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A13630 The triall of truth Containing a plaine and short discovery of the chiefest pointes of the doctrine of the great Antichrist, and of his adherentes the false teachers and heretikes of these last times. Terry, John, 1555?-1625. 1600 (1600) STC 23913; ESTC S101270 292,240 350

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and prefermentes of this world will growe out of tail with vs and become vnsavoury in respect of the same And therefore as it is a note of a man of earth to haue his heart glued to the thinges of this ea●…n and to be greedy to devour the draffe thereof so to haue our heartes set vpon heavēly things is a token and marke of an heavenly minde and of a Aug. de Charitate person that belongeth to the kingdome of heaven Let every one saith Austine examine himselfe what he loueth and thereby he shall perceaue to what city he belongeth if he loue the world and worldly things as fl●…lenes riches and honour he is a citizen of Babylon but if he loue God he is a citizen of Ierusalem 5. The last is in respect of that infinite and endles loue of God which is confirmed vnto vs in Christ Iesus to desire by all meanes possible to shewe a dutifull thankefulnes vnto him both by louing the thinges which he loueth and by honouring the persons which he honoureth If yee know saith S. Iohn that God is righteous knowe yee also that he which 1. Ioh. 2. 29. doth righteously is torne of him For if we resemble Gods image in holines wisedome and righteousnes then assuredly we are Gods children if our fruite be good we are good trees if the streames of our actions runne cleare and pure then it is certaine and sure that the fountaine of our harts is purified by faith and that so wee belong to the number of the faithfull So likewise that a louing affection towardes our brethren in Christ is an infallible marke of a true christian our Saviour Christ himselfe teacheth by this saith he shall all men knowe that ye are my desciples if ye loue one another Ioh. 13. 36. 1. Ioh. 3. 14. Aug in ep Ioh Tract 5 So S. Iohn by this we knowe that we are translated from death to life because we loue the brethren Let everie one saith S. Austine returne home into his owne hart and if he finde there brotherly loue let him be secure for he is already passed from death to life he is already vpon the right hande To loue a man for that he is a man is a pointe of humanity to pitty a man because he is in misery is the duety of mercy but to embrace a man for that he is a christian man is a point of christianity Math. 11. 41. He that receiueth a prophet in the name of a prophet shall haue a prophetes rewarde and he that receaueth a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall haue a righteous mans rewarde and whosoever shall giue to one of these little ones to drinke a cuppe of colde vvater onlye in the name of a disciple verely I say vnto you hee shall not loose his reward For he that honoureth Gods graces which he bestoweth vpon his children declareth thereby that he himselfe hath his part portion in those graces and he that loueth Gods servantes for that they are beloued of God shevveth himselfe also to be beloued of God So then these being the sure and certaine signes of a true sauing and iustifying faith if vve may assuredly knovve that they bee in vs albeit they bee in vs but in some measure that is to say If vvee assuredly knowe whether we vnfeignedly loue the most precious word of God and place our vvhole trust and faith onely in God taking the incomparable dignity of the death of CHRIST duely pondered weighed to be the mother ●urce of this our stedfast faith if we reioyce in our gracious calling to the estate of salvation in Christ as in our greatest and chiefest blessednes and in respect therof are ready willing to loue the things which he loueth to honour the persons which ●e honoureth thē we may also assuredly know that we haue obtained a true sauing iustifying faith that we belōg to the nūber of the faithful But these things we may assuredly know whether they be in vs or otherwise especially vpō due examinatiō triall 1. Cor. 2. 21 Rom. 2. 15. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Conscientia I knowe what I know For howsoever we may counterfeite deceaue others who canot looke into the secrete corners of our heartes yet we cannot deceaue our owne sp●rites consciences whereby we are w●…ting to our owne waies as the very names thereof do sufficiently declare vnlesse we will wilfully claspe them and close them vp And yet the coūcel of Trent hath peremptorily defined Con. Trid. c. 9. de fide iustified that none can know by the certainty of ●aith but that he may be deceaued that hee hath obtained grace that is as I take it that he hath attained to the estate of grace Yea our Rhemistes are so shameles Rhe. in 4 c. 1. ep ad Cor. that they are bold to avouch that the very Apostle S. Paul du●st not assure himselfe that he was iustified neither could take vpon him to be iudge of his owne heart and cogitations whether they were pure 2. Tim. 4 7. 