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A57426 The sinners warning-piece, or, Heavens messenger Instructing poor sinners in the way of repentance in these dangerous times; with many good instructions to every true Christian to take heed of seducing people, meaning such as will call themselves Christ. By Tho. Robins, B. of D. Robins, Thomas, fl. 1672-1685. 1650 (1650) Wing R1660; ESTC R219700 8,510 27

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haughty nor my eyes lofty nor do I exercise my self in great matters or in things too high for me surely I have behaved and guided my self as a child that is weaned of his mother my soul is even as a weaned child O what a happy condition was this man in that he could say his soul was like a weaned child Indeed my brethren I could wish that every poor soul in the world could say so but alas we are given too much to pride hatred malice and envy and séeking one to undo another by one means or other but alas that is quite contrary to that saying of James that I told you but now for he saith VVe must love one another And Isaiah saith VVo unto them that decree unrighteous decrees to turn aside the needy from judgment and to take away the right from the poor of my people that widows may be their prey and that they rob the fatherless I pray God there be not too many such in England now adays but I am afraid there be too many such abroad but I pray God give them grace to refrain it for Solomon saith Pr. 22. 16. he that oppresseth the poor for to increase his riches and he that giveth to the rich shall surely come to want and 22 23. verses of that chapter he says Rob not the poor because he is poor neither oppress the afflicted in the gates for the Lord will plead their cause and spoil the soul of those that spoil them Therefore in the Name of God I do desire that we may all have a care how we séek to wrong the widow and the fatherless or any poor distressed creature but rather strive to aid and assist them as the Lord hath enabled us if you have not whereby to relieve their wants then pray for them and by doing so thou mayst shew thy endeavour and so carry thy self blameless But alas Prayer is out of date with a great many but I must néeds tell such as those that if they refrain themselves from Prayer I may boldly say they do not truly offer repentance I desire you to look in the fifth Psalm and there you shall sée how David repents by prayer Give ear to my words O Lord consider my meditations hearken unto the voice of my cry my King and my God for unto thee will I pray my voice shall be heard in the morning O Lord in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee Psal 5. 1 2 3. Nay my brethren there are many more places in Scripture that doth exhort us unto prayer I and Christ himself did command his Apostles to pray as you may find it written in the 6. of Mat. 9. there he commands his Apostles to pray Our Father which art in heaven c. And this is a prayer which is despised by a great many But you may sée here that our Savior Iesus Christ loved and warned his Disciples to say it And therefore we ought to say it for I am sure that there is no Christian that liveth in the fear of God that will deny the Lords prayer or any other that are lawful and good and for such people as hold the Lords prayer or any other prayer as vain babling as some will say I desire such as they to look into Isa 38. and there you may sée whether prayer be good or no. In those days was Hezekiah sick to death and Isaiah the Prophet the son of Amos came unto him and said Thus saith the Lord set thy house in order for thou shalt die and not live Then Hezikiah turned his face toward the wall and prayed unto the Lord and said Remember now O Lord I beseech thee how I have walked before thee in truth and with a perfect heart and have done that which is good in thy sight Then Hezekiah wept sore But now I would desire you to consider the prevailing of his prayer for when the Lord saw and heard how faithfully he prayed he sent Isaiah to him again Then came the word of the Lord to Isaiah saying go and say to Hezekiah Thus saith the Lord the God of David thy father I have heard thy prayer and seen thy tears behold I will add unto thy time fifteen years I will deliver thee and this City out of the hand of the King of Assyria and I will defend this City as you may read it in Isaiah the 38. beginning at the first verse to the sixt Now I would desire those people that deny prayer to consider whether that prayer be good or no for here you may sée that the Prophet prevailed much with the Lord for first the Lord prolonged his life for 15. years nay more then that he defended the whole City from their enemies for his sake I pray God that every Christian would desire the Lord to give them so much grace as to pray to him to defend us and this City of London from the hands of all our enemies which no doubt but he will if we but pray with a true heart as the Prophet did And I desire to give you one word or two more and so to draw to a conclusion and that is this I charge you in the Name of God that when you pray to desire the Lord to bless and guide you from all such as would hinder you from prayer or from any good devotion I mean that you should not refrain neither Church nor good Sermons for to be sure you cannot hear too much of any good instruction And lastly I desire you to look into the 2 of Joel and 12. 