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A03928 The second and last part of Reasons for refusall of subscription to the Booke of common prayer vnder the hands of certaine ministers of Deuon. and Cornwall, as they were exhibited by them to the right Reuerend Father in God William Cotton Doctor of Diuinitie, and Lord Bishop of Exceter. As also an appendix, or compendious briefe of all other exceptions taken by others against the bookes of communion, homilies, and ordination, word for word, as it came to the hands of an honorable personage. VVith an ansvvere to both at seuerall times returned them in publike conference, and in diuerse sermons vpon occasion preached in the cathedrall church of Exceter by Thomas Hutton Bachiler of Diuinitie, and fellow of S. Iohns Colledge in Oxon.; Reasons for refusal of subscription to the booke of common praier. Part 2 Hutton, Thomas, 1566-1639.; Cotton, William, d. 1621. 1606 (1606) STC 14036; ESTC S104340 264,229 290

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profession follow all such things as are agreeable to the same Which words interpret what the other prayer mentioneth To fall into no sin 3. Because our eye much respecteth the writings of strangers more then of our own countrimen Take a view of the morning prayers published by M. Caluin where it is thus Grant O Lord I may spend this whole day in the seruice and worship of thy holie power Fac. vt diem hunc totum in sanctissimi numinis tu● cult●● veneration● consumam Nihilomnino aut cogitem au● d●cam aut faciā quod cònon ten dat Cal prece● matut inter opuscula And that nothing in the world I may thinke say or do that may not tend to this purpose to obey thee Which aimeth to the same scope which this doth here that we fal into no sin forasmuch as all sin is either in thought word or deed 4. Euery word here mentioned in this Collect speaketh the language of Scripture Fall into no sin Fall he saith not slip trip or stumble But fall nor simply fall but with addition fall into That we fall the Booke acknowledgeth as appeareth in the Letanie wherin the praier of the congregation is to strengthen thē that stand to raise vp thē that fall which is the condition of a righteous man seuen times a day a certaine number put for an vncertaine that is many times Pro 24.6 Corruit in peccatum impius but the wicked runne or rush into sinne so as this prayer fall into implyeth our godly desire that we cast not our selues headlong the compound aggrauating the single naked bare signification of the simple word supposing not a fréedome from falling but from falling into which is a sore bruze or downefall 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 5. This word No may be thought comparatiuely spoken as in Ioh. 9.3 neither hath this man sinned nor his parents v. 41. If ye were blind yée should haue no sin not absolutely denying all sinne but implying no sinne so grieuous as now So fall into no sin not so grieuous and hainous as otherwise but for our prayers apprehending the swéete mercies of God we might readily fall into 1. Ioh. 3.6 6. Sinne beareth a construction as whosoeuer abideth in him sinneth not whosoeuer sinneth hath not knowne him and vers 8 he that committeth sinne is of the deuill and vers 9. whosoeuer is borne of God sinneth not neither can he because he is borne of God Where sinne is taken Hoc istud est nō peccare quum labuntur fideles infirmitate carnis sed sub onere peccati ge munt sibi displi cent deum time re non de sinunt Cal. in 1. Ioh. 3 not for euery the least breach of Gods commaundement for he that taketh it in that sense deceiueth himselfe as the Apostle sheweth It we say we haue no sinne we deceiue our selues c. But not to sinne is in this place when the faithfull slip through infirmities of the flesh but yet vnder the burden of sinne they grone they displease themselues they cease not to feare God The prayer of the Church therefore is not to fall into sinne that is as the holy Ghost meaneth in other places that she neither sinne nor may sin Besides we would aske this question What sin it is we néede not pray against Quotidie e●eha ristia cōmunionē percipere nec laudo nec repre hendo omnibus ramen domini cis diebus communicandum suadeo horror sitamen mens sine affectu peccands Aug. de eccles dog cap. 53. or what reason haue we to be at peace with any In as much as we are to feare one and another and euery one the conclusion is summarilie none can be excepted from within the compasse of our holy deprecation 7. What