2. Cor. 1. 12 11. 23. Rom 7. 25. or no contrary to the most evident plaine asseve●ations of the Apostle himselfe in diverse places of his own epistles yea cōtrary to the plaine words of that very verse whereon they ground this their observation where the Apostle testifieth that he had foūd his conscience cleare and his cogitations pure I am not saith he guiltie in conscience of anye thinge And vvith as greate vntruth is that iust and holy man Iob charged with the ignorance of the estate of his owne soule and with a doubtful feare even of all his works For albeit hee might feare both in respect of the imperfections of his best vvorkes and also in respecte of his vnknowne and secrete sinnes for vvho knovveth hovve of●e he● offendeth and especially at that time vvhen the Lordes hande vvas so heavie vpon him yet what an assured testimonie he had in himselfe of a good conscience and vvhat an vndoubted assuraunce of his ovvne righteousnesse iustice fortitude chastitie puritie equitie vprightnesse compassion mercye liberalitie bounti●ulnes magnanimitie and humility he himselfe testifieth most excellentely and at large and if such as know the same would not giue testimony thereto yet Iob. 29. 31. he assureth himselfe that God will witnesse the same and therevpon resteth as fully contented And verily it hath been an ordinary practise of the dearest saintes and servantes of God b●ing best vvitting to themselues of their owne innocencye sinceritie and vprightnesse in performing their dutyes both to God and to man not onely vvhen they haue beene falsely accused and slaundered but otherwise also to make protestation thereof even before the Lorde to mooue him to take their cause being the cause of his faithfull servants into his owne handes to cleare them and to succour them and to encrease Psal 7. 8. 26. 1. his graces
respect of the other they ought not to be lifted vp to glorie in themselues and in their ovvne righteousnes Let vs end with Bernard My merite is the LORDES mercye And so O LORD graunte vnto vs appealling vpon this ti●…e to the Bern. in cā Serm. 61. throne of grace to enioy the benefite of grace and mercy and let the members of the church of Rome if they list plead the merite of their ovvne vvorkes and trie the title of their ovvne deseruinges at the barre of iustice and soe proue vvhether they shall stande in iudgemente or fall And so to conclude this treatise concerning the articles of our Christian creede seeing that the members of the church of Rome teach so many contradictions against these groundes of ●…a●…re ●…ely ●…ikes ●…th●…e ●…tho ●…d a●…ike of the catholike faith let all the vvorlde iudge what iust cause they haue to boast that they themselues only are the true catholikes and inheritors as it vvere of the apostolike faith and that their Popes faith cannot faile not bee over-come by the gates of hell The vvhich thinge if it vvere so vvhat neede were there vvith so greate travaile and studie to seeke for the decision of all doubtes and the determination of all controversies in matters of faith from GOD himselfe opening the same in the sacred bookes of the canonicall scriptures what neede vvere there so greatly to seeke after the knovvledge of the artes and tongues as beeing the keyes that open the dores into the secrete chambers of these holy mysteries Yea what neede vvere there to craue the helpe of all the god●…●earned of all ages and their directions set dovvne in their private vvittinges or else at their publike meetinges and assemblies in their provinciall or generall councels Certainely this vvere then to goe the nearest vva●e about and as vvhen one knovveth aslu edly vvhere the game is lodged not to goe directly to the same place but to traise it out by a trouble-some tracke For if the Popes faith cannot faile if hee cannot pronounce sentence against the truth the nearest vvay to holde a right faith and to side vvith the truth is in all matters of faith to looke to his determinations and to rest our selues vpon his oracles And therefore also needles are the greate ●…ue ●…pe ●…s in●…e cen ●…ay 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for ●…ole ●…e of ●…stes abours and travailes of many of the children of the church of Rome about the opening and iustifying of diverse points of their superstition and idolatry VVhereas if they could vvith all their endevoures proue sufficientlye the integritye and infallibili●ye of their Popes faith they had vvonne the fielde and gotten the full conquest they needed not to strike one stroke more for the further clearing of any other pointe of their doctrine Neither shoulde they onely by this meanes provide verie vvell for their owne securitie in matters of faith but also greatly strengthen themselues in their temporalities and mightely establish their earthly kingdome as they may easily gather by that greate succesle they had therein vvhen this maine pointe of theirs vvas generally helde by the most part in former