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A62628 Sermons preach'd upon several occasions. By John Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. The fourth volume Tillotson, John, 1630-1694. 1694 (1694) Wing T1260B; ESTC R217595 184,892 481

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our great trespass Our evil deeds bring all other evils upon us 2. That great Sins have usually a proportionable punishment after all that is come upon us there is the greatness of our punishment for our evil deeds and for our great trespass there is the greatness of our Sin But when I say that great Sins have a proportionable Punishment I do not mean that any temporal Punishments are proportionable to the great evil of Sin but that God doth usually observe a proportion in the temporal punishments of Sin so that although no temporal punishment be proportionable to Sin yet the temporal punishment of one Sin holds a proportion to the punishment of another and consequently lesser and greater Sins have proportionably a lesser and greater Punishment 3. That all the Punishments which God inflicts in this Life do fall short of the demerit of our Sins and seeing thou our God hast punish'd us less than our iniquities deserve In the Hebrew it is and hast kept down our iniquities that is that they should not rise up against us The LXX expresseth it very emphatically thou hast eased us of our sins that is thou hast not let the whole weight of them fall upon us Were it not for the restraints which God puts upon his anger and the merciful mitigations of it the Sinner would not be able to bear it but must sink under it Indeed it is only said in the Text that the punishment which God inflicted upon the Jews though it was a long Captivity was beneath the desert of their Sins But yet it is universally true and Ezra perhaps might intend to insinuate so much that all temporal Punishments though never so severe are always less than our iniquities deserve 4. That God many times works very great Deliverances for those who are very unworthy of them and hast given us such a Deliverance as this notwithstanding our evil deeds and notwithstanding our great Trespass 5. That we are but too apt even after great Judgments and after great Mercies to relapse into our former Sins should we again break thy Commandments Ezra insinuates that there was great reason to fear this especially considering the strange temper of that People who when God multiply'd his blessings upon them were so apt to wax fat and kick against Him and tho he had cast them several times into the furnace of Affliction though they were melted for the present yet they were many times but the harder for it afterwards 6. That it is good to take notice of those particular Sins which have brought the Judgments of God upon us So Ezra does here after all that is come upon us for our evil deeds and for our great trespass and should we again join in affinity with the People of these abominations Secondly Here is a Sentence and determination in the Case wouldst thou not be angry with us till thou hadst consumed us so that there should be no remnant nor escaping Which Question as I said before doth imply a strong and peremptory affirmative as if he had said after such a provocation there is great reason to conclude that God would be angry with us till he had consumed us From whence the Observation contained in this part of the Text will be this That it is a fearful aggravation of Sin and a sad presage of ruin to a People after great Judgments and great Deliverances to return to Sin and especially to the same Sins again Hear how passionately Ezra expresses himself in this Case verse 6. I am ashamed O my God and blush to lift up mine eyes to thee my God Why what was the cause of this great shame and confusion of face He tells us verse 9. for we were bondmen yet our God hath not forsaken us in our bondage but hath extended his mercy to us to give us a reviving to set up the House of our God and to repair the desolations thereof and to give us a Wall in Judah and in Jerusalem that is to restore to them the free and safe exercise of their Religion Here was great Mercy and a mighty Deliverance indeed and yet after this they presently relapsed into a very great sin verse 10. And now O our God what shall we say after this for we have forsaken thy Commandments In the handling of this Observation I shall do these two things First I shall endeavour to shew that this is a very heavy aggravation of Sin and Secondly That it is a fatal presage of ruin to a People First It is a heavy aggravation of Sin after great Judgments and after signal Mercies and Deliverances to return to Sin and especially to the same Sins again Here are three things to be distinctly spoken to 1. That it is a great aggravation of Sin to return to it after great Judgments 2. To do this after great Mercies and Deliverances 3. After both to return to the same Sins again 1. It is a great aggravation of Sin after great Judgments have been upon us to return to an evil course Because this is an Argument of great obstinacy in evil The longer Pharaoh resisted the Judgments of God the more was his wicked heart hardned till at last he arriv'd at a monstrous degree of hardness having been as the Text tells us hardned under ten plagues And we find that after God had threaten'd the People of Israel with several Judgments he tells them that if they will not be reformed by all these things he will punish them seven times more for their sins And if the just God will in such a case punish seven times more we may conclude that the Sin is Seven times greater What sad complaints doth the Prophet make of the People of Israel growing worse for Judgments Ah! sinful Nation a People laden with iniquity children that have been corrupters a seed of evil doers He can hardly find words enough to express how great Sinners they were and he adds the reason in the next verse Why should they be smitten any more they will revolt more and more They were but the worse for Judgments This renders them a sinful Nation a People laden with iniquity And again The People turneth not to him that smiteth them neither do they seek the Lord of Hosts therefore his anger is not turned away but his hand is stretched out still And the same Prophet further complains to the same purpose When thy hand is lifted up they will not see There is a particular brand set upon King Ahaz because affliction made him worse This is that King Ahaz that is that grievous and notorious Sinner And what was it that rendr'd him so In the time of his distress he sinned yet more against the Lord this is that King Ahaz who is said to have provoked the Lord above all the Kings of Israel which were before him 2. It is likewise a sore aggravation of Sin when it is committed after great Mercies and Deliverances
Blessed Saviour who knew what was in man better than any man that ever was knowing our great reluctancy and backwardness to the practice of this Duty hath urged it upon us by such forcible and almost violent Arguments that if we have any tenderness for our selves we cannot refuse Obedience to it For he plainly tells us That no Sacrifice that we can offer will appease God towards us so long as we our selves are implacable to Men Verse 23 d. of this Chapter If thou bring thy gift to the Altar and there remembrest that thy brother hath ought against thee leave thy gift before the Altar and go thy way first go and be reconciled to thy brother and then come and offer thy gift To recommend this Duty effectually to us He gives it a preference to all the positive Duties of Religion First go and be reconciled to thy brother and then come and offer thy gift Till this Duty be discharged God will accept of no Service no Sacrifice at our hands And therefore our Liturgy doth with great reason declare it to be a necessary Qualification for our Worthy Receiving of the Sacrament that we be in Love and Charity with our Neighbours because this is a Moral Duty and of eternal Obligation without which no positive part of Religion such as the Sacraments are can be acceptable to GOD especially since in this Blessed Sacrament of Christ's Body and Blood we expect to have the Forgiveness of our Sins ratified and confirmed to us