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A73425 A right godly and learned exposition, vpon the whole booke of Psalmes wherein is set forth the true diuision, sence, and doctrine contained in euery Psalme: for the great furtheraunce and necessarie instruction of euery Christian reader. Newly and faithfully set forth by a godly minister and preacher of the word of God. T. W. (Thomas Wilcox), 1549?-1608. 1586 (1586) STC 25625; ESTC S123330 621,027 551

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the Lord who shewed his glory and presence from betwéen the Cherubins in the arke ver 8. who is this c. the demaund or question of the faithful people the Lord strong and mightye this is an aunswere to the former question whereby for the strengthening of their faith they are admonished that God armed with inuincible power commeth to defend his people and to beat downe his enemies ver 10. The Lord of hostes i. he whom al hosts both heauenly and earthly do obay and therfore most strong mighty euen in battaile i. not only in warlike strength but in the very pinch and brunt of battaile Do. Ver. 1. describeth the largenesse of Gods gouernment so that nothing is exempted therfrom for though he speake only of the earth and thinges contayned therein yet he mindeth not to exclude the heauenly creatures Ver. 2. Setteth out Gods power and prouidence Ver. 3. Teacheth men to haue regarde to ioine themselues to his church in this life and to haue a speciall care of etexnal life Ver. 4 Teacheth the brideling of our hands the reformation of our harts the subduing of the vaine and wicked affections of our minds and to take héed that we abuse not an othe so that to sweare is not forbidden as the Anabaptists imagine but to sweare deceitfully and wrongfully ver 5. setteth out gods goodnes plentifully rewarding the holy indeuours of his children ver 6. Teacheth that care and zeale to worship God must be in his children ver 7.9 Teacheth men to be prepared to receaue the Lord when he commeth to them ver 8. and 10. is a particular description of Gods power and glory which serueth for comfort to his children because he will deliuer them and for terror to his enemies because he will punish them Psalme 25. IN this Psalme Di. the Prophets prayers are wonderfullye intermedled and therefore it canne be hardlye well diuided Sometimes he prayeth deliuerance frō his enimies shewing what fruit shall come thereby to him and others ver sometimes he prayeth the Lorde to instruct and teach him and others also in the right way shewing how God dealeth with his children ver and sometimes he confesseth his sinnes praying pardon for them and shutteth vp this Psalme with a prayer for the Church ver 7.11 18.22 The title is expounded before Ver. 1. My soule i. Se. hart and all that is within me his words shewing that in the outward he gaue himselfe to the Lordes seruice and this spéech proueth that his inward man was ioined therewith ver 2. Let me not be confounded vz. by receiuing a repulse at thy hands ver 3. mend thus yea let none that trust in thée be confounded and ioyne it to the former thus q.d. I pray not only for my self but for the rest of the faithfull that transgresse vz. against me in resisting my kingdom that without any cause on my behalf giuen them and so doth the Chaldee paraphrase expoūd it ver 4 shew me thy ways vz. by or in which thou wouldst haue me to walk meaning by waies the order of life which God himself prescribeth the same he meaneth by his paths as we haue had it before ver 5. Lead me forth vz. without daunger of mine enimies in thy truth i. as thou hast promised to shielde mee from them and teach me vz. the same thy truth teaching me to finde it and féele it by experience the God of my saluation i. such a one as I fynd a present helpe to saue me frō and in al dangers all the day i. continually with an vnwearied constancy Ver. 6. Remember thy tender mercies that I maye féele them now as thou hast shewed them always hertofore ver 7. The sins of my youth i. those that I did commit in my youth nor my rebellions vz agaynste thy maiestie euen for thy goodnesse sake q.d. though my sinnes deserue the withdrawing of thy fauor yet think vpon thy mercy and not vppon my iniquities ver 8. Gracious righteous i. merciful to penitent persons and vprighte in the execution of his iudgements Dauid vseth these termes to strike vp himself therby to praier sinners i. all one and other for none are without sin in the way or rather the way for so it is in the Hebrue text meaning a conuersation the God himselfe alloweth of for so it is ver 9. though al do not imbrace it ver 9. in iudgement i. with a thorow iudgement meaning therby aduisedly rightly it séemeth to be a metaphor taken from them that guide others shew thē the way ver 10. paths of the Lord sée ver 4. of this Psalm are mercy and truth i. are most mercifull faithful because that in thē God giueth testimony vnto thē of his mercy truth meaning by truth gods faithfulnesse in performing that which he promiseth his couenant his testimonies i. his Law which is called his couenaunt because that thereby God maketh a couenaunt or bargayne as it were with vs that we should kéepe his law for testimonies sée Psalme 19.7 Verse 11. For thy names sake i. for thy glory and mercies sake least otherwise by my iniquity thy glory might be called into question Verse 12. The way sée verse 4. of this Psalme Verse 13. His soule i. his whole man a part put for the whole Ver. 14. Secrete of the Lorde i. the law of the Lord which is called secret because we cannot vnderstande it of oure selues without light from him Ver. 15. Mine eyes vz. not of my body only but of my fayth and soule are euer toward the Lord i. are earnestly lifted vp and stedfastly fixed vpon him as Psalme 123. ver 1.2 my féete i. me my selfe a part for the whole out of the net i. out of the snares and daungers that myne enemies haue layde to catche me in Ver. 16. Turne thy face i. thy fauourable and louing countenaunce for I am desolate i. vtterlye destitute of helpe vnlesse thou helpe as Psal 22.11.20 and poore i. maruailously afflicted and so haue you this worde sundry times vsed in the Booke of Psalmes Ver. 17. The sorrowes of my harte i. The gréefes and sorrowes that touche and possesse of my harte are inlarged i. multiplied to a wonderfull numbers so that I am hardly able to thinke vpon them with my hart ver 19. with cruell hatred i. with hatred that will neuer be appeased but by committing some crueltye agaynst me ver 20. Soule put for whole man as ver 13. before in this Psalm ver 22. Israell put for the faithfull Israelites and Gods church as Psalme 14 7. Psal 125.5 Psal 131.3 Do. Ver. 1. Teacheth that prayer must ve made to GOD onlye Verse 2. that seruice cannot bee performed but by trust in God ver 4. We are ignoraunt euen the best of vs in Gods worde till the Lorde lighten and teache vs. ver 5. We must continuallye hang vppon GOD by an assured fayth ver 6. Gods mercye is the onely
that contrary to the knowledge and truth that God had manifested vnto him he had cōmitted gros iniquities Ver. 7. Purge me with Hysop no doubt hee alludeth to the ceremonies purifications of the law among which Hisope was greatly vsed as Leuit. 14.6.7 Leuit. 19.18 yet so that he would haue the truth also signifyed by these outward things and he putteth purging and Hisope and washing which were outward parts of the legal puristings for a thorow whole cleansing as ver 2. and I shall be cleane q.d. otherwise I cannot bee cleane vnlesse thou O Lord performe it indéede whiter then snow Sée Isaiah 1.16.18 for the vnderstanding of this Verse Verse 8. Make me to heare i. eyther to féele one sence being put for another a thing vsuall in Scripture or else by some one of thy Prophets or other make me to know my sinnes to bée forgiuen as Nathan pronounced the same vnto him 2. Samuel 12.13 ioye and gladnesse i. that comfortable and ioyfull message touching the frée and full pardon of my sinnes that maye make me ioyfull and glad indéede that the bones i. I my selfe both body and soule he putteth a part for the whole which thou hast broken vz. by the horror of thy gréeuous iudgementes agaynste mee for my sinne sée Psalme 38.3 may reioyce i. haue matter of reioycing ministred vnto them and performe that ioy indéede whilst that they inioye their former féelings Verse 9. Hide thy face from my sinnes i. bury them as it were in perpetuall forgetfulnesse for we doe not easily forget those things that be continually in our sight put away sée before verse 1. of this Psalme all mine iniquities one and other for so long as any sinne presseth vs the conscience can hardly be quiet Verse 10. Create in me a cleane hart he prayeth because the heart is the seat of the affections and naturallye it is inclyned to all filthinesse euery day sée Matth. 15.19 Gen. 6.5 Gen. 8.21 That God woulde reforme it taking away that filthinesse and planting goodnesse in it which he calleth creation a right spirite i. a minde frée from all hipocrisie and abhorring crooked wayes some read a stedfast spirite meaning a spirite and mynde so well stayed as might not in tyme afterward be remoued from his obedience Ver. 11. Cast me not awaye from thy presence hee vseth here a metaphor taken from Kings who will not vouchsafe such to beholde them as they hate or lyke not of thy holy spirite i. the effectes and workes of thy holy spirite for neyther doth the spirite substantiallye dwell in men as some haue dreamed neyther is the pledge of the spirite so taken awaye as some haue imagined though it be hidden sometimes vnder the ashes of corruption Verse 12. Restore to me the ioy of thy saluation i. make me to féele agayne that vnspeakeable comfort of saluation that I was wont to feere so that it séemeth that Dauid was almost at the dore of dispayre with the féeling of his sinnes the iudgements of God agaynst him for the same establish me i. make me strong and stedfast with thy frée spirite the spirite of God is called frée in diuers respects as because it is Gods effectuall instrument to set vs frée from the bondage of sinne for where the spirite of the Lord is there is fréedome 2. Corinthians 3.17 because also thereby god worketh in vs fréenesse and readinesse to the doing of those thinges which he commaundeth and lastly because it maketh vs fréelye and boldly to professe that we are Gods children as Rom. 8.15.16 some reade principall or princelike spirite meaning thereby a moste excellent spirit suche as Kings and Princes haue néede of that they may know how to guide them selues in their offices Verse 13. Thy wayes i. thy mercies louing kindnes which are called Gods wayes because he alwayes sheweth them to true penitent sinners q.d. If thou wilt pardon me my sinnes I will be thy instrumente to teach thē that shall come to the like féeling of their transgressiōs thy wonderfull mercy and goodnesse and sinners shall be vz. by that meanes conuerted vnto thée vz. from whom they haue gone astray he meaneth that hee will take paynes to winne men to god but that the profit thereof shall redounde to gods owne glory Verse 14. From blood he meaneth not only from the sinne committed in shedding Vriahs blood and others with him as 2. Sam. 11.17 but also the punishments that by that sinne he had drawne vpon himselfe whereof sée Genesis 9.5.6 God of my saluation sée Psalme 18.46 my tongue shall sing ioyfully i. chearefully and aloude prayse thy righteousnesse i. thy goodnesse faythfulnesse and truth which thou promisest and performest to thē that craue pardon and forgiuenesse Verse 15. He prayeth the Lord not onely to giue him an occasion but also to inable him to thankfulnesse and then he will performe it Verse 16. Must be vnderstoode by the way of comparison and not supplye for yet in his time sacrifices were to be vsed and that by the prescript of gods law sée Psalme 50.8.9 c. Isaiah 1.11.12 c. Verse 17. The sacrifices of God i. such as he principally alloweth and accepteth a contrite spirit i. a spirite brused and broken as it were with the feeling of the sinne committed and the acknowledgement of his owne weakenesse and vnworthinesse which as I take it the Apostle calleth godly sorrow 2. Cor. 7.10.11 Thou wilt not despise i. thou wilt graciously and mercifully accept for not refusing or despising with god is gracious accepting Verse 18. Be fauourable i. notwithstanding my sinne continue gracious and heape vp benefits vpon benefits vnto Sion i. vnto thy church and people he putteth the place where Gods people dwelt and the exercises of his religion were vsed for gods people and Churche sée Psalme 48.11 for thy good pleasure i. for thyne own goodnesse sake and not for any thing in them or me for there is nothing in vs that can procure that build the wals of Ierusalem i. not onely defend thy church by thy mighty power and prouidēce but giue it all the meanes whereby it may resist the assaults of thine enemies as walles to a citie are a good defence to saue them from the violences and outrages of their enemies Verse 19. Sacrifices of righteousnesse sée Psal 4.5 q.d. When sacrifices and burnt offrings shall be referred to a right ende God will allow and like of them then shall they i. thy people offer Calues vppon thine altar i. sacrifices of prayses and thanksgiuing vnderstanding no doubte by Calues euen the instruments of their lippes to prayse God withall sée Hosea 14.2 also Heb. 13.15 Verse 1. When we are touched with the féeling of our sinnes Do. Gods mercy is the only medicine that we must looke to for the curing of our sore Ver. 2. We must pray for pardon and full forgiuenesse of our sinnes or else it is nothing as also verse 9. of this Psalme Verse
experience he had had in times past of Gods goodnesse towardes him and this is in verse 3.4.5 In the thirde hee prophecieth of the continuance of his kingdome and promiseth thankfulnesse vnto God for the same and this is in verse 6.7.8 The Title of this Psalme is expounded before Psalme 4. Verse 1. Se. Heare my crie i. graunt my earnest request and the same is meant by giue eare vnto my prayer not that Dauid doubted whether God heard or no but that he would fayne with some spéede haue had his sute yéelded vnto Verse 2. From the ends of the earth it should rather be from the ends of the lande vz. of Israell for Dauid flying fore feare of his sonne Abshalon vpon which occasion I suppose this Psalme was made passed ouer Iordan to Mahanaim whether also Abshalon followed him Samuel 17.24 will I crye vnto thée i. Pray earnestlye and feruently when my hart is oppressed vz. with sorrow and gréefe to sée my sonne rise vp agaynst me and my people also to followe him bring mée vnto the Rocke i. set me vpon a verye high and safe place from whence I may behold my enimies and be safe from their force that is higher then I i. that is more sure and safe then I and all the forces I haue or am able to make Ver. 3. For thou hast bin mine hope i. he alone in whom I haue hoped and trusted and a strong towre i. a most sure defence kéeping me always safe sound from the force of mine enemies for though he speak but in the singular nūber of one yet no doubt he meaneth the rest and this verse containeth a reason of his prayer taken from former experience Verse 4. I shall dwell in thy tabernacle tabernacle is not put here for the Arke but it is put for a tent or pauilion being a metaphor taken from warfare where those that are in the kings tente dwell as it were in a very safe place because the king and those that are with him be alwayes the safeliest prouided for To dwell then in Gods Tabernacle is to haue abiding in such a place as where nothing can hurte him and this sence may appeare to be right by the other member of this verse for euer i. al the dayes of my life vpon the earth and euer after when I shal be receiued to thée and my trust shall be vnder the shadow of thy winges q.d. This shall bee my trust that lying vnder thy protection I shall be safe sée Psalme 17.8 Ver. 5. Hast heard my desires i. graunted the thinges I prayde for thou haste giuen an heritage both in this life vz. the lawfull inioying of earthly things which doe indéede appertain to the only seruaunts of God and also in the life to come prepared for those that feare his name i. that of a certayne childlike reuerence that they haue of his Maiestie in their harts yéeld vnto him that seruice in this life that he requireth of them Verse 6. Thou shalt giue the King i. me that am the King speaking of himselfe in the third person a long life his yeares shall be as many ages vz of men and their posterity layde together he meaneth nothing else but that he should liue and raigne long This was fulfilled certaynly in Dauid who raigned King forty yeares but specially it is accomplished in Christ whose Kingdome indureth for euer Verse 7. He Marke how he speaketh still of himselfe in the thirde person shall dwell before God i. shall haue God alwayes gracious and fauourable vnto him by reason of his fatherly prouidence and care that he hath ouer his For to dwell before God is not only to liue in his presēce for the wicked are neuer remoued from that but to fynde him gracious louing as those whom the Prince continually vouchsafeth his sight for euer i. a long time if you referre it to Dauid but perpetually if you referre it to Christ prepare vz. for the King mercy and faithfulnesse i. by mercy he meaneth compassions that Magistrates vse as when in pronouncing sentence agaynst any they shew that they do it with a tender hart and by faythfulnesse he meaneth truth equity and vpright dealing rendring to euery man according to his cause that they may preserue him vz. in his kingdome and make his raigne and gouernment sure Sée Prouerbs 20.28 also Prouerb 29.14 Verse 8. So will I alwayes sing prayse vnto thy name i. continually prayse thy maiestie for inabling me to execute my office in performing dayly my vowes q.d. by this meanes shall my prayse and thanksgiuing appeare in that I will performe as signes of my thankfulnesse and obedience the vowes that I haue made vnto thée Do. Verse 1. Teacheth vs so to be earnest in prayer with our God not that he hath néede thereof but for our owne cause because it is a good meanes to cause vs to spéede Verse 2. Teacheth that prayer is not tied to any place as to think that for the places sake our prayers should be the better it teacheth also that in the heauinesse of our hart we should then specially praye as also Iames 5.13 Verse 3. Teacheth that nothing can more forciblye cause vs to hope in God then the vnfayned remembraunce of the ayde that we haue receiued from him Verse 4. Teacheth that God alone must be our refuge and protection Verse 5. Sheweth that God graciously graunteth the holy prayers of his Seruaunts and neuer destituteth those eyther of bodily or spirituall blessings that call vpon him Verse 6. Long life to all and namely the long raignes of Kinges and Princes is a speciall gift of God Verse 7. Teacheth that Magistrates knowe not how to rule vnlesse the Lorde apt them for it it teacheth also that tender hartednesse and vpright execution of iustice be the proppes and stayes of kingdomes and countries Verse 8. Teacheth Gods children thankfulnesse yea continuall thankfulnesse and the manifesting of that thankfulnesse by the exercises of Gods holy religion and the fruits of obedience Psalme 62. THis Psalme though somewhat shorte Di. hath yet foure speciall parts In the first is comprehended his entraunce or Exordium wherein the Prophet sheweth that he hangeth only on God and this is in the two first verses In the second he reproueth his enemies for their mischieuous imaginations lyings flatteries c. shewing what iudgement shall fall vpon them therefore Verse 3.4 In the third part he propoundeth the doctrine of confidence in God exhorting the faithfull to hang vpon him because man is but vaine and dehorting the wicked from their sinne and this reacheth from verse 5. to the end of the 10. In the fourth he confirmeth his doctrine shewing that God hath iudgement in the one hand and mercy in the other to render to euery one according to their déeds and this is in the two last verses The title of this Psalm is expounded before Psal 39.1 Ver. 1. Se. yet my soule q.d. notwithstanding al the afflictions
first that our sinnes are cart-ropes as it were to pul vpon vs Gods heauy iudgementes Secondly that God of his mercy and not for any desert of ours for we haue none doeth and will helpe vs thirdly that the more our miseries are the more earnest should wée bée with the Lorde in prayer Verse 9. Teacheth vs that Gods owne glory is an effectuall reason to perswade his maiesty to deliuer his people Secondly that Gods mercies onely doe couer and cure all our transgressions Ver. 10. Teacheth vs that wee may pray against the enemies of the Church alwayes prouided that wée intermingle not our owne corrupt affections or hatred against the persons therewith Verse 11. Teacheth vs that the sighes and grones of Gods poore afflicted seruants shall not bée sent forth without fruite or profit Verse 12. Teacheth vs that wee may lawfully pray against the enemies of Gods Church as before ver 6.10 of this Psalme Ver. 13. Teacheth vs two things first that we shoulde giue hearty thankes to almighty God for benefits and graces bestowed vpon vs secondly that we should bee instruments to publish the prayses and to conuey them ouer so farre foorth as we can to all posterity Psalme 80 THis Psalme as it should séeme both by the wordes and matter was made either about that time that the people were caryed captiue into Babylon or at the time of their being there It may bée diuided into thrée partes Di. the first is an earnest prayer made to God that it woulde please him to help the miseries of his Church from ver 1. to the end of the 7. The seconde conteineth a discription of his former goodnes towardes them with a demaunding as it were why hee had withdrawne the same from ver 8. to the ende of the 13. In the thirde part they returne to prayer againe beséeching the Lorde graciously to finish the worke which mercifully hée had begunne which being performed they purpose and promise humble obedience all the dayes of their life from ver 14. to the end of the Psalme The title Se. to him that excelleth on Shoshannim Eduth this is expounded before Psalme 45. also Psalme 60. in the titles as also is that that followeth in sundry Psalmes Immanuel addeth after this worde A Psalme of witnes which for any thing I sée is not in the Hebrew text hée himselfe expoundeth it thus of witnes i. by which the Church beséeching God did testifie their fayth they had in GOD touching the deliueraunce promised after seuenty yéeres as Ierem. 29.10 Verse 1. Heare vz. the supplications and prayers of vs thy poore seruantes praying for our selues and thy whole Church and by hearing they meane graunting of their requestes and not as though GOD either did not or woulde not heare O thou shéephearde i. thou that hast gouerned guided and deliuered thy people heretofore of Jsrael i. of all thy people and not of the tenne tribes alone as the note in the Geneua Bible goeth thou that leadeth Ioseph like shéepe i. tenderly and warely as Psalme 78.52 vnderstanding by Ioseph the same that hee ment by Israel before and all this is nothing else but a description as it were of Gods tender care fauour and loue towardes his people shewe thy brightnes vz. of thy power and might as Deutronom 33.2 q.d. shewe thy selfe in thy accustomed glory and maiesty to our great comfort and the terrour of our enemyes thou that sittest betwéene the Cherubins this is not spoken as though GOD were tied to a place but because it pleased him out of that place for a tyme to shewe foorth his power and might therefore doe the people after this sort describe him Sée Exodus 25. verse 22. Verse 2. Before Ephraim c. i. in the sight and presence of the men of that and other tribes who claue to the kingdome of Iudah and kept thy religion and worshippe sounde with them Sée 1. Chronic. 9. verse 1.2.3 Stirre vppe thy strength vz. which séemeth to haue béene heauy and as it were a sléepe q.d. nowe declare it and make it manifest and come to helpe vs vz. out of the daungers distresse and bondage wherein wee are Verse 3. Turne vs againe vz. out of the bondage and captiuity wherein wée nowe are as our Auncestours were in Egipt into our owne Countrey and to thy worshippe q.d. set vs in our former state and condition cause thy face to shine i. make manifest thy fauour towardes vs which hath béene kept from vs by the cloudes of affliction Sée Psalme 4.6 also Psalm 67.1 that wee may be saued i. deliuered out of these daungers and distresses wherein wée are Immanuel readeth so shall wée be saued The sense differeth not much as wee may easily perceiue Verse 4. How long wilt thou bee angry against the prayer of thy people i. howe long wilt thou reiect the prayer that thy people make vnto thée as though thou were angry with them and it this the faithfull speake and that of infirmity when they féele not the force of their prayers at the first as it were Ver. 5. Thou hast fedde them with the breade of teares i. thou hast giuen them teares in stéede of meate Sée Psalme 42.3 and giuen them teares to drinke with great measure q.d. they are so full of griefes and vexations that they are able to indure no more hee signifieth by these speaches both the abundaunce and the continuaunce of their afflictions Verse 6. Thou hast made vs a strife vnto our neighbours i. thou hast caused all those that are rounde about our lande with whome friendshippe and peace were to bée fostered to moue continuall strifes and iarres against these of our brethren that remaine behind in the lande of Iudah The trueth of this Sée 2. King 25. ver 25. Ierem. 37. chapt and so forwarde almost to the ende of his Prophecie and our enemies laugh at vs vz. being in this affliction and misery that we are among them selues i. to make themselues merry with all when they méete together Verse 7. This is the same almost both in woordes and sense with verse 3. of this Psal Verse 8. Thou broughtest a vine out of Egipt by vine hee meaneth the people of Israel by which comparison hée sheweth howe greatly God regarded them for which sée Iohn 15. verse 1.2 because a vine is a most noble both possession and fruite and is a very tender thing as experience teacheth It is an vsuall thing in Scripture to resemble Gods people to a vine sée Isaiah 5.1.2 c. and other places thou hast cast out vz. of the lande of Canaan the heathen vz. the Ammonites Hittits c. and planted it vz. in their place hée continueth in his metaphor of a vine and planting meaning that God had established his people in the roome of these nations Verse 9. Thou madest roome for it vz. by dispatching their enemies and casting them out before them Sée Exod. Iehosh 24.12 and diddest cause it to take roote hée meaneth by
