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A15527 Saints by calling: or Called to be saints A godly treatise of our holy calling to Christ, by the gospell. With the seuerall gifts proper vnto the called: and their counterfeits in the hypocrites which are not partakers of this effectuall calling. Written by Thomas Wilson, minister of Gods word, at S. Georges Church in Canterbury. Wilson, Thomas, 1563-1622. 1620 (1620) STC 25796; ESTC S103067 273,228 442

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to come what remaines yet to be corrected and amended that accordingly our prayers and care may encrease As prouident House-keepers who haue great Families preuent many losses and damages in their estate by often viewing the reckonings and doings of them whom they trust so may sinnes be preuented by this godly examination of a mans owne counsels and workes Now for the cautions herein to be followed they are briefly these First let no Christian by his heedfull looking to himselfe thinke that euer he can attaine hereunto as in nothing to offend And therefore vpon the finding of his failings not to be too much discouraged for this is the common condition of all the Saints that none liue and sinne not 2. In the examination of ones selfe let no man looke to find euery failing there will be some secret sinnes Euen Dauid a man so wise and well instructed in the Law shal not espie all the motes in his owne eye Psal. 19. Who can tell his secret faults 3. For these priuy faults which cannot be found there would be a generall confession and asking of mercy for them Lord forgiue me my vnknowne sinnes 4. Knowne sins which we shall discouer particularly let them be speedily repented of for herein delay is dangerous and be particularly acknowledged the sinner accusing himselfe for them by name and adiudging himselfe for them to death with an appeale from Iustice to the Throne of Gracc for remission 5. Let neuer a sinner for any knowne sinne take further griefe then as he may be able againe to comfort himselfe with promise of mercy 6. As in practise of this daily Repentance coldnesse by custome is to be be shunned so on the other side lest the heart waxe proud through the earnest care and wel performance of it be not proud of Repentance 7. Labour still to find out new sinnes and new omissions of duties and to make them seeme more and more odious and hatefull to the soule a sinner so he keepe his hold of Christ cannot be too humble for sinne 8. Take speciall notice amongst all other sinnes of corruption of Nature and the proannesse thereof to sinning that all meanes be vsed for the weakening of that root and the drayning of that fountaine Let pardon be craued in speciall for it power asked against it 9 Let not any sinne seeme little though a difference in repentance is to be put according as the sinne is ordinarie or extraordinary yet let not any sin be thought smal being the offence of a most great God the breach of a most holy Law cause of most bitter paines to Christ meriting most wofull destruction 10. Forget not to repent of negligences ouersights heedlessenesse and to look well that these grow not too common 11. For priuate sinne priuate confession is enough open sins would haue open repentance 12. Lastly when anie knowne sinne is begun to be repented of let it be thorowly repented of euen to the shaking it off and leauing of it He that confesseth his sinne and forsaketh it shall find mercy Now friend Aquila let me heare your doubts that I may answer them Aquila My first doubt is this Whether a sinner may not truly repent except he leaue his sins Or hee may still vse a sinne and yet repent Apollos First an vnknowne sinne may be repented of and yet not left As amongst the Patriarks polygamie or hauing at once more wiues then one or Concubines with their wiues was the secret sinne which in those times was not manifested nor reckoned as a sin so they liued in it til their death yet perished not for it which they shold haue done if being known to them yet witingly willingly with open eies they had continued in it But they repented of it generally as of other secretsins Likewise there be diuers sins amongst vs which are the sins of the time yet not so esteemed whereof the godly may truly repent as of all their vnknowne offences and yet not leaue them because they do not take them to be sinnes Secondly there is a knowne sinne 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Nature which cannot be left but whiles we liue wee must wrestle against it that it get no dominion and so it is saide to be left because wee would leaue it if it were possible The repentant sinner carieth this crookednesse of his heart about him euen as many an one carrie a crooked backe which troubles them but they cannot put it off Lastly there be daily infirmities such as euerie day we commonly runne into accompanying 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 euen as a shadow the body as vaine thoughtes idle words and euill silence sometime and waste