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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13203 [The Pentateuch]; Bible. O.T. Pentateuch. English. Tyndale. 1530. Tyndale, William, d. 1536. 1530 (1530) STC 2350; ESTC S1193 348,761 749

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art not able to do it thi selfe alone But heare my royce and I will geue the councell and God shal be with the. Be thou vnto the people to Godwarde and brynge the causes vnto God and prouyde them ordinaunces and lawes ●d shewe them the waye wherin they must walke and the werkes that they must doo Morouer seke out amonge all the people men of actiuite * which feare God and men Oure prelates nether feare God for they preach not his vvor de true ly●ner are lesse cove touse thē ludas for they haue rece●●ed of the de v●ll the kyng dames of the ●●●h and the ●●●rie there ●● vvhich christ refused Mathe ●4 that are true ād hate covctuousnes and make them heedes ouer the people captaynes ouer thousandes ouer hundredes ouer fyftie and ouer ten And let them iudge the people at all seasons Yf there beany greate matter let them brynge that vnto the and let them iudge all small causes them selues and ease thi selfe ād let them bere with the. Yf thou shalt doo this thinge then thou shalt be able to endure that which God chargeth the with all and all this people shall goo to their places quietly And Moses herde the voyce of his father in lawe and dyd all that he had sayde and chose actyue men out of all Israel and made them heedes ouer the people captaynes ouer thousandes ouer hundreds ouer fiftie and ouer ten And they iudged the people at all seasons ād broughte the harde causes vnto Moses and iudged all small maters them selues And th● Moses let his father in lawe departe and he went in to his awne londe The .xix. Chapter THe thyrde moneth after the childern of Israel were gone out of Egipte the same daye they came in to the wildernesse of Sinai For they were departed from Raph● dim and were come to the deserte of Sinay and had pitched their tentes in the wildernesse And there Israel pitched before the mounte And Moses went vpp vnto God And the Lorde called to him out of the mountayne saynge thus saye vnto the housse of lacob and tell the childern of Israel ye haue sene what I dyd vnto the Egiptians and how I toke you vpp apon Egles wynges and haue broughte you vnto my selfe Now therfore yf ye will heare my voyce and kepe myne appoyntment ye shall be myne awne aboue all nations for all the erth is myne Ye shall be vnto me a kyngdome of preastes and and holie people these are the wordes which thou shalt saye vnto the childern of Israel And Moses came and called for the elders of Ifrael and layde before them all these wordes which the Lorde had comma unded him And the people answered all together and sayde All that the Lorde hath sayde we will doo And Moses broughte the wordes of the people vnto the Lorde And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses Loo I will come vnto the in a thicke clowde that the people maye heare when I talke with the and also beleue the for euer And Moses shewed the wordes of the people vnto the Lorde And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses Go vnto the people and sanctific them to daye and tomorow and let them wash their clothes that they maye be redie agaynst the thyrde daye For the thyrde daye the Lorde will come doune in the sighte of all the people vpon mounte Sinai And sett markes rounde aboute the people and saye beware that ye go not vp in to the mounte and that ye twych not the bordres of it for whosoeuer twicheth the mounte shall surely dye There shall not an hande twych it but that he shall ether be stoned or els shot thorow whether it be beest or man it shall nor lyue when the horne bloweth than let thē come vp in to the mounten And Moses went doune from the mounte vnto the people and sanctifyed them ād they wasshed their clothes And he sayde vnto the people be redie agenst the thirde daye and se that ye come not at youre wiues And the thirde daye in the mornynge there was thunder and lightenynge and a thicke clowde apō the mounte ād the voyce of the horne waxed ●●ceadynge lowde and all the people that was in the hoste was afrayde And Moses brought the people out of the tētes to mete with God and they stode vnder the hyll And mounte Sinai was all togither on a smoke because the Lorde descended doune vpon it in fyre And the smoke therof ascēded vp as it had bene the smoke of a kylle and all the mounte was exceadinge fearfull And the voyce of the horne blewe and waxed lowder ād lowder Moses spake ād God answered