Which how can we hope for from GOD if we our selves be not ready to forgive one another He shall have judgment without mercy says St. James who hath shewed no mercy And in that excellent Form of Prayer which our Lord himself hath given us He hath taught us so to ask Forgiveness of God as not to expect it from Him if we do not forgive one another So that if we do not practice this Duty as hard as we think it is every time that we put up this Petition to God Forgive us our Trespasses as we forgive them that Trespass against us we send up a terrible Imprecation against our selves and do in effect beg of God not to forgive us And therefore to imprint this matter the deeper upon our minds our Blessed Saviour immediately after the recital of this Prayer hath thought fit to add a very remarkable enforcement of this Petition above all the rest For if says He ye forgive men their trespasses your heavenly Father will also forgive you But if ye forgive not men their trespasses neither will your Father forgive your trespasses And our Saviour hath likewise in his Gospel represented to us both the reasonableness of this Duty and the Danger of doing contrary to it in a very lively and affecting Parable deliver'd by him to this purpose Concerning a wicked Servant who when his Lord had but just before forgiven him a vast Debt of ten thousand Talents took his poor Fellow-servant by the throat and notwithstanding his humble Submission and earnest Intreaties to be favourable to him haled him to Prison for a trifling Debt of an hundred Pence And the Application which he makes of this Parable at the end of it is very terrible and such as ought never to go out of our minds So likewise says He shall my heavenly Father do also unto you if ye do not from your hearts forgive every one his brother his trespasses One might be apt to think at first view that this Parable was over done and wanted something of a due Decorum it being hardly credible that a man after he had been so mercifully and generously dealt withal as upon his humble Request to have so huge a Debt so freely forgiven should whilst the memory of so much Mercy was fresh upon him even the very next moment handle his Fellow Servant who had made the same humble submission and request to him which he had done to his Lord with so much roughness and cruelty for so inconsiderable a Sum. This I say would hardly seem credible did we not see in experience how very unreasonable and unmerciful some men are and with what confidence they can ask and expect great mercy from God when they will shew none to Men. The greatness of the Injuries which are done to us is the reason commonly pleaded by us why we cannot forgive them But whoever thou art that makest this an Argument why thou canst not forgive thy Brother lay thine hand upon thy heart and bethink thy self how many more and much greater Offences thou hast been guilty of against God Look up to that Just and Powerful Being that is above and consider well Whether thou dost not both expect and stand in need of more Mercy and Favour from Him than thou canst find in thy heart to shew to thine offending Brother We have all certainly great reason to expect that as we use one another God will likewise deal with us And yet after all this how little is this Duty practis'd among Christians And how hardly are the best of us brought to love our Enemies and to forgive them And this notwithstanding that all our hopes of Mercy and Forgiveness from God do depend upon it How strangely inconsistent is our practice and our hope And what a wide distance is there between our expectations from GOD and our dealings with Men How very partial and unequal are we to hope so easily to be forgiven and yet to be so hard to forgive Would we have GOD for Christ's sake to forgive us those numberless and monstrous provocations which we have been guilty of against His Divine Majesty And shall we not for His sake for whose sake we our selves are forgiven be willing to forgive one another We think it hard to be oblig'd to forgive great Injuries and often repeated and yet Woe be to us all and most miserable shall we be to all Eternity if GOD do not all this to us which we think to be so very hard and unreasonable for us to do to one another I have sometimes wonder'd how it should come to pass that so many persons should be so apt to despair of the Mercy and Forgiveness of GOD to them especially considering what clear and express Declarations GOD hath made of his readiness to forgive our greatest Sins and Provocations upon our sincere Repentance But the wonder will be very much abated when we shall consider with how much difficulty men are brought to remit great Injuries and how hardly we are perswaded to refrain from flying upon those who have given us any considerable provocation So that when men look into themselves and shall carefully observe the motions of their own minds towards those against whom they have been justly exasperated they will see but too much reason to think that Forgiveness is no such easy matter But our comfort in this case is That GOD is not as Man that his ways are not as our ways nor his thoughts
Flock what wilt thou say when he shall punish thee 3. The Sins of the People amongst whom there is almost an universal corruption and depravation of Manners insomuch that Impiety and Vice seem to have over-spread the face of the Nation so that we may take up that sad complaint of the Prophet concerning the People of Israel and apply it to our selves that we are a sinful Nation a People laden with iniquity a seed of evil-doers that the whole head is sick and the whole heart faint and that from the sole of the foot even to the head there is no soundness in us but wounds and bruises and putrifying sores We may justly stand amaz'd to consider how the God of all patience is provok'd by us every day to think how long he hath born with us and suffered our manners our open Profaneness and Infidelity our great Immoralities and gross Hypocrisy our insolent contempt of Religion and our ill-favour'd counterfeiting of it for low and sordid ends And which is the most melancholy consideration of all the rest we seem to be degenerated to that degree that it is very much to be fear'd there is hardly integrity enough left amongst us to save us And then if we consider further our most uncharitable and unchristian Divisions to the endangering both of our Reformed Religion and of the Civil Rights and Liberties of the Nation Our incorrigibleness under the Judgments of God which we have seen abroad in the Earth and which have in a very severe and terrible manner been inflicted upon these Kingdoms that the Inhabitants thereof might learn righteousness Our insensibleness of the Hand of God so visible in his late Providences towards us and in the many merciful and wonderful Deliverances which from time to time He hath wrought for us And lastly if we reflect upon our horrible Ingratitude to God our Saviour and mighty Deliverer and to Them likewise whom He hath so signally honour'd in making them the happy Means and Instruments of our Deliverance And this not only express'd by a bold contempt of their Authority but by a most unnatural Conspiracy against Them with the greatest Enemies not only to the Peace of the Nation but likewise to the Reformed Religion therein profess'd and by Law established and to the interest of it all the World over So that we may say with Ezra And now O our God what shall we say unto thee after this And may not God likewise say to us as He did more than once to the Jews Shall I not visit for these things saith the Lord and shall not my soul be avenged on such a Nation as this Thirdly We should likewise upon this Day earnestly deprecate God's displeasure and make our humble Supplications to Him that He would be graciously pleas'd to avert those terrible Judgments which hang over us and which we have just cause to fear may fall upon us and that He would be entreated by us at last to be appeas'd towards us and to turn from the fierceness of his Anger This we find the People of God were wont to do upon their Solemn days of Fasting and Prayer and this God expressly enjoyns Blow the Trumpet in Zion sanctifie a Fast call a solemn Assembly gather the People sanctifie the Congregation