of time and innumerable such things which the more they are resisted and striuen against the more they are lessened but wholly abolished by repentance they cannot bee Knowne sinnes if they be grosse and notorious especially if they runne into the eies offence of the world must be so repented of as they be forsaken We finde not that Dauid Minasses Peter Lot Noah after their repentance to haue againe falne into those soule offences which being wittingly continued in waste and ouerthrow the 〈◊〉 of a sinner Aquila But may not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 grosse sinne and yee 〈◊〉 and bee 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ap. Of this somthing hath 〈◊〉 said before therefore the lesse now If one be but a babe in Christ and weake he may do it more easily But one of growth in grace and being experienced 〈◊〉 practise of Repentance and watchfull will hardly do it Sure it is a great wound if it do fall out thogh not vnrecouerable in the child of God who is subiect to such relapses Aquila May there be true Repentance without shedding of teares Apollos As teares may be shed and yet repentance false as in Esau Heb 12 so true repentance may bee with dry cheekes Wee reade of Zacheus repentance but nothing of his teares Also of the Corinthians repentance we reade 2 Cor. 7. and of their sorrow and many good fruits but amongst all the effects of Repentance the Apostle saith not What teares hath it wrought Teares of Repentance are precious things 〈◊〉 koepeth a boule to put and keepe them in but they are verie rare things His bottle is not full yet though it hath bene filling euer since Adam Aquila Wicked men and hypocrites may goe fat in repentance greeue feare and humble themselues and confesse and fast and weepe and pray and leaue many sinnes and do many good things as Scripture witnesseth of Iudas Achab Esau Felix others what thing is there whereby the repentance which is proper to Gods children may be seuered from that counterfelt in reprobates Apollos You haue alreadie heard me deliuer seuen peculiar effects of true repentance which indeed hy-pocrites may counterfeit but not expresse truly But these three things amongst many are sure notes of heartie and vndoubted repentance First a setled distinct purpose
doth 〈◊〉 him when he commeth in to sup with her 〈◊〉 3. 20. Can our time be better employed then in taking a more particular large suruey of these iunkets and robes to satisfie our selues with some sight and taste of them But ere this can be done there is one office more for you to doe and that is I would entreate you to acquaint me with all the encouragements ye can thinke of which may whet on our faith and prouoke vs to beleeue God in his Word also how the hinderances of our faith as blockes in our way may be remoued Apollos Good friend Aquila but that I may denie no seruice which you will put me to performe else this taske were fitter for you to vndergoe as one that haue had your faith much exercised with sundry conflicts wherein you haue through Gods mercy stood fast and quitted your selfe like a man therefore if I by lacke of experience haply passe by any matter of moment in this businesse doe ye recall me and remember me of it Great and many are the impediments to withdraw and pull the faithfull from the holde of their faith and to draw them to distrust but on the other side also very strong and plentiful are the encouragements which the word from Heauen affordeth them to stay themselues vpon Gods promise for all things that pertaine to euerlasting happinesse First of all this is not the least that the great God by his cōmandement hath laid a charge vpon all his children to beleeue his promises and albeit this alone were sufficient to moue them to doe so lest they be found disobedient to God and to striue against his holy will who beares them so much good will yet it pleaseth him not onely to vse his authority in enioyning them to haue faith in his Son for their saluation but he also in the person of his Ministers out of his clemency descendeth so farre as to entreate and beseech them that they would accept reconciliation and peace with him through Christ Wee as the Ambassadours of Christ saith Paul as though God did beseech you through vs exhort you to be reconciled to God 2 Cor. 5. 20. What heart would not relent when his Prince with 〈◊〉 in hand as it were should 〈◊〉 to 〈◊〉 him being an offendor to accept his pardon And shall wee doubt to beleeue and giue credit to that God that is so desirous of atonement with vs as to beseech vs to admit it whom hee might command compell 〈◊〉 confound if wee should distrust him 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that it pleased our most good God to promise Christ and all good things with him vpon no other condition then this onely that we doe by faith beleeue his promise for our obedience to the commandement for 〈◊〉 of life is no condition of the promise of grace 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 onely of our faith Rom. 6. 22. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 onely condition of the 〈◊〉 of mercy As it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 God so loued the World that begane his onely begotten Son that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should 〈◊〉 for euer And againe in the foureteenth 〈◊〉 of that Chapter 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 beleeues in him should liue euerlastingly To which 〈◊〉 Marke 〈◊〉 16. He that beleeueth shall be 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 3. 11 12. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 4. 3. and in 〈◊〉 other places to this 〈◊〉 so 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a necessity that wee constantly beleeue For as in humane contracts there is no enioying the bargaine if the condition be broken so it is here if we bring not this condition of faith with vs God is not bound to stand to the couenant but as Christ saith Except ye repent ye perish Luke 13. so much more Except ye beleeue ye perish For he that beleeueth not shall be condemned Marke 16. 16 17. It must be further considered that God the Author of the couenant of grace and life is omnipotent to whom nothing is impossible who as for his holinesse and truth he will promise no more to his children then he meaneth in good sooth and earnest to doe so he lacketh no power nor might to effect what hee meaneth The Apostle Saint Paul 2 Cor. 6. 18. in coupling the almightinesse of God with this couenant saying I will be your Father and you shall be my children saith the Lord God Almighty purposed to minister good heart and courage to the faithfull by this very consideration that they are in a league of saluation with him that can doe what he will doe Abraham strengthened his own heart in beleefe by remembring that God the promiser was able to doe it Rom. 4. 20. But when a true beleeuer taketh hold on his truth and ioyneth that with his Almightinesse by thinking seriously especially in the houre of any temptation that hee hath to doe with a God which is truth it selfe author of all truth in others and an infinite louer of it also a hater and 〈◊〉 of all falshood and lies who hath giuen proofe of his fidelity euen in the least promise concerning this life feeding defending and otherwise blessing his Children according to his word they may with much comfort resolue and set it downe in their minde that his faithfulnesse will much more appeare in this great promise of remission of sinnes and of eternall life Thus very often to confirme and establish the mindes of the Saints Saint Paul telleth them Faithfull is hee which hath promised which will doe it 1 Cor. 1. 9. 1 Thes. 5. 24. Dauid assured himselfe of mercy promised him vpon this meditation that all the words of God were true 2 Sam. 7. 28. yea so true that hee fulfilleth his words euen towards such as are treacherous and persidious to him Againe as God is to be reuerenced for his mercies There is mercie with thee O Lord that thou maist be feared Psalme 130. 4. so is hee to be trusted and beleeued in for his mercies The eye of the Lord is vpon them that trust in his mercies Psalme 33. 18. Againe Let thy mercies and truth preserue me Psalme 40. And Psalme 51 and verse 1 Dauid is encouraged to come to God after his fall for pardon with good trust to find it because of his most mercifull nature ready to forgiue poore offenders And the Apostle in 1 Tim. 1. 9 10. reporteth that the mercie which he found being an oppressour a blasphemer a persecutour did serue to encourage other sinners in time to come to beleeue on God and to cast themselues on his kindnesse for pardon Which is an occasion to remember a new encouragement to faith in God namely the example of others who hauing sinned much against God yet beleeued the promise and were forgiuen as Lot Moses Dauid Peter Paul and infinite others mentioned in the holy Scripture which examples are registred there for our learning that thereby we might haue comfort
shine afresh or as the trees in Winter which hauing neither fruite nor blossome nor leafe seeme to be dead yet haue life in the roote which appeareth in the Spring Or finally as with a man in a trance who in truth 〈◊〉 though for the time he haue no sense or vse of life euen so it is with Gods owne Children in the pang of some soule affliction or after some deepe fall by sinne there appeares in them for a season no fruits nor feeling of any sauing grace but all is clouded and dead to seeming yet not so in truth as both reason and the euent declareth For all sauing grace is of that nature as it perisheth not it neuer dyeth where it once liueth therefore called immortall And such as for a season haue feare and trouble and dulnesse with deadnesse in their conscience they doe afterwards recouer themselues the graces which seemed to be dead being stirred vp by the vse of good meanes are againe quickened And the best meanes for such as haue lost their former peace as touching all sense of it they are priuate prayer to God