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A00831 A very fruitfull exposition of the Commaundements by way of questions and answeres for greater plainnesse together with an application of euery one to the soule and conscience of man, profitable for all, and especially for them that (beeing not otherwise furnished) are yet desirous both to see themselues, and to deliuer to others some larger speech of euery point that is but briefly named in the shorter catechismes. By Geruase Babington. Babington, Gervase, 1550-1610. 1583 (1583) STC 1095; ESTC S108401 209,221 568

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●orde alas I knowe it is not great y●ough neither answereth it the greatnesse of my sinne but thou canst giue greater if it please thée O deare Father rent my heart and giue mée féeling cleaue it a sunder by thy pearcing spirit that from it may flowe the teares of true repentaunce strike good Lorde this harde rocke of mine that it may gushe out sorowfull water for so fowle offence and what wanteth in mée any wayes supplie in mercie with my Sauiour in whom thou art perfectly pleased Graunt O God vnto mée thy gratious spirit to kill in mée continually more and more the strength and power of sinne and to rayse mée vp in bodie and soule to more obedience towardes thée Let not my wantes stande euer swéete Lorde betwixt thy mercie and mée but giue mee will to wishe it giue me power to doe it giue mée loue to like it and euer strength to continue in it that thou hast appointed for mee to walke in before thée in this worlde Heare mee O Lorde O God O swéete and endlesse comfort of my sinnefull soule for Iesus Christ his sake that liuing heare I may euer serue thee and dooing so I may neuer loose thée Amen Amen The second Commaundement Thou shalt not make to thy selfe any grauen image nor the likenesse of any thing that is in heauen aboue or in the earth beneath c. FIrst for the order of this Commaundement eyther wee may answere that this first Table contayning the honour and duetie of men to the Lorde as the se●ond doeth their duetie to man and the worshippe of GOD being part●y inwarde partly outwarde ha●ing in the former Commaundement laide downe the former kinde to wit of inward worship fitly now in this the two next folow the outward duties which to the same our gratious God we iustly owe. Or else thus That the Lorde in the first commaundement hauing separated himselfe from al other gods deuised and made by men and commanded all mortall men and women his creatures subiect to his Lawe to worship him onely and none but him here now in this second precept as order required he setteth downe modum rationē iuxta quam coli velit the waie and maner how he wil bee serued Forasmuch as in vaine he should haue doone the first except he had done the second also The way and maner is this euen according to his will and nature Which albeit it may séeme to flesh and bloud not so fitlie done by a negatiue lawe as by an affirmatiue it might yet besides that we are not to teache the Lorde euen in speciall wisedome hath he thus doone it For first our natures are very prone to the breache hereof which by a negatiue is stronglier beat downe than by an affirmatiue and then againe the Gentiles next neighbours to the Iewes were very much giuen to idols and images and therefore by name forbidden to the Iewes least by the Gentiles in that point they should be defiled And yet doth not the Lord here so set downe a negatiue but that he includeth an affirmatiue in it For as he saith Thou shalt not make to thy selfe any grauen image and meaneth thereby Thou shalt not worship mee with any deuise of ●hine owne contrary to my wil and na●ure so implieth he herein the affirma●iue namely thou shalt in euery re●pect worship me according to my will ●nd nature Moreouer remember here ●gaine which hath béene touched be●re that both in this commandement 〈◊〉 in all other the Lord setteth downe 〈◊〉 name that thing the doing whereof 〈◊〉 not doing is most decent or horri●●e And therefore in this place for●●●ding all false and fonde worshippe 〈◊〉 his Maiestie hee setteth downe in name that which is most vnséemely and vile to wit Idolatrie For of all wrong worshippe to make him like a man or woman or other worse creature to prostrate our selues thereunto and to thinke wee worship him in so dooing is most horrible What expositions your Booke giueth you may looke and marke adding for more plainnesse thereunto thus much that the very meaning of this commandement in effect is thus much as if the Lorde should haue said although the corrupt nature of man bee such as naturally he desireth my presence in some visible forme and shape foolishly thinking that then he is most neare vnto mee when he hath before his eyes some visible picture of mee yet for as much as this and the worship hereby doone vnto mee is neither agréeable to my will nor nature I therefore commaund thée that thou make to thy selfe no grauen image c. That is that thou goe not about to represent me by any likenesse of any creature whatsoeuer neither to worship mée in or vnder any such showes or after any way than out of my worde thou learnest to bee agréeable both to my will and nature Easilie then may we sée what wee are occasioned here in this commandement to consider of namely 1 The making of Images 2 The worshipping of them 3 The reasons God vseth here Touching the first then vsually vppon this occasion is mooued this question whether simplie it bee vnlawfull and misliked of the Lorde to make any kinde of Image by painting car●ing ingrauing c. And it séemeth yea ●ecause the woordes are so flatte with●ut exception Thou shalt not make any grauen image c. For answere whereunto 3. seuerall ●udgements are founde amongst men ●ome thinke in déede all pictures and ●mages to be vnlawfull aswell in Ci●ill vse as in religious