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A05983 The booke of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments and other rites and ceremonies of the Church of England.; Book of common prayer Church of England. 1603 (1603) STC 16326; ESTC S101416 290,715 467

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his also The Sea is his and he made it and his hands prepared the dry land O come let vs worship and fall downe and kneele before the Lord our maker For he is the Lord our God and we are the people of his pasture and the sheepe of his handes To day if ye will heare his voyce harden not your hearts as in the prouocation and as in the day of temptation in the wildernes When your fathers tempted me proued mee and saw my workes Fourtie yeeres long was I grieued with this generation and said it is a people that doe erre in their hearts for they have not knowen my wayes Vnto whom I sware in my wrath that they should not enter into my rest Glory be to the Father and to the Sonne and to the holy Ghost As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall bee world without and Amen Then shall follow eertaine Psalmes in order as they be appointed in a table made for that purpose except there be proper Psalmes appointed for that day And at the end of euery Psalme throughout the yeere and likewise in the end of Benedictus Benedicite Magnisicat and Nunc dimittis shal be repeated Glory be to the Father c As it was in the c. Then shall be read two Lessons distinctly with a lowd voyce that the people may heare The first of the old Testament The second of the New like as they bee appointed in the Kalender except there be proper Lessons assigned for that day the Minister that readeth the Lesson standing and turning him so as hee may best beheard of all such as be present And before euery Lesson the Minister shall say thus The first second third or fourth Chapter of Genesis or Exodus Matthew Marke or other like as is appointed in the Kalender And in the end of euery Chapter hee shall say Here endeth such a Chapter of such booke And to the end the people may the better heare in such places where they do sing there shal the Lessons be song in a plaine tune after the maner of distinct reading and likewise the Epistle Gospel After the first Lesson shall follow Te Deum laudamus in English dayly throughout the whole yeere WE prayse thee O God we knowledge thee to be the Lord. Te Deum laudamus All the earth doeth worship thee the Father euerlasring To thee all Angelscry alowd the heauens and all the powers therein To thee Cherubin Seraphin continually do cry Holy holy holy Lord God of Sabaoth Heauen and earth are full of the Maiestie of thy glory The glorious company of the Apostles prayse thee The goodly felowship of the Prophets prayse thee The noble army of Martyrs prayse thee The holy Church throughout all the world doeth knowledge thee The Father of an infinite Maiestie Thine honourable true and onely Sonne Also the holy Ghost the Comforter Thou art the King of glory O Christ Thou art the euerlasting Sonne of the Father When thou tookest vpon thee to deliver man thou diddest not abhorre the Virgins wombe When thou haddest overcome the sharpenesse of death thou diddest open the kingdome of heauen to all beleeuers Thou sittesst at the right hand of God in the glory of the Father We beleeve that thou shalt come to be our Iudge We therefore pray thee helpe thy seruants whom thou hast redeemed with thy prerious blood Make them to bee numbred with thy Saints in glory everlasting O Lord saue thy people and blesse thine heritage Gouerne them and lift them vp for ever Day by day we magnifie thee And we worship thy Name ever world without end Vouchsafe O Lord to keepe vs this day without sinne O Lord haue mercy vponv us haue mercy vpon vs. O Lord let thy mercy lighten vpon vs as our trust is in thee O Lord in thee have I trusted let me neuer be confounded ¶ Or this Canticle Benedicite omnia opera c. O All ye works of the Lord blesse ye the Lord prayse him and magnifie him for euer Benedicite O yee Angels of the Lord blesse yee the Lord praise him and magnifie him for euer O ye heaueus blesse the Lord prayse him and magnifie him for ever O ye waters that be aboue the firmament blesse ye the Lord prayse him and magnifie him for ever O all ye powers of the Lord blesse yee the Lord prayse him and magnifie him for euer O ye Sunne and Moone blesse yee the Lord praise him and magnifie him for euer O ye starres of heauen blesse ye the Lord prayse him and magnifie him for euer O ye showres and deaw blesse yee the Lord prayse him and magnifie him for euer O ye windes of God blesse yee the Lord prayse him and magnifie him for euer O ye fire and heate blesse yee the Lord prayse him and magnifie him for euer O ye winter and sommer blesse ye the Lord praise him and magnifie him for euer O ye deawes and frosts blesse yee the Lord prayse him and magnifie him for euer O ye frost and colde blesse yee the Lord praise him and magnifie him for euer O ye yce and snowe blesse ye the Lord prayse him and magnifie him for euer O ye nights and dayes blesse ye the Lord prayse him and magnifie him for euer O ye light and darkenes blesse ye the Lord prayse him and magnifie him for euer O ye lightnings and cloudes blesse yee the Lord praise him and magnifie him for euer O let the earth blesse the Lord yea let it praise him and magnifie him for euer O ye mountaines and hilles blesse ye the Lord praise him and magnifie him for euer O all ye greene things vpon the earth blesse ye the Lord pratse him and magnifie him for euer O ye welles blesse yee the Lord praise him and magnifie him for euer O ye Seas and floods blesse ye the Lord praise him and magnifie him for euer O ye Whales and al that moue in the waters blesse ye the Lord praise him and magnifie him for evur O all ye foules of the aire blesse yee the Lord prayse him and magnifie him for euer O all ye beasts and cattell blesse yee the Lord praise him and magnifie him for eur O yee children of men blesse ye the Lord prayse him and magnifie him for euer O let Israel blesse the Lord praise him and magnifie him for euer O ye Priestes of the Lord blesse yee the Lord praise him and magnifie him for euer O ye seruants of the Lord blesse ye the Lord prayse him and magnifie him for euer O ye spirits soules of the righteous blesse ye the Lord prayse him and magnifie him for euer O ye holy and humble men of heart blesse yee the Lord prayse him and magnifie him for euer O Ananias Azarias and Misael blesse yee the Lord prayse him and magnifie him for ever Glory be to the Father and to the Sonne c. As it was in the beginning is now
mercie vpon vs. Our Father which art in heauen c. And lead vs not into temptation But deliuer vs from euill Amen ¶ The Versicle O Lord deale not with vs after our sinnes Answere Neither reward vs after our iniquities Let vs pray O God mercifull father that despisest not the sighing of a contrite heart nor the desire of such as be sorrowfull mercifully assist our prayers that we make before thee in all our troubles and aduersities whensoeuer they oppresse vs and graciously heare vs that those euils which the craft and subtiltie of the deuill or man worketh against vs bee brought to nought and by the prouidence of thy goodnes they may be dispersed that wee thy seruants being hurt by no persecutions may euermore giue thankes vnto thee in thy holy Church through Iesus Christ our Lord. O Lord arise helpe vs and deliuer vs for thy Names sake O God wee haue heard with ourt eares and our fathers haue declared vnto vs the noble workes thou diddest in their dayes and in the old time before them O Lord arise helpe vs and deliuer vs for thine Honour Glory be to the father and to the Sonne and to the holy Ghost As it was in the beginning is now and euer shal be world without end Amen From our enemies defend vs O Christ Graciously looke vpon our afflictions Pitifully behold the sorrowes of our hearts Mercifully forgiue the sinnes of thy people Fauorably with mercy heare our prayers O Sonne of Dauid haue mercy vpon vs. Both now and euer bouchsate to heare vs O Christ Graciously heare vs O Christ graciously heare vs O Lord Christ The Versicle O Lord let thy mercy be shewed vpon vs. Answere As we doe put our trust in thee Let vs pray WE humbly beseech thee O Father mercifully to looke vpon our infirmities and for the glory of thy Names sake turne from vs all those euils that wee most righteously haue deferued and graunt that in all our troubles wee may put our whole trust confidence in thy mercy and euermore serue thee in holinesse and purenesse of liuing to thy honour and glory through our onely Mediatour and Aduocate Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen A prayer for the Kings Maistie O Lord our heauenly Father high and mightie king of kings Lord of lords the onely ruler of Princes which doest from thy Throne beholde all the dwellers vpon earth most heartily we beseech thee with thy favour to behold our most gracious soueraigne Lord king lames and so replenish him the grace of the holy Spirit that hee may alway encline to thy will and walke in thy way endue him plenteously with heauenly gifts graunt him in health and wealth long to liue strengthen him that hee may banquish and ouercome all his enemies and finally after this life he may attaine euerlasting ioy and felicitie though Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen A Prayer for the Queene and Prince and other the King and Queenes children ALmightie God which hast promised to be a Father of thine Elect and of their seed wee humbly beseech thee to blesse our gratious Queene Anne Prince Henry and all the King and Queenes Royall progenie indue them with thy holy Spirit enrich them with thy heauenly grace prosper them with all happinesse and bring them to thine euerlasting Kingdome through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen ALmightie and euerlasting God which onely workest great marueiles send downe vpon our Bishops and Curats and all Congregations committed to their charge the healthfull Spirit of thy grace and that they may truely please thee powre vpon them the continuall deaw of thy Blessing Graunt this O Lord for the honour of our Aduocate and Mediator Iesus Christ Amen A prayer of Chrysostome ALmighty God which hast giuen vs grace at this time with one accord to make our common supplications vnto thee and doest promise that when two or three bee gathered together in thy Name thou wilt graunt their requests fulfill now O Lord the desires and petitions of thy seruants as may bee most expedient for them graunting vs in this world knowledge of thy Trueth and in the world to come life euerlasting Amen 2. Corinth 13. THE grace of our Lord Iesus Christ and the loue of God the fellowship of the holy Ghost be with vs all euermore Amen For raine if the time require O God heauenly Father which by thy Sonne Iesus Christ hast promised to all them that seeke thy kingdome and the righteousnesse thereof all things necessary to their bodily sustenance Send vs we beseech thee in this our necessitie such moderate raine and showres that we may receiue the fruites of the earth to our comfort and to thy honour through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen For faire Weather O Lord God which for the sinne of man diddest once drowne all the world except eight persons and afterward of thy great mercie didst promise neuer to destroy it so againe Wee humbly beseech thee that although wee for our iniquisies haue worthily deserued this plague of raine waters yet vpon our true repentance thou wilt send vs such weather whereby wee may receiue the fruits of the earth in due season and learne both by thy punishment to amend our liues for thy clemencie to giue thee praise and glory through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen In the time of dearth and famine O God heauenly father whose gift it is that the raine doeth fall the earth is fruitful beasts increase and fishes doe multiply beholde wee beseech thee the afflictions of thy people and grant that the fearcitie and dearth which we do now most iustly suffer for our iniquitie may through thy goodnesse be mercifully turned into cheapnesse plentie for the loue of Isus Christ our Lord to whom with thee and the holy ghost be all honour c. In the time of Warre O Almighty God King of all kings and gouernour of all things whole power no creature is able to resist to whom it belongeth instly to punish sinners and to be mercifull to them that truely repent saue and deliuer vs wee humbly beseech thee from the handes of our enemies abate their pride asswage their malice and confound their deuiecs that wee being armed with thy defence may be preserued euermore from all perils to glorifie thee which art the onely giuer of all victorie through the merits of thy onely Sonne Iesus Christ our Lord. In the time of any common Plague or sickenesse O Almighty God which in thy wrath in the time of King Dauid diddest flay with the plague of pestilence threescore and ten thousand and yet remembring thy Mercie diddest saue the rest haue pitie vpon vs miserable sinners that now are bifited with great fikenesse and mortalitie that like as thou diddest then command thine Angel to cease from punishing so it may nowe please thee to withdraw from vs this plague and grieuous fickenesse through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen O God whose nature and propertie is euer to haue merce and to
forgiue receiue our humble petitions and though we be tied and boud with the chaine of our sinnes yet let the pitifulnesse of thy great mercie loose vs for the honour of Iesus Christ sake our Mediatour and Aduocate Amen A thankesgiuing for Raine O God our heauenly Father who by thy gracious prouidence doest cause the former and the latter raine to descend vpon the earth that it may bring foorth fruit for the vse of man wee giue thee humble thanks that it hath pleased thee in our greatest necessitie to send vs at the last a ioyfull raine vpon thine inheritance and to reffersh it when it was dry to the great comfort of vs thy vnworthy seruants and to the glory of thy holy Name thorow thy mercies in Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen A thankesgiuing for faire weather O Lorde God who hast iustly humbled vs by thy late Plague of immoderate Raine and waters and in thy mercie hast relieued and comforted our soules by this seasonable and blessed change of weather wee praise and glorifie thy holy Name for this thy mercie and will always declare thy louing kindnesse from generation to generation through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen A thankesgiuing for plentie O Most mercifull Father which of thy gracious goodnesse hast heard the deuout prayers of thy Church and turned our dearth and scarity into cheapenesse and plentte We giue thee humble thankes for this thy especiall bountie beseeching thee to continue this thy louing kindnesse vnto vs that our land may yeeld vs her fruits of increase to thy glory and our comfort through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen A thankesgiuing for peace and victory O Almightie God which art a strong tower of defence vnto thy seruants against the face of their enemies we yeeld thee praise thankesgiuing for our deliuerance from those great and apparant dangers wherewith we were compassed Wee acknowledge it thy goodnesse that we were not deliuered ouer a pray vnto them beseeching thee still to continue such thy mercies to wards vs that all the world may knowe that though art our Sauiour and Mightie deliuerer through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen A thankesgiuing for deliuerance from the Plague O Lord God which hast wounded vs for our sinnes and consumed vs for our transgressions by thy late heauie and dreadfull visitation and now in the middest of iudgement remenibring mercie fast redeemed our soules from the iawes of death wee offer vnto thy fatherly goodnesse our selues our soules and bodies which thou hast deliuered to be a liuing sacrifice vnto thee alwayes praising and magnifying thy mercies in the middest of the Congregation through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Or this WEe humbly acknowledge before thee O most mercifull Father that all the punishments which are threatned in thy Law might iussly haue fallen vpon vs by reason of our manifold transgressions and hardnesse of heart yet feeing it hath pleased thee of thy tender mercie vpon our weake and vnworthy humiliation to asswage the noysome pestilence wherwith we lately haue bene sore afflicted and to restore the voice of ioy and health into our dwellings wee offer vnto thy diuine Maiestie thy sacrifice of praise thankesgiuing launding and magnifying thy glorious Name for such thy preseruation and prouidence ouer vs through Iesus Christ Lord. Amen ❧ The Collects Epistles and Gospels to be vsed at the celebration of the Lords Supper and holy Communion through the yeere The first Sunday in Aduent The Collect. ALmighty God give vs grace that Wee may cast away the workes of darkenesse and put vpon vs the armour of light nowe in the time of this mortall life in the which thy Sonne Iesus Christ came to visite vs in great humilitie that in the last day when he shall come againe in his glorious Maiestie to iudge both the quicke and the dead we may rise to the life immortal through him who tiueth and reigneth with thee and the holy Ghost now and euer Amen The Epistle O we nothing to any man Rom. 13. 8. but this that ye loue one another For he that loueth another fulfilleth the Law For these Commaundements Thou shall not commit adulterie Thou shall not kill Thou shalt not steal Thou shall not beare false witnesse Thou shalt not lust and so foorth if there be any other Commandement it is all comprehended in this faying namely Loue thy neighbour as thy selfe Toue hurteth not his neighbour therefore is loue the fulfilling of the Lawe This also wee know the season how that it is time that wee should now awake out of sleep for now is our saluation neerer then when we beleeued The night is passed the day is come nigh let vs therefore cast away the deeds of darkenesse and let vs put on the armour of light Let vs walke honestly as it were in the day light not in eating and drinking neither in chambering and wantonnesse neither in strife and enuying but put ye on the Lord Iesus Christ and make no prouision for the flesh to fulfill the lusts of it The Gospel ANd when they drewe nigh to Hierusalem Mat. 21.1 and were come to Bethphage vnto mount Oliuet then sent Iesus two of his Disciples saying vnto them Goe into the towne that lieth ouer against you and anon yee shall finde an Asse bounde and her colte with her loose them and bring them vnto me and if any man say ought vnto to you say pee The Lorde hath neede of them and straight way he will let them go All this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Prophet saying Tell yee the daughter of Sion behold thy King commeth vnto thee meeke sitting vpon an Asse and a colte the foale of the Asse vsed to the yoke The Disciples went and did as Iesus commanded them and brought the Asse and the colte and put on them their clothes and set him thereon And many of the people spred their garments in the way other cut downe branches from the trees and strawed them in the way Moreouer the people that went before and they that came after cried saying Hosanna to the some of Dauid Blessed is hee that conuneth in the name of the Lorde Hosanna in the highest And when hee was come to Hierusalem all the citie was mooued saying who is this And the people said This is Iesus the Prophet of Nazareth a citie of Galilee And Iesus went into the Temple of God and cast out all them that sold and bought in the Temple and ouerthrew the tables of the money changers and the seates of them that solde doues anb sayd vnto them It is written My house shall be called the house of prayer but ye haue made it a denne of theeues The second Sunday in Aduent The Collect. BLessed Lorde which hast caused all holy Scriptures to be written for learning Grant vs that wee may in such wise heare them reade marke learne and inwardly digest them that by patience and comfort of thy holy word wee may embrace
to him And after that he had opned his mouth he taught them saying Blessed are the poore in spirit for theirs is the kingdome of heauen Blessed are they that mourne for they shall receiue comfort Blessed are the meeke for they shall receiue the inheritance of the earth Blessed are they which hunger and thirst after righeousnesse for they shall be satisfied Blessed are the mercifull for they shall obtaine mercie Blessed are the pure in heart for they shal see God Blessed are the peace makers for they shal be called the children of God Blessed are they which suffer persection for righteousnes sake for theirs is the kingdome of heauen Blessed are yee when men reusle you and persecute you and shal falsely say all maner of euill sayings against you for my sake reioyce and be glad for great is your rewarde in heauen For so persecuted they the Prophets which were before you The order for the administration of the Lordes Supper or holy Communion SO many as intend to bee partakers of the holy Communion shall signifie their names to the Curate ouer night or els in the morning afore the beginning of Morning prayer or immediatly after And if any of those be an open and notorious euill liuer so that the Congregation by him is offended or haue done any wrong to his neighbours by worde or deede the Cu. rate hauing knowledge thereof shall call him and aduertise him in any wise not to presume to the Lordes Table vntill hee haue openly de clared him selfe to haue truely repented and amended his former naughtie life that the Congregation may thereby bee satisfied which afore were offended and that he haue recompenced the parties whome hee hath done wrong vnto or at the least declare himselfe to be in full purpose so to doe as soone as he conue niently may The same order shall the Curate vse with those betwixt whom he perceiueth malice and hatred to reigne not suffering them to bee partakers of the Lords Table vntill he know them to be reconciled And if one of the parties so at variance be content to forgiue from the bottome of his heart all that the other hath trespassed against him and to make amends for that he himselfe hath offended and the other partie will not bee perswaded to a godly vnitie but remaine still in his frowardnesse and malice the Minister in that case ought to admit the penitent person to the holy Communion and not him that is obstinate The Table hauing at the Communion time a faire white linnen cloth vpon it shall stand in the body of the Church or in the Chauncel where Morning prayer and Euening prayer be appointed to be said And the Priest standing at the North side of the Table shall say the Lords prayer with this Collect following The Communion ALmightie God vnto whom all hearts bee open all desires knowen and from whom no secretes are hid clense the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of thy holy spirity that wee may perfectly loue thee worthsly magnifie thy holy name throught christ our Lord. Amen Then shall the Priest rehearse distinctly all the ten Commaundements and the people kneeling shall after euery Commaundement aske God mercy for their trasgression of the same after this sort The Minister God spake these words and sayd I am the Lorde they God Thou shall haue none other gods but me People Lord haue mercy vpon vs and encline our hearts to keepe this Law Minister Thou shall not make to thy selfe any grauen image nor the likenesse of any thing that is in heauen aboue or in the earth be●tath or in the water under the earth Thou shalt not how downe to them nor worship them For I the Lord thy God am a ielous God and visite the sinne of the fathers vpon the children vuto the third fourth generation of them that hate me and shew mercy vnto thosands in them that loue me and keepe my commandements People Lord haue mercy vpon vs and encline our hearts to keepe this Law Minister Thou shall not take the Name of the Lorde thy God in vaine for the Lord will not hold him guiltlesse that taketh his Name in vaine People Lord haue mercy vspon vs and entline our hearts c. Minister Remember that thou keepe holy the Sabbath day Sire dayes shalt thou labour and doe all that thou hast to doe but the seuenth day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God In it thou shalt doe no maner of worke thou and thy sonne and thy daughter thy man seruant and thy maide seruant thy ●attell and the stranger that is within thy gates For in sixe dayes the Lord made heauen and earth the sea and all that in them is and rested the seuenth day wherefore the Lord blessed the seuenth day and halowed it People Lord haue mercy vpon vs and encliue our hearts to keepe this law Minister Honour thy father and thy mother that thy dayes may be long in the land which the Lord thy God giueth thee People Lord haue mercy vpon vs and encline our hearts Ac. Minister Thou shall doe no murther People Lord haue mercy vpon vs and encline our hearts Ac. Minister Thou shall not commit adultery People Lord haue mercy vpon vs and encline our hearts Ac. Minister Thou shall not steale People Lord haue mercy vpon vs and encline our hearts Ac. Minister Thou shall not beare false witnesse against thy neighbour People Lord haue mercy vpon vs and encline our hearts Ac. Minister Thou shall not count thy neighbours house thou shall not covet thy neighbours wife nor his servant nor his mayd nor his ●xe nor his Asse nor any thing that is his People Lord haue mercy vpon vs and write all these thy Lawes in our hearts we beseech thee Then shall follow the Collect of the day with one of these two Collects following for the King the Priest standing vp and saying Let vs pray ALmightie God whose kingdome is everlasting and power infinite haue mercy vpon the whole congregation and to rule the heart of thy chosen servant Iames our King and givernour that he knowing whose minister he is may about al things seeke thy honour and glory and that wee subiects duely confidering whole authoritie hee hath may faithfully serve honour and humbly obey him in thee and for thee according to thy blessed worde and ordinance through Iesus Christ our Lord who with thee and the holy Ghost liveth and reigneth ever one God world without end Amen ALmightie and everlasting God we bee taught by thy holy word that the hearts of kings are in thy rule and gouernance and that thou dost dispose and tnrne them as it seemeth best to thy godly wisedom we humbly beseech thee so to dispose and gouerne the heart of Iames thy seruant our King and gouernour that in all his thoughts words and workes hee may euer seeke thy honour and glorie and studie to preserue thy people committed to his charge in wealth peace and