hī ād that with a voyce And the Lord came doune vppon mounte Sinai euen in the toppe of the hyll ād called Moses vp in to the toppe of the hyll And Moses went vppe And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses go doune and charge the people that they prease not vp vnto the Lorde for to se hī ād so many off thē perissn And let the preastes also which come to the Lordes presence sanctifie them selues lest the Lorde smyte them Then Moses sayde vnto the Lorde the people cannot come vp in to mounte Sinai for thou chargedestrs saynge sett markes aboute the hyll and sanctifie it And the Lorde sayde vnto him awaye and get the doune and come vp both thou ād Aaron with the. But let not the preastes and the people presume for to come vp vnto the Lorde lest he smyte them And Moses wēt doune vnto the people and tolde them ¶ The .xx. Chapter ANd God spake all these wordes ād saide I am the Lorde thy God which haue brought the out of the londe of Egipte ād out of the house of bondage Thou shalt haue none other goddes in my syght Thou shalt make the no grauen ymage nether any symilitude that is in heauen aboue ether in the erth beneth or in the water that ys beneth the erth Se that thou nether bowe thyself vnto them nether serue them for I the Lorde thy God am a gelouse God and viset the synne of the fathers vppon the childern vnto the third and fourth generacion of thē that hate me and yet shewe mercie vnto thousandes amonge them that loue me and kepe my commaundmentes Thou shalt not take the name of the Lorde thy God in vayne for the Lord wil not holde him giltlesse that taketh his name in vayne Remēbre the Sabbath daye that thou sanctifie it Sixe dayes mayst thou laboure ād do al that thou hast to doo but the seuenth daye is the Sabbath of the Lorde thy God in it thou shalt do no maner worke nether thou nor thy sonne nor thy doughter nether thy manservaunte nor thy maydeservaunte nether thy catell nether yet the straunger that is within thi gates For in sixe dayes the Lorde made both heauen and erth and the see and all that in them is and rested the seuenth daye wherfore the Lorde blessed the Sabbath daye and halowed it Honoure
yf I haue foūde grace in thi sighte o Lorde than let my Lorde goo with us for it is a stuburne people and haue mercy apō oure wikednesse ād oure synne and let us be thyne enheritaunce And he sayde beholde I make an appoyntment before all this people that I will do maruells soch as haue not bene done ● all the worlde nether amōge any nacyon And all the people amonge which thou art shall se the worke of the Lorde for it is a terryble thinge that I will doo with the kepe all that I commaunde the this daye and beholde I will cast out before the the Amorites Canaanites Hethites Pherezites Heuites and Iebusites Take hede to thi selfe that thou make no compacte with the inhabiters of the lōde whether thou goest lest it be cause of ruyne amonge you But ouerthrowe their alters and breke their pilers and cutt doune their grooues for thou shalt worshippe no straunge God For the Lorde is called gelous because he is a gelous God lest yf thou make any agreament with the inhabiters of the lande when they go a whoorynge after their goddes ād do sacrifyce vnto their goddes they call the and thou eate of their sacrifyce ād thou take of their doughters vnto thi sonnes and when their doughters goo a whoorynge after their goddes they make thi sonnes goo a whoorynge after their goddes also Thou shalt make the no goddes of metall The fest of swete bred shalt thou kepe ād vij dayes thou shalt eate vnleuended bred as I commaunded the in the tyme apoynted in the moneth of Abib for in the moneth of Abib thou camest out of Egipte All that breaketh vp the matryce shal be mine and all that breaketh the matryce amonge thi catell yf it be male whether it be oxe or shepe But the first of the asse thou shalt by out with a shepe or yf thou redeme him not se thou breake his necke All the firstborne of thi sonnes thou must That is a god texte for the pope● nedes redeme And se that no mā appeare before me emptye Sixe dayes thou shalt worke and the seuēth thou shalt rest both from earynge and reapynge Thou shalt obserue the feast of wekes with the fyrst frutes of wheate heruest ād the feast of ingaderynge at the yeres ende Thrise in a yere shall all youre men children appeare before the Lorde Ichouah God of Israel for I will cast out the nacyons before the and will enlarge thi costes so that no man shall desyre thi londe while thou goest vp to appeare before the face of the Lorde thi God thryse in the yere Thou shalt not offre the bloude of my sacrifyce with leuended bred