times for sound and catholike For then whosoever woulde be taken for a member of the catholike church were he king or Keazer or whatsoever This newe ar icle of faith concerning the Popes autority necessary subiection to be giuen thereto is s●b nefici all t the church of Rome that her fiends would condemne her of great f●ly i● that shee would leaue it fer al the articles of the Apostles creede he were he was vpon the necessity of his salvation to bee builte vpon that Romish rocke and to settle his safety vpon his triple crowne who was the greate commander in earth purgatory and heaven he was wholy to be ruled by him vvho had both svvordes temporall and spirituall and to commit all into his handes And albeit by this meanes CHRIST himselfe vvas almost forgotten for vvhat neede vvas there to seeke to him vvhen his Viceroy coulde doe all yet this his Vicar generall vvith all his vnder officers vvere veri● vvell remembred And albeit fevve sought for entrance into heaven at the right doore yet manye came farre and neare and brought all kinde of keies of gold and silver landes and luelyhodes to open that doore whereof Peter and his successors vvere thought to bee the onely or at the least the cheife porters For they ver●ly thought that if their pasport had beene signed by the Pope and subscribed with SEENE AND ALLOWED CHRIST would in no case haue disalovved thereof but that they had beene thereby most safe and sure and out of all manner of perill and danger Hereby grewe that high and royall state to the kingdome of Antichrist hereby vvere gathered into his store-houses the riches and treasures of Kinges and Princes and Saint Peters patrimonie vvas in most ample manner encreased nothing beeing thought to much that vvas bestovved vpon his holines albeit it vvere with the robbing spoiling and vtter vndoing of the party himselfe and of all his posteritie In so much that although the spirituall kingdome of CHRIST was not hereby erected in al holines wisedome and righteousnes yet an earthly kingdome was obtained for themselues in worldly wealth pompe and glory But now behold the hand of the Lord what is become of this great Babylon which was a terrour to all the kings of the earth her walles already are wel battered and downe shee must to the very ground yea to the bottomles pit of hel when the sounde faith of al sincere Christians contained in these articles of our Christian creede as an immoueable rocke in deed shall remaine vnshaken and shal giue testimony of their engraffing into him by whose grace they continuested fast and immoueable and by whose power they are preserued vnto that eternal and everlasting kingdome which he himselfe hath purchased for them with his owne blood Now to this our almighty and all sufficient king and Saviour be all honour and glory praise and thankes both now and euer Amen CHAP. 7. Div. 1. That the right sence of the word of God is alwaies agreeable to his most holy law being the most exact rule of all true piety and godlinesse AS the true sence interpretation of Gods 〈◊〉 holi●… of the of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 God ●…eanes ●…scerne ●…ight ●…e of di●… scrip●… from 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 wrong most holy worde and the pointes of faith drawne out of the same are alwaies agreeable to the articles of the creede which are the maine groundes of our christian faith and no way thwarte and contradict the same for that God himselfe the author thereof it true and alwaies true and evermore like vnto himselfe so they are holy pure iust and righteous altogither even as God himselfe and his sacred law is holy and righteous altogither And therefore it is an over-ruled case that when the litterall sence of any
them saying if it seeme evill in your eies to serue the Lorde then chuse ye this day Ios 24. 15. vvhome yee vvill serue c. I and mine house vvill serue the Lorde VVhere vnto they answere as it were with one voice God ●orbid that vvee shoulde forsake the Lorde to serue other Gods for the Lorde our God hath brought vs and our Fathers out of the lande of Aegypt and out of the house of bondage and hee did those greate miracles in our sighte and preserved vs in all the vvaie that vvee vvent and amonge all the people through vvhome vvee came And the LORDE did cast out before vs all the people even the Amorites vvhich dvvelte in the lande therefore vvill vvee also serue the Lorde for hee is our GOD. In vvhich wordes it is evident howe these faithfull servauntes of GOD vvell vveighing vvith themselues that the Lorde vvas their good and gracious God who had ●atified his loue towardes them by his manifolde blessings doe take themselues thereby to bee most straightlye bounde to his service and therevpon doe make a most solemne promise and vow to continue his loyall and obedient people The which promise and vowe beeing made by them vpon so iust and sufficient cause they as faithfully and truely kept and perfourmed For it is re●orded of them not only in the same Chapter but also Iudges the second to their eternall glory and renowne that they served the Lorde all the daies of Iosuah and all the daies of the elders that everlived Iud. 2. 