assemble the Elders c. Let the Priests the Ministers of the Lord weep between the Porch and the Altar and let them say Spare thy People O Lord and give not thy heritage to reproach that the Heathen should rule over them Wherefore should they say among the People Where is their God And to this earnest deprecation of his Judgments God promiseth a gracious answer for so it immediately follows Then will the Lord be jealous for his Land and pity his People And thus likewise Daniel when he set his face to seek the Lord God by prayer and supplication with fasting and sackcloth and ashes does in a most humble and earnest manner deprecate the displeasure of God towards his People and beg of Him to remove his Judgments and to turn away his Anger from them O Lord according to all thy righteousness I beseech thee let thine anger and thy fury be turned away from thy City Jerusalem thy Holy Mountain Because for our sins and for the iniquity of our Fathers Jerusalem and thy People are become a reproach to all that are about us Now therefore O God hear the prayer of thy servant and his supplication and cause thy face to shine upon thy sanctuary which is desolate for the Lord's sake O my God incline thine ear and hear open thine eyes and behold our desolations and the City which is called by thy Name For we do not present our supplications before thee for our righteousness but for thy great mercy O Lord hear O Lord forgive O Lord hearken and do deferr not for thine own sake O my God for thy City and thy People are called by thy Name And thus also should We upon this Solemn Occasion cry mightily unto God and with the greatest importunity deprecate those terrible Judgments which we so righteously have deserv'd and to which the great and crying Sins of the whole Nation have so justly exposed us Humbly beseeching Him not for our Righteousness but for his great Mercy for his own Name 's sake and because we are his People and are called by his Name and because his Holy Truth and Religion are profess'd amongst us that He would be pleas'd to hear the Prayers of his Servants and their Supplications which they have made before him this Day for the Lord's sake Fourthly We should likewise upon this Day pour out our most earnest Supplications to Almighty God for the preservation of Their Majesties Sacred Persons and for the prosperity and establishment of Their Government and for the good Success of Their Arms and Forces by Sea and Land And more especially since His Majesty with so many Confederate Princes and States of Europe is engaged in so necessary an Undertaking for the Common good of Christendom and for the mutual preservation and recovery of Their respective Rights We should earnestly implore the favour and assistance of Almighty God in so just and glorious a Cause against the common Invader and Oppressor of the Rights and Liberties of Mankind And that of his infinite Goodness He would be graciously pleased to take the Person of our Sovereign Lord the King into the particular care and protection of his Providence That He would secure his precious Life from all secret Attempts and from open Violence That He would give his Angels charge over him and cover his Head in the day of Battel and crown it with Victory over his Enemies and restore Him to us again in safety And that He would likewise preserve and direct the Queen's Majesty in whose hands the Administration of the Government is at present so happily plac'd That He would give Her Wisdom and Resolution for such a Time as
call for all our Faith and Patience all our Courage and Constancy Nunc animis opus Aenea nunc pectore firmo When it comes to this Trial we had need to gird up the loins of our minds to summon all our forces and to put on the whole armour of God that we may be able to stand fast in an evil day and when we have done all to stand And now my Brethren to use the words of St. Peter I testify unto you that this is the true Grace of God wherein ye stand The Protestant Reformed Religion which we in this Nation profess is the very Gospel of Christ the true ancient Christianity And for God's sake since in this hour of Temptation when our Religion is in so apparent hazard we pretend to love it to that degree as to be contented to part with any thing for it let us resolve to practise it and to testify our love to it in the same way that our Saviour would have us shew our love to Him by keeping his commandments I will conclude all with the Apostle's Exhortation so very proper for this purpose and to this present Time Only let your conversation be as it becometh the Gospel of Christ that is chiefly and above all take care to lead lives suitable to the Christian Religion And then as it follows stand fast in one Spirit with one Mind striving together for the Faith of the Gospel And in nothing terrified by your Adversaries which to them is an evident token of perdition but to you of Salvation and that of God Now unto Him that is able to stablish you in the Gospel and to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the presence of his Glory with exceeding joy To the only wise God our Saviour be Glory and Majesty Dominion and Power both now and ever Amen A Thanksgiving-Sermon FOR Our Deliverance by the P. of Orange Preached at Lincolns-Inn-Chappel January 31. 1688. To the Worshipful the Masters of the BENCH And the rest of the GENTLEMEN Of the Honourable Society of Lincolns-Inn THough I was at first very unwilling to Expose to the Publick a Sermon made upon so little Warning and so great an Occasion yet upon second thoughts I could not think it fit to resist the Unanimous and Earnest Request of so many Worthy Persons as the Masters of the Bench of this Honourable Society to whom I stand so much indebted for your great and continued respects to me and kind acceptance of my Labours among you for now above the space of Five and Twenty Years In a most grateful acknowledgment whereof this Discourse such as it is in mere Obedience to your Commands is now humbly presented to you by Your most Obliged and Faithful Servant JOHN TILLOTSON Feb. 28. 1688 9. A Thanksgiving-Sermon FOR Our Deliverance by the P. of Orange EZRA ix 13 14. And after all that is come upon us for our evil deeds and for our great trespass seeing that thou our God hast punished us less than our Iniquities deserve and hast given us such a deliverance as this Should we again break thy Commandments and join in affinity with the people of these Abominations wouldst not thou be angry with us till thou hadst consumed us so that there should be no remnant nor escaping I Am sufficiently aware that the particular occasion of these Words is in several respects very different from the Occasion of this Day 's Solemnity For these Words were spoken by Ezra at a time appointed for Publick and Solemn Humiliation But I shall not now consider them in that relation but rather as they refer to that Great Deliverance which God had so lately wrought for them and as they are a Caution to take heed of abusing great mercies received from God and so they are very proper and pertinent to the great Occasion of this Day Nay these Words even in their saddest aspect are not so unsuitable to it For we find in Scripture upon the most solemn Occasions of Humiliation that good Men have always testified a thankful sense of the goodness of God to them And indeed the Mercy of God doth then appear above measure merciful when the Sinner is most deeply sensible of his own Vileness and Unworthiness And so Ezra here in the depth of their sorrow and Humiliation hath so great a sense of the greatness of their Deliverance that he hardly knew how to express it And hast given us such a Deliverance as this And on the other hand we find that good Men in their most solem Praises and Thanksgivings have made very serious reflections upon their own unworthiness And surely the best way to make Men truly thankful is first to make them very humble When David makes his most solemn acknowledgments to God for his great Mercies to him how doth he abase himself before Him But who am I and what is my people And so likewise after he had summoned all the powers and faculties of his Soul to join in the praises of God he interposeth this seasonable meditation He hath not dealt with us