S. Austin or one among his works writeth in another case fitteth well here I neither praise nor dispraise saith he dayly cōmunicating at the Lords table yet euery Lords day I aduise and exhort that men would communicate Prouided alway that their minde be without any liking to sin A dislike to sin we must alway haue in praying we fall into no sin we euidently protest a feare we haue to sin and our dislike to all because our hearts desire to godward is to fall into no sinne 8. wherein is this prayer more offensiue then that of our sauiour or of S. Paul or of S. Iude Duobus modit c. Aug. de nat et grat 67 caueamus dicēdo ne nos inferas c. vt quicquid humana fragilitas vitare non praeualet hoc ille propitius nobis conferre dignetur serm 135. de temp Eum a● omni scelere purū imu unē seruabit Cal. 2. Tim. 4 18. Eripiet me ab omnid● licto Theophi lact Ibid. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 2. Corin. 13.7 Ne deum offendatis vel vt nihil vnquam delinquatis Theop●ilact Ibid. Oramus dominum ne quid faciatis mali vnde satis apparet quod ad non peccādum c. Aug. epist 95. Esse sine offēsa est in culpatū esse tam in doctrina quā moribus sarcer in Philip 1.10 Our sauiour taught his disciples to pray lead vs not into tentation c. not praying that sinne might bee forgiuen for that was mentioned before but that it might bee preuented Two waies saieth Saint Austin the euill of a disease is shunned in the bodie either that it happen not at all or hapning be quicklie healed That it happen not at al let vs take heede by saying lead vs not into tentation c. that it quickly be healed by praying forgiue vs our trespasses And as the author in his Sermons hath Pray we that whatsoeuer mans frailtie preuaileth not to shunne and auoid the Lord of his great mercie vouchsafe to bestow Thus much we may hope for in this prayer that we fall into no sinne namely preuenting that which otherwise we shall gladlie fall into Saint Paul hath some such petition for himselfe for the Corinthians Philippians and Thessalonians For himselfe The Lord will deliuer mee from euery euill worke not onely in others to doe me wrong but in my selfe to offer wrong or to doe any euill thing For so the fence best fitteth in Maister Caluins iudgement There is the like for the Corinthians where the Apostle deliuereth his minde in these vehement earnest tearmes I pray God that yee doe no euill at all Which some interprete that yee doe in no case offend the Lord. For two negatiues in the originall are verie forceable to expresse a deniall We pray saieth S. Austin the Lord that yee doe no euill at all VVhence it sufficientlie appeareth that the prayer is that they do not sin Now then to fal into no s●n and to do no euill at all be armes of onebody extend themselues to one signification so as if prayer against one be preiudiciall to truth so is the other and if Saint Paul as
vnfainedly we acknowledge our wickednesse and imperfection If this were in our Communion booke we doubt we should be thought to exclude faith charitie purpose of amendment of life and wholesome instruction concerning that holy mysterie and Sacrament 2. Disgracefull to the Kings Maiestie In his title and in his Authoritie In his title No part of the stile mentioned but Quéene Elizabeth in their Communion booke And no other ceremonie nor order being to be vsed as they craue in their bill exhibited inforceth that no man must vse any other forme at all in his prayer Part. 1. pag. ●8 but onely the bare name of King Iames without mentioning all the other parts of his iust title accordingly as in our Uniuersities is required and in other godly faithfull prayers is duely administred In his Authoritie For speaking in that booke of the ciuill Magistrate they attribute not any direction or gouernment for Ecclesiasticall either orders or persons but onely reformation at the first planing 2. In their Rubrick before Baptism Authoritie is giuen the Minister by consent of the Presbyterie to appoint a publike méeting L A. Nullo C. de fer●ss which we call a holy day which hath béene a prerogatiue which Kings and Emper ors alway had 3. Vntruths As when they call it publishing the contract For asking the hanes is too olde and may perhaps be accused of superstition yea what if the parties be not contracted nor minde to be till solemnization as it often falleth out by consent of both parties shall the Minister neuerthelesse peremptorily affirme that they haue contracted matrimonie Againe in distribution of the bread they say of the people