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A01472 Great Brittans little calendar: or, Triple diarie, in remembrance of three daies Diuided into three treatises. 1. Britanniæ vota: or God saue the King: for the 24. day of March, the day of his Maiesties happy proclamation. 2. Cæsaris hostes: or, the tragedy of traytors: for the fift of August: the day of the bloudy Gowries treason, and of his Highnes blessed preseruation. 3. Amphitheatrum scelerum: or, the transcendent of treason: the day of a most admirable deliuerance of our King ... from that most horrible and hellish proiect of the Gun-Powder Treason Nouemb. 5. Whereunto is annexed a short disswasiue from poperie. By Samuel Garey, preacher of Gods Word at Wynfarthing in Norff. Garey, Samuel, 1582 or 3-1646. 1618 (1618) STC 11597; ESTC S102859 234,099 298

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thy truths sake Be euer thankefull to God and then he will euer be mindfull of you to blesse you the Lord will increase his graces towards you euen toward you and your children therefore praise the Lord from henceforth and for euermore for he hath not dealt so with euery Nation and if our deseruing were put into the lottery of other people wee should bee rewarded with a blanke Gods loue and gracious fauour to vs is ignis accendens fire to set vs on fire Let our thankefulnesse to God be ignis accensus a fire flaming to God in all zeale loue duety thankes seruice and deuotion God hath set England as it were vpon an hill a spectacle to all Nations strengthened by sea and land ad miraculum vsque to the admiration of all people blessed it with an extraordinarie peace prosperity of long continuance we are the worlds enuie let vs not become their declamation Nothing but our vnthankefulnesse to God our licentiousnesse in life our disobedience to his Word our securitie in sin our contempt of good meanes and mercies offered can worke our ouerthrow and these if we doe not drowne them quickly in the riuers of repentance so one may breed and bring our wofull downefall The Lord hath blessed this land with great and gracious blessings in it the golden bels of Aaron are powerfully rung the word by faithfull teachers mouingly deliuered Oh let our perpetuall prayers praises and thanks ascend to heauen because Gods graces and mercies plentifully descend to earth Et si desint gratiae quia nos ingrati If any grace be wanting it is because we want grace to be thankefull for this our happy gouernment hauing a prosperous peace and that which is the procurer of peace with God and men that blessed passage of the Gospell Si totum me debeo pro me facto quid debeo pro me refecto saith a Father If wee owe God our selues for our creation what doe we owe vnto him for our regeneration preseruation and saluation We therefore that haue tasted of the great cup of Gods mercy let vs with Dauid take the cup of saluation giue thanks and praise the name of the Lord let vs praise God for these aboundant mercies and euer pray vnto him to preserue the happy instrument of manifold benefits and blessings to vs our most dread and deare Soueraigne duty bindeth vs to this taske our owne welfare mooues vs to this duety for his prosperity is our tranquillity his safety is our felicity the blessing redounds to vs and if he should miscarry which God forbid we should be partakers of his misfortunes Therefore be alwaies obedient and diligent to serue our royall Head golden in all vertues and princely perfections in all loyall and Christian dueties louing his Highnesse in our hearts which is the best earthly defence for a King Inexpugnabile munimentum est amor ciuium saith Seneca The loue of the people is an inuincible munition and as that great Rabbi of pollicie Machiauel hath set it downe for a sure rule Contra regem quem omnes magnifaciunt difficilis coniuratio oppugnatio irruptio Against that King whom all highly esteem and reuerence conspiracy or treachery is very difficult or if attempted seldome succeedes Let vs bee in pace Lepores but in praelio Leones in peace like Hares timerous to offend his Grace in any way of disobedience but like Lions fight for him against all his enemies with an vnwearied courage vndanted magnanimity ioyning with our fighting hands our feruent prayers to God like faithfull Israelites against all rebelling Amalekites Oratio coelos penetrat hostes in terravincit saith Origen Prayers pierce heauen and ouercome enemies on earth plus precando quam praeliando more by praying then by fighting Dauids encountring with Goliah in the name of the Lord was more powerfull then his fling and fiue stones Let vs make it one part of our daily praiers to God to keepe our King as the apple of his eye and hide him vnder the shadow of his wings to saue him from all enemies bodily or ghostly to consume them in his wrath consume them that they bee no more let them know that God ruleth in Iacob euen vnto the ends of the world beseeching God of his great mercie euer to prosper this most peaceable and puissant Monarchie of great Brittaine Arise vnto it as vnto thy resting place Turne not away thy face from thine Anointed who hath now happily to our immeasurable ioy worne the imperiall Diadem of great Brittaine these 15. * yeares Many more happie and prosperous yeares wee pray to be continued prolong his daies O Lord as the daies of heauen and grant that his Highnesse and his Princely posterity may in these kingdomes reigne so long as the world endureth Enlarge and enrich his royall heart with all Regall gifts and Diuine graces sutable for his high calling Saue and defend him from the tyranny or treachery of all forraine and Antichristian power and from the plots and proiects of domestical aduersaries Let them couer themselues with their confusion as with a cloake Blesse his most gracious spouse and bedfellow Queene Anne let thy Angels