after our sins nor rewarded us according to our iniquities The greater and more lively sense we have of the goodness of God to us the more we shall abhor our selves in dust and ashes nothing being more apt to melt us into tears of Repentance than the consideration of great and undeserved Mercies vouchsafed to us The goodness of God doth naturally lead to repentance Having thus reconciled the Text to the present Occasion I shall for the more distinct handling of the Words take notice of these two Parts in them First Here is a Case supposed should we after all that is come upon us for our evil deeds and since God hath punished us less than our iniquities deserve and hath given us such a deliverance as this should we again break his Commandments Secondly Here is a sentence and determination in the Case Wouldst thou not be angry with us till thou hadst consum'd us so that there should be no remnant nor escaping This is not spoken doubtfully though it be put by way of question but is the more vehemently positive the more peremptorily affirmative as if he had said it cannot otherwise be in reason expected but that after such repeated provocations God should be angry with us till he had consumed us First Here is a Case supposed should we after all that is come upon us for our evil deeds and for our great trespass and since God hath punish'd us less than our iniquities deserve and hath given us such a deliverance as this Should we again break his commandments and join in affinity with the People of these abominations In which Words these following Propositions seem to be involv'd which I shall but just mention and pass to the Second Part of the Text. 1. That Sin is the cause of all our sufferings after all that is come upon us for our evil deeds and for
vouchsafed to us Because this is an argument of great ingratitude And this we find recorded as a heavy charge upon the People of Israel that they remembred not the Lord their God who had delivered them out of the hand of all their enemies on every side neither shewed they kindness to the House of Jerubbaal namely Gideon who had been their Deliverer according to all the goodness which he had shewed to Israel God we see takes it very ill at our hands when we are ungrateful to the Instruments of our Deliverance but much more when we are unthankful to Him the Author of it And how severely does Nathan the Prophet reproach David upon this account Thus said the Lord God of Israel I anointed thee King over Israel and delivered thee out of the hand of Saul c. And if this had been too little I would moreover have done such and such things Wherefore hast thou despis'd the Commandment of the Lord to do evil in his sight God here reckons up his manifold mercies and deliverances and aggravates David's Sin upon this account And he was very angry likewise with Solomon for the same reason because he had turned from the Lord God of Israel who had appear'd to him twice However we may slight the mercies of God he keeps a punctual and strict account of them It is particularly noted as a great blot upon Hezekiah that he returned not again according to the benefits done unto him God takes very severe notice of all the unkind and unworthy returns that are made to Him for his Goodness Ingratitude to God is so unnatural and monstrous that we find Him appealing against us for it to the inanimate Creatures Hear O Heavens and give ear O Earth for the Lord hath spoken I have nourish'd and brought up Children but they have rebelled against me And then he goes on and upbraids them with the Brute Creatures as being more grateful to men than men are to God The Ox knoweth his owner and the Ass her Masters Crib but Israel doth not know my People doth not consider And in the same Prophet there is the like complaint Let favour be shewn to the wicked yet will he not learn righteousness In the land of uprightness will he deal unjustly and will not behold the Majesty of the Lord. Lord when thy hand is lifted up they will not see but the shall see and be ashamed They that will not acknowledge the Mercies of God's Providence shall feel the strokes of his Justice There is no greater evidence in the World of an intractable disposition than not to be wrought upon by kindness not to be melted by mercies not to be obliged by benefits not to be tamed by gentle usage Nay God expects that his mercies should lay so great an obligation upon us that even a Miracle should not tempt us to be unthankful If there arise among you a Prophet says Moses to the People of Israel or a Dreamer of dreams and giveth thee a Sign or a Wonder and the Sign or the Wonder cometh to pass whereof he spake to thee saying let us go after other Gods and serve them thou shalt not hearken to the words of that Prophet And he gives the reason because he hath spoken to turn you away from the Lord God of Israel which brought you out of the Land of Egypt and delivered you out of the House of Bondage 3. It is a greater aggravation yet after gteat Mercies and Judgments to return to the same Sins Because this can hardly be without our sinning against knowledge and after we are convinced how evil and bitter the Sin is which we were guilty of and have been so sorely punish'd for before This is an argument of a very perverse and incorrigible temper and that which made the Sin of the People of Israel so above measure sinful that after so many signal Deliverances and so many terrible Judgments they fell into the same Sin of murmuring ten times murmuring against God the Author and against Moses the glorious Instrument of their Deliverance out of Egypt which was one of the two great Types of the Old Testament both of temporal and spiritual Oppression and Tyranny Hear with what resentment God speaks of the ill returns which they made to him for that great Mercy and Deliverance Because all these men which have seen my glory and my miracles which I did in Egypt and in the Wilderness and have tempted me now these ten times and have not hearkned unto my voice surely they shall not see the Land which I sware to their Fathers And after he had brought them into the promised Land and wrought great Deliverances for them several times how does he upbraid them with their proneness to fall again into the same Sin of Idolatry And the Lord said unto the Children of Israel did not I deliver you from the Egyptians and from the Amorites from the Children of Ammon and from the Philistins The Zidonians also and the Amalekites and Maonites did oppress you and ye cryed unto me and I delivered you out of their hand yet you have forsaken me and served other Gods wherefore I will deliver you no more go and cry unto the Gods which ye have chosen let them deliver you in the time of your tribulation This incensed God so highly against them that they still relaps'd into the same Sin of Idolatry after so many afflictions and so many deliverances Upon such an occasion well might the Prophet say Thine own wickedness shall correct thee and thy sins shall reprove thee know therefore that it is an evil and bitter thing that thou hast forsaken the Lord thy God It is hardly possible but we should know that the wickedness for which we have been so severely corrected is an evil and bitter thing Thus much for the first part of the Observation namely that it is a fearful aggravation of Sin after great Judgments and great deliverances to return to Sin and especially to the same Sins again I proceed to the Second part namely That this is a fatal presage of ruin to a People Should we again break thy Commandments and join in affinity with the People of these abominations wouldst thou not be angry with us till thou hadst consumed us so that there should be no remnant nor escaping And so God threatens the People of Israel in the Text which I cited before wherefore I will deliver you no more Wherefore that is because they would neither be reform'd by the Afflictions wherewith God had exercised them nor by the many wonderful Deliverances which he had wrought for them And there is great reason why God should deal thus with a People that continues impenitent both under the Judgments and Mercies of God 1. Because this doth ripen the Sins of a Nation and it is time for God to put in his Sickle when a People are ripe for ruin When the