annointed i. of him that was by thy commaundement annoynted king 1. Samuel 16.12.13 Verse 10. For a day i. one day only no more and this verse comprehendeth a reason of his prayers in thy Courts sée verse 2. of this Psalm putting Courts also for the places of publike méetings and assemblies is better i. is more swéete comfortable and profitable to me then a thousand vz. dayes otherwhere yea though the place it selfe were neuer so delightfull and pleasaunt I had rather be a dore kéeper i. I woulde preferre the basest place and calling in the Churche in the house of my God i. in the place where my God who is the only true God is serued then to dwell in the tabernacles i. in the most pleasaunt and gorgeous houses of wickednes i. wherein wickednesse is practised and professed or it may be that hee putteth wickednesse for wicked men whatsoeuer it be he meaneth that he had rather be of the meanest account in the Church of God amongst good men then to be in the highest roome out of the church where nothing raigneth but prophanenesse and corruption Verse 11. For the Lord God is the sunne and shielde he meaneth that God is the only author of all excellent good things and the deliuerer from all euill for euen as the sunne by his heat and brightnesse quickeneth maintaineth and maketh the creatures ioyfull so the gracious countenaunce of the Lord filleth mens harts with ioy and gladnesse and as a shield is an instrument to put backe darts and daungers so it is he alone that defendeth vs in all distresses sée before verse 9. of this Psalme the Lord wil vz. in his owne good time and when it pleaseth him giue grace i. shew fauour and mercy to me and others that are now cast downe and glory i. he will aduance me to that honour and estimation which he hath prepared for me hee meaneth the kingdome and no good thing will hee withhold from them i. he will giue them all good and necessary thinges for his glorye and their comforte that walke vprightly i. lead a holy and vpright life voyde of hipocrisie and being that indéede that they would séeme to be sée Genesis 17.1 Verse 12. O Lorde of hostes i. O God of al might and power who haste all creatures in thy hands as armies to commaund blessed is the man q.d. certainly howsoeuer it goeth with other men of wit wealth c. hee is in good case that trusteth vz. alwayes in thée vz. alone I take it that the Prophet comforteth himselfe by this spéeche that though it were a great gréefe vnto him in respecte of bodily presence to be absent from the exercises of holye assemblies yet this was his comforte that in soule spirite and fayth he did communicate with the Church and behelde the Lorde who was worshipped amongste them Sée Psalme 2.2.12 Ver. 1.2 Do. teach Gods children how much they ought to estéeme of the publike exercises of the Church which are Gods effectuall instruments meanes to nourish and beget vs to the hope of a better thorow his especial blessing Ver. 3 sheweth that absence from holy assemblies should pinch vs to the hart howsoeuer little account men of the world make of them Ver. 4 teacheth two things the firste is that though worldly men iudge such as serue God miserable and wretched yet they are indéede truely blessed the seconde sheweth the duetie of them that professe God that they shold be continually occupied in his seruice Ver. 5. teacheth that true blessednesse belongeth to true beléeuers only and that to such as expresse their fayth by the fruites thereof vz. by purpose of harte to wel doing and practise thereof so farforth as God shal inable them Ver. 6. teacheth vs that no want or weather should hinder vs from the exercises of God Ver. 7. teacheth that God wil furnish those that are his with all abilitie to performe his will Ver. 8. teacheth vs in the time of our sorrowes to haue our recourse to God by earnest prayer Ver. 9 teacheth vs in our prayers and supplications to looke to the mercies of God also to present our prayers vnto him in the mediation of Christ Iesus only who is that in truth to vs that Dauid was in figure Ver. 10. teacheth vs to prefer godlines and godlie mens company before all the pleasures and profits of this life whatsoeuer Ver. 11. teacheth vs Gods prouidence towards his seruaunts whiche appeareth in this that he will comfort and defend them in danger that he wil exalt them to dignitie after distresse and that he will mercifully minister vnto them all thinges necessary It teacheth vs also our dutie in care and conscience without hipocrisie to walke before him all the dayes of our lyfe Verse 12 teacheth vs that sure trust and confidence in God only maketh vs blessed Psalme 85 THe Psalme may be deuided into two parts Di. In the first the faithful reckon vp gods mercies of old as good grounds of their praiers which they should and did make for their presence deliueraunce from verse 1. to the end of the seuenth In the second is comprehended as it were a prophesie or an assured perswasion that the faythful had of their deliueraunce from Antiochus his tyranny at which time it should séeme that this Psalme was made and this reacheth from verse 8. to the end of the Psalme Se. The Title hath ben sundry times expounded before and namely Psalme 4. and Psal 45. in their titles Ver. 1 Lord thou hast bin vz. in times past and therefore we hope thou wilt be now fauourable i. haste shewed mercye euerye waye so that they make his frée loue and mercy towards them the cause of all their goodnesse vnto thy Land i. vnto thy people inhabiting the land of Canaan which he calleth Gods land because GOD had chosen it and appoynted it especially for them Thou vz. alone and none but thou hast broughte againe vz. out of Egipt or else out of Babilon for it may be vnderstoode of eyther of them but speciallye in my iudgement of Babilon as which was the greater matter sée Ierem. 16. verse 14.15 the captiuity of Iaakob i. suche of Iaakobs posteritye as were Captiues putting the thing wherein they were held for the persons as Psalme 84 10. Wickednesse put for wicked men Verse 2. Thou hast forgiuen vz. fréelye and of thine owne accorde without anye merite or deserte of theirs at all the iniquitie i. the sinnes and transgressions vnderstanding by one manye whiche they had committed agaynste him of thy people i. of those whome thou chosest to bee a peculiar people vnto thy selfe and couered vz. from thy iudgement all their sinnes whatsoeuer whensoeuer wheresoeuer or howsoeuer committed for concerning of sinnes sée Psalme 32.1 Verse 3. Thou hast withdrawne vz. from thy people all thine anger vz. whiche they had pulled vppon them iustly by their sinnes and thou in mercye haste eyther vtterly withholden it or else laying some
all that faile thē of any thing that is méet for thē it teacheth also that nothing is done without gods prouidēce ver 18 setteth out the hard hartednes of the wicked the miserable estate that the Godly many times are brought vnto Ver. 19 sheweth that there is a time set with God wherein he wil deliuer his out of danger cleare thē from al false slanderous accusations wch time it behoueth thē with patience to wayte for Ver. 20 sheweth that God wil make euen Princes to pity his poore seruants Verse 21 sheweth that after long humbling God wil exalt his seruants very highly the same lesson doth ver 22 deliuer Ver. 23 sheweth that God hath many wayes to bring his purposes to passe as for the deliuery of his people out of Egipt which he had promised to bring them into Egipt by the means of the famin Iosephs being there Verse 24 teacheth iij. things first that al increase is of the Lord secondly that do men what they can to hinder Gods purposes they cannot preuaile thirdly that euen thē whē men striue most against God his people then doth he make them principally to flourish Ver. 25 teacheth that gods prouidence and counsel entreth euen vnto wicked mēs harts that they cānot hate or loue the good without Gods sufferance the power that he giueth thē therto yet hée remaineth pure frō al euil holy and as it were an excellent workeman who in performing his work bringeth good out of euil light out of darknes Ver. 26 teacheth that God doth by means worke the deliuerance of his people wch should teach vs to vse means secondly it sheweth that none should take vpō them any office but they that are sent of God as was Moses Aaron Ver. 27 Teacheth men faithfully to do those things that God hath giuen them in charge to perform Ver. 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 teach especially two things First that nothing is don either in heauen or earth but by the very finger power of almighty god secondly that God hath al his creatures at cōmaundement to vse thē at his pleasure for the plaguing punishing of the vngodly Besides this Ver. 30. teacheth that God in pouring forth his iudgemēts is not partial to any person sparing kings or Princes Ver. 31.34 declare that euen Gods word is his déed for when he speaketh any thing it is done as appeareth in the creation Gen. 1. Ver. 37.38 39 40 41 42 43 44 teach first that God maketh al his creatures to serue for the good of his children secondly that euery good thing they haue they haue from the Lord only But more particularly Verse 37 teacheth vs that siluer gold strength c. are the Lords gifts Ver. 38 sheweth that God can make the very name and countenances of his seruaunts feareful to them which had oppressed them Ver. 39 teacheth what a cōtinual care watchfulnes the Lord hath ouer his seruants to kéep thē frō dangers things that might annoy them Ver. 42 teacheth vs that Gods frée promises are the cause of all our goodnes blessednes both in this life the life to come Ver. 45 teacheth vs that the end wherefore God bestoweth al blessings vpon vs is that we should imploy our selues more diligently and faithfully in his seruice which if we do we shal bee sure of his graces in great abundaunce and continuance which if we do not we may for a time haue and inioy many outward things as the vngodly haue but the very hauing of them will be in the end to our great iudgement Psalme 106 THis Psalme may be diuided into thrée especiall partes Di. In the first the Prophet exhorteth men to praise God and yet considering his own weaknes the excellency of gods works he thinketh himself and others far vnméete for it and yet notwithstanding goeth forward to pray both for himself and his people from verse 1 to the ende of the 6. In the second part he doth largely resite as the singular graces and goodnes of God towardes their forefathers so their particular rebellions and iniquities multiplyed against God who had bene so good vnto thē with the iudgements also that for those sins he layd vpon them from verse 7. to the end of the 46. Now gods mercies are resited ver 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 21 22 30 31 43 44 45 46. Their sinnes ver 7 13 14 16 19 20 21 24 25 28 29 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39. Their punishments verse 15 17 18 23 26 27 29 32 40 41 42. In the third part hée prayeth the Lord to gather together the dispersion of his people by which it should séeme that this Psalm was made when they were in some captiuity eyther in Babilon or vnder Antiochus promising therefore to prayse his holye name and inuiting others to doe the like and this is comprehended in the two last verses of this Psalme The title is praise ye the Lord by this we may sée that it was a Psal appointed Se. to stir vp men to the praysing of god Sée the last verse of Psal 104. also in some measure to cōfort thēselues with the consideratiō of gods former graces Ver. 1. Praise ye vz. O ye faithful and good people the Lord vz. only and none but him because he is good vz. towards al but specially towards you for his mercy endureth for euer this is another cause why they shoulde prayse the Lord because his mercy towards his is perpetual neuer shal haue end Ver. 2. Who vz. amongst al his creatures can expresse i. is able eyther by thought to conceaue or by words to declare the noble actes of the Lorde i. the greate and singular workes of creation preseruation c. of all his creatures more particularly of men but most specially of his children or shewe all his prayse i. the prayse that he doth deserue for the same The Prophet vttereth not this as though he would haue vs vtterly leaue off to prayse God because we cānot thorowly sufficiently perform it but that considering on the one side our own weakenes we should earnestly pray the Lord to strengthen vs thereto and on the other side the excellency of his works shoulde indeuour what wee maye to praise him therfore knowing that he accepteth vs according to that we haue not according to that we haue not Ver. 3. Blessed are they that kéepe iudgement Imman readeth it in my mind better thus that kéepe this order vz. of praising magnifying God for his graces though they cannot do that which either they would or should do righteousnes at al times i. that do continually frame their life as an euident patern and a constant and perpetuall example of the prayse of God for so I suppose righteousnesse in this place to be vsed Verse 4. Remember me vz. thy poore and vnworthy Seruaunt hee meaneth not that God doth at any time forget
ouerthrowe me vers 10. Lette them fall from their councels i. lette them dislike that which they had counselled and purposed before cast them out vz. eyther from thy selfe or from the inheritance of thy children vers 11. Couer thou them i. defend them and keepe them safe from the face of their enemies that loue thy name i. that feare thy maiestie and vnfeignedly professe thy religion vers 12. Blesse put for doing al maner of good to one righteous see Psalme 1.5.6 put for such as striue to righteousnes and are so accounted though not so in deed of themselues but by means of another vz. Iesus Christ Ver. 1. Do. Teacheth that Gods children many times vse words in their praiers many times not So did Moses and Anna the mother of Samuel vers 2. Gods children should striue to earnestnes in prayer should pray vnto none but to him alone vers 3. Teacheth that we should breake our sleeps in the morning to the end we might pray to the Lord. vers 4. Teacheth that seeing God cannot away with wickednes his children should abhor it likewise the same doth vers 5. In vers 6. are comprehended iudgements against the vngodly namely against lyers cruel persons and deceitful men vers 7. Teacheth that we may not appeare before God in the trust of our own merits but of his mercies onely also that with reuerence we should repayre to the places of Gods seruice and reuerently also there behaue our selues vers 8. Teacheth that vnlesse God guide vs we shal go out of the way also that we should pray for an holy life and that to this ende that the mouthes of the enemies may be stopped from euill speach vers 9. Is a liuely description of the vngodlies qualities as that they are inconstant that they imagine mischiefe that they are giuen to crueltie to flatterie vers 10. We learn that it is lawfull to pray against the enemies of the Church as that their counsels deuises may be scattered c. verse 11. We learne that the faithfull may reioyce at the ouerthrow of Gods enemies verse 12. We learn in what assurednes they are whome the Lord defendeth Psalme 6. 1 THis Psalme consisteth of three principall partes Di. In the first is comprehended the Prophets praiers with reasons that hee alledgeth to induce the Lorde to take pitie vpon him frō vers 1. to the end of the 4. In the second he setteth out the greatnes of his griefe shewing that if God should take him away by death he should lacke occasion to praise him among men as he was wont to doe from vers 5. to the end of the 7. In the third he doth not onely sharpely rebuke his enemies but also foretelleth their destruction frō vers 8 to the ende of the Psalme This Psalme hath a title as sundry others haue Se. but it is the same with the 4. and therefore looke backe to that sauing that he addeth here vpon the eight tune which was a tune well knowne among the Iewes and was sung with a very cleare and high voyce see 1. Chron. 15.21 vers 1. Anger and wrath attributed to God not that they bee in him but that it so seemeth to men when hee correcteth them and this vers is shortly vttered something seeming as it were to want which is an ordinarie matter to those that are diseased Adde therfore this neither chastise me in thy wrath vz. least I should be consumed and brought to nothing Sée Iere. 10.24 ver 2. I am weake vz. with my sicknes q.d. I am wonderfully weakned through my sicknes but restore me my former forces my bones are vexed i. full of griefe and ache by the abating of my flesh through sicknes and by continuall lying vers 3. Wilt thou delay vz. to send helpe and reliefe vers 4. returne q.d. as it seemed to me thou hast departed away from mee but nowe returne at the length deliuer my soule vz. from present death as may appeare in the next vers following vsing also the word soule which is a part of man for the whole vers 5. in death i. among dead bodies there is no remembrance of thee because the body hath nothing without the soule in the graue who shall praise thee i. what dead bodie put into the graue shall praise thee q.d. none shall or can Verse 6. I faint rather then I fainted because al the rest is read in the present tense meaning by fainting not onely a long vse of his mourning but a wearisomnes yea a consuming and wearing away with the vse thereof I cause my bed euery night to swimme and water my couch vpon which I lie in the day time for ease refreshing for that difference I make betweene bed and couch with my teares these exceeding speaches doe nothing else but note the greatnes of Dauids mourning and the bitternes and sharpnes of his disease vers 7. mine eie is dimmed i. the clearnes and good sight it had is taken from it partly through continual mourning and partly through despite or freting and wrath rather which he caried towardes his enemies that reioyced at his sicknes and sank in or after some waxed olde I take it to be but a repetition of that which went before vers 8. Depart from me c. q.d. You may now go your way for that which you looked for vz. my death you shal not haue at this present for the Lord hath hearde the voyce of my weeping i. Graciously granted me that which with teares I asked of him vers 9. Wil receiue my prayer The Prophet assureth himselfe euen for the time to come as well as for the time past or present vers 10. Is here red as a prophecie or fortelling of the ruine of his enemies others read it as a wish and a praier against his enemies thus let al mine enemies c. There is no hardnes in it in respect of the sense they shal be turned backe as those that haue suffered a repulse Do. not able to looke their foes in their face Ver. 1. Teacheth vs to run vnto the Lord by praier to preuent his iudgements ver 2. Teacheth vs to do that but yet always hauing recourse to his mercy onely it teacheth such that the more we are afflicted the more need wee haue to come to God specially if we be touched in soule or conscience as verse 3. vers 8.9 expresseth Gods readines in yeelding to the supplications of his seruants vers 10. conteineth iudgements against the wicked and vngodly Psalme 7. THis Psalme consisteth principally of three partes Di. In the first part he praieth for deliuerance from his enemies setting out his innocencie and vpright dealing towards them from vers 1. to the end of the 5. In the second he praieth against his enemies declaring what good shall come to his children by the ouerthrow of the wicked From vers 6. vnto the ende of the 10. In the 3. hee pronounceth Gods iudgements against the vngodly which
prepare arrowes for the persecutors i. those that with him doe persecute me ver 14. Behold q.d. notwithstanding all this he shall trauaile with wickednesse but yet he shal not be able to bring forth i. to worke that which he hath deuised for he hath conceaued vz. in his vnderstanding mischiefe vz. agaynst me but he shall bring forth a lie i. such a thing as shal deceaue him of his expectation and hope which he doth more particulerly and plainly declare in the next verse Ver. 15. by which and the 16. he noteth that all the mischiefes that the vngodly deuised agaynst the good and all the daungers that they thought to take the godly in shal light vpon themselues and they themselues be taken therewith ver 17. hath this meaning q.d. Propheta When I shall sée Gods iudgements vpon the wicked and his mercy in deliuering me I wil prayse him according to his righteousnesse he meaneth not so much as Gods righteousnesse i. his faythfull kéeping and performing of promises deserueth but rather noteth the cause that God hath giuen to prayse him for and by name in this verse he meaneth the excellent power maiestie of God which then appeareth when he ouerthroweth his enemies and deliuereth his owne ver 1. Trust and confidence in God Do. is alwaies necessary in them that pray to him also we learne to pray for deliuerance from our persecutours ver 2. describeth the cruel and subtill nature of the wicked ver 3. Sheweth that many of Gods children may stand vpō their innocencie to menward though not before God ver 4. Teacheth that we should ouercome euil with wel doing ver 6. Sheweth that we may sometimes pray against some enemies of the Church it teacheth this also to make Gods promises general or particular the ground of our prayers ver 8 Teacheth that when men wil not iudge rightly we may by prayer defer our causes to him that hath no respect of persons ver 9. that we shoulde pray for the direction and prosperitie of Gods people also that nothing no not the secret thoughts of our hearts can be hid from God ver 10. Teacheth two things 1. that we ought to hang vppon God 2. the fauour and loue hée beareth towards thē that sincerely feare him ver 11. Sheweth that God wil not the death of sinners in that he vseth so many meanes to bring them to amendmend ver 12. 13. Declare what mischieuous mindes the wicked carry towarde the godly and what meanes they wil worke to accomplish their naughtines ver 14.15.16 Shew the god shal ouerthrow al their purposes and practises so that good cause we haue to hang vpon him and litle cause to feare the other seeing that their deuises passe into smoke ver 17. Teacheth vs to thanke God either for the destruction of the wicked or the deliuerance of the good Psalme 8 Di. THis Psalme hath principally two partes In the first the Prophet sheweth that the excellent power and prouidence of almightie God may appeare in many his creatures as namely in the heauens and the things therin contained and this is comprehended in the three first verses But specially it is to be seene in man whose excellency in respect of his first creation the Prophet doth wonderfully extol From ver 4. to the end of the Psalme And this is the second part thereof The title of this Psalm hath bene expounded before al sauing this word Gittith which I take to be instruments the custody whereof was committed to Obed Edom the Gittith and to his familie or kinred that came of him of whom you may read 2. Samuel 6.10.11 ver 1. name put for power maiestie as Psal 7.17 q.d. O Lorde howe great doth the whole earth shew thy power to be which hast set thy glory aboue the heauens q.d. not onely the earth but the heauens also declare thy glory as Psal 19.1 Yea he meaneth further by these spéeches that though gods glory appeare in heauen and earth yet notwithstanding hee is infinite in maiestie and glory because his glory is farre aboue the highest heauens vers 2. Hast thou ordained strength i. thou hast strongly established vz. thy prouidence and power q.d. besides the earth and the heauens wee haue very infants preachers of thy power and goodnes and so doth our sauiour vnderstand it Mat. 12.16 Because of thine enemies i. thou hast done this that they thereby might bee confounded that thou mightest stil the enemie i. stoppe his mouth in such sort that he should haue nothing to say and the auenger he that reuengeth his own cause and leaueth not vengeance to the Lord to whom alone it belongeth Rom. 12.19 Who by their facts sheweth that they are perswaded that God careth not for mens matters or else would they neuer so violently breake into his office ver 3. The heauens are called gods both because he made them and also because he gouerneth there and they are as it were his dwelling place the worke of thy fingers i. which thou thy self hast most exactly and perfectly made the moone and the starres Hee particularly reciteth some of the heauenly creatures which thou hast ordeined vz. to bee there to giue light and to keepe their ordinary courses ver 4. That thou art mindfull of him vz. to shewe fauour and loue towardes him or the sonne of man i. his posterity here hee speaketh generally of all comparing man with the rest of the creatures sée Eccle. that thou shouldest visit him i. haue regarde and consideration of him ver 5. For thou hast made him a litle lower then God Here hee speaketh of GOD in the first place in the second person in the second place in the third person the Apostle Heb. 2.6 expoundeth or translateth in thus Thou hast made him a litle inferiour to the Angels both in this place and in that of the Hebrewes the meaning is that the Lord gaue vnto men in this life a certaine angelicall and heauenly excellencie and crowned him i. Thou hast decked him as it were with a crowne with glory and worshippe some referre this to the mynde and reasonable soule of a man by whiche hee doeth not onely differ from beastes but draweth nigh to the heauenly nature I doe not onely stretch it so farre but vnderstand thereby also the dominion and Lordshippe that the Lorde hath giuen to him ouer all his creatures which followeth ver 6. In the woorkes i. ouer the works of thine hands i. which thou thy selfe hast made all thinges vnder his féete i. made thē subiect vnto him this was true in Adam by creatiō it is verified also in our sauiour as may appeare Heb. 2. We lost it by Adams fall but we haue it in part restored againe vnto vs by Christ in our regeneration ver 7. He doth particularise the general time all in the 6. verse Ver. 8. and that which passeth through the paths of the sea Hee meaneth the whale and other great fishes which make a smooth