O Lord encampe about her to guide guard her in a safe protection and euer continue thy most heauenly hand of benediction vpon the high mighty Prince Charles the famous Prince of Wales the second ioy of great Britaine Lord looke vpon him from heauen Giue thy iudgements vnto the King and thy righteousnesse vnto the Kings Sonne Teach him O Lord in his tender yeares like a good Iosias to learne and loue thy true religion the way to winne the eternall Crowne of life Be gracious O Lord to the County Palatine of Rhene Fredericke Prince Elector and to his most vertuous and gracious wife Princesse Elizabeth with their Princely progenie O Lord preserue them with thy mightie and out-stretched arme giue them a most happy peace and prosperity in a Princely honor felicity all the daies of their liues O Lord scatter the deuices of the crafty that their hands may not accomplish any wicked thing they do enterprise Confound all them that haue ill will at Sion that repine at the peace of the Church the welfare of great Britaine the prosperity of his Maiesty his royall progenie that howsoeuer they haue shift of faces and maske vnknowne yet let vs pray that that stone which is cut without hands may breake the Images of such Traitors in peeces giuing him victory ouer all his enemies Cloath them all with shame but vpon him let his Crowne flourish and grant him an happy multiplication of many prosperous yeares to renew with many returnes these our cordiall and annuall Ioyes long to sit vpon his Throne and make his foes his footstoole And let high and low rich and poore young and old yea let Heauen and earth
kind A fearefull example worthy to make vs more thankefull to God more dutifull in our liues more carefull of Gods Lawes who out of his infinite loue and mercy preserued vs from this generall and diabolicall massacre And as I haue read how the Romanes in detestation of the name of proud Tarquinius who tyrannized ouer them banished a good Citizen onely because he had that name so let the name of the Powder Treason worke such detestation in the hearts of all Papists that they may neuer hereafter thinke of any treasonable plots against King or Country but banish for euer all such intentions or inuentions out of their hearts which I pray God giue them grace to doe And let all from high to low fall downe vpon the knees of humble and thankfull hearts and cry with Dauid Praise the Lord of Lords for his mercy endureth for euer let Israel now say that his mercy endureth for euer who deliuered his people when like Izaacke almost the knife at their throats and when they had prepared their fire wood powder to offer vp Prince Peeres and People like Isaacke as a burnt offering when they purposed to persecute their soules and take them to tread our liues downe vpon the earth and to lay our honour in the dust then did the Lord arise in his wrath and lift vp himselfe against the rage of our enemies so that they who made a pit and digged it fell into it themselues their mischiefe returned vpon their owne heads and their cruelty fell vpon their owne pates The wicked are snared in the worke of their owne hands and may moue all to cry aloud Come and behold the workes of the Lord he ruleth the World with his power his eyes behold the Nations the rebellious shall not exalt themselues Praise our God ye people and make the voice of his praise to be heard Praise him in his mighty Acts praise him according to his excellent greatnesse let euery one that hath breath praise the Lord for this great and gracious mercy in the meanes of our maruellous and mercifull deliuery CHAP. III. The discouery of the Plot IN the discouery of this Archtrayterous plot I may truly repeate Liuies words who in a great case of ioy saith Maius gaudium suit quàm quod vniuersum homines caperent It was a greater ioy then men are able to comprehend by an vnusual discouery to haue a generall deliuery from so dismall Tragedy For when they had thought and writ that God and Man had concurred to punish the wickednesse of the time God and Man consented to reueale the wickednesse of their treason and makes vs hope well of that Prophecy we do reade in Telesphorus Antichristus non poterit subiugare Venetias nec Parisios nec Ciuitatem regalem Anglia Antichrist shall not be able to sub due Venice nor Paris nor the Kingly City of England London The principall instrument and humane meanes of the discouery of this diuellish treachery was a letter like Dauids letter to Ioab which Vriah carried for his owne death sent some ten dayes before the Parliament should haue begunne priuily and cunningly conueyed by an vnknowne man to one of the Footemen of that Right Honourable Lord worthy of perpetuall honour for his fidelity the Lord Mount-Eagle charging him to put that Letter into his Lord and Masters hands which Letter that thrice-honoured Lord receiuing wondring at the strange contents thereof and perplexed what construction to make of it like a most dutifull Subiect and diuine Eagle concluded not to conceale it but for all the latenesse and darkenesse of the night repaires presently to his Maiesties Pallace at White-Hall and there deliuered the same to the late deceased Earle of Salisbury Sir Robert Cecil a very vigilant Counsellour and wise Statesman then his Maiesties principall Secretary which said Letter being afterward vpon the Kings returne to White-Hall presented to his Maiesty euer fortunate in his Princely iudgement in clearing obscurities and doubtfull mysteries did vpon the instant interprete and apprehend by the darke phrases yet contrary to Drammaticall construction that it must be done by blowing vp the House of Parliament by Gunpowder commanding a search to be made by which the matter discouered and Agents were apprehended Whereas if his Maiesty had not accommodated his interpretation to this kind of danger no worldly prouision or