though it be with great vntowardnesse yea though they be troubled when they thinke on God yet still to make petitions vnto him in his Sonnes name Those very groanes and sighes which are so little as they cannot be vttered what they are yet being the worke of Christ his Spirit they are through the same Christ pleasing to God who despiseth not a contrite and broken heart therfore let not such forbeare to come but 〈◊〉 more seriously to renew their repentance taking the helpe of the prayers and comforts of the godly wise by whose counsell supplications many a weake troubled heart hath beene raysed vp to peace and rest in the Lord. For this being Gods ordinance to pray one for another and to confesse our sinnes one to another Iames 5. certainely God will blesse it to the good of his Children Therefore let such take good heart to them and for their better releefe of their distressed conscience let them remember the olde mercies of God toward them and what peace ioy and comfort they haue had heretofore in God and other the workes of his grace which they haue felt must assure them that that God which once had so farre exprest his loue towards them will be their God for euer These priuate meanes ioyned with the publike namely the reuerent vse of the Word and mysteries will againe so settle their heart in peace through Gods powerfull blessing as that they shall be occasioned to say with the Prophet Returne to thy rest O my soule for the Lord hath beene beneficiall to thee hee hath deliuered thy soule from death and thy eyes from teares Psal. 116. verse 7 8. Aquila Let me now remember you to proceede to the second fruite of Iustifying faith which with the Apostle you called Accesse into the grace of God what doe ye esteeme this to be declare it to me as I may conceiue it Apollos This third fruite which is the accesse or entrance into the grace of God it is a companion of the former following it at the heeles for our conscience being pacified through the hauing God pacified and reconciled toward vs the Christian soule assumeth and taketh great liberty in all necessities outward and inward to approach and come vnto this God thus become gracious and fauourable to vs in his Sonne and this is that accesse or entrance into his grace being the same with that which we reade of Ephesians 3. 12. Wee haue entrance with boldnesse through confidence and faith in Christ. And also one with that Heb. 4. 16. We may with boldnesse come to the throne of grace hoping to find helpe in time of neede or as before when our sinnes were vnpardoned they shut vs out of Gods presence so being now forgiuen and God reconciled to vs. We may freely vpon all occasions and doe with much liberty draw neere to him being made propitious to vs wee haue a certaine resemblance and shadow of this in naturall Children who dare not come into the sight of their Father all the while his anger is moued for some fault but flie rather his presence as did Absalon but attonement being once made and they certified thereof then Absalon dare freely shew himselfe before his Father so it fareth with Gods Children they shun and flie from God as Adam all the while they haue God angry for their sinnes and their consciences in that regard 〈◊〉 or disquietted but vpon reconciliation beleeued and the conscience thereby appeased they now with an holy boldnesse enter in to God to speake to his Grace for themselues and for others according to all their wants and distresses which how great a gift and priuiledge it is may be perceiued by the example of a base subiect through some capitall crime obnoxious by the Law to death and now by the clemency of his Prince not onely pardoned but honoured so and aduanced as hee may at all times haue accesse vnto his Prince to sue for himselfe and his friends But looke how much the fauour of God exceedeth the fauour of all earthly Monarchs and is farre more able to gratifie vs in things most neerely concerning vs enen eternall felicity so much doth this benefit of our accesse vnto God exceede that other and it is a benefit that no heart can thinke no tongue can vtter the vnualuable greatnesse of it that poore sinners should receiue this honour through the mediation of Christ and by his merits to haue free approch into Gods priuy chamber yea into his secret presence to acquaint him with all whatsoeuer wants wee haue and to talke with him as a childe with his louing Father or one friend with another Thus considering what neede wee haue of him and how able hee is to pleasure vs cannot seeme but a wonderous great mercy our vnworthinesse and his greatnesse being also coupled together Aquila The fourth fruite ye called a standing in this grace what is this I pray you Apollos It imports as much as a perseuerance and continuance of true beleeuers in that blessed estate whereinto they are brought by faith in Iesus Christ by whom they haue God fauourable not by fits and for dayes moneths yeeres but for euer and that such a thing is meant here by standing not only our common speech wherein wee call a place of continuance a station or a standing and of a man that is resolute and constant wee vse to say he stood well to it and when wee will stirre vp one to stedfastnesse wee bid him stand to it But the Scriptures also by this word expresse stablenesse both in euill Psalme 1. 1. and in good Psalme 122. 1 Corinthians 16. 13. Likewise where it is saide by Saint Paul The iustified by faith doe stand in that grace whereinto they haue sound entrance Hee intends to teach thus much that the Elect beleeuer as by