nether shall ought of the sacrifyce of the feast of Passeover be lefte vnto the morninge The first of the firstfrutes of thy lōde thou shalt brynge vnto the house of the Lorde thy God And se that thou seth not a kydd in his mothers mylke And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses write these wordes for vppon these wordes I haue made a couenaunt with the and with the childern of Israel And he was there with the Lorde .xl. dayes ād .xl. nyghtes ād nether ate bred nor dronke water And he wrote in the tables the wordes of the couenaunt euen ten verses And Moses came doune from mount Sinai and the .ij. tables of witnesse in his hande and yet he wyst not that the skynne of his face shone with beames of his comenynge with him And when Aaron and all the childern of Israel loked apon Moses and sawe that the skynne of his face shone with beames they were a frayde to come nye him But he called thē to him and then Aaron and all the chefe of the companye came vnto him ād Moses talked with them And at the last all the childern of Israel came vnto him and he commaunded them all that the Lorde had sayde vnto him in mount Sinai And as soone as he had made an ende of comenynge with them he put a couerynge apō his face But whēhe went before the Lorde to speak with him he toke the couerīge of vntill he came out And he came out and spake The Pope speaketh that whiche he is not commaunded vnto the childern of Israel that which he was commaunded And the childern of Israel sawe the face of Moses that the skynne of his face shone with beames but Moses put a couerynge vppon his face vntill he went in to comen with him The .xxxv. Chapter ANd Moses gathered all the companye of the childern of Israel together and sayde vnto them these are the thinges which the Lorde hath commaunded to doo Sixe dayes ye shall worke but the seuenth daye shal be vnto you the holy Sabbath of the Lordes rest so that whosoeuer doth any worke there in shall dye Moreouer ye shall kyndle no fyre thorow out all youre habitacyons apō the Sabbath daye And Moses spake vnto all the multitude of the childern of Israel sainge this is the thinge which the Lorde cōmaūded saynge Geue frō amōge you an heueoffringe vnto the Lorde All thatt are willynge in their hartes shall brynge heueoffringes vnto the Lorde golde syluer brasse Iacyncte scarlet purpull bysse ād gootes hare rams skynnes red and taxus skynnes and Sethim wodd and oyle for lightes ād spices for the anoyntynge oyle ād for the swete cens And Onixstones and stones to be sett for the Ephod and for the brestlappe And let all them that are wyseharted amōge you come and make all that the Lorde hath commaunded the habitacion and the tens there of with his couerynge ād his rynges bordes barres pilers and sokettes the arke and the staues thereof with the mercyseate ād the vayle that couereth it the table and his staues with all that perteyneth thereto ād the shewebred the candelsticke of lighte with his apparell and his lampes ād the oyle for the lightes the censalter and his staues the anoyntynge oyle and the swete cens ād the hangynge before the tabernacle dore the alter of burntsacrifyces ād his brasen gredyren that longeth there to with his staues ād all his ordynaūce ād the lauer and his fote the hangynges of the courte with his pilers and their sokettes and the hangynge to the dore of the courte the pynnes of the habitacion and the pynnes of the courte with their boordes the mynystrynge garmentes to mynystre with in holynesse and the holy vestimentes of Aaron the preast and the vestimentes of his sonnes to mynystre in And all the companye of the childern of Israel departed from the presence of Moses And they went as many as their hartes coraged them and as many as their spirites made them willynge and broughte heueoffrynges vnto the Lord to the makynge of the tabernacle of wytnesse and for all his vses and for the holy vestmentes And the men came with the wemen euen as manye as were willynge harted and brought bracelettes earynges rynges and girdels and all maner Iewels of golde And all the men that waued