and such are the ●urkes by name if it bee truely writ●n of them Whose money they say hath neuer any image vpon it but certain Arabike letters their other works as carpets couerings quisshins c. vtterly also without any image of man or any liuing creature vpon them and all because they thinke it vnlawful Others thinke it lawful to make any picture at all yea euen of God himselfe so that the same be not worshipped as a bare picture image And they vnderstand this commaundement of images made to this ende to be adored These are our Papists The thirde iudgement and best is of them that thinke it lawful to make pictures of things which we haue séene to a ciuill vse but not to vse them in the Church and for religion Now for the first opinion it is out of all question false and too superstitious For howsoeuer the Turks receiue not such profe yet we that imbrace cleaue to the authoritie of Gods worde know that the Lorde hath not lefte this commaundement neither any other without large and plaine exposition in other places of the scripture and therfore we are to conferre place with place practise with precept and so to sée whether in déede all images be forbidden to be made or no. First then marke the wordes in Leuiticus Leuit. 26.1 Ye shall make you no Idols nor grauen Image neither reare you vp any pillers c. Out of which place thus I
abide anie light licentious wandring frō the same for anie time For they are opposed to loue the Lorde euer and to thinke euill at anie time to loue the Lorde with all my heart and to thinke nowe and then of vaine follies or flat impieties with my heart And if it be a certaine trueth as we knowe it is which I saide before that if we had stoode in our innocencie firme and immoueable we should neuer haue conceiued in our time any euill thought at all or vaine or foolish conceite for anie moment or point of space but should euer haue béene able to haue iustified our thoughts before God whatsoeuer they were as agréeing with the loue of him and our brother then is this tickling delight that now and then will take vs and possesse vs for a time to inioy our neighbours house his wife his child his man maide or anie thing that he hath otherwise than we should wicked vile and against that rule of right wherein we were created and whereto our regeneration dayly tendeth if we be the Lordes And therefore let this argument conuict vs and this consideration euer assure our soules within that it is vnlawefull for the childe of GOD once to conceiue an ill thought although we neuer consent vnto it And consequently let it stir vs vp to pray with Dauid against our corruption Psalm 51. that the Lorde in mercie woulde vouchsafe to make vs cleane hearts and to renewe a right spirite within vs euermore Let it be still the propertie of a popish spirite to extenuate sinne and exalt flesh and bloud and corruption aboue truth and right saying concupiscence is no sinne Iam. 1.25 but onely bringeth foorth sinne after it hath conceiued But let the childe of God schooled vp in the trueth of the gospell presse flesh bloud and his corrupt nature so farre as gods worde and lawe presseth it and let him knowe that first verie concupiscence in it selfe is a damnable degrée of vice yet not the highest degrée but vpon the conception thereof followeth actual accomplishment of wickednesse before but thought in heart an higher and further steppe of euill in vs which is the meaning of Iames. For if concupiscence were not euill then must it néedes be either good or indifferent But neither of these it can be and therfore it is euill Good it is not for the whole 7 Chapter to the Romans denyeth it And S. Austen pretily against Iulian gathering vppon his wordes that concupiscence remayned in thē that are regenerated though not the guilt of it that therefore is was good answereth Si hoc sentirem Libr. 6. cap. 6. non dicerem eam malam esse sed fuisse Nos autem malam eam dicimus manere tamen in baptizatis That is If I had thought so to wit that it was good then would not I haue saide it is euill but it was euill But we say it is euill and yet remaineth in them that haue beene baptized And when Iulian goeth on and vrgeth his assertion that neuerthelesse the guilt was taken away yea sayth he Reatus quo hominem reum facit non quo ipsa rea est vt homicidij reatus tollitur in aliquo non tamen ideo bonum est That is That guilt is taken away wherewith shee stayneth man not wherewith it is stayned it selfe in it selfe As the guilt and the desert of murther a man may bee quit of and freed from and yet not the wickednesse it selfe in it nature changed for that cause but remaineth euill still Good therefore you sée concupiscence is not And indifferent it is not For the Apostle flatly giueth it an harder name saying Rom. 7.21 That when he would haue doone good hee was so yoked that euill was present with him If the spirite of God call it euill beware we presume not to call it indifferent and beware more howe we play with the pleasure of it and take delight to doe it Againe what conclusion carie all those exhortations to crucifie Crucifie the olde man with all his lusts and that percing plaint of an Apostles mouth O wretched man that I am who shall deliuer me from this bodie of death I knowe I knowe that in me that is in my flesh dwelleth no good I say what conclusion carie they all but this that concupiscence is neither good nor indifferent but flatly euill Que. Howe then falleth it out that it condemneth vs not Ans The Apostle answereth in the 25. verse Rom. 7.25 I thanke God through Iesus Christ our Lorde and in the next Chapter There is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Iesus which walke not after the flesh Cap. 8.1 but after the spirite For the lawe of the spirite of life which is in Christ Iesus hath freed me from the law of sinne and of death So that we