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A68393 The forme of prayers and ministration of the sacraments, &c. vsed in the Englishe Congregation at Geneua and approued, by the famous and godly learned man, Iohn Caluyn.; Book of common order. English Church (Geneva, Switzerland); Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564. Instruction et confession de foy. English. 1556 (1556) STC 16561; ESTC S109631 153,918 420

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examine thē selues following in their hartes the tenor of his wordes A CONFESSION OF OVR SYNNES FRAmed to our tyme out of the 9. chap. of Daniel O lord God which arte 1 Nehem. 1. b. Iob. Psal mightie and dreadeful thou that kepest couenant and shewest 2 Exod. 20. a. luk 7. g. mercie to theym that loue thee and do thy commaundementes 3 Gen. 3. b. rom 5. b. 1. Ioh. 1. d. Psal 32. c. 106. a we haue synned we haue offended we haue wickedly and stubburnely gone backe frome thy lawes and preceptes We wolde neuer 4 Ieu 26. c. Deu. 28. b. Iere. 26. a. 29. b. Nehem. 1. c. obey thy seruantes the Prophetes that spake in thy name to our kinges and princes to our forfathers and to all the people of our lande O lord 5 psa 11. b. lam .. d Iob. 4. d. 9. a. 25. b. rightuousnes belongeth vnto thee vnto vs perteyneth nothing but open shame as it ys come to passe this day vnto our miserable contry of Englande yea vnto all our nation whether they be farre or nere through all landes wherein they are scattered for the 6 offences that they and we haue committed against thee so that the 7 Psal 89. c. Ier. 26. b. 27. a. 7 Ieu 26. c. Deu. 27.28.30 curses and ponishmentes which are wryten in thy lawe are nowe powred vpon vs and thou hast perfourmed those wordes wher with thou didest menace vs and our rulers that gouerned vs in bringinge the same plagues vpon vs which before were threatened And yet notwithstandinge bothe they and we procede in our iniquitie and sease not to heape synne vpon synne How misrable it is to retorne to the olde vomitt For they which once were well instructed in the doctrine of thy gospel are nowe 8 2. pet 2. d. prou 26. b. Hebr 6 a. 10. e. gone backe frome the obedience of thy trueth and are turned agayne to that moste abhominable Idolatrie from the which they were once called by the lyuely preachinge of thy worde And we alas to this day do not earnestly repent vs of our former wickednes neither do we rightly 9 Psal 19. d. Deu. 31. d. 29. d. ezech 5. b. consider the heauynes of thy displeasure Suche is thy iuste iudgementes ò lord that thou 10 Rom. 1. d. ponishes synne by synne and man by his owne inuentions so that there can be no ende of iniquitie except thou 11 Esa 65. d. Rom. 10. c. preuent vs with thy 12 Eph. 2. ● b. vndeserued grace Therfore 13 Psal 85. a. Ierem. 31. c. conuert vs ò lord and we shal be conuerted for we do not offer vp our prayers trustinge in our 14 Titus 3. a. 2. Timoth. 1. b. owne rightuousnes but in thy manifolde mercies And althoghe thou haste once of thy especial grace deliuered vs from the miserable thraldome of error and blindnes and called vs many tymes to the swet 15 Gal. 4.5 a libertie of thy gospell which we notwithstādīge haue moste shamefully abused in obeinge rather our owne 16 Gal. 5. b. c lustes and affections then the admonitions of thy 17 zachar 7. b. prophetes yet we beseche thee once agayne for thy 18 psal 23. a. 25. c nams sake to powre some comfortable droppe of thy accustomed mercies vpon vs 19 Psal 71. a incline thyne eares and open thyne eyes to beholde the greuous plagues of our contrie the continuall sorrowes of our afflicted bretherne and our wofull banishment let all people take hede by our example And let our afflictions and iuste ponishemente be an admonition and warninge to other nations emongest whome we are skattered that with all reuerence they may obey thy holy gospell lost for like contempte in the ende like or wourse 20 Matt. 11. c. 12. d. Luk. 10. c. plagues fall vpon theym Wherfore ò lord heare vs ò lord forgiue vs ò lord consider and tary not ouer longe but for