a pitiefull God he will not forsake the nether destroye the nor forgett the appoyntmēt made with thy fathers which he sware vnto them For axe I praye the of the dayes that are past which were before the sence the daye that God created man vppon the erth and from the one syde of heauen vnto the other whether any thinge hath bene lyke vnto this greate thinge or whether any soche thinge hath bene herde as it is that a nacion hath herde the voyce of God speakinge out of fyre as thou hast herde and yet lyued ether whether God assayed to goo and take him a people from amonge nacions thorow temptacions and sygnes and wonders and thorow warre and with a mightie hande and a stretched out arme and wyth myghtye terreble sightes acordynge vnto all that the Lorde youre God dyd vnto you in Egipte before youre eyes Vnto the it was shewed that thou myghtest knowe how that the Lorde he is God and that there is none but he Out of heauen he made the heare his voyce to nurter the ▪ and vppon erth he shewed the his greate fyre and thou hardest his wordes out of the fyre And because he loued thy fathers therfore he chose their seed after them and broughte the out with his presence and with his myghtye power of Egipte to thrust out nations greater ād myghtyer then thou before the to bringe the in and to geue the their londe to enheritaunce as it is come to passe this daye Vnderstonde therfore this daye and turne it to thine herte that the Lorde he is God in heauen aboue and vppon the erth beneth there is no moo kepe therfore his ordynaunces and his commaundmentes which I commaun de the this daye that it maye goo well with the and with thi childern after the and that thou mayst prolonge thy dayes vppon the erth which the Lorde thi God geueth the for euer Then Moses seuered .iij. cities on the other syde Iordane towarde the sonne rysynge that he shulde fle thiter which had kylled his neygh boure vnwares and hated him not in tyme past and therfore shulde fle vnto one of the same cities and lyue Bezer in the wildernesse euen in the playne contre amonge the Rubenites and Ramoth in Gilead amonge the Gaddites and Solan in Basan amonge the Manassites This is the lawe which Moses set before the children of Israel and these are the witnesse ordinaunces and statutes which Moses tolde the childern of Israel after they came out of Egipte on the other syde Iordayne in the valey besyde Beth Peor in the londe of Sihō kinge of the Amorites which dwelt at Hesbon whom Moses and the childern of Israel smote after they were come out of Egipte ād conquered his lande and the lande of Og kinge of Basan .ij. kynges of the Amorites on the other syde Iordayne towarde the sonne rysynge from Aroar vppon the bancke of the ryuer Arnon vnto mount Sion which is called Hermon ād all the feldes on the other sydel or dayne eastwarde euen vnto the see in the felde vnder the springes of Pisga The. ● Chapter ANd Moses called vnto all Israell and sayed vnto them Heare Israel the ordynaunces and lawes which I speke in thyne eares this daye and lerne them and take hede that ye doo them The Loode oure God made an appoyntment with us in Horeb. The Lorde made not this bonde with oure fathers but with us we are they which are al heare a lyue this daye The Lord talked with you face to face in the moūt out of the fyre And I stode betwene the Lorde and you the same tyme to shewe you the sayenge of the Lorde For ye were afrayed of the fyre and therfore went not vpp in to the mount and he sayed I am the Lorde thy God which brought the out of the lōde of Egipte the housse of bōdage Thou shalt haue therfore none other goddes in my presence Thou shalt make the no grauen Image off any maner lykenesse that is in heauen aboue Image or in the erth beneth or in the water beneth the erth Thou shalt nether bowe thy self vnto them nor serue them for I the Lorde thy God am a gelouse God visettinge the wikednesse of the fathers vppon the childern euen in the thyrde and the fourth generacion amonge them that hate me and shew mercye apon thousandes amonge them that loue me and kepe my commaundmentes Thou shalt not take the name of the Lorde thy God in vayne for the Lorde will not holde him giltlesse that taketh his name in vayne Kepe the Sabbath daye that thou sanctifi● it as the Lorde thy God hath commaunded the. Syxe dayes thou shalt laboure and doo all that thou hast to doo but the seuenth daye is the Sabbath of the Lorde thy God thou shalt doo no maner worke nether thou nor thy sonne nor thy doughter nor thy seruaunte nor thy mayde nor thine oxe nor thyne asse nor any of thi catell nor the straunger that is within thy cytye that thy seruaunte and thy mayde maye rest as well as thou * And remembre that thou God sheweth a cause why we oughte to kepe his commaundmentes the pope doth not wast a seruaunte in the londe of Egypte and how that the Lorde God brought the out thence with a myghtye hande and a stretched out arme For which cause the Lorde thy God commaundeth the to kepe the Sabbath daye Honoure thi father and thi mother as the Lord thi God hath cōmaūded the that thou mayst prolonge thi dayes and that it maye go well with the on the londe which the Lorde thi God geueth the. Thou shalt not