we shall want nothing that is meete for our welfare and felicitie So then our saluation and all fulnesse and perfection of benefites consist in this one onely pointe that God loueth vs and receiueth vs vnto himselfe And since it is so let vs nowe consider what he is whome God will forsake Once we are his creatures and euen as he hath created and fashioned vs so also will he continne his goodnesse towards vs. Now seeing that his mercie extendeth euen to brute beasts euen to the moste vile and abiect thinges yea euen which wee contemne and disdaine once to looke on seeing the mercie of God extendeth so farre as the holy Scripture teacheth vs how can it be that he wil forsake vs yea vnto whom he hath graunted so great dignitie and excellencie For wee haue a thing excelling all other his creatures which is this that God hath imprinted-his owne similitude and likenesse in vs Now when as he hath exalted vs vnto so highe a degree of honor will he thinke you now forsake vs Hee will not without all doubt What is the cause then that wee see so many caitifes and miserable wretches which are euē giuen ouer so that God sendeth them not so much as the leaste ayde and comfort that it seemeth that he hath set them as it were vpon a stage to be a shame and rebuke to the whole worlde Whence commeth this Forsooth because they withdrawe them selues from God for when as they withdrewe not them selues from him it is most sure that then he shewed him selfe vnto them such a one as indeede hee is of his owne nature that is louing kinde pitifull gentle mercifull To be short so long as we will be ordered by him as his children it is most sure that he will play the parte of a father towards vs so long as we will yeelde our obedience vnto him he wil intreate vs gently But when we are so peruerse as that wee will not submitte our selues neither vnto him selfe nor yet vnto his word but contemne his loue grace offered vnto vs is it reason that God should put forth his hand to helpe vs is it meete he should entreat vs as his children and accompt vs in the number of those which wholy dedicate them selues vnto his maiestie No not so But we rather are worthy to be set farre from him and too haue nothing at all to do with him Loe here the meaning of Dauid in this place when he saieth O Lord helth is farre from the vngodly bicause they regard not thy statutes As if hee should haue said we ought not to be abashed O Lorde although thou giuest vs ouer and that we feele no succoure of thy goodnes but that we languish in al miserie and calamitie And why so Bicause wee haue forsaken and refused thy grace and therefore of very right we ought to be confounded and come to naught Now I pray you tell vs what meaneth it that God will not be nigh vs but by meanes of his word we must needes feele his goodnes by the effect yea forsooth and yet God commeth nigh vnto vs by his word for that is a preparatiue by which he fashioneth our heartes to the ende he might shewe him selfe