thy deare sonne 21 Iohn 16. e. Iesus Christe sake be mercifull vnto vs and delyuer vs So shall it be knowen to all the worlde that thou onely arte the selfe same God that euer sheweth 22 psal 103.108 a 136. a. mercie to all suche as call vpon thy holy name AN OTHER CONfession for all states and tymes O Eternall God and moste mercifull father we confesse and acknowlage here before thy diuine maiestie that we are miserable 1 Rom. 3. c psal 14. b. synners 2 psal 51. a. conceyued and borne in synne and iniquitie so that in vs there is no 3 rom 7. d. goodnes For the 4 Gal. 5. c. fleshe euermore rebelleth against the spirite wherby we contynually transgresse thy holy preceptes and commaundementes and so purchase to our selues through thy iuste iudgement 5 Rom. 2. a. Iere. 3. g. Isa 40. b. death and damnation Notwithstandinge ò heauenly father forasmoche as we are displeased with our selues for the synnes that we haue committed against thee and do vnfeynedly repent vs of the same we moste humbly beseche thee for Iesus Christes sake to shewe thy mercie vpon vs to forgiue vs all our synnes and to increase thy holy spirite in vs that we 6 Col. 3. a. Rom. 6. a. Ephe. 4. c. 5. a 1. petr 2. a. acknowlaginge from the botome of our hartes our owne vnrightuousnes may from hensforth not onely mortifie our sinfull lustes and affections but also bringe forth suche fruites as may be agreable to thy moste blessed wyll not for the worthynes therof but for the 7 Rom. 5. a Hebr. 9. d. Eph. 2. d. merites of thy dearely beloued sonne Iesus Christe our onely sauyour whom thou hast already giuen an oblation and offeringe for our synnes and for whose 8 Ioh. 14. b. 16. c Math. 7. b. Iam. 1. a. sake we are certainly persuaded that thou wylt denye vs nothinge that we shall aske in his name accordinge to thy wyl For thy 9 Io. 3. d. Ro. 8. b. c. g. spirite doth assure our consciences that thou arte our mercifull father and so louest vs thy childrene through hym that nothinge is able to remoue thy heauenlye grace and fauor from vs to thee therfore ò father with the sonne and the holy ghoste be all honor and glorye worlde with owt ende So be it This done the people singe a Psalme all together in a playne tune which ended the minister prayeth for thassistance of Gods holy spirite as the same shall moue his harte and so procedeth to the sermon Vsinge after the sermon this prayer followinge or suche lyke A prayer for the whole estate of Christes churche ALMIGHTIE God and moste mercifull father we 1 1. pet 5. b. humbly submit our selues and 2 Nom. 26. a. Deu. 9. c. Iosu 7. b. fall downe before thy maiestie besechinge thee frome the botome of our hartes that this 3 Mat. 13. a. b. seede of
euerlastinge ¶ The minister What do the bread and wyne represent in the lordes Supper ¶ The childe This that as our bodies are norished therwith so our sowles are susteyned and norished with the vertue of Christs body ād bloode not that they are inclosed in the breade and wyne but we muste seeke Christ in heauen in the glorie of God his father ¶ The minister By what meanes may we attayne vnto hym there ¶ The childe By faith which gods spirite worketh in our hartes assuringe vs of Gods promisses made to vs in his holy ghospell Th end A FOVRME OF prayers to be vsed in priuat houses euery morninge and euenynge Morninge prayer ALMIGHTIE God and most mercifull father we do not 1 Daniel 9. c. present our selues here before thy Maiestie trusting in our owne merites or worthynes but in thy manifold mercies which hast promised to heare our prayers and 2 Ioh. 16. c graunt our requestes which we shall make to thee in the name of thy beloued sonne Iesus Christ our lord who hath also commaunded vs to assemble our selues together in his 3 Matt. 18. c. name with ful assurance that he wyll not onely be emongst vs but also be our 4 1. Tim. 2. b. mediator ād aduocate towards thy Maiestie that we may 5 1. Ioh. 3. d. obteyne all thinges which shall seme expedient to thy blessed wyll for our necessities Therfore we beseche thee most mercifull father to tourne thy louynge contenance