not enter into his Rest yet we are to consider that both the tenour of the Sentence which our Blessed Saviour hath assur'd us will be pass'd upon them at the Judgment of the Great Day Depart ye cursed into everlasting fire and likewise this Declaration in the Text that the Wicked shall go away into everlasting punishment though they do not restrain God from doing what he pleases yet they cut off from the Sinner all reasonable hopes of the relaxation or mitigation of them For since the great Judge of the World hath made so plain and express a Declaration and will certainly pass such a Sentence it would be the greatest folly and madness in the world for the Sinner to entertain any hope of escaping it and to venture his soul upon that hope I know but one thing more commonly said upon this Argument that seems material And that is this That the words death and destruction and perishing whereby the punishment of wicked men in the other World is most frequently express'd in Scripture do most properly import annihilation and an utter end of Being and therefore may reasonably be so understood in the matter of which we are now speaking To this I answer that these words and those which answer them in other Languages are often both in Scripture and other Authors used to signify a state of great misery and suffering without the utter extinction of the miserable Thus God is often in Scripture said to bring destruction upon a Nation when he sends great Judgments upon them though they do not exterminate and make an utter end of them And nothing is more common in most Languages than by perishing to express a person's being undone and made very miserable As in that known passage in Tiberius his Letter to the Roman Senate Let all the Gods and Goddesses saith he destroy me worse than at this very time I feel my self to perish c. in which Saying the words destroy and perish are both of them us'd to express the miserable anguish and torment which at that time he felt in his mind as Tacitus tells us at large And as for the word Death a state of misery which is as bad or worse than death may properly enough be call'd by that name And for this reason the punishment of wicked men after the Day of Judgment is in the Book of the Revelation so frequently and fitly call'd the second death And the Lake of fire into which the wicked shall be cast to be tormented in it is expresly call'd the second death But besides this they that argue from the force of these words that the punishment of wicked men in the other world shall be nothing else but an utter end of their Being do necessarily fall into two great inconveniencies First That hereby they exclude all positive punishment and torment of Sinners For if the second death and to be destroy'd and to perish signify nothing else but the Annihilation of Sinners and an utter extinction of their Being and if this be all the effect of that dreadful Sentence which shall be pass'd upon them at the Day of Judgment then the Fire of Hell is quench'd all at once and is only a frightful Metaphor without any meaning But this is directly contrary to the tenour of Scripture which doth so often describe the punishment of wicked men in Hell by positive torments And particularly our Blessed Saviour describing the lamentable state of the damned in Hell expresly says that there shall be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth which cannot be if Annihilation be all the meaning and effect of the Sentence of the Great Day Secondly Another inconvenience of this Opinion is that if Annihilation be all the punishment of Sinners in the other World then the punishment of all Sinners must of necessity be equal because there are no degrees of Annihilation or not-being But this also is most directly contrary to Scripture as I have already shewn I know very well that some who are of this Opinion do allow a very long and tedious time of the most terrible and intolerable torment of Sinners and after that they believe that there shall be an utter end of their Being But then they must not argue this from the force of the Words before mentioned because the plain inference from thence is that Annihilation is all the punishment that wicked men shall undergo in the next Life And if that be not true as I have plainly shewn that it is not I do not see from what other words or expressions in Scripture they can find the least ground for this Opinion that the torment of wicked men shall at last end in their Annihilation And yet admitting all this for which I think there is no ground at all in Scripture I cannot see what great comfort Sinners can take in the thought of a tedious time of terrible torment ending at last in Annihilation and the utter extinction of their Beings Thirdly We may consider further that the primary end of all Threatnings is not punishment but the prevention of it For God does not threaten that men may sin and be punish'd but that they may not sin and so may escape the punishment threaten'd And therefore the higher the threatning runs so much the more mercy and goodness there is in it because it is so much the more likely to hinder men from incurring the penalty that is threatned Fourthly Let it be consider'd likewise that when it is is so very plain that God hath threatned eternal misery to impenitent Sinners all the prudence in the World obliges men to believe that he is in good earnest and will execute these threatnings upon them if they will obstinately stand it out with him and will not be brought to Repentance And therefore in all reason we ought so to demean our selves and so to perswade others as knowing the terrour of the Lord and that they who wilfully break his Laws are in danger of eternal Death To which I will add in the Fifth and last place That if we suppose that God did intend that his threatnings should have their effect to deterr men from the breach of his Laws it cannot be imagin'd that in the same Revelation which declares these threatnings any intimation should be given of the abatement or non-execution of them For by this God would have weaken'd his own Laws and have taken off the edge and terror of his threatnings Because a threatning hath quite lost its force if we once come to believe that it will not be executed And consequently it would be a very impious design to go about to teach or perswade any thing to the contrary and a betraying men into that misery which had it been firmly believ'd might have been avoided We are all bound to preach and You and I are all bound to believe the terrors of the Lord. Not so as sawcily to determine and pronounce what God must do in this
case for after all He may do what he will as I have clearly shewn But what is fit for us to do and what we have reason to expect if notwithstanding a plain and express threatning of the vengeance of eternal fire we still go on to treasure up to our selves wrath against the day of wrath and the revelation of the righteous Judgment of God and will desperately put it to the hazard whether and how far God will execute his threatnings upon Sinners in another World And therefore there is no need why we should be very sollicitously concern'd for the honour of God's Justice or Goodness in this matter Let us but take care to believe and avoid the Threatnings of God and then how terrible soever they are no harm can come to us And as for God let us not doubt but that he will take care of his own Honour and that He who is holy in all his ways and righteous in all his works will do nothing that is repugnant to his eternal Goodness and Righteousness and that He will certainly so manage things at the Judgment of the Great Day as to be justified in his sayings and to be righteous when we are judged For notwithstanding his Threatnings he hath reserved Power enough in his own hands to do right to all his Perfections So that we may rest assur'd that he will judge the world in righteousness and if it be any-wise inconsistent either with Righteousness or Goodness which He knows much better than we do to make Sinners miserable for ever that He will not do it nor is it credible that he would threaten Sinners with a Punishment which he could not justly execute upon them Therefore Sinners ought always to be afraid of it and reckon