slee Thou shalt not breake wedlocke Thou shalt not steale Thou shalt not beare false witnesse agenst thy neghboure Thou shalt not luste after thi neghbours wife thou shat not couet thi neyghbours housse felde seruaunte mayde oxe asse nor ought that is thi neghbours These wordes the Lorde spake vnto al youre multitude in the mount out of the fyre cloude and darcknesse with a loude voyce and added nomoare there to and wrote them in .ij. tables of stone and delyuered them vnto me But as soone as ye herde the voyce out off the darcknesse and sawe the hill burne with fyre ye came vnto me all the heedes of youre tribes and youre elders and ye sayed beholde the Lorde oure God hath shewed us his glorye and his greatnesse and we haue herde his voyce out of the fyre and we haue sene this daye that God maye talke with a man and he yet lyue And now wherfore shulde we dye that this greate fyre shulde consume us Yf we shulde heare the voyce of the Lorde oure God any moare we shulde dye For what is any flesh that he shulde heare the voyce of the lyuynge God speakynge out of the fyre as we haue done and shulde yet lyue Goo thou ād heare all that the Lorde oure God sayeth and tell thou vnto us all that the Lorde oure God sayeth vnto the and
cyte called Hebron in the londe of Canaan Than Abraham came to mome Sara and to wepe for her And Abraham stode vp from the coorse and talked with the sonnes of heth saynge I am a straunger ād a foryner amonge yow geue me a possession to bury in with you that I may bury my dead oute of my sighte And the children of heth answered Abraham saynge vnto him heare vs lorde thou art a prynce of God amonge vs. In the chefest of oure sepulchres bury thy dead None of vs shall forbydd the his sepulchre that thou shuldest not bury thy deade therein Abrahā stode vp bowed hī selfe before y● people of y● lāde y● childrē of heth And he comened with them saynge Yf it be youre myndes y● I shall bury my deade oute of my sighte heare me ād speke for me to Ephron the sonne of Zoar and let him geue me the dubill caue which he hath in the end of his felde for as moch money as it is worth let him geue it me in the presence of you for a possession to bury in For Hephron dwelled amōge the childern of heth Than Ephron the Hethite answered Abraham in the audyēce of the childern of Heth and of all that went in at the gates of his cyte saynge Not so my lorde but heare me The felde geue I the and the caue that therein is geue I the also And even in the presence of the sonnes of my people geve Iit the to bury thy deede in Than Abraham bowed himselfe before the people of the lāde and spake vnto Ephrō in the audyence of the people of the contre saynge I praye the heare me I will geue sylver for the felde take it of me ●o so will I bury my deed there Ephron answered Abrahā saynge vnto him My lorde harken vnto me The lande is worth iiij hundreth sycles of syluer But what is that betwixte the and me● bury thy deede And Abraham harkened vnto Ephron and weyde him the sylver which he had sayde in the audyence of the sonnes of Heth. Euen .iiij. hūdred syluer sycles of currant money amonge marchauntes Thus was the felde of Ephron where in the dubbill caue is before Ma●re euen the felde the caue that is therein and all the trees of the felde which growe in all the borders rounde aboute made sure vnto Abraham for a possession in the syghte of the childern of Heth and of all that went in at the gates of the cyte And then Abraham buried Sara his wyfe in the double caue of the felde that lyeth before Māre otherwise called Ebron in the lande of Canaan And so both the felde ād the caue that is therein was made vnto Abraham a sure possession to bury in of the sonnes of Heth. ¶ The .xxiiij. Chapter ABraham was olde and stryken in dayes and the LORde had blessed him in allthinges And he sayde vnto his eldest servaunte of his house which had the rule over all that he had Put thy hande vnder my thye that I maye make the swere by the LORde that is God of heauen and God of the erth that thou shalt not take a wyfe vnto my sonne of the doughters of the canaanytes amonge which I dwell But shalt goo vnto my contre and to my kynred and there take a wyfe vnto my sonne Isaac Thā sayde the seruaunte vnto him what ād yf the womā wyll not agree to come with me vnto this lāde shall I brynge thy sonne agayne vnto the lande which thou camest out of ▪ And Abrahā sayde vnto him bewarre of that that thou b●●ge not my sonne thither The LORde God of heaven which toke me from my fathers house and from the lande where I was borne and which spake vnto me and sware vnto me saynge vnto thy seed wyll I geue this lande he