preuention could haue put backe this lamentable destruction So that is here verified which Salomon deliuered Diuination in labijs Regis A diuine sentence shall be in the lippes of the King The glory of God is to conceale a thing secret but the Kings honour is to search it out In this Gunpowder Treason our King was Regi● 〈◊〉 Kingly Prophet inspired by God in deciphering and declaring the darke meaning of their ambiguous and mysticall Letters It was the Lords mercy to put into the Kings mind the darke meaning of this dangerous mischiefe for Ibi incipit diuinum auxilium vbi deficit humanum When humane helpes are ready to faile God will come in the very point and article of time to deliuer his seruants and will raise vp some meanes either ordinary or extraordinary to discouer and defeate the deuices of the wicked As indeed did diuinely appeare in this deliuerie first that a Letter should be writ secondly a glosse or commentary made vpon it by the King contrary to common construction yet that was the second meanes vnder God whose might and mercy was aboue all of our preseruation Telenus prophecied to Cyclops his eye should be put out but he was incredulous to beleeue it contemned this aduertisement Risit o vatum stolidissime falleris inquit So some might haue thought this letter to haue beene the euaporation of an idle braine but our Teltroth Cassandra sacred Soueraigne presently presaged the truth knowing Traytors to be like Sampsons Foxes to haue fired tayles and to be firebrands of fury presupposed it to be a plot of fire for Traytors are Flagellarci● Flabella seditionis scourges of Common-wealths Bellowes of sedition to inkindle fireworkes of destruction they are like cruell Surgeons that alwayes launce and seare and vse the cutting knife and fire no gentle Remedies as their heads like the head of Nilus vnsearchable so their hearts in cruelty insatiable and hands in execution infatigable as their bloody heads hearts and hands appeare in this bloody businesse These gunpowder Traitors plotting so abhorred a Particide though God frustrated their inhumane attempts and brought the wheele vpon themselues yet were they most accursed murtherers in the sight of God Saul a murtherer in mentall affection in hunting after Dauids life though he failed in manuall action and execution So Hamax in plotting the death of innocent Mordecai was a murderer in heart and had a murderers reward Neuer drop of innocent blood-shed but it cries for vengeance therefore
Confirmation granted by Pope Leo the tenth Anno 1513. sept id Martij pontificis anno primo the which Bull was granted Hospitali sancti spiritus in Saxia almae vrbis in which is an approbation of all former pardons obtained to the saide Hospitall and the members thereof as Innocent the third grants to all that visit the saide Hospitall two thousand and eight hundred yeares of pardon Pope Alexander the fourth grants foure thousand yeares eight hundred Lents of pardon Pope Celestine the fifth grants also to the saide Hospitall and the members an hundred thousand yeares of pardon Pope Clement the fift grants also two thousand and eight hundred yeares of pardon Pope Boniface the eight 2500. yeares of pardons Pope Clement the sixt 8000 yeares and 8000 Lents full remission of al their sins Pope Innocent the sixt 2000 years and 2000 Lents of pardons Pope Benedict the 12 3000 years as many Lents of pardons All which grants of pardons by the Popes confirmed to the said Hospitall and the members if this were as good ware as they make some beleiue who would not goe visit this Hospitall yea be a member of it Can any Papist goe to the Deuill who may haue a pardon for a little money and saying ouer a prayer or two which prayers haue such power that when S. Bernard said one before a Rood it so pleased the said Rood that it bowed it selfe and embraced him in the armes Like the Rood of Naples which spake so kindely to Thomas Aquinas Or like the Crucifixe which nodded the head to the Monke Gualbertus Indeed if Popes prayers be like Amphions harpe to mooue stones Saxa moueresono testudinis prece bland● Ducerè quò vellet The famous Amphion with his harpe could play To moue the stones so popish harpers pray If Popes can giue so large pardons for sinnes and haue so good prayers I muse they cannot cure the Papists of bodily sicknesse for sicknesse is the punishment of sinne rather Popes doe encrease their sicknesse by procuring Gods plagues and punishments to be inflicted vpon them for affecting such practises to haue their sinnes pardoned of Popes when as it appertaineth onely to God They who are Gods dearest Ministers I feare the Pope is none haue no other power heerein then to declare in Gods name forgiuenesse of sinne not to make them a pardon for money if they truely beleeue in Christ and repent and so release the band of discipline in open offenders where the fruites of repentance appeare and so the meanest minister of Christ by vertue of his spirituall office may declare absolution of sinnes to the truely penitent but to forgiue sinnes none can or may doe it but God alone I euen I am hee that putteth away thy iniquities for mine owne sake and will not remember thy sinnes Come vnto me all ye that are weary and laden and I will ease you with a thousand places of Scripture exhorting all to come vnto Christ and apply his bloud vnto their soules for the remission of their sinnes There is no other way by which wee can be saued or our sinnes pardoned ad impetrandam nostris sceleribus veniam non pecunias impendere sed hoc facere c. saith Chrysostome To get a pardon for sinne money will not doe it but to beleeue in Christ And indeed the Pardon-Procters are so dazeled in the defence of them like the sodomites smitten with blindenesse at Lots doore that they cannot tell how to finde any ground for them but are compelled abruptly to say with