sée it is Christ in whom and by whom and for whom wee are not charged with the condemnation due to concupiscence and corruption ingrafted and growning in vs. Que. But is then all desire and affection and all coueting vnlawefull by this commaundement Ans No indéede for God hath created affections and desires in men as mirth ioy hunger thirst c. and they should haue béene in man though he had neuer fallen they should haue loued their children their parentes friends euen standing and abiding in innocencie and therefore these thinges are not euill Nay the want of them maketh a monstrous absurditie in nature and therefore not to be maintained The instrumentes of affections and delight and dolor created by the Lorde prooue them allowed the law of God commandeth them and reprooueth their want Christ our sauiour vntouched by sinne shewed them in great measure they are spurres and prickes vnto vertue in vs and therefore allowed Besides numbers of other reasons that might be alleadged Que. What else doe you obserue in the commandement Ans I doe duely weigh the particulars that God restrayneth our coueting in and I sée them to bee such as most commonly and most without checke men suffer themselues to be caried away withall As the house of my neighbour that is his inheritance landes and possessions which we so gréedily often behoulde and marke wishing and willing them far far otherwise than a Christian heart should We can flatter our selfe with our offering of money for them not remembring that so did Achab for Naboths vineyeard and yet gréeuouslie offended Our neighbours wife or an other wiues husbande God knowes the sinfull thoughtes they cause within vs. For coueting the child against parents liking and intising away the seruant of an other against their good they bee thinges wherein fewe of our heartes haue any féeling And for their cattell with such sinnefull eies we looke vpon them that wee euer thinke our neighbours bullocke hath a fairer yowre than our owne hath as the Poet speaketh and therfore wisely in the naming of these particulars hath the Lorde taught vs wherein commonly
Gods commandements I hate him intend what I can will I not beléeue it is it not possible to make vs féele our fault and to sée our sinne in this behalfe will wee still chalenge the Lorde with our good intentes and honest meanings as wee thinke when yet his owne tongue speaketh it that if I eyther serue with him any other as saints Angels images or whatsoeuer or him alone after any other way than he prescribeth I loue him not but hate him yea euen extremely hate him and shall at his handes finde the rewarde of a deadly enemie to his glorie Nowe Christ for his mercies sake touche vs and giue vs féeling Secondly let vs marke againe in these the comparison of mercy and iudgement together how farre the one excéedeth His enemies and haters of his will he punisheth but to the thirde and fourth generation but sheweth mercie to thousandes of them that loue him and kéepe his commaundementes Who woulde not serue then and onely serue a God of such a nature Yea what heart is it that will not séeke to please according to his will so good a Lorde as powreth mercie so long after his decease vppon his ofspring and posteritie Last of all it is verie worthie obseruation howe that speaking here of his commandements he placeth loue before it saying he will shewe kindnesse to thousandes of them that loue him and kéepe his commandements As though he woulde haue vs knowe that these two cannot be separated but whosoeuer frameth himselfe to obey the Lorde he must néedes loue him before for out of that as out of his fountaine and proper head floweth the other not accepted else nor liked of if it doe not and contrariwise if wee doe loue the Lorde in déede in trueth in veritie then will wee keepe His Commaundementes marke it His Commaundementes he doeth not say then will hee deuise this thing and that thing with twentie things moe of a good minde and meaning to please GOD withall but we will then kéepe His Commandements that is wee will then séeke and search wee will then reade and heare euerie man wee will endeuour to bee instructed what GOD in his worde hath prescribed vs to doe and wee will kéepe His commaundementes Nowe then once againe euen as the bloud of Iesus Christ is deare vnto vs let our brethren of the Churche of Rome for so wee yet call them in hope of amendment looke and marke what loue of GOD is in them Héere is a note and else often repeated in the Scripture to knowe their loue by Alas they deuise lawes wayes and meanes euerie day to serue GOD withall of their owne heades but his prescribed rule in his worde they vtterly contemne and neglect Now where true loue of GOD is out of it floweth a burning constant care to kéepe His commaundementes not our owne They kéepe their owne and with fire and fagot doe reuenge the breach of them but the Lordes worde not so with abstayning from this meate and that meate this day and that day with single lyfe though most impure with prayers in an vnknowen tongue and thus often repeated ouer and ouer with crossings and créepings Paxes and Beades holie water and Creame Ashes and spittle with a thousande such things haue they deuised to worshippe the Lorde and who so breaketh these an Heretike hée is a runneaway from the Church cite him and summon him excommunicate him and imprison him burne him and hang him yea away with such a one for he is not worthie to liue vpon the earth But if he blaspheme the name of the Lord by horrible swearing Reade the L. Cobhams last examination in the beginning of it if he offende most grieuously in pride in wrath in gluttonie and couetousnesse if he be a drunken alestake a ticktack tauerner kéepe a whore or two in his owne house and moe abroade at bord with other men with a nūber such like gréeuous offences what doe they