bringeth the counsell of the hearthen to nought and maketh the deulses of the people to be of none effect and casteth out the counsels of Peinces The counsell of the Lorde shall endure for euer and the though is of his heart from generation to generation Blessed are the people whose God is the Lord Iehoua and blessed are the folke that hee hath chosen to him to be his inheritance The Lord looked downe from heauen and beheld all the children of men from the habitation of his dwelling he considereth all them that dwell in the earth He fashioneth all the hearts of them and vnderstandeth all their works There is no king that can be saued by thy multitude of an host neither is any mighty man deliuered by much strength A horse is counted but a vaine thing to saue a man neither shall he deliuer any man by his great strength Behold the eye of the Lord is vpon them that feare him and vpon them that put their trust in his mercie Lo deliuer their soules from desath and to feede them in the time of death our sounle hath patiently faried for Lord for he is our helpe and our shield For our heart shall reioyce in him because we haue hoped in his holy Name Let the mercifull kindnesse O Lord be vpon vs like as we doe put our trust in thee Benedicam Domino Pslxxxiiij I will alway giue thankes vnto the Lord his praise shall euer be in my mounth My sonle shall make her boast of the Lord the humble sall heare there of and be glad O praise the Lord with me and let vs magnifie his Name together I sought the Lord and he heard me yea he deliuered me out of all my feare They had an eye vnto him and were lightend and their faces were not ashamed Loe the poore crieth and the Lord heareth him yea and saueth him out of all his troubles The Angle of the Lorde tarieth round about them that feare him and deliuereth them O taste and see howe gracious the Lord is blessed is the man that trusteth in him O feare the Lord ye that be his saints for they that feare him lacke nothing The Lons doe lacke and suffer hunger but they which seeke the Lord shall want no maner of thing that is good Come ye children and hearken vnto me I will teach you the feare of the Lord. what man is hee that lusteh to liue and would faine see good dayes keepe thy tongue from euill and thy lips that they speake no guile Esche we euil and doe good seeke peace and ensue it The eyes of the Lorde are ouer the righteous and his eares are open vpon vnto them praiers The countenance of the Lorde is against them that doe cuill to roote out the remembrance of them from the earth The righteous cry and the Lord heaeth them and deliuereth them out of all their troubles The Lord is nigh vnto them that are of a contrite heart and will saue such as be of an humble spirit Great are the troubles of the rightcous but the Lord deliuereth him out of all He keepeth all his bones so that not one of them is broken But misfortune shall slay the vngodly and they that hate the righteous shal be desolate The Lord deliuereth the soules of his seruants and all they that put their trust in him shall not be destitute Iudica Domine Psal 35 P Leade thou my cause Morning prayer O Lorde with them that striue with me and fight thou against they that fight against me Lay hande vpon the shield and bucklcr and sand vp to helpe me Bring forth the speare and stop the way against them that persecute me say vnto my soule I am thy saluation Let them be confonded and put to shame that seeke after my soule let them be turned backe and brought to confusion that imagine mischiefe for me Let them be as the dust before the winde and the Angel of the Lord scattering them Let their be as the dust before the winde and the Angel of the Loard scattering them Let their may be darke and slipperie and let the Angle of the Lord persecute them For they haue priuily layd their net to destroy me withhout a cause yea cuen without a cause haue they made a pit for my soule Let a sudden destruction come vpon him vnawares and his net that he hath laid priuily catch himselfe that hee may fall into his owne mischiefe And my soule be ioyfull in the Loes it shall reioyce in his saluation All my bones shall say Lord who is like vnto thee which deliuerest the poore from him that is too strong for him yea the poore and him that is in miserie from hun that spoileth him False witnesse did rise vp they laide to my charge thigs that I know not They rewarded me euill for good to the great discomfort of my soule Neuerthelesse when they were sicke I put on sackcloth and humbled my soule with fasting and my prater shal turne into mine owne bosome I behauted my selfe as though it had bene my friend or my brother I went heauily as one that mourneth for his mother But in mine aduersitie they reioyced and gathered them together yea the very abiects came together against me vnawares making mowes at me and ceased not With the flatterers were busie mockers which gnashed vpon me with their teeth Lord how long wilt thou looke vpon this O deliuer my soule from the calamities which they bring on mee and my darling from the Lions So will I giue thee thankes in the great Congregation I will praise thee among much people Olet not them that are mine enemies triumph ouer mee vngodly neither let them winke with their eyes that hate me without a cause And why their communing is not for peace but they imagine deceitfull wordes against them that are quiet in the land They gaped on mee with their mouthes and sayd Fie on thee fie on thee we saw it with our eyes This thou hast seene O Lord hold not thy tongue then goe not farre from me O Lord. Awake and stand vp to indge my quarell auenge thou my cause my God and my Lord. Iudge me O Lord my God according to thy righteousnesse and let then not triumph ouer me Let them not say in their hearts There there so would we haue it neither let them say we haue deuoured him Let them be put to confusion and shame together that reioyce at my trouble let them be clothed with rebuke and dishonour that boast themselues against me Let them bee glad and reioyce that fauour my rightcous dealimng yea let them say alway Blessed be the Lord which hath pleasure in the prosperitie of his seruant And as for my tongue it shall be talking of thy righteousnesse and of thy praise all the day long Dixit iniustus Psal 36. MY heart sheweth mee the wigkednesse of the vngodly that there is no feare of God before his eyes For he flattereth himselfe in his
word of the Lord tryed him The king sent and deliuered him the prince of the people let him goe free Hee made him lorde also of his house and ruler of all his substance That he might informe his princes after his wil and teach his Senators wisedome Israel also came into Egypt and Iacob was a stranger in the land of Ham. And he increased his people exceedingly and made them stronger then their enemies Whose heart turned so that they hated his people and dealt vntruely with his seruants Then sent hee Moses his seruant and Aaron whome hee had chosen And these shewed his tokens among them and wonders in the land of ham He sent darkenesse and it was darke and they were not obedient vnto his word He turned their waters into blood and slue their fish Their land brought forth frogs yea euen in their kings chambers He spake the word and there came all maner of flies and lite in all their quarters Hee gaue them hailestones for raine and flames of fire in their land He smote their vines also and figge trees and destroyed the trees that were in their coasts Hee spake the word and the grashoppers came and caterpillers innumerable and did eate vp all the grasse in their land and deuoured the fruite of their ground He smote all the first borne in their land euen the chiefe of all their strength Hee brought them foorth also with siluer and golde there was not one feeble person among their tribes Egypt was glad at their departing for they were afraide of them He spread out a cloud to be a couering and fire to giue light in the night season At their desire he brought quailes and he filled them with the bread of heauen He opened the rocke of stone and the waters flowed out so that riuers ran in dry places For why he remembred his holy promise and Abraham his seruant And hee brought forth his people with ioy and his chosen with gladnesse And gaue them the landes of the heathen and they tooke the labours of the people in possession That they might keepe his statutes obserue his lawes Confitemini Domino Psal 106. O Giue thankes vnto the Lord Euening Prayer for he is gracious and his mercie endureth for euer Who can expresse the noble actes of the Lord or shew forth all his praise Blessed are they that alway keepe iudgement and doe righteousnesse Remember me O Lord according to the fauour that thou bearest vnto thy people O visite mee with thy saluation That I may see the felicitie of thy chosen and reioyce in the gladnes of thy people giue thankes with thine inheritance We haue sinned with our fathers we haue done amisse and dealt wickedly Our fathers regarded not thy woonders in Egypt neither kept they thy great goodnesse in remembrance but were disobedient at the sea euen at the red sea Neuerthelesse he helped them for his names sake that he might make his power to be knowen He rebuked the red sea also and it was dryed vp so hee led them through the deepe as thorow a wildernesse And hee saued them from the aduersaries hand and deliuered them from the hand of the enemie As for those that troubled them the waters oucrwhelmed them there was not one of them left Then beleeued they his words and sang praise vnto him But within a while they forgat his works and would not abide his counsell But lust came vpon them in the wildernesse and they tempted God in the desart And he gaue them their desire and sent leanncsse withall into their soule They angred Moses also in the tentes and Aaron the Saint of the Lord. So the earth opened and swallowed vp Dathan and couered the congregation of Abiram And the fire was kindled in their companie the flame burnt vp the vngodly They made a calfe in Horeb and worshipped the molten image Thus they turned their glory into the similitude of a calf● that eateth hay And they forgate God their Sauiour which had done so great things in Egypt Wonderous workes in the lande of Ham and fearefull things by the red sea So he said he would haue destroyed them had not Moses his chosen stande before him in the gap to turne away his wrathfull indignation lest he should destroy them Yea they thought scorne of that pleasant land and gaue no credence vnto his word But murmured in their tents and hearkened not vnto the voice of the Lord. Then lift hee vp his hande against them to ouerthrowe them in the wildernesse To cast out their seede among the nations and to scatter them in the lands They ioyned themselues vnto Baal Peor and ate the offerings of the dead Thus they prouoked him to anger with their owne inuentions and the plague was great among them Then stood vp Phinees prayed and so the plague ceased And that was counted vnto him for righteousnes among all posterities for euermore They angred him also at the waters of strife so that hee punished Moses for their sakes Because they prouoked his spirit so that he spake vnaduisedly with his lippes Neither destroyed they the heathen as the Lorde commanded them But were mingled among the heathen and learned their workes In so much that they worshipped their idols which turned to their owne decay yea they offered their sonnes and daughters vnto deuils And shed innocent blood euen the blood of their sonnes and of their daughters whome they offered vnto the woles of Chanaan and the land was defiled with blood Thus were they stained with their owne workes went a whoring with their owne inuentions Therefore was the wrath of the Lord kindled against his people in so much that he abhorred his owne inheritance And he gaue them ouer into the hand of the heathen and they that hated them were lords ouer them Their enemies oppressed them had them in subiection Many a time did he deliuer them but they rebelled against him with their owne inuentions and were brought downe in their wickednesse Neuerthelesse when hee saw their aduersitie hee heard their complaint Hee thought vpon his couenant and pitied them according vnto the multitude of his mercies yea hee made all those that led them away captiue to pitie them Deliuer vs O Lord our God and gather vs from among the heathen that we may giue thanks vnto thy holy Name and make our boast of thy praise Blessed be the Lord God of Israel from euerlasting and world without end and let all the people say Amen Confitemini Domino Psal 107. O Giue thankes vnto the Lorde Morning prayer for he is gracious and his mercie endureth for euer Let them giue thankes whom the Lord hath redeemed deliuered from the hand of the enemie And gathered them out of the lands from the East and from the West from the North and from the South They went astray in the wildernesse out of the way and found no citie to dwell in Hungry and thirstie their soule fainted in
Lord from this time forth for euermore Prayse the Lord. Dilexi quoniam Psal 116. I Am well pleased Morning prayer that the Lorde hath heard the voyce of my prayer That hee hath inclined his eare vnto me therefore will I call vpou him as long as I liue The snares of death compassed me round about and the paines of hell gate hold vpon me I shall finde trouble and heauinesse and I shall call vpon the name of the Lord O Lord I beseech thee deliuer my soule Gracious is the Lord and righteous yea one God is mercifull The Lord preserueth the simple I was in misery and he helped me Turne againe then vnto thy rest O my soule for the Lord hath rewarded thee And why thiu hast deliuered my soule from death mine eyes from teares and my feet from falling I will walke before the Lord in the land of the liuing I beleeued and therefore will I speake but I was fore troubled I sayd in my haste All men are lyars What reward shall I giue vnto the Lord for all the benefites that he hath done vnto me I will receiue the cup of saluation and call vpon the name of the Lord. I will pay my vowes nowe in the presence of all his people right deare in the sight of the Lorde is the death of his Saints Behold O Lord how that I am thy seruant I am thy seruant and the sonne of thine handmaid thou hast broken my bonds in sunder I will offer to thee the sarrifice of thankesgiuing and will call vpon the Name of the Lord. I will pay my vowes vnto the Lord in the fight of all his people in the courts of the Lords house euen in the middes of thee O HierusaleM Praise the Lord. Laudate Dominum Psal 117 O Prayse the Lord all yee heathen prayse him all yee nations For his mercifull kindnesse is euer more and more toward vs and the traeth of the Lorde endureth for euer Prayse the Lord. Confitemini Domino Psal 118 O Giue thankes vnto the Lord for he is gracions because his mercie endureth for euer Let Israel now confesse that he is gracious and that his mercie endureth for euer Let the house of Aaron now confesse that his mercie endureth for euer Yea let them now that feare the Lord confesse that his mercie endureth for euer I called vpou the Lord in trouble and the Lorde heard me at large The Lord is on my side I will not feare what man doth vnto me The Lord taketh my part with them that help me therefore shall I see my desire vpon mine enemies It is better to trust in the Lord then to put any confidence in man It is better to trust in the Lord then to put any confidence in Princes All nations compassed me round about but in the name of the Lorde will I destroy them They kept me in on eueryside they kept me in I say on euery side but in the name of the Lord wil I destroy them They came about me like Bees and are extinct euen as the fire among the thornes for in the name of the Lord wil I destroy them Thou hast thrust sore at mee that I might fall but the Lord was my helpe The Lord is my strength and my song and is become my saluation The voice of ioy and health is in the dwellings of the righteous the right hand of the Lord bringeth mighty things to passe The right hand of the Lorde hath the preeminence the right hand of the Lord bringeth mightie things to passe I wil not die but liue and declare the works of the Lord. The Lord hath chastend and corrected mee but hee hath not giuen me ouer vnto death Open me the gates of righteousnesse that I may goe into them and giue thankes vnto the Lord. This is the gate of the Lord the rightteous shal enter into it I mil thanke thee for thou hast heard me and art become my saluation The same stone which the builders refused is become the head ston in the corner This is the Lords doing and it is marueilous in out eyes This is the day which the Lord hath made wee will reioyce and bee glad in it Helpe me now O Lord O Lord send vs now prosperitie Blessed be he that commeth in the name of the Lord wee haue wished you good luck ye that be of the house of the Lord. God is the Lord which hath shewed vs light binde the sacrifice with cords yea euen vnto the hornes of the altar Thou art my God and I will thanke thee thou art my God and I will praise thee O giue thankes vnto the Lord for he is gracious and his mercie endureth for euer Beati imaculati Psal 119. BLessed are those that are vndefiled in the way Euening Prayer and walke in the Law of the Lord. Blessed are they that keepe his testimonies and seeke him with their whole heart For they which doe no wickednes walke in his wayes Thou hast charged that wee shal diligently keepe thy commandements O that my wayes were made so direct that I might keep thy statutes So shall I not be confounded while I haue respect vnto all thy commandements I will thanke thee with an vnfained hart when I sall haue learned the iudgements of thy righteousnesse I will keepe thy ceremonies O forsake me not vtterly In quo corriget Wherewithall shall a yong man clense his way euen by ruling himselfe after thy word With my whole heart haue I sought thee O let me not goe wrong out of thy commandements Thy wordes haue I hid within my heart that I should not sinne against thee Blessed art thou O Lord O teach me thy statutes With my lippes haue I been telling of all the iudgements of thy mouth I haue had as great delight in the way of thy testimonies as in all maner of riches I will talke of thy commandements and haue respect vnto thy wayes My delight shall be in thy statutes and I will not forget thy word Retribue seruo tuo O Doe well vnto thy seruant that I may liue and keepe thy word Open thou mine eyes that I may see the wonderous things of thy Lawe I am a stranger vpon earth O hide not thy commandements from me My soule breaketh out for the very fernent desire that it hath away vnto thy iudgements Thou hast rebuked the proud and cursed are they that do erre from thy commandements O turne from me shame and rebuke for I haue kept thy testimonies Princes also did sit and speake aganist me but thy seruant is occupied in thy statutes For thy testimonies are my delight and my counsellers Adhaesit pauimento MY soule cleaueth to the dust O quickent thou mee according to thy word I haue knowledged my wayes and thou heardest me O teach me thy statutes Make me to vnderstand the way of thy commandements and so shall I talke of thy wonderous workes My soule melteth away for very heauinesse comfort thou me according vnto
Prou. 20. Acts. i. Peo● 21. vi ❧ Note that the 〈◊〉 of the xxbi● 〈…〉 ❧ 〈…〉 ❧ December hath xxxj dayes ❧ The Moone xxx 〈◊〉 riseth houre 7. min. 12. falleth houre 4. min. 48. Psalmes Morning prayer Euening prayer     1. Lesson 2. Lesson 1. Lesson 2. Lesson 〈◊〉 1 f 〈◊〉   i Esa xiiii Acts. ii Esai xb. Hebr. 7. 〈◊〉 2 g iiii No.   ii xvi iii xvii viii 〈◊〉 3 A iii No.   iii xviii iiii xix ix 〈◊〉 4 b prid No.   iiii xx xxi v xxii x 〈◊〉 5 c 〈◊〉   v xxiii vi xxiiii xi 〈◊〉 6 d viii Id. Nicolas 〈◊〉 vi xxv di vii xxvi xii 〈◊〉 7 e vii Id.   vii xxvii di vii xxviii xiii 〈◊〉 8 f vi Id. Conc. of Mary viii xxix viii xix Iames. 1. 〈◊〉 9 g v Id.   ix xxxi ix xxxii ii 〈◊〉 10 A iiii Id.   x xxxiii x xxxiiii iii 〈◊〉 11 b iii Id.   xi xxxv xi xxxvi iiii 〈◊〉 12 c prid Id. 〈◊〉 xii xxxvii xii xxxviii v 〈◊〉 13 d 〈◊〉 Lucie virgin xiii xxxix xiii xl 1. Pet. 1. 〈◊〉 14 e xix ●l Ianuarti xiiii xli xiiii ilii ii 〈◊〉 15 f xviii ●l   xv xliii xv xliiii iii 〈◊〉 16 g xvii ●l Dsapientia xvi xlv xvi xlvi iiii 〈◊〉 17 A xvi ●l   xvii xivii xvii xlviii v 〈◊〉 18 b xv ●l   xviii xlix xviii l 2. Pet. 1. 〈◊〉 19 c xiiii ●l   xix li xix lii ii 〈◊〉 20 d xiii ●l Fast xx liii xx liiii ii 〈◊〉 21 e xii ●l 〈◊〉 xxi Prou. 23. xxi Pro. 24. I. Iohn 1. 〈◊〉 22 f xi ●l   xxii Esat lv xxii Esa 56. ii 〈◊〉 23 g x ●l   xxiii lvii xxiii lbiii iii 〈◊〉 24 A ix ●l Fast xxiiii lix xxiiii lx iiii 〈◊〉 25 b viii ●l 〈◊〉 xxv Esat ix Luke ii Esay 7. Ciius iii. 〈◊〉 26 c vii ●l 〈◊〉 xxvi Pro. 28. Acts. 6.7 Eccle. 4. Acts. 7. 〈◊〉 27 d vi ●l 〈◊〉 xxvii Eccle. v. Reuel 1. Eccle. 6. Reuel 22. 〈◊〉 28 e v ●l 〈◊〉 xxviii Iere. 31. Acts. 25. Misd 1. I. Iohn 5. 〈◊〉 29 f iiii ●l   xxix Esat lxi xxvi Esa 62. 2. Iohn 〈◊〉 30 g iii ●l   xxx lxiii xxvii lxiiii 3. Iohn 〈◊〉 31 A prid ●l Situester 〈◊〉 xxx lxv xxviii lxvi Iube i. SEptuagesima before Easter ix weeks Sexagesima before Easter viii weeks Quinquagesima before Easter vii weeks Quadragesima before Easter vi weeks Rogations 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 v weekes Whitsunday 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 vii weekes Trinitie sunday 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 viii weekes ¶ Th●●e to be obserued for holy dayes and none other THat is to say all Sundayes in the yeere The dayes of the feasts of the Circumcision of our Lord Iesus Christ of the Epiphanie Of the Purification of the blessed Virgin Of S. Matthias the Apostle Of the Annunciation of the blessed Virgin Of S. Marke the Euangelist Of S. Philip and Iacob the Apostles Of the Ascension of our Lord Iesus Christ Of the Natiuitie of S. Iohn Baptist Of S. Peter the Apostle Of S. Iames the Apostle Of S. Bartholomew the Apostle Of S. Matthew the Apostle Of S. Michael the Archangel Of S. Luke the Euangelist Of S. Simon and Iude the Apostles Of All Saints Of S. Andrew the Apostle Of S. Thomas the Apostle Of the Natiuitie of our Lord. Of S. Steuen the Martyr Of S. Iohn the Euangelist Of the Holy Innocents Munday and Tuesday in Easter weeke Munday Tuesday in Whitsun weeke ¶ A briefe declaration when euery Terme beginneth and endeth BE it knowen that Easter Terme beginneth alwayes the xviii day after Easter reckoning Easter day for one and endeth the Munday next after the Ascension day Tr●●●●e Terme beginneth xii dayes after Whitsunday and continueth .xix. dayes 〈◊〉 Terme beginneth the ix or x. day of October and endeth the xxviii or xxix day of Nouember Hillary Terme beginneth the xxiii or xxiiii day of Ianuary and endeth the xvii or xiii day of February IN Easter Terme on the Ascension day in Trinity Terme on the Natiuity of S. Iohn Baptist in Michaelmasse Terme on the feast of All Saints in Hillary Terme on the feast of the Purification of our Lady the Kings Iudges of Wesfminster do not vse to sit in Iudgment nor vpō any Sundaies ¶ Prayers for the Parliament GOd be mercifull vnto vs and vs Psalm 67 and shewe vs the light of his countenance and bee mertifull vnto vs. That thy way may bee knowen vpon earth thy sauing health among all Nations Let the people praise thee O God yea let all the people praise thee O let the Nations reioyce and bee glad for thou shalt iudge the folke rigthteously and gouerne the Nations vpon earth Let the people prayse thee O God let all the people praise thee Then shall the earth bring forth her increase and God euen our owne God shall giue vs his blessing God shall blesse vs and all the ends of the world shall feare him After the Psalme these Suffrages The Lord be with you Answere And with thy spirit ¶ Let vs pray Lord haue mercie vpon vs. Christ haue mercie vpon vs. Lord haue mercie vpon vs. ¶ Our Father which art in heauen c. Then shall follow three collects The first for the Kings Maiestie OLorde our heauenly Father high and mighties King of Kings Lord or Lords the only ruler of Princes which doest from thy Throune beholde all the dwellers vpon earth most heartily we beseech thee with thy fauor to beholde our most gracious Soueraigne Lord King Iames and so replenish him with the grace of thyholy Spirit that hee may alway encline to thy will and walke in thy way endue him plenteously with heauenly gists grant him in health and wealth long to liue strengthen him that he may vanquish and ouercome all his enemies and finally after thhis life he may attaine euerlasting ioy and felicitie through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen The second Collect. ALmightie God which by thy holy Prophet Dauid art most truely sayd to stand in the congregation of Princes and giuest iudgement in the middest of the mighty men of the world and through whose authoritie Princes doe reigne Law makers doe discerne iust things Lordes beare rule and all Iudges of the earth execute Iudgement and for that commeth of thee all counsaile and equity all vnderstanding strength Grant vnto vs here gathered together in thy Name that wiseeome which is alwayes assistant to thy Seat to giue knowledge to our feeble and ignorant mindes Send downe wee beseech thee the same wisedome out of thy holy Heauens and from the Throne of thy Maiestie that it may be now with vs and labour with vs whereby wee surely knowing what is acceptable vnto thee may be led through it to the debating weighing and finall determining of those matters by the which thy blessed Name may be glorified thy Catholique Church of england confirmed and increased the Kings assurance established the common tranquilitie
c. And after the second Lesson shal be vsed and said Benedictus in English as followeth BLessed bee the Lord God of Israel for hee hath visited and redeemed his people Benedictus And hath raised vp a mighty saluation for vs in the house of his servant David As he spake by the mouth of his holy Prophets which have beene since the world began That wee should be saued from our enemies and from the hands of all that hate vs. To performe the mercie promised to our forefathers and to remember his holy couenant To performe the oth which hee sware to our forefather Abraham that he would give vs. That we being delivered out of the hands of our enemies might serve him without feare In holinesse and righteousnesse before him all the dayes of our life And thou childe shalt be called the Prophet of the highest for thou shalt goe before the face of the Lord to prepare his wayes To giue knowledge of saluation vnto his people for the remission of their sinnes Through the tender mercie of our God whereby the day spring from an high hath visited vs. To giue light to them that sit in darkenes and in the shadowe of death and to guide our feete into the way of peace Glory be to the father and to the sonne c As it was in the beginning is now c. Or this C. Psalme Iubilate Deo O Be ioyfull in the Lord all yee lands rerue the Lord with gladnesse and come before his presence with a song Iubilate Deo Be ye sure that the Lord he is God it is he that hath made vs and not we our selues we are his people and the sheepe of his pasture O goe your way into his gates with thankesgiuing and into his courts with praise be thankefull vnto him speake good of his Name For the Lord is gracious his mercie is euerlasting and his trueth endureth from generation to generation Glory be to the father and to the Sonne c. As it was in the beginning is now c. Then shall be said the Creede by the Minister and the people standing I Beleeue in God the Father almighty maker of heaven and earth and in Iesus Christ his onely Sonne our Lord which was conceiued by the holy Ghost borne of the virgine Marie suffered vnder Ponce Pilate was crucified dead and buried he descended into hell The third day he rose againe from the dead He ascended into heauen and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father almighty From there shall hee come to iudge the quicke and the dead I beleeue in the holy Ghost the holy Catholike Church the communion of Saints the forgiuenes of sinnes there surreection of the body and the life cuerlasting Amen And after that these prayers following aswell at Euening prayer as at Morning prayer all deuoutly kneeling the Minister first pronouncing with a lowde voice The lord be with you Answere And with the spirit The Minister Let vs pray Lord haue mercie vpon vs. Christ haue mercie vpon vs. Lord haue mercie vpon vs. Then the Minister Clerkes and people shall say the Lords prayer in English with a loud voice Our Father which art in heauen c Then the Minister standing vp shall say O Lord shew thy mercie vpon vs. Answere And grant vs thy saluation Priest O Lord saue the king Answere And mercifully heare vs when we call vpon thee Priest Indue thy minister with righteousnesse Answere And make thy chosen people ioyfull Priest O Lord saue thy people Answere And blesse thine inheritance Priest Giue peace in our time O Lord. Answere Because there is none other that fighteth for vs but onely thou O God Priest O God make clene our hearts within vs. Answere And take not thy holy spirit from vs. Then shall followe three Collects The first of the day which shall be the same that is appointed at the Communion The second for peace The thirde for grace to liue well And the two last Collects shall neuer alter but dayly be said at Morning prayer throughout all the yeere as followeth The second Collect for peace O God which art authour of peace ana louer of concorde in knowladge of whome standeth our eternall life whole seruice is perfect freedome defende vs thy humble seruants in all assaults of our enemies that Wee surely trutstting in thy defence may not feare the power of any aduersaries through the might of Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen The third Collect for grace O Lord our heauenly father almighty and euerlasting God which hast safely brought vs to the beginning of this day defend vs in the same with thy mighty power and graunt that this day we fall into no sinne neither run into any kinde pf danger but that all our doings may be ordered by thy gouernance to doe alwayes that is rightcous in thy sight through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen An order for Euening prayer throughout the yeere The Priest shall say Our father which art in heauen c Then likewise he shall say O Lord open thou our lips Answere And our mouth shalll shew foorth thy prayse Priest O God make speed to saue vs. Answere O Lord make haste to helpe vs. Priest Glory be to the Father and to the Some and to the holy Ghost As it was in the beginning isnow and euer shal be world without ende Amen Prayse ye the Lord. Then the Psalmes in order as they be appointed in the table for Psalmes except there be proper psalmes appointed for that day Then a lesson of the old Testa-ment as is appointed like wise in the Kalender except there be proper lessons appointed for that day After that Magnificat in English as followeth My soule doeth magnifie the Lord and my spirit hath reioiced in God my Sauiour Magnificat Luke I. For he hath regarded the lowlinesse of his handmaiden For beholde from hencefoorth all generations shall call mee blessed For he that is mighty hath magnified me and holy is his Name And is mercie is on them that feare him throughout all generations He hath she wed streenth with his arme he hath srattcred the proud in the imagination of their hearts He hath put downe the mighty from their seate and hath exalted the humble and meeke He hath filled the hungry with good things and the rich he hath sent empty away He remembring his mercie hath holpen his seruant Israel as hee promised to our forefathers Abraham and his seede for ever Glory be to the Father and to the Some c As it was in the beginning is now c Or else this Psalme O Sing vnto the Lord a new song for he hath done marucilous things Cantate Domino Psal 98. With his owne right hand and with his holy arme hath hee gotten himnselfe the victory The lorde declared his salution his righteousnesse hath he openly shewed in the sight of the heathen The hath remembred his mercie and trueth toward the house of Isreal