towardes vs and 6 Psal 32. a. impute not vnto vs our manyfold synnes and offences wherby we iustely deserue thy wrath and sharpe punishement but rather receyue vs to thy mercye for Iesus Christes sake acceptinge his death and passion as a iuste 7 1. Ioh. 2. a. recompence for all our offences in whome onely thow art pleased and throgh whome thow canst not be offended with vs. And seinge that of thy great mercies we haue quietly passed this night graunt ò heauenly father that we may spēd and bestowe this day wholy in thy seruice so that all our 8 Col. 3. c. thoghtes wordes ād deedes may redounde to the glorie of thy name ād good ensample to all men who seinge our good workes may glorifie thee our heauenly father And forasmoche as of thy mere beneuolēce and loue thow haste not onely created vs to thyme owne 9 Gen. 1. d. similitude and lykenes but also haste chosen vs to be heyres with thy dere sonne Iesus Christ of that immortall kingdome which thow preparedst for vs before the beginnynge of world we beseche thee to 10 Luk. 17. a. encrease our faith and knowlage and to lighten our hartes with thy holy spirite that we may in the meane tyme lyue in golyd cōuersation and integritie of lyfe knowinge that 11 Gal. 5. d. idolaters adulterers couetous men contentious persons dronkardes glotons and suche lyke shall not inherite the kingdome of God And becawse thou haste commaūded vs to pray one for on other we do not onely make request ò lord for our selues and theym that thow hast already called to the trew vnderstandinge of thy heauenly wyll but for all people and 12 Act 10. e 1. Tim. 2. a nations of the world who as they knowe by thy wonderfull workes that thow arte God ouer all so they may be instructed by thy holy spirite to beleue in thee their onely sauiour and redemer But forasmoche as they can not 13 Rom. 10. d beleue except they heare nor can not heare but by preaching and none can preache except they be sent therfore ò lord rayse vp faithfull distributers of thy mysteries who settinge a parte all worldely respectes may bothe in theyr lyfe and doctrine onely seke thy glorie Contrarely confownd 14 Rom. 16. c Satan Antechrist with all hyrelinges and papistes whome thow hast already cast of into a reprobate sense that they may not by sectes schismes heresies and errors disquiet thy lytle flocke And becawse ò lord we be fallen into the latter days and 15 2. Tim. 3. a daungerous tymes wherin ignorance hath gott the vpper hand and Satan with his ministers seeke by all meanes to quenche the light of thy gospell we beseche thee to mayntayne thy cawse against those 16 Matt. 7. c raueninge wolues and strengthen all thy seruantes whome they kepe in pryson and bondage Let not thy longe sufferinge be an occasion either to encrease theyr tyrannye or to discorage thy childrene nether yet let our synnes and wickednes be a hinderance to thy mercies but with spede ò lord consider these great miseries and chieflye the afflictions of our Contrie which once florished through thy mercies and nowe for contempt of thy worde is 17 Amos 8. Matth. 11. c plaged accordinge to thy iudgement Alas lord mayst thow not be intreated shall we thus be left in dispayre shall all the world laugh at our shame for 18 Psal 77. b. euer truthe it is lord that we were more then sufficiently warned of this thy vengeance to come both by thy worde ād exemples of others For thy people Israell many tymes by their 19 Exo. 32. a synnes prouoked thyne anger and thow ponishedest theym by thy iuste iudgement yet thogh theyr synnes were neuer so greuous if they once returned frome their iniquitie thow receyuedst theym to 20 Esa 37. a mercie we therfore most wretched synners bewayle our manyfolde synnes and earnestly repent vs for our former wickednes and vngodly behauyor towardes thee and wheras we can not of our 21 Rom. 7. d 2. Cor. 3. Luk. 17. c selues purchase thy pardon yet we humbly beseche thee for Iesus Christ sake to shewe thy mercies vpon vs and restore vs agayne to thy fauour Graunt vs deare father these our requestes and all other thinges necessarie