our good workes which they shall see may be moued more readily to hearken to that truth that worketh so mightily in vs. Therefore Peter counselleth faithfull wiues by their good workes to winne their vnbeleeuing husbands 1 Peter 3. 1. Also 1 Cor. 7. 16. For how knowest thou O woman whether thou shalt saue thy vnbeleeuing Husband But if any be vnconuerted and belong not to God these by our good workes shal haue their mouthes stopped that they cannot speake euill of vs or of our Religion For so is the will of God that with well doing we may stop the ignorance of foolish men 1 Peter 2. 15. Towards such as be already conuerted and become faithfull our good workes haue their proper vse either to confirme and strengthen them if they be weake in the faith as Christ saith to Peter Confirme thy brethren Luke 22. 32. Or else to comfort and reioyce such as be strong as Iohn reioyceth because the elect Lady and her children walked in the truth 2 Iohn 2. And Paul is greatly comforted by the faith and godlinesse of the Philippians Philip 3. 5. Insomuch as that which is spoken of the Vine and the fruite thereof Iudg. 9. 13. agreeth better to good workes the fruites of our faith that by them God and men are cheered Which should exceedingly worke preuaile with all good men to doe them and to doe them yet more cheerefully and plentifully not onely because as we vse to say of things we buy there is the more to put into the Inuentory so the more good workes we haue the more there is to further our reckoning but that our name may shine as the Sun in brightnesse our faith and saluation be sealed our God glorified our Religion beautified our Neighbour edified in his soule by godly admonition refreshed in his body and bowels by the fruits of our mercy and loue finally Sathan and our aduersaries confounded And for the better furthering of our selues in the practise of them let vs further remember these few things that our life is short oportunity will be taken away from vs therefore while we haue time let vs doe all the good we can considering that we haue lost much time already and heretofore haue done many things to the displeasure and discredite of so gracious a God Moreouer we haue receiued many fauours from God namely remission of all our sinnes and adoption by Christ sanctification by his Spirit with infinite other benefits for soule or body Let these mercies encrease constraine our loue to well doing and set vs on fire with zeale of good workes seeing Christ purgeth vs from our iniquitie to the end that we should be a peculiar people feruently giuen to doe good Titus 2. 14 15. And as we like to see other things fruitfull our Kine and Sheepe our Orchards our Fields so let it be our care and loue to see our selues fruitfull as it were our shame and reproach to be barren that wee may be like vnto Iesus Christ our head of whom it is written in the Gospell That he went about dooing good c. and that hee did all things well that we treading now in the steps of his faith and loue obedience and patience wee may at length reigne with him in glory For such as follow him now in the pathes of godlinesse shall hereafter sit with him at his Table in his Fathers Kingdome whither Christ Iesus safely and speedily bring vs for his name sake Amen The ninth part of the Dialogue Of particular good Workes first concerning God Of the Loue of God Apollos NOw Neighbour Aquila your constancy in following this conference makes me thinke you are like him of whom it is written That where hee beginnes a good worke he will finish it You haue taken in hand a good worke and you are desirous to accomplish it and to tell you truth so am I too and now that we draw toward an end let vs keepe close to it till we arriue where we would be there is nothing so hard but constant labour will ouercome it at last Aquila Constancy in any thing aduisedly taken vp is a very commendable thing but Sir according to your counsell let vs fall to our worke● Wee haue spoken of good workes generally wee are now to handle some especiall good workes which are more excellent and necessary and whereupon all the rest doe depend what choyce shall we make what good workes shall we single out from the rest therein to spend our time Apollos My aduice is this Whereas good works be all duties whereby either God or our neighbour be serued and benefited and the duties which we owe to God are cheefe as cause and ground of the rest first we will cull out such principall good workes as concerne God