and euer hold fast the blessed hope of euerlasting life which thou hast giuen vs in our Sauiour Iesus Christ The Epistle WHatsoeuer things are written aforetime Rom. 15.4 they are written for our learning that wee through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might haue hope The God of patience and consolation graunt you to bee like minded one towards another after the ensample of Christ Iesus that yee all agreeing together may with one mouth praysse GOD the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ. Wherefore recciue yee one another as Christ receiued vs to the prayse of God And this I say that Iesus Christ was a minister of the Circunicision for the trueth of God to confirme the promises made vnto the fathers and that the Gentiles might praise God for his mercy as it is written For this cause I will praise thee among the Gentiles and sing vnto thy Name And againe hee sayeth Reioyce ye Gentiles with his people And againe Praise the Lord all ye Gentiles and laud him all ye nations together And againe Esai sayth There shal be the roote of Iesle and hee that shall rise to reigne ouer the Gentiles in him shall the Gentiles trust The god of hope fill you with an ioy and peace in beleeuing that yee may be rich in hope though the power of the holy Ghost The Gospel THere shall be signes in the Sunne Luke 21.25 and in the Moone in the Stars and in the earth the people shall be at their wits and through despaire The Sea and the waters shall roare and mens hearts shall faile them for feare and for looking after those things which shall come on the earth for the powers of heauen shall moue And then shall mey ●ee the Sonne of man come in a cloude With power and great glory When these things begin to come to passe then looke vp and lift vp your heads for your redemption draweth nigh And hee shewed them a similitude Beholde the sigge tree and all other trees when they shoote foorth their buddes ye see and know of your owne selues that Summer is then high at hand So like wise ye also when ye see these things come to passe bee sure that the kingdome of God is high Verely I say vnto you this generation shal not passe 〈◊〉 all be fulfilled Heauen and earth shal passe but my words shal not passe The third Sunday in Aduent The Collect. LOrd we beseech thee giue our prayers and by thy gracious vification lighten the darkenesse of our hearts by our Lord Iesus Christ. The Epistle LEt a man this wise esteeme vs 〈◊〉 4.1 euen as the ministers of Christ and Stewards of the secrets of God Furthermore it is required of the stewards that a man be found faithfull With mee it is but a very small thing that I should be iudged of you either of mans iudgement No I iudge not mine owne selfe for I know nought by my selfe yet am I not thereby iustified It is the Lord that iudgeth me Therefore iudge nothing before the time vntill the Lord come which will lighten things that are hid in darknes and open the counsailes of the hearts and then shal euery man haue praise of God The Gospel WHen Iohn being in prison heard the workes of Christ March 11.2 he sent two of his disciples and said vnto him Art thou hee that shall come ord oe we looke for anorther Iesus answered and sayd vnto them Goe and shewe Iohn againe what yee haue heard and seen The blinde receiue their sight the lame walke the lepers are clensled and the deafe heare the dead are raised vp and the poore receiue the glad tidings of the Gospel and happy is he that is not offended by mee And as they departed Iesus began to say vnto the people concerning Iohn what went ye out into the wildernesse to fee Areede that is shaken with the winde Or what went ye out to see A man clothed in foft raiment Behold they that weare soft clothing are in Kings house But what went yee out for to fee A Prorhet Verily I say vnto you and more then a Prophet For this is he of whom it is written Behold I send my messenger before thy face which shall prepare thy way before thee The fourth Sunday in Aduent The Collect. Lord raise vp wee pray thee thy power and come among vs and with great might succour vs that whereas through our sinnes and wickednesse wee be sore let and hindered thy bountifull grace and merry through the satisfaction of thy Some our Lord may speedily deliuer vs to whom with thee and the holy Ghost bee honour and glory world without end The Epistle REioyce in the Lord alway Phil 4.4 and againe I say reioice Let your softnesse bee knowen to all men the Lord is euen at hand Be careful for nothing but in all prayer and supplication let your petitions be manifest vnto God with giuing of thankes And the peace of God which passeth all vnderstanding keepe your hearts and mindes througt Christ Iesu The Gospel This the record of Iohn Iohn 1.19 when the Iewes sent Priests and Leuites from Hierusalem to aske him what art thou And hee confessed and denied not and sayd plainely I am not Christ And they asked him What then Art thou Elias And he faith I am not Art thou the Prophet And he answered No. Then sayd they vnto him what art thou that we may giue an answere vnto them that sent vs what saye thou of thy sefe He said I am the voice of a crier in the wildernesse Make straight the way of the Lord as sayd the Prophet Esai And they which were sent were of the Pharisees and they asked him and said vnto him why baptizest thou then if thou be not Christ nor Elias neither that Prophet Iohn answered them saying I baptize with water but there standeth one among you whom ye know not he it is which though he came after mee was before me whose shooe latchet I am not worthy to vnloose These things were done at Bethabara beyond Iordane were Iohn did baptize Christmas day The Collect. ALmighty God which hast giuen vs thy onely begotten Sonne to take our nature vpon him and this day to be borne of a pure virgin Grant that wee being regenerate and ma●e thy children by adoption and grace may dayly be renued by thy holy spitrit through the same our Lord Iesus Christ who liueth and reigneth with thee c. The Epistle GOD in times past Heb. I.I. diuersly and many wayes spake vnto the Fathers by Prophets but in these last daies he hath spoken to vs by his owne sonne whom he hath made heire of al things by whom also he made the world Which sonne being the brightnesse of his glory the vey image of his substance ruling all things with the worde of his power hath by his owne person purged our sinns and sitteth on the right hand of the Maiestie on high
and the breath giuen of GOD giueth him rest Thus O God hast thou led thy people to make thy selfe a glorious Name withall Looke downe then from heauen and behold the dwelling place of thy Sanctuarie and thy glorie How is it that thy ielousie thy strength the multitude of thy mercies and thy louing kindenesse will not be intreated of vs yet art thou our Father For Abraham knoweth vs not neither is Israel acquainted with vs. But thou Lord art our Father and redeemer and thy Name is euerlasting O Lord wherfore hast thou led vs out of the way wherefore hast thou hardened our hearts that we feare thee not Be at one with vs againe for thy seruants sake and for the generation of thine heritage Thy people haue had but a little of thy Sanctuarie in possession for our enemies haue troden downe thy holy place And we were thine from the beginning when thou wast not their Lord for they haue not called vpon thy name The Gospel AFter two dayes was Easter Mar. 14.1 and the dayes of sweete bread And the high Priestes and the Scribes sought howe they might take him by craft and put him to death But they sayde Not in the feast day lest any businesse arise among the people And when hee was in Bethanie in the house of Simon the leper euen as he sate at meate there came a woman hauing an Alabaster boxe of cyntment called Nard that was pure and costly and shee brake the boxe and powred it vpon his head And there were some that were not content within themselues and sayd What needed this wast of oyntment for it might haue bene solde for more then three hundred pence and haue bene giuen to the poore and they grudged against her And Iesus sayd Let her alone why trouble ye her Shee hath done a good worke on mee for yee haue poore with you alwayes and whensoeuer yee will yee may doe them good but mee haue ye not alwayes Shee hath done that she could she came aforehand to annoint my body to the burying Verily I say vnto you Wheresoeuer this Gospel shall be preached throughout the whole worlde this also that shee hath done shall be rehearsed in remembrance of her And Iudas Iscariot one of the twelue went away vnto the high Priests to betray him vnto them When they heard that they were glad and promised that they would giue him money And hee sought how he might conueniently betray him And the first day of sweete bread When they offered the Passeouer his disciples said vnto him Where wilt thou that we goe prepare that thou mayest eate the Passeouer And he sent foorth two of his disciples and sayd vnto them Goe yee into the Citie and there shall meete you a man bearing a pitcher of water folow him And whithersoeuer he goeth in say yee vnto the good man of the house The Master sayeth Where is the ghest chamber where I shall eate the Passeouer with my disciples And he will shew you a great parlour paued and prepared there make ready for vs. And his disciples went foorth and came into the Citie and found as hee had sayd vnto them and they made ready the Passeouer And when it was now euentide he came with the twelue and as they sate at boord and did eate Iesus sayd Verely I say vnto you one of you that eateth with me shall betray me And they began to be sory and to say to him one by one Is it I And another said Is it I He answered and sayd vnto them It is one of the twelue euen he that dippeth with me in the platter The sonne of man truely goeth as it is written of him but woe vnto that man by whom the sonne of man is betrayed good were it for that man if he had neuer bene borne And as they did eate Iesus tooke bread when he had giuen thankes he brake it and gaue to them and said Take eate this is my body And he tooke the cuppe and when he had giuen thankes he gaue it to them and they all dranke of it And he sayd vnto them This is my blood of the newe Testament which is shed for many Verily I say vnto you I will drinke no more of the fruite of the Vine vntill that day that I drinke it new in the kingdome of God And when they had sayd grace they went out to the mount Oliuet And Iesus sayeth vnto them All ye shall be offended because of mee this night For it is written I will finite the sheepeheard and the sheepe shall be scattered but after that I am risen againe I will goe into Galilee before you Peter sayd vnto him And though all men be offended yet will not I. And Iesus saieth vnto him Verily I say vnto thee that this day euen in this night before the cocke crowe twise thou shalt deny me three times But hee spake more vehemently No if I should die with thee I wil not deny thee Likewise also sayd they all And they came to a place which was named Gethsemane he said to his disciples Sit ye here while I goe aside pray And he taketh with him Peter Iames and Iohn and began to ware abashed to be in an agonie and sayd vnto them My soule heauie euen vnto the death tary yee here and watch And he went foorth a little and fel downe flat on the ground and praied that if it were possible the houre might passe from him And he sayd Abba Father al things are possible vnto thee take away this cup from me neuerthelesse not as I will but that thou wilt be done And he came and found them sleeping and faieth to Peter Simon sleepest thou● Couldest not thou watch one houre Watch ye and pray least ye enter into temptation the spirite truely is ready but the flesh is weake And againe hee went aside and praied and spake the same words And hee returned and found them asleepe againe for their eyes were heauie neither wist they what to answere him And he came the third time and sayd to them Sleepe hencefoorth and take your ease it is ynough The houre is come behold the sonne of man is betraied into the hands of sinners Rise vp let vs goe loe he that betrayeth me is at hand And immediatly while he yet spake commeth Iudas which was one of the twelue and with him a great number of people with swords and staues from the high Priests and Scribes and Elders And he that betrayed him had giuen them a generall token saying Whomsoeuer I doe kisse the same is he take and leade him away warily And assoone as he was come hee goeth straight way to him and sayth vnto him Master Master and kissed him And they layd their hands on him and tooke him And one of them that stoode by drew out a sword and smote a seruant of the high Priestes and cut off his eare And Iesus answered and sayd vnto them Yee bee come out
counsell then let him come to me or some other discreete and learned Minister of Gods word and open his griefe that hee may receiue such ghostly counsaile advice and comfort as his conscience may bee relieued and that by the ministerie of Gods word he may receiue comfort and the benefite of absolution to the quieting of his conscience and auoyding of all scruple and doubtfulnesse Then shall the Priest say this exhortation DEarly beloued in the Lord yee that minde to come to the holy Communion of the body and blood of our Sauiour Chris must conder what S. Paul writeth to the Corinthians how he exhorteth all persons diligently to trie and examine themselues before they presume to eate of that bread and drinke of that cup. For as the benefit is great if with a true penitent heart liuely faith we receiue that holy Sacrament for them we spiritually eate the flesh of Christ drinke his blood then we dwel in Christ and Christ in vs we be one with Christ and Christ with vs So is the danger great if wee receiue the same unworthily For then we bee guiltie of the body blood of Christ our Sauiour wee eate and drinke our owne damnation not considering the Lords body wee kindle Gods wrath against vs we prouoke him to plague vs with diuers disease and sundrie kinds of death Therefore it any of you bee a blasphemer of God an hinderer or slaunderer of his word an adulterer or bee in malice or enuie or in any other grieuous crime be walie our sinnes and come not to this holy table least after the taking of that holy Sacrament the deuill enter into you as hee entred into Iudas and fill you full of all iniquities and bring you to destruction both of body and soule Iudge therefore your selues brethren that yee be not iudged of the Lord. Repent you truely for your sinnes past haue a liuely and stedfast faith in Christ our Saviour Amend your liues and be in perfect charitie with all men so shall yee be meete partakers of those holy mysteries And aboue al things ye must giue most humble and heartie thanks to God the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost for there demption of the world by the death and passion of our Sauiour Christ both God and man who did humble himself euen to the death vpon the crosse for vs miserable sinners which laye in darknesse and shadow of death hee might make vs the children of God and exalt vs to euerlasting life And to the ende that wee shoulde alway remember the exceeding great loue of our master and onely Sauiour Iesus Christ thus dying for vs and the innumerable benefits which by his precious blood shedding he hath obtained to vs hee hath instituted and ordeined holy mysteries as pledges of his loue and continuall remembrance of his death to our great and endlesse comfort To him therefore with the Father and the holy Ghost let vs giue as we are most bounden cominuall thankes submitting our selues whloly to his holy will and pleasure studying to serue him in true holinesse and righte ou●nesse all the dayes of our life Amen Then shall the Priest say to them that come to receiue the holy Communion YOu that do truely and earnestly repent you of your sinnes and bee in loue and charitie with your neighbours and intend to leade a new life folloing the commandements of God and walking from hencefoorth in his holy wayes Draw neere and take this holy Sacrament to your comfort make your humble confession to almightie God before this congregation heere gathered together in his holy Name meekely kneeling vpon your knees Then shal this generall confession be made in the name of all those that are minded to receiue the holy Communion either by one of them or els by one of the Ministers or by the Prist himselfe all kneeling humbly vpon their knees ALmightie God Father of our Lord Iesus Christ maker of all things Iudge of all men we knowledge and bewaile our manifold sinnes and wickednesse which we from time to time most grieuously have committed by thought word and deede against thy diuine Maiestie prouoking mostiustly thy wrath and indignation against vs. Wee doe earnestly repent and be heartily sorie for these our misdoings the remembrance of them is grieuous vnto vs haue mercy vpon vs most mercifull Father for thy sonne our Lord Iesus Christ sake forgiue vs all that is past and graunt that we may euer here after serue please thee in newnesse of life to the honour and glory of thy name through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Then shal the Priest the Bishop being present stand vp and tur●ning himselfe to the people say thus ALmightie God our heauenly Father who of his great mercy hath promised forgiuenesse of sinnes to all them which with heartie repentance and true faith turne vnto him Haue mercie vpon you pardon and deliuer you from all your sinnes confirme and strengthen you in all goodnes and bring you to euerlasting life through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Then shall the Priest also say ¶ Heare what comfortable wordes our Saniour Christ faith vnto all that truely turne to him Come vnto me all that trauell and be heauie laden and I will refresh you So God loued the world that hee gaue his onely begotten Sonne to the ende that all that beleeue in him should not perish but haue life euerlasting ¶ Heare also what S. Paul sayeth This is a true saying and worthy of all men to bee receiued that Iesus Christ came into the world to saue sinners ¶ Heare also what S. Iohn sayeth If any man sinne we haue an aduocate with the Father Iesus Christ the Righteous and he is the propitiation for our sinnes After which the Pries shall proceede saying Lift vp your hearts Answere We lift them vp vnto the Lord. Priest Let vs giue thanks vnto our Lord God Answere It is meete and right so to doe Priest It is very meete right and our bounden duetie that wee should at all times and in all places giue thankes vnto thee O Lord holy Father almightie euerlasting God Here shall follow the proper preface according to the time if there be any specially appointed or els immediatly shall follow Therefore with Angels and Archangels c. Proper prefaces Vpon Christmas day and seuen dayes after BEcause thou diddest giue Iesus Christ thine onely Sonne to be borne as this day for vs who by the operation of the holy Ghost was made very man of the substance of the virgine Mary his mother and that without spot of sinne to make vs cleane from all sinne Therefoe with Angels and Archangels c. Vpon Easter day and seuen dayes after BVt chiefly are we bound to praise thee for the glorious resurrection of thy sonne Iesus Christ our Lord for he is the very Paschall Lambe which was offered for vs and hath taken away the sinne of the worlde who by his death hath destroyed death and
that by the grace of God they will euermore endeuour themselues faithfully to obserue and keepe such things as they by their owne mouth and confession haue assented vnto Secondly forasmuch as Confirmation is ministred to them that be baptized that by imposition of handes and Prayer they may receiue strengch and defence against all temptations to sinne and the assaults of the world and the deuill it is most meete to be ministred when children come to that age that partly by the frailtie of their owne flesh partly by the assaults of the world and the deuil they begin to be in danger to fall into sundry kinds of sinne Thirdly for that it is agreeable with the vsage of the Church in times past whereby it was ordained that Confirmation should be ministred to them that were of perfect age that they being instructed in Christes Religion should openly professe their owne faith and promise to be obedient vnto the will of God And that no man shall thinke that any detriment shall come to children by differing of their Confirmation hee shall know for trueth that it is certaine by Gods word that children being baptized haue all things necessary for their saluation and bevndoubtedly saued A Catechisme that is to say An instruction to be learned of euery childe before he be brought to be confirmed by the Bishop WHat is your name Answere N. or M. Question Who gaue you this name Answere My Godfather and Godmothers in my Baptisme wherein I was made a member of Christ the childe of God and an inheritour of the kingdome of heauen Question What did your Godfathers and Godmothers then for your Answere They did promise and vowe three things in my name First that I should forske the deuill and all his workes and pompes the vanities of the wicked world and all the sinfull lustes of the flesh Secondly that I should beleeue all the Articles of the Christian faith And thirdly that I should keepe Gods holy will and Commandements and walke in the same all the dayes of my life Question Doest thou not thinke that thou art bound to beleeue and to doe as they haue promised for thee Answere Yes verily and by Gods helpe so I will And I heartily thanke our heauenly Father that hee hath called mee to this state of saluation through Iesus Christ our Sauiour And I pray God to giue me his grace that I may continue in the same vnto my liues ende Question Rehearse the Articles of thy beliefe Answere I Beleeue in God the Father Almightie maker of heauen and earth And in Iesus Christ his onely Sonne our Lord which was conceiued by the holy Ghost borne of the Virgine Mary suffered vnder Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried hee descended into hell the thirde day hee rose againe from the dead hee ascended into heauen and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty From thence hee shall come to iudge the quicke and the dead I beleeue in the holy Ghost the holy Catholike Church the Communion of Saints the forgiuenesse of sinnes the resurrection of the body and the life euerlasting Amen Question What doest thou chiefly learne in these Articles of thy beliefe Answere First I learne to beleeue in God the Father who hath made me and all the world Secondly in God the Sonne who hath redeemed me and all mankinde Thirdly in God the holy Ghost who sanctifieth mee and all the elect people of God Question You said that your Godfathers and Godmothers did promise for you that you should keepe Gods Commandements Tell me bow many there bee Ansvvere Tenne Question Which be they Ansvvere THe same which God spake in the twentieth Chapter of Exodus saying I am the Lord thy God which haue brought thee out of the land of Egypt out of the house of boundage i. Thou shalt haue none other gods but mee ii Thou shalt not make to thy selfe any grauen image nor the likenesse of any thing that is in heauen aboue or in the earth beneath or in the water vnder the earth Thou shalt not bow downe to them nor worship them For I the Lord thy God am a ielous God and bisite the sinnes of the fathers vpon the children vnto the thirde and fourth generation of them that hate mee and shew mercy vnto thousands in them that loue mee and keepe my Commandements iii. Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vaine for the Lord wil not hold him guiltlesse that taketh his Name in vaine iiii Remember that thou keepe holy the Sabbath day Sixe dayes shalt thou labour and doe all that thou hast to do but the seuenth day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God In it thou shalt doe no maner of worke thou and thy sonne and thy daughter thy man seruant and thy mayde seruant thy cattell and the stranger that is within thy gates For in sixe dayes the Lord made heauen and earth the sea and all that in them is and rested the seunth day wherefore the Lord blessed the seuenth day and halowed it v. Honour thy father and thy mother that thy dayes may bee long in the land which the Lord thy God giueth thee vi Thou shalt doe no murther vii Thou shalt not commit adulterie viii Thou shalt not steale ix Thou shalt not beare false witnesse against neighbour x. Thou shalt not couet thy neighboures house thou shalt not couet thy neighbous wife nor his seruant nor his mayde nor his oxe nor his asse nor any thing that is his Question What doest thou chiefly learne by these commaundements Ansvvere I learne two things My duetie towards God and my duetie towards my neighbour Question What is thy duetie towards God Ansvvere My duetie towards God is to beleeue in him to feare him and to loue him with all my heart with all my minde with al my soule and with all my strength To worship him to giue him thankes to put my whole trust in him to call vpon him to honour his holy Name and his word and to serue him truely all the dayes of mhy life Question What is thy duetie to wards thy neighbour Answere My duety towards my neighbour is to loue him as my selfe and to doe to all men as I would they should doe vnto mee To loue honour and succour my father and mother To honour and obey the king and his ministers To submit my selfe to all my gouernours teachers spirituall Pastours and masters To order my selfe lowly and reuerently to all my betters To hurt no body by word or deed To be true and iust in all my dealing To beare no malice nor hatred in my heart To keepe my handes from picking and stealing and my tongue from euill speaking lying and slandering To keepe my body in temperance sobernesse and chastitic Not to couet nor desre other mens goods but to learne and labour truely to get mine owne liuing and to doe my duetie in that state of life vnto the which it shall please