Bellarmine Sufficit ad Indulgentias Bullas defendendas Ecelesia authorit as The authority of the Church alleadged not proued is sufficient to defend Bulles and Indulgences a weake argument to defend wicked pardons But their Glosse vpon that great Bull of Boniface the 8 saith Foure things concurre as principall to make a pardon effectuall 1 Authority in the granter 2 Capacity in the receiuer 3 Piety in the end 4 vtility in the worke But authority heerein the Pope hath none idoneity or capacity in the receiuer namely that he be a true member of Christ and purged from his fault the Pope cannot tell Piety in the end is none for it opens a wide way to all impiety vtility to the party none for hee is robbed of his money and deluded in his soule the onely vtility comes to the Pope to enrich his coffers for by this deuice a world of wealth is raised for men who doe beleeue these pardon-mongers to be released out of the paines of Purgatory telling them what a grieuous punishment it is to lye in Purgatory fire which is indeed ignis fatuus or the fire of the Popes kitchin to warme his backe and belly they will willingly giue their money to goe to Heauen by a pardon Thus it is written of Boniface the ninth who sent into diuers kingdomes his Treasurers with pardons who extorted great summes of money from simple people that in some one Prouince they would get together aboue an hundred thousand florens omnia peccata relaxantes releasing all offences whatsoeuer Christ said to his Apostles freely you haue receiued freely giue But heere no penny no pardon no pater noster so that wee may say of these Popes as one doth of Gregory the ninth O auarum cor vbi Petri paupert as quamiactatis O couetous hart where is Peters pouerty whom yee boast of that to play impostors to the world will sell such ware as you fetch from the Deuils shop to cozen the simple of their money bring them into a fooles Paradise to hope of pardon of their sinne by buying your mercenary indulgences and Buls the basest trash that can be inuented to sell for siluer remission of sinnes and euen saluation of soules as Iudas did for thirty peeces his Sauiour But heerein let Gods children say to the Pope as Daniel did to Balshazzer keepe thy rewards to thy selfe and giue thy gifts to another keepe your paltry pardons to your selues saying as Dauid did to the Prophet Gad Let vs fall into the hands of the Lord for his mercies are great and not into the hands of men the Pope or his Priests for the very mercies of the wicked are cruell The inuention of Popes pardons was to maintaine their pride the power vnlawfull the causes vngodly the vse abhominable and the end deceiueable neyther by the Scriptures or practise of the Primitiue Church warrantable I hasten to put this Piunace into harbour weary with being on the Sea of Rome therefore to bee briefe let all that desire to be faithfull seruants to their Lord and Sauiour who as yet halt betwixt God and Baal being as one cals them Lunae vituli Moone-Calfes once a moneth come to the Temple hoping to walke to heauen with statute-legges or others who are more setled vpon their lees whose mindes as yet the God of this
as the very naming of them is a confutation Simancha and Creswell haue concluded that no hereticke that is a Protestant is capable of a Crowne and though a lawfull heire yet no iust possessor hauing obtainedit And to this effect Pope Clements Bull was After the death of the late Queene whether by course of nature or otherwise whosoeuer should lay claime or Title to the Crowne of England though neuer so directly or neerely interessed therein by descent and Blood royall yet vnlesse he were such an one as would not onely tollerate the Catholicke Romane religion but by all endeuours and force promote it they should admit or receiue none to the Crowne of England And Samancha Tit. 64. Sect. 75. faith The father may be deposed for an hereticke and his sonne and heire also excluded from claime of succession vnlesse he be a Romane Catholicke Thus they seeke to dispossesse Kings who are enthroned by God and haue their Scepters from the King of Kings yea they ●ind Kings to their good behauiour if they doe displease the Pope then depose them and so no Kings Molina saith The King can vse his Temporall sword but at the Popes becke Tract 2. de Institut Di. 29. Thus debasing Kings the highest powers on earth to be subiects to the Pope who yet in a counterfeit style cals himselfe Seruus seruorum a seruant of seruants Sonat humilit as in voce sed superbia in actione Saith Gregory Iacobs voice and Esawes hands Hypocriticall humility is worse then manifest pride And truly if the Pope had a sparke of the spirit of humility he would condemne his Parasites voices Papa est per que●reges regnant The Pope is he by whom Kings reigne Saith Bozius or Papa data est omnis potest as in caelo in terra Dominatur amarivsque admare à flumine vsque adtermin os orbis To the Pope is giuen all power in heauen and earth and reignes from one Sea to an other from the stood to the end of the world or Papa potest omnia facere quae Deus potest The Pope can doe all that God can doe horrible impiety and intollerable flattery And these tell the world he can make and vnmake Kings and the Popes like it well enough excommunicating Kings deposing them and disposing of their Kingdomes to others So that it mooued Art 〈◊〉 King of Peru to say as Benzo and Lopez tell it Insigniter fatuum esse opertere papam qui quae non haberet alijs liberaliter largitur vel carte impedentem nebulonem qui eiectis veris possessoribus alienas terras peregrinis addiceret in mutuas cades mortale genus armaret That either the Pope was an egregious Sot who would liberally giue things which he had not or a very impudent companion who expulsing the true possessors giues it to strangers arming the world to mutuall yea mortall slaughters I will