care and conscience diligently to instruct others ver 9. Beware of stubbornes in sinne for besides that it maketh men brutish it draweth Gods iudgement vpon them ver 10. The vnlikely rewarde of the wicked and the vngodly from the Lord. ver 11. Exhortation yea euen to those that haue made good procéedings in godlines is very necessary Psalme 33 THis Psalme hath two special parts Di. In the first the Prophet exhorteth good people to be thankful shewing sundry causes that shoulde moue them thereto as his power prouidence faithful performaunce of his promises and such like from ver 1. to the end of the 11. In the seconde hee sheweth that all thinges in respect of God bee as nothing shewing what a fatherly care that great God hath continually ouer his children and praying also the continuance and increase thereof from ver 12. to the end of the Psal This Psalme hath no title such a one is Psalm 10. Ver. 1. Se. In the Lorde sée Psal 32.11 it becommeth this is a reason to induce praises to God set from their duty vpright men sée Psal 32.11 to be thankeful vz. to God for all his benefits ver 2. instruments of tenne strings the proper name of this instrument is not expressed but it should séeme to be very melodious by reason of the number of strings ver 3. A new song i. not a common song but a very rare and exquisite one chearefully for such countenances the Lord loueth in his seruice ver 4. Al his workes i. whatsoeuer he doth are faithful i. true firme in respect of him from whom they come and profitable vnto vs. ver 5 He loueth i. he so fauoureth that he performeth righteousnes and iudgment I make this difference in this place betwéene these two termes that righteousnes should be referred to the good people vnderstanding thereby faythfull performance of all his promises made to them and iudgement to the vngodly meaning the punishments that he will powre forth vppon them and yet which I thinke also wil not be a misse for this place in consideration that iudgement consisteth of two partes vz. of acquiting and clearing the intent and of condemning the guilty it may be referred to the faithful also is full i. hath wonderfull plenty of the testimonies and tokens of Gods mercy ver 6. Worde of the Lord i. his commandement or effectuall speach as Psal 148.5 Heauens i. not onely heauens but the earth and al creatures whatsoeuer some creatures or a part of the workemanship for the whole and al the host of them if you referre it to the heauens alone he meaneth Sunne Moone Starres c. but if you referre it to the whole worke of creation hee meaneth then all the seuerall creatures the breath of his mouth i. by his word only sée Iob. 15.30 ver 7. He gathereth i. he hath sundred them appointed them their place as appeareth Gene. 1.9 and euer since hath as it were kept them in that compasse and so wil do of all which hee speaketh in the present tense the depth i. the waters that séeme to haue no bottome in his treasures i. hee hath shut vp the depths to be kept in a certaine place euen as it were his treasures or amongst other his treasures ver 8. Al the earth i. al the people of the earth by Metonymia ver 9. He spake c. q.d. he did with a becke as a man would say create al things sée ver 6. of this Psalm It was done i. al the worke of his creation and it stood vz. firme sure and vnmoueable ver 11. the counsell of the Lord i. whatsoeuer he hath purposed and decreed stand vz. sure and stedfast yea neuer to be ouerthrowne the thoughts of his heart the prophet speaketh herof God according to men and as they are able to conceiue of him ver 12. Blessed is that nation q.d. seeing it is so that man can do nothing and God is all in all O blessed are that people that hath the Lord for their God that is for their iudge and gouernor ver 13. All the children of men i. all men whatsoeuer and not only their persons but their deeds and workes as ver 15. ver 14. from the habitation of his dwelling i. from heauen as 1. king 8.30.43 ver 15. He fashioneth i. he not only made but now directeth and disposeth their harts and the thoughts of the same ver 16. Is not saued i. deliuered from danger or getteth the victory by the multitude of an host i. by an host consisting of very many people deliuered vz. from the danger and power of his enemies by great strength vz. of himselfe or others for him teaching that all is done and gouerned by the Lord. ver 17. A horse is a vaine helpe q.d. a horse can not helpe And we may vnderstand by horse al aide succour that man can haue deliuer any vz. that rideth vpon him by his great strength i. by any thing that is in him courage swiftnes c. sée Iob. 39.22.23 c. ver 18. The eye of the Lord i. his fauourable countenance and goodnes is yea and shal be continually ver 19. Their soules i. their liues from death i. from all manner of daunger and destruction that might bring death with it and to preserue i. féede and norish them aliue as he did Elijah by rauens in famine i. in the tyme when other people shall be oppressed with great want ver 20. Our soule i. our whole life and being our inward and our outward man wayteth for the Lord i. patiently taryeth the Lord and his leasure q.d. séeing God doth thus and thus for his children as he had declared before ver 18.19 This is it that we do and will do al the daies of our life trust in him with patience Our helpe i. he that helpeth vs and our shield sée Psal 3.30 Psal 11.2 Ver. 28. Our heart a principal part for God specially regardeth the heart put for the whole man q.d. we will reioyce c. in his holy name i. in his vertue power and grace as Psal 29.1 And God is called holye because there is nothing in him but holines nay hée can not away with wickednes Psal 5.4.5 Ver. 22. As wee trust in thee vz. that thou wilt shewe vs mercy not meaning that they woulde haue no more mercy shewed them then they had trust Ver. 1. The consideration of the duety we owe to God Do. should stirre vs vp to thankfulnes ver 3. God loueth chearfulnes in all the exercises that are to bee performed towardes him ver 4. Whatsoeuer God doeth is righteous good and therefore they are to blame that will dislike of his doings ver 5. God giueth plentiful testimonies of his mercy to the ende hee might thereby prouoke men to continual thankfulnes ver 6. Confirmeth this article of our faith God is the maker of heauen and earth ver 7. Gods prouidence guideth al his creatures and namely and particularly the Seas and great
to looke vpon their deliuerance and to consider Gods power who doth what pleaseth him from ver 8. to the end of the Psalme Se. The inscription vpon Alamoth which I take to bee the name of an instrument sée 1. Corinth 15.20 Ver. 1. Our hope i. hee on whome wee hope or in whom we trust and strength i. from whom the strength wee haue cōmeth and helpe i. hee that alone helpeth vs in the time of troubles deliuereth vs out of the same ready to bee found q.d. he is not farre off neither yet needeth much intreaty Ver. 2. Will not wee feare i. be ouercome with feare though the earth should be moued q.d. if it were possible that the whole world shoulde be turned vpside downe as it were much lesse would wee feare lesse matters as warres and such like mountaines either vpon the earth cast through earthquakes into the Sea or the mountaines and rockes in the sea should through the rage of the Sea bee ouertumbled as in the next verse by these maner of speaches shaking of the earth and mouing of mountaines hee meaneth most terrible tumults and fearefull things which might strike wonderful great feare into a man that wanted fayth but yet by reason of the full and assured hope that they had shoulde no whit at all dismay them Ver. 3. Thereof i. of the sea rage i. bee very violent and vehement and bee troubled i. with the rage séemeth to haue chaunged his colour by reason of being mingled with dirt clay and mire for so in our spéech we do vse to say the fountaine is troubled shake vz. with the violence of the waues of the sea hée meaneth by this manner of speach in this and the other verse before going that though all the worlde and the whole course of nature shoulde bee as it were turned vpside downe yet still they will hang vppon the Lorde being assured of his goodnes and mercy Ver. 4. A riuer hee meaneth no doubt Gihon or Shiloach which did flowe to Ierusalem whose streames also did fil sometimes the brooke Kidron or Cedren spoken of Iohn 18.1 that compassed some part of the city of Ierusalem shall make glad vz. in the time of their heauines the Citie of God i. Ierusalem which is so called because hee was the defender thereof and was there worshipped euen the Sanctuary hée putteth the word sanctuary which was a part of the Arke for the place where the Arke was that is Sion whither the Arke was caried of the Tabernacles that is of the whole lande which is called Tabernacles because the Arke was pitched in diuers partes of it before it came to bee placed in Sion sée Psal 43. ver 3. Of the most high i. of God himselfe all these three verses vz. 2.3.4 are allegoricall meaning that though the troubles and hurliburlies were neuer so great yet Gods fauour which hee vnderstandeth by riuers and streames as Psalm 36.9 is a sufficient stay to appease their consciences in the middest of them all and because Gods fauour was no where more plainely shewed then in the Citie of Sion or Ierusalem and the Arke there placed hée maketh also speciall mention thereof Verse 5. In the middest of it vz. of that City noting by being in the middest of it his presence Mat. 18.20 Iohn 20.26 and his ready fauour to helpe it not bée mooued therefore much lesse shall it fall doe the enemies against it what they can very earely i. spéedily and in good time before it be distressed Ver. 6. Whē i. so soone as the nations raged i. beganne to expresse their fury and the kingdomes i. the people deuided into kingdomes God thundered i. gaue manifest signes and tokens of his wrath and iudgement against them and the earth i. the people dwelling on the earth melted i. consumed away as snowe before the Sunne or as waxe before the fire sée Psalm 68.2 Ver. 7. The Lord of hostes sée Psalm 24.10 is with vs i. on our side to defend vs the God of Iacob i. of the Patriarch and all the people that came of him towardes whome the Lorde shewed himselfe marueilous mighty and mercifull as in Genesis Exodus and other places appeareth our refuge i. the place whereunto we commit our selues to bée succoured from our aduersaries Verse 8. Come and behold c. In this place the faithfull exhort all to looke vppon Gods iudgements against the vngodly and his mercy towardes his children that thereby they may profit in the hatred of euil and in the loue of weldoing Ver. 9. Vnto the endes of the worlde i. euen vnto the furthest partes of the worlde so that there is no part wherein hée gouerneth not and by breathing cutting and burning of the bow speare and chariot they vnderstand an vtter confounding and consuming of all warlike instruments whatsoeuer and of al the deuices and pollicies that can be vsed therein Ver. 10. Bee still and knowe c. In this verse the faithfull take vppon them as it were Gods person and in the same admonish the enemies of the Church to stay themselues from persecuting it knowing that in setting themselues against it they set themselues against GOD that I am God i. ful of al maiesty and might doing whatsoeuer pleaseth me both in heauen and in earth I will bee exalted among the heathen vz. whether they will yea or no because none of them can let mee Ver. 11. Is expounded before in the seuenth verse Ver. 1. In all troubles Gods people must hang vppon God Do. whose readines to helpe is there also set out Ver. 2. Noteth the assured perswasion that the faithful haue of God and his goodnes notwithstanding the great troubles that be in the worlde Ver. 2.3.6 doe allegorically and in plaine termes also expresse the rage and cruelty of the wicked and the harde brunts that Gods children must abide at their handes Ver. 4. Declareth that notwithstanding all hurliburlies God wil comfort his children in such sort as shal be most for his glory and their good Ver. 5. God is alwaies present with his children to helpe them in due time Ver. 7. God is a sure place of refuge for his children to flie to for hée will neuer put them backe Ver. 8. Teacheth vs to admonish one an other yea the very wicked it setteth out also as likewise the 9. verse doeth Gods power against his enemies Ver. 10. None is able to withstand God and his works sée ver 11. sée ver 7. Psalme 47 Di. THis Psalme chiefely propoundeth two thinges The first is an exhortation to the faithfull to shewe themselues thankful vnto God for the great and wonderfull thinges that hee doth from ver 1. to the end of the 4. In the second is a description of Gods great power maiesty and glory set out to this ende that the faithfull might learne to trust in him alone from ver 5. to the end of the Psalme Se. The title is expounded before Psal 42. Ver. 1. All people i. as well
12. Myne enemy i. mine open enemy or one that I had giuen any good cause vnto to bee mine enemy for otherwise no doubt hee or they whosoeuer they were that put this in practise against Dauid were his foes and here note that though hee seeme to speake but of one yet no doubt hee meaneth more or else vnder one most singular in that craft of dissimulation hee vnderstandeth others for hee meaneth here that by secret deuises which hee coulde not preuent hee was vnder the pretence of friendshippe almost cast away did not diffame mee sée verse 3. of this Psalme for I could haue borne it vz. better then I doe nowe because I looke for nothing from mine enemie but enemy like dealing Exalt himselfe against mee i. set himselfe against mee by worde or deede All this the Prophet speaketh by the way of comparison not denying but that his foes did defame him and oppose themselues against him but if that were compared with the hypocriticall dealings of his counterfeit friends it would appeare to bee nothing as a man would say and this wee call a denyall by the way of comparison I would haue hid me from him i. I woulde haue kept my selfe close and safe from him and his cruelties Verse 13. Hee sheweth who it was that wrought him this iniurie my companion i. my equall and of the selfesame state and condition that I my selfe was of by which wee see that this Psalme was made before hée came to the kingdome for when hee was exalted thither once none was equall vnto him my guyde vz. in matters of counsell and affaires that I had to doe and my familiar i. my deare and tender friend He meaneth no doubt some whom hee had in great regarde and estimation Ver. 14. Which delighted in consulting together q.d. with whom I tooke wonderfull pleasure to conferre of many matters and namely of the exercises of Gods religion which I suppose the Prophet meaneth by going into the house of God as companions consulting as it were together howe they might prepare themselues to his seruice behaue themselues therein Ver. 15. Let death sease vpon them vz. not onely sodainely and or euer they beware for so much the Hebrewe worde in a metaphor séemeth to import but let it take such holde of them that it may neuer leaue till it haue taken them away from amongest men Let them goe downe quicke into the graue as Korah Dathan and Abiram did Numb 16.31 Hee meaneth that hee woulde haue them dye of some sodaine death no disease or sickenesse going before it for wickednes i. all manner of vngodlinesse sée before Psalm 36.1 In their dwellinges i. in their congregations assemblies and fellowshippes putting the places where such wicked persons did méete for their méetings euen in the middest of them i. they norish it within them and haue it alwayes in their company Ver. 16. I will call vnto God i. earnestly pray vnto him will saue mee i. deliuer mee from these cruelties and daungers as Psalm 54.1 Verse 17. Euening and morning and at noone will I pray i. I will bee importunate and neuer cease till I haue obteined from hence and out of Daniel 6.10 wee may gather that in those dayes the faythfull set themselues certaine houres to pray in thereby the better to awake their sluggishnes And make a noyse i. I will bee feruent and earnest in it for many haue prayed long and yet haue wanted feruency and hee will heare my voyce i. graunt the petitions and prayers that I shall powre foorth before him wherein wee see howe hee assureth him selfe of Gods goodwill and mercy Verse 18. My soule i. my life as sundry times before in peace i. safely and soundly and with great quietnes from the battaile that was against mee i. from the great conflictes and daungers wherein I shoulde haue béene snared because they were layde and prepared against mee for many were with mee q.d. though to sée too wee were but fewe yet wee had Gods Angels with vs to dismay our enemies and to comfort vs as 2. Kinges 6.16 Ver. 19. God shall heare vz. mee and my prayers and afflict them i. whereas hee shewed mercy to mee hee shall afflict them and punish them euen hee that reigneth of olde i. hee which in nature counsell and iudgement is eternall and alwayes like to himselfe which thing the Prophet expresseth to giue the wicked to vnderstande that there is no starting holes to hyde them in from GOD because they haue no chaunges vz. from wealth honour and credit to pouerty disgrace and misery but alwayes they goe forwarde in abundance of these outwarde blessinges therefore they feare not GOD i. they neither reuerence him nor his iudgements but abusing his mercye runne riot to all wickednes and so in this verse hee putteth them out for their harde hartednes in vngodlynes Ver. 20. Hee layeth his hand first marke the sodaine chaunge of the number before he spake of them in the plurall nowe of them in the singular next note that by laying of handes vppon others hee meaneth exercising of violence towardes others yea and this outragious discurtesie is aggrauated by howe much it was practised towards them that were at peace with him i. not only such as liued quietly with him but also loued him and so by that meanes hee brake his couenaunt vz. which he had made with him all this Dauid speaketh principally of Saul and himselfe and of the couenant that passed betweene them Sée 1. Samuel 24. from verse 17. to the ende of the Chapter Verse 21. The woordes of his mouth were softer then butter i. hee made shewe in his woordes of nothing but gentlenesse and mildenesse yet warre was in his heart i. inwardly hee imagineth nothing but mischiefe and destruction for so is the woorde warre vsed here vz. put for thinges that commonly followe warres his woordes were more gentle then Oyle this I take to be but the same thing repeated in an other metaphor in summe the Prophet toucheth him here for his peruerse hipocrisie and wooluish mind as it were against him Verse 22. Cast thy burden vppon the Lorde q.d. if there bee any thing that troubleth thee or that thou thy selfe standest in neede for so much I thinke hée meaneth by the worde burden commit all the care thereof into Gods hands and power staying thy self altogether vpon his prouidence and he shall nourish thée i. vndoubtedly thou shalt not want for God wil play the part of a good Father whereunto in deede the Prophet in this place resembleth him giuing vnto euery one of his in measure and as hee shall sée to bee necessary for them for so much doeth the worde import hee will not suffer the righteous to fall for euer vz. into the wicked mans power that he should vse him as hée himselfe lusteth Verse 23. Shalt bring them downe vz. from the wealth credit and authority that nowe they are in and this hee speaketh of the vngodly and
wicked into the pit of corruption i. into the graue meaning thereby death putting that which followeth death vz. the graue and buriall for death it selfe the blody and deceitfull men i. the cruell and crafty persons shall not liue halfe their dayes Albeit this doth not commonly fall out as is declared Iob. 21.7 Yet we finde it true in many particular examples and when hee sayth halfe their dayes hee meaneth not as these yeeres are numbred to them from God for wee knowe they can not passe thē but this hee will that they shall not liue halfe so long as they themselues imagined they shoulde because in Gods iustice they shal bee taken away for their sinnes and hee vseth this worde dayes for yeeres an vsuall speach in scripture because the yere and yeeres consist of dayes sée for this purpose the inscription of the Prophets prophecies and namely Isaiah 1.1 Hosea 1.1 but I wil trust in thee q.d. whatsoeuer fal out vpon the wicked I wil alwaies in a stedfast faith cleaue vnto thée and thy goodnes Do. Ver. 1.2 Teach vs two things first in our distresses to come to God by praier and next to vse feruency and earnestnes therein Ver. 3.4.5 Teach vs that the mischieuous mindes of the vngodly and our owne fearefull state and condition should be continuall spurres in our sides to prouoke vs to earnest prayer Ver. 6.7.8 Teach vs sundry times to giue place to the violence and rage of our enemies and that with some hast and spéede also lest otherwise wee bée ouertaken and preuented Ver. 9. Teacheth that wee may sundry times safely pray against the enemies of Gods Church Ver. 10.11 Teacheth vs not to forbeare the displaying of sinne in what place so euer wee bee specially when it is growne to so great a head that in all places it ouerfloweth Ver. 12. Teacheth vs that many good men can better beare with vncurtesie from the wicked then from those that they make account of as friends and that they can more safely preuent daungers from their open aduersaries then otherwise Ver. 13. Teacheth vs that it is no newe thing that a mans enemies should be they of his owne houshold Ver. 14. Declareth that the vngodly to atchieue their purposes wil many times make profession of religion Ver. 15. Sheweth that when God hath discouered some hipocrites and wee sée them goe forward from one sinne to another we may then pray against them Ver. 16. Teacheth vs when we sée all out of order to call vppon the Lorde and to be rightly and assuredly perswaded of his good will towardes vs. Ver. 17. Teacheth vs that for the shaking off of our drousines it shall bee good for vs to set vnto our selues some ordinary times of good exerise Ver. 18. Setteth out Gods fauour and mercy towards those that are his and that by his owne helpe and sometimes by the ministery of his seruants and Angels Ver. 19. Sheweth howe gracious God is towardes the good and howe iust in executing vppon the wicked his heauy iudgements it teacheth further that the vngodly abuse Gods mercies to a contempt of his maiesty Ver. 20. Declareth the inhumanitie and vnfaythfulnes of the vngodly Ver. 21. Setteth out their hypocrisie dissimulation and cruelty Ver. 22. Teacheth vs in all thinges to hang vppon the Lordes power and prouidence with full hope and assurance that hee will neuer destitute vs nor forsake vs. Ver. 23. Comprehendeth Gods sharpe iudgements against all the wicked and namely against bloody and deceitfull men it teacheth the godly also still to hang vpon God howe peruerse and setled in wickednes so euer the vngodly bée Psalme 56. THis Psalme may bee diuided into thrée partes Di. In the first the Prophet prayeth vnto God for deliuerance from feare promising to bee thankefull for it and to learne thereby not to feare flesh from ver 1. to the end of the 4. In the second he declareth that both in respect of his owne misery and of the force subtilties of his aduersaries there is good cause why the Lorde should succour him from ver 5. to the end of the 9. In the thirde hee promiseth thankefulnes for all Gods mercies and namely for his deliueraunces from ver 10. to the end of the Psalme The title to him that excelleth a Psalm of Dauid sée Psalme 4. Se. in the title on Michtam which is either the name of a tane as Psal 16. in the title or else of some musicall instrument concerning the dumbe Doue some take this to be the beginning of a common song after the tune that Dauid woulde haue this Psalme sung and then michtam must bee taken not for a time but for an instrument others thinke that these wordes must bee applied to Dauid by a metaphor who calleth himselfe a dumbe Doue not onely because hee sought no reuenge but also because committing all things to Gods will he opened not his mouth to answere the aduersaries in a farre country vz. from the land of Iudea and namely from the place where the seruices of God were practised when the Philistines tooke him in Gath for the vnderstanding of this sée 1. Samuel 21. from ver 10. to the ende of the Chapter Some I knowe read this title thus To the master of the harmony that is all one in sense with these wordes to him that excelleth A notable song of Dauid this answereth in sense to a Psalme of Dauid in michtam which worde is sometimes vsed for gold as though that for the excellency of it it shoulde bee as good as gold touching the soule that suffered violence the reason of this varietie is because the worde in his proper and naturall signification is sometimes vsed for a Doue sometimes vsed for a soule but the sense is all one and this agréeth with that concerning the dumbe Doue by a band of people that were farre of i. by a company or multitude of Philistines as appeareth by that which followeth in this title Ver. 1. For man i. great numbers of men as when we say man can do nothing against God no doubt he meaneth both Saul his complices together with the Philistines and other enemies of his would swallow vp he cōpareth his enemies to a whirlepoole or rauenous beasts meaning that they had a mind vtterly to destroy him except God put to his hand for his deliuerance he fighteth continually vz. against me as ver 2. doing what he can to ouerthrow me work me mischief at the least which I suppose he meaneth by these words and vexeth me Ver. 2. Is very plaine and is the same almost with the first ver Ver. 3. When I was afraid i. when any thing fell out that might make me afraid I trusted in thée q.d. and so I will do stil because I neuer haue as yet beene frustrate of my hope Ver. 4. I wil reioyce in God vz. in the middest of al my troubles because of his word i. for the certainty and assurednes of his promise