and thereto haue giuen and pledged their troth either to other and haue declared the same by giuing and receiuing of a Ring and by ioyning of hands I pronounce that they be man and wife together In the name of the Father of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost Amen And the Minister shall adde this blessing GOD the Father God the Sonne God the holy Ghost blesse preserue and keepe you the Lorde mercifully with his fauour looke vpon you and so fill you with all spirituall benediction and grace that you may so liue together in this life that in the worlde to come you may haue life euerlasting Amen Then the Minister or Clearkes going to the Lords table shall say or sing this Psalme following BLessed are al they that feare the Lord and walke in his wayes Beari omnes Psal 128. For thou shalt eat the labour of thy hands O well is thee and happy shalt thou be Thy wife shal be as the fruitfull Vine vpon the walles of thy house Thy children like the Oliue branches round about thy table Loe thus shall the man be blessed that feareth the Lord. The Lord from out of Sion shall so blesse thee that thou shall see Hierusalem in prosperitie all thy life long Yea that thou shalt see thy childrens children and peace vpon Israel Glory be to the Father and to the Sonne and to the holy Ghost As it was in the beginning is now and euer shal be world without ende Amen Or this Psalme GOD be merciful vnto vs Deus misereatur Psal 67 and blesse vs and shew vs the light of his countenance and be mercifull vnto vs. That thy way may be knowen vpon the earth thy sauing health among all nations Let the people prayse thee O God yea let all the people prayse thee O let the nations reioyce and be glad for thou shalt iudge the folke righteously gouerne the nations vpon the earth Let the people praise thee O God let all the people praise thee Then shall the earth bring foorth her increase and God men our olvne God shall giue vs his blessing God shal blesse vs and all the ends of the world shal feare him Glory be to the Father c. As it was in the beginning c. The Psalme ended and the man and the woman kneeling afore the Lordes Table the Priest standing at the Table and turning his face toward them shall say Lord haue mercie vpon vs. Answere Christ haue merry vpon vs. Minister Lord haue mercie vpon vs. ¶ Our Father which art in heauen c. And leade vs not into tempatation Answere But deliuer vs from euill Amen Minister O Lord saue thy seruant and thy handmaid Answere Which put their trust in thee Minister O Lord send them helpe from thy holy place Answere And euermore defend them Minister Be vnto them a towre of strength Answere From the face of their enemie Minister O Lord heare our prayer Answere And let our crie come vnto thee Minister O God of Abraham God of Isaac God of Iacob blesse these thy seruants and sow the seede of eternall life in their mindes that whatsoeuer in thy holy worde they shall profitably learne they may in deede fulfill the same Looke O Lord mercifully vpon them from heauen and blesse them And as thou diddest send thy blessing vpon Abraham and Sara to their great comfort So vouchsase to send thy blessing vpon these thy seruants that they obeying thy will and alway being in safetie vnder protection may abide in thy loue vnto their liues ende through Iesus Christ ou Lord. Amen This prayer next following shall be omitted where the woman is past childe birth O Mercifull Lord and heauenly Father by whose gracious gift mankinde is increased we beseech thee assist with thy blessing these two persons that they may both bee fruitfull in procreation of children and also liue together so long in godly loue and honestie that they may see their childrens children vnto the thirde and fourth generation vnto thy prayse and honour through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen O God which by thy mighty power hast made all things of nought which also after other things set in order didst appoint that one of man created after thine owne image sinulitude woman should take her beginning and knitting them together didst teach that it should neuer bee lawfull to put asvnder those whom thou by Matrimonie hadst made one O God which hast consecrated the state of Matrimonie to sush and excellent my sterie that in it is signified represented the spirtuall marriage vnitie betlvixt Christ and his Church Looke mercifully vpon these thy seruants that both this man may loue his wife according to thy worde as Christ did loue his spouse the Church who gaue himselfe for it louing cherishing it euen as his owne flesh and also that this woman may be louing and amiable to her husband as Rachel wise as Rebecca faithful and obedient as Sara and in all quietnesse sobrietie peace be a follower of holy and godly matrons O Lord blesse them both and grant them to inharite thy euerlasting kingdome through Iesus Chraist our Lord. Amen Then shall the Priest say ALmighty God which at the beginning did create our first parents Adam and Eue and did sanctifie and ioyne them together in marriage powre vpon you the riches of his grace sanctifie and blesse you that yee may please him both in body and soule and liue together in holy loue vnto your liues end Amen Then shal begin the Communion And after the Gospel shal be said a Sermon wherein ordinarily so oft as there is any mariage the office of a man and wife shall bee declared according to holy Scripture Or if there bee no Sermon the Minister shall reade this that followeth ALl yee which be married or which intend to take the holy estate of Matrimonie vpon you heare what holy Scripture doeth say as touching the duetie of husbandes towards their wiues and wiues towards their husbands Saint Paul in his Epistle to the Ephesians the fift Chapter doeth giue this commandement to all married men Yee husbands loue your wiues euen as Christ loued the Church and hath giuen himselfe for it to sanctfie it purging it in the fountaine of water through the worde that he might make it vnto himselfe a glorious congregation not hauing spot or wrinckle or any such thing but that it should bee holy and blamelesse So men are bound to loue their owne wiues as their owne bodies He that loueth his owne wife loueth himselfe For neuer did any man hate his owne flesh but nourisheth and cherisheth it euen as the Lord doeth the congregation for we are members of his body of his flesh and of his bones For this cause shall a man leaue father mother and shall be ioyned vnto his wife and they two shall be one flesh This mysterie is great but I speake of Christ and of the congregation Neuerthelesse let euery
one of you so loue his owne wife euen as himselfe Like wise same Saint Paul writing to the Colossians Colos 3. speaketh thus to all men that be married Ye men loue your wiues and be not bitter vnto them Heare also what S. Peter the Apostle of Christ 1. Pet. 3. which was himselfe a maried man sayed vnto all men that are maried Yee husbands dwell with your wiues according to knowledge giuing honor vnto the wife as vnto the weaker vessel and as heires together of the grace of life so that your prayers be not hindred Hitherto yee haue heard the duetie of the hunsband toword the wife Now likewife ye wiues heare and learne your dueties towards your husbands euen as it is plainely set foorth in holy Scripture Saint Paul Ephes 5. in the forenamed Epistle to the Ephesians teacheth you thus Ye women submit your selues vnto your owne husbands as vnto the Lord. For the husband is the wiues head euen as Christ is the head of the Church and hee is also the Sauiour of the whole body Therefore as the Church or Congregation is subiect vnto Christ So likewise let the wiues also be in subietion vnto their owne hubands in all things And againe hee sayth Let the wife reuerence her husband And in his Epistle to the Colossians S. Paul giueth you this short lesson Ye wiues submit your selues vnto your owne husbands as it is conuenient in the Lord. Saint Peter also doth instruct you very godly thus saying Let wiues be subiect to their owne husbandes so that if any obey not the worde they may bee wonne without the worde by the conuersation of the wiues while they beholde your chaste conuersation coupled with feare Whole apparell let it not bee outward with broyded haire and trimming about with golde either in putting on of gorgeous apparell but let the hid man which is in the heart bee without all corruption so that the spirite be milde and quiet which is a precious thing in the sight of God For after this maner in the olde time did the holy women which trusted in God apparell themselues being subiect to their owne husbandes as Sara obeyed Abraham calling him Lord whose daughters yee are made doing well and not being dismayed with any feare The new married persons the same day of their marriage must receiue the holy Communion The order for the visitation of the sicke The Priest entring into the sicke persons house shall say ¶ Peace be in this house and to all that dwell in it When he commeth into the sicke mans presence he shall say kneeling downe REmember not Lorde our iniquities nor the iniquities of our forefathers Spare vs good Lord spare thy people whome thou hast redeemed with thy most precious blood and bee not angry with vs for euer Lord haue mercie vpon vs. Christ haue mercie vpon vs. Lord haue mercie vpon vs. ¶ Our Father which art in heauen c. And leade vs not into temptation Answere But deliuer vs from euill Ameu Minister O Lord saue thy seruant Answere Which putteth his trust in thee Minister Send him helpe from thy holy place Answere And euermore mightily defend him Minister Let the enemie haue none aduantage of him Answere Nor the wicked approch to hurt him Minister Be vnto him O Lord a strong towre Answere From the face of his enemie Minister O Lord heare our prayers Answere And let our crie come vnto thee Minister O Lord looke downe from heauen beholde visite and relieue this thy seruant Looke vpon him with the eyes of thy mercy giue him comfort and sure confidence in thee defend him from the danger of the enemie and keepe him in perpetuall peace and safetie through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen HEare vs Almightie and most mercifull God and Sauiour extende thy accustomed goodnesse to this thy seruant which is grieued with sickenesse visite him O Lorde as thou diddest visite Peters wiues mother and the Captaines seruant So visite and restore to this sicke pecson his former health if it bee thy will or els giue him grace so to take thy visitation that after this paineful life ended he may dwell with thee in life euerlasting Then shall the Minister exhort the sicke person after this forme or other like DEarely beloued know this that Almightie God is the Lord of life and death and ouer all things to them perteyning as youth strength health age weakenesse sickenes Wherefore whatsoeuer your sikenesse is know you certainely that it is Gods visitation And for what cause so euer this sicknesse is sent vnto you whether it be to try your patience for the example of other and that your faith may bee found in the day of the Lord laudable glorious honourable to the increase of glory and endlesse felicitie or els it be sent vnto you to correct and amend in you whatsoeuer doeth offend the eyes of your heauenly Father know you certainly that if you truely repent you of your sinnes and beare your sicknesse patiently trusting in Gods mercy for his deare Sonne Iesus Christes sake and render vnto him humble thankes for his fatherly visitation submitting your selfe wholly vnto his will it shall turne to your profite and helpe you foward in the right way thatleadeth vnto life euerlasting If the person visited be very sicke then the Curate may ende his ex hortation in this place Take therefore in good woorth the chastisement of the Lorde For whom the Lorde loueth hee chastiseth yea as Saint Paul saith he scourgeth euery sonne which hee receiueth If ye endure thastisement he offreth himself vnto you as vnto his owne children What sonne is he that the father chastiseth not If ye be not vnder correction where of all true children children are partakers then are yee bastards not children Therfore seeing that when our carnall fathers do correct vs we reuerently obey them shall we not now much rather be obedient to our spirituall Father so liue And they for a few dayes doe chastise vs after their owne pleasure but he doeth chastise vs for our profite to the intent hee may make vs partakers of his holines These words good brother are Gods wordes and written in holy Scripture for our comfort and instruction that wee should patiently and with thankesgiuing beare our heauenly Fathers correction whensoeuer by any maner of aduersitie it shall please his gracious goodnesse to visite vs. And there should be no greater comfort to Christian persons then to bee made like vnto Christ by suffering patiently aduersities troubles sickenesses For he himselfe went not vp to ioy but first hee suffered paine he entred not into his glory before he was crucified So truely our way to eternall ioy is to suffer here with Christ and our doore to enter into eternall life is gladly to die with Christ that we may rise againe from death and dwel with him in euerlasting life Now therefore taking your sickenesse which is thus profitable for you patiently I
exhort you in the name of God to remember the profession which you made vnto God in your baptisme And forasmuch as after this life there is a count to be giuen vnto the righteous Iudge of whom all must bee iudged without respect of persons I require you to examine your selfe and your state both toward God and man so that accusing and condemning your selfe for your own faults you may finde mercy at our heauenly Fathers hand for Christes sake and not to bee accused and condemned in that fearefull iudgement Therefore I shall shortly rehearse the Articles of our faith that you may know whether you doe beleeue as a Christian man should or no. Here the Minister shal rehearse the Articles of the faith saying thus Doest thou beleeue in God the Father almightie c. As it is in Baptisme Then shall the Minister examine whether he be in charitie with all the worlde exhorting him to forgiue from the bottome of his heart all persons that haue offended him and if he haue offended other to aske them forgiuenesse and where he hath done iniury or wrong to any man that he make amends to the vttermost of his power And if he haue not afore disposed his goods let him then make his will and also declare his debts what he oweth and what is owing vnto him for discharging of his conscience and quietnesse of his Executors But men must bee oft admonished that they set an order for their temporall goods and landes when they be in health These words before rehearsed may be said before the Minister begin his prayer as he shall see cause The Minister may not forget nor omit to mooue the sicke person and that most earnestly to liberalitie toward the poore Here shall the sicke person make a speciall confession if he feele his conscience troubled with any weightie matter After which confession the Priest shal absolue him after this sort OUr Lord Iesus Christ who hath left power to his Church to absolue all sinners which truely repent and beleeue in him of his great mercie forgiue thee thine offences and by his authoritie committed to mee I absolue thee from all thy sinnes in the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost Amen And then the Priest shall say the Collect following ¶ Let vs pray O Most mercifull God which according to the multitude of thy mercies doest so put away the sunnes of those which truely repent that thou remembrest them no more open thine eye of mercie vpon this thy seruant who most earnestly desireth pardon and forgiuenesse Renew in him most louing Father whatsoeuer hath beene decayed by the fraude and malice of the deuill or by his owne carnall will and frailenesse preserue continue this sicke member in the vnitie of the Church consider his contcition accept his teares asswage his paine as shall bee seene to thee most expedient for him And for as much as hee putteth his full trust onely in thy mercie impute not vnto his his former sinnes but take him vnto thy fauour through the merites of thy most dearely beloued sonne Iesus Christ Amen Then shall the Priest say this Psalme IN thee O Lord haue I put my trust let me neuer be put to confusion but rid me and deliuer me in thy righteousnesse In ce Domine speraui Psal 71. encline thiue eare vnto me and saue me Be thou my strong hold wherevnto I may alway resort thou hast promised to helpe me for thou art my house of defence my castle Deliuer me O my God out of the hand of the vngodly out of the hand of the vnrighteous and cruell man For thou O Lord God art the thing that I long for thou art my hope euen from my youth Through thee haue I beene holden vp euer since I was borne thou art he that tooke me out of my mothers wombe my praise shal alway be of thee I am become as it were a monster vnto many but my sure trust is in thee O let my mouth be filled with thy praise that I may sing of thy glory and honour all the day long Cast me not away in the time of age forsake me not when my strength faileth me For mine enemies speake against me they that lay waite for my soule take their counsell together saying God hath forsaken him persecute him and take him for there is none to deliuer him Go not far frō me O God my God haste thee to helpe me .. Let them be confounded and perish that are against my soule let them bee couered with shame and dishonour that seeke to doe me euill As for me I will patiently abide alway and will praise thee more and more My mouth shall daily speake of thy righteousnesse and saluation for I know no end thereof I will goe forth to the strength of the Lord God and will make mention of thy righteousnesse onely Thou O God hast taught mee from my youth vp vntill now therefore will I tell of thy wondrous workes Forsake me not O God in mine old age when I am gray headed vntill I haue shewed thy strength vnto this generation and thy power to all them that are yet for to come Thy righteousnes O God is very high and great things are they that thou hast done O God who is like vnto thee O what great troubles and aduersities hast thou shewed me and yet diddest thou turne and refresh me yea broughtest me from the deepe of the earth againe Thou hast brought me to great honour and comforted me on euery side Therefore wil I praise thee and thy faithfulnes O God playing vpon an instrument of musicke vnto thee will I sing vpon the Harpe O thou holy one of Israel My lppes will be faine when I sing vnto thee and so will my soule whom thou hast deliuered My tongue also shall talke of thy righteousnes all the day long for they are confounded and brought vnto shame that seeke to doe me euill Glorie he to the Father c. As it was in the beginning c. Adding this O Sauiour of the world saue vs which by thy crosse and precious blood hast redeemed vs helpe vs wee beseech thee O God Then shall the Minister say THe Almightie Lord which is a most strong towre to al them that put their trust in him to whom all things in heauen in earth and vnder the earth do bow and obey be now and euermore thy defence and make thee know and feele that there is none other name vnder heauen giuen to man in whom and through whome thou mayest receiue health and saluation but onely the name of our Lord Iesus Christ Amen The Communion of the sicke FOrasmuch as all mortall men bee subiect to many sudden perils Diseases and sicknesses and euer vncertaine what time they shall depart out of this life therefore to the intent they may bee alwayes in a readinesse to die whensoeuer it shall please Almightie God to call them the
hee it is that ovteineth grace for our sinnes For hee was wounded for our offences Esai 53. smitten for our wickednesse Let vs therefore returne vnto him who is the merciful receiuer of all true penitent snners afsuring our selues that he is ready to receiue vs most willing to pardon vs if we come vnto him wiht faithfull repentance if we will submit our selues vnto him from henceforth walk in his wayes Matt. 11. if wee will take take his easie yoke and light burden vpon vs to follow him in lowlines patience and charitie and bee ordered by the gouernance of his holy spirite seeking alwayes his glory and seruing him duely in our vocation with thankesgiuing This if wee doe Christ will deliuer vs from the curse of the law and from the extreme maledirtion Which shalt light vpon them that shal be set on the left hand and he will set vs on his right hand Marr. 25. and giue vs the blessed benediction of his father commaunding vs to take possession of his glorious kingdome vnto the which he vouchsafe to bring vs all for his infinite mercie Then shalt they all kneele vpon their knees and the Priest and Clarkes kneeling where they are accustomed to say the Letanie shalt say this Psalme Miserere mei Deus HAue mercy vpon me Misere mei Psal 51 O God after thy great goodnesse according to the multitude of thy mercies doe away mine offences Wash mee throughly from my wickednesse and cleanse me from my smne For I knowledge my faultes and my sinne is euer before me Against thee onely haue I finned and done this euill in thy sight that thou mightest bee iustified in thy saying and cleare when thou art iudged Behold I was sapen in wickednesse and in sinne hath my mother conceiued me But loe thou requirest trueth in the inward partes and shalt make me to vnderstand wise dome secretly Thou shalt purge me with Hysope and I shalt be cleane thou shalt wash me and I shal be whiter then snow Thou shalt make mee heare of ioy and gladnesse that the bones Which thou hast broken may reioyce Turne thy face from my smnes and put out all my misdeedes Make mee a cleane heart O God and renew a right spirit Within me Cast me not away from thy presence and take not thy holy spirit from me O giue me the confort of thy helpe againe and stablish me with thy free spirit Then shalt I teach thy wayes vnto the wicked and sinners shal be conuerted vnto thee Deliuer me from bloodgiltinesse O God thou that are the God of my health and my tongue shalt sing of thy righteousnesse Thou shalt open my lips O Lord my mouth shalt shew thy prayse For thou desirest no sacrifice else would I giue it thee but thou delightest not in burnt offering The sacrifice of God is a troubled spirit a broken and contrite heart O God shalt thou not despise O be fauourable and gracious vnto Sion build thou the walles of Hierusalem Then shalt thou bee pleased with the sacrifice of righteousnesse with the burnt offerings and oblations then shal they offer yong bullocke vpon thine altar Glorie be to the Father c. As it was in the beginning c. Lord haue mercie vpon vs. Christ haue mercie vpon vs. Lord haue mercie vpon vs. Our Father which art in heauen c. And leade vs not into temptation Answere But deliuer vs from euill Amen Minister O Lord saue thy seruants Answere Which put their trust in thee Minister Send vnto them helpe from aboue Answere And euermore mightily defend them Minister Helpe vs O God our Sauiour Answere And for the glorie of thy names sake deliur vs bee mercifull vnto vs sinners for thy names sake Minister O Lord heare our prayer Answere And let our crie come vnto thee Let vs pray O Lord wee beseech thee mercifully heare our prayers and spare all those which confesse their sinnes to thee that they whose cosciences by sinne are accused by thy mercifull pardon may bee absolued through Christ our Lord. Amen O Most mightie God and mercifull Father Which hast compassion of all men and hatest nothing that thou hast made Which wouldest not the death of a sinner but that hee should rather turne from sinne and be saued mercifully forgiue vs our trespasses receiuc and comfort vs Which bee grieued and wearied with the burden of our sinne Thy propertie is to haue mercie to thee onely it appertaineth to forgiue snnes Spare vs there fore good Lord spare thy people whom thou hast redeemed enter not into iudgement with thy seruants which bee vile earth and miserable sinners but so turne thine yre from vs Which meekely knowledge our vilenesse and truely repent vs of our faultes so make haste to helpe vs in this world that we may euer liue with thee in the world to come through Iesus Chrift our Lord Amen Then shalt the people say this that followeth after the Minister TUrne thou vs O good Lord and so shalt we bee turned be fauourable O Lord be fauourable to thy people which turne to thee in weeping fasting and praying for thou art a mercifull God ful of compassion long suffering and of great pitie Thou sparest when wee deserue punishment and in thy wrath thinkest vpon mercie spare thy people good Lord spare them and let not thine heritage be brought to confusion Heare vs O Lord for thy mercie is great and after the multitude of the mercies looke vpon vs. THE Psalter or Psalmes of David after the Translation of the great Bible Pointed as it shalt be sung or said in Churches * ⁎ * ¶ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie ANNO 1603. ¶ Cum priuilegio Moneth The j. day The Psalmes of Dauid Beatus vir qui non abijt Psal j BLessed is the man that hath not walked in the counsaile of the vngodly Morning prayer nor stand in the way of sinners and hath not sit in the seate of the scornefull But his delight is in the lawe of the Lorde and in his law will he exercise himselfe day and night And he shal be like a tree planted by the water side that will bring toorth his fruit in due season His lease also shalt not wither and looke whatsoeuer hee doeth it shalt prosper As for the vngodly it is not so with them but they are like the chaffe which the winmde scattereth away from the face of earth Therefore the vngodly shalt not bee able to stande in the iudgement neither the sinners in the congregation of the righteous But the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous and the way of the vngodly shalt perish Quare fremuerunt gentes Psal ij Why doe the heathen so furiously rage together why doe the people imagine vaine thing The kings of the earth stand vp and the rulers take counsaile together against the Lord against his anointed Let vs breake their bondes asuuder
and cast away their tordes from vs. He that dwelleth in heauen shalt laugh them to scorne the Lord shalt haue them in derision Then shalt he speake vnto them in his wrath and vexe them in his fore displeasure Yet haue I set my king vpon my holy hill of Sion I will preach the lawe where of the Lorde hath sayd vnto me thou art my sonne this day haue I begotten thee Desire of mee and I shalt giue thee the heathen for thine inheritance and the vttermost parts of the earth for thy possession Thou shalt bruise them with a rodde of yron and breake them in pieces like a potters vessell Be wise now therefore Dye kings be learned ye that are iudges of the earth Serue the Lord in feare and reioyce vnto him with reuerence Kisse the Some lest he be angry and so ye penrish from the right way if his wrath be kindled yea but a little blessed are all they that put their trust in him Domine quid Psal iij LOrd how are they increased that trouble mee many are they that rise against me Many one there be that say of my soule there is no help for him in his God But thou O Lord art my defender thou art my worship and the lifter vp of my head I did call vpon the Lord with my voice and hee heard me out of his holy hill I layd mee downe and slept and rose vp agaie for the Lord sustained me I will not be afraid for ten thousands of people that haue set themselues against me round about Vp Lord and helpe mee O my God for thou smitest all mine enemies vpon the cheeke bone thou hast broken the teeth of the vngodly Saluation belongeth vnto the Lorde and the blessing is vpon the people Cum inuocarem Psal iiij Heare me When I call O God of my righteousnesse for thou hast set me at libertie When I was in trouble haue mercie vpon me and heacken vnto my prayer O yee sonnes of men how long Will yee blaspheme mine honour and haue such pleasure in vanitie and seeke after leasing Know this also that the Lorde hath thosen to himselfe the man that is godly When I call vpon the Lorde he will heare me Stand mawe and sinne not commune with your owne heart and in your chamber and be still Offer the sacrifice righteousnesse and put your trust in the Lord. There be many that say who will shew vs any good Lord list thou vp the light of thy countenance vpon vs. Thou hast put gladenesse in my heart since the time that their corne and wine and oyle increased I will lay mee downe in peace and take my rest for it is thou Lord onely that makest me dwell in safetie Verba mea auribus Psal 5 POnder my Words O Lord consider my meditation O hearken thou vnto the voice of my calling my king and my God for vnto thee will I make my prayer My voice shalt thou heare betimes O Lord earely in the morning wil I direct my prayer vnto thee and will looke vp For thou art the God that hast no pleasure in wickednesse neither shalt any euill dwell with thee Such as be foolish shal not stand in thy sight for thou hatest all them that worke vanitie Thou shalt destroy them that speake leasing the Lorde will abhorxe both the blood thirstie and deceitfull man But as for me I will come into thy house euen vpon the multitude of thy mercie and in thy feare will I worship toward thy holy Temple Leade me O Lord in thy righteousinesse because of mine enemies make thy way plame before my face For there is no faithfulnesse in his mouth their inwarde parts are very wickednesse Their throate is an open sepulchre they flatter with their tongue Destroy thou them O God let them perish through their owne imaginations cast them out in the multitude of their vngodlinesese for they haue rebelled against thee And let all them that put their trust in thee reioyce they shalt euer be giuing of thankes because thou defendest them they that loue thy Name shalt be Ioyfull in thee For thou Lorde wilt giue thy blessing vnto the righteous and with thy fauourable kindnesse wilt thou defend him as with a shield Domine ne in furore Psal vj. O Lorde rebuke mee not in thine indignation Euening prayer neither chasten mee in thy displeasure Have mercy vpon me O Lord for I am weake O Lorde heale me for my bones are vexcd My soule is also fore troubled but Lord how long wilt thou punish me Turne thee O Lord and deliuer my soule Oh saue me for thy mercies sake For in death no man remembreth thee and who will giue thee thankes in the pit I am wearie of my groning euery night Wash I my ved and water my couch with my teares My beautie is gone for very trouble and worne away because of all mine enemies Away from mee all ye that worke vanitie for the Lorde hath heard the voice of my weeping The Lord hath heard my petition the Lord will receiue my prayer All mine enemies shalt be confonnded and sore vexed they shalt be turned backe and put to shame suddenly Domine Deus meus Psal vij O Lorde my God in thee haue I put my trust saue mee from all them that petsecute me and deliuer me Least he deuoure my soulce like a lion and teare it in pieces While there is none to helpe O Lorde my God if I haue done any such thing or if there be any wickednesse in my hands If I haue rewarded euill vnto him that dealt friendly with mee yea I haue deliuered him that Without any cause is mine enemie Then let mine enemie persecute my soule and take mee yea let him tread my life downe vpon the earth and lay mine honour in the dust Stand vp O Lord in thy wrath and lift vp thy selfe because of the indignation of mine enemies arise vp for mee in the iudgement that thou hast commanded And so shalt the congregation of the people come about thee for their sakes therefore lift vp thy selfe againe The Lord shalt iudge the people giue sentence with me O Lord according to my righteousuesse and according to the innocencie that is in me O let the wickednesse of the vngodly come to an end but guide thou the iust For the righteous God trieth the very hearts and reines My helpe commeth of God which preseructh them that are true of heart God is a righteous iudge strong and patient and God is prouoked cuery day If a man will not turne he will whet his sword he hath bent his bow and made it readie He hath prepared for him the instruments of death he ordeineth his arrowes against the persecuters Behold he trauaileth with inischiefe hee hath conceiued sorow and brought foorth vngodlinesse He hath grauen and digged vp a pit and is fallen himselfe into the destruction that he made for other For his trauaile shalt come vpon his owne head and