not trouble my selfe to behold the nakednesse rather wickednesse of these drunken Noes vncouered in the midst of their Tents vomiting out vile positions full of sedition and disobedience against the Kings of the earth it require rather teares to bewaile it then a pen to report it and the learned heerein know more then I write and for the ignorant it is good for them in this case to be ignorant still yet I confesse I aimed most in this labour to informe the ignorant hauing no minde to meddle with seducing Priests I cannot charme such deafe Adders if this litle handfull of my loue and labour presented vnto you may be profitable to win any of you I will say and end with the Apostle Iames Brethren if any of you haue erred from the Truth and some man hath conuerted him let him know that hee which hath conuerted the sinner from going astray out of his way shall saue a soule from death and shall hide a multitude of sinnes The Lord who is a God of Truth for his mercy sake and for Christs merits sake open all your eies to behold the Truth and your hearts to embrace it that we may all hold one Head in vnity and haue one heart in verity that all with one minde and mouth may praise and pray vnto the Lord in the militant Church on earth and be thrice happy members of the Triumphant Church in heauen Amen Candido lectori Humanum est errare errata hic corrige lector quae penna aut praelo lapsa fuisse vides FINIS * Epist 34. * Baron annal tom 1 ad an 1. fol. 53. * Math. 2. 11. * Walafri● Strabo lib. de rebus Eccles * Epist 77 * Ecclu● 24. 39. * 1 Cor. 4. 3. * Le moribus a 2 Kings 11 3. b 2 Chr. 22. 9. 10. 11. c 2 King 11. 4 d 2 Chr. 23. 2. e 2 Kin. 11. 4. f 2 Ch. 23. 3. g 2 King 11. 6. 11. h 2 Chr. 23. 11. i 2 Kin. 11. 12. * A queene ouer men a queene ouer her selfe for a maiden queen k Mundi totius vna decus Beza Epigram in class hisp Anno 1588. l Gen. 27. 41. Ad certum tempus sunt Christiani postea peribunt redibunt Idola verum tum cum expectas miserinfidelis vt transeant Christiani transis ipse sine Christianis Aug. in P s 70 m Quo nil praestātius orbe nobiliusque nihil nostro sol aspicit aeuo Mortua regina quasi non est mortua quia reliquit similem plus quam fimilis hic n Quem beneficia accepta memorem non reddūt is grauius suppliciū meretur Chrysost de Sacerd. lib. 4. o Tertul. in Ap●log c. 30. p Psal 132. 18. q Plut. in vita Flaminij r 1 Kin. 1. s 1 King 1. 40. t 39. Proditor est martyr coeli certissimꝰ hares u Mariana de reg lib. 1. c 7. * Maria. p 60. Vid orat sixt Qt habit in consistoria Saunders Fra de Verone Azorius Philopater Allen aly x Tertul in Apol. Spolia opima Joui Sen. Prosperum scelus vocatur virtus y 1 Chr. 16. 22. z Reu. 17. 46. a Machau Princ. c. 11. b Psal 21. 8. 9. c Psal 129. 6. a 1 Tim. 2. b Tribus argumētis ostendit orandū esse proregibꝰ quorum duo sumpta sunt ab effectu vtili Pisc in locū c Plin 2 Panegy ad Traianum Rex sapiens est stabilimentum populi Wisd 6. 24. Rex si bonus est nutritor est tuus si malus tentator tuus est Aug. ser 6. de verb. dom secund Math. Bellua multorum capitum homine nullum morosius animal nec maiori arte tractandum Sene. d Quot capita tot sententiae quot homines tothumores quot humores tot mores Lipsius e Exod. 18. 19. f Psalm 2. 10. g 2 Chr. 1. 10. h Wisd 6. 21. i Magna seruitu● est magna fortuna nam ipsi Caesari cui omnia licent propter hoc ipsu multa non licent Seneca consolat ad
deceitfull and bloody men doe not liue out halfe their dayes they hasten death vpon themselues and shame to their posterities And as their names be disgraced so their posterity depriued of the honour and pedigree where before their fall they were interessed and lineally inuested for although Traytors in England are not vsed as they were in Persia that euery one of the Family should be put to death or as in Macedonia fiue of the Traytors nearest Kins-folke suffer with him yet are they punished here in name and posterity depriued of their lands liuings goods offices blood and honour which is the fourth greefe that might if it were possible euen vexe a Traytor in his graue to behold himselfe to be naked and destitute of all the goods of nature Fame and Fortune and by his fall to haue deplumed all his Progeny not onely of Pedigree but of Patrimony left them to the mercy of the Prince and the mifery of Time What Parent though like Romulus nursed vp with a Shee-wol●e or as stony-hearted as a Myrmidon Aut duri miles vlyssi Yet must be moued with immeasurable mourning though sencelesse of his owne sorrowes which are great and grieuous as losse of liberty liuing life goods and good name and when paine on earth is past yet still to be punished in his Issue and Posterity Maiorum culpas luere nepotes His children bred of his owne loynes by his leud life disinherited of their liuelihood and can challenge no more for their owne Nisi pontus aer VVho cannot but be moued with the loue of his owne children and especially when they are ruinated hy his owne fact and folly Quis si non genitus duris è cautibus horrens Caucasus vt stirpis modice moueatur amore VVho if not bred vpon a stony Rocke But fancy moues to loue his filiall stocke To behold his wife and children Pignora chara amoris exposed to all stormes of time and contempt depriued of all riches and respects who though he be regardlesse of his owne fall yet in this case must needs weep for himselfe and for his children or if he haue neither of these to weepe for yet may he iustly weepe for hauing an hand or heart in so foule a sinne as Treason is for which hee must suffer an ignominious death and haue his capitall offence recorded Ad perpetuam eius infamiam To his eternall infamy or if he regard not Fame or Name yet ought he to regard his Conscience which must needs accuse him for such a sinne and beholding the eternall Iudge stand before the doore able to cast body and soule into hell fire and