for vs and thy whole churche accordinge to thy promes in Iesus Christe our lorde In whose name we beseche the as he hath taught vs saing Our father c. A prayer to be sayd before meales ALL thinges depende vpon thy prouidence o lord to receyue at thy handes due sustenance in tyme conuenient Psal 104. Thou geuest to theym and they gather it thow openest thy hand and they are satisfyede with all good thinges O heauenly father which arte the fountayne and full treasure of all goodnes we beseche thee to shewe thy mercies vpon vs thy children and 1 1. Tim. 4. b. sanctifie these giftes which we receyue of thy mercifull liberalitie grauntinge vs grace to vse theym 2 Tit. 2. c soberlie and purely accordinge to thy blessed will so that hereby we may ackonwledge the to be the author ād gyuer of all good thinges and aboue all that we may remembre cōtinually to seeke the 3 Ioh. 6. c. d spirituall foode of thy woorde wherewith our soules may be norished euerlastingly through our sauiour Christ who is the trewe 4 Ihon. 6. c breade of lyfe which came downe
the sacrifice that now to hym is done And so receiue ryght thankefully thy burnt offerynges eichone verse 4 4 Accordyng to thy heartes desire the lorde graunt vnto thee And all thy counsell and deuise full well perfourme may he verse 5 5 We shall reioyse when thou vs sauest and our banners displaye Vnto the lorde which thy requests fulfilled hath alwaye verse 6 6 The lorde will his annointed saue I knowe well by his grace And send him helth by his righthand out of his holy place verse 7 7 In charetes some put confidence and some in horses trust But we remembre God our Lorde that kepeth promise iust verse 8 8 They fall downe flat but we do rise and stand vp stedfastly Now saue and helpe vs lorde king on thee when we do crye Domine in virtute Psal XXI Th. Ster ¶ Dauid in the persone of the people prayseth god for the victorie which he gaue them against the Syrians and Ammonites 2. Sam. 10.11 wherin he had the riche crowne of the kynge of Ammon set vpon his heade 2. Sam. 12. and was indued with the manifolde blessings of God and contrariwise his ennemies destroyed O Lorde how ioyfull ys the kyng in thy strength and thy power how vehemētly doth he reioyse in thee his sauiour for thou hast geuen vnto hym his godly hartes desire To hym hast thou nothing denied of that he did require verse 3 3 Thou didst preuent him with thy giftes and blessinges manyfold And thou hast set vpon his head Dauid did not only obteyne lif but also assurance that his posteritie shuld raigne for euer a croune of perfite golde verse 4 4 And whan he asked lyfe of thee therof thou madest him sure To haue long lyfe yea suche a lyfe as euer should endure verse 5 5 Great is his glory by thy helpe thy benefite and ayde Great worship and great honour both thou hast vpon hym layde verse 6 6 Thou wilt geue him felicitie that neuer shal decay And with thy cherefull countenaunce wilt comfort hym alway verse 7 7 For why the king doth strongly trust in God for to preuayle Therfore his goodnes and his grace wil not that he shal quayle Here he describeth the strength of Christes kyngdome against the enmies therof verse 8 8 But let thyne enemies fele thy force and those that thee withstande Fynde out thy foes and let them feele the power of thy righthande verse 9 9 And lyke an ouen burne them lord in fyrye flame and fume Thyne anger shall destroy them al and fyre shall them consume verse 10 10 And thou wilt roote out of the earth theyr fruite that should increase And from the number of thy folke theyr seede shal end and cease verse 11 11 For why muche mischiefe dyd they muse agaynst thyne holy name Yet dyd they fayle and had no power for to perfourme the same verse 12 12 But as a marke thou shalt them sett in a moste open place And charge thy bowestrynges redily The wicked fall into dispaire ād fele no comfort in cōscience to praise god fore agaynst thyne enmies face verse 13 13 Be thou exalted lord therfore in thy strength euery houre So shal we sing right solemnly praysing thy might and power Dominus regit me Psal