upon it And always to remember that there is great Goodness and Mercy in the severity of God's Threatnings and that nothing will more justify the infliction of eternal Torments than the foolish presumption of Sinners in venturing upon them notwithstanding such plain and terrible Threatnings This I am sure is a good Argument to all of us to work out our Salvation with fear and trembling and with all possible care to endeavour the prevention of that misery which is so terribly severe that at present we can hardly tell how to reconcile it with the Justice and Goodness of God This God heartily desires we would do and hath solemnly sworn that he hath no pleasure in the death of the wicked but rather that he should turn from his wickedness and live So that here is all imaginable care taken to prevent our miscarriage and all the assurance that the God of Truth can give us of his unwillingness to bring this misery upon us And both these I am sure are arguments of great Goodness For what can Goodness do more than to warn us of this misery and earnestly to persuade us to prevent it and to threaten us so very terribly on purpose to deterr us from so great a danger And if this will not prevail with us but we will still go on to despise the riches of God's goodness and long suffering and forbearance what in reason remains for us but a fearful looking for of Judgment and fiery Indignation to consume us And what almost can Justice or even Goodness it self do less than to inflict that punishment upon us which with eyes open we would wilfully run upon and which no warning no persuasion no importunity could prevail with us to avoid And when as the Apostle says knowing the Judgment of God that they which commit such things are worthy of death yet for all that we would venture to commit them And therefore whatever we suffer we do but inherit our own choice and have no reason to complain of God who hath set before us Life and Death eternal Happiness and Misery and hath left us to be the Carvers of our own Fortune And if after all this we will obstinately refuse this happiness and wilfully run upon this Misery Wo unto us for we have rewarded evil to our selves You see then by all that hath been said upon this Argument what we have all reason to expect if we will still go on in our Sins and will not be brought to Repentance You have heard what a terrible Punishment the just God hath threatned to the Workers of Iniquity and that in as plain words as can be used to express anything These that is the wicked shall go away into everlasting Punishment but the righteous into Life eternal Here are Life and Death Happiness and Misery set before us Not this frail and mortal Life which is hardly worth the having were it not in order to a better and happier Life nor a temporal Death to get above the dread whereof should not methinks be difficult to us were it not for the bitter and terrible consequences of it But an eternal Life and an eternal enjoyment of all things which can render Life pleasant and happy and a perpetual Death which will for ever torment us but never make an end of us These God propounds to our choice And if the consideration of them will not prevail with us to leave our sins and to reform our lives what will Weightier Motives cannot be propos'd to the understanding of Man than everlasting Punishment and Life eternal than the greatest and most durable happiness and the most intolerable and lasting misery that human Nature is capable of Now considering in what terms the Threatnings of the Gospel are express'd we have all the reason in the world to believe that the Punishment of Sinners in another world will be everlasting However we cannot be certain of the contrary time enough to prevent it not till we come there and find by experience how it is And if it prove so it will then be too late either to prevent that terrible Doom or to get it revers'd Some comfort themselves with the uncomfortable and uncertain hope of being discharg'd out of Being and reduc'd to their first Nothing at least after the tedious and terrible suffering of the most grievous and exquisite Torments for innumerable Ages And if this should happen to be true good God! how feeble how cold a comfort is this Where is the Reason and Understanding of Men to make this their last Refuge and Hope and to lean upon it as a matter of mighty consolation that they shall be miserable beyond all imagination and beyond all patience for God knows how many Ages Have all the workers of iniquity no knowledge No right sense and judgment of things No consideration and care of themselves no concernment for their own lasting Interest and Happiness Origen I know not for what good reason is said to have been of opinion That the punishment of Devils and wicked men after the Day of Judgment will continue but for a thousand years and that after that time they shall all be finally saved I can very hardly persuade my self that so wise
breaks through all considerations and rejoiceth against judgment For he cannot find in his heart to ruin those who by the terror of his judgments will be brought to repentance And this surely is a mighty motive and encouragement to repentance to be assur'd that we shall find mercy and that when our ruin is even decreed and all the instruments of God●s wrath are fix'd and ready for execution and his hand is just taking hold of vengeance yet even then a sincere repentance will mitigate his hottest displeasure and turn away his wrath And if we will not come in upon these terms we extort the judgments of God from him and force him to depart from us and with violent hands we pull down vengeance upon our own heads Thirdly and lastly the Text intimates to us the miserable case and condition of a People when God takes off his heart and affection from them when he gives over all further care and concernment for them and abandons them to their own wickedness and folly and to the miserable effects and consequences thereof Wo unto them when his soul departs from them For then all sorts of evils and calamities will rush in and wrath will come upon them to the uttermost as was threaten'd to the Jews a little before their final destruction and executed upon them in the most terrible and amazing manner that ever was from the foundation of the World These as our Blessed Saviour expresses it were days of vengeance indeed that all things which were written that is foretold by Moses and the Prophets concerning the fearful end of this perverse and stiff-neck'd People might be fulfilled And because my Text speaks to Jerusalem Be thou instructed O Jerusalem lest my soul depart from thee lest I make thee desolate a Land not inhabited though this was spoken to Jerusalem before her Captivity into Babylon yet because this first Captivity was but a faint Type of her last and final Desolation by the Romans when God's Soul was indeed departed from Her and Judea was left desolate a Land not inhabited I shall therefore briefly represent to you the full effect of this Threatning in her last final Destruction when God's Soul was as it were perfectly loosen'd and disjointed from Her That you may see what the fierceness and power of God's Anger is when he departs from them and wrath comes upon them to the uttermost because they would not be instructed and know the time of their visitation Thus it was with the Jews about forty years after the Passion of our Lord whom with wicked hands they had crucified and slain Then was God's soul departed from them Then darkness and desolation came upon them and they were in a far worse condition than a Countrey would be that is forsaken of the Sun and left condemn'd to a perpetual night in which darkness and disorder faction and fury do reign and rage together with all the fatal consequences of zeal and strife which St. James tells us are confusion and every evil work For when God is once gone all the good and happiness of Mankind departs together with Him Then men fall foul upon one another divide into Parties and Factions and execute the vengeance of God upon themselves with their own hands Thus it happen'd to the Jewish Nation when the measure of their iniquity was full and their final ruin was approaching And that we might know their Fate and be instructed by it