haue laide snares in my way to trappe me as I go that I may thereby fall into their daunger and this latter I rather allowe of and my soule i. my life and body as sundry times before is pressed down vz. with their cruelty and mine owne misery the Prophet meaneth by this manner of speach the great daunger that hee was in They haue digged a pit before me i. they haue craftely deuised wayes and meanes to intrappe mee and that in the way as I should walke for I thinke that by laying of nets digging of pits the Prophet meaneth to note their subtilty and are fallē into the middest of it i. the mischiefe and hurt which they had prepared against mee is light vpon their owne heads sée Psal 7.15.16 Ver. 7. My heart is prepared O God my heart is prepared by doubling the speach the Prophet noteth not onely how ready he was but also howe resolute a purpose he carried with him to praise God and when he speaketh of the heart hee setteth it against hypocrites who haue nothing in their hart but all in their mouthes sée ver 1. of this Psalme I will sing vz. thy prayses and by singing he meaneth that he would publish them aloud with his tongue as well as haue them in his heart and giue prayse vz. to thee that art worthy all praise Verse 8. Awake my tongue hee stirreth vp the partes and members of his body to a certain liuelines and praysing the Lord sée Psalm 16.9 Awake viall and harp the better to inforce himself to this great duety he addeth certaine musicall instruments sée Psal 32.2 also Psal 43.4 I will awake earely vz. in the morning q. d. I will not be sluggish to praise GOD yea I will breake my sleepe rather then fayle that duety Ver. 9. The Prophet meaneth that hee will spreade abroade the prayses of God in all places and to all persons among whomsoeuer hee shall come and no doubt but in spirite hee did foresée the vocation of the gentiles who were to bee called to the knowledge of God Ver. 10. For thy mercy is great vnto the heauens and thy trueth vnto the cloudes i. thy goodnes and faithfulnes fulfil the whole worlde so that all people in euery place vnder heauen knowe thee to be mercifull and true in thy promises Ver. 11. Is the same with ver 5. both in wordes and meaning in which the Prophet beséecheth the Lord to declare his power not onely in the country of Iudea but also to exercise his iudgement throughout the whole world in succouring the innocent and in punishing the wicked Ver. 1. Teacheth vs in all our prayers to cleaue to Gods mercy Do. and not to our merits it instructeth vs also in our distresses and at all other times to hang vpon his great power and wonderful prouidence Ver. 2. Gods power Gods promise are two very good grounds of our prayers Ver. 3. Teacheth vs to bee assured to obtaine those things that wee shall aske according to his will Ver. 4. Setteth out the cruelty outrage and wonderful bitternes both of word and heart that the wicked haue Ver. 5. Teacheth vs to pray for the manifestation of Gods iustice and glory Ver. 6. Describeth the mischieuous subtilty of the wicked against the vngodly into which notwithstanding through Gods iust iudgement they themselues do fal Ver. 7. Teacheth to bee ready and willing to praise God Ver. 8. Teacheth vs to inforce al the parts and members of our body thereto and to vse al holy meanes either inwarde or outward wherby we may be prouoked to the performance of that duty Ver. 9. Teacheth vs neuer to be ashamed to do it in euery place and before all persons that other men may be drawne by our examples to do the like Ver. 10. Declareth for what causes wee shoulde praise God vz. for his mercy and for his faythfulnes Ver. 11. Is the same with verse 5. of this Psalme both in sense doctrine Psalme 58. THis Psalme may be diuided into two parts Di In the first hee declareth that the wicked are not onely frée from al goodnes but replenished on the other side with all maner of corruption and vngodlines and this reacheth from ver 1. to the ende of the fift In the second he maketh an earnest praier against the wicked shewing that in their ouerthrow the godly shall haue an occasion of mirth giuen them and other men shal be instructed in the iustice and righteousnes of God and this reacheth from ver 6. to the end of the Psalme Se. The title of this Psalme is expounded before Psal 57. Ver. 1. Is it true vz. that yee pretend and speake that yee speake iustly and deale vprightly q.d. no. For by such interrogations they doe certainely deny the thing O congregation hee speaketh no doubt of Sauls counsellers and courtiers against whom he inueigheth here speake ye iustly vz. concerning me my causes or do ye not rather for Sauls pleasure flatter him and flaunder me O sonnes of men sée this expounded before Psal 4.2 Iudge ye vprightly vz. of me and my matters q.d. no. The sense of this verse together is this much Hee directeth this speach to his enemies who were of Sauls court and counsell as if he should say thus I make you iudges whether vnder the shadowe of assembling your selues to consult for the common wealth and for a good iust matter you go not about to oppresse me that am innocent guiltlesse Ver. 2. Yea rather q.d. yee are so farre from that that yee execute the contrary in your heart i. secretly and priuily your handes execute cruelty the Prophet chargeth them with two thinges here first diuising of wickednes then practising and performing of the same by hand he meaneth not only the power they had to worke wickednes but that they thēselues with their owne hands were the executioners of the cruelty they had deuised sée Micah 2.1 vppon the earth i. vpon the people inhabiting the earth meaning also by this manner of speach that their cruelty was manifest as being séene and felt of men Ver. 3. The wicked in this verse the other following he setteth out the cause why Sauls courtiers commit al these things first by reason of the natural corruptiō which is in them maketh them to goe astray from God secondly because they carry with thē a fetled purpose to al maner of euil and wil not be reclaimed from it by any meanes Are straungers vz. from God and godlines as with whom they haue no maner of acquaintance at al frō the wombe vz. of their mother euen from the belly vz. of their mother haue they erred to wit from the right way of holines goodnes q.d. it is not to bee marueiled at that they are so wicked for it is no new thing because they haue had it euē from their birth Ver. 4. Their poison i. the malice of their harts and the mischieuous wordes that they vtter like the
procéedeth from imagination in the mynd to execution in act and déede Ver. 3. Plainely prooueth original sinne and noteth the procéedings that the wicked make in vngodlines so that from their birth vnto their death there is nothing but sinne corruption Ver. 4.5 Teacheth vs first that the wicked are giuen to all manner of lying slaundering and backbiting secondly that they are so setled in their sinne that they are almost past hope of recouery Verse Teacheth that wee may pray against the obstinate enemies of Gods Church and trueth that the Lord God woulde if hée sée it so good shortly confounde and spéedely ouerthrowe them which condition would bee vnderstood in al such prayers of Dauid though hee were excellently indued with the spirit of prophecy Ver. 10. Teacheth vs that the execution of Gods iudgements vppon the wicked is a matter of great comfort to the godly Ver. 11. Teacheth vs that the execution of Gods iudgementes vppon the wicked is likewise a matter of great instruction to other people wringing from them a sincere confession acknowledgement of Gods mercy towardes the good and of his iustice towardes the other it teacheth also that the godly shall loose nothing by this that they haue lead a religious and holy life before men in this life sée Isaiah 3.10 Psalme 59 THis Psalme as I take it may bee diuided into two partes Di. In the first the Prophet prayeth deliueraunce from his enemies shewing that their craft cruelty and proud bragges made him thus earnest with God from ver 1. to the end of the 8. In the second he declareth that God notwithstanding all their trecheries will deliuer him vpon which ground hee prayeth and prophecieth against him promising to yéeld thankefulnes to the Lord for that goodnes from ver 9. to the end of the Psalme The title for the most part is expounded before Psalm 57. Se. When Saul sent and they did watch the house to kill him sée for this 1. Samuel 19. from verse 11. to the ende of the 17. where it appeareth howe Michal his wife saued him from those that Saul sent to slay him Ver. 1.2 Hee prayeth to bee deliuered from his enemies which were ready as it were to ouerwhelme him by their wicked attempts cruell practises and mischieuous subtilties who did nothing else as a man would say but seeke his destruction Verse 3. They haue layd wayte vz. both secretly and openly for my soule i. for my life as sundry times before that they might take it away the mighty men q.d. no smal ones and therefore the greater danger am I in but such as haue wille and power to performe what they lift vnlesse thou preuent nor for mine offence nor for my sinne vz. to themward for I haue not done them any maner of euil which also may appeare by the next verse following O Lord q.d. euen as thou that searchest al heartes knowest Ver. 4. They runne and prepare themselues by these wordes the Prophet meaneth that they vsed al their diligence and spared no cost labour or paines to destroy him yea they were so diligent that they thought vppon nothing else almost but to execute their wicked enterprise without a fault on my part vz. towards them as before ver 3. Arise therefore here hee calleth vpon God whom he imagineth to be a sléepe as it were and all this is spoken according to man q.d. shewe thy power and might as hee doeth that is waked out of his sléepe to assist mee i. to stand by me and to strengthen me against such a number of cruel enemies as I haue and behold vz. not only my wretchednes and weakenes but also the outrages and mischieuous matters that they imagine and doe against me Ver. 5. Euē thou O Lorde of hostes hee more plainely describeth the God whom he called vpon for succour and in these termes Lorde of hostes hee comprehendeth his power as who hath infinite armies of all sorts of creatures in his handes to punish the wicked by and to defend the good and by these wordes O God of Israel he setteth out his mercy ioyning both together for the further strēgthening of his fayth awake i. declare thy power as before verse 4. and shewe thy selfe no lesse diligent to succour mee then they are to hurt mee to visite i. to punish and correct as Exod. 20.5 All the heathen by heathen he meaneth the hypocriticall and counterfeit Israelites who did as grieuously persecute Dauid for Sauls pleasure as people estraunged from God woulde haue done and when hee sayth all hee meaneth the greatest number expressing also vnder that terme the great multitude of his enemies which were so many in number as though they had béen whole swarmes of the Gentiles cōming together and bee not mercifull i. shewe no manner of fauour at all that transgresse maliciously i. of set purpose and as it were for the satisfiyng of their owne mischieuous myndes hée mindeth not here to speake of any but of the reprobate whose iniquitie was altogether desperate which as it should seeme hee did knowe through the spirit of prophecy Here wee must take héede that wee bee not ouer hasty to iudge in this behalfe Verse 6. They runne to and fro i. they cease not to goe and come so that they may execute their enterprises and this manner of speach noteth their rage in the euening q.d. if they can doe no euill in the day they will not cease to imploy the night thereto as being in déede a most conuenient tyme to woorke mischiefe in and this setteth out their diligence in committing euil they barke like dogges i. they pursue mee egarly and that with open mouth it is a metaphor taken from dogges vsed in hunting who sundry times followe their game barking and opening their mouthes wide as though they were ready to deuour their pray in which respect hee also compareth them here to raging hungry dogs and goe about the city vz. lest I might escape any maner of way and this noteth their diligence sée Psalm 55.10 Ver. 7. Behold they bragge in their talke i. they boast openly of that which they haue wickedly deuised and consulted on yea they vomit out and discouer all their wicked attempts without hyding or dissembling any thing so great is their impudency and shamelesnes and swordes are in their lippes i. the woordes that they speake are cruell for they speake of nothing but murthering throatcutting and spoyling sée Psalm 55.21 for who say they doth heare vz. our woordes or else perceiue our déeds and attempts and this they say amongst themselues meaning that neither God nor men do perceiue them And here he teacheth the outragious blockishnes that raigneth in the wicked when they perswade themselues that God regardeth not their wickednesses for being in possession fréedome to execute their wicked counsels they haue no shame of men nor feare of God Ver. 8. Sée expounded before Psal 2.4 for the word heathen sée ver 5. of this
vs. Verse 3. Setteth out firste the subtiltie of the wicked secondlye that not the meanest manye times but the mightiest are enimyes to Gods children and that not for anye euill the godly haue done against them but to satisfie their malicious mindes whiche may be terrible to them but comfortable to the godlye Verse 4. Setteth out the paynes and diligence that the wicked take to performe mischiefe Verse 5. teacheth that God euen the God of power must only laye too his handes when matters are as it were desperate to restrayne the rage of the malicious multitude Verse 6.7 shew the crueltye rage diligence boasting and carelesnesse of the vngodly Verse 8. Teacheth that God will make all the mischieuous attempts of the wicked frustrate Verse 9. Teache vs not so muche to regarde the force and multitude of our enemyes as to looke vp to our GOD whose power is present with vs. Verse 10. Teacheth that GOD is more ready to doe for vs then we many times thinke of Verse 11. Gods iudgementes iustly executed vpon the wicked should not be lightly let passe or slippe out of our remembraunce Verse 12. Teacheth vs to looke to our wordes to beware of pride and to take héede of periurie and lying for they are suche thinges as the Lord can not away with Verse 13. Gods iust iudgements executed vpon the wicked are euident testimonies of his iustice towards the vngodlye and of his mercy towards his own children Verse 14.15 Teacheth that all the wicked purposes and attempts of the vngodly shall be frustrate whatsoeuer pain toile and diligence they shall take in the performaunce thereof Verse 16. teacheth vs that Gods iustice vpon the wicked his goodnesse towards his own should inforce vs to yéeld continuall prayse and thanks to him both for the one and for the other Verse 17. Teacheth that all our strength and sufficiencie is from God alone Psalme 60 THis short Psalme may be diuided as I suppose Di. rightlye into thrée parts In the first the Prophet sheweth the great affliction that he had a long time indured and the great blessings that God afterwards poured forth vppon him from ver 1. to the end of the 5. In the seconde hee doth by the spirite of Prophecie foretell the inlargement of his kingdome not onely in the land of Iudea but among the nations about him from verse 6. vnto the end of the 8. In the third he prayeth the Lord to strengthen him agaynst his enemies and assureth himselfe of his ayde from verse 9. to the ende of the Psalme The title Se. to him that excelleth this is expounded before vpon Shushan Eduth I take it to be the name either of some instrument which shoulde bée vsed in the singing of this Psalme or else the beginning of some song according to the tune whereof Dauid would haue this Psalme sung or Michtam q.d. It may be sung eyther vpon the one instrument or tune or vpon the other instrument or tune of michtam we haue spoken before and namelye Psalme 16. in the Title a Psalme of Dauid i. which Dauid made to teache vz. not only himselfe and those of his time but others that should come after him what great care God hath ouer his though he afflict them for a little while when he fought agaynst Aram Naharaim this expresseth the time of the making of this Psalme The history whereof you may sée at large 2. Samuel 8. thorowe out and namely verse 12.13 For Aram Naharaim what Countrie it was and why it was so called sée Gen. 24.10 and the note in that place and agaynst Aram Zobah he maketh only mention of terrible people and such as are farre of leauing to speake of the nations round about him because the discomfiture of those was as it were incredible and yet God gaue him the victory both against the Aramites of Mesopotamia and againste the other Aramites that inhabited Zobah When Ioab returned to wit from the slaughter of the Syrians as 2. Samuel 8.13 where it is sayd that Dauid slew eyghtéene thousand which wée must vnderstand thus because he was the chéefe of that armye and therefore that is ascribed to him which was performed by the people that was subiect to him and in 1. Chronicles 18.12 It is sayd that Abishai Ioabs brother flew thē which must be vnderstoode because he was the first instrument that ouerthrew the Syrians killing sixe thousand of them which victorye his brother and the armie that was with him pursued and flew twelue thousand more of them of which mention is made in this place read diligently for the better vnderstanding hereof the places before alleaged vz. 2. Samuel 8. throughout and 1. Chron. 18. thorow out Verse 1. No doubt he bewayleth the miserable dispersion and long afflictions that the people of Israel aboad in the time of the Iudges and Saule of which you may reade in the booke of Iudges and the firste of Samuel thou hast cast vs out vz. eyther of thy fauour or else of the lande and dwelling places that thou hast giuen vs of whiche the story of Ruth yieldeth an example thou hast scattered vs vz. amongest other peoples round about vs see more of this phrase Psalme 59.11 thou hast bin angry vz. agaynst vs euident signes of which thy wrath haue bin our outcastinges and dispersions turne agayne vnto vs q.d. behold our misery and affliction and once agayne looke vpon vs in mercy and louing fauour as thou hast don sundry times heretofore take not thy flight from vs neyther depart away from vs in sury but in mercy returne to vs and abide with vs for euer Verse 2. Thou hast made the lande to tremble i. thou hast striken a wonderfull feare into the hartes and heads of thy people by reason of forraine warres and heauie troubles or else thus Thou hast brought great disorders amongst the people euen as confusion commonly and ouerthrowing of houses followeth earthquakes but I allow rather of the former sence whatsoeuer it be he doth by a metonymia put the land for the people inhabiting the same and thou hast made it to gape vz. not only as it were with an earthquake but also as it were with a most dry and parching summer meaning thereby seditions and ciuil discordes when the people were diuided among themselues some following Dauid and some the house of Saule as appeareth 2. Samuel from Chap. 1. to the fourth heale the breaches therof i. remedy the disorders therin and cure the diseases like a good Phisition as in déed one to whom alone it belōgeth for it is shaken vz. greatly and gréeuously with the calamities that it hath alreadye endured and is like to indure vnlesse thou redresse it q. d. It is so laden with affliction and misery that it can not long indure euen as if a man had a burthen on his back that were too heauie for him to beare Verse 3. Thou hast shewed thy people heauy things i. thou hast made that people whom