who shall distribute and deuide it among themselues that all may communicate This ceremonie it séemeth they vrge of necessitie For they say who shall yet no such thing to be gathered out of Scripture but the contrarie when it is said He brake it and gaue it not that they did breake and giue it one vnto another As also appeareth by the Rituall of the Jewes their Calmud and their very custome at this day For the Maister of the family in the feast of sweete bread which is celebrated after the Paschall Lamb is eaten doth take a péece of sweete bread and giuing thanks per concepta verba there set downe doth dip it in the sauce prouided to eate the sower herbs So aliger de emendat temp lib. 6. which he doth eate and then breake so many péeces as there be persons sitting there and giueth to euery one a piece to be eaten saying This is the bread of tribulation which our Fathers did eate in Egypt c. Many other such points we might note which if they were in our Communion booke should beare reproofe But goe we on a little farder Misapplying Scripture as that in the Commaundement Six daies shalt thou labour Therefore no holy day to come together in publike but only on the Sabboth And yet herein seemeth a contradiction Contradiction because with consent of the presbitery as may be seene afore that Minister may appoint a publike solemn meeting c. Misinterpreting For they translate that in Genes It is not good for man to be alone thus It is not good for man to liue alone implying it sinne to liue vnmaried This license they take for translating not induring any the smallest libertie vnto others to doe the like As where hauing spoken onely of the persons the Father and the Sonne they conclude Leauing out To whom be all praise In our Communion booke such words would haue borne exception for leauing out the holy Ghost As in the Action of the Lords Supper Take eate This bread is the body of Christ Putting in Had it beene in our Communion booke we should haue beene challenged for adding these words This bread more then is in the Euangelists or in the Apostle Saint Paul In all which alleadged beside many else we might adde hereunto as men vse to beat a cur-dogge in presence of a Lyon that the beast for all his greatnesse of stomacke may the rather be tamed so haue we thought good at this time in mentioning these doubts disgraces contradictions misapplications c. to bring downe their curst hart who wilfully misconstrue what they otherwise know was and is the right godly meaning of our Church that they who are so ready to finde fault may themselues see their owne writings are not free from their owne intended exceptions And not to multiply farder instances for that would be infinite Generally in all their booke this may be worth our obseruation that albeit themselues cannot deny but many points are singularly set downe in our leiturgie yet their spite is such vnto it and themselues so wedded vnto innouation and selfe loue that excepting the exhortation before the Communion they haue not transserd any thing from thence into their booke Conclusion By this time we hope it sufficiently appeareth what defence our Church maketh notwithstanding oppositions intended against it How farre forth it preualleth we know not but that graue religious aduertisement which Saint Ierom giueth shall be our conclusion for this present Quaeso lector ve recorder●●tribis nalis Dommi de iudicio tuo te intelliga● iudicandum not m●hi nee aduer sario faueas sed causā iudices Hieron aduerserro Ioh. Hier●sol We pray thee good Reader as thou art vpon a closing point vnderstand what our defence is remember the tribunal of the Lord how we must all come before the iudgement seate of God Doe not thou fauour one or other more then truth but truth more then all For what will it aduantage a man to winne the whole world loose his owne seule or what can he giue to redeeme it Preiudice not thy vnderstanding determine this For this is the substance of all If all things here obiected be contrary to the word of God as some make shew for in steede of our yea write nay and for our nay write yea Then indge whether such a course be not the ouerthrow of thy faith a peruerting of thy ●●●gement and the hazard of thy soules saluation God forbid it should so be and we pray the Lord thy selfe that thou apply thy hart to wisedome least thou be deceiued And deceiued thou art if thou so thinke or write But let thy censure be as God shall direct thy hart in iudgement feare it is if thou continue obstinate in mercie know it is if thou incline to this counsell giuen And that thou so doe the Lord graunt thée his spirit of wisedome and humilitie that as Saint Iames speakes thou receaue our exhortation in méekenesse of wisedome More expect not at our hands For we cannot possiblie wish thée more but grace in this life and glorie in the life to come Our pen may be tired and our wish at an end but no end we wish of thy good For the good we wish is thy endlesse saluation 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉
prosper If any reply these thrée sentences last quoted meane by prosperitie the fauour mercies of God as that then onely it is well with a man when God sheweth himselfe gratious We confesse their exposition is a truth and our Church in her prayer desireth so to be vnderstood For that which the wicked name aduersitie she calleth not so nor what they hold for prosperitie doth she alwaies account so hauing well learned by comparing the Scriptures that there is no prosperitie to the mercies of God and when that wanteth the mercies of God are wanting He that hideth his sinnes shall not prosper but he that confesseth forsaketh them Prot●●● 131 shall haue mercy 〈◊〉 repentance had a reward and that reward were prosperitie and the mercies of God were that prosperitie yet so far forth as the righteous prophane necessarily communicate in the meaning of the same language freedome from infirmitie sicknesse persecution troubles bondage ex●e deration a thousand the like is to be desired in our prayers or else it would goe ill with vs that any aduersitie should befall vs and we not haue recourse vnto prayer against it It is contrarie to Gods decres It is not contrarie to Gods Decree that some particular Church at some one time or other for some space may be free from all aduersitie in comparison of that which it selfe either hath felt or may feele or in respect of what some other Churches doe indure And in as much as there is reason to pray for freedome against one affliction as another and so in effect by consequent against all for a ship may sinke by a leake as by a wracke not lying in our power to distinguish which we can be safe in and in which we cannot our Church wisely prouideth by prayer vniuersally against all aduersities not binding the Lord ere the more then standeth with the good pleasure of his blessed will but making knowne what our duetie is to doe and what our necessitie inforceth vs to doe For as God hath decreed to chastice his people his people must as well looke for it so hath he decreed that euen therefore they should call vpon him and prepare to meete him in the humblenesse of their soule That God which purposed to send a famine in Chanaan put into the hart of Ioseph wisely to prouide for a deare yeare and made Iacob to send downe into Egypt for corne 1. Sam. 23.12.13 The same God that raised the men of Keilah against Dauid directed the thoughts of the Prophet vnto prayer and made him resolute to flye from Keilah It was of the Lord in iudgement that Saul cast his iauelin at Dauid where he was but in mercie the Lord so disposed it that Dauid should and did escape it And it because the Lord hath decreed his Church shall haue aduersitie therefore it may not vse prayer against it neither then may we pray that all men be saued Nesciētes quis pertineat ad pradestinatorum numerum quis non pertineat sic affici debemus charitatis affectu vt omnes velimus saluos fieri August de Correp gra cap. 15. 1. Tim. 2.2 Psal 119 39. because God hath decreed otherwise But a better Diuine resolues vs better Not knowing saith Austin who belong and who doe not belong to the number of the predestinate it is our duetie to be so affected toward all with a charitable affection that we should wish all might be saued And if because the Lord hath decreed his Church shall haue aduersitie therefore it may not vse prayer against it neither then may we pray to lead a godly and peaceable life which yet the Apostle doth neither may we frame our prayers against reproch and shame which yet the Prophet doth Lord saith he turne from me shame and contempt For who knoweth not that in Scripture persecution reproch c. are the ordinarie portion commonly allotted those that professe the Gospell in truth and sinceritie And if because the Lord hath decreed his Church shall haue aduersitie therefore it may not vse prayer against it then may it not vse any meanes at all by way of preuention Which errour spposed for a truth openeth a wide gappe for presumption despaire and all neglect of