there Vnusquisque quantum exigit culpa tantum illic sentiet poenam according to the greatnes of his sinne shall there find the grieuousnesse of his punishment And therefore to conclude this with Saint Cyprian Si quam turpem cogitationem in mentem tuam venire animad●●rtis suscipe sta●im iudicij extremi salutarem commemorationem If thou once perceiuest any filthy thoughts to enter into thy mind straight to call to mind the day of doome and last iudgement So let all men daily thinke of the manifold iudgements and punishments which Rebels and Traytors on earth haue suffered and receiued and without deepe repentance and diuine mercy must needs suffer at their final doome when Christ shall say Depart from me all ye workers of iniquity CHAP. 5. THus hauing in part set downe the fall and punishment of Traytors next let vs obserue the corrupt causes which produce these cursed effects for though in Treason the Diuell is alwayes primus motor being an Arch-Traytor to God and Man and reignes in the Children of disobedience and puts into the heart of Iudas to betray Christ yet are there also procreant causes in themselues to allure and procure the wicked to such wretched and wofull motions And the Mother of these mischiefs vsually is Ambition whose Daughter is superbia Pride which Saint Austen cals Cathedram pestilentiae The Chaire of Pestilence Ambition is a dangerous malady and as Saint Ambrose speakes of it Quos nullapotuit mouere luxuria nulla auaritia subruere facit ambitio criminosos habet enim for ensem gratiam domesticum periculum vt dominetur alijs prius seruit dum vult esse sublimior fit remissior Though Luxury or couetousnesse could not moue them yet Ambition makes them sinfull hunting for popular applause and hauing domesticall danger and that they might rule they will first serue and to be high they will seeme humble Saint Bernard paints out Ambition in perfect colours Ambitio secretum virus pestis occulta doli artifex mater hypocrisis liuoris parens vitiorum origo tinea sanctitatis excaecatrix cordium exremedijs morbos creans ex medicina languorem generans Ambition is a secret poyson an inward plague the contriuer of deceit the mother of hypocrisie the parent of enuie the originall of vice the moth of sanctity the blinder of hearts creating sicknesses of salues and of medicines maladies The World is now much infected with this plague and we may see and say with Bernard Limina Apostolorum amplius ambitio quàm deuotio terit vocibus eius tota die resultat palatiū Ambition rather then Deuotion possesseth many in euery State gaping for promotion Honores ambiunt qui onera non sentiunt Though their desarts small their desires great and are neuer content with their present estate so that we may say with Salomon There be three things that will not be satisfied yea foure that say not It is enough The graue the barren wombe the earth and fire and among many more I will adde two more an ambitious man and a couetous Lawyer the one with honour the other with mony will neuer say It is enough Ambition liues in euery Climate and loued of euery Tribe In the state politicall the poore man would be a yeoman the yeoman after the death of his wife or dearth of corne would be a gentleman and will giue armes if the Herald will accept of Angels the Squire would bee a Knight the Knight a Baron the Baron an Earle the Earle a Duke the Duke a King the King Caesar and is the worlds Emperour still ambitious The Poet tels vs Iuuenal Vnus Pellaeo iuueni non sufficit orbis Aestuat infaelix angusto limine mundi One world is not enough for Alexander and therefore he weepes and is discontent as if he wanted sufficient elbow roome In the State Ecclesiasticall Ambition finds fauourites The Mendicant Frier would be the Master Prior The Prior the Abbot the Abbot a Bishop the Bishop an Archbishop the Metropolitane a Cardinall the Cardinall Pope the Pope God nay that is too little aboue all that is called God 2 Thess 2. 4. Ambitio ambientium crux quomodo omnes torques omnibus places saith Bernard O Ambition how painefull
confessed his intimate conference with Iesuites men dangerous to Kings and States his plausibility with the people an harbinger of ambitious thoughts These with other practises hee vsed as being addicted to Magiche are like the bleating of sheepe in Samuels eares and may all say What meane these things wee may coniecture something yet determine nothing for this Traytor was a Politician who held this Maxime That he was not a wiseman who hauing intended the execution of an high and dangerous purpose did communicate the same to any but himselfe Thus we see how the Lord verifies Dauids words Hee forsaketh not his Saints they shall be preserued for euermore but the seed of the wicked shall be cut off Great deliuer ances giueth he vnto his King and sheweth mercy vnto his Annointed And if all antiquity should awake it could not relate a more Diuine deliuery in so dangerous and deadly extremity And it doth minister immortall and immatchable motiues of perpetuall praises and thankes giuing to God to sing with Dauid Great is the Lord and most worthy to be praised and his greatnesse is incomprehensible Generation shall praise thy workes vnto generation and declare thy power The Lord preserueth all them that loue him but he will destroy the wicked This day the fift of August the commemoration day of this Conspiracy and Deliuery commanded by regall authority to be religiously obserued wherein wee should doe that which the Lord spake to Moses after Israels victory ouer Amalek Write this for a remembrance in the booke and rehearse it to Ioshua for I will vtterly put out the remembrance of Amalek from vnder Heauen And Moses built an Altar and called the name of it Iehoua-Nissi that is the Lord my Bauner So the great King of Kings hauing giuen the King of our English Israel an happy victory ouer