this Psalme respecting rather matter then order doeth somewhat confusedly expound diuers things generally hée expoundeth in déed Gods power which hee manifested in sauing and deliuering his in ouerthrowing their enemies for which mercy towards the one and iudgement towards the other he exhorteth all the faithful and all others to yéelde both thankes and power vnto him The ouerthrowe of the wicked is foretold and confirmed by examples similitudes Ver. The mercy of God towards his seruants is set out Ver. Exhortation to humble confession of Gods might and hearty praysing of him for his benefites are comprehended Ver. The rest of the verses of this Psalme doe for the most part most excellently séeke the maiesty and power of God as Se. The title is expounded before sundry times and specially Psal 48. of Dauid i. which Dauid made It shoulde séeme that Dauid writ this Psalme after he had ouercome the Philistines Iebusits and went about to cary the Arke into Ierusalem as 2. Sam. 6. and 1. Chronic. 13. and it is so much the more confirmed vnto me because he beginneth this Psalme with the same words almost that Moses vseth Numer 10.31 When the Arke should remoue Ver. 1. God wil arise i. God by effects wil declare that he is not only present with but that also he taketh care for his Church by exercising his power against the enemies therof and his enemies i. those that molest and trouble his people they are called his enemies because he estéemeth any thing done against thē as done against himselfe shal bee scattered vz. like chaffe before the wind sée Psal 1.4 meaning that they shal not be able to stand before him they also that hate him vz. either himself or his people shall flée before him vz. as men discomfited in the field and turne their backes Ver. 2. As the smoke vanisheth i. sodainly for we sée the smoke soone passeth away and this is one similitude hee vseth to set forth their hasty and present destruction so shalt thou driue them vz. by violence and that whether they will or no away vz. from the place of their aboade and where they thought their nest was most sure and as waxe melteth before the fire this is an other similitude expressing their sodaine and assured destruction so shall the wicked perish i. come to naught bée ouerthrowne and destroyed as Psalme 1.6 at the presence of God i. when God beginneth once to shewe some testimonies of his presence Ver. 3. But the righteous i. good and holy men who haue the righteousnes of God imputed vnto them shal bee glad and reioyce before God i. shall shewe themselues ioyfull because God declareth himself terrible to the wicked which also is for their good and the saluation of his Church yea they shall leape for ioy i. they shall expresse the inward ioy of their heart by outward gestures and signes Ver. 4. Sing vnto God he exhorteth the faithful to praise God and sing praises vnto his name i. to his power goodnes maiesty and nature for al these are his being substance exalt him vz. with songes and prayses that rideth vpon the heauens i. that hath an infinite power and is lifted vp farre aboue all the world in his name Iah i. in his eternal nature which is of it selfe and is the cause that all other thinges are for so much the worde Iah importeth and amongest other names and titles of God hee taketh that which is in déede most significant for the which he is especially to be praised reioyce before him vz. in the place where he is worshipped which was wheresoeuer the Arke was till the temple was builded Ver. 5. He i. God is a father i. a gracious prouider for maintainer of the fatherles i. of al those that bee in affliction misery as Hosea 14.3 and a iudge i. one that taketh knowledge of reuengeth iniury offred to the widowes by these two fatherles widowes he meaneth that God caryeth a singular affection towards those that are oppressed which he wil maintaine against all those that labour to put them downe and oppresse them by violence in his holy habitation hee meaneth either heauen or the tabernacle of wicnesse The sense is that for as much as God had chose him a dwelling place amongst men the poore might haue more bold assurance when they vnderstoode that they néed not séeke God farre off Ver. 6. God maketh the solitary to dwel in families by solitary he meaneth those that were childles who are so called not onely because barennes which was reprochful among the Iewes made thē sundry times to liue as it were solitarily i. not so much to reioyce in company as others did but also because not hauing séede they were as it were alone in as much as they did not increase the house or stocke and by dwelling in families hee meaneth blessing of them with children and posterity sée Psalm 113.9 and deliuereth i. setteth frée from bandes and the daunger of their enemies power them that were prisoners in stockes i. those that were kept most straitly and locked most surely as Paul and Silas Actes 16.24 Sée Psalme also Psalme 146. throughout but the rebellious vz. against GOD and his truth shall dwell in a dried lande i. a barren place as Psalme 63.1 Hee meaneth that they shalbée destitute of gods blessing and in continuall misery expressing one kinde of affliction for al. Ver. 7 O God when thou we●test foorth i. when thou diddest take the charge and gouernement and so wentest in and out for them and on their behalfe before the people vz. of Israel what tyme thou causedst them to come vp out of Egipt when thou wentest vz. with them and that fortie yeeres long through the wildernes sée Psalme also Numb 33.11 Verse 8. The earth i. not onely mount Sinai but also the ground about it sée Exodus 19.18 yea hee meaneth that all thinges gaue place vnto him bringing his people out of that bondage as the historie sheweth from Exod. 7. Vnto the 20. chapter the heauens dropped vz. either manna which God gaue the people or else raine and water sée Psalm 18.7.11 at the presence of this God i. when this our god would giue vs some tast of his maiesty euen Sinai q.d. that great notable and strong mountaine was moued i. trembled and shooke as before in this verse Verse 9. Thou O God diddest send for so it must be and not sendest a gracious raigne he meaneth that of his free and onely goodwill did giue the land which of it selfe was a lande of mountaines and valleis as Deutrono 11.11 good store of raine which here also hee calleth gracious because it procéeded of Gods onely grace and good-will vpon thine inheritance i. vpon the land of Canaan which he calleth inheritance because he gaue the same for an inheritance to his people and thou diddest refresh it
ruine i. let euen those things that they supposed were wealth and defence vnto them be their destruction and ouerthrowe Dauid wisheth not this but in respect that they were enemies to God and hys Church knowing also by the spirite of Prophecy that the Lord had giuen them ouer as also S. Paule himselfe alleageth this place Rom. 11.9 Ver. 23. Let their eyes be blinded that they sée not and make their loynes alwayes to tremble by eyes and loynes principall partes of a man wee maye vnderstande the whole man or else thus that the Prophet desireth the blinding of them in their sight and the weakening of them in their loynes that so they might not be able to hurt him or else by wishing their eyes to be blinded he meaneth the depriuing of them of all reason and vnderstanding so that they may remaine without iudgement as a blind man doth without light and by making their loines alway to tremble he vnderstandeth the astonishing and weakening of their power and force because that in the loines and raines mans strength doth principallye consist Verse 24. Poure out vz. in great measure and abundaunce take them or else take hold of them and that in such sort that they may not escape hee desireth the Lord to punish them most sharply euen as angry folkes are wont to punish those that are vnder their handes and that they might be destroyde in the Lords wrath Ver. 25. Let their habitation i. not only the place where they dwel but euen their very offices and functions sée Acts 1.20 be void vz. by thy iust taking of thē away from amongst mē and let none vz. of their séed posterity dwell in their tents vz. that they haue dwelt in he meaneth that he would haue them die without heire or issue Ver. 26. Whom thou hast smitten i. chastised and that with a fatherly correction whom thou hast wounded vz. with sorrow by al this he meaneth that the wicked layd gréeuous affliction punishments vpon those whom god in fatherly loue had chastised to humble them to bring thē to amendmēt Ver. 27. lay iniquitie i. punishment for iniquity whiche is called iniquity not that it is so but because the wicked so estéeme vpon their iniquity q.d. plague thē punish thē thorowly for their sinne and let thē not come into thy righteousnes i. let them neuer performe such holinesse of life as thou allowest or else let thē not be reckned amongst suche righteous persons as thou acceptest putting righteousnes for righteous men this latter séemeth to be the beter sence by reason of that which followeth Ver. 28. Let thē be put i. vtterly blotted out of the booke of life by this he vnderstandeth the eternall counsell of God by which he ordeineth predestinateth his owne to saluation according to his good pleasure he meaneth not that euer they were writtē there for good but because they were hipocrites and so séemed to be elected he prayeth the Lord to make it knowne vnto all that they are not of the number of his elect neither written in their Catalogue and all this he speaketh according to man as though God kept a booke of names sée Exod. 32.32 Phil. 4.3 neither let them be written with the righteous i. let them not be accounted numbred or estéemed as they or with them Ver. 29. When I am poore i. contemned and despised of men as commonly poore people are and in heauinesse vz. by reason of mine oppressions on euerye side shall exalte mée vz. into a high and sure place where I shall be frée from the force and rage of myne enemies Verse 30. I will prayse vz. when I shall bee deliuered the name of GOD i. his mighte maiestie power goodnesse c. as Psalm 20.1 with a song vz. apte méete and made for that purpose and magnifye him i. extoll and set him forth with thanksgiuing vz. for his louing kindnes and mercy toward me Ver. 31. This vz. prayse and thanks giuing for his benefits shall please the Lorde i. bee acceptable in his sighte better then a yong Bullocke that hath hornes and hoofes i. which is apt and méete for his age to be offered in sacrifice meaning thereby also any other beast whatsoeuer which the Lord had commanded to be offered Verse 32. The humble i. the good godly people that are afflicted in the world shall sée this vz. Iudgement of God vpon the wicked and mercy to his own children and they that seeke God i. those that professe his religion cal vpon his name as verse 6. of this Psalme shal be glad vz. for the execution and performaunce of that iudgment and mercy and your hart shall liue he sodaynly chaungeth the person directing his spéech to the afflicted ones q.d. you that for the greatnesse of my calamitie and your owne misery séemed as it were to be wounded at the hearte shall haue such great ioye that you shall séeme as it were to be restored from death to life Verse 33. For the Lord heareth the poore i. graunteth them that are afflicted their petitions and requests and despiseth not i. doth not onely not neglect but very greatly regardeth and highly estéemeth his prisoners i. those that suffer imprisonment or any manner of calamitie for the mayntainaunce of his truth and cause Verse 34. Let heauen and earth praise him vz. after their maner and kinde and in such sort as he inableth them the seas al that moueth in them he exhorteth the creatures to praise the Lord but al that is done to prouoke man to the same for the wonderfull goodnesse of God towards his people Verse 35. For God will saue i. not only deliuer from dangers but bring to eternall rest Sion i. his Church as Psalm 51.18 and build the Cities of Iudah vz. which were decayed and throwne down by the force of the aduersaries he meaneth by these spéeches that God will haue a care ouer his whole Church and the particular congregations thereof that men maye dwell there i. in the Church and haue it in possession vz. from the stirres and troubles of the vngodly Ver. 36. The séede also of his seruauntes i. the godlye and their posterity who are Gods seruaunts shall inherite it i. the Churche and the graces that God shall bestow vpon the same meaning that they shall be made partakers of all good things and they that loue his name i. feare his maiestie and serue him according to his will reuealed in his word shall dwell therein i. in the Church and congregation of God Do. Verse 1. Teacheth vs in time of great gréefe to flée to God for succour Ver. 2. sheweth that the more troubles we indure the more néede haue wee to drawe nigh to God by prayer Verse 3. Teacheth vs though we haue prayed long yet neuer to leaue off til God graunt our requests Verse 4. Setteth out the multitude power and oppression of the vngodly not as to dismay vs but to teach vs to denie
and confusion that should fal vpon them that séeke mine hurt i. that indeuour to do me mischéefe Ver. 14. But I wil wait i. looke for help succour from thée and that in hope and patience and wil praise thée more and more vz. because thou ministrest more and more arguments of prayse vnto me by the particular delyuerances that thou doest bestow vpon me Verse 15. My mouth shall daylye rehearse i. continually speake of thy righteousnes i. that righteousnesse which thou exercisest towards the vngodly in punishing them and thy saluation i. the helpe and deliuerance that thou performest to thine when they are oppressed Some stretch the word righteousnesse further as that it should comprehēd also Gods assured goodnesse in sauing his and that he ioineth thē both together because we can not else where be certainly assured but in this that in as much as God is iust and righteous he maintaineth those that are his for I knowe not the number that word for would better be rendred though for here is a modest correction of his former spéech q.d. I wil declare vnspeakeable thinges not according to their excellency but according to the slender abilitie that thou hast bestowed vpon me I will doe my indeuour to set forth thy iustice and saluation though I must néedes confesse that thy iudgements exercised vpon the wicked and thy mercies towards thy children neyther are knowne to me neither can I reckon them sée Psal 40.5 Verse 16. I wil go forward q.d. notwithstanding that great difficultie before alleaged that I know not the number yet I will procéede to speake of them and that in the strength of the Lord God i. assisted and ayded with strength and abilitie from him to the performaunce thereof which I am not able to doe of my selfe and wil make mention i. speake of with my mouth and lippes as before Ver. 15. euen of thine only vz. and of no others q.d. that is sufficient more then I can doe Ver. 17. O god thou hast taught me vz. by thy iudgements vpon others thy benefites towards me he meaneth that God had instructed him in his iustice and in his saluation by those meanes and had giuen him plaine demonstrations and euident proofes thereof and that from his youth i. from the time of his birth as ver 6. of this Psalme therfore I will tell i. speake openly and fréely of thy wondrous workes i. in respect of man as Psal 40.5 Verse 18. Yea euen vnto mine old age and gray head i. euen vntill I come to be very olde vsing graye head or heares a signe of great age for old age it selfe as Leuit. 19.32 Gen. 42.38 This verse may either be ioyned to that that goeth before as it is in the Geneua text with a comma q.d. thou hast taught me from my youth vntil now yea euen vntill that I am very aged or else read by it selfe thus taking away the colon in the middle of this verse thus yea euen vnto mine old age gray head forsake me not q.d. as thou hast continued mercifull and fauourable to me heretofore so I pray thee leaue me not till I come euen to extremity of old age as it were yea euen vntil I haue declared c. as it followeth in this verse and this reading and sence I do approue as most fit vntil I haue declared i. made manifest and set out both by déedes and wordes thine arme i. the moste great workes and mightie power and so is it expounded in the wordes following vnto this generation vz. whiche is yet present and aliue that shall come vz. after these meaning that he would labour to publish it to posterity Verse 19. I will exalt on high i. greatly prayse the same because thou hast giuen me particular triall thereof for thou hast done great thinges i. thou alone without the helpe and assistaunce of any other O God who is like vnto thée vz. either amongst the gods as Psal 86 8. or else in heauen and earth as psa 73.25 and this question sheweth that none is any manner of waye comparable with him Verse 20. Which hast shewed me i. madest me to sée and féele great troubles and aduersities vz. both inwardly and outwardly but thou wilte returne vz. from afflicting me to thy accustomed loue and fauour as Psal 6.4 and reuiue me who was it were almost dead thorow sorrow and gréef q.d. thou wilt refresh me and as it were call me back from death to life and wilte come agayne vz. after this departure and long absence of thine from me and take me vp vz. safe and sound from the depth of the earth i. from very great troubles and extreme daungers Verse 2. Thou wilt increase mine honour which by the conspiracye and rebellion of my sonne Absalon was for a time layd as it were in the dust sée Psalme 3.3 and returne vz. vnto me being pleased with me againe and comfort me vz. with that comfort that belongeth to thine which none can take from them Verse 22. Therefore will I prayse thée he concludeth with promise of thanksgiuing q.d. I will not be vnthankful to thée for thy mercies though I cannot be so thākful as I should or would for thy faithfulnesse i. iust performaunce of thy promises made to me vpon instrument and viol he alludeth to the maner of that age prescribeth not a rule for vs vnder the gospell as some imagine O holy one of Israel i. O God as Psal 8.41 Now he is called the holy one of Israel because that all the sanctification that either that people or his Church haue they haue it from that one alone who sanctifieth al those that be his Verse 23. My lippes will reioyce when I sing vnto thée the Prophet in these wordes expresseth the greate delight that not only his lippes but that al the parts and members of his outward man shall take in praysing the Lord by lips one part vnderstanding all the rest and my soule i. his inward affection al that is within him as Psal 103 ● which thou hast deliuered vz. from most dangerous distresses yea from death it self Ver. 24. My tongue also shal talk of thy righteousnesse daylye i. I wil inforce my seife continually to speake of thy righteousnesse sée verse 15.17 of this Psalme for they are confounded and brought vnto shame that séeke my hurt sée Psalme 70.2 also verse 13. of this Psalme Verse 1. Teacheth vs to hang vpon God only Do. how great soeuer our gréefes and daungers be Ver. 2. Teacheth that Gods faithful promises made vnto vs or performed vnto vs ought to be the grounds of our supplications prayers Ver. 3. Setteth out what great care God hath ouer his people and what safetie and assuraunce they are in that be vnder his protection Ver. 4. Teacheth vs to pray for deliueraunce from mischieuous men and cruell persons Ver. 5. Teacheth vs that God must be trusted vnto and hong vpon al the dayes of our life
himselfe can doe to prefer himselfe is nothing Verse 7. Setteth out Gods gouernment not in heauen only but in earth Verse 8. Teacheth the gréeuous and great portion of vengeaunce that in Gods iustice shall bée poured forth vpon the wicked Verse 9. Sheweth that euen the highest are bound to prayse the Lord yea euen they much more then other men because they haue receyued greater graces and fauour Verse 10. Doth excellentlye describe Kings dueties which consisteth in punishing the wicked and defending the good as appeareth Rom. 13.3 Psalme 76. Di. THe Psalme as I take it may be deuided into thrée partes In the first part the Prophet sheweth how good gracious and mighty the Lord is to his own Church and people frō verse 1. to the end of the 4. In the second he sheweth how terrible he is in executing his iudgements agaynst the wicked and vngodly their enemies from verse 5. to the end of the tenth In the third and last part he prouoketh the faythful to shew themselues thankefull for his mercy towards them and his iudgements towards the other and this is comprehended in the two last verses of this Psalme Se. The Title to him that excelleth on Neginoth sée Psalme 4. in the Title A Psalme or song sée Psalme 48. in the title committed to Asaph sée Psal 50. in the Title Ver. 1. God is known vz. both by his works word and spirit for here he speaketh of a speciall knowledge and not only of that general one that al haue Rom. 1.20.21 in Iudah that is not only to that tribe or that portion of the land of promise that Iudah and Beniamin inhabited but to the rest of all the people as may appeare by that which followeth his name i. his power maiestie might is great i. is declared and founde by experience to be great and mighty in Israel i. amongst his faithfull people as sundry times before Ver. 2. For in Shalem that is in Jerusalem which was called firste Shalem sée Gen. 14.18 is his Tabernacle vz. wherein he would be worshipped which he appointed Moses to build his dwelling in Sion he meaneth this of the temple wch was builded vpon part of Mount Sion Sée Psal 48.1.2 Ver. 3. There i. at Ierusalem and Sion brake the arrowes of the bowe i. God discomfited ouerthrew the sorce power of al Saneheribs armie sée Isaiah 37. thorowout here he reckoneth vp the weapons of war as the bowes arrowes shields swords c. vnderstāding therby not only the instrumēts thēselues but also the parties that shall vse handle thē For weapons of thēselues without mē can do little hurt if the weapons had bin broken the mē spared they might either haue had new or repaired the old that we must néeds vnderstand it both of men munition Ver. 4. Thou art more bright puissant i. more glorious and mighty by giuing the Assyrians so great an ouerthrow this he speaketh of God by turning his spéech vnto him thē the mountains of pray i. thē al the Assiryans their great Monarchie whom he resēbleth for the multitude of their men for the great wonderfull spoiles which they had gotten to mountains that were ful of wild beasts giuē to rapine spoile or else because they had pitched their tents vpon the mountains round about Ierusalem they carying with thē al the prayes spoiles that they had gotten in the warres Immanuel readeth by the mountaines of prayes then it must haue this sence by the ouerthrow of the Assyrians whome hee compareth to mountains of pray for the causes before alleaged Verse 5. The stout harted i. the men of might and courage for al their strength are spoyled vz. of thē that were weake in respect of them or else as Immanuel readeth it yéelded themselues for a pray q.d. notwithstanding their strength and courage they were stricken with the faintnesse of their hart and glad to yéeld for the sauegard of their liues and this must be vnderstoode of the men that remayned after that great iudgement mētioned 2. King 19.35 and also that of the latter part of this verse they haue slept their sléep i. they are dead being slaine by the Angell an vsual thing in scripture by sléepe to vnderstand death al the men of strēgth i. al the strong men vz. which were left aliue after the great slaughter mētioned before haue not found their hands i. had not vse of their power strength putting hands which are instruments to manifest strength for strength it self Verse 6. At thy rebuke i. whē thou didst but check them or speake the word against them He meaneth that god very easily did discomfit ouerthrow them sée 2. King 19. ver 20.21 c. O god of Iaakob sée Psal 75.9 both the chariot horse i. the men that did ride in and vpon both the one the other meaning thereby both Princes nobles and men of might because they cōmonly were caried so Sée 2. Chron. 32.21 are cast a sléepe i. slaine as before ver 7. of this Psal Ver. 7. Thou euen thou q.d. thou alone art to be feared vz. of al and aboue all and who shall stande vz. of himselfe in thy sighte i. before thée when thou art angrye vz. agaynste men and by this spéeche hée noteth the weakenesse of the creatures in respecte of their Creator Verse 8. Thou diddest cause thy iudgement to be heard frō heauen he meaneth by this spéech that Gods iudgement vpō his enemies was so cleare manifest that no man could impute it to Fortune or mens trauaile but that euery one must of necessitie confesse that it came from heauen and this he meaneth as generallye so particularly of the vengeaunce executed vppon the Assyrians armie Some vnderstand it of thunder lightning c. fearefull signs tokens of Gods iudgements indeed but methinketh that other is the more plaine sence therefore the earth feared i. the people inhabiting the worlde and hearing of that great ouerthrowe of the Assyrians and stoode still vz. as people amased and without hart and courage not being able to deuise muche lesse to perform any thing against gods seruants Ver. 9. Whē thou O god arose to iudgemēt i. to execute iudgemēt he doth in this the former ver resemble God to an earthly iudge speking of him according to mā as though god did sit a long while deliberating what he would do and when hee had once resolued should rise vp and pronounce sentence to helpe vz. from danger and distresse of the enemies all the méeke i. all those that were afflicted meaning thereby the faythfull and good people of God of the earth he meaneth specially those that inhabited Iudea but yet so that it may comprehend al the rest wheresoeuer dispersed Ver. 10. Surely q.d. it can not otherwise be but that the rage of man i. euen the very fiercenesse and cruelty that men exercise agaynst thy seruaunts vsing the word