immediately namely the loue of God 2. his feare 3. of trust in him 4. thankesgiuing 5. prayer 6. reuerence towards his name 7. sanctifying his Sabbach and lastly of patience in suffering and then wee will descend to such fruites of faith and repentance as do belong to our neighbour For the first and great commandement is to loue God with all the heart and next to loue my neighbor as my selfe Aquila I do well approne of this order not onely because I know no better but because I iudge it to bee the best and fittest Let me then heare you tel me what it is to loue God wherefore wee stand bound to loue him and what it is that begets in vs the loue of God And then if ye wil declare the measure and manner of this loue how much it ought to bee and how it may be discerned to be in vs withall of the effects which this loue will be get in his children Apollos Loue is such an affection of the heart as desireth to be knit and neerely ioyned to the thing or party loued This is the nature of loue so to carry the heart with desire vnto that which is loued as nothing will content till it be enioyed and had The trueth of this may appeare in that loue which is inordinate and also in all well gouerned loue The theefe the adulcerer the gamester the couetous are by their loue such as they beare to their booty their whores their game and gaine so possessed as they are then quyet and not before when they haue and bee ioyned in one to that which they loue as their parting from the thing loued and losing it is their greefe yea sometime their death so their being with it and hauing it is their contentment and ioy and life Stories and experience afford vs sufficient proofe heereof We see the Gamester neuer well but when hee is at dice or cardes or other game The Fornicator is neuer at rest vnlesse he bee with his harlot The Couetous man is best pleased when he lookes vpon or fingereth money Now in well-gouerned loue it is right so whether it bee naturall or humane or
vse of their gifts seeke not themselues but God whom they loue and vpon whom they are ready to bestow not themselues alone and their graces but their goods too which albeit God hath no need of because gold is his and siluer is his Hag. 2. 9. Psal. 50. Yet when we giue forth his goods to the maintenance of his worship or the place of his worship or the Ministers of his Word or to the reliefe of others the Saints members of Christ then we doe honour the Lord with our substance and doe giue it vnto himselfe As he will openly acknowledge at the last day What ye did to one of these ye did it to me Mathew 25. Martha loued Christ Iohn 11. and the woman spoken of Luke 7. 37. Also the women mentioned Luke the 8. 23. and all they declared their loue to him by their charges and cost which they put themselues to for his sake That we cannot doe to him in his person as they did because he is gone to Heauen and hath now no need we are to doe it to him in his seruants and people which is taken as a fruite of our loue to himselfe And as our cost about him so our labour and paines for him doth speake forth our loue for true sincere loue is diligent and sticketh at no paines to please or pleasure the party loued What labour did not Christ endure that he might expresse his loue to his Church and what paines ought we to beare to expresse our loue towards him Such as loue riches or pleasures or honours it is a wonder to see how exceeding great their paines be to compasse them And such as truly loue God as they loue nothing aboue him so their paines which they take to glorifie him in the inward mortification of sinfull lusts and the outward performance of all outward obseruations doth farre surpasse the paines which they take in all other things of their owne The indefatigable and intollerable labour and toyle of body mind which Christ did vndergoe and which Paul also did endure about the redeeming and instructing of the Church the incredible paines which in prayer and preaching and liuing well both Iames and the rest of the Apostles haue suffered it clecrely demonstrateth that the loue of God and his Church is painfull and laborious There is nothing so hard which loue will not ouercome all paines to it seeme pleasure and pastime As they then which sticke at their paines and with-draw their hand from labour in the things which concerne Gods glory and their owne eternall good doe sufficiently tell vs how little and poore their loue is so the great and constant paines which neither of vaine-glory nor of any corrupt respect but in vprightnesse of heart Gods Children put themselues vnto that they may execute the will of God in their callings is their acquittance and testimoniall of the great measure of their loue to God-ward Finally they make it appeare yet more thorowly herein that there is nothing greeueth them so much as the want of Gods presence and fauour if at any time he with draw his louing countenance from them It is not the losse of any worldly thing how precious or commodious soeuer doth afflict them so much with