Amal●k put out the remembrance of them from vnder heauen All from the King in his Throne to the poorest member and Subiect of great Britanny should write in the tables of thankefull hearts the best booke of remembrance this most happy and heauenly deliuerance and goe to the publike Altar the house of prayer and offer vp a seruice and sacrifice of humble and hearty prayers and praises as sweet Incense vnto the Lord singing and saying Iehoua-Nissi the Lord is my Banner The Lord is our strength and praise and is become our saluation Thy right hand O Lord hath bruised the enemie Therefore will I praise thee O Lord among the Nations and will sing vnto thy name Hee is the Tower of saluation for his King and sheweth mercy to his Appointed euen to Dauid and to his seed for euer All glory honour thankes and praise bee giuen to God alone The Father Sonne and Holy ghost three seuerally in one Laus Deo Amphitheatrum Scelerum OR THE TRANSCENDENT OF TREASON For the fift of Nouember THE DAY OF A MOST Admirable Deliuerance of our King Queene Prince Royall Progeny the Spirituall and Temporall Peeres and Pillars of the Church and State together with the Honourable Assembly of the representatiue Body of the Kingdom in generall from that most horrible and hellish proiect of the Gun-powder Treason PSAL. 11. 22. Forloe the wicked bend their bowe and make ready their arrowes vpon the string that they may secretly shoote at them which are vpright in heart For the foundations shall be cast downe and what hath the righteous done By SAMVEL GAREY Preacher of Gods Word LONDON Printed by IOHN BEALE for HENRY FETHERSTONE and IOHN PARKER 1618. TO THE ILLVSTRIOVS and Right Honourable Lords Spirituall and Temporall the renowned Peeres Prelates and Counsellors to the High and famous Court of Parliament SAMVEL GAREY an vnworthy Minister of IESVS CHRIST with his most deuoted obseruance humbly offereth this short Treatise in a perpetuall remembrance of all dutifull thankfulnesse to Almighty God for your Graces and Honours happy deliuerance from the intended Gun-powder Treason Nouember the fifth Anno Domini 1605. Most Reuerend Honorable and right Noble Lords MAy it please your Graces and Honors to behold the wofull picture and lamentable protect of your earthly Downefall intended the contemplation and cogitation whereof can neuer cause you to bury it in obliuion wherein the professed enemies to God King and Country endeauoured and attempted with one blow and blast to make your Mittimus and send you all to another world But Gods most admirable mercy disappointed their most abhominable mischiefe and doth moue your Graces and Honors to say thankfully with the Psalmist Thou hast saued vs from our aduersaries and hast put them to confusion that hate vs Therefore will we praise God continually and will confesse thy name for euer In which prodigious practise and mercilesse Massacre your Graces and Honors may behold your selues how you should haue Purgatory-Vulcans could bring one sparke to enkindle it still the Regall Sunne and Moone shines with a bright and beautifull lustre in the Royall firmament who by these foule monsters and fiery Meteors should haue beene finally eclipsed Charles-wayne is still in our Horizon and God grant it may be said of our King Iames as Iacob said of his Iuda Sceptrum non auferetur à Iuda Gen. 49. 10. Your Graces and Honors the fixed starres of Church and State still keepe your station and retaine your powerfull influences who by these Miscreants should haue bene sent from the stately Parliament to the starry firmament and though not then your mortall limbes yet your immortall soules should haue flowen higher But loe * The Lord was with you while you were with him and preserued you in safely as reserued instruments for his further seruice and glory to the vnspeakeable comfort of his Church and happy welfare of great Britanny Which incomparable worke of Gods infinite mercy in this most gracious and generall deliuerance as it can neuer beforgotten so it cannot be too ofr reuined which poore oblation a commemoration of your Graces and Honours preseruation as it is very seasonable for the time Nouember the 5. against which day it was and is prepared as a yearely present and poore Tribute of true thankefulnesse so I heartily wish it weresatable to merit your most honourable acceptance Yet Cum desint vires tamen est laudanda voluntas Your renowned worthinesse will I hope accept my willingnesse and protect this Treatise the Transcendent of Treason vnder the fauourable countenance of your most honourable patronages so shall it be safe from all backbiting vermine and vipers of our Church and Country And as some say The Sea-Vrchin armes himselfe with some stones against a tempest so I against all the windy tempests of ill tongued Iesuites and railing Popelings who take things with the left hand which are offered with the right as Ariston once said will I suppose contemne and condemne this worke wherein their treasonable practises and precepts are in part discouered yet being armed