the middest of iudgements which fall vppon others they are safely deliuered Ver. 54. Sheweth that the Lord is faithful in all his promises accomplishing the same the same is taught also in Ver. 55. Which serueth wonderfully to the strengthening of our faith Ver. 56. Setteth out the nature of desperate wicked ones who neither for gods heauy iudgements executed vpon others nor for his mercies bestowed vppon them are any whit at all bettered Ver. 57. Teacheth that euill children treade in the steppes many times of their euill fathers and therefore fathers not so much to be stickt to Verse 58. Teacheth that idolatrie and idoles do greatly prouoke Gods wrath against them that make vse allowe or maintaine the same Ver. 59. Sheweth that all sinne is naked before God also that out sinnes seperate betwéene God and vs which is confirmed also in the 60. verse following Verse 61. Teacheth that sinne bringeth in the subuersion of religion as it were Verse 62. Sheweth that sinne also destroyeth the politique state Verse 63 6● Declare that God in the execution of his iudgements spareth no persons or condition that hath transgressed Ver. 65. Declareth that God will not alwaies afflict his children and let his enemies triumph ouer them Verse 66. Setteth out Gods iudgementes vppon the enemies of his people Verse 67. Sheweth that for the exercises of his seruice and worship is not tyed to men or places Verse 68. Teacheth that looke what place or what manner God appointeth for his worship that ought onely to bee obserued Verse 69. Setteth out the excellency and perpetuity as it were of the Church Verse 70. Teacheth that God chuseth not as man chuseth the great but the weake and feeble persons to the ende that all the glory might bée giuen vnto him Sée 1. Corinth 1.26.27 c. Verse 71. Doeth excellently describe the duety of godly and faithfull Magistrates Verse 72. Teacheth all by Dauids example painefully and wisely to trauaile in the offices castinges and places that the Lorde setteth them in Psalme 79. THis Psalme Di. being a pitifull discription of the miseries which Gods Church indured may as séemeth to mée bee diuided into thrée partes In the first the faithfull set out the great outrage and crueltie of their enemies and the distresses that they were in from verse 1. to the ende of the 4. In the second is conteyned an earnest prayer that they make as for their owne deliueraunce so for the ouerthrow of the wicked from verse 5. to the end of the 8. verse In the thirde they alleadge certaine reasons as it were to moue the Lord to take pity vpon them promising prayse and thankesgiuing to the Lorde for their deliueraunce and this reacheth from verse 9. to the ende of the Psalme The title hath béene sundry times expounded before and namely Psal 50. Se. Verse 1. O God the heathen either the Babylonians or Assyrians Sée 2. Chronic. or else the people that came with Antiochus who marueilously prophaned the temple as appeareth 1. Machab. 1.46.47 c. also in Ioseph Antiq. Iudais lib. 12. cap. 7. For of both these it may bée vnderstood are come vz. with outrage and cruelty into thine inheritaunce i. the lande of Canaan afterwardes called the lande of Iudah or Israel and as a principall part of that lande the Citie of Ierusalem which GOD also had chosen to be the place of his aboade Thy holye temple vz. which was at Ierusalem and was called holy because the holy GOD gaue testimonies of his presence there and because holy exercises were vsed there haue they desiled both by spoyling it sheadding blood in it and by bringing into it all prophane and wicked thinges contrary to the lawe Sée the places before noted and m●●e Ierusalem heapes of stones i. haue defaced the buildinges thereof and pulled downe the walles hee meaneth by this speach a great and pitiful ruine to beholde Verse 2. The dead bodyes of thy seruantes vz. which were slayne by the rage and cruelty of their enemies yeelding a constant confession to thy trueth and withstanding their pollutions haue they giuen to bée meate vnto the foules of heauen i. they haue cast them heere and there to the ende that they might bee rauened of the fowles of the ayre for by heauen hee meaneth the ayre in this place and here hee secteth out the cruelty of the enemies who woulde not shewe them so much fauour as to let them bee buryed This in déede is reckoned among the curses of Gods lawe Deutronom 28.26 But yet for all that wée may not condemne the faythfull who in respect of the afflictions of this life doe differ little or nothing from the vnbeléeuers and the flesh of thy Saintes vz. they haue cast or giuen and hée calleth Gods people Saintes because the Lorde accounted them holy and by his spirite had prepared and apted them to the workes of sanctification vnto the beastes of the earth i. vnto the wilde beastes that liue as it were by dead carion or to the dogges to bee deuoured of them as was the flesh of that wicked Iezabel 2. Kinges 9. verse 36. This is added but to aggrauate their cruelty and inhumanitie Verse 3. Their blood vz. of the Saintes and good people haue they i. the enemies and aduersaries shed like waters i. plentifully and in great abundaunce or else thus the enemies made no more account of mens liues and bloods then they did of water both senses are good but I rather allow the former rounde about Ierusalem hée meaneth both without the City and within without the city before the enemies came thither and within after they had taken the City q.d. there was no place frée from their cruelty and violence and there was none vz. either of their owne nation that durst or of others that woulde shew them so much curtesie as to bury them Ver. 4. Wée are a reproch vnto our neighbours vz. by the meanes of the misery which they sée vs in they thereby taking an occasion to reproch vpbrayd vs and by neighbours he vnderstandeth the people that bordered vpon their country as the Ammonits Moabites c. which also may appeare by that folowing in the verse vnto them that are rounde about vs vz. dwelling which word inserted after are will make the sense plaine And note that the faithfull doe not here complaine of the mockeries that were directed against their owne persons but of those also which after a sort did redound to the dishonour of God and the disgrace of his law Ver. 5. Lord howe long wilt thou bee angry for euer q.d. wilt thou neuer put an ende to our miseries which are testimonies of thy heauy wrath and continuall anger against vs Immanuel readeth this part of the verse better thus how long vz. wilt thou withhold help and ayde from vs set the wicked insult ouer vs as they do and then hee addeth an other interrogation thus wilt thou be angry for euer q.d. shal there be
signes of thy wrath vpon them hast remoued from their shoulders the heauie weighte of thy iudgementes and hast turned backe vz. in pittie and compassion as though it were better weying thine own mercy and our miserye from the fiercenesse of thy wrath or else we had bin consumed thereby They meane that GOD kindled not his wrath to the vttermoste agaynste them eyther as in iustice hee mighte or in wickednesse they had deserued Verse 4. Turne vs vz. vnto thée by fayth and repentaince as Lamentation 5.21 or else from that miserable captiuitie and bondage wherein wee are to oure former libertye and fréedome in oure owne lande O GOD of our saluation i. thou that workest our deliueraunce from daungers and distresse so saluation is taken Psalm 3.8 release thine anger towards vs i. frée vs from that wrath of thine the testimonies thereof which we sée and féele presently vpon vs. Verse 5. Wilt thou be angry with vs for euer q.d. wee hope no for that is the force of the interrogations meaning that Gods wrath should not alwayes continue vppon them and wilte thou prolong thy wrath vz. which is now presently vpon vs from one generation to an other i. vpon vs and our posterities q.d. shall it continually abide vpon vs and our séedes Ver. 6. Wilt thou not turne again vz. in loue mercy fauor presence towards vs quicken vs who seeme as it were to be dead sée Ezechiel 37.1.2 c. that thy people i. the people whome thou haste chosen to thy selfe may be deliuered and set frée and so haue an occasion to reioyce in thée i. to prayse thée and to magnifie thée for thy goodnesse towardes them hee séemeth to note two endes of their deliuerance one the good and benefite of the people the other Gods glory Ver. 7. Shew vs O Lord thy mercy i. make vs by effect to sée and féele thy goodnes and graunt vs i. graciously and fréely bestowe vpon vs thy saluation i. the deliueraunce which fréely and only must come from thée For the acception of this worde saluation sée before ver 4. of this Psal Ver. 8. I this the faithful together speak as though they were but one person by reason of the nigh cōiunction of them wil heare i. not only diligently hearken vnto but patiently looke for what the Lorde God wil say i. what he will either speak or performe for the word of God is as it were the déed of god sée Psal 148.5 for he wil speak i. promise and performe in déed and this is a reason why hée will in patience attend the Lorde and his worke peace i. al goodnes and prosperity after that their calamities bee once ended Sée Gene. 43.23 vnto his people i. vnto his faithfull ones putting by this marke a difference betwéene Gods people in déede and those that haue but the bare title only and to his Saints i. to those whom he hath sanctified sée Psal 16.3 that they turne not againe vz. to their old filthines of idolatry distrust and such like whereunto Antiochus laboured to bring them to folly i. to all maner of wickednes and in this respect the vngodly are generally through the Prouerbes called fooles as also Psalm 14.1 Ver. 9. Surely q.d. without all doubt it can not otherwise be his saluation i. succour deliuery and aide from God sée ver 7. of this Psalme is neere i. euen as it were at the doores and wil come vpon them quickly to them that feare him vz. with holy feare and all their heartes leading also their liues according to the rule of righteousnesse which hée hath prescribed that glory i. the sincere seruice and worship of God and all goodnes as may appeare by all the verses following in this Psalme may dwel i. may haue continual aboad notwithstanding the mischieuous deuises of the vngodly in our land i. amongst the people that inhabite this land appointed for vs so had you the word lande vsed ver 1. of this Psal Ver. 10. Mercy vz. from God and truth i. simple and sincere dealing vz. from men shall méete vz. ioyfully and chearefully together q.d. God wil turne his owne iustice towardes his people into mercy and their hypocriticall heartes and handes into sounde and sincere ones righteousnes vz. from God meaning by righteousnes also the faithfull execution of his promises and peace vz. of conscience in men an effectuall worker whereof is Gods faithful performance of his promises shal kisse one an other vz. in token of true friendshippe and reconciliation for by these manner of speaches and metaphors the holy ghost mindeth to note the reconciliation and agréement which shal be made betwéen God and his people Ver. 11. Truth vz. from men as before ver 10. shall bud i. by effects shall shewe foorth it selfe and yéelde fruite as the bud in the spring time appeareth which also is an argument of hope that fruite wil followe out of the earth i. out of the mindes and soules of the godly putting earth conteining them by the figure Metonimia for they themselues therein contained and righteousnes i. the iust performance of Gods mercifull promises as before verse 10. shall looke downe i. shal manifest and declare it selfe from heauen i. from the almighty whose dwelling is in the heauen Ver. 12. Yea the Lord shal giue vz. fréely and of his owne goodnes for so much doth the word import generally throughout the Scriptures good thinges i. heapes and abundance of al goodnes whether they be spiritual graces mentioned ver 10. 11. or bodyly blessings mentioned in the last part of this verse and our land i. the land appointed to vs from God and wherin we dwel shal giue her increase i. shal plentifully yéeld it the same being made fruitful by the mighty power of God Ver. 13. Righteousnes shal go before him q.d. when God shal shew these graces vnto his people then God wil bring to passe that vpright dealing shall haue frée passage amongest men for so I take righteousnesse to bee vsed in this place and shal set her steppes in the way vz. so that a man shal walke no way but there shall appeare certaine printes as it were of his footing Immanuel readeth this verse otherwise but methinketh this sense is plaine Do. Verse 1. Teacheth that the féeling of Gods fauour in former time should minister hope vnto his seruauntes that they should afterwards féele it in like sort when they are in any distresse Verse 2. Teacheth that it is God alone that doeth and must forgiue all the sinnes of his people Verse 3. Sheweth that vnlesse the Lorde in the middest of his wrath remember his mercy wee shoulde bee all consumed Verse 4. Teacheth that vnlesse GOD worke in vs repentaunce wee shall neuer repent Verse 5. Teacheth that Gods wrath indureth not alwayes Sée Psalme 30.5 Verse 6. Teacheth two thinges the first is that vnlesse GOD quicken vs wee are but as dead people the seconde that God in deliuery of his
cause of all goodnesse towardes all his creatures Verse 29 teacheth vs that the wante of féeling of Gods fauour is the fountayne of all woe disquietnesse death c. Verse 30 teacheth vs that the continuaunce of Creatures is not onely by an ordinary course of nature but specially by the commaundement and blessing of almighty GOD. Verse 31 teacheth vs to prayse GOD continually for his mercy and to pray for the continuaunce thereof Verse 32 teacheth vs to stande in awe of so great a Maiestye as can doe whatsoeuer pleaseth him both in heauen and in earth Verse 33 teacheth vs to carrye with vs holy purposes to serue the Lord as long as we liue and carefully to labour the performance thereof Verse 34 teacheth vs to pray that euen our prayers maye bée regarded in Gods sight Verse 35 teacheth vs that we may sometimes pray against the wicked and vngodly also that we should carefully stirre vp both our selues and others to prayse the Lorde Psalme 105 Di. THis Psalme as I take it may be deuided into thrée partes In the firste hée exhorteth to prayse GOD for his mercies shewing who they are that shoulde doe it from the first verse to the ende of the sixte In the seconde part hee resiteth the particular graces that GOD bestowed vppon them from the tyme of their firste calling till their comming oute of Egipt from verse seuen to the ende of the 26. In the thirde hee setteth out both what iudgementes GOD bringeth vpon their enemies for their sakes and also what mercies he sheweth them after their deliuery from verse 27 to the end of the Psalme Se. Though there be no Title of this Psalme declaring who made it yet it should appeare by 1. Chronic. 16.7.8 c. that Dauid made it and committed it to Asaph and his brethren to sing it And it hangeth wel with the other Psalms before going vz. Psalme 103. and Psalme 104. and also with Psalme 106.107 following al being Psalms to stir vp the Church to prayse God partly for his graces towards the Church Psalme 103 and generallye towardes all creatures Psalme 104 and partly for benefites vppon the faythfull euen by trying and correcting them Psalme 105 106. and lastlye for graces towardes all men Psalme 107. Verse 1. Prayse the Lord vz. all ye good and faythful people he would haue them to shew themselues thankefull and to set forth his glorye for graces receaued and call vpon his name i. feare his Maiesty but specially pray vnto him putting one part of Gods seruice for the whole declare vz. openly and playnly and that in euery place his workes i. the maruaylous thinges that hée hath done among the people vz. not onely of Iudea but of the whole earth Verse 2. Sing vnto him sing prayse vnto him vz. alone the doubling of the worde serueth both to stirre vs vp and also to note the excellency of that Sacrifice of thanksgiuing Some make this difference betwéene the two wordes that the firste singing shoulde bée with the mouth and the latter singing with musicall Instrumentes according to the Lawe and talke vz. amongest your selues openlye and euerye where of all his wondrous workes vz. whiche hée hath done for you and your Fathers so that wée shoulde as neare as wée canne call to remembraunce all Gods graces and mercyes bestowed vppon vs. Verse 3. Reioyce in his holye name i. shewe your selues gladde in that greate power and Maiestye of his which besydes the excellencye thereof contayneth in it holinesse also lette the hearte i. the inwarde affection as well as the outwarde behauiour of them that séeke the Lorde vz. vnfeignedlye and with a good harte vnderstanding by séeking of the Lorde seruing of him according to his will reuealed in his worde reioyce vz. in the Lorde and bée glad euen for this that hée giueth them grace to séeke and serue him Verse 4. Séeke the Lorde vz. earnestlye and that euen now while hée maye bée founde as Isaiah 55.6 and his strength 1. the Arke of the Couenaunte from whence the Lorde gaue euidente testimonye of his power and myghte Sée 2. Chronicles 6. verse 41. also Psalme 78. verse 61. séeke his face i. the arke of couenaunte whiche is also called Gods face because from thence GOD gaue playne testimonies of his fauour and goodnesse towards his people continually i. so long as you liue q.d. Be neuer wearye of doing that dutie Verse 5. Remember i. déepely and diligently thinke vpon that you maye thereby bee the better stirred vp to praise him his marueilous workes i. the great and wonderfull things which he hath don for his people he calleth thē maruailous because the Gods marueilous power declared it selfe in thē euen so that a man might easily iudge that they came from him that he hath done vz. in time heretofore and that for you your fathers his wonders i. the strange things which he hath done far beyond the reache and compasse of mans wit and the iudgementes of his mouth i both the punishments whiche he hath threatned against others and also the law and word he hath giuen vnto you for I would referre it to both these Verse 6. Ye séede of Abraham i. O yée that come of Abraham and his posteritie according vnto the flesh his seruaunt i. that serued GOD hee setteth before them their Fathers example the better to draw them on to the performaunce of that great dutye ye children of Iaakob i. O ye that come of Iaakob wch are his elect i. which he hath fréely chosen from amongst al other nations and here he vseth another reason fet from their election to draw them on to obedience Verse 7. Hée vz. alone and none other but he is the Lord our God i. he that gouerneth vs and vpon whome we our selues depend his iudgementes vz. agaynst sinne and vngodlinesse meaning by iudgements punishments are thorow all the earth i. are made manifest in all the world though perhaps men haue not eyes to sée the same or else we may take iudgements for rule guiding and gouernment so you haue the word to iudge vsed Psalm 98 9. meaning that Gods gouernment was stretched thorow out all the world Verse 8. He hath alway remembred his couenaunt and promise vz. made with his sonnes and seruaunts mening by remembred not only thinking vppon it but also the execution and performaunce of it that he made vz. of his owne accord and frée goodnesse to a thousand generations i. not only to infinite numbers of people putting a nūber certayne for an vncertayne but also to last and indure for euer Verse 9. Euen that vz. couenaunt which he made with Abraham vz. our Father sée Genesis 12 2 3 and his oth vnto Isaak sée Genesis 26.3.4 c. and hee vseth the word oth to note the certaintie and assurednesse of the couenaunte passed betwéene God and the people Verse 10. And since vz. the time of Abraham and Izaak meaning after their death hath confirmed it vz. both
headed men dreame to the contrary secondly that he doth vpon the earth euen whatsoeuer pleaseth him Ver. 34 teacheth that sin and vngodlines is the mean to turn al plenty into pouerty and al blessings into cursings Verse 35 teacheth vs that fruitfulnesse of ground and plenty of al things is Gods only gift Ver. 36 teacheth that God in great mercy prepareth abundance for them that want and giueth them safety shilter from al their enemies Ver. 37. Teacheth Gods children euen in the middest of Gods blessings and abundance yet notwithstanding to imploy themselues in ordinary trauayle and labour Ver. 38 teacheth vs that it is not the trauayle of man but Gods blessing that maketh men rich sée Psal 127.2 Verse 39 teacheth that afflictions are good means to bring men to the right knowledge of God and themselues Verse 40 teacheth that the estate of Princes and great men is not so sure as they commonly fantasie Ver. 41 teacheth vs that preferment commeth not from the east nor weast but from the Lord only sée Psalme 75 6. Verse 42 teacheth that godly men may reioyce as in the benefites of God bestowed vpon others so in his iudgements poured forth vpon the wicked it teacheth also that Gods mercies vpon his children and his punishments vpon the vngodly bring forth an other effect in the wicked that is taketh from them all sence so that they neyther haue harts to conceiue nor mouthes to speake either with or against god in his dealings Ver. 43 teacheth first that men ought déeply to weigh Gods wonderful workes secondly that the number of thē that do so in déede is very small in respect of the other thirdly that the consideration of his works is one good means to make vs sée and féele not his power and prouidenee only but also his eternall goodnes and incomprehensible mercy Psalme 108 THis Psalme as I take it may be deuided into two parts Di. In the first the Prophet stirreth vp himself to prayse God calling also vpon him for helpe and deliuerance from verse 1. to the ende of the 6 verse In the second the Prophet assuring himselfe by reason of Gods promises that his enemies should be ouerthrowne maketh his prayer vnto God for strength to performe it And this part reacheth from verse 7 to the end of the Psalme Se. The title A song or Psalm of Dauid sée before Psal 48. in the title and in that it is sayd here a Psalm of Dauid it is euident that he was the author of it Though it be true that this Psal be made of two Psalmes before going that is of Psal 57 from ver 7 to the end of the Psal and of Psal 60 from verse 5. to the end of the Psal frō whence also the sence doctrines might very wel be fet yet notwithstanding because there is some difference somwhat shal be sayd in this place Ver. 1. O God mine hart i. my inward man is prepared vz. to prayse thée for thy mercies so is my tongue i. mine outward man also putting a part for the whole q.d. I am ready both in the inward man outward mā to magnify thée for thy graces I vz. my self none other for me wil sing gyue praise vz. vnto thée alone Ver. 2. Awake Viol and Harpe he incourageth not only himself but also his instruments to praise God that euen thereby hee himselfe might be the better prouoked thereto I will awake vz. from my sléepe and rise vp from my bed early vz. in the morning the Prophet meaneth that he will euen breake his sléepe to performe seruices to God Verse 3 I wil praise thée O Lord vz. for thy mercies great and vnspeakeable among the people vz. whom thou hast chosen vnto thy selfe and I will sing vnto thée vz. prayses and thanksgiuing amongst the nations vz. round about vs the Prophet meaneth that he would so publish Gods prayses that euen the Gentiles should heare of it Ver. 4. For thy mercy vz. towardes all men but speciallye towards thy sonnes and seruaunts is great i. is so great that it is aboue the heauens i. higher then the heauens themselues so that as the space betwéene heauen and earth is infinite so is thy mercy and thy truth vz. reacheth he vnderstandeth by truth Gods faythfulnesse in making kéeping and performing promise vnto the Cloudes by these maner of spéeches hée meaneth nothing else but that Gods mercy is vnmeasurable and incomprehensible as it were in respecte of the greatnesse of it Verse 5. Exalt thy selfe O GOD vz. by thy mighte and power aboue the heauens i. aboue the highest thinges that may be not that he meaneth that God was not then and alwayes is exalted but that he prayeth the Lorde by effect to shew it amongste men and let thy glory i. the praise that appertaineth vnto thy glory be vz. dispersed farre and wide vpon al the earth i. in euery place of the worlde The Prophet sheweth in this verse that the firste thing that moued him to make this request is Gods glorye In the nexte Verse hée sheweth that an other reason is the saluation and deliueraunce of his people Verse 6. That thy beloued vz. people that is suche people as thou fauourest and louest of thine owne mercye onely without any merites of theirs may be deliuered vz. out of the great daungers distresses and feares wherein they are helpe vz. both them and me and euerye one of vs in this case for it shoulde séeme that Dauid made this Psalme at the beginning of his Kingdome when thinking vppon his enimies and his owne weakenesse it was tyme to craue helpe at the Lords hands for himselfe and his people with thy right hand i. with thy mighty power and strength that so thereby I may ouercome these enemies and heare me vz. praying vnto thée for my selfe and my people vnderstanding by hearing graunting his requestes Verse 7. GOD vz. himselfe hath spoken vz. openlye and playnlye and that by his holye Prophet Samuell that hee will establshe and inlarge the kingdome in my hande yea he hath spoken it in his holinesse i. hée hath holilye and assuredly promised it mée so that I néede not doubte any more of it then of his holinesse therefore vz. for this his mercye I will reioyce vz. greatlye for séeing he hath promised mée I knowe that I shall diuide vz. as the right owner and possessor of it Shechem Shechem is the name of a place on this side Iordan as the valley of Succoth was beyond Iordan Hée nameth certayne places of the land whiche by reason of Saules stocke and those that tooke part with him as Abner and such like he had not at the enterance into his Kingdome in his possession and yet notwithstanding assured himselfe that he should haue them and measure vz. to euery man his portion as Ioshua did by which the prophet noteth his gouernment kingdome ouer it the valley of Succoth this is expounded alredy before euen in this verse