them at rest The words of the Lord are pure words euen as the siluer which from the earth is tried purified seuen times in the fire Thou shalt keepe them O Lord thou shalt preserue him from this generation for euer The vngodly walke on euery side when they are exalted the children of men are put to rebuke Vsquequo Domine Psal xiij HOw long wilt thou forget mee O Lord for euer how long wilt thou hide thy face from me How long shalt I seeke counsell in my soule and be so vexed in mine heart howe long shalt mine enemies triumph ouer me Consider and heare mee O Lorde my God lighten mine eyes that I sleepe not in death Left mine enemie say I haue preuailed against him for if I be cast downe they that trouble me will reioyce at it But my trust is in thy mercy and my heart is ioyfull in thy saluation I wil sing of the Lord because he hath delt so louingly with me yea I wil praise the name of the Lord most highest Dixit insipiens Psal xiiij THe foole hath said in his heart there is no God They are corxupt and become abominable in their doings there is not one that doeth good no not one The Lorde looked downe from heauen vpon the children of men to see if there were any that would vnderstand and seeke after God But they are all gone out of the way they are altogether become abominable there is none that doeth good no not one Their throat is an open sepulchre with their tongues haue they deceiued the poison of aspes is vnder their lips Their mouth is full of cursing and bitternesse their feete are swift to shed blood Destruction and vnhappinesse is in their wayes the way of peace haue they not knowen there is no feare of God before their eyes Haue they no knowledge that they are all such workers of mischiefe eating vp my people as it were bread And call not vpon the Lorde there were they brought in great feare euen where no feare was for God is in the generation of the righteous As for you yee haue made a mocke at the counsaile of the poore because he putteth his trust in the Lord. Who shalt giue saluation vnto Israel out of Sion when the Lorde turneth the captiuitie of his people then shalt Iacob reioyce and Israel shal be glad Domine quis habitabit Psal xv LOrd who shalt dwell in thy tabernacle Morning prayer or who shalt rest vpon thy holy hill Euen he that leadeth an vncorrupt life and both the thing which is right and speaketh the tructh from his heart Hee that hath vsed no deceit in his tongue nor done enill to his neighbour nor hath not slandered his neighbours Hee that setteth not by himselfe but is lowly in his owne eyes and maketh much of them that feare the Lord. Hee that sweareth vnto his neighbour and disappointeth him not though it Were to his owne hinderance He that hath not giuen his money vpon vsurie nor taken reward against the innocent Who so doeth thrse things shalt neuer fall Conserua me Psal xvj PReserue me O God for in thee haue I put my trust O my soule thou hast said vnto the Lord thou art my God my goods are nothing vnto thee All my delight is vpon the saints that are in the earth and vpon such as excell in vertue But they that runne after another god shalt haue great trouble Their drinke offerings of blood will I not offer neither make mention of their names within my lips The Lord himselfe is the portion of mine inheritance and of my cup thou shalt maintaine my lot My lot is fallen vnto me in a faire ground yea I haue a goodly heritage I will thanke the Lord for giuing me warning my reines also chasten me in the night season I haue set God alwayes before me for hee is on my right hand therefore I shalt not fall Wherefore my heart was glad and my glory reioyced my flesh also shalt rest in hope For Why thou shalt not leaue my soule in hell neither shalt thou suffer thine Holy one to see corruption Thou shalt she we me the path of life in thy presence is the fulnesse of ioy and at thy right hand there is pleasure for euermore Exaudi Domine iustitiam Psal xvij HEare the right O Lorde consider my complaint and hearken vnto my prayer that goeth not out of fayned lippes Let my sentence come forth from thy presence and let thine eyes looke vpon the thing that is equall Thou hast prooded and visited mine heart in the night feason thou hast tried me and shalt finde no wickednesse in me for I am vtterly purposed that my mouth shalt not offend Because of mens workes that are done against the wordes of my lips I haue kept me from the wayes of the destroyer O holde thou vp my goings in thy pathes that my footesteps slip not I haue called vpon thee O God for thou shalt heare mee encline thine eare to me and hearken vnto my words Shew thy maruellous louing kindnesse thou that art the Sauiour of them which put their trust in thee from such as resist thy right hand Keepe mee as the apple of an eye hide me vnder the shadow of thy wings From the vngodly that trouble mee mine enemies compasse me round about to take away my foule They are inclosed in their owne fat and their mouth speaketh proud things They lie waiting in our way on cuery side turning their eyes downe to the ground Like as a Lion that is greedie of his pray and as it were a lions whelpe lurking in secret places Vp Lord disappoint him and cast him downe dcliuer my soule from the vngodly which is a sword of thine From the men of thy hand O Lord from the men I say and from the euil world which haue their portion in this life whose bellies thou fillest with thy hid treasure They haue children at their desire and leaue the rest of their substance for their babes But as for me I will behold thy presence in righteousnes and when I awake vp after thy likenesse I shal be satisfied with it Diligam re Psal xviij I will loue thee O LORD my strength Euening prayer the Lorde is my stonie rocke and my defence my Sauiour my God and my might in whome I will trust my buckler the horne also of my salutation and my refuge I wil call vpon the Lord which is worthy to bee praised so shalt I be safe from mine enemies The sorowes of death compassed me and the ouerflowings of vngodlines made me afratd The paines of hell came about mee the snares of death ouertooke me In my trouble I will call vpon the Lord and comylaine vnto my God So shall hee heare my voice out of his holy Temple and my complaint shalt come before him it shalt enter eueu into his eares The earth trembled quaked the very foundations also of the hilles shooke were
that hope in thee shall not bee ashamed but with as transgresse without a cause shal be put to confusion Shew me thy wayes O Lord and tearh me thy paths Lead me foorth in thy trueth learne me for thou art the God of my saluation in thee hath bene my hope al the day long Call to remembrance O Lorde thy tender meries and thy louing Kindnesse which hath bene euer of olde Oh remember not the sinnes and offences of my youth but according to thy mercie thinke thou vpon me O Lord for thy goodnesse Gracious and righteous is the Lord therfore wil be teach sinners in the way Them that be meeke shal he guide in iudgement and such as be gentle them shal he learne his way All the paths of the Lord are mercie and trueth vnto such as keepe his couenant and his testimonies For thy Names sake O Lord be mercifull vnto my sinne for it is great What man is he that feareth the Lord him shall he teach in the may that he shall choose His soule shal dwel at ease his seed shall inherit the land The secrct of the Lord is among them that feare him and he will shew them his couenant Mine eyes are euer looking vnto the Lorde for hee shall plucke my feete out of the net Lurne thee vnto me and haue mercie vpon me for I am dcsolate and in miserie The sorowes of my heart are enlarged O bring thou me out of my troubles Looke vpon mine aduersitie and miserie and forgiue me all my sinne Cousider mine enemies howe many they are and they beare atyrannous hate against me O keepe my soule and deliuer mee let me not be contounded For I haue put my trust in thee Let perfectnesse and righteous dealing waite vpon mee for my hope hath bene in thee Deliuer Israel O God out of all his troubles Iudica me Domine Psal xxvj BE thou my iudge O Lord for I haue walked innocently my trust hath bene also in the Lord therfore shal I not fall Eramine me O Lord and proue me try out me reinef and my heart For thy louing kindnesse is euer before mine eyes and I will walke in thy trueth I haue not dlwelt with vaine persons neither wil I haue fellowship with the deceitfull I haue hated the congregation of the wicked and wil not sit among the vngodly I will wash my hands in innocencie O Lord and so will I goe to thine altar That I may shew the voice of thankesgiuing and tell of all thy wonderous workes Lord I haue loued the habitation of thy house and the place where thine honour dwelleth O shut not vp my soule with the sinners nor my life with the bloodthirstie In whose hands is wickednes and their right hands are full of gifts But as for me I will walke innocently O Lord delitter me and be mercifull vnto mee My foote standeth right I wil praise the Lord in the congregations Dominus illuminatio Psal xxvij THe Lord is my light and my saluation Eueing prayer whom then shall I feare the Lord is the strength of my life of whom then shall I be afrand When the wicked euen mine cnemies and my foes came vpon me to cate vp my flesh they stumbled and fell Though an hoste of men were layd against mee yet shall not my heart be afraid and though there rose vp warre against me yet will I put my trust in him One thing haue I destred of the Lord which I will require euen that I may dwel in the house of the Lord all the days of my life to behold the faire beauty of the Lord and to visit his temple For in the time of trouble he shal hide me in his tabernacle yea in the serret place of his dwelling shal be hide me and set me vp vpon a rocke of stone And now shall hee lift vp mine head aboue mine enemies round about me Therefore will I offer in his dwelling an oblation with great gladnes I will sing and speake praises vnto the Lord. Hearken vnto my voice O Lord when Icrie vnto thee haue mercie vpon me and hear me My heart hath talked of thee seeke yee my face thy face Lord will I seeke O hide not thou thy face from mee nor cast thy seruant away in displeasure Thou hast been my succour lcaue me not neither forsake me O God of my saluation When my father and my mother forsake me the Lord taketh me vp Teach me thy way O Lord and leade mee in the right way bccause of mine enemies Deliuer me not ouer into the will of mine aduersaries for there are false witnesses risen vp against me such as speake wrong I shold btterly haue fainted but that I beleeue verely to sce the goodnes of the lord in the land of the liung O tarie thou the Lords leasure bee strong and hee shall comfort thine heart and put thou thy trust in the Loard Ad te Domine Psal xxviij VNto thee will I crie O Lorde my strength thinke no scorne of me left if thou make as though thou hearest not I bccome like them that goe downe into the pit Heare the voice of my humble petitions when I crie vnto thee when I hold vp my hauds toward the mercie seate of thy holy Temple O plucke me not away neither destroy mee with the vngodly wicked doers which speake friendly to their neighbours but imagine mischiefe in their hearts Reward them according to their deedes and according to the wickednesse of their owne inuentions Recompense them after the workem of their hands pay them that they haue deserued For they regard not in their mind the workes of the Lord nor the operation of his hands therfore shall he breake them downe and not build them vp Praised bee the Lord for hee hath the voice of my humble petitions The Lorde is my strength and my sheild my heart hath trusted in him and I am helped therefore my heart danceth for ioy and in my song will I praise him The Lord is my strength and he is the wholsome defence of his anointed O saue thy people and giue thy blessing vnto thine inheritance feede them and set them vp for euer Afferte Domino Psal xxix BRing vnto the Lord O ye mighty bring young rammes vnto the Lorde ascribe vnto the Lorde worshippe and strength Giue the Lorde the honour due vnto his Name worship the Lord with holy worship It is the Lord that commandeth the waters it is the glorious God that maketh the thunder It is the Lord that ruleth the sea the voyce of the Lordeis mighty in operation the voyce of the Lord is a glorious voyce The voyce of the Lord breaketh the Cedac trees yea the Lord breaketh the Cedars Libanus He made them also to skippe like a calfe Libanus also and Syrion like a yong Vnicorne The voice of the Lord diuideth the flames of fire the voice of the Lord shaketh the wildernes yea the Lorde shaketh the wildernesse of Cades
me guiltlesse are mightie I paide them the things that I neuer tooke God thou knowest my simplenesse and my faults are not hid from thee Let not them that trust in thee O Lord God of hostes be ashmmed for my cause let not those that seeke thee bee confounded through me O Lord God of Israel And why for thy sake haue I suffered reproose shame hath couered my face I am become a stranger vnto my brethren euen an aliant vnto my mothers children For the zeale of thy house hath euen eaten me and th rebukes of them that rebuked thee are fallen vpon me I wept and chasened my selfe with fasting and that was turned to my reproofe I put on a fackcloth also and they iested vpon me They that sit in the gate speake against me and the drunkards make songs vpon me But Lord I make my prayer vnto thee in an acceptable time Heare me O God in the multitude of thy mercie euen in the trueth of thy saluation Take me out of the myre that I sinke not Oh let mee be deliuered from them that hate mee and out of the deepe waters Let not the water flood drowne mee neithr let the deepe swallow mee vp and let not the pit shut her mouth vpon mee Heare me O Lord for thy louing kindnesse is comfortable turne thee vnto mee according to the multitude of thy mercies And hide not thy face from thy seruant for I am in trouble Oh haste thee and heare me Draw nigh vnto my soule and saue it Oh deliuer me because of mine enemies Thou hast knowen my reproofe my shame and my dishonour mine aduersaries are all in thy sight Thy rebuke hath broken my heart I am ful of heauines I looked for some to haue pitie on me but there was no man neither found I any to comfort me They gaue me gall to eat and when I was thirstie they gaue me vineger to drinke Let their table be made a snare to take themselues withall and let the things that should haue bene for their wealth be vnto them an occasion of falling Let their eyes be blinded that they see not and euer bow downe their backes Powre out thine indignation vpon them let thy wrathfull displeasure take hold of them Let their habitation be void and no man to dwell in their tents For they perseeute him whom thou hast smitten and they talke how they may vere them whom thou hast wounded Let them fall from one wickednesse to another and not come into thy righteousnesse Let them be wiped out of the booke of the liuing and not be wirtten among the righteous As for me when I am poore and in heauinesse thy helpe O God shall lift me vp I will praise the Name of God with a song and magnifie it with thankesgiuing This also shal please the Lord better then a bullocke that hath hornes and hoofes The humble shall consider this and be glad seeke ye after God and your soule shall liue For the Lord heareth the poore and despiseth not his prisoners Let heauen and earth praise him the sea and all that moueth therein For God will saue Sion and build the cities of Iuda that men may dwell there and haue it in possession The posteritie also of his seruants shal inherit it and they that loue his Name shall dwell therem Deus in adiutorium Psal 70. HAste thee O God to deliuer me make haste to helpe me O Lord. Let them be ashamed and confounded that seeke after my soule let them be turned backward and put to confusion that with me euill Let them for their reward be soone brought to shame that crie ouer me There there But let all those that seeke thee be ioyfull and glad in thre and let all such as delight in thy saluation say alway The Lord be praised As for me I am poore and in miserie haste thee vnto me O God Thou art my helper and my redeemer O Lord make no long tarying In te Domine speraui Psal 71. IN thee Morning prayer O Lord haue I put my trust let me neuer be put to confusion but rid me and deliuer me in thy rigteousnesse encline thine eare vnto me and saue me Be thou my strong hold whereunto I may alway resort thou hast promised to helpe me for thou art my house of defence my castle Deliuer me O my God out of 〈◊〉 hand of the vngodly out of the hand of the vnrighteous and cruell man For thou O Lord God art the thing that I long for thou art my hope euen from my youth Through thee haue I beene holden vp euer since I was borne thou art he that tooke me out of my mothers wombe my praise shal be alway of thee I am become as it where a monster vnto many but my sure trust is in thee O let my mouth be filled with thy praise that I may sing of thy glory and honour all the day long Caft me not away in the time of age forsake me not when my stregth faileth me For mine enemies speake against me they that lay waite for my soule take their counsell together saying God hath forsaken him persecute him and take him for there is none to deliuer him Go not far frō me O God my God haste thee to helpe me Let them be confounded and perish that are against my soule let them bee couered with shame and dishonour that seeke to doe me euill As for me I will patiently abide alway and will praise thee more and more My mouth shall daily speake of thy righteousnesse and saluation for I know no end thereof I will goe fooeth in the strength of the Lord God and wil make mention of thy righteousnesse onely Thou O God hast taught mee from my youth vp vntill now therefore will I tell of thy wondrous workes Forsake me not O God in mine old age when I am gray headed vntill I haue shewed thy stength vnto this generation and thy power to all them that are yet for to come Thy righteousnes O God is very high and great things are they that thou hast done O God who is like vnto thee O what great troubles and aduersities hast thou shewed me and yet diddest thou turne and refresh me yea broughtest me from the deepe of the earth againe Thou hast brought me to great honour and comforted me on euery side Therefore wil I praise thee and thy faithfulnes O God playing vpon an instrument of musicke vnto thee will I sing vpon the Harpe O thou holy one of Israel My lippes will be saine when I sing vnto thee and so will my soule whom thou hast deliuered My tongue also shall talke of thy righteousnes all the day long for they are confounded and brought vnto shame that seeke to doe me euill Deus iudicium Psal 72. GIue the king thy iudge●ents O God and thy righreousnesse vnto the kings sonne Then shall he iudge the people according vnto right and defend the poore The
concerning me for he shal speake peace vnto his people and to his saints that they turne not againe For his saluation is high them that feare him that glorie may dwell in our land Mercie and trueth are met together righteousnes peace haue kissed each order Trueth shall slorish out of the earth and righteousnesse hath looked dowme from heauen Yea the Lord shall shew louing kindnesse and our land shall giue her increase Righteousnesse shall goe before him and he shall direct his going in the way Inclina Domine Psal 86. BOwe downe thine eare Morning prayer O Lord and heare mee for I am poore and in miserie Preserue thou my soule for I am holy my God saue thy seruant that putteth his trust in thee Be mercifull vnto me O Lord for I will call dayly vpon thee Comfort the soule of thy seruant for vnto thee O Lord doe I list vp my soule For thou Lord art good and gracious and of great mercie vnto all them that call vpon thee Giue eare Lord vnto my prayer and ponder the voyce of mine humble desires In the time of my trouble I will call vpon thee for thou hearest me Among the good there is none like vnto thou O Lorde there is not one that can doe as thou doest All nations whom thou hast made shall come and worship thee O Lord and shall glorisie thy name For thou art great and doest wonderous things thou art God alone Teach mee thy may O Lord and I will walke in thy trueth O knit my heart vnto thee that I may feare thy name I will thanke thee O Lord my God with all my heart and will praise thy Name for euermore For great is thy mercie toward me and thou hast deliuered my soule from the nethermost hell O God the proud are risen as against me and the Congregations of naughty men haue sought after my soule and haue not set thee before their eyes But thou O Lord God art full of compassion and mertie long suffering plenteous in goodnesse and trueth O turne thee then vnto mee and haue mercie vpon mee giue thy strength vnto thy seruant and helpe the sonne of thine handmaid Shew some good token vpon me for good that they which hate me may see it and be ashamed because thou Lord hast holpen me and comforten me Fundamentaeius Psal 87. HEr foundations are vpon the holy hils the Lord loueth the gates of Sion more then all the dwellings of Iacob Very excellēt thigs are spokē of thee thou city of God I will thinke vpou Rahab and Babylon With them that know me Behold ye the Philistims also and they of Tyre with the Morians loe there was he borne And of Sion it shal be reported that he was borne in her and the most High shall stablish her The Lord shall rehearse it when he writeth vp the people that he was borne there The fingers also and trumpetters shall hee rehearse all my fresh sprmgs shall be in thee Domine Deus Psal 88 O Lord God of my saluation I haue cryed day and night before thee O let my prayer enter into thy presence encline thine eare vnto my calling For my soule is full of trouble and my life draweth nigh vnto hell I am counted as one of them that goe downe into the pit and I haue beene euen as a man that hath no strength Free among the dead like vnto them that be wounded and lie in the graue which be out of remembrance and are cut away from thy hand Thou hast layde me in the lowest pitte in a place of darkenesse and in the deepe Thine indignation lyeth hard vpon mee and thou hast bexed me with all thy stormes Thou hast put away mine acquaintance farre from mee and made me to be abhorred of them I am so fast in prison that I cannot get foorth My sight faileth for very trouble Lord I haue called daily vpon thee I haue stretched out mine hands vnto thee Doest thou shewe wonders among the dead or shall the dead rise vp againe and praise thee Shall thy louing kindnesse be shewed in the graue or thy faithfulnesse in destruction Shall thy wonderous works be knowen in the darke and thy righteousnes in the land where all things are forgotten Vnto thee haue I cried O Lord and earely shall my prayer come before thee Lorde why abhorrest thou my soule and hidest thou thy face from me I am in miserie and like vnto him that is at the point to die euen from my youth vp thy terrours haue I suffered with a troubled mind Thy wrathfull displeasure goeth ouer mee and the feare of thee hath vndone me They came round about mee dayly like water and compassed me together on euery side My louers and friends hast thou put away from me and hid mine acquaintance out of my sight Misericordias Domini Psal 89. MY song shal be alway of the louing kindnesse of the Lorde with my mouth wil I euer be shewing thy trueth Euening prayer from one generation to another For I haue said Mercie shal be set vp for euer thy trueth shall thou stablish in the heauens I haue made a couenant with my chosen I haue sworne vnto Dauid my seruant Thy seede will I stablish for euer and set vp thy throne from one generation to another O Lorde the very heauens shall praise thy wonderous workes and thy trueth in the Congregation of the Saints For who is hee among the clouds that shall be compared vnto the Lord And what is hee among the gods that shall bee like vnto the Lord God is very greatly to be feared in the counsel of the saints and to be had in reuerence of all them that are about him O Lord God of hostes who is like vnto thee thy trueth most mightie Lord is on euery side Thou rulest the raging of the sea thou stillest the waues there of when they arise Thou hast subdued Egypt and destroyed it thou hast scattered thine enemies abroad with thy mightie arme The heauens are thine the earth also is thine thou hast laid the foundation of the round world and all that therin is Thou hast made the North and the South Tabor and Hermon shall reioyce in thy Name Thou hast a mightie arme strong is thy hand and high is thy right hand Righteteousnesse and equitie is the habitation of the ●eate mercie and trueth shall goe before thy face Blessed is the people O Lorde that can reioyce in thee they shall walke in the light of thy countenance Their delight shall dayly in thy Name and in thy righteousnesse shall they make their boast For thou art the glory of their strength and in thy louing kindnesse thou shall lift vp our hornes For the Lorde is our defence the holy one of Israel is our King Thou spakest sometime in visions vnto thy Saints and saydest I haue laid helpe vpon one that is mightie I haue ixalted one chosen out of the people I haue found Dauid my seruant with