all godly meanes Orig lib. 2. contra Celsum What reason had the Sophister in Origen to disswade a sicke person from sending for a Physition but this If God haue decreed thy health it shall be whether thou vse the Physition or vse him not And if God haue decreed thy death thou maist spend thy money he loose his paines and thou neuer a whit the better And as good neuer a whit as neuer the better The Sophister being to marry was confuted by an argument of the like making and this he had returned vpon him To what ende is it thou take a wife if God haue purposed you children you must needes haue them and if he haue purposed you none doe all you can you shall haue none One pin driuen out with another both of them a sufficient proofe that our actions and counsels must not depend vpon vncertainties this way or that way but by a stayed sure line are to be ruled and ordred And though it be one way true a man sometimes marrieth and hath no children yet on the otherside being vtterly impossible in the course of nature for a man to haue children without companie of some woman we are to doe in this case what godly reason counselleth not what the Sophister concluded So likewise what euer aduersitie the Church feareth and God hath decreed to exercise her patience withall she must binde the sacrifice of her prayers with cords to the hornes of the Altar and in forecast of all imminent daungers call vppon God that mercie may step in twixt her transgression and his iudgement Impossible it is to be free from all aduersities and therefore it is not a petition but a vaine babling What is simply absolutely and fully impossible which we know shall neuer be graunted at all to one or other in any measure that we are not to craue But fréedome from all aduersitie in some measure for some particular Church is possible Math. 26.39 Non obstat qùod rē impossibilem sibi concedi poscit quia non semper fidelium preces continue tenore ad finem vsque flu●●● non semper ●quabile temperamētum seruant non semper distinctoordine sūt composita quin potius implicita perplexa vel confligunt secum vel in mediocursu sub sistunt Cal. apud marlor in Math. 26. v. 39. Siomisso diui●● consilis intuit●● desyderium su●̄ quo astuabat inpatris smum depos●●rit Ibid begun here and hereafter more fully graunted so that our prayers may well intreate for it And as eternall life we craue here yea and in some small measure doe inioy euen now while flesh is vpon vs so fréedome from all aduersities we shall haue in the life
Videmus ministros ipsos vt de remissione peccatorum certi●res reddant cō scientias testes ac sponsores Cal. Institut lib. 3. c. 4.12 Nec minor is efficati● aut fructus est priuata absolutio vbi ab tis petitur qui singula ri remedso ad infirmitatem suam subleuandam opus habēt Ibid. 14. Secretum animi valnus aperuerit atque illam Euangelii vocem pecu liariter ad se directam audi●rit Tibi c. Ibid. Animum confir mabit ad se●iritatem illaque qua prius astuabat trepidatione liberabitur Ibid. Priuata absolutio in eccl● si●s retinenda est quanquam in confessione non sit necessaria omnium delectorum confessio Aug. confes artic 11. De confess priuata facienda pastoribus affirmam●s ritum priuata absolutionis in ecclesia retinēdum constanter retinemus propter multas gra●ts causas Confess Saxon 1. the minister who is in Gods steede a pledge and suretie for furder securing a troubled soule shall apply these wordes Our Lord Iesus Christ who hath left power to his Church to absolue all sinners which truelie repent and beleeue in him of his great mercie forgiue thee all thy sinnes in the name of the father c. Priuate absolution is of no lesse power and efficacie then the publike when it is sought for by them who haue neede of this singular remedie for easing their infirmitie For when the partie shall haue laid open his sore and shall heare from the mouth of the Lords minister the wordes of the Gospell directed peculiarlie vnto him Thy sinnes are forgiuen thee Bee of good comfort it will establish his minde in securitie so as hee shal bee deliuered from that torment of feare wherewith with before he was miserablie vexed and disquieted This Godlie and comfortable practise of our Church of verie great vse if it were in more vse Maister Caluin much commendeth as the marginal quotations may proue and so doe other Churches as appeareth in their confessions Priuate absolution is to be retained although in confession a particular recitall of all and euerie particular sinne bee not necessarie Againe the Churches