open his mouth boldly Ephes 6.19 and if we read as it is in the English text vtterly it declareth that hee had not such a great boldenesse to speake as were to bee wished for I wayte vz. with diligence and patience for thy iudgments vz. to bee executed vppon the wicked in iustice and vppon thy children in mercy the worde iudgementes being vsed here for the promises which God hath made conteining either the punishments of the vngodly or his mercies to his children Sée verse 39. of this Psalme Verse 44. So vz. by this meanes when thou shalt continue with mée the woorde of trueth shall I alway keepe vz. through thy goodnes and strength thy lawe vz. which thou hast prescribed for mee to walke in for euer and euer the Prophet meaneth that through Gods strength hée shall continue in the knowledge and practise of Gods woorde all the dayes of his life Verse 45. And I vz. thy poore and vnworthy seruaunt will walke vz. through thy mercy and goodnesse meaning by walking that hee woulde liue and bée conuersaunt amongest men at libertye i. in playne and easie wayes or in great and broade wayes or as a man woulde say in the kinges high way which Saint Iames chapter 2.8 calleth the royall lawe meaning also that he would walke without feare of daunger as they doe most commonly which are in a kingly or broad way for I séeke vz. with an vnfeigned heart and continually thy preceptes i. the vnderstanding of them and obedience to them Ver. 46. I will speake also vz. fréely boldly and plainely of thy testimonies i. of thy lawe and the pointes and matters therein propounded before kinges i. mighty men of the earth and magistrates q.d. I will doe it in deede and that not only before inferiour persons and in their sight and hearing but euen before them who for their greatnes are wont to stoppe vp other mens mouthes and command thē silence Surely it is a good token that men haue well profited in Gods word when men are armed against all terrors of men and will not bee ashamed vz. to speake of it fréely and boldly Verse 47. And my delight shal be vz. continually and all the daies of my life in thy commandements i. in thy lawe by which thou hast commanded mee what I should do and what I should leaue vndone which I haue loued vz. not in words onely but in déede and trueth and with an vnfeigned loue Ver. 48. Mine hands also will I lift vp vnto thy commandements q.d. I will stretch out my handes that I may readily receiue turne ouer and search out thy commaundements and this similitude declareth the earnestnes of his desire because that looke whatsoeuer we desire to haue we do straine our selues to take it and lay holde of it by stretching out our hands which I haue loued sée ver 47. and I will meditate in thy statutes sée ver 23.27 of this Psalme Do. Ver. 41. Teacheth vs that Gods promise is a sure grounde vnto vs of his loue and our saluation Ver. 42. Teacheth vs that grounded perswasion out of the word maketh vs bold to speake euen in the face of our aduersaries Ver. 43. Teacheth vs that there can no greater punishment be laid vpon vs in this life then to lacke Gods word also that we should in all cases with patience tary the Lords leasure Ver. 44. Teacheth vs to indeuour what in vs lyeth continually to keepe Gods lawe Verse 45. Teacheth vs that he walketh simply and surely that walketh according to the prescript rule of Gods worde Ver. 46. Teacheth vs that no feare of men nor shame of our selues should cause vs to conceale or kéepe backe anye part of Gods trueth Ver. 47. Teacheth vs vnfeignedly to loue and continually to delight in the lawe and word of GOD. Ver. 48. Teacheth vs with earnestnes and readines to labour to apprehende Gods trueth and to holde it fast when wée haue obteyned it also to vse not only hearing and reading of Gods word but dayly meditation therein Zain Di. THe Prophet in this vii part doth first pray vnto God that hee might in himselfe effectually féele the accomplishment of Gods promises and this conteyned ver 49. Secondly he sheweth what great comfort and consolation he had in the word of God and by the keeping thereof and this is ver Lastly hee shewed that no scornes of the wicked woulde turne him away from God and his truth and that he recompensed that euil of theirs with this good fearing greatly the great iudgements which for the contempt of God and his trueth should fal vpon them ver 51.53 Se. Ver. 49. Remember i. declare by effect that thou doest remember Sée Gen. 8.1 the promise made i. the promise which thou hast made to thy seruaunt i. to me thy seruant he speaketh of himselfe in the third person wherein i. in which promise thou hast caused mee to trust vz. not onely because thou hast made and giuen me the same promise but also hast commaunded mee to take sure hold thereof The Prophet here desireth God in déede to perfourme that which he had promised him whereby hee sheweth that though God séemed to be farre off yet he would stay himselfe vpon his worde Ver. 50. It i. thy promise made vnto me is my comfort i. doth greatly comfort me in my trouble i. when I am in any trouble whatsoeuer when I thinke of it this is as it were the speach of his heart receiuing singular comfort by meditations in Gods promises for thy promise vz. made vnto me in thy word hath quickened me i. hath not onely strengthened and confirmed mee at all times but euen then when I séemed to be nigh vnto death or as it were dead already it did after a sort restore me to life Ver. 51. The proude vz. men of the worlde meaning thereby the wicked and vngodly whome hee calleth proude because they did despise God himselfe and treade vnder foote as it were all his holy doctrine haue had me excéedingly in derision i. haue scoffed and ieared at me not onely very much but also continually for that word excéedingly noteth also that day by day and one day after an other they did assault him with newe and fresh combats of scoffes and taunts yet q.d. for all that they haue done I haue not declined i. gone aside or astray from thy law vz. which thou hast prescribed for me to walke in q.d. no floutes or taunts of men could pull mee from the obedience of thy trueth Ver. 52. I remēbred i. I called to mynd in my meditations and déepely thought vpon thy iudgements i. such examples as wherby thou shewedst thy selfe to be iudge of the world of old i. which thou diddest and madest manifest in former ages hee meaneth that he thought vppon such iudgements as God in former times had declared vnto the worlde for iudgements read ver 43. of this Psalme vnderstanding thereby Gods punishments vppon the wicked and his mercy towards
me away from the obedience of thy trueth Verse 62. At midnight vz. when others are fast and sound a sleepe Sée before verse 55. This declareth his ardency and affection q.d. euen then when I shoulde take my rest as others doe will I rise vz. not onely from my sléepe but euen out of my bed to giue thanks vnto thée vz. for thy gret infinite blessings bestowed vpon me or as followeth because of thy righteous iudgementes i. because of the faithful performing of all those thinges which thou hast promised either in mercy to thy seruants or in iustice to thine enemies Verse 63. I am a companion i. I vse and frequent the company of all thē that feare thee i. serue and worshippe thee with that reuerent feare that appertayneth vnto thée and kéepe thy preceptes i. hee sheweth howe men may know whether they themselues or others feare GOD or no euen by keeping his lawe and doing the things that it requireth And the Prophet kept company with these good men both that he himselfe by them might bee confirmed and also that he might aide and confirme them Ver. 64. The earth i. the whole world it selfe and all the creatures therein conteined O Lord vz. whome I serue alone is full vz. in euery place and quarter so that a man can turne his eye or head no way but he shal sée plaine testimonies of it of thy mercy vz. towardes it and al thy creatures teach me thy statutes sée ver 26. of this Psalme he desireth that the mercy of God which is spred abroad ouer all creatures may be manifested to himward so that thereby he may profit in Gods lawe because that the spirit of vnderstanding is a principal signe of Gods fauour and grace and this petition consisteth of two partes vz. that God pitying his wretchednesse and want of knowledge woulde perfourme his promise made to him in that behalfe whereunto the better to induce God he vseth an argument taken from the abundance of Gods mercy manifested to al his creatures that is the second part or point Do. Ver. 57. Teacheth vs that séeing God hath chosen vs to bee his people wee should carry with vs a resolute perswasion to obey his lawe Ver. 58. Teacheth vs that the prayers which we make vnto God should be vnfeigned and procéed not onely from the tongue but from the heart also also that in our prayers we should make Gods mercies and promises principall proppes of our faith Ver. 59. Teacheth vs not onely to haue a carefull eye to our conuersation past and present but also it sheweth vs that the single sight therof is a good meane to bring vs to the obedience of God Ver. 60. Teacheth vs with speed to turne vnto the Lorde and not to put of from day to day as worldly men doe Verse 61. Doeth not only set out the cruel and spoyling minds that the wicked haue but sheweth also that the children of God shoulde haue such constancie in his trueth as nothing shoulde withdrawe them from it Verse 62. Teacheth vs to haue such care of Gods seruice that wee should many times break our sléepes as it were to performe that duety Ver. 63. Teacheth vs as to auoyd euil company so for the profite that maye come to our selues thereby and for the good that we may do to others to frequent good company Ver. 64. Setteth out the largenes of Gods mercy and sheweth what want of knowledge wée haue in Gods holy worde Teth Di. THis being the 9. part of the Psalme consisteth specially of these pointes first the Prophet confesseth gods great goodnes towards him and prayeth for the continuance therof Ver. 65.66.68 Secondly he declareth that euen the afflictions which they suffered in this life were through the consolation which he had in the word comfortable and profitable vnto him Ver. 67.71.72 Thirdly he setteth out the cruelty and naughtines of the wicked and his owne goodnes and yet without any boasting thereof ver 69.70 Ver. 65. O Lord vz. the only true God thou hast dealt vz. in euery thing Se. and euery way graciously i. in all fauour loue and mercy with thy seruaunt i. with me thy seruant for he speaketh of himselfe in the thirde person according to thy worde i. according to thy promise that thou hast made and giuen mee q.d. as thou hast graciously promised mee all goodnes so hast thou graciously also and in great mercy perfourmed the same Ver. 66. Teach mée vz. who of my selfe am blinde and ignorant good iudgment and knowledge vz. out of thy holy woorde q.d. teach mee by the light of thy holy worde in sound iudgements and knowledge to discerne betwéene trueth and falshoode for I haue beléeued vz. stedfastly thy commaundementes vz. that they are good true and holy he meaneth also by this manner of speach that hee did willingly imbrace all that which was appointed in gods lawe Ver. 67. Before I was afflicted vz from thée and by thine appointment I went astray vz. from the wayes of thy commandements but nowe vz. since thy corrections were vpon mée I kéepe vz. with a sincere and good mynde vnderstanding by kéeping obseruing and obeying thy word i. the things manifested and cōmaunded in thy word Sée Hosea 5.15 Immanuel readeth it thus when I did not yet speake i. euen from my birth I am a sinner a stranger from thy lawe and the childe of wrath as Psal 51.5 I went astray i. I was a sinner against thée as before but now I kéepe vz. diligently or in my heart meaning also that he layd it vp in his mind thy word i. thy promises Thus he applieth it to original sinne whatsoeuer it is certaine it is that hee was not deliuered from that stubbornes and peruerse rebellion wherewith all mankinde is infected but by the mighty working of Gods holy worde and spirit Ver. 68. Thou vz. O Lord art good and gracious as to all so specially to thy people sée Psal 86.5 teach me thy statutes sée ver 26.64 of this Psalme and marke howe to moue the Lord to teach him in his lawe hée setteth before him Gods bounty and goodnes Ver. 69. The proude sée ver 51. of this Psalme hee meaneth by this speach the chiefe men amongest them who were puffed vp with a peruerse and vayne trust in their honours and riches haue imagined as secretly and within themselues so cunningly and finely a lye i. false and vniust accusations hee putteth one for many against mee vz. euen to take away my life if it be possible but I will kéepe vz. through thy goodnes strength and assistaunce thy precepts i. the thinges that thou hast commaunded with my whole heart i. sincerely and vnfeignedly Ver. 70. Their heart i. their minde vnderstanding is fat as grease i. is mightily fatned so that there is nothing in it as it were but fat he meaneth by fat as grease not onely that they were puffed vp with prosperitie and so made vnapt to vnderstand holy thinges
Isaiah 1 25. and though I know others to interprete it otherwise yet I approue this sence therefore i. because thou defendest thine as verse 114. and art a iust iudge against the wicked as ver 118 119. I loue sée ver 113 thy testimonies i. thy word which is called a testimony or testimonies because God therein testifyeth vnto vs his will Ver. 120. My flesh i. my whole man putting one part for the whole trembleth vz. excéedingly and verye much for feare of thée vz. who art such a iust iudge against the wicked and vngodly and I know gréeuous faults and offences by my selfe He speaketh not this as though he were afrayde of Gods presence as Adam was Gen. 3 10. for hee greatlye desireth that but by reason of his owne wretchednesse and weakenesse least either he had or might prouoke him to iudgement agaynste him which also may appeare by that that followeth in this verse and I am afrayd of thy iudgemēts vz. poured forth vpon the wicked meaning by iudgements punishments Verse 113 teacheth vs to hate all maner of euill and to loue all good thinges Do. and the meanes whereby we may be drawne to them Ver. 114 teacheth vs that God is a mighty defence for those that are his also that Gods worde is the ground of our hope Verse 115 teacheth vs to shake of the society and companye of wicked men who would draw vs away from the obedience of our God Ver. 116 teacheth vs that Gods promises is the grounde of our hope and prayers Verse 117 teacheth vs that vnlesse God vphold vs we shall slyde and fal Ver. 118 teacheth vs first that the wicked for all their might and subtiltie are not able to resist God secondly that their wicked imaginations shall tend to their owne hurt Verse 119 teacheth vs that Gods iudgementes exercised vpon the wicked and his mercy towards his children should make vs the more to loue him and his word Verse 120 teacheth vs alwayes to haue a reuerence of Gods iudgements specially when we sée them threatned or executed Ain IN this xvi part which specially standeth of prayer Di. the Prophet first desireth to bee deliuered from the wicked and their mischieuous practises Verse 121 122. Secondly he prayeth for patience féeling of Gods mercy knowledge and vnderstanding of Gods lawe and a spéedye redresse of thinges amisse Verse 123 124 125 126. Thirdlye that hée mighte the better mooue God thereto he setteth out the mischéeuous rage of the wicked Gods accustomed goodnesse and his own loue and obedience to God and his word ver 126 127 128. Verse 121. Se. I haue executed iudgement and iustice i. I haue giuen my self ouer to doe vpright and good thinges and I haue not only abstayned from all iniury and wrong doing to them that persecute me but I haue done them also good leaue me not to mine oppressors i. to them that would oppresse mee and doe with me what they pleased neyther doth he here alleage his good doing as a cause why God should graunt him his request but as a testimony to his own conscience that the Lord would not doe it answere vz. to mine enemies for thy seruaunt i. for me thy seruaunt He speaketh of himselfe in the third person in that which is good i. in his good and vpright causes I suppose the Prophet alludeth here to the custome of earthly Princes courts q.d. Appeare for the defence of my good cause and pleade it and set thy selfe against mine enemies in my iust defence and let not the proude oppresse me vz. at their pleasure for this word proude sée before verse 78 and 85. Verse 123. Mine eyes haue fayled vz. euen of their sight in so much that they haue bene dazeled and dimmed and were not able to behold any thing and this hee speaketh not of bodily eyes only but euen of the eyes of his fayth and perswasion sée before Verse 82 in wayting vz. a very long time yet in care and patience for thy saluation i. for deliueraunce from thée out of all my distresses So we haue had the word saluation vsed sundry times before and namely Psalme 3 verse 8. and for thy iust promise i. for the performaunce of thy promise whiche thou hast iustly made and wilte iustlye kéepe Verse 124. Deale with thy seruaunt vz. in this his distresse and miserye and here he speaketh of himselfe in the thirde person as before 122 according to thy mercy vz. manifested to him and other thy children and teache mée vz. that am blinde and ignoraunt thy statutes sée before verse 12.26.33 Verse 125. I am thy seruaunt vz. thorow thy goodnesse I am aduaunced to this honour for hée boasteth not here of his dignitye but setteth out the grace which he had receaued from God to moue him to finish that which he had begun graunt mee therefore vnderstanding vz. to guide my selfe so as thou mayst be glorifyed I my selfe comforted and others builded vp that I may know thy testimonies vz. to do and practise the same for otherwise the knowledge of thē is to little purpose Verse 126. It is time he speaketh not this as though he prescribed God a season but the rather to set out the abundance of wickednesse which did ouerflow the world q.d. If the Lord did not in time cut off sin and wicked men all would be as it were infected therewith for the Lord to work i. to declare by his work that he wil take punishment vpon the transgressors of his law for they haue destroyed i. the wicked men by their lewdnes and euil conuersation haue done what they could to ouerthrow thy word not that they are able to do it q.d. they are become so bold and fierce that they doe not only séeke my destruction but set themselues agaynst God and his word thy law i. thy word as before verse 113 and 109. Verse 127. Therefore i. because I am sure that the wicked shall not escape vnpunished It may also be taken for a reason why Dauid desyred to be instructed in the Law because of the excellency thereof loue I vz. willingly and vnfeignedly sée verse 113 thy commaundements i. thy word a part for the whole aboue gold i. more then gold yea aboue most fyne gold i. aboue all things in the world though for their excellency and beauty they be neuer so much desired Verse 128. Therefore vz. also euen because thy iudgements are poured forth vpō the wicked which also thou hast manifested by thy word I estéeme vz. I doe not only reuerence but also iudge and take all thy precepts i. al the things which thou hast commaunded in thy law most iust i. to be or that they are most iust and righteous and hate sée before ver 113 al false ways vz. how glorious soeuer they be in mans eyes or whosoeuer forged and deuised the same Do. Verse 121 teacheth vs that it is a hard thing to fall into mens handes Verse 122 teacheth vs to beséech the Lord to pleade
and he testifyeth by this worde so often vsed in this Psalme that euen in the middest of life we are dead vnlesse we be quickened and vpholden by the power of God according to thy iudgement vz. pronounced in thy word or we may take iudgement to be put for the word it selfe which declareth vnto vs Gods goodnesse he alludeth no doubt to the office of an earthly iudge whose duty cōsisteth in these ij points to absolue and lose some and to pronounce the sentēce of condēnation vpon other some in which sence also we say in the cōmon cōfession of our fayth that Christ our sauiour shal come from heauen to iudge the quick and the dead Ver. 150. They draw neare vz. to me euen to persecute hurte and destroy me that follow after malice i. that pursue the mischieuous and wicked attempts which they themselues in their own malice had maliciouslye and wickedly deuised against me and are far from thy law i. they care not either for the sight hearing or knowledge of it thus he giueth two properties to know the wicked by the first is that they are malicious the second which indéed is the welspring of al mischiefe they despise Gods law Ver. 151. Thou arte neare O Lord vz. to al thine euen to aid succour them in their distresses for al thy commaundements are true that word for would better be turned and and he meaneth that not only the words wherwith gods commandements are expressed but euen the very things commanded therein are iust true holy Verse 152. I vz. my selfe haue knowne vz. euen by mine own practise and experience long time i. not only of late but sundry times heretofore whiche I will neuer forget by thy testimonies i. by thy word that thou hast established them for euer i. that thou hast ordained that it should abide firm and stable for euer and euer sée ver 89 of this Psalm and verse 144. Verse 145 teacheth vs that in all our supplications praiers to the Lord Do. our hart and our words should concur consent together Verse 146 teacheth vs that the former experience of Gods goodnesse in hearing our praiers shoulde imbolden vs both to pray and to hope to receaue the like Verse 147 teacheth vs euen to breake our sléepes to giue our selues to prayer and calling vppon the name of GOD. Verse 148 teacheth vs to be continually diligente and carefull in the meditation and studye of Gods worde Verse 149 teacheth vs that Gods frée mercy is the first cause of the graunting of al our requests Ver. 150 doth liuely paynt out the nature and disposition of the wicked and vngodly Verse 151 teacheth vs that the Lord is neuer absent from those that loue and feare him Verse 152 teacheth vs that to know the assurednesse of Gods worde and to haue felt by proofe the certainty thereof are two notable proppes of our fayth and hope Resch Di. IN this part as in the former the Prophet continueth his prayers to almighty God vsing certaine arguments to induce the Lord to graunt him his requests as first his own misery affliction and gréefe verse 153 154 158. secondlye the desperate estate of the wicked and the greate heape of his enemies 155 157. Thirdlye the great loue mercy and truth of the Lord verse 156 159 160. Se. Verse 153. Behold mine affliction i. how great the affliction is which I presently indure not that the Prophet thought the Lord did not beholde it but because he would haue him by effect to declare that he did regard and consider it and deliuer me vz. out of the same for I haue not forgotten vz. as the wicked men doe verse 139 but I haue thought vpon it to doe it thy lawe i. thy worde as sundrye times before Ver. 154. Pleade my cause vz. against mine aduersaries that would oppresse me sée Psalme 35. verse 1. and verse 122 of this Psalme It is as much as if he should desire the Lord to defende him and his case and deliuer mée vz. from them that would oppresse me as ver 134 sée also for this phrase ver 153. quickē me according vnto thy word sée verse 25 of this Psal Verse 155. Saluation i. helpe and deliueraunce out of daunger as Psalm 3 8 is farre from the wicked i. they shall haue no parte or portion of it and this he speaketh specially of his aduersaries who defended an vniust cause against him because they séeke not vz. vnfeignedlye and from a good harte thy statutes i. thy worde and that to know and to do them Ver. 156. Great are thy tender mercyes O Lord vz. towards thy sonnes and seruaunts Sée Psalme 86 5 13 15. quicken me according to thy iudgements sée verse 149 of this Psalme Verse 157. My persecutors and mine oppressors i. those that persecute and oppresse me are manye vz. in number and great in power yet doe I not swarue from thy testimonies q.d. for all that I leaue not the loue and obedience of thy truth sée verse 110. of this Psalm Ver. 158. I saw vz. euen with mine eyes meaning that he did certainly know the naughtinesse of the wicked men the transgressors vz. of thy law for sinne is the transgression and breache of Gods lawe 1. Iohn 3 4 and was gréeued vz. with them and at them for their sinnes sake sée before verse 53 136 139. because they kepte not thy worde i. because they had no care eyther to know it or doe it Sée verse 136. Verse 159. Consider O Lorde the Prophet speaketh this not as though he doubted whether god knew it yea or no but to intreat the Lord by effects to declare the care that he had of him how I loue thy precepts i. how much I loue them sée ver 97 113 127 and sundry other places of this Psalm quicken me according to thy louing kindnesse this may stand vs in stéed of an exposition of that which was sayd before 149 156 if that bée not plaine ynough as that he should vnderstand by iudgements Gods promises and mercies in which sence also the word is vsed in sundry places of scripture Ver. 160. The beginning of thy word is truth i. thy worde hath bin true euen since the beginning and al the iudgements of thy righteousnesse i. all thy iust and righteous iudgements indure for euer the Prophets purpose is in this verse to note that Gods word is most certain faithful stedfast and durable Ver. 153 teacheth vs Do. that euen our very affections are good matters to moue the Lord to haue mercy vpon vs. Verse 154 teacheth vs whether we haue mās ayd or no yet we should continually hang vpon the Lord and pray vnto him for our iust defence euery maner of way Ver. 155 teacheth vs that a very cōtempt of Gods word which the wicked vse is a seale vnto Gods children that no parte or péece of Gods fauour belongeth vnto them Ver. 156 doth notably set out the aboūdant riches infinit treasure