Either he is not punished at all most commonly so or if he be it is a little penance of their owne inuenting by belly or purse or to say a certaine of prayers to visit such an image in pilgrimage c. But all this deserueth neither fire nor fagot Is not this for that man of sinne to exalt himselfe against all that is called God or that is worshipped Can it be denied but that he that punisheth the breache of his owne lawes aboue the breache of Gods lawes in that preferreth himselfe before GOD Surely it cannot it is too plaine therefore once againe remember that the loue of God in man or woman draweth them to the kéeping of His commandements set downe in the worde and not of their owne constitutions deuised by themselues And thus much in briefe of this commandement The examination of the conscience Nowe if I woulde fruitefully meditate and thinke of this commandement secretely and shortly with my selfe as I did of the former then consider I that as in other so in this also little is said and much is meant part is put for the whole and in the negatiue the affirmatiue is implyed Therefore thus doe I take the commaundement as if it were saide Thou shalt not worship me with any carnall earthly superstitious or outward deuised worship by thy selfe namely not by images but in heart in spirite in truth as is commaunded in my worde Which when I knowe if I would at any time rip vp this heart of mine and disclose vnto my selfe my secrete guilt and sinne herein against my God I carefully consider and as I can in minde beholde howe I haue euer serued the Lorde or thought in iudgement that he might be serued And peraduenture I finde that liuing in the daies of superstition and blindnesse ignorant of God and his truth for feare weakenesse with others I haue bowed my knée to Baall worshipped stockes and stones or as I thought GOD in them euen béene polluted with grosse and grieuous idolatrie For which if it so haue béene what can I say Shall ignoraunce excuse mée Did I labour then and euer by all meanes possible to attaine to knowledge Or liued I rather carelesly as others did thinking it good that many followed and hauing or séeking no better grounde for my conscience than the practise of my forefathers kings and gouernours If of this latter my heart condemne me how should my ignorance excuse me since it was so plainely wilfull Shall good intent or my good meaning stand for warrant before my God Ah howe shall he that gaue me in charge expresselie that I should not doe what séemeth good in mine owne eyes but what he commanded accept for excuse my wilfull and stubborne disobedience Neyther ignoraunce therefore nor intent may warraunt so witles walking before the Lorde but onely pardon in Christ Iesus my Sauiour But if eyther age which then was young or other prouidence of the Lorde haue freed mee alwayes from so grosse idolatrie yet séeke
I further whether with any outwarde thing else whatsoeuer not warraunted by the word I haue thought or sought to serue and please the Lorde being by reason thereof brought asléepe with an imagination of my well doing and so carelesse to séeke or practise the dueties of the word If I haue this also knowe I to be a breach of this commandement Then from things not warraunted I came to things commanded as the hearing of the word prayer conference profitable with my brethren and such like knowing that if euen in these by the Lorde ordayned as thinges wherewith he is honoured and pleased I haue otherwise vsed my selfe than I should in stead of perfourming the Lordes appointment I haue brought before him mine owne inuention walking vnwittingly in mine owne wayes fearfully broken this precept of my God Which when I consider I néede no further shewe of grieuous guilt to cast me down from height of all supposed soundnes in this law Mine eyes do sée my heart acknowledgeth my conscience crieth my sinne is great Stand O soule before the Lord the iust and vpright Iudge whose pearcing eyes discouereth al thy waies set thy selfe more in his sight while mercie may be had whose voyce shall sound thy lasting woe if sight of sinne procure not true remorse And say now soule before the Iudge of trueth hast thou alwayes vsed as hee hath willed thée the hearing of the worde Did neuer desire of worldlie praise prouoke thée to this seruice Neuer diddest thou thinke to day such shall I sée and againe of them be noted if I goe Did neuer feare of worse opinion to be bred of thée in worldlie states by thy absence drawe thée out No fleshlie thought or earthly liking of the speaker hath there béene within thée to pricke thée to his hearing Hath painted pride and newe or straunge attyre neuer saide secretly in thée to daie goe heare the Sermon Lie thou maiest not the Lord being Iudge cleare thy selfe thou canst not O my so●le thy selfe being iudge Therefore that which the Lord appointeth as a seruice to himselfe and for our endlesse comfort by this corruption beginneth a seruice of thine own to thy iust damnation For to heare the Lorde biddeth but not for these ends Thus seruing the Lord in a thing commanded not as he commandeth I serue him with mine owne inuention and guiltie most grieuously I am before him O that I were any better in the duetie of prayer Am I neuer negligent colde and frosen Burneth the fire within me before or whilest I speake with my tongue Shaketh my flesh with the vehemencie of my spirite Neuer straieth my heart from present praier Neuer hast I to an ende or wearilie wishe the voice I heare to cease it is too long Ah wretch howe dare I say it Conscience cryeth and will not be bribed this duetie of prayer thus corruptly perfourmed the Lorde acknowledgeth not as a seruice by him commaunded but as mine own inuention and a breache of this his precept My conference with others in shewe so good in words so faire tasteth it neuer of liking of my