of Saxonie thus Concerning priuate confession to bee made vnto the pastors wee affirme the rite and manner of priuate absolution to be retained in the Church and wee doe constantlie retaine it for manie weightie causes Afterwarde it followeth As Dauid was confirmed heare●●g of this absolution The Lord hath taken away thy sinne 2. Reg. 12. so thou mayest know that the voice of the Gospell preacheth vnto thee forgiuenesse of sinne which in absolution is by name expounded vnto thee Qua in absolutione tibi nomi natim exponttur Ibid. In specie homini peccatori in nomine Sanct. Trinit dicitur● Tibi remissa sunt peccata ōnia Priuatam absolutionem recitanit Christus paralytico Luc. Osian Institut c. 8. Prituata absolutione absoluit Christus Ibid. Priuata confessionis vsut apud nos seruatur c. Chem●it de Confess pag. 216. Remittuntur peccata per Dei verbum cuius Leuites ●nter pres quidam exequutor ●st Amb. de Cain Abel lib. 2. c. 4. Per spiritum sanctum peccata donantur homines autom in remissionem peccatorum ministerium suum exhibent non iusalicuius potesta t is exercent Neque enim in sua nomine sed c. Illi rogant sed diusnitas dona● humanum enim obsequium sed munificentia superna est potestatis Amb. de spiritu sancto lib. 3. cap. 19. Lucas Osiander in his institution sayeth Priuate absolution bringes verie exceeding great comfort to afflicted consciences when in speciall it is said to a sinner in the name of the holie Trinitie All thy sinnes are forgiuen thee Christ recited priuate absolution to the man sicke of the palsie When he saide bee of good courage thy sinnes are forgiuen thee And in priuate absolution Christ absolued the woman a sinner saying thy sinnes are forgiuen thee Chemnitius confesseth the like in these wordes The vse of priuate confession is preserued with vs c. Infinite other allegations might wee produce to witnesse this truth But the conclusion wee make with 2. places in Saint Ambrose the first is in his second booke of Cain and Abel sinnes are forgiuen by the worde of God whose Leuite is a certaine interpreter and exequutor thereof The other place is in his third booke of the holie Ghost cap. 19. Sins are forgiuen by the holie Ghost but men do proffer their ministrie in forgiuenesse of sin not that they exercise a right of any power for sins are forgiuē not in their own name but in the name of the father son c. They aske the godhead giueth It is mans seruice but the munificence is frō a higher power So as the sum of all is answerable to the beginning mentioned in the Rubrick The minister doth absolue but not in any absolute power as of his own for to God doth but in that power which is commited vnto him namely ministeriall for so as the minister of God and interpreter of his will hee may well doe Ratio quinta That the holie scriptures are disgraced by it We cannot nor dare commend much lesse may wée subscribe to such a book which disgraceth the holie scriptures and therefore wee shall doe well to see into this accusation that if it be true wee may doe so more if false it may returne to the disgrace of the penman whither one or mo that thus complaine The proofs follow in order which are thus particularized 1. The name of the holie scriptures are giuen vnto the Apocrypha which are named parts of the old testament No more disgrace intended or done the Canonicall scriptures by our reverend fathers which drew the forme of the Communion booke then was either done or intended by those auncients who many hundred yeares agoe did giue that name to the book we call Apocriphall And sure we are neither of them haue disgraced the scriptures of the Hebrue Canon by this appellation as they and wee vnderstand it The reason wherefore they did call these Apocripha holie scriptures is threefold Tribus de causis maximè occasione argumè to vsu Iun. Contro lib. 1.5.4 Quòd cum Iudei in duotordines diuisi essent Ibid. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 qui alibi agentes vbiuis locorum c. Ibid. Ecclesia Christs an a prisca diuersum can●nē a ludais accepit c. Ibid. Gr●acam scripturam ab eccle sits Iudaeorum hellenist arum auctam si resecuissit c. Publicū autem offendere religio erat c. Ibid. Quamobrē isti libri vt traditi fuerant permanserunt Ibid. Horum librorū argumentum de rebus sacris ac non profanis c. Ibid. that is to say namely because of the occasion 2. the argument 3. the vse The occasion was this because when the Iewes were diuided into 2. orders some vsing their hebrue tongue and abiding in Iewrie kept the hebrue text of