7. Iosuah vvhich had seene all the greate vvorkes that the LORD had As the religious remēbrance of the Lordes mer●ies is the cause of all sincere obedience so the wretchlesse forgetfulnes therof is the cause of al rebellious vngodlines ver 10. done for Israell The cause then that kepte this people sound and vprighte in the service of GOD vvas for that they religiouslie kept an holy remembraunce of the Lordes manifold and greate mercies Now on the contrary side if wee will beholde and see vvhy the bad children of so good parentes revolted and fell away so quickely from the GOD of their fathers and continued not in his service and feare see vvhat followeth in the same Chapter VVhen Iosuah was deade and all that generation vvas gathered to their fathers then there arose another generation after them which neither knevve the Lorde nor yet the vvorkes that hee had done for Israell then they did vvickedlie and served Baalim and forsooke the God of their Fathers vvhich had broughte them out of the lande of Aegypt So in the dayes of the Prophet Ieremie the cause also why the badde posteritie of this backeslyding people departed likewise from the Lorde and vvalked after vanitye and became vaine is this for that none saide in their heartes vvhere is the Lord that broughte vs out of the lande of Aegypt that sedde vs through the Ier. 2. 6. vvildernesse through a des●rte and vvaste lande and through the shadd●vve of death and broughte vs into a good and plentifull land and made vs eate of the fruite thereof So likewise Psalme 78. and the hundred and sixt a like revolte of the same nation and namely of the Ephraemites who descended from holy Ioseph being mētioned the same cause is added of their revolte They forgate God Psal 78. 106. 21. their Saviour vvho had done so greate thinges for them vvonderfull thinges in the lande of Ham and fearefull thinges by the redde sea For as it fared vvith the children of Ioseph and the residue of the Israelites vvhen there arose a nevve king in Aegypt which Exod. 1. 8. knevve not Ioseph nor did remember those greate commodities vvhich all Aegypte enioyed by his meanes then they dealte most vnkindly vvith them and vsed them with all extremitie even so dealte the vngracious and vnthankefull posterity of Ioseph with the GOD of Ioseph who had advaunced him to bee a father to Pharaoh and the greatest state in all his kingdome vvhen th●y forgate the greate mercies of GOD both tovvardes him and tovvardes themselues also then they started aside from his service and fell away from his feare Yea Hos 2. 5. vvhen they ascribed their Corne and VVine and VVooll to B●alim and the fruites of the earth to the hoast of heaven and their deliveraunce from their bodyly enemies to Ashur and Aegypte and their greate plentye to their ovvne pollicie then they forsooke God and followed Baalim and vvorshipped the host of heaven and sente giftes to Ashur and Aegypte and burnt incense to their owne yarne highly magnifying and extolling themselues and leaving of to magnifie God of whom they had not only received all these thinges but thēselues also The which thing also vvhen it vvas forgotten by the wicked Sap. 2. Cap. When they did not beleeue that GOD was their creator that al māner of cōmodities which they enioied were his giftes but imagined that they were borne at al adventure and left to their owne hands to shift for themselues then like filthy swine they trod vnder foote all feare of God gaue themselues over to wallowe in the mire of their owne sensual and vncleane lusts Come said they l●t vs enioie the pleasures that are present Sap. 2. 6. let vs cheerefully vse the creatures as in youth let vs fill our selues with costly wine and ointment and let not the flower of our life passe from vs let vs crowne our selues with rose buds before they be withered and let vs leaue some token of our wantonnes in every place for this is our portiō and this is our lot So daungerous a thing it is either to forget the Lords mercies or not to beleeue him to be the only fountaine of al good things but to ascribe ' thē either to our selues or to chāce fortune or to the dispositiō of any creature for it causeth God to withdraw his favour wholy from vs and to giue vs cleane over to a reprobate sense and to suffer vs vtterly to fall away from his feare Yea it not only maketh the Lord to be most grievously offended with such an abominable sinne but after a sort to be vtterly astonished and amased for that there coulde come to passe any such impiety O yee heavens be astonished at this be afraide and vtterly confounded saith the Lord For my people haue committed two evilles Ier. 2. 12. they haue forsaken mee the founetaine of living waters to digge to themselues pits even broken pits that can hold no water And in the very beginning of Isay Heare O heavens and harken O earth for the Lorde Isa 1. 1. hath spoken I haue nourished and brought vp children and they haue rebelled against me The oxe knoweth his owner the asse his masters crib but my people hath not knowne Israell hath not vnderstoode The oxe the asse albeit they be voide of al reason yet haue so much sense as to be serviceable to them by whom