XXIII ¶ Because the Prophete had prouen the greate mercies of god at diuerse tymes and in sondrie maners he gathereth a certeyn assurance fullye persuadinge him selfe that god will contynewe the verie same goodnes towards him for euer THe lord is onlye my support and he that dothe me feed how can I then lacke any thynge wherof I stande in need verse 2 2 He doth me foulde in cottes moste safe the tender grasse fast by and after driueth me to the streames which runne moste pleasantlye verse 3 3 And when I feele my selfe nere loste then doth he me home take conductinge me in his right pathes euen for his own names sake verse 4 4 And thogh I were euē at deathes doore yet wolde I feare none ill for with thy rodd and shepherds crooke I am coumforted still verse 5 5 Thou haste my table richely deckt in despite of my foe thou haste my heade with baume refresht my cupp doth ouer flooe verse 6 6 And finally while breath doth laste thy grace shall me defende and in the house of god will I my life for euer spende Ad te Domine Psalme XXV Th. St. ¶ The Prophete towched with the consideration of his synnes and also greaued with the cruell malice of his ennymies prayeth to god moste feruentlie to haue his synnes forgeauen especially suche as he had committed in his youthe He begynneth euerie verse accordyng to the hebrewe letters .ii. or iii. except verse א א I Lift myne heart to thee my god and gyde moste iust now suffer me to take no shame for in thee do I trust verse ב ב Let not my foes reioyse nor make a scorne of me and let them not be ouerthrowen that put their trust in thee verse ך ך But shame shall theym befall which harme theym wrongfully therfore thy pathes and thy right wayes vnto me lorde discry verse ה ה Direct me in thy trueth And teache me I the praye Thou art my God and sauiour on thee I wayte alwaye verse ז ז Thy mercies manifolde I praye thee lorde remembre And eke thy pitie plentifull for they haue bene for euer verse ח ח Remembre not the “ The heb woorde signifieth contēpt of god fautes and frayltie of my youth Remembre not howe ignorant I haue ben of thy truth Nor after my desertes let me thy mercy finde But of thyne owne benignitie lorde haue me in thy mynde verse ט ט His mercy is full swete his truth a perfit guide Therfore the Lorde will synners teache and such as go a syde verse י י The humble he will teache his preceps for to kepe he will direct in all his waies the lowlye and the meeke verse כ כ For al the wayes of God are trueth and mercye both To them that kepe his testament the witnes of his troth verse ל ל Nowe for thy holy name O lorde I the intreate To graunt me pardon for my sinne True felicitie standeth in the feare of god for it is wonderous great verse ם ם Whoso doth feare the lorde the lorde doth hym dyrecte To leade his lyfe in such a waye as he dothe beste accepte verse ב ב Hys soule shall euermore in goodnes dwell and stande Hys sede and his posterytye inherite shall the lande verse ם ם All those that feare the lorde knowe his secret intent And vnto them he doth declare hys will and testamente verse ע ע Myn eies and eke my hearte to hym I will aduaunce That pluckt my feete out of the snare of synne and ignoraunce verse פ פ Wyth mercy me beholde to thee I make my mone For I am poore and solitarye comfortles alone verse צ צ The troubles of myne hearte are multyplyed in dede Brynge
lordship haue Their ymage and their royall porte shall fade and quite decaye when as from house to pitt they passe with wo and weale a waye verse 15 15 But god will surely preserue me from death endles paine Because he will of his good grace Selab my soule receyue agayne verse 16 16 If any man waxe wonders riche feare not I say therfore Althogh the glory of his house increaseth more and more Iob. 27. 1. Tim. 6. 