of these bloud-thirsty Traytors euen emancipated to cruelty by a noble and notable deliuery and shall we not render vnto him a cordiall and continuall thankesgiuing of our lips ioyned with a reall thankesgiuing of our liues or shall we praise him with our mouthes and prouoke him with our sinnes Lip-labor is lost labour except with an internall thankefulnesse there goes an entire obedience Consider Christs caueat Sinne no more lest a worse thing come vnto thee Let our newnes of life expresse the greatnesse of our thankefulnesse God will not accept the sacrifice of mouth-praisers proceeding from vnsanctified liuers Let this our commemoration and recognition of Gods mercies past prouoke vs to all obedience in the reformation of our liues to come So shall wee make an holy vse of so happy a deliuery Singula illius mala erunt nobis singula bona Their banefire of powder our bonefire of praises And withall to make vs more vigilant to vn-earth these foxes who will creepe into holes vnder the ground to worke our ouerthrow foresight is the wise mans Beacon Melius est praecauere quam pauere Take vs the foxes the little foxes which destroyes the vines for they are a part of that generation of whom speakes Salomon Whose teeth are as swords their iawes as kniues they will not spare in the day of vengeance and like the whorish woman will hunt for the pretious life of man Remember therefore the counsell of the sonne of Syrach Who will trust a thiefe that is alwaies ready And let this our true thankefulnesse to God be a durable seruice not like a morning dew and cloud that goeth away or a Widdowes ioy oritur moritur gotten and forgotten in an houre a suddainefit or momenta●y passion or entertained like an annuall guest as if the force and fruite of our thankefull ioy should be confined to one day or like a common retainer should haue but a yeerely acceptance no I haue appointed thee a day for a yeere euen a day for a yeere saith God to his Prophet but this of ours est Dies pro omnibus annis a day to thanke God all the yeeres of our life alwayes to say and sing with Deborah praise yee the Lord for the auenging of Israel yea euen the starres in their course fought against Sisera So let thine enemies perish O Lord. And thou O Lord which didst keepe vs from the conspiracy of the wicked and from the rage of the workers of iniquity by discouering their villanie to thee most mighty and mercifull God we offer vp our bodies and soules as a liuing sacrifice desirous to doe thee all prostrate seruice in body and soule which thou hast preserued in peace appointed by the wicked to haue perished in powder we will neuer forget this mercy or forbeare our humble thankes to thee for our deliuery but so long as the Sunne and Moone endureth wee with our posterities till time shal be no more will cherish the remembrance of it with an immortall thankfulnesse saying to thee with holy Melchi-sedecke after Abrahams victory Blessed be the most high God which hath deliuered our enemies into our hands to which King euerlasting immortall inuisible vnto God onely wise be all the honor and glory for euer and euer Amen CHAP. IIII. A description of the Persons THe Romish professors who teach the people to eate their God and kill their King were the chiefe instruments in the Powder-treason all the Actors and adherents were great Recusants Lay Recusants Catesby Percy Winter Tresham Wright c. deuised the plot and then the lesuits fell in with them allowed and ratified by Garnet Gerard O●●corne Greenewell c. Iesuits and Popish Priests Garnet imparted the Popes Breues to Catesby a right Catiline whereby he was stirred vp to deuise some way to worke a generall ouerthrowe This Catesby was the inuentor of this Villanie Accipe nunc Danaúm insidias crimine ab vno disce omnes Learne by this Traytors odious fault and fall Yee Papists to abhorre Treason in generall This Canniball or Roman-catholicke Catesby hauing bethought him of the powder-plot for the blowing vp of the Parliament house in generall rearmes breakes the case to Garnet What if in some case the innocent should be destroyed with the guilty He answers they might so that it were for a good able to recompence the lo●se of the innocent And afterward the plot plainly propounded to him not by way of confession as his Procters pleade for him but in conference about it as he voluntarily confessed before his death that Greenewell with this Catesby was heard of him not confessing but consulting yet if it had beene by way of confession for his owne confession prooues the contrary he should haue reuealed the plot if not the parties yea the parties also if hee would follow the example of his fellow-confessors Bodin doth relate an example heerein how a Norman had a purpose to kill King Francis yet afterward changed his minde these farre from such thoughts and opens this sinne in his confession to a Minorite Frier of his former yet forsaken purpose the Frier doth enioine him penance and grants absplution yet declares all to the King and the Iudges of the Court of Paris cause him to be executed But these who before had turned them from the true religion and tutored them in the Schoole of rebellion were so far from reuealing as that their heads and hearts were with them to 〈◊〉 well of the accomplishing Gerard gaue the Traytors the Sacrament to kind them to secrecy Hammond in 〈◊〉 house absolued the Traytors the Treason reuealed Oldcorne alias Hall defends the plot being discouered and willes the Catholickes not to be discouraged Tesmond plotted with Garnet and goes vp and downe to raise vp Armes The publicke writings of our state and records heerein with some of their owne confessions examinations and subscriptions are inuincible witnesses against all the cauels of deprauing Papists who labour to cleere these their polyprogmaticke Priests from hauing an hand in so hellish a plot by desperate and notorious vntruths But it is manifest by the mouth of Time Truth that these Priests were priuie to the Powder plot against all Popish calumniations suggested to the contrary and these Lay Recusants hauing first suckt the pestilent poyson of this vnheard Treachery out of the ill humors of Popish doctrine infused into them by the treasonable Tribe of Iesuits who teach Treason and cause Traytors to be canonized in Romes Calender Proh Superi quantum mortalia pectoracaecae Noctis habent ipso sceleris molimine Tereus Creditur essepius laudemque á crimine sumit O Lord what hearts possessed with the night Of deepest ignorance depriu'd of sauing light Can grace with praise such deedes of darknesse right These politicke Priests knowing these their Lay-disciples to be of turbulent and