God provided and preserv'd a faithful Historian on purpose who was an Eye witness of all that befel them I mean Josephus who was personally engaged and was a considerable Commander in the Wars of the Jews with the Romans before the Siege of Jerusalem And during the Siege was present in the Roman Camp and being a Jew himself hath transmitted these things to posterity in a most exact and admirable History such a History as no man that hath the heart and bowels of a man can read without the greatest pity and astonishment In the Preface of that lamentable History he tells us that all the misfortunes and calamities which the World from the beginning of it had seen compar'd with this last Calamity of the Jewish Nation were but slight and inconsiderable He tells us likewise that their Civil dissentions were the next and immediate cause of their confusion and ruin And this more than once For when Pompey about sixty years before our Saviour's birth sate down before Jerusalem he tells us that the Factions and divisions which they had among themselves were the cause of the taking the City and Temple at that time And when they rebelled afterwards that the Heads of their Factions provok'd the Romans and brought them unwillingly upon them and at last forced the best natur'd Prince in the World Titus Vespasian to that severity which he most earnestly desired by all means to have prevented And he further tells us that even before the Siege of Jerusalem the Cities of Judea had all of them civil discords among themselves and that in every City one part of the Jews fought against another And when Jerusalem began to be besieged What a miserable condition was it in by the cruelty of the Zealots under the command of John the Son of Giorah And presently after another Faction arose under Simon who enter'd into the City with a fresh Force and assaulted the Zealots in the Temple so that most miserable havock was made between them And then a third Faction started up under Eleazer as bad as either of the other So that infinite almost were the numbers of the People within the City that were barbarously slain by these Seditions And what an infatuation was this when the Enemy was at the Gates and ready to break in upon them to employ their whole strength and force against one another When the same courage and fury which they spent so freely upon themselves had it been turn'd with the like desperateness and obstinacy upon the Romans might have endanger'd the whole force of the Roman Empire Once or twice indeed they seem'd to lay aside their enmity for a little while and to unite in the common defence but as soon as the danger of a present assault was over they relaps'd into their former state of intestine enmity and dissention as if that had been their main business and the preservation of their City against the Romans only a work by the by and not much to be regarded And to add to all their other miseries they were so blinded by their own rage and madness that they wilfully brought upon themselves an extreme Famine For as the Historian tells us they themselves set on fire vast stores of corn and other necessaries sufficient to have serv'd them for many years and by this means the City was much sooner reduc'd even by a Famine of their own making and which could not have been brought upon them but by themselves This Famine besides all the other miseries and
quarrel in our own breasts and arm our own minds against our selves we create an enemy to our selves in our own bosoms and fall out with the best and most inseparable Companion of our lives And on the contrary a good Conscience will be a continual Feast and will give us that comfort and courage in an evil day which nothing else can And then whatever happen to us we may commit our souls to God in well-doing as into the hands of a faithful Creatour To whom with our Blessed Saviour and Redeemer and the Holy Ghost the Comforter be all honour and glory now and ever Amen How to keep a truly Religious Fast IN A SERMON Preached before the QUEEN AT WHITE-HALL September the 16 th 1691. How to keep a truly Religious Fast ZECH. vij V. Speak unto all the People of the Land and to the Priests saying When ye fasted and mourned in the fifth and seventh month even those seventy years DID YE AT ALL FAST UNTO ME EVEN UNTO ME IN the beginning of this Chapter the People of the Jews who were then rebuilding the Temple at Jerusalem and had already far advanced the work though it was not perfectly finish'd till about two years after send to the Priests and the Prophets to enquire of them whether they should still continue the Fast of the fifth Month which they had begun in Babylon and continued to observe during the seventy Years of their Captivity in a sad remembrance of the destruction of the City and Temple of Jerusalem or should not now rather turn it into a Day of feasting and gladness To this enquiry God by his Prophet returns an Answer in this and the following Chapter And first he expostulates with them concerning those their monthly Fasts whether they did indeed deserve that name and were not rather a mere shew and pretence of a Religious Fast verses 4 5. Then came the word of the Lord of Hosts unto me saying Speak unto all the People of the Land and to the Priests saying When ye fasted and mourned in the fifth and seventh month even those seventy years did ye at all fast unto me even unto me The enquiry was particularly concerning the Fast of the fifth Month because the occasion of that was more considerable than of all the other but the Answer of God mentions the Fasts of the fifth and seventh Months these two being probably observ'd with greater solemnity than the other But for our clearer understanding of this it will be requisite to consider the original and occasion of all their monthly Fasts which as appears from other places of Scripture in short was this When the Jews were carried away Captive into Babylon in a deep sense of this great Judgment of God upon them for their Sins and of the heavy affliction which they lay under they appointed four annual Fasts which they observed during their seventy years Captivity viz. the Fast of the fourth Month in remembrance of the Enemies breaking through the Wall of Jerusalem which we find mention'd Jer. 52.6 7. The Fast of the fifth Month in memory of the destruction of the City and Temple of Jerusalem verses 12 13. The Fast of the seventh Month in remembrance of the slaying of Gedaliah upon which followed the dispersion of the Jews of which we have an account Jer. 42.1 2. And the Fast of the tenth Month in memory of the beginning of the Siege of Jerusalem of which we find mention 2 Kings 25.1 In this order we find these four Annual Fasts mention'd Zechar. 8.19 not according to the order of the Events but of the Months of the several Years in which these Events happened And there likewise God gives a full Answer to this Enquiry concerning the continuance of these annual Fasts namely That they should for the future be turned into solemn Days of joy and gladness And the word of the Lord of Hosts came unto me saying Thus saith the Lord of Hosts the Fast of the fourth Month and the Fast of the fifth and the Fast of the seventh and the Fast of the tenth shall be to the House of Judah joy and gladness and cheerful Feasts I return now to the Text Did ye at all fast unto me even unto me that is did these Fasts truly serve to any Religious end and purpose Did not the People content themselves with a mere external shew and performance without any inward affliction and humiliation of their Souls in order to a real repentance Did they not still go on in their sins nay and add to them upon these Occasions fasting for strife and debate and oppression In a word were they not worse rather than better for them And therefore God had no regard to them as it follows in this Chapter Thus speaketh the Lord of Hosts saying Execute judgment and shew mercy and compassion every man to his brother and oppress not the widows nor the fatherless the stranger nor the poor and let none of you imagine mischief against his brother in your heart But they refused to hearken and pull'd away the shoulder and stopped their ears that they should not hear yea they made their heart as an Adamant-stone lest