selfe or vaine delight to heare mine owne discourse of pride to séeme and to be knowen a man indued with such and so good gifts Tendeth my heart in trueth to the praise of my God and the comfort of my hearers whensoeuer I speake of fruitfull things without all vaine respect and hidden euill whatsoeuer If it doe not then the thing that in it selfe the Lord hath commanded as I perfourme it he vtterly abhorreth and it is wilworshippe of mine owne not prescribed dutie by my God therefore a breache of this commaundement What should I say The more I searche the more I sée and I am not as I thought concerning the kéeping of this Lawe Mo things yet in it are commaunded and moe thinges well by these I sée I haue not perfourmed Thus much serueth to sound damnation to me and witnesse sufficient in dreadfull day shall this my guilt exhibite against me beside a curse vpon my posteritie to many generations But O Lorde thy mercie reacheth vnto the heauens Psal 36.5 and thy faithfulnesse vnto the cloudes Nehem 9.17 Gratious art thou O gratious God and full of compassion slowe to anger and of great goodnesse Were my sinnes as crimsin Esa 1.18 thou canst make them as white as snowe though they be as red as scarlet soone canst thou cause them to be as the wool Deare father haue mercie vpon me and burie in the bottome of the sea that they neuer more appeare before thée all my sinnes and by name my breaches of this commandement O my God as thou hast vouchsafed mee a Sauiour to quit mee from this curse so due vnto me for my disobedience so in that Sauiour of mine thine owne déere sonne looke vpon me He was borne for my sake he liued for my sake he died for my sake then let his birth his life his death good Lord profite mée in winning pardon of thée for my faults and direction of thy spirite for the time to come that better daily I may knowe to serue thée and euen in trueth as thou hast prescribed perfourme the same vnto thée Amen good Lord heare me The third Commaundement Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vaine c. Question WHAT is the meaning of this commaundement Your Booke Ans God chargeth vs in this third commaundement these thrée thinges First that we vse with most high reuerence the name of God whensoeuer we either speake or thinke vpon him Secondly that wee neuer blaspheme the name of God by coniuring witchcraft sorcerie or charming or any such like neither hy cursing or banning Thirdly that we neuer sweare by the name of God in our common talke although the matter be neuer so true but only where the glorie of God is sought or the saluation of our brethren or before a Magistrate in witnessing the trueth when we are thereunto lawfully called In which causes we must onely sweare by the name of God But as for Saintes Angels Roode Booke Crosse Masse or anie other thing we ought in no case by them to sweare Que. What is meant by the name of God here Ans Not only anie one word vsuallie giuen to him in scripture as Iehouah or such like Philip. 2 9. but also his maiestie and excellencie with such attributes as declare the same as his wisedome his iustice his prouidence his mercie and so foorth Againe his lawe and commandements or his doctrine and worde are vsuallie signified by it Leuit. 22.31 1. Tim. 61. to make vs more carefull to attende vppon them as things wherupon depend the honour glorie and name of God Que. What is it to take his name in vaine Ans Surelie either to speake or thinke of it without most high reuerence and especiallie to sweare by it otherwise than we ought Also to cast behind vs the diligent care of his commaundementes
of their woe whose paine in pietie they shoulde neuer wish to sée finally euen euerie way to God to Prince to Countrey to friendes their owne soules enemies most daungerous and pernicious The Lorde Iesus Christ open their eyes touche their hearts and conforme their practise of behauiour to his will if it may stand with his good liking Que. I pray you nowe goe forward in recitall of the exercises of this Sabaoth Ans Secondlie beside the diligent hearing of the worde preached on this day and read vnto vs it is our dueties and a godly exercise fit for the day amongest our selues or with our pastor and preacher to conferre and talke of that which hath béene saide and to aske questions howe this and that is to be vnderstoode Such example haue we in the Gospell where it is saide that when Christ was alone Mark 4.10 they that were about him with the twelue asked him of the parable which before he had vttred and he readilie expounded the same vnto them Then vttered he moe and without parables saith the text spake nothing vnto them Verse 34. but he expounded all things apart to his Disciples Thirdly to receiue together the supper of the Lord Luke 22. Acts. 20.7 as we are commanded and the Church euer accustomed to doe To attende vnto Baptisme if occasion so serue duely pondering the promise that is past vs to serue the Lorde and praying faithfully for his guiding grace to be powred vpon our selues that or those infants then presented to the Church that they and we may euer fulfill what we haue vowed before the congregation Fourthlie from a true féeling heart of Gods receiued goodnes to giue him thankes on this day for his many and great mercies vpon bodie and soule at home and abroad vpon our selues and ours knowen and vnknowen bestowed the wéek passed vpon vs to pray for the continuaunce of the same all the next wéeke ensuing euer else with his gratious supplie of all necessaries whatsoeuer without the which either our worldly estate or spiritual obedience to him cannot be sustained Fiftly to consider of the poore which the Lord hath set amongest vs as subiects for our loue to worke vpon to sée what they want how they liue to visit them and prouide for them This hath euer of Gods children béene greatlie regarded and is a part of the discipline of the Church also The Apostle Paul ordained a gathering in the church of Corinth euery Sabaoth day to this vse 1. Cor. 16.1 and that to the example of other reformed Churches Christ visited the cripples and lazers on the Sabaoth day Iohn 5. and healed him that had none to put him in the poole The borne blinde he healed on the Sabaoth day Iohn 9. And from the godlie care of our forefathers touching this matter haue flowen our hospitals and almes-houses with such like This is an exercise of fayth and loue fitte for all times but chiefely on the Sabaoth day to be regarded Thus wee féede Christ when he is hungrie Matth. 