13. ver and there you shall sée what comfortable spéeches the Lord himself gave to his people Therefore also now saith the Lord Turn you even to me with all your heart and with fasting and weeping and with mourning and rent your hearts and not your garments and turn to the Lord your God for he is a merciful and gracious God slow to anger and of great kindness Joel 2. 12 13. Indéed if we have not hearts of stone methinke it would move us to repent therefore in the name of God have a care to serve the Lord and that withall your heart and I wil so conclude with these few words that is I pray God give you all grace to make good use of what you have heard at this present and this little Book may be a warning-piece to you all for I will assure you here is nothing in it but what is good and with making good use of it it may be a great means to guide you into the way of salvation And so with the words of Paul an Apostle Not of men neither by men but by Jesus Christ and God the Father who raised him from the dead and all the brethren that are with me Grace be to you and peace from God the Father and from our Lord Jesus Christ who gave himself for our sins that he might deliver us from this present evil world according to the will of God the Father and no doubt but he will if we will but do our endeavours to serve him which the Lord of his heavenly mercy give us all grace so to do and not with our lips outwardly but with all our hearts and with all our souls and with all our minds and all for the merits of thy Son our only Lord and Saviour Iesus Christ who shed his most precious blood for us and for all true believers to him and to none but him be given all honour praise and thanksgiving both now and for evermore And so the Grace of our Lord and Saviour be with us all the rest of our time henceforth and for evermore Amen Yours in Christ Jesus Tho. Robins A short Prayer very good to put every sinner in remembrance of our Lord Jesus Christ O Most gracious and most glorious and ever living Lord God thou that sittest on thy throne ready to give judgement to all sinners thou shewest thy self very slow to anger or else thou mightest utterly destroy us in the twinkling of an eye So seeing thou art so merciful to us vve thy poor servants dust and no men by reason of our carnal sins do desire thee out of thy tender mercy to give a blessing to us the rest of this day And grant O most gracious God to give us grace to make good use of what we have heard this day and grant O most glorious God that it may be so grafted in our hearts that it may be as good seed sown in good ground that it may increase abundantly to the glory of thy holy Name the good of every one of us to the joy and comfort of our poor souls And most gracious God we beg on thee for thy Son Jesus Christs sake to guide and keep us from the inticements of such seducing people which thy holy vvord gives us warning of such as seek night and day to rob thee of thy glory and honour and seek to beat down the Ministry and to trample the Gospel under their feet Yet O Lord vve know thou hast power either to convert them or to cut them off vvhen thy vvill and pleasure is and so O Lord we desire thee for thy Son our Saviours sake to go along with us this day and for evermore Amen THere are two other small Books worth the reading over One is intituled The goodness of God to all true Belivers in the Lord Jesus Christ the righteous our Advocate and only Mediator and Redeemer The other is Christ upon the Cross suffering for sinners or the sinners Redemption Sanctification and Exaltation by the death and bitter passion of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ And are to be sold by Sarah Tyus at the sign of the three Bibles on the middle of London Bridge FINIS
the Land where they were carried Captives and repent and make their supplications unto thee then hear thou their prayers and supplications in Heaven thy dwelling place and maintain their cause and forgive thy people that have sinned against thee 1 Kings 8. 46. Indéed my Brethren you may here sée by these parts of Scripture and many more that the people and the holy Prophets confessed themselves sinners Then how dare we be so bold as to say we have no sin Indéed I do not accuse any man with it but indéed I would desire every christian to have a care that they be not seduced by such people for certainly there be too many of them abroad now adays for just as the Fox lyeth in wait to devour the innocent Lamb even so do these people séek day and night to deceive as the Scripture saith even the very Elect if it were possible But I desire you all that be here present to have a care of them for certainly they be the same people that the Apostle speaks of in 2 Tim. 3. chap. For the time will come when they will not not endure sound Doctrine but after their own lust shall they heap unto themselves Teachers having itching ears and they