17 For whē he dieth of al these thinges nothing shal he receiue His glory wil not folow him his pompe wil take her leaue verse 18 18 Yet in thys lyfe he taketh hymselfe the happiest vnder sunne and others likewise flatter hym sayng all is well done verse 19 19 And presuppose he lyue as longe as did his fathers olde yet moste he nedes at length gyue place and be broght to deathes folde verse 20 20 Thus man to hounor god hath called yet dothe he not consider but like brute beastes so doth he lyue which turne to duste and powder Miserere mei Deus Psal LI. ¶ when Dauid was rebuked by the Prophete Nathan for his great offences he dyd not only acknowlage the same to god with protestation of his naturall corruption and iniquitie but also left a memoriall therof to his posteritie Therfore first he desireth god to forgiue his synnes and renewe in him his holy spirite with promesse that he will not be vnmyndfull of those great graces finally fearinge lest god wolde ponishe the whole churche for his faute he requireth that he wolde rather increase his graces towards the same O Lorde consider my distresse and now with speed some pitie take my synnes deface my fautes redresse good lorde for thy great mercies sake Washe me ó lorde and make me cleane from this iniuste and synnefull acte and purifie yet once againe my hainous crime and bloodie facte verse 3 3 Remorce and sorrowe do constrayne me to acknowlege myne excesse My synne alas dothe still remayne before my face withowte relesse verse 4 4 For thee alone I haue offended comittyng euell in thy sight Rom. 3. and if I were therfore condemned yet were thy iudgement iust and right verse 5 5 It is to manifest alas that first I was conceyud in synne yea of my mother so borne was and yet vile wretche remaine therin verse 6 6 But notwithstanding thou doest loue the inwarde trueth of a pure hart therfore thy wisedome from aboue Nu. 19. Iea. 14. Isa 1. thou haste reueld me to conuert verse 7 7 If thou with hissope purge this blot I shal be cleaner then the glasse and if thou washe away my spot the snowe in whitenes shall I passe verse 8 8 Therfore o lorde suche ioy me send that inwardelie I may fynde grace and that my strength may now amend which thou haste swagd for my trespas verse 9 9 Turne backe thy face and frowning ire for I haue felt ynough thy hand and purge my synnes I thee desire which do in nomber passe the sand verse 10 10 Make new my harte within my brest and frame it to thy holy will thy constant spirit in me let rest which may these ragyng enmys kill verse 11 11 Cast me not owte lorde frō thy face but spedelie my torments ende take not from me thy spirite grace which may from daungers me defend verse 12 12 Restore me to those ioyes agayne which I was wonte in thee to fynde and let me thy free spirite retayne which vnto thee may styre my mynde verse 13 13 Thus when I shall thy mercies knowe I shall instructe others therin and men that are likewise broght lowe by myne ensample shall flee synne verse 14 14 O god that of my health art lorde forgyue me thus my bloodie vice my harte and tongue shall then accorde to synge thy mercies and iustice verse 15 15 Touche thou my lippes my tōg vntie ò lorde which art the onlie kaye and then my mouthe shall testifie thy wōdrous woorkes and prayse alway verse 16 16 And as for owteward sacrifice I wolde haue offred many one but thou estemes theym of no prise and therin pleasure takest thou none verse 17 17 The heauie hart the mynde opprest ò lorde thou neuer doest reiecte and to speake truthe it is the best and of all sacrifice theffecte verse 18 18 Lorde vnto Zion tourne thy face powre owte thy mercies on thy hill and on Hierusalem thy grace builde vp the walles and loue it still verse 19 19 Thow shalt accept then our offrynges of peace and rightuousnes I saye yea calues and many other thynges vpon thyne aulter will we laye Quid gloriaris Psal LII I. H. ¶ Dauid describeth the arrogant tyrannie of his aduersarie Doeg Sauls chief shepherde who by false surmises caused Achimelech with the rest of the pryestes to be slayne Dauid prophecieth his distruction and encourageth the faithfull to put their confidence in god whose iudgements are moste sharpe against his aduersaries And finally he rendreth thanks to god for his deliuerance In this psal is liuely set fourth the kyngdome of Antichriste VVhy doest thou tyrant boast