they should bear the Law and the words which the Lord of Hosts hath sent by his spirit in the former Prophets Therefore came great wrath from the Lord of Hosts Therefore it is come to pass that as he cried and they would not hear so they cried and I would not hear saith the Lord of Hosts So that notwithstanding these outward Solemnities of Fasting and Prayer here was nothing of a Religious Fast did ye at all fast unto me even unto me They were sensible of the Judgments of God which were broken in upon them but they did not turn from their sins but persisted still in their obstinacy and disobedience And what God here by the Prophet Zechary calls fasting unto Him even unto Him the Prophet Isaiah calls the Fast which God hath chosen and an acceptable day to the Lord. Wherefore have we fasted say they and thou seest not Wherefore have we afflicted our souls and thou takest no knowledge Behold ye fast for strife and debate and to smite with the fist of wickedness ye shall not fast as ye do this day to make your voice to be heard on high Is it such a Fast as I have chosen a Day for a man to afflict his Soul Is it to bow down his head as a bulrush and to spread sackcloth and ashes under him Wilt thou call this a Fast and an acceptable day to the Lord Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house when thou seest the naked that thou cover him and that thou hide not thy self from thine own flesh Then shall thy light break forth as the morning and thy salvation shall spring forth speedily Then shalt thou call and the Lord shall answer c. From all which
the accidental Ornaments of our Fortune If they descend upon us they are the Privilege of our Birth not the effect of our wisdom and industry and those things in the procurement whereof we had no hand we can hardly call our own And if they be the fruit of our own prudent industry that is no such matter of glorying because men of much slower understandings do commonly out-do others in diligence and drudging their minds lying more level to the low design of being rich At the best Riches are uncertain Charge them says St. Paul that are rich in this world that they be not high-minded nor trust in uncertain riches Men have little reason to pride themselves or to place their confidence in that which is uncertain and even next to that which is not So the wise man speaks of Riches Wilt thou set thine heart upon that which is not for riches certainly make themselves wings and fly as an Eagle towards heaven He expresses it in such a manner as if a rich man sate brooding over an Estate till it was fledg'd and had gotten it self wings to fly away But that which is the most stinging consideration of all is that many men have an evil eye upon a good Estate so that instead of being the means of our happiness it may prove the occasion of our ruin So the same Wise man observes There is a sore evil which I have seen under the Sun namely riches kept for the owners thereof to their hurt And it is not without example that a very rich man hath been excepted out of a general Pardon both as to Life and Estate for no other visible reason but his vast and over-grown Fortune So Solomon observes to us again Such are the ways of every one that is greedy of gain which taketh away the life of the owners thereof And why should any man be proud of his danger of that which one time or other may be the certain and only cause of his ruin A man may be too rich to be forgiven a fault which would never have been prosecuted against a man of a middle Fortune For these reasons and a great many more Let not the rich man glory in his riches II. I proceed to consider What it is that is matter of true glory But let him that glorieth glory in this that he understandeth and knoweth me that I am the Lord which exercise loving-kindness and judgment and righteousness in the Earth For in these things I delight saith the Lord. That he understandeth and knoweth me Here are two words used to express the thing more fully understanding and knowledge which seem not only to import right apprehensions of the Being and Providence and Perfections of God but likewise a lively sense of these things and affections suitable to these apprehensions That he understandeth and knoweth me that I am the Lord that is the Creator and the Sovereign Governor of the World Which exercise loving-kindness and judgment and righteousness in the Earth The best Knowledge of Religion and that which is the foundation of all the rest is the Knowledge of the Divine Nature and Perfections especially of those which are most proper for our imitation and such are those mentioned in the Text loving-kindness and judgment and righteousness which we may distinguish thus Loving-kindness comprehends God's milder Attributes his Goodness and Mercy and Patience Judgment signifies his severer dealings with men whether in the chastisement of his People or in the remarkable Punishment of great Offenders for example and warning to others Righteousness seems to be a word of a larger signification and to denote that universal Rectitude of the Divine Nature which appears in all the Administrations of his Providence here below for the Text speaks of the Exercise of these Perfections in this World which exercise loving-kindness and judgment and righteousness in the Earth Several of the Perfections of the Divine Nature are incommunicable to a Creature and therefore cannot be thought to be proposed to us for a Pattern as self-existence independence and all-sufficiency the eternity and the immensity of the Divine Being to be the original Cause of all other things and the Sovereign Governour of the whole World For God only is sufficient for that and to be a Match for all the World a nec pluribus impar is not a Motto fit for a mortal man A Creature may swell with pride till it burst before it can stretch it self to this pitch of Power and Greatness It is an insufferable Presumption and a sottish Ignorance of the necessary Bounds and Limits of our Being to think to resemble God in these Perfections This was the Ambition of Lucifer to ascend into Heaven and to be like the most High In our imitation of God we must still keep within the station of Creatures not affecting an independency and sovereignty like God and to be omnipotent as he is Hast thou an arm like God and canst thou thunder with a voice like Him as God himself argues with Job For in these things I delight saith the Lord. God takes pleasure to exercise these Perfections himself and to see them imitated by us and the imitation of these Divine Perfections is our perfection and glory in comparison of which all humane wisdom and power and riches are so far from being matter of glory that they are very despicable and pitiful things Knowledge and Skill to devise mischief and power to effect it are the true Nature and Character of the Devil and his Angels those Apostate and accursed Spirits who in temper and disposition are most contrary to God who is the Rule and Pattern of all perfection I shall only make two Observations or Inferences from what hath been said and then apply the whole Discourse to the great Occasion of this Day And they are these First That the wisest and surest Reasonings in Religion are grounded upon the unquestionable Perfections of the Divine Nature Secondly That the Nature of God is the true Idea and Pattern of Perfection and Happiness First That the wisest and surest Reasonings in Religion are grounded upon the unquestionable Perfections of the Divine Nature Upon those more especially which to us are most easie and intelligible such as are those mentioned in the Text. And this makes the Knowledge of God and of these Perfections to be so useful and so valuable Because all Religion is founded in right Notions of God and of his Perfections Insomuch that Divine Revelation it self does suppose these for its foundation and can signify nothing to us unless these be first known and believed For unless we be first firmly persuaded of the Providence of God and of his particular care of Mankind why should we suppose that he makes any Revelation of his Will to us Unless it be first naturally known that God is a God of Truth what ground is there for the belief of his Word So that the Principles of Natural Religion are