then all that are in the earth thou art exalted farre aboue all gods O ye that loue the Lord see that ye hate the thing which is cuill the Lord preserueth the soules of his saints he shall deliuer them from the hand of the vngodly There is sprung vp a light for the righteous and ioyfull gladnesse for such as be true hearted Reioyce in the Lord ye righteous and giue thankes for a remembrance of his holinesse Cantate Domino Psal 98. O Sing vnto the Lord a new song Euening prayer for he hath done marueilous things With his owner right hand with his holy arme hath he gotten himselfe the victorie The Lord declared his saluation his righteousnesse hath he openly shewed in the sight of the heathen He hath remembred his mercie and trueth towarde the house of Israel and all the ends of the world haue seene the saluation of our God Shew your sclues ioyful vnto the Lord all ye lands sing reioyce and giue thankes Prayse the Lord vpon the Harpe sing to the Harpe with a Psalme of thankesgiuing With trumpets also and shaumes O shew your selues ioy full before the Lord the king Let the sea make a noyse and all that therein is the round world and they that dwell therein Let the floods clap their hands and let the hilles be ioyful together before the Lord for he is come to iudge the earth With righteousnes shall he iudge the world and the people with equitie Dominus regnauit Psal 99 The Lord is king be the people neuer so vnpatient hee sitteth betweene the Cherubinis bee the earth neuer so vnquiet The Lord is great in Sion and high aboue all peopel They shall giue thankes vnto thy name which is great wonderfull and holy The kings power loueth iudgement thou hast prepared equitie thou hast executed iudgement and righteousnesse in Iacob O magnifie the Lord our God and fall downe before his footestoole for he is holy Moses Aaron among his Pricsts and Samuel among such as call vpon his name these called vpon the Lord and he heard them He spake vnto them out of the cloudie pillar for they kept his testimonies and the law that he gaue them Thou heardest them O Lord our God thou forgauest them O God and punishedst their owne inuentions O magnifie the Lord our God and worship him vpon his holy hill for the Lord our God is holy Iubilate Deo Psal 100. O be ioyfull in the Lord all ye lands serue the Lord with gladnesse and come before his presence with a song Be ye sure that the Lord he is god it is he that hath made vs and not we our selues we are his people and the sheepe of his pasture O goe your way into his gates with thankesgiuing and into his courts with prayse be thankefull vnto him speake good of his name For the Lorde is gracious his mercie is euerlasting and his trueth endureth from generation to generation Misericordiam iudicium Psal 101. MY song shall be of mercie and iudgement vnto thee O Lord will I sing O let me haue vnderstanding in the way of godlinesse When wilt thou come vnto me I will walke in my house with a perfit heart I will take no wicked thing in hand I hate the sinnes of vnfaithfulnesse there shall no such cleaue vnto me A froward heart shall depart from me I will not know a wicked person Who so priuily slandereth his neighbour him will I destroy Who so hath also a proud looke and high stomacke I will not suffer him Mine eyes looke vnto such as be faithfull in the land that they may dwell with me Who so leadeth a godly life he shall be my seruant There shall no deceitfull person dwell in my house he that telleth lies shall not tarif in my sight I shall soone destroy all the vngodly that are in the land that I may root out all wicked doers frō the city of the Lord. Domine exaudi Psal 102. HEare my prayer Morning prayer O Lord and let my crying come vnto thee Hide not thy face from mee in the time of my trouble encline thine eares vnto mee when I call O heare mee and that right soone For my dayes are consumed away like smoke and my bones are burnt vp as it were a firebrand My heart is smitten downe and withered like grasse so that I forget to eate my bread For the voice of my groning my bones will scarse cleaue to my flesh I am become like a pelicane in the wildernes and like an Owle that is in the desart I haue watched and am euen as it were a sparrow that sitteth alone vpon the house top Mine enemies reuile me all the day long and they that are mad vpon me are sworne together against me For I haue eaten ashes as it were bread and mingled my drinke with weeping And that because of thine indignation and wrath for thou hast taken me vp and cast me downe My dayes are gone like a shadowe and I am withered like grasse But thou O Lord shall endure for euer and thy remembrance thoughout all generations Thou shalt arise and haue mercie vpon Sion for it is time that thou haue mercie vpon her yea the time is come And why thy seruants thinke vpon her stones and it pitieth them to see her in the dust The heathen shall feare thy Name O Lord and all the kings of the earth thy maicstie When the Lord shall build vp Sion and when his glorie shall appeare When hee turneth him vnto the prayer of the poore destitute and des●iseth not their desire This shal be written for those that come after and the people which shal be borne shall praise the Lord. For he hath looked downe from his sanctuarie out of the heauen did the Lord behold the earth That he might heare the mournings of such as be in captiuitie and deliuer the children appointed vnto death That they may declare the name of the Lord in Sion and his worship at Hierusalem When the people are gathered together the kingdomes also serue the Lord. He brought downe my strength in my iourney and shortened my dayes But I said O my God take me not away in the middest of mine age as for thy yeeres they endure throughout all generations Thou Lord in the beginning hast laied the foundation of the earth and the heauens are the worke of thy hands They shall perish but thou shalt endure they all shall ware old as doeth a garment And as a vesture shalt thou change them and they shall be changed but thou art the same and thy yeres shall not faile The children of thy seruants shall continue and their seed shall stand fast in thy sight Benedicanima Psal 103. PRaise the Lord O my soule and all that is within mee prayse his holy Name Praise the Lord O my soule and forget not all his benefits Which forgiueth all thy sinne and healeth all thine infirmities Which saueth thy life from destruction
enemies and to those that speake euill agaist my soule But deale thou with me O Lord God according vnto thy Name for sweete is thy mercie O deliuer me for I am helpelesse and poore and my heart is wounded within me I go hence like the shadow that departeth and am driuen away as the grashopper My knees are weake through fasting my flesh is dried vp for want of fatnesse I became also a rebuke vnto them they that looked vpon me shaked their heads Helpe me O Lorde my God oh saue me according to thy mercie And they shall know how that this is thy hand and that thou Lord hast done it Though they curse yet blesse thou and let them bee confounded that rise vp against me but let thy seruant reioyce Let mine aduersaries be clothed with shame and let them couer themselues with their owne confusion as with a cloke As for me I will giue great thankes vnto the Lord with my mouth and prayse him among the multitude For he shal stand at the right hand of the poore to saue his soule from vnrighteous Iudges Dixit Dominus psal 110. THE Lorde sayde vnto my Lorde Morning Prayer sit thou on my right hand vntill I make thine enemies thy footestoole The Lord shall send the rod of thy power out of Sion bee thou ruler euen in the middes among thine enemies In the day of thy power shall the people offer thee free will offerings with an holy worship the dewe of thy birth is of the wombe of the morning The Lord sware and wil not repent thou art a Priest for euer after the order of Meichisedech The Lord vpon thy right hand shall wound euen Kings in the day of his wrath He shall iudge among the heathen hee shall fill the places with the dead bodies and smite in sunder the heads ouer diuers countreys He shall drinke of the brooke in the way therefore shall hee Lift vp his head Confitebor tibi Psal 111. I Will giue thankes vnto the Lord with my whole heart secretly among the faithfull and in the Congregation The works of the Lord are great sought out of all them that haue pleasure therein His worke is worthy to be praysed and had in honour and his righteousnesse endureth for euer The merciful and gracious Lord hath so done his marrucilous works that they ought to be had in remembrance He hath giuen meate vnto them that feare him hee shall euer be mindfull of his couenant He hath shewed his people the power of his workes that he may giue them the heritage of the heathen The workes of his hands are veritie and iudgement all his commandements are true They stand fast for euer and euer and are done in trueth and equitie He sent redemption vnto his people hee hath commanded his couenant for euer holy and reuerent is his Name The feare of the Lorde is the beginning of wisedome a good vnderstanding haue all they that doe thereafter the prayse of it endureth for euer Beatus vir Psal 112. BLessed is the man that feareth the Lord he hath great delight in his conmandements His seede shal be mightie vpon earth the generation of the faithfull shal be blessed Riches and plenteousnes shal be in his house and his righteousnesse endureth for euer Vnto the godly there ariseth vp light in the darkenesse he is mercifull louing and righteous A good man is mercifull and lendeth and will guide his words with discretion For he shall neuer be moued and the righteous shal be had in an euerlasting remembrance Hee will not bee afraide for any euill tidings for his heart standeth fast and beleeueth in the Lord. His heart is stablished and will not shrinke vntill hee see his desire vpon his enemies Hee hath dispersed abroad and giuen to the poore and his righteousnesse remaineth for euer his horne shall be exalted with honour The vngodly shall see it and it shall grieue him hee shall gnash with his teeth and consume away the desire of the vngodly shall perish Laudate pueri Psal 113. PRayse the Lorde yee seruants O prayse the name of the Lord. Blessed be the name of the Lord from this time foorth for euermore The Lordes Name is praysed from the rising vp of the Snune vnto the going downe of the same The Lord is high aboue all heathen and his glory aboue the heauens Who is like vnto the Lord out God that hath his dwelling so high and yet humbleth himselfe to beholde the things that are in heauen and earth He taketh vp the simple out of the dust and lifteth poore out of the myre That he may set him with the princes euen with the princes of his people He maketh the barren woman to keepe house and to bee a ioyfull mother of children In exitu Israel Psal 114. WHen Israel came out of Egypt Euening preyer and the house of Iacob from among the strange people Iuda was his sancutuarie and Israel his dominion The sea saw that and fled Iordan was driuen backe The mountaines skipped like Rammes and the little hils like young sheepe What a●eth thee O thou sea that thou fleddest and thou Iorden that thou wast driuen backe Ye mountaines that ye skipped like Rammes and ye little hils like yong shepe Tremble thou earth at the presence of the Lorde at the presence of the God of Iacob Which turned the hard rocke into a standing water and the flint stone into a springing well Non nobis Domine Psal 115 NOt vnto vs O Lord not vnto vs but vnto thy name giue the praise for thy louing mercie and for thy trueths sake Wherefore shall the heathen say where is now their God As for our God he is in heauen he hath done whatsoeuer pleased him Their idoles are siluer gold euen the worke of mens hands They haue mouthes and speake not eyes haue they and see not They haue eares and heare not noses haue they and smell not They haue handes and handle not feete haue they and walke not neither speake they through their throate They that make them are like vnto them and so are all such as put their trust in them But thou house of Israel trust thou in the Lorde hee is their succour and defence Ye house of Aaron put your trust in the Lord he is their helper and defender Ye that feare the Lorde put your trust in the Lord hee is their helper and defender The Lord hath beene mindfull of vs and hee shall blesse vs eurn he shall blesse the house of Israel he shall blesse the house of Aaron He shal blesse them that feare the Lord both small great The Lord shall increase you more and more you and your children Ye are the blessed of the Lord which made heauen earth All the whole heauens are the Lordes the earth hath hee giuen to the children of men The dead prayse not thee O Lorde neither all they that got downe into the silence But we will praise the
thy word Take from mee the way of lying and cause thon mee to make much of thy Lawe I haue chosen the way of trueth and thy iudgments haue I said befor me I haue stiken vnto thy testimontes O Lord confound me not I wil runne the way of thy commandements When thou hast set my heart at libertie Legem pone TEach me Morning Prayer O Lord the way of thy statues and I shall keepe it vnto the end Giue me vnderstanding and I shall keepe thy Law yea I shall keepe it with my whole heart Make mee to goe in the path of thy commandements for therein is my desire Incline my heart vnto thy testiinonies and not to couetousnesse O turne away mine eyes lest they behold vanitie and quicken thou me in thy way O stablish thy word in thy seruant that I may feare thee Take away the rebuke that I am afraid of for thy indgements are good Behold my delight is in thy commandements O quicken me in thy righteousnesse Et veniat super me LEt thy louing mercie come also vnto mee O Lord euen thy saluation according vnto thy word So shall I make answere vnto my blasphemers for my trust is in thy word O take not the word of thy trueth vtterly out of my mouth for my hope is in thy iudgements So shall I alway keepe thy Law yea for euer and euer And I will walke at libertie for I seeke thy commandements I will speake of thy testimonies also euen before kings and will not be ashamed And my delight shall be in thy commandements which I haue loued My hands also will I lift vp vnto thy commandements which I haue loued and my studie shal be in thy statutes Memor esto verbi tui O Thinke vpon thy seruant as concerning thy worde wherein thou hast caused me to put my trust The same is my comfort in my trouble for thy word hath quickened me The proud haue had mee exceedingly in derision yet haue I not shrinked from thy Law For I remembred thine euerlasting iudgements O Lord and receiued comfort I am horribly afraid for the vngodly that forsake thy law Thy statutes haue been my songs in the house of my pilgrimage I haue thought vpon thy Name O Lord in the night season and haue kept thy Law This I had because I kept thy commandements Portio mea Domine THou art my portion O Lord I haue promised to keepe thy Law I made my humble petitiō in thy presence with my whole heart O be mercifull vnto me according to thy word I called mine owne waies to remembrance and turned my feete vnto thy testimonies I made haste and prolonged not the time to keepe thy commandements The congregation of the vngodly haue robbed me but I haue not forgotten thy Law At midnight I will rise to giue thankes vnto thee because of thy righteous iudgements I am a companion of all them that feare thee and keepe thy commandements The earth O Lord is full of thy mercie O tearh mee thy statutes Bonitatem fecisti O Lorde thou hast dealt graciously with thy seruant according vnto thy word O learne mee true vnder standing and knowledge for I haue bleeued thy commandements Before I was troubled I went wrong but now haue I kept thy word Thou art good and gracious O teach me thy statutes The proud haue imagined a lie against mee but I will keepe thy commandements with my whole heart Their heart is as fat as brawne but my delight hath been in thy Law It is good for me that I haue been in trouble that I may learne thy statutes The law of thy month is dearer vnto me then thousands of gold and siluer Manus tuae secerunt me THy hands haue made mee Euening prayer and fashioned me O giue me vnderslanding that I may learne thy commandements They that feare thee will bee glad whan they see me because I haue put my trust in thy word I knowe O Lorde that thy iudgements are right and that thou of very faithfulnesse hast caused me to be troubled O let thy mereifull kindnesse bee my comfort according to thy word vnto thy seruant O let thy louing mercies come vnto mee that I may liue For thy Law is my delight Let the proud be confounded for they goe wickedly about to destroy me but I wil be occupied in thy commandements Let such as feare thee and haue knowen thy testimones be turned vnto me O let my heart be sound in thy statutes that I bee not ashamed Defecit anima mea MY soule hath longed for thy saluation and I haue a good hope because of thy word Mine eyes long fore for thy worde saying O when wilt thou comfort me For I am become like a bottell in the smoke yet doe I not forget thy statutes How many are the dayes of thy seruant when will thou be auenged of them that persecute me The proud haue digged pits for mee which are not after thy Law All thy commandements are true they persecute me falsly O be thou my helpe They had almost made an ende of mee vpon earth but I forsooke not thy commandements O quicken mee after thy louing kindnesse and so shall I keepe the testimonies of thy mou●h In aeternum Domine O Lord thy word endureth for euer in heauen Thy truth also remaineth from one generation to another thou hast layd the foundation of the earth and it abideth They continue this day according to thine ordinance for all things serue thee If my delight had not been in thy Lawe I should haue perished in my trouble I will neuer forget thy commandements for with them thou hast quickened me I am thine O saue me for I haue sought thy commandements The vngodly layd waite for me to destroy me but I will consider thy testimonies I see that all things come to anende but thy commandement is exceeding broad Quomodo dilexi LOrd what loue haue I vnto thy Law all the day long is my studie in it Thou through thy commandements hast made me wiser then mine enemies for they are euer with me I haue more vnderstanding then my teachers for thy testimonies are my studie I am wiser then the aged because I keepe thy commandements I haue refrained my feete from euery euill way that I may keepe thy word I haue not shrunke from thy iudgements for thou teachest me O how sweete are thy words vnto my throte yea sweeter then honie vnto my mouth Through thy commaundements I get vnderstanding therefore I hate all wicked wayes Lucerna pedibus meis THy worde is a lanterne vnto my feete Morning prayer and a light vnto my paths I haue sworne and am stedfastly purposed to keepe thy righteous iudgements I am troubled aboue measure quicken me O Lrde according to thy word Let the free wil offrings of my mouth please thee O Lorde and teach me thy iudgements My soule is alway in my hand yet do I not forget thy law The vngodly haue layde a
vuto me We will goe into the house of the Lord. Our seete shall stand in thy gates O Hierusalem Hierusalem is builded as a citie that is at vnitie in it selfe For thither the tribes goe vp euen the tribes of the Lord to testifie vnto Israel to giue thankes vnto the Name of the Lord. For there is the seate of iudgement euen the seate of the house of Dauid O pray for the peate of Ierusalem they shall prosper that loue thee Peace bee within thy walles and plentconsuesse within thy palaces For my brethren and companions sakes I will with thee prosperitie Yea because of the house of the Lord our God I wil seeke to doe thee good Ad te leuaui oculos meos Psal 123. VNto thee lift I vp mine eyes O thou that dwellest in the heauens Beholde euen as the eyes of seruants looke vnto the hand of their masters and as the eyes of a mayden vnto the hand of her mistresse euen so our eyes waite vpon the Lord our God vntill he haue mercie vpon vs. Haue mercie vpon vs O Lord haue mercie vpon vs for we are vtterly despised Our soule is filled with the scornefnll reproofe of the wealthy and with the dispitefulnesse of the proud Nisi quia Dominus Psal 124. IF the Lorde himselfe had not bene on our side now may Israel say if the Lorde himselfe had not bene on one side when men rose vp against vs. They had swallowed vs vp quicke when they were so wrathfully displeased at vs. Yea the waters had drowned vs and the streame had gone ouer our soule The deepe waters of the proude had gone euen ouer our soule But praised be the Lord which hath not giuen vs ouer for a pray vnto their teeth Our soule is escaped euen as a bird out of the snare of the fouler the snare is broken and we are deliuered Our helpe standeth in the Name of the Lord which hath made heauen and earth Qui confidunt Psal 125. They that put their trust in the Lord shall be euen as the mount Sion which may not be remooued but standeth fast for euer The his stand about Hierusalem euen so standeth the Lord round about his people from this time foorth for euermore For the rod of the vngodly commeth not into the lot of the righteous least the righteous put their hand vnto wickednesse Doe well O Lord vnto those that be good and true of heart As for such as turne backe vnto their owne wickednesse the Lord shall lead them forth with the euill doers but peace shall be vpon Israel In conuertendo Psal 126. WHen the Lord turned againe the captiuitie of Sion Euening prayer then were we like vnto them that dsreame Then was our mouth filled with laughter and our tongue with ioy Then said they among the Heathen the Lord hath done great things for them Yea the Lorde hath done great things for vs alreadie whereof we reioyce Turne our captiuity O Lord as the riuers in the South They that sowe in teares shall reape in ioy He that now goeth on his way weeping and beareth forth good seede shall doubtlesse come againe with ioy and bring his sheaues with him Nisi Dominus Psal 127. Except the Lorde build the house their labour is but lost that build it Except the Lord keepe the city the watchman waketh but in baine It is but lost labour that yee haste to rise vp earely and so late take rest and eate the bread of carefulnesse for so hee giueth his beloued sleepe Loe children and the fruite of the wombe are an heritage and gift that commeth of the Lord. Like as the arrowes in the hand of the Giant euen so are the yong children Happie is the man that hath his quiuer full of them they shal not be ashamed when they speake with their enemies in the gate Beati omnes Psal 128. BLessed are all they that feare the Lord and walke in his wayes For thou shalt eate the labours of thine hands O well is thee and happie shalt thou be Thy wife shall be as the fruitfull vine vpon the walles of thine house Thy children like the Oliue branches round about thy table Loe thus shall the man be blessed that feareth the Lord. The Lord from out of Sion shall so blesse thee that thou shalt see Hierusalem in prosperitie all thy life long Yea that thou shalt see thy childrens children and peace vpon Israel Saepe expugnauerunt psal 129. MAny a time haue they fought against mee from my youth vp may Israel now say Yea many a time haue they vexed mee from my youth vp but they haue not preuailed against me The plowers plowed vpon my backe and made long furrowes But the righteous Lord hath hewen the snares of the vngodly in pieces Let them be confounded and turned backward as many as haue euill will at Sion Let them bee euen as the grasse growing vpon the house tops Which Withereth afore it be plucked vp Where of the mower filleth not his hand neither hee that bindeth vp the sheaues his bosome So that they Which goe by say not so much as the Lord prosper you We Wish you good lucke in the name of the Lord. De profundis Psal 130. OUt of the deep haue I called vnto thee O Lord Lord heare my voice Oh let thine eyes consider well the voice of my complaint If thou Lord wilt beeextreme to marke what is done amisse O Lord Who may abide it For there is mercie With thee theefore shalt thou be feared I looke for the Lord my soule doth waite for him in his word is my trust My soule fleeth vnto the Lord before the morning watch I say before the morning watch O Israel trust in the Lord for with the Lord there is mercie and with him is plenteous redemption And he shall redeeme Israel from all his sinnes Domine non est psal 131 LOrd I am not high minded I haue no proud lookes I doe note exercise my selfe in great matters which are too high for me But I refraine my soule and keepe it low like as a childe that is weaned from his mother yea my soule is euen as a weaned childe O Israel trust in the Lord from this time forth for euermore Memento Domine Psal 132. LOrde remember Dauid Morning prayer and all his trouble How he sware vnto the Lord and bowed a bowe vnto the Almightie God of Iacob I will not come within the tabernacle of mine house nor clime vp into my bed I will not suffer mine eyes to sleepe nor mine eye liddes to slumber neither the temples of my head to take any rest Untill I finde out a place for the temple of the Lord an habitation for the mightie God of Iacob Loe we heard of the same at Ephrata and found it in the wood We will goe into his tabenacle and follow on our knees before his foote stoole Arise O Lord into thy resting place thou and the arke of thy strength Let thy
deligently and warily eschew and auoid all things that should displease thee set thee alwayes before our eyes liue in thy feare working that which may be found accepteble before thy diuine Maie stie through Christ our Lord Amen A prayer for the Euening O Most mighty Lord our father and God e uerlasting full of pitie and compassion we acknowledge and confesse that we be not worthy to lift by our eies to heauen much lesse to present our selues before thy Maiesty with confidence that thou wilt heare our prayers grant our requests if we consider our owne deseruing For our conseiences doe accuse vs and our sinnes witnesse against vs and wee know that thou art an vpright iudge which doest not iustifie the sinners and wicked men but punishest the faults of such as transgresse thy commaunde ments Yet most mercifull Father sith it hath pleased thee to command vs to call on thee in all our troubles aduersities promising euen then to helpe vs When wee feele our selues as it were swallowed vp of death and desperation wee vttterly renounce all worthy confidence and flee to thy soue-raigne bounty as our onely stay and refuge besceehinng thee not to call to remembrance our manisold sinnes and wicked-nesse where by wee continually prouoke thy wrath and in dignation against vs neither our negligence and vnkindnesse which haue neither worthily csreemed nor in our liues sufficiently expressed the sweete comfort of thy Gospell reuealed vnto vs but rather to accept the obedience and death of thy Sonne Iesus Christ who by offering vp his body in Sacrifice once for all hath made sufficient recompense for all our sinnes Haue mercie therefore vpon vs O Lorde and forgiue vs our offences Teach vs by thy holy Spirit that wee may rightly weigh them and earnestly repent for the same and so much the rather O Lorde because that the reprobate and such as thou hast forsaken cannot praise thee nor call vpon thy Name but the repenting heart the sorowfull minde the conscience oppressed hungering and thirsting for thy grace shall euer set foorth thy praise and glory And albeit wee bee but wormes and dust yet thou art our Creator and we be the worke of thy hands yea thou art our Father and wee thy childreen thou art our sheepheard and wee thy flokec thou art our redeemer and we thy people whom thou hast bought thou art our God and wee thine inheritance Correct vs not there fore in thine anger O Lord neither according to our deserts punnish vs but mercifully thastise vs with a fatherly affection that all the world may knowe that at what time soeuera sinner doeth repent him of his sinne from the bottome of his heart thou wilt put away his wickednesse out of thy remembrance as thou hast promised by thine holy prophet Finally forasmuch as it hath pleased thee to make the night for man to rest in as thou hast ordained him the day to trauell Grant O deare Father that we may so take out vodily rest that our soules may continuaily watch for the time that our Lord Iesus Christ shall appeare for our deliuerance out of this mortall life and in the meane season that wee not ouercome by any fantasies dreames or other temptations may fully set our mindes vpon thee loue thee feare thee and rest in thee Furthermore that our sleepe be note excessiue or ouer much after the insatiable desires of our flesh but onely sufficient to content our weake nature that wee may bee the better disposed to liue in all godly conuersatiou to the glory of shine holy Name and profite of our brethren Amen A most necessary prayer O Lord Iesus Christ which art true Sunne of the worlde euermore arising and neuer going downe which by thy most wholesome appearing and sight doest bring foorth preserue nourish and refresh all things aswell that are in heauen as also that are on earth we beseech thee mercifully and fauourably to shine into our hearts that the night and darkenesse of sinnes and the mists of errours on cuery side driuen away thou brightly shining within out hearts we may all out life space go with out any stumbling or offence and may decently and seemely walke as in the day time being pure and cleane from the workes of darkenesse abounding in all good workes which God hath prepared for vs to walke in which with the Father and with the holy Ghost liuest and reignest for euer and euer Amen ❧ The prayer of Manasseh King of the Iewes O Lord Almighty God of our fathers Abra ham Isar●nd Iacob and of their righte ouseed 〈◊〉 made heauen and earth with all 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which hast bound the sea by the word of thy commandement which ha●● 〈◊〉 vp the deepe and sealed it by thy terribl● glorious name whome all doe feare tremble before thy power for the Maiesty of thy glory cannot bee borne thine angry threatning toward sinners is importable but thy mercifull promise is vnmeasurable and bnscatcable For thou art the most high Lord of great com passion long suffering and most mercifull and repentest for mans miscrics Thou O Lord according to thy great good nesse hast promised repentance and forgiuenesse to them that sinne against thee and for thine infinite m●rcies hast appointed repentance vnto sinners that they may bee saued Thou therefore O Lord that art the God of the iust hast not appointed repentance to the iust as to Abraham and Isaac and Iacob which haue not sinned against thee but thou hast appointed repcntance vnto nice that am a sinner for I haue sinned aboue the number of the sand of the sea By transgressions O Lorde are multiplied my transgressions are exceeding many and I am not worthy to behold and see the height of the heauens for the multitude of mine vnrighte ousnes I am bowed downe with many yron bands that I cannot lift vp mine head neither haue I any telese For I haue prouoked thy wrath and done euill before thee I did not thy will neither kept I thy commandements I haue set vp abominations and haue multiplied offences Now therefore I bow the knee of mine heart beseeching thee of grace I haue sinned O Lord I haue sinned and I acknowledge my transgressions but I humbly beseech thee forgiue mee O Lord forgiue mee and destroy mee not with my transgressions Be not angry with me for euer by reseruing euill for mee neither condemne mee into the lower partes of the earth For thou art the God euen the God of them that repent and in me thou wilt shewe all thy goodnesse for thou wilt saue me that am vnworthy according to thy great mercie theresre I will prayse thee for euer all they dayes of my life For all the power of the heauens prayse thee and thine is the glory for euer and euer Amen ❧ A prayer conteining the duetie of euery true Christian O Most mighty God merciful and louing Father I wretched sinner come vnto thee in the name of