25.35 cloath him naked visite him sicke and so foorth and sure sure shall wee bee to finde it at the generall accounting daie of his Lastly to take care and conferre amongest our selues how to mainetaine all meanes that serue to the knowledge of God as the ministers scholers vniuersities schooles and such like To meditate also this day more than other daies of the creatures of God and of his excéeding goodnesse toward vs in them What it is to keepe holy the Sabaoth day is an exercise of the Sabaoth with a number such moe that were nowe too long particularlie to name Therefore to conclude and end this matter easilie may we hereby sée that to kéepe holy the Sabaoth day is nothing else but euen to separate and consecrate the same to all godlie exercises wherein our faith to God and obedience is to be shewed Que. If these then and their like bee commanded to vs on this day to be perfourmed their contraries I take by the same Lawe to be forbidden Ans Truth it is and must néedes be so but I thinke it néedelesse now againe to goe ouer them and shewe their contraries rather wey them your selfe and marke them particularly Onely these I wish by name may more duelie bee thought of that if the sanctification of this day consist greatly in labouring to knowe the Lorde by the preaching of his worde howe shall they safely passe the curse of God for the breache hereof who with benummed soules parched padded senselesse and euery way most hardened hearts either lie and sléepe on the one side idle or tossing the alepot with their neighbours suffer this day to passe without any instruction and like dumbe dogges hold their peace no way discharging the dutie of a true minister and one that tendereth the glory of God his owne his peoples soules What should I say of them that séeing the haruest great and the labourers fewe and féeling within themselues working a secrete power perswading to put their helping hand to this businesse yet doe not but suffer the people to pollute the Sabaoth for want of teaching and stay themselues from this worke of the Lorde vpon causes that as it is to be feared will melt away and not stand to excuse them when GOD shall come vnto iudgement Euery seruaunt to his owne master it is true standeth or falleth yet may one seruant admonish an other to béeware betimes and therefore with my whole heart I wish a due regard hereof Againe if to sanctifie the Sabaoth be to consecrate it to holy vses such as haue béene named is it possible for vs to escape the reuenging hande of the eternall God if he content in mercie with one day in the 7. we denie him that also and dedicate it to drunkennes to feasting and surfetting c. Nowe in the name of the God of heauen and of Iesus Christ his son who shall come to iudge the quick the dead at the latter day I require it of al that euer shall reade these words that as they wil answere me before the face of God all his Aungels at the sounde of the last trump they better wey whether carding dising tabling bowling and cocking stage plaies and summer games whether gadding to this ale or that to this bearebaiting that bulbaiting with a number such be exercises commanded of God for the sabaoth day or no. O hartal frosen void of the féeling of the mercie of thy God that hauing euery day in 6. euery houre in euery day euery minute in euery houre so tasted of the swéet grace of thy God in Christ as that without it thou hadst perished euery minute yet canst not tel howe possibly to passe ouer one day to his praise vnlesse one halfe of it be spent in carding bowling Awake awake in Iesus Christ admonished awake séeing al the wéeke long the Lord of
crueltie and hearde dealing with our brethren for euen this the Lorde abhorreth also Deutr. 2● The lawe that was made of fortie stripes to be giuen to an offender and not aboue did euidentlie drawe to some pitifull feeling our cruell raging and fierce affections The ●awe for widowes that they should not be wronged and for the fatherlesse that they should not be forsaken shotte at the same marke So did the forbidding of vsurie to the poore the taking of his rayment to pledge the detayning of his hire such like thinges All were to worke some mercie in vs towardes others and to tell vs plainely that the Lorde abhorreth cruelty towardes anie Que. Thus then if you thinke good let it suffice to haue spoken of these three sortes of murther to wit of the hande the tongue and the heart together with their branches and nowe a litle of the affirmatiue part of this commandement if you will Ans The affirmatiue part of it easily may be knowen by the negatiue For who seeth not that if generally all hurting or taking away of life vnlesse it be by the Magistrate lawefullie be forbidden then generally also is commaunded all care and preseruation of the same Deutr. 