each one the other therein then how much more ought they to doe it which are appointed to be publik officers for the same purpose How oug●t they especially most carefully to put in practise the exhortation of the prophet by calling continually vnto the people and saying Praise the Lord and call vpon his name and declare his workes among the people Sing vnto him sing praises vnto him and let your talking be of all his wondrous works Reioice in his holy name let the harts of them reioice that se●ke the Lord. Seeke the Lord and his strength se●ke his face continually Remember the ma●ve●lous works that he hath done the wonders and the iudgments of his mouth ●h yee seede of Abraham his servant ye ch●ldren of Iacob his chosen he is the Lord our God ● The 〈…〉 ●…ssistance accord●… to his own covenant And yet if all men faile in their duety the Lorde himselfe will not faile in that covenant which he h●th made with all his chosen wherein hee hath promised that hee himselfe will write his lawes in their heartes and plant them in their mindes and that he will doe the same so sufficiently that it shall not be a matter of absolute necessity for every one to exhort and to admonish his neighbor saying know the Lord for they shall all know me saith the Lord even Ier. 31 34. from the greatest vnto the least So and so beneficiall it is vnto all the Lords people to know the Lord and his gracious blessings to keepe a continuall remembrance of the same and therefore so and so many meanes hath the Lord appointed in his vnspeakeable wisedome and goodnesse for the stirring vp of every one of his faithful servants to the ready and careful performance of this so beneficiall and necessary a worke So and so carefull hath the Lord been that the people devoted vnto his service should want no meanes to strengthen further them in the holy exercise of sincere devotion Now let vs see how the church of Rome which boasteth so highly of her owne great devotions land of the huge multitude of all manner of good works which so and so abounde among her children religiously extolleth the Lords mercies what a carefull remembraunce shee keepeth of his goodnes seeing as it hath beene shewed that is the mother and the nurce of all sound and sincere devotion and the fountain welspring of all good workes The word of God in setting downe the great gracious blessings of God doth declare vnto vs these three pointes First the cause of them even his owne goodnesse and loue secondly the end which is the manifestation of his goodnes and loue thirdly the effect which is the working therby in the harts of his chosen of al inward graces outward dueties also both to God to our neighbour The grace goodnes loue and mercy of God is the full fountaine frō whence all his blessings doe issue flow The great blessed worke of mans redemption issueth from thence as our Saviour testifieth So God loved the world that he gaue his only begotten sonne that whosoever beleeveth in him should not perish but haue Ioh. 3. 16. life everlasting The great blessed worke of the creation and all the residue of his gracious blessings many of the particulars wherof are set down by the prophet Ps 136. come also from thence even because his mercy endu●eth for ever This mercy loue of God is not o●ly most ample large but also most free vndeserved For every good gift and every perfect giving commeth downe frō Iac. 1. 17. aboue frō the father of light we hold all that wee enioy from this grand vniversal l●ndlord therefore we must pay our whole rent to him performe only to his court our suit service we are endebted vnto him alone for the loane of al that we possesse therfore to him alone we must discharge all our debt His loue also is most free vndeserved he seeketh therin not to gain any thing to himselfe but only to do good to benefit other this doth farther set forth the greatnes of his loue so doth enlarge the bil of our debt Secōdly the end why God bestoweth his blessings is that they might be vnto vs most plaine demōstrations of his loue most certain testimonies of his goodnes Shew me saith St. Iams thy faith by thy works I wil shew thee my faith by my works Iac 2. 18. 1. Ioh. 3. 