sayd vnto them How hapned it that yee sought me wist ye not that I must go about my fathers businesse And they vnder stood not that saying which hee spake vnto them And he went downe with them came to Nazareth and was obedient vnto them But his mother kept all these sayings together in her heart And Iesus prospred in wisedome and age and in fauour with God and men The second Sunday after the Epiphanie The Collect. Almightie and euerlasting God which doest gouerne all things in heauen and earth mercifully heare the supplications of thy people and grant vs thy grace all the dayes of our life The Epistle SEeing that we haue diuers giftes according to the grace that is giuen vnto vs Rom. 12.6 if a man haue the gift of prophesie let him haue it that it bee agreeing to the faith Let him that hath an office waite on his office Let him that teacheth take heed to his doctrine Let him that exhorteth giue attendance to his exhortation If any man giue let him doe it with singlenesse Let him that ruleth doe it with diligence If any man shewe mercie let him doe it with cheerefulnesse Let loue be without dissimulation Hate that which is euill and cleaue vnto which is good Be kind one to another with brotherly loue In giuing honour goe one before another Be not slothfull in the businesse which ye haue in hand Be feruent in spirit Apply your selues to the time Reioice in hope Be patient in tribulation Continue in prayer Distribute vnto the necessitie of the Saints Be ready to harbour Blesse them which persente you Blesse I say and curse not Be mery with them that are mery weepe with them that weepe Bee of like affection one towards another Bee not high minded but make your selues equall to them of the lower sort The Gospel ANd the third day was there amariage in Cana a city of Galilee Iohn 2.1 and the mother of Iesus was there And Iesus was called and his disciples vnto the mariage And when the wine failed the mother of Iesus said vnto him They haue no wine Iesus said vnto her woman what haue I to doe with thee mine houre is not yet come His mother sayde vnto the ministers whatsoeuer he saieth vnto you do it And there were standing there fixe water pots of stone after the maner of purifying of the Iewes containing two or three firkins apiece Iesus said vnto them Fill the water pots with water And they filled them to the brim And he said vnto them Draw out now and beare vnto the gouernor of the feast And they bare it When the ruler of the feast had tasted the water turned into wine knew not whence it was but the ministers which drew the water knew he called the bridegrome and said vnto him Euery man at the beginning doeth fet foorth good wine and when men be drunk thē that which is worse but thou hast kept the good wine now This beginning of miracles did Iesus in Cana of Galilee and shewed his glorie and his disciples beleeued on him The third Sunday after the Epiphanie The Collect. Almighty and euerlasting God mercifully looke vpō our infirmities in al our dangers and uecessties stretch forth thy right hand to helpe and defend vs through Christ our Lord. The Epistle BE not wise in your owne opinions Rom. 12.16 Recompense to no man euil for euil Prouide aforehād things honest not onely before God but also in the sight of all men If it be possible as much as in you is liue peaceably with all men Dearely beloued auenge not your selues but rather give place vnto wrath for it is written Vengeance is mine I will reward sayeth the Lord. Therefore if thine enemie hunger feed him is he thirst giue him drink For inso doing thou shalt heape coales of fire on his head Be not ouercome of euil but ouercome euil with goodnesse The Gospel WHen hee was come downe from the mountaine Matt. 8.1 much people followed him And beholde there came a leper and worshipped him saying Master if thou wilt thou canst make me cleane And Iesus put foorth his hand and touched him saying I will bee thou cleane And immediatly his leprosie was cleansed And Iesus sayd vnto him Tell no man but goe and shewe thy selfe to the Priest and offer the gift that Moses commanded to bee offered for a witnesie vnto them And when Iesus was entred into Capernaum there came vnto him a Centuriō and besought him saying Master my seruant lyeth at home sicke of the palsie and is grieuoussly pained And Iesus sayd when I come vnto him I will heale him The Centuriom answered and sayd Sir I am not woorthy that thou shouldest come vnder my roofe but speake the word onely and my seruant shal be healed For I also my self am a man subiect to the auyhority of another and haue souldiers vnder me I say to this man Go he goeth to another man Come he commeth to my seruant Do this he doth it When Iesus heard these words he maruciled said to them that followed him Verily I say vnto you I haue not foūd so great faith in Israel I say vnto you that many shal come from the East West shal rest with Abraham Isahar Iacob in the kingdome of heauen But the children of the kingdome shal be cast out into vtter darkenes there shal be weeping and gnashing of teeth And Iesus said vnto the Centurion Go thy way and as thou beleeuest so be it vnto thee And his seruant was healed the selfe same hour The fourth Sunday after the Epiphanie The Collect. GOd which knowest vs to be set in the mids of so many and great dangers that for mans frailnesse we cannot alwayes stand vprightly grant to vs the health of body and soule that all those things which we suffer for sinne by thy helpe we may wel passe and ouercome through Christ our Lord. The Epistle LEt euery soule submit himself e vnto the authority of the higher power for there is nopower but of God Rom. 13.1 The powers that be are ordeined of god Whoesoeuer therefore resisteth power resisteth the ordinance of God but they that resist shall receiue to themselves damnation For rulers are not fearefull to them that doe good but to them that doe euil Wilt thou be without feare of the power do well then and so shalt thou be praised of the same for he is the minister of God for thy wealth But if thou doe that which is euill then feare for hee beareth not the sword of nought for hee is the minister of God to take vengeance on them that doe euill Wherefore yee must needes obey not onely for feare of vengeance but also because of conscience and euen for this cause pay yee tribute For they are Gods ministers seruing for the same purpose Giue to euery man therefore his dutie tribute to whom tribute belongeth longeth custome
am the way and the Trueth and the Life No man commeth to the father but by me If yee had knowen me ye had knowen my father also And now ye know him and haue seene him Philip sith vnto him Lord shew vs the Father and it susficeth vs. Iesus saith vnto him Haue I beene so long time with you and yet hast thou not knowen me Philip he that hath seene me hath seene my Father and how sayest thou then Shew vs the Father Beleeuest not thou that I am in the Father the Father in me The words that I speake vnto you I speake not of my selfe but the Father that dwelleth in me is he that doeth the works Beleeue me that I am in the Father and the Father in me or els beleeue me for the workes sake Verely verely I say vnto you He that beleeueth on me the workes that I doe the same shall he doe also and greater workes then these shall hee doe because I got vnto my Father And whatsoever yee aske in my name that will I doe that the Father may bee glorified by the Sonne If ye shall aske any thing in my Name I will doe it S. Barnabe Apostle The Collect. LOrde almightie which hast endued thy holy Apostle Barnabas with singular gistes of the holy Ghost let vs not bee destitute of thy manifolde giftes nor yet of grace to vse them alway to thy honour and glorie through Iesus Christ our Lord. The Epistle TIdings of these things came vnto the eares of the congregation which was in Hirusalem And they sent forth Barnabas Act. 11.22 that hee should goe vnto Antioch Which when hee came and had seene the grace of God was glad exhorted them all that with purpose of heart they would contiunally cleaue vnto the Lord. For he was a good man and ful of the holy Ghost and of faith much people was added vnto the Lord. Then departed Barnabas to seeke Saul and when he had found him he brought him vnto Antioch And it chaunced that a whole yeere they had their conuersation with the congregation there and they taught much people insomuch that the disciples of Antioch were the first that were called Christen In those dayes came Prophets from the cities of Hierusalcm vnto Antioch And there stood vp one of them named Agabus and signified by the spirit that thre should bee great dearth throughout all the world which came to passe in the Emperour Claudius dayes Then the disciples euery man according to his ability purposed to send succour vnto the brethren which dwelt in Iurie which thing they also did and sent it to the Elders by the hands of Barnabas and Saul The Gospel THis is my commandement Ioh. 15.12 that ye loue together as I haue loucd you Greater loue hath no man then this that a man bestow his life for his friendes Yee are my friends if yee doe whatsoeuer I commaund you Henceforth call I not you seruants for the seruant knoweth not what his lorde doeth but you haue I called friends for al things that I haue heard of my Father I haue opened vnto you yee haue not chosen me But I haue chosen you and ordeined you to goe and bring forth fruite and that your fruite should remaine that whatsoeuer ye aske of the father in my Name he may giue it you Saint Iohn Baptist The Collect. ALmightie God by whose prouidenee thy seruant Iohn Baptist was wonderfully borne and sent to prepare the way of thy sonne our Sauiour by Preaching of penance make vs so to follow his doctrine and holy life that wee may truly repent according to his preaching and after his example constantly speake the trueth boldely rebuke vice and pattently suffer for the trueths sake through Iesus Christ our Lord. The Epistle BE of good cheare Esai 40.1 my people Dye prophets comfort my people faith your God comfort Hierusalem at the heart tell her that her trauaile is at an end that her offence is pardoned that she hath receiued of the Lordes hand sufficient corxectrion for all her sins A voice cried in the wildernes Prepare the way of the Lord in the wildernes make straight the path for our God in the desext Let all valleys be exalted and euery mountaine and hill be laid low What so is crooked let it be made straight and let the rough be made plaine fields For the glorie of the Lord shall appeare all flesh shal at once see it For why the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it The same voyce spake Now cry And the Prophet answered what shall I cry That all flesh is grasse and that all the goodlines thereof is as the floure of the field The grasse is withered t● floure falleth away Even so is the people as grasse when the breath of the Lord bloweth vpon them Neuertheles whether the gtrasse wither or that the floure fade away yet the worde of our God endureth for euer Go vp vnto the hie hill O Sion thou that bringest good tidings lift vp thy voice with power O thou preacher Hierusalem lift it vp without feare and say vnto the cities of Iuda Beholde your God behold the Lord God shall come with power and beare rule with his arme Behold hee bringeth his treasure with him and his workes goe before him He shal feede his flocke like an heardman hee shall gather the Lambes together with his arme and carie them in his bosome and shall kindly entreate those that beare yong The Gospel ELizabeths time came that shee should be deliuered Luk. 1.57 and shee brought forth a sonne And her neighbours and her cousins heard say howe the Lord had shewed great mercie vpon her and reioyced with her And it fortuned that in the eight day they came to circumcise the childe and called his name Zacharie after the name of his father And his mother answered and said Not to but his name shall be called Iohn And they said vnto her There is none of thy kinred that is named with this name And they made signes to his father how he would haue him called And he asked for writing tables and wrote fying His name is Iohn And they marueiled all And his mouth was opened immediatly and his tongue also and he spake and praised God And feare came on all them that dwelt nigh vnto him And all these sayings were noysed abroad throughout all the hie countrey of Iurie and they that heard them laide them vp in their hearts saying what maner of childe shall this bee And the hand of the Lord was with him And his father Zacharias was filled with the holy Ghost and prophesied saying Praysed be the Lord God of Israel for hee hath visited and redeemed his people and hath raysed vp a horne of saluation vnto vs in the house of his seruant Dauid euen as he promised by the mouth of his holy Prophets which were since the world began That weshould be saued from our enemies and from the
beloued forasmuch as all men bee conceiued borne in sinne and that our Sauiour Christ faith None can enter into the kingdome of God except hee bee regenerate and borne anew of water and of thr holy Ghost I beseech you to call vpon God the Father through our Lord Iesus Christ that of his vounteous mercie hee will graunt to these children that thing which by nature they cannot haue that they may bee baptized with water and the holy Ghost and reciued into Christes holy Church and be made liuely members of the same Then shall the Priest say Let vs pray ALmightie and euerlasting God which of thy great mercy diddest faue Noe and his family in the Arke from perishing by water and also diddest safly leade the children of Israel thy people through the red sea figuring thereby thy holy baptisme by the baptisme of thy welbeloued sonne Iesus Crist diddest sanctifie the flood Iordan all other waters to the mysticall washing away of fsainne we beseech thee for thine infinite mercies that thou wilt mercifully looke vpon these children sanctifie them and wash them with the holy Ghost that they being deliuered from thy wrath may be receiued into the Arke of Christs Church and being stedfast in faith ioyfull through hope and rooted in charitie may so passe the waues of this troublesome world that finally they may come to the land of eueriasting life there to raigne with thee world without ende through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ALmightie and immortall God the aid of all that need the helper of all that slee to thee for succour the life of them that beleeue and the resurrectiō of the dead we call Vpon thee for these insants that thay comming to thy holy Baptisme may receiue remission of their sinnes by spirituall regeneration Receiue them O Lord as thou hast promised by thy melbeloued sonne saying Aske and you shall haue seeke and you shall finde knocke and it shall be opened vnto you So giue now vnto vs that aske let vs that seeke finde open the gate vnto vs that knocke that these infantes may enioy the euerlasting benediction of thy heauenly washing and may come to the eternall kingdome which thou hast promised by Christ our Lord. Amen Then shall the Priest say Heare the words of the Gospel written by S. Marke in the tenth Chapter AT a certaine time they brought children to Christ that he should touch them and his disciples rebuked those that bought them But when Iesus saw it hee was displeased and said vnto them Suffer little children to come vnto mee and forbid them not for to such belongeth the kingdome of God Verely I say vnto you whosoeuer doth not receiue the kingdome of God as a little childe hee shall not enter therein And when hee had taken them vp in his armes hee put his hands vpon them and blessed them After the Gospel is read the Minister shall make this briefe exhortation vpon the words of the Gospel FRiends you heare in this Gospel the words of our Sauiour Christ that hee commanded the children to be brought vnto him how hee blamed those that woulde haue kept them from him how he exhorteth all men to follow their innocencie You perceiue howe by his outward gestuce and deede he declare his good will toward them for he imbraced them in his armes he laid his handes vpon them and blessed them Doubt ye not therefore but earnestly beleeue that he will like wise fauourably receiue these Present infants that he will imbrace them with the armes of his mercy that he will giue vnto them the blessing of eternall life and make them partakers of his euerlasting kingdome Wherefore we being thus perswaded of the good will of our heauenly Father toward these infants declared by his sonne Iesus Christ and nothing doubting but that he fauourably alloweth this charitable worke of ours in bringing the children to his holy baptisme let vs faithfully and deuoutly giue thankes vnto him and say ALmightie and euerlasting God heauenly Father wee giue thee humble thankes that thou hast vouchsafed to call vs to the knowledge of thy grace and faith in thee Encrease this knowledge and confirme this faith in vs euermore Giue thy holy spirit to these infants that they may bee borne againe and be made heires of euerlasting saluation through our Lord Iesus Christ who liueth and reigneth with thee and the holy spirit now and for euer Amen Then the Priest shall speake vnto the Godfathers and Godmothers on this wise WElbeloued friends ye haue brought these children here to be baptized ye haue prayed that our Lord Iesus Christ would vouchsafe to receiue them to lay his handes vpon them to blesse them to release them of their sinnes to giue them the kingdome of heauen and euerlasting life Ye haue hear also that our Lord Iesus Christ hath promised in his Gospel to grant all these things that ye haue prayed for which promise he for his part will most sarely keepe and performe Wherefore after this promise made by Christ these infants must also faithfully for their part promise by you that be their sureties that they will forsake the deuill and all his workes and constantly be leeue Gods holy word and obediently keepe his commandements Then shall the Priest demaund of the Godfathers and Godmothers these questions following Doest thou forsake the deuill and all his works the vaine pompe and glory of the world with al eouetous desires of the same the carnall desires of the flesh so that thou wilt not folow nor be led by them Answere I forsake them all Minister Doest thou beleeue in God the Father almightie maker of heauen and earth And in Iesus Christ his onely begotten Sonne our Lord And that hee was conceiued by the holy Ghost borne of the virgin Mary that he susstreb vnder Pontius Pilate was crucified dead buried that he went downe into hell and also did rise againe the third day that he afrended into heauen and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father almightie and from thence shall come againe at the end of the world to iudge the quicke and the dead And doest thou beleeue in the holy Ghost the holy Catholique Church the communion of Saintes the remission of sinnes the resurrection of the flesh and euerlasting life after death Answere All this I stedfastly beleeue Minister wilt thou be baptized in this faith Answere That is my desire Then shall the Priest say O Mercifull God graunt that the old Adam in these children may be so buried that the new man may be raised vp in them Amen Graunt that all carnall affections may dye in them and that all things belonging to the spirit may liue and grow in them Amen Grant that they may haue power and strength to haue victorie and to triumph against the deuil the world and the flesh Amen Grant that whosoeuer is here dedicated to thee by our office and ministerie may also bee indued with heauenly vertues
that thou hast done O consider this yee that forget God lest I plucke you away and there be none to deliuer you Who so offereth me thankes and prayse honoureth me and to him that ordereth his conuersation right will I shew the saluation of God Miserere mei Deus Psal 51 HAue mercie vpon mee O God after thy great goodnesse according to the multitude of the mercies doe away mine offences Wash me thoughly from my wickednesse and clense mee from my sinne For I knowledge my faultes my sin is euer before me Aganst thee onely haue I sinned and done this euil in thy sight that thou mightest be iustified in thy saying and cleare when thou art iudged Behdold I mas shapen in wickednesse in sinne hath my mother couceiued me But loc thou requirest trueth in the inward partes and shall make me to vndestand wisedome secretly Thou shalt purge me with Hysope and I shall be cleane thou shall wash me and I shal be whiter then snowe Thou shalt make me heare of ioy and gladnesse that the bones which thou hast broken may reioyce Turne thy face from my sinnes and put out all my misdeedes Make mee a cleane heart O God and renew a rght spirit within me Cast me not away from thy presence and take not thy holy spirit from me O giue me the comfort of the helpe againe and stablish me with thy free spirit Then shall I teach thy wayes vnto the wicked and sinners shal be conuerted vnto thee Deliuer me from bloodgiltinesse O God thou that art the God of my health my tongue shal sing of thy righteousnes Thou shall open my lips O Lord and my month shall shew thy prayse For thou desirest no sacrifice els would I giue it thee but thou delightest not in burnt offerings The sacrfice of God is a troubled spirit a broken and contrite heart O God shall thou not despise O be fauourable and gracious vnto Sion build thou the Walles of Hierusalem Then shall thou be pleased with the sacrifice of righteousnesse with the burnt offerings and oblations then shall they offer yong bullocks vpon thine altar Quid gloriaris Plal. 52. WHy boastest thou thy selfe thou tyrant that thou canst doe mischiefe Whereas the goodnesse of God endureth yet dayly Thy tongue imagineth wickednesse and with lies thou cuttest like a sharpe rasor Thou hast loued vnrighteousnesse more then goodnesse and to talke of lies more then righteousnesse Thou hast loued to speake all wordes that may doe hurt O thou false tongue Therefore shall God destroy thee for euer hee shall take thee and plucke thee out of thy dwlling and roote thee out of the land of the liuing The roghteous also shall see this and feare and sal laugh him to scorne Loe this is the man that tooke not Goo for his strength but trusted vnto the multitude of his riches and strengthened himselfe in his wickednesse As for me I am like a greene Oliue tree in the house of God my trust is in the tender mercie of God for euer euer I will alwayes giue thankes vnto thee for that thou halst done and I will hope in thy name for thy saints like it well Dixit insipiens psal 53. THe foolish bodie hath sayd in his heart there is no God Euening prayer Corrupt are they and become abominable in their wickednsse there is none that doeth good God looked down from heauen vpon the children of men to see if there were any that would vnderstand and seeke after God But they are all gone out of the way they are altogethee become abominable there is also none that doeth good no not one Are not they without vnderstanding that worke wickednesse eating vp my people as if they would eate bread they haue not called vpon God They were aftaide where no feare was for God hath broken the bones of him that besieged thee thou hast pnt them to confision because God hath despised them Oh that the Saluation were giuen vnto Israel out of Sion Oh that the Lord would deliuer his people out of captiuitie Then should Iacob reioyce and Israel should bee right glad Deus in nomine Psal 54 SAue me O God for thy names sake and auenge mee in thy strength Heare my prayer O God hearken vnto the words of my mouth For strangers are risen vp against me and tyrants which haue not God before their eyes seeke after my soule Beholde God is my helper the Lorde is with them that vphold my soule Hee shall rewarde euill vnto mine enemies destroy thou them in thy trueth An offering of a free heart will I giue thee and prayse thy name O Lord because it is so comfortable For hee hath deliuered me out of all my trouble and mine eye hath seene his desire vpon mine enemies Exaudi Deus Psal 55 HEare my prayer O God and hide not thy selfe from my petition Take heede vnto me and heare me howe I mourne in my prayer and am vexed The enemine crieth so and the vngodly commeth on so fast for they are minded to doe me some mischiefe so maliciously are they set against me My heart is disquieted within me and the feare of death is fallen vpon me Fearefulnesse and trembling are come vpon mee and an horrible dread hath ouerwhelmed me And I sayde Oh that I had wings like a Doue for then would I slee away and be at rest Loe then would I get me away farre off and remaine in the wildernesse I would make haste to escape because of the stormie wind and tempest Destroy their tongues O Lord and diuide them for I haue spied vnrighteousnesse and strife in the citie Day and night they goe about within the walles threof misehiefe also and sorow are in the middes of it Wickednesse is therein deceite and gutle go not out of their streetes For it is not an open enemie that hath done me this dishonour for then I could haue borne it Neither was it mine aduersarie that did magnifie himselfe against me for then peraduenture I would haue hid my selfe from him But it was euen thou my companion my guide and mine owne famihar friend Wee tooke sweete counsell together walked in the house of God as friends Let death come hastily vpon them let them goe downe quicke into hell for wickednesse is in their dwellings and among them As for mee I will call vpon God and the Lord shall saue me In the euening morning and at noone day will I pray and that instantly and he shall heare my voyce It is hee that hath deliuered my soule in peace from the battaile that was against me for thre were many with me Yea euen God that endureth for euer shall shall heare me and bring them downn for they will not turne nor feare God Hee laid his hands vpon such as be at peace with him and he brake his couenant The wordes of his mouth were softer then butter hauing warre in his heart his words were smoother then oyle