shall sende his angell before the y● thou mayst take a wife vnto my sonne from thence Neuerthelesse yf the womā will not agree to come with the than shalt thou be with out daunger of this ooth But aboue all thinge brynge not my sonne thyther agayne And the seruaunte put his hand vnder the thye of Abraham and sware to him as concernynge that matter And the seruaunte toke .x. camels of the camels of his master and departed and had of all maner goodes of his master with him and stode vp and went to Mesopotamia vnto the cyr●e of Nahor And made his camels to lye doune without the cytie by a wels syde of water at euen aboute the tyme that women come out to drawe water and he sayde LORde God of my master Abrahā sende me good spede this daye shewe mercy vnto my master Abraham ●o I stonde here by the well of water and the doughters of the men of this citie will come out to drawe water Now the damsell to whome I saye stoupe doune thy pytcher and let me drynke Yf she saye drynke and I will geue thy camels drynke also y● same is she that thou hast ordened for they servaunte Isaac yee therby shall I knowe that thou hast shewed mercy on my master And it came to passe yet he had leeft spakynge that Aebecca came out the doughter of Bethuell sonne to Melcha the wife of Nahor Abrahams brother and hir pytcher apon hir shulder The damsell was very fayre to loke apon and yet a mayde and vnknowen of man And she went doune to the well and fylled hyr pytcher and came vp agayne Then the seruaunte rann● vnto her and sa●de let me syppe a litle water of thi pither And she sayde drynke my lorde And she besied and la●e downe her pytcher apon ●●● arme and gaue him drinke And whē she had geven hym drinke she sayde I will drawe water for thy camels also vntill they haue dronke ynough And she poured out hyr pitcher in to the trough hastely and ranne agayne vnto the well to fe●t water and drewe for all his camels And the felowe wondred at her But helde his peace to we●e whether the LORde had made his ●ou●ney prosperous or not And as the camels had lefte drynckynge he toke an earynge of halfe a sicle weght and. ij golden bracelettes for hyr ●ādes of .x. sycles weyght of gold and sayde vnto her whose doughter art thou tell me ys there rowme in thy fathers house for vs to lodge in ▪ And she sayde vnto him I am the doughter of Bethuell the sonne of M●●cha which she bare vnto Nahor and sayde moreouer vnto him we haue litter and prauonder ynough and also rowme to lodge in And the man bowed himselfe and worshipped the LORde and sayde blessed be the LORde God of my master Abraham which ceasseth not to deale mercyfully and truly with my master And hath brought me the waye to my masters brothers house And the damsell ranne tolde them of her mothers house these thinges And Rebecca had a brother called Laban And Laban ranne out vnto the man to the well for as soone as he had sene the earynges
newe vnderstōd the bowenge of a mans self vppon the grounde As wee oftymes as weknele in oure prayers ●owe oure selves ād lye on oure armes ād handes with oure face to the grounde The seconde boke of Moses called Exodus ¶ The seconde boke of Moses called Exodus ¶ The first Chapter THese are the names of the children of Israel which came to Egipte with Iacob euery man with his housholde Rubē Simeon Leui Iuda Isachar Zabulon Beniamin Dan Neptali Gad ād Aser All the soules that came out of the Ioynes of Iacob were .lxx. and Ioseph was in Egipte all redie when Ioseph was dead and all his brethern and all that generation the children of Israel grewe encreased multiplied and waxed enceadinge myghtie so that the londe was full of them Then there rose vp a new kynge in Egipte which knewe not Ioseph And he sayde vnto his folke beholde the people of the childrē of Israel are moo ād mightier than we Come on let vs playe wisely with them lest they multiplie and then yf there chaunce any warre they ioyne them selues vnto oure enimies and fyghte ageynst vs and so gete them out of the lande And he sette taskemasters ouer them to ke●pe them vnder with burthens And they bylvnto Pharao treasurecities Phiton and Raamses But the more they vexed thē the moare they multiplied and grewe so that they abhorred the childrē of Israel And the Egiptiās helde the childern of Israel in bondage without mercie and made their lyues bitter vnto them with cruell laboure in claye and bricke and all maner worke in the feldes and in all maner of service which they caused thē to worke cruelly And the kynge of Egipte sayde vnto the mydwiues of the Ebrues women of which the ones name was Ziphra ād the other Pua whē ye mydwiue the women of the Ebrues and se in