abroad thy wicked workes to prayse dost thou not know ther is a god whose mercies last alwayes why doth thy mynd yet styll deuyse such wicked wiles to warpe thy tonge vntrue in forginge lyes is lyke a rasour sharpe verse 3 3 On mischiefe why settst thou thy minde and wilt not walke vpright Thou hast more lust false tales to fynd Selah than bring the trueth to light verse 4 4 Thou dost delite in fraude and guile In mischief blood and wrong Thy lippes haue learnde the flatteryng style O false disceitful tong verse 5 5 Therfore shal God for euer confound And pluck thee from the place Thy seede roote out from of the ground Selah And so shal thee deface verse 6 6 The iust when they beholde thy falle with feare wil prayse the lord And in reproche of thee withal “ hebr shall laugh or mocke Crye out with one accord verse 7 7 Behold the man which would not take The lord for his defence But of his goodes hys god did make And trust his corrupt sense verse 8 8 But I an Olyue freshe and greene Shal spryng and sprede abrod For why my trust al tymes hath bene Vpon the liuyng God verse 9 9 For this therfore will I geue prayse To thee with heart and voyce I wil set furth thy name alwayes Wherin thy sayntes reioyce Deus Deus meus Psal LXIII Th. St. ¶ Dauid after he had bene in great daunger by Saul in the desert of Ziph made this psalme wherin he giueth thankes to god for his wonderfull delyuerannce in whose mercies he trusted euen in the myddes of his myseries propheciynge the destruccion of godes ennymies and contrariwise happynes to all theym that trust in the lorde 1. Sam. 23. O God my God I watche betyme to come to thee in haste for why my soule and
the satysfaction which was made in the death of Christe as it oughte to be but in that that we forgette the wronges and damnages done vnto vs we folowe hys exaumple in gentlenes and meekenes And nowe to declare that we are his chyldren he hath geuen vs this as a marke or badge to be knowen by and to certyfye oure selues that we are so on the other parte also he doth vs to wete that we may loke for nothing at his iudgemente but extreme rigorouse handlynge if we wyll not as his chyldren shewe our selues ready to pardon and shew fauoure vnto them whiche be in debte daunger and faute towardes vs. ¶ The minister whō god refuseth to count as his children Thou meanest then that GOD here refuseth to take them for hys chyldren whiche cannot forget wronges and trespasses commytted against them to the entente they shoulde not thynke themselues to be partakers of that mercye and fauour whiche the faythfull doe loke for ¶ The childe Yea verely and also to the ende that all men myght haue knoweledge that the selfe same measure whiche they meate vnto other shal be payed vnto them agayne ¶ The minister Sonday 43 What is the nexte peticion ¶ The childe peti ∣ tion The 6. Leade vs not into temptacion but delyuer vs from euyll ¶ The minister Makest thou but one request of thys ¶ The childe No for the seconde parte doth expounde the fyrst ¶ The minister What is the pyth and substaunce of this peticion ¶ The childe We desyre that God doe not suffer vs to fall to wickednes Roma 7 neyther permyt vs to be ouercome of the deuyll nor to be lead with the naughtye lustes of oure fleshe which continually warre againste vs but that he wyll geue vnto vs power to withstande them holdynge vs vp with hys hande and kepynge vs al wayes in hys sauegarde to be our protectour and guyde ¶ The minister By what meanes is thys brought to passe ¶ The childe What tyme God doeth guyde vs by hys holy spyryte therby causynge vs to loue goodnes and to hate euyll to seke after ryghteousnes and to flie from synne for he maketh vs by hys holy spyrite able to ouercome the deuyl synne and the fles he ¶ The minister Hath euery man nede thus to be guyded ¶ The childe 1. pet 5 Yea euery man for the deuyll watcheth continuallye for vs euen as a roaringe Lion ready to deuoute vs and we on the other parte be so feble and frayle that he woulde oute of hande ouercome vs if God dyd not bothe strengthen vs and geue vs the victoire ¶ The