groweth vppon houses incontinently withereth because it hath not earth sufficient vnder it to giue it moysture and nourishment wherefore looke by how much they shall thorow the greatnesse of their pride draw nigh to the Sunne so much the more sodainlye shall they be consumed because they haue no roote Verse 7. whereof i. wherewith the mower i. he that should mowe it filleth not his hande q.d. it is so skarse that he can not take a handful of it neither the glainer vz. which commeth after the mower and looketh more narrowly his lappe i. can get anye thing to speake of this may haue a double sence and both good though I confesse there is but one right sence of all scriptures for it may bee referred vnto the grasse spoken of before in the house toppe and then his meaning is that it commeth not to any ripenesse in so muche that it can neyther be mowed nor gathered but this I approue not because men vse not to mow grasse on the house toppe nor yet to gather it to any vse or it maye bee another Metaphor taken from Corne that commeth thinly vp here an eare and there an eare noting that the wicked thorow Gods iudgements should be brought to such a wasting that very few or none of them should be left and I take to be the more fitte sence Verse 8. Neither they which go by vz. the mowers and reapers say the blessing of the Lord be vpon you i. the Lord blesse you and your haruest because they cannot say so for they sée Gods hand vpon them in scarsitie Those that passed by were wont to wish well to the haruest workers as appeareth Ruth 2 4 so that this is as much q. d. They shall not pray no not for the worke men much lesse wish well to the haruest it selfe or this particle sheweth that it is an other kinde of spéeche that they vsed to the haruest men wée blesse you i. wée wishe you good in the name of the Lord i. thorow his maiesty power and goodnesse Do. Verse 1 setteth out the continual both malice assaults of the wicked against the godly Ver. 2 sheweth that they can neuer preuaile vtterly against them Ver. 3. declareth the hard hartednes and vnmercifulnes of the wicked Ver. 4 teacheth vs that God doth frustrate al the purposes and attempts of the vngodly whatsoeuer Ver. 5 conteineth the destruction of them that persecute the church Ver. 6 sheweth that the vngodlye are of no long continuaunce because they haue no déepe roote Ver. 7 sheweth that the vngodly wicked are vtterly vnprofitable to euery good thing Ver. 8 teacheth vs that it is a testimony of Gods greate curse vpon vs to want eyther the prayers or good wishes of the godly Psalme 130. Di. THis Psalme may be diuided into two parts In the first he maketh his earnest prayer vnto the Lorde desiring him to remoue his sinnes that so he may féele his singular mercy ver 1 2 3 4. In the second he testifyeth his fayth and patience exhorting the faythful continually to hang vpon the Lord from ver 5. to the end of the Psalme Se. The title is expounded before Psal 120. Ver. 1. Out of the déepe places i. out of most deepe and huge dangers it is a metaphor taken from waters ready to drown a man sée Psal 69 1 2. haue I called vnto thée Lord i. earnestlye prayed vnto thée sée Psal 116.3 4. so that we sée that the Prophet when he felt himself sore oppressed with distresse yea as it were plunged in a gulfe of perplexity calleth earnestly vpon God for the greater the afflictions are whiche Gods children indure the more earnest are their supplications Ver. 2. Lord heare my voice i. graunt me the praiers which I expresse with my voice let thine eares attend i. harken diligently meaning that he would haue the Lord by effecte to shew that he had carefully heard his prayers to the voice of my prayers i. to the words whiche I vse in my praiers because the voyce is a meane to vtter wordes he putteth it for the words themselues Ver. 3. If thou O Lorde vz. which séest and knowest all thinges straitly markest i. narrowlye weighest or kéepest as a man would a register or reckoning iniquities i. the infinit numbers of sinnes committed agaynst thée and others for so I take the word in the plurall number who shall stand vz. in thy presence or before thée sée Psalme 1 5. q.d. who is hée that shall be able to beare thy iudgement or the least parte thereof Verely there is not one amongst all men that either haue bin are or shal be He meaneth then that we can not be iust but by the remission of sinnes and I take this verse to containe a reason as it were of his former prayer q.d. Spare vs not for our owne sake for there is nothing in vs that can mooue thée to pitie vs but for thine own mercy sake as in the next verse Verse 4. But mercy is with thée i. thou hast infinite and abundaunt mercy that thou mayst bée feared vz. amongest men and hée putteth feare in this place for the reuerente and sincere seruice of GOD so that he doth as it were desire GOD to haue regarde of his owne glorye whiche consysteth in the fayth and truth of his promises and in his worship and seruice both whiche shoulde vtterlye decaye if the Lorde did straightlye obserue our iniquities and destroy vs in his iudgement therefore and so he sheweth that there is no reuerence of God in mens hartes till his mercies bee sensiblye felte and knowne whiche is the foundation thereof and by feare he meaneth in this place the reuerent feare of Children and not the slauish feare of Seruaunts Verse 5. I haue vz. heretofore and yet at this present doe for vnder this hee comprehendeth also the present time wayted i. trusted and hoped and haue obtained that which I hoped for my soule hath waited vz. vpon the Lord as in the next verse Hée meaneth by this that he trusted in God not feignedly or in hipocrisie but hartily and from the déepe affection of his hart whereby he sheweth that the seate of sure hope is in the hart and I haue trusted vz. stedfastly in his worde i. in all his word generallye but specially in his promises made vnto mee Meaning that as he had before trusted and obtained fauour so he would doe still Verse 6 My soule wayteth on the Lord sée this expounded before verse 5. the repeating of it séemeth to shew the ardencie of his zeale and his continuaunce in hanging vpon God more then the morning watch i. that watch that is appointed to watch til the morning hath no body to ease him from his watche al night long watcheth for the morning i. for that time wherein in the morning he shall leaue his watch q.d. I am more desirous to inioy God and the fauours of his grace then the watchmen which are weary with
watching all night do desire to sée the breaking vp of their watch in the morning Verse 7 Let Israell i. Gods faithfull people as before Psalme 129 and afterwardes Psal 131 3 and in this verse he exhorteth all the Church by this example to hāg vpon God wayt vz. with patience on the Lorde vz. only and no other but him for with the Lord is mercy i. hee is gracious and mercifull as before verse 4 of this Psalme and this is a reason why he woulde haue the faithfull to hang vpon the Lord and with him is greate redemption vz. procéeding from that mercye of his as the streame from the Fountayne Meaning by that word great redemption that the Lord hath diuers meanes to deliuer his by and to draw them out of all daungers wherein soeuer they shal be Ver. 8. And he vz. himself and no other for him shall vz. most certainlye and assuredly redéeme i. set frée and deliuer Israell i. his faythfull people which shall haue their trust in him from all his iniquities i. not onely from all their sins but also from all daungers and distresses whereinto their sinnes mighte cast them For so largely doe I rest perswaded that the word shoulde be taken in this place Do. Verse 1 teacheth vs that the more afflictions increase vpon vs the more earnest and often should we be with the Lord by prayer Verse 2 teacheth vs that because sinne cleaueth fast vnto vs and our praiers pierce little or nothing that therefore we should continually call vpon the Lord to heare our prayers Verse 3 teacheth vs in our prayers to haue recourse vnto Gods mercy onely also that no man is able to stand as righteous in the presence and iudgement of God Verse 4 sheweth that Gods mercy should not breede carelesnesse in vs but care and conscience to walke before him in feare and trembling Verse 5 teacheth that there was neuer yet any one confounded that did vnfeignedlye put his trust in the Lord Verse 6 teacheth vs earnestly to hunger and thyrste after the Lord. Verse 7 teacheth vs to prouoke others as well as our selues with patience to waite vpon the Lord. Verse 8 teacheth vs that it is God onlye that can deliuer from sinne and from all those punishments whiche sinne hath pulled vpon vs. Psalme 131. Di. THe Prophet in this Psalme propoundeth two thinges first he setteth downe the simplicitie and humblenesse of his own minde ver 1 2. Secondly he exhorteth the faithfull by his example to stryue to patience verse 3. Se. The title is expounded before Psalme 120 also Psalme 122 in the title thereof Verse 1. Lord vz. whom I serue q.d. thou knowest whether it bee true or no that I speake though men will not beléeue me mine heart is not haughty he beginneth with the fountayne of pride which is in the heart q.d. Thou knowest that I haue not so much as in hart affected the Kingdome or Saules ruine or taken in hande any great matter but by a stedfast faith haue wholye stayed my selfe vpon thée and rested in the obedience of thy will neither are mine eyes loftie from the inward which is the hart he commeth to the outward which are the eyes q.d. that there was not in his visage or countinance any signe of pride but that outwardly he gaue an euident testimony of the humilitie of his hart inwardly neither haue I walked in great matters i. I haue not attempted high enterprises by fact without the reache of my calling and hid from me i. I haue not assayed to looke into such thinges as passe the lighte of capacity and vnderstanding which thou gauest me Verse 2. Surely q.d. this is most certain and thou knowest it though I would not report it I haue behaued my selfe vz. both outwardly and inwardly like one weaned from his mother i. euen as a little childe which is humble and lowly in whiche respecte our sauiour sayth except we receaue the kingdome of God as a little child we shall not enter therein Mar. 10 15. and Paul bee not children in vnderstanding but as concerning maliciousnesse be children 1 Cor. 14 20. and kéept silence i. speake very little or nothing I am in my selfe i. in mine owne perswasion and that in the vpright testimonie of a good conscience before God as one that is weaned i. as a yong childe in respect of affections and wicked desires for children commonly are not very old when they are weaned Ver. 3. Let Israell waye on the Lord sée this expounded Psal 130. ver 7. from henceforth and for euer i. from this time and continually Ver. 1 teacheth vs to auoyd pryde and arrogancye Do. both inwardly in the hart and outwardly in the countenance and behauiour Ver. 2 teacheth vs to striue to all humilitie and lowlinesse of affection Ver. 3 teacheth vs not only with patience for the time to wait vpon the Lord but to doe it continually for euer Psalme 132. THis Psalme may be diuided into two parts Di In the first is conteined a prayer for Dauid the Lords Priests and the faithfull people of God with a declaration of their zeale to Gods worship and seruice from verse 1. to the end of the 10. In the second there is expressed both Gods promises made particularly to Dauid and his posterity also to the whole churche generally from ver 11. to the end of the Psalme The Title is expounded before in the title of Psal 120. Ver. 1. Lord vz. Se. which art the only true God iudgest vprightly remēber i. declare by effects that thou remēbrest and beholdest him that thou doest approue the purpose of his mind in graunting him his request for otherwise God neuer forgetteth specially those that are his sée Gen. 8.1 Dauid vz. thine annointed king seruaunt and al his affliction i. al and euery one of the troubles which he hath indured specially the great care of his hart for the building of thy Temple of which sée 2. Sam. 7 1 2 3. but specially that which followeth in this Psal and all this he alleageth not as boasting of any thing he did but that séeing the Lord mercifull vnto him he might thereby take an argument of good things Ver. 2. who sware vnto the Lord i. bound himselfe vnto him by an oth and that to this end that therby he might be the more carefully bound to perform the good wch hée had promised sée Psal 119 6 vowed a vow i. promised that certainly this difference I take to be betwéen an oth a vow that the one is made with calling god to witnes the other is a solemn protestation or promise only yet so that if it be made concerning good things and by them that haue power in themselues to perform it it bindeth the cōscience sée Num. 30 thorow out to the mighty god of Iaakob i. to God who by his mightie force and power did deliuer the Patriarche Iaakob from all his daungers faying vz.
people but specially the Priests and Leuites to whome hée giueth this title by reason of the offices whervnto they were appoynted and that therfore they to the end also that by their example they might draw on others to do the like should be so much the more carefully stirred vp to the spiritual exercises of true religion ye that by night stand in the house of the Lord i. whiche doe not only serue God in the day time but in the night kéeping watch and ward about the temple of the Lord sée Num. 18.1.2 c. 1. Chron. 9.33 And though it be true that many of the people had that affection to remain day and night in the temple as it is reported of Anna Luk. 2.37 yet I refer it in this place only to the Priestes and Leuites and when he sayth stande hee meaneth their continuall aboade there as it were And by house of the Lorde hee meaneth eyther the place where the Arke was or the temple after it was builded Verse 2. Lift vp your handes i. praye and giue thankes the signe of prayer or an outwarde gesture vsed in it put for the thing it selfe as Psalme 141 2. also 1 Timothie 2 8. to the sanctuarye i. towardes the Sanctuarye meaning the place where the Arke was and the Arke it selfe out of which God had promised to aunswere his people and to heare their prayers and prayse the Lorde vz. for his mercyes as verse 1. and here hee sheweth that the principall ende of outward ceremonies is to set forth Gods praise and glory Verse 3. The Lord that made heauen and earth i. the God of all maiestie glory power c. sée Psalme 121 2 also Psalme 124 8 blesse thée vz. with all goodnesse and fauour out of Sion where the arke the sure testimonye of his fauoure and presence was so that here they acknowledge in the firste place his power and in the seconde his fatherlye loue which two must neuer be sundered but alwayes ioyned together for the strengthening of the fayth of gods children And whether he speaketh this in the person of the Priestes whose office it was to blesse the people as Numbers 6 23 or in his own person as praying for them and testifying his great loue vnto them it is not muche materiall Do. Verse 1. teacheth vs to exhort and prouoke all men yea the very ministers of God if they be negligent to the performance of their dutie Ver. 2 teacheth vs that Gods children should alwayes ioyne prayer and thanksgiuing vnto God together Ver. 3 teacheth vs in all holy affection and vnfeigned loue to pray for others as for our selues Psalme 135. IN my iudgement Di. this Psalme may bee diuided rightly into two partes In the first the Prophet exhorteth the faythfull of what state or condition so euer they bee to prayse the Lorde shewing certaine causes that may leade them thereto as his mercy his power his wonderful workes c. from ver 1. to the end of the 12. In the second he sheweth what great difference there is betwéene the true God and all the counterfeite Gods of the Gentiles exhorting al the faithful generally and the Priestes and Leuites particularly to prayse that true God whose seruice they professed from ver 13. to the end of the Psalme The title is prayse yée the Lorde sée this expounded before Psalme 106. Se. also Psalme 113. in the titles so that this title séemeth to comprehend the argument of the Psalme as though the whole Psalme did nothing else but prouoke men to prayse God Ver. 1. Prayse the name of the Lord i. his maiesty power goodnes c. as sundrie times before and namely Psal 20.1 and Psal 124.8 ye seruants of the Lorde this I referre generally to all as Psalm 134.1 but specially to the priests praise him this doubling of the exhortation séemeth to set out as mens dulnes and vnaptnes to the same so the excellency of the thing it selfe Ver. 2. Ye that stand in the house of the Lorde i. ye priestes specially and chiefly because they ought by their duety to shewe the way vnto others and in the courtes of the house of our God i. in those courtes that did appertein to the temple of the Lord amongst which the people had some which place is called 2. Chro. 4.9 the great court and this is the reason why though I referre it chiefely to the Priestes and Leuites yet I would haue it also to be vnderstood that this exhortation is directed to the people likewise Verse 3. Prayse ye the Lorde vz. for his wonderful kindnes and loue sée Psal 134.1 for the Lorde is good vz. euen of his owne nature and from that abundaunt goodnesse which is in him floweth all goodnesse which wee haue and this is as it were the first generall cause why men shoulde prayse him sing prayses vnto his name i. extol his maiesty power c. as before ver 1. for it is a comely thing vz. to do so meaning by comely pleasant and profitable sée Psal 133.1 also Psalm 92.1 Ver. 4. For the Lorde vz. whom I exhort you to praise and magnifie hath chosen vz. of his infinite mercy goodnes Iaakob i. the faithfull séede and posterity of Iaakob to himselfe i. to be a peculiar people vnto himselfe and vz. he hath fréely chosen for here you must repeat or vnderstand that word Israel i. the true Israelites or the Israel of God as Psal 124.1 for his chiefe treasure i. for a people whom hee maketh more account of by many degrees then men do of their chiefest treasures Sée Exod. 19.5 The Hebrewe worde signifieth treasure gathered together of verse most exquisite thinges as pearles precious stones or such like And in this verse is conteined a particular cause to prouoke thankfulnes vz. that GOD chose from al the nations of the earth the issue and séed of Abraham to bee his people Ver. 5. For I know vz. both by his worde workes and myne owne experience that the Lord vz. whom we serue is gret vz. in power might and that our Lorde vz. whom we worship according to his will reuealed in his word is aboue al Gods i. is higher and mightier then they whether they be Angels and magistrates to whom this name is sometimes giuen or idoles which the vaine people worship whose vanity he doeth afterwardes declare in this Psalme Ver. 6. Whatsoeuer pleased the Lord i. whatsoeuer it liked him to do that did he vz. because no power was able to resist him in heauen and in earth in the Sea and in al depthes i. euery where for no place is excepted from his power and presence as Psalm 139.7.8 c. and howe true this is the particular examples of his woorde doe declare specially these two the vniuersall flood and the confusion of Babel Gene. 7.8.11 chapt and in this verse is conteyned a thirde cause wherefore men should prayse God and that is the great power of God declared not onely in
afflictions or aduersities or whether they bee already fallen into the same God reacheth out his hande and either keepeth them from falling or else deliuereth them being fallen Verse 15. The eyes of all vz. thinges whatsoeuer wayte vppon thée vz. with patience and that for their ●●●●re and sustenaunce and thou giuest vz. euen in thy mercy them their meate i. that portion of foode that thou hast appointed for them in due season i. in that time that thou séest with thy selfe to bee good and méete for them Verse 16. Thou openest thyne hande i. thou stretchest forth thy power and giuest plentifully and largely to all thy creatures and fillest all thinges liuing i. whatsoeuer liueth and moueth or hath sense féeling and groweth of thy good pleasure hee noteth here the cause why all the creatures are norished vz. Gods good pleasure and will Sée for these 2. ver Psalme 104. ver 27.28 c. Verse 17. The Lorde is righteous i. iust and equall in all his wayes i. in euery thing that hee taketh in hande hée meaneth that God obserueth a most vpright course in euery thing he doeth howe corrupt or partiall so euer men be in their dealings and holy in all his workes i. his very workes declare that there is a certaine kynde of vnspeakeable holinesse in his maiesty that woorde holy would bee better turned good or mercifull and so doeth Immanuel turne it sée to this end ver 9. of this Psalme Ver. 18. The Lorde is néere i. euen ready at hand not onely to heare them but to helpe them vnto all that call vpon him i. to those that worshippe and serue him a part of Gods seruice put for the whole as Gene. 4.26 1. Corinth 1.2 also 2. Timot. 2.19 yea to all that called vppon him in trueth i. without feigning or hypocrisie or else that call vppon him in such sort that they perfourme not the inuocation of his name by their inuentions and superstitions In summe hee setteth trueth against infidelitie doubting impacience murmuring counterfeite humilitie and vicious affecting of thinges which are the fruites of lying for true worshippers Sée Iohn 4.24 and this hée addeth in the way of correction q.d. though I sayde before that the Lorde heareth all them that call vppon him yet I meane it of al them that call vppon him in trueth Verse 19. Hée will fulfill i. accomplish and perfourme the desire of them i. the thinges which they shall desire and will according to his will Sée 1. Iohn 5.14 because God setteth vppon their affections a lawe of obedience that feare him i. that serue and worshippe him this hath béene sundry tymes expounded before hee will also heare their cry i. graunt them their requestes which they pray euerlastingly vnto him for and will saue them i. both deliuer them out of all the daungers of this lyfe and at the ende bring them to eternall life Verse 20. The Lorde preserueth vz. from any notorious hurt or daunger or if not so yet hée maketh away for them to escape out of it as shal bee most for his glory and their comfort all them that loue him vz. vnfeignedly and with a good heart Sée Roman 8.28 but hee wil destroy vz. in his wrath and iust iudgement all the wicked vz. of the worlde of what estate or condition so euer they bee Verse 21. My mouth shall speake the prayse of the Lorde i. I will boldly and openlye in wordes set foorth his prayses hee putteth the instrument wherewith wordes are vttered for the wordes themselues all flesh i. all men for when this word is so put alone without adding any thing to it doeth most commonly in the Scriptures respect men shall blesse his holy name i. shall prayse his maiesty power and goodnes for euer and euer i. continually sée ver 1.2 of this Psalme Verse 1. Teacheth vs not onely to be thankfull to God for his mercies Do. but also to continue in the same because his mercies are continually powred forth vppon vs. Ver. 2. teacheth vs that wee shoulde let no day passe without heartie thankesgiuing to the Lord for his graces Ver. 3 teacheth vs that Gods power and incomprehensible maiesty should prouoke vs to thankfulnes Verse 4. Teacheth vs to haue a care to conuey the remembraunce of Gods benefites to our posteritie Verse 5. Teacheth vs to imploy more time in the meditation of Gods workes then heretofore we haue done Verse 6. Teacheth vs as well to publish Gods iudgements as his mercies that the wicked may bee pearsed with a feare of his maiesty Verse 7. teacheth vs neuer to be ashamed to publish gods promises Ver. 8 9. Are excellent descriptions of god by his qualities and comprehende much matter of comfort for those that bee afflicted and also conteine very excellent causes why we should prayse and thanke God Ver. 10. Teacheth vs that it becommeth all Gods creatures but specially his faythful people to blesse and prayse the Lorde Ver. 11. and 12. Teach vs not onely for our owne good and the discharge of our owne duety but that others also therby may be drawne to do the like Ver. 13. Teacheth vs that howsoeuer mens kingdomes be brittle yet Gods gouernment ouer all but specially ouer his indureth for euer Ver. 14. Teacheth vs that God so prouideth for his children in their daungers and distresses that howsoeuer they bee afflicted yet they do not vtterly perish Ver. 15. Setteth out Gods gracious prouidence fatherly care ouer his children Ver. 16. Sheweth that the Lorde is liberall handed towardes his creatures and that al the good thinges which we haue procéede from his good will and pleasure Verse 17. Teacheth vs that whatsoeuer God doeth he doeth in all vprightnes though perhaps we through the blindnesse and corruption of our nature can not conceiue so thereof Ver. 18. Teacheth vs that God quickly heareth the earnest and vnfeigned prayers of his Seruauntes Verse 19. Sheweth that God will graciously deliuer his out of all their daungers Verse 20. Sheweth the vnlikely reward betweene the godly and the vngodly Verse 21. Teacheth vs both in our owne persons and in others to stirre vp and prouoke our selues to continual thankfulnesse Psalme 146 Di. THis Psalme may bee diuided into two partes In the first hee prouoketh himselfe to prayse God promising to perfourme it as long as he liueth to which he addeth a dehortation that we should not trust in any man nor giue them the matter of praises Ver. and 5. In the second he sheweth certaine causes why he and other should prayse the Lord from ver 6. to the end of the Psalme Se. The title Prayse ye the Lorde sée Psalme 106. in the title Ver. 1. Prayse thou the Lorde O my soule vz. for his mercy and goodnes towardes thée vnderstanding by soule the seate of his affections which is the heart Sée Psalm 103.1 Ver. 2. I will prayse the Lorde vz. for his mercies during my life i. as long as I liue and all the dayes