the byrth tyme that it is a boye kyll it But yf it be a mayde let it lyue Notwithstonding the mydwiues feared God and dyd not as the kinge of Egipte commaūded them but saued the menchildern Thē the kinge of Egipte called for the midwiues ād sayde vnto thē why haue ye delt on this maner and haue saued the menchildern And the mydwiues answered Pharao that the Ebrues wemen were not as the wemen of Egipte but were sturdie women and were delyuered yer the midwyues came at them And God therfore delt well with the midwyues And the people multiplied and waxed very mightie And because the mydwiues feared God he made them houses Than Pharao charged all his pepple sayng All the menchildern that are borne cast in to the ryuer and save the maydchildern a lyue ¶ The seconde Chapter ANd there wēt a mā of the house of Leui ād toke a doughter of Leui. And the wife cōceaued ād bare a sonne And whē she sawe that it was a propre childe she hyd him thre monethes longe And whē she coude no longer hyde him she toke a basket of bulrusshes ād dawbed it with slyme ād pytche ād layde the childe therin ād put it in the flagges by the riuers brynke And his sister stode a ferre of to wete what wold come of it And the doughter of Pharao came doune to the riuer to washe her selfe and hir maydens walked a longe by the riuers syde And when she sawe the basket amōge the flagges she sent one of hir maydes and caused it to be fet And whē she had opened it she sawe the childe and behold the babe wepte And she had cōpassiō on it ād sayde it is one of the Ebrues childern Then sayde his sister vnto Pharaos doughter shall I goo and call vnto the a nurse of the Ebrues wemen to nurse the the childe And the mayde ranne and called the childes mother Thē Pharaos doughter saide vnto her Take this childe awaye ād nurse it for me ād I will rewarde the for thi laboure And the woman toke the childe and nursed it vp And whē the childe was growne she brought it vnto Pharaos doughter and it was made hir sonne and she called it Moses because sayde she I toke him out of the water And it happened in these dayes when Mo ses was waxte great that he went out vnto his brethern ād loked on their burthens and spied an Egiptian smytynge one of his brethern an Ebrue And he loked round aboute and when he sawe that there was no man by he sle we the Egiptian and hyd hī in the sonde And he went out a nother daye and beholde two Ebrues stroue to gether And he sayde vnto him that dyd the wronge wherfore smytest thou thine neyghboure And he answered who hath made the a ruelar or aiudge ouer vs intendest thou to kill me as thou killedst the Egiptain Then Moses feared and sayde of a suertie the thinge is knowne And Pharao her de of it and went aboute to slee Moses but he fled from Pharao ād dwelt in the lāde of Madian and he satt doune by a welles syde The preast of Madianh a d .vij. doughters which came ād drew water and fylled the troughes for to water their fathers shepe And the shepardes came and drove them awaye But Moses stode vp and helped them and waterd their shepe And when they came to Raguel their father he sayde how happeneth it that ye are come so soone to daye And they answerede there was an Egiptiā that delyuered vs frō the shepardes and also drewe vs water waterd the shepe And he sayde vnto his doughters where is he why haue ye lefte the man Goo call him that he maye eate bread And Moses was content to dwell with the man And he gaue Moses Zipora his doughter which bare a sonne ād he called him Gerson for he sayde I haue bene a straunger in a straunge lande And she bare yet another sonne whom he called Elieser sayng the God of my father is myne helper and hath rid me out of the handes of Pharao And it chaunced in processe of tyme that the kinge of Egipte dyed and the childern of Israel syghed by the reason of laboure and cryed And their complaynt came vp vnto God from the laboure And God remembred his promise with Abraham Isaac ād Iacob And God loked apon the children of Israel and knewe them ¶ The thyrde Chapter MOses kepte the shepe of Iethro his father in law preast of Madian and he droue the flocke to the backesyde of the deser te ād came to the moūtayne of God Horeb. And the angell of the Lorde apeared vnto hī in a flame of fyre out of a bush And he perceaued that the bush burned with fyre and consumed not Than Moses sayde I will goo hēce and see this grete syghte howe it cometh that the bushe burneth not And whē the Lorde sawe that he came for to see he called vnto him out of the bush and sayde Moses Moses And he answered here am I. And he sayde come not hither but put thy shooes off thi fete for the place whereon