minister What signifieth this woorde temptacyon ¶ The childe The wilye guiles and subtyll assaultes of the deuyll what is temptacion wherewith he assaulteth vs and goeth aboute to entrap vs who knoweth full wel that we are naturally apte to be deceiued yea ready to deceyue our selues and our wyl is wholy bente to doe euyll and no whitte to doe good ¶ The minister But wherfore requireste thou of God that he doe not induce and lead vs into euyl since that is an offyce belongynge peculiarly to the deuyll ¶ The childe Euen as God of his infinite mercye doeth preserue hys faythful not sufferyng the deuyll to leade them oute of the waye neyther permyttynge that sinne haue the vpper hande of them so lykewise he doeth not onely geue vp caste of and withdraw his grace from suche as his pleasure is to punishe but also he delyuereth them to the deuyll commyttyng them vnto hys tyranny he strikethe theym with blindnes and giueth theym vp into reprobate myndes that they be come vtterly slaues vnto synne and subiect to all temptacions ¶ The minister What meaneth the clause whiche foloweth for vnto thee belongeth the kingdom power and glorye worlde withouc ende ¶ The childe It putteth vs agayne in remembraunce that oure prayers be grounded vpon God and vpon hys almyghtye power and goodnes and not in any thynge that is in vs since we of our selues be vnworthy once to open our mouthes to call vpon hym agayne we are taughte hereby to conclude or ende all oure prayers in the laudynge and praysyng of hys power and goodnes ¶ The minister Sonday 44 Is it not lawefull for vs to aske any other petycyon or thyng then is here rehearsed ¶ The childe Albeit we are not forbydden to vse other woordes and to frame them also after another sort yet there can no praier be acceptable vnto God vnlesse it be in effecte and sence framed after this which is vnto vs as it were a perfect rule wherby to praye as we oughte to doe ¶ The minister The fowrth kinde of honoure due to godde It semeth nowe conuenyente tyme to come to the fourth poynte touchinge the honoure due vnto God ¶ The childe We haue sayde already that it consysteth in acknowledgyng with the hearte and in confessyng with the mouth that God is the authour of all goodnes that thereby we maye mayntayne his glory ¶ The minister Hath God set forth no rule to teache vs howe we shoulde do thys ¶ The childe All the exemples in the scripture of lauding praysyng and thākesgeuynge ought to be as rules and instructions vnto vs. ¶ The minister Is there nothyng contayned in the Lordes prayer touching thys matter ¶ The childe Yes verelye for in that we praye that his name maye be glorifyed we desire also that all hys workes maye be sene according as they be in dede excellente and prayse worthy ī such sorte that if he punisshe vs we may therby prayse the vprightnes of his iudgement if he pardon oure fautes we maye therby haue occasiō to magnifye his mercy when he performeth his promyse we maye acknoweledge him to be the infallyble trueth bryefelye we require that there be nothynge at all done wherein the bryghtnes of hys glorye be not shewed foorth vnto vs and this is to geue vnto hym the laude and prayse of al goodnes ¶ The minister What conclusion may we gather of al that we haue hitherto spoken ¶ The childe Verelye we may well conclude of thys the saying of Christ whiche is the trueth it selfe that this is life euerlastīg to know the verye liuing God and him whome he hath sent Ihon. 17. our sauiour Christe to know him I say to the end to rendre due honor vnto him what euerlasting lyfe is Mat. 1. that therby he may become vnto vs not onelye a Lorde and maister but also a father and sauiour wherby also we on the other parte may be his seruauntes his children and a people wholy consecrated to his glory ¶ The minister Sonday 45 What is the meanes to come by a state so excellent ¶ The childe He hath for the same purpose left with vs hys holy woorde Euerlasting life is offered ad presented vnto vs by gods worde which is vnto vs as it were an entree into the kyngdome of heauen ¶ The minister Where shall