18. My childrē saith St. Iohn let vs not loue in word in tōgue but in work in truth That loue thē is in truth that is effectual in works and that faith is soūd right that sheweth it selfe in the fruits Wherfore god who would haue his chosē know be fully perswaded that he loveth thē in truth sheweth it forth to them by his most gracious and manifold blessings as by the effects fruits therof and this is also a great addition vnto his loue Thirdly the Lord maketh his loue manifested by his blessings the meanes to beget and to encrease faith loue repentance and the like in the hearts of his elect and chosen children he putteth them not out to vse nor taketh any encrease for them for his estate cannot be bettered nor his blessednes encreased the profite and encrease accrueth to vs and therefore by them we merite nothing at the hands of God nor make him thereby any way endebted to vs but wee our selues are more and more still in his debt for the free lone francke gift of all his blessings Now then to returne againe to the first point The loue of God is the ful fountaine of all manner of his blessings both bodyly and ghostly and he himselfe is not only the author but also the disposer and bestower of them all the blessings themselues and the meanes are of him and the working also of the one and the other Temporal meanes are in themselues nothing without the speciall power of God working in them by them Man liveth not by bread only but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God And life consiseth not in the great aboundance of all such thinges a● doe belong to the maintenance of life The horse is counted but a vaine thing to saue a man neither can he deliver any one by his much strength the watchman also waketh but in vaine vnlesse the Lord keepe the citty So spirituall meanes also are nothing without the effectuall power of the almighty working by them for that is the very soule and life of all He that planteth is nothing and hee that watereth is nothing but God that giveth the encrease Iohn the Baptist can baptise but with water Austine can but speake to our bodyly eares Christ baptiseth only with the holy Ghost and he that hath his chaire in heaven is he only that can teach the heart The water in baptisme can
that beleeue is the onely meanes not onely to erect but also to establish this kingdome of grace And therefore Saint Paul taking his fare-well of the pastors of Ephesus saith Now I commend you to God and to the word of his grace which is able to builde further and to giue you an inheritance amonge them that are sanctified The which word of grace when it was committed to the Apostles they were saide to haue receaued the keies of the kingdome of heaven the which also when it was reiected of the Iewes they reiected together with it the kingdome of heaven The which Worde of grace seing that it is kept by the church of Rome vnder the locke and keie of a strange tongue from the common sort of christians what is it but a ready way to exclude them also out of the kingdome of God 3. In the thirde petition all the faithfull are taught to desire that Gods will may be done of them all after that manner in earth as it is done in heaven of the holy angels all of them according vnto their measure of grace tending and striuing to this perfection The which contending to the estate of perfectiō the church of Rome reserueth onely for her holy Votaries and for such as be of her Rel●gious orders who that they may obtaine a greater opinion of holines then any other are saide to be onely in the way to this Angelicall perfection all other estates and degrees of men belike being out of that vvay 4 Now concerning the fourth and fifte petitions if we haue our very breade by free gift from God● giue vs this day our daily bread and not by the merite of our owne vvorkes how then can we deserue remission of sinnes and eternall glory 5 yea if by our dayly sinnes vvee adde continually to the summe of our debts must continually sue for the forgiuenesse of all our dayly and smaller offences how can we then make satisfaction for our grosser sins and merite also more of our creditors goods 6 Lastly in the sixth petition the faithfull acknowledging their great frailty and weakenes to withstand the temptations of sinne and Satan are taught to flie continually to the Lords protection to fence themselues vnder the shield of his power that he may either keepe them from the force of the combate or els deliver them by giving them strength to overcome But the church of Rome feareth no such frailty in her religious Votaries and therfore ● Cor. 7. 2. leaueth them in the hands of their owne lustes by taking from thē the meanes ordained by God for the avoiding of the same thereby causing them to tempt God by refusing the holesome water ordained by him for the cooling of these their fiery flames CHAP. 12. That the graunt of eternall life is given to the faithfull onely in Christ and not partly through him and partly through their owne workes THe holy and sacred word of God doeth lay open The new Testament ●r Gospell ●…at is the ●oyfull ty●ings of ●…lvation 〈◊〉 Christ ●esus Gen. 3. 