Moab is my washpot ouer Edom wil I cast out my shoe Philistia be thou glad of me Who will leade me into the strong citie who will bring me into Edom Hast thou not cast vs out O God will not thou O God go out with our hostes O be thou out help in trouble for baine is the help of man Through God wil we doe great actes for it is he that shal tread downe our enemies Exaudi Deus Psal 61 HEare my crying O God giue eare vnto my prayer From the ends of the earth wil I call vnto thee when my heart is in heauinesse O set me vp vpon the rocke that is higher then I for thou hast been my hope and a strong tower for mee against the enemie I will dwell in thy Taberanacle for euer and my trust shal be vnder the couering of thy wings For thou O Lord hast heard my desires and hast giuen an heritage vnto those that feare thy Name Thou shall graunt the king a long life that his yeeres may endure throughout all generations He shall dwell before God for euer O prepare thy louing mercie and faithfulnesse that they may preserue him So will I alwalyes sing prayse bnto thy Name that I may dayly performe my vowes Nonne Deo Psal 62 MY soule truely waiteth still vpon God for of him commeth my saluation Morning prayer He berely is my strength and my saluation he is my defence so that I shall not greatly fall How long will ye imagine mischiefe against euery man ye shall be slaline all the sort of you yea as a tottering wall shall ye be and like a broken hedge Their deuice is onely how to put him out whom God will exalt their delight is in lies they giue good words with their mouth but curse with their herat Neuerthelesse my soule waite thou still vpon God for my hope is in him Hee truely is my strength and my saluation hee is my defencc so that I shall not fall In GOD is my health and my glorie the rocke of my might and in God is my trust O put your trust in him alway ye people powre out your hearts before him for God is our hope As for the children of men they are but baine the children of men are deceitfull vpon the weights they are altogether lighter then vanitie it selfe O trust not in wrong and robberie giue not your felues vnto vanitie if riches increase set not your heart vpon them God spake once and wife I haue also heard the same that power belongeth vnto God And that thou Lord art mereifull for thou rewardest euery man according to his worke Deus Deus meus Psal 63 O God thou art my God earely wil I seeke thee My soule thirsteth for thee my flesh also longeth after thee in a barren and dry land where no matter is Thus haue I looked for thee in holinesse that I might behold thy power and glory For thy loutng kindenesse is better then the life it selfe my lips shall prayse thee As long as I liue wil I magnifie thee on this maner and lift vp my hands in thy name My soule shall bee satisfied euen as it were with marowe and fatnesse when my mouth prayseth thee with ioyfull lips Haue I not remembred thee in my bed and thought bpon thee when I was waking Beacause thou hast beene my helper therefore vnder the shadow of my wings will I reioyce My soule hangeth vpon thee thy right hand hath vpholdeli me These also that seeke the hurt of my soule they shall go vnder the earth Lat them fal vpon the edge of the sword that they may be aportion for forces But the King shal reioyce in God all they also that sweare by him shal be commended for the mouth of them that speak lies shal be stopped Exaudi Deus psal 64. Heare my boyee O God in my prayer preserue my life from feare of the enemie Hide me from the gathering together of the froward and from the insurrection of the wicked doers Which haue whet their tongue like a sword and shot out there arrowes euen bitter words That they may priuily shoote at him that is perfect suddenly doe they hit him and feare not They courage themselues in mischiefe and commune among themselues hom they may lay snares and fay that no man shall see them They imagine wickednesse and practise it that they keepe secret among themselues euery man in the deep of his heart But god shal snddenly shoot at them with a swift arrow that they shall be wounded Yea their owne tongues shall make them fall in so much that who so feeth them shal laugh them to srone And all men that see it shall say This hath God done for they shall perceiue that it is his worke The rightcous shall reioyce in the Lord and put hist trust in him and all they that are true of heart shal be glad Te decet hymnus Psal 65. THou Euening prayer O God art praised in Sion and vnto thee shall the vow bee performed in Hierusalem Thou that hearest the prayer vnto thee shall all flesh come My misdeeds preuaile against me oh be thou merciful vnto our sinnes Blessed is the man whom thou choosest receiued vnto thee he shal dwel in thy court shal be satisfid with the pleasures of thy house euen of thy holy temple Thou shall shewe vs wonderfull things in thy righteousnes O God of our saluation thou that art the hope of all the endes of the earth and of them that remaine in the broad sea Which in his streangth setteth fast the mountaines and is 〈◊〉 about with power Which stilleth the raging of the Sea and the noise of his waues and the madnesse of his people They also that dwell in the vettermost parts of the earth shall be afraid at thy tokens thou that makest the outgoings of the morning and euning to praise thee Thou bistest the earth and blessest it thou makest it very plenteous The riuer of God is full of water thou preparest their corne for so thou prouidest for the earth Thou waterest her furrowes thou sendest raine into the little valleyes thereof thou makest it soft with the drops of raine and blessest the increase of it Thou crownest the yeere with thy goodnesse and thy clouds drop fatnesse They shall drop vpon the dwellings of the wildernesse and the lilttle hilles shall reioice on euery side The folds shal be ful of sheepe the ballelyes also shal stand so thicke with corne that they shall laugh and sing Iubilate Deo Psal 66. O Be ioyfull in God all ye lands sing praises vnto the honour of his Name make his praise to be glorious Say vnto God O howe wonderfull art thou in thy workes through the greatnesse of thy power shal thine enemies be found liars bnto thee For all the word shal worship thee sing of thee and praise thy Name O come hither and behold the morks of God how wonderfull he is in his
let it fall among their tents euen round about their habitation So they did eate and were well filled for hee gaue them their owne desire they were not disappointed of their lust But while the meat was yet in their mouthes the heauie wrath of God came vpon them flue the wealthiest of them yea and smote downe the chosen men that were in Israel But for all this they sinned yet more and beleeued not his wonderous workes Therefore their dayes did he consume in vanitie and their yeeres in trouble When hee flewe them they sought him and turned them earely and enquired after God And they remembred that God was their strength and that the high God was their redeemer Neuerthelesse they did but flatter him with their mouth and dissembled with him in their tongue For their heart was not whole with him neither continued they stedfast in his couenant But he was so mercifull that forgaue their misdeedes and destroyed them not Yea many a time turned hee his wrath away and would not suffer his whole displeasure to arise For hee considered that they were but flesh and that they were euen a winde that passeth away and commeth not againe Many a time did they prouoke him in the wildernesse and grieued him in the desert They turned backed and tempted God and mooued the holy one in Israel They thought not of his hande and of the day when hee deliuered them from the hand of the enemie How he had wrought his miracles in Egypt and his wonders in the field of Zoan He turned their waters into blood so that they might not drinke of the riuers He sent lice among them and deuoured them vp frogs to destroy them He gaue their fruite vnto the Caterpiller and their labour vnto the Grashopper He destroyed their Vines with hailestones and their Mulberie trees with the frost He smote their cattel also with hailestones and their flocks with hot thunderbolts He cast vpon them the furiousnesse of his wrath anger displeasure and trouble and sent euill angels among them Hee made a way to his indignation and spared not their soule from dearth but gaue their life ouer to the pestilence And smote all the first borne in Egypt the most principall and mightiest in the dwellings of Ham. But as for his owne people he led them foorth like sheepe and caried them in the wildernesse like a slocke He brought them out safely that they should not feare and ouerwhelmed their enemies with the sea And brought them within the borders of his Sanctuarie euen to his mountaine which hee purchased with his right hand He cast out the heathen also before them caused their land to be diuided among them for an heritage and made the tribes of Isael to dwell in their tents So they tempted and displeased the most high God and kept not his testimonies But turned their backes and fell away like their forefathers starting aside like a broken bow For they grieued him with their hill altars and prouoked him to displeasure with their images When God heard this he was wroth and tooke fore displeasure at Israel So that he forsooke the Tabernacle in Slid euen the rent that he had pitched among them He deliuered their power into captiuitie and their beautie into the enemies hand Hee gaue his people ouer also vnto the sworde and was wroth with his inheritance The fire consumed their young men and their maydens were not giuen to mariage Their Priests were slaine with the sword and three were no widowes to make lamentation So the Lord awaked as one out of sleepe and like a Giant refreshed with wine Hee smote his enemies in the hinder parts and put them to a perpetuall shame He refused the Tabernacle of Ioseph and chose not the tribe of Ephraim But chose the tribe of Iuda euen the hill of Sion which he loued And there he builded his temple on high and laid the foundation of it like the ground which he hath made continually He chose Dauid also his seruant and tooke him away from the sheepe foldes As he was following the Ewes great with yong ones he tooke him that he might feede Iacob his people and Israel his inheritance So he fed them with a faithfull and true heart and ruled them prudently with all his power Deus venerunt Psal 79. O God Morning prayer the heathen are come into thine inheritance thy holy temple haue they defiled and made Hierusalem an heape of stones The dead bodies of thy feruants haue they giuen to be meate vnto the foules of the ayre and the flesh of thy saints vnto the beastes of the land Their blood haue they shed like water on euery side of Hierusalem and there was no man to burie them Wee are become an open shame to our enemies a very scorne and derision vnto them that are round about vs. Lorde how long wilt thou bee angrie shal thy ielousie burne like fire for euer Power out thine indignation vpon the heathen that haue not knowen thee and vpon the kingdomes that haue not called vnto thy name For they haue deuoured Iacob and laid waste his dwelling place O remember not our old sinnes but haue mercie vpon vs and that soone for we are come to great miserie Helpe vs O God of our saluation for the glory of thy name O deliuer vs and be mercifull vnto our sinnes for thy names sake Wherefore doe the heathen say where is now their God O let the bengeance of thy seruants blood that is shed be openly shewed vpon the heathen in our sight O let the sorowfull sighing of the prisoners come before thee according to the greatnesse of thy power preserue thou those that are appointed to die And for the blasphemie where with our neighbours haue blasphemed thee reward thou them O Lord seuen fold into their bosome So we that be thy people and sheepe of thy pastare shall giue thee thankes for euer and will alway be shewing foorth thy prayse from generation to generation Qui regis Israel Psal 80. HEare O thou shepheard of Israel thou that leadest Ioseph like a sheepe shew thy selfe also thou that fittest vpon the Cherubims Before Ephraim Beniamin and Manasses stirre vp thy strength and come and helps vs. Turne vs againe O God shew the light of thy countenance and we shal be whole O Lord God of hostes how long wilt thou be angry with thy people that prayeth Thou feedest them with the br●au of teares and giuest them plenteousnesse of teares to or●ke Thou hast made vs a very ●rife vnto our neighbours and our enemies laugh vs to scorue Turne vs againe thou God of hosies shewe the light of thy countenance and we shall be whole Thou hast brought a vine out of Egypt thou hast cast out the heathen and planted it Thou madest room● for it and when it had taken roote it filled the land The hils were couered with the shadowe of it and the boughes thereof were like the goodly Cedar
trees She streched out her branches vnto the sea her boughs vnto the riuer Why hast thou then broken downe her hedge that all they which goe by ●lucke off her grapes The wilde Bore out of the wood doth roote it vp and the wild beasts of the field deuoure it Turne th●e againe thou God of hosts looke downe from heauen behold and visite this vine And the place of the vineyard that thy right hand hath plansed the branch that thou madest so strong for thy selfe It is burnt with fire and cut downe and they shall perish at the rebuke of thy countenance Let thy hand be vpon the man of thy right hand and vpon the sonne of man whom thou madest so strong for thine owne selfe And so will not we goe backe from the O let vs liue and we shall call vpon thy name Lurne vs againe O Lord God of hostes shew the light of thy counte●a●ce and we shall be whole Exultate Deo Psal 81. SIng we merily vnto God our strength make a cheerefull noyse vnto the God of Iacob Take the Psalme bring hither the Tabret the merie Harpe with the Lute Blowe vp the Trumpet in the new Moone euen in the time appointed and vpon our solemne feast day For this was made a statute for Israel and a ●awe of the God of Iacob This hee ordeined in Ioseph for a testimonie when hee came out of the land of Egypt and had heard a strange language I cased his shoulder from the burden and his hands were deliuered from making the pots Thou calledst vpon me in troubles and I deliuered thee and heard thee what time as the storme fell vpon thee I prooued thee also at the waters of strife Heare O my people and I will assure thee O Israel if thou wilt hearken vnto me There shall no strange God be in thee neither shalt thou worship any other God I am the Lord thy God which brought thee out of the land of Egypt open thy mouth wide and I shall fill it But my people would not heare my voyce and Israel would not obey me So I gaue them vp vnto their owne hearts lust and let them follow their owne imaginations O that my people would haue hearkened vnto mee for if Israel had walked in my wayes I should soone haue put downe their enemies and turned my hand against their aduersaries The haters of the Lorde should haue beene found lyars but their time should haue endured for euer Hee should haue fedde them also with the finest wheate flowre and with honie out of the stonie rocke should I haue satisfied thee Deus stetit Psal 82. GOd standeth in the congregation of princes hee is a iudge among gods Euening prayer How long will yee giue wrong iudgement and accept the persons of the vngodly Defend the poore and fatherlesse see that such as bee in neede and necessitie haue right Deliuer the outcast poore saue them from the hand of the vngodly They wil not be learned nor vnderstand but walke on still in darknes all the foundations of the earth be out of course I haue said Ye are gods and ye all are children of the most Highest But ye shall die like men and fall like one of the princes Arise O God and iudge thou the earth for thou shall take all heathen to thine inheritance Deus quis similis Psal 83. HOld not thy tongue O God keepe not still silence refraine not thy selfe O God For loe thine enemies make a murmuring and they that hate thee haue lift vp their head They haue imagined crastily against thy people and taken counsaile against thy secret ones They haue said Come and let vs roote them out that they be no more a people and that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance For they haue cast their heads together with one consent and are confederate against thee The tabernacles of the Edomites and the Ismaelites the Moabites and the Hagarenes Gebal and Ammon and Amalech the Philistines with them that dwell at Tyre Assur also is ioyned vnto them and haue holpen the children of Lot But doe thou to them as vnto the Madianites vnto Sisera and vnto Iabin at the brooke of Kison Which perished at Endor and became as the doung of the earth Make them and their Princes like Oreb and Zeb yea make all their Princes like Zeba an Salmana Which say Let vs take to our selues the houses of God in possession O my God make them like vnto a wheele and as the stubble before the winde Like as the fire that burneth vp the wood and as the flame that confumeth the mountaines Persecute them euen so with thy tempest and make them afraid with thy storme Make their faces ashamed O Lord that they may seeke thy name Let them be confounded and bexed euer more and more let them be put to shame and perish And they shall know that thou whose name is Iehouah art onely the most highest ouer all the earth Quam dilecta Psal 84. O How amiable are thy dwellings thou Lord of hostes My soule hath a desire and longing to enter into the Courts of the Lorde my heart and my flesh reioyce in the liuing God Yea the sparrowe hath found her an house and the swallow a nest where she may lay her young euen thy altars O Lord of hostes my King and my God Blessed are they that dwell in thy house they will be alway praysing thee Blessed is the man whose strength is in thee in whose heart are thy wayes Which going through the vale of miserie vse it for a well and the pooles are filled with water They will go from strength to strength and vnto the God of gods appeareth euery one of them in Sion O Lord God of hostes heare my prayer hearken O God of Iacob Behold O God our defender and looke vpon the fare of thine anointed For one day in thy courts is better then a thousand I had rather bee a doore keeper in the house of my God then to dwell in the tents of vngodlinesse For the Lord God is a light and defence the Lorde will giue grace and worship and no good thing shall he withhold from them that liue a godly life O Lord God of hostes blessed is the man that putteth his trust in thee Benedixisti Domine Psal 85 LOrd thou art become gracions vnto thy land thou hast turned away the captuitie of Iacob Thou hast forgiuen the offence of thy people couered all their sinnes Thou hast taken away all thy displeasure and turned thy selfe from thy wrathfull indignation Turne vs then O God our Sauiour and let thine anger cease from vs. Wilt thou be displeased at vs for euer and wilt thou stretch out thy wrath from one generation to another Wilt thou not turne againe and quicken vs that thy people may reioyce in thee Shew vs thy mercie O Lord and grant vs thy saluation I will hearken what the Lord God will say
my holy oyle haue I anoynted him My hand shall holde him fast and my arme shall strengthen him The enemie shall not be able to doe him violence the sonne of wickednesse shall not hurt him I shall smite downe his foes before his face and plague them that hate him My trueth also and my mercie shall be with him and in my Name shall his horne be exalted I will set his dominion also in the sea and his right hand in the floods Hee shall call me Thou art my father my God and my strong saluation And I will make him my first borne higher then the kings of the earth My mercie will I keepe for him for euermore and my couenant shall stand fast with him His seede also will I make to endure for euer his throne as the dayes of heauen But if his children forsake my Law and walke not in my iudgements If they breake my statutes and keepe not my commandements I will visit their offences with the rod and their sinne with scourges Neuerthelesse my louing kindnesse will I not vtterly take from him nor suffer my trueth to faile My couenant will I not breake nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lippes I haue sworne once by my Holinesse that I will not faile Dauid His seede shall endure for euer and his seate is like as the sunne before me He shall stand fast for euermore as the moone and as the faithfull witnesse in heauen But thou hast abhorred and forsaken thine anoynted and art displeased at him Thou hast broken the couenant of thy seruant and cast his crowne to the ground Thou hast ouerthrowen all his hedges and broken down his strong holds All they that goe by spo●●e him and he is become a rebuke to his neighbours Thou hast set vp the right hand of his enemies and made all his aduersaries to reioyce Thou hast taken away the edge of his sworde and giuest him not victorie in the battell Thou hast put out his glory and cast his throne downe to the ground The dayes of his youth hast thou shortened and couered him with dishonour Lord how long wil thou hide thy selfe for euer and shall thy wrath burne like fire Oh remember how short my time is wherefore hast thou made all men for nought What man is hee that liueth and shall not see death and shall he deliuer his soule from the hand of hell Lorde where are thy olde louing kindnesses which thou swarest vnto Dauid in thy trueth Remember Lord the rebuke that thy seruants haue and how I doe beare in my bosome the rebukes of many people Wherewith thine enemies haue blasphemed thee and slandered the footesteps of thine anoynted prased be the Lorde for euermore Amen Amen Domine refugium Psal 90. LOrde Morning prayer thou hast beene our refuge from one generation to another Before the mountaines were brought foorth or euer the earth and the worlde were made thou art God from euerlasting world without end Thou rurnest man to destruction againe thou sayest Come againe ye children of men For a thousand yeeres in thy sight are but as yesterday seeing that is past as a watch in the night As soone as thou scatterest them they are euen as a sleepe and fade away suddenly like the grasse I● the morning it is greene and growth vp but in the euening it is cut downe dryed vp and withered For wee consume away in thy displeasure and are afraid at thy wrathfull indignation Thou hast set our misdeedes before thee and our secret sinnes in the sight of thy countenance For when thou art angry all our dayes are gone we bring our yeeres to an end as it were a tale that is told The dayes of our age are threescore yeeres and tenne and though men be so strong that they come to fourescore yeeres yet is their strength then but labour and sorowe so soone passeth it away and we are gone But who regardeth the power of thy wrath for euen therafter as a man feareth so is thy displeasure O teach vs to number our dayes that we may apply our hearts vnto wisedome Lurne thee againe O Lord at the last and bee gracious vnto thy seruants O satisfie vs with thy mercie and that soone so shall wee reioyce and be glad all the dayes of our life Comfort vs againe now after the time that thou hast plagued vs for the yeres wherein we haue suffered aduersitie Shewe thy seruants thy worke and their children thy glorie And the glorious Maiestie of the Lorde our God be vpon vs prosper thou the worke of our hands vpon vs O prosper thou our handy worke Qui habirat Psal 91. WHo so dwelleth vnder the defence of the most High shall abide vnder the shadow of the Almightie I will say vnto the Lord Thou art my hope and my strong holde my God in him will I trust For he shall deliuer thee from the snare of the Hunter and from the noysome pestilence Hee shall defend thee vnder his wings and thou shall bee safe vnder his feathers his faithfulnesse and trueth shall be thy shield and buckler Thou shall not be afraid for any terrour by night Nor for the arrow that ftyeth by day For the pestilence that walketh in darkenesse nor for the sickenesse that destoyeth in the noone day A thousand shall fall beside thee and ten thousand at thy right hand but it shall not come nigh thee Yea with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the vngodly For thou Lord art my hope thou hast set thine house of defence very high There shall no euill happen vnto thee neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling For he shall giue his angels charge ouer thee to keepe thee in all thy wayes They shall beare thee in their hands that thou hurt not thy foote against a stone Thou shall go vpon the Lion and Adder the yong Lion and the Dragon shalt thou tread vnder thy feete Because he hath set his loue vpon me therefore shall I deliuer him I shall set him vp because hee hath knowen my Name He shal call vpon me and I wil heare him yea I am with him in trouble I will deliuer him and bring him to honour With long life will I satisfie him and shew him my saluation Bonum est confiteri Psal 92 IT is a good thing to giue thankes vnto the Lord and to sing praises vnto thy Name O most Highest To tell of thy louing kindnesse early in the morning and of thy trueth in the night season Vpon an instrument of tenne strings and vpon the Lute vpon a loud instrument and vpon the Harpe For thou Lorde hast made mee glad through thy workes and I will reioyce in giuing praise for the operations of thy hands O Lord how glorious are thy workes and thy thoughts are very deepe An vnwise man doeth not well consider this and a foole doeth not vnderstand it When the vngodly are greene as the grasse
them So they cried vnto the Lord in their trouble and he deliuered them from their distresse He led them foorth by the right way that they might go to the citie where they dwelt O that men would therfore praise the Lord for his goodnes and declare the wonders that he doth for the children of men For hee satisfieth the emptie soule and filleth the hungrie soule with goodnesse Such as sit in darknesse and in the shadow of death being fast bound in miserie and yron Because they rebelled against the words of the Lord and lightly regarded the counsaile of the most high Hee also brought downe their heart through heauinesse they fell downe and there was none to helpe them vp So when they cried vnto the Lorde in their trouble hee deliuered them out of their distresse For he brought them out of darkenesse and out of the shadow of death and brake their bonds in sunder O that men would therefore praise the Lord for his goodnesse and declare the wonders that he doeth for the children of men For he hath broken the gates of brasse smitten the barres of yron in sunder Foolish men are plagued for their offence and because of their wickednesse Their soule abhorreth all maner of meate and they were euen hard at deaths doore So when they cryed vnto the Lord in their trouble he deliuered them out of their distresse He sent his worde and healed them and they were saued from their destruction O that men would therefore praise the Lord for his goodnesse and declare the wonders that he doeth for the children of men That they would offer vnto him the sacrifice of thankesgiuing and tell out his workes with gladnesse They that goe downe to the sea in ships and occupie their businesse in great waters These men see the workes of the Lord and his wonders in the deepe For at his word the stormie winde ariseth which lifteth vp the waues thereof They are caried vp to the heauen and downe againe to the deepe their soule melteth away because of the trouble They reele to and fro and stagger like a drunken man and are at their wits end So when they crie vnto the Lord in their trouble he deliue●th them out of their distresse For he maketh the storme to cease so that the waues thereof are still Then are they glad because they be at rest and so he bringeth them vnto the hauen where they would be O that men would therefore praise the Lord for his goodnesse and declare the wonders that he doeth for the children of men Th●● they would exa● him also in the Congregation of the people and prayse him in the seate of the elders Which turneth the floods into a wildernesse and drieth vp the water springs A fruitfull land maketh hee barren for the wickednesse of them that dwell therein Againe he maketh the wildernesse a standing water and water springs of a drie ground And there he setteth the hungry that they may build them a citie to dwell in That they may sowe their land and plant vineyardes to yeeld them fruits of increase He blesseth them so that that they multiplie exceedingly suffereth not their cattell to decrease And againe when they are minished and brought lowe through oppression through any plague or trouble Though hee suffer them to bee euill entreated through tyrants and let them wander out of the way in the wildernes Yet helpeth hee the poore out of miserie and maketh him housholds like a flocke of sheepe The righteous will consider this reioyce and the mouth of all wickednesse shal be stopped Who so is wise will ponder these things and they shall vnderstand the louing kindnesse of the Lord. Paratum cormeum Psal 108. O God Euening prayer my heart is ready my heart is ready I will sing giue prayse with the best member that I haue Awake thou Lute and Harpe I my 〈◊〉 will awake right early I will giue thankes vnto thee O Lord among the people I will sing prayses vnto thee among the nations For thy mercie is greater then the hea●●ns and thy trueth reacheth vnto the cloudes Set vp thy selfe O God aboue the heauens and thy glory aboue all the earth That thy beloued may bee deliuered let thy right hand saue them and heare thou me God hath spoken in his holinesse I will reioyce therefore and diuide Sichem and mete out the valley of Sucoth Gilead is mine and Manasses is mine Ephraim also is the strength of my head Iuda is my lawgiuer Moab is my washpot ouer Edom will I cast out my shoe vpon the Philistims will I triumph Who will leade me into the strong citie and who will bring me into Edom Hast not thou forsaken vs O God and wilt not thou God goe forth with our hostes O helpe vs against the enemie for vaine is the helpe of man Through God we shall doe great actes and it is hee that shall tread downe our enemies Deus laudem psal 109. HOld not thy tongue O God of my praise for the mouth of the vngodly yea and the mouth of the deceitfull is opened vpon me And they haue spoken against me with false tongues they compassed me about also with wordes of hatred and fought against me without a cause For the loue that I had vnto them loe they take now my contrary part but I giue my selfe vnto prayer Thus haue they rewarded me euill for good and hatred for my good will Set thou an vngodly man to bee ruler ouer him and let Satan stand at his right hand When sentence is giuen vpon him let him be condemned and let his prayer be turned into sinne Let his dayes be fewe and let another take his office Let his children be fatherlesse and his wife a widow Let his children bee vagabonds and beg their bread let them seeke it also out of desolate places Let the extortioner consume all that hee hath and let the stranger spoile his labour Let there bee no man to pitie him nor to haue compassion vpon his fatherlesse children Let his posteritie be destroyed and in the next generation let his name be cleane put out Let the wickednesse of his fathers be hab in remembrance in the sight of the Lord and let not the sinne of his mother be done away Let them alway be before the Lord that he may roote out the memoriall of them from of the earth And that because his minde was not to doe good but persecuted the poore helpelesse man that he might slay him that was vexed at the heart His delight was in cursing and it shall happen vnto him he loued not blessing therefore shall it be farre from him Hee clothed himselfe with cursing like as with a rayment and it shall come into his bowels like water and like oyle into his bones Let it be vnto him as the cloke that he hath vpon him and as the girdle that he is alway girded withall Let it thus happen from the Lorde vnto mine