19.20 and if in specialitie the bitternesse of the tongue bee forbidden then is the swéetenesse the softnesse and the comfort of the same commaunded If anger be forbidden gentlenesse is commaunded if misliking hatred enuie and ioying at other mens harmes be forbidden then is an heart well thinking and accepting of others commaunded then is loue and a true reioycing at the good happes of our brethren commended and to conclude if all crueltie rigor and extremitie bee forbidden then is all lenitie mercie and pitie commaunded All which are vertues of great praise and afording large perswasions vnto our heartes to loue and like them to embrace and followe after them But so shoulde I dwell too long in this commaundement The blacknesse of their opposite vices I hope doeth make their beautie and brightnesse great before our eyes Onelie I wishe vs to the ende wee may abounde in all mercie that wee would often consider that comfortable spéech of the Lorde by his prophet Esay 58.10 If thou refresh the hungrie and troubled soule then shall thy light spring out of darkenesse the Lorde shall satisfie thy soule in drought and make fatte thy bones and thou shalt be like a spring of water whose water faileth not As also that sentence which at the daie of dayes shall be pronounced vppon it Come come yee blessed of my father and possesse the kingdome prepared for you Math. 25. for when I was hungrie yee fedde me when I was thirstie you gaue me drinke when I was naked yee clothed mee when I was sicke yee visited mee and so foorth Both which places with manie moe to the same ende beeing often thought vpon will soften our heartes in all dealinges with our brethren and make vs profitable to them euer to our powers And yet which I had almost forgotte it is not ynough for vs to doe good to be kinde and to shewe mercie but wee must doe it also spéedily readilie and fitlie that is when the néede of our brethren requireth it obseruing carefullie all occasions For as it is sayde of guiftes that qui cito dat bis dat he that giueth a thing quickly giueth it twise so is it of all thinges we doe to helpe in time is a double helpe and a benefite hauing lost the oportunitie of our brothers néede looseth his welcome Wherefore Iob professeth that he had not caused the eyes of the widowe to faile in long looking for his helpe Iob. 31.16 And Mardocheus requireth of Hester not only helpe but present Hester 4. a singular example for all estates Que. What punishment hadde the breach of this commandement Ans The spirituall punishment of it as of all other sinnes is eternall damnation both of bodie and soule For without shall be dogges Apoc. 22.15 inchaunters whoremungers murtherers c. sayeth S. Iohn the temporall punishment of it was amongest the Iewes by the lawe of God bloud for bloud Gen. 9. Leuit. 24. and before the lawe by expresse wordes vnlesse in such cases as the cities of refuge were ordayned for And euen as it were aboue all other sinnes it is worthie marking howe euer the iudgement of GOD hath not suffered this sinne to lie vnknowen or vnpunished All stories be full of examples Phocas Boniface 7. Alexander 6. Ethelbert Richard 3. and euerie man almost in his owne dayes hath knowen some experience Hotte is the wrath of the Lorde against this sinne and his mercie therefore euer kéepe vs from it The Application WIth what wordes nowe should I wish euerie one to descende into themselues and to take a view of their estate before the Lorde touching this commaundement Manie branches of it haue béene layde before vs and what branch is it which we haue not broken being narrowly sifted by the Lorde The murther of the hande I knowe wil be our instance but alas howe many thinges make men guiltie in this If euer in seruice against the enimie wee haue passed the bounds of a Christian heart in cruelly murdering concerning the maner who yet might haue died respecting the matter we are guiltie and spotted before the Lorde If women and children aged and impotent sicke and diseased that caried no weapon against our cause haue not so farre foorth béene regarded of vs and spared yea defended by vs from our féercer felowes as by right we might our handes haue faulted our loue hath wanted to the life of our brethren If cruellie wee haue wished but in our inwarde heartes any disorderlie and vnmercifull spoyle of our foes in féelde we haue sinned certainly in so doing For euen the spoyle that a Christian souldier maketh of his enimies in the warres should sauour of the mercifull nature so néere as he can of that God whome he professeth If we haue béene euer as you hearde but any occasion of the death of any either present or spéedier than otherwise it wold haue béene or of the shortening of our owne health life and abilitie by intemperancie incontinencie or anie meanes whatsoeuer the iustice of our vndefiled God doth find it out and we haue sinned against him in this thing Where thē is our righteousnes but euē in this branch of actual hand murder for the tong what should I say Doth no mans hart accuse him of vnrighteousnes Haue we neuer passed any spiteful slander to the hurt of thē whom we should haue loued Deniall of it can neuer hide it but confession of it hath mercie promised The name peraduēture of slander is odious to vs we hardly can accuse our selues of so foule a vice Slander Well then let him change his cote but remaine the same mōster stil Haue we neuer reported any vnknowē thing to the harme of our brethren Neuer whispered that