heauinesse as the displeasure of God conceiued against them for sinne King Dauid banished by Absolon wept bitterly not so much for losse of his Kingdome as for Gods anger against him Whereas such as doe but onely pretend to loue God they doe not chiefly ioy in his fauour but in their outward comforts neither is their greatest griefe for the displeasure of God against them but for outward damages and harmes wherein they bewray that other things are more loued of them then God himself whatsoeuer they say It is cleane otherwise with the godly for in them the holy Spirit of loue doth engender more ioy in the perswasion and feeling of Gods fauour then worldly men haue when their Corne and Oyle and Wine doth abound and more hearts sorrow in missing of Gods gracious presence then a mother conceiueth for the death of her onely sonne a strong euidence that God is their cheefe loue Aquila These things shall moue me I trust to preferre God and Christ his Sonne his Word and Children in my loue and to straine my selfe by all meanes to declare that I account of God and delight in him aboue all things endeauouring how I may attaine neere vnto that which is commanded euen to loue him with all my heart and strength and though I cannot perfectly yet I will pray for grace that I may loue him yet more feruently and lesse fainedly Now Sir may it please you that wee passe forwards vnto that other worke of fearing this God which after his loue is next to be spoken of Apollos Well pleased so to doe If I first aduertise you of something which almost I forgot namely that as our loue to God is approued by our praises of those good things which are in himselfe and be done for vs so hee takes it as a great fruite and signe of our loue in our necessity to make him our refuge and helpe by calling vpon him alone in all our distresses Aquila Ere ye set vpon your new worke doe make this point plaine for me thinkes God doth rather herein witnesse his loue to vs in that he would be found of vs when we seeke and in affording vs liberty and leaue to come vnto him then we which seeke and come vnto him doe thereby testifie our loue vnto him Apollos One would thinke that it were so that our suing and begging things needfull of God should more vtter our need and want of him then our loue to him yet so it is that our prayers are good proofes of our loue for seeing vpon the good successe of our prayers when they are heard and granted according to Gods promise there doth follow the demonstration of Gods great mercy and truth in keeping touch with his Children to the praise of his name therefore Gods Children out of a loue they beare vnto his name doe seeke and sue vnto God not so much to be holpen and succoured as that in the fulfilling of his Word made to their prayers his goodnesse and truth may appeare to his glory For God himselfe saith that when he heareth his people that cal vpon him in their trouble they are bound to glorifie him Psalme 50. And the loue of this glory moueth them to pray rather then the desire and hope of their owne good happy is the soule with whom it is thus Henceforth we will speake of his feare for of the loue of God enough hath beene spoken already Aquila Doe ye iudge of the feare of God to be such a worke as is peculiar vnto the Elect regenerate persons We reade of many wicked men who haue feared God Foelix an Heathen feared and trembled at the hearing of God and his Word Acts 24. 25.
appeare and of the gracious promises which hee hath made to his owne ordinances with earnest prayer to be enabled to doe their publike seruice in faith and godly reuerence with singlenesse of heart as in Gods presence and before his face Secondly in the time of those solemne actions remembring themselues to be vnder the eye of God occupied in his seruice and about their owne saluation they demeane themselues accordingly being full of most holy and heauenly motions sutable to that worke they haue in hand Lastly after their being in the Assemblies they labour to reape great fruite by the vse of the meanes for the encrease of their faith and obedience that as they bring with them vnto the Ministery of the Word an honest and good heart truly fully resolued according to the measure of grace receiued to beleeue and obey God hungring and thirsting after his graces offered and louing his Word and Sacraments as his blessed Ordinances and their owne soules nourishment so after the participation of the Word and mysteries they perceiue and feele by experience their strength against sinne and Sathan much encreased and their soules refreshed somewhat in all the graces of the new man euen as the strength and powers of their bodies are cheered and reuiued after a moderate wholsome bodily repast This sence and experience engendreth in them hearty thankefulnesse vnto God their Father for blessing vnto their good his own holy institutions which for their sinnes he might haue turned into a curse and withall it prouoketh them to attend and waite with reuerence loue and hope of more fruites