24. vnto vs two covenauntes of life made betweene God man the oue legall the other Evangelicall The first whereof was made with man presently after his creation and had for the further confirmation thereof the fruite of the tree of life for an holy sacrament and a sacred assurance of the same from the most comfortable vse wherof he was vtterly excluded after the breach of that covenant The articles of this covenant were at the first written in the hart of man and after set downe in the law of God which declareth that it depended vpon our owne deedes And therefore vvhen the Pharisie vvhich looked to bee saued by the vvorks of the lavv demaunded of our blessed Saviour what hee should doe to be saued it was aunswered him that seeing by the works of the law he looked to be saued he should perfectly fulfil the commaundementes of the lavv doe this and thou shalt l●… But Luk. 10. 28. vvhen man by his fall had broken this covenaunt and so had stepped out of this vvay that leadeth to life and had gotten into the most daungerous vvaies of sinne and death the LORDE vvho is rich in mercy and of endlesse goodnesse suffered him not long to wander therein but soone reclaimed him and made with him a second covenaunt of life in the seede of the woman that shoulde Act. 3. 25. bruise the serpentes head and in whom all the families of the earth shoulde be blessed And hee appointed vnto him certaine sacrifices at the first for the further strengthening and confirming of his faith as aftervvard he gaue to Abraham the father of the faithfull the signe of Rom 4 11. circumcision as a seale of the righteousnesse before obtained by faith The articles of this covenant are more at large set dovvne in the Apostles Creede but most briefly comprised in the Apostles answere to the ●aylors demande what shall I do to be saved beleeue thou Act. 16. 31. say they in the Lorde Iesus and thou shalt bee saved and thy housholde The opposition of these covenants is set dovvne by the Apostle Moses saith he writeth of the righteousnes of the lawe that hee vvhich doth the same shall liue therein but the righteousnes which is of faith speaketh Rom. 10. 5. on this wise Say not thou in thine ●eart who shall ascende into heauē that is to fetch Christ from aboue either vvho shall descende into the deepe that is to fetch vppe Christ againe from the deade For if thou acknovvledge vvith thy mouth that Iesus is the Lorde and beleeue in thine hearte that God raised vppe him from the dead thou shalt be saved For vvith the heart man beleeveth vnto righteousnes and with the mouth confession is made vnto salvation For the scripture saith vvh●soever beleeveth in him shall not be confounded So thē the first covenāt was foūded on our owne obedience the secōd on the obedience of Christ the first dependeth on works the second on faith not on workes And therfore it is certaine that our deliuery frō death our recovery to life by the secōd covenātis only by Christ apprehēded by faith vnles we wil add some third covenāt of life partly in Christ and partly in our selues partly by faith partly by workes so overthrowe that covenant of life vvhich vvas made vnto vs onely in CHRIST Iesus For as the making of the second Heb. 8. 7. covenant vvas a disanulling of the first so an establishing of a third must needes be a disanulling of the second VVherefore let all true Christians vvay vvell vvith themselues this blasphemous doctrine of the church of Rome vvho hath coyned another nevve gospell vvhich bringeth to vs the ioyfull tidinges of remission of sinnes and eternall life partly through Christ and partly through our selues and so hath disanulled that covenant of mercy which was made vnto vs only in Christ Iesus Neither
only doth this their doctrine of satisfaction and merites greate wrong vnto our Saviour Christ by disanulling the covenant of life made in him and by defacing of the sufficiency of his death but otherwise also it is most iniurious vnto God and tendeth highly to the dishonour of his sacred maiesty 1. First it maketh him like to a very vniust and hard Land-lord whoe hauing graunted an estate in a bargaine vnto a yonger brother vpon a sufficient fine tendered by the elder yet will not let the yonger enioy it vnlesse he fine for it againe himselfe 2. Secondly it maketh him like to a cruell Creditour who hauing the debt discharged to the vttermost by a friēd yet casteth the poore debtour himselfe into prison vntill he there also in parte make some satisfaction 3. Thirdly it maketh him like to a mercilesse Iudge who hauing punished an of●ence with condigne punishment yet will haue the offender punished againe as if he delighted in the tormentes of the miserable 4. Fourthly it maketh him lesse mercifull then man who doth remitte to his penitent brother all manner of offence and all manner of revenge also 5. Lastly it ●inistreth matter to the malitious to the satisfying of his malicious humor to the full seeing as GOD doth pardon vs so vve are to deale one vvith an other and therefore if GOD doth so forgiue vs our sinnes in CHRIST as that we must yet still either afflict our selues vvith the rigorous vvorkes of Penance or else bee cast into the extreame tormentes of Purgatorie then we may also so forgiue our brother as that we may yet procure his most greavous punishment Wherefore let all true and faithfull Christians abhorre those abo●inations of the whore of Babylon yea let all such as looke for forgiuenes of sinne