th● flocke and shall he so quietly passe them ouer that put in and place such dum● dogges and vnable drones to doe ani● duetie for their owne lucre Is it a token of loue to féede his shéepe to féed● his lambes and is it not a want of lou● both to God and his lambes to put i● for my gaine such a drie nurse as ca● giue no milke nor féede at all except 〈◊〉 be with follie and a fowle example of drinking swearing carding tabling ●owling sléeping and such like Thinke we if Ieremy were nowe aliue to suruey the parishes of this our countrey Ierem. 9.1 ●nd should sée the fearefull estate of so manie soules not able to tell howe they ●halbe saued or to prooue anie one prin●iple of religion not flying sinne be●ause they féele it not to be sinne nor ●auing light because they knowe it not ●o be light thinke we I say that hee ●hould not wish his head full of water ●nd his eies a fountaine of teares that ●e might wéepe day and night for the ●ame of Englande through these pou●●ng patrones Assuredly hee would For the heart that harboreth any porti●n of pitie to the Lordes people or hath ●nie care what become of the price of ●hrist his bloud could neuer abide vn●uched déepe to sée so great a spoyle for ●orldly wealth of that which all the ●orlde cannot redéeme when it is lost ●he Lorde the Lorde looke vppon his ●hurch for his mercies sake and either ●●ter the heartes of these Church robbers by giuing them to sée what hangeth ouer them and their posteritie mos● iustly for such a sinne or else plucke ou● of their handes by restoring disciplin● the bestowing of them any longer Next let vs weigh what goods we hau● euer gotten by vnlawfull gaming o● by false deceite in the same and remem●ber it hath béene prooued before a grée●uous stealth Let vs also consider how● wee stande touching the affirmatiu● part of this commandement which we● are aswell bounde to performe as we● are to flie the contrarie as howe we● haue euer to the vttermost of our abil●●tie preserued and cared for the goods o● our neighbours that they might be safe howe wee haue vsed our own● wealth to the glorie of God the main●taynance of the magistrate the defend of our countrey the comfort of our fa●milie the reléefe of the poore and the e●stablishing of the knowledge of Go● amongest all Howe we haue abhorre● distrust in Gods prouidence the roo● of stealth and rested assured of his good●nesse if we serued him with such lik● Are we cleare and haue doone them all without reproofe or blemish If wee haue let vs boast and looke for life for our workes but if any thing touch vs and staine vs knowe and remember what S. Iames sayth He that is guiltie of one is guiltie of all And doth nothing touch vs that hath béene saide Hath neither hande by déede nor heart by thought euer straied in anie degrée O beloued he that sayth euen in this commandement he hath no sinne deceiueth himselfe and there is no truth in him Let vs therefore rather sée our sinne knowe our sinne bewaile our sinne and ●rie to the Lorde for his grace to clappe ●ould of Iesus Christ his sonne who ●ath filled this and euerie lawe for vs ●o the ende that we beléeuing might be ●aued by his righteousnesse The Lord giue vs pardon the Lorde giue vs faith the Lord change our liues to a better course for his blessed name and mercie sake Amen The ninth Commaundement Thou shalt not beare false witnesse against thy neighbour A commaundement teaching vs our dueties towardes the good name and credite of our brethren in speaking neuer anie thing of them which is vntrue as the former haue towardes their liues and goods Question THen by this it seemeth it should haue gone before the other in order because a mans name is dearer than either life or goods Ans It is true to some it is so bu● not to all and rather doth the Lorde re●spect the multitude than a fewe an● the common nature of the vulgare sor● rather than the disposition of the better but farre lesser sort And first and for●●most could the wise Oratour say by na●ture is it giuen to euerie kinde of creature to maintaine himselfe his life and bodie and to auoide whatsoeuer may bée anie way hurtfull to the same Noting in effect the other to followe but in a seconde degrée Que. What right is there to establish this lawe Ans Euen a thréefould right as you haue heard and séene in the former For first the Lorde himselfe is true and trueth it selfe hating euer and abhorring falsehood and therefore verie méete that he should séeke the establishing of the same amongest his children and the carefull auoyding of the contrarie Secondly the verie light of nature hath euer taught it to men that lying is to be ●oathed and hath made them crie Socrates is my friende and Plato is my ●riende but trueth before and aboue ●hem both Wherefore verie méete 〈◊〉 was and right that this lawe of ●ature shoulde bee strengthened and ●aintained by the Lorde Lastly with●ut trueth there is no safetie in mens ●ounselles bargans méetinges conferences and such like and therefore most fit and necessarie that for the staie of truth amongest vs and the auoyding of the contrarie the Lorde should make one lawe at the least The equitie of it then you sée is great And nowe to the particular branches of it as they lie in your booke Where the first named hurt and annoyance of my brothers credite is false witnesse bearing when in open place of iustice and iudgement or anie where else anie man shall of euill will and malice or for lucre or fauour of others testifie or depose that which is vntrue against his neighbour Which thing howe horrible it is may first appeare by due considering the price of an honest name 1. reason and good report in the worlde amongest our brethren Which as the wise man saieth is to be chosen aboue great riches Prou. 22.1 and louing fauour aboue goulde and siluer And in an other place Eccles 7.3 A good name i● better than a good ointment Becaus● that thereby we smell as it were swéete●ly vnto many to the edifying of them and working manie thinges in them b● our perswasions which others coulde not of whom they haue or do not thinke and heare so well Philip. 4.8 The Apostle Paule also in that excellent spéech of his to the Philippians which I often verie wil●ingly remembēr vnto you noteth effectually howe déere vnto a Christian any thing should be that belongeth to a good name and the working of a good report amongest men of vs. For whatsoeuer thinges my brethren sayth hee are true whatsoeuer thinges are honest whatsoeuer thinges are iust whatsoeuer thinges are pure whatsoeuer thinges are worthie loue whatsoeuer thinges are of good report if there be anie ver●ue or if there