turn away their ears from the truth and be turned into Fables Indéed we may sée too many such abroad now that cannot indure sound Doctrine but they will have Teachers of their own although they can scarce read the Primer yet they must be teachers of others when alas poor souls little do they know what a piece of work they have in hand Indéed my brethren I cannot perceive but this coms to them out of a high stubborn mind thinking to themselves that there is none so pure and so holy as they All learning one of another but you shall seldom see them come to any Church No no such as those had rather be creeping into some house by the warm fire deceiving one another Indeed I desire you that be here present to look into the 2 Tim. ch 3. ver 4 5 6. and there you shall find it plainly laid open unto you for Timothy telleth us plainly the condition of them For in verse 4. says he They are traitors heady light-minded lovers of pleasure more then lovers of God having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof from such turn away And in the next verse he tells us why we should turn away from them For of this sort are they that creep into houses and lead captive silly women laden with sins and led away captive with divers lusts 2 Tim. chap. 3. ver 4 5 6 7. Indéed methinks this should be enough to satisfie you for to have a care of these seducing people for certainly if that they do but once catch you in their snare you will not find it so easie to get out again Indéed if you but please to look into the two following verses of this Chapter I hope it will give you a great deal more satisfaction concerning these people Now as Jannes and Jambres did withstand Moses so do these also resist the truth men of corrupt minds reprobates concerning the Faith I but here in the next verse you may hear a great deal of swéet comfort in these words But they shall proceed no further but their folly shall be made manifest to all men as you may find in the 8 9. Indéed we may sée their folly every day in one place or another I desire you to léek in the 8. chap. of Jeremiah about the 18 19. ● and see there what the Prophet saith Therefore hear ye Nations and now O Congregations what is among them hear O Earth behold I will bring evil upon this people even the fruit of their thoughts because they haue not hearkened to my words nor to my law but rejected it Indéed the Lord gives us a fairer warning-piece if we would but consider of it but alas how many is there that regards it I pray you hearken to the voice of the Lords Messenger Jer. 5. 21 22. Hear this O foolish people and without understanding which have eyes and see not ears and hear not Fear ye not me saith the Lord will ye not tremble at my presence O let us have a care of provoking the Lord too much to wrath but let us strive with one another to serve the Lord our God for he is a righteous God full of mercy and love to all poor sinners If we would not receive his love and blessings with a thankful heart and be content with what he sends then we might very well cause the Lord to speak as comfortable to us as he speaks to the people in Isaiah 41. ver 9 10. Indeed it is a place worth your observation and happy is that man or woman whatsoever they be rich or poor that doth deserve to have the same words spoken unto them and these are they I pray you that be here present give your attention to them Thou whom I have taken from the ends of the earth and called thee from the chief men thereof and said unto thee thou art my servant I have chosen thee and not cast thee away Fear thou not for I am with thee be not dismaid for I am thy God I will strengthen thee I will help thee yea I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness O my Brethren what a great blessing had those people to hear the Lord speak these comfortable speeches unto them as to say He would uphold them with the right hand of Righteousness Alas which of you all that is here present but if it please God to strike you with sickness so that you fainted and were ready to fall at every step then he that would be always ready to hold and support you up then you would think your self much beholding to him O happy are they that have such a graciaus upholder as this that can uphold every poor soul with the right hand of his Righteousness O therefore let every one of us strive to get the favour of so gracious a God as we have therefore let us all with one heart and voice say as Job said ch 50. v. 3 4 5 6. Who is he that hideth counsel without knowledge Therefore have I uttered that I understood not things too wonderful for me which I knew not Hear I beseech thee and I will speak I will demand of thee and declare thou unto me I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear but now my eyes seeth thee therefore I abhor my self and repent in dust and ashes Here you may see the humble bea rt of Job to repent in dust and ashes we now adayes instead of repenting in dust and ashes we repent in silks and satins but we may assure our selves that there is a day to come that we must give an account then happy is he that could say as David did in Psalm 131. 12. ver Lord my heart is not