and eternal life by the covenant of mercy in CHRIST Iesus giue the glory thereof not to themselues or their owne workes but onely to the death of our al-sufficient Redeemer And yet let them haue a most earnest care to shew forth their most holy faith by their godly workes not as if they were part of the satisfaction made for sinne or anie parcell of the price giuen for the purchase of eternall glorie but thereby to testifie their thankefulnes to him who hath paide the whole price for that purchase himselfe and hath made for them a perfect and full satisfaction For true faith is not idle nor deade but a living faith working by loue albeit this mother iustifieth vvithout the Fides iustificat ante partum Roffensis helpe of her daughters yea before their very birth as the truth hath forced an enimie to confesse For workes do follovve the iustified man they go not before our iustification even as good fruits proceede from a tree which is already good declaring and not making the tree good Wherfore if we which by nature are wilde oliues being ingraffed in Christ are made good oliues and if we which of our selues bringe forth sowre grapes being planted into the true vine yeeld a sweete liquor if we be made good trees and pleasant plantes such as are setled in the caelestiall paradise we owe that wholy to our engra●…ing into Christ by a true faith and not in any vvise to the fruites of our faith the vvhich are only requisite and necessary duties vvhich are carefully to be performed of all such as are called to be pertakers of so greate mercies For as in those landes and liuinges vvhich are holden of temporall Lords ther are besides the fines paide for the purchase of the first estates certaine rentes services and other duties vvhich are also to be performed for the quiet and peaceable possessing of the same liuinges and yet he were but a simple tenante that vvoulde imagine those rentes and seruices to be his whole fine or any part or parcell thereof even so the faithfull which haue their estates purchased for them by the death of Christ in the kingdome of heaven must as it vvere pay their rents performe their services submit thēselues to the custōe of that heavenly mannour and yet they must neither be so proud nor so simple as to thinke that these rentes services and duties are any part or parcell of that fine that was paid for the first purchase of that heavenly inheritance Chap. 13. That the very end and scope of the sacramentes also is to teach the faithfull that remission of sinne and eternall life is obtained onely by faith in Christ VNTO the preaching of the gospell and Bap isme Eucharist doctrine of the new testament vvere adioyned by our Saviour Christ the sacramentes of the newe Testamēt For it pleased our louing and gracious father not only to giue vs eternall life in his onely begotten sonne but also by certaine external rites and ceremonies to take vs as it were by the hand and to put vs into possession thereof If vvee had beene saith Chrysostome spirituall GOD Chrys in Math. hom 83. vvoulde haue giuen vs these thinge nakedly and spiritually but now for that our soules dvvell in bodies hee giueth spirituall thinges vnder visible creatures Visible sacramentes saith another vvere In quaest ve teris testamenti ordained for such as are environed vvith flesh that by the steppes thereof vvee mighte ascende from such thinges as are seene to thinges that are vnderstoode Saint Austine calleth the sacraments Aug. ●ont Faustum Lib. 19. Cap. 16. in generall a visible vvorde as our Saviour calleth the cuppe in particular the nevve Testament in his bloode because as the worde and testament doth teach our eares that the blood of Christ is the purgation of all our sinnes and his body the bread of eternall life even so doe the sacramentes represent the same doctrine visibly to our eies For certaine it is that in the right vse of th●se holy mysteries by the reverent receauinug of the bodely creatures God doth ratifie to the faithfull his graunt and donation of spirituall thinges that is of remission of sinnes and of eternall life in CHRIST IESVS and the faithfull in the religiou● vse thereof do againe for their part after a sort vow vnto GOD that they will seeke for the same blessinges onely by Christ and not by any other meanes whatsoever VVherefore the members of the church of Rome seeking for remission of sinnes and eternall life not onely by CHRIST but also by their owne merites and satisfactions may worthely be charged not onely as transgressors of the new Testamēt but also as violaters of the holy sacraments and breakers of that solemne and sacred vovve made at thereceauing of these holy mysteries Yea vvhereas in the religious vse of the sacramentes GOD giueth vs CHRIST vvith all his blessinges according vnto the plaine vvordes of the institution of the LORDES supper take yee eate yee this is my body the church of Rome hath turned this tipsie turvy and vvill not so much receaue CHRIST therein as a sacrifice already offered to GOD for them