vpon the sacred Ordinances of God making great conscience of sanctifying the Lords Sabbath in the religious and godly vse thereof Thus it is ordinarily with Gods Children when they partake in the Word and mysteries and if they happen to faile of these duties either for substance or degree they are very sorry and flye to Gods mercy for pardon and become more heedfull afterwards Of the religious vse of Gods Name and Sabbath Aquila NOw may it please you to speake of the Name and Sabbath of God and tell me how the godly must carry themselues in the vse therof as God may be pleased for herein outwardly there appeareth great likenesse betweene man and man The wicked and hypocrites in their common speech oathes vowes prayers confessions vsing Gods name and obseruing the rest of the seuenth day as diligently as any the Scribes and Pharises will be in the Synagogue on the Sabbath as well as Christ and his Disciples Apollos Indeede the sonnes of Sceua are too bold with the Name of Iesus Acts 19. 13. and so were the Priests with the Name of God We adiure thee by the liuing God tell vs c. Mat. 26. And as with the title of God they are too forward to meddle so where God hath stamped his Name vpon his Doctrine his Sacraments his workes they with their foule hands are sound to be too ready to touch it but all they get by vsing or abusing it rather it is the encrease of their guilt by prophaning so sacred a thing as his Name which is glorious and fearefull it being written That God will not hold him guiltlesse which taketh that Name in vaine Therefore the godly they very sparingly vse the Name of God neuer or sildome in their common speech vnlesse vpon great occasion and when necessity constraines and then they take it vp with great feare and awe lest they sinne in vainely vsurping it praying at least in their hearts and secretly desiring the Lord to guide them in the vse of his Name alwayes fearing to apply it to any light and trifling much lesse to any wicked purpose as to confirme a falshood or to cloke a naughtinesse And this is it which Salomon admonisheth vs of in that antithesis or opposition between him that sweareth and him that feareth an oath Eccle 9. 2. Hereby teaching that whereas sinners doe rashly vse the Name of God euen in an oath without reuerence or consideration of that awefull and wonderful Name contrariwise good men whensoeuer they are to vse the Name of God in an oath especially or otherwise they come to it with feare lest they offend by vaine vsage of it Now concerning the Sabbath they are thus affected towards it farre otherwise then euill men are they doe not supersticiously esteeme it aboue other dayes as it is a day but they ioy in the remembrance and vse of it in regard of the worship of God performed on that day and because of the benefit that doth redound to their soules for the building them vp into the sauing knowledge of God and of Iesus Christ his Sonne In these respects they doe long for the Sabbath till it come they cheere vpon it when it doth approach and in the weeke dayes they looke so well to their wayes keeping in all things a good conscience and so religiously walking in the workes of their vocation as when the Sabbath doth come they can with alacrity and ioy sanctifie it The men of this World doe not with more gladnesse gather in their Corne Wine and Oyle then God Children to keepe the Lords day Psalme 122. 1. I reioyced when they saide to me We will c. From the obseruation where of neither themselues nor such as be vnder their charge are held by such common hinderances as the World is letted by But as they breake through all 〈◊〉 that they and theirs may resort to the House of God so their desire study is to spend the whole day throughout publikely and priuately in such holy workes as are commanded of God and be sitting his day as reading singing conferring praying visiting the sicke prisoners exhorting comforting as occasion is offered reconciling of iarres examination of their Family how they profit by the publike Ministery lastly by meditation on the creatures For which purposes they make a cessation from all their owne seruile workes which on other dayes were lawfull to be done that they may be free to attend all holy duties of the Sabbath to obtain fresh strength of grace from the God of Heauen to ceasse all their life long from their dead workes the lustes of their sinfull nature so as 〈◊〉 here into a spiritual rest they may enioy at last an eternall Sabbath in Heauen Aquila What letteth but that now we may passe forwards vnto that ranke of good workes which doe concerne men seeing wee haue taken a taste of those workes which godly men and they onely can and doe performe towards God Apollos Yes friend Aquila there is a 〈◊〉 for wee haue a principal part of godlinesse yet to 〈◊〉 in which we may in no wise passe ouer and it 〈◊〉 Patience in affliction Aquila It was well remembred for there is no more necessary worke of godlinesse then this of patience we haue not more need of water and the aire then of